Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates https://archive.org/details/antienttrueadmirOObocc True, and Admirable Hiftory ■' ’ ^ Of ^Patient G r i $ e l, : Z #an$ mu gfittt in France;. Shewing) Hon> Maidcs, by her example , in their good behauiour may marrie rich I Hys bands i r ' ; ■':»*■**'* And kikewife, Wiucs by their paticnceand obedience may gdne much Glorte. Written liriF in f rench. AND eta French I jpeal^andgiue diretUon, Ujh Dames will line in nOj ul idhen, now Tranflated into Englifh. AND r aj not To, Far, EngliJJj maids andwities kc Frenchf in good*, jfe of thetr lines. 1 - ft • • * ffs h . i « > I £?. i , . 1 . 1 1. 1~ iv; f gjfCI . i T -* i j . i ■ i ,, ttt i? U ic, 1 044322 623 Q^l 1 * ' BIX i a? i .. i .. rsh jr Hiftorie of patient Grise L,made £\4 arcbionejje of Salufs,/« which is' exemplified the true obedience, and noble behauieuref •vertucM women towards their Httsbands. GHAP. I. How the MarquelTe ofS-r/#/> palled the time of hiayouth with* out any delire of mariage, till he was requeued by the taire entreatie of a fauorite, and other Gentlemen, to affeft a wife* both for the good of the Country, and the honour of him* felfe: with his anfwer to the fame. S Cttaeene the spountames of Italy anb France, to* taaros the »>outh, lues the temtozp of Saius, a Country flourtfbtng tenth cjrceilent iio tones anb Caflles, ar,b peopieb tenth the bcfl foit of Cem ties anb 1 :cafattts : amongft tobom there liueb trot long fttire a jf-obleman, of great hope anberpe ation, Hojbofthe Cnuntry, bp name, Gualnr,^arqu£ffe ofSa- lufs: to tohom, as ti;e gouenturent a peifaitteb bp right of uv herttancc ; fo t;]eir obebunre attnibco, bp befert of bis too p thinelfe. l£e teas young in ptrrcs, noble of Itneage , anb fucb attracaue bemeaftoj, that the belt fought if apleafure to fc® commanoeb bp him, anb tie teojft greto mojc trattable bp t,ts i goob erample : his bclight teas iu hunting anb hatebing,'anb the pleafure of the time parent ertmguiOjeb the rare of the tutre to come foj he thought not ofmatiage, no j to intangle btmfelfe tenth the tnconueniences of a teife, till at the peo*- The History of . pis »»& ^ottemen of his toaro touh the 35a?queffe then anp of the reft : tofco, thus ac^ quatntcj truth all their nitnbes, ano ptepareo to bttcr his otoue utii.oe, toobean oppojtumtp to acquaint the renottmebajar* quclTc tpith the natter. ££oft honourable &ir , the great humanity ertenbeb to* toarbbs, f oftohtrh? moftefpcctallpbaucpattidpateb, hath thus cmbolbcnrbme aboue others , to matte a further friall of pour pattenre, anb forbearing mp rubercs ; not that thereto anp fuffirtenrp o? (ingularitp tn me aboue others : but in that hetretofoje 3 ijaue founb pou fo generous totoarb all, 3 matte no queftion to finbe pou as gratious totoarb mp felfe ; anb in that it hath pleafeb pou to accept of our loue , tore are pjoub again c to be tmoer pour obebtcnce : ltherein toe fijall reioice tyep ox, if pou noio acco?b to our requeft the focner, tohich is, to marrr toithout bclapj: t)r timepaffetJMub tutli not be rctalleo : pour pour; intreats it,anc mtifttiot be benteb : pour countrm tmpoduncs it, anb tooulb not bee oppofeb : pour neighbours oeure it, anb hope to bee fattsfieo : anb all fo?ts " requeft it,ano totffj it fin pour honour.# o? toben age app:oa* chrth, beath attenbs it at tl;e hcrles, f no man can tell h>ben, 02 ho to it to ill fall Upon him. 2Lherefo?e tuee humblp requeft pou to accrpt our fuppiuatvons , ano arco?b to this impo?tu* mtp, that toe trap p?ouiae bp pour appointment, a la p too?* thn of rear l, or our anb otrr fuOtecrtom 3n this nee are the rciefiippiiant, beraufc it mill rebounb fo much to the goob of pour four trep, anc t':e enlarging pour renotone ; fo? if it ft’onlu fo fail out f li*hich <25ob fojbio ) that pou Die toitbout te^r, toe map lament the Ioffe of our lo?n,biit not reside the romplauits of t,e r eo?le ; toe (hall toaut pou tut bias al our ' • i fMMBMHt i r 7~.\ T patient Grifel. . I f lpt,\ [ i omfojt, butarefurejofOiftreffe to our cucrlaftng trouble. 3 f then pou either loue pour felfe, o: pttp bs , frame a heart to this imp?effion , anb leaue not bs to further fearc ano bif* quiet. Mhen the noble loib hab thus appjchenocbtlje petition of his louing fubtccts, hcrefolueb toanftoerthemas graticuflp as thephabpjopounbcbthebufiucffcUuthregarb of butp, anb foreplieb : $Pp beared fricubs, pou hauc brgeb mec to a mat* ter, in tohich as pet 31 hauc beeitc a met e (hanger: fo?bpna* ture 3 bclight in libertp, anb bp cufto.uc continueb mp plea*' fures ; both tohicb muft nccos bee curbeb bp manage, anb re* ftratneb bp taking a Itnfe : nottotthftanbing , J caft amaic all boubts,topleafure pou; anbluUlthiubc of no inromb^anf es fo pou be fatisfteb. jro? thoughmariage .hath manp bifticulties attenoing ;efpeeiallp, the feare of legitimation in our chib 5 bjcn,anc fufpicion of that honour Uihich lies on our tonics ho? neftp, pet all (hall bee oucrcomnc toith thisrefclutiou, that 3 (hallpUafe pou inthe fame : fo? 3 am refolueb, ifaniegoob come fo? mans contentment bp marriage, it is from 0ob ; to tohom 3 fUbmit this caufc anb p?ap fo? t^egoob fucccC'c of pour toilhes, that 3 map liue to maintain? pour peace, as toell as mp otone plcajTure : ano lo ofe toherein ir p contentment fljall enlarge mine honour, pour toclfare lhaU be itfpccteo a# baue mp life ; fo that(bcleeue itj^toill fatbrfie pou r bemanof, anb applpmp felfe to thepurpofe. Oulp one thing i requeft . t paurhanbs,totnictntoo?thmpchoiie, anb neither infult if ftjp be a pjinceffeof greatnes, no? repine tfftjcbe ofmeatte c? ftate : but loue her bccaufe 3 haue .oucb pou , aub regarb her ho uifoeuer, in that the is mp toife ; neither being curious no 2 inqniutiue tohoui 3 totllchufe, no? bifafEectcb tohenttispafl remebp. Oihen the companphab hearbhimout, anb founb him fo toilling to the r f.iistaitum, thep gaue ;tai thanb.es toith cue heart to? his tun&c aoir iaiott, anaanfmrreo \i ith one tongue, he (houlb not finoi t ;e r repugnant , out ttep tooulo Jjorio? f;is b. ifear the p?inceft'e o, ti;e too?lb,a«bhc mo?*gerous to him as theCommanoeio,t.;eufbules t Xouo Dio tyis ncto iepo?t l »..!• m is 1 > I- ; i i ■ i i :• — <■ -jl X V. X vV ft • 7 he Hi /lory of (Ufte a meffengcr of glad tidings) fill all tljeMarquifatetottfa top,«ifD the palace iuitb delight , lobcn thep bnderftood their ‘0 ja toouldmarrp, and in a manner beard the time appointed * fo? prefentlpit iuas proclaimed through tfjcCountren, and a jav aligned for all conmrcrs to come to the Court. SCftc f*o> bles prepared tljemfelues in t!;e deft manner' : the Ladies fp&> reduo co ;t, either for ornaments of their bodies, or frttuia out their beauties: tpcOeuties flocked to plcafe their lord, and inere braue to fttouttheir otenegrcatnes:tbe Citizens luere rich m tocirncatnes, and handfomc in their attire : the £DffF ccrs lucre formall in their teotees, and fumptuous in their at* tendants : the Coiuitcpmau had his bariefp, and tbeberieU'e* font hifl i brauern ; in a teord,al forts gloried in the hope of that fefftuaU, and cucrpmans cruenaticn attended the dap of ti e triumph, d or ncucr luas fur ha preparation in SaJufs before , nor fuel) a confluence of people feeneintlat countrep : fir be* udesthenoueltp, maun for raine Princes came toceloteate this manage, and tofljete their clone greatnes. Sauoy mas neare,and fent feme from her fnoune bills : France as reare, and ftntothers from her fruitfutl bines : Italy not far off,- and fentmanp from her picafant fields : and the glands round * bout kept none at heme that teoutd come. SEhus lucre his tmu-cd limited, frrangerc admitted, his otenr people entertav hcd, and all forts teclrommco : but as net no brioc teas feene, uoteeman named, no ladp cefigneo, no maid publiteed, no ir tfe hnotenc : pnclptljc preparation mas much, and the cjrpe. flatten greater. tUs luhilethc vi arqucifceontimiedhis hunting ; and as oc had acrufiomcd, rrfcrtcdmuch to a poorc eoimtrr tillage uotfarrr from Salutk; toherethere dtertfcaspcorearouutrF maii, named lani. ^e, emerteorue in peaces, and oucreoirne ic-ithdifirefTe. Luf as it happens nmnp times, that intoaro graces .dee moderate cuttearddifrommcdities , and that cl?od feafer.ethpoucifp iuttl; contentment and their fuffieient fnm peuta*io!i; fc ‘Fir. tbi*pooreman alibis defers fupplird in tfe admirable comfort of one ettclp dangi ter ; fo rompofed, a/if determined atucrfic of oftentation. .for fuch luas her ^ (ft. 'Nl patient GnfcJ. braatp tu appearance, and bertuein operation, that it put tit* uncus men to auertafie in the rtjoife bp compart feu : but both mteo did hirer grace each other ; and tebcu thep pretended au action, it luas all to go forward to perfection. Xtit&tehcrcasw ethers this temporarp blcOing-gauc Icings to defire , to bee * lame and anoUmc abroad ; uiher thofeinnated bertues allaicd theoeatcfallmanncr ofpaffion,and breafiings out of frailtp. -^hc btnuds t-.;rp had uierr butmcauc , and the diet tljcp kept *uas to latiefic nature : the time luas cucrmulcd bp their do? ir^aefts, and tijc e eremonies thep t fed lucre thanks to 0od , f • modrrattoinn their repads. 2L l;c btcnfi! cs o f the Ijoufe lucre hWTClp, net oandfome in regard of tljcircleanlmcffc : thatbed inhid; teep had tl;e ould man lap in, and the float daur*‘- made flnft teitb the ground, f o dap paired liutijoutpr- ( ' f0 * m * itnot P^^ortep to hat . .ucp gractm tuts difgrace^ )nor anpnight,tuithout takmg account oi the oap paired, ^ercrercife luas to helpe her father in the morning, and driue forth her Ibeep in the dap time : l;a teas at home matung of nets, ano.fljee abroad tailing to her lambs : tee teas ncuer heard to teite for anp better, but to thank eod it teas no luorfe* teora of repining cuer came from her mouth, or the lead grudge from her heart : at night tee folded her teecp, and dr etertr her fathers fupper : then lap thep dotene to reft, and retted as lucll as in a bed of Dotene indeed. KHs teas the glorp of their pouertp , and memorp ofteeir contend ment. i? ^ u J as ^ rc te ill not be hid tehereihere is matter tombnffo oietfo bertue teill notbe obfeured Inhere there be tongues and eares : nor could tec Marq ueile fo hallolu after his halubs and hounds,but report halteteed in h is care,as faft , this teonder# nrrnt ; tnfomueh tpat teben it teas confirmed bpiudieious re? lation, he made it not daintp to be behoulomg to his otene er# -imenee.^htth tel>enhe fate concurring u ttbfan*c, the mi# raclc brought a fttnde of attonitemeut: tehich continuing tbe properties of fuefynoreitus , tncreafed to meditation: and fo comparing the reft toitb this rarifp,he thoughther afit tooman to make his luife ; fuppofing that if te e lucre beituous bp tuu l « hi — m The Hijlorie of turc, (he couli not p?onc birious bn education : but rather as a Diamond is a ft one of ti }e fame ba’ue , mhethcr fet in l tab ox home, it muft ncebs bee of mri?e crccllencyembcllifljebtotth golb anb enamell. Jn tohtcb rcfolution bee p?cpare&bts heartj afibtoent fo?Uiarouutt)t;is fcutinrffc. 3nti)cmeanc time ti)r dour turns baintily fiiinilficb , the plate p?cpareb, the apparell magnificent, the cojonet rich, the ictocls pjecious, the ornaments creating , anb all things be# fitting the magnificence ofapnner, 9 t!)c bignitie of a queen : only the gobies toonc:eb, the labtes tocrc ama;eb,tl;c batnfcls maruclleo, the Oentles bifputcb, the people floefccb, ano all fo;ts atteuocb to fee toho fboulo poffetTe this toealth, anb b& abo?ncb u-ith tijefc robes. SLtU at laft the nuptial ban came tnbeeb : honour p?cpareb the fumptuoufnes : fame biuulgeo tfcglo:y : Hymen irutteo the guefts : magnificence abo?ucb the roomrs :thc Officers mar ft) alb the&tate : anb all loo* heb fo: a l£?ibe : but toho (be toas,thc nett Chapter muft bif# couer. CHAP. II. How after all this great preparation , the Marquelfe ofSalufs demanded Grifell of her poore father UnicoU ; and efpou- fing her, made her Marchioneiie ofSalufs. W i^cn al!tl;ings tocrc ettetibeb to this glon'ous fhebuhe 35arqucffc ( as ifhe toentto fetch his toife tnDecb)t©iie toith bri! a great company of Carls, limbs, l nights, Squires anbCcntfemai, Labies anbattenbants ;anb toent from the palace into the ~ onr.tr ytotoarb lanicola:. boufe ; tohere the fame mayb Grife! fenotoing nothing of that tohtch hajmeb, nox onccbiramir/x of thattobich toas to come, hob mabetxr boufe ? 4 to f;!fc fo;ntohat har.bfomc, betermmmg "toiti) the reft of her netgbbo? ufrgtns to tie t l;is fiinrowy : at tohtc’o mftant $rcp ueo the fOarqueftc toitb all h«3 gracious company, rnectr. g taitfi tm: d, as (lift mac carrying ttoo pitcher's of toater to her pan fathers houfc.C ftohom (ca*lmg her bn her namcj he as# i:u, tj-.'crc h;r fathrr «*ias; 0)ehu»nUyauftoercb,tn ti^hjoufc* W..I. I c^V.T. Y^YT patient Grifef, ob , tohiebratfeth the humble anb meefi,mafeehcr a befitting toifr, anb fruitfull mother. Why then, replicb the Marqueile, let bs enter your houfe: fo? 3 muft asfecher a queftion befo?eyou. $>o hee toent in, the company tarrying toithoutin great aftc; ntlhment: the fairemaib toas buCieb to matte it as hanbfome As to^coulb ; anb p?oub againc, to haue fuch a gueftbnber her toofe ; antajeb at nothing, but tohy hee Ihoulo come CWtconv panieb, anb little coniecturing of fo great a bleftitig tpp?oa# thing. IBut at laft, the Marque 'fetoofi her by the hattb, anb to feb fljefe fpeeches : % 0 tel you this b!uft} becomes you, it toere but a folly ;anb that your mooefty hath graceb your coraelines, may p?oue thebeceit of too?bs, anb Unbefitting my greatnes : hut in a tooxb, your father anb 3 haue agreebtomafee you my toife, anb 3 hope you toill not bifagree totafee me to your huf# banb. IF 07 belay lhall not intanglc you toith fu(p»iion,no? ttoo baies*longerp?otractthetsinbncs : oncly 3 muff bee fatisfieb in this, if your heat t affoo?b a toiUing enteetdinement to the 2S motion; I tr*)} » fbe Hi /lory of tttotion • and pourberturaconftancp to this refolutiott,$otfo repine at tup plrafurem anp .foing,iior prefume on contradicti* on, tuforn 35 Determine to command. f or as amongft goob foul? biers-, they mull fmtplp obcu toitljout difpntittg the buftnede : To muft bertuous tuiucs ontiftiUptonfcntbiflijcut rcproofe,or tfoe lead centra ? ton of a b:oiu . SCfocreforc be aotuft d polo rou attftucr, and 3f charge peu take foeeb, that the tongue titter no wore tijrn toe heart conceits illl this tootle tuas Grife] bjing at the miracle, hat; not religio told her, that nothing tuas impofltblc to the Commander of all things ; lufotefo reduced her to a better confidcration* and thus brought forth an am fuicie: Mv gracious lord , J am not ignorant of pour greameTe, andfenota mincotone bafeneffe * there is no taoitfo in mo to bo pour ferrant, therefore there eanbeno befertto be pour tut fe t nortutrhftaitbtng, bcraufcCtod turli be the Author of mtcacu* truss a«tDoats, 3S peciotopourplcafure, and pratfc form for the f r.tvm onclp this ? tuill befools to fap, 2That pour. mill OjaU ftiall be mu Delight, anb heath (foall be more laslcome Unto me?, then a tnorb of difpleafurcagaiuftpou. 2Lh»c i3 futftda.it, anOuefcb the great ioib, anb fo moft lo« utnglp foe took her bp ttje band , attb brought her to the rontpa* itp, euen before all fots preres ano great labies; anb tolb them* ffoet Ihoulb bechtsustfe : fotfoat iuhcrcinthepertenbcd their loue, rcucrcnce, anb obe Jtmre toioarb her, he luouloejeemplt* fie fois regarb, rare, anb Diligence toiearb them, flub beraufe outinarb (foelues boc foretimes grace befitting actions (left hf rpouertu attb Lafl ties might too much baunt their ejrpeita* tian, anbfermebtfjratious to their noblenes) foe commanded t jem U itfoa morall liueltneffe to ab me her\uithti>eiichcft robes thou !;ab : ft that tt Uias a leafure to fee, foolu the labies fcefttrbtfoemfducs ;aceltgfot,to behoulo the feuerall ferutces per formes ; tfiemanp hands about her ; the relucts ano pern* bants ; the robes and mantles ; the ornaments attb roronets j fl;e eolianae.s anb chatncs ; luith all other particulars attb aca couftrements : bat ruhen (foe tuas apparelleb indeed, it mas a rauiftjmentcjecabug report, attb tt?ep lohKh tfomacheobet: met. * •-"•uv--. 1 patient Grifel. preferment, lucre notu delighted luith her glorp. &uch a be* ttofit hath beau tp bp nature, anb grattoufneffe bp nurture* CHAP. in. How tile Marquette and Qrifel were married together. A J^ter the labies has thus aborneb p^rc Grifel toith robes x \ befitting her eftste, the Marquette anb all the noble com* panp returned to Saiuf s ,anb in the Cathedral! Church tnfighf ot ti;c people, according to the fulnelTe of religious ceretus* ntes, thep lucre efpoufeb together, anb luith great folenmitie Sff ? rWC ? t0 P dlace ‘ pet eonftlfeb the abunrattott, tpat no luoro of reproach luas murmureb, nor eic loofeeb btu pleafantlp ^ er ; tb? bp her luonberfull Demeanour Ihee ijabgatnrb fo much of opinicn, that the bafenes of her birth mas not thought fopott, anb all her graces concurring mabe them berelp belceue, ftjee luas eptraucb of prtncelp Itnrage : no matt once fuppofsb, that ftjee coulb bee Grifel, Daughter to poore lamcola ,• but rather fomc creature metamorphofeb bp the poluers of heatten ; for bcfircs the outluarb UatelinelTe (e mate litcall carriage of herfelfe, the luonberfull tnobcftic and eratt fpm uetrp of her countenance, the abmirable beautp and $1 traojsinarp fauor of her btfage, her faire Demeanour hab a Kttt te of attraction, attb her gi atieus tuorbs , a ftuect ccltuc* rp ; fo that all that came to her iuere glac of their acceTe, and t )cp iul)ich luent from her, 'rtu^p**eb for t!;etr goobfpeeb t pea, report ertmbcb fa far, f at (lie Iras not onelp biftteb bp yet olune loros anb la-iies luith reucreme ; but attenceb oti luith drainers, luho came from all quarters to fa? her,anbto bee befooulotng to their alune iu^gemenf : fo that if the Mat- queife lourb Ijer before for her olune luorth, he nplu reuerem ceb her for ethers reflect ; f;e rather, beraufe he founb able^ ffing attending her prcfence,anb all people pleafeb in the cotu faax. iFor irtfoeu anpeonf rouCrfie hapneb bettoente himfclfc a is hts Robles, fhe li>as fc noblp irin?e'J,fljat luhat (he coula mtobtaiue bs) faire intreatu, (foeuet mitigated bp futcet per* jftpa:,on, SSlbcn anp bnkmbnes hapned of for raine princes, i I ^ ’ — . > r ' v r c Tbe Hiflory of fb« fageo tbofc bleftmgs of peace , attO tteafoneb the scatter tokitf? Odigbtfom enforcement $ myuthe people mere cither complatnco of, o? agatnfi, be maruelleo from tobence flje hao thofc paettp reafons to aiftuage bis anger , ano ttjcp toceclp bridruco ff)oc teas Cent from ^eauen for tbetr reitrfe. SDhus fcas ffj® amiable to her loro, acceptable to her people, pro& table tober Counttp, a mirror offer £>ere, a perfon pjiuiteO>. geo bp nature, ano a tuonOer oftbc time, m tobteh fye oio no* thing out of time ; Co that the $)arqucffe luas rather rauifljeo then loping, anoall bis fubiccts tefolueo to obcoieuce from bee gooO example. CHAP. Ill I. How the Lady Gnfd wasproued by her Husband , who thus madetriallof her patience. T 0 other WeiTtngs,sn pioecffe of time, there teas ahoeb the birth of a ftoeet infant, a £Daughter,that tefoiceo the mo; ther, ano gtaooeo the father ; the Coimttp trtumpbeo,atto the people clappeo their banos for top. iFo? the ^arftueife llitliot ueo her more ano more , anOthep thought their Hues not Oare 1° !52 , 1 ! foceaf|u f«. patient Griicl. fer a' p of our poffcritp to rule ouer them ; eftabich, as tbcp bauc otfmteo tottb nree, 3 ranuot chuft hut foietmmepou; 2Dbcnfr c, to pzeuenttbis Oifcontcntment beifcutnebs, ano to tnamtafttc that peace vnbich mu ft corroborate mp eftate, 3 tnuft nd’Oce peeloe to their iuogements , attO take at»ap pour daughter front pou, topicferue their amttp : the ihittg 3 knota mult beotfpleafing to jHature,ano a S^othor cannot toeU inoure furha Ioffe ; but there to novo no remeop, onlp mabebfc of pour firftrcfoluttons, ano remember tobat pou promifeO mo at the beginning of our Contra*. 2D he Laop hearing thief fotrotofull pteamble, ano appje^ henotng the ®arqrueITercfoIutton,to her griefe (although cud rptoojo mighthauebeeneas arrotoes in her fioeej pet aomit^ ting of the temptation , ano oifputtng untbhee fclfe tobohat eno the bcrtucs of patience, ^oOcftp, #o:bearanco , ftyiw tuoe ano S^agnamtmtp mere otoatneo, if thep hao not fubie io to njoikcbpou, auO obieits tcrlooke after .thus replpeO: ■ i$p loiO,pou are tup £>oueratgne,auO ail earthlp pleafurea ano contentments of mpHfe conx from pou, as the fountaine of mp happmelTe ; ano thcrefozc pleafepour feffc, ano (beleeue it) it ts mp pleafurc that pou arc pleafco : as fo? the chtlo, it is thegift of <0oo ano pours, jjiovp he that gjues map takcamap, ano as toec recetue blcffings from heauen, fo muft me not Oote on them on earth ; left bp fctttttg our mtnOs tomuchbpon them, race cannot fet oft our hearts tohen thep are taken from bs: onlp one thing 3 oeft re that pou remember 3 am a mother, ano if 3 burft notout into paflfton fox her lofre, it is fo? pour fake 3 am no Snoje perplejceo , ano fo pou (ball race f.no mec a toife beStttng pour oefires. Ml hen the ^arguelTe fatts her couftancp,ano teas tn a matv ner pleafco faith her mooeftanfmere, h®replieonot at all at thatttme, Loihts heart mas full, ano mbatbemxixzap ano (earcheocparteo : top that fo great berrue I;ac theiucreafeof gooonelfc : feare that he hao pieftmxo too farre on fuch a trial: butccfolueotiihis buuneffe, hec meat to put it to the aouem ture^ ' 315 3 . CHAP* lr*V\ 1 "M # fr'M.X.(;>Tn.7lr : i. i imi 1 'iprrrrr I 7 ^The Hilory of chap. v. ' - * '• ■ r^’ !V r>* ' • . * • • The Marq nellefent a Varlet for h is daughter •, but priuatly di£ pqfedofherwfth bis filler, the DurchelFe o ('Bolide ar ace, who broughthervp in all things befitting the thilde offo greataperfon. VT long after this fab conference brttocen the apattiueffe 1 ^ ant) btslaop, b& calico a faithfull fctusnttoito him ; fuch aoncaetl;cpocttaUtS of, proprerfidem& taciturnitatem di- ledum, to tobom he imparts this ferreep ; ano toith fcuerall titftrn tons, to!;at ha- trulp meant to tso toith the ri)tlO , (ent him to !)tg toife toith au bnfiiuojp meffage 5 iof)tch pet te oe* ituerco ut this manner ; 3 hah not noto couie to pou, mod noble, lafcp , though that potue r commanoeo me, tofitcb hath mu life in fubiection , if 3 hao not moje relieo tpon pour toifoewe ano tcitue ; than fca> rro ocath it felfc. O)ct?fo?c 3 franc paroon if 3 am Oifplea? ling utmpmciTagc, ano fame cruel! (as it. lucre) m tearing pour fielb from pour fiocs , bp bcrcautng pou of this pour oaugUer : fa; bee hath sppomtro it that mud not bto gatn'ratts ano 3 amameffengcr that cannot her oenieo : hut pet totih tohat hntoillingnes (dDoo Imotors.mp foule ,)in reaar ) that pou arc fo ref| cttcoaa-ongdtjs, that toeetHnfe ofncthtng but toijat map delight pou, ano taihuot a toojo, but of pour merit anOteoHbiurfe \ i ^bculljcc bad heart) him out ; rcmembjtng the conference tjc f-arqucfTchao toith her , anoappjebentmta tl;cre to aero oifputmg ma matter remeDilcffc 7 cfpe..ial!p luth a urciTengrr, ihfcrcfolucoutoasoivamcotoDp : ano although. Ibannuft noto (as it tocrc) ccmmitit to a flangbter^houfe, tohcrebpa* up tosmau in t.}e too;lo might toith gooo beca EUiinj hauc burO out into fontc paffion, ano toell enough ajetoeo a oifc tractco crtalic * pet. recollecting her foirits , ano reclaiming thofc ircttucs of nature atocaop Brining in her boterls, ihto tojii the cfeiloc in f;er armes, ano toith a mothers bleffmg, alto CHAP. ' l be hjimeof CHAP. VI. The MarquelTe, not contented with this proofe , tooke away , - alToherlonne, in which aduerfity ( with other additions) * flie Ihcwed an extraordinary patience. A fterthistemped teas ouetpaft, the rage tabcreofmtgbt IS ca dp haue bioiscn the tenber ubes ofpeoie Grifels i&tt' it berelp beteueb that her daughter teas name) the ^arqttrffe flfll lap in taaite fo? the trial of h is tqife, matching enerpoppouwutp tabteh mtght acquaint biro tomb hetbifcom tenement* ; elpeciallp, if he might bnbceftanb robet^r Iba romplametjof hts rigoioufneffeanbbnluuDueafc, onto ; but toben he not onelp teas abucmfeii of her conftancp, anb faire Demeanor, but fato (bp experience) that fipx bias neither cto teDmp?ofpmtp, no?bcietteb in abuerfitr : fobcnbapercen’ ueb fo great a temperature bcttreenc the top of her abuanccv teent anb the fo?roto fo? her trouble , ha tuon0?c0 at her con* ftattep ; ana the rather, becaufe her loue ana obferuattou to* toarb him continue b luitb that rtoatnes, auo pab furh octette blepaffage*, that hi* heart tua* fef an fire againc, anbba Itncl* not h»b> to allap the crtrcaimtics of his iop. jti this manner paffcbfoure pares, toheretn tba ouerpaffebaU of her fcmoe ; and he thought it a oonatiuefcom heauen to haue fuch a toife. at lad, nature beftirb herfelfe agatne, ano maoe her a bappp mother of a faire fomic ; tije iop tuheceof leo the tnf oic Conntrpmto tbeboufc ofpjaicr (t thank fgtmrtg, anb bjougijt them home agatne bp creffctdight ano bonfires i fo tt;at um toeU pcrceiuebhotn acceptable (ha toas to her people, anb be# loueoof her busbanb, ^otUnthftanbing.nutb the fame filter that D?auc the mill, b® D?otoncD it ; ano mabe her dill bclauc the contrarp: fo? after too pares, that the chiloe teas pad the banger of acrable, anb the trouble of tnfancp , tja took occa& on or. re agatne to infl.it bpon tbebertuous Grifd a nelu pu- Moment; erecting his builbtng bpon the olb founoation. pa u luiaioe, faith b®> tobat fo?met contentions 3 haue baondth mp p obtlitp about cur marriage, not that then can lap anp im patient Grifel. ? „™f “fftaum to mutrt) im> fclfs a meant? ! tufjtr; t®** rebates, all tbc labile *mWrtonf?li»vi, ft0 f m6B! sutof tbeerretof «w^ton ( ajhich , in amatmet , is iaveteffcof bertue i refne* H« m ,h bUt *f f ?0Scnp : fo r ^ ar EU( * !&®re toas an anltoet to pacific foe tprants ofSicilie , and putatnan quite out ofois tract of proutng fufo a foifet pet foe £parqoeffe onelp made bfe of it to reioice in. the afiuranre of her gradne a ; and toent foe rather fortoard in bfe dangerous courfe of temptation. CHAP. CHAP. VII. The MarquelTe, refolute to proue his wife further, fendetb for his fon,& difpoieth of him as he had done ofhls daughter. gdfois patient and toondecfull ladp teas one dap focfiting toifo her infant; like an bnttmelp tempefi ( fpoilutg foe TT i > Jtl f I2\ 1 til t i t:i ''vl'l g-M-l'i interpofe bimGrifebtftotTncber recreation, making foe boh loto demand of her font® toorfe foah foe notfe of afchrifo^otole oiieraficfc mans bed : pet (as if there mere a conscience in jdifquieting her greatnes, ojifpou toill, bee g ©ones) became fojtoacd toifo preambles and apologies, mfmuattttg toifo era? juing pardon foe aufooritp of a loxd, foe dutpof a feruant , foe tecrbnr of deafo, foccircumfiancc of obedience , and all other . ■ » »■ - 1 » , luAfTnHiTiM 1 n, foe meliage itfelfc toifoout blame. Mbat Should 3 enlarge a diftourfeof terrour it is a curtefic to conclude a ntiffoicfs toifo quiefenes : b^toas not fe fiidden tn hfe demand, asfoee toas readp in bee difpateb : fo? foe prefemlp bleft foe child, Inf fed it, eroded it, adorned it, and deltuered it to foe ejeccutio* nut onelp toifo foe fame enforcement foot pleaded, as foot had foobett of in foe bebalfe of her daughter ; not to f« it peafo for lack ofaburiall,oi deuouted fo? toarit of a graue. 4 ^nfois manner , and toifo fois report ha returned tofois lo^drtohoh^dfiillmojecaufe of amazement, arid leffeceafim •fo troubfefuch a creature, had npt his toilfulnes put him fto? ,to 4 pd to make an end of his bttSneffe, and taught him ftill tari* etp of trpittg fois gdloin foe fire." ll&ui for foe time , b* font lifeetoife fofefoiloc fobfe filter, foe Emfoeffeof Bologna (pet fojnetofllhaqeher but Countcdepf Pam'che) toho , finder (landing her brothers tiiinde, biougbthphothfoefe foildietiin fuch a fafoion, that though no man imefo tohOft childien foep toere, pet thep imagined tobofc foep might b® ; foat is, foe (bn and daughter of fome prince, o? other potentate , toilling to hauehis children brought bp tofoebefipurpofe, and befitting foeir birth and honour, _ C z ' 2Chc -• * patient Orifd. . \* fs no greatmanfoineabe , but hath countell aub fuppozmaou N * ofinferior Officers; normcan man fo fottiffi,butbatb fticnbs or feruants in the bifpatch of his bufineffe. dtcon&Ip, concer- ning the befire of liberty ; ohhcltifn bcutccof the bincil , anb fearefull cuff onto both of France aub England ! 3 bopchcthat tmotPCS the fafl)ions of the Caff, 0 fMufeouy, 5 painc, Italy, anb the 0 ?oics, tmbcrftaubs, that no warrfeh tSaifc goes a* broabbutto honorable purpofes ; anb it is an introduction to bcath,to falute anpfttanger, o: be fane in piiuate conference, if or, in true imbcrftaubtng , toijat buf.nrffe flioulb any man haue toitbntp taife thfa hourcs together in prrnatc s’ 0? tohp, ioithout mp leaue , atibthat bpon genb grounds , HjoulD Hire toauber tn publifee. 3 fpeabc uOt to oucrtbioto noble fucic* tics, generous intertainment, familiar tnttitattons, curteous behauiour, charitable toelcomes,honeft recreations, orperao; urnture,thcimparting of piiuitebumeffe: butmccrlpagainfi foppift) iuantonneffc, ibictallie, fufpicious meetings, bamna* ble play hunting, bifaibcrlpgaming, hnbofuttng ercrctfes;anb in a iuoib, all fuch things as tenb so obfrenitp and micbedtics; in tohichCfaptohat toomencan ) if there be not a moderation, bp nature, there muff bee an info? cement bp iubgoucnr: anb that taoman that toil! not be rulcb by g ©b counceil, muff be o? uerruleb bp better epample.^Df tohnh ■> this note inhattb ( of labp Grifel) is a mtcrox , anb tranfparent Crpfiall to manifeft true bertuc,attb tuifelp butp inbceD",anb fo 3 come to the toon* bcrofherobcbience. , ^Ifrcr the a^arqueffe mas refolueb to the laft 3 ctof her trv* all, anb hab font her thcfiiiocise Ibccbcmanbeb, ammtgff all the JLorbs, knights, iLauics anb other company, flic prcfeittlp fiif roheb her felfe, anb tocut fo acccmpantcb, from the palace, :o her fathers Cottage, tdho as you haue hearb ( for biucrs rca- fonsjtoas onlgficptfcouttoaut, buttteuccabuauccb out of the fame. ' • iChc company coulb uot chiofe buttoeepe auhbcplorr the ^ tcoation of f oituuc : ftjc coulb not chafe but f.uilc , that her bertuc teas picoommaui ouenpafficu ; they cjtdaimcb agamfl the cruelty of her louche jjjfdanwfrthc toft inucanieagamlt nijtorteof i)im : then tocnfced at fo great bertue ant) patience , ft $t refot ues c\)cm ttjcv tor rc ercrcifes befitting a moocft teoman then ' ^ cr ta,t ^ true loue and Decree to Doc her gad, (bee tefeeD them toith a true heart , ano rcqueft to oefifl from a* np further deploring of tier off ate. lirytlns time then appjoched the houfe, and the pane old arati lanicola acquainted totth the hurltburlp , came out to fee bstjat the matter luas. £nd finding tt teas his Daughter in her fmocfce, ano in fo honourable a companp,bemoaning hetdi# ftrcffp, . he qutrlup left them all bnfpofcebnto, and ran info? tijofc pane robes, tobteh taere fomteilp left in the houfe: taitf) iuhich hee qutcfelq araued her , and fold her befoie them all that twU) lb os’ teas in her right element ; and biffing her, bad her Vnelcom.SEhe rompanp mas as much aftonilfied at his mo# deration , as at her conftancie , tnondjing hotn nature could bee fo retrained fcompaffion, and that atm Voomatt had fuch grace to be fo gracious ; in tohich ama?e, not iuithoufc fome re# pyehenBonof fortune, and their llojds rrueltp, thepleft her to the pouertp of the Cell , and returned thcmfelues to the glojp of the palate : inhere tfjep recounted to the S^atqucffe, the ftrattgr nclfc o6t$c buliiteffe, and the manner of the accidents, and (bee continued in her firft moderation and indefatigable patience; the pooie .father onelp laughing tofedme the mi# fcrics and fodatnc mutabilitieof humane rendition, and com# fojtmg his daughter in her toelfbegun courfes of modefip and rcpvfedneCfe* j|iot long after, appjorhed the Counteffe of Paniche, o? tf pou mill SDucfieffc of Bo]ogna,tnith her glorious companp and beantifull ladp , fending tno?o befoie hand, that (lie mould be at.vSalufs fiich aJdap; ^hereupon the spatqueffe fentatroepe to toclcomcber, and prepared the Court fovher intertam# mm t the b:utt of mbteh pet had not focquailapaffage, but omers c ontrarwus opinions thus bandied themfelues ; fome abfolutelp condemned the mcouftancic ofttelb?d, others de# plowed the miffojtune of the ladp ; fome reptued tofee a man fo cruell againlt fo great bao^thineffe , others exemplified her p?aifes to all ctermtie 5 fome " :e tranfpo?ted mitbti patient Grifel. ^ Y gallant peuth and comelitidTeof this ncta befottfull tfffrgt'tte, others aiefumed to parallel the fairc GrifeJ, but that fbtehao Ifeppeb a Itttle before her in peer cs : fome harped bpember great /Bobtlme and high litneagr) others compared the Foi# mer mifcs bemie and true toilsome ; fome cptufed their lend, bp the loue to his Couutrp , others crctifed the ladp, bp the nature of the aduerfftte , bntili tbcapptoach of thefatre Ultrgtnc and the poung $cble .i\an in her conipattp,extmgui# (Ijedall former conceits, and fet them to a netn booifcc, comer# mng this fpeitadc, toherein the poung ladu, and her bwire brother had fuch preeminence ; noifeneto the Carle of Psnicbe himfclfe otanp of fchecompanp on either fide , that tbep baece Ijts oixme children bp GriieJ, but mcerelp grangers , and de# - figned for this ncto martage.&o the great aparqueffe inade good femblance, and toith his accuffomed courtlineffe baolcom# med theiit all to the palace. SThe berp next morning f oj, if pou toill,the dap befoie) ho fent a a'oTengcr fotGrifel to come Onto him in the berp fame manner as idee tms, toho protracted no time, butptefentlp attended per lord : at her approach he luas fometahat appatlcdr but pet fetttng (as loeefap) the bell foot forward, hee thus proceeded. Xhe ladp (Grifd) tnith&hom 31 muftmarrtc,^)i!l b* here to mojrom bp this time , and the feaft is p:epared accoidtng'’ Ip ; nob? becaufe there is none f t leell acquainted ttv'th the fe* acts of mp palace, and difpofition of mp felfe as pou, 38 loould haue pou , foi all this bafe attire, aodreffe pour toifi-# dome *o the moerfag of thebufinefle, appointing f^choTtccrs as ts befitting, anddifpofingtheroomrs , according to the de^ gvees and citato of the petfons : let the ladp bane the pnui# ledge of the manage chamber, ano tl;e poung lojd the pleafutc 0 1 1 he gallc rp, let the reft be lodged in the Courts, and the bet# ter fozt bpou the Goes of the garden : let the bia^ds bee pirn# ftfull, and the cc rcmonics> mamtatiied • let the (homes bee fuutptuqas, and tijc paftimes'as it becommeth : in a tuoid, lot nothtngbe manting^bihichmapfetfojth mn honour , and de# light the people 1 I fW) * hi I ft ■ i' 1 • 1 . ( i: 1 . * 1 - - • The Hflorjof £>pf.n;b, fatthnir, ? nter-toulb pctn J fcaftplcaflircfa nothing but pour rontcntihw, anb tarijatfocrrr might rotu fo:: to pour Delight, them ronfifteb mp tfff anb happtncflrc: therefore ttt&etuqut&tqnQfmp bilijente on& buto ip rhi,*, 02 atm other thins tohteh itjftjil plcafc nou to impofe bpow me: ant»fip^tSfap©:efmiftnt9^ ptefcnttn aoo?effeO hcrfclfc to its bvfmcfTe of tljc houfc ; performing ril things Imtij fuch a qm.kncsaitb grace, tijatrach one ruonbjcb at her geotmeffe a«s faire Demeanour, anb manprmmnureb to fee her put to fuch a mill. But the bap of cntcreaincmcnt is item) comue: attb tufeen the faitelabp appjoachcb, i;et berp prefenre tab ak weft cutinguifycb the uiqj?cfltoncf Gni'ds njortbineffe f for florae tmrrniftant ^tmteurifte gauc fx>ap to the alteration, not blaming the ^arquelTe for fuch a change, But tuhcu the ftratt* gers lucre mabc acquainted tonth the fortune of Grilel ; anb fain her fairc brnTcanour,thep roulb not but cGecmc her a bio* tnan of great bertueano honour ; being more amafeo at her. patience, then at the mutabilitp of mans conbitioti ; till at laft lijnrappjoachcO the labp, anb tatting her bp the hanO, bfcbtbis fpsclj. ilabp. if, it mere not bis plcafurc that map rojitmaub to bio rou tnelcomc, prt me things there is a tunbe of oucr^rultng grace from nature inpou, that muft eraet a rcfpect tjntopmn 3 nb as for pou, pcr.g lorb, l canfapuo more, but if 3 might baue mpdeftres fatisficoin this tuorlb, then (lioulo beimploi^ po to toill) pou tucll, anb to enoeauour all things for pour tn* iertainetttetttinb&b. JZq the cell 3 affojo tohat is befitting ; oefiring them, tbattfaupbefictcncpamate their erpcctation, rheptnoulbimputc it either to mp ignorance, rrz negligence: for it is the plcafurc of hint, in Inhofc toillis ail mp plcafurc, that tit all fufficicttcppou ftjoulbbauc haue regarb ano fupp& ment 3ub fo fljaconbuitcb them to their feuerall chambers, tohere tljcp repofeb themfelues atohile, till the time of bimier inutte b them to repaft. iSlhctt all things lucre prepares , aitb the folemmtp of placing the guefts fmifljco, the ^arquclTe fent fo;Gri fd ;anb cittttg on his feet, tooh her hp the han0be> foje them aU, erecting his bodp, anb elating his bolce inthis patient Grifel. manner j^cufic the labp is herre 3 mean? to niarrp: tijc companp glojtoufl? prepared fo UnttTs the fame : are put therefore fcntcntcb that J OjaU thus fcifpcf;of nip f.lfc, awb bo quictlpprclbto the alterations 3 i 3 p loro, rcpUcDlbc before tbcwall, Ivhcrciu asalucmau might be faultp, X mill not noloWputc : but bcwiufc x am 3 might be faultp, 3 mill not nohmfputc : butbcixufc j am pour imfc, auo haue bcuoteb mpfelfeto olcbicirr, jam rc- folucb to bclight in nothing but pour plcafurc : fo that if this match be befignrb fot pour gooo, anb betermineb bp pour ap* poiHtrnenf, 3 am much fatisficb,aub nto?ethcn muchcontem tcb. 3nb foi pou labp, j toilh pou the bcligljts of pour irarrt' age, anb the honour of pour husband, tnanp pcarcs ofhsppi« neffe, anb the fruits of a chafle lucblocli : oulp gracious lo?b, talic heeb of one thing, that pou trie not this nclu bjioc as non haue bone pour oulb vuife : fo 2 ftjc is pong, anb pcraburiiturc of another Itraiue , attbfo map leant of that patience ana go ucrnmcntj iuhich 3, poo:c 3, haue cnburcb. STiH this, he helb out btaadp: but nature ouerromming re folution, anb cotirtbcring toith tohat Grange barictp his bn iititbiteffc i;ab paffeb,' hse coulb not anfeorre atnc:b fot tcarcs, anb all the companp ftcob confounbcb at the matter, monbiittg luhat toonlb be the cub of the bufineife , anbtljf fnccelTeofthe cetafic : But to btato them out of their bonbts,thc tie pt C!;ap‘ trr Ojallbetormiue the coutr out rise. . CHAP. X. The Oration of the MarquelTe toiiis wife, and the difeouery of her children,ro her great iov,2nd the contentment of all the company. A fter a little rcbtiremcnt of his pafficn, anb that time, ant further me tit. it inn hab bifpofeb his feitfes to their pertex further mcc.iO.ttcn hab bifpofeb his fettfes to their pertex eftate, the a3argueiTc graacuflp anfmereb : SDhcu lucn .cr ofboomen, anb Champion o'true bertue ; ?, am aftjatneb of nip imptrfcatons anb try: 3 \nith alnifmg t’ 3 haue trwbthe? beponO rcafon, anb then l;aft fojbone 1 er ^ — : ; . •■■■■■ ■■ bewub r tf\\ » iJye Hiftory of bdeeue itbatb thought that too goob fto tbc earth, 3 twit ftf ttbe not tan murb fuprrttitisn) ut - beau in. j£>b, tis a pleafttre to be acquainteo Voitbtbpl»Mtb, am; to coin? were tbpgcnOne$iraketb a watt better then folic. ifo: toitboutcontrourrfte, rpeept t^ou baoff bane fent fra'rr tifcoue, tbon coulbft ncuer baue actcDagcDOciTec part be - loloe t atiD tberefote ftttng 3 bane bfeo tbee fo tmfeinOlp fofeje , 3 p?stcft nctiec tc Dtfquict tb<* hereafter : anD tobcrc inwpcrueltp crtcnoco agamft tbee in bercatnug tbee of flip cbtUnen, mp lone (ball noto make amciiDs in reftojtng tbp- Daughter. of o? ti)is wp neiv bjioc 10 fl>ee ; anD this loanton,!;ct biotbcr:tba«U this great laop (mp fitter) fo? tbetc banging bp> anotbis man (pou fenotne bim Und! enougb) fo: bis fcccc^ zv. 13ccnotamafeoattbematter,3bauc relates a truth, ano iaiUcotifirmeit onmp honour : oitlp ft 0 clime till tbc mm - *t is Done, ano bto tbe rompanp Uielcomc in this poo?c ikire : fo? tbc fun lutll b:eaktb:uugb flcnDer clouos, ano be. tut ft) me in bafearrap. 3 roulo much Dilate the matter,. bm it is time to eno, left tbe rircmuttanrcsUnllncuer ettb. 30)10 Dcuice of tbe Sarqueffcc, of luffing her fo louinglp, anD fettittg bet Dotxme bv ftm fa Difrrsetlp, Dio ntucb goao, jf c? tfjc eompanp baD time to Dtfpute of tbc miracle, an? tbe ^ong la«p rcafan to prepare bcc obcDiencc ; totjtcl? , no fooner luas tbe Dinner fittiibco, bu^ ft) casfoaieperfo?ii!CD,uotbmg thought Upon but inp at tbe matter, ano tuonscc at tbe acctocnt : eucrpone plcafeD to fee fucljabn tpof goobnrs,auD all Deligbtco tobaueabuffneffe fo tnell cqucluoeo. 15 tit feeing time bao imclafpcb aboolieof fucb ioHitp, there loas noui :io further Difpujing : J'c? tlje la^ Dies floettes about ber to atteno ber tnto tbc chamber; Vnberc tbe pong s*-?inreHcb:r Daughter teas as reaop as tbc bettto ftfparcll her : to that lubcu Cjk caare am^ngtt ftjem agame,ftie ibtaeo like tbc fe>un after a tempctt,anD feemtfi mo;c glouoits,, bccaufe ber cqntinucfi mooeftp kept ber from all tnfulting ano tainc'jiloirous b?auerp, £ba^ iu4» ft;e #arqueffc inucttcD as it lucre t»irb a ncta blcffcones, anotbecontinueD in beroido conttancp j oncipa^ (vt ita diram) maue pajfo nerjue calamity rre queat pondus hominis natufa, Euripides Oreftei. \