AN ACT I TO INCORPORATE THE RELIANCE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY. Section I. Be it enacted by the Senate and Home of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met , and it is hereby enacted by the au- ihority of the same , That Thomas Hays, Joseph H. New- bold, Jason L. Fennimore, John B. Trevor, Oliver Fuller, Benjamin M. Himchman, John Naglee, George H. Oliver, George Smith, John R. Vogdes, Richard D. Wood, J. V. Williamson, Isaac R. Davis, Thomas P. Hoopes, J. Coleman Fisher, Samuel Webb, Peter Wright, Thomas S. Smith, Samuel Bispham, Robert Toland, John B. Myers, Jacob M. Thomas, Evans Rodgers, Charles Harkness, Ephraim Haines, Samuel Stokes, Henry C. Corbit, Henry Troth, Thomas Snowden, George Handy, William F. Johnston, and William J. Leiper, or any live of them, be, and they are hereby ap¬ pointed commissioners for receiving subscriptions to the capi¬ tal stock of a company to be denominated “the Reliance Insurance and Trust Company,” who shall open a book for that purpose in the city of Philadelphia, at a time and place to be by them designated, and of which they shall give public notice in two or more daily newspapers, published in said city, for two successive weeks, immediately preceding the time of opening the book, as aforesaid, and the said book shall be kept open for three consecutive days, from ten o’clock, A, M. until two o’clock, P. M. on each day, or until the number of five thousand shares, at one hundred dollars per share, shall have been subscribed, and all persons of lawful age shall be permitted to subscribe to the said stock by paying five dollars on each share at the time of subscribing. And if the whole number of shares shall not have been subscribed within the 1 r three days before mentioned, the said commissioners shall have power to re-open the said book at such times and places as they shall deem expedient, and continue the same open until the whole number of shares shall have been subscribed* Provided, That all acts which the said commissioners or any five of them are authorized to do, shall be as effectual and valid if performed by a majority of them, or by a committee appointed by such majority, as if performed by them all. Section 2. When one thousand shares of the capital stock, as aforesaid, shall have been subscribed, and at least five dollars per share paid in, the said commissioners shall certify to the Governor, under their hands and seals, the names of the subscribers and the number of shares by them sub¬ scribed, respectively; and the Governor shall, thereupon, by letters patent, under his hand, and the seal of the State, erect and create the subscribers into a body politic and corporate in deed and in law, by the name, style and title of‘‘ the Reli¬ ance Insurance and Trust Company,” to be located in the city or county of Philadelphia, by which name, style and title the said subscribers shall have perpetual succession, and shall be able to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, in all courts of record, and elsewhere; and to purchase, receive, have, hold, use, occupy, possess, and enjoy to them and their successors, lands, tenements, hereditaments, goods, chattels, and effects, of what nature, quality, or kind soever, real, per¬ sonal, or mixed, necessary or convenient, to carry into effect the powers and privileges hereinafter granted, and to receive and collect all promissory notes or choses in action, taken in the course of their corporate business, and the same from time to time to sell, demise, grant, alien, or dispose of. Pro¬ vided, That the yearly income of the real estate so held, ex¬ cept such as shall be necessary and convenient for the trans¬ action of its business, or which may be conveyed to said company in trust, or for the security, or in payment of any debt which may become due or owing to the same, or in satis¬ faction of any judgment of any court of law, in its favor, shall not exceed the sum of six thousand dollars. And the said company shall have power to make, have, and use a common seal, and the same, at pleasure, to break, alter and renew. Section 3. The capital stock of said company shall be called in and paid at such times and places, and in such pro¬ portions and instalments as the president and directors shall require, giving public notice thereof for three successive 3 weeks fn two or more daily newspapers published in the city of Philadelphia, and if any stockholder shall neglect to pay such proportion or instalment at the time and place appointed, he shall, in addition to the proportion or instalment so called for, pay at the rate of one per cent, per month for the delay of such payment, and if the same and the additional penalty, or any part thereof shall remain unpaid for the period of six months, he shall, at the discretion of the directors, forfeit to the use of the company all his right, title and interest in and to every and all share or shares, on account of which such default in payment may be made, as aforesaid; or the president and directors, may, at their option, cause suit to be brought before any competent tribunal for the recovery of the amount due on such stock, together with the penalty of one per cent, a month, as aforesaid, and in the event of a forfeiture, the share or shares so forfeited may be disposed of at the discretion of the president and directors under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the by-laws. Provided , That no stockholder shall be entitled to vote at any election or at any general or special meeting of the company, on whose share or shares any instalment or arrearages may be due more than ten days previously to said election or meeting. Section 4. The affairs of the company shall be managed by nine directors, of whom five shall be a quorum for the transaction of business, who shall be citizens of this common¬ wealth and stockholders of said company, holding at least five shares each, in their own right, and who shall be elected an¬ nually on the third Monday of December by the stockholders at their general meeting assembled for that purpose, of which meeting public notice shall have been given in two or more daily newspapers, published in said city, for three successive weeks immediately preceding the holding of the same, and the directors at their first meeting after each election, shall choose one of their number as president, but in case it should happen at any time that an election of directors should not be made, when, pursuant to this act it ought to have been made, the company for that cause shall not be dissolved, and it shall be lawful within forty days thereafter to hold and make an election of directors in such manner as shall be regulated by the by-laws and regulations of said company; and in case of the death, resignation, or removal from office of any director, his place may be filled for the remainder of the term in such manner as the regulations of the company for that purpose 4 shall direct. Provided , That the first election of directors shall be held at a time tfnd place to be appointed by the com¬ missioners before mentioned, they giving notice thereof in manner aforesaid, and the directors so chosen shall hold their offices until the third Monday of December following, and until new directors shall be chosen. The votes of stockhold¬ ers for the election of directors, shall be by ballot, and each share in the stock of said company shall entitle the holder to one vote, but no person shall vote by proxy, nor shall any stockholder vote at any election for directors unless the share or shares on which he or she may claim to vote, shall have been standing in his or her name at least thirty days previous to such election. Section 5. The president and directors, for the time being, shall have power to establish and appoint such, and so many officers, clerks, agents, or agencies in this State or elsewhere, as shall be by them deemed convenient or necessary for con¬ ducting and performing the business of the said company, to fix their compensation, to take bonds from all or any of them, with security conditioned for the faithful execution of their several duties ; to make such covenants, contracts, and agree¬ ments as they may deem proper to ordain, establish, and put in execution all such ordinances, regulations, and by-laws as may appear necessary for the government or conducive to the interests of the company, not being contrary to the fundamen¬ tal articles thereof, to the constitution and Jaws of the United States and this commonwealth, and generally to do, execute, and perform all acts, matters and things in relation to the business thereof, which a corporation may or can lawfully do. Provided , That all such ordinances, regulations and by-laws as shall be made by the directors may be altered or repealed by a majority of the stockholders, at any annual meeting, or at any special meeting, which may be called for that purpose by any ten of the stockholders, of which special meeting at least three weeks previous public notice shall be given in two or more daily newspapers published in said city. And a ma¬ jority of the stockholders may at any annual or special meet¬ ing, convened as aforesaid, adopt by-laws which shall be binding upon the directors, such by-laws not being contrary to the laws of this State or of the United States. Section G. The said company shall have full power and authority to make insurances and to guarantee against losses by fire, at such rate of premium as may be agreed upon on 5 any house, tenement, church, manufactory, or other build¬ ings, on machinery, lumber, building, or other materials, ves¬ sels on the stocks, and on goods, wares, merchandize, commo¬ dities, or other effects, and on hay, grain, and other agricul¬ tural products in barns, stacks, or otherwise, and generally upon all kinds of buildings, goods, wares, merchandize, com¬ modities or effects, together with every species of property, pursuit or business, in the pursuit or prosecution of which, there is or may be any loss or risk, and also to grant annuities and make and effect insurances on lives, of whatsoever sort or nature; and in like manner for such rate of premium as may be agreed upon to insure and guarantee against loss on ma¬ rine, or other risks, of whatsoever kind or nature, upon steamboats, ships, vessels, canal boats, or other craft, on the ocean or elsewhere, and upon goods, wares, merchandize, commodities or effects, of whatsoever kind or nature, shipped or transported, or to be shipped or transported by water or land, or partly by water and partly by land: likewise on specie, bullion, or money shipped, transported, or remitted, or to be shipped, transported, remitted, delivered or paid; also, to take, receive, and hold in trust or otherwise, any descrip¬ tion of property, real or personal, and the said trusts or other engagements to execute and perform according to the terms and conditions thereof, and generally to make, execute and perfect such contracts, bargains, agreements, policies, and other instruments, as shall or may be necessary, and as the nature of the case may require, and every such contract, bar¬ gain, agreement, policy, or other instrument to be made by the said company, shall be in writing or in print, and signed by the president and secretary, or by such other officer or officers as the directors may appoint for that purpose. Section 7. It shall be lawful for the said company to em¬ ploy and improve the capital stock thereof, and all moneys received for premiums in trust or otherwise, in any available loans or stocks, or to lend the same or any part thereof upon any good and sufficient security, and also to sell and dispose of and transfer all or any of the said loans, stocks and securi¬ ties, and invest the proceeds thereof, in like, and other such loans, stocks and securities. Provided , That nothing herein contained shall in any way be construed to authorize the said company to use their capital stock or other funds for banking purposes. Section 8. The president and directors of said company, 6 shall, on the first Mondays of December and June, in each and every year, declare and divide so much of the profits of said company as to them shall appear advisable, first deduct¬ ing all expenses, and pay the said dividend to the respective stockholders, or their agents, duly empowered, in ten days after declaring the same, but the moneys received as pre¬ miums upon risks which remain outstanding and undetermined at the time of declaring such dividends, shall not then be con¬ sidered as part of the profits of said company, or divided as such; and if any loss shall happen whereby the capital stock of said company shall be lessened no subsequent dividend shall be made until a sum equal to such diminution shall have been added to the said capital stock; and if the president and di¬ rectors shall knowingly make a dividend or dividends contrary to the true intent and meaning of the prohibitions herein con¬ tained, such of them as shall consent thereto, shall, in their individual capacities be accountable for and pay over to the said company, for the use thereof, as much money as they may so divide and pay, more than by this act they are au¬ thorized to do, and the president and each director of the said company in office at the time of making such dividend, here¬ by prohibited, shall be deemed as consenting thereto, unless he or they, shall, at the time of making and declaring the same be absent from the board of directors, or if present, shall immediately enter his or their protest or protests on the minutes of the board, and also give notice thereof in two or more newspapers published in said city. Provided , That every regulation which the board of directors, with the con¬ sent or by the direction of a majority of the stockholders may make in regard to declaring of dividends, and the accumula¬ tion or diminution of the funds of the company, shall be bind¬ ing on all. Jlnd 9 provided further , That if the said company should fail at any time to meet its engagements, each person holding stock at the time of such failure shall be liable in his individual capacity for the debts of said company, to the amount of the balance unpaid on the stock so by him held. Section 9. The stock of said company shall be transferable on the books of said company, only according to such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the by-laws. Section 10. If at any time it shall appear to the legisla¬ ture that the said company has abused or misused any of the privileges hereby granted, the power to repeal this act shall in no wise be denied or impaired, but such repeal shall in no 7 wise effect the engagements to which said company may have become a party previously thereto, nor shall it be done in such manner as to do injustice to the corporators. WM. A. CRABB, Speaker of the House of Representatives. JOHN H. EWING, Speaker of the Senate. Approved the twenty-first day of April, one thousand eight hundred and forty-one. DAVID R. PORTER. Pennsylvania ss. Secretary’s Office . I certify that the within and foregoing is a true copy of the original Act, as the same remains tiled in this office. Witness my hand and the seal of said office, at Harrisburg, the 3d day of May, A. D. 1841. FRANCIS R. SHUNK, Secretary of the Commonwealth. 8 AN ACT Supplementary to an act entitled u An Act to incorpcm rate the Reliance Insurance and Trust Company or Philadelphia.” Section 1 . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania , in General Assembly met , and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same , That the name, style and title of “ The Reliance Insurance and Trust Company of Philadel¬ phia,” authorized by an act approved the twenty-first day of April, eighteen hundred and forty-one, shall be, and the same is hereby changed to that of “The Reliance Mutual Insu¬ rance Company of Philadelphia,” and by that name, style and title, shall have and enjoy the rights and privileges, and be subject to the restrictions and penalties in said act mentioned, except as hereinafter provided, and the capital stock of said company shall be reduced to one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, to be divided into shares of fifty dollars each, and to be subscribed and paid in according to the provisions of the act to which this is a supplement. Section 2. All persons who shall insure with the said company, and pay or secure to be paid the premium on the risks insured against, in the manner required by the said company, and the executors, administrators, and assigns of such persons continuing to be so insured, may thereby become members of said company and be entitled to a prorata share of any profits that may be made by such insurances during the period they shall remain so insured, and no longer, which said profits shall be declared and divided as hereinafter directed. Section 3. The directors shall on the first Monday in November in each and every year, cause a balance to be struck of the affairs of said company, and if there shall be any ascertained profits after paying all the losses and expenses of said company for the year preceding, they shall first set aside for the use of the stockholders, a sum equal to an interest of six per cent, per annum, on the amount of capital stock paid in out of said profits, if so much remains after paying said losses and expenses, and the remainder of said profits, if any, shall be divided prorata amongst the stockholders and insured members, and within thirty days after the said balance shall be struck, as aforesaid, and before making any other distri- 9 bution or disposition of the profits of said company, the direc* tors shall cause to be paid in cash to the said stockholders, the said interest of six per cent., and for the remaining profits, if any, they shall cause to be issued the certificates of said com¬ pany to the respective stockholders and insured members, as follows: that is to say, to each stockholder a certificate stating the amount due him for such a proportion of the said remain¬ ing profits as the stock held by him may bear to the aggregate or collective amount of stock paid in, and premiums earned, and to each insured member a like certificate for such a pro¬ portion of the said remaining profits as the premiums paid by him, on risks determined, may bear to the aggregate or col¬ lective amount of the stock paid in and premiums earned, the said certificates to be entitled to an interest or dividend not exceeding six per cent, per annum, to be paid out of the re¬ maining profits, if any, of the years succeeding, or they may be received in payment of the stock of said company, as here¬ inafter provided; but no certificate shall issue unless claimed within two years after the declaration of the dividend or profit, whereof it is the evidence, and the amount of such un¬ claimed certificate, shall, after the expiration of that time be carried to the credit of said company. Section 4. No patt of the income or profits of the said company, shall in any case be withdrawn, except as herein provided for, but the same shall remain equally with the ca¬ pital stock liable to the payment of all the losses and expenses thereof; and such liability shall be expressed on the face of the certificates to be issued, as aforesaid; nor shall any inter¬ est be paid, dividend declared, or certificates issued, either to stockholders, insured members, or certificate holders, whereby the capital stock of said company shall be reduced or im¬ paired ; nor shall any interest or dividend be paid on any cer¬ tificates until the interest on the capital stock shall first be provided for. Section 5. No certificate shall issue for any sum less than twenty-five dollars, nor for any fractional part of five dollars. The said certificates shall be transferable on the books of the company only, and a transfer book shall be kept for that pur¬ pose. No certificate shall issue to any person indebted to said company, and no transfer of any certificate shall be permitted so long as the holder thereof is indebted to said company. And all certificates shall be subject to and bound by any judgment the company may obtain against the holder thereof, 2 10 and the interest of such holder may be sold under an execu¬ tion issued on said judgment in like manner as any other spe¬ cies of personal property. Section 6 , No insured member, certificate holder, or stockholder, shall in any case be liable over and above the precise amount of the premium paid by him, or the amount of the certificate, or the amount of the stock held by him, and when such premium, or such certificate, or such stock shall be absorbed by the losses, debts, or expenses of said company, all liability or responsibility on his part shall cease. Section 7. At any general meeting or election held by the stockholders and insured members of said company, each share of stock shall entitle tfie holder thereof to one vote; and each insured member shall be entitled to one vote for every sum of fifty dollars by him paid as a premium of insurance during the year preceding, but no person shall vote by proxy, nor shall any stock which is hypothecated entitle the holder thereof to any vote. Insurances may be made and risks taken by said company agreeably to the provisions of the act to which this is a supplement, without the parties insured becoming members or being entitled to any of the profits thereof, and re-insurance may be obtained by said company for any risk against which they may have insured, whenever, and to such an extent as the directors or officers thereof may deem it expedient. Section 8. Suits at law may be prosecuted and main¬ tained by any stockholder or insured member against said company, for losses or damages insured against by them, if the payment is withheld more than sixty days after the said company shall have been duly notified of such loss or damage, and no stockholder or insured member of said company, not being in his individual capacity a party to such suit shall be deemed incompetent as a witness. Section 9. The certificates to be issued as aforesaid, may at any time be received in payment of, or be converted into the capital stock of said company, under such rules and regu¬ lations as the directors thereof may from time to time make and establish; and it shall be lawful for the said company at any general meeting of the stockholders and insured members, to be called for that purpose, after two weeks public notice, to be given in at least two of the daily newspapers, published in said city, to increase the capital stock of said company to three hundred thousand dollars, to be divided into shares of 11 fifty dollars each, and when said capital stock, actually paid in, shall amount to three hundred thousand dollars, or when the amount of said stock, so paid in, together with the ascer¬ tained profits, after paying all losses and expenses, shall in the aggregate amount to the said sum of three hundred thousand ollars, all the future profits of said company, after paying losses and expenses, may be divided and paid 'in cash to the stockholders and insured members, prorata, as provided in the third section of this act in relation to the issuing of certi¬ ficates of profit, or the same may be applied to the purchase or redemption of the certificates issued by said company, in such manner and at such times as the directors may deem expedient, and all claim or right to interest or dividend on said certificates, shall cease after two weeks notice, published in at least two of the daily newspapers of said citv, that the company will redeem or pay the same, which said notice shall designate the certificates to be so redeemed or paid; and if the holders o 1 said certificates shall not within five years there¬ after present the same for redemption or payment, the said certificates shall be cancelled on the books of the company and the amount thereof shall be carried to the credit of the company. Section 10. The said company may from to time receive notes or other securities, real or personal, for premiums from persons intending to effect insurances therewith, or from any other person or persons, under such regulations or agreements as shall be authorized by the directors, which said notes or other securities may be negotiated, transferred, or conveyed by the said company, for the purpose of paying claims, for losses accruing in the course of its business, and on such por¬ tion of the said notes or securities as may exceed the amount of the premiums paid or agreed to be paid by the parties from whom the same may have been received, the said com¬ pany may allow and pay such interest or other compen¬ sation, not exceeding five per cent, per annum, as may be agreed upon by the directors. Section 11 No loan of any part of the capital stock or other tunas of said company, shall in any case, directJy or in¬ directly, be made to any director, officer, or agent of said company. Section 12. Within thirty days after the affairs of said company shall be ascertained, on the first Monday in Novem¬ ber, annually, as provided by the third section of this act, the 12 directors or officers of said company shall cause a general balance sheet of said affairs to be made, which shall contain: First . The amount of premiums received during the previous year. Second . The amount of expenses incurred during the previous year. Third . The amount of the losses incurred during the previous year. Fourth . The balance remaining with the company, and the nature of the securities in which the same is invested; and the said balance sheet or statement shall be published for one week, in at least two of the daily newspapers, published in said city, and a printed copy thereof shall be furnished to each member, on request, at the office of said company. Section 13. So much of the act to which this is a supple¬ ment, as is inconsistent herewith, shall be, and the same is hereby repealed. HENDRICK B. WRIGHT, Speaker of the House of Representatives. B. CRISPIN, Speaker of the Senate. Approved, the eighteenth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and forty-three. DAVID R. PORTER. Pennsylvania ss. Secretary's Office . I certify the annexed and foregoing to be a true copy of the original act of the General Assembly, as the same remains on file in this office. Witness my hand and the seal of said office, at Harrisburg, this twenty-fourth day of April, A. D. 1843. EDWARD W. HUTTER, Deputy Secretary of the Commonwealth. 13 A FURTHER SUPPLEMENT TO AN ACT ENTITLED “An ACT TO INCORPORATE THE RELIANCE INSURANCE AND TRUST CoM- pan y” of Philadelphia, approved the twenty-first day of April, eighteen hundred and forty-one. Section 1 . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re¬ presentatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in Gene¬ ral Assembly met , and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same ♦ That the period for striking a balance of the af¬ fairs of said Company, in the manner directed in the third section of the supplementary act, approved the eighteenth day of April eighteen hundred and forty-three, shall be and the same is hereby changed from the first Monday in No¬ vember to the thirty-first day of December, annually, (unless the same shall be Sunday, and then on the day previous) and the other matters and things by the said supplementary act required to be done and performed within thirty days next succeeding the said first Monday in November, shall be done and performed, except as is hereinafter otherwise provided, within thirty^days next succeeding the said thirty-first day of December, annually: And so much of said supplementary act as prohibits the issuing of any certificate for the “ remain¬ ing profits” therein named “ unless claimed within two years after the declaration of the dividend or profit whereof it is the evidence,” and so much of the same act as declares that “ no certificate shall issue for any less sum than twenty-five dollars nor for any fractional part of five dollars,” shall be and the same are hereby repealed; but no such certificate shall be issued for any less sum than ten dollars nor for any fractional part of one dollar; And when the said “ remaining profits ” accruing to any stockholder or insured member, within any one year, shall amount to less than ten dollars and not less than one dollar, the amount thereof shall be credited on the books of the Company, to the party to whom the same has accrued; and if the amount so credited shall, within any term of ten years, but not otherwise, amount to ten dollars, the said party shall be entitled to receive a certificate there¬ for as in other cases. All contracts for insurance made with said Company, terminating within any one year, shall entitle the parties making the same, to participate in manner 14 aforesaid, in the profits of that year; and on moneys deposited by way of premiums for perpetual insurances, interest shall be computed at the rate of five per centum per annum, and the portion of the said “ remaining profits,” if any, to which the depositors shall be entitled, shall be the proportion the amount of such interest may bear to the aggregate or col¬ lective amount of stock paid in and premiums earned. But no dividend of the said “ remaining profits,” shall be made or declared less than one per cent, on the aggregate or col¬ lective amount of stock paid in and premiums earned: And annually, before making or declaring any such dividend, the directors shall reserve out of such “ remaining profits,” for contingencies, such reasonable amount as they may deem expedient, not in any one year exceeding two per cent, on the said aggregate or collective amount of stock paid in and premiums earned. And the amount of all such “ remaining profits ” less than one per cent, together with the amount reserved by the directors for contingencies, as aforesaid, and all amounts accruing to any individual or party in any one year, less than one dollar, and not credited on the books of the Company, and the fractional parts of a dollar above ten dollars, accruing to any individual or party and not included in a certificate, and the sums credited on the said books to any individual or party, less than ten dollars, in any term of ten years, together with the amounts of all certificates or all sums entitling individuals or parties to certificates, remain¬ ing unclaimed for the teim of three years after the declara¬ tion of the dividend or profit entitling the parties to the same, shall accrue to the Company and be carried to the contin¬ gent fund thereof, Provided , that the estimates and dividends of profits to be made and declared by the directors under the provisions of said supplementary act and this act, shall be conclusive and binding upon the Company and upon all per¬ sons entitled to participate in the profits thereof. Section- 2. The directors of said Company shall hereafter be elected on the first Monday in February, annually, in¬ stead of the third Monday in December, in the manner and subject to the provisions and conditions mentioned in the act to which this is a further supplement; and the president and directors now in office shall serve until the first Monday in February eighteen hundred and forty-six, and until others are elected in their stead. 15 Section 3. Any money or estate, real or personal, con¬ fided to the said Company in trust, shall be liable only for the contracts, engagements, or performances growing out of or appertaining to said trusts. And in all cases where ap¬ plication shall be made to any Court in this Commonwealth for the appointment of any trustee, receiver, assignee, or guardian, or of any committee of any lunatic, it shall be law¬ ful for such Court to appoint said Company, with their con¬ sent, to be such trustee, receiver, assignee, guardian or committee; and in case of such appointment, the said com¬ pany shall not be required to give security, but shall be re¬ sponsible for the goodness of all investments made by them of the funds committed to their care by such appointment: And the accounts of said Company as such trustee, receiver, assignee, guardian, or committee, shall be regularly settled and adjusted by the proper tribunals; and all legal, proper and customary charges, costs and expenses, shall be allowed to the said Company for their care and management of the funds and estates so committed to them. FINDLEY PATTERSON, Speaker of the House of Representatives. WILLIAM P. WILCOX, Speaker of the Senate. Approved the twenty-fourth day of February, one thou¬ sand eight hundred and forty-five. FRS. R. SHUNK. Pennsylvania , ss. I Certify the within and foregoing, to be a true copy of the original act, entitled “A further Supplement to an act, entitled “An act to incorporate the Reliance Insurance and Trust Company” of Philadelphia, approved the twenty-first day of April, eighteen hundred and forty-one, now remain¬ ing on file in this office. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Secretary’s Office, at Harrisburg, this twenty-sixth day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-five. H. PETRIKIN, Dep. Sec. Commth. 3 0112 098918946