K-^ #«# ^V- /#r-%'V / /J ~ ' C-*- - Uci^L^t^c^ fi^Y ' ^Y^-^^^' ^^^^^^Y ^-. -^ / 40 EEPLY OF THE -WEST INDIA COMMITTEE. on the ground of the consumers' advantage, and at the same time declaring that such interference with trade as is caused by bounties is not conducive to the general prosperity. In short, the Board of Trade apparently propose to accept bounties as an advantage, while at the same time they desire their removal as an interference with trade. ' * I am to express satisfaction at the proposed preliminaries for an international Conference. The West India Committee have never advocated the immediate adoption of a countervailing duty, nor gone beyond the suggestion that a means of solution might be found in a Conference as proposed by the Select Committee. The West India Committee have in the letters which you acknowledge laid before the Board of Trade the reasons which induced them to think that foreign Powers would be willing to negotiate, and that the acceptance of the true free -trade principle of a countervailing duty would be effectual in bringing about a successful result of those negotiations. I am to pray that Her Majesty's Government would be pleased to take steps for the meeting of such conference as soon as possible. " There is one point in the letter to the Workmen's Committee, copy of which you enclose, which requires notice here. It is stated that many of the colonies at the present time place an export duty upon their own sugar. I beg to say that in British Guiana and Barbados, producing at least half the total of West India sugar, there is no export duty. In Trinidad and Jamaica there is a small tax which is not raised for general revenue, but is strictly applied to the payment of the cost of introducing the labour employed on the sugar plantations. The amount is, therefore, merely part of the cost of labour, and is so small as to be practically inappreciable as compared with foreign bounties, while the general incidence of the export tax over the sugar production is a con- venience and practically results in a reduction of price to the consumer. ''I have, &c., ''Thos. Daniel Hill, Chairman. " West India Committee, 9, Billiter Square, E.C., "December 9th, 1880." WliJUfi v^^i^/yz«xt^^^-^ y THE SPEECH OF HIS EXCELLENCY The marquis OF LOENE, K.T., G.C.M.G., Ac, *c., GOVERNOR-GENERAL OF CANADA, At WINNIPEG, October 10, 1881, After a lengthened Tour through Manitoba and the Canadian North-West Territories. p—y^"^, LONDON : PBINTED BY M'CORQUODALE & CO., LIMITED, Cardington Street, N.W. 1881. m- ^ SPEECH OP His Excellency THE MARQUIS of LORNE, K.T., G.G.M.G., &c., &c., GOVERNOR -GENERAL OF CANADA, At WINNIPEG, October lOth, 1881. — •-"K^l^[j^^<^ #! c ' ../^ '*' % o^^*: m:,m .^^^^ w ' s—s^l*''^' tj'^i^ \ ^:#_ 1.^^ ?%^^ '. %i-*li.t SisJli ?<■ * m ' %^Xk- k 1