^ ""^^r^ 1;.^. \ c cV^ f >^- :/ 'mc 01 aa I"! (SlBI^'^ d «, ffie Cottiers, ^f#^tii^i»tt Miss /^ggie M. j3uel, yWARY yVlcpoUGALL. VICE presjdent. SECRETARY. MUSIC COMMITTEK. J f>. Williams. J. j<. 3everance. PROORAMMK COMMITTEE. Miss ^^llen ^. . Pettibone. -^red. W. f airfield. i'l. \(;k ok mkkti.vo, 401 avkst u \«EnA(;T()»( stkket. KOr U OK VIKKTI\G».8 O'CLOCK I'. M. Pf^GF\AMME OF ExEf^ISES FOR APRJL 26, 1869, gHi^. .L CHICAGO PHINTINO CO., ll'U «,f -o-fj':^CX>- IP :r j^-^r :e: :r . READING OF THE RECORD Miss M. McDOUGALL MUSICS ESSAY O. C. McCULLOCH POEM , C. A. RICHARDSON IMPROMPTU ORATIONS { W^ ^H , "r^E mN G T O N MUSIC. SOr.rKT\ FAPKH. EDITRESS Miss ANNIE MILLER (!0\^TKnU TORS. Miss E. GILLETTE. Miss M. MERRIMAN. FRED. POWERS. Miss JENNIE HAMMOND PART HBC'OXO. oX>^o« Ml'SlC J>*^o<^- TOM CARBERRY P. F. PETTIBONE MR. WIGFALL H. W . FOWLER. WOLVERINE GRIFFIN Miss E. L. FOWLER. MRS. BADGER Mrs. G. C. BOWERS VICTORINE Miss CELIA FLAGG. JUDGE' Miss FANNIE McCULLOCH. MUSIC ^^lebictory btj the ^t*esibenf. SOCIK'fV S0\({. ^^- (/6^ mmietw mmi By H. S. OSBORNE. '->-^^r-^-'^~- Tune. Auld Lang 3yne. We ineet witli plefisaiit iiieiiioi-ie.-; Of fVien.^ ^^cenes >:hall la^^t. This anxion^s life is full <>1' sti-ife. And tliic'lv with thorns is stre^vn ; Ca,re builds hei* nest in evei-y hreast. And Age coines oversoon. J3ut Grolden I' leece, thy st-enes shall jro. Like happy dreains of lionne. To irild, witli s-weetest memories, 'J lie hours of care to come. With wistful iri-asp. we press ih<- hand. And sino; tlie pai'tina: sii'ain: But the heart still liiiirei-s with llic Tiiic may lead t ht>m lav. N^oi" hi'inir them l>ack airain I Hut distance ne'er can l>reak th<> tie ( )f lrien's mairic chain. Oh, Cxolden J^^lee<*el oui- fondesf thouuchls. What e'er oui- lot may he. In distant wild, or ha)»i>iesl lioiue. Sliall still r<»tui-n t<. thee. .L.