Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://www.archive.org/details/culturalheritageOOande AUGUSTANA LIBRARY PUBLICATIONS Number 27 LUCIEN WHITE, General Editor / The CULTURAL HERITAGE of the SWEDISH IMMIGRANT Selected Rererences By O. FRITIOF ANDER ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS AUGUSTANA COLLEGE LIBRARY 1956 h AUGUSTANA LIBRARY PUBLICATIONS 1. The Mechanical Composition of Wind Deposits. By Johan August Udden (1898) $1.00 2. An Old Indian Village. By Johan August Udden (1900) 1.00 3. The Idyl in German Literature. By Gustav Andreen (1902) 1.00 4. On the Cyclonic Distribution of Rainfall. Bv Johan August Udden (1905) io: 5. Fossil Mastodon and Mammoth Remains in Illinois and Iowa. By Netta C. Anderson. Proboscidian Fossi.s of the Pleistocene Depos- its in Illinois and Iowa. By Johan August Udden (1905) 1.00 6. Scandinavians Who Have Contributed to the Knowledge of the Flora of North America. By Per Axel Rydberg. A Geological Survey of Lands Belonging to the New York and Texas Land Company, Ltd., in the Upper Rio Grande Embayment in Texas. By John August Udden (1907) O. P. 7. Genesis and Development of Sand Formations on Marine Coasts. By Pehr Olsson-Seffer. The Sand Strand Flora of Marine Coasts By Pehr Olsson-Seffer (1910) IjOO 8. Alternative Readings in the Hebrew of the Books of Samuel. By Otto H. Bostrom (1918) 11 9. On the Solution of the Differential Equations of Motion of a Dou- ble Pendulum. By William E. Cederberg (1923) 75 10. The Danegeld in France. By Einar Joranson (1924) 1.25 11. Sedimentation in the Mississijrpi River beUceen Davenport. Iowa, and Cairo, Illinois. By Arvid L. Lugn (1927) 1.00 12. The Development of Commerce between the United States and Sweden, 1870-1925. By Frederick Tillberg (1S29) 1.25 13. Glacial Features of Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Bv Fritiof M. Frvx- ell (1930) 1.50 14. T. N. Hasselquist: The Career and Influence of a Swedish-Ameri- can Clergyman, Journalist, and Educator. By Oscar Fritiof Ander (1931) 125 15. The Relation of the Swedish- American Newspaper to the Assimi- lation of Swedish Immigrants. By Albert Ferdinand Schersten (1935) 1.00 16. The Structural Geology and Physiography of the Teton Pass Area, Wyoming. By Leland Horberg (1938) 1.50 17. The Mexican Revolution of Ayutla, 1854-1855. Bv Richard A. Johnson (1939) 1.50 18. The Structural Geology of the Cache Creek Area. Gros Ventre Mountains, Wyoming. By Vincent E. Nelson (1942) 1.00 19. The Planting of tlie Swedisli Church in America: Graduation Dis- sertation of Tobias Eric Biorck. Translated and edited by Ira Oli- ver Nothstein (1943) 1 00 Tlie CULTURAL HERITAGE of the SWEDISH IMMIGRANT Selected References By O. FRITIOF ANDER AUGUSTANA LIBRARY PUBLICATIONS Number 27 Lucien White, General Editor [PRINTED 1 IN US A J AUGUSTANA BOOK CONCERN Printers and Binders Rock Island, Illinois c c5x I DEDICATED TO D. L. ESTERDAHL A BENEFACTOR AND FRIEND OF MANY IMMIGRANTS TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Foreword by Conrad Bergendoff vii Acknowledgments ix Introduction xi List of Abbreviations xv 1. Bibliography of bibliographies 1 2. Background of Swedish emigration 10 3. America books 24 4. Emigrant Guide books 36 5. Swedish immigrants in American life. General contributions . 46 6. Church and education 75 7. Religious and secular literature 113 8. Art, Music, and the Theater 133 9. Newspapers, periodicals, and annuals. Religious and secular . 147 10. Archive materials 188 FOREWORD A bewildering array of material greets the student who would find his way in the history of Swedish immigrants in America. Where does the story begin, where does it end? Its beginning is interwoven with the fabric of an old European culture; it ends in the manifold patterns of an emerging American civilization. One can pick up a thread here or there and follow it back to its origins or forwards to its absorption in a new world. No one has yet separated all the threads or even attempted to assemble all the ma- terials that have gone into this variegated texture binding Sweden and America together over the course of a century. Prof. O. Fritiof Ander has been asked by the Swedish Pioneer Historical Society to attempt a bibliography of this vast material. He has worked in this field for over twenty years, both in Sweden and in America. The result of some of his labors is gathered up in this bibliography which the Society feels will be of inestimable value to the student who is interested in tracing a modern folk migration from old worlds to new. It is admitted that a bib- liography of this kind of movement can never be exhaustive and its con- tents never neatly formed into altogether satisfactory categories. But it can be an invaluable guide to anyone seeking to discover what and where ma- terial exists which throws light on particular phases of this baffling cultural phenomenon of immigration. Conrad Bergendoff Rock Island, HI. June, 1956 vii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The work on this bibliography began several years ago as a project spon- sored by the Swedish Pioneer Historical Society. In the earliest stages of the work suggestions were accepted from several historians, who were in- terested in the progress made on the bibliography. Among these mention should be made of Theodore C. Blegen, dean of the Graduate School, Uni- versity of Minnesota; Merle Curti, professor of history, University of Wis- consin; Paul W. Gates, professor of history, Cornell University; Oscar Handlin, professor of history, Harvard University; Carl F. Wittke, dean of the Graduate School, Western Reserve University; and my very close friend George M Stephenson, professor emeritus of history, University of Minne- sota. Professor E. Gustav Johnson of North Park College, Professor Adolf Olson of Bethel College, and the Rev. Wesley Westerberg of Naperville, 111., have been very kind in providing information of importance on materials on the Evangelical Mission Covenant Church, the Baptist General Conference of America and the Swedish Methodist Church. Dr. Robert B. Downs, director of the University of Illinois Library and Library School, and a past president of the American Library Association, together with two members of his staff, namely Professors Rose B. Phelps and Leslie W. Dunlap, have read the manuscript and their suggestions were appreciated. The Board of Directors of Augustana College granted a semester's leave of absence for the fall of 1952 in order to allow time for the completion of the work at the Royal Library, Stockholm, Sweden. The Social Science Re- search Council and the American Philosophical Society voted grants-in-aid to defray some of the expenses associated with the research. A word of appreciation is also due the Swedish-American Line which through the kind office of Mr. G. Hilmer Lundbeck made the journey to and from Sweden a most pleasant experience. Over a period of nearly a century Augustana College has acted as a spe- cial agent of the Royal Library in collecting materials on the life of the Swedish immigrants in America. This friendly relationship between Augus- tana College and the Royal Library was first fostered by T. N. Hasselquist and the head librarian, Harald Wieselgren. As a result the Royal Library has today an excellent collection of Swedish- Americana. I wish also to ex- press my gratitude to all the members of the staff of the Royal Library of Stockholm, who made the work on this bibliography a pleasant experience. I am greatly indebted to Carl Sorling of Springfield, 111., and D. L. Ester- dahl of Moline, 111., whose financial assistance has helped to make publica- tion of this volume possible. They have long been interested in the cul- ture of the Swedish immigrant. I wish also to acknowledge my indebtedness to the Augustana Book Concern for its generous aid, financial and otherwise. A word of thanks is due to the staff of the Denkmann Memorial Li- brary of Augustana College for assistance and co-operation, especially to Miss Drusilla Erickson, periodicals librarian, for verifying many periodica entries, and to Dr. Lucien White, head librarian, for helpful guidance as to bibliographical style. Few scholarly tasks are more demanding and exacting than a biblio- graphical work. Yet it seems as if no amount of precaution and effort will insure the elimination of errors, and for these the compiler alone is responsible. O. Fritiof Ander Augustana College June, 1956 INTRODUCTION Three years ago the Swedish Pioneer Historical Society requested me to prepare a biblography on Swedish immigration and the Swedish immigrants in America. The Historical Society did not define the meaning of the word immigrant nor did it outline even briefly the scope of the bibliography. Un- doubtedly, the society was chiefly interested in an immediate ready reference for those interested in doing research in the field of the immigrant's contri- butions to American history as well as in a usable guide for those whose in- terests were less professional. Such a bibliography could easily have been prepared by pooling the bibliographical references found in better known works on the Swedish immigrants, and such a guide might well have served a purpose. Within the Historical Society there were voices which expressed a wish for a definitive bibliography on the Swedish immigrants in America. It is very doubtful indeed if a more inclusive bibliography on the Swedish immigrants in America will ever be prepared, yet the word "definitive" is too strong an adjective to use in describing this guide. It has its very marked limitations. It seeks to include only that literature which deals with the immigrants who were conscious of an immigrant status, a feeling which gave rise to a desire to seek the company of other immigrants of the same national stock to foster and perhaps to perpetuate certain ideals and institu- tions in America. Thus references to such persons as Greta Garbo, Ingrid Bergman, Jenny Lind, and Christina Nilsson in America are not included. Standard guides for this type of material are available. Of course, such a journal as the American Swedish Monthly places a great deal of stress upon the contribution of these and other artists to American life. To put it more simply this is a bibliography on "Little Sweden" in America, and as such its literature depicts the reactions of the Swede to the American scene. The bibliography does not concern itself with the individual Swedish im- migrant who lost his identity. In fact it does not deal with the accomplish- ment of any one Swede even when he is a man whose contributions to America might have been most significant in a given field of endeavor. The student of immigration is aware of the strong feeling of ethnocentrism found in any national group within America and, therefore, he makes allow- ances for the most extravagant claims of the group in its efforts to inflate its pride and feeling of distinctiveness. Persons will be claimed to be "Swedes" without a drop of Swedish blood if the name sounds Swedish. A great-great-great-grandfather or grandmother of Swedish origin of an American statesman of note or any notable person is a matter of importance to the immigrant group. Persons who might not qualify as immigrants, like Sweden's greatest singing star of the last century, are claimed as they meet the demands for new symbols representing the dual loyalties of immigrants where the old symbols of the monarch and the church no longer satisfied. The guide aims to focus attention upon immigrant sources and not upon local, state, regional or national sources. These immigrant sources are too numerous when they deal specifically with the institutions founded by the immigrants to be included entirely. The archives of the colleges founded by the Swedes in America contain hundreds of leaflets, flysheets, programs, constitutions, rules of order, catalogues, bulletins, registers, handbooks, and jubilee publications of local churches, clubs and societies which are not properly catalogued and this form of literature could not be included. The availability of the material and the nature of existing bibliographical refer- ences placed very definite limitations upon the scope of the guide. But other factors were important. The bibliography cannot define the period of tran- sition during which the immigrant institutions became American. It would be strange to refer to the churches founded around a hundred years ago as immigrant churches. This is also true of the colleges and schools begun by the church. It is hardly possible to include their leaders of today, a genera- tion or more removed from Sweden, as immigrants. This bibliography offers no solution to the difficult problem of definition, but its limits have allowed as "immigrant literature and sources" those which were written in Swedish and a literature which deals directly with the immi- grants as such. To many persons it might seem very easy to define "immi- grants," but to the compiler of this bibliography it has been a major problem, and items have been included only to be later excluded upon a redefinition of the term. It is needless to say that no satisfactory solution was found, and. therefore, this work can well be called "selected references." Furthermore it does not intend to be in any way definitive on the causes of emigration from Sweden. The background of emigration and the Swedish heritage de- serves far more attention of serious students of history before a more satis- factory bibliography could be prepared. Here the sources are almost limit- less. The curtain has, however, been drawn upon Swedish immigration to America, and the sources pertaining to the immigrant in America upon which future historians must base their account will not become much larger. The time has come for an appraisal of the contributions of the immi- grant by objective historians and subjective novelists and poets, as the first turns to the records evaluated by the yardstick of historical criticism while the other turns to the legend and the lore evaluated by the yardstick of sentiment. A few instructions in the use of the bibliography are in order. Nearly all entries are to be found e ther in the Royal Library or at Augustana Col- lege. Some are to be found at Bethel College, St. Paul, Minnesota; North Park College, Chicago, Illinois; the Swedish Methodist Historical Library, Evanston, 111.; Minnesota State Historical Society, St. Paul, and, of course, at the sister colleges of Augustana; namely, Bethany, Gustavus Adolphus, and Upsala. A small number of Swedes became Mormons, and references on these have been included. A few items could not be located. Augustana College Library is in a position to assist in locating those most mentioned in the bibliography. It has in its possession the original manuscript of the bib- liography which contained some 1,500 additional entries, translations of bibles, a description of the nature of pamphlets and information of various kinds, including, special references found to materials in the Royal Library. No attempt has been made to include all editions of a book. The historian is well acquainted with the general bibliographical and bio- graphical tools, and these have not been included. References are made to the Swan and Linder collections at Augustana Col- lege. These not only duplicate considerable material on the Swedes in America that is found in the college library, but they supplement the ma- terial. Both G. N. Swan and O. A. Linder were interested in the literary accomplishments of the immigrants as well as in the general contributions of the Swedes to American life. Linder was a newspaper man and he clipped numerous articles and notices from American journals about Swedes in America. These clippings could not be included, but they are very accessi- ble as a part of the Linder collection, which is a library of Swedish- Americana. The Swan Collection is less specialized and contains a great deal of material on Swedish history and literature in general. The bibliography is divided into ten subdivisions. Few items are easily classified. The user must therefore refer again and again to the bibliography of bibliographies and to the general topic on distribution of the immigrants. Many America books are of a general nature. A serious effort has been made not to repeat any titles, once that a title has been classified and placed under one of the ten divisions. xm LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AA Americans by adoption, by Joseph Husband. Boston, 1920 AB Augustana bulletin AD Advance AH Ahlen and Holm's arsbok AHA Annual report of the American Historical Association AHP Augustana Historical Society publication AHR American historical review AI Annals of Iowa AJ Augustana journal AJS American journal of sociology AL Augustana College Library ALP Augustana Library publication AM Atlantic monthly AME American mercury AMER American magazine AO Augustana observer AQ Augustana quarterly ARF Arsbok utgiven av Riksforeningen for svenskhetens bevarande i utlandet AS Allsvensk samling ASD Americans of Swedish descent, by Gosta Nyblom. Rock Island, 1948 ASH American Swedish handbook ASHF American Swedish Historical Foundation. Yearbook ASHM American Swedish Historical Museum. Yearbook ASM American Swedish monthly ASR American Scandinavian review ATQ Augustana theological quarterly AU Augustana B Baptist General Conference of America BAIS Bulletin of the American Institute of Swedish Arts, Literature and Science BASI Bulletin of the American Swedish Institute BF Blackfisken BN Bygd och natur BSA Bibliographical Society of America. Papers C Evangelical Mission Covenant Church CE Century CG Common ground CH Church history CHA Chattaquaun CM Covenant memories; golden jubilee, Swedish Evangelical Mission, 1885-1935. Chicago, [1935] CO Current opinion CQ Covenant quarterly CSM Christian Science monitor xv CT Chicago tribune EB Ebenezer EG Economic geography EK Epworth-klockan ER Educational review EVR Evangelical review F Fortune FC Evangelical Free Church of America FF Frikyrkomotet forhandlingar och foredrag FME F6rgat-mig-ej FSA F6rf:s svensk-amerikanska folket FV Faculty viewpoints GA German American annals GGA Geografiska annaler GGR Geographical review GH Goteborgs handels-och sjofartstidning GR Germanic review GT Grade teacher H Hemat HA Hallandsk arsbok HCF Hylten-Cavallius Foreningens arsbok HHC History of Henry County, Illinois, by Henry L. Kiner. Chicago, 1910 HS Hem i Sverige HW Harper's weekly HY Hygeia (Stockholm) IJ Iowa journal of history and politics EL Illinois libraries IND Independent IS Iowa studies in language and literature ISHS Illinois State Historical Society. Transactions ISS University of Illinois studies in the social sciences JAH Journal of agricultural history JFA Julhalsning till forsamlingen i arkestiftet JFV Julhalsningar till forsamlingarna i Visby stift JH Julhelg JHU Johns Hopkins University studies JIHS Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society JMH Journal of modern history KB Korsbanaret KHA Kyrkohistorisk arskrift KK Kurre-kalender KLA Kalmar Lans arsbok for kulturhistoria och hembyg&skultur KMT Kansas music teacher KN Kalendern Nornan KSHS Collections of the Kansas State Historical Society L Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church LC Lutheran companion LCR Lutheran church review LQ Lutheran quarterly LSJ Lund's stifts julbok M Swedish Methodist Church MA Moderna amerikaner, by R. G.:son Berg. Stockholm, 1925 MAS Musiktidning for Amerikas svenskar MAW Minnesota alumni weekly MC My church MD Moline daily dispatch MFJ Minnen fran jubelfesten. Program, predikninger och tal vid Au- gustana Colleges och Augustana-synodens femtio ars-jubileum. Den 5-10 juni 1910. Rock Island, 1911 MG Morgonbris MH Minnesota history MHB Minnesota historical bulletin MHC Minnesota historical collections MHM Michigan history magazine MLN Modern language notes MM Munsey's magazine MS Manuscript MSA Middle States Association of History and Social Science Teachers. Proceedings MSM Minneskrift . . . Sv. Ev. Missions for i Am. MU Musician MUD Musical digest MV Midvinterboken MVHP Mississippi Valley Historical Association. Proceedings MVHR Mississippi Valley historical review N Nordstjernan NA De Nios arsbok NAHS Norwegian American historical studies and records NAR North American review NDHC North Dakota Historical Society collections NDHQ North Dakota historical quarterly NEFH National ekonomiska foreningen for handlingar NFM Nordiska familjeboks manadskronika NHSP Nebraska Historical Society publications NM Northland magazine NN A nation of nations, by Louis Adamic. New York and London, [1945] NOB Namn och bygd; tidskrift for nordisk ortnamnisforskning NOST Nordisk statistisk tidskrift NR New republic NS Det nya sverige NST Nya svensk tidskrift NT Nordisk tidskrift NU Numismatist NWP Nya wecko-postens kalender OB Ord och bild OC Our covenant OEA Onnestads elevforbunds arsbok OU Outlook P Palimpsest PB Prarieblomman PMLA Publications of the Modern Language Association of America PNQ Pacific Northwestern quarterly PS Princeton studies in American civilization QSCP Quarterly of the Society of California Pioneers RD Reader's digest RFA Riksfbreningen arsbok RR Review of reviews SA Svenska amerikanaren SAF Swedish American forum SAHB Swedish American historical bulletin SAM Sartain's magazine SASN Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study. Studies and notes SASP Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study. Proceedings SAT Samlaren tidskrift SC Scandinavia SCA School arts magazine SCD Sursum corda SD Social demokraten SDA Seventh Day Adventist Church SDB Svenska dagbladet SDHC South Dakota historical collections SE Science and education SEA Swedish element in America, by Erik G. Westman and E. Gustav Johnson, eds. Chicago, 1931-1934. 4v. SEP Saturday evening post SF Svenska folkrorelser SFV Skrifter utgifna af Svenska sallskapet "Svenska folkskolans vanner" SGA Svensk geografiska arsbok SGSA Sydsvenska geografiska sallskapets arsbok SHS Swedish Historical Society of America. Yearbook SHSB Swedish Historical Society of America. Bulletin SLA Swedes in America, by Adolph B. Benson and Naboth Hedin, eds. New Haven, 1938 SJ Sjomannen SK Skogsblommor SKT Svensk kyrkotidning SLS Svenska litterara sallskapet de nio. Arsbok SM Scribner's magazine SMO Scribner's monthly SMS Studier i modern sprakvetenskap SNF Skrifter utgifna of Svenska sallskapet for nykterhet folkuppfostran SOS Sprak och stil SP Swedish pioneer SPHQ Swedish pioneer historical quarterly SMS Studier i modern sprakvetenskap SR School review xviii SS Senior scholastic SSE Arsbok utgiven av s: t Erik i New York SSN Scandinavian studies and notes SSQ Southwestern social science quarterly SSR Sociology and social research ST Svensk tidskrift STI Sangartidningen STM Svensk tidskrift for musikforskning STP Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift for politik-statistik-ekonomi STV Studentforeningen Verdandis smaskrifter SVIA Svenskarna i Amerika, by Karl E. Hildebrand. Stockholm, 1925- 1926. 2v. SVR Svenska revyen SVS Svenska storman, by Harald Johnsson. Stockholm, 1936. 2v. TK Teologisk kvartalskrift TSK Tidskrift for svensk evangelisk-luthersk kirkohistoria i N. Amerika TT Teologisk tidskrift TW This week magazine UMG Ur minnets gommor. MinneapoUs, n. d. XjMS University of Minnesota studies in the social sciences UPB University of Pittsburgh bulletin US Utlandssvenskarna Tjv Ungdomsvannen VK Valkyrian VR Vinterrosor VS Vintersol VSH Vaxjo stifts hembygdskalendar WD Woman's day WMH Wisconsin magazine of history WT World today ZSB Zoological Society bulletin xix Chapter One BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIBLIOGRAPHIES The bibliography of bibliographies is limited to references pertaining to the causes of emigration from Sweden and the life of the Swedish immi- grants in America. In American history these immigrants constituted one of the smaller national groups. Their impact upon American life was sig- nificant but only in a relative sense. American standard bibliographical aids reflect this relativeness, and their references to the role of the Swedish im- migrant are few. Nearly all of these guides might therefore be ignored by the student of Swedish immigration. The emigration of hundreds of thousands of people from Sweden and its small population from 1840-1914 were the result of great and difficult re- adjustments in Sweden mirrored in almost every aspect of life. The history of emigration as far as Sweden is concerned is essentially the history of Sweden. It could, therefore, be expected that the more significant historical works on Sweden since 1840 should contain both material and bibliographi- cal references useful to the student of emigration. To list these works would be impossible in a bibliography with a limited scope. Furthermore, the Swedish historians in the past have failed to recognize the significance of emigration. This seems more strange as there existed a definite rela- tionship between the causes of emigration and the religious, social, economic, and political conditions as they reflected themselves in political legislation and the readjustments toward a social democracy in an industrial age. Emi- gration caused such concern in Sweden that it became the object of a major investigation by the government, an investigation into the causes of emi- gration, which is more exhaustive than any similar study. Yet very few historical works on the 19th century except those by a few such church his- torians as Ernst Newman and Gunnar Westin are of direct aid in the study of emigration. This could in part be explained by the strong Anglo- American influences upon religious conditions in Sweden. The temperance movement should also be mentioned as one of the im- portant Anglo-American influences. The bibliographical aids on this aspect of emigration and immigration are most disappointing. Nils Nordin's bib- liography suggests a rich literature. The Scandinavians constituted the major strength of the International Order of Good Templars in the United States. Yet the files at the Royal Library and Augustana College are most unsatisfactory when it comes to the printed sources of the I. O. G. T. and the role of the Swedish immigrant in the American temperance movement. No standard Swedish bibliographical work is mentioned. Actually Sam- uel E. Bring's work as well the publications of the Swedish Historical So- ciety have a very limited value to the student of emigration. Bring's work is annotated and suggestive rather than detailed. It points out the more im- portant primary sources and works of greater importance. The annual bib- liography of the Swedish Historical Society edited by Percy Elfstrand is a continuation of the work begun by Kristian Setterwall, and it corresponds essentially to Writings in American History published by the American His- torical Association. Among the most accessible and best known book catalogues are Svensk Bokkatalog, Arskatalog for Svenska Bokhandeln, Bjorck and Borjesson's Americana, and, of course, Sveriges Ofjentliga Bibliotek published by the Royal Library, as well as Accessionskatalogen. The search for primary sources necessitates the use of special guides such as Hedvig Lindestrom's Register till Emigrations Utredningen, the Arsbiblio- grafi prepared by Riksdagsbiblioteket and those compiled by E. Thyselius, P. M. Hebbe, L. Tunberg and N. Herlitz. It has already been stated that many measures were taken in Sweden to discourage emigration. A growing feeling of nationalism placed the emi- grant in an unfavorable light. He was often held up to ridicule. It is doubt- ful that the Swedish historians escaped this feeling of nationalism which made objectivity difficult in dealing with emigration, if it were not ignored. A growing interest in America and a friendlier attitude toward the emi- grants have reflected themselves in a number of special guides since 1925. This is seen in the bibliographical works of Nils Afzelius and particularly in Svensk Liter aturhistorisk Bibliograji, which he ably edited for many years. Here he includes the literature of the Swedish immigrant as a part of the literature of Sweden. Bengt Ahlen and his associates did the same in the preparation of their biographical dictionary of Swedish authors. This approach became popular in other fields outside of literature. Ex- cellent bibliographical aids are found in Svenskt Biografiskt Lexikon edited by Bertil Boethius and Bengt Hildebrand. Ernst Anderson's work is an invaluable guide to America books containing impressions of Swedish visi- tors to America. Ake Davidsson's volume on the literature of music contains many references pertaining to music among the immigrants. The interest in local history in Sweden is comparatively old and it has resulted in the organization of a large number of "hembygdsforeningar," which might be compared to our local historical societies. These provincial societies are responsible for a rich literature with a local color, to which several guides have been prepared. Strangely enough this literature contains little of interest to the student of emigration. One of the best examples of these guides is Gosta Ottervik's Litteratur om Blekinge. The most convenient of the ready references on Swedish immigration are, of course, those which deal directly with the subject. Of these the works by George M. Stephenson are by far the most significant and useful as biblio- graphical aids. In his work on John Lind he has masterfully used American and immigrant sources as few other historical craftsmen are able to do. In a study of the causes of emigration from Sweden attention should be di- rected to the growing number of doctoral theses written in Sweden on con- ditions in that country during the 19th century. Here one might well expect the presentation of largely unused sources or the reinterpretation of better known ones. The story of the journey has remained one of the most neglected aspects of emigration from Europe. Yet the sources on the journey are abundant and include among others "America books" and "Guide books" to which some excellent guides have been prepared. Many articles are counted among the best bibliographical aids. This is especially true of articles dealing with immigrant guides, the immigrant press and literature of both a secular and a religious nature. The latter were often written by people intimately associated either with the press or the church of the Swedes in America. All of these testify to an extensive literature of the immigrant and significant contributions to American life of one of the smaller immigrant groups. Otto Rob. Landelius and Nils William Olsson have collected a great deal of biographical material on Swedes in America. Landelius is interested in all Swedes living outside of Sweden while Olsson has limited the scope of his interests to Swedish immigrants in America prior to 1850. Landelius and Olsson are greatly dependent upon such literature as is found in Sven Agren's Svensk Biograjisk Uppslagslitteratur. Here are listed the various "Herdaminnen" of Boras, Gbteborg, Harnbsand, Ingermanland, Kalmar and other dioceses as well as the "matriklar" (register with brief biographi- cal notes) of schools, regiments, nations (fraternities), societies, and nu- merous genealogical references, all materials with which this guide does not concern itself. REFERENCES Afzelius, Nils. Books in English on Sweden. A bibliographical list. 3d rev. ed. Stockholm, 1951. [Alberg, Albert]. Catalogue of books, dramas, and lectures by Albert Al- berg. London, 1888. Albrecht, Esther [Andreen]. Gustav Andreen and the growth of Augustana College and Theological Seminary. M.A. thesis, University of Illinois, 1950. Alden, H. C. The Evangelical Lutheran Trinity College of Round Rock, Texas. M.A. thesis, University of Texas, 1929. Alexis, Joseph Emanuel Alexander. La litterature suedoise d'Amerique. Paris, 1930. Allwood, Martin S. "One hundred years of Swedish poetry in America." ASH, 3 (1948), 131-139. American leader. [Published semi-monthly in New York from 1912 to 1918, as the official organ of the American Association of Foreign Language Newspapers.] Andeen, Kenneth. Trends in the development of the program of higher education in the Augustana Lutheran Church. Ph.D. thesis, Columbia University, 1952. Ander, O. Fritiof. "Augustana College archives." IL, 37 (June 1955), 168- 175. A bibliography on Swedish history, 1809-1938. A manuscript in the Augustana College Library. "A bibliography on Swedish immigration and immigrant contribu- tions." SPHQ, 3 (April 1952), 35-44. 3 A guide to material on Swedish history in me Augustana College Library. Rock Island, 1934. "Possibilities of historical research at Augusiana College." FV, pp. 7-10. Swedish-American political newspapers. A guide to the collections in the Royal Library, Stockholm, and the Augustana College Library, Rock Island. Stockholm and Uppsala, 1936. T. N. Hasselquist. The career and influence of a Swedish-American clergyman, journalist, and educator. Rock Island, 1931. (AHP, v. 1). Anders, John Olson. The origin and history of Swedish religious organiza- tions in Minnesota, 1853-1885. Rock Island, 1932. Anderson, Lawrence Albert. The Swedes of Lindsborg, Kansas, and their cultural institutions: Bethany College and the Messiah Chorus. M.A. thesis, University of Chicago, 1953. Anderson, William Arlo. The Scandinavian immigrants and American pub- lic affairs, 1840-1872. Ph.D. thesis, Northwestern University, 1942. Andersson, Ernst. Bok-katalog omfattande geografi och resor (alia lander utom Sverige) aren 1901-1928. Stockholm, 1929. Andreen, Gustaf. "Den nuvarande svensk-amerikanska pressen." PB, 5 (1905), 165-184. Angstrom, Martha. "Swedish immigrant guide books of the early 1880's." ASHF, (1947), 22-48. Arden, G. Everett. The interrelationships between culture and theology in the Lutheran Church in America. Ph.D. thesis, University of Chicago, 1945. Arestad, S. "Bibliography on the Scandinavians of the Pacific Coast." PNQ, 36 (July 1945), 269-276. "Scandinavian-language newspapers on the Pacific Coast." PNQ, 34 (July 1943), 305-308; 36 (July 1945), 276-278. Babcock, Kendric C. The Scandinavian element in the United States. Ur- bana, 1914. (ISS, no. 3). Backlund, J. Oscar. A century of the Swedish American press. Chicago, 1952. Backlund, Oscar Theodore. Survival factors of Mission Covenant churches in Chicago. M.A. thesis, University of Chicago, 1935. Bengston, C. J. "Tidningspressen inom Augustana synoden." In: Minne- skrift med anledning af Augustana synodens femtioariga tillvaro. Rock Island, 1910. Benson, Adolph Burnett. American Scandinavian studies. Selected and edited with a bibliography by Marshall W. S. Swan. New York, 1952. Benson, Adolph and Hedin, Naboth. Swedes in America, 1638-1938. New Haven, 1938. Benson, Oscar A. Problems in the accommodations of the Swede to Ameri- can culture. Ph.D. thesis. University of Pittsburgh, 1933. Berg, Carl G. The Swedish settlement in northeastern Connecticut. A study of ethnic and cultural adjustment of a European folk to a modern Ameri- can environment. M.A. thesis, Clark University, 1942. Berg, R. G:son. "Nordamerikansk litteratur i Sverige." MA, pp. 149-186. Berger, V. Svenska tidningar i New York, N. Y. Brooklyn, 1929. Blackfisken. Arsbok. Chicago, 1920-1921. Bonggren, Jakob. "Huru svensk-amerikansk litteratur grundades." VS, (1904), 113-125. "Svensk-amerikansk litteratur." PB, 2 (1902) , 67-76. "Svenska litterara stromningar under de senaste tva decennierna samt spar af dessa i var svensk-amerikanska litteratur." VK, 2 (1898) , 534-538, 587-597. "Swedish-American literature." SEA, v. 2. Carlson, C. Emanuel. The adjustment of the Swedish immigrants to the American public school system in the Northwest. Ph.D. thesis, Uni- versity of Minnesota, 1949. Carlson, Leland H. A history of North Park College. Commemorating the fiftieth anniversary 1821-1941. Chicago, 1941. Carlson, William H. "Scandinavian collections in the libraries of the United States." SASN, 15 (1939), 217-238. "Swedish library collections in the United States." ASH, [1] (1943), 64-79. Enander, J. A. "Den svensk-amerikanska tidningspressen jamte korta no- tiser om tidningar pa norskt-danskt sprak i Amerika." Norden, (1902), 256-263. Flom, George T. "Bibliography. American publications on the languages and literatures of the Scandinavian countries." IS, 12 (May 1907), 3-66. History of Scandinavian studies in American universities, with bibliography. Iowa City, 1907. Gates, Paul Wallace. The Illinois Central Railroad and its colonization work. Cambridge, Mass., 1934. Gustafson, W. W. The Swedish language in the United States. Ph.D. thesis, University of the City of New York, 1929. Helmes, G. Winifred. The people's governor, John A. Johnson: a political biography. Ph.D. thesis, University of Minnesota, 1947. Hemdahl, Reuel Gustav. The Swedes in Illinois politics. Ph.D. thesis, Northwestern University, 1934. Hokanson, Nels. Swedish immigrants in Lincoln's time. New York and London, 1942. Janson, Florence Edith. The background of Swedish immigration 1340- 1930. Ph.D. thesis, University of Chicago, 1931. Johnson, Amandus. "Scandinavian-American literature." GA, n. s. 4 (Aug. 1906), 235-251. Johnson, E. Gustav. A. L. Skoog, Covenant hymnwriter and composer. Chicago, 1937. 5 Bibliography of the published works of Professor David Nyvall. Chicago, 1937. "Periodicals published among the Mission Covenant people in America." CM, pp. 209-231. Johnson, Gustav Elwood. The Swedes of Chicago. Ph.D. thesis, University of Chicago, 1940. Larson, Ernest S. The Evangelical Mission Covenant of America beginnings. Ph.D. thesis, University of Chicago, 1945. Lee, Charles and Julia. Katalog over C. och J. Lee utgivna skrifter. Stock- holm, 1930. Lieholm, Edwin T. The Lutheran chorale as a congregational hymn. Ph.D. thesis, Union Theological Seminary, 1945. Lindberg, Anna. Swedish immigration with special reference to California. M.A. thesis, University of California, 1938. Lindberg, John S. The background of Swedish emigration to the United States. An economic and sociological study in the dynamics of migra- tion. Minneapolis, 1930. Lindberg, Paul M. The academies and colleges of the Augustana Synod in Minnesota. Ph.D. thesis, University of Nebraska, 1946. Lindahl, Mac. "American plays in the Swedish theater." ASM, 39 (Dec. 1945), 12-14. Linder, Oliver A. "Newspapers." SIA, pp. 181-190. "Svensk-amerikanska litteraturen." SVIA, v. 2, pp. 199-312. "Writers of Swedish life in America." ASR, 6 (1918), 154-158. Svensk-amerikanska pseudonymer: nagra anteckningar. n. p., 1899. "Writers of Swedish life in America." ASR, 6 (May- June 1918), 154-158. Lindestrom, Hedvig. Register till emigrationsutredningens publikationer. Stockholm, 1914. Lindquist, Emory K. Smoky Valley people. A history of Lindsborg, Kansas. Lindsborg, 1953. (AHP, v. 13.) Lundbergh, Holger. "New Swedish note in American fiction." ASM, 38 (Nov. 1944), 12-13. Lundstrom, Vilhelm. "Ett arbete om den svenska pressen i Amerika." RFA, (1911). "Den svenska pressen utanfor Sverige." Tidningen Upsala, (Aug. 7, 9, 12, 1912). Meixner, Esther Chilstrom. The teaching of the Scandinavian languages and literatures in the United States. Ph.D. thesis, University of Pennsylva- nia, 1941. Mikkelsen, Michael A. The Bishop Hill colony. A communistic settlement in Henry County, Illinois. Baltimore, 1892. ( JHU, v. 10) . Moberg, Wensel W. Swedish elements in the land utilization of northeastern Connecticut. M.A. thesis, Clark University, 1942. Mortimer, Hazel. "The Swedish chapter in the history of Rockford, Illinois." M.A. thesis. Northwestern University, 1946. 6 Naeseth, Henriette C. K. The Swedish theater in Chicago 1868-1950. Rock Island, 1951. (ALP, no. 22.) Nelson, Carl Leonard. The sacred and the secular music of the Swedish settlers of the Midwest 1841-1917. Ph.D. thesis, New York University, 1950. Nelson, Helge. Nordamerika. Natur och bygd och svenskbygd. Stockholm, 1926. 2v. "Nagra svenskbygder i Nordamerika." SGA, (1927), 13-48. The Swedes and the Swedish settlements in North America. Lund, New York, Leipzig, London, Oxford, 1943. 2v. Newman, Ernst. Evangeliska alliansen. En studie i protestantisk enhets- och frihetsstravan. Lund, 1937. Nordskanska vackelserorelsen under 1800-talet. Stockholm, 1925. "Notes and comments." SAHB, 3 (Sept. 1930), 54-69; 3 (Dec. 1930), 13-18; 4 (Sept. 1931), 31-37. Nothstein, Ira O. "The Augustana Synod: its history, doctrines and activi- ties." ATQ, (July 1943 -Jan. 1945). "The Swedish -American newspaper collection at Augustana College, Rock Island, Illinois." SPHQ, 3 (April 1952), 45-55. Nylin, Henry George. The history of the Swedish Methodism. M.A. thesis, Northwestern University, 1925. Olson, Adolf. A centenary history as related to the Baptist General Con- ference of America. "A century of God's grace" 1852-1952. Chicago, 1952. Manuscript of materials found at Bethel College in St. Paul. Olson, Lee O. G. History of Swedish church music. Ph.D. thesis, Union Theological Seminary, 1946. Olson, Oscar Emanuel. A. L. Skoog: pioneer musician of the Evangelic Mis- sion Covenant Church of America. M.S. thesis, Northwestern Univer- sity, 1941. Olsson, Nils William. "Midwestern discoveries in Swedish archives." BASI, 4 (Dec. 1949), 8-11. "New aids to genealogical studies." BASI, 5 (March 1950), 19-21. Oppedale, H. O. Thomas Brown's Scandinavian newspaper directory. Chi- cago, 1894. Oppegard, Roy W. Governor John Albert Johnson and the reform area in Minnesota state government. M.A. thesis, University of Minnesota, 1937. Ottey, Abram C. F. The Swedish race in America. Philadelphia, 1940. Park, Robert Ezra. The immigrant press. New York, 1922. Person, Peter P. A history of higher education among Swedish immigrants in America. Ph.D. thesis, Harvard University, 1941. Peterson, Harold E. Railroads and the settlement of Minnesota, 1862-1882. M.A. thesis, University of Minnesota, 1927. Princell, Josephine. "Den svenska kristna tidningspressen i Amerika." SK, (1913), 105-119. Rehnstrom, August E. A. An interpretation of the history of religious education in Sweden. Ph.D. thesis, Boston University, 1945. Robinson, E. Van Dyke. "Early economical conditions and the development of agriculture in Minnesota." Minneapolis, 1915. (UMS, no. 3.) Rosenquist, Carl M. The Swedes of Texas. Ph.D. thesis, University of Texas, 1930. Skarstedt, Ernst. "Den svensk-amerikanska pressen, litteraturen och konsten." FSA, pp. 148-218. Pennfaktare. Svensk-amerikanska forfattare och tidningsman. Stockholm, 1930. Vara pennfaktare. Lefnads och karaktarsteckningar ofver svensk- amerikanska tidningsman, skalder och forfattare, med portratter samt talrika utdrag ur den poetiska och humoristiska litteraturen. San Fran- cisco. 1897. (Revised by Publicistklubben and published in Vagabond och redaktor. Lefnadsoden och tidsbilder. Seattle, 1914.) "Svensk-amerikanska forfattare." UV, 9 (Nov. 1904) -14 (July (1909). Svensk-amerikanska poeter i ord och bild. Minneapolis, 1890. Soderstrom, Alfred. Blixtar pa tidnings-horisonten, samlade och magasine- rade. Warroad, Minn., 1910. Stephenson, George M. A history of American immigration 1820-1924. Bos- ton, 1926. John Lind of Minnesota. Minneapolis, 1935. The religious aspects of Swedish immigration. A study of immi- grant churches. Minneapolis, 1932. "Swedish immigration material." MH, 18 (1937) , 69-75. Sundkler, Bengt. Svenska Missionssallskapet 1835-1876. Uppsala, 1937. Sundstrom, E. "Bidrag till en Jenny Lind bibliografi." STM, 2 (1920), 273- 283. Svensk-amerikanska pressen och svenska journalistforbundet i Amerika. Rock Island, 1923. Swan, G. N. "Svensk-amerikansk historia. Nagra ord om kallskrifter." UV. (Nov. 1915). Swedish-American literary periodicals. Rock Island, 1936. (AHP, v. 6.) Swanson, Roy W. "Some Swedish emigrant guide books of the second half of the nineteenth century." SHS, 11 (1926), 103-124. "Swedish-American press." ASH, [1] (1943), 82-85; 2 (1945), 105-109; 3 (1948), 126-130. Sweedlund, Verne S. A history of agriculture in Nebraska, 1870-1930. Ph.D. thesis, University of Nebraska, 1940. Swenson, Edgar. "The Swedish-American press nears its century mark." ASM, 42 (Aug. 1948), 6-7, 28-29. Tillberg, Frederick. The development of commerce between the United States and Sweden 1870-1925. Ph.D. thesis, State University of Iowa, 1928. (ALP, no. 12.) 8 WaUenius, C. G. "Svensk-amerikanarnes litteratur." SHS, 2 (1908), 5-12. Westin, Gunnar. George Scott och hans verksamhet i Sverige. Stockholm, 1929. 2v. White, George LeRoy, Jr. Scandinavian themes in American fiction. Ph.D. thesis, University of Pennsylvania, 1935. Widen, Albin. "Scandinavian folklore and immigrant ballads." BASI, n. s. 2 (March 1947), 2-44. Wold, Olga M. W. The history of the Augustana Synod, 1860-1870. M. A. thesis, University of Minnesota, 1927. Zweibergk, Brita von. "Emigrationslitteratur i Kalmar centralbibliotek." KLA, (1951), 41-50. Chapter Two THE BACKGROUND OF SWEDISH EMIGRATION A study of the causes of emigration from Sweden after 1840 becomes es- sentially a study of the history of Sweden during the 19th century. But it is also a study of those conditions in the United States which attracted so many immigrants. Emigration and immigration cannot be separated. It is impossible to focus attention upon the social, economic, political, and re- ligious ills of Sweden and the problems faced as an old social order gave room for democracy and equalitarianism without simultaneously pointing to the existence of a democracy on the other side of the Atlantic. The birth of a social democracy in Sweden was slow and very painful. It is to be identi- fied with the great folk-movements of liberalism, temperance, and religious awakening which promised much for the future. But these movements seem almost to lose themselves in great economic readjustments associated with the commercial, agricultural, and industrial revolutions and the rise of organized labor. During the period of adjustment there was a spirit of restlessness and impatience though change gradually held out more promise and hope for the future. America fever threatened to almost depopulate Sweden during the 1880's when emigration reached a new high, and this fear may well have provided an impetus in Sweden for more rapid changes in the direction of social justice. But before any measurable results had been achieved hundreds of thousands of Swedes had found their way to America, until nearly two-sevenths of all Swedes are to be found in Amer- ica, if descendants of Swedish immigrants are included. They came to America to escape the difficult conditions in Sweden and to share in benefits of a social order established upon democratic faiths. They came in search for opportunity, and to them America had become synonymous with progress, change, hope, and above all a new home. In a study of Swedish emigration the magnetic power of America cannot be ig- nored. America letters and other accounts of immigrants were filled with enthusiasm for America, and the guide books hardly ever failed to paint America as the land of promise. The study of the causes of emigration is an extremely complex one, and the historian must always be ready to search for new materials and sources which might be useful to him. This search might well begin with the sources listed below under books, pamphlets, and articles, which soon will provide new leads. Many excellent references, undoubtedly the best, are to be found listed in the "Bibliography of Bibliographies" and many general works on the Swedes in America con- tain material of value. The Swedish-American newspapers, periodicals, and annuals contain references that cannot be ignored, and from 1840 to the present time the Swedish press contains invaluable information on the causes of Swedish emigration. America books, America letters found in many archives on both sides of the Atlantic, guide books, and, of course, 10 official government publications are rich in materials deserving the his- torian's search. Sweden is most fortunate in having a very rich literature of official pub- lications. The possible consequences of mass emigration upon the national economy of the country led to the most exhaustive study made by any country of the causes of emigration. This study is called Emigrations Ut- redningen, which constitutes a major source on the history of emigration from Sweden. A growing feeling of nationalism expressed itself in many ways and did not fail to influence the nature of official reports and studies, but this in no way undermines their significance to the student of immigra- tion to America. Sweden has reason to be proud of its official statistics and the reports of its provincial governors, departments or bureaus of commerce, mining, manufacture, agriculture, fishing, and health. These are not merely dry statistics. They provide the background for a significant social inter- pretation of Sweden's great folk movements, including emigration. The Church of Sweden is an agency of the state, and the official records of the church are numerous and of considerable importance in understand- ing the nature of the religious awakening of the last century. Many refer- ences can easily be secured by consulting the works of Sweden's eminent church historians. Sweden has a large press and a press which has played a significant role in forming public opinion since 1830. This press consisting of dailies, week- lies, monthlies, quarterlies, and annuals abounds in references to America, the causes of emigration, the Swedish immigrant in America, the impact of emigration upon life in Sweden, the Americanization of Sweden, and other topics which have kept America in the public mind in Sweden. Excellent and adequate guides are available to the press, and the inclusion of the Swedish press in this bibliography seemed therefore unnecessary. Some oddities have been selected, however. These represent publications of pe- riodicals or flysheets which aimed to call special attention to America. Of course, America letters found their way into the secular press and both George M. Stephenson and the compiler of this bibliography have had photostats made of many of these letters which have been presented to the Augustana College Library. Gunnar Westin has published a large number of America letters secured from the Augustana College Library files and from Bethel Seminary of Stockholm. REFERENCES BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS Agardh, Carl Adolf, and Carl Edvard Ljungberg. Forsok till en statsekono- misk statistik ofver Sverige. Carlstad, 1857; Stockholm, 1857-1863. Almkvist, N. J. F. Emigrations -utredningen och folkskolan. Ar professor Gustav Sundbargs kritik berattigad? Harnosand, 1914. Almquist, C. J. L. Svenska fattigdomens betydelse. Valda skrifter, v. 5. R. G. Berg, ed. Amark, Karl. Utvandring och naringslif i Norrland. Stockholm, 1912. Anderson, M[arna] F. The Baptists in Sweden. Philadelphia, [I860]. 11 Anderson, Theodor, and Axel Andersson. Svenska missionsfbrbundet. Dess uppkomst och femtioariga verksamhet: Yttre missionen. Stockholm, 1928; Inre missionen. Stockholm, 1928-1929. 3 v. Andersson, Gunnar. Emigrationsprcblemet. Stockholm, 1924. Andersson, Johan. Amerika eller Sverige? Nagra ord om emigrationen, dess orsaker och verkningar. Kalmar, 1870. Frihet eller slaferi? Nagra antydningar om de faror, som hota folkens och frihetens sak. Kalmar, 1868. Andree, A. Foredrag om de daliga tiderna och deras orsaker. Stockholm, 1880. Baird, Robert. A visit to Northern Europe: or sketches descriptive, histori- cal, political and moral of Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Finland. New York, 1841. 2v. Berg, Gustaf. National foreningen mot emigrationen 1907-1912. Stockholm, 1912. Bergholm, Paul. National foreningen mot emigrationen 1907-1917. Stock- holm, 1917. Bergman, C. W. Den religiosa fragan. Jonkoping, 1848. Den sociala fragan af forfattaren till "den religiosa fragan." Stock- holm, 1848. Bergman, Johan. Den svenska nykterhetsrbrelsens historia. Ostersund. 1893. Rev. ed. 1913. Borgstrom, J. A. Hafva vi religionsfrihet i Sverige? Stockholm, 1888. Brace, Charles L. The Norse-folk; or a visit to the homes of Norway and Sweden. London, 1857. Brandt, Gustaf. C. O. Rosenii fbrkunnelse. En studie i svensk lekmanna- predikan. Ph.D. thesis, Stockholm, 1918. Bremner, Robert. Excursions in Denmark, Norway and Sweden; including notices of the state of public opinion in those countries and anecdotes of their courts. London, 1840. 2v. Bruhn, Carl. Stanna hemma! Amerikanska penndrag tillagnade den svenska landstormen. Stockholm, 1916. Bunbury, Selina. Life in Sweden; with excursions in Norway and Den- mark. London, 1853. 2v. Bystrom, Jakob. En frikyrklig banbrytare eller O. F. Nilssons lif och verk- samhet. Stockholm, 1911. Calvert, James G. Emigration och jernvagspolitik. Gbteborg, 1906. Cleri comitialis circular till samtlige herrar biskopar och consistorieme i riket. Stockholm, 1841. Conricus, Richard. Hem och hard. Studier i egna-hemsfragan. Gbteborg, 1903. Cooper, Sidney W. Rambles in Sweden. A series of letters from Sweden to a newspaper in America. Gothenburg, 1884. Drake, A. M. Uppkomsten af baptistfbreningar i Stockholms distriktsfbre- ning. Arsafhandling, upplast i Betelkapellet i Stockholm vid Stock- holms distriktsfbrenings 12:e arsmbte d. 4 juni 1874. Stockholm, 1874. 12 Drake, A. M., and J. A. Borgstrom. De svenska baptisternas historia under de forsta 50 aren 1848-1898. Stockholm, 1898. Edquist, Carl. Laseriet i Skelleftebygden under 1800-talet. Stockholm, 1917. Det stora nodaret. Kulturhistorisk berattelse fran Vasterbotten och Lappmarken. Stockholm, 1925. Ekman, E. J. Den inre missionens historia. Jonkoping, 1921-1922. Erik-Jansonismen i Helsingland. Historisk och dogmatisk framstallning jemte wederlaggning af laran. Gefle, 1845. 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The Scandinavian countries, 1720-1865. The rise of the middle classes. Boston. 1943. 2v. Rev. ed., 1948. Howard V. Swanston. Nar Maja- Lisa kom hem fran Amerika. Folkskrifter utgifna af Nationalforeningen mot Emigrationen. Stockholm, 1908. Jansson, Erik. Erik Janssons afskedstal. Printed from the original manu- script of 1846. Galva, 111., n. d. Afskedstal till alia Sweriges innewanare som foraktadt mig, den som Jesus hafwer sandt; eller forkastat det namnet Erik Jansson. Soderhamn, 1846. Ett ord i sinom tid, eller en kort wederlaggning af "Erik Jansis- men i Helsingland." Soderhamn, 1846. Forklaring ofwer den Heliga Skrift eller cateches. Forfattad i fragor och svar. Soderhamn, 1846. Nagra ord till Guds forsamling. Soderhamn, 1846. Nagra Sanger samt boner. Soderhamn, 1846. Rev. ed., Galva, 111. 1857. Jerrold, W. Blanchard. Travels and adventures in Sweden and Norway: or, Notes from the North in 1852. London, 1854. Johansson, Sam. A. Ur minnet. Skildringar och erfarenheter fran den and- liga brytningstiden i vart land under midten och senare half ten af forra arhundradet. Eksjo, 1911. 13 Johnson, Pehr. Allmogeliv in Gbinge fran borjan och mitten av 1800-talet. Tralleborg, 1920. Jonzon, B. G. Blad ur Bollnas forsamlings kyrkohistoria. Uppsala, 1899. Kallstrbm, [John] Arvid. Bidrag till den svenska pietismens historia. Stock- holm, 1894. Key, Helmer. Emigrationsproblemet och de transoceana kontinenternas kbpkraft. Stockholm, 1925. Kjellberg, Isidor. Ett minne. Till dem som bygga och bo i och omkring Motala. Skeninge, 1869. Svenska arbetarembtet [i Stockholm, 1879] och dess man. Ater- blick af en mbtesdeltagare. Linkbping, 1879. Sagverksarbetarne i Norrland. Anteckningar . . . under ett besbk i Norrland strax efter sagverksarbetarnes allmanna, af landshbfding Treffenberg valdsamt undertrykta arbetsinstallning i slutet af maj 1879. Linkbping, 1879. Ur en cellfanges dagbok under den tid — fran 11 april till 11 juni, 1881 — han i enligt med kgl. m:ts allernadigaste dom hallitis fbrvarad i Ostergbtlands lanshakte med anledning af vice pastor Hallanders sann presterliga tryckfrihetsatal. Linkbping, 1881. Kraemer, Henry von. Ett ord till amerikafararen. Flygblad utgifvet af Na- tionalfbreningen mot emigrationen. Stockholm, 1909. Lagergren, A[nders]. Om de andeliga rbrelserna i Sverige serdeles med afseende pa den riktning separatisterna utvecklat. Stockholm, 1855. Laing, Samuel. A tour in Sweden in 1838. London, 1839. Lindberg, Axel. Nagra betraktelser rbrande framjandet af landets jordbruk och hammandet af emigrationen. Uppsala, 1882. Lindgren, John. Det socialdemokratiska arbetarpartiets uppkomst i Sverige. Stockholm, 1927. Lindhagen, Carl Albert. Yttrande i riksdagens andra kammare angaende emigrationen. Stockholm, 1869. Lloyd, L[lewellyn]. Peasant life in Sweden. London, 1870. Lumsden, James. 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"Om utvandringen." NEFH, (1889), 45-58. "Vara jordbruksarbetare med sarskildt afseende pa den ameri- kanska konkurrensen." NEFH, (1887), 49-62. Lindahl, Mac. "Svensk-amerikanska nyhetsbyran i New York och Stock- holm infor 30-arjubileet." US, 13 (Oct. 1951), 9-15. Lindgren, Karl. "Nativiteteminskning i Sverige efter 1910." NS, (March, 1928) . Lindskog, Fredrik. "Nagra synpunkter i fragan om den svenska emigra- tionens organisation." RFA, (1925), 73-89. Lindstrom, David E. "The Bishop Hill settlement." ASHF, (1945), 35-62. Ljungberg, E. J. "Nagra synpunkter pa emigrationsfragan." NS, 4 (1910), 50-58. Moberg, Vilhelm. "How the America-legend was born in Sweden." ASM, 42 (Dec. 1948) , 6-7, 40, 42. Molin, Adrian. "Folkskolan och emigrationen." NS, 2 (1908), 351-366. "Olandsemigrationen och blanningarna." SD, (Feb. 12, 1917) . Nilsson, Emil. "En viktig och betydelsefull fraga i var varnpliktsutbildning." Stockholm. SNF, 4 (1902) , 1-24. Norelius, Erik. "Den forsta svenska invandringen till Forenta Staterna." PB, 1 (1900), 37-49. Northland, G. "Inducing Swedes to return to Sweden." WT (Aug. 1907) . Ollen, N. P. "De frikyrkliges politiska ansvar." FF, (1924) , 176-192. "Om den religiosa separatismen i landet fornamligast i erkestiftet. Ur erke- biskopens berattelse vid sist hallna prestmote." SKT, (1859) , 193-205. Roden, Nils. "Evangeliska fosterlands-stiftelsen." SF, v. 2, pp. 27-59. "Herrnhutismen i Norrland." KHA, 38 (1938), 160-204. Scott, Franklin D. "American influence in Norway and Sweden." JMH, 18 (March 1946), 37-47. "Mr. Klinckowstrom's America." SPHQ, 3 (Winter 1952), 3-18. Soderblom, Anna. "Lasare och Amerikafarare pa 1840-talet." JH, (1925), 80-93. Sonden, C. U. "Anteckningar och reflexioner, angaende den epidemiska religiosa ecstas, som herrskade i Sverige ar 1841 och 1842; en sjukdom i medeltiden, kand under namnet: Chorea S:t Vita." HY, (Dec. 1842- July 1843). Stephenson, George M. "An America letter of 1849." SHS, 11 (1926), 84-102. "Some footnotes to the history of Swedish immigration from about 1855 to about 1865." SHS, 7 (1921-22), 33-52. "The background of the beginnings of Swedish immigration, 1850- 1875." AHR, 31 (July 1926) , 708-731. "The mind of the Scandinavian immigrant." NAHS, (1929), 63-73. "Typical America letters 1859-1869." SHS, 7 (1921-22), 52-93. Stomberg, A. A. "Letters of an early emigrant agent in Scandinavian coun- tries." SAHB, 3 (June 1930), 7-52. 20 [Swan, G. N.] "Kronologisk redogorelse for den tidiga svenska emigrationen till Forenta Staterna." (Clippings by G. N. Swan from Svenska Moni- toren during 1918. AL.) Thornberg, E[rnst] H[erman]. "Folkrorelsen och emigrationen." NS, (1914), 228-243. "Pingstvackelsen och Sveriges religiosa folkrorelser." ST, (1926), 298-310. Wallis, Curt. "Ett besok hos mormonerna." NT, (1888), 351-370; 405-424. Wallman, Bengt. "Hilleprasten som for till Amerika." JFA, (1942) . Westin, Gunnar. "Background of the Swedish pioneer immigration, 1840- 1850." ASHF, (1948), 20-31. "Brev fran C. O. Rosenius till Amerika." KHA, (1930) , 239-348. "Brev fran L. P. Esbjorn 1840-1850." KHA, (1946), 211-266. "George Scott's journey to America." SAHB, 5 (June 1932) , 7-30. "Den svenska frikyrkororelsens behandling i vara larobacker." FF, (1924), 134-147. Westling, G. "Den religiosa stallningen inom Linkopings stift under 1800- talet." KHA, (1913), 37-132. Wieselgren, Harald. "Almquist bref fran Amerika." SAT, 23 (1902), 113-123. SWEDISH PERIODICALS OF IMPORTANCE IN THE STUDY OF EMIGRATION Allsvensk samling. Published by Riksforeningen for svenskhetens beva- rande i utlandet. Goteborg, 1914-. Allsvensk samling, Amerika -nummer, Juni, 1948 Amerika bladet. Orebro, 1869-1870. Amerikanaren. Meddelar nyheter om svenskarne i Amerika. Utg. A. H. Holmberg. No. 1 onsdagen den 8 maj 1889. Halmstad, 1889. Amerikanska posten. Stockholm, 1893-1894. Arsbok. Utg. av Riksforeningen for svenskhetens bevarande i utlandet. Goteborg, 1909-1932. Hem i Sverige. Kvartalskrift utgifven af National-foreningen mot emigra- tionen. (1908-1918) (A continuation of Kvartalsblad utgifvet af . . .) Kvartalsblad utgifvet af National foreningen mot emigrationen. Stockholm, 1908-. (Continued as Hem i Sverige.) Svensk-amerikanska posten. No. 1 Onsdagen den 1 juli 1925 Stockholm. Utlandssvenskarna. Organ for Utlandssvenskarnas forening. Stockholm, 1939-. Vintersol. Illustrerad kalender. Stockholm, 1892-1925. Vara svenskar. Organ for utlandssvenskar i Sverige och utlandet. Stock- holm, 1933-1940. Wecko-post fran Amerika. N:o 1 thorsdagen den 2 September 1869. Stock- holm. 21 OFFICIAL SWEDISH GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS Bidrag till Sveriges officiella statistik. Befolkningsstatistik. Ny foljd. 1-52. Statistiska centralstyrelsens berattelser 1851/55, 1856/60, 1861-1910. C. [Bergshandtering. Aldre foljd. 2.] Bergskollegii och Kommer- skollegii berattelser 1833-1857. [Ny foljd]. Kommerskollegii berattelser 1858-1910. Stockholm, 1832-1912. D. [Fabriker och manufakturer. Aldre foljd.] Kommerskollegii berattelser 1830-1857. Fabriker och [1858-1895:] manufakturer [1896- 1910:] handtverk. [Ny foljd.] Kommerskollegii berattelser 1858-1910. Stockholm, 1830-1912. E. [Inrikes sjofart. Aldre foljd]. Kommerskollegii berattelser 1828- 1857. Inrikes sjofart. [Ny foljd]. Kommerskollegii berattelser 1858-1864. Inrikes sjofart och handel. Kommerskollegii berattelser 1865-1894. Sjo- fart. Kommerskollegii berattelser 1895-1910. Stockholm, 1830-1912. F. [Utrikes handel och sjofart. Aldre foljd]. Sammandrag av kon- sulernes insande skeppslistor 1824-1827 [samt:]. Kommerskollegii berat- telser om rikets utrikes sjofart 1828-1857. Utrikes handel och sjofart. [Ny foljd]. Kommerskollegii berattelser 1858-1894. Handel. Kommer- skollegii berattelser 1895-1910. Stockholm, 1830-1912. H. Kungl. maj:ts befallningshafvandes femarsberattelser. [Aldre foljder t. o. m. 1855]. Kungl. maj:ts befallningshafvandes femarsberat- telser. [Ny foljd]. Utarb. av Statistiska centralbyran. 1856/60-1901/05. K. [Halso- och sjukvarden Aldre foljd]. Sundhetskollegii berattel- ser 1851-1860. Halso- och sjukvarden. [Ny foljd. 1.] Sundhetskollegii och Medicinalstyrelsens berattelser 1861-1910. Halso- och sjukvard. [Ny foljd. 2.] Overstyrelsens over hospitalen och Medicinalstyrelsens berat- telser ang sinnessjukvarden 1861-1910. Stockholm, 1853-1912. N. Jordbruk och boskapsskotsel. [Foljd 1]. Hushallningssallska- pens berattelser 1865-1911. Jordbruk och boskapsskotsel. [Foljd 2]. Sammandrag av K. maj:ts bef.-h:s arsvaxtsberattelser 1874-1910. Stock- holm, 1865-1911. Q. Skogsvasendet. 1. Skogsstyrelsens berattelse intill ar 1870. Skogsvasendet. 2-20. Skogsstyrelsens och domanstyrelsens berattelser 1870-1888. Statens domaner. Domanstyrelsens berattelser 1889-1910. Stockholm, 1889-1910. U. Kommunernas fattigvard och finanser. 1-44. Statistiska central- byrans underdaniga berattelse for ar . . . 1874-1917. Stockholm, 1877- 1920. Bihang till riksstandents protokoll 1862-1863. 4 saml. 2 afd. Statsutskottets memorial, utlatanden och betankanden N: o 3. Gullberg, Hj., and G. Sundbarg. Folkmangden och folkokningen i Skandi- navien 1815-1880. Stockholm, 1882. Jonson, Viktor. Nordamerikanska landtbruksstudier. Stockholm, 1908. Lewenhaupt, Carl. Berattelse af Kongl. Maj:ts charge d'affaires i Washing- ton rorande emigrationen fran de forenade rikena till Amerikas Forenta Stater. Stockholm, 1871. 22 Meddelanden. Sociala meddelanden. Utg. af Kungl. kommerskollegii af- delning for arbetsstatistik [senare: Kungl. socialstyrelsen]. Stockholm, 1912-1928. Sjocrona, C. Om utvandringen. Utlatande afgifvet pa nadig bef alining. Mariestad, 1882. Sundbarg, G. Sweden: its people and its industry. Historical and statistical handbook. Stockholm, 1904. Sveriges officiella statistik. Stockholm [m. fl.], 1769-. Sveriges land och folk. Historisk-statistisk handbok utg. av J. Guinchard. D. 1-2. Stockholm, 1915-1916. Sweden. Historical and statistical handbook. By order of the Swedish government; ed. by J. Guinchard. D. 1-2. Stockholm, 1914. 23 Chapter Three AMERICA BOOKS America books stimulated an interest in America and a desire to emi- grate from Sweden. The term "America book" is not easily defined. In the broadest sense any work dealing specifically with America might be in- cluded from James Fenimore Cooper's The Deerslayer to the more recent dime novels of the Wild West, which, by the way, enjoyed great popu- larity. American literature has long been popular in Sweden, where Ameri- can authors are as well known as they are here, but their works must be excluded here from America books. This bibliography includes only those which might be classified as descriptive works of America, limiting itself essentially to Swedish visitors' impressions of America. Prior to 1860 Swedish conceptions of America were often shaped by French, German, and English visitors to America — a literature to which several good guides have been prepared. The more important writers in- cluded Harriet Martineau, Alexis de Toqueville, and Frances Wright. It must be understood that these authors might not have been read necessarily by those who emigrated, but their America books were discussed by the Swed- ish press and the discussions did much in shaping an opinion about Amer- ica. Strong Anglo-American influences were making themselves felt in Sweden, and in the light of these it would hardly be possible to ignore among the America books a volume written by Robert Baird, whose efforts to spread the gospel of temperance had enjoyed royal sympathy. The list of authors could be expanded to include many whose impressions of America secured the attention of the press, such as Hall, Hamilton, Mrs. Trollope, Stuart, Beaumont, Dickens, Chevalier, Power, Lyell, and others; but such a list comes outside of the scope of this bibliography. More important are the descriptions of America by such persons as Carl David Arfwedson, Fred- rika Bremer, Carl August Gosselman, Carl Ulrich von Hauswolff, Leonard Klinkowstrom, and Per Adam Siljestrom. Siljestrom's account of America is regarded as one of the best on education in America written prior to the Civil War. Of course, Fredrika Bremer is highly esteemed. It is not easy to judge the relative importance of a given number of travelogues as factors in creating an interest in emigration. Such criteria as the date of publication might seem relevant. Hauswolff's description of America would appear to have been published too early to have had a great influence on emigration. The date of publication seems here to be irrelevant. Hauswolff was compelled to answer adverse criticisms by Nya Ajtonbladet fifteen years after the publication of his America book in a reply which he entitled Till det Nya Ajtonbladet svar pa dess; Nagot om de Forenta Staterna i Norra Amerika (Norrkoping, 1855). It is a well-known fact that Unonius was acquainted with the work of Hauswolff. But more and more emigrants left Sweden for America. Their letters arrived in Sweden addressed to relatives, friends, newspapers, and periodi- 24 cals and a new interest in America was awakened. A few emigrants re- turned home and wrote accounts of their experiences in America. The most important of these was Gustaf Unonius, whose account has recently been translated by Jonas Oscar Backlund in A Pioneer in Northwest America 1841-1858 as the only significant publication of the Swedish Pioneer His- torical Society. Col. Hans Mattson, who was one of the best-known figures among the Swedish immigrants, had his recollections published in Sweden even though he did not return to his native land to live. This form of literature grew richer as more emigrants returned to the land of their birth. A few of these had been associated either with the immigrant press or the church, and they were unusually well qualified to describe the life among their fellow-countrymen in America. Those whose association had been with the press frequently sought to secure the attention of the public by giving their accounts titles which would catch the attention of the public. They would also at times popularize their accounts to such an extent as to turn them into a class of "semi-fiction" for which the Swedes have a good word, namely, romantiserad skildring. The America books written by a returning emigrant or a Swedish visitor to America after 1865-1870 have another interest to the historian than that concerned with stimulating emigration from Sweden. They contain invalu- able information about the immigrants in America, their distribution, their churches, press, occupations and professions, their reactions to America, their sentiments for the old country, and their adjustments to American life. Prior to 1910 this literature was not important quantitatively, but in quality it has perhaps a greater significance than the deluge of travel descriptions by Swedes of America which was to follow. These more important ob- servers of American life and Swedish settlements in the United States in- clude Ernst Beckman, Hugo Nisbeth, Carl Sundbeck, Joel Thulin, G. von Wendt, August Palm, and Paul Peter Waldenstrom. The last is one of many clergymen from Sweden to visit America, but no one else's accounts created a greater controversy than those of the very observing Walden- strom. Unfortunately there were authors of America books from Sweden who showed no great interest in the Swedish settlements in America, as for instance Anna Lenah Elgstrom, Thorsten Gislen, Sven Anders Heden, Siri Hard af Segerstad, Claes Adem Carl Lewenhaupt, Martha Lindquist, Gustaf Adolf Nordenskiold, Folke Adolphson Palander and a few others. Science, crime or Hollywood seemed more worthy of the attention of some visitors than the unexciting routine of everyday life among the immigrants. Racial and religious prejudices are to be found among all people, and a large number of America books contained a morbid interest in the Mor- mons. Anti-Mormon literature published in Sweden grew partly out of curiosity and partly out of the desire to counteract the missionary activi- ties of the Mormons in Sweden. This literature was seldom the product of Swedes themselves and, therefore, it has not been included in this chapter since it was not important in formulating new concepts of America. Un- fortunately it must be said that the anti-Mormon publications gave the im- pression of being true accounts of visitors in the form of travelogues or "the inside story" of the secrets of the Mormons revealed by a former "saint" or a woman who had escaped from Utah. 25 Another form of America books is to be found within the realm of fic- tion. These could not be included within the scope of this bibliography even when written by Swedish authors and pertaining to Swedish emigra- tion and immigrants in America. Their story was very different from the stories of cowboys, Indians and burning prairies so familiar to the youth of Sweden a generation or more ago. The theme needed the mind of an artist as well as the mind of an historian, for it concerned itself with a topic too close to the average home in Sweden to be dealt with effectively and ac- ceptably purely as a matter of fiction or the work of the imagination. A number of novels have been written in Sweden about the emigrant as well as about the immigrant, but the greatest number of these are not great as works of literature and fall short on other counts as well. Some authors lacked an understanding of America's magnetic powers for hundreds of thousands of Swedes and the motives of emigration which were frequently accompanied by great personal, intellectual and spiritual struggles. Others wrote a fiction based on actual experiences, and these might offer both a pleasant and realistic account of the life among the immigrants without having great literary merits. Emigration from Sweden is a field yet to be successfully exploited by the novelist. The works of Vilhelm Moberg and Albin Widen seem to indicate that the time has arrived for the novelist to turn to the rich and largely unexploited field of emigration. There has been a growing interest in this literature in Sweden as is indicated also by the larger number of novelists who have turned to this field within the last few years. Of these Walter Dickson, Ture Nerman and others are repre- sentative. E. Gustav Johnson has recently prepared a guide to "Some Swed- ish Travelogues and Records of Experiences in America." (SPHQ, 3 [Oct. 1952], 104-112). REFERENCES Afzelius, Ivar. Med "de Svenske" till Stillahavskusten. 20.000 miles under sangarfanan. Stockholm, 1927. Albertson, Bror. Till det soliga Florida. Goteborg, 1926. Andersson, Axel. Harda ar. En emigrants oden och upplevelser i dollar- landet. Orebro, 1940. Anderson, N. J. En verldsomsegling skildrad i bref. Stockholm, 1853-1854. Anna Maria. Tio ar i Forenta Staterna. Ystad, 1880. Annerstedt, Herman. Minnen fran fjerran lander i Amerika. Uppsala, 1872. Arfwedson, C. D. Forenta Staterna och Canada, aren 1832, 1833 och 1834. Stockholm, 1835. Minnen fran Europa och Amerika af forfattaren till "Foren-Sta- terna och Canada" m. fl. Stockholm, 1837. Scener i Nord -Amerika. Ur en svensk resandes minnesbok. Stock- holm, 1836. Aslagsson, Olai. Med snalskjuts. Upplevelser pa amerikanska jarnvagar, Lund, 1923. Assar, A. O. Mormonernas Zion. Studier och iakttagelser fran Saltsjbstaden. Stockholm, 1911. Atterling, Carl. Genom ekluten i Amerika. Stockholm, 1910. 26 Beckman, Ernst. Amerikanska studier. Stockholm, 1883. Fran nya verlden. Reseskildringar fran Nordamerikas Forenta Stater. Stockholm, 1877. Bengendal, Johan. Amerika brev. Uppsala, 1925. Berg, P. C. Svenska minnen pa utlandska orter. Stockholm, 1874. Bergman, Joh[an]. Intryck fran Amerika just nu. Stenografiskt referat av ett foredrag i Stockholm den 20 jan. 1926. Stockholm, 1926. Bjerking, Arvid, ed. En skansk banbrytare i Amerika: Trued Granville Pearsons sjalvbiografi. Oskarshamn, 1937. Bjorck, Percy. Mitt Ellis-Island-aventyr. Emigrantliv. Malmo, 1914. Bjork, O. L. Pa tusenmilafard. Minnen och intryck fran en resa genom Forenta Staterna 1926-1927. Orebro, 1928. [Blad, P. J.]. Bland battre folk och pack i "det forlofvade landet." Svensk- amerikanska skizzer af en hemkommen. Stockholm, 1871. Bohlin, K. J. Genom den stora vastern. Minnen fran varldsutstallningen i Chicago, Klippbergen, Mormonernas Zion, Stillahafskusten och Yellow- stoneparken. Stockholm, 1893. Bourkersson, N. Tre ar i mormonlandet. Berattelser och iakttagelser. Stock- holm, 1867. Bremer, Fredrika. Det unga Amerika. Skildringar, sammanstallda och kom- menterade av Klara Johanson. Stockholm, 1929. Hemmen i nya verlden. En dagbok i bref, skrifna under tvenne ars resor i Norra Amerika och pa Cuba. Stockholm, 1853-1854. 3v. Bruhn, Carl. Stanna hemma! Amerikanska penndrag. Stockholm, 1916. Carlsson, A. G. En emigrants resa. Chicago, 1894. Carlsson, C. P. I palmernas skugga. En halsning fran stjarnbanerets land. Karlstad, 1913. Cassel, Hj. Bland svenskar och yankees. En svensk tidningsmans minnen fran Amerika. Stockholm, 1894. Cavling, Henrik. Amerika. Stockholm, 1898. Colling, Fritiof. I Sverige och Amerika. Hvarjehanda smabitar af en vand- ringsman. Tidaholm, 1906. Dahlberg, Erik. Hundar i Klippiga bergen. En samling historier fran Vastern. Stockholm, 1944. Dalin, Frank. Med Amerikabilen genom Sverige. En halsning fran det gamla landet till det nya. Stockholm, 1926. Danielson, [K.] Hj. Fran Stockholm till Stilla Oceanen. Intryck och iakt- tagelser under resor i Nordamerikas Forenta Stater fran Newyorks frihetsstaty till San Franciscos gyllene port. Stockholm, 1928. Edgren, Hjalmar. Forenta Staternas folkskolor och hogre larosaten. Upp- sala, 1879. Edlund, [Erik] Martin. En resa i Vasterled. Uppsala, 1948. Egardh, Johan. Swanson, Johnson och Nelson i U. S. A. Stockholm, 1924. Egerstrom, C. Axel. Borta ar bra men hemma ar bast. Berattelser om en fard till Ostindien, Nordamerika, Kalifornien, Sandwichoarna och Au- stralien aren 1852-1857. Stockholm och Soderkoping, 1859. 27 Ekstrbm, A. Svenskar, yankees och kannibaler. Stockholm, 1925. Elgenberg, [Nils] Anders. I vasterled under sangarfana; skildringar fran Stockholms studentsangarforbunds Amerikafard, 1925. Stockholm, 1926. Elgstrom, Anna Lenah. Hollywood inifran. Stockholm, 1934. U. S. A. i omens tecken. Stockholm, 1934. and Collijn, Gustaf. U. S. A.; liv och teater. Stockholm, 1927. Ellberg, John. Tales of a rambler. New York, 1938. Enander, Joh A. Mormonismens historia fran sektens uppkomst till narva- rande tid. Vanersborg, 1865. Englund, Joh. Fr. Chicago i ord och bild. Malmo, 1910. Pa aventyr i Vilda Vastern och Alaska. Verklighetsskildringar. Oskarshamn, 1924. Ericsson, Gustaf. Bland fangar och filmhjaltar i U. S. A. Stockholm, 1924. Hundliv i U. S. A. Oden och aventyr upplevda och berattade. Stockholm, 1923. Med begransade medel i de obegransade moj ligheternas land. Stockholm, 1925. F. L. H. Fran det stora amerikanska darhuset. n.p., n.d. Feilitzen, Hjalmar von. Ett och annat fran en Amerikaresa. Foredrag vid tekniska foreningens i Jonkoping julfest den 14 dec. 1912. Jonkoping, 1913. Ferneborg, A. En emigrants lif i Amerika. Gefle, 1911. Fjellander, Axel C. F. Svenska ungdomens Amerikafard 1927. Meddelanden fran bestyrelsen. Landskrona, 1926-1927. Forsberg, [Carl] Gustaf. Nagra intryck och erfarenheter fran ett kort besok i Amerika for studier betraffande arbetarskydd och industriell ekonomi. Goteborg, 1920. Fotografiska vyer af verldsutstallningen (1893) och Midway Plaisance. Bilder med svensk text. Chicago, 1894. Frenssen, Gustav. Brev fran Amerika. Stockholm, 1924. [Gestrin, Carl Edvard Herman], I Amerika. Intryck och erfarenheter under ett tolfarigt vistande i Forenta Staterna af en f.d. Stockholmsnotarie. Stockholm, 1881-1882. Gillen, C. W. Minnen fran mina resor genom Norra Amerikas Forenta Stater och Canada. Orebro, 1897. Gislen, Torsten. Fran Hawaiis strander till New Yorks skyskrapor. Stock- holm, 1935. Gohl, Cecile. Fran nya varlden. Skildringar. Goteborg, 1895. Gosselman, Carl August. Resa i Norra Amerika. Nykoping, 1835. 2v. Govenius, Lars Johan. Fregatten Norrkopings expedition 1861-1862. Gote- borg, 1862. Lithografiska skizzer fran fregatten Norrkopings expedition till Amerika och Westindien 1861-1862. Stockholm, 1863. Granberg, Einar. Harjedalingar i Vasterled. Minnesanteckningar fran hem- bygden och pionjartiden i USA. Sundsvall, 1949. 28 Gullander, Paul. Tre ar i Afrika. Jamte minnen fran Sverige och det Heliga Landet samt Amerikas Forenta Stater. Rock Island, 1902. Gullberg, Gustaf. Boken om Chicago. Snabbmalningar fran en resa till verldsutstallningen 1893. Stockholm, 1893. Gyllenram, Henric, and Arvid Wester. De svenska militarerna vid Chicagos femtioarsjubileum. Dagboksanteckningar. Stockholm, 1888. Hagstrom, Gustave Arvid. Life of Dr. Frank Peterson. Autobiography with additions. Chicago, n.d. Hammar, Hugo. Minnen II: Som emigrant i USA. Stockholm, 1938. Hammarberg, Agnes E. Svensken, svensk-amerikanen och amerikanen. Stockholm, 1928. Hanstrom, Bertil. Skizzer fran en Kaliforniafard. Lund, 1922. Hard af Segerstad, Siri. Bland hundraprocents Amerikanare och andra. En skadespelerskas och journalists upplevelser i det stora landet. Stock- holm, 1922. Hauswolff, Carl Ulrich von. Teckningar utur sallskapslifvet i Nordamerikas Forenta Stater. Norrkoping, 1835. Hedberg, Anders. Kooperativa Amerika-glimtar. Stockholm, 1948. Sa gor man i Amerika. Affarsglimtar fran U. S. A. Stockholm, 1939. Hedberg, Lydia. Reseminnen fran U. S. A. Skovde, 1925. Hedin, Sven. Grand Canyon. Stockholm, 1925. Hedlund, John. I Amerika. Resor och reflexioner. Orebro, 1948. Hellman, Caroline. En av de manga med Kungsholm till Nya Sverige-jubi- leet. Reseskildring. Ljungby, 1938. Henrikson, Fritz. Med Sveriges kronprinspar genom Amerika. Stockholm, 1926. Sweden's participation in U. S. celebration of the New Sweden tercentenary. Stockholm, 1939. Hesse, Wartegg Ernst. Chicago, varldstaden i den Amerikanska vastern. Stockholm, 1893. Nord-Amerika i vara dagar. Stockholm, 1880-1881. 2v. Hirdman, Maj. Resa till Amerika. Stockholm, 1926. Hjelm, C. G. Genom mina amerikanska glasogon. Stockholm, 1940. Hulthin, H. M. [Fallenius, Carl Johan Nilsson]. Fallebo gok eller den sig sjalf sa kallade doktor Roback, handelsman i Doderhultsvik, under- gorare i Amerika och furste for allt hvad puff och humbug heter. Sannsaga ur verkliga lifvet. Westervik, 1875. Hoving, Johannes. Den svenska kolonisationen i Amerika under 300 ar och dess betydelse for Amerika och Sverige. Stockholm, 1940. I svenskhetens tjanst. Ur mitt livs dagbok. Stockholm, 1944- 1948. 4v. Sextio ar, mitt livs dagbok. Uppsala, 1928. Vasabarnens fran Amerika trenne resor i fars och mors land 1924, 1929, 1933. Minnen och intryck, sammanstallda och tecknade. Stock- holm, 1935. 29 Iseborg, [Johan] Harry. En annan gor USA. Stockholm, 1948. Jernbjelke, Gustaf. En smalanning far dit nasan pekar. Malmo, 1943. Jonsson, Thorsten. Sidor av Amerika. Intryck och resonemang. Stock- holm, 1946. Juhlin, G. Episkopala kyrkans mission bland svenskarne i Norra Amerika. Karlstad, 1902. [Kahl, Achatius Johan]. Broderna i Ohio eller Nyprotestantiska kyrkan i Nord-amerikanska fristaterna. [Swedenborgianism.] Lund, 1853. Key, [Carl Axel] Helmer. En Amerikaresa 1920. Stockholm, 1920. Kisch, E. E. Har aran presentera: Paradiset Amerika. Stockholm, 1930. Kjellberg, Isidor. Amerika-bok. Anteckningar fran forfattarens besok i Nya Verlden ar 1890 — om huru vara dervarande vanner och anforvandter, broder och systrar, ha det. Linkoping, 1892. Foredrag om Amerika, hallet i Stockholm den 18 febr. 1883. Stock- holm, 1883. Kjellen, [Johan] Rudolf. Sangare- och turistfarder. Stockholm, 1908. Kleen, Emil A. G. Stroftag och irrfarder hos min van Yankee Doodle. Stockholm, 1902-1903. 2v. Kletkes, H. Skildringar fran Amerika, hemtade ur beromda resebeskrif- ningar. Stockholm, 1860-1861. Klingner, Gottfrid. Bland Svenskar pa andra sidan Atlanten. Reseminnen fran Amerika. [Goteborg, 1928]. Klinkowstrom, Axel Leonhard. Brev om de Forenta Staterna fbrfattade under en resa till Amerika aren 1818, 1819, 1820. Stockholm, 1824. 2v. (Translated by Franklin Scott under the title of Baron Klinkow Strom's America. Evanston, 1953) Koch, G. H. von. Emigranternas land. Studier i amerikanskt samhallslif. Stockholm, 1910. Rusdrycksforbud. Studier av amerikansk nykterhetsrorelse och rusdryckslagstiftning foretagna under resor i Nord-Amerika pa uppdrag av svenska nykterhetssallskapens samarbetskommitte. Stockholm, 1910. Landelius, Otto Rob. Nerkingar som borgare och aventyrare i frammande land. Goteborg, 1926. Larson, Oscar W. I framlingsland; skisser och berattelser ur emigrantlivet. Chicago, n.d. Larsson, Adolf. En dalkarl for till USA. Skildring fran en vistelse i U. S. A. Vetlanda, 1934. Larsson, Johan Leonard. Pa livets arena. Resor och aventyr i fyra varlds- delar. Atta ar som palsjagare bland Klippiga Bergen, genom Nya Zea- land och i Australien. Ostersund, 1932. Larsson, Karl. Pa andra sidan Atlanten i Sveriges och Fralsningsarmens tjanst. Stockholm, 1946. Lenk, Margareta. Femton ar i Amerika. Stockholm, 1913. Lewenhaupt, C. A. C. Med "Reddy" fran Malmo till Memphis. Stockholm, 1907. Lindberg, Fr. Ett besok i Amerika. Uppsala, 1911. 30 Lindblom, Ernst. Svenska teaterminnen fran Chicago; anteckningar och anekdoter. Stockholm, 1916. Lindgren, Ida. Ida Lindgrens f. Nibelius, bref fran nybyggarhemmet i Kan- sas 1870-1881. Malmo, 1911. Lindhagen, Carl. Pa vikingastrat i Vasterled; en Amerikaresa. Stockholm, 1926. Lindholm, Walter. Bland svenskar och andra i Amerika. Intryck och stam- ningar. Ekenas, 1927. Lindorm, Erik. Fran Delaware till Garbo. En bokfilm till Delaware jubileet, 1938. Stockholm, 1937. Lindqvist, Marta. Hos filmstjarnor i U. S. A.; snapshots fran New York och Hollywood. Stockholm, 1924. Lindvall, Axel E[dvard]. Minnen fran en fard genom Amerika. Karlskorna, 1890. Ljunggren, Gustaf. Minnen och intryck fran min Amerika-resa 1938. Skara, 1938. Lowegren, [Anders] Gunnar. Vad jag sett och hort i Amerika. Ga vi emot en ny civilisationen, en skyskrapecivilisation? Lund, 1931. Lundstrom, [Karl Johan] Vilh[elm]. Allsvenska linier. Goteborg, 1930. Svenska spanor. Goteborg, 1910-1913. 2v. Lysander, [Christian] Albert. Pa studiefard i Amerika. Malmo, 1909. M. N. En svenska i Amerika. Erfarenhet och hugkomst ifran sex ar i de Forenade Staterna af M. N. Stockholm, 1860. Mangard, Carl. Svenska oden i Amerika. En resa fran Atlanten till Stilla havet. Uppsala, 1939. Marshall, W. G. Genom Amerika eller nio manader i Forenta Staterna. Stockholm, 1882. Molander, Oskar Mauritz Ferdinand. Minnen fran Nordamerika. Goteborg and Helsingborg, 1905-1911. 2v. Molin, Adrian. Amerikaessayer. Stockholm, 1930. Hur svenskamerikanerna bo. Nigra iakttagelser och reflektioner. Stockholm, 1912. Munsterhjelm, Erik. Som vagabond till Kalifornien. Utvandrarliv och hund- liv i Amerika. Stockholm, 1945. Myrdal, Alva, and [Karl] Gunnar Myrdal. Kontakt med Amerika. Stock- holm, 1941. Nerman, Ture. I vilda vastern. En Amerikatripp i varldskrigstid. Stock- holm, 1935. Arbetarsangaren Joe Hill, mordare eller martyr. Stockholm, 1951. Nilsson, E. G. Pa Amerikafard. Anteckningar fran en resa. Kristinehamn, 1899. Nilsson, Karl Henning Martin. Baron och andra berattelser. Svenskt och Amerika -svenskt tecknat och berattat Stockholm, 1934. Nilsson, O. Skildring af min vistelse i Minnesota i Amerika. Venersborg, 1881. 31 Nilsson, Selma. Kort skildring av min resa till U. S. A. och varldsutstall- ningen sommaren 1939. Kalmar, 1940. Nisbeth, Hugo. Tva ar i Amerika (1872-1874). Reseskildringar. Stock- holm, 1874. fNorberg, Per Gosta]. En brygga ofver hafvet. Tankar och iakttagelser om Amerikas svenskar och vart forhallande till dem. Samlade under 2:e resor i store andens rike af Peter Norden. Goteborg, 1909. Svenskarnas Amerika och Amerikas svenskar. Stockholm, 1911. Nordenskiold, G. Fran fjerran vastern. Minnen fran Amerika. Stockholm, 1892. Nordin, Vilhelm. Ur en emigrants anteckningsbok. Nagra sanningar om Amerika. Stockholm, 1902. Nordstrom, Ester Blenda. Amerikanskt. Som emigrant till Amerika. Stock- holm, 1923. Nordstrom -Bonnier, Tora. Just for fun. Stockholm, 1946. Resa kring en resa. I Fredrika Bremers fotspar. Stockholm, 1950. Norlin, Nils. Svenska tag i Amerika. En pionjars aventyrliga liv. Stock- holm, 1930. Norstrom, Carl Edward. Studieresa till John Ericssons Amerika 1848. Stock- holm, 1937. Nyberg, Sigfrid. Svenskarne i Minnesota. En episod ur amerikanska in- bordeskriget 1862-1863. Goteborg, 1863. Nyblom, Erik. Omkring golfstrommen. Skizzer fran Nordamerika och Vastindien. Goteborg, 1919. Nyren, G. Pa nya vagar och gamla stigar. Minnen och intryck fran Amer- ika och Kina under inspektionsresan 1919-1920. Stockholm, 1900. [Nyvall, C. J.]. Reseminnen fran Amerika af C. J. N. Kristinehamn, 1876. Olofsson, O. Minnen och intryck fran en Amerikaresa. Kristinehamn, 1912. Pa fredlig vikingafard. Svenska K. F. U. M. korens sangarfard till Amerika. 1906. Stockholm, 1907. Palander, F. Skizzer fran Nord-Amerika och Vest-Indien. Tecknade under fregatten "Vanadis" resa aren 1864-1865. Stockholm, 1866. Pallin, Stig. En stockholmsgrabb pa luffen i U. S. A. Stockholm, 1925. Palm, August. Ogonblicksbilder fran en tripp till Amerika. Stockholm, 1901. Persson-Koij, Per. Genom Amerikas Forenta Stater. Reseskildringar. Falun, 1923. Peters, H. A. [Boissy Tancred, pseud.]. Svenska nationaliteten i Forenta Staterna, deras sociala och kyrkeliga forhallande, hemlif och ekono- miska stallning. Goteborg, 1882. Pethrus, Lewi. Vasterut. En resenars erfarenheter. Stockholm, 1937. Polenz, Wilhelm von. Framtidens land. Stockholm, 1905. Ragman, Hj. Det stora landet i vaster. Glim tar fran natur och folkliv i Amerikas Forenta Stater. Stockholm, 1931. Rogberg, [Carl Georg] Martin. Folj med till framtidslandet. Stockholm, 1945. Rosen, Maud von. Vi titta pa Amerika. Stockholm, 1933. 32 Rubenson, Mauritz. Skildringar fran Amerika och England i bref under hosten 1867. Stockholm, 1868. Rydqvist, Oscar. En handfull amerikanskt. En journalists strovtag. Stock- holm, 1933. Sandgren, T. E. Nagra utflykter i Kalifornien. Stockholm, 1865. Scheele, K. H. Gez[elius] von. Hemlandstoner. En halsning fran moder Svea till dotterkyrkan i Amerika. Stockholm, 1894-95. 2v. Seabrook, William. Svenskar och andra utlanningar i Amerika. Stockholm, 1939. Sellman, J. Resan ofver Atlanten. Iakttagelser och anteckningar. Helsing- borg, 1894. Siljestrom, P. A. The educational institutions of the United States, their character and organizations. Tr. from Swedish by Friderica Rowan. London, 1853. Resa i Forenta Staterna. Stockholm, 1852-1853. 2v. Soderblom, Anna. En Amerikabok. Stockholm, 1925. Soderblom, Nathan. Fran Uppsala till Rock Island. En predikofard i Nya Varlden. Stockholm, 1924. Stadling, Jonas. Genom den stora vestern. Reseskildringar. Stockholm, 1883. Hvad jag horde och sag i mormonernas land. Stockholm, 1884. Stomberg, Andrew A. Den svenska folkstammen i Amerika. Nagra syn- punkter. Stockholm, 1928. Strahle, Bo. New York — metropolis. En resa till New York. Stockholm, 1939. Sundbeck, Carl. Svensk-Amerika lefve! Nagra tal hallna i Amerika. Stock- holm, 1904. Svensk-amerikanerna, deras materiella och andliga strafvanden. Anteckningar fran en resa i Amerika, foretagen med understood af svenska Staten. Rock Island, 1904. Svenskar vilsna i fjarran Vestern och sokta af de sina i Sverige. Swedes lost in America and sought after . . . Boras, 1901. Svenskarna i Amerika, deras land, antal och kolonier. En kort ofversikt till tjanst for emigranter och for vara svensk-amerikanska kolonier intresserade. Stockholm v 1900. Svenskarne i forskingringen. Statistiska och geografiska notiser om svenska kolonier i . . . Forenta Staterna . . . Boras, 1911. Svenska ungdomens Amerika-fard 1927. Meddelanden fran bestyrelsen. (Red. o. ansv. utg. Axel E. F. Fjellander.) Landskrona, 1926-1927. Swahn, Waldemar. Med de blagula fargerna over Atlanten Minnen och in- tryck fran "Stockholms" forsta Amerikafard. Stockholm, 1916. Swanson, Joseph. Med Guds hjalp; verklighetsskildringar fran Svensk- Amerika. Stockholm, 1932. Svensk-Amerikansk Olla podrida. Humoresker fran vara dagars Svensk-Amerika. Hvetlanda, 1929. Swenne, Eric. U. S. A. och kronprinsparet. Minnen och narbilder. Stock- holm, 1926. 33 Thornberg, E. H. Amerikanska samhallsproblem. Stockholm, 1912. Lefnadsstandard och sparkraft med sarskild hansyn till den svenska befolkningen i Chicago. Stockholm, 1915. Sverige i Amerika. Amerika i Sverige. Folkvandring och folk- vackelse. Stockholm, 1938. Thulin, Joe. De vara i Vastern. Tre manader i studier och tjanst i svensk- amerikanernas varld. Uppsala, 1924. Thunstrom, C. Reseminnen fran Amerika och Vestindien. Stockholm, 1896. Tollen, C. A. [Ninian Waerner, pseud.]. Mina hundar i Amerika, humoris- tiska berattelser. Stockholm, 1900. Thyreen, G. Skall jag resa till Amerika? Kortfattad skildring af Forenta Staterna vid 20: de arhundradets borjan. Stockholm, 1911. Unonius, Gustaf S. Bihang till "Minnen fran en sjuttonarig vistelse i Nord- vestra Amerika." Stockholm, 1896. Minnen fran en sjuttonarig vistelse i Nordvestra Amerika. Uppsala, 1861-1862. 2v. Mormonism, dess upprinnelse, utveckling och bekannelse. Stock- holm, 1883. A Pioneer in Northwest America 1841-1858. The Memoirs of Gustaf Unonius. Translated from the Swedish by Jonas Oscar Backlund and edited by Nils William Olsson. Minneapolis, 1950. Vestander, A. Bland svenskar i Kansas. Reseminnen. Solvesborg, 1925. Viksten, Albert. Guds eget land. Stockholm, 1938. Vilda vagar vasterut. Stockholm, 1938. Wachtmeister, H. Turistskizzer fran den andra sidan Atlanten. Stockholm, 1901. Waerner, Ninian. [Tollen, C. A.]. Mina hundar i Amerika, humoristiska berattelser. Stockholm, 1900. Waldenstrom, P. Genom Canada. Reseskildringar fran 1904. Stockholm, 1905. Genom Norra Amerikas Forenta Stater. Reseskildringar. Chicago, 1890. Nya farder i Amerikas Forenta Stater. Stockholm, 1902. Warberg, A. Skizzer fran Nord-amerikanska kriget 1861-1865. Bref och anteckningar under fyraarig vistelse i Forenta Staterna af en i detta krig deltagande svensk officer. Stockholm, 1867-1871. 2v. Wendt, G. von. Vart svenskfolk i Amerika. Minnen och intryck fran en resa i Forenta Staterna 1921. Vasa [Finland], [1921]. Intryck fran en resa i Forenta Staterna. Vasa, 1922. Wennstrom, J. E. Strodda anteckningar om Florida. Uppsala, 1874. Widen, [Karl] Albin. Svenskar som erovrat Amerika. Stockholm, 1937. Wieselgren, Harald. Ofver Atlanten. Resebref. Stockholm, 1876. Wilhelm, Prins. Amerika fran estraden. Stockholm, 1928. Willandt, Aug. Bland emigranter och andra fardeman. Huskvarna, 1935. 34 Wilson, Charles. Nagra upplysande underrattelser rorande Erik Jansenska kolonien i Norra Amerika. Samt en sarskild resebeskrifning. Sundsvall, 1854. Wiren, Gosta. Pa jakt efter jobb i U. S. A. Mina vagabondar i Amerika. Stockholm, 1933. [Wrangel, F. U.]. Fran Washingtons salonger och hvardagslif. Stockholm, 1908. Stroftag i New York och annorstades i U. S. A. Stockholm, 1907. Wulff, C. A. Berattelse om en resa till Amerika ar 1869. Stockholm, 1891. Wyckoff, Walter A. Bland arbetare i Amerika. Uppsala, 1906-1907. 2v. 35 Chapter Four EMIGRANT GUIDE BOCKS The emigrant guide books are more easily defined than the America books. These were essentially those books which sought to guide the emi- grant leaving Sweden on his journey to America. Some were written with the best of motives. The largest number advertised tickets across the ocean or land for sale somewhere in America where the soil and the climate were always the best. Often the guides provided the emigrants with essen- tial information for their journey. This included advice to read carefully the contract for passage across the ocean, to be sober and patient, to work diligently, never to leave packages without proper care especially after "the Irish" have been taken on board, to beware of runners; and they con- tained information as to where to settle for those with or without skills, what to bring along, the cash necessary, and similar instructions. The largest number of guides were published by steamship companies and railroad and land companies. Many of these are uncatalogued at the Royal Library, and these are only sampled in this bibliography. Some of the guides are little more than leaflets, flysheets or posters while others are more pretentious and contain a lengthy text and many illustrations. The steamship companies stressed descriptive material pertaining to the ac- commodations on ships, while the land companies sought in glowing terms to describe the nature of the soil and climate. A number of states also competed in the recruiting of immigrants. Sometimes it appears as if the agent of the land company, railroad or steamship company enjoyed considerable freedom. Attacks were made upon competitors, whose honesty and integrity were questioned while the reli- ability of the attacker was frequently supported by impressive seals, bank deposits or testimonials. The people were not prepared to judge critically either America books or guides. The average person had great faith in any printed word. The amazing thing was neither the credulity of emigrants-to-be nor the mercenary interests of companies and agents competing with one another, but the magnetic power of America. It was the idea of America as a land of opportunity rather than skillful propaganda by immigrant agents that created an interest in America. When once the idea to emigrate was born, then the guides were studied with a purpose, and large scale migration from Sweden to America followed. This large emigration from Sweden led to efforts not only by states but also by church groups to channel the movement. The Augustana Synod sought to call the attention of emigrants as they left Sweden, as well as of the immigrants upon their arrival in America, to communities where the synod had organized congregations. Martha Angstrom provides an excellent description of many of the guides in "Swedish Emigrant Guide Books of the Early 1850V' in the Yearbook of 36 the American Swedish Historical Foundation for 1947. Roy Swanson's "Some Swedish Emigrant Guide Books of the Second Half of the Nineteenth Cen- tury" in the Yearbook of the Swedish Historical Society of America for 1926 deserves attention as does, of course, the long list of guides mentioned by Stephenson in his Religious Aspects of Swedish Immigration. REFERENCES Ahlberg, P. A. Helsningsord till emigranter. Orebro, 1883. American-Linien f.d. Inmanlinien. Via Southhampton-New York. Goteborg, 1894. Amerika-boken. Den nya Amerika-boken for svenska utvandrare . . . Stockholm, 1869. Anchor Linien. Stockholm, 1911. [Arfwedson, C. D.]. Nagra fa ord till dem, som nasta ar amna fran Sverige och Norrige utflytta till Forenta Staterna, af en opartisk landsman. Stockholm, 1842. Arsutsigterna i Red River-Dalen. n. p., n. d. Atchison, Topeka och Santa Fe jernvags-kompani, Kansas, erbjuder till salu pa 11 ars kredit och mot 7% ranta tre millioner acres land. Gote- borg, 1873. [ ] De naturliga rikedomskallornas nuvarande och framtida utveck- ling i Kansas . . . landbevillningen till Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe jern- vagsbolag. Tva milHoner acres af det besta land, som solen skiner pa och i det sundaste klimat. Laga priser! Lang kredit. Chicago, [1882]. Baltimore och Ohio jernbanan fran Baltimore till alia orter i det vestra, nordvestra och sodra Amerika, uppfodrad pa vaf och med svensk text pa baksidan, med upplysningar for emigranter o. kolonister. Chicago, [1890?]. Bergstrom, 0[lof]. Tankar ofver emigrationen samt rad till utvandrare. Stockholm, 1882. Beskrifning ofver staten Minnesota ar 1885; dess naturliga hjelpkallor med hansyn till akerbruk, fabriksdrift och handel. Tillokta med en kort framstallning af dess historia, utveckling och narvarande standpunkt. St. Paul, 1885. Bockman, P. W. Utdrag ur ett bref fran Norra Amerika. Soderhamn, 1846. Bojesen, A. T. Till Amerika! Utforlig och palitlig wagledning och hjalp- reda for utwandrare, innefattande en lattfattlig framstallning om sta- terna Minnesotah, [sic] Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Texas och Sydstaterna: akerbruk, boskapsskotsel, arbetsfortjenst, skandinaviska nybyggen, m. m.; samt upplysningar om amerikanska forhallanden, grundade pa egna och andras mangariga erfarenheter och noggranna undersokningar om, hwar och huru man lattast far en sorgfri utkomst i Amerika. Helsingborg, 1869. Bolin, Johan. Beskrifning ofwer Nordamerikas Forenta Stater, i anseende till naturbeskaffenhet, djur, wexter, mineraler, produkter, naringsut- 37 wagar, styrelse, lagskipning, religionswasende, underwisningsanstalter, krigsmakt, handel, kommunikationsmedel, fattigforsorjning, skatter m. m. Med naturhistoriska och andra underrattelser; jemte sarskilda upp- lysningar och rad for dem, som wilja dit utflytta. Waxjo, 1853. Borin, S. G. Agentur for Nordtyska Lloyd i Bremen. Cirkular for emi- granter. Stockholm, 1883. Brommes, Traugott. Handbok for emigranter af alia klasser och stand till Forenta Staterna i Nord-Amerika . . . 1844. Brooks, J. T. California . . . 1849. Bryant, Edwin. Californien, en skildring af landet, dess klimat och guld- minor. Stockholm, 1850. Burg, S. T. A. Upplysningar for utwandrare till Amerika. Utgifwen pa grund af 15 ars erfarenhet med en karta ofwer Nord-Amerika. Stock- holm, 1860. Carlsson, A. O. Kapten. Bref fran sodra Californien. Orebro, 1890. Carlsson, Erl[and]. Nagra rad och underrattelser for utwandrare till Amer- ikas Forenta Stater. Waxjo, 1854. 2d ed. Carlshamn, 1854, with the longer title Tillforlitliga rad och underrattelser for utwandrare till Amerika, nemligen: I. Rad och underrattelser. II. Upplysningar om mynt, matt, wigt, prowiantering och kastnader for resan m. m. III. Utdrag af bref fran i Amerika wistande svenskar. IV. Ordregister. Carlsson, F. O. Vagledning for emigranter fran Sverige till Amerika. Stock- holm, 1881. Cirkular ofver land till salu i Nord-Amerikanska staten Florida. Cirkular till herrar kapitalister samt till emigranter som utvandra med fast foresats att pa kortaste tid skapa sig eget hem och betryggad framtid. Stockholm, [1883]. Cronsioe, S. Upplysningar fran och om Nord Amerikanska Forenta Staterna. Goteborg, 1855. [Dannstrom, Johan Isidor]. Fran Sverige till Amerika. Rad och upplys- ningar for landsman som amna utflytta till den nya verlden; dels be- arbetade fran tyskan, dels efter egna iakttagelser samlade under en resa i Norra Amerika aren 1853-1854. Stockholm, 1855. Ek, G. Th. Rad at emigranter. Kalmar, 1891. Ekendahl, C. Texas, geografisk, politisk och national-ekonomisk beskrifning jemte karta. Efter nyaste kallor och officiella uppgifter. Stockholm, 1880. Emigrant-befordring genom The National Steam Ship Company Limited. Goteborg, 1872. Ericson, E. Tanker du emigrera? Rad och upplysningar for utvandrare. Karlskoga, 1924. Esbjorn, Lars Paul. Walkomsthalsning till den swenska, norska och danska emigranten. New York, 1851. Ferlbv, Waldfemar] J6rg[en]. Syd-Carolina. Ett hem for den driftige ut- vandraren. Goteborg, 1867. 38 Fick-handbok ofver Nordamerikas Forenta Stater med geografiska beskrif- ningar samt uppgifter om jordbruk, handel och industri jemte rad och upplysningar sarskilt for emigranter . . . af R — f. Vesteras, 1890. Fliigel, C. A. Den uppriktige engelsmannen, eller konsten att utan larare pa kort tid lara riktigt lasa, skrifva och tala engelska spraket. [For ut- vandrare till Amerika.] Stockholm, 1912. Fordelarna for jordbrukare i Colorado. Jordbruk med irrigation eller vatt- ning. [St. Louis?] [1883?]. Foreningen till svenska emigranters skydd i Amerika jemte en saker under- rattelse om staten Tennessee, och de manga fordelar der gifwas, som icke kunna erhallas i de norra staterna. Norrkop, 1860. Framtidsplaner ... ett vanligt rad till landsman som vilja soka forbattra sin ekonomiska stallning. Chicago, n.d. Franklin, T. B. Minnesota sasom hem for emigranter. Utgifven pa statens bekostnad. Red Wing, 1869. G . . . Handbok for emigranter of alia klasser och stand till Forenta Sta- terna; Nord-Amerika. Utarbetad . . . efter andra upplagan af T. Brom- ines. "Reise-handbuch" . . . Jonkoping, 1844. Golden Northwest. St. Paul, 1880. [Gran, C. H.]. Plan for Dr. C. H. Gran's skandinaviska Kansas -koloni, juli 1857. Bihang till Hemlandet, Det gamla och det nya. Galesburg, 1857. Grimberg, Carl. Svensk-amerikansk kokbok samt radgifvare for svenskt tjanstefolk. New York, 1882. [Haight, Nicholas], Ett nytt Kalifornien eller Cherokeefalten pa Walden's Ridge i Ostra Tennessee uti Nordamerika. Stockholm, 1849. Handbok for Union Pacific jernvagsland 12.000.000 acres det basta aker- bruks-, gras- och mineral-land i staten Nebraska och territorierna Colorado, Wyoming och Utah . . . Omaha, 1874. Handbok for utvandrare till Amerika. Innehallande de mest tillforlitliga underrattelser om Amerika och dess forhallanden. Ugifven af Svenska emigrant foreningen i Chicago, 111. Goteborg, 1869. [Outside title]. Svenska emigrant -f or eningens i Chicago handbok for utvandrare till Norra Amerika. Goteborg, 1869. [Inside title] . Innehallande rad och anvisningar jemte geografiska beskrifningar samt uppgifter rorande landtbruk, handel och industri m. m. Stockholm, 1889. (A summary of H. Ott's Fiirhrer nach Amerika.) Handbok ofver Union Pacific -jernvagens land. 12.000.000 acres. 3.000.000 acres i mellersta och ostra Nebraska aro nu till salu . . . Chicago, 1878. Hasselquist, T. N. Nytt utflyttningsforslag; ett ord till emigranter . . . Rock Island, 1881. Ho! For the middle region of Western Iowa. Hem nara hemmet. Iowa jern- vags-land-kompani erbjuder 1.500.000 acres . . . n.p., n.d. [1874?] Hook, J. H. Rad och upplysningar for personer som amna utvandra till Forenta Staterna och Kanada. Halmstad, 1888. Horner, H. Emigranten. Nyaste handbok for utvandrare. Innehallande forenklad engelsk uttals- och spraklara; talofningar och bifogadt uttal 39 samt ordforrad; rad och anvisningar for utvandrare till Amerika, fore, under och efter resan, samt Amerikas mynt, matt och vigt. Efter till— forlitliga kallor. Stockholm, 1868. Iowa and Nebraska farmer. Lincoln, 1876. Iowa; hemmet for emigranter. En afhandling om Iowas hjelpkallor, hvilken gifver nyttiga upplysningar angaende staten, till fordel for emigranter och andra. Utgifven af Iowas direktion for emigrationen. Chicago, 1870. Jeanson, R E. Kapten. Amerika. Rad till emigranter. Goteborg, 1870. Jungberg, C G. Utvandrarens tolk. Praktisk larobok i engelska spraket, in- nehallande: En lattfattlig handledning i sprakets uttal jemte ordforrad och samtalsofningar med bifogad uttalsbeteckning. Rad och upplysnin- gar for utvandrare. Jemforelse mellan svenska och amerikanska mynt, matt, mil och vigt. Svenska utvandrarelagen. Stockholm, five ed. 1869- 1882. Kansas Pacific homestead. Salina, Kansas, 1878-1879. Kathmann, J. C. Upplysningar for emigranter inuti staten Louisiana. New Orleans. Stockholm, 1868. Kort wagledning och hjelpreda for emigranter fran Swerige till Amerika innehallande palitliga upplysningar om Forenta Staterna deras rika jord, hoga afloningar och stora fordelar for Swenska utvandrare. Goteborg, 1872. Lagre Californien. Halfon nu oppnad for kolonister: Tierra Perfecta eller Missions -fadernas "Fullkomliga land." Den fruktbara landstracka som eges och utbjudes till forsaljning af the International Company of Mexico. [New York, 1887?]. Larsson, August. Kort historisk ofwer samfardseln mellan Europa och Amerika samt beskrifning ofwer Inman-liniens kongl. engelska och amerikanska postangare och bolagets werksamhet fran 1850 till 1892 jamte underrattelser om resan till Amerika. Goteborg, 1892. [Lindbergh, Mans]. Staten Minnesota i Nord Amerika. Dess innebyggare, klimat och beskaffenhet. Kopenhamn, 1868. Marcus, L. Forslag till reglemente for upprattandet af en coloni i staten Californien och de Forenade Nord -Amerikanska Staterna. Stockholm, 1849. Marsh, W. Tillfbrlitlig wagvisare for swenska utwandrare till Forenta Sta- terna i Nordamerika. Bearbetning for swenska forhallanden. Stockholm, three ed. 1867-1869. [Maryland. Bureau of Immigration]. For utvandrare till Amerika. Malmo, 1902. Mattson, Hans. Den nya svenska kolonien i Minnesota, Nord-Amerika. Goda land for emigranter pa de billigaste vilkor vid Lake Superior jernbanan. Kristianstad, 1872. Land for emigranter utat Lake Superior & Mississippi jernvagen mellan St. Paul och Duluth i staten Minnesota, Nordamerika. St. Paul, 1871. Kristianstad, 1871. Minnesota och dess fordelar for inwandraren, innehallande en be- skrifning ofwer statens historia, dess geografiska lage, regering, stader, 40 floder, sjoar, skogar, klimat, jordman, mineraler, jernbanor, handel, fabrikanter, mm. af intresse och wigt for dem som soker sitt hem i Western. Carlstad, 1867. Chicago, 1867. Nagra rad och anvisningar for emigranter till Amerika samt be- skrifning ofwer Minnesota, dess geografiska lage, regering . . . Jon- koping, 1868. Minnesota sasom hem for emigranten. Utgifven pa statens beskostnad. Red Wing, 1869. Moller, A. W. Om orsakerna till utwandringen fran Sverige till Amerika samt warningar och rad till blifwande utwandrare. Jonkbping, 1871. Nagra rad till dem som amna utvandra till Amerika. Goteborg, 1903. Nagra walmenta rad och upplysningar for swenska utwandrare till Ameri- kanska Staterna. Falun. [Three ed., the last two dated 1868 and 1869]. National-Land-Companiet. Amerikanskt och Europeiskt emigrationsbolag . . . Andamal forsaljning och kolonisering . . . Stockholm, 1869. New Mexico Stock and Agricultural Association . . . med uppgift att kolo- nisera, upparbeta och brukalandstrackor i territorierna New Mexico och Colorado for boskapsskotsel, akerbruk och grufhandtering. [Chicago], 1876. Nilsson, Alex. Amerika sadant det ar. Forenta Staternas pohtiska och so- ciala forhallanden, sammanstalda med Sveriges. Stockholm, 1871. Beskrifning ofwer Amerika, med serskilt afseende pa den skandi- naviska emigrationen. Goteborg, 1872. Nilsson, Olof A. Nordamerika. Geografisk och statistisk handbok for Amer- ikas svenskar. New York, 1904. Nisbeth, Hugo. Emigranternas wan. Hjelpreda for den swenske utwand- raren af hwarje klass. Efter fyra ars resor och studier i Forenta Sta- terna. Stockholm, 1881. 2d ed. enlarged. Stockholm, 1881. Nogle ord till de skandinaviske utvandrare i Chicago, n. p., n. d. Nordgren and Bergstrom. Hufvudagentur for Bay State companiets land i Nebraska och Wyoming. Chicago, [1888]. Norelius, E. and A. Rodell. Helsnings-ord till den svenske emigranten af Augustana synodens missionsstyrelse. St. Paul, 1880. Den nya amerika-boken for svenska utvandrare. Stockholm, 1869. Den nya och sista kolonien som anlagges af Herr Olof Bergstrom i Florida blommernas rike. Malmo, 1896. Nya Stockholm, nybildadt skandinaviskt nybygge i Nord-Amerikanska Western. 160 acres land fritt till hvarje person, fyld 18 ar. Enkoping, 1886. Olsson, Martin. Nagra allmannyttiga rad for utvandrare till Amerika. Gote- borg, 1870. (ippet bref till fran Amerika atervandande svenskar med Amerika-linien f. d. Inman-Linien. Goteborg, 1899. 5ppet bref till fran Amerika atervandande svenskar med Inman-linien. Goteborg, 1892. 41 Orstrom, O. Upplysningar och rad for utvandrare till Amerika. Goteborg, 1874. Oregon album. Tvahundra bilder illustrerande staten Oregons scenerier och landthushallning. Portland, n. d. Oregon. State Immigration Commission. Dess landtbruk och ofriga narings- grenar med sakkunniga utarbetade statistiska uppgifter med afseende pa statens landtbruksforhallanden m. m. Portland, [1912?]. Otts, H. Beskrifning ofver Amerikas Forenta Stater innehalland rad och anvisningar. Stockholm, 1891. Handbok for utvandrare. Stockholm, 1889. Pehrsson, Per. Rad och anvisningar for utvandrare till Amerika. Gafle, 1912. Till svenska utvandrare! Rad och anvisningar. Goteborg, 1924. (Introduction by Nathan Soderblom.) Prareland Iowa och Minnesota, Texas och Arkansas. Chicago, [1885]. Praktisk larobok i engelska spraket med fullstandig uttalsbeteckning. Wag- ledning for nybyggare, inwandrare och andra. Chicago, 1881 Praktisk vagledning for emigranter till Minnesota, Dakota och Montana samt andra i nordvest af Forenta Staterna belagna delar. Goteborg, 1882. Rad for emigranter fran Swerige till Amerika. Gefle, 1851. Rad och anvisningar for utvandrare till Nordamerikas Forenta Stater, jamte en kort ofversikt ofver deras geografi och historia. Norrkoping, 1893. 2d ed., 1903. Rad och upplysningar for dem som amna resa till Union Pacific Railway Co.'s (Stilla Hafs-banans) landstrackor i staten Nebraska. Forenta Sta- terna. Nord-Amerika. Goteborg, 1882. Red River Dalen sasom de skandinaviske redaktorerna sago den pa deras lustresa i Juli 1881. Chicago, 1881. Red River Valley. The land of the golden grain. St. Paul, 1882. Roster fran Amerika i juni 1880. En behjartansvard skildring af nigra i Amerika wistande sanningsalskande man ofwer tillstandet derstades, och sarskild tillegnad de Amerikaresande. Sundsvall, 1880. Romander, A. Lagre Californien, "Tierra perfecta" eller "Det fullkomliga landet." The International Company of Mexico. Dess fbrhallanden fram- stallda i skildringar under en resa dit forliden vinter. Goteborg, 1888. [Rubenson, Mauritz]. Rad och upplysningar for utvandrare till Amerika, framstallda medelsk skidring af en resa fran Sverige dit, foretagen i oktober 1867. Utdrag ur Mauritz Rubenson's "Amerika." Stockholm, 1869. [St. Paul, Minneapolis and M. Railroad]. Huru lander erhalles. n. p., n. d. Nio millioner acres af fritt land vid Devil's Lake, Turtle Mountain och Mouse River i Norra Dakota, n. p., n. d. Roster fran landet. Red River-dalen och parkregionen. n. p., n. d. Sammandrag af Inman-liniens angskeppskompanis i Liverpool werksamhet under de senast forflutne 32 aren 1850-1882. Till den swenska allman- hetens tjenst utgifwen af John Odell, generalagent for Sverige. Gote- borg, 1882. 42 Scandia-Linien. Direkt post-och passagerarebefordran mellan Goteborg- New York. Stockholm, 1893. Scandia-Linien. Upplysningar for emigranter jemte utdrag ur Forenta Sta- ternas invandringslag. Kalmar, 1893. [Scheele, Carl Axel A.]. Nagra korta underrattelser om Amerika, till upp- lysning och nytta for dem som amna dit utflytta; samt Emigrant fore- ningens stadgar och forslager for en tillamnad utflyttning ar 1841. Med en karta. Utgifne af foreningens secreterare. Stockholm, 1841. Schroder, Johan. Vagvisare for emigranter till Forenta Staterna och Can- ada. Anvisningar betraffande resan dit, de olika staternas klimat, jord- man och ofriga forhallanden, meddelanden fran talrika skandinaviska nybyggare m. m. Till tjenst for blifvande utvandrare bearbetad efter den for inhamtande af fullt opartiska upplysningar till dessa lander en- kom utreste Joh. Schroder. Stockholm, 1868. Schytte, Theodore. Vagledning for emigration, en kort framstallning af ut- vandringens svarigheter och fordelar, jemte en skildring af de Skandi- naviska koloniernas pohtiska och religiosa tillstand i Nordamerika med ett bihang om de ar 1847 utvandrade Erick Janssons anhangares sorg- liga ode. Stockholm, 1849. Seltman, [Johan Ulf] J. Resan ofwer Atlanten. Iakttagelser och anteck- ningar. Helsingborg, 1894. 2d ed., Goteborg, 1895. 600.000 acres Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul, Chicago & Northwestern och Sioux City & St. Paul jernvagsland, stat och skol land. Odlade egen- domar till salu genom A. Boysen. Chicago, 111. Chicago, [1885 or 1886]. Skandinavisk koloni i Iowa. Land i Iowa. Emmett och vestligaste Kossuth Counties, n. p., n. d. [1880?]. Skarstedt, Ernst. Oregon och Washington . . . En handbok for dem som dnska kannedom om Nordvestkustens forhallanden. Portland, 1890. Svedelius och Nystrom, J. F. Nord-Amerikas Forenta Stater. Uppsala, 1891. Svenska Amerika linien. Sammandrag av Forenta Staternas invandringslag av den 5 februari 1917. Goteborg, 1917. Svenska Emigrant-Foreningen i Chicago handbok for utvandrare till Amer- ika. Goteborg, 1869. Svenska Kolonien Thomasville, Arkansas, Amerika. The Swedish Colonisa- tion Society of Arkansas. Solvesborg, 1892. Swalander, Carl E. Tillforlitliga underrattelser om Nord-Amerikas Forenta stater och basta sattet att utvandra. En iliustrerad handbok for emi- granter af alia klasser efter de nyaste och sakraste kallor samt egna ron sammanfattad. Goteborg, 1853. [Sweder, A.]. Gif akt! Mariestad, 1876. Swedesburgh, California. Till svenska allmanheten. San Francisco, [1893?]. Swenska landtmannens fristunder. Med manga forklarande trasnitt. Stock- holm, 1850. Swensson, G. Amerika-boken. Ny och tillforlitlig radgifvare for emigran- ter. Afhandling om Amerikas rikaste industri-och sadesland samt bo- skapsafvel och farafvel. Stockholm, 1892. Till alia svenskar i Amerika. Vineland. Nya hem i Vineland. n. p., n. d. Till den svenske immigranten. Rock Island, 1896. Till kvinliga emigranter. Goteborg, 1907. Till utvandrare till Norra Amerikas Forenta Stater. Hvar skall jag ga i kyrkan i Amerika? Evang. fosterslands-stiftelsens styrelse. Stockholm, [1886]. Tillforlitliga och sakra rad for dem som skola resa till Amerika, samt intyg fran ofwer 200 personer, om hwilken angbatslinie man bor walja for resan dit. Goteborg, 1881. Union Pacific Railway Co. Gyllene bait landerier . . . land i Thomas, Logan, Wallace, Sherman, Gove, Greeley och Wichita Counties, Kansas. [Chi- cago, 1887?]. [Union Pacific Railroad]. 5.000.000 acres. Union-Pacific-banans vagvisare till farmar och hem i Kansas och Colorado. Chicago, [1882?]. Upplysningar ofwer staten Kansas till dem, som utwandra fran Swerige till Nordamerika. [Excerpt from Fdderneslandet.] Halmstad, 1865. Utwandra ar klogt nog, men hwartill? Ett samtal i Swerige 1874 emellan en jordbrukare, em smed och en resande fran Amerika. Utgifwen af Skandinaviska Regeringens Emigrations -departement. Goteborg, 1874. Utvandrare -boken. En mycket intressant bok ar utvandrare -boken. Om lif- vet i och pa resan till Amerika samt till slut glasogonormen, och hur ut- vandrade, unga kvinnor lockas och bortforas till usla nasten, under fagra loften om att fa goda platser. Stockholm, 1914. Vagledning for resande till Amerika med Cunard linien grundad ar 1840 samt en kortfattad beskrifning ofver liniens uppkomst . . . Goteborg, 1901, 1907, 1908, 1911, 1912, 1913. Vagvisare till Union-Pacific-jernvagens land. 12.000.000 acres angs-, aker- bruks- & mineraljord, den yppersta i Amerika belaget inom staten Nebraska, territorierna Colorado, Wyoming och Utah till salu hos Union-Pacific-jernv.-kompaniet. Sundsvall, 1872. Venersborg Koloni Clarke county, Washington, n.p., [1910]. Vyer ofver till salu varande land tillhbrande Burlington & Missouri River jernvagsbolag i Iowa och Nebraska uti Forenta Staterna, Nordamerika. Goteborg, 1873. [Wahlstrom, Clara Elisabeth]. Radgifvare for unga kvinnor. Stockholm, 1905. 2d ed., 1909. Wennerstrom, John. Amerikanen. Oumbarlig hjelpreda for utvandrare. Stockholm, 1892. Wennstrom, G. E. Anteckningar fran en svensk emigrants vistelse i Amerika aren 1871-1872. Uppsala, 1873. Wernell, [Sven] A. Scandialinien afslbjad. Nagra ord till de svenska emi- granterna. Stockholm, 1893. 44 Wilander, P. W. Emigrantens van eller svenskarna pa vastra halfklotet, hvad de gora och saga. Boken ar hopskrifven af ett 40-tal svensk- amerikaner, bosatta i Fdrenta Staterna, Canada och Sverige. Oster- sund, 1902. Wingborg, F. A. Sverige eller Amerika? Nagra erinringar till dem, som tanka emigrera. Stockholm, 1903. Wretland and Kassman. Svensk illustrerad vagvisare ofver New York, Brooklyn och dess omgifningar. New York, 1881. Zethraeus, Jakob Ludvig. Nya Skandinavien, eller om skadligheten for Sverige och Norrige af utflyttningar som de nu ske, samt nyttan och nodvandigheten for dessa riken att ega kolonier, jemte mojligheten att dem astadkomma. Stockholm, 1846. Zilliacus, Konni. Amerika; en handbok for menige man. Chicago, 1891. Amerika-boken. Hjalpreda for utvandrare. Riktiga och palitliga upplysningar om resan till Amerika, arbets- och naturforhallanden i de olika staterna m m., jamte en kort vagledning till engelska sprakets talande. Stockholm, 1893. 45 Chapter Five THE SWEDISH IMMIGRANTS IN AMERICAN LIFE. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS The references below are of significance in a study of the many varied aspects of life among the Swedish immigrants in America. They are of im- portance in a study of the distribution of the Swedes in America. The larg- est number of Swedes are in the Middle West, but large settlements are to be found elsewhere. Their distribution was determined by many factors such as the degree of success of immigrant agents of land companies, rail- roads, states and other agencies interested in recruiting immigrants; improve- ments in transportation and communication within the United States; family ties and religious sentiments. The element of time of arrival in America was important in its relationship to changing conditions within the United States. To the immigrant, America was a land of opportunity, and, therefore, the prospects of work and the nature of work as well as such long range factors, as could be measured in terms of homes and farms were important. The economic developments in the United States from 1840-1914 were very sig- nificant factors in the distribution of the immigrants. The publications of the United States Bureau of the Census constitute a major source in the study of the distribution of our immigrants in America. The sources below are important in supplementing these. But the immigrant literature is in many ways unsatisfactory. It contrib- utes little to explaining how the economic changes in New England toward the end of the nineteenth century influenced the migration of Swedes to New England rather than in some instances to the older Swedish settlements in the Middle West. Nor does the material seek to relate the shipment of the iron ore from the Iron Range of Minnesota across the Great Lakes to the role of the Swedish immigrant. The material does not have a satisfac- tory answer for the part that the Swedes played in the development of the furniture industries of Jamestown, N. Y., Grand Rapids, Mich., and Rock- ford, 111., or the role of the Swede as a lumberjack in the Far West. If any answers are suggested in relating the occupations of the immigrants to their interests in Sweden these are vague and not too reliable. A careful study of the immigrant literature reveals a lack of proper per- spective. Again and again it is admitted that the Swede played an important role as a farmer and a skilled or unskilled laborer. This is largely taken for granted while the immigrant literature concerns itself more with the "suc- cessful" immigrant, the one who has succeeded especially well in industry, business or the learned professions. The history of agriculture in many such states as Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, and Kansas has been profoundly in- fluenced by the Swedish immigrants. The American labor movement could hardly become the strongest force in an age which shared the views expressed by Andrew Carnegie in his •to article entitled "Wealth" in the North American Review of June, 1889. The immigrants, who had arrived from Sweden prior to this time were largely unacquainted with a labor movement. Sweden began her rapid industriali- zation after 1890. But as the labor movement grew in that country more and more of her immigrants began to take an active part in the American labor unions. In some trades such as carpentering and tailoring the Swedes were more important than in others. The role, however, of the Swedish laborer is one which receives even less attention in the references below than the role of the farmer. This illustrates how very unsatisfactory the immigrant sources are in many respects. Again and again they must be supplemented by other sources. What these might be in regard to the farmer and the laborer seems rather obvious. The section on "Bibliography of Bibliogra- phies" offers a few references which are helpful. From those references it is evident that the immigrant cannot be removed from his milieu. The "America books" should by all means be consulted. The sources below are more satisfactory in describing the origins of the earliest settlements and the life of the pioneers. The emphasis is again and again upon the personal element, and much of the literature is apt to be- come biographical in nature. Though "success" is measured by strange yardsticks, the immigrant sources clearly testify to the rise of the children of the immigrant in the social and economic scale. The trend was away from the plow of the farmer, the hammer of the carpenter, the needle of the tailor, and the ax of the lumberjack. Unfortunately the immigrant lit- erature does not explain this change in terms of the urbanization of America, vast changes in American way of life and in attitudes. Somehow the Swedish tailor was crowded by equally skillful craftsmen from Southern Europe and finally the needle seems to have been lost in the ready-to-wear clothes. Once upon a time the Swedish immigrant looked upon a farm and a home as the realization of a dream. Agricultural crisis upon crisis, when at times corn was cheaper to use for fuel than coal and wood, seemed to make farming less attractive. The struggle for existence was no less easy in the city. The arrival of immigrants from other parts of Europe combined with racial and religious prejudices strengthened an already strong desire to advance in the social and economic scale, so to speak, to move to another neighborhood. The middle- class consciousness was strong among the Swedes, as the literature below well illustrates, and it explains the strange slanting of nearly all references with their emphasis upon "success." But it would perhaps be truer to say that the literature of the immigrant illustrates how rapidly the immigrant became American in his thoughts and ideals. It has been impossible to include constitutions and bylaws of Swedish organizations in America, even though no great number of these have been preserved. Moreover, few of them have been catalogued in the libraries. The Royal Library has an interesting collection of articles written by John Ericsson. They are of a scientific nature and are not included in this body of materials. Ericsson became an important symbol to the Swedish immi- grants in America. In their eyes he turned the tide of the Civil War in favor of the North. 47 REFERENCES BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS Adams, Waldemar J. Detaljerad redogorelse af min rattegang mot Mr. Carl Dahlen. Afskrifter af dartill horande handlingar och vittnesmal. Ut- gifven i anledning af vilseledande uppgifter i den svensk-amerikanska pressen. New York, [1916]. Adelskold, Cl[aes Adolf]. John Ericsson. Biografiska anteckningar. Stock- holm, 1894. Minnesord vid afteckningen af John Ericssons monument. Stock- holm, 1901. Adress till den skandinaviska befolkningen i Minnesota, n. p., n. d. (An anti-protectionist pamphlet signed by many Swedes.) Ahlroth, Axel A. Svenskarne in Minnesota. Historiska anteckningar sam- lade och utgifna. Westervik, 1891. Akerlind, Gust. A. Upprop till medlemmar af "The Scandinavian technical society of Chicago" och fbredrag hallet infor en samling svenska inge- niorer. Chicago, [1908]. Aldrich, Wintrop W. Sweden and the United States. Address at a banquet tendered to their Royal Highnesses the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess of Sweden, July 6, 1938. New York, 1938. American Society of Swedish Engineers. List of members. 1908. Brooklyn, 1908. American Swedish Historical Museum. A quarter century of progress. 1926- 1951. Philadelphia, 1952. Anderson, August. Hyphenated, or the life story of S. M. Swenson. Austin, Texas, 1916. Anderson, E. Einar [Raine, pseud.]. Bland norrlanningar i Chicago. Chi- cago, 1942. Anderson, E. Einar, ed. Historisk festskrift for Chicagos svenska hembygds foreningar utstallnings aret 1933. Chicago, 1933. Appel, Livia, and Franklin Fisk Holbrook. Minnesota in the war with Ger- many. St. Paul, 1928. Babcock, Kendrick Charles. The rise of American nationality, 1811-1819. New York and London, 1906. Baker, James H. Lives of the governors of Minnesota. St. Paul, 1908. (MHC, v. 13.). Bengtson, B. E. Pen pictures of pioneers. Holdrege, Neb., 1926-1931. 2v. Bennett, Frank M. The Monitor and the navy under steam. Boston and New York, 1900. Benson, Adolph B., and Naboth Hedin. Americans from Sweden. Foreword by Carl Sandburg. Philadelphia and New York, 1950. Berger, V[ilhelm]. Amerikanska ortnamn af svenskt ursprung. New York, 1915. John Ericsson minnet i New York, N. Y. New York, [1930]. President Franklin D. Roosevelts svenska harstamning. New York, [1937]. 48 Svenska ordnar och medaljer i Forenta Staterna. Brooklyn, [1931 J. Svenskarne i New York. New York, 1918. Svenskarne i New York. Historiker och biografier. New York, [1908-09]. -Vart sprak. Ett bidrag till kannedom om engelska sprakets infly- tande pa svenska spraket i Amerika. Rock Island, 1912. Bergman, Hans. History of Scandinavians in Tacoma and Pierce county. Tacoma, 1925. Berntson, Olof A. Kort historisk ofver svenskarne i Lowell, Mass., 1857-1916. n. p., n. d. Boethius, Axel, and Ake Olauson. Var svenska stam pa utlandsk mark. Svenska oden och insatser i frammande land. Stockholm, 1952. Boethius, B., and Bengt Hildebrand. Svenskt biografiskt lexikon. Stock- holm, 1918-1955. 15v. Bowers, David F., ed. Foreign influences in American life. Princeton, 1944. [Brage fylkes I. O. U.]. Historik ofver Brage fylkes I. O. U. 20 ariga verk- samhet 1892-1912. Chicago, 1912. Bremer, Fredrika. America of the fifties: letters of Fredrika Bremer. Sel. and ed. by Adolph B. 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The mysteries of astrology and the wonders of magic, including a history of astrology and various branches of necromancy together with valuable directions and suggestions relative to the casting of nativities, predictions by geomancy, chiromancy, physiognomy, etc. Boston, 1854. Ett femtioarsminne, 1867-1917. Banbrytarnas 50 ars jubileum firat i Round Rock, Texas, den 22 juni, 1917. n. p., n. d. Fonkalsrud, Alfred O. Scandinavians as a social force in America. Brooklyn, 1914. The Scandinavian-American. With the collaboration of Beatrice Stevenson. Minneapolis, 1915. Forsbeck, Filip A. New Upsala, the first Swedish settlement in Wisconsin. Milwaukee, 1936. (Appeared serially in WMH, 1935-36.) Forsberg, Emil. Svenskarne i Cleveland. Cleveland, 1911. Framstaende man och qvinnor i var tid. Biografiska skizzer och hagkom- ster. Chicago, 1890. Grand temperance festival to be given by the United Scandinavian Good templars of Cook County at the Association Hall 153 LaSalle street, Sunday, March. 28, 1897 at 3:30 p.m. Chicago, [1897]. Grip, Elias. John Ericsson. En livsbild. Uppsala, 1920. [Gronberger, Robert]. Svenskarne i St. Croix-dalen, Minnesota. Anteck- ningar samlade af R. G — r och utgifna af Minnesota Stats-Tidning. Minneapolis, 1879. 50 Gronstedt, Johan. Mina minnen. Stockholm, 1918. Hallner, A. Det stora falttaget mot hemmets och nationens fiender. Hand- bok i nykterhet, prohibition och nationalekonomi. Innehallande manga statistika uppgifter och flera originela illustrationer. Del 1-2. Chicago, 1892. Uncle Sam the teacher and the administrator of the world. Sac- ramento, 1918. -Anjelika. The English language transformed into phonetic orthog- raphy becoming the world language. A universal language now needed and demanded. Turlock, Calif., 1929. Halsning till hembygden i Jamtland. Fran jamtar i Canada och Forenta Staterna. Winnipeg, [1932]. Hammar, Hugo. John Ericssons Monitor och drabbningen pa Hampton Roads. Foredrag hallet den 9 mars 1922 vid firandet av Monitors seger over Merrimac; till trycket befordrat av Tekniska samfundet i Gote- borg. Goteborg, 1925. John Ericssons Monitor och drabbningen pa Hampton Roads. Stockholm, 1937. Hansen, Marcus Lee. The problem of the third generation immigrant. Rock Island, 1938. (AHP, v. 8, pt. 1.). Hart, Albert Bushnell. Swedish Americanism. Our share in American his- tory. Philadelphia, 1929. Hedin, Hilda. Sallskapsglaset. Dialogue i tva avdelningar. n. p., n. d. Hedstrand, Gustaf Fabian. I forna dar. Chicago, 1926. Hendin, C. G. "Kapphastens" lefnadsden upptecknade af honom sjalf samt biografer af atskilliga landsman. Denver, 1910. Henschen, Henry S. A history of the State Bank of Chicago from 1879 to 1904. Chicago, 1905. Hildebrand, Karl, and Axel Fredenholm. Svenskarna i Amerika. Popular historisk skildring i ord och bild av svenskarnas liv och underbara oden i Forenta Staterna och Canada. Medverkan av ett stort antal av Svensk- Amerikas och Sveriges fornamsta personligheter. Stockholm, 1924-1925. 2v. Hogbom, Ivar. Svenskar i utlandet. Biografiska uppgifter sammanstallda av Institutet for svensk utlandstjanst genom Ivar Hogbom. Stockholm, 1929. Holt, H., ed. The life stories of undistinguished Americans as told by them- selves. New York, 1906. Horn, Alfred. Det gamla och det nya systemet. n. p., [1915?]. Hoving, Johannes. Historik ofver Vasa Order af Amerika tjugofem-ariga verksamhet 1896-1921. Chicago, 1921. Indebetou, G., and E. Hylander. Svenska teknologforeningen 1861-1936. Stockholm, 1937. [Independent Order of Vikings]. Runeristningar . . . 1890-1915. Chicago, 1915. 51 Installationstal af Hon. Samuel Merrill, guvernor i staten Iowa till bada grenarna af generalforsamlingen, januari 1868. Chicago, 1868. The John Ericsson memorial committee invitation to their Royal Highness' the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess of Sweden ... to attend the unveiling of the monument erected by the government and people of the U. S. of America to the memory of Capt. John Ericsson. Chicago, 1926. Johnson, Amandus. Swedish contributions to American national life 1638- 1921. New York, 1921. The Swedes in America 1633-1900. Philadelphia, 1914. Johnson, C. J. History of the first Swedish pioneers, who settled Otter Creek Valley, situated in Otter Creek and Stockholm Townships, Craw- ford County, Wheeler Township, in Sac County, and Hayes Township, in Ida County, Iowa, now known as Kiron and community, from 1867 to the present time, 1915. Denison, Iowa, 1915. Johnson, Eric, and C. F. Peterson. Svenskarne i Illinois. Historiska anteck- ningar samlade och utgifna. Chicago, 1880. Johnson, J. A. Det skandinaviske regiments historie (15:e Wisconsin regi- ment). En kortfattad historie om dets organisation og de felt-toge, hvori det tog del. LaCrosse, Wis., 1869. Raiding, George. Rockfords svenskar 1885. Historiska anteckningar. Chi- cago, 1885. Kurath, Hans. A word geography of the Eastern United States. Ann Arbor, 1949. Linguistic atlas of the United States and Canada. Handbook of the linguistic geography of New England. With the collaboration of Marcus L. Hansen, Julia Bloch, Bernard Bloch. Providence, 1939. Lagerlof, Hans. The Washington memorial to Captain John Ericsson and its history. New York, 1924. [Lamb, Martha J.]. John Ericsson, the builder of the Monitor, 1803-1889. [New York, 1899.] Landelius, Otto Rob. Nerkingar som borgare och aventyrare i frammande land. Goteborg, 1936. [Launes, A. J.]. Civil and industrial progress of the Swedish people in Jamestown, N. Y. 1848-1914. Jamestown, 1914. Larson, Fredrik. Statistik ofver svenskarna i Forenta Staterna intill aret 1910. Chicago, 1914. 2d ed. Chicago, [1915]. Lincoln, Julius. The significance of the Swedish-American tercentenary of 1938. An address delivered at Monson Lake, Minnesota, August 22, 1937. n. p., n. d. Lindwall, Gustaf. Ingenioren vid Beach street. John Ericssons liv i ny belysning. Stockholm, 1937. Lof, Eric Adolf. Svenska ingeniorsforeningen i Forenta Staterna [The American society of Swedish Engineers] 1888-1938. Historik over dess tillkomst och utveckling med anledning av dess femtio-ariga tillvaro. New York, 1938. 52 Loveland, Lilly Ann Steel. Johan Stal [John Steel] from Smaland farmer lad to Idaho prune king. Francestown, N. H., 1947. Marell, Oscar G. Purpose and organization of foreign chambers of com- merce in the United States. Addresses delivered before the National Council of Lithuanian chambers of commerce of America, June 11th, 1930. New York, n. d. Sweden-America. Published by the Swedish Chamber of Com- merce of the United States of America. New York, 1918. Twenty-fifth anniversary of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce 1907-1932. 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"Americans with Swedish roots count fruit of 100 years in U. S." CSM, (June 5, 1948). Ander, O. Fritiof. "The effects of the immigration law of 1924 upon a mi- nority group." AHA, (1942), 343-352. "The immigrants and their descendants in American politics." A£P, pp. 45-52. "Public officials." SIA, pp. 321-337. "Some factors in the Americanization of the Swedish immigrant, 1850-1890." JIHS, 26 (April- July 1933), 136-150. "Swedish-American newspapers and the Republican party, 1855- 1875." AHP, 2 (1932), 64-77. "The Swedish-American press and the American Protective Asso- ciation." CH, 6 (June 1937), 165-179. "The Swedish-American press and the election of 1892." MVHR, 23 (March 1937), 533-554. Anderson, B. "Svea Gille i Worcester, Mass." VK, 1 (Jan. 1897), 21-25. 1897: 21-25. Anderson, Harriet Jean. "'God Jul' in U. S. A." TW (Dec. 19, 1948). Anderson, John A. "Civil war reminiscences." SHS, 3 (1909-10), 17-22. Anderson, Mary. "The value of Swedish-Americans to the nation." BAIS, 1 (July 1944), 9-15. Anderson, O. W. "Jamestown, N. Y., och svenskarne der." VK, 2 (Nov. 1898), 561-566. 58 Anderson, Theodore W. "Swedish pioneers in Kansas." SHS, 10 (1924-25), 7-18. Ankarfelt, Signe. "Pa obanade stigar. En banbrytares hagkomster." [Johan Olof Liedberg.] PB, 6 (1906), 162-173. Babcock, Kendric C. "Scandinavian contingent." AM, 77 (May 1896), 660- 670. "Scandinavian element in American population." AHR, 16 (Jan. 1911), 300-310. "Scandinavian element in the United States." MVHR, 2 (Dec. 1915), 440-443. "The Scandinavians in American life." AM, 77 (May 1896). "Scandinavians in the Northwest." Forum, 14 (Sept. 1892) , 103-109. Backhand, J. O. "Chicago." ASM, 42 (June 1948), 35-37, 104-107. Barnitz, Wirt. "Industrial Wizard." [Vincent Bendix.] ASM, 31 (Nov. 1937), 7-9. Baron, H. Archer. "Record-breaking shipbuilder." [Samuel J. Anderson of the Bethlehem-Fairfield Shipyards.] ASM, 37 (March 1943), 11, 28. Barry, Edward. "100 years of Sweden in the Middle West." CT, (June 6, 1948). Barton, A. O. "Carl Gustaf Mellberg, Koshkonong pioneer, and other Swed- ish settlers." WMH, 29 (June 1946), 407-422. Baum, Arthur W., and Tigrett Burton. "Everything happens on a bus." [C. E. Wickman.] SEP, 218 (April 20, 1946), 30-31, 79-82. Bemis, Myrtle. "History of the settlement of Swedes in North Dakota." NDHC, 3 (1910). 247-320. Benson, Adolph B. "John Lindmark: versatile Swedish immigrant in New York." ASHM, (1946), 5-22. "Magazines." SIA, pp. 206-208. "Scandinavian Day at Waterbury, Connecticut." ASM, 29 (Oct. 1935), 16-17, 35-37. "Swedish influence on American culture." BAIS, 4 (March and June, 1949). Benson, Oscar Algot. "Problems in the accommodation of the Swede to American culture." UPB, 30 (Nov. 15, 1933), 1-8. Berg, Ruben G:son. "Svenskan i Amerika." SOS, (1904), 1-21. Bergendoff, Conrad. "Centennial of Swedish pioneers." ASR, 34 (June 1946), 114-119. Berger, Vilhelm. "American place names of Swedish origin." ASM, 29 (Sept. 1935), 17-18, 41-42. "American governors of Swedish descent." ASM, 28 (Nov. 1934), 365-366. "Amerikanska ortnamn av svenskt ursprung." ARF, (1928), 32-45. [ ] "Bemarkta svenskar i Amerika. VK, 12-13, (1908-1910). "Descendants of Swedes in American Congress." ASM, 28 (July- Oct. 1934), 221-222, 258-259, 331. 59 "Ett par minnen fran hundaren. PB, 10 (1910), 100-106. "Hakan Johansen. Ett svenskt banbrytarminne vid Ostervag." PB, 11 (1911), 101-109. "Nagra svenska karaktarsdrags amerikanisering." VK, 12 (1908), 114-121. "Nagra tankar om emigrationsfragan." VK, 13 (March 1909), 89-93. 'Prins Wilhelms besok i Forenta Staterna. Kort redogorelse for de till hans ara anordnade festligheterna." PB, 8 (1908), 13-32. "Svenska namn pa Amerikas karta." NOB, 26 (1938), 61-102. Bergin, Alfred. "The Swedish settlements in central Kansas." KSHS, 11 (1909-1910), 22. Bergman, Emanuel. "Hembygdsrorelsen i Sverige och Amerika." AS, 25 (Oct. 1938), 10-16. Bergquist, Alida. "The Swedes in Chicago." ASD, pp. 159-173. Birgers, Daniel. "Program ha vi nar vi samlas i vara organisationer." AS, 33 (Aug. 1946), 11-13. Blegen, Theodore C. "The competition of the Northwestern states for im- migrants." WMH, 3 (Sept. 1919), 3-29. Bonggren, Jakob. "Adolph O. Eberhart. Varmlandspojken som blev guver- nor i Minnesota." AS, 17 (Feb. 11, 1930), 1-3. "Tva svensk-amerikanska guvernorer." VS, (1906), 53-62. "Svenska fria arbetsbyran i Chicago." VS, (1907), 57-70. "Bland svenskarne i Amerika." [Anna Hellstrom and Gust P. Wern.] VK, 9 (Sept. 1905), 440-42, 444-46. Boyesen, H. H. "Scandinavian in the United States." NAR, 155 (Nov. 1892), 526-535. Brigg, Harold E. "The great Dakota boom." NDHQ, 4 (Jan. 1930), 78-108. Brown, Nils F:son. "Svensk-amerikanska problem." US, 1 (no. 2, 1939), 8-11. "The Swedes among us." AME, 8 (May 1926), 9-13. Brumley, Mary Jane. "Champion of women's welfare in industry." [Mary Anderson.] ASM, 37 (Nov. 1943), 12-13, 27-28. "Government expert on farm economics." [Eric Englund.] ASM, 37 (April 1943), 9-10. "Lawmaker and sailor." [U. S. Senator Warren G. Magnuson.] ASM, 36 (Oct. 1942), 6-7, 27-28. "Lund of the D. C. chapter." [Otto Severin Lund.] ASM, 36 (March 1942), 6-7-28. "Senator Johnson of Colorado." ASM 33 (Dec. 1939), 18-19, 46-47. Bruhn, Carl. "Statement of Carl Bruhn on Dec. 14, 1921 before committee on Immigration and Naturalization of the 6th Congress." 2d sess. (Serial 1-B, pp. 112-140.) Burr, W. "Dirt Farmer representing the farmer. IND, 114 (March 7, 1925), 269-271. "Magnus Johnson will be heard." OU, 135 (Dec. 26, 1923), 723-725. 60 [ ] "Minnesota sends a 'Bull of Bashan' to the Senate." [Magnus Johnson.] CO, 75 (1923), 287-290. C. J. K. "Svenska-benefit-foreningen i Philadelphia." VK, 5 (June 1901) 294-298. Carlfelt, C. G. "Tri-Cities stage triple celebration." ASM, 42 (June 1948), 17, 92. Carlson, Elmer. "The earlier Swedes in Colorado." ASHF, (1949), 37-56 "Swedish pioneers and the discovery of gold in Alaska." ASHF, (1948), 63-81. Carlson, Elmer [Judge]. "Early Swedes in Iowa." ASM, 42 (June 1948), 78-79, 102-104. Carlson, Leland H. "Judge George E. G. Johnson." ASHF, (1949), 57-70. "Butter-and-egg man." [Carl A. Swanson.] F, 28 (Oct. 1943), 122-125. Byrnes, Garrett D. "Celluloid jewelry." [George F. Berkander.] ASM, 31 (Jan. 1937), 14-15, 34. Casson, H. N. "The Scandinavians in America." MM, 35 (Aug. 1906), 613- 618. Church, John C. "John Ericsson the engineer. July 31, 1803 — March 8, 1889." SM, 7 (Feb.-March 1890), 169-185, 336-361. "Centennial of the Swedish pioneers." SS, 53 (Sept. 29, 1948) 16. Clauson, J. "Skandinaviska foreningen Vega i New Britain, Conn." UK, 2 (May 1898), 243-245. Clawe, Gosta. "De svenska sprakdialekterna i Amerika." AS, 23 (Nov. 1, 1936), 8-9. "Svenska landskapsforeningar i Amerika." AS. 24 (April 1. 1937), 5-6. Coolidge, C. "Great American." [Address at the unveiling of the John Ericsson memorial.] ASR, 14 (July 1926), 422-427. Coulter, John L. "Industrial history of the Valley of the Red River of the North." NDHC, 3 (1910), 529-673. Dahlberg, R. N. and C. L. "Pehr Dahlberg and the first Swedish settlement in Iowa." AI, 16 (July 1928), 323-330. Davenport, Samuel R. "Clinton P. Anderson." ASM, 39 (Sept. 1945), 6-7, 25-26. [Delaware Tricentennial] . [Clippings from American newspapers, May- June 1939 with reference to the Delaware celebration.] Dreutzer, O. E. "Reminiscences of a pioneer." SP, 1 (Jan. 1951), 14-24. [Eastman, Charles J.] "Charles J. Eastman. Arizona pioneer." ASM, 28 (May 1934), 147, 169. Eberhart, Adolph O. "The American way of life." BASI, 4 (Dec. 1949), 20-26; 5 (Sept. 1950), 22-26; 6 (Autumn 1951) 3-13; 6 (Winter 1951), 24-29. "On to the promised land." BAIS, 1 (Jan. 1945) , 6-10. Edwards, Everett E. "Their road led west." ASM, 42 (June 1948), 63-65. Egardh, Johan. "Svenskarna i Vastern." SVIA, v. 2, pp. 69-91. 61 Edgren, H. "Sjostriden pa Hampton Roads 1862." PB, 3 (1903), 15-26. Edgren, J. A. "Jordbafningen i Kalifornien." VS, (1907), 161-174. "San Francisco och omnejd." VS, (1905), 27-42. "Sommarlager i Kalifornien." VS, (1906), 135-146. Edstrom, Aaron. "En svenskt-amerikansk mecenat, Senator C. J. A. Eric- son." PB, 11 (1911), 224-230. Ekstam, Ralph G. "The smorgasbord makes conquests in Amerika." ASM, 28 (April 1934), 114-115. Enander, Joh. A. "Chicago-branden. Ett trettioarsminne. VK, 5 (Dec. 1901), 631-640. "Chicagos brand. Ett 30-arigt minne skildrat." VS, (1901), 139-158. "Forenta Staternas kapitolium." VS, (1906), 177-196. "Kamp och seger under svensk-amerikanernas nybyggarelif." VS, (1900), 74-90. "Svensk-amerikas dag i Norrkoping." PB, 7 (1907), 69-90. "Svensk-amerikanska insamlingen for nodlidande i norra Sverige." PB, 4 (1904), 118-160. "Tre amerikanska hogtidsdagar." VS, (1899), 82-96. "Vastgotamonumentet i Minnesota. Minnen fran indianupproret om hosten 1862." VS, (1902), 67-87. Engberg, George B. "Knights of labor in Minnesota." MH, 22 (Dec. 1941). 367-390. Englund, Eric. "Farmers." SIA, pp. 75-91. Erickson, Erick P. "Pioneer life in South Dakota." BAIS, 1 (July 1944), 16-34. Ericson, C. E. "Dr. Amandus Johnson; historian of the Swedes in America." ASM, 30 (Aug. 1936), 8-10, 42. [Ericson, Charles John Alfred]. President of City Bank of Boone, la., and State Senator. [Necrology.] SHS, 3 (1909-10), 78-80. Ericson, C. J. A. "Minnen af en svensk invandrare fran 1852." VK, 11 (June 1907), 277-283. "Memories of a Swedish immigrant of 1852." AI, 8 (April 1907), 1-12. Ericsson, John. "Statements relating to the defence of sea ports of the United States," addressed to Hon. S. S. Cox. Chm. of the Committee of Naval Affairs, House of Repr. New York. Jan. 7, 1884. (The Royal Li- brary has a collection of articles by John Ericsson on "solar investiga- tions.") "Ericsson's 'Destroyer' and her new gun." SMO, 21 (March 1881), 689-693. "The Ericsson monument." ASR, 5 (May- June 1917), 175. Ericsson, Karl Johan Alfred. "En svensks resa till Amerika ar 1852 och hans forsta ar som nybyggare." AS, 25 (Sept. -Oct. 1938), 8-10. Essen, Riitger. "Svcnskarna i Nordamerikas krigshistoria." SVIA, v. 1, pp. 166-196. 62 Farnstrom, Karin. "New Queen of the air." ASM, 41 (Sept. 1947), 6-7, 34. Faust, Levin. "The Rockford Swedes." SHSB, 3 (June 1930), 61-72. "Svensk foretagsamhet och svenska arbetare." SVIA, v. 2, pp. 38-48. Fernlund, Bo. "Hos svenskamerikaner." US, 11 (Aug. 1949), 21-23. "Festival honors Swedish pioneers." ASM, 40 (Sept. 1946), 12, 27-28 Flanagan, John. "Fredrika Bremer: traveller and prophet." MH, 20 (June 1939), 129-139. Flom, George T. "The early Swedish immigration to Iowa." IJ, 3 (Oct. 1905), 583-615. "The growth of the Scandinavian factor in the population of Iowa." IJ, 4 (Oct. 1906), 267-285. "The Scandinavian factor in the American population." IJ, 3 (Jan. 1905), 57-91. "Forenta Staternas sjal." VR, (1919), 55-61. Forsbeck, F. A. "New Upsala: the first Swedish settlement in Wisconsin." WMH, 19 (Sept. 1935 and March 1936), 3-31, 161-181, 294-318. Franson, S. "Historik ofver The Independent Order of Svithiod, dess upp- komst och utveckling." VK, 1 (April 1897), 27-32. Franzen, Gosta. "Det foranderliga svenskamerika." AS, 34 (Nov. 1947), 2-3, 10. "American daughters of Sweden in Chicago." ASM, 43 (May 1949), 14, 20. Fredenholm, Axel. "Hur svenska kolonier bildades i Forenta Staterna." AS, 35 (Nov. 1947), 2-3, 10. Freeburg, Victor O. "Imports and importers." SIA, pp. 584-598. Giving, Selma, and David L. Tilderquist. "Doctors." SIA, pp. 338-356. Glover, Katherine. "Builder of international good will." [Col. Oscar N. Solberg.] ASM, 31 (Nov. 1937), 4-6. Grably, D. "Swedes moved West: centennial of settlement in the United States." CSM, (Nov. 22, 1947). "Great American." [John Ericsson.] ASR, 14 (July 1926), 422-427. Gustafson, E. B. "The Swedes in Minnesota," SHS, 10 (1924-25), 45-111. Gustafson, Henning. "Stockholm, Wisconsin, a century old." SP, 2 (Autumn 1951), 35-38. "Vision and growth." [Hilmer Lundbeck.] ASM, 33 (Dec. 1939), 12-13, 41, 43. Hammarberg, A. L. "Tillverkning af vallda ror i Nordamerikas Forenta Stater. Reseberattelse." Bihang till Jernkontorets annaler for ar 1909. Hansen, Mabel V. "The Swedish settlement on Pine Lake." WMH, 8 (Sept. 1924), 38-51. Hanson, Sigurd. "John Ericsson i svensk litteratur, en maktpaliggande bio- grafisk uppgift." GH, (March 9, 1937). Hanson, Thorsten. "American -Swedish communications." ASH, 2 (1945), 48-56. 63 Harvard, W. S. "Swedish tricentennial in Minneapolis." HW, 37 (May 27, 1893). Hassan, Abu. "Bror Dahlberg — skaningen som revolutionerar Amerikas byggnadsindustri." US, 6 (no. 1, 1944), 20-22. Haugen, Einar. "The Swedish attorney in Waupaca County." SP, 1 (Spring 1951), 39-43. Hawkinson, Zenos. "An interpretation of the background of the Evangeli- cal Mission Covenant Church of America." SP, 2 (Summer 1951), 3-14. Head, D. "Tuberculosis among the Scandinavians." Charities, 21 (Nov. 7, 1908), 249. Hedin, Naboth. "Getting ready for New Sweden." ASM, 31 (March 1937), 10-13. "The cultural contacts between the United States and Sweden." ASH, [1] (1945), 57-65. "Swedish-American history." ASM, 42 (Aug. 1948), 12, 29-30. "Two nations remember New Sweden." ASM, 31 (Oct. 1937), 4-7. Heilborn, Adele. "Organizations in Sweden concerned with American rela- tions." ASH, 2 (1945), 39-47. "Sweden -American Foundation." ASR, 27 (Dec. 1939), 344-348. Hedges, James B. "The colonization work of the Northern Pacific Railroad." MVHR, 13 (Dec. 1926), 309-342. Hedman, Herbert R. "The Swedish Club of Chicago." ASD, pp. 175-80. Henschen, Wm. "Ett minne af John Ericsson." PB, 13 (1913), 87-91. Hessby, Robert. "The first Swede in Texas," [S. M. Swenson.] ASM, 28 (Sept. 1934), 289-290. Hessby, Sigfrid. "The greyhound and the man." [C. Eric Wickman.] ASM, 28 (Aug. 1934), 251-253. Holt, Andrew. "Characteristics of the early Swedish settlers in Minnesota," SHS, 7 (1921-22), 7-23. Homey, Nils. "Sverige och Amerika." US, 5 (no. 1, 1943), 26-27. Hoving, Johannes. "Den svenska kolonisationen i Amerika och dess bety- delse for Amerika och Sverige." US, 1 (no. 3, 1939), 6-8; (no. 4, 1939), 9-11; 2 (no. 1, 1940), 20; (no. 2, 1940), 15-17. "Svenska stordad i Amerika." US, 11 (no. 1, 1949), 24-27. "Historical Societies." ASH, 1 (1943), 33-36. "A hundred years of the propeller." ASM, 31 (March 1937), 4-5. Husband, Joseph. "John Ericsson." AA, pp. 17-36. Boston. [1920] 17-36. Ingvall, A. "Svenska sport- och atletforeningen i Brooklyn, N. Y." VK, 5 (July 1901), 346-348. "Interesting people — John Lind." ASR, 1 (Nov. 1913), 15. "Interesting people— John S. Swensson." ASR, 3 (Nov. -Dec. 1915), 346-348. Jacobson, Albert N. "The Vasa Order of America." ASM, 28 (Aug. 1934), 251-253. Jarlson, A. "Swedish emigrant's story." IND, 55 (Jan. 8. 1903), 88-93. "John Ericsson's genius." ASM, 28 (March 1934), 78-79, 88. 64 Johnson, Alexander J. "Forenta Staternas styrelse form, politiska partier och svensk-amerkanernas stallning till dem." SVIA, v. 2, 297-301. Johnson, Amandus. "Sons and daughters of Sweden." ASR, 21 (June 1933), 338-340. Johnson, E. F. "Svenska ingeniorsforeningen i Forenta Staterna." VK, 1 (Jan. 1897), 20-25. Johnson, Erick H. "Barndomsminnen fran nybyggaretiden i norra Wiscon- sin." VK, 4 (April 1900), 203-211. "En framtidsman af nordisk stam. Irvine L. Lenroot." VK, 12 (Nov. 1908), 561-562. "Sa var det i borjan. Hagkomster fran den svenska nybyggartiden i Wisconsin." PB, 12 (1912), 92-102. "Stufbitar ur minnets packbod." VK, 12 (Dec. 1908), 608-609; 13, (1909), 38-39, 94-96, 150-151. Johnson, E. Gustav. "An exiled Swedish novelist and the Civil War." JIHS, 41 (June 1948), 146-158. "Newberry was not of Swedish descent." SP, 2 (Summer 1951), 24-27. "Place names and Swedish pioneers." BAIS, 5 (Sept. 1950), 7-12. "The study of American place-names of Swedish origin." CQ, 6 (Nov. 1946), 235-250. Johnson, Harald. "John Ericsson." SVS, v. 2, pp. 71-82. [Johnson, John Albert]. "John Albert Johnson, governor of Minnesota." [Necrology.] SHS, (1909-10), 74-76. Johnson, Owen. "Civilization, to John Ericsson, debtor." RD, 48 (Feb. 1946), 101-106. Johnson, Rolf. "The diary of Rolf Johnson, a pioneer of Phelps County, Neb." (Clipping from The Holdrege Citizen.) Johnson, Vilas. "A challenge to Americans of Swedish background." SP, 1 (July 1950) , 3-8. Kalijarvi, Thorsten. "The stone cutters of Concord, New Hampshire." ASHM, (1946), 76-84. Kampe, Alfred. "Bland utvandrare och amerikaner." VS (1913), 169-191. Kastrup, Allan. "The making of Sweden." SIA, pp. 105-122. Kjellgren, Theodor. "De forsta svenskarna i Minnesota." PB, 4 (1904), 91-100. Kjellstrom, Erik T. H. "Minneapolis 'Swede's Day' draws forty thousand." ASM, 35 (Aug. 1941), 9, 28-30. Knittel, Barbara Elrod. "Peter Norbeck, pioneer and legislator." ASM, 30 (Oct. 1936), 14-15, 37-38. Kock, P. "Scandinavian or American." SC, 1 (June 1884), 228-229. Lamm, Olof H. "Svenska societeten i New York." AS, 23 (Feb. 1, 1936), 3-5. 65 Landelius, Otto R. "Benjamin Owen. En av August Strindberg's kusiner som emigrerade till Amerika . . ." VS, 14 (Oct. 1952), 10-11, 33. Larsen, J. Arthur. "The rise of labor in Minnesota." MAW, 33 (August 1933), 23-24. Larson, Cedric. "Arthur W. Walander." BASI, 5 (June 1951), 3-11. "The smorgasbord invades America." BASI, 6 (Winter 1951), 12-17. Larsson, Adolf. En brannande fraga for Amerikas folk och dess framtid. Chicago, 111., 1897. Lawson, Evald Benjamin. "The Swedish Pioneer Centennial." ASR, 36 (Dec. 1948), 305-312. Lawson, Victor E. "The first settlements in the Kandiyohi Region and their fate in the Indian outbreak." SHS, (1924-25), 19-44. Leach, Henry Goddard. "American-Scandinavian Foundation." ER, 65 (Jan. 1923), 22-27. "The Swedes are coming." ASR, 26 (June 1938), 103. Liljencrantz, Johan. "Inventors." SIA, pp. 382-406. "A Swedish-American inventor." [Ernest Alexanderson.] ASR, 14 (April 1926), 229. Lind, John. "De bada politiska partiernas uppkomst." SVIA, v. 2, pp. 293-296. Lindahl, Joshua. "En akta svensk-amerikan. Minnesteckning ofver dr. C. J. Stille. PB, 6 (1906), 114-120. Lindahl, Mac. "Blod, kott och olja." US, 12 (No. 1, 1950), 18-19, 30. Linden, G. A. "Trans-Mississippi och internationella utstallningen i Omaha och svenskarnes deltagande deruti." VK, 2 (Sept. 1898), 455-463. Linden, John A. "Fifty years of fraternalism." ASM, 35 (Feb. 1941), 7, 26-27. Linder, O. A. "Bemarkta svenskar i Amerika." [John E. Ericson.] VK, 13 (Mar. 1909), 126-128; [Josua Lindahl.] 13 (June 1909), 295-297; [Gus Higgins.] 13 (July 1909), 340-343. "Svenska foreningarnes i Chicago alderdomshem." [Evanston, 111.] VK, 13 (Oct. 1909), 514-516. "Svenska nationalforbundet i Chicago. VK, 13 (April 1909), 188- 191. Lindgren, Raymond E. "The Swedes come to Utah." ASHF, (1949), 13-27. Lindvall, C. A. "Vart stora kulturarv." SHS, 6 (1916-17), 11-20. Littell, Robert. "Magnus at home." [Magnus Johnson.] NR, 35 (Aug. 1, 1923), 250-252. Lofgren, Svante. "The early Swedish settlements of Washington." ASHF, (1946), 26-30. "Memories of a pioneer." BAIS, 1 (July-Sept. 1946), 13-16. "En smalanning i Savannah." US, 10 (no. 1, 1948), (14-17. "Some Swedish business pioneers in Washington." [Nels B. Nel- son, Andrew J. Charleston, Charles R. Wilson, August Lovegren, Carl Magnus Hanson, Fred Johnson, etc.] ASHF, (1947), 55-66. Lund, Inez. "Hemmet i Svensk-Amerika." SVIA, v. 2, pp. 49-55. 66 [Lundbeck, G. Hilmer]. "G. Hilmer Lundbeck. In memoriam." ASM, 43 (July 1949), 11, 19. Lusch, Fritz. "Sverige och svenskheten." AS, 24 (Aug. 1937), 6-7. M. E. F. "An old-fashioned Christmas." ASM, 31 (Dec. 1937), 8-9. Main, A. K. "Thure Kumlien, Koshkonong naturalist." WMH, 27 (Sept- March 1944), 17-39, 194-220, 321-343. Malm, G. N. "En sommardag pa Jan Swansons farm." SVIA, v. 2, pp. 28-37. "Ett gammalt brev." BF, (1920-1921), 34-43. Maxwell, Florence C. "Codfish and smorgasbord." CSM, (Nov. 6, 1948) . McDowell, F. H. B. "The newer Scandinavia." SC, 3 (May-June 1886), 147-180. Moberg, Gosta. "Landsman i forskingringen." US, 12 (April 1950) , 16-19, 32. Moehlman, Arthur Henry. "The Red River of the North." GGR, 25 (Jan. 1935), 79-91. Moller, Yngve. "Svenska glimtar fran Amerika." US, 9 (no. 8, 1947), 20-21, 35. Morris, Ira Nelson. "Swedish -American interchange." ASR, 7 (Sept.-Oct. 1919), 370-371. Myrdal, Alva and Gunnar. "Sweden's profile in America." ASHF, (1944), 1-27. Nelson, Helge. "Gustaf Unonius, Pine Lake-kolonien och Wisconsins svenska befolkning." SGA, (1941). "Lindsborgsbygden. En svenskbygd pa Kansas prarier." HS, (1922) . "Minnesotas bebyggande. Med sarskild hansyn till svenskars, norr- mans och tyskars andel i densamma." SGA, (1936) . "Nagra svenskbygder i Nordamerika." SGSA, (1925). "Svensk bosattning i Chicago och norra Illinois." SGA, (1940) . "Svensk nybyggarverksamhet i Nebraska och Dakotastaterna." SGA, (1937). "Svenskar och svenskbygder i Forenta Staterna." AH, (1925). "Svenskarne och svenskbygder i Nordamerika. Deras geografiska utbredning." SVIA, v. 1, pp. 346-361. "Svenskar och svenskbygder i Texas." SGA, (1939) . "Svenskarnas utbredning i Nordamerika." NOST, 4 (no. 1, 1925). Nelson, Herman G. "Builder of bridges." [Ruben N. Bergendoff.] ASM, 34 (Aug. 1940), 6-7. "Lindberg and his town parks." [Gustaf Alfred Lindberg.] ASM, 35 (April 1941), 8, 30. "Oldest chief of police." [August E. Bargren.] ASM, 33 (Jan. 1939), 14-15,35,37-38. "Rockford in Illinois retains its Swedish flavor." ASM, 42 (June 1948), 43-47, 112-113. "Sales by the million." [Nils F. Testor.] ASM, 38 (June 1944) , 11, 13, 28-29. 67 "State senator Benson of Illinois." [Arnold P. Benson.] ASM, 35 (June 1941) , 8-9, 28-29. "The Swedes in Rockford." ASD, pp. 144-159. "Swedish-American boys in blue. Reminiscences from the Civil war." PB, 8 (1908), 170-188. "A Swedish museum in Rockford, Illinois." BAIS, 1 (Jan. 1945), 4-5. "Swedish settlers in Rockford." SPHQ, 3 (Oct. 1952), 91-103. [Nelson, Olof Ferdinand]. [Member of Asgood Company, photoengravers and electrotypers.] [Necrology.] SHS, (1911-1913), 77-78. Ness, George T. "Swedish-born graduates of U. S. Military Academy at West Point." ASM, 40 (Dec. 1946) , 22, 39-42. Nilsson, Victor. "En svensk bank och en svensk bankir. Nils O. Werner." VK, 6 (Jan. 1902), 22-26. "Guvernor John A. Johnson. Minnesotas andre svenske guvernor." PB, 6 (1906), 202-213. "John Lind. Biografi." VK, 1 (Jan. 1897) , 34-36. Norberg, Gard E. "Stout-hearted Swedes take root in Maine." ASM, 42 (Dec. 1948), 22-23, 37-40. Nordell, Elfreda. "In the melting pot." CG, 3 (Winter 1943), 95-100. "Shall we go back." CG, 4 (Summer 1944) , 94-98. Nordkvist, Gust. Harald. "Foreningsvasendet." SVIA, v. 2, pp. 270-290. "Medel for samarbete mellan Sverige och Svensk-Amerika." Fore- drag hallet infor Svensk-amerikanska sallskapet i Stockholm a restau- rant Gillet den 26 januari 1921. Stockholm, 1921. Svensk-Amerikanska sallskapet. Fran dess forhandlingar. No. 4. Norelius, E. "Den forsta svenska invandringen till Forenta Staterna." PB, 1 (1900), 37-49. Norman, C. G. "Svenskarne i Worcester." PB, 4 (1904), 12-27. Nute, Grace Lee. "Lindbergh colony." MH, 20 (Sept. 1939) , 243-258. Nyberg, H. S. "Emigrationen och Vilhelm Lundstroms stora tanke." AS, 35 (Aug. 1948) , 2-7. Nyvall, David. "Svenska historiska sallskapet." SHS, 5 (1914-15), 7-12. "Den svenska national karaktaren och dess amerikanisering." PB, 3 (1903), 282-292. Oleen, Courtney N. "Important events in Swedish America." VR, 22 (1928), 105-122. Olson, Alexander. "Svenska foreningar i San Francisco." VK, 12 (Dec. 1908), 605-607. Olson, Ernst W. "Grodor ur Svartbacken." BF, (1920-21), 111-131. "Svenska historiska sallskapet i Chicago." ARF, (1912), 87-93. "Svenskarna som medborgare." SVIA, v. 2, pp. 302-318. Olsson, Jons. "A journey to the United States of America in 1881." BAIS, 1 (Apr.-Sept. 1945), 27-31; 1 (Jan. -Mar. 1946), 17-20. 68 Olsson, Nils William. "A century of Swedish immigration." ASH, 3 (1948) , 111-119. "Pioneer centennial to be observed throughout Middle West in 1948." ASM, 41 (Nov. 1947), 6-7, 38. "Swedish enlistments in the U. S. Army before 1851." SPHQ, 1 (Winter 1951), 3-13; 1 (Spring 1951), 17-38. "Swedish settlers in Minnesota and the U. S. Census of 1850." BAIS, 1 (July-Sept. 1946) , 11-12. "Was Napoleon Berger the first Swedish journalist in America?' SPHQ, 3 (Winter 1952), 19-29. Osborn, Joseph Esbjorn. "Personal memories of Brig.-Gen. C. J. Stolbrand." SHS, (1909-10), 5-17. Osborne, John Ball. "The personal side of Swedish-American relations." [Jenny Lind, Fredrika Bremer, John Ericsson.] ASR, 19 (Feb. 1931), 91-97. Palmgren, Carl. "Svensk besok och minnesfester." SVIA, v. 2, pp. 319-323. Persson, Malte. "Overste Mattson." OEA, (1932) . Peterson, Bernard. "Manufacturers." SIA, pp. 551-571. "Swedish pioneers in the greater Boston area." SP, 2 (Summer 1951), 15-23. Peterson, C. F. "Blickar mellan kulisserna i Chicagos svenska verld for 35 ar sedan." VK, 5 (Jan. 1901), 34-36. ■ "Det svenska samvetet i den amerikanska politiken. Ocksa ett politiskt studium." VK, 3 (Feb. 1899) , 64-67. "Nagra svenska Chicago minnen." VK, 3 (May 1899) , 232-234. "The State Bank of Chicago. En svensk-norsk affar." VK, 5 (March 1901), 131-134. Peterson, Conrad. "Letters from pioneer days." SHS, (1923-24) , 45-117. "1905-1930. Twenty-five years of the Swedish Historical Society of America. A retrospect." SAHB, 2 (March 1930) , 5-19. Peterson, Elmer T. "A Viking heard aloha." [W. Matson.] ASM, 32 (April 1938), 9-11. "Importance of the farm front." ASM, 37 (May 1943) , 9-10, 23-24. Peterson, Fran. "Early days on Minnesota prairies." SHS, 8 (1922-1923) 7-25. Peterson, Gus. "Gus Peterson — Columbia wrestling coach for 33 years." ASM, 43 (Feb. 1949), 19, 23. Posey, Chessley J. "The influence of geographic factors in the development of Minnesota." MHB, 2 (August 1918), 443-453. Qualey, Carlton C. "Pioneer Scandinavian settlement in Michigan." MHM, 24 (Autumn 1940), 435-450. Quist, P. P. "Recollections of an immigrant of 1865." SAHB, 4 (Sept. 1931) , 7-19. "Recollections from children and pioneer days." BAIS, 1 (April- June 1946) , 21-31. Ranson, Harry. "Svante Palm and his books." ASHF, (1949), 28-36. 69 Ravndal, Gabriel B. "The Scandinavian pioneers of South Dakota." SDHC, 12 (1924), 297-330. Rice, Robert. "Svenskamerikanen Gunnar Hagstrom." US, 12 (No. 7-8, 1950), 17-21. Ringius, Carl. "Swedish contributions to Connecticut's industrial develop- ment." ASM, 29 (July 1935), 9-11, 47-49. Rinman, Thorsten. "Bron over havet." SVIA, 2, pp. 351-356. Robinson, Mary V. "Mary Anderson." ASM, 29 (Aug. 1935) , 9-11. Ralph, Julian. "Our Swedish fellow-citizens." HW, 40 (April 25, 1896) , 419, 422. Rooth, Gerhard T. "New England midsummer festival." [Vasa Order.] ASM, 35 (July 1941), 12-13. Rosenquist, Carl M. "Linguistic changes in acculturation of the Swedes of Texas." SSR, 16 (Jan. 1932), 221-31. "The Swedes of Texas." ASHF, (1945), 16-29. Ross, Edward Alsworth. "Scandinavian-American solidarity." OU, 90 (Dec. 19, 1908), 854-855. "Scandinavian culture in the United States." Dial, 54 (Jan. 16, 1913), 35-36. "The Scandinavians in America." CE, 88 (June 1914) , 291-298. Ryden, George H. "The colony of New Sweden." MSA, (1938). "The Delaware Swedish-American tercentenary." MC, (1938), 23- 39. "How the Monitor helped the army." ASM, 31 (March 1937) , 6-9. "Story of New Sweden." ASR, 26 (March 1938), 22-38. (March, 1938) 26:22-38. Rydh, Hanna. "Hos Jamestowns svenskar." US, 12 (no. 9, 1950), 10-13. Rylander, Andrew. "Detroit Swedes in tune with melody of motors." ASM, 42 (June 1948), 67-69. S. C. H. "Some traits that should be dropped or adopted as Scandinavians become Americanized." VR, (1918), 37-42. S. L. "Svenska museet i Philadelphia." US, 9 (no. 4, 1947), 22-23. Sahlin, Nils G. "Soldiers and sailors." SIA, pp. 506-531. Sandstrom, Harry G. "This was America when John Ericsson came." ASM, 33 (Nov. 1939), 4-6, 31-34. "Scandinavians in Minnesota state politics." SC, 3 (Feb. 1886), 29-30. Schell, Herbert S. "Official immigration activities of Dakota territory." NDHQ, 7 (Oct. 1932), 5-24. Schon, Anders. "De forste svenskarne i Chicago." VR, (1903), 133-144. "De forsta svenskarne i Kansas." PB, 12 (1912), 165-199. "Den nye svenske ministern till Forenta Staterna." PB, 8 (1908), 146-153. "Femtioarsminnet af 'Monitors' och 'Merrimacs' strid. Dess firande skildrat." PB, 13 (1913), 152-177. "Svante Palm." PB, 1 (1900), 181-189. 70 "Svensk-Amerikas storste son. Nagra ord till guvernor John A. Johnsons minne." PB, 10 (1910), 190-211. Seabrook, William. "Imported Americans." AME, 125 (March 1937), 16-17, 90-95. Shaw, Albert. "Scandinavians in the United States." CHA, 8 (Dec. 1887), 169-172. Shepherd, Grace S. "Francis J. Plym." ASM, 29 (Dec. 1935), 10-12. Shirley, Ruth Carlson. "The Swedish pioneers of northeastern Connecticut." ASHF, (1952), 28-34. Skarstedt, Ernst. "En akta svensk-amerikanska. Ett reseminne." VK, 10 (Dec. 1906), 629-630. "Bland landsman i den yttersta nordvastern." PB, 6 (1906) , 93-110. "En misskand samhallsdanare." PB, 8 (1908), 124-137. "Seattle utstallningen och vart folks andel daruti." PB, 10 (1910) , 116-136. "En skicklig Amerika bedomare." [Emil Kleen.] PB, 4 (1904), 506-514. "Skrackdagarna i San Francisco. Efter egen och andras erfaren- heter." PB, 7 (1907) , 124-147. "Svenska dagen pa utstallningen i Seattle." VK, 13 (1909) , 456-459. "Svenskarna som fruktodlare." SVIA, v. 2, pp. 62-68. "Svenskt nybyggareliv i Amerika." SVIA, v. 1, pp. 319-335. Smith, Guy Harold. "Notes on the distribution of the foreign-born Scandi- navians in Wisconsin in 1905." WMH, 14 (June 1931), 419-436. "The populating of Wisconsin." GGR, 18 (July 1928) , 402-408. Smith, William Carlson. "The Swedes of Oregon." ASHM, (1946), 31-60. Solomon, Gladys. "M. D. to millions of Americans." [Dr. Paul Budd Mag- nuson.] ASM, 43 (March 1949) , 11, 25-27. Spangberg, Ernst A. "Hum manga aro vi?" BF, (1920-1921), 163-165. Stamline, J. A. "De forsta skandinaverna i Texas." PB, 3 (1903), 170-180. Stengard, Axel H. "Svenskarna som farmare i Amerika." SVIA, v. 2, pp. 11-17. Stephenson, George M. "Attitude of Swedish- Americans toward World War." MVHP, 10 (part 1, 1918-19) , 79-94. "Documents Relating to Peter Cassel and the Settlement at New Sweden, Iowa." SAHB, 2 (Feb. 1929), 1-82. "Hemlandet letters." SHS, (1922-23), 56-152. "Isidor Kjellberg: crusader." SAHB, 2 (Aug. 1929), 31-51. "Pioneering in Wisconsin a century ago." ASM, 35 (Nov. 1941) , 6-8. "Sidelights on the history of the Swedes in the St. Croix Valley." MH, 17 (Dec. 1936) , 396-405. "The stormy years of the Swedish colony in Chicago before the great fire." ISHS, 36 (1929), 166-184. 'When America was the land of Canaan." MH, 10 (Sept. 1929), 237-260. 71 Stockenstrom, Carl. "Swedish non-sectarian organizations." ASD, pp. 93- 107. Stomberg, Andrew A. "Helps direct American operations in Europe." [Brig. Gen. John E. Dahlquist.] ASM, 36 (Sept. 1942), 5, 29-30. "Pioneers of the Northwest." SIA, pp. 92-106. Sundelius, Gustaf. "Businessmen." SIA, pp. 572-583. Sundstrom, C. H. "Bland skogsafverkare." VR, (1904), 49-59. "Svenska foretag i Amerika. Svenska handelskammaren i New York." VK, 13 (Jan. 1909), 34-37. Swan, Gustaf N. "En bortglomd svensk-amerikan. Gustaf Clemens Hebbe." PB, 10 (1910), 71-81. "Nybygget vid Tallsjon. Den forsta svenska koloni i nordvastra Amerika, och huru den kom till." PB, 5 (1905), 29-40. "Staten Iowas forsta svenskar." SHS, 9 (1923-24), 35-44. Swan, Marshall W. S. "A California pioneer: John Brown." ASHF, (1948). 53-63. Swanson, Emil. "The Swedes in Moline." ASD, pp. 135-143. Swanson, W. Raymond. "Chairs for the nine old men." [Jamestown-Royal Upholstery Corp.] ASM, 31 (April 1937), 17-18, 38. Swanson, Roy W. "Distinguished in war, literature, and languages." [Aug. Hjalmar Edgren.] ASM, 34 (Nov. 1940), 7-8, 28. "Iowa of the early seventies as seen by a Swedish traveller." [Hugo Nisbeth.] IJ, 27 (Oct. 1929), 564-581. "The making of a general." [Brig. Gen Henning Linden.] ASM, 38 (Jan. 1944), 10, 24-25. "Minnesota as seen by travelers." [Hugo Nisbeth.] MH, 8 (Dec. 1927), 386-421. "Minnesota's new governor pledges human advancement." [Luther Wallace Youngdahl.] ASM, 41 (March 1947), 13, 30-31. "Our predecessors." SP, 1 (July 1950) , 12-21. "Puffed rice." [Alexander P. Anderson.] ASM, 35 (Feb. 1941), 11-13, 29-30. "Scandinavian place-names in the American Danelaw." SHSB, 2 (Aug. 1929), 5-17. "The Swedes and the new history." SHSB, 3 (Sept. 1930), 7-21. "Ten times Minnesota's secretary." [Mike Holm.] ASM, 34 (May 1940), 11-12, 31-33. Swanson, Seegar. "He downed 21 Zeros." [Capt. Richard Bong.] ASM, 38 (Feb. 1944), 9-10,30. "Swedish Chamber of Commerce. Editorial." ASR, 1 (Sept, 1913) , 21. "The Swedish people of Cadillac." Evening News, Cadillac, Mich., (March 20-26, 1912) . "Swedish stock in the United States." ASH, [1] (1943), 89. "Swedish stock in the United States." ASH, 3 (1948), 120-125. 72 Swensson, Carl. "John Ericssons monument i Filipstad, Vermland." VK, 3 (Jan. 1899), 3-13. "Den svensk-amerikanska julen." VK, 2 (Dec. 1898), 616-618. "Takes a birthday in his stride." [G. Hilmer Lundbeck.] ASM, 34 (Sept. 1940), 8, 22-23. Thomas, William W., Jr. "The Swedish citizens of America. Their history and value to the United States. Portrayed in the oration by Hon. W. W. Thomas, Jr. at the 250th anniversary of the founding of Sweden." Port- land Daily Press, (Sept. 15, 1888). "Mainekolonien nya Sveriges historia." SVIA, v. 1, pp. 336-345. Thornberg, E. H. "Svensk-amerikanarne och Sverige." ST, 3 (1913), 325- 334. "Three hundred years of Scandinavian industry." The Fox Valley Mirror, (Oct. 2, 1938). Torell, Eleanor E. "Family changes in three generations of Swedes." ASHF, (1946), 61-75. Townsend, Robert Swan. "The colonization of New Sweden, Maine." ASM, 28 (May 1934) , 145-146. Trimble, Harry C. "Otto Folin. A life work in biochemistry." ASM, 29 (Sept. 1935), 9-11. Turnwall, Philip. "So they can live again." ASM, 42 (Oct. 1948), 8-9, 27-28. "The two Lundbecks and the Swedish-American line." ASM, 38 (Feb. 1944) , 11, 25-26. Upvall, Axel J. "Den svenska kulturen i Amerika till mitten av 1800 talet." SVIA, v. 1, pp. 154-165. Usum, J. and R. H. "Minority group pattern in prairie society." AJS, 50 (March 1945), 377-385. Varg, Paul A. "Maximilian freiherr Scheie de Vere." SP, 1 (Oct. 1950) , 13- 17. Wald, Arthur, and Albin Widen. "National organizations in the United States." ASH, [1] (1943), 10-36. Waseurtz af Sandels, G. M. "The King's orphan manuscript." QSCP, 3 (June 1926), 58-96. [Werner, Nils O.]. Nils O. Werner, president of Scandinavian- American Na- tional Bank. [Necrology.] SHS, 3 (1909-10), 76-77. Westerberg, Hedvig. "Chicagos vildmark." BF, (1920-21), 13-22. Westerberg, Wesley. "Early Swedish Methodists in Illinois." SP, 1 (Oct. 1950), 3-8. Westerlund, Peter. "Reminiscences of a trip to Pikes Peak and down the Rio Grande in the year 1859, at the time of the Pikes Peak gold craze." SHS, 2 (1908), 34-71. Wetterstrom, Ingrid. "Looking into grandpa's past." ASM, 33 (April 1939), 15-19, 34. Widen, Albin. "Frisk framatsanda, nya uppslag pragla kulturarbetet i Minneapolis." AS, 33 (Oct. 1946), 3, 21. 73 "Hyggligheten i kvadrat." AS, 36 (June 1949) , 3-7. "Monument of a cultural heritage." ASR, 31 (March 1943), 50-55. "Organizations in Sweden concerned with American relations.' ASH, [1] (1943), 28-29. "Svensk-amerikansk hembygdsrorelse." BN, (1941). "Svensk historia i Amerika." US, 12 (No. 12, 1950), 37-42. "Swedish agencies in United States." ASH, 1 (1943), 30-32. Widmark, Laurence E. "Engineers." SIA, pp. 407-415. Wieden, Clifford and Marguerite. "The beginnings of a New Sweden in Maine." ASHM, (1946), 85-96. W[ilhelmson], N. "Nagra drag ur den svensk-amerikanska pressens his- toria." AS, 18 (Sept. 29, 1931), 8-11. Wisby, Hrolf. "The Scandinavian- American: his status." NAR, 183 (Aug. 1906), 213-223. Witting, A. G. "Delaware svenskarnas attlingar och efterfoljare." VR, (1927), 92-100. "Positiv eller negativsvenskhet." AS, 26 (Feb. 1, 1939) , 4-5. Youngquist, Aaron G. "Lawyers." SIA, pp. 315-320. Zetterstrand, E. A. "John Ericsson. En karakteristik af den store uppfin- naren." PB, 4 (1904), 45-58. 74 Chapter Six CHURCH AND EDUCATION The historian who concerns himself with the Middle Ages and Europe prior to 1648 finds it impossible to ignore the role of the church in the lives of men. Historians interested in Europe since 1648 or in American history relegate the role of the church to a place of little importance or ig- nore it entirely. A study of immigration to America and the immigrants in America raises a question as to the soundness of the latter approach to history. The religious cause might not have been the most important one for emigration from Europe, but it is one that touches the deepest emotions. It is perhaps true that more than half of the Swedish immigrants did not affiliate themselves with a church organization, and, except for that small number which found a degree of satisfaction in secular fraternal organiza- tions in combating loneliness, these immigrants soon lost their identity. As individuals they might well have made many important contributions. Later some perhaps joined an "American" church in order to satisfy either a spiritual or social need, but they left no impressive records accessible to the historian. Their story might be found in the materials listed under the sub- division of life of the immigrant in general. But it would be true to say that the shadow of the Cross extends also to this material. The larger gen- eral works on the Swedes in America contain chapters on the church and its special institutions. Swedish clergymen who visited America were, of course, more interested in the immigrant church than laymen were, but even laymen give considerable attention to the church in their "America books." The impact of religion upon the life of the immigrants made itself felt in almost every endeavor and not least in art, music, and literature. The secular organizations were numerous and met a distinct social and perhaps even a cultural need, but they flourished only as long as new immigrants provided them with an impulse for existence. World War I, improved social and economic conditions in Sweden, and the immigration laws of 1921 and 1924 provide an epitaph upon the tombstones of many secular immigrant organizations. The inscription is a brief one, and the record of their exist- ence is largely to be found in the secular immigrant press. The church survived the decline in immigration and blended with the general American scene. Its records are complex and rich and would vir- tually dwarf all other immigrant sources, if these were listed in their en- tirety. Here would be the records of local congregations numbering several thousands, but unfortunately these have not been cared for as they should have been. Most of the local churches prepared special jubilee publications for important anniversaries such as the tenth, fifteenth, twentieth, twenty- fifth, thirtieth, fortieth, fiftieth, seventy-fifth, etc. A few of the congrega- tions have recently celebrated their hundredth anniversary. Thus it became evident that many churches have published no less than four or five anni- 75 versary publications, and if these jubilee pamphlets or booklets were to be included they would require the major space in a bibliography of several hundred pages longer than the present one. Yet they do provide informa- tion on the arrival of the first Swedes in a given community and the cir- cumstances under which a church was founded. Later they might have some genealogical value, if local church records have been destroyed. The church was the agency through which the immigrant preserved his identity the best. It offered him an opportunity to associate with his own countrymen, to worship in a manner which was familiar to him, to speak the language of his childhood, and to preserve customs dear to his heart. Struggling churches became strong and prosperous as immigration in- creased; schools and colleges were founded to meet the demands for teachers, organists, and preachers. The church began to minister to the old as old folks' homes were established, and it cared for its sick and orphaned through the founding of hospitals and orphanages. The church with its many insti- tutions of learning and mercy is by far the mightiest monument built by the immigrants in America. Below are listed sources on the Augustana Synod, now called the Augus- tana Evangelical Lutheran Church; the Evangelical Mission Covenant Church of America, earlier known as the Mission Friends; the Swedish Baptist Church in America, now called the Baptist General Conference of America; the Swedish Methodist Church in America, now merged with the Methodist Church; the Evangelical Free Church and other smaller church groups. These sources include materials on central, regional, and local organizations of the church and are invaluable in the study of the distribution of the Swedes. They contain literature on the founding of settlements and pioneer life in which biographical material often looms large. Here are to be found personal recollections, accounts testifying of deep piety and a belief in a supernatural guidance of God in the destiny of the poor immigrants brought to the land of Canaan. The average historian would wish to focus his attention upon the larger church unit, and here the sources are rich in books, pamphlets, and articles which throw an invaluable light upon almost every aspect of the life of the immigrant. These should by all means be supplemented by the documentary sources preserved in the archives of the various colleges and seminaries founded by the immigrants. The printed minutes are unfortunately not complete for all the larger church units, but there is no lack of other sources to fill in possible gaps. One of the most important sources would be the chief organs of the various denominations, and a large number of articles have been selected from these without thought of being exhaustive. The records of the larger educational institutions of the church are not readily classified, nor are most of them too pertinent for inclusion. Among these are the financial records, the meetings of the board, the faculty, the records of the registrar, none of which are printed. The schools and col- leges, like the local churches and the larger central units, had their jubilee publications, and these are most often important historical sources. The records of the institutions of mercy such as old folks' homes, orphanages, and hospitals have not been preserved carefully, and the printed records dealing specifically with these are few and unsatisfactory. For a study of these the student must turn to whatever sources these institutions may have 7G preserved on their own initiative rather than to those preserved by the col- leges of the church and the Royal Library of Sweden. Additional references of value would be scattered articles in journals and periodicals. When these institutions published bulletins, as was the case in a few instances, these should, of course, be consulted even when they are quite incomplete. A careful study of the sources listed below will reveal that, though these are adequate enough for several future doctoral dissertations, the church failed to preserve many of its records. The Augustana Synod was perhaps most successful in caring for its important historical sources. It appointed early in its history a church historian, whose duty it was to collect and preserve the records of the church. This was Erik Norelius, to whom the Augustana Synod is greatly indebted. Unfortunately neither he nor T. N. Hasselquist, as president of Augustana College and Theological Seminary, succeeded in securing the co-operation of all the clergy of the synod in preserving the records of the church. There were even periods when the work of collecting and preserving materials was entirely neglected, and at no time did all the denominations co-operate in this work so important to them all. The files of the Royal Library illustrate the extent of this failure of co- operation. Augustana College is more fortunate, as the Linder and Swan collections presented to the college contain many valuable references on all the church groups, though they duplicate those pertaining to the synod. REFERENCES BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS Ahlstrom, Louis John. Eighty years of Swedish Baptist work in Iowa, 1853- 1933. Des Moines, 1933. Femtiofem ar i vastra Wisconsin. Historiska skildringar. Nigra bemarkta man och kvinnor av svensk harkomst i amerikanska nationens historia. Svenska baptisternas upptradande och verksamhet i vastra Wisconsin 5 juni 1869-5 juni 1924. Nybyggarlivet. Minneapolis, 1924. John Alexis Edgren, soldier, educator, author, journalist. A biog- raphy. Chicago, 1938. American Swedish Baptists in missionary service. New York, 1937. Andeer, Carl W. Bland de vara darute. Nagra blad ur en f.d. immigrant - prasts dagbok. Uppsala, 1935. I brytningstid. Skisser ur det svenskamerikanska folklifvet. Rock Island, [1904]. Ander, O. Fritiof, and Oscar L. Nordstrom. The American origin of the Au- gustana synod from contemporary Lutheran periodicals 1851-1860. Rock Island, 1942. (AHP, v. 9.) Anderson, A. A. Tjugu ar i vilda v astern. Erfarenheter och iakttagelser som missionar och forsamlingslarers. Minneapolis, 1910. Anderson, Andrew. Konferensljud. Predikningar och avhandlingar. Chi- cago, 1930. Anderson, Jean. History of the Adelphia College, n.p., n.d. 77 Andreen of Augustana, 1864-1940. Tributes to Gustav Albert Andreen ... a loyal son of Augustana Synod pioneers, third president of Augustana College and Theological Seminary, by associates, family, and friends. Rock Island, 1942. [Andreen, Gustav Albert]. Kunna vi svenskar bidraga till forverkligandet af tanken pa ett svenskt-amerikanskt universitet? Venersborg, 1899. L. P. Esbjorn and the pilgrim fathers of 1849. Rock Island, 1925. Studies in the idyll of German literature. Rock Island, 1902. (ALP, no. 3.) Det svenska spraket i America. Stockholm, 1900. (STV, no. 87.) Arden, G. Everett. History of the Illinois Conference Augustana Evangeli- cal Lutheran Church. Rock Island, 1953. Augustana Book Concern 1889-1914 samt Augustana -synodens tidigare fbr- lagsverksamhet. Festskrift med anledning af verksamhetens 25 ars-jubi- leum. Rock Island, 1914. Augustana Business College, Rock Island. Moline, n.d. Augustana College. Faculty viewpoints. A seventy-fifth anniversary publi- cation. Rock Island, 1935. Augustana College album. Rock Island, 1892. Augustana College and Synod. Minnen fran jubelfesten. Program, predik- ningar och tal vid Augustana College and Augustana -synodens f emtio - ars-jubileum den 5-15 juni 1910. Rock Island, 1911. Minnesskrift med anledning af Augustana -synodens femtioariga tillvaro. Historisk ofversikt af vad som utrattats under aren 1860-1910. Rock Island, 1910. Augustana College and Theological Seminary. The jubilee 1910. Published in commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of Augustana College and Theological Seminary by the class of 1910. Rock Island, 1910. After seventy years. Being the story of Augustana College and Theological Seminary, Rock Island, Illinois, 1860 to 1930. Rock Island, [1930]. Cornerstone laying and dedication of the Denkmann Memorial Library . . . Rock Island, 1912. (AB, [1912], no. 1.) Who's who among the alumni. Rock Island, 1922. Augustana College och teologiska seminarium. Rock Island, 1892. Augustana Synod. A brief review of its history 1860-1910. Rock Island, 1910. Minnen fran jubelfesten: program och tal vid Augustana College och Augustana -synodens femtio ars-jubileum, den 5-15 juni 1910. Rock Island, 1911. Augustana Synod and Augustana College and Theological Seminary. After seventy-five years, 1860-1935; a jubilee publication: seventy-fifth anni- versary of the Augustana Synod and Augustana College and Theological Seminary. Rock Island, 1935. [Augustana Synod Centennial committee]. Heroes of faith, 1848-1948. [A pageant.] [Rock Island, 1948]. 78 Backlund, Jonas Oscar. A pioneer trio. Fredrik Olaus Nilsson, Gustaf Paim- quist, Anders Wiberg. Leaders in the first decade of Swedish-American Baptists. Chicago, [1942]. Jubileumsboken. Chicago, 1927. Swedish Baptists in America. A history. Chicago, 1933. Backstrom, C. E. C. A. Bjork: A memorial biography. Chicago, 1937. Backstrom, C. E., et al. Three Covenant presidents: biographical sketches of the first three presidents of the Evangelical Mission Covenant Church of America. [C. A. Bjork by C. E. Backstrom; E. G. Hjerpe by E. Gustav Johnson; and C. V. Bowman by Erik Dahlhielm] Chicago, 1945. Benander, J. A. Svenska evangeliska lutherska Salems-forsamlingen, Rock- ford. 1907-1913. n.p., n.d. Bengtson, B E. Pen pictures of pioneers. Holdrege, Neb., 1926-1931. 2v. Benson, Adolph B. American Swedish Historical Museum. A quarter cen- tury of progress 1926-1951. Philadelphia, 1951. Benson, J. L. Tjugu ar i Kina 1905-1925. En kort oversikt over Augustana- synodens verksamhet i Honan, Kina. Jamte livsbilder och berattelser fran Kina av missionarer pa faltet. n.p., [1927]. Benson, P. Begynnelse-tider av Svenska baptisternas verksamhet pa Vest- kusten. Seattle, [1911]. Svenska baptisternas historia i Washington och Norra Idaho. Seattle, 1911. Bergendoff, Conrad. The colony on the Delaware and Augustana on the Mississippi 1638-1938. 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Diakoniss anstalten i Omaha, Nebraska, 1891-1895. Rock Island, 1896. En dotters bref [from America to her mother and friends in Sweden]. Bishop Hill, 1879. Drake, A., and J. A. Borgstrom. De svenska baptisternas historia under de forsta 50 aren 1848-1898. Stockholm, 1898. Echo fran reformations-festen vid Augustana College and Theological Semi- nary, Rock Island, Illinois, den 31:ste oktober och den l:ste november 1878. Moline, 1878. Ekman, F. M. Konferens-album till minne af Minnesota -konferensens af Augustana -syno den 40 arsfest i Chisago Lake, Minn., den 4-9 okt. 1898. Minneapolis, 1899. Edgren, J. A. Brannande fragor pa det religiosa omradet, behandlade. Lund, 1884. Minnen fran hafvet, kriget och missionsfaltet. Chicago, 1878. (An earlier edition published in Hernosand, 1872.) Ellison, O. Svenska baptisternas i Wisconsin missionshistoria. Minneapolis, 1902. Elwell, Edward H. Aroostook. With some account of the excursions thither of the editors of Maine, in years 1858 and 1878, and of the colony of Swedes settled in the town of New Sweden. Portland, 1878. Enebuske, Claes J. Progressive gymnastic day's orders, according to the principles of the Ling system. Boston, 1890. The gymnastic progression of the Ling system. Boston, 1890. Engelhardt, Fred. Report of the survey of Gustavus Adolphus College, St Peter, Minn., and Minnesota College, Minneapolis. Minneapolis, 1930. Epworthforbundets handbok. Chicago, n. d. Erik-Jansonisternas historia. (A defense of Janson, probably printed in Galva some time after Janson's death.) Esbjorn, L. P. Afskedspredikan hallen uti Hille kyrka annandag pingst, den 28 maj 1849 af L. P. Esbjorn fore dess afresa till Forenta Staterna i N. Amerika sasom Swenska missionssallskapets ombud och predikant for svenska och norska emigranter. Gavle, 1849. Barometerns foljeslagare, uppgjord efter 32 ars observationer pa detta wigtiga instrument af P. Christensen, lector i astronomi ... uti Cowes pa on Wight; och pa swenska bearbetad efter 7:de original - upplagan af L. P. E. Gefle, 1844. 81 Berattelse om de svenska lutherska forsamiingarnas uppkomst och narvarande tillstand framstalld vid Upsala erkestifts prestmote den 14 juni 1865. n. p., n. d. Johan Arndts Paradis — lustgarden, etc. Ofwers. Gavle, 1843. Johan Arndt, sex bocker om den sanna Christendom, jemte para- dis— lustgard. 1843. Gavle, 1843. Praktisk och popular afhandling om visirmattet innehallande ett latt satt att, utan malkarl, blott med en staf mata rymden af allehanda cylindriska, ovala, koniska och sferiska karl samt larar och kistor, sa och att med samma staf upplosa en mangd fragor i raknekonsten. Gefle, 1837. Prof-predikan hallen i Soderhamns stads kyrka andra sondagen i advent d. 7 dec. 1845. Gefle, 1846. Strauss, Fr. Sinai och Golgatha. Resa i Osterlandet aren 1844- 1845. Gefle, 1849. Esping, Julius I. A sailor's experience, Boston, n. d. Estes, Stanley J. 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Minnen fran lif som sjoman, immigrant och predikant, samt historisk afhandling af metodismens uppkomst, utveckling, utbredning bland svenskarne i Amerika och i Sverige, fran dess borjan, 1845, till dess organiserande i konferenser, 1876 i Sverige och 1877 i Amerika. Worcester, Mass., 1901. 2d ed. 1904. ARTICLES A. W. L. "Nagra drag ur skolverksamhetens historia inom Kansaskonferen- sen." KB, 43 (1922), 90-102. Abrahamson, L. G. "Augustana." KB, 52 (1931), 101-107. "Hagkomster fran Paxton-tiden." KB, 47 (1927), 101-117. "Licentiat C. L. Sundbeck och betydelsen af hans resa i Forenta Staterna." PB, 3 (1903), 100-114. "Nagra hagkomster fran Paxtontiden." KB, 56 (1935), 38-54. Ahnlund, Francis. "Ett svenskt distrikt pa Vastkusten." VR, 24 (1930), 65-68. Allard, Winston. "A founder of American psychology." [Carl Emil Sea- shore.] ASM, 33 (Feb. 1939), 15-17, 36-37. Andeer, Carl. "Svenska kyrkan av i gar och i dag." KB, 60 (1939), 67-77. Ander, O. Fritiof. "Public school educators." SIA, pp. 300-314. "Some letters pertaining to the proposed Minnesota synod." ATQ, 12 ([June] 1933), 137-153. "The immigrant church and the Patrons of Husbandry." JAH, 8 (Oct. 1934), 155-168. and George M. Stephenson. "Where was the synod born?" MC, 29 (1943), 61-71. Anders, John Olson. "A first step toward the organization of Swedish Methodism in Minnesota 1853-1863." SAHB, 1 (March 1928), 76-93. "Select letters to Jonas Swenson." SAHB, 5 (March 1932), 50-60. Anderson, A. Axel. "Orange i Massachusetts och nagot om svenskarna dar- stades." NA, 12 (1929), 8-16. Anderson, F. E. "Barnhemsverksamhetens borjan inom Augustanasynoden." KB, 63 (1942), 61-72. Anderson, G. A. "Nagot om Augustana -synodens mission i Oregon, Idaho och Washington Terr." KB, 9 (1888) , 89-106. Anderson, Theodore W. "Covenanters under southern skies." OC, 16 (1941), 11-18. "Mission Covenanters under the Union Jack." OC, 14 (1939), 11-20. "Covenant School to celebrate anniversary of its founding." OC, 6 (1931), 51-53. "Nagra ljusa minnen fran skollivet." UMG, pp. 77-80. "Swedish pioneers in Kansas." SHS, 10 (1924-25), 7-18. "Trail Blazers in the sixties. OC, 18 (1943), 9-20. Andreen, A. "Svenska evangeliska lutherska forsamlingen in Andover och dess historia." KB, 1 (1880), 60-111. Andreen, Gustav Albert. "Carl Linus Eugen Esbjorn." KB, 61 (1940), 147-158. "Carl Otto Granere, pioneer teacher." MC, 19 (1933), 116-119. "The early missionary work of the Augustana Synod in New York City, 1865-1866." AHP, 2 (1932), 1-25. "Ekon fran jubelfesten," PB, 11 (1911), 150-168. "Femtio ar i Rock Island." KB, 47 (1926), 118-134. "Grundlaggarnes dag vid Augustana College." PB, 3 (1903), 293- 298. "Gustaf Albert Brandelle." MC, 21 (1936), 17-27. "Gustaf Albert Brandelle." KB, 58 (1937), 25-38. "Invigningen av seminariebyggnaderna." KB, 58 (1925), 33-44. "The school our fathers founded." MC, 21 (1935), 47-53. "Tidiga skolminnen fran Augustana." KB, 56 (1935), 26-35. Andreen, Phillip. "California — Augustana-synodens ortagard." KB, 46 (1925), 116-128. Andreen, Phillip. "Pa historisk mark." KB, 48 (1927), 49-68. Andren, O. C. T. "Bidrag till Augustana-synodens i norra Amerika histo- ria." KB, 7 (1886), 144-171. [ ] "Pastor Andren's impressions of America." MC, 5 (1919), 30-37. Anrep-Nordin, Birger. "Dean Seashore." [Carl E. Seashore.] ASR, 26 (Dec. 1938) , 354-355. "Aterblick pa Augustana-synodens 34-ariga historia." KB, 16 (1895), 152-169. B. C. J. "Studentminnen." KB, 52 (1931), 178-187. B. W. "Einer R. Ryden, en driftig svensk-amerikan." US, 8 (no. 4, 1946), 20-21. Backlund, J. O. "Approaching the centenary." EB, 1 (1942), 21-36. "It happened in 1847." AD, 6 (1947), 61-67. "Thus it began." AD, 10 (1951), 16-30. "Barnhemmet i Vasa, Minn." KB, 2 (1881), 47-57. B[eck], L. H. "Beginnings of Augustana College and Seminary." MC, 3 (1917), 17-36. "Minnen." KB, 51 (1930), 187-202. 94 'Upsala College." KB, 27 (1906), 66-71. 'Upsala College." PB, 8 (1908), 155-169. Bengston, C. J. "Ett sjuttiofemarsminne." KB, 46 (1925), 7-16. "Sven Peter August Lindahl." PB, 9 (1909), 117-138. Benson, Adolph B. "Professors." SIA, pp. 282-299. "Self-made university chemist; Emil Osterberg. ASM, 31 (June 1937), 12-14. "Seven neglected pioneers." [Biography of Lars Gustaf Sellstedt, artist; Per Hjalmar Olsson-Seffer, botanist; John A. Ouchterlony, phy- sician, educator (Louisville College) ; Gustaf Wilhelm Belfrage, natural- ist; Maximillian Scheie De Vere, educator (founder of Am. Philological Society); Maurice F. Lindquist, Civil War physician.] ASM, 32 (April 1938), 15-16, 33-34. "Swedish American leaders in education." ASM, 30 (Jan. 1936) 4-6, 37-38; (Feb. 1936) 13-15, 37; (Apr. 1936) 16-18, 41-42. "Swedish scientists." BASI, 5 (Dec. 1950), 16-26; 6 (March 1951), 17-23. Benson, Henry N. "Ett laroverks diamantjubileum, Gustavus Adolphus Col- lege." KB, 59 (1938), 9-30. Bergendoff, Conrad. "Andreen of Augustana." MC, 26 (1940), 59-66. "Gustav Andreen som skolman." KB, 62 (1941), 33-39. "Reports to the American Home Missionary Society, 1849-1856." "Strong ties bind Moline, Augustana." MD, June 19,1948. "Swedish-American educational enterprises." ASD, pp. 33-45. "The beginnings of Swedish immigration into Illinois a century ago." JIHS, 41 (March 1948), 16-27. "The sources of the original constitution of the Augustana synod." AHP, 5 (1935), 85-106. Berger, Vilhelm. "Svensk-amerikansk hjalpverksamhet." Svenska fattig- vardsforbundets tidskrift. [Reprint] Stockholm, 1925. Berggren, C. O. "New York konferensens forsta mote. KB, 67 (1946), 92-96. Bergh, Carl. "Fralsningsarmen i Svensk-Amerika." SVIA, v. 2, pp. 146-147. Bergin, Alfred. "I Amerikas Dalarne eller svenskarne i och omkring Cam- bridge, Minn." PB, 3 (1903), 117-136. "The Swedish settlements in Central Kansas." KSHS, 11 (1909-10), 19-46. Bersell, P. O. "Augustana -synoden och kriget." KB, 41 (1920) , 72-85. "Sweden looked good to me." BAIS, n. s. 1 (April-Sept. 1945), 2-5. "Bethany College and Lindsborg celebrate." ASM, 35 (Nov. 1941), 10, 26. "Bethel College marks seventy -fifth birthday." ASM, 40 (Aug. 1946), 19. Bigelow, Hiram. "The Bishop Hill Colony." ISHS, 7 (1902), 101-108. Bolin, Jakob. "Den svenska gymnastiken och dess representanter i Amerika." VK, 2 (Jan.-March 1898), 28-30, 91-94, 138-143. [Bonggren, Jakob]. "Vart spraks erovringar." BF, (1920-1921), 196-200. Bowman, C. V. "Ansgarius College." SHSB, 2 (August 1929), 19-30. 05 Brandelle, G. A. "The road we have traveled." MC, 16 (1930), 84-92. "The story of the Augustana Synod." MC, 20 (1934), 11-23. C. J. O. "Minnen fran borjan af var kyrkliga verksamhet i Red River-dalen och N. Dakota." KB, 27 (1906), 104-111. Carlfelt, C. G. "Benevolent institutions." ASH, [1] (1943), 45-51. "The immigrant and religion." "Influence is directed in many fields of endeavor." MD, June 19, 1948. "Welfare institutions." ASH, 2 (1945), 84-90; 3 (1948), 99-107. Carlson, Anna M. "Ernst Philblad." ASM, 31 (May 1937) , 7-9. Carlson, Carl A. "A scholar errant." ASM, 28 (Sept. 1934), 293-295, 311. Carlson, C. William. "Augustana-synoden i New England." KB, 61 (1940), 24-33. Carlson, Chr. T. "Var Montana-mission." KB, 28 (1907), 44-63. Carlstig, John. "Nagra Amerika-minnen." H, 47 (1938), 41-45. Carlstrom, Rev. G. A. "A brief history of the early Swedish settlement in northwestern Perm., near Jamestown." ASR, 3 (Jan. 1915), 44-46. "Celebration of the seventieth anniversary of the founding of Bishop Hill." JIHS, 9 (Oct. 1916), 344-356. Christianson, John A. "The Augustana Brotherhood." MC, 24 (1943), 28-45. "Colleges." ASH. 2 (1945), 91-99. Danborn, F. A. "Our Swedish pioneers in Swede Point." PB, 9 (1909), 198- 215. "Swede Point or Madrid, Iowa. The second eldest Swedish settle- ment in Iowa. Founded 1846." SHS, 4 (1911-1913), 25-44. Danielson, Eric. "Our southern frontier." OC, 10 (1936), 39-46. "Dr. T. N. Hasselquist." MC, 1 (1915), 9-22. Dodge, Daniel K. "Scandinavian studies in the United States." SE, 1 (1887), 224-226. "Doing church work under difficulties." MC, 3 (1919), 56-61. Eckman, F. M. "Femtio ar inom Augustanasynoden. — En aterblick." KB, 64 (1943), 47-56. Edlund, J. O. "Augustanasynodens mission pa Stillahavskusten." KB, 63 (1942), 24-48. Edstrom, Aaron. "Barmhertighetsverksamheten i Svensk-Amerika." PB, 3 (1903), 233-250. "Bilder ur det svensk-amerikanska nybyggarelifvet." PB, 1 (1900), 132-136. Egardh, Johan. "Swedenborgianismen i Amerika." SVIA, v. 2, pp. 151-153. Edstrom, Aron. "Svenska-amerikanska skolminnen." PB, 4 (1904), 199-212. "Teologie Doktor Peter Sjoblom." PB, 10 (1910), 150-167. "Tre framstaende svensk-amerikaner." [W. A. Granville, C. O. Johns, Henry Ericsson.] PB, 12 (1912), 144-161. Egge, Albert E. "Scandinavian studies in the United States." MLN, 3 (1888), 66-68. 96 Ek, Hj. "Olof Andren." [O. C. T. Andren.] LSJ, 18 (1916), 39-56. Ekman, A. P. "Baptismens uppkomst och utveckling bland svenska folket i Amerika." VK, 3 (April 1899), 171-183. E-l-d, J. O. "Gnistor fran immigranternas led." KB, 44 (1923), 303-308. Elmgren, John. "Carl Emil Seashore, dean of deans." AS, 33 (March 1946), 2-3. Elmquist, O. A. "California -konferensen och dess hem-mission." KB, 57 (1936), 66-73. Emitslof, Nils N. "Silverhill. Ett svenskt nybygge i Alabama, en av Nord- amerikas sydligaste stater." AS, 24 (Feb. 1, 1937), 8-10. Enander, John A. "Professor A. H. Edgren." PB, 5 (1905), 18. Engstrand, Frans A. "New-York-konferensens barnhem, Avon, Mass." KB, 29 (1908), 64-68. Erdahl, Sivert. "Eric Janson and the Bishop Hill Colony." JIHS, 19 (Oct. 1925), 503-574. Ericson, Albert. "Det svenska teologiska seminariet i Evanston, Illinois." VR, 1 (1903), 56-62. "Om den for predikan nodvandiga bildningen." Protokoll, M. E. Kyrkans Nordv. Svenska Arskonferens. Dayton, Iowa, 1885, pp. 38-49. "Erik Norelius." [Erik Norelius, founder of Gustavus Adolphus College.] ASR, 4 (July- Aug. 1916), 231. Erickson, C. G. "Upsala College." KB, 47 (1926), 158-169. Ericson, Albert. "Det svenska teologiska seminariet i Evanston, 111." VR, 1 (1903), 56-62. Ericson, C. George. "A Baptist centennial." SPHQ, 3 (July 1952), 75-79. "Romance of a century." AD, 8 (1949), 13-14. Ericsson, Frans. "Upsala College celebrates." ASM, 37 (Oct. 1943), 12, 28-29. Esbjorn, C. M. "Det aldsta svensk-amerikanska laroverkets uppkomst och utveckling." [Illinois State University.] MFJ, pp. 364-390. Esbjorn, Lars Paul. "Berattelse om de svenska lutherska forsamlingarnes i Norra Amerika uppkomst och narvarande tillstand, framstalld vid Up- sala erkestifts prestmote den 14 juni 1865." Protokoll och handlingar rorande prestmotet i Upsala 1865. Upsala, 1865. "De svenska lutherska forsamlingarnas i N. Amerika uppkomst." KB, 6 (1885), 33-51. Evald, Emmy. "Augustana-synodens kvinnors hem- och hednamissions- forening." KB, 29 (1908), 102-110. "Kvinnornas missionforenings fyrtioariga verksamhet inom Augus- tana-synoden." KB, 54 (1933), 167-173. Evjen, Harry. "Illinois State University, 1852-1868." JIHS, 31 (March 1938), 54-71. "Scandinavian students at Illinois State University." NAHS, 11 (1940), 17-29. "The Scandinavians and the Book of Concord." LQ, n. s. 36 (April 1906), 248-264. 97 Fahlund, G. A. "Var sondagsskolverksamhet." KB, 44 (1923), 123-134. Fisher, D. W. "Soon he will be prexy." [Evald B. Lawson.] ASM, 32 (Nov. 1938), 13, 31, 33-34. Fleming, J. E. "A good man dies— J. E. Klingberg." AD, 6 (1947), 114-118. Fliesburg, Oscar A. "Svenska hospitalet i Minneapolis. En kort historik ofver dess tillkomst." VK, 2 (August 1898), 415-419. Floren, J. E. "Dr. Carl Aaron Swensson." KB, 26 (1905), 175-193. Forsander, N. "Augustana-synodens inre utveckling." KB, 31 (1910), 41-49. "Dr. T. N. Hasselquist as professor of theology." MC, 9 (1923), 41-48. "Pastor Jonas Swensson." MC, 6 (1920), 36-50. "The Swedish mission work among the Delaware Indians." MC, 7 (1921), 14-27. "T. N. Hasselquist, en korsets kampe." KB, 44 (1923), 133-150. Foss, C. W. "Forsta lutherska forsamlingen i Galesburg, HI." KB, 9 (1888), 168-200. "Twelve years at Augustana college." Alumnus, 1 (Dec. 1892), 78-86. Franzen, Carl G. F. "Foreign-language teaching in the high schools of Iowa." SR, 29 (Oct. 1921), 610-616. Froeberg, Peter. "Moderforsamlingen i New England. Historisk overblick." KB, 64 (1943), 85-104. "Upsala College." KB, 39 (1918), 134-146. "Varfor Upsala College." NA, 1 (1918), 70-74. Fromen, E. T. "Mariakyrkan i New Britain, Conn." PB, 7 (1907), 27-41. Glemaker, N. P. "The philanthropies of Swedish Methodism." VR, 20 (1922), 78; 21 (1926), 97. Gullans, John. "Lutherska immigrant- och sjomanshemmet i East Boston, Mass." KB, 29 (1908), 69-71. Gustafson, Oscar O. Hemmissionen." KB, 57 (1936), 55-65. "Gustavus Adolphus College." MC, 8 (1922), 56-67. Hagberg, F. L. "Texas Wesleyan College." VR, 23 (1929), 157-159. Hagglund, S. G. "Den lutherska kyrkan i Amerika." KB, 61 (1940), 47-62. "Svenska evangeliskt lutherska New England-konferensen." KB, 49 (1928), 71-77. "Types of piety in the Augustana Synod — Schartauism." AQ, 7 (Dec. 1928), 335-341. "Hagkomster fran 1856." KB, 11 (1890), 107-135. Hagstrom, G. Arvid. "Carl Gustaf Lagergren." EB, 1 (1942), 109-112. Hagstrom, John. "Nagra bilder fran North Park." Aurora, (1907), 15-29. Hallander, E. "Upsala College." VK, 4 (April 1900), 172-177. Hammarskold, J. G. "Episkopalkyrkan." SVIA, v. 2, pp. 148-150. Harkey, S. W. "The early history of Lutheranism in Illinois." EVR, 17 (Oct. 1866), 526-546. 98 Hasselquist, Joshua. "Personal reminiscences." MC, 1 (1915), 23-25. Hedeen, O. "Pacific Garden missionen i Chicago." VS, (1901), 187-200. Hedstrand, G. F. "Trail Blazers." OC, 9 (1935), 9-38. Hill, S. M. "Luther Academy." KB, 26 (1905), 49-54. "Nebraska-svenskarnas bildningsstrafvande. Ett litet stycke svensk-amerikansk kulturhistoria." PB, 7 (1907), 175-196. "Historical note." [Founding of Augustana Synod, Clinton, Wisconsin.] MC, 2 (1916), 9-10. Hjelm, Arthur O. "Lutheranism in the nation's capital." MC, 24 (1938), 9-22. Hoffsten, C. E. "Dr. Erland Carlsson and our early church work in Chi- cago." MC, 19 (1933), 74-84. "Var lutherska kyrka i Amerika i krigstid." KB, 40 (1919), 99-105. [Hogfeldt, Otto]. "En bild med aterblick pa halvseklet." H, 45 (1936), 23-26. "'Hemat' femtio ar." H, 50 (1941), 9-12. Holmes, L. "Tal vid invigningen af Svenska alderdomshemmet i Evanston, HI." PB, 10 (1910), 137-146. Hultkrans, C. A. "Fabitha-foreningen, ett 30-ars minne." KB, 31 (1910), 113-123. "Hvilohemmet Elim Park, Bridgeport, Connecticut." VK, 13 (May 1909), 233-234. Johansson, John G. "Svenska metodismen i Amerika." VR, 23 (1929), 107-113. Johnson, E. Gustav. "A prophet died in Illinois a century ago." [Eric Jan- son.] SP, 1 (July 1950), 8-12. "Geographic names of Covenant origin in Alaska." CQ, 11 (Feb. 1951), 24-29. Johnson, George Walter. "Jenny Lind." VR, 19 (1921), 12-18. Johnson, Gustaf F. "Nagra femtioariga minnen." H, 50 (1941), 31-37. Johnston, L. A. "Hvad Augustana -synoden i nationellt hanseende varit for Amerikas svenskar." PB, 11 (1911), 81-87. Jones, Llewellyn. "Versatile scholar." [Helge Kokeritz.] ASM, 38 (June, 1944), 10, 29-30. K— n, K. "Ett alskligt herdaminne." [O. C. T. Andren.] KB, 50 (1929), 71-84. K., C. J. "Svenska Benefit-foreningen i Philadelphia, Pa." VK, 5 (June 1901) , 294-298. K., S. J. "Julottor i nordvastra Minnesota for trettio ar sedan." KB, 27 (1906), 91-98. Kilander, K. A. "Minnesota -konferensens tidigare skolverksamhet." PB, 5 (1905), 121-136. Klingberg, J. E. "Barnhemmet i New Britain, Conn." NWP, 1 (1904), 193- 197. Kraft, Carl. "Gustavus Adolphus College fullbordar sjuttio ar." KB, 54 (1933), 118-130. "Two gospel services among our pioneers." MC, 16 (1930), 34-42. 99 Krantz, J. A. "Utah-missionen." KB, 8 (1887), 65-79. L., A. W. "Nagra drag ur skolverksamhetens historia inom Kansas- konferensen." KB, 43 (1922), 90-102. L., C. A. "Ett markligt svenskminne." KB, 48 (1927), 25-33. L., O. L. "En av Augustanasynodens banbrytare." [Lars Pehr Larson]. KB, 69 (1948), 99-101. Lagergren, C. G. "I brytningstid. Spridda skildringar fran sjuttio och attio- talet." MV, (1921), 43-48. "Skolvasendet i Amerika." VS, (1900), 147-162. Lagergren, C. G. "Teologiska laroanstalter bland svenskarna i Amerika." VS, (1903), 163-171. Lagerstedt, N. G. N. "Svenska laroverk i Amerika." Verdandi [Sweden.] 1896. Larsen, H. A. "Scandinavian colleges: how are they facing a changing world?" ASR, 22 (March 1934), 8-20. Larson, Cedric. "Andrew G. Hagstrom: Map maker and educator." BASI, 7 (Spring 1952), 8-17. Larson, Gustaf. "Svensk slojd i Amerika." VK, 1 (April 1897), 4-8. Larson, Ernest S. "Beginnings of the Evangelical Mission Covenant Church of America." OC, 20 (1945), 9-22. Larson, S. G. "Minnen fran 1858-1860." ATQ, 7 (1905), 81-94. "Lars Paul Esbjorn." MC, 10 (1924), 31-44. Lawson, Evald Benjamin. "Chandlers Valley pioneers." ASM, 35 (July 1941), 28-30. "Det var pa den tiden." KB, 56 (1935), 91-104. "The old church in the valley." [Chandlers Valley.] AQ, 20 (Oct. 1941), 321-327. "Oldest Swedish settlement in New England." [Brockton, Mass.] ASM, 36 (April 1942), 11, 27-28. "Olof Gustav Hedstrom." ASHF, (1945), 63-74. "Some footnotes to the study of our own history.'' AQ, 20 (April 1941), 109-123. "Swedish cultural influences in Connecticut." ASM, 29 (July 1935), 15-17. Leach, Henry Goddard. "Reflections from Chandlers Valley." ASM, 40 (Sept. 1946), 13. "Lefnadsteckning af fru Eva Helena Hasselquist." KB, 16 (1895), 78-116. Lincoln, Julius. "An vajar Korsbanerct." KB, 50 (1929), 12-23. "Andreen of Augustana." MC, 20 (1934), 77-89. "Charities and self-help." SIA, pp. 140-145. "Forsta lutherska forsamlingen i Jamestown, New York." KB, 29 (1908), 111-130. "Nar Korsbaneret kom till." KB, 45 (1924), 7-17. "Radio sermons and songs in Swedish reach multitudes." ASM, 34 (May 1940), 13, 29. 100 [Lindahl, Josua]. "Josua Lindahl. Scientist. Professor of natural sciences at Augustana College." [Necrology.] SHS, 4 (1911-1913), 75-76. Lindahl, S. P. A. "Bbr Augustana-synoden antaga biskoplig kyrkoforfatt- ning?" VK, 3 (June 1899), 307-315. Lindberg, C. E. "Augustana teologiska seminarium." KB, 43 (1922), 67-74. Linder, F. A. "Augustana -synodens barmhartighetsverksamhet." KB, 44 (1923), 49-122. Lindholm, S. A. "Augustana-synodens understodskassa." KB, 30 (1909), 125-136. "Augustana -synodens pensionskassa." KB, 37 (1916), 97-105. Lindquist, Emory. "A prince of the church. Four decades have passed since Dr. Carl Swensson's untimely death." The Lutheran Companion, Feb. 16, 1944. Lindstrom, David E. "The Bishop Hill settlement." ASHM, (1945), 55-62. Lindstrom, Gustav. "Norra konferensens triumfhistoria." VR, 19 (1921), 51-58. Lofgren, A. J. "Tre Sextioars jubelf aster." VR, 12 (1914), 125-130. Lonnquist, C. A. "Nagra ord om Bethphage-missionen." KB, 37 (1916), 86-98. "Vart svenska-lutherska arv." KB, 46 (1925), 96-105. Lundberg, F. A. "Det svenska teologiska seminariet." VR, 18 (1920), 16-24. Lundeberg, Axel. [Wrote many works on Swedenborg and his teachings.] SHS, 4 (1911-1913), 107. Lundholm, A. F. "Vara samfundsskolor." KB, 42 (1921), 99-112. M., P. A. "Minnesota -konferensens 70-arsjubileum." KB, 51 (1930), 24-45. "Vara skolor for var ungdom." KB, 48 (1927), 213-224. Marcelius, D. "En aterblick genom femtio ar." H, 50 (1941), 65-68 Mattsson, Anny K. "Our young Swedish-Americans seek knowledge of Sweden." BAIS, 1 (Oct. 1944), 3-5. Melander, Theodor A. "Gymnastics." SIA, pp. 357-365. Mellander, Axel. "Forbundets historia." MSM, (1910), 13-42. "Memories of sixty years at Vasa, Minn." MC, 1 (1915), 39-50. Michelet, Maren. "The Scandinavian languages in modern language study in schools." SASN, 3 (1916), 213-216; same topic in 4 (1917), 75-76, 288-292; 9 (1926), 68-73. Miller, John P. "Monument commemorating founding of Swedish Method- ism." VR, 21 (1927), 101-108. "The Mississippi Conference." MC, 9 (1923), 28-34. Mogard, Bertil. "Social hjalpverksamhet i Svensk-Amerika.'' SVIA, v. 2, pp. 156-163. Moody, J. "Northwestern College." PB, 9 (1909), 183-191. N., J. P. "Luther Academy." KB, 5 (1884), 96-102. "Nagra markvardiga brev av doktor T. N. Hasselquist." KB, 15 (1894), 152-166. 101 "Nagra tankar med anledning av Amerikas upptackt." KB, 14 (1893), 102- 133. Nehleen, P. H. "Svenskt och amerikanskt kyrkoliv." JFV, (1924), 59-65. Nelsenius, Gustaf. "Augustana-synodens immigrantmission." KB, 25 (1904), 37-52. Nelson, Anton A. "Var mission i kalla norden." KB, 57 (1936), 74-81. Nelson, A. P. "Hufvuddragen af missionsvannernas historia i Amerika." VK, 4 (Oct.-Nov. 1900) 492-501, 548-564. Nelson, C. J. "Prins Wilhelms besbk i Sv. metodistkyrkan i Newport." EK, 13 (No. 19, 1907). Nelson, Frank. "Minnesota College. Kort historik." PB, 12 (1912), 114-119. "Minnesota College." MC, 15 (1929), 55-61. Nelson, Herman G. "Augustana's president." [Conrad Bergendoff.] ASM, 34 (Jan. 1940), 10-12, 28. "Eighty years of leadership." ASM, 34 (June 1940), 4-6, 33. "Illinois to preserve Bishop Hill Colony." ASM, 40 (Oct. 1946), 12, 24-26. "Los Angeles leader." [Dr. Albert E. Wilson.] ASM, 37 (Sept. 1943), 11, 30. "Reuben G. Gustavson." ASM, 40 (April 1946), 12-13, 33-34. "World-famous physiologist." [Anton Julius Carlson.] ASM, 38 (March 1944), 11, 13, 33. "Young Chicago educator named to organize Swedish Pioneer Centennial." ASM, 41 (Nov. 1947), 16-17. Nordlander, E. J. "Den svensk-amerikanske baptistpredikantens skolbild- ning." NWP, (1904), 146-152. Nordstrom, O. L. "Diary kept by L. P. Esbjorn, 1849." AHP, 5 (1935), 11-34. "The Augustana Historical Society." AHP, 5 (1935), 158-159. Norelius, Erik. Aterblick pa Augustana-synodens historia under dess forsta tjugufem ar." KB, 6 (1885), 4-31. "Aterblick pa Augustana-synodens 34-ariga historia." KB, 16 (1895), 152-169. "Bref och utdrag ur bref fran L. P. Esbjorn till E. Norelius, T. N. Hasselquist och Erl. Carlsson i kronologisk ordning." TSK, 1 ([Oct.] 1899), 244-354. "Dr. Andrew Jackson." KB, 23 (1902), 160-198. ] "Dr. W. A. Passavant." KB, 16 (1895), 67-77. "Guds ledande hand i var svenska lutherska kyrkas historia i Amerika." KB, 7 (1886), 13-45. - "Hagkomster fran 1855." KB, 10 (1889), 107-155. "Hagkomster fran 1856." KB, 11 (1890), 107-135. "Kolonien Vasa i Minnesota." PB, 6 (1906), 13-32. "The mission of the Augustana Synod." MC, 2 (1916), 11-18. "Nybyggarelif. Teckningar fran Minnesotas tidigare dagar." PB, 3 (1903), 158-167. 102 "Nagra allmanna grunddrag i de Nord-Amerikanska kyrkoforfatt- ningarne. (Med sarskildt afseende pa den af svensk-lutherska kyrkan i Amerika nyligen antagna forfattningen.)" SKT, (1861), 17-52. "Nagra hagkomster fran aret 1854." KB, 9 (1888), 107-152. "Nagra minnesteckningar. Sjalvbiografi." AU, 76 (July 30, 1930); (Aug. 27, 1931), 550. "Personliga hagkomster af L. P. Esbjorn." TSK, 1 (1899), 361-366. "A sketch of Dr. Hasselquist." MC, 1 (1915), 25-28. "Svar till Herr G. Unonius pa hans "Bihang till Minnen fran en 17-arig vistelse i nordvestra Amerika." TSK, 1 ([Jan.] 1899), 15-51. "The Swedish Evangelical Lutheran Church in America." LCR, 5 (Jan. 1886), 24-44. "Utdrag ur pastor L. P. Esbjorns dagbok. Dagbok pa en resa fran Gefle till New York med skeppet Cobden, sommaren 1849." TSK, 1 (1899), 355-360. "Vid 19:e seklets slut." KB, 22 (1901), 66-76. Norman, Carl G. "En sarin svensk-amerikan. Rev. Dr. Carl Swensson." VK, 2 (May 1898), 238-242. Nothstein, Ira O. "The Augustana Synod: its history, doctrines and activi- ties." ATQ, 22 (July 1943), 226-243; cont. in succeeding issues through April, 1946. "Beginnings of the Augustana Synod's work in Minnesota." MC, 14 (1928), 51-58. [ ] "Dr. Olof Olsson and his work at Augustana College." MC, 11 (1925), 42-56. [ ] "Dr. T. N. Hasselquist." MC, 1 (1915), 9-22. [ ] "The Paxton period." MC, 4 (1918), 19-35. Nyquist, J. P. "Luther Academy, Wahoo, Saunders Harad, Nebraska." KB, 5 (1884), 96-102. Nystrom, Daniel. "Augustana's Kaiserswerth." MC, 21 (1936), 43-62. "C. W. Foss, educator and churchman." MC, 21 (1935), 111-118. "How the spiritual foundations were laid." [First Lutheran Church of Jamestown, N. Y.] MC, 17 (1931), 40-47. "John August Udden, scientist and discoverer." MC, 18 (1932), 98-103. "The young Norelius." MC, 19 (1933), 31-48. Nyvall, Johannes. "Doktor O. Olsson." KB, 22 (1901), 142-166. Odell, M. A. "An Augustana pioneer." MC, 29 (1943), 46-49. Ohman, Sven G. "Augustana Colleges nye president fil. d:r Gustav An- dreen." PB, 2 (1902), 230-236. "Bor Augustana-synoden antaga biskoplig kyrkoforfattning." VK, 3 (June 1899), 307-315. "Ungdomsforeningarna i Augustana-synodens forsamlingar." KB, 21 (1900), 61-70. "Vart svenska arv." KB, 45 (1924) , 111-123. 103 Ojerholm, J. M. "Den svenska banbrytaredagen i Texas." VR, 23 (1929), 114-118. Ohlson, Algoth. "The Mission Covenant College and Seminary." OC, 19 (1944), 41-52. Olson, Adolf. "Educational work among the Swedish Baptists of America." SHS, 11 (1926), 125-140. Olson, Alrick H. "Our Northern frontier." OC, 10 (1936), 47-52. Olson, E[rnst] W[illiam]. "Augustana Book Concern. Historisk oversikt efter f emtio ar." KB, 55 (1934), 148-186. "Churches." ASH, 2 (1945), 68. "Colleges." SIA, pp. 154-180. "Early letters to Erland Carlsson." AHP, 5 (1935), 107-133. "Olof Olsson. Ett hundraarsminne." KB, 63 (1942), 9-23. "Religious organizations." ASH, [1] (1943), 37-44. "Relikvarium. Fornt och farskt ur var amerikahistoria. Eric Jan- sons epistler till de Bishophillare." UV, 22 (Jan. 1917), 16-19. "Vyer och interiorer fran Augustana College." VK, 2 (July 1898), 336-339. Olson, John Helmer. "Educator and sociologist. [Walter A. Landen.] ASM, 36 (Oct. 1942), 10-11. O., O. N. "Enhetsstrafvanden inom den lutherska kyrkan i Amerika." KB, 39 (1918), 81-95. Olson, Oscar N. "Churches." ASH, 3 (1948), 68-87. "Banbrytarens bokhylla." KB, 67 (1946), 97-132. "Esbjorn och Soderblom." KB, 70 (1949), 43-55. "New Sweden. — Augustanasynodens vagga." KB, 69 (1948), 21-46. "The human side of history." ASH, 2 (1945), 77-83. "The story of the immigrants as revealed in their letters." ASD, pp. 3-19. Olsson, Nils William. "En forgrundsgestalt i Chicagos svenska historia.'" [St. Ansgarius congregation and John Mathias Schonbeck.] AS, 33 (Oct. 1946), 12-13. "The first constitution of the St. Ansgarius church in Chicago." SP, 1 (Oct. 1950), 18-22. [Palmquist, G.]. "G. Palmquist letters." SHS, 9 (1923-1924), 66-69. Pehrsson, Per. "Augustana-synoden fran svensk synpunkt." KB, 62 (1941), 21-32. "Augustana-synoden 1942-1943." [and for each year: 1943-1946]. Svenska kyrkans arsbok. "Svenskheten i Amerika. Nagra resinbryck." ARF, (1910), 1-40. Perry, George V. "The Swedish work of the Salvation Army in the United States." BAIS, n. s. 1 (April-Sept. 1945), 17-19. Person, Peter P. "Colleges." ASH, 3 (1948), 88-98. Persson, Esther I. "Methodists celebrate." [Biography of Olof G. Hed- strom.] ASM, 39 (May 1945), 14-15, 26-28. 104 Peters, H. A. "Mina fjarilsplancher." BF, (1920-21), 203-221. Peterson, C. F. "Bishop Hill. Var svensk-amerikanska moderkoloni." VK, 2 (1898), 300-304. Peterson, Conrad. "The beginning of Swedish-American education." SHS, 8 (1922-23), 26-55. "Fifty years of Gustavus Adolphus College." Breidablick Jubilee annual, (1912). "Gustavus Adolphus College." KB, 43 (1922), 75-89. "Gustavus Adolphus College. En aterblick." PB, 13 (1913), 43-67. 'Letters from Jonas Engberg to Eric Norelius." SHSB, 3 (Sept. 1930), 123-54. Peterson, Elmer T. "A flower in the Buffalo sod." MC, 22 (1936), 70-79. "From bread-pan to world forum." [Biography of Agnes Samuel- son.] ASM, 30 (March 1936), 11-13, 37. Peterson, F. "A. G. Hall." NWP, (1910), 191-196. Peterson, Frank. "Early days on the Minnesota prairies." SHS, 8 (1922-23), 7-25. Peterson, P. "Immigrantmissionen." MSM, (1910), 43-56. Peterson, Peter. "Den gamla Immanuels-kyrkan i Chicago." KB, 44 (1923), 173-182. "Our Utah Mission." AJ, 3 (Dec. 1894), 28-31; (March 1895), 101-103. Pihl, G. E. "Svenska kristna barnhemmet i Cromwell, Conn." Vinterby fran Ostervag, (1909), 88-98. Pihlblad, C. T. "Kansas Swedes." SSQ, 13 (June 1932), 34-47. Pihlblad, Ernst. "Femtioarsminnet av Bethany College grundlaggning." KB, 53 (1932), 53. "A giant of the earth." [Dr. Carl A. Swensson.] MC, 14 (1928), 24-33. "Ett trettioarigt svensk-amerikanskt kulturarbete." PB, 13 (1913), 105-119. Princell, Josephine. "Ett ungdomsminne." H, 44 (1935), 27-36. "J. G. Princell som forfattare." H, 37 (1928), 55-63. "Missionar Fredrik Franson." SK, (1909), 42-64. Quist, Peter P. Recollections from my school days at St. Ansgar's Academy. BAIS, 1 (Jan. 1945), 11-16. "Reminiscences by charter members of the Mission Covenant." OC, 14 (1939), 37-54. Reynolds, W. M. "The Scandinavians in the Northwest." EVR, 3 (Jan. 1852), 398-418. Rodell, Albert. "Den svensk-amerikanska kyrkans uppkomst och tillvaxt under innevarande arhundrade." VK, 1 (Feb. 1897), 6-12. Roden, A. "Svenska evangeliska lutherska Bethlehems-forsamlingen i Brooklyn." KB, 6 (1885), 53-59. 105 Ronnquist, U. "Har en svensk lantforsamling 1 Amerika nagon framtid?" KB, 49 (1928) , 178-186. Ryden, E. E. "Beginnings of the Augustana Synod." MD, (June iy, 1948). "Jubilee of the Lutheran Companion." MC, 28 (1942), 91-166. Rydback, J. E. "Pastor Bengt Magnus Halland." KB, 24 (1903), 151-157. S., A. T. "Vara akademiers betydelse for var kyrka." KB, 40 (1919) , 124-127. S— 11, Ruth. "En tripp till Nordamerikas soder— Florida." KB, 28 (1907), 145-157. Sandahl, C. F. "Augustana-synodens sjatte konferens." KB, 48 (1927), 92- 103. Sandgren, Carl H. "Looking back and forward." MC, 25 (1939), 12-16. Sandstrom, Harry G. "Upsala College looks ahead." ASM, 33 (June 1939) , 9-11, 37-38. Schersten, Albert F. "The historical and cultural background of the Swedish immigrants of importance to their assimilation in America." AHP, 2 (1932), 47-63. Scholdstrom, Birger. "En svensk vid Stilla hafvet." [Karl Axel Egerstrom.] KN, (1905), 94-109. Schon, Anders. "B. M. Halland." PB, 3 (1903), 331-334. "En storartad donation." [Denkmann Memorial Library.] VK, 13 (March 1909), 113-116. "Josua Lindahl." PB, 13 (1913), 185-193. "Louis Sands." PB, 6 (1906), 282-286. "Tvenne veteraner." [Victor Witting, Axel Silfversparre.] PB, 7 (1907), 201-220. Scott, Alfred G. "Trinity College, Round Rock, Texas." KB, 28 (1907), 95- 102. Seaberg, C. A. "Svenska metodismens 75-arsminne." VR, 18 (1920), 11-15. Seaberg, John P. "Teologiska seminariets sextioarsjubileum." VR, 25 (1931), 55-64. Seashore, A. T. "Femtio ar i den hogre bildningens tjanst : Luther College." KB, 54 (1933), 131-145. "Om var skolverksamhet." KB, 43 (1922), 103-114. "The fiftieth anniversary of Luther College." MC, 19 (1933), 120- 126. Seastrand, A. F. "Augustana-synodens immigrant- och sjomanshem i Bos- ton, Mass." KB, 36 (1915) , 73-79. Sebelius, S. J. "Conrad Emil Lindberg som larare och predicant." KB, 67 (1946), 49-58. "Fromhetstyper inom var synod." KB, 69 (1948), 71-77. Setterdahl, V. "Barnhemmet i Andover, 111." KB, 25 (1904), 31-34. "Pastor A. J. Osterberg, biografiska meddelanden." KB, 20 (1899), 117-123. Skarstedt, Ernst. "Laroverkspresidenten Carl Swensson." PB, 5 (1905), 77- 93. 106 Skarstedt, Marcus. "Det svenska studentlivet i Amerika." SHS, 3 (1909- 1910), 54-59. Soderblom, Anna. "Nar svensk allmoge grundade kyrkosamfund i Norra Amerika." ST, 14 (1924) , 391-405. Sodergren, C. J. "The Lutheran Bible Institute." KB, 42 (1921) , 190-198. "Some memorable dates in Augustana history." MC, 21 (1935) , 101-104. Staberg, Henry. "Svenska gymnastikklubben i Worcester, Mass." VK, 5 (May 1901), 234-235. Steele, Alfred. "Svenska foretag i Amerika. Svenska lungsotssanatoriet i Denver, Colo." VK, 13 (Feb. 1909), 69-72. Stephenson, George M. "Astrology and theology." SAHB, 2 (Aug. 1929) , 53- 69. "C. W. Foss: an appreciation." AHP, 5 (1935), 9-11. "Religion." SIA, pp. 126-139. "The founding of the Augustana Synod: illustrative documents." SAHB, 1 (March 1928) , 1-52. Stoddard, T. Lothrop. "The Scandinavian revival and the war." AM, 115 (March 1915), 408-416. Stolpe, Mauritz. "Femton ar af svenskt lutherskt forsamlingsliv i varldens andrastad." KB, 38 (1917), 55-71. Stomberg, A. A. "Early efforts at Scandinavian Church Union in America." SHS, 9 (1923-24), 7-44. "Minnesota center for study of Swedish culture." ASM, 36 (Jan. 1942), 10-12, 29. "Swedish in American universities." SHS, 3 (1910) , 39-46. [Stone, E. O.]. "Minnesota College." KB, 51 (1930), 46-52. Stoneberg, Philip J. "The Bishop Hill Colony." HHC, v. 1, pp. 621-651. "The Bishop Hill Colony and the notes of the Western Exchange Fire and Marine Insurance Co." NU, 30 (1912) . "Bishop Hill koloniens industriella lif." VR, 6 (1908), 69-78. Stromberg, Edwin T. "Immigrantmissionen i New York." VR, 24 (1930), 91-99. Stromberg, Fred. "Methodistbilder." VR, 25 (1931), 135-146. Stromberg, L. "Kyrkan pa landet." VR, 22 (1928) , 93-102. Stromstedt, Aug. "Biskop Asbury." VR, 15 (1917) , 39-48. Studebaker, J. W. "Scandinavians and Finns; their contribution to Ameri- can progress." GT, 57 (March 1940) , 54. Sundelof, H. G. W. "A leader in Boston worship." [Rev. Dr. A. Wilhelm Sundelof.] ASM, 33 (March 1939), 15-16, 37-38. Sundquist, Hjalmar. "The Mission Covenanters. An outline of history." CM, pp. 19-103. Svard, P. J. "Vart samfund." KB, 18 (1897), 9-19. Swan, G. N. "Augustana Book Concern." KB, 47 (1926), 135-157. "Augustana -synodens genesis." KB, 52 (1931), 24-55. 107 "Reformationsfesten i Rock Island 1878." KB, 25 (1904), 55-67. Swanson, John A. "A Christian gentleman — Jacob Nelson." AD, 6 (1947), 37-42. Swanson, Roy W. "Distinguished in war, literature, and language." [August Hjalmar Edgren.] ASM, 34 (Nov. 1940), 7-8, 28. Swartz, P. "Carl Adolf Shogren." NWP, (1910), 197-202. Swensson, Alma C. "Augustana-synodens Kvinnornas hem- och hednamis- sions-forening." KB, 34 (1918), 101-113. Swensson, Carl Aaron. "Bethany College." FME, (1902), 35-102. "Hum Bethany College blef till." PB, 3 (1903), 78-86. "Nar skolverksamheten i Svensk-Amerika var ung. Nagra hag- komster fran det gamla Augustana College." PB, 2 (1902), 207-228. "De svenska episkopalerna 1867 och 1904." UV, 9 (March 1904), 91-94. Telleen, John. "Anecdotes and memories of the Paxton period." MC, 4 (1918), 36-52. "Anekdoter och berattelser fran Augustana College och semi- narium, Paxton-tiden, 1863-1875." KB, 43 (1922), 129-139. "A remarkable pioneer pastor." MC, 5 (1919), 24-30. "Dr. Erland Carlson." MC, 7 (1921), 43-57. "Efter 33 och 36 ar." KB, 37 (1916), 111-115. "Missionen bland mormonerna." KB, 6 (1885) , 84-94. "The spirit of the fathers." MC, 6 (1920), 26-29. "Svenska ev. luth. Ebenezer-forsamlingen i San Francisco." KB, 6 (1885), 60-79. Thelander, Phillip. "Augustana-synodens kvinnor och deras inlagg i vart kyrkliga arbete." KB, 31 (1910), 75-83. "Three noble pioneers." [Peter Beckman, Peter Carlson, John Johnson.] MC, 8 (1922) , 68-74. "Twenty-five years in the Theological Seminary." [Nils Forsander.] MC, 1 (1915), 58-62. Udden, Svante. "En minnesteckning." KB, 52 (1931), 152-165. Unonius, Gustaf. "For sent." VS, (1926) , 199-200. Uppvall, Axel J. "De svensk-amerikanska skolorna." SVIA, v. 2, pp. 164-177. "A Wisconsin pioneer: Gustaf Unonius and his recollections." ASHF, (1948), 32-52. "Upsala College." ASR, 11 (Feb. 1923), 110-111. "Upsala College." VK, 12 (Nov. 1908), 547-557. Wahlgren, Erik. "Varfor man laser svenska vid Amerikanska universitet." AS, 33 (Nov. 1946), 12-14. Wahlstrom, M. "Gustavus Adolphus College." NM, (April 1898). Wald, Arthur. "Educational institutions." ASH, [1] (1943), 52-59. Wallenius, C. G. "Fran slaveri till frihet." VR, 25 (1931), 95-102. "Den hogre skolundervisningen bland svenskarne i Amerika." SHS, 3 (1913), 5-18. 108 "Svenska laroverk i Amerika." AS, 23 (July 1936) , 10-11. "Var skola." VR, 21 (1927), 109-114. Westerberg, Thor. "Texas Wesleyan College." VR, 11 (1913), 104-108. Westerberg, T. J. "Svenska metodismen i Texas." VR, 19 (1921) , 59-63. Widen, A. "Bishop Hill, a coming centennial." ASR, 30 (Sept. 1942), 216-227. Winberg, Eric T. "Health pioneer." [Sven Richard Lokrantz.] ASM, 34 (Feb. 1940), 5-6, 33-34. Wingblade, A. J. "The Kansas Apostle." AD, 6 (1947), 68-74. Wingblade, Henry. "After the first century— what then?" AD, 8 (1949), 15-21. Youngert, S. G. "De nya seminariebyggnaderna." KB, 45 (1924) , 65-70. Zetterstrand, E. A. "Kyrkoherde Per Pehrsson." PB, 11 (1911) , 184-201. MINUTES AND REPORTS The most significant sources on the activities of the various church groups are the minutes. These consist of reports, proceedings and similar records of church conferences. Unfortunately they have not always been preserved, but the Augustana Synod is unusually fortunate in the preservation of these important sources. These minutes of the Augustana Synod consist of the records of the larger body known as the synod as well as of the regional organizations known as conferences, and they are to be found in the archives of Augustana College. The printed minutes of the synod were known as the Augustana Synod Protokoll, 1860-1884; Rejerat, 1885-1920; Minutes, 1921-1936; Report, 1937-1953. Within the last few years the name of the church has been changed to the Augustana Lutheran Church. Within the Augustana Synod an organization existed for a time known as The Asso- ciation of English Churches which had records called Minutes, 1908-1912; The Story of the Association of English Churches, 1913-14; The Association of English Churches of the Augustana Synod. 1915-23; Synopsis of Pro- ceedings, 1924-30. The Augustana synod is organized into many conferences and their printed reports are complete in the Royal Library except for the last decade and a half. The California Conference referred to its minutes as Referat, 1888-1922; Minutes, 1923-32; Resume of Minutes, 1933-37; Minutes, 1938-. Undoubtedly, the minutes of the Canada Conference are important too and should be listed. They were Referat, 1913-1928; Protokoll, 1929; Referat, 1930-1933; Minutes, 1934- . The Columbia Conference minutes were known as Referat, 1888-1921 and as Minutes, 1922. The Illinois Conference minutes are known as Protokoll, 1878-1888; Referat, 1888-1922; Minutes, 1923-32; Resume of Minutes, 1933-37; Minutes, Convention, 1923-1929; Minutes, 1930-1942; Report, 1943-. Minutes of the Illinois Conference prior to 1878 have not been published except for those which appeared in Tidskrift for Svensk Evangelisk Luthersk Kyrkohistoria i N. Amerika . . . (Rock Island, 1899). In this volume the minutes of the Mississippi, Chicago, and Minnesota conferences are published for the years 1864-1869 and 1858-1868 respectively. The minutes of the first conferences and first congregations of the Augustana Synod have been translated by I. 109 O. Nothstein in Selected Documents Dealing with the Organization of the First Congregations and the First Conferences of the Augustana Synod (AHP, v. 10-11). A printed copy of Protocoll hdllet vid ett gemensamt mote af Chicago och Mississippi Evang. Lutherska Conferenser; Chicago fran den 4 de till och med 9 de januari 1853 (Chicago, 1853) is found uncatalogued in the Royal Library. The Minutes of Northern Illinois Synod's Annual Meet- ing at Dixon, Illinois, in 1856 was published in Swedish and is found among uncatalogued materials at the Royal Library. The Iowa Conference minutes were known as Protokoll, 1869-1884; Offi- cielt Referat, 1885-1920; Official Minutes, 1921-1928; and Minutes, 1929-. The Kansas Conference records are known as Protokoll, 1870-1886; Referat, 1887-1923; and Report, 1924-. The earliest printed Minnesota Conference minutes are to be found in Tidskrift of 1899. The other minutes were known as Protokoll, 1870-1886; Referat, 1887-1896; Officielt Referat, 1897- 1922; and Minutes, 1923-1949. The minutes of New England Conference were known as Forhandlingar, 1913-1931 and Minutes, 1933-. New York Conference has its Protokoll, 1879- 1886; Officielt Referat, 1887-1892; Forhandlingar, 1905-1925; and Minutes, 1925-. The Red River Valley Conference had its Referat, 1913-1927, and Minutes, 1928- ; the Superior Conference its Referat, 1910-1913; Forhand- lingar, 1914-1920; and Minutes, 1921-1950 and Texas Conference its Minutes, 1923; Annual Convention, 1924-1926; and Minutes, 1927-. The printed minutes of the Swedish Baptist General Conference and its conferences are far from complete. The most complete record is the Annuals for the Swedish Baptist General Conference from 1890 to the present time. A few scattered printed minutes are available for the earlier years, 1879- 1889 and from 1856-1878 (except 1861-1862) at Bethel College and Seminary. As in the case of the Augustana Synod Minutes, the records of proceedings changed name from time to time. Sometimes they were known as Arsbe- rattelser, and for a long time as Statistik bfver Svenska Baptisforsamlingarna i Nord Amerikas Fbrenta Stater, then again as Arsbok or Arsber'dttelser. As the proceedings changed gradually during 1930-1935 from Swedish into Eng- lish they became known as Annuals and all of the minutes might well be referred to as the Annuals of the Swedish Baptist General Conference. But most unsatisfactory are the records of the separate conferences, which were numerous. These are so incomplete that it is questionable if they should be mentioned. Many of their minutes were perhaps never printed. Some of them might be found in a local church, and a few in the archives of Bethel College or Minnesota State Historical Society. Perhaps the names of the conferences together with dates would afford the best possible guide to these proceedings or minutes which might or might not be found. These conferences were in their proper historical order as follows: Tri-State Con- ference, 1856-1858; Illinois Conference, 1856-1864; Minnesota Conference, 1858-; Illinois-Iowa Conference, 1864-1883; Western Iowa and Nebraska Con- ference, 1872-1883; South Dakota Scandinavian Conference, 1874-1911; South Dakota Swedish Conference, 1912- ; Iowa Conference, 1883- ; Nebraska Con- ference, 1883- ; Missouri Conference, 1884- ; Wisconsin Conference, 1884- ; The Swedish Baptist Conference of North Pacific Coast 1891-1894; Swedish Bap- tist Conference of Washington, 1894-1904; Swedish Baptist Conference of Western Washington, 1904-; Oregon Conference, 1898-1930; Columbia Con- 110 ference, 1930- ; Upper Michigan Conference, 1893- ; Lower Michigan Confer- ence, 1893- ; Michigan Conference, 1884-1893; California Conference, 1899- ; New York Conference, 1899- ; Middle East Conference, 1903- ; Colorado Con- ference, 1915- ; North Dakota Conference, 1902; Texas Conference, 1898- . The last two conferences lasted but a short time. These conference records seem most often to have been referred to as Arsbok but sometimes they were called Protokoll. The Baptist conferences were small and resembled more the districts into which the Augustana Synod Conferences were or- ganized. The Swedish Methodist Church never organized as a separate entity of the American Methodist Episcopal Church. Thus the minutes of the larger body should be consulted, and particularly useful would be the Minutes of the Rock River Conference after 1855; the Minutes of the Minnesota Con- ference after 1856, and the Minutes of the Wisconsin Conference after 1854. At a General Conference of the American Methodist Episcopal Church at Baltimore, Maryland, in 1876, a petition from the Swedish Methodist churches of the Middle West to organize into a conference was granted. Thus was born the Swedish Northwest Conference. The printed minutes of this group are called Nordvestra Svenska Arslzonferensens Protokoll 1878, 1893, For- handlingar 1877, 1879-1892 Methodist Episcopal Church in America. In 1893, owing to the great distances and problems created in traveling, this body petitioned the General Conference for the privilege to organize into three separate conferences, a petition which was granted. Thus after 1893 there were three conferences of Swedish Methodist churches and these were the Central, the Western, and the Northern conferences. Printed minutes of these conferences include Methodist Kyrkans Svenska Central Konferens Protokoll, 1894-1927 (1906-1907) ; Norra Svenska Konferensens Arsbok, 1894- 1928 (1911) ; and Vestra Svenska Konferensens Arsmote; Protokoll Methodist Episcopal Church in America 1894-1928 (1894-1913). In 1901 the General Conference granted the privilege to the Swedish churches in the eastern states to organize into the Eastern Swedish Conference. Ostra Konferensens Arsbok for 1901-1941 should be available. At the Royal Library is found Methodist Episkopal Kyrkan. Protokoll fort vid . . . forsta svenska allmanna, delegerade konventet hallet i Evanston, III., 1914. In 1928 the three Swedish conferences of the Middle West asked the General Conference for the right to merge, and as a result there was organized the Swedish Central North- west Conference. Some of these minutes are to be found in the Swedish Methodist Historical Library at Evanston, Illinois, and others at the Garrett Seminary Library. The Royal Library files are quite unsatisfactory. The minutes of the Evangelical Mission Covenant Church of America are complete after its date of organization in 1885. These are known as Svenska Evangeliska Missionforbundets Arsberattelser, 1885-1931, or Protokoll ofver . . . 1885-1890; Referat, 1891; Arsberdttelse, 1892, and as The Swedish Evan- gelical Mission Covenant of America Yearbook 1932-1934; Yearbook of the Evangelical Mission Covenant Church, 1937; The Evangelical Mission Cove- nant Church of America Yearbook, 1938 to present. The conferences of the Covenant Church started as "mission societies" such as Mellersta Ostern, Nedre Michigan, Nordvastra Michigan, Illinois, Nebraska, Iowa, Nord- vasterns, Sodra Dakota, Montana-Idaho, Norra Vastkusten, California and Red River-dalen, and these gradually after several changes became "con- Ill ferences" such as California, Canada, Eastern Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Lower Michigan, Middle East, Midwest, Northwest, North Pacific and South Dakota. The lack of permanency is seen from the organization of these conferences eight years later (in 1948) when these were California, Canada, Central, East Coast, Great Lakes, Iowa, Lower Michigan, Middle East, Mid-west, Northwest, North Pacific and Southwest. It is very doubtful that these conferences published their minutes with any regularity. No such minutes have been found. Attention should also be called to the Minutes and Proceedings of the Evangelical Lutheran General Council of North America after 1867. A few of these from 1867 to 1891 were called either Referat ofver For handling arna or Utdrag af Referat. Of the above Minutes and Proceedings the Royal Li- brary has volume 1 for the year 1867 and volumes 15-19, 21-22 and 33. Of these only volumes 21 and 33 were printed in Swedish. The complete title of the first reads: Evangelisk Lutherska General Conciliet i Norra Amerika. Berdttelse ofver Forhandlingame vid 21: a ars motet i Minneapolis 1888. Women have played a very important role in the history of the church. The complete records of the Women's Home and Foreign Missionary So- ciety of the Augustana Synod are preserved at Augustana College, but the Royal Library has also the record for Kvinnornas Hem, och Hednamissions Forenings Arsmbte Hallet i Chicago, III. 1913 and The 31st Annual Conven- tion of the Women's Missionary Society of the Illinois Conference, Joliet, III. 1930. Besides these more important records, of which the Royal Library has only satisfactory files for the Augustana Synod and its conferences, there are records of minutes of hospitals, charitable organizations, and local churches. The Royal Library has Amerikanska Bibelsallskapet. Utdrag ur, den sextionionde arliga rapporten, Maj, 1885 and Maj, 1877. The reports of the local churches were sometimes called Annual Meeting of . . .; at other times Reports or Arsrapporter or Redogorelse. These have never been col- lected systematically. 112 Chapter Seven RELIGIOUS AND SECULAR LITERATURE The literature of the immigrant was of both a religious and secular na- ture. The former was the more abundant. It consisted of thousands of books, pamphlets and tracts. It is doubtful that much of this material will ever serve a useful purpose to the historian except to provide him with an index to the religious thoughts of the immigrants. As such it would reveal the strong Anglo-American, and even Calvinistic influences on the immi- grant, or a form of Christianity characteristic of evangelical Christianity in America during the 19th century. It is obvious that this literature can not be sampled though it might have some value to future historians. It is a literature which might be significant only in a study of denominational particularism as expressed in dogmas and faiths. A great deal of the religious literature, perhaps most of it, came directly from Sweden. It consisted of the works of those men who figured promi- nently in the religious awakening in Sweden during the 19th century and of men and women whose names are not as familiar as those of Rosenius, Fjellstedt, and others. The book catalogues of publishing houses and book stores associated with the immigrants give ample evidence of the quantity of this form of literature, which is not included in this bibliography. Some of it was imported, other parts of it were republished with or without the consent of the authors and often in more than one edition. The dependency of the immigrant upon the religious literature of the mother country expressed itself undoubtedly in other ways. There must have been a great deal of plagiarism by individuals who were not conscious of anything wrong in the copying of materials. If the idea expressed in a sentence was sound and orthodox, to whom did the idea belong if not to the church? From this it is evident that the standards of the religious literature were not high. There were exceptions. All of the denominations had men who had secured their university training abroad, and in many instances those were men of great ability with perhaps even literary talent. A few others had made the most of the educational advantages found among the immigrants. None could escape the heritage of the immigrant which the church in a special sense sought to preserve. This consisted of the focusing of attention among other things upon certain customs associated with the old country. Much of the religious literature centers around such customs as those of Christmas, when burning candles brought back memories from Sweden. This religious literature was characterized by a nostalgia for the old mother country and a longing for the eternal home. But this was not a major characteristic of the religious literature, which was narrowly sectarian and orthodox. It reflects also strong Calvinistic influences which encouraged a relentless war against evils as the immigrant church became a crusading 113 church. Peace was a dream and never a reality in the controversial sec- tarian literature. At no time was all quiet upon the religious front, and a more tolerant mind of the 20th century might well wish to see the 19th century entirely forgotten, for even the best and the noblest mind of that period seemed to fail to rise above the common religious prejudices. Toward the end of the 19th century many American churchmen had been profoundly influenced by Darwinism. Humanism had made itself felt upon the religious views of others. But neither naturalism nor humanism made an appreciable inroad upon the orthodoxy of the clergy of the immigrant churches. A few immigrants affiliated with more liberal-minded church bodies sought to win converts to their less orthodox views, but their efforts largely failed. The influence of Victor Rydberg of Sweden upon the im- migrants was negligible. This was not true of P. Waldenstrom, whose teach- ings on the question of atonement became the object of the bitterest con- troversy. It is doubtful that the immigrants understood all the implications in this controversy, and the immediate impact of the thoughts of Walden- strom were not entirely liberalizing, though their humanizing force cannot be denied. These things are mentioned only to justify the sampling of religious lit- erature which on first sight might seem unimportant. Thus the Augustana Synod, though profoundly influenced by the American environment and a form of Calvinistic puritanism, became in a strange sense the heir of the Established Church of Sweden, which it surpassed in its orthodoxy, inten- sified by sectarian struggles in America. To an even greater degree it be- came the heir of the political conservativism of the Established Church. The other church organizations' origin is intimately associated with the folk movements in Sweden, including political liberalism, and here a conscious- ness of social ills was more readily recognized. The stress placed upon religious literature does not minimize the impor- tance of the secular literature, but here, too, the immigrant turned preferably to well-known Swedish writers and poets. These were essentially those of the 19th century, and the interest in these was evident from the shelves in bookstores and the libraries of the immigrants. A striking example of this form of literature might be secured from a study of the Swedish Historical Society library turned over to the Minnesota State Historical Society for preservation. The collection is described in the Yearbook of the former so- ciety. (See bibliography.) The preference for the literature of the home country placed the immi- grant writer of prose and poetry in a difficult position, even though his lit- erary efforts grew directly out of the environment. This prose and poetry was written in Swedish by and for immigrants, and it reflects the reactions of the immigrant to the American scene. Its chief characteristic was a dual love, expressing loyalty to the country of adoption and an affection for the old country. Frequently it sounded a note of melancholy and loneliness as it mirrored the adjustments to American life. Sometimes it expressed that belief in the future resting upon progress and the triumph of democracy based upon individual freedom that was so typically American of the 19th century. Thus old age and youth challenged one another in the literature of the immigrant. It could hardly be understood in Sweden, and it could not be understood by Americans. As a result it was not a literature which 114 was to live. It represented a passing phase of American history without a European parallel. This literature cannot, therefore, be easily evaluated. It falls short of acceptable European as well as American standards. But it must be ad- mitted that it did not suffer in quantity. The biographical data collected by Otto Robert Landelius indicates that all the immigrants who came to America from Sweden were not necessarily persons whose education was limited to a public school education and an ability to read and write. A number of them had a secondary education and a few had a higher educa- tion. They could perhaps not be compared to the German intellectuals who played such an important role in American history, but many of them like the Germans were sometimes hostile to the church. It is the presence of this group of immigrants that explains the large num- ber of weekly Swedish newspapers and periodicals in America. They loved to write and wrote on the slightest provocation. They wrote under signa- tures and pseudonyms which seemed to have given them personal satisfac- tion while inflating their ego. These signatures and pseudonyms are easily identified by consulting either Linder or Skarstedt. They constituted in a sense a literary guild, which imposed high standards upon itself. They were one another's severest critics, and they did not hesitate to express their sharp criticisms. These men were most often associated with the immigrant press, and this eventually influenced their intellectual honesty as the ex- istence of a newspaper depended upon public opinion. Some of them had perhaps never been men of great character and integrity, and it was not difficult for them to make compromises. This was especially true of those who had been sent to America because they were the black sheep of the family. But America did not always have the desired results, and some black sheep continued to remain black. One or more of these would be ranked among the foremost members of the literary guild of the Swedish immigrants. But even the poet who was a drunkard was capable of express- ing much the same sentiments and longings as the best of poets among the clergymen. Years are swiftly passing since these men and women wrote of their dual loyalties and their own experiences in America in both prose and poetry. The things they wrote might not be important for themselves, but they are already the object of romanticization. The novelist and poet of Sweden, a distant relative to the immigrant of long ago, has turned increasingly to the theme of emigration from Sweden. The children and grandchildren of the immigrant are turning with interest to literary materials left by the immi- grant. There is a strong possibility that literature based upon the immigrant theme will develop on both sides of the Atlantic. In the growth and devel- opment of such a literature this guide might serve a small but useful pur- pose in the discovery of the literature of the immigrant. But it is well to re- member that the immigrant writers of religious and secular literature wrote for little or no rewards and for a none too appreciative public. A good history of Swedish-American literature is yet to be written, though excellent beginnings are to be found in the works of Skarstedt, Soderstrom and others, and the articles by Bonggren, Linder, and Swan are superior. Special attention should be called as well to the annuals called Valkyrian and Prarieblomman. 115 A time arrived in the life of many immigrants when they felt that they could express themselves better in English than in the language of their native land or parents. Yet some of these were immigrants in their thoughts and reactions to things both American and Swedish. In other words they possessed the dual loyalties so characteristic of the immigrants. Their works of prose and poetry expressing this peculiarity could be classified either as "immigrant literature" or American literature. These persons represent a period of transition in their ideals, thoughts, and interests, and they could well represent a second generation immigrant But in most instances the second generation immigrant preferred to dis- associate himself from the cultural heritage of his parents and especially from an immigrant complex, while the third generation immigrant, accord- ing to Marcus L. Hansen, is more interested in the background of his grand- parents. If this is true, it might be expected that more and more the immi- grant is going to become the object of a major interest in our literature. No writer could have been more American than Carl Sandburg has been. This stamps him as a second generation immigrant, and it is only in his old age that he looks back upon his childhood and his parents and all of his memories from an immigrant background with a more appreciative under- standing of his immigrant heritage. Always the Young Strangers is an excellent source on the early life of Sandburg, but it is much more than this. It is the story of the Americanization of many second generation immigrants. It is an important contribution to our immigrant literature. A third generation complex and a general desire to understand other people better with the decline of isolationism are responsible for roman- ticizing the role of the immigrant and the country of his origin. This is evi- dent in the number of books for children as well as works of fiction written by descendants of immigrants and by others. The role of the immigrant before a halo had been placed around him after World War I is also sig- nificant when it is portrayed by American novelists. But these forms of literature are an integral part of American literature and, therefore, out- side of the scope of this bibliography. Few immigrants have won a name for themselves as great American novelists. Among the Swedes there is no Rolvaag. But Gosta Larsson was born in Sweden and came to America at an age which gave him deep im- pressions of the labor movement in his native land. He is not a well-known novelist even though he might deserve attention. One of his novels deals with the causes of emigration from Sweden. The better known Swedish novelist Moberg has recently immigrated to America where he has sought in his recent novels to capture the background of immigration to America and the adjustment to American life. REFERENCES BOOKS Abrahamson, L. G. Herrens behagliga ar. Rock Island, 1914, 1915, 1916. Ahleen, Reinhold. Ballad och epigram. En handfull lyrik. Stockholm, 1935. Den drojande Amor. Lyriska dikter. Stockholm, 1936. Epigrammer och annat. [Poems.] Stockholm, 1933. 116 Idyller och pastoraler. [Poems.] Stockholm, 1935. Varia: Swedish poets of the seventeenth century. Some gleanings from the Swedish Parnassus. Translated from the Swedish and biographical notes. San Francisco, 1932. Alberg, Albert. Carl von Linne, blomsterkonungen. Minne af den 23 maj 1891. Chicago, 1891. Charles XII and his stirring times. London, [1883]. En gammal djurvans berattelser. Bilder fran Londons zoologiska tradgard. Stockholm, 1905. [ ] En vadjan och ett upprop till amerikanska nationen samt till hela manskligheten i ofrigt. n. p., n. d. Almkvist, Johan Alfred. [Vikingsson, pseud.] En syndares vag. Skildringar ur verkligheten. Goteborg, 1877. Nykterhetssanger. Goteborg, 1877. Strids- och segertoner. Orebro, 1877. Svindlaren i Stollnas. (Not found though it is supposed to have created a sensation in Sweden.) "Tilltugg," halsosamt for hvem som halst, men krogkunder i syn- nerhet. Orebro, 1876. Vid branten. Skildring ur verkligheten. Goteborg, 1877. Andeer, Carl W. Augustana-folk; nagra bilder och karaktarsdrag ur vart kyrkliga arbete. Rock Island, 1911-1914. 2v. Anderson, Axel. Gnistor. Dikter. Rockford, n. d. Anderson, C. A. Min erfarenhet. Chicago, 1894. Anderson, Johannes. Saljagarens berattelse. Chicago, 1933. Anderson, Oscar A. [J. Johkumson, Jr., pseud.] Kapricer. Omaha, 1911. Anderson, Otto Emil. Den roda traden. Minneapolis, [1928]. I skumrasket. Dikter. 1901. Pa lediga stunder. Dikter. 1896. Smalanningarne. Bilder ur folklivet i Sverige och Amerika. Sang-, dans- och krigsspiel i fyra akter. Minneapolis, 1919. Svenska latar. [Poems.] Minneapolis. [1910]. Andersson, Arthur A. Stoft. [Poems.] Winnipeg, 1934. Andersson, Edward H. Dagslandor. Dikter. [Chicago, 1911.] Andersson, Paul Hilding. Guldbrokaden. Stockholm, 1938. Baner, Johan G. R. Barr. [Poems.] Ironwood, 1926. Bragemal. [l-]2. [Poems.] Ironwood, 1911. Diagrams. [Poems]. Ironwood, 1915. "Duluth." [Poems.] Ironwood, 1915. Flakes. [Poems.] Ironwood, n. d. Harnad. [Poems.] Ironwood, [1914]. Iduna and Bragi. [Poems.] Ironwood, [1914?] Keshena. ("Keshi'ne Pimog'ne" — Swift-flyer's flights.) A Me- nominee-Indian allegory. Ironwood, 1923. 117 Loke. [Poems.] Ironwood. [1912?] Namesakes. The Ojibway Indian legend "Kitch-iti-Ki-pi" by Inaqtik Atanoqken (Raven Legendbard). Winnipeg, 1923. Opiater och granater. [Poems.] Ironwood, [1914]. Runes and ripples. [Poems.] Ironwood, n. d. Viking Mettles; Vikings on Lake Superior early in the eleventh century, [Poems.] Ironwood, n. d. Benediction, Sister. [Mrs. Gustaf Stromberg]. Fran solljusa strander. Dik- ter. Minneapolis, [1940]. [ ] Dromda varldar. Dikter. Minneapolis, n. d. Berg, Ruben G:son. C. J. L. Almquist i landsflykten 1851-1866. Stockholm, 1929. Berger, Vilhelm. [Felix Vivo, pseud.] Emigrant-oden tecknade. New York, 1904. En hjarnarbetares funderingar. [New York, 1934.] En nave svensk-amerikanskt. Aforismer. New York, [1937]. Glad och hungrig. Minnen fran mitt hundar i Amerika. New York, [1936]. Hjelp dig sjelf. Svensk-amerikanskt lustspel. New York, 1903. Hundar och lyckodagar tecknade. New York, 1905. Hvardags-handelser tecknade. Boston, 1903. Pytt i panna. Svensk-amerikanska berattelser. Worcester, 1912. Ratt och slatt. Svensk-amerikanska berattelser. Boston, [1902]. Svenska folklynnet i forskingringen. En studie. New York, 1924. Svensk -Amerika i malbrottet. New York, 1933. Svensk-amerikanska meditationer. Rock Island, 1916. Svensk-amerikanska spraket. Ett bidrag till kannedom om engel- ska sprakets inflytande pa svenska spraket i Amerika. New York, [1934]. Ungdomskarlek. Svensk-amerikansk novell. Worcester, 1908. Bergin, Alfred. Under furor och palmer. Reseintryck fran Europa vid varldskrigets borjan. Chicago, 1916. Bergqvist, Olof. Sune Vegult. En svensk-amerikansk roman. Stockholm, 1908. Bergstedt, Salomon. Ljungblommor. Dikter. Minneapolis, 1897. Bergstrbm, Aron. Fran ljus genom skuggor till ljus eller "De hem vi lam- nade och de hem vi vunno." Rock Island, 1925. [Bjbrklund], A. P. Lifvets skiften. Superior, 1891. Bjorkman, J. P. Allvar och skamt. Blandade dikter. Springfield, Mass., 1901. Bloom, Fredrik A. Hvita svanor. Blandade dikter. Chicago, 1916. Vagskvalp. Dikter och Sanger. Omaha, 1898. Boas, Ralph P., and Kathcrine Burton. Social backgrounds of American literature. Boston, 1933. 118 Bonggren, Olof Jakob. [Volontaire, pseud.] Bibeln mot Bibeln. Oumbar- lig handbok for alia, hvilka komma i beroring med bibeldyrkare. Stock- holm, 1879. Forstlingar. En samling dikter. [Intr. by V. Rydberg and G. Bran- des.] Stockholm, 1882. Lasarlif. En samling smarre uppteckningar af Spectator. Stock- holm, 1879. The occultist's seven rules. Chicago, 1921. The philosophy of occultism. Chicago, 1921. Second coming of Christ, n. p., 1911. Sanger och sagor. En samling dikter. [The author's portrait drawn by Anders Zorn.] Rock Island, [1902], Bowman, Charles Victor. Allmogesonen. Chicago, 1926. Brodeen, J. S:son. Flyttfagelslatar. Diktforsok. Falk oping, 1904. Hyllningsdikt till Hans Majestat Oscar II ... 75 ars-jubileum den 21 januari 1904. Falkoping, 1904. Hyllningsverser till H. M. Konung Gustaf V af Sverige ... pa Konungens 50-ars-dag den 16 juni 1908. Nora, 1908. Callerstrom, Selma Olivia. Dikter. Gowrie, Iowa, 1912. Carlson, E. Manfred. Prarieblommor. [Poems.] n. p., [1914]. Carlson, Johan Sven. Amerikas siste svensk. Minneapolis, 1908. Giv akt! Hvarfor bora vi bibehalla och bevara, varda och bruka svenska spraket i Amerika? [Minneapolis], 1923. Om historien och den historiska kunskapens betydelse for den manskliga utvecklingen. n. p., [1924]. Tre trevliga visor i oversattning. n. p., [1924], Carlson, O. Loftet, landet och besittningen. Minneapolis, [1907]. Carlson, Ruth. Langtan. Dikter. n. p., n. d. Carlsson, K. Alex. Delisa blaa bok. Chicago, 1951. I 6st- och vasterled. Berattelser. Chicago, 1946. Cederblad, Carl Herman. Silver och gratt. Dikter. Visby, 1933. Vagspel. Dikter. [Chicago, 1922.] Colling, Frithiof. Dar igen. [U. S. A.] n. p., n. d. I Sverige och Amerika. Hvarjehanda smabitar af Vandringsman. Tidaholm, 1906. Mister Colesons Sverige-resor. [U. S. A.] n. p., n. d. Dahl, K. G. William. Hedens barn. Malmo, 1913. Dahlen, Carl O. I allvarstider. Fosterlandska tankar med anledning av svenska folkfesten den 6 november 1914, Denver, Colo. n. p., n. d. Solljus och sang. Dikter. [U. S. A.] n. p., n. d. Toner. Dikter. [U. S. A.] n. p., n. d. Edgren, August Hjalmar. Blaklint. Ny diktsamling. Stockholm, 1894. Brustna aterljud. Dikter. Stockholm, 1904. Dikter av Tennyson, n. p., [1902]. 119 Dikter i original och ofversattning. Lund, 1884. Sommarferier i Montezumas land. Stockholm, 1898. Ur Amerikas skonlitteratur. Goteborg, 1878. Edgren, J[ohan] A[lexander]. Efter doden. En skrift for folket. Chicago, 1874. Elgstrom, Ossian. "Chicagoboheme." 13 noveller. Stockholm, 1924. Elmblad, Magnus Henrik. [Anders Nilsson, pseud.] En svensk sang om den stora branden i Chicago. Chicago, 1872. Fosterlandska sanger. Stockholm, 1871. Gunnar och Anna eller nybyggarne. Folkdikt i tre sanger. Chi- cago, [1880?] Samlade arbeten. Minneapolis, 1890. Samlade dikter. Chicago, 1878. 2d ed. Stockholm, 1889. Enander, Joh. A. Forenta Staternas historia, utarbetad for den svenska be- folkningen i Amerika. Chicago. 1874-1880. 6v., 2d ed. 1882. 4v. Mormonismens historia fran sektens uppkomst till narvarande tid. Wenersborg, 1865. Nordmannen i Amerika eller Amerikas upptackt. Historisk af- handhng med anledning av Columbifesterna i Chicago 1892-93. Rock Island, 1893. ,ed. Ur svenska sangen under 19: e seklet samt blad ur den sven- ska sangens historia. Rock Island, [1901]. Valda skrifter. Chicago and Rock Island, 1892. Vara faders sinnelag. Stockholm, 1894. , ed. Eterneller och varblommor. [A collection of poems by Swed- ish authors.] Erikson, Gustaf. Bethania -sanger. Wenona, 111., 1907. Fyrvapplingen. [With Berndt Emil Bengtson, S. M. Hill and C. A. Lonnqvist.] n. p., 1911. Hvilen eder nagot litet. Predikosamling. [Chicago, 1912.] Minnen och bilder fran hembygden. Wenona, 111., 1906. Nar juleljusen brinna. Korta betraktalser i signid adventstid. Bert- rand, Neb., 1911. Under Elims palmer. Predikningar och sanger. [Chicago, 1913.] Eriksson, Hulda. [Leonora, pseud.] Vildblommor fran den stora angen. Chicago, 1913. Fliesburg, Oskar Alfred. Cristoforo Colon. St. Paul, 1893. Vildrosor och tistlar. Minneapolis, 1899. Fosterlandska minnen i ord, sang och bild tillegnade svenskarna i Amerika. Chicago, [1894?] Fredenholm, Per Axel. Dikter. New Britain, 1918. Korset och klingan med flera dikter. Jbnkoping, 1920. Purpur och hemspunnet. Seattle, 1909. Roda runor. Berattelser ur nybyggarlivet i Amerika. Orebro, 1924-25. 2v. 120 Toner och tankar. Valda stycken af vers och prosa. Worcester, [1912]. Fredenholm, Thorild. Smalandsvisor och andra dikter. Stockholm, 1934. Fyrvaplingen. Valda stycken af B. E. H. L. [Bernd Emil Bengtson, Gustav Erikson, Samuel Magnus Hill, Carl Adolf Lonnquist] Omaha, [1911]. Grafstrom, Axel Viktor. Skanska baron. Stockholm, 1915. Granholm [-Hedenheim], Elin Edith. Toner. Wasa [Finland], 1925. Hallgren, Johan. Harnadstag. Philadelphia, [1899?] Hamilton, Joseph G. Bror Erik. En bild ur Chicagolifvet. 2d ed. Chicago, 1932. Hasselquist, T. N. Dagliga betraktelser for den husliga andakten. Saml. ur T. N. Hasselquists skrifter. Rock Island, 1918. Forsok till en grundlig och dock lattfattlig forklaring af Pauli bref till Efesarna. Rock Island, 1887. Hed-Larson, Anders. Blaklockor. Diktforsbk. St. Paul, 1912. Hellberg, Karl. Vastanflakt. Dikter. Minneapolis, [1926]. Hemdahl, G. E. Halsningar fran Medelhavets strander. Rock Island, 1911. Hendin, C. G. "Kapphastens" lefnadsoden. Denver, 1911. Henrikson, Ebba. Konflikter. Novell. New York, 1944. Pa gott och ont. Romantisk skildring. New York, 1940. Ljus pa vagen. Bibliska betraktelser. Chicago, 1914. Vandring med Jesus. Bibliska betraktelser. Chicago, [1915]. Hessell, Theodore A. Farbror Slokums memoarer upptecknade av honom sjalv. Chicago, 1909. [Hill, Samuel Magnus Samuelsson]. Uggletoner i vargatider. Af S. M. S. Portland, Oregon, [1916]. Higgins, Gus. Gladt humor. Lifvade humoresker pa vers och prosa med roliga gubbar. Chicago, 1903. Hillberg, John Emanuel. Bilder fran bibel-lander. Chicago, [1905]. Jag maste se Rom. n. p., n. d. Nar ljuset brot fram. n. p., n. d. Hillstrom, Ernst. Poetiska drombilder och dikter. Chicago, 1914. Hofstrand, C. O. Gudarnes flyttning till Canada. Stockholm, Sask., 1908. Kamereraren eller hofmannen fran Etiopia. Stockholm, Sask., 1908. Hogfelt, Otto. Minnen och toner. Chicago, [1913]. Till Rom och faderneslandet. Chicago, 1911. Hogstrom, E. Sveriges historia i harpolekar. Rock Island, 1900. Holmes, Ludvig. Dikter. Rockford, 1896. Nya dikter. Rock Island, 1904. Hult, Anders. En familjesstjerna. Chicago, 1891. Ingvall, Aron. Allvar och lojen. n. p., 1897. Till vanskapen. Brooklyn, 1919. Varbrodd. [Poems.] Brooklyn, 1902. 121 Jakobson, Elis Isidorus. Clairvoyance och psykometri. n. p., 1890. Ur naturens hemligheter. n. p., 1893. Johanson, Albert. Torpar-Jonas berattelse. Johan handlingsman. Linkoping, 1922. Turturdufvans rost. Malmo, 1893. 2v. Uppenbarelsens angel eller de yttersta tingen . . . Minneapolis, n. d. Angsblommor. Minneapolis, 1916. Johanson, Maria. Skovlad lycka. [Poems.] n. p., n. d. Stjarnor i natten. [Poems.] n. p., n. d. Johnson, Charles A. Poetiska forsok. Los Angeles, 1925. Johnson, C. F. Den enfaldige smalanningen, lustspel med sang i 4 akter och 2 tablaer. Duluth, 1875. Johnson, Emma. Karlekens seger och andra berattelser. Hartford, 1919. [ ] Solstralar i hvardagslifvet. [Poems.] Seattle, [1906?]. Johnson, Gottfrid. Dikter. n. p., 1892. Johnson, J. O. Samlade dikter. Chicago, n. d. Johnson, Louise. Versstumpar pa skamt och allvar. n. p., 1912. Julberattelser for ung och gammal. Med sju illustrationer. Rock Island, n. d. Julbok. Sondagsskolans julbok innehallande stycken for deklamation och dialoger att anvandas vid sbndagsskolfesterna. Rock Island, 1885-1910. Julefrid och julefrbjd. Tavlor och berattelser for de sma. Rock Island, 1914. Kjellberg, Isidor. Dikter. Linkoping, 1878. En fyrwapling, upptagande portratter, jemte text, af fyra Ostgotar, aktade folkombud wid riksdagen. Linkoping, 1875. Rim vid den Skandinaviska foreningens invigningsfest. St. Paul den 14 September 1870. n. p., n. d. Stycken pa vers och prosa. Linkoping, 1895. Klingberg, J. E. Litteraturhistoriska studier. New Britain, [1933]. Dikter. New Britain, n. d. Landen, Lars Hjalmar. Roster ur djupet. Dikter. Oakland, 1919. Trotsare och drommare. Engelska och amerikanska skaldstycken. Sundsvall, 1926. Landfors, Arthur. Fran smaltugnen. [Poems.] Stockholm, 1932. Larka, Per Anders Daniel. I fjarran vastern. Seattle, 1921. I urskogen. Seattle, 1923. Jorden runt genom luften. Seattle, 1928. Karlekens dubbelseger. Minneapolis, 1894. Leonard, Minnie. Varblommor. En samling poem och deklamationsverser. Minneapolis, 1910. Le Veau, Axel M. Nordbon i Amerika eller Minnen fran forsvunna och narvarande sekler. [Poems.] n. p., 1892. Liljengren, Johan Adolph. Faststamning. En samling originella dialoger . . . Worcester, [1909?] 122 [ ] Kolportorens berattelser. Tecknade efter meddelanden fran Per E. Stenberg af Adolph. Winnipeg, [1920]. Lindblad, Lina. Thureby prestgard eller fadernas missgarningar. [Minne- apolis?], 1924. Lindahl, S. P. A. En ropandes rost. Ett urval betraktelser for kyrkoarets sondagar. Rock Island, 1910. 2:a uppl. Stockholm, 1913. Lindberg, August. En monografi. Den svensk-amerikanska pressen tillag- nad. Stockholm, 1911. Lindberg, P. A. Adam. En berattelse. Chicago, 1899. Lindberg, Walter. Mot det hagrande landet, dikter och drommar. New York. n. d., [1896?]. Lindblom, Ernst Ludvig. Den svensk-amerikanske Sherlock Holmes. Stock- holm, 1908. "En sup till fisken." Skamt och allvar fran Yankeelandet. Stock- holm, 1909. Mina teateraftnar. Stockholm, 1917. Pa forsok. Fern svensk-amerikanska dikter. Chicago, 1888. Stjarnbanerets land. Tankar i bunden form. Stockholm, 1910. Soderamerikaner. Humoresker. Stockholm, 1914. Linder, Oliver A. Glada grin. Stycken pa vers och prosa af Olle Bark. Ironwood, 1891. I Vasterland. Stycken pa vers och prosa. Rock Island, 1914. John Morton. En af revolutionsperiodens svensk-amerikaner. Rock Island, n. d. Lindgren, Anna J. Ester Vinge. Stockholm, 1929. 2d ed. 1930. Lindmark, Carl Johan. Dikter. Chicago, 1924. Lindstrand, Frans Albin. Pennteckningar och reseskildringar af Onkel Ola. Chicago, 1898. I oster- och vasterland . . . Chicago, 1899. Linnaea. Poetiskt album af svensk-amerikanska publicister i Chicago. Chi- cago, 1887. Lofgren, Svante Emanuel. I fjarran vastern. [Foreword by Ernst Skar- stedt.] Seattle, Wash., 1921. I urskogen. Seattle, Wash., 1923. Jorden runt genom luften. Seattle, 1928. Lonnquist, C. A. Dikter af Teofilus. Rock Island, 1907. "Och jag sag det nya Jerusalem." Ord vid baren. Rock Island, 1919. Sundet vid Treskar och andra dikter. Malmo, 1913. Vildros. Ett nytt knippe. Rock Island, 1916. Lonnqvist, Fred. De hem vi lemnade och de hem vi funno. Det pittoreska Sverige och det pittoreska Amerika . . . Philadelphia, 1893. Lund, Emil. Hoga visan. The songs of songs. Chicago, 1892. Lundblad, Sven. Verskronika om Svenska klubben, Seattle, Washington, 1892-1907. Seattle, 1908. 123 Lundeberg, Axel. Emanuel Swedenborg och hans inflytande i Amerika. Minneapolis, 1911. [ ] Involuntary helpers of Christianity by John Mauritz. n. p., n. d. John Johnsons hemkomst fran Amerika. Chicago, 1907. Lif och helsa. Ett ord till foraldrar och malsman. Stockholm, 1877. Sanger. Minneapolis, 1890. Malm, G. N. Charli Johnson, svensk-amerikan. Verklighetsbild ur folklifvet bland svenskarne i Vestern pa 1890-talet. Chicago, 1909. Harute; verklighetsbild ur en svensk-amerikanares hvardagslif i fyra akter. Lindsborg, 1919. Malmquist, Axel Frithiof. Tornen och tistlar. [Poems.] [Chicago?], 1899. Malmquist, Marie V. Dikten Kristina. Tillegnad H. K. H. kronprinsessan . . . n. p., [1926]. Fargodlaru [Poems.] Tillegnad mitt hemland Sverige. Jemtland, Maine, [1919]. Forest echoes. Verse. Jemtland, Maine, 1920. A message. Verse. Boston, 1919. Salamandern. [Poems.] Brockton, Mass., n. d. [1919]. Malmstedt, Frank L. Skildringar och reseaventyr. n. p., n. d. Marcelius, D. Svart pa vitt. [Poems.] Chicago, 1932. Miller, P. H. Blad och blommor. Dikter. Rock Island, 1925. Modig, Andrew. Purpurstank pa aftonsky. En samling poem for nytta och noje. Beresford, S. D., 1911. Nelson, A. P., ed. Fran nar och fjarran. Med bidrag af flera predikanter. Boston, [1898]. Nelson, Henning. En vandrares sanger. Chicago, 1945. Nelson, J. P. Smaplock, vers och prosa. Brockton, n. d. Nonnen, E. Adel vanskap. Berattelse. Rock Island, 1908. Nordling, E. Det tusenariga riket. [With supplement.] Bishop Hill, 111., n. d. Nordling, Sophie. Genom lifvets branningar. Chicago, 1918. Verkmastaresonen och Anita, n. p., 1926. Nordstedt, Georg. Den galne berattar. n. p., 1926. Norlander, Emil. Anderssonskans Kalle. Pojkprat och karingsqvaller . . . med originaltecknighar af Gus Higgins. Chicago, n. d. Norman, Carl Gustaf. Emigrantens sanger. Chicago, 1914. Nyvall, David. Jesus Nasareen. En hjaltedikt. Chicago, [1912?]. Medsols. Tre fosterlandska tal mina landsman i Amerika tillegnade. Chicago, 1898. Skogsdrillar. En samling lyriska dikter. Chicago, 1901. Vers och saga. En liten julbok for barn. Minneapolis, 1890. Via dolorosa (Smartevagen) eller Fariseernas skugga pa Jesu vag. Minneapolis, 1926. Via regia (Den kungliga vagen) . Stockholm, 1926. 124 Via vitalis (Vagen som ar liv) . En fortsattning till Via dolorosa. Minneapolis, 1929. Ohlman, Oscar A. Fragment. Jamestown, 1912. Olander, Gustaf. Brief stories, n. p., n. d. Olofson, A. I gryningstid. Dikter. Worcester, 1905. Olson, Ernst W. Bobby Beggum's birthday and other stories. Written and compiled for little readers. Rock Island, n. d. [ ] Charley Washington. Shederetkomedi av E. Dobbelju. n. p., n. d. Valda dikter. Upsala, 1947. Olson, Ethel Pinegar. Delight. Kansas City, [1931?]. Olsson, Alexander. [Zanders, pseud.] Kallprat. Med forord af Ernst Skar- stedt. San Francisco, 1895. Pa turistfard genom Amerika och Europa. Kortfattade skildringar fran en resa sommaren 1908. Med forord af Ernst Skarstedt. San Fran- cisco, n. d. Olsson, Anna. Angelns gava med flera berattelser for barn. Rock Island, 1918. Bilder fran jubelfesten med flera skisser. Rock Island, 1912. Ellens julfest med flera berattelser for de sma. Stockholm, 1912. Fran solsidan. Rock Island, 1903. "I'm scairt." Childhood days on the prairie. Rock Island, 1927. En prarieunges funderingar. Rock Island, 1917. Stockholm, 1919. 1926. Olsson, Frank A. Arfvingarne. Skamt och sang i en akt. Efter en fransk ide. Denver, [1888]. Olsson, Olof. Betraktelser vid korset. Stockholm, 1878. Grunddragen af en sann medborgares karaktar. Tal . . . Rock Is- land, 1883. Helsningar fran fjerran. Minnen fran en resa genom England och Tyskland ar 1879. Moline, 1880. Det kristna hoppet. Trostens ord i lidandet och sorgen. Chicago, 1887. Till Rom och hem igen. Chicago, 1890. Vid korset: Betraktelser ofver fralsningen i Kristus. Rock Island, 1879. Wid korset. Betraktelser for den stilla veckan. Stockholm, 1940. (Translated by Daniel Nystrom as Salvation in Christ. Rock Island, 1942.) Osback, Carl Rudolf. Morgonskimmer. Diktsamling. West New York, 1910. Osterholm, Albin N. Pasksonetter. [U. S. A.], 1893. Valda dikter. Chicago, 1904. Ostrand, John. [Gosta Rosa, pseud.] Emigrantens kvade. En afskedshels- ning till fosterlandet. n. p., 1882. Rike Bergmans testamente. Minnen fran ungdomstid och faderne- bygd. [Chicago?], 1908. 125 Palmer, Adrian. Varluft. [Poems. J Chicago, 1896. Varloken. [Sweden], n. d. Palmer, J. E. Frusbubblor och strilstank. Svensk-amerikanska Sanger och visor. St. Paul, 1897. Pearson, Peter Henry. Prairie Vikings. East Orange, 1927. Person, Johan. I Svensk-Amerika. Berattelser och skisser. Worcester, 1900. Svensk-Amerikanska studier. Rock Island, 1912. Peterson, C. F. Forenta Staternas historia. Chicago, 1890. Ett hundra ar. En aterblick pa det nittonde seklet. Chicago, 1892. Karlek och pligt. [Chicago?], n. d. Nya Varlden. En blick: den Nordamerikanska republikens hafder. Chicago, [1885]. Politisk handbok for svenskarne i Amerika. Chicago, n. d. Republiken och dess institutioner. Chicago, 1891. Spansk-amerikanska kriget, etc. Chicago, 1899. Sverige i Amerika, kulturhistoriska och biografiska teckningar. Chicago, 1898. Peterson, C. P. Bibelns spegel. Chicago, 1875. Universal-poem och teori-vagbrytare. Chicago, 1880. Vittnesbord om bockernas bok. Chicago, 1887. Peterson, Frithiof Jeremias. [R61 Gording, pseud.]. Ismael Hagarson. Berat- telse. Chicago, 1915. Uppsala, 1918. Under nattvakten eller den gamle matrosens berattelse. Chicago, [1914?]. R61 Gording: Jag saldes pa auktion. En verklighetsberattelse. Stock- holm, 1947. Poesibok. Diktsamling for ungdom. Urval ur aldre och nyare svensk skal- dekonst af E. H. Carlson. Chicago, 1910. [Risberg, E.]. Rosen i Varnhem. Berattelse af E. R. Rock Island, [1915]. Rose, N[ils] Jonsson. Ogras och vete. Lyriska och andra dikter. Stockholm, 1899. Rosenius, P. J. Fosterlandska hjaltedikter ur svenska folkets hafder. Chi- cago, n. d. Rydelius, Alfred. Vilda blommor. Diktforsok. Salt Lake City, 1888. Ryden, Peter. Konferensresan. Berattelse. Chicago, 1911. Konferensresan eller bilen med de manga hjulen. Svensk-ameri- kansk berattelse. Sundbyberg, 1918. Sandell, Alfred. Den allting forvandlande handen. Elva uppbyggliga be- traktelser. Med forord af Prof. O. Olsson. Rock Island, 1885. Schuch, Gustaf Edward. Emigranterna. Romantiserad skildring fran nybyg- garetiden. Chicago, 1917. Tvenne familjer. Rock Island, 1914. Shogren, Emma W. Barngladje och julminnen. Chicago, 1889. Where the Mississippi flows and other stories. Chicago, 1906. 126 Sjoberg, Charles. Toner och Missljud. En samling dikter. [Detroit, 1926.]. Sjostrand, Erik. Rim-frost. Poem. Boston, [1909]. [Sjostrom, Gustaf]. Jan Olsons afventyr eller en vermlandsk emigrants resor och lefnadsoden i det Norra Amerika. Chicago, 1892. Skarstedt, Ernst Teofil. Abraham Lincoln. En levnads- och karaktarsteck- ning. Stockholm, 1918. Amerikanska typer och karaktarer. Sex lefnads- och karaktars- teckningar. San Francisco, 1919. Mark Twain. [Samuel Langhorne Clemens.] Nagra ord om hans liv, verksamhet och karaktar. n. p., 1919. Rosor och tornen. En samling fangslande och larorika berattelser af beromda forfattare. Svensk bearbetning med versifieradt forord. San Francisco, 1893. Theodore Roosevelt. En lefnads- och karaktarsteckning. San Fran- cisco, 1919. Under vestliga skyar. Diktforsbk. Tacoma, 1907. Vagabond och redaktor. Lefnadsoden och tidsbilder. Seattle, 1914. Vid honnes sida. Ode noch afventyr, minen och iakttagelser, lifs- och karaktarsbilder fran ett sjuarigt aktenskap. Saml. i to If bref med for- och slutord. [ill. by Olof Grafstrom.] Portland, 1889. Soderblom, Peter. Levnadsoden och reseskildringar. Los Angeles, 1932. Spangberg, Ernest A. Anderson, Peterson och Lundstrom. Folk-komedi med sang i fern akter. Frans Hodell's original omarbetat, modarniserat och forsett med nya kupletter. Minneapolis, 1920. Spoquist, Niklas. En ynkelig men sannfardig fiskarevisa. Saljes till forman for Lake Michigans abborrar. n. p., n. d. Stenbock, Harald. Segelvind i morgonvakt. Lyriska dikter. Dayton, Iowa, 1911. Stillwater, Minn., 1928. Stenwall, Ruth. Ax plockade pa lifvets aker. Dikter. New Britain, Conn., 1908. Stolpe, Mauritz. Samlade dikter. Rock Island, 1940. Stromberg, Ella. Vilda blommor. Dikter. Minneapolis, 1928. Stromberg, [Oscar] Leonard. August Bergers vanner. Berattelse. Uppsala, 1930. (Several of his novels found at the Royal Library. They were all published in Sweden.) Sundell, Edward. Lyckliga dagar. [Poems.] New York, 1894. Sundelof, Anders Wilhelm. Dikter. Boston, 1913. Svenska dramtiska sallskapet. Vermlandningarne. Nordsidans Turner Hall sondagen den 13: de mars, 1898. (For similar programs see Naeseth volume, ALP, no. 22) Swan, Gustaf, N. Gamla svenska biblar i Amerika och Bibelns segertag genom varlden. Rock Island, 1918. Holmes och Zetterstrand. Minnestal hallna vid Augustana College. Rock Island, 1912. "Ludvig Holmes som skald. Hans diktning och dess betydelse for den svensk-amerikanska litteraturen. Tal." n. p., 1911. 127 Svensk litteratur i engelsk oversattning. [Chicago, 1934]. Swedish-American literary periodicals. Rock Island, 1936. (AHS, v. 6). Swanson, Anna S. Ur hjartats fatabur. Tankar fran redaktionsbordet. Min- neapolis, [1907]. Swanson, Joseph. Den sanna lyckan. 1921. Venus. 1922. Sward, Axel August. Enskilda skrifter. San Francisco, 1895. Fran Vestanskog. Dikter. Rock Island, 1889. Vilda blommor fran prarien. [Poems.] Rock Island, 1887. Swenson, N. S. Bilder ur lifvet i vers form. Willmar, Minn., 1927. Swensson, Carl A. Hemat. n. p, 1891. Vid hemmets hard Lasning for fridstunder i familjekretsen. Chi- cago, 1890. Sylvan, Eric. Vardrom. [Play.] 1925. Tapper, A. G. I sol och skuggor. Dikter och sanger. Worcester, 1897. Kronprins Gustaf Adolf med anledning av Amerikabesoket 1926. n. p., n. d. Thune, Oscar. I skymningen. Nagra rimforsok. Bridgeport, 1923. Tigerschiold, Hugo. John Ericsson. Dikt. Stockholm, 1890. Tollen, C. A. [Waerner, Seth August Ninian, pseud.]. Brev te Nyman Waer- nor fran C. A. Tollen. [111. by Hjalmar Eneroth.] Stockholm, 1899. I host- och vinterkvall. Svensk -amerikanska dikter och smaskiz- zer. Minneapolis, 1895. Pennstreck. Humoresker, skizzer och berattelser. Minneapolis, 1896. Wallberg, Olof. Emigranten eller de fbrsta manaderna i Amerika. [Chi- cago?], [1895?]. Mordet pa Milton Ave eller var var polisen. [A novel.] [Chicago?]. Wermelin, Alfred. En blick pa lifvet. [Poem.] Marinette, Wis., 1898. Dikter. Marinette, Wis., 1890. Ljus och skuggor. Dikter. Marinette, Wis., 1900. Westman, Gustaf O. Mefistofeles gramelse. Chicago, 1916. Wicklund, Gustaf. En afton pa "Tre byttor." Fars med sang i en akt. Mu- siken: Bellmansmelodier. Stockholm, 1893. Gnistor fran rimsmedjan. Valda sanger utg. af hans maka. Minne- apolis, 1906. [Author of five plays: "En overraskning," "Kronjuvelerna pa nordsidan," "Var forening," "Pa forsta maj," and "En afton pa Tre Byttor." Date and place of publication uncertain.] Wiman, Gustaf. Dikter och sanger. Waltham, Mass., 1913. 128 ARTICLES Ahlstrom, Vanja. "Gosta Larsson — sjoman — ingenjor — forfattare." SJ, 16 (1947), 116-117. [Almquist, C. J. L.]. "Swedish author's only American story." JIHS, 41 (Sept. 1948), 285-304. Andreen, Gustav. "Det svenska spraket i Amerika." STV, 87 (1900) . Benson, Adolph B. American appreciation of Fredrika Bremer. SSN, 8 (1924-25), 14-33. Another unpublished letter to the Downings. SSN, 12 (1932-33), 40-42. "The beginning of American interest in Scandinavian literature." SSN, 5 (1925-26), 133-141. "The essays on Fredrika Bremer in the North American Review." PMLA, 51 (1926), 747-755. Fredrika Bremer's unpublished letters to the Downings. SSN, 11 (1930-31), 1-10, 39-53, 71-78, 109-124, 147-172, 187-205, 215-228, 264-274. "A list of English translations of the Frithiofs saga. A retrospect at the centenary." GR, 1 (No. 2, 1926), 142-167. "Skandinaviskt inflytande pa den amerikanska litteraturen fore 1870." SLS, 13 (1930), 39-48. "Swedish influence on American culture. A resume." BAIS, 4 (March 1949), 3-10; (June 1949), 5-11. Benediction, Sister. [Mrs. Gustaf Stromberg]. "All in all, a poem." BASI, 6 (Autumn 1951) , 16. "Three poems." BASI, 6 (Autumn 1951) , 23. "Two poems." BASI, 5 (Summer 1950) , 8. Berg, Ruben G:son. "Den Nordamerikanska litteraturen och Sverige." NFM, 1 (June 1938), 401-407. "Nordamerikansk litteratur i Sverige." MA, pp. 149-186. Bonggren, Jakob. "En sjalvbiografisk skiss." AS, 19 (Dec. 20, 1932) , 8-9. "A tribute to the memory of General Zachary Taylor." SAM, (Oct. 1850). "Greeting to America." SAM, (Feb. 1851) . [Letter to Professor John S. Hart.] SAM, (Dec. 1851) . Bremer, Fredrika. "A California for women; better than silver and gold." SAM, (Oct. 1851) . Brunius, A. "Utlandssvensken som romanfigur." Idun, (1918), 170-171. Edgren, Hjalmar. "Svensk litteratur i Amerika." NST, 4 (no. 6, 1883), 470- 475. Elgstrom, Anna Lenah. "Adolph Burnett Benson." US, 11 (no. 10, 1949), 11-15. "Carl Sandburg." US, 9 (no. 3, 1947), 6-9. Elmblad, Magnus Henrik. "Tva dagar." Forr och nu, (1870), 297. (Many others in same journal for 1871, 1872, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1877, 1883, 1888, as well as in Ur dagens krdnika, [885.) 129 Enander, Hilma. "Dr. Enander." SHS, 7 (1921-22) , 24-32. Enander, Joh. A. "En svensk-amerikansk tidnings 50 ars-jubileum." PB, 6 (1906), 228-248. [ ] "The Enander Memorial." ASR, 9 (Oct. 1921), 685-686. [ ] "Johan Alfred Enander: Necrology." SHS, 3 (1909-10), 80-82. Foss, C. W. "The Swedish Lutheran Publication Society." Alumnus, 1 (Jan. 1893), 98-102. Gustafson, Alrik. "A dream worth dying for. The price of freedom in Vil- helm Moberg's recent novels." ASR, 30 (Dec. 1942), 296-307. Hagglund, S. G. "Svenskhetens bevarande i Amerika." ARF, (1924), 111-117. Johnson, E. Gustav. "A Swedish immigrant ballad." SSN, 20 (Nov. 1948), 193-201. King, Ernestine. "Letters from Fredrika Bremer." BAIS, 5 (March 1950), 10-12. Langenfelt, G. "Literary contributions. 4. American novel figures of Swedish descent." SMS, 17 (1949), 72-86. "Svenska vitterlekare i Amerika." SD, (July 7, 1929) . Lagerlof, Selma. "Mamsell Fredrika." BAIS, n. s. 5 (March 1950), 3-9. Lindahl, Mac. "Kring ett 100-ars jubileum." US, 13 (no. 9, 1951), 14-15. "Svenskamerikanen Naboth Hedin." US, 13 (no. 1, 1951), 15-17. "Den svensksprakiga pressen i America." US, 11 (no. 5, 1949), 16- 19. Linder, Oliver A. "Almquist i Amerika. Ett sty eke av den biltoge forfat- tarens saga. UV, 20 (March 1915), 72-75. "In memoriam. Carl Fredrik Peterson." VK, 5 (July 1901), 329-331. Lindvall, C. A. "Svenska spraket in America." SHS, 5 (1914-1915), 13-21. Lofgren, Svante. "Memories of a pioneer." [Ernst Skarstedt.] BASI, n. s. 1 (July-Sept. 1946), 13-16. Lund, Emil. "Huru skall svenskheten bevaras i Amerika?" ARF, (1919), 14-24. "Lonar det modan att i Svensk-Amerika soka behalla nagot av svenska spraket?" AS, 23 (Nov. 1, 1936), 6-7. Lundbergh, Holger. "Struggle, sincerity and success." [Gosta Larsson.]. ASM, 35 (Jan. 1941), 15, 25. Lundblad, P. "En bortgangen hallandsk bondeskald." [Edward H. Anders- son.] HA, (1927), 107-112. Moberg, Gosta. "Utlandssvenskar som jag mbtt." US, 12 (no. 1, 1950) , 14-17. Naeseth, Henriette C. K. "Drama in Swedish in Chicago." JIHS, 41 (June 1948), 159-170. "The Swedish theater of Chicago." ASHF, (1952), 10-22. Nordkvist, Harald. "Svenska spraket: i Amerika." SVIA, v. 2, pp. 219-223. Olsson, Karl A. "Fredrika Bremer and Ralph Waldo Emerson." SP, 2 (Autumn 1951), 39-52. 130 Olson, Ernst W. "Augustana Book Concern: Publishers of the Augustana Synod, history of its activities since 1889 with introductory account of earlier publishing enterprises." AHP, 3 (1933), 3-80. "Nagra anteckningar till den svensk-amerikanska forlagsverk- samhetens historia." PB, 10 (1910), 168-187. Peterson, C. F. "Ett par Chicago karakterer." [C. G. Linderborg and Charles Eklund.] VK, 3 (March 1899) , 114-118. "Svensk-amerikanska banbrytare a pressens fait." VK, 1 (April 1897), 13-16. "Pioneer publisher." [Charles Knut Johansen.] ASM, 38 (Sept. 1944) , 13. "Publishers and booksellers." ASH, [1] (1943), 80-81; 3 (1948), 108-110. Rooth, Signe A. "Fredrika Bremer's impressions of America." SP, 1 (Spring 1951), 5-16. Rydh, Hanna. "Fredrika Bremer— trail blazer." BASI, n. s. 5 (March 1950) , 13-18. S — lis, E. "Johannes Elmblad, sangaren och skadespelaren." VK, 6 (Decem- ber 1902), 632-633. Sahlbom, Naima. Pa jakt i Amerika 1924 efter Fredrika Bremer. Hertha, 11 (1924) , 121-123. Sandegren, T. "Vid vestervag. Minnen fran den svensk-amerikanska tid- ningsverlden i staten Washington." VK, 10 (Dec. 1906) , 633-636. Schon, Anders. "Anders Thorson." PB, 9 (1909) , 250-252. "Dr. Johan Alfred Enander. En minnesruna." PB, 11 (1911), 16-45. "G. A. Bohman." PB, 7 (1907), 261-262. "Joh. A. Enander." [Chicago], 1910. (Newspaper clippings of 15 pages from Hemlandet.) Skarstedt, Ernst. "Aderton manaders hundlif. Verklighetsteckningar." VK, 3 (Feb. 1899),— 4 (Jan. 1900). "En bortgangen skamtare. Bilder ur en svensk-amerikansk penn- faktares lif, C. V. Liedberg." VK, 5 (Sept. 1901), 463-469; 5 (Oct. 1901), 516-521. "C. G. Linderborg. Nagra karaktars drag och personliga minnen." VK, 5 (Nov. 1901), 569-578. "Kuckeliku! Ett Magnus Elmblad Minne." KK, (1901), 119-122. "Svensk-amerikanska." VK, 9 (Dec. 1905) , 621-624. Skoglund, Arvid G. " 'Skaldandet' i Svensk -amerika." SAF, (May 1929). Stomberg, A. A. "Beaktansvarda strafvanden for den nordiska kulturens bevarande i Amerika." PB, 12 (1912), 29-37. "Svenskan i America." SOS, 4 (1904) , 1-21. Swan, Gustaf N. "En aterblick." SHS, 5 (1914-15), 38-54. "August Strindberg i Amerika. Bibliografiska anteckningar for Nordstjernan. [New York], 1913." N, 43 (Oct. 14-17, 1913). "The English versions of Tegner's 'Axel.' A bibliographical sketch." SASP, 1 (1911-14), 179-184. "Frithiof's saga i Amerika." UV, 19 (Dec. 1914) , 373-377. 131 " 'Frithiofs saga' in engelsk drakt." SA, (May 21, May 28, 1914) . Longfellow och Tegner. Svea, 61 (1904), 140-150. "No. 6 South Clark Street eller 'Nar vi borjade.' " BF, (1920-1921), 166-177. "Olla podrida: literart kaseri." (Collection of newspaper clippings at AL made by Swan from his own writings.) "Svensk-amerikanska forfattare." UV, 9 (Nov. 1904)— 14 (July 1909). [Erik Norelius, Josua Lindahl, Ludvig Holmes, Ernst Skarstedt, Nils Forsander, Signe Ankarfelt, Edward Sundell, Oliver A. Linder, David Nyvall, Leonard Stromberg, Ernst Zetterstrand, Vilhelm Berger, Ernst W. Olson.] "Svenska och svensk-amerikanska tidnings-pressens historia." (Clippings from 1880-1931 by G. N. Swan.) Swanson, Roy W. "The Swedish-American press." [Bibliography.] Viking, 1 (July 1906), 2-5; (Aug. 1906), 5, 9; (Sept. 1906), 8, 18; (Oct. 1906), 4, 18; (Nov. 1906), 4, 19; (Jan. 1907), 4-5; (Feb. 1907), 2-3; (March 1907), 1-4. "A Swedish immigrant folk figure — Ola Varmlanning." MH, 29 (June 1948), 105-113. Tegen, Gunhild. "Med Fredrika Bremer i slavstaterna." MG, 38 (1942), 8-18. Upvall, Axel J. "The Swedish language in America." SIA, pp. 52-74. Vetterlund, F. "Nordamerika och en svensk romantiker." Idun, 32 (1919), 342-343. Wahlstrom, M. "Svenska sprakets framtid i Amerika." SHS, 6 (1916-17), 21-30. Wallenius, C. G. "Tidningen Sandebudet, 1862-1912." VR, 10 (1912), 114-120. Widen, Albin. "Scandinavian folklore and immigrant ballads." BAIS, 2 (Jan.-March 1947), 1-44. Wieselgren, O. "Fredrika Bremer i Boston." Hertha, 4 (1917), 198-202. Zetterstrand, E. A. "C. J. L. Almquist. Lefnadsteckning." PB, 6 (1906). 33-56. "Engelskans inflytande pa det svenska spraket i Amerika." UV, 9 (June-August 1904), 179-180, 204-207, 243-244. "Svenskan i Amerika bedomd af en vetenskapsman." UV, 9 (Nov. 1904) , 348-350. 132 Chapter Eight ART, MUSIC, AND THE THEATER Music is frequently associated with the Swedish immigrants. The sing- ing societies were as much a part of their life as of that of the German immigrants. These societies were organized into regional and national asso- ciations and sponsored musical festivals in connection with their conven- tions. The repertoire consisted chiefly of old-country songs dear to the heart of the immigrant. Most often the programs included songs by Gunnar Wen- nerberg. Swedish and American patriotic songs were sung with the same depth of feeling. Important as was the role that these societies played in the life of the immigrants, their historical records have not been well pre- served. The most important records on art and music pertain to the church and its educational institutions. A large number of editions of hymnals and re- ligious songs can be found. Here it is possible to observe the impact of a religious heritage and an American environment. Music was stressed at academies and colleges and it became the function of these to prepare or- ganists and choir directors as well as ministers. Catalogues of these insti- tutions should, therefore, be consulted. The immigrants also liked to regard as their very own such great singers as Jenny Lind and Christina Nilsson even though these were not immi- grants. Especially the former has been the object of a constant interest. Sweden has continued to send artists to America among whom are to be found well-known movie actors and actresses as well as opera stars. The literature on these people is too extensive for inclusion in this bibli- ography. Carl Milles' reputation as a sculptor was international before he decided to make America his home. He has been the object of several biographies and his art has been widely discussed. The historical collections at Augustana, Bethany, Bethel, and other Swed- ish centers are disappointing as they relate to art and music. The materials collected by the respective schools of music of these colleges would aid very little toward an understanding of the immigrant's contribution to music. Some of the material would consist of translations of songs and hymns, recital programs, catalogues of the schools of music and a few original com- positions particularly when these were definitely associated with the church, as in the case of contributions of A. L. Skoog found at North Park College. The Scandinavian Music House of New York City and Dalkullan Publish- ing and Importing Company of Chicago have been interested in Swedish music, of which the latter has published a great deal. A student of immigration is very ready to acknowledge America's debt to the immigrant for his contributions to American art and music. The Swedes in most instances loved music and, therefore, it might be assumed that they did make a significant contribution in this field. It has also been said that the Swedes possessed an artistic sense. Yet a study of this bibliography 133 will reveal that among their immigrants the only names which loom large are those of Jenny Lind, Christina Nilsson and Carl Milles, the sculptor. Nor can these be considered to be immigrants. Such a composer as Hanson at the Eastman School of Music is a second generation immigrant. Thus, the contributions of the Swedes in art and music are to be found elsewhere than in the names of great artists. The music that the immigrants loved was the "folksy-music" and their religious music, and it was this kind of music which created a nostalgia for the old country as the immigrants came together to sing. No over-all study has been made of the contributions of the Swedish immigrants. Closest to this kind of study is Carl Nelson's doc- toral dissertation which is mentioned in the "Bibliography of Bibliogra- phies." It is the most important work done so far in the field. Other biblio- graphical references are sketchy, local or regional, atomistic or specialized. Lawrence Albert Anderson's master's thesis, The Swedes of Lindsborg, Kansas, and Their Cultural Institutions: Bethany College and the Messiah Chorus, is remarkable only for its inadequate bibliography. The Benson and Hedin volume, Swedes in America, contains a few chapters on architects, artists, composers, and opera singers which might at least provide some clues. E. Gustav Johnson's bibliography on the works of a Mission Cove- nant composer should be consulted. It has been said that the Lutheran church is a singing church, and most of the Swedes were Lutherans. Perhaps Edwin T. Lieholm's doctoral dis- sertation at the Union Theological Seminary for 1945 might be helpful as an indirect aid. It is entitled The Lutheran Chorale as a Congregational Hymn. Ernst W. Olson's article "Svensk konst i Amerika" in Hildebrand's volume offers a number of leads on individual artists. Oscar Emanuel Olson's master's thesis at Northwestern University in 1941 entitled A. L. Skoog: Pioneer Musician of the Evangelical Mission Covenant Church of America contains a very complete bibliography of Skoog's works, hymns, anthems, etc. Lee O. G. Olson's thesis for the doctorate at the Union Theological Seminary in 1946 entitled History of Swedish Church Music should also be consulted as well as E. E. Ryden's The Story of Our Hymns. REFERENCES BOOKS, PAMPHLETS AND PROGRAMS American Daughters of Sweden and the Chicago Swedish Glee Club; sec- ond annual Swedish music festival, Sunday, Oct. 18, 1931. Chicago, 1931. American Painters of Swedish Descent; exhibiting under the auspices of the Art Institute of Chicago, Nov. 16-30, 1920. American Union of Swedish Singers. Song album. Svenska sangarfbrbundet. Amerika sangalbum. [Numerous editions.] n. p., n. d. Singer's program. Rockford, 1900. Festival program. Chicago, 1905. Third grand singing festival of the Eastern Division held in Provi- dence, Rhode Island, souvenir program, June 21, 1907. 134 Song album. Chicago, 1896. Song album. Male choruses. Chicago, 1909. Festskrift. Chicago, 1924. Song album 1924. St. Paul, 1924. Eastern Division, musical festival. Jamestown, 1935. 50th jubilee, singing festival and convention. Saint Paul, Minne- sota, June 6-7-8-9, 1946. St. Paul, 1946. Third quadrennial convention of the American Union of Swedish Singers, Moline. July 24-28, 1907. Amerikanska konstnarers af svensk harkomst, utstallning, N. Y. [American Scandinavian Foundation], 1920. Andeliga Sanger. Cincinnati, 1875. Anderson, Alfred, and W. S. Nickle. Herde-stamman. Sanger for sondags- skolan, bonmotet och hemmet. Chicago, 1893. Augustana Synod]. Hemlandssanger. Rock Island, 1891. (Many editions.) ] Hymnal and the order of service for churches and Sunday Schools. Rock Island, n. d. Published with music. Rock Island, 1901. ] The hymnal and order of service. Rock Island, 1925. (Many editions.) ] Luther League hymn book. Rock Island, [1913], ] Sangbok. Lutherforbundets. Rock Island, 1913. Berger, Vilhelm. Svensk sang i New York. New York, 1929. Bergquist, J. Victor. Golgotha. Minneapolis, 1908. Brace, Hagbard. Korsanger. Rock Island, n. d. Brodin, Knut. Emigrantvisor och andra visor. Stockholm, 1938. Cappaert, LeRoy. Gustav Stolpe. (MS prepared at AL) Charnquist, C. Andeliga Sanger, forsta haftet. [M] Austin, 1878. Den ljufwa rosten. Andra samlingen. [M] Austin, 1878. Silfver-trumpeten, no. 1. [M] Chicago, 1882. Trumpeten, no. 3. En samling af andeliga sanger till vackelse och uppbyggelse for Zion vandrare samt till beframjandet af den svenska kristeliga verksamheten i Texas. [M] [Chicago], n. d. Trumpeten. [M] Verona, Mo., 1887. Silfver-trumpeten, no. 2. [M] Chicago, 1887. Chorsanger for blandad rost. Chicago, n. d. Chorsanger for mansroster. Chicago, n. d. Dellgren, August. Psalmer och sang for kyrka och hem. Chicago, 1908. Dorph, Sven. Jenny Linds triumftag genom nya varlden och senare levnads- ackorder. Uppsala, 1918. Edgren, Adolf. Bibliska lof sanger, psalmer och hymner . . . 1891. Harpotoner. Andeliga sanger. Stockholm, 1886. Kantat vid jubelfesten till firande af Svenska M. E. Kyrkans fem- tioariga tillvaro i Amerika. Forfattad och komponerad af Adolf Edgren. Utford i Central Music Hall [Chicago] den 30 maj 1895. 135 Lattfattlig gitarrskola samt praktiska accord tabeller for gitarrs- pelare. Stockholm, 1895. Tillegnad Hans Majestat Konung Oscar II pa sextioforsta fodelse- dagen (1829-1889) . . . Stockholm, 1889. Tre sanger. Stockholm, 1887. Eklund, H. W. and others. Andeliga sanger, no. 3. [M] Brooklyn, n. d. Eklund, C. P. Allians -sanger for vackelsemoten [M] Chicago, 1907. Enander, Joh. A. Sang till froken Christina Nilsson vid emottagningsfesten i Chicago d. 22 Dec. 1870. Chicago, 1870. Engberg, Jonas, ed. Melodier till Hemlands-sanger samt Ahnfelts sanger. Chicago, 1875. Evangelii basun. [C] Chicago, 1883. 2d ed. 1889. Evangeliska sanger. [M]. Exhibition of contemporary Scandinavian art, held under the auspices of the American -Scandinavian Society 1912-1913 in New York, Buffalo, Toledo, Chicago, and Boston. Introduction and biographical notes by Charles Brinton . . . New York, 1912. Femtio andeliga sanger. Galesburg, 1856. Flexner, James Thomas. First flowers of our wilderness. Boston and Cam- bridge, 1947. Folkdanslaget, Nationalfestskrift, 1923-1933. Chicago, 1933. Ford, Alice. Pictorial folk art. New England to California. Woodstoock, Vermont, 1949. Fridsbasunen. [B] Chicago, [1890?]. Fridsrbster. Sangbok for vackelsemoten, bonemoten, ungdomsmoten, son- dagsskolan och hemmet. [B] Chicago, n. d. Frihetstoner. Sanger for templare och andra nykterhetsvanner. Cleveland, 1905. Frojderopet. [M] n. p., n. d. Frykman, N. Nagra sangers historia. Jamestown, 1912. Fyrstammiga melodier till Hemlandssanger, Ahnfelts sanger och Pilgrims - sanger jamte fullstandig text. Chicago, 1880. Ganschaw, Theodore F. Memories of Sweden; a collection of its best-loved melodies with English and the original Swedish text. New York, 1937. Gorans, Annie. Harptoner. Andeliga sanger med musik. Minneapolis, 1912. Hall, George F. The Augustana band and its tour of 1928. The story of Augustana's greatest brotherhood. Rock Island, 1929. Hemlands-, Ahnfelts- och Pilgrimssanger. Text edition. Chicago, n. d. 2d ed. Chicago, 1881. Hemlandssanger, music edition. Chicago, n. d. Hemlandssanger. [Svenska lutherska tryckforeningen.] Chicago. 1860, 1866, 1872. Hemlandstoner tillegnade den svenska W.I. B.C. forsamlingen i varlden. Chi- cago, 1927. 136 Hemat. Psalmer och Sanger for gammal och ung pa vag till det himmelska hemmet. Lindsborg, 1888. Hult, A. ed. Barnvannens lyra. [M] Boston, 1878. Barnvannens lyra. [M] Chicago, 1880. Barnvannens lyra, No. 2. [M] Chicago, 1885. Hultman, Johannes Alfred. Saul, David och Goliat. Sanger. Omaha, 1894. Solskenssanger. Saml. 1-3. Stockholm, 1912-1924. Text till solskenssanger m. fl. insjungna ljudvisor. Osby, 1913. [Janson, Erik]. Nagra Sanger samt boner. Soderhamn, 1846. Jenny Lind Association, New York. Meeting for memory of the 100th birth- day of Jenny Lind. New York, 1923. Johansson, S., compiler. Hemlandssanger pa vagen till den himmelska Jeru- salem. Chicago, 1874. Johnson, Carl J. Dahlquist's Scandinavian song and dance album. New York, 1941. Folk songs and dances from the northern countries. New York, 1943. Johnson, F. J. Korsanger. Rock Island, n. d. Jubelklangen. [C] Chicago, 1896. Jubel-sanger for evangeliska moten. [M] Chicago, 1902. Jubel-sanger, for evangeliska moten, sondagsskolan och hemmet. [M] Chi- cago, n. d. Kastman, Valborg, and Greta Kohler. Swedish song games; a collection of games and songs for school, home and playground use. Boston, 1913. Koralbok for kyrkan, hemmet och skolan med svenska psalmboken. Chicago, 1877. Koralbok med den fullstandiga svenska messan, den svenska psalmboken af ar 1819, ofversedd af Thomander och Wieselgren, samt evangeliiboken, handboken, bonboken m. m. Med fullstandigt versregister och psalman- visning, melodiforteckning, psalmhistoria m. m. Chicago, 1886. Koralboken med psalmboken, 1819. [Translated by J. H. Thomander and P. Wieselgren.] Rock Island, n. d. Kring julgran och majstang. Chicago, n. d. Krummacher, F. A. Julhelgen, de messianska forebilderna och profetiorna uti deras uppfyllelse i den i Betlehem fodde judakonungen, framstalda pa vers och prosa. [Translated by G. G. Ingelman.] Sangerna aro for- sedda med musik . . . Chicago, 1883. Kyrkohandbok for Augustana-synoden. Antagen 1895. Rock Island, n. d.; Antagen 1923. Rock Island, 1926. Kyrkohandbok for Augustana-synoden. Organist-upplaga. Rock Island, 1927. Kyrkohandbok for svenska evangelisk lutherska kyrkan i Amerika. Chicago, 1893. Kyrkokoren. Chicago, n. d. Kyrkokoren. X. Rock Island, n. d. 137 Korsanger. Chicago, n. d.; Rock Island, 1882. Lagerstrom, H. F. Forsammlingskoren. Rock Island, n. d. Lagerstrbm, R., and E. W. Olson. Kantat for jubel-synoden, 1910. Rock Is- land, 1910. Larson, Emil. Gloria Dei. Chicago, 1909. Larsson, Gustaf. En midvintersresa till Calif ornien for slojdens beframjande. [Translated from English.] Skara, 1894. The sloyd of America, 1888-1900. n. p., n. d. Svensk slojd tillampad pa amerikanska forhallanden. Fbredrag hallet i Philadelphia af Gustaf Larson, direktor for Slbjdlarareseminariet i Boston, Mass. n. p., n. d. (Translated from English by V. Berger.) Liefwendal, Kage, and Carl-Erik Ohlen. Svenskt konstnarsgalleri. Nitton- hundratalet. Malare. Skulptbrer. Grafiker. Stockholm, 1948-52. 2v. Lilja, Gosta, Bror Olsson, and Arthur S. Svensson. Svenskt konstnarslexikon. Malmo, 1952. Lilla basunen. [C] Chicago, 1890. Linstrum, O. E. Frojd och gladje. [M] Jamestown, 1890. Samlade Sanger. [M] Chicago, 1882. Lbfstrbm, And. L. Dalkullan, almanack och kalender. Chicago, 1900. Lonnquist, Carl Adolph. Bethphage hymnal; a collection of original hymns and translations from the Swedish psalm-book of 1819 for use and bene- fit of Bethphage Mission. Rock Island, 1922. Dalkullan sangbok; en utvald samling af svenska Sanger och visor. Chicago, 1903-1909; 1910-1921. Simple melodies; tunes and songs, n. p., n. d. Lund, Nils, Oscar Olsson, and Carl G. Strom. Frykman, Hultman, Skoog. Pioneers of Covenant musicians. Chicago, 1943. Metodist episkopal-kyrkans svenska psalmbok. Med noter. Chicago, 1904. Musik till kyrkohandbok. Chicago, 1901. Musikalisk aftonunderhallning gifven af Salemsforsamlingens ungdomsfore- ning lordagen den 19 Febr. 1887. Chicago, 1887. Musiktidning for Amerikas svenskar. Jubilee number 25th anniversary, Minneapolis American Union of Swedish Singers, n. p., n. d. Nagra forklaringar och betraktelser, med anledning af Pastor L. A. John- ston's upgifter vid behandlingen af organistfragan a sockenstamman med Foresta svenska evangeliska lutherska forsamlingen i Rockford, i Rockford, den 1 januari, 1890. New hymnal for church and home. Chicago, n. d. Nibelius, Fredrik. Zions sangbok for kyrkan och hemmet. Chicago, 1887. Nilsson, Hjalmar. Ett triumftag genom svenska bygder; explockning fran svensk-amerikanska elitkorens Sverige-turne 22 juni-24 juli, 1910. Minneapolis, 1910. Nilsson, Victor. Sangarfarden till Sverige, 1910. Chicago, 1910. Nordstrom, D. Sanger och poem. Minneapolis, 1908. 138 Norelius, Erik. Handbok for sondags-skolan. Med passande psalmer och Sanger. Chicago, 1865. Salems Sanger med fyrstammiga melodier. Chicago, 1859. Nya psalmisten; Sanger for allman och enskild uppbyggelse. [B] Chicago, 1903. Ny samling korsanger. Chicago, 1880. Nytt och gammalt, fyrstammiga Sanger for mansroster. Chicago, n. d. Olson, Ernst Wilhelm. Kantat vid Augustana-synodens 50-arsjubileum. Rock Island, 1910. Olson, Ernst Wilhelm, and Victor J. Bergquist. Reformationskantat for sopran, tenor, bas, kvartett, kor och orkester . . . utgifven af Augustana- synoden; musikupplaga med svensk och engelsk text. Rock Island, 1917. Reformation cantata . . . Rock Island, [1917]. Ollen, Olof. Sweden in music. New York, 1949. Olzen, E. A. Collection of Scandinavian folk songs. Chicago, 1941. Ostergren, J. R. Kvartett-album for mansroster. Chicago, n. d. Palmquist, John A. Sanger till Herrans pris. Chicago, 1891. Petri, C. J., compiler. Missionsharpan. Sanger for inre missionen. Minne- apolis, 1908. Pilgrims -singer. Chicago, 1890. Program for sondagsskolans julfester. Rock Island, n. d. Program och musik for Minnesota Konferensens trehundraars jubelfest den 22dra och 23dje Maj 1893. St. Paul and Minneapolis, 1893. Psalmer och Sanger for enskild och offentlig uppbyggelse. [M] Cincinnati, 1862. Randall, Harry. Souvenir programme of the third biennial singing-festival given by the United Scandinavian Singers of America July 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21, 1891 at the Coliseum, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Minneapolis, 1891. Rogers, Meuric R. Carl Milles. An interpretation of his work. New Haven, 1940. Rosenberg, C. G. Jenny Lind: her life, her struggles, and her triumphs. New York, 1850. Jenny Lind in America. New York, 1851. Russell, N. J. Nya Sanger for sondagsskolan. Chicago, 1892. Ryden, Ernest Edwin. The story of our hymns. Rock Island, 1930. (Several later editions.) Sanger i Sion. Chicago, 1884. Sanger. Populart musikalbum. Chicago, 1908. Sanger vid vackelse-moten. Chicago, 1889. [Sandzen, Birger]. Birger Sandzen. Exhibition. The American Swedish Historical Museum, Philadelphia. May 26-December 1, 1940. [Introduc- tion by Christian Brinton.] Philadelphia, 1940. Birger Sandzen. Utstallning 1-18 maj 1937, Gummesons konst- hall . . . [Foreword by Carl Milles.] Stockholm, [1937]. 139 Med pensel och penna. Berattelser, studier och stamningar. [Dedi- cated to the Swedish-American artists.] Rock Island, [1905?]. Tva vastgotamalare. Birger Sandzen. Frans Timen. Utstallningen 19-26 September 1937. Lidkopings Konstforening. Lidkoping, 1937. The Smoky Valley; reproductions of a series of lithographs of the Smoky Valley in Kansas. Kansas City, 1922. Sankey, Ira D. Sanger till Lammets lof. [M] Chicago, 1877; 1879. Sankeys sangbok. [M] Cincinnati, [1884?]. Scholdstrom, Birger. Svenska sangstycken. Chicago, 1896. Segersanger vid vackelsemoten. [M] Chicago, n. d. Sions basun. [C] Chicago, 1908. Sionsharpan. [C] [Chicago?], 1890. Skandia. Fyrstammiga Sanger fbr mansroster. Chicago, 1891. Skoog, A. L. Evangeliska korsanger. [Minneapolis?], 1909. Kristliga korsanger. Minneapolis, 1891. Mission hymns. [Minneapolis], 1920. Music works. (A large collection of printed works of Skoog found at Minnesota State Historical Society Library.) Nagra vinkar om forsamlingskoren, dess uppdrag, sammansattning och verksamhet. Minneapolis, 1902. De ungas sangbok. Minneapolis, 1914. Sorlin, D. S., ed. Davids harpa. Forsta haftet. Chicago, 1882. Song books, etc. published during Jenny Lind's tour in the U. S. 1850. Souvenir song album, singing festival and convention of the United Swedish Singers of the Pacific Coast at San Francisco and Oakland, California June 16-24th, 1915; Panama -Pacific International Exposition. San Fran- cisco, 1915. Souvenir magazine of the Jenny Lind centennial celebration, Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minn., Oct. 9th and 10th, 1920. Minneapolis, 1920. Spangberg, Ernst A. The life of Jenny Lind, Oct. 6, 1820-Nov. 2, 1887. A compilation from various sources in commemoration of the centenary of her birth. Minneapolis, 1920. Stolpe, Gustaf. En examinerad musikdirektor. [Rock Island?]. Korer for blandade roster I-IV. [Chicago], n. d. Tjugofyra korer for mansroster. Chicago, 1886. Sveaklang. Sanger for mansroster. Chicago, 1907. "Svea Manskors" illustrerade Bellmans-nummer med program. [Seattle], July 26, 1908. Svensk teater. Program. Svenska dramatiska sallskapet och Svea mans- kor i forening med Svenska gleeklubben . . . Seattle, [1907]. Svenska Goodtemplares sangbok jSmte bihang. Samladt och utgifvet af C. G— n. New York, 1889. Svenskarnas dag. Minnehaha park, Sunday, June 29th, 1941. Eight annual 1941. [Minneapolis, 1941]. 140 Svenska konstnarer. Chicago. Arsskrift. Chicago, 1929. [Svenska Gleeklubben]. Souvenir program fran Svenska Gleeklubbens forsta konsert i Horticultural Hall, Torsdagen den 9 Jan. 1902. Wor- cester, [1902]. Svenska psalmboken. Chicago, 1878. Svenska sangar-forbundets program. Duluth, 1912. Svenska sangar-forbundet i Amerika sangalbum. n. p., n. d. [Svenska sangforeningen i New York]. Stadgar for Svenska sangforeningen i New York antagna den 2: dra Nov. 1869. Svenskt konstnars lexikon. Malmo, 1952. Svenskt portratt galleri. Stockholm, 1901. 20v. Swedish American Art Association. First annual exhibition of works by Swedish -American artists, Women's Athletic Club, March 10-17, 1929. Swedish-American Art Exhibition, Swedish Club. Chicago, 1911. Swedish -American Trans-Mississippi jubilee album for Svenskarnas dag den 24:de juni, 1898. Omaha, 1898. Swedish Choral Club. Messiah, a sacred oratorio by Handel. Chicago, 1934. Swenson, J. A. Arpi-klubbens album for mansroster. St. Paul, 1899. Taylor, Francis Henry. Carl Milles. Cranbrook Academy of Art. Cran- brook, Mich., 1945. Till Jesu ara. n. p., n. d. Unga-roster. [M] Chicago, 1909. United Scandinavian Singers of America. Third singing festival. Souvenir, Minneapolis, July 17 to 21, 1891. [United Swedish Singers]. Souvenir-programme, July 31, 1909, Swedish Day at the A. Y. P. Seattle, Wash., convention of the United Swedish Singers of the Pacific Coast July 29-Aug. 4, 1909. Valda hymner, a Swedish Baptist hymnal, published by the American Bap- tist Publication Society. Valline, O., and P. T. Lindholm. Sang-album. n. p., 1879. Sangalbum innehallande praktisk sangskola. Chicago, n. d. Valline, O. Vart land. Chicago, 1891. Vara singer. Kbrer och smarre sangstycken. Reck Island, n. d. Verser sjungna vid Par Bricolls sommarfest i New York den 31:sta juli 1870. n. p., n. d. Wennerberg, G. Psalms of David. Chicago, 1882. Wenngren, Carl Arvid. Andeliga sanger. Moline, 1875. Westervelt, Leonidas. The Jenny Lind medals and tokens. New York, 1921. Westman, Erik G. Festskrift. American Union of Swedish Singers, Chicago, 1927. Succesturne genom Sverige 1920. En rikt illustrerad skildring utarb. for The Swedish Choral Club of Chicago. Utg. pa bekostnad af Charles S. Peterson. [Chicago, 1921]. 141 Witting, Victor. Andeliga Sanger for bone-, class och forlangda moten. Ofversatta, urvalda och originella. Bishop Hill, 1859. Sanger till Jesu ara. For bone- och vackelsembten. n. p., n. d. Zions sangbok for kyrkan och hemmet. Chicago, 1887. ARTICLES Alin, Hans. "Chicago male choruses give concert in Sweden." [Svithiod Singing Club of Chicago.] ASM, 41 (June 1947), 11, 18. "Swedish stars in New York Opera." ASR, 12 (Dec. 1924), 738-742. Anderson, Netta C. "Oratorio work at Augustana College. AB, s. 2 (March 15, 1906), 1-15. Anderson, Ruth. "Chicago Women's Chorus." EB, (1942), 37-40. Andreen, Gustav. "Dr. O. Olsson och den forsta oratorie-koren i Svensk- Amerika." PB, 6 (1906), 214-227. Arndt, Jessie Ash. "The 'Messiah' at Lindsborg." CSM, March 18, 1944. Aschehoug, Elisabeth. "Blue glaze." [Carl Walters, ceramist.] ASM, 34 (Aug. 1940), 10-11, 32-34. Asplund, Edwin. "The Swedish Male Voice Choir, Winnipeg." BAIS, n. s. 1 (Apr.- June 1946), 8-9. Benson, Adolph B. "American appreciation of Jenny Lind." ASR, 8 (Oct. 1920), 755-763. "Bland svenskarne i Amerika. Svenska sangarforbundet i Amerika." VK, 9 (Sept. 1905), 442-444. Brase, Hagbard. "Musiken vid vara svensk-amerikanska laroverk." PB, 8 (1908), 73-86. Brodin, Knut. "Ett avsnitt emigrationsvisor." STI, (1938), 93-95. Cary, Elisabeth Luther. "An exhibition of work by American painters of Swedish descent." ASR, 8 (Aug. 1920), 598-605. Cervin, Olof Z. "Kyrkoarkitekturen." PB, 2 (1902), 117-121. Chandler, Allison. "An art center in Lindsborg." ASR, 22 (March 1934), 21-23. "The Chicago Institute's Swedish gallery." ASR, 14 (Sept. 1926), 543. Coburn, Frederick W. "A Swedish-American painter of the West." [J. Olof Olson.] ASR, 19 (July 1931), 423-425. Dodd, Lornig Holmes. "Industrialist and art collector." [George N. Jeppson.] ASM, 35 (Feb. 1941), 8-10, 28. Dorph, S. "Jenny Lind's minne i Amerika." Idun, 45 (1932), 112, 121. Eaton, Quaintance. "Sweden in music." ASM, 43 (May 1949), 10, 20-21, 23, 25. Elmblad, Magnus. Kristina Nilsson. Folkdikt i tre Sanger. Chicago, 1882. Elmblad, Sigrid. Jenny Lind. En livsstudie. Svenska kvinnor. 1. Uppsala. 1920. Enander, J. A. "Da Christina Nilsson kom till Chicago." PB, 1 (1900) , 50-61. "Emigrantvisor." BF, (1920-1921), 226-233. Ericson, C. George. "Twenty-five years of song." [Swedish Choral Club of Chicago.] ASM, 35 (April 1941), 9, 29-30. 142 Fahraeus, R. "Carl Milles." OB, 36 (1927), 221-231. Fleck, H. C. "And the miracle of music descended upon them; Swedish colony at Lindsborg, and its annual Messiah performances." MV, 50 (April 1945), 81-82. Forsander, Nils. "Swedish Lutheran hymnology." AJ, 3 (April 1895), 138. Fraser, Eleanor A. "Carl Ringius and his art." ASM, 28 (Sept. 1934), 287- 288. Freeburg, Victor O., "Birger Sandzen." ASM, 31 (Jan. 1937), 7-10. Gisslow, L. "The story of the Swedish song on the West Coast." SEA, v. 1, pp. 294-305. Grinndal, G. "Svenska sangforeningen lyran i New York. En kortfattad ur diverse kallor hamtad historik." MAS, 5 (no. 54, 1914) , 1-2. Gustafson, Philip. "He creates an American style in architecture." [Harrie T. Lindeberg.] ASM, 34 (July 1940), 6-8, 30-31. Hagelthorn, Signe. "Swedish textile art in America." ASM, 29 (Aug. 1935), 17-18, 41. Hall, A. Oakey. "Nar Jenny Lind sjong i Castle Garden. VK, 1 (Aug. 1897), 6-14. Hansen, Carl G. O. "Scandinavian singing societies in the Twin Cities." BAIS, 1 (Apr.- June 1946), 2-4. Hessby, Robert. "Carl Oscar Borg, portrayer of American Indians." ASM, 29 (Jan. 1935), 7-8, 34. Hult, Adolf. "In memoriam. Doktor Gustaf Stolpe." VK, 5 (Dec. 1901), 609-612. Jacobson, Margaret E. "The painted record of a community experiment: Olof Krans and his pictures of the Bishop Hill colony." JIHS, 34 (June 1941), 164-176. "Jenny Lind collection gets permanent home." ASM, 39 (Nov. 1945) , 11, 26. Johansen, C. K. "Hur Svenska sangarforbundet i Amerika kom till. Ett 40-arsminne." MAS, 22 (no. 218, 1932) , 8-10. Johanson, Charles K. "The American Union of Swedish Singers." SIA, pp. 469-472. Johnson, Edward. "The American Union of Swedish Singers." BAIS, n. s. 1 (Apr.- June 1946), 5-7. Karlsson, John. Messiaskoren i Amerika. Marklig skapelse av svenskatt- lingar. AS, 31 (June 1944), 9, 19. Landelius, C. R. "Charles Kaeselau." US, 14 (no. 11, 1952) , 12-13. Larson, Cedric. "Dean of domestic architecture in America." [Harrie Thomas Lindeberg.] BASI, 5 (Sept. 1950), 14-21. "Our musical Swedes." MUD, 29 (June- July 1948). Larson, Theodore C. "Architects and builders." SIA, pp. 416-434. Larsson, Gustaf. "Svensk slojd i Amerika." VK, 1 (April 1897), 4-8. Lawson, Evald B. "An afternoon with Carl Sandburg." ASM, 28 (Nov. 1934), 360, 386. "Christina Nilssons besok i Brockton, Mass., 1870. Samt nigra blad ur Brockton-forsamlingens tidiga historia. KB, 55 (1934), 114-132. 143 "Christina Nilsson's visit to Brockton, Mass., in November, 1870. Pages from the early history of the oldest Swedish Lutheran Church in New England." AHP, 3 (1933), 81-96. Liljencrants, Johan. "A Swedish American sculptor and his work." [Olaf Bjorkman.] ASM, 28 (Oct. 1934), 325-327. "Sigvard Bernadotte, a Hollywood director." ASM, 28 (April, 1934), 110-111, 120. Linder, Oliver A. "Painters and sculptors." SIA, pp. 488-505. Lindhagen, Nils. "Carl Milles." US, 7 (no. 4, 1945), 16-18. Lindquist, Emory. "Seven decades of song. The 'Messiah' tradition at Linds- borg, Kansas." SPHQ, 3 (July 1952), 67-74. "The story of the Lindsborg 'Messiah'." SCD, (Oct. 1944), 90, 113- 114. Lund, Emil. "Jenny Lind. — Ett hundraarsminne." KB, 42 (1921), 145-156. Lundbergh, Holger. "Carl Sandburg." ASR, 26 (March 1938) , 49-51. "Christmas music." ASM, 35 (Dec. 1941), 4-5, 32-33. "Howard Hanson; a Swedish chord in American music." ASM, 28 (March 1934), 68-70. "John F. Carlson." [Painter.] ASM, 30 (May 1936), 10-12. "Kerstin Thorberg." ASM, 31 (Feb. 1937), 8-9, 38. "Ruth Grafstrom, designer of fashions." ASM, 30 (Feb. 1936) , 7-9. "Stage and radio performers." SIA, pp. 482-487. Lundquist, Carl Hjalmar. "Six decades of song." [Svithiod Singing Club.] ASM, 36 (March 1942), 12, 30. MacGowan, Clara. "He works fancy into metals." [Ernst Hagerstrom.] ASM, 31 (July 1937), 15-19. Malm, G. N. "Messias-sangen pa prarien." KB, 46 (1925), 129-150. Mellen, I. M. "The Jenny Lind centennial celebration." ZSB, 33 (Nov. 1920), 130-133. N[ilsson], H. [T.] "Svensk sang i Amerika." MAS, 8 (no. 97, 1917), 1-6. Nilsson, Hjalmar. "Den forsta svensk -amerikanska operan: 'Frithiof och Ingeborg.' Opera i tre akter, dramatiserad efter E. Tegners 'Frithiofs saga' af Anna Cronhjelm Wallberg. Musik af C. F. Hanson. Forst upp- ford a Worcester Theatre i Worcester, Mass., den 8, 9 och 10 Dec. 1898." VK, 3 (Jan. 1899), 18-22. "Svensk sang i Amerika. En kort aterblick." PB, 2 (1902), 150-161. Nilsson, Victor. "Composers." SIA, pp. 435-452. "Northern music in America. Swedish." ASR, 4 (March-April 1916), 87-93. "Sangarfarden till Sverige. Svenska sangarforbundets i Amerika triumftag till Sverige 1897." VK, 1 (Dec. 1897), 13-18. "Svensk-amerikanska elitkorens Sverigefard 1910." PB, 11 (1911), 117-146. Svensk musik i Minneapolis. SSE, (1920), 70-74. "Svenska sangarforbundets historia." VK, 1 (Feb. 1897), 25-29. 144 "Svenska sangarfordunbets i Amerika trimftag till Sverige." VK, 11 (June 1907), 287-289. Svenskt musikliv i Minneapolis och St. Paul. AS, 24 (Oct. 5, 1937), 28-34. Nordkvist, Gust Harald, and Jakob Bonggren. "Sang och musik." SVIA, v. 2, pp. 252-267. Ohlson, O. P. "Den svenska sangen i Amerika." PB, 6 (1906), 57-79. "Olaf Krans, folk painter of 1846; Bishop Hill colony, Illinois." Hobbies, 48 (Aug. 1943), 13. Ollen, Olof. "Silver soprano from Sweden." [Hjordis Schymberg.] ASM, 41 (April 1947), 12, 20-21. Olson, E. W. "Augustana Choir on tour." ASM, 32 (March 1938), 4-6. "Svensk konst in Amerika." SVIA, v. 2, pp. 226-251. Olson, Oscar N. "A forgotten instrument." LC, 51 (Nov. 10, 1943) , 1256-1258. "Ebba Sundstrom; foremost American symphony conductor." ASM, 30 (Nov. 1936), 10-12. "Paintings tell story of prairie communal town, Bishop Hill, Illinois." Life, 16 (Jan. 31, 1944), 10-22. Peterson, Elmer T. "A flower in the buffalo sod." [Bethany College.] MC, 22 (1936), 70-79. "Pictorial profile." [Sigfrid A. Larson.] ASM, 42 (Oct. 1948), 18. Pihlblad, C. Terence. "Kansas Swedes." SSQ, 3 (June 1932), 34-47. "A Swedish community in Kansas." ASHF, (1945), 30-47. Pihlblad, Ernst Frederick. "A Swedish Bayreuth in Kansas." ASR, 1 (May 1913), 9-12. Price, Matlack. "Harrie I. Lindeberg. His contributions to American ar- chitecture." ASR, 12 (Sept. 1924), 527-529. Rehnstrand, J. "Arts and crafts of Scandinavian immigrants to America." SCA, 12 (March 1933), 428-429. Renstrom, A. G. "Earliest Swedish imprints in the United States." BSA, 39 (no. 3, 1945), 181-191. Ringius, Carl. "Jenny Lind in Hartford and in the Valley of Connecticut." SHS, 5 (1914-1915), 22-30. Rogers, Meyric R. "Carl Milles in America." ASR, 29 (Sept. 1941), 197. Rooth, Gerhard, T. "Jenny Lind. The sensation of a century." BASI, 5 (Dec. 1950), 6-10. Ryden, E. E. "The fine arts among Swedish-Americans in Illinois." ASD, pp. 53-93. Sandberg, Helge. "Jenny Linds brollop i Boston och smekmanad i North- ampton." STM, 2 (1920), 179-183. Sandzen, Birger. "En svensk-amerikansk konstsamling." PB, 6 (1906), 121- 132. "Nagot om svensk konst i Amerika." PB, 2 (1902), 99-116. "Svensk-amerikanska konstnaremas utstallning i Chicago 1912." PB, 13 (1913), 20-38. 145 "Vara svensk-amerikanska konstskolor." PB, 3 (1903), 40-55. Schon, A. "Den forsta storre svensk-amerikanska konstutstallningen." PB, 12 (1912), 123-142. "En svensk-amerikansk konstsamlare. Nagra ord om direktbr Fritz Schoultz och hans hem." PB, 11 (1911), 205-221. "Gustaf Stolpe. Dodsruna." PB, 2 (1902), 262-266. Skoog, A. L. "Minnen fran min korsverksamhet." UMG, pp. 105-134. Stenung, J. "Jenny Lind och Gustaf Unonius. Nagra erinringar till 80- arsminnet av sangerskans Amerikafard." AS, 17 (Nov. 25, 1930), 1, 8-9. Sundelius, Marie. "Opera singers." SIA, pp. 453-468. "Svenska sangforeningen lyran i New York. Ett tioarsminne." VK, 3 (April 1899), 203-205. Swan, G. N. "Fredrika Bremer och Jenny Lind i Forenta Staterna. Nagra anteckningar om deras farder har i landet." PB, 4 (1904), 165-198. "Swedish American art to Swedish museum." ASM, 28 (July 1934), 223. "Swedish art to Chicago." ASR, 9 (Sept. 1921), 625. "Swedish church architecture in America." ASR, 11 (March 1923), 176. "Swedish sloyd in America." ASR, 2 (Nov. 1914), 28. Swensson, Carl Aaron. "Bethany College." FME, (1902), 35-102. " 'Messias'-veckan i Lindsborg, Kansas." VK, 5 (June 1901), 333-341. Swensson, Sven E. "Amerikansk musik i Sverige." NFM, 1 (June 1938), 421-423. Thulin, Einar. "Recollections of the 'Prince of Pilsen'." [Arthur Donaldson.] ASM, 34 (May 1940), 10, 33-34. Turtle, Howard W. "Easter in Lindsborg; sixty-first Messiah festival." Scholastic, 40 (March 30, 1942), 21-22. Oberammergau of the Plains." [Lindsborg, Kansas.] RD, (April 1944), 86-87. "What must Lindsborg be!" CG, 2 (Spring 1942), 77-80. Vanderwoort, Paul. "Music-maker in Hollywood." [Manny Strand.] ASM, 39 (Nov. 1945), 20-21. Wagner, Ellen D. "Marvelous music maker." [Vin Lindhe.] ASM, 32 (Oct. 1938), 4-6. Wohl, Burton. "Olle Comstedt, A.S.C. Swedish cameraman." ASM, 42 (Feb. 1948), 14-15, 22-23, 25. Wangner, Ellen D. "Influences of Swedish design on American arts and crafts." ASM, 29 (Oct. 1935), 7-9, 37-38. Westman, Erik G. "A Swedish art center in Chicago." ASR, 3 (Sept. -Oct. 1915), 303-306. Wilhelm, Prince of Sweden. "A Swedish oasis." [Lindsborg, Kansas.] ASR, 16 (Feb. 1928), 103-106. Wilson, Linton. "Indian and Orpheus; the latest creations of Carl Milles." ASM, 30 (Aug. 1936), 4-7, 42. "The meeting of the rivers." [Carl Milles.] ASM, 34 (July 1940), 18-19, 29-30. 146 Chapter Nine NEWSPAPERS, PERIODICALS, AND ANNUALS The Swedish-American press includes a large number of weeklies, monthly journals and annuals. Experiments were made in the publication of daily newspapers, but these soon proved to be failures. Many of the weekly newspapers were entirely secular, while others had strong ties with a definite church group. The ties with the church could vary in strength and in importance. Those with the strongest religious interest aimed to do little else than to provide their readers with devotional literature, and their news items would center upon the church. Among these weeklies are to be found a number which had a great and continuous influence upon the life of the immigrants. These included the chief organs of the several denomi- nations which sought to appeal to a circle of readers scattered over almost all of the United States. Their span of life was usually long even though the name of the weekly was sometimes changed. These papers faced almost from the very beginning competition from periodicals with a more regional appeal. Frequently these had only a local interest. Literally hundreds of congregations began to publish their own monthly journals, which some- times consisted of syndicated articles and illustrations providing little that was original except perhaps a page dealing with news about the local churches. Often these rose suddenly upon the scene to disappear as quickly. In a few instances they enjoyed a long life surviving even a change in language from Swedish to English, while retaining their characteristics as parish papers. The story of many of the religious weeklies and periodicals is essentially the same. The central organs remained the chief spokesmen of the larger denomination on matters of faith, creed, polity, etc., while regional papers generally remained regional and local remained local. But there were ex- ceptions when regional organs challenged the domination of the central ones with a degree of success, and a solution sometimes had to be found in a merger. Sometimes a local paper aspired successfully to become a regional journal, the organ of a district or a conference. In fewer instances yet, its transformation was more complete when it became a political newspaper. The great mortality rate among these religious periodicals and parish papers and the failure of any institution to collect these with any thoroughness makes a study of them disconcerting. Consequently not all regional re- ligious journals and scattered parish papers are included in the guide. The mortality rate was no less great among the secular newspapers. A few of these have, however, as long a record of continuous existence as the major religious weeklies. Some of those which were published in Chicago had more than a regional significance. Otherwise the secular newspapers tended definitely to serve a given region. A few of these sought to concen- trate upon the Eastern States or New England, while others appealed to the Middle West or the Far West. A number of successful newspapers were 147 even more local in their scope of interest. This division of labor seemed necessary. It was difficult to compete for subscribers on a national basis, and the reputation of the larger Chicago papers seemed greater than their financial status warranted or their national influence justified. The same reputation was enjoyed by those newspapers which were known as im- portant regional newspapers. It seemed both logical as well as less costly to win local support and in this way avoid competition from the already existing newspapers. Many newspapers were ill-fated adventures, started on almost no capital, and when they failed to secure immediate support they were discontinued. Sometimes enough capital could not be raised to pub- lish more than the first week's issue expressing all the hopes of the pub- lisher and the editor. Thus the story of the Swedish-American press is filled with hopes never realized. The developments described above both in regard to the religious as well as the secular press have their significance to a historian. They make pos- sible a more intensive study of the distribution and occupations of the im- migrants. They provide almost a third dimension, namely, that of depth, to the study of the immigrants in America. Through these newspapers it is possible to see the life of the immigrants as they lived it. There is hardly an aspect of life not mirrored in the press. Here are to be seen the lighter side of life with its laughters and joy and its more serious side of tears and sorrow. Here birth and death walked hand in hand. The third dimension of depth is less evident in the interests of the immi- grants in events abroad in the old country and in reactions to events of in- ternational significance. On these scores originality was not a virtue of the Swedish-American press. The scissors were used more readily than the pen in news items of the above nature. Among the many common features would be one consisting of letters from subscribers. These are one of the most valuable sources on the life of the immigrants. Here each person re- counts his experiences in America. Only the print or ink and the grade of paper is the same. No historian has made use of these excellent primary sources on American history. G. N. Swan has given a good description of the literary periodicals and annuals published by the Swedes in America. A few had high literary standards, but it is doubtful that many deserved the name of literary jour- nals. There were those which sought to appeal to a family circle of readers, and these might be called home journals. Others contained humorous stories from the old country and some interesting illustrations which are original. The best known of the artists of these illustrations was Gus Hig- gins who found few virtues in himself. Upon his tombstone he requested that an epitaph should be written stating that though he was a careless, shiftless drunkard he was not a hypocrite. Almost every type of magazine and journal was represented in the Swedish-American press. Fate was harsh to the best and the poorest. Some of these journals sought to identify themselves with a church group, and this connection was reflected in the content of the journals. The publication of monthly journals and quarterlies represented a venture involving an element of great financial risk. It was not easy to secure support for a journal, and regardless of how carefully it might have been gauged or blue printed, it could prove a costly failure after a few months or a year. 148 Annuals involved less of a risk, and there were many of these. Sometimes only one number of an annual was published, and from a technical point of view one might question whether such a volume is an annual. Then there were calendars and almanacs, most of which have little or no significance. A few of these were little more than advertising media of local merchants of a given community. This was true of many Christmas calendars or an- nuals. The Royal Library has a special collection of these for the years 1870-1933. A list of the most important religious weeklies and secular newspapers would be very brief. The list of important literary journals and annuals would be even smaller. The church affiliation is an important index as to the major characteristics of many of the journals and annuals, but it would not be an index to their merits. Without denying the importance of other church affiliated journals and annuals, it seems likely that Vngdoms- v'dnnen and Prarieblomman, together with the secular annual Valkyrian, represent the best literary efforts among the Swedish immigrants. A tangible and objective yardstick of judgment is, of course, absent, but needless to say several journals and annuals set their standards too high rather than too low for success. The Swedish-American press is also represented by the publication of newspapers which were no more than "flysheets" advertising land for sale, or the platform and candidates of a political party. The average life span of a Swedish-American newspaper was short. These special publications serving a very limited purpose under the cloak of being newspapers were of even shorter existence. One of the major problems in the preparation of the list of newspapers and periodicals is the question of which ones should be included. The items listed below are essentially newspapers, journals, and annuals which have been preserved. The references are more inclusive than those included under other chapters as these represent perhaps the best general source on the Swedes in America. Those not found at Augustana College and the Royal Library in Stockholm might be found at one of the colleges founded by the immigrants. College catalogues and bulletins have not been included in this bibliography, but these can be found on file in the libraries or of- fices of the respective colleges. If possible, the newspapers, periodicals, and annuals are identified as weeklies, monthlies, quarterlies or annuals if this fact is not apparent in the title, and religious affiliation is indicated where it existed and when the title does not make this clear. REFERENCES Absolutisten. Nykterhetstidning for svenskarne i Ostern. Boston, 1896. A temperance publication. Advance. An illustrated annual of the Baptist General Conference of America. Chicago, 1945-1951. A continuation of Ebenezer. Advance. [L] Minneapolis, 1942. A publication of the Minnesota Confer- ence. 149 Advent-harold. [SDA] Battle Creek, Mich., and Kristiania, Norway, 1880- 1883. A continuation of Svensk advents harold. In 1883 it became San- ningens harold. Advent-rosten. [SDA] Cambridge City, Minn., 1877. Afton-bladet Skandia. Chicago, 1890-1891. This represents an effort to publish a Swedish daily in Chicago. Aftonstjernan. Kristlig manadstidning. [L] Gowrie, Iowa, 1898-1910. Aftontimman. [C] New York, 1923 -? A monthly published to promote the interests of the Old People's Home of the Eastern Missionary Association. Agatokraten. Buffalo, May-Aug. 1880. A monthly which was the fore- runner of Upply suing ens tidehvarf, Grove City, Feb. 1881-. Agathocraten. Dedicated to abolition of poverty, ignorance and wickedness. Lake Constance, Minn., 1876-1877. Last number called Truthteller. Allarm. Midvinter publikation utg. av Scandinavian Workers' Educational Society. Chicago, 1928. Alumnus. A monthly magazine published by the Alumni Association of Augustana College, Rock Island, 111. Rock Island, 1892-1894. Continued as Augustana journal. American Daughters of Sweden. Yearbook. 1927, 1928. American Institute of Swedish Arts, Literature, and Science. Yearbook. Minneapolis, 1945. American Scandinavian. New York, 1911. American Scandinavian review. Published (1913-1919: bi-monthly, 1920- 1929: monthly) by the American-Scandinavian Foundation. (1922-1939). New York, 1913-. American Scandinavian times. New York, 1909. A monthly published by the American Scandinavian Society. American Society of Swedish Engineers. Bulletin. New York or Brooklyn, 1907-. Called also American Swedish engineer. American- Swedish handbook. A publication of the Augustana Institute of Swedish Culture. Rock Island, 1943, 1945, 1948. American-Swedish Historical Museum. Bulletin. Philadelphia, 1947-. Pub- lished irregularly since 1948. American-Swedish Historical Museum. Yearbook. Philadelphia, 1944-1946. Continued as American Swedish Historical Foundation. Yearbook. 1947-. Lack of funds have made additional publications impossible at present. American Swedish monthly. New York, 1934- . A continuation of Swedish- American trade journal and the earlier Bulletin begun in 1907. It is sponsored by the Swedish Chamber of Commerce of the United States. Amerika-narren. Published by the Scandinavian Workers' Educational So- ciety, Chicago, Sept. -Nov. 1927. A monthly. Arbetaren. Cadillac and Grand Rapids, Mich. 1890-1894. Merged with Svenska amerikanaren in 1904. Arbetaren, New York, 1896-1928. A weekly publication of the Scandinavian Socialist Labor Society, and after 1906 of the American Scandinavian Labor Union. A continuation of Skandinaviska amerikanska arbetera- ren. 150 Arbetarens van. Worcester, 1891-1892; 1896-1898. A weekly which changed name to Nya fdderneslandet in 1899. I had represented a merger of Blixten och dundret after 1895 with Arbetaren and Arbetarens van. Arenan, tidskrift for hemmet och ungdomen. [C] Minneapolis, Jan. -April 1902. Bought and absorbed by Linnea. Argus. Boston, Mass., 1893-1899. A weekly. Ashland bladet. Ashland, Wis., 1902-1907. A weekly. A continuation of Ashland posten. It was later absorbed by Svenska amerikanska tribunen. Ashland posten. Ashland, Wis. 1901-1902. Changed name to Ashland bladet. Astoria bladet. Astoria, Ore., 1915-1918. A weekly. Astoria rapport. Astoria, Ore., 1915-1918. A monthly. Augustana. Manatlig tidskrift for Svenska lutherska kyrkan i Amerika. Chicago. 1869-1873. Merged with R'dtta hemlandet in 1869. It was called after 1873 Augustana. Luthersk kyrkotidning. Augustana. Luthersk kyrkotidning innehallande "nytt och gammalt" ur Guds ord och forsamling. Rock Island and Moline, 1874-1889. 1879-1889 continued as Augustana och missionaren, vecko-tidning for kyrka och mission. Augustana och missionaren. Rock Island, 1879-1889. The name of Missio- naren dropped in 1889. It was a continuation of the old Augustana and still older Ratta hemlandet. Augustana. (Augustana. Luthersk kyrkotidning . . .) Tidning for den Svenska lutherska kyrkan i Amerika. Rock Island, 1889- . A continua- tion of Augustana och missionaren. In 1950 it became Augustana lut- heranen, den svenska upplagan av Augustana Lutheran, and in 1952 it was called Augustana lutheranen. Augustana almanack. Rock Island. This almanac contains various informa- tion about Augustana Synod, listing names of pastors and their ad- dresses. It has been published for many years by the Augustana Book Concern. Discontinued 1947. Augustana annual. Rock Island, 1948- . A continuation of My Church and the Augustana almanack. Augustana foreign missionary monthly magazine. Rock Island, 1926-1938. Augustana Historical Society publications. Rock Island, 1931 -. Often a part of the Augustana College Library publications. Augustana Hospital bulletin. Chicago, 1929-1931. Augustana journal, Rock Island, 1894-1907. Continuation of Alumnus, which had been a publication of the Alumni Association. In 1895 the Augustana Book Concern took over its publication. Augustana Lutheran, Rock Island, 1950-1951. (See Lutheran Companion.) Augustana Luther Leaguer. Chicago, 1923- . A young people's journal of the Augustana Synod. Augustana missions. Minneapolis, 1948- . An Augustana Synod publication devoted to home and foreign missions. Augustana observer. Philadelphia, New York, and Rock Island, 1881-1885. Represents an effort to publish a religious periodical in English. 151 Augustana och missionaren. Veckotidning for kyrka och mission . . . Rock Island, 1879-1889. Formerly Augustana. Luthersk kyrkotidning . Augustana quarterly. Rock Island, 1922-1948. A theological quarterly. Con- tinued as The Lutheran quarterly of Gettysburg, Pa. Augustana theological quarterly. Rock Island, 1899-1917. Aurora. Chicago, 1892-1893. Weekly political newspaper. Aurora. Place of publication unknown. 1891-1892. Temperance journal. Aurora. Kristlig kalender. Utgifves af Svenska missionsforbundet i Ame- rika. Chicago and Minneapolis. 1899-1933. A Covenant yearbook. Axplockerskan. Omaha, 1900-1904? Quarterly. A publication of the Dea- coness Institute of Omaha, Nebr. Balder. Rock Island, 1890-1891. A student literary publication which was continued as The Lyceum annual. A publication of the Phrenokosmian Society and the Adelphic Society. Both Swedish and English text. Baneret. [B] Minneapolis and St. Paul, 1901-1911. A continuation of Sven- ska baptisternas tidning which had been published in Burlington, la. It became a weekly in 1903. The Baptist evangel. Chicago, 1931-1940. A monthly publication of the Bap- tist General Conference. Den barmhertig samariten. Chicago, 1888. Only one copy of this monthly (June) published in behalf of the Augustana Hospital. Barnens julkalender . . . [Published by Minneapolis veckoblad.] Minne- apolis, n. d. Barnens tidning. Rock Island, 1896- ? A magazine for children, published bi-monthly for several years. Barnhemsvannen. En ropande rost fran Gustaf Adolf s barnhem 1912. Jamestown, 1912. Barnvannen. [L] New York, 1874-1875. Boston, 1875-1878. Chicago, 1878- 1888. A monthly. Barometern. Sioux City, 1884-1886. Continued as Nybyggaren, published at Sheldon, la. Basar-trumpeten. Boston, 1902. Only one number dated Dec. 1902, pub- lished in behalf of the singing festival in Boston, June, 1903. Beacon. The New York Conference Lutheran beacon. Rock Island, 1930- 1933. Betania (or Bethania). Rock Island, 1905-1913. A monthly publication for the La Porte District of the Illinois Conference of the Augustana Synod. Bethania. [L] Lindsborg, 1891 -. Bethania. Evangelisk luthersk uppbyggelsetidning. Chicago, 1881-1885. Pub- lished 1882-1884 first in Burlington and later in Des Moines, la. Bethany messenger. Lindsborg, 1893-. A monthly magazine devoted to the interests of Bethany College at Lindsborg, Kansas. Bethel baneret. [B] Minneapolis, 1915-1917. A periodical aiming to pro- mote the interests of Bethel Seminary. Bethel herald. [B] St. Paul, 1918. A publication aimed to serve interests of Bethel Institute and of the same nature as Acorn. Scminarie-posten, Bethel evangel and Clarion. 152 Bethlehemstjarnan. Julkalender. [M] [Chicago?], 1889. Bethphagebiblioteket. [L] Axtell, Neb., 1915. Bethphage messenger. [L] Axtell, Neb., 1913-. A monthly. Bien. San Francisco, 1882. A monthly. Bifrost. En manadtlig tidskrift for de svenska fbreningarne i Forenta Sta- terna. New York, 1885. Blixten och dundret. Worcester, Mass., Oct., 1894-Jan., 1895. A weekly. Changed name to Arbetaren and later merged with Arbetarens van in 1895, which in 1899, became Nya fdderneslandet. 1899-1901. Blokadbrytaren. Ironwood, Mich., 1891-1892. A weekly and a continuation of Michigan tribunen to which name it returned shortly. Blackfisken. Utgiven av Svenska journalistforbundet i America. Chicago, [1920]. A yearbook. Bokstugan. Organ for studieforbundet Verdandi, Chicago, 1918? Boone svenska harold. Boone, la., 1896. A weekly. Iowa edition of Nyu pressen, Moline, 111. Boston allehanda. Boston, 1891-1892. A weekly. Bref-dufvan. A Swedish religious monthly publication by the Scandinavian Mission Society. Minneapolis and Buffalo, 1912-1933. Breidablick. Jubilee annual, published in commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of Gustavus College by the senior class. St. Peter, 1912. Broder lustig; illustrerad skamttidning for svenskarne in Amerika. Chicago, 1896-1897. A humorous weekly. Continued as Iduna. Brooklyn stats svenska Argus. En tidning egnad till emigration, finans, handel, industri, kultur och konst. Brooklyn, 1879-1882? A politi- cal weekly newspaper. Brud-kronan. Minneapolis, 1888-1889. Only two numbers of this religious monthly. Budbararen. Luthersk missions- och traktat-tidning . . . Marinette, 1904- 1909. It became Budbararen standaret (anti-saloon monthly), tidning for andlig uppbyggelse, nykterhet och upplysning . . . [C]. Budbararen. [C] Minneapolis, 1908-1909. A monthly. Budbararen. Luthersk traktat- och nykterhetstidning. Omaha, 1903-1904. Budbararen. Marinette, 1904-1908. A temperance journal which merged with Standaret into Budbararen — standaret. Budbararen — standaret. [C] Marinette, 1909-1910. A temperance journal. Bulletin of the American Institute of Swedish Arts, Literature, and Science. Minneapolis, 1941-. Published irregularly. Bulletin of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce of New York. New York, 1907-1915. Byrackan. Worcester, 1885. A weekly. California. [C] Turlock, 1916-. A weekly. California journalen. Los Angeles, 1896. A secular weekly which did not meet with any success. 153 California posten. Los Angeles, 1906-1908. A weekly political newspaper. There was an earlier California posten from March to August of 1893 published at Oakland. California-skandinav. San Francisco, 1873-1874. A weekly newspaper. California veckoblad. Los Angeles, 1910-1947. This represents one of the most successful ventures among the political weeklies of the West Coast. A continuation of Los Angeles tribune. Calumet posten. Calumet, Mich., 1901-1918. A weekly political newspaper. Calumet posten. South Chicago and Englewood. 1894. Changed name to Svenska posten. Candle. Annual of the Swedish Covenant Hospital School for Nurses. Chi- cago, 1925- . Four or five annuals published. Challenger, n. p., 1935- ? This was a publication of the Iowa Conference Luther League of the Augustana Synod and the monthly periodical was undoubtedly published in Rock Island. Chicago bladet. Chicago, 1877. An official publication of the Evangelical Free Church. It merged with Zions-baner in 1879, but it retained its title. Chicago Figaro. Chicago, 1892-1896. Merged with Nya presseii into Nya pressen och Chicago Figaro in 1896. It was a political weekly newspaper. Chicago posten. Chicago, 1897. A weekly. Children's friend. Chicago, 1886-1888. A continuation of Bam-vannen of New York and Boston. A Lutheran monthly for children. Children's Friend. [C] Cromwell, Conn., 1919- ? A bilingual monthly of the Swedish Christian Orphanage of Cromwell, Conn. Chisago County press. Lindstrom, Minn., 1913-1915. A weekly which was probably a continuation of Medborgaren. Christian Messenger. Published monthly by the Kansas Conference Luther League. Lindsborg, 1912-1914. A continuation of Kansas young Lu- theran which began in 1908. Christian recorder. Portland, Ore., 1934-. A Mission Covenant North Pa- cific Coast Conference bi-monthly periodical. Church paper for the Cleveland district. Monthly publication for the Lu- theran churches of the Augustana Synod in Cleveland, Ashtabula, Erie, Youngstown, Akron and New Castle, Rock Island, 1930-1934. A con- tinuation of Kyrkotidning for Cleveland distriktet. Church school teacher. [L] Rock Island, 1933-. Citizen. Holdrege, Neb., 1886-1887. An English weekly for Swedish immi- grants and their children. Citizen. Moline, 1881-1883. A continuation of Swedish citizen, a weekly newspaper. City missionary. Official organ of the Chicago Lutheran Inner Mission Society. Chicago, 1925-. This is a continuation of Stadsmissiondren pub- lished from 1909 to 1924. Colorado herald. [C] Denver, 1906-1907. A monthly which changed its name to Baneret and became a purely local church paper. 154 Colorado posten. Denver, 1882-1884. Changed name on March 14, 1883 to Nya Colorado posten. It returned briefly to its original name in May, 1884 only to be merged with Svenska hdrolden into Vestern, published in Kansas at the beginning of 1885. It was a weekly newspaper. Columbia. Illustrerad kristlig tidning for barn. Chicago, 1886-1914? Columbia. Denver, 1902-1904. A weekly which changed its name to Colum- bia, tidning for svenska hem. Absorbed by Skandia in 1905. Columbia. Tidning for Columbia konferensen. La Conner, Wash., 1900-1908. This was a Columbia Conference (Augustana) periodical which was discontinued in 1908. Later the conference published Sions-bladet which was absorbed by Columbia Lutheran. Columbia-Lutheran. Sions-bladet. A paper for the Swedish lutheran peo- ple in the Pacific Northwest. Tacoma, Wash., 1927. A continuation of Sions-bladet, a Columbia Conference (Augustana) periodical. Compass. Seattle, 1921-1947. A publication of the Lutheran Compass Mis- sion of Seattle. Covenant companion. Chicago, 1923-1934. Combined with Forbundets veckotidning 1934 as an English edition. This is the official weekly organ of the Covenant Church. The merger of 1934 led to the birth of Cove- nant weekly. Covenant quarterly. Kvartalsskrift for missionen. Issued quarterly. Chicago, 1905-? Covenant quarterly. Chicago, 1940?-. Covenant weekly. Chicago, 1935-. A continuation of Covenant companion and Forbundets veckotidning, of which it was a merger. It is an official organ of the Covenant Church. Dakota-posten. Mitchell, 1889. A campaign paper distributed free of charge promoting Mitchell as S. Dakota's capital. Only one number. (August.) Dakotas svenska tribun. Sioux Falls, S. D., 1900. Only one number ever published. Deaconess banner. Rock Island and Omaha, 1921-. A publication of the Im- manuel Deaconess Institute of Omaha. It was a continuation of Diakoniss-baneret. De Lang and Osterlind's bulletin. Chicago, 1874. A book catalogue from May to Dec. 1874 announcing books for sale by Swedish authors. Delaware Tercentenary bulletin, n. p., 1937-1938. Propaganda bulletin for the Delaware celebration of 1938. Demokraten. n. p., 1890. Published in Oregon for campaign purposes. Only two copies. Denver posten. Denver, 1898-1899. A weekly. Denver veckoblad. Denver, 1888-1889. Became Svenska korrespondenten in 1889. Diakoniss-baneret. Omaha, ?-1921. A publication of the Deaconess Institute of Omaha which after 1921 became Deaconess banner, an English jour- nal promoting the interests of the Institute. 155 Dorkas. Rock Island, and Omaha, 1893-1919. An annual publication of the Diakonissanstalten in Omaha. For one year it was called Kalender and later En halsning or En julhdlsning jrdn . . . Drott 1914 utgiven av logen Drott, Vasaorden, Amerika. Saljes till forman for en byggnadsfond for svenskarnas fbreningshus i Washington, D. C. Stockholm, 1914. This was an annual of the Vasa Order of America. It was to promote the creation of a building fund for the society in Wash- ington, D. C. Dufvan. [C] Cleveland, 1894-1895; Jamestown, 1895-1897; Buffalo, 1897-1902. Duluth posten. Duluth and Superior, 1889-1922. A continuation of Fdder- neslandet since June 1888. Absorbed by Svenska amerikanska posten in 1922. Ebenezer. An illustrated annual of the Swedish Baptist General Conference of America. Chicago, 1942-1944. Continued as Advance. Epworth-klockan. [M] Chicago, 1902-1917. A youth publication. Epworth-stjernan. [M] Omaha, 1894- ? Europeiska emigrant kompaniets kalender for 1889. Chicago, n. d. Evangelical beacon. Official publication of the Evangelical Free Church of America. Chicago, 1931-. Evangelii budbarare. [L] Chicago, 1890- ? Continuation of Evangelii harold. Evangelii harold. [L] Alfred Center, N. Y., 1885-1890. Moved to Chicago where its name was changed to Evangelisk budbarare. Evangelisten. Galesburg, 1860. A religious monthly. Evangelisk luthersk barntidning. Chicago, 1880. Evangelisk luthersk tidskrift. Boston, and Brooklyn, 1875. Name changed to Fridens harold. Evangelisk luthersk tidskrift. Red Wing, 1877-1878. Continued as Skafjaren. Evangeliskt magazin. [B] Council Bluffs, 1878-1881. Evangelisk tidskrift. [B] Chicago, 1878-1884. Changed to Nya vecko-posten after 1884. Facklan. [B] Chicago, and St. Paul, 1877-1878?. A continuation of Zions vakt. During Jan.-July of 1877 when Facklan was published in St. Paul it had both religious and political editions, and was a weekly. Facklan. Kansas City and Chicago, 1892-1894. A weekly newspaper which was a continuation of Svenska veckobladet. It began in Oct. 1891 and moved from Kansas City a year later to Chicago. Faderneslandet. Boston, 1874-1875. A weekly newspaper. Faderneslandet. Chicago, 1877-1880. A weekly newspaper purchased by Svenska tribunen in 1880. Faderneslandet. Muskegon, 1901. A weekly which was formerly Frihets baneret. Familje-vannen. Lincoln, 1890. A journal for the home and family. The Fata Morgana. New York. 1881. A magazine of fantasy trying to pic- ture the world a century after its publication. Only one copy. Favoriten. Illustrerad literar veckotidning for hemmet. Chicago, 1894. 15G Finska amerikanaren. Brooklyn, 1901-1934. A weekly newspaper for Swedish-Finns in America. Continued as Norden. Finska missions-posten. Worcester, Duluth, Chicago, 1909-1926. Det flygande brefvet. Kristlig manadslasning for Bibellasande svenskar och sondagsskollarare. Knoxville, 111., 1883-1884. A journal published in the interest of Ansgarii College. Flygbladet. [C] Ishpeming, 1894-1897. A monthly absorbed by Linnea. Flygbladet. [C] Ishpeming, 1907-1908. Absorbed by Budbdraren standard in 1909. Forbundets ungdomstidning. [C] Chicago, 1911-1915. A young people's monthly which changed its name in 1915 to Forbundets veckotidning which became Covenant weekly in 1934. Forbundets veckotidning. [C] Chicago, 1915-1934. A continuation of Mis- sionsjbrbundets ungdomstidning. In 1934 merged with Covenant com- panion into Covenant weekly. Forbundsfolket. [L] Chicago, 1895. A paper devoted to the Jewish mission. Fbreningsvannen. Warren, 1901. No file is found of this journal published by the Scandinavian Union Association. It continued as Monitoren. Foreningen vid Augustana College. Rock Island, 1887-1889. Also called Lutheran quarterly review. F6rgat-mig-ej. [L] Red Wing, 1897-1898. A religious monthly. F6rgat-mig-ej. Arskalender utgifven af Bethany College, Lindsborg. Linds- borg and Rock Island, 1902. Forposten. Ishpeming, 1887-1888. A weekly. Forposten. Marinette, 1892-1909. A weekly which was absorbed by Mari- nette tribunen. Forsamlingen och hemmet. [B] Chicago, 1899-1938. Forsamlingsvannen. Evangelisk-luthersk illustrerad tidning for Pittsburgh- distriktet. Rock Island, 1905-1913. Forsta Maj. New York, 1916-1922. An annual published by the Scandina- vian Socialist Labor Society until 1922, when Arbetaren published a special first of May number. Forsvarsvannen. Brooklyn, 1896. A weekly. For svenska hem. Minneapolis and St. Paul, 1904-1905. A monthly. Folket. New York, 1920-1922. A weekly socialist paper which was moved to Chicago and absorbed by Facklan. Folkets nyheter. Rockford, 1913-1914. A weekly. Folkets rost. Jamestown, 1875-1884. A weekly newspaper which became Wart nya hem in 1884. Folkets rost. Providence, 1896. A weekly newspaper, which started in 1895 and seems to have lived only for a couple of years. Folkets tidning. Omaha, 1874-1876. Changed name in 1876 to Nya jolkets tidning. It was a continuation of Kansas monitoren. Folkets van. [C] East Orange, 1920-1928. A monthly. Folkets van. Stromsburg, 1885-1887. A weekly newspaper which was ab- sorbed by Svenska amerikanska posten, Sept. 20, 1887. 157 Folkvannen. [LJ Moorhead and Fargo, 1891-1892. This monthly publica- tion aimed to promote the interests of Hope Academy. Forget-me-not. The annual of Bethany College. Salina, 1902. Copies in both Swedish and English. Forskaren. Minneapolis, 1894-1898, 1901-1904. Began in Rockford, Sept. 1893. An "independent newspaper" with strong socialistic sympathies. Perhaps it could be called "a religious philosophical periodical." Fosterlandet. Chicago, 1891-1907. A continuation of Pedagogen and Framat; changed name to Fylgia in 1907. It was a weekly newspaper with strong Augustana Synod sympathies. Fosterlandet. Worcester and Boston, 1889-1890. A weekly newspaper. Framtiden. Rockford, 1892-1894. Very incomplete files of this weekly are to be found. Framat. Brooklyn and Providence, 1892-1895. A weekly newspaper which changed its name to Osterns harold in 1896. Framat. [B] Cleveland, 1895-1896. A monthly. Framat. Lindsborg, Kansas City and Chicago, 1887-1891. Changed name to Fosterlandet. It was a continuation of Pedagogen, and was a weekly newspaper with strong ties to the Augustana Synod. Freja. New York, 1898. A magazine for women. Freja. St. Paul, 1893-1894. An illustrated monthly family journal. Fridens harold. Brooklyn, 1876. A continuation of Evangelisk luthersk tid- skrift. Frids-budet. [C] Chicago, 1884-1886. Fridsbudet. Minneapolis, 1888-1944? A monthly religious periodical pub- lished by the Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church of Minneapolis. It represents the oldest continuous local church paper. Frihet. Ironwood, 1901-1904. A weekly which was absorbed by Svenska amerika?iska tribunen in 1904. Frihet och frid. Tidskrift for bibelstudium, uppbyggelse, kristlig tro, krist- ligt lif och kristlig verksamhet. [FC] Chicago, 1889-1891. Frihet och fangenskap. Chicago, 1879. A monthly temperance journal. Frihets-baneret. Muskegon, 1893-1898. A successor of Monitor of Muske- gon. Name changed to Fademeslandet in 1900. Frihetsklockan. Chicago, 1892-1898. This temperance monthly died in 1898 but was revived in 1902 as Vcigvisaren which in turn became Nykterhets- budbdraren in January of 1905. The last periodical became the official organ of the District Lodge No. 14 of the Grand Lodge of the I. O. G. T. Frihetsvannen. [B] Galesburg, 1859-1861. Published two times a month during 1859 and every week from 1860 to 1861. Frisk luft. New York, 1891. An illustrated humorous weekly. Friskytten. Minneapolis, 1891-1894. A humorous journal absorbed by Humoristen. Fylgia. Chicago, 1907-1909. This is a continuation of Fosterlandet with less ambitious program. It aimed to be a family journal and not a weekly newspaper. It was later absorbed by Svenska tribunen nyheter. 158 Fyrbaken. [B] Minneapolis, 1893-1903. A monthly. Fyrbaken. Manadsblad for forsamlingarna inom New Jersey-distriktet. Rock Island, 1907-1908. An Augustana Synod district journal within the New York Conference. Fyrtornet. I. O. G. T. tidning for Skandinaviska Goodtemplare i Amerika. New York, 1899-1903; Boston, 1903-1905; New York, 1905-1910. A Scan- dinavian temperance periodical. Galva Republican. Galva, 1869. From May to June of 1869 this weekly newspaper had a Swedish column. Galesburgs veckoblad. Galesburg, 1868. Gamla nordstjernan. New York, 1874. A weekly newspaper. Became Norden after less than two months. Gittit. [C] Minneapolis, 1892-1908. A periodical devoted to music and of special interest to choir directors and singers. God jul. Illustrerad jultidning for svenskarna i Amerika. Rock Island, 1916. A Christmas annual. Good-templaren. Officiellt organ for Californien I. S. L. Chicago. Date un- known. An official temperance periodical. Golden Northwest. St. Paul, 1880-1881. Distributed free of charge by the Northern Pacific R. R. Gnistan. Minneapolis, 1891-1892. A Socialist-Unitarian periodical. It was later revived, and published in Chicago in 1896. Guldax. Axtell, Neb., 1913-. Official publication of the Bethphage Mission organization. Swedish-English and Swedish edition. Gus Brobergs kalender och svenska almanackan. Chicago, 1903, 1911. Gustavania. St. Peter, 1891-1893. A continuation of Heimdal. A Gustavus Adolphus College student periodical which continued as Gustavus Adol- phus journal in Sept. 1893, as College Breezes in Sept. 1902, and Gus- tavian weekly after 1913. Gustavus Adolphus College. Jubilee annual. St. Peter, 1912. Halsovannen. [A] Chicago, 1888-1890. A monthly. Harmoni. Seattle. A music journal. Harmonia. Chicago. A music journal. Hemfrid. Chicago, 1889-1893. A temperance journal. Hemlandet, det gamla och det nya. Galesburg and Chicago, 1855-1914. A few numbers are also found of a European edition, 1874-1877. Bought by Svenska amerikanaren in 1914, and for a short time this paper was called Svenska amerikanaren och Hemlandet only to drop the name of Hemlandet. This paper represented one of the most successful weekly newspapers. Hemlandet was very friendly toward the Augus- tana Synod with which it had the closest contacts. Hemmet, det kyrkliga hemmet. Manadsblad for beframjande af kristlig bildning, endragt och frid. [L] Chicago, 1884-1885. Hemmet. Minneapolis, 1889-1891. An illustrated journal for women. Only a few numbers of it are to be found. 159 Hemmet. Minneapolis, 1925-1927. A literary monthly published by the owners of Svenska amerikanska posten. Hemmets van. [B] Chicago, 1903-1905. A monthly literary journal. Hem-missionaren. Chicago, 1888. This is an Augustana Lutheran Home Missionary publication. It was only published in Swedish for one year after which it was written in English. Hem-missionaren. [C] Omaha, 1892-1893. A monthly. Hem Vannen. Rock Island, 1887-1889. A family paper which absorbed Vart land och folk in 1888 and was later absorbed by Augustana in 1889. It was formerly Ungdoms vannen. Hemat. Altona, 1893-1894. A Galesburg District of the Illinois Conference (Augustana Synod) monthly periodical. Hemat. Luthersk traktat-tidning. For de svenska evangeliska lutherska forsamlingarna i California. San Francisco, 1901-1905. Hemat kalender. Utgifven af Otto Hbgfeldt. Chicago, 1895-1916. Herderosten. A regular monthly paper published by the Scandinavian Evangelic Lutheran Pacific Conference. San Francisco and Oakland, 1888-1899. Hjertbergs kvartalskrift. New York, 1896. Holdrege citizen. Holdrege, Neb., 1887-1888-1889. A weekly which was a continuation of Citizen. In 1887 in became Swedish American citizen and then changed back to Holdrege citizen in 1888. Home missionary. Chicago, 1889. An English tract of the Augustana Synod on home missions. It was a continuation of Hem missiondren which came out in 1888. Home missionary. Published monthly by the Board of English Home Mis- sions ... in North America. Lebanon and Philadelphia, 1913-1918. Humoristen. Chicago, 1891-1903. A monthly until it changed its name to Svenska nyheter. Hus-biblioteket. Minneapolis, 1878. A literary magazine. Hvita bandet. Official organ of the W. C. T. U. Worcester, 1910-1916. Idealisten. Chicago, 1905-1906. A literary monthly. Iduna. Illustrerad veckotidning. Chicago, 1879-1899. An illustrated weekly periodical. A continuation of Broder htstig. It was absorbed by Sven- ska amerikanaren. Illinois District Lutheran. Central Illinois District Lutheran. Published by the Central Illinois District of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Mis- souri, Ohio, and other states. Rock Island, 1926-1942. Illinois Swede. Galva, 1869-1870. A political weekly which was moved to Chicago and then called Nya verlden in 1870. Illustrerad kalender. [B] Chicago, 1904-1909. Illustreradt familjeblad. Decorah, 1891. Indiana posten. South Bend, 1899-1900. A weekly which may have con- tinued as Svensk- amerikanska jonrnalen, a paper which failed after only a few months in 1900. 160 Iowa and Nebraska farmer. Lincoln, 1876. An advertisement of the Burling- ton and Missouri R. R. land and an invitation to the immigrants to pur- chase its land. Only one number. Iowa missionstidning. Red Oak, 1908-1915. A monthly publication of the Mission Covenant Ministerial Association of the Iowa Conference. It consolidated with Forbundets veckotidning which became "a national weekly" of the Covenant Church. Iowa posten. Des Moines, 1903-1919. A weekly newspaper. Absorbed by Svenska tribunen. "I Zenithen." Julnummer. [Duluth], 1896. Journal for Svithiods Orden. Blue Island, 1901-1912. It became Svithiod journalen shortly after the periodical had been moved to Mount Morris, 111., where it has continued until the present time. Julbudkaflen. n. p., 1907. A Christmas publication advertising Scandinavian- American Line. Julbrasan. Chicago, 1943-1945 and 1950. A Swedish Christmas publication of the Swedish Journalist Association from 1943-1945, revived in 1950. Jule-grisen. Jamestown, 1884. Published by Wart nya hem. Julen. Illustrerad jul-tidning pa vers och prosa. New York, [1894]. Julgranen. Chicago, 1906. Julgubben. Chicago, 1878. A Christmas annual. Jul-gubben. Annons-och skamttidning for julen 1887. [Chicago], 1887. A Christmas annual. Julgafvan. Kristlig kalender. [B] New York, 1893. Jul-kvallen. Lynn, Mass., 1904. A Christmas annual advertising various local stores. Julkarfven. Illustrerad julkalender. Chicago, [1907]. Julnisse. Illustrerad humoristisk tidning. Chicago, 1893-1894. A humorous Christmas annual. Jul- och nyarsgubben. Chicago, 1878. A Christmas calendar. Julrunan. Illustrerad tidning utgifven af Svenska vitterhetssallskapet vid Augustana College och Teologiska Seminarium, Rock Island, 111. Rock Island, 1905, 1911-1912. A Christmas annual. Julstjarnan. Svensk jultidning. New York, 1909-1923. A Christmas calendar. Jul-tomten. Chicago, Dec. 1887. A Christmas annual. Jultomten. Seattle, 1898, (1906?), (1907?), 1909, 1911. A Christmas annual. Jultidning. Svensk illustrerad jul-tidning. New York, 1882. Swedish il- lustrated Christmas annual. Jupiter (Folkets weckotidning) . Manistee and Ludington, Mich., 1891-1893. A temperance periodical. Justitia. Chicago, 1871. A bi-weekly. Kansas City tribunen. Kansas City, 1901-1914. Formerly Svenska pressen. A weekly newspaper. Kansas Conference Lutheran. Lindsborg, 1931-. This is a continuation of Lindsborgs-posten. 161 Kansas Epworth forbunds konvent harold. [M] n. p., 1910-1914? Kansas missions-tidning. [C] Lindsborg, 1902-1923. Kansas monitoren. Topeka, 1874. A weekly which was soon discontinued. Its subscribers received instead Folkets tidning, which was started by the same person. Kansas Pacific homestead. Salina, 1879. Distributed free by Kansas Pacific R. R. Kansas posten. Lindsborg, 1882-1883. This weekly was owned by Hemlan- det and was absorbed by it. Kansas stats tidning. Lindsborg, 1879-1880. Kansas young Lutheran. Organ of the Kansas Conference Luther League. Lindsborg, 1908-1911. Both Swedish and English text found in this religious monthly which continued as Christian messenger. Kina-missionaren. Luthersk tidskrift. St. Paul, 1908-1921. A continuation of Luthersk tidskrift for hedamission och diakoni. Kloverbladet. Iron Mountain, 1913-1914. A monthly. Kompassen. Chicago, 1887. A monthly temperance journal. Korrespondenten. Salt Lake City, 1879-1894. A weekly which changed name in 1894 to Utah korrespondenten. Korbaneret. Kristlig kalender. Chicago, Moline, and Rock Island, 1880- 1949. An Augustana Synod annual in Swedish which was discontinued. Instead there has been published since 1950 an Augustana annual. Korsbaneret is one of the most important references on the history of the Augustana Synod, Kring krubban. [C] Chicago, 1908-1929. A Sunday School annual. Kurre. Chicago, 1884-1887. A weekly which changed its name to Svenska kuriren in Jan. 1888. Kurre-kalender, med textbidrag pa vers och prosa. Chicago, 1899-1901, 1903. This calendar was distributed among subscribers of Svenska kuriren as a subscription gift for many years after 1900. Kvartalsskrift for missionen. [C] Minneapolis, 1905. A continuation of Missionaren. Kvinnan och hemmet. Cedar Rapids, 1893-1918. A monthly journal for the Swedish women in America. Its name was sometimes Qvinnan och hemmet. Kyrka och skola. Fergus Falls, 1917-1918. This publication sought to pro- mote an interest in Northwestern College of Fergus Falls and was a continuation of Northwestern College quarterly which had begun as early as in January, 1905. Det kyrkliga hemmet. Chicago, 1884. Episcopal church paper essentially for the Ansgarii Church of Chicago. Kyrkobladet. Tidning for Warren-distriktet. [L] Rock Island, and War- ren, 1905-1911. Kyrkoharolden. Svenska lutherska South St. Paul pastoratets tidning. St. Paul, 1907-1918. An Augustana district publication. 162 Kyrkotidning for Cleveland-distriktet. [L] Rock Island, 1904-1930. A monthly church paper of the district which was continued as Cleveland church paper for the Cleveland district. Kyrkotidning for Jamestowns-distriktet af Svenska lutherska New York- konferensen. Rock Island, 1907-1909. A church district paper. Kyrkovannen. Luthersk manadstidning for andlig uppbyggelse. South Omaha, 1894. Lasning vid husliga harden. Chicago, 1880. A journal of fiction. A sub- scription gift of Faderneslandet of Chicago. Land och folk. Chicago, 1898-1900. This was an illustrated family journal, which was absorbed by Fosterlandet. Landkanning. New York, 1915-1927. A publication of the Scandinavian Socialist Labor Party in America. Landkanning. New York, 1913-1928. A Christmas publication of the Scan- dinavian Socialist Labor Society. Ledstjarnan. Organ for svensk-finska nykterhetsforbundet af Amerika. Chicago, 1905-1925. Ledstjernan. [C] Seattle, 1906-1908. A monthly periodical published in the interest of the North Pacific Coast Mission Conference. Den lilla missionaren. Chicago, 1885-1913. A children's missionary paper. Den lilla saningsmannen. Svensk luthersk traktattidning. Des Moines, 1889. A religious monthly of local nature. Den lille barnvannen. Omaha, 1898-1913. An annual of four pages. A pub- lication of the Deaconess Institute of Omaha. Lille budbararen. Denver, 1907. A religious periodical of the Swedish Evangelical Free Mission of Colorado. Den lille missionaren. Illustrerad missionstidning for de unga. Rock Island, 1893. Illustrated mission paper for children. Lincoln svenska tribun. Lincoln, 1901-1902. A weekly which was moved to Omaha and took the name of Vestems svenska tribun. Lindsborg news. Lindsborg, 1881-1912. This weekly merged with the Linds- borg record into the Lindsborg news and record in 1912. Lindsborg news and record. Lindsborg, 1912-1918. Lindsborgs-posten. Lindsborg, 1889, 1898-1930. A weekly newspaper. It was published irregularly prior to 1898 as a monthly. Has for many years been published in English. Lindsborg record. Lindsborg, 1897-1912. In 1912 this weekly merged with Lindsborg news into the Lindsborg news and record. Linnea. Poetiskt album af svensk-amerikanska publicister i Chicago. Chi- cago, 1887. Poetic album published by Swedish-American journalists of Chicago. Linnea. Tidskrift for hemmet och ungdomen. [C] Galesburg, and Minne- apolis, 1897-1905. A monthly which was absorbed by Minneapolis vecko- blad. Its cover contained such names as Arenan, Linnea och dufvan. Linnea. Svensk -amerikansk jultidning. Chicago, 1891. A Linne Hospital of Chicago Christmas publication. 163 Linnean. A monthly magazine of high ideals. [C] Minneapolis, 1905-1906. Seems to have been a continuation of Linnea, tidskrijt for hemmet och ungdomen. Little folks. [L] Rock Island, 1928-. A Sunday School paper. Ljufva stunder. Kristligt manadsmagasin for hem och hard. [L?] Bur- lington, la., 1897-1898. Ljus. Officiellt organ for California skandinaviska districtlogc. San Fran- cisco, n. d. A temperance journal. Lordags-magasinet. Chicago. 1895. A magazine of fiction. Absorbed by Figaro. Lordags-nisse. Chicago, 1870. A humorous journal published from June to August of 1870. Los Angeles tribun. Los Angeles, 1908-1909. It was a continuation of Cali- fornia posten. A weekly newspaper. Became California veckoblad. Lutheran companion. Rock Island, 1911 -. The official organ of the Au- gustana Synod. It represents a continuation of Young Lutheran com- panion and of Augustana journal. In 1949 it merged with Augustana into Augustona Lutheran and again became Lutheran Companion in 1952. Lutheran crusader. Chicago, 1903-1904. An independent Lutheran journal for young people. Lutheran messenger. Rock Island, 1934. A religious journal that repre- sented a continuation of Ungdomens sdndebud. Lutheran monitor. Sioux City, 1939-1943. A weekly newspaper which was a continuation of Svenska monitoren. Lutheran review. Modesto, 1931-1943? A monthly organ of the California Conference of the Augustana Synod. Luther, kalender. Jubel-aret 1883. Augustana Tract Society, n. p., 1883. A Christmas calendar. Luthersk budbarare. Annonsblad for svenska evangelisk lutherska New England konferensen . . . n. p., n. d. Luthersk kyrkotidning. Red Wing, Minn., 1872-1873. A religious periodical absorbed by Augustana after December of 1873. Luthersk qvartalsskrift for behandling af teologiska . . . fragor. Rock Is- land, 1887-1889. Lyceum annual. Rock Island, 1892-1894. An Augustana College publication and a continuation of Balder. A literary annual. Forerunner of Augus- tana Observer, a student publication. Lyckans stjerna. Svensk ungdomstidning. Minneapolis, 1891. Macedoniska ropet. Utgifven i missionens intresse. Minneapolis, 1910-1913. Manskligheten. Minneapolis, 1897-1903. Came out for a short time in 1894 and then again in 1897. A Universalist Henry George reform paper. It was moved to Chicago in 1903. Manhem. Gustavus Adolphus annual. 1904. Red Wing. Minn., 1904. Manistique harold. Manistique, Mich , 1891-1909. A weekly newspaper. Manistiques weckoblad. Manistique. Mich.. 1889. A weekly newspaper. 164 Marinette tribunen. Marinette, Wis., 1896-1917. Absorbed Forposten in 1909. Marinette tribunen was absorbed by Medborgaren in 1917. Marshall County leader. Stephen, Minn., 1884. This paper started in 1883. It contained for a time during 1884 two columns written in the Scandi- navian languages. Medborgaren. Escanaba, 1895-1920. Medborgaren absorbed Marinette tri- bunen Oct. 1, 1917. Medborgaren. Lindstrom, Minn., 1901-1905. A weekly newspaper which was perhaps absorbed by the Chisago County press. Medborgaren. Politisk tidning for svenskarne bland Klippebergen. Salt Lake City, 1910. Mellersta osterns missionstidning. Jamestown, 1911-. A monthly periodical of the Covenant Conference of the Middle East. It was a continuation of a local church paper called Fdrsamlingsbladet. Michigan journalen. Svenska Michigan journalen. Grand Rapids, 1897- 1898. A weekly. Michigan posten. Grand Rapids, 1896-1900. Michigan posten. Muskegon, 1890-1891. A weekly which changed name to Monitor. Michigan veckoblad. Iron Mountain, 1903-1910. Michigan stats tidning. Muskegon, 1906-1910? Midsommar-bladet. Seattle, 1910. Midvinterboken. [B] An annual. Chicago, 1920-1922. Midvintersol. Illustrerad kalender for 1895. [B] Worcester, 1894. Minneapolis veckoblad. [C] Minneapolis, 1887-1906. A continuation of Svenska kristna harolden; in 1906 its names was changed to Veckobladet. Minnesota Conference charities. [L] Minneapolis, 1941-. A quarterly pub- lication of the Minnesota Conference Board of Christian Charities. Minnesota Lutheran. St. Paul and Minneapolis, 1939-1940. A continuation of Minnesota stats -tidning. Minnesota posten. Red Wing, 1857-1858. A weekly absorbed by Hemlandert. Minnesota posten. St. Paul and Minneapolis, 1891-1894. A weekly of which files are very incomplete. Absorbed by Folkets nyheter. Minnesota stats tidning. [L] St. Paul and Minneapolis, 1895-1939. Became Minnesota Lutheran in 1939 and was discontinued in 1940. The above paper was a weekly newspaper, a continuation of Skaffaren och Min- nesota stats tidning. Minnesota stats tidning. [L] St. Paul and Minneapolis, 1895-1939. Became weekly. It merged with Skaffaren into Skaffaren och Minnesota stats tidning. Minnesota svenska tribun. Duluth, 1893-1895. A weekly newspaper which was a continuation of Svenska fria pressen. Minnesota tidning. St. Paul, 1870. A weekly newspaper which was a con- tinuation of Svenska Minnesota bladet. Changed its name shortly again to Svenska monitoren. Mission friend. [C] Chicago, 1931-. A Sunday School paper 165 Mission tidings. Rock Island, 1906-. The official organ of the Women's Mis- sionary Society, Augustana Synod. Missions-baneret. Minneapolis, 1904-1909? A Congregationalist religious periodical. Missionsbladet. [C] Grand Rapids, 1895-1897. A district monthly which was absorbed by Linnea. Missionsbladet. New York, 1902-1906. A religious periodical of the New York and New Jersey Ministerial Association of the Covenant church. Missionsforbundets ungdomstidning. Chicago, 1911-1915. Semi-monthly second official organ of the Covenant church. Became Covenant weekly in 1915. Mission post. [B] Chicago, 1935- ? A continuation of Missions -posten. Missions-posten. [B] Chicago, 1929-1934. Missions-posten. Tidskrift for inre och yttre mission. Minneapolis, 1901- 19C9. An organ of Free Missions (Fria missionsvannerna) . It was ab- sorbed by Missionstidningen. Missions-posten. [C] Minneapolis, 1927-1944. Missions -tidning. Organ for kvinnornas hem- och hednamissionsforening inom Augustana synoden. Chicago, and Lindsborg, Kansas. 1906-1923. Continued as Mission tidings. Missionstidningen. Minneapolis, 1911-1924. The official organ of the Free Church Conferences of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Nebraska. It was a bi-weekly which had absorbed Missions-posten and in a sense represents a continuation of it. Missions vannen. Chicago, 1874-. Also spelled Missions-wdnnen. It was published by the Swedish Evangelical Lutheran Missions Synod during its first years. Missionaren. Providence, 1888-1889. Missionaren. Battle Creek, 1890-1891. An Adventist religious periodical. Missionaren. Chicago, 1869-1873. An Augustana periodical which merged with R'dtta hemlandet och Augustana into Augustana luthersk kyrko- tidning in 1874. Missionaren. [C] Chicago, 1894-1905. Monthly until 1897 when it was is- sued two times a month. Sometimes the place of publication given as North Park. Missionaren. Moline, 1876-1878. An Augustana Lutheran mission paper which from 1876-1878 was published together with Augustana. In 1879 the two merged into one paper called Augustana och missionaren. Missionaren. Manadsblad for Worcester distriktet af Evangeliskt lutherska New York konferensen. Rock Island, and Worcester, 1906-1913. Missionaren. Svensk luthersk missionstidning. Moline, 1876-1878. A monthly periodical promoting an interest in missions. Missionaren. Tidskrift for inre och yttre mission. Chicago, 1869-1873. A re- ligious periodical absorbed by Augustana. Mississippi posten. Burlington, la., 1898. 166 Moline tribun. Moline, 1910-1915. A weekly newspaper which was a con- tinuation of Northern light. Monitor. Jamestown, 1920-. An official monthly publication of the Scandi- navian Fraternity of America. Monitor. Iron Mountain, 1900-1908. A weekly newspaper. Monitor. [C] Muskegon, 1892-1893. A monthly. Monitor. Chicago, 1926-1932. A political campaign paper of the John Erics- son Republican League issued during campaigns. Monitoren. Chicago, 1878. A Greenback party organ. Monitoren. New York, 1878, 1881. A temperance journal. Morgon stjernan. [L?] Chicago, 1877. A journal for children issued two times a month. Morgonstjernan. The morning star ... En kristlig tidskrift tillegnad det svenska folket i Amerika. [L?] Gowrie, la., 1911-1917. Musiktidning for Amerikas svenskar. Minneapolis, 1906-1909, 1914-1924. Chicago and New York, 1924-. Does not seem to have been published from 1909-1914. My church. An illustrated Lutheran manual, pertaining principally to the history, work and spirit of the Augustana Synod. Rock Island, 1915- 1947. An important Augustana Synod annual. It was merged with the Almanac into Augustana annual in 1948. Myggan. Flygblad for 16 je och satir. Chicago, May 18, 1872. A humorous journal published by Nya verlden. Nad och sanning. Chicago, 1877-1886. An Augustana religious periodical for devotional purposes 1877-1882; it started again in Oct. 1884 and con- tinued until 1886. In Sept. 1886 it became Vart land och jolk, which was continued until 1888. It then was absorbed by Hemvdnnen and pub- lished in Rock Island. Nar och fjarran. Illustrerad litteraturtidskrift. Chicago, 1874-1877. National Good Templar. Minneapolis, 1900- ? A monthly of the Interna- tional Order of Good Templars which has been dominated by Scandina- vians during the last fifty years. National tidning. Chicago, 1901. Nebraska missionsblad. [C] Wausa, Neb., 1901-1903. A conference publi- cation, which was absorbed in 1903 by Svenska pressen in Omaha. Nebraskas svenska journal. S'tromsburg, 1887. New England Lutheran. West Haven, Conn., 1948- . An organ of the New England Conference of the Augustana Synod. New England Luther Leaguer. Worcester, 1927- . An organ of the New England Conference Luther League. New Yorks bladet. New York, 1887-1888. A weekly newspaper. New York stats svenska Argus, New York, 1879-1881? New York svenska harold. New York, 1886-1887. A weekly. New York tidningen. New York, and Brooklyn, 1901-1902. New Yorks tidning. New York, 1892. Only one number has been found. It contained text in Swedish, English, German and French. 167 Norden. New York and Chicago, 1874-1877, 1897. It was absorbed by Nordstjernan. It was a continuation of Gamla nordstjernan and North star. Norden. Brooklyn, 1935-. A continuation of Finska amerikanaren. Norden. Topeka, 1913. Nordens medborgare. Manistee, 1889-1890. A weekly newspaper which be- gan in May of 1889. It was moved from Manistique to Manistee shortly after it began. Nordiska hem. Tidskrift for Amerikas svenskar. Minneapolis, 1908-1917. A periodical of general interest to Swedes in America. Nordlyset. Minneapolis, 1917. A literary journal. Nordstjernan. Cambridge, Minn., 1907-1910. Nordstjernan. [M] Ishpeming, 1901-1902. A monthly youth periodical. It was moved to Chicago where it became Epworthklockan. Nordstjernan. New York, 1872 -. One of the most important Swedish- American newspapers still in existence. Absorbed Norden. Nordvestern. Minneapolis, 1872. A weekly newspaper which existed only from July to August of 1872. Nordvestern. Illustrerad manadsskrift. Portland, 1907. Nordvestern-harold. Superior and Duluth, 1900-1906. A weekly which was absorbed by Svenska amerikanska tribunen. Nordvesterns handelstidning. Duluth, 1902-1906. A weekly which was ab- sorbed by Duluth posten. Just shortly before it had absorbed Nord- vesterns nyheter. Nordvesterns nyheter. Duluth and Superior, 1906. A continuation of Nord- vesterns harold and absorbed by Nordvesterns handelstidning. Nordvestkusten. Veckoblad for Washington Territory. Seattle, 1885. Nordwestern. Sioux City, 1882-1883. A weekly which continued as Nya nordwestem. Nord-ostern. Worcester, 1883-1885. A weekly newspaper. Nornan. Boston, 1896-1897. A magazine for women and home. Nornan. Kalendern Nornan. Chicago, 1876. Nya verlden's premium for 1876. North. Minneapolis, 1889-1894. A Scandinavian newspaper written in English. Northland magazine. A literary magazine in English for Scandinavians. Minneapolis, 1898-1899. Northland weekly. Minneapolis, 1903-1905. A Scandinavian young people's literary journal interested chiefly in the Norwegian aspect of Scandi- navism. North star. Minneapolis, 1918-1922. A Scandinavian literary periodical es- sentially interested in the Norwegian aspect of Scandinavism. North star. Caribou and Fort Fairfield, Maine, 1872-1873. An English weekly with a column in Swedish. When the Swedish part was dis- continued it still carried a great deal of news about New Sweden, Maine. North star (Nordstjernan). New York, July 16, 1874. Became Ganila nord- stjernan. A weekly. 168 North star. Mount Morris, 111., 1917 -. A quarterly publication of the North Star Life Insurance Society. North star signal. Utgifven af North Star College for kyrkan, skolan och hemmet. Warren, Minn., 1910-1918. Other numbers might be found at Gustavus Adolphus College. It was published very irregularly. Nutiden. New York, 1882-1885. A literary periodical for the home. Nya Colorado posten. Denver, 1883-1884. A weekly. Formerly Colorado posten. Reverted back to the name Colorado posten 1884-1885 and then consolidated with Svenska hdrolden of Kansas City, Mo. Nya folkets tidning. Omaha, 1876-1878. A continuation of Kansas monitoren and its successor Folkets tidning. Absorbed by Svenska tribunen. Nya faderneslandet. Worcester and Boston, 1899. A weekly which was a continuation of Arbetarens van and Arbetaren. It seems to have been discontinued in 1900. Nya idun. [C] Minneapolis, 1906-1924. A journal for women. Nya Louisiana. Chicago, Jan., 1871. An announcement by the State of Louisiana advertising its land and opportunities for immigrants. Nya nordwestern. Sioux City, 1883-1884. A weekly and a continuation of Nordwestern. Nya osterns weckoblad. [C] Worcester, 1896-1906. Successor of Osterns veckoblad. Name changed to Osterns veckoblad in 1906. Nya pressen. Moline and Chicago, 1891-1897. A weekly. Its name was changed to Chicago Figaro. Nya stilla hafsposten. San Francisco, 1879. A weekly continuation of Stilla hajsposten. Nya svenska amerikanaren. Chicago, 1873-1877. A weekly which was merged with Nya verlden into Svenska tribunen. Nya Sverige. Rockford, 1872. Nya tiden. Seattle, 1892. Nya verlden. Galesburg and Chicago, 1870-1877. A weekly which was a continuation of Illinois Swede. After a merger with Nya svenska ameri- kanaren, the name was changed to Svenska tribunen. Nya verlden. Minneapolis and Story City, la., 1889-1893. A weekly. Nya varlden. Billingham, Wash., 1904-1909. A weekly. Nya wecko-posten. [B] Chicago, 1884-1918. A weekly newspaper which was a continuation of Evangelisk tidskrift. In 1918 it was absorbed by Svenska standaret. Nya wecko-posten. Illustrerad kalender. [B] Chicago, 1904-1918. Published by the newspaper of the same name. Nybyggaren. Svensk-engelsk tidning for svenka nybyggare i Nordvestern. Sioux City and Sheldon, 1886. Nykterhetsbasunen. Holdrege, Neb., 1890. Only a campaign temperance publication which after a few months in 1890 was absorbed by Svenska journalen of Omaha. Nykterhetsbudbararen. The temperance messenger. Officielt organ for de svenska logerna af I.O.G.T. . . . Chicago, [1909]. 169 Nykterhets-budbararen. Organ for distrikts-logen No. 14 af I.O.G.T. Chi- cago, 1900-. Nykterhetsklockan. Absolut nykterhet. Sann manniskokarlek. Chicago, 1893. A temperance journal. Nykterhets tidning. Ishpeming, 1901. A temperance journal which might have been a continuation of Julbladet. Ny tid. Chicago, 1926-1931. A continuation of Svenska socialisten; i. e. Fack- lan and Folket merged March 10, 1922, into Ny tid. Nytt lif. Nykyrkligt manadsblad. Minneapolis, 1912-1913. A Swedenborgian periodical. Nytt och gammalt. Kristlig tidskrift. Lindsborg, 1873-. A monthly Lu- theran periodical. It came out only from April to Dec. Absorbed in 1874 by Augustana. Odalmannen. 'The yeoman." Tidning for farm och hem. Minneapolis, 1905- 1912. This journal of agriculture continued for a short time in 1912 as Vestern-amerikanaren. Odd Fellow Orden. I.O.O.F. Guide. Yearbook 1927. Chicago, [1927]. Olivbladet. Luthersk traktat- och nykterhetstidning. Paxton, 1901-1918. This was a Paxton and Bloomington district publication. In 1918 the name was changed to Olive leaf. Olive leaf. A Lutheran Sunday School paper published monthly by the Augustana Tract Society . . . Moline and Rock Island, 1883 -. Omaha posten. Omaha, 1904-. It was one of the successful weekly news- papers. It was a continuation of Svenska journalen tribunen. It has been published in English since Sept. 1942. It also absorbed Vesterns svenska tribun. Omaha svenska tribun. Omaha, 1887-1892. This weekly was bought by Svenska joumalen. The name was changed to Svenska iournalen tri- bunen after the merger of the two papers. Oregon posten. Portland, 1908-1936. A weekly which is one of the most im- portant sources on the Swedes in Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. It might have been a continuation of Svenska Oregon posten. In 1936 Oregon posten merged with Svenska journalen into Svenska posten. Orkanen. Worcester, 1888. A weekly. Osteins harold. Brooklyn and New Britain, 1896-1913. A weekly which represents a continuation of Framdt, which had been moved from Provi- dence to Brooklyn in 1894. It was an organ of the New England Con- ference of the Augustana Synod even though it was interested in politics. Osterns veckoblad. New York and Boston, 1890-1896. A monthly continua- tion of New Yorks missionsblad which became a weekly in 1892 when it was moved to Boston. In 1896 it was absorbed by Missions-vannen. Sometimes name was spelled Osterns weckoblad. Osterns weckoblad. [C] Worcester and New Britain, 1907-1920. A continua- tion of Nya Osterns weckoblad. In 1917 this weekly was moved to New Britain, where it died in 1929. Osterns vaktare. [L] Jamestown, 1888-1890. A weekly newspaper which continued as Vart land. A New York Conference organ. 170 Ostra posten. Worcester, 1886-1889(7). A weekly. Might have continued as Ostra vecko-posten. Ostra vecko-posten. [B] Worcester and Minneapolis, 1889-1896(7). Merged with Missionsbladet into Svenska baptisternas tidning. It might have been a continuation of Ostra posten. Our America. Jamestown, 1875. Previously called Vdrt land. Our children's home messenger. Stanton, la., 1921-1932. An official publica- tion of the Augustana Lutheran Orphanage Home of the Iowa Con- ference. Our church. Published by the Red River district of the Lutheran Red River Valley congregation, n. p., 1926-1928. Our Covenant. Chicago, 1925-. A Covenant yearbook of great importance. Our Covenant little folks. Chicago, 1930-. Covenant publication for the chil- dren in Sunday School. Our Covenant youth. Chicago, 1930- . A Covenant Sunday School publica- tion. Our young Covenanters. Chicago, 1930-. A Covenant Sunday School pub- lication. Pasklilja. Seattle, 1907-7 An Easter annual. Pacific tribune. Seattle, 1903-1914. A continuation of Westerns tribune; in Oct. 1914, the paper was sold and its name changed to Svenska Pacific tribunen. It was a weekly and is an important source on the history of the Swedes in the Pacific Northwest. Papegojan. Humoristisk manadstidning. Seattle, Dec. 1897. Pedagogen. Lindsborg and Rock Island, 1885-1887. A continuation of Aca- demia. Later the name was changed to Fram&t. A monthly. Pegasus. Annual of North Park College students. Chicago, 1930-. Poetry in Swedish and English. Pennsylvania posten. McKeesport, 1894-1897. A weekly. Pietist. Galesburg and Keokuk, 1873. This publication contained chiefly translations from religious literature of Sweden. It was named after the well-known Swedish religious periodical. Pilgrimens mal. Chicago, 1905-1908. A religious periodical. Pingst-liljan. Seattle, May, 1909. Pocatello tribune. Pocatello, 1892. Started as a weekly in Swedish and be- came an English daily. Politisk skrift. Grand Rapids, 1888. A political campaign paper. Polstjernan. New York, 1897. Postens farm-tidning. Minneapolis, 1912. A supplement of Svenska ameri- kanska posten. Posten. Organ for Skandinaviska distriktslogen No. 27 af I.O.G.T. Warren, Penn., [1912]. A temperance journal belonging to the I.O.G.T. District- Lodge No. 27. Prarieblomman kalender. Rock Island, 1900-1913. 171 Presiding elder's ideal quarterly conference record. [MJ Chicago, 1908-09, 1910-11. Personal records of Alfred Anderson, Superintendent of Chi- cago District, Central Swedish Conference. Providence allehanda. Providence, 1891-1892. A weekly edition of Boston allehanda. Puget Sound posten. Tacoma, 1907-1935. A weekly which was a continua- tion of Tacoma posten. Qvinnan och hemmet. See Kvinnan och hemmet. Raddningslinan. Published by the Scandinavian Women's Alliance Mission. Minneapolis, 1909-1939. Det ratta hemlandet. Galesburg and Chicago, 1856-1873. The oldest periodi- cal belonging to the Augustana Synod. In 1863 its name was changed to Det ratta hemlandet och missionsbladet. In 1869 it merged with Augus- tana into Ratta hemlandet och Augustana and in 1874 it became Au- gustana, luthersk kyrkotidning. Reformation. Worcester, 1900-1910. This temperance journal, an organ for Svenska nykterhets forbundet of Worcester and Eastern Skandinavian Grand Lodge of I.O.G.T., was begun in 1900 as a political campaign paper and continued with 3 numbers annually after 1905. Revolt. Chicago, 1911-1916. Rockfords allehanda. Rockford, 1884-1886. A weekly which changed its name in 1886 to Svenska fria pressen. Rockford posten. Rockford, 1889-1911. A weekly which continued after 1911 as Svenska posten. Roman-biblioteket. Tidskrift for skonlitteratur. Chicago, 1885. A journal of fiction published two times a month. Rothuggaren. The Radical. Egnad till afskaffande af fattigdom, okunnighet, elakhet, okyskhet, fylleri, orattvisa, lagvrangning och allt ondt. Licht- field and Grove City, Minn., 1880-1886. It was published only for a short time in Grove City during 1881. Paper written in both English and Swedish, became English entirely in Sept. 1885. During 1884 the paper used the subtitle of Swedish and English anti-monopoly Greenback labor monthly journal. The word "monthly" dropped soon. Once "tem- perance" used instead of "Greenback." Sabbatsskolans lexblad. Chicago, 1879. A Sunday School paper which con- tinued as Den lilla missionaren. Samfundet St. Erik i New York arsbok. Jenny Lind nummer. An annual of the Society of St. Erik. Sanatorie bladet. Denver, 1910. A monthly publication of the Sanatorium at Denver during 1910. Sandebudet. [M] Rockford and Chicago, 1862-1948. Sanningen. Ishpeming, 1888. A campaign paper for the Labor party. Sanningen och enebusken. Chicago, 1888- ? An annual advertising Lundeen's juniper ale. It was published before the turn of the century and was continued for some years. Sanningens harold. En illustrerad religios tidskrift for hemmet, egnad at kristlig religion, profetiornas forklaring och fbrkunnandet af Kristi 172 andra uppenbarelse. [SDA] Battle Creek, Mich., and Kristiania, Nor- way, 1884-? A continuation of Svensk advent harold and Advent hdrol- den. Sanningens tolk. Minneapolis, 1906-1912. A monthly periodical devoted to information in the Scriptures. Sanningens van. [B] Minneapolis, Kiron, la., and Grundy, Minn., 1901- 1922. Sanning och frid. Illustrerad kristlig tidskrift for hemmet. New York, 1885- 1894. Sanning och frihet. Minneapolis, 1896-? An organ of the Free Church which continued after 1910. Sattaren. Moline, 1879. Scandia. Chicago, 1867. An advertisement of Scandia, a sick and benefit society. Scandia Life news. Chicago, 1906-1914. An advertising medium of Scandia Life Insurance Company. Scandias stjerna. Omaha, 1868-1869. A religious periodical which was a con- tinuation of Vdktaren. Scandinavia. A monthly journal. Chicago, 1881-1886. A literary journal en- tirely in English. Scandinavian-American. Seattle, 1945-1947. Scandinavian-American. Spokane. A periodical in English of very brief existence. Scandinavian Fraternity review. Scandinavian Fraternity of America. A bi- monthly fraternal and literary magazine, illustrated. Official organ of the Scandinavian Fraternity of America. Spokane, 1916-1917. Scandinavian Good Templar. Minneapolis, New York and Chicago, 1900- 1935. This is Skandinaviska good templaren begun as the publication of the Minnesota Scandinavian Grand Lodge of I.O.G.T. Later it was moved to New York and Chicago where it became Scandinavian Good Templar and died in Sept. of 1935. Scandinavian times. New York, 1911. A monthly periodical discontinued after the publication of four numbers. Schibboleth. [L] Moline and Chicago, 1878-1879. Very incomplete files of this periodical dedicated to a war against secret societies. Sharon. Lindsborg, July 14, 1887. An advertisement of "good" land for sale. Signalen. College View, Neb., 1907-1913. One of many periodicals published by International Publishing Association of Seventh Day Adventists. They include Svensk advent harold, 1873-1879, which changed name to Advent hdrolden, 1880-1884, which changed name to Sanningens harold, which merged with Sions vdktare, 1891-1893, and became Sions vdktare och sanningens harold, 1893-1897, and continued as Sions vdktare, 1898- . Oldest of these papers prior to 1903 published at Battle Creek, Mich. Signalen. Kansas City, Mo., Feb. 13, 1886. 173 Silverhill nyheter. Silverhill, Ala., 1901-1907. A monthly published to pro- mote interest in the land around Silverhill; changed its name to Silver- hill agriculturist. Sions baner. See Zions barter. Sions-bladet. A paper for the Swedish Lutheran Church in the Pacific Northwest. Tacoma, 1920-1926. This was originally just a parish paper begun in 1901. It became a periodical of the Columbia Conference and was absorbed by Columbia Lutheran in 1927. Sions-posten, gemensamt organ for Svensk Metodisterna i Minneapolis. Minneapolis, 1914-1918. Sions vakt. [SDA] Brookfield, 111., 1874- ? A weekly which became Sions vdktare. Sions vaktare. Illustrerad tidskrift for kyrkan och hemmet. [SDA] Battle Creek, Mich., and Brookfield, 111., 1901-. Successor to Sions vakt. Sjukvannen. Utgifven vid Immanuel [Deaconess] Hospital. Omaha, 1896- 1901. Skaffaren. Bihang till Skaffaren. [L] Wed., Oct. 20, 1880. Skaffaren och Minnesota stats tidning. [L] St. Paul and Minneapolis, 1882- 1885. This weekly was the result of a merger of Skaffaren and Minne- sota stats tidning; it continued as Skaffaren. Skaffaren. [L] St. Paul and Minneapolis, 1885-1895. A continuation of Skaffaren och Minnesota stats tidning; changed its name in 1895 to Min- nesota stats tidning. Skaffaren. [L] St. Paul and Red Wing, 1878-1882. A weekly which was a continuation of Evangelisk luthersk tidskrift. It continued in turn as Skaffaren och Minnesota stats tidning. Skaffaren. Supplement till Hemlandet. [L] Chicago, [1869]. This was a premature announcement of the birth of Skaffaren. This paper never began. Skamt. [Chicago, 1893.] A humorous monthly. Skandia. Chicago, 1890-1891. Skandia. Denver, 1906. A weekly. Skandia. Illustrerad manadsskrift for skandinaviska hem i Amerika. New York, 1886. Skandia. Jamestown, 1909-1946. This is one of the more important weeklies in the East and represents a continuation of the monthly periodical called Foreningsvannen started in 1901 by the Scandinavian Brotherhood Society of America as its official organ. It is an important source on the Swedes in Jamestown, and Pennsylvania. Absorbed by Nordstjernan. 1947. Skandia. Moline, 1876-1878. A weekly absorbed by Svenska tribuncn. Skandia. New York, 1868. A monthly. Skandia. New York, 1886. A monthly periodical. Skandia. Sioux City, 1892-1895. A weekly which changed its name in 1895 to Svenska tidningen och Skandia after a merger with Svenska journalen of Omaha. It was then published in Kansas City, Mo., as special edi- tion of Svenska journalen. 174 Skandinavia. Worcester, 1887-1918. A weekly which was a continuation of Worcester veckoblad. Absorbed by Svea in 1918. Skandinaven. New York, 1851-1852. This is the first weekly newspaper published by the Swedes in America. It was written partly in Swedish and partly in Norwegian. It came out irregularly. Skandinaviska amerikanska arbetaren. New York, 1894-1895? A publi- cation for Scandinavians published bi-weekly (?) as the organ of Scan- dinavian Socialist Labor Society or Union. Continued as Arbetaren. Skandinavisk bok- och musik-tidning. New York, 1890. Gives a monthly record of new publications of books and music that came out in Sweden. Norway, Denmark, and Finland as well as in this country. Skandinavisk farmers- och industri-tidning. New York, 1876. A weekly which was a continuation of Skandinavisk post. Skandinavisk harold. Omaha, 1870-1883. From Dec. 1870 to Dec. 1883 it was published intermittently as a monthly and a weekly. It was absorbed by Svenska veckobladet. Skandinavisk post. New York, 1863-1875. A weekly. Its owner also pub- lished a daily with the same name from 1867-1875 and a Sunday edition in 1875. Den skandinaviska spiritualisten. Minneapolis, 1896-1897. It continued for a couple of years as Nya tiden. Skandinaviska Good Templaren. Tidning for Skandinaviska goodtemplare i Amerika. Minneapolis, 1901-1918. The periodical contained text both in Swedish and Norwegian. It was the official organ of the Scandinavian Grand Lodge of the I.O.G.T. Skoldmon. Chicago. An official organ of the Independent Order of the Ladies of Vikings. Skordemannen. Winthrop, St. Peter, and Minneapolis, 1888-1918. A monthly agricultural journal 1880-1888; semi-monthly 1888-1918. Skogsblomman. Illustrerad kalender. Minneapolis and Chicago, 1899-1917. An annual of the Free Church. Skolvannen. Moline and Rock Island, 1878-1894. A tract published promot- ing the interest of Augustana College. Sometimes the journal was called Skolwdnnen. Snbfrid. Utg. av Tegnerfbrbundet vid Minnesota College. Minneapolis, 1916. Sodra vecko-posten. Austin, 1881. A short-lived Texas weekly. Sondagskol-baneret. [M] Chicago, 1881-1918. Sbndagsskol-vannen. Kristlig uppbyggelse- och missionstidning for barn och ungdom. Minneapolis, 1885-1915? Became Sunday School jriend in 1919 (?). Sondagsskol-vannens lexblad. Quarterly, n. p., 1889. Solrosen. [C] Topeka, 1916-1919. A monthly periodical for young people. It was moved to Winnipeg in 1919. Solsken. Tidskrift for svenska folket. Chicago, 1913. A monthly. Song-album. American Union of Swedish Singers, 1897, 1905, 1907, 1910, 1912. 175 Stadsmissionaren. Official organ of the Chicago Lutheran Inner Missionary Society. Chicago, 1909-1924. The official organ of the Augustana Inner Mission. It continued as City missionary. Standard. [B]. Chicago, 1940-. A continuation of Svenska standaret. Standaret. [C] Marinette, Wis., 1908. Merged with Budbdraren and con- tinued up to 1910. Stilla hafs-posten. San Francisco, 1879-1882. A weekly which was published irregularly. Continued as Nya stilla hafs-posten. Stilla stunder. Christligt manads-magazin for hard och hem. Worcester, [1891]. Stridsropet. New York, 1891-. The official organ of the Salvation Army in Swedish. Superior-posten. Ishpeming, 1888-1918. A fairly successful weekly news- paper. Svea. Chicago, 1869-1870. Perhaps the earliest effort at a short story maga- zine in Swedish in America. Another periodical with the same name and program came out during 1880-1881. Svea. Chicago, 1888-1889. A periodical urging tax reform. Svea. Illustrerad kalender. New York, 1888-1889. Svea. Kansas City, Mo., 1885. Svea. Worcester, 1897-. Svea became a weekly in 1901. It absorbed such papers as Skandinavia, Svenska nyheter and Osterns harold. It is the most important source on the Swedes in New England. Svensk adresskalender. Jamestown, 1909. Svensk advent harold. En manadtlig tidskrift, invigd till praktisk kristen- dom, profeternas forklaring . . . [SDA] Battle Creek, 1874-1876. It con- tinued later as Advent harold, 1880-1883, and as Sanningens harold. 1884- 1886. It was a forerunner of Signalen. Svensk almanacka for ar 1891 utgifven af Amerikanska Emigrant Kompaniet. New York, [1890]. Svensk-amerikanska familj-journalen. Evanston, 1907-. A journal which absorbed Svenska minnen. Svensk-amerikanska kalendern. Worcester, 1911, 1912. Svensk-amerikanska pressen. New York or Brooklyn, 1896-1899. A political weekly which had a precarious existence. Svensk-amerikanska pressen och Svenska journalistforbundet i Amerika. Rock Island, 1923. An annual of the Swedish Society of Journalists in America. Svensk amerikanska tribunen. Superior, Wis., 1904-1920. A weekly which combined with Duluth posten in January of 1920 into Svenska ameri- kanska Duluth posten. Svensk-amerikanska western. Denver, 1901-1928. A weekly which was a continuation of Svenska korrespondenten. In 1928 its name was changed to Westerns nyheter. It is an excellent reference on Swedes in Colo- rado and Utah. Svensk familjejournal. Minneapolis and Evanston, 1889-1921. A literary periodical for the home. 176 Svensk-finska budbararen. [C] Brooklyn, 1908-1928. It was absorbed by Forbundets veckotidning in 1928. Svensk-finska sandebudet. Tidning for svensk-finska lutheranerna i Ame- rika. Marinette and Duluth, 1910-1921. A monthly. Svensk kalender i Boston. Boston, 1881. Svensk kyrko-tidning. Organ for svensk kyrklighet och bildning. Chicago and Minneapolis, 1888-1893. A religious periodical. Svensk Jul. Rockford, 1896-1916. A Christmas calendar, chiefly aimed at advertising local stores. Svensk musik tidning. New York, 1881-1933? Svensk stadskalender for Omaha och Syd Omaha. Omaha, [1888, 1891]. Svensk unitarisk tidning. Chicago, 1909. Svenska almanackan. Chicago, 1916-1918. Svenska amerikanaren. Chicago, 1866-1873. A weekly which continued as Nya svensk amerikanaren and later as Svenska tribunen. Svenska amerikanaren. Chicago, 1877-1936. A continuation of Svenska posten. It has absorbed a large number of newspapers and is unques- tionably the most popular Swedish-American newspaper. When it ab- sorbed Svenska tribunen nyheter in 1936 the name was changed to Svenska amerikanaren tribunen. It had absorbed Svenska varlden (1908) ; Hemlandet (1914) ; Svenska kuriren (1929) ; Svenska tribunen nyheter (1936) ; and Svenska amerikanska posten (1940) . Svenska amerikanarens almanack. Chicago, 1914-1933. Svenska amerikanaren tribunen. Chicago, 1936- . New name used after Svenska amerikanaren absorbed Svenska tribunen nyheter in 1936. Svenska amerikanska nyheter. Sioux City, 1907-1908. A weekly. Svenska amerikanska posten. Minneapolis, 1885-1940. A weekly newspaper absorbed by Svenska amerikanaren tribunen in 1940. Svenska amerikanska pressen. Sioux City, 1891-1892. A weekly newspaper. Svenska amerikanska tribunen. Superior, Wis., 1904-1920. This was a con- tinuation of Wisconsin svenska tribunen. A weekly newspaper which began in 1904 and was merged with Duluth posten into Svenska ameri- kanska Duluth posten in 1921. Svenska arbetaren. Chicago, 1882-1883. A weekly devoted to the cause of labor. It became Svenske arbetaren in 1883. Svenska arbetarens van. San Francisco, 1892-1893. A monthly. Svenska baptisternas tidning. Minneapolis and Burlington, la., 7-1896. A merger of Ostra vecko-posten and Missions bladet. Svenska baptistforsamlingarnas i Amerika kvartals-skrift. Chicago, 1898- 1899. Svenska baptiststandaret. (Ungdoms-stjarnan). Organ for Svenska baptis- ternas i Amerika allmanna konferens. Chicago, 1911. Svenska bladet. Harlem, N. Y., 1897. Only three numbers published. Svenska Canada kuriren. Vancouver, 1914. A weekly newspaper. Svenska dagbladet. Ashland, Wis., 1901. This daily newspaper was published from September to November of 1901. 177 Svenska dagbladet. St. Paul, 1885. Organ for Swedish Labor. Svenska dagbladet. St. Paul and Minneapolis, 1888. An earlier daily called Svenska dagbladet was published in St. Paul in 1885. Svenska farm-journalen. Omaha, 1S04-1910. Svenska folkets allehanda. Litchfield and St. Paul, 1883-1884. A weekly which was absorbed by Svenska amerikanaren. Svenska folkets rost. Chicago, 1910. A weekly newspaper. Svenska folkets tidning. Minneapolis and St. Paul, 1881-1927. A weekly. Svenska folkets tribun. Wahoo, Neb., 1884. A weekly newspaper. Svenska fria pressen. Duluth, 1891-1893. A weekly which changed name to Minnesota svenska tribun in 1893. Svenska fria pressen. Rockford, 1886. A weekly which was a continuation of Rockfords allehanda. It was absorbed by Svenska amerikanaren in 1887. Svenska harolden. Salina, Kan., and Kansas City, Mo., 1878-1884. A weekly newspaper. Svenska harolden. Salt Lake City, 1885-1893. A weekly newspaper. Svenska geni karen i Chicago industri och handtverk. Chicago, n. d. An annual of the Swedish Engineers' Society of Chicago. Svenska ingenjorsforeningen. Monthly bulletin. Chicago, 1925-1931. A monthly publication. Svenska journalen. Omaha, 1889-1892. A weekly which in 1892 merged with Omaha svenska tribun into Svenska journalen tribunen, and became Omaha posten in 1904. Svenska journalen. Rockford, 1912-1913. Very incomplete files are found of this weekly. It was essentially a newspaper for the Swedes of Rockford. Svenska journalen. Seattle, 1926-1935. A weekly newspaper which merged with Oregon posten in 1936 into Svenska posten. Svenska journalen tribunen. Omaha, 1892-1904. A weekly which continued as Omaha posten. Formerly it had been Omaha swenska tribun. Svenska korrespondenten. Denver, 1889-1901. A weekly which was a con- tinuation of Denver weckoblad. Continued later as Svenska-ameri- kanska western. This is one of the best sources on the Swedes in Colo- rado and Utah. Svenska kristna harolden. [C] Minneapolis, 1884-1887. A weekly which continued as Minneapolis veckoblad. Svenska kuriren. Chicago, 1887-1929. A continuation of Kurre. Purchased and absorbed by Svenska amerikanaren in 1929. This weekly was one of the most spirited newspapers and its interpretations are colorful though perhaps not objective. Svenska litterara sallskapet de nio. Arsbok. Upsala College. Kenilworth, N. Y., and East Orange, N. J., 1918-1930. A college literary annual. Svenska Minnesota bladet. Red Wing, Minn., 1869. A weekly which soon was absorbed by Minnesota tidning, which in turn became Svenska monitoren in 1870. 178 Svenska missionsbladet i New York . . . [C] New York, 1887. A religious periodical which was absorbed by New Yorkbladet. Svenska missionsbladet. [C] Grand Rapids, 1903. A periodical which failed after only one number. Svenska monitoren. St. Paul and Minneapolis, 1870-1872. A continuation of Minnesota tidning. A weekly which met with little success. Svenska monitoren. Sioux City, 1895-1939. A weekly which became Lu- theran monitor in 1939. Svenska monitorens midsommarnummer, 1916. A very interesting and valu- able midsummer number of Svenska monitoren of Sioux City, la. Svenska nationalbiblioteket. En manadsskrift for romaner, poesi m. m. Chi- cago, 1882-1883. Svenska nordvastern. Spokane, 1907-1920. A weekly newspaper which is a good source on the Swedes in the Pacific Northwest. Backhand claims this paper continued until 1927. Svenska nybyggaren. St. Paul and Minneapolis, 1872-1876. A weekly politi- cal newspaper. Svenska nyheter. Boston, 1913-1918. A weekly. Svenska nyheter. Chicago, 1901-1906. A weekly continuation of Humoristen; absorbed by Svenska tribunen, July, 1906. Svenska nyheter. New York, 1893. Svenska nyketerhets-tidningen Templar-bladet. Jamestown, 1891- ? This in- formation is perhaps incorrect. It may not have started before 1897. In 1909 it was moved to Hartford, Conn., and sometimes it carried Collins- ville, Conn., or East Orange, N. J. as the place of publication. Svenska Pacific-tribunen. Seattle, 1914-1946. A weekly which was a con- tinuation of Pacific tribunen. In 1946 it was absorbed by Svenska posten. The volume number of Svenska Pacific-tribunen was retained by Svenska posten. Svenska posten. Rockford, 1911-1918. This weekly was formerly Rockford posten. Svenska posten. Chicago, 1876-1877. Changed name in 1877 to Svenska amerikanaren. A weekly newspaper. Svenska posten. Brooklyn, New York, and Omaha, 1880-1894. A weekly started in New York in 1880, in Brooklyn from 1881-1884 and New York from 1884-1886. After October of 1886 it was moved to Omaha. Svenska posten. Seattle, 1936-. A weekly representing the merger of Puget Sound posten, Oregon posten, and Svenska journalen. In 1943 it ab- sorbed Svenska pressen of Spokane. Svenska pressen. Omaha, 1903-1906. A weekly newspaper with strong Covenant leanings. Absorbed by Minneapolis veckoblad. Svenska pressen. Vancouver, 1930-1937. A weekly newspaper continued as Nya svenska pressen. Since 1942 Nya svenska pressen has been pub- lished in English. Svenska pressen. Kansas City, Mo., 1901. A weekly newspaper which changed name in 1901 to Kansas City tribun. 179 Svenska pressen. Spokane, 1932-1943. This weekly was either discontinued or merged with Svenska posten on May 20, 1943. Svenska pressen. Tacoma or Seattle, 1908-1914. A weekly. Probably merged with Westerns tribun in 1914 into Svenska Pacific tribunen. Svenska republikanen i Norra Amerika. Galva and Chicago, 1856-1858. A weekly newspaper. Svenska revyen. Detroit, June, 1897. Doubtful if more than this number was published of this literary journal. Svenska roman bladet. Red Wing and Minneapolis, 1889-1917. A magazine of fiction which was absorbed by Romanjournalen. Svenska socialisten. Rockford and Chicago, 1905-1921. Scattered copies are found of this weekly socialist newspaper for 1909-1921. In 1921 its name was changed to Facklan of which no numbers are found. Svenska standaret. Chicago, 1911-1940. The official organ of the Baptist General Conference since 1911. Name was changed to Standard in 1940. It was a continuation of Nya wecko-posten. Svenska sydvestern. Kansas City, Mo., 1895-1899. A continuation of Arbe- tarens van; in 1897, name simplified by dropping of "Svenska.'' Svenska tidningen och Skandia. Kansas City, Mo., 1895-1898. Formerly this weekly newspaper was published at Sioux City, la., as Skandia, a Kan- sas City edition of Svenska journalen of Omaha. Svenska tribunen. Chicago, 1877-1906. A most important weekly. When SveTtska tribunen and Svenska nyheter merged in 1906, the name was changed to Svenska tribunen nyheter. Svenska tribunen. Seattle, 1922-1946. A weekly newspaper. Svenska tribunen nyheter. Chicago, 1906-1936. A very important weekly absorbed in 1936 by Svenska amerikanaren which became Svenska amerikanaren tribunen. Svenska universalisten. Minneapolis, 1887. A Universalist periodical. Svenska Vancouver posten. Vancouver, 1910-1914. A weekly newspaper. Svenska veckobladet. Grand Rapids, 1887-1890. Svenska veckobladet. McKeesport, Pa., 1890-1919. A weekly. Svenska veckobladet. Omaha and Kansas City, 1884-1891. A weekly which changed name to Facklan. Svenska varlden. Chicago, 1904-1908. A weekly which was absorbed by Svenska amerikanaren. Svenske arbetaren. Chicago, 1883-1884. A continuation of Svenska arbetaren. Svithiod. Des Moines, 1883-1903. A weekly. Absorbed by Svenska folkets tidning, Minneapolis. Svithiod journalen. Blue Island and Mount Morris, 111., 1898-. The official organ of the Svithiod Order, a fraternal organization. Swea. Chicago, 1880-1881. A fiction magazine. Swedish American citizen. Holdrege, Neb., 1888-1889. A weekly. Swedish-American forum. Dorchester, Mass., April-June, 1929. 180 Swedish-American historical bulletin. St. Peter, Minn., 1928-1932. Swedish-American trade journal. Official bulletin of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America. New York, 1916-1933. Swedish blue book; a Swedish -American directory and yearbook for Chi- cago. Chicago, 1927-1930. Swedish Chamber of Commerce of New York in the interest of trade be- tween the United States and Sweden. Bulletin. New York, 1915. Swedish Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America. Yearbook. New York, 1907-1932. Swedish Citizen. Galva and Moline, 1880-1881. A weekly newspaper which continued as Citizen in 1881. Swedish Club news. Chicago, 1912-1913. A monthly. Swedish directory of Cleveland, Ohio, 1898. Swedish Engineer's Society of Chicago. Membership Book. 1909-1914, 1916- 1919, 1923, 1925-1929. Swedish Engineer's Society yearbook. Chicago, 1909, 1910, 1912-1914, 1917- 1919, 1923, 1925, 1929. Swedish Engineer's Society of Detroit. Bulletin. Detroit, 1924. Swedish Historical Society of America. Bulletin. St. Peter, Minn., 1928-1932. Swedish Historical Society of America. Yearbook. Chicago and St. Paul, 1907-1926. Also called Svensk-amerikanska sallskapets arsbok, or Svenska historiska sallskapets i Amerika arsbok. Swedish National Sanatorium journal. Denver, 1930. (May have begun in 1922.) Swedish Pacific press (Svenska pressen) . Seattle, 1908-1914. A weekly which had begun as Vaktaren. Swedish pioneer historical quarterly. Rock Island, 1949- . Svenske republikanan i Norra Amerika. Galesburg and Chicago, 1856-1858. A weekly newspaper. Swedish societies' old people's annual. Home Association. Chicago, 1924- 1928. Sydvestern. Kansas City, Mo., 1897-1899. A weekly newspaper which was a continuation of Svenska sydvestern. Tabitha. Kvartalsskrift fran Bethesda diakonisshem. St. Paul, 1909-1914. A monthly periodical published in the interest of the Bethesda Deaconess Home. Tacoma posten. Tacoma, 1905-1907. Weekly newspaper which changed its name to Puget Sound posten in 1907. Tacoma tribunen. Tacoma, 1890-1902. A weekly newspaper which merged with Westra posten into Westerns tribun in 1902. Templar-bladet. Jamestown, Brooklyn, Collinsville, Orange, and Hartford, 1897-1921. A temperance monthly. Templarbladet. Templarordens tidning. Cleveland. A temperance periodical. Templaren. Brooklyn, 1887-1888. A temperance monthly. Continuation of Tidens jrdgor. 181 Texas bladet. [M] Hutto, Austin, Elgin, and Georgetown, 1900-1909. Became a weekly in 1908 and was absorbed by Texas posten in 1909. Texas correspondenten. n. p., Oct. 1883. This is only an announcement called in Swedish "flygblad." Only one number published. Texas posten. Austin, 1896-. This represents the best source on the history of the Swedes in Texas. Thule. New York, 1910. A monthly. Tiden. Providence, 1888-1890. A weekly newspaper from 1888 to 1890. Tidens fragor. New York, 1885-1887. A temperance journal which con- tinued as Templaren. Tidens tecken. [SDA] Brookfield, 111., 1907-1918. This religious periodical represented a continuation of Tidens tecken and Sions vaktare. Tidningen fria ordet. St. Paul, 1896-1896. A weekly published by the former owner of Minnesota posten for a short time. It might have been called just Fria ordet. Tidskrift. Evangeliska luthersk tidskrift. Red Wing, Minn., 1877-1878. Tidskrift for Svensk evangelisk luthersk kyrkohistoria i N. Amerika. Rock Island, 1898-1899. Continued as Augustana theological quarterly. This religious periodical has unusual historical merits as a source on the early period of the Swedish Lutheran Church in America. Tidskrift. Kristlig filosofisk tidskrift. For beframjandet af kristlig religions kunskap. Minneapolis, 1887-1889. Till werksamhet. Wahoo, Neb., and Rock Island, 1885-1886. A publication aimed to promote the interests of Luther Academy. Changed name to Wahoobladet and later it was absorbed by Nykterhetsbasunen. Tjanaren. Sylwan, Pierce Co., Wash., 1906-1930. A non-sectarian religious periodical begun in Berwick, la. Trasdockan. Chicago, 1913-1932. A publication of the Swedish Engineers' Society of Chicago. Tribunen-nyheters kalender och almanack. Chicago, 1908, 1910. A calendar. Trons-harold. Chicago. A Pentecostal paper which merged with San- ningens vittne into Sanningens vittne och trons h'drold which is still being published by the Philadelphia Church of Chicago. Trons seger. [B] Minneapolis, 1888-1890. Trons seger. Manadsskrift egnad att forharliga Gud genom nans barns stad- fastande i tron och syndarens fralsning. [B] Chicago, 1888-1890. Moved to Minneapolis before ceasing publication. Typografer. Worcester, 1899-1900. A publication of the Swedish-American Typographical Society of Worcester. Ungdoms-stjarnan. [B] Chicago and Minneapolis, 1907-1910. A periodical for young people. Ungdomens sandebud. Moline, 1889-1891. A periodical for young people. It became Young jieople's inessenger of the Augustana Synod. Ungdomens tidning. Burlington, la., 1898-1901. A religious periodical for young people. 182 Ungdoms-tidningen. [B] Chicago, 1896-1897. A periodical for young people. It was moved to Burlington, la., and merged with Fyrbaken into Baneret. It was later moved to Minneapolis and became Minneapolis baneret and was discontinued in 1911. Ungdomens tidning. Chicago, 1892. A short lived Lutheran youth monthly. Ungdomstjernan. [B] [St. Paul?]. Ungdoms-vannen. Chicago and Moline, 1879-1887. A Lutheran youth monthly first published in Chicago and in 1881 moved to Moline. Here it began to come out two times a month in 1885. Two years later it was absorbed by Hem-vannen, an illustrated weekly. It was also printed in Rock Island, 1884-1887. Ungdoms vannen. Omaha, 1893. A short lived religious periodical for young people. Ungdomsvannen. [L] Rock Island, 1902-1918. This illustrated journal repre- sents Swedish-American cultural interests perhaps better than any other journal. It was a continuation of Ungdoms-vannen No. 2. It was forced to discontinue in 1918 because of its strong German sympathies. Ungdoms-vannen No. 2. St. Paul and Minneapolis, 1895-1899. This illus- trated journal of Augustana ties represents an effort to revive the former Ungdoms-vannen published during 1879-1887. It was moved to Rock Is- land in 1899. Here it continued as Ungdomsvannen after 1902. Ungdoms-wannen. Illustrerad tidskrift for framjande af sann Gudsfruk- tan . . . Chicago, Moline, St. Paul, Minneapolis, and Rock Island, 1879- 1918. An Augustana youth periodical published in Rock Island by the Augustana Book Concern after 1884. Was later discontinued and revived again in 1895. Then it was published in Minneapolis from 1895-1899, and in Rock Island from 1900-1918. Title later appears to be Ungdoms- vannen. Upplysningens tidehvarf. Filosofisk religios tidning for det svenska folket i Amerika. Hutchinson, Glencoe, and Grove City, Minn., 1877-1881. Utah-korrespondenten. Salt Lake City, 1894-1915. A weekly of great im- portance as a source on the Swedes in Utah. Utah missionaren. [L] Salt Lake City, 1889-1891. Utah-posten. Salt Lake City, 1900-1935. A Mormon weekly started in 1900 and discontinued in 1935. It is an important source on the Swedes in Utah. Utah skandinav. Salt Lake City, 1874-1877. Vagbrytaren. Minneapolis, 1892-1893. A temperance organ. Vagledaren. Chicago, 1887, 1916. Vaktaren. [M] Chicago, 1889. Absorbed by Sandebudet. Vaktaren. Evangelisk luthersk missions- och traktattidning. Rock Island and Chicago, 1904-1905. A monthly. Vaktaren. Omaha, 1868. A weekly newspaper which continued as Scandias stjerna. 183 Vaktaren. Seattle, Portland, and San Francisco, 1902-1908. A weekly news- paper which changed name to Swedish Pacific press. Vaktare. Zions vaktare och sanningens harold. En religios politisk vecko- tidning for kyrkan och hemmet. [SDA] Battle Creek, 1893-1895. Vara forfaders dag. Chicago, 1890. Illustrated journal. Varmland, var hembygd. Arsskrift utg. av Vermlands nation of Chicago. Chicago, 1926-1930. Christmas publication. Vart hem. Evangelisk luthersk illustrerad tidning. Rock Island, 1909-1913. Vart hem. Minneapolis, Spring Lake, and St. Paul, 1890-1897. This weekly began in 1890 at Spring Lake and was moved to Minneapolis toward the end of 1892. In 1895 it was moved to St. Paul after absorbing Folkets nyheter. Vart kyrkohem. Evangelisk luthersk illustrerad tidning. Duquesne and Munhall, Pa., 1904. Vart land. Jamestown, 1890-1920. A continuation of Osterns vaktare. An important weekly newspaper. It was absorbed by Wart nya hem. Vart nya hem. En illustrerad manadsskrift egnad at skonliteratur och all- mannyttiga amnen. Chicago, 1873-1874. An illustrated journal devoted to literature. Vart nya hem. Jamestown, 1884-1891. A weekly which was a continuation of Folkets rost; in 1891, absorbed by Vart land. Var nya kyrkotidning. Traktat- och nyhetsblad for Providence-distriktet af Svenska lutherska New York-konferensen. Rock Island, and Pontiac, R. I., 1903-1915. Vasterns missionstidning. Tacoma and Seattle, Wash., 1921-1934. A monthly which was the official organ of North Pacific Coast Conference of the Covenant Church. Vastra harolden. Oakland, Calif., 1898. A weekly newspaper which died very shortly. Valkyrian. Illustrerad manadsskrift. New York, 1897-1909. An illustrated monthly which was absorbed by Ungdomsvannen of Rock Island. It represents the best Swedish -American literature. Vasa stjernan. Jamestown, 1908- . A monthly publication of the Vasa Order prior to 1917. It was also published at Minneapolis and perhaps at Chicago and is still being published as Vasastjarnan at Fair Lawn. N. J. Vasastjarnan. Julnummer 1915. Minneapolis, 1915. Veckobladet. [C] Minneapolis, 1906-1935. A continuation of Minneapolis weckoblad. Absorbed Linnea. Vega. Boston, 1889-1890. An illustrated literary monthly. Venersborg nyheter. Venersborg, Wash., April, 1911. Published by Swedish Land and Colonization Co. Verdandi. New York, 1912. A small temperance publication which was to be published two times a month. Doubtful if it survived its first num- ber, April 11, 1912. 184 Vesterlandet. Minneapolis and Stillwater, 1894-1898. A continuation of Wagbrytaren, a Good Templar organ. A weekly newspaper which was started in Minneapolis and moved to Stillwater in 1896. Vestern-amerikanen. Minneapolis, 1912. A weekly which was a continua- tion of Odalmannen. Vestern. Kansas City, Denver, and Omaha, 1885. A weekly which was a continuation of Svenska hdrolden and Colorado posten; later absorbed by Svenska amerikanaren. Vestern svenska tribun. Omaha, 1903-1904. A weekly newspaper which represented a continuation of Lincoln svenska tribun. It was shortly absorbed by Omaha posten. Vestern. (Svensk frisinnad veckotidning.) Eureka, San Francisco, and Oakland, 1907-1909. Vestkusten. San Francisco and Oakland, 1887-1952. This weekly news- paper started as Ebenezer, a local Augustana parish paper. After only one number the name was changed to Vestkusten, which became a political newspaper. It has been published continuously in San Fran- cisco except for April -August of 1906 when it was published in Oak- land. It is a most important source on Swedes in California. Vestra harolden. Oakland, 1898. A weekly newspaper. Vestra sandebudet. San Francisco and Oakland, 1889-1914. A weekly news- paper. Sometimes spelled Vdstra sandebudet. Vid aftonbrasan. Romantidning for den svenska befolkningen i Amerika. Chicago, 1876-1877. A fiction magazine. Vikingen. Chicago and Mount Morris, 1899-. A publication of the Inde- pendent Order of Vikings published at Mount Morris since 1912. Vikingen. Jamestown, 1876. A humorous periodical. Very few copies. Vikingen julnummer, 1908. Seattle, 1908. Vikingen. Moline and Omaha, 1894-1905. A competitor of Nya pressen but in 1895 urged subscribers to subscribe to Nya pressen. Moved to Omaha for a couple of numbers in 1896 then back to Moline, and again to Omaha. Viking. Fremont, Neb., 1906-1907. A superior illustrated monthly periodical. Vinter-ros. Berattelser for barn och ungdom. Chicago, 1907, 1913-1915. An annual. Vinterrosor. Illustrerad kalender. [M] Chicago, 1903-1912. An excellent illustrated calendar. Vintersol. Rock Island and Brooklyn, 1924- . A monthly published for the Swedish Augustana Home for the Aged in Brooklyn. Vintervy fran Ostervag. Illustrerad kalender. Worcester, 1912. Wagbrytaren. Minneapolis and St. Paul, 1891- 1894. Official organ of the Good Templars. It continued as Vesterlandet in 1894. Wahoo-bladet. [L] Wahoo, Neb., 1888-1890. A monthly temperance pub- lication which merged with Nykterhetsbasunen. Wart hem. Minneapolis, Spring Lake, and St. Paul, 1891-1894. A weekly newspaper. Sometimes spelled Vdrt hem. 185 Wart land och folk. Chicago, 1886-1888. A weekly which was a continua- tion of Nad och sanning; in 1888, absorbed by Hemvannen. Wart nya hem. Jamestown, 1884-1891. This weekly newspaper was a con- tinuation of Folkets rbst. .It was in turn absorbed by Vart land. Wart nya hem. Kansas City, 1871-1872. A weekly newspaper which changed name to Western. Wart nya hem. Kearney, Neb., 1877. A weekly newspaper. Western. Eureka, San Francisco, and San Jose, 1907-1909. A weekly news- paper. Western. Kansas City, Mo., 1872. A weekly newspaper which was a con- tinuation of Wart nya hem. Western Lutheran. Olympia, 1937-. A monthly. Western news. Denver, 1941- . A weekly newspaper published in English as a continuation of Westerns nyheter. Westerns missionsblad. [C] San Francisco, 1892-1895. Westerns nyheter. Denver, 1928-1941. A weekly newspaper which is an important source on the Swedes of Colorado. It is a continuation of Svensk-amerikanska western since 1928. Western tribun. Seattle, 1902-1903. A weekly newspaper which was a con- tinuation of Westra posten and Tacoma tribunen; in 1903, name changed to Pacific tribune. Westra posten. Omaha, 1879-1883. A weekly newspaper. Westra posten. Tacoma and Seattle, 1891-1902. A weekly newspaper which merged with Tacoma tribunen into Western tribun in 1902. Wisconsin svenska tribun. Superior, 1890-1904. A weekly newspaper which changed name to Svenska amerikanska tribunen. Worcester-bladet. Worcester, 1890. Worcester veckoblad. Worcester, 1886-1887. A weekly newspaper which continued as Skandinavia. Worker. Moline, 1890. A political campaign paper written in both English and Swedish. Young Lutheran companion. Rock Island, 1907-1911. A continuation of Augustana journal and became Lutheran companion. Young observer. Rock Island, 1892-1894. A literary monthly published to promote the Augustana University Association. Became the organ of the Alumni Association. Young people's messenger. Moline, 1901-1911. A continuation of Ung- domens sandebud. Young people's beacon, 1929. A monthly published by the Young People's Covenant of Massachusetts and Northern New England. Zions baner. Evangelisk luthersk missions- och familjetidning. Galesburg, Keokuk, and Knoxville, 1871-1879. Chief organ of the Ansgarii Synod. Absorbed by Chicago bladet. Sometimes spelled Sions-baner. It rep- resented a group which affiliated with the General Synod. Zions-stjarnan. Salt Lake City, 1896-1906. A Lutheran anti-Mormon peri- odical. 186 Zions vaktare. [B] Chicago, 1871. A monthly discontinued after the Chi- cago fire; mentioned in Zions vakt of 1874 which was a continuation of Zions vaktare. Zions vaktare. Chicago, 1892. A religious periodical. Zions wakt. [B] Chicago, 1874-1876. A monthly which was a continuation of Zions vaktare. In 1875 it was moved to Minneapolis. Zions wakt torn och harold af Kristi narvaro. Pittsburgh, [1884]. A trans- lation of the periodical published by C. T. Russel. It is unknown how often a Swedish translation was published. At any rate it must have happened very irregularly. 187 Chapter Ten ARCHIVE MATERIALS The student of emigration from Sweden and immigration to America should turn his attention to America letters and a mass of primary sources which do not lend themselves to a ready classification. These sources are to be found chiefly in a few libraries or archives in Sweden and America. In Sweden these consist of the Royal Library, Nordiska Museet, Riksar- kivet, the three university libraries, and the provincial archives as well as the archives of Bethel Seminary of Stockholm and other libraries. In Amer- ica these sources are found represented in a richer amount at the National Archives, the Augustana College Library, the Bethel College and Seminary Library, the North Park College Library, the Gustavus Adolphus College Library, the Minnesota State Historical Library, etc. The manuscript collection of Swedish-Americana at the Royal Library consists essentially of letters written by Ernst Skarstedt, Oliver A. Linder. and Johan A. Enander to Bernard Lundstedt who had sought information from these men while preparing his guide to the Swedish-American press. The Royal Library has an interesting collection of pictures from "little Sweden in America" as well as a collection of "almanacks" since 1871. A number of posters and flysheets prepared by steamship companies and land agents are also to be found though these are not classified or catalogued. Nordiska Museet has a small collection of America letters and a number of pictures. This collection of "Swedish -Americana" was begun by Gunnar Granberg. Riksarkivet has the reports of the Swedish legation in Washington, D. C, as well as the correspondence of the consular service and letters written by immigrants to the legation and consuls. Another important collection of the department of foreign affairs is the one which deals with inheritances. It has seldom been used by the student of emigration. The university libraries of Uppsala, Gothenburg, and Lund have collec- tions of "Swedish-Americana," but they have few America letters. Of course, the Peter Wieselgren collection at the Gothenburg Stadsbibliotek contains a number of letters from Erland Carlsson, L. P. Esbjorn, T. N. Hasselquist, P. Sjoblom and others. The Gustaf Unonius library has been turned over to the University of Uppsala Library. In the Uppsala Landsarkiv are to be found among other things the Anna Lindewall collection of letters, clippings, and other materials pertaining to the Eric Jansonist movement in Sweden and the Bishop Hill Colony in Illi- nois. The many provincial archives and parish rectorates preserve the im- portant local church records which might be of interest. The Bethel Seminary of Stockholm has a collection of letters to and from J. A. Edgren, R. E. Jeansson, Fredrick O. Nilsson, Andrew Norelius, Gustaf Palmquist, Anders Wiberg and others. Gunnar Westin published some of these letters in his Ur den svenska folkvackelsens historia och tankev'drld. 188 The collection contains also reports of Baptist leaders and colporteurs to the American Baptist Publication Society during 1856-1866 and to the Ameri- can Baptist Missionary Union during 1866-1898. Riksforeningen has a miscellaneous library collection at its headquarters in Gothenburg. It is not nearly as valuable as the private library of Otto Robert Landelius of Grabo. This is perhaps the most extensive "biographi- cal" library on Swedes in America found anywhere. The archives and libraries in America are more rewarding to the stu- dents who seek primary sources on the Swedish immigrants. The National Archives of Washington, D. C. contains invaluable material on Swedish im- migration to America in form of reports of ministers and consuls, materials described by Florence Janson. (See bibliography.) But the most extensive collection of materials on the Swedes in America is to be found at Augus- tana College. At the Augustana College Library are to be found the very valuable newspaper and periodical clippings belonging to the Linder Collection and the Swan scrap book materials. These contain information on almost any Swede in America of any importance prior to 1935. Here are deposited the records of the Augustana Synod and the Augustana College and Theologi- cal Seminary. The records of the church and the college are of almost every conceivable description. They include the papers of L. G. Abraham - son, G. A. Brandelle, Erland Carlsson, P. A. Cederstam, L. P. Esbjorn, T. N. Hasselquist, O. Olsson, Erik Norelius, S. P. A. Lindahl, Jonas Swens- son, O. C. T. Andren, Gustav Andreen, etc. There are also letters written by prominent laymen of the church such as Jonas Engberg and Johan A. Enander. In addition there are numerous autobiographies, diaries, reports of com- mittees, financial records, pastoral reports, original minutes of the synod and conferences, historical accounts of churches, constitutions, and all the records of the college and the seminary. Besides these documentary sources are vast amounts of materials which have not been classified. New ma- terials and collections are being constantly added. Recently Oscar G. Eric- son of Rock Island presented a small but valuable collection to the library consisting of materials pertaining to the Swedes in the I.O.G.T. in America. The Bethel College and Seminary Library has less materials than Au- gustana. Yet a complete listing of specific items found at Bethel Seminary in form of primary sources would cover several pages. These sources in- clude Bethel Academy and College annual reports, minutes of committees, financial records, reports of committees, notes and manuscripts on the his- tory of Swedish Baptists, unpublished minutes of conferences and churches as well as the papers of C. G. Lagergren, J. A. Edgren, Eric Sandell, F. O. Nilsson, and many others. It contains a number of diaries of which those of Olof Peterson (1860-1870) ; F. O. Nilsson (1855-1865) ; and Andrew Peter- son (1855-1898) are the most important. There are also to be found brief histories of churches in manuscript form. The library contains a large col- lection of jubilee publications of local churches and various printed records and reports. At neither the Royal Library nor Augustana College are to be found the catalogues of Bethel College and Seminary nor its Bulletins. These would be found at Bethel. The North Park College Collections or the Collections of the Covenant 189 Historical Commission compare favorably with the historical collections at Bethel College. They include the papers of Charles Victor Bowman, A. L. Skoog, Erik August Skogsberg, David Nyvall, C. B. Johnson, C. E. Back- strom, A. G. Nelson, Axel Mellander, Nils W. Lund, C. A. Bjork, E. G. Hjerpe, Henning Gustafson, A. T. Frykman, Carl Hanson, and biographies, minutes, financial records, etc. At Gustavus Adolphus College Library a collection of important docu- ments is to be found. Most of these are related to the Minnesota Con- ference and to Gustavus Adolphus College and include the papers of the presidents of the Minnesota conference and those of the college presidents. E. Norelius papers for the years 1895-1898 are to be found here. There are also a large number of obituaries and biographies, minutes of the Min- nesota Conference, minutes of the board of directors of the college, pastoral reports, recommendations, records and reports including those of the Au- gustana Missionary Society, 1885-1920, financial reports of the Mission Board, 1868-1870, 1915-24 etc., the Augustana Church Building fund, and the records of Minnesota College including the papers of Frank Nelson. At Bethany College and Upsala College few significant documents are to be found except those of local importance and pertaining to the respective colleges. At Bethany College are to be found documents pertaining to the origin of the Swedish settlement at Lindsborg and the papers of Carl A. Swensson. The Swedish Methodist Historical Library of Evanston, Illinois, has one of the smaller collections of documents and manuscripts including minutes of various organizations within the Swedish Methodist Conferences, records of the Epworth Society, the N. O. Westergren papers including his diary, financial records, ledgers, cashbooks, abstracts and similar documents. If this bibliography were consulted on newspapers and periodicals, it would be discovered that the catalogues and bulletins of most of the col- leges and seminaries above have not been preserved by the Royal Library or Augustana College. These are important primary sources for which one would have to go to the respective colleges. While the archives at Augustana College would provide a great deal of information on the general contributions of the Swedish immigrants, the archives of the other colleges would provide almost no material of interest outside of the church of such a college. The American Swedish Historical Museum in Philadelphia should have much material of interest. Attention is especially called to its John Ericsson Collection. The Mormons in Utah have considerable material on Scandinavians in the State of Utah and the archives of the Utah Historical Society should be consulted. Here is to be found a typed copy of William Mulder's master s thesis entitled Utah's Nordic Language Press: Aspect and Instrument of Culture. The New York State Historical Society has fairly recently received a Jenny Lind Collection which might have a definite interest. Various pub- lic libraries might be in possession of material of interest. The New Ulm City Library has a Governor John A. Johnson Collection. The Minnesota State Historical Society has undoubtedly one of the best collections of archive material on the Swedes. This collection is largely founded upon the Swedish Historical Society of America's Collections which 190 are permanently stored in the Library of the Minnesota State Historical Society. Any other material found in this library would deal almost en- tirely with Swedes in Minnesota. The major items in the collections of the Minnesota State Historical So- ciety should be mentioned. The Christopher C. Andrews papers, 1854-1922, contain documents and papers especially related to economics and politics. The Edward Lafot and family papers, 1833-1933, are also of importance as are the Magnus Johnson papers, 1933-1934. The John Lind papers, 1870- 1933, are also to be found there. The complicated problem of source classi- fication within any such "narrow" lines as those of this bibliography could be easily illustrated by Stephenson's study of John Lind. This study brought Stephenson into contact with the Ignatius Donnelly papers, William W. Fol- well papers, Knute Nelson papers, James A. Tawney papers, and William Jennings Bryan papers. Then there are the Axel Lindegard papers, 1861- 1931, which contain material of interest on both religion and politics. The Hans Mattson and his family papers, 1855-1939, are not very complete. Andrew Peterson papers cover the period, 1854-1931. The Henry George Teigan papers, 1916-1941, include correspondence with a number of Swedes active in Minnesota politics such as Elmer A. Benson, Ernest Lundeen, and Magnus Johnson. The Andrew A. Stomberg papers, 1895-1945, contain letters, newspaper clippings and articles about Swedes in America. The Ed- ward Sundell papers, 1882-1926, are chiefly of interest for the light they throw on Chauncey Depew and New York politics. Victor E. Lawson has collected over a period of many years considerable material on the Swedes, especially in Minneosta, and has established a special home for this collection at Willmar. The Lawson collection contains relatively few manuscripts, though his own papers are of importance as he played an important role in the history of Minnesota as a politician and newspaperman. The Knox College Library has the Philip J. Stoneberg papers, consist- ing of numerous materials, largely pertaining to the Bishop Hill colony. The historian is truly amazed as he examines the primary and secondary sources dealing with the role of the Swedish immigrants in America, a group which constitutes slightly more than one per cent of our total popu- lation. He feels a sense of great indebtedness to those men and women, whose roles have often been unsung, who gathered and preserved the ma- terials which constitute the major portion of this bibliography. Ke regrets the failure of others to share in this responsibility and the inability of the sons and daughters of Swedish immigrants to co-operate in establishing and maintaining a central depository for the records of their parents and grandparents. Augustana College has long sought to serve as such a cen- tral depository, but with the passing of each generation the college has found that this service is more difficult to render. 191 20. Regional Conflicts around Geneva. By Adda B. Bozeman (1949) (for exchange only; trade edition for sale bv Stanford University Press, $5.00) 21. Geology of the Northwest Flank of the Gros Ventre Mountains, Wyoming. By Frank Albert Swenson (1949) 1.50 22. The Swedish Theatre of Chicago, 1868-1950. By Henriette C. K. Naeseth (1951) 3.00 23. Structural Geology and Physiography of the Northern End of the Teton Range, Wyoming. By Rudolph William Edmund (1951) 1.50 24. The Resistance of the Air to Stone -dropping Meteors. By Harry E. Nelson (1953) 1.00 25. The Port of Milwaukee. By Edward Hamming (1953) 2.00 26. The John Hauberg Historical Essays. By O. Fritiof Ander, ed. (1954) 2.50 27. The Cultural Heritage of the Swedish Immigrant: Selected Refer- ences. By O. Fritiof Ander (1956) 3.00 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS URBANA 016 3252485AN2C C001 THE CULTURAL HERITAGE OF THE SWEDISH IMM