1 Issued November 8, 1889 " : : [From the Proceedings of the Boston Societt of Natural History, Vol. xxiv, 1889.] LIST OF FUNGI, COLLECTED IN 1884 ALONG THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD. BY A. B. SEYMOUR. The fungi enumerated in this list were collected by the author in August and September, 1884, along the line of the Northern ( 182 ) Seymour.] 183 IFeb. 6, Pacific Railroad. Beginning at St. Paul, Aug. 21, short stops and hurried collections were made at various points until Sept. 23rd. The dates and localities of collecting are as follows : August 21, St. Paul, Minnesota, “ 22, Brainerd and Detroit, Minnesota, “ 23, Fargo, Dakota, “ 25, Valley City, Dakota, “ 26, Jamestown, “ “ 28, 29 and 30, Bismarck, Dakota. September 2, Medora, Dakota, “ 3, Miles City, Montana, “ 4, Billings, “ “ 6, Livingston, “ “ 8, Bozeman, “ “ 11 and 12, Helena, Montana, “ 15, Sand Point, Idaho, “ 17, Wallula, Washington, “ 19, Thompson Falls, Montana, “ 23, Minneapolis and Lake Minnetonka, Minnesota. A few other localities are mentioned in the list, represented by specimens picked up at points where the train stopped. Species distributed in exsiccati from this collection are so noted. For aid in the determinations, I am indebted to Drs. W. G-. Farlow and P. Magnus and especially to the lamented Dr. Winter. CHYTRIDIACEJE. Synchytrium decipiens , Fail., on Amphicarpce a monoica , plenti- ful ; Bismarck, Dakota. PERONOSPOREJE. Peronospora Halstedii , Farl.,on Pudbeckia laciniata ; Fargo and Valley City, Dak. Peronospora ribicola , Sclirt., Jahresbericht d. Schles. Gesellsch. 1883, p. 179 ; Plasmopara ribicola , Sclirt. Krypt. FI. Schles. Vol. hi, p. 238, where it is described as follows : “Rasen fleckenweise, sehr locker, weiss. Conidientrager straff aufrecht, 2-4 mm. hoch, mit 3-5 aufrecht abstehenden graden Aesten, meist in eine End- spitze auslaufend ; Aeste grade, die untern mit 3-5 graden Seitenas- ten ; Endastchen grade, verschmalert, abgestutzt. Conidien kurz elliptisch, 15-20 y. lang, 1 1-13/jt breit, mit fiacher Papille* Keimung 184 [Seymour. nicht beobaclitet. Oosporen unbekannt. Auf Blatten von Ribes rubrum.” The Minnesota specimens show conidia 11.7-17^ by 13-21/x ; oospores smooth or obscurely roughened, nearly filling the oogon- ium and closely invested b}'its thin, fuliginous wall, 25.5 to 35.7^. The papilla of the conidium is seen with difficulty and appears more like an inward thickening of the wall than as an external promi- nence. On leaves of Ribes hirtellum. Detroit, Minn. Peronospora parasitica , (P.) Tub, on Lepidium ; Jamestown, Dak. Peronospora Artliuri , Farb, on Oenothera biennis; Sand Point, Idaho. Oospores 15.6 to 39, a. Since this species was first published as occurring in Iowa and Minnesota, it has been reported from Illinois, Wisconsin, Missouri, Kansas and New York. To these localities may be added Nan- tasket Beach, Mass., where it was found by the author, June 23, 1885 and Grand Manan, Aug. 13, 1888, K. Miyabe. Peronospora Trifoliorum , DBy. On Astragalus; Bismarck, Dak., Livingston, Mont. Exs. : Fungi Europaei 3576. Cystopus Bliti , (Biv.) Lev. On Amarantus retrojtexus ; St. Paul and Brainerd, Minn., Jamestown, Dak. ERYSIPHEJT. DETERMINED BY F. S. EARLE. Sphcerotheca Humili , (DC.) Burrill., on Viola; Valley City, Dak. Sphcerotheca pannosa, (Wallr.) Lev., on Rosa; Valley City, Dak. Splicer otheca Mors-uvce, (S.) B. & C., on Ribes Jloridum ; Fargo, Dak. Sphcerotheca Castagnei , Lev.’, on Erechtites hieracifolia and Nab- alus sp. Lake Minnetonka, Minn. Hydropliyllum Virginicum; Valley City, Dak. Erysiphe communis , (Wallr.) Schl., on Ranunculus Cymbalaria ; Livingston, Mont. Lathyrus? ; Lake Minnetonka, Minn. Oeno- thera biennis; Kootenai, Idaho. Oenothera sp. ; Bismarck, Dak. Erysiphe Cichoracearum , DC., on Aster, Valley City, Dak. Solidago and Gnicus ; Bozeman, Mont. Heliantlius ; Fargo, Dak. Erysiphe Linkii , Lev., on Artemisia dracunculoides ; Bozeman, Mont. Artemisia sp. ; Valley City, Dak. Also on A. Ludoviciana ; Helena, Mont., Sept., Rev. F. D. Kelsey. ^-2=+^ ‘V \ ^ 8 3. Seymour.] 185 [Feb. 6, j Erysiphe Galeopsidis, DC., on Stacliys palustris ; Detroit, Minn. Uncinula parvula, B. & C., on Celtis ; Wallula, Washington. Uncinula Salicis , (DC.) Wint., on Salix; Lake Minnetonka, Minn., Jamestown and Bismarck, Dak., Bozeman, Mont. Phyllactinia suffulta , (Reb.) Saec., on Betula?; Lake Minne- tonka, Minn. Also on Cornus stoloni/era ; Helena, Mont., Sept. 1888, Rev. F. D. Kelsey. Remarkable for occurring on both sides of the leaf. Podosphcera Oxyacanthce , (DC.) D By., on Prunus (cult.?) ; Liv- ingston, Mont. Spiraea sp., Sand Point, Idaho. Also on Prunus Virginiana ; Helena, Mont., Sept., 1888, Rev. F. D. Kelsey. Microsphcera Alni , (DC.) Wint., on Ceanothus Americanus ; Brainerd, Minn. Syringa vulgaris and Betula; Lake Minnetonka, Minn. Microsphcera diffusa, C. & P., on Lespedeza capitata; Brainerd, Minn. Microsphcera Ravenelii , B. on Lathyrus? ; Detroit, Minn. Microsphcera Symplioricarpi , Howe, on Symphoricarpus ; Valley City, Dak., Bozeman, Mont., Sand Point, Idaho, Cheney, Wash- ington. UREDINEJE. Uromyces Terehinthi , (DC.) Wint., on Rhus Toxicodendron; Val- ley City, Dak. Uromyces Lupini , B. & C.,on Lupinus argenteus ; Bozeman, Mont. Uromyces Genistce-tinctor ice, (F.) , on Trifolium ; Thompson Falls, Mont. Lupinus argenteus ; Livingston, Mont. This is the same as U. Lupini, Sacc., and is characterized by warty apiculate spores with fragile pedicels. U . Lupini , B. & C. has smooth spores and is very different. It is erroneously referred here by Dr. Winter in u Die Pilze,” i, 146, on the authorit} 7 of Thuemen, Myc. Univ. 842. The form on Trifolium has somewhat smaller spores but is not specifically distinct. Uromyces Psoralece, Pk., on Psoralea lanceolata ; Medora, Dak. Uromyces argophyllce, Seymour, in Ell. and Ev. N. Am. Fung. 1862. Spots none ; sori amphigenous, small, scattered, inconspicuous, obscured by the hairs of the leaf ; teleutospores subglobose to ob- long, broadest at, above or below the middle, 17-25 X 22-45 y . ; epispore thin, of uniform thickness or slightly thickened and pap- illate at the apex ; pedicel fragile. Differs from U. Psoralece, Pk. chiefly in longer and narrower spores and more deciduous pedicels. 1889 .] 186 [Seymour. On Psoralea argophylla ; Valley City and Bismarck, Dak. Uromyces sp. on Glycyrrhiza lepidota ; Jamestown and Bismarck, Dak., Miles City and Livingston, Mont. This was called U. Tri- folii by Dr. Winter (in litt.) and distributed under that name in Ell. & Ev. N. Am. Fung. 1876, but I have been unable to satisfy myself with the determination. Uromyces Vicice, (P.) DBy., on Lathyrus ; Brainerd, Minn.; Valley City, Jamestown and Bismarck, Dak. Uromyces Rudbeckice , Arth. and Holw., on Rudbeckia laciniata; Fargo and Valley City, Dak., Livingston, Mont. Exs., Fungi Europsei 3412. Uromyces Euphorbice, C. & P., on Euphorbia marginata ; Miles City, Mont. Euphorbia sp. ; Medora, Dak. Uromyces Polygoni , (P.) Fckl., on Polygonum aviculare; Me- dora, Dak. Uromyces Eriogoni , Ell. Hark., on Eriogonum sp. : ii, Helena, Mont. ; hi, Medora, Dak. ; n, hi, Livingston, Mont. Exs. : Ell. Ev. N. Am. Fung. 1871. Uromyces Junci , (S.) Tul., on Juncus ; Bozeman, Mont. Uromyces Scirpi , Burrill, on Eleocharis ; Jamestown, Dak. Uromyces acuminatus , Arth., on Spartina cynosuroides ; Valley City and Bismarck, Dak. Spartina gracilis ; Medora, Dak. Uromyces Alopecuri, n. sp. II. Sori epiphyllous, small, scattered, inconspicuous, mostly covered by the epidermis ; spores subglobose to elliptical ; epispore rather thick, warty ; size, 12-20 X 15-24 p. III. Sori epiphyllous, small, blackish, covered by the epider- mis ; spores obovate to elliptical, broadly rounded or truncate at the apex, 17-23 X 23-3 2ju ; epispore of nearly equal thickness throughout ; pedicel persistent, as long as the spore or shorter. On Alopecurus geniculatus , var. aristatus ; Brainerd, Minn. Puccinia Anemones- Virginiance, S., on Anemone patens , var. Nuttalliana; Livingston, Mont. Anemone cylindrical Valley City, Dak. Puccinia mirabilissima, Pk., on Berberis repens: n, Helena, Mont. ; ii, hi, Thompson Falls, Mont. Puccinia Violce , DC., on Viola; Valley City and Jamestown, Dak. Puccinia Arenar ice , (Schum.) Wint., on Cerastium arvense; Liv- ingston, Mont. Puccinia Malvastri , Pk., on Malvastrum coccineum: n, in, Al- Seymour.] 187 [Feb. 6, mont, Dak. ; iii, Jamestown and Bismarck, Dak. ; Billings and Helena, Mont. Exs. : Ell. and Ev. N. Am. Fang. 1850; Fungi Europsei 3515. Puccinia Petalostemonis , Farl., on Petalostemon violacens: ii, iii, Jamestown, Dak. ; iii, Valley City and Bismarck, Dak. Exs. : Ell. and Ev. N. Am. Fung. 1844. Puccinia Amorphoe , M. A. Curtis, on Amorpha canescens; Brain- erd and Lake Minnetonka, Minn., Bismarck, Dak. Amorpha fruticosa ; Valley City, Dak. Puccinia Pruni-spinosce, P., on Prunus (Americana?) ; V alley City, Dak. Puccinia Epilobii , DC., on Epilobium paniculatum; Bozeman, Helena and Thompson Falls, Mont. Exs. : Ell. and N. Am. Fung. 1846. Puccinia Pimpinellce , Lk., on Osmorrhiza brevistylis ; Bozeman, Mont. Puccinia Jonesii , Pk., on Cymopterus bipinnatus ; Livingston, Mont. Puccinia Galiorum, Lk., on Galium boreale; Valley City and Jamestown, Dak. ; Helena, Mont. This is apparently the form called P. rubefaciens , Johanson ; see Lagerheim in Hedw. 1889, p. 106, fig. 5. The sori are elliptical or oblong, large, dark, convex. Those commonly seen on Galium, concinnum are punctiform ; on G. Aparine, squarish and usually remaining covered by the epidermis. The uredospores have have been rarely if ever found in the United States and the secidia are rarely if ever seen except on G. Aparine. The host name G. trijlorum in Illinois Uredineje, p. 181, is an error for G. Aparine. Puccinia Kulinice , S., on Kuhnia eupatorioides ; Valley City and Bismarck, Dak. Puccinia Asteris , Duby, on Aster conspicuus; Helena, Mont. Aster sp. ; Fargo, Dak. Puccinia Gr indelice, Pk., on Grindelia squarrosa; Livingston and Helena, Mont. Exs. : Fungi Europsei 3513. Puccinia Helianthi , S., on Helianthus annuus; Miles City, Mont. Helianthus , sp. ; Lake Minnetonka, Minn. Fargo, Valley City, Jamestown, Bismarck, and Medora, Dak., Billings and Miles City, Mont. Puccinia Tanaceti , DC., Artemisia dracunculoides : n, iii, Me- 188 [Seymour. dora, Dak. ; hi, Bismarck, Dak., Livingston and Bozeman, Mont. Artemisia Ludoviciana,' Jamestown, Dak. Exs. : Ell. and Ev. N. Am. Fung. 1848. Puccinia Xanthii , S., on Xanthium Canadense; St. Paul, Minn., Bismarck and Medora, Dak., Miles City, Mont. Ambrosia psilostachya ; Valley City and Medora, Dak., Billings, Mont. Exs. : Ell. and Ev. N. Am. Fung. 1853. Puccinia variolans , Hark., on Actinella acaulis; Livingston, Mont. Puccinia Balsamorrhizce , Pk., on Balsamorrhiza sagittata; Thompson Falls, Mont. Puccinia cladophila, Pk., on Stephanomeria minor ; Livingston, Mont. Differs slightly from the original specimen. Also collected in Washington Terr., Sept., 1883, by Suksdorf ; Spokane Falls, Sept. 24, 1880, Watson; on Stephanomeria run- cinata ; foot hills of Santa Rita Mountains, Ariz., June 1, 1884, Pringle. Exs. : Ell. and Ev. N. Am. Fung. 1839. Puccinia Jlosculosorum , (A. & S.) Roehl., on Cnicus; Fargo, Dak., Billings, Mont. Hieracium ; Fargo and Bismarck, Dak., Billings and Thompson Falls, Mont. Taraxacum ; n, Fargo, Dak. Puccinia Menthcie , P., on Mentlia sp. ; n, m, Brainerd and Lake Minnetonka, Minn. Monarda Jistulosa , Jamestown, Dak., Liv- ingston, Bozeman and Helena, Mont. Puccinia plumbaria , Pk., on Gilia sp. ; Bozeman, Mont. Puccinia Convolvuli , Cast., on Calystegia sepium: n, in, Fargo ; in, Valley City, Dak. Puccinia Gentiance , (Strauss) Lk., on Gentiana Oregana; Hel- ena, Mont. Gentiana sp. ; Jamestown, Dak. Puccinia Polygon i-amphib i i , P., on Polygonum amphibium or allied form ; ii, in, Brainerd and Lake Minnetonka, Minn., Boze- man, Mont. Puccinia angustata , Pk., on Scirpus Eriophorum ; Brainerd and Lake Minnetonka, Minn. Puccinia Caricis , (Sclium.) Reb., on Carex; Bismarck, Dak., Helena, Mont. Puccinia Phragmitis, (Sclium.) Korn., on Spartina cynosuroides ; Valley City and Bismarck, Dak. In the specimens gathered at Valley City the spores are often acuminate. Puccinia Stipce, Artli., on Stipa viridis ; Southeart, Dak. Stipa viridis (?) ; Jamestown, Dak., Helena, Mont. Seymour.] 189 [Feb. 6, Puccinia vexans , Farl., on Bouteloua racemosa ; Valley City and Jamestown, Dak. Puccinia graminis , P., on Bouteloua oligostacliya (?) ; James- town, Dak. Ammophila longifolia; Jamestown, Bismarck and Sweet Briar, Dak. Wheat ; Fargo, Dak., scarce. Oats : n, Bill- ings, Mont. ; hi, Jamestown, Dak. Hordeum jubatum ; Lake Min- netonka, Minn. Puccinia Rubigo-vero ;, (DC.), on Wheat ; Fargo, Valley City and Jamestown, Dak. Agropyrum ; Bismarck, Dak., Thompson Falls, Mont. Hordeum jubatum ; Fargo and Valley City, Dak. Elymus Canadensis; Bismarck, Dak. In some cases these specimens have the ordinary paraphyses with the teleutospores and different capi- tate paraphyses with the uredospores. Elymus ; Fargo and James- town, Dak., Livingston, Mont. In the Livingston specimens, the teleutospores have apical points, suggesting P. coronata , Cda. ; Specimens on an unknown grass from Thompson Falls, Mont., re- semble P. coronata , but have paraphyses like P. Rubigo-vera. P. coronata , Cda., on Oats ; Fargo, Jamestown, Bismarck, Dak. Puccinia tomipara , Trelease, on Bromus ciliatus ; Detroit, Minn. Exs. : Ell. and Ev. N. Am. Fung. 1842. Puccinia emaculata , S., on Panicum capillare; Lake Minnetonka, Minn. Puccinia Andropogi , S., on Andropogon furcatus; Brainerd, Minn., Jamestown and Bismarck, Dak. Andropogon scoparius; Jamestown and Bismarck, Dak. Pliragmidium Frag ar ice, (DC.), on Potentilla Norvegica; hi, He- lena, Mont. Potentilla gracilis , var. rigida; hi, Bozeman, Mont. Potentilla (near P. gracilis) ; hi, Helena, Mont. Pliragmidium Potentillce, (P.), on Potentilla Pennsylvania ; hi, Helena, Mont. This species is characterized by dark colored firm spores and firm pedicels. Pliragmidium mucronatum, (P.) Lk., on Rosa sp. : n, hi, Brain- erd, Minn., Fargo, Dak., Miles City, Livingston and Bozeman, Mont. ; hi, Detroit, Minn., Jamestown, Dak., Helena and Thomp- son Falls, Mont. Pliragmidium Rubi-idaei,( P.)Wint., on Rubus strigosus ; Helena, Mont. Rubus Nutkanus ; Helena and Thompson Falls, Mont. Coleosporium Sonchi-arvensis , (P.) Lev., on Aster macrophyllus ; ii, hi, Brainerd, Minn. Aster conspicuus ; hi, Helena, Mont. Aster sps. ; ii, Brainerd, Minn., Fargo and Valley City, Dak., Bozeman 190 [Seymour. Mont. ; ii, hi, Thompson Falls, Mont. Solidago : n, Medora, Dak., Miles City and Helena, Mont. ; n, hi, Detroit, Minn. Melampsora Lini , Tul., on Linum sp. ; n, hi, Livingston, Mont. Melampsora Epilobii , (P.) Feld., on Epilobium angustifolium ; ii, hi, Brainerd, Minn., Helena and Thompson Falls, Mont., Kootenai and Sand Point, Idaho. Epilobium color atum: n, Boz- eman, Mont., ii, hi ; Livingston and Helena, Mont. Melampsora populina, Lev., on Populus monilifera ; n, hi, James- town and Bismarck, Dak. Populus balsamifera ; n, hi, Helena, Mont. Populus tremuloides ; n, hi, Livingston, Mont. Very in- jurious to young cottonwood trees planted on tree claims. Melampsora salicina , Lev., on Salix sps. : ii, Detroit, Minn., Fargo and Bismarck, Dak., Billings, Livingston and Helena, Mont. ; ii, hi, Bozeman, Mont. Cronartium asclepiadeum, (Willd.) Fr., var. Tliesii , B., on (7o- mandra umbellata; n, hi, Livingston, Mont. Cronartium asclepiadeum , (Willd.) Fr., var. Quercuum, B & C., on Quercus coccinea; Brainerd, Minn. Exs. : Ell. & Ev. N. Am. Fung. 1881 ; Fungi Europsei 3418. uEcidium Euphorbias , P., on Euphorbia sp. ; Miles City, Mont. Poestelia lacerata , (Sow.) Fr., on Crataegus sp. ; Bozeman, Mont. Amelanchier alnifolia ; Livingston and Bozeman, Mont. USTILAGINEJ3E. Ustilago subinclusa , Korn., on Carex trichocarpa , var. Deweyi ; Bismarck, Dak. Exs. : Ell. & Ev. N. Am. Fung. 1889. Ustilago segetum , (Bull.)Ditm., on Oats ; Sand Point, Idaho ; Bil- lings, Mont. Ustilago Rabenliorstiana , Kuhn, on Panicum glabrum ; Minneap- olis. Ustilago Syntherismce , S., on Cenchrus tribuloides ; St. Paul. Sorosporium Ellisii , Wint., var. occidentalism Sej^mour, on An- dropogon furcatus ; Bismarck, Dak. In the original specimens described by Dr. Winter the undevel- oped flowers are infested before the expansion of the inflorescence. In these specimens, individual flowers of the fully expanded inflo- rescence are affected. The spores measure 9-10//. This has been referred to Ustilago Andropogonis , Kell, and Swingle (Journ. Myc. Vol. v, p. 12, pi. i, figs. 12-26) but the measurements of the spores are less than those of the Kansas specimens as there stated, also somewhat less than those given by Dr. Winter (Torr.Bull. x, 7). The spores certainly fall apart very easily, but the glomerules may be seen by careful examination. This was positively stated by Dr. Winter (in litt. July 9, 1885) to be his U. Ellisii . I alone am responsible for the varietal name. ■ Entyloma Menispermi , Farl. and Trelease,on Menispermum Cana - • dense ; Fargo and Valley City, Dak. Entyloma Compositarum , Farl., Erigeron Philadelphicum ; Val- ley City, Dak. Entyloma Physalidis , (Kalch. & Cke.) Wint., on Solanum tri- dor um ; Bismarck, Dak. Exs. : Ell. & Ev. N. Am. Fung. 14916 after 1900. The Secretary called attention to peculiar calcareous formations from the Bermudas known as “Fossil Palms.” Salem Press, July, 1889.