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Extract from the Preface of the Work :— ®: KING Sound but another, and another shall* As loud as thine, rattle the welkin’s ear, And mock the deep-mouthed thunder: for at hand (Not trusting to this halting legate here, "Whom he hath used rather for sport, than need,) Is warlike John; and in his forehead sits A bare ribb’d death, whose office is this day To feast upon whole thousands of the French. Leto. Strike up your drums, to find this danger out. Bast. And thou shalt find it, Dauphin, do not doubt [Exeunt. SCENE III .—The same. A Field of Battle. Alarums. Enter KING JOHN and HUBERT. K. John. How goes the day with us ? O, tell me, Hubert. Huh. Badly, I fear: How fares your Majesty? K. John. This fever, that hath troubled me bo long, Lies heavy on me: 0, my heart is sick! Enter a Messenger. Mess. My lord, your valiant kinsman, Faulcon- bridge, Desires your majesty to leave the field; And send him word by me which way you go. K. John. Tell him, toward Swinstead, to the abbey there. Mess. Be of good comfort; for the great supply, That was expected by the Dauphin here, Are wreck’d three nights ago on Goodwin Sands. This news was brought Richard but even now; The French fight coldly, and retire themselves, K. John. Ah me! this tyrant fever burns me up, And will not let me welcome this good news.- Set on towards Swinstead; to my litter straight; Weakness possesseth me, and I am faint. [Exeunt. SCENE IV .—The same. Another part of the same. Enter SALISBURY, PEMBROKE, BIGOT, and others. Sal. I did not think the king so stored with friends. Pem. Up once again; put spirit in the French; If they miscarry, we miscarry too. Sal. That misbegotten devil, Faulconbridge, In spite of spite, alone upholds the day, Pem. They say King John sore sick hath left the field. Enter MELUN, wounded , and led by Soldiers. Mel. Lead me to the revolts of England here. Sal. When we were happy, we had other names. Pem. It is the count Melun. Sal. Wounded to death. Mel, Fly, noble English, you are bought and sold; Unthread the rude eye of rebellion, And welcome home again discarded faith. Seek out King John, and fall before his feet; For, if the French be lords of this loud day, He means to recompense the pains you take, By cutting off your heads : Thus hath he sworn, And I with him, and many more with me, Upon the altar at Saint Edmund’s-Rury; JOHN. 549 Even on that altar, where he swore to you Dear amity and everlasting love. Sal. May this be possible ? may this be true ? Mel. Have I not hideous death within my view. Retaining but a quantity of life, Which bleeds away, even as a form of wax Resolveth from his figure ’gainst the fire ? What in the world should make me now deceive, Since I must lose the use of all deceit ? Why should I then be false : since it is true, That I must die here, and live hence by truth ? I say again, if Lewis do win the day, He is forsworn, if e’er those eyes of yours Behold another day break in the east: But even this night,—whose black contagious breath Already smokes about the burning crest Of the old, feeble, and day-wearied sun, Even this ill night, your breathing shall expire; Paying the fine of rated treachery, Even with a treacherous fine of all your lives, If Lewis by your assistance win the day. Commend me to one Hubert, with your king; The love of him,—and this respect besides, For that my grandsire was an Englishman,^ Awakes my conscience to confess all this. In lieu whereof, I pray you, bear me hence From forth the noise and rumour of the field : Where I may think the remnant of my thoughts In peace, and part this body and my soul With contemplation and devout desires. Sal. We do believe thee,—And beshrew my soul But I do love the favour and the form Of this most fair occasion, by the which We will untread the steps of damned flight ; And, like a bated and retired flood, Leaving our rankness and irregular course, Stoop low within those bounds we have oer- look’d, And calmly run on in obedience, Even to our ocean, to our great King John.- My arm shall give thee help to bear thee hence; For I do see the cruel pangs of death Right in thine eye. — Away, my friends! New flight: And happy newness, that intends old right. [Exeunt, leading off Melun. SCENE V.—The Same. The French Camp. Enter LEWIS and his train. Lew. The sun of heaven, methought, was loath to set; But stay’d, and made the western welkin blush, When the English measured backward their own ground, In faint retire: O, bravely came we off, When with a volley of our needless shot. After such bloody toil, we bid good night; And wound our tatter’d colours clearly up, Last in the field, and almost lords of it 1 Enter a Messenger. Mess. Where is my prince, the Dauphin? Lew. Here:—What news ? Mess. The count Melun is slain; the English lords, By his persuasion, are again falf’n off; And your supply, which you have wish’d so long, Are cast away, and sunk, on Goodwin sands. Lew. Ah, foul shrewd news!—Beshrew thy very heart! 550 KING I did not think to be so sad to-night, As this hath made me.—Who was he, that said. King John did fly, an hour or two before The stumbling night did part our weary powers? Mess. Whoever spoke it, it is true, my lord. Lew. Well; keep good quarter, and good care to-night; The day shall not be up so soon as I, To try the fair adventure of to-morrow. [Exeunt. SCENE VL— An open Place , in the Neighbourhood of Swinstead-Abbey. Enter the Bastard and HUBERT meeting. Hub. Who’s there ? speak, ho! speak quickly, or I shoot Bast. A friend:—What art thou? Bub. Of the part of England. Bast. Whither dost thou go ? Hub. What’s that to thee? Why may not I demand Of thine affairs, as well as thou of mine ? Bast. Hubert, I think. Hub. Thou hast a perfect thought; I will, upon all hazards, well believe Thou art my friend, that know’st my tongue so well: Who art thou ? Bast. Who thou wilt: and if thou please, Thou may’st befriend me so much, as to think, I come one way of the Plantagenets. Hub. Unkind remembrance; thou, and eyeless night, Have done me shame.—Brave soldier, pardon me, That any accent, breaking from my tongue, Should ’scape the true acquaintance of mine ear. Bast. Come, come ; sans compliment, what news abroad ? Hub. Why, here walk I, in the black brow of night, To find you out Bast. Brief, then; and what’s the news ? Hub. O my sweet sir, news fitting to the night, Black, fearful, comfortless, and horrible. Bast. Shew me the very wound of this ill news; I am no woman, I’ll not swoon at it. Hub. The king, I fear, is poisoned by a monk r I left him almost speechless, and broke out To acquaint you with this evil; that you might The better arm you to the sudden time, Than if you had at leisure known of this. Bast. How did he take it? who did taste to him? Hub. A monk, I tell you ; a resolved villain, Whose bowels suddenly burst out: the king Yet speaks, and, peradventure, may recover. Bast. Who didst thou leave to tend his majesty? Hub. Why, know you not ? the lords are all come back, And brought Prince Henry in their company; At whose request the king hath pardon’d them, And they are all about his majesty. Bast. Withhold thine indignation, mighty Heaven, And tempt us not to bear above our power!-- I’ll tell thee, Hubert, half my power this night, Passing these flats, are taken by the tide, These Lincoln washes have devoured them; Myself, well-mounted, hardly have escaped. Away, before! conduct me to the king; l doubt he will be dead, or e’er I come. r Exeunt. JOHN. SCENE VIL— The Orchard of Swinstead Abbey. Enter PRINCE HENRY, SALISBURY, and BIGOT. P. Hen. It is too late; the life of all his blood Is touch’d corruptibly; and his pure brain (Which some suppose the soul’s frail dwelling- house) ,Doth, by the idle comments that it makeB, Foretell the ending of mortality. Enter PEMBROKE. Pem. His highness yet doth speak; and holds belief, That, being brought into the open air, It would allay the burning quality Of that fell poison which assaileth him. P. Hen. Let him be brought into the orchard here.— Doth he still rage? [Exit Bigot. Pem. He is more patient Than when you left him; even now he sung. P. Hen. O vanity of sickness! fierce extremes, In their continuance, will not feel themselves. Death, having prey'd upon the outward parts, Leaves them insensible; and his siege is now Against the mind, the which he pricks and wounds With many legions of strange fantasies; Which, in their throng and press to that last hold. Confound themselves. ’Tia strange, that death should sing.— I am the cygnet to this pale faint swan, Who chants a doleful hymn to his own death; And, from the organ-pipe of frailty, sings His soul and body to their lasting rest Sal. Be of good comfort, prince; for you are born To set a form upon that indigest, Which he hath left so shapeless and so rude. Re-enter BIGOT and Attendants , who bring in KING JOHN in a chair. K. John. Ay, marry, now my soul hath elbow- room ; It would not out at windows, nor at doors. There is so hot a summer in my bosom. That all my bowels crumble up to dust: I am a scribbled form, drawn with a pen Upon a parchment; and against this fire Do I shrink up. P. Hen. How fares your majesty? K. John. Poison’d,—ill faredead, forsook, cast off: And none of you will bid the winter come, To thrust his icy fingers in my maw; Nor let my kingdom’s rivers take their course Through my burn’d bosom; nor entreat the north To make his bleak winds kiss my parched lips, And comfort me with cold:—I do not ask yon much, I beg cold comfort; and you are so strait, And so ingrateful, you deny me that P. Hen. O that there was some virtue in my tears, That might relieve you! K. John. The §altin them is hot— Within me is a hell: and there the poison Is, as a fiend, confined to tyrannize An unreprievable condemned blood. KINO Enter the Bastard. Bast. O, I am scalded with my violent motion, And spleen of speed to see your majesty. K. John. O cousin, thou art come to set mine eye: The tackle of my heart is crack’d and burn’d; And all these shrouds wherewith my life should sail, Are turned to one thread, one little hair: My heart hath one poor string to stay it by, Which holds but till thy news be uttered; And then all this thou see’st, is but a clod, And module of confounded royalty. Bast. The Dauphin is preparing hitherward; Where, Heaven he knows, how we shall answer him; For, in a night, the best part of my power, As I upon advantage did remove, Were in the washes, all unwarily. Devoured by the unexpected flood. (The King dies.) Sal. You breathe these dead news in as dead an ear My liege! my lord!—But now a king,—now thus. P. lien. Even so must I run on, and even so stop. What surety of the world, what hope, what stay. When this was now a king, and now is clay! Bast. Art thou gone so? I do but stay behind. To do the office for thee of revenge; And then my soul shall wait on thee to heaven, As it on earth hath been thy servant still.- Now, now, you stars, that move in your right spheres, Where be your powers ? Shew now your mended faiths: And instantly return with me again, To push destruction, and perpetual shame, Out of the weak door of our fainting land: Straight let us seek, or straight we shall be .sought; The Dauphin rages at our very heel*. JOHN. 551 Sal. It seems, you know not then so much as we: The cardinal Pandulph is within at rest, Who half an hour since came from the Dauphin; And brings from him such offers of our peace As we with honour and respect may take, With purpose presently to leave this war. Bast. He will the rather do it, when he sees Ourselves well sinewed to our defence. Sal. Nay, it is in a manner done already; For many carriages he hath despatch’d To the sea-side, and put his cause and quarrel To the disposing of the cardinal : With whom yourself, myself, and other lords. If you think meet, this afternoon will post To consummate this business happily. Bast. Let it be so:—And you, my noble prince, With other princes that may best be spared, Shall wait upon your father’s funeral. P. Hen. At Worcester must his body be interr’d; For so he will’d it. Bast. Thither shall it then. And happily may your sweet self put on Th 3 lineal state and glory of the land! To whom, with all submission, on my knee, I do bequeath my faithful services An 1 true subjection everlastingly. Sal. And the like tender of our love we make, To rest without a spot for evermore. P. Hen. I have a kind soul, that would give yea thanks. And knows not how to do it, but with tears. Bast. O let us pay the time but needful woe. Since it hath been beforehand with our griefs.— This England never did (nor never shall) Lie at the proud foot of a conqueror, But when it first did help to wound itself. Now these her princes are come home again, Come the three corners of the world in arms. And we shall shock them: Nought 9hall make ua rue If England to itself do rest but true. [Exeunt. I • - ■ 1 > *' :;<■ i ‘ • Cit ' ' irs : .3 ,0 ) ?ir/j ,■ . ' ■ ■ • ' - ■ •/- ■■ ' •. t ■ ■ > ^ :» ;■ *. V' . ; ,v ; ? »:»; :irr t \ ■■■• 1 • I "f;ii ciTt i i‘j7* fc • ’ ■ . • -ri- • ••• ! : ‘ • ' -ill 5 • - V/ 1 * * '• . . : . ! < ■! v'-v l r !l f . . ? i . iud 0.51 ^ {. - ? i". ;if- ■ ■ ■ ’ 0J ■■ ■ V . : t ».» 'V r.v . • . i !.;*•;'* ;,vi I* • ■■ • *■ ■ : T» f , >ti CT^'d?/ • ^ ' '•i:'--'f < i- ;>m ri*:o5> c- f i *; “ . 6i;il *^X©V» 100 W 1 ,»’ ’> • i ■v»r? ♦ \ ADVERTISEMENTS, DICKS For Now Publisnmg, Price One Penny, Weekly, ®T^Lnarx> j3lei.x 2) ^iLs^^rsL AND 7 FTISE ACTING J3MA.3MIiL. 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