977.3 C4321 ILLINOIS THROUGH TWO HUNDRED AND FORTY- FIVE YEARS 1673 - 1918 CATALOGUE OF OBJECTS ILLUSTRATING ILLINOIS HISTORY, SELECTED FROM THE COLLECTIONS OF THE CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY, EXHIBITED IN ORCHESTRA HALL IN COM- MEMORATION OF THE CEN- TENNIAL OF ILLINOIS STATE- HOOD, APRIL NINETEENTH* MDCCCC XVIII OLD FLAGS OF ILLINOIS ILLINOIS REGIMENTAL FLAGS. Carried in the Civil War, by the 8th, 19th, 42d, 89th, and 129th Regiments, the last men- tioned being a relic of Sherman's March to the Sea. Loaned by the Grand Army Hall and Memo- rial Association of Illinois. UNITED STATES ZOUAVE CADETS. Champion flag awarded in 1859. This organization founded by Col. Elmer E. Ells- worth in the middle fifties was adjudged the best drilled body of men in the country. At the beginning of the war it was disbanded, being drawn upon to officer regi- ments all over the country. Colonel Ellsworth organized the New York Fire Zouaves and met his tragic death in guarding the approach to Washington. LINCOLN-ARNOLD BANNER. Given by President Lincoln to Hon. Isaac N. Arnold. The square in the center is from the battle flag of an unknown Illinois Regiment. CHICAGO RAILROAD BATTALION. Flag under which this battalion was recruited in 1862, after Lincdn's call for "300,000 more." Letters and Documents Signed by Explorers, Governors and Statesmen of Illinois 1673-1871 1. EXPLORATION, 1673-1682. JOLLIET, Louis, 1(145-1699 or 1700. Contract executed by Louis Jolliet, his wife, her brothers and others, at Quebec, Nov. 8, 1695. Jolliet, a trader, a native of Quebec, was chosen by Frontenac to explore the Mississippi, since he was "a man very experienced in these kinds of discoveries and who had already been very near this invert' With Father Marquette as his priest-associate, he descended the Wis- consin and Illinois Rivers, and entered the Mississippi, June 17, 1673. The explorers proceeded down stream till they had ascertained that the Mississippi empties into the Gulf of Mexico. Jolliet's maps and papers were lost on the return trip to Quebec, and Marquette's Journal became the only record of the great discovery made under Jolliet's leadership. MARQUETTE, Jacques, 1637-1675. Last entry in Father Marquette's unfinished Journal, 1674-5, made when leaving Chicago for the Illinois Village : photographic copy by O'Shaughnessy. "April i. As I do not yet knoiv whether I shall remain next summer in the village, on account of my diarrhoea, we leave here part of our goods, those with which we can dispense, and especially a sack of corn. While a strong south wind delays us, we hope to go to-morrow to the place where the French are, at a distance of 15 leagues from here. "April 6. Strong winds and the cold prevent us from proceeding." In 1666, Father Marquette was ordained priest of the Society of Jesus and sailed from France to become a missionary to the Indians in Canada. He spent fourteen months learning the language of the Algonquins and Hurons. After building several missions, he joined Jolliet on the great expedition down the Mississippi. In 1673, he returned to Green Bay much broken in health, but, in 1674, he set out again, this time to establish a mission at Kaskaskia. When he reached the present site of Chi- cago, he was compelled by exhaustion to halt and spend the winter. In the spring he resumed his journey and accomplished his task at Kaskaskia. Next year, while attempting to return to Mackinac, he died, a few weeks after this entry in his Journal. Marquette was typical of the highest ideals and achievements in the splendid missionary enterprise of the Jesuits of New France. LA SALLE, Rene Robert Cavelier, Sieur de, 1648- 1687. Feudal grant of land at Fort St. Louis 011 his Illinois Colony to Charles Disy, 7 Dec. 1682. La Salle, born in France, 1643, came to the New World, 1666. As a trader he explored Lakes Ontario and Erie, discovered the Ohio River, ascended Lake Michigan and crossed to Illinois. As the first settler of the Mississippi Valley, La Salle's memory will ever be imperishable. He made settlements in Illinois, at Fort Crevecoeur and at Fort St. Louis, now called Starved Rock. In 1682, he descended the Mississippi to its mouth, and took posses- sion of the entire valley in the name of Louis XV, calling it Louisiana. TONTY, Chevalier Henry de. "I have agreed ^vith the inhabitants of Fort St. Louis that I will give them at the end of the trade the sum of Soo livres to each condition- ally upon their making over to me the 4oo lievres of merchandise that they were to receive this year 1684, from M. de La Salle for the good serv- ices which they have rendered." "Done at Fort St. Louis in Louisiana the 21sr January, 1684." "Henry Tonty." Tonty, born Italy, 1650, was La Salle's most efficient helper, and next to his leader, did more than any other of the early French explorers to make Illinois known to the civilized world. In 1681, under La Salle's orders, he began the erection of Fort St. Louis, on what is now called "Starved Rock" in La Salle County. In 1682, he descended the Mississippi to its mouth, but returned to Illinois in 1684. Disheartened by the death of La Salle and of almost all the companions of his early adventures, he spent the last years of his life among the Illinois Indians, who became much attached to him. 2. COUNTY AND TERRITORIAL PERIOD. 1778-1818. HENRY, Patrick. 1st governor of Virginia. Letter of instruction to Lieut. Col. George Rogers Clark, to attack the British at Kaskaskia dated "In Council Wmsburg Jan'y 2d, 1778." The authority under which George Rogers Clark con- quered the territory northwest of the Ohio River for the Colonies and decided that the Great Middle West should be American and not British. Patrick Henry is best known for his declaration : "/ know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death." CLARK, George Rogers, 1152-1818. Letter describing attack on "the principal Shatv- nee Town Chillicauthy," dated Miami 13th Nov. 1782. George Rogers Clark, born Virginia, 1752, spent his early manhood making surveys on the frontier. In his twenty-sixth year, his high estimation of this territory's value and his devotion to the Colonial cause inspired him to the heroic effort which resulted in the capture of Kaskaskia, 1778, and Vincennes, 1779, and which made the Northwest a part of our country. In 1781 he was commissioned a brigadier-general in the Continental army. HENRY, Patrick, 1st governor of Virginia. Letter of instruction from Patrick Henry to Col. John Todd, on the latter's appointment as first civil governor of the County of Illinois, dated "Wmburg, Deer 12th, 1778." "By virtue of the Act of Gen' I Assembly which es- tablishes the County of Illinois you are appointed County Liut. or Command' t there and for the genrall tennor of your conduct I refer you to the law." TODD. Col. John, lieutenant-commandant of the County of Illinois, 1778-1780. Record book kept during his residence as first civil governor of the County of Illinois, Virginia. 1778-79. John Todd accompanied Col. George Rogers Clark on his expedition against Kaskaskia and Vincennes, 1778-9. In December, 1778, he was given the civil authority in the County of Illinois. The first election of civil officers of Illinois was under his direction. ST. CLAIR, Arthur. 1st governor of the Terri- tory Northwest of the Ohio River, 1789-1802. Commission of Pierre Menard, major in the 1st Regiment of Militia of the County of Ran- dolph, Illinois, 5th day of October, 1795. Endorsed with the oath of office by John Edgar, Lieut. Col. Commandant. Bears Seal of the N. W. Territory. Arthur St. Clair, born Scotland, 1734, educated at University of Edinburgh, entered the British army, and served through the French and Indian war under Gen. Wolfe. In 1762 he resigned from the army and estab- lished himself in western Pennsylvania. In 1775, when the Revolution broke out, he was commissioned as colonel in the Continental army. In these thirteen years he had so completely identified himself with his chosen land that he could write : "I hold that no man has a right to withhold his services when his country needs them. Be the sacrifice ever so great, it must be yielded upon the altar of patriotism." In 1/87, he was made governor of the Northwest Territory. Died 1818. HARRISON, Gen. William Henry, 1st governor of Indiana Territory, I8oo-l8op. Letter to Nathaniel Pope, Secretary of Illinois Territory, explaining jurisdiction in Illinois since the erection the separate Territory of Illinois, Feb. 3d, 1809. Dated Vincennes, 12 April, 1809. The case is that of the assassination of John Rice Jones by Dr. James Dunlap, in Kaskaskia. Gen. William Henry Harrison, born Virginia, 1773, served as secretary of Northwest Territory under Gov. St. Clair, 1798-9, as territorial delegate in Congress, 1799, as first governor of the Territory of Indiana, 1800-1809. His policy toward the Indians was conciliatory and statesmanlike and he negotiated many important treaties with them. In 1811, he was, however, obliged to fight an uprising under Tecumseh, and defeated him at Tippe- canoe. He took a prominent part in the War of 1812, being commissioned major-general. In 1840 he was elected President of the United States, but died 1841 one month after his inauguration. EDWARDS, Ninian, territorial governor of Illi- nois, 1809-1818. Commission of Nelson Rector as captain of a volunteer company, 2d Regiment Illinois Militia. Kaskaskia, 3d August, 1814. "Nat. Pope, Sec- retary/' Bears territorial seal. Ninian Edwards, born in Maryland, 1775, was a fine example of a southern gentleman of the old school. He was a member of the Legislature of Kentucky, 1796, pre- siding judge of the General Court, 1802, Circuit judge, 1803. In 1809, President Madison appointed him territorial governor of the newly formed Territory of Illinois. This position he held until Illinois entered statehood, 1818. He served from 1818 to 1824 as one of the first two United States senators from Illinois, and from 1826 to 1830 as third governor of the state. He died at Belle- ville, 111., July 22, 1883. See his Papers in the Chicago Historical Society. POPE, Nathaniel, 1st territorial secretary of Illi- nois, 1S09-1816. Letter to Elias Kent Kane, Washington, March 8th 1818: "My prospects of success in making Illinois a state are not diminished." Commission of Pierre Menard, lieutenant col- onel of the 1st Regiment of Militia of Randolph County. "In testimony whereof, I have hereunto affixed my private seal, there being no seal of office," Kaskaskia, 6th day of May, 1809. On January 16, 1818, as territorial delegate to Con- gress, Pope laid before that body, the Illinois Memorial petitioning for statehood, and on the 23d proposed the ENABLING ACT, which largely through his efforts be- came a law, December 3, 1818. It was Pope who intro- duced the amendment to fix the northern boundary of the state on the line of 42 30", thus giving Illinois a coast on Lake Michigan and making Chicago a city of Illinois instead of Wisconsin. Because this wise statesman stretched Illinois from the Yankee strongholds of anti- slavery in the North, through the strongholds of pro- slavery in the South, she formed the link that helped to preserve the Union when the Civil War came. BOND, Shadrach, 1st governor of Illinois, I8l8- 1822. Appointment of Gabriel Jones, justice of the peace for Randolph County, 22d March, 1819: "In testimony whereof, I have set my hand and private seal, the state seal not provided." Signed also by the Elias Kane, Secretary. Commission to Gabriel Jones as captain in a regiment attached to 2d Brigade, 1st Division, Illinois Militia, Kaskaskia, 24 August, 1819. Signed also by Elias Kent Kane, secretary of state. Endorsed with the oath to support the Constitution and to suppress duelling. Bears an excellent impression of the newly arrival state seal. Shadrach Bond was born in Frederick, Md., 1775, and came to the Illinois country in 1791. He was a member of the Indiana Territorial Legislature and first delegate to Congress from the Territory of Illinois, served in the Indian wars and in the War of 1812, was elected governor of Illinois in 1818 without opposition, and occupied the executive chair until 1822. Died at Kaskaskia, 1832. 3. STATEHOOD, 1818-1834. BROWN, William Hubbard, 1st president of the Chicago Historical Society. Testimonials by the citizens of Auburn, Cayuga County, N. Y., given to Mr. Brown on "being in- formed that he is about to emigrate to the terri- tory of Illinois," dated October, 1818. Mr. Brown spent his first years in Illinois in Kaskaskia and Vandalia, but came to Chicago in 1835 as cashier of the Chicago Branch of the State Bank of Illinois. He was one of the group who successfully resisted the attempt to plant slavery in Illinois in 1823-24. He was connected with many local enterprises. Died 1867. KANE, Elias Kent, 1st secretary of state, 1818- 1822. Docket for lawyers, Kaskaskia, 1818. 28 pages. Small quarto. Among "Appearances 5th Day," note Ninian Edwards vs. Nathaniel Buckmaster. Elias Kent Kane was born in New York about 1794; came to Illinois in 1814 and in 1818 was appointed terri- torial judge; elected in 1824 and again in 1830 to the U. S. Senate ; died in 1840. He was related to the Arctic explorer Elisha Kent Kane. Nathaniel Buckmaster, pioneer settler of Illinois, was born in Calvert Co., Maryland, in 1787. In 1799 his family moved to Virginia where he learned the brickmason's trade. In 1817 he emigrated to Illinois Territory, and from that time until his death in 1855 he played an important part in the history of Madison Co. He lived at Edwardsville until 1836, when he moved to Alton. He was County sheriff for fifteen years, and was holding that office the night Lovejoy was killed. He served in the Black Hawk War, and was a member of the Illinois legislature. He built the Old Courthouse at Edwardsville, and was proprietor of the ferry across the Mississippi from Venice to North St. Louis which became known by his name. Died 1855. COOK, Daniel Pope, 1st attorney general of Illi- nois, 1818. Letter to Ninian Edwards, dated Galconda, August 3d, 1818. Refers to "slavemen" and "freemen," also to Cook- McLean-Bond contest for first representative to Con- gress from Illinois in which McLean was elected. Daniel Pope Cook was born in Scott County, Ky., 1794, and died in Kentucky, Oct. 16, 1827. He came to Illinois in 1815. As editor of the Illinois Intelligencer, Cook in- augurated the movement that ended in Illinois statehood and bore a prominent part, while in Congress, in securing the donation of lands for the Illinois and Michigan Canal. He served as territorial auditor of public accounts, Cir- cuit judge, first attorney-general of the state of Illinois, and congressman. For him the County of Cook was named. PLATFORM in gubernatorial election, 1824: "People's Ballot." (Joseph Gillespie Coll.) COLES, Edzvard, 3d governor of Illinois, 1822- 1826. Commission of Harry Wilton as judge of pro- bate for Clinton County, 21st May, 1825. Signed also by George Forquer, secretary. Letter to Gen. Lafayette, inquiring "where it would be most agreeable to you to afford me the happiness of seeing you, and welcoming you to Illinois," dated Edwardsville, April 28, 1825. Edward Coles was born in Virginia, the son of a wealthy planter. In 1819 he mi-grated to Illinois bringing his slaves with him in order to set them free. By this act he became the subject of bitter persecutions, but was elected governor by the aid of Lockwood, Cook, Birk- beck and Hooper Warren, and in 1823 contributed the salary of his entire term ($4000) to the anti-slavery campaign. In 1825 he as governor escorted Lafayette upon his visit in Illinois. He died in Philadelphia in 1868, having lived to see the institution of slavery totally wiped out. LAFAYETTE, Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du Motier, marquis de. 1757- 1834. Letter to Mr. J. Flower, Hertford, England, dated La Grange, Nov. 3d, 1811. Lafayette's seal and signature. Lafayette was one of the first Europeans to espouse the cause of the American colonists. He not only vol- unteered his own money and services, but induced the French Government to send aid. In 1824, on the invita- tion of President Monroe, he again visited America and was received everywhere with the ovations of a grateful country. EDWARDS, Ninian, 3d governor of Illinois, 1826- 1S30. Appointment of Harry Wilton, recorder for the County of Clinton, Vandalia, 15th February, 1828. George Forquer, secretary of state. Endorsed by Clayton Usher, J. P. For portrait and biographical sketch of Edwards see No. 2. REYNOLDS, John, 4th governor of Illinois, 1830- 1834. Letter to Daniel P. Cook, representative in Con- gress, dated Vandalia, 1st January, 1827. Relates to the contest for representatives to the State Legislature, which resulted in Reynold's election, notwith- standing opposition of Gov. Edwards. Patent for land in Fayette County to James M. Duncan, Vandalia, 1st May, 1832. Signed also by A. P. Field, secretary of state. The land consisted of six acres in the town of Vandalia, sold for fifteen dollars. John Reynolds was born in Pennsylvania, 1789, and came to Kaskaskia in 1800; served as a scout in the War of 1812, and as governor personally commanded the state troops in the Black Hawk War, 1832. He was an ardent champion of slavery. 4. STATEHOOD, 1834-1871. ElVING, William Lee Davidson, 5th governor of Illinois, 1834. Letter to Hon. Moses Kane Robinson endorsing Capt. Linn for re-appointment, dated Dec. 31, 1834. Ewing served as governor but fifteen days, between the time of Gov. Reynolds' resignation and the inaugura- tion of Gov. Duncan. He held a large number of public offices. For several sessions he was chosen speaker of the House of Representatives over Abraham Lincoln, the Whig candidate. DUNCAN, Joseph, 6th governor of Illinois, 1834- 1838. Letters patent confirming sale by School Com- missioner Richard J. Hamilton to I. I. B. Kings- bury, of a lot in the town of Juliette, the con- sideration being four dollars. Countersigned by A. P. Field, secretary of state, and James T. B. Stapp, auditor of public accounts. Dated Van- dalia, April 3, 1835. Letter to John Branch, secretary of the navy, dated "House of Reps., February 9th, 1831," rec- ommending John Grant as midshipman. Joseph Duncan was born in Kentucky in 1794, emigrated to Illinois in 1818, having served with distinction in the War of 1812. He was author of the first free school law, 1825. The murder of Elijah P. Lovejoy by a pro- slavery mob at Alton marred the close of this adminis- tration. Gov. Duncan died at Jacksonville, 111., 1844. HAMILTON, Richard Jones, 1st probate judge of Cook County, 1831. Certification of deed, dated Recorder's office, Cook County, Illinois, October, 1836. Richard J. Hamilton was one of Chicago's earliest lawyers. Born in Kentucky, 1799, he moved to Illinois in 1820, and was soon appointed cashier of the newly established Branch State Bank) at Brownsville, Jackson Co. Ten years later he settled in Chicago, as the first Probate Judge of Cook County, and was present at the organization of Cook County. He also held office as Circuit and County Clerk, Recorder and Commissioner of School Lands the sale of the Chicago school section being under his administration. He was colonel of the State Militia, and, in 1832, took an active part in the Black Hawk War. Died 1860. CARLIN, Thomas, 7th governor of Illinois, 1838- 1842. Letters patent issued to Thomas Church, jun., confirming sale to him by the Commissioners of the Illinois and Michigan canal, of lot 6 in the original town of Chicago, for half price in accord- ance with the "Act for the relief of purchasers of lots in Chicago and Ottawa, 1836." Signed also by Lyman Trumbull, secretary of state. Dated Jan. 4th, 1842. Thomas Carlin, born in Kentucky, 1799, emigrated to Illinois in 1811, where he served as private in the War of 1812 and as captain of spies in the Black Hawk War. The great Whig mass-meeting at Springfield, 1840, was an outstanding event of his administration. 20,000 people assembled including a large delegation from Chi- cago who marched overland, under the command of Maj. Gen. David Hunter. Gov. Carlin died at Carrollton, 111., 1852. FORD, Thomas, 8th governor of Illinois, 1842- 1846. Letters patent for lands purchased by B. W. Raymond, Springfield, 25th November, 1844. Coun- tersigned by Thompson Campbell, secretary of state. Thomas Ford emigrated from Pennsylvania to Mis- souri in 1804, and, a little later, located in Illinois. The Mormon troubles at Nauvoo embarrassed his adminis- tration. A more tragic chapter was the opening of the Mexican war. He was the author of a valuable history of Illinois, 1818-1847, published in 1854 after his death. Ford County was named in his honor. FRENCH, Augustus Caesar, 9th governor of Illi- nois, 1846-1853. Commission of Joshua Mitchell of Philadelphia, as commissioner to take depositions to be used or recorded in the State of Illinois, dated Spring- field, 26th June, 1847. Augustus C. French, born in New Hampshire, 1808, came to Illinois, 1826, where he built up a good law practice. He was the first governor of the state to be re-elected and his long administration was free from scandals. The transportation improvements of this time included the completion of the Illinois and Michigan Canal, the incorporation of the Illinois Central Rail- road, and the beginning of the Galena and Chicago Union. During his last years Go-u. French was professor of law at McKendree College. Died 1864. LOl'EJOY, Owen, Congressman from Illinois, 1856-65. Letter to Miss Gertrude McName, April 10, 1862: Owen Lovejoy of Alton, 111., was an ardent aboli- tionist. He was a friend of Lincoln and of Garrison, and the brother of Elijah Parish Lovejoy, anti-slavery journalist who was assassinated for his convictions. Mr. Lovejoy was elected to Congress in 1856, and was re- turned three times. BROSS, William, 10th lieutenant-governor of Illi- nois, 1865-1868. Letter to Hon. Z. Eastman, dated Chicago. Sept. 30th, 1865 : "Chicago is prosperous and grow- ing as rapidly as ever." William Bross, born 1813, graduated from Williams College, 1838, settled in Chicago, 1848. Here he dis- tinguished himself as editor and as orator. He founded the Democratic Press, later the Press, which finally combined with the Tribune, Mr. Bross supported the Republican Party through many campaigns by his elo- quent addresses. BISSELL, William H., llth governor of Illinois, 1857-1860. Order to the Congressional Librarian for books, dated "Ho. Repr. Dec. 14." Mr. Bissell, the first Republican governor of Illinois, served as a Democratic congressman from Illinois, 1849 to 1855. The Kansas-Nebraska bill, however, changed his political convictions. During his administration occurred the great Lincoln-Douglas debates. The discovery of the "Canal Scrip Fraud" created much excitement. 1NGERSOLL, Ebon C., congressman from Illi- nois, 1864-1871. Letter, dated 1403 K. Street, Nov. 29, 1871. Ebon C. Ingersoll, brother of Robert G. Ingersoll, succeeded Owen Lovejoy as representative from Illinois. YATES, Richard, llth governor of Illinois, 1861-1865. Letter to Judge Gillespie concerning the Illi- nois senatorial election of 1864, in which Gov. Yates speaks of his struggles with his legislature, dated Springfield, July 16, 1864. The famous "Illinois war-governor" was born in War- saw, Ky., in 1815, and came to Springfield, 111., in 1831. He was one of the strongest supporters of Lincoln, and among the first to express himself in favor of emancipation. Unfortunately his legislature, ruled by Southern sympathisers, did not uphold but embarrassed him by refusing its support of his patriotic efforts for the Union until he was obliged to prorogue it. Mr. Yates became U. S. senator in 1865, and served until 1871. 5. STATEHOOD, 1871-1918. SIGNATURES AND PORTRAITS of the Governors of Illinois, 1871-1918. Portraits of Governors and Early Residents of Illinois 6. RENI ROBERT CAVELIER, SIEUR DE LA SALLE. By G. P. A. Healy, after portrait in "Voyages dcs Francois," by Pierre Margry. Presented by Marshall Field. For sketch of La Salle see under No. 1. George Peter Alexander Healy, the painter, was born in Boston, Mass., 1813. In 1836, he went to Paris to study. Later he spent several years in London, painting portraits of many titled personages. Returning to France in 1839, he became a protege of Louis Philippe. When the Revolution of 1848 deprived that monarch of his throne, Healy came to Chicago. Here he made his home till 1867. During this period he painted an almost in- credible number of portraits. He was one of the best American portrait painters of the French school. The years from 1867 to 1892, he spent in various European cities, but returned finally to Chicago, where he died, 1894. 7. GEORGE WASHINGTON. By Rembrandt Peale. Rembrandt Peale was born in Bucks Co., Pa., 1778, son of Charles Wilson Peale. After receiving instruc- tions from his father he went to England and studied under Benjamin West. He made several trips to Europe and painted many portraits in various cities in the United States. At the age of seventeen he painted Washington's portrait. Died in Philadelphia, 1860. 8. GEORGE ROGERS CLARK. By John Wesley Jaruis. For Biographical sketch of George Rogers Clark see No. 2. John Wesley Jarvis, born South Shields, Eng., 1780, came to Philadelphia in 1785 and with but little instruc- tion began to paint portraits by which he became popular. Died in New York City, 1834. 9. JOHN EDGAR. By a contemporary artist. John Edgar was born in Ireland about 1750, and died at Kaskaskia in 1832. He was an officer in the British navy, but resigned to join the Colonial forces in 1784. Judge, of Court of Common Pleas, St. Clair County, 1790. Elected from Illinois a member of the Legislature of the Northwestern Territory. Appointed by the United States a major general of the Militia of Illinois Terri- tory. Edgar County in the state of Illinois is named for him. 10. RACHEL EDGAR. By a contemporary artist. Rachel Edgar, wife of John Edgar, was of American birth and influenced her husband to side with her coun- trymen in the Revolution. Their home at Kaskaskia, the finest residence of its time in Illinois, was renowned for its hospitality for nearly half a century. A dinner and ball were given there in honor of Lafayette at his visit in 1825. 11. GOVERNOR NINIAN EDWARDS. By J. R. Stuart. Presented by Henry Co-nmth, 1884. For biographical sketch of Gov. Edwards see No. 2. 12. PIERRE MENARD. By a contemporary artist. Pierre Menard was born at Saint Antoine, Canada, Oct. 7, 1766, and died at Kaskaskia, June 13, 1844. A resident of what is now Illinois for more than fifty years, holder of many territorial offices, first lieutenant- governor of the state of Illinois, and one of its foremost citizens. Menard County was named for him. 13. GOVERNOR SHADRACH BOND. Attributed to Gilbert Stuart. For biographical sketch of Gov. Bond, see No. 3. 14. ACHSAH BOND. Attributed to Gilbert Stuart. Achsah Bond, wife of Shadrach Bond, was born at Hagerstown, Md., October 13, 1786, and died at Kas- kaskia, 111., February 29, 1844. 15. DANIEL POPE COOK. B\ a contemporary artist. For a biographical sketch see No. 2. 16. GEORGE FLOWER. By a contemporary artist. Presented by the family of George Flower. George Flower was born in Hertfordshire, Eng., about 1780, and died in Grayville, 111., Jan. 15, 1862. He, with Morris Birkbeck, was the founder of the English settle- ment in Edwards County, 1817, and was the author of the history of that settlement published by the Chicago Historical Society. 17. ELIZA JULIA (ANDREWS) FLOWER. By a contemporary artist. Presented by the family of George Flower. Eliza Julia Andrews was born in England, 1891, came to Illinois with Morris Birkbeck's party, married George Flower, 1817, and aided in founding the colony at Albion, 111. She died the same day as her husband, January 15th. 1862. 18. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. By Gutson Borglum. Bronze replica of the marble original in the Capitol at Washington. Presented by Mr. Joseph Harris. Gutzon Borglum, the sculptor, was born in Idaho, 1867. He studied art in San Francisco and Paris. For several years he worked in Paris or London, but since 1902 New York claimed him. Some of his works are the colossal figures of the twelve apostles for the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, New York; Sheridan monu- ment, Washington ; Statue of Lincoln, Newark, N. J. 19. STEPHEN ARNOLD DOUGLAS. By Lassier, about 1S61. Stephen A. Douglas, born Vermont, 1813, attained his training as a lawyer with almost as much difficulty as his opponent, Abraham Lincoln. Douglas came to Illinois in 1833 and shortly after began his political career as prosecuting attorney for Morgan County. He was secre- tary of state, 1840, judge of the Supreme Court of Illinois, 1841, representative in Congress, 1843-1861. His last canvass, 1858, was memorable for the debates with Lincoln. When the secession began, Douglas gave cordial support to Lincoln's administration. Died 1861. 20. JOHN MARSHALL. By Miflin, 1S35. Loaned by granddaughters and great-grand- daughters, Mrs. Charles Carroll, Sr., Shawnec- town, III., Mrs. Wm. Rid-gway, and others. John Marshall came to Illinois, 1806, aged twenty- two years, as bookkeeper for "The Illinois Salines" then operated by the United States on the frontier. The journey was made on horseback from Post Vincennes. When Shawneetown was laid out, Mr. Marshall was appointed land agent, and later served as postmaster for fifteen years. Illinois' first bank occupied the long draw- ing room of John Marshall's home and he acted as its president from 1816 to 1843. He was a member of the first session of the Illinois House of Representatives, 1818. He fought at the Battle of Tippecanoe and was made lieutenant-colonel during the War of 1812. Died 1858. 21. MARSHALL, AMIRA LEECH. By Miftin, 1835. Loaned by granddaughters and great-grand- daughters. Amira Leech Marshall, wife of John Marshall, was the daughter of Judge George Leech of Vincennes and came to Illinois with her husband in 1806. 22. GOVERNOR EDWARD COLES. By a contemporary artist. Presented by his children, Edward and Mary Coles, 1883. For biographical sketch see No. 3. 23. RICHARD JONES HAMILTON. Presented by Mrs. Ellen Hamilton Keenon, 1904. For biographical sketch of R. J. Hamilton see No. 4. 24. GOVERNOR JOSEPH DUNCAN. By a contemporary artist. Presented by Elizabeth Duncan Putnam and William Clement Putnam. For biographical sketch see No. 4. 25. GOVERNOR JOHN P. ALTGELD. By Ralph Clarkson. Presented by Joseph S. Martin. John P. Altgeld, governor of Illinois, was born in Germany, 1847, and brought to the United States when he was three months old. At sixteen he entered the Union army and fought until the close of the war. In 1875, he came to Chicago. He was judge of the Superior Court, 1886-91; governor of Illinois, 1893-97. He died in 1902. 26. SHABONEE, POTTAWATOMI CHIEF. Painted from life by Webber. Presented by Mr. C. F. Gunther. Shabonee, or Shabbona, born 1775, a grandnephew of Pontiac, fought under Tecumseh, but when this uprising was defeated, he and his friend the Sauganash lost faith in the British allies and became firm friends of the Americans. He took no part in the Fort Dearborn Massacre, absenting himself from the vicinity of the fort until the day following, when he assisted the Kinzie family. In the Winnebago and Black Hawk Wars, he performed invaluable services for the white pioneers, time and again saving the settlements from destruction by timely warnings. Died, 1859. 27. GEN. ULYSSES SIMPSON GRANT. By G. P. A. Healy, 1868. Presented by E. B. McCagg. Painted while Gen. Grant was still in command of the United States Army. Souvenirs of American History Objects Illustrating the History of Illinois 28. REVOLUTIONARY GROUP. Containing: Coat worn by Derrick Morley who served through the Revolutionary War as drum major. Family register of Derrick Morley's son, Russell Morley. Coat worn by Colonel Baum when he fell mortal- ly wounded at Bennington, Yt., Aug. 16, 1777. General Stark, hero of Bennington, as drawn by Nathan Wood. "Boys, there are the Redcoats and Tories. We must conquer them or tonight Molly Stark is a widow." Gun and pistol used by John MacChesney in the Revolutionary war and by Nathan MacChes- ney in the War of 1812. Powder horn, bearing legend, "Jeames Clarks Horn Maid in Red Ford, January 16, 1773." Drum used in Revolutionary War by ancestor of Mr. E. A. Warfield. Washington : lithograph by Delorme after por- trait by Julien. John Paul Jones, marine spy glass, used in the Revolutionary War by Capt Benjamin Page. Canteen carried by an Oneida Indian during the Revolution. Engravings of revolutionary subjects. 29. NATHAN HALE. Original verses in Hale's handwriting. Presented by Mrs. William G. Hibbard, Sen. With the above are photographs of the Hale statute by Bella Lyon Pratt, and an engraving representing the scene of Hale's death, by A. H. Ritchie. 30. FORT DEARBORN GROUP. Containing: Two silver tumblers, part of a service owned and used by Maj. John Whistler, the builder of Fort Dearborn, while he was in command there, 1803-10. The maker of this service was John Kinzie, silversmith, Chicago's first civilian. Button from the uniform of Col. James S. Swearingen, who commanded the troops on their march from Detroit to build and garrison Fort Dearborn, in 1803. Silver spoon once the property of Lieut. Swear- ingen. Button from Capt. Nathan Heald's uniform in War of 1812. Portrait of Rebekah Heald, wife of Capt. Heald, Silver ladle, teaspoons and wide tortoise shell comb that were among Mrs. Heald's wedding pres- ents brought to Fort Dearborn. Stolen by the Indians in the Massacre, they were bought back in St. Louis. Gold breast-pin bearing monogram "S. W." (Samuel Wells), worn by Mrs. Heald at the time of the Massacre. Tortoise-shell comb, gold mounted, a wedding present to Mrs. Heald from Col. John O'Fallon. This was worn by Mrs. Heald the day of the Mas- sacre, and after she had been wounded she saw an Indian brave wearing it in his hair. Bullets imbedded in piece of cottonwood tree, from 18th St., near the Lake, where the Massacre occurred. Bead reticule, carried by Mrs. Jean Baptiste Beaubien (Josette La Framboise), who passed through the Fort Dearborn Massacre with the Kinzies. Caroline Beaubien : photograph. Jane C. Griggs, daughter of Captain Wells and Chief Little Turtle's daughter; tintype. Martha J. Spaulding (daughter of Jane Griggs) and her daughters, Mrs. Eva C. Corthell and Mrs. Janette Thornton ; miniature on porcelain. Miniature of Capt. William Wells, government interpreter and scout, who, with thirty Miamis, came from Fort Wayne, Indiana, to escort the garrison from Fort Dearborn. He fell, fighting aganist great odds, and his heart was eaten by the Indians to make them brave. Gold knee buckle worn by Capt. William Wells. Tomahawk and peace pipe, once the property of William Wells. Ink-well made from wood of "Old Fort Dear- born." Dr. Alexander Wolcott, Jr., Indian agent and physician at Fort Dearborn, 1818-1830; miniature painted by Mrs. John H. Kinzie. John Harris Kinzie, who as a lad of nine years witnessed the Fort Dearborn Massacre from the boat in which the family escaped: photograph of miniature. Sword of Capt. Nathan Heald, used in the Fort Dearborn Massacre, August 15, 1812. Mrs. Heald's trunk, made from a hollowed log covered with calfskin. This carried her trousseau when she came as a bride to Fort Dearborn, the honeymoon journey being made on horseback, and later passed through the Massacre. War of 1812 chapeau, with case for plume. Bolts, handmade nail, and pieces of wood from the frigate Constitution. Cannon ball and grape-shot from Ft. Meigs, 1813. Commodore Perry's spy-glass. Gold epaulets of General J. B. Beaubien, who led a company of Chicago Militia in the Black Hawk War, 1832. Reticule carried by Ellen Marion (Kinzie) Bates, the first white child born in Illinois. Watch, engraved E. M. Bates, which belonged to Mrs. Bates. Silverware from the service used by Mrs. Bates, marked with the Kinzie crest. Loaned by Mrs. Kinsie Bates, Asheville, N. C. 31. COTTON- WOOD TREE, three feet in diameter, known as the "Massacre Tree," it being one of a grove that marked the site of the Battle Ground at Eighteenth Street. Replaced in 1893 by the Massacre Monument. 32. FORT DEARBORN MASSACRE. Study for a painting representing the Fort Dearborn Massacre, painted by Samuel Page, 1872. The principal group in the foreground represents Mrs. Helm being rescued by Black Partridge. 33. LAFAYETTE GROUP. Containing: Souvenirs of Lafayette's visit to Kaskaskia in 1825, when he was entertained at the homes of Thomas Mather, John Edgar and others. Loaned by a descendant of Thomas Mather, Mrs. Lucius Pardee. The gloves bearing the miniature of Lafayette were worn by Mrs. Thomas Mather and treasured because they had been kissed by the gallant Frenchman in saluting the ladies of the receiving party. 34. COSTUME GROUP. Costume accessories worn by Illinois belles in Kaskaskia, Max Manor in Edgar County, and in Alton, 111. These heirlooms have been loaned to the Society by three ladies whose families have lived in Illinois through- out its century of statehood, Mrs. Lucius Pardee, Mrs. C. H. Dennis, and Mrs. Catherine Buckmaster Curran. 35. CIVIL WAR GROUP. Containing: Saddle and bridle used by General Grant during the War of the Rebellion. Revolver carried during the war in Grant's holster. Tickets used in making delivery of fire-wood by "Grant & Perkins," of which Grant was senior member. Bill-of-lading book of Jesse R. Grant, containing Grant's hand-writing. Confederate short swords. Vicksburg paper of July 2, 1863, printed on wall paper. Sabre, revolver and bowie knife used in Mexi- can War. 36. COL. EPHRAIM ELMER ELLSWORTH GROUP. Containing: Sword, cap, belt, buttons and sash from Col. Ellsworth's uniform. "Manual of arms for light infantry," by E. E. Ellsworth. Bible owned by Col. Ellsworth. Gift Book presented by Ellsworth to his fiancee, Miss Carrie M. Spofford. "Zouave drill, a manual of arms," by Col. Elma (!) E. Ellsworth. Photograph and wreath placed on Ellsworth's casket by Mrs. Abraham Lincoln. Earthenware teapot from the Marshall House, Alexandria, Va., where Ellsworth was killed. Drum of "Billy Nevins," champion drummer of the Ellsworth Zouaves. Portraits of Ellsworth, badges, etc. Three signal service messages signalled by Lt. Frank E. Yates of the Ellsworth Zouaves, 1862. 37. ELLSWORTH ZOUAVE PICTURES. Diploma of the Zouaves, 1859, drawn by Elmer Ellsworth. Portraits of Chicago Zouaves, 25th anniversary, 1885. 38. CIVIL WAR GROUP. Containing: Mementoes of Taylor's Battery B, First Illinois Light Artillery. Presented by Mr. Albert Dick- inson. " j * Mementoes of the Chicago Board of Trade Battery, Illinois Volunteers, 1862-65. Presented by Silas Curtis Stevens. 39. UNION COMMITTEE OF DEFENSE OF CHICAGO, organized, 1861 ; photographed by Brisbois. 40. LINCOLN GROUP. Frank G. Logan collection. Containing: Coat and stock worn by Lincoln at the time of his assassination. Shawl brought from Springfield and worn con- stantly while president. Last signature, made for Charles Forbes on leaving the White House for theater. 41. LINCOLN GROUP. Containing: Piece of silk stained with Lincoln's blood, being part of the sleeve of the gown worn by Miss Harris, who accompanied President and Mrs. Lincoln to the theater. Lock of Lincoln's hair. China and glass from President Lincoln's White House service, 1861-65. (Logan collection.) Knife which Lincoln usually carried. (Logan collection.) Piece of genuine "Lincoln Rail" purchased of his early associate, Dennis F. Hanks. Early school book bearing autograph "Abe Lincoln, 1828." (Logan collection.) Lincoln's home made arithmetic. Loaned by Miss Katharine D. Arnold. Campaign and funeral badges, medals, portraits, etc. 42. IRON SAFE from the home of Hon. John Marshall of Shawneetown, 111. The first bank in the Territory of Illinois was estab- lished by the United States Government, at Shawneetown in 1816, to take care of the land sales and as an encour- agement to emigration to the frontier. John Marshall was the first president, holding that Office until 1843. 43. STRONG BOX OF THE U. S. LAND OFFICE AT PALESTINE, CRAWFORD CO., ILL. This safe was used by the Land officers of the Federal Government -at Palestine for keeping moneys received from the sale of public lands in Illinois. This was in use in the '20s. 44. CIVIL WAR SONGS. Including: "Battle-cry of Freedom," by George F. Root. "300,000 More," by G. R. Poulton. "Union, God and Liberty." "Grafted Into the Army." "United States Zouave Cadets," and others. 45. GEORGE FREDERICK ROOT. Portrait bust by Lorado Taft. George Frederick Root, born Massachusetts, 1820, taught music in Boston, for some years, then went to Paris for further study. In 1853 he produced his first popular song, "Hazel Dell." This was followed by others, ''Rally Round the Flag;" "Just Before the Battle, Mother;" and "The Battle-Cry of Freedom." Died 1895. Mr. Lorado Taft, the sculptor, is a present-day Chicagoan. 46. PIANO brought to Illinois by George Flower, 1818, and used in Park Manor, New Albion, Edwards County, 111., by his sister, Miss Martha Flower. 47. PIANO purchased at Sanitary Fair, 1865. Loaned by the Grand Army Hall and Memorial Association of Illinois. 48. SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR AND PRESENT WAR GROUP. Containing: Key and key-hole shield from the "Maine." The gift of Mrs. E. E. Ayer. Service hat, first aid bandage, and ammunition carried by Frank E. Ay res, 1898. Hand grenade, barbed wire, and pouch used in the present war. The last named was sent home by Edward Nussbaum of Chicago, with the first A. E. F. in France. The pouch was found in the first German trench taken by the Americans. Corridor Exhibits 49. ABORIGINAL COSTUME EXHIBIT, drawn from the collection of Air. M. G. Chandler, in the Chicago Historical Society's Building. 50. KASKASKIA AND VICINITY. Photographs. 51. ILLINOIS VIEWS, in the '40s. Lithographs by H. Lewis. 52. CHICAGO IN 1857. Bird's eye view by I. T. Palmatary ; published by Braunhold & Sonne. 53. CHICAGO IN FLAMES, October 9, 1871. Five lithographs loaned by Mr. Charles B. Pike. 54. EARLY ILLINOIS NEWSPAPERS. Western Sun, September 5, 1807. Vincennes, Indiana Territory. In 1807, Indiana Territory included Illinois. Note the reference to "Counties of Randolph and St. Clair." Illinois Intelligencer, March 10, July 21 and 28, 1819. Kaskaskia, 111. Illinois Gazette, March 16, 1820. Shawnee- town, 111. Edwardsville Spectator, July 18, 1820. Ed- wardsville, 111. 55. RELIC FROM THE LAWRENCE. A piece of wood from the Lawrence, Commo- dore Perry's flag ship at the Battle of Lake Erie, Sept. 10th, 1813. The Lawrence was afterwards sunk in the harbor of Erie, where its timbers remained many years. Presented by the Buffalo Historical Society. 56. PERRY'S VICTORY ON LAKE ERIE. 1813. Portraits, pictures, fac-similes, etc. 57-68. CAMERON, EDGAR S. Series of paintings illustrating Chicago history. Loaned by the City of Chicago. I. Chicago before advent of whites : Wolfe's Point. II. Marquette and Jolliet, 1673. III. French Fort at Chicago, 1685. IV. Portage from the Desplaines to the Chi- cago River, about 1765. V. Fort Dearborn and Kinzie House, 1803-4. VI. Fort Dearborn Massacre, 1812. VII. Hubbard's Trail, 1827. VIII. Illinois and Michigan Canal, 1848. IX. Camp Douglas, 1862. X. Great Fire of 1871. XL World's Fair, 1893. XII. Mouth of Drainage Canal and Memorial crosses.