BRAHAM LINCOLN .UTERATVK& HHOOBBDnflfln ■ ' ; ... / i / ^ —•'''' W\4 r!m w :J! • !tii «;» WW ■lit . • • ■ aru tuao&ex faux- a- ufo^f^u^. k -£^± *z* ^ ^^ LI B RAFLY OF THE UN IVER.SITY Of ILLINOIS A Bequest from Marion D. Pratt 973.7L&3 Lincoln mm ABRAHAM LINCOLN IN PERIODICAL LITERATURE ^o ~^> Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign RICHARD BOOKER A incolumnu C H I CA GO 1S52 Hortfc Clark October 31, 1941 Dear Darctor Thank you for your letter of the 3oth. ^nfc thank you for your kind words of encouragement xhere was a lo^f that I wished to do In the check list hut the expense was too great. I would like to designate the location of all the magazines. Also to add a more compre- hensive index, author, subject, etc. hut this wo ild have added so many more pages that on a small edition the cost would .have been prohibitive. The book v/ould have to sell for ten dollars and there would have iaeen few takers. As it is your eminent compiler aint going to get rich on the royalties ahyv/ay. -a specially autographed copy of A.L. in P.L. is on its way to you. I have written to Springfield where I think the .atch j'aetory picture is but no answer yet. I saw a copy in a shop over on ^tate reet some time ago. I will run over to- morrow and if it is still there I will try to buy it from him and send it to you. I am ashamed of myself for letting the matter go so long. Cordially, diehard ::.:>-v: £ eJ "S 1 ft 3 liP^is?®^ . o J5 . Q ? ^ Pi CO •i ; ,:■■ ': 0) <:' % 3-* C/3ix> 00 73 ^ „; \ a 22 '\ §„-« s v ^ ^\ | §3*1 % A^ § QO :^ 5 H bii rt 1 ~ c3 J3 1 19 comi Wee! of t B Sh °?. w fc. I : y- use, Ap tage of hi "Harper copywrite .■>!:: ' ? ■:•:• N © ■ a , E »2^ iKHte , fe+J +» s. >« iS • ^ BBS •^ ft,* 45 • 3 S-a £ cc G C j_> 0> co C 00 C p'S^S i ^ on a ation he y was CO a, «S O / , 5 I* B ;i|:|i:-;^x;i:: : ? ■-H .13 » : S:' ■ V: : l' : :*!":-*'' ; d « g ^3 *■< £•§ ^ ai a w Fun hen a Dead, 1901. o * . J 5 BB« ** G8 O OX) 51 § BSllftfe ive ight pre kly, H « Ec^ 0) ol oo » Bee phal 3 wil Har Hou :. ' \ •.'..•■. ard trium houri from White >? > Z% t 2 > *>« 3^ a 111* ^ ■■■'' -^ r-X ^m now era ar t ratioi ered t :•;•: <:;:':^^:\: ;; : 73 u 2.2 5 oJ £3 ^43 (-H'O ABRAHAM LINCOLN IN PERIODICAL LITERATURE I860 — 1940 Written and Compiled by RICHARD BOOKER FAWLEY-BROST COMPANY INCORPORATED PUBLISHERS CHICAGO Copyright 1941 by RICHARD BOOKER PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BY FAWLEY-BROST COMPANY, CHICAGO, ILL. f 73. 71-03 £/AitocM PREFACE The task of gathering the magazine material that has been written about Abraham Lincoln into an intelligible index was undertaken with the full realization of the hazards presented. I can only hope that my answers to the peculiar problems pre- sented in a project of this kind have been somewhere near correct. The first problem was to establish, if possible, the dividing line between the subject material about Lincoln and that deal- ing with Civil War politics and military affairs with which he was connected. How far could the lap of one over the other category be safely extended? Secondly, would a comprehensive or selective list best serve the collector and reader interested in Lincolniana? Several years search has revealed an abund- ance of short poems of questionable quality and worth, short editorials, reprints in abundance of the Gettysburg address, the Bixby letter and other Lincoln classics, as well as hundreds of book reviews. Obviously, it would not be desirable or possible to include all this material if the listing was to be kept to a respectable length and practical in purpose. And thirdly, what form should such a check-list take? Standard listings of writ- ings offered no pattern into which such a list might be fitted. Of the many articles which have come to my attention, I have tried to include only those of appreciable length, and those which would be of interest to the Lincoln student. The periodicals have been listed alphabetically, with the Lincolniana in each entered chronologically. Where possible full information as to volume number and page number is supplied. An index has been added for more readily tracing the articles if the periodical is not known. The following publications served as basic guides in the groundwork of the check-list: Poole's Index, Reader's Guide, International Index, Writings in American History, and the bibliographical numbers of Lincoln Lore. The greater number of notations, however, were obtained by the patient examination of the long runs of periodicals themselves, and the canvass of those Lincoln collections that were readily available. This has resulted in the addition of much that will be found in no other index. Thanks are due to those Lincolnians, collectors and authors, who have assisted in the project. I am especially indebted to the Newberry Library and the Library of the University of Chicago for allowing me to roam at will through their periodi- cal stacks. Likewise, I must express thanks to Mr. Jewell Stevens for the use of his large collection of periodical Lincoln- iana, as well as for his helpful suggestions. Special help and encouragement was received from Dr. Harry E. Pratt and Mr. Ralph Newman. Credit is also due to Mr. William O. Daughton, Springfield, Illinois author, for editorial help and technical suggestions. RICHARD BOOKER Chicago, Illinois. £$"J-*^__ (Began as American Historical Magazine) V=(t^, /Pi5^ fy?3&9 Watkins, Albert: Douglas, Lincoln and the Nebraska Bill. 3:221. *f (May 1908) Continued in Vol. 3:358 (June 1908) [10 Paullin, C. O.: Hawthorne and Lincoln. (Regarding a descrip- tion of Lincoln written by Hawthorne after a visit to Wash- ington in 1862. 4:889 (Nov. 1909) [11 Ofner, J. B.: Land bounties to Lincoln, Grant, Lee and Davis. 5:697 (July 1910) [12 Mar kens, Isaac: President Lincoln and the Case of John Y. Beall. Port. 6:425 (May 1911) [13 Lamon, W. H.: Lincoln's Last Laugh. 6:977 (Oct. 1911) [14 Rockwell, J. H.: "A. Lincoln, Mar. 7, 1832" (Regarding a log bearing this inscription, found in the Sangamon River. 7:190 (Feb. 1912) [15 Lonergan, Thomas S.: Abraham Lincoln as an example of pa- triotism and self-education. 7:123 (Feb. 1912) [16 Higgins, Lucy Porter: A Sketch of Abraham Lincoln's mother. 13:156 (Apr. 1919) [17 American Bar Association Journal Townsend, Wm. H.: Lincoln the litigant. (Feb. 1924) [18 Townsend, Wm. H.: Lincoln's defense of Duff Armstrong. (Feb. 1925) [19 Townsend, Wm. H.: Lincoln on the circuit. (Feb. 1926) [20 Bergen, A.: Abraham Lincoln as a lawyer. (June 1926) [21 [1] Townsend, Wm. H.: Lincoln's law books. (Mar. 1929) [22 Townsend, Wm. H.: Logan and Lincoln. (Feb. 1933) [28 Ransom, William L.: Abraham Lincoln: profession a lawyer. Illus. (Address at the annual dinner of the Peoria Bar Asso- ciation, February 15, 1936.) (Mar. 1936) [24 Woldman, Albert A.: Centennial of Lincoln's admission to the Bar. (Mar. 1937) [25 •^Bullard, F. L.: Lincoln and the Courts of the District of Colum- bia. (Feb. 1938) [26 "-Billiard, F. L.: Lincoln pardons conspirators on plea of an Eng- lish statesman. (John Bright) (Mar. 1939) [27 »-"Pratt, H. E.: Lincoln and Douglas as counsel on the same side. (Mar. 1940) [28 *^ - ffi ^f^^^^ - * Baltimore and Ohio Magazine ' "J The Journey of President-Elect Lincoln (from Springfield to Washington for his first inauguration in 1861) (Feb. 1922) [141 Berks County Historical Society Transactions Richards, Louis: The Berks County ancestry of Abraham Lin- coln 2:369 (1910) [142 Better Homes and Gardens Morrow, Honore Willsie: Lincoln among the trees. (Feb. 1935) [143 Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review See: Princeton Review Billboard McMurtrie; R. Gerald: Abraham Lincoln and Tom Thumb. (Apr. 13, 1935) [144 Biosophical Review Briggs, Arthur E.: Lincoln the Biosopher. (Spring-Summer 1936) [145 Book Buyer Wilson, Rufus Rockwell: Abraham Lincoln in caricature. I — English cartoons (Sept. 1897) [146 Wilson, Rufus Rockwell: Abraham Lincoln in caricature. II — American cartoons (Oct. 1897) [147 Booklovers Magazine See: Appleton's Booklovers Magazine Bookman (New York) Fischer, Henry W.: Lincoln, Col. Lamon and Eugene Field. 7:200 (May 1898) [148 Robinson, Luther Emerson: Lincoln's religion restated. (The "Soul of Abraham Lincoln" by Wm. E. Barton) 51:547 (July 1920) [149 Banning, Kendall: The case of Lydia Bixby. (A narrative of the circumstances surrounding the writing of the "Bixby let- ter") 54:516 (Feb. 1922) [150 Seitz, Don C: "Lincoln the Man" Review of Edgar Lee Mas- ter's book. 73:198 (Apr. 1931) [151 [8] Brook line (Mass.) Historical Society Proceedings Seaver, William J.: Some impressions of Abraham Lincoln in 1856. pp. 15-20 (1910) [152 Burroughs Clearing House Malone, Thomas J.: Lincoln's schooling in finance. (Feb. 1930) [153 Case and Comment Richards, John Thomas: Abraham Lincoln: his standing as a lawyer. (July 1916) [154 Hertz, Emanuel: Lincoln as a lawyer. (Oct. 1937) [155 California Historical Society Quarterly v-Shutes, Milton H.: Abraham Lincoln and the New Almaden mine. (Mar. 1936) [156 California University Chronicle Tatlock, John S. P.: Attacks on Lincoln and his cabinet. (Oct. 1924) [157 Canadian Magazine Knowles, Robert E.: The mystery of Lincoln. 32:345 (Feb. 1909) [158 c Catholic World Bramantip, Bokardo: The Abraham Lincoln myth. (A phantasy showing the probable growth of the Lincoln cult by the year 3663) 58:254, 352 (Nov.-Dec. 1893) [159 Phillips, Charles: The poets' Lincoln. 107:145 (May 1918) [160 Phillips, Charles: If Abe came back. 119:349 (June 1924) [161 Phillips, Charles: Abraham Lincoln (The development of his faith. 128:513, 678. 129:48 (Feb., Mar., Apr. 1929) [162 Sollars, Edna S.: The campaign verse of Abraham Lincoln. (Feb. 1937) [163 Twynham, L.: Lincoln and San Marino. (Sept. 1938) [164 Central Law Journal (St. Louis) Benjamin, R. M.: Lincoln the Lawyer. (Mar. 19, 1909) [165 Century (New York, 1860-1861) M'Elrath, Thomas: The Inauguration. 2:523 (Mar. 9, 1861) [166 [9] Century Magazine (New York, 1881-1930) Volk, Leonard W.: The Lincoln life mask and how it was made. 1:223 (Dec. 1881) [167 Carpenter, Francis B.: How Lincoln was Nominated. (2J853) (Feb. 1882) [168 Van Santvoord, C: A Reception by President Lincoln. 3:612 (Feb. 1883) [169 Townsend, George Alfred: How John Wilkes Booth crossed the Potomac. (The reminiscences of Thos. A. Jones who helped Booth escape) 5:822 (/ty*U. I? 9*{) [170 Porter, Horace: Lincoln and Grant. 8:939 (Oct. 1885) [171 King, Clarence: The biographers of Lincoln. (Nicolay and Hay) 10:861 (Oct. 1886) [172 Nicolay, John C, and Hay, John: Abraham Lincoln, a history. Volume 11, p 3, to Volume 17, p 561, inc. (November 1886- February 1890, inc.) [173 Benjamin, Charles F.: (Lincoln and Stanton) 11:758 (Mar. 1887) [174 Harris, John T. Jr.: Lincoln's ancestors in Virginia. 11:810 (Mar. 1887) [175 Lincoln and Lowell, 11:965 (Apr. 1887) [176 Van Rennselaer, M. G.: Saint Gauden's Lincoln. (Whitney's engraving of the statue and text) 13:37 (Nov. 1887) [177 Lincoln and Emerson. 12:159 (May 1887) [178 Wilkinson, William C: (Lincoln's letter to W. G. Anderson, October 31, 1840) 15:477 (Jan. 1889) [179 Green, Ben. E.: Buchanan, Lincoln and Duff Green. 16:317 (June 1889) [180 Ingraham, Prentiss: The pursuit and death of Booth. (The narrative of Major Ruggles and Captain Doherty) 17:443 (Jan. 1890) [181 King, Horatio: Judge Holt and the Lincoln conspirators. 17:955 (Apr. 1890) [182 •Memoranda on the Life of Lincoln. A word from England; Lincoln's visit to Richmond; President Lincoln in Petersburg; General Grant and the news of Lincoln's death; President Lincoln's military guard; Lincoln's fame. 18:305 (June 1890) [183 (Lincoln in Congress) A letter from Lincoln to Josephus Hew- ett, February 13, 1848. 19:156. (Nov. 1890) [184 Hay, John: Life in the White House in the time of Lincoln. 19:33 (Nov. 1890) [185 Nicolay, John G.: Lincoln's personal appearance. 20:932 (Oct. 1891) [186 Greeley, Horace: Estimate of Lincoln. "An unpublished ad- dress. 20:371 (July 1891) [187 Herrick, Sophie Bledsoe: The Illinois of Lincoln's time. 21:796. (Mar. 1892) [188 [10] Lamborn, Samuel: A remarkable trial by jury. (Regarding Josiah Lamborn a "law partner of Abraham Lincoln") 21:797 (Mar. 1892) [189 Bishop, Joseph B.: Early political caricature in America. (Ma- terial on the 1858 and 1860 campaigns) 22:219 (June 1892) [190 Taft, Charles Sabin: Abraham Lincoln's last hours. (Dr. Taft was present at the death of Lincoln and assisted in the au- topsy) 23:634 (Feb. 1893) [191 Adams, John Coleman: Lincoln's place in history. 25:590 (Feb. 1894) [192 Nicolay, John G.: Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. (A study of the variations of the address) Facs. 25:596 (Feb. 1894) [193 Nicolay, John G.: Lincoln's literary experiments. (Printing a lecture and verses hitherto unpublished) 25:823 (Apr. 1894) [194 Brooks, Noah: Washington in Lincoln's time. 27:140 (Nov. C*-^^ . -3 1894) [195 •"Brooks, Noah: Glimpses of Lincoln in war time. 27:457 (Jan. 1895) [198 ^-Brooks, Noah, Lincoln, Chase and Grant. 27:607<^CFeb. 1895) [197 Brooks, Noah: Two war time conventions. (Lincoln's second nomination) 27:723 (Mar. 1895) [198 Brooks, Noah: Lincoln's reelection. 27:865 (Apr. 1895) [199 Brooks, Noah: The close of Lincoln's career. 28:18 (May 1895) [200 Perry, Leslie: Appeals to Lincoln's clemency. 29:251 (Dec. 1895) [201 ^Mason, Victor Louis: The four Lincoln conspiracies. 29:889 (Apr. 1896) [202 Bullock, John W.: President Lincoln's visiting card. (The story of the parole of a Confederate officer.) 33:565 (Feb. 1898) [203 Davis, J. McCann: The origin of the Lincoln rail, as told by Governor Oglesby. 38:271 (June 1900) [204 Weik, Jesse W.: Lincoln as a Lawyer. (An account of his first case) 46:279 (June 1904) [205 Hill, F. T.: Lincoln the Lawyer. 49:286, 586, 744, 939; 50:139 (Dec. 1905 to May 1906, inc.) [206 Edwards, C. B.: Incidents of Lincoln's first White House re- ception. 50:636 (Aug. 1906) [207 Burt, Silas W.: Lincoln on his own story telling. (Concerning the relations of Horatio Seymour and Lincoln. 51:499 (Feb. 1907) [208 Lockett, Myrta Avary: A Lincoln souvenir in the South. (A letter from Abraham Lincoln to Alexander H. Stephens which hangs on the wall of a southern home. 51:506 (Feb. 1907) [209 [11] Bates, David Homer: Lincoln in the telegraph office. 52:123, 290, 364, 612, 765. (May to Sept. 1907, inc.) [210 Gray, H. N.: Lincoln's offer of a command to Garibaldi. 53:63 (Nov. 1907) [211 Howard, Oliver O.: Personal recollections of Abraham Lincoln. 53:873 (Apr. 1908) [212 Weik, Jesse W.: Lincoln's vote for vice-president in the Phila- delphia Convention of 1856. 54:186 (June 1908) [213 Hill, F. T.: Fifty years after. (The Lincoln-Douglas Debates) 55:3 (Nov. 1908) [214 Gilder, Richard Watson: Lincoln the Leader. (Address orig- inally delivered before the Minnesota Commandery of the Loyal Legion at Minneapolis, Feb. 12, 1907. 55:479 (Feb. 1909) [215 Hay, John: Lincoln at the helm. 55:615 (Feb. 1909) [216 i^A Lincoln Correspondence (Twenty- two letters published here for the first time) 55:617 (Feb. 1909) [217 Shepard, Julia Adelaide: Lincoln's assassination, told by an eye-witness. 55:917 (Apr. 1909) [218 Edwin Booth and Lincoln, with an unpublished letter by Booth. 55:919 (Apr. 1909) [219 Grover, Leonard: Lincoln's interest in the theatre. 55:942 (Apr. 1909) [220 Moss, M. Helen Palmer: Lincoln and Wilkes Booth as seen on the day of the assassination. 55:950 (Apr. 1909) [221 •MacVeagh, Wayne: Lincoln at Gettysburg. 57:20 (Nov. 1909) [222 Sidelights on Lincoln: I. His campaign scrapbook, by Jesse Weik; II. Lincoln among lawyers, by Lambert Tree; III. How Lincoln was convinced of General Scott's loyalty, by Jesse Weik; IV. Lincoln breaks McClellan's Promise, by Horace Green; V. His anxiety about Sherman's march, by Laura Balch Carpenter; VI. Lincoln's reading and modesty, by John C. Van Dyke; VII. Two anecdotes of Lincoln, by David Mor- gan Edgerton. 59:589 (Feb. 1911) [223 Lincoln Memorial in Washington, The. 60:149 (May 1911) [224 Mechlin, Leila: The Proposed Lincoln Memorial. 61:367 (Jan. 1912) [225 Nicolay, Helen: Characteristic anecdotes of Lincoln from un- published notes of his private secretary, John G. Nicolay. 62:697. (Sept. 1912) [226 If Lincoln Could Return. (Lincoln and the present status of the negroes) 63:153 (Nov. 1912) [227 y/Kaine, John Langdon: Lincoln as a boy knew him. 63:555 (Feb. 1913) [228 Weik, Jesse W.: A new story of Lincoln's assassination. 63:559 (Feb. 1913) [229 Strunsky, Rose: Abraham Lincoln's social ideals. 65:588 (Feb. 1914) [230 [12] Merwin, J. B.: Lincoln and Peter Cartwright. 77:603 (Feb. 1917) [231 Warren, Louis A.: Lincoln's honorable parentage. His family skeletons turn out to be apparitions. 90:532 (Sept. 1926) [23£ Dodd, Wm. E.: The rise of Abraham Lincoln. 91:569 (Mar. 1927) [233 Dodd, William E.: Lincoln or Lee. (British support in the war) 91:661 (Apr. 1927) [234 Dodd, William E.: Lincoln's last struggle. 92:46 (May 1927) [235 Chautauquan Abraham Lincoln's Last Resting Place, (by T. L. F.) 7:405 (Apr. 1887) [236 Mabie, Hamilton W.: Lincoln's self -education. 31:33 (Apr. 1900) [237 Hapgood, Norman: The inner life of Abraham Lincoln. 31:79 (Apr. 1900) [238 Fletcher, L. B.: The Assassination of Lincoln. 31:243 (June 1900) [239 Brown, Mrs. E. C: The Death of Lincoln. 31:521 (Aug. 1900) [240 Charm Todd, Mrs. Nelson: The story of April 14th, retold. (Feb. 1928) [241 Child Life Judson, Clara Ingram: Abraham Lincoln's childhood home. nius. (Feb. 1927) [242 Merrill, Mabel S.: Lonesome Abe. (Fiction) Illus. (Feb. 1933) [243 Nicolay, Helen: Abraham Lincoln's boyhood. (Feb. 1936) [244 Cavanah, Frances: Abe, a story of Lincoln's boyhood. Illus. (Feb. 1938) [245 Chicagoan ^Lewis, Lloyd: Lincoln was something of a kidder too. (Feb. 15, 1930) [246 Altrock, Edward Everett: Lincoln in Washington, or if you prefer, Washington in Lincoln. (Feb. 1932) [247 Lewis, Lloyd: Lincoln the politician. The disclosure of the McClernand affair. (Feb. 1932) [248 Chicago Historical Society Bulletin Barton, Wm E.: Lincoln's lost Grandmother. (May 1923) [249 Pease, Theodore Calvin: A new source for Lincoln's presidency. (The diary of Orvma Hickman Browning) (Apr. 1924) [250 Peterson, Fred.: The death of President Lincoln. (Feb. 1926) [13] /£ex 7r# 2- 3-*^ '* *s~ P\> 33- yy Chicago Legal News Richards, John T.: Abraham Lincoln at the Bar of Illinois. (Address delivered before the Chicago Bar Association, Feb. 11, 1909) (Feb. 20, 1909) [252 Christian Advocate Murr, J. Ed.: Funeral sermon for Nancy Hanks. (Oct. 17, 1935) Onstott, Anna: Lincoln and the mission. (Feb. 9, 1939) s* [254 Christian Century !-*<£ & /fy/ Jones, Edgar DeWitt: Did Herndon know Lincoln? (Feb. 14, 1929) [255 Brooks, W. E.: At the Lincoln Memorial. (Feb. 9, 1928) [256 Jones, Edgar DeWitt: The man with the big umbrella. (Feb. 1931) [257 Cronkhite, L. R.: The church Lincoln didn't join. (Feb. 6, 1935) [258 Brooks, W. E.: Lincoln's philosophy of history. The second in- augural after fifty years. (Feb. 28, 1940) [259 Christian Endeavor World Lincoln and religion. (Feb. 6, 1930) [260 Davis, Bert H.: Young Abe Lincoln. (Feb. 28, 1932) [261 Thompson, Charles Willis: Lincoln's middle years. (Feb. 28, 1932) [262 Gage, Erie W.: A visit to Lincoln's home town. (Feb. 1933) [263 Jones, Edgar DeWitt: That church will I join. (Lincoln and Peter Cartwright) (Feb. 9, 1938) [264 Christian Examiner (Boston) The Two Messages. (A study and comparison of the message of Jefferson Davis, December 7, 1863, with that of Lincoln, December 8, 1863.) 76:130 (Jan. 1864) [265 The Presidential Election. (A plea for the reelection of Lincoln) 77:351 (Nov. 1864) [266 The Nation's Triumph and its sacrifice. (The end of the war and the assassination of Lincoln) 78:430 (May 1865) [267 State Crimes and their penalty. (The execution of the con- spirators) 79:282 (Sept. 1865) [268 [14] Christian Herald Morrow, Honore Willsie: Lincoln's religion. (Feb. 9, 1929) [269 Morrow, Honore Willsie: Fondly do we hope. (Feb. 8, 1930) [270 Barton, William E.: I have lived. (Feb. 1932) [271 Morrow, Honore Willsie: A week-end with Lincoln. (Feb. 1938) [272 Churchman Seitz, Don C: Lincoln and Liquor. (July 6, 1929) [273 Colliers The Lincoln Centennial. How it was celebrated. 42:12 (Feb. 13, 1909) [274 Jones, Richard Lloyd: Following his footsteps. (Traveling the circuit of the Lincoln-Douglas debates) 42:14 (Feb. 13, 1909) [275 Adams, John Wolcott: The sad humorist. 42:15 (Feb. 13, 1909) [276 Roberts, Octavia: Our townsman. (Lincoln as a friend and neighbor) 42:17 (Feb. 13, 1909) [277 Roosevelt, Theodore: Abraham Lincoln. An address at the Lincoln birthplace, February 12, 1909. Issued in a double page broadside as a supplement to the February 12, 1909 number. [278 One Hundred Years After, President Roosevelt dedicates the memorial building at the Lincoln birthplace farm. 42:11 (Feb. 27, 1909) [279 Kentucky Honors Lincoln. 43:18 (June 19, 1909) [280 Drinkwater, John: In Lincoln's America. 65:5 (Feb. 14, 1920) [281 Chapman, E. S.: A campaigner for Lincoln. 67:5 (Feb. 12, 1921) [282 Cole, Cornelius C: The Lincoln I knew. (Feb. 10, 1923) [283 Tarbell, Ida M.: He cut his way up with an ax. (Feb. 9, 1924) [284 Prowell, G. R.: "That speech won't scour" (Feb. 7, 1925) [285 Sandburg, Carl: Lincoln writes home. (Feb. 11, 1928) [286 Tarbell, Ida M.: Lincoln's first love. (Feb. 8, 1930) [287 They Hated Lincoln. (Feb. 8, 1930) [288 Marquis, Don: No Matter what they think. (Feb. 7, 1931) [289 Tarbell, Ida M.: In Mr. Lincoln's town. (Feb. 14, 1931) [290 They Can't Hurt Lincoln. (March 28, 1931) [291 Columbia Phillips, Chas.: Lincoln's coming of age. (Feb. 1930) [292 [15] Columbia Historical Society Records May, John Frederick: The Mark of the scalpel. (Dr. May's evidence in the identification of the body of John Wilkes Booth) 13:51 (1910) [293 Clark, Allen C: Abraham Lincoln in the National Capital. 27:1 (1925) [294 Commonweal Malone, Thomas J.: How Lincoln dressed. (Feb. 6, 1929) [295 Fiske, A. L.: A neighbor of Lincoln. An interview with Mrs. A. E. Johnson. (Mar. 2, 1932) [296 Confederate Veteran's Magazine When General Lee lost hope of success. (A. S. Colyar of the Confederate Congress tells about the Hampton Roads con- ference.) 1:325 (May 1893) [297 Brooker, W. H.: That Hampton Roads Conference. (What did Lincoln tell Alexander Stephens?) 3:109 (Apr. 1895) [298 Mr. Lincoln and Ben Hardin Helm. 4:73 (May 1896) [299 Louthan, Henry T.: A proposed abduction of Lincoln. (Jeffer- son Davis refuses to sanction a plan to kidnap Lincoln) 11:157 (Apr. 1907) [300 Henderson, Howard A. M.: Lincoln's assassination and Camp Fisk. 15:170 (Apr. 1907) [301 President Abraham Lincoln. (A group of Southerners write their views of the celebration of the Lincoln centennial) 17:153 (Apr. 1909) [302 Foote, George A.: Testimony as to the cause of Lincoln's mur- der. (Dr. Foote advances the theory that Booth killed Lincoln to avenge the hanging of his friend, Captain John Yates Bealle. 19:343 (July 1911) [303 Garrett, William H.: The true story of the capture of John Wilkes Booth. 29:129 (Apr. 1921) [304 Jennings, A. H.: A view of (Archibald) Rutledge's, ''Lincoln, A Southern View" 33:129 (Apr. 1925) [305 Lincoln as Pacifist. 33:342 (Sept. 1925) [306 Arnold, Thomas J.: Hunter as Lincoln's agent. 33:410 (Nov. 1925) [307 Hite, Cornelius B.: Events leading to Lincoln's election. 33:447 (Dec. 1925) [308 Doyle, W. E.: Lincoln's bust at the Technological College of Texas. 34:167 (May 1926) [309 Jennings, A. H.: Lincoln and the Draft. 34:366 (Oct. 1926) [310 The Lincoln picture in the South. (A protest against the show- ing of films in the south depicting the life of Lincoln.) 34:464 (Dec. 1926) [311 Ashe, S. A.: Lincoln and the Constitution. 38:267 (July 1930) [312 [16] Mcintosh, T. M.: Abraham Lincoln — strategist, opportunist. 38:423 (Nov. 1930) [313 Gilbert, C. E.: Lincoln's Inconsistencies. 40:20 (Jan. 1932) [314 Ashe, S. A.: Andrew Jackson and Abraham Lincoln. 40:291 (Aug. 1932) [315 Constitutional Review Atwood, Harry: Lincoln and the Constitution. (July 1929) [316 Cosmopolitan Gordon, Julien: Abraham Lincoln in his relations to women. 18:205 (Dec. 1894) [317 Taft, William Howard: Inspiration from Lincoln. 46:361 (Mar. 1909) [318 Watterson, Henry: Abraham Lincoln. 46:363 (Mar. 1909) [319 Ludwig, Emil: The life of Abraham Lincoln. (Sept.-Dec. 1929) [320 Tarbell, Ida M.: The Lincoln way in big business. (Feb. 1932) [321 Morrow, Honore Willsie: What Lincoln taught me about living. (Ma, 1936) ^ ^ ^ ^ Current History ^ £ Un4 \Z$ L .j e p t fif^ Wilson, Clarence True: Bishop Matthew Simpson, the man who .^ ' inspired the Emancipation Proclamation. (Oct. 1929) [323 ft X? Current Opinion Barnard's Lincoln — a statue of the spirit of Democracy or a defamatory caricature — which? 63:339 (Nov. 1917) [324 New Light on Lincoln's Religion. 68:515 (Apr. 1920) [325 New Light on Lincoln's Paternity. 69:802 (Dec. 1920) [326 New Light on the Women Lincoln Loved. (Feb. 1923) [327 Abraham Lincoln was a Hero to his valet-coachman. (Feb. 1924) [328 Williams, W. C: Abraham Lincoln and Nicolai Lenine, a con- trast. 72:320 (Mar. 1922) [329 Craftsman Lincoln as a Craftsman in Words. 8:428 (July 1905) [330 Lincoln's Character in the Borglum's Portrait Bust. 14:26 (Apr. 1908) [331 Inspiration. (Frank S. Black's writings on Lincoln) (May 1913) [332 [17] Dalhousie Review Canadian Opinion of Abraham Lincoln. (Quotes from a memor- andum of Hon. A. T. Gualt, Canadian Finance Minister, re- garding a visit to Lincoln, December 1861, and from leading Canadian papers of that time.) (Oct. 1922) [333 Park, Joseph H.: Lincoln and Contemporary English Periodi- cals. (Oct. 1926) [334 Dearborn Independent Bishop, H. O.: As the 16-year-old sculptor saw Lincoln. (Vinnie Ream) Illus. (Feb. 21, 1920) [335 Seim, Conrad: Abraham Lincoln eulogized by Bismark. (Feb. 12, 1921) [336 Ulm, Aaron Hardy: In the house where Lincoln died. (Descrip- tion of the collection of Osborn H. Oldroyd.) Illus. (Feb. 11, 1922) [337 Malone, Thomas J.: The books that Abraham Lincoln read as a boy. (Feb. 10, 1923) [338 Holmes, Fred. L.: Lincoln's Freeport speech sounded knell of slavery. (Feb. 9, 1924) [339 Anderson, John Davis: Lincoln sued for ten dollars on a horse trade. Three times a defendant in law suits when he was desperately poor. (Feb. 9, 1924) [340 Barton, Wm. E.: When Lincoln said, "I am master." (Feb. 7, 1925) [341 Malone, Thomas J.: She was a stepmother. (Sally Bush Lin- coln) (Feb. 7, 1925) [342 Stidger, William L.: An interview with Springfield, Illinois. (Feb. 7, 1925) [343 M'Guire, Leroy: Abraham Lincoln encircles the globe. Memor- ials and statues from Scotland to Korea. (Feb. 7, 1925) [344 Hathaway, Carson C: What "The Mark of the Scalpel" tells (Concerning Dr. May's testimony in the indentification of the body of Booth.) (Feb. 7, 1925) [345 De Young, D. P.: Lincoln's secretary talks of his chief. (Re- membrances of William O. Stoddard) (Feb. 7, 1925) [346 Hutchins, Elizabeth G.: And Lincoln said to me. (Personal memories of Lincoln) (Feb. 7, 1925) [347 Black, F. L.: Identification of John Wilkes Booth. (May 2, 1925) [348 Black, F. L.: The mad Booths and Lincoln's faith. (June 6, 1925) [349 Black, F. L.: Lincoln's murder, amazing man-hunt. (Apr. 10, 1926) [350 Barton, William E.: The town Lincoln put on the map. (May 8, 1926) [351 Barton, William E.: Lincoln's Gettysburg address. (July 3, 1926) [352 Barton, William E.: Why Lincoln was sad. (Aug. 28, 1926) [353 [18] Barton, William E.: Lincoln's famous lost speech. (Oct. 2, 1926) [354 Barton, William E.: Verses that Lincoln wrote. (May 13, 1926) [355 Sandburg, Carl: Letters to the folks. (Lincoln as postmaster of New Salem) (Nov. 20, 1926) [356 Barton, William E.: Lincoln and Temperance. (Nov. 27, 1926) [357 Barton, William E.: Lincoln's Friend at Court. (Feb. 12, 1927) [358 Stidger, William L.: Lincoln in marble and bronze. (Feb. 12, 1927) [359 Sandburg, Carl: Little lost speeches and anecdotes of Lincoln. (Feb. 12, 1927) [360 Farris, J. T.: New Salem of Abraham Lincoln. (Feb. 12, 1927) [361 Karpinski, Louis G.: A letter and a reply. The opening of the Civil War. (Lincoln's letter to Governor Curtin) (Feb. 12, 1927) [362 Bayne, Julia Taft: Good times in the White House. (Feb. 12, 1927) [363 Barton, William E.: Where the mother of Lincoln was born. (June 25, 1927) [364 Barton, William E.: Nancy Hanks, the mother of Lincoln. (Aug. 27, 1927) [865 Barton, William E.: The Courting of Mary Todd. (Oct. 8, 1927) Barton, William E.: Mrs. Lincoln in the White House. (Oct. 29, 1927) [367 Bayne, Julia Taft: Tad Lincoln's Snowstorm. (Nov. 12, 1927) [368 Barton, William E.: The English home of the Hankses. (Dec. 24, 1927) [369 Barton, William E.: The Lincolns in their English home. (Dec. 31, 1927) [370 Delineator Leramon, G. T.: The feminine element in Lincoln. 73:403 (Mar. 1909) [371 Bacheller, Irving: Lincoln and the ladies. 98:10 (Feb. 1921) [372 Morrow, Honore Willsie: Lincoln's lost speech. (Fiction) 106:5 (Feb. 1925 ) [373 t^Tarbejll, Ida M.: The third woman in Lincoln's life. (Mary Owens) 124:7 (Feb. 1934) [374 Carskadon, T. R.: Mother of Lincoln. (Feb. 1936) [375 Delphian Lincoln never stopped growing. (Jan. 1935) [376 [19] Demorest's Monthly Trever, Konrad: The Nation in Tears. In memoriam Abraham Lincoln. Song supplement with words and music. (May 1865) [377 Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichtsblatter Schneider, Otto: Abraham Lincoln un das Deutschthum. (Apr. 1909) [378 Meese, William Augustus: Abraham Lincoln un Wasserwege. (Incidents in Lincoln's life relating to waterways. (July 1908) [379 Manhardt, Emil: Lincoln Werdegang un Laufbahn. (Apr. 1909) [380 Lincoln and German patriotism. 12:510 (1912) [381 Dial (Chicago) Kirkland, J.: Lincoln, Stanton and McClellan. 2:93 (Sept. 1881) [382 Poole, W. F.: Arnold's Life of Lincoln. 5:261 (Feb. 1885) [383 Halsey, J. J.: Lincoln, a character study. (Review of Morse's Life of Lincoln. 15:263 (Nov. 1, 1893) [384 Hinsdale, B. A.: Abraham Lincoln, Complete Works. (A review of the edition by Nicolay and Hay. 17:33 (July 16, 1894) [385 Johnson, E. G.: More Books about Lincoln. Literary criticism of "Washington in Lincoln's time" (Brooks); "Recollections of Lincoln" (Lamon) and "Tributes and reminiscences" (Ward). 19:241 (Nov. 1, 1895) [386 New Light on Lincoln's Life. Review of Tarbell's Life of Lin- coln. 28:192 (March 16, 1900) [387 Halsey, J. J.: Lincoln's plan of reconstruction. 32:324. (May 16, 1902) [388 Reed, Lina Brown: Outline of Lincoln literature. 34:189 (Mar. 16, 1903) [389 Cooper, Charles H.: Abraham Lincoln and his presidency. (Bar- rett) Review. 36:234. (Apr. 1, 1904) [390 Street, Charles M.: Lincoln as a Statesman. 50:9 (Jan. 1, 1911) [391 Hapgood, Norman: Washington and Lincoln. 67:92 (Aug. 9, 1919) [392 Dickinson Law Review Harper, Ellahue Ansile: Lincoln the Lawyer. (Jan. 1924) [393 [20] Discovery (London) Charnwood, Lord: Abraham Lincoln as now known to us. 1:209, 245. (July, August 1920) [394 Education (Boston) McFadden, L. E.: Abraham Lincoln, his education and moral courage. (Dec. 1919) [395 Educational Review (New York) Herrick, Cheesman, A.: How Lincoln was educated. (Feb. 1926) [396 Esquire Masters, Edgar Lee: Dreiser at Spoon River. (Recollections of the early New Salem environment of Lincoln) (May 1939) [397 Etude Brands, Pearl Brown: Music popular at the time of Lincoln. (Apr. 1934) [398 Brands, Pearl Brown: Music written about Abraham Lincoln. (Feb. 1938) [399 Evangelical Messenger Lincoln's first book and his first letter. (Feb. 11, 1933) [400 Lincoln in the eyes of Mary Todd (Feb. 11, 1933) [401 Immortal Hands. (Feb. 11, 1933) [402 Kaufman, A. F.: Lincoln and New Salem (Feb. 11, 1933) [403 Evanston Historical Society Proceedings Curry, J. Seymour: Lincoln's visit to Evanston in the year be- fore the war. (1910) [404 Everybody's Borglum, Gutzon: The beauty of Lincoln. (Feb. 1910) [405 Filson Club Quarterly ~ Abraham Lincoln, Senior, grandfather of the President. (July 1931) [406 Warren, Louis A.: The religious background of the Lincoln family. (Jan. 1932) [407 [21] Forbes Montgomery, L. L.: When Lincoln spoke. (Feb. 15, 1930) [408 . Fort Dearborn Cigranfc, B. J.: Lincoln's first visit to Chicago. (Feb. 1920) [409 Forum Schuyler, Montgomery: Lincoln's English. 41:120 (Feb. 1909) [410 Busby, Hamilton: Recollections of Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War. 45:282 (Mar. 1911) [411 Maurice, Frederick: Lincoln as a strategist. 75:161 (Feb. 1926) [412 Shaw, Lord, of Dunfermline: Lincoln as a Lawyer. 77:220 (Feb. 1927) [413 Leach, Henry Goddard: Was Lincoln a Democrat? 101:49 (Feb. 1939) [414 a Fra Ingersol N Robert: Abraham Lincoln. (Feb. 1909) [415 Carr, Clark E.: Lincoln as I knew him. (Feb. 1909) [416 Hubbard, Elbert: Lincoln memories (Feb. 1909) [417 Hubbard, Elbert: The mother of Lincoln. (Sept. 1909) [418 Rogers, James Frederick: Lincoln the athlete. (June 1915) [419 Frank Leslie's Monthly Hall, A. Oakley: The great Lincoln inauguration, 1861 (Mar. 1897) [420 Frank Leslie's Weekly Lewis, Frank: New Light on Lincoln's life. (The author first met Lincoln in Springfield in 1837) (Feb. 16, 1899) [421 Taylor, W. H.: A new story of the assassination of Lincoln. (Mar. 26, 1908) [422 Seward, Frederick W.: Recollections of Lincoln's last hours. (Feb. 4, 1909) [423 Galaxy Welles, Gideon: The facts in the abandonment of the Gosport Navy Yard. 10:109 (July 1870) [424 Welles, Gideon: Facts in relation to the expedition ordered by the administration of President Lincoln for the relief of the garrison at Fort Sumter. 10:613 (Nov. 1870) [425 Weed, Thurlow: Mr. Lincoln and three friends in council. 11:247 (Feb. 1871) [426 [22] Welles, Gideon: Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson. 13:521, 663. (April, May 1872) [427 Welles, Gideon: Lincoln and Seward. (A criticism of Charles Francis Adams' memorial speech on Seward, concerning the relations of Lincoln and the Secretary of State.) 16:518, 687, 793. (Oct., Nov., Dec. 1873) [428 Welles, Gideon: The Administration of Lincoln. 22:300, 437; 23:5, 149; 24:437, 608, 733. (Sept., Oct. 1876; Jan., Feb., Oct., Nov., Dec. 1877) [429 Georgia Historical Quarterly Hay, Thomas Robson: President Lincoln and the Army of the Potomac. (Dec. 1926) [430 Gideon Watterson, Henry: Abraham Lincoln. (Feb. 1934) [431 Golden Book Lincoln from the inside. 31:156 (Feb. 1926) [432 Abraham Lincoln: Characteristic comments made by his con- temporaries. 9:60 (Feb. 1929) [433 Tausek, J.: The real story of the Gettysburg Address. 15:258 (Mar. 1932) [434 Barton, Wm. E.: How Lincoln's grandfather missed immortal- ity. 21:125 (Feb. 1935) [435 Lincoln as contemporary cartoonists saw him. 21:180 (Feb. 1935) [436. Good Housekeeping Daviess, M. T.: Sisters of Lincoln's mother. 76:186 (Feb. 1923) [437 MacCulloch, Campbell: This man saw Lincoln shot. (Joseph Hazleton) (Feb. 1927) [438 ■•Barton, Wm. E.: Abraham Lincoln was a Lee. 88:80 (Jan. 1929) 439 Hunt. Frazer: The little girl who sat on Lincoln's lap. (Feb. 1931) [440 KTarbell, Ida M.: Lincoln and the youth of Illinois. 88:22 (Feb. 1929) [441 Jacobs, H. S.: Lincoln listened to a little girl. Edited by F. J. Nickels. 94:42 (Feb. 1932) [442 Morrow, H. W.: Dearer than all. 98:34 (Feb. 1934) [443 Good Words (London) The martyred president. 6:479 (June 1865) [444 Ludlow, J. M.: The President judged by his own words. 6:612 & 6:901 (Aug. & Dec. 1865) [445 [23] Grade Teacher Hastings, M. & H.: Like Lincoln, a play for primary and inter- mediate grades. (Jan. 1930) [446 Chrisman, Lewis H.: Lincoln's Gettysburg address. Illus. (Feb. 1940) [447 Green Bag Mowry, Duane: Abraham Lincoln. (Feb. 1902) [448 ^Wright, Allen Henry: A new light on Lincoln as an advocate. Reminiscences of W. H. Somers, clerk of the Circuit Court at Champaign County, Illinois, before which Lincoln frequently appeared as counsel. (Feb. 1908) [449 Hamiltonian Wait, Major L.: Personal reminiscences of Lincoln. Address at the annual Lincoln-day celebration of the Hamilton Club, Chicago, Feb. 12, 1912. (Feb. 1912) [450 Atwood, Harry F.: Washington, Lincoln and McKinley. (Feb. 1914) [451 Sherman, Lawrence Y.: Lincoln and the commonplace. Also report of the Lincoln celebration at the Hamilton Club, 1916, with synopsis of the addresses. (Mar. 1916) [452 Lincoln's Birthday Celebration, Feb. 12, 1917. Addresses by H. C. Beelman, Edward F. Dunnfl Judge Marcus Kavanaugh and others. (Feb. 1917) ) [453 Washington, Lincoln and McKinley: The significance of their teachings in the present crisis. (Feb. 1918) [454 Lincoln Birthday Celebration, 1919. Address of Mr. Justice Wanamaker of the Supreme Court of Ohio. (Mar. 1919) [455 Litschert, Frank P.: A History of the Republican Party. The first three parts of this contain much Lincoln interest, the birth of the party, and the early rise of Lincoln as a leader in the party. (Jan., Feb., Mar. 1924) [456 Wilkerson, James H.: Address on Abraham Lincoln. (Mar. 1926) [457 White, Pauline R.: Anecdotes of Abraham Lincoln. (Feb. 1926) [458 White, Pauline R.: Lincoln and Washington. (Feb. 1931) [459 Haideman-Julius Monthly Haldeman- Julius, E.: Abraham Lincoln, the free-thinker. (Nov. 1925) [460 Haldeman Julius Quarterly McCabe, Joseph: Six infidel U. S. Presidents. (Apr. 1927) [461 [24] Hamptons Laughlin, Clara E.: Lincoln and Booth, a chronicle of their last days. (Feb. 1909) [462 Whipple, Wayne: Abraham Lincoln the greatest American hu- morist. (Feb. 1912) [463 Harper's Monthly The Republican convention: Nomination of Lincoln and Hamlin. 21:259 (July 1860) [464 Mr. Lincoln's journey to Washington and his inauguration. 22:690 (Apr. 1861) [465 Mr. Lincoln's Cabinet. 22:837 (May 1861) [466 The Baltimore Convention: Nomination of Lincoln and Johnson. 29:401 (Aug. 1864) [467 The death of Lincoln. 31:123 (June 1865) [468 Brooks, Noah: Abraham Lincoln. 31:223 (July 1865) [469 Monument to Lincoln. 34:389 & 34:804 (Feb., May 1867) [470 Mrs. Abraham Lincoln. 36:121 (Dec. 1867) [471 Arnold, I.JjT: The Baltimore plot to assassinate Lincoln. 37:123-2£ June 1868) [472 •Dickson, H. M.: Lincoln at Cincinnati. 69:62 (June 1884) [473 Lincoln and Grant. 71:151 (June 1885) [474 Reminiscences of Lincoln. 71:311 (July 1885) [475 Chittenden, L. E.: New moneys of Lincoln's Administration. 81:699 (Oct. 1890) [476 Chittenden, L. E.: The faith of Abraham Lincoln. 82:385 (Feb. 1891) [477 Perry, Leslie J.: Lincoln's home life in Washington. 94:353. (Feb. 1897) [478 Bancroft, Frederick: Seward's proposition of April 1, 1861 for a foreign war and a dictatorship. 99:781 (Oct. 1899) [479 Crook, Win. H.: Lincoln as I knew him. Reminiscences of Crook compiled by M. S. Gerry. 114:107 & 115:41 (Dec. 1906, June 1907) [480 Crook, Wm. H.: Lincoln's last day. Compiled by M. S. Gerry. 115:519 (Sept. 1907) [481 Gerry, Margarita Spalding: The toy shop. 116:3 (Dec. 1907) [482 Atkinson, Eleanor: Lincoln's alma mater. 126:942 (May 1913) [483 Thayer, William Roscoe: Lincoln and some Union Generals. From the unpublished diaries of John Hay. 130:93 (Dec. 1914) [484 [25] Shepherd, Wm. G.: Shattering the myth of John Wilkes Booth's escape. 149:702 (Nov. 1924) [485 Bradford, Gamaliel: The wife of Abraham Lincoln. 151:489 (Sept. 1925) [486 DeVoto, Bernard: Father Abraham. 180:333 (Feb. 1940) [487 Harper's Weekly Hon. Abraham Lincoln of Illinois, Republican candidate for President. Short sketch of his career. Illustrated with a large engraving of the Brady photograph. 4:321 (May 26, 1860) [488 [Seward's letter to the Central Republican Committee.] Seward on the nomination of Lincoln. 4:343 (June 2, 1860) [489 The Nomination of Lincoln. 4:338 (June 2, 1860) [490 [Full-size cover portrait of Lincoln from photograph by Brady.] 4:705 (Nov. 10, 1860) [491 Mr. Lincoln at home. 4:727 (Nov. 17, 1860) [492 [Lincoln's trip to Washington. His adieu to Springfield, speech at Cincinnati and Indianapolis.] 5:11 (Feb. 23, 1861) [493 The Inauguration. Address of Lincoln and double-truck engrav- ing of the inaugural scene at the Capitol. 5:165, 167-168. (Mar. 16, 1861) [494 The murder of our President. Eulogy of Lincoln. 9:256, 257. (Apr. 29, 1865) [495 [Funeral services for Lincoln in Washington and New York.] Illustrated with engravings of the scene at the deathbed, the procession in New York, etc. 9:275, 276, 278, 279. (May 6, 1865) [496 The Assassin's End. 9:292. (May 13, 1865) [497 The Trial of the Conspirators. 9:341 (June 3, 1865) [498 The Trial of the Conspirators. 9:359 (June 10, 1865) [499 The Trial of the Conspirators. 9:423 (July 8, 1865) [500 The Last of the Conspirators. 9:454 (July 22, 1865) [501 The Conspirators and the Conspiracy. 9:409 (July 1, 1865) [502 Anecdotes of Lincoln. 47:1235 (July 25, 1903) [503 Opportunism of Lincoln. 48:228 (Feb. 13, 1904) [504 Proctor, A. G.: Lincoln's honesty. 49:619 (April 29, 1905) [505 Proctor, A. G.: The nomination in 1860. 49:1937 (Dec. 30, 1905) [506 Wham, J. W.: The other side of Lincoln. 50:1208 (Aug. 25, 1906) [507 Miller, M. M.: Memory of Abraham Lincoln. 51:1320 (Sept. 7, 1907) [508 Draper, A. S.: Lincoln's parable. 51:1567 (Oct. 26, 1907) [509 Lincoln and Prohibition. 56:2 (Oct. 24, 1908) [510 Leale, Charles A.: Lincoln's last hours. (Feb. 13, 1909) [511 Oldys, H.: Lincoln as a foe to compromise. 53:30 (Feb. 13, 1909) [512 [26] Thorpe, F. N.: Ann Rutledge, true story of the life romance of Lincoln. 53:22. (Feb. 13, 1909) [513 Goddard, H. P.: Lincoln's droll side. 53:28 (Feb. 13, 1909) [514 Crook, Wm. H.: Might Lincoln's life have been saved? 53:30 (Feb. 13, 1909) [515 Perry, J. R.: Man at Washington. (Feb. 27, 1909) [516 Lyman, H. D.: Lincoln and the child. 53:8 (May 8, 1909) [517 Harper's Weekly and Abraham Lincoln. 62:156 (Feb. 12, 1916) [518 Hartford Seminary Record Reese, Eric Allen: Abraham Lincoln, an interpretation. (Apr. 1909) [519 Harvard Graduates Magazine Rhodes, James Ford: Lincoln in some phases of the Civil War. (Sept. 1915) [520 Harvard Monthly Felton, C. C: Abraham Lincoln: the trip to Washington in 1861, the Baltimore plot. 1:119 (1885) [521 Historical Outlook Randall, J. G.: The "Rule of Law" under the Lincoln Admin- istration. (Oct. 1926) [522 History Teachers Magazine Cole, Arthur C: President Lincoln and his war-time critics. (May 1918) [523 Homiletic Review Tyler, B. B.: The Religious Character of Abraham Lincoln. (July 1895) [524 Our two greatest. (Feb. 1926) [525 Jones, R. M.: Mt. Shasta revisited, Lincoln and Christ. (Feb. 1926) [526 Forman, R. L.: Like Lincoln. (Feb. 1927) [527 Cadman, S. P.: Abraham Lincoln. (Feb. 1928) [528 Barton, Wm. E.: Abraham Lincoln as we know him now. (Feb. 1929) [529 Shannon, F. F.: Lincoln the Christian. (Feb. 1930) [530 The letter to Major General Hooker. (Feb. 1930) [531 Poling, D. A.: The face of Lincoln. (Feb. 1930) [532 Barnette, L. J.: Lincoln's religious life. (Feb. 1931) [533 Carlson, H. E.: Face of Abraham Lincoln. (Feb. 1931) [534 [27] Penney, A. J.: Abraham Lincoln. (Feb. 1931) [535 Poling, D. A.: The look on Lincoln's face. (Feb. 1932) [536 Clark, C: Abraham Lincoln's life, a great symphony. (Feb. 1932) [537 Tarbell, Ida M.: Lincoln's spiritual leadership. (Feb. 1933) [538 Evans, E. R.: The gospel in the Gettysburg Address. (Feb. 1934) [539 Maddox, J. L.: Lincoln: a lawyer and an honest man. (Feb. 1934) [540 Hours at Home Carpenter,! bIb;: In memoriam. Detailed personal reminiscences of Lincoln. 1:158 (June 1865) [541 I^ewis, Taylor: Abraham Lincoln. 1:184 (June 1865) [542 Mr. Lincoln's favorite poem and its author. 1:446 (Sept. 1865) [543 Hygeia Belsey, F. O.: Washington and Lincoln and outdoor life. 5:62 (Feb. 1927) [544 Shutes, M. H.: Lincoln and the doctors. A series of ten articles. (Jan. to Oct., inc., 1932) [545 Fiske, Annette: His name was Mudd. (Feb. 1937) [546 s&z^h.^p Illinois Central Magazine They recall the Lincoln of Illinois days. Personal recollections of Vaspasian Warner and George D. Chafee. (Feb. 1923) [547 Abraham Lincoln's views on Americanism. (Feb. 1923) [548 Lord, J. H.: What Lincoln meant to one immigrant. (Feb. 1923) [549 Bowen, A. L.: Making Springfield, Illinois a Lincoln shrine. (Feb. 1923) [550 Independent Smith, Helen E.: Lincoln and a lady of the Sanitary Commis- sion. 52:434 (Feb. 15, 1900) [551 Thompson, A. W.: How Jefferson Davis received the news of Lincoln's death. 52:434 (Feb. 1900) [552 Burrage, Henry S.: How Abraham Lincoln righted a wrong. 53:379 (Feb. 14, 1901) [553 Whitney, Henry C: Social isolation of Lincoln. 54:378 (Feb. 13, 1902) [554 Mead, E. D.: The coming Lincoln centennial. 66:145 (Jan. 21, 1909) [555 Lincoln literature, old and new. 66:261 (Feb. 4, 1909) [556 Knowles, R. E.: The mystery of Lincoln. 66:288 (Feb. 11, 1909) [557 [28] Bowen, H. C: Recollections of Abraham Lincoln. 66:292 (Feb. 11, 1909) [558 Oldys, Henry: An unpublished Lincoln letter [to Nathan Sar- gent, June 23, 1859] Letter in facsimile. 66:297 (Feb. 11, 1909) [559 Ghent, W. J.: Lincoln and labor. 66:301 (Feb. 11, 1909) [560 Chapin, Benjamin: Lincoln in the hearts of the people. 66:305 (Feb. 11, 1909) [561 Dodge, D. K.: The Lincoln Illinois country. 66:309 (Feb. 11, 1909) [562 Memorable words of Lincoln. 66:315 (Feb. 11, 1909) [563 Lincoln as a Greek god. A criticism of the proposed memorial at Washington. 72:320 (Feb. 8, 1912) [564 Choate, Joseph H.: Lincoln and Grant today. 72:335 (Feb. 15, 1912) [565 Wilson, James Grant: Reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln. Ad- dress before the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, Feb. 12, 1913. 74:395 (Feb. 20, 1913) [566 Wilson, James Grant. Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. 74:911. (Apr. 24, 1913) [567 Of the true American breed. Editorial on the celebration at Lincoln Memorial University. 89:338 (Feb. 26, 1917) [568 Syle, B. C: Intimate studies of Washington and Lincoln. 110: 132 (Feb. 17, 1923) [569 Moses, Montrose J.: The Abraham Lincoln we love. 101:170 (Jan. 13, 1920) [570 Scoville, Samuel, Jr.: When Lincoln and Beecher met. 116:180 (Feb. 13, 1926) [571 Lincoln the man and the patriot. Ten Lincoln portraits. 116:185 (Feb. 13, 1926) [572 Indiana History Bulletin ^Barton, Wm. E.: Abraham Lincoln's ancestry. (Jan. 1925) [573 Warren, Louis A.: Unused sources for modern historians. (Feb. 1925) [574 Warren, Louis A.: The mystery of Lincoln's melancholy. (Dec. 1925) [575 De la Hunt, Thomas J.: Where did the Lincoln family cross the Ohio? (May 1929) [576 De la Hunt, Thomas J.: The Lincoln eastward environment. (Aug. 1929) [577 Ehrman, Mrs. Calder: Word pictures of pioneer families and Lincoln contemporaries. (Aug. 1929) [578 Honig, George: An interview with James A. Jones about the Lincoln cabin. (Aug. 1929) [579 [29] Indiana Historical Society Publication McBride, Robert Wesley: Lincoln's bodyguard: with some per- sonal recollections of Abraham Lincoln. Vol. 5, No. 1 (1911) [580 Moores, Charles W.: Abraham Lincoln, lawyer. Vol. 7, No. 10 (1922) [581 Iglehart, John E.: The environment of Abraham Lincoln in Indiana, with an account of the De Bruler family. Vol. 8, No. 3 (1925) [582 Indiana Magazine of History The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Excerpt from the diary of George W. Julian. (Dec. 1915) \^c%^Vl ^83 Murr, J. Edward: Lincoln in Indiana. XMar., June, 1918) [584 Ehrmann, Bess V.: The Lincoln Inquiry. (Mar. 1925) [585 i'HoU, Charles: Indiana's part in the nomination of Lincoln in 1860. (Mar. 1929) [586 ^The family of Hananiah Lincoln in Revolutionary and pioneer history. (Mar. 1929) [587 Warren, Louis A.: Lincoln's Hoosier schoolmasters. (June 1931) [588 Warren, Louis A.: The Shipley ancestry of Lincoln's mother. (Sept. 1933) [589 /^Coleman, Christopher B.: The Lincoln legend. (Dec. 1933) [590 McMurtry, R. G.: Influence of Riley's narrative upon Abraham Lincoln. (June 1934) [591 Warren, Louis A.: The romance of Thomas Lincoln and Nancy Hanks. (Sept. 1934) [592 McMurtry, R. G.: Lincoln knew Shakespeare. (Dec. 1935) [593 Ehrmann, Max: Lincoln's visit to Terre Haute. (Mar. 1936) -He #W*y ,1^ ,~^&U^ nifZU^ 2u**c /^ %J> j&^'j; [594 Indiana University Alumni Quarterly Lockridge, Ross F.: The Hoosier Lincoln memorial. (Apr. 1930) [595 Infantry Journal Murphy, James P.: Abraham Lincoln, doughboy. (Feb. 1929) [596 U^,%$ Illinois Central Magazine /^Angle, Paul M.: Lincoln defended railroad. (Feb. 1929) [597 Illinois Guardsman Plaisted, Mark, Jr.: Lincoln the soldier. (Feb. 1939) [598 [30] Illinois Teacher Wham, George D.: The education of Abraham Lincoln. (Feb. 1930) [599 Interamerica Abraham Lincoln como tema escultorico. (Sept. 1922) [600 Phelps, Wm. Lyon: Daniel Webster y Abraham Lincoln: sus ideales politicos. (July 1923) [601 Wickersham, James: La ma antigua y rara estatua de Lincoln. (July 1925) [602 International Book Review See: Literary Digest International Book Review International Journal of Ethics McLaughlin, A. C: Lincoln, the Constitution and democracy. [603 International Studio Payne, Frank O.: Famous statues by American sculptors. Lin- coln as pictured by Niehaus. (April 1916) [604 McCoy, Samuel: The lost portrait of Lincoln. (June 1920) [605 Journal of American History Manuscript of autobiography of Lincoln 3:2 (Jan. 1909) [606 Miller, Francis T.: True significance of the centenaries of Lin- coln and Davis. (Jan. 1909) [607 Watterson, Henry: Centenary tribute of the loyal South. 3:16 (Jan. 1909) [608 Lincoln Centenary portrait gallery. Full page pictures of men and events of the war period. (Jan. 1909) [609 Washburn, Mabel T. R.: Hereditary foundations of America's greatest commoner, Lincoln. (April 1911) [610 Eaton, Edward Bailey: Gallery of famous Lincoln portraits. (April 1911) [611 Journal of the Military Service Institute of the United States Heysinger, I. W.: Abraham Lincoln, Commander-in-chief of the army and navy and of all the armed forces of the United States. (Sept. 1913) [612 Journal of Negro History Welsey, Charles H.: Lincoln's plans for colonizing the emanci- pated negroes. (Jan. 1919) [613 Blakiston, Harry S.: Lincoln's emancipation plan. (July 1922) [614 [31] Kennel Gazette Beatty, Albert A.: Dogs were ever a joy to Lincoln. (Feb. 1933) [615 Kentucky High School Quarterly Townsend, William H.: Lincoln's last day. (Apr. 1923) [616 Kentucky Historical Society Register McGregor, Thomas B.: Some new facts about Abraham Lin- coln's parents. (May 1922) [617 Beckner, Lucien: Thomas Lincoln in Cumberland County. (Sept. 1926) [618 Camion, Mrs. J. T.: Abraham Lincoln, senior, and his land on Green River. (Jan. 1929) [619 Warren, Louis A.: Lincoln stumps Kentucky. (May 1929) [620 Jillson, Willard Bouse: Abraham Lincoln, the story of a new portrait. Story of the painting by Charles S. Williams. 30:205 (July 1932) [621 Warren, Louis A.: The early portraits of Lincoln. 30:211 (July 1932) [622 McMurtry, R. G.: Lincoln County in Kentucky: its connection with the Lincoln family. 32:351 (Oct. 1934) [623 Kiwanis Magazine Jamison, G. H.: Abraham Lincoln: an interpretation. (Feb. 1935) [624 Ladies Home Journal Low, F. W.: How Lincoln righted a wrong. 23:26 (July 1906) [625 ^Atkinson, E.: Love story of Ann Rutledge. 25:17 (Nov. 1908) [626 Perrine, W.: The wife of Abraham Lincoln. 26:9 (Jan. 1909) [627 Laughlin, C E.: Last twenty-four hours of Lincoln's life. 26:12 (Feb. 1909) [628 Phelps, Wm. Lyon: Political ideals of Daniel Webster and Abraham Lincoln. (Feb. 1923) [629 Andrews, M. R. S.: Passing the torch. 41:3 (Oct. 1924) [630 Tarbell, Ida M.: Mary Todd Lincoln. 45:20, 30 (Feb., Mar. 1928) [631 Lancaster County Historical Society Papers Eshleman, H. Frank: Lincoln's visit to Lancaster in 1861 and the passing of his corpse in 1865. 8:55 (1909) [632 Hensel, W. V.: The Cadwell house. 19:96 (1915) [633 [32] Martin, C. H.: Reminiscences of a Columbia boy of the assassi- nation of President Lincoln. 31:71 (1927) [634 Martin, C. H.: Abraham Lincoln's connection with Lancaster and its citizens. 38:13 (1934) [635 Abraham Lincoln and the seventy-fifth anniversaries. 43:50 (1939) [636 Land We Love Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis, a comparison. 4:391 (Mar. 1868) [637 Landmark Charnwood, Lord: The Illinois Central and Abraham Lincoln. (Feb. 1919) [638 Stevens, H. Beresford: The English home of the Lincolns. (Mar. 1925) [639 Adcock, Almey St. Johns: The President and others. Lincoln and Woodrow Wilson. (May 1931) [640 Williamson, Ronald: Lincoln and England. 16:101 (1934) [641 Lawyer Farnum, George R.: Abraham Lincoln today and tomorrow. (Mar. 1938) [642 Lawyer and Banker Landis, Frederick: Lincoln the lawyer. (July 1926) [643 Legion d'Honneur Quarterly dJwLk Liberation ^ A*^, Was Lincoln guided by higher masters? (Feb. 1932) [645 TJAmaM SJu^i Liberty Lewis, Lloyd: This is to certify. (Feb. 4, 1928) [646 Lewis, Lloyd: The four who were hanged. (Feb. 11, 1928) [647 Lewis, Lloyd: Memorial day is born. (June 2, 1928) [648 Viereck, George Sylvester: Our appalling crisis: what would Lincoln do? (Feb. 13, 1932) [649 Tarbell, Ida M.: Abraham Lincoln the practical joker. (Feb. 17, 1934) [650 Rivard, John B.: I saw Lincoln shot. (May 19, 1934) [651 [33] Laugel, Antoine Auguste: A glimpse of President Lincoln. (July 1936) [644 Gitt, George D.: I saw and heard Lincoln at Gettysburg. (Nov. 25, 1924) [652 Doherty, Edward: Abraham Lincoln and a frightened girl. (Feb. 16, 1935 ) [653 Fisher, Irving: I walked and talked with Lincoln. (Feb. 22, 1936) [654 Wickets, Donald Furthman: If Lincoln were in the White House today. (Oct. 10, 1936) [655 Lincoln Magazine Banks, Louis Albert: The social side of Abraham Lincoln. (Feb. 1906) [656 Iglehart, Ferdinand C: Washington and Lincoln compared. (Feb. 1907) [657 Lincoln makes a temperance address on Washington's birthday. (Feb. 1907) [658 Lippineott's Scovel, J. M.: Personal recollections of Abraham Lincoln. 44:244 (Aug. 1889) [659 Scovel, J. M.: Recollections of Seward and Lincoln. 51:237 (Feb. 1893) [660 Scovel, J. M.: Recollections of Lincoln. 63:277 (Feb. 1899) [661 Button, C. P.: Lincoln as an antagonist. 67:200 (Feb. 1901) [662 Perry, L. J.: Lincoln's official habit. 69:200 (Feb. 1902) [663 Pickett, Mrs. G.: Intimate personal recollections. 77:555 (May 1906) [664 Knapp, G. L.: Intellect of Lincoln. 83:207 (Feb. 1909) [665 Literary Digest Lincoln attacked and defended in the South. 74:30 (July 15, 1922) [666 Where is the Bixby letter? 86:24 (Aug. 29, 1925) [667 Now the Gettysburg Address: where is the original? 87:27 (Oct. 3, 1925) [668 Debating Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. 88:29 (Feb. 20, 1926) How Wilkes Booth's friend described his crime. 88:58 (Mar. 6, 1926) [670 Another Lincoln myth dispelled: the Scott episode. 91:46 (Nov. 6, 1926) [671 The girl who wished whiskers on Lincoln. 91:47 (Dec. 25, 1926) [672 When Lincoln kissed a cub reporter. (Feb. 12, 1927) [673 [Mary Lincoln] One of the most lied about women in the world. (Apr. 28, 1928) [674 Abraham Lincoln as a Mississippi boatman. (Sept. 29, 1928) [675 Defending Honest Abe against debunkers. (Feb. 28, 1931) [676 [34] Literary Digest and International Book Review Beveridge, Albert J.: Lincoln as his partner knew him. (Sept. 1923) [677 Littell's Living Age Stowe, Harriet Beecher: Abraham Lincoln. 80:282 (Feb. 6, 1864) [678 Smith, Goldwin: President Lincoln. Reprinted from Macmillans Magazine. 84:426 (Mar. 4, 1865) [679 English opinions on the Inaugural. Reprints from English news- papers. 85:86 (April 15, 1865) [680 The President's entry into Richmond. Reprinted from the Bos- ton Journal. 85:137 (April 22, 1865) [681 Mr. Lincoln. Reprint from the Spectator of March 25, 1865. 85:135 (April 22, 1865) [682 The death of the President. Reprinted from the New York Evening Post, April 15, 1865. 85:188 (April 29, 1865) [683 Carpenter, F. B.: Poem recited by President Lincoln. 85:239 (May 6, 1865) [684 Emerson, Ralph Waldo: Abraham Lincoln: Oration at Concord April 19, 1865. 85:282 (May 6, 1865) [685 McCormick, R. C: Abraham Lincoln's visit to New York in 1860. Reprinted from New York Evening Post. Personal recollections. 85:237 (May 20, 1865) [686 The assassination of Mr. Lincoln. Reprinted from the London Times and other newspapers. 85:353 (May 27, 1865) [687 Mr. Lincoln and his fate. From the Spectator, April 26, 1865. 85:381 (May 27, 1865) [688 The murder of President Lincoln. Letter of "Historicus" to the Times. 85:425 (June 3, 1865) [689 Smith, Goldwin: The death of President Lincoln. Reprinted from Macmillan's. 86:13 [690 Bancroft, George: Oration in Congress, Feb. 12, 1866. 88:596 (Feb. 24, 1866) [691 The genius of Lincoln. 260:677 (Mar. 13, 1909) [692 Abraham Lincoln the democratic dictator. 289:628 (June 3, 1916) [693 Sister of Ann Rutledge, Lincoln's first love, tells of his court- ship. (May 24, 1919) [694 Charnwood, Lord: More about Lincoln. 306:100 (July 10, 1920) [695 O'Connor, T. P.: Lincoln's personality: an English study. 306:594 (Sept. 4, 1920) [696 Charnwood, Lord: Some Lincoln problems. 307:532 (Nov. 27, 1920) [697 Charnwood, Lord: Concerning Abraham Lincoln. 308:481 (Feb. 19, 1921) [698 [35] Locomotive Engineer's Journal The greatness of Lincoln. (Feb. 1926) [699 Harris, Eliot: Lincoln and Darwin. (Feb. 1927) [700 McMurtry, R. G.: Lincoln's inaugural train. (Feb. 1933) [701 London Review The assassination of President Lincoln. 10:445 (Apr. 29, 1865) [702 McCalFs Helm, Kate: Mary wife of Lincoln. ( A biographical study in five instalments.) (May to Sept. 1928) [703 Woollcott, Alexander: If you could go back. (Feb. 1937) [704 MeClure's •/Moffett, Cleveland: How Allan Pinkerton thwarted the first plot to assassinate Lincoln. 3:519 (Nov. 1894) [705 •McClure, A. K.: Lincoln as Commander-in-chief. Address before Loyal Legion of New York, April 5, 1893. 4:252 (Feb. 1895) [706 McClure, A. K.: The night at Harrisburg. A reminiscence of Lincoln's journey to Washington in 1861. 5:91 (June 1895) [707 Moffett, Cleveland: Grant and Lincoln in bronze. 5:419 (Oct. 1895) [708 Tarbell, Ida M.: The early life of Lincoln. Twelve parts, ex- tending through volumes 5, 6, 7, and 8. (Nov., Dec. 1895; Jan.-Aug., Oct., Nov. 1896) [709 Whitney, H .C: Lincoln's lost speech now first published from the unique report. With a note on the circumstances and effect of its delivery, by Joseph Medill. 7:319 (Sept. 1896) [710 An unpublished letter by Abraham Lincoln, regarding his defeat by Stephen A. Douglas in 1858. 8:313 (Feb. 1897) [711 Garland, Hamlin: The first meeting of Lincoln and Grant. 9:892 (Aug. 1897) [712 Tarbell, Ida M.: Some great portraits of Lincoln. 10:339 (Feb. 1898) [713 Dana, C. A.: Lincoln and his Cabinet. 10:561 (Apr. 1898) [714 Dana, C. A.: The end of the War. Part nine of Dana's remi- niscences in which he tells of his last interview with Lincoln. 11:380 (Aug. 1898) [715 Helm, Emily Todd: Reminiscences and letters of Mary Todd Lincoln. 11:476 (Sept. 1898) [716 Tarbell, Ida M.: The later life of Abraham Lincoln. Ten parts in volumes 12 and 13. (Dec. 1898, Jan.-Sept. 1899) [717 [36] Morris, Clara: Some recollections of John Wilkes Booth. 16:299 (Feb. 1901) [718 Prentice, W. R.: On the Dry Tortugas. Stories of the military prisoners and the Lincoln conspirators. 18:564 (Apr. 1902) [719 Schurz, Carl: The Lincoln-Douglas debate at Quincy, 111. Remi- niscences of a long life. 28:252 (Jan. 1907) [720 Bartlett, Truman H.: The physiognomy of Lincoln. 29:391 (Aug. 1907) [721 Floyd, George P.: Abraham Lincoln's rum sweat. 30:302 (Jan. 1908) [722 Shaw, E. R.: Assassination of Abraham Lincoln: the hitherto unpublished account of an eyewitness. 32:181 (Dec. 1908) [723 Laughlin, Clara: Our American Cousin. 32:186 (Dec. 1908) [724 Bancroft, T. B.: An audience with Lincoln. 32:447 (Feb. 1909) [725 Conant, Alban Jasper: A portrait painter's reminiscences of Lincoln. 32:512 (Mar. 1909) [726 Smith, Gold win: The American Civil War. This is the first instalment of the author's reminiscences in which he recounts his interview with Lincoln. 35:545 (Sept. 1910) [727 Gray, John A.: The fate of the Lincoln conspirators. The ac- count of the hanging given by Lt. Col. Christian Rath, the* executioner. 37:626 (Oct. 1911) [728 Lincoln, Abraham: The perpetuation of our political institu- tions. Address before the Young Men's Lyceum at Spring- field. (Nov. 1925) [729 Macmillan's Smith, Goldwin: Abraham Lincoln. An account of an interview with Lincoln immediately after his reelection. (Feb. 1865) [730 Dicey, Edward: Lincolniana. (June 1865) [731 Smith, Goldwin: The death of President Lincoln. (June 1865) [732 Ludlow, J. M.: A gallery of American Presidents. II. Harrison to Johnson. (Nov. 1865) [733 Magazine of American History Stevenson, Daniel: General Nelson, Kentucky and Lincoln guns. 10:115 (Aug. 1883) [734 King, Horatio: My first and last sight of Abraham Lincoln. 16:254 (Sept. 1886) [735 Tuckerman, Charles K.: President Lincoln and colonization. 16:329 (Oct. 1886) [736 Forman, Allan: President Lincoln's unlucky pass. 17:153 (Feb. 1887) [737 Tuckerman, Charles K.: Personal recollections of Abraham Lincoln. 19:411 (May 1888) [738 [37] Stiles, Robert: Lincoln's restoration policy for Virginia. 22:209 (Sept. 1889) [739 Locke, David R.: President Lincoln's Humor. 24:53 (July 1890) [740 President Lincoln and his English visitors. 25:325 (Apr. 1891) [741 President Lincoln and the sleeping sentinel. 25:405 (May 1891) [742 Magazine of History Stevens, Frank E.: Captain Abraham Lincoln versus Private Lorenzo Dow Thompson. The story of a celebrated contest. 1:86 (Jan. 1905) [743 White, Horace: Recollections of Abraham Lincoln. 3:71 (Feb. 1906) [744 McPike, H. G.: Recollections of the last debate between Lincoln and Douglas. 3:77 (Feb. 1906) [745 Abbott, William: Lincoln and Booth. 3:117 (Feb. 1906) [746 Lincoln's first visit to Washington. 3:267 (Apr. 1906) [747 McPike, H. G.: The Lincoln-Shields duel. The account of W. H. Souther who was with the party which crossed the Mississippi. 4:145 (Sept. 1906) [748 Adams, C. F.: Lincoln's offer to Garibaldi. 7:159 (Mar. 1908) [749 Seward, Wm. H.: Reminiscences of Lincoln. Address before the Cayuga County Historical Society by the son of Lin- coln's Secretary of State. 9:104 (Feb. 1909) [750 Brooks, Noah: Lincoln reminiscences. 9:107 (Feb. 1909) [751 Jefferson, Henry: Lincoln in Massachusetts. 9:109 (Feb. 1909) [752 Wright, Annie F. F.: The assassination of Abraham Lincoln. An eyewitness account by the wife of the stage manager of Ford's theatre. 9:113 (Feb. 1909) [753 Snow, Marshall S.: Abraham Lincoln, a personal reminiscence. 11:63 (Feb. 1910) [754 Swift, Clarence F.: Abraham Lincoln: master. 11:67 (Feb. 1910) [755 Genung, John F.: Lincoln as a master of expression. 11:80 (Feb. 1910) [756 Currie, George E.: The assassination of Abraham Lincoln. A contemporary account reprinted from the American Mining Gazette of April 1865. 11:87 (Feb. 1910) [757 Carpenter, C. C: Lincoln at Petersburg. 11:95 (Feb. 1910) [758 Gleason, D. H. L.: Conspiracy against Lincoln. 13:59 (Feb. 1911) [759 Wilson, William B.: Lincoln and the military telegraph corps. 13.95 (Feb. 1911) [760 Seaver, William J.: Some impressions of Abraham Lincoln in 1856. 14:242 (Dec. 1911) [761 [38] Mq. ULS-LT?. [802 Hamlett, Arthur J.: Abraham Lincoln and race relations. (July 1924) [803 Mecklenburg, G.: The soul of Lincoln's America. (July 1928) [804 Short, I. M.: The manner of Lincoln's religion, illustrated by the song he liked. (Jan. 1930) [805 White, C. T.: Lincoln and three Methodists. [Bishop Matthew Simpson, Col. James Jaquess and J. L. Scripps.] (Jan. 1931) [806 Metropolitan Browne, Theodore Wilmut: Abraham Lincoln the reincarnation of Thomas Jefferson. (July 1902) [807 Mid-America Onahan, William J.: A Civil War diary. The author attended the 1860 convention at Chicago, afterward meeting Lincoln personally at Springfield. (July 1931) [808 Michigan Bell (Employee magazine of the Michigan Bell Telephone Co., Detroit) Starr, Thomas I.: A lost speech of Abraham Lincoln. (Aug. 1936) [809 ^Starr, Thomas I.: A carte-de-visite study of Abraham Lincoln. (Feb. 1940) [810 Michigan History Magazine Watts, R. A.: The trial and execution of the Lincoln conspira- tors. The writer, who was on the staff of General Hartranft, was on duty at the Federal prison during the trial. Vol. 5, No. 1. (1921) [811 Mississippi Valley Historical Review Cole, Arthur C: President Lincoln and the Illinois radical Re- publicans. 4:417 (Mar. 1918) [812 Barton, Wm. E.: A noble fragment: Beveridge's life of Lin- coln. (Mar. 1929) [813 Smith, Donnal V.: The influence of the foreign-born of the North-west in the election of 1860. 19:192 (1932) [814 Dudley, Harold M.: The election of 1864. 18:500 (1932) [815 ^Harbison, W. A.: Zachariah Chandler's part in the reelection of Abraham Lincoln, with letters. (Sept. 1935) [816 [41] ■^Miller, PPT: Lincoln and the governorship of Oregon. (Dec. 1936) [817 •^Drell, M. B.: Letters by Richard Smith of the Cincinnati Ga- zette to Joseph Hartwell Barrett. (Mar. 1940) [818 Missouri Historical Review Stevens, Walter Barlow: Lincoln and Missouri. (Jan. 1916) [819 UStarr, John W., Jr.: Lincoln's last official act. (July 1929) [820 Moody Monthly Bright, John: Letter to Motley on Abraham Lincoln. (Feb. 1930) [821 D. A. Moody and Abraham Lincoln. (Feb. 1930) [822 Munsey's Howard, Oliver O.: Lincoln Memorial University and the folk of Cumberland Gap. (July 1902) [823 Orr, Lyndon: The courtships of Abraham Lincoln. (Jan. 1907) [824 The Lincoln and Grant families as they appeared in two photo- graphs of the Civil War period. (Mar. 1908) [825 Steell, Willis: Mrs. Abraham Lincoln and her friends. (Feb. 1909) [826 Payne, Frank O.: Lincoln in bronze. (Apr. 1915) [827 Nation Dennett, J. R.: Lamon's life of Lincoln. 14:406 (June 20, 1872) [828 Cox, J. D.: Herndon's life of Lincoln. 49:173 (Aug. 29, 1889) [829 Lincoln as a colonizationist. 50:91 (Jan. 30, 1890) [830 Cox, J. D.: Nicolay and Hay's life of Lincoln. 52:13, 34 (Jan. 1 & 8, 1891) [831 White, Horace: Morse's life of Abraham Lincoln. 56:407 (June 1, 1893) [832 Chadwick, J. W.: Whitney's Lincoln. 56:127 (Feb. 18, 1893) [833 Lincoln and his contemporaries. 88:130 (Feb. 11, 1909) [834 Lincoln and the negro problem. 88:158 (Feb. 18, 1909) [835 Lincoln at Gettysburg. 97:26 (July 10, 1913) [836 Was Lincoln a typical American? 116:164 (Feb. 14, 1923) [837 Shastid, Thomas Hall: My father knew Lincoln. 128:227 (Feb. 20, 1929) [838 Stone, I. F.: The Lincoln nobody knew. 150:307 (Mar. 2, 1940) [839 [42] National Magazine Scovel, James Matlock: Personal recollection of Lincoln and statesmen of his time. (Mar. 1903) [840 Kaiser, P. H.: Lincoln at Fort Stevens. (Feb. 1910) [841 Allen, James Sidney: Abraham Lincoln in 1848 (Feb. 1910) [842 Ross, Riley R.: Lincoln as a world light (Feb. 1914) [843 Rindlaub, M. C: Personal recollections of Abraham Lincoln. (Feb. 1916) [844 Flynn, Wayne: Lincoln the poet. (Feb. 1916) [845 Miller, Marion Mills: Literary genius of Abraham Lincoln. (Feb. 1916) [846 National Republic Depew, Chauncey: The Lincoln miracle. (Feb. 1926) [847 Litschert, Frank P.: Flashes from the light of Lincoln. (Aug. 1926) [848 Tanner, James: At the death-bed of Lincoln. (Aug. 1926) [849 Harris, H. C: This man also saw the shooting of Lincoln. (Aug. 1926) [850 Work, Hubert: Lincoln: an agent of the divine plan. (Feb. 1927) [851 Hanks, Dennis: The boyhood of Lincoln. (Feb. 1927) [852 Laidlaw, Albert H.: Two national heroes: are they myths? (Feb. 1927) [853 Lieber, Richard: Building a Lincoln shrine. Regarding the me- morial at Lincoln's bovhood home where his mother is buried. (Dec. 1927) [854 O'Taylor, Quaker: Benjamin Lincoln, farmer, soldier. (Jan. 1928) [855 Whitman, Walt: Lincoln at Ford's theatre. (Feb. 1928) [856 v^Olney, Henry: A. Lincoln, teller of tales. (Feb. 1928) [857 Davidson, C. R.: Lincoln's home city. (Feb. 1928) [858 *■* Sterling, Peter Roman: Lincoln at Gettysburg. (Nov. 1928) [859 The New York press on Lincoln. (Jan. 1929) [860 Warren, Louis A.: Sharing a noted name. (Feb. 1929) [861 O'Taylor, Quaker: Where Lincoln was born. (Feb. 1929) [862 Chandler, Josephine Craven: Lincoln in Springfield. (Feb. 1930) [863 Warren, Louis A.: Lincoln's words on religion. (Feb. 1930) [864 -Price, Andrew: Early home of Nancy Hanks. (Feb. 1930) [865 Bruen, J. de Hart: Personal memories of Abraham Lincoln. (Apr. 1930) [866 »Ohandler, Josephine Craven: Lincoln's in Springfield. (Feb. 1931) [867 ^>Van Natter, F. M.: Lincoln in the Hoosier State. (Feb. 1931) [868 [43] Hill, John Wesley: Lincoln and true progress. (Part one) (Feb. 1931) [869 Warren, Louis A.: Vanished towns of Lincoln. (Feb. 1931) [870 Hill, John Wesley: Lincoln and true progress. (Part two) (Mar. 1931) [871 Simmons, Gladyce W.: Lincoln as a Congressman. (Apr. 1931) [872 Beach, Mary Elizabeth: Dark days at the White House. (Sept. 1931) [873 Lockridge, Ross F.: Lincoln and Washington. (Mar. 1932) [874 Hill, John Wesley: Abraham Lincoln of today. (July 1932) [875 Griffith, Albert H.: The message of Lincoln's Gettysburg Ad- dress for today. (Nov. 1932) [876 Beatty, Albert R.: Lincoln the youth in bronze. (Apr. 1933) [877 Archer, Robert L.: Financing the Civil War period. (Apr. & May 1933) [878 McMurtry, R. G.: Lincoln's second cabin home. (Jan. 1934) [879 Meserve, John Bartlett: A boy walks with Lincoln. (Jan. 1934) [880 Griffith, Herschel H.: A martyr begets a martyr. (From Oba- diah Holmes to Lincoln. (Feb. 1934) [881 Van Natter, Francis Marion: A little grave on Knob Creek. (Lincoln's brother) (Feb. 1934) [882 Johnson, William H.: Lincoln's book of psalms. (Feb. 1934) [883 McMurtry, R. G.: Commonwealth vs. A. Lincoln. (Lincoln charged with operating a ferry-boat on the Ohio without a licence.) (Mar. 1934) [884 Herendeen, Ellen: Impersonators of Lincoln. (May 1934) [885 Uncle Joe and Abe Lincoln. (Jan. 1935) [886 Baker, C. T.: Lincoln in Spencer County. (Jan. 1935) [887 McMurtry, R. G.: Life and speeches of Clay. (Their influence on Lincoln) (Jan. 1935) [888 Van Natter, Francis Marion: Lincoln in old Vincennes. (Feb. 1935) [889 McMurtry, R. G.: Lincoln versus Van Buren. (Sept. 1935) [890 Gernon, B. B.: Lincoln and party politics. (Nov. 1935) [891 Gernon, B. B.: Education of Lincoln. (Jan. 1936) [892 McMurtry, R. G.: Photographing Old Abe. (Feb. 1936) [893 Chandler, Josephine Craven: The story of Vinnie Ream. (Feb. 1936) [894 Tilton, Clint Clay: The first plot against Lincoln. (Feb. 1936) [895 Wilson, M. L.: The human side of Lincoln. (May 1936) [896 Gernon, B. B.: Lincoln and party politics. (Nov. 1936) [897 Ford, Wm. D.: Abe Lincoln the lawyer. (Feb. 1938) [44] Luhrs, H. E.: Gettysburg seventy-five years ago. (Nov. & Dec. 1938) [899 Ford, Wm. D.: Lincoln the christian. (Nov. 1938) [900 Luhrs, H. E.: Now he belongs to the ages. (Feb. 1939) [901 Horner, Josephine Craven: A famous horse trad,e. (Feb. 1939) Warren, Louis A.: The Lincolns: pioneer Kentucky horsemen. (Feb. 1929) [903 New Age (Masonic) Hauling, Herman: Lincoln's kindness of heart. (Simon Wolf's interview with Lincoln) (Jan. 1940) [904 New England Quarterly ♦'Welles, Gideon: President Lincoln feels his way. (Edited by Muriel Bernitt) 11:576 (Sept. 1938) [905 New England Magazine King, Horatio: The assassination of Lincoln, n. s. 9:454 (Dec. 1893) [906 Hullard, F. L.: Lincoln's New England ancestry. (Printed here for the first time is Lincoln's letter to Solomon Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., 1848. 39:685 (Feb. 1909) [907 Stearns, F. P.: Vanderbilt and Lincoln: an anecdote of the Civil War. (Mar. 1909) [908 New Englander Twining, Alex.: President Lincoln's proclamation of freedom to the slaves. 24:178 (Jan. 1865) [909 New Jersey Law Journal (Griggs, John William.) Ex- Attorney-General Griggs on Lin- coln. 32:71 [910 New Republic Tarbell, Ida M.: Lincoln's "pass key" to hearts. (Feb. 8, 1922) [911 Lincoln as a leader. (Feb. 14, 1923) [912 Lerner, M.: Lincoln image. (Mar. 8, 1939) [913 [45] New York Genealogical and Biographical Record Potts, W. J.: Abraham Lincoln and Lincoln records in Penn- sylvania. 3:69 (Apr. 1872) [914 Arnold, I. N.: Reminiscences of Lincoln and Congress during the Rebellion. Address before the Society, April 1882. 8:101 (July 1882) [915 North American Review The character of the Rebellion and the conduct of the war. Dis- sertation on "The Prayer of twenty millions," Horace Greeley's letter to Lincoln, Aug. 20, 1862 and Lincoln's ans- wer. 95:500 (Oct. 1862) [916 The President's policy. Extended review of Lincoln's message of Dec. 9, 1863. 98:234 (Jan. 1864) [917 Letter of Lincoln dated Jan. 18, 1864, to the publishers of the North American Review, expressing his gratitude for the January 1864 article and calling attention to a portion with which he disagreed. 98:630 (Apr. 1864) [918 The next general election. Platform of the Chicago convention (1864) and letter of General McClellan. 99:557 (Oct. 1864) [919 Norton, C. E.: The principles of Abraham Lincoln. 100:1 (Jan. 1865) [920 President Lincoln's plan for reconstruction as shown in his message to Congress Feb. 10, 1865, and in the Inaugural Address, Mar. 4, 1865. 100:540 (Apr. 1865) [921 The President on the stump. A comparison of the public ut- terances of Lincoln and Johnson. 102:530 (Apr. 1866) [922 Passages from the diary of a public man. Anonymous notes by a personage high in government circles, covering the period immediately preceding Lincoln's Inauguration. 129:125, 259, 375, 484. (Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov. 1879) [923 Welling, James C: The Emancipation Proclamation. Facsimile of Lincoln's letter to Horace Greeley which was printed for the first time in the National Intelligencer, Aug. 23, 1862. 130:162 (Feb. 1880) [924 Dana, Richard H.: Nullity of the Emancipation edict. An ans- wer to the February 1880 article. 131:128 (Aug. 1880) [925 Clampitt, John W.: The trial of Mrs. Surratt. 31:223 (Sept. 1880) [926 Ferris, Aaron A.: The validity of the Emancipation edict. 131:551 (Dec. 1880) [927 Stoddard, W. O.: The story of a nomination. The Chicago Convention of 1860. 138:263 (Mar. 1884) [928 Washburne, E. B.: Lincoln in Illinois. 141:307, 454 (Oct., Nov. 1885) [929 IngersoU, R. G.: Motley and monarch. 141:528 (Dec. 1885) [930 Rice, A. T.: A famous diplomatic dispatch. Lincoln's correc- tion of Seward's message of May 1861. 142:402 (Apr. 1886) [931 [46] Speed, James: The assassins of Lincoln. 147:314 (Sept. 1888) [932 Forbes, Archibald: Lincoln as a strategist. 155:53, 160 (July, (Aug. 1892) [933 An unpublished speech by Lincoln. Notes by R. R. Hitt. 157:120 (July 1893) [934 Munroe, Seaton: Recollection of Lincoln's assassination. 162:424 (Apr. 1896) [935 King, J. L,.: Lincoln's skill as a lawyer. 166:186 (Feb. 1898) [936 Selby, Paul: Reply to "Lincoln's skill as a lawyer." 166:507 (Apr. 1898) [937 Thayer, W. R.: The centennial of Lincoln and Darwin. 188:21 (July 1908) [938 Taylor, H.: The Lincoln-Douglas debates and their application to present problems. 189:161 (Feb. 1909) [939 Perry, J. R.: The poetry of Lincoln. 193:213 (Feb. 1911) [940 Barnard's Lincoln. 206:837 (Dec. 1917) [941 Chapman, J. J.: Lincoln and Hamlet. 209:371 (Mar. 1919) [942 Herrick, Cheesman A.: The Americanism of Lincoln. 215:179 (Feb. 1922) [943 t^Basler, Roy P.: Abraham Lincoln, artist. 245:144 (Spring 1938) [944 Northwest Medicine Maxey, E. E.: The effect of impaired vision on Lincoln's per- sonal habits. 25:310 (1926) [945 Notre Dame Lawyer K^urran, John W.: The Lincoln conspiracy trial and military jurisdiction over civilians. (Nov. 1933) [946 Ogden, J. M.: Lincoln's early impression of the law in Indiana. 8:325 (1932) [947 Nuova Antologia Di Lettre, Scienze Ed Arti Agresti, A.: Abramo Lincoln nel primo centenario della sua nascita. (Feb. 16, 1909) [948 Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly Morris, James R.: Assassination of Lincoln. (Jan. 1921) [949 •Ryan, Daniel J.: Lincoln and Ohio. (Jan. 1923)^4/-^^/ [950 Ohio Education Monthly Morrow, John: Reminiscences of Lincoln's Gettysburg address. (Oct. 1913) [951 [47] Corson, O. T.: Loyalty as exemplified in Abraham Lincoln. (Jan. 1919) [952 Corson, O. T.: Lincoln's views of the electoral college and of amendments to the Constitution. (Jan. 1921) [953 Old Guard Burr, Chauncey: The infamous message and proclamation. Regarding Lincoln's annual message and the proclamation of amnesty. 2:15 (Jan. 1864) [954 Burr, Chauncey: The uncivilization of the Lincoln war. 2:169 (Aug. 1864) [955 Burr, Chauncey: What will come of reelecting Lincoln. 2:193 (Sept. 1864) [956 Burr, Chauncey: McClellan and Lincoln. 2:223 (Oct. 1864) [957 Burr, Chauncey: Lincoln and Maximilian. 3:236 (May 1865) [958 Death of the President. 3:240 (May 1865) [959 Burr, Chauncey: Abraham Lincoln's place in history. 5:207 (Mar. 1867) [960 Burr, Chauncey: The satires of Juvenal with some parallels between the public career of Domitian and Lincoln. 5:641 (Sept. 1867) [961 Van Evrie, J. H.: Lincoln and Davis. 5:844 (Nov. 1867) [962 Omnibook Hertz, Emanuel: The hidden Lincoln, and Lincoln talks. Ex- cerpts from the two books. (June 1939) [963 Open Court Roper, R. C: The religious beliefs of Abraham Lincoln. (Feb. 1903) [964 Barton, Wm. E.: The American pulpit on the death of Lincoln. (Sept., Oct., Nov. 1923) [965 Barton, Wm. E.: "Mord" Lincoln the woman hater. (Apr. 1924) (Apr. 1924) [966 Stauss, R. A.: Lincoln's playground: Nancy Hanks Lincoln memorial park. (Jan. 1934) [967 Sisson, Edward O.: Lincoln's lost cause. (Jan. 1934) [968 Oregon Historical Society Quarterly Scott, Leslie M.: Oregon's nomination of Lincoln. 17:201 (Sept. 1916) [969 Oregon Law Review Spencer, Omar C: Abraham Lincoln the lawyer. (Apr. 1925) [970 [48] Outlook Mabte, H. W.: Abraham Lincoln as a literary man. 58:321 [971 TarbelL I. M.: Life of Lincoln (Review) (Feb. 17, 1900) [972 Holden, J. E.: My story of Abraham Lincoln. 70:718 (Mar. 22, 1902) [973 Hale, Edward Everett: Memories of a hundred years. Records a long conversation with Sumner about Lincoln's compensated emancipation plan. 72:78 (Sept. 6, 1902) [974 Mabie, H. W.: Education of Lincoln. Address delivered at the 18th annual Lincoln dinner of the Republican club of New York. 76:454 (Feb. 20, 1904) [975 Abraham Lincoln the first American. 82:153 (Jan. 27, 1906) gC [976 Abbott, Li.: Agnosticism of Abraham Lincoln. 84:654<(Nov. 17, 190^) /?f (Pert ?^o %* z- ft' si -sy i if ®\r-/r(& ' />/>. *- 7 * ~ 76 &«/•« Arfo faffs ,f$ H*-*Uo Po^ed &U++^ (Jl+iir&oLA***. 7tU4/lsi4**n U£u****u4— T^u»-t-«i-i 0^ JZ. ^Addenda /9yf frJ/P-JLf, A*LH t Stew**,! '1UM*ztZ^, rf£^rt*< " IHj^I^uu^ fa i&JtJ^Z-* ~_*~* -4j~-*** ^ ,/-,*, /?*7, ^7. ^*7 3)u~ <«_^-l*_ T Wc X^ot^u«_ "*2U_e^rd^ o-^ItU koi^ >&^ <3^£.'« A?. ^_ (2^ Addenda Llu-9^IcML 7>~ ^ _ ^ ^ ^-— -~'' }%\ f( \,a kef; xJL. &**. , n *r)>W-7 lArt* I'D H"*wtL*jL *Ji£UXjx^ 'vi*>Jt_ EARL*, *«_ J^JUk %*+**■ ij^juiux^i c. ^l^r "totct &*«M *£**+& A f Addenda QcT, /Sff M' ZF, *•? ft**'*- QX^M~^ '.t£jL^ JZ>^7" f**2± ■ W3&- tfL^ oXttt IrtZL, \U~^> tys- f>f» /cr-yr &A+**J*~tt n j#3 Index to Subject Matter of Articles Contained in This Check List LINCOLN, ABRAHAM, Admission to the bar, 25 ; on Americanism, 548 ; ancestry of, 61, 142, 232, 249, 326, 364, 365. 369, 355, 370, 406, 435, 437, 439, 573, 574, 587, 589, 610, 618, 619, 623, 790, 865, 881, 807, 1171, 1209; and Army of the Potomac, 430 ; as artist, 944 ; assassination of, 2, 38, 48, 49, 50, 63, 66, 64, 109, 138, 175, 182, 183, 191, 218, 221, 229, 239, 240, 241, 251, 267, 293, 301, 303, 348, 349, 350, 422, 423, 438, 444, 462, 468, 495, 511, 515, 552, 583, 616, 628, 634, 651, 670, 683, 687, 688, 689, 690, 702, 723, 732, 753, 757, 771, 782, 849, 850, 906, 932, 935, 949, 1057, 1106, 1160, 1161, 1167, 1173, 1179; as athlete, 419 ; attacks on, 157 ; author of "Bear Hunt," 129 ; autobiography of, 607 ; and aviation, 53 ; "Baltimore Plot" on life of, 51, 522, 705, 895; birth of, 862, 1112; birthplace of, 278, 279; and the bonus, 54 ; books read by, 338 ; 1 0&> f boyhood of, 126, 242, 244, 245, 852, 1093, 1099, 1143; the "Biosopher," 145 ; and his Cabinet, 77, 157, 467, 718, 1188; caricatures of, 146, 147, 190, 437, 1063; and Catholicism, 39 ; centennial of birth, 274, 555, 607, 608, 938, 948, 1028, 1064, 1066, 1075; character of, 384, 1029 ; in Chicago, 409 ; in Cincinnati, 473, 1146 ; on the Circuit, 20 ; and civil liberty, 1006 ; clemency of, 201 ; and colonization, 613, 736, 830 ; as Commander-in-chief, 612, 706, 1128; compensated emancipation plan of, 974; in Congress, 184, 747, 872 ; and the Constitution, 312, 603, 953, 998; 599, Cooper Union address of, 993, 1150 ; courtships of, 824 ; and the Courts of District of Colum- bia, 26 ; debates with Douglas, 10, 28, 71, 214, 274, 275, 745, 939, 991, 1234; defence of Duff Armstrong, 18 ; defence of bridge, 1080 ; defence of railroad, 597 ; as defendant, 340, 884 ; democratic spirit of, 84 ; as dictator, 693, 1155 ; and the draft, 310 ; and his druggist, 31 ; duel with Shields, 748, 1082 ; education of, 16, 237, 395r"483, 892, 1219; election of, in 1860, 106, 308, 814; election of, in 1864, 199, 266, 815, 816; and emancipation, 107, 614, 909, 924, 925, 927, 1102; , f ^ and England, 641j j Aa IjJX**') ' •> 7 in Evanston, 404 ; favorite poem of, 543; « it'll 1^*1 and finance, (878, 1162;* ' » ' > forged letters of, 784 ; at Fort Stevens, 841 ; Freeport speech of, 339 ; funeral of, 496, 1058; ^ and Garibaldi,^749T777; genius of, 692 ; and the Germans, 378, 381 ; Gettysburg Address of, 32, 193, 222, 352, 434, 447, 539, 567, 652, 668, 669, 788, 836, 859, 876, 951, 980, 983, 987, 1015, 1046, 1049, 1113, 1123, 1149; and governorship of Oregon, 817 ; and Grant, 131, 183, 474 ; and Hampton Roads conference, 297 ; and Herndon, 114, 120, 255; as humorist, 208, 463, 740, 1010, 1059 ; and Illinois Central Railroad, 340 and "Illinois radical republicans 812; imagination of, 1142 ; impaired vision of, 945 ; impressions of, in 1856, 152 ; 'inauguration of, in 1861, 67, 166, 420, 465, 493, 494, 701, 780, 992, inauguration i 1159 ; 8, / 1158 of, in 1865, 259, 6l>- [66] T^r^S in Indiana 889, 947 ; intellect of 582, 584, 588, 594, 868, 665; as inventor, 1026, 1027 ; Iowa lands of, 75 ; Iowa's part in nomination of, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73; and the Jews, 44 ; journey to Washington, 1861, 141 ; in Kentucky, 620, 879, 1090; and Labor, 560, 891 ; land bounties to, 12 ; last official act of, 820; H l\ (,1b law books of, 22 ; 154, 393, 937, 776 224, 225, 787. 1227; Ss§ S JV J as lawyer, 12-25,- 28, 46, 47, 74, 155, 165. 205, 206, 252, 373, 413, 449, 540, 643, 898, 936, 970, 997, 1192 ; letters of, 1, 74/ 209, 217, 559, 667, 77^,907. 918, 923, 1014, 1052; life mask of, 167 ; and liquor, 139, 273, 1024 ; rj as literary man, 194, 846, 971 ; |\ as litigant, 18 ; "lost speech" of, 354, 710, 774, 809, 1226; and Maryland Constitution, in Massachusetts, 752 ; and Matson negroes, 80 ; /•"memorials to, 87, 88, 90, 236, 256, 344, 470, 564, 595 854, 1011, 1117, 1130, 1131. message to Congress, 1863, 265, 917 ; message to Congress, 1865, 921 ; migration to Illinois, 576 ; and Military Commanders, 37 ; and military telegraph, 760, 1102 ; as Mississippi boatman, 675 ; and Missouri, 819 ; money sense of, 7 ; 8 if' HL *"j H*? 1 * /^and the Navy, 35 ; and the Nebraska Bill, 10 ; and negroes, 227, 613, 803, 830, 1*138 ; and the New Almaden mine, 156 ; *Tn New York, 690; l»*7 nomination to Congress, 33 ; nomination for presidency, 1860, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73, 76, 168, 464, 489, 490, 506, 586, 808, 928, 1034, 1103. 1124, 1204, 1236; nomination for presidency, 1864, 198, 467; and office seekers, 1110 ; and Ohio, 950; opposition to, 1864, 117 ; as pacifist, 306 ; and party politics, 891 ; patriotism of, 16 ; / and patronage, 34 ; personal appearance of, 186 ; personality of, 696 ; in Petersburg, 183. 758 ; photograph of, 825 ; photoplay of, 311 ; physiognomy of, 721 ; if Do place in history, 108 ; plan to kidnap, 300 ; plan of reconstructio n, 116, 9 21 ; as poet, 355, 845, 940 ; portraits of, articles on, 572, 605, 611, 621, 622, 713, 789, 793; and preachers, 1025 ; as President-elect, 104 ; and prohibition, 510; q Cli~7 (H*l in Quincy. 720:^ fi^ ) * H ' > > and railroads, ^1044^ 1079, 1080, 1081 ; reconstruction policy of, 16, 739, 921 ; <3Ui sn religion of, 149, 162, 325, 460, 461, 477, 762, 763, 798, 799, 964, 977, 989, 1060, 258, 260, 269, 524, 530, 533, 805, 864, 900, 1139, 1153; in Ri chmond, 183, 68 5, 1195 ; ln~Rochester, 1077, T078~T "rum sweat" of, 722 ; and San^Marjno^^lgj^ schooling in finance, 153 social ideals of, 230 ; as soldier, 598 ; and the soldiers, 56 ; Southern view of, 1134 ; as speaker, 57, 408, 410, 756, 922, iO7*- i^^u »/£*£«& \i*ft~A ft ,g^c a-*^ jT TL £~£^ ^W <&**£< ^ \r.4+&H* ; «&*4^*m <*tiufo£ fr^J UM^ 4#$l «**£:■ 32EZ*k. V* to-/ "X^Tt* £r framing. 4 In the June, 1941, issue of Americana appeared an article, Abraham Lincoln and the Newspaper Press During the Civil for,"— a summary of Lincoln's relations with the most prominent ditors of the country— by John Paul Jones, Jr., of the School of ournalism of the University of Illinois. The article has since been sprinted in pamphlet form. Collectors will doubtless wish to btain copies. In the Abraham Lincoln Quarterly for March, 1940, announce- ment was made that a volume of verse by Frank Brooks Cowgill, Columbia's Martyr and Other Lincoln Tributes, would be published in tie near future. The "near future" stretched into eighteen lonths, but Columbia's Martyr—a beautifully printed little volume ontaining twenty poems on Lincoln subjects—is now available. ^ companion book by the same author— Appeal to Posterity and )ther Religio-Patriotic Verse— -was published at the same time. Both >ooks are limited to 102 numbered, autographed copies. Both are mblications of the Lincoln Fellowship of Southern California. 5 'Limited number available from the printers, 447 Sansome St., San Francisco, 'Orders should be placed with the Institute Press, Gardenia, California. The wo volumes, boxed, S5.00. 456 ABRAHAM LINCOLN QUARTERLY ~*'\i and good writing. It is, however, almost too beguiling. From it an unwary reader could easily conclude that no prominent Northerner ever acted from disinterested motives — a conclusion which, in simple justice, must be heavily discounted. And one is likely to attribute too much importance to the political maneuvering with which the book is exclusively concerned. The Radicals were always a torment to Lincoln, and sometimes they succeeded in influencing the course of events, but much of the time their frantic activity was mere shadow-boxing. In spite of these qualifications, Lincoln and the Radicals deserves to rank high among Lincoln monographs. One of the pressing needs of the Lincoln student has long been a bibliography of Lincoln articles in periodical literature. It is true that much of what has appeared in magazines is not of permanent value, but even when allowance is made for this fact, the contribu- tion of periodicals remains a substantial one. Moreover, it is diffi- cult of access. Not many libraries retain a large number of maga- zine files, and the preservation of Lincoln articles in out-of-the- way sources has not been a goal pursued consistently even in in- stitutions specializing in the subject. Abraham Lincoln in Periodical Literature, i86o-ig40, by Richard Booker, 3 will, therefore, be welcomed by many. In it the compiler lists, under magazine titles, 1244 articles dealing with the life of Lincoln. Occasionally a descriptive sentence is included, but for the most part the entries comprise only author, title and date of issue. Unfortunately, the compilation leaves much to be desired. Mr. Booker purposely, and wisely, ruled out ephemera — short poems of little worth, endless reprintings of Lincoln's letters and speeches, and hundreds of book reviews. But even a quick check of one col- lection reveals many omissions which can be accounted for only by the compiler's failure to cover the field thoroughly. Perhaps this is a defect which would necessarily characterize any first at- tempt, but defect it is nevertheless. Notable omissions are the Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, a prolific source of Lincoln articles, the Bulletin of the,,Abraham Lincoln Association and its successor, The Abraham Lincoln Quarterly, and Hobbies Mag- azine. 3 Fawley-Brost Company, 1 1 1 N. Wacker Drive, Chicago, $3.00. ^ fry? ty7S-tO . .__