XJr.& cxJ.', 1 11b 414 'TO l win System •oduction of l- Sounds t NO.l: Consonants with keywords; Represented by the Symbols of the International Phonetic Alphabet and classified by the position of the Speech Or- gans and Breath modifications. Unvoiced Consonants [vocal cords not vibrating] No.l. t toe J briar [vocal r for speaking] broad her_own too tutor trot ican throw for instance tie little hot rupt green for aye time better but singer near door air world far elixir mere sure ear bird star doctor fire here ore curb fpr No. 2. 0 thin thick mur mur martyr breath mur Lyre healthy thrust lengthen wreath thread nothing bath No.3. S sun son trusting excel ox sew massacre curse ass sit glossic kiss class No. 4. $ she tj shut fashion action hush child sham tension kitchen dash church sure issue nuptial fish much sugar machine No.5. y human hue cure tune studio Hugh cue suit tutor humor curate pew dispute No. 6. k kind kick accord chaos liquor knock kine excuse chasm queen sick coat exclaim choir quick rack No. 7. p post happen pipe It 1 when pay ripple pope where white whither poke open pap which whisk whiff whale No.8. f foe fifty phrase difficult ruff first beautiful phone different snuff for define pheasant sufficient cough No.9. h house how hair who unhandy home hub whole abhor o 498.34 Return this book on or before the Latest Date stamped below, A charge is made on all overdue books. U. of I. Library The lines indicate the tongue positions in a general way. They are to be considered as guides, and only approximate ly correct. The Speech Sounds are affected and modified : /st, by the degree of mouth opening. 2 nd t by the size and condition of the Speech organs, and their surrounding tissues. ,y r f by the sounds which precede and follow them. No. 1. 1 machine eel clean fatigue eat piece sea ^ grief piano relieve ^ No. 2. 1 it bin gill hymn • b ~ sit whim lint him trim critic No. 3, I only sunny defer despised pity relieve Jerusalem city deceive busy No. 4. 0 may ^first sound^ gate vein they ^ fail gauge main o eight base gave ^ n«. 5. e k.t men said guess pen .head many 7^ bent friend berry No. G. 0 her (see *] serve bird elixir martyr learn molar monitor sir hunger murmur No. 7.00 at land rapid as stand back and ham anxious Laeis- Baldwin System of the production of Speech - Sounds Chart No. 2. English Vowels with keywords, represented by the Symbols of the International Phonetic Alphabet and Classified bythe position of the Speech Organs • indicate vowels of long duration • indicate vowels of short duration No. 17. II rule tune who use \ new whose moon move view feud . No. 16. U bull pull wolf sugar full woman book * put bullion good No. 15. 0 go [first sound] no sew though foe toe home lo soul roam No. 14. A but [i 1 ] er ar Diphthongs ar au [oH 01 laid thine while house oil eight try wine loud boy aim pie wise plough noise they aisle wile how void No. 13. up come nothing won none mother son tongue brothe door 3 [Soroetimes pronounced o] Cn floor bore course ^ shore port fort lore sore more No. 12. B urge turn work courteous hurl worth curt fur burst hurt No. 8. 3 ask mask class glass task dance past laugh bath staff fin unaccented syllables ar.er. ir. yr. or ur. Shade toward the vowels which they represent Adapted and arranged by A. Laeis -Baldwin Copyright by A. Laeis -Baldwin, Carnegie Hall, New York, 1916 No. 9. Ct father balm calm arm barn card art start lark alms chart hark Low No.ll.C awe law fawn tall No. 10. 0 not ball vault law dot mop •> aw K al1 laurel long God mob broth toss forest fog soft The lines indicate the tongue positions, in a general way. They are to he considered as guides , and only aprproxi - mately correct. The Speech Sounds are affected and modified : tst } by the degree of mouth opening. £nd } by the size and condition of the Speech organs , and their furrounding tissues. by the sounds which precede and follow them. of the production of Speech- Sounds Chart No.3. Italian Consonants with keywords^ Represented by the Symbols of the International Phonetic Alphabet and Classified by the position of the Speech Organs andBreath modifications. No.1. (1 No. 2. Z No.3, Voiced Consonants [vocal cords vibrating] Ante.ro - Linguo- Dental [tongue tip and teeth] due n naso 1 della vado addio nel canto penne dato modo Iddio nera vieni zanna destro edera cadde nome lana solenne duca dodici daddovero regina sonno Antero - linguo r Dental [tongue blade and teeth] paese [dz voiceless z] palese sbaglio zero zaffiro mezzo rozzo marchese snoda zebra zara orzo ruzza francese smarrire zelo zebu pranzo razza Antero -Linguo -Dental [tongue blade and teeth] 7 (d 3 ) gelo [Eng. gem joy] O gioja digiunare No. 4. No. 5. gia gioja digiunare loggia genio giarra orgia leggere gemma giardino ingegno oggi Medio-Linguo -Palatal [middle of tongue and hard palate] p signor [Eng. onion] £ egli million] J cuojo pugna disegno negli meglio J bujo ~‘ ragno rampogna figlio quegli gioja mignolo sogno degli voglio noja frenajo Postero-Linguo-Felar [back of tongue and soft palate] (J grande ghe ghi IJ lungo [or n] guado gloria fregata dunque languisce galea lungo lingua stanco marengo grosso gigante fugare ganghero pungo Di-Labial [upper and lower lips] No. 6. Ill madre b bocca mio momento fiamma bene basta abile mano numero programma bada buffo abbozzo me gemello imminente bella brodo abbattere Labio- Dental [upper teeth and lower lip] No. 7. V vivo vengo voto vale lieve sovvenire veggo voce vampa povero sovvenuto verso vetro voglio trovare rawedere Adapted and arranged by A. Laeis- Baldwin Copyright by A. Laeis-Baldwin, Carnegie Hall, New York, 1916 W guado [semi vowel] guanto questo languisce guajo quinto seguire guizzo cinque sguardo minore ferro nera terra lettera correre zebra Unvoiced Consonants (vocal cords inactive) No.l.t tenia tale tetto battere tazza fatto attore tribii tutto editto tuo tatto eadetto No. 2. S sono si sano casa tassa sera cos! esse santa, vesta basso [ts] azione scherzo bronzo forza azza cozzo guizzo carrozza No.3.$ seen a sciolto scillo scelta [.he] [tS] scettico misconoscere cero cielo noei Scenario rescindere cenno ciglia croce scettro conoscenza cica cinque pace cieca Cesare giudice No. 5. k casa che chi [kw] [sk] come crede pesca questo acca schiavo cui cranio duca quello accanto scherzo eani crine cuculo acqua accordo schioppo colpa croce declino ch i cc h ibi cli i acchi scatola No.6.p posa poco prudente sopra frappa scolare scuola poi penna papiro pioppa poeta perche papa nappo paura pesca dopo mappa No. 7. f fido fa futuro infelice muffa fra fuggire nefario affare forte foresta ninfa offerta ferro figlio preferire beffa The lines indicate the tongue positions in a general way. JLj They are to be considered as guides , and only approximate- ly correct. The Speech Sounds are affected and modified: fst, by the degree of mouth opening. j>nd } by the size and condition of the Speech organs , and their surrounding tissues. by the sounds which precede and follow them. No.l. 1 io [machine] mio dico pio vergini antichi ^ di mai filo gentile nipote mi mica lire venissi ricolto si zii primo tibia tavolino .^o $ No. 2. 6 sera [may] die nello nel vela nero ella verde pera avere paese sete esse pena degli mela meno $e S penna mente rena bere No.3. C ecco [let] bene bello verbo remo viene mezzo pesca predica zeta tiene resto specula nerbo festa erede gemma preda era terra poeta s-Baldwin System of the production of Speech- Sounds Chart No. 4. Italian Vowels with keywords^ Represented by the Symbols of the International Phonetic Alphabet and Classified by the position of the Speech Organs No. 7. U una [rule] muto uova tutti nume giii virtu spugna luglio c ^' lui pure lun a pulpito mu ra bruno ugola grumo 5s puro musa studio uva No. 6. 0 come [g-o] ancora croce corto sole ore dove op ini one nome imore sopra fiori molto ora noce botte noi monte forse voi ogni loro sonno rompe conte bocca polso dono dolce dolore cosi risponda No.5. D donna [door] uova , oggi cosa no No. 4. Ci padre [father] suoi popoli nostra pub ha sai sara aveva dare andro voglio uomo cadetto odio sta mai chiave dava fare abito osso poveri odio gloria da avere mandare casa dalla aria cornice tuono buono sorte ma anno calamaio fossa sala anima orzo oca fuoco modo ad canto prima bass a alia alto inchiostro orologio dai gloria accanto cassa cara alba la ancora anello mare basta acqua Low [* in the authors pronunciation the O in door is open] Adapted and arranged by A. Laeis- Baldwin Copyright by A. Laeis -Baldwin, Carnegie Hall, New York, 1916 rounded The lines indicate the tongue positions in a general way. They are to be considered as guides , and only approxi- mately correct. The Speech Sounds are affected and modified : ist, by the degree of mouth opening. by the size and condition of the Speech organs, and their surrounding tissues. 3rd, by the sounds which precede and follow them. Laeis-Baldwin System of the production of Speech- Sounds Chart No. 5. French Consonants with keywords; represented by the Symbols of the International Phonetic- Alphabet and classified by the position of the Speech Organs and Breath modification. Voiced Consonants (vocal cords vibrating) Unvoiced Consonants (vocal cords not viberatinj , dos dette broder adieu viande 11 nid non dernier ennemi ane 1 loup ' lit selon ville r rose mal _ robe courant carre or No.l.t tasse tot couteau carotte droite dire cadeau addition mode noir linon donner faner lait matelas alle moule rang bureau serre dure tete mouton alouette hate dune accorder aide noix menu annee plane laine paletot mille *sel riche chevron carreau noir tout nature galette nette monde noeud canon anneau canne // valet malle drole ordre mur table obtenir battre patte No. Antero- Lingua- Dental [tongue blade and teeth] No. 2. Z zero . zepliir bazar brasier rose gaz zebre maison mesure muse examen zone briser nasal seize exiger Antero -Lingua- Dental [tongue blade and teeth] 7 jaune [azure] je forger ange asperge jeu conge neige gage gens ajuste gorge charge gilet bougie gages large No. 3. , Medio-Zingua- Palatal [Middle of tongue and hard palate] [Semi consonant. Also see chart No. 5 ] No. 4. J fille £j ce j aj uj J1 mignon T| etui sillon orteil orgueil paille douille chenille soleil treuil caille mouille aiguille oreille ecureuil mitrailleuse No. grogner besogne baignoire guigne oignon empoigner peigne enseigne Postero-Linguo-Pelar [hack of tongue and veil of soft palate] garde guerre agrafe drague navigateur langue No.2. S sel sene sentir concert massif gar^on sauce nuptial cette savon brusque dresser question russe aristocratie cent souffre ocean brasseur faucon dix nation No. 3. J chaise [she] chance charme chercher duche cherche chaud cheval cochon sachet bouche choux choc chauffe couchette seche No. 4. C pied devocalized form of j (Singer uses j) pierre officier siege tiede ciel R uvula trill for speaking (Singer uses tongue tip trill) droguiste regler aveugle bagage fatigue orgueil No. No gloire guide gant Pi-Labial [upper and lower lips] »>.m mais b mou dormir immense flamme main amande remailler dame motif oomete immobile lame moi escrime maman ame 7. V voeu Labio-Dental [upper teeth and lower bague drogue No 5. k kepi kilo kiosque court sacre qui sac carte marquis quinze due kilogramme calme occasion quitte banque herbe barbe bleu ble baton objet bis baillon obeir bete bouteille abricot jambe bas abeille bobine courbe lip] [ Semi consonant also see chart'No 5 ouate Louis ouater oie nouer_ oiseau oindre oiseler vo ix vi n vue vivant ovation verve voile veau vainqueur vivre excaver esclave vise vecu vapeur ouvrage envoi suave Adapted and arranged by A.Laeis-Baldwin Copyright by A.Laeis-Baldwin, Carnegie Hall, New York, 1916 No. 6. p puits peux peiritre papillon papier nappe jupe peur peche paon couper oppose serpe potage pomme pere opera appetit pape No. 7. f force facile face affaire chauffeur phare agrafe foret fait buffet etoffe phase neuf faire faute effacer office . phrase ceuf h (written in hate haricot etc. but never pronounced) Mid front High front The lines indicate the tongue positions in a general way. They are to be considered as guides . and only approxi- mately correct. The Speech Sounds are affected and modified: ist , by the degree of mouth opening. 2nd by the size and condition of the Speech organs .and their surrounding tissues. 3rd ) by the sounds which precede and follow them. ) indicates lip rounding". : long" vowel ■ short vowel indicates nasal resonance No.l. 1 ici [ 'machine ] lui gui gris edifice midi vieux ligne pilier frit six hymen difficile livre vie virgule plier No. 3. e ete [may] No.4.[e) = de elevation parlez pre de'gager danser gai elegant gaite No.B.C tres [let] N0.6.C fin etre inais reve les pere glaive dais tes reine peine sujet mes succes des No. 9.0 de [her] le que recevoir me grenade domain se menu * No . 10 . Q patte sac drap No.2 [i)=y L ae i s-Fj a 1 dwi n S’ of the production of Speech-Sounds Chart No. 6. French Vowels with French and English keywords; Represented by the Symbols of the In- ternational Phonetic Alphabet and classified by the position of the Speech une but etude fortune fumee fluide unique dur juste ramure vue Organs. & peu bleu dieu jeu peut feu pleut deux pieux mieux cieux eux veut •[£' ant] No.7, lin symbole matin simple main lynx pain Sphinx plein Rheims Oe peur seul oeillet fleur piqueur oeil heurter veuve peuple No. 8. No. 16. U SOU [rule] jour gout No. 15. 0 roue doute ^ foule moule souple coup ^ choux loup soulier sous ® tot j>o]_ mots votre vos dos eau No. 14 . 5 peau dose fauche nos notion couteau bon \donf] on bond ombre raison nom confort garyoi combs halle cahier brave hache matin haricot No. 11. Cl ame [father] gras apre Vowel Combinations laehe pas brasier taille chateau nation Low No. 12. G dans [launch] blanc sentir gant longtemps chambre printemps No.13. D poche [door] coq orange corne gomme oral comme force corps fortune (In rapid speech the Semi Vowels j i[W may be used. See chart No. 6.) (The Singer uses Vowel Symbols) ie pied yi huit (orij) Gie (orj) monnayer ui jouir (or w) uaie devoye (orwj) (orj) ier cieux ye muet Gke monnayeur ue jouer uaia moyeu ei a'ie it hier yoe rueur Gia payant u£ jouet uaiG voyelle ai^ a'ieux it ancien yie ecuyer 8i5 crayon UG moins uaioe foudroyeur aioe a'ieul ioe prieur yio fuyions uoe joueur uaia royal aia haillon ia cordial yiot fuyant ua poire uaia voyant ia science ua bois uaio noyaux io faciaux ua louanger uaia voyons io question [* Adapted and arranged by A. Laeis -Baldwin Copyright by A.Laeis- Baldwin, Carnegie Hall, New York, 1916 in. the author’s pronunciation the 0 in door is open] ~ founded lips The lines indicate the tongue positions in a general way. They are to be considered as guides, and only approxi- mately correct. The Speech Sounds are affected and modified: tst, by the degree of mouth opening. 2nd, by the size and condition of the Speech organs, and their surrounding tissues. Sid, by the sounds which precede and follow them. Voiced Consonants [vocal cords vibrating] No.l. No. 2 . Z See Sechs Muse rasen Wiese Senf Zinsen zusammen losen So Kiise Ursache Nase Antero-Linguo- Dental [tongue blade and teeth] rs only in foreign words Journal etc. Laeis-P3aldwin System of the production of Speech- Sounds Chart No. 7 . Grerm3.ll Coils 0113Ilts with keywords, represented by the Symbols of the International Phonetic Alphabet and classified by the position of the Speech Organs. Unvoiced Consonants [vocal cords inactive] No.l.t Ton [voiceless d] Tafel Mantel Schatten Zeit bald Mond Antero-Linguo- Dental [tongue-tip and inner surface of upper teeth near gums] [tongue tip trill for singing] das n Name 1 Land r Rede Dom dort Andacht nein Knabe Zahn Lob Kleid Zeile Ross braun gerecht Bar dicht Dank Wunder nie Gnade Sinn Leid Blume Stellung rein grosg Heirat ihr da Dorn edel nur knapp Tanne Licht Flasche allein Ruhm Trunk jahrlich Herrin dir diinn Kladde Noth Schnarchen Nonne laut glatt Fall Rahm Probe Bursche irren Antero-Lingi uo- Dental [tongue blade and teeth] No.2 . 3 Medio-Linguo -Palatal [Middle of tongue and hard palate] No.4.j Jugend jagen Jalir Jiiger jung jucken Jaeke jeder Jagd Jammer ja Jude Major je Postero-Linguo- Velar [back of tongue and veil of soft palate] No.5. Gj Geld or J or § Gott Ziege Konigin Gabel Geige beugen Gut vergessen eigen Gerste Fliigel Krieger Hi -Labial [upper and lower lips] No.6.m Mann mein imphen Samstag Zimmer Stamm Mond Trompete Brombeere Trommel Kamm mich Amtmann riiumen wimmeln warm Labio-Heatal [upper teeth and lower lips] No. 7. V wo V Welle ewig Vorwurf Sehwester schwarz Wort Gewicht verwenden Schwager Schwanz Waffe bewahren Gewehr Schwingen Schwelle liegt Konig Tage Flagge schweigst wenig Kragen fliigge regt Sieg Berge folgsam schliigt Krieg Wagner truglos or X voiceless Cj Tag klug Fug log Krug Lug Bart Blut Silbe Blech iiben Block weben Quartier Qual qualen abbitten Ebbe Liebe [w pronounced v] Adapted and arranged by A. Laeis- Baldwin Copyright by A. Laeis-Baldwin, Carnegie Hall, New York, 1916 Tisch Falte Hiitte Tag Noten Zettel Teller warten mitten No.2.S Institut Kasten Wasser aus rosten Kasse Glas Pflaster Sessel Eis No.4. £ 9 lang Angel Trank Drang drangen sank Angst singen Bank jung Zange wanket No.3.^ Schale Schatten Scheiben Schiff ich dich stechen siech Wicht mich Lerche Licht Zeichen No.5.k Krone Kahn Kerze Kuss me r ken Wolke Hecke gescharft zwischen Zisehlaut Hirt Hund Mund Punkt Land Kind Stadt Lied ts blass Zeit muss Zoll Ross Ziege Stroll Spur Student Sprung Spinne Stuck sprechen Sprache Sturm spannen Spross Schwiiche Eichel Wachter Bucher Dolch durch gleich weich X Acht Locke Takt Macht doch Akkord Gelenk Schlacht Loch flicken Trank Pacht Fluch Ecke Fuchs Wache Frucht Decke Lachs Woche Buch Ackt Hexe noch Tuch No. 6 .p Post ab [voiceless b] Plan Oper pfliicken Kuppel gab Herbst Platz Sopran pflegen Puppe Lob tobt Paar Apfel Pflanze No. 7. f Fest Feind Gefiihl Affe Faust Kupfer Griffel Falke Tafel Schiffer \uvula\ R for speaking Purpur Dieb bleibt tief Vater Vogel reif Veilchen voll schief Volk von Spiritus asper No. 8 .h Haus Heu bin hohl Hitze hoch Hof Holz Horn Hiigel Abhang Vorhang Rohoit ? Spiritus lenis [used only in speak- ing] The lines indicate the tongue positions in a general way. They are to be considered as guides, and only approxi- mately correct. The Speech Sounds are affected and modified : /st, by the degree of mouth opening . 2 nd, by the size and condition of the Speech organs , and their 'surrounding tissues. 3 rd, by the sounds which precede and follow them. Laeis-Baldwin. System of the production of S pee ch- 8 011 nds Chart N0.8. German Vowels indicates lip rounding- long - vowel short vowel with German and English keywords, represented by the Symbols of the International Phonetic Alphabet and classified by the position of the Speech Organs. 0 s 1 No.l. i Ihm [machine] die ihrer Thier Biene tief Liebe wie Ziege hier dir Lied mir No. 3. I Ring [it] in Lippe Sinn mieh bin wird No.2.[i)y fur liber Fliigel Giite Biihne Miihle triibe kiihn Hiiter Miihe friiher Biigel No.4.[lUY Hiitte nicht Miinze Kiiche singen Niisschen fiillt giiltig diinn Spinne Gluck No. 5. e Ehe [may ] No.6.[e) Liiftchen Giirtel & Hohle eben Kehle Segel bose Roslein Konig lesen dehnen jeder Ibsen Hohe Mowe 'N neben gehen heben horen Koder Osterreich \ \ )- No. 7. 6 Kern [let] No.8.[£) =oe Loffel sS jetzt Harte Sanger Gotter Rosslein Holle Kette Sabel Dacher Volker Kochin Tochter fern Bander Starke Mon cli Offnung Glockner No. 9. 3 Gedanke [ her •] bedenken leise Kleider Gericht nehmet Z all ne Seide Reiter Weizen No. 10. Q Vater [father] Aal Gnade Atem dass Paar Nase Schlacht Bass Jahr Fahne Acht Fall Low Sand Hass Pack No. 14. U Mut [rule] Buch zu Kur Husar Flut mutig Tuch Zufall Schule Stube Fuss gut No. 13. U Hund [bull] Luft Lunge Wunsch Hunger Bund Zunge Pfund durch Grund Mund um Mutter No. 12. O Hof [go] . Wo so Ton oben loben Strom wohl Trost Vor Oder Kolile Wohnung No. 11. 0 Post [door] 4 Opfer Locken Wolke Kopf Gott Spross Nonne. lioffen Mord Diphthongs Haus d : I Kaiser 0! euch auf Hain Hauser auch Ei Baume Raum Zwei Kreuz Lauf Weide Heu Waise [*in the authors pronunciation the O in door is open] Adapted and arranged by A. Laeis-Baldwin Copyright by A. Laeis- Baldwin, Carnegie Hall, New York, 1916 r °Knded The chanting is meant to serve as an intermediary between the spoken and the sung word I . Enunciate the Sounds separately and slowly. II . Speak the words slowly and detach them one from the other. III. Speak the words in the rhythm of the spoken word. IV. Add the resonance of the singing tone and sing the words on the pitch indicated by the notes of the chant. 23 Psalm [English] il ■■■" I Ifr- -o- s '- — - The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall- not. 3d loud iz mai Jepdjd ai jael_ net a Salmo 23 [Italian] s -e- -e- _ want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; _ we:nt. hi me:ike'e mi tu la:i da:un in qri:n pastdjz; [or tS] y -**- He leadeth me beside the still— waters, hi lide'e mi bisa:id dd stil_ we:tdjz. '' — ^ w u -o- 11 Signore e il mio pas - tore; nulla mi man-che - ra. Egli mi fa giacere in pas-chi er-bosi; mi guida lungo le ac-que chete. il sipore- e il mio' pas. .tore* nul:a mi man..ke.. .ra. e^i mi fa dgatjere’in pas..ki‘ er..bozi; mi gwida lungo' le ak..we* kete*. l or Gl ’ [or ij] ^ Psaume XXIII [French] /k ' — ° — -4— g 1 - - 6 = L’Eternel est mon ber- ger; je n'au-rai point de di-sette. II me fait reposerdans des patu - rages her-beux; lime mene le long des eaux tranquilles. leterriel e mo ber...ge; gd no. .re pwe dd di..zstd. il md fe rdpoze da de paty...ragd zer...ha,- il md men Id 15 de zo trd.Jold. Psalm 23 [German] Der Herr ist mein Hirte; mir wird nichts mangeln. Er weidet mich auf einer grii-nen Aue; und fiihret mich zum fri - schen Wasser. der her ist ma.in hirtd, mir virt nicts maijdln. er va:iddt mi<^ auf a.indr gry.ndn audj unt fy:rdt mi^ tsum fri. . . Jdn vasdr. IV. Add the resonance of the singing tone and sing the words on the pitch indicated by the notes of tha chant. Borneo and Juliet ct III. Scene V ilt thou be gone? it is not yet near day; it was the nightingale, and not the lark, that pierced the fearful hoi - low of thine lit spiarmi? Ancor lontana yedi, l’alba esser dee, Fu - lu - sign - uolo. iunkwe lo farmi, ankor lontana, kredi, lalba es:er dee fu fu. .zip. .uolo - . [or f|j [or O'] eux tu done deja me quitter? Le jour n’est pas encore pret a pa - rattre. t* ty do dega ind kite? Id gu:r ne pa zakor pre ; ta pa. .retrd. est le rossignol et non l’a - lou - ette; dont la voix a pene- tre ton o- reille in - qufete. t Id rosipol e no la. .lu. . .etd' ; do la vua za pene. .fre to., no. .re:j £. . . feetd". [or w] oute la nuit il chantt la bas sur ce gre- na - dier; Croic ^ moi, cher amour, cetait le ros - si - gnol u:td' la niji til Jat la ba syr sd grd. .na. .die; krua mua Jer amu:r, sete Id ro. .si. .pol. [or w] [or w] erman