LIBRARY CATALOGUE OF THE KANSAS STATE SCHOOL FOR THE BLIND KANSAS CITY, KANSAS 1919 LIBRARY CATALOGUE OF THE KANSAS STATE SCHOOL FOR THE BLIND KANSAS CITY, KANSAS KANSAS STATE PRINTING PLANT IMRI ZUMWALT, State Printer TOPEKA. 1019 KANSAS STATE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION. Henry J. Allen, Governor Topeka. E. L. Barrier Eureka. Wilbur N. Mason Topeka. Harvey Penney Hays. OFFICERS OF THE BOARD. Henry J. Allen, Governor . . . Chairman. James A. Kimball Business Manager. Lee Harrison Superintendent. Margaret Phelps Librarian. M-v. 02 7.4>ai RiU Office of the Postmaster General, Washington, D. C., June 2, 1904. Order No. 541. Chapter 2, Title III, of the Postal Laws and Regulations is hereby amended by the addition of the following subdivision: V. — Reading Matter for the Blind. Sec 518%. Books, pamphlets and other reading matter in raised characters for the use of the blind, whether prepared by hand or printed, in single volumes, not exceeding ten pounds in "weight, or in packages not exceeding four pounds in weight and containing no advertising or other matter whatever, unsealed, and when sent by public institutions for the blind or by any public libraries, as a loan to blind readers, or when re- turned by the latter to such institutions or public libraries, shall be trans- mitted in the United States mails free of postage, and under such regula- tions as the Postmaster General may prescribe. (Act of April 27, 1904.) 2. Reading matter in raised characters for the use of the blind, to be entitled to transmission in the mails free of postage must not contain any advertising or other matter whatever, and must in every case be sent by or returned to a public library or public institution for the blind. 3. When mailed by a public library or public institution for the blind, the matter must be sent as a loan to a blind reader. When mailed for return to a public library or public institution for the blind, the sender must be a blind reader. 4. The matter must be wrapped so that it may be easily examined. 5. No package is to weigh more than four pounds, except in case of a single volume, and it must not exceed ten pounds in weight. 6. On the up£er left-hand corner of the envelope or wrapper contain- ing the matter the name and address of the sender must appear, and on the upper right-hand corner the word “Free” over the words “Reading Matter for the Blind.” h. C. Payne, Postmaster General Note. — Letters written in point print or raised characters used by the blind are not included in the reading matter entitled, under the provisions of this section, to free trans- mission in the mails. (See section 475.) (a) RULES FOR USE OF BOOKS. 1. All blind residents of Kansas, and all persons of defective sight, are entitled to the privileges of this library. 2. Books are sent free of postage when marked “Free Read- ing Matter for the Blind.” 3. Good care must be taken of all books borrowed. 4. Books should be returned to the library within thirty days. 5. Readers requesting books will please send list of at least three books desired. In case first choice is not available, one of the others will be sent. Not more than two single-volume books will be sent at once, nor more than three volumes of one set. 6. Late fiction should be read, if possible, during the sum- mer vacation. 7. Books should be returned promptly. Failure to do this will forfeit use of library for succeeding three months. An ex- tension may be granted by sending written request to the Librarian. ( 4 ) LIST OF LIBRARY BOOKS. KANSAS STATE SCHOOL FOR THE BLIND. KANSAS CITY, KAN., 1919. FICTION. Adam Bede. 5 vols Eliot. Adventures of Tom Sawyer. 2 vols Clemens. Armchair at the Inn. 2 vols Smith. Awakening of Helena Richie. 2 vols Deland. Battle Ground. 2 vols Glasgow. Ben Hur. 4 vols Wallace. Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush MaClaren. Blind Sisters of St. Paul. 2 vols Sizaranne. Buller Podington Compact Smith. Buried Alive. 2 vols Bennett. Captain January Richards. Cheerful Americans Loomis. Cranford. 2 vols Gaskell. Crime of Sylvester Bonnard. 2 vols France. Daddy Long Legs Webster. Daphne Sherwood. David Copperfield. 6 vols Dickens. Day’s Work. 2 vols Kipling. Down North on Labrador Grenfell. Footing it in Franconia Torrey. Heart of the Ancient Wood Roberts. Henry Esmond. 3 vols Thackeray. House of the Seven Gables Hawthorne. Idyl of the Hemp Allen. In His Name Hale. Innocence of Father Brown Chesterton. In the Fog Davis. In the Vanguard Trask. Iron Woman. 4 vols Deland. Ivanhoe Scott. Kenilworth Scott. Kentucky Cardinal Allen. Last of the Mohicans. 3 vols Cooper. Leavenworth Case. 3 vols Green. Lorna Doone. 5 vols Blackmore. Man Without a Country Hale. Middlemarch. 5 vols Eliot. Mill on the Floss. 5 vols Eliot. Miss Esperance and Mr. Wycherley. 2 vols Harker. Molly Make Believe Abbott. More Stories O. Henry. Mother Norris. New Chronicles of Rebecca. 2 vols Wiggin. Old-fashioned Girl. 2 vols Alcott. Old Glory and Three Things Andrews. Over Against Green Peak Humphrey. Penelope’s Experiences in Scotland. 2 vols Wiggin. Perfect Tribute Andrews. Picciola. 2 vols Saintine. (5) 6 Kansas State School for the Blind. FICTION — Concluded. Pilot. 2 vols Cooper. Queed. 4 vols Harrison. Quentin Durward. 3 vols Scott. Rebecca of Sunny Brook Farm. 2 vols Wiggin. Scarlet Letter. 2 vols Hawthorne. Secret Garden. 2 vols Burnett. Selected Stories. 2 vols Aldrich. Selections Henry. Silas Marner Eliot. Six Select Stories Somehow Good. 5 vols De Morgan. Story of the Other Wise Man Van D 3 'ke. Tale of Two Cities. 3 vols Dickens. Talisman. 3 vols Scott. Ten Short Stories. 2 vols '. . . . . Treasure Island Stevenson. Turmoil. 3 vols Tarkington. Uncle William Le«. Vanity Fair. 7 vols Thackeray. Via Crucis. 2 vols Crawford. Vicar of Wakefield. 2 vols Goldsmith. Virginian. 3 vols Wister. V V’s Eyes. 5 vols Harrison. Wooing of Calvin Parks Richards. ESSAYS AND ORATIONS. About Old Story Tellers Mitchell. Among Friends. 2 vols Crothers. American Scholar Emerson. Bunker Hill Orations Webster. Conciliation with American Colonies Burke. Conduct of Life Emerson. Correct Training of a Blind Child Keller. Day in Athens with Socrates Plato. Discourses on Art Reynolds. English Mail Coach DeQuincy. Essay on Pilgrim’s Progress Macauley. Essays, First Series. 2 vols Emerson. Essays, Second Series. 2 vols Emerson. Essays of Elia. 4 vols Lamb. Essays on Modern Novelists. 2 vols Phelps. Farewell Address Washington. First Presidential Message Roosevelt. Fisherman’s Luck Van Dyke. Gentle Reader. 2 vols Crothers. Handbook of Modern Japan. 2 vols Clements. Heroes and Hero Worship. 2 vols Carlyle. How to Knit and Crochet Pierson. Joan of Arc DeQuincy. Lift Luck on Southern Roads. 2 vols Edwards. Literary Friends and Acquaintances Howells. Main Woods Thoreau. Man’s Faith, A Grenfell. Memory Gems Bowles. Mental and Social Culture Loomis. Optimism Keller. Our Hundred Days in Europe Holmes. Primer of Psychology Ladd. Representative Men Emerson. Revolt of Tartars DeQuincy. Library Catalogue , 7 ESSAYS AND ORATIONS — COxYcluded. Russian Life Palmer. Selections. 2 vols Stevenson. Selections from Character Smiles. Selections from Dooley Dunne. Selections from Epictetus Selections from Essays Bacon. Self Cultivation in English Palmer. Self-Help. 3 vols Smiles. Sir Roger De Coverley Papers Addison. Sketch Book. 3 vols Irving. Socrates . Plato. Spectator Papers Addison. Spirit of Young and the City Streets Addams. Strenuous Lite Roosevelt. Talks with Athenian Youths Plato. Talks with Socrates about Life Plato. Total Depravity of Inanimate Things Walker. Two Addresses Drummond. Varied Types and Tremendous Trifles Chesterton. Virginibus Puerisque . Stevenson. Words and Their Uses White. World I Live in Keller. DRAMAS. As You Like It Shakespeare. Blue Bird Maeterlinck. Faust. 2 vols Goethe. Hamlet Shakespeare. Julius Caesar Shakespeare. King Henry V Shakespeate. King John Shakespeare. King Lear Shakespeare. King Richard III Shakespeare. Macbeth Shakespeare. Merchant of Venice - Shakespeare. Midsummer Night’s Dream Shakespeare. Othello Shakespeare. Paolo and Francesca Phillips. Piper Peabody. Richelieu Buliver. Samson Agonistes Milton. She Stoops to Conquer Goldsmith. Taming of the Shrew Shakespeare. Tempest Shakespeare. Twelfth Night Shakespeare. POETRY. Ancient Mariner Coleridge. Armanda and Other Poems Macaulay. Child’s Garden of Verse Stevenson. Deserted Village Goldsmith. Early English Ballads Clarke. Elegy in a Country Churchyard Gray. Enoch Arden and Lotus Eaters Tennyson. Essay on Man Pope. Evangeline Longfellow. Fire Worshippers Moore. Gareth and Lynette Tennyson. Golden Treasury. 2 vols Palgrove. 8 Kansas State School for the Blind. POETRY — Concluded. Idyls of the King Tennyson. Iliad Homer. Inferno Dante. In Memoriam Tennyson. Lady of the Lake Scott. L’Allegro-Il Penseroso, etc Milton. Lays of Ancient Rome Macaulay. Life and Death of Jason Morris. Lullaby Land Field. Marmion Scott. Palamon and Arcite Dryden. Paradise Lost. 2 vols Milton. Pilgrimage of Childe Harold Byron. Poems Aldrich. Poetical Works Poe. Princess . . . Tennyson. ' * Prisoner of Chillon Byron. Queens Wake Hogg. Saul and Other Poems Browning. R Selections from Poems Browning, E. B. Selections from Poems Browning, R. Selections from Poems Burns. Selections from Poems Holmes. Selections from Poems Longfellow. Selections from Poems Whittier. Selections from Poems and Ballads Schiller. Selections from Poetical Works Tabb. Select Poems (Poetry) for Everyday Reading Snowbound Whittier. Sorab and Rustum Arnold. Song of Hiawatha Longfellow. Thanatopsis and Other Poems Bryant. Vision of Sir Launfal Lowell. JUVENILE BOOKS AND BOOKS OF ADVENTURE. Adventure with a Dog and a Glacier * Muir. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Carroll. American Tropics Comp. Library. Among the Rockies Comp. Library. Arabian Nights At Home in the Forest Comp. Library. Aunt Martha’s Corner Cupboard Kirby. Bar Sinister Davis. Bits of Birds’ Life Comp. Library. Bob, Son of Battle. 2 vols Ollivant. Boys of Other Countries Taylor. Children’s Treasure Grove of Pearls. 2 vols Tiliston. Cuore. 2 vols Amicis. Daddy Darivin’s Dove Cote Ewing. Daffy downdilly and Other Stories Hawthorne. Dairyman’s Daughter Richmond. Ethics Dewey. Fables Aesop. Fairy Tales Anderson. Fairy Tales Grimm. Fancies of Child Life ' Feathertop Hawthorne. Glimpses of Europe Comp. Library. Gods and Heroes of the North White. Golden Age Graham. Library Catalogue, 9 JUVENILE BOOKS — Continued. Grandfather’s Chair Hawthorne. Great Lake Country Comp. Library. Hero Tales from American History Lodge and Roosevelt. In Alaska Comp. Library. In Porto Rico Comp. Library. In the Philippines Comp. Library. In the Southwest Comp. Library. In the Tiger Jungle Chamberlain. Jack the Giant Killer Jungle Book Kipling. King of the Golden River Ruskin. Life in the Sea Comp. Library. Little Miss Grouch Adams. Little Miss Phoebe Gay H. D. Brown. Little White Bird. 2 vols Barrie. Merry Adventures of Robin Hood. 3 vols Pyle. Mid Ocian America Comp. Library. Mother and the Children Comp. Library. Old Greek Stories Baldwin. Old Manse and a Few Mosses Hawthorne. Old Ocean Comp. Library. Old Stories of the East Baldwin. On the Gulf Comp. Library. On the Plains Comp. Library. Orpheus with His Lute Hutchinson. Our Little Neighbors Comp. Library. Peace Egg Ewing. People and Places, China Comp. Library. People and Places, Australasia Comp. Library. People and Places, England Comp. Library. People and Places, India Comp. Library. People and Places, Northern Europe Comp. Library. Pilgrim’s Progress. 3 vols Bunyan. Pioneer History Stories McMurray. Prince and Pauper Clemens. Puss in Boots Queen’s Twin and Other Stories Jewett. Rob and His Friends Brown. Rill from the Town Pump Hawthorne. Robinson Crusoe Defoe. Sailing Alone Around the World Slocum. Sara Crewe Burnett. Seven Little Sisters Andrews. Sketches of the Orient Comp. Library. Stories of American Life and Adventure Egleston. Stories of Great Americans Egleston. Stories of Industry Comp. Library. Stories of Kindness Comp. Library. Stories of Purpose Comp. Library. Stories of Success Comp. Library. Stories of the Home Comp. Library. Stories of Work and Play Bailey and Lewis. Story of a Bad Boy. 2 vols Aldrich. Story of King Arthur and His Knights. 2 vols Pyle. Story of the ^Eneid Story of the Iliad Tales from Shakespeare. 2 vols Lamb. Tales of Adventure Told by Adventurers. 2 vols. . . . Tales of Discovery Told by Discoverers. 2 vols Tales of the White Hills Hawthorne. Tenderfoot with Peary. 2 vols Borup. That Preston Girl Rhoades. 10 Kansas State School for the Blind. JUVENILE BOOKS — Concluded. Three Years Behind the Guns L. G. T. Through the Looking Glass Carroll. Tom Brown’s School Days at Rugby. 3 vols Two Little Confederates Page. Undine Touque. Voyage to Brobdingnag Swift. Voyage to Lilli put Swift. Wee Davie and a Trap to Catch Sunbeams Wild Animals I have Known Seton. Woodman’s Nannette and Other Tales Wonder Book Hawthorne. HISTORY. American Commonwealth. 5 vols Bryce. American Revolution. 4 vols Fiske. Ancient Achievements. 2 vols Lord. Ancient History for Beginners. 3 vols Botsford. Beginnings of New England. 2 vols Fiske. Bird’s Eye View of Our Civil War. 2 vols Dodge. Conquest of Granada. 3 vols Irving. Conspiracy of Pontiac. 2 vols Parkman. Critical Period of American History. 2 vols Fiske. Discovery of America. 5 vols Fiske. Dutch and Quaker Colonies in America. 4 vols Fiske. European Beginnings of Amer. Hist. 3 vols Atkinson. Frontenac and New France. 2 vols Parkman. Great Rulers. 2 vols Lord. Great Women. 2 vols Lord. Imperial Antiquity. 2 vols Lord. Jesuits in North America. 3 vols Parkman. Jewish Heroes and Prophets. 2 vols Lord. LaSalle and the Discovery of the Great West. 2 vols. . Parkman. Middle Ages. 2 vols Lord. Old Pagan Civilizations. 2 vols Lord. Old Virginia and Her Neighbors. 4 vols Fiske. Oregon Trail. 2 vols Parkman. Renaissance and Reformation. 2 vols Lord. Short History of the English People. 9 vols Green. Story of Extinct Civilization of the East Anderson. Story of Geographical Discovery Jacobs. Story of People of Eng. in Nineteenth Century. 2 vols., McCarthy. Young People’s History of England Yonge. Young People’s History of France Yonge. Young People’s History of Greece Yonge. Young People’s History of Rome Yonge. BIOGRAPHY. Abraham Lincoln Schurz. Adams and Jefferson Webster. Addison, Life and Writings of Macaulay. Augustus Caesar. 2 vols Firth. Autobiography Franklin. Beethoven Shadlock. Boone and Other Pioneers — Brahms Antcliffe. Chopin Oldmeadow. Christ, Life of Stalker. Cicero and The Fall of the Roman Empire. 2 vols. . . Firth. Library Catalogue, 11 BIOGRAPHY — Concluded. English Humorists Thackeray. Four Georges Thackeray. Frederick the Great Macaulay. Gladstone, William E Bryce. Gounod Tolhurst. Grieg J ,ee. Handel Gumming. Hastings, Warren Macaulay. Johnson, Samuel Macaulay. Julius Caesar. 2 vols Fowler. Lee, Robert E. 3 vols White. Lincoln, Master of Men Rothschild. Lives, Selections from. 3 vols Plutarch. McDowell, Edward Gilman. Mahomet. 2 vols Irving. Making of an American Riis. Mendelssohn Blackburn. Milton, Essay on Macaulay. Mozart Pront. Napoleon. 2 vols Morris. Palmer, Alice Freeman . . Palmer. Peter the Great Motley. Reminiscences Schurz. Rossini Bevan. Scott, Sir Walter Morley. Story of My Life. 2 vols Keller. Sullivan Wyndham. Tchaikovsky Lee. Up from Slavery Washington. Wagner Runciman. SCIENCE. Birds and Bees Burroughs. Chapters from a World of Wonders Chapters on Animals Hammerton. Childhood of the World Clodd. Elementary Geology Tarr. Elements of Astronomy. 3 vols Young. First Steps in Scientific Knowledge. 3 vols Bert. Friends in Feathers and Fur Johonnot. New Geological Story Dana. Popular Zoology Steele. Science Primer of Astronomy Lockyer. Sharp Eyes and Other Papers Burroughs. Sound and Its Phenomena Brewer. Stories Mother Nature Told Her Children Andrews. Story of Life in the Seas Hickson. Story of the Earth Seeley. Story of the Earth’s Atmosphere Archibald. Story of the Germ Life Conn. Story of the Living Machine Conn. Story of the Mind Baldwin. Story of the Plants Allen. Story of the Solar System Chambers. Students Helmholz Broadhouse. Kansas State School /or the Blind. MUSIC. Fifty Famous Composers. 2 vols Hughes. Great German Composers. 2 vols Steiler. Harmony : Goetschius, How to Listen to Music. 2 vols Krehbiel. Lessons in Musical History Fillmore. Letters from Great Musicians Crawford and Chopin. Modern Composers of Europe Elson. Musical Dictionary. 2 vols — Musical History MacFarren, Music and Culture Merz. Music and Its Masters Boise. Music and Morals Haweis. Music Talks with Children Tapper. National Music of the World Chorley. Organ Method Stainer. Piano Technic School for Violin Stories about Musicians Ellet. Stories of Famous Operas Guerber. Stories of the Wagner Opera Guerber. Touch and Technic Treatise on Tuning Geib. Wagner’s Story Book Frost. Wonder Tales from Wagner Chopin. RELIGION. Bible Blessings Cross and Its Shadow Haskell. Daily Bread Hale. Gospel Primer No 2 White. Looking Unto Jesus Lord is Risen, The White. Memory Verses from the Bible Bowles. Our Paradise Home Lane. Selections Kempis. Song of Our Syrian Guest and Jessica’s First Prayer, Knight. Steps to Christ White. TEXTBOOKS. HISTORY, CIVICS, SOCIOLOGY. American Politics. 2 vols ; Johnston. Brief History of the United States. 3 vols Barnes. Civil Government in the United States. 2 vols Fiske. Constitution of United States and Declaration of Independence Elements of Sociology. 2 vols Giddings. English History. 3 vols Montgomery. General History — Civilization. 2 vols Barnes. General History — Political. 3 vols Barnes. History of the American Nation. 3 vols McLaughlin. History of the United States. 3 vols McMasters. Leading Facts in French History. 2 vols Montgomery. Outlines of Economics. 2 vols Ely. Library Catalogue , 13 LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. Beginner’s Latin Book Commentaries Common School Literature (3,000 word) . . . . , Composition — Rhetoric. 3 vols Composition — Rhetoric. 2 vols Condensed Etymology English Literature. 2 vols Extracts from English Literature. 2 vols.. . . German Lessons German Reader German Vocabulary Handbook of Punctuation Heart of Qak, Book I Higher Lessons in English. 2 vols Language Exercises . . Latin Grammar. 3 vols Latin Vocabulary. 3 vols Notes on Csesar’s Commentaries. 3 vols Point Primer Progressive Reading Course Rational Spelling Book. 9 pamphlets Readers. 8 vols Readers. 5 vols Selections from American Literature. 2 vols. Short History of England’s Literature. 2 vols Wilhelm Tell Word Method Two Book Course in English. 4 vols. '. Word Analysis Collar and Daniell. Caesar. Westlake. Brooks and Hubbard. Waddy. Fortesque. Kellogg. Kellogg. Harris. Harris. Turner. Norton. Reed and Kellog. Metcalf. Allen and Greenough. Allen. Greenough and Daniel. Wait. Aldrich and Forbes. Appleton. Cyr. Painter. Tappan. Schiller. Swinton. Hyde. Swinton. MATHEMATICS. Arithmetic. 3 vols Robinson. Book of Diagrams from Geometry Wells. Essentials of Algebra. 2 vols Wells. Manual of Algebra. 2 vols Peck. Mental Arithmetic Colburn. New Grammar School Arithmetic. 4 vols Walsh. Plane Geometry. 2 vols Wells. Primary Arithmetic Reader Hall. Solid Geometry Wells. SCIENCE AND PHILOSOPHY. Elements of Physics. 3 vols. Essentials of Geography. . . . Geography. 5 vols Geography. 2 vols High School Physics. 3 vols Physical Geography. 2 vols. Physiology. 2 vols Physiology Psychology. 3 vols Gage. Fisher. Tarr and McMurray. Werner. Carhart and Chute. Maury. Huxley. Steele. James. □