I DISCUSSION ON FINANCE. 4 « ~- GREENBACKS A LEGAL TENDER FOR ALL DEBTS, PUBLIC AND PRIVATE, EXCEPTING ONLY, INTEREST? ON THE PUBLIC DEBT AND DUTIES ON IMPORTS. NATIONAL BANK NOTES A LEGAL TENDER IN PAYMENTS TO AND FROM THE GOVERNMENT FOR ALL DEMANDS, EXCEPTING ONLY, IN¬ TEREST ON THE PUBLIC DEBT AND DUTIES ON IMPORTS. READ TUTS LAW! * <=,. 1 ^ . • “IX jould, with specie payments re¬ sumed, bring £out a financial panic which, in magnitude, vmld so far exceed all that have preceded, as to sink them into comparative insignificance R .—You tik extravagantly. G. —It map so appear to you, but I believe I know “wle'eof I speak.” I believe I shall make you ac ait, notwithstanding your pre¬ judices, thatn this matter, at least, I am correct. Strong —Getlemen, allow me tn your attentia to the fact that we have already had e longer interview than origi¬ nally agreed fli, and as I have kept very quiet, I think you ught to allow me a few words now. I hav< some matters of business I want to talk about; besides, I think it is time for Mr.Rbhardson to haul off for repairs. It will be necessary for him to read up very sharp between this and next Saturday, or jelse he won’t stand any show at all. 2.— Well, I declare, you are not very complimentary, Mr. Strong. I fear that you are being injured by listening to this dis¬ cussion. Strong—I hope I am not being injured very seriously. I am frank to confess that I now understand this financial matter mych better than I did three weeks ago. And what is more, I have fully made up my mind that it is my duty to patronize Tbe Mercantile Journal. But how is it ? Do you consent to give way for my accom¬ modation ? B.— I assent to your request, of course. This Discussion is now being published in The New York Mercantile Journal, We also have the same in press, together with the various Loan Acts of the United States, passed since 1860, and the National Bank Act. In one volume. Price 50 cents. Sena all orders to The N. Y. Mercantile Journal Co., No 350 Pearl Street, New York. Every business man should read these Laws with care.'^