FOOTE CANYON PUEBLO Eastern Arizona JOHN B. RINALDO FIELDIANA: ANTHROPOLOGY VOLUME 49, NUMBER 2 Published by CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM FEBRUARY 20, 1959 FOOTE CANYON PUEBLO FOOTE CANYON PUEBLO Eastern Arizona JOHN B. RINALDO Assistant Curator, Archaeology FIELDIANA: ANTHROPOLOGY VOLUME 49, NUMBER 2 Published by CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM FEBRUARY 20, 1959 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 58-13826 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BY CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM PRESS Foreword For several years, my colleague, Dr. Rinaldo, and I have collaborated on our yearly reports of excavations in western New Mexico. This time he had to go it alone. Administrative duties of the Department, planning and executing the details that were necessary for moving our camp and gear from New Mexico, where we had been located since 1939, to Vernon, Arizona — the location of our new field headquarters from which our future investigations will be conducted — claimed all my energy and time. In addition, I am engaged in writing a short, popular account of our work in New Mexico to summarize the results of our twelve seasons' work in the Mogollon culture. For these reasons it became necessary for Dr. Rinaldo to undertake the presentation of the material unassisted by me. This he has done with his usual discernment and meticulous attention to detail. The profes- sional reader will find in this volume a high quality of presentation done with noteworthy thoroughness and competence. It might be well here, in the final report of the New Mexico work, to state briefly the intentions that have motivated our work in the area. I should say at the outset that we picked the Reserve-Pine Lawn area as a field headquarters for long term investigation at the suggestion of two of our most valued friends and advisors, Dr. Emil W. Haury and Mr. E. B. Sayles, of the University of Arizona. In 1939, the region was archaeologi- cally terra incognita and the Mogollon culture was then merely an infant, bawling lustily for attention, and marked by few with favor. Our aims have fluctuated somewhat from time to time, but essentially they are the same as those which stimulated our researches in Colorado (1929-38). These goals have l>een so well expressed by Steward (1955) that I can do no better than to paraphrase his comments: Two main interests have been of primary concern to us and have pro- vided our research goals. One of these was the search for and recognition of consistent interrelationships l>etween cultural phenomena in order to establish similarities that might recur within or across cultural lx>undaries, or indeed even in historically separate areas. If such relationships and similarities could be established and if the particular lines of cultural evo- 149 150 FOREWORD lution could be discovered, one might then be able to make systematized statements or formulations that would have possible predictive value. Such discoveries, by seeking causes and explanations, would throw light on how cultures evolve. Thus, we hoped to obtain information bearing on the reasons for the rise and decline of cultures. We hoped to offer some tentative answers to questions such as this : What brings about a harmonious relationship between the various elements of a culture — for example, the ratio between agriculture and hunting and gathering, on the one hand, and artistic and technical expressions, on the other? Is it possible that overemphasis on religion, conquest, or crafts and skills may bring about an imbalance that will result in a cultural skid? In short, one of our main objectives was to find out how food-gatherers be- came farmers, and eventually reached a "classic" stage that was what one might almost call a sub-civilization. The other drive that guided us was an interest in the historical ap- proach. The acquisition of historical data permits the description of a particular culture area in time and space in order to make it stand out in unique and bold relief. Our two main guiding interests are interrelated. It is true that one may do research limited to the historical approach alone; but such re- search stops short of the major goal described above and therefore pos- sesses a narrow compass of interest for us. Obversely, our primary interest — that of searching for parallels of lim- ited occurrence in a developmental sequence in order to devise some general formulations as to the ultimate destiny of a culture — cannot be undertaken without the particularizing, detailed, historical analyses of particular areas and culture-types. Obviously we have not completely fulfilled our ambitious ideals; but we hope that we may have provided documented, raw data that can later be synthesized by a Kidder or a Kroeber. Paul S. Martin January, 1957 Preface During the summer of 1955 we excavated a late pueblo ruin in the Blue River Canyon, east-central Arizona, as a final installment of a long- term archaeological program. The area of our investigations for the past several years has been the upper San Francisco River and Tularosa River drainages in the Apache National Forest, west-central New Mexico. However, in the Blue River Canyon we found a ruin which had surface indications of being later than any ruin we had examined in these other drainages, and for this reason we shifted the scene of our 1955 investiga- tions to this site, located about three miles south of the present Blue Post Office. This pueblo lies on private land, and our special thanks are due to Mr. and Mrs. Phil Mickey, the owners, for their interest and permission to excavate on their property. Our preliminary reconnaissance and supplemental excavations on federal land were carried out under a permit issued to Chicago Natural History Museum by the Forest Service, United States Department of Agriculture, and we are grateful to Mr. John C. Baird, Forest Supervisor of the Apache National Forest, and Mr. Robert E. Carey, Ranger of the Reserve Ranger Station, for their co-operation and friendly assistance. The furtherance of our research in this area has been made possible by the interest and generosity of President Stanley Field, Dr. Clifford C. Gregg, Director, and our Board of Trustees. We appreciate their con- tinuing and deep interest. Mr. and Mrs. Alan P. Olson were able assistants. Mr. Olson acted as excavation supervisor during my absence of several weeks and was also photographer and surveyor. Mrs. Olson was in charge of catalogu- ing and laboratory operations. We want to thank them for their loyalty and zeal. We also wish to thank the members of our camp staff for their devo- tion and assistance, without which our achievement would have been impossible: Mr. Robert Lamb, Mr. David Collier, Mr. Roland Strass- burger, Mr. Don McVickers and Mrs. Martha Perry, our cook. We wish to thank the men who dug for us: Mr. John Menges, Mr. Walter Hoosier and Mr. Marvin Hoosier. 151 152 PREFACE We are also grateful to Mrs. Mary Crackel, Mr. Clair E. Gurley, Dr. Charles W. Keney, Mr. Emil Kiehne and Mr. Frank Turner, gener- ous New Mexico friends who were especially helpful in the process of providing the necessities for the expedition's well-being — housing, trans- portation, medical counsel, supplies and equipment. In addition to the individuals mentioned above, who had a part in the Expedition phase of the effort and helped directly or indirectly in the collection of materials and data from which this report was written, there are a number of persons who have been of assistance to me in the analysis of the materials and the preparation of the report itself: I am grateful to Dr. Paul S. Martin, Chief Curator of Anthropology and leader of the Expedition, for turning over to me this material and these data to work up, and for inspiration and advice both in the field and in the Museum. I am grateful to Miss Elaine Bluhm for stimulating discussion of prob- lems in Southwestern archaeology and for the free use of her unpublished data; to Mr. James Schoenwetter and Mr. Ira Fogle for help in gathering the data on pottery designs. During the course of preparing this report the following archaeologists and anthropologists gave direct assistance or inspiration: Dr. E. B. Dan- son, Dr. Edward P. Dozier, Dr. Fred Eggan, Dr. Erik Reed, Mr. Watson Smith, Mr. Stanley Stubbs, Dr. Richard Woodbury. Miss Lillian Ross, Associate Editor of Scientific Publications, who has shepherded so many of our manuscripts through the press, gave immeas- urable assistance with this one and has made possible an organization and format of which we are proud. Dr. Sharat Roy, Chief Curator of Geology, identified the materials of which the stone tools are made. Mr. D. Dwight Davis, Curator of Verte- brate Anatomy, identified the materials of which the bone tools are made. Dr. Fritz Haas, Curator of Lower Invertebrates, identified the shell. Mr. Phillip Young made the maps, plans, sections, and seriation charts. John B. Rinaldo Contents PAGE List of Illustrations 157 I. Introduction 159 Location of Site 1 59 Geology 1 59 Climate 160 Water 160 Flora and Fauna 162 Background 162 II. Description of Architectural Details 164 Excavation Procedure 164 Architectural Details 164 Walls 168 Doors 173 Ventilator Openings 173 Floors 173 Mealing Bins 173 Firepits 178 Ceiling-Roof 178 Sub-Floor Pits 179 Postholes 179 Number of Stories 180 Courtyard or Plaza 181 Pithousc 181 Alterations 182 Discussion 182 III. Pottery 187 Introduction 187 Use 187 Household Utility Storage Jars 1 87 Household Utility Cooking Jars 1 89 Household Mealing Receptacles 191 Household Eating and Serving Dishes 191 Household Water Jars and Pitchers 191 153 154 CONTENTS PAGE Construction Techniques 191 Percentages of Smudged Types 194 Sequence of Pottery Types 196 Reserve Series and Mimbres Series, Early 196 Reserve Series and White Mountain Series, Intermediate .197 Reserve Series and White Mountain Series, Late 198 White Mountain and Shiwanna Red Wares, Late 198 Restorable and Whole Vessels by Rooms 199 Notes on the Painted Pottery Types 200 Mimbres Black-on-White 200 Reserve Black-on-White 200 Tularosa Black-on-White 200 Tularosa White-on-Red 201 St. Johns Polychrome 201 Heshotauthla Polychrome 201 Pinedale Polychrome 201 Springerville Polychrome 204 Querino Polychrome 204 Kwakina Polychrome 204 Pinnawa Polychrome 204 St. Johns Black-on-Red 204 Significance of Painted Pottery Types 208 IV. Artifacts 227 Introduction 227 Handstones 227 Classification of Manos 229 Classification of Rubbing Stones 236 Classification of Polishing Stones 237 Classification of Pestles .... 237 Grinding Stones 239 Classification of Metates 240 Small Metate-like Grinding Stones 241 Mortars 241 Worked Slabs 244 Axe Grinding Slab 244 Hammerstones 244 Grooved Tools 245 Classification of Axes 247 Mauls 247 Arrow Shaft Tools 248 Classification of Arrow Shaft Tools 249 OONTENTTS 155 PAGE Miscellaneous Ground Stone Objects 250 Pot Supports 250 Smooth Saws 252 Tchamahia? 252 Pipe-like Object 253 Pendant 254 Hoe 254 Small Tapered Stone 254 WhetStone 254 Projectile Points and Blades 255 Classification of Projectile Points and Blades 255 Chipped Cutting and Piercing Tools 257 Saws 258 Drill 258 Knives 258 Scrapers 261 Scraper-Plane 262 Choppers 262 Shell Artifacts 262 Bracelets 262 Pendant 264 Bone Implements 264 Classification of Bone Awls 264 Bone Ring Blanks and Rings 267 Scoop 268 Antler Tools 270 Baked Clay Objects 270 Classification of Worked Sherds 272 Animal Effigy 272 Pigments 272 "Fetish" Stones 274 Copper Objects 274 Copper Bell 276 Copper Lump or "Fetish" 276 Painted(?) Stick 276 Cache 277 Summary 277 V. The Chronological Position of Foote Canyon Pueblo 278 Stratigraphy 278 Architecture 278 Artifacts 279 156 CONTENTS PAGE Seriation 279 Cross-Dating 279 VI. General Summary, Conclusions and Conjectures 282 Appendix A. Tentative Trait List for the Foote Creek Phase .... 286 Bibliography 287 Index 294 List of Illustrations Text Figures ° PAGE 58. Map showing location of Foote Canyon Pueblo, Arizona 161 59. Foote Canyon Pueblo at beginning of excavation 165 60. Plan of Foote Canyon Pueblo 166 61. Northwest end of Foote Canyon Pueblo 167 62. Mud rubble wall of cobbles, Room 1 1 68 63. Partition wall of composite type masonry, Room 2 169 64. Outer wall of Room 8, facing plaza 170 65. Wall juncture between Rooms 1 and 3 171 66. Plan of excavated rooms of Foote Canyon Pueblo 172 67. Rectangular doorway in east corner of Room 1 174 68. Sealed rectangular doorway in east corner of Room 2 174 69. Ventilator opening in partition wall between Rooms 1 and 8 175 70. Room 1, showing artifacts around firepit 175 71. Room 5. Firepit in foreground belongs to Floor 1; rectangular firepit in center belongs to Floor 2; remains of mealing bins to right 176 72. Room 6. Rectangular doorway to left of meter stick; manos and slabs on floor 176 73. Room 7, showing firepit and artifacts in situ 1 77 74. Room 8, showing arrangement of floor features; firepit in center, flour receptacle and mano in right corner 178 75. Room 10, showing arrangement of floor features; firepit in center, mealing bins at right 179 76. Tularosa White-on-Red bowl set in floor as flour receptacle, near rear wall of Room 5 180 77. Mealing bins with adobe partition walls in Room 5 181 78. Mealing bins with stone slab walls and floor; metates in situ. Room 10 182 79. Room 1 , rectangular firepit with stone slab sides 183 80. Room 1, firepit, showing fitted stone slab floor and sides 184 81. Rectangular stone fire box, Room 8; pot support buried in ashes . 184 82. Rectangular, semi-subterranean pithouse structure below floor of Room 2 . 185 83. Reserve Indented Corrugated jars; Room 6 188 84. Tularosa Black-on-White jar; floor, Room 2 189 85. Tularosa Fillet Rim bowl and Tularosa Patterned Corrugated jar; Rooms 2 and 12 190 157 158 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE 86. Tularosa White-on-Red bowls; Rooms 8 and 10 192 87. Pinedale Polychrome bowl and Tularosa White-on-Red bowl 193 88. Polychrome bowl of unknown type, Room 2, and St. Johns Polychrome bowl, Room 3 195 89. Pinedale Black-on-Red and Heshotauthla Polychrome potsherds 202 90. Pinedale Polychrome and Springerville Polychrome potsherds .... 203 91. Querino Polychrome potsherds 205 92. Kwakina Polychrome potsherds 206 93. Pinnawa Polychrome potsherds and potsherds of unknown type 207 94. Oval manos 230 95. Oval one hand manos 231 96. 97. Rectangular two hand manos 232, 233 98. Rubbing stones, miscellaneous types 237 99. Pestles, miscellaneous types 238 100. Oblong and rectangular through trough metates 241 101. Mortars or stone bowls 242 102. Large mortar and axe-grinding slab 242 103. Worked slabs 243 104. Hammerstones 245 105. Grooved axes 248 106. Full grooved mauls 249 107. Arrow shaft tools . 251 108. Smooth saws, whetstone, tapered stone, tchamahia, polishing stone, pipe- like object 253 109. Projectile points, drill, and blades 256 110. Saws 259 111. Flake knives 260 112. Scrapers 261 113. Choppers and scraper-plane 263 114. Copper bell, pendant, copper "fetish," turquoise pendant, bone rings, fragments of shell bracelets 265 115. Bone awls, miscellaneous types 267 116. Bone ring blanks 269 117. Scoop and antler flakers 271 118. Animal effigy fragment, worked sherds 273 119. Comparison of the relationships of the principal pottery types at Foote Canyon Pueblo with those of neighboring sites 280 List of Tables 1. Architectural measurements 210 2. Sherd analysis 211 3. Estimated dates for late polychrome pottery types 225 I. Introduction LOCATION OF SITE The Foote Canyon Site, a late pueblo ruin (fig. 58), is located some twenty miles due west of Reserve, New Mexico, in the Apache National Forest. This vast mountainous region is dissected in its southern half by four main drainage systems, the Black, the Blue, the San Francisco, and the Tularosa Rivers, and is bordered on the south by two ridges or breaks, the Mogollon Rim and the Sheep Basin Divide. Between the drainages the area is dominated by several prominent mountain masses of rugged character: Bear Mountain, Saddle Mountain, Brushy Moun- tain, Eagle Peak, the San Francisco, the Saliz, and the Tularosa Moun- tains. Most of these drainages and mountain ranges run in a general northeast-southwest direction, and the streams eventually flow into the Gila River. In their middle courses these rivers widen out into flat val- leys of arable land, and the larger pueblos are usually to be found on ridges or terraces above these flats. The pueblo ruin with which this report is concerned is located on a low, isolated, somewhat rocky mesa at the junction of the Blue River and Foote Creek (SW. »/ 4> Sec. 21, T. 3 N., R. 31 E., G. and S. R. M.) about three miles south of the present Blue Post Office (Joy's Ranch). The river makes a sharp bend here so that it lies both to the east and south of the site. Foote Canyon lies west of the site, and on the north there is a little dale where the assembly kiva is situated. The altitude is approx- imately 5,700 feet alx)ve sea level. This site is one of a group of sites listed as nos. 48-50 by Hough (1907, pp. 53-54); it is listed by Danson (1956) as no. 39. The canyon at this point is dominated by high moun- tains on every side — Saddle Mountain to the northeast, Bear Mountain to the southwest, Sawed-ofF Mountain to the southwest and Middle Mountain to the northwest. GEOLOGY The geology has been described in general terms by Darton (1925, p. 261) as both sedimentary and volcanic in origin. In describing the Blue Mountain area he says: "In the steep slopes north of the Cameron 159 160 FOOTE CANYON PUEBLO Blue River there is a thick succession of coarse sandstone, most of it con- glomeratic and carrying considerable volcanic material, mostly in the form of a coarse agglomerate. This latter member is conspicuous near the junction of the Blue and the Cameron Blue Rivers near the State line. Sheets of volcanic rock appear at intervals in the lower part of the series, especially to the southward along the Blue River. At Blue Post Office 3 or 4 sheets of basalt, in part separated by gravel beds, cap 300 feet of brown conglomerate, which is underlain by a sheet of light colored rhyo- lite lying on red conglomerate. The latter is exposed on the stream bed and farther south grades into purplish agglomerate. . . . Some of the igneous rock appears to be latite but rhyolite was also noted. Much of the material in the agglomerate is in very large angular fragments some of them being 6 feet in diameter. . . . Some of the agglomerate has the aspect of Gila conglomerate." CLIMATE Climatic records were kept until recently at the Blue Ranger Station, which was located about three miles north of Blue Post Office and at about the same altitude as the Foote Canyon Site. Here the maximum and minimum daily temperatures are 64 and 1 degree for January, 101 and 33 degrees for June, 105 and 44 degrees for July, and 94 and 46 de- grees for August, with an annual temperature range from 1 to 105 degrees. The last killing frost in the spring occurs on May 8 on the average and the first killing frost in the fall on October 15, leaving an average grow- ing season of 160 days. The total annual precipitation is 19.9 inches, falling mostly during July (4.1 inches) and August (3.3 inches) and being lightest in May (0.5 inches) and June (0.7 inches). The snowfall is also heavy for the altitude, averaging 28 inches and being heaviest in Decem- ber, January and February. The wind is an important factor in climate here as elsewhere in the Southwest. It is particularly strong and steady during the driest spring months. Fortunately, along the Blue River the winding nature of the canyon serves to alleviate this condition somewhat (Smith, H. V., 1945, p. 32, Table 2; Kincer, 1941, p. 672). WATER Most of the smaller creeks that are tributary to the Blue River are intermittent streams, but the river flows steadily the year round. How- ever this was not always so. Even as recently as 1907 Hough speaks of the marshy land of the river bottom (1907, p. 53) and the "cool water" of the side canyon (1907, p. 50). Today there is only one beaver dam Fio. 58. Map showing location of Footc Canyon Pueblo, Arizona. 161 162 FOOTE CANYON PUEBLO left in this stretch of the Blue. Formerly there must have been many, as is indicated in Pattie's narrative (Pattie, J. O., 1905). FLORA AND FAUNA The Foote Canyon site is in the lower reaches of the transitional zone or open yellow pine forest and on the edge of the Sonoran zone, where juniper and pinyon pine predominate. After the summer rains, the ground is covered with grasses and herbs, although prickly pear and staghorn cactus grow in the barren areas such as on the fallen walls of the ruins. Native foods include walnuts, acorns, gooseberries, wild squash, and seeds of several grasses. The more important food animals of this region today are the same as those of Pine Lawn Valley: deer, bear, rabbits, squirrels, chipmunks, wood rats, turkeys, quails and doves. BACKGROUND As stated in the preface, the excavation* of the Foote Canyon Site rep- resents the final installment in a long-term archaeological program in the area around Reserve. Archaeological investigation of this area started out with the explorations of Duff (1897), Hales (1892), and Hough (1903, 1907). These men described the great number of pueblo ruins to be found along the main watercourses and furnished information as to cer- tain details of the architecture, pottery, and artifacts found associated with them. Out of this group of early archaeologists Hough alone recog- nized and excavated the pithouse villages and reported on them as be- longing to an earlier culture (Hough, 1919). Meanwhile in the area to the north, in the upper Little Colorado drainage, the work of Bandelier (1892) and particularly Fewkes (1896, 1898, 1904) described the later pueblo ruins here and attempted to link them up with the Hopi or Zuhi as determined by the native traditions. Although some historical depth in the material was recognized by Hough, it remained for the work of Spier (1917) and Kroeber in the Little Colorado-Zuni area to initiate the search for finer divisions in the sequence, through stratigraphic and statistical methods. This greater interest in historical reconstruction and time depth was furthered by the work of Gladwin and his associates (Haury, Hastings, Sayles) by means of survey and excavation. These men also went a long way toward making chronological distinctions and also defining other distinctions in culture. Gladwin, Haury and Sayles had a large part in defining the Hohokam culture by the excavation of Snaketown and in the definition INTRODUCTION 163 of the Mogollon culture by the excavation of the Harris Site, and Mogol- lon 1:15. Somewhat later phases of the Mimbres Branch of the Mogollon culture had l>een described by the Cosgroves (1932), Nesbitt (1931) and Bradfield (1937). At this time, the Chicago Natural History Museum expeditions under Dr. Paul S. Martin initiated their program in this field. During this latter era, the work of Haury and his associates at Forestdale and Point of Pines, that of Nesbitt in the Reserve area, that of Brew (as yet unpub- lished) in the Quemado area, O'Bryan's excavations near Jewett Gap, and Wendorfs excavations east of Apache Creek, in addition to the contributions of four Museum expeditions, have resulted in the definition of five periods (Wheat, 1955), and considerable data on the Mogollon Culture. II. Description of Architectural Details EXCAVATION PROCEDURE The site as a whole consists of several house masses or blocks of rooms. The ruin selected for excavation is the largest of a group of five of these blocks, clustered in the vicinity of a large rectangular kiva, aptly termed by Hough (1907, p. 54) the "assembly kiva" for the group. Before exca- vation this block of rooms appeared as a mound of rocks from 6 to 7 feet high, 130 feet long and 90 feet wide. The ground plan could be easily traced and the outlines of the rooms were reasonably clear (fig. 59). Medium-sized live oaks, junipers, pinyon pine, and one yellow pine were growing on the ruin. The larger rooms were excavated by the standard procedure of dig- ging a trench from the center of the room to the wall and following the walls until the whole room was outlined, then clearing the room of fill, leaving a layer a few inches above the floor. The floor was then cleared with small tools, and the artifacts found on the floor were kept separate from those in the layers above. Notes were then made on the architec- ture and other features (such as burials) in each room, and the rooms accurately mapped by means of an alidade and plane table. Rooms and their special features — firepits, doors, masonry — were photographed. Then lower floors or fill beneath floors was removed down to native soil. Some of the smaller rooms were excavated by the "profile" method, whereby one wall is cleared and a trench as wide as the whole width of the room is excavated to the wall at the far end. By following the native sterile soil, which on this ridge is yellow-red in color and gravelly, sub-floor pits, burials, and the pithouse below Room 2 were discovered. ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS Excavation and a careful tracing of fallen walls indicate that this block of rooms was roughly rectangular in plan and compactly built, with an enclosed courtyard or plaza near one end (figs. 60, 61). Clear evidence concerning the succession of building in the pueblo was not found. The pithouse and the plaza certainly antedate Room 2 164 DESCRIPTION OF ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS 165 and Room 10, inasmuch as the walls of these rooms were built on the fill of the semi-subterranean structures. The evidence of the abut- ments and bonds of the walls and the character of the masonry (assuming that wherever neat-appearing composite masonry appears it was once exterior wall) would make it seem that Room 1 1 was an earlier nuclear room, and that it was followed by Rooms 12, 10, 7, 2, 1, 3, 6, 9, 5, 8 and 4 in something like that order. This would suggest that the unexcavated rooms to the south and east of Rooms 11 and 12 were still older. How- ever, lack of time and inclement weather did not allow us to investigate further. In general, the floor levels followed the original contour of the fill, so that some earlier floors were laid at a slightly lower level than others. When the native soil was lower, the earliest floors were also lower. In order to level up floors on the edge of a steep slope such as that of Room 5, Fig. 59. Footc Canyon Pueblo at beginning of excavation; unexcavated portion in background. Rooms 1 and 2 on right. 166 u 167 168 FOOTE CANYON PUEBLO Fig. 62. Mud rubble wall of cobbles, Room 1. Meter stick in 10 cm. units. some of the slope was excavated or terraced back. In other instances, such as Room 1, irregularities or hollows were filled in with quantities of brown adobe. There is some evidence for differences in the functions or uses of the various rooms. One smaller room, Room 6, contained several large cor- rugated jars smashed on the floor, and also a number of slabs and manos. Like the other two smaller rooms (Rooms 9 and 11) it lacked a firepit and mealing bins. These smaller rooms are thought to have been store-rooms. The next largest room, Room 7, had a firepit but lacked a mealing bin. Although Room 2 lacked both firepit and mealing bins, the other large rooms all had these features. Furthermore, most of them were equipped with vents or doors for ventilation opposite the firepit or some place in the room. These larger rooms were probably dwelling rooms. Walls. — All partition walls and outside walls were built of stone ma- sonry. These were laid directly on the orange gravelly soil, or less fre- quently on gravelly trash close to floor level. With the exception of one DESCRIFriON OF ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS 169 Fig. 63. Partition wall of composite type masonry, Room 2; common wall juncture between Rooms 2, 7, and 11 to right of meter stick. short shallow trough extending out from an abutment (in Room 1), no example of trenching to prepare a footing for walls was found. Some walls contained through stones, but most of them consisted of two facings, one laid directly against the other without any core between. These facings were of two types: Type 1 (fig. 62) : Mud rubble (a) of unshaped field stones of assorted sizes ranging from 10 to 17 cm. in length and from 4 to 7 cm. in thickness, and usually 2-3 cm. narrower than they are long; or (b) of larger boulders 18 to 50 cm. in length and 7 to 21 cm. in thick- ness. All mud rubble was laid up in copious amounts of mud mortar varying in color from dark gray to brown, but more frequently gray. Usually it was mixed with a little fine gravel or sand, although this could be natural inclusions, and in all except Room 9 it was soft enough to be scratched easily with one's fingernail. Although the joints were broken, they were not spaced regularly except where this was necessary, as at wall abutments or the sides of doors. Courses of this type of masonry are 170 FOOTE CANYON PUEBLO Fig. 64. Outer wall of Room 8 facing plaza; meter stick at right. not level or even; they have a tendency to slope and to change in thick- ness as the thickness of the stones demanded. Differences in the thickness of component stones in a course, or variations in the surface of the stones were evened by means of spalls and more mortar. These spalls might be small, rounded pebbles, or thin, flat or wedge-shaped small slabs 1 to 3 cm. thick and about the same length and width as the smaller stones. Type 2 (fig. 63): Large boulders (18-50 cm. long, 17-30 cm. thick) alternating with courses of small, thin slabs (best example is wall between Room 2 and Room 11). These courses are somewhat more level and even in thickness, but they are still irregular. There is also no particular regu- larity of joints. The spalls are usually thin, flat slabs that fill in the chinks in the masonry. They are not true stone-to-stone weight-bearing spalls. The present exterior walls and presumably those which at one time were exterior walls, are built with one facing, usually of Type 2 masonry (boulders and slabs alternating) or, on occasion, of mud rubble of larger boulders (Type \b). However, a few partition walls such as that between Rooms 6 and 9 were built entirely of smaller stones. DESCRIFriON OF ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS 171 Fig. 65. Wall juncture between Rooms 1 and 3 to left of meter stick. Ordinarily stones were laid flat, although in a few instances they were set on edge. The exterior of Room 8, which faces the courtyard (fig. 64), has large stones set this way. They give the impression of massive strength, as if much larger boulders had been set in place. Although corners were bonded when two walls were built at the same time, not all of the courses of the two walls would be bonded. Instead, a few courses of the face made of the larger stones would be bonded, and small pebbles or spalls would be pressed diagonally between the corners of adjoining walls and "cemented" in with adobe mortar. However, when rooms were added the newer walls were simply abutted against the presumably standing walls (figs. 65, 66). Plaster: The interior surface of walls, particularly those of rough mud rubble masonry, were finished off with a veneer or coating of brown adobe plaster (no lime added). This filled in the interstices between the courses and made a smooth surface. No more than a single coat was found on the walls of any one room. This varied in thickness from a few >j < < cr=i— i±i tf$ ^ x t Sfcfcgsi-iS,- - a u. E 5 O Q- sail I iii-L 172 DESCRIFHON OF ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS 173 millimeters up to one centimeter, but usually had a smooth or at worst a gently undulating surface. Doors (figs. 67, 68). — All doors were rectangular in shape. Six out of the ten doors excavated had slab sills. One had a slab lintel. The other lintels had fallen in and may have been constructed of wooden rods with masonry above as at Hinkle Park and Higgins Flat Pueblos (Martin, el til., 1954, p. 46), although no evidence of rods was found. The sides of doors were of masonry or adobe. No door slabs or jambs to be used with slabs were found in place. Most of the doors were sealed with masonry. In some examples the plug was obvious on one face of the wall but con- cealed by nicely matched masonry on the other face. Usually some attempt was made to match roughly the masonry of the adjoining wall. The thresholds of the doors ranged in height from floor level up to 45 cm. above the floor. In width they averaged 42 cm., in height 50 cm. (Table 1). Most of the doors were in the corners of the rooms. Ventilator Openings (fig. 69). — Four ventilator openings were found, two located opposite firepits in the approximate center of walls and two in the corners of rooms. One vent, placed between Rooms 3 and 8, was located opposite the firepit of Room 3 and in the corner of Room 8. Another vent was between Rooms 1 and 8. This was opposite the fire- pit in Room 1 . Both these vents had sides made of slabs placed on edge. These vents were 25 cm. and 30 cm. wide, respectively, and 45 cm. and 40 cm. high. Two other low, narrow openings had been made in the corner wall of Rooms 10 and 12. That for Room 10 was furnished with a slab door or closing. These vents were 20 cm. and 22 cm. wide, re- spectively, and 30 cm. and 40 cm. high. There was no particular orien- tation to these openings, assuming that they were features related to the closest firepits. One opened up to the southeast (Room 3), another to the northeast (Room 1). Floors (figs. 70-75). — Floors were made of a thick layer of brown adobe spread over the gravelly orange soil; occasionally they covered a fraction of the wall base. The deeper hollows were filled in and the floors more or less leveled off. In some large rooms the floor was 8 cm. (3 inches) higher at one side than at the other. The surface of the floors, especially in the vicinity of the firepits, was typically ashy gray. Some rooms (3, 5, 12) contained two floors. However, the earlier floor in Room 5 was not coterminous with the later floor. These successive floors were separated by a layer of trash from 3 to 20 cm. thick. Mealing Bins (figs. 76-78). — The remains of flour receptacles or meal- ing bins were found in Rooms 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, and 12. The most common kind of mealing receptacle was a shallow (about 20 cm. deep) pit about Fig. 67. Rectangular door- way in east corner of Room 1 with plug removed, showing construction of lintel and sill; meter stick at right. Fig. 68. Sealed rectangular door- way in east corner of Room 2; meter stick at right. 174 Fig. 69. Ventilator opening in partition wall between Rooms 1 and 8 showing construction of sides and sill. Scale at left in 10 cm. units. Fig. 70. Room 1, showing arti- facts around firepit. Meter stick in background; 50 cm. arrow points north. K p2F' $ 1 jjr^i > ' ■ 175 Fig. 71. Room 5. Firepit in foreground belongs to Floor 1; rectangular firepit in center belongs to Floor 2; remains of mealing bins to right; sealed doorway to right of meter stick; 50 cm. arrow points north. Fig. 72. Room 6. Rectangular doorway to left of meter stick, manos and slabs on floor; 50 cm. arrow points north. 176 DESCRIPTION OF ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS 177 Fio. 73. Room 7, showing firepit and artifacts in situ; tree back of meter stick is growing in doorway; 50 cm. arrow points north. 32 cm. in diameter, with a stone slab bottom and a sherd baffle to catch the flour at the left side. Another kind contained a bowl tipped at an angle to catch the flour. Many of these flour receptacles had been floored over. Sets of receptacles in Rooms 10 and 12 were provided with sides made of slabs set on edge. One set, in Room 5, had an adobe parti- tion wall like that found at Higgins Flat (Martin, Rinaldo, el al., 1956, p. 38). Manos were associated with several of these receptacles, but only those in Room 10 had metates with them. These metates were not enclosed by slabs but were fixed at an angle in adobe. It is possible that the stone slab bottoms of these receptacles could have been used secondarily as milling stones. These mealing bins were ordinarily located in the corner out from the wall 80-100 cm. This meant that the metates 178 FOOTE CANYON PUEBLO Fig. 74. Room 8, showing arrangement of floor features; firepit in center, flour receptacle and mano in right hand corner; 50 cm. arrow points north, meter stick in background. were set at an angle and were about 40-50 cm. from the wall, depend- ing on the length of the metate. In Room 1 two lumps of faceted yellow and red pigment were in direct association with a rubbing stone and located near these receptacles. Firepits (figs. 79-81). — Stone fireboxes containing quantities of white wood ash and charcoal were found in all except one of the larger rooms. These were rectangular in shape and had sides made of squared slabs of stone set on edge. Several of these fireboxes also had floors of fitted stone slabs (Rooms 1, 5, 8, 10). One of these slabs (Room 8) was circular. Other firepits had sides consisting of smaller rectangular stones (like manos) placed in a row along the edge. Two of the firepits (Rooms 1, 8) had pot supports in association with them. Ceiling-Roof. — Although one wall was standing 150 cm. high, it showed no beam holes, sockets, or wall plates. Most of the standing walls were little more than one meter in height. No remains of beams were found in the rooms. Large hardened lumps of adobe containing the impressions DESCRIPTION OF ARCHITEOrURAL DETAILS 179 Fig. 75. Room 10, showing arrangement of floor features; firepit in center, mealing bins at right; 50 cm. arrow points north, meter stick in background. of large sticks or boards were found in the room fill, and it is believed that the roof consisted of beams laid across the walls and that over these were placed poles and sticks or board splints, and that the entire frame- work was then covered with a thick layer of adobe. Distinct sloping layers in the fill of several of the rooms were thought to be roof layers, but these had been so reduced and softened by the elements as to contain no im- pression of roof framework. Sub-Floor Pits. — Circular pits, 105, 70, and 105 cm. in diameter and 30, 65, and 37 cm. deep, were located in the corners of Rooms 1, 7, and 9. respectively, below the adobe floors and extending l>eneath the adjoining walls. The contained fill was unusually stony and dark. The pits con- tained very few sherds. They are similar to the storage areas found in Hinkle Park Cliff Dwelling (Martin, Rinaldo, and Bluhm, 1954, pp. 40, 50). Postholes. — Rough alignments of what are IxMicved to be postholes were located in some of the larger rooms. In other rooms a single larger hole of this kind was found more or less centrally located. None of these 180 FOOTE CANYON PUEBLO Fig. 76. Tularosa White-on-Red bowl set in floor as flour receptacle near rear wall of Room 5. Note angle at which bowl is set. Sealed doorway to right of meter stick. contained posts or large charcoal fragments. They did contain darker fill than ordinary trash, and small fragments of charcoal. These may have been used as sockets for secondary vertical roof supports or props, but it is possible that they had another function. The postholes in the plaza did contain the butts of wooden posts, and it seems strange that no beams, stringers, lintel rods or other wood should remain in the rooms, although it is probable that the plaza had superior drainage. Records and observation indicate that precipitation is heavier here than in the San Francisco drainage. Number of Stories. — The quantity of wall stones removed from the fill was not great enough to postulate more than one story for the rooms DESCRIPTION OF ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS 181 Fig. 77. Mealing bins with adobe partition walls in Room 5; 50 cm. arrow points north. excavated. On the other hand, the unexcavated rooms to the southeast undoubtedly had higher standing walls and were mounded up with wall stones, so that some two-story rooms seem probable there. The Courtyard or Plaza. — This is a rectangular area enclosed by rooms, and with what appeared to be a gateway in the northeast wall at the north corner. The floor level of this area had been excavated somewhat !>elow that of some of the surrounding rooms. Eight large postholes, some of which held the butts of posts, were located in three rows. Two of the rows were made up of three posts each and one row of only two (see fig. 60). These postholes ranged in diameter from 45 to 60 cm., and in depth l>clow native soil from 33 to 61 cm. It seems probable that they supported some kind of a roof structure. Pithouse (fig. 82). — A pit occupied the northeast half of Room 2. This was in the form of a rounded rectangle, or square. It was completely filled to the level of the surrounding sterile soil with fist-sized stones and fine gravel, broken pottery and very few artifacts. On top of this was a 182 FOOTE CANYON PUEBLO Fig. 78. Mealing bins with stone slab walls and floor. Metates in situ in ap- proximate position in relation to flour receptacles; 50 cm. arrow points north. lens, about 35 cm. thick, of brown soil and charcoal. In the floor there was one centrally located pit which may have been a firepit. Alterations. — This particular group of rooms might be characterized by the large amount of remodeling and alteration. Remains or evidences of old walls partially torn out, limited earlier floor areas of different levels, filled-in structures, floored-over features, additions to walls and the like, indicate a kind of obsession for altering and rebuilding. On the other hand there is not sufficient difference between the kinds of masonry of the various rooms to postulate any great lapse of time between the initial and the final construction. This homogeneity of construction is further corroborated by the pottery contents of the rooms. DISCUSSION In general, as mentioned above, there were two types of rooms: (1) Large rooms with firepits, ventilators and milling centers; (2) small DESCRIPTION OF ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS 183 Fig. 79. Rectangular firepit with stone slab sides, Room 1. Pot support and pestle in background, mano and tablet in foreground; 50 cm. arrow points north. rooms, without floor features, which usually had few manos on the floor. The former were thought to have been used as dwelling rooms, the latter as store rooms. Exceptions were Room 2, which was a larger room without the usual firepit and mealing receptacles, and which had l)een built over a semi-subterranean structure; and Room 7, which was a small-sized room with a firepit. On the whole, then, there was suffi- cient similarity in floor features, masonry, and artifact content to consider these rooms as a unit. The majority of the masonry uncovered was of interior walls and is too crude for comparison with anything except the earlier masonry of the Reserve Phase and the interior walls of the Tularosa Phase ruins. On the other hand, the better masonry exhibits detailed resemblances to the Fig. 80. Excavated firepit, Room 1, showing fitted stone slab floor and sides; 50 cm. arrow points north. Fig. 81. Rectangular stone fire-box, Room 8; pot support buried in ashes to right of 50 cm. arrow, which points north. 184 DESCRIPTION OF ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS 185 Fig. 82. Rectangular semi-subterranean pithouse structure below floor of Room 2. Ijetter masonry from Higgins Flat Pueblo (Martin, et al., 1956, pp. 28, 32), Apache Creek Pueblo (Martin, Rinaldo, and Barter, 1957, pp. 27, 29), Starkweather Ruin (Nesbitt, 1938, pp. 37-38, pi. 10a) and superficial resemblances to that from the lower level at Showlow (Haury and Har- grave, 1931, pp. 16-17, pi. 3, fig. 2). In some minor characteristics it also resembles masonry from Kinishba (Baldwin, 1939, pp. 14-15, pi. 1, fig. 1) and Canyon Creek (Haury, 1934, pi. 27). Inasmuch as all of these latter types have been compared to Type 2 masonry from Chaco Canyon it does not seem too far fetched to see superficial resemblances there. The primary resemblance between all of these is the practice wherein large stones are laid in courses, alternating with one or more thin layers of laminated stone or small slabs. At the same time irregu- larities at the ends of the larger stones are filled in with a chinking of small slabs. In the north, at Chaco Canyon, these were always laid hori- zontally. In the south these slabs were often set on edge, creating the impression of a frame of slabs around some of the larger stones. This practice reached its apogee at Kinishba and Canyon Creek, and appears only rarely but in a possibly significant foreshadowing in the Reserve area. 186 FOOTE CANYON PUEBLO The hearths or fire-boxes of the Foote Canyon ruins were similar to those in other ruins of the Reserve area and of the Mogollon area in gen- eral in that they were rectangular, slab-lined and with slabs projecting slightly above the floor. Pot supports rather than notches and poles as at Ariz. W:10:51 (Wendorf, 1950, p. 29) served to keep the cooking jars upright. The flour receptacles are generally similar to those found at Apache Creek Pueblo, Higgins Flat Pueblo, Starkweather (Nesbitt, 1938), Ara- gon Site 13 (Schroeder, in Wendorf, 1954) and other sites in the Reserve area, and are generally similar to those described for Arizona W:10:51, Point of Pines (Wendorf, 1950, p. 29). They either have a slab floor and adobe walls with a sherd baffle in one wall (usually to the left of the miller) or consist of a broken bowl sunk in the floor and tipped at an angle toward the metate. III. Pottery INTRODUCTION Pottery fragments were among the artifacts most frequently recovered at Foote Canyon Pueblo. Some twenty whole or rcstorable vessels and 19,078 potsherds were recovered, during the course of the excavation of twelve rooms and the plaza. These were sorted and classified into forty established types and their variants, thus providing a useful tool for esti- mating the chronological position of the pueblo and the direction from which it may have received cultural influences. They also provided a somewhat later and more complete extension of the developmental series in the area than had been obtained by previous excavations and yielded corroborative evidence as to their uses. Some fragments were found which differ from the established types in certain details of decoration. These might l)e either variants of the estab- lished types or new types. However, the samples, which consist of no more than one or two fragmentary vessels, are thought to be too small to establish correctly their taxonomic position, or to describe them ade- quately as new types. Therefore, they are described as variants of the established types which they most closely resemble. The classification used is that given by the University of Arizona, the Museum of Northern Arizona, and Gila Pueblo (Colton, 1955). All the sherds were classified and counted in the field. The textured and plain ware sherds (mostly Reserve Indented Corrugated, Tularosa Patterned Corrugated and Alma Plain) were then discarded. The painted deco- rated types were put into sacks numl>ered according to room and level and were shipped back to the Museum. In the Museum each sherd was lal>eled as to site, room, and level, and all sherds of one type were compared with each other and with type speci- mens and whole vessels in the Museum collections. USE Household Utility Storage Jars. — Fragments of several large jars of Re- serve Indented Corrugated were found in Room 6 (fig. 83). Most of 187 POTTERY 189 Fig. 84. Tularosa Black-on-White jar (258150), floor, Room 2. Height, 24.1 cm. these had been standing in the north half of the room and had been smashed by the collapse of the walls and roof. Other large Reserve Indented Corrugated jars were found in other rooms grouped around the firepits. Some of these, particularly those which were not soot-blackened, may have been storage jars. A large Tularosa Patterned Corrugated jar (fig. 85, lower) was im- l>edded in the floor near the south corner of Room 12, not far from the ventilator opening. Other jars of Tularosa Patterned Corrugated or Re- serve Indented Corrugated have been found sunk in the floor at other sites in the Reserve area such as Site 13 (Schroeder, in Wendorf, 1954, p. 81), Valley View (where it was also located near a ventilator opening) (Martin, Rinaldo and Barter, 1957, p. 38), and Higgins Flat Pueblo (Martin, et al., 1956, p. 139). Household Utility Cooking Jars. — Large jars of Reserve Plain Corru- gated ware were found grouped around the firepit in Room 3 and Room 8, a Reserve Indented Corrugated jar was found in Room 1, and a Tularosa Patterned Corrugated jar in Room 3. Most of these were soot-blackened on the exterior. On some vessels the soot was deposited in a heavy layer between the corrugations; on others this was a lighter surface deposit. Fig. 85. Tularosa Fillet Rim bowl (258157), fill, Room 2; diameter, 29.4 cm. Tularosa Patterned Corrugated jar (258142), sunk in floor, Room 12; height, 25.4 cm. 190 POTTERY 191 A similar grouping of cooking pots near the firepit was found at Hig- gins Flat Pueblo (Martin, et al., 1956, p. 139) and Apache Creek Pueblo (Martin, Rinaldo and Barter, 1957, p. 33). Household Mealing Receptacles. — Tularosa White-on-Red bowls (figs. 86, 87, right) were found in place for use as flour receptacles. These were set at a low angle at one end of the mealing bins or metate to catch the flour. Bowls of this type were sunk in the floor in Rooms 5 and 8. Two were found in Room 5, one near the door northwest of the firepit and another with the broken down mealing bins in the north corner. In Room 8, the howl was sunk in the floor opposite the firepit near the northwest wall. Fragments of Reserve Indented Corrugated, Smudged Interior variety, a Tularosa White-on-Red fragment and a Pinedale Polychrome fragment were found as baffles in mealing receptacles in Room 1. A St. Johns Polychrome fragment was used as a baffle in the mealing bin at the left end of the set in Room 10. This baffle had been placed on the miller's left. These receptacles in Rooms 1 and 10 had stone slab bottoms. A Tularosa White-on-Red sherd was used as a baffle with the mealing re- ceptacle for bins in Room 12. Tularosa Fillet Rim bowls (a closely related type) were used at Higgins Flat Pueblo, Apache Creek Pueblo and Site 13 (Schroeder, in Wendorf, 1954, p. 73). Household Eating and Serving Dishes. — An examination of the bottoms of bowls and bowl sherds indicates that the Tularosa White-on-Red and Tularosa Fillet Rim bowls (figs. 85, 86) received more wear than the Black-on-Red and the Polychrome, or the Black-on-White bowls. This suggests that the Tularosa White-on-Red bowls were used more often for general use and as serving or dough containers, whereas the other types may have served a specific use; they may have been food receptacles. Household Water Jars and Pitchers. — Narrow-mouthed water jars and the smaller narrow-mouthed jars, which we term pitchers, with handles at one side, were made of Tularosa Black-on-White (fig. 84), Reserve Black-on-White and St. Johns Black-on-Red. Although no direct evi- dence of their use for water was found at Foote Canyon, there are in the Museum collection vessels of Reserve and Tularosa Black-on-White which have sprinkler type handles (Martin and Willis, 1940, pi. 86) that indicate this use, and a narrow mouth, which would limit evaporation. CONSTRUCTION TECHNIQUES An examination of a large random sample of the textured wares, and all of the painted decorated sherds, indicated that all of the pottery was X 192 J o « "S h ■3 i oo o 193 194 FOOTE CANYON PUEBLO manufactured by the coil and scrape process. Although statistical data are lacking, apparently there was a tendency to use narrower coils — re- sulting in more corrugations per centimeter — than at earlier sites. This was particularly true of the smudged interior bowls of Reserve Plain Cor- rugated, Smudged Interior variety, and Reserve Indented Corrugated, Smudged Interior variety. The Red Indented Corrugated was polished over the coils, but most of the other textured wares were not. Coiling was indicated not only by corrugations, but also by fracturing along coil lines and incompletely smoothed-over coils on jar interiors and sometimes on exteriors. Over 90 per cent of the pottery was possibly fired in an oxidizing atmosphere and is of a dark brown or red color. Some fire clouding and considerable variation in exterior surface color are evident on most of the larger sherds and whole pieces and seem to indicate inadequate control of firing. The process of coiling is indicated not only by the corrugations of the textured ware, which spiral upward in a continuous strip or flattened rope from the bottom, but also by fractures along coil lines, and incompletely smoothed-over coils (particularly on jar interiors). In areas which were not polished, the scraping process is indicated by cuts, broad groove-like marks, and scratches that were usually made parallel to the coils or at a slight angle to them. All vessels were polished with strokes parallel to the rim of the vessel. Over 35 per cent of the pottery recovered was polished and smudged on the interior. When perfectly done, this resulted in a shining, smooth, hard black or iridescent surface. Just how this smudging was accom- plished is not known. Analysis of a limited sample from another area by F. G. Hawley indicated that the smudging was a carbon deposit and that the pottery was not painted with iron mineral. I have produced a sim- ilar surface by polishing the vessel and then firing it inverted over a resin rich pine which deposited a layer of carbon that will burn off if exposed to an oxidizing flame. Occasional sherds of Tularosa Fillet Rim without the normal smudged interior have been found in our excavations, espe- cially from burned rooms. These smudged interiors were probably burned off. I have burned off the smudging from prehistoric sherds in low temperatures which would not burn off the paint from iron paint sherds. Percentages of Smudged Types. — Reserve Indented Corrugated, Smudged Interior, 12.05 per cent; Tularosa Patterned Corrugated, Smudged Inte- rior, 0.87 per cent; Tularosa Patterned Corrugated, Reserve var., Smudged Interior, 0.04 per cent; Reserve Plain Corrugated, Smudged I I o "o i: u i <0 ■ s ~o -a CU •« CI a E u D s a ^ .a § 1 i — < _r 4 * cc * in 6 oi £ . * i 195 196 FOOTE CANYON PUEBLO Interior, 6.71 per cent; Reserve Incised Corrugated, Smudged Interior, 0.29 per cent; Reserve Smudged, 9.41 per cent; Tularosa Fillet Rim, 1.19 per cent; Tularosa White-on-Red, 5.06 per cent; Starkweather Smudged Decorated, 0.02 per cent; total, 35.64 per cent. SEQUENCE OF POTTERY TYPES In addition to the normal fill-to-floor-level relationships which oc- curred in all the rooms, other stratigraphic relationships were studied between Rooms 2 and 10 and their underlying structures and between the arbitrary levels excavated in the deep trash fill of the southeast sec- tion of the plaza. This plaza trash fill was excavated in approximately half-meter levels, but because of the slope of the surface the upper level contained more soil volume and also a greater quantity of pottery. The lower level was a true half-meter level and contained only about half as many sherds. Reserve Series and Mimbres Series, Early. — The pottery types furnished some indication of an earlier occupation of the site, thus corroborating the sequences obtained to the east in the Pine Lawn, San Francisco and Tularosa valleys; for example, sherds of Mimbres Bold Face Black-on- White (Mangus Black-on-White), Alma Punched, Alma Neck Banded, Alma Scored and Three Circle Neck Corrugated appeared in the lower levels. Most of these occurred in the pithouse below Room 2. How- ever, Alma Neck Banded was the only member of this group which appeared exclusively in the pithouse. The other members appeared in other rooms, but, with the exception of Mimbres Bold Face Black-on- White, they occurred only as single sherds in separate levels. Alma Plain was found throughout the pueblo in varying amounts ranging from half a dozen sherds found in Room 6 to more than six hundred sherds from the pithouse and Room 2. These sherds could be body sherds from neck corrugated vessels; in certain instances they were sherds of interior smudged vessels which had become so weathered as to lose their polish. In this condition sherds of Alma Plain with an interior fire cloud cannot be distinguished from Reserve Smudged. Fragments classified as San Francisco Red were in a minority. These include body sherds of polished red neck corrugated vessels. The types mentioned above are described in the following sources: Alma Plain (Gladwins, 1934, p. 18; Haury, 1936b, p. 32; Hawley, F. M., 1936, p. 104; Nesbitt, 1938, p. 137). Alma Scored (Haury, 1936b, p. 38; Hawley, F. M., 1936, p. 106; Nesbitt, 1938, p. 138). Alma Punched (Haury, 1936b, p. 39; Hawley, F. M., 1936, p. 106; Nesbitt, 1938, p. 138). POTTERY 197 Alma Incised (Haury, 1936b, p. 40; Hawlcy, F. M., 1936, p. 106; Ncsbitt, 1938, p. 138). Alma Neck Banded (Haury, 1936b, p. 36). Three Circle Neck Corrugated (Haury, 1936b, p. 36; Hawlcy, F. M., 1936, p. 105). Mangus Black-on-Whitc (Mimbres Bold Face Black-on-White) (Haury, 1936b, p. 22; Hawlcy, F. M., 1936, p. 62). Reserve Smudged (Nesbitt, 1938, p. 139). Reserve Series and White Mountain Series, Intermediate. — Occurring strati- graphically above the types listed for the Three Circle Phase are a number of types which first appeared in the Reserve Phase, although some con- tinue as component pottery types of the Tularosa Phase. Some of these types, such as Reserve Indented Corrugated, appeared in all levels and areas of the pueblo; others, such as Reserve Incised Corrugated, Stark- weather Smudged Decorated and Reserve Black-on-VVhite, appeared only in certain rooms and in limited amounts. Throughout most of the several stratigraphic series in Foote Canyon Pueblo there is a tendency for the plain ware types — Alma Plain, Re- serve Smudged, and San Francisco Red — to decrease in quantity, where- as the corrugated types, particularly Reserve Plain Corrugated and Reserve Indented Corrugated, increase in quantity. These two trends may be inversely connected, that is, the corrugated types may have con- tinued to replace the plain ware during the Tularosa Phase, as is clearly evident in the pottery from pure Reserve Phase sites. It does not seem probable that all the plain ware (about 13 per cent of the pottery from the plaza alone) was left around from the Reserve Phase occupation of the site, handed down as heirloom pieces, or erroneously classified; so there remains considerable likelihood that it was still in the process of being replaced in use as late in the sequence as the beginning of the Foote Creek Phase. The distribution of Starkweather Smudged Decorated and Reserve Incised Corrugated is so limited as to make it seem probable that all of the sherds of the former type and most of the latter were relics or heir- looms of an earlier era. Other types, such as Reserve Black-on-White and Tularosa Patterned Corrugated, Reserve variety, were still in the transitional process of l>e- ing replaced by the sequent types, Tularosa Black-on-VVhite and Tularosa Patterned Corrugated proper. The types referred to in this section are described in the citations below : Reserve Plain Corrugated (Martin and Rinaldo, 1950b, p. 526; Rinaldo and Bluhm, 1956, pp. 155-158). Reserve Incised Corrugated (Martin and Rinaldo, 1950b, pp. 500-501; Rinaldo and Bluhm, 1956, pp. 164-168). 198 FOOTE CANYON PUEBLO Reserve Indented Corrugated (Nesbitt, 1938, p. 140; Rinaldo and Bluhm, 1956, pp. 159-162). Tularosa Patterned Corrugated, Reserve variety (Rinaldo and Bluhm, 1956, pp. 169-171). Starkweather Smudged Decorated (Nesbitt, 1938, p. 139; Rinaldo and Bluhm, 1956, pp. 171-175). Reserve Black-on-White (Nesbitt, 1938, p. 138; Martin and Rinaldo, 1950b, pp. 502-503). Reserve Series and White Mountain Series, Late. — We have usually dis- tinguished the Reserve Phase sites from the Tularosa Phase sites by the presence in quantity or absence in the site as a whole, of Tularosa Black-on- White, Tularosa Fillet Rim, Tularosa White-on-Red, and St. Johns Poly- chrome. Some of the later Little Colorado polychromes such as Querino, Houck or Springerville Polychrome may also be present but usually are represented by only very few sherds at any one site. In the Tularosa Phase, Tularosa Black-on-White tends to replace Reserve Black-on- White. Tularosa Fillet Rim definitely replaces Reserve Fillet Rim, which is never more than a minority type and was absent at Foote Can- yon Pueblo, and also replaces Reserve Smudged, which waned slowly in popularity. It has been postulated that Tularosa White-on-Red (Rinaldo and Bluhm, 1956, p. 154) was directly related to Tularosa Fillet Rim on the one hand and to St. Johns Polychrome on the other. These three pot- tery types were used as flour receptacles and probably as food dishes. At this time these types were probably being replaced in use by interior smudged corrugated bowls and by the later polychromes such as Que- rino and Springerville Polychrome. Sources for the description of pottery types in this section are as follows : Tularosa Fillet Rim (Kidder, 1924, p. 98; Wendorf, 1950, p. 121). Tularosa White-on-Red (Martin, Rinaldo, et at., 1952, p. 73; Rinaldo and Bluhm, 1956, pp. 173, 177). Tularosa Black-on-White (Nesbitt, 1938, p. 139; Rinaldo and Bluhm, 1956, pp. 177-184). St. Johns Polychrome (Gladwins, 1931, p. 36; Hawley, F. M., 1936, p. 49). Querino Polychrome (Hawley, F. M., 1936, p. 44; Colton and Hargrave, 1937, p. 121). White Mountain and Shiwanna Red Wares, Red Series and White Series, Late. — As guide types to the Foote Creek Phase we find Pinedale Poly- chrome, Pinedale Black-on-Red, Showlow Polychrome, Heshotauthla Polychrome, Pinnawa Polychrome and Kwakina Polychrome in small amounts. These types seem to have developed out of St. Johns Poly- chrome and appear to have been gradually replacing it in popularity. St. Johns Polychrome and St. Johns Black-on-Red are the only two types which amount to more than 1 per cent of the total number of sherds found. Pinedale Polychrome sherds represent 0.62 per cent of the POTTERY 199 total and no one of the other polychrome or black on red types represents more than half of one per cent of the total. RESTORABLE AND WHOLE VESSELS BY ROOMS Room 1 Pinedale Polychrome bowl, in shallow pit or mealing receptacle be- low floor east of firepit (fig. 87, left). Reserve Indented Corrugated jar, southeast of firepit on floor. Room 2 Tularosa Fillet Rim bowl, in trench near middle of southeast wall (fig. 85, upper). Tularosa Black-on-White jar, fill and floor 1 (fig. 84). Affinis Querino Polychrome, trench (fig. 88, left). Room 3 Reserve Indented Corrugated jar, near firepit, floor 1. Reserve Plain Corrugated jars (3), near firepit, floor 1. St. Johns Polychrome bowl, fill and floor 1 (fig. 88, right). Room 5 . Tularosa White-on-Red bowl, mealing receptacle near door north- west of firepit, floor 1 (fig. 76). Tularosa White-on-Red bowl, with mealing bins in north corner, floor 2. Room 6 Reserve Indented Corrugated jars (3), on floor (fig. 83). Room 8 Tularosa White-on-Red bowl, in mealing receptacle or bin near north- cast wall, floor 1 (fig. 86, left). Tularosa White-on-Red bowl, floor 1. Reserve Plain Corrugated jar, floor. Room 12 Tularosa White-on-Red bowl, floor. Tularosa Patterned Corrugated jar, floor 1, south corner near venti- lator opening (fig. 85, lower). 200 FOOTE CANYON PUEBLO NOTES ON THE PAINTED POTTERY TYPES The black-on-white, black-on-red, white-on-red and polychrome types noted below are arranged by series and in approximate chronological order. References to complete descriptions of these types have been cited above and will not be repeated here. This section is intended to give somewhat more specific information on the occurrence of these types at this particular site than is evident from the illustrations alone. Mimbres Black-on- White. — Vessel shapes (from sherds only) : Bowls only. Design elements: Medium lines, solids bordered by parallel lines, longitudinal hatch, solids combined with longitudinal hatch, solids com- bined with diagonal hatch, simple scrolls, spotted checkerboard. Remarks: Twenty-nine sherds of this type recovered, of which nine were from the pithouse. Most of these appear to be Mimbres Bold Face Black-on-White rather than Mimbres Classic Black-on-White. The pre- dominance of the earlier type was also noted in the San Francisco River drainage. Reserve Black-on-White. — Vessel shapes (from sherds only) : Bowls, jars, pitchers. Design elements : Diagonal hatch and solid elements, solid broad lines, solid and hatched interlocking scrolls, narrow lines, opposed solid stepped triangles, white dots on exterior. Remarks: The distinction between this type and Tularosa Black-on- White is not as clear in the pottery of the Blue River drainage as it is in the pottery from the drainages to the east. Tularosa Black-on-White. — Vessel shapes: Large jars (fig. 84), pitchers, bowls. Design elements 1 (in the order of frequency from the most frequent) : Diagonal hatch and solids, broad lines, solid and hatched interlocking scrolls, longitudinal hatch and solids, diagonal hatch, medium lines, longi- tudinal hatch, solid stepped triangles, spaced longitudinal hatch, opposed solid and hatched triangles, opposed diagonal hatch and triangles, nega- tive lightning (opposed stepped triangles), lines and solids, opposed half terraces, stepped solids, simple scrolls, cross hatch, double sawtooth lines, squiggle, dot in square. Remarks : A comparison of these frequencies with those delineated by Miss Bluhm (MS.) for twelve sites of the San Francisco, Three Circle, Reserve and Tularosa phases, shows that the frequencies of the Foote Canyon Pueblo design elements on black-on-white pottery are most sim- 1 Derived from a tabulation of the design elements made by Mr. James Schoen- wetter. POTTERY 201 ilar to those for the later Tularosa Phase sites and continue the trends indicated in these sites. It should be noted that we found no glaze- painted Tularosa Black-on-White variant and no glaze-painted Pinedale Black-on-White such as one might expect in association with Pinedale Polychrome and Pinedale Black-on-Red. Tularosa White-on-Red. — Vessel shapes: Deep bowls with slightly in- curving walls and slightly out-flaring rims (fig. 86). Design: Line design in stepped pattern, zigzag, square spiral, inter- locking fret, simple scroll, cross, chevron, terraces or trapezoids. Either in broad contiguous patterns forming a zone below the fillet, or (occa- sionally) in disconnected panels, as in Pinedale Polychrome. Remarks: This type appears to be transitional between the earlier Mogollon pottery types and the polychromes of the White Mountain series. It was one of the dominant decorated types at the site. St. Johns Polychrome. — Vessel shapes (fig. 88, right) : Deep bowls with incurving rims. Design: Interior: repeated interlocking solid and hatched figures, chains of hatched diamond shapes common, these opposed to solid stepped triangles; simple solid scrolls, generally circular area in bottom without design; some darker-colored sherds decorated in sub-glaze. Exterior: broad white stepped lines or terraced figures, and simple scrolls, occa- sional narrow line design, ordinarily in broad connected patterns below the rim. Some narrow line designs, usually on smaller vessels. Remarks: The exterior design and the sub-glaze variety interior de- sign grades into that of Heshotauthla Polychrome. One fragmentary vessel with orange-tan slip which tends to flake off. Heshotauthla Polychrome. — Vessel shapes (from sherds only) : Bowls with incurving rims. Design (fig. 89) : Interior: negative parallelograms, cross hatch, longi- tudinal hatch, narrow and wide lines, in black glaze paint. Exterior: narrow white lines in angular pattern. Remarks: This type appears to be transitional between St. Johns Polychrome and Pinedale Polychrome. The color combination and to a lesser extent the pattern of the exterior design are like those of St. Johns Polychrome, the interior designs like those of Pinedale Polychrome. Pinedale Polychrome. — Vessel shapes (fig. 90; from sherds only): Large deep bowls with incurving rims. Design: Interior: black glaze with some white outlines; longitudinal hatch, negative parallelograms, simple scrolls, hatched and solid trian- gles, narrow framing lines. Exterior: black pattern outlined in white, ^ ^ ^1* o Fig. 89. Bottom row, Pinedale Black-on-Red potsherds; remainder, Hesho- tauthla Polychrome. 202 POTTERY 203 '«j-u-i<\iO'-©©© ^- r«i .— in *— ^-fsrg oo >o c«i r~ *— cm — ~- rg — — . «. — o oo o ■ o 2 w - J2 r- — o cv — : :|8 ONNNin^^OO " ' l§ ■*■ . ... m r- 22.00 1.34 2.11 12.13 2.11 ■ r- vo no m • CN - oo ■ r- • 00 \OvOCiO- 00 •*• r^ vO r- • oo CI O •ON* eg • o • o • o • o — ^-ooooo — o — o ■° § - - E Z 2 r-rJ-OO — OOOr^O'-OOO ■r-0'-'-NO»N-'0 N ui O - O e ^ •- u o JS c c S_ "3 10 ti U. U. E c c < C/5 C/5 >- . J=S ? c/5 > CO > w > 2 c J= ? U J* -* 19 5T e c li CO > « g o o O V JS "o a- 5 oq a- y w 8:3 8 OS U Oi C/2 CO w w 3 ^; w w ■— j 1 — > JS JS f u «J «J 3 3 U - CO O Sx •n ™ 2c3( — s E r. 3 3 E t (9 « 0C OC 3 3 t t c3cS ^ c •]J CO. c3c3I1^ -J - - ~ — - - f->HcL.cuu,2>> « 'S3 '5 c 13 T3 •= ecu. 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CM 00 o ■>*• en en CM so en 00 "*• ii »-i s< u u !— I (0 Ct) TJ > > CD i u t) be > > 1 I) u S~ CO CO CD CD oo a! ai X Sti Rj * be t-.r br *r 5 3 3 3 L L u i_ u u o :i UUOO ■p -a V V C C -a -a V V c a - - - - v v v v c cej eej crj cd — « Oh Oh Oh 0h]3 « CO eej rtj ^P ca u « «\) O O O O 3 u I- I- - c e3 (fl eej eej C 3333^ hhhh C3 13 T3 CO u v _ - ft) cB T3 -O bO 00 U U 3 3 - U -5 Oh O = S 2 « Oh 2.S ^ £ 8 ^ c < E 1^ Oh 224 TABLE 3.— TABULATION OF TREE RING DATES AND ESTIMATES OF DURATION FOR SOME LATE POLYCHROME POTTERY TYPES Tree Ring Dates' Estimated Dates Si. Johns Polychrome Pecos, 1299-1612 Pindi, 1051-1349 Lamy, 1241-1273 Los Alamos, 1193-1268 Rio Puerco, 1233-1262 Tcsuque Valley, 963-1231 Tccolote, 1170-1200 Forked Lightning, 1 1 1 3-1 1 20 Mesa Verde, Site 34, 978-1183 (trash) Showlow (lower), 1151 Ariz. W:10:51, Point of Pines, 1302 1000-1200 (Gladwin, W. and H. S., 1931, p. 38) 1000-1200 (Hawley, F. M., 1936, p. 49) 1100-1200 (Martin and Willis, 1940, p. 165) 1110-1225 (Stubbs and Stallings, 1953, pp. 58, 1 54, chart) 1100-1200 (Colton and Hargrave, 1937, p. 104) 1150-1250 (Reed, 1955, p. 190) Pinedale Polychrome Ariz. C:l:14, 1295-1312 C:l:21, 1298-1313 C:l:40, 1303-1347 C:l:44, 1310-1330 C:2:8, 1323-1348 Pinedale, 1085-1375 1295-1330 (Gladwin, W. and H. S., 1934, p. 19) 1280-1320 (Hawley, F. M., 1936, p. 72) 1250-1325 (Martin and Willis, 1940, p. 165) 1250-1325 (Stubbs and Stallings, 1953, p. 154) 1250-1325 (Colton and Hargrave, 1937, p. 107) 1290 (Haury and Hargrave, 1931, p. 78) Heshotauthla Polychrome Pecos, 1299-1612 Pindi, 1051-1349 Armstrong, 1342-1366 Ccdro Canyon, 1285-1393 Latter 1200's (Hawley, F. M., 1936, p. 76) 1200-1400 (Martin and Willis, 1940, p. 165; late Zufii Glazes) 1260-1350 (Stubbs and Stallings, 1953, p. 154, chart) 1200-1250 (Colton and Hargrave, 1937, p. H4) ca. 1300 to perhaps 1375 (Reed, 1955, p. 190) Hawikuh, 1381-1480 Kwakina Polychrome post 1300 (Zufii Glazed Scries; Stubbs and Stallings, 1953, chart, p. 154) 1300-1400 (Wallace and Adamana Poly- chromes; Colton and Hargrave, 193/, pp. 115, 117) 1325-1375 (Reed, 1955, p. 190) •Tree ring dates from Smiley (1951), and Smiley, Stubbs and Bannister (1953). 225 TABLE 3— TABULATION OF TREE RING DATES AND ESTIMATES OF DURATION FOR SOME LATE POLYCHROME POTTERY TYPES (continued) Tree Ring Dates Estimated Dates Pinnawa Polychrome Hawikuh, 1381-1480 1350 or 1375-1450 (Reed, 1955, p. 190) 1300-1400 (Colton and Hargrave, 1937, p. 116) Four Mile Polychrome Ariz. W:10:51, 1302 C:l:14, 1295-1312 C:l:40, 1303-1347 C:l:44, 1310-1330 C:2:8, 1322-1348 Showlow, 1151-1382 Gila Pueblo, 1345-1375 1326-1348 (Gladwin, W. and H. S., 1934, pp. 18-19) 1330-1400 (Hawley, F. M., 1936, p. 72) 1350-1400 (Martin and Willis, 1940, p. 165) 1325-1425 (Stubbs and Stallings, 1953, p. 154, chart) 1350-1400 (Colton and Hargrave, 1937, p. 109) Late 14th century (Reed, 1955, p. 184) 226 IV. Artifacts INTRODUCTION The artifacts other than pottery are described in some detail in this chapter. An attempt has been made to learn how these artifacts might have been manufactured, and how they might have been used to meet the needs of the people of Foote Canyon Pueblo. For this purpose they were examined for marks of use and manufacture, records were kept of their associations and positions in the rooms, and they were compared with their modern analogues. Furthermore, in order to search out the broader cultural relationships of this pueblo, they have been compared with similar types of artifacts in the Reserve area and throughout the Southwest. HANDSTONES The category of handstones as used here includes manos, rubbing stones, polishing stones, abrading stones and pestles. These objects are all generally oblong in shape and have one or more broad surfaces which have been worked and /or worn by use. Frequently, but not always, the used face is flat. The distinction made between these objects is one of size; manos are the largest and polishing stones the smallest. An arbitrary maximum length of 10 cm. was set for rubbing stones and 7 cm. for polishing stones, although this criterion was not paramount in making distinctions when other characteristics such as shape were more clearly diagnostic. Manos were found with or near the flour receptacles in Rooms 1, 3, and 8, and near the firepits in Rooms 1 and 3; in other rooms they were usually grouped together, often in one corner. One small mano was found near the flour receptacles in Room 1 in association with faceted lumps of limonite and hematite pigment stones. These associations seem to indicate that the larger manos were used to grind (corn?) meal, where- as the smaller manos might have Ijeen used to grind paint. In general, the manos were carefully worked, whereas the other hand- stones tend to l>e simply utilized stones which may be distinguished from 227 228 FOOTE CANYON PUEBLO ordinary field stones and river pebbles only by their used working sur- faces. The manos were generally worked on both their broad surfaces and edges. They were either symmetrical in outline or appeared to have been originally symmetrical and to have been worn into an irregular shape by use. Manos were divided into two broad types — those with a single grind- ing surface and those with more than one (usually two) grinding surfaces. These, in turn, were subdivided according to their shape in outline (oval or rectangular) and the curvature or shape of the grinding surfaces. The majority of the manos were rectangular in outline with at least one flat grinding surface. They were usually made of coarse-grained stone shaped by pecking with a hammerstone all around, and their grinding surfaces were frequently roughened in the same way. Some of the thicker manos had grooves for finger grips pecked into the edges. Seventeen manos of the beveled type were found. These have one or more grinding surfaces beveled in a double plane with a longitudinal middle ridge. The less worn examples of this type are usually rectangu- lar in outline, but they apparently tended to become more oval as they were used and the corners were worn off. Very few of the handstones had sharp corners. Straight edges were somewhat more common. The worn areas or grinding surfaces of the manos are in general symmetrical, the smooth surfaces being approxi- mately the same texture from end to end and side to side. The beveled manos are an exception, for they are more worn at one end than the other. Most of the manos and some of the rubbing stones exhibit minute scratches at right angles to the long axis of their working surfaces. These match with scratches on the troughs of some metates and indicate that some material (probably corn) was ground in the trough with a back and forth motion and with the mano held crosswise in the trough (not with one end pointed down the trough). The wear on the beveled manos would indicate that the mano was held on the metate at an angle, with one end slightly lower than the other. ^* All of the polishing stones and a few of the other handstones had smooth working surfaces. The majority of the manos had parallel sur- faces, but the more worn examples graded into those wedge-shaped in cross section. Distribution. — Most of the beveled manos — those with two adjoining or beveled grinding surfaces — were from the fill. This seems to indicate that the beveled type was more popular with the occupants of some later unexcavated rooms. The tabular type or those rectangular in outline with a single flat grinding surface were found most frequently and more of ARTIFACTS 229 these also occurred in the fill levels. Most of the other types were al>out equally divided between fill and floor. Most of the rubbing stones occurred in the fill or below the floor. Only one specimen was found on the floor proper. Both of the polishing stones were found on the floor. Manos less than 15 cm. long are thought to be "one hand" manos, that is, they could have been used with one hand. Fourteen manos of this size were recovered, but the vast majority of the manos were longer, ranging up to 26.3 cm. in length. Furthermore, although 145 manos were recovered from this site only 1 1 rubbing stones were recovered. This corroborates the trend toward an increase in the numl>er of longer hand- stones and a decrease in the number of shorter handstones observed else- where in the Reserve area (Martin, et al., 1956, p. 58). Woodbury (1954, p. 70) also found that the later manos from Awatovi and neighboring sites were significantly longer, and this trend seems to be duplicated through- out the Anasazi and Mogollon areas. Seven pestles were found and only four stone bowls or mortars. The sharp decrease in the number of these tools subsequent to the Pine Lawn Phase was noted for Turkey Foot Ridge (Martin and Rinaldo, 1950a, p. 305) and later sites in the Reserve area (Martin, et al., 1956, p. 59). Classification of Manos (Figures 94-97) Type I: Manos with Single Grinding Surfaces TYPE la Description: Oval in outline, surfaces parallel, grinding surface convex (fig. 94, c, d). Total 2. Locations: From Room 7, floor; Room 1, trench. Dimensions: Length, 21.0, 18.0 cm.; width, 11.8, 12.2 cm.; thickness, 4.1, 6.0 cm. TYPE lb Description: Oval in outline, wedge-shaped in cross section, grinding surface bluntly convex. Total 1 . Location: From Room 1, trench. Dimensions: Length, 20.6 cm.; width, 11.8 cm.; thickness, 5.0 cm. TYPE Ic Description: Oval in outline, surfaces parallel, grinding surface flat (figs. 94, b, 95, a). Total 4. 230 FOOTE CANYON PUEBLO Locations: From Room 10, floor; Rooms 3, 5, fill; Room 1, trench. Dimensions: Length, 10.5, 17.5, 14.5, 19.4 cm.; width, 7.4, 8.9, 12.3, 12.3 cm.; thickness, 1.9, 6.5, 4.2, 4.5 cm. Fig. 94. Oval manos. Length of lower left specimen, 21.0 cm. TYPE Id Description: Rectangular in outline, surfaces parallel, grinding surface convex. Total 5. Locations: From Room 3, floor 2; Room 1, below floor, trench; Room 3, fill. Dimensions: Length, (fragment), 24.6, 22.0, 21.0, 18.8 cm.; width, 11.6, 11.1, 11.3, 11.5, 10.2 cm.; thickness, 5.4, 3.5, 4.0, 4.1, 3.8 cm. ARTIFACTS 231 TYPE Ic Description: Rectangular in outline, surfaces parallel, grinding surface bluntly convex. Total 6. Locations: From Room 1, floor; Room 3, floor 2; Rooms 2, 3, trenches; Rooms 3, 9, fill. Dimensions: Length, 19.3, 15.7, 20.0, 25.2, 23.3 cm., (fragment); width, 10.7, 1 1 .4, 11 .0, 1 1 .6, 9.9, 12.1 cm.; thickness, 3.5, 4.8, 5.1, 2.6, 4.2, 1 .7 cm. Fig. 95. Oval one hand manos. Length of lower left specimen, 12.9 cm. TYPE If Description: Rectangular in outline, 2 specimens wedge-shaped in cross section, others with surfaces parallel, grinding surface flat (fig. 96, a, b). Total 19. Locations: From Rooms 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 12, floors; Rooms 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, fill; Room 3, trench. Dimensions: Length, 10.9-24.5 cm., average, 18.9 cm.; width, 6.1-14.3 cm., average, 10.4 cm.; thickness, 2.1-6.1 cm., average, 3.7 cm. TYPE Ig Description: Rectangular in outline, surfaces parallel, grinding surface more sharply convex lengthwise than crosswise. Total 4. Fig. 96. Rectangular two hand manos. Length of lower left specimen, 23.7 cm. 232 ARTIFACTS 233 Locations: From Rooms 1, 2, trenches. Dimensions: Length, 20.5, 20.6, 20.6, 16.2 cm.; width, 9.6, 10.6, 9.9, 9.9 cm.; thickness, 7.5, 3.7, 3.3, 2.9 cm. Fio. 97. Rectangular two hand manos. Length of lower left specimen, 19.9 cm. TYPE Ih Description: Rectangular in outline, triangular in cross section, grind- ing surface beveled in a double plane with a longitudinal ridge between (fig. 97, b, c). Total 6. Locations: From Room 12, floor; Rooms 5, 10, fill. Dimensions: Length, 22.0, 19.9, 15.9 cm., (fragments); width, 9.8, 6.7, 8.6, 8.4, 11.0, 11.8; thickness, 3.7, 2.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.3, 2.0 cm. 234 FOOTE CANYON PUEBLO Type II: Manos with Two or More Grinding Surfaces TYPE II a Description: Oval in outline, surfaces parallel, grinding surfaces convex. Total 4. Locations: From Rooms 1, 3, floors; Rooms 1, 3, trenches. Dimensions: Length, 15.0, 14.9, 14.2, 17.0 cm.; width, 11.0, 7.4, 11.2, 11.5 cm.; thickness, 8.6, 4.8, 7.3, 7.3 cm. TYPE lib Description: Oval in outline, wedge-shaped in cross section, grinding surfaces bluntly convex (fig. 94, a). Total 1. Location: From Room 1, trench. Dimensions: Length, 15.4 cm.; width, 11.1 cm.; thickness, 2.1 cm. TYPE He Description: Oval in outline, surfaces parallel, grinding surfaces flat. Total 2. Locations: From Room 9, floor; Room 7, fill. Dimensions: Length, 17.3 cm., (fragment); width, 10.8, 12.6 cm.; thick- ness, 6.1, 4.0 cm. TYPE lid Description: Oval in outline, one specimen wedge-shaped in cross sec- tion, the others with surfaces parallel, one grinding surface convex, the other flat (fig. 95, b, c). Total 5. Locations: From Room 10, floor; Rooms 2, 3, trenches; Room 5, fill. Dimensions: Length, 13.6, 12.9, 16.3 cm., (fragments); width, 7.3, 9.3 cm., (fragments); thickness, 2.8, 3.5, 4.4, 5.0 cm., (fragment). TYPE He Description: Oval in outline, surfaces parallel, one grinding surface bluntly convex, the other flat (fig. 95, d). Total 2. Locations: From Room 6, floor; Room 9, fill. Dimensions: Length, 11.0, 24.0 cm.; width, 8.5, 11.5 cm.; thickness, 5.9, 5.7 cm. TYPE II f Description: Oval in outline, triangular in cross section, one grinding surface flat, the other beveled in a double plane with a longitudinal ridge between. Total 2. ARTIFACTS 235 Location: From Room 3, trench. Dimensions: Length, 12.9 cm., (fragment); width, 6.8, 8.7 cm.; thick- ness, 4.6, 2.4 cm. TYPE II g Description: Oval in outline, one grinding surface convex, the other leveled in a double plane with a longitudinal ridge between. Total 1. Location: Pithouse fill below Room 2. Dimensions: Length, 20.0 cm.; width, 8.8 cm.; thickness, 2.7 cm. TYPE II h Description: Rectangular in outline, 4 specimens wedge-shaped in cross section, others with surfaces parallel, grinding surfaces convex. Total 17. Locations: From Rooms 1, 2, 3, floors; Room 3, trench; Rooms 3, 5, fill; Plaza, fill. Dimensions: Length, 17.0-23.9 cm., average, 19.2 cm.; width, 8.5- 11.5 cm., average, 10.3 cm.; thickness, 2.2-5.7 cm., average, 4.0 cm. TYPE Hi Description: Rectangular in outline, one specimen wedge-shaped in cross section, the others with surfaces parallel, grinding surfaces slightly convex. Total 4. Locations: From Rooms 3, 5, 10, fill. Dimensions: Length, 10.8, 20.6 cm., (fragments); width, 10.0, 11.3, 7.2, 11.0 cm.; thickness, 5.9, 7.2, 2.0, 2.4 cm. TYPE II j Description: Rectangular in outline, surfaces parallel, grinding surfaces flat (fig. 96, c). Total 16. Locations: From Rooms 1, 2, 3, 8, 10, floors; Room 5, below floor; Plaza and Rooms 3, 6, 7, 10, fill; Rooms 1, 3, trench. Dimensions: Length, 10.4-25.1 cm., average, 18.2 cm.; width, 6.7- 12.4 cm., average, 10.9 cm.; thickness, 2.0-5.5 cm., average, 3.4 cm. TYPE Ilk Description: Rectangular in outline, surfaces parallel, one grinding surface convex, the other bluntly convex. Total 7. Locations: Rooms 2, 8, floor; Room 1, l^elow floor; Rooms 1, 4, 9, fill. Dimensions: Length, 20.9, 22.9, 19.7, 20.9 cm., (fragments); width, 10.9, 9.5, 11.6, 10.7, 11.0, 11.0, 9.5 cm.; thickness, 3.6, 5.2, 4.6, 3.6, 4.8, 6.7, 4.6 cm. 236 FOOTE CANYON PUEBLO TYPE III Description: Rectangular in outline, 7 specimens wedge-shaped in cross section, others with surfaces parallel, one grinding surface convex, the other flat (fig. 96, d). Total 24. Locations: From Rooms 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 10, floors; Room 1, below floor; Rooms 2, 3, trenches; Rooms 1, 3, 10, 12, fill. Dimensions: Length, 16.3-26.3 cm., average, 20.9 cm.; width, 7.6- 12.8 cm., average, 10.3 cm.; thickness, 2.0-6.5 cm., average, 3.9 cm. TYPE Urn Description: Rectangular in outline, surfaces parallel, one grinding surface bluntly convex, the other flat. Total 3. Locations: Room 6, floor; Rooms 1, 7, fill. Dimensions: Length, 20.6 cm., (fragments); width, 10.2, 9.9, 10.6 cm.; thickness, 3.9, 2.7, 3.2 cm. TYPE II n Description: Rectangular in outline, one grinding surface flat, the other beveled in a double plane with a longitudinal ridge between (fig. 97, a, d). Total 8. Locations: Room 2, trench; Rooms 2, 3, 5, 10, fill; Room 5, below floor. Dimensions: Length, 19.9, 23.0, 19.4 cm., (fragments); width, 9.1, 10.7, 9.5, 8.2, 10.5, 8.8, 9.3, 9.9 cm.; thickness, 3.5, 5.9, 2.7, 2.0, 4.3, 3.1, 2.4, 2.4 cm. Classification of Rubbing Stones TYPE I: SINGLE RUBBING SURFACE Description: Oval or irregular in outline, two specimens wedge-shaped in cross section, others with surfaces parallel, rubbing surface flat (fig. 98, a, c, e). Total 9. ^ Locations: Room 3, floor; Rooms 1, 2, below floor; Rooms 1, 3, trenches; Rooms 3, 8, 9, 10, 12, fill. Dimensions: Length, 9.4, 8.5, 8.2, 8.3, 6.2, 9.0, 9.7, 6.6 cm., (fragment); width, 6.5, 5.0, 6.1, 7.9, 5.5, 6.1, 6.9, 6.6, 3.1 cm.; thickness, 3.2, 2.4, 1.5, 1.4, 1.8, 1.9, 2.0, 3.8, 2.5 cm. TYPE II: TWO RUBBING SURFACES Description: Oval in outline, surfaces parallel, rubbing surfaces flat (fig. 98, b, d,f). Total 3. ARTIFACTS 237 Location: Room 2 and Plaza, fill. Dimensions: Length, 7.6 cm., (fragments); width, 5.7, 6.8, 5.0 cm.; thickness, 1.0, 2.3, 2.4 cm. o Fig. 98. Rubbing stones, miscellaneous types. Length of lower left specimen, 9.4 cm. Classification of Polishing Stones Description: Smooth oval pebbles with some highly polished surfaces (fig. 108, c). Total 2. Locations: Rooms 3, 5, floors. Dimensions: Length, 3.5, 2.6 cm.; width, 2.8, 2.5 cm.; thickness, 1.7, 1.6 cm. Classification of Pestles MULTIFACE TYPE Description: Thick, roughly oblong pebbles with some rubl>ed flat sur- faces and pecked, bluntly convex ends (fig. 99, c). Total 3. Locations: Rooms 1, 3, floors. Dimensions: Length, 16.6, 13.6, 14.6 cm.; width, 8.8, 11.3, 6.0 cm.; thickness, 8.0, 11.0, 5.9 cm. Fig. 99. Pestles, miscellaneous types. Length of lower left specimen, 19.8 cm. 238 ARTIFACTS 239 CYLINDRICAL TYPE Description: Long, roughly cylindrical stones, tapering slightly toward one end, one end convex, the other flat and battered (fig. 99, a, d). Total 2. Locations: Room 1, trench; plaza, fill. Dimensions: Length, 14.6, 19.8 cm.; width, 6.0, 7.5 cm.; thickness, 5.9, 6.6 cm. OBLONG TYPE Description: Roughly oblong in outline, rectangular in cross section, bluntly convex ends pecked and battered (fig. 99, b, e). Total 3. Locations: Rooms 1, 3, floor; Room 7, fill. Dimensions: Length, 13.9, 13.0, 11.8 cm.; width, 6.5, 8.0, 9.6 cm.; thickness, 5.3, 6.5, 8.0 cm. GRINDING STONES Grinding stones include here several somewhat varied nether milling stones probably used in conjunction with the handstones for grinding. These are metates, small metate-like grinding stones, and mortars. Most of these have grinding surfaces that are dimpled from pecking, and many of the metates and small metate-like grinding stones are scored and scratched also. Several of the metates were worked on all surfaces; top, bottom, sides, and ends were shaped. Very few of these grinding stones were found in place on the floors, and this is inconsistent with the number of rooms that had flour recep- tacles. Only three metates and one small metate-like grinding stone were in situ on the floors. Others were found in the room fill. The two metates in association with the mealing bins in Room 10 lay at a slight angle to what must have been their original position, although they were still in- clined at an angle toward the flour receptacles (fig. 78). Four of the thirteen metates were fragmentary. A like proportion of broken metates have been found on other sites of this general area (Martin, Rinaldo, et al., 1956) and it seems possible that they were broken inten- tionally. One metatc had a shallow basin pecked into the center of the trough; but none was found which had lx*en "killed" by having a hole knocked through the grinding surface. The small metate-like grinding stones correspond in general outline, trough shape, and other characteristics to the metates, although they arc not as well finished. The major difference is one of size; they probably were used as miniature or toy metates. 240 FOOTE CANYON PUEBLO Three small mortars or stone bowls and one larger stone mortar were recovered. None of these was associated directly with a pestle, but it is believed that the two were used together. Distribution: Two of the three metates found on floors were slab type; all the others were through trough metates but made of thinner slabs on the average than those of the San Francisco and Tularosa drainages. Furthermore, several were transitional between slab and trough types and had quite shallow troughs. The trend toward slab or flat metates has been noted by Bartlett (1933, p. 27) and Woodbury (1954, pp. 58-59). These metates appar- ently were found earliest on sites in Utah, where they appear in Pueblo II. Strictly speaking, however, there remains the question whether the slab metates at Foote Canyon are not simply new metates that have not been used long enough to develop a trough, like those at the Swarts Ruin (Cosgrove, H. S. and C. B., 1932, p. 36). Only one specimen did not have the area of a trough pecked into the surface. The mortars are rough affairs not comparable to the painted stone bowls from Higgins Flat Pueblo (Martin, et al., 1956, p. 82) or the carved stone bowls from Apache Creek Pueblo (Martin, Rinaldo and Barter, 1957, p. 63). In general, mortars and pestles have a more frequent dis- tribution in the Mogollon area than in the Anasazi area. Classification of Metates TROUGH TYPE Description: Trough open at both ends, made from large oblong blocks of stone, ends bluntly convex, all surfaces worked, one exception rough- hewn boat-shaped stone (fig. 100). Total 7. Locations: Room 1, floor, Rooms 1, 7, 8, 10, 11, fill; plaza, fill. Dimensions: Length, 43.2, 40.0, 40.1, 42.0 cm., (fragments); width, 32.1, 27.0, 29.1, 27.0 cm., (fragments); thickness, 5.6, 5.0, 8.0, 8.9, 15.0, 12.0, 11.0 cm.; width of troughs, 27.4, 22.1, 22.5, 22.0 cm., (fragments); depth of troughs, 2.0, 1.5, 0.5, 1.5 cm., (fragments). SLAB TYPE Description: Made from rectangular slabs, tops, bottoms and sides worked, flat grinding area covering upper surface. Total 6. Locations: Room 10, floor with bins; Rooms 3, 9, 11, fill. Dimensions: Length, 43.0, 35.0, 44.0, 40.0, 40.1 cm., (fragment); width, 25.0, 25.0, 16.0, 25.7, 16.0, 30.0 cm.; thickness, 4.0, 5.0, 4.5, 5.7, 13.5, 4.4 cm. ARTIFACTS 241 Fig. 100. Left, oblong through trough metate; length, 40.0 cm. Right, rec- tangular through trough metate; length, 43.2 cm. Small Metate-like Grinding Stones Description: Roughly rectangular in outline, ends bluntly convex, bot- tom surface unworked, shallow concave grinding surface, one specimen oval in outline. Total 4. Locations: Room 8, floor 1; Rooms 1, 7, plaza, fill. Dimensions: Length, 22.8, 23.6, 19.6, 22.3 cm.; width, 13.4, 16.2, 13.7, 15.2 cm.; thickness, 4.6, 6.9, 5.8, 3.7 cm. Mortars Description: Roughly round to oval pebbles with shallow cup-shaped depression carved in one face (figs. 101, 102, right). Total 4. Locations: From Room 12, floor; Room 3, trench; Room 5, fill; plaza. Dimensions: Diameter, 8.8, 11.7, 10.0, 22.0 cm.; thickness, 3.3, 4.5, 4.9, 10.5 cm.; cup diameter, 4.8, 7.8, 5.6, 7.5 cm.; depth, 1.2, 1.0 cm., (fragments). Materials: Weathered scoriaceous basalt, limestone. Fig. 101. Mortars or stone bowls. Diameter of lower right specimen, 11.7 cm. Fig. 102. Left, axe grinding slab; length, 38.7 cm. Right, large mortar; diam- eter, 22.0 cm. 242 Fio. 103. Worked slabs. Length of lower specimen, 27.0 cm. 243 244 FOOTE CANYON PUEBLO Worked Slabs A number of worked slabs that were found scattered throughout the rooms may have been used as door slabs or slabs to cover the vents, such as were found in Room 10 (see p. 173). They also correspond roughly in size and shape to these openings. None of them showed signs of fire- blackening or use as cooking slabs. The use of slabs in doors and venti- lator openings has been noted for other ruins of the general Reserve area by Nesbitt (1938, p. 44; Martin, Rinaldo, and Barter, 1957, p. 58). Description: Thin stone slabs, roughly rectangular in outline, broad surfaces flat, one or more edges chipped (fig. 103). Total 12. Locations: Rooms 1, 7, floors; Room 10, below floor; Rooms 1, 3, 7, 11, fill. Dimensions: Length, 16.7-51.0 cm., average, 35.7 cm.; width, 15.6- 39.5 cm., average, 24.8 cm.; thickness, 1.1-5.8 cm., average, 3.7 cm. Axe Grinding Slab The worked slab described below resembles grooved tool-sharpening rocks found at Higgins Flat Pueblo (Martin, et al., 1956, p. 20) and at Tularosa Cave (Hough, 1914, p. 4; Martin, et al., 1952, pp. 36-38). The width of the groove corresponds roughly to that of the stone axes found in the pueblo and the slab was probably used to sharpen axes, as these are the only polished cutting edges found of this size. Description: Large, thick slab, roughly triangular in outline, shallow groove across one face, sloping up at each end. Groove marked by minute longitudinal scratches (fig. 102, left). Total 1. Location: Room 7, fill. Dimensions: Length, 38.7 cm.; width, 31.5 cm.; thickness, 7.7 cm.; length of groove, 16.9 cm.; width, 12.1 cm. Hammerstones These are one of the most widespread of artifact types. This category is sometimes termed "pecking stones" by other Southwestern archaeolo- gists (Woodbury, 1954, pp. 85-87). Although these were probably multi- purpose tools — used in the manufacture of stone tools such as mauls, man- os, and metates, and in the crushing of minerals for paint or for pottery temper — they were probably used primarily for pecking the grinding sur- faces of manos and metates to roughen them for more effective grinding. Description: Battered and chipped pebbles, some angular shapes, some oval (fig. 104). Total 9. Locations: Rooms 1, 5, below floor; Rooms 1, 3, 5, fill. ARTIFACTS 245 Fig. 104. Hammcrstoncs. Length of lower right specimen, 8.0 cm. Dimensions: Length, 5.2-10.0 cm., average, 7.8 cm.; width, 4.7-7.6 cm., average, 6.1 cm.; thickness, 3.8-5.9 cm., average, 5.1 cm. Materials: Quartz, rhyolite, basalt. GROOVED TOOLS The axes were evenly balanced in number l>etwcen those of the full grooved type and those of the three quarters grooved type. Probably 246 FOOTE CANYON PUEBLO both types were imported; the full grooved type could have been traded in from the north, the three quarters grooved type from the south and west. Only one of these axes appears to have been chipped to sharpen it; the others have been ground and polished to a sharp edge. All of the surfaces of these implements have been worked, and, with the exception of the grooves and the tops of the polls, have been polished. The grooves and the tops of the polls are pitted, as if they had been shaped with a hammerstone. The complete specimens are relatively short (the longest specimen is 14.2 cm. long), and the three quarters grooved specimens are thicker than the full grooved specimens. All of the three quarters grooved specimens and one of the full grooved specimens have one flat edge as if shaped to accommodate a "J-haft." All of the mauls were full grooved. These grooves are near the middle of the mauls, whereas the grooves on the axes are located closer to the poll end. The blade of the axe is almost twice the length of the poll. The three quarters grooved axes have a secondary groove on one face and on one edge above the primary groove. This gives the effect of a ridge bordering the groove on one face and one edge. Distribution: The full grooved axe is thought to be typical of late Anasazi sites of the Great Pueblo period (Brew, 1946, p. 239; Woodbury, 1954, p. 36). They have been recovered in Mogollon sites at Starkweather Village (Nesbitt, 1938, pp. 103, 127), Wet Leggett Pueblo (Martin and Rinaldo, 1950b, p. 480), Higgins Flat Pueblo (Martin, et al., 1956, p. 88), and other late sites of the Reserve area. They were also found at the Swarts Ruin (Cosgrove, H. S. and C. B., 1932, p. 41). The three quarters grooved axe was more popular in the southern areas of the Southwest, among the Hohokam and in the Middle Gila (Reed, 1951, p. 45; Gladwin, et al., 1937, p. 115). In general, this type of axe appears relatively late outside the Hohokam area (Woodbury, 1954, p. 30), although there are a few sporadic examples noted from the Mogollon area (Martin and Rinaldo, 1950a, p. 334; Haury, 1940, p. 104). Both three quarters grooved and full grooved axes were found at Higgins Flat Pueblo (Martin, et al., 1956, p. 88) and Apache Creek Pueblo (Mar- tin, Rinaldo, and Barter, 1957). Onjy the three quarters grooved type was found at Hinkle Park Cliff Dwelling (Martin, Rinaldo, and Bluhm, 1954, p. 115) and in the pueblo at Starkweather Village (Nesbitt, 1938, p. 103). Only full grooved mauls were recovered from Foote Canyon Pueblo. This type of maul is not found in Hohokam sites (Sayles, in Gladwin, et al., 1937, p. 104) but is present in both Mogollon and Anasazi sites. It is present in the Pine Lawn Phase (Martin, 1940, p. 56) and in other ARTIFACTS 247 roughly contemporaneous phases of the Mogollon culture (Wheat, 1955, p. 122) and remained in use throughout the sequence. This culture ele- ment appears in Basket Maker III in the Anasazi area and remained in use there into historic times (Lambert, 1954, p. 125; Woodbury, 1954, p. 48). Classification of Axes THREE QUARTERS GROOVED TYPE Description: Broad thick specimens with groove pecked and ground around three sides. Groove broad and located closer to poll end. On one specimen both inner and outer sides flattened, on the other only the inner side. The poll of the former specimen flat, that of the other round. The sides of the bit taper inward toward the center of the cutting edge (fig. 105, b, c). Total 2. Locations: Room 12, floor; Room 5, fill. Dimensions: Length, 14.2, 14.0 cm.; width, 8.5, 8.5 cm.; thickness, 6.3, 4.5 cm.; width of groove, 2.3, 2.9 cm.; depth, 0.5, 0.4 cm. Materials: Basalt, diorite. FULL GROOVED TYPE Description: Short specimens with pecked and ground grooves which completely encircle the tools; groove located closer to poll end; one speci- men with flat poll end, the others with bluntly convex poll; all specimens with polished cutting edges (fig. 105, a, d, e). Total 3. Locations: Room 7, floor; Room 2, trench. Dimensions: Length, 11.2, 11.7 cm., (fragment); width, 6.2, 7.1 cm., (fragment); thickness, 4.2, 4.5 cm., (fragment); width of groove, 2.1, 2.4 cm., (fragment); depth, 0.4, 0.6 cm., (fragment). Mauls Description: Full grooved type; roughly oval stones with wide pecked groove encircling the middle; surfaces rough (fig. 106). Total 3. Locations: Room 1, floor; Room 7, plaza, fill. Dimensions: Length, 10.4, 11.9, 12.8 cm.; width, 8.5, 9.5, 8.8 cm.; thickness, 6.4, 7.4, 7.9 cm.; width of grooves, 2.7, 1.6, 2.6 cm.; depth, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5 cm. Materials: Granite, limestone. 248 FOOTE CANYON PUEBLO Fig. 105. Grooved axes. Length of lower right specimen, 11.7 cm. ARROW SHAFT TOOLS Eight arrow shaft tools were recovered from the excavations. Most of them appear to have been shaped ^some of them are symmetrical, others have surfaces which have been flattened by pecking, grinding, and polishing. A few of them have polished grooves. Others are made of weathered fossiliferous limestone and may have been smooth before weathering. Three of the specimens have two parallel grooves on one surface, the remainder have only a single groove. Although there were more than two of these recovered from some of the rooms, they do not appear to go together as pairs. All of the grooves are shallow. Only one ARTIFACTS 249 Fig. 106. Full grooved mauls. Length of right specimen, 10.4 cm. ridged tool was found, but this is the only one of this type we have found in our excavations in the Mogollon area. One of these objects was found in a cache of several tools in Room 5 below the floor and next to a patch in the partition wall between Rooms 5 and 9. It might be significant that only a single object of this type (not a pair) was placed in this cache. Distribution: These objects have l>een recovered primarily from Re- serve Phase or Tularosa Phase sites in this area (Martin, et al., 1956, p. 91). Woodbury (1954, p. 104) suggests a "Rio Grande-Mogollon Rim-Little Colorado distribution during Pueblo III and IV," which would corrolx>rate the data recovered here in the Reserve area. Classification of Arrow Shaft Tools TRANSVERSELY GROOVED TYPE Description: Small blocks of stone with one or two grooves across them transverse to the long axis; rectangular (3 specimens), oval, one fragment of uncertain shape; grooved surface flat or bluntly convex. Groove U-shaped, of same width from end to end (fig. 107, a, d, e, h, i). Total 5. Locations: Rooms 3, 5, trench; Rooms 2, 3, fill. 250 FOOTE CANYON PUEBLO Dimensions: Length, 6.1, 8.0, 8.5, 10.6 cm., (fragment); width, 6.2, 6.0, 7.2, 6.6, 6.5 cm.; thickness, 3.4, 3.5, 3.3, 4.1, 2.5 cm.; width of grooves, 0.8, 1.1, 0.8, 0!9, 0.8 cm. Material: Limestone. ELONGATED TYPE Description: Oval or rectangular blocks of stone with a single groove in approximately the center of the upper surface parallel to the long axis; sides and ends shaped by grinding, one specimen elongated oval, under surface flat. Groove shallow and U-shaped in cross section, width and depth uniform for entire length (fig. 107,/, i). Total 2. Locations: Rooms 2, 5, below floor. Dimensions: Length, 10.1, 9.4 cm.; width, 7.9, 5.2 cm.; thickness, 3.6, 4.1 cm.; width of grooves, 0.8, 1.0 cm. Material: Limestone. RIDGED TYPE Description: Small oval blocks of stone, triangular in cross section with broad deep groove through the apex near the narrow end of the stone; bottoms flat; surfaces ground and polished; groove with uniform depth (0.6 cm.) and width, small parallel scratches in bottom (fig. 107, b). Total 1. Location: Room 1, below floor. Dimensions: Length, 6.5 cm.; width, 4.4 cm.; thickness, 3.2 cm.; width of groove, 1.4 cm. Material: Limestone. MISCELLANEOUS GROUND STONE OBJECTS Grooved Abrader Description: Irregularly shaped block of coarse-grained stone with shal- low groove in one flat surface; stone broken at one end of groove; groove shallower at ends and wider in middle, one edge of groove straight, the other curved in a semi-circle (fig. 107, c). Total 1. Location: Room 3, fill. Dimensions: Length, 11.5 cm.; width" (present), 9.9 cm.; thickness, 3.1 cm. Material: Tuff. Pot Supports (Figure 81) Two of these objects were found in place. The one from Room 8 was found in the firepit near one corner, almost buried in the ashes; the other, ARTIFACTS 251 from Room 1 (an adjoining room), was found just outside the firepit. The cooking pot was probably placed over the fire between the flat side of this lopsided sub-conical stone and the angle formed by the slab rim of the firepit, thus receiving support at three points. These objects were made of a coarse-grained stone which was colored by the fire. They had flat l>ottoms, and the other end was sub-conical. Fig. 107. Arrow shaft tools. Length of lower right specimen, 10.1 cm. 252 FOOTE CANYON PUEBLO They were 21.0 and 15.7 cm. long, 16.0 and 11.4 cm. wide, and 14.5 and 9.6 cm. thick. Distribution. — Similar objects have been reported from Poseuinge (Jeancon, 1923, p. 24), a late site in the Rio Grande area. Others made of clay are also from that area and time level, at Pecos (Kidder, 1932, pp. 144-145), Forked Lightning (loc. cit.), Pindi Pueblo (Stubbs and Stallings, 1953, p. 96) and Leaf Water Pueblo (Luebben, 1953, p. 29). Smooth Saws These are presumably objects of multiple function. Their sharp edges make it seem highly probable that they were used for sawing or cutting, and this is the use more frequently postulated for them. However, two specimens out of the four also bear pigment stains (one in red and yellow) and it does not seem unlikely that they were used in connection with pigment grinding. Distribution: With the exception of Tularosa Cave, where these ob- jects occurred in early levels, most of them have come from later sites such as Higgins Flat Pueblo (Martin, et al., 1956, p. 93), Hinkle Park Cliff Dwelling (Martin, Rinaldo, and Bluhm, 1954) and Swarts Ruin (Cosgrove, H. S. and C. B., 1932, p. 46). They also resemble the smallest of the fleshing knives from Babocomari Village (Di Peso, 1951, p. 150). They have not been reported from the Anasazi area. Description: Small, thin, roughly rectangular slabs of grit stone, wedge- shaped in cross section, with one edge beveled from both surfaces, all edges and surfaces ground smooth (fig. 108, a, e,f). Total 3. Locations: Room 1, fill; Room 1, below floor; Room 10, floor. Dimensions: Length, 5.0, 10.3 cm., (fragment); width, 4.3, 5.2, 6.2 cm.; thickness, 0.8, 1.0, 0.7 cm. Material: Cemented volcanic ash. Tchamahia(?) (Figure 108, £) The resemblance of this specimen to the objects termed "tchamahia" is actually only that of shape in outline (cf. Woodbury, 1954, fig. 35d). It is much smaller (length, 10.5 cm.; width, 4.5 cm.; thickness, 0.5 cm.), and all the edges are blunt. One broad surface is highly polished, and the other has flaked off; the areas which have not flaked off are covered with small parallel scratches like the marks of a saw. It may be signifi- cant that this object is made of a red stone (weathered basalt). In size, ARTIFACTS 253 color, and general shape it resembles a celt-like object from Higgins Flat Pueblo (Martin, ft al., 1956, pp. 91-93). This was found in the fill in Room 2. Fig. 108. Smooth saws (a, e,f), whetstone (6), tapered stone (d), tchamahia (?; g), polishing stone (c), pipe-like object (A). Length of lower right specimen, 15.6 cm. Pipe-like Object (Figure 108, h) This is an elongated conical object. One end is pointed, the other has a hole like the bowl of a pipe tapering down just past the center of the object. This hole is 2.5 cm. in diameter at the mouth and 8.9 cm. 254 FOOTE CANYON PUEBLO deep. The exterior of the object is painted with four evenly spaced red stripes running lengthwise from the bowl to the pointed end, with faint traces of yellow paint between. The surface of the object is rough. It is 15.6 cm. long and 5.0 cm. in diameter and is made of volcanic tuff. It resembles an unfinished pipe, but from the stripes it appears to be a fin- ished object. It was found in Room 2 below the floor. Pendant Description: A thin flat stone, rectangular in outline, one corner broken off. A small hole drilled off center near one end is hourglass shape, having been drilled from both surfaces (fig. 114, e). Total 1. Location: Plaza, fill. Dimensions: Length, 0.9 cm.; width, 0.8 cm.; thickness, 0.2 cm. Material: Turquoise. Hoe Description: Thin plate of rough stone, roughly rectangular in outline with one curved edge, edges chipped to outline. Total 1. Location: Room 1, floor. Dimensions: Length, 8.9 cm. (present); width, 9.3 cm.; thickness, 1.4 cm. Material: Basalt. Small Tapered Stone Description: Shape of elongated truncated cone, round in cross section, smooth and lightly polished (fig. 108, d). Total 1. Location: Room 12, fill. Dimensions: Length, 4.4 cm.; diameter, 1.0 cm. Material: Cemented volcanic ash. Whetstone Description: Small, thin, roughly rectangular slab of stone. Worked surface concave; small parallel scratches lengthwise in concave surface (fig. 108, b). Total 1. Location: Room 1, fill. Dimensions: Length, 4.1 cm. (present); width, 3.9 cm.; thickness, 0.8 cm. Material: Slate. ARTIFACTS 255 PROJECTILE POINTS AND BLADES All of the projectile points except one are small and triangular. They are made of obsidian. Although the majority have a slightly concave base, only one is definitely notched. The outline of each point is a little different, and the points do not conform closely to a specific pattern, but they would fit perfectly well within the group I have designated (Martin, et al., 1952, p. 156; Martin, Rinaldo, and Bluhm, 1954, p. 125; Martin, et al., 1956, p. 100) as "type S." The chipping is generally better than that of the basalt points of earlier phases, but this may be due to the material from which the earlier points were made. The blades — the larger stemless points — are generally ovate or leaf- shaped in outline. Blades of this shape have a wide distribution both in time and space and are not considered diagnostic. One of these has a slightly concave base and faintly perceptible flat barbs. Projectile points of this size are usually designated as arrowheads and have been found mounted in prehistoric arrows of the Mogollon area (Cosgrove, 1947, p. 63, figs. 76, 131; Hough, 1914, pp. 64-65). The burial found below the floor of Room 1 had a fragmentary chert point through the shoulder blade. The base of this point had been broken off. Classification of Projectile Points and Blades TYPE S Description: Small triangular blades, edges and bases straight to slightly concave; five specimens lateral notched, one specimen with extra notch on one edge (fig. 109, b-h). Total 7. Locations: Room 1, wall; Room 3, floor; Room 2, below floor; Room 6, fill; plaza, fill. Dimensions: Length, 1.7, 1.9, 1.6, 1.7, 1.4, 1.5, 1.9 cm.; width, 1.1, 0.9, 0.8, 1.1, 0.9, 0.8 cm., (fragment); thickness, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.3, 0.3, 0.2, 0.3 cm. Material: Obsidian. TYPE V-4 Description: Triangular blade with straight edges, shoulders square, stem slightly contracting, base convex (fig. 109, k). Total 1. Location: Room 3, floor. Dimensions: Length, 3.6 cm.; width, 1.9 cm.; thickness, 0.4 cm.; stem about one fourth of total length. Material: Obsidian. I A 1 A o b c d 4 A A ^ «■ l id ' *w m n Fig. 109. Upper two rows, projectile points; center, drill; lower two rows, blades. Length of lower right specimen, 3.1 cm. 256 ARTIFACTS 257 TYPE U Description: Chip points; thin leaf-shaped points, chipped mostly on edges or on one surface (fig. 109, a). Total 2. Locations: Room 3, trench; Room 4, fill. Dimensions: Length, 2.1 cm., (fragment); width, 1.8, 1.4 cm.; thick- ness, 0.5, 0.5 cm. Material: Obsidian. TYPE M Description: Leaf-shaped blades with convex edges and convex base, one with slightly concave base; notch midway up one edge of one speci- men (fig. 109,>, '-*)• Total 4. Locations: Room 3, floor 2; Room 1, fill; plaza, fill. Dimensions: Length, 3.1, 3.5, 3.9, 5.2 cm.; width, 2.2, 1.6, 1.9, 3.2 cm.; thickness, 0.5, 0.5, 0.6, 0.9 cm. Materials: Obsidian, chert. CHIPPED CUTTING AND PIERCING TOOLS A variety of flake and core tools was used by the people of Foote Canyon Pueblo. The flakes range from 2.2 to 8.9 cm. in length and from 0.2 cm. to 2.1 cm. in thickness. In execution they range from care- fully finished forms such as the drills and saws down to flakes struck off at random and used. Most of the core tools we have termed choppers; a few may have been scraper-planes. None of these is carefully finished. They range from 6.0 to 13.2 cm. long and from 2.8 to 6.9 cm. thick. The majority have Ijeen chipped to an edge from both surfaces and are biface tools. A few have a portion of the original weathered surface or crust of the pebble left intact opposite the cutting edge, presumably for a grip. Distribution: The recovery of only one drill corroborates the trend in this area from early to late. In our previous excavations more drills have been recovered from the earlier than from the later levels (Martin, Rinaldo, and Bluhm, 1954, p. 141). A number of saws were recovered. This type of implement seems to have its center of distribution in the Upper Gila (Hough, 1914, p. 23). They have been recovered from Reserve Phase sites of the Pine Lawn Valley (Martin and Rinaldo, 1950b, p. 484), from Tularosa Cave (Mar- tin, et al., 1952, p. 182), O Block Cave (Martin, Rinaldo, and Bluhm, 1954, p. 138) and Higgins Flat Pueblo (Martin, et al., 1956, p. 101). The variety of this implement having coarser, more widely spaced teeth 258 FOOTE CANYON PUEBLO had a later distribution than that with fine teeth found at Forestdale (Haury, 1940, p. 106) and in the middle levels of Tularosa Cave (Mar- tin, etal., 1952, p. 116). The simple flake knives and scrapers are essentially the same as those from other branches and horizons of the Mogollon culture. None of the specialized types such as end scrapers or hollow-edge scrapers was re- covered. The majority of the choppers came from the fill of the plaza or the rooms. More than one third came from below the floors or from the pit- house below the floor of Room 2. Only one doubtful specimen came from the floor of a room (Room 1). This seems to indicate that choppers con- tinued in use along with the hafted axe but that they were waning in popularity. The preponderating majority were bifacially flaked, although one or two possible examples of the scraper-plane were recovered. Saws Description: Thin flakes, irregular or oval in outline with secondary chipping along one edge to form evenly spaced indentations and teeth (fig. HO 1 ). Total 5. Locations: Room 3, floor; Room 2, below floor; Room 5, cache below floor; plaza, fill. Dimensions: Length, 4.0, 2.5, 2.9, 4.4, 4.0 cm.; width, 3.9, 1.8, 2.7, 2.3, 2.9 cm.; thickness, 0.8, 0.4, 0.6, 0.5, 0.8 cm. Material: Chert. Drill Description: Small, abruptly widening flange tapering into slender, straight-sided point (fig. 109, i). Total 1. Location: Room 5, fill. Dimensions: Length, 5.9 cm.; width, 1.5 cm.; thickness, 0.5 cm. Material: Chert. Knives Description: Flake cutting edges made from oblong scraps, plano-convex in cross section, generally chipped along one edge, more rarely sharpened by pressure retouch chipping (fig. 111). Total 18. Locations: Rooms 1, 2, 3, 6, 10, floor; Room 3, floor 2; Rooms 1, 2, 10, below floor; Room 12, fill; plaza, fill; pithouse. 1 Left center specimen in figure 110 is from a site in Perry Lawson Canyon. ^ /« Fig. 110. Saws. Length of lower right specimen, 4.0 cm. 259 Fig. 111. Flake knives. Length of lower right specimen, 2.2 cm. 260 ARTIFACTS 261 Dimensions: Length, 2.2-5.2 cm., average, 3.3 cm.; width, 1.0-3.2 cm., average, 2.1 cm.; thickness, 0.3-0.8 cm., average, 0.5 cm. Materials: Chert, flint, obsidian. Fio. 112. Scrapers. Length of lower right specimen, 6.8 cm. Scrapers Description: Large thick flakes with retouch chipping (possibly from use) along one or more edges; generally plano-convex in cross section; convex surface shaped by percussion chipping; no regularity of outline (fig. 112). Total 76. Locations: Rooms 3, 7, 8, 9, floor 1 ; Rooms 3, 5, floor 2; Rooms 1, 2, 7, below floor; Rooms 1, 5, 9, 10, pithouse, plaza, fill. 262 FOOTE CANYON PUEBLO Dimensions: Length, 2.0-8.9 cm., average, 4.6 cm.; width, 1.2-6.7 cm., average, 3.4 cm.; thickness, 0.4-3.4 cm., average, 1.5 cm. Materials: Obsidian, chert, fine-grained basalt, flint. Scraper-Plane Description: Large thick angular implement, roughly semicircular in outline; percussion flaked part way around margin to produce sharp cut- ting edge (fig. 113,/). Total 1. Location: Pithouse, fill. Dimensions: Length, 4.8 cm.; width, 3.9 cm.; thickness, 1.8 cm. Material: Fine-grained basalt. Choppers Description: Thick, angular core implements, percussion flaked on two surfaces to form sharp cutting edge; part of one surface trimmed or left intact for grip (fig. 113, a-e). Total 24. Locations: From Room 1, floor; Rooms 3, 4, plaza, pithouse, fill; Rooms 1, 2, 5, below floor; Rooms 1, 3, trench. Dimensions: Length, 6.0-13.2 cm., average, 8.1 cm.; width, 4.4-10.9 cm., average, 6.8 cm.; thickness, 2.7-6.8 cm., average, 4.2 cm. Materials: Fine-grained basalt, rhyolite. SHELL ARTIFACTS The quantity of shell artifacts from Foote Canyon Pueblo and their type appear to indicate the chronological position of the pueblo. Although shell artifacts were not as abundant from this pueblo as they were at Hig- gins Flat Pueblo (Martin, et al., 1956, pp. 109-113) at least they were more abundant than at the earlier sites in the Pine Lawn Valley and other earlier sites in the San Francisco and Tularosa drainages. Also, the large, thick type of shell bracelet and to a lesser extent the whole shell pendant are probably characteristic of the later periods in this area and in areas to the south and west (Nesbitt, 1938, p. 108; Martin, et al., 1956, p. 110; Gladwin, et al., 1937, p. 142)." Bracelets THICK TYPE Description: Thick curved sections of bivalve shell, higher than wide, roughly tear-drop shape in cross section (fig. 114,/, h,j). Total 3. ARTIFACTS 263 Fio. 1 1 3. Choppers (a-e) and scraper-plane (J ). Length of lower left specimen, 8.3 cm. Locations: Room 3, floor; Room 12, fill. Dimensions: Length (all fragments); height, 2.2, 1.1, 1.3 cm.; width, 0.8, 0.4, 0.5 cm. Material: Glycymeris shell. THIN TYPE Description: Thin curved sections of bivalve shell, roughly triangular in cross section, higher than wide (fig. 114, d). Total 3. 264 FOOTE CANYON PUEBLO Locations: Room 1, floor; Room 2, plaza, fill. Dimensions: Length (all fragments); height, 0.9, 0.9, 0.5 cm.; width, 0.4, 0.3, 0.3 cm. Material: Glycymeris shell. Pendant Description: Whole shell type, entire valve of bivalve perforated through umbo, otherwise unaltered (fig. 114, b). Total 1. Location: Room 12, fill. Dimensions: Diameter, 3.0 cm.; thickness, 0.9 cm. Material: Glycymeris. BONE IMPLEMENTS All except four of the 26 bone awls from Foote Canyon Pueblo were made of split bone. Only three had the head of the bone left intact, and two of these were made of deer ulnae. This type is believed to have been more popular in the Tularosa Phase (Martin, et al., 1956, p. 113; Martin, Rinaldo, and Barter, 1957, p. 82). With the exception of one awl made of a rib, the awls are all made from deer or antelope leg bones. A series of partly worked bones from the refuse illustrates the tech- nique used. The natural medial groove of the bone was extended and deepened by scoring or sawing repeatedly with a sharp implement, such as a flake knife. The bone was then split into the desired shape, scraped, abraded and polished to its finished shape. Although none of the specimens has the deep grooves across the tip said to characterize weaving tools (Hodge, 1920, pp. 102-106), these tools are sharp enough to have been used for perforating hides or for the manufacture of coiled basketry; they probably were used for these pur- poses (Kidder, 1932, p. 203). The tip of one of the awls is shouldered, and two other fragments are flattened in cross section. A fourth specimen is somewhat scarred and blunted, and the shaft is short and sturdy. This specimen might have been used as a flaker. Classification of Bone Awls TYPE WITH HEAD INTACT Description: Head of bone intact, other end ground and polished to a point (fig. 115, a-c). Total 3. Locations: Rooms 3, 12, floors; Room 5, cache below floor. ? ^ V 9 "*^- ^ ■ - t Hi ^^ \ L ^■Npr i j ^ Fig. 114. Copper bell (a), pendant (b), copper "fetish" (c), turquoise pendant (e), bone rings (g, i), fragments (d,f, h,j) of shell bracelets. Length of lower right speci- men, 4.6 cm. 265 266 FOOTE CANYON PUEBLO Dimensions: Length, 12.8, 13.1, 24.0 cm. Materials: Mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) ulnae and metatarsals. TYPE WITH HEAD SPLIT Description: Head of bone unworked except by original splitting, made from long bones split in half, four specimens with side notch (fig. 1 15, d, e). Total 5. Locations: Room 3, floor; pithouse; plaza, fill. Dimensions: Length, 9.9, 8.3 cm., (remainder fragments). Material: Mule deer {Odocoileus hemionus) metatarsals. TYPE WITH HEAD PARTLY WORKED DOWN Description: Head of bone partly worked down, other end ground and polished to a point; made from long bones split in half or quarters (fig. 115,/, g). Total 5. Locations: Room 3, floor; Room 5, fill; pithouse, fill. Dimensions: Length, 18.0, 8.6, 19.4, 8.2, 7.5 cm. Material: Mule deer {Odocoileus hemionus) metatarsals. TYPE WITH HEAD OF BONE REMOVED Description: Head of bone removed, cut off squarely, other end ground and polished to a sharp point (fig. 115, i, n). Total 3. Locations: Room 10, floor; Room 5, trench; plaza, fill. Dimensions: Length, 9.9, 11.5 cm., (fragment). SPLINTER TYPE Description: Splinter of long bone with one end ground and polished to a point (fig. 115, k). Total 1. Location: Room 3, floor. Dimensions: Length, 17.1 cm. FRAGMENTS Description: Points, tips and awls with heads broken off"; made from long bones split in halves or quarters (fig. 115, h). Total 3. Locations: Rooms 3, 5, floors; Room 12, fill. Dimensions: Length, 18.2, 12.3, 9.7 cm. RIB TYPE Description: Section of mammal rib cut along one edge with diagonal strokes; one end ground and polished to a point, other end broken (jagged) (fig. 115, j). Total 1. ARTIFACTS 267 Fig. 115. Bone awls, miscellaneous types. Length of o, 8.6 cm. Location: Room 1, floor. Dimensions: Length, 15.2 cm.; width, 2.7 cm.; thickness, 1.6 cm. Bone Ring Blanks and Rings A series of blanks found on the floor of Room 3 illustrates the manu- facture of rings or heads. First, the hone was hollowed out through a hole at one end. Then the shaft of the hone was scored lightly around the circumference at intervals. Most of these annular cuts were then 268 FOOTE CANYON PUEBLO deepened by repeated sawing so that the bone could be snapped off at these grooves. The ring was then rubbed on the ends to smooth away the ragged, sharp edges at the cut. The shape of the cut on the bones and the association of a flint saw (fig. 110) with these ring blanks in Room 3 indicate that this kind of flint saw was used for this purpose rather than the smooth saw of abrasive stone described by Hodge (1920, p. 73). Distribution: Bone rings are known mostly from ruins of Pueblo III, IV, and V age, although there is at least one example from Pueblo I. They have been recovered from Arizona W:10:51 (Wendorf, 1950, p. 81), Pueblo III levels at Kiatuthlanna (Roberts, 1931, p. 153), Kinishba (Baldwin, 1939, p. 321), Canyon Creek (Haury, 1934, p. 126), Hawikuh (Hodge, 1920, p. 145), Pinedale (Haury and Hargrave, 1931, fig. 16) and Pueblo Bonito (Judd, 1954, p. 106). It may or may not be mere coincidence that the majority of the sites might be classed as prehistoric Western Pueblo. The beads made by this process in the Rio Grande, for example, are usually longer, although a few of the same general size do occur at Paa-ko (Lambert, 1954, Tables IX, X). RING BLANKS Description: Hollow long bones with one or more rings lightly scored or deeply incised around circumference of shaft; one specimen with parts of both condyles intact; three specimens with one condyle intact (fig. 116). Total 10. Locations: Room 3, floor; Room 5, cache below floor; plaza, fill. Dimensions: Length, 4.0-17.7 cm., average, 9.0 cm.; greatest diameter of shaft at rings, 1.6-2.3 cm., average, 1.9; length of ring, 0.6-1.3 cm., average, 0.9. Materials: Shafts and ends of femurs, mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus). RINGS Description: Broad flat rings, fragments, one with edges rubbed smooth (fig. 114, g,i). Total 2. Locations: Room 3, floor 2; plaza, fill. Dimensions: Diameter, 1.5 cm., (fragment); length, 1.2, 0.7 cm. Scoop (Figure 117, a) Broadly similar implements with beveled ends and hollow shafts have been termed chisels (Martin, et al., 1956, pp. 117-118; Hodge, 1920, p. 110; Wendorf, 1950, p. 81), fleshers (Judd, 1954, pp. 146-150; Martin, ARTIFACTS 269 Fig. 116. Bone rin^ blanks. Length of lower left specimen, 8.3 cm. 1936, p. 69), and scoops (Hodge, 1920, pp. 134-135). This object is possibly not a scoop, but a chisel would demand a narrower, firmer, more nearly squared end than this specimen has, and "flesher" has ac- quired certain specific connotations which this specimen does not have. It appears to have a certain affinity to the spoon spatula (Roberts, 1931, p. 152) of the Pueblo III period and it is for this reason that we have classified it as a scoop. This specimen was recovered from the floor of Room 1. 270 FOOTE CANYON PUEBLO It is made from a mammal femur shaft (may be black bear, Ursus americana) from which the cancellous portion has been removed so that a channel runs the length of the bone. One end has been cut at an oblique angle and abraded to form a smooth broad beveled edge. The entire specimen (which was broken when discovered) is 24.6 cm. long, the beveled end is 4.5 cm. wide, and the shaft is 3.1 cm. in diameter. ANTLER TOOLS These antler tools are made of tines which have not been modified except at their ends. The proximal or "handle" end of one specimen has been cut around the circumference with a sharp knife or saw and then broken off. The other specimens have jagged ends. The points have been blunted or flattened, probably by use, have from one to three facets, and are scored or scratched over the whole end of the tine. Al- though some of these tools have wedge-shaped ends, the opposed facets are seldom equally well defined and do not meet directly enough to form a sharp edge; therefore it seems improbable that they were intended for chisels or wedges, and the scoring about their tips seems to indicate that they were used for stone chipping. Distribution: Flakers made of antler tines have been reported from both early and late periods of the Mogollon culture and from the Mim- bres, Black River, and Forestdale branches (Wheat, 1955, pp. 144-145). Description: Portions of antler tines with beveled and scored tips; five specimens with two facets, one with three facets, one with one facet (fig. 117, b-J). Total 7. Locations: Rooms 1,8, floors; Room 3, floor 2; Room 2, plaza, fill. Dimensions: Length, 9.0, 4.0, 10.1, 7.1, 10.9, 8.9, 15.4 cm. Material: Tip of antler, probably mule deer {Odocoileus hemionus). BAKED CLAY OBJECTS The baked clay objects include worked sherds of several shapes and a fragmentary animal effigy. All the worked sherds have rounded edges and were possibly made by rubbing the edge of one sherd against another. The larger specimens could have been used as scoops or spoons, the smaller discs could have been game counters, the perforated disc a spindle whorl. No definite evidence of their function was noted during excavation. As usual, discs outnumber sherds with square corners. However, the total number of worked sherds is few. The presence of worked sherds made of corrugated types corroborates evidence that these occur during the late ARTIFACTS 271 Fig. 117. Left specimen, scoop; remainder, antler flakers. Length of lower right specimen, 10.1 cm. phases in the Pueblo occupation of the area. They have not been found in sites of the Reserve Phase or earlier (Martin, Rinaldo, and Barter, 1957, p. 84). The animal effigy is like many others from the later Pueblo occupa- tions of the Upper Gila. This specimen is badly broken. It also has the characteristic hole beginning just under the neck and coming out just below the tail (Nesbitt, 1938, p. 100). 272 FOOTE CANYON PUEBLO Classification of Worked Sherds DISC TYPE Description: Pottery discs with edges ground smooth, one specimen with hole drilled through center; hole hourglass-shaped, drilled from two surfaces (fig. 118, c, e,f). Total 3. Locations: Rooms 3, 8, floor; Room 3, fill. Dimensions: Diameter, 3.7, 3.0, 3.8 cm.; thickness, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 cm. Materials: Alma Plain, Reserve Smudged. FRAGMENTS WITH CURVED EDGE Description: Fragments with curved edges ground smooth, possibly oval or disc shape (fig. 118, d). Total 2. Locations: Room 3, floor; Room 1, fill. Dimensions: Length (present), 6.1, 7.4 cm.; thickness, 0.5, 0.4 cm. Materials: San Francisco Red, Reserve Black-on-White. RECTANGULAR TYPE Description: Fragments of sub-rectangular shape with edges ground smooth (fig. 118, b). Total 2. Locations: Rooms 1, 10, fill. Dimensions: Length, 3.9, 4.8 cm.; width, 3.4, 4.7 cm.; thickness, 0.6, 0.6 cm. Material: Reserve Indented Corrugated. Animal Effigy Description: Crudely modeled quadruped figure with long cylindrical body; three legs, tail, and head broken off; small hole through body from just below neck to just below tail (fig. 118, a). Total 1. Location: Plaza, fill. Dimensions (present): Length, 4.9 cm.; width, 4.1 cm.; thickness, 2.4 cm. PIGMENTS Worked Red Pigment Description: Lumps of red pigment with some flat smooth worked sur- faces; three specimens with one worked surface, five specimens with two worked surfaces, two specimens with four worked surfaces. Total 10. Locations: Rooms 1, 2, 3, 9, 10, 12, floors; Room 5, cache below floor; Room 1, fill. ARTIFACTS 273 v V Fig. 118. Fragment of animal effigy (a); remainder, worked sherds. Length of lower right specimen, 4.9 cm. Dimensions: Length, 4.7-9.5 cm., average, 5.4 cm. Material: Hematite. Raw Red Pigment Description: Rough red lumps of pigment. Total 44. Locations: Rooms 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, floor; Rooms 2, 3, below floor; Rooms 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, fill; plaza, fill. 274 FOOTE CANYON PUEBLO Dimensions: 23 specimens less than 3 cm. in diameter, 18 specimens 3 to 4 cm. in diameter; 3 specimens over 4 cm. in diameter. Material: Hematite. Worked Yellow Pigment Description: Lump of yellow pigment with single flat smooth worked surface. Total 1. Location: Plaza, fill. Dimensions: Length, 7.8 cm. Material: Limonite. Raw Yellow Pigment Description: Rough lumps of yellow pigment. Total 12. Locations: Rooms 1, 10, floor; Room 2, below floor; pithouse, Room 2, fill. Dimensions: 8 specimens less than 3 cm. in diameter, 3 specimens 3-4 cm. in diameter, 1 specimen over 4 cm. in diameter. Raw Blue Pigment Description: Rough lumps of blue pigment. Total 4. Location: Room 2. Dimensions: Less than 3.0 cm. in diameter. Material: Malachite. "FETISH" STONES Description: Section of crinoid stem, two quartz crystals. Locations: Room 10, below floor; Room 3, floor 2; plaza, fill. Dimensions: Length, 2.5 cm.; diameter, 1.2 cm. COPPER OBJECTS A small, crushed, copper bell and a lump of solid copper with a num- ber of cuts in all its surfaces and a node projecting from one end were recovered from the plaza and from the floor of Room 1 . The bell, like the majority of bells from the Southwest, is ofthe "hawk's bell" or "sleigh bell" type. Before it was crushed it probably had a globular or pear- shaped slit resonator, and it has a semicircular eyelet or handle at the top placed at right angles to the slit. Inside the resonator of most prehistoric Southwestern bells there is a small, free-moving clapper which usually consists of a pebble or a small lump of copper, but the Foote Canyon bell has none. ARTIFACTS 275 It has been ascertained by microscopic and other technical examina- tion that these hells were manufactured by the "lost wax" method rather than by hammering (Haury, 1947, pp. 80-81; Hawley, F. G., 1953, pp. 104-110), and several discussions and descriptions of this "lost wax" method of making small l>ells have been published (Hawley, F. G., loc. cit.; Lothrop, 1952, pp. 16-18; McLeod, 1937, pp. 278-281). These are concerned with the conditions necessary to get molten copper to run into a mold that will produce such a thin-walled object as a small bell. Some of these conditions are: (1) the copper has to be of the sulphide type; (2) the mold has to he as hot as the molten copper; (3) gravity alone does not suffice, and centrifugal force, gas pressure, or some other means has to be used to force the metal into the small openings of the mold. The present consensus of opinion among Southwestern archaeologists is that the l>ells came into the Southwest as trade articles from Mexico. There is, however, no direct evidence as to the source of the metal from which they were made. The hells are of almost pure copper, as are the native copper samples submitted for spectroscopic analysis with the bells (Root, in Griffin, 1951, p. 91). No two of the bells are identical in chemical composition, al- though some are practically the same, and none is identical with the ores in chemical composition. For example, Dr. Meggers' analysis (in Judd, 1 954, pp. 1 1 2-1 1 4) indicates that most of the hells he examined contained minute quantities of antimony, whereas none of the ores did. Further- more, there is so much variability even in the ores of one region (for ex- ample, Fort Bayard and Santa Rita in the Silver City region) that these Ijells cannot \)c traced to their source with any certainty. Then there is the possibility that ores or hells from two different sources may have been melted together (Root, in Griffin, 1951, p. 91) or that small amounts of copper sulphide (and other minerals?) were added (McLeod, 1937, pp. 278-281 ). Again, differences in chemical composition might be explained by weathering and oxidizing. The evidence, though not conclusive, indicates Mexico as a source. In the first place, only l>clls are found in the Southwest. No other objects such as celts, masks, rings, cups, and death's heads, which were made in Central America, are known from the Southwest. Also, all the l>ells were cast. Other more developed techniques known in Mexico, such as weld- ing, gilding, sheathing and the like, are not in evidence in the Southwest. Most of the Southwestern l>ells are small and not ornamented, although there are a few exceptions such as that from the Delgar Ruin in New Mexico (Hough, 1914, p. 37) and the closely similar one from the ruin near Mammoth, Arizona (Haury, 1947, pp. 80-81). These Ijells are 276 FOOTE CANYON PUEBLO stylistically so similar to a bell from Michoacan, Mexico, that Haury felt that they came from that area. Furthermore, there are relatively few bells from the Southwest — usu- ally only one or two from a site — the largest numbers being the necklace of 28 bells from Snaketown and the collection of 21 from Pueblo Bonito. Also, many of these sites are distant from locations of high grade minerals suitable for primitive metallurgy, and no recognizable crucibles, molds, or other tools of the craft have been found. The other copper object is certainly not a finished artifact. It pre- sents an intriguing problem. When it was first found it was thought to be a fetish. The cuts on its surface could represent attempts to divide it; or, like the Foote Canyon bell and many other Southwestern bells which have been crushed or broken, it is possible that this may have been cere- monially "killed" (Hawley, F. G., 1953, p. 103). Like the mass of native copper from the Delgar Ruin (Hough, 1914, p. 37) this lump has been "rubbed and smoothed and treated in every way as a stone." Copper Bell Description: Small, pear-shaped resonator, made of thin copper, slit in bottom and up sides, ends of slit cracked; semicircular eyelet or loop across top at right angles to the slit (fig. 114, a). Total 1. Location: Plaza, floor. Dimensions: Length, 2.5 cm.; width, 1.4 cm.; thickness, 1.2 cm. Copper Lump or "Fetish" Description: Roughly hemispherical mass with nine deeply carved or sawed cuts in surfaces, protuberance at one end, surface rubbed and smooth where not corroded (Fig. 114, c). Total 1. Location: Room 1, floor. Dimensions: Length, 2.6 cm.; width, 2.4 cm.; thickness, 2.1 cm. PAINTED(?) STICK Description: Limited areas of this irregularly shaped, badly decayed piece of wood are coated with a green sutJstance, possibly malachite. One surface is flat, the other rough, the edges broken. The green coat- ing may be accidental, and the preservation of the wood may be due to association with the copper oxide. The object could be part of a larger painted prayer stick. Location: Plaza, fill. Dimensions: Length, 10.4 cm.; width, 2.4 cm.; thickness, 1.4 cm. ARTIFACTS 277 CACHE Below a patch in the wall underneath the floor in the west corner of Room 5, were found a chipped stone saw, a bone ring blank, a stone scraper, a bone awl and an arrow shaft tool. The association of the saw with the ring blank seems to indicate the use of the saw in the manufac- ture of bone rings (see p. 268), a theory which is supported by a similar association in Room 3. On the other hand, the association of this variety of tools may be purely accidental as to the types of tools included. Caches of objects Ijeneath walls have been found in other sites in the Reserve area (Martin and Rinaldo, 1950b, p. 416), and it is possible that these objects have a ceremonial significance. SUMMARY The artifacts as a whole reveal an economy which is rooted firmly in the Mogollon tradition but which has been modified by late internal developments and by outside influences in the direction of the historic Western Pueblo culture. For example, the continuation in use of one hand manos, rubbing stones, mortars and pestles appears to indicate the retention to some degree of the ancient methods of milling foods and other materials; and the lack of change in form of choppers, scrapers, and knives appears to indicate very little change in cutting and scraping processes as applied to wood and other materials. Nevertheless, side by side with these "old-fashioned" tools and methods of work there appears to have been a trend toward the use of beveled manos on slab metates placed in bins, the use of hafted axes rather than choppers and the use of chipped stone and smooth stone saws rather than flake knives and scrapers. At the same time, there were a numljer of other modifications of their way of life. For example, during the later phases we find more kinds of ornaments — thick as well as thin shell bracelets, pendants of shell and stone, bone rings and copper bells. Furthermore, the number of tools related to arrows and arrowheads, such as shaft straighteners, wrenches and flaking tools, seems to indicate a final ascendancy of the Ixjw and arrow over the atlatl and dart. Thus, the artifacts from Footc Canyon Pueblo seem particularly sig- nificant as a link between the earlier prehistoric Mogollon and Cochise cultures, on the one hand, and the historic Western Pueblo culture, on the other. V. The Estimated Chronological Position of Foote Canyon Pueblo There are a number of lines of evidence which indicate in a general way the period of time in which Foote Canyon Pueblo was occupied. Among these are stratigraphy, architecture and artifact typology, cross- dating and seriation. Stratigraphy. — Below the floors of Rooms 2 and 10 there were earlier structures. One of these (a pithouse) contained some earlier pottery types (Three Circle Neck Corrugated, Alma Neck Banded, Alma Scored, Alma Punched, Mimbres Bold Face Black-on-White) as well as earlier types of artifacts (scraper-plane, choppers, and the like). These structures were also earth-walled rather than being veneered with masonry (unless all the masonry had been removed), and they were trash-filled and floored over. There were also some instances of floors which had been built over earlier floors and firepits (Rooms 5 and 12) and occasional indications that walls had been torn out and rooms remodeled (Rooms 1, 2, 3). Thus, it seems to be indicated that there was some duration to the occupation of the Foote Canyon Site; at least it was long enough for cer- tain structures to be used and abandoned, then become trash-filled or razed and remodeled. Architecture. — Evidence for an occupation of some duration was also noted in the architecture. Open areas were enclosed to make rooms, some rooms were torn down and rebuilt, floors were added, thus sealing over firepits and mealing receptacles, and doors were sealed up in such a way as to indicate that the neighboring rooms continued to be occupied at the time. Some differences and similarities were observed between the masonry, firepits and mealing bins and other architectural features of Foote Can- yon and those of the Tularosa Phase sites in the drainages to the east and later sites to the west and north. The masonry, for example, looks like that of Arizona W:10:51, Kinishba, Canyon Creek, and Showlow. More of the firepits were slab-lined, and there were more rooms with mealing receptacles than in the Tularosa Phase sites. Although these differences 278 THE CHRONOLOGICAL POSITION OF FOOTE CANYON PUEBLO 279 could be differences of culture and area, the other evidence seems to indi- cate that they are products of culture and time. Artifacts. — Many of the artifacts are those having a characteristic dis- tribution in the later sites and periods of this area and in some instances throughout the Southwest. Some of these are copper bells, thick shell bracelets, bone rings and ring blanks, ridged arrow shaft tools, small tri- angular lateral notched arrow points, smooth stone saws, chipped stone saws and clay animal effigies. The frequency of through trough metates, beveled manos and hafted axe forms also indicates that this is a late site. Seriation. — Although an attempt was made to arrange the rooms in sequence from early to late according to variation in the frequency of pottery types, nothing in the way of smooth lenticular curves for all the pottery types resulted. Lack of success along these lines may be due to a combination of factors, such as an increased specialization in the functions of rooms (a storeroom-dwelling room separation with different associated types), a comparatively short occupation (relatively shallow depth of fill, several rooms with only one floor), and disturbances due to remodeling. A comparison of the sherds from the site as a whole with those from Cosper Cliff Dwelling, Hinkle Park Cliff Dwelling and other more dis- tant Tularosa Phase sites (fig. 119) indicates that Foote Canyon Site is the latest of the series. A similar trend was borne out by a seriation of the design elements on the Reserve and Tularosa Black-on-White sherds. Once again the later design elements were the most frequent at Foote Canyon Pueblo. Cross- Dating. — In the absence of tree-ring dates cross-dating by means of pottery types from dated sites is the next best method, although this gives only the relative placement of the site in time. The painted decorated types are the only useful types for cross-dating purposes, as they are the only ones which are readily compared with types from sites that have been dated. The major painted decorated types by themselves would place the site no later than a.d. 1250. These are Tula- rosa Black-on-White, Tularosa White-on-Red, and St. Johns Polychrome. Although the estimated dates for these types vary, the earliest estimates (Hawley, F. M., 1936, p. 49; Gladwin, W. and H. S., 1931, p. 38) of a.d. 1000 now seem too early. Tularosa Black-on-White and St. Johns Polychrome have been found on a number of dated sites (Smiley, Stubbs, and Bannister, 1953) which range in the 1100's and 1200's, and a begin- ning date of around a.d. 1100 and a terminal date of around a.d. 1250 seem indicated (Table 4). However, the presence of several fragmentary vessels and a numljer of smaller sherds of Pinedale Polychrome changes the picture. Although *7& j v ^ ^ %>\& K? *fc e associated with ceremonies. These may not l>e convincing arguments for the use of the plaza for ceremonies such as dances, but when taken together with the historic use of plazas for public ceremonies (Bunzel, 1932, pp. 896-897; Parsons, 1939, p. 309; White, 1932, p. 104) and the occurrence of foot-drums, shrines, or other ritual structures in these historic courts, there seems to be a possibility that the Foote Canyon plaza was so used. The pottery from this pueblo represents an appreciable development from that of the Tularosa Phase pueblos. Tularosa White-on-Red and various polychrome and black-on-red types were present in greater quan- tity here, and many more of them were decorated with glaze or sub-glaze paint. On the whole they constitute a relatively well-integrated series. Of some significance, too, in this connection is the presence in this series of some of the early Zuni glaze types, which suggest a closer relationship with the area to the northeast than with that to the northwest. However, along with the shift to polychrome and black-on-reds, one finds a persisting of the basic Mogollon brown utility wares — indented corrugated and plain corrugated and smudged interiors from the Reserve and Tularosa Phases. Actually the change in direction at this time, as in the past, was rather slight, inasmuch as Springerville Polychrome, Pinedale Polychrome and the other types that represent this deviation in trend constitute only a relatively small fraction of the pottery found. A similar situation prevailed with regard to the stone and bone tools. There was a minor amount of change and a considerable degree of con- servatism. The choppers, pestles, mortars, trough metates, and tabular manos continued to be used and the new types of axes, slab metates, and thick shell bracelets, like the glaze-painted polychrome pottery, had scarcely l>egun to replace the older forms. CONCLUSIONS AND CONJECTURES The results of previous investigations in the general Reserve area have made possible the reconstruction of several earlier stages in the growth of the Mogollon culture from alx>ut 2500 B.C. to about a.d. 1250. The general objective in the excavation of Foote Canyon Pueblo was to reveal information alxmt a later period — from alx>ut a.d. 1250 up to about 284 FOOTE CANYON PUEBLO a.d. 1350. These excavations had three more specific objectives: (1) To uncover a number of rooms and areas in the village in order to learn as much as possible about the way in which the former inhabitants of the village solved the problems of daily living; (2) to recover evidence of their relationships with people of neighboring areas; (3) to search for evidence as to how, why, and when the village was abandoned. (1) The above summary and the trait list in the Appendix (p. 286) indicate in a general way the data we gathered on Foote Canyon Pueblo culture. (2) Evidence of trade relationships and possibly of closer ties to the people of the Zuiii area was found in the polychrome pottery types, the full grooved axes, and to a lesser extent in the masonry and architec- ture. Trade with the south was seen in the shell ornaments, the copper objects and the three quarters grooved axes. (3) It was evident from the contents of the rooms that the village had been abandoned gradually and in an orderly fashion. The former occupants took almost every- thing with them that could be carried easily or that was of any value. The objects left in the rooms were arranged carefully and there were no burned rooms or evidence of warfare. It was clear that the occupants had not been driven out of the village by an attack. On the other hand, the frequent addition of rooms, the alteration of room sizes by the build- ing or tearing down of partitions, changes in floor levels with consequent changes in fire boxes and other furnishings seem to be more than would take place in the process of normal growth and change in the pueblo (although the Pueblo peoples today do a great deal of building and tear- ing down); the alterations seem to indicate a general dissatisfaction with the status quo and a desire for change. Furthermore, one burial was found with an arrowhead through the shoulder blade. A number of these evidences taken together suggest that factional strife combined with a general restlessness caused the village to divide, thus leaving too few people to carry on a complex series of ceremonies such as the present- day Pueblo peoples feel is essential to life. This, combined with too few children growing up to take part in the ceremonies, might cause those remaining to abandon the village entirely in order to join forces with a third group elsewhere. The decorated pottery types and other artifacts suggest that the village was abandoned durieg the middle of the four- teenth century. The circumstances surrounding their departure may be important to a knowledge of Southwestern prehistory and culture change, but of per- haps greater importance is the question of where they went. In the final clarification of this question the protohistoric Zuni polychrome pottery types found at Foote Canyon Pueblo seem particularly significant. These GENERAL SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION 285 contribute additional evidence to a case based heretofore chiefly on more generalized pottery type relationships and on resemblances of some painted animal figures and tablets to historic artifacts used by the Zuni Indians. With the further clarification of this relationship the total culture at the site takes on added meaning, because it forms a link between the earlier Mogollon and Cochise cultures on the one hand, and the historic Western Pueblo cultures, on the other. Appendix A, Tentative Trait List for the Foote Creek Phase Burial Custom : Under house floors, or in trash, bodies flexed, and usually accompanied by pottery offerings. Architecture : Domestic: Two story masonry pueblos, frequently in form of quadrangle and built around a roofed courtyard. Some walls of shaped coursed and chinked masonry, rectangular doors common. Ceremonial: Large rectangular, semi-subterranean structures, entered by long, broad, inclined passageway. Pottery: Tularosa White-on-Red, Tularosa Black-on-White, St. Johns Polychrome, Pinedale Polychrome, Kwakina Polychrome, Reserve Indented Corrugated, Tularosa Patterned Corrugated. Metates and Manos: Through trough and slab metates. Rectangular manos with flat grinding surfaces, less often with beveled grinding surfaces. Used with flour receptacles. Hoes: Broad blades. Mauls and Axes : Full and three quarters grooved axes, full grooved mauls. Stone Vessels: Simple, sometimes painted. Chipped Stone Objects: Triangular projectile points, lateral notched and concave base projectile points, expanding base drill, saw. Arrow Shaft Tools : Longitudinal, transverse and ridged types. Bone Artifacts : Awls made of deer ulnae, notched awls, long awls, antler flakers, ring blanks, scoop. Shell Artifacts: Thin and thick Glycymeris bracelets, whole shell pendants. Metal Artifacts: Copper bell. ^ 286 Bibliography Baldwin, Gordon C. 1939. The material culture of Kinishba. American Antiquity, vol. 4, nos. 1 and 4, pp. 314-327. Bandeuer, A. F. 1892. Final report of investigations among Indians of the southwestern United States. Part II. Papers of the Archaeological Institute of America, Scries no. IV. Cambridge, Massachusetts. 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Ind ex Abraders, grooved, 250 Abrading stones, 227 Abutments, 165, 169, 171 Agglomerate in Blue River area, 160 Alma Incised, 197 Alma Neck Banded, 196, 197, 278 Alma Plain, 187, 196 Alma Punched, 196, 278 Alma Scored, 196, 278 Alterations, 182; of floors, 278 Anasazi area, 229; sites, 246 Animal effigy, 270, 272, 283 Animal life, 162; see also Fauna Antler tools, 270 Apache Creek, 163; Pueblo, 177, 185, 186, 191, 246 Aragon Site, 13, 186, 189 Architecture, 164-186; stratigraphy of, 278 Arizona, University of, 187 Arrow heads, 255, 257, 277, 279; small triangular, 255, 279; see also Projectile points Arrow shaft tools, 248, 249, 277; ridged, 249, 279; transverse grooved, 249; elon- gated, 250 Artifacts, chronology of, 279; manufac- ture of, 227 Assembly kiva, 164 Atlatl dart, 277 Awatovi, 209, 229 Awls, bone, 264, 266, 267 Axes, 245-247, 258, 277, 283; full grooved 245-247, 284; three quarters grooved, 245-247, 284 Babocomari Village, 252 Baird, John C, 151 Baked clay objects, 270-273 Bandelier, Adolph, 162 Basalt in Blue River area, 160 Basket Maker III, 247 Beams, roof, 179 Bear, 162, 270 Bear Mountain, 159 Beaver, 160 Bells, copper, 274-277, 279, 283 Black River, 159; Branch, 270 Blades, 255, 257 Blue River, 151, 159, 160, 209, 282; geol- ogy of, 159 Bluhm, Elaine, 152 Bonds, wall, 165, 171 Bone, awls, 264-267; implements, 264- 270; rings, 267, 268, 277, 279 Bow and arrow, 277 Bowls, pottery, shapes, 201, 204; stone, 240 Bowls, shapes, 201, 204; stone, 240 Bracelets, shell, 262, 263, 277; thick, 262, 279, 283; thin, 263 Bradfield, Wesley, 163 Brew, J. O., 163 Brushy Mountain, 159 Burials, 164, 255, 284 Cache, 277 Canyon Creek, 185, 268, 278 Carey, Robert, 151 Ceilings, 178-179 Chaco Canyon, 185 Chipmunk, 162 Chipped stone, 255-262 Chisels, antler, 270; bone, 268 Choppers, 257, 258, 262, 277, 278, 283 Clay artifacts, 270-272 Climate, modern, 160 Cochise culture, 277, 285 Composite masonry, 165 Copper, objects, 274-276, 284; bells, 274- 277, 279, 283; lump, 276 Corn, 228 Cosper Cliff Dwelling, 279 Cosgrove, H. S. and C. B., 163 Courtyard, 164, 181 Crackel, Mary, 152 Cross-dating sites, 279 Crystals, 274; see also Quartz Danson, Edward B., 152, 159 Darton, N. H., 159 Dating sites, 279 Davis, D. Dwight, 152 Deer, 162 Design elements of pottery, 200-208 Dishes, pottery, 191 Dittert, Alfred E., 207 Doors, 173; door slabs, 244 Doves, 162 Dozier, Edward, 152 Drills, 257, 258 Duff, V. Francis, 162 Dwelling rooms, 168, 183, 282 294 INDEX 295 Eagle Peak, 159 Effigy, animal, 270, 272, 283 Eggan, Fred, 152 Excavation procedure, 164 Fauna, 162 Fetish stones, 274; copper, 276 Fewkes, J. W., 162 Field, Stanley, 151 Fill, room, 164 Firepits, 168, 178, 186, 250, 251, 282; stratified, 278; see also Hearths Flake tools, 257, 258; flake cutting edges, 257, 258, 277 Flakers, bone, 264; antler, 270 Fleshcr, 268 Floors, 165, 173, 182, 278; levels of, 165, 182, 278; stratified, 278 Flora, 162 Flour receptacles, 177, 186, 191, 227, 239, 282; see also Mealing receptacles Fogle, Ira, 152 Foote Canyon Pueblo, abandonment of, 284; altitude of, 159; chronological po- sition of, 278-281 ; location of, 159 Foote Creek, 159; Phase, 286 Foot drums, 283 Forestdale Valley, 163; Village, 258; Branch, 270 Forked Lightning Ruin, 252 Four Mile Polychrome, 203, 208, 209, 281 Frost at Foote Canyon site, 160 Gila conglomerate, 160 Gila Pueblo, 187 Gila River, 159 Gladwin, H. S., 162 Gooseberry, 162 Great Pueblo Period, 246 Gregg, Clifford C, 151 Grinding stones, 239-244; small mctate- like, 239, 241 Gurlcy, Clair, 1 52 Haas, Fritz, 152 Hales, Henry, 162 Hammcrstoncs, 228, 244 Handstones, 227-239 Hastings, Russell, 162 Haury, Emil W., 149, 162 Hawikuh, 268 Hearths, 186 Hematite, 227, 272-274 Hcshotauthla Polychrome, 198, 201, 208, 281 Higgins Flat Pueblo, 177, 185, 186, 189, 191, 208, 244, 246, 252, 257, 282, 283 Hinklc Park Cliff Dwelling, 179, 246, 252, 279 Hodge, Frederick W., 268 Hoes, 254 Hohokam, 162, 246 Hopi, 162, 209 Houck Polychrome, 198 Hough, Walter, 160, 162, 164, 282 House masses, 164 Implements, bone, 264, 266-268; awls, 264, 266-267; scoop, 268-270 Incised Corrugated, 196 J haft, 246 Jars, 186-191 ; cooking, 186, 189; storage, 187, 282; water, 191 Jcwett Gap, 163 Juniper, 162, 164 Keney, Charles W., 152 Kiatuthlanna, 268 Kidder, A. V., 150 Kiehnc, Emil, 152 Kinishba, 185, 278 Kivas, 164, 282; assembly, 164, 282; Great, 282, 283 Knives, 258, 261, 277 Krocber, A. L., 150 Kwakina Polychrome, 198, 204, 208, 281 Leaf Water Pueblo, 252 Limonite, 227, 274 Little Colorado area, 162, 249 MacDonald Corrugated, 209 Maize, 228; see also Corn Malachite, 274 Mangus Black-on- White, 196, 197; sec also Mimbrcs Bold Face Black-on-Whitc Manos, 177, 227-229, 277, 282, 283; bev- eled, 228, 233, 277; classification of, 229-236; oval, 229, 234; rectangular, 228, 231-233; tabular, 228 Martin, Paul S., 152, 163 Masonry, 278, 282; absence of in pithouse, 278; types of, 169, 170, 183, 282 Mauls, 246, 247; full grooved, 246, 247 Mealing bins, 173, 177, 239, 278, 282 Mealing receptacles, 191, 278 Mera, H. P., 207 Metates, 239, 240, 277, 282; flat, 240, 283; slab, 240, 277; trough, 228, 240, 283; with receptacles, 177, 239 Mickey, Phil, 151 Middle Gila, 246 Middle Mountain, 159 Milling center, 282 Milling stone, 177 Mimbres Bold Face Black-on-Whitc, 196, 197, 200, 278 Mimbres Branch, 163, 270 Mimbres Classic Black-on- White, 200 Mimbrcs Scries, 196 Mogollon culture, 149, 163, 258, 277, 283, 285; area, 229, 249; sites, 246 Mogollon Rim, 159, 249, 282 296 FOOTE CANYON PUEBLO Mortar, mud, 169 Mortars, 240, 241, 277, 283 Museum of Northern Arizona, 1 87 Nesbitt, Paul H., 163, 244 Nuclear room, 165 O Block Cave, 257 Oak, 164 Objects, baked clay, 270-272; pipe-like, 253 Olson, Alan P., 151 O'Bryan, Deric, 163 Ornaments, 277; bracelets, 262, 263, 277, 279, 283; pendants, 254, 264, 277; rings, 267, 268, 277, 279 Paint, 227; see also Pigments Painted stick, 276, 283 Pecking stone, 228, 244 Pecos Pueblo, 249 Pendants, stone, 254, 277; shell, 264, 277 Pestles, 227, 277, 283; classification of, 237-239; multiface, 237 Phase, see Mimbres; Pine Lawn; Reserve; San Francisco; Three Circle; Tularosa Photography, 164 Piercing tools, 257; see also Drills Pigments, 178, 227, 272-274, 283 Pindi Pueblo, 252 Pinedale Black-on-Red, 198; Black-on- White, 209; Polychrome, 191, 198, 199, 201, 203, 208, 279, 281, 283 Pinedale Pueblo, 208, 268 Pine Lawn Phase, 229, 246 Pine Lawn Valley, 1 96, 257 Pinnawa Polychrome, 198, 204, 281 Pinyon pine, 162, 164 Pipe-like object, 253-254 Pitchers, water, 191 Pits, sub-floor, 179 Pithouse, 164, 181, 278, 282 Plant life, 162 Plaster, wall, 171, 173 Plaza, 164, 181, 281-283 Point of Pines, 163, 186, 208 Polishing stones, 227, 228, 237 Poseuinge Pueblo, 252 Postholes, 179-180 Pot supports, 186, 250-252 Pottery, 187-226; bowl shapes, 201, 204; classification of, 187; construction tech- niques, 191, 194; cooking jars, 186, 189; cross-dating, 279, 281 ; design elements, 200-207; development, 283; fire-cloud- ing, 194; floor jar, 189; jars, 186-189; mealing receptacles, 191 ; painted types, 200-208; pitchers, 191; polished, 194; restorable, 199; scraped, 194; sequence of, 196-199; seriation, 279; serving dishes, 191; smudged, 194; storage jars, 187, 282; trade, 209; trends, 196-199; 208; whole, 199 Pottery types, Alma Incised, 197; Alma Neck Banded, 196, 197, 278; Alma Plain, 187, 196; Alma Punched, 196, 278; Alma Scored, 196, 278; Four Mile Poly- chrome, 203, 208, 209, 281; Hesho- tauthla Polychrome, 198, 201, 208, 281 ; Houck Polychrome, 198; Kwakina Poly- chrome, 198, 204, 208, 281; MacDonald Corrugated, 209; Mangus Black-on- White, 196, 197; Mimbres Bold Face Black-on-White, 196, 200, 278; Mimbres Classic Black-on-White, 200; Pinedale Black-on-Red, 198; Pinedale Black-on- White, 209; Pinedale Polychrome, 191, 198, 199, 201, 203, 208, 279, 281, 283; Pinnawa Glaze- Polychrome, 198, 204, 281; Querino Polychrome, 198, 204; Red Indented Corrugated, 194; Re- serve Black-on-White, 191, 197, 198, 200, 279; Reserve Fillet Rim, 198; Re- serve Incised Corrugated, 196, 197; Reserve Indented Corrugated, 187, 189, 191, 194, 197, 198, 199; Reserve Plain Corrugated, 189, 194, 197, 199; Re- serve Smudged, 197, 198; St. Johns Black-on-Red, 191, 198, 204, 207, 208; St. Johns Polychrome, 191, 198, 201, 203, 204, 208, 279, 281 ; San Francisco Red, 196, 197; Showlow Polychrome, 198; Starkweather Smudged Decorated 196-198; Three Circle Neck Corrugated, 197, 278; Tularosa Black-on-Red, 207; Tularosa Black-on-White, 191, 197, 198, 199, 200, 208, 279; Tularosa Fillet Rim, 191, 194, 196, 198, 199; Tularosa Pat- terned Corrugated, 187, 189, 197, 198, 199; Tularosa White-on-Red, 191, 196, 198, 199,208,279,283 Prickly pear cactus, 162 Profile method of excavation, 164 Projectile points, 255-257; arrow points, 277, 279, classification of, 255, 257; small triangular, 255, 279; chip point, 257 Pueblo Bonito, 268 Quail, 162 Quartz crystals, 274 Quemado, 163 Querino Polychrome, 198, 204 Rabbit, 162 Rainfall<-at Foote Canyon site, 160 Receptacles, flour, 177, 186, 227, 239, 282 Red Indented Corrugated, 194 Reed, Erik, 152 Remodeling, evidence of in site, 182 Reserve area, 185, 186, 227, 229, 283 Reserve Black-on-White, 191, 197, 198, 200, 279 Reserve Fillet Rim, 198 Reserve Incised Corrugated, 196, 197 INDEX 297 Reserve Indented Corrugated, 187, 189, 191, 194, 197, 198, 199 Reserve Phase, 197, 198, 200, 249, 271; sites of, 257, 282 Reserve Plain Corrugated, 189, 194, 197, 199 Reserve Scries, 196-198 Reserve Smudged, 197, 198 Restorable vessels, 1 99 Rhyolite, 160 Rings, bone, 267, 268, 279; blanks, 267, 268 Rio Grande, 249, 252, 268, 281 Roofs, 178, 179 Rooms, blocks of, 164; dwelling, 168, 183, 282; store, 168, 183, 282 Ross, Lillian A., 152 Roy, Sharat, 152 Rubbing stones, 227, 228, 229, 236, 237, 277 Saddle Mountain, 159 St. Johns Black-on-Rcd, 191, 198, 199 St. Johns Polychrome, 191, 198, 201, 203, 204, 208, 279, 281 Saliz Mountains, 1 59 Sandstone in Blue River area, 160 San Francisco Mountains, 159 San Francisco Phase, 200 San Francisco Red, 196, 197 San Francisco River, 151, 159; drainage, 180, 196, 200 Sawed Off Mountain, 1 59 Sawmill Site, 282 Saws, chipped, 258, 268, 277; smooth, 252, 257, 268 Sayles, E. B., 149, 162 Schoenwetter, James, 1 52, 200 Scoop, bone, 268, 269; worked sherd, 270 Scraper plane, 257, 258, 262, 278 Scrapers, 258, 261, 262, 277; end, 258; hollow edge, 258 Sequence, pottery, 196 Seriation, pottery, 279 Serving dishes, 191 Sheep Basin Divide, 159 Shell, artifacts, 262, 284; bracelet, 262, 263, 279; pendant, 264 Sherds, worked, 272 Shiwanna red ware, 198 Showlow Polychrome, 198 Showlow Ruin, 185, 208, 278 Slabs, axe-grinding, 244; cooking, 244; worked, 244 Smith, Watson, 152, 209 Smudging, 194 Snakctown, 162 Snowfall at Foote Canyon site, 160 Spoon, 270 Spoon spatula, 269 Springcrville Polychrome, 198, 204, 208, 283 Squash, wild, 162 Squirrels, 162 Starkweather Pueblo, 185, 186, 246 Starkweather Smudged Decorated, 196, 197, 198, 246 Steward, Julian H., 149 Stick, painted, 276 Store rooms in pueblo, 168, 183, 282 Stories, number of in pueblo, 180, 181 Stratigraphy, 196, 278 Stubbs, Stanley, 152 Supports, pot, 250 Swarts Ruin, 246, 252 Tapered stone, 254 Tchamahia, 252 Temperatures at Foote Canyon site, 160 Three Circle Neck Corrugated, 197, 278 Three Circle Phase, 197 Tools, antler, 270; arrow shaft, 248, 249, 277, 279; cutting and piercing, 257; grooved, 245 Transition zone, 162 Trends, pottery, 196-199, 208 Tularosa Black-on-Red, 207 Tularosa Black-on-White, 191, 197-199, 200, 208, 279 Tularosa Cave, 244, 252, 257, 258 Tularosa Fillet Rim, 191, 194, 196, 198, 199 Tularosa Mountains, 159 Tularosa Patterned Corrugated, 1 87, 1 89, 197, 198, 199 Tularosa Phase, 197, 198, 200, 249, 278, 279, 280 Tularosa River, 151, 159; Valley, 196 Tularosa White-on-Red, 191, 196, 198, 199, 208, 279, 283 Turkey, 162 Turkey Foot Ridge, 229 Turner, Frank, 152 Upper Gila, 257, 271 Valley View Pueblo, 189 Ventilator openings, 173, 244; orientation of, 173 Vernon, Arizona, 149 Vessels, restorable and whole, 199 Walls, 165, 168-173; abutments of, 165, 1 69, 1 7 1 ; bonds, 1 65, 1 68, 1 7 1 ; exterior, 170; footings of, 169; interior, 183; out- side, 168; partition, 168, 170 Walnuts, 162 Water jars and pitchers, 191 Water supply at Foote Canyon site, 1 60 Wcndorf, Fred, 163 Western Pueblo, 268, 285 Wet Lcggctt Pueblo, 246 Wheat, joe Ben, 163 298 FOOTE CANYON PUEBLO Whetstone, 254 Worked slabs, 244 White Mountains, 282 Wrench, 277 White Mountain Series, 198 .... . t , n **. Wind at Foote Canyon site, 160 ^ K,. 16 *',. 1 , 64 Woodbury, Richard, 152, 229, 249 Youn ^' Phllll P' 152 Wood rat, 162 Zufii area, 162 Worked sherds, 270, 272; classification of, Zuni glaze polychromes, 208, 209, 281, 284 272; disc type, 272; scoop, 270 Zuni Indians, 209, 284, 285 Publication 864