SECOND (ALUMNI) EDITION m u m m m m m HunutiU'r's (!lfutPttarg Immn * m M s M m IN HONOR OF m fe*ra Cornell 1807—JANUARY ELEVENTH-1907 BY BURT G. WILDER The Cornell Co-operative Society Ithaca, N. Y. 1908 PRESENTED BY THE WRITER TO THE FORMER STUDENTS OF CORNELL UNIVERSITY AT THE FORTIETH COMMENCEMENT, JUNE, 1908 1 m » S§ 5 .* m & » * COPYRIGHT BY BURT G. WILDER, JUNE, 1907 % FOUNDER'S CENTENARY HYMN g Moderate In honor of Ezra Cornell, January eleventh, 1807 - 1907 Words and Music by Burt G. Wilder E — -w - -w — —w w -— 1 - m Rose and led the 1 gen - ’rous van ; Fain would he make free to all; Note his mot - to’s grand in - tent 1. From the ranks our Foun - der great 2 . Learn -ing, long for him de -layed, S. Oh, Cor - nel - lians, “True and Firm !” e: % 0 0 m --- m 1. From the ranks our Foun - der great Rose and led the gen - ’rous van; . 2. Learn - ing, long for him de - layed, Fain would he make free to all ; 3. Oh, Cor - nel - lians, “True and Firm !” Note his mot - to’s grand in - tent; . 7 i\..* m 'Km K- -p tf*-r -f- ---p- -j-p- i- jxt —t-F —i- —J — i % A* ■ ^ F — ik i =t s* *■ rS- sm I I ' | 4 X -sh f i a irz: ~0r -4. , OUNDER’S CENTENARY HYMN /T\ M From the ranks our Founder great Rose, and led the generous van; Helpt the city, served the State, Made the lightning slave to man. Cold to stranger, warm to friends— V Dauntless heart, prophetic soul— Wealth he sought for noble ends, And self was ne’er his goal. Learning, long for him delayed, Fain would he make free to all; Creed nor sex his bounty stayed, Nations answered to his call. Patient, tolerant and wise, Labored he with failing breath; Died, as every hero dies, Still faithful unto death Oh Corjiellians, u True and Firm ” ! Note his motto’s grand intent; Make his work of yours the germ; Be your lives his monument. Why he is to you endeared Sound aloud in every clime, That his name may be revered Until the end of time.