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Samuel Johnson’s Works, 12 vols., Arthur Murphy. Mythology of the Aryan Races, 2 vols., G. W. Cox. Inchbald’s Modern Theatre, 42 vols. Introduction to the Science of Lan¬ guage, 2 vols.A. H. Sayce. University Review (Kansas), vols. I, II, 1879-81. Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, 61 vols. ENGINEERING. U. S. Coast Survey, 1873, 43d Congress, 1st Ses¬ sion. Report Ship Canal, Isth mus of Tehuan¬ tepec .Shufeldt. American Mechanical Dictionary, 3 vols., Knight. Roads and Railroads.Gillespie. Formulae for Railroad Earthwork.Davis. Miscellaneous Scientific Papers...Prof. Rankine. General Problems of Shades and Shadows, Warren. Problems in Stone Cutting.Warren. Trusses and Arches, 2 vols.C. E. Greene. Elements of Machine Const, and Draw¬ ing, 2 vols.Warren. The Theory of Strains in Girders and Similar Structures.B. B. Stoney. New Constructions, Graphical Statics.Eddy. Ventilation, 2 vols.Arthur Morin. Resistance des Materiaux, 2 vols., Arthur Morin. 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