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CHICAGO GUNTHORP-WARREN PRINTING COMPANY 1911 Copyright 1911 By The Vice Commission of the City of Chicago First Edition, April 5th, 1911 Second Edition, April 30th, 1911 Third Edition, August 1st, 1911 C THE VICE COMMISSION OF CHICAGO. DEAN WALTER T. SUMNER, Chairman , EDWIN W. SIMS, W. L. BAUM, M. D. DAVID BLAUSTEIN REV. J. F. CALLAGHAN ANNA DWYER, M. D. W. A. EVANS, M. D. REV. ALBERT EVERS REV. F. W. GUNSAULUS, D. D. W. W. HALLAM ABRAM W. HARRIS, LL. D. WM. HEALY, M. D. ELLEN M. HENROTIN REV. ABRAM HIRSCHBERG PROF. CHARLES R. HENDERSON REV. E. A. KELLY REV. J. G. KIRCH ER Louis O. KOHTZ P. J. O'KEEFFE JUDGE HARRY OLSON JUDGE M. W. PINCKNEY ALEXANDER ROBERTSON JULIUS ROSENWALD L. E. SCHMIDT, M. D. BISHOP C. T. SHAFFER EDWARD M. SKINNER PROF. GRAHAM TAYLOR PROF. WILLIAM I. THOMAS PROF. HERBERT L. WILLETT JOHN L. WHITMAN GEORGE J. KNEELAND, Director of Investigation. NOTE. James M. Hyde, M. D., one of the original members of The Vice Commission, died September 6, 1910. Prof. Charles R. Henderson was appointed by the Mayor to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Dr. Hyde. 685081 CONTENTS. Page. Preface i Outline of Study. ; 13 Resolution of Appreciation 21 Introduction and Summary 25 Proposed Ordinance 51 Recommendations 55 Chapter I. Existing Conditions in Chicago 69 Chapter II. The Social Evil and the Saloon 119 Chapter III. The Social Evil and the Police 143 Chapter IV. Sources of Supply 163 Chapter V. Child Protection and Education 235 Chapter VI. Rescue and Reform 261 Chapter VII. The Social Evil and its Medical Aspects 289 Appendices Text of Revised Statutes of Illinois and Ordinances of the City of Chicago 309 Appendices Tables 357 Appendices Exhibits 365 Index , 393 PREFACE. On January 31st, 1910, a meeting was held at the Central Y. M. C. A. Building, Chicago, by the Church Federation composed of Clergy repre- senting six hundred congregations in Chicago. The topic for dis- cussion was the Social Evil Problem in Chicago, and Dean Sumner was invited to read a paper on the subject. At its conclusion he presented the following resolution : "Resolved, that the Mayor of the City of Chicago be asked to appoint a Commission made up of men and women who command the respect and confidence of the public at large, this Commission to investigate thoroughly the conditions as they exist. With this knowledge obtained, let it map out such a course, as in its judgment, will bring about some relief from the frightful conditions which surround us. Taking this report as a basis, let us enlist the support of every civic, protective, philanthropic, social, commercial and religious body in the city to carry out the plans suggested. If the present administration feels that it can- not subscribe to such a plan, make the report the basis of a pledge from the political parties at the next election and make it the basis for an election issue. But first get the plan. The city press will be back of any sane movement to improve present conditions. The Church certainly is. Social settlements have been agitating and endeavoring to reach some decision. The general public is in a mood to listen to such conclusions as such a Commission would reach." This resolution was unanimously adopted and a committee from the Federation of Churches was appointed to call upon the Mayor, and present it to him for his consideration. This committee was composed of the following named gentlemen: Prof. Herbert L. Willett, University of Chicago.; Rev. J. A. Vance, Pastor of the Hyde Park Presbyterian Church ; Rev. Smith T. Ford, Pastor of the Englewood Baptist Church, and President of the Church Federation Council; Rev. Frank D. Burhans, Pastor of the Washington Park Congre- gational Church, and Vice-President of the Church Federation Council. Prof. Benjamin L. Hobson, Secretary of The McCormick Theo- logical Seminary. As a result of a conference with this Committee, the Mayor, through 2 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO his Secretary, transmitted the following letter to Dean Walter T. Sumner, under date of March 5, 1910 : "DEAR SIR : I am directed by the Mayor to say that he has appointed you a member and temporary chairman of the so-called Vice Commission which he has been asked to appoint, and with the purpose of which you are, of course, familiar. As Chairman of said Commission it will be incumbent upon you, of course, to issue the call for the first meeting of said Committee. The members are as follows : Baum, Dr. W. L., Chicago Medical Society; Blaustein, David, Superintendent, Chicago Hebrew Institute; Callaghan, Rev. James F., Pastor, Saint Malachy's Roman Cath- olic Church ; Dwyer, Dr. Anna, President, Mary Thompson Hospital ; Evans, Dr. W. A., Health Commissioner; Evers, Rev. Albert, Pastor, Saint Boniface's Roman Catholic Church ; Gunsaulus, Dr. Frank W., President, Armour Institute; Hallam, W. W., Corresponding Secretary, Chicago Society of Social Hygiene; Harris, Dr. Abram W., President, Northwestern University; Healy, Dr. William, President, Psychopathic Institute; Hyde, Dr. James M., Professor, Rush Medical College ; Henrotin, Mrs. Ellen M., Federation of Women's Clubs; Hirschberg, Rev. Abram, Rabbi, North Chicago , Hebrew Con- gregation ; Kelly, Rev. E. A., Pastor, Saint Anne's Roman Catholic Church; Kircher, Rev. John G., Pastor, German Evangelical Church; Kohtz, Louis O., Agent, Aetna Fire Insurance Company; O'Keeffe, P. J., Lawyer. Olson, Judge Harry, Chief Justice, Municipal Courts; Pinckney, Judge Merritt W., Judge, Juvenile Court; Robertson, Alexander, Vice-President, Continental National Bank ; Rosenwald, Julius, President, Sears, Roebuck & Company; Schmidt, Dr. Louis E., Professor, Northwestern Medical College; Shaffer, Bishop C. T., African Methodist Episcopal Church; Sims, Edwin W., United States District Attorney; Skinner, Edward M., Association of Commerce; Sumner, The Very Reverend Walter T., Dean, Episcopal Cathedral SS Peter and Paul ; Taylor, Professor Graham, President, Chicago Commons ; Thomas, Professor William I., University of Chicago; Willett, Professor Herbert L., University of Chicago ; Whitman, John L., Superintendent, House of Correction. I also enclose a copy of the statement sent by Mayor Busse to the press in connection with appointment of the Commission. Yours very truly, BERNARD J. MULLANEY, Secretary to the Mayor. PREFACE MAYOR'S STATEMENT TO THE PRESS. A short time ago I received a communication from representa- tives of the Federated Protestant Churches, calling my attention to vice in Chicago, and requesting that a Commission be appointed to study the subject, with a view to determining a plan of control as well as considering the moral and physical harm which results from vice. These are the most perplexing questions with which modern civilization is confronted. Since Chicago has been a city, we have drifted as regards this question. In this we have not differed from other American cities. I think we can fairly assume that our vice problem is exactly like that of any American city. To exploit publicly the details of it, can serve no useful end and such exploitation is not the pur- pose of this commission proposition. On the other hand exploita- tion may do much harm by leading the uninformed to believe that conditions exist here which are of recent origin or which are worse than exist in other American cities. As a matter of fact, the conditions incident to the vice problem in Chicago, a problem as old as the city itself are better than they have ever been within present day memory. This I think will be conceded by all who are fully acquainted with the facts. But we all want still better conditions if they can be had. Many years ago, the authorities of the city attempted to localize vice in certain districts of the city. From time to time, property holders and heads of families have objected to their neighbors, thereupon these establishments have been widely scattered over town. The various neighborhoods into which they have moved have speedily secured enough of influence to drive them back in- to the neighborhoods from which they have been driven. Executives have acted, in doing this, with the best of motives and often times with the advice of Ministers of the Gospel, and other men of character. The only criticism that can be offered is that none of these moves was based on careful investigation and far-seeing planning. Our statute books State and Municipal are crowded with laws on the subject. Quite generally such laws have been ignored, since every one knew that they were not based on careful thought, either by trained students or investigators, or men closely in touch with the situation; rather have they grown out of temporary outbursts of sentiment. I was informed that Detroit, Michigan, and New York City have experimented along certain lines. Many European cities have tried certain plans. The Japanese government has proceeded along certain lines. Investigation will probably discover many other attempts at a solution of these questions. We can as a basis agree, I believe, that the practices as to vice in Chicago have been of long continuance ; and that in this respect 4 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO we are no better and no worse than other American or European cities. These conditions are with us. To pretend that they do not exist is hypocrisy, far-reaching in its harmful effects. These premises being accepted, we find there are many questions springing from them to which thinking men and women, careful students of society and government, are giving deepest thought. Such questions are: Should the existence of the "social evil" and of the men and women connected with it, be ignored ? Should vice be segregated? If so, what would be the method of maintaining control of segregation districts? What is the best method of controlling, as to communicable dis- ease, those who make practice of vice their trade, and preventing spread of disease amongst innocent men, women and children as well as among practitioners of vice? What treatment of vice as a disease of society is best as a protection against crimes other than vice? What treatment of vice as a disease of society, is best for all concerned ? I am sure that we have men and women amongst us who can help us in finding a slow and partial solution for these questions, pending perfection in the men and women who make up society. We will welcome such help. I am sure that all over the world governments will welcome the results of these deliberations. I therefore respectfully appoint the following as a commission on the problems of vice, requesting them to deliberate on the question and to present the results of their deliberations for the consid- eration of this community and the guidance of those charged with administration of the municipal government." On March 14, 1910, the Mayor appointed Bishop C. T. Shaffer, of the African M. E. Church, as a member of the Commission. ORGANIZATION OF THE COMMISSION. During the regular meeting of the Commission on March 15, 1910, held in the Public Library Building, the temporary officers, Chairman, Dean Walter T. Sumner, Secretary, Edwin W. Sims, were made per- manent officers of the Commission. At this meeting the following resolution was submitted : "RESOLVED, That there be an Executive Committee, consisting of nine members, seven of whom shall be appointed by the Chair- man of the Commission, the Chairman and the Secretary to be ex-officio members of the Executive Committee ; "That it shall be the duty of the Executive Committee to ar- range a program of study and investigation, divide the Commission into committees, assign to each committee the subject to be in- PREFACE O vestigated by it, and from time to time consider and make recom- mendations as to the methods and disposition of the work of the Commission." This resolution was unanimously adopted. Subsequently the Chairman appointed the members of the Executive Committee . This committee appointed the following sub-committees: Committee on Existing Conditions in Chicago. Committee on Social Evil and Saloon. Committee on Social Evil and Police. Committee on Sources of Supply. Committee on Social Evil and Crime. Committee on Child Protection and Education. Committee on Rescue and Reform. Committee on Literature and Methods. Committee on Medical Questions. Committee on Law and Legislation. At the regular meeting of the Commission on May 5, 1910, a motion prevailed that the permanent name of the Commission should be the "Vice Commission." A committee was appointed to appear before the Committee on Finance of the City Council on May 6, 1910, and request that an appropriation be made for the work of the Vice Commission. At the regular meeting of the City Council on Monday, June 27, 1910, Alderman Foell moved to proceed to the consideration of the report of the Committee on Finance concerning an appropriation for the expenses of the "Vice Commission," deferred and published May 9, 1910, page 143. The motion prevailed. Alderman Foell presented an ordinance creating a Commission of the City Government to be known as the "Vice Commission," and ap- propriating the sum of $5,000.00 for the expenses of the said Commis- sion during the year 1910. Alderman Foell moved to substitute the said ordinance for the ordi- nance recommended in the report. The motion prevailed and the said substitute ordinance was passed by yeas and nays as follows : Yeas Kenna, Coughlin, Shu felt, Foreman, Pringle, Dailey, Richert, Sheahan, Long, Parker, Merriam, Emerson, Derpa, Egan, Fick, Scully, Vavricek, Cullerton, Danisch, Zimmer, Fulton, Buck- ley, Lawley, Lucas, Utpatel, Beilfuss, Kunz, Koraleski, Sitts, Dever, 6 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO Healy, Powers, Bowler, Stewart, Murray, Taylor, Foell, Hauler, Clettenberg, Britten, Haderlein, Dunn, Thomson, Lipps, Rein- berg, Capp, Wilson, Littler, Twigg, Mueller, McDermott, Mclner- ney, Mahoney, Kearns, Bergen, Fisher, Rea, Reading, Block, Dona- hoe, Clark, Forsberg 62. Nays None. The following is the said ordinance as passed: AN ORDINANCE CREATING THE VICE COMMISSION. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. That there is hereby created a commission of the city government to be known as the "Vice Commission," which shall consist of thirty members to be appointed by the Mayor. SECTION 2. The Mayor shall appoint a chairman of the Com- mission from among its members. The chairman of the Com- mission shall call meetings of the Commission whenever he may see fit and whenever he shall be requested, in writing, so to do by any five members of the Commission. SECTION 3. It shall be the duty of the Vice Commission and the members thereof to inquire into conditions existing within the limits of the city with reference to vice of various forms including all practices which are physically and morally debasing and de- grading, and which affect the moral and physical welfare of the inhabitants of the city. The Commission shall from time to time transmit to the Mayor and the City Council, a written report of existing conditions, as it may find them, respecting vice, with such recommendations as it shall deem advisable for the suppression thereof. SECTION 4. That there be and is hereby appropriated from miscellaneous receipts for the year 1910 the sum of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) for the payment of the necessary expenses of the Vice Commission to be paid out by the Comptroller upon the written order of the chairman of the Commission. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage. At the regular meeting of the Vice Commission on June 28, 1910, it was reported that the Finance Committee of the City Council favored granting the Vice Commission funds, the question had arisen, how- ever, as to the legality of such action by the City Council with respect to the Commission as then constituted, the Corporation Counsel ex- pressed the opinion that there must be, in order to make such action lawful, the appointment of the Commission by the Mayor must be ap- proved by the City Council; that he understood the objectionable points had been overcome and the funds should be voted by the City Council at their next meeting. PREFACE 7 At the regular meeting of the City Council on Tuesday, May 5, 1910, the following communication was read: "MAYOR'S OFFICE, CHICAGO, July 5, 1910. To the Honorable, the City Council: GENTLEMEN: In accordance with the power vested in me by an ordinance of your Honorable Body, passed June 27, 1910 (page 942 of the Proceedings), I hereby appoint the following gentlemen members of the commission, to be known as the Vice Commission, and ask the concurrence of your Honorable Body : Dean Walter T. Sumner, Dr. W. L. Baum, David Blaustein, Rev. J. F. Callaghan, Dr. Anna Dwyer, Dr. W. A. Evans, Rev. Albert Evers, Rev. Dr. Frank Gunsaulus, W. W. Hallam, Dr. Abraham W. Harris, Dr. Wm. Healy, Mrs. Ellen M. Henrotin, Rev. Abraham Hirschberg, Dr. James M. Hyde, Rev. E. A. Kelly, Rev. John G. Kircher, Louis O. Kohtz, P. J. O'Keeffe, Hon. Harry Olson, Judge M. W. Pinckney, Alexander Robertson, Julius Rosenwald, Dr. Louis E. Schmidt, Bishop C. T. Shaffer, Hon. Edwin W. Sims, Edward M. Skinner, Prof. Graham Taylor, Prof. Wm. I. Thomas, Prof. Herbert L. Willett, Hon. John L. Whitman. Respectfully, (Signed) FRED A. BUSSE, Mayor." At the regular meeting of the City Council on Monday, July 11, 1910, Alderman Foell presented an ordinance amending an ordinance passed June 27, 1910, creating the "Vice Commission." Unanimous consent was given for the consideration of the said ordi- nance. 8 The following is the said ordinance as passed: "Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. That an ordinance heretofore passed by this Coun- cil on June 27th, 1910, creating a Vice Commission, and shown at page 942 of the Council Proceedings of that date, be and the same is hereby amended by adding at the end of Section 4 in the left hand column the following: 'and the Comptroller shall set up this appropriation as Account No. 45 and under the proper letters designating the standard accounts in accordance with the Appropriation bill.' SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage." On July 15, 1910, the Vice Commission secured offices and began active work with Mr. George J. Kneeland in charge. On July 18, 1910, the chairman announced the resignation of Bishop William F. McDowell, on account of absence from the country. During the summer the business of the Commission was attended to by the Chairman and Executive Committee. At the regular meeting on September 28, 1910, the Chairman an- nounced that the Mayor had appointed Professor Charles R. Hen- derson of the Chicago University as a member of the Vice Commis- sion to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Dr. James M. Hyde. On motion the chairman appointed a committee to draw up appro- priate resolutions commemorating the death of Dr. Hyde. These resolutions were submitted at the regular meeting of the Vice Commission on October 25, 1910, and adopted as follows : "WHEREAS, our fellow member, James Nevins Hyde, having been taken from us by death, BE IT RESOLVED by us, the Vice Commission of Chicago, sitting in general session, that we hereby express our sense of deep sorrow at our own loss of anticipated counsel and advice, and of our earnest sympathy with the family of the deceased; AND, FURTHERMORE, that we order this resolution to be inscribed upon our records and a copy of it forwarded to the7amily." PREFACE 9 In addition to the regular meetings of the Commission, ninety- eight conferences were held during a period of six weeks. These conferences were arranged for by letters of invitation and by press notices. As a result representatives appeared before the Commis- sion from philanthropic, civic, social and reform and business organ- izations ; among these were the following : Anti-Cigarette League Hull House Anti-Saloon League Immigrant Protective League Baptists Ministers' Union Juvenile Court Chicago Deaconess' Home Juvenile Protective Association Citizens' Association Legal Aid Society Chicago Law and Order League Lincoln Center Central Howard Association Law Enforcement League of the Congregational Ministers' Union Northwest Side Catholic Abstinence Union of II- " Methodist Brotherhood of Chi- linois cago Chicago Refuge for Girls Midnight Mission Chicago Rescue Mission Northwestern University Settle- Douglas Neighborhood Club ment Brewers' Exchange Salvation Army Maternity Home South Park Improvement Asso- Retail Liquor Dealers' Protective ciation. Association. Florence Crittenton Anchorage Prominent citizens were also heard. Inspectors of Police, Captains, Lieutenants and Patrolmen were like- wise heard in conference. At various times interviews were held with keepers and inmates of houses. At a regular meeting of the Commission held January 5, 1911, the chairman appointed a committee to appear before the Finance Com- mittee of the City Council to ask for an appropriation of five thou- sand dollars to carry on the work of the Commission for the year 1911. The petition of the committee was granted and the sum of five thousand dollars was set aside in the annual budget for 1911, for the use of the Vice Commission. 10 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO On April 5th, 1911, the report of the Vice Commission was pre- sented to the Mayor and City Council of the City of Chicago and the following action was taken: The Clerk presented the following communication submitted by the Vice Commission: CHICAGO, ILL., April 5, 1911. Hon. Fred A. Busse, Mayor of Chicago, and the Honorable, the City Council, SIRS: The Chicago Vice Commission, authorized by ordinance of the City Council of the City of Chicago passed June 27, 1910, and appointed by you under date of July 5, 1910, transmits herewith, in compliance with the terms of the ordinance, its report on existing conditions re- specting vice, together with its recommendations for the suppression thereof. Very respectfully, (Signed) WALTER T. SUMNER, Chairman. (Signed) EDWIN W. SIMS, Secretary. Alderman Foell moved that the report transmitted with the foregoing communication be placed on file, and that the said Commission be con- tinued in existence until June 1st, 1911, or until such time thereafter as might be necessary to finish its outstanding business. The motion prevailed. Alderman Foell thereupon presented the following order, which was, on motion, duly passed : Ordered: That the Vice Commission be authorized to print, pub- lish and distribute such number of copies of its report as the appro- priation already made will warrant and that it be further authorized to print, publish and distribute such extra copies of its report as the Commission may deem necessary, provided that the publication of such extra copies be without expense to the City. Outline of Study Made by the Commission. OUTLINE OF STUDY MADE BY THE COMMISSION: I. COMMITTEE ON EXISTING CONDITIONS. 1. Houses. a. Number. b. Vocation. c. Type. d. Owners. e. Keepers. f. Number, age, previous occupation of inmates. g. Price, character and amount of service demanded. '. h. Sanitary conditions. i. Character of neighborhood. How are police rules obeyed. What are the police relations to the resorts. 1. Social allurements in resorts, 1. Music. 2. Obscene shows. 3. Liquor. 4. Dances, etc. in. Medical inspection in resorts at present time. n. Extent of venereal diseases. o. Public and private graft. p. Robbing of patrons. q. The "Cadet" problem. r. Extent of use of cocaine and drugs at present time. s. Method of advertising. 2. Assignation houses. a. Number. b. Location. c. Character of neighborhood. d. Methods of advertising. e. Sale of liquors. 3. Hotels. a. Number. b. Location. c. Prices for rooms. d. Prices of women who solicit for these places. 4. Lake Boats. 5. Picnics. 6. "Kept" women. 7. Manicure parlors. 8. Massage parlors. 9. Turkish baths. 10. Dance Halls. 11. Tenement Houses. 13 14 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO II. COMMITTEE ON SOCIAL EVIL AND SALOON. 1. How the saloon makes for prostitution. a. Saturday night dance. b. Saloon dance. c. Vaudeville and music in the saloons. d. Women in the saloons. e. Solicitation. 2. Co-operation between the saloon and resorts. a. Resorts with entrances through saloons. b. Bed houses and saloons. c. Midnight closing. d. The sale of liquor in resorts, sociability; physical in- fluence. e. Joint ownership between saloons and resorts. f. Saloon keepers and prostitutes. g. Resort runners in saloons. III. COMMITTEE ON SOCIAL EVIL AND POLICE. 1. Efficiency of Police under present conditions. 2. Records. a. Character of records desirable to be kept: 1. Owners of property. 2. Houses. 3. Keepers. 4. Inmates. b. Should police officers be permitted to retain such rec- ords, or 1. Should they be filed at headquarters as official matter. c. Advisability of establishing a bureau at headquarters for records of entire city, and from which point, and through which bureau a more or less complete control of the situation might be had. 3. Inspection. a. Should police inspection and surveillance of resorts in- clude a room to room visit at unstated periods, to 1. Search for liquor. 2. Examine into sanitary conditions. 3. Collect data for reports. 4. Listen to complaints. 5. See that rules and regulations of Department are carried out. 4. Protection, question of: a. Police protection of inmates and keepers against dis- turbance of the order of the places. b. Should resorts be guaranteed police protection, when they comply with rules and regulations. The word "protection" used in its legitimate sense, and not in OUTLINE OP STUDY 15 the sense of guaranteeing immunity under any circum- stances whatever. c. Preventing tribute to police. 5. Police detail, should the same police officers either in plain clothes or uniform be permitted: a. To remain in any district for more than a brief period of time, b. Should police rules and regulations be framed and dis- played in each room of a resort. COMMITTEE ON SOURCES OF SUPPLY. 1. How much slavery exists among women in Chicago? 2. What is the extent of the "cadet" system; runners? 3. What is the extent of fake marriages? 4. Prostitute's husbands. 5. How are girls secured abroad from what state or country are they drawn? 6. How are they secured? 7. How are they held? 8. What does the girl get? 9. What does the house get? 10. How much service must she render? 11. How do girls escape? 12. What can be done to stop the importation of girls from abroad ? From the city ? From the country ? 13. What can be done to prevent the traffic in girls? 14. What can be done to furnish a way of escape for girls? 15. What is the remedy for the "cadet," the fake marriage situation, and the practices of other deceit, trickery and f rattd ? COMMITTEE ON SOCIAL EVIL AND CRIME. 1. Contempt for law on the part of those promoting the Social Evil. 2. Relation of prostitutes to habits, a. Whiskey. b. Morphine. c. Cocaine. d. Murder. e. Theft. 3. Are resorts necessary to prevent rape, and violence against children and innocent women? 4. The prostitute's man. 5. The psychological and moral effect of prostitution on the neighborhood. 6. The criminal history of the old prostitute. 7. Remedies. a. Emasculation. b. Permanent confinement. c. Parole system. 16 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO VI. COMMITTEE ON CHILD PROTECTION AND EDUCATION. 1. Lectures to school children; to boys and girls, offices and stores. 2. Sex hygiene. 3. Venereal diseases. 4. Improper Literature. 5. The stage. 6. Children near sporting houses. 7. Children in relation to segregated prostitution. 8. Children and youths employed in resorts. VII. COMMITTEE ON RESCUE AND REFORM. 1. Houses for reformed prostitutes. 2. Work for the reformed prostitutes. 3. Plan ior getting girls out of debt and out of houses of pros- titution. 4. Hospitals for sick prostitutes. 5. Venereal disease hospitals. 6. Maternity homes for pregnant prostitutes; for girls illegiti- mately pregnant, to see that they do not fall into houses of prostitutes. 7. Homes for children of prostitutes. VIII. COMMITTEE ON LITERATURE AND METHODS. 1. Literature : a. All literature obtainable in all languages. b. Seek co-operation of some research library who handle such literature. c. Furnish all the members of the Commission with list of literature covering the various phases of the subject from time to time, and where such literature may be found. d. Statistics as to prostitution in relation to crime; to venereal diseases, to illegitimacy. 2. Methods : a. Methods employed in other cities and abroad. b. Methods proposed but not adopted. IX. COMMITTEE ON MEDICAL QUESTIONS. 1. The harm done by venereal diseases, directly; indirectly. For example, in relation to blindness and sterility. 2. The extent of venereal disease among professional prostitues, among casual protitutes; among "kept" women; among men; among children; among innocent women, and in children's hospitals. OUTLINE OP STUDY 17 3. Remedies. a. Preventive medication. b. Silver in the eyes of newly born children. c. Sanitation in houses of prostitution. d. The registration of venereal disease. e. Registration of prostitutes. 4. Medical aspects of hospital relief of venereal cases : Prosti- tutes, men, women and children. 5. Laboratory measures for the control of syphilis, gonorrhoea. 6. Inheritance. 7. Environment. 8. Sexual history, especially with relation to conception. 9. Medical aspects of emasculation of criminals. a. The question of defectives, especially degenerates and sexual perverts. 10. The prevention of conception by prostitutes. 11. Sterility among prostitutes. 12. The illegitimate child; its chance of living. 13. The registration of maternity hospitals, homes and baby farms. 14. Psychology of the system. X. COMMITTEE ON LAW AND LEGISLATION. 1. The laws of other countries in relation to prostitution. 2. The underlying principles of police power devise a legal basis for a control which probably will conflict with the lines of decisions of the courts of this country. 3. Methods suggested will be referred to this committee in order that this committee may make them conform to the broad principles of police power for which the Commission may stand; especially, that they investigate present laws which should be repealed. 4. New laws to be enacted by the Legislature. 5. Treatment of children as witnesses. 6. A Commission for the control of prostitution with a certain amount of Legislative power. 7. Laws controlling segregation, regulation and registration. 8. Laws making venereal disease a contagious disease, and under this provision transferring the entire question to health authorities. 9. Laws with reference to the legitimatizing of the illegitimate child. 10. Hygiene and sanitation. 11. Laws to prevent the detention of prostitutes for debt. Resolution of Appreciation. RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION. At the regular meeting of the Commission when the final vote on its report was taken, the following resolution was unanimously adopted with instructions that it be spread on the records of the Com- mission and be printed in its report. BE IT RESOLVED, That the members of the Vice Commission of Chi- cago hereby express their high appreciation of the services of their executive officers, Dean Walter T. Sumner, Chairman, and Edwin W. Sims, Secretary. Dean Sumner has presided over the many sessions of the Commis- sion and its sub-committees with unvarying courtesy and the best of good fellowship. Throughout the prolonged and trying inquiries his steadfastness and patience have been equal to the ordeal. In col- lecting the voluminous and complex data gathered and canvassed and in formulating in large part the text of the report he has proved him- self to be adequate to the exacting task both in constructive ability and in his spirit of concession to the opinions of his colleagues. Mr. Sims' legal ability and experience in the discovery, punish- ment and prevention of crimes against immigrant women, as prosecut- ing officer of the United States Court have been of invaluable service throughout the work of the Commission. His judicial judg- ment, tempered by warm sympathy and working through self-ex- acting co-operative effort with every phase of the Commission's in- quiry and deliberation, has contributed valuably to the thoroughness and practical conclusions of this difficult and delicate inquiry. To the ability and spirit of their Chairman and Secretary, the Commission owes much of its ability to render a unanimous report. 21 Introduction and Summary. CONSTANT AND PERSISTENT REPRESSION OF PROSTITU- TION TEE IMMEDIATE METHOD: ABSOLUTE ANNI- HILATION THE ULTIMATE IDEAL. Such is the recommendation of this Commission. That it may be put in force effectually and unremittingly we fur- ther recommend : FIRST: THE APPOINTMENT OF A MORALS COMMISSION. SECOND: THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A MORALS COURT. THE honor of Chicago, the fathers and mothers of her children. the physical and moral integrity of the future generation de- mand that she repress ptihlir prostirntinn. Prostitution is pregnant with disease, a disease infecting not only the guilty, but contaminating the innocent wife and child in the home with sickening certainty almost inconceivable; a disease to be feared with a^greqf horror as a leprous plague; a disease scattering misery and leaving in its wake sterility, insanity, paralysis, the Jjlinded_ey_es of little babes, the twisted limbs of deformed children, degradation, physical rot* and mental decay. That there must be constant repression of this curse on human society is the conclusion of this Commission after months of ex- haustive study and investigation a study which has included the academic with the practical; moral ideals with human weaknesses; honesty of administration with corruption; the possible with th im- possible. It has sought to meet all question fairly; it has made every effort to work with intelligence ; it has kept constantly in mind that to offer a contribution of any value such an offering must be, first, moral; second, reasonable and practical; third, possible under the Constitutional powers of our Courts; fourth, that which will square with the public conscience of the American people. We believe that Chicago has a public conscience which, when aroused, cannot be easily stilled a conscience built upon moral and 25 26 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO ethical teachings of the purest American type a conscience which when aroused to the truth will instantly rebel against the Social Evil in all its phases. Some who have a superficial knowledge of the "Continental System" of segregation and regulation based on a cursory reading or surface investigation might bring it forward as a method of relief. One has but to read scientific works on the subject; to study the reports of international conferences held in Europe, and to hear the findings of careful investigators to see the unreliability and futility of such a system, and to learn of its failures as a permanent institution wherever it has been undertaken in this country or abroad. The Commission is convinced that the so-called System has proved itself degenerating and ineffective. Furthermore the overwhelming majority of the citizens of Chi- cago, and the fathers and mothers of her children will never coun- tenance the recognition or legalization of a commercial business which spells only ruin to the race. It is, therefore, incumbent upon us to take a bold stand against this curse of society. It behooves us to raise social life to the highest possible standard of righteousness to teach the youth of our land loyalty and honor to womanhood. The immensity of the Social Evil problem is no excuse for us to stand idly by and do nothing in an attempt to solve it. The sin of impurity may not be cured in a day, a year, or perhaps in genera- tions. But that prostitution as a commercialized business or any- thing akin to it, is necessary, can never be conceded. We assume that by earnest, wise, united, and persistent effort on the part of indi- viduals and organized groups in society, we can do something how much we can only discover by trial. To say we can do nothing may be left to the morally inert; of course, they can do nothing but evil. As plagues, epidemics and contagious diseases old as the world have given way before the onslaught of medical science; as slavery in this country has been rooted out by the gradually growing con- viction of an American conscience; so may the Social Evil be re- pressed proportionately as the American people grow in righteousness and in the knowledge of this curse, which is more blasting than any plague or epidemic; more terrible than any black slavery that ever existed in this or any other country; more degenerating to the morals INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY 27 id ideals of the nation than all other agencies against decency com- ined. We may enact laws ; we may appoint Commissions ; we may abuse ivic administrations for their handling of the problem ; but the prob- m will remain just as long as the public conscience is dead to the sue or is indifferent to its solution. The law is only so powerful as the public opinion which supports . It is the habit of Americans when they make laws to insist on :hical ideals. They will not compromise. They have been en- Dwed, however, with a fine ability to be inconsistent, and having once eclared their ideals to find no difficulty, when it comes to the ad- linistration of the laws, to allow officials to ignore them; to do lings not in the laws ; and to substitute a practice which is a de facto .w, though technically illegal. This is the basis of graft and the reatest evil in Municipal government. Commissions may be appointed. However valuable their findings tid recommendations may be, unless the public insist no changes in le situation will obtain. The Social Evil in its worst phases may be repressed. So long as icre is lust in the hearts of men it will seek out some method of ex- ression. Until the hearts of men are changed we can hope for no bsolute annihilation of the Social Evil. Religion and education alone in correct the greatest curse which today rests upon mankind. For lis there is a mighty work for agencies and institutions of righteous- ess in our land. With these facts in mind the Commission has squarely faced the roblem. It has tried to do its duty by placing before the public ic true situation in Chicago. It presents recommendations carefully nd conscientiously drawn. Its contribution to the subject of the ocial Evil has to do most particularly with Chicago and her prob- :ms. The Commission entertains the hope, however, that its find- igs, its discussions, and its recommendations may help other similar lunicipal Commissions in their work and deliberations. The first 'ommission to be appointed by a municipality and financed from the 'ity Treasury, it has begun by blazing the way. Other Commissions r ith the experience and knowledge gained from this first municipal ffort may go farther and present greater contributions to the sub- net. We sincerely hope that such will be the case. 28 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO Attitude of Commission. Throughout this report the Commission has made every effort to publish only such results as would give the municipality a correct and unexaggerated idea of conditions. At all times, while honest in the statement of conditions, it has assumed an ultra-conservative attitude in its criticisms. It believes that only through such an honest and conservative study can the true situation be given to the citizens of the city. Its statements, therefore, are not made to bring discredit upon the city. Loyalty is a prime requi- site of good citizenship. In that loyalty which is based upon a thorough knowledge of its conditions and without seeking to con- demn other cities, the Commission desires to state its belief that, in contrast, Chicago is far better proportionately to its population than most of the other large cities of the country. This statement is made after a careful study of conditions in fifty-two of the largest cities of the country a study based on the replies received from, first, the City Clerk, second, the head of the Health Department, and third, Superintendent of Police in these fifty-two municipalities. In addition personal investigation by the Commission was conducted in some fifteen of the largest of these cities. Much data is in the possession of the Commission showing the conditions existing elsewhere upon which to base its conclusions. Criticism. The Commission has refrained from unnecessary criti- cism of public officials. Present day conditions are better in respect to open vice than the city has known in many years. But they are by no means a credit to Chicago. However, this must be remem- bered; they are not unique in the history of the city. Present day public officials are no more lax in their handling of the problem than their predecessors for years; as a matter of fact, the regulations re- specting flagrant and open prostitution under the present police ad- ministration are more strict in tone and repressive in execution than have been issued or put in operation for many years. Public opinion has made no united demand for a change in the situation. The Com- mission feels, therefore, that all public officials who are equally re- sponsible for the present conditions are equally open to criticism. Further, that the greatest criticism is due the citizens of Chicago, first, for the constant evasion of the problem, second, for their ignorance and indifference to the situation, and third, for their lack of united INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY 29 effort in demanding a change in the intolerable conditions as they now exist. The Police. No one will doubt that in many instances such an attitude on the part of the public and their officials leads to the break- ing down of the morale of the police. But to make the sweeping statement of general inefficiency and dishonesty would be unjust to a large number of men endeavoring to do their duty. The Commission believes, therefore, that the large majority of the police are honest and efficient ; it believes that some are neither honest nor efficient. For the former it has the warmest praise for the latter it has the most se- vere condemnation. If the citizens cannot depend upon the men ap- pointed to protect their property, and to maintain order, then chaos and disorganization resulting in vice and crime must follow. In the interest of good government and a competent police regime, and in justice to the honest and conscientious men of the department who desire to do their duty, the dishonest and incompetent should be driven out most speedily. For the type of officer who frequents saloons and drinks openly with prostitutes, who acts as a guide to houses of assignation, and who recommends certain women for the purpose of prostitution for this type of police officer Chicago has no place. As above stated, the Commission does not condemn the personnel of the police as a whole, but it does condemn the System a System which has grown notoriously inactive in the handling of the Social Evil, partly because of the tolerative attitude of the citizens of "Chi- cago, and partly because of its own desire to perpetuate itself as a System: A System which makes it easier for the police to accept graft from the tremendous profits reaped from the sale in women's bodies than to honestly do their duty. All credit to the great body of men who have withstood these temptations, and who some day will find a condition where their courage will be amply rewarded. A Word of Appreciation. To the Honorable Fred A. Busse, Mayor of Chicago, belongs the honor and distinction of having ap- pointed this, the first Municipal Commission to study the exist- ing conditions of a great city respecting vice and to report such rec- ommendations as it may deem advisable for the suppression thereof. This fact in itself speaks more forcibly than any mere words of appre- 30 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO ciation which this Commission might offer for the honor and privi- lege extended to its members. Credit likewise belongs to the members of the City Council in that they unanimously concurred in the recommendation of the Mayor and appropriated the funds used in the preparation and the printing of this report. Reports of Committees. The plan of work as outlined in the be- ginning of the Commission's study was to give certain subjects to different Committees asking them to inquire into their subjects and report to the Commission as a whole. It was found, however, that the subjects overlapped and as a result the different Committees re- ported on subjects assigned to other Committees. It has been neces- sary, therefore, to classify this material and bring it all under proper headings. This has meant a re-arrangement of the reports, so that the separate chapters are not the work of any special Committee, but a compilation of the work of several Committees. In other words the full report stands as the report of the Commission as a whole, and no one chapter can be designated as the findings of any special Committee, although the title of the chapter is the same as the name of the Committee given in the preface. Scope of Commission's Work. The Commission is an investigating and not a prosecuting body. The ordinance by which it was created gave it no powers of prosecution and specifically stated the object in view to be to obtain the results of a scientific study of existing condi- tions and to point out methods of relief for such. The Commission has carefully omitted from the report all names of offenders against the law, as well as addresses. It has also re- frained from publishing the numbers of police officers who have been actually seen violating police rules regarding conduct while on duty as well as overlooking the violation of the law and of police regula- tions. In place of these the Commission has used the letter "X" with a number following. These definite addresses, names and numbers, however, are on file in the records of the Commission. It must be remembered that the typical cases throughout the report are taken from the daily reports of the field investigators in the em- ploy of the Commission, and are given as their findings. Investigations. The Commission entering upon its duties decided INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY 31 that the first step was to learn of present conditions in the City of Chicago. Mr. George J. Kneeland was secured as Director of In- vestigation to take charge of the investigation, organize the work and assist in the preparation of the final report. Mr. Kneeland is a col- lege graduate, a social worker of experience, and has had charge of important investigations in other cities. It was in connection with the work of the Research Committee of the Committee of Fourteen of New York, for which he had charge of the field investigation, that the Commission came in touch with him. The Commission desires to ex- press the deep obligation which the Commission and the community are under for his painstaking, efficient, and conscientious efforts, and the Commission does so in these, its opening paragraphs. Trained expert investigators, both men and women, highly recom- mended for their efficiency and reliability, were placed in the field. The full results of their findings it is impossible to publish; first, because of the volume, and, second, because of their unprintable character. Two Standards of Morality. Unfortunately there are two standards of morality in Chicago. One standard permits and applauds dances by women almost naked in certain public places under the guise of art, and condemns dances no worse before audiences from the less pros- perous walks of life. This same hypocritical attitude drives the un- fortunate and often poverty stricken prostitute from the street, and at the same time tolerates and often welcomes the silken clad pros- / titute in the public drinking places of several of the most preten- tious hotels and restaurants of the city. Houses of prostitution patronized by the lowly are closed at various times for various rea- sons, but the gilded palaces of sin patronized by the wealthy are im- mune from punishment, even to the extent of being saved the humil- iation of appearing upon a police list. Ignorance of Conditions Certainty Concerning Methods. This Commission has been greatly impressed in its studies with these two facts: first, the citizen's wilful ignorance of the immoral conditions within the city, and second, his off-hand advice as to the proper meth- ods of handling the vice problem, given with absolute confidence and finality. The Commission has met this latter fault with real sym- pathy. Its members entered upon the initial deliberations and inves- tigations with a smiliar certainty. As time went on and facts were 32 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO presented this certainty as to the best solution of the problem gradually disappeared. A period of revulsion against conditions and of doubt as to the best course to pursue followed. Then began the constructive period, months filled with progressive studies based upon incontrovertible facts, with never a backward step, illuminating con- ferences, wide-spread investigations in other cities as well as Chi- cago, the fullest possible discussion and debate amongst its members in frequent meetings often times from four to twelve hours in dura- tion, with the result that new uncertainty was changed to a final cer- tainty and thirty minds were absolutely unanimous in their conclusions. We believe such harmonious unanimity on the part of men and women representing so many diversified callings in life, and so many groups of society, must be a fair indication of the public mind and conscience of the citizens of Chicago. Again, this unanimity gives to the decision a weight which it could not have possessed had there been a decided difference of opinion amongst its members with the possible presenta- tion of a minority report. What is the situation today in Chicago? In detail, this may be learned in the first Chapter of this report; as a summary we call es- pecial attention to the facts which follow. Prostitution a Commercialized Business. The first truth that the Commission desires to impress upon the citizens of Chicago is the fact that prostitution in this city is a Commercialised Business of large proportions with tremendous profits of more than Fifteen Million Dollars per year, controlled largely by men, not women. Separate the male exploiter from the problem, and we minimize its extent and abate its flagrant outward expression. In addition we check an artificial stimulus which has been given the business so that larger profits may be made by the men exploiters. It is abhorrent to the moral sense of a community like Chicago the second largest city in the country a city rightly ambitious to stand high in the world's achievements for civic and social betterment that there should be within its borders a group or groups of men, vicious and ignorant to a degree who are INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY l>3 openly and defiantly breaking the laws of the State, and bringing into ill repute the honor of the city. 1 In juxtaposition with this group of professional male exploiters stand ostensibly respectable citizens, both men and women, who are openly renting and leasing property for exorbitant sums, and thus sharing, through immorality of investments, the profits from this Business. A Business which demands a supply of five thousand souls from year to year to satisfy the lust and greed of men in this city alone. These statements may seem exaggerated and highly colored, but a careful, ultra conservative study of conditions in this municipality has put the Commission in possession of absolute facts upon which to base these conclusions. No language can be too strong, no con- demnation too severe, for those who have brought upon Chicago this intolerable situation. Present Laws Not Enforced. In the second place the Commission believes that something can be done by law honestly and efficiently administered. Practically no attempt has been made in Chicago to en- force the present laws. 2 In place of enforcing the law the police have been allowed to adopt arbitrary rules and uncertain regulations of their own, whereby certain sections of the city have become restricted dis- tricts. ^Here they established their own regulations which were without adequate legal foundation. We have, then, a combined administrative and legislative power in the hands of a department of the local government, which, in turn, is in closest touch with, and influenced by, the political factors within the city. With the tre- mendous financial profits from the Social Evil Business from which to draw funds, is it any wonder that the administrative function is tempered and exceptions made? Where one makes a rule which is known to be in itself contrary to law, is it not to be expected that a corresponding sense of freedom will result where the question of leniency is raised as to its enforcement. Again, it must not be for- gotten that the law cannot be made subservient to any rules and regu- lations by any group of officials, whether they believe the law wise or unwise, effective in operation or futile in execution. Number of Prostitutes. What is the number of prostitutes in the ^ee Chapter I, "Existing Conditions " 'See Chapter III, "Social Evil and the Police." 34 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO City of Chicago? The Commission, after careful deliberation, fixes the number as approximately, Five Thousand. This includes those who do nothing else for a livelihood. The clandestine and casual groups made up of immoral girls and women, married and other- wies, it makes no attempt to estimate as there are no definite figures upon which to base an assumption. In the instance of professionals figures were obtainable. The police lists, supplemented with the lists furnished by the Commission investigators, give a total of Four Thousand, One Hundred and Ninety-four. 1 Eight hundred is not too large a number to allow for those omitted from the police list and not discovered by the Commission for lack of time and money for a more thorough census. Assignation Houses. The Commission feels that one of the greatest menaces to young people, and an evil for which there is absolutely no excuse and for which there should be no room in Chicago, is the assignation hotels in the loop district and on the main streets lead- ing from the same to the three sides of the city. They furnish a place of ruin for young girls who are living at home as well as for those at work, and enable men to wreck many lives without fear of danger to themselves. They are large in number and flagrant and bold in operation. Prostitution and the Saloon. The Commission has found in its in- vestigation that the most dangerous immoral influence, and the most important financial interest, outside of the business of prostitution as carried on in houses, is the disorderly saloons. The proprietors of these places are using prostitutes as an adjunct to the sale of beer and liquor, and are allowing them to openly solicit for immoral purposes in their rear rooms. This is done in spite of the constant statements of the brewers and wholesale liquor dealers that they are against the use of prostitutes in saloons which they supply. 2 During the period of its investigation the Commission has secured definite information regarding 445 saloons in different parts of the city. The investigators have counted 929 unescorted women in these saloons, who by their actions and conversation were believed to be prostitutes. In fact they were solicited by more than 236 women in 'See Chapter I, "Existing Conditions." "See Chapter II, "Social Evil and Saloon." INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY 35 236 different saloons, all of whom, with the exception of 98, solicited for rooms, "hotels," and houses of prostitution over the saloons. Another feature of the saloon which is pernicious, is the vaudeville shows of lewd nature conducted in the rear rooms. This is so wide- spread in the saloons mentioned in the class above that the public and police seem to have taken the attitude that because it exists, it should be allowed to continue. Many young men, to say nothing of women, have been lured by the entertainment provided in these re- sorts to acts which they never contemplated when they entered the saloon for drinks only. Could the general public know the extent of the saloon's degrading influence in so many instances it would in- sistently demand an immediate and permanent change in the situation. The Commission is absolutely convinced that there should be a com- plete separation of the saloon and the business of prostitution, and this immediately. Protection of Children. We often forget that society owes much to the protection of the children. Those of mature years can be left generally to guard themselves ; but in the case of youth and ignorance, society must take the part of the elder brother, and in many cases, the part of the father as an educator and guardian. From its study of existing conditions in Chicago the Commission feels that if there is to be any permanent gain in the fight against the Social Evil in this city, much care and thought must be given the problem of child protection and education. In the Chapter devoted to this situation it is shown that the children in certain sections of the city are surrounded by many immoral influences and dangers. They are compelled by reason of poverty to live within, or in close prox- imity to, restricted prostitute districts. Even in residential sections children come in contact with immoral persons, and gain an early knowledge of things which may influence their whole life and guide them in the wrong direction. One of the sad spectacles in this great city is the night children who sell gum, candy and papers on the streets. These little vendors become creatures of independent habits before they reach the age of puberty. Through habits learned by loitering near saloons, and even in the rear rooms frequented by prostitutes and vile men, they become familiar with the vulgarity and immorality of the street and 36 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO learn their language and ways of life. All of this knowledge, far beyond their years, results in defiance on the part of these children against parental will and authority. That children should be kept off the streets at night by the police, and that parents should be impressed with the importance of the most strict supervision of the child's recreational hours, are two matters of the greatest moment in the pro- tection of the child. The investigations by the Commission show that messengers and newsboys have an intimate knowledge of the ways of the underworld. Their moral sense is so blunted as to be absolutely blind to the degre- dation of women and the vile influence of vicious men. Thus early in life they become diseased both in body and soul and grow up to enter upon a career of crime and lust. Much good is being accomplished by various philanthropic organ- izations, particularly the Juvenile Protective Association, in calling the public attention to these grave dangers, and caring for children who are victims of such environments. 1 The Commission heartily endorses all attempts to provide health- ful and carefully guarded places of recreation for the children. It does not sympathiz with those who simply stand by to criticize with- out doing anything in a constructive way to provide something whole- some for that which may demoralize. Children must and should have amusement and recreation, and they will find it in some way. Let Chicago increase her small parks and recreation centers. Let the churches give of their facilities to provide amusement for children. Let the Board of Education extend its efforts in establishing more social centers in the public schools. Let the city provide clean dances, well chaperoned as they are now in the public schools Social Centers. Sex Education. Many of the immoral influences and dangers which are constantly surrounding young children on the street, in their amusements, and in business life, may be counteracted and minimized by proper moral teaching and scientific instruction. Educators have come to feel something should be done directly by teachers in schools and elsewhere to impart some kind of instruction to counteract the evil knowledge which children acquire from evil sources. The Commission believes that in the case of children beyond the 'See Chapter V, "Child Protection and Education." INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY 37 age of puberty sex hygiene may be taught in schools under carefully trained and scientifically instructed teachers. For younger children the parents should do the teaching as the part of a sacred duty. In the case of the father being unwilling to do so, let the family physician be asked to teach the son. The mother, with her maternal instinct, will find the way and means to warn the daughter of the dangers which may beset her. In colleges and universities sex hygiene should be universally taught. The Commission feels that the teaching of sex hygiene in schools is an important movement which, while not yet past the experimental stage, promises great advances in the promo- tion of child protection for the future. But it is certain that knowl- edge of sex hygiene alone can never be successful in saving the child until it is based upon religious conviction and sound moral training. The lack of home instruction in the use and abuse of sex organs and relationship leads many children to a knowledge gained in sad ways with unhappy results. Fortunate, indeed, is the boy or girl, who has a father or mother as a confidant with whom there may be free conversation concerning the natural functions of the body a conver- sation raised almost to a point of spirituality because of the parent's pure love for the child, and the child's unfaltering trust in the parent. If more fathers and mothers could be companions and com- rades with their children there would be far less need of Commis- sions of this kind to solve perplexing problems for the parents. We record our conviction that while intelligence regarding sexual matters, if dictated by moral sentiment, is a safeguard to the youth of the community, yet the indiscriminate circulation of sexual information among children by means of books and pamphlets sug- gests a danger which ought not to escape attention. These publica- tions are of two sorts. The first includes the vicious prints which even assume the guise of helpful instruction to accomplish their purpose. The second comprises those works on sexual science which, with the best intent, are prepared for the use of children. We are firmly of the opinion that such material should be used by parents and other instructors of the children in securing information which they may impart to those in their care, rather than by the children themselves in whose hands it is liable to awaken morbid curiosity and to result in harm. 38 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO We recommend the careful examination of all material of this na- ture offered to children for purchase and the suppression of such evidently vicious in intent. Publishers and booksellers of the ob- jectionable material should not be allowed to sell to children. The Situation in Colored Communities. The history of the social evil in Chicago is intimately connected with the colored population. Invariably the larger vice districts have been created within or near the settlements of colored people. In the past history of the city, nearly every time a new vice district was created down town or on the South Side, the colored families were in the district, moving in just ahead of the prostitutes. The situation along State street from 16th street south is an illustration. So whenever prostitutes, cadets and thugs were located among white people and had to be moved for commercial or other reasons, they were driven to undesirable parts of the city, the so-called colored resi- dential sections. A former Chief of Police gave out a semi-official statement to the effect that so long as this degenerate group of persons confined their residence to districts west of Wabash avenue and east of Wentworth avenue they would not be apprehended. This part of the city is the largest residence section of colored families. Their churches, Sunday schools and societies, are within these boundaries. In this colored community there is a large number of disorderly saloons, gambling houses, assignation rooms and houses of ill-fame. An in- vestigation shows that there are several thousand colored people in the First, Second and Third Wards where these vicious conditions obtain. Under these conditions in the Second and Third Wards there are 1,475 young colored boys and girls. In addition to this proximity to immoral conditions young colored girls are often forced into idleness because of a prejudice against them, and they are eventually forced to accept positions as maids in houses of prostitution. Employment agents do not hesitate to send colored girls as servants to these houses. They make the astounding statement that the law does not allow them to send white girls but they will furnish colored help! In summing up it is an appalling fact that practically all of the male and female servants connected with houses of prostitution in vice INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY 39 districts and in disorderly flats in residential sections are colored. The majority of entertainers in disorderly saloons on the South Side are colored men who live with, and in part upon, the proceeds of white women. The apparent discrimination against the colored citizens of the city in permitting vice to be set down in their very midst is unjust, and abhorrent to all fair minded people. Colored children should receive the same moral protection that white children receive. The prejudice against colored girls who are ambitious to earn an honest living is unjust. Such an attitude eventually drives them into immoral surroundings. They need special care and protection on the maxim that it is the duty of the strong to help the weak. Any effort, therefore, to improve conditions in Chicago should provide more whole- some surroundings for the families of its colored citizens who now live in communities of colored people. Perversion, As the very outset of the Commission's investigation its attention was called by several persons to the practice of sexual perversion which was said to be very prevalent and growing in Chi- cago. The investigation of the Commission bears out this assertion. It must be understood that the perpetrators of these various forms of sexual perversion can be regarded as those who may be punished under the law relating to infamous crimes. The result of the investigation of this evil has been incorporated in the chapter on "The Social Evil and Its Medical Aspects." 1 Sources of Supply. The investigation of the Commission on the sources of supply has resulted in a large amount of illuminating data, sad and pitiful in its details. This information has been supplemented by the results of other investigations undertaken by various protective organizations, including the Juvenile Court, which has been compiled by the Commission. The chapter on "Sources of Supply" is one of the most important in this report and it is suggested that it be read in full. On account of its length, it is difficult to make a summary; some prominent features may be noted, however, as bearing upon the general problem. Wherever there is a demand, artificial or otherwise, there must be a supply. In another part of this report the conservative estimate 'See Chapter VII, page 295. 40 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO is made that there are at least five thousand professional prostitutes in Chicago. Medical men affirm that the average life of these un- fortunate women for service is from five to seven years. Thus it follows that fresh young girls must be continually supplied to take the place of those who die or are rendered useless by disease. Where do these new victims come from? Is the demand supplied? From the mass of evidence we learn that the path which leads down to disease and death is constantly filled with young recruits who go stumbling on, blinded by the want of necessities of life, by a desire for some simple luxuries, by ignorance, by vain hopes, by broken promises, by the deceit and lust of men. The Immigrant. The immigrant woman furnishes a large supply to the demand. Generally virtuous when she comes to this country, she is ruined and exploited because there is no adequate protection and assistance given her after she reaches the United States. That some prostitutes come from foreign countries is of course true, but the Federal Government, especially through its officials in Chicago, has done considerable to stop this importation. The White Slave Act, recently passed by Congress, has been most effective in minimizing the traffic in foreign women. Much needs to be done, however, to protect the innocent immigrant who is betrayed and led into an immoral life after landing in New York or elsewhere. The care of immigrant women, upon their arrival in Chicago, needs supervision. Immigrant girls should not be left to private expressmen and cab drivers, to be lost to their relatives and friends in the city, because of incorrect addresses or the carelessness or vicious intent of the drivers. Bad Home Conditions. The subject under consideration should bring forward most prominently, too, the fact that the supply comes largely from bad home conditions and lack of recreational privileges. In a large number of cases investigated, the home conditions have con- tributed to, if not caused, the downfall of many a wife and daughter. As will be seen in the chapter on "Sources of Supply," l the perversion of the natural sex relationships by immorality of the guardian, by the evil example of a brother, sister, or other relative, and by the abuse of the marriage relation is the specific source of the ruin of many lives. 'See Chapter IV, "Sources of Supply." INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY 41 Statements are often made and, in some instances warranted by facts, that the excessive demands upon the mother because of a large family of children, without sufficient income or help to care for them, is also the occasion for many neglected children going astray. The statement is also made and supported by facts, learned from long and faithful experience in caring for dependent and delinquent children, that more delinquent girls come from small families where they are spoiled, than from large families where there may be poverty, but a sort of unconscious protective union of the children shielding one another. White Slave Traffic. The subject of the so-called White Slave Traf- fic has attracted much attention throughout this and foreign countries. The term "white slave," is a misnomer. As a matter of fact the traffic is not confined to white girls, but to all unfortunate girls and women of all colors, races and nationalities. The use of this term, however, is authorized by the National Government and was incorporated in the international law on the subject. A "white slaver" in reality is a man who employs men or women or goes out himself to secure girls upon some false pretense, or misrepresentation, or when the girl, in- toxicated or drugged, and not in possession of her senses, is conveyed to any place for immoral purposes. If the girl is wayward and goes of her own free will she would not be a white slave in the true sense of the word; nor the man or woman who induced her to go or accompanied her to an immoral place a "white slaver." However, any man or woman who induces or accompanies any woman to enter an immoral place is guilty under the Illinois Pandering Act. It has been demonstrated that men and women engaged in the "white slave traffic" are not organized. Their operations, however, are so similar and they use the same methods to such an extent that it is safe to infer that they are in some way working together. Divorce. The Vice Commission, after exhaustive consideration of the vice question, records itself of the opinion that divorce to a large extent is a contributory factor to sexual vice. No study of this blight upon the social and moral life of the country would be comprehensive without consideration of the causes which lead to the application for divorce. These are too numerous to mention at length in such a report 42 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO as this, but the Commission does wish to emphasize the great need of more safeguards against the marrying of persons physically, men- tally and morally unfit to take up the responsibilities of family life, in- cluding the bearing of children. Selection Guarded. An application for a license of any kind, whether it be to construct a house, run a push cart, peddle shoe strings, or keep a dog, must be accompanied with evidences that the applicants are responsible and reliable agents. But for a marriage license, one per- son, unattended and unknown and, as far as one can know, an epileptic, a degenerate, or who has in his blood a loathsome venereal disease, may pass his name through a window with that of a similarly ques- tionable female, likewise unknown, and be granted the divine right to perpetuate his kind and in turn thereby placing a burden and a blight on society and the community for generations to come. The whole subject of selection in connection with the institution of marriage is of vital importance in connection with the social evil. Unwise selection produces innumerable contributory agencies through unhappy mar- riages, inherited degeneracy and disease, and the divorce evil. The Economic Side of the Question. The life of an unprotected girl who tries to make a living in a great city is full of torturing temptations. First, she faces the problem of living on an inadequate wage: Six dollars a week is the average in mercantile establish- ments. If she were living at home where the mother and sister could help her with mending, sewing and washing, where her board would be small perhaps only a dollar or two towards the burden carried by the other members of the family where her lunch would come from the family larder then her condition might be as good as if she earned eight dollars per week. The girl who has no home soon learns of "city poverty" all the more cruel to her because of the artificial contrasts. She quickly learns of the possibilities about her, of the joys of comfort, good food, enter- tainment, attractive clothes. Poverty becomes a ^menace and a snare. One who has not beheld the struggle or come in personal contact with the tempted soul of the underpaid girl can never realize what the poverty of the city means to her. One who has never seen her bravely fighting against such fearful odds will ever understand. A day's sick- ness or a week out of work are tragedies in her life. They mean trips INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY 43 to the pawn brokers, meagre dinners, a weakened will, often a plunge into the abyss from which she so often never escapes. Hundreds, if not thousands, of girls from country towns, and those born in the city but who have been thrown on their own resources, are compelled to live in cheap boarding or rooming houses on the average wage of six dollars. How do they exist on this sum? It is impossible to figure it out on a mathematical basis. If the wage were eight dollars per week, and the girl paid two and a half dollars for her room, one dollar for laundry, and sixty cents for car fare, she would have less than fifty cents left at the end of the week. That is pro- vided she ate ten cent breakfasts, fifteen cent luncheons and twenty- five cent dinners. But there is no doubt that many girls do live on even six dollars and do it honestly, but we can affirm that they do not have nourishing food, or comfortable shelter, or warm clothes, or any amusement, except perhaps free public dances, without outside help, either from charity in the shape of girls' clubs, or friends in the country home; How can she possibly exist to say nothing of live? Is it any wonder that a tempted girl who receives only six dollars per week working with her hands sells her body for twenty-five dol- lars per week when she learns there is a demand for it and men are willing to pay the price? On the one hand her employer demands honesty, faithfulness and a "clean and neat appearance," and for all this he contributes from his profits an average of six dollars for every week. Her honesty alone is worth this inadequate wage disregarding the consideration of her efficiency. In the sad life of prostitution, on the other hand, we find here the employer demanding the surrender of her virtue, pays her an average of twenty-five dollars per week. Which employer wins the half starved child to his side in this unequal battle ? It would be unjust, however, to cast any reflection upon those girls who are brave and pure, by intimating that because they earn so small a wage they must necessarily be in the same class with those other girls who, unable to survive longer the heroic battle against poverty and self-sacrifice, have succumbed and gone down. Prostitution demands youth for its perpetration. On the public rests the mighty responsibility of seeing to it that the demand is not supplied through the breaking down of the early education of the young girl or her exploitation in the business world? What show 44 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO has she in the competitive system which exists today? Whatever her chances may be, to stand or to fall, she is here in hordes in the business world as our problem. Let us do something to give her at least a living wage. If she is not sufficiently skilled to earn it let us mix some religious justice with our business and do something to in- crease her efficiency which she has never been able to develop through no fault of her own. Are flesh and blood so cheap, mental qualifications so common and honesty of so little value, that the manager of one of our big de- partment stores feels justified in paying a high school girl, who has served nearly one year as an inspector of sales, the beggarly wage of $4.00 per week? What is the natural result of such an industrial condition? Dishonesty and immorality, not from choice, but neces- sity in order to live. We can forgive the human frailty which yields to temptation under such conditions but we cannot forgive the soul- less corporation, which arrests and prosecutes this girl a first of- fender when she takes some little articles for personal adornment. The Man's Part. The end of the battle is not yet for those girls who struggle on alone and unprotected with their more pressing financial problems. The greatest menace is before her the Man. See her as he meets her at the door of her place of employment ! See her as she returns to her cheap boarding house ! Huddled away among coarse and vulgar male companions, lonely, underfed and hungry- hungry not only for food, but for a decent shelter, for a home, for friends, for a sympathetic touch or word; tired from a hard day's toil even to the point of recklessness starving for honest pleasures and amusements and with what does she meet? The advances of men without either a spark of bravery or honor, who hunt as their unlawful prey this impoverished girl, this defenseless child of pov- erty, unprotected, unloved and uncared for as she is plunged into the swirling, seething stream of humanity; the advances of men who are so low that they have lost even a sense of sportsmanship, and who seek as their game an underfed, a tired, and a lonely girl. She suffers, but what of him? She goes down, and is finally sacri- ficed to a life of shame, but what of him? He escapes as a "romancer." It is not just! INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY 45 Rescue and Reform. One of the most important tasks undertaken by the Commission was that of reporting on the subject of the rescue and reform of immoral girls and women. This problem presents many interesting phases, and can only be solved by wise methods and with the help of good men and women. Too often this help is withheld by the very ones who should extend it. The feeling against these unfortunate women is still very strong in these days, and it is seldom that persons can be found who will furnish a wholesome Christian home environment which is so much needed in any plan to touch the lives so troubled and degraded. Outside of this very effective method of reaching this class of women there has not been any scheme sug- gested for their reformation. One of the chief reasons for this, no doubt, is that no system of reformation substitutes anything for the abnormal impulses to which these women are subjected. Some life must be devised whereby the abnormality of their existence can be controlled. Unless this is done it would seem that the reformation of the professional prostitute is almost hopeless. Causes Which Lead to Downfall. Any plan of reformation must take into consideration the causes which lead to the downfall of these unfortunates. After an exhaustive study of the whole field the Com- mission feels that among the causes which influence girls and women to enter upon a life of semi-professional and professional prostitution are the following: First, lack of ethical teaching and religious in- struction; second, the economic stress of industrial life on unskilled workers, with the enfeebling influences on the will power; third, the large number of seasonal trades in which women are especially en- gaged; fourth, abnormality; fifth, unhappy home conditions; sixth, careless and ignorant parents; seventh, broken promises; eighth, love of ease and luxury; ninth, the craving for excitement and change; tenth, ignorance of hygiene. Once plunged into this life through these or any other causes the prostitute sinks lower and lower. She finds herself a part of a cruel commercialized business. She is driven to excessive indulgence in all kinds of vice, besides the one particular vice so abhorrent, in order to bring extra profits to her keeper, and to the men who profit off her sin and shame. These attendant vices, such as drink and the use of drugs, coupled with the demands upon her nervous system in per- 46 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO forming the services demanded of her, soon render her the most pitiful of all beings. As one physician who has had a large practice in venereal disease wards put it, "The life is against biology as well as sociology, they are in most cases gone physically, gone nervously, gone socially." How Can Unfortunate Women Be Rescued? How can these un- fortunate women be helped and saved to society? Some well meaning persons declare that they should be left to their fate; that they are criminals, and should be treated as such. The Commission does not feel that this is an answer to the problem. They are human beings still, for a time stumbling in the depths of sin and shame, but not- withstanding how low they have sunken in the social scale they can be rescued, if by some method they can be made to feel the touch of divine sympathy and human love. No doubt, during the coming months many of these women, now in houses, and on the streets, and in the saloons, will be cut loose from their surroundings by the effective operation of the law. Some wise provision must be made to help them. To put them in prison with no provisions for their spiritual or physical needs would only tend to degrade them still lower and send them back to a life of shame in some other community in a worse condition than they were before. Abolish Fining System. Two very practical things can be done. The first is to abolish the fining system now in vogue against the semi- professional and professional prostitutes. This system leads to many abuses and is in no way reformatory. If the girl does not have the money to pay her fine or secure bail, she must borrow, often from men, and this generally adds a link in the chain which binds her to an immoral life. If she has money the fine or the cost of the bail bond will probably make her penniless. In either case she must return to the street, the house or the saloon, and plunge into reckless excesses in order to earn the money. First offenders, especially, instead of being fined or imprisoned should be placed on probation under the care of intelligent and sympathetic women officially connected with the court. These women can not only watch over these unfortunate girls and advise with them, but can secure employment for them or return them to their homes. This adult probation system has proved to be most successful in other cities in reaching this class of cases. The following is suggested in the form of relief: INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY 47 Industrial Homes. Old and hardened offenders, weakened by dis- ease, their wills sapped and gone by drugs and the artificial excite- ment of their degraded lives, should be sent to an industrial farm with hospital accommodations on an indeterminate sentence. Ob- viously it is necessary that some such measures of almost drastic con- trol should obtain, if such women are to be permanently helped and society served. Such women are described by one writer as : "These dubious divinities of the gas light and the pavement represent the eternal sacrifice of woman, the tragedy of her abasement, her obedi- ence to the world." To Men A Closing Word. In closing this introduction the Com- mission desires to say one more word to those who support this busi- ness of women's souls, whether as barterers of the body, or those who demand the service the Man. There is only one moral law it is alike for men and women. Again, there is a contract called matrimony which is a solemn contract made between those who love. It carries with it the elements of vested rights even a solemn promise before God. A signature represents honor it is there likewise a promise it is there. Has this contract been kept inviolate ? If not, why not? To one who hears the ghastly life story of fallen women it is ever the same the story of treachery, seduction and downfall the flagrant act of man the ruin of a soul by man. It is a man and not a woman problem which we face today commercialized by man supported by man the supply of fresh victims furnished by men men who have lost that fine instinct of chivalry and that splendid honor for womanhood where the destruction of a woman's soul is abhorrent, and where the defense of a woman's purity is truly the occasion for a valiant fight. Proposed Ordinance, PROPOSED ORDINANCE. The Vice Commission presents the following ordinance for the con- sideration of the Mayor and City Council of Chicago: Be it Ordained by the City Council of Chicago: SECTION 1. That there shall be and hereby is created in and for the City of Chicago, a commission to be known as the "Morals Com- mission of the City of Chicago," the members of which shall be ap- pointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council, and which commission shall consist of five (5) persons who shall be quali- fied electors of said city and each of whom shall have resided therein at least one year preceding his appointment. The Commissioner of Health of the City of Chicago shall be ex-officio one of the members of said commission. A second member of said commission shall be a physician in good standing. SECTION 2. The members of said commission shall take the oath of office and file the bond provided by law for officers of said city: Provided that no additional bond shall be required of the member of said commission who shall be the Commissioner of Health of said city. Such bond shall be in the penal sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000), and shall be conditioned according to law. SECTION 3. The term of office of the Commissioner of Health as ex-officio member of said commission, shall be during the time that he shall be Commissioner of Health of the City of Chicago. The term of office of the other members of said commission shall be two (2) years and until their successors shall be appointed and qualified. The Commissioner of Health of the City of Chicago shall not receive any additional compensation as a member of said commission. The other members of said commission shall serve without compensation. It shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Chicago to furnish to said commission suitable quarters without charge. SECTION 4. Said commission shall have power to appoint a chief clerk and assistant clerk, one attorney and assistant attorney, one medical inspector and assistant medical inspectors, and such other help 51 52 THE~SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO as may be necessary. The compensation of all such officers and help and other expenses of said commission shall be such as may from time to time be fixed by the City Council. SECTION 5. It shall be the duty of said commission to take all legal and necessary steps towards the effectual suppression of bawdy and disorderly houses, houses of ill-fame or assignation within the limits of the City of Chicago, and within three (3) miles of the outer boundaries of the city; to collect evidence of the violation of any state laws and city ordinances concerning any of such houses, and the keep- ers, inmates and patrons of the same; and to institute and carry on prosecutions in the name of the City of Chicago against any of said houses, said keepers, inmates and patrons. SECTION 6. Said commission shall have power and authority to make rules and regulations for the conduct of the business of said commission and otherwise not inconsistent with the provisions of this ordinance. Recommendations. RECOMMENDATIONS. The Vice Commission presents the following recommendations for the consideration of the Federal, State, County and City authorities, public officials and various organizations : RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE FEDERAL AUTHORITIES. I. A Federal Bureau of Immigration should be established in great distributive centers, such as Chicago, to provide for the safe conduct of immigrants from ports of entry to their destination. Efficient legislation should be enacted and present laws enforced in such a man- ner as to deal the traffic in women within the boundaries of each State as thoroughly as the Federal authorities have dealt with the inter- national traffic. II. The law regarding the use of boats for prostitution purposes should be enforced. III. The owners of lake steamers should exercise more vigilance enforcing their rules. IV. There should be more officers with police powers on board lake steamers. V. The sale of intoxicating liquor to minors should be absolutely prohibited on lake steamers. VI. All gambling devices should be suppressed on lake steamers. VII. The Commission condemns the ease with which divorces may be obtained in certain States, and recommends a stringent, uni- form divorce law for all States. 55 56 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE STATE AUTHORITIES. I. We recommend that the State authorities, the Chicago Medical Society, or the Morals Commission investigate and report on mid- wives, advertised maternity hospitals, medical advertisements, adver- tising doctors and regular physicians who are suspected of being or known to be abortionists. II. Physicians who advertise treatment and cure of venereal dis- eases should come under the provisions of Section 12, Chapter 91, of the Illinois Revised Statutes, providing for the licensing of itinerant physicians. III. We recommend that the State authorities or the Morals Com- mission conduct an investigation of employment agencies. IV. The advertisements of employment agents who advertise in Chicago papers published in foreign languages should be carefully watched and the advertisers investigated. V. Publishers should be warned against inserting the advertise- ments of suspicious employment agencies. VI. Employment agents should be carefully instructed regarding the law applicable to them. VII. We recommend the enactment of a new Illinois law providing that medical certificates must be secured showing bearer is free from syphilis, gonorrhoea and other venereal diseases before a marriage license can be issued. 1 VIII. The law regarding infamous crimes should be altered and made specific under the guidance of scientific men who understand these practices so as to make it clearly understood that society regards these abhorrent deeds as crimes. IX. We recommend the passage of an amendment to the present child labor law to the effect that no person under the age of twenty- one shall be employed in the night messenger service. X. We recommend the enactment of State laws and City ordi- nances whereby a house of prostitution may be declared a public nuisance, and containing provisions expressly giving to any c.tizen 'See Exhibit N. RECOMMENDATIONS 57 the right to institute simple and summary proceedings in equity for the abatement of the nuisance. XL We recommend the repeal of the law of 1874, as to houses of ill-fame or prostitution (Chapter 24 Revised Statutes, Part 1, Arti- cle 5, Section 1, paragraph 45) in so far as such limits the powers of the Department of Health ; and most strongly recommend the enact- ment of such legislation as will empower the Commissioner of Health, after due investigation, to declare any such house a place of con- tagious disease and to order same closed and abandoned. XII. There should be a relentless prosecution and punishment of professional procurers. XIII. There should be constant prosecution of all keepers and in- mates of existing houses of prostitution, as well as owners of the prop- erty rented or leased for immoral purposes. XIV. There should be a more strict supervision in licensing and inspecting the practice of midwives and physicians and prosecution of druggists who sell drugs and certain appliances illegally. XV. An identification system for prostitutes should be established in the State Courts. XVI. In dealing with prostitution fines should be abolished and imprisonment or an adult probation system substituted. XVII. A law should be enacted providing a penalty against any person who knowingly places or permits to remain in a disorderly house or in an unlicensed saloon, inn, tavern or other unlicensed place where malt or spirituous liquors or wine are sold, any instrument or device by which communication can be had between such disorderly house, saloon, inn, tavern, or unlicensed place, and any office or place of business or habitation of a corporation or person. XVIII. A law should be enacted providing a penalty against any corporation or person employing messenger boys, or knowingly sending any messenger boy under twenty-one years of age to any disorderly house, unlicensed saloon, inn, tavern, or other unlicensed place where malt or spirituous liquors or wines are sold, on any errand or business whatsoever. XIX. We recommend that immediate legislation be sought to es- 58 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO tablish a second school for wayward girls in the State of Illinois, said institution to be established in some other part of the State, rather than to extend the institution at Geneva. The latter institution is overcrowded and the numbers there are all that can be governed satis- factorily by one superintendent. XX. We recommend legislation providing for the organization of a sympathetic agency with paid agents who have followed a special in- struction, and who would be charged with the regular supervision of the children of unmarried mothers. XXI. We also recommend that the City or County provide a phy- sician with assistants who shall receive the reports of agents and in- quire into the state of health of such children and care for those who are sick. XXII. We further recommend that this general guardianship and regular supervision over all such children of the City be extended until they have passed through the school age. XXIII. We recommend that Section 8, Chapter 17, of Kurd's Re- vised Statutes relating to Bastardy be amended by striking out the words, "He shall be condemned by the order and judgment of the Court to pay a sum not exceeding $100 for the first year after the birth of such child, and a sum not exceeding $50 yearly for the nine years succeeding said first year, for the support, maintenance and education of such child," and amending same so that responsibility for the care and support of the child of an unmarried mother shall be borne by the father until the child's majority. RECOMMENDATIONS TO COUNTY OFFICIALS. I. We recommend the appointment of a permanent Committee on Child Protection, with ample funds from the County Treasury. II. All hospitals receiving County funds in whole or in part sliould be obliged to treat cases of venereal disease. RECOMMENDATIONS 59 RECOMMENDATIONS TO CITY AUTHORITIES. I. We recommend that the City Council of the City of Chicago enact an ordinance creating a commission to be known as the "Morals Commission of the City of Chicago." 1 II. Enforce the laws and regulations, especially those, (a) Prohibiting the harboring of prostitutes and disorderly persons in saloons. (b) Prohibiting wine rooms &nd stalls in saloons. (c) Prohibiting assignation rooms, houses of prostitution and "hotels" in connection with saloons. (d) Prohibiting dances in buildings where there is a saloon. III. To this end (a) Maintain a strict surveillance of the police. (b) Discharge policemen who are guilty of gross or petty graft in their relations with the saloons. (c) Make frequent rotation of policemen. (d) Provide investigation of complaints, within twenty- four hours, by picked men, taken from "outside" districts. IV. By any proper means, especially by publicity, put pressure (1). Upon the Brewers' Exchange and the Wholesale Liquor Dealers' Association members doing business with saloons which violate the laws or regulations referred to, or who are, as bonds- men, responsible for such saloons. (2) Upon the Retail Liquor Dealers' Association to discipline members who may violate these laws or regulations. V. Licenses of saloons that violate these laws or regulations should be permanently, not temporarily, revoked. VI. The city should provide public comfort stations in different sections of the city, especially in the loop district. VII. Licenses of saloons in the near neighborhood of school houses and other public institutions should be revoked. VIII. Give the facts regarding conditions in saloons, both general and detailed, to the public. *For copy of proposed ordinance, see page 51. 60 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO IX. No women without male escorts should be permitted in sa- loons. X. No professional or paid escorts for women should be permitted in any saloon. XL No solicitation for drinks or for prostitution purposes by men or women should be permitted in any saloon. XII. No immoral or vulgar dances or entertainments should be given in any room connected with saloons. XIII. The ordinances prohibiting wine rooms should be strictly enforced and any attempt to provide booths, screens, curtains about tables in rear rooms of saloons should be immediately suppressed. XIV. All connections leading to rooms over saloons from any part of saloon should be immediately and permanently closed. XV. The violation of any of these rules and regulations should be sufficient to secure the permanent revocation of a saloon license. XVI. We recommend that no intoxicating liquor be sold at any public dance. XVII. We recommend that an ordinance be passed providing for a license fee of Fifty Dollars annually for the privilege of operating a public dance hall and also that a corresponding Department of In- spection be provided. 1 XVI. Prostitutes who desire to avail themselves of the opportunity, or who are arrested and convicted on charges, should be sent to an industrial home with hospital accommodations. To this end such an institution should be established. XVII. Semi-delinquent girls should be segregated from delinquents and more enlightened methods of care and education be given them. They should not be associated with prostitutes or semi-professional prostitutes. XVIII. A Municipal Detention Home for Women should be es- tablished, controlled by probation officers. XIX. The City authorities should see to it that immigrants ar- riving at the railroad station are protected and, if necessary, escorted to their destination within the city. 'See Exhibit O. RECOMMENDATIONS 61 XX. Municipal dance halls should be established, properly policed and supervised. XXI. The city ordinances regarding moving picture shows should be revised in such a way as to provide for the presentation of pictures in well lighted halls. XXII. A municipal lodging house should be established for women. XXIII. Wards should be established in the city hospitals for the treatment of venereal diseases. XXIV. All hospitals receiving city funds in part or in whole should be obliged to treat cases of venereal disease. XXV. We recommend that the municipality secure a farm on which a trade school and hospital could be established to which professional prostitutes could be committed on an indeterminate sentence. RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE CORPORATION COUNSEL. I. The city ordinances relating to houses of prostitution should be enforced. II. The city ordinances prohibiting advertisements purporting to treat and cure venereal diseases should be enforced. III. Daily papers that publish such advertisements should be prose- cuted. 62 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE POLICE DEPARTMENT. I. Accurate monthly reports on all places in the City of Chicago where immoral and dissolute persons congregate, should be made to the General Superintendent of Police by inspectors of all police divi- sions. II. If any inspector, captain or officer fails to report to the Gen- eral Superintendent of Police all places where immoral and dissolute persons congregate, as suspicious or otherwise, he should be reduced in rank or dismissed from the service. III. Inspectors of police should immediately report to the General Superintendent of Police all known assignation hotels and suspected places of like character and these places should be immediately sup- pressed. IV. When complaints are received by the General Superintendent of Police, he should have them investigated by officers directly con- nected with his private office, and a report should be made to him direct at the earliest possible moment. V. A special morals police squad should form a part of the police force of the city. VI. We recommend that women officers be added to the police force, "whose duty should be to render assistance to women or girls throughout the city, especially at all railroad stations or other places where inexperienced women are liable to need help. We also recom- mend that some of these women officers be able to speak foreign lan- guages. VII. Police officers should be compelled to designate whether or not an offender was charged with street walking, when arrests are made under Section 270 of the Criminal Code, and -Sections 1476 and 1454 of the City Ordinances. VIII. The General Superintendent of Police should direct all police officers to send to their homes all children and all young boys and girls under sixteen years of age found on the streets, away from their home neighborhoods and unattended by parents or guardians, after 9 o'clock in the evening. IX. The police should wage a relentless warfare against houses of prostitution, immoral flats, assignation rooms, call houses, and dis- orderly saloons in all sections of the city. RECOMMENDATIONS 63 RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. I. We recommend that the Department of Health of the City of Chicago investigate and report the extent of venereal diseases in Chi- cago each year, together with the sources of infection. II. We recommend that the Department of Health investigate and report on the question of the practice of midwifery in Chicago, with such recommendations looking to its improvement as may be deemed proper. III. We recommend that the Department of Health institute a rigid investigation into the use of cocaine and other noxious drugs, with a view at least of limiting such sales by the druggists. IV. We recommend that the Board of Health direct especial at- tention to so-called massage practice. V. We recommend that the Department of Health be given power to suppress as a public nuisance any place where venereal and other contagious diseases flourish. RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE BOARD OF EDUCATION. I. We recommend that the Board of Education appoint a com- mittee to investigate thoroughly the advisability and methods of teach- ing social hygiene to the older pupils in the public schools. II. Girls between the ages of fourteen and sixteen should receive definite vocational training in continuation schools. III. We recommend that the Board of Education extend the use of public schools as social centers. IV. We recommend that school grounds be open for children, always under close supervision. 64 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE PARK COMMISSIONERf I. The parks should be better policed and playgrounds supervised more carefully. II. Managers of dancing pavilions should be more vigilant in ex- cluding professional prostitutes. III. Soliciting by prostitutes within park enclosures should be rigidly suppressed. IV. Park managers should extend greater protection to unaccom- panied young girls, especially in the evening. V. Public parks should be better lighted and equipped with search lights. Seats should be removed from the deep shadows. RECOMMENDATIONS TO CHURCHES AND OTHER RELIGIOUS BODIES. I. Pastors and religious workers should aid in arousing public opinion against the open and flagrant expression of the social evil in this city. II. The churches should endeavor tQ counteract the evil influences in the community by opening rooms attached to the church buildings as recreational centers during week day evenings. RECOMMENDATIONS TO PARENTS. I. Great emphasis should be placed on parental responsibility and upon the effects of church and school in informing parents how to safe- guard their children in sex life and relationship. II. Parents should demand a signed statement from a reputable physician that the man asking permission to marry their daughter is free from venereal disease. III. We recommend the careful examination of all printed material offered to children and purporting to give helpful instruction along sexual lines, and the suppression of such as is evidently vicious in in- tent. Publishers and book sellers should not be allowed to sell this material to children. RECOMMENDATIONS 65 RECOMMENDATIONS TO PHILANTHROPIC AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS. I. An intensive study should be made of the working conditions and wages paid by those establishments in Chicago which depend upon the labor of girls and women. This investigation should also ascer- tain living conditions, cost o^ living of different groups, and decide on what constitutes a "living wage" for each group. II. Greater publicity should be given the conditions which exist on lake steamers so that parents will warn their sons and daughters of the moral dangers surrounding them while on such excursions. III. Immigrant homes for foreign girls should be established and supported by different nationalities. IV. Immigrant girls should be warned not to go to employment agents who advertise in the press, especially in foreign languages, until the agents have been investigated. V. More hotels and homes should be established for working women and girls. VI. Provision for the rescue and reform of prostitutes should include some plan for the hospital care of drug users. GENERAL RECOMMENDATION. I. We recommend that the daily press publish an appeal or protest to parents that their children be not given too much liberty; that parents and guardians accompany children of all ages upon their amuse- ment excursions. Chapter I. Existing Conditions. CHAPTER I. EXISTING CONDITIONS IN CHICAGO. The Commission, in beginning its labors, decided that, in order to work intelligently, local conditions must be thoroughly known. Much time and thought were given, to the matter of selection of methods and the character of the field investigation. To make a complete census of all houses of ill-fame, flats and assignation houses, with the names of owners, keepers and inmates, would mean months of work on the part of a large corps of investigators, and an expenditure of money beyond the resources of the Commission. It was, therefore, decided t'"> accept such a list as the Police could supply as the basis of investi- gation, adding to it such other places as might come to the knowledge of the Commission, directly or indirectly. The General Superintendent of Police ordered a special census to be taken, showing the disorderly resorts in the precincts of the city. Such a list was submitted in August, 1910, and the Commission began its investigation. It was soon found that the list was incomplete, as shown in another place in the Commission's report. 1 A second census was taken and the list submitted to the Commission in October, 1910. This also proved in- complete, as is shown elsewhere. However, it was decided by the Commission that, whether a complete census was, or could be obtained, sufficient information was forthcoming to give a clear knowledge of the character and extent of the conditions in Chicago. Seven expert and trained investigators were put in the field. In order to eliminate as many errors as possible, each investigator's work was verified and checked up, unbeknown to him, by other investigators. In some instances this was done three times. We have every reason to believe, therefore, that the statements contained in this report are as correct and reliable as could possibly be obtained. In addition to the field investigators, the conferences with repre- sentatives of various organizations and citizens, referred to in the preface of the report, were prolific of much valuable and reliable information. School census reports, issued by the Compulsory Department of 'See Chapter III, page 148. 69 70 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO the Board of Education, were most illuminating and reliable, and gave the Commission much helpful data regarding the dangers to children. Court records were examined most thoroughly, and tabulated figures are in possession of the Committee, too voluminous to print in this report, showing the disposition of cases which relate directly or in- directly to the Social Evil. The Municipal Court records for the three years of its existence were most valuable to the Committee on Law and Legislation in determining the extent to which the laws now existing had been applied to the local situation. The rules and regulations, with the daily bulletin of the General Superintendent of Police, gave such information regarding the re- peated attempts to regulate the Social Evil in Chicago. In this con- nection, it is interesting to note the rules and regulations issued by the Police, which in many instances are disobeyed in part, or in whole. 1 The Commission does not attempt to give absolutely accurate figures as to the number of professional prostitutes in Chicago. But, taking the Police list as a basis, even though proved incomplete, and adding to this the number of resorts found by investigators which are not on the Police list, and allowing for those which lack of time and money prevented discovery, the Commission believes, after the most careful survey, that there are not far from 5,000 who devote their time wholly to the business of prostitution. In its careful estimation larger figures would be an exaggeration and probably unfair. As showing how these figures were obtained, the following may be of interest. According to the official Police list issued October 26, 1910, it is shown that there are 192 houses of prostitution with 2343 rooms in seven precincts, with 1012 inmates and 189 madames or keepers. In addition, the list gives 272 flats with 960 rooms, at 151 separate ad- dresses, with 419 inmates and 252 keepers. The list also contains the addresses of 42 hotels, with 1222 rooms, which cater to an immoral flats and hotels contain 4525 rooms used for immoral purposes. This gives a total of 506 places where immoral conditions exist, at 385 sep- arate addresses, 449 keepers, and 1431 inmates, or a total of 1880 women engaged in this business. 2 'See Table I, Chapter III, "The Social Evil and the Police." 'Table I. EXISTING CONDITIONS 71 According to the Commission investigation, there are 514 houses, flats and hotels and saloons, used for immoral purposes not on the police list, with 1314 women not included in the police list. This gives a grand total of known women engaged in the business as 4194. We again emphasize the fact that the Commission was unable to cover the entire city in its investigations, and that many resorts, their keep- ers and inmates, are still unrecorded. The estimation of 5000 is, there- fore, considered conservative but fair. 1 As intimated, the Commission has not sought to inquire into the extent of clandestine prostitution in the city. The clandestine prosti- tutes (or more correctly the immoral girls or women, married or otherwise) form a large class in Chicago. Because of the peculiar phase of the evil it was impossible for the Commission to investigate conditions or make an estimate of the number in this class. The Commission, after careful examination of the data at hand, has made an ultra conservative estimate covering the annual profits of those interested in the Social Evil in Chicago. This includes the owners, keepers and inmates of the houses and flats given in the police list; the immoral places discovered and investigated by the Commission; and the profits from the sale of liquor in resorts and 236 disorderly saloons. From this estimate the Commission can assert that the annual profits in the City of Chicago alone, is between 15 and 16 million dollars. 2 That this is a man problem and that the support of this illicit traffic in bodies comes from men is easily understood when the fol- lowing facts are learned. The Commission makes a rather conservative statement as to the amount of profit; it makes a similar conservative statement concern- ing the men who demand service from the prostitute. Taking the number of women on the police lists alone, (who are in recognized houses), or 1012, and multiplying that number by the average number of services daily, or 15 instances, or 15,180 daily, this makes a grand total of 5,540,700 per annum. 3 In order to bring out vividly the present conditions the Commission 'Tables III-V. ! See page 113. *See page 114. 72 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO submits the information which immediately follows with typical cases as illustrations. It must be borne in mind that these typical cases are but a few of hundreds which have been reported on by investigators and recorded. They have been carefully selected as being normal and representative types under the various phases of the problem. Names and addresses have been suppressed, being designated as (XI), (X2), etc. The actual names and addresses are in the possession of, the Commission. This statement is made that it may be understood that they are real and not hypothetical cases. The Commission calls attention to the following phases of the evil based on its investigations. (a) There has been lax observance of police regulations so long that police orders are not taken seriously. (b) That new houses, especially in the flat buildings, are being established in residential districts to an alarming extent. In fact, there are more houses of this character in these sections of the city than in the so-called restricted districts. When the order was issued prohibiting the sale" of liquor in the houses, many of the keepers moved from the restricted districts into the residential sections and opened flats. In other cases the former inmates established small flats with the assistance of some of their regular customers. The telephone is the main agency used in conducting these flats. Most keepers have a list of young girls "on call," that is, girls who are employed during the day and who are ready to come to these flats during the evenings when there is a rush of business. The keepers of houses in flats invariably have young and fresh girls or know where they can be found. Some of these girls live in nearby towns and come to Chicago at different times, earn some pocket money, or enough to buy outfits of clothes, and then return home. They usually tell other girls of their own neighborhoods of this "easy graft" and these in turn come to Chicago. Inmates from some of the smaller flats spend the early hours of the evening soliciting on the street or in downtown saloons and restaurants where they increase the number of their acquaintances, giving out cards with their addresses and telephone numbers. After 1 :00 A. M. they re- turn to the flats and sell beer and liquor. (c) There is a large number of men who make a business of con- EXISTING CONDITIONS 73 ducting houses of prostitution in Chicago. These men are in close tpuch with cadets and panders and spend most of their leisure time in gambling. In some houses the keepers insist on the inmates hav- ing cadets of their own choosing, and these men keep watch over the girls. In one house of white inmates the "cadets" are all colored young men. / (d) Pervert methods are on the increase in the higher priced houses. The inmates who perform these services earn from two to three times as much money as the so-called "regular" girls. In one no- torious place known all over the country and which caters to a so- called high class trade, these methods are used almost exclusively. The inmates gave testimony before the Commission that they do this on the advice of their physician, who says it prevents disease and other troubles. (e) Solicitation is still going on from doorways, stoops and win- dows of houses, but to a small extent compared with that of former years. The inmates sit behind curtained windows and as men ap- proach the houses they tap on the window panes. Lookouts are sta- tioned near the windows and in front of saloons and warn the so- licitors when the officer on the beat approaches. In some instances these lookouts touch an electric bell concealed behind a sign or make significant motions with their hands. (f) There is quite a number of massage parlors, manicure estab- lishments and Turkish baths, especially in the downtown business dis- trict, which are in reality nothing but houses of prostitution of the most revolting and insidious type. It is practically impossible to se- cure legal evidence against these places, and they continue their in- famous practices. (g) Assignation hotels are scattered all over the city, especially in the downtown district, and on the West and North sides. Prosti- tutes in saloons and on the street use these cheap places. The charge for rooms varies from 25 cents to $2.00. The conditions in many of these hotels are insanitary. The furniture is cheap and the beds are used by many different persons each night without change of linen. These places, as used by street walkers and women soliciting in saloons, are the source of the spread of venereal disease to a greater extent than any other expression of the social evil. There are practically 74 THH SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO no provisions for cleanliness on the part of either the men or the women. There are also a great many assignation rooms especially on the North side from the river to Chicago avenue and on the side streets West of State. These rooms are used to the same extent as the hotels and the conditions in them are about the same. These so-called rooming houses are a source of great danger to young men and women who are compelled to live in cheap quarters. Young men or women, strangers in the city, may find themselves living next door or on the same floor with vile men and women. (h) The so-called medical inspection of inmates in Chicago by private physicians employed by madames of houses is practically worthless and has become a source of graft. Instances have come to light where inmates have been allowed to remain as workers in houses when they were afflicted with disease. This has been done with the knowledge of the attending physician and the keepers. (i) The conditions regarding immoral shows and exhibitions have greatly improved, but they are not wholly eradicated. A description of these shows as given by investigators is too vile and disgusting to appear in print. (j) Certain theatrical managers in the city are inclined to present plays which are on a low moral plane. The advertisements of these plays, as well as of others, appear on many of the bill boards, and are offensive to the eyes of decent citizens, and suggestive to the young boys and girls. Such matters should be adequately supervised in the interest of public morality. The investigations conducted by the Commission show that most of the crimes such as robbery and gambling are committed by men who are attached to houses of prostitution, or who live off the proceeds of their women. But the thefts and crimes of violence in connection with the Social Evil are no more prevalent than one would naturally expect who is acquainted with the actual conditions of the existence of the Social Evil in a large community like Chicago. There can be no doubt that much money is stolen from men who take their chances in going into houses of prostitution or consorting with street walkers. These losses are probably only reported in the EXISTING CONDITIONS 75 exceptional case, and even the attempted prosecution is often promptly squelched when, for an example, certain tricks are resorted to by attor- neys for the defense, such as threatening to bring the complainant's wife or family into court as witnesses. Any loss would be stood rather than have this occur, and indeed the shame of acknowledging the incidents connected with the theft will prevent almost anyone from reporting the loss to the police. Extortionate charges for small items, such as in the old days for beer and now-a-days for its substitutes, form other methods of parting a visitor from his cash. On the other hand, the older and grosser forms of theft combined with personal violence and extortion, such as the panel and strong-arm game, have been largely discontinued, and it must be remembered that those houses of prostitution which rely upon regular customers and the recommen- dations of well-to-do people cannot afford, for definite business rea- sons, to allow criminal transactions to be connected with their places. The very commercialization of the vice would tend to strip it of the dangerous connection with crime. No doubt men befuddled by drink will always be regarded as victims by vicious women, but the chances of their being unmolested are certainly greater in a regular house, than when they associate with casual acquaintances in vice. All told, the Commission has heard of nothing on this point that calls for special recommendations. TYPICAL CASES. The following typical cases are given as illustrations of conditions surrounding houses, flats, assignation rooms and hotels. 1 7. Houses, (XI) avenue No. (Xla). According to the records this house is owned by an estate and is under the trusteeship of a woman. The house is a two-story frame building. The lower floor front is used as a reception room with a piano which is played by a white woman who collects money for the music. A man by the name of (Xlb) operates the house and lives with the keeper. This man checks up the receipts and pays off the inmates every day at 4 :00 P. M. The rent for this house is $175.00 per month on a yearly basis. A colored girl named (X2) has immediate charge and collects the money. The charge for service is $1.00. The sanitary conditions are very poor. There are six inmates in the house as follows : l Text of Laws and Ordinances see Appendices I-II-III-V. 76 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO Eva (X3), is about 30 years of age. Has been an inmate of this resort for three years. Her parents live in (X3a), Michigan. She says they are well off. She sends $10.00 home each week for her parents to save for her. She has no cadet and lives on the premises. Violet (X4), alias May (X5). May is about 25 years of age* Been an inmate of this house two and one-half years. Has no cadet. Lives with another inmate, Ray (X6) at the (X7) Hotel (X8) State street. Ray (X9). Fictitious name. Ray was brought to this city five years ago from New York by (X10). She claims to have been inno- cent up to this time. Is about 24 years of age. (X10) put her in (X12) house on Custom House place. She lived with him and gave him her money for about six months. This inmate lives with Margaret (X13) at the (X14) Hotel. She and Margaret leave the resort at 4:00 A. M. ; they must return at 2 :00 P. M. except on their day off. Pearl. Last name not given ; about 21 years of age. Been in house one year. Mignon. About 23 years of age. Been in house two years. Lives on premises. Fifie. About 28 years old. Been in house two years. Lives on premises. II. Disease in House of Prostitution. This is a case of an in- mate afflicted with syphilis who was allowed to remain in the house, the keeper and her physicians knowing of her disease. Bebet (X15). Born in (X16), Mo., came to Chicago about 10 years ago. She is 28 years of age, and seems to be fairly well educated. She still writes to her parents. She entered the (X17) House at (X18) avenue, owned by (X19) and kept for him by Madame (X20), (X21) avenue. Is on Police List. In August, 1908, when Bebet contracted this disease, she went to Dr. (X22), (X23) State street, who grad- uated from (X24), a night medical school, in 1902. At this time Dr. (X25) was house physician for (X26) avenue. Dr. (X27) wanted $200.00 to cure her. He gave her a prescription but she did not have it filled, as she did not want this doctor to treat her, because he was a negro. She then went to Dr. (X28), 22nd street, corner of (X29) and she gave him $100.00. This doctor treated her for some time without results. One day necrosis of the palm of the hand set in and she was advised to go to Dr. (X30), (X31) street. This doctor wanted $400.00 to cure her. She made arrangements to pay a stated amount on each visit. At this time she was forced to give up her service in the house; the week she was in bed was the only time she refrained from rendering service. All of the physicians knew she was receiving men. The landlady, (X32), offered no objections. At one time she was so hoarse she could not talk and her mouth was so sore real names of girls referred to throughout this report have been changed practically in every instance. EXISTING CONDITIONS 77 she could not eat. Dr. (X33) gave her a red mouth wash and later told her it was time to go to Hot Springs, which she did. Bebet is now living with a man on (X34) avenue when she was seen by in- vestigator. Later, Jan., 1911; Bebet is now an inmate of (X35) ave- nue. There are eighteen girls in this house, and twelve of them, it is claimed, have syphilis. 1 ///. Immoral Shows in Houses. (X36) street, on police list. Owner (X37), keeper (X38). Eight inmates, according to the police list. On October 2, 1910, about 11 :30 P. M., eight men entered this house and were taken to the rear parlor. Four girls took part in the show. The description of this show and the one given at (X39) Dearborn street is too vile to print. IV. Sale of Beer in Houses. (X40) street. On police list. On October 8, 1910, investigator purchased a pint bottle of beer in this resort, for which he paid the sum of $1.00. At hrst the madame did not want to serve the beer, saying they had been prohibited from doing so on May 1. She said she was not afraid of trouble, but they only sold to persons they knew personally. She sold beer to the in- vestigator whom she did not know. (X41) West Madison street. On Police List. (X42) two inmates. On October 24th investigator purchased beer at 25 cents per pint in this house. When the Police came around to see if there was beer in this place, they looked in the ice box, and not rinding any, went away. As a matter of fact the beer was kept in the flush box in the toilet room. The keeper, Mrs. (X43), is a notorious woman well known to the police. During the evening of November 17th, while investigator was in the (X44) saloon at (X45) Dearborn street, a colored maid from a house of ill-fame, (X46) Dearborn street, came in with a large shawl over her shoulders. She went to the bar and was given six bottles of beer, which she covered with the shawl and left the saloon. She did not pay for the beer, but the charge was noted down by the bartender. Not long afterward a maid from a house of ill-fame at (X47) Dear- born street came into this same saloon and was given six bottles of beer, which were concealed in the same manner. The charge was also noted down by the bartender. V. Exploitation of Inmates. An inmate of (X48) avenue said that the kimona she had on could be purchased over the counter for $3.00. She had paid $15.00 for it to a man who came to the house. Of this amount the madame received $9.00 and the salesman $6.00. She Commissioner of Health has placarded certain houses because venereal diseases were known to exist therein. 78 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO further stated that the madame receives a "rake-off" on everything the girls purchase. They never "kick" on any bills. They know they get "the worst of it" all the time. Neither does the madame "kick" at her bills; they are paid without question, every bill, whether for light, ice, laundry, coal, etc., is padded, and they are compelled "to stand for it." Jan. 29. Dolly, an inmate of (X49) avenue, recently paid (X50), keeper of the house, $110.00 for a hat, which he had bought for $40.00. Another inmate of this house paid this same man $65.00 for a dress which he had purchased for $35.00. Two weeks ago this same man had a number of rings which he had purchased for $5.00 and $7.00. He sold $5.00 rings to inmates for $11.00 and $15.00 and the $7.00 rings for $20.00. He is continually urging the girls to buy clothes, hats, jewelry and other things. VI. Methods of Advertising. The madames of houses, like the proprietors of other enterprises always have regular business cards which they distribute as occasion requires. The inmates also use cards with which they endeavor to establish a regular line of cus- tomers. A Dearborn street resort distributes a very elaborate booklet which describes in glowing terms the comforts to be found within the walls of that "sumptuous" house. In fact no one need "feel the chill of winter nor the heat of summer" in this place. The madames of flats also have cards and a system of passing the word along to exclusive gentlemen who desire "quiet and safe ac- commodations." Girls on the streets and in saloons use cards giving telephone num- bers and suggestive inscriptions. The chief advertising, however, is the district itself. The lighted street, the sound of music, the shrill cries and suggestive songs of the inmates and entertainers, all of these features tend to bring the busi- ness to the attention of the public and to spread the news to other towns and cities. The recent Gypsy Smith parade gave the 22nd street district un- fortunate advertising both in this city and throughout the county. The scenes in 'this district after the parade were beyond description; hun- dreds of men and women of mature years and an equal number of young men and women apparently from respectable walks of life who EXISTING CONDITIONS 79 had never been in the district before were drawn there. Reliable per- sons who went to observe the effects of the parade declare the saloons never did such a large business nor were the houses so crowded with men and boys. VII. Men Connected with Houses. For several years it has been customary for a certain political club to give an annual ball in the Coliseum for the purpose of raising money for a campaign fund. This ball was notorious from the fact that those who attended it were for the most part immoral women and men who are engaged in the social evil business, the sale of liquor and gambling. The giving of this ball has always been a disgrace to the City of Chicago. It is the opinion of the Commission that this and any other similar affair should never be allowed again. VIII. Flats. (X51) South Park avenue. Flat (X52), not on Police List. Bee (X53) solicited on Indiana avenue to go to this place. Price of room, $2.00. (X54) Indiana avenue. Not on Police List. Kept by Mrs. (X55). She has a list of girls whom she calls in by telephone. Rents rooms for $2.00. Has been in this business two years. During this time she has paid for a home. Investigator was solicited on street to go to this flat. (X56) East 21st street. Esther (X57) lives in flat (X58). She is 18 years old and came from Michigan. Beer is sold here, price $1.00 per bottle. There are 18 flats in this building which are used for im- moral purposes. (X59) West 22nd street. On Police List. Addie (X60) lives on top floor. Said she paid a fine of $200.00 for selling beer two months ago. On November 15th detectives went through the flat and searched for beer, but only looked in the ice boxes. The beer was on the fire escape, and it was sold for $1.00 per quart. One woman, Mollie (X61), lives near Oak Park and solicits in (X62). Her husband is dying in (X62a). She said that she began this life only recently because of her extra expense in caring for her hus- band. A TYPICAL FLAT. During the month of September, investigator discovered a flat which is being conducted as a house- of prostitution in a large apartment house in a residential section of the city. As the woman who operated this place seemed willing to talk, and was not suspicious, it was determined to find out as much as pos- sible about the method of conducting such a place, as, ownership, 80 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO agent, securing inmates, prices, sale of beer, police, etc. Four in- vestigators at different times, one a woman, worked on this case and their findings, all of which were verified, are given below. Ownership of Property. According to the records the owner of this building is Emma (X63), living at (X64) East 24th street. Real Estate Agent. The real estate agent, according to the rent collector, is (X65), (X66) Dearborn street. Rent Collector. A man by the name of (X67) collects the rents. He lives at (X68) East 24th street, the same address as the owner of the property. Investigator called on Mr. (X67) and spoke of renting one of the flats in this building giving him to understand that he wanted it for immoral purposes. Mr. (X67) said that he was only the attorney for the building, but would see what he could do. Keeper of Flat. The particular flat in this building which was investigated in on the police list. Mrs. (X71) is the keeper. She has been in this business between four and five years. At one time she lived on East 33rd street. Mrs. (X71) has been very successful and has a home which she has purchased out of the proceeds of her business. At present she wants to retire and offers her furniture and business for $1,400.00. Description of Flat. There are six rooms in this apartment, four of these being bedrooms. A couch is in the dining room for special occasions. There is a bath room and a kitchen. Expenses of Conducting the Flat. The rent is $50.00 per month, legitimate price $30.00, light about $3.50, maid $5.00 per week. In addition to this the expense for laundry, ice and food must be added. Receipts. Mrs. (X71) said the lowest amount taken in by her in a month was $165.00, the highest $340.00. She charges each of her Iwo inmates from $10.00 to $15.00 per week for board. The prices charged in this flat are $5.00, $7.00 and $10.00 according to the length of time the customer stays. She receives $2.00 on every $5.00 earned by the girls. In addition she sells beer at $1.00 per bottle, and rents her rooms to couples for such prices as $2.00 for a short time and $4.00 and $5.00 for all night. Securing Inmates. This keeper seems to take great pride in the fact that her girls are always fresh, young and attractive. She will not have a prostitute in her place who has ever been in houses of ill-fame, such as exist on Dearborn street and (X69) avenue. These girls, she said, will never do in a quiet place. They love excitement, the music, lights and large business at small prices. They also want to have cadets. Once she took such a girl, but she could not keep her as she longed to return to the excitement of her former life and her cadet. EXISTING CONDITIONS 81 The girls who do come to her, are in many instances from sur- rounding towns or from other States. They stay long enough to earn a few clothes and then return home, where they tell other girls of the easy way they earned their clothes. Mrs. (X71) has a list of 20 or 22 girls who have been with her at different times. They come and go. One of the girls now in the flat is called Rosie. This girl lives in Iowa and was so wild at home, that her mother could do nothing with her so she came to Chicago. Sometimes Rosie and the keeper have a quarrel and the girl returns home. After awhile she writes and says she wants to return to the flat, so Mrs. (X71) sends her a ticket. Rosie is one of a family of three or four boys and three girls. One of these sisters, called Violet, has also been an inmate of the flat and comes occasionally. Rosie's mother says she realizes that Mrs. (X71) can do more with her daughter than she can so she allows her to come. The last time Violet was in the flat she stayed 10 days and earned $50.00, then went home again. She is 25 years old. Rosie is younger and a good money maker. During July, Rosie earned $156.00 as her share. During 27 days in August she earned $171.00. Customers. The men who come to this flat are mostly married. Mrs. (X71) says they are "gentlemen" and do not make any trouble. They prefer a place that is quiet and secret. Other customers are buyers from commercial houses, bringing out of town men who are here to purchase goods. In addition to this there are many traveling men who bring friends who gradually become regular customers. The Flat as a Call House. The business in Mrs. (X71) flat depends largely on the telephone service. The girls are summoned to go to similar flats about town if they are needed, and in turn Mrs. (X71) secures girls from other flats when her regular inmates are out when a customer calls. For instance on September 20th the investigator was in the flat when only one girl was at home. In a few moments a tele- phone call came for the girl, Helen (X80), to go to a flat near by. On September 30th a 'phone call came for three girls to go to (X81) restaurant on Madison street and report in the back room where they had been the previous night. There was only one girl in the flat at the time, so Mrs. (X71) called up Calumet (X83) and Douglas (X84) and arranged for two other girls to meet this girl and go to the restaurant. Renting a Flat. Mrs. (X71) gave the investigator who was the supposed purchaser of her flat, the following advice regarding the renting of a flat for immoral purposes : "Do not go to an agent, they will increase the rent. Ask the servants or janitor the price. You can rent furnished rooms, but only from month to month from different keepers who want to go away or take a rest. But you must be careful for they often come back and put you out after you Jiave started." 82 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO She then mentioned a Mrs. (X86) and said she charges $60.00 for her $40.00 flat on such terms. Another one of the keepers was Edna (X87) who has three flats at (X88) Wabash avenue. Edna has been in this business since she was 21 years of age, and has conducted these flats with her sister seven years. She does not keep girls in the flat except during the time when there is some special celebration in Chicago. During a re- cent celebration which continued for one week she made $700.00. At such times she gives her inmates half the proceeds. Her prices are $5.00 an hour, $7.00 and $10.00 for longer periods. She receives $1.00 for beer, 50 cents for a glass of wine, $3.00 for a pint of cham- pagne and $5.00 for a quart of champagne. She declares that her customers are all first class, managers, buy- ers and salesmen from department stores, such as (X89), the different clubs and hotels. She is tired of it and wants to sell out, buy an orange grove in California and be a good woman. She took care of her mother and father for years, but they are now dead. She never mar- ried and would not have a cadet. She claims to make from $6,000.00 to $7,000.00 each year. Her rent is $37.50 per month. Not long ago, a former keeper, Rose (X90) came to the flat and asked Edna to put her on call. At one time this woman had $150,000.00, but she gave it all to a man and is now penniless. IX. Sale of Liquor in Houses, Flats and Hotels. The profits from the sale of beer and other liquors in these places is enormous. 1 Madames of houses and flats testify that the privilege to sell liquor in connection with the business is a valuable asset and if de- prived of it their business as a whole would suffer. In many houses the inmates spend practically all of their time during the early part of the evening in persuading visitors to buy drinks. One of the most practical moves to reduce the evil effects of this business as it ex- ists in houses and flats is to strictly enforce the regulation forbidding the sale of liquor in those places. This is seen by the effect of the police order issued May 1, 1910. As a result, rents of houses in the restricted districts have decreased, many inmates have been compelled to leave the district, madames have established houses elsewhere, and a general depression has settled down on the business. The madame at (X91) Dearborn street told investigator that this house previously rented for $500.00; after the order went into effect she only pays $250.00. She would be more than glad to pay the $500.00 if she could sell beer. ^ee page 111. EXISTING CONDITIONS 83 Another madame declared that the income from her business had decreased $2,000.00 per month since this order was issued. One in- mate said that the girls were each losing from $25.00 to $45.00 per week on commissions. One keeper of a regular house on Dearborn street, at least, has become so desperate that he is remodeling his house, which is connected with a saloon on the corner, and turning it into a hotel. His plan is to secure a hotel license in order to evade the regulation. The atmosphere at the present time in houses where liquor is not sold is far different from what it was before. The girls, deprived of this stimulant, are depressed and sullen. They sit about the parlor making feeble efforts to earn commissions on the soft drinks which are sold at the same prices formerly charged for beer, but the sales are small. Another trouble which has grown out of the order, according to some, is the practice of visitors of bringing bottles of whiskey into these resorts and taking them to the rooms of inmates and compelling them to drink. Many of the inmates are not used to strong intoxi- cants, and they resent this sort of treatment. As every one knows, a person who is a beer drinker, does not, as a rule, touch whiskey and vice versa. Another objection is made by the madames. They consider it a great injustice for them to be deprived of the benefits of selling liquor, when a saloon probably on the same street or next door, which uses immoral women as an adjunct to its business in the rear rooms, and which is in reality a house of ill fame, is unmolested. Of course, the objections by madames and keepers are not to be considered, but there is one bad feature which can and should be remedied. The effect of the police rule has been good as shown by the objections of the madames and inmates. The bad feature is that a large number of the inmates, through the aid of friends, have es- tablished private flats in residential sections where they are free to sell beer and liquor unmolested. Some of the madames have also moved into residential sections, taking with them a certain number of inmates, the others going on the streets or are frequently in the rear rooms of saloons. This has increased the trouble in controlling the evil in these sec- tions. 84 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO X. Massage Parlors and Baths. One of the most insidious and re- volting forms of immorality in Chicago is that which finds its ex- pression in so-called massage parlors and baths. It has not been possible to make an extended investigation of this phase of the prob- lem. Enough has been done, however, to show that it does exist and to recommend that a more vigilant supervision be exercised over them. Fortunately, this revolting type of immorality is not as extensive as it might be. These so-called massage parlors and baths are for the most part located in the down town districts, within the loop. XL Hotels. (X92) Hotel. (X93) West Erie street. Not on police list. Minnie solicited on street for this hotel. October 4th. (X94) Hotel, (X95) North Clark street. Not on police list. Woman soliciting by the name of (X96) said this place was an assignation place. (X97) Hotel, (X98) North Clark street. Not on police list. In- vestigator was solicited on North Clark street by Hilda (X99) and Chilla (X100) to go to this hotel. (X101) Hotel, (X102) North Clark street. Not on police list. Investigator solicited on North Clark street by Hilda (X103) and Chilla (X104) at different times to go to this hotel. (X105) West Madison street. On police list. Solicited investigator on street to go to this hotel. Hotel (X106), (X107) West Monroe. May solicited investigator to go to this hotel. Hotel (X108), Wabash avenue. Eight girls solicited investigator to go to this hotel. Hotel (X109), State street. Six girls solicited investigator to go to this hotel. Hotel (X110) Plymouth court. Ruth solicited investigator to go to this hotel. Hotel (Xlll), Michigan avenue. Maud solicited investigator to go to this hotel. XII. Use of Cocaine and Morphine by Prostitutes. It is generally recognized that immoral women and their "cadets" are addicted to the use of cocaine and morphine as well as other drugs and liquor. Most of the cocaine purchased by habitues is secured through physicians. Much of the morphine is nearly always obtained from druggists by merely asking for it and paying the price asked. In a canvas of drug stores outside the restricted district it was found that they do not sell more than three drams of cocaine and four ounces of morphine each month. On the other hand the four drug EXISTING CONDITIONS 85 stores within this district sell at least four pounds of morphine and six ounces of cocaine each month. It is practically impossible to as- certain exactly how much cocaine or morphine any particular drug store buys in spite of the fact that wholesale houses keep a record. The druggist who sells cocaine illegally, orders some through his friends or orders direct from the manufacturer. Again the records of the whole- sale houses are apt to be in error. For instance a clerk in a drug store at (X112) West 22nd street turned in an order for one ounce of cocaine and asked for three ounces, which were given him. The records show he ordered one ounce. This is often done. It appears that prostitutes use little cocaine as compared with the amount of morphine they consume. TYPICAL CASES. There are four druggists whose method of catering to the pros- titutes is to send clerks to their respective customers in the various houses of prostitution to solicit orders, including cocaine and mor- phine. (XI 13) makes up one ounce vials of cocaine in one per cent, solution which he sells under great secrecy. He caters to the (X114), (X115) avenue, where two prostitutes named Blanche and Alice order on an average of 500 tablets a week of morphine sul- phate, using a hypodermic syringe and injecting the drug. He also caters to a house operated by madame (X116), (X117) ave- nue, where Florence, a prostitute, uses on an average thirteen grains of morphine and cocaine interchangeably every day. At the (X118), (X119) Dearborn street, Violet and Bebe have been buying morphine in large quantities from (X120). He also supplies cocaine to Rosie (X121) avenue. He carries a large stock of hypodermic syringes which he sells to habitues, and prostitutes known to him are in the habit of going to the store, stepping behind the counter and obtaining morphine and cocaine without any record being kept. The (X122) Drug Store, (X123) 21st street, also has a clerk soliciting orders in a similar manner. In (X124) avenue, known as (X125), practically every girl in the house uses cocaine or morphine which were introduced by a prostitute named Sadie (X126), who originally purchased the drug at the (X127) Drug Store and who now caters to their trade. (X128), corner of (X129) and (X130), have a boy called (X130a) who solicits orders in a like manner from a number of the larger houses, and procures orders for as much as one ounce of cocaine and ten ounces of morphine a day. 86 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO Such drug stores as (X131) Pharmacy, (X131a), and (X132) street, and (X133) Dearborn street, have boys who solicit from the various houses. Many prescription blanks have been presented to the drug stores in that locality bearing the name of Dr. (X136), (X137) street. Upon investigation it was found that this was a fictitious name, and that these prescriptions were for the most part incorrectly written. Nevertheless they were filled by druggists in that vicinity. The physician, the most important element in the sale of cocaine, disobeys the law more openly than the druggist. It has been claimed that practically all physicians who examine inmates in houses dispense cocaine and morphine. Dr. (X138), (X139) State street, while treating a girl at (X140) Dearborn street, accustomed her to the use of mor- phine and cocaine. He still continues to furnish her with pre- scriptions for these drugs. There are at present two girls' at (X141) avenue who also secure morphine and cocaine through Dr. (X138). Dr. (X143), (X144), is the examining physician in a house of ill fame. Many of the inmates claim to secure their drugs from him. Investigator claims to have seen many prescriptions of Dr. (X145), (X146) State street, calling for cocaine. It is well known by inmates that a physician, (X147), (X148) 22nd street, will for the price of $1.00 administer a hypodermic injection of cocaine. On or about March 15, 1910, a cocaine victim called (X149), an actor, visited Dr. (XI 50) and secured from him six prescriptions for cocaine for $6.00. During the first two weeks of September, 1910, Sadie (X151), an inmate at (X152) avenue, a house owned by (X153), was rooming at (X154) South State street with another inmate who is a street solicitor named "Tantine." Tantine has in her pos- session a complete hop layout, and was teaching Sadie how to smoke opium. They are not living together now. Sadie has discontinued the practice. She informed investigator that Tan- tine purchased opium in a playing card which was bent in half with a wad of opium stuck in the inside like an ordinary piece of chewing gum. She purchased the opium in this form at (X155) drug store, (X156) street, and (X157). She also purchased it from Chinamen, who sold it put up in the following form. An ordinary Chinese nut is cut in half, the kernel being removed, the hollow shell is then filled with opium, and the two parts of the shell are glued together. It is then sold in this manner, which makes it very difficult to detect from the ordinary nut. She said she was in two places with Tantine where she had purchased EXISTING CONDITIONS 87 it in that form, both being on Clark street near Harrison. She does not know the exact number. During the early part of the year 1909, Sadie (Xlol) roomed with an immoral woman called "Carmen" who also solicited at (X159) avenue and purchased cocaine from (X160). She had a little box which was used for cocaine only. Sadie further states that she is acquainted with a young man whose name she does not remember, who comes in{o the house to see her quite often. This man is the owner of an opium den on (X161) street. He has in- vited her down there at various times, but she does not like the idea of going alone. (X162) of (X163) drug store secures her orders for drugs now. She says (X164) is an old friend of hers, and formerly supplied her with morphine tablets, but she does not use any at present. XIII. Owners and Real Estate Agents. The court records show that practically no effort has been made during the past three years to prosecute owners and real estate agents who are leasing and renting property for immoral purposes. The law affecting these persons is a dead letter. The reasons for this are very apparent, first, the indifference of the public, and second, but perhaps the most vital, is because such property brings an exorbitant rate of interest on the capital in- vested. These artificial values in the last analysis are the basis of a great many difficulties in connection with the problem of the social evil. It was shown that the main reason why it is so difficult to suppress prostitution in connection with saloons was because of the enormous profits which are made from drinks in the rear rooms and from the rental of rooms over the saloon. The same argument applies to as- signation hotels. This difficulty is very apparent When entire houses or apartments are rented outright for this purpose. On the West Side there are a number of properties which are practically worthless for legitimate purposes. A business man endeavored to buy a lot on which was erected a frame building, which was being used as a house of ill fame. The lot is 90 feet and the owner was offered $36,000.00, or $400.00 per front foot. He declined to sell, saying that he was securing an income on a value of $700.00 per front foot, and that he would not sell even for that amount. J See Chapter II, "The Social Evil and the Saloon 88 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO In another instance a lot was held for $450.00 per front foot, when its legitimate value was only $350.00. In still another case a lot was held for $850.00 per front foot when its appraised value by an expert for legitimate purposes was only $500.00. The amazing part of the whole matter is that while these properties are so valuable to the owner, the taxes on them are practically noth- ing in comparison. The assessments are on a legitimate basis. There is another side of the story also. While these properties are increasing in value, without a cent of expense on the part of the owner in improvements, the property in the neighborhood is decreasing, or at a standstill. The Commission has secured a large list of owners of houses where prostitution is openly practiced. In some instances these owners are vile and abandoned men who make a business of exploiting these un- fortunate women. And side by side with these men, ignorant and vile, stand so-called respectable citizens who are also sharing in the in- creased values from property used to extend the business of prostitu- tion. Indeed evidence has been produced tending to show that a highly honored and respectable company, in whose hands respectable citizens entrust their money, has apparently assumed the trusteeship of four of the vilest houses of ill-fame in the 22nd street restricted district. Another disgraceful fact is that some ostensibly respectable women are owners or have control of property where prostitution is practiced. Again several wealthy and prominent business men, whose advice is sought in matters pertaining to the civic welfare and development of Chicago, are leasing their houses on (X164a) street and (X164b) avenue for this business. One of these men has six houses in a part of the district where the most disgusting and flagrant violations of the law and police rules occur. Young men hardly out of their teens have been seen reeling in an intoxicated condition from one of these houses to the other. One Saturday night it was all one officer could do to keep a crowd of drunken young men moving and prevent fights on the streets. In one instance he brutally kicked a young fellow and shoved him into the street. In another instance, at the request of the keeper of one of these low resorts, the officer entered her house and threw a drunken young man out on the street, menacing him with his club. EXISTING CONDITIONS 89 A field investigation was made in order to determine the ease with which flats and houses can be leased from real estate agents for immoral purposes. During the month of October investigator visited 65 real estate agents and owners, most of whom were of the city, located in residential sections of the city, and in 44 instances they offered to rent rooms and flats. In each instance the investigator stated she wanted to rent the premises for a "sporting house." TYPICAL INSTANCES. South Side Of the 22 real estate owners and agents visited on the South Side, 15 were willing to rent flats or houses for immoral pur- poses. Among these were the following: Mr. (X165), said to be agent or owner of flat building from (X166) to (X167) Wabash avenue. He offered to rent a five room flat on the third floor of one of these buildings for $35.00 per month. The applicant could have same for two months, rent in advance, if she behaved herself and did not play the piano after 11 :00 P. M. She must be careful whom she let in and to whom she sold beer. Mr. (X165) said it was not necessary to "stand in" with the officer on the beat, but must be with the "higher ups." (X169) Wabash avenue. Janitor told investigator that she might be able to sublet a flat in this building. The agent was (X170). One office being at (X171) East 47th street. This firm also rents the (X172) flats at (X173) East 21st street. There are 18 im- moral flats in this building. (XI 74) East 23rd street. Janitor showed investigator a flat of six rooms for $37.50 per month. (X175) in a saloon nearby, rented the flats. The owner was an old man who was away much of the time. Could do anything in this place, but must be quiet. (X176), (X177) Wabash avenue. One of the aldermen of the (X176) ward. (X179) showed investigator a flat at (X180) 22nd street, rent $35.00 per month. It was a very dirty place. The agent said she could do as she pleased in this flat. West Side. Of the 11 real estate agents visited on the West Side, eight were willing to rent flats or houses for immoral purposes. (X181), (X182), West Madison street. Agent said he was sure the landlord would rent a flat at (X183) West Van Buren street for $25.00 or at (X184) Honore street for $22.50 for that purpose. Was not sure about (X185) West Madison street. 90 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO (X186), (X187) West Madison street. Agent tried to induce investigator to buy a house. He had just the thing and would divide the commission with her. The house he mentioned was (X188) West Monroe, price $7,500.00. He had another place at the corner of (X189) terrace, southwest corner (X190) street, $60.00 per month. Advised investigator to go and see the house, de- claring she could make a "pile of money" if house was run right and quiet. "Then," he added, "we can help you." (X191), (X192) West Madison street. Agent offered to rent flats at (X193) West Madison street, 2nd flat $40.00, 3rd flat $40.00, very poor, no heat. (X194) West Madison street, 2nd flat $40.00. He said she would have to see the lieutenant of (X195) station before renting any of these places and fix it up with him. He then told investigator to go to (X196), (X197) West Madison street and talk with her. This woman conducts a disorderly house at this address, which is on the police list. She has one inmate. She told investigator that she did not sell liquor. North Side Of the 12 real estate agents visited on the North Side, 10 were willing to rent flats or houses for immoral purposes. (X200), (X201) North Clark street. Agent offered to rent house, seven rooms, at (X202) Roscoe street for $47.50 for im- moral purposes. (X203), (X204) North Clark street. Agent gave the following addresses: (X205) Roscoe street, $45.00; (X206) Evanston ave- nue, $65,00, and (X207) Roscoe street, $50.00. All of these are houses. The agent cautioned the investigator not to tell the land- lord what the house was to be used for. (X208), (X209) Lincoln avenue. Had one flat he could rent for immoral purposes, at (X210) Fremont street, 2nd flat, eight rooms, steam heat, $40.00. (X211), (X212) Lincoln avenue. Agent submitted the follow- ing for immoral purposes: (X213) Seminary avenue, $33.00. (X214) Newport avenue, $32.00. (X215), (X216) submitted the following for immoral purposes: (X217) Sheffield avenue, $35.00. (X218) Early avenue, $33.00. (X219) Southport avenue, $45.00. (X220), (X221) North Clark street. Agent submitted the fol- lowing places which could be rented for immoral purposes: (X222) Briar place, 7 rooms, $35.00. (X223) Oakdale avenue, 8 rooms, $45.00. (X224) Oakdale avenue, 9 rooms, $47.50. (X225) Barry avenue, 8 rooms, $37.50. (X226) Barry avenue, 7 rooms, $35.00. Mr. (X227) accompanied investigator to (X222) Briar place, and said they needed a good house out there. He said he knew EXISTING CONDITIONS 91 of a woman on Wilson avenue who had a place and a list of married women she called in when necessary. He offered to do all he could to help investigator to secure a good business and put her "on to" a man who would send all the women she needed. The Loop Of the 11 real estate agents visited, eight offered to rent flats or houses for immoral purposes or said they did do such business. (X229), (X230) Washington street gave the following ad- dresses and said they might have something by December 1st : (X231) Calumet avenue, 1st flat, $32.00. (X232) Calumet avenue, $35.00. (X233), room (X234), (X235) Dearborn street submitted (X236) Ellis avenue, nine rooms. Offered to show place, after he had seen the owner. Asked how many inmates she would have. (X237), room (X238), (X239) Washington street submitted (X240) Michigan avenue. Rent, $50.00, which he said would be vacant in about one month. Advised seeing the janitor, Mr. (X241). (X242), (X243) Dearborn street. Investigator spoke to Mr. (X242). He said he had nothing in that line except in the very cheapest neighborhoods. XIV. Street Solicitation It is only fair to say that the conditions on the streets in the downtown business district at present are much better than they have been in many years in the City of Chicago. This improvement has been gradual during the past three or four years. It seems, however, that the policy of restriction has been carried out in regard to street walking in much the same way as to houses. While street solicitors have been seen in respectable residential sections, the most flagrant violations occur in certain districts of the city, and on certain streets. Roughly speaking these sections and streets are as follows : The downtown business district, on such streets as Wabash (south from Van Buren) to Peck court, from thence to State street, the side streets, and on State to Van Buren. In vicinity of the 22d street restricted district, and as far south as 63d street. On the North Side from the river on Clark and the side streets, west of State to Chicago avenue, and even beyond. On the West Side, on such streets as Madison, Halsted, Green, Peoria, Sangamon. The following extract from a report made by a missionary worker gives her impression of conditions on the North Side: 92 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO "From the river to Chicago avenue, including Wells, LaSalle and Clark streets, are certainly growing worse very fast. It is simply alarming. Dearborn avenue, North Clark street, is fast becoming a red light district. I have worked in all these places, and can speak from deep experience. It is going farther north all the time, even as far as North avenue. On all the cross streets, from the river to Chicago avenue, one can see soliciting going on almost any time of night." This conclusion has been verified by the field investigation. One worker who has covered the North Side from the river to Chicago avenue, State, Wells and Clark, and all intersecting streets, three dif- ferent times in as many years, declares that conditions are worse in that section than they were three years ago. Prostitutes are soliciting on practically all of these streets. For instance, on North State street, from Michigan to Chicago avenue; on North Clark the women walk from Kinzie as far as North avenue, and openly solicit in front of rooming houses, and entrances to hotels. On LaSalle avenue, from Michigan street to Chicago avenue, the same conditions exist. Again on Wells street, girls from the rear rooms of saloons en- deavor to entice men to go to rooms over saloons, or to the rear rooms for drinks. On Indiana from Wells to Clark, Erie street, from Wells to State, Ohio from Wells to State, Huron from Wells to State, Ontario from Wells to State, street solicitation prevails. There are two classes of prostitutes on the streets, professional and semi-professional. By the latter is meant girls who are employed dur- ing the day, and use this method of finding excitement or increasing their income. The ages of these girls range from 16 to 21, and they work in department stores, factories, as domestic servants, as waitresses, as stenographers, and in other occupations. The following typical cases illustrate the foregoing statements : North Side Carmen solicited on North Clark street near Divi- sion. She did not appear to be over 18 years of age, was timid and seemed afraid. Lives on LaSalle avenue. Works downtown. Takes men to hotel on West Erie street. Lucille solicited on street. Lives on Dearborn avenue. Will go to any hotel. Frequents buffet on North Clark street. Lucille is about 20 years of age. Coarse and ignorant. Flossie solicited on corner of Ohio and Clark streets to go to hotel over saloon on North Clark street. November 15th investigator was solicited by nine different street walkers on the corner of Michigan and North Clark streets from 8:55 to 9:15 P. M. EXISTING CONDITIONS 93 All of the women invited him to go to a hotel on North Clark street. This hotel has an entrance from the back room of a saloon on North Clark street. The price asked by the women was $1.00 and 50 cents for the room. 10:30 until 11:30 P. M. saw four different girls soliciting on North Clark street, from Ohio to Indiana. Violet solicited five men from Indiana to Illinois on North Clark street from 8 :30 to 9 :00 P. M. Bete solicited in front of palm garden on North avenue; said her father worked for street department, and don't give her any money or clothes. She goes with fellows for 50 cents; knows of no place to go except up the track near Division street. She said she was 17 years old. Speaks poor English. Has been in country five years. 1 :30 to 2 :00 A. M. Nine girls soliciting from Erie to Huron. 10:00 to 10:30 P. M. Seven girls soliciting on North Clark from Huron to Erie. 8 :00 to 9 :00 P. M. Four girls soliciting on Ohio from North Clark to LaSalle avenue. 9 :00 to 10 :00 P. M. Ten girls on North Clark street from On- tario to Ohio streets. After 10:00 P. M. Five girls on Ontario from North Clark to LaSalle avenue. September 9th, 9:00 to 9:30 P. M. Fourteen girls soliciting on corner of Illinois and North Clark. West Side. October 13th. Flossie, 21 years of age, a waitress, solicited on corner of Ada and West Madison streets to go to (X245) West Madison street, where she has a room. Paulette solicited on corner of Curtis and West Madison streets, is 22 years old, married. "Hustles" to support two-year-old baby. Said she could get a room on West Madison street. Mignon solicited on street to go to hotel on West Madison street. Mignon said she was 19 years old. South Side Investigator was solicited on Indiana avenue be- tween 42nd and 43rd streets by two girls. One named (X246), married to a traveling salesman, and lives on (X247) avenue, near (X248) street. She is employed during the day in the (X249) building, one goes out at night "on the quiet." Will not take anyone home, but will go to hotels or assignation houses. The other woman, Rosie, is married and lives in Milwaukee, where she lives at (X250) Wells street, flat (X251). She has stored her furniture and is separated from her husband. Is staying on South Park avenue for a few days. Expects to visit Mrs. (X252), who keeps an assignation flat at (X253) Indiana avenue. She expects to come to Chicago to live and open a flat of her own on the South Side as soon as she can earn sufficient money. Two or three of her men friends here in Chicago have offered to give 94 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO her $10.00 each for that purpose. She has a flat in view and knows where she can secure all the girls she needs when she is ready to start. Solicited by girl on Jackson and LaSalle street at 12.20 A. M. Girl gave name of Jennie and invited investigator to call on her at flat (X255), 31st street. Kept by Mrs. (X256). Says Mrs. (X256) receives herself, that she runs a regular assignation place, can have liquor, as there is plenty in the place. Flat is over the (X258) cafe. Mariette solicited on South State street. Said she was 18 years old, lives at home and "don't have to hustle." Frequents saloon at South State street. Sue solicits on South State street to go upstairs over saloon at (X259) South State street. A plain clothes man spoke to a woman who solicits on the street in the 22nd street district. He said, "Well, how is business tonight?" "Bum," she replied, "I haven't broken my luck yet." The detective then walked toward 22nd street. On January 3rd 24 houses of prostitution were closed on Sangamon, Green and Peoria streets. According to a police report there were 124 inmates in these houses. On the nights of January 21 and 22, 1911, an investigator was solicited by 48 different women on Madison, Hal- sted, Sangamon, Lake, Peoria, and Green streets. He secured the names of 13 of these women, and they correspond with the names of the former inmates of these houses. West Side During period of 15 minutes, three girls solicited on Adams between Morgan and Sangamon. During period of 15 minutes, seven girls soliciting on Monroe from Halsted to Peoria. 10 :30 P. M., three girls soliciting on Monroe between Green and Halsted. 10 :30 to 11 P. M., nine girls soliciting on Madison street from Sangamon to Morgan. Downtown, South to East 22nd Street 1 :30 A. M. Clark street, near river. Met waitress who works in lunch room, said she would go to a room from 7 A. M., when she leaves her work, until time to go back to work. 9 :30 to 11 :30 P. M. Investigator was solicited by 14 different girls in vicinity of Wabash avenue, between Van Buren and Congress. Eight solicited for a hotel on Wabash avenue, and six for hotel on State street. 10 :10 to 10 :50 P. M. Investigator was solicited by following women : (a) Miss (X259) on State between Jackson and Adams; would go to any hotel,' 'phone (X260). EXISTING CONDITIONS 95 (b) Helena; lives on South Side, would go to any hotel. (c) Rosie, corner Congress and Wabash. This was 11 :45 P. M. 10:10 to 10:50 P. M. Nine girls soliciting on Congress be- tween Wabash and State. Investigator was solicited by six dif- ferent women. Gave names as Rose, May, Ruth, Kate, Grace, Ella. Two of them wanted to go to hotel on Wabash avenue, two to hotel on State, and two any place investigator desired. Met Bessie on Michigan avenue. She is 19 years of age. Came from (X261), Indiana, about three months ago. Works in restaurant on 22nd street. Lives in rooming house on Michigan avenue. Is not a regular prostitute, goes with men for presents or money. Is poorly paid at restaurant. Don't like the country, prefers city life. Expects to move to a room where landlady has promised to allow her to do as she pleases about bringing friends to her room. South Side from East 22nd to 6$rd Street 31st and Indiana avenue. Lucille lives on Prairie avenue. Fairly well educated. About 19 years ; would go to hotel. On Michigan avenue near 24th street. Carmen, 22 years old, goes to hotel on Michigan avenue, lives on Michigan avenue; 'phone Calumet (X262) ; does not take men to her room. At 61st street and Cottage Grove avenue. Flossie lives with her parents on West (X263) street. About 21; goes to hotel on 63rd street. At 28th street and Michigan avenue. Two mulatto girls, one named (X264), about 22, other 20, neither look over 18. Both live on Wabash avenue in rear apartment and take men there. Southwest Side Met Lilly in front of a five cent theatre. She is a dressmaker's apprentice and receives $3.50 per week. "Hustles" at night. Her parents are dead. Her aunt first per- suaded her to become immoral. Frequents saloon on South Hal- sted street. Paulette's parents made her leave home because she went out at night. She says she is "going to hell proper" now. Is 18 years old. Frequents saloon on South Halsted street. THE PROFITS FROM PROSTITUTION IN CHICAGO. That the profits from prostitution are enormous is well known, but until certain facts are known and studied, no clear idea can be obtained regarding them. When two or three of the principal factors are ex- amined a flood of light is thrown on the problem. The police list of disorderly houses and flats submitted to this Com- mission gave the following: 96 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO WEST SIDE. 2?th and s8th Precincts These precincts contain the so-called West Side vice district. Number of houses 38 Number of inmates in these houses 180 Number of flats 93 Number of inmates and keepers in these flats 321 Let us confine the present inquiry as to profit to two factors, viz., first, that from increased rent, and second, from fees paid to the woman for the rental of her body. As a preface to mathematical statements, and to show that the figures given are ultra-conservative, take the following excerpts from statements given in conferences before the Commission, first as to profits from rentals of houses used for purposes of prostitution, and second, as to the amount made by the individual prostitute. (X265) leases a house for $50.00 per month in a section where it would be ' impossible to sublet to respectable parties for a legitimate increase of $75.00 per month. He then expends, say $200.00 in par- titioning off 10 small bed rooms ; total expense so far $250.00. He subleases to a landlady for $200.00 per month, and she often pays a bonus in addition to the $200.00. He thus gets his money back during the first month's rental, and a profit of $150.00 that month and every month thereafter. Mr. (X266) had a certain unoccupied piece of property on (X266a) street which he formerly leased for $50.00 per month. He rented it for $200.00 per month for purposes of prostitution. A keeper of a house of ill-fame stated in conference that she paid $8,000.00 per year on a 10-year lease for the house. Evidence on file with the Commission shows largely increased rents, sometimes double paid for flats to be used far assignation purposes. As a typical instance, see page 80, under heading "Expense of Conducting the Flat." Rent $50 legitimate rent $30. Revenue, lowest amount taken in $165 per month; highest $340 covering a four year period. She had two inmates, and charged $10 to $15 per week board. The prices charged were $5, $7 and $10. Rooms were also rented for assignation purposes, price $2 for a short time, and $5 for all EXISTING CONDITIONS 97 night. She received $2 for every $5 earned by the inmates. One inmate, Rose, once stayed 10 days with her, and earned $50 for herself. During one July, Helen earned $156. During 27 days in August she earned $171. "During one week of a celebration, Edna (X267), who has three flats at (X268) Wabash avenue, made $700 prices $5, $7 and $10." She claims to make $6,000 to $7,000 per year. INDIVIDUAL PROFITS OF PROSTITUTES. The universal practice is that the "madame takes half." If the profit, therefore, of the inmate is given that of the keeper is known. One madame testified before the Commission that in a 50-cent house on the West Side, she with one girl took in $175 to $200 per week. She also testified that she herself entertained 60 men in one night at 50 cents each. This madame is supporting members of her family, and has $7,000 in the bank. Other testimony shows that girls are not encouraged to stay in these cheap houses who do not turn in $25 per week at least. Testimony from a keeper and inmates shows that her girls earn from $100 to $400 a week, and in one or two cases where the girl is especially attractive and "womanly" even $500 per week. This keeper has 24 "boarders." Investigator's report gives the case of one woman who had conducted a flat on the South Side in the residence district for a few years, who had made enough to purchase property on the North Side, and "retire from business," and of another who proposed to retire, and wanted to purchase an orange grove. Inmates of other houses not so pretentious ($2 and $3 houses) testify to making $50 per week and upwards. That there is even published and obtainable data to prove con- clusively the conservatism of the estimates that are given further on, is shown by the two following instances: In May, 1907, Leona Garrity, keeper of a house at 75 South Peoria street, was arrested on the charge of "allowing an unmarried female 98 THE~SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO under 18 years of age to live, etc., in a house of prostitution." The case was tried by a jury, and a verdict of guilty returned, and appeal taken to the Supreme Court, where the verdict was sustained. In the printed abstract of record filed in the Supreme Court in this case, certain pages are reproduced, taken from a book kept by the madame of the house. These pages give the record of the inmates of the house for five consecutive days in May, 1907, and shows the number of men received by each inmate each day, and the amount each girl received. The price for' "service" in this house was 50 cents. It is shown that six regular inmates on four consecutive days received 394 men, an average of between 65 and 66 per day, or 13 per day each, and were paid a total of $98.50, or approximately $4 per day each. This would show weekly earnings of $28 each, and as the total amount of money received was divided equally between the inmates and the madame, the madame's earnings on this basis from these six inmates would be $112 per week, or $5,824 per year. The record, however, of two of the six inmates who worked five consecutive days is as follows: Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thur. Total Av. KITTY: No. of men 24 14 12 9 17 76 15 FLORINCE: No. of men 20 23 21 21 45 130 26 "Kitty" therefore averaged a little over 15 visitors per day, and her weekly earnings would be about the same as those given above. "Florince," however, who was the 16-year-old girl of the case in court, on one day received 45 men, averaged 26 per day, and was paid $32.50 for the 5 days, or at the rate of $45.50 per week. And, of course, "earned" a similar amount for the keeper. The total amount the six girls received for the five days was $114 (although four of them "worked" only four days). The weekly profit of the madame, therefore, from these six inmates, taking this as the average would be $159.60, or $8,299.20 per annum. 1 It should be remembered that this house was one of the lowest and cheapest sort, a 50-cent house. 'Exhibit Q. EXISTING CONDITIONS 99 In 1908, in connection with the arrest of the keeper of a disorderly house, the authorities seized his books and papers. Among these books was one giving the names of the inmates, and amounts turned in by them each day ; total for one month daily, and total receipts per month for 22 consecutive months. These records were held as part of the evidence in this case, and are given below in detail. (The figures given are all taken from the records ; the "averages" and other analyses of the tables are ours.) The price for service in this house was $1. The regular number of inmates of this house was 18. Sometimes these were a few more or a few less. Record for one day (March 14) names of girls and amount turned in by each : Carmen $36 Blanch 28 Marcella 37 Martha 25 Jeannie 16 Lucille 41 Flossie 23 Lilly 13 Helene 20 Paulette 14 Mariette 23 Suzanne 23 Violette 13 Tantine 24 Mignon 11 Jennie 16 Bessie 11 Rosie 10 Alice 20 Marcette 12 Bete 27 Total 21 inmates $443 Average $ 21.10 Average profit per inmate (1/2) $10.05 per day; per week $70.35. Average profit per inmate for keeper, $10.05 per day; per week, $70.35. 100 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO Daily record of inmates for one week, March 7th to 13th 7th 8th 9th 10th llth 12th 13th $24 $33 $16 $16 $18 $17 $16 40 18 22 18 14 11 20 25 19 18 7 18 14 12 20 10 14 23 4 8 10 24 22 22 9 21 16 18 20 13 21 11 7 10 5 22 13 11 14 9 12 11 9 38 11 14 12 7 13 35 25 15 4 30 14 12 26 16 7 7 7 13 19 12 25 12 5 10 16 9 16 12 9 15 7 9 9 29 10 10 23 11 4 5 15 10 8 13 10 6 4 27 11 11 21 10 4 7 20 10 11 2 6 3 3 16 30 5 10 9 7 13 20 10 8 6 8 13 18 7 19 4 11 11 $406 $364 $240 $202 $250 $179 $192 Total for seven days $1,833 Average number of inmates 18 Average per week for each inmate (1/2) $50 Average per week from each inmate (1/2) for madame $50 Record of daily receipts from inmates for one month: Mar. 2, $247 12, $197 22, $339 3, 228 13, 202 4, 229 14, 500 5, 206 15, 350 6, 235 16, 233 7, 419 17, 231 8, 379 18, 226 9, 255 19, 226 10, 214 20, 246 11, 260 21, 420 Total for 30 days $8,144 Average number of inmates, 18 Average earnings per inmate for month (1/2) $220 Average earnings per inmate for week 55 Average earnings for keeper for month (1/2) $4,072 EXISTING CONDITIONS 101 Record of total business per month for 22 months (August, 1906, to June, 1908) : 1906 1907 1908 August $ 6,526 April $ 8,180 December. ... $ 9,229 September.... 6,816 May 8,465 January 1908 7,837 October 7,221 June 8,613 February 7,894 November.... 7,074 July 9,008 March 8,494 December.... 7,790 August 10,061 April 8,266 January 1907. 7,294 September. . . 9,325 May 8,936 February 6,588 October 9,109 March 8,226 November... 8,647 Total for 22 months $179,599 Average per month 8,164 Average earnings of inmates (18) per week (^) 55 With these facts in mind, note the following figures confined en- tirely to "rent of house and body." WEST SIDE. Rent of House 38 houses (from police list). Average excess profit from rental, $1000 per year, to owner or lessor $ 38,000 93 flats (from police list). Average excess profit from rental, $300 per year, to owner or lessor 27,900 180 inmates of houses (from police list) Profit of $25 per week; aggregate per annum 234,000 Profit of $25 per week for keeper from inmates 234,000 321 inmates of flats; same as above ($25 per week) aggregate per annum 417,300 Keeper's profit from 321 inmates 417,300 Total West Side $1,368,500 SOUTH CHICAGO. This so-called "restricted district" is of practically the same chat acter as that of the West Side. i$th Precinct This precinct contains the South Chicago re- stricted district. 25 houses (from police list). Excess profit from rentals, $1000 per year each, to owner or lessor $ 25,000 120 inmates, profit of $25 per week, aggregate per annum 156,000 Keeper's profit from 120 inmates 156,000 Total South Chicago $337,000 102 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO SOUTH SIDE. In this district, while the excess revenue from rentals of houses and flats must be very largely in excess of that on either the West Side or South Chicago, the same amount is used in the estimate for houses, or $1,000 per year, and $50 per month (or $GOO per year) for flats instead of $300. The weekly average profit of the prostitute in this district is esti- mated at $50. 2d, sd and 4th Precincts South Side restricted district. 119 houses (from police list) : Average excess profit of $1,000 per year to owner or lessor $ 119,000 686 inmates of houses (from police list). Weekly profit of $50 each, aggregate per annum 1,783,600 Keeper's profit from 686 inmates 1,783,600 143 flats (from police list). Average excess profit of $600 per year to owner or lessor 85,800 277 inmates of flats (from police list) Weekly profit at $50 each, aggregate per annum 720,200 Keeper's profit from 277 inmates 720,200 Total South Side $5,212,400 RECAPITULATION OF THREE RESTRICTED DISTRICTS (HOUSES AND FLATS ONLY). West Side $1,368,500 South Chicago 337,000 South Side 5,212,400 Total $6,917,900 This appalling aggregate covers only the houses and flats in the three so-called restricted districts. In addition to these houses and flats, the police list gives 17 assignation hotels in the 2d, 3d and 4th precincts, having 1086 rooms, and 6 in the 27th and 28th precincts, having 45 rooms. These rooms rent for from 25 cents to $2. Assuming that each room is rented only once each night at an average price of 50 cents, and that this is all profit (as most of these rooms are rented many times each night, and many of them for higher EXISTING CONDITIONS 103 prices) the sum of $206,407 must be added to the above aggregate for rental only (for the West Side $8,212 and for the South Side $198,195). Estimating that only one prostitute entertains once each night in each room at a price of $1, the "body rental" amounts to $412,815. (For the West Side $16,425 and for the South Side $396,390.) It is an ultra-conservative assumption that considering the total business done, these sums may be called "profits." To con- clude with the police list, 10 houses with 26 inmates, 36 flats with 73 inmates and 19 assignation hotels having 91 rooms are given for the 38th precinct, North Side. An estimate of these on the West Side basis, given below (which is entirely too low) gives an additional sum of $328,022. (See estimate in final table.) We thus have, dealing with the police list only a grand total profit from the two factors mentioned, from tolerated or regulated vice in the city of $7,865,144. And even this is not all. The investigation of the Commission, which covered only a part of the city, showed 398 disorderly saloons catering to immoral wornen, practically assignation rooms, or houses of ill-fame, in which 928 prostitutes were seen; it showed 33 hotels over saloons, 37 hotels not over saloons, 82 rooms over saloons, 24 houses over saloons, and 60 rooms not over saloons. None of these saloons, houses, hotels or assignation places are given on the police list, or considered in the above statement. Estimating on the lowest basis given above (and omitting entirely the 398 disorderly saloons and the 928 prostitutes seen in them), a sum amounting to $611,545 must be added, considering each "hotel" as a flat with two inmates only, and each of the 24 houses as having only two. The final sum is therefore $8,476,689.00. It must be borne in mind that the vast revenue from the sale of liquor is entirely neglected in this sum, nor are any of the lesser sources of profit considered, such as tips given to the girls by patrons (testimony shows this amounts to $25 per week per inmate in the better houses) nor from music, or the large sums made by giving indecent shows, etc. Nor has it anything to do with the matter of clandestine prostitution. In the above estimates, the total number of prostitutes considered 104 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO is 3,233. This figure does not include the 928 prostitutes counted in disorderly saloons mentioned, but only inmates of houses, flats and rooms. The "per capita" annual profit, therefore (from rentals of property and fees paid women) of this business, found by dividing the aggregate given by 3,233, is approximately $1,480.00. What must be the value of real estate and property where such possi- bilities of revenues are found ? Analyzing further the figures given, omitting the first factor of rental of property and the keeper's or madame's share, and consid- ering only the aggregate earnings of the individual prostitute (amount- ing to $4,167,531) and dividing the sum by 3,233, we have a "per capita" earning capacity of approximately $1,300 per annum, or $25 per week. This is 5 per cent, on $26,000. The average wage paid in a department store is $6.00 per week, or $300 per year. This is 5 per cent, on $6,000. In other words, a girl represents a capitalized value of $26,000 as a professional prostitute, where brains, virtue and all other good things are "nil," or more than four times as much as she is worth, as a factor in the industrial and social economy, where brains, intelligence, virtue and womanly charm should be worth a premium. The statements were made above that the "madame gets half," and that even in the cheap houses the girl who cannot turn in $25.00 per week is not encouraged to remain. As has been shown, the aver- age weekly earnings (as much underestimated as the above figures certainly are) amount to that, and the keeper's or madame's share is shown to amount to millions. Why wonder then at the commercialization of prostitution, or at its permanence ? A madame with 10 girls in a house has a sure revenue of $250 per week, or $13,000 per year. After paying her exorbitant rent of $2,400 per annum, is there not enough left for "protection" and graft of every conceivable description? The reasons for the statements of a keeper that she pays $8,000 per year rent for a house that would ordinarily rent for less than $2500, and that her daily expense for 24 servants, breakage of furniture, glassware, etc., etc., is $225, are easily accounted for, when compared with the accompanying statement that "I have accommodations for 24 young ladies," and the further statements both from her and the inmates, that the "earnings" are from $100 to $500 per week per inmate, and remembering that the "madame gets half." EXISTING CONDITIONS 105 Assuming the lowest figure with 24 girls earning $50 per week, the madame's share is $62,400. If, however, the statement of daily expense amounting to $225 is correct, this must be too low, as there would be a deficit. On the basis of $100 per week for each inmate as the madame's share, there would be a profit of $42,675 per year. These figures speak for themselves, and show in a startling manner why vice exists in Chicago, why it is allowed to exist, and why politics and graft are inseparable from it under existing conditions. The rich hoard thus offered explains the reason for the army of cadets and thieves, exploiters and scoundrels who live on the earnings of the bodies of the unfortunate women, who are led to believe the life is "easy." It also accounts for the commercial interests that sup- port, bolster, and live upon it, the real estate owners, and agents, the liquor interests, costumers, furriers, jewelers, druggists, doctors and many others who live on or share in the earnings of the prostitute. The girl is peculiarly susceptible to all forms of graft, and is per- sistently grafted upon by all. Nobody respects, admires or loves her; no one wants her but for one purpose. Confined as in a prison, her only resource is in "blowing in her easy money" for what she can get to make the hours fly, and she is an easy victim to each and every grafter who gets the chance to prey upon her. It is the ease of her exploitation that largely accounts for the so-called commercialization of prostitution and its perpetuation. 106 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO RECAPITULATION OF ESTIMATES GIVEN ABOVE ITEMIZED. From Police List West Side Houses and Flats. Profits of owners or lessors, $ 38,000 27,900 $65,900 Profits of inmates, 180 inmates, houses at $25 week, 234,000 321 inmates, flats at $25 week, 417,300 Profits of keepers or madames, 501 inmates, houses and flats at $25 week 651,300 . 1,302,600 6 assignation hotels, Profits of owners or lessors, 45 rooms at $.50 per night 8,212 45 inmates at $1 per night 16,424 . 24,636 Total West Side, $1,393.136 SOUTH CHICAGO. Profits of owners or lessors, 25 houses at $1,000 per year each $ 25,000 Profits of inmates, 120 at $25 week each, 156,000 Profits of keepers or madames, 120 inmates at $25 week each 156,000 Total South Chicago, 337,000 SOUTH SIDE. Profits of owners or lessors, 119 houses at $1,000 per year each $119,000 143 flats at $600 per year each 85,800 204,800 Profits of inmates, 686 inmates houses $50 week 1,783,600 277 inmates flats at $50 week 720,200 Profits of keepers or madames, 963 inmates at $50 per week 2,503,800 5,007,600 Profits of owners or lessors, 17 assignation hotels, 1086 rooms, at 50 cents night 198,195 Profits 1,086 inmates at $1 per night 396,390 594,585 Total South Side $5,806,985 EXISTING CONDITIONS 107 NORTH SIDE. Profits of owners or lessors, 10 houses at $1,000 per year each $ 10,000 36 fiats at $300 per year each 10,800 20,800 Profits of inmates, 26 inmates houses $25 week each 33,800 73 inmates flats $25 week each 94,900 Profits of keepers or madames, 99 inmates, houses and flats $25 week 128,700 19 assignation hotels Profits 9 rooms at 50c per night each 16,607 Profits 91 inmates at $1 per night each 33,215 Total North Side $ 328,022 Total from houses, flats and assignation hotels given in police list $7,865,143 PLACES INVESTIGATED (NOT ON POLICE LIST). Profits to owners or lessors, 70 hotels, considered as flats, $300 per year each $ 21,000 24. houses $1,000 per year each 24,000 Profits of inmates, these houses and flats, 188 at $25 per week each 244,400 Profits of keepers or madames, 188 inmates at $25 per week each 244,400 Profits of owners or lessors of 142 rooms at 50c per night 25,915 Profits 142 inmates of these rooms at $1 per night 51,830 Total, not on police list Grand total, $8,476,688 108 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO PROFIT FROM THE SALE OF LIQUOR IN CONNECTION WITH PROSTITU- TION DISORDERLY SALOONS. There are 7,153 saloons in the City of Chicago. The present ratio of saloons to population is 1 to about 300 people. According to the testimony before the Commission, given by the President of the Brew- ers' Exchange and the representative of the Retail Liquor Dealers' Protective Association, it will be 20 to 25 years before any new licenses will be granted, because the city ordinances provide that none shall be issued until the ratio of saloons to population shall be 1 to 500. This in a measure accounts for the fact that saloon licenses that cost $1,000 per annum are now worth $2,000 to $2,500, are rapidly increasing in value, and are being bought up whenever possible by the liquor interests. The organizer of the Liquor Dealers' Association states that 25 per cent, of the saloon keepers in the city, go out of business every six months. On the face of it, this would lead to the belief that the busi- ness was unprofitable, but that must be far from the truth. A license when granted is not restricted as to locality but is good in any por- tion of the city; neither is it restricted as to person, but is valid for whomsoever owns it. These two latter features undoubtedly account for the shifting character of the ownership. At any rate, the number of saloons does not diminish and the fact that it does not, that others are not only always ready and anxious to get in, but are willing to pay more than twice the cost of the heavy license, proves that the in- centive is the enormous profit that can be made under existing con- ditions. There can be no doubt that the profits of an orderly, well conducted saloon under proper management, are large, but when the tremendous profit made by the disorderly saloon which not only allows, but seeks the aid of the prostitute as an adjunct to its business (and is permitted to do so) is considered, further light is thrown upon the subject. These saloons, with rear rooms frequented by prostitutes soliciting men to buy drinks and for immoral purposes, either directly connected with rooms or hotels in the same building, or indirectly with others in the near vicinity are virtually houses of prostitution, and the nuclei of vice, o o 03 CO O 13 . 0) i-i 1^ 02 No money to live on or buy clothes. "6 TJ "o 1 "3 O >-. C o> Q M 00 9 o -d & Husband deserted her; en- ticed by older woman. Seduced by married man; family unkind. Seduced; for need of money. Insufficient education for clerk; domestic work too hard. E t 49 'B < if cr j. a^ | o h - fi 49 bfi ^ >> > t_ r^ taC G 5 o g C 'Q. O < S o3 j> i g k 3 02 H O2 B < < L> oo 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 g | -< O 1C l _ j iO 1C 1C P " F CO C 1 * co IM CO ^H tJ E O2 Is s 2 03-* o s Causes for Becoming Prostitute Husband died; could not support child. o s a (H O O fc -3 3a 3 03 ^ 00 Husband died; to support mother and child. Naturally bad; immoral at 15 years. Tired of drudgery; husband deserted her. T3 1 GO g oo" . "S O 5 -S^s 1 3.2 >> t i O c8 'co ^ B a & yi S"O S^ -u ^ ^4 m r>_ co ^ s " ^ PM O) 6 XI 8 S 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 w 10 id "3 *d 10 W5 10 ^ ^^ 1-1 T-l s aj 45 "^ C^ ^H O^ CO (M i i 2 "N 1 S E J > O r^H T 1 ,j r-l i-H CO O w 52; o M O >* | EH O o S5 W O w PH tfl I o CD 1 O CD C CD h O -a I into house afluence. a 2 o Causes for Be< Prostltui CD _O & CD 03 GO CD E o T3 . a> 02 cS'Sb Low wages; wan clothes. Could not get on father. Not education < other work. Poverty. .s Q Woman took her of prostitution 03 X! 1 .S p j| o fl o ^ +^ fl 'a K^ a CD P. OQ ^ C w p_, 53 O S Cu ^ M CD O 4> o o s o o o 8 8 ! -4> Vl ^> CD S H W ^ 03 E CD CO rH i i eo CO CO 1 | c^ sJ 02 Tl *T? O3 CD {""] 5 02 3 <* CD o Pd ^ 1 1 .1 CD 9 O H Waitress.., Dressmake sales. . . . Housework Waitress... Milliner. . . Vaudeville. ^ CD O 11 ,* 43 d S 02 CD i Oi iH CO M QO CO CO TH frn *^ i i 1) CO CO CO T 1 1 1 i (M co s s & s g SOURCES OF SUPPLY 169 ANALYSIS OF "TABLE GIVING DATA REGARDING THIRTY INMATES OF HOUSES OF PROSTITUTION IN CHICAGO." Age. Average age of entrance to life 18 years Average present age 23^ years Average years in business to date, over 5 years These women are the heavy money earners of some of the "best" houses in Chicago. The majority of them are apparently in robust health. At any rate they are in physical condition good enough and attractive enough to patrons to hold the lead in professional prostitu- tion and to earn weekly from $50 to $400. This would seem to largely disprove the statement so frequently made "that the average life of the prostitute is five years" and also the solemn statement of one Municipal Court Judge that "in five years these girls will all be dead." It is undoubtedly true that the women in houses are longer lived and better off than the street walker or possibly than the clandestine prostitute with her, service is largely mechanical not an act appeal- ing to sentiment of affection while with the latter type especially, the physical stress upon the body and nerves and strength caused by expression of "love" as they understand it, makes demands upon en- durance that are unknown to the professional prostitute. Occupation. Studying the occupations, it is found that of the thirty only three never worked; one of these was educated in a convent; of the other two, no data is given. The rest tried to earn their living as follows : Domestics 6 Waitresses 5 Clerks 3 Saleswomen dept. store 3 Dressmakers 2 Milliner 1 Stenography 1 Governess 1 Telephone girl 1 Vaudeville 1 Factory 1 25 170 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO Wages. The average wages of the twenty-five given is $5.00 per week. Family. One was an orphan, two boarded, one lived with an aunt, the rest had apparently drifted away from their homes. Twenty-three of the inmates enumerated thirty-eight brothers and forty- four sisters, so it would seem that most of them come from good sized families. Price of House. The price for "service" of the houses in which these inmates "worked" are $1.00, $1.50 and $5.00. Of these prices the madame received one-half except in the $1.50 house. This particular house has white girls who receive Chinamen only no man of any other nationality is permitted to enter; the madame receives one-third the girl getting one dollar and the madame fifty cents for each "service." Monev How Spent. As to the disposition of the money made by these prostitutes the table shows that three allege they are supporting or helping their family or mother; one, a mother and her own seven-year-old child; one is saving money so she can give up the life. The other twenty-five apparently spend the money on themselves. It is rather remarkable that no one speaks of supporting a lover or "cadet." Causes for Entering Life. Nine were seduced; three could not earn enough to live on in any other way; two were enticed by other women into the life; two were too ignorant to do any ordinary work; two lost their husbands by death and two by desertion; two said they were naturally bad, one said she wanted to, was "born with the devil in her," the other that she "was bad with boys before she was 15"; two for dress; two ruined by drink and one each on account of trouble with family, poverty, money and because she was tired of drudgery (this girl said dance halls ruined her). Twelve, therefore, out of the thirty may be sard to have gone wrong because of economic conditions and most of those seduced found prostitution the only or at least the "easiest" way. SOURCES OF SUPPLY 171 B ANALYSIS OF "DATA REGARDING PROSTITUTES IN DANCE HALLS. Total number of cases, 40. Age. Of the 25 whose ages are given the average is 20.4 years. Occupation. The occupations of the 18 whose employment is given are as follows : Department stores, 9 ; nurse, 3 ; trained nurse, 1 ; lunch room, 1 : waitress, 1 ; cashier restaurant, 1. Wages. Eight give wages earned ; the average is $6.00. Family. Fourteen give meagre data. Of these 6 are married, 2 board, 3 live at home (one of these has a "good home"), 1 father a drunkard, 1 no home, 1 home in New York, married twice. Money How Spent. Two say they support parents ; no other data. Price. One for price of a silk waist. The prices of those given as $5.00 and up are for inmates of (X706a) dance hall. Causes for Entering Life. For money, 13 (one of these says for "spending money," she gets $5.00 per week in a department store and supports parents) ; seduced, 3; violated, 2; 2 to support others (la husband and 1 a lover); 1 for finery; 1 for clothes ; 1 for a good time (won't take money) ; 1 for love of her fellow; 2 bad home conditions; 1 husband a pervert, di- vorced ; 1 induced by bad girl friends ; 1 "brother put me on the bum" ; 1 employer (a doctor) gives her money; 1 had operation and can't work ; 1 fellow turned her down ; 1 better than ruining her eyes sew- ing ; 1 "always was immoral." 172 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO ANALYSIS OF DATA REGARDING PROSTITUTES ON STREET OR IN SALOONS. Total number of cases, 49. Age, Thirty-one give ages. The average is 20.4 years. (Two are 35 years old.) Occupation. Twenty give data as follows: Department store, 6; waitresses, 4; domestics, 1 ; stenographer, 1 ; store, 1 ; mail order house, 1 ; factory, 1 ; dressmaker, 2 ; clerk, 1 ; "works," 1 ; ticket seller, 1. Wages. Only four state amount of wages received; the average is $4.87 per week. Family. Seven are married, 8 live at home, 1 with private family, 2 stated they had good homes, 1 is an orphan and 1 a widow. How Money is Spent. Only one made any statement except regarding her own needs; this one used her money to support her mother. Causes for Entering Life. Thirteen for money ; 4 because they liked it ; 2 ruined and deserted ; 2 deserted by husband ; 2 "easier than working" ; 2 seduced ; 1 to sup- port baby; 1 parents turned her out; I persuaded by aunt; 1 put in business by a cousin ; 1 husband wouldn't support her ; 1 ran away to go on stage ; 1 "didn't want to be kicked around as a servant. ANALYSIS OF DATA REGARDING INMATES OF HOUSES OF PROSTITUTION IN CHICAGO. Total number of cases 19 Total number giving ages 13 Average age of these 13 23.4 years Occupation. Former occupation is given by only 6: Department store, 2; fac- tory, 1 ; waitress, 1 ; domestic, 1, and chorus girl, 1. SOURCES OF SUPPLY 173 Wages. Data given by only 2. Chorus girl, $18.00 per week; 1 department store girl, $6.00. Family. Data given by 6; 3 stated they were married; 2 came from "fine families" and 1 said her parents were "farmers." How Money is Spent. One sends $10.00 per week to parents, the "farmers" referred to above; 1 supports a child. No data regarding the others. Causes for Entering Life. Twelve give causes as follows: 2 of the workers "salary too small to live on"; :horus girl, "bad life of the stage"; 1 went wrong in high school ; 1 influenced by bad girl friends and by house of prostitu- tion opposite her home; 2 enticed into life by bad men; 1 put in house by her husband at age of 15; 1 "left home"; 1 couldn't get along at home; 1 drank and parents cast her off; 1 "sported before she mar- ried." C ANALYSIS OF "DATA REGARDING DELINQUENT GIRLS." Total number of cases, 51. Age. The average of the 47 whose ages are given is 15.7 years. Occupation. Only 30 stated to have been workers. Of these 8 were domestics; 7 worked in factories; 5 in department stores; 2 in laundries; 2 were waitresses in saloons, and the following 1 each: Piano player in nickel theater, telephone company, sweat shop, bakery, news stand, scaled fish. Wages. Only six give data as to wages. The amounts ran from $2.50 to $8.00 per week. The average was $4.90 per week. 174 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO Causes. To the total number given (49), 23 are directly due to bad home conditions, of these 2 were actually sold by the mothers (la girl of 12 to a man 75 years old), 1 driven out by stepfather; 5 were violated; 4 seduced; 4 by nickel theaters; 2 ruined by Greeks in fruit stores; 1 ice cream parlor ; 1 at home by Greek peddler ; 2 by "immoral house parties"; 1 in a saloon; 1 at the soldiers' encampment; 1 in a dance hall; 1 was deserted by her husband after an early marriage; 1 was drugged ; 1 says that drink was the cause ; 1 poverty, and 1 ignorance. ANALYSIS OF DATA FROM JUVENILE COURT RECORDS. The records of 2,241 young girls brought before the Juvenile Court of Chicago during the first ten years of its operation, charged with immorality, or other offenses involving sexual irregularity. The cases of all these girls were carefully investigated by the Department of Social Investigation of the Chicago School of Civics and Philanthropy, in preparing a report on the Juvenile Court of Cook County for the Russell Sage Foundation, soon to be published in two volumes. The cases of these girls were patiently and carefully examined, not only as they appear upon the records of the court, but by personal inquiry of several hundreds of these girls themselves, their parents, and others acquainted with their history. The offenses for which they were brought into court were as fol- lows: On the charge of being disorderly or incorrigible, 1.370; and on the direct charge of immorality, 871. It should be understood that the word "immoral" is never used in the petition or statement of the case, if it can be avoided. The offenses disguised in the court records under the terms "incorrigibility" or "disorderly conduct" in- volve in a large percentage of cases of sexual irregularity. This percent- age is estimated from 65 to 80 per cent, of all these 2,241 young girls, arraigned before the Juvenile Court as delinquents. This fact is more significant in view of their youth, since only 15 per cent, of them are over sixteen years of age, and nearly half of them are fourteen years, or younger. The degraded condition in the homes from which many of these girls came is pitifully apparent. Among 168 girls committed to the State Training School from Chicago, 30 had intemperate fathers, 8 SOURCES OF SUPPLY 175 intemperate monthers, 20 had fathers who were of vicious habits, 16 were children of immoral, vicious or criminal mothers, while in the families of 12 there were others than the parents who had vicious or criminal records. In 24 cases the father had shirked all responsi- bility and deserted the family. Eleven of these girls were illegitimate children, or had been abandoned, and 10 had been victims of gross cruelty, 29 had been in houses of prostitution, or had been promiscu- ously immoral, one having been a "common street walker" at eleven years of age. Thirteen had sisters who had become immoral, and had been committed to public institutions on that account. Fourteen had brothers who had been in such institutions for the care of delinquent boys and men. Among the girls committed from other sections of the State, 31 allege that the companion of their first experience in sexual irregu- larity was a member of their own family, and 16 Chicago girls had the same experience. In 19 cases it was the father, in 5 the uncle, in 8 the brother or older cousin who had wronged the child; in 72 other cases, girls brought in as delinquents before the Juvenile Court had been wronged in this way, 32 by their own fathers. In 189 other cases in which the girls were charged with immorality, the mother or the legal guardian was implicated in the offense, if not responsible for it. In 18 cases, the delinquent girls were children of common prosti- tutes, in 23 cases their mothers were known to be immoral, though not "professionally." In 74 other cases, the mother was described as "of questionable morals" or "of doubtful character," and in 51 cases the mother was intemperate. We are thus confronted by a total of 348 cases, in whjch the court records show that the guardian under whose care the girl was growing up was obviously unfit to be trusted with the care of a young girl. From the records of 156 girls committed to legal custody from other portions of the State than Chicago, 86 were the children of intemperate fathers and 13 of intemperate mothers. These cases of degradation in country families parallel the conditions found in many homes from which the Chicago children came before the court. Un- regulated play in early childhood and prurient pleasures in youth were the occasion of the perversion of many of these children, both in the city and the small town as well as in the country. The first experi- 176 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO ence in sexual irregularity came to 14 Chicago girls and 22 country girls while at play when very young ; to 45 Chicago girls and 65 country girls it came as an incident to such forms of recreation as the theater, walking in the parks, picnics, skating rink, and buggy riding. In 3 cases the girls were going to or from church. To 35 Chicago girls and 39 country girls their first experience of wrongdoing came in the gratification of a certain curiosity; to 14 from Chicago and 24 from the country there was an attraction of something like affection; to 23 from Chicago and 34 from the country it meant obtaining small sums of money, from $1.00 to $3.00, and in some instances only some candy. The victims of force and fraud numbered 25 from Chicago, 62 from the country. Those who were only ten years old or younger numbered 18 from Chicago, 24 from the country. The careful study of the experience of these 2,241 delinquent girls impressed the experienced investigators with the need of developing the most skillful agencies for dealing with such families as many of these girls came from; the need to provide and regulate recreation; and with the necessity to include instruction in personal and social hygiene in the curricula of schools, both public and private, at the age of puberty. THE SITUATION IN CHICAGO BASED ON INVESTIGATION OF THE COM- MISSION. Panders and Cadets. 1. Panders. 1 This investigation has shown that panders often work in groups and are in communication with gangs in other cities. In- dividuals, working independently are also willing and eager to procure prostitutes for houses not only in this city, but for houses in other cities and countries. These individuals and members of these gangs are very often waiters in saloons, bartenders and proprietors of saloons and houses of prosti- tution. They are scattered all over the city, and the individuals are known to each other, and confer together when their services are demanded. The subject of the so-called white slave traffic has attracted much *For text of laws, see Appendix VI. SOURCES OF SUPPLY 177 attention all over the country. The term "white slave," however, is a misnomer. As a matter of fact the traffic in girls includes negroes, Chinese and all sorts of girls. A "white slaver" in reality is a man who employs men and women, or goes out himself to secure girls upon some false pretense or misrepresentation, or when the girl is intoxi- cated, or drugged, and not in possession of her senses, is conveyed to any place for immoral purposes. If the girl is wayward and goes of her own free will, she would not be a white slave, but the man or woman who induced or accompanied her to an immoral place would be guilty under the Illinois pandering act just as much as if he or she had enticed or used force in placing her in a house of prostitution. It has been demonstrated that men and women engaged in the so- called "white slave" traffic are not organized. Their operations, however, are so similar and they use the same methods to such an extent that it is safe to infer that they are in some way working together. This fact is illustrated by the following incidents brought to light through the court records as cited in conference with the Commission by the prosecuting attorney of the offenders. The first is the case of Mollie Hart. In the trial of this case, it was shown that Albert Hoffer, Michael Hart, David Garfinkle, Maurice Van Bever, Julia Van Bever, Dick Tyler and Frenchy Tolman all belonged to the same crowd, and operated together. The headquarters of this gang in Chicago was operated by Maurice Van Bever. This man was found guilty of pandering and sentenced for one year and to pay a fine of $1,000. His wife, Julia, was also found guilty. The Van Bevers had two houses of prostitution in Chicago, one called the Paris, located at the southeast corner of Armour avenue and 21st street, the other the San Souci located at the southwest corner of Dearborn and 21st streets. These two houses back up against each other. This gang operated in a clever manner, which still further proved that the combination existed. This gang had a combination with other gangs in other cities. The following is an illustration : At the time the above arrests were made, an investigation was car- ried on in the South Side restricted district. With few exceptions, St. Louis girls were found in houses, and the presence of these girls was 178 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO traced to this crowd, who brought them to Chicago. Some of the St. Louis girls were found in the two houses operated by a man named Colisimo. He could not be reached. His two managers were arrested, however, but they could not be convicted, because the man who brought them from St. Louis would not turn State's evidence. This man, named Joe Bovo was convicted and sentenced to imprisonment for six months, and to pay a fine of $300. His home was in St. Louis. While the girls could not testify that Hart and Tolman had hired him (Bovo) to bring them to these houses, and although it was not proved in court, the prosecutor could see very clearly how it worked out. When Van Bever was arrested and released on bonds, it was understood that conferences were held with owners of resorts in the basement of Colisimo's saloon. All of the above defendants employed the same lawyer, who has fought a great many of these cases. This is addi- tional proof that it was one crowd operating together. There can be no doubt, then, that these men work in gangs and that in addition there are individuals known to each other in different parts of the city who work along this line. The fact is further illus- trated and proved beyond question by the following typical investiga- tion conducted by the Commission : The account of the investigation is made clear by the diary method, giving under date of each day new developments in the work. At the end one can see the devious ways these men work, the processes under which thy communicate with each other, and the steps taken in the deal by which the woman who has been actually purchased is trans- ferred from one house to another or from one city to another, located in this country or abroad. This investigation deals, as will be seen, in transactions by which prostitutes form the basis of trade. There were a number of individuals involved in this investigation who are referred to as "A," the Agent for the man in China ; "B," the Keeper of a house who wanted to purchase the women; "C," the "Cadet" from whom the women were to be purchased ; "D," the other "Cadets" who also agreed to furnish women, and "E," the women who were to go to the house. Sept. 28, jpio. A met C in a saloon at (X707a) street. C is a waiter in this saloon. During the conversation, A said that he was a successful sporting man from Macao, China. That he was SOURCES OF SUPPLY 179 here on business, and expected to take five or six women back to China. C at once offered to get one woman, who, he said, was very wise, good looking and a money getter. He promised to see the woman the next day. Sept. 29. Saw C as agreed. He had seen the woman and said she wanted to know more particulars. He promised to see her again. During the conversation C said, "Hell, I can get you as many women as you want." A then said that he had a friend from China who was running a sporting house in Shanghai. This friend was in this country to get some women for his place. "If you know so many women," he said to C, "and are on to the ropes you can probably help him get them." C then said, "I'll get him as many women as he wants, when you introduce me, and we will agree on the price, etc." Oct. 3. A talked with D, a saloon keeper at (X708) Strand, over which there is a house of prostitution conducted by his wife. A intimated to D that he expected to stay in Chicago, and go into business. D took it for granted that he meant the same business he was in. D then said, there were well known agents on the West Side who supply women for houses. Oct. 4. Saw C. He was in the same frame of mind as at the last meeting. Wednesday is his day off, and he will try to see the woman whom he had spoken of. He further stated that if he "did business" with the other man from China he would get A what he wanted for nothing, but a few dollars, etc. Oct. 6. C is getting anxious to earn some money in the man- ner suggested. A had said his friend had gone to New York on business. C wanted to know if the friend had returned, and was told that he had not. "When he does come," said C, "bring him around, I can do business with him." Before the next visit to C a telegram was written purporting to come from B (A's friend from China). 1 Oct. 8. A saw C and showed him the telegram from his sup- posed friend in New York, instructing him to get prices, etc., for women to go to China. C said he did not know just how much he should ask for his services. He finally agreed to $50.00 for each woman. A then wrote out a letter in the presence of C to be sent to B in New York. This letter stated the price asked by C per woman and asked him to send money. 2 While waiting for a reply to this letter, the plan was to keep C interested. Before A left him on the evening of Oct. 8, C said Exhibit K. Exhibit L. J80 THE bOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO he was sure of getting two women, and was going to work to get them at once. In the meantime, a letter which had been sent to New York to be written there, and sent back to Chicago by a friend was re- ceived. This letter had been delayed one week, and the telegram used the day before was supposed to take its place. Oct. 10. A saw C and showed him a letter which verified the telegram and did much to throw off any suspicion. This letter was written on paper from a New York hotel, and gave instruc- tions to go ahead. 1 When C saw the letter he said he would make it his business to get the women. He then telephoned to three places to make appointments for himself and A. Oct. ii. C said that he had told a woman on the West Side with whom he had lived two years to look out for women in the neighborhood who wanted to go to China. He promised her a good present if she helped him. He also 'phoned to a friend on the South Side and gave him the same instructions. In the meantime, another letter had been sent from New York, saying that $150 had been sent to pay for three women. 2 Oct. 12. C was shown this letter, and said that he was on the job, and would keep on it until he got the women. Said he had to be very careful as the "fly mugs are looking out so d sharp for those things." He declared that he would go around that night. Oct. 13. C said he had been around to a number of places the night before, and had talked to several women. He had made arrangements with two to call him up and make appointment to see A. One of the women was named Tantine. Both lived on the South Side. One weighs 135 Ibs., the other 169 Ibs. They are American girls, and good looking. They have signified their willingness to to go China. C also left word with seven men whom he knew on the South Side who have been in the business for years. One in particular has been living off of prostitution and pandering for 25 years. He is a great friend of C. This man said he would be able to get the women within a few days. All of the men were given to understand there was money in it, and they are all anxious to make it. Oct. 14. Afternoon. C received two messages, one from a man on the South Side, who said he had two women, and would . . bring them to the saloon that night, if possible. The other message was from a man who asked if a French woman would do to go to Exhibit J. 'Exhibit ML SOURCES OF SUPPLY 181 China. The man would call up during the evening. Both men are working to get the money. Oct. 14. Evening. About 11:20 P. M. D, about 35 years of age, 5 ft. 7 inches, weighing about 150 Ibs., came in saloon. He was one of the men who had called up during the afternoon. He said that if the women were wanted for any place in the United States he would send two of his own, as they were not making very much at present. The two women who were expected did not come to the saloon. C telephoned to make another appointment. D, the man mentioned above, verified C's claim that it was slow work getting women to go out of town, as they were watched closely by the keepers of resorts. "They are all in debt and are not allowed to get out of it; the keepers do not want to lose the women, if they are good money getters." In some instances, the keepers have girls arrested on a trumped up charge, if they want to leave. If they promise to stay the charge is dismissed. D would not talk to A in the cafe, but followed him outdoors. Said he did not want any of the others to see that he had any business transactions with him. He seemed to be afraid, but anxious to make the money. Oct. 15. C said he had again spoken to his friends on the South Side. They all told him they were on the job. The woman he had spoken to, and who had signified her willingness to go to China, had been drunk for three days. He will see her again when she sobers up. Oct. 16. C said that on account of the cadets and other men as well as women who are watching the women it was going to take some time to get them. He thought it would be better to make them believe they were going to Seattle, Washington, or California, and when they were out there, it would be easy to get them drunk and take them aboard the steamer, Oct. 17. C is growing impatient because his friends do not act quicker. He went over to the South Side, to see one of his friends. A said he thought the plan to take the women to Seattle, and then ship them to China, would be a good one. C said if that could be done it would be easier. A met a "cadet" from the South Side, who said that he had a woman "hustling" for him and makes plenty of money. This "cadet" did not say so in as many words, but gave A the impression that he would be willing to look for women to go out of town. Oct. 21. A went to the (X712) saloon at (X713) Dearborn street. Met D, an entertainer, who said he had spoken to a girl named Rose, about going into a house in China. She said she was willing to go. A then went to the (X714) cafe on (X715) avenue, between 182 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO (X716) and (X717) streets, to see D, the proprietor. He was out. The following men, all "cadets," and several others whose names could not be learned, agreed to get women to go to China: D, D and D. D has one woman on the South and one on the West Side. D and the other men know C. Oct. 24. After telling C that he would not lose anything, he gave A the following names of two friends on the South Side who would help him get women: D, proprietor of (X718), and D. D has several sporting houses. (X719) could be found in (X720) saloon at (X721) avenue at 11 P. M. Oct. 2p. A spoke to D, an entertainer in (X722) saloon, at (X723) Dearborn street. This waiter said he would help A get women to go to China, if he would agree to take him and his woman. Later in the evening, D introduced A to a prostitute named Agnes (X724), alias Agnes (X725), had told her about the man who was looking for women to go to China. Agnes is getting a divorce from her husband. She had no "cadet" at present, but will have to get one soon "so as to have police protection," as she said. While A was sitting at the table with this woman, D, the enter- tainer, told her an imaginary story of the free way in which A spent money. He said that one evening in San Francisco, when this "generous man" was sitting in a cafe with the police commissioner, the proprietor and one of the supervisors, he ha^d purchased about $1,000 worth of wine, and had "thrown $50 in gold to the entertainers. He further stated that he had known his friend for several years, and also knew about his sporting house in China. This story so impressed the woman that she was more eager than ever to go. During the evening of the 29th, A went to the (X726) cafe, at (X727) avenue, of which D is the proprietor, to see D, whose name had been given him by C. A asked D if D was in his place, saying he had been sent by C, D replied that he thought D was out of town. He then asked if he wanted to see D on any particular business. A then told D that he was looking for women to go into a sporting house in China. At this D became very confidential, and said that he could get two women for this purpose, the price to be fixed later. He then introduced A to several men about the saloon. One of these was D, a "cadet" who had his woman "hustling" on 22nd street. D said he would be on the lookout for women. A also spoke to a boy about 18, who is an entertainer and "cadet." He knows C and the proprietor of the saloon where C works. He was also willing to get women. When A was leaving, D invited him to come again and repeated that he could get two women by the end of November. SOURCES OF SUPPLY 183 Nov. 17. D asked A when he expected to go to China. A replied in a couple of weeks. D then said he would try to get the women by that time. Nov. 20. D introduced A to a man named "D," a former saloon keeper. D said this man would get some women to go to China. D also said that the man who was indicted by the Federal Grand Jury for importing women, and who jumped a $24,000 bond, would never have gotten into trouble, if he had listened to him. He (D) had offered to get him all the women he wanted for $100 each, but the man thought he would be wise, and so he sent some French "cadets" to France and imported the women. D went on to tell of his long experience in the business, extend- ing over about 20 years. "I am not a cadet myself," he said, "but I have gotten women for others a good many times, and I can get you as many as you want, if you want to pay for it." He warned A not to talk as there were a lot of "stool pigeons" around. Nov. 26. A went to the (X727a) cafe, (X727b) street, corner of (X727c) and (X727d) streets, and A introduced himself to the bartender, named D, as the proprietor of a sporting and gam- bling house in Macao, China. The bartender said he had two women "hustling," one in the rear room of this saloon, and one in a house. He said he might take a notion to go to China, and take his two women with him. He also stated that he could get other women to go. He declared that he was tired of this town, that here was not much money here any more, and he would like to go where a lot could be made. About 12 :00 P. M. on Nov. 27, 1910, D introduced A to a "cadet" named D, who was in the saloon, and told him of the China proposition. D also has one woman "hustling" in the rear room of this sa- loon, and another in a house on (X727e) street. He declared that he was willing to take a woman to China. He pointed out this woman to A. He further stated that he had had a few hundrei dollars, but lost it gambling a few days ago. The record of above events, under the dates given, show beyond a doubt the connection of these men with each other, and how easy it is to enter into negotiations for women to go to other states or for- eign countries for purposes of prostitution. If the Commission had desired to carry these transactions to a final conclusion by the payment of the sums demanded there is no ques- tion but that all of the men above mentioned could and would have produced the "white slaves" for exportation. After consideration of the matter the Commission decided that inasmuch as it was not a prosecuting body sufficient evidence had been secured and the inves- tigation was closed. 184 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO II. The Cadet." 1 The word "cadet" is generally used in place of the uglier title "pimp." He, with the pander or procurer, is the lowest specimen of humanity, and whenever apprehended should be dealt with to the fullest extent of the law. The report of The Committee of Fif- teen (New York City) issued in 1902, thus describes this type: "The 'cadet' is a young man, averaging from eighteen to twenty-five years of age, who, after having served a short apprenticeship as a 'light- house' secures a staff of girls and lives upon their earnings. He dresses better than the ordinary neighborhood boy, wears an abundance of cheap jewelry, and has usually cultivated a limited amount of gen- tlemanly demeanor. His occupation is professional seduction." The cadet is the go-between, he is the agent through whom business is directed toward his own woman, or the house in which she works. He looks after her when apprehended by the law, and either uses some political influence in her behalf, or sees after her fine or bail. In many cases, he is the lover or "sweetheart," and by some power so attaches his girl to himself that she will never betray him no matter if he has beaten and abused her. This strange paradox often prevents justice being meted out to this outcast of society, for in many cases he can be convicted only on her testimony. Often the "cadet" belongs to political organizations, and exchanges shady work at the polls for protection from men in power for his "woman." Again, these "cadets" are often attached to clubs as preliminary boxers and prize fighters. While negotiating with these panders, the investigator met sev- eral "cadets," who are also procurers when they have sufficient courage. Among these "cadets" were the following: (X728), alias (X729), house at (X730) Madison street, in- troduced investigator to one of his women who had come from (X730a), 111. She is about 22 years of age. He has two other girls, one in South Chicago, and one in Chicago Heights. This man conducted an employment agency at one time. (X731) and (X732). These men can be found generally at the (X733) cafe on (X734) street, or (X735) saloon on the corner of (X735) and (X736) streets. Both of these men are "cadets" and procurers. (X732) sold a girl to a keeper of a house of pros- titution in Omaha, Nebraska, for $25 a few weeks ago. He told the girl he was going with her. He went with her and the keeper of the Omaha house to LaSalle Street Station, put the girl *For text of laws and ordinances see Appendices V-VI-VIII. SOURCES OF SUPPLY 185 on the train and left her saying he was going to buy a ticket. He did not return. Two years ago, this same procurer persuaded a girl to leave her home. The parents instituted a search and (X732) grew afraid after he had lived with her for several months. He left and went south to work on a farm to keep out of the way. (X73S). Cadet and procurer. Is legally married to one woman who is "soliciting" for him. He has another woman in a house of prostitution in Indiana. As above stated, many of the bartenders and waiters in saloons are "cadets." In fact a waiter or bartender is often required to have women soliciting for drinks, the two positions go hand in hand. 1 DANCE HALLS. There are approximately 275 public dance halls in Chicago which are rented periodically to so-called pleasure clubs and societies or are conducted by individuals. It has been possible during a brief investigation to observe condi- tions in only nineteen of these dance halls. Those investigated, how- ever, are located in different sections of the city, so that the findings indicate general conditions in places of this type. Many of these halls are frequented by minors, both girls and boys, and in some instances they are surounded by great temptations and dangers. Practically no effort is made by the managers to observe the laws regarding the sale of liquor to these minors. Nor is the provision of the ordinance relating to the presence of disreputable per- sons observed. 2 In nearly every hall visited, investigators have seen professional and semi-professional prostitutes. These girls and women openly made dates to go to nearby hotels or assignation rooms after the dance. In some instances they were accompanied by their cadets who were con- tinually on the lookout for new victims. Young boys come to these- dances for the express purpose of "picking up" young girls with whom they can take liberties in hotels, rooms or hallways of their homes. The following are typical instances illustrative of these conditions : Sept. 5. (X744a) hall, corner (X745) and (X746) streets. Con- 'See Chapter II, The Social Evil and The Saloon. Also Chapter I, Existing Conditions in Chicago. *For text of ordinances regulating Dance Halls, see Appendices XVI-XVTI- XVIII-XIX. 186 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO ditions here were bad. A number of young girls were in the balcony drinking with fellows between dances. Investigator met girl who said she was 17 years of age this month. He danced with three different girls, two of whom proposed going to a hotel if he had the money, the third girl said they could get a room on West Madison street. Beer is sold in the dance hall for 15 cents per bottle. Sept. 4. (X746a) hall, West Madison street. Saloon under dance hall. Conditions bad. One girl was quite drunk. She afterwards came down from the dance hall and entered the rear room of the saloon. Investigator saw girl named Violet drinking beer in dance hall, drinks were sent up to the hall from the saloon below by dumb waiter. Another girl by name of Rosie also left the dance hall and came to the rear room of saloon. Rosie said she was 18 years old, Violet said she was 19. Sept. 10. (X746b) hall, North Clark street. Investigator counted 51 girls. Some appeared to be 18 or 19 years of age. Investigator met one girl who gave the name of Marcella (X746c) and said that she worked in the basement of department store. Marcella said her salary was $6 per week, out of this she pays $3 for meals and $2 room rent, besides 60 cents carfare. She "hustles" three nights a week for extra money to pay for wash- ing, clothes and other things. She told investigator that she can be found in rear room of saloon on North Clark street. She is about 20 years old. Another girl who said her name was Fifie claimed to be mar- ried to a man who was at the dance. The husband knew his wife solicited other men and was satisfied if she brought home some money, but if she "went for charity he would beat her up." When she married this man two years ago she was a street walker, and he was one of her steady fellows. Investigator was also solicited by two other girls, Bessie and Frankie, who said they would go to any of the rooms in houses nearby or to (X747) North Clark street. One girl called Violet was partially intoxicated, she would not dance but sat at one of the tables drinking beer with different men. She is about 20, and looked like a professional prostitute. The rest room contains about 20 tables, and three waiters are in attendance. Beer was 15 cents per bottle, or 5 cents per glass. There is a regular bar in the front of the hall with two doors leading to it. Rough dancing is not allowed, but the language used is coarse and full of oaths. A fellow called Jack said he was living with a big blonde, another boasted to investigator that he was a cadet, and never worked. Sept. 18. (X746d) hall, Wells street. Conditions good. About 225 girls, some did not appear to be over 16 years of age. No rowdy actions allowed. No liquor sold in hall. No smoking al- lowed only in retiring room. The girls do not go out with fellows. SOURCES OF SUPPLY 187 Several told investigator this was the most decent dance hall in that section of the city. It had a bad name three years ago. In- vestigator met one girl whom he knew to be a professional prosti- tute from saloon on North Clark street. He danced with her, and she asked him not to let on that he knew what she was as everybody in the hall thought she was decent. She offered to go to hotel. Sept. 17. (746e) hall, West North avenue. Only two women were seen whom investigator knew to be professional prostitutes. One, named Bebe, said she was from a house on North Clark street. She would not give the number, as the house was posi- tively private, but said if she was given $5 to show that everything was O. K. she would take him to the house after the dance. Sept. 21. (X746f) hall on North Clark street. Counted 185 girls and women from 17 to 30 years of age. Dance hall is on third floor, with two stairways leading down to second floor, where there is a bar. On this floor are tables which are crowded with girls drinking with fellows, between the dances. Dances are conducted here every night and on Sundays. The hall has a bad reputation and a man can "pick up" a girl any time. Investigator talked with the following girls who were all drink- ing: Violet works in department store, salary $5 per week. Was seduced and left home. Baby died and she "solicits" on the side to support herself. Is 19 years of age, born and raised in (X748). Rooms on North Clark street, but would not give number. Rosie, 20 years old. Born in Chicago. Lives with fellow at hotel, and "solicits" for him. Will go any place with fellows. Bessie, 20 years old, works in department store. Salary $6 per week, and "solicits" on the side. Left home on account of step- mother. Rooms with chum. Will go any place with fellows. Mag, 18 years old. Works in department store. Salary $5.50 per week. Tells parents she receives more. Helps support parents and "solicits" at dances for spending money. Father is sickly. Investigator met three professional prostitutes from saloon, and two from another saloon. These women were seeking business. A woman conducting a furnished room house on North La Salle street told investigator that most of the girls at this dance worked downtown and roomed along North Clark street, and "solicited" at night. Sept. 24. (X748a) hall, Milwaukee avenue. Condition fair. Bar in connection on same floor. Tables all around dance hall, and in balcony. Five waiters. Boys and girls are kept very orderly. About 200 girls. Investigator talked with following girls : Lillie, 19 years old, works in department store, salary $5 per week. Will go out for a "good time"; but will not take any money. Her friend gave her a bracelet last week. He is a clerk in the same store. 188 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO Gerty, 18 years old. Works in department store, salary $6 per week. Has two steady fellows, who go to see her every week, and give her $2 each. They take her to a room downtown, but she did not know the name of the place. She lives at home with parents, and when she goes out she tells them that she goes to a show with a girl friend. Aside from the above, investigator met a number of girls from (X749) department store, who were with their steady fellows. One of them named Violet offered to make a "date" with inves- tigator, if he knew of a place to take her. All she wanted was the price of a silk waist. Several other girls wanted investigator to take them to shows or dances. Sept. 29. (X749a). Dance hall on 31st street. Regular bar. Ladies drinking parlor next to dance hall. Six colored waiters. A mixed crowd, but a large proportion are "sporting" women. About 200 girls, ages from 17 to 35. Investigator talked with fol- lowing girls: Miss (X750). Trained nurse, but she cannot stand the work, because of a recent operation. She has a few friends who help her out, and as soon as she can earn enough to buy some good clothes, she expects to go home. Girl (no name), 18 years old. Rooms on East 31st street. Said she wanted to get drunk because her fellow, a singer, whom she had been going with as the "only girl," had turned her down, "she didn't care what happened to her." If investigator wanted her she "would go any place, it didn't make any difference." Later this girl was seen to leave the hall with a young man. Amy, 20 years old. Lives on East 31st street. She would go out, but not that night, as her steady fellow was with her. He is a street car conductor, and keeps her. Had just given her a new fall hat, which had cost $20, and is going to buy her a new winter coat after pay day. She called him (X751). Amy was a cashier in a restaurant downtown until she met him. The only reason she goes with anyone else is to get a little more spending money. Rosie is a dressmaker. Said she was the only member of the family who was "sporty." The reason why she goes out is be- cause if she stays at home, she would be sewing and when she worked by gas light her eyes hurt so that she started to going to this dance hall. She took her first drink in this place, and finally went out with a fellow who offered her $5. When she saw she could make money so easily, she made up her mind it was better than ruining her eyes and health by sewing. She "learned it all by going to this dance hall," and now she "likes her beer, and drinks quite a lot." Tantine. Lives on South Park avenue. Tantine is learning to dance. She comes to the dance with a man who drives a grocery wagon. He is good to her, takes her to shows, buys her presents, and she likes him. He tells her she could make a lot of money, SOUKCES OF SUPPLY 189 but she "likes him too well to go with anyone else." He encour- ages her to drink with the other fellows. Tantine and her friend Bell both were from a hospital. Tan- tine is a nurse and Bell only works there. They go to this dance regularly and both will go out with two men anytime. Tan- tine told investigator that they had two "Interns" on their staff, and were "bleeding" them for all that was in it. (The hospital telephone was given and the fact verified. Hospital (X752a). Rosie. Works in millinery store, learning the trade. Salary $4 and can't hardly exist. Proposed going out as she was nearly "broke." Said she had gone out with fellows before she left home, and her folks were going to send her away. So she ran away with a fellow. This man wanted her to "get out and hustle for him," so she thought if she was going to do it for a living she would keep all she earned herself, so she "quit" this fellow, whom she called Jim. Rosie said she was 20 years of age. She is very good looking. Emma. A professional prostitute, stays at (X752) State street. The dance on October 8th on corner of (X753) and (X754) ave- nue, was given by the (X755) club. Mr. (X756) had the bar privilege. The bar is located at the back of the hall. There were four bar- tenders and drinks were sold to "ladies" at the tables around the hall and in the balcony. There were nine waiters. Beer was sold for 5 cents per glass, 15 cents per pint bottle, whiskey 15 cents a drink. There were about 400 women and girls in the hall. Some of the girls were from 7 to 12 years of age, and they remained until 1 A. M., when investigator left the dance. During the evening the investigator met 5 professional prostitutes from the 2nd street district. He also met three cadets, by the names of Jack (X757) and (X.758) and (X758a) with Gertie, Hattie and Mag. While dancing with these girls, they told investigator that these men were their "lovers," and did not work. Investigator also met the following girls: Rosie (X759), boards at (X760), (X761) avenue. Said she had a friend who gave her a pair of gloves, and is going to give her an old-gold bracelet. He is an insurance agent. She works at (X762) department store. Receives $11 per week in the (X762a) department. Her sister Violet works at (X763) department store as a clerk at $7 per week. Rosie said she would make a date and go out anytime (was verified). While he was at the dance, investigator saw 6 women who were very much intoxicated. (X766) street and (X767) avenue. The dance described above was in the (X768). This one was held in the (X769) proper on the 190 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO same evening, October 8th. Investigator entered this hall after 1 A. M. when he left the dance at the (X770). The dance was being given by the (X771) and (X772) Union. The bar was at the end of the hall and tables were placed all around the room. There were 5 bartenders, 4 helpers and investi- gator counted 23 waiters. He estimated the number of women pres- ent to be 700 ; and at least one-third were either intoxicated or partly so. Two women were put out of the hall for using vulgar language and starting fights. Investigator counted 20 professional prostitutes from the 22nd street district, and other districts. One of the prostitutes frequents (X773) saloon. She told investigator that she was there with a fellow whom she had "kept up" for a year. She had just bought him a new suit. This couple had a quarrel during the dance on account of another girl. Some of the girls present were as young as 16. A man by the name of (X774), said that many of the girls were sporting, "and the dance was as bad as the First Ward Ball in some ways." Investigator met two girls who work in (X775) department store. These girls "solicit" every night in one of the saloons in the 22nd street district. One by the name of (X776), has a man by the name of (X777) whom she keeps. They have a furnished room at (X778) street and (X779) avenue. (X780) hall, corner of (X781) and (X782) streets. Hall rented by (X783), who is manager for the woman who owns the place. He also manages the saloon downstairs, (X784) street. On the night of October 15th there was a (X785) dance in this hall. Investigator met one girl who said she was not working any more, as she had a few "good fellows" who gave her money. She goes to the (X786) hotel on (X787) and (X788) avenue. The men she goes with give her as much as they want to. The room rent is 50 cents. Investigator estimated that there were 200 women and girls, most of whom were (X789), in the hall. Some of the girls appeared to be about 16 years of age. The girls were drinking freely and when he left the hall, he noticed several who were intoxicated. (X790), near (X791) street on (X792) avenue. The dance given on October 4th in this hall was quite respectable. There were about 35 girls and women from 17 to 35 years old present. Investigator talked to four girls who work at (X793) department store. A man in the hall said that the crowd that came in this hall was very select, and had been for two years. No drinks were sold in the hall, the nearest saloon is at (X794) street and (X795) avenue. (X796) hall. Corner (X797) avenue and (X798) street. The dance hall is over a saloon. The entire building is owned by the (X799) brewing company. (X800) is the representative of this SOURCES OF SUPPLY 191 company, and manages the saloon and dance hall, the latter is rented out at different times to organizations and pleasure clubs. The charge for the hall is $25 per night. The dance on October 15th was conducted by the (XS01) club. The bar was in a room at the end of the hall. The investigator declares that the conditions on this particular night were disgraceful. There were about 115 girls present from 15 to 23 years of age, and many of them seemed to vie with each other in being "tough." Several of the girls said that a decent girl would not go to this hall. Investigator saw 9 professional prostitutes whom he had previously seen while investigating conditions in the West Madison street district. The details connected with this par- ticular dance are too vile to appear in print. Investigator danced with one of the girls who was particularly vulgar, and she said she would go to a room in the (X802) hotel, (X803) avenue. The room would cost 50 cents. This girl had a girl friend with her. Both came from St. Louis. Their parents think they are working in Chicago. They "solicit" at (X804) and (X805) saloon (X806) avenue. Investigator also danced with four other girls who frequent this saloon. In addition he met a number of girls who work as waitresses in downtown restaurants, the following information was given by the girls. Jennie. 19 years old. Said her own brother was the cause of her donwfall. She got into trouble and left her home in (X807). Came to Chicago and lived with an old man and his wife on 26th street, until she had a baby. It died the same day it was born. She left the old man eight months ago, and now works in one of (X808) lunch rooms and "solicits at night." She said she would go to the (X809) hotel for $1.00, room rent 50 cents. Mag. Said she was 21 years old. Came from (X810), Ken- tucky, two years ago. Could not make enough money waiting on table to pay expenses. Finally she met a fellow who took her out, bought her some clothes, gave her money and not long afterward they took a room together. He left her and is now tending bar "on the line." She then, went "on the turf for the money." Investigator estimated that there were three boys to every girl. He asked different boys why the fellows didn't dance more. Three told him that the boys come to the dance to get a girl to go home with. There were quite a number of boys under age who were served with drinks at the bar, 19 of them could not have been over 18 years of age. (X811), corner (X812) and (X813) streets. The dance hall is on the second floor with a balcony surrounding it. The bar is in the front end and nearby two rooms filled with tables and chairs. 192 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO The owner of the building is (X814). He also owns the saloon on the ground floor. The rear room of this saloon is filled with setees, closed in so that no one can see those at the tables. Prostitutes soliciting on the street frequent this rear room. In addition some of the girls who attend the dance on the floor above come here, some with and some without escorts. (X815) is the manager for the dance hall. He lives with a girl named (X815a), who acts as his cashier. Investigator recognized a number of girls from the South Side, whom he knew to be professional prostitutes. The large percentage of the girls at the dance October 10th were immoral, and would go out for money. Others go with boys and men whom they like. The investigator declares that a great many of the girls at the dance were apparently under age. They all were served with drinks. Some became intoxicated, and had to be carried out of the room. One girl acknowledged to a doctor, who was with the investigator, that she had syphilis, but did not have enough money to have it treated. She pointed out three other girls in the same condition, and said that there were others who were diseased. During the evening quite a number of the girls were seen to go to the (X816) and (X817) cafes. Afterwards, between 12 and 1:30 A. M. investigator counted 14 couples enter (X818) hotel. He had seen these couples at the dance earlier in the night. Hotel (X819) and (X820) hotel, both assignation places, are in this neighborhood. (X821) hall, (X822) 35th street. On the evening of October 3rd, according to the investigator's estimate, there were about 125 girls and women at the dance. The ages were from 16 to 25. Investigator talked with 5 girls whom he knew to be professional prostitutes; two from a flat on the corner of (X823) street and (X824) avenue, one from a flat on (X825) avenue, and two who said they were from Mrs. (X826) near (X827) avenue on the (X828) side of the street. Investigator talked with 4 girls from (X829) store and with one from (X830) department store. One of the girls showed investigator a comb which (X831) gave her. She further said that she goes out with (X831) two nights each week and he takes her to the (X833) hotel, (X834) street and (X835) avenue. She offered to make a date with investigator. The other girls also offered to make dates. One said she had 3 steady friends, one of whom has a private room with a friend which he keeps for the purpose of taking girls. This room she said was on (X836) street near (X837) avenue, but she would not give the number. Investigator talked with another girl whom he had met in the rear room of (X838) saloon on (X839) avenue, near (X840) street, and she had solicited him. He asked her if she was still living with her "cadet." She replied that she was but he had gone to Milwaukee for a few days and had taken nearly all of her money. SOURCES OF SUPPLY 193 The majority of the girls at the dance on this particular evening were from 16 to 20 years of age, and many of them were very good looking. The conditions in this hall appeared to be so revolting that it was determined to send another investigator of entirely different type to verify the other's report. This was done on October 23rd. The following is his condensed report, substantiating the former investiga- tion. (X841) hall, (X842) 35th street. On second floor. Benches about the room. Extreme left is a stairway leading to the rear room of the saloon on the ground floor. Girls from the dance hall mingled with immoral women who solicit in this rear room. The charge for admittance to the dance hall is 25 cents, with 10 cents extra for wardrobe check. A large number of the girls were quite young. Investigators talked with two who were 15 years of age. Many appeared to be from 16 to 18 years of age. The language used by the girls and their men acquaintances is un- printable. Investigator talked with several of the girls. Among them the following: Rosie. Sixteen years old. Said she had no home. All she pos- sessed was the clothes she wore. At one time she was in a house of prostitution, but was not allowed to stay because she appeared to be so young. Girl. Name not secured. Said she had been to a hotel the previ- ous Saturday night. She was going home on this particular even- ing, but would go out for all night the following Wednesday, if in- vestigator would come to the dance hall and get her. She said that many of the fellows who come to this dance hall go out with her. "The fellows and girls are always changing off." She does not take money but the fellows buy her breakfasts. She works in the (X842a). This dance hall is owned by (X843), and his manager is (X844). (X845) also owns the (X846) hall, (X847), the manager of the (X848), lives with a girl called (X849), who solicits in (X850) cafe. Her parents live at (X851) street, between (X852) and (X853) streets. (X854), (X855) North Clark street. In 1900 (X856), a cab- driver, opened this hall under the name of (X857). In 1906 the name was changed to the (X858). One of the worst features of this dance hall is the number of pro- fessional prostitutes and cadets who come to the dances. It is es- timated that 75 per cent, of the girls who come here on weekday nights are prostitutes. An innocent girl is in great danger for the cadets are constantly on the lookout for them. On Saturday and Sunday night the attendance is about 300. The girls are from 17 to 25 years of age. Many of the girls are wait- resses, house maids, and clerks in department stores. They are called "charity," as they do not charge for their services. 194 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO The dance hall is on the 3rd floor of the building. The cafe or bar is on the floor below. There is a private wine room on this floor, in which (X859) entertains girls whom he has taken a fancy to. Just off of this room is another private room furnished in elab- orate style including a couch. It is asserted that (X859) has used this room for purposes of seduction. By 12:30 A. M. on the nights of the dances many of the girls were intoxicated, and were "picked up" by young men who frequented the place for that purpose. There are a few assignation hotels in the vicinity. One is the (X8G1) on the corner of (X862) and (X863) streets. Among the cadets seen here was Robert (X864), who at present is living at the (X865) hotel with a girl called "Jessie" (X866). This girl is a prostitute in a house at (X867) avenue. (X868) hall, (X869) 22nd street. This dance hall is the most no- torious place in Chicago. In fact it is to Chicago what the Haymarket is to New York. A description is given here in order to contrast it with the other dance halls described above on the proposition that some of them are to all intents and purposes just as much a part of the expression of this phase of prostitution. The only difference is that no respectable girl enters (X868), unless taken there by silly and thoughtless people, who want to show the sights of the city. Every girl who frequents this place is a professional prostitute, grooomed and trained to coax money out of the pockets of visitors for the benefit of the managers and then to persuade him to go to a hotel or to their own flats. One of the rules of this place is that a girl is supposed to make each man spend at least 40 cents for every round of drinks. The price of admission to men is 25 cents, in addition to a tip of 10 cents for checking a hat. The building in which this hall is located is owned by (X871), who leases it to a combination like the following: (X872), (X873), owner of the (X874) cafe, and one other per- son, who is said to be a representative of (X875). (X876) acts as manager for this trio. The entertainment in this place is given by two men and one woman singer. These men pass the basket and the collection goes to help defray the expenses. The singers are paid $30 per week. After a song, an orchestra in the balcony begins to play, and the "guests" form in couples and dance. The girls are very aggressive, and do not wait for an invitation, but sit down at the tables, and as pointed out above, order a round of drinks that costs no less than 40 cents. The mixed drinks brought to the prostitutes are counterfeit. For instance the girl orders a "B" ginger ale highball. This is colored water made in imitation of this drink. The cost is probably less than a cent, but the victim pays 25 or 50 cents for it. SOURCES OF SUPPLY 195 The business is run in a systematic manner; the prostitutes must be in their places at 9 :00 P. M. If they are tardy, the manager "calls them down." The force of prostitute attaches numbers about 20 at the present time. They charge $5.00 and generally go to the (X877) hotel at the corner of (X878) and (X879) streets. The price of the room here is usually $5.00 and the girl gets half. If she wants it cheaper, she will hold up a certain number of fingers indicating the price to be charged. The woman in attendance at the (X877) hotel is colored and they call her (X881). The following are among the prostitutes who solicit in this dance hall and act as assistants to the managers in the sale of liquor. (X886). This girl is called (X887) on account of her beauty and money making ability. She came from New York City three years ago. Is about 24 years of age; has been married twice. About five months ago she entered the (X888), where she stayed two weeks. During this period she became a pervert, and this has added to her popularity with the men, particularly those who are advanced in years. After returning to the dance hall she met an entertainer named (X889) with whom she now lives on (X890) street, near (X891) ave- nue, and bears his name. He sings in nickel theaters and restaurants. Violet (X893). About 21 years of age. Came to Chicago about two years ago from (X894), Illinois, where her parents still live. She lives with a (X895) named (X896), at (X897) avenue. Violet became immoral when she was 15 years old, and left (X894) because she fell in love with a married man, who would not leave his wife. Rosie (X899), alias Rosie (X900). About 20 years of age. Came from (X900a), Minnesota, about two years ago. Violet (X901) is her chum. Rosie lives with (X901) at (X903) avenue. Bebe, correct name Bebe (X904). Came to (X905) about three years ago. For the past two years has lived with a fellow named (X906), who was an entertainer in the dance hall. Last year (X906) was arrested for mistreating a 7 year old girl. He has a wife living in (X908). Bebe recently quarreled with (X906), and she sent for his wife who had him arrested. He is now living in (X910) with his wife. Bebe lives with (X911), a waiter in the (X912) cafe. Marcella (X913), alias Tantine (X914). About 20 years of age. Was born in (X915), Wisconsin. Came to Chicago about two years ago and started to work in the (X916) department store. One of the managers insisted on taking her out, which she finally had to do "to hold her job," as she asserts. At one time, she declared, she had a miscarriage in the store. Finally she left the (X917) and became a waitress for (X918) and Company at (X919) Park. While here she started to go to dances at (X920) hall. One night she met a girl who induced her to go to (X921) cafe to "hustle." At this time she lived at (X922) avenue. Her married brother heard that she was "hustling" and made her come to live with him on (X923), near (X924) avenue. Afterward she left her brother, and entered a flat operated by Mrs. (X925), room (X926), (X927) apartment building, 196 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO (X928) avenue and (X929) street. Two months after she began so- liciting she was infected, and was confined in the Cook County Hos- pital for two weeks. She has solicited in (X930), a saloon on the corner of (X931) and (X932) streets. Rosie (X933). About 21 years of age. Her parents live at the (X934) hotel at present. She was married at one time to (X935), but secured a divorce because he was a pervert. Babette (X936). Solicits in (X937) and (X938). She is about 19 years of age. She lives with (X939), a salesman for (X940), northeast corner of (X941) and (X942) streets. His salary is $20 per week. He first met her at the (X943) hall, where she attended dances when she first came to the city. They live at the (X944) hotel or flats at (X945) avenue and (X946) street, telephone (X947). Mag (X947a). Correct name is (X948), home in (X949), Ohio. Parents still live there. Told investigator she was 16 years old. Said (X876), manager of (X868), instructed her to tell everybody that she is 19, and that if he ever found out that she told anyone her right age, she would be put out and he would "beat her up beside." Mag's chum also told investigator that she (Mag) was only 16. She also said that Mag would be getting into trouble soon. Mag said she was sending money home as her parents needed it. Her father is a drunkard, she said. She has two sisters. Tantine (X952). About 19 years of age. Is a blonde. Has been a prostitute for three years. Been soliciting in (X953) for six months. She lives at (X954) Wabash avenue. Flat (X955). Quite a num- ber of prostitutes live in this flat. She pays four dollars per week for room and bath. Tantine's parents live in (X956). She went home last summer, and told her parents she was married and had a "rich husband." When she was 16 years of age she met a man named (X957), who' promised to marry her, and on the strength of this promise seduced her. They then planned to elope. He took her to (X958), Wyoming, and put her in a sporting house. The following is given in practically her own words: "I was a little mutt, then, and I did not know where I was. The landlady just asked my name and how old I was. I told her 16. She said I looked it. You bet I did. I wore my hair in a braid, and it was parted in the center flat on my head. I also wore short skirts. It was a pretty house, and the madame told me to stay up in my room. She asked how I came to know (X957), and I told her he was my husband. I did not see him again until late that night. In a short while the landlady called me down from my room and introduced me to an elderly gen- tleman, and told me to go up to my room with him. I told her I did not want to go up to my room with any one but my hus- band. She said that man was going to give me a whole lot of money, if I just went up to my room with him. I finally decided SOURCES OF SUPPLY 197 to go up with him. He asked me if I wanted some wine. I told him no. Then the landlady called me aside and said 'Order it anyway, and if you can't drink it, why ditch it.' When we got up to my room, I said, 'Yes, I'll have some wine, and ditch it.' He started to laugh, and called the landlady up and told her what I had said. The landlady laughed and said, 'She is only a little rum, don't mind her.' He then explained to me that ditch it meant to throw it away, when he was not looking. After talking for a short while, he said it was about time that he made me work. I asked what he meant, and he said, 'Take your clothes off, and I'll show you.' I felt highly insulted and told him so. He then told me where I was, and what I was up against, and I started to cry. He then gave me $50 and told me to go home to my mother, cause he said that was where I be- longed. 1 did not see anybody else that day, and late that night (X957) came back and told me that he already was married and he had a child. He said that he was going to (X961) to get a divorce and then marry me. At the same time he took the $50 away from me. I was only here one day, because the next day I met a fellow who was going to (X962), and he asked me to go along. I con- sented and went with him. I lived with him for nearly a year. He was the second fellow I ever stayed with. (X957) actually violated me. He forced me, and I was going to tell my mother only he promised to marry me. No, I did not like him so very much. While in (X964) city, I had a quarrel with my fellow, and left him. I took the train for (X965), because I had heard so much about it. I "hustled" there for about a week, when I met (X966), a very prominent doctor of (X965). He was a mar- ried man, and he put me up in a swell hotel and gave me all the money I needed; he only came to see me about three times a week. All went well for about a month until one day I was ar- rested by the chief of police himself. He took me into his of- fice, and showed me a picture of myself which my father and mother had sent him in order to locate me. I denied that I was Tantine and said I did not have any parents and that I came from (X968). He then asked me to name a few of the principal streets of (X968) and I was stuck. I told him I could not re- member them now, as I was not there very long, as I spent most of my life in (X968). He asked me about (X968), and I got away with that all right. I then told him that that picture could not be of me as I was much older. I did age fearfully after that. I look much older than 19, don't I? He talked to me for about two hours, and I bulled him, and he finally let me go. Everything was all right until one day I ran into a fellow from home who also knew (X966). He promised to take me to 198 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO Chicago and I decided to go with him. He then wrote to (X973), who was in (X974) at the time with his wife and child. When we arrived in Chicago my friend put me in (X975) house, (X976) Dearborn street, About a week later (X957) and his wife came to Chicago. He came up to see me and wanted me to live with him. I bawled him out and threatened to turn him over to the police or kill him, if I ever saw him again. That same day his wife came over to see me and she told me that he did the same thing to her. He seduced her and when she had a baby her folks made him marry her. She said he was leading her and the child a dog's life, but she stuck for the child's sake. He was the prettiest baby I ever saw. I believe they are living in (X978) now. I left (X975) house in about two months, and have been in a lot of houses. I have been in places where they graft, almost hold you up. I have hustled on the street. Yes, I used to pay lots of protection money to policemen. But I got wise in time. If they threaten to pinch me, why I say, go ahead and pinch me, then they won't. No, you can't make any money hustling on the street any more. If you want to be in right you have got to give half of what you make to the coppers. No, I never knew any of their names, but I could point them out to you any time. Hell, they all graft. There is not a policeman around here that doesn't hold us girls up, and I know it from experience. But you see us girls who have been around a long time get wise, and they don't get a nickel out of me any more. I go home at 3 :00 A. M. every morning, and I don't hustle any place any more but here. I think I make more than any of the girls around here, and I don't spend it on booze like the rest of them. That's why they never have anything. I make on an average of $100 a week. That's pretty good, isn't it. Well, come up to the house some afternoon, and see me. No, I don't live with anybody. It don't pay." Enforcement of the Law and Ordinances. On June 6, 1910, the ordinance regarding bar permits went into effect. From this date until October 31, 1910, the Department issued 1,207 bar permits. Of this number 1,157 were issued for places where dances were to be held. None of the surety bonds on which these permits have been granted have been forfeited during that time. DEPARTMENT STORES. As an introduction to the study of Department Stores it may be well to call particular atention to the fact that the present economic and insanitary conditions under which the girls employed in factories SOURCES OF SUPPLY 199 and department stores live and work, has an effect on the nervous forces of the girl in such a way as to render her much more susceptible to prostitution. This is true as a basis. The whole tendency of modern life, which places a greater strain on the nervous system of both men and women of all classes than has ever been placed at any time in the history of the civilized world, cannot but help, to a great extent, develop consid- erable eroticism. The sexual senses of the brain, as well as the sem- inal parts, are from the very nature of their natural functions, sus- ceptable organisms and they will be the most readily influenced by modes of life, and highly speeded modern life must stimulate these or- ganisms. It is a sound medical fact that practically the same condition in regard to stimulation of nerve cells exists at the point of extreme ex- haustion, where a person has a feeling of strength which is unnatural, and that point is usually reached after exceedingly hard and exacting labor, or at the point where high feeling, improper exercise, and a considerable amount of alcohol can bring the nerves to a point of stimulation. That is the explanation of the fact that people try to dis- prove the economic explanation of prostitution from the fact that there are people of all classes of society addicted to immorality. It is unfortunate that it has not been possible to undertake a full investigation of hours of labor and the results of nervous strain caused by machinery and occupations where machinery is chiefly employed and operated by women and girls. Without this accurate economic data, it is practically impossible to established a firm foundation on which to deal with the sources of vice in its various forms. This lack of data is supplied, to a degree, by the following quota- tions showing the effect of this nervous strain upon working people, men, women and girls. D. BAD EFFECT OF LONG HOURS ON MORALS. "The effect of overwork on morals is closely related to the injury to health. Laxity of moral fibre follows physical debility. When the working day is so long that no time whatever is left for a minimum of leisure or home life, relief from the strain of work is sought in alcoholic stimulants and other excesses." Massachusetts Legislative Document House, 1866, No. 98. 200 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO "Overwork is the fruitful source of innumerable evils. Ten and eleven hours daily of hard labor are more than the human system can bear, save in a few exceptional cases. * * * It cripples the body, ruins health, shortens life. It stunts the mind, gives no time for culture, no opportunity for reading, study or mental improvement. It leaves the system jaded and worn, with no ability to study. * * * It tends to dissipation in various forms. The exhausted system craves stimulants. This opens the door to other indulgences, from which flow not only the degeneracy of individuals, but the degeneracy of the race." (Page 24.) Relations Between Labor and Capital. U. S. Senate Committee, 1883. Vol. I. "I have noticed that the hard slavish overwork is driving those girls into the saloons, after they leave the mills evenings * * * good re- spectable girls, but they come out so tired and so thirsty and ex- hausted * * * from working along steadily from hour to hour and breathing the noxious effluvia from the grease and other ingredients used in the mill." Testimony of Robert Howard, Mulespinner in Fall River Cotton Mills. 1 E. BAD EFFECT OF FATIGUE UPON MORALS. 2 The dangers attendant upon excessive working hours are shown also by the moral degeneration which results from over fatigue. Laxity of moral fibre follows physical debility. When the working day is so long that no time is left for a minimum of leisure and recreation, re- lief from the strain of work is often sought in alcoholic stimulants. In extreme cases the moral breakdown leads to mental degeneracy and criminal acts. (1) GENERAL LOSS OF MORAL RESTRAINTS. "There can be little doubt that working 10 hours a day would be more favorable to health and the enjoyment of life than 12 hours a day can be ; but without entering into the question of health, no one will hesitate, I think, to admit that, in a moral point of view, so en- tire an absorption of the time of the working classes * * * must be extremely prejudicial, and is an evil greatly to be deplored. Some there are, undoubtedly, who, by more than ordinary natural energy, overcame this disadvantage; but with the great mass it has had the 'These extracts were taken from the decision of The United States Supreme Court in the case of Curt Muller v. State of Oregon, upholding the constitu- tionality of the 10 hour law for women and Brief for State of Oregon by Louis B. Brandeis. 'Brief and Argument in case of Ritchie et al. v. Wayman and Davies. Filed in the Supreme Court of Illinois by Louis B. Brandeis at the December, 1909, term. SOURCES OF SUPPLY 201 effect of rendering them ignorant, prejudiced, addicted to coarse sensual indulgences, and susceptible of being led into mischief and violence by any appeal to their passions or prejudices. With so few opportunities of mental culture, and of moral and religious training, it is surprising that there should be so many respectable and virtuous people among them. For the sake, therefore, of public morals, of bringing up an orderly population, and of giving the great body of the people an enjoyment of life, it is much to be desired that in all trades some portion of every working day should be reserved for rest and leisure." (Page 30.) British Sessional Papers. Vol. XXII, 1842. Re- ports of Inspectors of Factories. "Wherever you go * * * near the abodes of people who are over- worked, you will always find the sign of the rum shop. Drinking is most prevalent among working people where the hours of labor are long." The case for the Factory Acts. Edited by Mrs. Sidney Webb. London, 1901. "If working long and irregular hours, accepting a bare subsistence wage and enduring insanitary conditions tended to increase women's physical strength and industrial skill if these conditions or unregu- lated industry even left unimpaired the woman's natural stock of strength and skill we might regard factory legislation as irrelevant. But as a matter of fact a whole century of evidence proves exactly the contrary. To have women's labor unregulated by law means inev- itably to leave it exposed to terribly deteriorating influences. The woman's lack of skill and lack of strength is made worse by lack of regulation. And there is still a further deterioration. Anyone who has read the evidence given in the various inquiries into the Sweating System will have been struck by the invariable coincidence of a low standard of regularity, sobriety and moraltity, with the conditions to which women, under free competition are exposed." (Page 209.) Dangerous Trades. Thomas Oliver, MD., London. 1902. "On the morals of the workers there has been a marked effect." If working long and irregular* hours, accepting a bare subsistence wage, and enduring insanitary conditions tended to increase women's physical strength and industrial skill if these conditions of unregulated industry even left unimpaired the woman's natural stock of strength and skill we might regard factory legislation as irrelevant. But as a matter of fact a whole century of evidence proves exactly the con- trary. To leave women's labor unregulated by law means inevitably to leave it exposed to terribly deteriorating influences. The woman's lack of skill and lack of strength is made worse by lack of regulation. And there is still a further deterioration. Any one who has read the evidence given in the various inquiries into the Sweating System will have been struck by the invariable coincidence of a low standard of regularity, sobriety and morality, with the conditions to which women, under free competition, are exposed. (Pages 209-210.) The Case of 202 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO the Factory Acts. Edited by Mrs. Sidney Webb, London, Richards, 1901. "Girls in factories are expected to keep up a certain 'pace/ while at work, and ten hours of driving work at a hot pace are not to be considered conducive to good health physically or to leave the worker in any humor for applying herself to educational improvement. Dances and shows will be the most attractive things to be indulged in after work, if the chance offer." (Pages 33-34.) Charities and the Com- mons. March 6, 1909. Vol. XXI. No. 23. New York. The In- dutsrial Environment of Pittsburgh's Working Women. Elizabeth Beardsley Butler, Former Secretary New Jersey Consumers' League. "Although very many girls are brought here, innocently betrayed into a slavery rigid in its strictness and purports in its nature, the price offered to the victim is only that of higher wages and better economic conditions, the greater number of women who have already been living an immoral life abroad, and who come to the United States willingly to continue open-eyed practices of their former life, come to secure higher wages, often profit ten times as great as they have re- ceived in Europe, though they are subject to their pimps, and have little or no opportunity to save for themselves, there is yet the op- portunity for higher gains, a higher economic standard of living, an opportunity for travel and the interest of a new environment, and perhaps at times a hope of real betterment of conditions. Page 6 Senate Document 196. There are many men who own large establishments, who pay wages which simply drive women into prostitution. Some of the girls who are most tempted, and who enter lives of pros- titution, work in the big department stores, surrounded by luxuries, which all of them crave, and sell large quantities of those luxuries for a wage compensation of about $7.00 or $8.00 a week, and even less. This subject is treated in the Pittsburg Survey under the head of "The Woman and the Trades," published by the Russell Sage Founda- tion. On page 305, the writer said: "Where the store is particular as to the mode of life of its em- ployes, and makes it a point of dismissing those who offend against its standards, the percentage of girls that lead irregular lives is lower than in those stores where it is sometimes tolerated and sometimes encouraged; yet from among the girls themselves, and those dealing with it from those sources, my information is that in the moral jeopardy of shop girls lies one of the serious problems of the women employed in trades." In all large citise there is a system of common school education, which is thorough and very good in most cases. It educates the de- SOURCES OF SUPPLY 203 sires of young boys and girls to a point of at least decent living in comfort. It also gives them the power of analyzing their own posi- tions, and the positions of those who surround them. It is inevitable that when such young men and young women go out into life, they should be very ambitious that in a few years they will be running some establishment. But later on a man reaches $12.00 or $15.00 a week, and the woman $7.00 or $8.00, and find themselves units in a vast array of clerical and office help, with no hope for bettering their con- dition. This results in creating a class in society, too intelligent to burden the world with children whom they cannot .support and edu- cate, and fill society with homes where only the father works, and homes which naturally will be more frequented by installment col- lectors for furniture, than by happiness or any other socially com- fortable thing. EXISTING CONDITIONS. The girl in the department store is confronted with certain tempta- tions which are ever pressing harder upon her. The first of these is the procuress, the second the "cadet," and third, the man directly over her, who may even be the manager or the proprietor himself. But in spite of these temptations it is only fair to say that many of these girls never fall before these allurements. They work grimly on enduring and suffering to the end. It has been established after exhaustive study that it is quite im- possible for a working girl in any large city to live on less than eight dollars per week, yet employers of these department stores say that they pay on an average of from $6.00 to $7.00 per week. This is - all the girls are worth, they maintain, the law of supply and demand regulates all this. And because the unskilled girl workers are a drug on the market the employer keeps piling up enormous profits and paying great divi- dends, sometimes extra dividends. In writing upon this subject in Pearson's Magazine for February, 1911, at page 178, Richard Barry refers to a census taken last year by the Woman's Trade Union League of Chicago, which showed that "from 25 per cent, to 30 per cent, of the women employed in the department stores were not receiving sufficient money to enable them to procure the necessities of life." 204 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO And again, Mr. Barry calls attention to the work of a New York home for women, the matron of which is said to have declared that "16 per cent, of the girls who applied there for refuge, have entered a life or immorality in the greatest city in the country because of in- sufficient wages, which do not allow them to pay for food and lodg- ing." Under the heading "Profits from Prostitution in Chicago," in this Commission's report, attention is called to the earnings of the in- mates of houses of prostitution giving as an average $25.00 per week or $1,300.00 per annum, which is ultra conservative. This is five per cent, on $26,000.00. The average wage paid in a department store is $6.00 per week or $300.00 per annum. This is five per cent, on $6,000.00. In other words a girl represents a capitalized value of $26,000.00 as a professional prostitute, where brains, virtue and all good things are "nil," or more than four times as much as she is worth as a factor in the industrial and social economy where brains, intelligence, virtue and womanly charm should be worth a premium. 1 Does it surprise one in the face of these conditions that many weak, tempted, nervously exhausted girls realizing the financial profits from the sale of their virtue enter upon what they believe for the moment to be the "easiest way," only to experience finally its sad consequence. A former salesgirl in a department store was seen in a fashionable all-night restaurant. She said that four weeks previous she had been earning $8.00 per week. She enumerated different articles of clothing which she was wearing, and gave the prices of each, including her hat. The total amount came to over $200.00. Her eyes had been opened to her earning capacity in the "sporting" life by a man who laughed at her for wasting her good looks and physical charms behind a counter for a boss who was growing rich from her services, and the services of others like her. A girl who had been employed as a misses' model in another de- partment store at $10.00 per week also learned that she could easily become a "$5.00" girl, by frequenting a notorious dance hall. She had been in this hall two weeks when she remarked that the "graft" was so easy she was almost "ashamed to take the money," and "it beat the department store game all to hell." *See Chapter I, Existing Conditions, page 95. SOURCES OF SUPPLY 205 The plain blunt facts tell more than pages of theorizing on the subject. Let us look for a moment at the results of the field investigation as undertaken by the Commission showing some of the methods used in the stores, the wages now actually being paid and then the various forms of temptations surrounding the girls. METHODS USED IN THE STORES. /. Application for Employment. The application blank which a prospective salesgirl must fill out usually contains blanks for a record of a girl's entire business experience, as well as educational quali- fications, etc. A study of these application blanks would be intensely interesting if it were possible to obtain them. //. Rules. These rules are usually very elaborate and cover a wide field. One rule generally conspicuous calls attention of the employe to dress requirements. A case is on record where a girl actually purchased 24 shirt waists in one year in order to "be cleanly and neat in appearance, avoiding extravagance and display," as required by the rules. Of course the girl knew that $5.00 waists would last longer than 98 cent ones, and it would be economical to buy such waists, but in her case she never could amass a sum like $5.00, so she purchased the 98 cent ones, washed them once or twice and when they fell to pieces, threw them away. No doubt other girls could do better, having a knowledge of sewing and washing. Another washed her one waist every night, in order to appear "cleanly and neat," and avoid "extravagance and dis- Play." ///. The Fining System. Another method used by certain depart- ment stores under the guise of "maintaining discipline" is the fining system. For every mistake an employe makes, for every moment they are late in their places, there is a regulated system of fines. These natural, and often unavoidable losses are watched and recorded, and the amounts deducted from the weekly salary. IV. Wages Paid. The information given below was obtained from the girls in the different stores by a woman who has worked among them for fifteen years and knew they were telling the truth. 206 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO (X980) pays a uniform scale of wages, amounting to $2.00 per week to all clerks, and they allow in addition a percentage on goods which are sold in the house as follows : On Hat selling for $2.48 15 cents 4.98 25 " " Fur " " 4.98 25 Feathers " " .69 5 a a 98 5 a " Underwear garments . " 2.19 10 " a a 24 1 " Waists " " 1.98 7 Hose " " .19 1 Gloves " " .24 1 " Young sales inspectors receive a straight salary of $4.00 and older ones $5.00 per week. If a mistake is made by any of the clerks in mak- ing out sales, they are charged 10 cents, an error slip for this amount being put in against them. Another store (X981). A girl in the china department receives $6.00 per week. She has been in the employ of this firm for a long time. This house pays 2 per cent, over a certain amount of sales for the week. Young inspectors receive $4.00 and older girls $4.50 to $5.00 per week. Another store (X982). A salesgirl without much experience receives $6.00 per week. Some are raised to $7.00 after a year or two. They offered a young lady with some experience $10.00 per week to work in the curtain department. This is one of the most difficult positions to hold in a department store, as a salesgirl must know how to display the goods, as well as the names of the different grades. One of the girls in the hosiery department receives $6.00 per week ; one in the hardware department $6.00. Some girls in these different departments receive $7.00 per week; one girl in the grocery depart- ment $6.00. A woman about 45 years of age in the general department works from 11 :00 A. M.. to, 4 :00 P. M. and receives $6.00 per week. Another clerk works from 10:00 A. M. to 6:00 P. M. and also re- ceives $6.00 per week. A girl has to be a very good saleswoman to get more than $6.00 in this department store. (X983). This department store pays from $4.00 to $5.00 per week for new help. One of the managers told a young lady who had had a great deal of experience that they would not pay more than $6.00 per week, for it was possible to get a great many girls for $5.00. "Most of our girls," he declared, "live at home and only work for pin money." (X984). This department store will take new help on at $6.00 per week, if they have had any experience. They pay young in- spectors $3.00, $3.50 and $4.50 per week, and older ones $5.00 per SOURCES OP SUPPLY 207 week. Some of the older women are paid $7.50 in such departments as suits, hats and coats. One of the girls in the hardware department of this store says she went to dances two or three times a week, and was only working for the holidays. When asked what she expected to do after that, she said, "I will get along all right." (X985) pays $6.00 per week to a great many of their salesladies. Inspectors are receiving $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00 per week. One young lady was very bitter in her remarks, and said, "If the folks who were getting up the tag days would go into the department stores and help the poorly paid girls they would be doing something worth while." A manager of a department in this store who has charge of 10 girls said he knew that seven of them went to houses of prostitution on certain nights of the week to earn extra money. One of the girls in the waist department said she had to wash her waist at night, so as to have it clean for the next day, as it was the only waist she had. A girl working in one of these department stores was found by a detective of the store in a saloon. She told the detective she had a boy to take care of, and could not do it on the salary she received, which was $10.00 per week. She was discharged by the store, and afterwards became a professional prostitute. Some of the girls in the suit, cloak and millinery departments make as high at $15.00 per week, but few of them are assured of a perma- nent position. TEMPTATIONS TO WHICH SALESGIRLS IN DEPARTMENT STORES ARE SUB- JECTED. As pointed out above, the girl in the department store is subjected to certain temptations to which some yield, and from which many flee. These temptations appear in the following guises: I. The Procuress. The woman who appears before the girl's counter or in the waiting room and compliments her on her good looks and bewails with her the injustice which prevents her from having the beautiful clothes to which she is entitled and the good times, because of her youth and beauty. Too often the girl listens and accepts the "elegant" lady's invitation to come to her flat for dinner or to spend Sunday. One of these women did so appear before a young girl and did in- vite her to her "beautiful flat," in fact she was continually asking other 208 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO girls to do the same thing. But her flat was a disorderly house and her own daughter was one of the inmates. Again, one day a saleslady went to the rest room to wash. A woman dressed in very rich apparel came to her and asked her to meet a young man. The girl was afraid and told the house detective who went to the room, but the woman had disappeared. Another woman who posed as a rich lady, traded several times with a girl at the drug counter in one of the department stores. One day she asked the girl to visit her home, saying that her husband was away. The girl accepted this hospitality, and afterward went to live with a man who conducted a surgical instrument house. II. The "Cadet." This boy or man may be seen any evening near the employes' exit of department stores with the avowed purpose of making the acquaintance of some attractive girl and bear her off in triumph to the restaurant and the theater. A few weeks ago two young men were attempting to talk with a little girl who was an inspector at one of the stores. They were put off the floor at two different times. The girl had about made up her mind to go with them. She was changed to another floor. A young saleswoman, 19 years of age, in one of the department stores, formed the habit of going to cafes in the evening. One night she met a young man, and he persuaded her \.o live with him. After- ward she became acquainted with a rich man who gave her a great many presents. Finally, she gave up her position, and shared the rich man's gifts with her first lover. She continued to send money home to her mother, who lived in a small town, and and thought her married. The girl eventually paid off a mortgage on her mother's home. During the past summer five different men and women were fre- quenting the rest rooms at one of the department stores. One was arrested, but was finally released. One of these persons was a colored woman who said the girls she was talking to were her own daughters. She made this statement in spite of the fact that the girls were white, and one had red hair. While one of the employes of the store went for the girls to identify the woman, she disappeared. ///. Married Men. Married men are among the worst offenders against salesgirls, and use all sorts of methods to induce them to ac- SOURCES OF SUPPLY 209 cept invitations to dine, or go to the theater. These men come to the counters while their wives are shopping, and thus enter into conversa- tion with the girls. They are very bold and aggressive in their actions, and if the girls resent these attentions, some of these men actually report them to the floor walkers, claiming they neglected their business. In some cases these complaints have led to the dis- charge of the girls in the store. IV. Men Employers, Salesmen and Women. A certain floor walker had been in the habit of taking girls out. He was continually harassing the girls who did not accept his invitation. A house de- tective finally succeeded in having him discharged. Some salesgirls will testify their downfall was caused by their employers, and they actually wore diamonds belonging to these employers. Two girls who are employed in a department store (X985a) came to work one day in an intoxicated condition. They went to the office of one of the partners, sat down in chairs, and put their feet on his desk. An em- ploye of the store tried' to persuade them to leave. They said they would not, and dared him to put them out. He did not do so. An employe of (X985b) store said she actually heard a superin- tendent ask a girl who had complained that she could not work for $6.00 per week, if this was the only zvay she had of earning money. She answered that it was. He then told her that the house could not pay her any more. A man at (X985c), a large department store, had charge of in- spectors. One day he went so far as to take one of the girls to his home when his wife was away. The girl got into trouble and he left the city. The firm cautioned all the employes not to speak of the incident. The head of (X985d) department store told an employe he did not care what the girl did outside of working hours, so long as they did not bring disgrace on the name of the store. The superintendent of (X985e) department store mistreated his stenographer. She was a very good looking girl, just from the country, and boarded at the Y. W. C. A. After her downfall, she left the store, and was finally put out of this charitable and religious institution. The superintendent proved to be a cigarette fiend, and finally committed suicide in Denver. The girl lived with this man after her trouble. The 210 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO last time she was seen by a friend, she was about to leave the city, saying she was going to kill herself soon. A matron at one of the large department stores once told a salesgirl she was foolish to work there, as she could make money easier in the "sporting life." About two weeks later this girl resigned, and was found by a detective from this store in a basement saloon on Madison street. V. Voluntary. One day a house detective in one of the stores actually heard several young cash girls relating their experience while out with men during the evening. They made such remarks as, "He opened a bottle for me," and "We had a swell time." One salesgirl, 17 years of age, by the name of Sadie, was heard to remark in one of the stores that she wasn't going to work again, as she had "touched a guy last night for $50.00, and now I will have a swell hat." The man from whom she had stolen the money came to the store with an officer, and the girl was compelled to return the money. This man would not prosecute. Several young salesgirls, who entered a life of professional prosti- tution, have done so on the plea that they could live on "easy street." One of these girls died, another married a doctor on the North Side. One night while the detective was in the (X986) and (X987) cafes at (X988) Wabash avenue, he saw five salesgirls in these places whom he recognized as being from a certain department store on State street. An employe of a great many years in the department stores said that she knew many salesgirls who lived with men who were not their husbands. One girl who worked in the suit department of one of the stores left to enter a life of prostitution. At the present time she is what is known as a "kept woman." Mrs. (X989), who conducts an immoral flat at (X990) 24th street, said that the whole success of a flat like hers depends upon getting young fresh girls. She spoke of two who came during certain even- ings, and who worked in (X990a) department store. VI. Typical Cases. September nth. Bebe was soliciting on North Clark street. She works at one of the large department stores. On September loth. Rosie was seen in a dance hall at (X991) North Clark street. She works in the basement of one of the large SOURCES OF SUPPLY 211 f department stores, and receives $6.00 per week. Out of this she pays $3.00 for her meals and $2.00 room rent, and 60 cents per week car- fare. She "hustles" three nights every week, as a business proposi- tion. She said that during these nights she could be found in the rear room of (X992) saloon at (X993) North Clark street. She is about 20 years of age. September 2ist. Mag was seen at the dance hall on North Clark street. She works in one of the large department stores at a salary of $5.00 per week. She has a furnished room on North Clark street. At one time she had a baby which died. She was "hustling" certain nights in the week, and claims she does it to help support herself. September 24th. There were about 200 girls in a dance hall at (X994) avenue. One of these, Lillie, about 19 years of age, works in a department store and receives a salary of $5.00 per week. She will take presents from her men friends, but refuses the actual money. One of these friends gave her a bracelet the week previous. He is a clerk in the same store. Violet, another girl at this dance, is about 18 years of age, and works in a department store at $6.00 per week. She has two steady friends, who take her out each week, and give her $2.00 a week. This brings up her salary to $10.00 per week. They take her to a room downtown, but she would not give the name of the place. She lives at home with her parents, and when she goes out tells them she is going to a show with a girl friend. Bell, another one of the girls at this dance, works in a millinery store and receives $4.00 per week. One day when she was nearly broke a fellow proposed to take her out, and she agreed to the propo- sition. Bell is about 20 years of age and very good looking. . Bessie solicits every night in (X995), a notorious cafe at (X996) State street. Until recently she worked in a department store at $6.00 per week, but concluded this was not enough, and as she had no other way of increasing her salary, started to solicit in this place. She goes home in the morning at either 2 :00 or 2 :30 A. M. and often takes with her from $5.00 to $30.00; she charges $5.00. October 8th. Dora was attending a dance at the (X997). At pres- ent she works in one of the large department stores and receives $11.00 per week. Recently a friend gave her a pair of gloves, and has promised her an old gold bracelet. He is an insurance agent. She makes dates with anyone who asks her. Her sister, Tantine, works in another department store as a clerk and receives $7.00 per week. On this same date there was another dance held in the (X998) and was given by the (X999) Union. Violet was at this dance. She is in the habit of "hustling" every night in one of the saloons in the 22nd street district. She works in one of the department stores downtown. At present she is keeping a man and they live together in a furnished room on (X1000) avenue. There was another girl of the same character, who also works in the same department store with Violet. 212 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO October 3rd. A dance was held at (X1001) 35th street and several of the girls who were there were professional prostitutes; two es- pecially have a flat at the corner of (X1002) street and (X1003) ave- nue and one on (X1004) avenue, and two others were from Mrs. (X1005) place at (X1006) near (X1007) avenue on the north side of the street. There were four girls at this dance from two of the department stores downtown. One of these girls had a pair of garters and a comb which (X1008) gave her. She stated that (X1009) goes with her a few nights each week, and takes her to the (X1010) hotel, (X1011) street and (X1012) avenue. She was willing to make a sim- ilar date for the money there was in it. Three other girls, who also work in a department store, were willing to make dates of a similar nature. One said she had three steady friends, one of whom has a private room which he keeps for the pur- pose of taking girls. This room is on (X1013) avenue, but she would not give the number. One of the most notorious dance halls in Chicago is at (X1014) North Clark street. On Saturday nights many girls who come to this dance are semi-professional or professional prostitutes. On Sat- urday and Sunday nights the attendance is about 300, and many of these girls are waitresses, house maids and clerks in department stores. The ones who do not charge for their services are all called "charity." Among the cadets who were present at one of these dances was (X1015), who lives in one of the hotels near the restricted district with his girl Jessie. The girl is a prostitute at a house at (X1016) avenue. Among the prostitutes who solicit in (X1017) dance hall is one named Mignon (X1018), alias Violet. She is about 20 years old. She came to Chicago two years ago from (X1019), Wisconsin, and suc- ceeded in obtaining a position on one of the large department stores. One of the managers of this store insisted on taking her out, and she finally accepted his invitation. She claims she did it in order to hold her job. Finally Violet got into trouble, and she actually had a mis- carriage in the store. An inmate of a house of prostitution at (X1025) Dearborn street by the name of Paulette said that she was 22 years of age, but she looks much younger. She formerly lived in (X1026), Massachusetts, where she married at 17. After living with her husband two years, they had a misunderstanding and parted. She first came to Chi- cago to work in one of the department stores downtown in the shirt waist department, and received $7.00 per week. This sum was after- ward reduced to $6.00. "I could not live on that," she said, "so I took up the sporting life, because it appealed to me. It was impossible to make a living where I was. And even while I was in the store I made money on the side. I was in the habit of taking men to hotels, one, two or three times a week, when I wasn't too tired. After I had been working two months, I left the position and entered the house." Paulette, in speaking further of her experience in department stores, says: "One can't live downtown; that is no district for a girl to SOURCES OF SUPPLY 213 live in; she might as well be here. If a girl in a store wears soiled clothing, they will tell her about it. You have to work in a depart- ment store for years and years and years before you get anything. While in the store," she continued, "I heard of a case of a good girl getting $6.00 a week. She asked for more money. She said she couldn't live on that. The man said, 'Can't you get somebody to keep you'?" At the present time Paulette earns $17.00 to $23.00 above her ex- penses each week. AMUSEMENT PARKS. Social workers who have paid particular attention to conditions in amusement parks in the city declare that incidents have come to their notice showing a laxity of supervision, and the moral dangers sur- rounding young girls who frequent these places for amusement. 1 During the time given to this part of the work three amusement parks were investigated by two investigators whose reports corroborate each other. These parks were (X1026a), (X1026b) and (X1026c). According to common report the conditions in these parks, es- pecially (X1026a), had been unfavorable earlier in the summer. In September, the time of the investigation, these conditions had m> proved. In general it was found that there were many young girls who were unaccompanied, flirting with young boys and men and sug- gesting participation in different forms of amusement. Usually there are saloons near the entrances of these parks, and young girls were seen in the rear rooms of these places. Couples also came into these saloons from the park. September i^th. Investigator met Rose (X1027), a girl about 21 years old, from (X1028), Illinois. She stood near the Scenic Railway, and remarked that it was tiresome not to have some one to take her around, and she had never been on a Scenic Railway. She works in a butter factory and has a private room and a few steady friends who came to see her. She receives $1.00 per day in the butter factory and pays $2.00 for her room and has to eat two meals per day in a restaurant. She lives at (X1028a) avenue and would go out for $2.00. Ella (X1029) and Rosie (X1030) said they lived on (X1031) ave- nue, telephone (X1032). She boards with her mother. Gave their ages as 24 and 25. They both work for (X1033), each receives $7.00 per week. They go out once in a while to earn a little spending money. Would have to go to (X1034) avenue for a room. 'For the City Ordinances, see Appendix XX. 214 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO Investigator danced with two girls in the park dance hall. One was 16, the other 17. Later he saw these girls drinking beer with two men in the Casino. He also danced with two professional prosti- tutes, who were in company with fellows. One invited him to join the crowd and go downtown to a place on North Clark street where a room could be secured for the night. While in Casino investigator saw another professional prostitute whom he had seen in the rear of (X1035) saloon on North Clark street. The man who was with her called her Josie. She was intoxicated. ANOTHER PARK. September pth. Three hours at this amusement place. Counted 17 women soliciting within the place, nine of these were recognized by investigator, who had seen them soliciting in the downtown (Loop) district. Five of these women went downtown with men after they had been drinking beer in the cafe. September nth. While in this park on this date, investigator saw three girls whom he knew to be street walkers on downtown streets take men in that direction. September i^th. Investigator met girl in front of a weighing ma- chine. She said she lived with her husband at (X1036) avenue and in- vited investigator to go to her home while her husband was away, if he had any money. Violet in front of the "mixer," an amusement device. Solicited him to go to (X1037) avenue to a room. She would not give the address. Tantine and Pauline. Two professional prostitutes, from (X1037) avenue. They invited investigator to this house, offering vulgar and unnatural inducements. While investigator was in dance hall, conducted with this amusement place, he counted 45 girls, among them the two professional prosti- tutes mentioned above. The girls in general appeared to be decent. CONDITIONS IN VICINITY OF THIS PARK. One of the dangers connected with the amusement parks and resorts of this nature is the presence of saloons in front, of entrances and on the side streets in the vicinity. The following are saloons so situated in the neighborhood of this park. (X1038). Not on police list. Met Rosie in this saloon. Waiter said he could "fix it" so they could get a room upstairs but it would be useless without his "say so." (XI 039). Not on police list. Met Josie in this saloon. She said Harry, the bartender, could "fix it up" so they could get a room, her price was $2.00. (X1040). Not on police list. Bebe said a colored man at side door would see that she got a room, but she would not say where the room was located. SOURCES OF SUPPLY 215 Investigator met a girl on 63rd street who invited him to go to a private flat. Later this girl took another fellow to (X1041) avenue which is a flat building. ANOTHER PARK. Sept. 9th. Three hours at this place. Investigator counted 11 women who were professional prostitutes. In fact he recognized five who solicit on Wabash avenue between Peck court and Van Buren street in the down down district. These girls frequent a hotel on (X1040a), near (X1040b). In dance hall investigator met two girls, one of whom frequents (X1042) saloon at (X1043) avenue, a "tough" place. Bella told him that sporting women were not allowed in the dance hall. If they find such a girl they make her leave the floor. She and her sister were the only ones that had not been caught. LAKE STEAMERS. There are two classes of boats on the lake, those which carry the holiday crowds and those which cater to the regular vacation traffic. The excursion boats, as a rule, carry an element which is more or less disorderly. The other boats are less frequented by this element. 1 There are several classes of these disorderly groups on the holiday boats; first, girls who are evidently professional or semi-professional prostitutes, together with young men whom they find it easy to at- tract; second, the class of vile young men who make these excursion trips for the purpose of seeking out girl recruits; and third, a group which is very important, especially when the preventive end of the work is considered as conducted by the Juvenile Protective Association. The following is a typical story which illustrates this last group : A young couple who are sweethearts starts on one of these excur- sions. The trip is longer than is expected, or the girl is taken sick. A state room is secured and this one act may change the whole aspect of the future relationship of these two and may entirely spoil what might have developed into a happy married life. Of the excursion steamers the (X1044) was the worst and the (X1045) the least offensive. The (X1044), in addition to being a very large boat capacity approximately 5,000 people makes a rather long trip. This boat also has a large number of easily acquired state rooms. 'For text of law, see Appendix IV. 216 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO Practically all of the boats were equipped with bars and the quantity of liquor sold depended entirely on the character of the crowd aboard. The bar in the (X1047) was extremely popular and liquor was openly sold to both young men and young women who were evidently minors. Gambling machines were openly used on nearly all of the boats in the early part of the season, but were taken off for some reason in August. A lottery game for selling candy was another means of gambling, but was not nearly so popular with the boys and young men as the nickel gambling wheel. TYPICAL INSTANCES. The following are typical instances of conditions found on these boats: Investigator left South Haven on August 21st at 5:30 P. M. for Chicago on the (X1044). Almost every state room on the boat was in use. The decks were crowded, and many of the young men were getting acquainted with the girls. Observation of the state rooms was as follows: In No. 66 were four men. Two girls visited the room during the trip. In No. 61 there was one girl. She was visited by four men at different times. No. 69 was occupied by two girls and two young men. In No. 21 three men and three girls were in the lower berth. In the bar room about twenty young girls were drinking beer, five of them not over twelve years of age. One child, eight years old, was drinking beer with older people. September 3rd, 1910, investigator left Chicago on the steamship (X1049) for South Haven, Michigan. In the bar room there were about twenty young girls and boys sitting at tables drinking beer. In state room No. 28, two boys and two girls girls were lying in the berths and all under the influence of liquor. In room No. 56 were found two men and two girls; one of the girls appeared to be very drunk. Three boys visited state room No. 51 during the trip. A young woman was in this room. In state room No. 64 a man about sixty-five years old was sitting at the door reading. Later he was seen in the crowd talking very earnestly to a young woman. After a while they went into state room No. 64 and locked the door, and did not appear again until the boat arrived in South Haven. On September 5th, 1910, this boat had a very large crowd on its return trip to Chicago. On the upper deck a man was in earnest con- versation with a girl. The girl was very good looking and well dressed. The man had been talking some time when he was heard to say, "I will get a state room." She said, "All right, I will see." He went downstairs and when he returned she went with him to state room No. 19. SOURCES OP SUPPLY 217 One girl and three different men entered stateroom No. 53. Saturday, July 2nd, 1910, investigator left Chicago for South Haven at 2:00 P. M. on the steamer (X1050). The passengers con- sisted principally of boys and girls between the ages of twelve to twenty- one. The boat was loaded to its full capacity. Shortly after the boat left Chicago groups of men began to crowd the deck, and one group of six young men, all under age, stood in a circle drinking whiskey. Another party of eight had suit cases filled with beer. They drank the beer and threw the empty bottles over- board saturating the men and women in their vicinity with the froth from the bottles. Sitting on the upper deck were three women talking. Soon a young man came up and said, "The bunch are all down in the state room stewed and Arvella is the only girl in the crowd." The number of this state room was 71. The bar room was filled with boys and girls. Two girls in par- ticular could not have been over sixteen years old; were singing in drunken discord, lying in the arms of two men. Sitting at the next table was a young woman with her skirts up to her knees talking to the young men who were sitting next to her. She pounded the table with beer bottles to emphasize her remarks, and to attract the attention of other men in the bar room. In fact the whole boat seemed filled with intoxicated boys and girls. Some of the state rooms were occupied by boys and others by girls. In state room No. 50 there were two boys in bathing suits, and two girls in kimonos, lying in each others arms; anyone passing could have seen them as the door was open most of the time. Room No. 64 was occupied by two boys and two girls; all appeared under the age of twenty. They were lying in each others arms, and at least three dozen empty beer bottles were on the floor and wash stand. Two girls and two boys were standing in front of state room No. 20. One of the girls refused to enter saying, "I ain't no saint, but I can't do anything like that." Later her companions succeeded in persuading her to enter the room and they did not come out during the entire trip. For a while investigator stood in front of state room No. 71 and watched a young girl who was in the room with four young boys. One of the boys was very much intoxicated and every time his com- panions tried to make him stand on his feet he would throw himself back in the berth. This young boy could not have been over eighteen years old. Returning from South Haven July 3rd at 6:00 P. M. the condi- tions were very bad. Just before the boat left the dock four couples came up the companion way, all under the influence of liquor. State room No. 74 was occupied by two girls and two young men; one of the girls was standing in front of the dressing table with nothing on except a dress skirt while the other called to a boy who happened to pass. 218 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. One of the most serious problems in any large city is the practice of certain employment agencies in sending young girls and women to houses of prostitution, assignation flats and hotels as servants. Once in these places, surrounded by indications of ease and excitement these girls are not always able to withstand the temptation and soon become regular inmates. This is true especially if they are of good figure and attractive face. The presence of such girls in a house, gives the madame an excellent opportunity to persuade them to leave their life of drudgery, pointing out to them the good clothes and easy work of the other inmates. Thus a clear field for supplying their house with fresh girls is given these keepers. While the improvement in regard to the conduct of employment agencies in Chicago has been marked, yet some of the agents are willing to send females as servants to houses of a questionable character. These agents appear to understand the law but they have peculiar notions as to its interpretation. For instance, some will send a girl to such a place if the applicant is 30 years or over. Others will refuse to send a girl, and then in the same breath ask if a colored girl will do. 1 EXISTING CONDITIONS. The time has been too limited to go into a thorough investigation of employment agencies. The investigators, one elderly woman with a young lady assistant, were able to visit 28 employment agents who advertise in a public way. Of this number, thirteen agreed to send servants to a supposed immoral place. In each case the agent was given to understand that this was the character of the place. The following gives in detail the thirteen employment agents in different sections of the city who agreed to the proposition. In no case would they accept a fee, saying that would be collected when the girl actually began work. Tor text of law, see Appendix XXV. SOURCES OF SUPPLY 219 NORTH AND NORTHWEST SIDES. November 4, Mrs. (X1051), (X1052), (X1052a) avenue. Thought she would have one by Monday who would go to a sporting house to work. "Some of them liked to." October 31, (X1053), (X1054) (X1054a) avenue. This woman advertised in the September 14, 1910, issue of a Chicago paper pub- lished in a foreign language. Mrs. (X1054) agreed to send a girl the next day. The fee was $1.00 and was to be paid when the girl came to the supposed sporting house. November 1, Mrs. (X1056), (X1057), (X1057a) avenue. Repre- sentative of agent said she would not send a girl as the agency was bonded, but would send a rvoman the next morning. November 1. Reliable (X1058) agency, (X1059) (X1059a) street. Mrs. (X1059), proprietor. Saw Mrs. (X1059), she promised to send a second girl at $6.00 per week the next day. Said she knew what a sporting house was. SOUTH SIDE. November 2, (X1062) Bureau, (X1063) (X1063a) avenue. Was willing to send a colored servant to a sporting house. The law would not allow her to send white help. November 2, (X1064), (X1065) (X1065a) avenue. Agent said it was against the law to send a girl to a sporting house. She had a colored girl she could send. She did not like to give her business card to investigator, but finally did, trusting to her not to say anything about it. "Of course," she explained, "if she told the girl where she was going, it would be all right." November 2. Mrs. (X1066), X1067) (X1067a) street. A man in the office said they could not send girls to sporting houses as it was against the law. Then the woman, Mrs. (X1068), came in and told him she could send a woman over 30. This woman was introduced, she looked like a dope fiend. She said she had been in a house for three years. November 2. (X1069), (X1070) (X1070a) street. The woman, Mrs. (X1071) said she could only furnish colored help as the law did not allow employment agents to send a girl to a sporting house. SOUTHWEST SIDE. October 31. (X1072), (X1073) (1073a) avenue. Agent said he could not send a young girl to a sporting house, but would send a woman 30 years old, the next day, November 2. (X1074) office, (X1075) (X1075a) street. Agent said the law would not allow him to send a girl to a sporting house. Then asked if a married woman would do. Asked again if he could depend on it that the woman would not be wanted for any other pur- pose; if so he might have one to send later. 220 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO November 4. Mrs. (X1076), (X1077) (X1077a) avenue. Agent said she might have a chambermaid on Saturday or Monday who would like to work in a sporting house. "You do not want her for anything else," she asked. WEST SIDE. November 5. (X1078), (X1079) (X1079a) avenue. Mrs. (X1080) proprietor and manager. The woman said she thought they would have one to send, but preferred to have investigators see her son. Re- turned later but office was closed. November 5. (X1081), (X1081) (XlOSla) street. Mrs. (X1082). Invited investigators .to call Monday A. M. as she expected a gird in who wanted to work in a quiet sporting house to see how it was run. ENFORCEMENT OF THE LAW. 1 The chief inspector of private employment agencies, says that in 1906 a vigorous effort was made to warn resort keepers not to secure servants through the aid of employment agents. He feels that as a result this practice has been abandoned. The Commission's limited in- vestigation as outlined in these typical cases shows plainly that the practice has not been abandoned. During the year 1908 there were two prosecutions of an agent for sending a woman as a servant to a house of questionable character; one was the owner, the other the employe of the same agency. In 1909 up to September 1, one agent was prosecuted for the same offense and his license revoked. This man was a vaudeville agent and had booked some girls to a questionable place of amusement. During the year ending August 31, 1910, eight agents were prose- cuted, but none for sending women as servants to immoral places. From August 31st to November 10th, 1910, the date when above information was secured, the chief inspector has instituted proceedings against one agent for violation of Section 6 of the law. This case was brought before the Commissioners of Labor who instructed the As- sistant State's Attorney to prosecute the case, which is still pending. One charge was brought before the Municipal Court which imposed no sentence, the age of the defendant having some weight, as she was quite an old lady and the women who had been sent to the place were beyond middle life, and employed but a short period each as servants. 'Appendix XVIII. SOURCES OF SUPPLY 221 It is the custom of inspectors employed by the department to warn all agents and tell them to be very careful regarding the places where females are sent, as no excuse for carelessness would be sufficient to prevent prosecutions and revocations of their licenses. A female inspector also speaks to the women conducting such agencies, advising them not to succumb to temptations and asking them to report if keepers of resorts approach them on the subject. The department finds that there is a class of women who are anxious to work as servants in these immoral places because the wages are higher, the hours of service fewer, and they have opportunities of re- ceiving cast off clothing that they do not find elsewhere. These servants are willing to pay the agent higher fees than for legitimate places. This is a great temptation to agents. ADVERTISEMENTS ANNOUNCING THE TREATMENT AND CURE OF VENEREAL DISEASES. In spite of the penalties attached, the practice of advertising cures and treatments of venereal diseases, both in newspapers and in toilets of certain saloons is open and flagrant. It is high time that determined efforts were made to eliminate from the daily press these obnoxious and misleading advertisements. As an eminent authority says in a recent article: "The statements of quacks you read in the papers are all lies." In the foot note the writer refers to a young man who has been arrested for stealing money. His excuse was that he had been told that he was "losing his manhood" that the "doctor" wanted $25.00 to cure him. Sometimes these quacks offer to return the patient's money if he is not cured. The guarantee they give is legal and binding but it is a trap for the ignorant and helpless. The patient must give reasonable proof that he was a victim of injurious habits before the treatment, and that the treatment has not affected a cure. When the money is demanded back, a blank is sent to be filled out and returned. When this is done the money is to be refunded. The blank the patient is asked to fill out is such that he will not return it. It required him to get the signatures of his minister, one of the principal business men in his community, his father or next of kin, certifying that he had the habit before taking treatment and 222 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO that he still has it. All of this must be sworn before a notary and witnesses. 1 Many young girls working in factories and stores have contracted venereal diseases through clandestine prostitution. They see the ad- vertisements of these quacks in the newspapers. The girl calls upon the "doctor," who offers to cure her secretly for $50.00 or $75.00. She is in despair, for these sums are far beyond her means. Cases have actually come to light where such victims have deliberately entered upon a life of professional prostitution to earn the money, and the doctors knew it. Many young men, ignorant and afraid, have awakened to the horri- ble reality that they have contracted a disease. They eagerly scan the pages of the papers for advertisements and read of their symptoms and the awful consequences. They hurry to the "quack doctor" and a large sum is demanded at once with a specific sum of one dollar or two dollars for daily treatments and additional sums for drugs to be purchased from friendly druggists. So for months they go day after day and the bill grows larger and larger. They are now in the power of these exploiters, and so the days are spent in worry and scheming to raise the money and escape detection. Sometimes these "quacks" use certain medicines which force a temporary relief, and the patient feels that he is really cured. A few months later after some unusual excitement caused by drink or sexual intercourse his trouble returns and again he takes up the treatment from the same or a different advertiser. The methods of these "quacks," therefore, ought to be exposed, and papers which print these advertisements ought to* be prosecuted along with the advertisers. EXISTING CONDITIONS. Certain papers published in Chicago, both in English and foreign languages, contain advertisements of physicians purporting to treat and cure diseases of men. Some of these announcements describe in detail certain symptoms which are recognized as the results of venereal diseases. 'Pearsons Magazine, November, 1910, page 595. SOURCES OF SUPPLY 223 Eight of these advertisements appeared in the November 8th issue of the (X1083), five in the November llth issue of (X1084) and one in the September 14th, 1910, issue of (X1085). The majority of the announcements in English refer to urinary troubles, the one in a paper published in a foreign language actually mentions syphilis. In many of the toilet rooms of saloons in the city, advertisements of physicians purporting to cure men's diseases are tacked up on the wall. In other instances the name of certain drugs for the treatment of such cases are also in evidence. One of the most common is a drug named (X1086). This is printed on tin and tacked to the wall of these toilets. The sign contains the name of (X1086a) from whom this nostrum can be purchased. Another method employed to advertise this same drug is by the use of small boxes of matches. The word (X1086) is printed in red letters on the box, also the name of (X1086a) from whom it can be purchased. It would certainly appear that these advertisements come within the statutes and ordinances. 1 THE PRACTICE OF ABORTION AND ITS RELATION TO THE SOCIAL EVIL. Illinois is one of the very few states that have laws regulating the practice of midwifery. 2 There is some doubt as to whether or not there is any connection between the practice of abortion and the social evil. This connection, if any exists, is much more difficult to establish than any of the recog- nized causes. Everyone will agree, however, that any experience which tends to undermine the moral sense of girls or young women is dangerous and should be prevented. Incidents are on record where girls who have had abortions performed have become reckless and discouraged, and have actually entered upon a life of prostitution. It has not been possible for the Commission to undertake a very extensive investigation into this phase of the subject, but enough has been done to establish the fact that such conditions exist in Chicago. It has been unfortunate also that the time has been too limited to in- vestigate certain suspicious physicians, also druggists who dispose of Appendices XXIX, XXX. 'Appendices XXI-XXIa-XXIb. 224 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO abortion drugs and instruments over the counter, or through advertise- ments in the papers. The brief investigation was confined to a small number of midwives, especially those who advertise in a public way. Attention is first called to certain advertisements which appeared in foreign papers, and in some papers published in the English language. An advertisement appeared in the (X1088) (foreign) on Septem- ber 15, 1910. This announcement declared that a graduate midwife would send invaluable information for girls and married women telling them what and what not to do before and after marriage. "Thousands are made happy by this knowledge. The reader must send four cents in stamps." This postage was sent by the Commission office to the address given and in a few days two circulars in the Polish language were received. One of these circulars again set forth the value of having the book which would tell things "girls and married women should know." The book, declares the advertiser, "is worth many dollars," but she "wants to make everybody happy so she will send it for one dollar only." The second circular, also published in the Polish language, is writ- ten in indecent and vulgar language. Among other things the adver- tiser describes a rubber instrument which is to be used to prevent con- ception. 1 This is certainly a case for the Federal Government, as well as State authorities to investigate and punish. Two other advertisements appeared in many papers published in English. They are worded, however, in such a way as to render prose- cution difficult and practically impossible. Both of these advertise- ments appeared in the (X1089) of Chicago (English) under date of November 11, 1910. Another advertisement is that of Dr. (X1090), (X1091) avenue, and calls attention to the (X1092) College of Midwifery. The announce- ment says that this college is incorporated under the laws of the United States in the year 1891 and its diplomas are recognized all over the United States. 'The translation of the matter sent through the mails by this advertiser is full of vile and abhorrent information, It cannot be printed. SOURCES OF SUPPLY 225 On November 21, 1910, investigator called at the address given in the advertisement of the (X1092) College. Dr. (X1090) said that the course for a diploma in midwifery would cost $100.00, with an additional five dollars for a book. He further stated that the student would have to pay $25.00 for an examination. This money was to be given to him and he in turn would give it to the State Board of Health, when he made the application for the examination. 1 The doctor said that the course usually took eight weeks to com- plete. The practical part of the work is given by his wife, who takes the student with her when she attends births. She is a midwife. When the investigator left, the doctor gave her his business card and one other card which contained practically the same information that ap- peared in the advertisement. TYPICAL CASES. During the period of this investigation twenty midwives were visited. Of this number, six absolutely refused to perform abortion, one was not at home, and two said they would not do the operation, but re- ferred investigators to midwives who would do so. The remaining twelve agreed to perform the supposed abortion for different sums of money. One woman (X1095), it was learned from court records, was arrested twice during 1908-09 on the charge of committing abor- tions, but her cases were dismissed, probably for lack of proper evi- dence which is difficult to secure. The following are typical instances: November 8. Miss (X1096), (X1097) (X1097a) street. Four young women were waiting for abortion operations. Charge for service $10.00. The method required two treatments. Miss (X1096) is a German; speaks very broken English. In personal appearance she is dirty and queer. She lives in a basement, which appeared to be insanitary. From her conversation she is an old offender. November 10. Mrs. (X1099), (X1100) (XllOOa) street. Offered to perform an abortion for $50.00. Uses drugs. She said the patient could stay with her so she could watch the case. Her home was clean. November 10. Mrs. (X1101), (X1102) (X1102a) avenue. This midwife would not perform the abortion herself, but agreed to send the supposed patient to another midwife who would. This other woman worked with a doctor. Mrs. (X1101) would not give the name of this midwife or the doctor until she herself had examined the case. The price would not be less than $50.00. 'Section 5 of the law states that the examination fee for the practice of mid- wifery is five dollars, and three dollars for a certificate if one is issued. See Appendix XXI. 226 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO November 12. Mrs. (X1104), (1104a) (1104b) street. The sup- posed patient said she was unmarried. The midwife then agreed to perform the abortion for $25.00, but the patient must stay with her. After arguing about the price, she dropped to $20.00 and $1.00 for visits. She said it was "a great risk as the law was after them." November 12. Mrs. (X1105), (XllOSa) (X1105b) street. The woman was dirty, and the room dark and dismal. The supposed patient said she was not married. Mrs. (X1105) agreed to perform the oper- ation for $15.00. November 12. (X1107), (X1108) (XllOSa) street. Formerly at (X1109). She agreed to perform the abortion for $25.00 but finally came down to $20.00. Said the patient would have to stay with her for two or three days. The midwife said she had a patient in the house and another one who had just had an operation was in the next room. November 14. Mrs. (X1110), (X1112) (X1112a) street. She said she would not perform the abortion but said that a Mrs (X1113) on (X1114) near (X1115) street would do it. November 14. Mrs. (X1116), (XlllGa) (XlllGb) street. She said she would perform the abortion if she felt the patient was on "the square," or had been sent by some one she knew. She had to be careful as detectives were sent out from the City Hall to try the mid- wives. November 14. (X1117), (X1118) (XlllSa) street. She was afraid to deal with strangers as the people at the City Hall watched them. If she could feel sure there would be no trouble she would per- form the abortion for $30.00. The patient would have to stay with her for two or three days. The flat appeared to be clean. November 17. Mrs. (X1119), (X1120) (X1120a) avenue. She was afraid at first that the supposed patient had been sent out from the City Hall. "Of course," she said, "it is against the law, but we all do it, if any detective came to her home she would put him out of the door quick." Mrs. (X1119) then agreed to perform the abortion for $40.00 if she had to take her into the house. She worked with a doctor, to whom she gave $10.00. She said that she has a good many young girls coming to her. November 17. Mrs. (X1121), (X1122) (X1122a) avenue. As the investigators entered two young girls who had had treatments were leaving the house. Mrs. (X1121) then said she would perform the abortion for $30.00. She declared that a great many girls seventeen and eighteen years of age came to her, and she was very busy all the time. November 19. Mrs. (X1123), (X1124) (X1124a) street. Offered to sell pills -for $5.00, and if they did not work would give another treatment for $25.00. She remarked that the "girls were not to blame." November 22. Mrs. (X1125), (X1126) (X1126a) avenue. She agreed to perform the abortion for $20.00. SOURCES OF SUPPLY 227 November 23. Mrs. (X1127), (X1128) (X1128a) street. Offered to perform the abortion for $25.00, but the patient would have to stay with her. During the interview, the midwife said if these abortions were not performed there would be a lot of babies in the streets. She believed in helping the girls for they were grateful and would not tell on her. If a doctor did it he would charge $75. OO. 1 INVESTIGATIONS OF THE IMMIGRANTS PROTECTIVE LEAGUE OF CHICAGO ON THE RELATION, OF IMMIGRANT WOMEN AND COLONIES OF FOREIGN LABORING MEN IN CONSTRUCTION CAMPS, LODGING HOUSES IN CITIES, AND ELSEWHERE. The investigation of the United States Immigration Commission into the relation of the immigrant woman to the social evil showed that very few prostitutes are brought into the United States. The great majority of young immigrant women who were found in resorts were virtuous when they came here, and were ruined because there was not adequate protection and assistance given them after thy reached the United States. Such protection is especially needed on the journey to Chicago, and in the location of her relatives and friends, because of her ignorance of English and the country, a girl may through her own mistake or the carelessness of railroad officials be left at the wrong station or persuaded by some unscrupulous person to get off and see some town en route. Some few immoral women and men doubtless give false declarations at ports of entry and wel- come the opportunities which the journey from New York to Chicago offers. Federal inspectors on the trains, some of them women and all of them able to speak to the immigrant in his own language, could make it easy for the girl who wants to reach her relatives and friends to do so, and difficult for those who have entered the country by fraud and misrepresentation to accomplish their purpose. The delivery of immigrant women upon their arrival in Chicago also needs supervision. At present they are turned over to private expressmen and cabmen and as a result because of incorrect addresses and the carelessness or vicious intent of the drivers the Immigrants' Protective League finds that a good many girls do not find their relatives and friends in Chi- cago. These girls are nearly all from the country districts of eastern midwife was arrested twice in 1908-09 on the charge of abortion. Both- cases were dismissed. 228 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO Europe and are therefore peculiarly helpless in such a situation. Better policing of the railroad stations which would keep runners from cheap and disreputable hotels from the neighborhood of the immigrant wait- ing rooms, more supervision of express and cabmen might do some- thing but the situation can be properly handled only by the establish- ment of the Federal Protective Bureau under the Immigration Depart- ment which would have full authority to detain the immigrants and regulate their release in Chicago. Chicago is a great labor market from which thousands of foreign men ship out in groups of 30 or more to work on the railroads and canals that are being built all over the country. These men are young, between 20 and 30 generally, they are the pioneers of their race, and have come in advance of their families, most of them are without friends or connections of any sort. They spend their summers in railroad camps in complete isolation from all normal social contact. The camps are usually most insanitary, the food poor, the work hard and mo- notonous. In all these camps there are usually some American work- men who have become diseased and demoralized by this unnatural life. From them the others are unprotected and the Bulgarians, the Greeks and the Poles who come to us in good physical conidtion and with decent habits contract disease and learn unnatural practices. It would seem most important that a careful study should be made of these camps in order that some practical scheme of inspection and supervision should be worked out for the protection of the men and the community to which they return. For these men return by the thousands to spend the winter in Chicago. Here they are also isolated and of necessity live together in large groups in neighborhoods where they are exposed to vice. The public should realized that unless some effort is made to reach these groups of foreign men and furnish them with proper social contact they will not only lose their own health and virtue, but become a menace to the community. INQUIRY INTO THE SUBNORMAL PHYSICAL AND MENTAL CONDITION OF JUVENILE AND OTHER DELINQUENTS, BOTH MALE AND FEMALE. The superintendent of a large State school for delinquent girls re- ports a large proportion of them to be the children of alcoholic degen- erates, who in addition are infected with venereal disease. From chil- SOURCES OF SUPPLY 229 dren with such an heredity, it is claimed many criminals are reared. "If children of this class could be examined by an expert psychologist, and cared for in early life, as they should be, the larger number of them would never reach the jails and penitentiaries." The superin- tendent emphatically asserts that "the girls who come to us, possessed of normal brain power, or not infected with venereal disease, we look upon as a prize indeed, and we seldom fail to make a woman worth while of a really normal girl, whatever her environment has been. But we have failed in numberless cases, where the environment has been all right, but the girl was born wrong. Normal girls, who have drifted into houses of ill-fame, can be saved, for they will help the work of saving themselves, and when once they understand, the work is well under way. For moral inbeciles there will be little else than forcible restraint that will keep them right." Inquiries into the subnormal condition of boys and young men in certain State institutions, although not yet considered to be suf- ficiently scientific to be trustworthy, yet indicate that while feeble- mindedness decreased the strength of the sexual instinct with that of other capacities, the weakness of will and judgment lays these de- fectives open to temptation and exploitation. SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS INVOLVED IN PERSONAL HISTORIES, AND IN- VESTIGATED RECORDS, SUGGESTING THE RECOMMENDATIONS OFFERED BY THE COMMISSION. (a) Home Conditions. In a large proportion of the 2,420 cases under review, the home conditions have contributed to, if they have not caused, the downfall of the daughters or wives. The perversion of natural sex relationships by incest, by immorality of the mother or guardian, or by the evil example of a brother, sister, or other relative, and by the abuse of the marriage relation in prostituting the wife by and for the benefit of the husband, is the specific source of the ruin of many of these lives. The failure of the parental relation by reason of divorce and deser- tion, and, in some instances, by the excessive demands upon the mother by the care of a large household without sufficient income or help, is also the occasion for many neglected children going astray. The lack of home instruction in the use and abuse of sex organs and relation- 230 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO ships, together with a neglect to safeguard the leisure time, especially in the evening, and the failure to supervise the reading and the asso- ciation of the children, account for much of their demoralization. (b) Economic Conditions. Among the ecomonic conditions contributory to the social evil are low wages, insanitary conditions, demoralizing relationships in stores, shops, domestic service, restaurants and hotels; the street vending of children in selling papers and gum, collecting coupons and refuse; the messenger service of boys, especially in the vicinity of disorderly houses, vicious saloons, dance halls and other demoralizing resorts; employment agencies, which send servants to immoral places; the rest rooms or waiting places where applicants for work resort; too long hours and the high pressure of work ; the overcrowding of houses upon lots, of families in the house, and of persons in single rooms. (c) Recreational Conditions. Among the recreational conditions directly tributary to the increase of the victims of vice, are the privately managed amusement parks; dance halls, where bar permits are granted, or which are in the vicinity of saloons; candy, ice cream and fruit stores used as pleasure resorts; immoral shows, theater plays and moving pictures; saloons where music, vaudeville performances, and other recreational attrac- tions are accessory to the drink habit; drug stores, where gambling devices and the selling of cocaine and other drugs are accessories. (d) Procuring. The supply of victims of the social vice, both female and male, is increased and perpetuated far beyond the number whose vicious in- clinations lead them astray, by the direct, persistent, often concerted efforts of procurers. They include both men and women, bartenders, waiters in saloons and restaurants, managers and employes in theaters, nickel shows, penny picture arcades, employers, floor walkers and in- spectors in stores and shops, keepers of employment offices, hackmen, expressmen and runners at railway stations and boat landings, mid- wives and doctors, fortune tellers, cadets, keepers and attendants in dance halls, private recreation parks, assignation houses, hotels and flats, call houses, disorderly saloons, and houses of prostitution. They work through advertisements in newspapers published in for- eign languages as well as in English, rest rooms in departmment stores SOURCES OF SUPPLY 231 and even at the counters in certain departments ; at theaters, especially on amateur nights; at employment agencies including those connected with mercantile and industrial establishments and in many other ways. The general delivery of the post office is both used and watched as a secret and safe way of spotting, inveighling and trapping young girls. (e) The inquiry in Chicago regarding white slavery, or the in- voluntary participation in the social vice, for the profit of exploiters, reaches conclusions similar to those of the Research Committee of the Committee of Fourteen in New York City, and to those presented by the additional Grand Jury for the January term of the Court of Gen- eral Session of the County of New York, "in the Matter of the In- vestigation as to the Alleged Existence in the County of New York of an Organized Traffic in Women for Immoral Purposes." The findings of the Grand Jury include the following: "It appears from indictments found by us and from the testimony of witnesses that a trafficking in the bodies of women does exist, and is carried on by individuals, acting for their own individual benefit, and that these persons are known to each other, and are more or less informally associated. We have also found that associations and clubs, composed mainly or wholly of those profiting from vice, have existed, and that one such association still exists. These associations and clubs, are analogous to commercial bodies in other fields, which, while not directly engaged in commerce, are composed of individuals all of whom as individuals are so engaged." The Committee of Fourteen, through its Research Committee, charged with the study of Law Enforcement against the Social Evil in New York City, report on this point as follows: "Some of the profit sharers must be dispensed with through the force of public opinion or by means of heavy penalties, before the growth of vice can be checked. These include those who profit off the place the landlord, agent, janitor, amusement dealer, brewer, and furniture dealer; those who profit off the act the keeper, procurer, druggist, physician, midwife, police officer, and politician ; those who profit off the children employers, procurers, and public service corporations ; those who deal in the futures of vice publishers, manufacturers and vendors of vicious pictures and articles; those who exploit the unemployed the employment agent and employers ; a group of no less than nineteen middlemen, who are profit-sharers in vice." 232 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO Facts, such as these and many more, proving the international traffic and interstate trade in women and girls for immoral purposes, are abundantly substantiated in the report on the White Slave Traffic rendered to the House of Representatives by the Committee on Inter- State and Foreign Commerce on December 21, 1909 (report No. 47), and by the records of the United States Circuit and District Courts for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division. (f) The lack of authentic information regarding the relation be- tween subnormality and sexual delinquency suggests recommendations to be found elsewhere. 1 (g) The lack of information, education and training with refer- ence to the function and control of the sexual instinct, and the conse- quences of its abuse and perversion, appears at every point of our inquiry for the sources of the supply of the victims of vice, either as the cause of the perversion of children and youth or as a complication of all other causes. This conclusion is abundantly substantiated by Prof. Charles Richmond Henderson's discussion of "Education with Reference to Sex Pathological, Economic and Social Aspects," in the Eighth Yearbook of the National Society for the Scientific Study of Education. The necessity for giving information, the paths of approach in formal instruction to be given to the young child, at the age of puberty, in the adolescent period, to adults about the time of mar- riage, and to parents, together with the difficulties encountered, the need to train teachers, and the value of making such instruction a part of the general education of the child instead of a separate and formal branch of instruction, are frankly and fully discussed in this valuable monograph. For recommendations by the Commission on above subjects see page 55. 'See page 60, Recommendations. Chapter V. Child Protection and Education. CHAPTER V. CHILD PROTECTION AND EDUCATION. The problem of social vice cannot be solved by any short and sure method. The efforts to protect children from evil influence require the consideration of many problems. The greatest influence in the child's life is religion. We may educate the child and improve his economic condition, but without a moral instinct he will not be a moral child. Another great factor in immorality is the taint of heredity. For this there can be but one solution the growth in righteousness and the overcoming of the immoral instinct through religious conviction, and passing to the future generation a pure mind and a clean heart. Five factors enter into the moulding of a child's character the church, the home, the school, social environment, and the amusements which it employs during its leisure hours. Children of all ages need guidance and protection. While many children develop into useful citizens in spite of evil surroundings, a few eventually become a menace to society in spite of every effort in their behalf. Next to a religious influence, the rule still holds that a good home, a good education and environment, healthful employment and recreation under moral conditions, are very much to be desired, and it is a great misfortune when these have not been given. Immoral influences are frequently thrust upon children through the pernicious activities of immoral people, and because of lack of protection, proper instructions or guidance from those who should have the child's wel- fare at heart. The problem of the care of children in the school is not within the scope of this report, except in so far as schools are affected by vice districts in their neighborhood, or by immoral children or adults in or near them, or by the dangers from children who' may be afflicted with disease. To protect children from these dangers all possible means should be adopted. Education alone has seldom protected either children or grown people, except in a limited way, unless a moral character is developed 235 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO along with the instruction. However, for those who have moral char- acter, or those in whom it can be developed, a proper education will enable them to avoid or protect themselves from what is wrong, and help them to choose those things which make for health and right living. Investigation into city conditions shows that it is often difficult and sometimes impossible to protect children and young people from the activities of vicious people. Harm sometimes comes from a misunder- standing of their own physical and emotional life. Each young person should know how and what to avoid, to understand the meaning of improper advances. In order to know what is needed for the pro- tection of young people the dangers to which they are subjected must be pointed out. According to the law all persons under the age of twenty-one years are considered wards of the State of Illinois, and their persons are subject to the care, guardianship and control of the courts, provided, however, that guardianship of the child be had by the court before child has reached eighteen years. For the purpose of this report then, it is understood that this study refers to the protection of all children rvhatever their age, and education of all young persons between the age of puberty and the age of majority. It should be borne in mind that the immoral influences and dangers which surround children and young people affect them to a greater or less degree according to their ages. For instance, if the child is quite young, these evil impressions may become fixed and have a marked influence throughout its whole life, or these evil impressions may be counteracted by wise methods, if administered in time. After the age of puberty these influences become grave and often result in the immediate downfall of the child. This downfall becomes perma- nent unless heroic measures are taken to save him. 1 The following report, therefore, points out the immoral influences surrounding children of all ages. *For text of laws and ordinances, see appendices XVIII. XX. XXII, XXIII, XXIV, XXV, XXXI, XXXVIII. CHILD PROTECTION AND EDUCATION 237 IMMORAL INFLUENCES AND DANGERS. /. Children in Vicinity of Vice Districts. It is a notorious fact that many children of all ages are compelled by poverty or circum- stances to live within or in close proximity to the restricted districts in Chicago. Because of this these children are subjected to great moral dangers. They become familiar with scenes of debauchery and drunkenness until they are careless and indifferent. Their moral stand- ards are lowered to such an extent that it is difficult to fill their minds with wholesome thoughts and high ideals. In addition to the presence of prostitutes near their homes, the children are in danger from vicious men and boys who frequent such districts. According to the school census taken in 1910, there were 3,931 children under twenty-one years of age in the First Ward. Of this number, 1,246 were under four years of age, 259 from four to five, 216 from five to six, 257 from six to seven, 1,124 from seven to fourteen, 313 from fourteen to sixteen, and 513 over sixteen and under twenty- one. The principal restricted district in the City of Chicago is located in the southern part of the First Ward. Within the boundaries of this district there are 298 children of all ages from babies in arms to those twenty years of age. Sixty-seven of these children live in a row of houses on South Clark street, one block in length. The rear of these houses overlooks the rear rooms of a row of houses of prostitution with front entrances on the next street. The houses are dilapidated tenements and are used by the families on account of the cheap rent. The majority of these are children of foreign parents. The ages of these children range from three months to seventeen years. It is asserted that these families may witness scenes of depravity through the windows of their houses, and that the children are in great moral danger from the intimate association with vice. Some of the children within these boundaries are living in close prox- imity to houses of prostitution and saloons frequented by prostitutes. For instance, nine children, from one to nineteen years of age live at (X1129) State street. There is a notorious saloon at (X1130) State, a few doors away. Twenty-four children live on State street from (X1131) to (X1132) 238 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO near disreputable saloons, and only one block away from the notorious houses on Dearborn street. 18th Ward. According to the school census for 1910 there were 4,364 children in the 18th Ward. Of this number, 1,032 were under four, 84 from four to five, 98 from five to six, 87 from six to seven, 1,518 from seven to fourteen, 330 from fourteen to sixteen and 1,215 over sixteen and under twenty-one. Within the boundaries of the restricted district in this district there are 433 children from babies in arms to twenty-one years of age. Of these, 154 live on the boundaries. The children living within these boundaries are in close proximity to houses of prostitution and disorderly saloons. The Commission has a record of a prostitute on Randolph street soliciting two boys in knee pants to enter and offering as an induce- ment "two for a quarter." One day a man was solicited by a prostitute standing on the porch of her home in one of the restricted districts while a number of young boys were playing in the street in front of this house. The following history of a tenement family near the 22nd street dis- trict is a case in point: A skilled mechanic had a wife and four children (one boy and three girls). The children were well cared for and went to Sunday school as long as the mother lived. The father drank some but seemed to take good care of his family, and his wages were frequently as high as $4.50 a day. When the oldest girl was eleven the mother died. The father continued to care for his family, and, while he drank, it did not seem to be a case where the courts should take the children away from him. The boy was killed while playing in the street. The girls took care of the house, but the denizens of the restricted district made the acquaintance of the children as they went to neighborhood stores or when they were on the street. As fast as each little girl was old enough she was enticed into the vice district and. in time all be- came public prostitutes. II. Prostitution in Residential Sections. The investigation of ex- isting conditions in Chicago proves conclusively that there are many immoral women living in flats and furnished rooms all over the city in residential sections. Here again children of the neighborhood come CHILD PROTECTION AND EDUCATION 239 to know the character of the women and instances have come to light where they have actually been enticed into their homes. The children run errands for these women and receive presents of candy and fruit in return for such services. In one particular instance a woman so- licited from the doorway of a house while a child was playing on the porch. Special reference should be made here to the colored children who are compelled to live in one of the colored communities on South State street just outside the boundaries of the restricted district on the South Side. It is said there are 173 saloons in this community, many of which are given over to gambling and are frequented by immoral women and vicious men. In this neighborhood there are a great many flats and assignation rooms occupied by prostitutes. Many colored and white children live among these immoral and degrading conditions. As these young colored girls reach maturity they easily fall a prey to prostitution. Many of them are employed in houses and flats of prostitution where they act as maids, cooks and attendants. 1 ///. Disorderly Saloons and Schools. There are a number of sa- loons in the city frequented by dissolute and vicious men and immoral women in close proximity to school houses. One school property in particular on the North Side adjoins the lot on which a disorderly saloon building is located. The rooms over the saloon are used for immoral purposes, and the school authorities testify that the children may see into these rooms from the school windows and from the playgrounds. 2 IV. Disorderly Saloons and Children. In addition to the proximity of schools to disorderly saloons, the investigation shows that very young boys are allowed to frequent disorderly saloons. The follow- ing cases are typical : A boy about ten years of age named Jimmie has frequently been seen selling gum after 12:00 o'clock at night in disreputable saloons on South Halsted and West Madison streets. One evening a boy about' fifteen years of age was loitering about the rear room of a disorderly saloon on Chicago avenue. 'See Chapter IV, "Sources of Supply," page 218. 'This is the same saloon referred to in Chapter III, page 138. 240 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO A girl who said she was seventeen years of age, and appeared to be, was singing in this saloon. A small colored boy, who the bartender said was only fourteen years of age, was playing the violin in another disorderly saloon. One afternoon investigator saw two very young boys, one selling newspapers, the other blacking the shoes of the piano player in the rear room of a disreputable saloon on West Madison street. There were four prostitutes in this room at the same time who were soliciting men to go to rooms over the saloon. This is a condition which should be remedied, even if the State has to step in and provide homes for such children. V. Vicious and Degenerate Men. The court records show that vicious and degenerate men seek out young boys and girls and fill their minds with filthy and obscene suggestions and teach them lewd and un- natural practices. Some of these men frequent the neighborhood of school houses and distribute obscene cards and literature. They go to public parks and take liberties with innocent children. Some of these men are afflicted with chronic venereal diseases, and have a super- stitution that they can be cured of their trouble by transferring it to a virgin. Many prostitutes have this same belief. As a result, innocent children both boys and girls, have been contaminated. Within a period of two weeks the courts tried three men on the charge of perverting the morals of young girls. One offender was seventy-five years of age. He was found guilty of trying to seduce ten or twelve girls between the ages or eight and twelve. One man was in the habit of loitering about the (X1137) school on the South Side. He drew obscene pictures which he gave to little girls who went to the school. He also offered them money and had ruined four or five girls before he was indicted. One man named (X1138) ruined a little girl near the (X1139) school and gave her a reprehensible disease. The facts brought out at the trial so inflamed the jury that after being out a few minutes they returned a verdict of ninety-nine years. Another person named (X1140) was called the "doll man" because he gave dolls to young girls to whom he was attracted. Recently a graduate of (X1141) University, a member of a leading social club on the (X1142) side was apprehended. He had a habit of riding a bicycle in the public parks and persuading young girls to go into the park with him. It was proved that he had ruined seven CHILD PROTECTION AND EDUCATION 241 of these girls, all under fourteen years of age. This man also photo- graphed his victims and a number of these pictures were seized when he was arrested. One was a little girl not over ten years of age. Many such cases are available, but most of the details are too re- volting to print. The public should be aroused in behalf of better protection of children from such dangers. VI, Venereal Disease Among Children. One of the saddest aspects of the whole problem of the social evil is the fact that hundreds of innocent children have become infected by venereal diseases. During a period of twenty-seven months 600 children under twelve years of age have passed through the venereal ward of the Cook County Hospital. Sixty per cent, of the children had been innocently infected, twenty per cent, inherited the disease, and twenty-five per cent, had been assaulted by diseased persons. About fifteen per cent, had syphilis and eighty-five per cent, had gonorrhoea. At one time there was an epidemic of gonorrhoea among little girls in the contagious ward of the County Hospital. Eighty-six cases of this dreadful disease were brought in by fifteen children. The dread- ful results of venereal diseases among children are almost beyond belief. ECONOMIC AND HOME CONDITIONS AFFECTING CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE. The economic and home conditions under which children and young people are compelled to work and live present many phases of danger to their moral well being. /. Newsboys. Small boys are selling papers in and about the re- stricted district, especially on the South Side. On Saturday night, August 27th, investigator counted twenty newsboys from eleven to apparently twenty years of age selling papers at 12:00 o'clock and afterward. While the majority of the boys were over seventeen, quite a number were much younger. Photographs were secured of four of these newsboys. 1 One of these boys was rescued and it was found that he had no home nor anyone to look after him. Exhibits A, B, C. 242 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO //. Street Vendors. In addition to the newsboys selling papers late at night in the vicinity of restricted districts, there are many little boys and girls engaged in selling gum near disorderly and suspicious cafes and saloons where prostitutes were soliciting. The following are examples : On October 8th between 7:30 and 8:30 P. M., investigator saw six boys on Wabash avenue between (X1143) and (X1144) all apparently under the age of fourteen. These boys were selling gum. At 10:45 P. M. on this same date, the same boys were still selling gum in this vicinity. In addition, three boys, two of whom appeared to be fifteen or sixteen years of age, and one about ten, were selling morning papers. At 11 :10 P. M. these same boys were in this vicinity. After 12 :00 A. M. investigator visited the 22nd street restricted district and saw several small boys, both white and colored, selling Sunday papers on 22nd street. These boys were not older than fifteen. 10 :50 P. M. Three boys, none of whom appeared to be over fifteen, and two wearing knockerbockers came out of a museum of anatomy at (X1150) South State street 9 :25 P. M. Saw two girls of about eleven in company of small boy about eight selling gum at the corner of (X1157) and Harrison. The (X1158) Cafe. 9:40 P. M. On State street in front of (X1163) Museum, No. (X1164), boy of about fourteen selling gum on corner of Van Buren and (X1165), southwest corner, another boy of fourteen in company with three older boys. 11:10 P. M. One boy on 22nd street near (X1170) avenue. Did not appear to be sellng anything. October 26th. Investigator saw several boys from seven to fifteen years of age selling gum and papers on the street, and in the rear rooms of saloons on the West Side. The following are some of the saloons where boys of this age were seen: The (X1171) Cafe, (X1172) South Halsted street. (X1173) saloon, (X1174) South Halsted street. (X1175), (X1176) South Halsted street. One boy about ten was heard to use vulgar and obscene language to a man who spoke to him. ///. Messenger Boys. The (X1177) Telegraph Company occupies an office at (X1178), which is their nearest branch office to one of the restricted districts. There are about eight messenger boys employed here, ranging from fifteen to eighteen years of age. The majority of these boys are colored. These messengers are called upon to work at all hours of the day and night. As part of their duties they answer calls from prostitutes, to purchase lunch at nearby restaurants, or to go drug stores to purchase drugs and various articles. In this way the mes- CHILD PROTECTION AND EDUCATION 243 senger becomes an important link in the system whereby cocaine and various other drugs used by habitues are secured by them. A few instances illustrating this fact are as follows: (X1179), colored, who lives at (X1180) avenue, messenger No. (X1181), works from 12:00 A. M. (midnight) to 10:00 A. M., was called about September 1st by a prostitute known as (X1182) who occupies room (X1183) of the (X1184), a house of prostitution located at (X1185) Dearborn street, and was sent to a drug store owned by (X1186), (X1187) street, where he purchased a small pack- age of cocaine hydrochloride, which was wrapped and sealed with sealing wax. He paid $5.78 for this package and was given $1.00 by prostitute as a tip for his service. Messenger (X1170) repeated this errand about the middle of September and in addition purchased a hypodermic needle for said (X1189) which she attempted to place upon the syringe she had. The needle did not fit and he was then asked to return same, and secure another, which he did, the needle fitting this time. He was charged $2.00 for this needle, the cost of the needle to the druggist being nineteen cents. About one week after this incident he was again called by (X1190) and was sent on a different errand, being told she had discontinued the use of mes- senger boys for the purchase of "dope" as she remarked, "They talked too much and cannot be trusted." She further said that she was now having a newsboy, who sells papers at the immediate corner, purchase the cocaine for her. Another instance which occurred during the month of October: This same messenger was called by madame (X1191) who lives in an apartment building at the corner of (X1192) and (X1193) avenue, and is the proprietor of a house of prostitution called by her own name and sometimes known as (X1194), located at (X1195) Dearborn street. She is also the owner of other property in the restricted dis- trict. Madame (X1191) is in the habit of calling up Mr. (X1197) and ordering a certain quantity of cocaine, who in turn calls this mes- senger boy and sends it out to her residence. This messenger at one time, opened one of the packages, and suspecting it was cocaine, sniffed some of the stuff himself, and proved conclusively thereby that it actually was cocaine. He stated that he had done this a con- siderable number of times since and seemed to have derived a good deal of pleasure out of it. A man whose name this messenger has forgotten, but who lives on the second floor of the building at the corner of (X1191a) street and (X1158) avenue, sends him about three times a month to a place owned and operated by a Chinaman at (XI 199) South Clark street, where he secures a package of opium, and for which he pays $4.00. Upon returning from one of these trips, he watched this man open the package and take a quantity of the stuff, which looked very much like tar to him, and roll and heat it. At this point the messenger was told to leave the room. This messenger boy (X1200) is about seventeen years old and has 244 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO been in the service of the (X1201) Company at this particular office for over three years and makes an average of about $10.00 per week, including tips. Mentally he is not very bright, rather undersized for a boy of his age, and at present afflicted with syphilis of three months' duration. 1 (X1202), No. (X1203) is a little boy of foreign parentage. He is but fifteen years old and lives at (X1204) South State street. He seems to take considerable pride in showing his knowledge of the underworld. He told investigator confidentially that he has often been stopped by policemen, as well as ordinary citizens, who inquire his age, which he invariably says is eighteen. Recently he has been called quite often to (X1205), house of prostitution, (X1206) Dear- born street, where a prostitute whose name he has forgotten, gives him a box with a note to Mr. (X1207). The box when filled costs $1.75. Upon returning to the woman he tells her that he paid $2.50 for the package, thus making seventy-five cents. She would then give him a fifty cent tip. On one of his trips for her to Mr. (X1207), he opened the note and read it. It was just a requisition for cocaine. This time he did not have the little box he usually took to the drug store, and the cocaine was delivered to him in a small bottle. He opened the bottle and placed some of the contents upon his tongue. He did not like the sensation and so never repeated it. He has a habit of picking up cigarette ends that have been discarded and smoking them. He knows the name of nearly every prostitute in the restricted district and can recognize them at sight. Whenever he comes into a house of prostitution the girls fondle him and nearly always kiss him. At different times he has had sores on his lips. 2 Joe (X1209), a high school boy, was employed by the (X1210) company in the downtown district during Christmas week of last year. He was sent to deliver a message in a house of prostitution at (X1211). The girl to whom he delivered the message offered to cohabit with him free of charge as a "Christmas present," she stating that it was the custom to do that for messenger boys on Christmas day. Some of the other boys whose photographs were secured by the investigator and who are employed by the (X1210) Telegraph Com- pany in the restricted district are (X1213), (X1214) Dearborn street, messenger No. (X1214) 3 , colored, (X1215), white, (X1216) Went- worth avenue, messenger No. (X1217) 4 , and messenger No. (X1218), whose name was not secured. 5 These boys have had similar experi- ences. These boys also state that at various times they have been called 'Exhibit E. 'Exhibit D. Exhibit F. Exhibit G. Exhibit H. CHILD PROTECTION AND EDUCATION 245 to houses of prostitution to perform small personal services for pros- titutes. On October 8th at 11:40 P. M., messenger No. (X1221), who ap- peared to be about nineteen years of age, was sent with a letter from the (X1222) office at (X1223) and (X1224) to a house of prosti- tution at (X1225) Dearborn street. At 12:20 A. M. the messenger boy was seen coming out of this house. IV. Girls Employed in Various Occupations. This subject has been treated in full elsewhere in this report. It is shown there that young girls who work in factories, department stores, offices, res- taurants, hotels, and as domestic servants, are subject to many dangers and temptations. 1 V. Home Conditions. Bad home conditions often drive the daugh- ters of the family into prostituion and the sons into lives of crime. In such cases the parents are indifferent or ignorant. They allow their children to seek improper amusements without question or guidance. Many cases have come to light where girls have gone to dances or the theater and remained away from home all night telling their parents they stayed with girl friends. Again, they are not required to come home at any hour, the door is left unlocked and the wayward children return at all hours of the night. Many families in the congested dis- tricts take in boarders who sleep in the same room with members of the family. This accustoms children to the presence of strangers and it is no wonder that they lose their moral sense and easily accept the improper attentions of others. The time has come in Chicago when better housing conditions should be studied and applied. The population in certain quarters of the city is becoming more and more congested. Aside from the dangers re- sulting from insanitary conditions, bad housing breeds vice and crime. The Commission commends the Association of Commerce for its recent step in appointing a committee to study and report on these con- ditions. VI. Rooming Houses and Hotels. One of the chief dangers sur- rounding out of town girls and boys who are employed in the city is the cheap rooming and boarding houses. 'See Chapter IV. "Sources of Supply," page 163. 246 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO The immoral conditions in some of the hotels in Chicago form one of the gravest menaces in city life and should be corrected. 1 VII. Protection of Immigrant Girls. One of the most serious problems in Chicago is how to prevent immigrants, especially young girls and women, from falling into the hands of unscrupulous persons while en route from New York and when they arrive in this city. 2 VIII. Underfed Children. Many of the delinquent children who pass through the Juvenile Court are underfed and have no home care or training. They sometimes start by stealing food to eat. Out of this class of anemic children come prostitutes and criminals. The Commission commends the Board of Education in its attempts to meet this situation by the sale of food at cost to the pupils. For the safety of the well fed as well as in sympathy with the underfed, the unfor- tunate should be cared for and protected. IX. Employment Agencies. Some of the employment agencies in Chicago have been more or less careless in the past in obeying the law against the sending of girls as servants to immoral or suspicious places. The conditions in this respect are better now than they have been for some time, but the danger still lurks in these places. 3 AMUSEMENTS. The affording of proper amusements for young people in the City of Chicago is one of the chief duties of the Municipality and private individuals. The amusements of one's leisure hours has more to do with character building than work or any other external influence, because amusement is a matter of choice. It should therefore be pos- sible for 'all young people to have an opportunity for proper amuse- ment. The investigations of dance halls, cheap theaters, amusement parks and lake steamers, show that these places are surrounded by vicious dangers and temptations which result in sending many young girls into lives of immorality, professional, semi-professional, and clan- destine. 4 *See Chapter I, "Existing Conditions," page 84. 'See Chapter IV, "Sources of Supply," page 227. *See Chapter IV, "Sources of Supply," page 218. 4 See Chapter IV, "Sources' of Supply," page 163. CHILD PROTECTION AND EDUCATION 247 7. Cheap Theaters. The five and ten cent theaters which have sprung up all over the city are conducted in an orderly manner. The entertainment consisting of moving pictures is generally clean. The vaudeville acts and singing are very often coarse and inclined to be vulgar but not immoral. The great danger seems to be that which always besets children congregated without proper supervision. We believe that the pictures are a menace to the eyes, which will be shown later in life. The use of glass screens with lighted interior of theater would undoubtedly do much to remove moral dangers and eye strain. The police are to be commended for their strict censorship over all films exhibited in Chicago. No film may be shown without the signa- ture of the General Superintendent of Police. It is estimated that there are over 310 of these places of amusement in Chicago. Investigations by individuals interested in the welfare of children have pointed out many instances where children have been influenced for evil by the conditions surrounding some of these shows. Vicious men and boys mix with the crowd in front of the theaters and take liberties with very young girls. The men and boys outside the theaters speak to the young girls and invite them to go to the show. In one very respectable residential district three very serious things have happened in connection with these theaters. A man by the name of (X1230), a proprietor of one of these nickel theaters, assaulted fourteen young girls. Another man, seventy-six years of age, was in the habit of enticing young girls to go to the show. At another theater the stage manager committed a serious offense with several little boys. All these things happened in the afternoon. Many liberties are taken with young girls within the theater during the performance when the place is in total or semi-darkness. Boys and men slyly embrace the girls near them and offer certain indignities. The following extracts from conferences with widely known workers on the influence of the nickel theater in child protection are worthy of note : "I think the nickel theaters have an immoral tendency. While I believe some are instructive, the general tendency is toward im- morality. I know a good many of my young girls have told me 248 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO their first wrong came when they attended nickel theaters. The people who conduct them may be morally all right and the shows in- structive to the class of people who go there ofttimes, but they are not what they should be. That applies also to dance halls and is one of the great sources of their downfall. "I think the nickel theater is a recruiting station for vice. In the first place from the type of pictures often shown there; in the second place from the association. Often young people are without super- vision, and it is an easy matter for a wrong character to get acquainted with a girl. Evil minded men can very easily make an acquaintance there, when it wouldn't be possible under other circumstances. "Nickel theaters exert an evil influence. Parents and in some cases delinquent children testify that they started in these places. They have a tendency to keep the children out away from home at night very late." Another immoral feature in connection with the cheap theater is the amateur nights and conditions back on the stage. Workers among de- linquent girls testify that these are the influences that first started many of the girls into immoral lives : "Many girls from 12 years of age on have a dramatic tendency. They hear of the money made on the stage and they become anxious to appear before the public. They get acquainted with an usher or some of the people on the stage ; they will do anything to get a chance, especially on some amateur night." "The immoral influences back of the stage are very bad. I know of one case where two girls and two fellows simply shut the doors of one of the dressing rooms, and stayed there for a long while, and step by step the downfall of the girls was brought about." "Many theaters have little dressing rooms, and many of the girls stay there over night. Many girls sell themselves in order to get on the stage before the public. Then they find they can make easy money. Their one idea is to get before the public. I think it is one of the worst things ever invented." "Children ought not to be permitted on the stage. The law against it is certainly not enforced. We have delinquent girls 12 to 16 years of age, who have been on the stage on amateur nights. A little girl just left us who had been on the stage at a five cent show dancing. She called herself a 'professional.' " Chicago has a number of cheap burlesque theaters which have a demoralizing influence upon young boys and men. The actresses as a rule in these cheap shows have no modesty. The men connected with the entertainment are even worse in their actions, and suggestive songs and language are used on the stage. In one of these shows on State street some weeks ago a brazen women gave a shocking ex- hibition of an obscene and suggestive dance. She threw garters to the CHILD PROTECTION AND EDUCATION 249 audience as souvenirs while small boys in the gallery hooted and made noisy demonstrations during her performance. There are permanent shows on State street, almost in the heart of the business district, where an announcer inside the building makes a suggestive speech to entice the audience to descend to the basement where dancers from the "Orient will stir their blood and make them feel like real men." These cheap and vulgar exhibitions are crowded with young boys and men to whom they cater. //. Immoral Literature and Pictures. Probation officers connected with the Juvenile -Court testify that a great many delinquent girls have been influenced for evil by improper literature and pictures. This matter is often printed on the backs of the business cards of saloon keepers and invitations to dances. Investigators have collected a quantity of these cards. In addition, printed poems describing in a most suggestive and obscene manner the experience of lovers have also been found in circulation in the rear rooms of saloons. A young man in this city has a collection of obscene books of the vilest type. He lends these books to his friends. Another man has a collection of vile pictures and obscene poetry which he exhibits. Many of these are in possession of the Commission. The bill boards still present advertisements of certain shows which could well be censored. A boy of fifteen, a pupil in the high school, said the other boys were in the habit of passing lewd pictures and addresses of women in the restricted districts among themselves. One day this boy was preparing to visit the district when he was prevented from doing so. Young girls have been seen with hand written copies of obscene poems which were passed from one to another. There are also vulgar and suggestive advertisements of cigarettes and cigars in circulation. Some of these cards are circulated by so- called reputable firms and are in possession of the Commission. ///. Confectionary and Ice Cream Parlors. A city ordinance de- clares that it shall be unlawful for any person owning, conducting or managing candy and fruit stores or ice cream parlors to allow any male under the age of twenty-one years or any female under the age of eighteen to remain in such places between the hours of 10 :00 P. M. and 7 :00 A. M. unless accompanied by one or both parents. This or- 250 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO dinance also forbids these stores to maintain curtains, screens or partitions of any kind that will serve to divide such places into small rooms or compartments. The penalty is a fine of from $5 to $100 for each offense. 1 An injunction has been issued restraining the en- forcement of this ordinance. The Commission feels that if this in- junction is made permanent it will work a great injustice to many help- less and unprotected children. There is no doubt that conditions surrounding many of these candy and fruit stores and ice cream parlors in certain districts of the city are particularly dangerous to young boys and girls. In fact the court records show that a large number of young girls have been ruined in these places. The following typical instances came under the observation of in- vestigators of the Commission during its study: October 10th. (X1230), confectionary and ice cream soda parlor, (X1231) street. Two girls and two boys were seen in this place after 10:00 P. M. The girls appeared to be from fifteen to sixteen years of age, the boys from seventeen to twenty. There was a Japanese screen in the room, which could be used to put around tables. One of the boys took hold of the breast of one of the girls and took other liberties. October 10th. (X1232) Kitchen. Confectionary and ice cream parlor; (X1233) street. One girl and four boys at this place after 10:00 P. M. The girl appeared to be sixteen years of age; the boys from twelve to seventeen. A screen was in the room, which could be used to go around the tables. There was a room in the rear which opened off from the ice cream parlor. October 10th. (X1234), (X1235; street. Ice cream soda and confectionary. Several girls and boys were seen in this place at 10:35 P. M. Two of the girls appeared to be 16, and 3, 18 years of age; the boys 14 to 20. One of the younger boys asked a girl to hurry up, and they would go to the hallway where they could talk by themselves. October 10th. Cigars, candy, soda and drugs. (X1236) and (X1237). One girl and four boys were seen in this place at 10:45 P. M. The girl appeared to be 16, and the boys from 15 to 18 years of age. The girl was accompanied by one of the boys, and the other boys were making fun of him for going around with a "chicken." October 10th. (X1238) store, (X1239) avenue. Two girls and four boys were seen in this place at 10:50 P. M. The girls ap- peared to be from 15 to 17 and the boys from 15 to 19 years of age. There are curtains in this place, which can be arranged around the Appendix XVII. CHILD PROTECTION AND EDUCATION 251 tables. One of the boys was seen conducting himself in an indecent manner with one of the girls. Their names were May and Fred. October 10th. (X1240) ; ice cream and candy. (X1241) avenue. Two girls and one boy were seen in this place at 11 :30 P. M. The girls appeared to be 13 to 16 years of age, and the boy 17. October llth. (X1242), confectionary and ice cream parlor; (X1243) street. Eleven girls and 9 boys were here at 11:20 P. M. The youngest of the girls appeared to be 15 and the youngest boy 16. Two girls about 16 were flirting with two boys, and when the boys left the girls followed them. One of the girls flirted with the in- vestigator and he sat down at the table with her. She said she was 17 years of age and "hung out" most of the time in (X1244) saloon. She further stated that her name was Georgia (X1245), and came from the upper peninsula of Michigan. She is a prostitute and takes men to the (X1246) hotel, (X1247) street. October llth. Ice cream parlor, (X1248) South (X1249) street. Eight girls and 5 boys were seen in this place at 10:50 P. M. Tne youngest of the girls appeared to be 16 and the youngest boy 17. Three girls who appeared to be 16 were acting very giddy, and one of the boys told the investigator that they were "to be had." October 13th. (X1250), drug store and ice cream parlor, (X1520a) street. Five girls and 3 boys were in this place at 11:35 P. M.; the youngest of the girls appeared to be 11, and the youngest boy 19 years of age. October 13th. Ice cream parlor, (X1251) street. Four girls and 6 boys were in this place at 10:35 P. M. The youngest of the girls appeared to be 15, and the youngest boy 18 years of age. There was a curtain in the room, which could be arranged around the tables; also a door to rooms in the rear. One of the girls was alone, and sh afterwards went out on the street and met a fellow on the corner, and walked away with him. October 13th. Ice cream parlor. (X1257) street. Three girls and 4 boys were seen in this place at 11 :10 P. M. The youngest of the girls appeared to be 18 and the youngest boy 19 years of age. There was a screen around one of the tables in the room. October 13th. Ice cream parlor; (X1258) street. Three girls and one boy were seen in this place at 11 :20 P. M. The youngest of the girls appeared to be 15 and the boy about 17 years of age. October 13th. Ice cream parlor, (X1259) street. Five girls and 6 boys were seen in this place at 11 :30 P. M. The youngest of the girls appeared to be 16 and the youngest boy 18 years of age. There were booths and stalls arranged on both sides of the room, where persons could be by themselves. There was a door leading to rooms in the rear. October 14th. Ice cream parlor; (X1260) street. Seven girls and 8 boys were seen in this place at 11:45 P. M. The youngest of the girls appeared to be 16, the youngest boy 18. There was a room 252 THE SOCIAL EVIL OF CHICAGO enclosed in the rear right hand corner. The room also contained screens to put around the tables. October 14th. Ice cream parlor, (X1261) street. Five girls and 3 boys were seen in this place at 11 :05 P. M. The youngest of the girls appeared to be 16 and the youngest boy 17 years of age. There are screens in the room that can be placed around tables. There is a door leading to rooms in the rear. An Italian clerk was joking with a girl called Frances about loving another fellow, and she said, "I know 1 love him." October 14th. Ice cream parlor. (X1262) street. Four girls and 2 boys were seen in this place at 10:25 P. M. The youngest of the girls appeared to be 16 and the younger boy 18 years of age. There are partitions in the rear of this room. IV. Amusement Parks. Social workers who have paid particular attention to conditions in amusement parks declare that incidents have come to their notice showing a laxity of supervision and of the moral dangers surrounding young girls who frequent these places for amusement. 1 V. Public Parks. No definite investigation was made of the conditions in public parks by the Commission. Other organizations, however, have reported on the same. These investigations show that there are evil influences in such places. During the summer time young girls frequent these places and sit around on the grass with boys, or go with them into the dark corners and among the shrubbery at night. Garfield, Douglas and Lincoln parks are mentioned where these conditions have been observed. The Commission recommends a better lighting of the parks; the removal of seats from the deep shadows and better policing. Search- lights might be of assistance to the proper policing of such spots as are not covered by arc lights. VI. Lake Steamers. Investigations of conditions on the lake steamers which cater to holiday and excursion crowds shows that these boats afford many opportunities for immoral practices. These boats then must be considered as affording dangers to young people which must be vigorously guarded against. 2 *See Chapter IV, "Sources of Supply," page 213. *See Chapter IV, "Sources of Supply," page 215. CHILD PROTECTION AND EDUCATION 253 EDUCATIONAL AND PREVENTIVE MEASURES. There is a difference of opinion whether children below the age of puberty should be taught sex hygiene in schools. That they should be taught this subject is being widely discussed. Both sides present argument for and against. At this period of experiment in the public or semi-public education of sex hygiene to children, under fourteen or fifteen years of age, the Commission is convinced the movement is so early in its development that it furnishes little absolute proof of its value and therefore it would hesitate to make recommendation. It is the bounden duty as well as the privilege of fathers and mothers, how- ever, to teach their young children such facts as are necessary to guard them from the dangers of immoral lives. But this is pre- eminently the work for parents and not for schools or for public societies. Beyond the age of puberty or in colleges or universities this may be done with safety and probably good results if done with care and from the viewpoint of morals, as well as the care of the physical body. There are parents, unfortunately, who do not feel capable or willing to undertake to teach children the knowledge of sex hygiene. It is not an easy duty in many instances, but a very necessary one. When such is the case a father has recourse to a very excellent teacher for the son, the family physician. In the case of the mother, her ma- ternal instinct will suggest how to protect her daughter. Where children have no parents the Commission feels that these children should be taught necessary knowledge by those who are their moral guardians. If the child be in an institution then by those in charge of the same; if wards of the court, then by probation officers of the same sex; and for those in school without advisers, by the teachers of the school in private interviews. It is most desirable that college students of both sexes should receive instruction in sex hygiene. The greatest emphasis should be placed upon their responsibility in protecting future generations from hereditary immoral tendencies and physical degeneration. Books and other literature on the subject are limited and some of them unfortunate, or based upon error or misvalued evidence. Consequently, great care should be used in selecting or advising on that subject. 254 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO The Commission presents the following brief history of the pres- ent educational movement, both in this country and abroad, for the education and protection of young people of both sexes. The essential feature of this educational effort is that its teach- ing was planned to be, and has been moral and helpful as well as hy- gienic and scientific. In other words, it has not endeavored to delve into all the details of vice, and spread before the public all the re- pulsiveness and depravity of people who lead lives of vice, but the purpose has been to give young men such information as will be helpful to them in controlling their own passion or to assist them in avoiding the vice and depravity into which their uncontrolled emo- tional nature may lead them. While this educational work has pointed out the consequences of vice, and the causes which lead many into immorality, it has en- deavored to place the emphasis upon those things which are normal and right. In addition this educational program includes instructions regarding things which make for the health and welfare of the family, and to a proper regard for the sense of honor which is a part of the lives of normal men and women. In matters of sexes, as in other problems of life, knowledge without honor is a power without a guide. In much of the best recent liter- ature, the question of honor is taken for granted rather than ex- pressed. Nevertheless, the basic principle is justice to others as well as avoidance of injury to one's self. For nearly one hundred years European cities have been trying to reduce the volume of venereal disease by medical and sanitary ef- forts. Disease, however, has persisted unchecked, statistics often showing an increase in spite of all the sanitary efforts available. Finally, in 1899, an International Congress was called to meet at Brussels, and discuss every known means of reducing this constantly growing peril. Many people expected great results from a sanitary point of view from this conference. It developed, however, that even the supporters of sanitary control of vice could not give as fa- vorable a report as they wished to, and freely admitted they were disappointed with the result of their efforts. This International Council after discussing the matter for several days, finally disbanded, with the recommendation they report no CHILD PROTECTION AND EDUCATION 255 definite conclusions to their respective governments, and with the un- derstanding that this subject would be studied further, and a second council meet in 1902. The results of the second council were similar to those of the first, except that it was finally decided that the only hope for reducing present distressing conditions was to organize an educational effort along both sanitary and moral lines. The deliberations of this Congress crystallized into the conviction that the preventive measures hitherto employed were insufficient and ineffective. It was decided also that the whole question must be studied anew, from a broader standpoint, with special reference to the social conditions involved in the causation of these diseases. It was recognized that vice was a voluntary evil, and that moral, as well as medical issues were involved. One of the American representatives to this Congress was author- ized by the society to organize in America, Societies of Sanitary and Moral Prophylaxis. After four years of hard work, the American Society of Sanitary and Moral Prophylaxis in New York City was organized in Feb- ruary of 1905. This society was composed of some of the most prom- inent members of the medical profession, and others interested in public welfare. Their plan of work was soon approved by people in other communities and similar societies were organized in Phila- delphia, in Chicago and elsewhere. The Chicago Society bearing the name of "The Chicago Society of Social Hygiene," was organized in the spring of 1906. Since then some twelve or fifteen similar city or state organizations have sprung up in different parts of the United States, and one in Mexico. These have all been composed of medical people and others, and they have had the benefit of some of the best medical advice in their communities. As a consequence, the general public has come to realize as never before the amount of disease and physical suffering caused by vice, and the benefits to be derived by a possible freedom from vice in a community. Up to the present time most of the education has been directed towards young men and their parents, or towards assisting Y. M. C. A. and college authorities in giving young men such information as will enable them to know the dangers incident to the association with vice. 256 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO In addition to the above, an effort has been made by women's clubs to educate certain groups of women regarding such facts as are necessary to enable them to guide and protect their own children or children in their charge. This work has been conducted largely by women physicians. The necessity for such work, and the value of the work given, .has been very much appreciated by a large number of women in several of the cities of the United States. The first society to undertake the teaching of Social Hygiene to adults in Chicago was the Chicago Society of Social Hygiene, teach- ing the facts from a hygenic and medical point of view, and endeav- oring mostly to reach young men. Second, the Chicago Woman's Club, teaching from the standpoint of a proper protection of women and children. Third, the Illinois Vigilance Association, organized under the auspices of a union meeting of ministers' associations. The work of teaching young men has perhaps progressed farther and accomplished more than among the people of any other class, outside of those especially interested in the public welfare. This teaching has been accomplished through lectures delivered to colleges and Y. M. C. A.'s, usually by physicians. For the past four years one physician delivered a lecture on reproduction and sexual hygiene at most of the large colleges in the Middle West and many of the Y. M. C. A.'s in the larger cities from Denver to New York. In Indiana, the State Board of Health has taken up the work, and the Chairman of the Board or one of his assistants goes nearly every Sunday and occasionally during the week, to talk be- fore Men's Clubs in churches and social clubs, or other organizations. The Chicago Society of Hygiene and the Spokane Society of Social and Moral Hygiene have issued four leaflets entitled, "Sexual Hy- giene for Young Men," "Family Protection," "Community Protec- tion," and "Comments on the Aim and the Efforts of the Society of Social Hygiene," the later being principally a compilation of letters telling of the value and usefulness of the literature which they have issued. The education of the rising generation is of the utmost importance, and this education should reach as many as possible, but in order to have the movement permanently established it is more important that the method should be right rather than energetic. In other words, CHILD PROTECTION AND EDUCATION 257 the quality of the work is of more importance than the quantity, al- though a large quantity is urgently needed and should be supplied as rapidly as skill and care can manage. The following extracts are from statements made by representa- tive workers among children selected from the testimony of twenty-six who appeared with others in conference with the Commission. They represent fairly the general opinion of the twenty-six who discussed the subject: "I am very far from being committed broadly to the idea of teaching social hygiene in the public schools. It depends en- tirely upon the age of the child and in what grade it is to be taught. It is a matter of the greatest difficulty to give this in- struction properly, and I am very much in doubt whether it would accomplish much good. When you consider how few parents have the moral or mental equipment to discuss this question with their children I some- times think it is better to leave them without definite instruction from such sources." "The time has come when the teachers should be instructed to teach the children. This does not mean that they must tell them everything about the physiology of the human body, but it does mean they must change their attitude about this matter, and instead of talking about the stork, talk plainly; otherwise, they will be on the wrong track. I am quite in sympathy with the movement to teach social hygiene in the public schools. This should be done by changing the trend of thought, and the form of expression, and gradually by introducing actual physiology study. The peculiar thing about the public school teaching of physiology as it is now taught is that it is a physiology of ani- mals and does not touch the physiology of man, as related to re- production." "It depends a good deal upon the age of the children, as to whether or not they should be taught physiology in the public schools. Some children are capable of understanding instruc- tion in that science at a much earlier period than others. You will find some girls ten years of age who understand more about the science of life and evil than others at fifteen. It would be hard to suggest any age at which it would be proper to com- mence teaching. I believe that parents or the guardians of children should teach these delicate subjects. It is my conviction, gen- erally speaking, that the longer children are kept innocent the better calculated it is to promote goodness." 258 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO "I am in favor of teaching physiology to school children, but I would not wish to give an opinion regarding the age when this subject should be taught. I feel sure that when they reach puberty they ought to know. This subject should be imparted to the children through the schools, because we have so large a number of parents who will not do it. I know personally of girls who have been allowed to come to the marriage age with- out a word of instruction; their mothers say they could not talk on the subject with their daughters. I do not believe innocence and ignorance go hand in hand. I think a girl brought up on a farm would see the natural processes; she knows the secrets of sex without being taught. She is just as innocent as the city girl who has never seen anything. The mothers of Italian girls who marry at fourteen or fifteen years of age have been per- fectly frank with them, yet these girls are perfectly innocent. I am in sympathy with the movement to teach social hygiene with reference to morals in the public schools." The Commission, therefore, heartily recommends the further study into proper and effectual methods of teaching sex hygiene to young people beyond the age of puberty, especially to young men. For other recommendations see page 63. Chapter VI. Rescue and Reform, CHAPTER VI. RESCUE AND REFORM. The Social Evil presents one of the ( sombre phases of modern life. Perhaps there is no problem more complex and baffling within the range of present day experience. The evils of which it is the cause and the perils with which it besets the lives of even the purest and least suspecting members of the social order afford ample justifica- tion for the most earnest efforts to abate and conquer it. In the discussion of the means of rescue and reform, it is natural that emphasis should be placed upon institutions and agencies which have proved of value or promised relief. Yet it must be remembered that the most serious evils of this traffic in virtue are not physical but moral, and that the most effective means of counteracting them must ever be in the elevation of the moral sentiment of the com- munity to a sense of individual responsibility for upright conduct in behalf of decency and virtue. The safety of the city as of the nation, lies in the intelligence, morality and ethical sensitiveness of the people. And the agencies, educational, moral and religious, which inspire and promote these qualities are the truest safeguards. With a sure and unfailing emphasis upon these primary factors in the problem it is appropriate that attention be given to the specific problems connected with the work of rescue and reform. A. Social changes. The community is undergoing great economic social and political changes which affect the status of respectable women. They are evidenced by: I. The disproportionate increase in the number of wage earning women as compared with wage earning men, and with female popu- lation. The twelfth census (1900) reports that 6,000,000 women were then wage earners outside their homes, and it is anticipated that the thirteenth census (1910) will find 9,000,000 women engaged in wage earning pursuits. Between 1890-1900 gainfully employed women increased more rapidly than gainfully employed men in num- ber, and more rapidly than the female population. 261 262 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN^CHICAGO II. The disintegration of the older forms of family life and multiplication of divorces obtained on the motion of the wife: Dur- ing the past twenty wears 954,000 divorces have been granted in the United States; two-thirds at the request of women who in most cases have assumed the burden of supporting themselves, and often of supporting their children. III. The gradual admission of women to political privileges : For all constiutional governments tend to give at least the municipal franchise to women. While these changes are not of such a char- acter as to promise the overthrow of the institution of prostitu- tion, they throw a new light on the causes which lead women into immoral and disreputable lives, and must be considered in framing any program for the rescue and reform of women who have become disreputable. It is of the essence of the immoral act that the two sexes are involved. The question of the immoral man is, however, left to other reports 1 while this discussion is devoted exclusively to the girl, semi-delinquent or delinquent, and the woman semi-profes- sional or professional. B. Reasons for Choice of Immoral Life by Women. One result of these changes in the status of respectable women is a gradual al- teration in the attitude of respectable women towards their disrep- utable sisters, and the recognition of the fact that the position of the disreputable woman can be readily understood only when the effect of these changes upon the tastes, the possibilities, the opportunities of reputable women is considered. The problem then of rescue and reform of these women who have supplied the demand for purposes of prostitution has now been recognized as one belonging to the whole community, to be solved only with the help of both decent men and women, and as one so complicated that the formulation of adequate recommendations is extremely difficult. A brief discussion of the apparent causes for the selection of this life by women is essential to a discussion of their subsequent rescue from it. A removal of these causes would act in a preventive man- ner. Until they are removed subsequent and remedial treatment of some kind will remain necessary. The difficulties which surround the various efforts to care for and reform girls and prostitutes are *See Chapter V, "Child Protection and Education," page 240. RESCUE AND REFORM 263 largely inherent in social life and industrial conditions. Social insti- tutions and public opinion lag behind industrial demands, and of no con- ditions is this more true than of those under which women and girls offer themselves in the labor market ; and it is true not only of Condi- tions in Chicago but in the entire United States, in England, and on the Continent. In public opinion, also, women prostitutes have been in the past all grouped together; young and old, confirmed prostitutes and girls who have made but their first misstep, were all placed in one class, as im- pelled into the life by their own evil inclinations. This naive explanation to account for such a prevalent institution still survives among those whose experience of life has been so lim- ited as to allow them no conception of the subtle and complicated social conditions which produce the social evil. In the public conscience neither was any discrimination made be- tween the various degrees of responsibility for evil-doing, nor any effort exerted in economic or social directions to lessen the supply, and return the victims to society, which has never in law or educa- tion sufficiently recognized the strength and force of the sex instinct. This instinct has been ignored in educational methods, and society has sought to correct its abuses by punishing the woman, and by ex- acting from her absolute chastity under pain of social death. Thus the evil, nourished by silence, unchecked by wise enlightment, has grown apace. The social conscience, however, is now awakening, and recognizes that the causes which produce the social evil, which in truth is the most unsocial of all evils, are as varied as the individuals who supply the demand. Among these causes a few may be enumerated. The economic stress of industrial life on unskilled workers, with its enfeebling in- fluence on the will power; the large number of seasonal trades in which women are especially engaged; unhappy homes; careless and ignorant parents; broken promises; love of ease and luxury; the craving for excitement and change; lack of both ethical teaching and religious conviction; ignorance of hygiene; all these are more or less contributing causes. But above all is the fact that "commercialized vice" is now a business in which but a small part of the profits are paid to the women, who are exploited for the benefit of certain groups 264 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO of men; and parallel with this is the further fact that certain classes of women have discovered that luxuries and ease come to them when they sell their bodies, rather than the work of their hands, "It is the easiest way." /. Unfavorable Home Conditions. First among these causes should be named unfavorable home conditions and family relation- ships. Where the parents are drunken, immoral, degraded, the home crowded and filthy, and the child neglected and abused, there is little hope of the girl escaping sex-violation. Such consequences are illus- trated by the experience of the girls now in the State Home for Girls at Geneva. Among 168 girls in that institution at one time (Summer 1908) 30 were the daughters of drunken fathers, 8 had drunken mothers, 20 had fathers of vicious habits, 16 were children of immoral or vicious mothers. In the families of 12 there were others of criminal or vicious habits; 24 were children of fathers who had deserted the family; 11 were illegitimate, and 10 were victims of gross cruelty. Twenty-nine of these girls had already been in houses of prostitution, 13 had sisters who were immoral, 31 country girls at Geneva and 16 Chicago girls each testified that the companion of her first experience was a member of her own family. Of course it is apparent that in many of these instances more than one of the unhappy conditions would be operative, so that some overlapping must be recognized. Many other instances could be obtained from among the girls who have been wards of the Juvenile Court. 1 More serious still are the cases of venereal infection in families where some members of the group, usually the father, spreads the disease. In one case under observation, the father, while living away from home became infected. A few weeks later he came home and infected a six year old daughter. 2 Often when the home is not en- tirely degraded there are conditions of crowding and poverty which lead to misfortune. Working all day, the girls are often obliged to help at home in the evening; and if they live in a crowded house, they must go on the streets to receive their friends. They are thus practically forced on the street for social life. 'See Chapter IV, "Sources of Supply," page 228. 'Monthly report of the Juvenile Protective Association. RESCUE AND REFORM 265 The poor of the working class usually raise large families, and the income is proportionately small. The responsibilities are often too heavy and the parents cannot wait until the children are fourteen years old before they are sent out to help support the family. Many girls go astray because they are obliged to turn over their earnings to their father or mother. Naturally, where children of fourteen con- tribute to the support of their family they pass beyond the parents' control. A self-supporting individual becomes in the nature of things a self-directing individual and the parents become less exacting about morals when they become dependent on the use of the child's wages. There are, too, of course, in our city many girls who are in fact homeless, who live in unprotected ways in boarding and lodging houses. The superintendent of the Compulsory Department of the Board of Education cites cases in which the practice of taking board- ers in the congested districts results in immorality. The "star" boarder has contributed in large measure to the number of illegiti- mate children. Many young girls who are nominally under the pro- tection of their own families have either been mistreated by mem- bers of their family or have been made the victims of their neglect. A little lame girl 12 years of age may be cited as an illustration from a large group. She was absent from school. On investigation, it was found that her father had mistreated her. The child was used by a boarder, 46 years old, who paid the father $4.50 a week for board and the use of the child. II. Lack of Supervision on the Street. The life on the streets is dangerous for young girls, indeed for all children who are forced upon them for social life. All of the Commission investigators speak of the large number of young girls on the streets late at night. One social worker reported seeing a girl of 14 or 15 at half past ten in the evening with two boys in an indecent attitude, and another little girl of 13 and a boy of 14 on the corner of La Salle avenue and Locust street at 10 o'clock, also in an indecent attitude. The conditions on the streets, especially in the summer after 11 o'clock make it unfit for young girls to be abroad, and after that hour on many car lines the passengers are noisy, profane and often in- toxicated. The police leave the parks and boulevards about 10 o'clock, so that the danger in them is even greater. One member 266 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO of the Commission found two children, not more than 12 or 13, hid- den in the bushes in Lincoln Park on the Lake Shore last summer. She went up to them to persuade them to go home and they ran away. A young man arose from under the same clump of bushes and ran after them. No policeman was in sight and one could only leave them to their fate. On the subject of children out late at night in the streets, this same worker says: "You must educate the parents. You must do some strong talking to them. Many parents seem not to care what becomes of their daughters." ///. Dishonest Practice by Theatrical Agents. The theatrical agencies occasionally deceive girls, and under promise of finding po- sitions for them on the stage, really intend to put them in houses, or at least get money from them. A ward of the Illinois Industrial School, nineteen years of age, who was not very bright, but a fairly decent girl, was placed in a home where she received $4.00 a week. For six months she spent almost all her money learning to dance so as to go on the stage. When one of the Commission ascertained how her money went, she at once put a stop to the whole performance as the child was a person of such low mentality and awkward ways that it was impossible to teach her to dance. While this agency prob- ably did not intend to put her in any danger, at the same time it took her money so that she worked for six months for instruction, which under no possibility could be of any value. IF. The Unregulated Dance Hall and Other Places of Amusement. The chapter on "The Social Evil and the Saloon" points out the evil resulting to women from the saloon and the dance hall attached to it, and it is significant that a very large number of girls attribute their first downward step to the dance hall. The last report of the Juvenile Protective Association states that: "There are 266 dance halls in Chicago, a very large number disreputable, with saloon attached, patronized by young girls. * * * Dancing is only a secondary consideration; drinking is the principal object. The girl is not welcome unless she drinks. From this sort of amusement the end is sure." One investigator tells of seeing a very nice looking young girl who came with another young girl to a dance on the North Side. Two men joined them and the girl refused to drink at first when wine was offered. The friend and the man after trying vainly to persuade RESCUE AND REFORM 267 her, finally seized her, and poured the liquor down her throat in such a way as to force her to swallow it; as she was unused to drinking she was quickly overcome, but no one interfered, and everyone around seemed to think it perfectly legitimate and good fun. The amusements available for young people are cheap and often of a semi-indecent character. The investigation of the five and ten cent theaters show that nearly all need supervision. It is estimated that 400,000 children visit these theaters and moving picture shows in one day in the United States, and in Chicago alone at least 30,000 children; and yet, as the President of Juvenile Protective Association writes, "We are making no use of what would be a great educational power." In those shows where the lights are turned down many indecent acts take place, which accustoms the girls to familiar treatment. All so- called "amateur nights" should be abolished, as the dressing rooms are small and dirty, and there is usually no separation of men and women, or boys and girls. The crowd of evil men who congregate in front of the cheap resorts, waiting for girls to come out, is another element of danger. They make indecent suggestions and use vile language. Many groups of girls go to summer parks without their parents or other friends; they start together, but are separated, and in many cases accept invitations from perfect strangers, "to go in and see the show." The possibilities offered to men for becoming acquainted with young girls in this way and taking advantage of them are end- less. Some young girls go regularly to these parks. They come with the price of admission and carfare, and as they have no money for amusements, seek a good time at some one's expense. A girl may "have a date with some man," or she will "pick one up." The man knows what is expected of him, she knows what is expected of her, and if she fails to fulfill her part of the bargain, he feels justified in using force. The girls often seem to have no idea of chastity, and as a matter of business make the first advances. They belong to a class of people who seem non-moral rather than immoral. And yet these great amusement parks which offer the only recreation many can procure, are a necessary part of city life, and they are here to stay. All that is immoral should, therefore, be strictly eliminated from them. 1 *See Chapter IV, "Sources of Supply," page 213. 268 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO During the summer the excursion boats are often floating assigna- tion houses. Some of those between Chicago and Milwaukee, Chicago and St. Joseph, Grand Haven and Michigan City, are the worst. The state rooms are rented over and over again. The boys carry whiskey in their suit cases or buy it at the bar. They are soon drunk and the trip becomes an orgy. The state rooms are rented many times in the course of three or four hours; boys and girls lie in these berths together in an undressed condition. 1 Thus the perils of unregulated and unsupervised recreation are re- sponsible for hundreds of girls now in homes and reformatories, and many of these girls would bear witness that their irregular experi- ence came to them as an incident to visits to theaters, walks at night in parks, picnics, steamer rides, etc. Those whose young daughters are carefully guarded can never imagine or realize the perils to which the young, ignorant pleasure-loving girls are exposed. V. Isolated Employments. Domestic Service. It is an entirely new experience to find domestic service classed as a dangerous moral trade, but such is the expert's point of view, which is entirely justified by the statistics of prisons and reformatories. Of the 3,966 unfortunates who came under the examination of the Massachusetts State Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1,115, nearly 30 per cent., had been in domestic service. In the Bedford Reformatory of New York, of 1,000 women, 475 had been servants. Of the 127 girls in the Industrial School at Rochester, New York, there were only 51 wage earners, 29 of whom had been domestic servants. In 1908, in the Albion Home in New York there were 168 girls, 92 of whom were servants. A woman who has been investigating the social condition of women throughout the country, and has given the subject much thought feels that the explanation lies in the isolation of the workers, the fact that they have no place to receive their friends, and that, therefore, their social opportunities are limited to the park bench, the steamboat and recreation after dark. VI. Lack of Knowledge of Sexual Matters. A well known woman physician of Chicago affirms that ignorance is often responsible for the attitude of the girl toward immorality. As an instance she cites 1 See Chapter IV, "Sources of Supply," page 215. RESCUE AND REFORM 269 the case of a girl now working at one of the establishments in the stockyards whose mother "didn't tell her things." She is now five months pregnant. The man is a fellow workman, 40 years old, who has hitherto borne a most excellent reputation. VII. Undue Nervous Strain from Economic Pressure. On the economic side, the whole tendency of modern industrialism is to place too heavy a strain on the nervous system of all classes, men and women alike. How much more serious is this, when the strain is placed on the growing girl at the period of adolescence when the child has to assume the burden of self-support and self-direction, and often aid in the support of her family. An investigation was recently made into the living conditions of 200 respectable working girls, not one among them vicious or im- moral, and it was found that only six per cent, of them had control of their wages. The rest were obliged to help relatives either in the home or out of it. The average wage of these 200 women was $6.00 to $10.00 a week. It goes without the saying that if you have con- ditions which make living with comfort impossible for any large number of men and women, some of the men will become criminals and some of the women, prostitutes. From these investigations, it will be seen that the tradition that women are usually in the labor market for additional spending money has little foundation in fact. The average girl does not enjoy work outside of her own home and will not work unless spurred on by the necessity of gaining her daily bread. This is a general rule and does not apply to all cases such as many high school girls and the higher class of working girls who have considerable ambition and independ- ence of feeling. A student of economic problems says: "Any investigation which did not involve a full inquiry into hours of labor, the nervous strain caused by machinery and oc- cupations where machinery is employed operated by women and girls, would fall short of obtaining accurate data, and would have no foundation whatever on which to deal with vice. There are many men who own large establishments who pay wages which simply drive women into prostitution. In all large cities the common school educates boys and girls to desire at least a decent living comfort. It also educates them to discrimina- tion, and they realize their own hard lot when compared with that of others who are well off." They go with ambition into business or trades, but the girl soon finds 270 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO ' out that she has reached the maximum $7.00 or $8.00 a week, when she becomes discouraged, and either loses her ambition and joy of life, or essays some adventure, more or less hazardous, to supplement her meager wages. Thus among the reasons why women or girls enter the life of pros- titution the economic question plays a more or less conspicuous part. The low wages paid, the fact that in nearly all the employments open to women, the maximum wage is $10.00 to $15.00 a week, and the average wage about $6.00, the lack of skill, the exacting demands especially in the department stores for good dressing, the long hours of standing, and the extra fatigue which girls must endure at certain periods, insanitary conditions under which girls work in factories all these have a powerful effect on a woman's or girl's nervous or physical force. Then many girls cannot marry, or if married they must work to help out the family income, and cannot afford to have children. As an instance in point. One of the girls in a large department store said that some of the girls are married, but both the girl and man work. If the wife becomes pregnant she feels compelled to resort to an operation for they cannot live on the husband's salary and have children. Overwork is the cause of innumerable evils. It ends by crippling the body, ruining the health and shortening life. It cer- tainly dwarfs the mind and leaves no room for reading or mental de- levopment. So a craving for excitement is general among girls who work long hours, for they feel the necessity of stimulation, and thus attend the shows which make less demand on them for attention. The department store girls are specially tempted, for they have low wages and long hours, and they are the victims of low minded people who use the store as a field for operation, and who are alert to tempt girls into an immoral life. In 1908 and 1909 the Juvenile Protective Association made a study of the waiting rooms in the department stores, and during this in- vestigation 16 arrests were made of procurers, 15 men and 1 woman. All of whom were convicted and fined. These rooms are used by girls looking for employment, and if the girl who is employed is often in danger, she is safe compared to the girl looking for work. In one of the waiting rooms there were counted 48 girls, ranging from 14 years to 20. A large number of them were continuously studying RESCUE AND REFORM 271 the Want-Ad columns of the newspaper. Some of the girls were in groups, but many were alone, and a large number spent all day with- out food. One girl said in answer to questions of the investigator that her landlady gave her something to eat in the morning, that she absolutely had not a cent, that she owed for six weeks' board, and that she walked down town and trusted to picking up a newspaper, as she hadn't a cent to buy one. The men procurers come two or three together, and use all sorts of schemes to get acquainted with the girls. Other public waiting rooms, such as those in railway stations, are used in this manner. In any place where the poorer girls congregate, there are found the largest number of procurers. After this investigation, a report was made to the managers of department stores, and conditions were much improved; but all public waiting rooms should be supervised and policed. It is believed that during the past winter the conditions in the department store waiting rooms have deteriorated. Eternal vigilance is the price of safety for young girls. In Chapter IV "Sources of Supply," attention is called to the wages received by girls in department stores. It is shown there that these wages are very low, hardly enough to supply the necessities of life, especially if the employe happens to be alone in the city and thrown on her own resources. The temptations, therefore, to a moneyless girl to accept invitations even from strangers, for luncheon, dinner or the theater are very great. One night while an investigator was in the (X1262a) and (X1262b) Cafes on (X1262c) avenue, he saw five sales- girls in these places whom he recognized as being from a department store. The fining system under the guise of maintaining discipline, which exists in some of the stores, should be regulated by law. VIII. Semi-Professional and Professional Prostitutes. From the testimony of the investigators employed by the Commission a fairly large number of girls employed in department stores supplement their income by a certain amount of prostitution, and with such girls the economic question is probably the main one. They feel they cannot live on the wages they receive, and they are compelled to earn more money in order to live with the decency their position requires. 272 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO The number of professional prostitutes is estimated in Chapter I, "Existing Conditions," at 5,000. The number of clandestine prostitutes it is impossible to estimate. The rescue and reformation of the habitual prostitute presents a problem of the most difficult character. Such a woman is the vanishing material of so- ciety. She leaves nothing behind her, has usually severed her family connections and has no social life. If she ever had religious con- victions, they are in abeyance and her concern for ethics is abso- lutely gone. Her economic value cannot be reckoned with, as she is always more or less unskilled. Every opportunity should be offered such individuals of this class as may desire to abandon their evil life, and earnest support should be given to all such agencies as seek to reach out and reclaim these to rectitude, to moral integrity, and a career that may yet prove wholesome and serviceable to society. Yet the problems of the restoration to social competence is most perplex- ing and puts strong emphasis upon the need of moral and religious education at an earlier stage of individual life. REMEDIAL MEASURES. 1. Legal Enactment. (a) Equitable. Among the laws which attempt to secure protection to girls should be mentioned first, the Juvenile Court Law. This law provides that all persons under the age of twenty-one years shall, for the purposes of this act, be considered wards of the State, and their persons subject to the care, guardianship and control of the Court, and so defines de- pendent and delinquent children as to bring under the jurisdiction of the Court girls whose morals are in peril because of home conditions, inadequate training or any other unfavorable conditions. 1 It must be noted, however, that the Juvenile Court must acquire jurisdiction of the child before the age of eighteen in order to exercise the super- vision and guardianship up to the age of twenty-one. (b) Criminal. The laws which attempt to protect girls and women by punishing offenses against their virtue prohibit: (1) Enticing an unmarried female of chaste life to enter a house of prostitution. Penalty, imprisonment one to twenty years. Appendix XXXVIII. RESCUE AND REFORM 273 (2) Detaining any female in such a house. Penalty, imprison- ment of from one to ten years. (3) Allowing an unmarried female under eighteen to live in a house of prostitution. Penalty, imprisonment of from one to five years. (4) Enticing any female under eighteen to come into the State for immoral purposes. Penalty, imprisonment one to five years. (5) Pandering. Penalty for the first offense, imprisonment in the county jail six months to one year, or a fine of $300 to $1,000; for subsequent offenses imprisonment of from one to ten years. (6) Detaining a female in a house of prostitution against her will to compel the payment, liquidation or canceling of a debt. Pen- alty, first offense, imprisonment six months to a year, and a fine of from $300 to $3,000. Subsequent offenses, imprisonment one to five years. 1 (7) Contributing to the delinquency or dependency of children.? (8) Regulations governing the maintenance of houses of prostitu- tion, declaring such a house to be a nuisance, imposing a penalty of $200.00 for the offense of maintaining, patronizing, keeping such a house, or letting a house for such purposes. 3 (9) Prohibition directed towards the patrons and inmates of such houses. 4 (10) Provision intended to prevent and punish the immoral solic- itation on the streets. (a) Definition of vagabond so as to include persons who commit such acts. 5 (b) Defining and penalizing disorderly conduct. 6 (11) Abandonment of wife and children. Penalty, fine of $100 to $500, imprisonment one to twelve months, or both fine and impris- onment with power in Court to substitute regular contribution to fam- ily support for statutory penalty. (12) The Bastardy Law; collection of $100 for first year and $50 each of nine succeeding years, or allowing release on payment of $400. 7 'Appendix VI. 'Appendix XXXVII. 'Appendices I-II. 4 Appendix V. 'Appendix VIII. 'Appendix VII. 'Appendix XXXIV. 274 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO One of the difficulties of securing convictions under the laws for the protection of women is that so many women prefer to suffer rather than brave the notoriety and unpleasant experiences which they must endure in court trials. This is especially the case where young children are involved. The following incident exemplifies the hard- ship and humiliation to which young children are very often sub- jected in the conduct of the court. It would seem that such things might be avoided and yet keep within the legal requirements of the pub- licity of trials. The following is an extract from a report of March 1, 1911, on the Gibson case: "On Monday the counsel for the defense asked the judge to have the two ladies leave the court room (truant officer and myself). The judge saw no reason for this. Lawyer said, 'This is not a fit case for ladies to hear.' The judge said we could re- main. At this time there were about seventy-five (75) men in the court room little girl in the witness chair. In rape cases where little girls are involved could not men (ex- cepting those connected with court or case) be kept out of court room? (X1053) occupied the witness chair one and a half days was made sick from nervous strain. She said to me, 'The men looked at each other and smiled at what I said, that was what made me get nervous and jerk so.' And more than this, such an ordeal can but have a hardening effect on girls, when so many men are in the court room." (c) Institutional Agencies for the Care and Reformation of Girls. These institutions are established by the city, the state, by churches and by non-religious voluntary societies. 1. The Juvenile Court. The first institution to be noted is the Juvenile Court. This court handled during the year 1909, 332 delinquent girls who had never been in court; 500 dependent girls who had never been in court; 132 delinquent girls who had already been wards of the court; 177 de- pendent girls who had already been wards of the court. Of these 236 delinquent and 404 dependent girls were committed to institutions. Not so many girls as boys are brought into court; but they come in under circumstances of great peril as the very large proportion are charged with immoral conduct or are taken from immoraf surround- ings. A very large proportion of them are, therefore, either com- RESCUE AND REFORM 275 mitted at once to institutions or if put on probation are soon returned to court and committed. They are in shocking physical condition. For example, 65 per cent, of the delinquent and dependent girls had bad teeth, 30 per cent, needed medical or surgical care, 29 per cent, of the girls were inflicted with venereal diseases. Of the 369 delin- quent girls examined, 33 per cent, were diseased, while among the dependent girls only 13 per cent, were diseased. 1 2. The Juvenile Protective Association. Second in influence must come the Juvenile Protective Association, "which investigates and endeavors to remedy all the conditions con- tributing to the dependency and delinquency of children." The city is divided by it into districts, in each of which is placed an officer whose duty it is to supervise all conditions detrimental to childrens' morality. During the year 1909-10, this Association cared for 4,305 cases, referred 865 to other organizations, and investigated 136 com- plaints found to be groundless. It has carried on nine investigations into conditions prevailing on steamboats, in amusement parks, cheap theaters and the home life of working girls. 3. The Geneva State Home. The Geneva Home for Girls is the state institution, intended solely for the care of delinquent girls. It is on the cottage plan. The girls are committed on indeterminate sentences. As it is the only state institution for the reform of girls, there are at present over 500 girls with a very long waiting list, and it is so overcrowded that it is difficult to grade the girls, or to give them the personal supervision necessary in such cases. 4. The House of the Good Shepherd. The House of the Good Shepherd is conducted under the auspices of the Roman Catholic Church. It receives delinquent and semi- delinquent girls. These two classes are kept strictly separate. 5. The Chicago Refuge for Girls. The Chicago Refuge for Girls receives delinquent girls and ma- ternity cases, many from the Juvenile Court. In January, 1909, there were 129 girls in the Refuge. During the year 84 were admitted and 'See Annual Report Juvenile Court, 1909. 276 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO 92 were dismissed. The number applying for admission is ever on the increase, so that the directors feel that "something must be done" to enlarge its facilities, which at present are overcrowded and in- adequate. The girls are taught housework, dressmaking, and some of the arts and crafts work. They are not allowed to leave until they have been taught the various industries to the point of money earning proficiency. 6. General. There are many other small institutions which receive delinquent girls, and even prostitutes. The Salvation Army conducts a most suc- cessful small home. The Beulah House, the Pacific Garden Mission, the Florence Crittenton Anchorage, all maintain homes, but they can accommodate only a very limited number. The Home for the Friend- less takes care of almost anyone who applies. The city has also made a small appropriation to furnish shelter for homeless women. The Martha Washington Home provides a retreat for victims of al- coholism and drugs, and makes an effort to reform them. The Episcopal Cathedral in the center of the West Side restricted district maintains a small refuge under the direction of the Sisters of St. Mary. Several of the national groups in the city support homes for home- less or immigrant girls. Among these are the Home for Swedish Girls, and the Jewish Home for Girls, the latter under the auspices of the Chicago branch of the National Council of Jewish Women. A movement is now in progress to establish a home for Hungarian girls, of whom a large number have recently arrived in Chicago. Many of the maternity homes, and those institutions conducted by religious societies, report that their work is encouraging, with a fair percentage of reformation. They have a very difficult hygenic problem, as it is said that at least (^5) per cent, of the girls received by them are infected with gonorrhoea. This is due to the fact that these ignorant girls, who rarely enter into the class of professional prostitutes, are more apt to be diseased than the professional prosti- tutes who are taught to take care of themselves and to exact certain precautions of their men visitors. It is, however, impossible to secure any exact data from these homes and institutions. The reports are always colored by the temperament RESCUE AND REFORM 277 of those who make them, and are, therefore, either optimistic or pessi- mistic, without justification in carefully compiled figures. The deacon- esses, the sisters and the lay workers bring to, their hard and un- gracious task a divine patience and faith, but in some cases it is evident that the same amount of effort expended in a more scientific manner, and with the application of more advanced ideas of institu- tional work would result in greater efficiency. The Maternity Ward of the Cook County Hospital is a sad place. The provisions for the patients are fairly adequate, but the entire situation is terribly depressing. It is estimated that 50 per cent, of the babies born there are the children of unmarried mothers. As the poor lose their fear and prejudice regarding hospitals many reputable married women who have small and poor homes, and can- not pay the expense of confinement at home, go to the county hos- pital. In many Euroepean countries the "maternity assistant societies" would come to the aid of such cases and see to it that the expectant mother has the necessary care and. rest in her own home. These maternity assistant societies are composed of well-to-do and poor women all contributing to a fund for this purpose. Jhe ^ffinr* *"-"* 10 a double purpose, as it interests the more fortunate women in the less 'fortunate. The conservation of life is attracting much attention among foreign physicians, who insist that a woman should have three weeks of rest before the child's birth and four or six weeks after in order to give birth to a healthy infant and give it the necessary at- tention. Some attempts along these lines have been made in this country but much more care should be given expectant mothers than is now the case. In the new county hospital it may be possible to re- serve one ward for married mothers, and one for young girls.. It must add to the bitterness of their coming trial to be shut up with the class of women of whom so many go to the county. 7. "Abortion Mills." There are many private hospitals which are simply abortion mills. It is extremely difficult, however, to bring the responsible man in charge of these establishments to justice. 1 Mid- wives, too, are responsible for many abortions ; the license system is so carelessly administered that difficulties are experienced in follow- ing and bringing to justice any cases of malpractice. The number of *See Chapter IV, "Sources of Supply," page 225. 278 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO women and girls who die as the result of this malpractice will never be known; but one woman physician, who has a large practice among working girls, estimates that the practice of abortion is very prevalent and that the health of large numbers of women is permanently im- paired by malpractice. 8. Treatment of Venereal Disease. Of the hospitals for venereal diseases of women, the ward at the Cook County Hospital is the only example in Chicago. There is a small home for children, the Frances Juvenile Home, but the accommodations are limited, as only fifteen children can be cared for at a time. There is no proper provision for girls of four- teen and upward. These children often become innocently infected and should not be placed in public institutions. There is no more shocking crime than the infection of innocent per- sons, nor one having such a tremendous effect on the physical and moral welfare of a family, and yet there is no legal redress. A wife may be infected and really die from a venereal infection contracted from her husband. So far as our laws go she is helpless. This is a question which should have the careful consideration of our legal advisors. 9. Immigrants' Protective League. Employment offices often send girls to improper homes. The im- migrant girls are the chief victims. These girls arrive in Chicago with insufficient addresses and as they do not speak the language, they are in great danger of being victimized, both as regards money and virtue. Many typical cases are cited in the last report of the League for the Protection of Immigrants. One girl of seventeen years was put off a train in South Chicago by mistake, and as she did not speak a word of English she wandered about almost all night. Finally 3 man offered assistance and conducted her in safety to her friends on the Northwest Side of the city. Several other cases are given in the report, which adds : "Several girls told of being approached on the trains and invited by strange men to get off at 'some big city and see the town.' " The League has an excellent program for future work, and it only remains for the public to support it to enable it to render effective service. RESCUE AND REFORM 279 IV. Conclusion: Remedial Measures. From the foregoing statement several remedial measures suggest themselves. tit: Revision of the criminal law either in substance or in regard to theeyfdence required to convict. *"; More skillful treatment of the girl who is semi-delinquent only. 3r^ tyLore rational treatment of arrested women. 4r More rational treatment of the occasional prostitute. ''fir IVfofe intelligent treatment of cases of illegitimate maternity. x^^Better supervision and more intelligent administration of rescue institutions. ^fT Better recognition of the connection between low wages and occasiprial prostitution. UK More adequate provisions for the cure of the professional pros- titute. 1. Revision of the criminal law. (a) Relating to Male Offenders. From the foregoing, it is apparent that while the law is in form fairly adequate for the protection of women and girls, yet in sub- stance since very few male offenders are tried under these sections of the criminal code relating to the protection of girls and women, and since when they are brought to trial the great majority have been dis- charged, it seems of slight avail. (b) Relating to Female Offenders. It appears from the records that these women are in many instances fined. Such a penalty, of course, place the women more completely in the power of those in whose behalf she plys her trade. Others are imprisoned for short periods of time. Imprisonment without intelligent treatment adapted to their physical, social and in- dustrial weakness is obviously futile. Attention should be called to such undertakings as that of The Waverly House in New York City, which is supported by the Probation Association of New York. It is in a sense a detention home for wayward girls, and their cases are studied, their history ascertained, and the girls themselves are en- couraged to tell of their lives, and made to feel that they are not among judges but among friends. The superintendent sums up the whole 280 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO matter by saying, "We could save 75 per cent, if only we could find a way to begin nearer the beginning," and she thus has stated the crux of the whole matter. Z. More Intelligent Treatment of Semi-Delinquent Girls. It is evident that better methods of classification should be adopted so that the semi-delinquent girls would not be classed with the de- linquent, nor, except in extreme cases, or where diseased, placed in an institution for delinquents like that at Geneva. They should be sent to a school where industrial training is given to them and their in- dustrial value increased. The atmosphere of such a school should be that of a .boarding school, and as soon as any girl shows sufficient ability to earn a living, and a desire to do so, she should be allowed to leave on probation, under the supervision of a probation officer, who is a woman of experience and training. While in the school the girls' health should be carefully supervised, and physical training, as well as social hygiene should be a part of her curriculum. When she leaves the school, if possible, a good home, not too strict, should be found lor her. With a change in surroundings and the substitution of a regular life for the former lawless one, combined with education for ^elf support, and the feeling that they are among friends, eighty per cent, of the semi-delinquent girls could be returned to society. 3. More Intelligent Treatment of the Occasional Prostitute. The semi-professional prostitutes are usually the only ones that ply their trade for their own advantage. As long as they are not attached to a house and do not solicit for a particular man, there is hope for them. This class is largely composed of those who are so unskilled as workers as to be useless in the labor market. They work for low wages, often at seasonal trades, many living away from home and while they make a good appearance on the street they are very ignor- ant and untrained. They do not reside in houses of prostitution but go on the streets to solicit two or three times a week. These occasional prostitutes when arrested by the police are fright- ened and confused. They are new to the life and not having as yet attached themselves to the usual crowd, who watch for such cases to bail them out or to pay their fines, they receive the maximum sen- tence. This is the psychological moment in which the probation officer can influence the girl. Such cases should all come before one judge RESCUE AND REFORM 281 in one court, and the officers in charge should be experienced women. When the officer is the right sort she can be a friend to such a girl, which is often all that is needed. These girls should be paroled and sent back when possible to their work under friendly and close super- vision. A prominent clergyman who is also a social worker in conference before the Commission made the following statement \ "A lot can be done if we believe that a very large percentage of those who pass through a period of prostitution are capable of climbing upward instead of downward by the momentum of their own better nature. We will have to change our theory about the woman criminal, if we are going to save her. And if the woman is a prostitute, it is only through (1) the foolish uncontrolled passion of youth, and (2) financial stress. To my mind she can fight both of these, but she can't fight those and the added damnation of the saloon and the cool sagacious business man, who simply stands by and drains her for profit. She could break through the economic dangers and the physical temptations if you will give her a chance but when you make her fight alcohol and capitalization, she has no show. "The first step is usually on account of some man, and then he ill-treats and deserts her. After she has taken the first step it is easy to take the second. The girls that go to maternity homes, nine out of ten can be saved, but it seems to me the real prostitute who goes into it for business, she is a one-eighth part of the business, and I think the world is making a mistake in the way it is looking at this whole question. They are putting their minds on this poor unfortunate woman, when really, she is just a side issue of the real thing." 4. Improvement in Industrial Conditions. One of the chief reasons why girls enter the life of prostitution is evidently the economic one. They cannot live on the wages paid them. Contrary to the usual .opinion, it costs a girl more to live respectably than a man. She must reside in a better neighborhood, her clothes are more expensive and the family makes more demands on her resources. An investigation should be made of all establishments employing girls and young unmarried men, for the purpose of securing accurate figures as to the salaries paid, hours of work, including overtime. The contracts made by employes with those establishments should also be studied. These contracts go into the life history of each person, and will show instability of employment in such places. When these facts are secured, a study should be made showing rents, cost of 282 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO living, etc. It should be determined what should be the living wage for this particular class of workers, and if such an investigation were made public, it would assist in creating an "industrial conscience" and would educate the community to demand the living wage. We recorrN mend to the Chicago Association of Commerce or some similar body, the appointment of a Committee or a Commission to undertake such an inquiry in establishments where women and girls are employed. The Congress for the Suppression of the White Slave Traffic held in Vienna in 1909, passed a resolution, asked that "social life be so modified that young girls in every country receive a wage which enables them to live. "It is a profound truth that social institutions do not keep pace with economic changes." In addition to higher wages, the present working conditions need modification in many ways. Since the ten-hour law was declared constitutional, the hardship of overtime for women has been much mitigated. But America is slow to protect her working women. Since 1844 England has had protective legislation for women, and in 1847 in the textile mills women were only allowed to work ten hours. Five years ago France established the ten-hour law, and in some countries special provision for giving extra time off for women who have home responsibilities is made by law. The tendency is espe- cially marked in France towards very liberal interpretation of the law as regards working women, and in Belgium certain classes of work is forbidden to women. 5. More Humane Treatment of Extra-Conjugal Maternity, (a) The maternity cases present great difficulty on account of the frequent impossibility of learning the name of the man and so bringing him to justice, and (b) because of the baby which may be sometimes a blessing, but is often a burden. It is impossible to lay down definite rules for these cases to determine whether the mother should keep the child or give it up. Some there are who question if a child can be ille- gitimately born? The law at the least should provide whereby the parents should support the child ; good results would undoubtedly fol- low. It would at least prevent the innocent child from suffering from the brand which society now places upon it. This law under which the child would inherit from the father or mother would perhaps have the effect of making the girl and her parents more anxious to secure the co-oper- RESCUE AND REFORM 283 ation of the father, and of inducing the parents of the girl to receive her into their home. As it is at present, thanks to the foundling homes, etc., it is entirely too easy to abandon children. A large number of maternity cases, especially where the child is the first born, often represent a most lovable type of woman, who gives herself for love's sake, not counting the cost. She sometimes sins through her better nature and her higher impulses, and if her child were legitimatized, and she herself had the family recognition, a woman of this type would rapidly rehabilitate herself. It should at least no longer be possible for a man to be quit of all obligation toward his child and its mother by paying down $500. Attention may be called, however, to the Norwegian law, which went into effect January 1, 1910, in accordance with which an illegitimate child has equal claim on its father and mother ; it may bear its father's name; it has the same rights of inheritance as his legitimate children; it has the right to an education equal to the wealthier of the parents; it may live with its mother or can be placed elsewhere to board. Whichever parent has not the care of the child must pay for its sup- port and education. The mother's confinement expenses must be borne by the father, and he must also pay her pre-confinement expenses if her condition has incapacitated her for work. He must in any case pay her expenses six weeks before her confinement, and three months after, or nine months after if she nurses the child. If several men are implicated, all must pay their share. Just as the law compels the father, when he is able, to support his minor children, so it is urged, the law should extend to the support of children where there has been no lawful marriage. For the children, in the interests of the state, need to be brought up in a respectable manner, cared for, supported, and educated, to become reputable citizens. If this reasoning is sound, as we believe it is, sections 24 and 25 of the Criminal Code of the State of Illinois, relating to Abandonment, might be enacted into law to cover children born out of wedlock, com- pelling the father, if it can be shown to the court he is financially able to do so, to support all such children until the age that the law allows them to seek employment. Such a law would make ample provision for such children, and 284 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO would impose no heavier obligation upon the true father than he should bear. It might well be provided in such a law, that in case of a legal adoption by a third party, a covenant may be entered into, be- tween such third party and the father, releasing the latter from the further support, maintenance and education of the child upon proof that the adopting parents are able to take care of such child. A very large number of prostitutes are divorced, and in that con- nection some investigation in regard to desertion and non-support should be made. No study of the subject has been made in Chicago that gives any description of the family, its previous dependence, or previous desertions, the number and age of the children, the national- ities, religious belief, difference in age of man and woman, and cir- cumstances of marriage. Neither is there anything to show the char- acteristics of the deserted wives, such as reputation as mother or housekeeper, and habits or economic status beforehand. 6. Better Regulation of Rescue Homes. The rescue homes in Chicago do not meet the needs of the present situation. They are overcrowded, such industrial training as is given is very superficial and they are hampered by want of means and workers; thus it is im- possible for them to follow up the girls during the critical period after they leave the homes. As above stated, the methods employed are not sufficiently modern to meet existing conditions. Very little attention has been given to this branch of social work; as yet no accepted technique has been worked out. Almost all other kinds of philanthropic and social effort have been scientifically inves- tigated, statistics compiled and a serious study made of the results. The time has come in which the same investigation should be made of the class of agencies which attempt to serve this class of women. Too little interest is taken and too little attention devoted to these homes. From the neglect and lack of criticism has resulted the reten- tion of antiquated methods and ineffctual management. The Russell Sage Foundation could accomplish no more valuable work than a really exhaustive and scientific investigation of the institutions, prisons and homes to which these classes of women are committed or to which they go voluntarily. The Commission recommends to the Foundation the prosecution of such an inquiry. The only State reformatory for girls, the State Home at Geneva, RESCUE AND REFORM 285 is very much overcrowded. On account of this overcrowding the methods are necessarily more or less those of a prison. This state- ment is not intended as a reflection upon those responsible for the management. They are as much the victims of circumstances as are the unfortunate inmates. We urge upon the proper State author- ities the need of immediate and adequate enlargement of this institu- tion or the provision of others of similar character. 7. The Professional Prostitute. The public prostitute who is an inmate of a house is an important factor in the complicated problem. Into the trade of these women enter powerful business interests, as well as the demoralization which comes to men and women by its attendant vices and diseases. The confirmed prostitute, if she is to be reformed and helped, must be entirely separated for a long period form her former environment of commercialized prostitution. Against these powerful business interests, the liquor dealer, the house owner and his agents, the man who runs the place, the furnishers of all sorts from the butcher and grocer to the dry goods houses and the supported men, against these stands the girl, usually young, feeble of will, unskilled as a worker, a lover of ease, perhaps at first de- ceived, and always after a time the victim of liquor, "dope" and other stimulants. One physician who has a large practice in venereal disease wards, says: "They all use some drug or stimulant such as opium, tobacco, anything that is near ; the abnormal habits of life, the excitement, the terrible physical strain demanded; the life is against biology as well as sociology; they are in most cases gone physically, gone nervously, gone socially." It is obvious that the weaker factor, the girl, will be crushed in so unequal a conflict. ' On her falls the ignominy, the loss of health, of social position and final physical and social death. While the men who profit by this vice, live on, sleek and prosperous often so power- ful in politics that even decent men dare not expose them. Most of these women do not know where to turn if they should leave the house, and their physical condition and mental state render them absolutely incapable of self-direction or normal conduct. A suggestion well worthy of consideration is that the municipality secure a farm on which a trade school and hospital could be estab- lished, to which prostitutes found in houses of ill-fame could be 286 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO committed on indeterminate sentences. Obviously it is necessary that measures of almost drastic control should be established if such women are to be helped permanently and society served. Yet society should remember the deep pathos of their evil estate as described by a character in a recent work : "These dubious divinities of the gaslight and the pavement represent the eternal sacrifice of woman, the tragedy of her abasement, her obedience to the world." Attention is called to the recommendations of the Commission, page 55. Chapter VII. The Social Evil and Its Medical Aspects. CHAPTER VII. THE SOCIAL EVIL AND ITS MEDICAL ASPECTS. No phase of the social evil can be demonstrated with more scientific certainty than the physical aspect. It has been clearly proved through many and accurate sources that no danger to the integrity of the race is so great as the diseases which accompany prostitution. The greatest attention must be paid to every means which makes for the control of venereal diseases and of dissemination of reliable information con- cerning them for the protection of the innocent With these facts in mind let us study the various classes of men and women who are involved in this vice. The Professional Female Prostitute. The testimony shows that the professional female prostitute is broken down within ten years after she begins to ply her trade. No better argument as to physical harm could be offered than this statement. PracticaJly-alLp^ofessional prostitutes have had syphilis or gonorrhoea or both. It is the exception when either of these diseases is completely cured. During a certain part of the time they are communicable. Not infrequently these dis- eases are communicable and at the same time difficult to recognize. Therefore, a professional prostitute having intercourse with from ten to sixty men in a single night will infect a large number of men. Drug habituation also is more widespread ampngst prostitutes than amongest any other class of society. Occasional Prostitutes. Occasional prostitutes are frequently in- fected with venereal disease. They are highly dangerous when so infected. Venereal diseases are bacterial in origin. From the epi- demiologic standpoint they belong in the category with smallpox, diphtheria and scarlet fever. They cause most of the sterility, most of the peritonitis in females, most of the salpingitis. They cause a large part of the joint inflammations a large part of the insanity and nervous diseases and a long train of diseases which go by other names but have syphilis as an underlying factor. Congenital defects and deformities are largely syphilitic in origin. In spite of all this a study of mortuary statistics does not give us 289 290 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO much information, since the immediate or determining cause is usually some factor other than the venereal disease. The group of men who are infected by occasional prostitutes are somewhat more liable to spread venereal disease to innocent women, children and men than those who are infected by professional prostitutes. Clandestine Prostitutes. Clandestine prostitutes spread infection. They get peritonitis and salpingitis. They are prone to have babies born with infected eyes and therefore they increase blindness. They are frequently sterile. Amongst this and the preceding class are most of the illegitimate children. The death rate amongst illegitimate chil- dren is barbarously high. The morbidity rate amongst clandestine and occasional prostitutes is higher than amongst moral women of the same age-periods and in the same strata of society. Amongst the medical phases of these forms of prostitution is their tendency toward professional prostitution. Male Prostitutes. (Principally perverts.) They spread infection. They have a high mortality and morbidity rate. They increase the number of drug habitues. Occasional and Clandestine Male Prostitute. They spread infec- tion. An infected man will not infect as many people as an infected woman, but an infected woman usually infects non-virtuous people; a large part of those infected by men are virtuous wives and young children. An infected man usually takes infection into a clean home an infected woman seldom does. Amongst male occasional and clandestine prostitutes there is an increase in the morbidity and mortality rate. The diseases caused are in some measure immediate. Such as brain disease, insanity, paralysis, kidney and heart disease. They are usually remote. They spread infection of eyes and add to blindness. They beget children that are defective and deformed. Men given to great sexual excesses die from conditions due to those excesses. But the disability and in- efficiency caused by such excesses is greater than its effect on the death rate. A consideration of the medical aspects of vice is not complete without reference to the congenital and acquired physical conditions which tend towards prostitution, the woman or man being d:iven THE SOCIAL EVIL AND ITS MEDICAL ASPECTS 291 to it almost irresistibly as the result of congenital or acquired physical conditions. Of more importance in a consideration of the meJical aspects of this subject is the inefficiency which follows the Increased morbidity and morality. The short period of self-maintenance is followed by the long years of dependency in hospitals and poor houses, the spread of contagious diseases, the inherited defects and the blindness, the syphilis and gonorrhoea amongst innocent children. The medical aspects of control are: 1. Registration of venereal disease. 2. Segregation of the infectious. 3. Supervision of candidates for marriage. 4. Registration of births. 5. Compulsory treatment of the eyes of newly born babes. 6. Hospitalization of infected prostitutes. 7. Hospitalization of those innocently infected. 8. A study of eugenics. VENEREAL DISEASES. How to Diminish Venereal Diseases. The time is ripe for a united attempt to diminish venereal diseases. To accomplish this both sexes should be taught the social and personal dangers of the black plague, far more to be dreaded than the white plague venereal disease. They should be taught with emphasis that these diseases, like all other con- tagious diseases, may be innocently acquired and transmitted. Woman peculiarly needs such instruction, not only that she may protect her- self, but that she may protect her child against danger from those to whose care it may be intrusted. Both sexes should be so instructed that they may teach sexual hygiene in all its relations. Innocence is too often dangerous ignorance. The period of instruction should be at the onset of adolescence since careful studies by Fournier in France and Erb in Germany have shown that it is about this period that first infection is most likely. The work of national, state and municipal organizations with the fundamental aim of instruction in sexual hygiene and sanitation should be encouraged and broadened. The public should be educated when practicable by exhibits as to the results of venereal diseases, its causes and germs, its methods of spreading and 292 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO control. In this instruction the viewpoint should be that of prophylaxis and not the impracticable one of creating terror. Public lectures should be given at night at social centers, at school, and churches, so that the parents of school children can obtain information needed to en- able them to give proper instruction at home. Similar instruction should be given the employes of large business houses, manufacturing plants, etc., so that this class which is thrown on its own resources at an early age may profit by this training. 1 Infection of the Innocent. No marriage should be legal unless both parties furnish certificates of health and freedom from venereal dis- eases given by legally qualified physicians. In these certificates, the physician giving them should assume all civil and criminal responsi- bility for them. The person officiating at a marriage ceremony should be obliged by law to require such certificate. Infection of an innocent wife by a husband under the common law principle of the Kentucky decision in Hoove v. Hoove is a criminal offense in itself and unlike adultery cannot be condoned by the wife. Under the Canon law since infection interferes with procreation which the Canon law regards as essential to marriage. Such infection can under the spirit of the Canon law create annulment of marriage, like any other factor of sterility. Under these principles the marital limitations of evidence would be nullified. The penalty for such infection should be one which would punish the criminal and not the family or the innocent wife as does most of the legislation against cruelty, abandonment and like offenses involved in marital relations. As quarantine and isolation require increased hospital provision, espe- cially since, as shown by experience, police regulation is a failure so far as venereal disease is concerned being replaced in the Scandanavian speaking countries by sanitary supervision quarantine and isolation, hospital provision and dispensary facilities for the care of venereal disease should be increased along the lines shown to be practicable by the English lock hospitals. Health Department and Venereal Diseases. Under the police powers now granted by the State, except where specifically limited by statute, the Department of Health could quarantine persons when notified 'See Chapter V, "Child Protection and Education," page 253. THE SOCIAL EVIL AND ITS MEDICAL ASPECTS 293 of venereal diseases in them by physicians. To secure proper en- forcement of this right, it should be specifically guaranteed by statute. This should embody the common law view that venereal infection of the innocent is an assault with intent to do bodily harm, laid down by the English courts in Regitia v. Taylor, by the Oregon courts in Geis Mardo v. The People, by the Kentucky courts in Hoove v. Hoove, and by courts in other states where the principles of the common law obtain. That the Health Department must have the power under thL principle now practically denied it, is shown by the existence of folk- lore beliefs peculiarly affecting the venereal diseases, that one can get rid of a disease by infecting an innocent person. Under this belief rapes have been committed which have sometimes, but very rarely, led to penitentiary sentences. Another great danger against which the Health Department requires power to guard, is that pointed out by Isadore Dyer before the International Congress on Venereal Disease at Brussels in 1899. A harlot infected with syphilis refused to be treated until ske had infected five hundred men in revenge for her own infection. When seen by Dyer she had infected two hundred men who in all probability later infected at least the same number of persons. In Louisiana, where this occurred, the Code Napoleon voices the Roman law with its supremacy of the State, yet statutory limitation prevented interference with this woman's revenge on society. That the Health Department should have the right to inspect prosti- tutes by a legal extension of the right granted it to inspect other per- sons exposed to contagious disease. This will require an amendment of the statute which interferes with the logical right of the Health Department in this particular. To secure proper inspection the fact should be recognized that experience in despotic and theocratic govern- ments has shown that suppression of prostitution has often driven it into the mass of the community making it take the peculiarly dangerous clandestine type.' The existence of venereal diseases among people is much underestimated. There are credible statistics to show that one-half of the population of civilized countries have had or have gonorrhoea, and that from one-fifth to one-tenth have had syphilis. Not infrequently gonorrhoea produces many dan- gers, constitutional results and exerts a very decided influ- 294 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO ence in the production of many female disorders. It underlies many cases of what are called rheumatism and joint disorders. It is an exceedingly common cause of blindness in the new born. According to German statistics, 30,000 cases of blindness in that country are due to gonorrhoea. According to recent statistics much of the sterility in the male is due to gonorrhoea. About 40 per cent, of the cases in women result from gonorrhoea as a determining cause. Gonorrhoea is very easily spread from the fact that nostrum advertisements and popular beliefs practically teach it is simply a catarrh. This has led to the belief that female discharges due to gonorrhoea are often what is called "whites," and therefore not likely to occasion disease in other persons. The germ of gonorrhoea may infect any mucuous membrane with which it may in any manner come in contact. This has been the source of gonorrhoea epidemic in little children, so that in infant hos- pitals gonorrhoea has required special observation and care to prevent its spread. The local instillation of silver in the eye of the new born, while yielding good results, has not been quite the success which it was claimed. The employment of ignorant midwives had been a factor in this case. To some extent this indicates the registration and license of all hospitals where women are confined, whether designated maternity hospitals or not. The registration of venereal diseases could be best effected through making the names of the af- flicted a strict matter of confidence with both the physician reporting and the Health Department. The statute which obtains in some States forbidding the revelation of information given by a patient to a physician that is necessary to enable him to treat the patient unless the confidence is waived by the patient, should be amended in this State so as to extend to venereal diseases and to the officials of the Health Department. Hospitals and Venereal Diseases. The Cook County Hospital has 40 beds for male cases and 40 beds for female cases. This at present is the only institution to which these patients can be sent for treat- ment. At this hospital is a small isolation building with a capacity of 40 beds for the care of the children suffering from gonorrhoeal vaginitis. This is always filled. The Alexian Brothers' Hospital is the only one in the city receiving pay patients which receives venereal cases without objection. There should be at least one bed set apart THE SOCIAL EVIL AND ITS MEDICAL ASPECTS 295 for these cases for every 2,000 of the population. The hospitals and dispensaries should be instructed to issue educational leaflets in- forming patients as to the means of preventing and spreading the disease and of its dangers, such as are now issued in regard to tuber- culosis. The value of the laboratory methods while great, is not fully settled. There are many diseases varying from scarlet fever to leprosy and some forms of anaemia that give the Wassermann re- action. It also occurs with certain patients subjected to some anaesthetics. For this reason, since a question of criminality is involved, too great stress cannot legally be laid on this form of detecting syphilis. The bacteriologic and protozoologic methods of detecting the germs when properly done, are, of course, decisive. This is par- ticularly true of gonorrhoea. Inheritance of Venereal Diseases. In the inheritance of venereal diseases, two factors are involved, the direct infection of the foetus, and the arrest of its development. The last occurs with both gonor- rhoea and syphilis, since the infant of gonorrhoeal mother shows more decrease in weight after birth than do healthy infants. The arrested development cases may produce any of the forms of brain or organ disorders which result from defects in structures in function or form. Of course, environment turns largely on the question of parentage. All other things being equal, defective parentage will give rise to a defective environment. The majority of defectives are a product not of heredity directly, but of arrested development due to defect. In this the mother plays a larger part than the father since the ovum before fecundation is the chief factor in the future being, while the ovum after fecundation is nourished by her alone, and the child when born is nourished by her alone for some time after birth. While paternal defect plays a large part, much of its alleged influence is due to the bad environment in which it keeps the mother. The mass of the prostitutes, as has been shown in this country, in Italy, in France, in Russia, and in Germany, belong to the defectives. Sex Perversion. While the subject of sex perversion is included under the heading of this chapter it must be understood that, correctly speak- ing, it should come under the subject of crime and be treated as such. The law specifically states that these practices are "infamous crimes" and provides certain punishments, among which is the loss of citizenship. 296 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO Because no chapter was devoted to crime it was decided to incorporate this subject in the report where it now stands. At the very outset of the Commission's investigation, its attention was called by several persons to a condition of affairs with regard to sexual perversion which was said to be enor- mously prevalent and growing in Chicago. In reporting their im- pression of their work on the Municipal bench at the Harrison street court, Judges ((X1270a) and (X1270b) said that the most striking thing they had observed in the last year was the great increase of sex perversion in Chicago. Police officers state the same thing. The testimony of others, and the results of investigations by the Com- mission corroborate these statements. The Commission already had considerable information, including estimates which seemed in- credible before an investigator was put in the field to find out the nature and extent of this form of vice. It must be understood that under the law, the perpetrators of these various forms of sexual perversion can be regarded as those who may be punished by application of Section 47, Chapter 38, of the Revised Statutes of Illinois (1909), the wording of which remains unchanged since the statutes were revised in 1845. "The infamous crime against nature, either with man or beast, shall subject the offender to be punished by imprisonment, in the penitentiary for a term not more than ten years." 1 The Commission's investigator was, of course, unable to gain en- trance into those circles of the very well-to-do, which are engaged in these practices, nor did he concern himself with the lowest stratum of society, which is the class most observable in our courts. Nor 'did he gain any information about the much more occasional cases among women, of which the Commission heard something from other sources. He most readily, however, became acquainted with whole groups and colonies of these men who are sex perverts, but who do not fall in the hands of the police on account of their practices, and who are not known in their true character to any extent by physicians because of the fact that their habits do not, as a rule, produce bodily disease. It is noteworthy that the details of information gained from a police officer, who was once detailed on this work, and from a young 'Appendix XXXV. THE SOCIAL EVIL AND ITS MEDICAL ASPECTS 297 professional student, who himself, for a time, has been partially en- gaged in this practice, were completely substantiated by the Commis- sion's investigator. It appears that in this community there is a large number of men who are thoroughly gregarious in habit; who mostly affect the car- riage, mannerisms, and speech of women; who are fond of many articles ordinarily dear to the feminine heart; who are often people of a good deal of talent ; who lean to the fantastic in dress and other modes of expression, and who have a definite cult with regard to sexual life. They preach the value of non-association with women from various standpoints and yet with one another have practices which are nauseous and repulsive. Many of them speak of themselves or each other with the adoption of feminine terms, and go by girls' names or fantastic application of women's titles. They have a vo- cabulary and signs of recognition of their own, which serve as an introduction into their own society. The cult has produced some literature, much of which is uncomprehensible to one who cannot read between the lines, and there is considerable distribution among them of pernicious photographs. In one of the large music halls recently, a much applauded act was that of a man who by facial expression and bodily contortion repre- sented sex perversion, a most disgusting performance. It was evi- dently not at all understood by many of the audience, but others wildly applauded. Then, one of the songs recently ruled off the stage by the police department was inoffensive to innocent ears, but was really written by a member of the cult, and replete with suggestiveness to those who understood the language of this group. Some of these men impersonate women on the cheap vaudeville stage, in connection with disorderly saloons. Their disguise is so perfect, they are enabled to sit at tables with men between the acts, and solicit for drinks the same as prostitutes. Two of these "female impersonators" were recently seen in one of the most notorious saloons on (X1262c) street. These "supposed" women solicited for drinks, and afterwards invited the men to rooms over the saloon for pervert practices. The Commission hesitates about making recommendations for the specific amelioration of the evils which it has learned about. It de- 298 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO sires, however, to insist that first and foremost, as a remedy stands the thoroughly practical ideal of a straight and pure sexual life both before and after marriage. With regard to sex perversion, it appears that the law framed in 1845 should more definitely recognize the dangers of this latter day growth of degenerate traits. It should be so altered and made specific, under the guidance of scientific men who understand these practices, as to make it clearly understood that society regards these abhorrent deeds as crimes. Better definition would probably make it more pos- sible to readily obtain conviction when desirable. It would appear very doubtful, however, whether any spread of the actual knowledge of these practices is in any way desirable. Prob- ably the purity and wholesomeness of the normal sexual relationship is all that is necessary to dwell on. Ravages of Venereal Diseases. The following extracts from vari- ous authorities show the ravages of venereal diseases : "If the whole tale were told, the physician must shoulder no small share of the moral responsibility for the prevalence of libertinism in America, whether we mean by this term that form permitted and sanctioned in high life by the divorce court, or, among both high and lowly, the crime of the brothel. The phy- sician, at least, has a thorough knowledge of the consequences of both forms of immorality, as shown in retrograde and degenerate processes in the human economy. From such a mother influence and environment sprang the famous family of Jukes in New York State, one vicious couple, with 1,200 direct descendants or offspring, all traced, of whom 300 died in infancy, 300 were paupers, seven were murderers, 50 prostitutes, 60 thieves, 130 general criminals, 400 early physical wrecks, and many imbecile or insane. "There are about 200,000 leutic subjects in New York City and probably four times that number, (800,000), cases of gonorrhoea. While all prostitutes are considered gonorrhoeic sub- jects, it is estimated that every fourth one is qualified to transmit syphilis. "In Prussia there are annually 773,000 venereal cases. "Seventy per cent, of 1,155 cases treated (mostly venereal) at Hot Springs, had at the time of examination, or had had gonorrhoea. "Of 60,000 soldiers in the Philippine service, 10,000 were cases of venereal diseases. "Blindness. Between 10 and 20 per cent, of all cases of infan- tile blindness are due to gonorrhoea. Statistics of the German Empire for 1894 show 80 per cent, of all children born with THE SOCIAL EVIL AND ITS MEDICAL ASPECTS 299 healthy eyes, who became blind, did so as the result of trans- mitted gonorrhoea." THE SOCIAL EVIL IN AMERICA, Willson, 1905, page 80. "1. Ophthalmia neonatorum furnishes 10.8 per cent, of the blind a larger proportion than any other single cause. Blindness from this cause means an entire life of blindness. "2. Acquired blindness, (a) Gonorrhoeal conjunctivitis forms 0.9 per cent, of all acquired blindness, (b) Diseases of the eyes from syphilis forms 0.4 per cent, of acquired blindness. REFER- ENCE HANDBOOK OF THE MEDICAL SCIENCES, 1901, page 9. "Noeggerath states that 50 per cent, of sterile women owe their sterility to gonorrhoea. "Sanger says that abortion occurs as frequently owing to gonorrhoea as it does as the result of lues. "Noeggerath cites the cases of 53 women pregnant during gonorrhoea, of whom 19 aborted. "Fruhingsholtz cites 101 cases, of which 23 aborted, and seven went into premature labor. "Price, of Philadelphia, says that of 1,000 abdominal oper- ations in women, 95 per cent, were the result of conditions due to gonorrhoea. "German Empire statistics of 1894 showed 80 per cent, women who died of uterine and ovarian diseases. THE SOCIAL EVIL IN AMERICA, WILSON, 1905, page 80. 1. Thirty per cent, of venereal infections of women in private practice in New York City are communicated by the husband. 2. Fournier states that in France 5 per cent, of luetic women were infected during marriage. 3. Morrow, of New York, states that 70 per cent, of all women at New York Hospital for treatment of venereal trouble were respectable married women infected by their husbands. 4. Gonorrhoea cause of abortion. Of 53 pregnancies, 19 aborted. (Noeggerath.) 5. In one year not less than 2,000 women in England and Wales had their entire procreative organs removed owing to disease. 6. Sterility in women due to gonorrhoea, 45 per cent. (Neis- ser.) RACE CULTURE OR RACE SUICIDE, 1906, ROBERT RENTOUL, M. D., page 113. Female Sterility. 1. General accepted ratio among civilized nations of sterility is 11 per cent. 2. In 1900 sterility among native born white women U. S. was 20 per cent. 3. Two children to a family in the United States. 4. A healthy woman living in wedlock all of her child bearing life, under favorable circumstances for natural procreation, should have a family of ten children. 300 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO 5. A woman who has been married three years without con- ception, and no preventive used, may be presumed to be sterile. 6. The average ratio of unfruitful marriages is 1 in 10. (Dun- can of Great Britain.) 7. The male has been stated at fault in percentages from 16 2/3 to 70 per cent. REFERENCE HANDBOOK OF THE MEDICAL SCIENCES, 1904, page 455. ARMY STATISTICS INDICATIVE OF THE PREVALENCE OF VENERAL DIS- EASES IN DIFFERENT COUNTRIES. Number of Venereal Cases admitted to treatment in each 1,000 ap- plying for hospital treatment. Year Syph- ilis Chan- croids Gonorr- hoea. Total Venereal U. S. Army 1908 26.40 32.19 135.56 194.13 U. S. Army 1909 26.49 28.23 105.11 159.84 Prussian Army 1907 4.4 2.1 12.2 18.7 Bavarian Armv. . 1907 3.3 0.97 10.9 15.1 PREVENTIVE MEASURES AGAINST VENEREAL DISEASES AND RESULTS OB- TAINED. Administrative Measures. The remarkable progressive reduction in the ratio of venereal disease in the British Army is shown in the following tables: CASE RATIO OF VENEREAL DISEASE. Ratio per 1,000 of strength. Year Home Army Indian Army 1884 1908 270.7 68.4 293.9 69.8 Notes on Administrative Against Enthetic Disease, H. M. Wilson, M. D., London, Appendix B. In the British Army in India, Lord Kitchener, the Commander in Chief, issued a leaflet to every soldier in the army, with instruction THE SOCIAL EVIL AND ITS MEDICAL ASPECTS 301 that it be carried in his small book of instructions for constant refer- ence. This order of the Commander in Chief warned the soldier against the dangers from venereal disease, emphasized the importance of a moral sex life, the soldier's duty to himself, his regiment, and his government, not to disable himself through venereal contamina- tion. It also recommended proper recreation, study or work for his leisure hours. In addition to this leaflet, the army, the church people, and philanthropic agencies endeavored to supply the soldiers with proper amusement, and an opportunity for helpful work or study. The consequences of this movement, at least to a great extent, was a notable reduction in the amount of venereal disease in the British Army in India. To be explicit. In 1884 the English laws permitted the medical inspection of prostitutes in Great Britain and India. At that time the number of venereal cases in England was 270 per thousand soldiers, in the Indian army 293 per thousand; in 1908, the number of venereal cases in the home army was 68.4 and in the In- dian army 69.8 per thousand. The record of the intervening years shows a marked decrease from the date of issuing of Lord Kitch- ener's instructions to the soldiers. The law permitting army officials or others to examine prostitutes was repealed in 1886. The effort to introduce a moral influence was not attempted in India until 1897. Lord Kitchener enlarged and extended the efforts of his predecessors from that date on, and a marked improvement in the condition of the soldiers was noted. Prior thereto, the percentage of diseased soldiers was as high as 522 per thousand in 1895. Consequently, the drop to 69 per thousand in 1908 deserves special notice. In the American army, similar efforts have recently been intro- duced, though in some posts more effort is placed on medical pre- ventives or cures than on moral influence. While everything should be done to prevent disease, or to cure it after contracted, experience shows that the best results have never been accomplished without the assistance of moral and educational influences, and the endeavor to in- culcate self control on the part of the men. Prophylaxis. "The researches carried out in France by Metch- nikoff and Roux on syphilis, in Germany by Neisser on gonor- rhoea, have shown that these two infections can be prevented in a great number of cases. 302 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO These proofs are of considerable practical importance. They furnish fresh arms for contending against the venereal peril. In regard to this matter, it is indispensable to take, in the army, every necessary prophylactic measure. In a matter of this kind, one must put aside all prejudice. It concerns the public health, the preservation of the race, even the peace of families, so that no precaution should be neglected in order to stop venereal infection. Moreover, the morality of individuals has never gained any- thing by ignorance or dissimulation. It is only doing a social duty to instruct the young soldiers about certain dangers which threaten them, and to provide them with the means of avoiding as much as possible the consequences when they are exposed to them." H. N. Robson, Social Disease and Its Prevention, London, Simpkin, Marshall Hamilton, Kent and Co., Limited, 1909. Preventive Measures in United States Army. "Among the measures which have been found most successful in other services in controlling this disease have been the following: 1. The organization of soldiers' clubs, canteens, etc., where en- listed men can find amusement and recreation sufficiently attractive to keep them at home and away from vile resorts. 2. The formation of temperance associations among the enlisted men, the association of intemperance and venereal indulgence being well understood. 3. The early detection of all cases of venereal diseases by peri- odical physical examination of the men stripped. 4. Keeping all cases of venereal disease under continuous ob- servation and treatment until they are cured. For this purpose, venereal registers are kept, and a case once on the books is never lost sight of until cured. Should a man be transferred while under treatment to another post or station, his venereal history goes with him. 5. Instruction of the men by lectures and by informal advice whenever the opportunity offers as to the nature of venereal dis- eases, the extent of their prevalence among prostitutes, and the grave peril not only to those who contract them, but to their families and posterity. They should also be taught that sexual intercourse is not necessary to good health and the highest degree of mental and physical vigor. 6. Approved measures of personal prophylaxis of those who will, THE SOCIAL EVIL AND ITS MEDICAL ASPECTS 303 contrary to advice, expose themselves to venereal infection. All the principal European armies, with the exception of that of Great Britian, have officially authorized or directed the use of such prophy- lactic measures, and a considerable degree of success has attended their use. In some of the Austrian garrisons this system is said to have effected a decrease of 62 per cent, in the cases of venereal dis- ease. In the German army equally good results have been reported. The general procedure in all the armies is about the -same, though there are slight differences in the details, especially in regard to the particular antiseptic employed. The importance of personal cleanliness was emphasized and sug- gestions made for the providing of appropriate prophylactic prepara- tions where they would be accessible to men who desired to use them." Report of the Surgeon-General of the United States Army to the Secretary of War, 1910, pp. 60 and 62. Results of Examinations. "My Dear Colleague: Police-President Kottig has just sent me your letter, which arrived today, and re- quests me to give an answer to it. I am sorry to say that, owing to the short period of time at our disposal (I had asked to have his answer by October 12), I shall be unable to give you the desired data, since the entire material, the publication of which was planned for the International Exposition of Hygiene, which takes place next year, is still in course of arrangement. On the whole, however, I can inform you that, since the introduction of these methods of ex- amination which you witnessed with us, the number of cases of dis- ease has become so minutely small it is no longer possible to advance an earnest argument against the justifiability of our regulations." Social Diseases, Vol. 1, No. 4. Letter to Dr. Bierhoff from Police- Surgeon Winkler of Dresden. Dr. Fournier says : "Supervision must be humane; that is, must be free from the persecutions of an intolerant discipline, and from all punishment; in a word, from all requirements which simply exasperate women and compel them to shake off an odious yoke, to the great detriment of the public health. The women under restraint by reason of con- tagious disease should be treated as sick, and not as criminal per- sons, with all the kindness which is due any sick person. They should not be kept in a prison but in a special asylum, until a cer- tificate of health is given. Moral influences should be used during the stay in the asylum; a trade should be taught by which the woman can earn an honest living, and she should then be encouraged and helped to lead a better life. Perhaps a more authoritative and com- petent representation of the system of reglementation could not be furnished." The Eighth Yearbook of the National Society for the Scientific Study of Education, 1909, part 1, page 55. 304 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO Examination of Prostitutes by the Board of Health. 1. Physical examination. 2. Laboratory examination. 3. Gonorrhoea, discharges by microscope for gonococci. 4. Syphilis; microscopic examination for spirochaetae. (a) Wassermann blood test for syphilis. 5. Quarantine: in hospitals, (a) In homes when under age. 6. Notification of venereal diseases to the Department of Health. Physicians should be supplied with blank forms. They should fill these out, as in the case of other contagious diseases, omitting the name of the patient. When the physician is convinced that the patient is spreading the disease, the name should be supplied to the Department of Health, as such conduct is a menace to the public health. 7. The names of all infected persons should be supplied to the Department of Health, as the nature of their occupation insures the spread of disease. SUMMARY. 1. In order to diminish the spread of venereal diseases, both sexes should be taught the social and personal dangers that surround them. 2. No marriages should be legal unless both parties furnish cer- tificates of health and freedom from venereal diseases given by legally qualified physicians. 3. The Department of Health should have power to quarantine per- sons afflicted with venereal diseases. (a) The Department of Health should have the right to inspect in- fected persons. 4. There is only one hospital in Cook County where venereal patients can be sent for treatment free of charge. 5. There is only one other hospital in Chicago where pay venereal disease patients may be received without objection. (a) There should be at least one bed set apart for these cases for every 2,000 of the population. 6. In the inheritance of venereal diseases, two factors are in- volved, the direct infection of the foetus and the arrest of its develop- ment. THE SOCIAL EVIL AND ITS MEDICAL ASPECTS 305 7. The mass of prostitutes in this and other countries belong to the defectives. 8. The sexual perverts also belong to the defectives. 9. Much of the moral responsibility for the prevalence of lib- ertinism in America rests up the physician. 10. The ravages of venereal diseases are past comprehension. Among the results mentioned are: (a) Criminals. (b) Blindness. (c) Sterility. (d) Abortion. (e) Abdominal operations. (f) Uterine and ovarian disease. (g) Death at an early age. 11. Army statistics show that there are more cases of venereal diseases among the soldiers in the United States army where there is no legal control, than among soldiers in foreign countries where con- trol is exercised. 12. It is estimated there were over 30,000 public prostitutes in New York City (1897). (a) Rates of mortality among children of these prostitutes is greater than ordinary ratio among children. (b) Average duration of prostitute's life, four years. 1 (c) Nearly one-half of the prostitutes in New York City are or have been luetics. (d) Destitution or poverty is said to be the greatest cause of pros- titution, inclination next. 13. Administrative measures have reduced the amount of venereal diseases among European troops in India. 14. Infection from gonorrhoea and syphilis can be prevented in a great number of cases. 15. Preventive measures are now being introduced among the soldiers in the United States army. 16. The modern program for the reduction of venereal diseases should command the support of the majority of medical men. J This estimate is too low. It is now thought to be from five to ten years. 306 THE SOCIAL EVIL OF CHICAGO (a) This program of action is to reduce the physical evils 01 pros- titution. 17. The examination of infected persons by the Department of Health should include: (a) Physical. (b) Laboratory. (c) Gonorrhoea, by microscope. (d) Syphilis, by microscope and Wassermann blood test. (e) Quarantine in hospitals. (1) In homes when under age. (f) Notification of venereal diseases to Department of Health. (g) Names of all infected persons supplied to Department of Health. Attention is called to the recommendations of the Commission, page page 55. Appendices Text of Revised Statutes of Illinois and Ordinances of the City of Chicago LAWS AND ORDINANCES 309 APPENDIX I. DISORDERLY HOUSE HOUSE OF ILL-FAME, Kurds' Revised Stat- utes of Illinois (1909), Chapter 38, Section 57. m SECTION 57. Whoever keeps or maintains a house of ill-fame or place for the practice of prostitution or lewdness, or whoever pa- tronizes the same, or lets any house, room or other premises for any such purpose, or shall keep a common, ill-governed and disorderly house, to the encouragement of idleness, gaming, drinking, fornica- tion or other misbehavior, shall be fined not exceeding $200. When the lessee or keeper of a dwelling house or other building is convicted under this section, the lease or contract for letting the premises shall, at the option of the lessor, become void, and the lessor may have the like remedy to recover the possession as against a tenant holding over after the expiration of his term. And whoever shall lease to another any house, room or other premises, in whole or in part, for any of the uses or purposes finable under this section, or knowingly permits the same to be so used or occupied, shall be fined not ex- ceeding $200, and the house or premises so leased, occupied or used shall be held liable for and may be sold for any judgment obtained under this section, but if such building or premises belongs to a minor or other person under guardianship, then the guardian or conservator and his property shall be liable instead of such ward, and his property shall be subject to be sold for the payment of said judgment. (R. S. 1845, p. 174, sec. 127.) APPENDIX II. HOUSE OF ILL-FAME OR ASSIGNATION. Revised Municipal Code (1905), Sections 1456, 1458, 1458A, 1460. SECTION 1456. No person shall keep or maintain a house of ill- fame or assignation, or place for the practice of fornication or pros- titution or lewdness, under a penalty of not to exceed two hundred dollars for every twenty-four hours such house or place shall be kept or maintained for such purpose. SECTION 1458. Every house of ill-fame or house of assignation where men and women resort for the purpose of fornication or pros- titution is hereby declared to be a nuisance. SECTION 1458A. Any person leasing to another any house, room or other premises in whole or in part for any of the uses or purposes set forth in Section 1456 of the Revised Municipal Code of Chicago of 1905, or knowingly permitting the same to be used or occupied for such purpose, shall be fined not exceeding $200. (Passed Feb. 7th, 1910, Council Proceedings, p. 3111.) 310 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO Ill-Governed or Disorderly Houses. SECTION 1460. Every common, ill-governed or disorderly house, room or other premises, kept for the encouragement of idleness, gam- ing, drinking, fornication or other misbehavior is hereby declared to be a public nuisance, and the keeper and all persons connected with the maintenance thereof, and all persons patronizing or fre- quenting the same shall be fined not exceeding two hundred dollars for each offense. APPENDIX III. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ITS RELATION TO HOUSES OF PROS- TITUTION. Kurd's Revised Statutes of Illinois (1909), Chapter 24, Sections 245, 246. SECTION 245. LICENSING AND MEDICAL INSPECTION FORBIDDEN. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That it shall be unlawful for the corporate authorities of any city, town or village in this state to grant a license to any person, male or female, to keep what is known as a house of ill-fame or house of prostitution. And it 'shall be unlawful for any board of health (or any member or employee of the same) now ex- isting, or which may hereafter exist under the laws of this state, to interfere in the management of any house of ill-fame or house of prostitution, or to provide in any manner for the medical inspection or examination of any inmate of the same. (See sec. 62, item 45.) SECTION 246. EMERGENCY. Whereas, the legislative authorities of certain cities in this state are about to license houses of ill-fame, therefore an emergency exists why this act should take effect imme- diately; therefore, this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. APPENDIX IV. BOATS FOR PROSTITUTION. Hurd's Revised Statutes of Illinois (1909), Chapter 38, Section 57A. SECTION 57A. KEEPING BOATS, ETC., FOR PURPOSES OF PROS- TITUTION. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, repre- sented in the General Assembly, That any person who shall keep a boat or other water craft for the purposes of prostitution on any of the navigable waters of this state, breakwater or other stream, over or upon which this state has jurisdiction, shall be guilty of a felony, and upon conviction thereof, shall be confined in the penitentiary for a period of not less than one nor more than three years, and shall be fined in any sum not exceeding one thousand dollars. (1.) LAWS AND ORDINANCES 311 APPENDIX V. FREQUENTING HOUSES OF ILL-FAME. Revised Municipal Code of Chicago (1905), Section 1457. SECTION 1457 No person shall patronize, frequent, be found in or be an inmate of any house of ill-fame or assignation, or place for the practice of prostitution or lewdness under a penalty of not ex- ceeding $200 for each offense. APPENDIX VI. DISORDERLY CONDUCT ENTICING, DETAINING AND ALLOWING FE- MALES IN HOUSES OF PROSTITUTION, AND SEDUCTION. Kurd's Revised Statutes of Illinois (1909), Chapter 38, Sections 55, 57B, 57C, 57D, 57E, 57F, 57G, 57H, 571, 57J, 57K, 525. SECTION 55. PUNISHMENT. Whoever shall be guilty of open lewd- ness, disorderly conduct, or other notorious act of public indecency, tending to debauch the public morals, shall be fined not exceeding $200. (R. S. 1845, p. 174, Section 127.) SECTION 57B. ENTICING FEMALE TO ENTER HOUSE OF PROSTITU- TION, ETC. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, repre- sented in the General Assembly, Whoever within this state, shall, by, or under any false pretense, entice, induce or procure any unmarried female of a chaste life and conversation, residing or being in this state, to enter a house of prostitution or any dance house, garden or premises where prostitution, fornication or concubinage is practiced or allowed in this state, or shall entice, induce or procure such unmarried female to leave this state and go to any other State or Territory of the United States, or any foreign State or Territory, for the purpose of prostitution or fornication, or to enter any house, garden or premises where prosti- tution or fornication is practiced or allowed, and whoever aids, assists or abets any person or persons in committing aforesaid offenses or either of them, on conviction, shall be imprisoned in the penitentiary not less than one nor more than ten years. SECTION 57C. UNLAWFULLY DETAINING FEMALE IN HOUSE OF PROSTITUTION, ETC. Whoever shall unlawfully detain or confine any female, by force, false pretense or intimidation, in any room, house, building or premises in this State, against the will of such female, for purposes of prostitution or with intent to cause such female to become a prostitute, and be guilty of fornication or concubinage therein, or shall by force, false pretense, confinement or intimidation attempt to prevent any female so as aforesaid detained, from leaving such room, house, building or premises, and whoever aids, assists or abets by force, false pretense, confinement or intimidation, in keeping, confining or 312 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO unlawfully detaining any female in any room, house, building or prem- ises in this State, against the will of such female, for the purpose^ of prostitution, fornication or concubinage, shall on conviction, be im- prisoned in the penitentiary not less than one nor more than ten years. (2) SECTION 57D. PENALTY FOR ALLOWING FEMALE UNDER EIGHTEEN TO LIVE IN HOUSE OF PROSTITUTION. Whoever, being the keeper of a house of prostitution, or assignation house, building or premises in this State where prostitution, fornication or concubinage is allowed or practiced, shall suffer or permit any unmarried female under the age of eighteen years to live, board, stop or room in such house, building or premises, shall on conviction, be imprisoned in the penitentiary not less than one nor more than five years. (As amended by act approved and in force June 3, 1889. L. 1889, p. 112; Legal News Ed., p. 79.) SECTION 57E. PENALTY FOR ENTICING TO COME INTO STATE FOR, ETC. Whoever shall entice, induce or procure to come into this State, any unmarried female under the age of eighteen years, for the pur- pose of prostitution, fornication or concubinage, or to enter any house of prostitution in this State, shall, on conviction, be imprisoned in the penitentiary not less than one nor more than five years. (2) SECTION 57F. NOT AFFECT ACT AS TO ABDUCTION OF FEMALES. The passage of this act shall not affect Section 1 of Division 1 of the Criminal Code, entitled, "Abduction of Females," or any indictment heretofore, or that may hereafter be found under said act. (2) AN ACT in relation to pandering; to define and prohibit the same; to provide for the punishment thereof, for the com- petency of certain evidence at the trial therefor and provid- ing what shall be a defense. (Approved June 1, 1908. In force July 1, 1908.) AN ACT to amend an act entitled, "An act in relation to pan- dering: to define and prohibit the same, to provide for the punishment thereof, for the competency of certain evidence at the trial therefor, and providing what shall be a defense," approved June 1, 1908, in force July 1, 1908, and also the title of said act. (Approved June 12, 1909. In force July 1, 1909. L. 1909, p. 180.) SECTION 57G. DEFINING THE OFFENSE OF PANDERING. Section (1) 2. Any person who shall procure a female inmate for a house of prosti- tution or who, by promises, threats, violence or by any device or scheme, shall cause, induce, persuade or encourage female person to become an inmate of a house of prostitution, or shall procure a place as inmate in a house of prostitution for a female person, or any person who shall, by promises, threats, violence or by any device or scheme, cause, induce, persuade or encourage an inmate of a house of prostitution to remain therein as such inmate, or any person who shall, by fraud or artifice, or by duress of person or goods, or by abuse of any position of confidence or authority, procure any female person to become an inmate of a LAWS AND ORDINANCES 313 house of ill-fame, or to enter any place in which prostitution is encour- aged or allowed within this State, or to come into this State or leave this State for the purpose of prostitution, or who shall procure any female person who has not previously practiced prostitution to become an inmate of a house of ill-fame within this State, or to come into this State or leave this State for the purpose of prostitution, or who shall receive or give, or agree to receive or give, any money or thing of value for procuring, or attempting to procure, any female person to become an inmate of a house of ill-fame within this State, or to come into this State or leave this State for the purpose of prostitution, shall be guilty of pandering, and upon a first conviction for an offense under this act shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail or house of correc- tion for a period of not less than six months nor more than one year and by a fine of not less than three hundred dollars and not to exceed one thousand dollars, and upon conviction for any subsequent offense under this act shall be punished by imprisonment in the penitentiary for a period of not less than one year nor more than ten years. SECTION 57H. EVIDENCE FOR PROSECUTION. It shall not be a de- fense to a prosecution for any of the acts prohibited in the foregoing section that any part of such act or acts shall have been committed out- side this State, and the offense shall in such case be deemed and alleged to have been committed and the offender tried and punished in any county in which the prostitution was intended to be practiced, or in which the offense was consummated, or any overt acts in furtherance of the offense shall have been committed. SECTION 571. FEMALE COMPETENT WITNESS NOTWITHSTANDING MARRIAGE TO ACCUSED. Any such female person referred to in the foregoing sections shall be a competent witness in any prosecution under this act to testify for or against the accused as to any transaction or as to any conversation with the accused or by him with another person or persons in her presence, notwithstanding her having married the ac- cused before or after the violation of any of the provisions of this act, whether called as a witness during the existence of the marriage or after its dissolution. SECTION 57J. WHAT is NOT A DEFENSE. The act or state of mar- riage shall not be a defense to any violation of this act. AN ACT to prevent the detention, by debt or otherwise, of female persons in houses of prostitution or other places where pros- titution is practiced or allowed, and providing for the pun- ishment thereof. (Approved June 9, 1909. In force July, 1909. L. 1909, p. 179.) SECTION 57K. DETAINING FEMALE AGAINST HER WILL IN A HOUSE OF PROSTITUTION PENALTY. Section 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That whoever shall by any means keep, hold or detain against her will or restrain, any female person in a house of prostitution or other place where prostitution is practiced or allowed, or whoever shall, directly or 314 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO indirectly, keep, hold, detain or restrain, or attempt to keep, hold, detain or restrain, in any house of prostitution or other place where prostitu- tion is practiced or allowed, any female person, by any means, for the purpose of compelling such female person, directly or indirectly, to pay, liquidate or cancel any debt, dues or obligations incurred or said to have been incurred by such female person, shall, upon conviction, for the first offense under this act be punished by imprisonment in the county jail or house of correction for a period of not less than six months nor more than one year, and by a fine of not less than three hundred dollars and not to exceed one thousand dollars, and upon con- viction for any subsequent offense under this act shall be punished by imprisonment in the penitentiary for a period of not less than one year nor more than five years. SEDUCTION OF FEMALES. AN ACT to punish the seduction of females. (Approved April 19, 1899. In force July 1, 1899. L. 1899, p. 148; Legal News Ed., p. 124.) SECTION 525. CRIME DEFINED PUNISHMENT FOR. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assem- bly, That any person who shall seduce and obtain carnal knowledge of any unmarried female under the age of eighteen years of previous chaste character, shall, on conviction, be punished by a fine of not less than one thousand dollars and not more than five thousand dollars or by imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding one year, or by both such fine and imprisonment, and to stand committed until such fine and costs are fully paid, but no conviction shall be had of said crime upon the testimony of the female unsupported by other evidence: And, provided, that the subsequent intermarriage of the parties shall be a bar to the prosecution of said offense. APPENDIX VII. NIGHT WALKERS. Revised Municipal Code of Chicago (1905), Sections 1454-1459-1476. SECTION 1454. DISORDERLY CONDUCT. All persons who shall make, aid, countenance or assist in making any improper noise, riot, disturbance, breach of the peace or diversion tending to a breach of the peace within the limits of the city ; all persons who shall collect in bodies or crowds for unlawful purposes, or for any purpose, to the annoyance or disturbance of other persons; all persons who are idle or dissolute and go about begging; all persons who use or exercise any juggling or other unlawful games or plays; all persons who are found in house of ill-fame or gaming houses; all persons who are in or found at any time, in out-houses, sheds, barns, stables or unoc- LAWS^AND'ORDINANCES 315 cupied buildings, or underneath sidewalks, or lodging in the open air and not giving a good account of themselves; all persons who shall wilfully assault another in said city, or be engaged in or aid or abet in any fight, quarrel or other disturbance in said city; all persons who stand, loiter or stroll about in any place in said city waiting or seeking to obtain money or other valuable thing from others by trick or fraud or to aid or assist therein; all persons that shall engage in any fraudulent scheme, device or trick to obtain money or other valuable thing in any place in said city, or who shall aid or abet or in any maner be concerned therein ; all touts, ropers, steerers or cappers, so called, for any gambling room or house who shall ply or attempt to ply their calling on any public street in said city; all persons found loitering about in any hotel, block, barroom, dram-shop, gambling house or disorderly house, or wandering about the streets either by night or day without any known lawful means of support, or with- out being able to give a satisfactory account of themselves; all per- sons who shall have or carry any pistol, knife, dirk, knuckles, slung- shot or other dangerous weapon concealed on or about their persons ; and all persons who are known to be thieves, burglars, pickpockets, robbers or confidence men, either by their own confession or other- wise, or by having been convicted of larceny, burglary or other crime against the laws of the state of Illinois, who are found lounging in or prowling or loitering around any steamboat landing, railroad depot, banking institution, -place of public amusement, auction room, hotel, store, shop, thoroughfare, car, omnibus, public conveyance, public gathering, public assembly, courtroom, public building, private dwell- ing house, out-house, house of ill-fame, gambling house, tippling shop, or any public place, and who are unable to give a reasonable excuse for being so found, shall be deemed guilty of disorderly con- duct, and upon conviction thereof shall be severally subject to a fine of not less than one dollar nor more than two hundred dollars for each offense. SECTION 1459. NIGHT WALKERS. All prostitutes, solicitors to prostitution, and all persons of evil fame or report, plying their vo- cations upon the streets, alleys or public places in the city, are hereby declared to be common nuisances and shall be fined not to exceed one hundred dollars for each offense. SECTION 1476. VAGABONDS AND VAGRANTS. All persons who are idle and dissolute, or who go about begging, all persons who use any shell game, sleight of hand or juggling trick or other unlawful game to cheat, defraud or unlawfully obtain money or other valuable thing; pilferers; confidence men; common drunkards; common night walk- ers; persons lewd, wanton or lascivious in speech or behavior; com- mon brawlers ; persons who are habitually neglectful of their employ- ment or their calling, and do not lawfully provide for themselves or for the support of their families; and all persons who are idle or dissolute and who neglect all lawful business, and who habitually misspend their time by frequenting houses of ill-fame, gaming houses 316 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO or tippling shops; all persons lodging in or found in the night-time in out-houses, sheds, barns or unoccupied buildings or lodging in the open air, and not giving a good account of themselves; and all persons who are known to be thieves, burglars or pickpockets, either by their own confession or otherwise, or by having been convicted of larceny, burglary, or other crime against the laws of the state, punishable by imprisonment in the state prison, or in a house of cor- rection of any city, and having no lawful means of support, are habit- ually found prowling around any steamboat landing, railroad depot, banking institution, broker's office, place of public amusement, auction room, store, shop or crowded thoroughfare, car or omnibus, or at any public gathering or assembly, or lounging about any court room, private dwelling houses or out-houses, or are found in any house of ill-fame, gambling house, or tippling shop, shall be deemed to be and they are declared to be vagabonds, and shall be fined not to ex- ceed one hundred dollars for each offense. APPENDIX VIII. VAGABONDS. Kurd's Revised Statutes of Illinois (1909), Chapter 38, Sections 270, 271. SECTION 270. VAGABONDS WHAT SHALL CONSTITUTE. All per- sons who are idle and dissolute, and who go about begging ; all persons -who use any juggling or other unlawful games or plays; runaways; pilferers ; confidence men ; common drunkards ; common night-walkers ; lewd, wanton and lascivious persons, in speech or behavior; common railers and brawlers; persons who are habitually neglectful of their employment or their calling, and do not lawfully provide for them- selves, or for the support of their families; and all persons who are idle or dissolute and who neglect all lawful business, and who habit- ually misspend their time by frequenting houses of ill-fame, gaming houses or tippling shops ; all persons lodging in or found in the night- time in out-houses, sheds, barns or unoccupied buildings or lodging in the open air, and not giving a good account of themselves; and all persons who are known to be thieves, burglars or pickpockets, either by their own confession or otherwise, or by having been convicted of larceny, burglary, or other crime against the laws of the state, punish- able by imprisonment in the state prison, or in a house of correction of any city, and having no lawful means of support, are habitually found prowling around any steamboat landing, railroad depot, banking institution, broker's office, place of public amusement, auction room, store, shop or crowded thoroughfare, car or omnibus, or at any public gathering or assembly, or lounging about any court room, private dwell- ing houses or out-houses, or are found in any house of ill-fame, gam- bling house, or tippling shop, shall be deemed to be and they are de- LAWS AND ORDINANCES 317 clared to be vagabonds. (As amended by act approved April 27, 1877. In force July 1, 1877. R. S. 1845, p. 175, sec. 138; L. 1877, p. 87; Legal News Ed., p. 90.) SECTION 271. How PUNISHED. It shall be the duty of the sheriff, bailiff of the municipal court of Chicago, constable, city marshal and police officers of any county, town, village, city or other municipality in this state, to arrest, upon warrant, and bring before the nearest jus- tice of the peace or police magistrate, or, if within the city of Chicago, before the municipal court of Chicago, any such vagabond, wherever he may be found, for the purpose of examination; and if he pleads guilty, or if he be found guilty, either by the verdict of a jury or by the finding of the said justice of the peace, police magistrate, or munici- pal court, where a jury trial is waived, the said justice of the police, police magistrate or municipal court may sentence the said vagabond to imprisonment at hard labor upon the streets or highways, or in the jail, calaboose or other building used for penal purpose of the county, town, village, city or other municipality in which such vagabond was convicted; or to the house of correction of any city having a contract with such county for the care of prisoners, for a term of not less than ten (10) days and not exceeding six months, in the discretion of the said justice of the peace, police magistrate or municipal court; or the said justice of the peace, police magistrate or municipal court may sentence the said vagabond to pay a fine of not less than twenty dollars ($20) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100) and costs of suit ; and in default of the immediate payment of said fine and costs so imposed, said vagabond shall thereupon be sentenced by said justice of the peace, police magistrate or municipal court to imprisonment at hard labor in said jail, calaboose, or other building used for penal purposes, or in said house of correction, or on the streets or public highways until said fine and costs are worked out at the rate of $1.50 per day for each day's work, or until said fine and costs shall have been otherwise paid or until said vagabond is discharged according to law. (As amended by act approved May 24, 1907. In force July 1, 1907. L. 1907, p. 271.) APPENDIX IX. SALE OF COCAINE. Hurd's Revised Statutes of Illinois (1909), Chapter 91, Sections 32A, 32B and 32C. SECTION 32A. SALE OF COCAINE, ETC., FORBIDDEN EXCEPT UPON WRITTEN PRESCRIPTION EXCEPTION. (14a.) It shall be unlawful for any druggist or other person to retail, sell or give away any cocaine, alpha or beta eucaine, or any salt or any compound, or derivative of any of the foregoing substances, or any preparation or compound con- taining any of the foregoing substances, or any of their salts or com- pounds, or derivatives, except upon the written prescription of a duly registered physician, which prescription shall contain the name and 318 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO address of the person for whom prescribed, and the date the same shall have been rilled, and shall be permanently retained on file by the person, firm or corporation, where the same shall have been filled, and it shall be filled but once, and of it no copy shall be taken by any person, and the original shall at all times be open to the inspection of the prescriber, to the state board of pharmacy, and all officers of the law ; except, how- ever, that such cocaine, alpha or beta eucaine, or any salt, or any com- pound or any derivative of the foregoing substances, or any prepara- tion or compound containing any of the foregoing substances, or any of their salts or compounds, or derivatives, may lawfully be sold at wholesale upon the written order of a licensed pharmacist, or licensed druggist, duly registered practicing physician, licensed veterinarian, or licensed dentist, provided, that the wholesale dealer shall affix or cause to be affixed to the bottle, box, vessel or package, containing the article sold, and upon the outside wrapper of the package as originally put up, a label distinctly displaying the name and the quantity of co- caine, alpha or beta eucaine, or any salt or compound, or derivative or any of the foregoing substances, sold, and the word "poison," with the name and place of business of the seller, all printed in red ink ; and provided, also, that the wholesale dealer shall, before delivering any of the articles, make or cause to be made in a book kept for the pur- pose, an entry of the sale thereof, stating the date of sale, the quantity, name and form in which sold, the name and address of the purchaser, and the name of the person by whom the entry is made ; and the said book shall be always open for the inspection by the proper authorities of the law, and shall be preserved for at least five years after the date of the last entry made therein. (As amended by act approved and in force January 17, 1908. See People v. Zito, 237 111., 434.) SECTION 32B. WHEN UNLAWFUL FOR PHYSICIAN TO PRESCRIBE. (14b.) It shall be unlawful for any duly registered physician or other person, to prescribe, sell or offer for sale, dispense or give away co- caine, alpha or beta eucaine, or any salt or compound or derivative of the foregoing substances, or any of their salts or compounds or deriva- tives, or preparation or compound containing any of the foregoing sub- stances, to any person addicted to the habitual use of cocaine, alpha or beta eucaine, or any salt or compound or derivative, of the foregoing substances in any form. (As amended by act approved and in force January 17, 1908.) SECTION 32C. PENALTY. Any person violating any of the provi- sions of the foregoing sections 14a and 14b shall be guilty of a mis- demeanor, and for the first offense shall be fined not more than one thousand ($1,000) dollars, or imprisoned in the county jail not more than one year, or both, and for each succeeding offense fined not less than two hundred ($200) dollars, nor more than one thousand ($1,000) dollars, or imprisoned not less than three months nor more than twelve months in the county jail, or both, and if the person so offending shall have a license as a physician, dentist or pharmacist, such license shall be revoked; and the prosecution for the violation of the foregoing LAWS AND ORDINANCES 319 Sections 14a and 14b shall be carried on in the same manner as for violations of the criminal code, and all fines collected in prosecution shall inure to the benefit of the State Board of Pharmacy: Provided, That suits for the recovery of the penalties prescribed in the other sec- tions of this act shall be prosecuted as provided in Section 15. (Added by act approved and in force January 17, 1908.) APPENDIX X. SALE OF COCAINE FORBIDDEN EXCEPT ON WRITTEN PRESCRIPTION. Revised Municipal Code of Chicago (1905), Section 1470. SECTION 1470. No druggist or other person shall sell or give away any morphine, cocaine, hydro-chlorate, or any salts of any com- pound of the same, or any preparation containing cocaine, morphine, hydro-chlorate, or any salts or any compound thereof, except upon the written prescription of a licensed physician or a licensed drug- gist licensed under the laws of the State of Illinois; which prescrip- tion shall be filled only once and shall have written upon it the name and address of the patient; Provided, that the provisions of this sec- tion shall not apply to the sale at wholesale by any manufacturer or wholesale druggist to retail druggists or to any other person, of such cocaine, morphine, hydro-chlorate, or any salts or any compound of the same in original packages only, with such packages having affixed thereto a label specifically setting forth the preparation of cocaine, morphine, or hydro-chlorate contained therein. Any person who shall -violate any of the provisions of this sec- tion shall be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than two hun- dred dollars for each offense. APPENDIX XL THE SALOON AND IMMORAL PLACES. Revised Municipal Code (1905), Section 1345. SECTION 1345. REVOCATION OF LICENSES. Any license granted under this article may be revoked upon written notice by the mayor, whenever it shall appear to his satisfaction that the party so licensed shall have violated any provision of any ordinance of the city relating to intoxicating liquors or any condition of the bond provided for in section 1336 of this article. Upon complaint to the mayor that any place licensed as a saloon is a resort of disreputable persons, the mayor shall cause an investigation to be made as to such complaint, and if found to be true he shall forthwith revoke the license issued to keep such saloon. Upon report to the mayor by the police department, that any saloon is the resort of disreputable persons, the mayor shall at once revoke the license of the keeper of such saloon. 320 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO APPENDIX XII. AN ORDINANCE Limiting the Issuance of Dramshop Licenses in the City of Chicago. Passed by City Council, June 25, 1906. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. That no license for the keeping of a saloon or dram- shop within the City of Chicago shall at any time hereafter be issued or granted to any person except as hereinafter provided. SECTION 2. All lawful licenses issued and in force on the thirty- first day of July, 1906, for the keeping of a saloon or dramshop within the City of Chicago shall be renewed or reissued upon strict and full compliance with the laws and ordinances in force in the City of Chi- cago at the time of the application for such renewal or reissue, but no new license (other than a renewal or reissue as hereinafter pro- vided) for the keeping of a saloon or dramshop shall at any time there- after be granted or issued until the number of licenses in force at the time shall be less than one for every five hundred of the population of the City of Chicago as ascertained by the then last preceding school cen- sus, whereupon such new licenses may be issued from time to time to lawful applicants, according to priority of application, upon full com- pliance by the applicant with the laws and ordinances in force in the City of Chicago at the time of the application for such license until the total number of licenses in force shall equal one for every five hun- dred of the population of the City of Chicago, as ascertained by the then last preceding school census. SECTION 3. The owner or owners, or his or their legal representa- tives, of a license to keep a dramshop or a saloon shall have and be given the right to a renewal or reissue of such license at the same or different place of business upon compliance with the ordinances now in force in the City of Chicago, or which may hereafter be passed gov- erning the licensing of dramshops or of saloons, and such owner or owners, or his or their legal representatives, of a dramshop or saloon license may assign or convey his right to the renewal or reissue thereof to another person, who, upon full compliance with the ordinances then in force in the City of Chicago governing the licensing of saloons or dramshops shall be entitled to a renewal or reissue of such license in his own name, and each holder of a license, or his legal representatives, in turn may assign or convey such right of renewal or reissue of such license upon the same terms and conditions as the original owner thereof could do hereunder. The privilege of renewal or reissue pro- vided by this ordinance shall apply only so long as the license in each case shall have been kept in force continuously and uninterruptedly in the name of the licensee, or his successor in interest. No license to keep a saloon or dramshop shall be hereafter issued to a firm except in the names of the individual members of the firm, and no such li- cense shall hereafter be issued to a corporation; provided, however, LAWS AND ORDINANCES 321 that any corporation now holding such a license in its name may desig- nate the person or persons who shall be entitled to a renewal or reissue of such license for the license period beginning November 1, 1906; provided further, however, that such person or persons shall duly qualify by complying with all the laws and ordinances in force at the time in the City of Chicago. SECTION 4. Any and all ordinances of the City of Chicago so far as they are in conflict with any of the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall be in force from and after its passage. APPENDIX XIII. AN ORDINANCE Fixing the Annual Fee for Dramshop Licenses at $1,000.00. Passed by City Council, March 5, 1906. AN ORDINANCE Amending Sections 1339 and 1340 of the Revised Municipal Code of 1905. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. That Section 1339 of the Revised Municipal Code of the City of Chicago of 1905 is hereby amended to read as follows: "1339. FEE. Any person on compliance with the aforesaid re- quirements and the payment in advance to the City Collector of a li- cense fee at the rate of one thousand dollars per annum, shall receive a license under the corporate seal, signed by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk, which shall authorize the person or persons therein named to keep a dramshop or saloon and to sell, give away or barter intoxicating liquors, in quantities less than one gallon, in the place designated in the license and for the period stated therein." SECTION 2. Section 1340 of the Revised Municipal Code of Chi- cago of 1905 is hereby amended to read as follows : "1340. PERIODS OF PAYMENTS. The saloon license year is hereby divided into two periods as follows : From May first to October thir- ty-first, inclusive, shall be known as the first period; from November first to April thirtieth of the following year, inclusive, shall be known as the second period. Licenses may be issued for the full license year or for the unexpired portion thereof, and the fee payable therefor shall be one thousand dollars in advance for the full license year, or five hundred dollars in advance for each period; provided, that if any license shall issue for the unexpired portion of the license year or for the unexpired portion of any period, the fee to be paid therefor shall bear the same ratio to the sum required for the whole year that the number of days in such unexpired portion bears to the whole number of days in the year ; and provided further that no license shall extend beyond the 30th day of April next following its issuance." 322 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be in force from and after its passage and due publication according to law and shall take effect on the first day of May, A. D., 1906. APPENDIX XIV. Revised Municipal Code (1905), relating to WINE ROOMS, Sec- tions 1341, 1342, 1343 and 1344. SECTION 1341. WINEROOMS PROHIBITED. No person operating, maintaining or conducting a saloon, dramshop or other place in which malt, vinous, spirituous or intoxicating liquors of any kind what- soever are sold, given away, or otherwise dealt in, shall establish or maintain in connection with such saloon, dramshop or other place, either as a part thereof or as an adjunct thereto, any wineroom or private apartment the interior of which is shut off from the general public view by doors, curtains, screens, partitions, or other device of any kind whatsoever. SECTION 1342. NUMBER OF PERSONS TO BE SERVED. No person operating, maintaining, or conducting a restauraunt, cafe, dining room, or other like place shall serve, or permit to be served, any malt, vinous, spirituous or intoxicating liquors of any kind whatsoever in any private apartment which may be maintained as a part or an ad- junct to such restaurant, cafe, dining room or other like place, to any number of persons less than four, unless all the members of such party numbering less than four be of the same sex. SECTION 1343. PENALTY. Any person violating any of the pro- visions of the two preceding sections shall be fined not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense; and provided further, that in any case where any person maintaining or conducting a saloon, dramshop, restaurant, cafe, dining room or other like place at or in which malt, vinous, spirituous or intoxicating liquors of any kind are sold, given away, or otherwise dealt in, shall violate any of the provisions of the two preceding sections, in addi- tion to the penalty above fixed, such person shall have his license re- voked, and shall not be permitted to again obtain a license to operate, conduct or maintain a saloon, dramshop, restaurant, cafe, dining room, or other like place at or in which malt, vinous, spirituous or intoxi- cating liquors are sold, given away, or otherwise dealt in, within the city, for a period of two years from and after the date of the con- viction of any such person of the violation of any said provisions. SECTION 1344. ILL-GOVERNED PLACES PENALTY. Every com- mon or ill-governed house, or other place kept by any person licensed under this article where any person is permitted or suffered to play any game of chance for money or other valuable thing, is hereby declared a public nuisance; and no person shall keep or maintain such public nuisance, under a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense. LAWS AND ORDINANCES 323 APPENDIX XV. DRAMSHOPS. Kurd's Revised Statutes of Illinois (1909), Chapter 43, Sections 9, 14 and 15. SECTION 9. SUIT FOR DAMAGES BY HUSBAND, WIFE, CHILD, ETC. FORFEITURE OF LEASE, ETC. Every husband, wife, child, parent, guard- ian, employer or other person, who shall be injured in person or prop- erty, or means of support, by any intoxicated person, or in consequence of the intoxication, habitual or otherwise, of any person, shall have a right of action in his or her own name, severally or jointly, against any person or persons who shall, by selling or giving intoxicating liquors, have caused the intoxication, in whole or in part, of such person or persons; and any person owning, renting, leasing or permitting the occupation of any building or premises, and having knowledge that intoxicating liquors are to be sold therein, or who having leased the same for other purposes, shall knowingly permit therein the sale of any intoxicating liquors that have caused, in whole or in part, the intoxica- tion of any person, shall be liable, severally or jointly, with the person or persons selling or giving intoxicating liquors aforesaid, for all dam- ages sustained, and for exemplary damages ; and a married woman shall have the same right to bring suits and to control the same and the amount recovered, as a feme sole ; and all damages recovered by a minor under this act shall be paid either to such minor, or to his or her parent, guardian or next friend, as the court shall direct ; and the unlawful sale or giving away of intoxicating liquors, shall work a for- feiture of all rights of the lessee or tenant, under lease or contract of rent upon the premises where such unlawful sale or giving away shall take place ; and all suits for damages under this act may be by any appropriate action in any of the courts of this state having competent jurisdiction. (Roth v. Eppy, 80 111., 283 ; Hackett et al. v. Smelsley, 77 111., 109; Horn v. Smith, 77 111., 381 ; McEvoy v. Humphrey, 77 111., 388; Reget v. Bell, 77 111., 593; Bates v. Davis, 76 111., 222; Frees v. Tripp, 70 111., 496; Meidel v. Anthis, 71 111., 241 ; Emory v. Addis, 71 111., 273;Kellerman v. Arnold, 71 111., 632.) SECTION 14. EVIDENCE. In all prosecutions under this act, by in- dictment or otherwise, it shall not be necessary to state the kind of liquor sold ; or to describe the place where sold ; nor to show the knowl- edge of the principal to convict for the acts of an agent or servant ; and in all cases the persons to whom intoxicating liquors shall be sold in violation of this act, shall be competent witnesses. SECTION 15. CITY OR VILLAGE ORDINANCE No DEFENSE. It shall be no objection to a recovery under this act that the offense for which the person is prosecuted is punishable under any city, village or town ordinance. 324 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO APPENDIX XVI. SELLING LIQUOR TO MINOR. Kurd's Revised Statutes (1909), Sec- tions 6, 6 l / 2 , 7, Chapter 43. SECTION 6. SELLING OR GIVING TO MINOR OR DRUNKARD. Who- ever, by himself, or his agent or servant, shall sell or give intoxicating liquor to any minor without the written order of his parent, guardian, or family physician, or to any person intoxicated, or who is in the habit of getting intoxicated, shall, for each offense, be fined not less than twenty dollars ($20), nor more than one hundred dollars ($100), or imprisoned in the county jail not less than ten nor more than thirty days, or both, according to the nature of the offense: Provided, This act shall not affect any prosecution pending at the time this act takes effect, but in every such prosecution the accused shall, upon conviction be punished in the same manner in all respects, as if this act had not been passed. (As amended by act approved May 18, 1877. In force July 1, 1877. L. 1877, p. 99; Legal News Ed., p. 101. Farmer v. The People, 77 111., 322; Mullinix v. The People, 76 111., 211.) SECTION 6 l / 2 . BUYING OR PROCURING FOR MINOR. Every person, whether the keeper of a dram shop or not, who shall buy or in any manner procure or aid in procuring any wine, rum, brandy, gin, whisky, lager beer, hard cider, alcohol, or other vinous, malt, spirituous, fer- mented or mixed liquor or any intoxicating liquor whatever, for any minor, without the written order of such minor's parent, guardian or family physician, or shall so procure or aid in procuring any of said liquors for any person intoxicated, or who is in the habit of getting intoxicated, shall, for every such offense be fined not less than twenty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars or confined in the county jail not less than ten nor more than thirty days or both in the discretion of the court. (Added by act approved June 19, 1891. In force July 1, 1891. L. 1891, p. 105; Legal News Ed., p. 83.) SECTION 7. NUISANCES PENALTY BOND EVIDENCE. All places where intoxicating liquors are sold in violation of this act, shall be taken, held and be declared to be common nuisances, and all rooms, taverns, eating houses, bazars, restaurants, drug stores, groceries, coffee nouses, cellars, or other places of public resort, where intoxi- cating liquors are sold in violation of this act, shall be deemed public nuisances ; and whoever shall keep any such place, by himself, or his agent or servant, shall for each offense, be fined not less than $50 nor more than $100, and confined in the county jail not less than twenty nor more than fifty days, and it shall be a part of the judgment, upon the conviction of the keeper, that the place so kept shall be shut up and abated until the keeper shall give bond, with sufficient security to be approved by the court, in the penal sum of $1,000, payable to the People of the State of Illinois, conditioned that he will not sell intoxi- cating liquors contrary to the laws of this state, and will pay all fines, LAWS AND ORDINANCES 325 costs and damages assessed against him for any violation thereof ; and in case of a forfeiture of such bond, suit may be brought thereon for the use of the county, city, town or village, in case of a fine due to either of them. It shall not be necessary in any prosecution under this sec- tion to state the name of any person to whom liquor is sold. (Streeter v. The People, 69 111., 595.) APPENDIX XVII. INTOXICATING LIQUORS AT PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENTS AND SELL- ING TO MINORS. Revised Municipal Code (1905), Sections 117, 1352. SECTION 117. INTOXICATING LIQUORS. It shall not be lawful for any person to sell or give away any spirituous, vinous, malt, or other intoxicating liquors, in any theater, hall, building, structure or premises in which public entertainments are given for gain, nor in any room or rooms connected with the same, without a special permit from the mayor under a penalty of not more then $100 for each offense. SECTION 1352. MINORS PENALTY. No person owning or oper- ating a saloon, dramshop, grocery, or other place where intoxicating liquors are sold or given away shall permit any minor to drink therein intoxicating drinks of any kind, or to play with dice, dominoes, cards, balls or other articles used in gaming ; nor shall any such person own- ing or operating any saloon, dramshop, grocery, or place aforesaid, sell, give away or deliver to any minor any malt, vinous, spirituous or intoxicating liquors, either to be drunk on the premises or carried away. Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be fined not less than twenty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense. APPENDIX XVIII. REGULATING ADMISSION OF MINORS TO PUBLIC DANCE HALLS WHERE INTOXICATING LIQUORS ARE SOLD: An Act regulating the admission of minors to public dance halls where intoxicating liquors are sold or given away and providing for penalties for violation of this act. (Approved May 17, 1907. In force July 1, 1907, L. 1907, p. 305.) Kurd's Revised Statutes of Illinois (1909), Chapter 43, Section 48, 49. SECTION 48. ADMISSION OF MINORS REGULATED. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General As- sembly: That it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corpora- tion, as owner, agent, lessee or otherwise, that maintains or conducts any public dance hall where intoxicating beverages or liquors are sold or given away, or any such dance hall that is adjacent or con- nected with any room, building, park or enclosure of any kind where 326 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO such intoxicating beverages or liquors are sold or given away, to permit any minor to enter and be and remain within such public dance hall or be and remain upon the premises where such public dance hall is located, unless such minor is accompanied by his or her parent or parents. SECTION 49. PENALTY. Any person, firm or corporation vio- lating section one (1) of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall, upon conviction, be fined a sum not less than twenty-five ($25.00) dollars for each offense nor more than two hundred ($200.00) dollars for each offense. Any person falsely representing himself or herself as parent of any minor shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall, upon conviction, be subject to the foregoing penalties. APPENDIX XIX. AN ORDINANCE Authorizing the Mayor of the City of Chicago to Issue "Bar Permits." Passed June 6th, 1910. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. The Mayor of the City of Chicago is authorized and empowered upon written application, accompanied by a good and suffi- cient bond and the payment of a fee as hereinafter provided, to issue a bar permit for the sale or dispensing at retail, of vinous and malt liquors, to any corporation, voluntary association or society of persons organized in good faith for fraternal, educational or charitable pur- pooses, or to any person or persons for such sale or dispensing at re- tail of vinous and malt liquors at any gathering or entertainment held by any such corporation, voluntary association or society. SECTION 2. The applicant for such permit shall furnish proof to the satisfaction of the Mayor of the good character and reputable standing of said society or corporation, and also as to the respectability of the gathering for which said bar permit is sought. And nothing herein contained shall be construed to authorize the issuance of bar permits to persons or alleged pleasure clubs or corporations for the sale of intoxicating liquors at dance halls where disreputable persons gather and young boys and girls are lured to vice and crime. SECTION 3. Said corporations, societies and organizations respec- tively described in Section 1 hereof shall each be entitled to receive not to exceed six permits in each calendar year, nor shall more than six permits be issued in each calendar year to any person or persons for such sales at any such gathering or entertainment held by any one of such corporations, voluntary associations or societies, and such per- mits shall not be granted for a longer time than from three o'clock P. M. until three o'clock A. M., and the fee to be paid therefor shall be six dollars in advance, and the bond required by Section 1 shall be executed to the City of Chicago, and conditioned the same as a city bar permit bond heretofore used by the City Collector. The City LAWS AND ORDINANCES 327 Collector shall report to the City Council at every regular meeting a complete list of the special bar permits issued hereunder since the last Council meeting. Whenever a dance is to be held at any gathering, licensed as hereinbefore stated, a police officer shall be detailed, whose duty it shall be to see that none of the city ordinances for the main- tenance of good order and decency is violated. The sum of $3.00 of said $6.00 fees shall be set aside for the payment of such police de- tail. SECTION 4. Any and all ordinances of the City of Chicago so far as they are in conflict with any of the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall be in force from and after its passage. APPENDIX XX. "AN ORDINANCE Amending Section 99 of the Revised Municipal Code of Chicago of 1905, as amended, Sections 100 to 111 of the Re- vised Municipal Code of Chicago of 1905 and Section 112 of the Re- vised Municipal Code of Chicago of 1905, as amended, and repealing certain sections of the said Code, and certain ordinances." "7th Class. All grounds, gardens or other enclosures of the kind commonly known and described as 'Amusements Parks' wherein shows of different classes are offered or presented by one or more conces- sionaries." Sections 100, 101, 103, 112, appearing upon pages 2148, 2149, 2153, of Council Proceedings, dated December 17, 1909. SECTION 100. LICENSE PENALTY. No person ,or corporation either as owner, lessee, manager, officer or agent, or in any other ca- pacity shall give, conduct, produce, present or offer for gain or profit any of the entertainments mentioned in any of the first eleven of the foregoing classes anywhere within the city, excepting in a duly licensed place, nor shall any such person or corporation give, conduct, pro- duce, present, operate or offer for gain or profit any of the entertain- ments mentioned in the last ten of the foregoing class without a li- cense issued for that purpose, which said license shall be issued and procured in the manner hereinafter set forth. Any person or corporation violating any of the provisions of this section shall be fined not more than two hundred ($200.00) dol- lars for each offense and each and every day upon which any such person or corporation shall give, conduct, produce, present, offer or operate any such entertainment contrary to or in violation of any of the provisions of this section shall constitute a separate and dis- tinct offense. SECTION 101. LICENSES FOR PLACES OF ENTERTAINMENT OF THE FIRST ELEVEN CLASSES. Any person or corporation, the owner or lessee of any place at or in which it is intended tos produce, offer, 328 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO present or carry on any of the entertainments of the first eleven classes desiring to secure a license for such place shall be granted such license under the following conditions : The applicant shall make application in writing to the Mayor set- ting out his full name and address, if an individual, and if a cor- poration, the full name and residence of its principal officers; also a description of the place for which a license is desired and a state- ment of the class of entertainment which it is intended to produce, offer or present at such place; also the highest price to be charged for admission to any entertainment offered or presented at such place, and also the seating capacity of such place. Whereupon, the Mayor shall make, or cause to be made, an ex- amination of the place for which such license is desired, and if all of the provisions of this ordinance and all of the ordinances of the City of Chicago relating to the giving of entertainments and of the location, construction and maintenance of the places within which such entertainments are given, are complied with and if the Com- missioner of Buildings, the City Electrician and the Fire Marshal shall so certify, the Mayor shall issue, or cause to be issued, a li- cense to such applicant, attested by the City Clerk, which shall enti- tle the licensee named therein to present, offer, produce or conduct at the place designated in such license and for the period of time specified in such license, entertainments of any one of the foregoing first eleven classes mentioned in said application, upon payment of the license fee hereinafter specified. SECTION 103. MAYOR MAY REFUSE A LICENSE WHEN. If the place at which it is desired to offer any of the foregoing entertain- ments be not a fit or proper place and not constructed, maintained, operated or conducted in accordance with the provisions of the ordi- nances of the City governing and controlling said places, or if the en- tertainment desired to be produced or offered be of an immoral or dangerous character, or if the person making application for a license be not of a good moral character, the Mayor may refuse to approve such application and no license shall be issued by the City Clerk, ex- cept upon the approval of the Mayor. SECTION 112. INTOXICATING LIQUORS. It shall not be lawful for any person to sell or give away any spirituous, vinous, malt or other intoxicating liquors in any place in which public entertainments are given for gain, nor in any room or rooms connected with the same without a license or a special permit from the Mayor under a pen- alty of not more than one hundred ($100.00) dollars for each offense. LAWS AND ORDINANCES 329 APPENDIX XXI. RULES GOVERNING THE REGULATION OF VICE. Office of the General Superintendent of Police, Chicago, April 28, 1910. The following orders regulating vice, which have been heretofore promulgated, are reissued in this form in order that every member of the department may be personally advised concerning them and govern himself accordingly : To COMMANDING OFFICERS: The following rules governing the regulation of vice are hereby promulgated and will be rigidly enforced by all commanding officers : 1. MESSENGER AND DELIVERY BOYS, or any person over the age of three or under the age of eighteen years, shall not be permitted either in the district or to enter the premises. 2. HARBORING OF INMATES UNDER LEGAL AGE. The law on this subject is to be rigidly enforced and all keepers held strictly account- able. If inmates under age are found, the houses shall be suppressed, and it shall be definitely understood that this action will be taken in any and all cases where this law is violated. 3. FORCIBLE DETENTION. No person, regardless of age, shall be detained against his or her will, nor shall iron bars or other obstacles be permitted upon any exit. 4. No WOMEN WITHOUT MALE ESCORTS shall be permitted in a saloon. All soliciting of this nature to be vigorously suppressed. 5. SHORT SKIRTS, TRANSPARENT GOWNS OR OTHER IMPROPER AT- TIRE shall not be permitted in the parlors, or public rooms. 6. MEN will not be permitted to conduct or be domiciled in a house of prostitution or to loiter about the premises. Males evidently subsisting on the income of inmates will H arrested as vagrants. 7. SOLICITING in any form shall not be permitted, either on the streets, from doorways, from windows or in saloons. 8. SIGNS, LIGHTS, COLORS OR DEVICES, significant or conspicuous, indicative of the character of any premises occupied by a house of ill- repute, shall not be permitted. 9. OBSCENE EXHIBITIONS OR PICTURES shall not be permitted. 10. RESTRICTED DISTRICTS. No house of ill-fame shall be per- mitted outside of certain restricted districts, or to be established within two blocks of any school, church, hospital or public institution, or upon any street car line. 11. DOORS. No swinging doors that permit of easy access or a view of the interior from the street shall be permitted. All resorts shall be provided with double doors which shall be kept closed. 330 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO 12. LIQUOR. On and after May 1, 1910, no liquor will be per- mitted to be sold, carried in stock or given away in connection with any immoral place. The foregoing rules shall govern throughout the city. These regu- lations are permanent and commanding officers will hold all responsible to rigid accountability for their enforcement. APPENDIX XXII. EMPLOYMENT OF MINORS. Kurd's Revised Statutes of Illinois (1909), Chapter 48, Sections 20, 201, 20J and 20M, and Chapter 38, Sections 42A, 42B, 42C, 42D and 42E. SECTION 20. CHILD UNDER FOURTEEN YEARS. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That no child under the age of fourteen years shall be employed, per- mitted or suffered to work at any gainful occupation in any theatre, concert hall or place of amusement where intoxicating liquors are sold or in any mercantile institution, store, office, hotel, laundry, manufac- turing establishment, bowling alley, passenger or freight elevator, fac- tory or workshop or as a messenger or driver therefor, within this state. That no child under fourteen years of age shall be employed at any work performed -for wages or other compensation, to whomsoever payable, during any portion of any month when the public schools of the town, township, village or city in which he or she resides are in session, nor be employed at any work before the hour of seven o'clock in the morning or after the hour of six o'clock in the evening. Pro- vided, That no child shall be allowed to work more than eight hours in any one day. SECTION 201. HOURS OF LABOR. No person under the age of six- teen years shall be employed or suffered or permitted to work at any gainful occupation more than forty-eight hours in any one week, nor more than eight hours in any one day; or before the hour of seven o'clock in the morning or after the hour of seven o'clock in the evening. Every employer shall post in a conspicuous place in every room where such minors are employed a printed notice stating the hours required of them each day of the week, the hours of commencing and stopping work and the hours when the time or times allowed for dinner or for other meals begins and ends. The printed form of such notice shall be furnished by the State Inspector of Factories, and the employment of any such minor for longer time in any day so stated shall be deemed a violation of this section. SECTION 20J. EMPLOYMENTS FORBIDDEN CHILDREN UNDER SIX- TEEN YEARS OF AGE. No child under the age of sixteen years shall be employed at sewing belts, or to assist in sewing belts, in any capacity whatever ; _nor shall any child adjust any belt to any machinery; they shall not oil or assist in oiling, wiping or cleaning machinery ; they shall LAWS AND OEDINANCES 331 not operate or assist in operating circular or band saws, wood shapers, wood jointers, planers, sandpaper or wood polishing machinery, emery or polishing wheels used for polishing metal, wood-turning or boring machinery, stamping machines in sheet metal and tinware manufac- turing, stamping machines in washer and nut factories, operating corru- gating rolls, such as are used in roofing factories, nor shall they be employed in operating any passenger or freight elevators, steam boiler, steam machinery, or other steam generating apparatus, or as pin boys in any bowling alleys; they shall not operate or assist in operating, dough brakes, or cracker machinery of any description ; wire or iron straightening machinery; nor shall they operate or assist in operating rolling mill machinery, punches or shears, washing, grinding or mixing mill or calendar rolls in rubber manufacturing, nor shall they operate or assist in operating laundry machinery; nor shall children be em- ployed in any capacity in preparing any composition in which dangerous or poisonous acids are used, and they shall not be employed in any capacity in the manufacture of paints, colors or white lead; nor shall they be employed in any capacity whatever in operating or assisting to operate any passenger or freight elevator; nor shall they be employed in any capacity whatever in the manufacture of goods for immoral pur- poses, or any other employment that may be considered dangerous to their lives or limbs, or where their health may be injured or morals depraved; nor in any theater, concert hall, or place of amusement wherein intoxicating liquors are sold; nor shall females under sixteen years of age be employed in any capacity where such employment compels them to remain standing constantly. SECTION 20M. PENALTY. Whoever, having under his control a child under the age of sixteen years, permits such child to be employed in violation of the provisions of this act, shall for each offense be fined not less than $5 nor more than $25, and shall stand committed until such fine and costs are paid. A failure to produce to the Inspector of Factories, his assistants or deputies, any age and school certificates, or lists required by this act, shall constitute a violation of this act, and the person so failing shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than $5 nor more than $50 for each offense. Every person authorized to sign the certificate prescribed by Section 7 of this act, who certifies to any materially false statement therein shall be guilty of a violation of this act, and upon conviction be fined not less than $5 nor more than $100 for each offense, and shall stand committed until such fine and costs are paid. Any person, firm or corporation, agent or manager, superintendent or foreman of any firm or corporation, whether for himself or for such firm or corporation, or by himself or through sub-agents or foreman, superintendent or manager, who shall violate or fail to comply with any of the provisions of this act, or shall refuse admittance to premises or otherwise obstruct the factory inspector, assistant factory inspector, or deputy factory inspector in the performance of their duties, as pre- scribed by this act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon 332 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO conviction thereof shall be fined not less than $5 nor more than $100 for each offense, and shall stand committed until such fine and costs are paid. SECTION 42A, CHAPTER 38. CERTAIN EMPLOYMENTS OF CHILDREN FORBIDDEN. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, rep- resented in the General Assembly, It shall be unlawful for any person having the care, custody or control of any child under the age of four- teen years, to exhibit, use or employ, or in any manner^ or under any pretense, sell, apprentice, give away, let out, or otherwise dispose of any such child to any person in or for the vocation or occupation, service, or purpose of singing, playing on musical instruments, rope or wire walking, dancing, begging or peddling, or as a gymnast, contor- tionist, rider or acrobat in any place whatsoever, or for any obscene, indecent or immoral purpose, exhibition or practice whatsover, or for, or in any business, exhibition or vocation injurious to the health or dangerous to the life or limb of such child, or cause, procure or encourage any such child to engage therein. Nothing in this section contained shall apply to, or affect the employment or use of any such child as a singer or musician in any church, school or academy, or at any respectable entertainment, or the teaching or learning the science or practice of music. (1) SECTION 42B. UNLAWFUL TO EXHIBIT. It shall also be unlawful for any person to take, receive, hire, employ, use, exhibit, or have in custody any child under the age and for the purposes prohibited in the first section of this act. (1) SECTION 42C. ORDER As TO CUSTODY. When upon examination before any court or magistrate it shall appear that any child within the age previously mentioned in this act was engaged or used for or in any business, or exhibition, or vocation, or purpose prohibited in this act; and when upon the conviction of any person of a criminal assault upon a child in his or her custody, the court or magistrate before whom such conviction is had, shall deem it desirable for the welfare of such child, that the person so convicted should be deprived of its custody ; thereafter such child shall be deemed to be in the custody of court, and such court or magistrate may in its discretion, make such order as to the custody thereof as now is, or hereafter may be, provided by law in cases of vagrant, truant, disorderly, pauper, or destitute children. (1) SECTION 42D. ENDANGERING LIFE OR HEALTH. It shall be un- lawful for any person having the care or custody of any child, wilfully to cause or permit the life of such child to be endangered or the health of such child to be injured, or wilfully cause or permit such child to be placed in such a situation that its life or health may be endangered. ( 1 ) SECTION 42E. PENALTY. Any person convicted under the provi- sions of the preceding sections, shall for the first offense be fined not exceeding one hundred dollars ($100) or imprisoned in the county jail not exceeding three months, or both, in the discretion of the court; LAWS AND ORDINANCES 333 and upon conviction for a second of any subsequent offense shall be fined in any sum not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500), or im- prisonment in the penitentiary for a term not exceeding two years, or both, in the discretion of the court. (1) APPENDIX XXIII. 4 CRUELTY TO CHILDREN, AND EMPLOYMENT FORBIDDEN. Revised Municipal Code of Chicago (1905), Sections 1446-1447-1448 and 1586. SECTION 1446. EXHIBITION OF CHILDREN. No person having the care, custody or control of any child under the age of fourteen years, shall cause or permit any such child to be exhibited, used or employed, or shall apprentice or let out, or otherwise dispose of any such child to any person or corporation for the vocation, occupation, service or purpose of singing or playing on musical instruments, in any saloon or saloons, or on the streets or alleys, or of rope or wire walking, dancing, begging or peddling, or as a gymnast, contortionist, rider, or acrobat in any place whatsoever, or for any obscene, indecent or immoral pur- pose, exhibition or practice whatsoever, or in or about any business, exhibition or vocation injurious to the health or dangerous to the life or limb of such child, or cause, procure or encourage any such child to engage therein. SECTION 1447. LIFE OR HEALTH ENDANGERED. No person shall take, receive, hire, employ, use, exhibit or have in custody any child under the age of fourteen years for the purpose of employing such child in the manner expressly prohibited in the provisions of section 1446, and no person having the care or custody of any child shall wil- fully cause or permit such child to be placed in such a situation that its life or health may be endangered. SECTION 1448. PENALTY. Any person who violates, neglects or refuses to comply with any of the provisions of sections 1446 and 1447, or is guilty of crulty to any child in any of the ways mentioned herein, viz. : 1. By cruelly beating, torturing, overworking, mutilating or caus- ing or knowingly allowing the same to be done. 2. By unnecessarily failing to provide any child in his or her charge or custody with proper food, drink, shelter or raiment. 3. By abandoning any child ; or who shall wilfully or unnecessarily expose to the inclemency of the weather, or shall wilfully or unnec- essarily in any manner injure in health or limb any child under the age of fourteen years shall for each offense be fined not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. SECTION 1586. EMPLOYEES UNDER SIXTEEN PROHIBITED. No person licensed as aforesaid shall permit any person under the age of sixteen years to take pledges in pawn for him. 334 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO APPENDIX XXIV. AN ORDINANCE Licensing Fruit Stores and Ice Cream Parlors, Passed May 28, 1906. 1 Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago : SECTION 1. It shall n6t be lawful for any person to keep, con- duct or manage any retail fruit store, or ice cream parlor in this city unless a license therefor is first obtained. SECTION 2. Any person desiring a license to keep, conduct or manage a retail fruit store or ice cream parlor, shall make written application therefor to the Mayor, setting forth the full name of the applicant and the location of the place at which such sales are proposed to be made. Such application shall be accompanied by evidence satisfactory to the Mayor that the applicant is a person of good character, and if the Mayor shall be satisfied that such person is of good character and a proper person to have such license, he shall cause the City Clerk to issue a license to such applicant upon the payment to the City Col- lector of a license fee at the rate of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per annum, for each fruit store and ten dollars ($10.00) per annum for each ice cream parlor. No such license shall issue until the applicant shall file with the City Clerk a bond, with sureties to be approved by the Mayor in the sum of five hundred dollars ($500.00), conditioned that the licensed person will faithfully observe and obey all laws of the State of Illinois and all ordinances of this city now in force or which may hereafter be passed for the government of such places. Every such place shall be open to inspection by the probation officers at all times it is open for business. SECTION 3. It shall not be lawful for any person owning, con- ducting or managing a retail fruit store or an ice cream parlor to allow any male person under the age of twenty-one or any female person under the age of eighteen to be or remain in such place between the hours of 10 P. M. and 7 A. M., unless accompanied by one or both parents, or to maintain or have any curtains or screen or parti- tions of any kind that will serve to divide such place into small rooms or compartments. SECTION 4. Every person convicted of a violation of any pro- vision of this ordinance shall be fined not less than five dollars ($5.00) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100.00) for each and every offense. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and due publication. *An injunction has been issued restraining the operation of this ordinance. LAWS AND ORDINANCES 335 APPENDIX XXV. LAWS GOVERNING FREE EMPLOYMENT OFFICES AND PRIVATE EM- PLOYMENT AGENCIES IN ILLINOIS, as Amended and in Force on and from July 1, 1909. Kurd's Revised Statutes of Illinois (1909),, Chap- ter 48, Sections 67 f, 67h. SECTION 67f. CHARACTER OF EMPLOYMENT FRAUD. No such licensed person shall send, or cause to be sent, any female help or servants, or inmate or performer, to enter any questionable place or place of bad repute, house of ill-fame, or assignation house, or to any house or place of amusement kept for immoral purposes, or place resorted to for the purpose of prostitution, or gambling house, the character of which such licensed person knows, either actually or by reputation. No such licensed person shall knowingly permit questionable char- acters, prostitutes, gamblers, intoxicated persons, or procurers to fre- quent such agency. No such licensed person shall accept any appli- cation for employment made by or on behalf of any child, or shall place or assist in placing any such child in any employment what- ever, in violation of the child labor law, approved May 15, 1903, and in force July 1, 1903, and an Act to regulate the employment of children, approved June 9, 1897, and in force July 1, 1897. For the violation of any of the provisions of this section, the penalty shall be a fine of not less than fifty dollars ($50) and not more than two hundred dollars ($200), or imprisonment in the county jail or house of correction for a period of not more than one year, or both, at the discretion of the court, in addition to the revocation of such person's license. No such licensed person shall publish or cause to be published any fradulent notice or advertisements of such employ- ment agencies by means of cards, circulars or signs, and in newspa- pers and other publications; and all of its letter heads, receipts and blanks shall contain the name and address of such employment agency, and shall state in all such notices the fact that such licensel person is or conducts an employment agency. No agency shall print, pub- lish or paint on any sign, window, or insert in any newspaper or publication a name similar to that of the Illinois Free Employment Office. All written communications sent out by such licensed person, directly or indirectly, to any person in regard to help or employment, shall have contained therein definite information, that such person is an employment agent; and no such licensed person shall knowingly give any false information or make any false promise concerning employment to any applicant who shall register for employment or help. No such licensed agent shall divide fees with or pay a com- mission to any person to whom applicants are sent for employment or help. SECTION 67h. ENFORCEMENT. The enforcement of this Act shall be entrusted to the State Board of Commissioners of Labor, and an 336 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO officer to be known as the Chief Inspector of Private Employment Agencies, which officer shall be recommended by the State Board of Commissioners of Labor and appointed by the Governor of the state and whose term of office shall be for the period of the incumbency of the Governor appointing him, or until his successor is appointed. He may appoint by and with the approval of the Governor one (1) in- spector for every fifty (50) licensed agencies or major fraction thereof, who shall make at least bi-monthly visits to every such agency. Said inspectors shall have a suitable badge which they shall exhibit on de- mand of any person with whom they may have official business. Such inspectors shall see that all the provisions of this Act are complied with, and shall have no other occupation or business. Complaints against any such licensed person may be made orally or in writing to the State Board of Labor Commissioners or to the Chief Inspector of Private Employment Agencies, and reasonable notice thereof, not less than one (1) day, shall be given in writing to said licensed per- son by serving upon him concise statement of the facts constituting the complaint, and the hearing shall be had before the State Board of Labor Commissioners or the Chief Inspector of Private Employment Agencies as the State board aforesaid, shall designate, within one week from the date of the filing of the complaint and no adjourn- ment shall be taken for a period longer than one (1) week. Reason- able notice of the place of hearing of any complaint shall be given to such licensed person complained against. A calendar of all hear- ings shall be kept by the State Board of Labor Commissioners of the complaints they are to hear, and by the chief inspector of those he is to hear, and shall be posted in a conspicuous place in its or his public office for at least one (1) day before the date of such hearing. The result of such hearings shall be rendered within eight (8) days from the time the matter is finally submitted. The said State Board of Commissioners of Labor may refuse to issue and may revoke any license for any good cause shown within the meaning and purpose of this Act, and when it is shown to the satisfaction of the said Board of Commissioners of Labor that any person is guilty of any immoral, fraudulent or illegal conduct in connection with the conduct of said business, it shall be the duty of said Board of Commissioners of La- bor to revoke the license of such person, but notice of such charges shall be presented and reasonable opportunity shall be given said li- censed person to defend himself in the manner and form heretofore provided in this section of the Act. Whenever said Board of Com- missioners of Labor shall refuse to issue or shall revoke the license of any such employment agency, said determination shall be subject to review on writ of certiorari. Whenever for any cause such license is revoked said revocation shall not take effect until seven (7) days after such revocation is officially announced, and such revocation shall be considered good cause for refusing to issue another license to said person or his representative, or to any person with whom he is to be associated in the business of furnishing employment or help. The vio- lation of any provision of this Act except as provided in section one LAWS AND ORDINANCES 337 (1) and six (6), shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed twenty- five dollars ($25), and any city magistrate, judge of a municipal court, police justice, justice of the peace or any inferior magistrate having original jurisdiction in criminal cases, shall have power to impose said fine, and in default of payment thereof to commit to the county jail or house of correction the person so offending for a period not ex- ceeding thirty (30) days. The said State Board of Labor Commis- sioners or the Chief Inspector of Employment Agencies or any of the inspectors created by this Act, may institute criminal proceedings for its enforcement before any court of competent jurisdiction. The State Board of Commissioners of Labor shall employ legal advice or services whenever in its opinion such advice or services are necessary in or to the enforcement of this Act. APPENDIX XXVI. PAYMENT OF WAGES DUE LABORERS, SERVANTS AND EMPLOYES FROM CORPORATIONS DOING BUSINESS IN THIS STATE. Kurd's Revised Statutes of Illinois (1909), Chapter 48, Sections 16, 17, 18 and 19. "AN ACT to regulate and enforce the payment of wages due laborers, servants and employes from corporations doing business in this state." (Approved May 14th, 1903. In force July 1, 1903. L. 1903, p. 198; Legal News Ed., p. 155.) SECTION 16. UNLAWFUL FOR SUCH CORPORATION TO WITHHOLD FROM ITS LABORERS, SERVANTS OR EMPLOYES WAGES BEYOND DATE OF REGULAR PAY DAY, ETC. PROVISO. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, It shall be un- lawful for any corporation doing business within this state to with- hold from any of its laborers, servants or employes any part or per cent of the wages earned by such laborer, servant or employe, beyond the date of the regular pay day of said corporation, under the guise or pretext, that the amount of wages so withheld, is to be given or pre- sented to such laborer, servant or employe, as a present or gratuity from said corporation at the expiration of any future date, on condi- tion that the services of such laborer, servant or employe have been performed to the entire satisfaction of said corporation or upon condi- tion that such laborer, servant or employe shall, unless sooner dis- charged by said corporation, remain in its employ until the expiration of some future date designated by said corporation, or under any other similar pretext or condition, but all such wages shall be paid in full by said corporation on its regular pay day, Provided, that nothing in this act contained shall be held to abridge the right of any corporation not making or requiring contracts of the class specified above to make such contract or arrangement as may be legal, concerning the payment of wages to employes, and Provided, further, nothing herein contained shall be construed to affect the right of any corporation to contract for 338 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO the retention of a part of the wages of said laborers, servants and em- ployes for the purpose of giving to said servants, laborers, and employes insurance, hospital, sick or other similar relief. SECTION 17. SUCH CONTRACTS MADE BY ANY CORPORATION ARE ILLEGAL, AGAINST PUBLIC POLICY AND VOID. That all contracts or agreements of the kind and character referred to and described in Section 1 of this act hereafter made by any corporation doing business in this state, are hereby declared to be illegal, against public policy and null and void, and no such agreement or contract shall constitute a defense upon the part of any such corporation, to any action brought by any such laborer, servant or employe, for the recovery of any wages due him, and withheld from him by any such corporation, contrary to the provision of this act. SECTION 18. PENALTY FOR VIOLATING PROVISIONS OF THIS ACT. That any such corporation doing business in this state who shall violate the provisions of this act, shall for each offense, forfeit the sum of two hundred dollars to be recovered from it in any action of debt in the name of the People of the State of Illinois, or by any person who may sue for the same. SECTION 19. DUTY OF STATE'S ATTORNEYS. It is hereby made the duty of the several state's attorneys of this state in their respective counties, to prosecute all actions commenced in the name of the People of the State of Illinois, under the provisions of this act. APPENDIX XXVII. Extracts from an Act to regulate the Practice of Medicine in the State of Illinois, and to repeal an Act therein named, approved April 24, 1899, as amended by Acts Approved June 4, 1907, and January 25, 1908. Kurd's Revised Statutes of Illinois (1909), Sections 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14 and 16, Chapter 91. The following Sections apply also to Midwives : SECTION 6. LICENSES FROM STATE BOARD OF HEALTH REQUIRED APPLICATIONS FOR LICENSES EXAMINATIONS GRADUATES OF LE- GALLY CHARTERED MEDICAL COLLEGES IN ILLINOIS IN GOOD STANDING GRANTED CERTIFICATES. No person shall hereafter begin the practice of medicine or any of the branches thereof, or midwifery, in this state without first applying for and obtaining a license from the State Board of Health to do so. Application shall be in writing, and shall be ac- companied by the examination fees hereinafter specified, and with proof that the applicant is of good moral character. Applications from candidates who desire to practice medicine and surgery in all their branches shall be accompanied by proof that the applicant is a gradu- ate of a medical college or institution in good standing, as may be determined by the Board. When the application aforesaid has been LAWS AND ORDINANCES 339 inspected by the Board and found to comply with the foregoing pro- visions, the Board shall notify the applicant to appear before it for ex- amination, at the time and place mentioned in such notice. Examinations may be made in whole or in part in writing by the Board, and shall be of a character sufficiently strict to test the quali- fications of the candidate as a practitioner. The examination of those who desire to practice medicine and surgery in all their branches shall embrace those general subjects and topics, a knowledge of which is commonly and generally required of candidates for the degree of doc- tor of medicine, by reputable medical colleges in the United States. The examination of those who desire to practice midwifery shall be of such a character as to determine the qualification of the applicant to practice midwifery. The examination of those who desire to practice any other system or science of treating human ailments who do not use medicines internally or externally, and who do not practice operative surgery shall be of a character sufficiently strict to test their qualifica- tions as practitioners. All examinations provided for in this act shall be conducted under rules and regulations prescribed by the Board, which shall provide for a fair and wholly impartial method of examination : Provided, that graduates of legally chartered medical colleges in Illinois in good stand- ing as may be determined by the Board may be granted certificates without examinations. SECTION 7. LICENSE TO PRACTICE PROVISIONS. If the appli- cant successfully passes his examination, or presents a diploma from a legally chartered medical college in Illinois of good standing, the Board shall issue to such applicant a license authorizing him to prac- tice medicine, midwifery or other system of treating human ailments, as the case may be: Provided, that those who are authorized to prac- tice other systems can not use medicine internally or externally or perform surgical operations: Provided, further, that only those who are authorized to practice medicine and surgery in all their branches shall call or advertise themselves as physicians or doctors : And pro- vided, further, that those who are authorized to practice midwifery shall not use any drug or medicine or attend other than cases of labor. Such license shall be in such form as may be determined by the Board and in accordance with the provisions of this act : Provided, however, that any wilful violation on the part of an applicant of any of the rules and regulations of the Board governing examinations shall be sufficient cause for the Board to refuse to issue a license to such applicant. Such certificates shall be signed by all members of the Board and attested by the Secretary. SECTION 8. CERTIFICATES TO BE RECORDED IN OFFICE OF COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OF COUNTY CLERK. Every person holding a cer- tificate from the State Board of Health shall have it recorded in the office of the clerk of the county in which he resides or practices within three months from its date, and the date of recording shall be en- dorsed thereon. Until such certificate is recorded, as herein provided, 340 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO the holder thereof shall not exercise any of the rights or privileges conferred therein. Any person practicing in another county shall record the certificate in like manner in the county in which he prac- tices, and the holder of the certificate shall pay to the county clerk the usual fee for making the record. The county clerk shall keep, in a book provided for the purpose, a complete list of the certificates recorded by him, with the date of the issue of the certificate. The register of the county clerk shall be open to public inspection during business hours. SECTION 9. EXAMINATION FEES. The fees for examination and for a certificate shall be as follows: Ten (10) dollars for examina- tion in medicine and surgery, and five (5) dollars for a certificate if issued. Five (5) dollars for an examination in midwifery, and three (3) dollars for a certificate if issued. For all other practitioners ten (10) dollars for an examination and five (5) dollars for a certificate if issued. SECTION 10. UNPROFESSIONAL OR DISHONORABLE CONDUCT BOARD MAY WITHHOLD OR REVOKE CERTIFICATES HEARING. The State Board of Health may refuse to issue the certificates provided for in this act to individuals who have been convicted of the practice of criminal abortion, or who have by false or fraudulent representa- tion, obtained or sought to obtain practice in their profession, or by false or fraudulent representation of their profession have obtained or sought to obtain money or any other thing of value, or who adver- tise under names other than their own, or for any other unprofessional or dishonorable conduct, and the Board may revoke such certificates for like causes. Provided, that no certificates shall be revoked or refused until the holder or applicant shall be given a hearing before the Board. SECTION 11. DEFINITION OF THIS ACT. Any person shall be re- garded as practicing medicine, within the meaning of this act, who shall treat or profess to treat, operate on or prescribe for any phys- ical ailment or any physical injury to or deformity of another: Pro- vided, that nothing in this section shall be construed to apply to the administration of domestic or family remedies in cases of emergency, or to the laws regulating the practice of dentistry or of pharmacy. And this act shall not apply to surgeons of the United States army, navy or marine hospital service in the discharge of their official duties, or to any person who ministers to or treats the sick or suffering by mental or spiritual means, without the use of any drug or material remedy. SECTION 13. PENALTY FOR PRACTICING WITHOUT LICENSE. Any person practicing medicine or surgery or treating human ailments in the state without a certificate issued by this Board in compliance with the provisions of this act, or any itinerant vender violating the pro- visions of section 8 of this act, shall for each and every instance of such practice or violation forfeit and pay to the people of the State of LAWS AND ORDINANCES 341 Illinois, for the use of the said Board of Health, the sum of one hun- dred (100) dollars for the first offense, and two hundred (200) dol- lars for each subsequent offense, the same to be recovered in an action of debt before any court of competent jurisdiction, and any person filing or attempting to file as his own the diploma or certificate of another, or a forged affidavit of identification, shall be guilty of a fel- ony, and upon conviction shall be subject to such fine and imprisonment as are made and provided by the statutes of the state for a crime of forgery: Provided, that this section shall not apply to physicians who hold unrevoked certificates from the State Board of Health issued prior to the time of the taking effect of this act. SECTION 14. ENFORCING PENALTIES APPEALS. Upon conviction of either of the offenses mentioned in this act the court shall, as a part of the judgment, order that the defendant be committed to the common jail of the county until the fine and costs are paid, and upon failure to pay the same immediately the defendant shall be committed under said order for first offense not more than thirty (30) days, and for each subsequent offense not more than ninety (90) days: Provided, that either party may appeal in the same time and manner as appeals may be taken in other cases, except that where an appeal is prayed in behalf of the people, no appeal bond shall be required to be filed, whether the appeal be from the justice of the peace or from the county or circuit courts, or from the appellate court. But it shall be sufficient in behalf of the people of the State of Illinois, for the use of the State Board of Health, to pray an appeal, and thereupon appeal may be had without bond or security. SECTION 16. REPEAL. An act to regulate the practice of medicine in the State of Illinois, approved June 17, 1887, in force July 1, 1887, and all other acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act are hereby repealed. APPENDIX XXVIII. ABORTION. Kurd's Revised Statutes of Illinois (1909), Chapter 38, Sections 3, 4, 5, 6. SECTION 3. PRODUCING. Whoever, by means of any instrument, medicine, drug or other means whatever, causes any woman, pregnant with child, to abort or miscarry, or attempt to procure or produce an abortion or miscarriage, unless the same were done as necessary for the preservation of the mother's life, shall be imprisoned in the peni- tentiary not less than one year nor more than ten years; or if the death of the mother results therefrom, the person procuring or causing the abortion or miscarriage shall be guilty of murder. (R. S. 1845, p. 158, Section 46; L. 1867, p. 89, Sections 1, 2, 3.) SECTION 4. ECBOLIC, OR ABORTIFACIENT DRUGS. If any druggist, dealer in medicine, or other person, sells to any person any drug or medicine, known or presumed to be ecbolic or abortifacient, except upon 342 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO the written prescription of some well known and respectable practicing physician, or keeps on hand, or advertises or exposes for sale, or sells any pills, powders, drugs or combination of drugs designed especially for the use of females, without keeping the certificate as required in the next succeeding section, he shall for each offense be fined not less than $50 nor more than $500, or be confined in the county jail not less than thirty days nor more than six months, or both: Provided, This section shall not be construed to apply to compounds known as "Officinal." (L. 1871-2, p. 369.) SECTION 5. CERTIFICATE REQUIRED. Before any pills, powders, drugs or combination of drugs designed expressly for the use of fe- males, shall be kept or exposed for sale or sold, the proprietor thereof shall submit under oath a true statement of the formula by which the same is compounded, to five well known and respectable practicing physicians, in the county where the same is proposed to be sold, and shall procure their certificate, signed and verified by the affidavit of each of them, that such combination. is not abortif acient ; and every person keeping on hand, or in any manner advertising or exposing for sale or selling such combination, shall keep such certificate, or a sworn copy thereof, with the formula attached, for the inspection of any person desiring to see the same. (L. 1871-2, p. 369.) SECTION 6. ADVERTISING ABORTIFACIENT DRUGS. Whoever adver- tises, prints, publishes, distributes or circulates, or causes to be adver- tised, printed, published, distributed or circulated any pamphlet, printed paper, book, newspaper, notice, advertisement or reference, containing words or language giving or conveying any notice, hint or reference to any person, or to the name of any person, real or fictitious, from whom, or to any place, house, shop or office where any poison, drug, mixture, preparation, medicine, or noxious thing, or any instrument or means whatever, or any advice, information, direction or knowledge may be obtained for the purpose of causing or procuring the miscarriage of any woman pregnant with child, shall be punished by imprisonment not exceeding three years, or fine not exceeding $1,000. APPENDIX XXIX. ITINERANT VENDOR OF ANY DRUGS TO PAY A LICENSE OF $100 PER MONTH. Hurd's Revised Statutes of Illinois (1909), Chapter 91, Sec- tions 12, 13, 14 and 15. SECTION 12. That any itinerant vender of any drug, nostrum, oint- ment or appliance of any kind intended for the treatment of diseases or injury, who shall, by writing or printing, or any other method, profess to the public to cure or treat disease or deformity by any drug, nostrum or application, shall pay a license of one hundred dollars ($100) per month into the treasury of the Board, to be collected by the Board in the name of the People of the State of Illinois, for the use of said LAWS AND ORDINANCES 343 Board. And it shall be lawful for the State Board of Health to issue such license on application made to said Board, said license to be signed by the president of the Board and attested by the secretary with the seal of the Board; but said Board may, for sufficient cause, refuse said license. And such itinerant vender who shall, by writing or printing, or any other method, profess to cure or treat disease or deformity by any drug, nostrum or appliance without a license so to dp, shall be deemed guilty of a violation of this section, and upon conviction shall be subject to the penalties hereinafter provided. SECTION 13. PRACTICING WITHOUT CERTIFICATE PENALTY. Any person practicing medicine or surgery or treating human ailments in the state without a certificate issued by this Board in compliance with the provisions of this act, or any itinerant vender violating the provi- sions of Section 8 of this act, shall for each and every instance of such practice or violation forfeit and pay to the People of the State of Illi- nois, for the use of the said Board of Health, the sum of one hundred (100) dollars for the first offense, and two hundred (200) dollars for each subsequent offense, the same to be recovered in an action of debt before any court of competent jurisdiction, and any person filing or attempting to file as his own the diploma or certificate of another, or a forged affidavit of identification, shall be guilty of a felony, and upon conviction shall be subject to such fine and imprisonment as are made and provided by the statutes of the State for a crime of forgery : Pro- vided, that this section shall not apply to physicians who hold unrevoked certificates from the State Board of Health, issued prior to the time of the taking effect of this act. SECTION 14. CONVICTION UNDER THIS ACT PROCEEDINGS. Upon conviction of either of the offenses mentioned in this act the court shall, as a part of the judgment, order that the defendant be committed to the common jail in the county until the fine and costs are paid, and upon failure to pay the same immediately the defendant shall be com- mitted under said order for first offense not more than thirty (30) days, and for each subsequent offense not more than ninety (90) days: Provided, That either party may appeal in the same time and manner as appeals may be taken in other cases, except that where an appeal is prayed in behalf of the people, no appeal bond shall be required to be filed, whether the appeal be from a justice of the peace or from the county or circuit courts, or from the appellate court. But it shall be sufficient in behalf of the People of the State of Illinois, for the use of the State Board of Health, to pray an appeal, and thereupon appeal may be had without bond or security. SECTION 15. STATE BOARD OF HEALTH REPORT OF. On the 30th day of September of each year the State Board of Health shall make report of its proceedings, showing all items of receipts from all sources and disbursements for all purposes, and all funds in the treasury on said date which have been received in the enforcement of this act shall be paid into the state treasury. 344 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO APPENDIX XXX. IMPURE LITERATURE RELATING TO DISEASES. ADVERTISEMENTS PRO- HIBITED, AND ADVERTISING QUACK NOSTRUMS. Revised Municipal Code of Chicago (1905), Sections 1461, 1462-1463 and 1471. SECTION 1461. No person shall sell or offer to sell, give away or offer to give away, distribute or have in his possession with intent to give away, sell or distribute in or upon any street or sidewalk, or park or public property of the city, any book, pamphlet, circular, hand- bill, advertisement or notice of any kind purporting to treat of or treating of diseases known as "venereal diseases," describing or ex- plaining or purporting to describe or explain the genital organs, giv- ing or purporting to give the nature and remedies of diseases peculiar to females, uterine diseases, or the nature or cause of nervous debil- ity, impotency, sterility or barrenness, gonorrhea, gleet, stricture, syphi- lis, affection of the prostate gland or the remedies therefor, or the cause or remedies for abortion or miscarriage or articles or means of preventing conception, under a penalty of not less than twenty dol- lars nor more than fifty dollars for each offense. SECTION 1462. No person shall sell or offer to sell, give away or offer to give away, distribute or have in his possession with intent to give away, sell or distribute in or upon any street, sidewalk, park or public property in the city, any book, pamphlet, circular, handbill, advertisement or notice of any kind giving or purporting to give in- formation from whom or where medicine or anything whatever may be obtained for the cure, prevention or treatment of uterine diseases, or diseases peculiar to females, venereal diseases, or diseases of the genital organs, or nervous debility, impotence, sterility, or barrenness, gonorrhea, gleet, stricture, syphilis, affection of the prostate gland, abortion or miscarriage, or articles or means of preventing conception. Any person or corporation violating any of the provisions of this sec- tion, shall be fined not less than twenty-five nor more than two hundred dollars for each offense. CERTAIN ADVERTISEMENTS PROHIBITED IN NEWSPAPERS PENALTY. SECTION 1463. It shall be unlawful for any person to advertise, print or publish, or cause to be advertised, printed or published, in any newspaper or other publication having a general circulation in the city, or which is sold or offered for sale within the city, any advertisement, notice or mention of any kind whatsoever giving or purporting to give any information of, from whom, or where, apparatus, medicine, rem- edies or alleged cures may be had or obtained for the cure, preven- tion or treatment of uterine diseases or of diseases peculiaar to fe- males, or of venereal diseases, or of diseases of the genital organs, or of nervous debility, impotence, sterility or barrenness, or of gonor- LAWS AND ORDINANCES 345 rhea, gleet, stricture, syphilis or affection of the prostate gland, or from whom or where, may be obtained any advice, information, direc- tion or knowledge of any drug, medicine, mixture, preparation, in- strument, apparatus or means of any kind whatever for the purpose of causing or procuring a miscarriage by any woman pregnant with child, or for the purpose of causing or producing an abortion, or for the purpose of preventing conception. Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be fined not less than twenty-five nor more than two hundred dollars for each offense. ADVERTISING QUACK NOSTRUMS. SECTION 1471. No person shall place or post, or cause to be placed or posted, in any street or other public place in the city any handbill or advertisement giving notice of any person having or pro- fessing to have skill in the treatment or curing of any disorder or disease, or giving notice of the sale or exposure for sale of any nos- trum or medicine, under a penalty of not more than twenty-five dol- lars for each offense. APPENDIX XXXI. OBSCENE BOOKS, ETC. Kurd's Revised Statutes of Illinois, Chap- ter 38, Sections 223 and 224. SECTION 223. CIRCULATING. Whoever brings, or causes to be brought into this state, for sale or exhibition, or shall sell or offer to sell, or shall give away or offer to give away, or have in his possession, with or without intent to sell or give away, any obscene and indecent book, pamphlet, paper, drawing, lithograph, engraving, daguerreotype, photograph, stereoscopic picture, model, cast, instrument or article of indecent or immoral use, or shall advertise the same for sale, or write or cause to be written, or print or cause to be printed, any circular, handbill, card, book, pamphlet, advertisement or notice of any kind, or shall give information orally, stating when, how, or of whom, or by what means any of the said indecent and obscene articles and things hereinbefore mentioned can be purchased or otherwise obtained, or shall manufacture, draw and expose, or draw with intent to sell, or to have sold, or print any such articles, shall be confined to the county jail not more than six months, or be fined not less than $100 nor more than $1,000 for each offense one-half of said fine to be paid to the informer upon whose evidence the person so offending shall be con- victed, and one-half to the school fund of the county in which the said conviction is obtained. (Section 1 of act approved May 3, 1873. L. 1871-2, p. 577, Section 1 ; R. S. 1845, p. 174, Section 128.) SECTION 224. DEPOSITING WITH COMMON CARRIER. If any person shall deposit or cause to be deposited in any postoffice within this state, 346 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO or place in charge of any express company, or person connected there- with, or of any common carrier or other person, any of the obscene and indecent articles and things mentioned in the preceding section, or any circular, handbill, card, advertisement, book, pamphlet or notice of any kind, or shall give oral information stating where, how or of whom such indecent and obscene articles or things can be purchased or other- wise obtained in any manner, with the intent of having the same con- veyed by mail or express, or in any other manner, or if any person shall knowingly or willfully receive the same with intent to carry or convey, or shall carry or convey the same by express, or in any other manner (except in the United States mail), he shall be subject, for each offense, to the same fines and penalties as are prescribed in the pre- ceding section, and said fine shall be divided and paid in the same man- ner as therein provided. (Section 2 of act approved May 3, 1873.) APPENDIX XXXII. OBSCENE OR IMMORAL PICTURES PENALTY. Revised Municipal Code of Chicago (1905), Section 177. SECTION 177. No person or corporation, carrying on the business of bill posting, shall, within the city, post, or cause to be posted, so that the same can be seen from the streets, alleys or other public places of said city, any advertisement containing pictures or illustrations of an obscene or immoral character, under a penalty of not less than twenty-five nor more than two hundred dollars for each offense. APPENDIX XXXIII. INDECENT LITERATURE IMMORAL EXHIBITIONS. Revised Munici- pal Code of Chicago (1905), Section 1464. SECTION 1464. No person shall exhibit, sell or offer to sell or circulate or distribute any indecent or lewd book, picture or other thing whatever of an immoral or scandalous nature, or shall exhibit or perform any indecent, immoral or lewd play or other representa- tion, under a penalty of not less than twenty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense. LAWS AND ORDINANCES 347 APPENDIX XXXIV. BASTARDY. Kurd's Revised Statutes of Illinois (1909), Chapter 17, (I Sections 1, 3, 8 and 9. SECTION 1. COMPLAINT BY MOTHER. Be it enacted by the People \of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That when an unmarried woman who shall be pregnant, or delivered of a child which by law would be deemed a bastard, shall make complaint to a justice of the peace or judge of a municipal court in the county where she may be so pregnant or delivered, or the person accused may be found and shall accuse, under oath or affirmation, a person with being the father of such child, it shall be the duty of such justice or judge to issue a warrant against the person so accused and cause him to be brought forthwith before him, or in his absence, any other justice of the peace or judge in such county. (As amended by act approved and in force February 11, 1907. L. 1907, p. 56.) SECTION 3. EXAMINATION BAIL. Upon his appearance, it shall be the duty of said justice or judge to examine the woman, upon oath or affirmation, in the presence of the man alleged to be the father of the child, touching the charge against him. The defendant shall have the right to controvert such charge, and evidence may be heard as in cases of trial before the county court. If the justice or judge shall be of the opinion that sufficient cause appears, it shall be his duty to bind the person so accused in bond, with sufficient security, to appear at the next county court to be holden in such county, to answer such charge, to which court said warrant and bond shall be returned, except that in the county of Cook, where said warrant and bond shall be returned to the criminal court of Cook county. On neglect or refusal to give bond and security, the justice or judge shall cause such person to be com- mitted to the jail of the county, there to be held to answer the complaint. (As amended by act approved and in force February 11, 1907. L. 1907, p. 56.) SECTION 8. WHEN JUDGMENT Is AGAINST DEFENDANT. In case the issue be found against the defendant or reputed father, or whenever I he shall, in open court, have confessed the truth of the accusation against him, he shall be condemned by the order and judgment of the court to pay a sum of money not exceeding one hundred dollars for I the first year after the birth of such child, and a sum not exceeding fifty dollars yearly, for nine years succeeding said first year, for the support, maintenance and education of such child, and shall, moreover, be adjudged to pay all the costs of the prosecution, for which costs execu- tion shall issue as in other cases. And the said reputed father shall be required by said court to give bond with sufficient security, to be ap- proved by the judge of said court, for the payment of such sum of money as shall be ordered by said court, as aforesaid ; which said bond 348 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO shall be made payable to the People of the State of Illinois, and con- ditioned for the due and faithful payment of said yearly sum, in equal quarterly installments, to the clerk of said court, which bond shall be filed and preserved by the clerk of said court. SECTION 9. REFUSAL TO GIVE SECURITY COMMITMENT DIS- CHARGE. In case the defendant shall refuse or neglect to give such security as may be ordered by the court, he shall be committed to the jail of the county, there to remain until he shall comply with such order, or until otherwise discharged by due course of law. Any person so committed shall be discharged for insolvency or inability to give bond : Provided, such discharge shall not be made within six months after such commitment. (As amended by act approved June 4, 1889. In force July 1, 1899.) APPENDIX XXXV. INFAMOUS CRIMES AGAINST NATURE. Kurd's Revised Statutes of Illinois (1909), Sections 47, 279, Chapter 38 (Criminal Code). SECTION 279. INFAMOUS CRIMES. Every person convicted of the crime of murder, rape, kidnaping, wilful and corrupt perjury or sub- ornation of perjury, arson, burglary, robbery, sodomy, or other crime against nature, incest, larceny, forgery, counterfeiting or bigamy, shall be deemed infamous, and shall forever thereafter berendered inca- pable of holding any office of honor, trust or profit, or voting at any election, or serving as a juror, unless he is again restored to such rights by the terms of a pardon for the offense, or otherwise, according to the law : Provided, however, that the foregoing shall not apply to any per- son who has been heretofore convicted and sentenced, or who may be hereafter convicted and sentenced to the Illinois State Reformatory at Pontiac. (As amended by Act approved April 21, 1899, in force July 1, 1899, L. 1899, p. 141 ; Legal News Ed. p. 120.) See "Penitentiary," ch. 108, sec. 49, R. S. 1845, p. 182, sec. 174. SECTION 47. PUNISHMENT. The infamous crime against nature, either with man or beast, shall subject the offender to be punished by imprisonment in the penitentiary for a term not more than ten years. SECTION 48. EMISSION. It shall not be necessary to prove emis- sion, to convict any person of the crime against nature. LAWS AND ORDINANCES 349 APPENDIX XXXVI. ABDUCTION. Kurd's Revised Statutes of 111. (1909), Chapter 38, Sections 1 and 2. SECTION 1. OF FEMALE. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly: Whoever entices or takes away any unmarried female of a chaste life and conversation from the parents' house or wherever she may be found, for the pur- pose of prostitution or concubinage, and whoever aids and assists in such abduction for such purpose, shall be imprisoned in the peniten- tiary not less than one nor more than ten years. SECTION 2. OF CHILD. Whoever unlawfully takes or decoys away any child under the age of twelve years, with intent to detain or conceal such child from its parents, guardian or other person having the lawful charge of such child, shall be confined in the county jail not exceeding one year, or fined not exceeding $2,000, or both, in the discretion of the court: Provided, this section shall not apply to any one who, in good faith, interferes to protect the child from abuse or cruel treatment. APPENDIX XXXVIL PENALTY FOR CRIMES AGAINST CHILDREN. Hurd's Revised Stat- utes of 111. (1909), Chapter 38, Section 42ha. SECTION 42ha. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly: That any person, of the age of seventeen years and upwards who shall take, or attempt to take, any immoral, improper or indecent liberties with any child of either sex, under the age of fifteen years, with the intent of arousing, appealing to or gratifying the lust or passions or sexual desires, either of such person or of such child, or of both such person and such child, or who shall commit, or attempt to commit, any lewd or lascivious act upon or with the body, or any part or member thereof, of such child, with the intent of arousing, appealing to or gratifying the lust or passions or sexual desires, either of such person or of such child, or of both such person and such child, or any such person who shall take any such child or shall entice, allure or persuade any such child, to any place whatever for the purpose (1) either of taking any such immoral, im- proper or indecent liberties with such child, with such intent, or of committing any such lewd, or lascivious act upon or with the body, or any part or member thereof, of such child with said intent, shall be imprisoned in the penitentiary not less than one year nor more than twenty years: Provided, that this act shall not apply to offenses con- stituting the crime of sodomy or other infamous crimes against nature, incest, rape or seduction. (1) 350 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO APPENDIX XXXVIII. TREATMENT AND CONTROL OF DEPENDENT, NEGLECTED AND DE- LINQUENT CHILDREN. Kurd's Revised Statutes of Illinois (1909), Chapter 23, Sections 169, 170 and 171, 175, 176, 177, 177a, 177b, 180, 183. SECTION 169. DEFINITION. That all persons under the age of twenty-one (21) years, shall, for the purpose of this act only, be con- sidered wards of this State and their persons shall be subject to the care, guardianship and control of the court as hereinafter provided. For the purpose of this act, the words "dependent child" and "neg- lected child" shall mean any male child who while under the age of seventeen years or any female child who while under the age of eight- een years, for any reason, is destitute, homeless or abandoned; or de- pendent upon the public for support; or has not proper parental care or guardianship ; or habitually begs or receives alms ; or is found living in any house of ill- fame or with any vicious or disreputable person ; or has a home which by reason of neglect, cruelty or depravity on the part of its parents, guardian or any other person in whose care it may be, is an unfit place for such child; and any child who while under the age of ten (10) years is found begging, peddling or selling any articles or singing or playing any musical instrument for gain upon the street or giving any public entertainments or accompanies or is used in aid of any person so doing. The words "delinquent child" shall mean any male child who while under the age of seventeen years or any female child who while under the age of eighteen years, violates any law of this State; or is incor- rigible, or knowingly associates with thieves, vicious or immoral per- sons; or without just cause and without that (the) consent of its parents, guardian or custodian absents itself from its home or place of abode, or is growing up in idleness or crime; or knowingly fre- quents a house of ill-repute; or knowingly frequents any policy shop or place where any gaming device is operated; or frequents any sa- loon or dram shop where intoxicating liquors are sold; or patronizes or visits any public pool room or bucket shop; or wanders about the streets in the night time without being on any lawful business or law- ful occupation; or habitually wanders about any railroad yards or tracks or jumps or attempts to jump onto (any) moving train; or en- ters any car or engine without lawful authority; or uses vile, obscene, vulgar, profane or indecent language in (any) public place or about any school house ; or is guilty of indecent or lascivious conduct ; any child committing any of these acts herein mentioned shall be deemed a de- linquent child and shall be cared for as such in the manner hereinafter provided. A disposition of any child under this act or any evidence given in such cause, shall not, in any civil, criminal or other cause or proceed- ing whatever in any court, be lawful or proper evidence against such LAWS AND ORDINANCES 351 child for any purpose whatever, except in subsequent case (cases) against the same child under this act. The word "child" or "children" may be held to mean one or more children, and the word parent or parents may be held to mean one or both parents, when consistent with the intent of this act. The word "association" shall include any asso- ciation, institution or corporation which include in their purposes the care or disposition of children coming within the meaning of this act. SECTION 170. JURISDICTION. The circuit and county courts of the several counties in this State, shall have original jurisdiction in all cases coming within the terms of this act. In all trials under this act any person interested therein may demand a jury of six or the judge of his own motion may order a jury of the same number to try the case. SECTION 171. JUVENILE COURT. In counties having over 500,000 population, the judges of the circuit court shall at such times as they shall determine, designate one or more of their number, whose duty it shall be to hear all cases coming under this act. A special court room, to be designated as the juvenile court room, shall be provided for the hearing of such cases, and the findings of the court shall be entered in a book or books to be kept for that purpose, and known as the "Juvenile Record," and the court may for convenience be called the "Juvenile Court." SECTION 175. DEPENDENT AND NEGLECTED CHILDREN. If the court shall find any male child under the age of seventeen years (17) or any female child under the age of eighteen (18) years to be depend- ent or neglected within the meaning of this act, the court may allow such child to remain at its own home subject to the friendly visita- tion of a probation officer. And if the parent, parents, guardian or custodian consent thereto, or if the court shall further find that the parent, parents, guardian or custodian of such child are unfit or im- proper guardians or unable or unwilling to care for, protect, train, educate (or) discipline such child and that it is for the interest of such child and of the people of this State that such child be taken from the custody of its parents, custodian or guardian, the court may make an order appointing as guardian of the person of such child some reputable citizen of good moral character and order such guar- dian to place such child in some suitable family home or other suit- able place, which such guardian may provide for such child, or the court may enter an order committing such child to some suitable State institution, organized for the care of dependent or neglected children, or to some training school or industrial school or to some association embracing in its objects the purpose of caring for or ob- taining homes for neglected or dependent children, which association shall have been accredited as hereinafter provided. (As amended by act approved June 4, 1907. In force July 1, 1907.) SECTION 176. GUARDIANSHIP. In every case where such child is committed to an institution or association, the court shall appoint the president, secretary or superintendent of such institution or asso- ciation, guardian over the person of such child and shall order such 352 THE SOCIAL_EVIL IN_CHIAGO guardian to place such child in such institution or with such associa- tion, whereof he is such officer and to hold such child, care for, train and educate it subject to the rules and laws that may be in force from time to time governing such institution or association. SECTION 177. DISPOSITION OF DELINQUENT CHILDREN. If the court shall find any male child under the age of seventeen years or any female child under the age of eighteen years to be delinquent within the meaning of this act, the court may allow such child to remain at its own home subject to the friendly visitation of (a) pro- bation officer, such child to report to. the probation officer as often as may be required, and if the parents, parent, guardian or custo- dian consent thereto, or if the court shall further find either that the parent, parents, guardian or custodian are unfit or improper guar- dians, or are unable or unwilling to care for, protect, train, educate or discipline such child and shall further find that it is for the interest of such child and of the people of this State that such child be taken from the custody of its parents, parent, custodian or guardian, the court may appoint some proper person or probation officer, guardian over the person of such child and permit it to remain at its home, or order such guardian to cause such child to be placed in a suitable family home, or cause it to be boarded out in some suitable family home, in case provision is made by voluntary contribution or other- wise for the payment of the board; or the court may commit such child to some training school for boys if a male child or to an indus- trial school for girls if a female child or to any institution incor- porated under the laws of this State to care for delinquent children, or to any institution that has been or may be provided by the State, county, city, town or village suitable for the care of delinquent chil- dren, including St. Charles School for Boys and State Training School for Girls, or to some association that will receive it, embra- cing in its objects the care of neglected, dependent or delinquent chil- dren and which has been duly accredited as hereinafter provided. In every case where such child is committed to an institution or asso- ciation, the court shall apoint the president, secretary or superintend- ent of such institution or association, guardian over the person of such child and shall order such guardian to place such child in such institution or with such association, whereof he is such officer and to hold such child, care for, train and educate it subject to the rules and laws that may be in force, from time to time governing such in- stitution or association. SECTION 177a. PROCESS AGAINST DELINQUENT CHILD. The court may in its discretion in any case of a delinquent child permit such child to be proceeded against in accordance with the laws that may be in force in this State governing the commission of crimes or violation of city, village, or town ordinance. In such case the petition filed under this act shall be dismissed. SECTION 177b. PLACING IN PUBLIC HOSPITAL, ETC. The court may, when the health or condition of any child found to be dependent, LAWS AND ORDINANCES 353 neglected or delinquent requires it, order the guardian to cause such child to be placed in a public hospital or institution for treament or special care, or in a private hospital or institution which will receive it for the purposes, without charge to the public authorities. SECTION 180. AGENTS OF JUVENILE REFORMATORIES. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent of the State Reformatory at Pon- tiac and the board of managers of the State Home for Juvenile Fe- male Offenders at Geneva, and the board of managers of any other institution to which juvenile delinquents may be committed by the courts, to maintain an agent of such institution, whose duty it shall be to examine the homes of children paroled from such institution, for the purpose of ascertaining and reporting to said court whether they are suitable homes; to assist children paroled or discharged from such institution in finding suitable employment, and to maintain a friendly supervision over paroled inmates during the continuance of their parole; such agents shall hold office subject to the pleasure of the board making the appointment, and shall receive such compensa- tion as such board may determine out of any funds appropriated for such institution applicable thereto. SECTION 183. ADOPTION OF CHILD. Whenever the petition filed, as is provided in section 3 hereof, or a supplemental petition filed at any time after the appointment of the guardian shall pray that the guardian to be appointed shall be authorized to consent to the legal adoption of the child, and the court upon the hearing shall find that it is the best interest of such child that the guardian be given such authority, the court may, in its order appointing such guardian, em- power him to appear in court where any proceedings for the adop- tion of such child may be pending, and to consent to such adoption; and such consent shall be sufficient to authorize the court where the adoption proceedings are pending to enter a proper order or decree of adoption without further notice to, or consent by the parents or relatives of such child: Provided, however, That before entering such order the court shall find from the evidence that (1) the parents or surviving parent of a legitimate child or the mother of an illegiti- mate child, or if the child has no parents living the guardian of the child, if any, or if there is no parent living and the child has no guar- dian or the guardian is not known to the petitioner, then a near rel- ative of the child, if any there be, consents to such order; or (2) that one parent consents and the other is unfit for any of the reasons here- inafter specified to have the child or that both parents are or that the surviving parent or the mother of an illegitimate child is so unfit for any of such reasons the grounds of unfitness being (a) de- pravity, (b) open and notorious adultery or fornication, (c) habitual drunkenness for the space of one year prior to the filing of the peti- tion, (d) extreme and repeated cruelty to the child, (e) abandon- ment of the child or (f) desertion of the child for more than six (6) months next preceding the filing of the petition. Appendices Tables TABLES 357 PQ CO . tj ll t I iO I s * lO t** 'O I"* P O 10 t*^ ^^ OS 1 t -* OO T-I (N T^ CO CN 1 1 T 1 rH OS co ^ rH of - .2 ^ - CO O OO O O - CO CD rH OS O ^"^ CO CO CO ^^ CO CO s -' ving con ommissi( *- GO o o d g OS t^ CO if* 00 O O (M CO rH 1 1 s rH number number Si O i V -*i 00 CO iO 00 I> l> C^ ~o O PH 'S 00 00 rHM(NCO CO Q CU N g*a --.^Wfr 03 O 358 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO Saloons in which investigators were solicited not on police list, and places to which invest- igators were asked to go not on police list. tn (3 SS 53 o o .2 4< CC 0. -(^ OS .bj . -5 -t^ a r T: 1 1 | Crfl CD i i 02 I Id C s 1 ) &A ^^ Rooms not over Saloons. 1 I 1 J -i-MOI>.oOOO-+J-MOrH-O5O5r- TABLES 359 ^ s s bD O W a o w a o . W ^ W 3, PQ hrt ' S 3 bC -a d ^2 O > "2 ^ &T3 en g* 2 js.s T-H -1 1 4-4 t> M O O> +3 ** 5 8.5P 1 J rj ** CO S^ rc-d 3,0 &; S Sg|o V5 be o> "S "^ 4> ~ '-3 ."S 4> H o m 3 g-^ CO 1 1 6 ^"o o'S ^ fl QO > if i . CO 00 CO . p-j O r^ ^> ."S U .t2 "o a v O CO -H -g O o> C3 O3 rj | ^ djb 5 g p^l O-'H -^ 03 "* CD CO '-M H O O) (H 03 Pi 02 00 o-g ^sg^ TJ o ^,a "^TS h3 CO 5 CO -i! ts 03 d 1 ro K 73 C? c co 32 O2-Q -tJ^j 02 CD O 0} C^ -a ^a' * a -* 3 x oo'? 03^3 X X TABLES 361 o ^o CQ o w ^J . |s bC os S |1 H ll bfl - .23 8-g e d pS O O 'M r3 3 M '3 ii -a .i a T3 O '+J (O ci'is 1 m C 3 b- CO O a i i ~'fj T 1 (N o fa ^ Is *-$ "o rH T- 1 u r* ' ~< O ^xf^ ^; M U w rH a "o JS So CO 3 CO OS *" ,is w CO GO o E o c ci o^-d c3 h ( -*J O 3 e 4) M) C *J ^JH CO O H ?og COOO rH OS rH CO T 1 IO <% o.2 |j GO b- OS ^ | CD ^ OS o CD 1 -t- 83 ^OQ rn O 3^0 -2 Wcc O Appendices Exhibits EXHIBITS 365 EXHIBIT A. Newsboy found selling papers in Restricted District after 12 :00 P. M. (Zl) John , Age 14. OF THE UHlVEBSlTlf OF ILUWM* EXHIBITS 367 EXHIBIT B. Newsboy found selling papers in Restricted District after 12 :00 P. M. (Z2) George - , Age 11. Reported to Juvenile Court and rescued by Probation Officer. IIBK&RY OF THE OINERSITY OF EXHIBITS 369 EXHIBIT C. Newsboys found selling papers in Restricted District after 12 :00 P. M. (73) Fred - , Age 15. (Z4) Sam , Age 10. EXHIBITS 371 EXHIBIT D. (Z5) Photograph of -, 15 years old. Messenger No. (Name and number in possession of the Commission.) THE LIBRARY OF THE OF EXHIBITS 373 EXHIBIT E. (Z6) Messenger Boy found working in the Restricted District. Photograph of , 17 years old. (Name and number in possession of the Commission.) THE LIBRARY DFM OF ILLINOIS EXHIBITS 375 EXHIBIT F. (Z7) Photograph of Messenger No. , 1C years old. in Restricted District. (Name and number in possession of the Commission.) OF THE OF ILLINOIS EXHIBITS 377 EXHIBIT G. (Z8) Photograph of -, Messenger No. in Restricted District. imunr OF 1M of ILUNOIS EXHIBITS 379 EXHIBIT H. (Z9) Photograph of in Restricted District. Messenger No. Of IfcL ITY Of THE SOCIAL EVIL OF CHICAGO 381 EXHIBIT I. Copy of card used by physician who examines inmates of houses of prostitution. CHICAGO, 111., 19, .. This is to certify that I have examined this day. M , and found free from infectious and contagious diseases. M. D. Office. 282 THE SOCIAL EVIL OF CHICAGO EXHIBIT J. Copy of actual Letter from man whom we will call "C", instruct- ing agent, whom we will call "A" to continue transaction with procurer, whom we will call "B" for the purchase of women. HOTEL BROADWAY AND STREET, NEW YORK. October 17, 1910. Mr. "A"., Gen. Del. Chicago. Dear : I am busy on a deal here and probably will have to stay here for a cupple weeks yet. I wish you would see that friend of yours, the one that you spoke about to me and get from him how much it will cost to get what I want over there, send me the prices, etc. and if I cannot do any better here I will ask you to handle the deal you know what I want and if as you say your friend has been in business all over the country he also will know what to look for. If I can get them in Chicago it will save me a cupple of hundred in fares alone. Do that as soon as you can as I dont want to waste to much time in going back to Shanghai. Write soon as you can. Your friend, EXHIBIT K. Copy of a telegram supposed to have been received from "C" in New York to "A" in Chicago, instructing him to get women through "B" for his house in China. THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO. RECEIVED AT Station., 9 gy h i8 paid, New York. "A" House, Chicago. You know what I want. See your friend, get prices and number I can get. Will forward money to the Company of Illinois. "C" EXHIBITS 383 EXHIBIT L. Copy of letter sent to Hotel , New York, to "C" who wanted to secure women for his house in Shangai. Hotel. Chicago. Mr. "C" Hotel New York City. Dear Sir : I have spoken to my friend, he believes he can get you two, maybe more. The price will be for expenses, spending money, etc. $50.00 for each. Send what you want according to how many you want I cer- tainly will not spend more than will be necessary. Answer at once. Yours truly, "A" EXHIBIT M. Copy of Letter from New York from "C," giving Instructions to "A" about the payment of money to "B" for three women. HOTEL BROADWAY AND STREET. NEW YORK. Mr. "A," Gen. Del., Chicago. Dear Sir: Have received your letter, go ahead and let your friend get the two you write about and let me know as soon as possible how many more he can get. I have sent $150.00 to your account to the Co., that will be enough at present, when you need more tele- graph. Answer as soon as possible and keep me posted as to progress as I am anxious to return to China as soon as possible. Yours truly, "C" P. S. Tell your friend that if he will do his best and get me what I want, I will not only pay him, but will make him a nifty present as well. 384 THE SOCIAL EVIL OF CHICAGO EXHIBIT N. A Bill for an Act Entitled an Act to Prevent the Transmission of Venereal Diseases. House Bill 357. Introduced by Hon. R. K. Bedgood. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Indiana, That it shall be unlawful for County Clerks to issue a license to marry to any male who fails to present a medical certificate showing him to be free from all venereal diseases ; said certificate to be sworn to by a licensed physician and to be filed with the usual application for license to marry. SECTION 2. The certificate required in Section 1, shall read as follows, to-wit: I, , M. D., being a licensed physician in the State of Indiana, do hereby certify that I have carefully and thorough- ly examined , having applied the recognized clinical and laboratory tests of scientific medicine and find him to be free from all symptoms and taint of any venereal disease. (Here follows affidavit of examining physician.) SECTION 3. If persons resident of this State, with intent to evade the provisions of this act, go into another State and there have their marriage solemnized with the intention of afterward returning and residing in this State, and do so return and reside in this State, such marriage shall be null and void and such parties, upon returning to this State, shall be subject to all the penalties provided for in this act. SECTION 4. Violation of this act shall be punished by a fine of one hundred dollars. SECTION 5. All acts or parts of acts in conflict with this act are repealed. EXHIBITS 385 EXHIBIT O. AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, IN RELA- TION TO REGULATING AND LICENSING PUBLIC DANCE HALLS. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows : SECTION 1. The Greater New York Charter, as re-enacted by chapter four hundred and sixty-six of the laws of nineteen hundred and one, is hereby amended by adding after Section fourteen hundred and eighty-seven, seven new sections, to be sections fourteen hundred and eighty-eight, fourteen hundred and eighty-nine, fourteen hundred and ninety, fourteen hundred and ninety-one, fourteen hundred and ninety-two, fourteen hundred and ninety-three, and fourteen hundred and ninety- four thereof, to read, respectively, as follows : SECTION 1488. The words "public dance hall" when used in this title shall be taken to mean : Any room, place or space in the City of New York in which danc- ing is carried on and to which admission can be had by payment of a fee, or by the purchase, possession or presentation of a ticket or token, or in which a charge is made for caring for clothing or other property, other than a hotel having upwards of fifty bedrooms, or Any room, place or space in the City of New York, located upon premises which are licensed to sell liquors, other than a hotel hav- ing upwards of fifty bedrooms, in which dancing is carried on and to which the public may gain admission, either with or without payment of fee. The word "Dancing" as used in this and the succeeding sections shall not apply to exhibitions or performances in which the persons paying for admission do not participate. PUBLIC DANCE HALL DANCING ACADEMY FORBIDDEN WITHOUT LICENSE. SECTION 1489. No public dance hall shall be conducted nor shall dancing be taught or permitted in any public dance hall unless it shall be licensed pursuant to this act and the license be in force and not suspended. Any person violating this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. PUBLIC DANCE HALLS LICENSE OF REQUIREMENTS. SECTION 1490. All public dance halls shall be licensed by the Mayor or other licensing authority of the City of New York; the fee for each such license shall be fifty dollars for each year or fraction thereof. All licenses issued on or between the first day of April and the thirtieth day of September of any year shall expire on the thirty- first day of March of the succeeding year. All licenses issued on or 386 THE SOCIAL EVIL OF CHICAGO between the first day of October and the thirty-first day of March of any year, shall expire on the thirtieth day of September of the suc- ceeding year. No license shall be issued unless the place for which it is issued complies with all laws, ordinances, rules and the provisions of any building code applicable thereto and is a safe and proper place for the purpose for which it shall be used, properly ventilated and supplied with sufficient toilet conveniences. Every licensed public dance hall shall post its license at the main entrance to its premises. NO LICENSE WITHOUT REPORT AFTER INSPECTION. SECTION 1491. No license shall be issued until the licensing au- thority of the City of New York shall have received a written report of an inspector that the building or premises to be licensed complies with section fourteen hundred and ninety of this title. All inspectors shall be permitted to have access to all public dance halls at all reason- able times and whenever they are open for dancing, instruction in danc- ing or for any other purpose. Inspectors shall be required to report all violations. All reports shall be in writing and shall be filed and made public records. PUBLIC DANCE HALLS SALE OF LIQUOR THEREIN. SECTION 1492. Dancing shall not be permitted in any place in the City of New York licensed to sell liquors, except in a hotel having upwards of fifty bedrooms, unless such place shall also be licensed under section fourteen hundred and ninety. Violation of this provi- sion shall be deemed a violation of the liquor tax law with respect to such premises. No liquors shall be sold, served, or given away, in any public dance hall in which dancing is advertised to be taught, or in which classes in dancing are advertised to be maintained, or in which instruction in dancing is given for hire; or in any room con- nected with such hall. The word "liquors" as used in this section, shall be construed as defined in the liquor tax law of this state. The licensing authority shall immediately notify the state commis- sioner of Excise of the granting or renewal or revocation or forfeiture of any license issued under this title to any place or premises which are licensed to sell liquor. LICENSE WHEN FORFEITED OR REVOKED. SECTION 1493. The license of any public dance hall may be for- feited for habitual disorderly or immoral conduct permitted on the premises and shall be forfeited on conviction of any person for viola- tion of section fourteen hundred and ninety-two of this act, or upon the conviction of any person for violation of section fourteen hun- dred and eighty-four or section eleven hundred and forty-six of the penal law in or with respect to the premises of any public dance hall. EXHIBITS 387 The license of any public dance hall may be revoked by the licensing authority whenever the licensed premises do not comply with section fourteen hundred and ninety of this act, provided that licensee or per- son in charge shall be served with a copy of the report or complaint. In any case where a license is revoked or where the licensing authority refuses to grant a new license, reasons for the action must be stated in writing and shall be made public records. Should the license of any place have been revoked twice within a period of six months, no new license shall be granted to such place for a period of at least one year from date of the second revocation. SECTION 1494. The Mayor or licensing authority of the City of New York may appoint such inspectors and other officials necessary to carry out the provisions of sections fourteen hundred and eighty- nine, fourteen hundred and ninety, fourteen hundred and ninety-one, fourteen hundred and ninety-two and fourteen hundred and ninety- three as may be authorized by the board of estimate and apportion- ment of the city or authority having the right to appropriate public money. The money paid for licenses under this act shall be applied toward the payment of the salaries of the inspectors appointed here- under. Any deficiency and any other expense of carrying this act into effect until appropriation can be made therefor, shall be met by the issue of special revenue bonds of the city. The inspectors to be ap- pointed under this section shall be designated as inspectors of public dance halls. SECTION 2. This act shall take effect immediately. 388 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO EXHIBIT P. Facsimile of page of an account book used by madam of a house in giving credit to inmates for services rendered: Wednesday, May 8th. The totals-are inserted. Sunday, May sth. NUMBER OF MEN. BESSIE. ALINE. A y TOtp //////////////////// ...... ' - ............................ 20 VERE. //////////////// ......................................... 16 KITTY. //////////////////////// ............................... 24 MlNA. //////////////////////////////////// ................. 36 EDITH. FLORINCE. //////////////////// .................................... 20 i. This book formed part of the evidence in the Leona Garrity case, tried in the Supreme Court. EXHIBITS 389 Monday, May 6th. BESSIE. / ////////////////.. ALINE. ALICE. //////////////.. KITTY. ////////////////// MINA. //// ////////////////// /////////////// . EDITH. /////////////// ////////////////// FLORINCE. /////.. ////////////////// /////////////////.. VERA. 16 15 '7 390 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO Tuesday, May 7th. BESSIE. ALICE. /////////// ............................................... n VERA. ////////////// ............................................ 14 KITTY. //////////// ............................ ': ................. 12 MlNA. //////////// .............................................. 12 EDITH. /////////////// ........................................... iS FLORINCE. ///////////////////// ................................... 21 SOPHY. ////////////////// ....................................... 18 EXHIBITS 391 Wednesday May 8. BESSIE. ALICE. VERA. 16 KITTY. MlNA. EDITH. 10 FLORINCE. 21 SOPHY. 21 392 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO Thursday, May Qth. BESSIE. KITTY. ///////////////// 17 FLORINCE. ///////////////////////////////////////////// 45 ANNIE. ////////////////////// 22 Total, Florince, 5 nights, 130 men at fifty cents each of which she received twenty-five cents each. Average, per night, 26 men. INDEX. Page ABDUCTION law 349 ABOLISH FINING SYSTEM 46 ABORTION 223 Mills 277 Law 341 ACTION OF CITY COUNCIL ON REPORT 10 ADVERTISEMENTS cure of diseases 221 ADVERTISING: methods of houses 78 ADVERTISEMENTS prohibited ordinance 344 AGENCIES FOR CARE AND REFORMATION OF GIRLS 274 AMUSEMENTS: parks 213, 246 Ordinance 327 ARMY STATISTICS AND VENEREAL DISEASE 300 APPRECIATION, a word of 29 APPROPRIATION FOR COMMISSION 5,9 ASSIGNATION: houses 34 Hotels 73 Typical cases 75 Rooms over saloons 131 ATTITUDE OF COMMISSION 28 BAR PERMITS ordinance 326 BARTENDERS AND WAITERS IN DISORDERLY SALOONS 123 BASTARDY law 347 BEER: sale of, in houses 77 BOARD OF EDUCATION: recommendations to 63 BOATS FOR PROSTITUTION law 310 BREWERS AND SALOONS 120 Companies 119 BUSSE, MAYOR FRED A 29 CADET, the 184 And panders 176 CALL HOUSE flat 81 CAUSES 45, 174, 262 CHILD PROTECTION AND EDUCATION 235 CHILDREN: protection 35 In saloons 126 In vice districts 237 Venereal diseases among 241 Underfed 246 Ordinance 333 CHURCHES recommendations to 64 394 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO Page CITY AUTHORITIES recommendations to 59 CITY COUNCIL action on report 10 CLANDESTINE PROSTITUTES 290 COCAINE: use of by prostitutes 84 Law 317 Ordinance 319 COLORED COMMUNITIES situation in 38 COMMERCIALIZED BUSINESS prostitution a 32 COMMISSION'S WORK scope of 30 COMMITTEES OF COMMISSION study by 13 COMMITTEE OF FIFTEEN 184 COMMITTEES reports of 30 CONDITIONS ignorance of 31 CONFECTIONERY AND ICE CREAM PARLORS 249 CONFERENCES BEFORE COMMISSION 9 CORPORATION COUNSEL recommendations to 61 COUNTY OFFICIALS recommendations to 58 CRIMES AGAINST CHILDREN law 349 CRITICISM BY COMMISSION 28 CUSTOMERS flat 81 DANCE HALLS 185, 210, 266 In saloons 1 26 And police 158 And prostitutes 171 DELINQUENT GIRLS 173 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HOUSES law 310 DEPARTMENT STORES 198 DEPENDENT, NEGLECTED AND DELINQUENT CHILDREN law 350 DISEASES: in houses 76 Advertisements 221 DISORDERLY CONDUCT law 311 DISORDERLY HOUSE law 309 DOMESTIC SERVICE 268 DRAMSHOPS law 323 DRUGS: typical cases 85 Itinerant vendor, law 342 ECONOMIC SIDE OF QUESTION 42 Conditions ' 230 EDUCATION sex 36 EDUCATIONAL METHODS 253 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES 218, 246 Law 335 ENTERTAINMENT IN SALOONS 125 ENTICING FEMALE IN HOUSE law 311 INDEX 395 Page EXHIBITS: newsboys 365, 367, 369 Messenger boys 371, 373, 375, 377, 379 Card used by physician 381 Regarding purchase of women 382, 383 Copy of bill to prevent transmission of venereal disease 384 Copy of act regarding dance halls 385 Copy of account book kept by a "Madame" 388 EXISTING CONDITIONS IN CHICAGO 69 EXPLOITATION OF INMATES 77 FEDERAL AUTHORITIES: recommendations to 55 FINING SYSTEM 46 FLATS: typical cases 75 A typical 79 As a call house 81 Customers 81 Renting 81 And police 151 FREQUENTING HOUSE OF ILL FAME: law 311 FRUIT STORES AND ICE CREAM PARLORS: ordinance 334 GRAND JURY: New York 231 HEALTH DEPARTMENT: recommendations to 63 And venereal diseases 293 HOME CONDITIONS: bad 40, 229, 245, 264 HOSPITALS AND VENEREAL DISEASE 294 HOTELS: typical cases 75 And police 151 HOUSES: typical cases 75 Profits from sale of liquor ; in And police 151 Law 309 Ordinances 309 IMMIGRANT: the 40 Women 227 Protection of girls , 246 Protective league 278 IMMORAL SHOWS 74, 77 Literature and pictures 249 INDECENT LITERATURE: immoral exhibitions, ordinance 346 INDUSTRIAL HOMES 47 Conditions 281 INFAMOUS CRIME: law 348 INHERITANCE OF VENEREAL DISEASE 295 INMATES: exploitation of 77 In flats 80 Data regarding thirty 166 INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY 25 396 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO Page JUVENILE: court records 174 And other delinquents 228 LAKE STEAMERS 215 LAWS: not enforced 33 LIQUOR DEALERS PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION 119 And saloon 121 LIQUOR: sale of in houses, flats and hotels 82 LITERATURE RELATING TO DISEASE: ordinance 344 LOOKOUTS AND SALOON 123 MALE PROSTITUTES 290 MAN'S PART: the 44 MASSAGE PARLORS AND BATHS 73, 84 MATERNITY: extra-conjugal 282 MAYOR'S STATEMENT TO THE PRESS 3 To City Council.. 7 MEDICAL INSPECTION 74 MEDICINE: practice of, law 338 MEN: a closing word to 47 Connected with houses 79 Vicious and degenerate 240 MESSENGER BOYS 242 Exhibits 371, 373, 375, 377, 379 MIDNIGHT CLOSING: saloons 126 MIDWIVES 225 MINORS: selling liquors to, law 324 Admittance to public dance halls, law 325 Employment of, law 330 MORALITY: two standards of 31 MORALS: bad effect of long hours on 199 Effect of fatigue on 200 NERVOUS STRAIN 269 NEWSBOYS 241 Exhibits 365, 367, 369 NIGHT WALKERS : ordinance 314 OBSCENE BOOKS: law 345 OBSCENE AND IMMORAL PICTURES: ordinance 346 OCCASIONAL PROSTITUTE: intelligent treatment of 280 ORDINANCE: a proposed 51 ORDINANCE CREATING VICE COMMISSION 6 ORGANIZATION: vice commission 4 OWNERS AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS 87 PANDERS AND CADETS 176 Law 312 PARENTS: recommendations to 64 PARK COMMISSIONERS: recommendations to 64 INDEX 397 Page PATRONS OF HOUSES 114 PERVERSION 39 PERVERT METHODS 73 PHILANTHROPIC AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS: recommendations to 65 POLICE 29 Recommendations to 62 List 70 And social evil 143 Rules and regulations 145 Records 146 On the beat 150 And houses, assignation hotels and flats 151 And typical cases 151 And street soliciting 152 And saloons 155 And dance halls 158 PREVENTIVE MEASURES 253 And veneral diseases 300 PROCURING , 230 PROFESSIONAL PROSTITUTE 285 PROFITS FROM PROSTITUTION 95 Sale of liquor in disorderly saloons 108 Sale of liquor in houses in How disorderly saloons make abnormal 130 On beer in rear room of disorderly saloons 130 On counterfeit drinks 131 PROPHYLAXIS 301 PROSTITUTION AS A BUSINESS 32 And saloon 34 PROSTITUTES: use of cocaine and morphine by 84 In dance halls 171 In saloon 172 On street 172 PROTECTION OF CHILDREN 35 Of women in saloon 129 PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENTS: sale of liquor and ordinance 325 PUBLIC PARKS 252 RAVAGES OF VENEREAL DISEASE 298 REAL ESTATE AGENTS 87 RECOMMENDATIONS 55 RECEIPTS: connection with flat 80 RECREATIONAL CONDITIONS 230 REGULATION OF VICE: police rules 329 RELIGIOUS BODIES: recommendations to 64 REMEDIAL MEASURES 272 398 THE SOCIAL EVIL IN CHICAGO Page RENT OF ASSIGNATION ROOMS OVER SALOONS 131 REPORT PRESENTED TO CITY COUNCIL 10 RESCUE AND REFORM 45, 261 RESCUE HOME 284 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS 72 Prostitution in 238 REASEARCH COMMITTEE OF COMMITTEE OF FOURTEEN 231 RESOLUTION: presented to Mayor i Commemorating death of Dr. James Nevins Hyde 8 Of appreciation 21 ROBBING IN SALOONS 126 SALESGIRLS: wages 205 Temptations 207 SALOON AND PROSTITUTION 34 Profits from sale of liquor in disorderly 108 And social evil 119 And brewers 120 Liquor dealers protective association and 121 Licenses 121 Advertising 122 And lookouts 123 Bartenders and waiters in disorderly 123 And entertainment 125 And midnight closing 126 And dance halls 126 And prostitution 127 And police 155 And prostitutes 172 Ordinance 319, 320 License fee 321 SEDUCTION: law 311 SEMI-DELINQUENT GIRLS: intelligent treatment of 280 SEMI-PROFESSIONAL PROSTITUTES 271 SEX EDUCATION 36 SEXUAL MATTERS: lack of knowledge of 268 SOCIAL EVIL AND ITS MEDICAL ASPECTS 289 SOCIAL EVIL AND SALOON 119 And police 143 SOLICITATION 73 On street 91 In saloon 129 SOURCES OF SUPPLY 39, 163 STATE AUTHORITIES: recommendations to 56 STERILITY: female 299 INDEX 399 Page STREET SOLICITATION 91 Police 152 Prostitutes , 172 STREET: lack of supervision on 265 STREET VENDORS 242 STUDY OF THE COMMISSION: outline of ^X- J 3 SUBNORMALITY .'+.. 228 SUPPLY: sources of 39 TABLES: data regarding thirty inmates 166 Conditions in seven police precincts 357 Hotels, flats and saloons investigation 358 Houses, hotels, assignation houses investigated 359 Saloons investigated 360 Houses, hotels, assignation houses, saloons investigated 361 THEATRES: cheap 247 THEATRICAL AGENTS 266 THEFTS AND CRIME 74 TYPICAL CASES: houses, flats, assignation rooms and hotels 75 Owners and real estate agents 89 Street solicitation 92 Saloons 132 Police 151 Dance halls 210 Department stores 210 Amusement parks 213 Lake steamers 216 Employment agencies 219 Midwives 225 UNITED STATES ARMY AND VENEREAL DISEASE 302 VAGABONDS AND VAGRANTS: ordinance 315 Law 316 VENEREAL DISEASE: among children 241 Treatment of 278, 291 VULGARITY IN SALOON 129 WAGES: payment due, law 337 WINE ROOMS: ordinance : 322 WHITE SLAVE TRAFFIC 41 WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALERS 119, 122 WOMEN: unfortunate, how can be rescued 46 How enter life through saloon 127