^^B r- ^^^ JliyMf "jfllBMffyT ^^H SI ^^» ^^ :^ t^ /: AN ACCURATE ^INAXYSIS^'^'"'"' OF THE DIVISION LIST ON THE SECOND EEADING OP THE BURIALS BILL, In the House of Commons on March 2^^ 1873, THE NAMES OF THE MEMBERS ABSENT AND PAIRED, AND ALSO THE VOTES OF MEMBERS FOR EACH CONSTITUENCY. LONDON : THE CHURCH DEFENCE INSTITUTION, 25, Parliament Street, S.W. lo7o. PEEFACE. The Burials Bill is one of the most objectionable and mischievous measures ever brought into Parliament. Under the specious pretence of relieving Noncon- formists from a grievance scarcely felt, it creates a new and intolerable grievance which Churchmen would, under its provisions, be compelled to bear. A few years since Nonconformists clamorously de- manded exemption from Church Bates, on the ground that the money raised by them was expended for what thev did not use. Church Bates have been abolished, and Nonconformists, though they do not pay a penny for the maintenance of Churchyards, claim not only the right of interment, which has never been doubted or denied, but an equal right to the regulation of Services and Ceremonies therein. Nothing can be more unjust than this. Englishmen as yet do not see this clearly, but the truth is gra- dually forcing itself upon them. Political Dissenters are doing their utmost to affront the Church. The Burials Bill offers an easy and inexpensive mode of doing this. They would by means of it force the services of any '* minister or member^' of any denomi- nation into our Churchyards against our will. The Parish Clergyman would therefore be utterly powerless to prevent the continual desecration of God's Acre. Though we need not fear such action from quiet Dis- senters, yet by this Bill the door is opened to the most noisy among them, who can easily make it an engine of intolerable annoyance to the Clergy and Churchmen generally We trust, therefore, that at the next election all the friends of the Church will bestir themselves, and demand from every candidate re- questing their vote, irrespective of their political opinions, a distinct promise pledging himself to vote against the Bill whenever again introduced into Par- liament. We believe that the analysis of the voting on the second reading of the Bill, which accompanies this, will be found especially useful for electors during the preparation for the next election, which is now becoming general througliout tlie country. ^UIUC BURIALS BILL. ANALYSIS OE THE DIVISION. HOUSE OF COMMONS, Wednesday, 26th March, 1873. Burials Bill, — Order for Second Reading read: Motion made, and Question proposed, " That the Bill be now read a Second Time :" — Amendment proposed, to leave out the word " now," and at the end of the Question to add the words " upon this day six months :" — (ilfr. Disraeli :) — Question put, "That the wore! 'now' stand part of the Question:" — The House divided ; Ayes 280, Noes 217. AYES. (282 including Tellers.) Adair, Hugh Edward S Adam, William Patrick I Agar-EIlis, Hon. Leopold G. F. Allen, W. Shepherd (Newc. U.L.) 5 S Anderson, George S Anstruther, Sir Robert Antrobus, Sir Edmmid S Armitstead, George Ayrton, Rt. Hon. Acton Smee 10 S Aytouu, Roger Sinclair Backhouse, Edmund Baiues, Edward Baker, Richard B. Wingfield S Balfour, Sir George 15 Barclay, Alex. Chas. (Taunton) S Barclay, James William (Forfar) Bass, Michael Arthur (Staffordsh., E.) Bass, Michael Thomas (Derby) Bassett, Francis 20 S Baxter, Right Hon. William Edward Bazley, Sir Thomas, Bart. Beaumont, H. F. (West Riding, S.) Beaumont, W. B. (Northum. S.) Beaumont, Somerset A. (Wakefield) 25 Beaumont, Major Fred. (Durham, S.) Biddulph, Michael I Blennerhassett, Rowland P. (Kerry) I Blennerhassett, Sir R. (Galway) BolckoAv, Henry W. F. 30 Bonham-Carter, John S Bouverie, Right Hon. Ed. Pleydell S Bowmont, Marquis of (Roxburgh) Bowring, Edgar A. Brand, Henry Robert 35 Brewer, Dr. Bright, Jacob (Manchester) Bright, Right Hon. John (Birmingh.) Brinckman, Captain 40 Bristowe, Samuel Boteler Brogden, Alexander Brown. Alexander H. (Wenlock) I Browne, George Ekins (Mayo) Bruce, Lord Charles (Wilts, North) Bruce, Right Hon. Lord Ernest (Marl.) 45 S Bruce, Right Hon. H. Austin (Renfr.) Buckley, Nathaniel ( Staly bridge) Buller, Sir Edward M., Bart. Bury, Viscount Cadogan, Hon. Frederick W. 50 I Callan, Philip S Campbell-Bannerman, Henry Candlish, John Cardwell, Right Hon. Edward Carington, Hon. Capt. William Carter, Robert M. Cartwright, William C. (Oxfordshire) Cavendish,LordF.C. (York W.R. N.D.) Chadwick, David Chambers, Sir Thos. (Marylebone) Childers, Right Hon. Hugh Cholmeley, Captain (Grantham) Clay, James Clifford, Charles Cavendish S Colebrooke, Sir Thomas EdAvard 65 Coleridge, Sir John Duke Colman, Jeremiah James I Corrigan, Sir Dominic Cowper, Hon. Hcniy F. (Herts) Cowper-Temple,RL. llon.W. (Hants. S.) 70 S Craufurd, Edw. H-.-ray J. (Ayr) Crawford, Robert Wygram (London) W Cunliffe, Sir Robert Alfred S Dalglish, Robert I Dalway, Marriott Robert 75 W Davies, Richard (Anglesey) I Dease, Edmund 55 60 S Scotch Members ; I Irish; W Welsh. I Delaliunty, James Dent, Johu Dent Dickinson, Sebastian S. 80 D ilke, Sir Charles Wcntworth W Dillwyn, Lewis Llewellyn Dixon, George (Birmingham) Dodds, Joseph Dodson, Right Hon. John George 85 I Downing, M'Carthy S Duff, Mount. Elph. Grant (Elgin) S Duff, Kobert William (Banffshire) Edwards, Henry Egerton, Admiral Hon. F. (Derl)v, E.) 90 S Ellice, Edward Enfield, Viscount S Erskine, Admiral John E. I Esmonde, Sir John S Ewing, H. Ewing Crum (Paisley) 95 Eykyn, Roger Fawcett, Henry S Finnie, William I FitzGerald, Right Hon. Lord Otho A. Fletcher, Isaac 100 S Fordyce, William Dingwall Forster. Charles (Walsall) Forster, Rt. Hon. Wm. Edw. (Bradf.) I Fortescue, Right Hon. C. S. (Louth) Fortescue, Hon. Dudley F. (And.) 105 W Fothergill, Richard Fowler, William (Cambridge Borough) I Gavin, Major Gilpin, Charles (Northampton) Gladstone, Right Hon. W. E. (Grreenw.) 110 Gladstone, Wm. Henry (Whitby) Glyn, Hon. George Grenfell Goldsmid, Sir Francis (Reading) Goschen. Right Hon. Geo. Joachim Gower, Hon, E. F. Levesou (Bodmin) 115 S Graham, William S Grant, Colonel Hon. James I Greville, Hon. Capt. (Westmeath) I Greville-Nugent, Hon. G. F. N. (Long.) S Grieve, James Johnstone (Greenock) 120 Grosvenor, Hon. Norman (Chester) Grove, Thomas Eraser Hadfield, George I Hamilton, Lord Claud (Tyrone) S Hamilton, John G. C. (Lanarksh. S.) Harcourt, W. G. G. V. Vernon Harris, John Dove Hartington, Marquis of Headlam, Right Hon. Thos. Emerson Henderson, John 130 Henley, Lord (Northampton) I Henry, Mitchell (Galwav Co.) Herbert, Hon. Auberon E. W. (Not.) I Herbert, Henry A. (Kerry) I Heron, Denis Caulfeild ] 35 Hibbert, John Tomlinson Hcare, Sir H. Ainslie (Chelsea) 125 W Hodgkinson, Grosvenor Hodgson, Kirkraan D. (Bristol) W Holland, Samuel 140 Holms, John Horsmau, Right Hon. Edward Hoskyns, Chandos Wren Howard, Hon. Chas. W. G. (Cumb. E Howard, James (Bedford) 145 Hughes, Thomas (Frome) Hurst, Robert Henry Hutt, Right Hon. Sir William Illingworth, Alfred James, Henry 150 Jessel, Sir George Johnston, Andrew (Essex, S.) Johnstone, Sir Harcourt (Scarbro.) Kay-Shuttleworth, Ughtred Jas. W Kensington, Lord 155 King, Hon. P. John Locke S Kinnaird, Hon. Arthur Fitzgerald I Knox, Hon. Colonel Stuart S Laing, Samuel Lambert, Nathaniel Grace 160 Lancaster, John Lawrence, Sir James C. (Lambeth) Lawrence, William (London) Lea, Thomas (Kidderminster) Leatham, Edward Aldam 165 Leeman, George Lefevre, George John Shaw S Leith, John Farley I Lewis, Chas. Edwd. (Londonderry) Lewis, Harvey (Marylebone) 170 Lewis, John D. (Devonport) W Lloyd, Sir Thomas Davies Locke, John Lowe, Right Hon. Robert Lush, John Alfred, Dr. 175 Lusk, Andrew Lytteltou, Hon. Charles George S Mackintosh, Eneas William M' Arthur, William I M'Clure, Thomas 180 S M'Combie, William S MT^agan, Peter S M'Laren, Duncan I M'Mahon, Patrick (New Ross) Martin, Phil. Wykeham (Rochester) 185 Massey, Right Hon. Wm. Nathaniel S Matheson, Alexander S Maxwell, Wellwood Herries Melly, George S Merry, James 190 Miall, Edward Milbank, Frederick Acclom S Miller, John Mitchell, Thomas Alexander Monk, Charles James 195 I Monsell, Right Hon. William Morley, Samuel Morrison, AValter Muudella, Anthony John Mnntz, P hilip Henry 200 Norwood, Charles Morgan I O'Brien, Sir Patrick I O 'Conor Don, The (Roscommon) S Ogilvy, Sir John, Bart. Onslow, Guildford J. H. 205 I O'Reilly-Dease, Matthew (Louth) I O'Reilly, Myles Wm. (Longford) I Osborne, Ralph Otway, Arthur John Palmer, John Hinde 210 S Parker, Charles Stuart (Perthshire) W Parry, T. Love D. Jones- Pease, Joseph Whitwell Peel, Arthur Wellesley (Warwick.) Pelham, Lord 215 S Pender, John Philips, R. Needham S Playfair, Dr. Lyon Potter, Edmund (Carlisle) Potter, Thos. Bayley (Rochdale) 220 I Power, John Talipot Price, Wm. Edwin (Tewkesbury) Price, William Philip (Gloucester) W Ramsden, Sir John W. 265 Rathbone, William 225 I Redmond, William Archer Reed, Charles (Hackney) W Richard, Henry (Merthyr Tydtil) ! W Richards, Evan M. (Cardigan co.) 270 Roden, William S. j 230 Rothschild, Nath. M. de (Aylesbury) I Russell, Lord Arthur (Tavistock) Russell, Sir William (Norwich) Rylands, Peter 275 St. Aubyn, Sir John 235 Samuda, Joseph D'Aguilar W Sartoris, Edward John Seely, Charles (Lincoln) Shaw, Richard (Burnley) 280 Tellers for the Ayes, (W.) Mr. Osborne Morgan 240 I S 245 I W 250 W 255 I 260 W S W Sheridan, Hcnrj^ B. Sherlock, David Sherriff, Alexander Clunes Simon, Mr. Serjeant Sinclair, Sir John G. Tollemachc Smith, John Benjamin (Stockpr.rl) Smith, Eustace (Tynemouth) Stacpoole, William Stansfeld, Right Hon. James Stapleton, John Stepney, Sir John S. C. Stevenson, James Cochran Stone, William Henry Storks, Right Hon. Sir Henry Knight Strutt, Hon. Henry Stuart, Colonel James P. D. C. Synan, Edmund John Taylor, Peter Alfred (Leicester) Tollemache, Hon. Fred. J. (Grantham) Torrens, W. T. M'Cullagh (Finsbmy) Torrens, Sir Rob. R. (Camb. Boro.) Tracy, Hon. Chas. R. D. Hanbury- Trela\ray, Sir John Salusbury Trevelyan, George Otto Villiers, Right Hon. C. Pelham Vivian, Henry Hussey (Glamorgaush.) Vivian, Arthur P. (Cornwall, W.) Walter, John Wcdderburn, Sir David Weguelin, Thomas M. West, Henry Wyndham Whatman, James Whitbread, Samuel White, Hon. Col. Chas. (Tipp. Co.) White, James (Brighton") Williams, Watkin (Denbigh) Willyams, E. W. Brydges (Corn. E.) Williamson, Sir Hedworth Winglield, Sir Charles Winterbotham, Hen. Selfe Page Woods, Henry Young, Adolph. Wm. (Helston) and Lord Edmond Fitzmaurice. NOES. (219 including Tellers.) Sir Charles Adderley, Right Hon. Sn- Charles 15 Akroyd, Edward Allen, Major (Somerset, E.) Amphlett, Richard P. 5 I Annesley, Hon. Colonel Hugh | Arbuthnot, Major George ! 20 Arkwright, Aug. P. (Derby, N.) ; ArkA^T-'ight, Richard (Leominster) Assheton, Ralph 10 Baggallay, Sir Richard Bagge, Sir William 25 Bailey, Sir Joseph Russell I Ball, Right. Hon. John Thoma Barnett, Henry Barrington, Viscount Barttelot, Colonel Bates, Edward Beach, Sir Michael Hicks (Glos. E.) Beach, W. W. Bramston (Hants N.) Bective, Earl of Bentipc): G. Cavendish (Whitehaven' Bentinck, George W. P. (Norf. W.) Beresford, Colonel Marcus Bingham, Lord Birley, Hugh Boiu-ke, Hon. Robert Bourne, Colonel Bright, Richard (Somers. E.) 8 IJrise, Colonel liuggles 30 Broadlev, William H. Harrison I Brnen, Henry Burrell, Sir Percy, Bart. Buxton, Sir Robert Jacob, Bart. Cartvvright, Fairfax (Northampton, S.) 35 CaAvley, Charles E. Cecil, Lord Eustace H. B. G. Chaplin, Henry Charley, William Thomas Child, Sir Smith iO Clive, Col. Hon. Geo. H. W. Windsor Clowes, Samuel William Cobbett, John Morgan Cochrane, Alex. D. W. B. Baillie I Cole, Col. Hon. Henry Arthur 45 Collins, Thomas Corbett, Colonel Edward Corrance, Frederick Snowden Croft, Sir Herbert G. D. Cross, Richard Assheton 50 Cubitt, George I Damer, Captain Dawson- Davenport, William Bromley Denison, Christopher Beckett I Dick, Fitzwilliam 55 Dickson, Major Alex. G. (Dover) Dimsdale, (Baron) Robert Disi'aeli, Right Hon. Benjamin Dowdeswell, William Edward Duncombe, Hon. Colonel 60 Du Pre. (•. George Dyott, Colonel Richard Eastwick, Edward B. Egerton, Hn. Alg. Fulke (Lane. S.) Egerton, Sir Phil. Grey (Chesh. W.) 65 Egerton, Hon. Wilb. (Chesh Mid.) Elliot, George Elphinstone, Sir James D. H. Feilden, Hen. Master (Blackburn) Fielden, Joshua (Yk. W.R.) (E.D.) 70 Fellowes, Edward Figgins, James Finch, George H. Floyer, John Forester, Rt. Hon. General 75 Foster, Win. Henry (Bridgnorth) Fowler, Robert N. (Penryn) Galway, Viscount Gilpin, Colonel (Beds) Goldney, Gabriel 80 Gooch, Sir Daniel Gore, J. Ralph Ormsby (Salop, N.) I Gore, Wm. Rd. Ormsby (Leitrim) Gray, Colonel (Bolton) Greene, Edward 85 Gregory, George B. Hambro, Charles Hari)ilton,Lord Claud J. (King's Lynn) I Hamilton, Ion Trant (Dublin Co.) Hamilton, Lord Cico. (Middlesex) iJO Hardy, Rt. Hon. Gathornc (Oxf. U.) Hardy, John (Warwick, S.) Hard}^, John Stewart (Rye) Ha}^ Sir John C. Dalrymple Henley, Rt. Hon. J. W. (Oxfordsh.) 1)5 Henry, Jn. Snowdon (Lane. S.E.) Herbert, Rt. Hn. Gen. Sir P. (Salop S.) Hermon, Edward Hervey, Lord Augustus H. C Heygate, Wm. Unwin (Leic. S.) 100 Hick, John Hill, Alexander Staveley Hodgson, W. Nicholson (Cum. E.) Hogg, James Macnaghten Holmesdale, Viscount 105 Holt, James Maden Hood, Capt. Hon. Arthur W. A. N. Hope, Alex. J. B. Beresford Hornby, Edward Kenworthy Hunt, Rt. Hon. George Ward 110 Jackson , Ralph Ward Jenkinson, Sir George S. Jervis, Colonel W Jones, John Kennaway, Sir John Henry 115 Knightley, Sir Rainald Lacun, Sir Edmund H. K. Laird, John Langton, W. Gore Laslelt, William 120 Learmonth, Alexander Legh, William J. (Chesh. E.) Leigh, Egerton (Chesh. M.) Lennox, Lord Geo. Gordon (Lym.) Lennox, Lord Henry G. (Chiclies.) 125 I Leslie, John Liddell, Hon. Henry George Lindpny, Hon. Col. Chas.(Abing.) Lindsay, Col. Robt. Loyd (Berks.) Lopes, Sir ^Massey (Devon, S.) 130 Lowther, Hon. Wm. (Westmoreland) Lowther, James (York) Malion, Viscount (Suffolk, E.) Manners, Right Hon. Lord J. (Leic. N.) Manners, Lord Geo. J. (Camb. Co.) 135 March, Earl of Mellor, Thomas W. Milles, Hon. Geo. W. (Kent, E.) Mills, Sir Chas. Henry (Kent, W.) Mitford, William Townley 140 Monckton, Francis (Staffordsh. W.) Monckton, Hon. Geo. E. M. (Notts.) Montagu, Right Hon. Lord Robert Morgan, C. Octavius (Monmouthsh.) W Morgan, Hem. Major (Brecon shire) 145 Mowbray, Right Hon. John Robert Muncaster, Lord Neville-Grcnville. Ralph Newdegate, Charles Newdigate 9 150 155 160 Newport, Viscount Nicholson, William 18i North, Colonel J. S. Northcote, Right Hon. Sir Stafford H Paget, Richard Horner j Pakington, Right Hon. Sir John Palk, Sir Lawrence 190 Parker, Lt.-Col. Windsor (Suffolk W.) | Patten, Right Hon. Colonel Wilson Peek, Henry William Pell, Albert Pemberton, Edw^ard Leigh ] 95 Phipps, Charles Paul ] Plunket, Hon. David Robert Powell, Fran. Sharp (York, W. R.) j Pow^ell, Walter (Malmesbury) | Raikes, Henry Cecil 200 Read, Clare Sewell (Norfolk S.) Ridley, Matthew White Round, James Royston, Viscount Salt, Captain Thomas 205 Sclater-Booth, George Scott, Lord Henry J. M. D. W Scourfield, John Henry Selwin-Ibbetson, Sir Henry J. 175 I Shirley, Sewallis Evelyn 210 Simonds, William Barrow Smith, Abel (Herts.) Smith, Fred. C. (Notts, N.) Smith; Rowland (Derbysh. S.) W 180 Smith, Wm, Hen. (Westminster) 215 W Smith, Samuel Geo. (Aylesbury) I Stanhope, Walter T. W. Spencer Stanley, Hon. Fred. (Lane. N.) Tellers for the Noes, Mr. Dyke and 16, 170 Starkic, John Pierce C. Steere, Lee Straight, Douglas Sturt, Henry Gerard (Dorset) Sturt, Lt.-Col. Napier (Dorchest.) Sykes, Christopher Talbot, John Gilbert (Kent, W.) Talbot, Hon. Captain (Stafford) Tipping, William Tollemachc, Major W. F. (Ches. W.) Tomline, George Torr, John Trevor, Lord Arthm- Edwin Hill- Turner, Charles (Lane. S.W.) Tumor, Edmund (Line. S.) Wallace, Sir Richard Walpole, Hon. Fred. (Norfolk N.) Walpole, Rt. Hon. Spencer H.(Cam. U.) Walsh, Hon. Arthur Waterhouse, Major Samuel Watney, James, jun. Welby, William Earle Wells, Edward (Wallingford) Wethered, Thomas Owen Wharton, John Lloyd Wheelhouse, William St. J. Williams, Sir Fred. M. (Truro) Wilmot, Sir Henry Wise, Henry Christopher Wyndham, Hon. Percy Wynn, Sir Watkin W. (Denbighshire) Wynn, Chas. W. W. (Montgomery sh.) Yarmouth, Earl of Yorke, John Reginald Mr. Rowland Winn. PAIRS (38). FOR THE BILL. Sir W. Lawson (Carlisle) W Lord Richard Grosvenor (Flintshire) Mr. Hardcastle (Bury St. Edmunds) S Mr. Macfie (Leith, &c.) 5 Dr. D. Dalrymple (Bath) Sir W. Tite (Bath) Sir J. Cowen (Newcastle-on-Tyne) Mr. Whalley (Peterborough) S Mr. Jardine (Dumfries, &c.) 10 Mr. Foljambe (East Retford) Mr. H. Samuelson, jun. (Cheltenham) Mr. Seely, jun. (Nottingham) Mr. Thomas Brassey (Hastings) WMr. C. R. M. Talbot (Glamorganshire) 15 Sir J. Lubbock (Maidstone) S Mr. Robertson (Berwickshire) Hon. C. Fitz William (Mai ton) Baron Mayer Rothschild (Hythe) Mr. A. Seymour (Salisbury) 10 15 AGAINST THE BILL. Sir T. Bateson (Devizes) Lord Henry Thjntine (Wilts, South) Mr. A. Bathurst (Cirencester) Mr. C. Brooks (Cheshire, East) I Right Hon. Col. Taylor (Dublin Co.) Mr. Sackville (Northampton) Mr. Lopes (Launceston) Mr. A. Guest (Poole) Mr. Greaves (Warwick) Mr. Malcolm (Boston) Sir E. Buckley (Nw^cstl.-under-Lyme) Mr. Holker (Preston) Mr. Barrow (Nottinghamshire) Mr. Butler-Johnstone (Canterbury) Mr. Eaton (Coventry) Mr. Hutton (Northallerton) Mr. Baring (Huntingdon) Mr. Hildyard Nottinghamshire) Mr. Knight (Worcestershire) 10 LIBERALS ABSENT WITHOUT PAIRS (70). Acland. Sir Thomas (Devon, North) Amcotts, Lt.-Col. W. C. (Lincohi Mid.) Amory, J. H. (Tiverton) Anson, Hon. Augustus H. A. (Bewdley) 5 I Bagwell, John (Cloumel) I Barry, Arthur H. S. (Cork Co.) Bentall, E. H. (Maldon) I Brady, Dr. J. (Leitrim) Brassey, H. A. (Sandwich) 10 Brocklehurst, W. C. (Macclesfield) I Bryan, G. L. (Kilkenny Co.) I Butt, Isaac (Limerick) Cave, Thomas (Barnstaple) Cavendish, Lord G. H. (Derbyshire N.) 15 Chambers, Montague (Devonport) Cholmeley, Sir Montague (Line. N.) I Cogan, Kt. Hon. W. H. F. (Kildare) I Colthurst, Sir G. C. (Kinsale) I D'Arcy, M. P. (Wexford Co.) 20 S Davie, Sir H. R. F. (Haddington) I De La Poer, Edmond (Waterford Co.) I Digby, K. T. (Queen's Co.) Dundas, LaAvrence (Richmond) S Elcho, Lord (Haddingtonshire) 25 I Ennis, J. J. (Athlone) I Pagan, Capt. W. A. (Carlow) I Fitzwilliam, Hon. H. W. (Wickl. Co.) I French, Rt. Hon. Col. (Roscommon) Goldsmid, Julian (Rochester) 30 Gourley, E. T. (Sunderland) S Gower, Lord Ronald (Sutherlandshire) I Gray, Sir John (Kilkenny) Grey, Rt. Hon. Sir George (Morpeth) Grosvenor, Capt. Hon. R.W. (Westm.) 35 I Guest, M. J. (Youghal) Haviland-Burke, Ed (Christchurch) W Hughes W. B. (Carnarvon) Kingscote, Lieut.-Col. R. W.(Glouc. W) Knatchbull-H-ugessen, Ed. (Sandwich) iO S Lome, Marquis of (Argyleshire) I MacEvoy, Edward (Meath) McClean, J. R. (Staffordshire, E.) Magniac, Charles (St. Ives) S Maitland, Sir A. G. (Edinburgh) 45 Marling, S. S. (Gloucestershire, W.) I Martin, John (Meath) I Matthews, Henry (Dungarvan) I Munster,W. F. (Mallow) I Murphy, N. D. (Cork) 50 I O'Conor, D. M. (Sligo Co.) I O'Donoghue, D. (Tralee) I O'Loghlen, Rt. Hon. Sir C.(Clare Co.) Peel, Right Hon. Sir R. (Tam worth) I Pirn, J. (Dublin) 55 Plimsoll, S. (Derby) Portman, Hon. W. H. (Dorsetshire) I Ronayne, J. P. (Cork) Rothschild, Baron L. N. de (London) I St. Lawrence, Viscount (Galway) 60 Salomons, Sir David (Greenwich) Samuelson, Bernhard (Banbury) I Saunderson, E. J. (Cavan Co.) I Shaw, William (Bandon) I Smyth, P. J. (Westmeath Co.) G5 W Stanley, Hon. W. O. (Beaumauris) Verney, Sir H. (Buckingham) Wells, W. (Peterborough) Whitwell, John (Kendal) I AVhitworth, Thomas (Drogheda) 70 S Young, Right Hon. G. (Wigton) CONSERVATIVES ABSENT WITHOUT PAIRS (41). S Agnew, R. Vans (Wigton) I Archdall, Captain M. E. (Fermanagh) Benyon, Richd. (Berkshire) I Booth, Sir R. G. (Sligo Co.) 5 I Bruce, Sir H. H. (Coleraine) S Cameron, Donald (Inverness-shire) Cave, Right Hon, S. (New Shoreham) ^ I Conolly, Thos. (Donegal Co.) I Crichton, Viscount (Enniskillen) 10 S Dalrymple, C. (Buteshire) I Dawson, Robt. P. (Londonderry Co.) Drax, J. S. W. S. E. (Wareham) S Ewing, A. O. (Dumbarton) I Porde, Lieut.-Col. W. B. (Down Co.) 15 Gallwey, Sir W. P. (Thirsk) S Gordon, Rt. Hon. E. S. (Glasgow Univ.) Gurney, Right Hon. R. (Southampton) ^^ I Hamilton, Marquis of (Donegal Co.) Hanbury, R. W, (Tamworth) 20 I Heygate, Sir F. W. (Londonderry Co.) Hoare, P. M. (Southampton) W Holf ord, J. P. Gwynne- (Brecknock,&c.) I Johnston, Wm. (Belfast) I Kavanagh, Arthur M. (Carlow Co.) 25 Kekewich, Samuel T. (Devon, South) I Keown, William (Downpatrick) W Meyrick, Thos. (Pembroke) S Montgomery, Sir G. G. (Peebleshire) I Ne-\vry, Viscount (Newry) 30 Noel, Hon. G. J. (Rutland) I O'Neill, Hon. Edw. (Antrim Co.) Percy, Earl (Northumberland) '^ Sandon, Viscount (Liverpool) * W Somerset, Lord H. R. (Monmouthshire) 35 I Stronge, Col. Sir Jas. M. (Armagh Co.) I Trench, Major Hon. W. (Galway Co.) I Vance, John (Armagh) I Vandeleur, Col. C. M. (Clare Co.) I Verner, E. W. (Armagh Co.) 40 S Walker, Major G. G. (Dumfi"ies-sh.) Williams, C. H. (Barnstaple) * Out of the Kingdom. 11 COUNTIES AND BOEOUGHS— England and Wales. 489 Members. * Voted against the BilL Italics. Absent witliout pairing. t Voted for the Bill. Heavy type. Absent, but paired, f. For, a. Against The Counties are printed in Capitals. Abingdon C Col. Hon. C. H. Lindsay* Andover L Hon. D. F. Fortescuef Anglesey L Richard Daviesf Ashton-under-Lyne C Thomas W. Mellor* Aylesbury L N. M. de Rothschildf C Samuel George Smith* Banbury L Bernliard Samuelson Barnstaple L Thomas Cave C Charles H. Williams Bath L Sir William Tite, K.C.B. f. L Dr. Donald Dalrymple f. Beaumaris, J)'c L Hon. W. O. Stanley Bedford C Colonel Richard T. Gilpin* L Francis Bassettf Bedford L James Howardf L Samuel Whitbreadf Berks C Lieut.-Colonel R. J. L. Lindsay* C Richard Benyon L John Walterf BerwicTi-on-Tn-ced L Rt. Hon. Viscount Buryf L John Stapletonf Bewdley L Hon. Augustus H. A. Anson Birkenhead C John Laird* Birmingham L George Dixonf L Philip Henry Muntzf L Right Hon. John Brightf Blackburn C Edward K. Hornby* C Henry Master Feilden* Bodmin L Hon. E. F. Leveson Gowerf Bolton C John Hick* C Lieut.-Col. William Gray* Boston C John W. Malcolm a C Thomas Collins* Bradford L Rt. Hon. W. E. Forsterf L Edward Miallf Brecknock C Major Hon. G. C. Morgan* BrecTinocTi C James Price W. Gwynne Holford Bridgnorth L William Henry Foster* Bridjjort L Thomas Alexander Mitchellf Brighton L James Whitef L Henry Fawcettf Bristol L Samuel Morleyf L Kirkman Daniel Hodgsonf Bucks C Caledon G. Du Pre* C Right Hon. Benjamin Disraeli* L Nathaniel G. Lambertf Buckingham L Sir Harry Verney, Bart. Burnley L Richard Shawf Bury {Lane.) L Robert N. Phillipsf Bury St. Edm^ind's C Edward Greene* L Joseph A. Hardcastle f B 2 12 Calne L Lord E.G. Fitzmaurice (Teller for the Bill) Cambeidge C Lord George J. Manners* C Right Hon. Viscount Royston* L Right Hon. H. B. W. Brand, Speaker Camhridge L Sir Robert R. Torrens, K.C.M.G.f L William Fowlerf Camhridge University C Right Hon. S. H. Walpole* C A. J. B. Beresford Hope* Canierlinnj C H. A. Butler-Johnstone a L Capt. T. H. Brinckmanf Cardiff, ^'c L Lieut.-Col. James F.D. C. Stuartf Cardigan L Evan M. Richardsf Cardigan, S,'c L Sir Thomas D. Lloyd, Bart.f Carlisle L Sir Wilfred Lawson, Bart, f L Edmund Potterf Carmarthen L Edward John Sartorisf C John Jones* Carmarthen, S'c L Lieut.-Colonel J. S. C. Stepneyf Carnarvon L T. L. D. Jones-Parryf Carnarvon, ^'c L William Biilkeley Hughes Chatham L Arthur J. Otway f Chelsea L Sir C. Wentworth Dilke, Bart.f L Sir H. A. Hoare, Bart.f Cheltenham L Henry B. Samuelson f Chester, J5J«62^ C William J. Legh* C William Cunliffe Brooks a Mid C Hon. Wilbraham Egerton* C Lieut.-Col. Egerton Leigh* West C Sir Philip de M. G. Egerton* C Wilbraham Frederick Tollemache* Chester C Henry Cecil Raikes* L Hon. Norman de I'A. Grosvenorf Chichester C Lord H. G. C. G. Lennox* Chijypenham C Gabriel Goldney* Christchurch L Edmund Hav i land-Bu rke Cirencester C Allen A. Bathurst a Clitheroe C Ralph Assheton* Cochermouth L Isaac Fletcherf Colchester L Dr. William Brewerf C Lt.-Col. Alexander Learmonth* Cornwall, East L Sir J. G. S. Trelawny, Bartf L E. W. Brydges Willyamsf West L Sir John St. Aubyn, Bart.f L Arthur Pendarves Vivianf Coventry C Henry William Eaton a C Alexander Staveley Hill* Cricklade,^'c L Hon. Frederick W. Cadoganf C Sir Daniel Gooch, Bart.* Cumberland, JS'«6-!^ C W. Nicholson Hodgson* L Hon. C. W. G. Howardf West C Hon. P. S. Wyndham* C Lord Muncaster* Darlington L Edmund Backhousef Denbigh C Sir Watkin W. Wynn, Bart.* L George Osborne Morgan (Teller for the Bill) DcJibigJi, (fc L Watkin Williamsf Dbuby, JYorth L Lo7'd G. H. Cavendish C Augustus I'. ArkAvi'ight* SoxLth C Rowland Smith* C Colonel Sir Henry Wilmot, Bart.* * Voted against the Bill. Italics. Absent M'ithout pairing. t Voted for the Bill. Heavy type. Absent, but paired, f. For, a. Against. The Counties are printed in Capitals. 13 Derby, East :... L R. Adm. Hon. F. Egertonf L Hon. Henry Strnttf Deri]) L Michael Thomas Bassf L Samuel Plbnsoll Devizes C Sir Thomas Bateson, Bart, a Devonjjort L John D. Lewisf L Montague Chambers Devon, North C Rt. Hon. Sir Stafford H. Northcote, Bart.* L Sir Thomas Dyhe Aoland, Bart. South C Sir Massey Lopes, Bart.* C Samuel T. Kehewich East C Sir Lawrence Palk, Bart.* C Sir John Henry Kennaway, Bart.* Dewsl) urij L Ser j eant John Sinionf Dorchester C Lieut.-Colonel C. N. Sturt* Dorset L Hon. W. H. B. Portman C Henry Gerard Sturt* C John Floyer* Dover C Major A. G. Dickson* L Sir George Jesself Droitwich C Rt. Hon. Sir John S. Pakington, Bart.* Dudley L H. Brinsley Sheridanf Durham, iV^orf 7/ C George Elliot* L Sir H. Williamson, Bart.j South L Joseph W. Peasef L Major F. E. B. Beaumontf Durham L John Hendersonf C John Lloyd Wharton* Essex, South L R. B. Wingfield Bakerf L Andrew Johnstonf East C James Round* C Colonel S. B. Ruggles Brise* -[Ygst C Sir H. J. Selwin Ibbetson, Bart.* C Lord Eustace H. P. G. Cecil* Evesham C Lieut.-Colonel J. Bourne* Exeter L Sir John D. Coleridgef L Edgar A. Bowring, C.B.f Eve C Viscount Barrington* Mnshury L W. T. McCullagh Torrensf L Aldei-man Andrew Luskf j^LiNT L Lord R. de A Grosvenor f. Mint, S'c'" L Sir Robert A. CunlifEe, Bart.f ^ Frome L Thomas Hughes f Gateshead L Right Hon. Sir W.Hutt K.c.B f Glamorgan L Christopher Rice M.Talbot f. L Henry Hussey Vivian t Gloucester, Hast C Sir M. E. H. Beach, Bart.* C John Reginald Yorke* West L Lieut.-Colonel R. N. F. Kingscote L Samvel S. Marling Gloucester L William P. Price f L Charles J. Monkf Grantham L Hon. F. J Tollemachet L Captain H. A. H. Cholmeleyf Gravesend L Sir C J. Wmgfield, K.S.i.f Greenwich L Sir David Salomons, Bart. ^'^^''''^"'^' L Right Hon. W. E. Gladstonef g^.^:f L:;:::::::::::::;:: I t^rf^^^ The Counties are printed m Capitals. 14 Hackney L Charles Eeed f L John Holms t Halifax L Right Hon. James Stansf eld f L Edward Akroyd* Hk-^t^, North C George Sclater Booth* C William W. B. Beach* South L Right Hon. W. F. Cowper-Templef C Lord Henry J. M. D. Scott* Hartlepool C Ralph Ward- Jackson* Harwich C Lieut.-Colonel H. J. W. Jervis* Hastings L Thomas Brassey f. L U. J. Kay-Shuttleworthf Haverfordwest L Lord Kensingtonf Helston L Adolphus W. Yomigf Hereford C Sir Herbert G. D. Croft, Bart.* C Sir Joseph R. Bailey, Bart.* L Michael Biddulphf Hereford L Chandos Wren Hoskynsf C Major George Arbuthnot* Hertford L Hon. Henry F. CoAvperf L Henry E. Brandf C Abel Smith* Hertford C Baron Robert Dimsdale* Horsham L Robert H. Hurstf Huddersfield L Edward A. Leathamf Huntingdon C Edward Fellowes* C Right Hon. Lord R. Montagu* Huntingdon C Thomas Baring a. Hythe L Baron M. A. de Rothschild f. Ipswich L Hugh Edward Adairf L Henry W. Westf Kendal L John Whitwell Kent, East C EdAvard Leigh Pemberton* C Hon. George W. Milles* Mid C Wm. Hart Dyke (Teller against the Bill) C Viscount Holmesdale* West C Sir Charles Henry Mills, Bart. * C John Gilbert Talbot* Kidderminster L Thomas Leaf Kingston-on-Hull L Charles M. Norwoodf L James Clayf Knareslorough L Alfred Hlingworthf Lamheth L Alderman Sir James C. Lawrence, Bart.f L William McArthurf Lancaster iVorf A C Capt. Hon. Frederick A. Stanley* C Right Hon. Colonel J. W. Patten* North-East ... C James Madan Holt* C John P. C. Starkie* Sent h- East ... C Hon. Algernon F. Egerton* C J. Snowdon Henry* Sovth-Wrst... C Richard Assheton Cross* C Charles Turner* Launceston C Henry Charles Lopes a Leeds L Edward Bainesf L Alderman Robert M. Carterf C W. St. J. Wheelhouse* Leicester, A^(9?'^7i C Right Hon. Lord John J. R. Manners* C Samuel W. Clowes* South C Albert Pell* C William Unwin Heygate* * Voted against the Bill. Italics. Absent without pairing, t Voted for the Bill. Heavy type. Absent, but paired, f. For, a- Against. The Coiinties are printed in Capitals. 15 Leicester L Peter Alfred Taylorf L John Dove Harrisf Leominster C Richard Ark-vNnnght* Lewes L Lord Pelliamf Lichfield C Colonel Richard Dyott* Lincoln, iV?'/A C Earl Per Oil C Matthew W. Ridley* South L Wentworth B. Beaumontf C Hon. Henry G. Liddell* Norwich L Sir William Russell, Bart., C.B.f L Jeremiah James Colmanf Nottingham, North C F. Chatfield Smith* C Hon. Geo. E. Milnes Monckton* South C William H. Barrow a C Thomas B. T. Hildyard a Nottingham L C. Seely, Jun. f L Hon. Auberon E. W. M. Herbertf Oldham L John T. Hibbertf C John Morgan Cobbett* Oxford C Right Hon. J. W. Henley* C Lieut.-Col. John Sidney North* L W. Cornwallis Cartwi'ightf Oxford L Right Hon. Edward Cardwell+ L W. Vernon Harcourtf Oxford Universitij C Right Hon. Gathorne Hardy* C Right Hon. J. R. Mowbray* Pembroke C John H. Scourfield* Pemhrohe, ^-c C Thomas Mei/rlck Penryn and Falmouth C Robert N. Fowler* C Edw. B. Eastwick* Peterhorovgh L Wdliam Wells L G. Hammond Whalley a Peter sfield L William Nicholson* Plijvio uth L Walter Morrisonf C Edward Bates* Pontefract L Right Hon. H. C. Childersf C Major S. Waterhouse* Poole C Arthur Edward Guest a Portsmo uth C Sir J. D . Elphinstone, Bart.* L William H. Stonef Preston C Edward Hermon* C John Holker a Radnor C Hon. Arthur Walsh* New Radnor L Right Hon. Marquis of Hartingtonf Beading L Sir F. H. Goldsmicl, Bart.f L George J. Shaw Lefevref East Retford C Viscount Galway* L Francis J. S. Foljambe f Richmond L Lawrence Dundas Ripen L Rt. Hon. Sir H. K. Storks, G.C.B.f Rochdale L Thomas B. Potterf * Voted against the Bill. Italics. Absent without pairing. t Voted for the Bill. Heavy type. Absent, but paired, f. For, a. Against. The Counties are printed in Capitals. 17 Rocliester L Phillip Wykeham Martinf L Julian Goldsmid Rutland C Hon. Gerard J. Noel C George Hemy Finch* Bye C John Stewart Hardy* St. Ires L Charles Magiilae Salford C Charles E. Cawley* C William Thomas Charley* Salisbfrri/ L Dr. John Alfred Lushf L Alfred Seymour f Sandwich L Riffht Hon. E. H. Knatchlull-Hngessen L Henry A. Brassey. Scarborough L John Dent Dentf L Sir Harcourt Johnstone, Bart.f Shaftesbury L Hon. George Grenfell Glynt Sheffield L George Hadfieldf L Anthony J. Mundellaf South Shields L James C. Stevensonf New Shoreham, ^'c C Bight Hon. Stephen Cove C Sir Percy Bm-rell, Bart.* Shrewsbury C James Figgins* C Douglas Straight* Shropshire, North C J. Ralph Ormshy Gore* C Viscount Newport* South C Major-Gen. Right Hon. Sir P. Herbert* C Colonel Edward Corbett* Somerset, East C Major Ralph S. Allen* C Richard Bright* Mid C Major R. H. Paget* C Ralph Neville-Grenville* West C W. H. P. Gore Langton* C Captain Hon. A. W. Hood* Southampton C Bight Hon. Bussell Gurney C Peter Merrick Hoare Southwarh L John Lockef C Lieut.-Col. F. Marcus Beresford* Stafford, iW^ri^/i L Sir Edward M. Buller, Bart.f C Right Hon. Sir C. B. Adderley* East L Michael Arthur Bassf "L John Bob inson Mc Clean West C Sir Smith Child, Bart* C Francis Monckton* Stafford C Capt. Hon. Reginald Talbot* C Captain Thomas Salt* Staleybridge L Nathaniel Buckleyf Stamford C Rear- Admiral Sir J. C. D. Hay, Bart* Stockport C William Tipping* L John Benjamin Smithf Stockton L Joseph Doddsf Stoke-on-Trent L George Mellyf L William S. Rodenf Stroud L Sebastian S. Dickinsonf L H. S. P. Winterbothamf Suffolk, East C Frederick S. Corrance* C Viscount Mahon* West C Lieut.-Col. Windsor Parker* C Lord A. H. C. Hervey* Sunderland L John Candlishf L Edward T. Gourley * Voted against the Bill. Italics. Absent witliout pairing, t Voted for the Bill. Heavy type. Absent, but paired, f. For, a. Against, The Counties are printed in Caviials. 18 Surrey, East L Hon. P. J. Locke Kingf C James Watney, Jun."^ Mid C Heniy W. Peek* C Sir Richard Baggallay* West C George Cubitt* C Lee Steere* Sussex, Uast L Right Hon. John George Dodsonf . C George Burrow Gregory* West C Colonel Walter B. Barttelot* C Earl of March* Swansea, ^'c L Lewis L. DillwjTiif Tamworth L BigJit Hon. Sir Rohert Peel, Bart. C Robert William HaJihury Taunton L Alexander Charles Barclayf L Henry Jamesf Tavistoch L Lord Arthur J. E. Russellf Tewliesl ury L William E. Pricef Thirsk C Sir W. P. Gallwey, Bart. Tivej'ton L John H. Amory L Right Hon, William Nathaniel Masseyf Tower Hamlets L Right Hon. Acton Smee Ayrtonf L Joseph D. Samudaf Trnro C Sir Frederick M. Williams* C Lieut.-Col. J, Macnaghten Hogg* Tynemonth L Thomas E. Smithf Wakefield L Somerset A. Beaumont f Wallingford C Edward Wells* Walsall L Charles Forsterf Wareham C J. S. W. S. E. Drax Warrifigton L Peter Rylandsf W AHWICK, JVorth C Charles N. Newdegate* C W. Bromley Davenport* South C Henry C.Wise* C John Hardy* Warwick L Arthur W. Peelf C Edward Greaves, a Wedneshnry L Alexander Brogdenf Wenlock C Maj.-Gen. Rt. Hon. G. C. W. Forester* L Alexander H. Brownf Westhury C Charles Paul Ph ipps* Westminster C William H. Smith* L Cai)tain Hon. R. W. Grosvenor Westmorland C Earl of Bective* C Hon. William Lowther* Weymouth S' Mele. Regis. .. C Charles J. T. Hambro* L Henry Edwardsf Wliitly L William H. Gladstonef IVhitehaven C G. A. F. C. Bentinck* Wigan L Henry Woodsf L John Lancasterf Wight, Isle of C Alexander D. W. R. Baillie Cochrane* Wi Iton L Sir Edmund Antrobus, Bart.f ^Yl\.T^, North C SirG. S. Jenkinson, Bart.* L Lord Charles W. B. Brucet South C Lord Henry F. Thynne, a L Thomas Fraser Grovef Winchester C W. B. Simonds* L J. Bonham-Carterf Windsor L Roger Eykynf * Voted against the Bill. Italics. Absent without pairing, t Voted for the Bill. Heavy type. Absent, but paired, f. For, a. Against. The Counties are printed in Capitals. 19 Wolver7ia7)ipton L Right Hon. C. P. Villiersf L T. Matthias Weguelinf Woodstock C Heniy Barnett* Worcester, East C Richard P. Amphlett* L Hon. Charles G. Lytteltonf West C Frederick Winn Knight a C William E. DowdeswelP" Worcester C William Laslett* L Alexander C. Sherriff f Wycombe L Lient.-Col. Hon. W. H. P. Caringtonf YOWK., North Riding L Frederick Acclom Milbankt C Colonel Hon. 0. Buncombe* East Riding C Christopher Sykes* C W. H. H. Broadley* West Riding, North Div. L Lord F. C. Cavendishf C Francis Sharp Powell* West Riding, Sonth Dir. L Henry F. Beaumontf C Walter Thos. W. S. Stanhope* West Riding, East Div... C Christopher B. Denison* C Joshna Fielden* Yorh C James Lo\^i:her* L George Leemanf SCOTLAND—GO Members. Aberdeen, ^«5?^ L W. Dingwall Fordycef West L William McComhief Aberdeen L J. F. Leithf Argyll L Marq uess of Lome, K. T. Ayr; Nortli L William Finnief South L Sir D . Wedderburn, Bart.f Ayr, Irvine, S)C L Edward H. J. Craufnrdf Banff L Robert W, Duff f Berwick L David Robertson f. Bute C Charles Dalrymjjle Caithness L Sir John G. T. Sinclair, Bart.f Clackmannan & Kinross L William P. Adamf Dumbarton C Arch. Orr Ewing Dumfries C Major George G. Walker Dumfries, J)-c L Robert Jardine f. Dundee L George Armitsteadf L Sir John Ogilvy, Bart.f Edinburgh L Sir A. Gibson Ma itland, Bart, Edinburgh L Duncan McLarenf L John Millerf Edinburgh S- St. Andrew^s)^ Dr. Lyon Playfairf Unirersities J -^ ■^ ' Elgin and Nairn C Lieut.-Col. Hon. James Grantf Elgin, Banf, ,fc L Mountstuart E. Grant Duff f FalMrk, ^'c L James Merryf Fife L Sir R. Anstruther, Bart.f Forfar L James William Barclayf Glasgow L Robert Dalglish t L William Grahamf L George Andersonf Glasgow and Aberdeen') n t^- u. tt -m t a ^ 7 Universities } ^ Right Hon. Edward S Gordon GreenocJi L James J. Grievef Haddington L Lord Elcho * Voted against the Bill. Italics. Absent without pairing, t Voted for the Bill. Heavy type. Absent, bnt paired, f. For, a. Against. The Counties are printed in Capitals. 20 Haddington, (^'c L S'u- II. li. Ferguson Davie, Bart. Ilawicli, S)'e L George O. Trevel3'anf Inverness C Donald Cameron. Incerness, <:fc L Eneas W. Mackiiitoshf Kilmar7ioc1{,c)-c L Right Hon. E. P. Bouverief Kincardine L M. Gen. Sir Geo. Balfour, K.C.B.f Kirkcaldy, c$'c L Roger S. Aytounf IviRKCUDBRiGHT L WcllwoocI H. MaxwcUf Lanark, North L Sir T. E. Colebrooke, Bart.f South L John G. C. Hamiltonf Zeitk, <^'c L Robert A. Macfie f. Linlithgow L Peter McLaganf Montrose, ^'c L Rt. Hon. William Edward Baxterf Orkney & Shetland L Samuel Laiugf Pa isleg L Hmnphrey E. Crum Ewingf Peebles & Selkirk G Sir G. G. Montgomerg, Bart. Perth L Charles S. Parkerf Perth L Hon. A. F. Kinnairdf Renfrew L Right Hon. Henry A. Brucef Ross & Cromartie L Alexander Mathesonf Roxburgh L Marquis of Bowmontf St. Andreivs, ^t L Edward Ellicef Stirling L Vice-AdmiralJ. E. Erskinef Stirling, ^'c L Henry Campbell-Bannermanf Sutherland L Lord Ronald S. L. Gon-er WicTi, ifc L John Penderf Wigton C Robert Vans Agnen- Wigton, ^'c L George Young IRELAND— 103 Members. Antrim C Hon. Edward O'Neill C Earl of Yarmouth* Armagh C Sir James JI. Strange, Bart. C Bdfv. Wingjield Vomer Armagh C John Vance Athlon e L John James Ennis Bandon L William Sham Belfast C William Johnston L Thomas McCluref Carlow C Henry Bruen* C Arthur JI. Kavanagh Carlow L Cajjtain William A. Fagan Carrichfergus L Marriott R. Dalwayf Cavan C Lieut. -Colonel Hon. H. Amiesley* L Edward J. Saunderson Clare C Colonel C. 21. Vandeleur L Right Hon. Sir Colman 0' Loghlen, Bt. Clonmel L John Bagwell Coleraine C Sir H. H. Bruce, Bart. Cork L McCarthy Downing! L Arthur H. Smith Barry Corh L Nich. Daniel Murphy L Joseph Philip Ronayne Donegal C Thomas Conolly C Marquis of Hamilton Down C Lord A. E. Hill Trevor* C Lieut.- Colonel W. B. Forde Donmpatrich C William Keown * Voted against the Bill. Italics. Absent without pairing^. t Voted for the Bill. Heavy type. Absent, but paired, f. For a. Against. The Coixnties are printed in Capitals. 21 Drogheda L Thomas W/iitworfh Dublin C Ion Trant Hamilton* C Right Hon. Lieut-Col. T. E. Taylor a Duhlin L Jonnflian Plm L Sir Dominic Corrigan, Bart.f DuMin University C Eight Hon. John T. Ball, LL.D.* C Hon. Daricl Robert Plunket* Dundalh L Philip Callanf Dungannon C Lient.-Col. Hon. W. Stuart Knoxf Dungarvan L Henry Matthews Enn is L Captain William Stacpoolef Ennlshillen C Viseount Crickton Fermanagh C Captain M. E. Arclidall C Lieut. -Col. Hon. Henry A. Cole* Galway L Mitchell Henryf C Major Hon. WiU'iam Le Peer Trench Galway L Viscount St. Lawrence L Sir R. Blennerhassett, Bart.f Kerry L Henry A. Herbertf L Rowland P. Blennerhassettf KiLDARE L BigM Hon. W. H. F. Cogan L Right Hon. Lord Otho A. Fitzgeraldf liiLKENNY L George Leopold Bryan L Hon. L. G. P. Agar-Ellist Kilhenny L Sir John Gray King's Co L Sir Patrick O'Brien, Bart.f L David Sherlockf Kinsale L Sir George C. Colt hurst^ Bart. Leitrim C Major W. R. Ormsby Gore* L Dr. Jolin Brady Limerick L Right Hon. William Monsellf L Ed. J. Synanf Limerick L Maj or George Garinf L Isaac Butt, LL.D. Lisburii C Sir Richard Wallace, Bart.* Londonderry C Bohert Peel Dan-son C Sir F. W. Hey gate, Bart. Londonderry C Charles Edward Lewisf Longford L Major M. W. O'Reillyf L Hon. George P. N. Greville-Nugentf Louth L Right Hon. C. S. Fortescuef L M. O'Reilly Deasef Mallon' L William Felix Mnnster Mayo C Lord Bingham* L George Ekins Brownef Meath L Edward MacEvoy L Jolin Martin MONAGHAN C Sewallis E. Shirley* C John Leslie* New Boss L Patrick McMahonf Newry C Viscount New ry Portarlington C Captain Hon. L. Dawson-Damer* Queen's Co L Kenelm T. Dighy L Edmund Deasef Roscommon L Bight Hon. Colonel F. French L C. b. O'Conor (The O'Conor Don)f Sligo L Denis M. 0' Conor C Sir Bohert Gore Booth, Bart. TiPPERARY L Captain Hon. C. Whitef L Denis Caulfeild Heronf * V^oted against tlie Bill. Italics. Absent without pairing, t Voted for the Bill Heavy type- Absent , bixt paired, f. lor, a. Agai The Counties are printed in Capitals. 22 Tralee L D. O^Donoghue (the 0'' Donoglme) Tyrone (Vacant) C Right Hon. Lord Claud Hamiltonf Waterfoed L Sir John Esmonde, Bart.f L Edmond de la Pocr Waterford L James Delahuntyf L Ealph Bernal Osbornef Westmeath L Captain Hon. A. W. 1\ Grevillef L Patrick J. Smyth. Wexford L Matthew P. B'Arcy L John Talbot Powerf Wexfo)-d L William Archer Redmondf WiCKLOw C W. W. Fitzwilliam Dick* L Hon. H. W. Fitzwilliam Youghal L Montague John Guest * Voted against the Bill. Italics. Absent without pairing. t Voted for the Bill. Heavy type. Absent, but paired, f. For, a. Against. The Counties are printed in Capitals. The Counties of England and Wales return 187 members. Of these 38 voted for the Bill (32 English and 6 Welsh), and 124 against it. 14 English and Welsh County members were absent without pairing. Four Conservatives voted for the Bill, but none of them represented an English constituency : — Hon, Col. James Grant (Elgin), Lord Claud Hamilton (Tyrone), Hon. Col. Knox (Dungannon), and C. E. Lewis (Derry). Four Liberals voted against the Bill, all of them representing English constituencies : — Eclw. Akroyd (Halifax), W. H. Foster (Bridgnorth), William Nicholson (Petersfield), and Geo. Tomline (Great Grimsby). Analysis of the voting : — 202 280 217 It is evident, then, that the second reading of the Bill was carried by the votes of the Scotch and Irish members, whose constituencies are not personally interested in its provisions, as the Bill applies " only to England and Wales." Had the English and Welsh Members been left to deal with it, the Bill would have been rejected. The total number of M.P.'s absent from the Division was 149. Of these, 38 were paired; 70 Liberals and 41 Conservatives were absent without pairing. For the Bill, English. . 200 Against, English Scotch . 44 „ Scotch „ Irish . 36 „ Irish . The members in the House of Commons are 652 in number at present. The following will shew the numbers who voted, who paired, or who were absent : — Voted for the Bill (including Tellers) . . .282 Voted against the Bill (Do.) . . . .219 Paii-ed 38 Absent without pairing Ill T}Tone, then vacant 1 Speaker 1 652 No English Conservative member voted for the Bill, and no Scotch member voted against it. In the various Divisions which have taken place on the Bm'ials Bill during the present Parliament, the numbers (including tellers), were as follows : — For Against . Majority 1870 1871 1872 1873 235 213 181 282 124 151 110 219 111 62 63 Only 47 more members voted for the Bill in 1873, when the whole force of the Govermnent was brought to bear in its favourjthan in 1870, and 95 more voted against it, whilst the majority of 111 in its favour in 1870, is reduced to 63 in 1873. When the circumstances under which the late division took place are fully considered, it will be seen that a strong reaction against the principles of the Bill has arisen of late years in the country, and Churchmen have only to organise and exert themselves earnestly in this matter to insure its complete and final rejection in the next Parliament. •24 TvEOENT PUIJLICATIONH OF Mt (|Itui|4h §tp\^ Jit^tilution. The National Churcll : a Monthly Eccord of the Proceedings of the Cliurch Defence Institution thi-oufthout the Country. Price \d. By Post li. 6d. a year. THE PRINCIPLES AND OBJECTS OF THE CHURCH DEFENCE INSTI- TUTION. Gratis. SPEECH OF THE RIGHT HON. BENJAMIN DISRAELI ON Me. OSBORNE MORGAN'S BURIALS BILL, delivered in the House of Commons, March 26. 1873. Price Id. FACTS AND COMMENTS BEARING ON Mr. OSBORNE MORGAN'S BURIALS BILL. By G. V. 4s. per 100. " THE SATUI'vDAY REVIEW "ON THE BURIALS BILL. Price 2s. per 100. SOME ACCOUNT OF RECENT NONCONFORMIST ATTACKS UPON THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND. By the Rev. A. Hume, D.C.L., LL.D., Vicar of all Soul's, Liverpool. Price 6d. RELIGIOUS EQUALITY. By the Rev. W. Preston, B.A. Price is. per 100. OUGHT THERE TO BE A STATE CPIURCH ? A question for Englishmen. By Gilbert Venables, B.A. Price id. PROGRESS OF THE CHURCH DEFENCE INSTITUTION. From " THE NATIONAL CHURCH " for October 1872. THE ESTABLISHED CHURCH. A Speech delivered in the House of Commons, on Tuesday, May 9, 1871, by Sir Roundell Palmer. M.P. for Richmond (now Lord Selborne), in opposition to Mr. Miall's Motion for the Disestablishment of the National Churches of Great Britain. Third edition. Price Id. A SPEECH OF GEORGE CUBITT, Esq., M.P. FOR WEST SURREY, delivered in the House of Commons on Tuesday, July 2, 1872, on the Debate on Mr. Miall's Motion for a Royal Commission to inquire into the Reveni 3S of the Church of England. "With Notes and Appendices. Price 6d. A CALL TO CHURCH DEFENCE. By a Working Man. " Arouse ye English Churchmen." Is. per 100. A CATECHISM ON CHURCH PROPERTY. Price Id. A CATECHISM ON THE VOLUNTARY PRINCIPLE. Price Id. JOIN THE CHURCH DEFENCE INSTITUTION, AND JOIN IT AT ONCE. |rf, each, or 4s. per 100. SOME FALSE STATEMENTS OF THE LIBERATION SOCIETY CON- SIDERED. Is. per 100. THE TRUTH ABOUT THE ESTABLISHED CHURCH, its PROPERTY and REVENUES. Is. per 100. WHY SHOULD I JOIN THE CHURCH DEFENCE INSTITUTION ? A few plain words in answer to this question. 2s. per 100. HOW OUR CHURCH BECAME A DRINKING SALOON. A VISION OF DISESTABLISHMENT. By Gilbert Venables, B.A. New Edition. Price l(i. TEN REASONS AGAINST DISESTABLISHMENT. By Rev. William Palin, M.A., Rector of Stifford, Essex. Price 2s. per 100. OUR CHURCH AND HER ACCUSERS. A Speech delivered at St. George's Hall, Bradford, by Francis Sharp Powell, Esq., M.P., on Monday, October 28, 1872. Price Id THE AID GIVEN TO THE SPIRITUAL WORK OF THE CHURCH BY ESTABLISHMENT. A Paper read at the Conference of the Diocese of Peterborou-:li, held at Northampton on Friday, October 4, 1872. By the Rev. Alfred T. Lee, LL.D., Secretary to the Church Defence Institution. Published by request. Fifth Thousand. Price \d. or 7s. per 100. TOULMIN SMITH ON CHURCH PROPERTY. Showing that the Church of England was not endowed by the State. Taken from the evidence of Toulmin Smith, Esq., "before the Select Committee of the House of Lords," on the 16th day of February, 1 SCO. [Mr. Toulmin Smith being a Dissenter.] Tenth Thousand. Price 2s. per 100. A LIBERAL M.P. ON DISESTABLISHMENT. Is. per 100. OUGHT THERE TO BE A STATE CHURCH ? A Question for Englishmen. By Gilbert Venables, B.A. Price \d. HOW CHURCH DEFENCE IS PROGRESSING. 2s. per 100. Printed for The Church Defence Institution. 25, Parliament Street, London, S.W