THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY From the collection of Julius Doerner, Chicago Purchased, 1918. 2 . 4-5 N 4-2m HYMNS FOR THE USE OF THE NEW CHUECH, SIGNIFIED BT THE NEW JERUSALEM IN THE REVELATION. COMPILED BY ORDim OF THE GENERAL CONFERENCE. STEREOTYPE EDITION. LONDON; PRINTED FOR THE GENERAL CONFERENCE, AND SOLD BY JAMES S. HODSON, 112, FLEET STREFT. 184 . 2 . CutmDr at Statimum’ )l)aU iff PREFACE. The Collection of Hymns here presented to the Public, has been framed in pursuance of Reso- lutions of the General Conference of the Ministers and other Members of the New Church signified by the New Jerusalem m the Revelation, held at Manchester in 1822 = 66 , and of the General Conference held at London in 1823 = 67. The preparation of the Work, which is intended for general use in that Church, was confided to a Com- mittee 5 who, in laying the result of their labours before the Public, deem it necessary, in a few words, to put the reader in possession of a view of the plan which they have adopted. It appeared to them, in agreement with the sen- timents expressed at the Conference, that a General Hymn-Book ought to be adapted, not only for public devotion, but also for private meditation and instruction 5 that it should form a useful and agreeable companion on every day of the week as well as on th$ sabbath, and at home as well as in A 2 70a641 PREFACE. iv the public assemblies of the Church. With this intention, a small number of Hymns have been ad- mitted, which, perhaps, will seldom or never be used in public, but which, it is hoped, will frequently cheer and delight the serious hour of retirement. It has also been endeavoured to introduce Hymns on all the principal subjects of doctrine and prac- tice ^ so that the book might form, not only a complete Manual of Devotion, but also, in a small compass, a Body of Divinity. The great utility of this to that numerous class of sincere worshipers of the Lord, whose means do not admit of their purchasing many books, must readily be seen : and at the same time that the Work is thus adapted to improve those vvho have already joined themselves to the New Church in the knowledge of its doc- trines, as well as in affection for them, and for the life to which they lead, it may also form a pleasing medium of introducing its pure truths to others. In the selection of the Hymns, the sole principle regarded by the Committee has been Usefulness. It will be seen that great assistance has been de- rived from the valuable works of the two most ex- tensive authors of Hymns on the subjects of the New Dispensation — the Rev. J. Proud, and the Rev. M. Sibly. A very considerable number of the Hymns in this collection, many of them quite new, are also the composition of other Members of the New Church in this country and in America, 'i hose which have been introduced from other PREFACE. ▼ sources, will all be found to breathe, in beautiful and energetic language, the spirit of the ^^ New Jerusalem.’* Such of them as did not, originally, fully express the doctrinal sentiments of this Church, have been carefully corrected, and, where necessary, in great part re-written ; and it is hoped, now that they have been studded with the gems of heavenly truth, and freed from all tarnish of error, that they will be found greatly to adorn the Collection, and give reason to rejoice, that things new and old” have thus been dedicated to the service of the Lord. The doctrines of the New Church afford us the pleasing assurance, that many excellent persons now adore and serve the Lord Jesus Cnrist in the '^new heaven,” in the language of genuine truth, who had not the opportunity of perfectly learning that language while on earth. Of this happy num- ber, doubtless, are the authors of many of the Hymns in the collections of various denominations of Christians, whose compositions often exhibit light drawn from the Word itself, and far superior to any which they could have derived from the doctrines of their respective churches : it is quite agreeable, then, to right order, that the productions of such persons should, like themselves, be purified, and consecrated to the worship of the one true God of heaven and earth. The arrangement of the Hymns, it will be per- ceived, has been carefully made, to afford facility for reference. In the large section under the title A 3 VI Pi; K FACE. of REOEN^ERATE LIFE, the reader will observe, that the Hymns are disposed m a progressive order, commencing with the earliest state of the heavenly life, and rising to the highest 3 so that a little ac- quaintance with that section will render reference as easy, as if the specific heads had been collectea in the table of contents. This, indeed, has been done, with respect to the whole work, though not in the order of sequence, in the alphabetical Index of Subjects appended at the end 3 in which, together with the Table of First Lines, and the Table of Scripture Texts, which follow the General Contents, every facility is afforded for reference and selection. The Committee, and all who have been engaged in preparing this Hymn-Book, trusting that their endeavours have been actuaJed by a single eye” to the benefit of the Lord’s true Church, humbly hope that a divine blessing has accompanied the progress, and will crown the conclusion, of their labours 3 by causing the Work to be affectionately received by their brethren, and rendering it both acceptable and edifying to all tastes and classes, — to the simple and the well-educated, to the devo- tional and the intellectual. The following words not in common use, occasionally occurring in the IVork, it may be useful here to explain them. Esse is used to express the very being of a thing, and the inmost ground of its existence. It is applied to the un- fathomable nature of the Godhead, to express that which renders all its attributes divine, and distinguishes them from those of any finite being. The Divine Esse is dis- tinguished, in the doctrines of the New Church, from the Divine Essence, thus; the Divine Essence is Love and Wisdom ; but the Divine Esse is Infinity and Eternity : thus Love and Wisdom, to be Divine, must have Infinity and Eternity as their Esse, or the inmost ground of their existence and nature. Human is used as a substantive, in application to the Lord Jesus Christ, to denote his Human Principle, or Human Nature. It is more universal in its signification than Humanity; which, however, is often applied to express the same ideas. Conjugial is used in reference to a real marriage-union, instead of Conjugal, as more expressive of a union void of all sense of constraint. The former is taken from the Latin word Conjugialis, and the latter from the Latin word Ccnjugalis : the first of which is formed from Con- jugium, ‘‘ a marriage,’’ derived from a word which signifies “to conjoin and the latter from jugum, “a yoke,” whence conjugo, “to yoke together.” Though both come originally from jungo “to join;” yet conjugal, carrying with it the idea of a yoke, is not so well adapted to express tiiat entire union which is felt by both parties as perfect freedom CONTENTS. The Lord - - - Divine Attributes Divine Characters - Creation Incarnation Passion - . . Resurrection - Ascension - - - . The Lord’s Divine Proceeding Redemption - - - Salvation Second Advent Providence • - . Divine Protection Angelic Ministrations The Word - The Church - - • Sabbath • - . Page ok Hvmn. 1 - 17 - 40 - 62 - 69 - 81 - 89 - 96 - 99 - 106 - 115 - 119 - 139 - 158 . 169 - 172 - 192 • 218 CONTENTS. IX Page or Hvmn. Worship - - - 230 Praise - - - - - 247 Baptism - - - 305 Holy Supper - - - 315 Marriage - - - 332 Ordination - - - 337 Dedication - • - 340 Nature of Man - • - 345 'Regenerate Life - - • 356 Virtues and Graces - - - 479 Time, Death, and Eternity m • .532 For Various Occasions Doxologies • 585 TABLE OF FIRST LINES. *** The number of the Page, and that of the Uymriy are the same throughout. The Doxologies are alt on the last leaf. In this Index, when the line is too long to come in, the last word is omitted. Above these narrow scenes of night c. m. Accept, O Lord, a sinful heart c. m. Afflicted soul, dismiss thy fear l. m, A Friend there is, (ye saints combine c. m. Again the Lord of life and light c, M. Again we bind our souls to thee l, m. A herald voice the lonely desert cheers p. m. Ah ! what is man, that he should be c. m. All glory to Jesus on high p. m. All hail the great Immanuel’s name c. m. All nature smiles, for love divine p. m. All the mind approved by thee sevens Almighty Father, gracious Lord c. m. Almighty Father of mankind n. m. Almighty Lord, thou .Just and True l. m. Amazing beauteous change p. m. And is the gospel peace and love l. m. And shall we be ashamed to own c. m. Angel, roll the rock away sevens Angels, guard the new immortal p. m. Another babe is call’d away l. m. Another six days’ work is done l. m. Arise, my soul, and stretch the wing l. m. Arise ye bright celestial choirs p. m. 575 375 455 24 224 324 70 492 131 249 127 413 149 5 474 476 60 312 94 570 559 221 579 76 table of first lines. XI As in winter, nature mourns sevens d. A song of gratitude begin p. m. As we the path pursue Part 4. s. m. As we our sins remove s. m. d. At thy command, my willing heart L. m. Author and Guardian of my life c. m. Awake, awake, my dormant pow’rs l. m. Awake, my soul, awake, and sing l, m. Awake, my soul, lift up thine eyes l. m. 430 281 478 382 156 417 384 117 433 Baptismal water represents c. m. Before Jehovah’s glorious throne l. m. Before th’ Eternal One p. M. Begin the song, aloud rejoice l. m. Begone, unbelief! my Saviour is near p. m. Behold a band of angels fly p. m. Behold, behold yon angel band p. m. Behold, Jehovah condescends c. m. Behold new Salem’s happy state l. m. Behold, our God descends in love c. m. Behold the God of truth and might c. m. Behold the lifeless clay s. m. Behold ! the mountain of the Lord c. m. Behold! the Saviour weeps s. m. Behold, the Sun of love Part 3. s. m. Be still, my heart ! all anxious cares l. m. Be warn’d, my soul, and shun s. m. Blessed are the souls that know sevens Bless’d be God who being gave us p. m. Blessed Lord ! what shall we render p. m. Bless, Lord, the happy pair p. m. Bless, O my soul, the God of love l. m. Blest are the pure in heart s. m. Blest in himself, ere time began l. m. Blest is the man who dies in peace l. m. 305 282 264 135 463 75 112 4 196 120 128 551 211 378 478 454 388 293 592 254 336 285 514 33 548 xii TABLE OF Bom in a world of sin and death l. m. Brethren, let us rise and sing sevens Brethren, the Lord divinely wise c. m. Brethren ! to us the Lord hath given l. m. Brethren, try the solemn question p. m. Built by Jehovah’s hand s. m. 550 502 19 593 374 195 Can ought beneath a pow’r divine c. m. 471 Captain of Israel’s host, and Guide p. m. 1 65 Captain of our salvation, take p. m. 315 Cast on Jesus all thy care sevens 159 Children of Zion, praise your King c. m. 316 Christians, rise, and praise your Saviour p. m. 87 Come, brethren, shout the Saviour’s l. m. 267 Come, in spirit now rise p. m. 578 Come in, thou blessed, honour’d Lord l. m. 207 Come, let us all unite to praise c. m. 268 Come, let us search our ways and see c. m. 372 Come, Lord, and warm each languid c. m. 574 Come love divine, thy power impart c. m. 509 Come, my soul, thy suit prepare sevens 41 1 Come, saith the Lord, ye sons of men c. m. 359 Come serve the Lord with love and c. m. 284 Come, thou beloved, faithful Lord l. m. 206 Come, ye ransom’d of the Lord sevens 212 Come, ye that know Immanuel’s name c. m. 22 Courage, my soul, behold the prize c. m. 436 Deathless principle, arise sevens d. 553 Did ^iir redeeming Lord endure c. m , 84 Distant, Lord, from thine abode sevens d, 406 Do flesh and nature dread to die l. m. 545 Do I belong to thee, O Lord l. m. 525 Down from the worlds of radiant light c. m. 74 XIU C. M. J97 S. M. 376 L. M. 16 L. M. 304 C. M. 237 L. M. 155 C. M. 415 C. M. 468 C. M. 470 M. D, 157 C. M. 405 L. M. 377 L. M. 598 C. M. 172 FIRST LINES. Eden was once the pure abode Eternal glories stand Eternal God ! thou First and Last Eternal Source of ev’ry joy Eternal Source of life and light Eternal Source of light divine Eternal Sun of righteousness Except a man be born again Except the Lord the skill impart Father in heaven, thy will be done Father of all the sons of men Pan Father of mercies, God of love Father of mercies, in thy Word Father, Son, and holy Ghost Dox, p. m. Father, Son, and Spirit meet Dox, sevens d. Father, thy will be done, not mine Fear thou not, nor be asham’d se^ For ever blessed be the Lord For every state, and ev’ry age Forgive, dear friend ! the tributary Form’d by the gross ideas of sense Forth in thy name, O Lord, I go Freedom to us is giv’n From all that dwell below the skies From his high and lofty place From Jesus Christ, our God above Give me, O Lord, the heart renew’d Give to the Lord immortal praise Glorious things of thee are spoken Glory to God ! the angels sing on Glory to thee, O Lord, this night b c. M. 563 ENS D. 210 C. M. 435 P. M. 179 P. M. 557 c. M. 346 L. M. 401 S. M. 348 L. M. 259 SEVENS 46 L. M. 101 C. M. 412 L. M. 302 P. M, 202 P. M. 137 L. M. 595 XIV TABLE OF God is gone up with shouts of joy 0. M. 96 God is in his holy temple p. M. 20 God is the refuge of the just L. M. 158 God moves in a mysterious way c. M. 441 God of mercy, God of love sevens 379 God of my life, thy various praise n. M. 275 Great God of heaven, it cannot be L, M. 30 Great God of heaven, thy children L, M. 319 Great God, thine awful voice I hear p. M. 543 Great God, this sacred day of thine L. M. 223 Great God ! thou dost all nations c. M. 600 Great God, thy peerless excellence L. M. 524 Great God, we bless thy mighty hand L. M. 152 Great God, we give thee praise s. M. 184 Great is the King, beyond all praise c. M. 480 Great Source of being and of love L. M. 182 Grounded in truth, thy church shall C. M. 177 Guide me, O thou great Jehovah P. M. 428 Hail, ever-cheerful, welcome day L. M. 219 Hail, happy day ! the type of rest P. M. 217 Hail, happy morn ! whose early ray C. M. 218 Hail, wedded love ! sweet source of C. M. 522 Happy soul, secure from harm P. M. 52 Happy the man of Israel’s race L. M. 490 Happy the youth, in earliest years L. M. 562 Hark a voice in the sky P. M. 248 Hark ! a voice proclaims on high P. M. 549 Hark ! hark ! the raptured angels sing c. M. 40 Hark, my soul, it is the Lord sevens 26 Hark ! in the wilderness a cry L. M. 469 Hark, the glad sound ! the Saviour Hark ! the voice of love and mercy C. M. 72 P. M. 86 Hear what God the Lord hath spoken P. M. 209 Help us to help each other. Lord C. M. 503 FIRST LINES. XT Here assembled in thy name sevens 322 Here at Bethesda’s pool, the poor c. m. 181 He rose, he rose ! the mighty God l. m. 91 He ’s come ! let strains of rapture c. m, d. 80 He who on earth as man was known c. m. 8 High in yonder realms of light sevens d. 577 Ho ! every one that thirsts, draw nigh l, m. 1 80 Holy, holy, holy, Lord sevens 288 Holy Lord, who thee confess sevens 61 Hosanna to our conquering King c, m. 108 How blest is our brother deceased p. m. 556 How blest the infant soul in death l. m. 560 How blest the sacred tie that binds l. m. 521 How blest was that primeval state c. m. 352 How bright did thy example shine L. m, 506 How dark is all within Part 1. s. m. 478 How great the bliss, how great the P. m. 537 How’ happy are we p. m. 1 98 How happy must it be s. m. 520 How happy when we meet s, m. 245 How noble is the soul of man l. m. 345 How oft my spirit longs to prove c. m. 568 How oft, where splendid talents c, m. 484 How peaceful is the humble soul l. m. 529 How shall we celebrate thy love c. m. 189 How shall we praise thy dear- loved c. m. 25 How shall we sinners come before l, m. 232 How solemn was the day s. m. 90 How sweet the name of Jesus sounds c. m. 59 How truly blest are we s. m. 328 How vain are all things here below c. m, 533 How welcome to thy servants, press’d l. m. 220 If, Lord, thy face I *d see s. m. 395 If we would enter in p, m. 204 b2 XVI TABLE OF I know I must be pure 8. M. 396 I love the Lord 3 he heard my voice 1 love the Lord 3 his name is great c. M. 465 c. M. 464 In all our intercourse below p. M. 505 In a pure life of righteousness c. M. 531 In each event of life how clear c. M. 150 In every condition, in sickness and In ev’ry work I find to do p. M, 166 L. M. 402 In heaven the rapt’rous song began C. M, 78 In vain the Saviour’s name we own L. M. 485 In that bright world above P. M. 105 In thee, () Lord, and thee alone C. M, no In the soft season of thy youth c. M. D. 357 In the Supreme, who rules on high C. M. 523 In thy own church and kingdom. Lord C. M. 34 Infinite power ! Eternal Lord L. M. 356 I see a host of foes S. M. 167 Is this thy tabernacle. Lord c. M. 231 I would, but cannot sing s. M. 460 I would resolve, with all my heart L. M. 400 Jehovah, Jesus, Lord s. M. 188 Jehovah, Jesus, Lord alone L. M. 13 Jehovah, Jesus, Lord of all Dox. 1 . L. M. Jehovah lives ! and be his name C. M. 277 Jehovah, Lord of heaven S. M. 340 Jehovah, Lord of truth divine c. M. 215 Jehovah, Lord, to thee we raise p. M. 3 Jerusalem, arise s. M. 133 Jerusalem, arise and sing L. M. 300 Jerusalem from heaven descends L. M. 192 Jerusalem, proclaim abroad P. M. 129 erusalem, thou church divine L. M. 208 Jesus, afford thy light divine L. M. 391 Jesus, assist our hearts to raise L. M. 262 FIRST LINES. XVll Jesus comes, our heavenly King SEVENS 130 Jesus, Father, here we bless thee P. M. 292 Jesus, Friend, to sinners dear SEVENS .56 Jesus, from thee, the living vine C. M. 53 Jesus, God of all creation P. M. 407 Jesus his Human made divine L. M. 114 Jesus, in temptation’s hour SEVENS 161 Jesus, in thee our hopes shall rest Jesus ! I own thy rightful claim L. M. 253 P. M. 390 Jesus is God, and God alone C. M. 344 Jesus, Jehovah, Lord ! P. M, 213 Jesus, lend thy mighty aid SEVENS 427 Jesus, Lord, we look to thee SEVENS 504 Jesus, lover of my soul SEVENS 163 Jesus, may thy disciples shine C. M. 1). 205 Jesu’s mercy let us sing SEVENS 35 Jesus, my God, my only King L. M. 43 Jesus, my King, to thee I bow L. M. 425 Jesus, my Saviour, and my King L. M. 500 Jesus, my soul inspire S. M. 473 Jesus, O my Guide, my Friend P. M. 414 Jesus on earth to mortals show’d L. M. 121 Jesus, our Father, God of love L. M. 404 Jesus, our God, arise, and shine C. M. 190 Jesus, our God of truth and love C. M. 569 Jesus, our God, to thee we bow L. M. 226 Jesus, our God, to thee we give C. M 309 Jesus, our God, whilst here below C, M . 310 Jesus, our Lord, and glorious head C. M. 42 Jesus, our Lord, and Saviour kind L. M. 364 Jesus, Ruler of the skies SEVENS 151 Jesus, Saviour, all divine SEVENS 398 Jesus the Lord again appears C. M. 124 Jesus the Lord is God and man C. M. 14 Jesus, the Man of love, we sing b3 L. M. 88 XVlll TABLE OF Jesus, this infant now we bring l. m. 306 Jesus, thou art my King p. m. 55 Jesus, thou God of power, arise l. m. 383 Jesus, thou great Almighty Cause l. m. 6 Jesus, thou King enthroned on high p. m. 2 Jesus, thou mighty God of all l. m. 235 Jesus, thou Source of life, and light p. m. 68 Jesus, thou Sun of love divine l. m. 103 Jesus, through another week p. m. 227 Jesus, through the desert lead us p. m. 422 Jesus, thy boundless love to me l. m. 23 Jesus, thy servant now receive l. m. 314 Jesus, to thee be endless praise l. m. d. 260 Jesus, to thee my soul I lift c. m. 54 Jesus, to thee we come s. m. 367 Jesus, we come to thee s. m. 12 Jesus, where’er thy people meet l. m. 234 Jesus, who alone is good sevens 320 Kings and leaders, prophets, seers sevens 183 Lead us. Saviour, Prince of Part 3. sevens 475 Let all the earth their voices raise l. m. 257 Let ev’ry tongue thy goodness speak c. m. 274 Lo! for us the wilds are glad Pait 1. sevens 475 Lo! from the hills my help descends c. m. 145 Lo! he comes, in clouds descending p. m. 123 Lo! Jesus is our God s. m. 10 Lol Jesus makes a heavenly feast l. m. 317 Lord, at thy sacred feet s. m. 244 Lord, bestow thy choicest blessing p. m. 335 Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing p. m. 591 Lord, fill me with an humble fear l. m. 387 Lord, from thy body, purest light c. m. 104 Lord, from thyself enthroned above l. m. 409 FIRST LINES. XIX Lord, help us on thy Word to feed c. m. d. 590 Lord, let me never turn aside c. m. 164 Lord of my life, my thanks to thee l. m. 291 Lord of the sabbath ! hear us pray l. m. 228 Lord of the worlds above p. m. 242 Lord, teach us to know p. m. 588 Lord, that I may learn of thee sevens 494 Lord, this infant now receive sevens 308 Lord, thou hast been thy children’s l. m. 252 Lord, thou hast search’d and seen me l. m. 18 Lord, thou hast taught we must l. m. 516 Lord, thy mercies oft of old sevens 73 Lord, what is man ? extremes how l. m. 355 Lord let the gospel-trumpet sound l. m. 125 Loud to the King of heaven p. m. 109 Love divine for ever flows sevens 28 Man, of himself, is only vile l. m. 515 Mark the meek and lowly mind sevens 493 Mark the soft falling snow p. m. 191 Mark well, my soul, if thou wouldst l. m. 512 Marriage a sacred union is c. m. 333 May the peace of God our Saviour p. m. 589 May those who meet around s. M. 330 Minist’ring angels mark our road c. m. 1 70 My flesh is meat, my blood is drink c. m. 39 My God ! and is thy table spread l. m. 318 My God, permit me not to be l. m. 370 My God, the spring of all my joys c. m. 419 My God, thy service well demands c. m. 467 My Shepherd is the God of love l. m. 51 My Shepherd is the Lord p. m. 49 My song shall bless the Lord of all l. m. 7 My soul be ever on thy guard c. m. 168 My soul, on wings of ardour rise p. m, 582 XX Table of My soul, praise the Lord, speak good p. M. 258 My soul shall oft above the skies L. M. 481 My soul, what solemn warnings press c. M. 362 None but the Lord can save s. M. 37 None is like Jeshurun’s God p. M. 199 Not he, whose baseless hope relies L. M. 526 Not unto us, O Lord, be given C. M. 255 Now before thy presence come sevens 241 Now be the Father, Son Dox, 3. s. M. Now blessing, honour, glory, praise c. M. 136 Now dift'use thy Holy Spirit p. M. 586 Now God reveals his glorious name c. M. D. 393 Now let mine eyes their slumbers L. M. 385 Now let us join the heavenly Dox. 5. P. M. Now, Lord, our souls to heaven aspire L. M. 540 Now, Lord, this wedded pair inspire L. M. 334 Now, , Lord, we bless thy name S. M. 339 Now the pure and heavenly light P. M. 585 Now ’tis time to rouse from sleep P. M. 432 Now to Jesus Christ, the glory Dox. 4 . P. M. Now we approach in love to thee L. M. 321 Now with joint consent we sing sevens 278 Object of my ardent faith P. M. 416 O bless the Lord, my soul, and bless L. M. 286 O blest Redeemer, from thy radiant P. M. 216 O celebrate Jehovah’s love P. M. 21 O cheering thought ! the heathen race L. M. 572 O come, and let us raise P. M. 261 O could I soar to worlds above L. M. 541 O could we soar from star to star C. M. 65 O for a heart that ’s pure and clean C. M. 472 O for a seraph’s golden lyre P. M. 106 O God, mine inmost soul convert P. M. 366 FIRST LINES. XXI () God, my grateful soul aspires c. M. 273 O God, my heavenly King s. M. 394 O God, our help in ages past c. M. 294 O happy man, thy Maker’s care c. M. 528 O holy Lord, thy name to me c. M. 58 O how divinely bless’d p. M. 482 O how I love thy holy Word L. M. 175 O how shall we adore that name C. M. 64 O Jesus our Lord P. M. 587 O King of kings, beneath thy wings C. M. 290 O let us prepare P. M. 538 O Lord, the path to thine abode c. M. 420 O Lord, thou knowst my soul’s L. M. 459 O Lord, thy servant here inspire L. M. 338 O Lord, my heart prepare s. M. D. 434 O Lord, within our souls enthroned L. M. 350 O may I find a home O precious boon ! O gift divine S. M. 539 c. M. 530 O render thanks to God above L. M. 269 O Saviour, fix my heart above C. M. 403 O thou, from whom all goodness flows C. M. 462 O thou, to whose all- searching sight L. M. 456 O thou, whose tender mercy hears C. M. 461 O what a beauteous scene Part 2. s. M. 478 O what a glorious sight Part 5. s. M. 478 O welcome now, ye favour’d race L. M. 99 O Zion, afflicted with wave upon wave P. 448 Omniscient God ! before thine eyes L. M. 17 Omniscient God, *tis thine to know L. M. 495 On clouds behold the Saviour ride L. M. 122 On thee we day by day depend Pai't 2. C. M. 405 On wings of faith, ye Christian souls P. M. 580 Our brother is gone ! his spirit is fled P. M. 558 Our condescending Lord, how kind C. M. 329 Our confidence and hope, O Lord C. M. 47 XXll TABLE OF Our God bestow’d that man might rise l, m. 349 Our Lord is risen from the dead l. m. 98 Parent of good ! thy genial ray l. m. Parents bereaved, your grief subdue c. m. Peace be to this congregation p. m. Pilgrims to Zion’s city bound l. m. Praise Jehovah, Jesus, Lord sevens Praise Jesus, God of Love p. m. Praise the Lord, who reigns above p. m. Praise to God, immortal praise sevens Praise to Jesu’s matchless love sevens Praise ye the Lord, adore his name l. m. Praise ye the Lord, exalt his name l. m. Praise ye the Lord ! let praise employ l. m. Precious boon ! O what a treasure p. m. Prepare, my soul, a song of praise p. m. Providence, profusely kind sevens 38 561 238 567 263 29 250 303 171 299 265 271 178 67 535 Quiet, Lord, my froward heart sevens 143 Redemption claims our highest lays p. m. Rejoice ! the Lord is king p. m. Rejoice, ye happy souls, rejoice c. m. Rejoice, ye ransom’d of the Lord c. m. Rejoice, ye servants of the Lord c. m. Return, my roving heart, return l. m. Return to bless my waiting eyes l. m. Rich in mercy, Jesus reigns sevens Rise, ev’ry heart, and ev’ry tongue l. m. Rise, O my soul, arise s. m. Rise, rise, ye Christians, rise s. m. Ris’n, O Lora, vO blissful state sevens 107 111 201 214 297 371 418 193 200 381 126 100 Safe is the man, my God, who flies p. m. 146 FIRST LINES. Xxiii L. M. P. M. C. M. L. M. C. M. Salvation ! O the joyful sound c. m. Saviour and Regenerator p. m. Say, what are these vvho brightly shine c. m. Say, what in God demands our love l. m. See a bright host descend to earth See from Zion’s sacred mountain Shepherd of Israel, lend thine ear Shew me, O Lord, the narrow road Shine forth. Eternal Source of Light Sin and sorrow, care and strife sevens d. Since Jesus is ours, we have a true p. m. Sinners, turn, why will ye die sevens d. Some seraph lend your heavenly tongue c. M. Soon shall the conqu’ror share p. m. Soon will end our mortal race p. m. Spared to see another year sevens d. Spirit born for endless day p. m. Spirit, leave thy house of clay sevens d. Still in the Lord thy God confide c. m. Sweet is the work, to sing and tell c. 115 254 576 507 169 187 233 397 483 534 295 358 15 438 542 599 552 554 160 287 Tempted soul, and deeply tried sevens 447 Ten thousand precious talents lent l. m. 513 That Jehovah God is One sevens 9 That Jesus reigns, let ev’ry nation hear p. m. 25 1 The barren fig-tree deck’d with leaves l. m. 486 The Christian’s call’d to fight p. m. 437 The day of rest is nearly gone p. m. 229 The faithful servants of the Lord l. m. 517 The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost Dox, 2. c. m. The heart of man can ne’er conceive l. m. 573 The joyful happy day appears l. m. 134 The kind intentions of our God c. m. 440 The Lord, by ways of tender love c. m. 57 The Lord conducts the varying scenes l. m, 139 XXIV TABLE OF The Lord extends his love divine c. M. 32 The Lord, from childhood’s earliest L. M. 351 The Lord is come ! Immanuel ’s born P. M. 77 The Lord is here ! let us adore P. M. 230 The Lord is my help, my shepherd, and The Lord is ris’n indeed P. M. 48 8. M. 89 The Lord is the God we adore P. M. 239 The Lord my pasture shall prepare P. M. 50 The Lord of earth and sky P. M. 36 The Lord of glory is my light C. M. 246 The Lord our Saviour is the way c. M. 41 The morning dawns, celestial light L. M. 132 The sky no longer overcast The soul of ev’ry man is free L. M. 45 L. M. 347 The spacious firmament on high P. M. 62 The state of conflict now is past C. M. 466 The sun of love has ceased to shine C* M. 119 The Word is all divine s. M. 185 Thee we adore. Eternal Name c. M. 532 There is a heaven of purest bliss c. M. 392 There is a land of pure delight c. M. 581 There is a world, the world of mind L. M. 477 They only share their Maker’s bliss L. M. 512 Think of the day the Lord of life C. M. 225 Think, O my soul, how much depends L. M. 536 Think, O my soul, the solemn day C. M. 544 Think, O my soul, what love to thee L. M. 83 Think, O my soul, what scenes await This feast ’s a pledge of things divine This infant, Lord, is brought to thee P. M. 583 C. M. 327 C. M. 307 This is a feast of love S. M. 33 This is the day when Jesus rose C. M. 95 This temple. Lord, alone to thee C. M. 341 This temple we to Jesus raise L. M. 342 This wilderness is not our home L. M. 426 FIRST LINES. Though all my foes combine p. m Though God our Saviour took our c. m. Though perfect eloquence adorn’d c. m. d. Though the morn may be serene sevens Though troubles assail, and dangers p. m. Thou art my sun of love divine c. M. Thou art the mighty King of kings c. m. Thou God of mercy, loving, kind l. m. Thou great, all-knowing, present God G, m. Thou Judge of quick and dead s. m. Thou Lamb of God, thou Prince of l. m. Thou Sun of love, whose radiant light l. m. Through all the changing scenes of life c. m. Through ev’ry active busy scene l. m. Thus saith the first, the great command l. m. Thy God his highest glory shows c. m. Thy name we extol, Jehovah our King p. m. Thy presence, gracious Lord, afford p. m. Thy servant, gracious Lord, receive c. m. Thy servant. Lord, receive s. m. Thy wisdom, power, and goodness, Lord c. m. ’Tis good to bear the Saviour’s yoke c. m. *Tis Jesus, from the mercy-seat c. m. ’Tis mercy bids us all forsake c. m. ’Tis time, my soul ! and more than time c. m. ’Tis wisdom, goodness, love divine l. m. To God be praises given s. m. To God our salvation and light p. m. To God the great, the ever-blest l. m. d. To Jesus be praise, for giving us light p. m. To Jesus be praise without end p, m. To Jesus Christ be glory given l. m. To Jesus, God above p. m. To man was reason given p. m. To sound his praise, who reigns on c. ai. XXV 424 11 497 429 147 44 279 31 141 386 154 102 142 546 510 82 270 23 G 31 1 313 25 a 368 365 389 81 140 325 596 272 186 * 194 1 343 360 289 TABLE OF XX vi To thee, Almighty King To thee, my God and Friend To thee, my God, this sacred day To walk in thy ways Triumphant over death and pain True charity ’s a holy fire True faith is built on Jesu’s Word p. M. 276 p. M. 594 p. M. 222 р. M. 408 с. M. 97 c. M. 499 L, M. 487 Unto us a child is born Upon the cross the Saviour bled Up to the hills I lift mine eyes SEVENS 71 L. M. 92 L. M. 1 44 Vainly we hope our God to please p. m. 511 Veil’d in flesh the Godhead see sevens 79 We ’re helpless, feeble, mean, and poor c. m. We celebrate the praise s. m. We seek a rest beyond the skies c. m. d. We sing the glories of thy love c. m. We travel through a barren land Part 1 . l. m. We ’ll bless the Lord from day to day c. m. What blessings below we daily receive p. m. What could the heart of man allure c. m. What forms are these that meet my l. m. What glorious states the human soul l. m. What glorious wonders, strange and c. m. What is my real love s. m. What is religion ? ’tis to love c. m. What is there. Lord, that I can do c. m. What themes divine our minds employ c. m. What though the swelling surge ye c. m. What various hindrances we meet l. m. What wonders hath Jehovah wrought l. m. When all our joys terrestrial fade c. m. When all thy mercies, O my God c. m. 162 85 446 247 488 280 301 354 498 518 571 373 496 399 176 445 479 266 450 148 XXVll FIRST LINES. When billows swell, and winds are l. m. When by temptations long Part 2, l. m. When earthly comforts fade away l. m. W’^hene’er, O Lord, my mind surveys l. m. Whene’er the Christian pilgrim views l. m. When friends and kindred droop and c. m. d. When from below temptation springs L. m. When gath’riiig clouds around I view p. m. When God arises in his power c. m. When God look'd down on earth below l. m. When he whose mercy placed me here l. m. W^hen Israel by divine command c. m. When Israel through the desert pass’d l. m. When I survey around s. m. When Jesus came the world to save l. m. When life’s tempestuous storms are p. m. When my prayer is a burden and task p, m. When press’d by sin’s o’erwhelming c. m. When thus we eat the sacred bread l. m. When two on earth are join’d s. m. When we truly love the Lord sevens Whence do our mournful thoughts arise c. m. Where can I dwell with such delight l. m. Where for safety shall I fly sevens Where men with mutual kindness glow l. m. Wherefore should I make my moan p. m. While here below we walk with God l. m. While in this lower world we dwell l. m. While we partake the flesh and blood l. m. While with ceaseless course the sevens d. Whither, O whither shall I fly l. m. Who can declare the boundless bliss c. m. Who shall not fear thy holy name c. m. Who shall the mount of God ascend l. m. Why should I fear the darkest hour p. m. e2 444 488 153 353 566 565 457 451 118 113 555 421 173 63 69 547 410 431 326 332 519 453 174 458 501 564 423 363 323 597 27 584 489 527 449 XXViii TABLE OF Why wilt thou still in darkness live c. M. 361 With faithful saints the Lord unites L. M. 508 With joy we own thy servant. Lord C. M. 337 With one consent let all the earth L. M. 283 With sacred joy we lift our eyes C. M. 240 Within thy holy temple. Lord C. M. 243 Wouldst thou, my soul, to heaven arise C. M. 380 Ye children of the living God C. M. 298 Ye Christians, tune your noblest strains L. M. 93 Ye contrite souls, your Saviour praise L. M. 369 Ye nations, praise the Lord S. M. 296 Ye servants of God, your Master P. M. 116 Ye sons of men, in sacred lays L. M. 66 Ye tempted souls, look up S. M. 439 Ye tempted souls, your Lord is nigh L. M. 452 Ye who obey the Word P. M. 443 Ye whose hands have lost Part 2. sevens 475 Yes ! the promised tribulation P. M. 442 Your heart and tongues to Jesus raise L. M. 138 Zeal is that pure and heavenly flame C. M. 491 Zion^ the city of our God C. 203 TABLE OF TEXTS OF SCRIPTURE. Several of the texts given at the head of the hyrnnSi are intended to indicate^ that the whole hymn before which they appear is founded upon them : others are mentioned^ because particular expressions contained in them are referred-to : and some are cited as generally applicable to the sub^ jecty or as authority for the doctrine, of the hymn or of parts of it, though there is no direct allusion to their words, \It IS to be noted, that this Index, having been re- compiled after the body of the ivork teas stereotyped, contains a few texts which are not mentioned at the head of the hymns referred-to : the reader therefore is not to conclude, on observing such omission, that the reference in the Index is erroneous,'] Hymn Hymn Genfsis, Deuteronomy. i 1-4 .. xviii. 15 . 3, 43 i. & ii. i — 3 .. 478 xxviii. iii . ..353 XXX. 15 — 19 . . ..347 --I5 .. . . .. 79 xxxiii. 25 166, 455, 456 xix. 17. 22 .. 174 26—29 . ..199 xxii. 14 . . , 147,449 27 . . . xxviii. !6, 17 .. . . . 230 Joshua. Exodus. V. 14 . . . 425 xiii. 21 , . 173, 450 1 Samuel. xiv. 13 ..174 iii. 18 .. . . . . . 564 — 23,31 . . . 447 vii 12 .. . .. 454,463 XV. 2 ... . .. 117 2 Samuel. Numbers. xii. 23 . . , . . . . 564 vi. 25 ... . .. 46 xxii. 29 . . . . . . 450 Deuteronomy. xxiii. 4 vii. 1,2. . .. 437 2 Kings. ix. 1-3 .. . . .. 425; ii. 1 ,. .. , , . . , bn c .S XXX TABLE OF TEXTS Hymn Psalms. V. 7 . . , . 20 ix. 14 115 xii. 4 20 xvi. 5 56 - 7,11 237 — 8 403 — 10 . . 91 xvii. 8 163 xviii. 2, 18 , , 450 46-50 , . 277 xix. 1 — 4 , , 62 — 6—8 . . 177 xxiii. 48,49,50,51,52 xxiv. 3 — 5 , , 527 7 .. 9-1 7—10 98, 208 XXV 7 462 xxvii. 4 — 6 , , 246 xxx. 5 295 xxxi 1.5 . . • • 151 xxxiii. 1 — 4 • • 297 5 32 xxxiv. 1 — 5 , , 280 1,7, 8, 9 , 142 3 , , 59 7 169, 170 xxxvi. 7 27 xlii. 1, 2, 4 222 — 2 154 — 11 .. 445 xliii. 3. 456 4 .. 222 xliv. 4—8 279 xiv. 3—6 109 — 3—7,17 no — 4 . , 122 — 13 .. 177 xlvi. 1 — 5 , . 158 4 .. . 202. ,203 xlvii. 5—9 , . 96 xlviii. 12 — 14 203 Psalms. 1. 15. li. 17 Iv. 22 Ivii. I - 1,7 — 8,11 Hymn 159 232 159 290 457 273 Ixi.2, 3 47 — 3 450 Ixii. 2 450 — 5,8 47 Jxv. 1, 11 — 13 303,304 lxviii.1-3 .. ..118 4,26,34 .. 116 18 87,93,98, 111 29 Ixix. 1, 2, 14 Ixxi. 5, 6, 17, 18 Ixxiii. 25 . . 25, 26 Ixxxiv. 1, 2 1,2, 4, 4, 10 J1 Ixxxvii. 3 7 Ixxxix. 1, 2, 6, 15 15—18 xc. 1 — 4 . . — 1,2,4, 11 — 2 .. .. xci. 1, 4, 10, 11, 14 — 11 — 11 , 12 7, 10 , 10 , 11 , I 4—16 $ 20 456 148 398 58 579 242 243 44, 450 .. 202 .. 450 .. 35 .. 125 .. 293 .. 294 .. 252 5, 16 146 . 170 . 171 xcvi. 13 136 xcvii. 1 c. cii. 1—21 ciii. 1 — 5 — 1—13 .. ..Ill 282, 283, 284 .. ..459 285 .. .. 286 of SCRIPTURE. XXXl Hymn Hymn PSALMS. Isaiah. .. 202 ciii. 20— 22 .. 67 iv. 5 cvi. 1 — 5 .. 269 vi. 3 .. 68 — 4 .. .. .. 462 — 6 .. 99 cvii. .. 139 vii. 14 . . , , 7, 70,79 26—30 . . .. 47 ix. 2 .. 7.^ • 30 .. .. .. 450 — 6 79, 131 cx. 4 .. 3,43 — 6, 7 . . 70,71 cxi. 1 — 8 .. 265 xi. 1 cxv. 1 .. 402 xii. 1 — 3 .. 134 1,9 . . 255 — 2 cxvi. 1 — 5 . 465 — 4—6 .. 299 cxvii. 259, 296 xxvi. 1 cxviii. 22 ,, .. 344 XXX. 26 , . cxix. 9 ... .. 232 xxxi. 7 15, 16 . . 174 xxxii 2 18, 105 .. .. 177 XXXV. 32 .. 27 3 .. 33,71, 97, 105, > 4,5 .. 70 127, 143 ; 5 5, 6 3, 124 cxxi 144, 145 6,7, . 8 cxxvii. 1, 2 .. 470 8—10 .. 214 cxxx. 1 .. 444 10 .. .. 212 cxxxi .. 494 xl. 3 2, 3 .. 143 .. 34 — 3, 4 .. 469 rxxxii. 15 — 4,11 .. ..xxxvi .. 302 — 21—25 . . 6 cxxxix. 1 — 12 .. 18 — 27-31 .. 453 5, 7 10 .. 141 xli. 11, 14 .. 449 12,23,24 .. 456 — 18-20 .. 476 23, 24 .. 370 xlii 3, 16 .. 27 cxliv. 1 xliii. 1, 2 .. 166 1,2 .. 435 2 .. 443, 446 2 .. .. xlv. 2 cxiv. 1,2 .. 58 -- 8 -1—9 .. 270 — 21 .. ..7,9 9 .. .. — 22 .. 10, 14—21 .. 274 — 24 8 cxlvii. 1 — 3 .. 287 xlvi. 9, 10 .. 5 ^ 5, 6, 8, 9, 12 37 xlix. 9, 15 .. 26 cxhiii. 3 .. 63 16 .. .. 295 Cl. a&o, 271, 298 1. 10 XXKll TABLE OF TEXTS Hymn Isaiah. li. 3 197 — 11 125 liii. 3, 4 84 — 4 8 liv. 4, 5, 7, 8, 11 . . 210 — 10 — 11 It. 1, &c. — 0, 7 . . — 10 , 11 .. Iviii, 13, 14 lix. 16-20 — 19 295 209, 448 .. 180 . 365 .. 191 .. 519 .. 113 . .. 445 Hy^tn Joel. ii. 31, 32 .. .. .. 69 Amos. iv. 12 . . . . . . 543 Micah. iv. 1—5 211 V. 2 . . . . . . . 7 Habakkek. ii. 20 . . . . iii. 17 .. .. — 17,18 Zephaniah. iii. 13 HaGGAI. 20 449 153 204 lx. 1,2 . . . 133 ii. 7 . . . . — 2, 3, 19, 20 .. , . 73 — 7—9 .. — 4—11 70 — 8, 9 . . . . 196 — 18-20 , . , , 209 Zechariah. — 19—21 . , , , 476 iv. 7 .. .. 121 Ixi. 1 124, 125, 126 xiii. 1 . . . . 450 — 1—3 . 72 xiv. 8, 9 . . . . 133 Ixiii. 1, 3 . 154 — 9 6,132 1—6 , , , , 106 Malachi. 7 . • • . . 200 iii 1 .. .. . . . . 20 9 33 — 2 .. .. . . . . 123 Jeremiah. — 2, 3 . . . . . 439 viii 22 450 — 12 . . . . 201 xiv. 8 450 iv. 2 7, 45, 73, 79 1.5 .. 203 Matthew. Lamentations. iii. 11 .. 313,468 iii. 27 368 V. 8 . . . . . . . . 514 — 33 442 — 14 . . . . 205 Ezkkiel. — 14, 16 .. .. 511 xviii 31 , , , . 359 — 45 . . 38, 101 xxxiii. 11 , . 358 vi.9— 13 .. .. 404,405 xxxiv. 12, .31 .. , . 70 — 10 . . . . 157 xxxvi. 26 , , . . 412 — 13 . . . . 38 xlvii. 1, 8, 9,12. .182. »187 — 19, 20 .. .. 138 Daniel. — 20 vii. 13, 14 128 ,131 vii. 12 Hosea. — 13, 14 . . . . 397 xiii* 14 94 viii. 11 .. .. .. 517 OP SCRIPTURE. xxxiii Hymn Matthew. Tiii. 24 — 27 . . . . 448 X. 16 60 — 28 138 — 36 433 xi. 26 , . .... 368 — 27 12 — 28 . .... 361 — 28—30 . . . . 431 — 29 390 — 30 155 xvi. 18 121 24 61 24,25 .. .. 114 26 345 xTiii. 3 516 10 310 20 322 24—27 .. .. 125 xix. 5 332 XX. 22, 23 .. ..155 xxi. 5 3, 43 19 486 21 412 xxii. 36 — 40 . . . . 510 xxiv. 29, 30 . . ..119 30,31 .. 120, 130 42,43 .. .. 385 XXV. 1—13 .. ..498 6,7 .. . 432 — 21 549 xxvi. 26 328 36—44 .. V. 83 39 140 40, 41 .. .. 386 41 .388 xxvii. 2, 9 . . . . 94 xxviii. 18 . . 92, 390, 449 Mark. iv. 38 8 — 39 .. . 155,444 Hymn Mark. X. 15 310 xii. 29, 30 .. .. 9 — 30 374 xiii. 13 396 xiv. 49 20 XV. 36 . ; . . . . 83 xvi. 17 99 Luke. ii. 9, 10, 13, 14 .. 78,169 — 13—15,17.. .. 75 iv. 18 3,72 X.18 108 — 21 369 — 38 364 — 42 398 xii. 35 384 xiii 6, 9 36 — 35 136 xiv. 9,10 • . . . 493 xvii. 5 99 xviii. 13 . . .. .. 379 28 . . . . 389, 398 xix. 41 378 xxii. 19 323 26 61 42 157 44 83 xxiii.34 83 xxiv. 34 89 51,53 .. ..97 John. i. 1,3 6 — 4 55,99 — 14 .. 4,13,15,106 — 18 .. 12,13,15,107 ii. 21 20 — 24, 25 . . . . 19 iii. 3, 5 468 — 8 473 V. 2—4 181 XXXIV TABLE OF TEXTS Hymn HyMif John. IIevelation. V. 14 .. .. 81 iii. 17, 18 .. . . 391 — 40 , . . . 361 - 19 138 vi. 35 . . . . 450 — 21 114, 438, 449 — 51 . . 55, 449 IV. 9 264 53, 55 . . V. 5 . . . . 122 — 54 — 6 578 — 55 . . . 328 — 9,11—13 • . . . 264 viii. 11 .. 174,281 — 12 40 X.28 — 12, 13 .. .. 2,8, 112 — 30 — 13 .. 14, 136 xi. 25 .42 vii. 3 99 xiii. 1 — 9, 10 . . 264 — 15 .. — 10 117 — 15,34 . . . . 60 — 10-^12 . • • • 116 xiv. 6 2,41 — 13-17 • • 576 9, 13 . . — 14 40 — 10 .. 3, 99 — 15 20 — 13, 14 . . . . 10 — 17 578 — 23 . . . . 27 xii. 11 .. 40, 114 27 xiv. 4 6J, 154, 390 XV. 1—8 .. — 13 .. 549 — 4,5 .. XV. 3 247 - 5 54, 55, 450 - 3,4 .. 489 — 9-11 . . . . 23 xix. 1 3 15 - 1,6 .. 137 xvi. 7 3,99 — 5,6 .. 248 33 .. — 6 578 xix. 28 ‘-9 316 30 .. — 10 .. 183 XX. 19 — 11 .. 188 xxi. 7, 15 . . . . 26 — 11 — 15, 17, 18 .. 123 Revelation. XX. 14 • • • . 123 i. 4, 6, 7, 8, &c. 1 xxi. 1 • 127 — 5 .. .. 40 1,4 .. 126 — 7, 8 . . 2,4,11, 19,21, > 194 — 16 .. 101,578 23, 24, 27 S —.18 .. . Ill 3 .. .. 120, , 135 H. 7, 17 . . 3,4 • • 580 — 12—17 .. ..452 4 .. 131 — 13 .. .. 19 5 . . 133 OP SCRIPTURE. XXXV E DELATION Hymn Revelation, Hymn xxi. 9 . . . 300 xxii. 1 — 5 . . 580 10—21 . . . 193 4,5 .. .. 22 . . . . . 20 13 .. .. 1 25 • . , 27, 195 16, 17,20 .. 45 \xii. J, 2 172 ~ — 17 .. .. .. 31 o HYMNS FOR THE NEW CHURCH, THE LORD. HYMN 1. L. M. TAe Lord the Alpha and Omega, Rev. i. 4, 6, 7, 8, &3, xxii. 13. 1 To Jesus Christ be glory given,, By all on earth, by all in heaven ! Let his dominion wide extend. His glorious kingdom never end ! 2 For He, of all that *s good and true. Is Alpha, and Omega too ^ The Fount of life, the Source of light, The Spring of ev’ry true delight : 3 Beginning, Ending, — God and Man ! His inmost Esse, none can scan 3 But in his Human Form Divine, The First and Last united shine : B 2 THE LORD. 4 Who is^ who was, who is to come,— Th’ Eternal, Infinite, I Am ! The Lord Almighty, — God most high ! Amen ! let heaven and earth reply. HYMN 2 . p. M. Jesus God over all. Rev. v. 12, 13; John xiv. 6. 1 Jesus, thou King, enthroned on high. To whom angelic hosts draw nigh. Whose courts they fill with thankful songs Resounding from immortal tongues ! Thee they proclaim, thro* realms of rest, ^^God over all, for ever blest.” 2 We would, like them, thy power proclaim. And swell the honours of thy name j That name whence all our mercies rise. Which to each want gives due supplies : Our King thou art, adored, confess’d, ‘^God over all, for ever blest.” 3 Thy Word, unfolded, pours its light To clear and bless the mental sight ; We see in each prophetic line The glories of thy godhead shine 3 Our great Immanuel stands confess’d, ‘^God over all, for ever blest.” 4 Be this our care, while here we stay. To walk with thee, who art "the Wayj*’ Steadfast, in thee, "the Truth,” believe 3 From thee, "the Life,” our life receive} Thee the sole Lord, of power possess’d, "God over all, for ever blest.” THE LORD. 3,4 HYMN 3. p. M. J'he Trinity in the Lord. Luke iv. 18; John xiv. 10 ; xvi. ^ ; Rev. xix. 1 ; Isa. xxxv. 5, 6 ; Deut. xviii. 15 ; Ps. cx. 4 ; Matt, xxi, 6. 1 Jehovah, Lord, to thee we raise An humble song of sacred praise. For comforts in thy Word ! By truths divine as now reveal’d. Our deepest sorrows all are heal’d. And peace of mind restored. 2 ' Th’ Eternal Father in the Son, And Holy Spirit thence, as One, In thy blest form we see 3 Thousands of angels hail thee King, And endless hallelujahs sing. To praise thy Deity. 3 Rise, then, my soul, from ev’ry sin. The work of righteousness begin. And serve this Prince of light 3 Whose spirit bids the lame to walk. The deaf to hear, the dumb to talk. And to the blind gives sight ! 4 Jesus, thou light and life divine. All honour, power, and strength be thine ! To thee our praise we bring 3 Thou art our all, in truth adored. Our God, our Saviour, and our Lord, Our Prophet, Priest, and King. HYMN 4. c. M. The same. John i. 14. 1 Behold, Jehovah condescends To wipe away our tears 3 Th’ Eternal Word from heaven descends. And Man on earth appears. B 2 THE LORD. 2 The Human ’s born of the Divine, The Father’s only Son 3 In Jesus, God and Man combine. And he is Lord alone. 3 In Jesus Christ alone, we view The trinity complete 3 Here Father, Son, and Spirit too. In perfect union meet. HYMN 5 . L. M. T/te Lord Eternal and Self-existent. Ps. xc. 2 ; Isa. xlvi. 9, 10, 1 Almighty Father of mankind, Jehovah, Jesus, God, and Lord, Supreme and self-existent Mind, By heaven and earth be thou adored ! 2 From everlasting thou hast been 3 To everlasting thou shalt be 3 No change, no cloud, can intervene To shade thy peerless Majesty. 3 Whate’er exists, thro’ endless years. Is ever present to thy view : To thee there ’s nothing old appears 3 To thee. Great God ! there ’s nothing new. 4 One Essence and one Person thou. Thou art the great First Cause alone. To thee we pay the suppliant vow. And bend in homage round thy throne. HYMN 6. L. M. Jesus the one Creator of all things. John i. 1, 3 ; Isa. xl. 2l — 25 Zech. xiv. 9. 1 Jesus, thou great almighty Cause Of earth, and seas, and worlds unknown. All things are subject to thy laws. All things depend on thee alone ! THE LORD. 2 Thy glorious being singly stands Of all within itself possess’d 3 By none controll’d in thy commands. And in thyself completely blest. 3 To thee, the One Supreme, we bow : Let heaven and earth due homage pay ! All other gods we disavow, Reject their claims, renounce their sway. 4 Spread, Lord, thy name thro’ ev’ry land ! All idol deities dethrone ! Subdue the world to thy command. And reign, unri vail’d, God alone 1 HYMN 7. L. M. The Eternal Creator t the Redeemer. Isa, xlv. 21 ; Mic. v.2^ Isa. vii. 14 ; Mai. iv. 2. 1 My song shall bless the Lord of all. My praise shall rise to his abode : My Maker, Saviour, him I call. The only wise, the mighty God. 2 Without beginning or decline. Throned in his own omnipotence. Ages of ages saw him shine 3 He shines eternal ages hence. 3 High though he be above all height, AVith man behold him kindred claim 3 Salvation, lo ! he brings to light. And owns Immanuel for his name. 4 In manhood clothed, he felt our woes ; The manhood raised, is now divine 3 Thence healing virtue ever flows. And beams of grace and glory shine. B 3 THE LORD. 8, 9 HYMN 8. c. M. Jesus the Governor of the Universe. Isa. liii. 4 j xlv. 24; xxxv. 6, 7 ; Mark iv. 38 ; Rev. v. 12, 13. 1 He who on earth as Man was known. And bore our griefs and pains. Now seated on th’ eternal throne. The God of glory reigns. 2 The circling spheres their orbits keep By his directing hand j The heavens he rules 3 the raging deep Is still at his command. 3 What tho* the land thro’ which we go Be desolate and dry ? Truth’s living streams from Jesus flow. Our thirst to satisfy. 4 O then, while angels sing his praise In heavenly worlds above. Let us on earth prolong the lays Of gratitude and love ! HYMN 9. SEVENS. Jesus the only Object of love and worship. Mark xii. 29, 30; Isa. xlv. 21. 1 That Jehovah God is one. Truth’s unerring page records ; Jesus is that God alone. King of kings, and Lord of lords. 2 In his Human Form Divine, Father, Son, and Spirit meet 3 Let us all in praises join. Let us bow before his feet ! 3 Jesus claims our willing heart 3 All our soul to him is due 3 Light and life he will impart 3 Health and strength he wdll renew. THE LORD. 10, 11 4 All our mind, ana all onr powers. We ’ll employ his name to praise j All our days, and all our hours. Shall his fame and honour raise. HYMN 10. s. M. The Lord the only Objeci of ivorship. John x. 30; xiv. 13,14. 1 Lo ! Jesus is our God ! We bow before his throne. Lift up our eyes to his abode. And none beside him own. 2 He with the Father ’s one 3 His Human ’s all divine 3 The glorious beams of heaven’s bright sun Flow forth from him, and shine. 3 His just and sov’reign claim Extends o’er earth and heaven 3 And what we ask in his great name Shall by himself be given. 4 Then let our souls adore The Father in the Son, To other lords bow down no more 3 Jesus is God alone ! HYMN 11. c. M. The Humanity Glorified. 1 Though God our Saviour took our form Our feeble, dying clay. He by his mighty power divine The earthly put away. 2 A human frail, infirm, and gross. No more, O Lord, is thine 3 Thou didst, by suff’rings and the cross. Thy Human make Divine. 12 THE LORD. 3 A process none but the Loro Can fully comprehend 5 But lo ! its wonders in the Word Are all divinely penn’d. 4 Angels of light with joy pursue The vast, the boundless theme ; We trace the sacred myst’ry too. And still new glories beam. 5 Thou art the only Deity ^ All is in thee divine 5 In thy Divine Humanity The angels’ God, and mine ! HYMN 12, s. M. The Divine Humanity . John i. 18. 1 Jesus, we come to thee. And bow before thy throne ; In thy Divine Humanity Thou art our God alone. 2 Thine Esse none can see ; That is beyond our sight j But thy Divine Humanity Is seen in heavenly light. 3 In essence thou art one. And one in person too 3 Though in thine Esse seen by none Thy person we may view. 4 The Human made Divine Our souls with joy adore 5 And soon with angels we shall join, To praise and love thee more. THE LORD. 13, 14 HYMN 13 . L. M. The Divine Humanity, John i. 18, 14 ; xiv. 9, 18. 1 Jehovah Jesus, Lord alone. Who reignest on ih* eternal throne. We bless thy name, and worship thee In thy Divine Humanity ! 2 Thou art the God our souls adore ! We worship other gods no more j Thou hast reveal’d thy Deity In thy Divine Humanity. 3 In human form divine, O Lord, We hail thee as th’ Incarnate Word, And bow before the majesty Of thy Divine Humanity ! 4 Be all thy name by us adored, Jehovah, Jesus, God, and Lord ! For all the boundless Deity Centers in thy Humanity. 5 We worship thee ! in thee we boast The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost ! The one Jehovah God we see In thy Divine Humanity. HYMN 14 . c. M, Out God in Human Form. Rev. v. 13. 1 Jesus the Lord is God and Man 5 In human form is he 3 Though finite beings cannot scan His vast infinity. 2 Taught by his Word, we joyful sing That he is God alone 3 That, in the heavens, the SovYeign King As God and Man is known. 15 THE LORD. 3 Angels behold him as he is. In human form divine j While wisdom, love, and endless bliss, From his bless’d body shine. 4 Jesus to angels thus made known. They see the God they love 5 In human form he fills the throne. And all the heavens above. 5 This is the God our souls adore ; We glory in his name. And joyful will, for evermore. His Deity proclaim. HYMN 15 . c. M. The Infinite manifested. John i. 18, 14, 1 Some seraph lend your heavenly tongue. Or harp of golden string 5 Help me to raise a lofty song. To our eternal King ! 2 We vvould, great God, exalt thy name, Thy majesty make known 5 We would thy goodness loud proclaim. And worship thee alone ! 3 Thine Esse is a vast abyss. Where finite thought is drown’d 5 An ocean of infinities. For angels too profound. 4 But clothed with human form divine Thine essence brought to view. How mildly thy perfections shine With glories ever new ! o We view the Father in the Son, In thee. Incarnate Word ! Thine essence and thy person one, Jehovah, Jesus, Lord. 16, 17 DIVINE ATTRIBUTES. HYMN 16. L. M, Eternity, Immensity, and Infinity. Ps. xc. 2. 1 Eternal God ! thou First and Last ! How wonderful, how great, art thou ! The present, future, and the past. To thee, are one eternal now, 2 Before time was, thy being stood. Of all within itself possess’d 5 With time, thou gavest ev’ry good To render conscious beings bless’d. 3 No measured space existed, till Thy hand created things of sense 3 Then with thy presence thou didst fill All thou hadst made, O God immense ! 4 Thou Infinite ! no finite thought Could e’er approach thy high abode : But now, before our vision brought. We see thee Man, and know our God. HYMN 17. L. M. Omniscience, Omnipotence, and Omnipresence 1 Omniscient God ! before thine eyes All things appear in perfect light 3 All things on earth, or in the skies. Are present to thy piercing sight. 2 O Lord Omnipotent ! thine arm Protects thy friends, and foils thy foes Thou wilt thy righteous will perform. And vainly worms thy power oppose. 18 , 19 DIVINE ATTRIBUTES. 3 Thou Omnipresent Source of bliss ! Thou Sun whose beams all space pervade : By them thy Godhead present is In ev’ry thing thy hand hath made. 4 Thou know’st our wants 3 our cause is thine ; Thy power can all our needs supply 3 And thou art near, with help divine. For all that on thy love rely. HYMN 18. L. M. Omniscience and Omnipresence. Ps, cxxxix. 1 — 12, 1 Lord, thou hast search’d and seen me through, Thine eye commands, with piercing view. My rising and my resting hours. My inmost heart, and all my powers. 2 My thoughts, before they are my own. Are to my God distinctly known 3 • He knows the words I mean to speak, Ere from my op’ning lips they break. 3 Within thy circling power I stand 3 On ev’ry side I find thy hand 3 Awake, asleep, at home, abroad. Still present with me is my God. 4 O may these thoughts possess my breast, Wliere’er I rove, where’er I rest ! Nor let my weaker passions dare Consent to sin, for God is there ! HYMN 19. c. M. Omniscience. Rev. ii. 13, 1 Brethren, the Lord divinely wise. Knows all our works below 3 The principle from which they rise. The spring from whence they flow. DIVINE ATTRIBUTES. 20 2 His searching eye at once surveys Whate’er we have in view. How far we walk in error’s wavs. Or heavenly aims pursue. 3 Infernal hosts our path surround 3 Let us their power oppose. Firm in the cause of truth be found. To combat all our foes ! 4 Jesus will then our steps defend. And keep our souls secure 5 From heaven a full deliv’rance send. And make our vict’ry sure. HYMN 20 . p. M. The Divine Presence. Ps. v. 7 ; Ixviii. 29; xi. 4 ; Rev. vii. 16; Hab. ii. 20; Mark xiv.49 ; Mai. iii. 1 ; John ii. 21 ; Rev. xxi. 22. PART I. 1 God is in his holy temple, — In his house of prayer below 3 There his faithful saints assemble. And before his footstool bow. Lo ! he ’s present with us ever. When assembled in his name. Aiding ev’ry good endeavour. Guiding ev’ry humble aim. 2 God is in his holy temple,- — In the church he calls his own. In the city where assemble All who worship him alone. New Jerusalem, all glorious, Is the city of our God 3 There Immanuel reigns victorious. There he makes his loved abode, c 20 DIVINE ATTRIBUTES. 3 God is in his holy temple, — In the heavenly world above. Where the saints in light assemble, Who are perfected in love. There eternal songs ascending From celestial voices flow ^ Joys supreme, and never ending. Crown the toils endured below. PART II. 4 God is in his holy temple, — In each renovated mind. Where the purer thoughts assemble. While the base are cast behind. Ev’ry earthly, low affection. Long opposed, is silent now y . Ev’ry passion, in subjection. Must at wisdom’s altar bow. 5 God is in his holy temple, — In his life- dispensing Word 3 Thither let us all assemble ! Blessings he will thence afford. Truths with pure affection glowing. Truths that full of wisdom shine. There we see for ever flowing From the plenteous fount divine. 6 God is in his holy temple, — In his Human Glorified : Thence he make our foes to tremble. Thence are we with grace supplied. He, the Word which wrought creation, He, the Word which flesh became. He alone can give salvation 3 God and Jesus are the same. DIVIXE ATTRIBUTES. 21, 22 HYMN 21 . p. M. Divine Love 1 O CELEBRATE Jchovah’s Lovc, The spring whence all our blessings flow ! ’Twas he, the Lord of lords above, A^^o saved us from eternal woe. Be Jesu’s dear loved name with pleasure sung, By earth and heaven, by all of ev’ry tongue ! 2 Eternal ages yet to come. Shall trace the mercies of the Lord Through ages past, a countless sum. And gratefully his love record. Be Jesu’s boundless love and mercy sung. By all that know his name, of ev’ry tongue ! 3 While we the wondrous theme repeat, The golden harps are strung in heaven ; Angelic choirs in rapture meet. And praise divine to God is given. Christians, your voices raise, with ardour sing, And join the angels’ notes to praise your King ! 4 Redeem’d by mercy, come and bring Your grateful tribute to your God 5 Exalt the goodness of your King, And spread his nameless love abroad ! Love shall attune our hearts and tongues to raise An everlasting song to Jesu’s praise. HYMN 22 . c. M. God is Love. 1 Come ye that know Immanuel’s name. And raise your thoughts above ; Let ev’ry heart and voice unite To sing — that God is love. 23 DIVINE ATTRIBUTES^ 2 This precious truth his Word reveals. And all his mercies prove 3 Creation and redemption join To shew — that God is love. 3 His patience, bearing much and long With those who from him rove. His kindness when he leads them home. Both mark — that God is love. 4 The work begun, is carried on By power from heaven above ^ And ev’ry step, from first to last. Declares — that God is love. 5 O may we all, while here below. This best of blessings prove. Till nobler songs, in brighter worlds. Proclaim — that God is love ! HYMN 23 . L. M. Divine Love. John xv. 9, 10, 11. 1 Jesus ! thy boundless love to me. No thought can reach, no tongue declare : O bind my thankful heart to thee. And reign without a rival there ! 2 O grant that nothing in my soul May rule, but thy pure love alone ! O may thy love possess the whole. My joy, my treasure, and my crown ! 3 Jesus, the Life, the Truth, the Way, What wondrous things thy love hath wrought Still lead me, lest I go astray ; Inspire my will, direct my thought ! DIVINE ATTRIBUTES. 24 4 In suff’ring, be thy love my peace ! In weakness, be thy love my power ! And, when the storms of life shall cease. My stay in death's important hour ! 5 Henceforth, let no profane delight Divide my consecrated soul 5 Possess it, thou, who hast the right. As Lord and Master of the whole ! HYMN 24 . c. M. Divine Love : or. The Lord our heaven. y Friend. 1 A FRIEND there is, (ye saints, combine To praise his sacred name ! ) Whose truth and kindness are divine. Whose love 's a constant flame. 2 When most we heed his helping hand. This Friend is always near 5 With heaven and earth at his command^ He hears and answers prayer. 3 His love no end or measure knows. No change can turn its course ; Immutably the same, it flows From one eternal source. 4 Our sorrows in the scale he weighs. And measures out our pains •, The raging storm his word obeys 5 His word its power restrains. 5 When earthly comforts fade and fall^ When press’d by times of ill. He is our God, our all in all. He is our portion still. c 3 25. 26 DIVINE attributes. HYMN 25 . c. M. Divine Love beyond all praise. 1 How shall we praise thy dear- loved nam®. Our Saviour, and our God ! Fain would we all thy love proclaim. And sound thy power abroad. 2 But ah ! our noblest accents die, So weak and mean they prove 5 In vain our warmest praises try To speak thy boundless love. 3 So vast the subject, angels’ tongues Can never speak its worth 5 Not all their soul- enchanting songs Can ever set it forth. 4 Unfathomable are its deeps. Its height no angel knows Open this fountain ever keeps. And unto all it flows. HYMN 26 . SEVENS. The claims of Divine Love. John xxi. 7> 15 ; Isa. xlix. 9, 15. 1 Hark, my soul, it is the Lord ! ’Tis thy Saviour ; hear his word ! Jesus speaks, and speaks to thee, '‘^Son of Jonas, lov’st thou me ?” 2 He deliver’d thee when hound. And when bleeding heal’d thy wound. Sought thee wand’ ring, set thee right. Turn’d thy darkness into light. 3 Can a mother’s tender care Cease to guard the child she bare ? Yes, she may forgetful be. Yet will He remember thee. DIVINE ATTRIBUTES. 27 , 28 4 His is an unchanging love. Higher than the heights above. Deeper than the depths beneath, Stronger than the arm of death. > Lord, it is my chief complaint, That my love is weak and faint : Yet 1 love thee, and adore : Help me. Lord, to love thee more ! HYMN 27 . L. M. Safety in Divine Love. Dent, xxxiii. 27 ; Ps. xxxvi. 7 ; Tsa.xl. llj XXXV. 3; xlii. 3, 16 ; Ps. cxix. 32; John xiv. 23; Isa. xl. 4; Rev. xxi. 25. 1 Whither, O whither shall I fly. But to my loving Saviour’s breast. Secure within thine arms to lie. And safe beneath thy wings to rest } 2 Gently wilt thou the tender lead. And strengthen ev’ry feeble knee j Thou wilt not break the bruised reed, Nor quench the smoking flax in me. 3 Lord, of myself I’m weak and blind : Lead me a way I have not known 3 Bring me where I my heaven may find. The heaven of loving thee alone ! 4 Enlarge my heart to make thee room. Enter, and there for ever stay ! The crooked then shall straight become. And darkness shall be lost in day. HYMN 28 . SEVENS. J\Ian created, redeemed, and preserved by Love Divine. 1 Love divine for ever flows. Fount of bliss and safe repose ^ Love divine, unbounded, free. End or limit ne’er can see. 29 DIVINE ATTRIBUTES, 2 Love divine did all create For a blest eternal state : Love divine (exulting tell ! ) Man redeem’d from death and hell. 3 Love divine is high, intense. Baffles science, reason, sense. Love divine came dowm to earth : Wisdom join’d to give it birth. 4 Love divine, our race to save. Suffer’d sorrow and the grave. Love divine is still the same 5 Nought can quench its ardent flame. 5 Love divine ! O charming sound ! Angels, bear the echo round ! Love divine inspire our song, Fill each heart, and tune each tongue! HYMN 29 . p. M. Divine Love Universal. Isa, xlv. 8. 1 Praise Jesus, God of love. The Lord of life above ! Praise him who created all For eternal life and joy •, Who redeem’d us from the fail. Who will raise us up on high ! 2 Blessings on all he pours In never ceasing showers ; All he waters from above 5 Offers all his joy and peace. All the blessings of his love, Life and everlasting bliss. DIVINE ATTRIBUTES. 30 A All may from him receive A power to turn and live j Grace for ev’ry soul is free ; All may hear the saving call j All the light of life may see 5 All may feel he loveth all. 4 Drop down in showers of love. Ye heavens from above ! Righteousness, ye skies, pour down ! Open, earth, and take it in 1 Then shall Jesus wear the crown 3 Then shall cease the power of sin. HYMN 30. L. M. All Men designed hy Divine Love for Heaven^ 1 Great God of heaven, it cannot be That good and evil flow from thee ! Thou art eternally the same. And love and mercy are thy name. 2 Thy ways are truth, thy laws are right. Justice and goodness thy delight 3 To all thy tender mercies flow. In heaven above and earth below. 3 In love thou didst our race create. Holy and happy was their state 3 And when by sin thy creatures fell. Thou didst redeem their souls from helL 4 To all thy grace is freely given 3 Thy mercy all would lead to heaven : Thy nature ’s love, thy dealings kind, Nor one for hell was e’er desip^n’d. 32 DIVINE ATTRIBUTES. 5 Great God^ how kind are all thy ways ! How free thy love, how rich thy grace ! The needful aid to all is given. And all have power to rise to heaven. HYMN 31 . h.M. Divine Love Universal. 1 Thou God of mercy, loving, kind. To save our fallen race inclined, Mercy and love are thy delight. And all thy ways are just and right ! 2 Thy nature and thy name are love •, Tow’rds all mankind thy bowels move ; Thy saving grace for all is free. And none are doom’d to misery. 3 Those only who thy love abuse, And all thy offer’d grace refuse. Will into endless darkness go. The dire abode of sin and woe. 4 Lord, set thy erring creatures right ! Teach them thy truth •, thy truth is light ! Then will they know, and feel, and prove. Thy nature and thy name are love. HYMN 32 . c. M. The nature of Divine Love. 1 The Lord extends his love divine To all the human race •, He with himself would all conjoin. That all may taste his grace. 2 Holy and perfect is the Lord j No evil can he love ; The deeds that with his own accord Alone can he approve. DIVINE ATTRIBUTES. 33 3 However deep the sinful stain That doth from God remove^ Man’s noble faculties retain The traces of his love. 4 That good in man the Lord approves Which man from him receives : The righteous Lord the righteous loves^ And for the sinner grieves. 5 The saints alone, who do his will. His perfect image bear j Their souls alone their God can fill. And love his likeness there. HYMN 33 . L. M. Divine Love and fVisdom united in the Divine IVorks. 1 Blest in himself, ere time began. And with eternal glory crown’d. What moved the Infinite to plan Creation’s mighty works around ? 2 ’Twas love divine inspired his breast, (That love whence all his creatures live,) To render conscious beings blest With all the joys himself could give. 3 What moved our God, enthroned on high, To come and dwell in flesh below ? ’Twas love divine that brought him nigh. To save mankind from endless woe. i Wisdom the great salvation plann’d ; The moving cause was love divine : Lord, in the wonders of thy hand. Wisdom and love united shine ! 34, 35 DIVINE ATTRIUUTBS. 5 O make us images of thee ! In ev’ry thought, in each design. In all our words and works, may we Wisdom with heavenly love combine ! HYMN 34 . c. M. Divine Mercy and Compassion. Ps, cxxxii. 15. 1 In thy own church and kingdom. Lord, Thy poor are daily fed ; The weak and wounded are restored. The hungry blest with bread. 2 The sweet provision thou wilt bless. Which thou dost freely give 3 And all who feel their keen dis^tress. May eat, and drink, and live. 3 However great their wants may be. Here shall they be supplied 3 For all who humbly ask of thee. Are richly satisfied. 4 Thou art the source of heavenly wealth. From whence divinely flow Our joy and peace, our life and health. And ev’ry good below. 5 In thee the poor salvation find 3 For thou hast freely given Thyself to ev’ry faithful mind 3 And thou, O Lord, art heaven. HYMN 3*5. SEVENS. Divine Mercy. Ps. Ixxxix. 1, 2, 6, 7. 1 Jesu’s mercy let us sing 3 He is our eternal King 3 Ever shall our tongues make known, Mercy is from him alone. DIVINE ATTRIBUTES. 36 2 Truth and faithfulness are given From the faithful Lord of heaven : Mercy ever shall endure ^ Jesu’s love and truth are sure. 3 Now his Human is Divine^ See what nameless glories shine From the body of our Lord ! Be his holy name adored ! 4 Who with Jesus can compare ? Who his kingly glory share ? W^ho is like the Lord most high ? None on earth or in the sky. HYMN 36 . p. M. Long-suffering of the Lord. Luke xiii. 6, 9 1 The Lord of earth and sky. The great Jehovah, praise ! Who reigns enthroned on high. Ancient of endless days 5 Who lengthens out our trial here. And spares us yet another year. 2 The tree whose barren root Doth cumber Zion’s ground. That yields no holy fruit. Where leaves alone are found. He doth, in tender mercy, spare Another, and another year. 3 Justice and Truth severe Would cut the fig-tree dovm But Mercy, ever near. Cries, Let it still alone j And mercy, to the Saviour dear. Procures us yet another year. D 37,38 DIVINE ATTRIBUTES. 4 Lord, dig about our root. Break up our fallow ground. And let celestial fruit To thy great praise abound ! O let us all thy praise declare. And fruit unto perfection bear ! HYMN 37 . s. M. Divine Power and Goodness. Ps. cxlvii. 5, 6, 8, 9, 12. 1 None but the Lord can save ; Almighty is his power : ’Tis he can raise us from the grave. In death’s last solemn hour. 2 None but the Lord can give The mercies that we need ; By him redeem’d, anew we live. From sin and Satan freed. 3 He makes the simple wise 5 Instructs the humble poor : And they who heavenly wisdom prize. May ask, and still have more. 4 He ev’ry good bestows On all that will apply : Freely his tender mercy flows. And sinners need not die. HYMN 38 . L. M. Divine Goodness extends to all. Matt. v. 45; vi. 13, I Parent of good ! thy genial ray. Thou dost OR all, impartial, pour 5 On all who hate, or bless, thy sway. Thou bidst descend the fruitful shower. DIVINE ATTRIBUTES. 39 2 In thee we live, and move, and are Thy flowing life doth all sustain ; E’en those thy daily favours share, Who.^ thankless, spurn thy easy reign. 3 To thy benign, indulgent care. Father ! this light, this breath, we owe ^ And all we have, and all we are. From thee. Great Source of being ! flow. 4 Thrice Holy ! thine the kingdom is : The power and glory all are thine. Thou only Good, thou only Wise, In all thy works thy mercies shine. HYMN 39 . c. M. The Lord's Flesh and Blood. John vi. 53, 55; xv. 4, 5. ] My flesh is meat, my blood is drink,*’ Proclaims the Saviour God ‘‘Ye have no life, except ye eat ^^My flesh, and drink my blood.’ 2 Thy flesh, O Lord, we fain would eat. And on thy substance live 5 We would thy love, the source of good. Within our hearts receive. 3 Thy blood our thirsty souls would take Thy blood is truth divine : This may we drink, and thus become Adopted sons of thine ! 4 Who are the men that eat thy flesh. And drink thy blood, O Lord ? They who abhor the path of sin. And learn to do thy Word. 5 These are the men thy love doth feed With heavenly bread and wine. Who live on thee, with thee conjoin’d. Like branches on the vine. D 2 40, 41 DIVINE CHARACTERS. HYMN 40 C. M. Redemption and Purification hy the Lord*s Blood. Rev, I. 5j vii. 14 } xii. 11 ; v, 12. 1 Hark ! hark ! the raptured angels sing A new-made song of praise The Lord, the Lamb, they glorify. And these the strains they raise : 2 Glory to him who loved us. And wash’d us with his blood ; — Who cleansed from sins by truth divine. That sacred, living flood. 3 Made white by his redeeming blood. Our heavenly garments shine 3 — Our minds, by him enlighten’d, prove The power of truth divine. 4 By Jesu’s blood we overcame When Satan’s host assail’d 3 — ’Twas by the power of truth divine Our feeble a.^m prevail’d. 5 Then be the Lamb alone adored. The Lord of life and light ! To him be glory, honour, power. And majesty, and might ! DIVINE CHARACTERS. HYMN 41 . c. M. The Lord the Way, the Truth, and the Life. John xiv 61, 1 The Lord our Saviour is the Way To purity and peace 3 — By doctrine from his Word, he leads To everlasting bliss. DIVINE CHARACTERS. 42 2 The Lord our Saviour is the Truth, — The in^vard, shining Light That reason guides, and gives to faith The evidence of sight. 3 The Lord our Saviour is the Life Of ev’ry soul that lives 5 And everlasting life, to those Who keep his Word, he gives. 4 Jesus, my Way, my Truth, my Life, My God, my All in all ! At thy blest feet, in humble love, And lowly fear, I fall. HYMN 42 . c. M. The Lord the Resurrection and the Life. John xi. 25. 1 Jesus, our Lord and glorious Head, The Life of all that live. The Resurrection from the dead. Doth life eternal give. 2 Through him alone, the soul receives New life, though dead before ^ And he that in. his name believes. Shall live to die no more. 3 Thou didst, O Lord, o’er death prevail, From death to set us free ^ And oft our life and hopes would fail. If not renew’d by thee. 4 To thee we look, to thee we bow. To thee for help we call 5 Our Life and Resurrection, thou. Our Hope, our Joy, our All. d'3 43, 44 DIVINE CHARACTERS. HYMN 43. L. M. Jesus our King, Priest, and Prophet. 3Iatt. xxi. 5 ; Ps. cx. 4 ; Deut. xviii. 15. 1 J Esus, my God, my only King ! Thy justice, power, and truth 1 sing ^ Thy sceptre o’er thy servant sway. For only thee would I obey 1 2 Worship is due to thee alone ; And, prostrate at thy holy throne. My soul in humble love would fall. And own thee sov’reign Lord of all. 3 Thou art my Priest ! thy constant love Pleads for my soul, draws me above 5 And gives me full access to thee. Who art the only Deity. 4 Thou art my holy Prophet, Lord ! I ’m taught the doctrines of thy Word; Its glories open to my sight. And lead my erring footsteps right. 5 Thou art my Prophet, Priest, and King, And wilt my soul to glory bring ! Thankful before thy feet I fall, And worship thee, my All in all. HYMN 44. c. ji. Th°, Lord our Sun and Shield, Ps. Ixxxiv. 11. 1 Thou art my Sun of love divine 3 Thy rays are wisdom’s light : O may they now unclouded shine. Full beaming to my sight ! 2 Thou art my Shield, by night and day And dost from hell defend : When hosts of foes beset my way Thou wilt my soul befriend. DIVINE CHARACTERS. 45, 45 3 Thy grace thou freely wilt bestow On ev’ry humble mind : The upright and sincere shall know That thou art ever kind. 4 No real good wilt thou refuse. But ev’ry blessing give. To all who truth and goodness choose, And to thy glory live. HYMN 46 . L. M. Jesus ihe Morning Star. Rev. xxii. 16, 17, 20; Mai. iv. 2. 1 The sky no longer overcast. The night of gloomy error past, Jesus, the bright and Morning Star, Extends his influence wide and far. 2 Gently the dew of truth distils. Refreshing valleys, plains, and hills : Each soul that seeks pure heavenly good Is now sustain’d with vital food. 3 O Morning Star, still nearer draw. Beam through thy Word, unfold thy law ! Then shall we see thy light increase, A Sun of righteousness and peace, 4 The spirit cries within us. Come ! The bride exclaims, O bring me home ! E’en so, come quickly, blessed Lord, .\nd be by heaven and earth adored ! HYMN 46. SEVENS. “ The Lord make his face shine upon thee." Num. vi. 25. 1 From his high and lofty place. Now Jehovah shews his face : Low before him prostrate fall ! Him your God and Saviour call ! 47 DIVINE CHARACTERS. 2 In his human form divine, Godhead’s splendours mildly shine 5 And, from h^s all- glorious face. Beam forth wisdom, love, and grace. 3 Brightly shines his face by day. As we tread our cheerful way ! And, when clouds o’erspread the night. Sheds around a guiding light. 4 Thus he saves us, ev’ry hour. By his wisdom and his power 5 And, as we can bear the sight. Shews his face in brighter light. HYMN 47 . c. M. The Lord our Rock and Tower. Ps. Ixi. 2, 3 ; Ixii. 5 — 8 cvii. 26—30. 1 Our confidence and hope, O Lord, Are fix’d on thee alone : Assured, by thy consoling AVord, That thou wilt sinners own. 2 Here storms and tempests daily lour. And enemies assail ; But thou, blest Lord, our Rock and Towei Wilt o’er our foes prevail. 3 Toss’d on the wide, tempestuous deep. We long to gain the land. Where thou wilt safe from danger keep, By thine almighty hand. 4 Soon shall we gain the peaceful shore. The land of endless rest 5 Behold our God, his name adore^ And be for ever blest. DIVINE CHARACTERS. 48, 49 HYMN 48 . p. M. 'i'ne Lord our Shepherd, Guide, and Guardian. Ps. xxiii ; Isa.xii.2. 1 The Lord is my help, my shepherd, and guide j Whatever I want, he ’ll kindly provide : To sheep of his pasture his mercies abound 3 His care and protection his flock will surround. 2 The Lord is my help 3 then what shall I fear ? No dangers can fright while Jesus is near : And when his voice calls me to pass thro’ the vale Of death’s gloomy shadow, my heart shall not fail. 3 Tho’ weak in myself, through all the dark way H is rod and his staff' shall comfort convey : He ’ll be my sure guardian till danger is past. And safely to glory conduct me at last. 4 The Lord is become my strength and my song 3 To him, for his love, my praises belong : I ’ll bless him, and praise him, so long as I ’ve breath. And shew forth his goodness, in life and in death. HYMN 49 . p. M. The Lord our Shepherd. Ps. xxiii. 1 My Shepherd is the Lord, My Guardian, and my Guide : O let me trust his Word, And in his love confide I Away with ev’ry anxious fear ! I cannot want while he is near. 2 In ever- verdant meads He makes my soul repose. And still my footsteps leads. Where living water flows 5 Restores my soul whene’er I stray. And keeps me in the peaceful way. 50 DIVINE CHARACTERS. 3 ’Tis he my soul upholds In righteousness and peace 5 His constant love beholds. And bids my sorrows cease : The vale of death, without a fear, I tread 5 for he protects me there. 4 By him my table ’s spread ; My foes stand harmless by 3 I feed on living bread 3 My cruse is never dry : And sure his love and mercy will. Through all my days, pursue me stilL 5 Still hope and grateful praise Shall form my constant song, Shall cheer my gloomiest days. And tune my dying tongue 3 Till my unfetter’d soul shall rise. To praise my Saviour in the skies. HYMN 50 . p. M. The Lord our Shepherd, Ps. xxiii. 1 The Lord my pasture shall prepare. And feed me with a shepherd’s care 3 His presence shall my wants supply. And guard me with a watchful eye : My noon- day walks he shall attend. And all my midnight hours defend. 2 When in the sultry glebe I faint. Or on the thirsty mountain pant. To fertile vales and dewy meads My weary, wand’ring steps he leads 5 Where peaceful rivers, soft and slow. Amid the verdant landscape flow. DIVINE CHARACTERS. 51 3 Though in the paths of death I tread. With gloomy horrors overspread. My steadfast heart shall fear no ill. For thou, O Lord, art with me still : Thy friendly crook shall give me aid. And guide me through the dreadful shade. 4 Though in a bare and rugged way, Through devious lonely wilds I stray. Thy bounty shall my pains beguile ^ The barren wilderness shall smile. With sudden green and herbage crown’d. And streams shall murmur all around. HYMN 51. L. M. The Lord our Shepherd. Ps. xxiii. 1 My Shepherd is the God of love. Who showers down blessings from above. Before my lips make known my wants. Supplies of all I need he grants. 2 Sweet nourishment he doth afford In the rich pasture of his Word : On its green herb repose I find j Its living truths refresh my mind. 3 He feeds, instructs me all the day. And gently leads me, lest I stray And, when borne down by Satan’s power^ His gracious words my soul restore, 4 His goodness all my praise exceeds : In paths of ^righteousness he leads ; And when I walk death’s dreary shade. His rod and staff shall be my aid. 62 DIVINE CHARACTERS. 5 No ill in death my soul shall fear. For still my Shepherd will be near • His peaceful comforts will be given. Whilst angels bear me up to heaven. HYMN 52 . p. M. The Lord our Shepherd. 1 Happy soul, secure from harm. Guarded by thy Shepherd’s arm, AVho thy quiet can molest ? Who can violate thy rest ? Jesus doth thy spirit bear. Far removes each anxious care. 2 Shepherd, with thy tend’rest love, Guide me to the fold above ! Let me hear thy gentle voice ; More and more in thee rejoice ; From thy fulness grace receive 3 Ever in thy spirit live ! 3 Fill’d by thee, my cup o’erflows. For thy love no limit knows : Guardian angels, ever nigh. Lead and draw my soul on high : Constant, to my latest end. Thou my footsteps wilt attend. 4 Jesus, with thy presence blest. Death is life, and labour rest. Guide me while I draw my breath ! Guard me through the gate of death ! And, at last, O may 1 stand. With the sheep, at thy right hand ! DIVINE CHARACTERS, 53, 54 HYMN 53. c. M. The Lord the spiritual Vine. John xv, 1 — 8. 1 Jesus, from thee, the living Vine, With life thy branches glow. And verdant leaves with fruit combine^ — Pure truth and goodness grow. 2 Quicken’d by thee, and kept alive. We flourish and bear fruit: Our life we from thy life derive. Our vigour from thy root. 3 We can do nothing without thee 3 Our strength is wholly thine : Wither’d and barren should we be. If sever’d from the Vine. 4 If fruit we bear, our fruit increase By thy prolific Word j Make us abide in thee, and peace. And joy, in thee, afford ! HYMN 54. c. M. The Lord the Source of all good. John xv. 5. 1 Jesus, to thee my soul I lift 3 My soul on thee depends. Convinced that ev’ry perfect gift From thee alone descends. 2 Mercy and grace are thine alone. And power and wisdom too : Without thy Spirit, Lord, we own. We nothing good can do. 3 cannot speak one useful word. One holy thought conceive. But as we turn to thee, O Lord, And in thy name believe, E 55 DIVINE CHARACTERS. 4 For all the good our hands have wrought We bless thy hand divine : The praise of ev’ry virtuous thought. And righteous deed, be thine ! 5 From thee, O Jesus, we receive The power on thee to call : In thee we are, and move, and live, Our God, our All in all I HYMN 55 . p. M. The Lord our All in all. John x. 28 ; vi. 51 ; i. 4, xv. f 1 Jesus, thou art my King ! From thee my help I bring. Shadow’d by thy mighty hand. None shall dare to pluck me thence. On the rock of faith I stand, Strong in thine omnipotence. 2 Thou art the Living Bread ! By thee the soul is fed. Lord, thy care extend to me ; Let thy daily bounty flow j Nourish’d and sustain’d by thee. May I in thine image grow ! 3 .Tesus, to thee I bow. Of Life the Fountain thou. Thou the true, the heavenly Vine ! Grafted into thee, I live. Let each tender branch of thine All-sufficient life receive ! 4 Hail, Everlasting Lord ! Divine Incarnate Word ! Thee let all my powers confess 3 Thee my latest breath proclaim ! Join, ye angel- choir, to bless Jesus our Immanuel’s name ! DIVINE CHARACTERS. 56, 57 HYMN 56 . SEVENS. The same. 1 J Esus, Friend^ to sinners dear. To my soul be ever near ; Let me all thy goodness prove. All the wonders of thy love ! 2 Thou art God, and thou art mine 5 All but thee I will resign : Thou wilt. Lord, my portion be 5 Thou art All in all to me. 3 Pleasure, folly, selfish pride. Vainly tempt my heart aside : There *s no happiness in these ; Only thou my soul canst please. 4 What ’s the world, and all its joys ? Fleeting, empty, flatt’ring toys. But in thee my heaven I find : Thou canst fill my longing mind. HYMN 57 . c. M. The Lord's solicitude in calling us to himself. 1 The Lord, by ways of tender love, Invites us to our homes : To raise, and fix, our souls above. He ev’ry moment comes. 2 Softly he speaks within the heart. To guide us lest we stray j Prompting from ev’ry sin to part. And keep the heavenly way. 3 His Word he places in our hands. To guide our feet above : We read his just and wise commands, Proceeding all from love. E 2 58 DIVINE CHARACTERS. 4 His works of Providence are given, As calls on him to rest. To leave the world, to live for heavcri, Leaning upon his breast. 5 Then, O my soul, be watchful still. Still keep the heavenly way 5 Press onward, and look upward, till Appear the realms of day 1 HYMN 58 . c. M. The Name of the Lord. Ps. cxlv. 1, 2; Ixxiil. 25, 26. 1 O HOLY Lord, thy name to me Is dearer than my all ; All I would sacrifice to thee. And at thy footstool fall. 2 Not worlds, nor all therein, can give My soul substantial good : In thee, while yet on earth I live, I find celestial food. 3 Thy Name is music to my ears. Whene’er my soul *s distress’d ; It soothes my sorrows, calms my fears^ And sets my heart at rest. 4 Thy love to me for ever flows ; Thy truth becomes my guide : I rise above my fears and foes j My wants are all supplied. 5 A song of praise to thee is due ; Eternal praise be thine ! Accept, thou Holy, Just, and True, This humble song of mine. DIVINE CHARACTERS. 59, 60 HYMN 69 . c. M. The same* 1 How sweet the Name of Jesus sounds ! The Christian’s soul it cheers 3 It soothes his sorrows, heals his wounds. And drives away his fears. 2 It makes the wounded spirit whole. And calms the troubled breast : ’Tis manna to the hungry soul. And to the weary rest. 3 Dear Name ! the rock on which I build My shield and hiding-place. My never-failing treasury, fill’d With boundless stores of grace. 4 Jesus, my Shepherd, Father, Friend, My Prophet, Priest, and King, My Lord, my Life, my Way, my End, Accept the praise I bring ! HYMN 60 . L. M. The Lord our Example. Matt. x. 16 ; John xiii. 15, 34. 1 And is the gospel peace and love ? So let our conversation be 3 The serpent blended with the dove, — Prudence and meek simplicity. 2 When angry passions fain would rise. And tempt our thoughts or tongues to strife, On Jesus let us fix our eyes. Bright pattern of the Christian life ! E 3 Divine characters. 3 O how benevolent and kind ! How meek ! how ready to forgive ! Be his the temper of our mind. And his the rules by which we live. 4 Dispensing good where’er he came. His labours, while on earth, were love ; If then we love our Saviour’s name. Let his divine example move. 5 But ah ! how blind, how weak we are ! How frail ! how apt to turn aside ! Lord, we depend upon thy care. And ask thy Spirit for our guide. HYMN 61. SEVENS. The same* Rev. xiv. 4 ; Matt. xvi. 24 ; Luke xxii. 26. 1 Holy Lord, who thee confess. Followers of thy holiness. Thee will ever keep in view, Ask of thee What shall we do ? ” 2 Govern’d only by thy will. Thy commands would we fulfil, Would in all thy footsteps go. Walk as thou didst walk below. 3 While thou didst on earth appear. Servant to thy servants here. Mindful of thy place above. All thy life was truth and love. 4 Such our whole employment be !— Works of faith and charity. Works of love on man bestow’d. Blessed intercourse with God 0‘J CREATION. HYMN 62 . L. M. DOUBLE. Creation proves the Existence of God, Ps. xix. 1—4. 1 The spacious firmament on high. And all the blue ethereal sky. And spangled heavens, a shining frame. Their Great Original proclaim. Th’ unwearied sun, from day to day. Does his Creator’s power display. And publishes, to ev’ry land. The work of an Almighty Hand. 2 Soon as the evening shades prevail. The moon takes up the wondrous tale. And nightly, to the list’ning earth. Repeats the story of her birth ; While all the stars that round her burn. And all the planets in their turn. Confirm the tidings as they roll. And spread the truth from pole to pole, 3 What though, in solemn silence, all Move round the dark terrestrial ball ; What though no real voice or sound Amid their radiant orbs be found 5 In reason’s ear they all rejoice. And utter forth a glorious voice. For ever singing, as they shine. The Hand that made us is Divine ! 63, 64 CREATION. HYMN 63 . 8. M. The Creator manifested in his fForks, 1 When I survey around Creation’s beauteous frame. My heart and tongue in praises sound The great Creator’s fame. 2 The sun, in ev’ry beam. Proclaims the God above ; Its ardent rays exhibit him. Who rules the worlds in love. 3 The moon that cheers the night. And stars that feebler shine. In ev’ry twinkling ray of light Display a hand divine. 4 Nature, in ev’ry dress. Her humble homage pays. And all her varying forms express Thine undissembled praise. 5 The worlds were made in love. By wisdom all divine 5 And while in praise my tongue can move, That praise, O Lord, be thine. HYMN 64 . c. M. The same. 1 O HOW shall we adore that Name, Who gave all nature birth ; Who form’d to life our wondrous frame, And raised us from the earth ! 2 Where’er we turn our wond’ring eyes. His power and skill we see 5 Wonders on wonders grandly rise. And speak the Deity, CREATION. 6f) 3 Though universal nature stands In splendid garb array’d. The work of his almighty hands, ’Tis but his footstool made. 4 How shall our wond’ring thoughts expand When we to spirit rise. When in the worlds of bliss we stand. And view those brighter skies 1 5 Till then let all our powers unite Our Maker to adore j And when we reach the realms of light. We ’ll love and praise him more. HYMN 65. c. M. The Immensity of the Natural and Spiritual IF orlds. 1 O COULD we soar from star to star. And traverse nature through. Explore those systems distant far Beyond our utmost view 5 2 How would the great Creator’s praise Rise from th’ astonish’d mind. Since ev’ry world so well displays Wisdom and love combined ! 3 And if the outworks of our God Be so immensely grand, O what must be his own abode. Where waiting angels stand ! 4 What thought can reach, what mind conceive, Th’ unmeasured heaven above. Where men, from ev’ry world, shall live In endless joy and love ! 66, 67 CREATION. 5 All thought is lost, all reason drown'd, In this immense survey ! We cannot fathom the profound. Nor trace Jehovah’s way. 6 Yes ! infinite are all his ways. And all with love replete : — Fall down, my soul, in silent praise. And worship at his feet ! HYMN 66. L. M. Creation displays the Divine Tower, fVisdom, and Goodness. 1 Ye sons of men, in sacred lays. Attempt your great Creator’s praise ! But who a worthy song can frame ? What mortal tongue can speak his fame ? 2 To him all nature owes its birth : He form’d this pond’rous globe of earth 3 He raised the glorious arch on high. And measured out the azure sky. 3 In ev’ry work and way divine. Omnipotence and wisdom shine 5 And goodness ever marks the end To which they all unvarying tend. 4 Raised on devotion’s lofty wing. May we his high perfections sing ! And while his praise employs our tongues. Let angels chant their nobler songs I HYMN 67 . p. M. Let all Cnation praise the Lord. 1 Prepare, my soul, a song of praise ! The most exalted thou canst raise The mighty theme wull claim : Let heaven and earth, and seas and skies. In one melodious concert rise. And bless Jehovah’s name ! CREATION. 68 2 O ye who first the throne surround. Begin the sacred, joyful sound ! And while his praise ye sing. Let all who fill the realms above Awake the tuneful soul of love. And touch the sweetest string ! 3 Ye works of God, to him alone. From earth his footstool, heaven his throne. Let all your praises rise : Whose hand this beauteous fabric made. Whose eye the finish’d whole survey’d. And found it good and wise ! 4 Let man, so near his Maker placed. And with his holy image graced. His noblest powers employ ! Spread the Creator’s name around. Till from the arch of heaven rebound One gen’ral burst of joy ! HYMN 68. p. M. Praise for Creation. 1 Jesus, thou Source of life, and light, and love. Thou King of kings, and Lord of lords above. Eternal, self-existent, and divine. In thee ineffable perfections shine : On thy unchanging love our souls depend. Almighty Father, and eternal Friend ! 2 From thee, great Spring of uncreated might. The vast resplendent orbs of glowing light. And all created beings take their rise. That walk the earth, or dwell above the skies. Profusely wide unnumber’d blessings flow j Heaven they enrich, and gladden earth below. 69 incarnation. 3 In thy wide grasp, and comprehensive eye, Worlds upon worlds, and suns unnumber’d, lie j Systems inclosed in thy perception roll. Whose all-informing mind directs the whole : Led by thy hand, their certain ways they know. Placed in that sight from whence they cannot go. 4 Around thy throne the flaming seraphs stand. And touch the golden lyre with trembling hand* Transported with the ardours of thy praise. The holy, holy, holy anthem raise. To them, responsive, let creation sing The omnipresent and almighty King ! INCARNATION. HYMN 69. L. M. State of the TV orld at the Lord's First Advent. 1 When Jesus came, the world to save From endless death beyond the grave. Evils the church had overrun. Thick clouds had veil’d the heavenly sun. 2 Mankind, disjoin’d from realms above. Were void of goodness, truth, and love \ Infernals hoped, in that sad hour. That all would own their sov’reign power. 3 Jehovah then as Man appear’d. And soon the desert prospect cheer’d : He who with men as Man did dwell. Destroy’d the works of death and hell. 4 Now Him as God and Man we own, Jehovah, Jesus, God alone : His church records his wondrous fame. While angels chant his glorious name. INCARNATION. 70, 71 HYMN 70 . p. M. First jidvent of Jehovah. Isa. xl. 3; xxxv. 4, 5; xi. 1 ; vii. 14 ; ix. 6, 7 ; Ezek. xxxiv. 12, 31 ; Isa. lx. 4 — 11. 1 A HERALD voice the lonely desert cheers : Prepare the way ! Jehovah God appears ! The Saviour comes, by prophets long foretold ; The deaf shall hear him, and the blind behold. 2 Lo ! from the stem of Jesse springs a rod. His name Immanuel, the Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, Whose sacred government shall still increase. 3 Justice and judgment shall his throne defend. And peace with white-robed innocence descend j The Lord of Hosts shall o’er his foes prevail. And crime shall cease, and falsehood’s empire fail. 4 As the good shepherd’s care his flock directs. By day o’ersees them, and by night protects \ So shall mankind his guardian care engage. The promised Father of an endless age. 5 See a long train fair Salem’s courts adorn ! See future sons, and daughters yet unborn. In crowding ranks on ev’ry side arise. Receiving life, preparing for the skies ! HYMN 71 , SEVENS. The Titles and Kingdom of the Incarnate God. Isa. ix. 5, /. 1 ‘^^Unto us a Child is born, ^^Unto us a Son is given — . Truth divine begins to dawn : God to man descends from heaven. 2 ''Be the government” on him ! See ! his Human Essence reigns ! — This the arm that can redeem : This ‘Hhe shoulder” that sustains. F 72 INCARNATION. 3 Wonderful ! ” — for such thy name,'* All who taste thy love shall own : “ Counsellor ! ” — for wisdom’s flame Beams on us from thee alone. 4 Thee, the Mighty God,” — we see 3 Thee we hail, redeeming Lord ! ^‘Father of eternity !” — Thou salvation wilt afford. 5 '^David’s throne” O now ascend ! Let thy government’s increase ” Still go on, and know ‘^no end !” Reign for ever, Prince of Peace !” I HYMN 72 . c. M. Blessings of the Lord*s First Advent. Isa. xlv. 2; Ixi. 1 — 3; Luke iv. 18. 1 Hark, the glad sound ! the Saviour comes. The Saviour promised long ! Let ev’ry heart prepare a throne. And ev’ry voice a song ! 2 He comes the pris’ners to release In Satan’s bondage held : The gates of brass before him burst. The iron fetters yield. 3 He comes from thickest films of vice To clear the mental ray. And on the eyes oppress’d with night To pour celestial day. 4 He comes the broken heart to bind. The wounded soul to cure 3 And with the treasures of his grace To bless the humble poor. INCARNATION. 73, 74 5 Our glad hosannas. Prince of peace. Thy welcome shall proclaim 5 And heaven’s eternal arches ring With thy beloved name. HYMN 73. SEVENS. T/ie same. Isa. ix. 2; lx. 2, 3 ; 19, 20; Mai. iv. 2. 1 Lord, thy mercies oft of old. By prophetic seers foretold. Faithful now, and steadfast prove, God of truth, and God of love ! 2 They whom death had overspread With a dark and dreary shade. Now shall rise, and from afar Hail the light of Jacob’s star. 3 Sun of righteousness, to thee, Lo ! the nations bow the knee ; And the realms of distant kings Own the healing of thy wings. 4 See, the beams intensely shed Shine on Zion’s favour’d head : May they never hence remove, God of truth, and God of love ! HYMN 74. c. M, Divine Mercies of the Lord*s Advent. 1 Down from the worlds of radiant light Behold the Saviour come. To ransom souls from endless night. And bring the wand’rers home. 2 Hosanna to his glorious name. With grateful hearts we sing 5 And join our voices to proclaim The love of Israel’s King. F 2 75 INCARNATION. 3 He calls us to his dear embrace. From mis’ry and despair 3 Bids us receive his wondrous grace. And find salvation there. 4 We come, Immanuel, at thy call, Believe thy quick’ning Word, Renounce our sins, ourselves, our all, And glory in our Lord. HYMN 75 . p. M. Rejoicing of the Angels and Shepherds, and of the Church, on the Nativity of the Lord. Luke ii. 13, 14, 15, 17 1 Behold a band of angels fly ! Seraphic music fills the sky. And thus the raptured seraphs sing : Glory to God ! in noblest strains 3 Good-will to men 1 Immanuel reigns. The Saviour Christ, the Mighty King.” 2 Shepherds rejoice to hear the lay. And soon the welcome news convey. To us the Son of God is born 3 ” Come, Zion’s mourners, dry your tears. The Sun of righteousness appears. To open an eternal morn. 3 All hail. Redeemer ! spotless Lamb ! Thou infant Babe ! thou great I Am ! We will thy worthy praise proclaim. For us thou wast in flesh array’d 3 For us in human form display’d 3 All glory to thy sacred name ! INCARNATION. 76 , HYMN 76. p. M. Divine Character of Him who icas horn at Bethlehem, 1 Arise, ye bright celestial choirs. Who glow with love’s seraphic fires ! Prepare the silver string ! Strike up some sweet celestial strain ! Let joy and love triumphant reign. And all creation sing ! 2 By mortals now their God is seen. In infant form, with humble mien. At Bethle’m he is born : All nature glows with brighter rays^ All heaven its richest love displays. To bless the glorious morn. 3 The God appears ! the mighty King ! Sinners, with joy, your incense bring ! To you a Son is given : To you he comes in form of Man, AVho, though an infant of a span. Is yet the God of heaven. 4 Let annals of eternal fame Make known the loved Immanuel’s n i.ue, His boundless grace record ! Ye sons of men, his reign approve, \yith grateful hearts adore his love. And hail th’ Incarnate Lord ! HYMN 77 . p. M. fVelcome to Immanuel. i The Lord is come ! Immanuel ’s born ! All hail the glorious, joyful morn ! Behold the Lamb ! his name extol. Divinely welcome to the soul ! Welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome Welcome to the faithful soul ! F 3 78 INCARNATION. 2 The angels' golden harps are strung ; Glory, good-will, and peace are sung : Saints, join the chorus, bear your part. And welcome Jesus, ev’ry heart ! Welcome, &c. Welcome Jesus, ev’ry heart ! 3 Immanuel, Jesus, dearest name. May heaven and earth thy praise proclaim! Mercy and peace we thankful prove, And hail thee welcome, God of love ! Welcome, &c. Welcome Jesus, God of love ! HYMN 78 . c. M. Heaven and Earth rejoice for the Lord’s Nattvitp, Luke ii. 9, 10, 13, 14. 1 In heaven the rapt'rous song began. The theme, the joy, was new. To bear the tidings down to man. The herald angels flew. 2 Hark ! the angelic armies shout. And glory leads the song 5 Good-will and peace are heard, through out The happy, heavenly throng. 3 With joy the chorus we ’ll repeat : Glory to God on high ! Good-will and peace are now complete. The great Redemption ’s nigh ! 4 Hail, Prince of life ! for ever hail. Redeemer, Father, Friend ! Thy truth, thy mercy, never fail j Thy praise shall never end. INCARNATION. 79. 80 HYMN 79 . SEVENS. T/ig Jncarnation Celebrated. Isa. vii. 14; ix. 6; Mai. iv. 2* Hag. ii. 7 ; Gen. iii. 15. 1 Veil- D in flesh, the Godhead see ! Hail th’ Incarnate Deity ! Pleased as man with man t’ appear, Jesus, our Immanuel, here. 2 Hail the mighty Prince of peace ! Hail the Sun of righteousness 1 Light and life to all he brings. Risen with healing in his wings. 3 Lo ! he lays his glory by. Born, that man may never die 3 Born, to raise the sons of earth 3 Born, to give them second birth. 4 Come, Desire of nations, come ! Fix in us thy lasting home ! Come, the woman’s conqu’ring Seed 1 Bruise in us the serpent’s head ! HYMN 80 . C. M. DOUBLE. Celebration of the Birth of Immanuel, 1 He ’s come ! let strains of rapture roll From world to world along. Till vast creation’s boundless whole Shall hear and join the song ! Ye distant orbs, through boundless space.. With all your nations sing ! Rise, universal Nature ! praise Your only God and King ! 2 Kings, potentates, dominions, thrones. Cast all your honours down ! Reign, reign, Immanuel, reign alone. And wear the royal crown ! PASSION. 81, 82 Unnuaiber’d worlds, with earth and heaven. Loud hallelujahs sing 5 Praise, honour, power, to thee be given. The universal King ! HYMN 81 . c. M. Practical application of the Lord's First Advent. \ ’Tis time, my soul, and more than time. To turn from sin away : Then bid to ev’ry ling’ring crime A last adieu to-day. 2 To-day the Lord of earth and skies Thy flesh and nature bore : Rise, then, with holy ardour, rise ! Resolve to sin no more ! 3 Glory to Jesu’s sacred name. Who all my sorrows bore ! For this great end the Saviour came. That I should sin no more. 4 Yes ! God who reigns in worlds of bliss^, Where angels him adore. Was born and glorified in this. That I should sin no more. 5 Thee, holy Saviour, dearest name. We love, embrace, adore ! And, while thy honours we proclaim, Would go, and sin no more ! PASSION. HYMN 82 . c. M. The Lord’s Sufferings and Humility. 1 Thy God his highest glory shows, Jerusalem, in thee ) His yielding love to all his foes. His deep humility. PASSION. 83 2 All hail, O King ! ’* the scoffing crowd. With bending knee, exclaim 3 Whilst angels sing hosannas loud. And bless his holy name. 3 But what were these to that dread hour, Gethseinane, in thee ? No tongue can tell what then he bore. No human eye could see. 4 And in that still more awful gloom. The cross’s fearful night 5 There could no ray of comfort come From heaven’s all-cheering light, 5 Now Satan triumph’d 5 ^^Now,” he cried. Who shall my power oppose ?” But when the Son of Mary died. The Son of God arose. 6 He finish’d with his dying breath Redemption’s grand design ; His Human bare our sins to death. And then arose Divine. HYMN 83 . L. M. Gethsemane and Calvary, Matt. xxvi. 36 — 44 ; Luke xxii. 44; John xix. 28; Mark xv. 36; Luke xxiii. 34. 1 Think, O my soul, what love to thee Was shewn in sad Gethsemane 5 Think how for thee the Saviour God Endured temptation’s heaviest rod. % 2 ’Twas here the Lord of life appear’d. And sigh’d, and groan’d, and pray’d, and fear'd Bore all Incarnate God could bear, And felt the horrors of despair. 84 PASSION. 3 When on the cross he bled and died. Fainting with pain, ‘^1 thirst,” he cried : His foes rejoiced that nature fail’d. Scoff’d at his dying pangs, and rail’d. 4 Such pangs to bear, O what could move ? What motive but redeeming love } Love for the careless and the base. The sinful, fallen, human race. 5 O love of unexampled kind. Leaving all finite thought behind. Where length and breadth and depth and height Are lost to our astonish’d sight ! HYMN 84 . c. M. T?ie Lord's Temptations practically considered. 1 Did our redeeming Lord endure Temptation’s bitter smart ? Did he, though in his strength secure. Feel Satan’s fiery dart ? 2 Did he this conflict undergo. This cup of sorrow drink. To save my soul from endless woe. To snatch from hell’s dread brink ? 3 Yes ! in his love these pains of sin For me he freely bore. To give me power to wash — be clean; — To go and sin no more. 4 Then, O my soul, the blessing own ; Put off thy sins to-day ; Give up thy heart to him alone. And follow him — ^Hhe Way.” PASSION. 85. 86 HYMN 85. s. M. The Lord's Sufferings and Triumph, 1 We celebrate the praise Of our redeeming Lord •, Our grateful songs of honour raise. His boundless love record. 2 When on the cross he died. And deep temptation bore. His Human then he glorified. And did the church restore. 3 With all the hells he fought. The wondrous vict’ry gain’d 3 For sinners full redemption wrought. Then rose to heaven, and reign’d. 4 There lives the Lord supreme. He lives to die no more ! Angels and spirits worship him. And we his name adore. HYMN 86. p. M. “ It is finished." John xix. 30. 1 Hark ! the voice of love and mercy Sounds aloud from Calvary 3 See, it rends the rocks asunder. Shakes the earth and veils the sky ! It is finish’d !” Hear the dying Saviour cry ! 2 ‘'It is finish’d !” O what pleasure Do these cheering words afford ! Heavenly blessings without measure Flow from our Redeeming Lord. ^^It is finish’d !” Saints, the blessed words record ! 87 PASSION. 3 Finish’d all the types and shadows Of the ceremonial law 5 Finish’d all that God has promised : Death and hell no more shall awe. ^^It is finish’d!” Saints, from hence your comfort draw ! 4 Tune your harps anew, ye seraphs ! Loud, redeeming love proclaim ! All on earth, and all in heaven. Join to praise Immanuel’s name ! Hallelujah 1 Endless glory to the Lamb 1 HYMN 87 . p. M. The Lord’s Humiliation and Exaltation. Ps. Ixviii. 18. 1 Christians, rise, and praise your Saviour ! He who fills th’ eternal throne Now becomes your great Deliv’rer, In a body like your own. Hallelujah ! May his holy will be done ! 2 Let his love exalt your voices I He again returns on high. In his Human Essence glorious. Captive leads captivity. Hallelujah 1 Sing aloud your song of joy ! 3 Christians, still rehearse his praises ! Mighty deeds your God hath done^ In you to obtain a dwelling. And to raise you to his throne. Hallelujah I Hail him Lord and God alone ! RESURRECTION, 88, 89 HYMN 88. L. M. The same. 1 Jesus, the Man of love, we sing. The creatures’ Servant, and their King. In robes of flesh the Saviour came. And bore for us contempt and shame. 2 By suft’ring and temptation tried, Jesus his Human glorified. Redeem’d mankind from Satan’s chain. And open’d heaven to all again. 3 A fallen world he came to save : He rose victorious from the grave : ^ His death and resurrection prove How vast his power, how great his love. 4 To Jesus be all glory given. Saviour of men, and God of heaven ! His matchless love we joyful sing. And triumph in our God and King. RESURRECTION. HYMN 89 . s. M. “ The Lord is risen indeed.** Luke xxiv. 34. 1 ^^The Lord is risen indeed !” Then is his work perform’d ; The captive spirit now is freed. And death, our foe, disarm’d, 2 ^^The Lord is risen indeed ! ” J'hen hell has lost its prey : With him shall rise a ransom’d seed. To reign in endless day. o 90 RESURRECTION. 3 The Lord is risen indeed ! ” Attending angels, hear ! And to the courts of heaven, with speed. The joyful tidings bear ! 4 Then take your golden lyres. And strike each cheerful chord ! Join, all ye bright celestial choirs. To sing our risen Lord ! HYMN 90. s. M. The Lord's Re-appearance to his Disciples. Jolin xx. 19. 1 How solemn was the day. When in the silent grave Jesus, the great Redeemer, lay. Who came the world to save ! 2 His followers, fill’d with grief. Sunk down in sad de&pair : But soon their Saviour brought relief. And banish’d ev’ry care. 3 While they his loss deplore. And heavy woes increase, Lo ! he appears, though closed the door And hails them with his peace. 4 ^^He lives ! ” his servants cry, Jesus is risen again ! “ He lives, he lives, no more to die. And shall for ever reign ! ” 5 Ye Christians, joyful sing ! For you arose your Lord : He lives, your all- victorious King, By heavenly hosts adored. RESURRECTION. 91, 92 HYMN 91 . L. M. The Lord's Resurrection-Body Divine, Ps. xvi. 10 ; xxiv. 7. 1 He rose, he rose ! the mighty God His foes beneath his footstool trod : Triumphant rose the Lord most high. No more to bleed, no more to die. 2 Firm stood Eternal Truth’s decree. That he corruption should not see. His flesh and bones are now divine. In him both God and man combine. 3 The everlasting doors unfold. And angels sing to harps of gold j Millions of voices join above, To hail the God of truth and love. 4 Ye saints below, your songs combine. To praise the Human made Divine I Our God can now with man reside. In his own Human Glorified. 5 Jesus our God for us arose. Redeem’d our souls, subdued our foes j And soon our happy souls shall rise, To sing his praise above the skies. HYMN 92 . I-. M. The Lord's Humanity Omnipotent after the Resurrection. Matt, xxviii. 18. 1 Upon the cross the Saviour bled. Then rose triumphant from the dead : All power on earth to him was given, All power to rule the hosts of heaven, 2 We celebrate his dear loved name. His boundless love with joy proclaim : He is our God, his power we own. And love and worship him alone. G 2 93, 94 RESURRECTION. 3 By ev’ry heart be Jesus praised. By ev’ry tongue his glory raised : Alone he conquer’d ev’ry foe. And saved us from impending woe. 4 For us the Saviour rose again. Our nature raised, that we might reign For ever in his heaven above. Supremely happy in his love. HYMN 93 . L. M. The blessed Effects of the Lord’s Resurrection. Ps. Ixviii. 1 Ye Christians, tune your noblest strains. Your rising conqu’ring Lord to sing, And echo to the heavenly plains The triumphs of your God and King ! 2 In hymns of grateful rapture, tell Flow he subdued your mightiest foes. Disarm’d the powers of death and hell. And led them captive when he rose I 3 His Human Nature now Divine, From him the springs of blessing flow 5 Transcendant glories round him shine. And beam, through heaven, on men below. 4 Then let your praises mount above ! Jesus your God and Saviour own ! Adore his vast, redeeming love ! Proclaim him God, and God alone ! HYMN 94 . SEVENS. Celebration of the Lord’s Resurrection. Matt, xxviii. 2, 9 Hos. xiii. 14. 1 Angel, roll the rock away ! Death, yield up thy mighty prey I See ! he rises from the tomb. Glowing in immortal bloom. RESURRECTION. 05 2 ’Tis the Saviour ! angels, raise Fame’s eternal trump of praise ! Let the world’s remotest bound Hear the joy-inspiring sound ! 3 Shout, ye saints, in rapt’rous song ! Let the strains be sweet and strong ! Hail the rising God, this morn, From his sepulchre new-born ! 4 Powers of heaven, seraphic choirs. Sing, and strike your sounding lyres ! Sons of men, in humble strain. Sing your mighty Saviour’s reign ! 5 Ev’ry note with wonder swell ! Sin o’erthrown, and captive hell ! Where is hell’s once dreaded king ? Where, O death, thy mortal sting ? HYMN 95 . c. M. The Lord's Resurrection celebrated^ and practically applied. Isa. XXX. 26. 1 This is the day when Jesus rose Triumphant from the grave, \ To crown the conquest o’er his foes. The human race to save. 2 This is the day that, beaming bright. With sevenfold radiance crown’d. Brought immortality to light. And Satan captive bound. 3 To thee, O Lord, the humble voice Of gratitude we raise j In all thy triumphs we rejoice. And sing the song of praise. G 3 96 ASCENSION. 4 And while thine all-victorious arm To celebrate we join. May mutual love each bosom warm, Inspired by love divine ! 5 O may we die to sin, and prove Our resurrection sure To bliss immortal, where thy love For ever shall endure ! ASCENSION, HYMN 96 . c. M. The Lord's Ascension predicted. Ps. xlvii. 5—9. 1 God is gone up with shouts of joy. With trumpet’s cheerful sound : And be the Lord exalted high. With songs of glory crown’d ! 2 Sing praises, brethren ! praises sing ! Sing praises to our God ! Sing praises to our Heavenly King, And spread his fame abroad ! 3 Now seated on his heavenly throne, Jesus for ever reigns ; And governs, by his arm alone Creation’s wide domains. 4 Let heaven and earth confess his sway Exalted be the Lord 5 Jehovah Jesus we ’ll obey. Our God, alone adored. , ascension. 97, 98 HYMN 97 . c. M. The Lord ascended before the spiritual eyes of his Disciples. Luke xxiv. 51, 53. 1 Triumphant over death and pain Our Saviour God we see ; Mankind redeem’d, he mounts to reign In boundless Deity. 2 His wond’ring servants see him rise Before their spirit’s sight 5 He mounts above the lofty skies. To reign in worlds of light. 3 The heavens with acclamations ring. The harps of gold are strung 5 The praises of their God and King By angel hosts are sung. 4 On earth let us the sound prolong. Our joyful accents raise •, Crown him, ye Christians, in your song. And shout the Saviour’s praise ) HYMN 98 . L. M, The Glory of the Lord s Ascension, Ps. Ixviii. 18 ; xxiv. 7 — 10. 1 Our Lord is risen from the dead^ Our Jesus is gone up on high j The powers of hell are captive led, Dragg’d from the portals of the sky. 2 Eternal glory him awaits. And angels chant the solemn lay : Lift up your heads, ye heavenly gates ! Ye everlasting doors, give way ! ” 3 Unfold, ye heavens, your gates of light. And wide display the radiant scene ! He claims these mansions as his right : Receive the King of gk ^y in ! 99 THE lord’s 4 ** Who is the King of glory, who ? ** The Lord that all his foes o’ercame. The world, sin, death, and hell overthrew j And Jesus is the Conqueror’s name. 5 Eternal glory him awaits. And angels chant the solemn lay : Lift up your heads, ye heavenly gates I Ye everlasting doors, give way ! ” 6 ‘'Who is the King of glory, who V The Lord, of boundless power possess’d. The King of saints and angels too, God over all, for ever blest. THE LORD’S DIVINE PROCEEDING HYMN 99. L. M. Descent of the Holy Spirit. John xvi. 7 ; i. 4 ; xiv. 10; Isa. v>l Luke xvii. 5 ; Rev. vii. 3 ; Mark xvi. 17. 1 O WELCOME now, ye favour’d race. The day of Pentecost begun ! Desire, receive, descending grace. Beaming from heaven’s all-glorious Sun 1 2 The Saviour, risen above the sky. The promised blessing now doth give : Behold it streaming from on high ! The Spirit comes, that we may live. 3 The Light-invested Life doth shine ; The Son-embosom’d Father glows ; From Jesu’s body, all divine. The truth, with love united, flows. DIVINE PROCEEDING. 100, 101 4 To thee, O Lord, our souls aspire. And long the blest descent to feel : Enkindle each with living fire. Our faith increase, our foreheads seal ! 5 From thee our strength and wisdom come : Our wills and thoughts now sweetly move. To speak a new, another tongue, — The language breathed from holy love. HYMN 100 . SEVENS. The same, 1* Risen, O Lord, to blissful state. Where thou reign’st supremely great. Look with pity from thy throne ! Send thy Holy Spirit down ! 2 While on earth ordain’d to stay. Guide our footsteps in the way 3 Till we come to leign with thee. And thy glorious greatness see ! 3 There, in joyful songs of praise. We ’ll our grateful voiees raise 3 There, no tongue shall silent be 3 All shall join sweet harmony 3 4 Till, through heaven’s all-spacious round. Pealing anthems thus resound : Lord, thy mercies never fail ; Hail, Celestial Goodness, hail ! ” HYMN 101 . L. M. The Lord the Centre of the Sun of Heaven, Matt. v. 45 ; Rev. i. 16. 1 From Jesus Christ, our God above. Proceeds the Sun of life and love. Whose flowing beams of light and heat In all created subjects meet. 102 THE lord’s 2 Angels and men from hence receive The noblest powers their God can give : Truth by that light is understood ) That heat imparts celestial good. 3 To all, these beams, impartial, flow. And peace, the fruit of love, bestow : But evil hearts, that hate their source. Receive, and then pervert their course. 4 No more may worldly loves, nor pride, From us this Sun of glory hide, — That Holy Spirit of our Lord, Which ever shines within his Word. 5 Lord, whilst we view thy glorious form, O may thy beams our bosoms warm ! May we the means of blessing use. And life eternal gladly choose ! HYMN 102. L. M. Contemplating the Glories of the Spiritual Sun. 1 Thou Sun of love, whose radiant light Glads the adoring angels’ sight. How shall I lift mine eyes to thee. In all thy bright immensity ? 2 In ev’ry work thy hands have made. Thy power and wisdom are display’d 3 But O what glories, all divine. From thee. Incarnate Saviour, shine ! 3 Thou art my Sun 3 thy quick’ning rays Fill my glad heart with joy and praise 3 Cheer’d by thy glowing beams, 1 prove The warmth of thy paternal love. DIVINE PROCEEDING. 103, 4 O may thy vital light and heat Wisdom and love communicate. Selfish and worldly loves subdue. And form my heart and soul anew ! HYMN 103. L. SI. The same. 1 Jesus, thou Sun of love divine. Thy rays through wide creation shine ^ In thee, with bright effulgence, meet Wisdom and love, heaven's light and heat. 2 There all thy glory is display’d In one bright day without a shade : Angels from thee supremely prove The nameless, endless joys of love. 3 With thee they dwell in fervid light. Nor feel nor fear the shades of night : Thy heavenly beams will never fail. But one eternal day prevail. 4 Be darkness known on earth no more ! Be truth display’d from shore to shore | Till men of ev’ry land shall see Thy glory. Lord, and worship thee ! HYMN 104. c. M. The same. 1 Lord, from thy body, purest light Beams forth in God-like rays, A Sun divine to angels’ sight. Who on thy beauty gaze. 105 THE lord’s 2 They, joyful, see thee as thou art. Thy nameless glories view 5 And unto them thou dost impart Eternal glory too. 3 O could we all thy beauty see. As seen in heavenly light. Our souls in praise would rise to thee. Transported at the sight. 4 To thee, and thee alone, be praise ! Below, we taste thy love 5 And soon thou wilt our spirits raise. To see thy face above. HYMN 105 , p. M. Desiring to behold the Sun of Heaven, X In that bright world above. Where angel-hosts reside. The Sun of truth and love Is never known to hide 5 Its sacred heat for ever glows 5 Divinely sweet to all it flows. 2 Its splendid, beaming light For ever flows the same ^ No darkness there, nor night. No clouds obscure the flame : One endless day will constant shine. And ev’ry ray is light divine. 3 When shall we see this light. When feel this heavenly heat. Arid, joyful, take our flight To some celestial seat ? Fain would we join the song to raise, In notes divine, to Jesu’s praise. 106 REDEMPTION. HYMN 106 . p. M. Divine Mercy in our Redemption. Isa. Ixiii. 1 — 6 j John i. 14. 1 O FOR a seraph’s golden lyre. With chords of light, and tones of fire. To sing Jehovah’s love ! To tell redemption’s wondrous plan ; How God descended down to man. That man might rise above ! 2 His creatures fell : no pitying eye, No mighty arm to save, was nigh. Or aid our feeble powers : He saw, he came, he fought alone. And conquer’d evils not his own. That we might conquer ours. 3 Temptation’s thorny path he trod. In form a man, in soul a God 3 And trod the path alone : In vain the direst fiends assail’d : His mighty arm of power prevail’d. And hell was overthrown. 4 He pass’d the dismal vale of death : The human frame resign’d its breath. And like a mortal died : But death was crush’d beneath his feet • He rose both God and Man complete. His Human Glorified. 5 Amazing mercy ! love immense ! Surpassing ev’ry human sense. Since time and sense began ! That man might shun the realms of pain. And know and love his God again. His God became a man ! H 107, 108 REDEMPTION. HYMN 107 . P. M. God manifested for our Redemption, John i. 18, 1 Redemption claims our highest lays : To Jesus Christ belongs the praise : The lofty theme should fire the soul. And music’s richest numbers roll. Our blest Redeemer is the God we own : Then swell the chorus to his name alone ! 2 Unseen, unknown, and unreveal’d. No creature’s eye our God beheld. Till He the wondrous work begun. And show’d the Father in the Son. Jehovah now as Jesus Christ is known : Then swell the chorus to his name alone ! 3 Prom heaven his pitying eye survey’d The ruin sin on earth had made : He saw his creatures run the road To Satan’s dark and dire abode : He saw, and saved •, the work was all his own Then swell the chorus to his name alone ! HYMN 108 . c. M. The Lord subdued the Powers of Darkness. Luke x. 18. 1 Hosanna to our conqu’ring King ! The powers of darkness fly ^ Before his mighty arm they fall. Like lightning from the sky. 2 In darkness bound, to rise no more To hurt the rescued sheep. Eternal bars confine their power And malice to the deep. REDEMPTION. 109 3 Hosanna to our conquering King ! All hail. Incarnate Love ! Ten thousand songs and glories wait To crown thy head above. 4 Thy vict’ries and thy wondrous fame Through the wide world shall run ; And everlasting ages sing The triumph thou hast won. HYMN 109. p. M. T/ie Might and Majesty of our Redeemer, Ps. xlv 3- 6. 1 Loud to the King of heaven Your cheerful voices raise; To him your vows be given ; Fill all his courts with praise ! Adore, O earth ! Beaming with grace, to save your race. He issues forth. 2 Gird on thy conqu’ring sword. Ascend thy shining car. And march. Almighty Lord, To wage thy holy war ! Before his wheels. In glad surprise, ye valleys, rise ! And sink, ye hills ! 3 Truth, Meekness, Righteousness, Thy majesty display. And round thy chariot press. To spread thy gentle sway. Through Zion’s land, O, prosp’rous, ride ! None can abide Thy strong right hand. no REDEMPTION. 4 Here, to my willing soul. Bend thy triumphant way ! Here ev’ry foe control. And all thy power display 1 Before thy throne. Blest Jesus, see, I bow to thee. To thee alone! HYMN 110 . c. M. Celebration of the Redeemer. Ps. xlv. 3—7, 17. 1 In thee, O Lord, and thee alone. All might and wisdom dwell ; Thy truth hath brought opposers down. And subjugated helL 2 Thy own right hand and holy arm Have glorious victory won : Thy foes behold, with dread alarm. The wonders thou hast done. 3 Eternal is thy sov’reign reign ; Thy church shall ever stand j Thy kingdom, like thyself, remain. And spread from land to land. 4 Thy Human Essence made Divine, And glorified above. Beyond ten thousand suns doth shine In beams of truth and love. 5 To all the church our God is known : The church shall praise thy name 5 And earth and heaven unite in one. To celebrate thy fame. REDEMPTION. Ill, 112 HYMN 111. p. M. Rejoicing in our Redemption. Ps. xcvii. I ; Ixviii. 18 ; Rev. i. 18, 1 Rejoice ! the Lord is King ! Your God and King adore ! Mortals, give thanks and sing, And triumph evermore ! Lift up the heart, lift up the voice. Rejoice aloud, in him rejoice ! 2 Rejoice ! the Saviour reigns. The God of truth and love ! When he had loosed our chains. He took his seat above. Lift up the heart, lift up the voice. Rejoice aloud, in him rejoice ! 3 The Human made Divine Ascended up on high ! How great was that design. Which brought salvation nigh ! Lift up the heart, lift up the voice. Rejoice aloud, in him rejoice ! 4 His kingdom cannot fail 5 He rules o’er earth and heaven : The keys of death and hell Into his hands are given. Lift up the heart, lift up the voice. Rejoice aloud, in him rejoice ! HYMN 112. p. M. Praise to the Lord's Divine Humanity for Redemption* Rev. V. 12, 13i 1 Behold, behold yon angel- band. In bright array, on Zion stand. And with enraptured seraphs sing, Worthy the Lamb !” in noblest strains j Jesus, our great Immanuel reigns. The Saviour God, the Mighty King ! ’’ US REDEMPTION. 2 While hosts above his honour raise. We would below unite our lays. To our adored Redeemer’s name j ‘^Worthy the Lamb!” exulting cry. To him, the Holy, and the High ^ And all his wondrous love proclaim. 3 ^Vllat equal songs can mortals bring. Meet for the triumphs of their King, Meet for redemption’s blissful theme ? “ Worthy the Lamb !” shall still resound. While echo bears the notes around, I'ill all creation catch the flame. 4 Jesus, to thee our grateful tongues Through time shall raise harmonious songs. With inward ecstasy of soul : “ Worthy the Lamb!” shall be our cry. With myriads of the blest on high. Long as eternal ages roll. HYMN 113. L. M. Redemption only possible by Jehovah, Isa. lix. 16 — 20. 1 When God look’d down on earth below. And saw man’s hopeless sin and wo^, “ Who,” he exclaim’d, ‘^of all that live. Will to lost man redemption give?” 2 None could be found with strength to wage A war with Satan’s power and rage ; None could the sword immortal wield 3 None could sustain the heavenly shield. 3 Jehovah then, O wondrous love ! Came down himself from heaven above 3 Our sinful nature took by birth. And dwelt as Man with men on earth. SALVATION. 114, 115 4 His manhood tempted, scorn’d, betray’d. By sufF’rings dire was perfect made : Then, raised to glory all divine. He crown’d redemption’s grand design. HYMN 114 . 1..M. Redemption to be accomplisJied individually. Matt. xvi. 24, 25; Rev. iii. 21 ; xii 11. 1 Jesus his Human made Divine, That man might in his likeness shine : Suffer like him, like him o’ercome. And find in heaven a blissful home. 2 The form he took, by birth contain’d Those seeds by which our nature’s stain’d, But by the power that dwelt within, ’Twas purified and render’d clean. 3 The mighty work, effected thus In him, must now be wrought in us 5 We must, in our degree, be pure. And thus eternal bliss secure, 4 Our evil loves, that stand between Our souls and him, must first be seen. Then hated, shunn’d, and far removed : And he alone be served and loved. 5 The medium is the Saviour’s blood. His truth divine j a sacred flood. Dispensed to heal and cleanse the soul. And make the heart and spirit whole. SALVATION. HYMN 1 15 . c. M. Exulting in Salvation. Ps. ix. 14. ] Salvation! O the joyful sound ! What pleasure to our ears ! A sov’reign balm for ev’ry wound, A cordial for our fears ! 116, 117 SALVATION. 2 Salvation ! let the echo fly The spacious earth around ! While all the armies of the sky Conspire to raise the sound ! 3 Salvation I Lord, inspire us all This wondrous theme to sing ; Let all before thy footstool fall, Our Saviour, God, and King ! HYMN 116 . p. M. The Lord glorified for his Salvation. Rev. vii. 10, 1 1, 1 Ye servants of God, your Master proclaim. And publish abroad his wonderful name 3 The name all-victorious of Jesus extol ! His kingdom is glorious, and rules over all. 2 He ruleth on high, almighty to save 3 And still he is nigh, his presence we have. The great congregation his triumph shall sing. Ascribing salvation to Jesus our King. 3 Salvation to God, who sits on the throne. Let all cry aloud to Jesus alone 3 To Jesus, whose praises the angels proclaim. Fall dowm on their faces, and worship the Lamb ! 4 Then let us adore, and give him his right. All glory and power, all wisdom and might. All honour and blessing, with angels above. And thanks never ceasing, the tribute of love ! HYMN 117 . L. M. The same. Rev. vii. 10. 1 Awake, my soul, awake, and sing The praises of thy heavenly King ! Awake, and join the sacred throng ! The Saviour's love demands thy song. SALVATION. 118 2 In grateful strains attune thy lyre^ And emulate th* angelic choir ; Loudly the joyful news proclaim ! Salvation is in Jesu’s name, 3 Salvation ! shout the glorious sound ! Proclaim it to the world around ! Tell ev’ry fearful^ trembling soul. The Saviour’s word shall make him whole 1 I ’ll praise him whilst I have my breath } And when my voice is lost in death, O may my happy spirit rise. And sing ^‘Salvation” in the skies ! HYMN 118 . C. M. Trusting in the Lord's Salvation. Ps. Ixviij. 1 — 3. 1 When God arises in his power. His enemies must flee 3 The righteous, in that joyful hour. Shall full deliv’rance see. 2 No more shall Zion’s wicked foes Against the church prevail ; Jehovah his salvation shows. And all their efforts fail. 3 Jerusalem now owns her King, Rejoicing in his Word 3 And, grateful, will the praises sing. Of her redeeming Lord. 4 Protected by his mighty hand. Secure our souls remain 3 Till raised by his divine command, With him to live and reign. 119, 120 SECOND ADVENT. HYMN 119 . c. M. State of the World at the Second Advent. Matt. xxiv. 29| 30. 1 The sun of love has ceased to shine 5 The moon of faith retires 3 The stars, or heaven's bright truths, decline j The fallen church expires. 2 But lo 1 in heaven appears the Lord ; On clouds behold him come ! Beaming the glories of his Word, He calls the nations home. 3 Now sacred love, with mildest rays. O’er Zion’s land shall rise 5 The heavenly sun divinely blaze. And brighten all the skies. 4 And truth shall chase the gloom away. Till falsehood reign no more : Each eye, behold the rising day ! Each grateful heart, adore ! HYMN 120 . c. M. "Sature of the Lord*s Second Advent. Matt. xxiv. 30,31 ; Rev.xxi.3. 1 Behold, our God descends in love, A second time comes down. To call our souls to heaven above. And seat us near his throne. 2 He comes 3 but not in outward show. Nor as an earthly lord : But they his glorious coming know. Who see him in his Word. 3 The Letter, like a lucid cloud. Now shines with lustre fair 3 The Spirit, like a trumpet loud. Proclaims his presence there. SECOND ADVENT. 121. 122 4 The tabernacle of our God Abides with men again ; O’er all he sways his mighty rod, And endless is his reign. HYMN 121. L. M, T/te Lord more fully revealed at his Second Adv&n^ Matt. xvi. 18 ; Zech. iv. 7. 1 Jesus on earth to mortals show’d Himself the Christ, the Son of God, But with the Father strictly One, Not two, like human sire and son. 2 He built his church, his earthly throne. On this plain truth, its corner stone : In vain the proud this rock assail ; The gates of hell shall ne’er prevail. 3 And now, behold ! he comes again. In spirit and in power to reign 5 Still brighter glories round him shine. And shew his Human all Divine. 4 As soul and body form but One, So dwells the Father in the Son 3 Him we adore, the Man Divine, In whom both God and Man combine. 5 With shoutings, forth this head-stone bring ! Proclaim Jehovah- Jesus King ! Grace ! Grace ! be heard from ev’ry voice ! In him, as God alone, rejoice ! HYMN 122. L. M. Jesus making his Second Advent, as Jehovah alone, Ps. xlv. 4 ; Rev. i. 7, 8 ; v. 6. 1 On clouds behold the Saviour ride, With Truth and Meekness at his side ! The Great, the Good, the Ever-blest, Now comes to give his mourners rest. 123 SECOND ADVENl. 2 As First and Last the Saviour view, The Alpha and th’ Omega too : The glories of the Godhead shine Through all his Human Form Divine. 3 The sole and self- subsisting Lord, Who form’d creation by his Word j Almighty Saviour of our race. The God of mercy and of grace ; 4 Behold, he comes in heavenly state. In matchless power, and glory great ; The wonders of his Word reveals, And looses all its seven seals. 5 Jehovah, Jesus, Lord of all. Prostrate before thy feet we fall : We own thy truth, adore thy name. And gladly all thy love proclaim. HYMN 123 . p. M. The Lord*s Second Advent to Judgment, Rev. xix. 11 Mai. iii. 2 ; Rev. xix. 17, 18 ; xx. 14. 1 Lo ! he comes, in clouds descending ! Jesus comes on earth to reign ! All the angel- hosts attending Form his bright and glorious train. Hallelujah ! Jesus will his power maintain. 2 Now is come the judgment morning ^ Sons of night must flee away ; Saints behold the welcome dawning Of a bright eternal day. Hallelujah ! Truth shall ail the nations sway. SECOND ADVENT. 124 3 Now is come the day of burning ; Now the great Refiner’s fire Fills the sinner’s heart with mourning. Fills the humble soul’s desire. Hallelujah ! Let his love his saints inspire ! 4 Now he brings to light the treasures Stored in his eternal Word j Now he gives celestial pleasures ; Glory to our God and Lord ! Hallelujah ! Be his holy name adored ! 5 Hail the day of great salvation ! Never shall his kingdom fail. Let each tribe, and tongue, and nation. Gladly their Redeemer hail ! Hallelujah ! Death and hell no more prevail. HYMN 124 . c. M. Proclaiming the Lord's Second Advent Isa. xxxv. 5,6 ; xlv. 22 r Ixi. 1. 1 Jesus the Lord again appears. And bids our sorrows cease. Proclaims salvation in our ears. And offers life and peace. 2 Hear him, ye deaf! in praise, ye dumb. Your loosen’d tongues employ ! Ye blind, behold your Saviour come ! And leap, ye lame, for joy 1 3 Look unto him, and gladly own Your God, ye fallen race ! Look unto him, and trust alone His mercy, truth, and grace* 1 125 SECOND ADVENT. 4 He breaks the galling chains of sin : He sets the pris’ner free : His word can make the sinner clean^ Howe’er defiled he be. 5 Let hearts and tongues unite to sing The great Redeemer’s praise j For he alone is God and King, And just in all his ways. HYMN 125. L. M, Glad Tidingsi of the Lord's Second Advent. Ps. Ixxxix. 16 Isa. Ixi. 1; Matt, xviii. 24 — 27; Isa. li. 11. Loud let the gospel-trumpet sound, And spread the joyful tidings round ! Let ev’ry soul with transport hear. And hail the Lord’s accepted year. 2 Ye debtors, sunk in shame and woe. Though ye ten thousand talents owe. When humbled at his feet ye fall. Your gracious Lord forgives you all. 3 Slaves that have borne the heavy chain Of sin, and hell’s tyrannic reign. To liberty assert your claim. And bless your great Redeemer’s name ! 4 Fair Salem your arrival waits To golden streets and pearly gates : Her blest inhabitants no more Shall bonds and poverty deplore. 5 O happy souls that know the sound ! Bright beams of light their steps surround, And show that blessed state begun. Which through eternal years shall run. SECOND ADVENT. 126 , 127 HYMN 126 . s. M Receiving the Lord at his Second Advent. Isa. Ixi. 1 1 Rev. xxi. 4, 1. 1 Rise, rise, ye Christians, rise ! In strains of rapture sing ! Let songs of joy salute the skies, And welcome God your King 1 2 He comes to dry our tears. And break the captive’s chain : Jesus our God again appears. And Lord supreme will reign. 3 New heavens are form’d above. And there is fix’d his throne 5 The angels praise in songs of love. And all his goodness own. 4 The joyful notes descend } We catch the holy flame. Before Jehovah-Jesus bend. And celebrate his name. 5 One gen’ral chorus raise ! Join ev’ry heart and tongue 3 And be the Lord Jehovah’s praise By men and angels sung ! HYMN 1 27 . p. M. The same. Rev. xxi. 1. 1 All nature smiles 3 for love divine Bleaks through the sable clouds of night : More ardent beams of mercy shine : Still brighter are the rays of light. The Second Advent now we ’re call’d to sing Of Jesus Christ, the Universal King. I 2 128 SECOND ADVENT. 2 He comes again to bless our race. Reveal the glories of his Word 3 To teach the wonders of his grace, And reign the only God and Lord. Sinners, prepare your hearts ! give Jesus room Your God is love 3 to bless you he is come. 3 Good-will to men,” the angels sing : New heavens and earth the Lord will raise : With shouts of joy we hail our King : The world shall echo with his praise. 0 may the fame of Jesu’s love be spread Far as the solar beams of light are shed ! 4 Jesus, our God of love divine. We bow before thy sacred throne 3 And, with one heart and spirit, join To make thy truth and mercy known : 1 hou wilt accept our poor attempts to raise This weak memorial to thy name and praise. HYMN 128 . c. M. Glory of the Second Advent, Dan, vii. 13, 14. 1 Behold the God of truth and might, Jehovah, Jesus, Lord ! He comes ! and beams of heavenly light Reveal him in his Word. 2 The Son of man, and God of heaven. On clouds now makes his way : To him are power and glory given. And boundless is his sway. 3 His kingdom must for ever stand. Our God for ever reign : His church, supported by his hand. Eternal shall remain. SECOND ADVENT. 129 4 O happy kingdom, blessed state. Where J esus reigns alone ! We enter. Lord, thy Zion’s gate. And thee our Saviour own. HYMN 129 . p. M. Blessings of the Second Advent, 1 Jerusalem, proclaim abroad The blissful tidings ! say, The Lord A second time comes down ! ” He who for thy redemptioii fought. Whose strong right hand salvation brought. Assumes the royal crown. 2 Behold ! the mighty God appears ! The night recedes, the morning clears. And glory decks the plains : Darkness no longer dims the sight •, It flies before the heavenly light. And truth triumphant reigns. 3 For lo ! the Word is now unseal’d. Its deep arcana are reveal’d. Its wonders we explore : Soon shall its beaming splendour shine In ev’ry land, a light divine. And heaven on earth restore ! 4 Then raise your heart, and tune your voice : AVith all the hosts above rejoice. Loud hallelujahs sing ! Praise Jesu’s name with sweet accord, — Jesus, the Universal Lord, And Everlasting King ! I 3 130, 131 SECOND ADVENT. HYMN 130 . SEVENS The Lord comes again, to open the Word, and to form a new Church, Matt, xxiv. 30, 31. 1 Jesus comes, our heavenly King) We his Second Advent sing. See his glory in his Word ! Own him only God and Lord ! 2 Lo ! he comes, with splendour bright. Beaming forth his life and light. Truths of wisdom, goods of love. Now he gives from heaven above. 3 Jesus doth his Word display. And the darkness turns to day. Now the shades of night are past. And the day will ever last. 4 Now a glorious church shall rise. Join’d with angels in the skies. Spreading wide, on ev’ry hand. Blessings through each clime and land. HYMN 131 . p, M. The 'Nature of the Kingdom established at the Second Advent, Dan. vii. 13, 14 ; Rev. xxi. 4 ; Isa. ix. 6 ; xxxi. 7. 1 All glory to Jesus on high. Now peace upon earth is restored ! Our God to his people draws nigh : He comes in the clouds of his Word. O Lord, let thine arm be made known ! In power and in glory descend ! On earth re-establish thy throne, A kingdom that never shall end ! 2 All sorrow before thee shall fly. And anger and malice be o’er. And envy and enmity die. And discord afflict us no more. SECOND ADVENT. 132, 133 As the Prince and the Author of peace, All nations thy voice shall obey : All people from idols shall cease, And bow to thy merciful sway. HYMN 132 . L. M. Universal Diffusion of Truth and Love hy the Second Advent* Zech. xiv. 9. 1 The morning dawns : celestial light Dispels the gloomy shades of night : Truth rears her standard once again/ And love, celestial love, shall reign. 2 The Heavenly Sun, the Lord our God, Beams his refulgent rays abroad : He comes to bless the humble soul. And spread his truth from pole to pole. 3 Now nations barb’rous, rude, and blind. In Jesus shall salvation find : Idols before his name shall fall. And he alone be Lord of all. 4 Thus ev’ry land and clime shall hear The Lord is God, his name revere 3 From sin, and death, and darkness rise. And join the concert of the skies. HYMN 133 . s. M. The Lord the Only King at his Second Advent* Isa. lx. 1,2; Rev. xxi. 5 ; Zech. xiv. 8, 9. 1 Jerusalem, arise ! The heavenly glory view ! Thy light is come: lift up thine eyes I All things are now made new. 2 Now ended is the reign Of error’s gloomy night : The Sun of heaven appears again. And beams celestial light. 134 SECOND ADVENT. 3 Now living waters flow. To cheer the humble soul ; From sea to sea the rivers go. And bless where’er they roll. 4 Now righteousness shall spring. And grow on earth again j Jesus Jehovah be our King, And o’er the nations reign. 5 Jesus shall rule alone : The world shall hear his Word : By one blest name shall he be known,— The Universal Lord. HYMN 134 . L. M. Celestial Comforts attending the Second Advent, Isa xii. 1, 2, 3 1 The joyful, happy day appears : Jehovah dries his Zion’s tears. He comes to bless the humble race. And show the wonders of his grace. 2 Lord, we rejoice to see thy day : Thy seeming anger ’s turn’d away : Our comforts now thou wilt restore. And Zion’s tears shall flow no more. 3 Behold, our God, the mighty God, Who spread the countless worlds abroad. Is our salvation ! we rejoice. And praise his name with cheerful voice. 4 We ’ll trust in him, nor be afraid ; Jehovah is our fortress made : He is our strength ! his arm is strong ! And we ’ll exalt him in our song. SECOND ADVENT. 135 , 136 5 Wells of salvation open stand : The living waters bless the land : And while we draw the streams divine. Our grateful praises. Lord, are thine. HYMN 135 . L. M. Praises for the Second Advent. Rev. xxi. 3. 1 Begin the song, aloud rejoice! Join ev’ry heart, and ev’ry voice ! Jesus the God of heaven proclaim. And publish through the world his name ! 2 Angels, inspired with sacred love. With praises fill his courts above : New are the songs that hail their King, While they his Second Advent sing. 3 Now mortals shall his glory know : The Lord our God will dwell below ^ In his New Church make his abode. And reign o’er all, the mighty God. 4 Rise, ev’ry heart, with rapture sing ! Hail Jesus, hail your God and King! With angel- hosts your tongues employ. In songs of love and sacred joy ! HYMN 136 . c. M. The Same. Rev. v. 13 ; Ps. xcvi. 13 ; Luke xiii 35. . Now blessing, honour, glory, praise. By angel-hosts are sung : The saints below their voices raise. And join the heavenly throng. 2 Adored be He who comes to bless The nations with his love ; To show his truth and righteousness> And ev’ry cloud remove ^ 137 SECOND ADVENT. 3 Blessed be He who comes to reign In Zion's happy land ! Jerusakm is built again^ And shall for ever stand. 4 No more his kingdom shall decay/ No more the temple fall : Here Jesus reigns with endless sway. The King and Lord of all. HYMN 137 . P. M. /O ^0/0/0^ ////, Glorification of the Lord on his Second Advent, ^ Rev. xix. 1, 6. 1 Glory to God ! the angels sing on high : Bright seraphim their hallelujahs cry : By countless myriads, in the heavenly plains. Are loud hosannas sung in lofty strains. Jesus they sing, their Father and Creator, Redeemer, Saviour, and Regenerator. 2 Behold him now with mighty power descend. To bless the meek who on his truth depend. Celestial charity, in ev’ry breast. Shall move mankind to make each other bless’d ; With holy joys the pure will be surrounded : For Salem’s King in mercy is unbounded. 3 Swell the loud organ to your noblest songs ! Give Him the praise to whom all praise belongs ! Let ev’ry voice, in notes triumphant, sing. Blessing and honour to the Mighty King ! O let his Holy Word, through earth resounding. Proclaim his wondrous love, to all abounding ! 4 The God of glory sitteth on his throne. And all his angels worship him alone. The church below his standard rears on high. And joins the shining hosts above the sky ^ Where awful thunder this great truth proclaimetl^ That Jesu$ Christ — the Lord Jehovah, reigneth. 138, 139 PROVIDENCE. HYMN 138 . L. M. The Lord, in his Providence, regards Eternal Ends. Matt. Vi. 19, 20 ; x. 28 ; Rev. iii. 19. 1 Your hearts and tongues to Jesus raise To him alone your praise is due. In all his providential vrays He has eternal ends in view. 2 The vain and fleeting things of earth. Though counted vain, alas ! by few. In His esteem are nothing worth. Who keeps eternal ends in view. 3 By griefs and trials he intends, (And by his outward blessings too,) T’ accomplish those eternal ends. Which Love Divine still keeps in view. 4 O may we strive our hearts to wean From worldly ends, in all we do ; And still preserve, through ev’ry scene. Eternal ends alone in view 1 HYMN 139 . L. M. All things under the Divine Providence. Pg, cvii, 1 The Lord conducts the varying scenes Of life’s mistaken good or ill : Nothing without him supervenes. And all is ruled with perfect skill. 2 All good he gives : his tender care. Howe’er unjustly we complain. Still regulates our needful sliare Of joy and sorrow, ease and pain. 140 , 141 PROVIDENCE. 3 All things on earth, like all above. On his kind Providence depend. Will’d or permitted by his love j Man’s everlasting good, their end. 4 Be this our care, — for all beside Less anxious let our wishes be, — To cease from sin, subdue our pride. And fix our hearts, O Lord, on thee ! HYMN 140. L. M. The fVisdom of the Dispensations of Providence. Matt, xxvi.39. 1 ^Tis wisdom, goodness, love divine. Which mingles blessings with our cares : And shall our thankless hearts repine. When Mercy’s hand the cup prepares ? 2 From unbelief our sorrows flow : Short-sighted mortals, weak and blind. Bend down their eyes to earth and woe. Then doubt if Providence be kind. 3 Should heaven with ev’ry wish comply. Say, would the grant relieve the care ? Perhaps the good, for which we sigh. Might change its name, and prove a snare. 4 Were once our vain desires subdued. The will resign’d, the heart at rest. In ev’ry scene we should conclude. The righteous will of God is best. HYMN 141. c. M. Divine Providence ever present, Ps. cxxxix. 5, 7 — 10. 1 Thou great, all-knowing, present God, Where’er I stay or rove, I am surrounded still by thee, Encircled with thy love. PROVIDENCE. 142 2 Thy guardian hand my life defends ; That life I owe to thee : Thy mercy all my way attends ^ Thy love abounds to me. 3 Where’er I go^ I am thy care : Thy dealings all are love j And all intended to prepare My soul for heaven above. 4 My God and Saviour guides me stiL In all his righteous ways : Daily may I perform his will. Each moment live his praise ! HYMN 142 . c. M. Confidence in the Care of Providence, Ps. xxxiv. 1, 8, 7, 5 1 Through all the changing scenes of life. In trouble and in joy. The praises of our God shall still Our hearts and tongues employ. 2 O make but trial of his love ! Experience will decide. How blest are they, and only they, Who in his truth confide. 3 The hosts of God encamp around The dwellings of the just : Protection he affords to all. Who make his name their trust. 4 Pear him, ye saints ! and you will then Have nothing else to fear : Make you his service your delight. He ’ll make your wants his care. K 143, 144 PROVIDENCE. HYMN 143 . p. M. Dependance on the Divine Providence, Ps. cxxxi. 2, 3. 1 Quiet, Lord, my froward heart ! Make me teachable and mild. Upright, simple, free from art 3 Make me as a weaned child 5 From distrust and murm’ring free. Pleased with all that pleases thee ! 2 What thou shalt to-day provide Let me as a child receive ! What to-morrow may betide. Calmly to thy wisdom leave ! ’Tis enough that thou art near : Why should I the future fear ? 3 As a little child relies On a care beyond his own. Knows he ’s neither strong nor wise. Fears to stir a step alone 3 . So may I with thee abide, As my Father, Friend, and Guide ! HYMN 144 . L. M. Confidence in the Care of Providence. Ps. cxxi. 1 Up to the hills I lift mine eyes, Th’ eternal hills above the skies : Thence all her help my soul derives 3 There my Almighty Refuge lives ! 2 He lives ! the everlasting God, Who spread the heavens and earth abroad. Who guides my feet, and, watchful, keeps The silent hours while Israel sleeps. 3 My soul, thy keeper is the Lord, The God by heaven and earth adored. He ’ll shade thy head from scorching heat : No error shall misguide thy feet. PROVIDENCE. 145, 146 4 O’er thee infernals have no power j And, in thy last departing hour, Angels shall visit thine abode. And bear thee homeward to thy God. HYMN 145 . c. M. The same, Ps. cxxi. 1 Lo ! from the hills my help descends : To them I lift mine eyes : My strength on Him alone depends,^ Who made the earth and skies. 2 He, ever watchful, ever nigh. Forbids thy feet to slide : Nor sleep, nor slumber, seals the eye Of Israel’s Guard and Guide. 3 At thy right hand, array’d in might. His shield o’er thee he ’ll spread j Nor sun by day, nor moon by night, Shall hurt thy shelter’d head. 4 Safe shalt thou go, and safe return. While He thy life defends. Whose eyes thy ev’ry step discern. Whose mercy never ends. HYMN 146 . p. M. hey are safe who trust in Providence, Ps. xci.l, 4, 10, 11, 14 — 16 1 Safe is the man, my God, who flies To thee, when storms and dangers rise. He, from his inmost soul’s retreat. Shall mark the awful tempest beat. And feel thy hand, in mercy, spread Its guardian shadow o’er his head. K 2 147 PROVIDENCE. 2 Thine eye surveys his steps^ and still Thy powder protects from ev’ry ill. Angels around him, constant, wait. To watch and help his ev’ry state j Wing’d with kind mission from above. The mission of almighty love. 3 Thus blest through life, O Lord, is he Who dedicates that life to thee. He feels thy love, thy bounty flow, A copious balm for every woe j And gains, when time has pass’d away, A paradise of endless day. HYMN 147 . p. M. ** Jehovah-jireht" “ The Lord uill provide'* Gen. xxii. 14. 1 Though troubles assail, and dangers aflright ; Though friends should all fail, and foes all unite*, Yet one thing secures us, whatever betide : The Scripture assures us, “TheLord will provide.” 2 The birds without barn or storehouse are fed : From them let us learn to trust for our bread ! His saints what is fitting shall ne’er be denied, So long as ’tis written, ^‘The Lord will provide/ 3 We may, like the ships, by tempest be tost On perilous deeps, but cannot be lost : Though Satan enrages the wind and the tide^ The promise engages, ^^The Lord will provide.” 4 No strength of our own, or goodness, we claim; Yet, since we have known the Saviour’s great name. In him, our strong tower, for safety we hide : The Lord is our power : The Lord will provide.” PROVIDENCE. 148 , 149 5 Though life sink apace, and death be in view. This Word of his grace shall comfort us through ; His presence possessing, with him on our side, W e feel the great blessing,^*The Lord will provide.” HYMN 148 . c, M. Revieto of Providential Care. Ps. Ixxi. 5, 6, 17, 18. 1 When all thy mercies, O my God, My rising soul surveys. Transported with the view, I ’m lost In wonder, love, and praise. 2 Thy Providence my life sustain’d. And all my wants redress’d. When in the silent womb I lay. Or hung upon the breast. 3 When in the slippVy paths of youth. With heedless steps, I ran. Thine arm, unseen, convey’d me safe, And led me up to man. 4 Through ev’ry period of my life Thy goodness I ’ll pursue 3 And after death, in happier worlds. The glorious theme renew. 5 Through all eternity, to thee A grateful song I ’ll raise : But O ! eternity ’s too short To utter all thy praise. HYMN 149 . c. M, The same* 1 Almighty Father, gracious Lord, Kind Guardian of my days. Thy mercies let my heart record, In songs of grateful praise 1 K 3 150 PROVIDENCE. 2 In life’s first dawn^ my tender frame Was thy indulgent care. Long ere I could pronounce thy name. Or breathe the infant prayer. 3 When reason with my stature grew. How weak her brightest ray 1 How little of my God I knew ! How apt from him to stray ! 4 Around my path what dangers rose ! What snares o’erspread my road ! No power could guard me from my foes But my protecting God. 5 When life hung trembling on a breath, ’Twas thy unceasing love That saved me from impending death. And bade my fears remove. 6 Lord, when this brittle frame decays. This mortal body dies. Complete the wonders of thy grace. And raise me to the skies ! HYMN 150 . C.M. Tracing the hand of Providence, 1 In each event of life, how clear Thy hand, O Lord, I see ! Each blessing draws my soul more near. Each trouble drives to thee. 2 In ev’ry joy that crowns my days. In ev’ry pain I bear. My heart shall find delight in praise. Or seek relief in prayer. PROVIDENCE. 151, 152 3 When gladness wings my favour’d hour. Thy love my thoughts shall fill : Resign’d, when storms of sorrow lower. My soul shall meet thy will. 4 My lifted eye, with joyous tear. Each changing scene shall see : My steadfast heart shall know no fear, Because it rests on thee. HYMN 151 . SEVENS. *' My times are in thy hand,” Ps. xxxi. 15. 1 Jesus, Ruler of the skies. Ever gracious, ever wise. All my times are in thy hand, — All my states at thy command. 2 Times of sickness and of health. Times of penury and wealth. Times of trial and of grief. Times of triumph and relief, 3 Times temptation’s power to prove. Times to taste of heavenly love \ All, as means appointed, tend To promote a blessed end. 4 Plagues and death around me fly 5 But my Saviour God is nigh : Him I trust ; on him I call : Jesus is my All in all. HYMN 152. L.M. Praise for Providential Care. it Great God, we bless thy mighty hand, By which supported still we stand. Revolving years thy. mercy show : Thy mercy crowns them as they flow. 153 PROVIDENXE. 2 In ev’ry place, through ev’ry hour. Still are we guarded by thy power 5 By thy incessant bounty fed 3 By thy unerring counsel led. 3 Either thy hand preserves from pain. Or, if we feel it, heals again 3 From Satan’s malice shields our breast. Or overrules it for the best. 4 Thy goodness in the past we own : The future, all to us unknown, To thee commit in humble prayer. And banish ev’ry anxious care. 5 In states exalted or depress’d. Thou art our joy, our hope, our rest. Unchanged, through all our changing da^ Thy love supplies new themes of praise. HYMN 153. L. M. Resignation to Divine Providence. Hab. iii. 17, 18. } When earthly comforts fade away. Assist me. Lord, resign’d, to say. Though awful judgments round me roll. Thou art the portion of my soul. 2 Although the fig-tree cease to bear, The vine no mantling clusters wear. The labour of the olive fail. Nor verdant pastures clothe the vale 3 3 Though bleating flocks should perish all. Nor lowing herds adorn the stall 3 And though still greater ills be found To spread dismay on all around ; PROVIDENCE. 154, 155 4 Yet in my God will I rejoice. With thankful heart, and cheerful voice : His praise shall still my powers employ. And his salvation be my joy. HYMN 154. h. M. The same. Ps. xlii. 2 ; Rev. xiv. 4 ; Isa. Ixiii. 3, 1. 1 Thou Lamb of God, thou Prince of peace. For thee my thirsty soul doth pine : My love, my faith, my hope, increase. And make me in thy likeness shine I 2 With single eye, and humble mind. Thy will in all things may I see ! In love be ev’ry wish resign'd. And hallow’d ev’ry thought to thee ! 3 When pain o’er my weak flesh prevails. With lamb-like patience arm my breast ! When grief my wounded soul assails. In lowly meekness make me rest ! 4 Close by thy side, O keep me still, Howe’er life’s various current flow ; With steadfast eye to mark thy will. And follow thee where’er I go ! 5 Thou, Lord, the dreadful fight hast won j Alone hast thou the wine-press trod : Thy hand shall lead me safely on : Mighty to save, art thou, my God ! HYMN 155. L. M. The same. Matt, xi, 30 ; xx. 22, 23 ; Mark iv. 39. 1 Eternal Source of light divine. Fountain of unexhausted love. In whom unclouded glories shine. Through earth beneath, and heaven above^ !56 PROVIDENCE. 2 Jesus, the weary wand’rer’s rest. Give me thy easy yoke to bear ! With resignation arm my breast. With humble love, and holy fear. 3 Thankful I take the cup from thee, Mingled by thy unerring skill j Though bitter to the taste it be, ’Tis full of heavenly mercy still. 4 Be thou, O Rock of Ages, nigh ! So shall each murm’ring thought be gone. And grief, and fear, and care shall fly. As clouds before the mid-day sun. 5 O thou, who bad’st the tempest cease. And lo ! the waves obey’d thy will. Speak to my warring passions peace ! Say to my trembling heart — Be still ! HYMN 156 . L. M. Submission to Divine Providence. 1 At thy command, my willing heart With ev’ry good would freely part : Nothing I have, blest Lord, is mine \ My all to thee I would resign. 2 Patience, submission, calm content. Become my soul when trouble ’s sent; Thy chastisements, of ev’ry kind. Are sent to purify my mind. 3 Had I all blessings at my will. And knew no trouble, loss, or ill ; My heart with pride elate might be. And slow to serve and worship thee. DIVINE PROTECTION. 157, 158 4 No state, my God, can e*er take place. In which I may not see thv grace. All things thou dost for good design j And in all states shall praise be thine. HYMN 157 . C. M. DOUBLE. “ Thy will be done'* Matt, vi, 10 1 Father in heaven, thy will be done ! To thee I give up mine : Make me in life and death thy own ! Make me for ever thine ! O keep my wayward, doubtful heart From anxious passions free ! Teach me false comforts to resign. And trust my all to thee ! 2 Or good or ill, whatever lot The hours, commission’d, bring ; Whether my with’ring blessings die. Or fairer clusters spring 5 O grant that still, with grateful heart My years resign’d may run ! Tis thine to give, or to withhold j And let thy will be done ! DIVINE PROTECTION. HYMN 158 . L. M. Divine Protection for the true Church. Ps. xlvi. 1 — 5 1 God is the refuge of the just. When storms of sharp distress invade: In his almighty arm they trust. And find his omnipresent aid. DIVINE PROTECTION. Ib9 2 Though luountains from their seats be hurl’d Down to the deep, we need not fear : Though strong convulsions shake the world. Still our Protector’s arm is near. 3 There is a stream, whose gentle flow Makes glad the city of our God 3 With healing virtue gliding through. And wat’ring our divine abode. 4 That sacred stream — the Holy Word — Renews with strength the fainting soul ; Its living waters life aftbrd. And make the wounded spirit whole. 5 Zion enjoys her Sov’reign’s love. Secure against each foe’s design : Nor can her firm foundations move. Fix’d on the rock of truth divine. HYMN 159. SEVENS. The Lord our Refuge and Protection. Ps». Iv. 22 ; 1. 1 Cast on Jesus all thy care! ’Tis enough that he is nigh. He will all thy burden bear: He will all thy wants supply 2 He thy soul will safely lead : In his tender love confide ! Call on him in time of need 1 He will be thy Guard and Guide. 3 Lord, I would, I do submit. Gladly yield my all to thee : What thy wisdom seeth fit. Surely must be best for me , DIVINE PROTECTION. 160 , 161 HYMN 160 . c. M. The Lord our sure Protector, Isa. 1. 10. 1 Still in the Lord thy God confide ^ Depend upon his power ! Through gloomy night he ’ll be thy guide, And cheer thy darkest hour. 2 In him is all thy strength and stay ; He keeps thy soul secure : In all thy dark and dangerous way. His kind protection ’s sure. 3 He never did, nor will, forsake The souls that love his Word : Then in his strength fresh courage take. And trust the mighty Lord ! 4 Though foes infernal may surround. Or sorrow’s waves run high. In him deliv’rance shall be found : The faithful shall not die. HYMN 161 . SEVENS. The Lord protects in Temptation. 1 Jesus, in temptation’s hour. Saves us from infernal power ; Though he seem not, he is nigh : He will hear the suppliant’s cry. 2 He preserves our reason free ; Keeps our wills in liberty ; Gives both will and power to Life and peace, and death refuse. 3 He by truth the mind reforms : He with good affec'tions warms j Builds his kingdom in the breast ^ Makes his children truly blest. L 162, 163 DIVINE PROTECTION. 4 Jesus will his humble sheep Safe from ev’ry danger keep 5 Be their constant guide and stay. Their defence by night and day. HYMN 162. c. M. The Lord our Protector in all States. 1 We *re helpless, feeble, mean, and poor^ Mere weakness when we ’re tried : The Lord is ours 3 we want no more : He is our strength and guide. ^ Dragons and serpents will assail. With all their art and power : But Jesus will for us prevail. In ev’ry trying hour. 3 Sometimes thick darkness will invade. And gloomy be the night : But he will guide us through the shade And bring us forth to light. 4 Whate’er befal us on the road. We need not yield to fear : The Lord Jehovah is our God, And always will be near. HYMN 163. SEVENS. Imploring Divine Protection. 1 Jesus, lover of my soul. Let me to thy bosom fly. While the angry billows roll. While the tempest still is high ! 2 Hide me, O my Saviour, hide. Till the storm of life is past ] Safe into the haven guide ! O receive my soul at last ! DIVINE PROTECTION. 164, 165 3 All my trust on thee is laid 5 All my help from thee I bring: Cover my defenceless head. With the shadow of thy wing ! 4 Thou of life the fountain art 5 Freely let me take of thee ! Spring thou up within my heart ! Rise to all eternity ! HYMN 164 . c. M. For Perseverance, through Divine Protection. 1 Lord, let me never turn aside. Nor leave the path divine ! Let faith, and love, and zeal abide > Let patience ne’er decline ! 2 Supported by a lively hope. May I the storm endure ! O let thy mercy hold me up. And I shall walk secure ! 3 Should all the powers of darkness strive My peace to discompose 5 Upheld by thee, my soul shall live. Triumphant o’er her foes. 4 Be thou my all-sufficient friend. Till all these toils shall cease ! Guard me through life 3 and let my end Be everlasting peace ! HYMN 165 . p. M. Confiding in the Divine Protection. 1 Captain of Israel’s host, and Guide Of all who seek the land above. Beneath thy shadow we abide. The cloud of thy protecting love : Our strength thy grace, our rule thy Word^ Our end the glory of the Loid, 166 DIVINE PROTECTION. 2 By thy unerring spirit led. We shall not in the desert stray ^ Surrounding snares we shall not dread. Nor miss our providential way : As far from danger as from fear. Whilst thy almighty hand is near. 8 O Love, how cheering is thy ray ! All pain before thy presence flies : Care, anguish, sorrow, melt away. Where’er thy healing beams arise, O Love, direct our steps below ; And then — eternal bliss bestow. HYMN 166. r. M. Relying on the Promises of Divine Protection. Dent, xxxiii. 25; Isa. xliii. 1, 2. 1 In ev’ry condition, in sickness and health. In joy and in sorrow, in want and in wealth, Thy God, O my soul, hath declared unto thee, Behold, as thy days, so thy succour shall be ! ” 2 ^'Fear not! I am with thee! O be not dismay’d! For I am thy God, and will still give thee aid ; I ’ll strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee to stand. Upheld by my faithful, omnipotent hand. 3 ‘^Through deep swelling waters thou safely shall goj The waves of temptation shall not overflow : For I will be with thee, thy sorrows to bless. And turn to rejoicing thy deepest distress. 4 When through fiery trials thy journey shall lie, My grace, all-suflficient, shall be thy supply : The flame shall not hurt thee : I only design Thy dross to consume, and thy gold to refine.” DIVINE PROTECTION. 167 , ]68 5 How firm a foundation, O merciful Lord, Is laid for our faith in thy life-giving Word ! Thy promise unshaken for ever remains : Thy wisdom defends us, thy mercy sustains. HYMN 167. s. M. Divine Protection through the Spiritual Journey. 1 I SEE a host of foes Around me daily stand. And all my holy way oppose To Canaan’s happy land. 2 But shall I yield to fear ? Is all my courage gone ? Is not my kind Protector near. To lead me safely on r 3 My God will lend his aid In ev’ry new distress : I ’ll urge my way, nor be afraid ; He will be nigh to bless. 4 He will my life defend In ev’ry trying hour : Jesus is my almighty friend. My fortress and my tower. 5 O may I never stray From his protecting hand But cleave to him, and keep my way. Till brought to Zion’s land ! HYMN 168. c. M. Protection against Evil Spirits, 1 My soul, be ever on thy guard ! Infernals round thee wait. To rob thee of thy great reward In heaven’s eternal state. L 3 169 ANGELIC MINISTRATIONS. 2 They watch our heedless steps, and dwell In all our loves unclean 5 With subtle v>dles lead down to hell. And operate unseen. 3 O guard against their influence. And know them for thy foes ! Labour and strive to drive them hence. And all their wiles oppose. 4 Jesus, thou wilt my life defend. And bid my foes depart. If I to truth and goodness bend. And give thee all my heart. ANGELIC MINISTRATIONS. HYMN 1 69 . L. M. An^eJs attendant on man, Luke ii. 9 — 14 ; Ps. xxxiv. 7. 1 See a bright host descend to earth. Glad to announce Immanuel’s birth ! Hark ! the full choir of angels sing The new-born Saviour, mighty King ! 2 And still these glorious hosts above Fulfll their ministries of love 5 On men below they cheerful wait. Nor think the work beneath their state. 3 From them sweet consolations l ise, And thoughts which render mortals wise : From foes infernal they protect. And all their artful wiles detect. 4 Jesus, my gracious Lord and friend. May these thy servants me attend Through life 3 and, when I quit this clay. Safe to thine arms my soul convey ! ANGELIC MINISTRATIONS. 170 , 171 HYMN 170 , c. M. The same. Ps. xxxiv. 7 ; xci. 11. ] Minist’ring angels mark our road. And all our steps attend ; Inspire our minds with thoughts of God, Still ready to befriend. 2 Great God ! and do thy angels wait On one so mean as I, To guide me in my erring state. And lead my soul on high } 3 O how should I their friendship prize, And all my conduct heed. Ne’er to offend their holy eyes, In thought, in word, or deed ! 4 But, Lord, thy purer eyes divine My ev’ry step pursue : O, since thou seest each thought of mine. Inspire and guide them too ! HYMN 171 . SEVENS. The same. Ps. xci. II, 12. 1 Praise to Jesu’s matchless love. For his ministers of grace. Guardian angels from above. Sent to help our feeble race ! 2 They to us are ever nigh 3 Know our ev’ry word and deed 5 Guard us with a watchful eye ; Help in ev’ry time of need. 3 Heavenly graces they inspire. Goodness, wisdom, joy, and peace ,* Warm our hearts with holy fire. And our faith and hope increase. i/2 THE WORD. 4 They disperse each anxious fear 5 Sympathize in all our woes 5 And our fainting spirits cheer. When oppress’d by inward foes. 5 When we come to death’s cold shore^ Tender aid by them is given, Charged in love to bear us o’er. And conduct us safe to heaven. THE WORD. HYMN 172 . c. M. The Blessings of the fVord. Rev. xxii. 2, 1. 1 Father of mercies, in thy Word, What grace and glory shine ! For ever be thy name adored For wisdom so divine ! 2 The tree of life here fruitful grows. Adorn’d with healing leaves ) Sublimer sweets than nature knows, The hungry soul receives. 3 Here springs of consolation rise. To cheer the fainting mind : Here thirsty souls receive supplies. And sweet refreshment find. 4 And here Redemption’s gracious voice, Glad tidings spreads around \ And life, and everlasting joys. Attend the blissful sound. 5 O may these heavenly pages be My ever-dear delight 5 And still new beauties may I see. And still increasing light ! THE WORD. 173, 174 6 Divine Instructor ! Gracious Lord, Be thou for ever near ! "i each me to love thy sacred Word, And view thy glory there ! HYMN 173 . L. M. The same. Ex. xiii. 21. 1 When Israel through the desert pass’d, A fiery pillar went before. To guide them through the dreary waste. And lessen the fatigues they bore. 2 Such is the glorious Word of God : ’Tis for our light and guidance given : It sheds a lustre all abroad. And points the way to bliss and heaven. 3 It fills the soul with sweet delight. And quickens its inactive powers : It sets our wand’ring footsteps right. Displays his love, and kindles ours. 4 Its promises rejoice the heart : Its doctrines are divinely true : Knowledge and pleasure it imparts : It comforts, and instructs us too. 5 Ye favour’d lands, blest with this Word ; Ye saints, who feel its saving power 5 Unite your tongues to praise the Lord, And his distinguish’d grace adore ! HYMN 174 . L. M. h' Jl'ord our greatest Blessing. Ps. cxix. 15, 16; Ex. xiv. 13 Gen. xix. 22, 1/ ; John vUi. 11. 1 Where can I dwell with such delight, I\]y thoughts with so much pleasure rove. As in thy Word of life and light. That speaks the language of thy love ? THE WORD. 175 2 Though all around me be serene. And joy and gladness gild my way. Thy Word points out a brighter scene. And opens an eternal day. 3 If dark’ning clouds above me lower. And dangers all around me press. It whispers, in the trying hour. Be still ‘j for 1 am nigh to bless.” 4 When deep reflection on the past Gives to my wounded conscience pain, ‘^Haste,” cries a faithful herald, ‘‘haste. And tarry not in all the plain.” 5 And when 1 read my dread account Of follies and of evils o’er, While trembling at the vast amount, “Go,” saith a voice, “ and sin no more.” 6 Jesus, my Saviour and my Lord, 'From thee I would no more depart : O write the precepts of thy Word Deep on the tablet of my heart ! HYMN 175 . L. M. The same. Ps. cxix. 97, 105, 127, 143, 71, 33. 1 O HOW I love thy holy Word, Thy gracious covenant, O Lord ! It guides me in the peaceful way. To realms of everlasting day. 2 What are the mines of shining wealth. The strength of youth, the bloom of health? What are all joys compared with those Which inwardly thy Word bestows ? THE WORD. 3 Though grievous troubles pierce my heart Though all my fondest hopes depart. Though tears of bitter anguish flow. Thy Word can soothe and heal my woe. 4 O hadst thou left me unchastised. Thy precepts I had lightly prized ; The snare for me in secret laid. Had my unwary feet betray’d. 5 Led on by thee, I ’ll keep the road. That leads to thy divine abode 5 AVhere, in thy presence fully blest. The just made perfect ever rest. HYMN 176 . c. M, The Word the Treasury of True Wisdom^ 1 What themes divine our minds employ. What ivond’rous truths appear. Whene'er we read the Word with joy. And find its Author near ! 2 Would we our God and Saviour know (That science most divine) ? To Wisdom’s Word we humbly go 3 For there his glories shine. 3 Wish we ourselves, our souls, to learn. Their nature, state, and end ? To inspiration’s page we turn. And there the whole is penn’d. 4 Jesus, from thy exhaustless Word Are stores of wisdom given : Above all names be thine preferr’d. Thou God of earth and heaven ! THE WORD. 7, 178 HYMN 177. c. M. The Excellences of the fl'ord. Ps. xlv. 13. ; xix. 6, 7, 8; cxix. 105, 18. 1 Grounded in truth, thy church shall rise In all thy image. Lord 3 And with devout affection prize The doctrines of thy Word. 2 Thy truth shall spread on ev’ry hand. And through the earth be known 3 Thy holy church for ever stand. Eternal as thy throne. 3 Thy truth is wisdom, and shall raise Thy sons to perfect light 3 Teach them thy holy name to praise. And worship thee aright. 4 Thy Word is pure, and all divine . It makes the simple wise ; Its beams of heavenly glory shine To our astonish’d eyes. 5 ’Tis like the sun, a cheering light That guides us all the day 3 And through the dangers of the night A lamp to lead our way. 6 While in thy Word we search for thee. With reverential awe. Open our eyes, that we may see The wonders of thy law ! HYMN 178. The JV ord our Refuge and Comfort. 1 Precious boon ! O what a treasure Doth the W^ord of God afford ! Plenteous streams of health and pleasure On the thirsty nations pour’d ! Here we view the Saviour’s face ! Here we find a resting place ! THE WORD. 179 2 When the heart is filFd with sadness, Or when doublings cloud the mind, Soon is mourning turn’d to gladness ; Healing virtue here we find. To the Word of truth we flee 5 There we find security. 3 In the hour of dark temptation. What shall make us fly or yield. While the Word of consolation Is to us a mighty shield, — Is a sword of flaming light, Putting all our foes to flight } HYMN 179 . p. M, The fFord adapted to all states. 1 For ev’ry state, and ev’ry age. Behold the heaven-inspired page With wondrous skill design’d j For simple minds, with wisdom fraught ; While those of wider range of thouglit Increasing knowledge find. 2 Its lit’ral sense, by pleasing truth, Instructs the tender mind of youth. And draws the heart above : Its inward spirit guides the wise. And fills the angels in the skies With light, and joy, and love. 3 Where of mere transient, worldly things. The letter treats, the spirit brings Celestial glories near : By mutual correspondence join’d. The worlds of nature and of mind In harmony appear. jf J80, 181 THE WORD. 4 Of the wide universe we call God the sole life, the All in all : So, in his Holy Word, In ev’ry jot he present is. Dispensing life, and light, and bliss. To all who own him Lord. HYMN 180. L. M. ** Come ye to the waters.” Isa. Iv. 1, &c. 1 Ho! ev’ry one that thirsts, draw nigh ! Come to the fount that springs above ! Mercy and free salvation buy ! Buy wine and milk, — buy truth and love ! 2 Come to the living waters, come ! Sinners, obey your Maker’s voice ! Return, ye weary wand’rers, home. And in redeeming love rejoice ! 3 See from the rock the fountain rise ! For you in healing streams it rolls : Money ye need not bring, nor price ^ ’Tis free to humble, contrite souls. 4 Nothing ye in exchange shall give : Leave all ye have, and are, behind : Freely the gift of God receive. With grateful heart, and lowly mind ! HYMN 181. c. M. The Pool of Bethesda. John. v. 2 — 4. 1 Here, at Bethesda’s pool, the poor. The wither’d, halt, and blind. With waiting hearts expect a cure. And free admittance find. 2 Here streams of wondrous virtue flow To heal and cleanse the soul 3 To wash the filthy white as snow. And make the wounded whole. THE WORD. 182, 183 3 The dumb break forth in songs of praise : The blind their sight receive : The cripple runs in wisdom’s ways : The dead are raised, and live, 4 Lord, lift our first desires to thee. Our languid hearts inflame. That we, by truth from sin set free. May glorify thy name ! HYMN 182. L.M. The JV liters of the Sanctuary. Ezekiel xlvii. 1, 8, .9, 12. 1 Great Source of being and of love. Thy wisdom framed the worlds above, And all the blessings mortals know From thee, the living Fountain, flow, 2 A sacred spring, at thy command. From Zion’s mount, in Canaan’s land, Beside the temple cleaves the ground. And pours its limpid stream around. 3 Down to the sea the waters flow. And carry healing as they go : New forms of life their power confess. And teeming deeps the fountain bless. 4 Close by the river’s banks appear The trees of life, in order fair 3 Whose leaves a precious med’cine give j And, by their fruit, the nations live. HYMN 183. SEVENS. The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. Rev. xix 10, 1 Kings and leaders, prophets, seers. Penmen of the Sacred Word, Each to Jesus witness bears. As the only God and Lord, J84 THE WORP. 2 He who pleaded Israel’s cause With his wonder-working rod. In his acts, and mystic laws. Shadow’d forth the Saviour God. 3 Seers and prophets, fill’d with awe, Of the Great Redeemer spake. Who should magnify the law. And the bonds of Zion break. 4 Lo, the Psalmist strikes the lyre. And with holy transport sings i His the Spirit’s sacred fire. And his theme the King of kings. 5 How should we delight to hear Strains that hope and love impart,— Strains that chase away our fear, — Strains that elevate the heart ! HYMN 184 . s. M. The Spiritual Sense of the JVord revealed. 1 Great God, we give thee praise For all thy wondrous grace. Thy kind and condescending ways To our poor fallen race. 2 Thou hast thy love reveal'd Beyond what prophets knew 3 Thy Holy Book of truth unseal’d To our astonish’d view. 3 We wander now no more Where dark’ning errors lead : In its own light we truth explore. And wonder while we read. THE WORD. 185 , 186 4 Lord, we adore thy name For light and truth divine ! From thee the welcome mercies came, And be the glory thine 1 HYMN 185 . s. M. The same. 1 The Word is all divine : Its inmost is the Lord : Its glories through the letter shine. And heavenly light afford. 2 None but the Lord can make His Word to sinners known. What Jesus gives we thankful take. And bow before his throne. 3 O may we faithful stand. In all that ’s good improve. And yield such mercies their demand. Supreme returns of love ! HYMN 186 . p. M. The same. 1 To Jesus be praise for giving us light ! ’Tis he who can raise from sorrow’s sad night ! Thro’ error and darkness the truth has been seal’d. But now the rich wonders of love are reveal’d. 2 The sacred contents of heaven’s blest Word Are open’d to men by Jesus our Lord. The veil is removed : we enter, and find The Word’s deep arcana explain’d to the mind. 3 Now heaven and earth in union shall prove. And angels with men be joined in love : Deep truths of the gospel shall make mortals wise. And join the church here with the church in the skies. 187 THE WORD. 4 An influx divine from Jesus shall com^ Of wisdom and love, to guide us safe home. By love and truth guided, w e joyfully rise. And, Jesus adoring, press on to the skies. HYMN 187 . p. M. The IVord opened as to its spirit and life. Ezek. xlvii. 1,8,9, 12, 1 See from Zion’s sacred mountain Streams of living water flow ! God has open’d there a fountain ; This supplies the plains below. They are blessed Who its sov’reign virtues know. 2 Through ten thousand channels flowing. Streams of mercy find their w^ay 3 Life and health and joy bestowing, They the Saviour’s love display. O ye nations. Hail the long expected day ! 3 Gladden’d by the flowing treasure. All enriching as it goes, Lo ! the desert smiles with pleasure. Buds and blossoms as the rose : Ev’ry object Sings for joy, where’er it flows. 4 Trees of life, the banks adorning. Yield their fruit to all around. They w^ho eat are saved from mourning s Pleasures spring, and hopes abound : Fair their portion ! Endless life with glory crown’d. THE WORD. 188, 189 HYMN 188. s. M. Praise for the Opening of the JVord. Rev. xix, 11. 1 Jehovah, Jesus, Lord, Our tongues shall bless thy name : By heaven and earth be thou adored. And endless be thy fame ! 2 Thou hast to us reveal’d Thy Word of truth and grace : Thou hast the sacred book unseal’d. And shewn thy glorious face. 3 The heavenly doors above Wide open ever stand ; Our souls may fly on wings of love. And view that happy land. 4 What tribute shall we bring. For grace so rich and free ? We ’ll own thee sov’ reign Lord and King, And live alone to thee. HYMN 189. c. M. The same. 1 How shall we celebrate thy love. Thou ever-blessed Lord, For all thy mercies from above. But chiefly for thy Word ! 2 Goodness and truth are now display’d In their own heavenly light : Thy Holy Word is open laid To our astonish’d sight. 3 ’Tis ours to walk in light divine Through all our happy road : The beams of truth around us shine. And lead to thine abode. 190, 191 THB WORD. 4 O blessed day of light and heat. Of sacred truth and love ! Now we may run, with cheerful feet. To realms of bliss above. HYMN 190 . c, M. For the spread of the Everlasting Gospel, 1 Jesus our God, arise, and shine AVith beams of heavenly light ! From this dark world of sin dispel The long and doleful night ! 2 No more may helpless idols share The honours due to thee ! May ev’ry nation know thy name. And thy salvation see ! 3 With its own pure and native light. Lord, may thy gospel shine ! May error fly, like morning clouds. Before the light divine ! 4 AVhilst heaven-born truth her charms reveals, May love each breast inspire ! Nor let the selfish passions mix AVith this celestial fire ! HYMN 191 . p. M. The Power of Divine Truth. Isa. Iv. 10, 11. I Mark the soft falling snow. And the diffusive rain ! To heaven, from whence it falls. It turns not back again ^ But waters earth through ev’ry pore. And calls forth all its secret store. THE CHURCH. 192 2 Array’d in beauteous green^ The hills and valleys shine ; And man and beast are fed By Providence Divine : The harvest bows its golden ears. The copious seed of future years. 3 Thus saith the living God : So shall my Word descend. Almighty to effect The purpose I intend : Millions of souls shall feel its power. And bear it on to millions more.” THE CHURCH. HYMN 192. L. M. Descent of the New Jerusalem, 1 Jerusalem 'from heaven descends. And far and wide her light extends : In her shall ev’ry clime rejoice. And all shall hear the Saviour’s voice. 2 The idol-gods before her fall. And truth celestial conquers all : Darkness gives place to sacred light. And nameless glories bless the sight. 3 From heaven the showers reviving flow ^ The barren deserts fruitful grow : The thorny wastes rich plenty yield And golden harvests grace the field. 4 The valleys rise, they laugh and sing : The hills their thankful tribute bring : Now, mortals, join the hosts above, H Jesus to praise, the God of love ! 193 194 THE CHURCH. HYMN 193 . SEVENS. Descent of the New Jerusalem. Rev. xxi. 10—21, 1 Rich in mercy, Jesus reigns : Angels own no other King : Crown him, mortals, in your strains. While his matchless grace you sing ! 2 Angels wake their loftier lays. Kindled from celestial fires : Humbler spirits bid his praise Sweetly flow from silver lyres. 3 Catch, O catch the pleasing strain ! Gratitude demands the song : Jesus builds his church again 5 Lays her deep foundations strong. 4 Truth divine her walls supports : Love has paved her streets of gold : See her jasper towers and courts ! — Gates of pearl that never fold ! 5 Pilgrims, enter and rejoice ! Here your Saviour holds his throne : *Tis the city of his choice : *Tis the church he calls his own. 6 Precious gems, of various hue. Brightly shine on ev’ry side : Come, the splendid glories view ! Come, and in his courts abide ! HYMN 194 . p. M. The same. Rev. xxi. 2, 27,4 ; 11, 19, 21, 24 ; 23. 1 To Jesus be praise without end. For glories reveal’d in his Word ! We see the new city descend. Adorn’d as a bride for her Lord. THE CHURCH. 195 Here nothing can enter unclean : No evil can breathe in the air : No gloom of affliction is seen : No shadow of darkness is there. 2 With wonder and joy we behold The holy Jerusalem here 5 Whose buildings and streets are of gold j Whose walls are of jasper most clear. With stones her foundations are set^ That glow with a lustre serene : Her gates, all of pearl, never shut 3 And nations and kings shall come in. 3 No need of the sun or the moon To shine on this happy abode 3 Her light, more resplendent than noon, Beams forth from the glory of God. The Lamb is her light, and her sun. Of life and salvation the spring : Jehovah and Jesus are one. Her Saviour, her God, and her King. HYMN 195. s. M. ^he New Jerusalem. Rev. xxi. 25. 1 Built by Jehovah’s hand. The holy city see ! Its happy gates wide open stand : To enter, all are free. '2 One bright, eternal day Shall in the city reign 3 Darkness and death are Hed away. Ne’er to return again. 196, 197 THE CHURCH. 3 O blessed, happy state ! Great God, we thankful come !— Low at thy footstool humbly wait. And make thy church our home ! 4 Jerusalem shall be Our peaceful, blest abode : Here will we love and honour thee. Our Saviour and our God ! HYMN 196 . L. M. The excellency of the Neto Jerusalem, Hag. ii. 8, 0. 1 Behold New Salem’s happy state ! Her grandeur how divinely great ! No dang’rous errors can beguile. Nor hateful sin this church defile. 2 Silver and gold adorn her dress, — Truth, love, and faith, and righteousness Holy without, and pure within, — In will and understanding clean. 3 Her laws and doctrines, just and right. Shed beams around of love and light : Her order is from heaven above. And all her worship springs from love. 4 Her children walk the holy way That leads to everlasting day ; Assured to find a blest reward, A crown of glory with the Lord. HYMN 197 . c. M. The Church the Garden of the Lord. Isa. li. 3. 1 Eden was once the pure abode Of man in innocence. The fragrant garden of his God j Till pride expell’d him thence. THE CHURCH. ! .08 2 Stiil on the church, his garden dear. The Lord his care bestows ; Each tree by him was planted there. And by his blessing grows. 3 The Christian’s heart, a garden too. Receives immortal seed 3 Where once alone abundant grew The thorn and worthless weed. 4 The desert blossoms like the rose. By Jesu’s power restored : Eden again with beauty glows. The garden of the Lord. HYMN 198. p. M. The Blessings of the Church, 1 How happy are we. Who Jesus can see. The Father of mercies unbounded and free I On him we recline. And humbly resign Our souls to the guidance of wisdom divine. 2 Through mercy we taste The heavenly feast. The bread of the kingdom, the wine of the blest. The God, whom we know. And worship, below. Shall life everlasting, in glory, bestow, 3 He gracious hath been : He pardon’d our sin. And sow’d the pure seed of salvation within. The beams of his love. Display’d from above. The branch of his planting shall surely improve. N 199 THE CHURCH. 4 To Jesus our King Our tribute we bring. And loud hallelujahs exultingly sing : Our Father and Friend ! His love shall extend Through ages of ages, and never shall end. HYMN 199 . p. M. The same. I)eut. xxxiii. 26 — 29. 1 None is like Jeshurun’s God, So great, so strong, so high : Lo, he spreads his wings abroad. He rides upon the sky. Israel is his first-born son. God, th’ Almighty God, is thine : See him to thy help come down, The Excellence Divine ! 2 Thee the great Jehovah deigns To succour and defend : Thee th’ eternal God sustains ; Thy Maker, and thy Friend. Israel, what hast thou to dread 'i Safe from all impending harms. Round thee, and beneath, are spread The everlasting arms. 3 In a land of corn and wine Thy lot shall be below : Comforts shall with blessings join. And milk and honey flow'. •Tacob’s well shall never dry : Gracious dew shall heaven distil : Joy, descending from on high. Each humble heart shall fill. THE CHraCH. 200 4 Blest, O Israel, blest art thou ! What people is like thee ? Saved and kept by Jesus now. Thou art, and still shalt be. Jesus is thy sevenfold shield : Jesus is thy flaming sword : Earth, and hell, and sin, shall yield To his Almighty Word. HYMN 200 . L.ivf. The same, Isa. Ixiii. 7* 1 Rise, ev’ry heart, and ev’ry tongue ! . Prepare a sweet angelic song ! Your sacrifice of praises bring. And hail the glory of your King ! 2 See what the gracious God of heaven Hath now to his own Israel given ! No thought can reach, no tongue express. The wonders of his love and grace. 3 In ev’ry age the Lord was kind. And to his church reveal’d his mind ; But w'e enjoy a w^ondrous store Of blessings never known before. 4 The sun of heaven illumes the soul : Oceans of mercy sweetly roll : The heavenly streams of truth and love Flow freely from the fount above. 5 Thy truth and loving-kindness. Lord, With grateful hearts we will record ; Though feeble are the songs we raise. Thou wilt accept our humble praise, N 2 201 , 202 THE CHURCH. HYMN 201 . c. M. The same. Mai. iii. 12. 1 Rejoice, ye happy souls, rejoice. Who in New Salem stand 3 And let your all-harmonious voice Sound high from land to land ! 2 Jerusalem shall be confess’d. By all the nations round, A glorious church, divinely bless’d. With ev’ry mercy crown’d. 3 This is the Lord’s divine abode ! Here stands Jehovah’s throne. The habitation of our God, Where Jesus reigns alone ! 4 Delightsome land of oil and wine ! Here milk and honey flow : Celestial blessings here combine. And fruits immortal grow. 5 Here will we take our joyful rest. Nor e’er from Salem roam 3 For ever and for ever blest. In this our happy home. HYMN 202 . p. M. The Strength and Blessings of the (!hurch. Ps. Ixxxvii, 3 ; Isa. xxvi. 1 ; Ps, xlvi. 4 ; Isa. iv. 5. I Glorious things of thee are spoken, Zion, city of our God 1 He whose word cannot be broken Form’d thee for his own abode. On the Rock of ages founded. What can shake thy sure repose f With salvation’s wall surrounded. Thou art guarded from thy foes. XII K CHURCH. 203 2 See ! the streams of living waters. Springing from eternal love. Well supply thy sons and daughters. All thy fears and wants remove. O’er each habitation hov’ring, See the cloud and fire appear. For a glory and a cov’ring, Showing that the Lord is near ! HYMN 203. c. M. The Strength and Glory of the Churclu Ps. xlviii. 12, 13, 14 ; xlvi. 4 ; Jer. i. 6. ] Zion, the city of our God, Flow glorious is the place ! There Jesus has his fix’d abode 5 He there unveils his face. 2 Firm against ev’ry adverse shock Its mighty bulwarks stand : ’Tis built upon the living rock. Secured by God’s right hand. 3 There all the fruits of glory grow. And joys that never die : ' And streams of truth and knowledge flow. The soul to satisfy. 4 Come, set your faces Zion-ward ! The sacred road inquire ! And let conjunction with the Lord Be your supreme desire ! 5 The Word still shines to give you light 5 No longer then delay ! Jesus your God will guide you right, To everlasting day. N 3 204, 205 THE cnCRjH. HYMN 204 , p. M. The Purity of the Church. Zeph. iii. 13. 1 If we would enter in New Salem’s happy gate. We must depart from sin. And ev’ry evil hate : Nothing unclean must here be found \ No evil seen \ ’tis holy ground. 2 No hypocrite’s disguise. No falsehood, can come here : From all deceit and lies The conscience must be clear. Jesus alone is sov’reign Lord : To him are known each thought and word. 3 This kingdom is for those Who love their Saviour’s name : In vain opposing foes The holy city claim : ’Tis only free for men of love. Whose hearts are set on things above. 4 Here such shall joyful feed. And drink the living wine : From ev'ry danger freed. In peace they shall recline. Safe and secure they here may rest : With pleasures pure their souls are blest. HYMN 205. C. M. DOUBLE. “ Ye are the Light of the TVorld.'* Matt. v. 14. 1 Jesus, may thy disciples shine. From thee, their heavenly Sun ; And, bright with borrow’d rays divine. Their glorious circuit run ! THE CHURCH. 206 Enrich’d with wisdom, may they spread The light of truth below 5 And holy influences shed On all, where’er they go ! 2 O may they run their heavenly race. From thee deriving might ! As burning luminaries, chase The gloom of mental night ! And, .when their work of love is done. Enjoy the kingdom given ; Cheer’d, by the life-dispensing Sun, In thy eternal heaven ! HYMN 206 . h. M. The Lord welcomed by the Church. Hag. ii. 7. 8, 9. J Come, thou beloved, faithful Lord ! Fulfil thy soul-reviving Word ! Desire of all the nations, come. And make thy Church thy lasting home ! 2 May all the earth thy glory see In thy Divine Humanity ! Thyself as God of all make known. And in thy church erect thy throne ! 3 O happy church, celestial bride. Thy husband will with thee reside ! With peerless glory thou shalt shine In robes of honour all divine. 4 The gold and silver, truth and love. And all the wealth of heaven above. Are thine, bless’d Lord ! thou wilt bestow This treasure on thy saints below. 207, 208 THE CHURCH. 5 With brightest glory thus array’d. And rich with holy treasure made, Jerusalem shall glorious stand. The pride of ev’ry age and land. HYMN 207 . I-. M. The same. 1 Come in, thou blessed, honour’d Lord, By earth, by heaven, by all, adored ! We hail thee welcome ! Take thf throne, And in thy Zion reign alone ! 2 Our only Lord and God thou art •, Reign thou the Sov’reign of the heart. Thou King of glory ever bless’d. By angels and by men confess’d ! 3 Enter thy church, thou Lord divine. And be the kingdom ever thine ! We shout thee welcome to thy seat. And lay our honours at thy feet. 4 O happy church, thy bliss how great ! Thy King, in all his heavenly state. With thee for ever will reside Thy Husband he, and thou the bride. 5 Jesus, our grateful hearts rejoice. Since thou hast made our souls thy choice : While here, our songs to thee shall rise. And join the chorus of the skies. HYMN 208 . L. M. The Church the abode of the King of Glory. Ps. xxiv. 7 — IC, 1 Jerusalem, thou church divine. In all thy heavenly beauty shine ! Thy brightest robes of glory wear. And for thy God and King prepare ! THE CHURCH. 209 2 Lift up your heads, ye heavenly gates ! Behold, the King of glory waits ! Ye everlasting doors, give way ! The King of Zion comes to-day. 3 Who is the King of glory ? tell !’* The mighty Lord, who conquer’d hell. Strong is his arm, divine his might ; ’Tis he who puts our foes to flight. 4 Lift up your heads, ye heavenly gates ! Behold, the King of glory waits 1 Who is the King of glory, say. That comes in grandeur on the way V* 5 The Lord of hosts, the mighty God, Who rules his foes with iron rod. ’Tis he who your salvation brings, Jesus, Jehovah, King of kings ! HYMN 209 . p. M. Consolation for the Church. Isa. liv. 11 ; lx. 18, 1 Hear what God the Lord hath spoken O my people, faint and few. Comfortless, afflicted, broken, ‘‘ Fair abodes I build for you. Thorns of heart-felt tribulation Shall no more perplex your ways : You shall name your walls Salvation, And your gates shall all be Praise. 2 Ye, no more your suns descending. Waning moons no more shall see ; “ But, your griefs for ever ending. Find eternal noon in me. 2IG, 21 1 THE CHURCH. Jeliovah, shining o'er you. Will disperse the gloom of night : I, the Lord, will be your glory y your everlasting light.*^ HYMN 210. SEVENS, DOUBLE. Consolation to the Church, Isa. liv. 4, 5, 7 , 8, 11. 1 Fear thou not, nor be ashamed ! All thy sorrows soon shall end : He, who heaven and earth hath framed. Is thy Husband, and thy Friend. Long he will not hide his face : Soon his seeming wrath shall cease : ’Tis but for a moment’s space. Ending in eternal peace. 2 Though afflicted, tempest-toss’ d. Comfortless, awhile thou art. Yield not up thyself as lost ! Kaise to God thy fainting heart I All thy wastes he will repair : Thou shalt soon be built anew : And in thee it shall appear. What the God of love can do. HYMN 211. c, SI. The future Glory of the Church. Mic. iv. 1—5. 1 Behold ! the mountain of the Lord, In latter days, shall rise Above the mountains and the hills. And draw the wond’ring eyes. 2 To this the joyful nations round. All tribes and tongues, shall flow y Up to the hill of God,” they ’ll say, ^^And to his house, we’ll go.” THE CHURCH. 212 3 The beam that shines on Zion’s hill Shall lighten ev’ry land : The King who reigns on Zion’s towers Shall all the world command. 4 No strife shall vex his glorious reign. Or mar the peaceful years : To ploughshares men shall beat their swords^ To pruning-hooks their spears. 5 Come, then, O come, from ev’ry land. To worship at his shrine ; And, walking in the light of God, With holy beauties shine ! HYMN 212 . SEVENS. Invitation to Zion. Isa. xxxv. 10. 1 Come, ye ransom’d of the Lord, ‘ Rest upon his faithful Word ! O, return to Zion ! come. Come, and find a lasting home ! 2 Come to Zion, come with songs ! Jesu’s praise should fill your tongues. All your noblest powers employ. While you sing your songs of joy ! 3 Jesus laid his glory by. Left his throne ajiove the sky : He has your redemption wrought. And to you salvation brought. 4 Come, and find in Zion rest ! Purest joys shall fill your breast : Sorrows all shall flee away : Come to life and endless day 1 THE CHURCH. 213 HYMN 213 . P. M. For the spread of the New Church, 1 Jesus, Jehovah, Lord, Now spread thy truth abroad. From shore to shore ! Scatter the clouds of night ! Open our mental sight ! Bless us with heavenly light. For evermore ! 2 Stretch out thy mighty hand ! In this and ev’ry land Evil subdue ! Satan’s dominion end. Ever thy church defend, O Lord, our God and Friend, Gracious and true ! 3 Thy mighty power we sing, O thou Eternal King, By heaven adored ! Nations shall bow to thee ; Subject the world shall be Unto thy Majesty, Jesus our Lord ! 4 Rise, O Jerusalem ! Bring forth the diadem. Crown him, and sing ! His sov’reign power make known ! Hail Him who rules alone On heaven’s eternal throne* Jesus the King ! TIIK CHURCH* 214, 215 HYMN 214 . c. M. The highway to Zion, Isa. xxxv. 8, 9, 10. 1 Rejoice, ye ransom’d of the Lord, Your great Deliverer sing ! Pilgrims, for Zion’s city bound. Be joyful in your King ! 2 See the fair way his hand hath raised* How holy, and how plain ! The trav’ller shall not err therein. Nor ask the way in vain. 3 No rav’nous lion shall destroy. No lurking serpent wound j Pleasure and safety, peace and praise Through all the path are found, 4 A hand divine shall point the way. And lead you on the road, Till to the mount of God you rise. And view his bright abode. 5 There, garlands of immortal joy Shall bloom on ev’ry head ; While sorrow, sighing, and distress. Like shadows, all are fled. HYMN 215 . c. M. For the spread of the New Church. 1 Jehovah, Lord of truth divine. Thy word of grace proclaim ! O may it spread from pole to pole. Till all shall know thy name ! 2 We long to see thy church increase. Thy own new kingdom grow ^ That all the earth may live in peace, And heaven be seen below, o 216 THE CHURCH, 3 Prosper the labours of our hands To spread thy truth abroad ! May ev’ry weak attempt promote The knowledge of our God ! 4 Go forth, bless’d Lord, in all thy power ! The distant nations bring ! In thy new kingdom may they stand, And own thee God and King ! 5 One general chorus then shall rise From men of ev’ry tongue ; And songs of joy salute the skies. By ev’ry nation sung. HYMN 216 . p. M. For a blessing on the Christian Church Universal. 1 O BLEST Redeemer, from thy radiant throne. Where tongues angelic sing thy triumphs won. Look down on those who bear thy sacred name, And with thy glorious deeds their hearts inflame! Restore their ways ! renew them, by thy grace. Thy laws to follow, and thy steps to trace ^ Thy bright example to thy doctrine join. And by their conduct prove their faith divine ! 2 O be thy Providence their constant friend ! Thro’ life still guard them, and in death attend ! With everlasting arms their cause embrace. And crown the paths of piety with peace ! And O 1 when call’d before their Judge divine. May they in Zion’s wedding- garments shine 3 With thee sit down, and find their great reward. In full conjunction with their God and Lord 1 217, 218 SABBATH. HYMN 217 . p. M. Welcome to the Sabbath. 1 Hail, happy day, the type of rest. When all the faithful shall be blest. And cease from toil and pain ! May we this sacred day improve. Cease from all work but praise and love. And heavenly peace obtain ! 2 To-day our mighty Conqu’ror rose In triumph o’er his num’rous foes. And death a captive bound : So we from evil now may rise. Mount up in spirit to the skies. And walk on Zion’s ground. 3 Begone, each low and worldly care ! My soul, to study, praise, and prayer. Be all devoutly given ! I ’ll humbly wait at Jesu’s feet : His church in solemn worship meet. And learn the w^ay to heaven. 4 Jesus will kindly condescend To teach my soul, my heart amend. And fill me with his love 3 That, ev’ry sabbath, I may know An antepast of heaven below. The rest of saints above. HYMN 218 . c. M. The same. 1 Hail, happy morn, whose early raj Beheld the Saviour rise ! Welcome again, auspicious day. To our rejoicing eyes I o 2 Id, 220 SABBATH. 2 On this blest morn, birth-day of hope. Let not one soul be sad ! Ihis is the day the Lord hath made. And bids his saints he glad. 3 Come, and the wonders of the day In notes harmonious sing ! Tell to the world the conquest gain’d By your Almighty King ] 4 O happy souls, that feel the power Of his attractive love I With him they die, with him they live. And seek the realms above. HYMN 219 . L.u. tP' elcome to the Day of Rest, 1 Hail, ever-cheerful, welcome day ! O may thy rising morn be blest ! My soul would cast her cares away. And taste the sweets of sacred rest. 2 I love thy house : I love the road. Almighty Lord, that leads to thee i Regardless of this cumb’rous load Of sense and dull mortality. 3 Eternal Wisdom, fill my soul With pure devotion, heavenly love ! May sacred truth my sins control. And lift my thoughts to joys above ! HYMN 220 . L. M. The same. I How welcome to thy servants, p.:ess’d With six days’ toil, and various cares. Is the returning day of rest. That lifts them from a world of snares! SABBATH. 22 f 2 Now we supply our weekly waste From wisdom’s store, that knows no bounds : The Word is honey to our taste. Renews our strength, and heals our wounds, 3 With joy we hasten to the place. Where we the Lord have often met ; And, w’hile we view his glorious face. Our burdens and our griefs forget. 4 This precious privilege is ours : May we the mercy well improve. And find, these consecrated hours. Sweet earnest of the joys above ! 5 We thank thee for thy day, O Lord ! Here we thy promised presence feel : Open thy hand, with blessings stored. And in our hearts thy love reveal 1 HYMN 221. L. M. JV elcome to Sabbath Privileges, J Another six days’ work is done ; Another sabbath is begun : Return, my soul ! enjoy thy rest ! Improve the day thy God has blest ! 2 Come, praise the Lord, whose love divine Prepares celestial bread and wine^ Provides an antepast of heaven. And gives this day the food of seven ! 3 O that our thoughts and thanks may rise To heaven, a grateful sacrifice 3 And draw from heaven that sweet repose. Which none but he who feels it knows I o 3 222, 223 SABBATH. 4 May we eternal truths receive. And practise all that we believe I O may our lives, by love, express The holy truths our lips confess ! HYMN 222 . p. M. yf sense of the Blessings of the Sabbath. Ps. xlii. 1> 2, 4 ; xliii 4, 1 To thee, my God, this sacred day. Will I my thankful homage pay ; For thee I long, to thee I look : So travellers in desert lands, ’Midst sultry gleams and scorching sands. Pant for the cooling water- brook. 2 Within thy courts I ’ve felt thy power. And learn’ d to prize thy favour more Than life itself, with all its joys : There let thy smiles again appear. Again my drooping spirit cheer. And to thy praise attune my voice ! 3 Not all the things of sense and time Can pleasures yield so pure, sublime. As from thy sacred presence spring : Then, till my last expiring day, I ’ll lift my hands to praise and pray. And tune my joyful lips to sing. HYMN 223 . L. M. The Sabbath to be devoutly spent. 1 Great God, this sacred day of thine Demands our souls* collected powers : May we employ, in work divine. These solemn, these devoted hours ! 2 Hence, ye vain cares and trifles, fly 1 Where God resides, appear no more ! Omniscient Lord, thy piercing eye Can ev’ry secret thought explore. SABBATH. 224, 225 3 The Word of life, dispensed to-day, Invites us to a heavenly feast : May ev’ry ear the call obey ! Be ev'ry heart an humble guest ! HYMN 224 . c. M. The Sabbath a Day of Joy and Praise, ] Again the Lord of life and light Awakes the kindling ray. Unseals the eyelids of the morn. And pours increasing day. 2 O what a night was that, which wrapt The world in awful gloom ! 0 what a Sun, which broke, this day. Triumphant from the tomb ! 3 This day be grateful homage paid. And loud hosannas sung ! Let gladness dwell in ev’ry heart. And praise on ev’ry tongue ! 4 Ten thousand diff’ring lips shall join To hail this welcome morn. Which scatters blessings from its wings To nations yet unborn, HYMN 225 . c. M. Sabbath Meditation, 1 Think of the day the Lord of life Ascended to the skies : My thoughts, pursue the lofty theme ! To heaven devoutly rise ! 2 Let no vain cares divert my mind From this celestial road j Nor any transient joys of earth Detain my soul from God 1 226, 227 8ABBATH. 3 Think of the splendour of that state. The joys that bloom on high ; Nor meanly rest, contented, here. With aught beneath the sky ! 4 Heaven is the home of ev’ry saint : To heaven their souls ascend. To meet their mighty Saviour God, Their Father and their Friend. HYMN 226 . L. M. Aspiration towards the Lord on the Sabbath, 1 Jesus, our God, to thee we bow. And hearken to thy sacred Word : We hear thy voice, and open now Our hearts to entertain our Lord. 2 Come, enter in, thou Heavenly Guest ! Delight in what thyself hast given ! Come, bless this day of peace and rest. This type of endless rest in heaven ! 3 As incense sweet, accept our prayers ! Our sacrifice of praise approve ! And scatter all our griefs and cares. By thoughts of thy redeeming love ! 4 Beneath thy shadow let us sit ! Call us thy friends, thy church, thy bride ! And bid us freely drink and eat The holy things by thee supplied ! HYMN 227 . p. M. Sabbath Retrospect. 1 Jesus, through another week. Safe has brought us on our way ; Let us now a blessing seek. In his house, this holy day 3 Day of all the week the best. Emblem of eternal rest ! SABBATH. 228 2 Mercies multiplied each hour Through the week, our praise demand. Guarded by thy mighty power. Fed and guided by thy hand. Lord, thy mercy we adore. And thy blessing now implore ! 3 May we from our evils rise ! May we feel thy presence near ! May thy glory meet our eyes. Now we in thy house appear ! So may all our sabbaths prove Days of holy rest and love \ HYMN 228. L. M. Anticipation of an eternal Sabbath. 1 Lord of the Sabbath, hear us pray. In this thy house, on this thy day ! Accept, as grateful sacrifice. The songs which from thy servants rise! 2 Thine earthly sabbaths. Lord, we love : But there ’s a nobler rest above. O that we may that rest attain, A rest from sorrow, sin, and pain ! 3 There, languor shall no more oppress i The heart shall feel no more distress : No sighs shall mingle with the songs Resounding from immortal tongues. 4 No anxious cares shall there annoy ; No conscious guilt disturb the joy : But ev’ry doubt and fear shall cease. And perfect love give perfect peace. 5 Soor shall the glorious day begin, Whit ends the reign of death and sin : Lord, give us, then, those joys to know. Which from celestial worship flow ! 229 230 WORSHIP. HYMN 229 . p. M. Reflections for a Sabbath Evening, 1 The day of rest is nearly gone : But how have I those duties done, That mark this sacred day r Did I commence with solemn prayer } Have I refrain’d from wordly care, And run my heavenly way ? 2 For what is given this day of rest r That man may be divinely blest. With milk and honey fed May taste the sweets of heavenly peace. In truth improve, in love increase, And eat celestial bread. 3 Then, O my soul, thy God obey ! Keep holy ev’ry sabbath day. And worship him in love ! Then wilt thou rightly keep the rest. With ev’ry solid good be blest. And rise to heaven above. WORSHIP. HYMN 230 . p. M. Sense of the Lord's Presence in his temple. Gen. xxviii. 10, 17. 1 The Lord is here ! Let us adore. And own how awful is this place ! Let all within us feel his power. And silent bow before his face ! Who know his power, his grace who prove. Serve him in fear ! with rev’rence love ! WORSHIP. 231 2 Lo ! God is here ! Him, day and night. United choirs of angels sing : To him, enthroned above all height. Heaven’s host their noblest praises bring. Disdain not. Lord, our meaner song, Who praise thee with a feebler tongue ! 3 Being of beings, may our praise Thy courts with grateful fragrance fill I Still may we stand before thy face. Still hear, and do, thy righteous will ! To thee may all our thoughts arise. Ceaseless, accepted sacrifice ! HYMN 231 , c. M. Humbly embracing the Privileges of Public Worship, 1 Is this thy tabernacle. Lord ? And art thou here to-day \ And may I come to hear thy Word, To sing thy praise, and pray ? 2 May I approach thy mercy- seat. And be accepted there ? And lay my sorrows at thy feet. In confidence and prayer ? 3 What love, what condescending grace. Dost thou aftbrd to me ! With deep and humble thankfulness. Lord, I approach to thee. 4 I ’ll put my worldly thoughts away. And strict attention give To what thy Word of truth shall say. That I jnay hear and live. 232, 233 WORSHIP. HYMN 232. L. M. fVhat render* fForship acceptable. Ps. li. 17 ; cxlx. 9 1 How shall we sinners come before The King of kings’ majestic throne ? Or how acceptably adore The great redeeming God we own ? 2 A lowly, humble, contrite heart Is all the oflf’ring he requires 5 Our only sacrifice, to part With evil loves and false desires. 3 ’Tis but to regulate the mind By the pure precepts of his W 01 d 5 To act with truth and love combined. And humbly imitate our Lord. 4 O let us then no longer stray Along the dangerous paths we ’ve trod 5 But run, with cheerfulness, the wav That leads us back to him, our God ! HYMN 233. c. M. Imploring a Blessing on Divine fV or ship. 1 Shepherd of Israel, lend thine ear ! Thy presence now display ! As thou hast given a house of prayer So give us hearts to pray I 2 Within these walls let holy peace, And love, and concord dwell ! Here give the wounded spirit ease. And ev’ry fear dispel ! 3 The feeling heart, enlighten'd eye. And humbled mind bestow ! And loosen ev’ry baser tie. That binds the soul below ! WORSHIP. 234, 235 4 May we in love receive thy Word, In faith present our prayers. And find, in thy blest presence. Lord, A balm for all our cares ! HYMN 234. L. M. The same. 1 Jesus, where’er thy people meet. There they behold thy mercy- seat ) Where’er they seek thee, thou art found. And ev’ry place is hallow’d ground. 2 For thou, within no space confined, Inhabitest the humble mind : Such find thee present ev’ry where. But chiefly in thy house of prayer. 3 Here to our waiting hearts proclaim The sweetness of thy sacred name ! Here teach our faint desires to rise. And bring all heaven before our eyes ! 4 To us the Word of life unfold I Let us thy truth in light behold ! 0 send thy Holy Spirit forth. And show thy Word’s eternal worth ! 5 Sacred be all our sabbath-days To holy converse, prayer, and praise ! May we the means of grace improve. And grow in knowledge, faith, and love 1 HYMN 235. L. M. The eame, 1 Jesus, thou mighty God of all. Behold thy church assembled here ! On thy great name alone we call, in humble love and holy fear. p 236 WOKSHIP, 2 O Light of life, thy truth display. And shed around thy beams of love ! O turn our darkness into day. And raise our hearts to things above ! 3 Here may our fervent praise and prayers, Like grateful incense, rise on high ! Here may we lose our worldly cares. And find thy soothing presence nigh 1 4 Here may we learn, with lowly mind. The truths that lead to endless peace ! Here may we feel affections kind. And love and charity increase ! 5 Unite our hearts and minds in one. In wisdom and in love divine ! Fit us to stand before thy throne. And make us altogether thine ! HYMN 236 . p. M. Imploring a Blessing on Divine JVorship» 1 Thy presence, gracious Lord, afford ! Prepare us to receive thy Word ! Now let thy voice engage our ear, And faith be join’d with what we hear ! Thus, Lord, thy waiting servants bless. And crown thy Word with full success ! 2 Distracting thoughts and cares remove. And fix our hearts and hopes above ! With food divine may we be fed. And satisfied with living bread ! Thus, Lord, thy waiting servants bless. And crown thy Word with full success ! WORSHIP. 237 3 1 o us thy sacred Word apply With inward power and energy 5 And may we, in thy faith and fear. Reduce to practice what we hear ! Thus, Lord, thy waiting servants bless. And crown thy Word with full success ! 4 Father, in us thy love reveal ! Teach us to know and do thy will ! Thy truth and saving power display. And guide us to the realms of day ! Thus, Lord, thy waiting servants bless. And crown thy Word with full success ! HYMN 237 . c. M. Presenting Supplication. Ps. xvi. 11. 1 Eternal Source of life and light. Supremely good and wise. To thee we bring our grateful vows 3 Accept our sacrifice ! ' 2 Our dark and erring minds illume With truth’s celestial rays ! Inspire our hearts with sacred love. And tune our lips to praise ! 3 Safely conduct us, by thy truth. Through life’s perplexing road 3 And place us, when that journey *s o’er. At thy right hand, O Lord ! 4 For in thy presence e’er abounds Fulness of purest joy 3 At thy right hand unceasing flow Fissures without alloy. p 2 238, 239, 240 WORBBir. HYMN 238. p. M. Imploring heavenly Peace, 1 Peace be to this congregation ! Peace to ev’ry soul therein 5 Peace, the fore-taste of salvation 5 Peace, the fruit of conquer’d sin 5 Peace, that speaks its heavenly Giver j Peace, to worldly minds unknown $ Peace divine, that flows for ever From its source, the Lord alone ! 2 Prince of Peace, for ever near us. Fix in all our hearts thy home ! With thy bright appearing cheer us ! Let thy blessed kingdom come ! Come with sweetest consolation ! Come, and give our souls to prove All the joys of thy salvation. All the joys that spring from love ! HYMN 239. p. M. Adoration of the Lord Jesus Christ, The Lord is the God we adore. Our faithful, unchangeable Friend, Whose love is as great as his power. And neither knows measure nor end. ’Tis Jesus, the First and the Last 5 Whose Spirit shall guide us safe home. We ’ll praise him for all that is past. And trust him for all that ’s to come. HYMN 240. c. M. Devout Adoration, 1 W iTH sacred joy we lift our eye To those bright realms above. Those happy mansions in the skies, Where dwells eternal love. WORSHIP. 241 2 Before the awful throne we bow Of heaven s almighty King j With rev’rence make the solemn vow. And hymns of honour sing, 3 Thee we adore, and. Lord, to thee Our filial duty pay ! A service unconstrain’d and free Becomes thy gentle sway. 4 While in thy house of prayer we kneel. With trust and holy fear. Thy mercy and thy truth reveal. And lend a gracious ear ! 5 With fervour teach our hearts to pray. And tune our lips to sing ! Thy mercy will not cast away The sacrifice we bring. HYMN 241 . SEVENS. Devout Adoration and Praise, 1 Now before thy presence come. Lord, we bow with holy fear : Call our erring footsteps home ! Let us feel that thou art near ! 2 Now begin the glorious song. Theme of wonder, love, and joy ! Angels shall the notes prolong. And their noblest powers employ 3 Thou the great Creator art > Thou the kind redeeming Lord> Thou dost sanctify the heart. By thv Spirit and thy Word. p3 J242 WORSHIP. 4 Thus we praise thy blessed name j While the whole angelic host. Thee alone their God proclaim 5 Father, Son, and Holy Ghost ! HYMN 242 . p.M. The Delight of Public TForship. Ps. Ixxxiv. 1, 2, 10, 4,7 1 Lord of the worlds above. How pleasant and how fair The dwellings of thy love. Thy earthly temples, are ! To thine abode My heart aspires, with warm desires To see my God. 2 One day’s devout employ Where God and saints abide. Excels, in heavenly joy, A thousand days beside. Where God resorts, I covet more to keep the door Than shine in courts. 3 O happy souls that pray Where God appoints to hear I O happy men that pay Their constant service there ! They praise thee still : And happy they who find the way To Zion’s hill. 4 They go from strength to strength. Through this dark vale of tears. Till each arrives, at length. Till each in heaven appears. There shall we meet. When God our King shall thither bring Our willing feet ! WORSHIP. 243, 244 HYMN 243 . c. M. The Delight of Public Worship, Ps. IxxxIy. 4, 10. 1 Within thy holy temple. Lord, My soul would thankful stay. To hear the wonders of thy Word, And learn my heavenly way, 2 One day where thou art pleased to dwell. Can give me more delight. Than all the joys that please so well The sensual sons of night. 3 I would perform the humblest use Within thy kingdom. Lord, Rather than live in wealth profuse. With men that hate thy Word. 4 No earthly good my soul can please. Nor real bliss afford : Wretched is man, possess’d of these. Without thy presence. Lord ! HYMN 244 . s. M. The Blessings of Public Worship, 1 Lord, at thy sacred feet Joyful we now appear 5 Within thy earthly temple meet. To see thy glory here. 2 We come to worship thee. For thou art God alone j In humble prayer to bend the knee. Before thy holy throne. Thy W^ord is our delight j Thy truth will make us free : ’Tis from thyself, a heavenly light j It leads our souls to thee. 3 245 WORSHIP. 4 Thy goodness we behold. While, in thy presence. Lord, Thou dost thy truth and love unfold. The treasures of thy Word. 5 In all our meetings here Our souls are bless’d with good : Thou wilt to waiting souls be near. And give thy children food. 6 So will we render praise To thee, the God of love 5 With pleasure walk in all thy ways. Till we shall meet above. HYMN 245. s. M. The Happiness of Public Worship. 1 How happy, when we meet To hear the holy Word ; To bow at Jesu’s blessed feet. Who is our only Lord ! 2 With rapture, here, we join To serve the God of heaven : And here we taste the living wine. By Jesus freely given. 3 Jehovah smites the rock > The living waters rise. Refreshing all his thirsty flock With true, substantial joys. 4 The bread of life is given. Our hungry souls to feed : Ten thousand mercies flow from heaven And we are bless’ d indeed. PRAISE. 246 , 247 HYMN 246 . c. M. Exulting in the Privileges of Public Worship, Ps. xxvil. 4, 5, 6. 1 The Lord of glory is my light. And my salvation too : He is my strength 5 nor will I fear What all my foes can do. 2 One privilege my heart desires } O grant me an abode Within thy living church on earth. Amongst the sons of God ! 3 There shall I offer my requests. And see thy beauty still : There hear thy messages of love. And there inquire thy will. 4 When troubles rise, and storms appear. Secure my soul abides : God has a strong pavilion, where His children safe he hides. 5 Now shall my head be lifted up Above my foes around 3 And songs of joy and victory Within thy temple sound. PRAISE. HYMN 247 . c. M. The Song of Moses and the Lamb. Rev. xv. 3, 1 We sing the glories of thy love, Jesus, thou great I AM ! To thee we raise the sacred song Of Moses and the Lamb. 248 PRAISE. 2 How great and mar^^llous thy works. How far beyond our praise ! Almighty Lord, thou King of saints^ How just and true thy ways ! 3 Who shall not fear thee, righteous Lord, And glorify thy name ! That thou art holy, thou alone. Thy saints shall now proclaim, 4 Display’d abroad, thy judgments right All nations soon shall see ! Their idol gods<*shall cast away. And come and worship thee ! HYMN 248 . p. M. The Lord God Omnipotent reigneth. Rev, xix. 5, 6, 1 Hark ! a voice in the sky. Proclaiming on high. Through all the ethereal plains. Ye servants of God, Now publish abroad. That the Lord, the Omnipotent, reigns ! 2 O sing to his praise In celestial lays I Tune your harps to the loftiest strains ! To him whom ye fear. With rapture, draw near ! The Lord, the Omnipotent, reigns ! ” 3 As the voice of a host. On the heavenly coast. Many waters the music maintain ; Mighty thunders proclaim His ineflPable name. And announce his omnipotent reign ! PRAISE. 249 4 In the concert of praise. Which to Jesus they raise. Hallelujah fills all the glad strains. Small and great, they all join In the anthem divine. The Lord, the Omnipotent, reigns ! ” 5 May I mingle among The glorious throng. And to theirs join my own feeble strains 5 My tribute of praise In eternity raise. And sing ^^The Omnipotent reigns ! ” HYMN 249 . c. M. Proclaiming Immanuel Lord of all, 1 All hail, the great Immanuel’s name ! Let seraphs prostrate fall 5 Bring forth the royal diadem. And crown him Lord of all ! 2 Let countless angels strike the lyre. And low before Him fall Who tunes to love their holy choir. And crown him Lord of all ! 3 Crown Him, ye seed of Israel’s race. Who raised you from the fall ! Hail Him who saves you by his grace. And crown him Lord of all ! 4 Hail Him, ye heirs of David’s line. Whom David Lord did call ; Th’ Incarnate God, the Man Divine y And crown him Lord of all ! 250 PRAISE. 5 Let ev’ry tribe, of ev’ry tongue. All creatures, great and small. Loud swell this universal song. And crown him Lord of all ! 6 Almighty Father, Jesus, Lord, Whom King of kings we call ^ We worship thee. Incarnate Word ! And crown thee Lord of all. HYMN 250 . p. M. A General Hymn of Praise. 1 Praise the Lord who reigns above. And rules o’er all below ! Praise the God of truth and love. And all his goodness show ! Praise him for his noble deeds ! Praise him for his matchless power ! Him from whom all good proceeds, Let earth and heaven adore 1 2 Shout for joy, and spread abroad The great Immanuel’s name ! Him confess the only God ! Him Lord of hosts proclaim ! Praise with ev’ry tuneful string 1 Praise with music’s heavenly art ! With the power of music, bring The music of the heart ! 3 Him in whom we move and live Let ev’ry creature sing ; Glory to their Maker give. And homage to their King ! PRAISE. 251 , 252 Praise the Lord with cv’ry breath ! All his wondrous love record ! He hath conquer'd hell and death : Let all things praise the Lord 1 HYMN 251. p. M. Praise to Jesus, the Sovereign of the Universe. 1 That Jesus reigns, let ev’ry nation hear. And at his footstool bow with holy fear ! Let heaven’s high arches echo with his name. And the whole peopled earth his praise proclaim 5 Wide and more wide the homage still extending. Through space immense, and ages never ending ! 2 He rules, with full, unlimited command. O’er the wild ocean and the steadfast land : As sov’reign Lord, he rules supreme, alone. And worlds unnumber’d hang beneath his throne. O’er all, exalted, reigns his Human Essence, And in all space, without space, is his presence. 3 High raise the song ! Let sweetest accents swell ! Tell of his greatness ! of his goodness tell I— But ah ! how mean the highest notes we raise ! How far unworthy of the theme, our praise ! Fall, then, in silent homage fall before him. And deep within your inmost hearts adore him 1 HYMN 252. L. M. Praise to the Eternal God. Ps. xc. 1, 2, 4, 11. 1 Lord, thou hast been thy children’s God, All-powerful, wise, and good, and just 5 In ev’ry age their safe abode. Their hope, their refuge, and their trust, Q 253 PRAISE. 2 Before thy word gave nature birth. Or spread the starry heaven abroad. Or form’d the various face of earth. From everlasting, thou art God. 3 Great Father of eternity. How short are ages in thy sight ! A thousand years, how swift they fly ! Like one short, silent, watch of night ! 4 Teach us to prize our short’ning days. And, with true diligence, apply Our hearts to wisdom’s sacred ways. That we may learn to Jive and die ! HYMN 253 . L. M. The Lord alone the Object of fVorship and Praise. 1 Jesus, in thee our hopes shall rest. Fountain of peace, and joy, and loye ! Be thy great name on earth confess’d. As by the hosts of heaven above ! 2 Thine is all wisdom, thine alone : Mercy and truth before thee stand : Justice and judgment form thy throne^ And love divine impels thy hand. 3 No other can thy honours claim. Or join in thy redeeming care j No rival bear thy sacred name ; No equal in thy glory share. 4 Worship to thee alone belongs Worship to thee alone we give : Thine be our hearts, and thine our songt, Great God, in whom alone we live ! PRAISE. 254 HYMN 254 p. M. Celebration of the Lord. PART I. 1 Saviour and Regenerator ! Thee alone God we own. Father and Creator, 2 Word Incarnate, we adore thee ! Hosts above, God of love. Cast their crowns before thee, 3 Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, One in thee, Lord, we see. Who thy grace inherit. 4 May thy Word be our Instructor, Night and day. On our way Our divine conductor ! 5 Visit us with thy salvation ! Let thy care Still be near. Round our habitation ! 6 Jesus, our divine Protector, Guide us still ! Let thy will Be our sole director ! PART II. 1 Blessed Lord, what shall we render To thy name. Still the same. Gracious, good, and tender ! Q 2 256, 256 PRAISE. 2 Holy, holy, holy Giver Of the food Truly good. Nourish us for ever ! 3 Glory, honour, thanks, and blessing. Will we give. While we live. Never, never, ceasing. 4 Thee in glory, great Jehovah, May we see. And to thee Raise the hallelujah ! HYMN 255 . c, M, Praise to the Lord, the Source of all good, Ps. cxv. I, d. J Not unto us, O Lord, be given Or glory, honour, praise ! But unto thee, the God of heaven. We ’ll songs of glory raise. 2 Thy mercy, love, and sacred truth, Have been our constant guide j And from the earliest age of youth Have all our wants supplied. 3 We trust in thee. Almighty Lord, Our help and shield above : And be thy holy name adored. In songs of joy and love ! HYMN 256 . c. M, Praise for Life and Rationality. 1 Thy wisdom, power, and goodness. Lord, In all thy works appear 5 And O, let man thy praise record, — Man thy distinguish’d care ! PRAISE. 25:r 2 From thee the breath of life he drew : That breath thy power maintains 3 Thy tender mercy, ever new. His brittle frame sustains. 3 Yet nobler favours claim our praise. Since reason’s light is given. With revelation’s brighter rays. To guide our steps to heaven. 4 There shall we all thy glory see. And all thy goodness own 5 And ev’ry heart, and ev’ry knee. Shall bow before thy throne. HYMN 257 . p.M. Praise for Creation. 1 Let all the earth their voices raise To sing a lofty psalm of praise. And bless Jehovah Jesu’s name ! His glory let the heathen know ! His wonders to the nations show. And all his works of love proclaim ! 2 He framed the globe 3 he spread the sky. And all the shining worlds on high : He reigns complete in glory there. His beams are majesty and light : His glories, how divinely bright ! His temple, how divinely fair I 3 Let heaven be glad ! let earth rejoice ! Let ocean lift its roaring voice. And cry, Jehovah Jesus reigns ! For joy let fertile valleys sing. And tuneful groves their tribute bring, To Him whose power the world sustains ! Q 3 258, 259 PRAISE. 4 Come the great day, the glorious hour, When earth shall own his sovereign power. And barb’rous nations fear his name ! Then shall the universe confess The beauty of his holiness. And in his courts his love proclaim. HYMN 258 . p. M. Praise for Creation and Providence. 1 My soul, praise the Lord ! speak good of his name! His mercies record 1 his bounties proclaim ! To God the Creator his creatures should raise The song of thanksgiving, the chorus of praise, 2 Though man cannot see the Lord on his throne, Yet here by his works their Author is known : The world shines a mirror its Maker to show. Reflecting his image, though faintly, below* 3 By knowledge supreme, by wisdom divine. He governs the earth with gracious design : O’er beast, bird, and insect, his providence reigns ; His will first created, his love still sustains. 4 Rise, man, his last work, with reason endued. Who, falling through sin, by grace art renew’d ! To God thy Creator exultingly raise The song of thanksgiving, the chorus of praise 1 HYMN 259 . L. M. Praise to the Creator and Redeemer. 1 From all that dwelF below the skies Let the Creator’s praise arise ! Let the Redeemer’s name be sung. Through ev’ry land, by ev’ry tongue ! 2 Eternal are thy mercies. Lord ! Eternal truth attends thy Word : Thy praise shall sound from shore to shore ! Thy church shall rise, to fall no more ! PRAISB. 260, 251 HYMN 260 . L. M. DOUBLE. Praise for Creation and Redemption^ 1 Jesus, to thee be endless praise ! Eternal thanks to thee be given ! Thou didst create all men, to raise Their souls to endless bliss in heaven. Hosanna to our only Lord ! Hosanna to our only King ! Spread the Creator’s name abroad. Till all mankind his praises sing 1 2 Our souls, O Lord, thou didst redeem From sin and everlasting woe : On all thy grace and mercy beam. In heaven above, and earth below. Hosanna to our only Lord ! Hosanna to our only King ! Spread the Redeemer's name abroad. Till all mankind his praises sing ! HYMN 261 . p, M. The same. 1 O COME, and let us raise A cheerful song of praise To God, who rules o’er all in love ! To him our songs are due. The Holy, Just, and True, By angel-choirs adored above. 2 ’Twas he created man. And form’d the wondrous plan To make his creatures ever blest, ’Twas he redeem’d from hell. That man might happy dwell In realms of everlasting rest. FRAISR. 21)^263 3 With joy we now record. That Jesus is the Lord, Our Maker, and our Saviour too. ’Tis he preserves us still From ev’ry threat’ning ill. And crowns with blessings ever new. HYMN 262. L. Bi. Praise for Creation, Redemption, and Regeneration. 1 Jesus, assist our hearts to raise A song of humble, grateful praise ! Thou, Lord, art worthy to receive Blessings beyond all we can give ! 2 Thou Lord of life and glory ar^ "Who freely dost to us impart All heavenly good and needful grace. To help us in our Christian race. 3 Created by Ihy hand alone. Our heavenly Father, thee we own. Thou art our great Redeemer too. Who didst our haughty foes subdue. 4 Thou dost regenerate our frame. And on our hearts inscribe thy name 3 That name whence all our comfort springs That name which saving blessings brings. 5 The Lord most high, the Holy One, The mighty God, thou art alone. Thy name deserves more lofty praise Than heaven and earth can ever raise, HYMN 263. SEVENS. The same. 1 Praise Jehovah, Jesus, Lord ! Praise the great Incarnate Word ! Praise the King of kings above ! Praise his boundless truth and love ! PllAlSB. 264 2 In his Human made Divine All perfections meet and shine. He ’s our God ; in him we boast j Father, Son, and Holy Ghost ! 3 His creating love we sing : He is our redeeming King : He renews our dying frame : Glory to his holy name ! 4 Angels, come and join our songs. Come and aid our feeble tongues ! Praise him with your higher powers ! Jesus is your God, and ours ! HYMN 264 . p. M. Praise for Redemption. Rev. vii. 9, 10 ; iv. 9 ; v. 9, 11 — 13, 1 Before th’ Eternal One The ransom’d nations stand. And tell the wonders he hath done By his right hand. Their joyful strains ascend To magnify his fame : They praise, in songs which never end. The Saviour’s name. 2 Jesus who reigns on high. The happy spirits sing. And ^^Holy, holy, holy,” cry. Almighty King, Who down from heaven came A captive world to free ! Jehovah, Jesus, great I Am, We worship thee ! ’* 3 Behold a countless host. Before th’ eternal throne. Hail Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, One God alone. PRAISIS. 265, 266 Hail, Abra’m’^s God, and mine ! I join the heavenly lays : All glory, honour. Lord, be thine. And endless praise ! HYMN 265 . L. M. Prais/for Redemption^, Ps. cxi. 1 — 8. } Praise ye the Lord, exalt his name. In his own house his power proclaim ! His wondrous works and ways demand A song of praise from ev’ry land. 2 He hath redeemed our souls from hell : Safe in his holy church we dwell : He freely gives celestial food ; His hand with-holds no solid good. 3 His works of truth and love endure ; His judgments stand for ever sure : Eternal is Jehovah’s reign : His church for ever shall remain. HYMN 266 . I,. M. Praise for the Blessings consequent on Redemption, 1 What wonders hath Jehovah wrought ! How great the price by which we ’re bought ! The powers of love and truth divine In our redemption sweetly join. 2 The beams of love descend, and bring Ten thousand blessings from our King j While brightest rays of truth and light Unveil his glories to our sight. 3 His love exceeds our highest praise. And all the songs that angels raise : How then shall wx attempt to sing The goodness of our heavenly King ! PRAISE. 267, 268 4 O had we each ten thousand tongues. And notes beyond the angels’ songs. Our highest praises still would prove Unworthy of his boundless love ! HYMN 267 , I,. M. Praise for the First and Second Advent, 1 Come, brethren, shout the Saviour’s praise ! To him your grateful tribute bring ! Let angels hear the notes you raise. And strike their golden harps, and sing ! 2 %ing how he left the heavenly throne. And laid his splendid robes' aside. Put all our mortal weakness on. And groan’d and labour’d, wept, and died ! 3 Now change the song ! to other strains High let your pure affections soan ! See where th^ great Redeemer reigns. While all the hosts of heaven adore ! 4 Again renew the raptured lay ! Another theme of joy is given ! Now dawns the long expected day : On earth He reigns, who reigns in heaven t 5 Behold, he conies ! a heavenly cloud Bears him, in sacred triumph, down i The trump of truth proclaims aloud, Jesus alone shall wear the crown ! ” HYMN 268 . c. M Praise for Salvation, t Come, let us all unite to praise The Saviour of mankind ! Let thankful hearts, in solemn lays. Be with our voices join’d ! PRAISE. 869 2 Though feeble our best efforts prove. Thou, Lord, wilt not despise The songs that rise from filial love. Our humble sacrifice. 3 Let ev’ry tongue thy goodness show. And spread abroad thy fame ! Let ev’ry heart with praise o’erflow. And bless thy sacred name ! 4 Worship and honour, thanks and love. To thee alone be given By men below, by hosts above. By all in earth and heaven ! HYMN 269. L. M. Praise to the Lord for his wondrous fVorks. Ps. cvi. 1 — 5. 1 O BENDER thanks to God above. The Fountain of eternal love 5 Whose mercy, firm, through ages past, Flath stood, and shall for ever last ! 2 Who can recount His wondrous deeds Whose greatness all our thought exceeds ? What mortal eloquence can raise A tribute equal to his praise ? 3 Happy are they, and only they. Who from his precepts never stray 5 Who know what *s right, nor only so. But always practise what they know. 4 Be this my happiness j to see His church in full prosperity ; When love, and faith, and works, combine To prove her doctrines all divine ! riiAise. 270, 271 HYMN 270 , p. M, The same. Ps. cxlv. 1 — 9. 1 Thy name we extol, Jehovah our King ! For ever in thee we ’ll triumph and sing ; From morning to ev’ning thy goodness we ’ll praise. And while we have being thy honour we ’ll raise. 2 How great is the Lord ! no tongue can make known The infinite God : eternal ’s his throne ; And great be his praises ! by all be they given. By men and by angels, on earth and in heaven \ 3 The works of his hand declare his vast might : His terrible acts are holy and right : His truth and his justice are seen in his ways. And his mighty wonders demand highest praise. 4 His goodness and truth, how rich do they prove! No anger he bears ) his nature is love : To all he is tender, and good doth impart : To him will we render the praise of the heart ! HYMN 271 . L, M, The same. 1 Praise ye the Lord ! let praise employ. In his own house, your songs of joy ! Proclaim aloud, in noblest strains, Jesus, the King of glory, reigns ! 2 To praise awake each tuneful string. And to the swelling organ sing 1 Harmonious let the concert rise. And bear the rapture- to the skies ! 3 Let all whom life and breath inspire Attend, and join the blissful choir ; Proclaim the wonders of his Word 5 \dore, and love, and praise the Lord I R 272, 273 PRAISE. HYMN 272 , L. M. DOUBLE. Celebration of the Divine Mercy. To God the great, the ever-blest. Let songs of honour be address’d ! His mercy firm for ever stands ; Give him the thanks his love demands ! Who knows the wonders of his ways } Who can make known his boundless praise? Blest are the souls that fear him still. And learn submission to his will. HYMN 273 . c, M. Praise for Divine Mercy and Goodness., Ps. Ivii. 8—11. 1 O God, my grateful soul aspires To magnify thy name 5 My tongue, with cheerful songs of praise. Shall celebrate thy fame. 2 Awake, my heart ! and thou, my voice. Thy willing tribute pay 5 And let a hymn of sacred joy Salute the opening day ! 3 To all the list’ning worlds around Thy goodness I will sing 5 Whilst ev’ry grateful tongue shall join To praise th’ Eternal King : 4 Because thy mercy’s boundless height The highest heaven transcends. And far beyond the spreading earth Thy faithfulness extends. 5 Be thou exalted, O my God, Above the starry frame ! And let the world, with one consent. Confess thy glorious name ! PRAISE. 274, 275 HYMN 274 . c. M. Praise for Divine Mercy and Preservation. Ps. cxlv. 10, 14 — ^21, 1 Let ev’ry tongue thy goodness speak. Thou sovereign Lord of all ! Thy strength’ning hands uphold the weak. And raise them when they fall. 2 The Lord supports our infant days. And guides our erring youth : Holy and just are all his ways. And all his words are truth. 3 His mercy never will remove From men of heart sincere : He saves the soul whose humble love Is join’d with holy fear. 4 My lips shall dwell upon his praise. And spread his fame abroad : Let ev’ry heart exulting raise Hosannas to the Lord ! HYMN 275 , h. M. The same, 1 God of my life, thy various praise Let ev’ry mortal tongue resound ! Thy hand revolves our fleeting days. And brings the changing seasons round. 2 To thee I raise the humble song. To thee the grateful tribute give : My God doth still my years prolong, And, ’midst unnumber’d deaths, 1 live. 3 Thou bidst each season on my soul Its sweetest, kindest influence shed ; And all the periods, as they roll. Shower countless blessings on my head. R 2 276 PRAISE. 4 My life, my health, my friends, 1 owe All to thy vast, thy boundless love j Ten thousand precious gifts below. And hope of nobler joys above. 5 Thus will 1 sing, till nature cease. And time, to me, shall be no more j Then, rising to the realms of peace. Through all eternity adore. HYMN 276 . p.M. Praise for Divine Guidance and Preservation, 1 To thee. Almighty King, Our praises now ascend 3 We each our tribute bring To thee, our God and Friend. For heaven above we strive to live. And all our love to thee we give. 2 O may we steadfast prove. And triumph over sin 5 And ev’ry thought remove. That doth from self begin ! Great God of might, we fear no ill. While we unite to do thy will. 3 Thou art our only guide. Our help in ev’ry need. From whom no power can hide One secret thought or deed. Our songs we raise to thy blest na For all thy ways are still the same. 4 Thy Holy Spirit pour On all who dwell below ! Thy blessings on them shower. Till they thy goodness know ! For thou, O Lord, art love divine j And in thy Word thy mercies shine. PRAISE. 277, 278 HYMN 277, c, M. Praine for Divine Protection. Ps. xviii. 46—60. 1 Jehovah lives ! and be his name By ev’ry heart adored ! From age to age he is the same. The only God and Lord. 2 He is oiir rock when troubles rise^ And storms and tempests lower ; He rides triumphant in the skies 5 And boundless is his power. 3 Salvation to the Lord belongs : We give Jehovah praise. Lift up our hearts, and grateful songs To our Deliv’rer raise. 4 He saves from danger, death, and hell. From fear, distress, and harm 5 Makes ev’ry saint in safety dwell ; For mighty is his arm. 5 Great is the mercy we have found. And great shall be our praise : We ’ll spread his power and goodness round, And songs of honour raise. HYMN 278. SEVENS. Praise for Divine Protection and Guidance. • 1 Now, with joint consent, we sing, Glory to our God and King 5 All our hearts and voices raise To proclaim the Saviour’s praise, R 3 279 PRAISE* 2 While in him we live and move. He defends us with his love ; Wand’ring through the desert land. He upholds us with his hand. 3 Our Redeemer’s love we share : Still we prove his guardian care r Ev’ry day and ev’ry hour Tell of his almighty power. 4 May we walk with him below. In his likeness daily grow. Till our joyful spirits rise To adore him in the skies ! HYMN 279 . c. M. Praise and Confidence in the Divine Protection, Ps. xliv. 4 — 8, 1 Thou art the mighty King of kings. The Lord of lords most high : Israel is safe beneath thy wings 5 Thy servants shall not die. 2 Through thee we shall the vict’ry gain. Though hosts of hell oppose : Thou art our God 3 and thou wilt reign. And conquer all our foes. 1 We trust not in our bow or sword 3 For weakness is our power : In thee we trust. Almighty Lord, Through ev’ry dang’rous hour. I In thee we boast, thou God of love. Thy holy name adore : And, as vve rise to heaven ^bove. We ’ll love and praise thee more. PRAISE 280 , 28 i HYMN 280 . c. M, Praise for Deliverance from Temptation, Ps. xxxiv. 1 — 5. ] We ’ll bless the Lord from day to day 3 Our mouths shall speak his praise : The humble soul shall hear the lay. And songs of glory raise. 2 In thee, O Lord, we make our boast 3 We magnify thy name : Assist us, all ye heavenly host. To speak Jehovah’s fame ! ) We sought the Lord : he heard our prayers. And great deliv’rance wrought : He scatter’d all our doubts and fears. And full salvation brought. 4 To him we look’d in our distress : He gave us heavenly light : Praise ye the Lord, his power confess ! He puts our foes to flight. 5 Jesus we own thy ^ov’reign name. We love thy righteous ways 3 And, whilst our tongues thy love proclaim, O may we live thy praise ! HYMN 281 . p. M. Praise for Remission of Sins. John viii. II. 1 A SONG of gratitude begin. To praise the God who saves from sin ; Who marks the penitential tear. And deigns the contrite sigh to hear 3 Who whispers hope, when we our sins deplore: *‘Thy God condemns thee not : go, sin no more !” 282 PRAISE. 2 But ah ! such love can ne’er be sung, Such boundless grace, by mortal tongue : Even celestial minstrels deem Their highest skill below the theme : Yet mortals can, with gratitude, adore The God who pardons all that sin no more. 3 Blest Lord ! is this condition all } To fight the foes that wrought our fall ? In thy great strength may I maintain This combat firm, and heaven regain ! While hope repeats the sweet assurance o’er : ‘^Thy God will not condemn thee sin no more HYMN 282. L. M. Praise for Divine Mercies, Ps. c. 1 Before Jehovah’s glorious throne. Ye nations, bow ; with songs adore ! Know that the Lord is God alone ! He can create, and he restore. 2 His sov’reign power, without our aid. Call’d us to life, and form’d us men 3 And when, like wand’ring sheep, we stray’d. He brought us to his fold again. 3 We are his people, we his care. Our souls, and alf our mortal frame : What lasting honours shall we rear. Almighty Maker, to thy name ! 4 We ’ll crowd thy gates with thankful songs 3 High as the heavens our voices raise : And earth, with her ten thousand tongues. Shall fill thy courts with sounding praise. PRAISE. 283, 284 5 Wide as the wMd is thy command > Vast as eternity thy love : Firm as a rock thy truth shall stand. While rolling years unceasing move. HYMN 283 . h. M. The same. Ps. c. 1 With one consent, let all the earth To God their cheerful voices raise ^ Glad homage pay, with sacred mirth. And sing before him songs of praise ! 2 Know ye that he is God alone. From whom both we and all proceed j We whom he chooses for his own j The flock that he vouchsafes to feed. 3 O enter then his temple gate! Thence to his courts devoutly press ! And still your gratefiii hymns repeat. And still his name with praises bless ! 4 For he ’s the Lord, supremely good: His mercy is for ever sure: His truth, which always firmly stood. To endless ages shall endure. HYMN 284 . c. M. The same. Ps. c. 1 Come, serve the Lord with love and joy. And in his presence sing ! Cheerful your hearts and tongues employ I The Lord alone is King. 2 He forms his church by power divine ^ The work is all his own : Let us in holy praises join To God the Lord alone ! 285, 286 PRAISE. 3 Ye sons of Zion, rise and sing, Who in his pastures feed ! Give honour to your sov’reign King ! For he is God indeed. 4 Enter his courts with thankful praise. And bless His holy name. Whose truth, and love, and righteous ways. For ever are the same ! HYMN 285 . L. M. Praise for Divine Mercies* Ps. ciii. 1 — 5. 1 Bless, O my soul, the God of love. Who rules o’er all in heaven above ! His great and holy name adore. In songs of joy, for evermore ! 2 *Tis he delivers from the grave 3 For none but he hath power to save : Sins he removes 5 and sets us free From wounds, and death, and misery. 3 The loving-kindness of the Lord Our tongues with rapture shall record : Our lives, redeem’d by power divine. Be, gracious Lord, for ever thine ! 4 Jesus distributes ey’ry good. And fills our mouths with heavenly food : Our strength renew’d, with eagle’s wing We mount to heaven, and praise our King* HYMN 286 . L. M. The same, Ps. ciii, 1—13. 1 O BLESS the Lord, my soul! and bless His name, whate’er within me lives ! Forget not all his tenderness. Who heals thy wounds, thy sin forgives ! PRAISE. 287 2 He from destruction saves thy life : He keeps thee in his peaceful ways : He rescues from the powers of strife ; His loving-kindness crowns thy days: 3 He feeds thee with his love and truth : With ev’ry good thy soul is bless’d : The eagle’s strength renews thy youth : He vindicates thee when oppress’d. 4 Vile as we are from nature’s birth. He still delights our souls to spare : High as the heavens above the earth. So wondrous great his mercies are. 5 Far as the east is from the west. Our sins he doth from us remove : He brings us to his holy rest. And pities with a father’s love. HYMN 287 . c. M. The same, Ps. cxlvii. 1, 2, 3. 1 Sweet is the work to sing and tell The goodness of the Lord j How we by love are raised from hell. And by the truth restored. 2 *Tis pleasant to exalt our God, Who gathers outcasts in. And sends his love and truth abroad. To heal the plague of sin. 3 Sing to the Lord ! his lov^ aeciare ! Let all our voices join ! He saves our souls 5 we are his care : His mercy is divine. 288, 289 ?\^USE. HYMN 288. SEVENS. Praise for Divine Mercies • 1 Holy, holy, holy Lord, Be thy glorious name adored ! Lord, thy mercies never fail : Hail, Eternal Goodness, hail ! 2 Lord, we know that thou art near ^ Grace impart, and holy fear ! Purer praise we ’ll joyful bring. When around thy throne we sing. 3 There our bosoms, fill’d with love, Pligher states of bliss shall prove ^ While through heaven’s unmeasured bound, Praise to thee shall ever sound. 4 Lord, thy mercies never fail : Hail, Eternal Goodness, hail ! Be thy glorious name adored. Holy, holy, holy Lord ! HYMN 289. c. M. The same. 1 To sound His praise who reigns on high, Let heart and voice combine ! Let ev’ry tongue Hosanna” cry. And bless the Man Divine ! 2 For unto all his mercy flows. And all his pity share : He guides our way, and still bestows His kind paternal care. 3 Then raise the song, and loud proclaim Your Saviour and your King ! Alone adore his sacred name. And hallelujahs sing i PRAISE. 290, 291 HYMN 290 . c. M. The same. 1 O King of kings, beneath thy wings My soul would still repose 5 My refuge sure, rny strength secure Against surrounding foes ! 2 Thy wondrous ways to grateful praise Shall move my heart and tongue : By hosts above thy deeds of love In joyful notes are sung. 3 May. I proclaim thy sacred name. By living. Lord, to thee ! Then shall I rise above the skies. And thy perfections see. 4 O who can tell what glories dwell Around th’ eternal throne ! There joys divine, that ne’er decline. Are by the righteous known. HYMN 291 . L. M. The same. 1 Lord of my life, my thanks to thee Shall, like thy grace, continual be ! In constant streams thy bounty flows. Nor end nor intermission knows. 2 From thee my comforts all arise 5 My num’rous wants thy hand supplies j Nor can I need or wish for more Than flows from Mercy’s boundless store^ 4 Deep, Lord, upon my thankful breast Let all thy goodness be impress’d. That I my life to thee may give. And ever by thy precepts live ! s 292 PRAISE. 4 Dispose me, each revolving day. This debt of gratitude to pay } That ev’ry day my soul may be Conjoin’d more closely. Lord, to thee HYMN 292 . p.M. Praise for Divine Mercies. 1 Jesus, Father, here we bless thee ! All thy goodness we adore. And with humble songs address thee, God of mercy’s boundless store ! Thou hast been our consolation ; Let us still in thee rejoice ! Visit us with thy salvation ! Make us sing with cheerful voice ! 2 Let us. Lord, in sweet thanksgiving Onward urge our heavenly way. On thy loving-kindness living, Joyfully, from day to day ! May we see our ev’ry failing. And repent our follies past ! May thy Spirit, all prevailing, Safely bring us home at last ! 3 Blest with thy divine protection. May we run in holy ways. Love thee with supreme afectipn. Give thee never-ceasing praise * To our souls, on thee depending. Alpha and Omega be. First and Last, Beginning, Ending, Now, and to eternity ! PRAISE. 293 . 294 HYMN 293. SEVENS. Rejoicing in the Lord, Ps. Ixxxix. 15 — 18. 1 Blessed are the souls that know Jesu’s voice while here below. Joyful is the blessed sound : All his words with love abound. 2 In his name will we rejoice 3 All the day lift up our voice 3 Glory in the Lord alone : For no other God we own. 3 Jesus will our souls defend. Though the hells our death intend : Timely succour he will bring : He is our Almighty King. 4 Blessed J esus, God of love. We thy tender mercy prove. Unto thee be praises given ! Thou art God of earth and heaven HYMN 294. c. M. Confidence and Praise. Ps. xc. 1 — 1. 1 O God, our help in ages past. Our hope for years to come. Our shelter from the stormy blast. And our eternal home 3 — 2 Under the shadow of thy throne Still may we dwell secure ! Sufficient is thine arm alone. And thy protection sure. 3 Before the hills in order stood. Or earth received her frame, From everlasting thou art God ; To endless years the same, s 2 295, 296 PRAISJ5. 4 A thousand ages, in thy sight. Are like an evening gone 5 Short as the watch that ends the night. Before the rising sun. 5 Jesus, our help in ages past. Our hope for years to come. Be thou our guide while life shall last. And our perpetual home ! HYMN 295 . p. M. The eame. John xiii. 1 , Ps. xxx. 5 ; Isa. liv. 10 ; xlix. 16. ] Since Jesus is ours, we have a true Friend, Whose goodness endures the same to the end. Our comforts may vary, our frames may decline; We cannot miscarry ; our aid is divine. 2 Although he delay to show us his light. And heaviness may endure for a night. Yet joy in the morning shall surely abound : No shadow of turning in Jesus is found. 3 The hills may depart, the mountains remove. But faithful thou art, O Fountain of love ! Thy mercy hath graven our name on thy hands: Our building in heaven eternally stands. 4 Then tune ev’ry string to Jesus’s name ! With angels we ’ll sing the song of the Lamb. Each grateful receiver shall joyfully praise The bountiful Giver of mercy and grace. HYMN 296 . s. M. PraisetJrom whom acceptable. Ps. cxvii. 1 Ye nations, praise the Lord, Who reigns supreme above ! Ye people, let your songs record His mighty deeds of love ! PRAISE. 2 Who are the nations, say. Whose praise the Lord desires ? They who abhor each sinful way 5 Whom sacred love inspires. 3 The people whom the Lord Invites to sing his praise. Are they who love his Holy Word, And triumph in his ways, 4 Jesus is God alone. Let ev’ry tongue confess ! Ye people all, his mercy own ! His name, ye nations, bless ! 5 How great his mercy is ! Unmoved his truth abides : To everlasting life and bliss His faithful sons he guides. HYMN 297 . c. M. The Lord to he praised with the whole heart and mind, Ps. xxxiii. 1 — 4. R EJOiCE, ye servants of the Lord ! Ye upright, praise his name ! With heart and voice his love record. And celebrate his fame ! 2 Let instruments of music join 3 The harp of silver string. The psalt’ry, aid the song divine. While we exalt our King ! 3 New be the song, and sweet the sound. With wisdom in the praise 3 Each heart and voice in tune be found. And heavenlv be the lays ! s 3 298, 299 PRAISE. 4 For just and true is Jesu’s word ; His ways are truth and love : O be his holy name adored In earth and heaven above ! HYMN 298 . c. M. The Lord to be praised with the whole heart and mind. Ps. cl. 1 Ye children of the living God, To serve his name prepare ! Come ye with songs to his abode, And bow with reverence there ! 2 Praise him for all his power and might, And all his gracious ways ! His ev’ry work is just and right. And merits endless praise. 3 With trumpet, psalt’ry, timbrel, praise. And cymbal’s lofty sound ! All your aft'ections, joyful, raise To spread his fame around ! 4 By all within us that has life Be Jesu’s praise express’d ! Be this alone our daily strife 5 — To love and praise him best ! HYMN 299 . p. M. Celebration of the Lord by the Church. Isa. xii. 4, 6, 6. 1 Praise ye the Lord 3 adore his name ; Declare his love 3 his truth proclaim ! Be it to ev’ry nation known, Jesus is God, and God alone ! 2 Great God ! thy sacred name we sing. And to thy throne our tribute bring. The wondrous works which thou hast done Shall soon be known from sun to sun PRAISE. 300, 301 3 Now for a song of sacred joy ! Zion, thy heart and voice employ ! Great is the Lord ; he dwells in thee ; And great Jehovah’s praise shall be. 4 Hosanna to thy name, O Lord ! Thy love and goodness we record ; We join the angel hosts above. And praise Jehovah, God of love. HYMN 300 . L. M. The same 1 Jerusalem, arise and sing, In sweetest strains, to God your King ! ’Tis yours to give the purest lays ; ‘Tis yours the noblest songs to raise. 2 You are his church, his chosen bride : With you Jehovah doth reside : ’Tis you his richest favours prove ^ And you must sing the song of love. 3 Come sound his holy name abroad ! Hosanna to our Saviour God ! To him be endless praises given By all his church in earth and heaven ! 4 To Jesus, Lord and God alone. Who reigns on heaven’s eternal throne. Be glory, power, and honour, sung By ev’ry heart and ev’ry tongue ! HYMN 301 . p. M. Praise for Temporal Blessings. 1 W HAT blessings below we daily receive ! There ’s nothing too great for Jesus to give : Ten thousand rich mercies encircle us round. And we ev’ry moment with goodness are crown’d. 302 PRAISE. 2 Though common our gifts, no less do they prove The Giver is kind, abounding in love. The more they are common, the more may we see How good to his creatures Jehovah can be. 3 Our health, strength and ease, our clothing and food) Jehovah gives these, and all that is good. All nature stands ready to render us aid 5 And all the creation our servant is made. 4 For us doth the rain in showers descend : The vast orbs of light our footsteps attend ; The sun beams around us in glory by day : The moon and stars nightly direct us our v/ay. 5 O come then, my soul, his goodness confess 1 To Jesus thy praise with rapture express ! For mercies he gives thee, send praises above , And let not the angels excel thee in love ! HYMN 302. L. M. Praise for Temporal Blessings, Ps. cxxxvi. 1 Give to the Lord immortal praise ! Mercy and truth are all his ways : Wonders of grace to him belong : Repeat his mercies in your song ! 2 He form’d the sun to cheer the ground. And make its varied fruits abound : He bids the clouds, with plenteous rain. Refresh the thirsty earth again. 3 ’Tis to his care we owe our breath. And all our near escapes from death. Safety and health to God belong ! He heals the weak, and guards the strong. PRAISE. 303, 304 4 Give to the Lord of lords renown ! The King of kings with glory crown. Who pours his blessings from the skies. And ev’ry needful gift supplies ! HYMN 303. SEVENS. The same, 1 Praise to God, immortal praise. For the love that crowns our days ! Bounteous Source of ev’ry joy. Let thy praise our tongues employ \ 2 All that Spring, with lavish hand. Scatters o’er the smiling land ^ All that lib’ral Autumn pours From her rich, o'erflowing stores : 3 These to thee, our God, we owe. Source whence all our blessings flow ! And for these our souls shall raise Grateful vows, and solemn praise. 4 But, if such thy will divine. All these gifts will we resign. And, when earthly hopes are flown. Love thee for thyself alone. HYMN 304. L. M. The same. 1 Eternal Source of ev’ry joy. Well may thy praise our lips employ, AVhile in thy temple we appear ! Thy goodness crowns the circling year. 2 The flow’ry Spring, at thy command. Embalms the air, and paints the land : And Summer’s rays with vigour shine. To raise the corn and cheer the vine. 305 BAPTISM. 3 Thy hand, in Autumn, richly pours. Through all our coasts, redundant stores. Ev’n Winter, soften’d by thy care, A face of horror cannot wear. 4 Seasons, and months, and weeks, and days Demand successive songs of praise : Still be the grateful homage paid. With opening light, and ev’ning shade ! BAPTISM. HYMN 305 . c. M. For an Adult or an Infant. 1 Baptismal water represents The truth of Jesu’s Word, That cleanses all true penitents. And leads them to the Lord. 2 No outward rite can render clean. Or make the spirit whole : The malady lies deep within. Fast rooted in the soul. 3 But He who did this rite ordain Can purify the heart. Make white as snow the crimson stain. And saving health impart. (our brother) 4 O may now baptized (this infant > This healing virtue prove 5 In heart and life be circumcised. And made a form of love ! BAPTISM. 306, 307 HYMN 306 . L. M. For an Infant* 1 Jesus, this infant now we bring To thee, our only Lord and King ! In thy New Church his name enrol. And bid thy angels guard his soul ! 2 As years advance, may he improve In wisdom, knowledge, truth, and love ; Thy laws and doctrines joyful own. And worship thee as God alone ! 3 O guide him through the paths of youth. And purify him by thy truth 3 That, wash’d from evil, he may prove A heavenly form of truth and love ! 4 Baptize him, Lord, with love divine ! His heart and life be ever thine ! That so, at length, this child may stand A spotless angel in thy land ! HYMN 307 . c. M. The same, 1 This infant. Lord, is brought to thee, At thy divine command : Through life protected may he be. And guided by thy hand ! 2 ’Tis thou alone canst save and bless Our tender infant race : Thy love and goodness we confess, And humbly ask thy grace. 3 O bless this child, thou Saviour God ! Through life his soul befriend ! Lead him in all the heavenly road. And keep him to the end ! 308, 309, BAPTISM. 4 And when his mortal labours cease^^ And earthly joys and pains, O take him to the realms of peace^ Where love eternal reigns ! HYMN 308 . SEVEl^S, For an Infant. \ Lord, this infant now receive. Which to thee we humbly give ! Innocence thou dost approve ; Take him to thy arms of love ! 2 As he grows to riper days. May he walk in holy ways. Fear thy name, obey thy will. And of sin be watchful still i 3 Heavenly good and truth impart ! By thy Word renew his heart ! Fill his soul with love divine ! Make him. Lord, a child of thine ! 4 Guide hbn through this vale of woe Guard him from each hurtful foe ! Then may angels, full of love. Bear him to thy courts above ! HYMN 309 . C.M. For Infants. 1 Jesus, our God, to thee we give Our helpless infant race : In thy new kingdom may they live. And daily grow in grace ! 2 What thou appointest we obey. As guided by thy Word, And at thy feet our children lay ; Receive and own them. Lord ! BAPTISM. 310, 311 3 Our offspring, now baptized, are given To thee, our God and Lord : O lead them in the way to heaven. And teach them by thy Word ! 4 In thy New Church may they abide j In truth and goodness rise ! Be thou alone their God and Guide, Till raised to better skies ! HYMN 310 . c. M. The same. 1 Jesus, our God, whilst here below. Young children did embrace 5 And still from him all mercies flow. To bless the tender race. 2 He looks upon their helpless state. In pity, from above. And bids his angels round them wait. As ministers of love. 3 Kindly he takes them to his arms ) Becomes himself their stay ; Defends their souls from numerous harms. From snares by night and day. 4 And should his wisdom so ordain That they from earth remove, A crown of glory they obtain. With all the blest above. HYMN 31 1 . c, M. For an Adult. ] Thy servant, gracious Lord, receive, And give his soul a place mong thy children who believe On thee, and know thy grace ! T 312 BAPTISM. 2 Baptized in thy most holy name. May he thy Word obey 5 And with an ardent, constant flame Pursue his heavenly way ! 3 O may he live to thee alone. In truth and goodness shine 5 Thy heavenly laws and doctrines own, And be for ever thine ! 4 So, when his earthly course is run, His soul shall find above A blest eternity begun Of wisdom, joy, and love. HYMN 312 . c. M. For an Adult, 1 And shall we be ashamed to own That Jesus is the Lord ? No 5 we proclaim him God alone And triumph in his Word. 2 Was he baptized in Jordan’s flood. To lead our souls the way ? So should we imitate our God, And his commands obey. 3 Rise, Christian, rise to life divine \ The paths of sin forsake ! Make Jesu’s bright example thine ! Him for thy pattern take ! 4 Baptized into his name, regard His ev’ry kind command ! Then thou shalt have thy sure reward Tn Zion’s hannv land. BAPTISM. 313 , 314 HYMN 313 . s, M. The same. 1 Thy servant. Lord, receive Into thy heavenly fold ! May he in thy great name believe. Thy glorious truth behold ! 2 AVithin thy church below Our brother we admit 5 That he may in thine image grow. Till for thy presence fit. 3 Be all his will refined. His understanding light ! May wisdom purify his mind. And guide his footsteps right ! 4 Baptized by truth and love. May he thy Word obey ! Then, at thy call, ascend above. And dwell in endless day 1 HYMN 314 . L. M. The same. 1 Jesus, thy servant now receive Into thy fold, this solemn hour ! To thee henceforward may he live ! On him thy richest blessings pour 1 2 Open the fountain of thy Word ! Be all the stains of sin removed ! Be thou indeed his only Lord, Known and adored, obey’d and loved ! 3 Take him to thy peculiar care. And lead him through this vale of woe ! Protect his feet from ev’ry snare. And guard his soul from ev’ry foe ! T 2 315, 316 HOLY SUPPER. 4 Grant him his race with joy to run ! Support him by thy power and love! And when below his labour ’s done, O raise him to thy heaven above 1 HYMN 315 . p.M. For more than one Adult, 1 Captain of our salvation, take The souls we now present to thee. And fit for thy great service make These heirs of immortality ! Let them into thine image rise. And then transplant to paradise ! 2 O may their hearts be wholly thine. To serve and love thee all their days ! Infuse thy influence divine ! To heaven their best affections raise ! Let each improve the grace bestow’d,^ And walk in Zion’s sacred road ! 3 Train up thy faithful soldiers. Lord, In all their Captain’s steps to tread ! O may their lives proclaim thy Word, And far and wide thy gospel spread ! May their example well explain The blessed truths their lips maintain ! HOLY SUPPER. HYMN 316 . c. M. Invitation to the Heavenly Marriage-Feast, I Children of Zion, praise your King, And in his love rejoice 1 With cheerful hearts his mercies sing. And with united voice ! HOLY SUPPER, 317 9 , The Lord your God now makes a feasts The marriage-feast of heaven. And calls his sons to come, and taste What love hath freely given. 3 With living bread, with gen’rous wine. He hath his table spread 5 And all whose hearts to him incline May by his hand be fed, 4 Jesus, we would thy call attend : To thee we thankful haste j And on thy Word of truth depend Celestial joys to taste. HYMN 317 . L. M. Invitation to the Holy Supper. 1 Lo! Jesus makes a heavenly feast ! Come near, ye humble souls, and taste The heavenly wine and living bread. With which his bounteous table ’s spread! 2 The broad implies the good of love 5 Wine, truths of wisdom from above : These he desires that we receive. And ever in him, to him, live. 3 Here, men of lowly heart and mind Become with Jesus more conjoin’d : He fills their souls with light and love. And gives to taste the joys above. 4 Lord, may thy love inflame each heart ! To each the light of life impart ! Then we shall find thy table spread With heavenly wine, and living bread. t3 318, 319 HOLY SI PPEB. HYMN 318 . L. M. Before receiving the Holy Supper. 1 My God ! and is thy table spread ? And doth thy cup with love o’erflow ^ Hither be all thy children led. And let them all thy bounty know ! 2 Hail feast of love which Jesus makes. Rich banquet of his flesh and blood ! Thrice happy he who here partakes That sacred stream, that heavenly food. 3 O let thy table honour’d be. And furnish’d well with joyful guests ! May each thy great salvation see : Who here its sacred pledges tastes ! HYMN 319 . L. M. The same. 1 Great God of heaven, thy children now Humbly before thy footstool bow. And with delightful pleasure prove The wonders of thy truth and love. 2 What entertainment can compare With thy own feast ? for thou art there. With all thy love and wisdom. Lord, As promised in thy holy Word. 3 We come before thy mercy-seat. And round thy blessed table meet : In fervent love, and faith divine. We ’ll eat the bread and drink the wine. 4 And while thy table we surround. May ev’ry heart in love be found ! With thee, the Source of Love, conjoin’d,. May each with each communion find! HOLY SUPPER. 320, 321 HYMN 320 . SEVENS. The same. 1 Jesus, who alone is good. Feeds us with his flesh and blood. In his church he makes the feast. For the greatest and the least. 2 All who come with holy fear Find his gracious presence near : Of his blessing all partake. Who the path of sin forsake. 3 Let us then our souls prepare In his bounteous gifts to share j Ev’ry selfish thought remove 5 Worship him in mutual love ! 4 Praise Him whence all blessings flow To his happy church below ! Join your songs, ye choirs above. Ye who live in light and love ! HYMN 321 . L. M. Imploring Divine Mercies in the Holy Sapper. 1 Now we approach in love to thee. And each with each in charity : Open the heavens. Lord, and show Thy mercies to thy flock below’ ! 2 Now may thy waiting children prove The heights and depths of saving love 3 And, favour’d with internal sight, Thy truth behold with sweet delight I 3 Here, while we eat the bread divine. And drink the living, heavenly wine. May we a blest conjunction prove. With thee, the Lord, our God of Love ! 322, 323 HOLY SUPPER. HYMN 322 . SEVENS, I narrating the Lord's Presence and Blessing. Matt, xviii, 1 Here assembled in thy name, Jesus, we thy promise claim : In the midst do thou appear ! Manifest thy presence here ! 2 Lord, thy waiting servants bless ! Breathe thy spirit, give thy peace ! Beam upon us from above ! Make our feast a feast of love ! 3 Plant in us the humble mind. Ever patient, ever kind ! Meek and lowly let us be. Full of goodness, full of thee ! 4 Lord, thy work in us complete ! Make us all for glory meet. Meet to stand before thy sight. Partners with the saints in light ! HYMN 323 . L. M. •‘2>o this in remembrance of me.” Luke xxii. 19. 1 While we partake the flesh arid blood. The love and truth of Christ our God, Let mem’ry tell how once he bore Conflicts severe, temptations sore. 2 But twas to conquer all our foes. And save a world from endless woes •, To make his Human all Divine, And hell in endless bonds confine. 3 Then, while our joyful souls are fed With heavenly wine and living bread. Let us redeeming love proclaim. And triumph in our Saviour’s name ! HOLY SUPPER. 324 325 HYMN 324 . L. M. Renewal of our Covenant in the Holy Supper. 1 Again we bind our souls to thee. And only thine, blest Lord, would be : Our cov’nant we again renew. And to our vows we would be true. 2 ’Tis mercy. Lord, in thee, to give The bread and wine by which we live : May we thy favours thankful own. And live to thee, and thee alone ! 3 Though Satan tempt, and sin allure. Faithful to thee may we endure ! In thee alone our souls confide. Who art our strength, our help, and guide. 4 Thus, bound to thee by sacred ties. We would with holy ardour rise. Pursue with zeal our heavenly w ay. And press to everlasting day. HYMN 325 . s. M. The Symbolic Meaning of the Holy Supper. J To God be praises given. Who hath his Word unseal’d. Disclosed the wondrous things of heaven^ And holy truth reveal’d ! 2 Blest Lord, that flesh of thine. By thee call’d living bread. Is heavenly good, pure love divines, By which the soul is fed. 3 In water, wdne, and blood. All saving truth is seen : ’Tis truth that sanctifies to God, And makes the spirit clean. 326, 327 HOLY SUPPER. 4 With thankful hearts we join Thy bounteous feast to share : We eat the bread, we drink the wine. And bless thy tender care, HYMN 326 . u M. App'f'opriation of Divine Influences in the Holy Supper^ J When thus we eat the sacred bread, O may our hungry souls be fed ! May love divine, that holy flame. Devote our hearts to Jesu’s name ! 2 May we enjoy a rich increase Of goodness, charity, and peace ; And feel that blessed influx given. Which raises man from earth to heaven 3 And while we drink the living wine. May we enjoy the truth divine 3 In knowledge, zeal, and wisdom rise ^ Be pure in heart, and truly wise ! 4 So shall we eat, and drink, and live 3 Pure heavenly love and truth receive 3 Be all as one in love combined. And each to Jesus Christ conjoin’d. HYMN 327 . c. M. The Holy Supper t an earnest of every good. 1 This feast *s a pledge of things divine Of mercies from above 3 To humble souls a gracious sign Of Jesu’s tender love. 2 It tells us we shall share his grace. While on our heavenly way 3 And after death behold his face. In everlasting day. HOLY SUPPER. 328 , 329 3 A foretaste ’tis of joys to come 5 Of all that shall be given. When brought to our eternal home. Our lasting rest, in heaven. 4 Then while we feast with thankful mind. May faith and love increase ; Till we the richer table find. In worlds of joy and peace ! HYMN 328. s. M. The Blessedness of the Holy Supper, \ How truly blest are we At such a feast as this j Where Jesus gives us all to see How great his goodness is ! 2 Here we, by love divine. Are fed with angels’ food 5 Partake of living bread and -wine, — The Saviour’s flesh and blood- 3 His flesh is truly meat : His blood is drink indeed : The Lord himself commands, ^‘Take, eatj ^^On me your souls shall feed.” 4 To us is kindly given This pledge of Jesu’s love. That we may rise from earth to heaven. And taste the joys above. HYMN 329. c. M. The same, 1 Our condescending Lord, how kind To our imperfect frame ! He dwells within the humble mind. And there reveals his name* 330, 331 HOLY SUPPER. 2 For men of lowly, contrite hearts. Behold his table spread ! To hungry souls his love imparts The true and living bread. 3 The thirsty mind he satisfies With streams of heavenly wine. To all that ask, he gives supplies Of good and truth divine. 4 Blest Lord, what olF’ring can we make^ For love so rich and free ! Henceforth we ’ll sin and self forsake. And live alone to thee. HYMN 330 . s. M. Brotherly Communion in the Holy Supper. 1 May those who meet around The table of their God In charity and peace abound. While on their heavenly road ! 2 As one in heart and mind. Joint heirs of joys above. Be each to each as angels kind. And walk in truth and love ! 3 May all who eat the bread. And drink the holy wine. Sit down in heaven with Christ their head. And taste the joys divine ! HYMN 331 , s. M. The same. 1 This is a feast of love, A union with the Lord : But none the sweet communion prove Save those who love the Word. MAHi% A<>£. 332 2 May ev'ry feast increase The graces of the heart. And cordial harmony and peace To ev’ry mind impart ! 3 So shall we rise and grow In all that ’s true and good 5 By Jesus kept while here below. And fed with angels’ food. MARRIAGE. HYMN 332 . s. M Desiring a Blessing on a Newly Married Pair, 1 When two on earth are join’d In love’s delightful chain. And both are one in heart and mind. No more to part again ; 2 That bond is from above. By Jesus only given; Their happy souls, in union, prove The highest bliss of heaven. 3 Be this their happy state. Who now are join’d in one ! May ev’ry hour new joys create. As days and years roll on ! 4 In harmony and peace Henceforth may they abide. And pure religion still increase. And selfish views subside ! 5 Matured by love and truth. May they ascend above ; Dwell there in everlasting youth. And pure conjugial love ! u 333, 334 MARRIAGE. HYMN 333 . C. M. Desiring a Blessing on a Newly Married Pair. 1 Marriage a sacred union is. Derived from heavenly love 5 And great as holy is the bliss Two souls in union prove. 2 That bliss be theirs who now are join’d In wedlock’s sacred tie ! Through life may they together find A blessing from on high ! 3 May they like angels live below. In love and joy and peace ! And, while through chequer’d paths they go Still may their joys increase ! 4 Their souls may they to Jesus give. Serve him with heart and hand ; And help each other, here, to live For heaven’s eternal land ! 5 With Jesu’s presence ever blest. May he their steps attend j And all the joys of heavenly rest Be theirs, when time shall end ! HYMN 334 . X.. M. The same. 1 Now, Lord, this wedded pair inspire With heavenly love, that sacred fire 5 And may they hence, unceasing, prove The truest bliss of marriage-love ! 2 O may they both unceasing find The nobler pleasures of the mind ; Happy with each for ever be. And both united. Lord, in thee ! MARKFAGE. 335,^36 3 To them be love conjugial given. The highest, purest love of heaven ! May they that sacred gift improve. And live the life inspired by love ! 4 So may they live as truly one 5 And, when their work below is done. Rise hand in hand to heaven, and share The joys of love for ever there ! HYMN 335 . p.M. The same. 1 Lord, bestow thy choicest blessing On this newly married pair ! May thy love divine, unceasing. Soften ev’ry rising care j They each other’s burdens bearing, Bound by sweet conjugial bands, Joys and sorrows kindly sharing, With united hearts and hands ! 2 From thy Word be their protection. Through the varied paths they go ! Bless them with thy wise direction While they pass their time below ! Bear them up through all temptations ! May they trust in tkee alone ! Let them taste thy consolations. Till on earth their work be done ! HYMN 336 . p, M. The same. 1 Bless, Lord, the happy pair. Who now, on earth, are join’d In marriage-bands, to share One heart, and soul, and mind ! Be thou their Guide to realms of day ! With them abide through all their way ? u 2 537 ORDINATIOK. 2 May love conjugial be Their blissful portion here. Derived from love to thee. And wholly free from fear ! In thy employ may each be found. And heavenly joy with each abound ! 3 As they advance in life. May love and truth increase. Nor selfish views, nor strife. Disturb their mutual peace ! Assist them still to walk in love. And do thy will as done above ! 4 Thy blessing, gracious Lord, To them be ever given ! May they, with one accord. Pursue their way to heaven 5 While here they live be truly blest. And then receive eternal rest ! ORDINATION. HYMN 337 . c. M. Imploring a Blessing on a Newly Ordained Minister^ \ With joy we own thy seivant. Lord, Thy Minister below. Ordain’d to spread thy truth abroad. That all thy name may know. 2 O may he now, and ever, keep His eye intent on thee ! Do thou. Great Shepherd of the sheep. His bright example be ! ORDINATION. 3S8 3 With plenteous grace his heart prepare To execute thy will 3 And give him patience, love, and care^ And faithfulness and skill ! 4 Inflame his mind with ardent zeal Thy flock to feed and teach ! And let him live, and let him feel. The truths he *s call’d to preach ! 5 As showers refresh the thirsty plain. So let his labours prove ! By him extend thy righteous reign. The reign of truth and love ! HYMN 338. L. M. The same. 1 O Lord, thy servant here inspire With love and truth, and pure desire To do the work by thee assign’d, With zealous care and humble mind ! 2 Make him successful while below ! And ev’ry heavenly gift bestow. That he thy Word may truly preach. And under thee his thousands teach ! 3 By him thy holy doctrines spread. Bring wand’rers home, and raise the dead ! A faithful shephetd may he prove. To feed, and lead to realms above ! 4 And when he lays his office down, May he receive from thee a crown 3 Give thee the praise, and humbly own. All good was done by thee alone ! 339, 340 PEDICAXION. HYMN 339 . s. M. Praise for the Gift of a Minister. 1 Now, Lord, we bless thy name. For thou art good and kind : From thee the gospel- tidings came : In thee we mercy find. 2 *Tis thine the power to give To whom thou wilt, below. To teach thy people how to live. And thy salvation show, 3 Now to thy church, in love, A Minister is given : O may thy Spirit from above Direct his steps to heaven ! 4 So shall he teach our race To fear thy holy name 5 Declare thy new-discover’d grace, . And all thy love proclaim. 5 Then be his labours bless’d ! May thousands learn thy Word ! And be thy name by all confess’d. Thou ever-gracious Lord! DEDICATION. HYMN 340 . s. M. Imploring a Blessing on the Services of a JVetv Churchy I Jehovah, Lord of heaven. By men on earth adored. This temple now to thee is given ! Accept the off ’ring. Lord ! Here may thy glory rest ! Here may thy truth be known I Be thou by ev’ry heart confess’d. As Lord and God alone ! 2 DEDICATION. 341 3 Here, Lord, thyself reveal. Thy holy truth impart ! The doctrines of thy kingdom seal On ev’ry humble heart ! 4 Give to thy Word success. That thousands may come in. With heart and life thy truth profess, And cease from ev’ry sin I 5 Hence may thy children rise. Made pure by truth and love. To blissful mansions in the skies. And sing thy praise above ! HYMN 341 , c. M, The same. 1 This temple. Lord, alone to thee We dedicate and give : Thine only may it ever be ! The offering. Lord, receive ! 2 Assert thy power. Almighty God, Thy truth and love proclaim. That multitudes may learn thy Word, And love thy holy name ! 3 Eternal praise to thee be given. Since we are taught to know Thou art the God of earth and heaven. From whom all mercies flow! 4 Within these walls we will declare What thou, O Lord, hast done 3 And, while wx live, our witness bear. That thou art God alone. 342 , 343 DEDICATION. HYMN 342 . L. M. Imploring a Blessing on the Services of a New Church* 1 This temple we to Jesus raise j These walls shall echo vvith his praise ; Here may his blessed truth be taught, And thousands to his kingdom brought ! 2 Prosper our labours, blessed Lord ! Help us to spread thy truth abroad ! This temple own ; *tis wholly thine ! Here may thy brightest glory shine ! 3 May all who come within this place Accept thy new-discover’d grace. Thy second advent joyful see. Enter thy church, and worship thee ! 4 Hence may a glorfous church arise. And furnish angels for the skies ; There to rejoice that here they came. To learn thy truth, and know thy name! HYMN 343 . p. M. The sarne^ 1 To Jesus, God above, O’er all in earth and heaven. The God of truth and love. This temple now is given. Accept it. Lord 1 and deign to own The ofF’ring made to thee alone i 2 Bless all who here attend With love and truth divine ! Thy Holy Spirit send, And make them truly thine 1 May thousands here thy goodness know. And worship thee as God below ! NATURE OF MAN. 344, 345 3 All evil. Lord, remove. All falsehood put to flight. That all may dwell in love. That all may walk in light ^ All purified, from evil free, Thy faithful bride, and one with thee ! 4 Thou God of earth and heaven. When on thy name we call. Be ev*ry mercy given ; Deign thou to bless us all ^ That we may rise in truth and love. And praise thy name in worlds above ! HYMN 344 . c. M. The Neto Church dedicated to Jesus Christas God alone, Ps, cxviii. 22. 1 Jesus is God, and God alone : O be this truth confess’d ! For 'tis the sure foundation-stone. On which the church shall rest. 2 Though modern builders pass it by. Though multitudes reject. On this blest truth, which they deny. We now the church erect. 3 Though earth and hell against it join. Yet must thy kingdom rise. The work, almighty Lord, is thine. And wondrous in our eyes. NATURE OF MAN. HYMN 345 . L. M. Dignity and f Forth of the Soul. I How noble is the soul of man. With humble gratitude we own. Its inmost court no thought can scan ; Jehovah there erects his throne. 346 NATURE OF MAN. 2 Man's soul, an image of his Lord, Possesses powers to look above. His Maker’s goodness to record. And worship him in faith and love. 3 The soul of man immortal lives. Fill’d with his Maker’s living breath, Who from himself, immediate, gives The life that triumphs over death. 4 The soul of man of man ’s the all ^ And, from its tenement of clay. When call’d to quit this earthly ball. All that is human takes away. 5 Since thus the soul exalted stands. Great in its native dignity. How should we strive, in heart and hands^ From ev’ry stain to keep it free ! HYMN 346 . c. M. The Internal and the External Man. 1 Form’d by the gross ideas of sense, Th’ external, earthly mind Regards the world with love intense. And there its home would find. 2 An image of the world, at first. But now, alas ! of hell. It harbours ev’ry evil lust 5 And there infernals dwell. 3 But see ! when man obeys the Word, Th’ internal, heavenly mind Is form’d and open’d by the Lord, And with himself conjoin’d. NATURE OF MAN. 4 Now the new heavenly birth takes place : Th* internal man descends ; Th’ external owns the reign of grace. And Satan’s kingdom ends. 5 New joys and new desires are felt 3 For love and wisdom guide : Where once the powers of darkness dwelt. Angelic friends reside. 6 Set up thy kingdom. Prince of peace ! The power of sin destroy ! Then shall the source of sorrow cease. And love give birth to joy. HYMN 347. L. M. Free-will. 1 The soul of ev’ry man is free To choose his life, and what he ’ll be : For this eternal truth is given : That God will force no man to heaven. 2 He ’ll draw, persuade, direct aright. And bless with wisdom, love, and light j In nameless ways be good and kind* But never force the human mind. 3 Fr^^edom and reason make us men : Take these away, what are we then } Mere animals ; and just as well The brutes might think of heaven or hell. 4 May we no more our powers abuse. But ways of truth and goodness choose j Our talents faithfully improve. And live in peace and mutual love ! 348, 349 NATURE OP MAN. HYMN 348 . 8. M. Free-will. 1 Freedom to us is given. The path of life to choose 3 A constant gift bestow’d from heaven. Which we too oft abuse. 2 Whene’er we yield to sin. Ourselves in chains we bind j Infernal spirits enter in. And rule the heart and mind. 3 Thou, Lord, hast reason given, To know the good from ill ; Freely we ’d choose the path to heaven. And do thy holy will. 4 Jesus, alone in thee Is perfect freedom found : May we improve our liberty. And never more be bound ! HYMN 349 . L. M. Rationality and Liberty. 1 Our God bestow’d, that man might rise His Maker’s image, good and wise. Reason, to choose the path of right. Freedom, to walk by reason’s light. 2 Reason, from Wisdom’s Fountain, draws A power to learn celestial laws : By Freedom, man to God may live. And heavenly love from God receive. 3 As twilight ushers in the morn. So dim is Reason’s earliest dawn. Till Revelation’s brighter ray Leads on the clear and perfect day. NATURE OF MAN. 350, 351 4 Then Reason proves her heavenly birth, And scorns to seek her rest on earth 3 She mounts on Revelation’s wing, And communes with her God and King. HYMN 350 . L. M. The same. 1 O Lord, within our souls enthroned, We bless thy name with awe profound. Our Liberty thy Love bestows : Our Reason from thy Wisdom flows. 2 Instinct the pliant brute compels 3 But Liberty with Reason dwells. Man can alone the truth obey. Or, if he will, reject her sway. 3 Who to the mute, instinctive tribes. Or moral good or ill ascribes ? To man alone is Freedom given ; For man alone was born for heaven. 4 From Freedom and intelligence Results to man' his moral sense : Hence Conscience springs, and gradual grows, And conquers all her selfish foes. 5 Help us, O Lord, by deeds to prove Our gratitude for light and love ! O may we choose the path divine, And so fulfil thy great design ! HYMN 351 . L. M. Conscience. 1 The Lord, from childhood’s earliest days. Inspires the heart, by various ways. With kind affections, gen’rous views. For future life’s maturcr use. X 352 NATURE OF MAN. 2 The yielding gentleness of youth. Like ground, receives the seeds of truth ; Which, taking root, spring up, and bear Refreshing leaves and blossoms fair. 3 Thus is the base of Conscience laid 5 To be hereafter perfect made, As man a genuine faith receives. And by its holy precepts lives. 4 When truths with heavenly love are warm’ Then is a genuine Conscience form’d : Goodness and truth, in one combined. Direct the life, and rule the mind. HYMN 352. c. M. The Golden Jjge and Fall. 1 How blest was that primeval state. The golden age of man ! The human soul how truly great. Before the fall began 2 Angelic graces fill’d the mind With heavenly peace and joy : Wisdom and mutual love combined To form the life’s employ. 3 Each thought, affection, and delight. Flow’d in from heaven alone : Sole Source of good, of life, and light, Jehovah then was known. 4 Man’s awful fall from light and love, Our burden’d hearts deplore i But Jesus can our sin remove. And Eden’s joy restore. NATURE OF MAN. 363, 354 HYMN 353 , L.M. The Fall of Man, J W hene’er, O Lord^ my mind surveys The beauteous works thy hand did raise. My wondring soul admires the plan. And owns thy love to favour'd man. 2 Thy goodness placed him here below : Thou wast his friend 3 he knew no foe : No anxious cares disturb’d his breast. With all the stores of Eden blest. 3 O, had he wisely seen his bliss. His soul had wish’d no state but this 3 But, lured by sensual love, he fell. And founded first the reign of hell. 4 Then Sorrow, first-born child of Sin, Dethroned the peace that reign’d within 3 The passions wild, no longer bound. Scatter’d dismay and death around. 5 But hark ! the watcher’s midnight cry Proclaims aloud the morning nigh. The second advent now makes known. To re-establish Virtue’s throne. HYMN 354 . c. M, The nature of the Fall of Man. 1 What could the heart of man allure From Eden’s paradise. Where he was happy, just, and pure. And innocent, and wise ? 2 But one return his God required 3 — That man should grateful own His life, and light, and bliss, inspired From God, their fount, alone. X 2 355 NATURE OF MAN. 3 But serpent-like, the sensual life His will from God seduced : Then doubt and darkness, sin and strife, Were in the heart produced. 4 His reason, by his will enslaved, Of light was soon deprived 5 And then arose the thought depraved, That life is self-derived. 5 Inverted now his nature all, From God and heaven disjoin’d. Succeeding years confirm’d his fall. And poison’d all his mind. 6 Our nature. Lord, thou didst redeem. And with thine own unite : Thence doth thy Holy Spirit beam, Re-kindling life and light. HYMN 355. L. M. ATan, as Created, Redeemed, Regenerated, and raised to Heav by the Lord, 1 Lord, what is man } extremes how wide In his mysterious nature join ! The flesh to worms and dust allied , The soul, to attributes divine. 2 All pure at first, man’s wondrous frame Was fill’d with his Creator’s breath 3 Till, stain’d by pride, it soon became The seat of darkness, sin, and death. 3 But Jesus (O amazing love !) Assumed our nature as his own 3 Made it divine 3 return’d above 3 And sent his quick’ning Spirit down* REGENERATE LIFE. 4 Now what is man ? When truth reveals The path that must for heaven be trod. Again a life divine he feels. Departs from sin, and walks with God. 5 And what, in yonder realms above. Is man renew’d ordain’d to be ? An angel, fill’d with wisdom, love. And pure, unmix’d felicity. REGENERATE LIFE. HYMN 356 . c. M. The State of Man before Begeneration. 1 Infinite Power ! Eternal Lord ! How potent is thy hand ! All nature rose before thy word. And moves at thy command, 2 The shining sun performs thy will 5 The earth, and stormy sea : All things thy great designs fulfil. And bow to thy decree. 3 But ah ! how wide man’s spirit flies. And wanders from his God ! Slights or forgets his heavenly prize, And treads the downward road ! 4 The headstrong passions rage within, Unbending to thy sway 3 And flesh and sense, allied to sin. Drive heavenly thoughts away. 5 O Lord, create our souls anew ! Conform our minds to thine ! Subdue our wills, and let them flow. And take the mould divine ! X 3 367, 358 REGENERATE LIFE. HYMN 357 . C. M. DOUBLE. The Importance of Piety in Youth, 1 In the soft season of thy youth. In nature’s smiling bloom. Ere age arrives, and, trembling, waits To summon to the tomb 3 Remember thy Creator God 3 Let him thy powers employ 3 Make him thy friend, thy love, thy hope. Thy confidence, and joy ! 2 O seek the Lord betimes 3 and choose The path of heavenly truth ! The earth affords no lovelier sight. Than piety in youth. He will defend and guide thy course. Through life’s uncertain sea. Till thou art landed on the shore Of blest eternity. HYMN 358 . sevens double. Expostulation. 1 Sinners, turn ! Why will ye die ? God your Maker asks you why. He who did your being give. Made you with himself to live 3 He the fatal cause demands. Asks the creatures of his hands. Why, ye thankless sinners, why. Will ye slight his love and die ? 2 Y^ou, on whom he favours showers 3 You, enrich’d with noblest powers 3 You, of reason’s light possess’d 3 You, with perfect freedom blest 3 REGENERATE LIRE. 359 You, with finer sense endued. Beings capable of God 5 Noblest of his creatures, why, Why will you for ever die ? 3 You, whom he design’d to be Images of Deity j You, for whom he conquer’d death. Yielding on the cross his breath ; You, on whom he still doth wait. Whom he would again create ; Your Redeemer asks you w^hy. Why will you for ever die ? HYMN 359 . c. M. The same. Ezek. xviii 31. 1 ‘‘Come,” saith the Lord, “ye sons of men, “ Cast all your sins away ! “ My invitations now attend ! “ My friendly calls obey ! 2 “From all your sinful ways depart, “ Whereby your souls offend 5 “And make anew your life and heart ! “ And I will be your Friend. 3 “ Why will ye die ? O sinners, say | “ Why will ye, thoughtless, take “The road to hell, that dreadful way^ “ And God and heaven forsake ? 4 Jehovah calls : the call we hear ; For all our evils mourn ; Now weep the penitential tear. And home to God return. 360 REGENERATE LIFE. 5 O Jesus, Sovereign, Saviour kind. To thee we thankful come : Thou wilt restore the erring mind. And lead the wand’rer home. 6 Thankful thy mercy we embrace 3 Our evils all disclaim ; Accept thy boundless love and grace. And triumph in thy name. HYMN 360 . p. H. Expostulation, 1 To man was reason given. To learn the way to heaven. And for the heavenly state prepare : O then shall joys of earth Appear of greater worth. And chiefly exercise our care } 2 Affection was bestow’d. That we might love our God, And man who bears his image true : And shall we things of sense Regard with love intense. And seek ourselves in all we do ? 3 Of active powers possess’d To render others blest. Shall we those powers on self employ Forbid it, righteous Lord ! Instruct us by thy Word, To seek in usefulness our joy ! 4 Thy Holy Spirit give. That we to thee may live. And thus fulfil thy great design ! Protect us, ev’ry hour. By thy almighty power. And rule our hearts by love divine I REOENERATIS LIFE. 361 362 HYMN 361 . c. M. The same. Matt. xi. 28 ; John v. 40. 1 Why wilt thou still in darkness live Involved in shades of night. When Jesus calls thee to receive The rays of heavenly light ? 2 Jesus the lowest came to raise Who will his grace receive, In tender mercy, still he says. Come unto me, and live.” 3 He teaches thee thyself to know ; He sets before thine eyes . Thy danger and thy refuge too 3 And calls thee to arise. 4 His Word shall lead thee on thy way. And show thee all his will ; And to the realms of endless day His hand shall guide thee still. 5 O then, obey thy Saviour’s call ! From ev’ry sin depart ! Before his footstool humbly fall, And yield him all thy heart ! HYMN 362 , c. M. Reflections on the Divine fVarnings. Deut. xxvIlS 1 My soul, what solemn warnings press On thy awaken’d ear ! What urgent calls to holiness Arouse thy hope and fear ! 2 If thou wilt keep the just commands The God of love hath given. He ’ll bless the labour of thy hands. And build thee up for heaven. 363 REGENERATE LIFE. 3 But if thou slight the King of kings^ Behold him here disclose. How surely disobedience brings A thousand, thousand woes ! 4 Then, O my soul, take warning hence ! Escape the threat’ning rod ! Nor dare commit the least offence Against thy righteous God ! HYMN 363. L. M. Man associated with Angels or Devils. 1 AVhile in this lower world we dwell. We ’re either join’d to heaven or hell j With heaven, if we our sins remove 5 With hell, if evil paths we love. 2 Momentous subject ! well to know Whether we ’re heirs to joy or woe. If devils our associates are. We must their awful mis’ry share. 3 But if with angels we are join’d. In heart, and life, in thought, and mind; With them we shall receive, above, A crown of endless joy and love. 4 Blest Lord ! w^ rise to things divine : Our hearts and lives shall hence be thine Then angels will with joy descend. And all our heavenward path attend. 5 And when from earth our souls remove, We shall unite with those we love, Angels our bless’d companions be. And all be happy. Lord, with thee. REGENEHATB LIFE. 364, 365 HYMN 364 . L. M. The One Thing Needful. Luke x. 38. 1 J Esus, our Lord, and Saviour kind. Thus speaks to ev’ry anxious mind : One thing is needful, and but one 3 O fix thy heart on me alone.” 2 How worldly cares the mind ensnare ! With many things we troubled are 5 While trifles so engross the thought. The one thing needful is forgot. 3 This one thing teach us. Lord, to choose Which they who gain can never lose ; Sufficient in itself alone 5 And needful, were the world our own. 4 I would thyself alone admire 3 Thy love is all that I require : Gladly I may the rest resign, If the one needful thing be mine. HYMN 365 . c. M. Seeking the Lord, 1 ’Tis Jesus, from the mercy-seat. Invites me to his rest j He calls the wand’rers to his feet. To make them truly blest. 2 Approach, my soul, to wisdom’s gates While it is call’d to day ! No one who watches there, and waits Shall e’er be turn’d away. 3 He will not let me seek in vain : For all who trust his Word Shall everlasting life obtain, And favour with the Lr.rd, 366, 367 REGENERATE LIFE, 4 Lord, I would break my league with death And live to thee alone ! O, by the bands of love and faith. Secure me for thy own ! HYMN 366 . p. M. For a deep Sense of Eternal Things. 1 O God, mine inmost soul convert. And deeply on my thoughtful heart Eternal things impress ! Give me to feel their solemn weight j Repent my former worldly state. And wake to righteousness ! 2 Be this my one great business here : With serious industry and fear Eternal life t* insure ^ Thine utmost counsel to fulfil, And suffer all thy righteous will. And to the end endure ! 3 Then, Saviour, then my soul receive. Transported from this vale, to live With thee in realms above j Where faith is sweetly lost in sight. And hope in full, supreme delight. And everlasting love ! HY^MN 367 . s. M. Obedience to the Lord's Call. * 1 Jesus, to thee we come : On wings of love we fly : Prepare us for our better home. In brighter worlds on high ! 2 O give an humble heart From pride and passion free ! Thyself, thy good and truth, impart. That we may rise to thee ! REGENERATE LIFE. 368 3 Help us to search within The motives of our way To cast out ev’ry bosom sin j To watch, as well as pray ! 4 Sincere be ev’ry word 5 Be ev’ry action pure ; Till we be one with thee, our Lord, And heaven’s reward be sure. HYMN 368. c. M. The Lord's Yoke, Matt. xi. 26 ; Lam. Hi. 27. 1 ^Tis good to bear the Saviour’s yoke. To take our daily cross j Humbly to bend beneath the stroke That shakes away our dross 2 ’Tis good to bear the Saviour’s yoke ^ To put our sins away ; With contrite hearts, and spirits broke. To live from day to day. 3 ’Tis good betimes to bear the yoke 5 With reason’s dawn begin ; And Jesu’s holy name invoke. Against each inbred sin. 4 ’Tis good to bear his yoke in youth. In him alone believe Early to bow to heavenly truth. And by his precepts live. 5 On thee, blest Lord, for strength we call 3 O grant thy aid divine ! Henceforth be thou our All in all. And keep us ever thine ! Y 369, 370 REGENERATE LIFE. HYMN 369 . L. M. fVisdom revealed to Spiritual Babes. Luke x. 21. 1 Yk contrite souls, your Saviour praise His tender love proclaim abroad ! In joyful songs your voices raise. And him confess your only Lord ! 2 To you his chief desire is known 3 — To raise you to himself above 3 To shower down blessings from his throne. And make you happy in his love. 3 To you he heavenly truth reveals. Hid from the self- accounted wise 3 And all his providence unseals Before your grateful, wond’ring eyes. 4 He calls you to his dear embrace 3 His arms of mercy he expands 3 Opens the treasury of his grace. And gives you with unsparing hands. 5 Then praise him with your noblest powers ! Love him with all your heart and soul ! To him devote your fleeting hours ! And he will sanctify the whole. HYMN 370 . L. M. Self-Examination. Ps. cxxxix. 23, 24. 1 My God, permit me not to be A stranger to myself and thee ! Amidst ten thousand thoughts I rove. Forgetful of my highest love. 2 Now let me search my inmost mind. And try my real state to find 5 My ev’ry secret thought explore. And call my words and actions o’er ! REGENERATE LIFE. 371. 372 3 Why should my soul be bound to earth. And thus degrade her heavenly birth ? Why should I cleave to things below, And from my God and Saviour go ? 4 Search, gracious Lord, and try my heart. And hope and healing peace impart ! From guilt and error set me free. And guide me safe to heaven and thee ? HYMN 371 . L. M. The same^ 1 Return, my roving heart, return. And chase life’s shadowy forms no more \ Thy inmost motives strive to learn. And thy neglected God implore ! 2 And thou, O Lord, whose piercing eye Distinct surveys each deep recess. In these abstracted hours draw nigh. And with thy light and presence bless ! 3 Through all the mazes of my heart. My search let heavenly wisdom guide 5 And still its radiant beams impart. Till all be known and purified ! 4 Then, with the visits of thy love. Vouchsafe my inmost soul to cheer 3 Till ev’ry grace shall join to prove That thou hast fix’d thy dwelling there ! HYMN 372 . c. M, The same. 1 Come, let us search our ways, and sees Have they been just and right ? Is the great rule of equity Our practice and delight } Y 2 373 REGENERATE LIFE. 2 What we would have our neighbour do. Have we still done the same ? From others ne’er withheld the due. Which we from others claim ? 3 Have we ne’er grudged another’s good. Nor envied others’ praise ? In no man’s path malignant stood. Nor used detraction’s ways ? 4 Do we, in all our conduct here. Integrity maintain. And, knowing God is always near. Renounce unrighteous gain ? 5 Religion’s path they never trod Who equity contemn; Nor ever are they just to God Who prove unjust to men. HYMN 373 . s. M. Self-Examination, 1 W HAT is my real love ? On what is fix’d my mind ? Are my affections raised above. Or downward all inclined ? 2 Important question, this. On which alone depend My future states of woe or bliss. When this short life shall end \ 3 If worldly, vain desire. And carnal motives reign. My portion is infernal fire. And never-ending pain. REGENERATE LIFE. 374, 375 4 If heavenly and divine All my affections be. The holy, happy state is mine. Through all eternity. 5 How easy then to know. When wisdom guides the mind. Whether we sink to endless woe. Or heavenly glory find ! HYMN 374 . p.M. The same. 1 Brethren, try the solemn question ! Do we love the Lord supreme ? Wholly, and in each afiection. Are we given up to him ? Are the idol gods all driven From their throne within the breast? With our Saviour are we risen ? Do we on his mercy rest ? 2 If ’tis so, the bliss of heaven We from love divine shall prove : Foretastes will to us be given Of the heavenly joys above. Love divine, without cessation, Then will glow within the breast 5 Rest, and peace, and consolation, Sweeter than can be express’d. HYMN 375 . c. M. Confession. 1 Accept, O Lord, a sinful heart. Which of itself complains. And mourns, with much and frequent smart. The evil it contains ! Y 3 REGENERATE LIFE, 37« 2 There sparks of fiery passion lurk. Which often hurt my frame. And wait but for the tempter’s work. To fan them to a flame. 3 Self-merit, too, would proudly claim To purchase life from thee; And discontent presume to name How thou shouldst deal with me. 4 How eager are my thoughts to roam In quest of what they love ! But ah ! when duty calls them home. How heavily they move ! 5 O keep me in the narrow road ! Renew me by thy power ! And make me thy beloved abode. And let me rove no more ! HYMN 376 . s. M. Confession of Indolence in Spiritual Things. 1 Eternal glories stand In view before our eyes ; But we have neither heart nor hand To take the noble prize. 2 Drawn down by things of sense. Seduced by worldly love. We ’re prone to live in negligence Of heaven and things above. 3 Rouse, Christian ! rouse thy mind ! From indolence arise ! Be grateful as thy God is kind. And press to yonder skies I REGENERATE LIFE. 377, 4 The day will soon be past j The night of death is nigh ; Then, while thy span of time shall last. Insure the joys on high ! HYMN* 377 . L. M. Contrition, 1 Father of lights, from whom proceeds Whate’er thy ev’ry creature needs. To thee I look : my heart prepare ! Suggest, and hearken to, my prayer ! 2 Since by thy light myself I see Naked, and poor, and void of thee j Thine eyes must all my thoughts surveys Thou know’st whate’er my lips would sav 3 Thou know’st the baseness of my mind, Wayward, and impotent, and blind : Thou know’st how unsubdued my will. Averse from good, and prone to ill. 4 Fain would I know as known by thee. And feel the indigence I see 5 Abhor the pride that lurks within 5 Detest and loathe myself and sin. HYMN 378 . s. M. The same. Luke xix. 41. 1 Behold ! the Saviour weeps And shall our cheeks be dry ? Let floods of penitential grief Burst forth from ev’ry eye ! 2 The Saviour God in tears Angels with wonder see : Be thou astonish’d, O my soul I He shed those tears for thee ! 379 REGENERATE LIFE. 3 He wept that we might weep : Each sin demands a tear. In heaven alone no grief is found. Because no sin is there. 4 O Saviour, God above, Repentance true impart ! Bestow that precious gift of thine. The humble, contrite heart ! HYMN 379. SEVENS. Contrition. ] God of mercy, God of grace. Hear our sad, repentant song \ Sorrow dwells in ev’ry heart 5 Penitence on ev’ry tongue. 2 Deep we mourn for follies past j Talents wasted, time misspent , Hearts debased by worldly cares. Thankless for the mercies lent ^ 3 Foolish fears, and low desires 3 V ain regrets for things as vain 5 Lips too seldom taught to praise. Oft to murmur and complain. 4 These, and ev’ry secret fault. Fill’d with grief and shame w^e own Humbled at thy feet we lie. Seeking mercy at thy throne. 5 Thou to whom all power belongs, O restore thy suppliant race ! Hear our sad, repentant prayer, God of mercy, God of grace ! RKGENERATE LIFE. 380, 381 HYMN 380. c. M. Repentance, 1 IVouLDST thou, my soul, to heaven arise. And live with angels there ? Then all of sin and self despise. And for that world prepare ! 2 Wouldst thou be happy ? first be pure ! This only is the way : To him alone is heaven secure. Who doth his Lord obey, 3 Then in thy Saviour God believe! Thyself and sin forsake ! Obey his laws, his truth receive. And his example take ! 4 Forsake each word and work impure ; Worship thy God in love •, And faithful to the end endure * And thou shalt reign above. HYMN 381. 8. M. The same. 1 Rise, O my soul, arise ! Pursue thy heavenly way ! Look up, beyond the outward skies, To realms of endless day ! 2 Rise from thy hell within > From ev’ry evil love 3 From self, the world, and ev’ry sin j And set thy heart above ! 3 So will thine actions shine. And glorify thy God 3 And thou wilt prove his power divine. To help through all the road. KEGENERATE LIFE. 382, 383 4 Then, O my soul, arise. Nor grovel here below ! Press onward to those upper skies. Where purest pleasures flow ! HYMN 382 . S. M. DOUBLE. Repentanee and Remission of Sins. 1 As we our sins remove. And put them far away. Return to God in humble love. And his commands obey ; So shall we be forgiven. And conscious peace receive } Witness with joy an inward heaven. And on the Lord believe. 2 As evils are abhorr’d. In heart, in life, and mind j They are remitted by the Lord, And we forgiveness find. O let us then remove All evil from the heart ^ That Jesus may his truth and love. With heavenly peace, impart 1 HYMN 383 . L, M. Supplication against Evil. 1 Jesus, thou God of power, arise. And scatter all thine enemies ! Nor let thy servants be dismay’d. Nor of their subtle foes afraid ! 2 O save us from our foes within. Our worldly pride, self-love, and sin ! The streams of love and truth impart, And rule alone in ev’ry heart ! REGENERATE LIFE. 384, 385 3 We long, O Lord, we long to be Holy and spotless, like to thee 5 In truth t’ advance, in goodness grow. And live as angels while below. 4 To thee be constant praises given ! Thou hast invited all to heaven : Thou wilt our happy souls prepare To live in endless glory there. HYMN 384 . h. M. /Fatchfulness, Luke xii. 35. 1 Awake, awake, my dormant powers ! Awake, and view the mid-day sun ! See how the shades of death advance. Ere half the task of life is done ! 2 To-day regard thy Saviour’s voice ! Obey the messages he sends ! Awake I for on this transient hour A long eternity depends. 3 Blest Jesus ! let this awful thought Be ever present to my view ! Teach me to gird my loins about. And trim my dying lamp anew ! 4 No king of terrors. Death shall then The messenger of peace become j Gladly my soul shall quit her clay^ And haste to her eternal home. HYMN 385 . L. M. The same. Matt. xxiv. 42, 43. 1 Now let mine eyes their slumbers break Roused by thy Word’s inspiring call ! Let me to righteousness awake. And watch that I no more may fail ! REGENERATE LIFE. 38(i 2 Do thou, O Lord, thy servant guard Against each known or secret foe ! A mind for all assaults prepared. An humble vigilance, bestow ! 3 O suffer not my soul to sleep. Lest -subtle foes break through and steal ! But still my vvatchful spirit keep In lowly awe, and loving zeal ! 4 Let me to all my ways take heed 3 Be wise from evil to depart 3 Onw ard from strength to strength proceed. And rise in purity of heart 1 HYMN 386 . s. M. The same. Matt. xxvi. 40, 41. 1 Thou Judge of quick and dead ! Before thy judgment seat. With holy joy, or guilty dread. My soul her doom shall meet. 2 Help me to watch and pray^ And on thyself rely ! A thousand snares beset my way 5 But thou art ever nigh. 3 Arm me with jealous care. As in thy sight to live ! Help me each moment to prepare My last account to give ! 4 Within thy kingdom. Lord, My part may I fulfil ! May all my vital powers accord. To learn and do thy will ! REGENERATE LIFE, 387, 388 5 O may my soul insure A place among the blest 5 And watch a moment, to secure An everlasting rest ! HYMN 387. L. M. The same. 1 Lord, fill me with an humble fear ! My helpless nothingness reveal ! Satan and sin are always near 3 Thee may I always nearer feel ! 2 O that my constant soul to thee Might with an even flame aspire. Pride in its earliest motions see. And mark the risings of desire ! 3 O that my conscious thought might fly The first abhorr’d approach of ill 3 Quick as the apple of an eye, The slightest touch of sin to feel ! 4 Trusting thy love in ev’ry state. Still may I strive, and watch, and pray. And patiently and humbly wait For thy salvation’s glorious day ! HYMN 388. s. M. iV atchfulness against Apostasy. 1 Be warn’d, my soul, and shun The snares thy foes will lay ! Thy heavenly race with vigour run. And watch, as well as pray ! 2 Thou hast thy Lord confess’d. The God of truth and love 5 With heavenly treasures thou art bless d Of wisdom from above. z REGENERATE LIFE. 389, 390 3 And can I e’er despise Thy wondrous goodness. Lord? From holy truth apostatize. And slight thy blessed Word > 4 I need to watch and pray : Sin is a subtle foe : From Salem’s gate there is a way That leads to endless woe. HYMN 389 . c. M. Self-Renunciation. Luke xviii. 28. 1 ^Tis mercy bids us all forsake, Whate’er that a// implies : And mercy’s counsel we shall take. If we are truly wise. 2 The low delights of sensual life. The joys of worldly pride. Revenge and hatred, wrath and strife. Must all be cast aside. 3 Yea, all that would our ruin prove. And draw our souls beneath. We must, in Jesu’s strength, remove. Or sink in endless death. 4 Parent of good to all below. How small is thy request ! To give up all the springs of woe. To be for ever bless’d ! HYMN 390 . p.M. Renunciation of Self and Self-Merit. Rev. xiv. 4. ; Matt. xi. 29. 1 Je^us ! I own thy rightful claim : Thine, wholly thine, I long to be : With fervent zeal my heart inflame. Where’er thou go, to follow thee j Myself in all things to deny 5 Thine, wholly thine, to live and die! REGENERATE LIFE. 391 2 Thy gracious voice invites me still The svi eetness of thy yoke to prove : And fain I would ; but though my will Seem fix’d, yet wide my passions rove : (]ome. Lord, my heart from earth set free. And bind my constant soul to thee ! 3 Pleasure, and wealth, and praise, no more Shall lead my captive heart astray : My selfish views I now give o’er. Thee, only thee, resolved t’ obey ; My own in all things to resign. And know no other will but thine. 4 All power is thine in earth and heaven : All fulness dwells in thee alone : Whate’er I have was freely given ; Nothing but sin I call my own : No good, as self-derived, I claim, But all ascribe to thy great name. HYMN 391. L. M. Jlgainst the Arrogation of Self -Merit, Rev. lii. 17 , 18 . 1 Jesus, afford thy light divine. That we our sinful state may see. Confess all good is only thine. And give the praise alone to thee ! 2 All thought of merit. Lord, dispel — (That bane of ev’ry virtuous deed!) O let not pride our bosoms swell. To boast we ’re ^^rich, and nothing need!’* 3 Evil is self-derived alone. And woe its well-deserved reward : If more than these we call our own. Then of his right we rob the Lord. 392 REGENERATE LIFE. 4 O let US, Lord, our wills forsake ; Ourselves and all we have deny ; Thy condescending counsel take ^ And come to thee pure gold to buy ! 5 Then shall w'e, through thy grace, attain The faith that I fts to heaven above 3 The truth that cleanses ev’ry stain 3 The faith of truth conjoin’d with love, HYMN 392 . c. M. Conjunction xoith the Lord. 1 There is a heaven of purest bliss, A sweet, secure reward ; But what is heaven ? Its essence is Conjunction with the Lord. 2 But can unholy join with pure ? Can heaven be mix’d with hell ? How then can wicked souls endure With heaven’s great Lord to dwell? 3 How much it then concerns, to know Our sins of life and heart ! For these must deep repentance flow 3 From these we must depart. 4 Goodness and truth must be our choice. The Lord our only guide 3 Our souls must hearken to his voice. And follow none beside. 5 Then shall we be to him conjoin’d 3 And then our souls will own. That heaven and happiness we find God the Lord alone. REGENERATE LIFE. 393, 394 Hi^MN 393. C. M. DOUBLE. ^ Exhortation to Peace and Holiness. 1 Now God reveals his glorious name. And brings his truth to light •, And love divine, with ardent flame, Dispels the shades of night ; With balmy wing, sweet Peace descends. And dwells with man again ; Now sacred Truth her path attends. And Love and Goodness reign. 2 Then let us shun each way impure. In ev’ry grace improve. Faithful unto the end endure, And walk in truth and love ! So shall we honour Jesu’s Word j For better worlds prepare j Then live for ever with our Lord, And all his goodness share. HYMN 394. s. M. Following the Lord through Trials. 1 O God, my heavenly King, My Saviour, and my All, To thee my ev’ry power I bring. And at thy footstool fall. 2 By thee I am supplied With ev’ry good below : Thou art my pattern^ and my guide, In all the way I go. 3 Fain would I follow thee. Nor from thy footsteps stray, Whate’er my pains or conflicts be. Or snares my foes may lay. z 3 395 REGENERATE LIFE. 4 Conform’d to all thy will. When heavy trials come, I ’cl drink the cup, and fear no ill. But hasten to my home. 5 I know that thou art nigh. My fortress, shield, and tower : On thy rich mercy I ’ll rely. And trust thy mighty power. HYMN 395 . s. M. Following the Lord in Obedience, Faith, and Leve, 1 If, Lord, thy face I *d see. Thy will 1 first must do : 1 must obey and follow thee. In all that ’s good and true. 2 Thou didst the law fulfil. And teach my soul the way : But would I rise to Zion’s hill. Thy laws I must obey. 3 Thy Holy Spirit give Of love and truth divine ; That so I may, while here I live. Make thy example mine. 4 The faith that works by love. The light of life, impart ! Raise my affections all above. And govern all my heart ! 5 So shall I follow thee. And love thy holy ways ; At length thy great salvation see. And give thee endless praise. REGENERATE LIFE. 396, 397 HYMN 396. s. M. Enduring to the End. Mark xiii. 13. I KNOW I must be pure, A form of truth and love. And faithful to the end endure. If I would rise above. I Whate’er the process be. The strife howe’er severe. Let it but liken, Lord, to thee’. Submissive all I ’ll bear. 3 If inward sorrows come. And outward tempests rise. They will the sooner urge me home. To yonder peaceful skies. 4 When in the garden tried. And on the fatal tree. Then quickly. Lord, was glorified Thy blest Humanity 5 In heaven all pain shall cease No cares shall there annoy : Thou, Lord, wilt bless with wdsdom, peace. Pure love, and endless joy HYMN 397. L. M. The Heavenly Path, and Devotion to Things Eternal* 1 Snow me, O Lord, the narrow road ! Help me to keep it, when ’tis known. Until I reach thy blest abode. Where thou wilt thy disciples own ! 2 A thousand ways in ruin end : One, only, leads to joys above : May that my willing steps ascend, Guided and urged by faith and love ! 398, 399 REGENERATE LIFE, 3 No more I ask, or hope to find. True happiness in things below : Sorrow may well possess the mind That feeds where thorns and thistles grow. 4 The joy that fades is not for me ; I seek immortal joys above : There everlasting peace shall be The blest reward of faith and love. HYMN 398 . SEVENS. Self- Dedication. Luke xviii. 28; x. 42 ; Ps. Ixxiii. 25 ; Matt. vi.20. 1 Jesus, Saviour, all Divine, Thine I am, and only thine : Take my body, spirit, soul ! Only thou possess the whole ! 2 Thou my One Thing Needful be ! Let me ever cleave to thee ! Let me choose the better part ! Let me give thee all my heart ! 3 Whom have I on earth below ? Thee my surest bliss 1 know : Whom have I in heaven but thee ? Thou art All in all to me. 4 All my treasure is above : All my riches are thy love ; Love, whose vvorth no tongue can tell. Infinite, unsearchable ! HYMN 399 . c. M. The same, WijAT is there. Lord, that I can do. To make thy goodness known ? My heart and life to thee are due. And due to thee alone. REGENERATE LIFE. 400 2 All my internal shall be thine. My will and reas’ning powers 5 Each thought, affection, and design. Through all my days, and hours. 3 Whate’er I be, where’er I am. All my external. Lord, I dedicate to thy bless’d name. To keep thy holy Word. 4 My inward thoughts, my outward deeds. My words, and works, and ways. Whatever from my soul proceeds. Be sacred to thy praise ! HYMN 400 . L. M. The same. 1 I WOULD resolve, with all my heart. With all my powers, to serve the Lord j Nor from his precepts e’er depart. Whose service yields a rich reward. 2 O be his service all my joy ! Around let my example shine. Till others love the blest employ. And join in labour so divine ! 3 Be this the purpose of my soul. My solemn and determined choice : To yield to his supreme control. And in his pure commands rejoice ! 4 O may I never faint nor tire. Nor wander from his sacred ways ! O Lord, accept my soul’s desire. And give me strength to live thy praise ! 401, 402 REGENEKATE LIFE. HYMN 401 . L. M. Looking to the Lord in all Thing g. 1 Forth in thy name, O Lord, I go. My daily labours to pursue 5 Thee, only thee, resolved to know, In all 1 think, or speak, or do. 2 The task thy wisdom has assign’d, O let me cheerfully fulfil 5 In all my works thy presence find, And still regard thy righteous will ! 3 Thee may I set at my right hand. Whose eyes my inmost substance see^ And labour on at thy command j And offer all my works to thee ! 4 Give me to bear thy easy yoke. And ev’ry moment watch and pray 5 And still to things eternal look. And hasten to thy glorious day ! 5 For thee, O let me still employ Whate’er thy bounteous hand hath given And run my course with even joy. And closely walk with thee to heaven ! HYMN 402 . L. M. The Lord to be regarded at all times. 1 In ev’ry w^ork I find to do. Thee, Lord, I still ^vould keep in view j In ev’ry thought, in each design, Impell’d and led by love divine. 2 When in the busy world I mix. On thee my chief affection fix. And let not honour, praise, or gain. Or any worldly motive, reign ! REGENKRATE LIFE, 403 3 Honour or praise on me bestow’d, I would refer to thee, my God ; And, as a sacred trust, to thee Devote what thou hast lent to me. 4 O may I, with a single eye, My various powers to use apply. Each in their order and degree 3 Beginning, ending, Lord, with thee! HYMN 403 . c. M. ‘ I have set the Lord ahcays before me.** Ps. xvi. 8. 1 O Saviour, fix my heart above. While yet I sojourn here ! May I my days with thee begin. And spend them in thy fear ! 2 Midst hourly cares, may love present Its incense at thy throne ! And while the world my hands employs. My heart be thine alone ! 3 As sanctified to noblest ends. Be each refreshment sought 3 And by each varied providence. Some wise instruction brought I 4 When to laborious duties call’d. Or by temptations tried, I ’ll seek thy wisdom to direct. And in thy strength confide. 5 As diff’rent scenes of life arise. My heart would ever be With thee, amidst the social band, In solitude, with thee. 404, 405 REGENERATE LIFE. 6 Thus in thy service, love, and fear. Let all my days be past ! Then shall I nor impatient wish. Nor fearful dread, the last. HYMN 404 . L. M. The Lord's Prayer. Matt. vi. 9 — 13, 1 Jesus, our Father, God of love. Whose presence fills the heavens above. Thy name be hallow’d, fear’d, and bless’d. By angels and by men confess’d ! 2 O may thy glorious kingdom come. And be our safe and blissful home 1 As angels thy commands fulfil. So here on earth be done thy will ! 3 Our daily bread in mercy give. That meat indeed by which we live ! Our debts remit, and with us bear. As we the faults of others spare ! 4 Tempted by num’rous foes within. By snares without indeed to sin. Lord, unto thee for help w^e cry : Save us from evil, lest we die ! 5 To thee the kingdom all belongs : Thy power Ave own in grateful songs : To thee be endless glory given. The light, the life, the all of heaven ! HYMN 405 . c. M. The same. Matt, vi.9 — 13. PART I. I Father of all the sons of men. Thou Great and Good alone. Thy children, form’d and bless’d by thee. Approach thy sacred throne. REGENERATE LIFE. 405 2 Thy name in hallow’d strains be sung ! We join the solemn praise ; To thy great name, with heart and tongue. Our cheerful homage raise. 3 Thy righteous, mild, and equal reign Let ev’ry being own ; And in our minds, thy work divine. Erect thy gracious throne ! 4 As angels, round thy seat above. Thy blest commands fulfil. So may thy creatures, here below. Perform thy heavenly will ! PART ii.- ' 1 On thee we day by day depend ; Our daily wants supply. And feed with truth and goodness pure Our souls, which never die ! 2 Extend thy grace to ey’ry fault. And let thy love forgive ! Teach us divine forgiveness too. Nor let resentment live ! 3 Where tempting snares beset the way. Permit us not to tread ! Avert the threat’ning evil near From our defenceless head I 4 Thy sacred name we thus adore, And bow before thy throne » The kingdom, power, and glory, Lord^ Belong to thee alone. 406, 407 REGENERATE LIFE. HYMN 406 . SEVENS DOUBLE. Devotion. 1 Distant, Lord, from thine abode, Dark and cheerless is the road. Now and then we breathe a sigh Upwards to our native sky. O for one celestial ray From the shining seats of day ! Sun of Righteousness, arise ! Warm our hearts, and cheer our eyes 2 Melt our chains with heavenly fire 1 Love, and peace, and joy, inspire ! Make us feel thy grace within ! Free us from the power of sin ! Give, O give us wings to rise. In affection, to the skies ! Liberty, and joy divine. Sun of Righteousness, are thine. HYMN 407 . p.M. The same. 1 Jesus, God of all creation. Pure, unbounded love thou art : Visit us with thy salvation ! Enter ev’ry waiting heart ! Breathe, O breathe thy Holy Spirit Into ev’ry troubled breast ! Let us all thy grace inherit ! Let us find the promised rest ! 2 Come, Almighty to deliver ! May we all thy peace receive ! Quickly come ! and then, O never. Never more thy temples leave ! RKGENERATE LIFE. W8 Tliee we would be always blessing ; Serve thee as thy hosts above j And, thy mercy each possessing. Glory in thy perfect love. 3 Finish, then, thy new creation ! From our sins O set us free ! May we find thy great salvation Come, with healing power, from thee ! Lord, we would on earth adore thee. Till in heaven we take our place 3 Till we cast our crowns before thee. Lost in wonder, love, and praise. HYMN 408. p. M. The same. 1 To walk in thy ways. To live to thy praise. Great Saviour, direct us the rest of our days! While onward we move, O may we improve 111 holiness, meekness, devotion, and love ! 2 O make it our will Thy mind to fulfil ! The power of thy Spirit within us reveal ! Thine image to bear. Thy likeness to wear. Be this our ambition, our study, and prayer I 3 Lord, by the new birth. Prepare us, on earth. For uses and joys of celestial worth ! The praise shall be thine, O Saviour divine. Whose love for thy creatures can never decline. A A 2 409, 410 REGENERATE LIFE. HYMN 409. L. M. Devotion. 1 Lord, from thyself enthroned above. Of holiness the spirit shower. Of wise discernment, humble love. And zeal, and unity, and powder 2 The spirit of refining fire. Searching the inmost of the mind. To purge from earthly, low desire. And kindle life more pure and kind 5 3 The spirit of celestial faith, T o break the power of hell within. Tread down its strength, and over death. Eternal death, the conquest win ! HYMN 410. p. M. The same. 1 When my prayer is a burden and task. No wonder I little receive 3 O Lord, make me willing to ask. Since thou art so ready to give ! Whenever my spirit is press’d AVith sorrow, temptation, or fear, O then I will fly to thy breast. And pour my complaint in thine ear. 2 All my powers may thy wisdom prepare Against my corruptions to fight ! O make me resign’d to thy care. For thy dispensations are right ! And since of myself I am weak. My soul with thy influence fill 3 And be, when I act and I speak. The spring of my thought and my will ! REGENERATE LIFE. 411 , 412 HYMN 411. SEVENS. The same. 1 Come, my soul, thy suit prepare ! Jesus loves to answer prayer : He himself has bid thee pray ; Come, and his commands obey ! 2 Lord, I come to thee for rest ; Take possession of ray breast ! There thy sov’reign right maintain ! There without a rival reign ! 3 While I am a pilgrim here. Let thy love my spirit cheer ! Be my Guide, my Guard, my Friend ! Lead me to my journey's end ! 4 Show me what I have to do ! Ev’ry hour my strength renew ! Let me live a life of love ! Guide me to thy rest above ! HYMN 412. c. M. The same. Ez. xxxvi. 26 ; Matt. xxi. 21 ; Rev. W.J, 17. 1 Give me, O Lord, the heart renew’d. And full of love divine, Perfect, and right, and pure, and good j An image. Lord, of thine ! 2 On me that faith divine bestow Which doth the mountain move ^ And all my future life below My gratitude shall prove ! 3 In ev’ry time of inward strife, Almighty succour give •, That of the fruitful tree of life My soul may eat and live ! A A 3 413 REGENERATE LIFE. 4 Let hidden manna, — heavenly food* My inward life sustain 3 And the white stone, — truth join’d with good. Be my celestial gain ! 5 Thy nature, gracious Lord, impart. And raise my soul above ! Write thy new name upon my heart. Thy new, best name of love ! HYMN 413. SEVENS. Devotion. 1 All the mind approved by thee, Jesus, plant and root in me ! Settled peace I then shall find. Meekly on thy breast reclined. 2 Rooted in my heart sincere. Perfect love shall cast out fear : Fear doth servile spirits bind 5 Love directs the noble mind. 3 Anger I no more would feel 3 Always even, always still. Lowly, loving, meek, and pure, I would to the end endure. 4 1 would fully be restored To the image of my Lord 3 I would suffer, and fulfil. All my righteous Father’s will. 5 I would triumph evermore 3 Gratefully my God adore : God so good, so true, so kind. Must possess my thankful mind. REGENERATE LIFE. 414, 415 HYMN 414 . p. M. The same. 1 Jesus, O my Guide, my Friend, Father, Counsellor divine. To thy righteous purpose bend This obedient heart of mine ! Let me in thy footsteps run ! All thy will in me be done ! 2 Sun of Righteousness, appear ! Shed thy soul-reviving light ! To my waiting mind draw near ! Chase the gloomy shades of night ! Come, and let me feel thee nigh ! Raise my sacred pleasures high ! 3 Let thy light be ne’er withdrawn ! Days of holy joy prolong ! — Thus I *11 pray at early dawn 5 This shall be my ev’ning song. But whate’er thy righteous will. Let me. Lord, be patient still ! HYMN 415 . c. M. The same. 1 Eternal Sun of Righteousness, Display thy beams divine. And cause the glories of thy face Upon my heart to shine ! 2 Light in thy light O may I see : Thy grace and mercy prove. Revived, and cheer’d, and blest, by thee. The God of boundless love ! 3 Thy favour, and thine image too. To me, O Lord, restore ! My heart, and soul, and mind, renew I And keep me evermore ! 416 REGENERATE LIFE, 4 That sweet and blessed peace bestow. To thy true children given 3 The joys of holiness below. And then the joys of heaven ! HYMN 416 . p. M. Devotion. 1 Object of my ardent faith, Jesus, hear thy servant pray ! Thou whose loving-kindness hath Kept me to the present day, Kind Conductor, Still direct my devious way ! 2 When afflictions cloud my sky. When the tide of sorrow flows. When the rod is lifted high. Let me in thy love repose ! Stay the tempest, When the furious whirlwind blows ! 3 When the heavenly dews distil, When my hopes are bright and clear, While 1 sit on Zion’s hill. Temper joy with holy fear ! Keep me watchful 5 Safe, alone, when thou art near ! 4 When the vale of death appears, Faint and cold this mortal clay. Kind Forerunner, soothe my fears ! Light me through the darksome way Break the shadows ! Usher in eternal day ! REGfiNERAl'E LIFE. 417 , 418 5 From the heights of glory there. Oft I ’ll trace my pilgrim way. Often bless thy guardian care. Fire by night, and cloud by day j While my triumphs At thy blessed feet I lay. HYMN 417. c. M. Communiomviththe Lord. 1 Author and Guardian of my life. Great Source of light divine. And (all. harmonious names in one) My Saviour ! thou art mine. 2 O let me to thy presence flee. From strife and tumult far ^ From scenes where Satan wages still His most successful war ! 3 And let thy Spirit touch my soul. And make me thine abode ; And let me taste celestial peace, In converse with my God ! 4 What thanks I owe to thee, what love. For all thy gifts divine ! Eternal praise, in realms above. Great Saviour, shall be thine. HYMN 418. L. M. The Blessedness of the Lord’s manifest Presence. 1 Return to bless my \vaiting eyes. And cheer my mourning heart, O Lord ! Without thee, all beneath the skies No real pleasure can afford. 2 When thy loved presence meets my sight, It softens care, and sweetens toil ; The sun emits a brighter light; The whole creation wears a smile. 119, 420 REGENERATE LIFE. 3 Upon thine arm of love I rest ) Thy gracious voice forbids my fear; No storms disturb my peaceful breast. Nor foes assault, when thou art near. 4 Lord, hear my cry and come again ! Put all my enemies to flight ! Then shall I know ’fis not in vain That I have trusted in thy might. HYMN 419 . c. M. Rejoicing in the Divine Presence. 1 My God, the spring of all my joys. The life of my delights. The glory of my brightest days. And comfort of my nights : 2 In darkest shades, if thou appear. My dawning is begun : Thou art my soul’s bright Morning Star, And thou my rising Sun. 3 The opening heavens around me shine With beams of sacred bliss. When Jesus shows his mercy mine. And whispers I am his ! 4 My soul aspires above her clay At that transporting word ; Ascends with joy the shining way. To see and praise the Lord. HYMN 420 . c. M. The Spiritual Journey. 1 O Lord, the path to thine abode Lies through a desert land : Help us to keep the heavenly road. And run at thy command ! REGENERATE LIFE. 421 2 A thousand cruel beasts of prey Around the forest roam j But Judah’s Lion guards the way. And guides the trav’llers home. 3 Long nights and darkness dwell below, With scarce a twinkling ray ^ But that bright world to which we go Has everlasting day. 4 Eternal glory to the Lord, Who brings us safely through ! Our tongues his goodness shall record. And grateful praise renew, HYMN 421 . c. M. The same. 1 When Israel, by divine command. The pathless desert trod, They found, though ’twas a barren land, A sure resource in God. 2 A cloudy pillar mark’d their road. And led their erring feet : From flinty rocks the water flow’d. And manna was their meat. 3 Like them, we have a rest in view. Secure from hostile powers : Like them, we pass the desert through : And Israel’s God is ours. 4 His Word a light before us spreads. By which our path we see : His love, a cov’ring o’er our heads. From harm preserve.3 us free. 422 REGENERATE LIFE. 5 His hand the bread of life supplies. The soul’s substantial good 5 And truth’s pure living waters rise. With saving power endued. HYMN 422 . p. M. The Spiritual Journey. 1 Jesus, through the desert lead us ! Without thee we cannot go. Thou from cruel chains hast freed us : Thou hast laid the tyrant low : ' Let thy presence Cheer us all our journey through ! 2 Through a desert, waste and cheerless. Though our destined journey lie. Render’d by thy presence fearless. We may ev’ry foe defy: Nought shall move us. While we see our Saviour nigh. 3 When we halt, no track discov’ring. Fearful lest we go astray. O’er our path the pillar hov’ring, Fire by night, and cloud by day. Shall direct us : Thus we shall not miss our way. 4 When we hunger, thou wilt feed us : Manna shall our camp surround : Faint and thirsty, thou wilt lead us; Streams shall from the rock abound, Happy Israel, With Jehovah’s mercy crown’d ! REGENERATE LIFE. 423, 424 5 Lead us on. Almighty Victor 1 Scatter ev’ry hostile band ! Be our Guide and our Protector Till on Canaan's shore we stand ! Shouts of victory Then shall fill the promised land. HYMN 423 . L. M, The same. 1 While here below we walk with God, With heaven, our journey’s end, in view j Supported by his staff and rod. We find his mercies ever new. 2 We travel through a desert wide j Yet shall our feet not blindly stray ; For he vouchsafes to be our Guide, AVho is himself the living Way. 3 The wilderness affords no food j But he for our support prepares : Our God provides all needful good 5 His bounteous hand no blessing spares. 4 With him sweet converse we maintain. And lay before him all our woes : He feels for all our grief and pain. And soul-reviving peace bestows. HYMN 424 . p.M. The same. 1 Though all my foes combine, I shall their power withstand 3 My race I run, through strength divine. At God’s command. The wat’ry deep I pass ; My heavenly way pursue ; And through the lonely wilderness I Jesus view. B B 425 REGENERATE LIFE. 2 To him my voice I raise : He all-sufficient is : He ’ll guide me safely all my days, To worlds of bliss. In him secure I stand : Almighty is his power 3 My Rock, through all the desert land. My Shield, and Tower. 3 I see the happy land Where peace and goodness reign : I run, I fly, at his command. That land to gain. In yon bright world above Is happiness divine : Through Jesu’s grace and wondrous love. That land is mine. 4 He, great Eternal King, In heaven supremely reigns y Angelic hosts his praises sing In sweetest strains ; There shall his servants live. Before his holy throne ; And all the joys their God can give Shall be their own. HYMN 425. L. M. TAe Lord our Leader in the Spiritual Journey, Josh. v. 14 Dent. ix. 1, 2, 3. 1 Jesus, my King, to thee I bow. Enlisted under thy command ^ Captain of my salvation, thou Shalt lead me to the promised land. REGENERATE LIFE. 426 2 Thou hast a great deliv’rance wrought, The staft' from off my shoulder broke. Out of the house of bondage brought. And freed me from th’ Egyptian yoke. 3 O’er the waste, howling wilderness. To Canaan’s bounds thou dost me lead 5 Thou bidst me now the land possess. And on the milk and honey feed. 4 What though the sons of Anak rise (Persuasions dire infused by pride) ? Blest Lord, to thee I lift mine eyes. And lo ! they fall on every side. 5 Who can before my Saviour staiid ? Who is so great a King as mine ? High over all is thy right hand, And might and majesty are thine. HYMN 426 . L. M. The TV orld a TVilderness. 1 This wilderness is not our home 5 Pilgrims and strangers here we roam : Though through a rugged path we go, ’Tis needful while we stay below. 2 Though fiery serpents round us hiss. It is the road to endless bliss : Our evils here are brought to sight. And conquer’d in the Christian fight. 3 ’Tis here we see our hell within. The guilt, the plague, the pain, of sin 5 Renounce ourselves, to Jesus flee. And trust in mercy rich and free. B B 2 427, 428 REGENERATE LIFE. 4 Humility, that heavenly grace. Which ev’ry blessing doth embrace, By ev’ry sufF’ring saint is found To flourish most on sorrow’s ground. HYMN 427. SEVENS. For Support in the fVilderness. 1 Jesus, lend thy mighty aid ! Be thy spirit ever nigh ! Lead us through each gloomy shade. Lest we faint, turn back, and die ! 2 Through the dreary wilderness Let thy Word of Wisdom guide ! Hush our inward storms to peace ! Make us in thy love abide ! 3 May we ever keep in view Thee, the Mount of Love divine ^ Good and truth alone pursue, Willing to be whollv thine ! 4 Lord, our feeble efibrts bless ! Strengthen us in faith and love ! Onward, upward, help to press. Till we gain the mount above ! HYMN 428. p. M. The same. 1 Guide me, O thou great Jehovah, Pilgrim through this barren land ! I am weak, but thou art mighty j Hold me with thy powerful hand ! Bread of heaven. Feed me now and evermore ! REGENERATE LIFE. 429 2 Open, Lord, the crystal fountain. Whence the living waters flow ! Let the fiery, cloudy pillar Guide me all my journey through \ Strong Deliv’rer, Be thou still my Strength and Shield ! 3 When I tread the verge of Jordan, Bid my anxious fears subside ! Bear me through the swelling current f Land me safe on Canaan’s side ! Songs of praises I will ever give to thee. HYMN 429. SEVENS. Changes of State in the Regenerate Life, 1 Though the morn may be serene. Not a threat’ning cloud be seen. Tempests suddenly may rise. Darkness overspread the skies. 2 Such is oft the Christian’s case : When he enters on his race. While his new-felt joys abound, / All things seem to smile around. 3 He no change nor trouble fears, Till the gath’ring storm appears. Till dark clouds his sun conceal. Till temptation’s power he feel. 4 But the wonder-working Lord Soothes the tempest by his word. Still the cloud again returns. Now he joys, and now he mourns. BB 3 430 REGENERATE LIFE. 5 Bring us safely. Love Divine, Where thy rays for ever shine ! Never there shall tempest rise. To conceal thee from our eyes. HYMN 430 . SEVENS DOUBLE* Changes of State in the Regenerate Life. 1 As in winter nature mourns. Till the cheering spring returns •, So my barren soul doth wait, Grieving o’er her wintry state. Hasten, Lord, the time of spring Cause me to revive and sing ! Nourish with the heavenly rain ! Warm me with thy beams again ! 2 Help me to obey thy voice ! Make me in thy Word rejoice ! I on thee my burden cast 3 Bless me as in seasons past ! On thy garden deign to smile ! Raise the plants ! enrich the soil ! Sooil thy presence will restore Life to what seem’d dead before. 3 Lord, I long to be at home. Where these changes never come. Angels there no winter fear 3 There ’tis spring throughout the year. How unlike this state below ! There the flowers unwith’ring blow 3 There no chilling blasts annoy : All is love, and life, and joy. REGENERATE LIFE. 431 , 432 HYMN 431 . c. M. Encouragement in the Regenerate Life. Matt xi. 28 — ^30. 1 When press’d by sin’s o’erwhelming weight. By woes I feel or fear Then, gracious Lord, my drooping state This word of thine shall cheer : 2 Come unto me, ye weary, come ! And I will give you rest : I wait to lead the w^and’rer home. And make the mourner blest. 3 Come, ye who sink beneath your load ! Soon shall your labour cease : Look unto me, your Saviour God ! And I will bring you peace. 4 ‘^My easy yoke, O cheerful take ! My burden light will prove : The cords of sin my truth shall break, And ye shall taste my love.” HYMN 432. p. M. rncouragement to TVafchfulness and Perseverance. Matt. XXV. 6. 7. 1 Now ’tis time to rouse from sleep. Trim our lamps, and stand prepared j For our Lord strict watch to keep, Lest he find us off our guard. Night will soon be past away; Soon will dawn eternal day. 2 Rise, my soul, and courage take ! Be to Jesu’s will resign’d ! All thy vain delights forsake ! Serve thy God with heart and mind. Till thy Christian course is run. Till thy work on earth is done ! 433 REGENERATE LIFE. 3 Mournest thou that life hath been Fill’d with crosses, pains, and cares ? Ev’ry work defiled with sin ? Ev’ry step beset with snares ? Lift thine eyes to joys above, Joys of purity and love ! 4 There in Jesus thou shalt rest, Free from sorrow, sin, and fears 5 Nothing shall thy peace molest ; He will wipe away thy tears. Faithful then the fight endure ! He will make thy conquest sure. HYMN 433. L. JM. T/ie Spiritual TV arfare. 1 Awake, my soul ! lift up thine eyes ! See where thy foes against thee rise In long array a num’rous host ! Awake, my soul ! or thou art lost. 2 See where rebellious passions rage. And fierce desires and lusts engage ! The meanest foe, allow’d to reign. Has thousands and ten thousands slain. 3 Thou tread’st upon deceitful ground ^ Perils and snares beset thee round : Beware of all ! guard ev’ry part ! But most the traitor in thy heart ! 4 Come then, my soul, now learn to wield The weight of thine immortal shield ! Put on the armour from above. Of heavenly truth, and heavenly love ! REGENERATE LIFE. 434, 435 HYMN 434 . S. M. DOUBLE. Preparation for Spiritual Conflict, 1 O Lord, my heart prepare. And guide my mind aright ! Equip me for the Christian war. And teach my hands to fight ! Control my ev’ry thought. And all of sin remove ! Let all my works in thee be wrought! Let all be done in love ! 2 No longer let me trust In any arm but thine ! Humble, O humble to the dust Each lofty thought of mine ! A feeble thing of nought Myself, at best, I own : Whate’er of good by man is wrought. Is wrought from thee alone. HYMN 435 . c. M. The same, Ps. cxliv. 1, 2. 1 For ever blessed be the Lord, My Saviour and my Shield ! He sends his Spirit with his Word, To arm me for the field. 2 When all my foes their force unite. He makes my soul his care ; Instructs me in the heavenly fight. And guards ihe through the war. 3 A Friend and Helper so divine My fainting hopes shall raise : He makes the glorious vict’ry mine| And his shall be the praise. 436, 437 REGENERATE LIFE. HYMN 436 . c. M. Eficouragemerlt to Spiritual Conflict. J Courage, my soul ! behold the prize Thy Saviour’s love provides ! Eternal life beyond the skies For all whom here he guides 1 2 The wicked cease from troubling there. The weary are at rest : Sorrow, and sin, and pain and care. No more approach the blest. 3 A selfish world and selfish heart With Satan now are join’d : Each acts a too successful part. In harassing the mind. 4 But, fighting in my Saviour’s strength. Though mighty are my foes, I shall a conqu’ror prove at length. O’er all that can oppose. 5 Then why, my soul, complain or fear ? The crown of glory see ! The more I toil and suffer here. The sweeter rest will be. HYMN 437 . p. M. The Spiritual Warfare necessary to Salvation. Deut. vli. 1, 2. 1 The Christian ’s call’d to fight 5 And he must face his foes. Trusting in Jesu’s might, When they his way oppose. The doubting mind shall gain no prize, Nor ever find the peaceful skies. REGENERATE LIFE. 438 2 The man of God must rise Against his foes within. Those hateful enemies That prompt his soul to sin : No cov’nant he with them shall make. But, nobly free, their power must break. 3 Against self-love and pride He must the combat wage. And ev’ry sin beside With air his might engage j In Jesu’s strength the strife maintain. Till he at length the vict’ry gain. HYMN 438 . p. M. The Retoard of Spiritual Conquest. Hey. iii. 2L 1 Soon shall the conqu’ror share In heaven his great reward. The palm of vict’ry bear. And triumph with the Lord. Love, joy, and peace, shall bless his soul, And e’er increase, as ages roll 2 The God who reigns above Will own him for his son ^ And give the meed of love, Soon as his warfare ’s done.^ He shall sit down in peace and rest. In Jesu’s throne, for ever blest. 3 Then rise, my soul, arise. And urge thy heavenly way ! Press onward to the skies. Nor fear to win the day ! God is thy aid 3 thou shalt not die 3 Be not afraid ! he ’s ever nigh. 4 ^ 9 , 440 REGENERATE LIFE. HYMN 439 . S. M. The blessed End designed in Temptations. MaUiii. 2, 3L 1 Ye tempted souls, look up. And trust your Saviour’s care ! Though now you drink of sorrow’s cup. The Lord regards your prayer. 2 *Tis needful to pass through The purifying fire 3 Trials confirm what’s good and true, And raise the spirit higher. 3 The fire of heavenly love Will purge your guilt away. Your inward evils all remove, And turn your night to day. 4 This trying state will end In holy rest and peace : Your Saviour will deliv’rance send. And all your woes shall cease. HYMN 440 . c. M. Temptations the means of Purification, 1 The kind intentions of our God In all his ways we prove ; Though heavy seems th’ afflicting rod It is dispensed in love. 2 We all are full of pride and sin, In heart and life impure : From these arise the storms within. That tempted souls endure. 3 When darkness hides the cheering light. Our souls are proved and tried : Thus are we humbled in his sight. And loathe our former pride. REGBNKUATR IJFE. 441 The deep corruptions of the heart Are set before our eyes 5 That we may from our sins depart, And from our evils rise. 5 Then let us bend beneath the rod. The hand of mercy own. And, turning to our Saviour God, In him confide alone ! HYMN 441 . c.M. Temptations introductory to Blessings. 1 God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform 5 He plants his footsteps on the sea. And rides upon the storm. 2 Deep in unfathomable mines Of never-failing skill. He treasures up his bright designs. And works his gracious will. 3 Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take! The clouds you so much dread Are big with mercy, and shall break In blessings on your head. 4 Judge not the Lord by feeble sense. But trust his constant grace ! Behind a frowning providence He hides a smiling face. b His purposes will ripen fast. Unfolding ev’ry hour 1 The bud may have a bitter taste, But sweet will be the flower. c c 442 , 443 REGENERATE J^IFE. HYMN 442. P. M. Tribulation a Blessing, John xvi. 33 ; Lam. iii. 33. 1 Yes ! the promised tribulation. Saviour, in the world we find ; Find the pledge of sure salvation In a patient, cheerful mind. 2 Willingly thou dost not grieve us ; No, nor needlessly reprove : Let this truth from fear relieve us ’ All are tokens of thy love. 3 Here we find sure consolation : Thou the world hast overcome , Conquer’d all, to give salvation 5 Safe to bring the ransom’d home. 4 We on all our foes shall trample. Sharers of thy victory. Followers of thy great example, Conqu’rors of the world through thee. HYMN 443. p. k. The Presence of the Lord under Trials. Isa. xliii. 2. 1 Ye who obey the Word, And love your Saviour’s voice. Sing praise with sweet accord. In Israel’s God rejoice! He reigns above. Enthroned on high 3 yet ever nigh To men of love. 2 For all the pains ye feel His tender pity flows, Delights to soothe and heal. And measures all your woes : In ev’ry state. Then bless his name, and loud proclaim His mercies great I REGENERATE LIFE. 444^ 445 3 *Tis needful to pass through Deep tribulation’s stream. Walk in the furnace too, And bear the burning beam : Why should ye fear ? In all your way, Jesus your stay Is ever near. 4 Then steadfastly pursue The narrow path to heaven ! Still keep the Lord in view. And succour will be given : Your Saviour’s love. And tender care, will safelv bear To realms above. HYMN 444 . L. M. Tertiptations regulated by the Lord, Ps. cxxx. 1 ; Mark iv. 3F. 1 Wn EN billows swell, and winds are high, And clouds o’ercast my wintry sky, Out of the depths to thee I ’ll call. And make thy name of Love my all. 2 Then, Lord, the pilot’s part perform. And guide and guard me through the storm ! Defend me from each threat’ning ill ! Control the waves ! say, Peace, be still ! ” 3 Amidst the roaring of the sea. My soul shall hang her hope on thee 3 Thy constant love, thy faithful care. Shall surely save me from despair. HYMN 445 . c. M. The same. Isa. lix. 19 ; Job xxxviii. 11 ; Ps. xlii. 11. What though the swelling surge ye see Impatient to devour ? Rest firmly on your God’s decree, And thankful own his power. c c 2 446 , 447 REGENURATB LIFE. 2 The swelling surge his word shall fear : ‘^Thus far/* th* Almighty said. Thus far, no farther, rage ! and here Let thy proud waves be stay’d ! ** 3 Then why thus heavy, O my soul ? Sav, why, distrustful still. Thy thoughts, with vain impatience, roll O’er scenes of future ill ? 4 Though troubles rise, and press thee round. Still in thy God confide. Whose finger marks the seas their bound. And curbs the headlong tide HYMN 446. C. M. DOUBLE. T/te same. Isa. xHii. 2. We seek a rest beyond the skies. In everlasting day : Through floods and flames the passage lies ; But Jesus guards our way. *J'he swelling flood and raging flame Hear and obey his word : Then let us triumph in the name Of our redeeming Lord ! HYMN 447. SEVENS. TAe Lord oar sure Deliverer in Temptation. Exod. xiv. 23 31. 1 Temp'fed soul, and deeply tried, Canst thou in thy God confide ? Fear not in the dang’rous hour ! Why shouldst thou distrust his power ? 2 Look on Israel, just set free From the tyrant’s cruelty ! Threatens, here, the swelling main 5 There, his iron yoke again. REGENERATE LIFE. 448 3 What must feeble Israel do ? Dangers all around they view ; Foes behind, and seas before : Canst thou be exposed to more r 4 See Jehovah’s mighty hand ! While the people trembling stand, At the voice of Israel’s God, Seas divide and yield a road ! 5 Now behold the threat’ ning host In the closing ocean lost! — Tempted soul, on God rely 1 All thy foes shall sink and die. HYMN 448 . p. M. The same, Isa, liv, 11 ; Matt. viii. 24 — 2/. 1 O Zion, afflicted with wave upon wave. Whom man cannot comfort, vvhom man cannot save ; With darkness surrounded, by terrors dismay’d. With toiling and striving thy strength is decay’d, 2 Loud roaring, the billows now nigh overwhelm: But skilful ’s the Pilot that sits at the helm : His wisdom, his power, and his faithfulness, stand Engaged to conduct thee in safety to land. 3 O fearful ! O faithless 1 ” in mercy he cries, ‘*My promise, my truth, are they light in thine eyes ? Still, still I am with thee, my promise to keep. Though seeming amid the loud tempest to sleep.” c c 3 449 REGENERATE LIFE. 4 Blest Saviour, we trust thee ! our life is secure ^ Thy wisdom is perfect, thy promise is sure : In love thou engagest our souls to refine. To make us at length in thy likeness to shine. 5 The simple, the fearful, the weak, are thy care : The helpless, the hopeless, thou hearest their prayer : From all their afflictions salvation shall spring : The deeper their sorrows the sweeter they ’ll sing. HYMN 449 . p. M. The Lord's AlUsvfficiency in states of Trial, Ps. cxliv. 2; Hab. iii. 17 ; John vi. M ; Gon. xxii. 14; Rev. iii. 21 ; Matt, xxviii. 18 ; Isa. xli. 11, 14. 1 Why should I fear the darkest hour. Or tremble at temptation’s power ? Jesus vouchsafes to be my Tower. 2 Though hot the fight, why quit the field ? Why must 1 either fly or yield. Since Jesus is my mighty Shield ? 3 Though all the flocks and herds were dead. My soul a famine need not dread ; For Jesus is my living Bread. 4 I know not what may soon betide. Or how my wants shall be supplied 5 But Jesus knows, and will provide. 5 Though faint my prayers, and cold my love. My soul from hope shall not remove. While Jesus fills the throne above. 6 Against me earth and hell combine > But on my side is Power divine 5 Jesus is All 5 and he is minco REGENERATE LIFE. 450, 451 HYMN 450 . c. M. The same, Ps. Ixii. 2 ; Ixxxiv. 11 ; 2 Sain. xxii. 29 ; Ps. xviii. 2 ; John XV 5; Zech. x!ii. 1 ; Jer. viii. 22; xiv. 8 ; Ps. cvii.30 ; xviii. 18; Ixi. 3 ; Isa. xxxii.2; John vi. 35 ; Ps. Ixxxvii. 7 ; Ex.xiii. 21. 1 When all our joys terrestrial fade, Nor one our peace secures. We have a gracious God, whose aid From age to age endures. 2 This is a Rock, when hopes betray ; A Sun, when clouds condense ; A Lamp to light the pilgrim’s way ; A Buckler of defence. 3 This is a Vine whose branches live 5 A Fountain where to lave 5 A Balm that bids our health revive 3 Our Hope beyond the grave. 4 A Haven, this, when winds arise; A Stay both sure and fast 3 A Shelter from th’ inclement skies 3 A Covert from the blast. 5 The Bread of life, in famine dire 3 A Spring, when waters fail 3 A Cloud by day, by night a Fire, To guide us through the vale. HYMN 451 . p. M. Lo'king in Trials to Him who has sustained the same. 1 When gath’ring clouds around I view. When earthly joys and hopes are few. On Him I lean, who, while below. Endured each mortal pain and woe : He sees my wants, allays my fears. And marks, and wipes away my tears. 452 REGENERATE LIFE^ 2 If aught should tempt my soul to stray From heavenly virtue’s narrow way, To flee the good 1 would pursue. Or do the sin I would not do 5 Still He who felt temptation’s power. Shall guard me in that dangerous hour, 3 When anxious thoughts within me rise. And, sore dismay’d, my spirit dies , Then He who once vouchsafed to bear The piercing anguish of despair. Shall sweetly soothe, shall gently dry. The throbbing heart, the streaming eye. 4 And He, when I have safely past Through ev’ry conflict but the last. Shall still, unchanging, watch beside My painful bedj — for once he died ! Then chase the latest gloom away. And open realms of cloudless day. HYMN 452 . L. M. Encouragement in Temptations. Rev. ii. 12 — 17. 1 Ye tempted souls, your Lord is nigh. And hears from heaven your humble cry Trust in his wisdom, love, and might ! For you his two-edged sword shall fight. 2 Although near Satan’s seat you dwell. Encompass’d by the hosts of hell j Your Saviour will your foes engage. And save you from their cruel rage. 3 For all who boldly truth pursue. And keep the Lord their God in view, Though death and hell may oft assail. The sword of Jesus shall prevail. REGENERATE LIFE. 453, 454 4 The conquest o’er, the vict’ry won. Their souls he raises to his throne 5 The hidden manna then imparts, And writes his name upon their hearts. HYMN 453. c. M. Encouragement under Trials. Isa. xl. 2/ — 31. 1 Whence do our mournful thoughts arise? And where ’s our courage fled ? AVhy do we doubt our Saviour’s care. And sink in fruitless dre?^d ? 2 Have we forgot th’ Almighty Name, Our everlasting Stay ? Or can the great Creator’s arm Grow weary and decay ? Z Treasures of everlasting love In our Redeemer dwell : He gives the conquest to the weak. And breaks the snares of hell. 4 Mere mortal powers shall fade and die. And youthful vigour cease 3 But they who wait upon the Lord Shall find their strength increase. 5 They shall mount up on eagles’ wings. And taste the promised bliss 3 Their swift, unwearied feet shall run In paths of endless peace. HYMN 454. r.. 51. The same. 1 Sam. vii. 12. I Be still, my heart ! all anxious cares Are needless burdens, dangerous snares; d hey cast dishonour on thy Lord, And slight his never-failing Word. 455 REGENERATE LIFE. 2 Brought safe by him through deserts drear. Why wilt thou now give place to fear ! How canst thou want, if he provide, Or lose thy way with such a guide r 3 He who has help’d thee hitherto. Will help thee all thy journey through ^ And give thee daily cause to raise A new and grateful song of praise. 4 Though rough and thorny be the road, It leads thee to a blest abode : Then count thy present trials small. Since heaven will far outweigh them all ! 5 There thou shalt hear, and see, and know. All thou canst wish or hope below ; And all thy powers find sw’eet employ In that eternal world of joy. HYMN 455 . L. M. Encouragement and Consolation under Trials. Dent, xxxiil. 25. 1 Afflicted soul, dismiss thy fear ! Thy Saviour’s gracious promise hear I His faithful Word declares to thee. That, as thy days, thy strength shall be. 2 Let not thy heart despond, and say, How shall I stand the trying day ?’ He has engaged, by firm decree. That, as thy days, thy strength shall be. 3 Thy faith is weak, thy foes are strong j But to thy God doth powder belong : His arm shall make the tempter flee : For, as thy days, thy strength shall be. REGENERATE LIFE. 456, 457 4 When call’d to bear the weighty cross Of sore affliction, pain, or loss, Or deep distress, or poverty 5 Still, as thy days, thy strength shall be. 5 When death appears before thy view. His presence shall thy foes subdue : He comes to set thy spirit free ; And, as thy days, thy strength shall be. HYMN 456. z. M. For Aid under Trials. Ps. cxxxix. 12, 23, 24 ; xliii. 3 ; Ixix. 1, 2L 14 ; Deut. xxxiii. 23. 1 O THOU, to whose all- searching sight The darkness shineth as the light. Explore my heart and mind within ! Make known, and cleanse, the stain of sin! 2 If in this darksome wild I stray. Be thou my light, be thou my way ! O let thy hand support me still. And lead me to thy holy hill ! 3 When rising floods my soul o’erflow. When sinks my heart in waves of woe, Jesus, thy timely aid impart. And raise my head, and cheer my heart ! 4 If dark and dreary be the way. My strength proportion to my day 5 Till toil, and grief, and pain, shall cease. And all be heavenly joy and peace I HYMN 457. L. M. For Aid under Temptation. Ps. Ivii, 1 — 7* 1 When from below temptation springs. Hide me, O Lord, beneath thy wings ; And let thy hand uphold me fast. Till the dark cloud be overpast ! REGENERATE LIFE. 4,58 2 My spirit looks to thee aione, My Refuse, Rock, and Corner- stone > In all my fears, in all my straits. My soul for thy salvation vvai^s. 3 When high the stormy billows roll. Thou wilt not, canst not, leave my soul Thy promise stands engaged to free The man whose heart is fix’d on thee. HYMN 458. SEVENS. For Protection through Temptation. 1 Where for safety shall. I fly ? Saviour ! unto thee I cry. Dangers ev’ry where attend : Let thy arm my soul defend ! 2 Round me troops of foes I see ; Help can come from none but thee: Be my constant strength and stay ! Guard me in the evil day ! 3 Thy protecting care I crave : Power is thine, O Lord, to save : Matchless wonders thou hast wrought, Far beyond the reach of thought. 4 Let thy gracious hand impart Strength and comfort to my heart ! Ever keep me near to thee Till I 'm call’d thy face to see ! 5 Here I find no settled rest ; Lord, prepare me for thy breast ! And, till that transporting day. Onward lead me in thy way ! REGENERATE LIFE. 459, 460 HYMN 459. L. M. Praper when under Temptation. P^. cii. 1 — ^21. 1 O Lord, thou know’st my soul’s distress. No longer at thy table fed : While in the lonely wilderness. In vain I seek the heavenly bread. 2 My bread is ashes, and my drink Is mingled with the bitter tear : By evils press’d, behold, I sink, O’erwhelm’d by more than I can bear. 3 Now lifted up, and now cast down. My days like flitting shadows pass j Like to the desert owl I ’m grown 3 I ’m wasted like the wither’d grass. 4 Hide not thy face from me, O Lord ! Incline thine ear ! on thee I call : Only in thee, and in thy Word, I seek for hope, for life, for all. 5 And thou wilt surely yet draw near. When Zion’s time is fully come. Great in thy glory. Lord, appear. And raise me up, and lead me home ! 6 Thou wilt the destitute set free. And not despise their humble prayer , The groaning pris’ner, loosed by thee. Shall in thy courts thy name declare. HYMN 460. s. M. Thoughts in deep Temptation. 1 I WOULD, but cannot, sing ; Grief has untuned my voice ; The serpent’s keen, envenom’d sting Has poison’d all my joys. D D 461 REGENERATE LIFE. 2 I know the Lord is nigh. And would, but cannot, pray : The tempter meets me when I try. And turns my soul a wav. 3 I would, but cannot, love, Though woo’d by love divine : No arguments have power to move In such a state as mine. 4 I would, but cannot, rest In God’s most holy will : I know what he appoints is best 5 Yet murmur at it still. 5 But if indeed I would. Though nothing I can do. Yet the desire is something good. For which my. praise is due. 6 Then crown, O Lord, at length The work thou hast begun j And, with a will, afford me strength. In all thy ways to run ! HYMN 461 . c. M. Penitence under Spiritual Trial. 1 O THOU, whose tender mercy hears Contrition’s humble sigh. Whose hand, indulgent, wipes the tears From sorrow’s weeping eye : 2 See, low before thy throne of grace, A wretched wand’rer mourn ! Hast thou not bid me seek thy face } Hast thou not said, Return ? ” REGENERATE LIFE. 462, 463 3 Absent from thee, my Guide, my Light, Without one cheering ray. Through dangers, fears, and gloomy night. How desolate my way ! 4 O shine on this benighted heart ! With beams of mercy, shine ! And let thy cheering voice impart A taste of joys divine ! HYMN 462 . c. M. Looking to the Lord under Trials. Ps. xxv. 7 ; cvi. 4. 1 O THOU from whom all goodness flows, I lift my heart to thee : In all my trials, conflicts, woes. In love, remember me ! 2 When on my restless, burden’d heart. My sins lie heavily. Let thy salvation peace impart ! In love, remember me ! 3 Temptations sore obstruct my way. And thoughts I fain would flee : O give me strength. Lord, as my day ! For good, remember me ! 4 Whene’er, distress’d with pain or grief. Thine eye my frame doth see. Grant patience, rest, and kind relief ! In love, remember me 1 HYMN 463 . p. M. Confidence under Trials. I Begone, unbelief ! ray Saviour is near. And for my relief will surely appear ; His way was much rougher and darker than mine: Did Jesus then suft'er, and shall I repine ? o D 2 464 REGENBRATfi LIFE. 2 Though dark be my way, since he is my guide, ’Tis mine to obey, *tis his to provide : Experience hath taught me on him to repose,. Who thus far hath brought me secure from mv foes. 3 ^^^hy should I complain, when sorrows oppress. Temptation, or pain, or want, or distress ? The heirs of salvation, I know from his Word, I'hrough much tribulation must follow their Lord. 4 The promise secure through ages hath stood. That all we endure shall work for our good : Though painful at present the path may be found. It leads where, incessant, true pleasures abound. HYMN 464 . c. M. Thanksgiving for Deliverance when under Temptations. 1 I LOVE the Lord •, his name is great 3 He heard my humble prayer. Pitied my low, my mournful state. And made my soul his care. 2 When hosts of foes beset me round. And threaten’d to destroy. In him the wish’d relief I found 5 My heart revived with joy. 3 He knows our ev’ry pain and grief) And, when the end design’d Is fully wrought, he gives relief. And soothes the troubled mind. 4 Trust him, ye saints, nor yield to fear ! On his rich love depend ! He will preserve you while you *re here. And save vou to the end. REGENERATE LIFE. 465, 466 HYMN 465 . c.M. The same. Ps. cxvi. 1 — 5. 1 I LOVE the Lord 5 he heard my voice. And own’d my humble prayer : He makes my broken heart rejoice , He makes my soul his care. 2 Long as I live, I ’ll bless his name. And triumph in his Word 3 By him alone salvation came, AVho is the mighty Lord. 3 The pains of hell, and fears of death. Encompass’d me around : To him I cried with falt’ring breath. And full deliv’rance found. 4 How gracious is our Saviour God ! How righteous all his ways ! His hand directs the chast’ning rod. Whose mercy ne’er decays. HYMN 466 . c. M. Peace after Temptation. ] Tiik state of conflict now is past 3 The long temptations cease : Darkness and storms no longer last 3 The soul is bless’d with peace. 2 Jehovah’s kind, all-powerful hand Doth ev’ry cloud remove : He guides us to a better land, A land of rest and love. 3 If walking through the humble vale. Or on the mount we rise 3 The living waters cannot fail 3 The fountain never dries. D D 3 467 REGENERATE LIFE* 4 The wheat and barley, oil and wine. Are in abundance given : Secure we rest on love divine. And taste the joys of heaven. 5 Jesus will be our Saviour God When desolations come j And through temptation’s gloomy road Will guide us safely home. HYMN 467 . c. M. On Recovery from a Dangerous Sickness. 1 My God, thy service well demands The remnant of my days : Why was this fleeting breath renew’d. But to renew thy praise } 2 Thine arms of everlasting love Did this weak frame sustain. When life was hov’ring o’er the grave. And nature sunk with pain. 3 Thou, wdien the pains of death were felt. Didst chase the fears of hell. And teach my pale and quiv’ring lips Thy matchless grace to tell. 4 Calmly I bow’d my fainting head On thy dear, faithful breast ; Pleased to obey my Father’s call To his eternal rest. 5 Back from the borders of the grave. At thy command, I come ; Nor would I urge a speedier flight To my celestial home. REGENERATE LIFE. 468, 469 6 Where thou deterniinest mine abode. There would I choose to be : For in thy presence, death is life. And earth is heaven, with thee, HYMN 468 , c. M. No Salvation without Regeneration. John iii. 3, 5 ; Matt. iii. II. 1 Except a man be bom again, (Declares the Saviour God,) His soul can never find a place In heaven’s serene abode. 2 Except a man be born again Of water, — truth divine. He cannot taste those purer joys That never know decline. 3 Except a man be born again Of Jesu’s living breath. No heavenly confidence shall cheer The awful gloom of death. 4 Except a man be born again Of love’s celestial fire. He cannot join in angels’ songs. Nor strike an angel’s lyre. 5 Except a man be born again. He cannot enter heaven. Lord, on my inmost soul impress This warning thou hast given ! HYMN 469 . L. M, The Lord's Advent in Regeneration, Isa. xl. 3 4. I Hark ! in the wilderness a cry ! ^‘Let ev'ry dormant power awake! Prepare the way of God most high! A highway in the desert make I 470 REGENERATE LIFE. 2 shall the lowly valleys raise. Bring down the mountain’s lofty state. Make plain the desert’s rugged face. And bid its crooked paths be straight.” 3 Know’st thou the meaning, nature’s child, Know’st thou the import, of the cry ? Thy heart ’s the desert, waste and wild 5 But lo ! the kind Reclaimer ’s nigh. 4 Thy humbled heart must first begin His all-restoring hand to trust : Mountains of pride, self-love, and sin. Shall then before him fall to dust. 5 When raised by him, how changed thy state! A garden rich in fruit and flower. Thy mind, the Lord’s beloved retreat. The wonder of redeeming power. HYMN 470. c. M. Regeneration the work of the Lord alone. Ps. cxx\ii, 1, 2. 1 Except the Lord the skill impart The edifice to raise. In vain we plan to form our heart A building to his praise. 2 Except the city he defend, Man’s watchfulness is vain ; On him alone we must depend Eternal life to gain. 3 In vain our minds for knowledge toil. Unless our end be good : All selfish views and works defile The holy Lord’s abode. regenk;rate life. 471, 472 4 Then let us not on self rely. Nor think we ’re wise or just j But only in the Lord most high Repose our hope and trust. HYMN 471 . c. M. Regeneration the JVork of Omnipotence, 1 Can aught beneath a power divine Man’s stubborn will subdue ? ’Tis thine, Almighty Saviour ! thine^ To form the heart anew. 2 ’Tis thine the passions to recall. And upwards bid them rise. And make the scales of error fall From reason’s darken’d eyes 5 3 To chase the shades of death away. And bid the sinner live : A beam of heaven, a vital ray, ’Tis thine alone to give. 4 O change these sinful hearts of ours. And give them life divine ! Then shall our passions, and our powers, Almighty Lord, be thine. HYMN 472 . c. M. Regeneration earnestly desired. 1 O FOR a heart that ’s pure and clean, A mind and will renew’d ! A life where no transgression *s seen. But evils all subdued ! 2 Nor will I dream the heart and life Are in a moment clean ; For long and painful is the strife. That must be felt within. 47S, 474 REGENERATE LIFE. 3 Nobly that strife I would maintain^ And ev’ry sin oppose. Till self and all its loves are slain. And conquer’d all my foes ! 4 But, Lord, the arduous work is thine 5 ’Tis thou canst make me pure : My soul to thee I will resign : In thee I am secure. HYMN 473. s. M. Regeneration implored. Jolin iii. 8. 1 Jesus, my soul inspire With truth that springs from love \ Warm my cold heart with holy fire. Beaming from thee above ! 2 O may the life divine. The spirit of thy grace. Renew this feeble frame of mine. And there thine image trace ! 3 Breathe on my barren soul ! From bondage set me free ! O make my wounded spirit whole. And let me rest on thee 1 HYMN 474. L. M. The Progress of Regeneration^ 1 Almighty Lord, thou Just and True, What songs of praise to thee are due ! Our happy state to thee we owe> And grateful hymns of praise shall flow, 2 As we advance in wisdom’s ways. Thy love demands new songs of praise , Our pleasures, joys, and hopes, increaes. And all within is fill’d with peace. REGENERATE LIFE. 475 3 Our foes with weaker force assail : With strength increasing we prevail : Above temptation’s power we rise, And press with zeal to yonder skies. 4 Transporting thought ! Celestial state ! For this we live, for this we wait 5 And while we take the happy road. Our songs shall rise to thee, O God 1 HYMN 475. SEVENS. The blessed Effects of Regeneration. Isa. xxxv. PART I. Verse 1,2. 1 Lo ! for US the wilds are glad. All in cheerful green array’d 5 Opening sweets they all disclose. Bud and blossom as the rose. 2 Hark ! the wastes have found a voice ! Lonely deserts now rejoice. Gladsome hallelujah’s sing To the great Almighty King. 3 Lo ! abundantly they bloom : Lebanon is hither come : Carmel’s stores the heavens dispense f Sharon’s fertile excellence. 4 May these barren souls of ours Bloom, and put forth fruits and flowers 5 Flowers of wisdom, fruits of love. Gifts imparted from above. PART II. Verse 3—7. 1 Ye whose hands have lost their power, Jesus shall your strength restorej Jesus all your weakness sees ; He *11 support your feeble knees. 475 REGENERATE LIFE. 2 Jesus, mighty to redeem. Thou shalt be our constant theme ! Boundless wisdom, love divine. Power to save, alone are thine. 3 Blind we were, but now we see 5 Deaf, we hearken now to thee 3 Dumb, for thee our tongues employ 3 Lame, and lo ! w^e leap for joy. 4 Faint we were, and parch’d with drought Water at thy word gush’d out 3 Streams of truth our spirits bless. Flowing through the wilderness. 5 AVhere of old the dragon lay. Thou hast open’d, Lord, a way 3 There the purest graces rise. All the fruits of paradise PART III. Verses— 10. 1 Lead us. Saviour, Prince of peace. In the way of holiness. Never by the sinner trod. Till he owns his Saviour God ! 2 There the simple cannot stray 3 Fv’ry soul may find the way 3 Find, nor ever thence depart. Safe in lowliness of heart. 3 Far from fear, from danger far, (No devouring beast is there,) There the humble w^alk secure 3 Thou hast made their footsteps sure. 4 Come, ye ransom’d, cease to mourn ! Come, to Zion, glad, return ! Crown’d with righteousness arise ! Meet your Saviour in the skies ! rkgenioratk life. 476 HYMN 476 , p. M. XV change effected by Regeneration. Isa. xli. 18 — 20; ix. l&— -fl, 1 Amazing, beauteous change ! A world created new ! My thoughts with transport range The lovely scene to view : In all I trace, Saviour divine, the work is thine : Be thine the praise ! 2 Now crystal fountains play Where once were burning sands : The river’s winding way Shines through the fruitful lands : Where grew the thorn, Olives and vines, and oaks and pines, The fields adorn. 3 O when. Almighty Lord, Shall these glad scenes arise To verify thy Word, And bless our wond’ring eyes ; That we may raise, AVith grateful tongues, united songs Of ardent praise ? 4 Command the light to shine. And bid our clouds depart ! Arise, O Sun divine. And warm the frozen heart ! Let faith and love. And holy ways, and humble praise;, Thy presence prove ! s B 477, 478 REGENERATE LIFE. HYMN 477 . L.M. Regeneration a Progressive Change, Gen. 1. 1 — 4« 1 There is a world, the world of mind. By neither time nor space confined 3 And when we cease in flesh to dwell. That world will be our heaven or hell. 2 By fallen nature *tis, alas ! A rude, chaotic, shapeless mass. Devoid of goodness, truth, or light. And veil’d in blackest shades of night. 3 But He who gave creation birth Can recreate the mental earth : For this his Spirit, like a dove. Broods o’er our secret thoughts in love, 4 If we consent to be renew’d. And wish our evil lusts subdued, ^'Let there be light !” he says 3 and straight We see our low disorder’d state. 5 Then do we seek to know the Lord, Receive instruction from his Word 3 While he divides the day from night. And bids us rise from shade to light. HYMN 478 , s. M. The same. Gen. i. and ii. 1 — 3. PART I. Ch. i. 1—8 1 How dark is all within. How distant from the Lord, Till our awaken’d souls begin To hearken to his Word ! 2 When we permit his light Our evils to reprove. And then against those evils fight, He will the whole remove. REGENERATE LIFE. 478 3 The Lord will then create A firmament sublime. Celestial thoughts to separate From those of sense and time, 4 We then no more believe The work to be our own. But all of good that we receive Ascribe to God alone. 5 Thus will a second birth Form heaven within the soul 5 And man, a new- created earth. In order’s orbit roll. PART II. Verse 9—13. 1 O WHAT a beauteous scene The third bright morning shows ! The earth, array’d in smiling green. The parted waves disclose. 2 The tender plant shall spring, To grace the verdant field ; And ev’ry herb its seed shall bring j Each tree its fruit shall yield. 3 Thus works of pious zeal From true repentance flow ; And the new man exults, to feel A heaven begun below. 4 O may the dawning light We now begin to see. Dispel the shades of error’s night. And lead us. Lord, to thee E £ 2 478 REGENERATE LIFE. PART III. Verse 14—19. 1 Behold, the sun of love. The cheering moon of faith. And stars, — pure knowledge from above,— Dispel the clouds beneath ! 2 Each in their turn display The Lord their only Source 3 They each direct and guide our way. And urge our heavenward course. 3 Set in the inward mind. They shed their beams below 3 The outward man delights to find New joys and pleasures flow. 4 Great Sun of love divine. And wisdom’s sacred light. To form our days, in mercy, shine. And chase the gloom of night 1 PART IV. Verse 20 — 25. 1 As we the path pursue The Lord our God ordains. Our outward mind he forms anew. With all that it contains. 2 All we have learn’d or know. Our lofty reason’s store. Receive, from Him to whom they bow, A new and vital power. 3 All our affections, form’d By things that move around. By him with heavenly life are warm’d. And with his blessing crown’d. VIRTUES AND GRACES. m 4 The fish that swim beneath. The fowls that fly above. And cattle, own the vital breath Of all-creating Love. PART V. Verse 26 to chap. ii. 3. 1 O WHAT a glorious sight. The work of God’s own hand ! See Man, a form of life and light. His Maker’s likeness stand ! 2 His understanding, see. By sacred wisdom form’d ! His will, from all defilement free. By love divine is warm’d. 3 His passions all subdued. In due subjection held, Are by the Lord pronounced good. By him alone impell'd. 4 The inward, mental strife Shall now for ever cease. And all the various powers of life Enjoy an endless peace. 5 This blessed sabbath. Lord, May we indeed attain } Help us to learn and do thy Word, That we thy rest may gain ! VIRTUES AND GRACES. HYMN 479. L. M. Piety. 1 What various hindrances we meet. In coming to the mercy-seat ! Yet who that knows the worth of prayer. But wishes to be often there ? E E 3 480 VIRTUES AND GRACES. 2 Prayer makes the darken’d cloud withdraw Prayer climbs the ladder Jacob saw ) Gives exercise to faith and love. And brings a blessing from above. 3 Neglecting prayer, we cease to fight : Prayer keeps the Christian’s armour bright Infernals tremble, when they see The contrite heart and bended knee. 4 Did we the sighs we vainly spend To heaven in supplications send. Our cheerful song would oftener be, “ Hear what the Lord hath done for me. '' HYMN 480 . c. M. Piety. 1 Great is the King, beyond all praise. Who wears th’ eternal crown 3 No finite songs his bliss can raise. Or add to his renown. 2 ’Tis for our good the Lord demands Our worship and our prayers ; Thus, for the mercies of his hands. Our souls his love prepares. 3 When the full, burden’d heart bewails Its stubborn pride and sin. The foe departs, the Lord reveals His love and peace within. 4 When for prevailing strength we pray To run the heavenly race. Then only can our God convey The blessings of his grace. VIRTUES AND GRACES. 481, 482 5 Seek what the Lord delights to give. The w'ealth of heaven above ! Then shall thy humble prayer receive An answer fill’d with lovp HYMN 481 . L. M. Pious Meditation, 1 My soul shall oft above the skies On wings of contemplation rise j View all the glorious scenes above. And learn from angels how to love. 2 And oft with gratitude I ’ll trace The riches of redeeming grace 5 The tracks of love divine explore. And praise, and wonder, and adore. 3 Thus would I my devotions raise. And learn wdth greater warmth to praise j Till my now languid flame shall prove A fix’d and never-ending love. HYMN 482. p. M. Divine Knowledge, 1 O HOW divinely bless’d Are they that know the Lord ! Who have his name confess’d. And love his holy Word ! Their happy souls, with joy, proceed In Zion’s w^ay, from darkness freed. 2 All-gracious Lord, we own The riches of thy love : Since thou to us art known. By wisdom from above : For all thy ways, thou Good and Wise, Our songs of praise to thee shall rise. 483, 484 VIRTUES and graces. 3 But still we may implore Increasing wisdom. Lord ! For thou canst give us more. From thy abundant Word. While here below, may we improve; And daily grow in truth and love ! HYMN 483 . c. M. Divine Knowledge. 1 Shine forth, Eternal Source of Light With glories all thy own ! Fill our enlarged, adoring sight ! Make thy perfections known ! 2 To know the Author of our frame. This is the needful skill : True science is to learn thy name. True life, to do thy will. 3 All knowledge else, compared with this Is little worth, and vain : Who lacks it, never tastes of bliss. Though all beside he gain, 4 For this may we devoutly pray, This, all our powers pursue , Till vision of eternal day Fix and complete the view ! HYMN 484 . c. M. Human Science sanctified. 1 How oft, where splendid talents shine And learning boasts her sway. Doctrines opposed to truth divine Appear in proud array ! 2 Science, defiled by selfish views. To falsehood is allied : They reason’s noblest powers abuse. Who make them slaves to pride. GRACES AND VIRTUES. 485, 486 3 When self-derived intelligence Interior things would view. Through the fallacious eye of sense. The false appears the true. 4 May we to truth’s unerring Word Our knowledge all submit j And bring our treasures to the Lord, And lay them at his feet ! HYMN 485. L. M. Faith (a Living and Dead). 1 In vain the Saviour’s name we own. Unless we live to him alone j Unless our words and actions prove. The truths we know are join’d with love. 2 Can they whom pride and passion sway. Who mammon and the world obey. In envy and contention live. Presume that they indeed believe > 3 From charity, its living root. True faith produces holy fruit : But they who only leaves can show Still on the stock of nature grow. 4 Lord, let thy Word effectual prove To vvork in us obedient love 5 And teach our wand’ring hearts to dread A name to live, where life is dead ! HYMN 486. L. M. Faith, Malt. xxi. 19. 1 The barren fig-tree, deck’d with leaves. Shows, in its unproductive root. The man who truth divine receives. But yields not love’s celestial fruit. GRACES AND VIRTUES. ' 487 2 We see the truth 3 we judge aright. And wisdom’s righteous ways approve : But what avails superior light. Without its life, superior love } 3 Knowledge, and eloquence, and zeal, Unless combined with works of love. The soul’s disorders will not heal, Nor fit us for the realms above. 4 Lord, fill our hearts with holy fear. And thy inspiring Spirit send. That w'e the fruit of love may bear. And find acceptance in the end ! HYMN 487 . L. M. Faith. 1 True faith is built on Jesu’s Word : Its sacred truths harmonious shine : Jesus it owns the only Lord, His Human Nature all Divine. 2 No faith but this can conquer sin. Or bring divine assistance nigh : No faith but this the crown shall win Of life, and endless joys on high. 3 True faith its saving power receives From heavenly love, its inward life j And, blest with light, indeed believes, Freed from all doubt and reas’ning strife. 4 AVhile faith points out the path to heaven. It firmly trusts Immanuels love ; By whom alone all power is given To reach the realms of bliss above. VIRTUES AND U RACES. 488 5 This faith divine belongs to him Who walks in paths of sacred light : Who serves his God with love supreme, all his heart, and soul, and might. 6 O may this living faith be mine ! Then shall I God my Saviour see : Grant, Lord, thy love and truth diviae, That I may thus confide in thee ! HYMN 488. L. M. Hope. PART L 1 W E travel through a barren land, With dangers thick on ev*ry hand : But Jesus guides us through the vale : The Christian’s Hope shall never fail. 2 Beep sorrows meet us as we go : Infernals seek our overthrow : But never shall their arts prevail : The Christian’s Hope shall never fail. 3 Sometimes we ’re tempted to despair j But Jesus makes us then his care : Whatever griefs our souls assail. The Christian’s Hope shall never fail. 4 We trust in his unchanging Word, The oath and promise of our Lord, And safely through each tempest sail : The Christian’s Hope shall never fail. PART II. 1 When by temptations long beset, And we almost our Lord forget , Then we look up ; our joys prevail : The Christian’s Hope shall never fail. 489 VIRTUES AND GRACES. 2 When death shall point th’ unerring dart. And wc to other worlds depart 5 Then hope shall lead us through the vale: The Christian’s Hope shall never fail. 3 Then what have we to doubt or fear > Jehovah keeps us safely here : Rejoice, ye saints ! ye shall prevail : The Christian’s Hope shall never fail. 4 To hope we ’ll join both truth and love. And live as angels live above ; We *11 fight, and o’er our fees prevail : Hope, Truth, and Love, shall never fail. HYMN 489 . c. M. Tfie Fear of the Lord. Rev. xv. 3, 4. 1 HO shall not fear thy Holy Name, And rev’rendly adore. When, Lord, thy wondrous works proclaim Such vast, almighty power ? 2 Yes ! all thy ways are deep and high. Thou only Good and Just ! And yet thy mercy brings thee nigh, Even to sinful dust. 3 Let us vvith sacred awe come near To the great King above ! Not with the dread of slavish fear. But fear that springs from love. 4 A fear t’ offend against the law Of him we love supreme 3 A fear that makes our souls abhor The sin abhorr’d by him. VIRTUES AND GRACES. 490, 491 HYMN 490 . L. M. Wisdom. 1 Happy the man of Israel’s race. Who finds that precious heavenly grace^ The wisdom coming from above. The living faith that springs from love ! 2 Wisdom divine ! who tells the price Of wisdom’s costly merchandize ? Her hands are fill’d with endless days. True riches, and immortal praise. 3 To purest joys she all invites. To holy, chaste, and sweet delights : Her ways are ways of pleasantness, And all her sacred paths are peace. 4 Happy the man who wisdom gains. And who by love his guest retains ! On earth he finds his heaven begun ^ For wisdom, love, and heaven, are one. HYMN 491 . c. M. Zeal. 1 Zeal is that pure and heavenly flame The fire of love supplies 3 While that which often bears the name Is self in a disguise. 2 True zeal is merciful and mild. Can pity and forbear : The false is headstrong, fierce, and wild. And breathes revenge and war. 3 While zeal for truth the Christian warms. He knows the worth of peace : But self contends for names and forms. Its party to increase. F F 492, 493 VIRTUES and graces. 4 Great Lord, the idol, self, dethrone. And from our hearts remove ! Fill us with heavenly zeal alone. The zeal that springs from love ! HYMN 492 . c. M. Humility. 1 Ah ! what is man, that he should be With haughty pride elate ? Better would deep humility Become his sinful state. 2 Man, of himself, is void of good. By evil captive led 5 Prone to devour the serpent’s food. And loathe the heavenly bread. 3 Man must his lofty pride abase. And from his evils part. Before the Lord his dwelling-place Can make within the heart. 4 Where lions lurk, can lambs abide ? With owls resides the dove } Can lowliness conjoin with pride ? Or hatred mix with love ? 5 Lord, humbled at thy feet I fall : O make me humbler still 5 That I may find thee all in all. And bow to all thy will ! HYMN 493 . SEVENS. The same. 1 Mark the meek and lowly mind ! Mark the man to God resign’d ! God he counts his good supreme : God is all in all to him. VIRTUES AND GRACES. 494 2 Though possess’d of wealth or mighty God is still his* chief delight. Talents, honours, ought beside. Never lift his soul to pride. 3 He himself as nothing views : He the lowest place can choose. While he judgeth others great. Mean he thinks his own estate. 4 Good in others, quick to find } In himself, to merit blind j While he looks o’er others’ sin. Strict he views his own within. 5 Meek and lowly. Lord, wast thou : We to thy example bow : In the path so humbly trod. We would follow thee, our God, HYMN 494. SEVENS. The same. Ps. cxxxi. 1 Lord, that I may learn of thee. Give me true simplicity ! Wean my soul, and keep it low. Willing thee alone to know. 2 Let me cast myself aside j All that feeds my swelling pride, To thy Word of truth submit j Lay my reas’nings at thv feet ! 3 Make me lowly, meek, and mild. Docile as a little child. Only seeing in thy light. Only walking in thy might ! F F 2 495, 496 VIRTUES and gracesi 4 Ail my active springs possess, God of truth and righteousness ! Knowledge, love divine, impart. Life eternal, to my heart ! HYMN 495 . L. M. Charitable Judgment. 1 Omniscient God ! ’tis thine to know The springs whence wrong opinions flow; To judge, by principles within. When frailty errs, and when we sin, 2 Who among men, high Lord of all ! His brother to his bar shall call ? For modes of faith judge him a foe. And doom him to the realms of woe ? 3 When shall our happy eyes behold Thy people fashion’d in thy mould. And charity our lineage prove Derived from thee, O God of love ! HYMN 496 . c. M. Love and Charity. 1 W HAT is religion ? ’tis to love Our God with all the heart ; In charity with all men prove. And good to all impart. 2 ’Tis love that makes religion sweet ; ’Tis love that makes us rise. With ardent mind and willing feet. To yonder happy skies. 3 Then let us all in love abound. And charity pursue ! So shall we soon in heaven be crown’d. And love as angels do. VIRTUES AND GRACES. 497 , 498 4 For ever, there, this holy fire Shall our affections raise 5 And sweetly all our souls conspire To sing Jehovah’s praise. HYMN 497. C. M. DOUBLE. Charity. J Though perfect eloquence adorn’d The sweet, persuasive tongue 3 Though I could speak in higher strains Than ever angels sung ; Though prophecy my soul inspired* And made all myst’ries plain 3 Yet, were I void of Christian love. These gifts were all in vain. 2 Although with lib’ral hands I gave My goods the poor to feed. Or gave my body to the flarnCs, Still fruitless were the deed : Nay, though my faith, with boundless power, Ev’n mountains could remove, I still am nothing, if I ’m void Of charity and love. HYMN 498. h. M. The same. Matt. xxv. 1 —13. 1 What forms are these that meet my eyes ? The holy virgins, truly wise. Truth shines in all their vessels bright. And love ’s the essence of their light. 2 They know the doctrines of the Lord, And walk obedient to his Word 3 While sacred love’s seraphic flame Stamps both their character and name. F F 3 VIRTUES AND GRACES. m 3 From love they all the truth profess 5 From love they walk in righteousness r Urged on by love’s celestial fire. To meet the Lord their souls aspire. 4 But hark 1 they hear the midnight cry : The heavenly Bridegroom, lo ! is nigh : They trim their lamps, and haste to meet Their Saviour God, with cheerful feet. 5 To them is open’d wide the gate Of heaven’s all- pure and blissful state : They enter in, and, joyful, there The heavenly marriage- banquet share. HYMN 499 . c.M, Charity, } True charity ’s a holy fire. That warms the gen’rous heart j And Jesus doth the flame inspire, And from his love impart. 2 True charity *s a heavenly grace. That loves where love is due : With sin it finds no dwelling-place. But loves the good and true. 3 True charity its powers employs In acts of love and use ; And only finds its proper joys When good it can diffuse. 4 True charity brings peace and rest j ’Tis heaven in life and form : Whene’er it rules within the breast. It calms the rising storm. VIRTUES AND GRACES. 500, 501 5 True charity will still remain. When earth’s vain shadows cease 5 And in the heart for ever reign, The spring of endless peace, HYMN 500. L. M. The same. 1 Jesus, my Saviour, and my King, Of all I have or hope the spring. Send down thy Spirit from above, And warm my heart with holy love ! 2 May I from ev’ry act abstain. That hurts, or gives another pain ! Still may I feel my heart inclined To be the friend of all mankind ! 3 With pity let my breast o’erflow. When 1 behold a brother’s woe ; And bear a sympathizing part. Whene’er I meet a wounded heart ! 4 Let love through all my conduct shine. An image fair, though faint, of thine ! Let me thy humble follower prove. Saviour, through all thy path of love ! HYMN 501. L. M. Mutual Love. 1 Where men with mutual kindness glow. There we behold a heaven below 3 There a fair type of heaven we see : For heaven is love and charity. 2 Anger and envy, guile and strife, Self-will, self-love, and pride of life. Are far removed, when all agree To live in truth and charity. 502 VIRTUES AND GRACES. 3 O how divine must be the bliss. To live in such a state as this ! With such my soul desires to be, And live with them in charity. 4 O let us then as one combine To live a life so much divine 5 In truth and goodness all agree, And walk in love and charity ! 5 Then will our souls be truly blest 5 Celestial peace shall fill each breast j And soon, in better kingdoms, we Shall live indeed in charity. HYMN 502. SEVENS. Mutual Love, 1 Brethren, let us rise and sing Jesus, Prophet, Priest, and King 5 Our Creator, God, and Lord, Saviour, great Incarnate Word 1 2 While we walk with him in light, He our hearts doth still unite. In all wo-rks of use combined. In the bonds of duty join’d, 3 Love, thine image. Lord, impart ! Stamp it on our yielding heart ! Love and truth to us be given ! Lord, we ask no other heaven. 4 Hence may all our actions flow^ ! Love the proof that truth we knowj Mutual love the token be. Lord, that we belong to thee ! VIRTUES AND GRACES. 503, 504 HYMN 503. c. M. The same. 1 Help us to help each other. Lord, Each other’s cross to bear ! Let each his friendly aid afford. And feel his brother’s care ! 2 Help us to build each other up. Our common stock improve ! Increase our faith, confirm our hope. And perfect us in love ! 3 Up into thee, our living head. Let us in all things grow 5 By love impell’d, by wisdom led. In all our path below ! HYMN 504. SEVENS. The same. 1 Jesus, Lord, we look to thee j Let us in thy name agree ! Come, and rule us. Prince of peace! Bid disunion ever cease ! 2 By thy reconciling love, Ev’ry source of strife remove ! Each to each unite, endear ! Come, and spread thy banner here ! 3 Make us of one heart and mind. Courteous, merciful, and kind. Meek in ev’ry thought and word. Lowly, humble, like our Lord 1 4 Let us each for other care. Each his brother’s burden bear ! Children of one Father, we Ought to live in unity. 505, 506 VIRTUES AND GRACES, HYMN 505 . p. M. Mutual Love. 1 In all our intercourse below. Lord, in thy footsteps let us go. And never meet but in thy name ! Our friendships sanctify and guide ! Unmix’d with selfishness and pride. Thy glory be our constant aim ! 2 Fix on thyself our single eye ! Still let us on thyself rely. For all the help that each conveys ! That help as from thy hand receive ! And still to thee all glory give, All thanks, all might, alf love, all praise 1 3 Whate’er thou dost on one bestow. Let each his own the blessing know ! Let each the common burden bear ! May all to do thy will agree. Devoted all, as one, to thee. In works of use, in praise, and prayer ! 4 Witnesses all to thee, our God, Jehovah, Jesus, Sov’reign, Lord, Alone adored by all above 3 O may we spread the gospel sound. Diffusing peace on all around. And joy, and happiness, and love ! HYMN 506 . L. M. The same, John xiii, 15. 1 How bright did thy example shine. Thy lowly meekness how complete. When thou didst wash, O Love divine ! Thy poor, despised disciples* feet ! VIRTUES AND GRACES. 507 2 To all that on thy name believe, Who thy commandments love to do. Thou didst th s saving precept give : '‘Do ye, as I have done to you !’’ 3 “From sin and ev’ry vain delight Assist each other to depart. And, by the Word of truth, to fight Against the foes within the heart I” 4 May we advance each other’s state. By counsel and example too ! With zeal each other animate, To keep the heavenly world in view I HYMN 507 . L. M. Goodness the object of Spiritual Love. 1 Say, what in God demands our love ? *Tis goodness, wisdom, power divine : These in his wondrous works we prove I In all his providence they shine. 2 And what in man deserves to gain Our perfect love, our full esteem ? The life that owns the Saviour’s reign , Goodness and truth derived from him. 3 Great Lord, thy guiding light bestow ! O make our love resemble thine I To sinners let our pity flow ! With saints our hearts in friendship join ! 4 Where virtuous deeds thy presence prove. Thee, in our neighbour. Lord, we see : There would we yield our fervent love. To thee in him, and him in thee. 508, 509 VIRTUES AND GRACES. HYMN 508 . L. M. Charity an Image of the Divine Love. 1 W iTH faithful saints the Lord unites : In him they find celestial bliss : But they who seek impure delights Remove from God and spurn his peace. 2 But still Divine Compassion tries T’ amend the sinner’s awful state : His truth invites, his mercy flies To lead his feet to wisdom’s gate, 3 Let man in this resemble God That where in love he cannot join, Mercy shall strive to point the road To endless life, and joy divine. 4 Thy friends, O Lord, our friends shall be ; And since thy foes thy pity claim. To lead the wand’rer back to thee. Shall be our kind and constant aim. HYMN 509 . c. M. Love and Truth, 1 Come, Love divine, thy power impart ! Come, Wisdom, from above ! Come, Charity, possess the heart. And prompt to deeds of love ! 2 O God of truth, the gift is thine To those who truth obey : O God of love, thy love shall shine On all who own thy sway. 3 Now love and truth together meet : Thus heavenly laws ordain : And from their union, joy complete Shall bless the earth again. 4 May ardent zeal our bosoms warm To make each other blest ! Then love and truth, conjoin’d, shall form Their heaven within the breast. VIRTUES AND GRACES. 510^511 HYMN 510 , L. M, Love to God and our Neighbour, Matt. xxii. 36—40; vii. 12. 1 Thus saitli the first, the great command : Let all thy inward powers unite To love thy Maker and thy God, With heart, and soul, and strength, and might ! 2 Then shall thy neighbour, next in place. Thy heart’s sincere affection prove 5 And let thy wishes for thy self Measure to him the debt of love ! 3 But while these heavenly truths we own. How cold remain our bosoms still ! Warm our affections, God of love. And mould our spirits to thy will ! 4 AVithin us fix thy throne of truth. And shed thy cheering beams of love. Till, ripen’d for a happier state. We rise, and join the church above ! HYMN 511 . p. M. Useful Life, a Spiritual Requisite. Matt. v. 14, 16. 1 Vainly we hope our God to pleasb While life is pass’d in slothful ease. To abstract thought confined : Freely to all ourselves we give, Impell’d, by love divine, to live The servants of mankind. 2 Jesus, thy love and truth impart. To govern each devoted heart. And fit us for thy will ! Again thy holy temple raise ! Build up thy rising church ! and place The city on the hill ! 512 VIRTUES AND GRACES. 3 O let our faith and love abound ! O let our lives to ail around With purest lustre shine ! That all around our works may see. And give the glory^ Lord, to thee. For life and light divine. HYMN 512 . L. M, The Love of Uses, PART I. 1 They only share their Maker’s bliss Whose mind and will resemble his. Whose hands with his designs unite. And who in works of love delight. 2 Angels, conjoin’d by love to him. Find in his love their joy supreme. And by their mutual kindness shew From him their springs of action flow. 3 No selfish views, no jarring strife. Disturb the peace of heavenly life : Each joins to make his brother blest. And mutual uses warm the breast. 4 Such uses please the God of love More than the sweetest songs above : But most of all when angels wait On man, and help his fallen state, 5 ’Tis here their highest bliss they prove. Their noblest exercise of love. None are too mean, too vile, to share In angels’ condescending care. PART II. 1 Mark well, my soul ! if thou wouldst rise And live, an angel, in the skies. Thou must, while here, thy heart prepare. The angels’ purer joys to share. VIRTUES AND GRACES. 513 2 The ground-work must on earth be laid : On earth thy God must be obey’d. The purity and peace of heaven To active love alone are given. 3 With God, with angels, then, unite ! Make works of use thy chief delight ! Nor suffer worldly love, nor pride. To turn thy better path aside ! 4 Thy time, thy talents, and thy wealth. Thy strength, thy influence, and health. In thy Redeemer’s service spend ! His will, man’s good, thy only end. HYMN 513. I,. M. The same. 1 Ten thousand precious talents lent. Demand, to God, a large return : In his delightful service spent. They everlasting blessings earn. 2 They who in useful works delight. And strive to lead to realms above. With God’s kind providence unite. And join with his almighty love. 3 To constitute our actions pure. The Lord must be their moving spring : No other can his sight endure ; No other can his blessing bring. 4 Uses perform’d in love and faith From Jesus spring j to him they flow ; Their joys remain 5 and, after death. Through endless years, more perfect grow. 5 In all our works be present. Lord ! Then shall they all resemble thine : Thy purifying life aftbrd. And guide us by thy Word divine ! G G 2 614, 515 VIRTUES AaD GRACB*. HYMN 514. s. M. Purity. Matt. v. 8. 1 Blest are the pure in heart j For they shall see their God, In glorious majesty reveal’d. In his most holy Word. 2 Blest are the pure in heart ; For they shall see their God In all his providence, and mark His Overruling rod. 3 Blest are the pure in heart ; For they shall see their God, With everlasting glory clad. In heaven’s supreme abode. 4 Blest are the pure in heart : Does this apply to me ? Lord, make me pure (thou onlv canst). From all defilement free ! HYMN 515. L. M. Innocence. 1 Man, of himself, is only vile. And void of innocence and good : A thousand evil loves defile j A thousand evil thoughts intrude. 2 But as he shuns the paths of sin. Goodness and truth from Jesus flow. And purify his heart within. And innocence and peace bestow 3 — 3 That innocence which humbly owns All good alone derived from God 3 — That peace, which invvard warfare crowns. And proves the heart the Lord’s abode. VIRTUES AND GRACES^ 516, 517 4 O Lord, our hearts and lives imbue With innocence derived from tl ee ! Thy likeness in our souls renew. And fill us with thy purity ! HYMN 516. L. M. The same. Matt, xviii. 3. 1 Lord, thou hast taught we must become As little children, pure and kind. Or lose that bright celestial home. For innocence alone design’d. 2 Just as the helpless innocent In kind parental care confides. Teach us to rest, in calm content. Father, on thee, and none besides ! 3 That gift of innocence impart. Which leads, our helplessness to see 5 Which owns that good thou only art. That good can only flow from thee ! 4 Then, by thy mighty arm subdued. Our sins shall all be captive bound. And innocence, that noblest good. In all our w’ords and w^orks be found. 5 Not infant innocence alone. But innocence with wisdom join’d. Makes the pure heart thy holy throne. And guides the life, and rules the mind. HYMN 517. L. M. Obedience, Charity, and Love. Matt. viii. 11. 1 The faithful servants of the Lord Who, with a sacred, solemn fear. Obey the precepts of his Word, Shall in his heavenly courts appear. G G 3 518 VIRTUES AND GRACES* 2 They who in holy truth delight. And as themselves their neighbour love. Shall with their Saviour ‘^walk in white,” In glorious realms of light above. 3 But they M^ho love the Lord supreme. With heart, and soul, and strength, and mind. Shall nearer still approach to him. And round his throne their dwelling find. 4 Obedience, charity, and love. The three degrees of holiness. Form the three heavens of God above. The springs of all celestial bliss. 5 To one of these abodes of rest, O Lord, my longing spirit lead ! The lowest mansion of the blest Will all desert of mine exceed. HYMN 518 . L. M. Celestial Love, or Love to the Lord, 1 What glorious states, the human soul. Its Maker’s image born to bear. May reach, beneath his wise control. His guiding, sanctifying care ! 2 Led on by him, the soul can rise From selfish, gross, and worldly love 5 Be render’d pure, and good, and wise. Meet for the highest realms above. 3 When love to God supremely reigns. And all our vital powers employs. The soul its highest state attains. And feeds on pure celestial joys. 4 In ev’ry thought, and work, and word. The Lord himself then present is ; Darkness is fled, and sin, abhorr’d. No more disturbs the reign of peace. VIRTUES AND GRACES. 519, 520 5 Lord, make us willing to endure Temptation, trial, pain, and care, So we may thus be render’d pure. And all thy glorious likeness bear ! HYMN 519. SEVENS. Celestial Love. Isa. Iviii. 13, 14. 1 When we truly love the Lord, Gladly we obey his Word 5 Our delight in him is found ^ All our joys with him are crown’d. 2 Clear is then our mental sight 5 Truths abound in heavenly light : Low desires are far removed. And no false persuasions loved. 3 All that Love divine can give. Or the human soul receive 3 All the joys that man can know. From the Saviour’s bounty flow. 4 Round us beams of glory shine. From his Human Form Divine : Join’d to him, we sweetly prove All the heights and depths of love. HYMN 520. s. M. Conjugial Love. 1 How happy must it be. How pleasing. Lord, the sight. When mutual love, and love to thee, A married pair unite ! 2 From these celestial springs Such streams of comfort flow. As neither wealth nor beauty brings. Nor outward gifts bestow. 621 VIRTUES AND GRACES. 3 Both in their stations move. And each performs a part. In all the cares of life and love. With sympathizing heart. 4 Form’d for the purest joys. By one desire possess’d. One aim the zeal of both employs, — To make each other blest. 5 They join in praise and prayers. And feel communion sweet. No earthly bliss can equal theirs. Where such affections meet. HYMN 521. L. M. 2'he Spiritual Advantages and Blessings of Conjugial Love, 1 How blest the sacred tie, that binds. In union sweet, according minds ! How swift the heavenly course they run. Whose hearts, whose faith, whose hopes, are one! 2 To each the soul of each how dear 1 What jealous love, what holy fear ! How doth the gen’rous flame within Refine from earth, and cleanse from sin ! 3 In secret, or within the place Where Jesus shows his glorious face, Their ardent prayers together rise. Like mingling flames in sacrifice. 4 They range the intellectual fields. And taste the joys that wisdom yields ; And, while engaged in sweet discourse. Together rise to wisdom’s Source. VIRTUES AND GRACES. 522, 523 5 Age shall not cool the sacred fire. Nor shall the flame with death expire. But brighter burn in heaven above 5 A heaven of joy, because of love. HYMN 522 , c.M. Conjugial Love. 1 Hail wedded love! sweet source of bliss. Descending from above ! Who can describe the joy and peace Of pure conjugial love ? 2 This love the sacred image bears Of heaven’s Eternal King : ’Tis this his choicest blessing shares ; From him its beauties spring. 3 In God, with sweet delight, we view Wisdom and love combined : Of these, behold, an image true. The male and female mind 1 4 Jesus upon his church bestows A husband’s love and care 5 And she with holy ardour glows Her bridal robes to wear. 5 So male and female were design’d In union blest to meet 5 Like love and wisdom in the mind. Like heavenly light and heat. HYMN 523 , c, M, The Heavenly Marriage, the Divine [mage and Likenet*. 1 In the Supreme, who rules on high. Wisdom and love divine, Th* essentials of his Deity, In marriage-union join. 524 VIRTUES AND GRACES. 2 So, in his Word, in ev’ry line. In ev’ry precept given. Goodness and truth in one combine, 1 o point the way to heaven. 3 Behold, in ev ry angel bright. In sacred union, meet Wisdom’s essential, heavenly light. And love’s pure, vital heat 4 True faith and charity, combined. The same sweet union prove. In each regen’rate, holy mind. That owns the rule of love. 5 Since faith alone can yield, at best, A cold and wintry light ; O blessed Lord, in ev’ry breast. True faith and love unite ! HYMN 524 . L. M. Image and Likeness of God. 1 Great God, thy peerless excellence Let all created natures own ! Deep on our minds impress the sense Of glories, which are thine alone ! 2 Let these our admiration raise. And fill our minds with sacred awe 5 Tune all our hearts and tongues to praise, And bend us to thy holy law ! 3 And, where we may resemble thee. And in thy holy nature share. Thine humble followers let us be. And somewhat of thy likeness bear * VIRTUES AND GRACES. 525 4 Pure may we be, averse to sin ; Just, holy, merciful, and true ! And let thine image, form’d within. Appear in all we speak or do ! HYMN 525. L. M. Character of the True Christian. 1 Do I belong to thee, O Lord ? And may I claim thy promised word?— Let this great question now be tried ! For truth must soon the point decide. 2 The Christian hates his ev’ry sin. Those subtle foes that lurk within ; And, with an humble, broken heart. From all that ’s evil would depart. 3 The Christian shines with lustre bright : His understanding ’s fill’d with light : He loves the truth, the truth obeys. And steadfast walks in holy ways. 4 The Christian *s full of charity To neighbour, friend, and enemy : To all around sincerely kind. Their good he seeks with zealous mind. 5 The Christian’s heart is fix’d above : His^life is form’d by truth and love j No more his own, to Jesus given. His life, his light, his joy, his heaven. 6 Upward my longing soul aspires. And kindles with intense desires : The faithful Christian I would be. Be thine, blest Lord, and live to thee * 526, 527 VIRTUES and graces. HYMN 526. L. M. The Qualifications for Heaven. 1 Not he whose baseless hope relies On modes and forms thrt men devise 5 Who merely calls the Saviour, Lord, But heeds not to perform his Word j — 2 Not he shall tread the courts above, The bright abodes of joy and love : But he whose prompt obedience shows His wish to practise what he knows 3 3 Whose heart enlarged bids him embrace, As brethren, all the human race j Who for his friends with ardour glows. And pities and forgives his foes. 4 This is the man whose head shall rise. With glory crown’d, above the skies ; Whom Jesus shall in judgment own. And raise to his eternal throne. HYMN 527. L. M. The same. Ps. xxiv. 3 — 5. 1 Who shall the mount of God ascend ? To heights above his footsteps bend ? Who shall attain that state of rest. Where love celestial fills the breast ? 2 Who shall within the holy place Abide, and taste Jehovah’s grace ? Who feel the joys of sacred love. And charity’s pure pleasures prove ? 3 The humble man, whose hands are clean Who shuns the gross delights of sin 5 Who strives from evil to depart ; Single in eye, and pure in heart : VIRTUES AND GRACES. 528, 529 4 Whose soul no vanity inflates 5 Who pride and all self-glory hates ; Whose words and works are ever free From mischief and hypocrisy. 5 This is the man on whom descend Blessings which know nor bound nor end j Salvation’s garments are his dress, And Jesus is his righteousness. HYMN 528 . c. M. Heavenly Peace. 1 O HAPPY man, thy Maker’s care. With ev’ry mercy blest ! Peace, solid peace, thy portion here. Hereafter, endless rest ! 2 Assured of Jesu’s powerful love. Composure all thy soul, Thy best affections fix’d above. How sweet thy minutes roll ! 3 No storms nor tempests rage within 5 The fire of hell subdued. Conquer’d by truth thy ev’ry sin. And all the man renew’d. 4 Look up, beloved soul ! and see What nameless glories rise. The vast reward prepared for thee In yonder peaceful skies ! HYMN 529 . L. M. The same, 1 How peaceful is the humble soul Where angry billows never roll j Where all is calm, serene, at rest. As in the smiling infant’s breast ; TT H 530 VIRTUES AND GRACES. 2 No storms nor tempests here intrude : Pride, lust, and wrath, are all subdued : The heart is ruled by love alone. And peace sits smiling on her throne. 3 O happy state ! divinely blest ! The man that feels this peaceful rest. Though troubles still around him press. In patience can his soul possess. 4 Jesus, my Saviour, God, and Friend, Before thy throne I humbly bend 5 This blissful state O let me prove. This heaven witViin of peace and love ! HYMN 530 . c. H. The Lord's Gift of Peace. John xiv. 27 1 O PRECIOUS boon ! O gift divine. Beyond all earthly bliss ! My soul, this treasure may be thine ! The Lord will give his peace. 2 Not- as the world bestows, he gives ) His peace can ne’er decay 5 But worldly peace a moment lives. And then is pass’d awav. 3 Deceitful peace ! it bears within The seeds of pain and care : While all without is smiling seen, A thorn is rankling there. 4 The man who feels interior peace. Alone can know its worth : From wisdom, love, and righteousness. This peace derives its birth. TIME, DEATH, AND ETERNITY. 531,532 5 O Prince of peace, my heart subdue ! All discord thence remove ! My mind and all its powers renew ! And I thy peace shall prove. HYMN 531 . c. M. Heavenly Peace and Joy 1 In a pure life of righteousness. The fruit of truth divine, The sweets of heavenly joy and peace Abound without decline. 2 The light and confidence of faith, '1 he glow of heavenly love. And hope, that triumphs over death. Yield joys like those above. 3 To take a glimpse within the veil. To know the Lord is mine. Are springs of joy that never fail. Unspeakable, divine. 4 These are the joys that satisfy. And sanctify, the mind 5 Which make the spirit mount on high. And leave the world behind. TIME, DEATH, AND ETERNITY. HYMN 532 . c. M. The Instability of Human Life, 1 Thee we adore. Eternal Name, And humbly own to thee. How feeble is our mortal frame : How helpless. Lord, are we ! H H 2 533 TIME, death, and eternity. 2 Dangers stand thick through all the ground To bring us to the tomb 5 And fierce diseases wait around * To hurry mortals home. 3 Great God, on what a slender thread Hang everlasting things ! Th’ eternal states of all the dead Upon life’s feeble strings ! 4 A never-ending bliss or woe Attends on ev’ry breath : And yet how unconcern’d we go Upon the brink of death ! C Awaken, Lord ! our drowsy sense. To walk this dangerous road ! And take our souls, if hurried hence. To thy divine abode ! HYMN 633 . c. M. The Vanity of Worldly Joys and Pursuits j How vain are all things here below ! How false, and yet how’ fair ! Each pleasure has its poison too. And ev’ry sweet a snare ! 2 The brightest scenes below the sky Give but a flatt’ring light. How oft we find some danger nigh. When nature yields delight ! 3 Our friends, with whom in social love The path of life we *ve trod. May steal our hearts from things above. And turn us back from God. TIME, DEATH, AND ETERNITY. 5M 4 How oft has sad experience proved. When goods of earth and sense Have once our warm affections moved^ ’Tis hard to call them thence ! 5 Henceforth thy Word, O Lord, shall be My soul’s eternal food : ’Twill raise and draw my heart to thee. The one substantial Good. HYMN 534. SEVENS DOUBLE. The same. 1 Sin and sorrow, care and strife. Harass till our latest breath 3 But, we know, a better life Lies beyond the gate of death. Better ne’er to see the sun. Than to have our all below : Wretched is the course they run. Who no other portion know. 2 When the Lord his summons sends. Earthly comforts lose their power ; Honour, riches, kindred, friends. Cannot cheer a dying hour. Where are then our pleasing schemes * Where the joys we hoped to find ? Gone for ever, like our dreams. Leaving not a trace behind. t 3 Happy souls who love the Lord ! Time is not too swift for you : When your Saviour gives the Word, Glad you ’ll bid the world adieu. Then he ’ll wipe away your tears 5 Near himself appoint your place. Swifter fly, ye rolling years ! Lord, we long to see thy face. H H 3 535 , 536 TIME, DEATH, AND ETERNITY, HYMN 535 . SEVKNS. Earthly Bliss imperfect. 1 Providence, profusely kind, . "Wheresoe’er you turn your eyes. Bids you, with a grateful mind. View a thousand blessings rise. 2 Thankful, own what you enjoy ! But a changing world, like this, Where a thousand fears annoy. Cannot give you perfect bliss. 3 Perfect bliss resides above. Far above this lower sky ; Bliss that merits all your love. Merits ev’ry anxious sigh. 4 What like this has earth to give O, immortals, in your breast Let the admonition live. Nor on earth desire to rest ! 5 When your bosom breathes a sigh, Or your eye emits a tear. Let your wishes rise on high ! Heaven, to those that seek, is near. HYMN 536 . L. M. 7'he Value of Time in reference to Eternity. 1 Think, O my soul, how much depends On the short period of a day ! Shall time, which heaven in mercy lends. Be negligently thrown away ? 2 Thy remnant minutes strive to use ! Awake ! rouse ev’ry active power ! Do not in dreams and trifles lose This little, this important hour ! TIME, DEATH, AND ETERNITY. 537 3 Lord of my life, inspire my heart With heavenly ardour, grace divine ! Nor let thy presence e’er depart ! For strength, and life, and death, are thine, 4 O teach me the celestial skill Each solemn warning to improve ! And, while iny days are short’ning still. Prepare me for the joys above ! HYMN 537 , p. M. Preparation for Eternity. 1 How great the bliss, how great the woe. Hangs on this span of time below. On this precarious breath ! The Lord of all things only knows Whether another year shall close Ere I expire in death, 2 In heaven above, or hell beneath. When I have pass’d the gate of death. Must be my final state : To-day attend the call divine ! To-morrow never may be thine : Repent, ere ’tis too late ! 3 Awake from languid nature’s dream ! Vast is the change, whate’er it seem To vain and worldly men. Lord, at thy footstool I would bow : Bid conscience plainly tell me now. What it would tell me then 1 4 If in destruction’s road I stray. Help me to choose the better way. That leads to joys on high ! Thy guiding light, thy spirit, give ! Nor let me ever dare to live. Such as I dare not die ! 538, 539 TIME^ DEATH, AND ETERNITY. HYMN 538 . p. M. Preparation for Eternity. 1 O LET US prepare. With diligent care. To meet our reward. When summon’d to judgment by Jesus our Lord 2 Life glides away fast : How soon it is past I O then let us live. That life everlasting our souls may receive ! 3 Each following day. That lengthens our stay. By mercy is lent. That we may have space of our sins to repent. 4 Whatever the Word Of Jesus our Lord Forbids to be done. As sin against him, let us constantly shun ! 5 Lord, grant us thy grace. Our spiritual race With zeal to pursue. And keep thy commandments for ever in view ! HYMN 539 . s. M. Preparation for Heaven. 1 O may I find a home Where joys serenely grow •, Where sins and sorrows never come ^ Where tears shall never flow ! 2 I long to tread the ground Where angels sit, and tell. How Jesu’s goodness knows no bound. And how he saves from hell. TIME, DEATH, AND ETERNITY. 540, 541 3 But is my spirit fit To breathe that purer air ? Am I prepared my God to meet } Can I his presence bear ? 4 Lord, fill my willing heart With love and truth divine } Thyself, thy purity, impart, And make me wholly thine ! HYMN 540 . L. M. T/ie same. 1 Now, Lord, our souls to heaven aspire With humble hope and warm desire : We long to worship at thy feet, And dwell where angels have their seat. 2 The world deceives when most it charms j It teems with sorrows, sins, and harms : Fain would we from its snares remove. And view that brighter world above. 3 But ah ! how unprepared we feel In that pure scene of bliss to dwell ! How slow we climb the upward road. Weigh’d down by sin’s oppressive load ! 4 Yet all our sins thou wilt subdue. And make us wise and holy too ! And when from all defilement free. We shall appear in heaven with thee. HYMN 541 . L. M. Desire of Heaven. 1 O COULD I soar to worlds above. That blessed state of peace and love. How gladly would I mount on high, Bid welcome death, and joyful fly ! 542 TIME^ DEATH, AND ETERNITY, 2 But ah ! still longer must I stay. Ere darksome night be turn’d to day ? More crosses, sorrows, conflicts, bear. Subject to trials, pains, and care ? 3 My Father knows what road is best. And how to lead to peace and rest : Cheerful to him 1 ’ll yield my all. Go where he leads, and wait his call. 4 While here, to do his will be mine. Confiding in his love divine ! *Tis his to fix my time of rest 3 And all that he appoints is best. HYMN 542 . p.M. Contemplating Death and Judgment, 1 Soon will end our mortal race. Our fleeting, transient breath j Soon we shall be call’d to pass The iron gate of death : Let us then our day improve ^ Hearken to our Saviour’s voice ; Seek the things that are above. And scorn delusive joys ! 2 Lord, when flesh and heart shall fail. Do thou our spirit cheer ! Strengthen’d thus, we shall prevail O’er Satan, sin, and fear. Trusting in thy precious name. May we thus our journev end ! Then our foes shall lose their aim ; Our Judge will be our Friend. TIME, DEATH, AND ETERNITY. 543, 544 HYMN 543 . p. M. The same. Amos iv 12. 1 Great God, thine awful vc^ce I hear Forth from thy Word resounding, Proclaiming death and judgment near, And mercy yet abounding. Sinners, forsake the downward road That leads to Satan’s dark abode ! Prepare, prepare, to meet your God ! 2 ^^Now, while the trumpet soundeth loud. Let ev’ry tribe and nation To Jesu’s sacred banner crowd, And hail his great salvation ! O choose the strait-but upward road That leads to angels’ bright abode ! Prepare to meet your Saviour God!” 3 Arise, my soul! thine evils shun! Accept the solemn warning ! Probation’s day will soon be gone : Eternity is dawning : Apply the means of grace bestow’d I Pursue the path thy Saviour trod ! And thus prepare to meet thy God ! HYMN 544 . c. M. The same. 1 Think, O my soul I the solemn day Is sure, and soon will come, When I must quit this house of clay. And hear my final doom. 2 Before the wise, omniscient Lord, I quickly must be brought. Who knows my ev’ry work and word, Mv ev’ry secret thought. 545 TIME, DEATH, AND ETERNITY. 3 His nature is all holiness 5 Almighty is his power : How shall I stand before his face. In that most solemn hour ! 4 If all my heart be vile within. Unholy and impure. Enslaved to self, the world, and sin. Can I that day endure ? 5 But if my heart and life be new. Made holy through the Word, With nameless rapture I shall view My gracious Judge and Lord. HYMN 545. L. M. The Fear of Heath reproved. 1 Do flesh and nature dread to die. And tim’rous thoughts our minds enslave ? Thou, Lord, canst raise our hopes on high And quell the terrors of the grave, 2 What ! shall we run to gain the prize. Yet grieve to think the goal is near ? Afraid above the world to rise. And in our Father’s house appear ? 3 Do we not dwell in clouds below. And dimly see the God we love ? Why should we like this twilight so. And shrink from noon’s bright beams above 4 O for the spirit of my God, To drive my fears of death away. And help me through this darksome road, To realms of everlasting day ! TIME;, DEATH, AND ETERNITY. 546, 54j HYMN 546 . L. M. Death a Blessing to the Righteous. 1 Through ev’ry active, busy scene. That crowds upon the opening day, Let firm r''3olves still intervene, O Lord, thy precepts to obey ! 2 Since life is short, that life t’ amend Should daily be our constant care 5 That while our thoughts to heaven ascend. Our hearts may find their treasure there. 3 Thus, welcome death’s appointed day, That ends the swift career of time! Cheerful the summons we obey, In age advanced, or youthful prime. 4 For death is life renew’d, no more To feel anxiety, or pain ; Those scenes with transport to explore. Which angels would describe in vain. HYMN 547 . p. M. The Death of the Regenerate Christian. ] When life’s tempestuous storms are o’er. How calm he meets the friendly shore. Who lived averse from sin ! Such peace on virtue’s path attends, That where the sinner’s pleasure ends. The Christian’s joys begin. 2 See smiling patience smooth his brow ! See kindred angels downvvard bow, To lift his soul on high i While, eager for the blest abode, He joins with them to praise his God, Who taught him how to die ! 548, 549 TIME, DEATH, AND ETERNITY. 3 O grant, my Saviour and my Friend, Such joys may gild my peaceful end. So calm my ev’ning close 5 While, loosed from ev’ry earthly tie, 1 feel thy soothing presence nigh. And on thy love repose ! HYMN 548 . L. M. The Death of the Regenerate Christian. 1 Blest is the man who dies in peace. And gently yields his soul to rest 5 Who gains from earth the kind release. Leaning upon his Saviour’s breast. 2 So fades a summer cloud away 5 So sinks the gale, when storms are o’er ) So gently shuts the eye of day ; So dies a wave along the shore. 3 A holy quiet reigns around, A calm no earthly care destroys : Nought can disturb that peace profound. Which this unfetter’d soul enjoys. 4 Farewell, conflicting hopes and fears. Where light and shade alternate dwell ! A bright, unchanging morn appears : Farewell, inconstant world, farewell I HYMN 549 . p. M. Blessed are the Dead tcho die in the Lord. Rev. xiv. 13 ; Matt. XXV. 21. 1 Hark ! a voice proclaims on high. The dead are blest indeed. In the Lord who calmly die. From all their labours freed. Them the Spirit hath declared Blest, unutterably blest : Jesus is their great reward. Their everlasting rest. TIME, DEATH, AND ETERNITY. 550 2 Follow’d by their works of love, Their happy souls ascend. Welcome, to the realms above. To meet their God and Friend. There they hear the words, ^^Well done! Good and faithful servant thou ! Enter and receive thy crown. And reign o’er ev’ry foe !” 3 When from flesh the soul hath fled. And hails th’ eternal dawn. Mortals say, A inan is dead ! ’* Angels, A child is born ! ” Born a native of the skies. Heir to everlasting bliss 3 Born through endless states to rise In purity and peace. HYMN 550. L. M. The Natural and the Spiritual Body, 1 Born in a world of sin and death. Soon as we draw our infant breath. Sorrows, and woes, and pains, begin. The sure inheritance of sin. 2 This body feels a thousand ills 3 At length, some sharp affliction kills : At once it falls, or ling’ring dies. Bound to the grave, no more to rise. 3 The spirit is of purer mould : This never dies 3 this grows not old : Disease it knows not, nor decay. But lives an everlasting day. 4 Then welcome death’s last solemn hour. When we shall rise with strength and power. In a substantial body live. And endless stores of bliss receive ! I I 2 552 TIME, DEATH, AND ETERNITY* HYMN 551 . s. M. Death and Resnrrectio7t 1 Behold the lifeless clay ! ’Tis dead, to live no more : But lo ! the man has wing’d his way To an immortal shore. 2 The dust alone remains : The man is fled and gone. And, loosen’d from his cumbrous chains, A brighter form puts on. 3 There ’s nothing lost by death. Except mere senseless clay : Nor is the soul a transient breath. Like vapour blown away. 4 The spirit is the man. Of substance real possess’d. With ev’ry sense and power that can Make him for ever blest. HYMN 552 . p. M. In the Prospect of Death, 1 Spirit, born for endless day. Quit, O quit, thy mortal clay ! Trembling, hoping, lingering, flying, O the pain, the bliss, of dying ! Cease, fond nature, cease thy strife. And let me languish into life I 2 Hark ! they whisper I angels say Kindred spirit, come away !” What is this absorbs me quite. Steals my senses, shuts my sight. Drowns my spirit, draws my breath ? me, my soul, can this be death ^ TIME, DEATH, AND ETERNITY. o53 3 The world recedes 3 it disappears : Heaven opens on my eyes 5 my ears With sounds seraphic ring. Lend, lend your wings ! I mount ! I fly ^ 0 grave ! where is thy victory ? O death ! where is thy sting ? HYMN 553. SEVENS DOUBLE. The same. 1 Deathless principle, arise ! Soar, thou native of the skies ! Made for God, to God return I All his wondrous goodness learn ! Angels, joyful to attend. Watchful o’er thy pillow bend. Wait to catch the signal given. And conduct thee quick to heaven. 2 Is thy earthly house distress^. Willing to retain its guest ? *Tis not thou, but it, must die : Fly, celestial tenant, fly ! Shudder not to pass the stream ! Venture all thy care on Him ! Not one object of his care Ever suffer’d shipwreck there. 3 Saints in glory, perfect made. Wait thy passage through the shade* Ardent for thy coming o’er. See ! they throng the blissful shore. Mount, their transports to improve! Join the happy choir above! Swiftly to their wish be given ! Kindle higher joy in heaven ! II 3 554, 555 TIME, DEATO, AND ETERNITY, HYMN 554. SEVENS DOUBLE^ In the Prospect of Death. 1 Spirit, leave thy house of clay ! Mortal dust, resign thy breath ! Spirit, cast thy chains away ! Dust, be thou dissolved in death ! ’’ Thus th’ Almighty Saviour speaks. While the faithful Christian dies : Thus the bonds of flesh he breaks. And the ransom’d captive flies. 2 Prisoner, long detain’d below ! Pris’ner, now with freedom blest ! Welcome from a world of woe ! Welcome to a world of rest 1 ” Thus the choir of angels sing. As they lead the soul on high ; While with hallelujahs ring All the regions of the sky. HYMN 555. L. M. The same, 1 When He whose mercy placed me here Shall call me hence, what should I fear ? From prison then I shall be freed, By power divine, and live indeed. 2 Then let this feeble flesh decay ! Kesign’d, the summons I ’ll obey : My spirit longs from earth to flee. From bonds to perfect liberty. 3 Soon shall I reach the heavenly shore i This mortal frame I want no more ^ Its work is done, and I resign That dust which is no longer mine. TIME, DEATH, AND ETERNITY. 556, 557 4 O may my longing spirit rise. Matured for pure celestial joys, A form of heavenly light and love. Prepared to live in heaven above ! HYMN 556 . p.M. Death a Gain to the Good departed, ] How blest is our brother deceased ! Our loss is his infinite gain : His soul ’s out of prison released. And freed from his bodily chain. In thought let us follow his flight. And mount with his spirit above 5 Escaped to the mansions of light. And lodged in the Eden of love ! 2 Our brother the haven hath gain’d, Outflying the tempest and wind : His rest he hath sooner obtain’d. And left his companions behind. The voyage of life ’s at an end : The mortal affliction is past : O may we to meet him ascend. Where pleasures for ever shall last ! HYMN 557 . p. M. The Feelings of Nature corrected. Forgive, dear friend ! the tributary tear That mourns thy transit from a world like this! Forgive the wish that would have kept thee here. And staid thy progress to the seats of bliss ! No more confined to grov’ling scenes of night. No more a tenant pent in mortal clay. Now should we rather hail thy glorious flight. And trace thy journey to the realms of day. 558, 559 TIME, DEATH, AND ETERNITY. HYMN 558 . p. M. Funeral Hymn, 1 Our brother is gone : his spirit is fled : Henceforth upon earth he ranks with the dead : But angels of mercy to meet him descend. And welcome his entrance to life without end. 2 Our brother is gone to mansions of rest. Where cares shall no more intrude on his breast: From those happy regions of light and of love His purified spirit shall never remove. 3 His mortal remains we give to the tomb. And follow, in thought, his spirit call’d home : In freedom exulting, his fetters are burst. No more to be cumber’d with perishing dust. 4 Let us, who survive, this kingdom pursue ^ Place all our delight in things good and true 3 So follow the faithful, that we may obtain A mansion in glory, and meet them again ! HYMN 559 . L. M. All Infants taken hy Death to Heaven, 1 Another babe is call’d away From earth, where sins and griefs abound s It drops its fragile form of clay. To rise where brighter scenes surround. 2 Jesus, we bless thy constant love ! Though we may lose our infants here. With thee they ever dwell above : To thee their tender souls are dear. 3 To angels’ kind and guardian care. By thee each infant soul is given j Who, by celestial ways, prepare Their minds for all the joys of heaven. TIME, DEATH, AND ETERNITY. 560, 561 4 Jesus, we leave them safe with thee ! Thy power is equal to thy love : Thine, through a blest eternity. From thee they ev’ry blessing prove. HYMN 560. L. M. The Blessedness of Death to an Infant. 1 How blest the infant soul in death. That ne’er offended God’s command ! In innocence it yields its breath. Translated to a happier land. 2 While round its bed each hov’ring friend Laments the fruitless succour given, Angels invisibly attend. And waft the smiling babe to heaven. 3 Ye sorrowing parents, weep no more ! Calmly the blighted joy resign ! While W'-e life’s varying scenes deplore. The hand that guides them is divine. 4 Lord, thou that numb’rest all our days Dost bound them with unerring skill ; Teach us the knowledge of thy ways. And resignation to thy will ! HYMN 561. c. M. infants transferred hy Death to the Presence of the Lord and the Care of Angels. 1 Parents bereaved, your grief subdue. Nor think your God severe ! Arise ! to heaven direct your view, And words of comfort hear ! 2 Your infant is by love withdrawn From sorrow, sin, and pain ; And now beholds the glorious dawn Of love’s eternal reign. 562 TIME, DEATH, AND ETERNITY. 3 Removed before that age mature. When man account must give. His bright inheritance is sure j With God his soul shall live. 4 5 6 1 Happy the in earliest years Whose heart inclines to wisdom’s ways ^ Who truth’s instructive page reveres. And to the Lord devotes his days ! 2 Should life extend, a parent’s love Views with fond hopes his dawning mind ; Should death the darling child remove. Still better hopes are left behind. 3 The vernal flower, by early blight. Expires, to bloom again no more : But youth’s fair blossom, snatch’d from sightp Blooms fairer on a happier shore. Angels the welcome guest receive To their aflfection given. And train him up to know, believe. And serve, the God of heaven. Daily he shall in knowledge rise. In beauteous stature grow. Become, like angels, good and wise. And with their raptures glow. Then comfort take ! your transient loss Is his eternal gain : Resign’d to Jesus, bear your cross. Nor his kind will arraign ! HYMN 562. L. M. The Pious Young transplanted to Heaven. TIME^ DEATH, AND ETERNITY. 563, 564 4 What solace for paternal love ! What antidote to dark dismay ! To know life’s closing scene shall prove The herald of eternal day ! HYMN 563 , c. M. Resigning a Dying Child. 1 Father, thy will be done, not mine ! Thy will is only love : To thee my darling I resign. For perfect bliss above. 2 Without a murm’ring wish I’d give The child thou gavest me : Or let him to thy glory live. Or let him die to thee. 3 I would not deprecate the cross. Or murmur, or complain j Assured my momentary loss Is his eternal gain. 4 I hear the providential word : I bless the will divine : Removed from my fond bosom. Lord, He ’s taken into thine. HYMN 564 . p. M. Resignation under the Loss of a Child. 2 Sam. xii. 23 ; 1 Sarn. iii. 18. 1 TVherefore should I make my moan. Now the darling child is dead ? He to early rest is gone : He to paradise is fled. I shall go to him, but he Never shall return to me. 565 TIME^ DEATH, AND ETERNITY. 2 God forbids his longer stay : God recalls the precious loan : God hath taken him away. From my bosom to his own. Surely what he wills is best ! Happy in his will I rest. 3 Faith exclaims, It is the Lord ! Let him do as seemeth good ! ’* Be thy holy name adored ! Take the gift awhile bestow’d ! Take the child, no longer mine ! Thine he is, for ever thine. HYMN 565. C. M, DOUBLE. Death of Friends improved. ) When friends and kindred droop and die, And helpers are withdrawn. While sorrow, with a weeping eye. Counts up our comforts gone j Be thou our comfort. Mighty God, Our Helper and our Friend ! And guide us in this dangerous road. Till all our trials end ! 2 O may our feet pursue the way Thy faithful servants trod ! May we with equal zeal obey I'he precepts of our God ! May we be wean’d from all below I May hope our grief dispel ! Then shall we be prepared to go Where our best kindred dwell. TIME^ DEATH, AND ETERNITY. 566, 567 HYMN 566. L. M. Prospect of Heaven. 1 W hene’er the Christian pilgrim views By faith his mansion in the skies. The sight his fainting strength renews. And wings his speed to reach the prize. 2 The thought of home his spirit cheers : No more he grieves for troubles past. Nor any future trial fears. So he may safe arrive at last. 3 ’Tis there,” he says, 1 am to dwell. With angels, in the realms of day : Then I shall bid my cares farewell : The Lord shall wipe my tears away.” 4 Jesus ! on thee our hopes depend To lead us on to thine abode : O guard us to our journey’s end. And guide us through the heavenward road ! HYMN 567. L. M. The same. 1 Pilgrims, to Zion’s city bound. Now passing through the desert ground. Urge on with joy your rugged way. And press to everlasting day! 2 See yonder holy kingdom rise ! The golden portals meet your eyes : Angels look down, and bid you come To your delightful, peaceful home. 3 No longer wrapp’d in ten-fold night The heavenly state of love and light j Its glories now are brought to view, Beyond what all our fathers knew. K K 568, 569 TIME, DEATH, AND ETERNITY. 4 Now evVy humble mind may rise. With growing ardour, to the skies ; The happy land with transport view. And feel its cheering glories too. HYMN 568 . c. M. Prospect of Heaven. 1 How oft my spirit longs to prove, What now I hope to gain, A state of endless peace and love. Secure from sin and pain ! 2 My thoughts, affections, and desires. To better kingdoms rise : To these my longing soul aspires : I thirst for purer joys. 3 But soon will end the gloomy night : The cheering dawn is nigh. When I shall take my joyful flight To brighter worlds on high. 4 Transporting thought ! be all my heart Prepared to meet my Lord I 0 may I still from sin depart. And steadfast keep his Word 1 HYMN 569 . c. M. The same. 1 Jesus, our God of truth and love. Who leads us by his hand. Bright mansions will provide above. In heaven’s eternal land. 2 There love divine, that holy flame, Will all our powers employ. To celebrate Jehovah’s name. In sweetest songs of joy. TIME, death, AND ETERNITY. 570,571 3 There science will to wisdom rise. From earthly dross refined; All heaven conspire to make us wise. And elevate the mind. 4 Wisdom and love shall fill the soul, And still more perfect grow ; Rivers of peace for ever roll. And joys unknown below. HYMN 570 . p. M. Entrance on Immortality, 1 Angels, guard the new immortal Through the wonder-teeming space. To the everlasting portal. To the spirit’s resting place ! Angels, let the ransom’d stranger In your tender care be blest ! Hoping, trusting, free from danger. Lead him to the realms of rest ! 2 There no hurtful foe can enter. And no friend departeth thence : Jesus is their sun, their centre. And their shield. Omnipotence. Blessed I for the Lamb shall feed them. All their tears shall wipe away. To the living fountains lead them. Through a bright eternal day. HYMN 571 . c. M. The Christian' s Entrance into the Spiritual World. 1 What glorious wonders, strange and new. Will meet my ravish’d eyes ; What scenes delightful rise to view. When I shall reach the skies ! K K 2 572 TIME, DEATH, AND ETERNITY. 2 And O ! what infinite delight. When golden harps are strung. And, by the morning stars of light, Jehovah’s praise is sung ! 3 There, too, will sweet instruction flow From bright angelic choirs ; And they shall teach my soul to know What now my soul desires, 4 How will rejoice this heart of mine. To hear their words of love, While they, with eloquence divine. My ev’ry cloud remove ! 5 But ah ! if lost in wonder now. Blest Lord, what shall I be. When in thy presence I shall bow. And all thy glory see ! HYMN 572 . L. M. Gentiles after Death, ] O CHEERING thought ! the heathen rao Who knew not God their Saviour here. In future worlds shall taste his grace. And find their souls to Jesus dear, 2 If, to the best their conscience knew, Tliey served their God, and loved mankind And render’d unto all their due. Their service shall acceptance find. 3 Jesus, whose mercy knows no bounds Of persons no respecter is ; And all by him obedient found. Shall find a place in realms of bliss. TIME, DEATH, AND ETERNITY. 573, 674 4 Angels with tend’rest love instruct The heathen souls to know their God j And, vvhen prepared, with joy conduct To heaven’s serene and pure abode. HYMN 573 . L. M. The Blessedness of Heaven. 1 The heart of man can ne’er conceive The joys the blest in heaven receive 5 No mortal tongue can set them forth. Or tell their number and their worth. 2 No keen afflictions enter there j No bitter grief, no galling care : Disease and pain are changed for health. And poverty for solid wealth. 3 Infernal foes no more are se-en. Nor life impure, nor heart unclean : No sin can vex the happy soul. Nor heavy cross his peace control. 4 O may we share substantial bliss In other worlds, when call’d from this ! There may we dwell, for ever blest. And safe in everlasting rest ! HYMN 574 . c. M. The same. 1 Come, Lord, and warm each languid heart! Inspire each lifeless tongue ! And let the joys of heaven impart Their influence to our song ! 2 Sorrow, and pain, and care, and fear. And discord, there shall cease ; While perfect joy, and love sincere. Adorn the realms of peace ! K K 3 575 TIME, DEATH, AND ETERNITY. 3 The soul, from sin for ever free. Shall mourn its power no more j But, clothed in spotless purity. Redeeming love adore. 4 There shall the followers of the Lamb Join in immortal songs. And endless honours to his name Employ their cheerful tongues. 5 Lord, tune our hearts to praise and love. Our feeble notes inspire. Till, in thy blissful courts above, We join th’ angelic choir ! HYMN 575 . c. M. The Glories of Heaven. 1 Above these narrow scenes of night Unbounded glories rise. And realms of infinite delight. Unknown to mortal eyes. 2 Through all those wide-extended plains Shines one eternal day : There Jesus Lord for ever reigns. And blessings crown his sway. 3 No gloomy cloud those regions know. For ever bright and fair 3 And sin, that source of mortal woe. Can never enter there. 4 O may this heavenly prospect fire Our hearts with ardent love ! May lively faith and strong desire Bear ev’ry wish above ! TIME, DEATH, A^ D ETERNITY. 5/6,577 HYMN 576 . c.M. Rest in Heaven from Sufferings and Trials. Rev. vii. 13 — 17. ] Say, what are these who brightly shine In spotless white array ? Whence came they to the blissful seats Of everlasting day ?” 2 ^^Lo ! these are they through snlF’rings grea*. Who came to realms of light. And in the Lamb’s pure, mystic blood Have wash’d their robes so white. 3 Now day and night they joyful stand Before the throne on high. And serve the God they love, amidst The glories of the sky., 4 Hunger and thirst are felt no more. Nor sun with scorching ray^ God is their Sun, whose quick ’ning beams Diffuse eternal day. 5 The Lamb that sits amidst the throne Shall o’er them still preside j Feed them with nourishment divine. And all their footsteps guide. 6 In pastures green he ’ll lead his flock. Where living streams appear •, And God the Lord from ev’ry eye Shall wipe off* ev’ry tear.” HYMN 577. SEVENS DOUBLE, The same. I High in yonder realms of light, Raised by God’s almighty hand, Fair and exquisitely bright. Heaven’s unfading mansions stand. 578 TIME, DEATH, AND ETERNITY. Safe within these blest abodes Dwell the raptured saints above. Where no anxious care corrodes. Happy in Immanuel’s love. 2 Once, indeed, like us below. Pilgrims in this vale of tears. Pain they felt, and heavy woe. Gloomy doubts, distressing fears : But, these days of weeping o’er. Past this scene of toil and pain. They shall feel distress no more. Never, never weep again. 3 All is tranquil and serene. Calm and undisturb’d repose : There no cloud can intervene ^ There no angry tempest blows. Ev’ry tear is wiped away : Sighs no more shall heave the breast : Night is lost in endless day. Sorrow in eternal rest, HYMN 578 . p. M. ^ Sight of Heaven. 2 Ks. ii. 11; Rev. xix. 6 ; v. 6 ; vii IT ; xxsL 4,6; i.l6. 1 Come, in spirit now rise To your home in the skies ! Take a foretaste of pleasures above ! With the prophet we ’ll soar Where the angels adore ; Lo! we mount in the chariot of love. 2 What a rapturous song ! Hark ! the glorified throng Raise their voices in praise of the Lamb : Hallelujah ! they sing, To the heavenly King, To the great, everlasting I Am. TIME, DEATH, AND ETERNITY. 579 3 From the Lord on the throne. Where he reigneth alone. Beams his spirit, abundantly given. That the children of men. By his truth born again, May be blest with the pleasures of heaven. 4 Who on earth can conceive How divinely we live In the city of God the great King j By Immanuel fed With celestial bread, And refresh’d with the life-giving spring ! 5 May our foreheads proclaim His ineffable name. And our spirits his glory display ; Till we see the Great Light, As the sun in its might. Through eternity blaze in full day ! HYMN 579 . h. M. The Celestial and Spiritual Kingdoms. Ps. Ixxxiv. 1,. 1 Arise, my soul, and stretch the wing ! Behold those brighter realms above. Where Jesus reigns, th’ Eternal King, And all is peace, and joy, and love ! 2 His tabernacles, raised on high, A grand and beauteous sight afford : Those happy dwellings none come nigh But such as truly love the Lord. 3 In courts less high, yet blest, are seen. The men whose souls in truth delight j Where genuine Charity is queen. And kind affections all unite. 580,581 TIME, DEATH, AND ETERNITY. 4 In Human Form Divine, the Lord Above them condescends to dwell j With rapture they his name record. And of his grace and mercy tell. My soul now longs, and faints, to rise Where these delightful scenes are found : My heart, my flesh, for Jesus cries : When will my hopes of heaven be crown’d ? HYMN 580 . p. M. P^iew of Heaven. Rev. xxi. 3, 4 ; xxii. 1 — 5. 1 On wings of faith, ye Christian souls, arise ! Behold your place prepared in yonder skies ! No toil, no grief, nor sad afflicting pain, In that blest world can e’er admittance gain : For there the Lord of life, all bright and glorious. O’er sin and death for ever reigns victorious. 2 Before the throne a crystal river glides 3 Immortal green adorns its cheerful sides : Hard by, the tree of life, majestic, bears Its monthly fruits, and healing verdure wears. Lo! there the Lamb is seen, on Zion’s mountains, His countless flock to feed, near living fountains. 3 No scorching sun shall there his beams displays No changing moon emit her sickly ray : The Man Divine celestial glory sheds 3 Jehovah-Jesus blissful radiance spreads : *Tis he whose face dispels all care and sadness. And fills both heaven and earth with joy and glad- ness. HYMN 581 . c. M. The Substantial Reality of Heaven. 1 There is a land of pure delight. Where saints immortal reign 3 Eternal day excludes the night. And pleasures banish pain. TIME, DEATH, AND ETERNITY. 582 2 There everlasting spring abides. And never-with’ring flowers. Death, like a narrow sea, divides That heavenly land from ours. 3 Sweet fields, beyond the swelling flood. Stand drest in living green j So to the Jews their Canaan stood. While Jordan roll’d between. 4 But tim’rous mortals start, and shrink To cross this narrow sea j And linger, shiv’ring on the brink ; And fear to launch away. 5 O could we climb where Moses stood. And view the landscape o’er. Not Jordan’s stream, nor death’s cold flood. Should fright us from the shore ! HYMN 582 . p. M. Contemplating the Scenery of Heaven. 1 My soul, on wings of ardour rise ! Contemplate yonder happy skies. The home of all the blest ! Fain to this kingdom I would soar : The world can captivate no more : I seek the realms of rest, 2 There, beaming life, and joy, and peace, Jesus, the Sun of righteousness. Shines forth in glory bright ! The sacred penetrating rays Inspire with wisdom, love, and praise. And exquisite delight. 583 TIME, DEATH, AND ETERNITY. 3 And lo ! what w^onders there are found ! What beauteous objects glow around. Where heaven’s bright mansions rise ! All that can fill the raptured sense Unite, pure pleasures to dispense, ’Mid scenes of Paradise. 4 But whence are these ? They all express. In outward form, the holiness That lives within the soul : Each beauteous object fitly shows Some heavenly grace the Lord bestows. Whose presence fills the whole. Blest Lord ! I long to rise to thee, The glories of thy saints to see. Their pure delights to share. O break the chains of self and sin ! The life of heaven implant within ! Then take my spirit there ! HYMN 583 . p, M. Contemplating Heavenly Employments. 1 Think, O my soul, what scenes await The righteous in a future state. And mark their sweet employ I For not in languid indolence. Nor in the mere delights of sense. Consists angelic joy. 2 Nor do they ev’ry moment bend In prayer, and outward praises send. Unceasing, to the Lord 5 Though oft they in his temple meet. And, waiting near his sacred feet. They hear and learn his Word. TIMEj DEATH, AND ETERNITY. 584 3 Ten tliousancf cliff rent works they find To occupy the noble mind j But none a burden prove : In active uses all are found, And all in charity abound 3 Their ev’ry work is love. 4 Pure love within itself includes The source of all beatitudes : And they who act from love, r Whate’en they do, find pleasure still : Performing thus their Father’s will. His nameless peace they prove. 5 But stay, my soul ! those works of love. And the true joys of heaven above. Thy feeble thought transcend : Enough that, from the body freed, Angels in ev’ry good proceed. Advancing without end, HYMN 584 . c. M. Heavenly Bliss from Love and the Communion of Goode, 1 Who can declare the boundless bliss. That reigns in heaven above ? Who can describe the inward peace. That springs from perfect love ? 2 From Jesus rays of glory shine, That wisdom’s light bestow : Fill’d with the power of love divine. The raptured angels glow. 3 Each has his own peculiar name, His proper use performs 3 And each his own peculiar flame Illuminates and warms. L L 5S5 FOR VARIOUS OCCASIONS. 4 Each would his own delights impart T’ increase the gen’ral sum j And thus the joys of ev’ry heart, The joys of all become. 5 Eternal years shall still increase The bliss that dwells above 5 And numbers add new stores of bliss. Of wisdom, light, and love. FOR VARIOUS OCCASIONS. HYMN 585 . p. M. Before Sermon, 1 Now the pure and heavenly light. Within us. Lord, reveal ! By thy wisdom guide us right. And shew us ail thy will 1 Now our faith and hope increase ! Now thy choicest blessings give ! Let us, fiird with joy and peace. Upon thy fulness live ! 2 Give us. Lord, a holy fear, A meek and humble heart ! Let us feel thy presence near ! Bid worldly cares depart ! While we hear thy blessed Word, Th’ understanding mind bestow ! What thy love hath wrought, O Lord, Thv truth alone can show FOR VARIOUS OCCASIONS. 586^ 587, 588 HYMN 586 . p. M. The same. 1 Now diffuse thy Holy Spirit ! Nourish, Lord, the heavenly seed ! Let each heart thy grace inherit ! Raise the weak, the hungry feed ! Word Incarnate, Now supply thy people’s need ! 2 O may all enjoy the blessing Which thy Word ’s design’d to give ! Let us all, thy love possessing. Joyfully the truth receive. And for ever To thy praise and glory live ! HYMN 587 . p. M. After Sermon. J O Jesus our Lord, Thy name be adored. For all the rich blessings convey’d by thy Word ! 2 In spirit we trace Thy mercy and grace. The wisdom and goodness that beam from thy face. 3 Thy trumpet, O Lord, The voice of thy Word, The language of mercy, resoundeth abroad. 4 The gospel displays Thy wonderful ways. And sweetly awakens the concert of praise. HYMN 588 . p. M. The same. 1 Lord, teach us to know. And serve thee below. That wc in thy likeness may constantly grow ! i. L 2 589,590,591 for various occasions- 2 Thrice happy are they Who hear and obey 3 Who share in thy blessings, and walk in thy way 3 Thy children are blest. Who lean on thy breast, And find a rich foretaste of thy promised rest. 4 These blessings be mine. Through mercy divine ! And, O my Redeemer, all glory be thine ! HYMN 589 . p, M. After Sermon, May the peace of God our Saviour, May his boundless grace and love. May his Holy Spirit’s favour. Rest upon us from above ! So may we abide in union With each other and the Lord, And enjoy, in sweet communion. More than earth can e’er afford ! HYMN 590. C. M, DOUBLE. The same. Lord, help us on thy Word to feed ! In peace dismiss us hence ! Be thou, in ev’ry time of need. Our refuge and defence ! With thankful hearts we bless thy name j Thy love our tongues record, And with the voice of joy proclaim The goodness of our Lord. HYMN 591 . p. M. The same, 1 Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing, Hope and comfort from above ! Let us each, thy peace possessing. Triumph in redeeming love ! FOR VARIOUS OCCASIONS. 592, 593 2 For ten thousand mercies granted. For thy kingdom brought thus nigh. For the pledge of all that ’s wanted, Let our praises rise on high ! 3 Thanks receive, and adoration. For the gospel’s joyful sound ! May the fruits of thy salvation In our hearts and lives abound ! HYMN 592 . p. M. The same. Bless’d be God who being gave us ! Bless’d be God who came to save us ! Jesus Christ his sacred Name ! Honour, blessing, adoration, Ever from the whole creation. Be to Jesus Christ, the Lamb ! HYMN 593 , L. M. For a Society Meeting. 1 Brethren ! to us the Lord hath given To know and love his sacred name : With one accord we press to heaven. Our hope, our way, our end, the same. 2 May he by whose kind care we meet Send his good Spirit from above. Make our communications sweet. And cause our hearts to burn with love ! 3 And while we talk of all his ways. May he with sacred light inspire. And fill our souls with joy and praise. With humble hope, and pure desire ! LL 3 594, 595 FOR VARIOUS occasions. 4 So shall the moments pass away In wonder, gratitude, and love. And yield a foretaste of the day. When we shall meet in heaven above, HYMN 594 . p. M. Morning Hymn. 1 To thee, my God and Friend, I raise my morning song 3 Thou dost my life defend ; Thy arm of power is strong. My many foes beset me round ^ But sweet repose in thee 1 found. 2 Thou dost preserve my frame. And keep me safe in sleep : Kind angels, in thy name. My soul and body keep. In ev’ry state thy servants prove Thy mercy great, thy tender love. 3 Protected through the night. To thee I give the day. And in thy love and light. Would still pursue my way } Till thou shalt raise my soul above, Where all is praise, and all is love. HYMN 595 . L. M. Evening Hymn. 1 Glory to thee, O Lord, this night. For all the blessings of the light ! Keep me, O keep me. King of kings Under the shadow of thy wings ! FOR VARIOUS OCCASIONS. 2 O let thy angels, whilst I sleep, Their watchful stations near me keep. My heart with love celestial fill. And guard me from th’ approach of ill ! 3 Lord, let my soul for ever share The bliss of thy paternal care ! ’Tis heaven on earth, ’tis heaven above. To seek thy face and sing thy love, 4 From Jesus Christ all blessings flow 5 Praise him, all creatures here below ! Praise him above, ye heavenly host ! He *s Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. HYMN 596 . p. M. For the Netv Year. 1 To God our salvation and light. The guide and the strength of our davs. With gratitude, love, and delight, A song of thanksgiving we raise. When compass’d with dangers and snares Temptations, and fears, and complaints. His ear he inclined to our prayers, ^ H is hand open’d wide to our wants. 2 Thee, Jesus, Jehovah we own. While loud hallelujahs we sing ; Our God and our Saviour alone. Our Prophet, our Priest, and our King. Assist us in heart to repent The sins of the year that is past ' And grant that the next may be spent Far more to thy praise than the last ! 597, 598 FOR VARIOUS occasions. HYMN 597. SEVENS DOUBLE. For the Neio Year. ] While with ceaseless course the sun Hasted through the former year. Many souls their race have run. Never more to meet us here. Finish’d now probation’s day. They have done with all below : We a little longer stay 5 But how little none can know. 2 As the winged arrow flies Speedily the mark to find 5 As the lightning from the skies Darts, and leaves no trace behind ; Swiftly thus our fleeting days Bear us down life’s rapid stream. Upwards, Lord, our spirits raise ! All below is but a dream. 3 Thanks for mercies past receive ! All thy mercies now renew ! Teach us henceforth how to live With eternity in view ! More and more thy Word unfold ! Fill us with redeeming love ! And, when life’s short tale is told. May we dwell with thee above ! HYMN 598. L. M. The same. 1 Father of mercies, God of Love, Whose kind compassion still we prove Our praise accept, and bless us here. Now brought to this, another year ! FOR VARIOUS OCCASIONS. m 2 We sing thy goodness all divine^ Whose radiant beams around us shine : *Tis through thy bounty we appear. Spared to behold another year. 3 Our souls, our all, we here resign : Make us, and keep us, ever thine ! And grant, that in thy love and fear We may begin another year ! 4 Be this our sweet experience still : To kuypw and do thy holy will ! Then shall our souls, with joy sincere, Bless thee for this, another year. 5 Still, Lord, through life thy love display ! And then, in death’s approaching day. We ’ll joyful part with all that ’s here. Nor wish on earth another year. HYMN 599. SEVENS DOUBLE. The same. 1 Spared to see another year, Jesus, deign to meet us here ! Now thy gracious work revive ! Bid thy drooping garden thrive ! » Sun of Righteousness, arise ! Warm our hearts, and bless our eyes! Let our prayers ascend above ! Make this year a time of love 1 2 Where thou hast thy work begun. Give new strength the race to run ! Scatter darkness, doubts, and fears ! Wipe away the mourner’s tears 1 Clothe thy W ord with power divine \ Make us willing to be thine ! Let thy waiting people prove All tbv power, and all thv love I 600 FOR VARIOUS OCCASIONS. HYMN 600 . c. M. National Hymn. 1 Great God ! thou dost all nations rule. And their affairs control ; Thy power extends o’er all the earth. Thy love, from pole to pole. 2 Our native land in pity vievy I In mercy. Lord, look down ! Thy kingdom in each heart erect ! Maintain thy rightful crown ! 3 Let blessings fall in copious showers. Upon our sovereign’s head ! Our rulers guide, and let them be In paths of wisdom led ! DOXOLOGIES. 1 . L, M. Jehovah-Jesus, Lord of all. We Father, Son, and Spirit call : One God, One Person, on the throne. We give all praise to him alone, 2. c. M, The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, One God, our souls adore : Jesus his name : in him we boast. And praise him evermore. 3. s. M. Now be the Father, Son, And Holy Ghost, adored ; In essence and in person one, Jehovah, Jesus, Lord ! 4. P. M. Now to Jesus Christ the glory And dominion shall be given : He is Alpha and Omega, First and Last, in earth and heaven. 5. P. M. Now let us join the heavenly host Who Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, In Jesus Christ adore : Of heaven and earth they crown him King To him their loud hosannas sing; And praise him evermore. DOXOLOGIE6. 6. SEVENS DOUBLE. Father, Son, and Spirit meet. In the Saviour God we own : Jesus as our King we greet. Father, Maker, Lord alone. Blessed Fount of life and light ! All his Human is Divine : God and man in him unite. Heaven and earth, in praise combin 7. P. M. Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, In Jesus we adore : With the bright angelic host. We praise him evermore. Jesus, great Incarnate Word, Fount of life and purity. Holy, holy, holy Lord, All glory be to thee ! INDEX OF SUBJECTS, Page or Hymn Adoration. (See Worship^ Advent^ First — of Jehovah - - - 70 j , Blessings of the Lord’s - - 72, 73 , , Divine mercies of the Lord’s - - 74 , , Practical application of the Lord’s 81 , , State of the worlti at the Lord’s - 69 Advent, Second — Blessings of the - _ 129 — , , Celestial comforts attending the - 134 , , Glad Tidings of the Lord’s - - 125 , , Glorification of the Lord on his - 137 , , Glory of the - - - . 128 , , Jesus making his— as Jehovah alone 122 — , , Nature of the kingdom established at the 131 , , Nature of the Lord’s - - 120 , , , Praises for the - - - 135 , , Proclaiming the Lord’s - - 124 • , , Receiving the Lord at his - - 126 , , State of the world at the - - 119 , , The Lord more fully revealed at his - 121 , , The Lord the only King at his - 133 , , The Lord’s — to Judgment - - 123 , , Universal diffusion of truth and love at the 132 Advent, ^rst and second— Prdlse for the - - 267 Adult — For the baptism of an - 305,311—314 , For the baptism of more than one - - 3 15 under temptation — For - - - 457 trials — ^For - - - - 456 All in all — ^The Lord our , - - 55^ 55 — looking to the Lord in • - - 401 under the Divine Providence - - 139 — tirnes — The 1 ord to be regarded at - 402, 403 All-sufficiency in states ol trial — The Lord’s 449, 450 Always before me” — “ I have set the Lord • - 403 Alpha and Omega — The Lord the - - 1 attendant on man - - 169, 170, 171 INDEX OF Page or Hymn or devils— Man associated with - 363 — , Infants transferred by death to the care of 561 Apostasy — Watchfulness against - - - 388 Arrogation of self merit — Against the - - 391 Ascended before the spiritual eyes of the disciples — The Lord 97 Glory of the Lord’s - - 98 , The Lord’s— predicted - - - 96 Aspiration. (See Sabbath.) Babes — Wisdom revealed to spiritual - - 369 Baptism., For an adult - - 305, 311 — 314 For more than one adult « - - 315 , For an infant - - - 305 — 308 — , For infants - - . - 309, 310 Bethesda — The pool of - • . 181 Bethlehem — Divine character of him who was horn at 76 Birth of Immanuel — Celebration of the - - 80 Body — The natural and the spiritual - - 550 — — , The Lord’s resurrection-body divine - - 91 Born at Bethlehem —Divine character of him who was 76 Call — Obedience to the Lord’s Calling us to himself — The Lord’s solicitude in Calvary — Gethsemane and Change. (See Regeneration.) Changes of state in the regenerate life Charity ' - - - - and Love — Obedience — , Love and - - - - Charitable judgment - - - Child, (Sec Resignation and Resigning.) Character of the true , Death of the regenerate Christian's entrance in the spiritual world — The C^wrc/i— Celebration of the Lord by the , Consolation for the , Divine protection for the true , For the spread of the New , Invitation to Zion ~ the abode of the King of glory — ^The - — , The blessings of the • , The future glory of the - 367 57 - 83 429, 430 497- 500 . 517 496 - 495 - 525 547, 548 - 571 299, 300 209, 210 158 213, 215 212 - 208 198-201 - 211 SUBJECTS. Page or Hym* Church the garden of the Lord — The - - 197 the highway to Zion - - - 214 the light of the world — ^The - - - 205 , The Lord welcomed by the - 20fc), 207 , The purity of the New - - - 204 , The strength and blessings of the - 202 , The strength and glory of the - 203 universal — For a blessing on the Christian 216 Church or place of Worship — Imploring a blessing on the services of a new - - 310'~343 , The New — dedicated to Jesus Christ as God alone 344 of divine love— The - - - 26 “ Come ye to the waters” - _ - 180 Comfort — The Word our refuge and - - 178 Comforts — C elestial — attending the second advent 134 Communion of goods — Heavenly bliss from - 584 • with the Lord - - - - 417 Compassion — Divine mercy and - - 34 Confession - - - - - 375 ■ of indolence in spiritual things - - 370 Confidence in the care of providence - 142, 144, 145 in tlie divine protection . - - 165 under trials - . * - 463 and praise . - - 294, 295 , Praise and — in the divine protection - 279 Confiict - Preparation for spiritual - 434, 435 , 1 ncouragement to spiritual - - 436 Conjugial love _ - - 520, 522 , The spiritual advantages of - 521 Conjunction w\i\i the Yuord . - , 392 Conquest — ^The reward of spiritual • - 438 Conscience - . - - - 351 Consolation for the church - - 209, 210 under trials — Encouragement and - 455 Contrition - - - - 377, 378, 379 redeemed, and preserved by divinelove— Man 28 Creation displays the divine power, wisdom, and goodness - - - - - 66 proves the existence of God - - 62 praise the Lord— Let all - - - 67 , Praise for - - - - 68, 257 and providence — Praise for - 258 — and redemption — Praise for - 260, 261 mm2 INDEX OF Page or Hymn Creation^ redemption, and regeneration— Praise for 262, 263 Creator manifested in his works — The - - 63, 64 of all things — Jesus the one - - - 6 , The eternal — the redeemer - - 7 and redeemer — Praise to the - . - 259 Day of rest. (See Sabbath.) Darkness — The Lord subdued the powers of - 108 Dead who die in the Lord” — “ Blessed are the - 549 Death a blessing to the righteous - - 546 a gain to the good departed - - - 556 of friends improved ... 565 of the regenerate Christian - - 547, 548 and resurrection - - ^ 551 , Gentiles after - . ^ - 572 — , In the prospect of - - ^ 552, 555 » All infants taken by — to heaven - 559 — , Infants transferred by — to the presence of the Lord and the care of angels - - 561 , The blessedness of — to an infant - - 560 , The fear of — reproved - - - 545 , The feelings of nature at the death of a friend corrected _ - » - 557 — and judgment— Contemplating - 542 — 545 Resignation under the loss of a child - 564 Resigning a dying child _ - - 563 Deliverance from temptation — Praise for - 280 when under temptation — ^Thanksgiving for 464, 465 Deliverer in temptation —The Lord our sure 447, 448 Dependance on the divine providence - - 143 of the Holy Spirit . - _ 99, 100 of the New Jerusalem - 192, 193, 194 — Man associated with angels or - 363 Devotion ----- 406 — 416 Diffusion of truth and love by the second advent — C ni- versal _ - , - * 132 Divine Goodness. (See Goodness.) Divine Guidance. (See Guidance^ Divine Humanity . (See Humanity^ Divine Love. (See Love^ Divine Mercy. (See Mercy ^ Divine Power. (See Power.) Divine Protection. (See Protection.) SUBJECTS Page or Hymn Divine Providence. (See Providence.) Divine Truth. (See Truth.) Divine Wisdom. (See Wisdom.) bliss imperfect - - . - 535 Einployments of heaven— Contemplating the - 583 Encouragement in temptations ... 452 ill the regenerate life - - - 43I to spiritual conflict - - - - 436 to watchfulness and perseverance - 432 under trials - - 453^ 454, 455 Enduring to the end - - - . 395 Entrance on immortality - - - . 57O into the spiritual world — The Christian’s 571 Eternal ends— The Lord in his providence regards 138 God — Praise to the - - . . 252 and self existent — 1 he Lord - - 5 things — Devotion to - ~ - - 397 , For a deep sense of - 366 Preparation for - - 537, 538 , The value of time in reference to - 536 immensity and infinity - - - 16 Evening Hymn - - - . 595 Supplication against - . - 333 spirits— For protection against - - 168 Exaltation — The Lord’s humiliation and - 87 , 88 Example — The Lord our - . . 60 , 61 of God— Creation proves the - - 62 Expostulation with sinners - - • 358 — 361 External man — The internal and the - - 346 Pace shine upon thee” — “ The Lord make his - 46 Faith - - - - . 486 , 487 , A living and dead - - _ 485 Fa/Z of man— The - - - 353^ 354 , The golden age and the - - 352 Fear of death reproved — The - - 545 of the Lord — The - - . - 439 Finished"' — “ It is - - - - 36 Flesh and blood — The Lord’s - . - 39 Folloiving the Lord in obedience, faith, and love 395 through trials - - _ 394 Free-will. (See Liberty.) - - - 347 343 M iVI 3 INDEX OP Friend — ^I'he Lord our heavenly Friends — Death of — improved Funeral hymn Page or Hymn 24 - 565 558 Garden of the Lord — The church the Gtntiles after death - - . Gethsemane and Calvary - • - - Glorified Humanity — I'he - - - Glory of the church — The future God in human form - - . « is love - - . . , Creation proves the existence of — The titles and kingdom of the incarnate — over all — Jesus - . - Golden age and fall — The - . - Good — The Lord the source of all , Praise to the Lord the source of all Goorfwe^^the object of spiritual love , Divine— extends to all - - - , Divine power and - . - ■ j Creation displays the divine power, wisdom, and — , Praise for divine mercy and Gospel — For the spread of the everlasting - Governor of the universe— -Jesus the Guardian — The Lord our shepherd, guide, and Guide and guardian — ^The Lord our shepherd - Guidance and preservation — Praise for divine , Praise for divine protection and 197 572 83 11 211 14 21 62 71 2 352 51 255 507 38 37 66 273 190 8 48 48 276 278 Hand'''' — “My times are in thy Heaven^ A sight of - , A view of - - - - • , All infants taken by death to , Contemplating the scenery of , Desire of - - - , Preparation for - . . , Prospect of - - - , Rest in — from sufferings and trials , 1 he bkssings of - - - — , 1 he celestial and spiritual kingdoms of — , The glories of - , The pious young transplanted to y The qualifications for - 151 5,8 - 580 559 - 582 511 539 , 540 566 - 569 576 , 577 573 , 574 - 579 575 - 562 526 , 527 SUBJECTS. Page or Hyxrtn //eat en — The substantial reality of - - 581 Heavenly bliss from love and communion of goods 584 employments - - - - 583 Exhortation to peace and - 393 Holy Spirit — Descent of the - 99, 100 (See Sun.) Holy Supper an earnest of every good - - 327 — , Appropriation of divine influences in the 326 , Before receiving the — (Consideration of its ex- cellences) - - - 318, 319, 320 — , Brotherly communion in the - 330, 331 , Invitation to (and, Signification and uses of) 317 , Imploring divine mercies in the - - 321 — — , Intreating the Lord’s presence and blessing in the 322 - ■ , Remembrance of the Lord’s conflicts and vic- tories in the ----- 323 , Renewal of our covenant in the - 324 , The blessedness of the - - 328, 329 — — , The symbolic meaning of the - - 325 Hope ------ 488 Human form— Go A in - - - 14 Humanity — The divine - - - 12, 13 , The glorified _ - - - H • omnipotent after the resurrection —The Lord’s 92 , Praise for redemption to the Lord’s divine - 112 Humiliation and exaltation — The Lord’s - 87, 88 Hujnility - - - . 492, 493, 494 — , The Lord’s sufferings and - - 82 Image and likeness of God - - - 524 , The heavenly marriage the divine - 523 Immanuel Lord of all — Proclaiming - - 249 , Celebration of the birth of - - 80 — , Welcome to - - - 77 eternity, and infinity - - 16 of the natural and spiritual worlds — ^The - 65 Immortality — Entrance on - - - 570 Imploring. (See Protection^ and Worship.) Incarnate God — The titles and kingdom of the - 71 Incarnation celebrated - - - 79 Individually. (See Redemption.) Indolence in spiritual things — Confession of - 376 Infant. (See Baptism.) M M 4 INDEX OF Infants. (See Baptism, Death, and Heaven.) manifested — ^The - - - 15 Infinity — Eternity, immensity, and - 16 Instability of human life—The - - . 532 Internal and external man — The - - 346 “ It is finished^ - - - - 86 Invitation. (See Holy Supper, Marriage-feast^ and Zion.) Jehovah alone— Jesus making his second advent as 122 , Redemption only possible by - - II3 “ JeAouaA J ireh” - - . . I47 Jerusalem — The new - • - . I95 j , Descent of - 192, 193, 194 , - , The excellency of - - 196 Jesus God over all - . - . 2 making his second advent as Jehovah alone 122 our king, priest, and prophet - - 43 the governor of the universe - - 8 the morning star - - - - 45 the one creator of all things - - 6 the only object of love and worship - 9, 10 • the sovereign of the universe— Praise to - 251 • , The testimony of — is the spirit of prophecy 183 Journey — ^The spiritual - - - 420—424 j j Divine protection through 167 , , The Lord our leader in - 425 Judgment — Charitable - - . 495 — , Contemplating death and - 542, 543, 544 — , The Lord’s second advent to - - 123 King, priest, aud ps’ophet— Jescis otsi - - 43 of glory-^The church the abode of the - 208 ■ , The Lord the only — at his secor d advent 133 Kingdom -The Lord’s— celebrated - - 248 Knowled^j^Divim •» . - 483, 484 Liberty — ^Rationality and - - - 349^ 35(j Life — The Lord the resurrection and the - - 42 , The instability of human ~ . 532 , Useful — a spiritual requisite - - - 511 and rationality — Praise for - - 256 Light of the world” — “ Ye are the - 205 Long-si{ffering of the Lord • 36 SUBJECTS. . Page or Hymn Looking in Trials to Him who has sustained the same 451 to the Lord in all things ... under trials Lord alone the object of worship and praise — The « , Regeneration the work of the ascended before the spiritual eyes of the dis- ciples — rhe - . - - eternal and self-existent — The God omnipotent reignetli” — “ The is risen indeed” — “The _ - - make his face shine upon thee” — “ The - our all in all — The - - _ our example — The - • - our heavenly friend — The our refuge and protection — ^The - our rock and tower — The our shepherd — The . - - our sun and shield — The our sure deliverer in temptation — ^The protector— The — in all states— The 401 461 252 470 55, 48- - protects in temptation— The - subdued the powers of darkness— The - the alpha and omega — The - the centre of the sun of heaven — The - the only king at his second advent — The ■ the resurrection and the life — The - the source of all good — The Praise to the — the spiritual vine— The to be regarded at all times — The welcomed by the church— The , Celebration of the , Let all creation praise the , Long-suffering of the , Rejoicing in the . The name of the , 1 he trinity in the Lord's all sufficiency in states of trial — The ascension predicte - and purification by the Lord’s blood - , Praise for creation and - - - 260, , and regeneration — Praise for creation, 262, Refuge and comfort — The Word our and protection — The Lord our Regenerate li /e, Changes of state in the - 429, , Encouragement in the Regeneration a progressive change- - 477, earnestly desired implored ----- the work of omnipotence — of the Lord alone - - - , No salvation v ithout . - - — , The blessed effects of - - - , I he change effected by , The Lord’s advent in - _ , The progress of - - - - , The state of man before - - - , Praise for creation, redemption, and 262, Relying on the promises of divine protection Remission — Praise for - . - * , Repentance and - - - * Renunciation of self and self-merit Repentance - - - - 380, • and remission of sins - - - . Resignation to divine providence 153, 154, 155, under the loss of a child - - - Resigning a dying cliild - - - Rest in heaven from sufferings and trials - 576, Resurrectiony Celebration of the Lord’s : vmn 467 28 110 259 7 109 113 114 106 10 ^ 265 2o-6 112 111 40 261 263 178 159 430 431 478 472 473 471 470 468 475 476 469 474 356 263 166 281 382 390 381 382 157 564 563 577 99 SUBJECi:^ Page or H vnui Resurrection— The blessed effects of the Lord’s - 93 • The Lord’s humanity omnipotent after the 92 and the life — The Lord the - - 42 , Death and - 551 Reward of spiritual conquest — The - - 438 Risen indeed” — “ The Lord is - 89 Rock and tower — The Lord our - 47 Sabbath a day of joy and praise — ^The - - 224 meditation - - - - 225 retrospect _ . _ - 227 to be devoutly spent — The - . 223 , A sense of the blessing of the - 222 j Anticipation o^ an eternal - - 228 , Aspiration towards the Lord on the - 226 • , Welcome to the - 217, 218 j to the day of rest 219, 220 evening — Reflections for a . . 229 Saje wdio trust in providence— They are - 146 Safety in divine love - 27 Salvation) Exulting in - 105 • , Praise for - - - - - 268 ■ , The Lord glorified for 116, 117 , The spiritual warfare necessary to - 437 Trusting in the Lord’s - - 118 Scenery of heaven— Contemplating the - 582 jSciewee — Human — sanctified - - 484 Second Advent. (See Advent.) Seeking the Lord . - - 365 Self and self-merit — Renunciation of - 390 Self -dedication _ - _ S98, 399, 400 Self-examination « - _ 370-374 Self merit — Against the arrogation of - - 391 , Renunciation of self and - - 390 Self-renunciation 389 Sense of eternal things — For a deep - - 366 Sermon — Before - - - - 585, 586 • , After - - - . 587-592 Shepherd — The Lord our - 48—52 Shield — The Lord our sun and - 44 Sickness — On recovery from a dangerous - - 467 Sins — Praise for remission of - - 281 Society meeting — For a - - - 593 Song of Moses and the Lamb — The - 247 Sovereign of the universe — Praise to the - - 251 INDEX OF Page or Hymn Soul — Dignity and worth of the - - - 345 Source of all good — The Lord the - - 54 , Praise to the Lord the - - 255 Spirit. (See Holy Spirit) Spirits — Protection against evil - - - 168 Spiritual sense of the Word revealed — The 184, 185, 186 Spiritual sun. (See Sun.) Spiritual world. (See World). Spread of the everlasting gospel — For the - 190 of the New Church — For the - 213, 215 Substantial reality of heaven — The - - 581 Sufferings — Rest from — in heaven - 576, bll and humility — The Lord's - - - 82 and triumph — The Lord’s - - 86 Sun of heaven — Desiring to behold the - - 105 , The Lord the centre of the 101 ■ ■ and shield — The Lord our - - - 44 , spiritual — Contemplating thegloriesof the 102,103,104 Supplication against evil « « - 383 , Presenting - . - . - - 23'7 in the wilderness — For - 427, 4f> blessings— Praise for - • 301 — 304 Temptation — For aid under - - - 45*'’ —, For protection through - - - 45- , Peace after - - - , 460 , , Praise for deliverance from - - - 280 ■ , Prayer when under . - - 459 | , The Lord protects in - - 16i ‘ , The Lord our sure deliverer in - 447, 448 , Thoughts in deep . - - 460 Temptations introductory to blessings - - 441 i regulated by the Lord - 444, 445, 446 the means of purification - - - 4 sO , Encouragement in - . - /]52 , Thanksgiving for deliverance when under 464, 465 , The blessed end designed in - - 439 , Testimony of Jesus the spirit of prophecy — The 183 Time in reference to eternity— The value of - 536 Times ave. in thy hand” — ‘My - - - 15^ Tower — The Lord our rock and - - 4 < Trial — Penitence under spiritual . - - 46 , The Lord’s all-sufficiency in states of 449, 45 5 i SUBJECTS. Trials — Confidence under - . **463 , Encouragement under - 453^ 454, 455 , Following the Lord through - - 394 , For aid under - - - . 45| , Looking in— to Him who sustained the same 451 • > Looking to the Lord under - - 462 ~y irom — in heaven - - 576, 577 — -y The presence of the Lord under Tribulation a blessing ... Trinity in the Lord — The Triumph — ^The Lord’s sufferings and Trust in Providence— I hey are safe who Truth — Love and - - • . , The power of divine • • Vanity of worldly joys and pursuits— The Vine — The Lord the spiritual • Uses — The love of • « ^ Useful life a spiritual requisite rPar/are —The spiritual - - — ) necessary to salvation IV %rnxngs — Reflections on the divine Watchfulness - - « - • against apostasy - - . and perseverance — Encouragement to Waters'" — “Come ye to the •— of the sanctuary — The Welcome to Immanuel • • . to the sabbath - . • to sabbath privilege • Wilderness — For support in the • , 'J'he world a - - . Will be done”— « Thy Wisdom - - - « , revealed to spiritual babes , The word the treasury of true - - ivu — , and goodness — Creation displays the divine power, 66 ITorc? adapted to all states— The - - - 179 — ^ opened as to its spirit and life — The - IS7 — • our greatest blessing — ^The - - 174, 175 our refuge and comfort — The - - 178 ' the treasury of true wisdom — ^Jhe . I76 443 - 442 3, 4 - 85 146 - 509 191 533, 534 - 53 512, 513 511 - 433 437 . 362 384—387 - 388 432 - 180 182 - 77 217—220 - 221 427, 428 - 426 157 . 490 369 176 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Page or Hymn IFord — Call to the - - - . 180 — , Praise for the opening of the 188, 189 , The blesings of the - - 172, 173 , Tlie excellences of the - . » 177 , The pool of Bethesda - - - 181 , The testimony of Jesus the spirit of prophecy 183 , The waters of the sanctuary - - - 182 revealed — The spiritual sense of the 184, 185, 186 fVorks —Divine love and wisdom united in the divine 33 , Praise to the Lord for his wondrous 269, 270, 271 • , The creator manifested in his - - 63,64 World a wilderness — ^The - 426 , spiritual — The Christian’s entrance into the 571 {^ee Advent,) ‘ Worlds — natural and spiritual — The immensity of the 65 joys and pursuits — The vanity of - 533, 534 Worship — Adoration of the Lord Jesus Christ - 239 , Devout adoration - - - - 240 , and praise - 241 , Exulting in the privileges of public - - 246 — , Humbly embracing the privileges of public 231 , Imploring a blessing on divine 233, 234 — , Imploring heavenly peace - - 238 , Jesus the only object of love and - 9, 10 * , Sense of the Lord’s presence in his temple 230 ' , The blessings of public . - - 244 , The delight of public - - 242, 243 , The happiness of public - - 245 >, What renders— acceptable - - - 232 and praise — The Lord alone the object of 253 . (See Devotion.) Year — For the new - - _ 596—599 Yoke— The Lord’s - - - - 368 Young— The pious— transplanted to heaven - 562 Youth— The importance of piety in - - 357 Zeal - - - - * “ 491 5^fon~Invitation to - - - - 212 , The highway to - - - - 214 FINIS. By J. S. Hodson, Cross Street, Hatton Garden. (/