Univ.of in. Library j| 3 JAMES D. BILSBORROW /£ 33 BY-LAWS o/ Rock Island County Agricultural League ^Adopted at Tfyck Island, February 25th, A. T). 1916 HEADQUARTERS COURT HOUSE, ROCK ISLAND. ILLINOIS By - Laws NAME. Section 1. The name of this League shall be Rock Island County Agricultural League. I OBJECT. Section 1. The object of this League shall be the advancement of every legitimate interest of argiculture and general farm husbandry in Rock Island County, and to foster the best commercial, social and material interests of the county. MEMBERSHIP. Section 1. Members. —The membership of this League shall consist of all persons who have con¬ tributed or subscribed $5.00 per year for at least three years toward the support of the League, and annual dues thereafter. Sec. 2. Dues. —The dues of this League shall be Five Dollars ($5.00) per year, payable in advance. Sec. 3. All members twelve months delinquent in the payment of dues shall forfeit all right to vote in any meeting of this League. OFFICERS. Section 1. The general officers of this League shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Board of Directors. The President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected from the membership of the League by the Board of Directors at their annual meeting, and shall perform the duties usually performed by such officers. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Section 1. The general management of this League, not specially reserved to or exercised by the membership, shall be vested in a Board of Directors, consisting of one Director from each township of the county, to be chosen annually by "/ the members of the League from each township. MEETINGS. Section 1. The Board shall hold its annual meeting on the second Saturday of December of each year, and such special meetings as may be called by the President or any three members of the Board. An annual meeting of the League shall be held at the time hereafter to be fixed, and other meetings of the League may be called by the Board, Executive Committee or by twenty-five (25) members of the League. COMMITTEES. Section 1. The Board shall, at its annual meet¬ ing, choose from its membership an Executive Committee of five members, of which the Presi¬ dent shall be ex-officio a member, and may appoint such other standing or special committees as it may deem necessary and proper. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Section 1. The Executive Committee shall be vested with the powers of the Board of Directors, not exercised or otherwise directed by the Board. Meetings of the Committee may be called by the President or a majority of the Committee. COUNTY AGRICULTURIST. Section 1. The Executive Committee shall have the power, by and with the consent and approval of the Board of Directors, to employ a County Agriculturist and other employes. MISCELLANEOUS. All elective officers, including the Executive and all standing committees, shall hold their respective offices for one year, and till their respective suc¬ cessors are chosen. None of the general officers or members of com¬ mittees of the League shall receive any salary, pay or other emolument for their services, provided that nothing herein contained shall be held to pre¬ vent the payment of the necessary actual expenses of any officer or committeeman incurred in and about the business of the League, if expressly authorized by the Board or Executive Committee. All dues and other funds of the League shall be collected by the Secretary, and at once by him turned over to the Treasurer. The Secretary and Treasurer shall give such bonds for faithful performance of duty as shall be required by the Board. No monies of the League shall be paid out ex¬ cept on appropriate written orders, signed by the President and Secretary of the League, and appro¬ priate vouchers of all disbursements shall be pre¬ served by the Treasurer. The Secretary, Treasurer and County Agricul¬ turist shall keep appropriate books, as prescribed by the Executive Committee or Board. All general officers and the County Agriculturist shall make annual written reports to the Board at its annual meetings, and such other reports as are required by the Board or Executive Committee. This League, and its Board and Executive Com¬ mittee, in its behalf, may receive donations and legacies to further its objects; and the Board and Executive Committee are authorized to take all necessary steps to procure county, state and federal co-operation, aid and assistance. The Board shall provide a suitable office or head¬ quarters of the League. These by-laws may be amended at any regular or called meeting of the League by a majority vote of the members present, and may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the Board. When not other¬ wise expressly provided, Roberts’ Rules of Order shall govern the deliberations of all meetings of the League, the Board and all its committees. A quorum of this League for the transaction of business shall consist of twenty-five (25) mem¬ bers. A quorum of the Board of Directors, and of all committees, shall consist, respectively, of a majority thereof. If deemed necessary or advisable by the Board, it shall have the right, power and authority to procure the incorporation of this League as a cor¬ poration not for pecuniary benefit under the laws of the State of Illinois. The Board of Directors shall have the right and authority to fill vacancies in any office of the League. LIBRARY UNIVERSITY 0 C lll« First Officers President—S. L. Woodburn, Port Byron, Ill. Vice-President—Geo. T. Harris, Edgington, Ill. Treasurer—J. L. Vernon, Rock Island, Ill. Secretary—Frank T. Shearman, Reynolds, Ill. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE E M. Bracker C. J. Searle John Eckhardt W. C. Wilson Tom Curtis DIRECTORS Andalusia—D. L. Parmenter Black Hawk—L. E. Wilson Bowling—Tom Curtis Buffalo Prairie—John Eckhardt Canoe Creek—E. M. Bracker Coal Valley—Henry F. Long Coe—C. H. Saddoris Cordova—C. H. Quick Drury—E. D. Morse Edgington—G. T. Harris Hampton—Albert Bowles Moline—W. C. Wilson Port Byron—F. H. Schafer Rock Island—C. J. Searfe Rural—Thos. Fitzpatrick South Moline—Ted Jamieson South Rock Island—Ed Jens Zuma—Homer Dailey