qII)c Commomocaltl) of iltassachusctto BOARD OF GAS AND ELECTRIC LIGHT COMMISSIONERS. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS UBW* NEW LEGISLATION OF ESPECIAL INTEREST GAS, ELECTRIC AND WATER COMPANIES AND MUNICIPALITIES OWNING LIGHTING PLANTS. 1915. BOSTON: WRIGHT & POTTER PRINTING CO., STATE PRINTERS, 32 DERNE STREET. 1915. Approved by The State Board of Publication. / \ w university or mmois imm o 1 1 » Pr * NOV 9 1915 New Legislation, 1915 . _ r Note. — There have been omitted in this pamphlet all acts amending or k affecting the Workmen’s Compensation Act, as these acts are printed for .^distribution by the Industrial Accident Board, and may be obtained by application to that Board, 1 Beacon Street, Boston. In accordance with the provisions of chapter 449 of the Acts of 1914 ' the general acts are divided into chapters and numbered in series without A) regard to the numbering of the special acts, and the special acts are sim- \ ilarly arranged in chapters without regard to the general acts. ACTS. General Acts, Chapter 15. An Act relative to Changes in Officers of Business Corporations. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section 1 . Section one of chapter two hundred and eighty-two of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and seven, as amended by chapter one hundred and eighty of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and eight, is hereby further amended by striking out the word “ president ”, and the words “ and the majority”, in the seventh line, and the words “ of its directors ”, in the eighth line, — so as to read as follows: — Section 1. Whenever any change is made in the officers of a domestic corporation subject to the provi¬ sions of chapter four hundred and thirty-seven of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and three the corporation shall forthwith file in the office of the commissioner of corporations a certificate of such change signed and sworn to by the clerk. Section 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. [ Ap¬ proved February 17, 1915. General Acts, Chapter 20. An Act relative to the Manufacture, Distribution and Sale of Gas and Electricity. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section 1 . Section one hundred of chapter seven hundred and forty-two of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and fourteen is hereby amended by striking out the word “ commissioners ”, in the 4 twenty-eighth and fifty-sixth lines, and inserting in each instance, in place thereof the word : — board. Section 2. Section one hundred and forty-eight of said chapter is hereby amended by inserting after the word “ held ”, in the four¬ teenth line, the following sentence : — Such trustees shall also within thirty days after the adoption of any amendment of such instrument or declaration file a copy thereof with the board, the said commis¬ sioner and said clerk, — so as to read as follows: — Section 1J+S. Trustees of a voluntary association under a written instrument or declaration of trust the beneficial interest under which is divided into transferable certificates of participation or shares, who own or control a majority of the capital stock of a gas or electric company, shall file a copy of such written instrument or declaration of trust with the board, the commissioner of corporations and the clerk of every city or town in which such association has a usual place of business, and shall annually, on or before the first day of April, file with the commissioner of corporations and with the board a state¬ ment showing the number of shares of such company owned or con¬ trolled by them and the stockholders of record on the books of such company in whose names such shares are held. Such trustees shall also within thirty days after the adoption of any amendment of such instrument or declaration file a copy thereof with the board, the said commissioner and said clerk. Every such trustee who fails to comply with the foregoing requirements shall for such failure be liable to a fine of not more than five hundred dollars or to imprison¬ ment for the term of three months. Section 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. [ Ap¬ proved February 22, 1915. General Acts, Chapter 21. An Act relative to the Supervision of Water Companies by the Board of Gas and Electric Light Commissioners. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section 1 . Sections six, seven and eight of chapter seven hun¬ dred and eightv-seven of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and fourteen are hereby repealed. Section 2. Chapter six hundred and sixty of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and thirteen is hereby amended by striking out section one and inserting in place thereof the following: — Sec- , tion 1. In all proceedings conducted by the board of gas and 5 electric light commissioners in accordance with the law relating to the petition of any water company for authorization to issue capital stock or bonds, and in all matters connected with the determination by said board of any question relating thereto and before any such authorization is given, said board may require and the state depart¬ ment of health shall, without charge, furnish to said board engineer¬ ing services and advice for its assistance and guidance in such proceedings. Section 3. Sections two and three of chapter six hundred and sixty of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and thirteen are hereby repealed. Section 4. This act shall take effect upon its passage. [Ap¬ proved February 22, 1915. General Acts, Chapter 50. An Act relative to the Abatement of Smoke in the City of Boston and Vicinity. Be it enacted, etc., as folloivs: Section 1 . The last paragraph of section two of chapter six hundred and fifty-one of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and ten is hereby amended by striking out the word “ thirty ”, in the fifth line, and inserting in place thereof the word: — fifteen, — so that said paragraph will read as follows: — And provided, further, that stacks of locomotives, moving trains of six cars or more, be per¬ mitted to emit smoke in any five-minute period for ten seconds in excess of that already provided for in this act, and that stacks of Class VI, in and about round houses, may emit smoke for fifteen minutes during the period when the fire is being built, or rebuilt after cleaning. The number of minutes or seconds during which smoke may be emitted in any period as provided in this section shall be deemed to mean the aggregate number of minutes or seconds, and such minutes or seconds need not be consecutive. Section 2. This act shall take effect on the first day of July, nineteen hundred and fifteen. [Approved March 11, 1915. 6 General Acts, Chapter 72. An Act to repeal the Act providing for licensing Dealers in Coal and Coke. Be it efiacted, etc., as follows: Section 1 . Chapter four hundred and eighty-four of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and three, as amended by chapter four hundred and thirty-four of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and six, being an act to provide for licensing dealers in coal and coke, is hereby repealed. Section 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. [. Ap¬ proved March 17, 1915. General Acts, Chapter 75. An Act relative to the Weekly Payment of Wages. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section 1 . Section one hundred and twelve of chapter five hun¬ dred and fourteen of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and nine, as amended by chapter three hundred and fifty of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and ten, by chapter two hundred and eight of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and eleven, by chapter seven hundred and eighty-four of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and thirteen, and by chapter two hundred and forty-seven of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and fourteen, is hereby further amended by striking out the words “ or any of the building trades ”, in the fifth line, and inserting in place thereof the words: — or in the erection, alteration, repair or removal of any building or struc¬ ture, — so as to read as follows: — Section 112. Every person, firm or corporation engaged in carrying on a factory, workshop, manu¬ facturing, mechanical or mercantile establishment, mine, quarry, railroad or street railway, or a telephone, telegraph, express or water company, or in the erection, alteration, repair or removal of any building or structure, or the construction or repair of any railroad, street railway, road, bridge, sewer, gas, water or electric light works, pipes or lines, shall pay weekly each employee engaged in his or its business the wages earned by him to within six days of the date of said payment, hut any employee leaving his or her employment, shall he paid in full on the following regular pay day; and any employee discharged from such employment shall he paid in full on the day of his discharge, or in the city of Boston as soon as the provisions 7 of law requiring pay rolls, bills and accounts to be certified shall have been complied with; and the commonwealth, its officers, boards and commissions shall so pay every mechanic, workman and laborer who is employed by it or them, and every person employed by it or them in any penal or charitable institution, and every county and city shall so pay every employee who is engaged in its business the wages or salary earned by him, unless such mechanic, workman, laborer or employee requests in writing to be paid in a different manner; and every town shall so pay each employee in its business if so required by him; but an employee who is absent from his regular place of labor at a time fixed for payment shall be paid thereafter on demand. The provisions of this section shall not apply to an employee of a co-operative corporation or association if he is a stockholder therein unless he requests such corporation to pay him weekly. The public service commission, after a hearing, may exempt any railroad corporation from paying weekly any of its employees if it appears to the board that such employees prefer less frequent payments, and that their interests and the interests of the public will not suffer thereby. ISTo corporation, contractor, person or partnership shall by a special contract with an employee or by any other means exempt himself or itself from the provisions of this and the following section. Whoever violates the provisions of this section shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten nor more than fifty dollars. Section 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. [Ap¬ proved March 17, 1915. General Acts, Chapter 83. An Act relative to the Borrowing of Money by Towns. Be it enacted, etc., as folloivs: Section 1 . To provide the necessary funds to meet liabilities authorized to be incurred by section two of chapter six hundred and ninety-two of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and thirteen, the town treasurer, with the approval of a majority of the selectmen, may borrow on notes of the town during any one month between January first and the next annual town meeting a sum not ex¬ ceeding one twelfth of the previous tax levy, the same to be regarded as a part of the total amount which may be borrowed under the provisions of section three of chapter seven hundred and nineteen 8 of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and thirteen, as amended; said notes shall be subject to certification by the director of the bureau of statistics in accordance with law. Section 2. The director of the bureau of statistics in certifying notes authorized by this act shall furnish a statement certifying to the amount of the tax levy by the preceding year as filed with the tax commissioner by the assessors of the town. Section 3. • This act shall take effect upon its passage. [Ap¬ proved March 20, 1915. General Acts, Chapter 84. An Act relative to the Certification of Town and District Notes by the Director of the Bureau of Statistics. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section 1. The certification of town and district notes by the director of the bureau of statistics under the provisions of chapter six hundred and sixteen of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and ten, as amended, and as affected by chapter four hundred and sixteen of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and thirteen, and chapter seven hundred and twenty-seven of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and thirteen, as amended, shall be deemed prima facie evidence of the liability of the town or district issuing the same for the payment of the debt. Section 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. [Ap¬ proved March 20, 1915. General Acts, Chapter 85. An Act to authorize Fire, Water, Light, Watch and Improvement Districts / to incur Indebtedness. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section 1 . Fire, water, light, watch, and improvement districts may, by a two thirds vote of the voters present and voting at a meeting duly called, authorize the incurring of debt for the pur¬ poses prescribed, and payable within the periods specified, by sec¬ tions five and six of chapter seven hundred and nineteen of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and thirteen, as amended, so far as they are authorized by law to make expenditures for the purposes mentioned in said sections. 9 Section 2. The proceeds of any sale of bonds or notes, except premiums, shall be used only for the purposes specified in the au¬ thorization of the loan: provided, however, that transfers of unex¬ pended amounts may be made to other accounts, to be used for similar purposes. Section 3. A district which has authorized a debt to be in¬ curred within the limitations as to amount and time of payments prescribed by this act may issue bonds or notes therefor, signed by the treasurer and countersigned by a majority of the prudential committee or commissioners, at such rates of interest as may be deemed proper, and such a district may, except as is otherwise provided by section ten of chapter seven hundred and nineteen of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and thirteen, sell such bonds or notes at not less than par, at public or private sale, or may use the same in payment of such debts: provided, however, that if the amount of the annual payment and the period of the loan are not specified by the vote authorizing the debt to be incurred, the officers authorized to issue bonds or notes therefor may issue the same subject to the provisions and limitations of this act. The prudential committee or commissioners shall, not later than May first of each year, notify in writing the board of assessors of the amount of debt falling due during the current financial year, the sinking fund re¬ quirements, if any, and what provision has been made for meeting such requirements; and the board shall make such provision for meeting said debt and sinking fund requirements in the tax levy of that year as, in its judgment, may be necessary. Section 4. No further sinking funds for the payment of debt shall be established by any district, but districts shall contribute to every sinking fund established prior to the passage of this act until every such sinking fund, with its accumulations, shall be sufficient to extinguish at maturity the debt for which it was established; and all provisions of law relating to the manner of establishing, administering, and investing sinking funds which may be in force at the time of the passage of this act shall remain in force with respect to all sinking funds established prior thereto. Section 5. Districts shall not issue any notes payable on de¬ mand, and they shall provide for the payment of all debts, except those incurred under the provisions of sections three and nine of chapter seven hundred and nineteen of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and thirteen, as amended, by such annual payments as will extinguish the same at maturity, and in such manner that the 10 first of such annual payments on account of any loan shall he made not later than one year after the date of the bonds or notes issued therefor, and that the amount of the annual payment in any year on account of any such debt, so far as it may be issued, shall not be less than the amount of principal payable in any subsequent year; and such annual amounts, together with the interest on all debts, shall, without further vote, be assessed until the debt is extinguished. Section 6. Districts may pay or provide for the payment of any debt, whether incurred before or after the passage of this act, at an earlier period than is required by the provisions of this act, and shall not refund any debt except as provided in section nine of chapter seven hundred and nineteen of the acts of the year nine¬ teen hundred and thirteen, as amended; and districts may, for the purpose of reducing the whole debt for the redemption of which sinking funds have been established prior to the passage of this act, or of reducing the amount to be raised by taxation for such funds, add to any such sinking fund the excess of an appropriation over the amount required for the purpose thereof, or add to such funds any sums derived from taxation or from other sources not required by law to be expended otherwise. Section 7. All provisions of chapter seven hundred and nine- m teen of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and thirteen, as amended, which relate to districts or which are not inconsistent with this act shall remain in full force and effect and shall be deemed to apply to districts. Section 8 . This act shall take effect upon its passage. [Ap¬ proved March 20 , 1915. General Acts, Chapter 92. An Act relative to the Payment of Fees by Gas and Electric Companies for filing and recording Certain Certificates in the Office of the Sec¬ retary of the Commonwealth. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section ninety-one of chapter seven hundred and forty-two of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and fourteen is hereby amended by striking out the word “ organization ” in the fifth line, and in¬ serting in place thereof the word : — incorporation, — and by add¬ ing at the end thereof the words: — For filing and recording the certificates or copies of the vote required by sections twenty-nine. 11 \ forty-eight, fifty-two, fifty-three, sixty-eight, sixty-nine, seventy-one and seventy-two, one dollar for each certificate or copy of the vote. For filing and recording the certificate required hy section sixty- five, five dollars, — so as to read as follows:— Section 91. The fees for filing and recording the certificates which are required by this act to be filed with the secretary of the commonwealth shall be as follows: — For filing and recording the certificates required by section ten, including the issuing of the certificate of incorporation by the secre¬ tary, one twentieth of one per cent of the amount of the capital stock as fixed by the agreement of association; but not less in any case than five dollars. For filing and recording the certificate required by section sixty- eight, one twentieth of one per cent of the amount by which the capital is increased. For filing and recording the certificates or copies of the vote re¬ quired by sections twenty-nine, forty-eight, fifty-two, fifty-three, sixty-eight, sixty-nine, seventy-one and seventy-two, one dollar for each certificate or copy of the vote. For filing and recording the certificate required by section sixty- five, five dollars. [Approved March 22, 1915. General Acts, Chapter 115. An Act relative to Municipal Indebtedness. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section 1 . Clause (4) of section six of chapter seven hundred and nineteen of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and thirteen is hereby amended hy striking out the words “ a city or town ”, in the second and third lines, and inserting in place thereof the words: — the territory within which such gas or electric lighting plant is authorized to distribute its product, — so as to read as follows: — (4) For establishing, purchasing, extending or enlarging a gas or electric lighting plant within the limits of the territory within which such gas or electric lighting plant is authorized to distribute its product, twenty years; but the indebtedness so incurred shall he limited to an amount not exceeding in a town five per cent and in a city two and one half per cent of the last preceding assessed valu¬ ation of such town or city. Section 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. [Ap¬ proved March 30, 1915. 12 General Acts, Chapter 121. An Act to authorize the Exchange of Certain Bonds, Notes and Certificates of Indebtedness issued by Cities and Towns. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section 1 . Section four of chapter seventy-three of the Eevisecl Laws is hereby amended by adding at the end thereof the following: — Coupon or registered bonds, notes or certificates of a city or town may be surrendered to the city or town treasurer for cancellation and in exchange therefor one or more registered bonds, notes or certificates having the same maturity and rate of interest, may be issued to the same or to a new owner or owners. In cities, such new bonds, notes or certificates shall be signed by the treasurer and countersigned by the city auditor or comptroller and the mayor, or their successor or successors in office. In towns, such new bonds, notes or certificates shall be signed by the treasurer and counter¬ signed by a. majority of the selectmen, — so as to read as follows: — Section L A county, city or town or any corporation organized under the laws of this commonwealth may, at the request of the owner or holder of a bond, promissory note or certificate of in¬ debtedness issued by it payable to bearer, at any time more than one year before maturity thereof, issue in exchange therefor a bond, note or certificate of the same effect, pa}^able to the owner or holder by name. Coupon or registered bonds, notes or certificates of a city or town may be surrendered to the city or town treasurer for cancellation and in exchange therefor one or more registered bonds, notes or certificates having the same maturity and rate of interest, may be issued to the same or to a new owner or owners. In cities, such new bonds, notes or certificates shall be signed by the treas¬ urer and countersigned by the city auditor or comptroller and the mayor, or their successor or successors in office. In towns, such new bonds, notes or certificates shall be signed by the treasurer and countersigned by a majority of the selectmen. Section 2. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Section 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. [Ap¬ proved March 30, 1915. 13 General Acts, Chapter 135. An Act relative to the Registration of Bonds. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section 1 . Section three of chapter seven hundred and sixty-one of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and fourteen is hereby amended by striking out all of the said section except the last sen¬ tence, — so as to read as follows : — Section S. Nothing in this act shall be construed as affecting the provisions of sections sixteen, seventeen and eighteen of Part I of said chapter four hundred and ninety, and acts in amendment thereof, relative to the taxation of mortgages on property within the commonwealth. Section 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. [. Ap¬ proved April 3, 1915. General Acts, Chapter 138. An Act relative to the Preparation of the Annual Budget in Cities. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section 1 . Section twenty of chapter seven hundred and nine¬ teen of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and thirteen is hereby amended by striking out the words “ until such time as the tax rate for the year shall be fixed", in the seventh and eighth lines and also in the thirty-ninth and fortieth lines, — by inserting after the word “ purpose ", in the eleventh, twenty-ninth and fifty-first lines, and after the word “ required", in the thirty-eighth line, the words: — but the budget shall not be in such detail as to fix a specific salary of employees under the direction of boards elected by the people, other than the city council, — and by striking out the last sentence of said section and inserting in place thereof the follow¬ ing: — In the period after the expiration of any fiscal year and be¬ fore the regular appropriations have been made by the city council, the city officers who are authorized to make expenditures may incur liabilities in carrying on the work of the several departments en¬ trusted to them, and payments therefor shall be made from the treasury from any available funds therein, and the same shall be charged against the next annual appropriation: provided, that the liabilities incurred during said intervals do not exceed in any month the sums spent for similar purposes during any one month of the preceding year; and provided, further, that said officers may expend 14 in any one month for any new officer or board created by law an amount not exceeding one twelfth of the estimated cost for the cur¬ rent year, but all interest and debt falling due in said interval shall be paid. Nothing in this section shall prevent the mayor from rec¬ ommending, and the city council from making, appropriations prior to the adoption of the annual budget, — so as to read as follows: — Section 20. Within sixty days after the annual organization of the city government, the mayor of every city, except Boston and those cities having the commission form of government, so-called, shall submit to the city council the annual budget of the current expenses of the city, and the mayor may submit thereafter supplementary budgets. The budget shall consist of an itemized and detailed state¬ ment of the money required, and the city council shall make such appropriations in detail, clearly specifying the amount to be ex¬ pended for each particular purpose, but the budget shall not be in such detail as to fix a specific salary of employees under the direc¬ tion of boards elected by the people, other than the city council. The city council may reduce or reject any item, but, without the approval of the mayor, shall not increase any item in nor the' total of a budget, nor add any item thereto. It shall be the duty of the city officials, when so requested by the mayor, to submit to him forth¬ with in such detail as he may require estimates for the next fiscal year of the expenditures of their departments or offices under their charge, which estimate shall be transmitted to the city council. In case of the failure of the mayor to transmit in writing to the city council a recommendation for an appropriation of money for any purpose deemed by the council to be necessary, and after having been so requested by vote of the city council, said council, after the expiration of seven days after such vote, upon its own initiative, may make an appropriation for such purpose by a vote of at least two thirds of its members, and shall in all cases make such appro¬ priations in detail, clearly specifying the amount to be expended for each particular purpose, but the budget shall not be in such detail as to fix a specific salary of employees under the direction of boards elected by the people, other than the city council; and in cities having the commission form of government, so-called, each com¬ missioner or director shall, within thirty days after the annual or¬ ganization of the city government, submit to the commissioner or director of finance estimates in such detail as he may require of the amounts deemed necessary for the current expenses for their re¬ spective departments, and the commissioner or director of finance 15 shall within thirty days thereafter submit to the city council a budget consisting of an itemized and detailed statement of the money required, but the budget shall not be in such detail as to fix a specific salary of employees under the direction of boards elected by the people, other than the city council, and may submit thereafter sup¬ plemental budgets, and the budget or budgets shall be passed by a majority vote of the city council. In case of the failure of the finance commissioner or director to transmit in writing to the city council a recommendation for an appropriation of money for any purpose deemed by the council to be necessary, and after having been requested by vote of the city council, said council, after the expira¬ tion of seven days after such vote, upon its own initiative, may make an appropriation for such purpose by a vote of at least two thirds of all its members, and shall in all cases make such appropriations in detail, clearly specifying the amount to be expended for each particular purpose, but the budget shall not be in such detail as to fix a specific salary of employees under the direction of boards elected by the people, other than the city council. In the period after the expiration of any fiscal year and before the regular appro¬ priations have been made by the city council, the city officers who are authorized to make expenditures may incur liabilities in carry¬ ing on the work of the several departments entrusted to them, and payments therefor shall be made from the treasury from any avail¬ able funds therein, and the same shall be charged against the next annual appropriation: provided, that the liabilities incurred during said interval do not exceed in any month the sums spent for similar purposes during any one month of the preceding year; and provided , further, that said officers may expend in any one month for any new officer or board created by law an amount not exceeding one twelfth of the estimated cost for the current year, but all interest and debt falling due in said interval shall he paid. Nothing in this section shall prevent the mayor from recommending, and the city council from making, appropriations prior to the adoption of the annual budget. Section 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. [ Ap¬ proved April 5, 1915. / 16 General Acts, Chapter 176. An Act relative to Signs, Awnings and Other Projections in Public Ways. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section 1 . The municipal officer, board, commission or other municipal authority having charge of the laying out of public ways in cities and towns, is hereby authorized to grant permits and fix the fees therefor, not exceeding one dollar for any one permit, for the placing and maintaining of signs, advertising devices, clocks, mar¬ quees, permanent awnings and other like structures projecting into, or placed on or over the public highways, and to make rules and regulations relating thereto, and to prescribe the penalties for a breach of any such rules and regulations, not exceeding five dollars for each day during which any sign, advertising device, clock, marquee, permanent awning or other structure is placed or main¬ tained contrary to the rules and regulations so made, after five days* notice to remove the same has been given by the said officer, hoard, commission or other authority, or by a police officer of the city or town. Section 2. All signs, advertising devices, clocks, marquees, per¬ manent awnings and other like structures for which permits shall be granted after the passage of this act, shall be constructed, and, when attached to a building, shall be connected therewith in accord¬ ance with the requirements of the inspector of buildings, building commissioner or other officer, board or commission having like authority in the city or town. Section 3. This act shall not apply to signs or other structures projecting into or over the highway a distance of less than six inches, nor to poles, wires, conduits, and appurtenances of steam railroad, street railway, telegraph and telephone, water, gas, electric light, heat and power companies. Section 4. Chapters six hundred and thirty-two and six hun¬ dred and eighty of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and thir¬ teen and all other acts or parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed, but such repeal shall not affect any permit already granted under the provisions of such acts. Section 5. This act shall take effect three months after its passage. [.Approved April 10, 1015. 17 General Acts, Chapter 191. An Act relative to the Supply of Gas or Electricity by Municipal Lighting Plants to Adjoining Cities or Towns. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section 1 . The board of gas and electric light commissioners may, after notice and a public hearing, authorize a city or town which has acquired a municipal lighting plant to extend its mains or lines into an adjoining city or town for the purpose of distribut¬ ing and selling gas or electricity therein, if such city or town or a private corporation therein is not at the time supplying such city or town with gas or electricity, as the case may be. Such author¬ ization shall be upon such terms and with such limitations and restrictions as the board may deem to be in the public interest. A city or town so authorized shall thereafter have in such adjoining- city or town the same rights and privileges, and be subject to the same limitations and obligations, as it has within its own territorial limits. If the adjoining city or town shall vote to establish a gas or electric plant, it shall, under the provisions of sections one hun¬ dred, one hundred and one, and one hundred and two of chapter seven hundred and forty-two of the acts of the year nineteen hun¬ dred and fourteen, purchase the plant and property within its limits owned by the other city or town, which, within thirty days after demand tiled with its clerk, shall file with the clerk of the pur¬ chasing city or town the schedule required by said section one hun¬ dred and one, and shall sell the same: and thereupon its rights to maintain a gas or electric plant or to sell gas or electricity within the limits of the purchasing city or town shall cease as to the plant sold. Section 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. [. Ap¬ proved April 27, 1975. General Acts, Chapter 192. An Act relative to Corporations authorized to manufacture, distribute and sell Gas and Electricity. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section fifty-two of chapter seven hundred and forty-two of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and fourteen is hereby amended by inserting before the word “ engage ”, in the fifth line, the words: 18 — be empowered thereby to, — so as to read as follows: — Section 52. A corporation which is subject to the provisions of this act may, by a vote of all its stockholders at a meeting duly called for the purpose, alter, add to or change the business for the transaction of which it was incorporated, but it shall not be empowered thereby to engage in any business which is not authorized by the provisions of this act, and if a gas company, it shall not engage in the business of making or selling electricit}^ unless duly authorized to engage therein as provided in section fifty-three, and if an electric company, it shall not engage in the business of making or selling gas. A certificate setting forth such alteration, addition or change, signed and sworn to by the president, treasurer and a majority of the directors, shall be filed in the office of the secretary of the common- wealth. [Approved April 21, 1915. General Acts, Chapter 205. An Act relative to the Change of Name of Corporations. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Chapter one hundred and sixty-three of the acts of the year nine¬ teen hundred and eight is hereby amended by adding a. new section thereto to be numbered two, as follows : — Section 2. Any corpora¬ tion organized under general or special laws for any of the purposes specified in section two of chapter one hundred and twenty-five of the Revised Laws, or acts in amendment thereof or in addition thereto, may, if unable to comply with the provisions of section one hereof, petition the commissioner of corporations for a change of name. Such petition shall contain a list of the officers and stock¬ holders or members of the corporation, so far as they are known, together with their addresses; shall state why it is unable to comply with the provisions of section one, together with the name proposed to be adopted by the corporation; and shall be signed and sworn to by the president or one member of the board of directors. The commissioner of corporations may require the petitioners to furnish him with information as to what attempts, if any, have been made to secure the approval of two thirds of the stockholders or members, or of such proportion thereof as the by-laws of the corporation may prescribe, for the proposed change of name. The commissioner may also require any other information which in his judgment may be of assistance in determining the matter before him. He may direct 19 the petitioner or the officers of the corporation to give any further notice to the members thereof of the proposed change of name, and to report to him the result of such notice. If the commissioner shall be satisfied that the proposed name of the corporation is approved by such members or stockholders thereof as have expressed an opinion in relation thereto, or of a reasonable proportion thereof, he shall indorse his approval thereon, and there¬ upon it shall be filed in the office of the secretary of the common¬ wealth, who shall direct publication thereof and grant a certificate of name in the manner provided in section one. [.Approved April 26 , 1915. General Acts, Chapter 238. An Act relative to the Taxation of Transfers of Stock. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section - 1 . Section one of chapter seven hundred and seventy of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and fourteen is hereby amended by inserting after the word “ cent ”, in the fourteenth line, the words: — It shall be the duty of the person making or effectu¬ ating the sale or transfer to procure, affix and cancel the stamps and pay the excise imposed by this act, — so as to read as follows: — Section 1. There is hereby imposed and there shall immediately accrue and be collected an excise as herein provided on all sales or agreements to sell or memoranda of sales or deliveries or transfers of shares or certificates of stock in any domestic or foreign corpo¬ ration made after the first day of December, nineteen hundred and fourteen, whether made upon or shown by the books of the corpora¬ tion, or by any assignment in blank, or by any delivery, or by any paper or agreement or memorandum or other evidence of transfer or sale, whether or not entitling the holder in any manner to the benefit of such stock or to secure the future payment of money or the future transfer of any stock, on each one hundred dollars of face value or fraction thereof, two cents. It shall be the duty of the person making or effectuating the sale or transfer to procure, affix and cancel the stamps and pay the excise imposed by this act. It is not intended by this act to impose an excise upon an agree¬ ment evidencing the deposit of stock certificates as collateral security for money loaned thereon, which stock certificates are not actually sold, nor upon such stock certificates so deposited; nor upon the transfer of stock certificates of a deceased person to his executor or 20 administrator; nor upon the transfer of stoek certificates by a trus¬ tee to his successor or co-trustee under the same trust. The pay¬ ment of the said excise shall be denoted by an adhesive stamp or stamps affixed as follows: in case of sale where the evidence of transfer is shown only by the books of the company, the stamp shall be placed upon the said books; and where the change of ownership is by transfer of a certificate the stamp shall be placed upon the certificate; and in cases of an agreement to sell, or where the trans¬ fer is by delivery of the certificate assigned in blank, there shall be made and delivered by the seller to the buyer a bill or memorandum of sale, to which the stamp provided for by this act shall be affixed; and every such bill or memorandum of sale or agreement to sell shall show the date thereof, the name of the seller, the amount of the sale, and the matter or thing to which it refers, and no further excise is hereby imposed upon the delivery of the certificate of stock, or upon the actual issue of a new certificate when the original certifi¬ cate of stock is accompanied by the duly stamped memorandum of sale as herein provided. Section 2. Section four of said chapter seven hundred and seventy is hereby amended by adding at the end thereof the words: — If any person fraudulently makes use of an adhesive stamp to denote the payment of the excise imposed by this act without so effectually cancelling the same, he shall, upon conviction, pay a fine of not less than two hundred nor more than five hundred dol¬ lars,— so as to read as follows: — Section J+. In every case where . an adhesive stamp is used to denote the payment of the excise pro¬ vided for by this act, the person using or affixing the same shall write or stamp thereupon the initials of his name and the date upon which the same is attached or used, and shall cut or perforate the stamp in a substantial manner, so that the stamp cannot be used again. If' any person fraudulently makes use of an adhesive stamp to denote the payment of the excise imposed by this act without so effectually cancelling the same, he shall, upon conviction, pay a fine of not less than two hundred nor more than five hundred dollars. Section 3. Said chapter seven hundred and seventy is lierebv further amended by striking out section six and inserting in place thereof the following: — Section 6. Any person liable to pay the tax imposed by this act, and any one who acts in the matter as agent or broker for such person, who shall make any sale, transfer or delivery of shares or certificates of stock without paying the tax 21 imposed by this act, and any person who shall in pursuance of any sale, transfer or agreement deliver any stock or evidence of sale or transfer of, or agreement to sell any stock or bill or memorandum thereof, or who shall transfer or cause the same to be transferred upon the books or records of the association or corporation, and any association or corporation whose stock is so sold or transferred which shall transfer or cause the same to be transferred upon its books without having the stamps provided for in this act affixed thereto, shall, upon conviction thereof, pay a fine of not less than five hundred nor more than one thousand dollars. Any person who shall wilfully remove or alter or knowingly permit to be removed or altered the cancelling or defacing marks of any stamp provided for b}< this act with the intent to use such stamp, or who shall know¬ ingly or wilfully buy, prepare for use, use, have in his possession, or suffer to be used, any washed, restored or counterfeit stamps, and any person who shall intentionally remove or cause to be removed, or knowingly permit to be removed, any stamp affixed pursuant to the requirements of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be liable to a fine of not less than five hundred nor more than one thousand dollars, or to imprisonment for not more than one year, or to both such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the court. Section 4. Said chapter seven hundred and seventy is hereby further amended by striking out section seven and inserting in place thereof the following: — Section 7. Every person, firm, asso¬ ciation or corporation making a sale, agreement to sell, delivery or transfer of shares or certificates of stock, or conducting or transact¬ ing a brokerage business, shall keep or cause to be kept at some ac¬ cessible place within the commonwealth a true book of accounts wherein shall be recorded, plainly and legibly, the date of making every sale, agreement to sell, delivery or transfer of shares or certifi¬ cates of stock, and every transaction in relation to any stock; and also the number of shares, the face value of the stock, the name of the stock, the name of the seller, the name of the purchaser, and the face value of the stamps affixed to the certificate or bill or memorandum as provided in section one of this act. Every associa¬ tion or corporation shall keep or cause to be kept at some accessible place within the commonwealth a stock certificate book or transfer ledger or register, wherein shall plainly and legibly be recorded, in separate columns, the date of making every transfer of stock, the name of the stock and the number of shares thereof, the name of ♦ 22 the party surrendering the certificate or certificates, the name of the party to whom certificates are issued in exchange therefor, and evidence of the payment of the tax provided for by sections one and ten of this act, which evidence, however, shall he furnished in one of the following manners, to wit: — ( a ) By attaching to the stock certificate surrendered for transfer the stamps required for such transfer, or (b) If the stamps are not attached to the certificate, but are attached to the bill or memorandum of sale effecting or evidencing the transfer of such certificate, by attaching to the certificate the said bill or memorandum of sale with stamps attached. The association or corporation shall retain and keep all sur¬ rendered or cancelled shares or certificates of stock, and all memo¬ randa relating to the sale or transfer of stock, for at least two years after the date of the delivery thereof, and it shall also keep and retain for at least two years after the elate of the last entry thereon the stock certificate book or transfer ledger provided for by this section, and all such books of account and bills or memoranda of sale or transfer; and all such stock certificate books or transfer ledgers and all such surrendered or cancelled shares or certificates of stock shall at all times be subject to the inspection of the tax commissioner or of any of his representatives between the hours of ten o’clock in the forenoon and three o’clock in the afternoon, ex¬ cept on Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays. The tax commis¬ sioner may, at any time after a transfer of stock which by the pro¬ visions of this act is subject to an excise, inquire into and ascertain whether the excise imposed by the provisions of this act was paid. For this purpose, the tax commissioner shall have the right, and it shall he his duty, to examine the books and papers of any person, firm, association or corporation: provided, that no bill or memoran¬ dum of sale, as provided for in section one of this act, and no book of account or stock certificate book or surrendered certificates of stocks, as provided for in section seven of this act, need he pre¬ served for the inspection of the tax commissioner for a longer period than two years after the date thereof. The tax commissioner may enforce his right to examine the books and papers of any person, firm, association or corporation by mandamus. Every person, firm, association or corporation refusing to permit the tax commissioner, or any of his representatives, to inspect such hooks or papers or any memoranda or record relating to any such sale, agreement to sell, delivery or transfer, or transaction, as above provided, or fail- A 23 ing to keep the said book of account, or stock certificate book or transfer ledger, or failing to preserve for two years after the date thereof all bills and memoranda of sale, or failing to preserve for two years after the delivery thereof all surrendered or cancelled shares or certificates of stock as herein required, and whoever alters, cancels or obliterates any part of said records, or makes any false entry therein, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, for each offence, be punished by a fine of not less than five hundred nor more than five thousand dollars, or by imprisonment for not less than three months or more than two years, or by both such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the court. Section 5. Section ten of said chapter seven hundred and seventy is hereby amended by inserting after the word “ shares ”, in the eighth line, the words: — and all provisions made in this act for the regulation and collection of the excise, and all the penal¬ ties and forfeitures in connection therewith, shall apply to the excise to be collected under this section, — so as to read as follows: — Section 10. The excise provided for by this act shall be imposed and shall accrue and be collected on all sales or agreements to sell or memoranda of sales or deliveries or transfers of the certificates of participation or shares of all voluntary associations existing under a written instrument or declaration of trust the beneficial interest under which is divided into transferable certificates of participation or shares; and all provisions made in this act for the regulation and collection of the excise, and all the penalties and forfeitures in connection therewith, shall apply to the excise to be collected under this section; but such excise shall not be imposed upon an agreement evidencing the deposit of certificates of participation or shares of the nature above stated as collateral security for money loaned thereon which certificates or shares are not actually sold, nor upon such certificates or shares so deposited, nor upon the transfer of such certificates or shares of a deceased person to his executor or administrator; nor upon the transfer of such certificates or shares by a trustee to his successor or co-trustee under the same trust. Section 6. Section twelve of said chapter seven hundred and seventy is hereby amended by adding at the end thereof the fol¬ lowing : — The tax commissioner may make such rules and regula¬ tions, not inconsistent with the provisions of this act, as he may deem necessary, and may prescribe such further forms, books, records and papers as in his judgment are essential for carrying- out the provisions of this act, — so as to read as follows: — Sec- tion 12. For the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this act the tax commissioner may, with the advice and consent of the governor and council, appoint and, with their consent, remove a fourth assistant and examiners not exceeding four in number, and may employ such clerical and other assistance as he may deem neces¬ sary. The fourth assistant and the examiners provided for by this act shall be paid such salaries as the tax commissioner may de¬ termine, with the approval of the governor and council, and they shall be allowed their necessary travelling and other expenses. The tax commissioner may make such rules and regulations, not in¬ consistent with the provisions of this act, as he may deem necessary, and may prescribe such further forms, books, records and papers as in his judgment are essential for carrying out the provisions of this act. Section 7. This act shall take effect upon its passage. [Ap¬ proved May 10, 1915. General Acts, Chapter 263. An Act relative to the Taking of Land by Cities and Towns for Municipal Purposes. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section 1. Any city, except the city of Boston, by vote of the city council or board of aldermen, or board or commission having similar powers, together with the approval of the mayor, and anv town bv vote of the town, may take, for any municipal purpose, any land within the limits of the city or town not already appropriated to public use. Whenever the price proposed to be paid for a lot of land for any municipal purpose is more than twenty-five per cent higher than its average assessed valuation during the previous three years, the land shall not be taken by purchase but shall be taken by right of eminent domain, and shall be paid for in the manner pro¬ vided in the case of land taken for highways. No land shall be taken under the powers given by this act until an appropriation, by loans or otherwise, has been made for the purpose by a two thirds vote of the city government in cities, and by a vote of two thirds of the voters present and voting thereon at any regular meeting called for the purpose in towns. Section 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. [Ap¬ proved May 19, 1915. 25 General Acts, Chapter 264 . An Act relative to the Fees to be paid by Gas and Electric Companies for filing and recording Certain Certificates in the Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section 1 . Section nifiety-one of chapter seven hundred and forty-two of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and fourteen, as amended by chapter ninety-two of the general acts of the year nine¬ teen hundred and fifteen, is hereby further amended by striking out the word “ sixty-eight ”, after the word “ fifty-three ”, in the fourth paragraph, so as to read as follows: — Section 91. The fees for filing and recording the certificates which are required by this act to he filed with the secretary of the commonwealth shall be as follows: — For filing and recording the certificates required by section ten, including the issuing of the certificate of incorporation by the sec¬ retary, one twentieth of one per cent of the amount of the capital stock as fixed by the agreement of association; but not less in any case than five dollars. For filing-and recording the certificate required by section sixty- eight, one twentieth of one per cent of the amount by which the capital is increased. For filing and recording the certificates or copies of the vote re¬ quired by sections twenty-nine, forty-eight, fifty-two, fifty-three, sixty-nine, seventy-one and seventy-two, one dollar for each certifi¬ cate or copy of the vote. For filing and recording the certificate required by section sixty- five, five dollars. Section 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. \_Ap- proved May 19, 1915. General Acts, Chapter 269 . An Act relative to Reports made to the General Court by Special Commis¬ sions. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section six of chapter eighteen of the Revised Laws, as amended by section one of chapter four hundred and fifty-two of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and ten and by section one of chapter two 2(5 i hundred and twenty-two, of the General Acts of the year nineteen hundred and fifteen is hereby further amended by adding at the end thereof the words : — All reports of special commissions recommend¬ ing legislation shall be accompanied by drafts of bills embodying the legislation recommended, — so as to read as follows: — Sec¬ tion 6 . State boards and commissions shall annually, on or before the first Wednesday in January, deposit with the secretary of the commonwealth such parts of their annual reports which are required to be made to the governor and council or to the general court as contain recommendations or suggestions for legislative action, such recommendations or suggestions to be accompanied by drafts of bills embodying thei legislation recommended; and the secretary shall forthwith transmit them to the governor and council or to the general court: provided, however, that the provisions of this section shall not apply to the annual report submitted by the commission on economy and efficiency. All reports of special commissions rec ommending legislation shall be accompanied by drafts of bills em¬ bodying the legislation recommended. \ Approved May 22, 1915. General Acts, Chapter 273 . An Act relative to Investments of Savings Banks and Institutions for Savings. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section 1 . Clause Fifth of section sixty-eight of chapter five hundred and ninety of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and eight is hereby amended by adding at the end thereof the follow¬ ing : — Bonds which have been or shall become legal investments under the provisions of this clause shall not, except as hereinafter provided, be deemed to be an illegal investment by reason of the fact that the corporation issuing such bonds shall hereafter fail or shall have heretofore failed for a period not exceeding two suc¬ cessive fiscal years to earn and pay dividends in accordance with the requirements of this clause, but no further investment in the bonds issued by the corporation shall be made during said period. If after the expiration of said period the corporation earns and pays or has earned and paid dividends during the following fiscal year in accordance with the requirements of this clause, it shall be re¬ garded as having complied therewith during said period: provided, that it shall not have so failed to comply during any other period 27 within the next preceding five years; and provided, that during said period of non-compliance its annual earnings shall have been at least sufficient to provide for the payment of the interest upon its outstanding indebtedness and all other fixed charges in addition to its operating expenses. Nothing in this act shall be interpreted as invalidating any investments in bonds now held as legal investments by savings banks and trust companies of this commonwealth under the provisions of existing law. The public service commission shall, after the passage of this act, certify and transmit to the bank commissioner a list of any street railway companies whose bonds may he or become legal investments by virtue of the provisions hereof. Section 2. Section sixty-eight of said chapter five hundred and ninety, as amended by chapter two hundred and ninety-one of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and thirteen, is hereby further amended by striking out in clause Fourteenth the words “ clause Fifth ”, in the third and fourth lines thereof. Section - 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. [Ap¬ proved May 25, 1015. General Acts, Chapter 285. An Act relative to the Denomination of Notes submitted for Certification to the Director of the Bureau of Statistics. « Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section 1 . The director of the bureau of statistics is authorized to place upon notes submitted to him for certification such denom¬ inations as will show the purpose for which the same are issued and » as may be required by law to appear thereon. Section 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. [Ap¬ proved May 27, 1915. General Acts, Chapter 296. An Act relative to the Registration of Persons, Firms and Corporations designing to install Wires or Apparatus for Electric Light, Heat or Power Purposes. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section 1 . Except as hereinafter provided, no person, firm or corporation shall, after the first day of September, nineteen hundred and fifteen, enter into, engage in, or work at the business of in- 28 stalling wires, conduits, apparatus, fixtures or other appliances for carrying or using electricity for light, heat or power purposes in this commonwealth, either as a master or employing electrician or as a journeyman electrician, unless such person, firm, or corporation shall have received a license or certificate therefor, issued by the board provided for in section two of this act and in accordance with the provisions hereinafter set forth. The words “ master or employing electrician ” as used in this act shall mean a corporation, firm or person, having a regular place of business, who, bv the employment of journeymen, performs the work of installing wires, conduits, apparatus, fixtures and other appliances for carrying or using electricity for light, heat or power purposes. The word “ journeyman ” as used in this act shall mean a person who does any work of installing wires, conduits, apparatus, fixtures and other appliances for hire. Section 2. On and after the first day of July, in the year nine¬ teen hundred and fifteen, the chairman of the civil service commis¬ sion, the fire prevention commissioner for the metropolitan district and the commissioner of education shall constitute the state exam¬ iners of electricians. They shall employ as clerk a practical electri¬ cian, who is a wage earner, and a citizen of the commonwealth, who has had at least ten years’ experience in the installation of wires and appliances for carrying electricity for light, heat or power purposes. He shall receive such salary as shall be determined by the state ex¬ aminers, subject to the approval of the governor and council, and shall hold his office for a term of three years. The three examiners shall receive no compensation for their services under the terms of this act. The compensation of the clerk and the travelling and other necessary expenses of the state examiners, not however to ex¬ ceed five hundred dollars in the aggregate for each of the members thereof, shall, when approved by the governor and council, he paid from the treasury of the commonwealth. The state examiners of electricians may make necessary rules for the proper performance of their duties. They shall hold frequent examinations in the city of Boston, and, twice in each year, shall hold examinations in at least five other con¬ venient places within the commonwealth, and they may hold annual or occasional examinations in other places. Public notice shall be given of all examinations. The state examiners of electricians shall annually, on or before the first Wednesday in January, transmit to the secretary of the commonwealth a report to the general court of its doings. 29 In the conduct of the examinations they shall make uniform requirements for all cities and towns, which may be revised from time to time, as circumstances may require. Said examinations shall be sufficiently frequent to give ample opportunity for all ap¬ plicants to be thoroughly and carefully examined, and may be super¬ vised by one or more of the members of the board, but no licenses shall be granted without the sanction of the board. Examinations may be given in writing or practical work, as deemed most advisable by the board. The records of the meeting of said board shall be open for in¬ spection at all times, and the board shall have printed annually a manual of its regulations, including the names of all licensees. Section 3. (1) Two forms of licenses shall be issued: — The first, hereinafter referred to as “ certificate A shall be known as “ master electrician’s certificate ”, the second, hereinafter referred to as “ certificate B ”, shall be known as a u journeyman electrician’s certificate.” A “ master’s certificate ” shall be issued to any person, firm or corporation engaged in or about to engage in the business of in¬ stalling electrical wires, conduits, apparatus, fixtures and other electrical appliances, that shall have qualified under the provisions of this act. A certificate of registration shall be issued specifying the name of the person, firm or corporation so applying, and the name of the person passing said examination, by which he or it shall be authorized to enter upon or engage in business as set forth therein: provided, however, that any person, firm or corporation that has been engaged in said business for at least five years next prior to the date of the application shall not be required to pass said examination, but shall present proof of fitness. The holding of “ certificate A ” shall not entitle the holder in¬ dividually to engage in or perform the actual work of installing electric wires, conduits and appliances as previously described in this act, but shall entitle him to conduct business as an employing or master electrician. (2) “ Certificate B,” or a journeyman electrician’s license, shall be granted to any person who has passed an examination before the examining board provided for in this act, or who shall present proof of fitness and that he has gained his livelihood by the occu¬ pation of electrician for five consecutive years next prior to the date of application. A certificate shall be issued specifying the name of the person so engaged, by which certificate such person shall be 30 authorized to enter upon or engage in the occupation of journeyman electrician. Every person desiring an examination shall make ap¬ plication therefor in writing accompanied by the proper fee. The fee for an examination for certificate “ A shall be twenty-five dollars and that for certificate “ B ” shall be one dollar. An appli¬ cant who fails in his examination shall not have his fee returned to him but shall be entitled to one re-examination free of charge. For each subsequent re-examination, he shall pay fifteen dollars in the case of'certificate “A” and fifty cents in the case of certifi¬ cate “ B ” (3) All certificates “ A ” described in paragraph (1) of this section shall expire on the thirty-first day of July in each year, but may be renewed by the same person, firm or corporation, as repre¬ sented by one or more of its members or officers, without further examination, upon the payment of a fee of fifteen dollars, applica¬ tion therefor being made during the month next prior to said ex¬ piration of said certificate. (4) All certificates “ B ” described in paragraph (2) of this sec¬ tion shall expire on the thirty-first day of July in each year, but may be renewed upon the payment of a fee of fifty cents, and upon the same conditions set forth in paragraph (3) of this section. (5) All holders of certificates “ A ” shall keep their certificate of registration displayed in a conspicuous place in their principal offices or places of business, and all holders of certificates “ B ” shall be furnished by said board with evidence of their having been so licensed, in card form or otherwise, which shall be carried on the person of the licensee and exhibited on request. Section 4. No certificates issued under the provisions of this act, to either master or journeyman, shall be assignable or transfer¬ able. Said certificates may be suspended or revoked by the board of examiners upon failure or refusal of the licensee to comply with the rules and requirements of said business as set forth by the board of gas and electric light commissioners, and for other and sufficient causes after a hearing has been held. Such suspension or revoca¬ tion by said board shall be subject to review by the board of gas and electric light commissioners. Section 5. Any person, firm or corporation, or employee thereof, and any representative, or any member or officer of such firm or corporation individually entering upon or engaging in the business and work hereinbefore defined, without having complied with the provisions of this act, shall he punished by a fine of not less than 31 ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for the first offence, and for a second offence by a fine of not less than fifty nor more than five hundred dollars, or by six months’ imprisonment in the house of correction, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Section 6. No person, firm or corporation holding a master’s certificate shall be held liable for work done by any of his or its employees without authorization, unless it shall appear that such work was done with his or its knowledge or consent or by his or its authorization. All fees and fines collected under the provisions of this act shall be paid into the treasury of the commonwealth as hereinbefore provided. Section 7. This act shall not apply to the installation, repair¬ ing and wiring of elevators or to work in connection with the erec¬ tion, construction, maintenance or repair of lines for the transmis¬ sion of electricity from the source of supply to the service switch on the premises where it is used by municipal electric plants, by electric companies as defined in section one of chapter seven hun¬ dred and forty-two of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and fourteen, or by gas companies authorized to engage in the business of making or selling electricity by electric street railway companies or by electric railroad companies or by railroad companies; nor to the work of such plants or companies on premises owned or con¬ trolled by them; nor to the work of said municipal electric plants or of said electric or gas companies in installing, maintaining and repairing, on the premises of customers, service connections and meters and other apparatus and appliances which remain the prop¬ erty of such plants or companies after installation; nor to work in connection with the lighting of streets, alleys, private ways or private or public parks, areas or squares; nor to the work of com¬ panies, incorporated for the transmission of intelligence by elec¬ tricity in installing, maintaining or repairing wires, apparatus, fixtures or other appliances used in the business of such companies • and necessary for or incident to such business, and whether such wires, conduits, apparatus, fixtures or other appliances are on its own premises or otherwise. Section 8. Nothing in this act shall be construed as forbidding the employment of learners or apprentices working with and under the direct personal supervision of journeymen electricians duly certi¬ fied as provided in this act. Electricians employed by theatrical companies may install such temporary wiring and appliances as may be required for the purpose of the engagement of any such company, subject to the supervision of some person licensed under the provisions of this act. Electricians regularly employed by firms or corporations other than holders of class “ A ” certificates may install such electrical wiring, conduits and appliances or make such repairs as may be re¬ quired only on the premises and property of said firms or corpora¬ tions : provided, that said electricians hold a journeyman’s license and have complied with all provisions set forth in this act. Section 9. Any person applying for a journeyman’s license who makes any misstatement as to his experience, or other qualifica¬ tions, or any person, firm or corporation subscribing to or vouching for any such misstatement, shall be liable to the penalties set forth in section four of this act. Section 10. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Section 11. This act shall take effect upon its passage, except that its provisions imposing penalties shall not become operative until the board shall have been organized and at least sixty days shall have been allowed to enable applicants to secure licenses or certificates. \Approved May 28, 1915. Special Acts, Chapter 30. An Act to authorize the New Bedford Gas and Edison Light Company to maintain Gas Pipes and Cables under the Acushnet River between the City of New Bedford and the Town of Fairhaven. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section 1 . The New Bedford Gas and Edison Light Company is hereby authorized to maintain such gas pipes and cables for the transmission of electricitv under the tide waters of the Acushnet river between the citv of New Bedford and the town of Fairlmven as kJ have heretofore been laid by said company under licenses heretofore granted by the board of harbor and land commissioners, subject, as to future maintenance, to the provisions of chapter ninety-six of the Revised Laws and acts in amendment thereof and in addition thereto. Section 2. The New Bedford Gas and Edison Light Company is hereby authorized to lay and maintain gas pipes and cables for the transmission of electricity, in addition to those heretofore laid, under the tide waters of the Acushnet river between the city of New Bedford and the town of Fairhaven subject to the provisions of 33 chapter ninety-six of the Revised Laws and acts in amendment thereof and in addition thereto. Section 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. [Ap¬ proved February 8, 1915. Special Acts, Chapter 140. An Act to authorize the Town of Ipswich to erect and maintain Poles and Wires in the Town of Hamilton. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section 1 . The town of Ipswich may erect and maintain in the town of Hamilton poles and wires for the distribution and sale of electricity to the inhabitants of Ipswich; but the town of Ipswich shall not erect and maintain poles and wires for the distribution and sale of electricity upon, along, under or across public ways in the town of Hamilton without first obtaining from the selectmen of the town of Hamilton locations therefor in the manner required by law of companies incorporated for the transmission of electricity for lighting, heating or power. Section 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. [Ap¬ proved March 9, 1915. Special Acts, Chapter 165. An Act to confirm the Locations granted by the Town of North Attlebor¬ ough for Lines or Wires for the Transmission of Electricity. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section 1 . All lines or wires for the transmission of electricity for lighting, heat or power heretofore acquired or constructed by the town of North Attleborough upon, along, over and under the public ways and places of said town, and the poles, piers, abutments, conduits and other fixtures necessary to sustain or protect the wires of said lines and now in actual use, are herebv made lawful not- withstanding the lack of any valid locations therefor or any in¬ formality in the proceedings relative to their location and erection. Section 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. [Ap¬ proved March 11, 1915. 34 Special Acts, Chapter 185. An Act to authorize the Town of Reading to borrow Money to extend its Lighting Plant in Certain Territory without the Limits of the Town. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section 1 . The town of Reading may incur debt within the limit of indebtedness prescribed in chapter seven hundred and nineteen of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and thirteen, for the purposes of extending or enlarging its electric lighting plant within the limits of the territory within which the town of Reading was authorized to distribute electricity for light, heat and power by the provisions of chapter three hundred and sixty-nine of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and eight; said territory com¬ prising the towns of North Reading, Wilmington and that part of the town of Lynnfield known as Lynnheld Centre. The indebted¬ ness incurred hereunder shall be payable within twenty years after the same is incurred. Section 2. The authority granted by this act shall be exercised strictly in accordance with the provisions of chapter seven hundred and nineteen of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and thirteen and of the amendments thereof and additions thereto, except as such provisions may be inconsistent with the provisions of section one of this act. Section 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. [ Ap¬ proved March 20, 1915. Special Acts, Chapter 216. An Act to place the Manager of the Gas and Electric Department of the City of Holyoke under the Civil Service Laws. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section 1 . The manager of the gas and electric department in the city of Holyoke shall hereafter be placed under the civil service laws and regulations, and his term of office shall be permanent, ex¬ cept that he may be removed in accordance with the civil service laws and the regulations made thereunder; but the person now hold¬ ing said office may continue therein without passing the civil service examination. Section 2. This act shall be submitted to the voters of the city of Holyoke at the annual state election in the current year, and shall take effect upon its acceptance by a majority of the voters voting thereon; otherwise it shall not take effect. [Approved March 25, 1915. •> 35 Special Acts, Chapter 229. An Act to confirm the Action of the Selectmen of South Hadley in an¬ nulling Certain Permits and Franchises granted to the Chicopee Gas Light Company and granting Others to the Springfield Gas Light Company. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section 1 . The action of the selectmen of the town of South Hadley in passing an order under date of July fourteenth, in the year nineteen hundred and fourteen, which annulled and super¬ seded an order of the selectmen of said town passed under date of January second, in the year nineteen hundred and six, granting to the Chicopee Gas Light Company, its successors and assigns, the right and privilege to dig up and open the ground and lay and maintain pipes and suitable appliances for the distribution of gas in certain streets in that part of the town of South Hadley called South Hadley Falls, and also annulled and superseded the agree¬ ment and bond mentioned in said order of January second, which agreement and bond are dated March fifteenth, nineteen hundred and six, and in addition the consent of said selectmen was granted to the Springfield Gas Light Company, the successor of the said Chicopee Gas Light Company, and its successors and assigns, to dig up and open the ground and lay and maintain pipes and suitable appliances for the distribution of gas in the several streets, lanes and highways in the town of South Hadley therein named, is hereby ratified, approved and confirmed. Section 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. [ Ap¬ proved March 27, 1915. Special Acts, Chapter 236. An Act making Appropriations for the Salaries and Expenses of the Board of Gas and Electric Light Commissioners. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section 1 . The sums hereinafter mentioned are appropriated, to be paid out of the Gas and Electric Light Commissioners’ Fund, except as otherwise provided herein, for the salaries and expenses of the gas and electric light commissioners, for the fiscal year end¬ ing on the thirtieth day of November, nineteen hundred and fifteen, to wit: — For the salaries of the commissioners, fourteen thousand dollars 36 For clerical assistance, a sum not exceeding seventy-five hundred dollars. For the salary of the present gas inspector, twenty-eight hundred dollars. For the salary of the present first assistant inspector, eighteen hundred dollars. « For the salary of a second assistant inspector, eighteen hundred dollars. For statistics, books, stationery, and for other necessary expenses, a sum not exceeding forty-two hundred dollars. For compensation of deputies, travelling expenses, apparatus, office rent and other incidental expenses, a sum not exceeding ninety- five hundred dollars. For rent of offices, a sum not exceeding forty-six hundred and seventy-seven dollars. For printing and binding the annual report, a sum not exceeding twentv-nine hundred dollars. For the inspection of electric meters, a sum not exceeding one thousand dollars. For salaries and expenses of expert assistants, as authorized by chapter six hundred and thirty-one of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and fourteen, a sum not exceeding sixty-five hundred dol¬ lars. For expenses in connection with the abatement of the smoke nuisance, a sum not exceeding eight thousand dollars, the same to be assessed upon the cities and towns of the district named in sec¬ tion one of chapter six hundred and fifty-one of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and ten. Section 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. \Ap¬ proved March 29, 1915. Special Acts, Chapter 243. An Act to incorporate the Salisbury Water Supply Company. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section 1 . Charles FT. Taylor, Henry C. Mulligan and Ernest IF Seagrave, their associates and successors, are hereby made a cor¬ poration by the name of The Salisbury Water Supply Company, for the purpose of supplying the inhabitants of the town of Salisbury or any part thereof with water for the extinguishment of fires and for domestic, manufacturing and other purposes, and for the pur- 37 pose of laying out, constructing, maintaining and operating a system or systems of main drains and common sewers, in that portion of said town of Salisbury lying east of the canal, with such connections and other works, as may be required for a system of sewage disposal. Said corporation shall have all the powers and privileges and shall be subject to all the duties, restrictions and liabilities set forth in all general laws now or hereafter in force applicable to such cor¬ porations. Section 2. Said corporation, for the purposes aforesaid, may lease, take or acquire by purchase or otherwise, and hold the waters of any ponds, brooks or springs within the limits of said town, and may obtain and take water by means of driven, bored, artesian or other wells on any land within the limits of said town, and- convey the same through the town; and may also take or acquire by lease, purchase or otherwise, all lands, rights of way and easements neces¬ sary for holding and preserving such water and conveying the same to any part of said town, and for constructing main drains and sewers, necessary for the disposal of sewage; and may erect on the land so acquired proper dams, fixtures or other structures: provided, that no source of water supply shall he taken under this act for domestic purposes, and no system of sewage disposal shall be con¬ structed, without the advice and approval of the state department of health. The sewers of said company shall be deemed to be public sewers. Said company may make excavations, procure and operate machinery, and provide such other means and appliances as may be necessary for the establishment and maintenance of complete and effective water works and a system of sewage disposal; may con¬ struct, lay and maintain aqueducts, conduits, pipes, main drains, sub-drains, sewers and other works, under or over any land, water courses, canals, dams, railroads, railways and public or other ways, and along any highway or other way in the town of Salisbury in such manner as not unnecessarily to obstruct the same; and for the purpose of constructing, laying, maintaining and repairing such aqueducts,' conduits, pipes, main drains, sub-drains, sewers and other works, and for all other purposes of this act, said corporation may dig up, raise and embank any such lands, highways or other ways in such manner as to cause the least hindrance to public travel. Said corporation shall not enter upon, construct or lay any conduits, pipes, sewers, drains or other works within the location of any rail¬ road corporation, except at such time and in such manner as it may agree upon with such corporation, or, in case of failure so to agree, as may be approved by the public service commission. 38 Section 3. Said corporation shall, within sixty days after vot¬ ing to take any lands, rights of way, water rights, water sources or easements as aforesaid, file and cause to be recorded in the registry of deeds for the county of Essex a description thereof sufficiently accurate for identification, with a statement of the purpose for which the same were taken, signed by the president of the corporation. The recording shall operate as a taking of the real estate and rights and easements therein described. Section 4. Said corporation shall pay all damages to property sustained by any person, firm or corporation by the taking of any land, right of way, water, water source, water right or easement, or by any other thing done by said corporation under the authority of this act. Any person, firm or corporation sustaining damages as aforesaid, and failing to agree with said corporation as to the amount thereof, may have the same assessed and determined in the manner provided by law in the case of land taken for the laying out of highways, on application at any time within two years after the taking of such land or other property, or the doing of any other injury under authority of this act; but no such application shall be made for the taking of any water, water right or water source, or for any injury thereto, and said period of two years shall not begin to run, until the water is actually withdrawn or diverted under au¬ thority of this act. Said corporation may by vote from time to time determine what amount or quantity of water it proposes to take under this act; and in such case damages caused by the taking shall be based upon the said amount or quantity until the same shall be increased by vote or otherwise, and in that event the corporation shall be liable further only for the additional damages caused by such additional taking. Section 5. Said corporation may distribute water through the town of Salisbury or any part thereof, may regulate the use of said water and may fix rates to be paid for the use of same, subject, how¬ ever, to the power now vested in the board of gas and electric light commissioners to regulate said rates, and may make such contracts with the said town or with any fire district now or hereafter estab¬ lished therein, or with any individual or corporation, to supply water for the extinguishment of fires or for other purposes as may he agreed upon, and may maintain and operate a system of sew r age disposal, and may contract with said town, or with any individual or corporation, relative to the same. Section 6 . Said corporation may, for the purposes set forth in 39 this act, hold real estate not exceeding in value twenty-live thousand dollars, and its capital stock shall not exceed one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, to be divided into shares of one hundred dollars each. Section 7. Said corporation may, by vote of a majority in in¬ terest of its stockholders at a meeting called for the purpose, and subject to the limitations and restrictions of the following section, issue bonds, at not less than par, to an amount not exceeding its capital stock actually paid in at the time of such issue and applied to the purposes of the corporation, and bearing interest at a rate not exceeding six per cent per annum; and may secure the payment of the principal and interest of said bonds by a mortgage of its fran¬ chise and property. All persons who acquire any mains, conduits, poles, wires, fixtures or other apparatus in, over, under or across public ways by virtue of such mortgage shall have the same rights and be subject to the same obligations relative to their erection, care, maintenance and operating as the corporation would have had, or would have been subject to, if the mortgage had not been made. Section 8. Said corporation shall issue only such amount of stock and bonds as the board of gas and electric light commissioners may from time to time vote is reasonably necessary for the purpose for which such issue of stock or bonds has been authorized. The board may take into consideration any resources of the said corpo¬ ration available or which might have been available for said purpose. Said board shall render a decision upon an application for such issue within thirty days after the final hearing thereon. The de¬ cision shall be in writing, shall assign the reasons therefor, shall, if authorizing such issue, specify the respective amounts of stock or bonds which are authorized to be issued for the several purposes to which the proceeds thereof are to be applied, shall, within seven days after it has been rendered, be filed in the office of the board, and a certificate of the vote of the board shall, within three days after such decision has been rendered and before the stock or bonds are issued, be filed in the office of the secretary of the common¬ wealth, and a duplicate thereof shall be delivered to the said corpo¬ ration, which shall enter the same upon its records. Said corpora¬ tion shall not apply the proceeds of such stock or bonds to any purpose not specified in such certificate. Xo application for the approval of an issue of stock shall be made unless authorized by vote of the incorporators, in case of an original issue, or of the stock¬ holders in case of an increase of stock, passed not more than four 40 months prior to such application; but a vote of the stockholders to increase the capital stock may be passed before or after the decision of the board aforesaid. Section 9. Said corporation shall have the authority to acquire by purchase the franchises, corporate property, and all the rights and privileges of the Artesian Water Company, a corporation duly established by law, which now owns and operates a system of water works and a system of sewage disposal in said town of Salisbury, and upon such purchase shall assume all contract obligations of said Artesian Water Company, particularly the contract between said town of Salisbury and said Artesian Water Company for sup¬ plying the inhabitants of said town with water. Section 10. The town of Salisbury shall have the right at any time, by a two thirds vote at an annual meeting, to purchase the franchise, corporate property, and all the rights and privileges of said corporation; or the town may in said manner vote to purchase only such corporate property, rights and privileges as are necessary and suitable for, and are used in connection with, the supply of water for the extinguishment of fires and for domestic, manufac¬ turing and other purposes; and said town may at any time in said manner vote to purchase only such corporate property, rights and privileges as are necessary and suitable for and are used in con¬ nection with the system of sewage disposal; and the town shall give said corporation sixty days’ notice of the vote, and said corpora¬ tion shall then within sixty days after receiving such notice execute and deliver to said town all said property, franchise, ’ rights and privileges; whereupon the property thus conveyed shall become the property of said town, and said town shall be liable to pay to said corporation the fair market value thereof for the purpose of its use, excluding any mortgage or other incumbrance or lien to which such plant or any part thereof may be subject at the time of such pur¬ chase, which shall not be assumed by the town unless the commis¬ sioners appointed as below otherwise determine, but if transferred subject to said mortgage or lien the amount of the same is to be deducted from the price to be paid. Such value shall be estimated without enhancement on account of future earning capacity or good-will or of exclusive privileges derived from rights in the public streets, and without enhancement because of any contract which may then exist between said corporation and said town. In case the town and the corporation shall be unable to agree upon the value of said property the supreme judicial court shall, upon appli- 41 cation of either party and notice to the other, appoint three com¬ missioners, one of whom shall be a skilled engineer, one learned in the law, and one engaged in carrying on a business, who shall de¬ termine the fair value of said property as above provided and whose award, when accepted by the court, shall be final. Any tire district which may be hereafter formed in said town of Salisbury shall have the right to purchase such corporate property, rights and privileges as are necessary and suitable for, and are used in connection with, the supply of water for the extinguishment of fires and for domes¬ tic, manufacturing and other purposes, in the same manner and under the same terms and subject to all the provisions above pro¬ vided for the purchase by said town. Section 11. Whoever wilfully or wantonly corrupts, pollutes or diverts any water taken or held under this act, or injures any structure, work or other property owned, held or used by said cor¬ poration under authority of this act, shall forfeit and pay to said corporation three times the amount of damages assessed therefor, to be recovered in an action of tort; and upon conviction of any of the above wilful or wanton acts shall be punished by a fine not ex¬ ceeding three hundred dollars or by imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year. Section 12. This act shall take effect upon its passage. [ Ap¬ proved March 31, 1915. Special Acts, Chapter 253. An Act relative to Wires and Electrical Appliances in the City of Everett. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section 1. The city council of the city of Everett may, by ordinance, designate some officer or officers of the city who shall have exclusive authority to cause to be removed from the streets or parts of streets of the city hereinafter named, all telegraph, tele¬ phone and electric light, motor and power wires, cables and con¬ ductors, in or above said streets or parts of streets, and all poles and other structures in said streets used for the support of the same, except such structures, poles, wires, cables and conductors as are hereinafter excepted. Such officer or officers shall grant all neces- sarv permits for placing, maintaining and operating such wires, cables and conductors, and any other necessary appurtenances in underground conduit^ and manholes, subject to the ordinances of the city; and the superintendent of streets or other officer having charge 42 of the highways of said city shall issue all permits for opening and occupying the streets which may be necessary to carry out the in¬ tent of this provision, upon the application of the officer or officers first above mentioned or of any person or corporation interested. Section 2. The provisions of this act shall apply to the follow¬ ing streets or parts of streets: — Broadway from Main street to Gledhill avenue; Ferry street from Elm street to the Malden line. All the overhead wires, cables, conductors, poles and structures in that part of Broadway above specified, except such as are hereinafter excepted, shall be removed or placed underground prior to the first day of January, nineteen hundred and twenty-one; and all the over¬ head wires, cables, conductors, poles and structures in that part of Ferry street above specified, except such as are hereinafter excepted, shall be removed or placed underground prior to the first day of January, nineteen hundred and twenty-three: provided, that such permits as are necessary are granted in due season, so that the work may be completed within the time aforesaid; it being the pur¬ pose of this act to cause the removal from the parts of streets above named of all wires, cables, conductors, poles and structures, except those hereinafter excepted, within the periods above specified. And it shall be the duty of said officer or officers to see that the same are so removed. But any street railway, telegraph or telephone company subject to the provisions of this act may petition the pub¬ lic service commission, and any other company or person subject to the provisions of this act may petition the board of gas and electric light commissioners, for the exemption from the provisions of this act of any wires, cables, conductors, poles and structures, or for any extension or extensions of time for compliance with said provisions. And said commission or said board, as the case may be, may grant any such exemption or extension which they deem reasonable; and any exemptions or extensions granted by said com¬ mission or said board, by an order passed after notice to the mayor and aldermen of said city, who shall be entitled to be heard, and a public hearing, shall have the same force and effect as if specially provided for herein. Section 3. Every owner or user of overhead wires, cables or con¬ ductors, and of poles and other structures for the support thereof, in that part of Broadway specified in section two, shall, prior to the first day of January, nineteen hundred and twenty-one, con¬ struct the underground conduits, ducts and manholes which it shall desire to use in that part of said Broadway, and remove therefrom 43 its overhead wires, cables and conductors and any poles or other structures used for the support thereof, except such as may be ex¬ empted under the provisions of this act; and every owner or user of overhead wires, cables or conductors and of poles and other struc¬ tures for the support thereof, in that part of Ferry street specified in section two, shall, prior to the first day of January, nineteen hundred and twenty-three, construct the underground conduits, ducts and manholes which it shall desire to use in that part of said Ferry street, and remove therefrom its overhead wires, cables and conductors, and any poles or other structures used for the support thereof, except such as may he exempted under the provisions of this act; and upon the removal from overhead of such wires, cables or conductors, the owners or users thereof may place the same and any other necessary wires, cables or conductors or any extensions thereof, in such underground conduits. It shall be the duty of the officer or officers provided for in section one to see that the require¬ ments of this section are complied with. Section 4. No person, firm or corporation shall place any poles or other structures for the support of any wires, cables or conduc¬ tors, except those herein excepted, in those parts of the streets pre¬ scribed in section two from which the overhead wires, cables and conductors shall have been removed pursuant to this act, except temporarily and in emergencies, with the permission of the officer or officers designated pursuant to section one. If, after the expira¬ tion of the time herein prescribed for the removal of all the wires, cables, conductors, poles and structures in the streets or parts of streets above specified there shall remain in any of said streets or parts of streets any wires, cables, conductors, poles or structures which are by this act required to be removed or placed underground the officer or officers designated pursuant to section one shall cause the same to be removed, and the city may collect from the owners or users thereof, by an action at law, any expense involved in such removal. Section 5. The officer or officers designated pursuant to section one may at any time, upon application of any person, firm or corpo¬ ration duly authorized by law to lay or to erect and maintain, and lawfully maintaining, wires in the streets of said city, grant per¬ mission for the removal of any wires, cables, conductors, poles or structures in any of the streets of said city, whether within or with¬ out the streets specified in section two, and for the placing of the same and any other necessary wires, cables and conductors, and any 44 extensions thereof, underground as herein provided; and it shall he the duty of the commissioner of streets, or other officer having charge of the highways in said city, and he shall have authority, after the granting of such permission, to issue all permits for open¬ ing and occupying the streets of said city which may be necessary to carry out the intent of this act, upon the application of said officer or officers or of any person or corporation interested. Said officer or officers shall, after public notice and hearing as required by law, grant locations for such additional poles for local distribu¬ tion from underground wires, cables or conductors and for the support of lamps as may become reasonably necessary by reason of work done under the provisions of this act, specifying where such poles may be located and the kind of poles to be used. Section 6 . The Malden Electric Company, the Boston Elevated Railway Company and the Bay State Street Railway Company, or any two of said companies, may contract with each other for the use of such of the underground conduits, ducts, manholes, cables and conductors of each other in the city of Everett as any of said companies, or its successors or assigns, may desire to use, upon such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon by said companies, re¬ spectively; and in case of the purchase by any municipality of the plant and property of said Malden Electric Company in the city of Everett, any such conduits, ducts, manholes, cables and conduc¬ tors as shall have been provided by it for the use of either or both of the other companies above named pursuant to the provisions of this section shall be a part of the plant and property so purchased. Section 7. Except as herein otherwise provided, this act shall not apply to long distance telegraph or telephone wires, posts for the support of lamps exclusively, or to poles used exclusively for local distribution from underground wires, cables or conductors, or to street railway trolley, guard and span wires or to poles for the support of the same ; nor shall it revoke or affect any rights already granted to any person, firm or corporation to place or maintain any conduits, pipes, wires, cables or conductors underground; but any such conduits, pipes, wires, cables or conductors laid hereafter in pursuance of any such grant shall be laid subject to the provisions of this act so far as they are not inconsistent with the terms of such grant. For the purposes of this act no wire shall be deemed to be a long distance telegraph or telephone wire which does not extend at least twenty-five miles from some central office. Section 8. When any person or corporation operating or in- 45 tending to operate wires, cables, conductors or conduits in any streets or parts of streets of said city shall desire or be required to place the same underground, and shall have been duly authorized so to do, such person or corporation shall file with the city engineer of the city a map or maps made to scale, showing the streets or parts thereof which are desired or required to be used for said purpose, and giving the locations, dimensions and courses of the under¬ ground conduits desired or required to be constructed, which map or maps shall be satisfactory to, and approved in writing by, the city engineer before any permit shall be granted to make any open¬ ing in any such street under the said authority. Section 9. The mayor and city council of the city shall consti¬ tute a board of appeal, to which petitions in writing may be pre¬ sented by any person or corporation aggrieved by any act or decision of the officer or officers designated under section one, or of the city engineer, done or made in pursuance of this act. Such petition shall set forth the specific grievance or grievances relied upon, and shall be filed with the mayor of the city within ten days after the act or decision complained of was done or made; and said board after due notice shall give a hearing thereon, and may either ap¬ prove, annul, modify or overrule such act or decision. Section 10. The city council of said city may make such new ordinances, not inconsistent with or additional to the provisions of this act, as may be necessary or expedient to carry into effect the purposes of this act. No existing ordinances of said city shall apply to or govern the grants or permits to be made, the work to be done, or the conduits, manholes, cables or conductors to be laid or constructed, pursuant to the provisions of this act. Section 11. The supreme judicial court or the superior court, or any justice thereof, shall, on petition of the officer or officers designated under section one, or of any person, firm or corporation affected by the provisions of this act, have jurisdiction in equity to enforce the provisions of this act or any order of said officer or officers issued pursuant thereto, and to compel compliance there¬ with. Section 12. This act shall take effect upon its passage. [Ap¬ proved April 3, 1915. 46 Special Acts, Chapter 262. An Act relative to the Wire Department of the City of Boston. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section 1 . Chapter two hundred and sixty-eight of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, as amended by chapter three hundred and thirty-nine of the acts of the year nineteen hun¬ dred and eight, is hereby further amended by inserting after section three a new section, to be numbered four, as follows: — Section 4 . The commissioner of wires, subject to the approval of the mayor, is hereby authorized to establish and collect reasonable fees or charges for all permits or licenses issued by him in accordance with the pro¬ visions of this act, and for the inspection of all work done under such permits or licenses. Section 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. \Ap¬ proved April 8, 1915. Special Acts, Chapter 268. An Act relative to the Location of Underground Electrical Wires, Cables, Conductors and Conduits in the City of Boston. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section 1 . The commissioner of wires of the city of Boston shall have exclusive authority to grant to persons, firms or corporations duly authorized by law to lay or erect and maintain, and lawfully maintaining, wires in the streets of said city, locations for under¬ ground wires, cables, conductors and conduits, in the manner pro¬ vided by chapter four hundred and fifty-four of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and ninety-four and by acts in amendment thereof or in addition thereto, in any of the streets, avenues and highways of said city, whether such locations are for the accommodation of new wires, cables and conductors, or of wires, cables and conductors removed from overhead. The commissioner of wires shall also have authority, after giving such person, firm or corporation an oppor¬ tunity to be heard, to direct an alteration in any location for under¬ ground wires, cables, conductors and conduits in any of the streets, avenues and highways of the city of Boston. Section 2. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Section 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. [ Ap¬ proved April 12, 1915. 47 Special Acts, Chapter 271. An Act to incorporate the Yarmouth Water Company. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section 1 . Charles W. Young, Henry A. Symonels and Charles B. Currier, their associates and successors, are hereby made a cor¬ poration by the name of the Yarmouth Water Company, for the pur¬ pose of supplying the inhabitants of the town of Yarmouth, or any part thereof, with water for domestic, manufacturing and other pur¬ poses, including the extinguishment of fires; with all the powers and privileges, and subject to all the duties, restrictions and liabilities set forth in all general laws now or hereafter in force applicable to such corporations. Section 2. The corporation may purchase water for any or all of its corporate purposes from the Barnstable Water Company or from any other corporation at the time engaged in supplying water to the inhabitants of any town adjoining the town of Yarmouth: provided, that the source of the water supply of such other corpora¬ tion was acquired with the consent of, or shall have been approved by, the state department of health. The Barnstable Water Com¬ pany and all other corporations now or hereafter engaged as afore¬ said in supplying water to the inhabitants of towns adjoining the town of Yarmouth may sell and contract to sell water to the cor¬ poration created by this act for any or all of its corporate purposes. If any town or fire district acquires by exercise of eminent domain the property of a corporation which at the time is under contract to sell water to the corporation created by this act, such town or fire district shall assume the obligations of the former corporation in relation to supplying water for the unexpired term of the contract, and the latter corporation may thereafter purchase water from such town or fire district: provided, that if such town or fire district is not satisfied with the price fixed by the contract for water to be fur¬ nished thereunder, it may apply to the board of gas and electric light commissioners to fix and determine the price of water there¬ after to be furnished under the contract; and said board shall, after notice to all interested parties and a public hearing, enter such orders relative to the price of water thereafter to be furnished under said contract as it determines are just and reasonable. Such orders shall be binding upon such town or fire district until further order of said board. The corporation created by this act shall not take or otherwise acquire any water other than by purchase under the pro¬ visions of this section. 48 Section 3. Except as is otherwise provided herein, the corpora¬ tion may lease, take, or otherwise acquire, and hold all lands, rights of way and easements necessary or convenient for the accomplish¬ ment of its corporate purposes, may erect thereon buildings, stand¬ pipes and other structures, with fixtures, machinery and other ap¬ pliances appurtenant thereto, and may do all other things necessary or convenient for the establishment and maintenance of a complete and effective system of water works; but it shall have no authority to take and shall not take in fee land for any purpose other than the storage of water, and the lands so taken shall not in the aggregate exceed two acres. Section 4. The corporation shall, within ninety days after vot¬ ing to take such lands, rights of way, or other easements as afore¬ said, cause to be recorded in the registry of deeds for the county of Barnstable a description thereof sufficiently accurate for identifica¬ tion, with a statement of the purpose for which the same were taken, signed by the president of the corporation. The recording shall operate as a taking of the real estate, rights of way and easements therein described. Section 5. The corporation shall pay all damages sustained by any person by the taking of any land, right of way, or easement under the provisions of this act. Any person sustaining such dam¬ ages and failing to agree with the corporation as to the amount thereof may have the same assessed and determined in the manner provided by law in the case of land taken for the laying out of high¬ ways, on application at any time within three years after the taking of such land or other property; hut no such application shall be made after the expiration of said three years. Section 6 . The corporation may construct, lay and maintain conduits, pipes and other works, under or over any lands, water courses, canals, dams, railroads, railways and public or other ways, and along any highway or other way, in the town of Yarmouth, in such manner as not unnecessarily to obstruct the same; and for the purpose of constructing, laying and maintaining such conduits, pipes and other works, and for all other corporate purposes the cor¬ poration may dig up, raise and embank any such lands, highways, or other ways in such manner as not unnecessarily to hinder public travel; hut all things done upon any public ways shall he subject to the direction and approval of the selectmen of said town. Section 7. The corporation may distribute water through the town of Yarmouth, or any part thereof, and may regulate the use i 49 of the same. It may from time to time establish and fix rates for such water and may collect the same when due. It may make such contracts with the town of Yarmouth, or with any fire district now or hereafter established therein, or with any persons, to supply water for the extinguishment of fires or for such other purposes as may be agreed upon. Section 8 . The capital stock of the corporation shall not exceed fifty thousand dollars to be divided into shares of one hundred dol¬ lars each; and the corporation may issue bonds and secure the same by mortgage of its franchise and other property at the town owned or thereafter acquired to an amount not exceeding its capital stock actually paid in. It may, from time to time, if necessary in order to accomplish the purposes of its incorporation, increase its capital stock agreeably to the provisions of section thirty-five of chapter seven hundred and forty-two of the acts of the year nineteen hun¬ dred and fourteen. It shall issue only such amounts of stock and bonds as the board of gas and electric light commissioners may from time to time determine to be reasonably necessary for the purposes for which such issue of stock or bonds is authorized. All such issues shall be subject to the provisions of section thirty-nine of said chap¬ ter seven hundred and forty-two. Section 9. Whoever wilfully or wantonly corrupts, pollutes or diverts any water purchased or held under this act, or injures any structure, work or other property owned, held or used by the cor¬ poration under authority of this act, shall forfeit and pay to the corporation three times the amount of damages assessed therefor, to be recovered in an action of tort, and upon being convicted of any of the above wilful or wanton acts shall be punished by a fine not exceeding three hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in jail for a * term not exceeding one year. Section 10. The town of Yarmouth shall have the right, at any time during the continuance of the charter hereby granted, to acquire by purchase or by exercise of the right of eminent domain the franchise, property and all the rights and privileges of the cor¬ poration, On payment to the corporation of the actual cost of its franchise, works and property of every kind held under the pro¬ visions of this act; and unless the dividends earned and declared by said company on its stock shall have been equal to or in excess of five per cent per annum, there shall be added to the cost of the work such a sum as would make the net return to the stockholders five per cent per annum on the investment. The town, on taking, as 50 herein provided, the property of said corporation, shall assume all of its outstanding obligations incurred in the construction or im¬ provement of the property, including bonds secured by mortgage issued under authority of this act, and the amount thus assumed %j * shall be deducted from the total amount to be paid by the town to said corporation. Said corporation shall furnish to the town of Yarmouth, under oath, an itemized statement of the actual cost of the water supply system authorized by this act, together with a copy of all contracts made in providing and constructing said water sup¬ ply system and any extension thereof, and shall furnish to said town annually in the month of January an itemized statement, under oath, of its receipts and expenditures, which statement shall be sub¬ mitted bv the selectmen to the citizens of the town at the annual town meeting. This authority to take the said franchise and prop¬ erty is granted on condition that the same is assented to by the said town by a two thirds vote of the voters present and voting thereon at a meeting legally called for that purpose; and the taking by right of eminent domain shall be by filing in the registry of deeds for , the county of Barnstable the declaration of such taking, which shall include a certified copy of the. article in the warrant under which the town acted and of the vote of the town thereon, showing that it was passed by a two thirds vote as herein required. In case the town and the corporation shall he unable to agree upon the actual cost of said property, the supreme judicial court shall, upon application of either party and notice to the other, appoint three commissioners, who shall determine the actual cost of said property, and whose award, when accepted by the court, shall he final. Interest at the rate of six per cent shall he included in said award from the date of the taking or purchase. Section 11 . Said town may, for the purpose of paying the cost of said franchise and corporate property, and the necessary expenses and liabilities incurred or to be incurred under the provisions of this act, issue from time to time bonds, notes or certificates of indebted¬ ness, to an amount not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars. All such bonds, notes and certificates of indebtedness shall, how¬ ever, be issued subject to the limitations and provisions of chapter seven hundred and forty-two of the acts of the year nineteen hun¬ dred and fourteen. Section 12. Said town shall, after purchasing or taking the said franchise and corporate property, as provided in this act, at a legal meeting called for the purpose, elect by ballot three persons to hold office, one until the expiration of three years, one until the expira¬ tion of two years, and one until the expiration of one year from the next succeeding town meeting, to constitute a hoard of water com¬ missioners; and at each annual town meeting thereafter one such commissioner shall be elected by ballot for the term of three years. All the authority granted to the said town lew this act and not other¬ wise specifically provided for shall be vested in said water commis¬ sioners, who shall be subject, however, to such instructions, rules and regulations as the town may impose by its vote. A majority of said commissioners shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Any vacancy occurring in said board for any cause may be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term lyy the town at any legal town meeting called for the, purpose. Any such va¬ cancy may be filled temporarily by a majority vote of the selectmen, and the person so appointed shall hold office until the town fills the vacancy in the manner provided herein. Section 13. Said commissioners shall fix just and equitable rates for the use of water and shall prescribe a time and manner of payment. The income of the water works shall be applied to de¬ fraying all operating expenses, interest charges and payments on the principal as they accrue upon any bonds, notes or certificates of indebtedness issued under authority of this act. If there should he a net surplus remaining after providing for the aforesaid charges, it shall be used for such new construction as the water commis¬ sioners may determine upon, and in case a surplus should remain after payment for such new construction, the water rates shall be reduced accordingly. No money shall he expended in new con¬ struction by the water commissioners except from the net surplus aforesaid, unless the town appropriates or provides money therefor. Said commissioners shall annually, and as often as the town may require, render a report of the condition of the works under their charge, and an account of their doings, including an account of receipts and expenditures. Section 14. Any fire district now existing or hereafter estab¬ lished within the town of Yarmouth for the purpose of supplying the inhabitants thereof with water for the extinguishment of fires, for domestic, manufacturing and other purposes shall have all the rights and privileges herein granted to, and be subject to all the obligations, duties and liabilities herein imposed upon, said town. Section 15. This act shall take effect upon its acceptance bv the town of Yarmouth at any meeting legally called for that pur- 52 pose, but it shall become void unless said water company shall have begun to distribute water through its pipes to consumers in said town within three years after the town shall have accepted this act. [Approved April 12, 1915. Special Acts, Chapter 282. An Act to dissolve Certain Corporations. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section 1 . Such of the following named corporations, as are not already legally dissolved, are hereby dissolved, subject to the provisions of sections fifty-two and fifty-three of chapter four hun¬ dred and thirty-seven of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and three: 1 Barnstable Electric Company. Belchertown Light, Heat and Power Company. Cape Light, Heat and Power Company. Haverhill Gas Company. Marshfield Electric Light and Power Company. Nashua Biver Paper Corporation. North Egremont Water Company. South Hadley Falls Electric Light Company, The. Waltham Electric Company. Section 2. Nothing in this act shall be construed to affect any suit now pending by or against any corporation mentioned in the first section hereof, nor any suit now pending or hereafter brought for any liability now existing against the stockholders or officers of any such corporation, nor to revive any charter previously annulled or corporation previously dissolved, nor to make valid any defective organization of any of the supposed corporations mentioned in said first section. Section 3. Suits upon choses in actions arising out of contracts sold or assigned by any corporation dissolved by this act may be brought or prosecuted in the name of the purchaser or assignee. The fact of sale or assignment and of purchase by the plaintiff shall be set forth in the writ or other process; and the defendant may avail himself of any matter of defence of which he might have 1 This act names 993 corporations, but only gas, electric or water companies are mentioned here. 53 availed himself in a suit upon the claim by such corporation, had it not been dissolved by this act. Section 4. This act shall take effect upon its passage. [ Ap¬ proved April 16, 1915. Special Acts, Chapter 347. An Act in Addition to an Act making Appropriations for Sundry Miscella¬ neous Expenses authorized during the Present Year and for Certain Other Expenses authorized by Law. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section 1 . The sums hereinafter mentioned are appropriated, to be paid out of the treasury of the commonwealth from the ordi¬ nary revenue unless it is otherwise specified, to wit: — The appropriation made by chapter two hundred and thirty-six of the Special Acts of the present year for the salary of the present first assistant inspector of the gas and electric light commissioners is hereby made available to be used for the salary of any succeeding inspector. • •••••••*•••• Section 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. \ Ap¬ proved May 19, 1915. Special Acts, Chapter 375. An Act to incorporate the Cape Cod Water Company. Be it enacted, etc., as folloivs: Section 1 . Charles 14. Taylor, William H. Burgess, Reginald L. Robbins, Howard W. Lang and Charles L. Walker, their associates and successors, are hereby made a corporation by the name of the Cape Cod Water Company for the purpose of supplying water for • _ use within the towns of Chatham, Harwich and Dennis for the ex¬ tinguishment of fires and for domestic, manufacturing and other purposes. Said corporation shall have all the powers and privileges and shall be subject to all the duties, restrictions and liabilities set forth in all general laws now or hereafter in force applicable to water companies. Section 2. Said corporation may take or acquire bv purchase or otherwise, and hold, the waters of such ground water source 54 within the limits of said towns of Chatham, Harwich and Dennis, as may he approved by the state department of health, and may obtain the water by means of driven, bored, artesian or other wells on any land within said limits, and may also take or acquire, subject to the approval of said state department of health, by purchase or otherwise all lands, rights of way and easements necessary for hold¬ ing and preserving such water and the purity thereof and for con¬ veying the water to any part of said towns. Said corporation may erect on the land so taken or acquired such dams, buildings, reser¬ voirs and other structures or equipment as may be necessary for the establishment and maintenance of complete and effective water works and may do all other acts reasonably necessary to carry out the purposes for which the company is incorporated. It may make excavations, procure and operate machinery, lay and maintain aque¬ ducts, conduits, pipes and other works under or over any land, water courses, canals, dams, railroads, railways and public or other ways and along any highway or other way in said towns, in such manner as not unnecessarily to obstruct the same; and for the purpose of constructing, laying, maintaining and repairing such aqueducts, con¬ duits, pipes and other works, and for all other purposes of this act,, said corporation may dig up, raise and embank any such lands, high¬ ways or other ways in such manner as to cause the least hindrance to public travel, subject to the approval of the selectmen of the re¬ spective towns as to highways or other ways within their control. Said corporation shall not enter upon, construct or lay any conduits,, pipes or other works within the location of any railroad corporation, except at such time and in such manner as it may agree upon with such corporation, or, in case of failure so to agree, as may be ap¬ proved by the public service commission. Section 3. Said company shall, within sixty days after voting to take any lands, rights of way, water rights, water sources or ease¬ ments as aforesaid, file and cause to be recorded in the registry of deeds for the county of Barnstable a description thereof sufficiently accurate for identification, with a statement of the purpose for which the same were taken, signed by the president of the corporation. The recording shall operate as a taking of the real estate and rights and' easements therein described. Section 4. Said company shall pay all damages to property sus¬ tained by any person, firm or corporation by the taking of any land, right of way, water, water source, water rights, or easements, or by any other thing done by said corporation under the authority of 55 » ■> ; T tliis act. Any person, firm or corporation sustaining damages as aforesaid, and failing to agree with said corporation as to the amount thereof, may have the same assessed and determined in the manner provided by law in the case of land taken for the laying out of high¬ ways, on application at any time within, but not after, two years from the taking of such land or other property, or the doing of any other injury under authority of this act. Said company may by vote, from time to time, determine what amount or quantity of water it proposes to take under this act; and in such case damages caused by the taking shall be based upon the said amount or quantity until the same shall be increased by vote or otherwise, and in that event the company shall be liable further only for the additional damages caused by such additional taking. Section 5. Said company may distribute water through said towns of Chatham, Harwich and Dennis, or any part thereof, and may regulate the use of said water and may fix the rates to be paid for the use of the same, subject, however, to the power now vested in the board of gas and electric light commissioners to regulate said rates; and may collect such rates, and may make contracts with any of said towns, acting by their respective selectmen, and with any fire or water district now or hereafter established therein, and with anv individual, corporation, departments of the commonwealth and of the United States therein, to supply water for the extinguishment of fires, and for domestic, manufacturing or other purposes. But the selectmen of any of said towns shall not have authority to make con¬ tracts for hydrant service until authorized by a majority vote of the voters of the town present and voting upon the question: — “ Shall the selectmen of the town of have authority to make a con¬ tract with the Cape Cod Water Company for hydrant service?” And this vote shall be taken at the same special town meeting which votes upon the acceptance of this act. Section 6 . The amount of capital stock of the company shall be fixed at the first meeting of the stockholders: provided, however, that it shall not exceed two hundred and fifty thousand dollars; and a certificate thereof shall be filed with the secretary of the common¬ wealth within thirty days after the amount of the capital stock has been fixed. The capital stock may be increased or diminished there¬ after as provided in section thirty-five of chapter seven hundred and forty-two of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and fourteen. Shares shall be of the par value of one hundred dollars each. Said company may, for the purposes of this act, issue stocks and bonds 56 only in accordance with the powers, limitations and restrictions con¬ tained in chapter seven hundred and eighty-seven of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and fourteen, and acts in amendment thereof and in addition thereto. Section 7. The towns of Chatham, Harwich and Dennis, or any •one or two of said towns, upon obtaining appropriate legislation to enable them to act as a water district or otherwise, may purchase the franchise and all the rights, privileges and property of said water company owned by it and used in supplying water, upon payment of the fair market value thereof. Such value shall be estimated without enhancement on account of future earning capacity or good will of said company, or on account of the exclusive privileges de¬ rived from rights in the public streets, or on account of any con¬ tracts which may then exist between the water company and said towns or any of them. The water district or any one or more of said towns, as the case may be, purchasing said water system may require that said franchise, rights, privileges and property purchased, shall be assigned, transferred and conveyed by the water company free and clear of any mortgage or lien to which such water system or any part thereof may be subject at the time of such purchase, unless the board of gas and electric light commissioners shall deter¬ mine otherwise. If the water district or any one or more of said towns, as the case may be, and the water company shall be unable to agree upon the value of said franchise rights, privileges and prop¬ erty, either party, with notice to the other, may apply to the supreme judicial court for the county of Barnstable for the determination of said value. Said court shall refer the application to the board of gas and electric light commissioners, who shall hear the parties and determine the value of said franchise, rights, privileges and property in accordance with the provisions herein prescribed, and the award of said board when accepted by the court shall be final. The award shall not be set aside or recommitted for error in law, unless the court is satisfied that such error has substantially affected the inter¬ ests of the party complaining thereof, and in that event the court may recommit the award to the board with such directions as justice may require. Section 8. Whoever wilfully or wantonly corrupts, pollutes or diverts any water taken or held under authority of this act, or in¬ jures any structure, work or other property owned, held or used by said company under authority of this act, shall forfeit and pay to said company three times the amount of damages assessed therefor, 57 to be recovered in an action of tort; and upon conviction of any of the above wilful or wanton acts shall be punished by a fine not ex¬ ceeding three hundred dollars or by imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year. Section 9. This act, except as is provided in section ten, shall take effect as to any of said towns of Chatham, Harwich and Dennis upon its acceptance by a majority vote of the voters of any such town present and voting thereon at a special town meeting, to be called for the purpose within sixty days after the passage of this act. Section 10. So much of this act as authorizes its submission to the voters of the said towns shall take effect upon its passage, but it shall not take further effect until accepted as hereinbefore provided by the legal voters of said towns, and shall become void unless work under this act is begun within one year from the acceptance thereof by said towns. [Approved May 28, 1915. Special Acts, Chapter 384. An Act in Still Further Addition to the Acts making Appropriations for Sundry Miscellaneous Expenses authorized during the Present Year and for Certain Other Expenses authorized by Law. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section 1 . The sums hereinafter mentioned are appropriated, to be paid out of the treasury of the commonwealth, from the ordinary revenue, unless otherwise specified, to wit: — «•••••••••••• To be expended under the direction of the board of harbor and land commissioners, for providing for an investigation of the matter of conserving and equalizing the flow of waters in the rivers and streams in the commonwealth, as authorized by chapter one hundred and thirteen of the resolves of the present year, a sum not exceeding ten thousand dollars. • •••••••••••• To be expended under the direction of the board of gas and elec¬ tric light commissioners for investigation of the operation and effect of the London Sliding Scale System of adjusting the price of gas, and dividends, as applied to the Boston Consolidated Gas i Company, subject to the conditions as authorized by chapter one hundred and forty-one of the resolves of the present year, a sum not .exceeding five thousand dollars, the same to be assessed by the treas- f urer and receiver general upon the several gas companies in the 58 same manner that other expenses of the board of gas and electric light commissioners are assessed. For expenses of the board of commissioners for the registration of persons, firms and corporations designing to install wires or apparatus for electric light, heat or power purposes, subject to the conditions as authorized by chapter two hundred and ninety-six of the General Acts of the present year, a sum not exceeding two thou¬ sand dollars. Section 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. [Ap¬ proved June 5, 1915. 59 RESOLVES. Chapter 27. Resolve providing for an Investigation by the Board of Gas and Electric Light Commissioners relative to Certain Appliances for shutting off Gas in Case of Fire. Resolved, That the board of gas and electric light commissioners shall investigate and report to the general court, not later than the second Wednesday of January next, whether or not in its opinion there are in the market practicable safety gas cocks, valves or other appliances, by means of which the supply of gas to a building can be shut off automatically’ or manually outside of the building in case of fire or other emergency, the approximate or probable cost of installing and maintaining such appliances, and the conclusions of the board as to the feasibility and desirability of requiring by general law the use of such appliances. [Approved March 25, 1915. Chapter 46. Resolve providing for an Investigation by the Board of Gas and Electric Light Commissioners relative to the Inspection and Testing of Gas Meters. Resolved, That the board of gas and electric light commissioners is hereby directed to investigate the subject matter of the bill printed as House Document No. 11L4 of the present year in regard to the inspection and testing of gas meters, and as to the necessity or desirability of legislation substantially in conformity with said bill, or as to any other legislation in regard to gas meters. The board shall report the result of its investigation, with drafts of any legislation recommended by it, to the next general court, on or before the second Wednesday in January. [Approved April 19, 1915. Chapter 65. Resolve confirming the Election of Augustus A. Cooke as a Member of the Municipal Light Board of the Town of Lunenburg. Resolved, That the election of Augustus A. Cooke, as a member of the municipal light board of the town of Lunenburg, at the an¬ nual town meeting held on the first day of March, nineteen hundred and fifteen, as declared by the election officers, is hereby confirmed 60 and made valid, in the same manner as if the article in the warrant for the annual town meeting of the year nineteen hundred and fifteen called for the election of a member of the municipal light board for the term of three years. [Approved April 26, 1915. Chapter 113. Resolve providing for an Investigation of the Matter of conserving and equalizing the Flow of Water in the Rivers and Streams of the Com¬ monwealth. Resolved, That the board of harbor and land commissioners is hereby authorized and directed to investigate the matter of conserv¬ ing, utilizing and equalizing the flow of water in the rivers and natural streams of the commonwealth, and may expend in carrying out the purposes of this resolve during the years nineteen hundred and fifteen, nineteen hundred and sixteen and nineteen hundred and seventeen, a sum not exceeding twenty thousand dollars, in addition to the unexpended balance of the appropriation made to carry on the investigation authorized by chapter ninety-five of the resolves of the year nineteen hundred and fourteen; but not more than ten thousand dollars shall be expended in any one year except that an unexpended balance in any year may be used in the succeed¬ ing year for the same purpose. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as applying to any river or natural stream under the jurisdiction and control of any state board or commission other than the board of harbor and land commissioners. Said board shall report to the general court, in print, the results of its investigations and its recommendations. [Approved May 20, 1915. Chapter 141. Resolve providing for an Investigation of the Operation and Effect of the “ London Sliding Scale ” System of adjusting the Price of Gas and the Rate of Dividends as applied to the Boston Consolidated Gas Com¬ pany. Resolved, That the board of gas and electric light commissioners is hereby directed to investigate the operation of the system of an automatic and interdependent adjustment of the price of gas to consumers and the rate of dividends to stockholders, known as the “ London Sliding Scale ”, as applied to the Boston Consolidated Gas Company under the provisions of chapter four hundred and twenty-two of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and six, the 61 conditions under which the system has been tried and its effect upon the public interest, and to report to the general, court on or before the first day of February, nineteen hundred and sixteen, the re¬ sults of its investigation, with such recommendations, if any, as to the continuance, terms and extension of the system as the board may deem expedient. The board may incur, for the purposes of this resolve, such reasonable expenses in excess of its regular appro¬ priations as may be authorized by the governor and council. Be¬ fore incurring any expense in excess of its regular appropriations, the board shall estimate its probable amount and submit the esti¬ mate to the governor and council for their approval; and no expense shall be incurred by the board in excess of its regular appropriations beyond the amount so estimated and approved. [Approved May 28, 1915. f /