f'ROG'RAM Fifly-lhird Annual Meeting Illinois State Medical Society To be held in Tremont Hall. LaKe and "Dearborn Jftreets, Chicago. III.. April 29. 3O and May I. 2. 19O3 "Published by the Committee "Preliminary Program FIFTY -THIRD ANNUAL MEETING TO BE HELD IN TREMONT HALL, LAKE AND DEARBORN STREETS, CHICAGO, ILL., APRIL 29, 30 AND MAY I, 2, 1903 ^ ** 1* ** CHICAGO,- * l*&San Francisco ILLINOIS STATE MEDICAL SOCIETY. 37 Nose and Throat, Morgenthau (C) . Eye and Ear, Hale (C). Eye and Ear, Allport (L). 3-4 Nose and Throat, Morgenthau (C). Eye and Ear. Hale (C). Gynecology, Newman (E). Medicine, Elliot (H). Ear, Nose, Throat, Bishop and Stein (J). 4-5 Children, Abt (C). Gynecology, Newman (E). Surgery, Greensf elder (C). 7-8- 8-10- Genito-urinary, Schmidt (M). Ear. Nose. Throat, Bishop and Stein (J). Surgery, Halstead (P). -Children, Abt (C). Surgery, Greensf elder (C). Ear. Nose, Throat, Bishop and Stein (J). Surgery, Halstead (P). -Medicine. Sippy (P). -Surgery, Bouffleur (P). FRIDAY, APRIL 24. 8-9 Medicine, Walls (L). Medicine, Edwards (P). Medicine, Webster (N). 9-10 Nose and Throat. Losey (G). Medicine, Edwards (P). Surgery, Andrews (N). Rectal, Johnstone (H). 10-11 Nose and Throat, Ballenger (E). Surgery, Murphy (P). Surgery, Besley (H). 10-12 Medicine, Herrick (B). Surgery, Bevan (B). Neurology, Moyer (B). Children, Dodson (B). Gynecology, Goldspohn (H). Surgery, Schaefer (H). Surgery, Murphy (P). 11-12 Medicine, Preble (M). 1-2 Medicine, Goodkind (P). 2-4 Eye and Ear, Hotz (B). Eye and Ear, Snydacker (P). Surgery, Ferguson (E). Nose and Throat, Stein (H). Skin and Venereal, Montgomery (B). Gynecology, Waite (K). Stomach, Turck (H). 3-4 Eye and Ear, Gradle (M). Dermatology, Fishkin (P). Medicine, Monash (H). Ear, Andrews (H). Skin and Venereal, Lieberthal(J). 4-6 Genito-urinary, Belfleld (B). Skin and Venereal, Zeisler (M). Skin and Venereal, Lieberthal ( J). Eye, Coleman (H). 4-5 Neurology, Brower (P). 5-0 Nose and Throat, Thomas and Rhodes (P). SATURDAY, APRIL 25. 8-9 Surgery, Beck (E) Surgery, Lee (P). Eye, Wood (H). 9-10 Nose and Throat, Losey (H). Surgery, Van Hook (C). Surgery, Lee (P). Gynecology, Martin (H). Dermatology, Campbell (A). Ophthalmology, Mahoney (A). 10-11 Medicine, Sippy (B). Medicine, Miller (P). Surgery, Van Hook (O). Surgery, Sullivan (H). Neurology, Moyer (B). Gynecology, Webster (B). Gynecology, Henrotin (A). Gynecology. MeDermid (H). Children, Houston (A). 11-12 Children, Christopher (E). Medicine, Miller (P). Medicine, Sippy (B). Surgery, Van Hook (O). Surgery, Sullivan (H). Neurology, Moyer. (B). Gynecology, Webster (B). Gynecology, MeDermid (H). Surgery, Smith (A). 1-2 Gynecology, Van Housen (E). Medicine, Mix (P). X-Ray, Haiselden (A). Nose and Throat, Brown (A). 2-3 Gynecology, Van Housen (E). Medicine, Schmidt (A). Eye and Ear, Haight (P). Surgery, Graham, (B). Skin and Venereal, Baum (H). Children, Engelmann (C). Eye and Ear, Hale (C). Nose and Throat, Pierce (I). Nose and Throat, Campbell (H). Eye, Colburn (A). 3-4 Surgery, Graham (B). Children, Abt (P). Surgery, Steele (E). Nose and Throat, Pierce (A). Medicine, Elliott (H). ' Surgery, Andersen (H). Gynecology, Tyler (A). Surgery, Eads (J). 4-6 Surgery, Eads (J). Medicine, Schram (C). Neurology, Kuh (C). Surgery, Steele (E). Surgery, Friend (C). Eye, Suker (H). Genito-urinary, Whalen (A). Nose and Throat, Freer (A). Medicine, Fisher (A). 5-6 Stomach, Williamson (A). 7-8 Surgery, Schroeder (P). 8 Surgery, Harris (A). Surgery, O'Byrne (P). MONDAY, APRIL 27. 8-9 Surgery, Davison (P). 9-10 Nose and Throat, Losey (G). Surgery, Davison (P). Medicine, Davis (N). Gynecology, Ries (H). Ophthalmology, Wilder (A). Orthopedics, Harden (H). Rectal Diseases, Johnstone (H) Skin, Anthony (A). 10-11 Medicine, Billings (B). Medicine, Babcock (P). Neurology, Brower (B). Surgery, Murphy (N). Surgery, Beck (H). Gynecology, Banga (A). Nose and Throat, Robertson (A). Children, Quinlan (A). 11-12 Medicine, Billings (B). 38 ILLINOIS STATE MEDICAL SOCIETY. Please Stop at the Exhibit (Table No. 2, Section L.) -Try a sample of the food and leave your card for a free home supply. ILLINOIS STATE MEDICAL SOCIETY. 39 Medicine, Babcock (P). Neurology, Brower (B). Surgery, Murphy (N). Surgery, Beck (H). Surgery, Harris (A). 1-2 Surgery, Davis (E). Medicine, Preble or Mix (P). Stomach, Turck (H). Orthopedics, Hosmer (A). 3-4 Skin and Venereal, Montgomery, (B). Eye and Ear, Hotz (B). Eye and Ear, Hale (C). Nose and Throat, Morgenthau ( C ) . Surgery, Davis (E). Gynecology, Martin (H). Neurology, Walker (A). Nose and Throat, Stein (H). Ophthalmology, Allport (A). 3-4 Skin and venereal, Montgomery, (B). Eye and Ear, Hotz (B). Eye and Ear, Hale (C). Nose and Throat, Morgenthau ( C ) . Eye, Harper (E). Gynecology, Manierre (A). Medicine, Elliott (H). Orthopedics, Ridlon (M). Neurology, Church (M). Medicine, Monash (H). Ear, Andrews (H). Ear, Fiske (A). 4-5 Genito-urinary, Schmidt (A). Medicine, Patton (A). 4-6 Genito-urinary, Belfleld (B). Children, Abt (C). Surgery, Greensfelder (C). Children, Cook (H). 7-8 Surgery, Byrnes (P). TUESDAY. APRIL 28. 8-9 Surgery, Harris (D). .Surgery, Davis (P). Medicine, Hoelscher (D). Gynecology, Newman (E). Medicine, Edwards (N). Eye, Wood (H). 9-10 Medicine, Preble (O). Surgery, Eisendrath (P). Surgery, McArthur (G). Nose and Throat, Losey (H). Surgery, Besley (H). Stomach, Fiitterer (A). Eye, Mahoney (A). 10-11 Medicine, Herrick (B). Medicine, Slaymaker (P). Surgery, Ochsner (E). Children, Dodson (B). Neurology, Moyer (B). Surgery, Bevan (B). Surgery, Schaefer (H). Gynecology, Goldspohn (H). Gynecology, Newman (A). Children, Houston (A). 11-12 Children, Walls (M). 'Medicine, Slaymaker (P). Medicine, Herrick (B). Surgery, Ochsner (E). Children, Dodson (B). Neurology, Moyer (B). Surgery, Bevan (B). Surgery, Halstead (P). 1-2 Medicine, Williamson (E). Children, Butler (P). X-Ray, Haiselden (A). Nose and Throat, Brown (A). Rectal, Pennington (A). 2-3 Medicine, Williamson (E). Neurology, Kuh (P). Surgery, Senn (B). Gynecology, Waite (K). Skin and Venereal, Baum (H). Nose and Throat, Head (H). Eye, Colburn (A). Medicine, Schmidt (A). 3-4 Surgery, Senn (B). Surgery, Sherwood (P). Surgery, Schroeder (M). Nose and Throat, Pierce (A). Medicine, Elliott (H). Gynecology, Keyes (A). Eye, Brown (J). 4-5 Surgery, Schroeder (M). Eye, Nance (P). Genito-urinary, Belfield (A). Nose and Throat, Freer (A). Eye, Brown (J). 5-6 Stomach, Williamson (A). Medicine, Jackson (P). Eye, Brown (J). 7-8 Medicine, Ingals (P). 8-10 Surgery, McKellar (P). WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29. 2-3 Surgery, Harsha (E). Eye and Ear, Hotz (B). Children, Engelmann (C). Eye and Ear, Hale (C). Chest, Nose, Throat, Ingals (B). Nose and Throat, Pierce (I). Nose and Throat, Campbell (H). Stomach, Turck (H). 3-4 Eye and Ear, Hotz (B). Eye and Ear, Hale (C). Children, Engelmann (C). Neurology, King (E). Chest, Nose, Throat, Ingals (B). Medicine. Monash (H). Medicine, Waugh (J). Stomach, Turck (H). Surgery, Andersen (H). 4-6 Medicine, Schram (C). Neurology. Kuh (C). Surgery, Friend (C). Eye, Suker (H). Surgery, Van Hook (O). Surgery, Andrews (N). Medicine, Waugh (J). 5-6 Neurology, Brown (P). 3-6 Surgery, McCollum (J). THURSDAY. APRIL 30. 2-3 Rectal, Pennington (A). Surgery, Senn (B). Skin and Venereal, Baum (H). Nose and Throat, Morgenthau ( C ) . Eye and Ear, Hale (C). Eye and Ear, Allport (L). 3-4 Nose and Throat, Morgenthau ( C ) . Eye and Ear, Hale (C). Gynecology, Newman (E). Medicine, Elliott (H). Ear, Nose, Throat, Bishop and Stein (J). 4-5 Children, Abt (C). Gynecology, Newman (E). Surgery, Greensfelder (C). Genito-urinary, Schmidt (M). 40 ILLINOIS STATE MEDICAL SOCIETY. 24-Plaie Static a^nd Machines $150 THE BETZ FACTORY AT SUMMERDALE, ILL. We own it and the ground it stands on. Here we make Static Machines, Goils, Motors, Dynamos, Gasoline Engines, Trans- formers, Batteries, Wall Plates, Tables, Chairs, Stools, Irrigators and 2000 different Surgical Instruments. Call at our city salesroom, 35 and 37 E. Randolph St., for free tickets. Train leaves 6. & N. W. R. R. depot every day at 3:20- 16 minutes' ride. Let us show you how it is we can sell you more goods for $1 than others would charge $3 for. EVERYTHING GUARANTEED Frank S. Betz & Co. ILLINOIS STATE MEDICAL SOCIETY. 41 MEDICAL BOOKS All the Medical Books of all the Publishers NOW COMPLETE Deaver's Surgical Anatomy Deaver's " Surgical Anatomy" is a bridge between Anatomy and Practical Surgery and Medicine. It is a treatise on Anatomy as applied to the Practice of Medicine and Surgery; in other words, it is an anatomy for the physician and surgeon. The book can not be compared with any other work on Anatomy or Surgery. It does not take the place of a treatise on either .of these subjects, but it does give the medical man, the general practitioner espe- cially, a book that will fill a want not previously provided for in medical literature. This work is designed to aid the general practitioner and surgeon in his everyday work. The text is ex- cellently clear, succinct, and systematically arranged, and con- tains a wealth of illustrations far in advance of the usual text- book. When originally announced, the book was to contain two hundred illustrations. As the work of preparation progressed, this number gradually increased to four hundred and ninety-nine full-page plates, many of which contain more than one figure. With the exception of a few minor pictures prepared from prepa- rations in the possession of the author, they have all been drawn by special artists from dissections made for the purpose in the dis- secting rooms of the University of Pennsylvania. Their accu- racy can not be questioned, as each drawing has been submitted to the most careful scrutiny. This and other late Medical Publications can be seen at the Exhibit of E. H. COLEGROVE Medical Bookseller 65 Randolph Street :: :: :: CHICAGO 42 ILLINOIS STATE MEDICAL SOCIETY. Fireproof n t ) ^ .. S^FORMERUY WYOMING" AND GORE'S 1 * European Plan $1.00 Per Day and Up 250 ELEGANT ROOMS 250 j ELEGANT ROOMS 266-274 CLARK STREET Near Jackson Bovilevard CHICAGO Electric Light and Steam Heat Throughout Only Half Block from Postoffice, Board of Trade, and Lake Shore Station ILLINOIS STATE MEDICAL SOCIETY. 43 Ear, Nose. Throat, Bishop and Stein (J). Surgery, Halstead (P). 5-6 Children, Abt (C). Surgery, Greensf elder (C). Ear, Nose, Throat, Bishop and Stein (J). Surgery, Halstead (P). 3 Orthopedic Porter (P). 4 Genito-urinary, Kreissl (F). FRIDAY, MAY 1. 2-4 Eye and Ear, Hotz (B). Eye and Ear, Snydacker (P). Surgery, Ferguson (E). Nose and Throat, Stein (H). Skin and Venereal, Montgomery (B). Gynecology, Waite (K). Stomach, Turck (H). 3-4 Eye and Ear, Gradle (M). Dermatology, Fishkin (P). Medicine. Monash (H). Ear. Andrews (H). Skin and Venereal, Lieberthal (J). 4-6 Genito-urinary, Belfleld (B). Skin and Venereal, Zeisler (M). Skin and Venereal, Lieberthal (J). Eye, Coleman (H). 4-5 Neurology, Brower (P). 5-6 Nose and Throat, Thomas and Rhodes (P). 2 Eye and Ear, Nance (I). Gynecology, Van Hoosen (Q). 3 Obstetrics, De Lee (O). 4 Genito-urinary, Kreissl (P). SATURDAY, MAY 2. 2-3 Gynecology, Van Housen (E). Medicine, Schmidt (A). Eye and Ear, Haight (P). Surgery, Graham, (B). Skin and Venereal, Baum (H). Children, Engelmann (C). Eye and Ear, Hale (C). Nose and Throat, Pierce (I). Nose and Throat, Campbell (H). Eye, Colburn (A). 3-4 Surgery, Graham (B). Children, Abt (P). Surgery, Steele (E). Nose and Throat, Pierce (A). Medicine, Elliott (H). Surgery, Andersen (H). Gynecology, Tyler (A). Surgery, Eads (J). 4-6 Surgery, Eads (J). Medicine, Schram (C). Neurology, Kuh (C). Surgery, Steele (E). Surgery, Friend (C). Eye, Suker (H). Genito-urinary, Whalen (A). Nose and Throat, Freer (A). Medicine, Fisher (A). 5-6 Stomach, Williamson (A). 2-3 Gynecology, Van Hoosen (E). 2 Surgery, Graham (B). ADOLPH GEHRMANN, M.D. W. A. EVANS, M.S., M.D. J. A. WESENER, Ph. C., M.D. Columbus Medical Laboratory A Laboratory for Physicians Chemic, Microscopic, and Bacteriologic Examinations. Courses in Laboratory Instruction. Investigation of Sanitary and Medico-Legal Questions. Disinfection of Houses and Apartments. Fee table on application. SUITE 1406, 103 STATE STREET MEMORIAL BUILDING : COLUMBUS CHICAGO Telephone Central 2740 Affiliated with Columbus Food Laboratory 44 ILLINOIS STATE MEDICAL SOCIETY. HERZOG SMEDICAL AND MICROSCOPIC LABORATORY This Laboratory is now prepared to undertake all examinations in CLINICAL CHEfllSTRY, MEDICAL AND GENERAL MICROSCOPY Such a# the examination of milk, blood, urine, sputum, pus, tumors; also investigation of Medicolegal Cases, including Toxicologic Analysis, Water and General Pood Analysis. For further information, fee tables, etc., address 103 Randolph Street, Suite 1010-1012 :: :: :: :: CHIC\QO, ILLINOIS Telephone. Central 2523 WILLIAM WHITFORD METOICAL STEJVOG'RA.'PHE'R 103 STATE STREET : : CHICAGO OFFICIAL STENOGRAPHER American Medical Association. Proceedings of State and other medical -societies reported. Manuscripts edited and typewritten for country and city physicians Doctors can appreciate the scientific principle of the HORSFIELD PATENT SASH LIFT AND VENTILATOR A B A Air enters the room constantly if desired, without draft, or can be shut off by turn- ing knob at end of handle. The metal tube admitting air also serves as an ornamental, practical window lift. Send for illustrated circular giving complete description of the perfect way to ventilate a room. HANNEY MFC. COMPANY, 411 CRILLY BUILDING, CHICAGO I vvvvv*T*v*vwvvvrvvrwvvvrvv , . ILLINOIS STATE MEDICAL SOCIETY. 45 Western X-Ray and Coil Co, MANUFACTURERS OF High=Qrade X=Ray Coils, Transformers and Electrical Apparatus SPECIALISTS IN THE MANUFACTURE OF During this meeting we shall be glad to make new friends. : : Consultation Free Clinics All Day Ten Assistants Free City Ambulance (with Double Cross Attendants) FOR SERVICES ADDRESS WESTERN X-RAY & COIL CO., D.C. 18-28 W. Randolph Street, CHICAGO 46 ILLINOIS STATE MEDICAL SOCIETY. CARDINAL POINTS OF NORMALIN HAEMOGLOBIN as here presented free from animal odor, Halitus Sanguinis, and in. perfect solution when administered by way of the alimentary tract suffers little, if any, decomposition, the only possible degradation of its molecule being to hematin (this change being effected in the laboratory by the influence of strong hydrochloric acid and high temperature), and it passes into the blood-stream through the lacteals, being oxidized to bile upon reaching the liver cells. Tschirjeui found experimentally that when blood was administered by the stomach more urea was formed than when an equal amount was transfused. ALBUMINATE OF ARSENIC is an artificial salt formed by the union of serum-albumin, and .the element arsenic, in imitation of, and in accordance with, the natural metabolisms of the alimentary tract respecting the absorption of the metals' and metalloids generally. There are three distinctive features to be taken in account in the administration of arsenic, (a) its corrosive action upon the albuminous structures of the stomach and intestines, and which is no proper part of its therapy being simply a matter of chemical affinity; and (/>) its morbid constitutional effects due to mechanical accumulation in the alimentary tract of unconverted portions of the element, or its. simple albuminate, owing to absence of- normal alkalinity of the duodenal contents, alkalies being the normal solvents of the albuminatcs. By preparing thli ult In the laboratory both these features are eliminated and both the dosage and therapeutic ' placed upon a scientific basis. This explains the marvellous effects obtained by ' its prolonged. ALBUMINATE OF ARSENIC IS ABSOLUTELY NON-CUMULATIVE. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION While the arsenic salt destroy! acid- forming bacteria in the alimentary canal, haemoglobin contributes to the formation of normal bile, therefore the combined impression covers the en- tire digestive circle and physiological equilibrium of acidity and alkalinity occurs. The source of the acid di- athesis is in the stomach, not the liver. DISEASE, INDI- CATIONS Album inuria. Heart Diseases, Alcoholism. (The sheet anchor AmeuorrhcBa. for Anaemia. See special (All forms and literature), stages but the Hysteria, glandular). Impotence, Ascites. Insanity, Brighfs Laryngitis, Disease. Leucorrhoea, lor any of its Melancholy, characteristic Neuralgia, Irajntta, Paralysis, Bronchitis. Pyaemia, Catarrh. Rheumatism. (All catarrha.l Septicaemia. congestions). Skin Diseases, Chlorosis. (Acne, Bromi- Chorea. drosis, Impet- ( Specific for). igo. Pemphigus, Dropsy, Prurigo, Psoria- (General or sis). local). Sterility, Dysmenorrhoea. Syphilis, Dyspepsia, (See special Fevers, literature). (Convalescing Varicose Veins, stage), (See special literature). INDICATIONS GEN. E.RAL.IZED All the degenerative lesion* of malnutrition as expressed in the stomach, the liver, the vas- cular walls, the heart, the ner- vous system, the kidneys and generative organs. It is perfectly evident that the liver cannot manufacture nor- mal bile and urea from the pro- ducts of acid fermentation , of foods, hence, it reverts to in- creased formation of uric acid, and, for want of normal pabulum in the circulation, all the tissues of the body, following the line of least resistance, gradually pass into the -. degenerated con- dition "S/ the blood bt considered in its normal influence upon nutri- tion, the most important point is not its movement, nor the greater or less afflux of it, tut its ulfi. mate composition." VlRCHOW. " I feel certain that the patient who complained to Ebstein, that one day he was a vinegat factory and the next day he was a pas retort, was a neurotic dyspeptic with the uric acid formation." DH FOTHERGILL. SUPPLIED BY THE DRUG TRADE GENERALLY. Physiological Chemist* THE CHAPMAN MFG. CO. (NOT INCORPORATED.) CHICAGO. U. . A* ILLINOIS STATE MEDICAL SOCIETY. 47 TISSUE BUILDING BY BOVININE is most successful because Bovirvine supplies absolute and perfect nutrition. It not only stimulates, but completely feeds the new born blood cells, carrying them to full maturity. It increases the leucocytes and thereby most powerfully retards pathological processes. As a food and nutrient it is ideal, requiring little or no digestion, and being at once absorbed and assimilated. For starving anaemic, bottle-fed babies, its results are immediate and most gratifying, as it Is a ready alimentation as soon as ingested, and never causes eructation. It will be found equally reliable for nursing mothers, affording prompt nourishment and strength to both mother and babe. In typhoid fever and all wasting diseases it may be administered per rectum, and will sustain the strength and support the heart without need for recourse to alcoholic stimulants. Records of hundreds of cases sent on request. THE BOVININE COMPANY 75 West Huston Street :: :: NEW YORK 48 ILLINOIS STATE MEDICAL SOCIETY. IS SUPPLIED IN THIS ASEPTIC GLASS SYRINGE, READY FOR INSTANT USE. NO'ADVANCE IN PRICE "All in One' THE MOST RELIABLE SERUM THE IDEAL ASEPTIC PACKAGE THE PERFECT SYRINGE Nothing to be done except slip the needle over end of Syringe containing the Antitoxin and make injection. YOU INJECT NO AIR Into your patient with Mulford's Improved Syringe nor do 700 need to de- pend upon sterilizing an obsolete or uncertain-working syringe, since every dose of Mulford's Antitoxin Is supplied in a sealed aseptic, perfect Syringe. H. K. MULFORD COMPANY, Chemists PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK CHICAGO TORONTO SAN FRANCISCO ILLINOIS STATK MKDICAL SOCIETY. 4!) POSE BY SYLVESTER J.SIM MICA PLATE pTIC&XRAY MACHINES l^'TTheir simple conscientious con- *& struction commands strength and ^insures reliability as well as perfect at low cost of maintenance. ||> They are sent out equipped for pvjong faithful careers as guardi- i/^ns of the precious time in the ||;busy doctor's work. are built to save patients; doing it now for hundreds of Hiidoctors. It will certainly 'profit to possess one. ICHT PRICES-RIGHT TERMS MAY WE SEND YOU OUR CATALOG DEARBORN ST, CHICAGO AVE. NEW- YORK 50 ILLINOIS STATE MEDICAL SOCIETY. WM. SCHEIDEL & CO. 171-173 E. Randolph St., Chicago, U. S. A. : Telephone Main 1766 X-RAY COILS Our coils are fully guaranteed. Not the cheapest, but the best. Can be operated on alternating or direct current. Our coils are the most efficient on the market, and can be operated with a minimum current consumption. For radiographic work the time of exposure is the shortest to date. As the spark length is absolutely under the control of the operator, tubes can be used for any length of time. The primary current can be varied according to the vacuum of the tube. All parts interchangeable and insulated with a semi-flexible insulation guaranteed not to harden with age. Our coils will operate in any climate, during any weather inclemencies, and are simple of manipulation. Workmanship, material and finish are the best. We manufacture coils of all sizes for any voltage from 250 volts D. C. down. We also manufacture Ultra-violet High Frequency apparatus, attachable to coils or static machines. Specially adapted for external or internal treatments. Our Goods Are Protected by Patents. Beware of Cheap Imitations ILLINOIS STATE MEDICAL SOCIETY. 51 THE 'ELECTROTHERM" The Electricevl Substitute for the Hot Waiter Bottle ^ ^ ^< APPROVED BY THE NATIONAL BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS Light and Flexible Warms Up Gradu- ally Can Be Regulated to 3 Degrees of Heat Without Disturb- ing the Patient PROVIDED with a Sensitive Ther- mostat Which Acts Automatically and Guards Against OVER- HEATING Electric Heaters INVALUABLE IN CASES OF PNEUMONIA RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA CROUP SLUGGISH CIRCULATION FOE SMALL OFFICES AND BATH ROOMS Size, 11 inches by 15^4 inches thick No. 1. Felt Covered $6.50 No. 2, Rubber Covered .... 6.5O WRITE FOR CATALOGUE Special Sizes to Order for Operating Gables On Exhibition "Room "C" I H. W. JOHNS-MANVILLE CO., 171-173 Randolph St., CHICAGO | v .*.^^ 52 ILLINOIS STATE MEDICAL SOCIETY. WHEN VISITING the clinics on the West Side you are cordially invited to call and inspect our line of Surgical Instruments, Hospital and Office Furniture and Orthopedic Appliances :::::::: : V. MUELLER (& CO. 264 AND 266 OGDCN AV., NEAR WOOD ST. Union Hotel and Restaurant HERMAN WEBER CO., Inc. 111-117 Randolph Street : : : CHICAGO One of the best equipped and furnished hotels in the country. All rooms have every modern convenience. "Dining "Rooms for Theatre far- ties, "Banquets, etc. &tvo Orchestras e-Very evening until 12,: 3 O *A *A *A *A OLR GERMAN RESTAURANT on the main floor and Empire Room on the second, are the most beautiful in the city. The tables are supplied daily with the best of the market ....... Oysters and Sea Food received daily direct from the East and South. ILLINOIS STATE MEDICAL SOCIETY. 53 54 ILLINOIS STATE MEDICAL SOCIETY. ' FRENCH LICK SPRINGS HOTEL FRENCH LICK, INDIANA "ON THE MONON ROUTE" . OPEN ALL THE YEAR FRENCH LICK SPRINGS HOTEL COMPANY T. TAGGART, President FRENCH LICK, INDIANA U. S. A. ILLINOIS STATK MEDICAL SOCIETY. 55 THE ALLISON Tables and Cabinets save the physician's time and make money for him. They improve the appearance of his office and increase his practice. They please his patients, as they re- lieve them of many of the discomforts usually experienced in a physician's office. If we can demonstrate that these statements arc true, wouldn't that convince you that it is economy to purchase" &he Allison?" Send for Catalogue "A" and let us prove our assertions W. D. ALLISON CO., Indianapolis CHICAGO OFFICE: 218 Atlas Block 35 East Randolph St. Telephone, "Central 1707" CHARLES H. KILLOVGH, Manager 56 ILLINOIS STATE MEDICAL SOCIETY. STUDEBAKER'S Carriages and Harness Full line for both Many Styles for Physicians' Service Harness Department have everything for the Horse Harness Department ready to do a-11 kinds of Repairs STUDEBAKER BROS. MFG. COMPANY 378 to 388 Wabash Avenue : : CHICAGO