''\ ^^%^.^ s. L I B RARY OF THE. U N IVLRSITY or ILLINOIS I yt/ MAERTAGE CONTRARY TO THE HOLY LAW OF GOD AND TO THE LAWS AND CUSTOMS OF THE JEWS. TO THE TEACHING ®Utt jaxtxjtr Jt^U^ (Mimx^t AISTD OF HIS APOSTLES NATURE Rev. T. BERNEY, A.M., RECTOK OF BEACON ASH. Joubon: MDCCCLXXXV. ENTERED AT STATIONERS' HALL. THE RIGHT OF TRANSLATION RESERVED. SECOND EDITION. ENLARGED. iT Jnn^; t^ ,^^ioYith he^:, Qy^^jc hex^rtQiYQ^ker imheriliictw '?(-'• r^R •:)ih 'k^ -''wrfr^vr'" ^fft ,t>rrrtr Tnrl) ^n ,^niI')ot hitu ih'm'jyjh nood *^ ^^* ' nioa-gi X1QY sd ^ad^ gsafm; - ui/rt ^; ix/i) vjii^iuiii. Chapter XlXtp of griiinovBsbno ^o ^tisBSDari 26: And '^i^^ after my skin worms de^hyiYiis'hS^y^m'^i^ my flesh shall I see God. -.niinrn'/rgla spbalq nmolos 'ihrh hv:y^n no -gahhiq ^saoqiuq Jad) i6i 88UoH u/ iiadJ svi-g xrijj'gjs tfa/o/- ' ^d.t .tnoJoqimnO boO bio J sit ,:. .r .,* ,...,... r.r ..Chapter XIX.,...! v. ! •, .,: ./,,„ .,,, ,,,t Part of 35. Ye men of Ephesus, what man is there who knowethb not how that the city of the Ephesians is temple-keeper of the great-:. Goddess Diana, and of the image which has descended to us from th&x time of Jupiter ? i t p.u frro*'' 'R 7?fTro!='-^[d ptH hnn ,F>'?'f'>bfTfd Ion gd Genisis i. 21. hatanniriim, The c?m^ow5',^"Compounded'6f 7ia^ 'dfef.'ktfclj ' thej and ^a72?2/72 from ^a^ia/i, to drag itself forward m a zig-zag manner (as ' one writer explains it), and as we see all Water-newts, Lizards and Crocodiles, and no doubt all Saurions, do. Hence the generic term Dragon is peculiarly appropriate. They who liave visited the fossil department of the British Museum, and have seen, not only the fossil skeletons like Crocodiles (one thirty feet in length by comparative measurement), but also others with enormous fore-feet with six long tapered and webbed toes, possibly usable, like wings acting horizontally, to assist them skimming with speed upon the surface of the water, and long swan-like necks and small heads, can have any more doubt than I have, that the usually-supposed mythical history of St. George and the Dragon is perfectly true ; and may anticipate that some day such fossil dragons may be found in the ancient bed of the Euphrates. Leviticus xviii., G-10. The Noble Peers and Honourable Members 23 of the Legislature, who will read this version of Holy Scripture, with a prayerful desire to search for truth as it is before God, and with con- fidence that I would not willingly deceive them ; cannot but feel that very many Members of each House of the Legislature have repeatedly been guilty of very great " wickedness " by the votes they have given in respect of this subject ; albeit, the same may be required of the souls of Dr. McCaul and Dr. N. Adler, and other like panderers to incest, whether for filthy lucre's sake or otherwise, by whom they may have been deceived : and feeling, as they must, the awfulness of the situation, unless they be very ignorant of sacred prophecy, they may see the dire necessity of endeavouring to appease the wrath of Almighty God by some solemn affirmation by every member of each House respectively, with their sign-manual, to a suitable document to lie on the table in their respective House for that purpose, putting on record their solemn pledge before the Lord God Omnipotent, that they will never again give their vote for, or pair in favour of, any Bill or Measure whatsoever, to legalise the marriage of a man with his deceased Wife's Sister; or with his Aunt; or with his Niece; nor in any other manner whatsoever render assistance to such a Measure: that the prayers of the Nation for the blessing of the God of battles upon our armies and upon our Country be not hindered, and His blessing alienated from us. Acts xix., 35. It is known that Nimrod (Gen. x. 8-12) (whence the city Nimroud), Asshur, The Mighty One^ alias Ninus, King of Assyria and his Queen Semiramis were worshipped, after death, by different nations under different names. They w^ere the Osiris and Isis of the Egyptians. In symbolical language heaven represents regal power and status yihQ Sun represents the ^m^ and the Moo7i the queen. As Zeus by the Greeks, and as Jupiter by the Eomans, Nimrod was called The King of the Gods; while among the Assyrians Semiramis was worshipped under the name of Astarte, The Shining-one, and was called The Queen of heaven, while by the Romans she was worshipped as Venus. Zeus by Leto, or Jupiter by Latona, is stated to have begotten the twins, Apollo or Phoebus represented by the Sun, the worship of which Nimrod intro- duced, and Artemis, the Diana of the Romans, represented by the Moon. i.riTo suppose that a nation that produced Solon and Archimedes, the sculptors Phidias and Praxiteles, and others who could carve the Apollo Belvedere, and the Venus de Medecis, and that life-like head of Apollo in the British Museum (though there ignorantly named a woman), could 24 believe that the marble bust of Diana '^ fell down from " the planet " Jupiter " or '' from heaven " seems to me to be perfectly puerile. In conclusion, I beg leave most respectfully to remind your Honourable House, that we are already within the final period at the time of the end predicted in sacred prophecy, during which there shall be wars more terrible than the Avorld has ever before seen; of which the Franco-Prussian war, with an army of four hundred thousand men on the loosing side, has already afforded an example ; with accessaries achieving what the Psalmist's words might figuratively have foretold ; engines of war, which have ^' shot forth hailstones and coals of fire"; mitrailleuses shooting forth a storm of bullets as thick as hail, and live shrapnel shells : and, therefore^ that the present system in the army of superseding highly valuable officers, colonels of regiments and of great experience, merely because the requirements of the service have not for some time called them into so-called active service, though full of energy and zeal, and carrying out every thing under their command to perfection, is utterly inconsistent with the exigencies of the situation ! I will suggest, and with certain confidence in its necessity, that, wherever, according to the present system, the colonel of a regiment would soon be superseded and the junior colonel take his place, the colonel, if willing, should be retained in the command of his regiment ; and that the said junior colonel should be put in command of a ncAV regiment, to be raised at once and to be added to the service ! Furthermore I will suggest, that wherever an energetic and experienced colonel has been so superseded under the present law, and be willing, he should be reinstated in his former command ; but with such rank and pay as the expediency of the case may require : and that a new regiment should be immediately raised, and be placed under the command of the junior officer who had superseded him I I have the honour to be. Your obedient and very humble Servant, THOMAS BERNEY, Rector and Officiating Minister, Braeon Ash. mni: mm SL'^i^^l n '^ ' * 1 ^ Blfc-MmflBI f^ ^^^ »^(lBfeca^t /A k ^^ ^n ^!^S fiw^, vJ^SS l^jpl^H^ *^s ti'^ ^^ WlkMrt-tt mJtam <^. ''^'i fe:«fc:;M. ''^