iilii 'if '^^^'' ■'>'•' • ^ '' ^ LI B R.AR.Y OF THE UN IVER.SITY Of ILLl NOIS 016.71 \4 C73e no. 1-20 CITY PLANNING A:;P LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE UN1VER5"'' ^T^oisuw^ Digitized by tine Internet Arcinive in 2010 witin funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://www.archive.org/details/automaticdatapro15duke Committee of Planning Librarians EXCHA.NGE BIBLIOGltAPHY ] j *' ^ June, 1960 AUTOMTIC DATA PROCESSING IN THE UPuBAN PLAMING PROCESS Richard D. Duke, Assistant Professor in Urban Planning, Institute for Community Development and Services, Mchigan State University D&RAK^^ American Institute of Planners. California Chapter. Electronic Data Processing and Its Application to Planning . Workshop panel no. 4 at the Annual Conference, CDaremont Hotel, Berkeley, February 6, 1960. Mimeo. Berkeley? 1960. 19 p. A reporter's summary of remarks by a panel consisting of four engineers and one planner. Considerable reference to the use of EDP in transportation engineering and some discussion of the Los Angeles Department of City Planning 's proposed use of EDP equipment on the basis of a consultant's report. (See Optner . ) "Automatic Reading," Data Processing . Vol. 1, No. 1 (Jan. - !fer. 1959) pp. 10-17. Description of the Solartron ERA Automatic Reading tiachine which extracts information direct from printed cash-register tally rolls. Barnes, P. G. "A Computer in a Commercial Organization," Data Processing . Vol, 1, No. 2 (Apr. - June 1S59) pp. 69-73, Discusses the administrative problems of the use of a com- puter in a commercial operation. Bellman, Richard, "Notes on the Theory of Dynamic Programming - Transportation Models," Management Science . Vol. 4, No, 2 (Jan. 1958) pp. 191-95. "The purpose of this paper is to illustrate some applica- tions of the functional equati-^n technique of the theory of dynamic programraing to a general class of problems arising in the study of networks, particularly these arising in trans- portation theory." A knowledge of mathematics is required for understanding. Berkeley, Edmund C, and Lawrence Wainwright, Computers, Their Operation and Applications . New York, Reinhold, 1956. 366 pp. \ "'The purpose of this book is to present basic information about computers, particularly automatic computers." Covers such topics as: automatic digital and analog computing machines and miniature and large-scale computers. CFL Excliangs Bibliography 15 Bevis, Howsird W. "A IJodel for Predicting Urban Travel Patterns," Journal of the American In st itute of Planne rs. Vol. 25, IIo. 2 (iSfey 1959) pp. 87~89. A Chicago Aroa Trensportation Study for prediction of city traffic voltime is discussed. Use is made of a combination of ■ the gravity model and linear programming technique. Blanche, Brnest E. "Applying New Electronic Computers to Traffic and Highr/ay Problems," Traffic Quarterly . Vol. 11, No. 3 (July 1957) pp. 405-16. Discusses "'-ypes cf computers, preparation of programs, exami- nation of data £..nd application of electronic computers in high- way problems. Brendsr, E. C,, and T, A. Weyand. "Computers for the Sr.all Consult- ing Firi?," Consulting Engineer . Vol. 11, No. 2 (Aug, 1958) pp. 88-SO. Explains benefits of computers for data analysis. The year- ly cost of the LGP-30 computer including initial cost is equi- valent to the salaries of tvro engineers, yet it gives the com- pany the output of four additional engineers. Brokke, Glenn, and IVilliam L. Mertz, "Evaluating Trip Forecasting Methods With an Electronic Computer," Public Roads . Vol. 30, No. 4 (Oct. 1958) pp. 77-87. Use and advantages of the electronic computer on traffic research projects, Broro.berg, Robert, ar.d D. L. Gerlough, "Application of Electronic Techniques to Traffic Instrvimentation," ELghvvay Research Board F- oceer 'ings. Vol, 28 (1948) pp. 348-53a The applice-tion of eloctronic techniques to meas'arements of volume, speed and lane placement is discussed. Bross, Irv/in D, J. Desi gn for Decision . Nev/ York, I&icMillan, 1953. 276 pp. Excellent exploration of history of decision, nature of de- cision, prediction, probability, values, rules for action, cp3ra"cions of a decision ra:j.ker, and joquentDcl decisions, Dai-a^ riodsls, sampl'.l;ig, measurement, stctistical inferences, and statistical techniques are al:;o included. Carroll, J. Douglas, Jr. "Some Uses of Computers in Origin-Desti- nation Studies," Institute of Traffic Engineers Proceedings , (1957) pp, 57-63, Netivo.Tk aiia'J.ogues and ether unes of computers in O-D studies. Chicago Area Transportation Stud;*-. A D escri ption of the Chica.';o A i-ea Trans por ■-- I'. tion o tudy . ( 1 957"/ 4o "pp"!! Inoiuaes t7':i~plf.n-iing process, data gathering, data process- ing, organization, cost, and time schedule of the Chicago Area Transportation Study. 2 CPL Exchange Bibliography 15 Chicago Area Transportation Study, factoring Data from Travel In- formation . (1956) 38 pp. Written as a set of directions for the data processing di- vision of the Chicago Area Transportation Study, "Cities Are Discovering a Wevr Office Technology," American City . Yol. 72, No, 6 (J'one 1957) p. 162, Presents injformation on medium priced electronic calcula- tors for cities with a population betxveen 30,000 and 40,000. "Computers Are Ready to Roll," En gineering Hs^ts -Record . Vol. 159, No. 13 (Sept. 26, 1957) pp« 21-22. Discusses program pooling, computer organization, photo- grammetry progress and other subjects from the fourth High- way Engineering Productivity Conference. Cox, G. J,, C, F. Bailey, and R. S. Casey, "Punch Cards for a Chemical Bibliography," Chemical and Engineering News . Vol. 23, No. 18 (Sept. 25, 1945) pp. 1623-6. "A simple punch card system of indexing and sorting of scientific bibliography is described." Creighton, Roger L», and others. "Data Processing in City Plan- ning," Journal of the American Institute of Planners . Vol. 25, No. 2 (May 19597 pp. 96-103. Advantages and use of data-processing machines in solving city planning problems. "Dallas Punches Better Vital Statist-!.r>s Four Times Faster," American City . Vol. 73, No. 1 (Jan, 1958) pp. 96-7. Discusses the wide range of data which can now be made available to city administrative sections by using IBM pxmohed-card equipment. "Data Processing," Data Processing . Vol. 1, No. 1 (Jan. - M8.r. 1959) pp. 2-3. The scope and purpose of the Data Processing magazine is given. The article outlines the purpose and advantages of electronic data processing. Davison, J. F., "Filing Business Data on Magnetic Tape," Data Processing . Vol. 1, No. 2 (Apr. - June 1959) pp. 113-118. Advantages and limitations of data storage on magnetic tape, Detroit City Plan Commission. Statistical Card Program . (1958) 10 pp. "Sets up a program for processing city planning statisti- cal data by IBM machines using a punched card technique," CPL Exchange Bibliography 15 Driker, Jacob, "fere's a Plan for Determining When Rehabilitation Will Pay," Journal of Housing. Vol, 16, No. 5 (May 1959) pp. 169-171. Housing structure analysis v/ith McBee cards, Fetzer, Leo. "How Allentown Controls Big Machine Billing Job," American City . Vol. 73, No. 5 (May 1958) p. 127. Points out that mechanization not only increases efficiency and accuracy in office work but also allows a reduction in of- fice machines, Gardner, Owen B. "Automation Comes to Main Street," County Officer . Vol. 23, No. 9 (Oct, 1958) pp. 194-5. Discusses the Advantages, feasibility, and possibilities of the use of electronic data processing for business concerns. Ger lough, D. L. "Applications of Computers to Traffic Problems," Institute of Traffic Engineers Proceedings . (1958) pp. 130-136. l/se of computers in statistical analysis and traffic fore- casting. Also discusses hovir to start a computing operation. Ger lough, D. L. "Simulation of Freeway Traffic by an Electronic Computer," Highway Research Board Proceedings . Vol. 35 (Jan. 1956) pp. 543-47. Discussion of tvro different approaches to the study of the flov; of traffic on freeways using olectrcnio computers. General, Gifford, J. Vo, Jr. A Mismorandum on the Application of System En - gineering and Electronic Data Processing to City Planning . (1959) 15 pp. Discusses the use and the potential of electronic data processing by city planning departments. Cites the work done in Los Angeles by ¥r, Stanford L. Optner. Glennie, A. E. "Automatic Programming," Data Processing . Vol. 1, No. 1 (Jan. - Mar. 1959) pp. 26-29. Simplified technique of programming for electronic digital computers . Goode, H. H. , C. H. pollmar, and J. B. Wright. "The Use of a Digi- tal Computer to Model a Signalized Intersection," Highway Re - search Board Proceedings . Vol. 35 (1956) pp. 548-57, ^'A method for modeling a signalized intersection on a digi- tal computer is developed and used to estimate delays as a function of cycle time, turn fraction, green time, and cars per hour." Gordan, Norman J. "Extracting Land-Use Data From Punched Cards," American City . Vol. 63, No. 6 (June 1948) p. 149. A land -use data survey of Providence, Rhode Island set in four steps using IBM punched cards. CPL Exchange Bibliography IF Grayson, C, G. "The Use of Electronic Computer in Kentucky's High- way Prograjn," Kentucky Highvmy Conferenc e Procee dings . Vpl, 12, No. 4 (1958) pp. 76-85. The Kentucky Department of Highv/ays use of electronic com- puters in solving design problems. Hamburg, John R,, and Robert H, Sharkey. Chicago Area Transporta - tion Study Determination of Land Use Categories . Chicago Area Transportation Study, 1957. 57 pp. Describes "the measurement units and the classification scheme of land use and establishments which are designed to achieve the objectives of providing data for the analysis of traffic generation." Hansen, Robert. "Use of Elec:^ronic Computers in Traffic Engineer- ing," Horthyrest Traffic Engineers Conference Proceedings . (1957) pp. 79-90. Applications and advantages in the use of electronic com- puters in origin and destination traffic studies, Iferris, Henry and Potter, Consulting Engineers. "Fundamentals of Electronic Processing," IH-ghway Builder . Vol. 37, Wo. 1 (Jan. 1958) p. 10. Basic information on electronic computers. Harris, Henry and Potter, Consulting Engineers. "Integrating the Photogrammetry and Electronic Computers into the Highway Pro- gram," Eig hvfay Builder . Vol. 37, No. 2 (Feb. 1958) p. 8. Use of photogrammetry and electronic computers in highv/ay design. Hart, Donald E. "What is a Digital Computer?" General Motors En- gineering Journal . Vol. 5, No. 2 (April - June 1958) pp. 2-5. Demonstrates the important aspects of a digital computer. Battery, Lowell H. "Automatic Data Processing for Counties," County Officer . Vol. 23, No. 9 (Oct. 1958) p. 9. Includes the advantages, disadvantages and a program of action for municipal use of electronic data processing. Hollander, F. H. and C. B. Tompkins. "VHiat You Should Know About Digital Computers," Ch emical Engineering Progress . Vol. 52, No. 11 (Nov. 1956) pp. 451-54. Examines basic questions about computers; efficiency, re- liability, and ViTork they can do. "How Yfe Upped Invoice Output in Less Time mth Less Help," Office Management . Vol. 19, No. 5 (May 1958) pp. 37-38. Description of how- centralization and modernization of equip- ment and forms enabled a firm to offer more efficient billing and service to its customers with a reduced staff. CPL Exchange Bibliography 15 Hjrman, Herbert H. Su rvey Design and Analys is. Glencoe, 111,, Free Press, 1955. 425 pp. Principles for suinrey research; proper orientation of the analyst to the general context of svirvey research; function of the analyst and descriptive and explanatory surveys, utilisation of siirvey findings; questionnaires; ;;;"inch card processing. International Business Ifkchines Corporation. IBM Data-Processing fechine Functions . Nevj- York, 1957. 31 pp. ''^hows in simplified form the functions of the many IBM machines used for all types of accounting, statistical, and computational v/ork." International Business l!feichines Corporation. Modern Coding Methods . New York. 26 pp. Explains coding procedures and methods. International Business Machines Corporation. Yforld of Numbers . New York, 1958. n.p. Explanation and background to the electronic digital computers of today. Johnson, M. H, "How an Electronic Digital Computer Calculates," Data Processing . Vol. 1, No. 1 (Jan. - Liar. 1959) pp. 21-25. An indication of the function of various units of a computer and hov: arithmetic operations are performed. Jolley, J. C. "Punched Feature Cards," Dat a Processing . Vol, 1, No. 2 (Apr, - June 1959) pp. 86-93, Feature cards - 1,000 to 10,000 numbered positions -hand sorted, Kates, J. "Uses of Electronic Computers in Traffic and Highvmy En- gineering," Institute of Traffic Engineers. Canadian Section . Proceedings . Part 7 (1958) p. 19. Development of current methods of traffic analysis and fa- cilities planning. Kudlick, Vifalter. "Basic Theory of Electronic Computers," Traffic Engineering , Vol, 28, No. 4 (Jan. 1958) pp. 20-23. Basic theory underlying the use and operation of electronic computers. Livesley, R. K. An Introduction to Automatic Digital Computers . Cambridge (Eng.) Univ. Press, 1957. 53 pp. "It describes in general terms what digital computers can do and hov/ they are made to do it, and also gives an account of some of the calculations for v:hich they have so far been used. The emphasis is on the application of machines to rou- tine computing work rather tlmn to research," CPL Exchange Bibliography 15 "a Machine That Learns From Experience," Data Processing; . Vol. 1, No. 2 (Apr. - June 1959) pp. 106-112. "First practical application of the principle of mechani- cal learning: highly ingenious, yet simple technique v/ith apparently imraense potentialities in both business and in- dustry." Jfensell, V. H. "Classifying Information," Data Processing: . Vol. 1, Wo. 2 (Apr. - June 1959) pp. 128-30. Classification is key to ready access to information. McHugh, L. C. "Technology in Antiquity," America . Vol. 101 (Aug. 15, 1959) p. 604. Brief description of ancient Greek computer found in the ocean, Moore, Charles F. "Photography in the Automation Process," County Officer . Vol. 23, No. 9 (Oct. 1958) p. 197. Examines the advantages of photocopying and microfilming. Ityers, Harold C. "Machine Accounting Saves Agency ^1-50,000 a Year," Journal of Housing . Vol. 16, No. 2 (Feb. 1959) pp. 52-55. Tells hovj- the use of IBM machines saved the Los Angeles Housing Authority both time and money. There is also a brief explanation of the punched card process. Nash, J, P, "Choosing Your Digital Computer," Civil Engineering . Vol, 28, No. 5 (liky 1958) pp. 34-8, Description of characteristics by v/hich to evaluate a di- gital computer. These are: numerical system, type of arith- metic unit, storage, input-out, power, space smd weight, cost personnel requirements, speed, and reliability. Clear, fairly easy to understand language. Nett, Roger, and Stanley A. Eetzler. An Introduction to Electronic Data Processing . Glencoe, 111,, Free Press, 1960, 287 p. §6.75. Especially good on the use of tape, although punched cards are treated also. Newell, G. G. "Ife.thematical Models for Freely-Flowing Highway Traf- fic," Journal of the Operations Research Society of America , Vol. 3, No. 2 (May 1956) pp. 176-186. "An attempt is made to construct models for the motion of cars on a highway in a manner analogous to the way one treats the motion of molecules in a gas as described by the kinetic theory of gases," Oakland County Planning Commission. Land Classification Manual , Detroit Metropolitan Area. Pontiac, lilichigan, 1959, 53 pp. "Contains a land use classification code which is being pro- posed for the collection of land use data in the Detroit Jbtro- politan Area," 7 CPL Exchange Bibliography 15 Oklahoma University. Institute of Community Development. A Pro - gram for Automatic Tabulat i on of Basic D ata for Tulsa Ketro - poITE'an Area , llorinan, Okla^, 1958. 25 pp. This report includes both the scope and the details of an automatic data processing study for a Regional Planning Agency. Optner, Stanford L., and Associates. Report on the Feasibility of Electronic Data Processing in City Planning to the Department of City Planning, City of Los Angeles . Los Angeles, 1959. 213 pp. Description of the scope, uses, capabilities, theories and formulae for the use of automatic data handling equipment in an integrated planning process for Los Angeles. Pacific Planning Research. The Austin Plan (an Outline) . Austin City Planning Commission, 1958. 28 pp. Electronic data processing was used in the Austin likEter Plan study, and this pamphlet outlines the findings of the study. "Rapid Production of Commercial Documents," Data Processing . Vol. 1, No. 2 (Apr. - June 1959) pp. 120-27. Description of printing data and information on a machine that reads 60 to 80 column cards at 300 per minute, Reiner, J. I>ikrtin, "The Role of Computers in Modern Traffic Con- trol," Municipal Signal Engineer . Vol. 24, No. 3 (May-June 1959) pp. 13-15. Gives examples and explanations of various computers and their use in traffic control. Rice, Stuart A. "Problems in the Statistics of Urban Agglomeration," Science . Vol. 128, No. 3332 (Nov. 7, 1958) pp. 1111-14. The growth of urban areas has made necessary nevj- concepts and reformulations in social statistics. Metropolitan fringe densities bring new problems. Ross, Norman J. and Others. Detailed Land Use Survey San I-ikteo County. San Mateo County, Calif. Planning Commission, 1958. 11 PP'. A report on the procedures and techniques of a land use sur- vey using electronic data processing methods. Rovr, Arth-oi- T. "An Approach to 0-D Data Analysis," Traffic Quar - terly . Vol. 9, No. 1 (Jan. 1955) pp. 105-122.. Analyzes the Detroit Metropolitan Area Traffic Study in terms of "proceeding from facts to goal." Sharkey, Robert H. Central Business District Land Use Survey I/knual . Chicago Area Transportation Study, 1957, 43 pp. Describes the application of IBM punch cards in the Chicago central commercial district space use sxirvey. "Simplicity is Key to Small Authority Filing System," Journal of Housing . Vol. 16, No. 2 (Feb. 1959) pp. 60-61. Suggests simple procedures for filing data for small local housing authorities. CPL Exchange Bibliography 15 Smith, Robert M. "iiTiy Small Companies May Need Automation Even More Than Larger Companies," Office Management . Vol. 19, ' No, 6 (June 1958) pp. 31-33. Points out that automation is only profitable v/hen installed at the proper level. The degree of automation possible is de- termined by a compejrative cost analysis of company operations. Stibits, George R. and Jules A. Larrivee. Ife ithematics and Computers . New York, McGraw-Hill, 1957. 228 pp. ~ "The field T/e have tried to map for the reader is broadly that of applied mathematics, with particular attention to » . » the automatic digital computer." Suhr, Virtus Yif. "Comparing Inventory Items by Use of IBM Punch Cards," Iowa Academy of Science Proceedings . Vol. 63 (1956) pp. 581-85, Application of IBM cards for item-analysis of a large volume of data. Thrasher, W. T. "Punched Tape Boosts Accounting Efficiency," American City . Vol. 73, No. 6 (June 1958) pp. 160-63. Supplies information on how small organizations may enjoy the benefits of complete calculator service at a nominal price, "Tips on Organizing Computer Operation," Engineering News Record . Vol. 160, No. 13 (Mar. 27, 1958) pp. 43-45. Questions and ansvrers on organization of computer operation. "Training Future Executives," Data Processing . Vol, 1, No. 2 (Apr. - June 1959) pp. 83-85^ An evaluation of "The liinagement Decision Game" by elec- tronic processing data methods is described. "Universal Language of Computing," Data Processing . Vol, 1, No. 1 (Jan. - Mar. 1959) pp. 18-20. "A simple explanation of binary numbers, binary arithmetic and decimal binary codes." U. S. Congress, House. Committee on Post Office and Civil Service. Use of Electronic Data-Processing Equipment . I'Tashingt on, D . C . , 1959. 142 pp. Hearing before the Subcommittee on Census and Government Statistics. Contains a report on the effects of electronic data-processing on manpower utilization, "Univac Takes a Daily Inventory," American City . Vol, 72, No. 6 (June 1957) p. 157. ~ Tells how electronic data processing centers can save firms time and money. CPL Exchange Bibliography 15 Vanderf ord, R. E., "Electronic Computers — A Bibliography," Chicago Area Transportation Study Research News . Vol. 1, No. 10 (June 7, 1957) pp. 5-6, Technical bibliography for those who have had training in electronics or mathematios. Vaughn, James N. "Developing an Electronic Computer Center in Kan- sas Department," Better Roads . Vol. 28, No. 5 (l&.y 1958) pp. 23-24, Description of the electronic-computer organization of the Kansas State Highway Commission, Voorhees, Alan. "Land Use and Traffic Models: A Progress Report," Journal of the American Institute of Planners . Vol. 25, No, 2 (I&y 1959) pp. 55-104, Examines nature and use of models in city planning. Contains prediction of land use patterns and a selected bibliography on land use and traffic models, ITilliams, R. H. "For Those Thinking About Installing a Computer," Data Processing. Vol, 1, No. 2 (Apr. - J\me 1959) pp. 66-68. Includes the steps in the achievement of the best possible results in the use of computers. Young, P. L. "The Computing Service, How It Functions and YiThat It Offers Business and Industry," Data Processing. Vol, 1, No, 1 (Jan. - Far, 1959) pp, 4-9. Lists names and locations of computing centers in Great Britain. Contains functions of the centers and services that are available. Some Periodicals in the EDP Field American Documentation . Quarterly. $6,50 a year. Published by the American Documentation Institute in cooperation v.rith the School of Library Service, Western Reserve University, Cleve- land, Ohio. General journal on information retrieval with particular application to libraries. Data Processing , Monthly. 07,50 a year. Cille Associates, Inc., 956 J/Jaccabees Bldg., Detroit 2, Mich, Devoted to ideas and information on all phases of punched cards, punched tape, and computer activity. The same company also publishes the Data Processing Handbooks , including one each on "Transportation" and "Utilities;" and The Punched Card Data Processing Annual; Applications and Reference Guide , which includes extensive bibliographies. Data Processing in Business and Industry . Quarterly. s?12,00 a year in the U,S, and Canada. Iliffe and Sons, Ltd,, Dorset House, Stamford St., London, S,E, 1, England. 10 CPL Exchange Bibliography 15 IBM Jourpal of Res earc h e.nd DoTelopaent , Quarterly. ^5, CO a year. International "Businsss iVIaehines, 590 Madison Ave., New Ycr'k 22, K.Y. Highly technical journal devoted to latest IBM solutions to computer equipment and analysis. Contains abstracts, MILL, Quarterly. ^f2,00 a year. Yale LavT School, Nevir Haven, Conn. Newsletter of the Electronic Data Retrieval Committee of the American Bar Association, devoted to modern uses of logic and modern methods of information retrieval in law. Published Index Sources Keeping abreast cf the latest literature in the EDP field may also be done by a regular check of the fol- loxTing general periodical indexes to be foimd in many public and municipal reference libraries. The heading, "Electronic data processing" in Applied Science and Technology Index (New York, H. W. Wilson Co.), The heading, "information processing systems" in Bulletin of the Public Affairs Information Service (New York, Public Affairs Information Service, Inc.). AOTOMATIC DATA PROCESSING IN THE URBAN PLANNING PROCESS Michigan State University List no. 1 Additional copies available from Exchange Bibliographies, Committee of Planning Librarians 6318 Thornhill Drive, Oakland 11, California Price per copy: ^t^LOO 11 v;