'^.i^< ^\ m i f v' M ii<. 6 fi % |: Wi"' - '-i' !<«■ ;<; !^'- '<' i ' . <)<, ( < *<' i '1 <<;■ 1 ?\\ Londony: Houlston & Wright, 18(55. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. XV the high central ridge, where almost perpendicular precipices in the most tempestuous and weather-beaten spots are able to retain upon them sutHcient soil to nourish a most profuse herbage and perfectly gigantic examples of the various arborescent Oompositce. But once cut down the trees (were it possible to get at them, which happily it is not), and turn in the goats for a few generations to nibble every thing to the ground which had the power of germinating, and what would be the result ? Simply that even the roots would slowly decay and the soil be gradually washed down, leaving abrupt declivities and the denuded faces of basaltic dykes, where only a century before there was (as now) a dense and well-nigh unbroken forest of cabbage-trees and asters. I do not see, therefore, that it evinces any wonderful amount of acumen to disbelieve records, plainly stated and given to us in all good faith, simply because the present aspect of the country has so altered that we cannot under- stand how they should be true : but, on the contrary, I will further declare that, even had no such records ever existed at all, the redundancy at St. Helena of the wood-infesting and herbage-loving forms of life, added to the extreme scarcity of the Heteromerous ones, would of itself have suggested to my mind an island of u'ood and verdure in terms so unequivocal that it is quite impossible to mistake them. It may, however, be urged that the exponents of the RhyncJiophora are everywhere phytophagous in their modes of life, and point to the presence of herbage (in some shape or other), but not more so at St. Helena than in other countries ; to which I would reply that a perfectly overwhelming majority of the St.-Helenian Rhjncliophora are over and above what may be called mere attendants on vegeta- tion ; they are essentially wood-borers. Comparativel}'^ few of the Cossonidcp. ever attach themselves to herbaceous plants ; and although a certain number occur within the rotten stems of the larger ferns and the pithy branches of low-growing shrubs, by far the greater mass reside beneath the bark of trees, requiring solid timber for their subsistence ; and we may safely assert that no country which is so anomalously crowded as St. Helena is with Cossonids could be (or could have been) otherwise, in the main, than a land of -wood. But, apart from this consideration, even the ordinary herbage-loving weevils (which the St.-Helenian Rhynchopliora are not), when developed to an excess, would imply at any rate a corresponding redundancy of vegetation to nourish them ; and as this cannot be XVI INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. said to have any existence now in the island, a totally different state of things from what we at present recognize is, even from this lower (and less accurate) point of vieiv, imperatively demanded. But the complete overplus of the Rhynchophora, in conjunction with the fact that an absolutely astounding proportion of them are wood- borers, form, when taken together, the basis for an argument which is, to my mind at least, irresistible *. Perhaps a word or two may be said, in this particular place, about the Anthribids, which are so characteristic of St. Helena, and which constitute so important an item (in fact the most important next to the Cossoniclce) in the Coleopterous fauna. Although pro- bably lignivorous in their earlier stages, the Anthrihidce cannot be defined as, in any sense, wood-borers. They occur essentiallj' upon foliage, or adhering to dead trunks and sticks, to which their rather broadly expanded feet give them a considerable power of clinging. But it so happens that nearly the whole of them at St. Helena (and they number no less than 2G species, indeed almost certainly more) are attached either to the numerous arborescent Compositoe ox e[sQ to the tree ferns ; for if a few, which are more plastic in their nature, have been able, like some of the Cossoniclce, to adapt themselves, since the complete destruction in certain districts of the indigenous timber, to other trees, it is quite manifest that they are normally attendant on the strictly endemic vegetation. So that while the Cossonids tell distinctly of a more or less wooded land (their per- fectly prodigious development implying, in all probability, a very wooded one), the Anthribids take up the story, and show by their extraordinary numbers and variety of structure how that they occu- pied the place of the Pliytopliaga (a section which is itself but feebly expressed) amongst the native foliage — whether of trees or Crypto- gams. And we might therefore picture St. Helena, in th^ remote past, as a densely-wooded island, in which the Cossonids and Anthribids did the work of destruction amongst the tree ferns and Goynpositce, on a gigantic scale, unaided by the Longicorn tribes — but where the streams and pools, far more copious than now, had no water-loving forms to tenant them, and where nearly every other * I would wish it to be observed that in tlie above remarks I have even undersititQA the case rather than otherwise ; for the ten members of the Tany- rhynchidcs have precisely the same lignivorous habits as the Cossonids ; so that every truly aboriginal exponent of the St.-Helenian Ehynchopkora, with the exception of the little Traehyphlceosoma setosuin, tells the same tale, — that of a once wooded land. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. XVll primary division of the Coleoptera, except perhaps the Geodephaga (which had the great Haplotliorax as its most gigantic exponent, and a group of very anomalous Bembidia on the damp and reeking summits of the central ridge), was but faintly shadowed forth. A few Heteromera indeed inhabited the drier and more barren districts ; but we have no evidence of the multitude of familiar types which are more or less present in nearly every continental land. Considering how greatly the island has deteriorated since the well- nigh complete destruction of its native trees, there can be little doubt that many an aboriginal link of the Coleopterous chain, which was not able to adapt itself to the altered circumstances of the coimtry, must have perished ; and it will probably therefore be said that the above analysis does not convey a true idea of the primeval organisms. But, as regards the question of extinction or non-extinction, I would wish to observe that all the departments would have an equal chance of suffering alike, and that we have no right therefore to argue from the fact of one of them being still largely represented that it did not take its share in the general catastrophe which overwhelmed the rest. Indeed in this particular instance the presumption is altogether the other way ; for seeing that it was by the wholesale rooting-out of the indigenous vegetation that the local influences were altered for the worse, it would certainly seem to follow that the phytophagous forms are the ones which would feel the consequences most severely ; whereas they are the very types which are now present to an abso- lute excess. My own belief is that they did suffer, and, beyond all doubt, most of all, and that their exaggerated numbers even now would simply imply that there was a still greater redundancy of them aboriginally, and that the further we go back into the past the stronger would be our case as regards the unusual dominance of those particular aspects of Coleopterous life. Indeed, when we bear in mind that the whole of them would seem to have been attached, in the first instance, to the endemic trees and shrubs, it is impossible to resist the conviction that the total disappearance of the native ebony (Melhania melanodendron, Ait.) and the all but annihilation of the redwood (Melhania erythroxylon, Ait.), the Psiadia rotundi- folia, Hk. f., and the island boxwood {Mellissia begonicefolia, Hk. f.) must have resulted in the wiping-out of many a lignivorous organism which was once abundant ; whilst the fast-disapj)earing asters and gumwoods, around which a whole troup of Cossonids may be said to cluster, tell a tale of what a few more generations may accomplish, — b XVlll INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. unless the inhabitants should become sufficiently alive, even yet, to their own interests (v^^hich, however, I can scarcely venture to anticipate) to put a stop to the pernicious practice of destruction which has already reduced a considerable portion of the island to a well-nigh hopeless state of arid and chaotic sterility *. If now we turn from the general character of the aboriginal fauna of St. Helena to the consideration of its (so-called) " origin " and the questions attendant on geographical distribution, much greater diffi- culties present themselves, and the whole subject seems to be shrouded in mystery. Were I content to take the 203 members of the cata- logue, as given at the close of this volume, and simply to calculate what proportion of them have been cited from Southern Africa, and what from the more northern archi{)elagos of the Atlantic, nothing would be easier than to tabulate the results, and, indeed, to make them support any theory on the subject that I might wish to favour. But then they would be absolutely worthless ; added to which, I have no theory, a priori^ to uphold. Mj' convictions have already been urged that the well-nigh cosmopolitan forms which are * There is just one point on which I may here add a few words. I have more than once been told, by residents in the island, that the aboriginal trees with which St. Helena was more or less clothed at the period of its discovery were of so "useless a kind" that there was no reason why they should be preseryed. But, whilst demurring to this wholesale argument (for the native ebony and red- wood supplied timber of no ordinary character, and even the gumwood was found to be of service in other ways), I would simply answer that it is not so much for the sake of the trees themselves that I am pleading as for the conditions of the country which their presence in large masses could not fail to imply ; for where forests exist (and no forests, in any region, are equal to those of nature's own planting), there aUo exists, inevitably, moisture ; and without moisture, and well-filled streams, what are the chances of successful cultivation ? Nor can it be urged that the tracts were required for the purposes of agriculture ; for I have already shown how a perfect jungle may flourish on an inaccessible mountain-slope and the well-nigh perpendicular edges of ravines which never could be utilized by human industry, but where a copious supply of trees and under-verdure, well protected from the goats and other nuisances, would ensure that humidity which is so essential to the well-being of any country, more par- ticularly a tropical one. The light and friable soil which a mass of herbage will slowly but steadily accumulate in the course of a few centuries, and which be- comes thicker and more persistent as time goes on, would be held together, in situ, as above mentioned, so long as the vegetation is leit untouched ; but when the latter has been so far tampered with that the roots and fibres perish, and there is no foliage left to break the violence of the tropical rains when falling upon the ground, the soil will be gradually washed down into the river-beds below and be carried bodily away. And as for the mere imported trees sup- plying, in any sense whatever, the place of the aboriginal ones, I will leave it to the admirers of " Port-Jackson willows " and diseased stunted pinasters (both of which act as a rank poison to whatever might attempt to germinate beneath them) to judge for themselves. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. XIX liable to constant introduction almost everywhere through indirect human agencies, aud which have become dispersed (in consequence) over a large area of the civilized world, have no claim to constitute even an element in the great problems of geographical distribution, for they are simply mean inr/I ess ; and until these, therefore, have been carefully expunged, I cannot but think that it would be a mere waste of labour to work out conclusions which would not only lack value but be even misleading. Such species as those to which I now allude figure in the faunas of nearly every civilized country which has been properly investigated ; and therefore to build up high- wrought theories of " geographical distribution " on account of their presence, seems to me to border closely on the ridiculous. They are transmitted, aud retransmitted, across the ocean, along with variovis articles of commerce and merchandise, over and over again, following in the track of man ; and where consignments of plants and trees have, as at St. Helena, to be taken likewise into account, the most significant perhaps of all the methods of accidental dissemination must be conscientiously allowed for. 1 feel satisfied, therefore, that such organisms should be removed boldly and without com- promise, if we are to arrive at an accurate judgment concerning the character of a primeval fauna, and to attempt after-deductions on the still more doubtful question of its " origin." But, unfor- tunately, in the case of St. Helena, if we do this, it appears to me that we cannot stop short of the two eliminations to which I have already subjected the list, and which reduce the latter to the 1:^9 species to which attention has been called at p. xii of the present " Introductory Eemarks." Here, then, if the above observations be assented to, is our first difficulty ; for the whole of the 129 species to which I have just alluded are, ■with a single exception (the Chilomenes lunata, Fab.), hhsolately pecidiar to St. Helena, so that the question of geographical distribution would seem to be well-nigh " nipped in the bud." Moreover, from all that I know of the South- African Coleoptera (and I have inspected a considerable amoimt of material which has been sent from the Cape Colony, to say nothing of a most interesting collection of nearly 400 species which was amassed there by Mr. Gray since his departure from us in St. Helena, and a fair sample, which has lately been placed in my hands by B. Gregory, Esq., of H.M.S. * Spiteful,' even from the Congo country and Angola), it has almost nothing in common with these 129 aboriginal St.-Helenians, which XX IXTRODUCTOHY REMARKS. stand out singly, as it were, and alone, related more or less inter se, but unrelated, for the most part, to any recognized continental forms. It is true that two of the most significant of the Ehynchophorous types — namel)' Nesiotes (of the Tanyrhynchidce), and Acarodes (of the Anthribidce) — are allied conspicuously to Echinosoma and Xenor- chestes of the Madeiran archipelago ; but if any more successful generalizer than myself can develop much from these points of ^Hrtsi-contact, he is quite welcome to the result. So far as I can understand the evidence before me, any unprejudiced inquiry into the " origin " (as usually undei-stood by that term) of these St.- Helenian Coleoptera, does not elicit, in reply, so much as even an echo ; for not only are they eyidemic (in the strictest sense of the word), but an overwhelming majority of them are attached (or were so originally) to trees and shrubs which would seem to exist nowhere in the world except on this remote rock, 1200 miles from the nearest point of the African coast, surrounded by an all but unfathomable ocean, and which has every appearance of having been piled-up by successive eruptions into a basaltic mass at no period vert/ consider- ably larger than that which we now see. " Wheuce, then, came its fauna and flora " are enigmas which I cannot presume to answer on any known principles of derivation and descent. To a mind which, like my own, can accept the doctrine of creative acts as not neces- sarily " unphilosophical," the mysteries, however great, become at least conceivable ; but those which are not able to do this may perhaps succeed in elaborating some special theory of their own which, even if it does not satisfy all the requirements of the problem, may at least prove convincing to themselves. The St. -Helena fauna cannot, I think, be said to have had much light yet thrown upon it as regards its actual " origin " (except perhaps in so far as my indi- vidual opinions on the subject may be accepted by others who are predisposed to receive them) ; but its primitive (or at all events remote) state is another matter, and appears to be capable of some real elucidation from the facts to which we have access. As regards the earliest diagnoses of the St.-Helena Coleoptera, the first indication of any thing from the island was in 1775, when six species, from the collection of the late Sir Joseph Banks and supposed to be St.-Helenian, were described in the ' Systema Entomologiae ' by Fabricius. I may here repeat, however, what I have already urged under each of these species separately, that I have the gravest doubts INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. XXI as to whether they ever were received from St. Helena at all. In- deed one of them, the South-European Cryptocephalus (or Macrolenes) rujicollis, was so glaringly confused as regards its habitat even by Fabricius himself, that I have rejected it altogether from the text of this catalogue as having been cited on evidence which was untrust- worthy and insufficient ; and perhaps it would have been more con- sistent had I omitted, in like manner, the Sphceridium (i. e. Cyclo- notum) di/tiscoides (which was probably taken at the Cape of Good Hope), the (East-Indian) Cassida (i. e. Aspidomorpha) miUaris, and the (Mediterranean) Coccinella (i. e. Epilaclina)clirysomelina. Still, as there was at any rate something to be said for each of these species, I have given them the advantage of the doubt. The two other members of this equivocal little lot from the Banksian cabinet are the cosmo- politan Dermestes cadaverinus (which I have admitted, on the prin- ciple that it is one of those forms which might be found almost any- where), and the Chilomenes Itcnata, which is the universal ladybird of the island. Still, with respect to even these, I would wish to observe that, since the latter possesses a wide geographical range, occurring inte7' alia from Senegal to the most southern point of Afi'ica, it is far from unlikelj' that they also may in reality have been obtained elsewhere, and that so the whole six of this Fabrician batch were incorrectly quoted as to the country from whence they had come. It is more natural, however, to believe that at any rate some of them were truly taken at St. Helena ; and certainly the most probable ones to have been found there are the common Chilomenes lunata, and the Dermestes cadaverinus, liable as it is to importation throughout the civilized world, and which has established itself in vast numbers at Ascension. The next publication, so far as I am aware, of any thing St.- Helenian was in 1836, when Chevrolat enunciated the locally- important genus Microxylobius, in the first volume of the ' Transac- tions of the Entomological Society of London ' (p. 98), from the then (and still) unique little Cossonid, well figured by Westwood, to which he gave the name of M. Westwoodii. In 1838 the Kev. F. W. Hope, in the second volume of the Entomological Society's ' Transactions,' described a Calosoma, which had been captured in the island by Mr. Darwin, under the title of G. helenoe. This is the universal Calosoma of St. Helena, — an seneous state of which (taken by the late Mr. Bewicke) I inadvertently enun- ciated in 1861, under the name of C. haligena, as a separate species. 3tXU INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. In 1841 that large and singular Carabid the Haj^hthorax Bur- cheJUi, which had been discovered by the African traveller Dr. BurcheU, was published by Mr. "Waterhouse in the third volume (p. 207) of the ' Transactions of the Entomological Society.' In 1853 the previously-enunciated Scarabceus (i. e. Heteronychus) arator, of Fabrieius, which abounds at the Cape of Good Hope, and which probably had been introduced into the island from thence, perhaps along with cattle, was redeseribed by Blanchard as the H. Sandiv-Behna' (and therefore first placed on record as St.-Helenian), in the entomological portion of Dumont d'Urville's ' Voyage au Pole Sud sur les Corvettes I'Astrolabe et la Zelee' (iv. 105, pi. 7. f. 6). In 1859 Candeze, in the second volume of his ' Mon. Elat.' (p. 409), published one of the two St.-Helenian Elaterids, as a member of Leconte's genus Anchastus, under the title of A. atlantkus; and in the same year (1859) Boheman defined (Res. Eugen. 141) one of the largest, but most abundant, of the indigenous Cossonida, under the name of AcantJwmerus annatus — a species which was redeseribed by myself, three years afterwards, as the Microxyhbius Chevrolatii. In 1861 nine new species, which had been detected in the island during the previous year by the late Mr. Bewicke of Madeira, were characterized (and others, already known, enumerated) by myself, in the first volume (pp. 186 et seq.) of the ' Journal of Entomology.' These nine additions to the then meagre catalogue were as follows: — Microxyhbius hicifugus and lacertosus, Acanthomerus conicolUs and terebrans, Kesiotes squamosus, Notioxenus BevncTcii and rtffopictus, Longitarsus helence, and Opatrum hadroides. And, apart from these, Mr. Bewicke met with the widely-spread Pristonychns compJanatus, Dej., which was consequently first introduced by him into the St.-Helena fauna. In 1869 and 1871 thirty-four novelties were described by myself in the ' Annals of N'atural History,' from material which had been collected by Mr. Melliss, and which he had kindly intrusted to me for publication. The consignments which contained these numerous additions to the list (besides some of the species which had already been placed upon record, and thirty-nine others which were known elsewhere but had not before been observed in the island) were, as I need scarcely remark, the largest and most important batches which had ever been transmitted from St, Helena; and, when taken in conjunction with the assurance of Mr. G. R. Crotch in 1872 that he INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. XXlll possessed examples of the African Chilomenes vicina, Muls., which were unquestionably St.-Helenian, it enabled me to compile a cata- logue of 96 species, as the first instalment of what I had every reason to hope would prove eventually to be a tolerably correct Coleopterous fauna of the island. The 34 novelties with which Mr. Melliss was thus enabled to enrich the list are as follows — Bembidium Mellissii, Xantholinus morio, Oxytelus alutaceifrons, nitidifrous, Crypt ophagus gracilipes, Tribalus 4-striatus, Mellissius eudoxus, adumbratus, Anobiuni coufertum, Tomicus femulus, Microxylobius dimidiatus, vestitus, Acanthoraevus monilicornis, debilis, angustus, obliteratus, Lamprocbrus cossonoides, Pseudomesoxenus subcsecus, Nesiotes horrid us, asperatus, Trachyphloeosoma setosum, Sciobius subnodosus, Notioxenus alutaceus, • dimidiatus, ferrugineus, Homoeodera pygma;a, rotundipennis, alutaceicollis, coiiacea, Bruchus rufobrunneus, advena, Longitarsus Mellissii, Zophobas concolor, Mordella Mellissiana ; whilst the 39 due to his researches, which were well known, but which had not before been registered as St.-Helenian, are these — Dactylostei'num abdominale, Fab. Homalota coriaria, Kraatz. Creophilus maxillosus, Linn. Anobium velatum, Woll. paniceum, Linn. domesticum, Fourcr. Philonthus lougicornis, Steph. Carpopbilus hemipterus, Linn. dimidiatus, Fab. Trogosita mauritanica, Linn. Lsemophloeus pusillus, Schon. Silvanus surinamensis, Linn. Cryptamorpha niusje, Woll. Cryptophagus badius, St. affinis, St. Mycetaea hirta, Gyll. Typhnea fumata, Linn. Dermestes vulpinus, Fab. Attageuus gloriosje, Fab. Saprinus bicolor, Fab. Aphodius lividus, Oliv. Adoretus versutus, Har. Corynetes rufipes, F'ab. Gibbium scotias, Fab. Rbizopertba bifoveolata, Woll. — — pusilla, Fab. Hylurgus ligniperda, Fab. Stenoscelis hylastoides, Woll. Calandra oryzse, Linn. Otiorhynchus sulcatus, Fab. Araeocerus fasciculatus, De G. Curtomerus pilicornis, Steph. XXIV INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. Coptops bidens, Fab. Gnatbocerus cornutus, Fab. Thea variegata, Fab. Tribolium ferrugiueiim, Fab. Alphitobius diaperinus, Kugel. Tenebrio obscurus, Fab. piceus, Oliv. The above statistics of the Coleopterous fauna of St. Helena I believe to embodj^ what was exactly true up to the date of our arrival, on the 4th of September 1875. Having had some experience in the extreme poverty of oceanic islands, particularly those which are small and unusually remote, I did not anticipate even at first that we should more than perhaps double the number of the species which were already placed on record ; vet, considering how large a proportion of the 96 which had then been ascertained to occur were more or less cosmopolitan ones, introduced either through the medium of commerce or else along with consignments of plants, I undoubtedly felt that so isolated and curious a flora as that of St. Helena, although rapidly becoming extinct, ought certainly to have, even yet, a suffi- ' cient train of Coleopterous attendants to enable us to extend the catalogue to at least 200 members. And, moreover, I had published my conviction, over and over again, that the principal groups which were destined to figure in the fauna, and that too (in all probability) to an anomalous extent, were the Cossonideous ones around Micro- xylohius and the Anthribideous ones which are embraced in my two genera Notioxenus and Homoeodera. How far these predictions have been verified a single glance at the list as it now stands wiU show ; for whilst the entire species have been increased from 96 to 203, the Cossonids have risen from 15 to 56, and the Anthribids from 10 to 27. And yet, in spite of this, I do not believe that we have even now by any means exhausted those particular types of Coleopterous life, but that future explorations wiU tend still to augment them — if not considerably, at any rate to an appreciable extent ; for the extravagance of the external contour of some of them speaks (at all events to my mind) of links, either present or past, which are to a certain extent intermediate, — some few of which can scarcely fail to linger on, in various distant spots, more or less difficult of access, which our six months' sojourn in the island did not suffice for us to investigate. Indeed, although by far the most extensively represented, the arborescent Composites are not the only trees which have a fauna of their own ; there is that of the tree ferns and of the Dijjlazium, which (although restricted) seems to be of surpassing interest, and even that of the Solanaceous Mellissia hegonicefolia (or native " box- INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. XXV wood "), which, however small, is by no means to be despised. Then, the Franlcenia portulaccefolia — a peculiar and wiry little shrub which bears the local appellation of " the St.-Helena tea," and which still exists, I believe, on Sandy-Bay Barn — has not been so much as glanced at ; whilst there is every reason to suspect that the island " ebony " and " redwood " must have nourished many a lignivorous and foliage-loving parasite which, since the unfortunate annihilation of those interesting members of the vegetable kingdom, has been wholly exterminated, — numbered now amongst the organisms of the past. Whether the unique but insignificant Microxylohius West- woodii, which eluded our researches altogether, belongs in reality to the list of recently extinguished forms, is a problem which has yet to be solved. I may just add, that in the catalogue which I have given at the end of this volume the names of those species which I have every reason to suspect may have belonged to the aboriginal fauna of the island are printed in italics. COLEOPTEEA SANCM-HELENJl. Sectio 1. GEODEPHAGA. Fam. 1. CARABID^. Genus 1. HAPLOTHORAX. Waterhouse, Tram. Ent. Soc. Lond. iii. 207 [script. Aplothorax] (1841). 1. Haplothorax Burchellii. H. S ovato-elongatus, ater, nitidus ; capite prothoraceque elongatis et subtilissime ina;qualiter punctulatis, hoc ante medium facile rotundato, postice paulum angustiore, angulis posticis obtusis ; elytris valde elongato-ovatis (antice gradatim consjjicue angusti- oribus), depressiusculis, pone scutellum transversim impressis, sutura (prsesertim pone medium) subcarinulato-elevata, dense punctate- (aut subcrenato-) striatis, interstitiis parum elevatis et leyiter transversim imbricatis ; antennis pedibusque valde elon- gatis, iUarum articulis ulterioribus fuscescentioribus ac magis pu- bescentibus ; tibiis posterioribus obsolete subflexuosis, intermediis versus apicem extus et intus, sed posticis per partem longiorem intus, fulvo-pilosis ; tarsis longissimis, auticis subtus fulvo-setosis. 5 subopaca ; prothorace sensim breviore et magis cordate, so. antice subito latioro et postice magis angustato, ad latera subar- gutius filo-marginato, angulis posticis vix minus rotundatis; elytris minutius punctato-striatis sed interstitiis grossius distinctiusque transversim imbricato-rugatis, imbrieationibus — e. g. in interstitiis gtio g^ "j-mo (angustioribus) et praescrtim in ll""" (latiore) — in tuber- cula saepe transientibus ; tibiis posterioribus rectis et solum in parte brevi externa (ante angulum externum) intermediarum breviter fulvo-pubescentibus. Long. Corp. lin. 14—15. Aplotborax Burchellii, Wuterh., I. c. pi. 12. f. 1 a841). Haplothorax Burchellii, Woll, Ann. Nat. Hist. iv. 303 (1869), , Melliss, St. Hel. 137, pi. 23. f. 1 (1875). Habitat sub lapidibus in aridis subeditioribus, versus borealem in- sulae ; rarissimus. B 2 CARABIDtE. This noble Carabideous insect is the largest of the St.-Helena Coleoptera which has hitherto been detected ; and there cannot be the slightest question that it is one of the most strictly aboriginal members of the fauna. At some remote period it may very possibly have been abundant ; but at the present time it is, without doubt, of extreme rarity, — appearing, moreover, to be confined to the northern division of the island, about the plains of Longwood and Deadwood (once a dense forest of the fast-disappearing Commidendron rohiistum, DC), as well as on the arid and weather-beaten slopes of Flagstaff Hill. It is highly probable that our researches for the Haj^hthorax were not pursued at the proper season of the year ; but we were totally unable to meet with more than its dead and mutilated remains, — which, however, were far from uncommon beneath large stones, on (and near) the extreme summit of Flagstaff, where the broken frag- ments have likewise been found by Mr. N. Janisch and Mr. P. Whitehead. Indeed, so numerous occasionally are the portions of this fine Carabid at some distance below the surface of the parched and dusty soil, beneath the detached masses of tlie scoriaceous basalt, that it has been suggested by Mr. P. Whitehead that they may perhaps have been carried thither by the field-mice, within what certainly appeared to be the holes of which they seemed to have mysteriously accumulated ; and I cannot but think that this explanation of a problem which might otherwise have been difficult is by no means an unlikely one. In his original diagnosis of the insect, Mr. Waterhouse did not appear to be aware of the superficial characters which render the sexes of the H. Burclielln so dissimilar from each other that at first sight they might well-nigh be mistaken for separate species. Although I possess the mere remains only of what I conclude to be the female, yet I think there can be so little doubt that it is (truly) the female sex of the H. Burchellii, and not an additional closely- allied member of the same group, that I have had no hesitation in treating it as such ; so that, assuming my conjecture to he a correct one, I may just mention that that sex differs from the male in being opaque (instead of shining), in having its prothorax a little shorter and more cordate (it being more suddenly widened in front, and therefore more narrowed behind), in its elytra being more minutely punctate- striate (both the punctures and the strise being very much finer), but with their interstices, on the other hand, more coarsely and roughly imbricated, and in its four posterior tibia? being straighter CARABIDvE. O and (if we except a comparatively short space on the outer edge of the intermediate pair at some distance from the angle) apparently- free from the fringes of fulvescent setiB which are so conspicuous in the male, — not only on the inside and outside of the middle ones, but on the inside of the hinder pair also. These tibial fringes are curiously suggestive of what is so marked a feature in certain of the Canarian and Madeiran Calathi. Genus 2. CALOSOMA. Weber, Obs. Ent. 20 (1801> 2. Calosoma helense. C. nigrum, subopacum ; capite prothoraceque irregulariter punctatis, hoc parvo, transverse subquadrato, antice ad latera valde rotun- dato, augulis posticis productis sed obtusis, utrinque intra angulos posticos late sed prof undo impresso ; elytris profuude subcrenato- striatis, interstitiis a^qualiter subcostato-elevatis ac transversim imbricate -rugatis, punctis maguis plus minus seuescentibus vel cuprescentibus in triplici serie notatis ; autennis pedibusque nigris, illarum articulis 7 ulterioribus picescentioribus ac magis pubes- centibus. Mas plerumque vix minor, pedibus subcrassioribus, tibiis posterio- ribus (priEsertim intennediis) conspicue curvatis, tarsis anticis late dilatatis. Fcem. plerumque vix major, pedibus subgracilioribus, tibiis inter- mediis leviter *curvatis, posticis fere (sed baud omnino) rectis, tarsis anticis simplicibus. Var. (i. Jialir/eiut, "Woll. Supra j)lus minus obscure asneum. Long. corp. lin. 8-11. Calosoma Heleufe, Hope, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. ii. 130 (1838). lialigena, Woll, Journ. of Ent. i. 208 (1861). , Id., Ann. Nat. Hist. iv. 303 (1869). et Helenas, Id., ibid. viii. 412 (1871). et , Melliss, St. Ilel. 137, 138, pi. 23 i. 2 (1375). Habitat in intermediis editioribusque insula;, a circa 1600' s. m, usque ad summos monies ascendens. Sub lapidibiis in grami- nosis apertis prsecipue abundat. In a paper on St.-Helena Coleoptera, published in 1861, 1 described this Calosoma as new, under the name of " C. Jialigena," seeing that Mr. Hope's diagnosis of his C. Helena; certainly did not altogether qiiadrate with the example (obtained by the late Mr. Bewicte) which was then before me. And even now the same difficulty exists ; for Mr. Hope speaks of the intermediate tibiae alone a.s in- B 2 4 CAHABlU.i:. curved, and ot the elytra as being simply subrtujose, instead of trans- versely imbricated in a most coarse and conspicuous manner. Never- theless, from a careful observation in situ, I am so persuaded that there is only a single Calosoma in St. Helena — which varies in colour from deep black (the asserted hue of the C. helence) to a distinctly brassy tinge (which principally obtains in the normal individuals of m-^ C. haligena) — that I feel no hesitation whatever in attributing the few points of discrepancy in Mr. Hope's description to a mere want of precision, or inaccuracy ; and I have therefore adopted his title for the species, and made my own expressive of the (equally common) senescent state, — cited as the " var. fi. haligena." The present Calosoma is very widely spread over the intermediate and lofty elevations of St. Helena, ascending from about 1600 feet above the sea to nearly the highest part of the central ridge, — in "which latter district it is more particularly common. Mr. P. White- head, however, meets with the brassy form (or "var. ft. haligena ") in great profusion at Woodcot ; and we also (in conjunction wdth Mr. Gray) obtained it around Plantation and elsewhere ; but I think the darker state is perhaps the more general of the two in the loftier altitudes, — where we used constantly to meet with it crawling rapidly across the road, particularly during the season of haymaking, when the grassy slopes immediately adjoining had been disturbed. In such situations towards Casons, High Peak, and West Lodge it was often quite abundant — far more so than on Stitch's Eidge and in the direction of Diana's Peak. The C. helencn seems to belong to the same type as the African species senegalense and rugosum, from the former of which it is nevertheless conspicuously different. From the latter (to which it is far more closely allied) it recedes in being more depressed, and in having its metallic punctures smaller, in its prothorax being more deeply rugose before and behind, and in its legs being less robust. The pile, also, on the underside of its feet is very much softer, — being, in fact, fine hairs instead of stiff bristles. As above implied, it appears to be either black or else of a dull brassy tinge, — the one shading off inperceptibly into the other ; and its males have their four posterior tibiae rather powerfully curved, whilst in the opposite sex the hinder ones are very nearly straight, and even the middle pair but slightly bent inwards. CARABlDiE. 5 Genus 3. PEISTONYCHUS. Dejean, Spec, des Col. iii. 43 (1828). 3. Pristonychus complanatus. P. subovato-elongatus, valde alatns, uiger sed (saltern in elytris) obsolete subcyanescens, fere impunctatus ; cajiite prothoraceque nitidis, illo antice longitiidinaliter bifoveolato, hoc subquadrato- cordato (postice angustiore) angulis posticis subrectis prominulis utrinque ad basin late subpunctato-foveolato ; elytris depressis, minus nitidis (sc. subtilissime alutaceis), striatis (striis minute et plus minus obsolete crenulatis) ; antennis pedibusque paulo pices- ceutioribus, illarum articulis 8 ulterioribus dilutioribus ac magis pubescentibus. Mas tarsis anticis leviter dilatatis. Long. Corp. lin. 6-7. Pristonychus complanatus, Dej.., I. c. 58 (1828). alatus, Wall., Ins. 3Iad. 27. complanatus, Id., Col. All. 27 (1865). Laemosthenes complanatus, Harold, Cat. Col. 356 (18G8). Pristonychus complanatus, Woll.,Ann. Nat, Hist. iv. 305 (1869). , Melliss, St. Hel. 138 (1875). Habitat in intermediis, inter 1500' et 2000' s. m. prsecipue abundans. Sub lapidibus degit, neenon in fissuris terroe ad latera viarum. The widely-spread P. complanatus, which is particularly charac- teristic of Mediterranean latitudes (having been recorded from Por- tugal, Spain, the south of France, Sardinia, Italy, Sicily, Egypt, Barbary, &c., and which is common in the Azorean, Madeiran, and Canarian archipelagos), is extremely abundant in the intermediate districts of St. Helena, — ranging principally from about 1500 to 2000 feet above the sea. Indeed it has all the appearance of being truly indigenous, though there is far more probability in the idea that it was originally introduced and has since become thoroughly natura- lized. On the barren slopes below High Knoll (where it was taken in profusion by Mr. Gray under stones) it is very plentiful during the spring and early summer ; and we found it equally general around Plantation, particularly' in the crevices of the soil, and loose friable rock, left exposed by the cuttings of the roads ; and it has been met with in considerable numbers by Mr. P. Whitehead at Woodcot. Genus 4. BEMBIDIUM. Latreille, Hist. Nnt. viii. 221 (1804). The Bembidia of St. Helena are all of them most charactei'istic and manifestly aboriginal, forming a little geographical assemblage b CARABID^. of the utmost interest. In point of importance, indeed, they are scarcely inferior to the members of even the Cossonideous and An- thribideous groups ; and the modus vivendi of at least half of them, within the damp and rotting stems of the dead tree-ferns on the most elevated ridges of the island, invests them with a significance which it is hardly possible to overrate. We may be pretty sure that there are many still to be discovered ; yet the detection already of no less than twelve (in every instance most wonderfully distinct inter se) will be admitted to be a large number for an area so small, isolated, and remote *. The St.-Helena Bemhidia may be said to range themselves under at least three types (if not indeed four), — only one of which (and that represented by a single member) is, as regards its habits and structure (immediately apparent in its largely developed wings and eyes), in any respect European. That one is the B. Mellissii, the only species out of the twelve which has not remained until now absolutely unnamed, — it having been described by myself in 1869. Yet even the B. Mellissii I believe to be peculiar to St. Helena ; though in its mode of life it is strictly a mwc^-loving species (falling into Dejean's well-known section Notaphus), and one which occurs at an inter- mediate rather than at a lofty elevation, — having nothing about it of the fern-infesting tendencies and apterous condition which impart so anomalous a feature to most of the other forms. The second type (which, together with the third, is wingless) is embodied in Avhat at present is a unique example, which was cap- tured by myself from within a putrid tree fern on the highest central ridge, and which has much the primd facie aspect of a minute Platif- derus, — the strongly defined angles of the prothoracic base and of the humeral region of its elytra, in conjunction with its large prothorax, its pale castaneous hue, and the comparative robustness of its limbs, calling to mind at first sight some of the smaller members of that grcmp. * lu the Azorean archipelago (composed of nine widely scattered islands) only 4 members uf the Bembidia have liitherto been brought to light. Eut iu the five islands of the much better-explored Madeiran Group, 10 are recorded ; and at the Canaries (made up oi' seven large islands, the higliest of which attains an elevation of no less than 12,000 feet) there are 14 (only 7 of which, however, are peculiar) ; whilst in the Cape Verdes (where the number of the islands is ten) merely 5 have yet been found. From which it would appear that the one little rock of St. Helena is (in pi'oportion to its size) far better stocked with Bemhidia than any of the more n(jrtliern clusters, — even the Canaries (vvitii their vast superficial area, and great \aricty of districts) exceeding it only by two exponents ! CARABID^. 7 The third department into which the Bemhidia of St. Helena separate themselves is not only the most significant geographically, but, as regards the number of its exponents, by far the most exten- sive ; and there can be little doubt that a continued research in the higher regions of the island would yet bring to light others (though perhaps only a few) which we failed to secure. They are all of them apterous, and found on the lofty central ridge characterized by the presence of the tree ferns and of the various arborescent Coni- positce ; and although four (namely the B. nubigena, Graycmuiu, suhlimbatum, and treclioides) occur generally under pieces of wood and sodden leaves, the greater number are more evidently at home within the old and decomposed stems of the former, — existing not merely beneath the outer fibre, but far in the interior, so that they can only be obtained by breaking open the trunks and shaking out their loose friable contents. The emphatically fern- infesting ones of these species (which might almost be looked upon as representing a. fourth type, Endosomatium, Woll.) have their structure more con- spicuously in accordance with their darkling mode of life, — the enor- mous eyes, largely developed wings, and thin cursorial legs of the genuine Bemhidia being replaced by eyes of a reduced pattern (fre- quently very minute), a body totally apterous, and limbs shorter and more fossorial or robust, — the antennae moreover being moniliform, rather than filiform ; and in the last four of this group {which I wovM regard as especiaUg typical) the elytra are provided with a deep sutural stria. But, taTceti as a whole, the essential feature of this third division consists chiefly in the respective bases of the pro- thorax and elytra {particidarly, however, the former) being much rounded off, so that any thing like angles, properly so called, is barely traceable. The following Table will be of service in grouping the twelve species, and in rendering their determination practically easy : — A. Corptis alatiim ; octiNs maxiinis, prominenttbus. Mellissii Notaphus, BeJ. AA. Corpus apteruni ; ociilis minoribus, interdum miniitissimis. a. prothorax postice,et (inimis) elytra antice, anyulata. platyderoides Apteko jiimus, WoU. aa. prothorax postice, et (inimis) elytra antice, rotundata. /3. antemm Jiliformes Pseudophilocthus, WoU. nubigena, Grayanum, subliuibatuiii, trecluiides. CARABID^. /3/3. antenna moniliformes Endosomatium, Woll. y. elytra (cqiialiter striata. 8. caput magnum, grosse hmdcatum. megalops. 8S. caput minus. dicksonise. yy. elytra stria suturali profundiore impressa. corpus pai-vum, phis minus jyictum aut suffusutn ; oailis parvis. rufosuffusum, gemmulipenne, fossor. corpus 7ninutissimum, pal/ichim ; oculis minutissimis. evanescens. A, Corpus alatum ; oculis maximis, prominentihus. (Subgenus Notaphus, Dej.) 4. Bembidium Mellissii. B. oblongum, subopacum, alutaceum ; capite prothoraceque viridi- nigris et subaeneo tinctis, hoc parvo,brevi, subcordato, utrinque mox intra anguloa posticos (acutiusculos, prominulos) profunde impresso (impressione extus costiila brevi terminata) ; elytris depressius- culis, profunde striato-punctulatis, lurido-testaceis sed fasciis ma- culisve plurimis longitudinalibus disjunctis nigrescentibus ornatis ; antennis pedibusque gracilibus, testaceo-piceis, illis versus apicem femoribusque obscurioribus. Mas tarsorum anticorum art" basilar! valde dilatato, ovali, atque otiam longiusculo. Long, Corp. lin. circa 2. Bembidium INIellissii, Woll, An7i. Nat. Hist. iv. 305 (1869). , Melliss, St. Hel. 138 (1875j. Habitat in humidis lutosis intermediis ; ad Woodcot (circa 1500' 8. m.) a Dom. P. Whitehead copiose repertum. As already stated, the present Bembidium is the only one out of the twelve which have hitherto been detected at St. Helena which is strictly on an ordinary European type, — the largeness of its wings and eyes, and its thin cursorial legs, marking it out as a normal member of the group, whilst its manifest affinity with such species as the varium and flammulatum will assign it at once to that par- ticular section for which Dejean proposed the generic name of Notaplms. There is no fear of confounding it with any of the remainder : for, in addition to its structural differences just pointed out, it may immediately be known by its dull brassy-green head and CARABID^. 9 prothorax, and its lurid testaceous elytra ; the last of which, how- ever, are ornamented with a number of darker patches and subcon- fluent longitudinal spots. Its striae are closely and conspicuously punctulated, and there are two very large punctiform impressions on the third interval from the suture. In the angles of the respective bases of its prothorax and elytra being sharply defined it recedes from all the other St.-Helena Bembidia except the B. platyderoides ; nevertheless its enormous eyes and wings, and wiry cursorial legs, in conjunction with its small short prothorax and almost every other detail, will remove it directly from the latter. When I enunciated this Bembidium in 1869, the only two examples of it which I had seen were taken by Mr. Melliss — though as he had unfortunately preserved no note concerning their exact habitat, I think perhaps that some little qualification may be necessary as to his after-remark {I. c. p. 138), that it was " taken from the high land " (that is to say, if that term be restricted, as I imagine it ought to be, to the lofty central ridge). Although it is one of the few species obtained by Mr. MeUiss which I failed myself to meet with personally, yet its frequent capture by Mr. P. White- head in the vicinity of Woodcot, at an elevation of some 1.500 feet above the sea, added to its total want of affinity with the remark- able forms which exist amongst the tree ferns and cabbage trees on the high backbone of the island, are more than sufficient to satisfy me that it is an insect of a strictly intermediate range, and such as might properly be sought for about the Plantation district and else- where in that neighbourhood. AA. Corpus apterum ; ocidis minoribiis, interdum minutissimis. (Subgenus Apteromimus, Woll.) 5. Bembidium platyderoides, n, sp, B. parallelo-oblongum, subnitidum, laete inifo-castaneum ; capite prothoraceque longiusculis, illo semi-ovato oeulis minutissimis, hoc magno convexo cordato-quadrato, utrinque intra angulos posticos(subrectos) profunde et late impress© : elytris subparallelis, basi recte truncatis, ad latera grosse margiuatis, profunde sub- crenulato-striatis, postice gradatim vix clarioribus ; antennis, palpis, pedibusque robustis, infuscate testaceis. Mas tarsorum anticorum art" basilari valde dilatato, obtriangulari- quadrato. Long. Corp. lin. 2. 10 CARABIDiE, Habitat ad montes humidos excelsos, intra truncum Diclcsonioe arhorescentis putresceiitem a meipso semel lectum. The unique example of the very singular Bembidium which I have above enunciated was taken by myself from the interior of the fibrous stem of a rotten tree fern obtained near Diana's Peak on the lofty central ridge ; and there can be no doubt that the species which it represents is of the utmost rarity. It is totally distinct from the whole of the ten following members of the genus, — more particularly in its parallel and somewhat elongated outline, and in the respective bases of its prothorax and elytra having their angles (instead of being rounded-oiF) sharply defined ; and it is further remarkable for the largeness of its cordato-quadrate, ante- riorly convex prothorax, for the extreme minuteness of its eyes, for the comparative robustness of its limbs, and for its well-nigh con- colorous reddish-castaneous hue, — the antennae and legs, however, being testaceous. Like all the St.-Helena Bembidia excej)t the B. MeUlssii, it is apterous. (Subgenus Pseudophilocthus, Woll.) 6. Bambidium nubigeni, n. sp. B. oblongum, nigrum sed obsoletissime subpiceo tinctum ; capite prothoraceque subopacis, illo leviter et late bifoveolato, hoc sub- rotundato, postice obsolete bifoveolato ; elytris ovalibus, profunde et grosse striatis, interstitio tertio punctis binis magnis notato, ante apicem fascia dentata obscura lurido-testaceji ornatis ; an- tennis pedibusque elongatis, illis palpisque rufo-testaceis sed al apicem obscurioribus, his rufo-piceis. Mas tarsorum anticorum art° basilari dilatato. Long. corp. lin. 2|-vix 3. Habitat in excelsioribus centralibus insulse, sub foliis marcidis trun- cisque Dichsonice emortuis humi jacentibus ; rarissimum. This is the largest of the St.-Helena Bembidia, and one which there can be little doubt is extremely rare, — the only two examples which I have seen having been taken on the lofty central ridge, on the ascent of the peak known as Actaeon. They were found beneath the damp and rotten stems of tree ferns, though whether they were in any way connected with those particular plants (like so many of the other species) 1 have no means of ascertaining. CARABIDJt. 11 Apart from its rather large size and oblong outline, the B. nubi- gena may be recognized by its black surface (which has, however, an obsolete pice^ent tinge), — the ante-apical region of the elytra, alone, being ornamented with an obscure brownish-testaceous dentate, or zigzag, fascia. Its prothorax is much rounded, and has a very indistinct fovea on either side behind ; and its elytra (which are rather convex) are very deeply and coarsely striated (the striae being broad, but simple) ; and there are two large and conspicuous punc- tures on the third interval from the suture. 7. Bembidium Grayanum, n. sp. B. oblongo-ellipticum, nitidum, nigrum ; capite profuude bifoveo- lato ; prothorace subrotundato, postice gradatim rotundate an- gustulo et obsolete bifoveolato ; elytris obovatis (sc. antice rotun- date latiusculis, postice subattenuatis), profuude striatis, interstitio tertio punctis binis parvis indistinctis notato, maculis parvis angustis longitudinalibus (extus ante apicem confluente majoribus, necnon apicem ipsum omuino tegentibus) lurido-testaceis ornatis ; antennis pedibusque elongatis, gracilibus, illis palpisque rufo- testaceis sed ad apicem obscurioribus, his rufo-piceis, tarsis (gra- cillimis) dilutioribus. ^ Mas tarsorum anticorum art" basilar! dilatato. Long. Corp. lin. 2-2|. Habitat in locis similibus ac prsecedens, regiones Dicksonice et Com- jpositarum arbol'cscentium humidas excelsas colons. Ohs. — Species in honorem amici John Gray, qui in ins. Sancta?- Helenae una cum meipso Coleoptera diligentissime collegit, ob gratias mihi oblatas dicata. Although by no means common, this is perhaps the most general of the St.-Heleua Bemhidia, — occurring on the high central ridge (about Diana's Peak and Actseon), beneath damp pieces of wood and sodden leaves ; and I have much pleasure in naming it after my worthy friend and fellow-worker, John Gray, by whom indeed it was originally detected, and whoso careful researches amongst the Coleoptera during tho first month of our sojourn in the island added so many species to our then incipient, but rapidly increasing list. Although the largest of the St.-Helena Bemhidia with the excep- tion of the B. nuhigena, the B. Grayanum is nevertheless very much smaller than that species ; and, although equally black as regards its ground-colour, its elytra are more or less ornamented Avith a 12 CARABID.E. number of longitudinal lurid-testaceous spots, — which are generally subconfluent towards the outer edge, particularly (so as to shape out two larger patches) at a little distance behind the a\)ex (the apex itself being wholly testaceous). Its forehead is more distinctly bi- foveolated than in either the preceding species or the following one ; its prothorax is very much rounded off behind ; its elytra, which are obovate (or somewhat widened in front and subattenuated pos- teriorly), are deeply striate, neither the stria), however, nor the two impressions on the third interval being quite so coarse as in the B. nuhiijena ; its limbs, especially the antennae and feet, are long and slender ; and its whole surface is glossy and shining, 8. Bembidium sublimbatum, n, sp. B. ovali-oblongum, subnitidum, nigrum sed saepius obsoletissime subvirescenti tinctum ; capite fere integro (aut obsoletissime bi- foveolato) ; prothorace regulariter rotundato-ovali, convexo, postice fere integro ; elytris ovalibus, leviter striatis (striis versus latera ctiam subevanescentibus), interstitio tertio punctis binis magnis notato, in limbo (praesertim ad humeros) subnxfes^centi-dilutioribus uecnon utrinque ante apicem macula obscura subrotundata lateral! lurido-testacea ornatis ; antennis pedibusque gracilibus, illis (art° ^ basilari rufo-testaceo excepto) palpisque piceo-fuscis, his rufo-piceis. Mas tarsorum anticorum art" basilari dilatato. Long. Corp. lin. circa 2. Habitat locos editiores versus occidentalem insulae ; ad rupes prae- ruptas excelsas mox supra " West Lodge," sub foliis lignoque antique, inter arbusculas Asteris gummiferi, Februario ineunte, a meipso captum. The only spot in which I have met with this extremely rare Bembidium is towards the western extremity of the great central ridge, immediately above the hoxise known as West Lodge, — where, early in February, I took it, on two or three occasions, at the very edge of the tremendous precipice which overlooks the Sandy- Bay crater. It was found beneath damp wood, leaves, and sticks, amongst shrubs of the Aster gummiferus and common gorse ; and, although it may perhaps be more plentiful on the perfectly inacces- sible Aster-clothed slopes below (extending from thence to High Peak), my utmost endeavours enabled me to secure only eight or nine specimens ; though as both sexes are well represented, this is more than sufficient for all practical purposes. In its general outline and dark hue the B. si(blimhaiu7n has CARABIU.E. 13 somewhat ih.6 prima facie appearance of what we might suppose to be a very dwarfed state of the B. nuhigeaa ; nevertheless, apart from its being very considerably smaller and more shining, its Hmbs are relatively shorter and thinner ; its head and prothorax (which are still less bifoveolated, being in fact almost quite simple or entire, and the latter of which is appreciably more oval) have frequently a faint greenish tinge ; and its elytra are less deeply striate, — the outer striae indeed being even subevanescent. Moreover the obscure ornamentation of its elytra is totally different ; for (in lieu of the single, dentate, subapical fascia of that species) their external edge, or limbus, is, particularhj at the shoulders, suffused with a reddish, or reddish-testaceous, hue ; and there is also an obscure, somewhat rounded, dixsky-yellow, isolated, sublateral patch on either side immediately behind the apex. 9. Bembidium trechoides, n. sp. B. ovali-oblongum, nitidissimum, aut nigrum aut picescens ; capite parvulo, distincte bifoveolato, oculis parvis ; prothorace subrotun- dato, postice breviter bifoveolato necnon in medio subemarginato- truncato ; elytris ovalibus, striatis (striis versus latera levioribus ac interdum obsolete subpunctulatis), interstitio tertio punctis binis parvis notato, ad humeros macula indistincta (saepe omnino obsoleta) necnon ante apicem altera majore laterali, lurido-testaceis, ornatis ; antennis pedibusque gracilibus, illis (art" basilar! rufo- testaceo excepto) palpisque piceo-fuscis, his piceo-testaceis. Mas tarsorum anticorum art° basilari leviter dilatato. Long. Corp. lin. 1^. Habitat humidos, inter Compositas arborescentes ac Dicksoniam, in editioribus insulae, baud infrequens. This Bemhiditim is somewhat on the same type as the B. siiblimbatnm ; but it is very much smaller and a little more shining, and has its limbs relatively slenderer, its eyes are proportionately more minute, its frontal and prothoracic foveae (the latter of which are greatly ab- breviated) are more distinct, its prothorax is more truncated (and even subemarginate) in the centre behind, and its elytra (the two punctures of which, on the third interval, are much less conspicuous) are not quite so convex, and (while possessing the same kind of sublateral ante- apical blotch on either side posteriorly) are free from a decidedly rufescent limbus, but have often a very obscure patch (in many specimens completely obsolete) at the shoulders. It is only on the lofty central ridge that I have observed the B. 14 CAllABlDyE. trechoides, — where, however, in damp places generally, amongst the cabbage trees and tree ferns, it is not particularly uncommon, on the densely-covered slopes about Acta^on and Diana's Peak ; but I did not meet with it in the more western and rather less elevated parts towards High Peak and West Lodge, where the B. mbUmhatum would seem to occur. (Subgenus Endosomatium, ^Yoll.) 10. Bemhidiuin megalops, n. sp. B. ovali-ellipticum, subnitidum, aut nigrum aut piceo-nigrum necnon obsoletissime subsenescens ; capite (in utroque sexu) magno, valde profunde et latissime longitudinaliter bisulcato (regione centrali, inter sulcos, ovali elevata) ; prothorace subtriangulari (sc. postice gradatim angustato et subattenuato), postice distincte bifoveolato ; elytris obovatis, convexis, profunde grosse ot aequaliter striatis, interstitio tertio punctis binis notato, maculis parvis plurimis longi- tudinalibus lurido-testaceis ornatis ; antennis pedibusque subro- bustis, illis (art" basilari rufo-testaeeo excepto) palpisque piceis, his piceo-testaceis. Mas tarsorum anticorum art° basilari leviter dilatato. Long. Corp. lin. circa Ig. Habitat truncos DicJcsonice arborescentis, humidos, emortuos, putridos ; in editioribus parcissime degens. The enlarged, deeply bisulcated head (in both sexes) of this sin- gular Bembidium, added to its obtriangular prothorax and obovate, convex, and very coarsely and regularly striated elytra, which are ornamented with a number of small longitudinal lurid-testaceous spots, will sufficiently distinguish it. Like the five following species (though less decidedly so than the last four of them), its antennae are somewhat short, robust, and moniliform, rather than long and filiform ; and its legs are also less slender than in the normal members of the genus ; but its eyes, though smaU, are not actually minute. In the few specimens which I have seen, there is a faint senescent tinge. It is only within the damp and rotten stems of the old tree ferns that I have observed the B. megalops ; and as I merely obtained three examples, it may be presumed to be of the greatest rarity. They were aU found on the lofty, densely -wooded central ridge, in the neighbourhood of Actseon and Diana's Peak. CARABID^. 15 11. Bembidium dicksoniae, n. sp. B. ovale, subnitidum, aut piceum aut nigrum ; capite fere iiitegro ; prothorace angustiilo, obtriangulari, fere integro, postice in medio truncate ; elytris ovalibus, convexis, striatis (striis versus latera punctulatis), interstitio tertio punctis binis notato, maeulis pluri- mis plus minus confluentibus aut suflFusis ocbreo-testaceis ornatis ; antennis (art° basilari piceo-testaceo excepto) palpisque faeco- piceis, pedibus rufo-piceis. Mas tarsorum anticorum art" basilari teviter dilatato'. Long. Corp. lin. circa 1. Habitat editiores insula;, in truncis emortuis DicJcsonice arborescentis degens. The modus vivendi of this Bembidium is precisely similar to that of the preceding and four following ones, — it having been obtained from the interior of the damp fibrous stems of the dead tree ferns on the high central ridge in -the vicinity of Diana's Peak. It is without doubt extremely rare; nevertheless I met with 17 examples of it, from first to last, by bringing away portions of the old Dicksonias and breaking them up carefuUy, at home, into small fragments, over a white cloth, — which embodies a far more successful method for securing these Filicophilous Coleoptera than by examining the trunks hastily in situ. In its general coloration the present Bembidium has a good deal in common with the B. megalops ; nevertheless it is considerably smaller, and its head is not only not enlarged but also very nearly simple (there being no traces of the two deep longitudinal furrows, and somewhat raised central space, which are so conspicuous in that species). Its prothorax (although on the wbole obtriangular) is, in proportion, appreciably narrower, and weU-nigh free from hinder fovese ; and its elytra are less coarsely striated (the outer striae, more- over, being perceptibly punctate), and have their numerous patches relatively larger and of a more ochreous yellow, as well as (often) more confluent and suffused. Its head and prothorax are but seldom completely black (being more frequently piceous-black, or even piceous) ; and I cannot detect any senescent tinge on their surface. 12. Bembidium rufosuffusum, n. sp. B. oblongum, angustulum, nitidum, nigrum (rarius piceo-nigrum) ; capite broviter bifoveolato ; prothorace sub-obtriangulari, convexo, postice brevissime bifoveolato (fovcolis fere punctiformibus) ; ely- 16 CARABID.t:. tris suboblongis, fortiter striato-punctafcis (striis postice et versus latera evanescentibus, seel stria suturali profunda integra), inter- stitio tertio punctis biuis (anteriore indistincto) notato, antice plus minus late et laete rufo-testaceo-suffusis, postice inaequaliter piceo-nigris ; antennis pedibusque (praecipue tarsis) brevibus, ro- bustis, illis valde moniliformibus piceo-brunneis, ad basin palpisque clarioribus, bis testaceis. Jf(fiP tarsorum anticorum art" basilari vix (i.e. levissime) dilatato. Long. Corp. lin. circa g. Habitat in locis similibus ac prsecedens, sub truncis Dicksonice arbo- rescentis humidis putridis praecipue occurrens. Like its immediate allies, tbis little Bemhidium is of great rarity, and confined (so far as I bave observed) to tbe bigh central ridge, — where it occurs generally (thougb not always) beneath the moist stems of the rotten tree ferns about Diana's Peak and Actseon. I obtained, however, but 8 examples of it in all ; though a ninth, taken in the same district, has since been communicated by Mr. P. "Whitehead. The B. rufosuffusum is one of the smallest of the St.-Helena Bembidia ; and it may be known from the cognate species by its narrower and more oblong (or less rounded) outline ; by its elytra being brightly (though gradually) rufescent in fi'ont, but darker (though not quite uniformly so) behind, and with their striae strongly punctui'ed anteriorly, but vanishing posteriorly and at the sides, — excepting, however, the sutural one, which is deep and continuous*; and by its limbs being short and robust, the antennae especially having their joints abbreviated and moniliform. 13. Bembidium genmmlipeiine, n. sp. B. subovatum, nitidissimum, nigrum ; capite beviter bifoveolato ; pro- thorace subcordato, convexo, postice brevissime bifoveolato (foveo- lis fere punctiformibus) ; elj-tris rotundatis, valde convexis, grosse marginatis, esculpturatis, solum stria suturali profunda integra im- pressis, in loco interstitii tertii punctis binis obscuris indistincte notatis, maculis maximis duabus (una sc. basali et altera subapicali) plus minus distincte ornatis ; antennis pedibusque breviusculis, robustis, illis valde moniliformibus piceo-brunneis, ad basin palpisque clarioribus, his testaceis, tarsis subobscurioribus. Mas tarsorum anticorum art° basilari vix dilatato. Var. /3, elji^ris fere nigris, sc. macula basali omnino obsoleta, atque etiam subapicali obscura. * This character of a deep sutural stria is absent from the preceding mem- bers of the genus, but distinguishes the present one and the remaining three. CARABID.E. 17 Var. y, prothorace ruio-testaceo. Long. Corp. lin. ^-vix 1. Habitat humidos excelsos ; subligno marcido Comjiositarum et Dich- sonice parce deprehensum. A most extraordinary little Beinbidium, at once recognizable by the extreme roundness and convexity of its elytra and its highly polished snrface. The former, which have no appearance of sculp- ture except a deeply-impressed sutural line, are very broadly and coarsely margined ; and they are somewhat variable in colouring, — having either a large basal and ante-apical paler patch (occa- sionally so much developed as to be separated from each other by merely a suffused darker median band or space), or else (yar. /3) with the anterior blotch obsolete and even the hinder one not very con- spicuous, under which circumstances the elytra appear at first sight to be well-nigh black. Its prothorax also is liable to become paler, being now and then {yar. y) rufo-testaceous. Its limbs (the antenn;© of which are moniliform) are rather thick and robust ; and its pro- thorax, like the elytra, is very convex. Like most of its congeners the H. gemmidipenne is extremely rare, and confined to the densely-wooded ridges of a high elevation, — where we met with (from first to last) 16 examples of it, in the vicinity of Diana's Peak and Actaeon. Although taken occasionally within the rotten stems of the tree ferns, I think we found it quite as frequently beneath sticks and the fallen trunks of the cabbage trees, particularly in the dampest and most shady spots. 14. Bembidium fossor, n. sp. B. breve, convexum, nitidissimum, castaneum, immacjilatum ; capite distincte bifoveolato ; prothorace ovali, convexo, postice brevissime bifoveolato (foveolis distinetis punctiformibus) ; elytris obovatis basi subrecte truncatis, valde convexis, esculpturatis, solum stria suturali profunda postice subevanescente impressis, in loco inter- stitii tertii punctis binis parvis notatis ; antennis moniliformibus, piceo-brunneis, ad basin palpisque testaceis ; pedibus (praecipue posticis) brevibus et (praecipue anticis) robustis, clare rufo-piceis. Mas tarsorum anticorum art" basilari vix dilatato. Long. Corp. lin. vix 1. Habitat editiores sylvaticos, in trunco quodam antiquo Dicksonice arborescentis semel tantum repertum. With the exception of the B. evanescens, this is the smallest of the St.-Helena Bemhidia ; and it is perhaps the rarest of the whole of c 18 CARABIDiE. them, being hitherto unique. My example was taken by myself from the interior of the decayed stem of a tree fern, which I had brought away for after-examination from the vicinity of Diana's Peak. The B. fossor is one of the most peculiar of the species which have yet been brought to light, — its abbreviated form, extremely convex and highly polished surface, and its rich castaneous hue, added to its oboVate, almost uusculptured elytra (which are more straightly trun- cated at the base than in the allied species, and have merely a deeply impressed though posteriorly-evanescent sutural line), and (for a Bemidium) the shortness of its legs, particularly of the hinder pair, giving it a character which it is impossible to mistake. Its antennae (which are monihform) are not particularly robust, but its anterior legs are rather more so than usual, — being somewhat in accordance with its subfossorial, darkling mode of life. 15. Beinbidium evanescens, n. sp. B. oblongum, rufo-testaceum aut pallida ferrugineum, immaculatum ; capite prothoraceque nitidissimis, illo majusculo breviter bifoveo- lato oculis minutissimis, hoe cordato, postice fere integro ; elytris oblongis, paulo minus nitidis (sc. subalutaceis), grosse marginatis, stria suturali leviter impressis, in loco interstitii tertii pimctis binis parvis notatis, interdum in disco obscuratis sutura sensim pallidiore ; antennis pedibusque robustis, crassiusculis, illis moniliformibus palpisque infuscate testaceis, illis (priecipue tarsis) brevibus, testaceis. Mas tarsorum anticorum art" basilari leviter dilatato. Lon;. corp. lin. circa |. Habitat in excelsioribus insulce, in truncis emortuis marcidis DicTcsonice arborescentis praecipue latens. This is the most diminutive of the St.-Helena Bembidia, and one which may be known from its allies by its oblong outline, less con- vex body, and pale rufo-testaceous hue, — its elytra being merely at times a little infuscated on their disk, leaving the suture just per- ceptibly less darkened. In proportion to the smallness of its stature, its head is rather largely developed, though the eyes are extremely minute ; its prothorax is cordate, and almost free from hinder foveae ; and its elytra, which are a little less shining than the rest of the surface, are coarsely margined and provided only with a not very deep sutural line. Its limbs (for a Bembidium) are robust, the antennae being moniliform, and the legs (pai'ticularly the feet) somewhat shortened. SPH^RIDIID^,. 19 The B. evanescens is one of the most decidedly fern-infesting species of the whole, its very minute eyes and rather shortened powerful legs (in proportion to its bulk) being eminently in keeping with its modus vivendi—iax within the damp fibrous trunks of the dead tree ferns ; for although I have occasionally taken it on the under-surface of fallen stems, it is far more often to be found quite in the interior, where there caii be no doubt that it normally resides. Like the other members of the genus, it is rare ; nevertheless, I met with about two dozen examples of it, from first to last, — aU of which were obtained from the high central ridge, in the direction of Diana's Peak and Actaeon. Sectio 2. PHYLHYDRIDA. Fam. 2. SPHiERIDIID^. Genus 5. CYCLONOTUM. (Dejean) Erichs., Kiif. dcr. Mark Brand, i. 212 (1837). 16. Cyclonotum dytiscoides. C. " ferrugineum, elytris atris. Statura et magnitude Sphceridii scarahcBoides ; totum glabrum, nitidum. Antennae rufse, perfo- liatae. Caput, thorax, pectus, abdomen rufa ; elytra atra, glabra." [Ex Fahricio.] Sphaeridium dytiscoides, Fab., Si/st. Ent. 67 (1775). , Oliv., Ent. 2. 15, t. 2. f. 10 (1790). , Fah., Syst. Eleu. i. 94 (1801). , Wull, Ann. Nat. Hid. iv. 306 (1869). Cyclonotum dytiscoides, Id., ibid. ix. 114, note (1872). Sphseridium dytiscoides, Melliss, St. Hel. 139 (1875). Habitat " in ins. St. Helena?. Mas. Dom. Banks."^ [sec. Fabricius, A.D. 1775.] It is with some hesitation that I assign a place to this insect in our present volume ; for although it was originally described by Fabricius from a professedly St.-Helena example in the collection of the late Sir Joseph Banks, we have but too good evidence con- cerning the extreme inaccuracy of many of the habitats which were cited about that period ; whilst the fact that the species in question occurs at the Cape of Good Hope would perhaps (in the absence of all traces of it now in the island) favour the idea that material from the latter locality may have been inadvertently mixed up with that c 2 20 SPHi*:RIDIID/E. from St. Helena. Still, this is but conjecture ; and it is far from impossible that it may have been accidentally imported from the Cape (along, perhaps, with consignments of plants), and have since died out ; or, on the other hand, that it may still exist by the edges of some of -the streams or watercourses, and have escaped our notice. At any rate, I do not see that we have any right to refuse it admission, though I may entertain my private doubts as to its real St.-Helena claims. Perhaps some future collector may yet bring the species to light, in which case the desirability of having acknowledged it now will at once become apparent. The C. dytiscoides was quoted by Fabricius as a Splioiridimn ; and in an article on St.-Helena Coleoptera in 1869 I accordingly entered it as such, being totally ignorant of what the species really was. Nevertheless I expressed my belief (judging from the short published diagnosis, and from the rough figure of it given by Olivier) that it would probably prove to be " a Cyclonotum, with the head and prothorax rufo-ferruginous and the elytra black ; " and so, indeed, it appears to be, — for in a subsequent paper, in 1872, 1 stated that I had received a no^-e from the late Mr. G. E. Crotch to the effect that the Sjphceridium dytiscoides of Fabricius is stUl preserved in the Banksian cabinet, and that a friend of his who had recently examined it reported it to be totally distinct from the Dactylosternum ahdominale, being, in point of fact (as, indeed, I had ventured to think probable), a true Cyclonofmn, and one which occurs also at the Cape of Good Hope. I can only trust, therefore, that some more fortunate explorer wiU yet enable us to verify the truth of the originally asserted habitat, and to add the C. dytiscoides without doubt to the modern fauna of the island. Genus 6. DACTYLOSTERNUM. WoUaston, Ins. Mad. 99 (1854). 17. Dactylosternum abdominale. D. oblongum, convexum (subtus plauatum), nitidum. ubique densissime minutissimeque punctulatum ; capite sub-semicir- culari ; prothorace brevi, transverse, postice inter angulum et medium foveola punctiformi utrinque leviter impresso ; elytris minute punctulato-striatis ; antennis palpisque testaceis, illarum clavii obscuriore ; pedibus brevibus, compressis, rufo-piceis. Long, corp. lin. 2-2|. SPHvERIDIIDjE. 21 Sphaeridium abdominale, Fab., Ent. Syst. i. 79 (1792). Dactylosternum Roussetii, Woll, I. c. 99, t. 3, f. 1 (1854). ' abdominale, Id, Col. Atl. 80 (1865). , Id., Col. Kesp. 48 (1867). , Id., Ann. Nat. Hist. iv. 30G (1869). , Crotch, in Godm. Azor. 65 (1870). , Melliss, St. Hel. 1-39 (1875). Habitat sub marcidis quisqiiiliisque in hortis cultisque insulae, humidos intermedios subaquosos prnecipue colens. This widely-spread Mediterranean insect, which occurs in the Azorean, Madeiran, Canarian, and Cape- Verde archipelagos (and which is reported also from Madagascar, Bourbon, and the East Indies), has become established in the intermediate districts of St. Helena, where there can be no doubt that it must originally have been naturalized. It is found usually beueath decaying garden refuse, particularly in the dampest spots ; and, along with the Cychnotum dytiscoidts (which was recorded by Fabricius from St. Helena in 1775, but which, as lately mentioned, I look upon, at all events 7iow, as a very doubtful native of the island), it makes the nearest approach to anything like an aquatic form which has hitherto been discovered. Nevertheless it is needless for me to add that it is not aquatic, and only questionably, indeed, even Philhydridoiis (as technically understood by that term), though delighting often in watery localities. The D. ahdominale does not appear to be anywhere very abundant in St. Helena. I have, however, taken it sparingly under putrid garden-rubbish at Plantation, and it has been found by Mr. P. Whitehead at Woodcot. The St. -Helena examples have their antennal club a little more dai'kened, or infuscated, than is the case in Madeiran ones which are now before me. Sectio 3. TRICHOPTERYGIA. Fam. 3. TRICHOPTERYGID^. Genus 7. PTINELLA. (Motschoulsky) Matth-., Zool. xvi. 6106 (1858). 18. Ptinella Matth ewsiana, n. sp. P. ovalis, sat convexa, ferruginea, pilis aureo-fulvescentibus vestita ; capite magno, lato, in frontc rotundato, oculis minutissimis, 22 TRICHOPTERYGID^. pallidis ; prothorace magno, quadrato, ad latera rotundato, tuber- culis parvis remotis ordinibus sinuatis dispositis interstitiisque nitidis alutaceis ornato, angulis posticis fore rectis ; elytris ovatis (capite prothoraceque brevioribus), ordinibus remotis irregularibus sat profunda asperatis, apicibus rectis ; abdomine ovato, obtuso, segmentis 5 apertis ; antennis pedibusque albido- testaceis. Long. corp. lin. y^. Habitat in editioribus insulag ; inter detritus fungosque putridos, in trunco quodam autiquo emortuo, sat copiose reperta. Tbis exceedingly diminutive beetle, at once known (amongst the other species with which we are here concerned) by its almost microscopic size and its pale ferruginous hue, is the only member of the TricJiopterygidce which has hitherto been discovered at St. Helena ; and I have much pleasure in naming it after the Rev. A. Matthews (the indefatigable monographer of that assemblage of minute insects), who has not only examined it for me with con- siderable care, but has kindly furnished me with a diagnosis in which the main characters which separate it from the other known Ptimllce (with which he is so intipiately acquainted) have been kept in view, — its most salient feature consisting, so far as I can gather, in the comparative largeness and breadth of its subquadrate prothorax. It is only in a single locality, and that one at a high elevation on the central ridge,that we observed the P. Ilattheivsiana, — namely amongst minute fungi and damp ti'iturated refuse, within the hollow trunk of an old Buddleia madagascariensis, Yahl, below Actseon and close to a spot called jS^ewfoundland. It was first detected by Mrs. WoUaston, who immediately recognized it as a member of the Tricliopterygido' ; and I subsequently obtained a tolerable number of examples by bringing away at intervals small portions of the decomposing refuse and examining it closely on a white cloth. Out of the ten species of Pthiella which are included in Mr. Matthews' elaborate Monograph, seven are European and three are American,^ — two however, out of the seven European ones, occurring also in the Canaries, and one at Madeira ; so that this exponent from 8t. Helena possesses a considerable interest geographically. STAPHYLINID^. 23 Sectio 4. BRACHELYTRA. Fam. 4. STAPHYLINID^. (Subfam. 1. ALEOCHARIDES.) Genus 8. ALEOCHARA. Gravenhorst, Col. Micro2it. 67 (1802). 19. Aleochark puberula. A. angustulo-fusiformis, subnitida, minute et densissime punctulata pubeque fulvescenti deraissa dense sericata, nigra ; capite subro- tundato ; prothorace lato, transverso, cunvexo, in limbo saepius anguste dilutiore ; elytris brevibus, rubescentibus sed versus angulos externos et scutellum (in spatiis maximis subtriangulari- bus) plus minus evidenter sed suffuse obscuratis ; abdomine ad apicem subdilutiore ; antennis crassiusculis, nigro-piceis, basi et ad apicem ipsissimum, palpis ad basin, pedibusque plus minus testaceis. Long. Corp. lin. circa 2|. Aleochara puberula, King, Col. Madagase. 51 (1833). decorata, Atibe, Ann. Soc. Ent. de France, 311 (1850). Armitagei, Wall., Lis. Mad. 559 (1854). puberula, Id., Cvl. Atl. 473 (1865). , Id., Col. Hesp. 229 (1867). , Crotch, in Godm. Azor. 87 (1870). Habitat inter quisquilias in cultis intermediis ; a meipso in borto ad Plantation semel capta. I took a single example of this widely spread European Aleochara amongst garden-refuse at Plantation ; and there can be little doubt that the species has been introduced into the island, along, perhaps, with consignments of plants. It has become established, in like manner, in the Azorean, Madeiran, Canarian, and Cape-Yerde groups ; and there are records of it, also, from many distant parts of the civilized world. The fusiform outline and very densely and minutely punctulated surface of the A. puberula, which is sericated all over with a decum- bent fulvescent pile, added to the slightly diluted margins of its wide prothorax, the ill-defined or suffused oblique reddish dash with which each of its elytra is ornamented, and the fact of its rather thickened antennae having(not only their base, but) their extreme apex testaceous, will sufficiently distinguish it. 2i STAPHYLINIDJE. Genus 9. HOMALOTA. Mannerheim, BmcMl. 73 (1831). 20. Homalota coriaria. H. angusto-linearis, subnitida, minutissimo et densissime (in capite abdomineque parcius) punctulata pubeque grisea demissa subtili sat dense sericata, nigra, elytris (brevibus) plus minus evidenter dilutioribus sed versus angulos externos et scuteDum plus minus suffuse triangulariter obscuratis ; capite subtransverso-rotundato, oculis magnis ; prothorace brevi, transverse, postice rotundato, angulis posticis rotundate obtusis sed sensim determinatis, in disco postico (interdum ad basin solum) leviter impresso ; antennis breviusculis, crassis (art'' subapicalibus conspicue transversis), nigro-piceis, ad basin paulum dilutioribus ; pedibus saturate tes- taceis. Long. Corp. lin. l^-l-g-. Homalota coriaria, Kraatz, Nat. Ins. Deutsch. ii. 282 (1856). , Wall, Col Atl. 409 (1865). , Id., Col. Hesp. 223 (1867). ■-, Crotch, in Godm. Azor. 88 (1870). , Woll, Ann. Nat. Hist. viii. 409 (1871). , Melliss, St. Hel. 1G2 (1875). Habitat inter quisquiKas, in intermediis editioribusque (prsesertim illis) ; vulgaris. The European H. coriaria, which is one of the most widely diffused of the Homalotas throughout tlie various Atlantic islands (it having been established in the Azorean, Madeiran, Canarian, and Cape-Verde archipelagos), is universal amongst refuse in the inter- mediate districts of St. Helena, — where it must almost certainly have been naturalized -(along perhaps with consignments of plants) from more northern latitudes. Although commoner in cultivated places, and amongst garden rejectamenta, than elsewhere, it ascends likewise to the central ridge, — where I have met with it sparingly about Diana's Peak and Aetaeon ; but in spots of a lower altitude — such as Plantation, West Lodge, and Thompson's Wood — it is far more general and abundant. Its posteriorly rounded head and prothorax (the latter of which is wide, abbreviated, and basally impressed), in conjunction with its short, dilated, and very densely and finely punctulated elytra, and its considerably thickened antennae, will suffice to separate the H. coriaria from the only other Homalota with which we have here to do. STAPHYLINIDjE. ^o 21. Homalota helenensis, n. sp. H. prsecedenti prima facie similis, sed sensim rugosius punctulata, capite pone oculos paululum minus rotundato, prothorace sensim minus abbreviato et postice minutius impresso, elytris sublongio- ribus (sc. quadratis) ac vix depressioribus, magis regulariter fus- cescentibus (aut minus subtestaceo-dilutis), antennisque longiori- bus ac multo gracilioribus. Long. Corp. lin. lg-l|. Habitat in locis valde elevatis ; sub cortice Compositarum arborcs- centium laxo marcido, necnon inter quisquilias, degens. So far as I am able to judge, the present Homalota seems to be truly indigenous at St. Helena, — and, indeed, the only member hitherto observed of that very extensive genus which has any claim to belong to the aboriginal fauna of the island. At any rate, it is on the high central ridge alone that I met with it, — where it abounds beneath the damp and loosened bark of the various cabbage-trees, as well as amongst decaying vegetable refuse, in the neighbourhood of Diana's Peak and Actceon ; and I have no recollection of having ever captured it within the strictly cultivated districts. Although with every appearance of being a real native of the island, the Jielenensis is nevertheless a most ordinary-looking and in- conspicuous Homalota, and one which has much the prima facie contour of the coriaria (with which, indeed, in the loftier regions, it is frequently found associated). There can be no question, however, that it is trulj' and altogether distinct from that species, — its more coarsely punctulated surface, and its longer and thinner antennae, being sufficient, even of themselves, to separate it. But, apart from these characters, its head is not quite so much rounded-oif behind the eyes, its prothorax is appreciably less abbreviated and more minutely impressed in the centre of the base, and its elytra are a trifle longer or more quadrate, as well as for the most j)art of a more uniformly dark piceous brown, — the slightly diluted portions being seldom, if ever, subtestaceous. (Subfam. 2. STAPH YLIN IDES.) Genus 10. CREOPHILUS. (Kirby) Steph., ///. JJrit. Eut. v. 202 (1832). 22. Creophilus maxillosus. C. magnus, elongatus, parallelus, ater ; capite prothoraceque nitidis- 26 STAPHYLINID^. simis, illo subquadrato, in disco minute et leviter sed ad latera et postice grossissime parce et profiinde punctate, cello aperto crasso convexo, ad latera et postice grosse punctato ; hoc subquadrato sed postice paulum angustiore et rotundato, angulis posticis rotun- datis, ad latera sinuate, (limbo angiiste punctato excepto) fere im- punctato, versus angulos anticos longe nigro-piloso ; scutello ely- trisque distinctius punctatis, his punctis perpaucis maximis in disco exteriori lougitudinaliter notatis, longe nigro-pilosis fascia- que magna transversa cinerefx ornatis ; abdomiue dense asperato- punctulato, longe nigro-piloso pilisque cinereis (pra?sertim in segmentis intermediis) fasciato-marmorato ; antennis pedibusque nigris, tibiis dense pilosis ac spinulosis. Long. Corp. lin. 9-11. Stapliylinus maxUlosus, Linn., Syst. Nat. 421 (1758). CreopliHus maxillosus, Woll, Coll. Atl. 487 (1865). , Id., Ann. Nat. Hid. v. 35 (1870). , Crotch, in Godm. Azor. 90 (1870). , Melliss, St. Hel. 163 (1875). Habitat in cadaveribus, putridis, et etiam (rarius) stercore bovino, per regiones intermedias et editiores, passim ; ex alienis certe introductus. The common European C. maxillosus (so well distinguished by its large size and deep-black, darkly-pilose surface, which, however, is ornamented across the elytra with a broad whitish band, and which has the abdominal segments more or less mottled with smaller fasciae of the same hue) has become naturalized at St. Helena, as it has in the Azorean, Madeiran, and Cape-Yerde archipelagos. In all probability it is well-nigh universal, though it was only at inter- mediate and lofty altitudes (from Plantation to the central ridge) that I happened to meet with it. As elsewhere, it occurs usually beneath dead animals and amongst putrid substances generally, and occasionally also (though rarely) in the droppings of cattle. Mr. Melliss states that he has found it in the vicinity of churchyards. Genus 11. PHILONTHUS. (Leach) Curt., Brit. JSnt. xiii. t. 610 (1825). § I. Prothoracis seriebus dorsalibus e punctis 4 {'prceter hasalcm) compositis. 23. Philonthus flavoterminatus, n. sp. P. angustulo -linearis ; capite prothoraceque atris, nitidissimis, illo subquadrato-ovali punctisque perpaucis magnis utrinque irrorato, STAPHYLINID^. 27 hoc elongato-quadrato, ad latera (extus seriem punctorum 4) punctis magnis circa 4 notato ; scutello elytrisque senescentibus, sat dense subasperato-punctatis, his stria subsuturali obtusa impressis, griseo-pilosis ; abdomine nigro, griseo-piloso, parce asperato-punctato, segm'"' 2 basalibus postice transversim convexis necnon ad basim ipsam in medio grossius puuctatis ; antennis (art" 1™° valde elongate, 3"° elongate, 2''" huic breviore) pedibusque elongatis, gracilibus, illis nigrescentibus art'° 2 idterioribus subito et laete flavo-testaceis, femoribus testaceis, tibiis tarsisque testaceo- piceis. Mas antennis longioribus, capite majore et magis quadrato, tarsis anticis paulum dilatatis. Long. corp. lin. 3-3i. Habitat in intermediis editioribusque insulse ; in humidis rarissimus. This extremely distinct Philonthus may perhaps be a true native of the island, though the few examples of it which I have yet seen (only three in number) are perhaps scarcely sufficient to warrant a conjecture on that point. It was first met with by Mr. Gray on the high central ridge ; and subsequently by myself in the same locality, as well as in a muddy spot at Plantation. Apart from its prothoracic line of dorsal punctures being com- posed of only four on either side (though I should mention that in one of my examples, a male, there is o. fifth one, in each series, at the base, — which, however, I imagine belongs in reality to the few which are scattered along the hinder margin, rather than to the central longitudinal rows), the P. fiavoterminatus may instantly be recog- nized by its br'ussy elytra and the two bright yellowish articulations which terminate its otherwise nearly black antennae. Its head, in the male sex, is large and squarish ; its first and third antennal joints (especially the former) are conspicuously elongated ; and its femora are testaceous, with the tibiae and tarsi a good deal (though by no means altogether) picescent. § II. Prothoracis seriehus dorsalihus e punctis 5 compositis. 24. Philonthus longicornis. P. angustulus, fusiformi-linearis, ater ; capite prothoraceque niti- dissimis, illo ovali punctisque perpaucis magnis utrinque irrorato, hoc subconico (antice angustiore), ad latera (extra seriem puncto- rum 5) punctis magnis perpaucis notato ; scutello elytrisque sat dense asperato-punctulatis ac longe griseo-pilosis, concoloribus, his integris (nee stria subsuturali impressis) ; abdomine minutius 28 staphyliniDjE. parciusque punctulato et obsoletissime submetallico-tincto, griseo- piloso ; antennis brunneo-nigris ; pedibus nigro-piceis, coxis anticis saturate testaceis et etiam femoribus interdum paululum subtestaceo-dilutioribus, tarsis posterioribus elongatis. Mas antennis sublongioribus, tarsis anticis dilatatis. Long. corp. lin. 3-4. Plailontbus longicornis (Kby.), Steph., III. Brit. Ent. v. 237 (1832). scybalarius et fuscicornis, Nonhn., Symb. 94, 96 (1838). , IVolL, Col. Atl. 492 (18(i5). , Id., Col. Heqy. 237 (1867). lougicornis, Id., Ann. Nat. Hid. viii. 409 (1871). , 3IelUss, St. IM. 162 (1870). Habitat in intermediis editioribusque, passim ; sub quisquiliis ster- coreque bovino degens. Certe introductus. The common European P. longicornis (at once distinguished amongst the few Philonthi here enumerated by its large size and uniformly black hue, — the anterior coxae, and sometimes even the femora, being alone a little diluted, or subtestaceous ) is pretty gene- rally distributed over the intermediate and lofty districts of St. Helena, — from about the altitude of Plantation (where it is tolerably abundant amongst decaying garden-refuse) to the central ridge ; and there can be no doubt that it has been naturalized from more northern latitudes. Owing to its constant liability to accidental transmission amongst civilized countries, it is a species which has acquired for itself a wide geographical range ; and in the Azorean, Madeiran, Canarian, and Cape-Verde groups, as well as at Ascension (where it was taken, on the Green Mountain, by the late Mr. Bewicke), it has become completely established. 25. PMlonthus discoideus. P. angustulo-linearis, niger (ssepe piceo-niger) ; capite prothoraceque nitidissimis, illo subquadrato convexo punctisque perpaucis magnis utrinque irrorato, hoc elongate subconico-quadrato, ad latera (extra seriem punotorum 5) punctis magnis perpaucis notato ; scutello elytrisque sat dense subasperato-punctiilatis et longe ful- vescenti-pilosis, his per suturam rufo-ferrugineis lineaque subsu- turali obsoleta leviter impressis ; abdomine piceo-nigro, minute subasperato-punctulato, fulvo-piloso ; antennis breviusculis, sub- moniliformibus, Isete ferrugiueis ; pedibus piceo-testaceis. Mas antennis sublongioribus, tarsis anticis dilatatis. Long. Corp. lin. 2\. Staphylinus discoideus, Grav., Col. Micropt. 38 (1802V Philonthus discoideus, Woll., Col. Atl. 493 (1865). , Id., Col. Heiip. 238 (1867). STAPHYLINID/E. 29 Habitat in intermediis insulae ; a meipso, sub quisquiliis ad Planta- tion, semel deprehensus. Like the P. longiconiis and nigritidus, this common European Philonthus is of course a merely introduced insect at St. Helena, — where in all probability it must have been imported originally along with consignments of plants. The only example of it which I have seen was captured by myself, amongst garden-refuse, at Plantation ; but the species would most likely be found to be suffi- ciently abundant if searched for in similar localities. It has, in like manner, become established in the Madeirau, Canarian, and Cape- Verde archipelagos. Apart from the Jive punctures of which either row of its dorsal prothoracic series is composed, the P. discoideus (which is the smallest of the St.-Helena PliRonthi except the nigritidus) may be recognized by it« subquadrate head and its rather short, submonili- form, brightly ferruginous antennae, as well as by its suture being broadly and conspicuously diluted in hue. Its elytra and abdomen are clothed with a slightly golden, or fulvescent, pile ; and its subsu- tural line is shallow and very lightly impressed. § III. Prothoracis seriebus dorsalibus e punctis 6 compositis. 26. Philonthus nigrituliis. P. angustulo-sublinearis, niger ; capite prothoraceque nitidissimis, illo subquadrato sed postice in 5 paululum angustiore. punctis perpaucis maguis utrinque irrorato, hoc elongate subconico-qua- drato, ad latera (extra seriem punctorum 6, interdum solum 5 certe conspicuorum) punctis magnis perpaucis notato ; scutello elytrisque sat dense punctatis, griseo-pilosis, concoloribus (aut in- terdum obsoletissime subfuscescentioribus), stria subsuturali leviter impressis ; abdomine minutissime subasperato-punctulato, griseo- piloso ; anteunis nigrescentibus, ad basin paulxilum dilutioribus ; pedibus picescenti-testaceis. Mas capite paululum oblongiore, tarsis anticis (ut in § ) simplicibus. Long. Corp. lin. vix 2. Staphvlinus nigritulus et aterrimus, Grav., Col. Mtcrojit. 41 (1802). Philonthus aterrimus, WulL, Ins. Mad. 584 (1854). nigritulus, Id, Col. Atl. 494 (1865). , Crotch, in Godm. Azor. 91 (1870). Habitat in cultis intermediis ; rarissimus. I have seen but two St.-Helena examples of this insignificant 30 STAPHYLINIDiE. little European Philonihus, one of which was captured by Mr. Gray at Plantation, and the other by myself at West Lodge ; and there cannot be much doubt that the species (as in the case of the P. lotigicornis and discoideus) must have been introduced originally into the island from more northern latitudes. It has become esta- blished, in like manner, in the Azorean, Madeiran, and Canarian archipelagos ; but we did not happen to meet with it at the Cape Verdes. Its small size and dark concolorous hue (the legs alone being piceo-testaceous), added to its rather distinctly punctured elytra (which, together with the abdomen, are clothed with a coarse griseous pubescence), will suffice to separate the P. nigritulns from the few other Philonthi with which we are here concerned. Judging from the two noiv hefore me., the St. -Helena examples would seem to have their elytra a trifle more coarsely punctured than is the case in the ordinary European ones, and the front puncture of their protho- racic series appears to be (as is not unusual elsewhere) obsolete. § IV. Prothoracis seriebus dorsalibus e pimctis 6 vel 7 compositis. 27. Philonthus turbidus. P. angustulo-linearis, subpiceo-niger ; capite prothoraceque nitidis- simis, illo subquadrato-ovali punctisque perpaucis magnis utrinque irrorato, hoc subconico (antice angustiore), ad latera (extra seriem punctorum 6 vel 7) punctis perpaucis notato ; scutello elytrisque sensim picescentioribus, dense et argute subasperato-punctatis, longe griseo-pilosis. his stria subsuturali leviter impressis ; abdo- mine minutius sed dense subasperato-punctulato, subiridescenti, longe griseo-piloso ; antennis brunneis, ad basin vix dilutioribus ; palpis pedibusque piceo-testaceis. Mas antennis sublongioribus, tarsis anticis dilatatis. Long. Corp. lin. 3^-4i. Philonthus turbidus, Brich., Gen. et. Spec. Staph. 484 (1839). punctipennis, Woll., Col. Ail. 494 (1865). turbidus, Id., Col. Hesp. 240 (1867). Habitat (rarior) in intermediis editioribusque insulse ; sub quisqui- liis marcidis putridis latens. The only three St.-Helena examples which I have seen of this somewhat large and very distinct Philonthus are one which was found by Mr. Gray on the central ridge, and two which I met with myself (beneath damp and decaying garden-refuse) at Plantation. STAPHYLINID^. 31 It is a species of a very extensively acquired range, though one which does not appear anywhere (so far, at least, as my own expe- rience is concerned ) to be even locaUy abundant ; nevertheless it has established itself sparingly in the Madeiran, Canarian, and Cape- Verde groups, and it has been recorded from many countries widely separated from each other, — such as Madagascar, the Mauritius, Egypt, and Assam. Apart from its rather large size and slightly piceous-hlsick hue (particularly as regards the elytra), the F. turbidus may be recog- nized by its prothorax being somewhat narrowed (or compressed) anteriorly (as in the P. longiconiis), by its elytral punctures being rather deep and sharply defined, and by its abdomen (which is more finely but closely punctulated) being usually a little iridescent. (Subfam. 3. XANTHOLINIDES.) Genus 12. XANTHOLINUS. Dahl, in Encycl. Meth. x. 475 (1825). 28. Xantholinus morio. X. angusto-linearis, elongatus, nitidus, niger ; capite prothoraceque nitidissimis, illo elougato-subquadrato, postice subrecte truncato, punctis paucis magnis utrinque irrorato, in fronte breviter bicani- culato, hoc elongato, subparallelo, ad latera (extra sei'iem puncto- rum 6-7) punctis perpaucis notato; elytris concoloribus, parcissime griseo-pubescentibus necnon confuse et laxe subseriatim punctatis, costa suturali arcuata (postice subevanesceute) instructis ; abdo- mine in dorso fere impunctato, ad latera punctulis minutis subas- peratis parce irrorato, parcissime griseo-piloso ; autennis ferrugi- neis, art'* 1""° et 3*'° picescentibus ; pedibus dilute piceis, tarsis fere testaceis. Long. Corp. lin. vix 3-3|. Xantholinus morio, Wall., Ann. Nat. Hist. viii. 410 (1871). , Melliss, St. Hel. 163 (1875). Habitat in editioribus ; sub cortice emortuo laxo putrido Composita- rwn arborescentium praecipue latitans. In all probability the present Xantholinus belongs to the aboriginal fauna of the island. At any rate it seems peculiar to the higher elevations, never descending (so far as I am aware) into the strictly cultivated districts ; indeed the lowest altitude at which I observed .'52 STAPH YLINIDit. it was Vine-Tree Gut (nearly 2000 feet above the sea), — a small ravine .between Oakbank and Hutt's Gate, issiiin CUCUJID.B. indigenous ; nevertheless I have little doubt that it must have been originally introduced into the island, and that it has since completely established itself. In Madeira, which is the only other country in which I have ever observed the species, it residea almost exclusively beneath the outer fibre of the stems of bananas, though I have like- met with it sparingly beneath that of a large Strelitzia ; but at St. Helena I did not notice this peculiarity in its mode of life, though Mr. MeUiss mentions his having found it amongst old banana-trees at the Hermitage. Dr. Sharp informs me that it has been taken by Mr. Blackburn even at the Sandwich Islands. The C. musce (which is elongated, narrow, pubescent, and sub- depressed, and the limbs of which are thick and pale, but with the subapieal joints of the antennae curiously darkened) is extremely common about Plantation ; and I have also taken it at West Lodge, in Thompson's Wood, &c. ; and it has frequently been captured by Mr. P. Whitehead at Woodcot. Genus 21. SILVANUS. Latreille, Gen. Crust, et Ins. iii. 19 (1807). 44. Silvanus Surinam ensis. S. elongato-linearis, angustus, aut nigro- aut fusco-piceus, subopacus, grosse fulvo-pubescens ; capite prothoraceque rugose granulatis, illo magno triangulari-quadrato, hoc in disco longitudinaliter 3-cari- nato necnon ad utrumque latus deutibus 6 (primo et ultimo magis exstantibus) instructo ; elytris densissime punctato- striatis, inter- stitiis alternis leviter elevatis ; antennis pedibusque crassis, his rufo-pieeis, femoribus posticis denticulo minutissimo subtus armatis. Long. Corp. lin circa 1. Dermestes siu-inamensis, Linn. Syst. Nat. ii. 565 (1767). Silvanus simnamensis, Woll. Col. Atl. 135 (1865). , Id., Coll. Hesp. 69 (1867). , Id., Ann. Nat. Hist. viii. 399 (1871). -^ , Melliss, St. Hel. 140 (1875). Habitat in domibus granariisque insulae, certe ex alienis introductus. As in the more northern archipelagos, the cosmopolitan ^. suri- namensis has become established in the houses and granaries of St. Helena. It is often abundant at Jamestown ; and I have also met with it at Plantation. CRYPTOPHAGID^:. 47 Fam. 9. CRYPTOPHAGIDiE. Genus 22. CRYPTOPHAGUS. Herbst, AV//". iv. 172(1792). 45, Cryptophagus badius. C. oblongus, convexus, brumieo-fernigineus, ubique dense punctatus pubeque subdemissa subcinerea vestitus ; capita prothoraceque vix obscurioribus, boc convexo, transverso-subquadrato, angulis anticis elongate et oblique iacrassatis, ad latera paululum subaequaliter rotundato, in medio denticulo minuto acutissimo ai'mato necnon inde ad basin sequaliter serrate ; antennis pedibusque crassis, longiusculis, illis obscure ferrugineis, his obscure testaceis. Long. corp. lin. 1|. Cryptophagus badius, Sturm, Deutsch. Fna, xvi. 96, t. 317. f. A (1845). , Hedt., Fna Austr. 191 (1849). , Woll., Ann. Nat. Hist. viii. 400 (1871). , Melliss, St. Hel. 141 (1875). Habitat in domibus (?), introductus : semel deprehensus a Dom. Melliss. A single specimen of the common European 0. badius was taken by Mr. Melliss at St. Helena ; but 1 did not myself observe the species during our six months' sojourn in the island. It is doubtless, how- ever, a mere importation from more northern latitudes, if indeed it be truly established at all, and must clearly have been met with in or about, the houses or stores. The C. badius is the largest of the three Cryptophagi which have hitherto been foimd at St. Helena ; and it may be further recognized from the C. affinis (with which alone it could be confounded) by being of a slightly darker hue and altogether more robust, by the pubescence of its elytra being less erect, by its limbs being relatively a little longer, and by the sides of its prothorax having both the central denticle and anterior ridge-like prominence, as well as the posterior crenulations, a trifle more developed. 46. Cryptophagus affinis. C. oblongus, convexus, ferrugineus, subnitidus, ubique dense punc- tatus pubeque suberecta subcinerea (praesertim in elytris) vestitus ; capite prothoraceque paulum obscurioribus, hoc transverso-sub- quadrato, angulis anticis elongate et oblique incrassatis, ad latera paululum subsequaliter rotundato, in medio denticulo minutissimo 48 CRYPTOPHAGID.T.. acutissimo armato necnon inde ad. basin minute sequaliter serrato ; antennis crassis, obscure ferrugineis ; pedibus obscure testaceis. Long. Corp. lin. 1-vix 1|. Cryptophagiis affinis, Sturm, Deutsch. Fna, xvi. 79, t. 314. f. C (1845). , Woll, Col. Atl. 137 (1865). , Id., Ann. Nat. Hist. iv. 307 (1869). , Crotch, in Godm. Azor. 69 (1870). , jMelliss, St. mi. 141 (1875). Habitat in domibus repositoriisque insulse ; ex Europa certe in- vectus. A few examples of the European C. affinis were captured by myself at Plantation, in and about the house ; and a single other one had been previously met with by Mr. Melliss, — though in what exact locality I have no means of knowing. There cannot, of course, be the slightest doubt that the species is a mere accidental importa- tion into the island from more northern latitudes, and that it has no connexion whatever Avith the original fauna of St, Helena. It has, in like manner, established itself in the Azorean, Madeiran, and Canarian Groups. As compared with the C. (jracilipes, it may be sufficient to state that the C. affinis may be recognized by the central position of the small and very acute denticle with which the sides of its prothorax are armed, — the space between the denticle and the base being minutely but evenly crenulated. The edges of its prothorax, although very slightly so, are about equally rounded before and behind ; and its elytra (which are somewhat straightened in outline) are rather densely clothed with a subcinereous pubescence, — a portion of which is decumbent, and a portion longer and more 3rect. 47. Cryptophagus gracilipes. C. oblongo-ovalis, convexus, ferrugineus, subnitidus, ubique dense et profunde punctatus pubeque elongata suberecta cinerea (prae- sertim in elytris) vestitus ; capite prothoraceque paulum obscuri- oribus, hoc brevi, transverso-subquadrato, angulis anticis elongate et oblique incrassatis, ad latera subsinuato, fere omnino simplici (sed sub lente minutissime et obsoletissime subserrato) ; antennis pedibusque longiusculis, gracilibus, obscure testaceis. Long. Corp. lin. |-|. Cryptophagus gracilipes, Woll., Ann. Nat. Hist. viii. 400 (1871). , Melliss, St. Hel. 141 rl875). Habitat in herbidis et sub quisquiliis, in intermediis editioribusque insulae : hinc inde vulgatissimus. latridiidjE. 49 This little species is the universal Cryptophagus of St. Helena, at intermediate and lofty altitudes ; and, though a form which is scarcely distinct from it was taken by Mr. Gray at the Cape of Good Hope, I think that it is not unlikely to have been an aboriginal member of the fauna, — representing the C. hesperius of the Canarian archipelago and the common 0. vini of Europe. Although ascending to the central ridge (for I have met with it at Cason's, and even in the vicinity of Diana's Peak), it is more particularly in the inter- mediate districts that it abounds, — swarming beneath garden-refuse and cut grass at Plantation, West Lodge, Thompson's Wood, Peak Gat, and elsewhere. In addition to its small size, as compared with the two preceding species, the C. gracilipes may readily be distinguished by its extremely coarsely pimctured surface (for a Cryptophagus), and for the very long, soft, and suberect whitish hairs with which it is, particularly on the elytra, though not very densely, clothed. Its elytra are rather more oval, or less straightened in outline, than those of the affinis ; its prothorax (which is short and transverse) has the anterior angles quite as much incrassated into an oblique ridge-like process, but the lateral edges thence to the base, although more sinuate (or less evenly rounded), are destitute of the central denticle which is there so conspicuous, — being in fact ivell-nigh simple ; and its limbs, which are dusky-testaceous, are remarkably slender. Fam. 10. LATRIDIID^. Genus 23. ANOMMATUS. Wesmael, Bull. Acad. Bruxell. ii. 339 (1836). 48. Anommatus 12-striatus. A. angustulus, subcylindricus, nitidus, calvus, infuscate testaceus ; capite sat grosse sed leviter et confuse punctate, oculis nuUis ; prothorace elongato-quadrato postice vix angustiore, valde pro- funde, grossissime, et parce punctato (punctis subseriatim dis- positis) ; elytris subparallelis, profunde striato-punctatis, striis postice subevanescentibus ; antennis (abrupte clavatis) pedibusque (compressis) brevibus, testaceis. Long. corp. lin. |-X. Lyctus 12-striatus, Mull, Germ. Mag. iv. 190(1821). Anommatus terricola, Wesm., I. c. 339 (1836). 12-striatus, Woll, Col. Atl. 146(1865). Habitat in cultis intermediis inaulae ; sub truncis arborum vetustis 50 LATRIDIIU^. emortuis humi jaceiitibus, ad Plantation et West Lodge, a meipso parce deprehensiis. The minute European A. l2-stnatiis, which occurs sparingly in the Madeiran archipelago, is found (though quite as sparingly) in the intermediate, cultivated districts of St. Helena, — where we may be pretty sure that it must have been originally introduced, perhaps along with consignments of plants. I have taken it beneath the fallen trunks of old Spanish-chestnut trees at Plantation, and under precisely similar circumstances at West Lodge. Apart from its diminutive bulk and its total want of eyes, the A. 12-striatus may be known from every thing else with which we are here concerned by its narrow and subcylindrical form, its glossy, bald, testaceous surface, its shortened limbs (the antennae of which are powerfully clavate, and the legs compressed), and by the anoma- lously large and coarse punctures of its prothorax. Genus 24. CORTICARIA. xMarsham, Ent. Brit. i. 106 ( 1802). 49. Corticaria elongata. C. minutissima, oblonga, rufo-ferruginea, subnitida, breviter fulvo- cinereo-pubescens ; capite prothoraceque minutissime (vix per- spicue) punctulatis, hoc subrotundato, ad latera minutissime crenulato, postice in medio fovea rotundata punctiformi profunde impresso ; elytris parallelis, vix clarioribus, minuto punctulato- striatis, interstitiis vix convexis ; aotennis pedibusque tostaceis. Long. Corp. lin. ^. Latridius elongatus, Gi/IL, Ins. Suec. iv. 130(1827). Corticaria elongata, Steph., IIlus. Brit. Ent. iii. 108 (1830). , Mannerh., Germ. Zeitsch. v. 44(1844). , Redt., Fna Austr. 210 (1849). , Waterh., Trans. Ent. Soe. Bond. v. 140 (1859). Habitat inter quisquilias in hortis, sed prsecipue sub recremeuto ad basin acervorum foeni sparse, in intermediis ac (minus copiose) in editioribus. The diminutive C. elongata, Gyll., which is so common throughout Europe, but which has not hitherto been detected in any of these Atlantic archipelagos, abounds in the intermediate districts of St. Helena, where in all probability it has become accidentally naturalized from England. It is usually to be met with amongst garden-refuse and under cut grass, and more particularly beneath LATRIDIID^. 51 the rubbish which has accumulated around the base of haystacks. In such localities I have taken it abundantly at Plantation, and more sparingly even on the central ridge. Apart from its small size and rather parallel oblong outline, the present Corticaria may be known by its pale rufo-ferruginous hue, its very slightly shining pubescent surface, and by the deep rounded fovea in the centre of its prothorax behind. At first sight it closely resembles the C. fagi of Madeira ; but that species has the head and prothorax very much more strongly punctured, — the latter moreover being a trifle narrower posteriorly (or less straightened at the sides), with the edges more coarsely crenulated, and with the central fovea wider and deeper. Added to which, there are generally traces of an extra fovea on either side near to the basal angles ; and the elytra are not quite so parallel. Genus 25. LATRIDIUS. Herbst, Kaf. v. 8 (1793). § 1. Antennarum clava 3-articulata. 50. Latridius nodifer. L. elongato-ovatus, nigro- aut f nseo-i^iceus (immatarus ferrugineus), ubique insequalis vel nodosus, fere opacus ; capite prothoraceque rugulosis, illo antice leviter ac breviter bicostulato, hoc angusto, ante basin profunde transversim constricto, in disco argute longi- tudinaliter bicostato ; elytris in medio rotundato-ampliatis, valde inaequahbus, grosse et dense striato-punctatis (punctis magnis), interstitiis alternis costato-elevatis, pone medium nodes -1 (internos majores, obtusiores, rufescentiores) efficientibus ; antennis brevi- bus, gracilibus, piceo-t«staceis clava obscuriore ; pedibus piceo- testaceis. Long. Corp. lin. circa 1. Latridius nodifer, Westw., Int. to Ent. i. 155, pi. 13. f. 23 (1839). , Steph., Man. Brit. Col. 129 (1839). , Crotch, in Godm. Azor. 70 (1870). , Wall., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 253 (1871). Habitat in intermediis editioribusque (prsesertim illis) insulae, inter quisquilias vulgaris. This curious little nodose Latridius, which untU within the last few years had been observed only in England, but has now been detected in various parts of the continent of Europe, and which has established itself in the Azorean and Madeiran archipelagos, is E 2 52 LATRinilDiK. extremely common in the intermediate districts of St. Helena, ascending even to the central ridge. It swarms at Plantation, principally amongst garden-refuse; and I have also met with it at West Lodge, and sparingly towards Diana's Peak. In all probability it was originally introduced into the island, perhaps along with consignments of plants. The very nodose elytra of this singular species (which are coarsely striat-e-pnnctate, and have their alternate interstices greatly elevated shaping out behind the middle four nodules — of which the inner ones are the most raised, obtuse, and subrufescent), added to its rather narrow but transversely-constricted prothorax, which has two sharp thread-like costse down its disk, will more than suffice to characterize it. § 2. Antennarum clava 2-articulata. (Subg. Latridulus, \Yoll.) 51. Latridins approximatus, n. sp. L. elongato-ovatus, angustulus, aut ferrugineus aut piceus, fere opacus ; capite prothoraceque rugulosis, illo subquadrato in medio leviter canaliculato, hoc angusto, longe ante basin profunde trans- versim constricto, in disco leviter longitudinaliter bicostulato (costulis postice approximatis) ; elytris dense striato-punctatis, interstitiis alternis sensim elevatis ; autenuis (brevissimis) tar- sisque testaceis. Long. Corp. lin. |-|^. Habitat ad domes, necnon in cultis intermediis sub quisquiliis, ad Plantation a meipso lectus. It is only at Plantation that I met with this small and rather narrow Latridins — my few examples (eight in number) having been captured, partly amongst garden-refuse and partly even within the house. In all probability therefore the species is a naturalized one, though the peculiarity of its antennae (which are extremely short, and have their club only 2- instead of 3-jointed) certainly distin- guishes it from all the European ones with which I am acquainted. In other respects it is a very ordinary-looking form — its either piceous or ferruginous hue, and the slightly raised alternate inter- stices of its elytra, being quite in accordance with a great number of the Latridii. Its prothorax is somewhat narrow, and deeply con- stricted (transversely) behind the middle ; and the two hair-like costae with which the disk is furnished approximate posteriorly, if indeed they do not completely unite. MYCETOPHAGIDA. 53 Fam. 11. MYCETOPHAGIDiE. Geuus 26. MYCET^A. (Kirby) Steph., III. Brit. Ent. iii. 80 (1830). 52. Mycetaea Mrta. M. minuta, obovata, rufo-ferrugiuea, nitida, longe et suberecte griseo-pilosa ; capite prothoraceque distincte punctatis, hoc transverso, versus utrumque latus linea elevata instructo ; elytris antice convexis rotundatis, postice paulo acuminatis, grosse subseriatim puuctatis (punctis maguis) ; antennis pedibusque rufo-testaceis. Long. Corp. lin. |-vix 1. JDermestes fumatus, Mshin [nee Linn., 1767], £nt. Brit. 65 (1802). Silpba hirta, M.shm, I. c. 124 (1802). Mycetsea hirta, Woll, Col. Atl. 156 (1865). — , Crotch, in Godm. Azor. 71 (1870). , Melliss, St. Hel. 142 (1875). Habitat sub truncis emortuis vetustis, necnon inter quisquilias, in intermediis editioribusque insulae. Not uncommon in the intermediate and rather elevated districts of St. Helena, especially in the neighbourhood of houses and cultivated grounds, — occurring also under old logs of wood, particularly of the firs and Spanish-chestnut trees. I have taken it at Plantation, as ■well as at West Lodge, Thompson's Wood, and at Cason's ; and there cannot be the slightest doubt that it has been accidentally in- troduced in the island. The diminutive size, obovate outline, and rufo-ferruginous hue of this little European species (which has been detected also in the Azorean and Madeirau groups), added to its shiuing and coarsely- punctui-ed surface, which is clothed with elongate suberect hairs, and the raised Kne with which it is furnished towards either side of its prothorax, will sufiice to distinguish it. Genus 27. TYPH^A. (Kirby) Steph., III. Brit. Ent. iii. 70 (1830). 53. Typhsea fumata. T. regulariter paraUelo-oblonga (sc. antice et postice aequaliter obtusa), rufo-ferruginea, subnitida, longe fulvo-pubescens ; capite prothoraceque minutissime punctulatis, hoc transverso, subcon- vexo ; elytris sensim pallidioribus, minutissime punctiilatia, vix 54 DERMESTlDiE. striatis sed pilis in lineis longitudinaliter dispositis; antennis (crassiusculis) pedibusque (compressis) vix pallidioribiis. Long. Corp. lin. I5. Dermestes funiatus, Linn., Sijst. Nat. ii. 504 (1767). Typhffia fumata, Wall, Col. Atl. 157 (1865). JLl , Id., Col. Hesp. 78 (1867). , Crotch, in Godm. Azor. 71 (1870). - , Melliss, St. Hel. 142 (1875). Habitat in intermediis insulse ; inter quisquilias et prsecipue sub recremento ad basin acervonim foeni sparse, vulgaris. The common and widely spread European T. fumata (which abounds in the Azorean, Madeiran, Canarian, and Cape- Verde archipelagos, and which is registered even from the United States) has been imported into St. Helena, — where it is now thoroughly established, principally at intermediate altitudes. It occurs for the most part beneath garden-refuse and cut grass, as well as amongst the rubbish around the base of haystacks, and is very common at Plantation and elsewhere in that neighbourhood. Fam. 12. DERMESTID^. Genus 28. DERMESTES. Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ii. 661 (1767). 54. Dermestes cadaverinus. D. cylindrico-oblongus, elongatulus, convexus, subnitidus, niger, densissime minuteque punctulatus sed pilis demissis griseis fulvescentibusque dense vestitus (sc. pilis ad marginem pro- thoracis posticum, necnon in scutello, laetius fulvescentibus) ; capite subrotundato, oculis magnis ; prothorace transverse, postice trisinuato ; antennis pedibusque piceis. Subtus magis fulvo- cinereo nigroque pubescens ; abdomen sc. fulvo-cinereum, seg- mentis in medio bimaculatim (maculis a basi usque ad apicem gradatim decrescentibus), necnon in macula ad utrumque latus sita, nigris. Mas abdominis segmentis 3"° et 4*° fascicule setarum fulvarum minuto rotundato in medio instructis. Long. Corp. lin. 4^. Dermestes cadaverinus, Fab., Syst. Ent. 55 (1775). , Oliv., Ent. ii. 9. 3 (1790). domesticus (Oebl.), Germ., Ins. Spec. Nov. 85 (1824). cadaverinus, Woll., Ann. Nat. Hist. iv. 309 (1869). , Melliss, St. Hel. 142 (1876). Habitat "in St. Helena. Mus. Dom. Banks.''' [sec. Fabricius, 1775]. dermestidjE. ob I have not myself, as yet, seen a St.-Heleua example of this well- nigh cosmopolitan Dermestes, which is so liable to accidental dis- semination throughout most countries of the civilized world ; nevertheless since the actual type (in the collection of the late Sir Joseph Banks) from which it was originally described by Fabricius, in 1775, was from St. Helena, it is impossible not to assign it a place in the present catalogue. Indeed we may be pretty con- fident that it will sooner or later be found again in the houses or stores of Jamestown, where its near ally the D. vulpinvs has recently been met with. It is common in the comparatively neigh- bouring island of Ascension, where it was taken in profiision by the late Mr. Bewicke : and it has been recorded not only from Europe, but even from the East Indies, Arabia, Siberia, North and South America, Otaheite, &c. ; though it would appear to have established itself more in warm countries, generally, than in tempe- rate ones. The D. cadaverinus is rather more elongate and cylindrical than many of the Bennestce : and its dark surface is densely clothed with a coarse griseous decumbent pile, a portion of which, however, (espe- pecially on the scutellum and the hinder edge of the prothorax) is slightly fulvescent. The pubescence of its underside is more con- spicuously of a fulvo-cinereous hue, the abdomen however being dappled with black, — each segment having two dark patches in the middle (becoming gradually smaller, and more approximating, as they approach the apex) and a somewhat lunate one on either side ; and in the male sex the third and fourth segments are addi- tionally furnished in the centre with a little rounded fossette, or fasciculus, of strong and brightly fulvescent bristles. 55. Dermestes vulpinus. D. praecedenti prima facie subsimilis, sed plerumque paulo minor ac minus elongatus, capite (oculis minoribus) prothoraceque ad utrumque latus magis albido-pubescentibus, elytris singulatim ad apicem spinula minutissima acutissima (ab angulo suturali sur- gente) armatis, antennarumque articulis intcrmediis vix sub- minoribus. Abdomen subtus pallidius, sc. albidum, segmentis macula laterali magis rotundata et magis nigra ornatis, ultimi parte centrali omnino nigra sed ad apicem fulvo-pnbescente. Mas abdominis segmento 4*° foveola rotundata minuta (breviter fulvo-setosa) in medio instructo. Long, coi'p. lin. 34 -vix 4. 56 DERMESTIDiE. Dermestes vulpinus, Fab., Spec. Ins. i. 64 (1781). , Woll, Col. Atl. 159 (1865). , Id., Col. Hesp. 79 (1867). , Melliss, St. Hel. 142 (1875). Habitat in domibus mercatorumque repositoriis, a Dom. Melliss lectus. Like tlie last species, the present one is equally cosmopolitan, — though perhaps more liable to introduction into temperate climates than into tropical ones. It has established itself in the Madeiran, Canarian, and Cape-Verde archipelagos ; and although I did not myself meet with it, it was taken at St. Helena by Mr. Melliss. From the D. cadaverimis (which it much resembles at first sight) the present Dermestes may immediately be known by the excessively diminutive spinule (not always distinguishable, however, unless the elytra be a little uplifted, or raised) with which the extreme apex of each el}i;ron is armed. It is also a trifle smaller, and relatively less elongated, than that species ; the ' intermediate joints of its antennae are perhaps not quite so large ; its eyes are less developed ; its head and prothorax are clothed on either side with a whiter pubescence; and its abdomen is also whiter beneath, as weU as differently dappled — the lateral spots being not only more lateral, but rounder and blacker ; and the apical segment has its central region altogether dark, though fringed with fidvescent pile. Its male sex has a minute rounded fossette in the centre of the fourth abdominal segment only, instead of on the third and fourth as in the D. cadaverinus. Genus 29. ATTAGENUS. Latreille, Hist. Nat. iii. 121 (1802). 56. Attagenus gloriosae. A. ovalis, convexus, subnitidus, niger, ubique densissime minutissi- meque punctulatus ; capite parvo, depresso, grosse fulvo-cinereo- pubescente ; prothorace transverso, postice lato trisinuato, grosse fulvo-cinereo- (sed in disco antico nigro-) pubescente ; elytris baud striatis, grosse nigro-pubescentibus sed fascia transversa dentata (ante medium posita) fulvo-cinerea ornatis ; antennis (brevibus) rufo-testaceis, clava pedibusque (gracilibus) testaceo- piceis. Long. corp. lin. vix 2. Anthrenus gloriosae, Fah., Syst. Eleu. i. 107 (1801). ./Ethriostoma glorios*, Mots., Ffwl. Ent. 146 (1858). Attagenus gloriosse, Woll. Ann. Nat. Hist. iv. p. 310 (1869). , Melliss, St. Hel. 143 (1875). HISTERID^. 57 Habitat in domibus mercatorumque repositoriis, ad Jamestown interdum vulgaris. The widely spread A. gloriosce, which is well-nigh universal within the tropics (being reported from Eastern Africa, India, America, &c., and which has established itself even at Ascension), is occasionally common in the houses and stores of Jamestown, — which is the only locality in which I have myself observed it, and where it has likewise been captured by Mr, Melliss and Mr. N. Janisch. Its convex, oval body and darkly pubescent surface, which, however, is conspicuously ornamented with a fulvo-cinereous fascia before the middle of the elytra, and which has the hairs of its head and prothorax (except those on the fore disk of the latter) of the same fulvo-cinereous hue, will abundantly distin- guish it. Fam. 13. HISTERID^. Genus 30. TRIBALUS. Erichson, in Kluy Jahrb. i. 1G4 (1834). 57. Tribalus 4-striatus. T. rotundato-ovalis, niger, ubique (in disco levius) punctatus ; fronte minutius densiusque punctulata, subsemicirculari, angulis anticis subrectis, simplici (nee transversim carinata), oculis parvis ; elytrorum striis 4 dorsalibus, sat profundis, punctatis, usque ad medium ductis, suturali nulla sed ad basin ipsam subarouatim brevissime conspicua, humerali tenui obHqua ; pygidio perpendiculari ; antennis pedibusque rufo-piceis, tibiis anticis circa 5- vel 6- leviter denticulatis. Long. Corp. lin. vix 1|. Tribalus 4-striatus, Woll, Ann. Nat. Hist. iv. p. 310 (1869). , Melliss, St. Hel. 143 (1875). Habitat St. Helenam, a Dom. Melliss semel tantum repertus. It is somewhat remarkable that the only two Histerids which have as yet been detected at St. Helena I failed myself to procure, — a single example, merely, of each of thorn, having been obtained by Mr. MeUiss. Unfortunately he preserved no note as to their exact localities ; but I think it is almost certain that both species are introduced ones, and such as might occasionally be met with in the vicinity of Jamestown. Still, as I was not able to identify them, in 58 niSTERID/K. my memoir on St.-Helena Coleoptera in 18G9, with any of the exponents of their respective groups figured in De Marseul's monograph, I had no option but to treat them as novelties ; though one of them has since been identified by Mr. G. Lewis with the widely spread Saprinus hicolor, Fab. Although with every appearance of an ordinary Saprinus, I mentioned in my paper (above referred to) that the rather small size and entirely punctulated surface of the present Histerid, combined with its semicircular ^tncarinated forehead, and the fact of its elytra being totally free from a sutural line (which is only traceable as a very short subscutellary arcuated impression), affiliate it better with the little cluster of species which constitute the genus Trihahis ; though it seems to differ from the whole of them in having four very distinct dorsal punctured strife con- tinued to about the middle of each elytron. Apart from other features, its black or piceous-black hue, subrufescent limbs, and perpendicular pygidium will additionally characterize it. Genus 31. SAPRINUS. Erichson, in King Jahrh. i. 172 (1834). 58. Saprinus bicolor. 8. submetallicus, nitidissimus ; capite prothoraceque aenescentibus, illo dense punctato, fronte ab epistomate linea transversa distincte divisa, hoc versus latera et basin grosse punctato, in disco Iseviore, ad latera nudo (nee ciliato) ; elytris cyaneis (aut subvirescenti- cyaneis), sat dense ruguloso-punctatis, punctis in disco antico et versus humeros obsoletis, striis humeralibus obsoletis, subhumerali distincta, longe ultra medium postice ducta, 4 dorsaUhus ad medium terminatis (4'* in siitiiralem integram antice arcuatam coeunte) ; pygidio propygidioque obscurioribus, profunde punc- tatis ; antennis pedibusque nigro-piceis ; tibiis anticis circa 8-9-denticulati8. Long. Corp. lin. 3.' Hister bicolor. Fab., Syst Eleu. i. 86 (1801). Saprinus bicolor, Mars., Mon. des Histerid. 4.39. 66 (1853). lautus, WolL, Ann. Nat. Hist. iv. p. 311 (1869). , Melliss, St. Hel. 143 (1875). Habitat in St. Helena ; semel collegit Dom. Melliss. As above stated, I did not meet with this insect at St. Helena, the only example which I have seen from thence having been found by Mr. Melliss. It is a rather large and very beautiful Saprinus, with APIIODIID7E. 59 a blue tinge on the elytra and a somewhat brass}- one on the head and prothorax, and one which has slightly the prima facie aspect of the widely-spread S. semipunetatus ; nevertheless the fact of its epistome being divided from the forehead by a strong transverse line, in conjunction with its sutural stria being complete, and uniting in front with the fourth discal one, remove it into a totally different section of the genus. The S. hicolor, which is manifestly an introduced species at St. Helena (if indeed it be truly established at all), appears to possess a wide acquired range, — it being recorded from the Cape of Good Hope (where it has been found lately by Mr. Gray) and Natal, and many examples being now before me which were collected by B. Gregory, Esq., of H.M.S. ' Spiteful,' in the district of the Congo. And since it is cited likewise from Arabia, we may expect it to occur in many intervening parts of the African continent. Sectio 6. LAMELLICORNIA. Fam. 14. APHODIID^. Genus 32. APHODIUS. lUiger, Kaf. Preuss. i. 28 (1798). 59. Aphodius granarius. A. parallelo-oblongus, nitidus, ater, immaculatus ; clypeo rugose et dense punctate ; prothorace minutissime et parce punctulato punctisque majoribus perpaucis distantibus irrorato ; elytris cre- nulato-striatis, interstitiis minutissime parcissimeque punetulatis, ad apicem vix subpicescentioribus : antennis testaceis, clava obscuriore ; pedibus nigro-piceis, tarsis piceo-testaceis, tibiis anticis fortiter 3-dentatis. Maris clj-peus postice tuberculo medio instructus. Fcem. clypeus fere simplex. Long. Corp. lin. 2|. Scarabseus granarius, Linn., Si/st. Nat. i. ii. 547 (1767). Aphodius carbonarius, Brnlle, in W. et B. (Col.) 60 (1838). granarius, Woll, Col. Atl. 178 (I860). , Crotch, in Godm. Azor. 73 (1870). Habitat in stercoro bovino et cquino, a Dom. P. Whitehead ad Woodcot captus. 60 APHODIID^. This widely-spread European Aphodius, which is so liable to accidental transportatiou along with cattle, and which has established itself in the Azorean, Madeiran, and Canarian archipelagos, appears to be rare at St. Helena, — the only two examples of it which I have seen having been taken by Mr. P. AMiitehead at Woodcot, Occurring, however, in the dung both of horses and cattle, it will perhaps be found to be pretty generally distributed. Its deep black unmacu- lated surface will at once distinguish it from the following species. 60. Aphodius lividus. A. prsecedenti similis, sed vix subminor, subangustior ; clypeo in- sequaliter diluto (sc. utrinque gradatim rufo-testaceo) et paulo minus rugose puiictato ; prothorace subbreviore, ad latera (in medio nigro-plagiato ) et (angustius) postice gradatim testaceo ; elytris testaceis, sed per suturam necnou (minus) in utroque disco lurido-obscurioribus ; antennis pedibusque subpicescenti- testaceis. Maris clypeus postice tuberculo medio instructus. Feem. clypeus magis simplex. Long. Corp. lin. 2-2^. Scarabseus lividus, Oliv., Ent. i. 3. 86 (1789). Aphodius lividus, Woll, Col. Atl. 178 (1865). , Id, Col. Hesp. 89 (1867). , Crotch, in Godm. Azor. 74 (1870). , Melliss, St. Hel 144 (1875). Habitat in locis similibus ac praecedens, necuon etiam inter quisqui- lias marcidas in cultis. The European A. lividus^ which is even more widely spread still than, the last species (and which abounds in the Azorean, Madeiran, Canarian, and Cape- Verde groups), is a universal insect in the inter- mediate and elevated districts of St. Helena, — where doubtless it must have been introduced originally along with cattle. It occurs not only in the dung of the latter, but likewise amongst decaying vegetable refuse, — under which circumstances I have met with it commonly at Plantation, as well as (though more sparingly) on the central ridge, both towards Diana's Peak and Cason's ; and it has been found by Mr. P. Whitehead at Woodcot. Apart from its being (on the average) just appreciably smaller and narrower than that species, the A. lividtis may be known from the deep-black A. granarius by having its clypeus and the sides and base of the prothorax more or less testaceous, and its elytra of the same TROGID^. 61 hue, — the disk of each of them however being slightly, and the suture more appreciably, darkened. Its limbs too are pale, being pioeo- testaceous instead of nearly black. Fam 15 TR0GID.5]. Genus 33. TROX, Fabncius, / 7it. Syst. i, 86 (1792). 61. Trox Wuiteneadii. T. ovato-oblongxxs, niger, scabrosus, opacus, antice in limbo fulvo- setoso-ciliatus (sed in margine clytrorum calvus) ; clypeo antice acute triangulariter acuminate ; prothorace transverse, antice ad latera explanate rotundato, ad angulos posticos subito emarginato- angustiore, ubique (sed praesertim utrinque) valde inoequali, costis binis flexuosis obtusis dorsalibus, altera valde elcvata antice abbreviata (inter dorsum et latus posita) et tertia obscura valde abbreviate curvata antica (in dorsalcm antice curvatim mergente), prsecipue discernendis ; coleopteris costis 4 (praeter suturam) valde elevatis utrinque instructis (costis 2 exterioribus, atque etiam subsu- turali postice, fractis,interruptis), inters titiis leviter sed grossissime et obtuse subbiseriatim tubcrculatis (tuberculis versus suturam subobsoletis ) ; antenuis ferrugineis, art" basilari longissime fulvo- piloso ; pedibus fulvo-pilosis ; tarsis piceis, anticis brevissimis ; tibiis omnibus extus simplicibus (baud denticulatis ), anticis baud dilatatis sed ad angulum externum process u lato bipartite (e den- tibus duobus composito) terminatis. Long. Corp. lin, 4. Habitat inter quisquilias in intermediis, rarissimus. Species valde distincta in honorem Dom. P. Whitehead citata, qui exemplar unicum ad Woodcot nuperrime coUegit. A single example of this large and well-marked Trox was taken lately by Mr. P. Whitehead, amongst refuse, at Woodcot, and for- warded to me from St. Helena ; and I have great pleasure in dedi- cating so interesting an addition to the catalogue to its captor — whose successful researches have rendered me so much assistance in compiling the present volume. Although the species may possibly prove to have a South-African range, it is nevertheless totally distinct from every other with which I am acquainted, or to the diagnosis of which I have had access, — its main features consisting in its acute, triangularly acuminated clypeus, and the four sharply elevated costas with which each of its elytra (independently of the 02 RUTELID/E. raised suture) is furnished. The two outer ridges, however, as well as the extreme apex of the first or inner one, are somewhat broken up and interrupted ; and the longitudinal spaces between them are branded with a double row of large and obtuse, but not much, elevated, tubercles — which, however, become nearly obsolete towards the suture. Its prothorax (which is suddenly scooped out at the basal angles, and which, together with the head, is ciliated with fulvous setae, the elytra having their margin bald) is extremely uneven, particularly towards the sides ; and there are two somewhat flexuose costse down the dorsal region, as well as a greatly raised one behind, midway between the centre and edge, and an obscurer short curved one in front, rounded into the anterior extremity of the dorsal one which is nearest to it. Its tibiae are simple externally (or free from denticles) ; though the front pair (which are not at all dilated) have their outer angle produced into a broad and slightly bipartite process (as though composed of two basally confluent teeth) ; and its fore feet are exceedingly abbreviated. Fam. 16. RUTELID^. (Subfam. ANOPLOG^^ATEIDES.) Genus 34. ADORETUS. (Eschcholtz) De Castlu., Hist. Xat. ii. 142 (1840). 62. Adoretus versutus. A. valde alatus, ovato-oblongus, depressiusculus, bruuneo-piceus pilisque cinereis demissis parce et grosse irroratus ; capite pro- thoraceque nitidis, iUo magno, rugose punctato, postice in medio convexo ac minus sculpturato, oculis maximis, clypeo semicirculari picescentiore ad marginem recurvo, hoc brevissimo, marginato, grosse punctato, ad latera rotundato, angulis anticis subporrectis, posticis rotundato-obtusis ; elytris amplis, magis brunneis, sensim minus nitidis, punctato-rugosis (punctis, saltem majoribus versus latera, subseriatim dispositis), parce longitudinaliter costatis ; antennis (brevibus) pedibusque (robustis) rufo-ferrugineis, tibiis anticis S-dentatis, posticis latis ; tarsis piceis, unguiculis magnis, inaequalibus. Long. corp. lin. 5|-6. Adoretus vestitus, Bohem. [nee Reiche, 1847], Eugen. Res. 56(1858). versutus, Harold, Col. Hefte, v. (1869). , Woll, A7in. Nat. Hist. iv. p. 312 (1869). , Melliss. St. Hel 144 (1875). DYNASTIDiE. G3 Habitat in inferioribus intermediisque insulag, folia Quercus (et olim Vitis) copiosissime destruens. Apparently a very common insect in the rather low and inter- mediate districts of the island during the early summer months, where it used formerly to be very destructive to the vines, but where now it subsists more particularly on the young foliage of the oaks. This latter peculiarity in the modus vivendi was first pointed out to me by the Kev. H. Whitehead, — who, on the 15th of December 1875, brought me a perfect profusion of specimens which he had gathered during the previous evening at Woodcot ; and he assures me that they make their appearance every year, much about the same season, in equal abundance. Mr. l^[ellis8, however, says that it devours " the leaves and young shoots of the vines so voraciously as very soon to reduce a vine from full leaf to bare stems. As it hides away under stones and woodwork during daylight, only emerging as night comes on, the gardener finds that it requires special exertion to keep it in check ; " but as the vines have now so greatly disappeared, its change of Jiabitat is not unintelligible. Not to mention its more strictly generic characters, the powerfully winged A. versutus may be known from the few Lamellicorns which are here enumerated by its oblong outline, and brownish, or brownish- piceous, surface (which is sparingly clothed with a short, but coarse and decumbent, cinereous pubescence); by its rather large head, semicircular clj'peus, and greatly developed eyes ; by its extremely abbreviated and strongly margined prothorax ; by its ample, sub- costate, rugulose elytra ; and by the inequality of its claws. Fam. 17. DYNASTIDiE. (Subfam. PENTODONTIDES.) Genus 35. HETERONYCHUS. (Dejean) Burm., Ilandb. der Ent. v. 90 (1847). 63. Heteronychus arator. H. alatus, breviter oblongus, subcylindricus, niger aut piceo-niger, supra calvus convexus nitidus ; capite subtriangulari, rugose trans- versim subplicatulo-aspurato, cl}'peo ad latera et antice (trisinuato) anguste recurvo ; prothorace transverso-quadrato, convexo, fere impunctato, ad latera aequaliter rotundato : elytris postice paulo 64 DYNASTID^. truncato-abbreviatis, profunde punctato-striatis, striis punctisque ad latera subevanescentibus : antennis (brevissimis) pedibusquo (robiistis) piceis : tibiis latis, anticis fortiter 3-dentatis, posteri- oribus valde spinosis, 2Ias tarsorum antieorum unguiculo interno valde incrassato et inflexo. Long. Corp. lin. 6-7. Scarabfeus arator, Fab., Ent. Si/st. i. 3.3 (1792). Heteronvchus arator. Burm., I. c. 94 (1847). Sanct^-Helenee, Blanch., Voy. P. IS. iv. 105, p. 7. f. 6(1853). arator, Woll, Journ. Ent. i. 210 (18(31). , Id., Ann. Nat. Hist.iy. p. 312 (1869). , Melliss, St. Hel. 144 (1875). Habitat in intermediis editioribusque, hinc indo occuiTens, ad latera viarum necnon in terra sub lapidibus. Next to the two species of Mellissius, this is the largest of the St.-Helena Lamellicorns ; and it has much the appearance of being truly indigenous, though found equally in Southern Africa. It occurs at intermediate and rather lofty altitudes, its normal range being from about 2000 to 3000 feet above the' sea. Midway between Plantation and the central ridge it usually commences to make its apj)earance, and is sometimes very abundant as we approach the loiver portions of the latter,^ — as, for instance, along the road from Cason's to High Peak and West Lodge. It was taken, however, by Mr. Gray as low down as Francis Plain, and by Mr. P. Whitehead at Woodcot. It is more particularly along the sides of the roads that it is practically to be met with, " in the neighbourhood," as Mr. Melliss well observes, " of grass-lands and hayfields," — where it may often be seen lying dead in considerable numbers, or crawling sluggishly about amongst the loose friable dusty soil, in company with the MeUissius eudoxus, with which at first sight it might almost be confounded. Apart however from the structural characters which separate it from that insect (amongst which its fully developed wings, and the greatly thickened and curiously bent inner claw of the two anterior feet of the male should be especially noticed), it may at once be recognized by its much smaller size and more shortly oblong, sub- cylindric outline, by its darker hue and more highly polished surface, by its clypeus being more rugose, and trisinuate (instead of trun- cate) in front, by its prothorax being unsculptured, and by the punctures of its elytra being distributed in regular striae. Unlike those of the MeULssH, the sexes of the ff. arator are about equally abundant. DYNASTlDiE. 65 Genus 36. MELLISSIUS. (Bates) Wollaston, Ann. Nat. Hist. iv. 313 (1869). Corpus crassum, supra nudum, subtus pilis longis robustis obsitum ; cap>ite triangulari, dypeo apice truncate, necnon ibidem, ac subito (ante oculos) in genis, plus minus incrassato recurvo, fronte in medio tuberculata: prothorace magno, convexo, ad latera sub- sequaliter rotundato, in utroque sexu simplici (nee antice impresso) ; prosternali lobo (inter coxas anticas) brevi, piloso : scutello semi- circulai-i -triangulari : alls minutis, obsoletis : instrumentis stridu- lantihus propygidium pliculis brevibus tuberculisve transversis (vel ubique dense, vel multo parcius) asperantibus. Antennce O-arf^ : art" 1"° elongate, robusto, subclavato, subflexuoso, 2**° brevi trans- verso, 3"° minore breviore, 4", o'", 6'° gradatim paulo crescentibus, reliquis clavam magnam foliatam ovalem 3-articulatam efficienti- bus. Lahrum clypeo absconditum. Mandihulce cornetE, robustae, subtriangulares, concavae, apice incurvae obtusae, extus setis lon- gissimis instructse. Max'dlaram lohus intermis obsoletus ; externus latus, suboblongus, setisque longissimis ubique obsitus. Pcdporum maxiUarium articulus idtimus obovato-oblongus, lahicdium sub- ovatus. Mentum (ligulam occultans) elongatum, subtriangulare, corneum, pilis longissimis obsitum. Pedes fossorii, robusti, sub- aequales : tibiis anticis extus fortiter tridentatis, posterioribus apice truncatis ciliatis : unguiculis sequalibus. Although published in 1869, I have thought it desirable to give a fresh, and somewhat emended, diagnosis of this remarkable genus, on account of its extreme importance in the aboriginal fauna of St. Helena, — the two representatives of it which have hitherto been brought to Kght being perhaps the only Lamellicorns, with the possible exception of the HeteronycJius arator, which have any claims whatever to be looked upon as truly and absolutely indi- genous. Its structural features bring it into rather close proximity with the Australian groups Cheiroplatys and Isodon, although it is abundantly distinct from both of them ; yet, unlike the members of those genera, the prothorax is entire in both sexes, and the organs for stridulation are developed ; moreover the anterior tibiae are not enlarged as in Cheiroplatys. The wings of the Mellissii, unlike those of Heteronychus, are so small and rudimentary that the species must be considered as practically apterous ; and their legs, as though to compensate for the organs of flight, are extremely robust and powerful, and are much in accordance with their sluggish, fossorial modes of life. 6G DYNASTID^. 04. Mellissius eudoxus. M. crassus, subquadrato-ovatus, rufo-piceus, iiitidus ; capite (prae- sertim in J) grosse ruguloso-punctato ; clypeo subtriangulari, apice late truncato et ibidem angustc recurvo, ad latera anguste marginato ; prothorace magno, convexo, grosse punctato, angulia anticis subporrectis acutiusculis, posticis rotuiidato-obtusis, ad latera subrotundato et longe fulvo-ciliato : elytris subquadratis sed pone medium latiusculis, apice subtruncato-abbreviatis (angulis sutiiralibiis vix rotundatis), propygidium recte transversum sub- laeve nitidum (mucronibus perpaiicis distantibus, in medio majori- bus traiisversis, adspersum) occultantibus, grossissime et confuse Bubmalleato-punctatis (punctis plus minus confluentibus, et non- nullis vix sublongitudin alitor dispositis), sutura subelevata, et saepius obsoletissime longitudinaliter sub-bicostatis ; pygidio semi- circulari, subnitido ; pedibus robustis, fossoriis, fulvo -pilosis. Maris clypeus tuberctJo medio distincto instructus ; prothorax sub- major ; pygidium minutissime et densissime subrugulosum. Foem. clypeus minus distincte tuberculatus ; prothorax subminor ; pygidium sensim laevius. Long. corp. lin. 7-9. Scarab?eus eudoxus, in Bej. Cat. 168 (1837). MeUissius eudoxus, Woll, Atin. Nat. Hist. iv. 314 (1869). , Melliss, St. Hel. 145, pi. 23. f. 3 (1875). Habitat subeditiores insulse, ad latera viarum, praesertim juxta gra- minosos, lente movens. The normal range of the M. eudoxus does not differ greatly from that of the HeteronycJms arator, though, while ascending (in like manner) to the less-elevated portions of the central ridge, it perhaps scarcely descends quite so low as that insect does, — about 2500 feet above the sea being the height at which it is more particularly abundant. Like the Heteronychus arator, it is more often to be met with crawling sluggishly at the sides of the roads, in the vicinity of grass-lands, than elsewhere, — its larvas, apparently, being very destructive to the roots of the grass. Mr. Melliss speaks of the latter, in conjunction with those of the M. adumhratus, as called " hog- worms," and quotes an account by General Beatson of the manner in which they pursue their depredations ; but I think it must be the grubs of (more particularly) the M. eudoxus to which in reality he alludes, for that species is certainly very much more abundant than the other. Indeed we met with the eudoxus almost universaDy throughout the rather elevated central and south-western parts of the island (particularly in the vicinity of Cason's, High DYNASTID.E. 67 Peak, and West Lodge), and more sparingly even in the northern ones, whereas of the adumbratv^ I did not procure so much as a single example during our six months' sojourn in the island ; so that, if the "hog-worms " do really " play so important a part in the destruction of the grass on the high lands, by feeding on its roots, that large patches, and sometimes whole fields, are laid bare," I suspect that it must be the M. eudoxus, and not the comparatively rare aduinbratus, which is mainly responsible for the damage. I will, however, just add, that our researches were so very much less pursued in the northern division of the island than they were in the central and south-western ones, that it is not impossible that the adumbratus may be found to occur in some parts of the former, and that the work of depredation may be carried on by both species within their respective areas ; though, even in that case, the fact undoubtedly remains that by far the larger portion of the high land has the'M. eudoxus for its tenant, and not the adumbratus. Possibly, though I did not observe it there, the latter may prove to be the dominant form on the Longwood and Deadwood Plains, or (which is stiU more likely) towards the eastern coast. The excessive rarity of the female sex in the Mellissii, as compared with the males, is very remarkable. Indeed when I enunciated the genus in 1869 I had not seen a single female of either species, though I had 18 examples altogether before me ; and even now, out of a large number of the M. eudoxus which were collected by myself, there are only two or three of that particular sex. It does not appear, however, to differ much, in its general characters, from the male — the tubercle of its clypeus being merely a little less distinct, its prothorax a trijle smaller, and its pygidium appreciably smoother (or less rugulose). 65. Mellissius adumbratus. M. prsecedenti similis, sed subpallidior ac magis opacus ; capite paulo minus rugose punctato ; clypeo subangustioro, ad apicem minus late truncate sed magis recurve, ad latera minus obliquo et cras- sius marginato, tuberculo medio magis elevato instructo ; pro- thorace sublevius punctato, necnon ad latera in medio subangidato (aut, saltern, minus aequaliter rotundato) ; elytris nullo modo (non etiam obsoletissime) sub-bicostatis, sutura sensim minus elevata, angulis ipsis suturalibus omnino rectis, punctis etiam minus sub- longitudin alitor dispositis ; propygidio (vix omnino elytris abdito) triangular! {i. e. in medio angulatim producto, nee recto), magis f2 68 DYNASTID.E. opaco, multo densius ac magis regulariter plicatulo-asperato ; pygidio lunari (nee semicirculari) et magis opaco. Long. Corp. lin. 8|-9|. Mellissius adumbratus, Woll., Ann. Nat. Hist. iv. 315 (1869). , Melliss, St. Hel. 145 (1875). Habitat (nisi fallor) versus orientem insulae, a Dora. Melliss supra Prosperous Bay.deprehensus. I have scarcely sufficient material to decide for certain vrhether this species may not be, on the average, a trifle larger than the last one ; however, it is certainly a little paler, or redder, and very much more opake. Its head is rather less roughly sculptured; and its clypeus (which is narrower, or less obliquely sloping at the sides) is less broadly truncated, as well as appreciably more recurved, in front, with its lateral edges more thickened, or coarsely margined, and with its central tubercle more developed ; its prothorax, which is not quite so deeply punctured, is rather less equally rounded at the sides, it having a faint tendency to be subangulated in the middle. Its elytra, which are free from all appearance of being even obsoletely (as in the M. eudoccus) longitudinally-costate, have their suture less elevated and their sutural angles somewhat more sharply expressed ; and they are also sufficiently truncated behind to leave exposed (which is not the case in the M. eudoxus)' a small portion of the propygidium. The latter is triangular instead of transverse, it being separated from the pygidium by an angular line instead of a straigTit one ; and it is likewise more opake, and much more densely asperated with minute transverse tubercles (or short file-hke plaits) for the purpose of stridulation. And its pygidium is lunate (instead of semicircular), and more opake*. In speaking of this insect and the last one, Mr. Melliss says, " Both species are plentiful, and occur in similar localities ; " but I have already given my reason why I think that some qualification of that statement is necessary. Indeed, out of 18 examples which Mr. MelHss himself sent to me for examination, three only belong to the M. adumbratus ; and these three embody all that I yet know * In all probability the M. adumhratihs will be found to stridulate audibly. In my original diagnosis of the genus and its two representatives, I expressed an opinion that, from the comparatively slight file-like arrangement on its pro- pygidium which is observable in the M. eudoxKS, that species would scarcely be able to produce a sound sufficiently loud to be heard ; and I may now add that I have not succeeded in detecting in it any stridulation that is appreciable. But whether the powers of the M. adumbratus are, in that respect, greater (as I am rather inclined to believe), remains yet to be proved. ELATE RID.E. 69 about the latter. And, moreover, since Mr. Melliss expressly men- tions that he " found this insect under stones on the low barren plains near Prosperous Bay " (a locality which we never explored, and which is totally different from those which are normally occupied by the M. eudoxus), I would venture to surmise that it is probably towards the eastern side of the island, and perhaps at a rather lower altitude, that the M. adumbratus will be found more particularly to occur*. Sectio 7. PRIOCERATA. Fam. 18. ELATERID^. Genus 37. ANCHASTUS. Leconte, Trans. Am. Phil. Soc.x. 459 (1853). 66. Anchastus compositarmn, n. sp. A. elliptico-elongatus, angustulus, niger, pilisque brevissimis minu- tissimis demissis cinereis parce irroratus ; capite prothoraceque subopacis, densissime et profunde punctatis (punctulis nonnuUis intermediis minoribus), hoc maguo, convexo, in medio coleopteris latiore, angulis posticis valde productis, acutissimis, subsinuatim vix exstantibus, et carinuhs binis instructis, in disco postico obsolete canaliculato, basi transversim declivi sed in parte media ipsissima (ante scutellum) sublobato-elevato ; elytris elongato- ellipticis, sensim nitidioribus, grosse arguteque crenato-striatis, in interstitiis minutissime levissimcque punctulatis ac obsolete sub- rugulosis ; antennis, palpis, pedibusque rufo-ferrugineis ; tarsorum art° 3"" subtus late bilobo. Var. 0. capite prothoraceque sensim nitidioribus, hoc postice magis subito declivi ; elytrorum interstiis paulo magis rugulosis. Long. Corp. lin. 5-6. Habitat editiores, prascipue in ligno Compositarum antique ; Eestate ineunte, occurrens. The present species and the following one, which are the only Elaterids which have hitherto been detected at St, Helena, resemble each other very closely ; nevertheless I am satisfied that they are * The very excellent figure which Mr. Melliss has given to illustrate this genus belongs evidently, from its shining surface, to the M. eudoxus ; nevertheless I may just mention that it is cited as the adumbratus, — which would seem to imply that the two species may perhaps have been a little confounded by him as to their exact points of difference. 70 elatkridj*;. truly distinct, and that they cannot be looked upon as local modifi- cations of a single form, — being, in point of fact, very frequently found associated. They both of them occur in the higher parts of the island, within the region of the arborescent Compositoe, — to which in their larva-states they would appear to be attached. Indeed, until they make their appearance after the early summer rains (about the beginning of February), when they may be found abundantly beneath stones in open grassy places, the few which I have ever met with have been broken out of the dead boughs and trunks of the various cabbage trees and gumwoods, — within which they clearly undergo their transformations. In fact on the eastern, and almost inaccessible, side of High Peak I on one occasion brought away with me a small portion of an old rotten branch of the " Whitewood Cabbage Tree*' {Petrohium arhoreum, R. Br.), within which the Ancliasti had manifestly just arrived at maturity; and although less than a foot in length, I obtained, by breaking it open carefully, more than 50 examples, — about two thirds of which belonged to the present species, and the remainder to the A. atlanticus ; and my belief is, that the A. compositarum will be found to be more attached to the Petrohium arhoreum than to any of the four native cabbage trees. Along the whole line of the central heights, from Diana's Peak to High Peak, the A. compositarum may be captured at times, during the commencement of the summer, in this sort of manner, — a single piece of dry tinder-like wood harbouring often a perfect colony of individuals ; and I may add that Mr. P. "Whitehead has obtained the species on Stitch's Ridge in much the same profusion as I did at High Peak. The A. compositarum is, on the average, the larger of the two Anchasti, and its limbs are usually a trifle more robust ; its surface is appreciably darker (it seldom being brownish or fuscescent), as well as more sparingly besprinkled with a much shorter and more minute cinereoiis pubescence ; its elytral interstices are more finely punctured, and less rugulose ; and its prothorax, which is just per- ceptibly opaker, convexer, and more rounded about the middle, has its posterior angles relatively someweat narroiver and more acute, and less straightened, — having a slight tendency to be a little sinuated or outwardly-curved. The examples from Flagstaff' Hill, in the extreme north of the island, are not quite so typical as those from High Peak and Stitch's Eidge, being in some respects intermediate between the two species; ELATERID^. 71 nevertheless their exceedingly narrow and acute hinder prothoracic angles and very abbreviated pubescence will, I think, refer them to the A. compositarum rather than to the atlcmticus, though in their less opake head and prothorax (the latter of which is very suddenly sloped off in the middle), as well as in the more rugulose interstices of their occasionally subfusceseent elytra, they approach somewhat to the latter. In all probability they belong to the Gumwood fauna which must once have been dominant on the Longwood and Dead- wood plains, and may perhaps represent some slight modification, or variety, peculiar to those trees, which have now almost totally disappeared. 67. Anchastus atlanticus. A. prsecedenti similis, sed minor, plerumque paulo magis piceus aut fuscescens, pilisque longioribus grossioribus ac sensim magis griseis vestitus ; capite prothoraceque submagis nitidis, hoc vix minus convexo et in medio vix angustiore, angulis posticis sensim rectioribus minusque acutis (sc. nullo modo subsinuatim subex- stantibus), postice paulo abruptius declivi ; elytris vix magis ellipticis, insterstitiis paulo magis subruguloso-asjieratis ; antennis pedibusque subrobustioribus, tarsorum posteriorum art" 1"'° vix minus elongato. Long. Corp. lin. 4-vix 5. Anchastus atlanticus, Cmid., Mem. Mat. ii. 409, t. 3. f. 8 (1859). Heteroderes puucticollis, IVolL, Ann. Nat. Hist. iv. 317 (1869). Anchastus atlanticus, Id., ibid. viii. 401 (1871). , Melliss, St. Mel. 146 (1876). Habitat in intermediis editioribusque insular ; vel sub lapidibus in graminosis apertis, vel in ligno Compositarum antique. As already implied, this is (on the average) a rather smaller species than the preceding one, less decidedly black (the elytra being fre- quently picescent, or even brownish), and clothed with a coarser and longer pile ; its head and prothorax are just perceptibly more shining, the latter being also a trijle less convex and less rounded before the middle, as well as a little more ahru/pthj dcsilient behind, and with the posterior angles appreciably straighter and not quite so narrowed or acute ; its elytra (which are somewhat more shortened, or elliptic) have their interstices more rugulose ; and its limbs are less con- spicuously robust. Like the last one, the present species appears to be attached, in at any rate its larval condition, to the arborescent Gompositce of a somewhat high altitude, more particularly (I think), though by no 72 CLERID/K. means exclusively, to the Little Bastard Gumwood, or Aster gum- miferus, Hk. fil. ; but in its perfect state it is more often to be met with beneath stones in open grassy spots, especially in the vicinity of those particular shrubs. After the early summer rains, about the beginning of February, it makes its appearance in comparative abun- dance ; during which season I took it in profusion just behind the lofty ridge, above "West Lodge, overlooking the great Sandy-Bay crater, as well as on the eastern (and well-nigh inaccessible) slopes of High Peak, and also (though more sparingly) so low down as even Plantation, It has been captured by Mr. P. "Whitehead on Halley's Mount, and likewise (in great profusion), beneath stones, on Green Hill. Fam. 19. CLERIDiE. Genus 38. CORYNETES. Herbst, Kdf. iv. 148 (1791). 68. Corynetes rulipes. C. ovato-oblongus, caeruleus aut cyaneus, nitidus, pilisque elongatis suberectis grisco-nigrescentibus obsitus ; capite prothoraceque (interdum subaeneo-tinctis) profunde punctatis, hoc subconico-rotun- dato ; elytris profunde substriato-punctatis, insterstitiis transversim rugulosis ; antennis pedibusque la^te rufo-testaceis, illarum clava (magna) articulisque adjacentibus nigrescentibus. Long. Corp. lin. 2^-vix 3. Anobium rufipes, Thunh., Nov. Ins. Spec. i. 10 (1781). Corynetes rutipes, JVolL, Col. Atl. 209 (1865). ^ , Id., Col. Hesp. 102 (1867). , Id., Ann. Nat. Hist. iv. 317 (1869). , Ilelliss, St. Hel. 146 (1875). Habitat in domibus repositoriisque insulse, ex alienis certe introductus. There are few insects more widely dispersed than the common European C. rufipes, its constant liability to transmission along with various articles of commerce and merchandise having rendered it well-nigh cosmopolitan. It has become established in the Canarian and Cape-"V^erde archipelagos, and was taken by the late Mr. Bewicke at Ascension ; but at St. Helena it does not appear to be usually very abundant, though to be met with occasionally in the houses and stores of Jamestown, — where it has been likewise found by the Rev.H."\\Tiite- head and Mr. N. Janisch. Mr. Melliss mentions that it occurs also about Ladder Hill. Its bright cyaneous, or metallic-blue, surface PTINID^. ANOBlIDiE. 73 (wliich is coarsely punctured, and clothed with dark suberect hairs), in conjunction with the clear rufo- testaceous hue of its antennas and legs, the former of which, however, have their club and anteclaval joints blackish, will abundantly characterize it. Fam. 20. PTINID^. Genus 39. GIBBIUM. Scopoli, Int. ad Hist. Nat. 505 (1777). 69. Gibbiiim scotias. O. ovatum, valde convexum, politissimum, calvum, esoulpturatum, subtranslucens, rufo-castaneum ; capite deflexo ; prothorace bre- vissimo, transverse, elytris arete applicato ; antennis pedibusque elongatis, crassis, densissime fulvo-cinereo-squamosis. Long. Corp. lin. 1. Ptinus scotias, Fah., Spec. Lis. i. 74 (1781). Gibbium scotias, WolL, Col. Atl. 214 (1865). , Id., Ann. Nat. Hist. iv. 318 (1869). , Melliss, St. Hel. 147 (1875). Habitat circa domes et in cultis, rarissime ; certe intreductum. A single example of the European G. scotias (which has become naturalized also in Madeira) was taken by Mr, Gray, amongst garden refuse, at Plantation, and another had previously been met with by Mr. Melliss ; but the species is, of course, a mere introduction from more northern latitudes. There is no fear of confounding it with any thing else which concerns us in this volume, — its extremely convex, highly polished, unsciilptured, glabrous, semitransparent, globule-shaped body, added to its bright- chestnut (or rufo-casta- neous) hue, and the fact of its thick, elongate limbs being densely clothed with a fine and closely-set fulvo-cinereous pubescence being more than sufficient at once to characterize it. Fam. 21. ANOBIID^. Genus 40. ANOBIUM. Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 62 (1775). § 1. Scutellum transversmn. 70. Anobium velatum. J^.parallelo-oblongum, subcylindricum, piceo-brunneum, subnitidum, 74 ANOBIID^. longe et moUit,er fulvo-cinereo-pubescens pilisque elongatis sub- erectis moUibus velatum ; capite prothoraceque granulato-asperatis, illo oculis maximis, prominentibus, hoc lato, convexo, transverso- Bubquadrato, ad latera in medio subrecto, angxilis posticis rotun- datis, linea lieviore obsoleta dorsali instructo ; elytris profunde striato-puuctatis, interstitiis parce granulato-rugulosis ; antermis pedibusque longiusculis, crassis, piceis. Long. Corp. lin. 2. Anobium velatum, WolL, Ins. Mad. 276, t. v. f. 3 (1854). , Id., Col.Atl, 226 (I860). , Id., Ann. Nat. Hist. iv. 318 (1869). , Melliss, St. Hel. 147 (1875). Habitat in cultis et domibus, ad lignum antiquum ; rarissimum. I did not meet with this Anobium at St. Helena ; but a single example was obtained by Mr. Melliss, and a second has been given to me by Mr. P. Whitehead — taken by himself at Woodcot. The species is without doubt a naturalized one, and may perhaps have been more abundant before the vines (to which I believe it to be a good deal attached ; at least so it appears to me in at any rate the Madeiran and Canarian archipelagos) were so generally destroyed. It is the largest of the St.-Helena Anobia ; and it may be further distinguished by its roughly sculptured, piceous-brown surface, which is clothed with soft, elongate, and nearly erect hairs, and by its rather wide^ convex, transverse -quadrate prothorax. It is studded with small granules, rather than punctules ; but the punctures of its elytral striae are both deep and somewhat coarse, and its eyes are very large and prominent. § 2. Scutellum subtriangulare. 71. Anobium paniceum. A. breviter oblongum, subopacum, rufo-ferrugineum, broviter et molliter (et vix demisse) fulvo-cinereo-pubescens; capite pro- thoraceque minute subgranulatis, hoc lato, convexo, ad latera leviter explanato rotundato, postice in medio obsolete subearinu- lato-gibboso ; elytris minute crenulatp-striatis ; antennis pedi- busque testaceis. Long. Corp. lin. circa I5. Dermestes paniceus, Linn., Fna Suec. 431 (1761). Anobium paniceum, WolL, Col. Atl. 227 (1865). , Id., Col. Hesp. 109 (1867). , Crotch, in Godm. Azor. 77 (1870). , Melliss, St. Hel. 147 (1875). Habitat in domibus insulae mereatorumque repositoriis, passim. ANOBIIDiE. 75 Like the A. domesticum, this universal European insect (which occurs in the Azorean, Madeiran, Canarian, and Gape-Verde groups) has acquired for itself almost a world-wide range, its liability to intertransmission amongst civilized countries along with farinaceous substances and other articles of commerce having succeeded in esta- blishing it almost everywhere. At St. Helena it is not uncommon ; often amongst bread and meal,. as well as about old houses generally, — under which latter circumstances it has been taken by Mr. P. Whitehead at Woodcot. The A. molle is a rather small and insignificant Anohmm, and one which may be known by its shortly-oblong outline, rufo-ferruginous hue, and nearly opake, densely pubescent surface, — the hairs of which, however, although equally fine and soft, are not quite so elongate, or so erect, as those of the A. velatum. Its prothorax is as wide behind as the base of the elytra, and nearly even ; and the latter are minutely crenate-striated. 72. Anobiiim douiesticum. A. angustulum, elongatulum, subopacum, brunneo-piceum elytris dilutioribus, minutissime, brevissime, et omnino demisse fulvo- pubcscens ; capite prothoraceque angustis, subgranulato-rugulosis, hoc paiTO, in^quali, lateraliter eompresso, versus augulos posticos anguste acuteque subexplanato-marginato, in disco postico alte gibboso-carinato ; elytris profunde striato-punctatis, utrinque ante apicem obsolete subgibbosis ; anteunis (rufo-testaceis) pedi- busque (piceo-ferrugineis) longiusculis, gracilibus. Long. Corp. lin. I5-2. Auobium domesticum, Fourcr., Ent. Par. i. 26 (1785). striatum, OJw., Ent. ii. 1(J. 9 (1790). , Woll, Col. Atl. 227 (I8G0). , Id., Cvl. Hesp. 109 (1867). domesticum, Crotch, in Go(hn. Azor. 77 (1870). striatum, Melliss, St. Bel. 147 (1875). Habitat in domibus, passim ; ex Anglia forsan introduetum. This widely-distributed European Anobhon, which from its con- stant liability to exportation along with timber (and in vessels) has acquired an almost cosmopolitan range, and which has established itself in the Azorean, Madeiran, Canarian, and Cape-Terde archi- pelagos, occurs sparingly in houses at 8t. Helena. I have met with it frequently at Plantation ; and it has been found by Mr. P. White- head at Woodcot. 76 ANOBIID/E. The rather narrow outline and piceo-brownish hue of the A. do- tnesticum, added to its nearly opake and very minutely and shortly pubescent surface, and its small, uneven, laterally compressed pro- thorax, which is acutely margined towards the posterior angles, and obtusely carinated (or gibbose) on the hinder disk, will sufficiently distinguish it, 73. Anobinm confertum. A. cylindricum, aut nigrum aut fusco-nigrum, opacum, ubique minutissimo et densissime subarenaceo-granulatum (vix punctu- latum) pubeque brevi cinerea et omnino demissa parce sericatum ; capite deflexo, oculis magnis, prominentibus ; prothorace brevi, transverse, simplici, convexo, postice elytrorum latitudino, angulis anticis subrectis, posticis magis rotiindatis, ad latera subrecto regulariter explanato -recurve atque ferrugineo ; elytris obsoletis- sime longitudinaliter substriatis (sed nullo modo punctatis) ; autennis pedibusque gracilibus ct iua^qualiter piceo-fcrrugineis, tarsis clarioribus. Long. Corp. lin. l|-2^. Anobium confertum, WolL, Ann. Nat. Hist, iv, 319 (1869). , Melliss, St. Hel. 147 (1875). Habitat inter arbusculos Asteris glutinosi, Roxb. (anglice " Scrub- wood "), lignum antiquum destruens. The single example, taken by Mr. Melliss, which I had seen of this very distinct Anobium in 1869 was unaccompanied with any note as to its habitat ; and considering, therefore, how eminently liable the Anohia are to accidental introduction throughout the civilized world, I expressed my doubts (while describing it as new) as to its real claims to be regarded as indigenous at St. Helena. Even now, only one more individual has come beneath my notice ; but since its modus Vivendi is unmistakably defined, I am enabled at all events to treat the species which it represents as, without doubt, one of the aboriginal exponents of the fauna ; so that the A. confertum is no longer dubious as regards the question of its origin. It is to Mr. P. Whitehead that we are indebted for clearing up this particular point, and shovtdng that it is probably to the Aster glutinosus, or " Scrubwood," that the insect is attached, — some decayed portions of that viscous and essentially characteristic shrub which he collected in the vicinity of Flagstaff Hill having produced, amongst certain Microxylobii of undoubted Scrubwood-infesting habits, the specimen to which I have just called attention. Unfortunately we had no BOSTRICHID.^. n opportunities, during our six months' sojourn in the island, of in- vestigating the Scrubwood, — one of the aboriginal arborescent Com- positce which is now becoming extremely scarce, and confined to a few hot and arid districts towards the coast which are practically difficult of access ; but Mr. Whitehead has proved to a demonstration that it harbours a little fauna of its own, and that it only requires to be carefully searched to add (even yet) new members to the catalogue. I have consequently but little doubt that when the Scrubwood-regions have been thoroughly examined, the present Anohium will be found to occur more plentifully, and will cease to be (as now) well-nigh unique *. There is no fear of confounding the A. confertum with any other of the Anohia recorded in this volume, — its cylindrical outline and opake ctiriously-sculpturcd surface, which is altogether devoid of punctures but which is most densely, evenly, and minutely granu- lated all over (like the finest possible seal-skin), and apparently more or less clothed, or sericated, with an extremely short and quite decumbent whitish, cinereous pubescence, being more than sufficient to distinguish it. Its colour is either black or brownish black ; its eyes are large and very prominent ; its prothorax is wide, transverse, and even, with the lateral edges rather straightened, but ferruginous and conspicuously fiattened and recurved ; its elytra are almost free from even obsolete traces of longitudinal striae ; and its limbs are slender and piceo-femiginous, Fam. 22. BOSTRICHID^. Genus 41. RHIZOPERTHA. Stephens, ///. Brit. Ent. iii. 254 (1830). 74. RMzopertha bifoveolata. jR. breviter cylindrica, piceo-ferruginea, subopaca ; prothorace magno, subgloboso, valde convexo, scabroso, necnon antice mucronibus fortiter asperato, ad basin foveolis duabus mediis impresso ; elytris ubique confertim punctatis (baud striatis), ad apicem integris ; antennis longiusculis, robustis. Long, Corp. lin. circa 1^=. * Since these observations were written, another example of the A. confertum has been communicated by Mr. P. Whitehead. It was taken by himself on " the Bam," amongst the bushes of Scrubwood ; and he has even sent me a por- tion of the dead sticks out of which he obtained it ; so that I need scarcely add that the above remarks have been most completely corroborated. 78 BOSTRICHID.E. Rhyzopertha bifoveolata, Woll., Ann. Nat. Hist. ii. 409 (1858). Rhizopertha bifoveolata, Id., Col. All. 232 (1865). , Id., Col. Hesp. 110 (1867). , Id., Ann. Nat. Hist. iv. 320 (1869). , Melliss, St. Hel. 147 (1875). Habitat in mercatorum repositoriis ; mild non obvia, sed certe ex alienis introducta. I did not meet "witb this insect at St. Helena, where, however, it was taken by Mr, Melliss ; but there can be no question that the species is merely a naturalized one, and only requires to be searched for in the stores and houses of Jamestown. Like the R. pusilla, it seems to be more particularly attached to dried roots, imported as articles of merchandise, — whether whole, or (like ordinary arrow- root) in the form of farina ; and indeed it was in a cask of flour that it was introduced, many years ago, into Madeira. I obtained it, however, under circumstances which appeared somewhat more natural, in the interior of St. lago, in the Cape- Verde group. In my original diagnosis of this insect, in 1858, 1 mentioned that the R. bifoveolata is rather larger and broader than the common R. pusilla, but proportionally not quite so long, as also a little darker, or more piceous, and nearly opake. Its prothorax is much larger and more globose, — being exceedingly convex, wider and more roughened in front, and with two deep, rounded f ovese or depressions (separated only by a narrow rudimentary dorsal line) in the centre behind. Its elytra are uniformly and closely punctured all over, the punctures being much smaller and more numerous than those of the R. pusilla, and without any tendency to be arranged either in strite or longitudinal rows ; and they are rounded and entire at the apex, there being no appearance of an oblique truncation ; and the antennae, which are a little paler than the rest of the surface, are somewhat longer and more robust than in that species. 75. Rhizopertha pusilla. R. angustulo-cylindrica, piceo-ferruginea, subnitida ; prothorace semicirculari-cylindrico, scabroso, necnon antice mucronibus aut pliculis transversis asperato ; elytris profunde striato-punctatis (punctis magnis), ad apicem obsolete oblique tnmcatis aut retusis (vix omnino integris) : antennis rufo-testaceis ; pedibus gracUibus rufo-piceis, tarsis clarioribus. Long. Corp. liu. circa li. TOMICID^. 79 Synodendron pusillum, Fah., Ent. Sijst. v. (Siippl.) 156 (1798). Rhyzopertha pusilla, Steph., I. c. 354 (1830). Rhizopertha pusilla, WolL, Coll. Atl. 232 (1865). , Id., Ann. Nat. Hist. iv. 320 (1869). , Melliss, St. mi. 148 (1875). Habitat in domibus repositoriisque ad Jamestown, farinas radicesqne destruens. I met with this almost cosmopolitan insect sparingly on outer walls, particularly of warehouses, in Jamestown, — where it appears to have established itself (as it has at Madeira and elsewhere) through the medium of commerce, being particularly partial to farinaceous substances and dried roots. I need scarcely add that it has no real connexion with the true fauna of St. Helena. Sectio 8. KHYNCHOPHORA. Fam. 23. TOMICID^. Genus 42. TOMICUS. LatreUle, Hist. Nat. iii. 203 (1802). 76. Tomicus aemiilus. T. cylindricus, nitidus, nigro-piceus, pilisque longiusculis suberectis fiilvescentibus parce obsitus ; prothorace amplo, posticc evidenter punctulato, in disco mox ante medium subnodoso-convexo, antice dilatato obtuse rotundato necnon mucronibus asperato ; elytris leviter striato-punctatis punctulisque minoribus in interstitiis uniseriatim notatis, ad apicem retusis, parte perpendiculari denti- bus sublateralibus duobus subajquaUbus (sc. superiore et inferiore) ac perpaucis lateralibus minutissimis granuliformibus utrinque armata ; antennis pedibusque infuscato-testaceis. Long. corp. lin. circa li. Tomicus femulus, Woll, Ann. Nat. Hist. iv. 321 (1869). , Melliss, St. Hel. 148 (1875). Habitat in intermediis (rariua editioribus), arbores (praecipue Podo- carpi elongati, I'He'r.) perforans. When I described this species in 1869 I had seen only a single example of it, which was taken by Mr. Melliss but the habitat of which was totally unknown to me. During our resideiice, however, at Plantation I met with it in absolute profusion, — principally boring 80 HYLESINIDjE. into the stems, and beneath the loose outer bark, of the gigantic Cape yews {Podocarpus elongatus, I'ller.) ; so that it is not impossible that it may have been originally introduced into the island, and have since become completely naturalized. Still I do not feel confident that this is the case ; for I have taken it also, though very much more sparingly, even on the central ridge. Like most of the Tomici, however, it is a species which uses its wings vigorously ; so that, when once established in any country or district, it would very soon spread. In its general size, outline, proportions, and sculpture, the T. cemulus has much the ])rimd facie appearance of the European T. saxesenii (which occurs likewise in the Azorean, Madeiran, and Canarian groups) ; but, as I mentioned in 1869, a closer inspection wiU show not only that it is a little larger and more pilose, with its prothorax less alutaceous and more distinctly punctulated behind, but that its elytra are more retuse (or perpendicularly truncated) at the apex, and that each of them is armed with (in addition to smaller and granuliform ones) two robust acute spines. This latter character, apart from its more evidently punctulated prothorax and darker hue, will equally separate it from the T. perforans, a species closely resembling the saxesenii, and which has been found in the Madeiran and Cape-Verde archipelagos, — where, however, in all probability, it has become naturalized through indirect human agencies. Fam. 24. HYLESINID^. Genus 43. HYLURGUS. Latreille, Oen. Crust, et Ins. ii. 274 (1807). 77. Hylurgus ligniperda. H. cylindricus, subnitidus, niger sed in elytris obsoletissime sub- picescens (immaturus omnino ferrugineus), pilisque erectis (in capite prothoraceque, necnon ad elytrorum apicem, longioribus) cinereo-fulvis vestitus ; capite prothoraceque dense et profunde punctatis, illo crasso triangulari-quadrato, hoc elongate, sub- conico, in medio linea leevi subcarinulato ; elytris densissime et grosse asperato-rugulosis (vix certe punctatis), et obsolete longi- tudinaliter striatis, ad apicem ipsum leviter truncatis aut retusis ; antennis tarsisque piceo-testaceis, femoribus tibiisque (latis, com- pressis, extus spinulosis) piceis. Long. Corp. lin. 2-2 1. COSSONIDiB. 81 Bostricbus lisniperda, Fab., Ent. St/st. i. ii. 367 (1792). Hylurgus ligniperda, Wall, Col. Atl. 250 (1865). , Id., Ann. Nat. Hist. iv. 321 (1869). , Crotch, in Goclm. Azor. 78 (1870). , Melliss, St. IIcl. 148 (1875). Habitat pinos emorh^as in intermediis rariusque in editioribus, sub cortice laxo erodeus. The common European H. ligni'perda (which has established itself abundantly in the Azorean, Madeiran, and Canarian archipe- lagos) is universal beneath the bark of old fir trees at St. Helena, occurring at intermediate and lofty altitudes — where it has doubtless become naturalized, along with the various pines, from Europe. Its thick, cylindrical outline, and elongate, subconical prothorax, added to the long and erect cinereo-fulvescent hairs with which it is clothed (particularly, however, on the anterior and posterior ex- tremities of its body), and its broad, compressed, and externally spinulose tibiae, will at once distinguish it from evei'y thing else with which we have here to do. Although in general outline and aspect a little resembling at first sight some of the larger exponents of Psevdostenoscelis, nevertheless its total freedom from a hook at its outer tibial angle, its flattened, externally spinulose tibiae, and the subretuse apex of its elytra will, even of themselves, immediately separate it from that group, and indeed from all the members of the Cossoniche. I have taken the H. ligniperda abundantly at Plantation, as well as in old pine-trees at Cason's and elsewhere. Fam. 25. COSSONID^. The excessive importance of the Cossouidce at St. Helena, which number more than a quarter of the entire Coleopterous fauna (so far at least as the latter has hitherto been ascertained), renders it desirable to furnish a short analysis of the groups, in order to facilitate the study of an assemblage of forms which might otherwise be somewhat difficult both to classify and determine. For the actual species themselves I must refer to the several diagnoses as given in situ ; but the following Table will perhaps be found useful in enabling us to recognize the main characters on which the various genera have been established : — 82 COSSONIDiE. A. Rostrum brevissimum, latum, crassum, triangulare. Abdominis segm*" 1"'" et "2^" lined argute divisis . . [Subfam. Stenoscelides.] a. ocvli laterales. elytra postice asperata. fi. funiculus 7 -articulatus. oculi valde demissi. Stenoscelis. jSjS. funictdus 5-articulatns. oculi sensim prominuli, Pseudostenoscelis. aa. octdi subsuperiores. elytra postice hand asperata. Pachymastax. AA. Rostrum vel breve vel plus minus elongatum et gracile. Abdominis segm*'' 1'"" et 2''° inter se arete connatis .... [Subfam. Cossonides et Pentarthrides.] y. futiiculus 7 -articulatus | Pbloeophagus. V [Subfam. Cossonides.] yy. funictdus 6-articulatus ) Hexacoptus. yyy. funiculus 5-articulattis [Subfam. Pentabthrides.] 6. oculi minuti. prothorax szibtriangularis. Pentarthrodes. 8S. oculi obsuleti, stibnuUi. jjrothora.r subovalis. Pseudomesoxenus. 6S8. octdi plus minus conspicui. e. rostrum breve, triangulare ; oculis valde demissis. Isotornus. f e. rostrum vel elo7igato-subtriangulare, vel breviter parallelum. ^. corpus nigrutn atit piceum (nee ceneum), Microxylobius. f^. corpus plus minus ceneo-micans. rj. prothorax nunquam grossissime scidpturatus. Acantbomerus. T]r], prothorax grossissime sculpturatus. Eucoptoderus. eee. rostrum plus minus elongatum, S(epe gracile. 6. corjms ceneo-micans. I. inceqtialiter (aut senii-J politttm, sc. hinc inde 7iitidum et hinc inde opacum. Chalcoti'ogus. u. aqualiter polittnn. K. funictdi art" 2^" valde elongato. Lamprocbrus. KK. funiculi art^ 2'^" quam primus paululum longiore ; rostro robusto, distorte curvato. Xestopbasis. 6'^ corpus nullo modo metallicum. A. magnum ; rostro robusto, distorte curvato. Tapiromimus. >.v. rostro gracili, lineari. u. prothorax antice simplex (i. e. truncatus). TjcbioiTbiuus, Hfi. prothorax antice obtuse prodtictus, cuculliformis, caput tegens. Crvptommata. COSSONID^. 83 (Subfam. 1. STENOSCELIDES.) Genus 44. STENOSCELIS. Wollaston, Jouni. of Ent. i. 141 (1861). Corpus cylindricum, dense sculptnratum, subnitidum ; rostro brevis- simo, crasso, triangulari, oculis lateralibus, subreniformibus, valde demissis, scrobe brevissimo, fere nnllo, ante oculos sito ; protliorace postice recte trnncato, antice distincte constricto, necnon ad latera in medio sinuate ; scntdlo minutissimo, punctiformi. Elytris antice transversim plicato-rugosis, postice (subito desUientibus, tamen vix subretusis) parce tuberculato-asperatis ; metasterno mediocri ; ahdominis segmentis 1™° et 2^° linea argute divisis. Antennce breves, subgraciles ; sccq^o brevissimo ; funiculi (7-articulati, parum compacti) art" l"" magno, antice recte truncate ; capitvlo abrupto, subrotundato. Pedes subgraciles, antici omnino, inter- medii fere omnino contigui, postici paulo distantes ; f arsis elonga- tis, gracilibus, art" 1™° elongate, 3*'° vix latiore sed minutissime bilobo, ult™" elongate. The genus Sfenoscelis was enunciated by mj'self in 1861 to receive a small and cylindrical Bylastes-like Cossonid (apparently conspecific with the present one from St. Helena) which was taken by the late Mr. Bewicke, during the preceding year, at the Cape of Good Hope ; and it still makes, as I cannot but believe, the nearest approach to the members of the Hylesinidc^, of all the true Curculionids which have as yet been brought to light. Perhaps, indeed, Pseudostenoscelis may be said to have a nearly equal claim to be prima facie suboscu- lant between the two groups ; nevertheless in the genus now under consideration the rostrum is (if possible) even still shorter and more triangular, the scape is even still more abbreviated, and the elytra are more decidedly asperate ; so that on the whole it is best placed in juxtaposition with the exponents of the preceding family. Since nearly aU the St.-Helena members of the Cossonidce which are absolutely and undoubtedly aboriginal seem to possess a o-jointed funiculus (the only exceptions to that rule being the one which we are now discussing, the Hexacoptus ferrugineus, and the European PKlceophagus ceneopiceus which has manifestly been naturalized), and since, as just mentioned, the StenosceUs hylastoides occurs equaU}' in Southern Africa, it may perhaps be open to inquiry whether the latter may not have beeu introduced originally from the Cape of Good Hope, and have since completely established itself. At any rate this conclusion is somewhat borne out by its mode of life, inasmucti as it g2 84 COSSONlDiE. i is only within the intermediate cultivated districts that I have hitherto met with it ; whereas the closely-resembling Pseudostenoscelides are attached more emphatically to the native arborescent Compositoi, not only of intermediate but (more particularly) of the loftiest elevations. 78. Stenoscelis hylastoides. (Fig. 1.) S. breviter cylindrica, nigra, fere calva, subnitida ; capite protho- raceque sat profunde et deusissime puuctatis, illo a^quali et (una cum rostro) late triangular!, ociilis valde demissis, hoc triangulari- quadrato, postice recte truncato, ad latera in medio distincte sinuato ; elytris vix (tamen antice evidentius) picescentioribus, striato-punctatis, interstitiis minutissime punctulatis ac rugose seriatim asperatis, asperitate antice x^licaturas transversas sed postice tubercula parva acuta efFormante : anteunis tarsisque ferrugineis, femoribus tibiisque piceis. Suhtas alutacea, parce subfulvescenti-pilosa, distincte sed leviter punctata. Long. Corp. lin. Ij-lf. StenosceUs hvlastoides, JFolL, I. c. 142, pi. 11. f. 1 (1861). , Id., Aim. Nat. Hist. iv. 401 (1869). , Melliss, St. mi. 148 (1875). Habitat in intermediis (prsecipue cultis) insulae, lignum aridum pul- verosum et valde antiquum destruens. I have taken this insect most abundantly "within pieces of dry rotten wood, completely dusty and pulverized, as ■well as in old decayed posts, at Plantation ; and it has been found by Mr. P. White- head at Woodcot under precisely similar circumstances ; but I did not observe that it ascends, like the closely-resembling members of Pseudostenoscelis, to the central ridge, to attach itself to the native arborescent Compositce. Perhaps therefore it may be less strictly indigenous than the exponents of that genus, and more particularly so since it is not confined (Hke them) to St. Helena, but exists like- wise at the Cape of Good Hope. Genus 45. PSEUDOSTENOSCELIS (nov. gen.). Corpus cylindricum, dense sculpturatum, plerumque subnitidum ; rostro brevissimo, crasso, subtriangulari, ocnlis lateralibus, subro- tundatis, scrobe brevissimo sed profundo, foveiformi, ante oculos sito ; protJiorace postice recte truncato, antice plus minus con- stricto, ad latera in medio plus minus sinuato ; scutello minutis- sime, punctiformi ; elytris antice et postice (subito desilientibus, tamen vix subretusis) parce tuberculato-asperatis ; metasterno mediocri ; abdominis segmentis 1"° et 2"^° linea argute divisis. Antennce breves subgraciles ; scapo brevi ; funiculi (5-articulati, COSSONIDiE. 85 sublaxi) art" 1""° magno, antice recte truncate; eapitulo abrupto, subrotundato. Pedes subgraciles, antici omnino, intermedu fere omnino contigui, postici paulo distantes ; tarsis elongatis, gracili- bus, art" 1"" elongate, 3''" vix latiore sed minutissime bilobo, ult™° elongato. A ^€vlos, falaus, et Stenoscelis. Obs. — Genus prima facie Stenoscelidi simillimum, sed differt funiculo 5-, nee 7-articulato, rostro paululum minus triangulari, oculis minus demissis, scapo paulo minus brevi, elytrisque antice minus grosse plicato-asperatis. It is somewhat remarkable that the extreme resemblance of the members of this most important St. -Helen a group to those (from the Cape of Good Hope and Japan) which I described a few years ago under the generic name of Stenoscelis should have hitherto so com- pletely deceived me that I had no hesitation whatever in referring the whole of them to the latter assemblage. Perhaps, however, this is not altogether inexplicable, seeing that it is only now that I have overhauled my recently acquired material from St. Helena with sufficient precision to perceive that the species which have as yet been brought to light differ so essentially from the South-African and Japanese ones as to possess a funiculus which is composed of only five joints instead of seven. Yet, although scarcely differing prima facie from the rest (except, of course, specifically), one at any rate of these ITylastes-like forms is a veritable Stenoscelis (having a 7-jointed funiculus, and sundry other small distinctive characters to which I have already called attention) ; and this one, the S. hylas- toides, was acknowledged by myself {vide 'Ann. Xat. Hist.' iv. 322, 1869) as occurring in St. Helena, no less than at the Cape of Good Hope, — the only marvel being, at any rate to my mind, that six closely resembling species which are due to our late explorations in the island should by any possibility be generically distinct from the South- African one. Yet this certainly appears to be the case ; and I have consequently cited them under a separate genus, as above enunciated. With this single radical exception of a 5-jointed funiculus (instead of 7-), the members of the present genus do not differ materially from those of Stenoscelis. Their rostrum is perhaps not quite so triangular, and (which is important, their eyes are less completely sunTcen or depressed ; and their scape, although short, is not quite so abnormally reduced ii' length ; added to which they have a rather 86 COSSONID^. more distinct, though very abbreviated, scrobs (or fovea) for the reception of their antennae, and their elytra, although roughened, are less asperate (particularly at the base) ; but the same cylindrical contour and laterally-sinuated prothorax, and the same apically-desi- lient elytra, slender legs, and elongated feet obtain in both groups*. § 1. Opaca ; protliorace antice fere integro. 79. Pseudostenoscelis sculpturata, n. sp. P. breviter cylindrica, latiuscula, crassa, nigra, fere calva; capite prothoraceque opacis, sat profunde et densissime punctatis punctis subconfluentibus), illo (una cum rostro) late triangulari, in medio leviter canaliculato, hoc longiusculo, triangulari-ovato, postice subemarginato-truncato, ad latera in medio obsolete sinuato ; elytris antice singulatim arcuatis, vix minus opacis, pro- funde punctate- et tuberculato-striatis (punctis sc. remotis, grossis, et superne asperatis, tubercula efficientibus), interstitiis minutis- ■ sime punctulatis ac elevatis ; antennis tarsisque (art" 3"° fere simplici) ferrugineis, femoribus tibiisque piceis. Sabtus parce subfulvescenti-pilosa, et profunde punctata. Long. Corp. lin. 2|. Habitat truncos Diclsonice arhorescentis, THerit., antiques emortuos putridos, in regionibus valde excelsis, rarissima. Evidently one of the rarest of the St.-Helena Coleoptera, three examples only having been brought to light during our sojourn in the island, — one of which (found by Mrs. AVollaston between Actaeon and Diana's Peak) was dead and imperfect, while another was taken by myself in the centre of a rotten stem of a tree fern, and the third from beneath a piece of damp decayed wood on the very summit of nearly the highest portion of the central ridge. It is clearly there- fore one of the aboriginal forms, and in all probability undergoes its transformations within the putrid trunks of the magnificent Dick- sonia arborescens. Although generically identical, it is totally unlike * Altbougl) possessing a 5-jointed funiculus, I cannot place the present genus and the following one (in a general arrangement of the Cossonidce) amongst the Pentarthrideous types (in which that organ is essentially 5-artioulate), inasmuch as the whole of their other features affiliate them most unmistakably with the somewhat osculant forms which terminate the entire family and serve to articu- late it on to the Hylastideous and Scolytideous groups. Indeed their manifestly close relationship (as already pointed out) with Stcnoscelis, in which the funiculus is 7-jointed, forbids altogether any attempt to locate them except injuxta-position with that genus; and they must consequently be looked upon (like Pentamimus from Australia, and Tomolips from Mexico) as exceptional members (in which the funiculus is composed of 5, instead of 7, articulations) of the particular sub- family in which I ha\e located them. COSSONIDiK. 87 any of the other species of Fseudostenoscdis which have hitherto been discovered, — its large size, as compared with all of them except the P. asteriperda, and broad, thickened, shortly- cylindric body, in con- junction with its completely opake head and prothorax (the denselj-- set punctures of which have a tendency to be subconfluent), and very coarsely sculptured elytra, which have their interstices elevated and their striae very wide and deep, the punctures of the latter being large and remote and so completely asperate (or overhung by their raised anterior edge) as to appear, when viewed from above, more like sharp and isolated tubercles than any thing else, giving it a character which it is impossible to mistake. Its prothorax, too, is well-nigh simple anteriorly, being almost unconstricted. § 2. Nitidida ; proiliorace antice plus minus constricto. 80. Pseudostenoscelis asteriperda, n. sp, P. cylindrica, crassa, valde alata, teneo-nigra aut a^neo-picea, nitidi- uscula, in elytris sensim breviter subfulvescenti-pilosa ; capite prothoraceque sat profuude et dense punctatis, illo late subtrian- gulari, in medio leviter canaliculato, hoc triangulari-ovato, antice paulum constricto, ad latera in medio siuuato; elytris transversim rugulosis, confuse substriato-punctatis (punctis superue asperatis, tubercula, postice magna acuta, cfficientibus), interstitiis con- fuse uniseriatim punctulatis ; antennis tarsisque (elongatis, art" 3''° distincte bilobo, ult™° elongato) ferrugineis, femoribus tar- sisque piceis. Sahttis parce fulveseenti-pilosa, et grosse sed hand profunde punctata. Long. corj). lin. -3-8. Habitat in editioribias, truncos ramulosque Asteris gummiferi et Bur- chellii, Hk. f., antiques emortuos perforans. With the exception of the P. sculpturata (which about equals it in bulk), the present Pseudostenoscelis is very much the largest member of this genus which has hitherto been brought to light ; and it seems to be peculiar, so far as I have observed, to the rotten wood of the two rare arborescent Asters — the A. gummiferus, Hk. f. (or "Little Bastard Gumwood"), and the A. Burchellii, Hk. f. It is consequently a species of a high elevation, as regards its range ; indeed the only locality in which I have met with it (though there in tolerable profusion) is on the almost inaccessible and windy sides of the great Sandy-Bay crater just beyond West Lodge, near to iho old Picquet House and overlooking Lufkins. In size and general 88 COSSOMD.E. outline it is at first sight a little suggestive of the common Hylurgus ligmjperda ; but this, of course, is the merest superficial analogj'. Apart from its comparatively large bulk, this thick an(J cylindrical Pseiidostenuscelis may be known by its cenescent, or brassy, tinge, by its confusedly sculptured elytra (the hinder asperities of which are exceedingly acute and prominent), and by (like the P. longitnrsis) its greatly elongated feet — the third joint of which is more deeply and distinctly bilobed than is the case in any of the other species. 81. Pseudostenoscelis longitarsis, n. sp, P. cylindrica, angustula, nigra aut piceo-nigra, nitidiuscula, ubique (sed praisertim in clytris) fulvescenti-pilosa ; capite prothoraceque sat profunde et dense punctatis, illo lato crasso, quadrato-trian- gulari, in medio leviter canaliculato, oculis promiuulis, hoc lon- giusculo, cj'lindrico-ovato, pone apicem distiucte constricto, ad latera in medio obsolete sinuato, in disco linea laevi instructo ; elytris stepius antice evidentius picescentibus, transversim rugu- losis, substriato-punclatis (punctis superne asperatis, autice plica- turas trans vcrsas sed postice tubercula acuta efiicientibus), iuter- stitiis minutissime uniseriatim punctulatis ; antennis tarsisque (elongatis, art" 3"" minutissime bilobo, ult™° elongate ) ferrugiueis, femoribus tibiisqiie piceis. Suhtus dense sed vix grosse punctata. Long. corp. lin. l|-2. Hahitat prsecipue in intermediis insulse, Commidendron rohustum^ DC. ( angHce " Gumwood "), et Asterem glutinosum, Eoxb. (anglice '•Scrubwood") destruens; ad Plantation, Thompson's Wood, Peak Gut, necnon ad et juxta promontorium "the Barn"' dictum, lecta. This is a species which, so far as I have observed, is more particularly attached to the rotten trunks and branches of the gumwood (^Commidendron rohustum, DC.), and also to those of the scrubwood (Aster glutinosus, Eoxb.), — Mr. P. Whitehead having lately communicated a large number of examples which he appears to have taken out of the decayed stems of the latter on, and in the vicinity of, " the Barn." Those that I have myself met with were broken out of dried sticks of the true gumwoods which are still left in the grounds at Plantation ; and I also obtained it, from similar trees, in Thompson's Wood and Peak Gut ; but it does not seem to ascend, so far as I am aware, into the extremely elevated parts of the great central ridge. The P. longitarsis is a rather narrow species in proportion to its bulk (which ranges next in order after the P. sculpturata and COSSONID^. 89 usteriperda) ; and it is also more pilose than any of the others, — its elytra especially being studded with exceedingly fine and suberect cinereo-fulvescent hairs. Its head is convex; and its prothorax (which is normally rather elongate, and which is only ohsoletely sinuated at the sides, although conspicuously constricted anteriorly) has a bright unpunctured line or space (not always equally distinct) on the centre of its disk ; and its elytra are nearly as much trans- vei-sely-plicate or asperated, at their base, as in the Stenoscelis hylas- toides. Its feet, too, are considerably lengthened, particularly the terminal joint — indeed quite as much so (relatively) as in the P. asteriperda, though their third one is much less bilobed than in that insect. 82. Pseudostenoscelis alutaceicoUis, n. sp, P. praecedenti similis, sed minor, angustior, antice paulo minus pilosa ; prothorace (antice vix minus constricto) alutaceo, nee nitido, et levins punctato, lined discali laeviore vix (etiam obsolete) instructo, sed utrinque in disco postico obsoletissime (vix per- spicue) subnoduloso ; elytris subopacioribus, et multo minus rugose sed magis confuse scul[)turatis ; tarsorum art° 3*^° paulum minus elongato. Long. corp. lin. I5-I3. Habitat locos editiores. juxta Diana's Peak et mox supra "West Lodge parcissime deprehensa. This is a rather obscure species, of which I possess only five examples, all of which I took on the central ridge, — four of them in the direction of Diana's Peak, and the other on the somewhat less elevated portion towards the south-west immediately above West Lodge. Its nearest ally is clearly the P. longitarsis ; never- theless it is considerably smaller and relatively narrower than that insect, and anteriorly it is less pilose (indeed almost free from pubescence); its prothorax (which is a trifle less constricted in front) is alutaceous, and therefore less shining, as well as more finely and lightly punctured ; and it has no traces (or scarcely any) of an unpunctured discal line, though there are very obscure indications on either side of its posterior disk of a small rounded (often quite inappreciable) subtuberculiform space ; its elytra (which are likewise somewhat less shining than in the P. longitarsis) are both much less roughly and more confusedly sculptured ; and the last joint of its feet is not quite so elongate. 90 COSSONIDiE. 83. Pseudostenoscelis compositarum, n. sp. P. cylindrica, nigra aut sajpius fusco-nigra (interdum obsoletissime, vix perspicue, subaenescens), nitidiuscula, fere calva ; capite pro- thoraceque sat profunde et dense punctatis, illo subtriangulari, fere integro, hoc breviusculo, triangulari-quadrato, ad apicem leviter constricto, ad latera in medio distincte sinuato ; elytris interdum antice obsolete picescentioribus, regvdariter punctato- striatis (punctis antice vix, et etiam postice paulo solum, aspe- ratis), interstitiis convexis et minute uniseriatim punctulatis ; antennis tarsisque (art° 3"° minutissime bilobo) ferrugineis, femo- ribus- tibiisque piceis. Suhtus parce et leviter punctata. Long. corp. lin. lj|-l|. Habitat lignum antiquum, et sub cortice laxo emortuo, Compositai'um arborescentium (prsesertim Petrohii arborei, E.. Br., et Melano- dendronis integnfolii, DC); in locis valde elevatis degens. The present Pseudostenoscelis is essentially a species of the highest elevations, — occupying the districts characterized by the various cabbage-trees, to which it would seem to be attached. Along the great central ridge I have taken it at times in considerable profu- sion, particularly after the early summer rains (about the beginning of February), — not only towards Diana's Peak and Actseon, but likewise at Cason's and (still more abundantly) at High Peak ; indeed on one occasion I met with it at the latter, beneath the dead and loosened bark of the " whitewood cabbage-tree " {Petrobium arboreum, R. Br.), in countless numbers. It has also been found by Mr. P. Whitehead along what is called the " Cabbage-tree Eoad." The P. compositarum is, on the average, a little smaller than the hngitarsis, and (except on the hinder part of the elytra) it is well- nigh free from pile ; its head is not quite so broad : its prothorax (which is almost, or even entirely, devoid of all appearance of a bright discal line) is relatively shorter, and much more sinuated on either side, with its transverse constriction more decidedly apical, and its punctures not quite so coarse ; and its elytra (which are much less rugulose, being almost free from asperities except pos- teriorly, whilst even there they are somewhat minute) are more regularly punctate-striate, — the strite being deeper and better marked, and the interstices more convex. Its tarsi, likewise, although long, are not quite so lengthened as in that species ; and there is occasionally a brownish, as well as an obsolete suboenescent tinge, over the entire surface. COSSONID^. 91 84. Pseudostenoscelis minima, n. sp. P. prascedenti subsimilis, sed minor et subrugosius sculpturata, elytris praesertim magis asperatis necnon ad basin- ipsam saepius picescentioribus, antenuarum capitulo sensim minore, tarsorumque art" 3''° fere simpliei (vix etiam minute bilobo). Long. Corp. lin. l-lj. Habitat in intermediis insulae,' lignum antiquum Commidendronis robusti, DC, (anglice " Gumwood ") praecipue destruens. This is the smallest member of the present genus which has hitherto been found ; and I am inclined to suspect that it subsists normally on the true gumwood {Commidendron 7'obustnm, DC), though the disappearance of that tree in so many of its former quarters has compelled the insect to adopt a different mode of life. At any rate I have taken it amongst the gumwoods at Thompson's Wood and in Peak Gut ; whilst its occurrence at Plantation and Oakbank, in a region where there can be little doubt that the gum- wood was once supreme, even though now attached to other trees (as, for instance, the " Port-Jackson willow " or Acacia longifoUa, WUld., and the " Cape coral-tree " or Erytlirina caffra, Thunb.), is quite in accordance with my s^upposition as to its original habitat. As a necessary consequence of this h}^othesis (if correct), the species should be essentially one of intermediate altitudes ; and this certainly appears to be the case, as I am not sure that I have ever met with it in the strictly cabbage-tree region of the high central ridge, — where the F. compositanan frequently swarms. Judging from about 2o examples which are now before me, the P. minima may be known from the P. compositarum, apart from its diminished bulk, by being altogether (in proportion to its size) a little more roughly sculptured (the elytra especially being more asperate, as well as usuaUi/ more picescent at their extreme base), by its antennal club being relatively smaller, and by the third joint of its feet being almost simple (or scarcely even minutely bilobed). Genus 46. PACHYMASTAX (nov. gen.) Corpus fere ut in Pseudostenoscelis., sed majus, multo erassius, minus cylindricum (sc. magis elongato-ovatum), magis opacum, setulisque brevissimis suberectis ubique obsitum ; rostro sublongiore (tamen brevissimo), oculis minus lateralibus, sc. magis superioribus, superne sensim magis approximatis, scrohe longiore (tamen brevi), valde profunda, recta, argute determinata, et infra oculos breviter ducta ; 9.2 COSSONID.'E. 2)rothorace magis ovali (antiee et postice eequaliter angustiore), antice vis constricto, ad latera integro (nee in medio sinuato) ; sciitello nullo ; elytris ubique sequaliter (nee antice et postice magis) granulato-asperatis, apice regulariter rotundatis (nullo modo subito desilientibus) ; metasterno breviore, sc, brevissimo. Antennce panlo longiores, scapo prsesertim multo longiore, faniculi (laxi) art" 1™" antice minus recte truncate. A Tra^Os, crassus, et fxaaral,, OS. The rare and most extraordinary insect for which the present genus is proposed is still more unlike the normal members of the Cossonidce than even Stenoscelis and Pseicdostenoscelis ; yet, at the same time, its someiuhat less ^breviated (though equally thickened) rostrum, its longer scape, its less cylindrical (although extremely convex and incrassated) body, and the fact of its elytra not being more asperated behind than elsewhere, nor more apically-desilient than in the ordinary Curculionids, combine, in reality, to remove it a little further than those two genera from the sub-Hylastideous, osculant (but nevertheless strictly Ehyuchophorous) forms which connect this family with the preceding one. From Pseudostenoscelis proper, Fachymastax recedes in the com- paratively large, incrassated, and less parallel (and therefore less cylindric) form of the curious species which hitherto represents it, which is sparingly studded all over with very short, erect setae, — those on the elytra being beautifully golden or fulvescent. Its rostrum (although very thick and abbreviated) is not quite so reduced in length as is the case in that genus ; the eyes are more superior in position, or less lateral ; and the antennal scrobs, although short, is very much deeper, more decidedly expressed, and very sharply defined, — being directed, moreover, considerably heloio the eye, instead of towards the middle of it. Its prothorax is more oval (being about equally narrowed before and behind), as well as less constricted anteriorlj' and not sinuated at the sides. Its scutellum is altogether untraceable ; its metasternum is considerably more abbreviated ; its elytra are weU-nigh unstriate, but uniformly roughened all over with small and well-defined tubercles or granules (not being more asperated before and behind than elsewhere, nor at all unusually desilient, or suddenly sloped oflP, at their extremity) ; and its antenn® have their scape conspicuously longer. COSSONIDiE. 93 85. Pachymastax crassus, n. sp. P. eloiigato-ovatus, crassus, convexus, niger ; capite nitido, calvo, profunde punctato, rostro brevi subtriangulari-quadrato postice convexo, oculis subsuperioribus, demissis ; prothorace elytrisque opacis, illo subovali, valde profunde donsissimequo punctato setu- lisque brevissimis erectis hilvo-nigris obsito, bis sensim longius grossiusque erecte setulosis ■ (setulis laete aureo-fulvescentibus), ubique et aequaliter granulato- aut tuberculato-asperatis, sed vix (aut etiam obsoletissime) lougitudinaliter striatis ; antennis tar- sisque rufo-piceis ; femoribus tibiisque nigro-piceis. Subtus antice opacus, postice nitidus, ubique (pra^sertim in metasterno abdo- minisque art'^ 1""° et 2'^°) profunde et grosse punctatus. Long. Corp. lin. 3— i|-. Habitat truncos ramulosque Compositarum arborescentium antiquos emortuos (prsesertim Asteris gummiferi, Hk. f.), in editioribus, rarissimus. I have already pointed out what the principal characters are by which this thickened and coarsely (though evenly) sculptured insect may be recognized ; and I will merely add that its somewhat shining head, whilst the prothorax and elytra are opake, and uniformly dark surface, which, however, is relieved on the elytra by the fulvo-golden hue of the short and erect setae with which they are studded, will serve additionally to distinguish it. The P. crassus is one of the rarest, and most unmistakably indi- genous, of the St.-Helena Coleoptera ; and if I am right in suspecting that it is more particularly attached to the decayed trunks and branches of the Aster gummiferus or " little bastard gumwood," there is a fair chance of its becoming before long totally extinct. At any rate I have captured it from out of rotten sticks of that singular shrub at the extreme edge of the tremendous precipice immediately above "West Lodge which forms the side of the great Sandy-Bay crater, as well as from the interior of dead stems of the same species a little further along the ridge and overlooking Lufkins. And I also met with it on the well-nigh perpendicular and almost inaccessible slopes behind High Peak, overlooking Peak Gut ; but I am not quite sure that the pieces of wood which produced it in that particular instance were those of the Aster gummiferus, as they may possibly have belonged to the Petrobiurn arboreicm, R. Br., or " whitewood cabbage-tree.'' 94 COSSONlDiE. (Subfam. 2. COSSONIDES.) Genus 47. PHLffiOPHAGUS. Schonherr, Ge7u et Sp. Cure. iv. 1047 (1838). 86. Phlceophagus aeneopiceus. P. cylindrico-oblongns, piceo-seneus, nitidus, ealvus ; capite (cum rostro) dense punctulato ; prothorace subovato, grosse et profunda punctato, ad basin ipsam filo-marginato necnon in medio obsolete foveolato-impresso ; elytris (prothorace paulo latioribus) basi recte truncatis ac distincte filo-margiuatis profunde striato-punctatis, interstitiis minutissime parceque puuctulatis ; antennis (gracilibus, funiculi art" 2^" sequentibus sensim longiore) tarsisque ferrugineis, femoribus tibiisque rufo-piceis. Mas rostro sensim breviorc, crassiore, et vix densius punctato quam in foemineo. Long. corp. lin. circa 1|. Phlceophagus feneopiceus, Bohem., in Schan. Gen. Cure. viii. 2. 278. , Bmal, Gen. Col. Cure. t. 30. f. 143 (1854). , Woll., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 654 (1873). Hahitat in cultis intermediis ; sub ligno Pini recenter secato tria specimina collegi. This is the only Cossonid out of the fifty-six which have hitherto been detected at St. Helena which is certainly and without doubt naturalized, — the Stenoscelis liylastoides being merely questionable on account of its occurring likewise at the Cape of Good Hope. It is singular, however, that hotli of these species (although as widely re- moved from each other, in affinity, as it is possible to be) offer the only exceptions in the subfamily as regards their funiculus — which is 7-jointed, instead of being composed (as in the whole of the other St.-Helena members except the Hexaeoptusferrugineus, the funiculus of which is 6-articulate) of only five articulations. But, whatever be the case as regards the original introduction (or not) of the Stenoscelis hylastoides, there can be no question whatever that at any rate the common European P. ceneopiceus must have been accidentally imported into the island, — in all probability along with trees and shrubs. It would appear, however, to be of the greatest rarity in the island, the only examples which I have as yet seen being three which were found by myself at the Hermitage (near Plantation) beneath a solid block of feUed pine. Most likely, therefore, it is the fir trees to which the species is attached. COSSONID.E. 95 The St.-Helena exponents of this Phloeophagus are a little more brassy, and just perceptibly more coarsely punctured, than English ones which are now before me ; but in every thing essential they are inseparable from their more northern representatives. Genus 48. HEXACOPTUS (nov. gen). Corpus cylindrico-fusiforme, subopacum, fere calvum, et fere esculp- turatum ; rostro longiusculo, sublineari sed postice subconstricto- angustiore, in medio convexo, oculis parvis, scrobe infra oculos ducta ; protliorace subovato, antice integro ; scutello obsolete ; elytris elongato-subovatis basi recte truncatis ; metasterno brevi- usculo, et (una cum abdominis segment© 1™°) paululum longitudi- naliter concave ; abdomims segm"'' 1™° et 2^° inter se arctissime connatis (linea vix distincta divisis). Ante7ince mox ante medium rostri insertae, crassiusculse : funicido 6-articulato, crasso subcom- pacto, art" 2"^° brevi minuto, 3''° magno crasso subquadrato, reli- quis tribus latiusculis transversis ; capituh ovali et baud abrupto. Pedes crassi, antici fere omnino contigui, intermedil paululum et postici magis (tamen baud remote) distantes ; tibiis ad angulum internum in spinulam minutissimam produetis ; tarsis crassiuscu- lis, art" 3''° latiusculo et distincte bilobo. Ab tl, sex, et kotttcj, seco. Even at first sight the Cossonid for which the present genus is erected may be known by its cylindric-fusiform outline, its opake, ferruginous, almost unsculptured, and nearly bald surface, its small eyes, incrassated limbs, and by its rather long and posteriorly- narrowed rostrum, — which appears, consequently, to be a little widened about the middle (particularly, however, in the male sex), and slightly gibbose, or convex, in that particular part. Neverthe- less its most salient feature consists in the construction of its funi- culus, which is not only considerably thickened and someivlmt compact but is composed of six articulations, — of which the second is extremely reduced in bulk (it being short and small), whilst the third one is anomalously increased, broad, and subquadrate. This modification of the funiculus-joints is most eccentric ; and I am acquainted with no other Cossonid in which the third one is thus abnormally deve- loped at the expense of the (usually more elongated) second. Amongst other points worth noting, the anterior coxae of Hexacoptiis are as nearly as possible contiguous, whilst even the intermediate ones are not far apart, and the third articulation of its feet is rather distinctly widened and bilobed. 96 COSSONID^. 87. Hexacoptus ferrugineus, n, sp. U. cylindrico-fusiformis, subopacus, fere calvus, ferruginous ; rostro (a capite linea subdiviso) longiusculo, sublineari sed postice sub- constricto-angustiore, in medio (praesertim in J ) paulo ampliatim subconvexo, minute et dense punctulato, oculis parvis ; prothorace elytrisque (basi filo-marginatis) fere esculpturatis, his obsoletissime longitudinaliter substriatis ; antennis pedibusque crassis, bis capituloque paulo clarioribus ; tarsorum art° 3''" latiusculo et distincte bilobo. Long. Corp. lin. Ij-lf. Habitat editiores insulse, inter F'dices praecipue deprebensus. It is unnecessary to point out afresh what the characters are which serve to distinguish this Cossonid, even at first sight, from the others with which we have here to do, — its generic and specific characters being alike referred to in the observations which I have giveu above. It is an inhabitant essentially of the higher altitudes, and (althoiigh occurring at intervals along the whole central ridge) one which is decidedly scarce, — about thirty-six examples being all that I was able to obtain. Although many of them were captured accidentally in the sweeping-net, I am inclined to suspect that it is not the arborescent Compositm to which the insect is normally attached, nor yet the tree ferns (for I have taken it at West Lodge and at Cason's, which are rather below the region of the Dieksonias), but perhaps one of the other large ferns, — such as the Diplazium nigro-paleaceum, Kunze, the thick masses of which cluster almost everywhere from about 2500 feet above the sea to the extreme summits of the peaks. This, however, is merely a conjecture ; though it is certain that I have frequently beaten the H. ferru- gineus out of the dead and blackened plants of the Dij)laziiim in various localities. My examples are principally from the vicinity of Diana's Peak and Actseon ; but a few were captured at Cason's, High Peak, and West Lodge. (Subfam. 3. PENTARTHRIDES.) Genus 49. PENTARTHEODES (nov. gen.). Corpus cylindrico-subfusiforme, nitidum, calvum, aut nigrum aut piceo-nigrum, angustulum ; rostro vel sublineari, vel breviore crassiore subtriangulari, oculis minutissimis, rotundatis, tuberculi- formibus, sed baud obsoletis, scrobe infra oculos dueta ; prothorace magno, elongate, subtriangulari (sc. versus basin latiore), antice COSSONID;E. 97 leviter suhconstricto ; scuteUo obsoleto ; elytris cylindrlco-sub- elliptieis, ad basin conjunctim subarcuato-triincatis ; metasterno breviusculo, vel simplici, vel (in specie typica) una cum abdomine ad basin (distincte in cJ ) minus evidenter in $ ) late longitudi- naliter concavo ; abdominis segmentis 1™° et 2*^° inter se arete connatis (linea vix distincta divisis), segm'" ult™" vel simplici, vel (ut in specie typica) fovea media rotundata (distincte in d , minus evidenter in 2 ) impresso. Antennce ante medium rostri insertae ; funiculo 5-articiilato. Pedes robusti, anteriores paulo, sed postici magis distantes ; tihiis ad angulum internum in spinulam minu- tissimam productis ; tarsis brevissimis, crassiusculis, art" 3''° prae- cedentibus paulo latiore et minute sub-bilobo. A Pe)itdrthruni, et flSos, aspeetus. [Typus Pentarthrodes dicksonice.'] In their general contour and aspect, particularly as regards their suhtriangular prothorax, the two members of this genus which have hitherto been detected, and both of which seem to be peculiar to the rotten stems of the old tree ferns, are very suggestive at first sight of Pentarthnim ; nevertheless the obsoleteness of their scutellum and the excessive minuteness of their eyes, in conjiinction with their somewhat differently shaped rostrum, will at once separate them from that group. In reality they have far more in common with Pseadomesoxenus, the scutellum of which is likewise absent ; but the decided presence of eyes, however diminutive, added to their more triangular (or posteriorly wider) prothorax, their basally-subarcuated elytra, their more robust legs, and their thicker feet (the third joint of which is appreciably a little broader than the preceding ones, and minutely sub-bilobed instead of being simple), will separate it equally from the exponents of that genus. Moreover, in at all events one of the species (the P. dicksonice) there is a longitudinal concavity (particularh-^however, in the male sex) extending down the (much shorter) metasternum and abdominal base, as well as a large rounded fovea on the terminal segment. §1. Rostrum longiuscidtim, suhparaUelum. Metasternum et abdomen ad basin (prcesipue in S ) longitudinaliter impressa, necnon ab- dominis segm. idtimum (prcecipue in S) rotundate foveolatum. 88. Pentarthrodes dicksoniae, n. sp. P. cylindrico-fusiformis, niger (interdum piceo-niger), nitidus ; rostro minutissime sed vix dense punctulato ; prothorace magno, elongate, subtriangulari, postice lato, argute et dense sed hand profunde punctato ; elytris subellipticis, basi conjunctim sub- 1)8 COSSOMD.E. arcuato-truncatis, subcouvexis (aut subarcuatim deciirvis), siriato- punctatis, interstitiis depressis et minute iiniseriatim punctulatis ; antennis pedibusque lougiusculis, crassis, rufo-piceis. iSubtus vix subalutaceus, punctatus. Mas rostro subbreviore et paulo crassiore quam fcemineum, antennis sensira magis versus apiccm insertis ; subtus paulo levius puncta- tus ac profuudius impressus. Long. Corp. lin. l|-2. Habitat intra truncos DicTcsonue arhorescentis, I'Herit., antiques emortuos putridos, in locis humidis valde elevatis. This is essentially an insect of the highest altitudes, and one which is quite peculiar to the interior of the fibrous stems of the old and putrid tree ferns, — where it is often exceedingly common, though unless searched for under those particular circumstances it would undoubtedly be altogether overlooked. Its comparatively elongated and more parallel rostrum and larger size give it more the prima facie appearance than the following species of a true Pentarthrum ; nevertheless, apart from its blacker hi;e, I have already mentioned what the particular characters are which immediately separate it from the members of that genus. We met with the P. diclsonice (which was first captured by Mr. Gray) on the high central ridge, about Actseon and Diana's Peak, — usuailj' by bringing home portions of the dead trunks of the tree ferns, and breaking them up carefully over a white cloth. By this method I obtained it both in the imago and larva states ; and it has been found in the same manner by Mr. P. Whitehead. § 2, Rostrum sensim brevins ac magis triangulare. Corpus subtus integrum (nee in S nee in 5 impressum). 89. Pentarthrodes filicum, n. sp. P. fusiformi-cylindricus, piceo-niger, subnitidus ; rostro minutissime et dense punctulato ; prothorace magno, elongato, subtriangulari, convexo, postice lato, argute, densissime, et profunde punctato, ad basin ipsam in medio subito desiliente, foveam parvam subtrian- gidarem (aut concavitatem obsoletam) cfiiciente ; elytris sub- eliiptico-cylindricis, basi conjunctim subarcuato-truncatis, pro- funde punctato-striatis, interstitiis paulo convexis ac minutissime uniseriatim punctulatis ; antennis pedibusque breviusculis, crassis, rufo-piceis. Subtus vix subalutaceus, profunde deuseque punctatus. Mas rostro subbreviore et paulo crassiore quam fcemineum, antennis sensim magis versus apicem insertis. Long. Corp. lin. 1-1 1- COSSONIDvE. 99 Habitat in locis similibus ac praecedens, una cum illo degens, sed multo rarior. The P. filicum is a very much rarer species than the dicksonice ; nevertheless its mode of life is precisely similar, — occurring as it does within the damp putrid stems of the old tree ferns. This is most unmistakably its normal' habited,, as has been proved to a demonstration both by Mr. P. Whitehead and myself on the high central ridge, where we have taken it sparingly, on several occasions, towards Diana's Peak and Actaeon. Yet this exclusiveness in its modus vivendl has a slight doubt cast upon it by the fact that, unless I am greatly mistaken, I certainly met with a single example at Thompson's Wood, — a locality which is far below the region of the Dicksonias, and which belongs in reality to the zone which is cha- racterized by the Gumwoods. I merely mention this as a point which demands further inquiry ; for there can be no question whatever that the P. filicum is as essentially attached to the tree ferns as the P. dicJcsonice is, and I feel it just possible therefore that my sweeping-net, which was in constant operation on the central ridge and elsewhere, may have harboured the specimen (unknown to me) to which I have just called attention, and that I may perhaps have simply found it therein while collecting at Thompson's Wood. At least some such explanation as this seems to me to be not alto- gether improbable. Although the largest examples of it almost equal in dimensions the most stunted ones of the P. dicJcsonice, the present species is nevertheless on the average very much smaller than the latter ; and it is also less black (or a little more picescent), as well as less shining and more deeply sculptured. Both its rostrum and its limbs are relatively less elongated, the former being also more triangular (or less linear) in outline ; and there is no appearance beneath the body, in either sex, of the longitudinal concavity which is so conspi- cuous in the males (and which is slightly traceable even in the females) of the P. dicksonice ; added to which, its elytra have their striae very much deeper, and their interstices more convex. But one of its most constant characters (though by no means very conspicuous unless the insect be viewed obliquehj under a strong lens, and in a favourable light) consists in the fact that the centre of the extreme base of its prothorax is somewhat desilient, — so as to shape out a small, rounded, or subtriangular, foveiform concavity, or obsolete h2 100 COSSONID.K. impression, which, although obscure, will be found (wheu rightly looked for) never to be absent. Genus 50. PSEUDOMESOXENUS. WoUaston, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 453 (1873). Corpus cylindricum (rarius subfusiformi-cylindricum), nitidum, calvum, piceo-castaneum, angustum ; ro.s/ro breviusculo, crassius- culo, elongate subtriangulari, oculis omnino obsoletis (rarius minutissime subperspicuis ) ; prothorace magno, subovali, antice integro (vix constricto) ; scutello obsoleto ; eh/tris plus minus cylindricis, ad basin recte truncatis ; metasterno longiusculo, et, una cum abdomine, simplici (nee longitudinaliter concave) : ahdominis segm*'' 1"° et 2''° inter se arete connatis (lineti vix distincta divisis). Antennce ante medium rostri insertse, brevius- culas ; funiculo 5-articulato. Pedes breves, anterio>rs paulo sed, p)Ostici sat late distantes ; tihiis ad angulum internum in spinulam minutissimam productis ; tarsis brevibus, art" 3"° parvo, simplici. The minute Cossonid for the reception of which I proposed the present genus four years ago was described by myself in 1869 {vide 'Ann. Nat. Hist.' iv, 410) as an aberrant Pentarthrum, in which the eyes and scutellum are obsolete ; and inasmuch as the original example (taken by Mr. Melliss) was miique, it was not until our late visit to the island that I was enabled to perceive that the group is in reality aboriginal, and an extremely significant one in the Coleopte- rous fauna of St. Helena. Indeed two additional exponents have already been brought to light ; and we may confidently expect that others will yet occur. Apart from the diminished bulk of the species which compose it, and their obsolete scutellum and eyes, the present genus may be known from Pentarthrum by its rostrum being more triangular (or less parallel), and by its prothorax being more oval, or less widened posteriorly ; and it is further remarkable for the shortness of its feet, the third joint of which is small and simple. A word or two perhaps may be necessary concerning the eyes of this singular little genus, which I have defined as strictly " obsolete." In the P. suhccBCus indeed they might well-nigh be cited as totally absent ; for even beneath a high mag-nifying-power I cannot satisfy myself that I am able to detect for certain even the smallest trace of organs of sight ; and indeed the same might be said of the majority of the exam-plesoiihe P.minutissirnus. Nevertheless in a few of the latter a very diminutive speck, or rounded granuliform tubercle, is decidedly COSSONID^. 101 present to represent the eye, though clearly quite useless for the pur- poses of vision ; and a similar structure is distinguishable (perhaps a trifle, more evidently) in my unique example of the P. scrobicidatus. Under these circumstances I think that it would be rash to speak of the eyes, at all events in the generic diagnosis, as positively absent; though it is certainly true that, if they can be said to be present, they are so abortive and rudimentary as to come under the exact definition of what is technically termed " obsolete." 90. Pseudomesoxenus minutissimus, n. sp. p. minutissimus, breviter cylindricus, piceus, nitidulus ; rostro crasso, triangulari-conico, minutissime parceque puuctulato ; prothorace magno, ovali, convexo, profunde sed baud dense punctato ; elytris profunde striate- pun ctatis, interstitiis minu- tissime uniseriatim punctulatis ; antennis pedibusque brevibus, ferrugineis. Sahtus in medio profimde sed parce puuctatus. Long. corp. lin, |-1. Ohs. — Oculi interdum siibperspicui (tamen aegerrime), sc. minu- tissimi, punctiformes, valde rudimentarii. Habitat in editioribus insuhe, Compositas arborescentes Pinosque destruens. Etiara in ligno anti(]uo emortuo putrido longe sub terra sito frequenter degit. Of all the St.-Helena Cossonids which have hitherto been disco- vered, this is the most minute, and it is an insect which is confined essentially to the higher elevations, — occurring along the whole central ridge, from Diana's Peak and Actseon to Cason's, and thenco to High Peak and above West Lodge. It is, however, at Cason's that 1 met with it more abundantly than elsewhere, where it has attached itself to the Pinasters which have been planted amongst the native cabbage- trees, and where it was met with by Mrs. Wol- laston and myself swarming in the interior of the decayed roots which extended deep into the soil. It was in company with the P. subccBcus, which is also practically blind (the eyes of both species being usually quite untraceable, though in occasional examples just to be distinguished as a minute punctiform granule which must be quite useless for the purposes of vision) ; so that the structure of the two members of the genus may be said to be somewhat in accordance with their modus vivendi, — organs of sight being scarcely required for creatures which reside mainly in the interior of rotten wood and very frequently at a considerable depth beneath the ground. Nor- 102 COSSONIDiE. mally the P. minutlssimus is dependent, I believe, on the arborescent Conipositce, it having been met with abundantly by Mr. P. White- head and myself, on the ascent of Actaeon, within the damp putrid trunks of dead cabbage-trees ; and it was under similar circumstances that I found it at High Peak ; but, like so many of the aboriginal Cossonids, it seems able to adapt itself to the firs which have been extensively planted of late years in the less elevated parts of the great central ridge, — in some instances appearing even to desert the cabbage-trees in order to attack the latter. Apart from its diminutive bulk, the P. miniitissimits may be recognized by its shortly-cylindrie contour, and its oval, considerably developed, convex prothorax, by its thick, conical rostrum, by the sculpture of its upper surface being rather distinct and coarse, by the central portion of its underside being deeply but sparingly punctured, and by its limbs being somewhat abbreviated. 91. Pseudomesoxenus sutcsBCUs. P. angustus, elongate cylindricus, piceus aut rufo-piceus, nitidus ; rostro elongate triangulari-conico, miuutissime et leviter punctu- lato ; prothorace magno, ovali, sat profunde et dense punctulato ; elytris parallelis, parum profunde striato-punctatis, interstitiis minutissime uniseriatim punctulatis ; antennis pedibusque ferru- gineis. Suhtus profunde et parum dense punctatus. Long. Corp. lin. 1-1|. Pentarthrum subesecum, Woll., Ann. Nat. Hist. iv. 410 (1869). Pseudomesoxenus siibcsecus. Id., Trans. Ent. Soc. Limd. (554 (1873). Pentarthrum subcsecum, Melliss, St. Hel. 152 (1875). Habitat in ligno Pinorum emortuo antique marcido, in intermediis ac subeditioribus praedominans. As regards its range, the present Pseudomesoxenus does not usually ascend quite so high as the last species, — the lower portions of the central ridge (as, for instance, at Cason's, and immediately above, as well as at. West Lodge) being, so far as I have observed, its upper limits; whilst, below, it descends into strictly intermediate spots, such as Plantation (which possesses an average altitude of about 1800 feet). At Cason's, however, which must be quite 2300 feet above the sea, we obtained it very abundantly, in company with the P. minutissimus, within the rotten wood of dead fir trees, — particu- larly the roots, at some appreciable depth underground ; and it was also mthin the damp but tinder-like masses of old pines that I met COSSONID^. 103 with it (in considerable numbers) at Plantation. But at the edge of the precipice above West Lodge my examples were nearly all obtained from the decayed sticks of the Aster c/timmiferus and the common gorse, I conclude therefore that the insect was attached originally to the native arborescent Compositce ; but that, as these have gradually disappeared, it has changed its mode of life and attacked the firs. The comparatively linear outline of this species, added to its slightly thinner and less abbreviated rostrum, its extremely parallel and more elongated elytra, its rather more shining surface, and its appreciably larger bulk (even though relatively more narrowed), will at once distinguish it from the P. minutissimus. 92. Pseudomesoxenus scrobiculatus, n. sp. P. proecedenti similis, sed elytris sensim minus parallelis aut paulo magis fusiformibus, subopacis ac ihulto levins sculpturatis, sc. solum subpunctato-substriatis (punctis striisquc fere obsoletis), sed parce transversim submgatis aut irregulariter et obsolete scro- biculatis ; rostro subbreviore et subcrassiore, oculis quidem discer- neudis (tamen minutissimis, granuliformibus, valde rudimcntariis), antennis paulo brevioribus. Long. Corp. lin. 1|. Habitat in subeditioribus ; exemplar unicum, in ligno arido antiquo Mellissice hegonicefolice, Hk. f., collegit Dom. P. Whitehead. The only example of this Pseudomesoxenus which 1 have yet seen has been communicated lately by Mr. P. Whitehead, who found it in the rotten wood of the Mellissia hegonicefolia on Rock-Eose Hill. Although nearly allied to the P suhco'cus^ there can be no question that it represents a species which is in reahty quite distinct, — its elytra being not only less decidedly parallel (or a little more fusiform in outline), but likewise suho2)aJce and mitch more lightly sculptured (both the punctures and the striae being well-nigh obsolete) ; and they are further remarkable for the irregular transverse scratches, or obsolete rugae, with which they are sparingly marked, — a peculiarity of surface which somewhat recalls the otherwise pei'fectly dissimilar, and hitherto unique, Microxylohius Westwoodii. In other respects the P. scrohiculatus recedes from the suhcceciis in having its rostrum relatively a trifle shorter and broader, in its limbs bemg a little more abbreviated, and (which is important), in the fact of its eyes, although excessively minute, punctiform, and rudimentary, being at any rate traceahle. 104 COSSONID^. Genus 51. ISOTORNUS (nov. gen.). Corpus elongate subovato-fusiforme, angustulum, supra arcuato- convexum (sc. prothorace elytrisque inter se arctissime applicatis necnon exacte continuis), nitidum, calvum, nigrum, dense sculp- turatum ; rostro brevi, crasso, subtriangulari, oculis valde demissis, scrobe profunda, infra oculos subcurvate ducta ; j^^othorace elon- gate, conico (basi rccte truncato), antice vel omiiino vel fere integro ; sciitello obsolete ; eJytris fusiformibus basi recte trun- catis ; metasterno vel breviusculo vel longiusculo ; ahdominis segm''^ 1™° et 2**° inter se arete connatis (linea vix distincta divisis), illo paulum longitudinaliter concavo. Antennce mox ante medium (fere in medio) rostri rnsertee, breviusculse ; funicuJo 5-articulato, subcompacto, a basi usque ad apicem gradatim paulo latiore, art° 1™° obconico, in specie typica subelongato et nullo modo incrassato ; capitulo baud abrupto. Pedes valde contractiles, antici sensim, intermedii paulo magis, sed postici parum late dis- tantes ; tlbiis ad angulum internum in spinulam (in anticis sub- robustam, sed in posterioribus minutissimam) prodi;ctis ; tarsis art" 3"° vel distincte vel indistincte bilobo. Ab "laos, aequalis, et -opveuw, efFormo. [Typus : Isotornus retractilis.^ It seems scarcely possible to admit the two curious Cossonids for ■which the present genus is proposed amongst the Microxylohii (however dissimilar from each other some of the members of that assemblage may be), — their arcuated upi^er surface (the elongate, conical prothorax being not onlj- very closely applied against the elytra, but likewise, both above and laterally, in the same continuous curve), added to their shorter, thicker, and more triangular rostrum, their extremely depressed eyes, their more compact, graduaUy- widened funiculus (the first joint of which is scarcely, if at aU, increased in breadth), and their unusually contractile legs, giving them a character which is essentially their own. In outline they are somewhat narrow, elongate, and ovato-fusiform (being a little widened behind the middle of the elytra, and gradually taj)ering in front) ; their surface is black, shining, perfectly bald, and very densely sculptured; their scutellum (as in the whole of these genera) is altogether obsolete ; and their prothorax is either almost or entirely unconstricted anteriorly. In one of the species described below, and which I have regarded as the type, the metasternum is rather short, and the third tarsal joint is distinctly, though minutely, bilobed ; whilst in the other (the /. aterrimus) the metasternum is somewhat elongated, and the feet have their third articulation well-nigh unexpanded and simple. COSSONID.-E. 105 § 1. Metasternum hrevmseulum. Faniculi art^ 1""** longiusculus , nullo modo mcrassatus. Tarsorum arf^ 3''«* evidenter sed minute bilobus. 93. Isotornus retractilis, n. sp. /. elongate siiboyato-fusiformis,. angustiilus, supra arcuato-convexus, nitidus, calvus, niger ; rostro brevi, crasso, triaugulari, minute et leviter punctulato, oculis valde demissis ; prothorace elongate, conico, tequali, autice omnino integro, densissime et profunde punctato : elytris dense et sensim grossius punctatis, punctis in striis longitudinalibus irregularibus obsolete dispositis ; antennis pedibusque rufo-piceis. >SubtHS in medio profunde punctatus. Long. Corp. lin. l|-2i. Habitat in ligno arido antiquo Commidendri robusti, DC; (anglice " Gumwood"), in intermediis ad Peak Gut et Thompson's Wood deprehensus. This most singular Cossonid was detected by Mrs. Wollaston amongst the old gumwoods ( Commidendron robustum, DC.) in Peak Gut, at an elevation (probably) of about 1600 feet above the sea; and I afterwards met with it abundantly in the same spot (always in the dry and perforated portions of the broken-up wood, within the cavities of which it would lie concealed), and more sparingly at Thompson's Wood. The curious habit which it possesses of retracting its limbs most completely, and applying them against the body, causes the specimens (when shaken out of the hollows) to appear like dead and imperfect ones in which the trunk only remained ; and so thoroughly is this the case, that until I had seen one of them produce its legs and absolutely crawl, I could scarcely persuade myself that they were in reality alive. There can be no fear of confounding this insect with any thing else, except perhaps the following one (the exact distinctions of which will be pointed out shortly), — its elongated ovato-fusiform outline, which is gradually attenuated anteriorly from behind the middle of the elytra (which last are at their base of exactly the same breadth as the hinder portion of the prothorax, the two segments being precisely in the same continuous curve), added to its short, triangular rostrum, extremely sunken eyes, and densely sculptured surface, being even of themselves more than sufficient to charac- terize it. Its metasternum is shorter than in the following species ; the basal joint of its funiculus is both longer and slenderer (it being 106 COSSONID^. scarcely, if at all, broader than than the succeeding one, — a very unusual structure in the Cossonidce) ; and the third articulation of its feet is more evidently widened and bilobed. § 2, Metasternum longiusculum. Funiculi art^ 1'""* hrevhtseulus, sequente subcrassior. Tarsormn art"^ 3''"*/ertJ simplex (i. e. vix latior et vix bilobus). 94. Isotomus aterrimus, n. sp. /. prfccedenti similis, sed subangustior ac paululum raagis cylin- dricus (sc. postice vix minus ampliatus, et antice vix minus regu- lariter attenuatus) ; rostro sublongiore et paulo minus triangulari, sensim magis arcuato, nitidiore (sc. nitidissimo), et etiam minutius parciusque punctulato, oculis minoribus et vix omnino deraissis ; prothorace elj'trisque subnitidioribus, necnon rugosius ae subminus dense punctatis, iUo antice vix omnino integro (sc. levissime sub- constricto). Long. Corp. lin. 2-2|. Habitat in locis parum elevatis ; a Dom. P. Whitehead, in ligno Mellissice begonio'folice, Hk. f., antique juxta Rock-Rose nuper detectus. The present Isotomus is due to the researches of Mr. P. White- head, who has lately communicated to me an interesting series of examples which he captured, within the dead wood of the MelUssia begonicefolla (or native " Boxwood "), on Rock-Rose Hill. Although unmistakably congeneric with the preceding one, which at first sight it greatly resembles, it is nevertheless specifically quite distinct, — possessing, as it does, many characters, some of them even struc- tural ones, which combine to remove it entirely from the /. retrac- tilis. Thus, not only has it a longer metasternum, an almost simple third tarsal joint, and a less lengthened and less slender basal articulation to its funiculus, but it is also a trifle narrower and more cylindrical in outline (it being rather less widened behind the middle of the elytra, and a little less regularly tapering anteriorly), its rostrum is not quite so short and triangular, as well as more arcuated, more shining, and still more minutely punctulate, its eyes are smaller though not quite so completely sunken or depressed, and its prothorax and elytra (the former of which is obsoletely constricted in front) are both somewhat more shining, as well as more coarsely (and perhaps not quite so closely) sculptured. COSSONID.E. 107 Genus 52. MICROXYLOBIUS. Chevrolat, Trans. Ent. Soc. Loud. i. 98 (1836). Corpus plus minus elongato-fusiforme, aut subnitidum calvum, aut subopacum et (saltern in elytris) minutissime subpubescens, ple- rumque nigrum (rarius picescens, et rarissime obsolete submetal- lico tinctum) ; -rostro plerumque breviusculo (rarius longiusculo, et nunquam elongato), plus minus elongate triangulari (rarius subparallelo), ocnlis plus minus conspicuis (rariss. segre discer- nendis), scrobe profunda, infra oculos subcurvate ducta ; protliorace subovali, basi triincato (so. ad latera subaequaliter rotundato), antice vel omnino vel fere integro ; scuteJlo obsolete : ehjtris plus minus ellipticis basi recte truncatis (rarius subparallelis) ; meta- sterno brevi, et (una cum abdominis segmento l™") ssepius longi- tudinaliter concavo ; abdominis scgm*'* 1™° et 2*^° inter se arete connatis (linea vix distinctil divisis). Antennae ante medium rostri inserta) ; funicido 5-articulato. Pedes saepius robusti, antici sensim, intermedii paulo magis, sed postici parum late distantes ; tibiis ad angulum internum in spinulam minutissimam (rarius sub- robustam)productis; tarsis art° 3*'° distincte sed minute bilobo. The genus Microxylobius, whicli includes many species of very different aspect, is perhaps less easy to define rigidly than the other immediately allied groups with which we are here concerned : nevertheless it may be said generally to embrace the smaller St.- Helena Cossonids in which the funiculus is 5-articulate, the meta- sternum short, the eyes are more or less distinct, and in which the rostrum is never very long or slender, but more or less thick and of an elongated-triangular (sometimes slightly parallel) outUne. They are almost invariably black (or nearly so), a metallic tinge (which is so conspicuous in four of the following genera) being quite untrace- able except (and very faintly so) in a single species ; and although usually quite bald, some of the members are (at any rate on the elytra) very minutely and sparingly pubescent. Their third tarsal joint, although not much widened, is appreciably bilobed ; and in two of the exponents (which I have placed at the commencement, and which well-nigh require generic separation) the elytra are aperated towards the apex by a few anomalously large punctures which are arranged (on each elytra) in two deep but abbreviated grooves, — there being, additionally, in one of them (the M. tritu- ratus) a lateral sulcus of a similar character (but less coarsely expressed) behind the middle, but anteriorly and posteriorly evanes- cent. The following tabulation of the species will serve to render the determination of them practically easy : — 108 COSSONID^. A. Corptts nuUo modo metulliciim. a. plus mivus nitidum (omnino aid fere calnwi), j3. oculis minutis, ntdimentariis, (Byre observandis, trituratus. ^fi. oculis plus minus distinctis. y. 7'ostro utrinque ad apicejn oblique subfoveolato-desiliente. AVhiteheadii. yy. rostra simplici. 6. oculis valde prominentibus. ociilatus. 88. oculis nunquam valde promine)dihus. e. tibiis aiKjulum internum spinvld valde distinctd in (^ armatis. f. oculis maynis, subsuperioribus. liicifugus. ^f. ocidis minoribus, lateralibtis. calcaratus. ee. tibiis ad anyulu7n internum hand cmispicue armatis, dimidiatus, bisectus. aa. plus minus opacum (minutissime, interdum viv peispicue, pubescens). 7], yrosse sculpturatum ; rostro postice lonyitudinuliter inciso. sculpturatus, bicaudatus. TjT). levius ( vel dense velparce) sculpturatmn ; rostro postice inteyro. 6. rostro ad apicem {inter antennas) minute impresso, grauulosus. 66. rostro omnino inteyro. I. rostro crasso, elongate triaiiyulari, lacertosus. t(. rostro yraciliore. opacus, vestitus. AA. Corpxis obsolete submetallicxim. Westwoodii. 95. MicroxyloMus trituratus, n. sp, M. angustus, elongato-fusiformis, nitidus, calvus, ater ; rostro longi- usculo, vix elongato-subtriangiilari (sc. postice leviter et etiam antice levissime latiore), minutissime punctulato, oculis minutis, rudimentariis, segre discernendis ; prothorace angustulo-ovali, convexo, antice integro, dense et profunde punctato ; elytris multo grossius sed parcius punctatis, baud striatis sed punctis sublongitudinaliter (alternatim majoribus ac minoribus) dispositis, — punctis perpaucis pone medium in linea sublaterali, necnon aliis versus apicem in sulcis duobus abbreviatis, gradatim majoribus et asperatis, apicem asperatum conjunctim efficientibus, notatis. Subtus in medio grossissime et profunde sed parce punctatus. Long. Corp. lin. 2. Habitat ad promontorium prasruptum aridum " the Barn " dictum, COSSONID^,. 109 a Dom. P. Whitehead inter arbusculas Asteris ghittnosi, Rosb. (anglice " Scrubwood "), semel tantum (emortuum) lectus. The only example of this very distinct Micro.vt/lohrus which I have yet seen was taken by Mr. P. Whitehead on the remote and arid headland, or promontory, in the extreme north-east of the island, known as "the Barn," — amongst shrubs of the Aster r/lntinosus, Roxb., or " Scrubwood." Unfortunately it was dead and without limbs, so that I have not been able to examine its antennae and legs ; but its other characters are so remarkably well defined that the species which it represents could not by any possibility be con- founded with any other which has hitherto been broiight to light. In the singular structure at the apex of its elytra to which I have already called attention, as well as in its large size, general aspect, and deep-black hue, it has much in common with the 31. White- headii (which occurs likewise upon the Barn and in its immediate vicinity, and which is equally attached to the scrubwood) ; but it nevertheless wants the very curious oblique impression which that species possesses on either side of its rostrum at the tip, and it has also a sublateral coarsely-punctured groove (to which I have above alluded) behind the middle of each elytron, in addition to the two short and deep ones at the apex. Besides which, the entire outline of the insect is much narrower, its eyes are smaller and extremely rudimentary (the species, in fact, being the only one of the genus in which those organs are somewhat difficult of observation) ; and its surface (both above and below) is not only more coarsely punctured and more shining, but there is no appearance on the elytra of the obsolete transverse rugse, or scratches, which, although few in number, are nearly always faintly traceable in the M. Whlteheadii. 96, Microxylobius Whlteheadii, n. sp. 1/. elongato-subfusiformis, subnitidus (stepe in prothorace subopacus), calvus, ater : rostro longiusculo, subparallelo, utrinque ad apicem oblique declivi (quasi late sed oblique foveolato), minute (in $ minutissime) punctulato : oculis parvis, subdemissis, sed parum conspicuis ; prothorace subovali, antice fere iutegro, paulo dis- tinctius (tamen leviter) punctulato ; elytris confuse, leviter, ac minutissime punctulatis, hand striatis sed obsoletissirae parceque transversim subscrobiculato-rugulosis, et ad apicem punctis per- paucis maximis asperatis (in sulcis duobus abbreviatis dispositis), apicem asperulum conjunctim efficientibus, notatis ; antennis pedi- 110 COSSONIDjE. busque crassis, vix picescentioribus ; illis ad basin clare piceo- nifis ; funiculi articulis ulterioribus valde transversis ; tibiis anticis intus versus apicem leviter excavatis : tarsorum art" 3"° distincte bilobo. Suhtus alutaceus, subopacus, in medio sat grosse sed baud profunda puuctatus. Long. Corp. lin. l|-2g. Habitat lignum emortuum antiquum Asteni^ f/luti)iosi, Roxb. (anglice " Scrubwood ") ; ad ct juxta promontorium pra3ruptum aridum, " the Barn " dictum, a Dom. P. AVhitebead captus, cujus in honorem nomen triviale stabilivi. It is to Mr. P. Whitehead that the discovery of this most interesting Microxylohius is due, — he having first obtained it (like the pre- ceding one) on the Earn, and afterwards in the immediate vicinity of that bluff and almost inaccessible headland. In every instance it was attached to the " scrubwood " {Aster glutinosus, Eoxb.), and it may without doubt therefore be looked upon as a strictly scrubwood species. I am glad to be able to name it after its captor, whose careful observations in so many distant and difficult localities at St. Helena have rendered me the greatest assistance in investigating the Coleopterous fauna of the island. As already stated, the M. Whiteliead'd has the same curious arrangement of enormous asperated punctures aud abbreviated sulci at the apex of its elytra which exists in the M. trituratus ; nevertheless it entirely wants the lateral row which is so con- spicuous in that insect. On the average, too, it is larger, broader, and thicker ; its entire surface is much more finely sculptured and less shining, its prothorax being often subopake; and its eyes, although rather small and by no means prominent, are at any rate quite conspicuous, — being both larger and more perfectly developed. How far the limbs of the M. WMteheadii may agree with those ' of the trituratus I have no means of judging, seeing that the unique example of the latter is limbless ; but in the former the antennse and legs are a good deal incrassated, and the funiculus is remarkable for having all the joints except the basal one exceedingly (though gra- dually more and more) transverse, — the club being, in consequence, not very abrupt. 97. Microxylohius oculatus, n. sp. M. breviter cylindricus, subopacus, calvus, niger ; rostro parallelo, dense punctulato, ocnlis valde prominentibus ; prothorace ovali basi truncato, antice leviter constricto, convexo, dense sed vix COSSONID^. Ill grossius piinctulato ; elytris parallelis, vix punctatis sed levissime substriatis et graniilis minutis (saltern antice et versus humeros) parce irroratis ; antennis pedibusque brevibus, crassis, piceis, tarsorum art" 3"° distincte bilobo, Suhtus in medio dense et pro- funde punctatus. Long, corp, lin. 1|. Habitat in regionibus intermediis, ad Thompson's Wood inter arbores vestustas Commidendri rohusti, DC. (anglice " Gumwood "), a meipso semel deprehensus. A single example of this Microxijlohius, which was captured by myself amongst the old gumwoods at Thompson's Wood, is all that I have hitherto seen ; but it is so distinct from every thing else with which we are here concerned that additional material is quite un- necessary in order to complete its diagnosis. As compared with the immediate species with which I have associated it, the M. ocidatus is small in stature and more parallel in outline (it being shortly- subcylindric) : and its rostrum, although tolerably broad, is like- wise more straight and linear ; its limbs are abbreviated and thick- ened, its entire surface (which is black and bald) is somewhat opake, and (which is one of its most salient features) its eyes are exceed- ingly prominent. Its rostrum and prothorax are finely and lightly punctulated ; but the punctures of its elytra (which are very indi- stinctly striate) are obsolete, — being replaced, at any rate towards the base and shoulders, by diminutive granules. 98. Microxylobius lucifugus. (Fig. 2.) M. magnus, crassus, elliptico-fusiformis (in medio latiusculus), sub- nitidus, calvus, ater ; rostro crassiusculo, elongate triangulari, densissime et rugose punctate, ad apicem canaliculato et impresso, oculis sat magnis sed demissis et subsuperioi'ibus ; prothorace ovali basi truncato, antice integro, densissime et vix minus grosse punctate ; elytris ellipticis basi truncatis, densissime rugoseque punctatis et plus minus obsolete substriatis, necnon (prossertim postice et versus humeros) grauulato-asperatis ; antennis pedi- busque elongatis, crassis, illis tarsisque piceo-ferrugineis, femori- bus tibiisque nigro-piceis ; tibiis ad angulum internum robuste calcaratis ; tarsorum art" 3"° latiusculo et conspicue bilobo. Subtus in medio dense et sat j)rofunde punctatus. Long. corp. lin. 2-vix 3. Microxylobius lucifugus, WolL, Tram. Ent. Soc. Lond. v. 382, pi. 18. f. G (18G1). , Id., Ann. Nut. Hid. iv. 405 (1869). , Mellins, St. Hel. 151 (1875). 112 COSSONID^I!:. Habitat editiores insula), inter Composltas arborescentes proprie degens. Sed quoque in regiones intermedias descendit, — ad Plantation, Oakbank, et cset., ctiara Quercus, Acacias, Pinos, Eri/thrinam caffram, Thunb., et Psoralcam jiinnatam, Linn., destruens. This is the largest of the true Microxylohii which have yet been detected ; and it is also thick and mesially -widened in outline, of a deep-black, densely punctured, and totally bald but not very shining surface, and with its limbs a good deal lengthened and incrassate. Its rostrum is elongate-triangular, with the extreme apex channelled and impressed ; and the eyes are rather large, but sunken and a little more superior in position than is the case in the other members of the group ; its prothorax is unconstricted in front ; its elytra (which are well-nigh unstriate, or very obsoletely so) have a certain amount of asperated granules, particularly towards the shoulders and apex, mixed up with their closely-set punctures ; its tibia) are produced into a slightly more robust spinule than is usual at their apical angle ; and the third joint of its feet is comparatively widened and conspicuously bilobed. The M. lucifiirjus (which was first met with by the late Mr. Bewicke, during a day's collecting at St. Helena, in 1860) is one of the most general and widely-spread of all the Microxylohii^ and one which seems (although without doubt attached originally to the various arborescent Composito}) to have been able to adapt its mode of life to the altered conditions of the island, — -occurring often beneath the loosened bark of oaks, acacias, pines, and the Cape coral-tree (Erythrina caffra, Thunb.), and descending into strictly the intermediate districts, such as Plantation, Oakbank, and below the ridge towards Sandy Bay (where it was found in the decayed trunk of an old Erythrina by the Rev. H. Whitehead). It is, how- ever, far more at home in the higher regions, where it abounds beneath the loose outer fibre of the Compositce along the whole length of the great central ridge, — from Diana's Peak and Actoeon to Cason's, High Peak, and West Lodge ; and I have also obtained it amongst the gumwoods in Thompson's Wood. In one of the few spots which are at all accessible on the precipitous slopes behind High Peak I met with it in countless numbers, — under the dead and loosely-hanging bark of a Petrobium arboreum, R. Br,, or " White- wood Cabbage-tree." The M. lucifugiLS was captured likewise by Mr. Gray. C0SSONID.B. 113 99. Microxylobius calcaratus, n. sp. M. elliptico-fusiformis, nitidus, fere calvus (oculo fortissime armato in elytris minutissime et parcissime pubescens), ater ; rostro sub- lineari (vix elongate subtriangulari), minute et leviter punctulato, in medio subconvexo, oculis paiTis sed distinctis (vix prominulis) ; prothorace magno, convexo, subovato, antice leviter constricto, paulo distinctius (tamen leviter) punctate ; elytris breviusculis, convexis, ellipticis basi truncatis, confuse substriato-punctatis, interstitiis sub-uniseriatim punctulatis, leviter transversim rugu- losis, necnon ad humeros incrassate marginato-porrectis ; antennis clare piceo-ferrugineis ; pedibus nigro-piceis, tarsis dilutioribus ; tibiis subcurvatis, ad angulum internum in S valde robuste cal- caratis ; tarsorum art° 3*'° distincte sed minute bilobo. Subtus in metasterno valde profunde et grosse sed vix dense punctatus. Long. Corp. lin. 1^-2. Habitat in locis elevatis, Compositas arborescentes et interdum etiam Finos erodens. This is rather a small, but deep-black and shining little species, in which the pro thorax is very convex and largely developed (in proportion to the size of the insect), and in which the elytra appear consequently to be rather more abbreviated and elliptical than usual, and one in which the male tibiae (which are slightly curved) are produced at their inner angle into a proportionally more robust spinule than in the other members of the genus. Its rostrum is moderately long and thick, but hardly at all triangular — it being well-nigh linear or parallel ; its elytra are convex, with the margin at the shoulders thickened and porrected ; and the surface of the latter, although practically bald, will be seen, when viewed beneath a high magnifying-power, to be very sparingly studded with a few exceedingly short and diminutive hairs, — which, however, are often barely traceable. The M. calcaratus is essentially a cabbage-tree species, and one of a high elevation ; nevertheless it has attached itself also to the pines, when planted (as at Cason's) amongst the native arborescent Com- positce. Indeed at Cason's we met with it in profusion, in company with the M. bisectus, granulosus, and lacertosus, and the Pseudo- mesoxeni, beneath the loosened bark of dead pines which lay rotting on the ground. It was likewise, however, as on the loftier parts of the great central ridge (in the vicinity of Diana's Peak), within the old wood of the decayed cabbage-trees. 114 cossoxiD-f:. 100. Microxylobius dimidiatus. M. proecedenti similis, sed paululum minor, et subminus nitidus (etiam obsoletissime, vix perspicue, subceneo-tinotus) : rostro sensim crassiore, convexiore, et magis triangulari, paulo profundius puuctato, oculis sensim minoribns (tamen subprominulis) ; pro- thoraee paulo angaistius ovali (sc. ad latera minus ampliate rotun- dato), autice submagis constricto ; elytris paulo magis rugulosis, et vix magis perspicue (tamen minutissime) pubescentibus ; funiculo breviore, crassiore : tildis posterioribus nee in 6 robuste calcaratis ; metasternoque paulo minus grosse punctato. Long. Corp. lin. 1|-1|. MicroxTlobius dimidiatus, WoU.^ Ann. Nat. Hist. viii. 402 (1871). ^—, MelUss, St. Hel. 150 (1875). Habitat in editioribus, lignum antiquum marcidum Compositarum arborescentium parce destruens. Judging from the few examples (ten in number) which are now before me, the present AIicrox)jlohius approaches so closel^^ to the M. calcaratus that until the two species have been accurately com- pared they might well be confounded with each other ; and yet I feel quite satisfied that they are truly distinct. Thus, not only is the M. dimidiatus a little smaller (on the average) than the calca- ratus, and not q^iite so shining or of so intense a black (there being generally very obscure traces of adjust appreciable subaenescent tinge), but its rostrum is relatively broader, thicker, convexer, and more tri- angular, as well as a trifle more coarsely punctured ; its eyes, although somewhat prominent, are a little smaller ; its prothorax is perceptibly narrower or less rounded-outwards at the sides (being, in fact, oval, rather than ovate), and more constricted in front : its elytra are more nigulose, and with their very diminutive and remote pubescence a trifle more traceable ; its metasternum is not qiiite so coarsely punctured ; its funiculus is proportionally somewhat shorter and thicker ; and the inner angle of its male tibiae (at any rate the four posterior ones) are not more powerfully spurred than is the case in the ordinary species. So far as I have observed, the M. dimidiatus is found only on the higher parts of the great central ridge, about Diana's Peak and Actseon, — where I met with it beneath damp rotting pieces of the wood of the old cabbage-trees ; whereas the M. calcaratus (although occurring sparingly in the same locality) was more particularly abundant at Cason's, which is appreciably lower in elevation, — where COSSONIDJ!. 115 it seemed to have attached itself quite as much to the pines as to the native arborescent Conipositce. 101, MicroxylobiTis bisectus, n. sp. 21. minutus, breviter subovato-fusiformis, nitidus, fere calvus (oculo fortissime armato in elytris minutissime et parcissime pubescens), niger ; rostro breviter sublineari ( postice atque etiam antice paululum latiore), minus convexo, minutissime et levissime punctulato, oculis minutis sed prominulis ; prothorace magno, subovato, antice fere integro, argute punctulato ; elj'tris breviusculis, rugulosis, profunde punctate- striatis, interstitiis subconvexis ac minutissime uniseria- tim punctulatis ; antennis pedibusque (brevibus) piceo-ferrugineis ; tarsis brevissimis, art" 3''" fere simplici (sc. vix latiore et vix etiam minutissime subbilobo). Siibtics in metastemo parcissime sed rugose punetatus. Long. Corp. lin. i-1. Habitat lignum emortuum antiquum in editioribus insulse, inter Compositas arborescentes et Pinos. This is the most minute of the true Microxylobii which have hitherto been detected, and one which is confined to the high central ridge,^ — where I have taken it both in the vicinity of Diana's Peak and at Cason's. Indeed at the latter it was extremely abundant ; and, like so many of the species in that somewhat less-elevated region, it occurred quite as much beneath the old pines which were lying dead upon the ground as in the rotten wood of the cabbage- trees ; nevertheless there can, of course, be no question that it is the latter to which it was originally attached. It has also been met with by Mr. P. Whitehead in decayed firs at Eock Cottage, on the eastern side of the ridge. In proportion to its size the M. bisectus (which is short and rather broad in outline) has its prothorax (which, like that of the calcaratus, is rather more ovate than oval) quite as largely developed as in the last two species — indeed se much so as to cause the two anterior segments of its body to appear (conjointly) almost larger, if any thing, than its elytra ; at aU events it may be said to be about equally bisected by the central line of division. Its colour is black (or occasionally sub- picescent) ; and, beneath a high magnifying-power, there are indi- cations on the elytra of a few extremely diminutive and very abbre- viated scattered cinereous hairs (often barely traceable). Its rostrum (which is not very convex, and most minutely and indistinctly punctulated) is rather more linear than triangular (being, however, i2 116 COSSOMD (1824). 147. Otiorhynclius sulcatus. 0. magnus, ovato-oblongus, opacus, niger, pilisqiie demissis fulvo- cinereis (in elytris in fasciciilos aut maculas parvas collectis) parce vestitus ; rostro antice dilatato et triangnlariter excise, in medio late profuudeque canaliculate : prothorace parvo, ovali-cylindrico, grossissime, dense, et regulariter tuberculato ; elytris grosse et late sulcatis (sulcis in fundo tuberculis remotis obsitis), interstitiis convexis et rugose transversim subimbricato-tuberculatis ; antennis pedibusque elongatis, subconcoloribus, femoribus subtus denticulo arraatis. Long. coi"p- lin. 4-1—5. Curculio sulcatus, Fab., Mant. Ins. 122 (1787). Otiorliynchus sulcatus, Stierl., Eev. der Otiorh. 22o (1861). , Woll, Ann. Nat. Hist. iv. 416 (1869). , Crotch, in Godm. Azor. 81 (1870). , Melliss, St. Hel. 155 (1875). Habitat in intermediis editioribusque, passim ; ex Europa carte introductus. This common European Otiorhi/nchus (so weU distinguished amongst the St.-Helena CurcuHonids by its large size, and its black, opake, coarsely sculptured surface), although nowhere abundant, is widely spread over the intermediate and lofty districts of the island, — where doubtless it must have been accidentally introduced, originally, from Europe. It lias become naturalized in a similar manner in the Azorean archipelago ; but it has not yet been detected in any of the more southern groups. I have met with it at Plan- tation and West Lodge, as weU. as at High Peak, Cason's, and even on the most elevated portion of the ridge towards Diana's Peak and Actaeon. Fam. 30. BRACHYDERID^. Genus 66. SITONA. Germar, Ins. Spec. i. 414 (1824). 148. Sitona lineatus. S. longiusculus, parallelus, squamulis subfuscis dense irroratus et lineis paululum magis cinereis (sc. 3 in capite et prothorace, 174 BRACHYDERIDiB. ANTHRIBID^. aliisquo in interstitiis clytrorum alternis positis), interdura incon- spicuis, oruatis ; capite in medio ( pra?sertim antice) argute canali- culato, prothoraceque creberrime punctulatis, hoc ad latera pone medium leviter rotundato ; elytris punctato-striatis ; antennis versus basin, tibiis, tarsisque piceo-ferrugineis. Long. Corp. lin. 2. Curculio liiieatus, Linn., Fna Suec. 183 (1761). Sitona lineatus, Schiin., Gen. et Spec. Cure. ii. 109 (1834). , Woll, Col. Atl. 336 (1865). , Crotch, in Godtn. Azor. 81 (1870). Habitat in cultis intermediis, rarissimus ; ad Plantation exemplar unicum (emortuum) collegit Dom. Gray. The only evidence that I possess for the admission of this common and widely-spread European Sitona into the 8t. -Helena catalogue is embodied in a single example which was found (dead) by Mr. Gray in the groimds at Plantation ; and, inasmuch as I did not myself meet with the species during our six months' residence in the island, and, indeed, in that actual part of it, it must, if truly natura- lized (which perhaps, under the circumstances, we can scarcely doubt), be of extreme rarity. At any rate, its presence in the fauna is almost without significance, — seeing that the utmost that can be said of it is, that it may have been imported accidentally from England, at some not very remote period, along with consignments of plants. In the Azorean, Madeiran, and Canarian archipelagos it has not only completely established itself, but has become abundant. Fam. 31. ANTHRIBID^. (Subfam. 1. AR^OCERIDES.) (^Linea transversa prothoracica basilaris, marginem hasalem elevatum efflciens ; utrinqiie per marginem lateralem Ksque ad medium ducta.) Genus 67. AR^OCERUS. Schonherr, Cure. Disp. Meth. 40 [script. Amccrus] (1826). 149. Araeocerus fasciculatus. A. breviter ovalis, crassus, brunneo-piceus, pube brevi demissa cinerea et grisea nebulosus necnon in elytris plus minus (in inter- stitiis alternis) longitudinaliter tessellatus ; capite prothoraceque (subter pube) opacis, densissime et rugose punctatis, oeulis maxi- ANTHRIBID^. 175 mis, prominentibus, hoe subconico, postice lato et trisinuato, costa transversa iu margiuem basalem coeuute necnon utrinqiie mar- ginem lateralem (usqiie ad mediiim lateris ductum) efficiente, angulis posticis argute determiuatis ; elytris apice truncato-rotun- datis, (subter pube) subopacis, densissime et rugose granulatis ac leviter crenulato-striatis ; antennis pedibusque elongatis, infuscate testaceis, illis gracilibus, clava (elongata, laxa, 3-articulata) obscuriore ; tarsorum art" 1™" longissimo, anticis in cJ paulum dilatatis. Variat interdum (prascipue in sexu fcemineo) elytris fere concoloribus (sc. interstitiis alternis vix tessellatis). Long. Corp. lin. 2-2|. Ourculio fasciculatiis, De Geer, Ins. v. 276, t. 16. f. 2 (1775). Anthribus cofteaj, Fah., Si/st. Eleu. ii. 411 (1801). Araeocerus fasciculatus, Wall., Ann. Nat. Hist. iv. (18G9). , Melliss, St. Hel. 155 (1875). Habitat in domibus repositoriisque, rarior ; ad Jamestown ex alienis invectus. I did not myself meet with this introduced insect at St. Helena ; but a specimen was found by Mrs. Wollaston crawling on the outer wall of a house in Jamestown, and two more had been obtained previously by Mr. Melliss. Of course it has no connexion whatever with the real fauna of the island ; though its liability to transmission along with various articles of commerce (particularly seeds and berries) amongst most of the warmer countries of the civilized world has resulted in its naturalization at St. Helena, as it has done in so many other places ; so that we cannot omit it from the present catalogue. As compared with the truly indigenous Anthribids of St. Helena, which play so significant a part in the Coleopterous fauna as to be second only in importance to the Cossonida?, the present insect belongs to a totally different type,— in which the first joint of the feet is greatly elongated, and the transverse prothoracic keel is removed to the extreme base of the pronotum (so as to form a mere elevated marginal line), and is then produced at right angles to about midway along the lateral edge. But, apart from these cha- racters, which are more strictly generic ones, the A. fasciculatus may be known by its compact thickened body and short-oval outline, and by its brownish-piceous surface being clouded with an abbre- viated decumbent cinereous and griseous pubescence, the alternate elytral interstices having (additionally) indications of being longitu- dinally tessellated, — which in some examples is extremely conspi- 17G ANTHRIBID.E. cuous, but in others (particularly the females) very indistinct. Its eyes are exceedingly large and prominent ; its antennae (which are remarkably slender) are of a dull testaceous hue, but have their lax and elongate 3-jointed club darker ; and its surface, when the pubescence is removed, will be seen to be opake and closely and coarsely sculptured. Its male sex has the two front feet a trifle dilated. (Subfam. 2. NOTIOXENIDES.) (Liiiea transversa protlioraclca conspicue ante basin sita ; utrinque plus minus arcuata sed rarlus per marginem laterahm etiam paa- lulum dacta.) Genus 68. NOTIOXENUS. Wollaston, Journ. of Eat. i. 212 (1861). Corpus vel oblongum vel ovato-oblongum, aut pubescenti-variegatum aut (rarius) subglabrum, plus minus pictum ; rostro brevi, trian- gulari, apice rotundato-truncato ; ocidis rotundatis, iutcgris ; prothorace ante basin vel lineii impressa vel (ssepins) carinula elevata (utrinque plus minus arcuata, sed rarius per marginem later alem etiam paululum ducta) trans versim instructo ; scutello vel obsoleto, vel minutissimo, vel sat distincto ; elytris postice subabbreviatis, pygidiumvix tegentibus. Antennce 11-articulatse, graciles, rectae, laxae, in paginii superiore rostri (mox intra oculos in fovea) insertse ; art" 1™° curvato, sequentibus paululum cras- siore, 2*^° usque ad 8™™ elongate obconicis, reliquis clavam elon- gatam laxam 3-articulatam efficientibus. Mandihulo' triangulares, crasste, validse, cornese, ad apicem obtuse bidentatas, dein intus emarginatae. Max'dlm bilobae : Joho externo angusto, arcuato, glabro sed ad apicem ipsum pubescente ; interno paululum bre- viore, intus dense piloso. Palpi maxillares 4-articulati, art" 1"° parvo, 2^° majore crassiore, 3"" huic xmulo breviore ac j)aulo angustiore, breviter subcylindrico, ulf"" elongato, sensim graci- liore, fusiform! ; lahiales 3-articulati, art" 1™° et 2^° subaequalibus, ult"" paulo longiore, graciliore, fusiformi. Mentum corneimi, antice curvato -emarginatum, angulis anticis rotundatis. Ligida brevis, basi cornea, antice in medio cordata et longe pilosa. Pedes longiusculi ; tihiis ad apicem muticis ; tarsis pseudotetra- meris, art° 1""" in posticis multo longiore quam secundo, 3"° late bilobo, 4*° minutissimo recepto, ult""" clavato unguiculis appen- diculatis muni to. Next to the Cossonids, there can be no question that the Anthri- bidce play the most important part in the Coleojiterous fauna of St. Helena ; and although I have admitted the whole of them, with ANTHRIBID.B. 177 the exception of the Acarodes gutta, into the iwo genera Notioxenus and Homoeodera (characterized, respectively, by the presence and absence of a basal prothoracic line), it is not unlikely that future researches will add so many species to the number that it may become desirable eventually to split them up, like the Cossonidce, into several distinct groups. This indeed might be done even now, were it not that the widely-differing forms which each genus has been made to embrace are in reality more suggestive, to at any rate my mind, of intermediate links yet to be detected than of an inde- pendent series of isolated generic types. This, indeed, I strongly insisted upon even in 1869, when commenting on the few Notioxeni which had then been met with, — adding that " the great specific dis- similarity of the four representatives enumerated below induces me to suspect (as I did in 1861, when only two of them had been brought to light) that there are many Notioxeni, of a more or less intermediate fades, yet to be discovered, and for which therefore we may confidently look." Two years later an additional Notioxenus was contributed by Mr. Melliss, and likewise a new Homoeodera ; but how far my original conjecture has been verified may be gathered from the fact that, during our late sojourn in the island, the 5 Noti- oxeni were increased to 12, and the 4 Homceoderce to 18 ; and I am satisfied that we have not yet by any means exhausted their numbers. The Notioxeni are, on the average, larger insects than the Homoe- oderas, and also a little more variegated in hue ; but their main distinctive feature consists in their prothoracic line being in all instances conspicuously developed, and removed from the extreme base by a more or less appreciable interval. In most cases it takes the form of a sinuated, or arcuate, transverse keel, though in the N. Bewickii it appears to be impressed rather than raised ; and although it is a little curved anteriorly at either extremity, it is never produced at right angles along the lateral edge (as in the Aroiocerides) so as to constitute a thread-like margin to the posterior half of the pronotum. Indeed in the majority of the species it is but very slightly cui"ved forwards at aU ; but in two of them (the N. Janischi and Dalei) there is a somewhat greater tendency to this lateral prolongation of the basal keel. Before I had become acquainted with the Notioxeni in a living state, I felt it just possible that perhaps some of them might prove to be saltatorial (remembering that several of the smaller Anthri- 178 ANTHRIBIDiE. bideous types, as for instance Xenorchestes in Madeira and the European Choragus, possess the power of jumping) ; but I am now enabled to state that neither Notioxenus nor Homceodera show any such tendency. The 12 Notioxeni which have hitherto been brought to light may be thus tabulated : — A. elytra distincte et regulariter striata, striis impunctatis. a. prothoracis linea basalts imj>ressa, canalieidum efficiens. Bewickii, aa. 2^rothoracis linea basalis elevafa, carinulam efficiens. subfasciatus. , AA. elytra strid suturali impunctatd solum impressa. alutaceus. AAA. elytra seriatim punctata, sed punctis poslice evanescentibus. dimidiatus. AAAA. elytra plus minus regulariter punctato-striata. /3. jjrothoracis linea basalis ad utrumque latus antrorsum distincte curvata. Janischi, Dalai. ^/3, prothoracis linea basalis ad utrumque latus atitroi-sum nee aid vix curvata. y. corpus cenescens. Grayii, seneus. yy. corpus nullo modo (cnescens (nee etiam submetallicmn). 8. ovale, nitidum, scepius nigro- et rufo-pictum. e. elytrorum sifriis laxe et grosse crenulatis. congener, rufopictus. ec. elytroruin striis crehre et minute crenulatis. rotundatus. 8S. angusto-elongattim, subopacum, ferrugineum, sed dense cinereo-pttbescens. ferruffineus. 150. Notioxenus Bewickii. (Fig. 8.) N. fusco-niger, subopacus, impunctatus sed minutissime obsoleteque subrugulosus, pube brevissima demissji, grisea vestitus necnon hinc inde cinereo-pictus ; capita minute et dense punctulato, in fronte carinula brevi Itevi instructo ; oculis magnis ; prothorace linea subbasali impressa utrinque regulariter curvata plagisque 3 Ion-, gitudinalibus (plus minus fractis et interdum omnino obsoletis) cinereo-squamosis picto ; scutello miuutissimo, punctiformi ; elytris argute et regulariter impunctato-striatis, maculis minutis plurimis cinereo-squamosis irroratis, interdum ad basin et humeros obsolete rufescentioribus ; antennis tarsisque piceo-testaceis, illis gracilibus; femoribus tibiisque piceis, his ad basin rufescentibus. Long. corp. lin. 3^-4. ANTHRIBID.«. 179 Notioxenus Bewickii, Wu/L, I. c. 213, pi. xiv. f. 1 (1861). , Id., Ann. Nat. Hid. v. 20 (1870). , Melliss, St. Hel. lo6 (1875). Habitat in herbidis elevatis, inter plantas DipJazium nigro-palea- aceum, Kunze, praecipue degens. The large size and griseous-black, densely-clothed surface of this Notioxenus, which is obscurely ornamented (especially on the eh-tra) with a few minute and irregular patches of cinereous scales (the two postmedian ones of which are the most conspicuous), added to its prothoracic line being impressed* and its strise (as in the N. sub- fasdatus) perfectly simple, will sufficiently distinguish it. With the exception of the head, which is minutely punctulated, it wiU be seen (when the pubescence has been removed) to be impunctate, but somewhat alutaceous and subopake ; in highly-coloured specimens there is often a slight rufescent tinge about the base and shoulders of the eljira ; its scuteUum is most minute and punctiform ; and its eyes, although not particularly prominent, are extremely large. Up to the time of our visit to the island I had seen but two examples of this Notioxenus, — one of which was taken in 18G0 by the late Mr. Bewicke, and the other more recently by Mr. Melliss. If searched for, however, in the proper localities, it seems to me to be one of the most abundant of the aboriginal Coleoptera of St. Helena, — the great central heights being essentially its range. Unless I am much mistaken, it is attached to the Diplazium nigro- paleaceum, Kunze (next to the Dicksonia arborescens the largest of the native ferns) ; at any rate it was nearly always out of the thick and partially-blackened masses of that plant that my examples were beaten. In the neighbourhood of Actaeon and Diana's Peak, as well as along the Cabbage-Tree Eoad and on Stitch's Ridge, I have seldom shaken the Diplazium without obtaining it ; and I also met with it under precisely similar circumstances at Cason's, and even so low down as Vine-Tree Gut — which issues out of Halley's Mount. It was found also by Mr. Gray during the first few weeks of our sojourn in the island. 151. Notioxenus suhfasciatus, n. sp. If. ferrugineus, subopacus, fere impunctatus sed minutissime obso- * Owing to the posterior edge of this impressed Hue, in the N. BewicJcii, being a trifle elevated, the whole line seems occasionally to be, after all, more of a keel than a channel. But this, I think, is more apparent than real. *. N 2 180 ANTHRIBID^. leteque subrugulosus, pube demissd cinereo-fiilvii aut etiam -aurea (in elytris in faseiis duabus valde obliquis obsoletissimis, interdum segre perspicuis) vestitus ; capite minute puuctulato ; oculis magnis, prominentibus ; prothoraee sat magno, linea subbasali elevata utrinque regulariter curvata ; scutello minutissimo, punc- tiformi ; elytris basi distincte recto-marginatis (margine niinute fimbriato), argute et regulariter impunetato-striatis, stria suturali valde abbreviata subscutellari ; antenuis pedibusque rufo-ferru- gineis ; unguiculorum appendiculis internis nee laciniatis sad angustis acutissimis liberis, quasi unguiculos intenios niinorea efformantibus. Long. Corp. lin. 2-3, Hahitat in locis valde elevatis, inter herbas, rarissimus. This is one of the rarest of the Notioxeni, and confined (so far as my own experience is concerned) to the highest portions of the great central ridge, — the whole of my examples (only 18, however, in number) having been taken either on the flanks or summit of Diana's Peak and Actseon. It was first detected by Mr. Gray, and subsequently met with by Colonel Warren, in the same district. It was by general brushing that my specimens were obtained ; so that I am unable to say to what particular plant the insect is attached ; but, judging from the analogy of the iV. Bcwicl-ii, I should be inclined to' suspect that it is the ferns, rather than the cabbage-trees, with which it is connected. Although extremely variable in stature (for some of the larger examples more than double the smaller ones in actual bulk), the N. subfasciatus is nevertheless, on the average, one of the largest members of the group ; and, although not so large as the li. Bewickii, it agrees with that species in having its elytral strife (the first one of which, however, is abbreviated and merely subscutellary) perfectly simple. But its prothorax and the basal joint of its club are relatively a little more developed than in the BeivicMi, its antennae are less slender, its eyes are more prominent, and its elytra are coarsely and straightly margined at their base. Apart, however, from this, it is at once distinguished by its ferruginous surface, which is covered with a longer and somewhat golden decumbent pubescence, which is so disposed on the elytra as to shape out (in highly coloured examples) two very oblique and obscure fasciae, — which are never conspicuous, and sometimes barely traceable. Its antennae and legs are rufo- ferruginous ; its antebasal prothoracic line is sharply elevated ; and he appendages of its claws are less broad and lacinia-like than in ANTIIRIBIDiE. 181 the N. Beivickii, — being in fact narrow, acute, and corneous, forming in every respect an independent but smaller pair of inner ungues. 152. Notioxenus alutaceus. N. seneo-piceus (interdum ajneo-niger) et obsoletissime subviridi tinetus, ssepius subopacus sed sajpe subnitidulus, fere impuuctatus sed sensim alutaceus, pube demissa cinereo-fulvescente (in elytris plagas irregnlares longitudinales plerumque efformante) vestitus ; oculis magnis, prominentibus ; prothorace linea subbasali elevata utrinque paululum curvata ; scutello minuto, punctiformi ; elytris basi distiucte recto-margiuatis (margins minute fimbriate), striis (suturali profunda impunctata, antice evauescente, excepta) obso- letis ; antennis nigrescentibus, ad basin, tibiis in toto tarsisque ad basin piceo-testacois ; femoribus tarsisque versus apiccm picescen- tioribus. Variat elytris concoloribus, nullo modo longitudinaliter fasciato- tessellatis sed evideutius subviridi tinctis, pedibus nigrescentio- ribus. Long. Corp. lin. 1-vix 2. Notioxenus alutaceus, Wull.^ Ann. Nat. Hist. v. 22 (1870). , Melliss, St. Hel. 1-57 (1376). Habitat regiones editiores, foliis Compositarum arborescentium gaudens ; vulgatissimus. The unique example from which I had to enunciate this Notioxenus in 1869, and which was taken by Mr. Melliss, chanced to belong to the variety, or state, in which the fulvous pubescence does not appear in any degree to tessellate the elytra ; but now that I have . had an opportunity of observing thousands of them, I am enabled to correct the diagnosis so as to lay proper stress on that particular point. In by far the majority of the specimens the elytra are very conspicuously dappled or subfasciated ; but when they become at all worn, and abraded, this character is less conspicuous. Although, Hke the rest of the species, variable in stature, the N. alutaceus is one of the smaller members of the group ; and its surface has usually a slight senescent tinge, mingled often with a faint shade of metallic green. It is but obscurely shining, indeed more frequently sub- opake, almost (or even entirely) free from punctures, but somewhat alutaceous all over ; and (which is its main distinctive feature) its striae are completely obsolete, with the exception of a deep impunc- tate sutural one (on each elytron) which is suddenly abbreviated anteriorly. Its antenna? are blackish, except the first and second 182 ANTHRIBIDiE. joints — which, like the tibioo and the base of the tarsi, are either rufo- or piceo-testaceous. Although confined to the higher districts of the island (where it ascends to the very summits of the peaks), the iV". alutaceus is never- theless, within its own proper range, one of the most abundant of the St.-Helena Colcoptera. Indeed I doubt if there is any one which is more universally spread over the regions occupied by the cabbage-trees, — to the foliage of wliich (XDarticularly that of the Pla- daroxylon leucodendron, Hk. f.) it seems to be attached. It was first secured, in profusion, by Mr. Gray, at Cason's, during the com- mencement of our visit and before I had been able to reach the central heights ; but subsequently along the whole length of Stitch's Ridge, and towards Diana's Peak and Actaeon, we met with it in indefinite numbers, — it being scarcely possible to beat a single cabbage-tree without obtaining specimens. 153. Notioxenus dimidiatus. N. ovatus, convexus, aut piceus aut ferrugineus et plus minus evi- denter subaeneo tinctus, nitidus, pube grossa demissa vel cinerea vel' fulvescente (in elytris fasciara postmediam dentatam inter- ruptam sajpius efiormante) vestitus ; capite ruguloso-punctato; oculis magnis, prominentibus ; prothorace sat profunde et confuse (sed in disco antico levins parciusque) punctate, linea subbasali valde elevata utrinque sinuata ; scutello miuutissimo, punctif ormi ; elytris basi conjunctim arcuato-marginatis (margine minute fim- briate), autice grossissime seriatim puuctatis, punctis in dimidia parte posticil cvanescentibus, sed striil suturali profunda impunc- tata antice evanescente impressis, pone medium spatio transverso necnon ad utrumquc latus ante apicem altero irregulari minore nigrescentibus nitidioribus ac magis glabris ; antennis gracilibus, nigrescentibus, art'^ 1™° et 2*^° (curvatis) pedibusque plus minus piceo- aut rufo-testaceis. Variat (rarius) colore nigro-seneo, viridi tincto, immaculato. Long. Corp. lin. 1-1|. Notioxenus dimidiatus, WoU., Afin. Nat. Hist. v. 22 (1870 j. , Melliss, St. mi. lo6 (1875). Habitat regiones intermedias, ramulis emortuis fractis humi jacen- tibus prsecipue adherens. As in the case of the last species, the two examples from which I was compelled in 1869 to define this Notioxenus left me in ignorance of its true character of coloration ; for since one of them ANTHRIBlDiB. 183 happened to be (what I now perceive is) the normal state, and the other the darker varietj-, in which the elytra are wholly immacu- late, I unfortunately regarded the latter as the tj-pe, and treated the ornamented form (which is truly typical) as immature and aberrant. In real fact the obscurer and unspotted phasis, although clearly a mere variety of the other, is extremely scarce, — only two or three individuals being indicated out of many hundreds of the maculated one which I have examined with considerable care ; and there can be no question therefore that it represents the aberration, and not the type. When unrubbed and richly-coloured, the N, dimidiatus (although rather small and ovate) is one of the most lively-tinted of all the Notloxeni,- — its more or less piceous or piceo-ferriiginous hue and shining surface, which is dappled with a coarse decumbent pubes- cence (either cinereous or fulvescent), which is concentrated on the elytra into an ill-defined dentate postmedian fascia (bounded anteriorly by a blacker, highly-polished, more glabrous transverse space), giving it a character which is quite its own. This trans- verse glabrous space is also supplemented by a smaller and more irregular one, of the same blackish hue, towards either lateral edge, halfway between the middle and apex ; "which tends still further to variegate the surface. But the main character of the species con- sists in its sculpture, — the elytra! punctures being enormous, closely set, and longitudinally disposed, but suddenly evanescent about the middle of each elytron, while the presence of an unpunctured sutural line, which (as in the N. alataceus) is continued to the apex, but is abbreviated anteriorly, is another feature which should be noted. Its antebasal prothoracic keel (which is considerably removed from the hinder margin) is much elevated and sinuate ; and its head and prothorax are distinctly but confusedly punctured, the punctures, however, on the anterior disk of the latter being both lighter and fewer. The N. dimidiatiLS appears to be an insect of strictly intermediate altitudes ; for I have never obtained a single example of it at so high an elevation as even the lowest portion of the central ridge. It is far from unlikely, therefore, that it may have belonged originally to the gumwood fauna. It is usually to be met with, in company with the Homceodera pumilio and alutaceicollis, adhering to old sticks which are lying on the ground ; under which circumstances I captured it in absolute profusion at Plantation, as well as in Vine- 181' ANTIIRIBID.E. Tree Gut, — a small ravine, between Oakbank and Hutt's-Gate, which issues out of Halley's Mount. 154. Notioxenus Janischi, n. sp. A', oblongus, niger, nitidus, pube grossa demissa fulva et albida nebulosus ; capita prothoraccque dense, rugose, et profunde punctatis, oculis maguis et valde prominentibus, hoc triangulari aut conico, subineequali, linea subbasali paulura elevata utrinque per partem posticam marginis lateralis curvate ducta ; scutello distincto, albido, subtransverso ; elytris basi marginatis (margine minute fimbriato), profunde punctato-striatis, distinctius albido - marmoratis (macula utriu(]ue ad humeros, altera in disco antico, fasciaque obsoletissima autcapicali I'racta, sJBpius praecipue discer- nendis) ; antennis nigrescentibus, art'' f"" et 2^° piceo-ferrugineis ; pedibus elougatis, crassis, nigrescentibus, tarsis late dilatatis. Long. Corp. lin. 3-vis 4. Habitat ad folia Commiclendri robasti, DC. (anglice " Gumwood "), rarissimus ; inter arbores antiquas in Thompson's Wood parce repertus. The present species and the following one may be distinguished from the other members of the genus hy (inte?' alia) their prothoracic keel being conspicuously curved forwards at either extremity for about a quarter of the distance along the lateral edge of the pro- notum, — but not to so great an extent, or so much at right angles to the base, as in the subfamily Aroiocerides. They are both of them peculiar, apparently, to the foliage of the gumwood (Commidendron robustum, DC), and occur therefore at intermediate altitudes. In- deed the only spot in which I observed the iV. Janischi, which is very much the rarer of the two, was at Thompson's Wood, — where I obtained five examples of it by beating the old trees for which that remote locality is so famovis. The iV. Janischi is one of the largest and most conspicuous expo- nents of the group which have hitherto been brought to light ; and it gives me much pleasure to connect its name with that of His Excellency the Governor, — from whom we received so much kindness and consideration during • our six month's residence at St. Helena, and whose well-known scientific acquirements predisposed him to render us every assistance in his power towards investigating the fauna of the island. Apart from its large size, oblong outline, and thickened legs, the N. Janischi may be recognized by its black and rather coarsely anthribidjE. 185 punctured surface being densely clouded, or variegated, with a robust decumbent pubescence, — which is partly of a brownish-fulvescent hue, and partly white. The whiter scales preponderate on the elytra, — where (although appreciable almost everywhere) they are most decidedly condensed about the shoulders as well as into a patch on either side of the fore disk, and into a very obsolete and often fragmentary subapical fascia. Its scutellum is white, and rather evident ; its limbs are a good deal blackened, except the first two joints of the antennae, which are piceo-ferruginous ; and its feet are broadly dilated. 155. Notioxenus Dalei, n. sp. N. prsecedenti proximus, sed minor minusque oblongus (elytris sc. paululum magis ovatis), subnitidior et (subter pube, minus fulvescente) multo minus niger, — sc. prothorace sajpius piceo ely- trisque piceis sed ubique et suffuse rufulo-pictis ; capite protho- raceque minus profunde punctatis, hoc sensim minore, breviore ; scutello subminore et hand albido ; elytris fascia albida ante- apicali plerumque distinctius ornatis, sed macula in disco antico carentibus ; autennis pedibusque gracilioribus minusque nigre- sceutibus, illarum art'^ l""" et 2^° sensim gracilioribus, tarsisque minus dilatatis. Long. Corp. lin. Ig-vix 2|. Habitat in locis similibus ac prsecedens, in Thompson's Wood et Peak Gut ad folia Commidendri robusti, DC, copiosius lectus. Like the last species, this is peculiar to the gumwood, from the foliage of which I obtained it both at Thompson's Wood and in Peak Gut, as well as between Peak Dale and Lufkins. It is a most distinct and beautiful Notioxenus, and one which belongs to exactly the same general type as the M. Jaiiischi,— its anteric "ly produced prothoracic line, and prima facie aspect, associating it unmistakably with that insect. Specifically, however, there can be no doubt that it is quite distinct, — its much smaller size and less oblong outline (the elytra beiug relatively more ovate in contour), added to its somewhat more shining and less blackened surface (the pubescence of which is whitish and cinereous, without any admixture of a brownish-fulvous hue), in conjunction with its darkened and less thickened limbs (of which the antennae have their first and second joints appreciably slenderer), being more than sufficient to separate it. Apart from these points, however, its prothorax is proportionally 186 ANTHRIBID^. smaller and shorter, and (together with the head) less deeply punctured ; its scutellum is more minute, and not whitened ; its feet are less broadly expanded ; and its elytra will be seen, when the pubescence has been removed, to be not only less black, but blotched or suffused all over with ill-defined rufescent patches, — a fact which gives a reddish tinge, even when the scales are thickly present, to the entire surface. I have dedicated this interesting Notioxenus to my friend C. W. Dale, Esq., of Glanvilles Wootton, — whose extreme devotion to entomology, inherited from the worthiest of prototypes, is well known to all who have paid any attention to our favourite science. 156. Notioxenus Grayii, n. sp. N. oblongus, angustulus, seneus, nitidus, pube demissa aureo-fulva, rarius cinerea (in elytris minus dense in fascia angusta dentata valde obliqua postmedia, necnon in linea longitudinali dentato- curvata subhumerali, et in spatio parvo subapicali, omnibus inter- dum obsoletis) vestitus ; capite prothoraceque dense et minute punctuiatis, oculis valde prominentibus, hoc triangulari, linea subbasali elevata sinuata sed vix antrorsum curvata ; scutello minuto, punctiformi ; elytris Icviter et minute substriato-punctatis ; antennis nigrescentibus, art'^ 1"'° et 2"*° Isete rufo-testaceis ; pedibus piceo-testaceis, scepe testaceo-piceis. Long. Corp. lin. 1^-1 §• Habitat in editioribus locisque paululum minus elevatis, passim ; foliis Compositarum arborescentium adhserens. It Avas by Mr. Gray that this very distinct Not'wwemis was first captured, — who met with it, in tolerable profusion, at Cason's, by beating the foliage of the cabbage trees, during the early part of our sojourn at St. Helena ; and I am glad to name it after its discoverer, whose indefatigable researches added so many species to the list, — some few of which it proved extremely difficult (indeed in one or two instances impossible) afterwards to obtain. The N. Grayii is attached essentially to the cabbage-trees, but does not seem to be very common. I subsequently procured it, likewise, at Cason's, as well as on Stitch's llidge and towards Diana's Peak, and even so low down as Vine-Tree Gut, — a small ravine between Oakbank and Hutt's Gate. The oblong, straightened, rather narrow, and not very convex contour of this species, added to its brassy and finely sculptured ANTHRIBIDiE. 187 surface, which is densely clothed with a golden-fulvous (rarely cinereous) pubescence, will readily distinguish it. In fresh and unrubbed examples its elytra have a tendency to be obscurely marked with a thread-like and extremely oblique zigzag postmedian fascia, an irregular and curved subhumeral longitudinal line, and a small space near the apex, formed by a mere disappearance of the pile ; but which in the majority of the specimens are so faint as to be barely traceable. 157. Notioxenus aeneus, n. sp. N. ovatus, crassiusculus, seneus, nitidus, pube grossa demissa einerea (in prothorace prope augulos posticos et in lineis 3 obsoletis valde abbreviatis posticis, scd in elytris in fasciis duabus obsoletis fractis, prsecipue disposita) vestitus ; capite prothoraceque minute, Icviter, et confuse puuctulatis, oculis valde prominentibiis, hoc conico, linea subbasali valde elevata siuuata et utrinque paulo autrorsum curvata ; scutello sat distincto ; elytris basi marginatis (margine minute fimbriato), grosse striato-punctatis (striis punctisque postice levioribus) ; autennis gracilibus, piceis, art'' 1"'° et 2'^° laete rufo-testaceis ; pedibus rufo-piceis, tibiis basi clarioribus. Long. corp. liu. 2-3. Habitat ad truncos antiques emortuos' Comjyositarum arborescentium in regionibus valde elevatis; rarior. The rather large, thick, and ovate body of this shining and brassy Notioxenus, the surface of which is a good deal variegated with coarse decumbent cinereous pubescence (which on the prothorax is princi- pally concentrated into a patch towards the hinder angles, and into three extremely short and very obscure, often altogether obsolete, basal lines, whilst on the elytra, which are more or less tessellated with it all over, it is mainly apparent in two ill-defined and broken-up transverse fasciae), will readily distinguish it. Its subbasal protho- racic keel is considerably elevated, and a little curved forwards at either extremity ; its prothorax is conical ; its scutellum, although small, is quite appreciable ; and its elji^ral punctures are (at any rate anteriorly) large and coarse. The N. ceneus is decidedly scarce, though by constant visits to the central heights I succeeded in obtaining a tolerable number of it. It is essentially a cabbage-tree species, and one which occurs in the loftiest altitudes. It was met with both by Mrs. Wollaston and myself below Acta;on and on Stitch's Ridge,— particularly crawling 188 ANTHRIBID^. ou the old and dead stumps of the cabbage-trees, as well as on decayed posts which had been made out of the trunks of the same ; but we seldom, if ever, procured it from the living plants and foliage. 158. Notioxenus congener, n, sp. N. angustulo-ovalis, niger, nitidissimus, in elj'tris calvus sed in pro- thorace minutissime et parcissime cinereo-pubescens ; capita dense et rugulose punctato ; oculis baud valde prominentibus ; protho- race (saltern in disco) levius parciusque punctato, linea subbasali elevata sinuata vix antrorsum curvata ; scutello obsolete ; elytris angustule ovalibus basi truncatis, apice acutiusculis, grosse et profunde crenato-sulcatis, interstitiis paulo convexia, fere conco- loribus (sc. ad apicem ipsissimum, necnon rarius obsoletissime ad basin, paululum rufescentioribus) ; anteunis piceo-testaceis ; pedi- bus testaceo-piceis. Long. Corp. lin. Ij-lg. Habitat in editioribus insulaj ; una cum N. rufopicto degens, sed multo rarior. Ohs. — Species N. rafojjicto affinis, sed differt corpore minore, angustiore, sensim minus ovato, prothorace vix minus profunde punctato minusque pubescente, elytris omnino calvis, sensim minus convexis, postice paululum acutioribus, et fere in toto concolori- bus, — sc. ad apicem ipsum (et multo rarius versus humeros et basin) solum rufescentioribus. Whether this is more than a permanent variety, or state, of the N. rufopictus I have hardly material enough to decide; I think, however, that it is more probably a distinct but cognate species. It differs from that insect in being on the average rather smaller, and in its outline being narrower and less ovate, in its prothorax being a trifle less coarsely punctured and still more minutely and sparingly cinereo-pubescent, and in its elytra (which are rather straighter at the humeral angles, loss convex, and more pointed posteriorly) being altogether bald, and very nearhj hlacl; — the extreme apex only, and occasionally a suftused blotch about the shoulders and base, being appreciably more rufescent. As in the N. rafopictus, its surface is highly polished, its scutellum is obsolete, and its elytra are deeply and coarsely crenate-sulcate. My examples (about a dozen in number) of this Notioxenus were taken, in company with the N. nifopictKS, on the higli central ridge, — in the vicinity of Actacon and Diana's Peak. anthribiDjE. 189 159. Notioxenus rufopictus. (Fig. 9.) N. ovalis aut ovatus, niger, nitidissimus, minute et parce cinereo- pubescens ; capite prothoraceque dense et rugulose punctatis, oculis hand valde promineutibus, hoe linea subbasali elevata sinuatil vix autrorsum curvata ; scntello obsolete ; elytris convexis, grosse et profimde crenato-sulcatis, interstitiis latis, ubique maculis suflFusis (prsesertim pone medium et versus marginem) plus minus rufulo pictis ; antennis piceo-testaceis ; pedibus testaceo piceis. Variat elytrorum maculis plus minus suffusis et confluentibus. Long. Corp. lin. 1^-vix 2\. Notioxenus rufopictus, WolL, Journ. of Ent. i, 213, pi. 14. f. 1 (1861). , Id., Ann. Nat. Hist. v. 21 (1870). , Melliss, St. Hel. 156 (1875). Habitat in regionibus valde elevatis, vulgaris ; nisi fallor ad Dick- soniam arborescentem proprius. The only example which I had seen of this Notioxenus up to the date of o\ir arrival in the island is one which was captured by the late Mr. Bewicke on the 21st of July, 1860 : and yet in the loftiest parts of the central heights there is hardly a coleopterous insect which is much more general or abundant. About Diana's Peak and Actaeon, as well as on Stitch's E-idge, it is universal ; and I also met with it towards the summit of High Peak. Although most of my examples were obtained by general blushing, I am inclined to suspect that the species may in reality be attached to the tree ferns ; for I never procured it except in the regions occupied by those plants, and it is certain that I occasionally took it out of the interior of the dead and moist Lichsonia-stexa^. In all probability, therefore, it was from the fronds of the D. arborescens that my specimens were principally beaten. It was found also by Mr. Gray during the commencement of our visit. There is certainly no member of the present genus, hitherto detected, which is more beautiful than the present one, — the nume- rous, but more or less suffused, bright-red spots with which its elytra are adorned (and which are occasionally subconfluent and very conspicuous), in conjunction with its otherwise black and highly polished surface, and its wide and deep crenulated strise, giving it a character which it is impossible to mistake. At first sight it appears to be perfectly glabrous ; but when examined beneath a high mag- nifying-power it will be seen to be sparingly and minutely cinereo- 190 ANTHRIBID^. pubescent ; its head and prothoras are rather coarsely punctured ; and its scutellum is obsolete. 160. Notioxenus rotundatus, n. sp. iV. rufopicto affiuisj sed multo minor et globosior, vix minus nitidus, et sensim densius (tamen miuutissime) ciuereo-pubescens, protho- race subminore, paulo densius ac paulo minus grosse punctate, elytris fere obovatis, striis multo crebrius ac multo minutius cre- nulatis, antennisque subloDgioribus ac subgracilioribus. Long, corp, lin. circa 1. Habitat in herbidis valde elevatis, rarissimus ; hactenus bis captus. The only two examples of this most interesting little Notioxemis which I have yet seen are from the high central ridge, in the immediate vicinity of Actseon and Diana's Peak, — the first of them having been captured by Mr. Gray, and the other by myself. It is evidently, there- fore, one of the rarest of the St. -Helena Coleoptera. In its brightly maculated elytra and general sculpture it belongs to exactly the same type as the N. rufojnctus ; nevertheless it is considerably smaller and more globose than that species, as also a trifle less shining and more densely (although most minutely) cinereo-pubescent. Its prothorax is relatively a little less developed, as well as more thickly and not quite so coarsely punctured ; its antennae are proportionally some- what longer and slenderer ; and its elytra, which are slightly obovate in outline, have their striae very much more closely and finely crenu- lated. This last character, although not the most evident at first sight, is perhaps its most important one. 161. Notioxenus ferrugineus. If. oblongus, angustulus, elongatus, ferrugineus, subopacus, grosse et dense cinereo- aut fulvo-cinereo-pubescens ; capite prothoraceque densissime et minute punctulatis, ocuKs magnis et valde promi- nentibus, hoc linea subbasali elevata sinuata vix antrorsum curvata; scutello obsolete; elytris elongato-ovalibus, (subter pube) sat pro- funde punctato-striatis, per suturam necnon ijiterdum in lineis duabus fractis antice evanescentibus plus minus nigrescentibus ; antennis pedibusque iufuscate testaceis, illarum clava (prassertim art" ult™°) paululum obscuriore. Variat elytrorum partibus nigrescentibus majoribus subconfluentibus. Long. corp. lin. |-1|. Notioxenus ferrugineus, Woll., Ann. Nat. Hist. viii. 405 (1871). , Meiliss, St. Hel. 157 (1875). ANTHKIBIDjE. 191 Habitat in gramiiiosis (prsecipue apertis) in intermediis editioribusque insulae : vulgaris. This is a most abundant insect in the intermediate and lofty districts of the island, — ranging from about the altitude of Plantation te the extreme summits of the peaks. It is found nearly always in grassy places, particularly on the open slopes, where it may often be brushed into the sweeping-net in great numbers. Under such cir- cumstances it swarms at Plantation, as well as about West Lodge, High Peak, Cason's, Stitch's Eidge, and on the flanks of Diana's Peak and Actseon ; and I also met with it at Thompson's Wood and in Peak Gut ; but it is so extremely variable in stature (and to a certain extent also in the greater or less development of the darker streaks, or longitudinal dashes, of its elytra) that it was difficult to believe, untU I had accurately examined them, that two species were not concealed amongst the mass of examples which are now before me. However, after a careful comparison of them, I can detect nothing whatever to enable me to recognize more than a single, somewhat variable form ; though I think that the individuals which occur in the highest regions are, on the average, smaller and darker than those from the more strictly " intermediate " ones. There is no fear of confounding the N. ferrugineus with any of the preceding members of the genus,— its comparatively narrow, elon- gate, Sitona-like outHne, added to its nearly opake and more or less ferruginous surface, which, however, is densely clothed with either a whitish or yellowish-cinereous pubescence, being of themselves sufficient to distinguish it. Its head and prothorax are very densely but minutely punetulated; and its elytra, when the scales have been removed, will be seen to be rather coarsely punctate-striate, and more or less ornamented with sufi'used blackish longitudinal streaks or dashes, — which, although sometimes (except along the suture) nearly obsolete, are occasionally enlarged and subconfluent, so as to cover the greater portion of the surface. (Subfam. 3. HOMCEODERIDES.) (ProtJiorax simplex, sc. lined transversa nuUd instructus.) Genus 69. HOMffiODEEA. WoUaston, Ann. Nat. Hist. v. 23 (1870). Corpus et instricmenta cibai-ia fere ut in Notioxeno, sed illud pie- 192 ANTHRIBID^. rumque minoris niagnitudinis et minus ornatum, semper plus minus pubescens, 23>'othoraci'quG simplici, nee linea subbasali instructo. The members of the present group are, on the average, smaller and less variegated than the Notioxeni, — the greater proportion of them being, although minutely pubescent, very obscure is colouring. The JI. elateroides, however, which perhaps should be regarded as generically distinct, offers a slight exception to this rule ; and the comparatively brassy surface of the JI. minor and 2J]/gina'a separates them also, somewhat, from their congeners. But the main feature in which they all of them recede from Notioocenus consists in their prothorax having no appearance whatsoever of a subbasal pro- thoracic line, — a fact of considerable importance in the Anthribids. Although from their rather diminutive l)ulk and their want of lively tints the Homoeoderas are insignificant insects on the whole, they nevertheless include amongst them a greater variety of form than even the Notioxeni — so much so indeed that, although I have failed to discover structural characters of sufficient value to enable me to break up the group, I cannot but think that the time may perhaps arrive when it will be found desirable to do so on the evidence afforded by mere external configuration alone. And yet I must emphatically repeat that this great outward dissimilarity is, to my mind, far more suggestive of missing links even yet to be detected, than of an aboriginal series of independent generic centres. And if this opinion should prove to be correct, in all probability Homoeodera will be acknowledged eventually as by far the most extensive generic assemblage in the Coleopterous fauna of St. Helena. The 13 Homoeoderas which have hitherto been brought to light may be thus tabulated : — A. elytra stria mturali (antice evanescente) solum impressa. elateroides. AA. eli/tra plus minus evidenter ptmctato-striata. a. elytra postice excavata, et ibidem grossissime nodoso-producta. noduUpennis. aa. elytra incpqualia, sed vix nodulosa. Edithia. aaa. elytra simplicia (i. e. nulla modo nodulosa). j3. prothorax jihis minus distincte pundatus. y. elytra rotundato-ellijjtica. major, ■yy. elytra hreviter snhohlonga. compositarum, pygmsea, pumilio. ANTHRIBID^. ' 193 /3/j. prothorax vel omnino vel fere impunctatus. rotundipeuuis, alutaceicollis, asteris, Paivse. AAA. elytra esciilpturata {striis punctisqtie ohsoletis). b. corjms grosse albido-pubescens. coriacea. SS. corpus cahnim. o:lobulosa. 162. Homceodera elateroides. H. angustulo-subelliptica, elongata, plus minus aeneo-picea, nitida, fere impunctata, pube demissa fulvo-cinerea nebuloso-sericata ; capito confuse punctulato ; prothorace magno, convexo, elongato-globoso, postice angustiore ; scutello obsolete ; elytris convexis, elongato- ellipticis basi grosse marginato-truncatis, postice subattenuatis, ad apicem ipsum minute siugulatim subnoduloso-gibbosis et ab- breviatis (pygidium profuude longitudinaliter foveolatum baud tegentibus), bine inde (prsesertim versus latera in medio, in disco, necnon ante apicem) obsolete et suffuse subglabro-variegatis, stria suturali impunctata (antice evanescente) solum impressis ; an- tennis pedibusque infuscate testaceis, illis versus apicem vix obscurioribus, bis elongatis crassis. Long. Corp. lin. Ik -2^. Habitat in locis valde elevatis, inter herbas (praecipue filices) ; rarior. The comparatively large and elongate, or Elater-Vike^ form of this Homceodera, in conjunction with its aeneo-piceous hue, and its shining almost unsculptured surface (the elytra alone being impressed with a single, unpunctured, anteriorly-evanescent sutural line), which however, is densely sericated with a short silken fulvo-cinereous pubescence, will at once characterize it. Its outline, too, is very peculiar, — the prothorax being large, convex, and elongate-globose, but narrowed behind, whilst the elytra are elliptical but gradually a trifle attenuated posteriorly ; and the latter, although not exactly variegated, are by no means uniform in tint, there being more or less evident indications of obsolete subglabrous spaces (having a just appreciably darker appearance) in various parts, — particularly about the middle of the lateral margin, down the disk, and towards the apex (which, however, itself is often slightly paler or rufescent). The H. elateroides is confined to the loftier portions of the central ridge, and is decidedly scarce — though, by repeated visits to its proper habitat, I secured a tolerable supply of examples. Tbcy 194 ANTHRIBID/E. were nearly all of them taken about Diana's Peak and Actaeon, though I met with a few towards the summit of High Peak, Although it was by general brushing that they were obtained, I believe it was out of the masses of the ferns (either Diclcsonia arborescens or Dlplazhun nigro-paleacenm) that my specimens were usually beaten. The species was found also by Mr. Gray. 163. Homceodera nodulipennis, n. sp. H. breviter et crasse ovalis aut elliptica, nigro-picea, opaca, pube grossa brevi demisssi cinereo-fulva dense sericata ; oculis minoribus et baud prominentibus ; prothorace breviter subconico, vix punc- tate sed minutissime subgranuloso : scutello obsolete ; elytris ovalibus basi late truncatis, grosse punctato-striatis, interstitiis inaequaliter elevatis interruptis, nodes efficientibus, — nodulo costi- formi ad humeros, altero majore elevatiore in disco postico, et tertio maximo distorto sinuato postice obtuse producto, ante apicem coneavo-excavatum in elytris singulis positis, prsecipue dis- cernendis : antennis pedibusque gracilibus, illis picescentibus, art'' 1""* et 2**° pedibusque testaceis. Long. Corp. lin. 1|, Habitat in editioribus insul^e, rarissima ; in praeruptis mox supra West Lodge parcissime deprehensa. This is perhaps the most extraordinary member of the Coleoptera which has hitherto been detected at St. Helena, — the enormous, wonderfully produced and apparently mishapen, obtuse nodule with which the apex of each of its elytra is furnished being quite unpre- cedented in any insect with which I am acquainted. The narrow space between these two subapical protuberances, i. e. the apex itself, is anomalously scooped out or excavated ; and since the pro- tuberances are rather sinuate and curved inwards, at first sight they seem almost to meet, and give a most singular and somewhat gro- tesque appearance to the whole posterior region, — savouring more of an accidental monstrous development than of any thing else. But that the structure in question is not indicative of a " monstrosity " becomes perfectly clear when the creature is accurately examined, to say nothing of its being precisely similar in both of the examples which are now before me. In other respects the H. nodulipennis is remarkable for its thick, obtuse, shortly oval, or elliptical form,^ the widest part being at the junction of the prothorax and elytra, which are broadly truncated at their respective bases ; its eyes are ANTHRIBID^E. 195 not quite so large, or so prominent, as in most of the Homoeoderas ; its surface is opake and of a piceous black, but densely scricated with a short decumbent fulvescent pile ; its limbs are abbreviated and slender, the legs and the two basal joints of the antennas being testaceous ; and, although its prothorax is well-nigh uuscvilptured, its elytra are coarsely and deeply punctate-striate, with the inter- stices raised and interrupted so as to shape out a few ill-defined and subsidiarj' nodules in addition to the two monstrously developed apical ones, — of which the most apparent is one on either posterior disk, and a less elevated costiform one at the shoulders. The only two exam])les of this marvellous little insect which I have yet seen were captured by myself, early in February, at the extreme edge of the tremendous precipice, or crater-wall (consti- tuting the south-western portion of the great central ridge), imme- diately above West Lodge, — in one of the most exposed and windy spots it is possible to imagine. So difficult indeed was it, on account of the violence of the gale, to examine, even in the most imperfect manner, any thing that presented itself, that I feel almost satisfied that I inadvertently threw several specimens away, mistaking them for the seeds of plants. Nor, indeed, is their prima facie resem- blance to seeds, when the limbs are contracted, altogether fanciful ; for they at least have as much the appearance, at first sight, of a vegetable substance as of an animal one ; and it was more by acci- dent than any thing else that the symmetry of their outline induced me to put a couple of them into my coUecting-bottle. They were obtained amongst small and broken-up sticks, / tJiinJc of the common Gorse ; though their close proximity to the shrubs of the Astei- gummiferus (or " Little Bastard Gum wood "), which stud the inac- cessible rocks and ledges below, incline me to suspect that the ■species may in reality belong to the fauna of that interesting but now rapidl}' disappearing arborescent Composite. 164. Homceodera EditMa, n. sp. H. breviter subrotundato-ovata, arcuato-convexa, atra, nitida, fere calva (pube minutissima fulvo-cinerea pareissime irrorata) ; capite confuse et parce punctulato, in fronte foveolato, oculis magnis sed baud valde prominentibus ; prothorace conico, ad latera profunde sed parce punctato, sed in disco autico fere impunctato ; scutello minutissimo, pimctiformi ; elytris convexis, basi late truneatis, grossissime substriato-punctatis (punctis maximis), ubique mai- o2 196 ANTHRIBID^. leato-incB(iualibus et hinc inde obsolete subnodulosis, — apatio sub- nodiformi in diseo autico, aliisque minoribns indistiiictis in disco postico vei'sus apicem, pnt^cipue discernendis ; antennis pedibnsque elongatis, crassis, illis piceis clava (elongata) dilutiore articulisque 1"° et 2'^° rufescentioribus, his nigris, tarsis (elongatis, crassis) piceo-tcstaceis, etiam art" basilari latin scailo. Long. Corp. lin. vix 1|. Habitat regioncs valde excelsas, in ligno emortno marcido Bnddltice lyiadagascariensis, Vahl, juxta Diana's Peak semel tantum reperta. The only example of this most remarkable Homceodera which I have yet seen was captured by Mrs. Wollaston (after whom I have named the species) in the rotten trunk of a dead Buddlnn madagas- carietisis, Vahl, immediately below the Actseon and Diana's-Peak ridge, close to a spot called Newfoundland. It is evidently one of the rarest of the 8t. -Helena Coleoptera ; for, in spite of constant researches at the very same tree, we were quite unable to procure a second specimen. The II , Edithia is one of the most anomalous of the Homoeoderas ; and yet (as in the case of the H. nodidipcmiis^ which is even more anomalous still) I cannot detect a single structural character about it of sufficient importance to enable me to separate it generically from the remainder ; and we can only conclude, therefore, that forms of a more or less intermediate aspect may even yet be brought to light to articulate it on (as it were) to the more typical members of the group. The main features which at once separate the H. Edithia from the other Homoeoderas which have hitherto been detected, consists in its short, thick, convex, and rounded ovate body, its subconical, posteriorly widened prothorax, its deep black hue, and its shining and almost bald surface, — the elytra, however (the punctures of which are enormously developed), being uneven and malleated, with a faint trace of ill-defined obtuse prominences, or obsolete nodules. These latter are discernible in various parts, though more particularly on the fore disk and between the hinder disk and the apex. Its limbs are elongated and thick, — the antennae being dark in the centre, with their club (which is much lengthened) more diluted, or browner, and with their first and second joints rufo-piccous ; whilst the femora and tibia) are black, and the feet (which are considerably elongate, and have even their basal articu- lation somewhat incrassated) piceo-testaceous. ANTHRIBID.B. 197 165. Homceodera major, u. sp. //. ovata, convexa, aenea (rariiis nigrescens), nitida, pube grossa demissa fulvo-cinerea parce nebulosa ; capite prothoraceque di- etiucte et suboequaliter punctatis, oculis maguis et valde promi- nentibus ; hoc subconvexo, postice angustiore ; scutello obsolete ; elytris convexis, rotundato-ellipticis, striato-i)unctatis, interstitiis latis depressis antice transyersim subrugulosis, in medio fascia magna deutatci transversa valde indistinctu subglabra (tamcn con- colori) obscure instructis ; antennis pedibusque elongatis, illis nigrescentibus (clava elongata), art'' 1"° et 2*^" piceo-testaceis, his fusco-piceis. Long. Corp. lin. I5-2. Habitat in regionibus valde elevatis insulae ; rarissima. A rather large and apparently scarce species, the only three examples which I have seen having been captured on the high central ridge,— two of them by myself, and the other by Mr, P. Whitehead. My own specimens were beaten off the blossoms of the Melanodendron integ rlfoliimi, DC, or " black cabbage-tree," on nearly the extreme summit of Actseon. Apart from its some- what large size (for a Homoeodera), the H. major may be known by its convex, rounded elliptical elytra, and its shining, brassy surface, which is sparingly clothed with a coarse cinereous pubescence, — which latter, however, is absent from an obscure, transverse, dentate, fascia-like, but concolorous space across the central region of the elytra. Its limbs are elongate, — the antennae (which have their club a good deal lengthened) being blackish, with the first and second joints piceo-testaceous, and the legs being brownish-piceous. 166. Homceodera compositarum, n. sp. H. ovato-oblonga, nigra (saepius obsoletissime subviridi aut sub- ffineo-viridi tincta), nitida, pube grossa demissa cinerea (rariua fulvo-cinerea) parce nebulosa ; capite (saltern in fronte) fere impunctato ; prothorace profunde et dense punctate, in disco antico saepe laeviore ; scutello obsoleto ; elytris breviter sub- oblongis, grosse striato-punctatis, pone medium fascia dentata transversa plerumque valde indistincta subglabra (tamen con- colori) obscure instructis ; antennis pedibusque nigrescentibus, illarum art'* 1""° et 2'^" piceo-testaceis. Long. Corp. lin. |-lf . Hahitat inter Compositas arborescentes, vulgaris ; ia elevatis et eub- elevatis degena. 198 ANTHRIBIDii:. Variable in stature as the nomceoderas are, this one is perhaps the most variable of them all, — the largest specimens trebling, in actual bulk, the smaller ones. In its main features, however, it is not so very inconstant, — its rather oblong outline and dark surface (which is sparingly clouded with a coarse cinereous pubescence, and has usually a very obsolete greenish or brassy-greenish tinge), in con- junction with its distinctly punctiired prothorax, the large and deep punctures of its elytral striae, and its hlachish limbs (the first and second joints of the antennae being alone piceo -testaceous), being sufficient to characterize it. The present Homceodera seems to be attached to the various arbo- rescent Composite^, — though more, I think, to the asters and gum- woods than to the cabbage-trees. Still I have beaten it frequently from the foliage of the latter in the very loftiest parts of the central ridge, about Actaeon and Diana's Peak, as well as on High Peak ; though it is infinitely more abundant amongst the Aster (jummiferus (on the inner slopes of ihe great Sandy-Bay crater) beyond West Lodge, as well as amongst the gumwoods at Thompson's Wood, in Peak Gut, and towards Lufkins. 167. Homceodera pygmaea. II. subovata, senea, nitida, pube grossa subdcmissa fulvo-cinerea parce nebulosa ; capite prothoraeeque minutissime alutaceis punc- tisque parvis leviter notatis, hoc ovali ; scutello obsolete ; elytris subovatis, punctato-striatis, interstitiis subconvexis et paululum rugulosis, pone medium fascia dcntata transversa valde indistinct* subglabra (tamen concolori) obsolete instructis ; autennis nigres- centibus, art''^ 1™° et 2^° rufo-testaceis ; fcmoribus tarsisque piceis, tibiis i)iceo-testaceis. Variat (rarius) colore nigrescentiore, tibiisque concoloribus (nee piceo-testaccis), — H. compositarmn fere simulans. Long. Corp. lin. f-l|. Homceodera pygmaea, Wall., Atin. Nat. Hist. v. 24 (1870). , Melliss, St. Eel. lo7 (1875). Habitat inter Compositas arborescentes, in locis elevatis, passim. This is a rather small and insignificant species, though at tho same time distinguishable amongst its allies by its somewhat more ovate outline and its conspicuously brassy hue, and by its tibiae being nearly always diluted in colouring, or piceo-testaceous. Its head and prothorax will be seen under a powerful lens to be very minutely alutaceous, but nevertheless rather thickly studded with AXTHRIBID^. 199 small and lightl)^- impressed punctures ; and its elytra (which are deeply and closely punctate-striate, with the interstices slightly convex) have traces (in unrubbed examples) of a very obscure post- median transverse fascia, — not differently coloured from the rest of the surface, but formed by the mere partial absence of the fulvo- cinereous pubescence. This last-mentioned character, however, as in the other species in which it obtains, is often altogether inappreciable, I have taken this Homoeodera sparingly on the central ridge about Diana's Peak and Actseon, as well as at Cason's (where it was like- wise found by Mr. Gray) and at High Peak, — in which latter locality it was extremely abundant beneath the dead and loosened bark of a Petrobixm arhoreum^ R. Br., or " whitewood cabbage tree." I also met with it at Thompson's Wood. 168. Homoeodera pumilio, n. sp. H. prsecedenti similis, sed minor ac sensim minus senea (sc. aeneo- picea, interdum etiam picea), capite prothoraceque saepius minus alutaceis sed densius punctulatis, clytris vix minus convexis minusque rotundatis (sc. paululum magis paraUelis aut breviter oblongis), pedibus omnino rufo-testaceis (sc. nullo modo in femo- ribus et tarsis picescentibus). Long. Corp. lin. ^-1. Habitat in intermediis editioribusque (prsesertim illis), vulgaris. Although the largest examples are perhaps larger than the most dwarfed ones of these immediately allied forms, the H. pumilio is nevertheless, on the average, the smallest of the Homoeoderas (not excepting even the H, globalosa) which have hitherto been brought to light ; and although it has a good deal in common with the pyrfincea, I am satisfied that it is quite distinct from that insect speci- , fically. Moreover its habits, and range, are altogether different ; for whilst the jiyi/mcea is emphatically a native of the high central ridge, where it occurs amongst the arborescent Compositce, it is only sometimes that the pumilio ascends into those altitudes, its proper area being strictly within the " intermediate " districts, — where it attaches itself in great numbers to the small and broken-up sticks of various trees and shrubs. Under such circumstances it absolutely swarms at Plantation (where it may be found, likewise, adhering to the fallen cones of fir-trees), in company with the //. alutctcncoUis and the Notioxeuus (limidiatus ; but, from its minute size and the 200 ANTHRIBID^. close resemblance of its colour to the brown surfaces to which it is usually attached, it is not always easy to be recognized. It may often be seen crawling sluggishly (especially after showers) on old posts, within the cracks and crevices of which it is apt to conceal itself. At West Lodge, Thompson's Wood, and in Peak Gut the H. pumilio is extremely common ; but it is comparatively seldom that I met with it on High Peak and the still loftier parts of the great central ridge. Apart from its much smaller size (on the average), the H. pumilio differs from the pijgmcea in being less decidedly brassy (though it has usually more or less of an appreciable senescent tinge) — its colour being sdneo -pi ceous, and sometimes even piceous only, — in its head and prothorax being generally less alutaceous but rather more closely punctulated, in its elytra being a little less convex and also a trifle less rounded at the sides, and in its legs, instead of having the femora and tarsi picescent, being wholly testaceous. 169. Homceodera rotimdipennis. H. crasse ovata, nigra, pube grossji demissa cinereo-fulva laete (in- terdum etiam ornate) marmorata ; capite prothoraceque opacis, alutaceis (sed baud punctatis), illo magno mandibulis magnis, oculis hand valde prominentibus, hoc magno, postice paululum angustato, adlateraplus minus fulvo-pubescenti maculato; scutello minutissimo, punctiformi ; elytris subquadrato-ovatis basi late truncatis, vix minus opacis (interdum obsoletissime subseneo tinctis), grosse et profunde striato-punctatis (punctis magnis), interstitiis rugulosis et subcostatis, in disco antico saepe subconcavo- foveolatis, ad basin in medio, necnon iu fascia postmedia trans- versa, plus minus evidenter fulvo-cinereo-pubescentibus ; antennis gracilibus, nigrescentibus, art'^ 1"° et 2''° laete rufo-testaeeis ; pedibus elongatis, crassis, inasqualiter rufo-piceis. Long. Corp. lin. ^-1|. Homceodera rotundipennis, Woll. Ann. Nat. Hist. v. 23 (1870). — , Melliss, St. Hel. 157 (1875). Habitat in intermediis (et, rarius, subeditioribus) insulae : ad trimcos antiques emortuos Asteris girmmiferi, Hk. f., et Commidendri robusti, DC, necnon sub cortice arido laxo, prsecipue adhgerens. The thick and squarish-ovate outline of this Homceodera, in con- junction with its comparatively large head and mandibles, its opake but unpunctured head and prothorax (the latter of which is rather elongate, and somewhat narrowed behind), and its rounded-quadrate. ANTHRIBID.'E. 201 roughly sculptured elytra, will serve to distinguish it from its immediate allies. Its surface (which is black, and only rarely with a verj' faint subaeneseent tiuge on the elj-tra) is, in fresh and unrubbed examples, beautifully dappled with a coarse, decumbent, fulvo-cinereous pubescence, — which in most instances completely covers the head, but is concentrated on the prothorax into a few elongated subconfluent patches toivards either side ; whilst on the elytra, although present in various parts, it is more particularly traceable in a small central patch at the extreme base and in a post- median transverse fascia. However, when the specimens are in the least degree worn and abraded, this ornamentation is quite absent. Its legs are long and thick, and of an unequal rufo-piceous hue. Unless I am much mistaken, the B. rotundipennis is more attached to the arborescent asters and gumwoods than to any thing else ; for, although I have taken it sparingly at Plantation, that district in all probability abounded once with gumwoods, and it is certainly quite at home amongst the gumwoods at Thompson's Wood, as well as amongst those in Peak Gut and between Peak Dale and Lufkins. At West Lodge, however, and more particularly in the Aster-^OYe beyond it (overlooking Lufkins), it is more common than in any spot which I observed, though it is evident that the species must, on the whole, be regarded as a scarce one. It is usually to be met with beneath the dead and loosened bark of the old trees, and even (in the very eye of the wind) on the trmils themselves, to which it woTild seem to have the power of adhering with wonderful tenacity. By Mr. P. Whitehead it has been obtained sparingly at Arno's Yale. 170. Homceodera alutaceicoUis. H. oblonga, nigra aut fusco-nigra, stepius obsoletissime subseneo tincta, pube grossa demissji cinerco-fulva et albida nebulosa ; capite prothoraceque alutaceis, subopacis (sed hand puuctiilatis), hoc longiusculo, postice paulum angustiore ; scutello obsoleto aut vix discernendo ; elytris suboblongis, paulum magis submicantibus, striate -pun ctatis, in medio obsoletissime albido- et pone medium subglabro-fasciatis ; antennis rufo-testaceis, clava obscuriore ; pedibus crassis, femoribus piceis, tibiis tarsisque (pragsertim illis) magis testaceis. Loug. Corp. lin. I-I5. Homceodera alutaceicoUis, Tfo//., Ann. Nat. Hist. v. 24 (1870). , 3Ielliss, St. Ilel. 157 (1875). Habitat intermedias insulae (in regiones valde elevatas multo rarius 202 anthrtbid.t;. ascendcns) ; truncis ramulisque emortuis, hurai jacentibus, copiosissime adhcercns. This is one of the most common and widelj'-spread of the Horaoeo- deras in the intermediate districts of St. Helena, though ascending likewise more sparingly into the highest ones. I met with only a very few specimens of it on the lofty central ridge ; but at Planta- tion it absolutely swarms, — occurring principally, along with the H. pamilio and the Notioxenus dimidiatus, on dead sticks lying on the ground. It frequently attaches itself to old posts and gates, out of the crevices of which it may be seen to crawl sluggishly. I likewise met with it in Vine-Tree Gut (below Halley's Mount), as well as at West Lodge, and amongst the gumwoods in Thompson's Wood, Peak Gut, and towards Lufkins ; and I am inclined to suspect that, in all probability, it is a remnant of the aboriginal gumwood fauna. The H. alutaceicoUis is a rather small and inconspicuous species ; but it is one which may easily be recognized by its outline beiug somewhat more straightened, or oblong, than is the case in the immediately allied forms, whilst its head and prothorax (the latter of which is narrowed behind, and elongate) are opake and finely alutaceous, but not appreciably punctured. Its pubescence is coarse, and consists partly of fulvo-cinereous and partly of whitish scales ; its elytra, which are not quite so opake as the rest of the surface, are distinctly striate-punctate ; its antenna?, with the exception of the club (which is darker), are generally altogether rufo-testaceous ; and its legs, which are much thickened, have their femora piceous, but their tibiae and tarsi (especially the former) paler or more testaceous. 171. Homceodera asteris, n. sp. H. alutaceicolli valde affinis, et forsan ejus varietas Asteri glutinoso, Roxb., propria. DitFert prtecipue statura minus oblonga aut magis abbreviata, elytris sensim breviorihus, latioribus, ac magis rotundatis, antennisque vix sublongioribus. Long. corp. lin. |-1. Habitat inter arbusculas Asteris glutinosi, Roxb. (anglice "Scrub- wood"). Duo exemplaria collegit Dom. P. Whitehead. It is not impossible that this obscure little Homoeodera may prove eventually to be but a local state, or phasis, of the alutaceicoUis peculiar to the Aster r/lutinosus, Iloxb., or " Scrubwood ;" but since there is a decided difference in the outline of its elytra, and its habits ANTHRIBIDili. 203 do not appear to be the same, I am inclined to suspect that the two examples which are now before me may represent perhaps a separate but closely- allied form. Almost the only point, however, in which it recedes from the alutaceicollis, so far at least as I can detect, con- sists in its shorter, or less oblong, contour (the elytra being rounder and more abbreviated, and therefore relatively a little broader) ; and its antennse are perhaps just perceptibly longer ; but the scrubwood fauna embraces so many species which do not pertain to that of the other arborescent Compositce, that I think it is safer to treat this Homceodcra as distinct from the alutaceicolUs and to wait for further evidence to enable us to decide the question positively. It is to Mr. P. Whitehead that we are indebted for this addition to the St.-Hclena fauna, — the only two examples which I have seen having been captured by him from some bushes of the scrubwood between Sugarloaf and Flagstaff Hill, in the extreme north of the island. 172. Hoinceodera PaivsB, u, sp. H. ovata, nigra, obsoletissime subviridi-tincta, pube grossa demissa fulvo-cinerea parce vestita ; capite prothoraceque subopacis, grosse alutaceis (sed baud punctotis), hoc ovali ; scutello obsolete, aut vix discernendo ; elytris ovatis, paulo magis micautibus, pro- funde striato-punctatis, pone medium obsolete fasciatis ; antennis breviusculis, nigrescentibus, art'^ 1™° et 2^^° (praesertim illo) rufo- testaceis ; pedibus longiusculis, crassiusculis, nigrescentibus. Long. Corp. lin. |. Habitat (nisi fallor) in cditioribus insulae, a meipso semel tantum lecta. The single example from which I am compelled to describe this minute Homceodera, and which was taken by myself (I believe, on the central ridge), has more the appearance at first sight, in its greenish- black hue and dark legs, of a very diminutive specimen of the H. com'positariiin, did not its opake, alutaccous, and totally unpxmctured head and prothorax refer it to the present division of the genus. Moreover even its elytra are less shining than in the H. compositarum, as well as less coarsely striate-punctate and very much more rounded (or ovate) in outline. From the M. alutaceicollis, on the other hand, it is abundantly distinct, not only in its smaller size and in its much more ovate (or less straightened) contour, but likewise in its f/reenish- black hue, in the darkened intermediate joints of its antennae, and in its blackened leijs. 204 A.VTHUI151D.E. I have had great pleasure in dedicating thia little IJomoeodera to my excellent friend the Barao do Castello de Paiva, of Lisbon, whose former researches at Madeira and in the Canaries have thrown bo much light on the natural history of those particular archipelagos. 173. Homceodera coriacea. //. ovata (rarius oblongo-ovata), nigra, opaca, coriacea, esculpturata (nee punctata, ncc striata), pube grossa demissa fulvo-ciuerea et albida parce nebulosa ; scutello obsoleto, aut vix observando ; elytris ad basin versus humeros, necnon in fascia medicl obsoletis- sima fracta, interdum albido-pubescentibus ; aiitennis rufo-testa- ceis, clavji obscuriore ; pedibus crassiusculis, nigrescentibus. Variat corpore obsoletissime subaeneo tincto, tibiis sensim dilu- tioribus. Long. corp. lin. f-vix 1. Honioeodera coriacea. Wall., A^in. Nat. Hist. viii. 406 (1871). , Melliss, St. Hel 157 (1875). Habitat in intermediis insulJB, nisi fallor Commidendro rohusto, DC. (anglice " Gumwood ") propria. Judging from the five examples only which are now before me, this obscure little Homceodera would appear to be one of the rarer members of the group ; though, if I a,m right in concluding that it is attached normally to the gumwoods, it is far from unlikely that when those trees have been more completely searched it will be found to occur commonly enough in some locality which has hitherto been but imperfectly investigated. My own specimens were captured at Plantation and in Peak Gut, in the latter from the foliage of the gumwood ; but where Mr. Melliss's unique example was met with, I have not the means of ascertaining. At any rate I have no evidence hitherto that the species ascends above the inter- mediate districts. Apart from its diminutive size, the present Homceodera may immediately be recognized by ita nearly opake, coriaceous, but totally uasculptured surface, — which, however, in fresh and unrubbed ex- amples, is more or less sparingly clouded with coarse, decumbent, •whitish scales. Its colour (beneath the scales) is normally of a deep black with a just appreciable subcyaneous tinge, and its legs are likewise dark ; but there seems to be a state, or variety, in which a very faint (enesccnt lustre is traceable, and in which the tibife (as in the H. alutaceicoUis) are perceptibly diluted in hue. Still its total ANTHRIBIDiE. 205 vrsint of sculpture (even ou the elytra) will at once distinguish the species. 17-i. Homoeodera globulosa, n. sp. E. rotundato-ovata, convexa, piceo-nigra (iramatura picea), sub- opaca, fere calva et fere esculpturata (sc. pube, punctis, et striis omnino obsoletis) ; prothorace breviter subcylindrico-ovali ; scu- tello obsoleto ; elytris globoso-ovalibus ; antennis pedibnsque piceo- testacei.s, illarum clava picescentiore, his crassis. Long. Corp. lin. f-f. Habitat in herbidis valde elevatis, minus frequeus. The convex, rounded, subglobose contour of this singular little species, added to its practically bald, unsculptured, subopake surface, and its piceous-black concolorous hue (the limbs alone being paler), give it an appearance, at first sight, so diiferent from the whole of the preceding members of the group that it might almost seem to merit generic separation. Yet, after a careful overhauling of its various details, I cannot detect any thing about it sufficient for that purpose ; and I can, therefore, only conclude (as I did in the some- what analogous cases of the //. nodaUpennis and Ediihia) that future observations will in all probability bring to light intermediate forms (if indeed they have not already become extinct) wbich will justify the propriety of retaining it even now amongst the true Homoeoderas. The //. globidosa is confined to the high central ridge : indeed, with the exception of a single individual which I met with above West Lodge, the wbole of my specimens (about 50 in number) were captured on the very loftiest portion of it, — in the neighbourhood of Actseon and Diana's Peak. They were all of them obtained by general brushing ; so that I am unable to decide as to the particular plant to which the species is attached ; but I think it most likely that it belongs to the cabbage-tree fauna. It was found also below the Cabbage-tree Road by Mr, P. Whitehead. Genus 70. ACARODES (nov. gen.). Corpus et caet. fere ut in Homoeodera, sed illnd breviter ovatum, valde arcuato-convexum, globuli- aut potius guttiforme, politissi- mum, glaberrimum, calvum, subtranslucidum ; oml'is parvis ; pro- thorace breviter conico ; acntcJIo nullo ; tarsisqne magis simplicibus (sc. minus lato bilobis). — N.B. Genus Xenorchestes, insularum 206 ANTHRIBID/E. Maderensium, simulans, et ei certe proximuin. DifFert, tamea, inter alia, corpore hand saltatorio, aiatennis pedibustjue gracilio- ribus ac minus elongatis, tarsorum. art° 1'"° multo breviorc, 3"°quo minus evidcnter bilobo. Ab AcarKS, et eloos, aspectus. Without any very decided structural peculiarities to separate it from the members of that assemblage, it is almost impossible to admit the singular little Anthribid from which the above diagnosis has been compiled amongst the Homoeoderas, — its extremely convex, shortly ovate, r^rop-shaped contour, in conjunction with its toUdhj unsculpturcd^ highly polished, bald, and subtranslucid surface (which is either black or piceous black), giving it a character which is essentially its own. In point of fact, it so closely resembles at first sight the curious Xenorchestes saltitans of Madeira that, before I had examined it accurately, I felt disposed to refer it to the same actual genus ; nevertheless its complete want of the capacity for hopping^ added to its shorter and slenderer limbs (the first joint of the feet being very conspicuously less elongate, and the third one less evi- dently bilobed), incline me to think that it should be treated as the exponent of a distinct but intimately connected group. Its manifest relationship, however, with one of the rarest and most remarkable of the Madeiran types gives it an interest, geographically, which it is difficult to overrate. 175. Acarodes gutta, n. sp. A. breviter ovata, arcuato-convexissima, nitidissima, glaberrima, calva, nigra aut piceo-nigra, subtranslucida, omnino esculpturata : oculis parvis sed prominulis ; prothorace breviter conico ; elytris versus basin interdum obsolete et suffuse subtranslucido-dilutio- ribus, sed saepius omnino concoloribus ; autennis pedibusque graci- libus, piceo-testaceis, illarum clava tarsisque paulo picesceutioribus. Long. Corp. lin. circa |. Habitat inter folia putrida marcida, humi jacentia, in regionibus valde elevatis ; sat vulgaris. This anomalous little Anthribid was first detected by Mrs. "Wol- laston, — who secured several examples of it (on two or three different occasions, and before I was able to meet with a single one) at a very high altitude on the central ridge, immediately below the extreme summit of Action, They were all of them obtained on the wet ground amongst sodden leaves, — hettveen which they woul-d BllUCHID^. 207 secrete themselves, in much the same manner as many of the Ph'd- Ju/drida do in other countries : and it was only afterwards, by sifting, that I succeeded myself in securing additional individuals. Having once, however, found out their exact modus vlvendi, I soon ascertained that any number of specimens could be procured by either shaking or sifting the damp rotting leaves which strewed the ground beneath the cabbage-trees ; and by this process we accumu- lated ultimately a considerable series. From its small size, unsculp- tured brilliantly-polished surface, inflated outline, and dark hue, the insect is so suggestive at first sight of a large Acarus that when found in company with the latter it was not always easy without the aid of a lens to distinguish immediately between the two. Fam. 32. BRUCHID^. Genus 71. BRUCHUS. GeoiFroy, Ins. de Paris, i. 1G3 (1672). 176. Bruchus rufohrunneus. B. quadrato-subovatus, rufo-brunneus in elytris clarior, subtus dense ciaereo sed supra iuEequaliter fulvescenti ct cinereo piloso-varie- gatus ; capite prothoraceque dense ruguloso-punctatis, illo argute carinato, oculis magnis, luniformibus, hoc conico, in parte media basali macula quadrat;! subbipartita cinerea ornato ; scutello rotundato, cinereo : elytris quadratis, profunde striatis, interstitiis convexis ac rugulosis, fasciis 3 obsoletissimis (iuterdum suffusis et vix disccrnendis) intus plus minus abbreviatis obscure nebulosis ; antennis pedibusque piceo-testaceis, illis versus apicem (saltem in c?) pedibusque posticis paulo obscurioribus, femoribus posticis denticulis duobus contiguis (e marginibus externo et interne sur- gentibus) subtus armatis, tibiis posticis ad angulos apicales internes spinis duabus inaiqualibus (una sc, prassertira in d", elongata, robusta) tenninatis. Mas antennis multo longioribus, paulo crassioribus, intus longe pectinatis ; pedibus anterioribus etiam subgracilioribus. Long. Corp. lin. circa 1^. Bruchus rufobruuueus, JVolL, Ann. Nat. Hist. v. 25 (1870). , Melliss, St. Hvl. 157 (1875). Habitat in domibus, mercatorumque repositoriis ; in insulam iuvcctus. I did not meet with either the present Brxchus or the following one during our sojourn at St. Helena, — haviug had but liitle 208 BRUCHJD.E. leisure to devote to the mere introduced species which occur about the warehouses aud stores, and which in ever}' country constitute a section of the fauna which is of all others the least important. Several examples, however, of the B. rufobrunnens, and one of the advena, were found by Mr. MeUiss amongst rice ; and it was with considerable reluctance, knowing how extremely liable to accidental dissemination the Brachi are throughout the civilized world, that I felt compelled (in 1869) to describe them as new. Yet having been unable, both then and since, to affiliate them with any species which had already been characterized, I have no option but to cite them afresh under the titles which I ventured to propose, — leaving the question of their identity, or otherwise, with previously-defined forms still open for future consideration. In my remarks on the B. rufohrumuus, in 1870, I stated that its main features appeared to consist in its reddish-brown hue, — the elytra, however, being more pale and rufescent than the head and prothorax; in the latter being dappled with cinereous scales, which are concentrated into a squarish central bipartite patch in the middle (be- hind the scuteUum), and sometimes apparently into two obsolete and fragmentary oblique bands ; in its head being powerfully keeled ; in its elytra being deeply striate (with the interstices convex), and likewise ornamented (in unrubbed specimens) with rudimentaiy bands or fascise on either side, — composed, in examples which are hi"-hly coloured, of darkish cloudy patches, with a few ashy scales between ; in the antennae of the male being very much longer than those of the female, and deeply pectinated internally ; and in its two posterior femora being armed beneath with two small denticles, alongside each other and arising out of the inner and outer edges respectively, — whilst the two inner angles of its two hinder tibiae are each terminated by a spine, one of which (particularly in the male sex) is robust and elongated. 177. Bruchus advena. B. prsecedenti similis, sed paulum angustior ac sensim magis ellip- ticus (sc. elytris sublongioribus pygidioque minus perpendiculari), capite minus evidenter carinato, prothorace subprofundius punc- tate et postice in medio hand cinereo- (tantum fulvescenti-) pubescente, elytris minus depressis, clarius rufescentibus, Itetiusque pictis, multo magis tenuiter leviusque subcrenulato-striatis, inter- stitiis valde depressis (nee convexis), anteunis brevioribus ac CERAMBICID^. 209 magis compaetis, femoribus posticis omnino simplicibus (nee subtus denticulatis), spinisque tibiarum terminalibus minus robustis. Long. Corp. lin. 1|. Bruchus advena, WolL, Ami. Nat. Hist. v. 26 (1870). ; — , MelUss, St. Hel. 157 (1875). Habitat in locis similibus ac praecedens ; mihi non obvius. The single individual (a female) from which I was compelled in 1870 to enunciate this Bruchns still embodies aU that I have seen of the species which it represents. There can be no doubt that, like the preceding one, it is a mere accidental importation into St. He- lena, perhaps along with either fruits or seeds ; but whether it has become thoroughly established in the stores and warehouses of the island I am scarcely in a position to decide. The B. advena has much the same general colouring as the rufo- hrunneus, and in all probability it must have been introduced origi- nally from the same country (wheresoever that may be) ; neverthe- less, judging from the single example which is now before me, it is a little narrower and more elliptical than that species (its elytra being rather longer, or less quadrate, and its pygidiiim less perpen- dicularly decurved, and therefore more visible from above), its head is less evidently keeled, its prothorax is free from the square patch of wliitish scales in the centre of the base, its elytra (which are less depressed) are of a redder tint and apparently more highly decorated with fascia-like markings, as well as very much more finely and lightly striated and with the interstices considerably flatter; its antennse are shorter and more compact ; and its two hind legs have their femora entirely free from the small denticles which characterize its ally, and the terminal spines of their tibiae less developed. Sectio 9. EUCERATA. Fam. 33. CERAMBICIDiE. Genus 72. CURTOMERUS. Stephens, Man. Brit. Col. 269 (1839). 178. Curtomerus pilicornis. C. angustus, cylindricus, subnitidus, rufo-ferrugineus, pilis fulves- 210 LAMIIDiE. centibus suberectis ubique (etiam in antennis pedibusque) parce vestitus ; capite deflexo, oculis magnis, valde prominentibus, sub- limato-reniformibus ; prothorace ovali cylindrico, postice angus- tiore, antice constricto, punctis perpaucis asperatis aut tuberculi- formibus adsperso ; elytris cylindricis, basi recte truncatis, parce subseriatim (antice subasperato-) pnnctatis ; antennis pedibusque elongatis, vix clarioribus, femoribus basi pedunculatis, apicem versus valde clavatis. Long. Corp. lin. vix 4. Callidium pilicorne, Fab., Ent. Syst. ii. 327 (1792). luteum {Mshn), StepL, III. Brit. Ent. iv. 249 (1831). Curtomerus luteus, Id., Man. Brit. Col. 275 (1839). pilicornis, Woll., Ann. Nat. Hist. \'iii. 407 (1871). , Melliss, St. Hel. 158 (1875). Habitat in domibus hortisque ad Jamestown, ex alienis introductus ; rarior. I did not obtain this Longicorn at St. Helena ; but three examples of it were captured by Mr. MeUiss at Maldivia, above Jamestown, — " flying into the house at night ;" and there can be no question that the species is merely a naturalized one. Indeed the "West-Indian Islands would appear to be its proper country ; and so liable is it to accidental transmission (along, probably, with timber), through indirect human agencies, that it has on one or two occasions been found alive even in England. The narrow and cylindrical outline of the C. pilicornis, added to its pale reddish-brown concolorous surface and the long and suberect hairs with which it is everywhere studded (even upon its limbs), will at once distinguish it from every thing else with which we are here concerned. Its antennae and legs are considerably lengthened ; and the latter have their femora slender and pedunculated at the base, but much clavate towards the apex. Fam. 34. LAMIID^. Genus 73. GOPTOPS. Serville, Ann. Soc. Ent. cle France, 64 (1835). 179. Coptops bidens. C. late subcylindricus sed postice gradatim attenuatus, pilis griseis cinereisque demissis densissime tectus ; capite deflexo, oculis magnis sed baud prominentibus, profunde excavato-luniformibus ; prothorace brevi, transverso, tamen subcylindrico, grosse noduloso- HALTICID^. 211 insequali, ad latera ante medium spina brevi obtusa nigrescentiore armato ; elytris autice prothorace multo latioribus, dense griseo- nebulosis at parce ciuereo irroratis, maeulisque perpaucis rotun- datis punctiformibus nigrescentibus (antice tubercula amplecten- tibus) adspersis, et utrinqiie in disco postico plaga longiore sub- curvata lineiformi longitudinali oniatis ; antennis pedibusquo elongatis, crassis, dense griseo- et cinereo-pubesceutibus, tarsis latis et laete nigro variegatis. Long. corp. lin. 8-9. Habitat in hortis insulae, praecipue in apricis inferioribus juxta Jamestown, Ficos et caet. destruens ; ex alienis certe introductus. This large, thick, robust. Lamia-like Longicorn has become naturalized accidentally in the gardens of St. Helena, in low and hot localities about Jamestown,^ — where it appears more particularly to attack the fig-trees, to which it is becoming extremely destructive. I am indebted to the Rev. H. Whitehead for obtaining examples for me iu both the pupa and imago states, the former of which I reared after a very brief interval. In addition to its large stature (as compared with the St.-Helena Coleoptera generally), it may be known by the short and obtuse spine with which the edges of its very uneven and transverse prothorax are furnished before the middle, and for the dense manner in which its entire surface is clothed or mottled with a griseous and whitish pubescence. Its elj^tra (which are much broader anteriorly than the prothorax) taper gradually and slightly towards their apex ; and, apart from the few small, rounded, blackish specks with which they are besprinkled (and which near to the base pass into elevated tubercles), there is a short curved longitudinal dark line, or dash, on either disk behind the middle ; and the feet, which are considerably expanded, are beautifully variegated with black. Sectio 10. PHYTOPHAGA. Fam. 35. HALTICID.®. Genus 74. LONGITARSUS. LatreiUe, Fam. Nat. 405 (1825). The Lotigitarsi of St. Helena belong to a rather singular type, p2 212 HALTICID^. and are unquestionably aboriginal members of the fauna, — being peculiar to the foliage of the various cabbage -trees at a high eleva- tion. They are of a more or less brassy green tint, with their limbs extremely elongated, and with the basal joint of their four front feet in the males much expanded or enlarged. But their most remarkable feature consists in the superficial dissimilarity of the sexes; for while the males are free from inequalities, except in the case of the prothorax of the L. MeUissii, which has its sides impressed with two transverse grooves, the females, on the other hand, have their elytra not only more conspicuously margined at the base and sides, but likewise more or less malleated, or irregularly impressed, on either outer disk, — forming in the L. Janulus inequalities of a most extra- ordinary and anomalous kind. Some of the main characters of the three species which have hitherto been brought to light may be thus briefly formulated : — a. elytris in $ pone htimeros panlum malleato-iiuBqualibus. J onmino simplex. helenae. aa. elytris in 5 in medio valde et proftmde malleato-incequalibus. S om- nino simplex. janulus. aaa. elytris in 5 pone humeros pauliim concavis. S <^t 2 ^^^ latera pro- thoracis transversim hiimpressi. Mellissii. 180. Longitarsus helenae. L. subellipticus, seneo-viridis, subnitidus, subalutaceus ; capite im- punctato ; prothorace punctulis levibus minutissimis parce irrorato ; elytris profundius pimctatis, plerumque distinctius subsenescenti- bus ; antennis pedibusque longissimis, rufo-testaceis, illis versus apicem femoribusque posticis paulum obscurioribus. Mas tarsis anterioribus art" 1"" magno, valde dilatato. Fcem. tarsis anterioribus simplicibus ; elytris sublongioribus ac magis obovatis (postice paululum magis attenuatis), ad basin et latera distinctius marginatis, necnon pone humeros malleato- insequalibus, tamen costulis valde abbreviatis subbasalibus circa 2 vel 3 in parte malleata discernendis. Long. Corp. lin. 1-vix l^. Longitarsus Helense, WoU., Joum. of Ent. i. 214 (1861). , Id., Ann. Nat. Hist. v. 27 (1870). , Melliss, St. Hel. 158 (1875). Habitat ad folia Compositarum arborescentium in editioribus insulae, usque ad summos montes copiosissime ascendens. This is the universal Longitarsus of the higher elevations of St. HALTICID^. 213 Helena, — occurring on the foliage of the various cabbage-trees, and ascending to the very summits of the peaks. Indeed so abundant is it that it is almost impossible to find a single cabbage-tree from which it may not be beaten in actual profusion. Yet up to the date of our arrival in the island I had seen but three examples of it, — one of vehieh was taken by the late Mr. Bewicke in 1860, and the other two more recently by Mr. Melliss. As they happened more- over to be all of them males, I was unable to pronounce for certain on the characteristics of both sexes ; but I now perceive that while the male is perfectly free from inequalities, the female has a portion of its elytra uneven, or malleated (enclosing two or three very abbreviated longitudinal costae), behind either shoulder. The females also have their elytra proportionally a trifle more elongated than the males, as well as a little more obovate in outline ; and the males descend to a much smaller stature than either of the other species which have as yet been detected. 181. Longitarsiis janulus, n. sp. L. prsecedenti similis, sed submajor et paulo minus metaUicus, pro- thorace distinctius punctate, elytris in $ multo minus nitidis ac multo magis ina^qualibus, — sc. utrinque in medio valde et profunde maUeato-excavatis (tamen costis minus abbreviatis circa 4 in excavatione discernendis), antennis in S multo magis incrassatis, necnon art" 1™" tarsorum anteriorum in 6 etiam magis dilatato (sc. maximo). Long. corp. lin. Ig-lj. Habitat ad folia Laclianodes prenanthijJorrp, Burch. ; in loco quodam paidum minus elevate, Yine-Tree Gut di.cto, sat copiose repertus. The only spot in which I observed this very distinct Longitarsus is a little ravine below Halley's Mount and between Oakbank and Hutt's Gate, known as Yine-Tree Gut, — where it was extremely abundant on the foliage of the curious Laclianodes prenanthi flora, or " she cabbage-tree." It is a rather larger insect than the L. helence, and of not quite so lively a metallic green. Indeed its female sex is comparatively dull and opake, and has the elytra so wonderfully and deeply malleated down either outer disk as to cause the whole surface to appear coarsely wrinkled and (as it were) imperfectly developed, — leaving, however, three or four abbreviated longitudinal ridges (not so short as in the L. helence) conspicuous within the excavation. Its inaks moreover differ from those of the 214 HALTICIDiE. L. helence in having their antennae very much thicker or more developed, and in the basal joint of their four anterior feet being still more broadly expanded. Its prothorax too, in both sexes, is much more coarsely punctured than that of the L. helence. 182. Longitarsus Mellissii. Z-. elongato-subellipticus, aeneo -viridis, nitidus ; capite nitidissimo, impunctato ; prothorace antice nitidissimo et vix punctato, ad latera et postice profundius punctato, necnon ad latera late trans- versim biimpresso et grossius marginato, augulis anticis incrassatis, subferrugineis ; elytris dense, profunde, et grosse punctatis ; autennis pedibusque longissimis, crassis, testaceis, illis versus apicem femoribnsque posticis vix obscurioribus. 3Ias tarsis anterioribus art° 1™" magno, valde dilatato. Foem. paulo rugosius punctata ; tarsis anterioribus simplicibus ; prothorace utrinque profundius transversim biimpresso ; el}'tris sublongioribus, ad basin et latera distinctius margin atis, necnon pone humeros late sed vix profunde excavatis, excavatione fere simplici (nee intus costulis abbreviatis instructa, sed extus costa elongata laterali terminata). Long. Corp. lin. 1-^-1^. Longitarsus Mellissii, WolL, Ann. Nat. Hist. viii. 407 (1871). , Melliss, St. Hel. 158 (1875). Habitat in locis valde elevatis, inter Compositas arborescentes ; rarior. This is the largest and most shining of the three species, it being in no part even obsoletely alutaceous ; and it is also the most coarsely punctured (particularly in the females), and with the legs a trifle thicker. But its main feature consists in the prothorax being (in both sexes, though more especially in the female one) impressed on either side with two wide transverse grooves. This character is extremely important, because in the other two members of the genus the prothorax is in both sexes perfectly free from inequalities. Its elytra, however, are more even in the female sex than those of the L. helence and janulus, — there being merely a wide and simple excavation behind the shoulders, bounded externally by a single lateral costa which extends nearly the whole length of the eJytra. The anterior angles of its prothorax, also, are not only more thick- ened than in either of the preceding species, but they are even slightly ferruginous ; and the apex of the elytra in the male sex seems to be a little diluted in hue, or subflavescent. So far as my own experience is concerned, the L. Mellissii is by CASSIDID^. 215 far the rarest of the St.-Helena Longitarsi, the few examples which I met with (and one more was found by Mr. Gray) having been captured from the foliage of the cabbage-trees, in the vicinity of Diana's Peak and Actaeon, on the high central ridge. Mr. Melliss's two specimens, from which in 1871 I enunciated the species, appear to have been taken likewise in the same district *. Fam. 36. CASSIDID^. Genus 75. ASPIDOMORPHA. Hope, Col. Man. (1840). 183. Aspidomorpha miliaris. A. " flava thorace immaculato, elytris nigro punctatis, margine bifasciato. Statura C. marginatce. Antennae flavae, apice nigrae. Thoracis clypeus rotundatus, integer, immaculatus. Elytra laevia, flava, punctis circiter 10 nigris sparsis. Margo uti in reliquis dilatatus fasciis duabus, altera ad basin, altera versus apicem, nigris. Sutura apice nigra. Subtus nigra, margine flavescente. Pedes flavi." [Ex Fahricio.'] Cassida miliaris, Fah., Si/st. Ent. 91 (1775). , Id, S>/st. Elm. i. 400 (1801). Aspidomoi-pha miliaris, Bohem., Mon. Cass. ii. 261 (1854). , Woll, Ann. Nat. Hist. v. 28 (1870). , Melliss, St. Hel. 158 (1875). Habitat " in ins, St. Helenas, Mus. Dom. Banks." [Ex Fabricio.'] * As it seems to have been founded upon some strange geographical miscon- ception, I need scarcely perhaps allude to the fact that a Cryptocephalus was described by Fabricius in 1775, under the title of C. rvficoUis. as coming from St. Helena ; nevertheless, as this is the proper place in our catalogue for noticing it, it may be desirable just to mention that it was from an example professedly St.-Helenian, in the collection of the late Sir Joseph Banks, that Fabricius's diagnosis was drawTi out. Fabricius. however, appears to have fallen into some unaccountable confusion concerning the habitat of his insect ; for in 1792 ho cited it as occurring not only in St. Helena, but likewise (on the authority of Prof. Helwig) in Italy ! In 1798 he seems to liave discovered that it was not a Cri/ptocephalus at all, but a Clyihra ; whilst in ISOl, whilst quoting it as the Clythra ruficoUis, he still refers to his former volumes, but loses sight of the St.-Helena habitat altogether, and gives it simply as South-European ! Under these cir- cumstances, and as I have no evidence whatsoever that either a Clythra or a Cryptocephalus has ever been captured in the island, it is only natural to assume that Fabricius fell into an error as regards the country in which his C. ruficoUis was taken, and that, as several of the Banksian Coleoptera were unquestionably St.-Helenian, he inadvertently assumed this one (which is from Southern Europe) to be so likewise ; though if this should be the case, and he subse- quently became aware of his blunder, it is simply unpardonable that he should have quietly shifted its habitat (in his later publications) without stating plainly that he had been originally mistaken in recording an insect from the south of Europe as a St.-Helena one. 21(5 CASSIDIDyE. Although I admitted this insect into the St.-Helena catalogue in 1870, on the evidence of Fabricius, who described it (in 1775) from an example in the collection of the late Sir Joseph Banks, yet I must confess, after our six months' sojourn in the island, that I am far more disposed to strike it out altogether ; for I feel almost satisfied that no member of the Cassididce occurs now at St. Helena, Indeed Boheman, in his elaborate monograph of the family, does not acknowledge Fabricius's Cassida miliaris as a St.-Helena insect at all, but cites it from the East Indies, Java, Celebes, the Philippine Islands, and China ; and yet the fact remains that the actual type from which it was originally enunciated was (whether correctly so or not) professedly St.-Helenian. We are therefore at once confronted by a geographical difficulty ; for either Fabricius fell into an error regarding the original Jiabitat (as indeed I certainly think that he did in the case of the Cryptoceplialus rujieollis, and perhaps also in that of the Epilachna chrysomelina), or else we have the strange phenomenon of a species from Eastern Asia existing likewise in a remote island of the Southern Atlantic. In this dilemma some such explanation as the following seems to me to be not altogether impossible. It is well known that when the island was in the hands of the East-India Company no expense was spared in importing trees and shrubs from various parts of the world, even birds having been naturalized through their instrumentality ; and I can conceive it by no means unlikely that a consignment of plants from India may have been the means of introducing accidentally a .few stray examples of this conspicuous Aspidomorpha, and that the species may thus have been literally taken at St. Helena, even though destined otherwise immediately to die out. This at all events commends itself to my mind as a not unsatisfactory solution of a problem which is at first sight difficult, — seeing that the grounds (whether at Plantation or elsewhere) in which exotic plants would most probably be experimented upon would almost certainly be watched with considerable care, so that a brightly coloured insect like the one which we are now considering could hardly fail to be noticed and perhaps secured. Nevertheless, as I do but offer this as a conjecture, I will include the species in our list — qualified thus distinctively, and not without an emphatic protest ; for I have a far greater inclination, in reality, to avoid aU allusion to it as a member of the present fauna. COCCINELLID^. 217 Sectio 11. PSEUDOTRIMERA. Fam. 37. COCCINELLID^. Genus 76. CHILOMENES. Chevrolat, in Dej. Cat. 459 (1837). 184. Chilomenes lunata. G. subhemisphserica, nitida, minutissime et levissime (vix perspicuo) punctulata ; capite albido-testaceo, epistomate late emarginato ; prothorace brevi, subluuato, albido-testaceo sed jjer basiu late nigro, parte nigra in medio quadrato-ampliato ; scutello elytrisque nigris, sed his maculis 5 magnis rufis vel flavo-rufis (so. 1 basali et 1 apicali maximis elongatis siiblunato-arcuatis, 1 breviore sub- lunata in disco postico, et 2 paulo minoribus subrotundatis in disco antico) Isete ornatis, limbo subrecurvo, nigro ; anteunis pedibiisque piceo-testaceis. Long. Corp. lin. 2|— 3g. Coccinella lunata, Fab., Si/at. Ent. 86 (1775). Cydonia lunata, Muls., Securip. 4-31 (1851). . , Woll, Journ. of Ent. i. 214 (1861). -, Id., Ann. Nat. Hist. v. 29 (1870). Chilomenes luuata. Crotch, Revis. CoccincU, 179 (1874). Cydonia lunata, MeUiss, Si. Hel. 159 (1875). Habitat ubique in insula, ab ora maritima usque ad summos montes ascendens. There is hardly a Coleopterous insect more common in St. Helena than this large and beautifully spotted ladybird, — which, although more abundant in the lower and warmer parts of the island than in the higher ones, occurs from the sea-level to the summits of the peaks. Indeed it was the very fisst beetle that we met with on landing, — several examples having been captured by Mrs. "VVollaston on our way up from the beach to Jamestown. It swarms on the foliage of plants, as well as beneath stones and crawling over the hot ground, and, indeed, almost everywhere. It was taken in profusion by Mr. Gray, particularly in arid places aroimd High Knoll, and likewise by Mr. MeUiss ; and it was found by Colonel Warren on the Barn. In fact it has been brought from the island by nearly every naturalist who has collected there, including Ihe late Mr. Bewicke, who obtained it in I860; and it is worthy of remark that the specimens on which the species was originally 218 COCCINELLIDiB. established (in 1775) by Fabriciiis, and which still exist in the Banksian cabinet, were from St. Helena, This should be carefully- borne in mind ; for since the insect is supposed to possess a wide geographical range (it being reported from Senegal, Angola, the Cape of Good Hope, Caflfraria, Madagascar, the Mauritius, Java, the East Indies, and even Australia), it is far from impossible that it may exhibit a certain number of varieties or states ; and if this should prove to be the case, it is interesting to know that the parti- cular form which must of necessity be looked upon as typical is the St.-Helena one. 185. CMlomenes vicina. O. subhemisphserica, nitida, minute et leviter punctulata ; capite (labro obscuriore excepto) albido-testaceo, epistomate profunda emarginato ; prothorace brevi, sublunato, nigro, per marginem anticum anguste sed ad latcra late albido-testaceo (macula laterali in lineam, fere ad medium disci extensam, intus producto) ; scu- tello nigro ; elytris rufo-aurantiacis, in limbo angustissime, per suturam anguste, et in linea arcuata discali (a basi fere ad suturam, mox pone apicem, ducta) paulo latiore, nigro-ornatis, antennis testaceo-piceis ; pedibus testaceis. Long. Corp. lin. 2-2g. Cheilomenes vicina, DeJ., Cat. 459 (1837). circumflexa (Klug), Id., ibid. (1837). Cydonia vicina, Mids., Securij}. 440 (1851). ^ WolL, Col. Hesp. 155 (1867). Chilomeues vicina, Crotch, JRevis. Coccinell, 180 (1874). Cydonia vicina, 3IeUiss, St. Hel. 159 (1875). Habitat " in St.-Helena " (sec. Dom. G. R. Crotch) ; mihi non obvia. My only evidence for the occurrence of this Cydonia is the assu- rance of the late Mr. G. E. Crotch that he possessed two examples of it which are undoubtedly from St. Helena, they having been received by him along with the C. Janata, which is so universal in the island ; and although it entirely escaped our united observations during our late visit, and those indeed of Mr. Melliss and other recent collectors, it is nevertheless so likely an insect to be found (ranging as it does from Egypt and Nubia to Senegal and Guinea, and abounding in the Cape-Yerde archipelago) that I think Mr. Crotch's statement must be accepted as sufficiently reliable to enable us to admit the species into our catalogue. At the same time, I would wish expressly to COCCINELLID^. 219 add that I do so with a certain amount of reluctance, though we had so few opportunities of investigating accurately the hot and barren districts above Jamestown and Ladder Hill (amongst the Cactus-cohered portions of which the C. vicina might well be sup- posed to exist) that there is ample room for suspecting that we by no means exhausted the fauna so completely as to exclude the possi- bility of a certain number of additions even as conspicuous prima facie as the one now under consideration. In my remarks on the C. vicina, given in the ' Coleoptera Hespe- ridum,' I mentioned that there was but little fear of confounding it with any thing else there enumerated, — " its whitish -yellow head and prothorax (the latter of which is ornamented with a large, broad, and somewhat o6triangular black patch immediately behind its ante- rior excavation, connected by a short peduncle with a wide band which covers the entire base), its dark scutellum, and its orange- coloured, rounded elytra (which have their suture, an arcuate stripe down the middle of each, parallel to the outer margin, and usually also the extreme outer edge itself, black) being more than enough to distinguish it." Genus 77. THEA. Mulsant, Securip. 206 (1851). 186. Thea variegata. T. hemisphserica, nitida, minute et leviter punctulata, la^te sulphureo- flava sed nigro-maculata ; capite antice et jjostice maculis duabus parvis obscuris (interdum fere obsolptis) notato ; prothorace bre- vissimo, transverse, antice vix excavate, maculis 5 nigris in disco ornato ; scutello nigro ; elytris maculis nigris 9, transversim (sc. 2, 3, 3, et 1) positis, interdum subconfluentibus, ornatis; antennis pedibusque testaceis. Long. Corp. lin. l|-vix 2. Coccinella variegata, Fah., Spec. Ins. i. 99 (1781). cognata, DeJ., Cat. 4o7 (1837). nassata, Erich., iti Wiegm. Archiv, ix. 266 (1843). Thea variegata, Muls., Securip. 206 (1851). , Woll., Ann. Nat. Hist. viii. 408 (1871). , Crotch, Hevis. CoccineU. 134 (1874). , 3Ielliss, St. Hel. 159 (1875). Habitat regiones intermedias, praecipue in cultis ; hinc inde vulgaris. This pretty little yellow Coccinellid, so well distinguished by the 220 COCCINELLIDiE. black spots with which it is ornamented (five of which are situated on the pro thoracic disk, and nine on each of the elytra), has probably become naturalized at St. Helena ; for since it occurs both at Angola and the Cape of Good Hope, it is far from unlikely that it was introduced originally from the latter along with consignments of plants. At any rate it is abundant now in many cultivated spots of intermediate altitude, such as Plantation, — where we met with it in great profusion. Mr. Melliss states that he reared it from larvae which were obtained from the grape-vine ; and Mr. P. White- head has called my attention to the fact that it is more especially attached to the various passion-flowers — a conclusion which is quite in accordance with my own experience, a hedge of the Passijiora cceruha at Plantation having been absolutely infested with it. In all probability, however, its presence on any particular plant, or shrub, is mainly dependent upon the number of Aphides which may happen to have made their appearance. Genus 78. EPILACHNA. Chevrolat, Diet. Univ. a Hist. Nat. iv. 43 (1844). 187. Epilaclma chrysomelina. E. " coleopteris rufis ; punctis duodecim uigris, thorace immaculato. Major. Caput et thorax rubra, immaculata, margine paullo pal- lidiora. Elytra rufa, punctis sex nigris per paria distributis. Pedes flavicantes." [Ex Fahricio.'] Coccinella chrysomelina, Fab., Syst. JEmt. 82 (1775). capensis, Tliunb., Nov. Tns. Spec. i. 16, t. 1. f. 21 (1781). Epilachna chrysomelina, Mills., Securip. 793 (1851). , Woll, Ann. Nat. Hist. v. 30 (1870). , 'Crotch, Revis. Coccinell. 71 (1874). , Melliss, St. Hel. 159 (1875). Huhitat " in ins. St. Helenae. Mus. Dom. Baiils." [Ex Fahricio.} I can scarcely believe that this widely-spread insect (which occurs not only in Mediterranean latitudes, but also in Persia and Arabia, as well as in Upper Egypt, Senegal, and at the Cape of Good Hope) has at present any claim to be regarded as St.-Helenian ; never- theless, since it was described originally (in 1775) from a professedly St.-Helena example in the collection of the late Sir Josejih Banks, and since its wide African range renders it at least a not improbable member, a priori, of the fauna, perhaps we can hardly refuse to CORYLOPHIDiE. 221 grant it admission into the catalogiie, though I must confess that I do 80 with a very great amount of reluctance. Still it is far from unlikely that it may at some former period have been introduced accidentally into the island, along perhaps with consignments of shrubs and plants (much in the same manner as I have assumed in the case of the East-Indian Aspidomorpha miliaris), and so may really have been captured at St. Helena ; but, be this as it may, I must record my conviction that at the present time we have no evi- dence for believing that it continues to exist — though of course it is open to consideration whether some of the dry and arid tracts towards the coast, where the Cactus opiintia reigns supreme, and which on account of their extreme sterility have been but imper- fectly investigated, may not, sooner or later, be ascertained to harbour it. Fam. 38. CORYLOPHIDJE. Genus 79. SERICODERUS. Stephens, III. Brit. Ent. ii. 187 (1829). 188. Sericoderus lateralis. S. minutissimus, quadrato-ovalis, convexus (subtus planatus), infus- cate testaceus (rarius obscurior), nitidus sed grosse fulvo-cinereo sericatus ; capite parvo, obtecto ; prothorace lunato, sc. postice lato angulis acute productis, in disco antico sensim infuscato ; elytris antice latis, postice truncatis (pygidium baud tegentibus) ; antennis pedibusque testaceis, illarum clava obscuriore. Long. Corp. lin. |. Cossyphus lateralis (Meg.), Gyll, Ins. Stiec. iv. 516 (1827). Sericoderus lateralis, Woll, Col. Atl. 95 (1865). , Id., Col. Hesp. 53 (1867). , Crotch, in Godm. Azov. 66 (1870). Habitat culta hortosque in intermediis insulse, sub quisquiliis hinc inde congregans. This minute European species, which through its extreme liability to accidental dissemination has acquired a wide geographical range (occurring in the Azorean, Madeiran, Canarian, and Cape- Verde archipelagos, and which was obtained by the late Mr. Bewicke even at the Cape of Good Hope), abounds in the intermediate districts of St. Helena, — where it is generally to be met with amongst decaying vege- table refuse and beneath cut grass. It swarms at Plantation and in 222 CORYLOPHIDiE. Thompson's Wood, and will doubtless be found to be universal in most of the cultivated and semicultivated grounds. The extremely diminutive size and dusky-testaceous hue of the S. lateralis, in conjunction with its obtuse, squarish-oval outline, its convex upper portion, which is densely clothed with a fine decum- bent silken pubescence, its concealed head, its broad lunate pro- thorax (the hinder angles of which are acutely produced), and its shortened or truncated elytra, which leave the pygidium partially exposed, will sufficiently distinguish it from every thing else with which we have here to do. Genus 80. ORTHOPERUS. Stephens, ///. Brii. Ent. ii. 186 (1829). 189. Orthoperus atomarius. 0. minutissimus, breviter rotundato-ovalis, arcuato-convexus, piceo- testacens aut testaceo-castaneus, nitidus, calvus, et (oculo fortissimo armato) minutissime sed hand dense punctulatus ; capite subtri- angulari, oculis magnis ; prothorace (subsemicirculari) postice elytrisque antice latitudine aequalibus ; elytris baud striatis ; antennis (brevibus) pedibusque pallido-testaceis, illarum clava picescentiore. Long. Corp. lin. |. Pithophilus atomarius, Heer, Fna Col. Helv. 433 (1841). Orthoperus atomarius, Woll, Cat. Mad. Col. 145. f. 3 (1857). , Duval, Gen. des Col. d'Eur. ii. 236, t. 57. f. 283 (1859). , Woll, Col. Atl. 93 (1865). Habitat in cultis intermediis ; inter quisquilias rarissimus. This extremely minute beetle is, next to the Ptinella Matthewsiana, the smallest of the St. -Helena Coleoptera which has hitherto been detected ; and there can be little doubt it has become naturalized accidentally in the. island, perhaps along with consignments of plants, from more northern latitudes. It is, however, so far at least as I can judge from my own limited experience, exceedingly rare ; though perhaps it might more properly be said that its diminutive bulk has, in all probability, caused it to escape observation. At any rate I have seen but three examj)les of it, all of which were captured by myself, — two by sifting rubbish at Thompson's Wood, and one at Plantation. Apart from its minute size and shortly-oval (well-nigh hemi- spheric) outline, the 0. atomarius (which occurs also in the Madeiran EROTYLID^. 223 group) may be recognized by its shining piceo-testaceous or yellow- ish-castaneous surface (the small puuctules of which are scarcely distinguishable except beneath a microscope), and by its pallid limbs, — the club only of its somewhat abbreviated antennae being slightly picescent. As in the Orthoperi generally, its prothorax and elytra are of precisely the same breadth at their respective bases, and the latter are free from striae. Fam, 39. EROTYLID^. Genus 81. EUXESTUS. Wollaston, Ann. Nat. Hist. ii. 411 (1858). The present genus possesses a certain geographical interest, from its having been detected hitherto only in Madeira, — whence it was described by myself, from examples which had been found within the nests of ants, in 1858. The St.-Helena representative, more- over, becomes still further important from its enabling me to correct the diagnosis of the Madeiran one as regards the precise number of the antennal joints, — the intermediate ones of which are so ex- tremely obscure and so closely compacted together as to have left both Professor Westwood and myseK in considerable doubt concern- ing them. It was this uncertainty that induced me to record only " four " between the elongated third one and the club, instead of six ; but the species enunciated below has so unmistakably the latter that I have been at some pains to submit the E. Parlii of Madeira to a fresh and more rigid examination, and have in conse- quence quite satisfied myself, now that additional light has been thrown upon it by the E. phalacroides, that the antennae of it also are 10-articulate (and not 8-), — the extremely solid club, although composed practicaUy of a single joint, having the last (or eleventh) one immersed and obsolete. Although in the Madeiran group it is by no means peculiarly associated with ants (the E. Parhii being often abundant in ordinary garden-refuse), I would nevertheless remark not only that the genus as hitherto observed at St. Helena is exclusively formicophilous, as regards its modus vivendi, but that it lives in the society of the very same species (the (Ecoplithoi-a pusilla, Heer) with which, when residing with the ants at all, it occurs at Madeira. 224 EROTYLID^. OPATRIDiB. 190. Euxestus phalacroides, n. sp. E. oblongo-ovalis aiit ellipticus, convexus (subtus planatus), nitidis- simus, calviis, ubique minute et leviter pimctulatus ; capite pro- thoraceque nigro-eastaneis, hoc transverso, postice lato (elytroriim latitudine) et per basin trisinnato ; elytris castancis (immaturia fere ferrugineis), in disco transversim subobscurioribus, quare versus apicem gradatim clarioribus et interdum quasi subbimacu- latis, obsoletissime vix substriatis ; anteuuis brevibus, crassis, abrupte clavatis, pedibusque (compressis) piceo-testaceis. Long. Corp. lin. 1-1 1. Habitat formicarum nidos ; in horto publico ad Jamestown, in tninco quodam Palmae emortuo prolapso, copiosissime captus. The only spot in which this most interesting Phalacrus-Vikc insect has hitherto been observed (so far at least as I am aware) is the Castle-garden at Jamestown, — where it was taken in profusion by myself, and subsequently by Mr. Gray, in company with the common house-ant {(Ecophthora pusilla), within the dead and fibrous stem of an old felled palm. Its convex, elliptical, highly polished, unpubes- cent, minutely punctulated surface, added to its rich castaneous hue (the elytra being generally a little paler, and with a tendency to be so far diluted towards their apex as occasionally to appear well-nigh bimaculate), its short, thick, abruptly clavate antennae, and its tes- taceous, compressed legs, will sufficiently characterize it. Prom the Madeiran E. Parlii the present Euxestus differs in being a little larger and more oblong, in its antennae (particularly as regards the third joint) being appreciably longer, and in its surface being not only more densely and distinctly punctulated, but also (especially the head and prothorax, the central region of the elytra, and some- times the club of the antennae) darker or more infuscate. Sectio 12. HETEROMERA. Fam. 40. OPATRID^. Genus 82. OPATRUM. Fabricius, S;/sf. Ent. 70 (1775). 191. Opatrum hadroides. 0. parallelo-oblongum, latiusculum, valde alatum, nigrum, opacum. OPATRID.E. 225 ubique gramJato-rugulosum et setulis brevibus demissis fulves- centibus vestitum ; capite lato, ad latera ante oculos subangulatim exstante ; protborace brevi, ad latera subaequaliter leviter rotun- dato, antice late emarginato, postice trisinuato, angulis posticis acutiusculis ac leviter productis ; sciitello subdeclivi, nitidiusculo ; elytris parallelis (ad humeros incrassatos rectangulis), subpunctato- striatis, interstitiis convexiusculis ; antennis pedibusqiie (setosis) coBcoloribus, unguiculis solum piceo-testaceis. Long. Corp. lin. 4-4|. Opatrum liadroides, Woll, Journ. of Ent. i. 215 (1861). , Id., Ann. Nat. Hid. v. 30 (1870). Hopatrum badroides, 31elliss, St. Hel. 160 (187o). Habitat ab era maritinia fere ad cacumina montium ; sub lapidibus, praecipue in aridis cultisque apricis, viilgaris. The present Opatrum., whicb belongs to the ivinged section of the genus (or GonocepJuilum, Solier), is a most imiversal insect at St. Helena, — occurring beneath stones, more or less abundantly, from the sea-level to the central ridge ; nevertheless it is decidedly more common in hot and arid spots of a rather low altitude than else- where. About Jamestown it often swarms ; and I have seen it in considerable profusion at Plantation and West Lodge, as well as on the slopes of Flagstaff Hill : and it was brought by Colonel "Warren from the Barn, where it attains a slightly larger size than in most other districts. Mr. Melliss mentions that he has frequently observed it in great profusion on ploughed fields at Longwood, and in potato- grounds ; though I cannot agree with him that it is " of all the Coleoptera in the island the most plentiful.'' The winged Opatra are generally moulded so much on the same pattern that it requires a careful examination to separate the species from each other ; nevertheless, after comparing it accurately with various closely allied forms from the Cape-Yerde, Canarian, and Madeiran archipelagos, I am satisfied that the 0. liadroides is per- fectly distinct from all of them. It is perhaps more nearly akin to a species which was taken by the late Mr. Bewick e (in 1860) at the Cape of Good Hope ; and since it seems to me, unless indeed I am much mistaken, to be absolutely identical with another which Avas met with by Mr. Graj-, rather abundantly, during his late visit to that same locality, I cannot but feel it probable that it will turn out, sooner or later, to have been well known and described, previous to my publication of it (under the name of 0. hadroides) in 1861, 220 OPATRID^. Genus 83. HADEODES (nov. gen.). C'o/yws oblongo-ovale, minute setulosum ; ch/peo antice late emar- ginato ; protliorace transverso, ad latera a?qualiter subrotundato et explanate subrecurvo, basi profunde trisinuato, angulis anticis ct posticis acutiuscule productis ; scuteUo brevissimo, valdo transverso, declivi ; eh/tris longitudinaliter tuberculato-inasqualibus ; 2^^^~ sterno subcarinato, inter coxas anticas lobo brevissimo obtu- sissimo terminate. Antennce longiusculae, apicem versus grada- tim leviter incrassatae, art" 3"° paululum elongate. Labrum subquadratum, antice fere integrum, angulis anticis obtuse rotun- datis ac longe ciliatis. Mandihulce breves, triangulares, incrassatae, supra transversim strigosas, apice breviter acutse, intus infra apicem denticulo minuto armatse. Maxillce bilobae, lobis apice pubescentibus ; externo paulum longiore sed vix latiore, apice acutiusculo. Palpi maxiUares 4-articulati, art" 1°"* parvo an- gusto flexuoso, 2'^° multo mojore crassiore elongato, 3"° quam hie breviore (sed hand crassiore) obtriangulari, ult""* maximo secu- riformi ; laliales 3-articulati, art" 1"'° parvo, 2*' paulum majore, ult™° magno incrassato ovali apice suboblique truncato. Mentum transverso-quadratum, antice latissime sed leviter emarginatum (lobo medio brevissimo obtusissimorotundato), angulis anticis acu- tissimis. Ligida siibcordato-quadrata, antice fere Integra, angulis anticis rotundatis ac longe pilosis. Pedes longiusculi, subgraciles ; tibiis anticis paululum latioribus et ad apicem externum in angu- lum breviter productis, extus minute spinulosis ; tarsis art° l""" in anterioribus nullo modo, et etiam in posticis vix, elongato. Ab Hadrus, et ei^os, aspectus. Ohs. — Geniis Hadro (insularum Maderensium) affinis ; sed cor- liore multo minore, clypeo minus profunde excavato, lahro antice integro, scutello multo breviore transverso declivi, elytris tubercu- lato-ina^qualibus, prosternali lobo breviore, antennarum artf S''" necnon tarsorum posticoru^n art" V"" multo minus elongatis, tibiis- - que (prajsertim anticis) ad apicem externum magis angulatis (nee oblique truncatis) conspicue difFert. With the exception of the Opatrum hadroides, the Mordella MeUissiana, and the two species of Anthicodes, the present insect and the following one are the only truly indigenous exponents of the Heteromera which have hitherto been detected at St. Helena ; and there can be no question whatsoever that they are both of them aboriginal members of the fauna. They seem to belong to the Opatridce, and to occur (though very sparingly) in the elevated parts of the island. In its general contour and aspect, the genus Hndrodes has a good OPATRIDiE. 227 deal in common with Hadrus of the Madeiran archipelago ; never- theless its type is very much smaller, and has the elytra (instead of being comparatively unsculptured) coarsely sulcate and tuberculose ; its upper lip is entire in front ; its clypeus is less deeply excavated ; the last joint of its maxillary palpi is less broadly securiform ; the lobe of its prosternum is shorter ; its scutellum is much narrower, or more abbreviated, — being extremely thin, transverse, and tilted : the third articulation of its antenute and the basal one of its hinder feet are conspicuoushj less elongate ; and its tibiae (particularly the anterior pair) are more angulated at their outer apex, — not being obliquely lopped off as in that group. 192. Hadrodes helenensis, u. sp. H. oblougo-ovalis, convexus, opacus, niger aut piceo-niger setulisque brevissimis erectis brunneis obsitus, necnon ssepius quasi luto plus minus tectus ; capite minute et parce granulato, genis (ante ocidos) rotundate vix exstantibus ; prothorace transverse, ad latera aequaliter subrotundato et late explauato-subrecurvo, con- fuse punctato ; elytris grosse subcrenato- (aut subpunctato-) sul- catis, interstitiis obtuse convoxis, alternis interruptis nodulos obtuaos intequales efficientibus, ad humeros noduloso-exstantibus ; antennis piceo-ferrugineis ; pedibus piceis. Long. Corp. lin. 3-3g. Habitat in subelevatis insulae, rarissimus sed tamen valde gregarius ; sub lapide quodam magno in praeruptis supi'a West Lodge semel tantum, tamen copiose (sc. exemplaria 33), collegi. Apparently extremely scarce, and occurring at a high altitude. Indeed it was onlj' once that I captured it ; and yet, so gregarious is it in its mode of life, that I secured no less than 33 examples from beneath a single stone. It was at the extreme edge of the tremendous precipice immediately above West Lodge, overlooking the great Sandy-Bay crater, that I obtained them ; and although we frequently revisited the same spot, and searched in the immediate vicinity, I was never able to meet with so much as another spe- cimen. Genus 84. TARPHIOPHASIS (nov. gen.). Genus praecedenti subsimilis, sed corpore minore et magis inaequali (sc. in elytris multo grossius sculpturato et tuberculato, necnon etiam in prothorace conspicue inaequali) ; capite postice tuberculo centrali armato, (jenisqvie (ante oculos) magis elevatis necnon q2 228 OPATRID.E. magis angulatim exstantibus ; palporum moxiUarium art" itlt""' minus late securiformi, lohis maxillarihiis sublatioribus ac valde pubescentibus ; mento paulum minus quadrato (sc. postice sensim subangustiore) ; j^^'othorace mox intra angulos (anticos et posticos) multo profundius excavate ; abdominis segm*'' V"" et 2"'" inter se arctissime connatis (nee linea profunda' divisis) ; antennis pedi- 6i/sque (prffisertim tarsis posticis) miilto brevioribus. A Tarphius, et (pdais, facies. As already mentioned, the extremely rare Heteromerous insect from which the above generic diagnosis has been compiled has some- thing in common with Hadrodes, though at the same time manifestly distinct from it even structurally. Thus it is not only very much smaller and more roughly and coarselj' scidptured, but its head is armed with a central tubercle behind and has the gente considerably more prominent^ elevated, and angularly developed ; its prothorax is grooved and uneven on the disk, and is mncli more deeply scooped out within the anterior and posterior angles ; its abdomen has the first and second joints completely soldered together (instead of being divided by a strongly indented line) ; and its antennae and legs, especially the two posterior feet, are conspicuously more abbreviated. Its. entire surface is so densely coated with brownish scales as completely to conceal the scutellum, and almost the sculpture ; its body is less convex and more shortly oblong than in the Hadrodes helenensis-, and the tubercles of its elytra are greatly enlarged, elevated, and numerous. 193. Tarphiophasis tuberculatus, n. sp. T. breviter et obtuse oblongus, opacus, nigro-fuscus, dense bruhneo- squamosus setulisque brevissimis suberectis cinereo-brunueis ves- titus ; capite in^quali (sc. utrinque ad genas, mox ante oculos subangulatim valde exstantes, subito elevato, necnou postice in medio tuberculo miuore instructo) ; prothorace mox intra angulos valde profunde excavate (quare, antice et postice, in medio dis- tincte lobato), ad latera sequaliter subrotundato et late explanato- recurvo, in disco incequali (sc. antice canaliculate, et postice eanalicula et costa quasi figuroe V notate) ; scutelb baud visibili (squamis ebtecto) ; elytris gressissime et profunde sulcato-punctatis (punctis magnis) et ubique tuberculis magnis obtusis valde exstan- tibus (prfcbsertim postice et ad humeros) rugatis ; antennis pedi- busque breviusculis, illis piceo-ferrugineis, his piceis. Long, Corp. liu. 2^. VLOMIDJE. 239 Habitat in locis subeditioiibus, rarissimus ; juxta West Lodge a meipso parcissime repertus. The only two examples of this coarsely tuberculated, Tarphius- like insect which I have seen were captured by myself beneath pieces of rotten wood in the Aster-^voxe beyond West Lodge and over- looking Lufkins ; and there can be no doubt that the species is amongst the rarest of the St.-Helena Coleoptera. Fam. 41. ULOMIDiE. Genus 85. ALPHITOBIUS. Stephens, III. Brit. JEnt. v. 11 (1832). 194. Alphitobius diaperinus. A. oblougus, latiuscidus, depressiusculus, nitidus, piceo-niger, calvus ; capite prothoraceque vix dense punctatis, hoc breviusculo, trans- verso, basi profunde trisinuato, ad latera rectiusculo et anguste marginato ; scutello parce punctato ; elytris striato-punctatis, interstitiis parce punctulatis ; antennis pedibusque piceis, his parce spinulosis. Long. Corp. lin. circa 3. Tenebrio diaperinus, Kiiqel., in Pnz. Fna Ins. Germ. 37. 16 (1797). Alphitobius diaperinus, ^Woll, Col. Ail. 419 (1865). ■ — , Id, Col. Hesp. 208 (1867). , Id., Ann. Nat. Hist. v. 31 (1870). , Melliss, St. Hel. 160 (1875). Habitat in domibns repositoriisque insulse ; certe ex alieuis iutro- ductus. The widely-spread A. diaperinus would seem to have established itself at St. Helena as completely as it has done in most other countries of the civilized world, — occurring about houses, and amongst farinaceous substances, principally in Jamestown. It has in like manner become naturalized in the Madeiras, Canaries, Cape-Yerdes, and at Ascension ; but I need scarcely add that it is utterly without significance as a member of any particular fauna,— its presence being merely due to indirect human agencies. 195. Alphitobius piceus. A. oblongus, angustulus, convexiusculus, subopacus, piceo-niger, calvus ; capite prothoraceque dense punctatis, hoc brevi, trans- 230 ULOMIDiE. Verso, basi trisinuato ct utrinque evidenter impresso, ad latera subrotundato et distinctius marginato ; scutello dense punctulato ; elytris leviter striato-punctatis, interstitiis sat dense et subconfuse pimctulatis, ad humeros denticulo minutissimo armatis ; antennis pedibusque piceis, tibiis subangustioribus ac paululum minus spinulosis. Long. Corp. lin. circa 3. Tenebrio mauritanieus, Fab. [nee i., 1767], Ent. Sijst. i. 113 (1792). Helops piceus, Oliv., Ent. iii. 58. 17. 32 (1795). Tenebrio fagi, Fanz., Fna Ins. Germ. 61. 3 (1799). Alphitobius piceus, Woll, Col. Atl. 419 (1865). , Id., Col. Hesp. 208 (1867). , Id, Ann. Nat. Hist. v. 32 (1870). , Melliss, St. Hel. 161 (1875). Habitat in locis similibus ac praecedens ; sed etiam sub lapidibus in bortis interdum occurrit. Likewise an imported insect into 8t. Helena, and one wbicb has no kind of connexion with the true fauna of the island ; nevertheless it appears to be pretty common about bakehouses and stores, and indeed in houses generally, — my own examples being principally from Jamestown. It differs from the diaperinns in being a little smaller, narrower, less shining, and a trifle more convex : in its prothorax (which is more distinctly margined at the sides and base) being relatively somewhat shorter, more rounded at the lateral edges, and more thickly punctured, as well as obsoletely marked on either side behind with an obscure fovea ; in its scutellum being more densely and finely punctulated ; in its elytra being anned with an extremely minute point, or denticle, at the humeral angles, with their striae still more lightly impressed, and the punctures of their iaterstices both more numerous and more confused ; and in its tibiae being conspicuously slenderer and rather less spinulose. The A. piceus has established itself equally in the Azores, Ma- deiras, Canaries, Cape-Yerdes, and at Ascension, — in which last- mentioned island it was found abundantly, in company with the A. diaperinus, by the late Mr. Bewicke, not, however, about houses and amongst farinaceous substances (as we should have anticipated), but " in the dung of sea-birds, miles from liahitable parts ;" a modus vivendi which must be admitted to be somewhat singular for these common and well-nigh cosmopolitan insects to have assumed. I believe, however, that, like many of these allied forms, it will attach itself, when pressed for food, to almost any thing. Thus in Madeira it often swarms amongst decaying garden-refuse. ULOMIDiE. 231 Genus 86. GNATHOCERUS. Thunberg, Act. Holmiens. 47 (1814), 196. Gnathocerus cornutus. 0. parallelo-oblongus, subcylindricus, angustulus, siibnitidus, clare rufo-ferrugineus, calvus ; capite prothoraceque minute et dense punctulatis, clypeo ad latera explanato, subrecurvo, hoc trans- verso-subquadrato sed antice couspicue latiore, convexo, basi recte truncate et utrinque foveola minuta obscura punctiformi impresso ; elytris parallelis, leviter striato-punctatis, interstitiis minutissime parceque punctulatis ; antennis pedibusque paulo clarioribus, illis (in utroque sexu) a basi usque ad apicem gradatim incrassatis, tarsis elongatis. Mas fronte breviter bicornuta, clypeo antice profunde trisiuuato necnon ad latera latius explanato magisque recurve, mandibulis magnis, porrectis, superne curvatis. Long. Corp. lin. l|-2. Trogosita cornuta, Fab., Ent. Si/st. (Suppl.) 51 (1798). Cerandria cornuta, JVulL, Ins. Had. 490 (18o4). Gnathocerus coruutus, Id., Col. All. 420 (1865). , Id., Col. Ilesp. 204 (1867). , Id., Ann. Nat. Hist. v. 32 (1870). , Melliss, St. Hel. 161 (1875). Habitat in domibus officinisque pistoriis, proecipue inter fariuas et panicea ; proculdubio introductus. The almost cosmopolitan G. cornutus, so remarkable for the horn- like developments of its male sex (which has two small triangular processes on the forehead, a more laterally-reciirved and anteriorly - sinuated clypeus, and the mandibles not only enlarged and porrecte but somewhat upivardly bent), has established itself in the houses and bakehouses of St. Helena, as is the case in so many parts of the civilized world, — occurring more particularly amongst flour, and being often found baked accidentally in loaves of bread. My examples are chiefly from Woodcot, where they w.ere taken by Mr. P. "Whitehead ; but the species has, of course, no connexion with the true fauna of the island. It has become naturalized in like manner in the Madeiras, Canaries, Cape-Verdes, and at Ascension. Genus 87. TRIBOLIUM. MacLeay, Annul. Javan. 47 (1825). 197. Triboliuin ferrugineum. T. parallelo-elongatum, angustum, subopacum (saltern in 5 )i obscure 23.2 ulomidjE. ferrugineum, calvum ; capite prothoraceque dense punctulatis. clypeo in $ subsimplici, hoc brevi, transverso-quadrato, basi subrecte truncato et utrinque intra angulos posticos obsolete foveo- lato ; elytris parallelis, elongatis, tenuiter costulato-striatis (cos- tulis versus suturam obsoletis) et nbiqiie minute punctulatis ; antcnnis pedibusque piceo-ferrugineis, illis brevibus (art" 3 ulte- rioribus in $ clavam ettbrmantibus), tibiis anticis subtriangulariter dilatatis. Mas sensim clarior, minusque opacus ; clypeo antice evidentius emarginato necnon ad latera paulum latius explanato-recurvo, mox ante oculos magis angulatim exstante ; prothorace postice paululum subangustato ; antennis gradatiru incrassatis (nee cla- vatis). Long. Corp. lin. l|-2. Tenebrio ferriigineus, Fab., Sjjec. Ins. i. 324 (1781), Tribolium ferrugineum, JFoll, Col. Atl. 402 (1865). , Id., Col. llesp. 204 (1867). , Id., Ann. Nat. Hid. v. 33 (1870). , Alelliss, St. Mel. 161 (1875). Hahitat in locis similibus ac prsecedens ; in insulaui certe invectum. Found under much the same circumstances as the Gnathocerus cornutus and the Alphitohii, and equally an introduced species through the medium of commerce. It is perhaj^s the most strictly- cosmopolitan of them all, there being scarcely a civilized country in which it has not become more or less naturalized. I met with it amongst loaves of bread at Plantation : but it doubtless only re- quires to be searched for in the proper places to be obtained in abundance. It has been introduced equally into the Azorean, Madeiran, Cauarian, and Cape -Verde groups. Although in size and colour somewhat similar to that species, it is impossible to confound the present insect with the Gnathocerus cornutus ; for, in addition to the sexes being (externally) compara- tivelij alike, or with less conspicuous male developements about the head, it is narrower, more opake (particularly the females), and a little darker in hue ; its prothorax is shorter, not widened anteriorly (though in the male sex just appreciably narrowed behind), and more coarsely punctulatcd ; its elytra (instead of being punctate- striate) are simply marked (in addition to the interstitial punctures) with a few minute thread-like costse, which however are evanescent towards the suture ; its antennae are very much more abbreviated, and dissimilar in tlie sexes, — the female ones (instead of being gra- dually thickened from the base to the apex) having their last three TENEBRIONlDiE. 233 joints formed into a distinct club ; its two front tibiae are more triangularly dilated, and its feet are less elongate *, ^ Fam. 42. TENEBRIONID^. Genus 88. TENEBRIO. Liimgeus, Syst. Nat. edit. vi. (1748). 198. Tenebrio obscurus. T. parallelus, angustus, elougatus, niger, fere opacus, ubique densis- sime ruguloso-punctatulus, calvus : genis (ante oculos) rotundatis, obtusis, vix exstantibus : prothorace transverso, convexo, angulis ipsis posticis acutiusculis, ad latera subaequaliter rotuudato, basi in medio liuea elevata subduplicata (utrinque foveola terminata) instructo ; scuteUo magno, pentagono ; elytris levissime striatis, interstitiis obtuse paiiluli;m elevatis ; autennis pedibusque vix picescentioribus, tibiis anticis (pra:sertim in J ) sensim curvatis. Long. Corp. lin. 7-8|. Tenebrio obscurus, Fab., Ent. Syst. i. Ill (1792). , Woll., Col. Atl. 424 (1865). , Id., Ann. Nat. Hist. v. 33 (1870). , Crutch, in Godm. Azov. 86 (1870). , Melliss, St. Hel. 161 (1875). Habitat in domibus, stabulis, officinisque pistoriis, passim ; procul- dubio introductus. The European T. obscurus, which has acquired for itself so wide a geographical range through the medium of commerce (and which has become completely established in the Azorean, Madeiran, and Canarian groups, as well as at Ascension), does not seem to be very abundant at St. Helena, — though perhaps sufficiently common if searched for in the proper localities. It occurred occasionally at Plantation ; and Mr. P. Whitehead obtained it for me at Woodcot, — * In iny ' Catalogue of Canarian Coleoptera,' published by the Trustees of the British Museum in 1864. 1 drew attention to the fact {vide p. 496) that in every diagnosis to which I liad had access the sexes of Tribolimn are regarded as per- fftjtly similar (externally) inter se. It appears to me, however, that there is a very decided difference between them, — the males being not only less oj)ake (and perhaps of a slightly clearer hue), but with their clypeus more evidently scooped out in front and more expanded (and recurved) at the sides (the gena, immediately in front of either eye, being more angular and prominent) ; added to which, their prothorax is just appreciably narrowed behind, and (which is the most important of all) their antennte, instead of having a perceptibly 3-arti- culated club, are regularly and evenly thickened from the base to the apex. I think there can be no question that these discrepancies are sexual ones, and are by no means indicative of a separate but closely-allied species. 234 TENEBRIONIDiE. its usual habitat being, as elsewhere, about houses and bakehouses, amongst farinaceous substances and in granaries. Mr. Melliss mentions that he met with it amongst straw in stables, — a modus Vivendi which is in keeping with its frequent presence, in the Cana- rian and Madeiran archipelagos, beneath the refuse which has accumulated around the base of corn-stacks. ^ At Ascension large numbers of this Tenehrio (which are called by the inhabitants " hardbacks ") were stated by the late Mr. Bewicke to make their appearance annually about the season of the Turtle : but it is in the open country, quite as much as about the houses, that they were said to swarm. Genus 89. ZOPHOBAS. (Dejean) Blanch., Hist. Nat. des Ins. ii. 15 (1840). 199. Zophobas concolor. Z. angustulus, elongatus, postice paulum attenuatus, niger, nitidulus sed hinc inde quasi nebulose opacior, calyus ; capite antice parce, postice parcissime punctate, genis (ante oculos) rotundatis, obtusis, hand exstantibus, clypeo mox intra augulos anticos foveola minuta impresso ; prothorace (elytris angustiore) transverse, antice rotun- dato, postice angustiore, subeonvexo, punctis perpaucis in disco irrorato, angulis anticis obtusis, rotundatis, posticis subproducte acutiusculis, basi in medio linea crassa elevata obtusa (antice im- pressione, et utrinque foveola minuta, terminata) instructo ; scu- tello subsemicirculari ; elytris postice gradatim attenuatis, grosse punctato-sulcatis, interstitiis obtuse elevatis ; antennis pedibusque elongatis, crassis, concoloribus, in utroque sexu similibus. Mas clj'peo antice profunde excavato-emarginato, tibiis anticis omnino calvis, posterioribus intus versus apicem breviter fulvo- pubescentibus. Foem. clypeo antice recte truncate, tibiis omnibus intus versus apicem breviter fulvo-pubescentibns. Long. Corp. lin. 9|-10. Zophobas concolor, Woll., Ann. Nat. Hist. v. 33 (1870). , Melliss, St. Hel. 162 (1875). Habitat circa domes et in hortis, ad Jamestown ; minus frequens. Whether this large and uniformly black Tenebrionid, which I have but little doubt has been naturalized at St. Helena, was already described, previous to my enunciation of it in 1869, I will not undertake to say ; but, as I then mentioned, it might possibly agree with Fabricius's Helops morio from the West Indies and Equatorial mordelliDjE. 235 America, — though the sexual peculiarities did not appear to rae to tally with what I was able to gather elsewhere coucerning those of that insect. Be this, however, as it may, the Z. concolor (which in. the male sex has its clypeus deeply scooped out and its front tibife perfectly bald ; whilst in the female one the clypeus is straightly truncate and all the tibiae are, like the posterior four of the opposite sex, minutely fulvo-pubescent . towards their inner apex) may be known by its thick and robust elytra (which are wider at the base than the prothorax) being gradually attenuated posteriorly and very coarsely punctate-sulcate, by its prothorax (which is slightly rounded in front and narrowed behind) having only an extremely few large and scattered punctures on the disk, and a transverse impression in the centre of its base, and by its limbs (which are alike in both sexes) being elongate and thickened. Its surface is rather shining, but at the same time more or less dulled or beclouded in parts (especially towards the sides and behind) with a kind of bloom, — much in the same manner as one observes in some of the Hegeters ; and its clypeus has a small fovea (strongest in the female sex) on either side in front, immediately within the anterior angles. It is only in Jamestown (beneath the felled trunk of an old palm in the Castle garden) that I observed this large and robust Tenebri- onid ; and it was likewise procured for me by the Eev. H. ^"hitehead in Jamestown, where it was also taken (though sparingly) by Mr. Melliss. Fam. 43. MORDELLIDiE. Genus 90. MORDELLA. Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. edit. i. 420 (1758). 200. Mordella Mellissiana. M. angusto-elliptica, supra arcuata, brunnea (interdum rufo-brunnea), subnitida sed pube brevi valde demissa fulvescente dense sericata ; capite deflexo, subsemicirculari, oculis magnis sed demissis ; pro- thorace basi lato et trisinuato ; elytris postice regulariter attenu- atis, sutura postice subcarinvdata, apice singulatim rotundatis, pygidium (in mucronem elongatum productum) baud tegentibus, nullo modo striatis ; antennis, palpis, pedibusque anterioribus (elongatis, gracilibus) plus minus picescenti-testaceis, pedibus posticis subtestaceo-piceis. Long. corp. liu. 2-vix 3. 236 ANTHICID^. Mordella Mellissiaiia, WoH., Ann. Nttt. Hist. v. u5 (1870). , Melliss, St. Hd. 102 (1875). Habitat in intermediis, locisqiie subelevatis insulse, rarior ; nisi fallor, Commidendro robnsto, DC, (anglice " Gum wood ") praecipue propria. This large and dark- brown Mordella, which is densely sericated with a decumbent fulvescent pubescence (usually of a slight golden lustre), is, on the whole, rather scarce, though widely spread over the intermediate districts of the island. I strongly suspect that it belonged originally to the gumwood fauna, now so rapidly disap- pearing, though perhaps attached likewise, less abundantly, to the arborescent asters ; at any rate I have taken it amongst the old gumwoods in Peak Gut and Thompson's Wood, and about the Aster gummiferus above West Lodge ; whilst its occurrence, sparingly, at Plantation and Oakbank, which must once have abounded with gumwoods, is quite in accordance with this hypothesis, , Its convex arcuated upper surface and the powerful spine into which the apex of its abdomen is prodiiced, added to its curious capacity for shqjping, or somewhat clumsily hopping, although mere generic characters of Mordella, wiU at once serve to distinguish the M. MeUissiana from every thing else with which we are here con- cerned. Fam. 44. ANTHICID^. Genus 91. ANTHICODES (nov. gen.). Genus Anthico, Payk., affinis, sed capite majore, prothorace magno, lato, subquadrato (nee postice angustato, constricto), sculello absque obsoletis, tarsisque minus graeilibus. Ah Anthicus, et elfins, aispectus. The members of this curious genus, which I have enunciated below, cannot, I think, by any possibility be admitted into Anthicus proper ; nor indeed do they appear to be embraced by any of the few nearly-allied groups which have hitherto been established. They differ from the Anthici mainly in their larger head and in their very much larger, broader, more robust, and quadrate prothorax (which has no tendency whatever to be constricted posteriorly, but is quite as broad behind as it is in front), in their wings and scu- tellum being obsolete, and in their feet being less slender. The two ANTHICID.E. 237 species which have hitlierto been brought to light, and which were detected by myself, are essentially inhabitants of the loftier regions, though not ascending perhaps into the loftiest of all, — the portion of the central ridge from High Peak to West Lodge, and the summit of Flagstaff Hill being the districts in which I have myself observed them. I may just add that I heUeve a third exponent, smaller and nearly black, was found by Mrs. AYoUaston at Cason's ; but as I unfortunately lost it before I had had time to examine it critically, I would desire to speak somewhat cautiously on that particular point. 201. AntMcodes maculatus, n. sp. A. elongato-ovalis, pube grisea omnino demissa vestitiis ; capite pro- thoraceque minute et densiissime rugulosis, fere opacis, illo magno subquadrato (postice I'ecte truncato), oculis (longissime a basi capitis sitis) parvis sed prominulis ; clytris ( ad basin ipsam lati- tudine prothoracis) ovalibus, convexis, vix nitidioribus minusque rugulosis, baud striatis sed maculis duabus obscuris (una sc. magna humerali subobliqua, quasi e 3, et altera minore in disco postico, quasi e 2, confluentibus, compositis) utrinque ferrugineo-ornatis ; antennis, palpis, pedibusque plus minus piceo-testaceis. Long. Corp. lin. 1^-vix 2, Habitat in regionibus insulae parum elevatis, ligno ramulisque fractis desiccatis humi jacentibus adhjerens. The first spot in which I met with this robust and singular Anthicid is the .4.s^t'r-grove beyond West Lodge, on the inner slope of the great Sandy-Bay crater and overlooking Lufkuis : and it was not until after the earij' summer rains, about the end of January, that it began to make its appearance more abundantly. At that time, however, it was found by Mrs. Wollaston and myself in com- parative profusion, — at the edge of the tremendous precipice imme- diately above West Lodge, adhering to small pieces of stick which were lying on the exposed rocky soil, as well as on the only avail- able portion of the almost inaccessible ground behind High Peak. In addition to its generic characters, of enlarged head and quadrate prothorax, the^. maculatus may be known by its oval and convex elytra (which at their extreme base are of about the same breadth as the prothorax) being each of them ornamented with two obscure ferruginous patches, — one of which is somewhat oblique and humeral, and composed as it were of three which are confluent, whilst the other is smaller and on the hinder disk, and appears to 238 ANTHICID.E. be made up of two. Its entire body is clothed with a decumbeut griseoiis pubescence ; its surface, at any rate of the head and pro- thorax, is nearly opake and minutely and densely rugulose ; and its eyes, which are rather small but prominent, are placed at a great distance from the base of the head. 202. Anthicodes fragilis, n. sp. A. prtecedenti similis, sed minus niger ct concolor (elytiis sc. nullo modo maculatis, solum per suturam interdum anguste dilutioribus), paululum minus opacus, et ubique dense cinereo- (nee parcius griseo-) sericatus ; capite basi sensim minus recte truncate, oculis paulum majoribus ; autennis pedibusque sublongioribus, fragili- bus, pallidioribus, illarum art° ult™" sensim minus abbreviate. Long. Corp. lin. \^-2^. Habitat in intermediis et locis parum elevatis, sub lapidibus in aridis ventosis hinc inde congregans. This very distinct Anthicodes was detected by myself and Mrs. Wollaston, on the 10th of February, 1876, beneath stones on the extreme summit of Flagstaff Hill, — one of the most exposed and windy spots it is possible to imagine ; and one can but marvel how an insect which is so eminently fragile (its limbs being so liable to be cast off that if kept for more than a few hours in the laurel-bottle it is most difficult to ensure even a single perfect example) should be able to exist in a locality so uniformly boisterous. It was, how- ever, met with a few months later, and after we had left the island, by Mr. P. Whitehead, — who obtained several specimens of it at a somewhat lower altitude but in the same direction, namely in Sane Valley (at no great distance from J^apoleon's Tomb). Although descending to a rather smaller size, the A. fragilis in its general outline and structure closely resembles the last species. Its elytra, however, are completely without spots (the suture alone being occasionally a little diluted in hue) ; and its entire surface is less black and more densely sericated with a vjJiiter decumbent pubescence, which gives the insect a more cinereous and silken appearance. Its head too is not quite so straightly truncated at the base ; and its eyes are appreciably larger ; its limbs are a trifle longer, paler, and more fragile ; and the terminal joint of its antennae is not quite so abbreviated. 239 APPENDIX. While this volume has been going through the press a most impor- tant addition has been made to the Coleoptera of St. Helena by Mr. P. Whitehead, who has sent me a single example of the curious little Cossyphodes WoUastomi, which he obtained at Woodcot. Con- sidering the practically blind condition, and the ant-associating habits, of this most remarkable beetle, and the fact that it had hitherto been observed nowhere except in the Madeirau, Canarian, and Cape- Verde archipelagos, the importance (geographically) of so unexpected a capture could scarcely have been overrated did it not occur to me as at least possible that the species may originally have been imported into the island along with consignments of plants. In favour of this supposition is the fact that the self-same kind of ant with which it is found in company in the more northern groups, namely the CEcojjhihora pusilla, Heer (or tlie common " House- Ant" of Madeira), is the particular one which abounds at St. Helena from the sea-level to the summit of the central ridge ; and (universal as it is now) it is hardly likely that it was ever a truly aboriginal member of the fauna ; in which case, if the ant was originally introduced, there seems no reason why the Cossyphodes should not have come with it. But, on the other hand, if the Cos- syphodes is literally confined to our Atlantic-island " province "' (of which, however, we possess no proof, beyond the circumstance that it does not happen as yet to have been noticed elsewhere), there is nothing more improbable than that it should have found its way accidentally, along with the (Ecopththora , to St. Helena ; for I am not aware that the latter has ever had any intercommunication with the three more northern archipelagos, which are entirely in the hands of the Spaniards and Portuguese. Yet so plentiful is this especial ant at Madeira that, if'xi should so happen that shrubs and plants have ever been received from that island, it would be well- nigh impossible that they should have been packed for consignment without numbers of the (Ecophtliora being intermingled with the earth used for that jmrpose ; and, as just urged, if the ant can be 240 APPENDIX. imagined to have been fcnus transmitted, I see no reason wh)' the presence of its little Coleopterous associate should not be tested by the same hypothesis. At the same time, if the Cossyphodes should be ascertained ultimately (as is highly probable) to exist elsewhere than in these particular Atlantic groups, the main difficulty which suggests itself as regards its introduction will be at once removed. And I may just state, in this connexion, that the germs at all events is not a purely insular one, but likewise African,— a second exponent of it (the C. Bewichii, Woll.) having been discovered by the late Mr. Bewicke, in 1860, within an ants' nest (" on the Atlantic side of the promontory of the Cape, about three or four hundred feet above the sea "), near Capetown ; whUst a third (the C. Raffrayi, Gestro) was communicated to me a few years ago as having been obtained in Abyssinia ; so that there is no reason why even this actual species (namely the C. Wollastonii, Westw.) should not be African equally, and have been established at St. Helena from some other district than the islands which lie so much further to the north. In the general enumeration, the family Endopliloeido', in which I would provisionally place this anomalous little form, should be made to follow immediately after p. 42 and just before the Trogosltidce ; and the species may be thus cited : — Fam. 6*. ENDOPHLCEID^. Genus 17*. COSSYPHODES. Westwood, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. i. 168 (1851). 39*. Cossyphodes Wollastonii. C. elliptico-oblongus, valde depressus, in linea dorsali obtuse carina- tus sed versus latera valde explanato-subrecurvus, ubique ferru- gineus, minutissime subsericato-alutaceus, subopacus ; capitc semicirculari, utrinque (inter discum et latus) lineola (oculum obsoletum continente) impresso : prothorace transverso, antice et postice sinuato, ad latera subrecto, utrinque lineis aut costulis' tribus longitudinalibus instructo ; elytris ovalibus basi late trun- catis, utrinque costulis quatuor longitudinalibus notatis ; antennis pedibusque brevissimis, sub margine corporis explanato absconditis. Long. Corp. lin. \\. Cossyphodes Wollastonii, Westw., I. c. 170 (1851). , WolL, Im. Mad. 146, t. 3. f. 3 (1854). , Id., Col. Atl 130 (1865). , Id., Col. Hesp. 65 (1867). APPENDIX. 241 Habitat in intermediis insulae ; a Dom. P. Whitehead ad Woodcot lectus. Apart from its minute stature and extremely flattened, Cossyphus- like body (the largest examples measuring no more than a line and a half in length), the C. WoUastonii may be recognized by its elliptical-oblong outline — the head, prothorax, and elytra, all of which are much dilated at the sides, being in the same' continuous curve, — by its uniformly reddish-ferruginous hue, its only slightly shining subalutaceous surface, and by its obtusely keeled dorsal region — ^which is supplemented on either side by a few longitudinal costse, of which the prothorax has three and the elytra four. Although its limbs are so short as to be concealed beneath the expanded edges of the body, and although its eyes are strictly obso- lete, the 0. WoUastonii is nevertheless able to run with considerable velocity. The South- African C. Bewickii has its (nevertheless very minute and rudimentary) eyes rather more traceable than those of the 0. WoUastonii ; it is also a trifle broader, less keeled down the dorsal region : and its entire margin (especially behind) is a little more recurved. Its prothorax is shorter, and nearly free from longitu- dinal costae (there being only the faintest possible indication of an obsolete line on either side) ; and its elytra, which are more acute posteriorly, have only three (instead of four), and those exceed- ingly fine, elevated costre down each. Por a description and figure of the C. Bewiclcii^'vide ' Journ. of Ent.' i. 133, pi, xi. f. 2. 243 CATALOGUE. GEODEPHAGA. Carabidae. 1. Haplothokax, Waterh. 1. BurclielUi, Waterh. 2. Calosoma, "Weber. 2. helence, Hope. /3. Iialigena, Woll. 3. PRISTONrCHTJS, Dcj. 3. complanatus, Dej. 4. BEMBrDiTJM, Latr. {Notapfius, Dej.) 4. Mellissii, Woll. i^Apteromimus, WoU.) 5. platyderoides, WoU. (PseudophilochtJius, WoU.) 6^nubigena, Woll. 7. Grayanum, W^oU. 8. suhlimbatum, Woll. 9. trechoides, WoU. {Endosomatium, Woll.) 10. megalops, Woll. 11 . dicJcsonia', Woll. 12. rufosuffusum, WoU. 13. gemmulipenne, WoU. 14. fossor, WoU. 15. evanescens, Woll. PHYLHYDRIDA. SphaBridiidsB. 5. CircLONOTUM, Erich. 16. dytiscoides, Fab. 6. Dactylosteknum, Woll. 17. abdominale, Fab. r2 244 CATALOGUE, TRICHOPTERYGIA. Trichopterygidae. 7. Ptikella, Mots. 18. Matihewsiana^ WoU. BKACHELYTRA. Staphylinidae. {AleocJuirides. ) 8, Aleochara, Grav. 19. pubenila, Klug. 9.. HoMALOTA, Mann. 20. coriaria, Kraatz. 21. helenensis, Woll. {Staphylinicles. ) 10. Ceeophilus, Steph. 22. maxillosus, Linn. 11. Philonthtts (Leach), Curt. 23. flavotermhiatus, Woll. 24. longicornis, Steph. 25. discoideus, Grav. 26. nigritulus, Grav. 27. turbidus, Erich. (Xantholinides. ) 12. Xantholinus, Dahl. 28. mono, Woll. 29. armatus, Woll. {Pcederides.) ^ 13. LiTHOCHAEis, Erich. 30. ochracea, Grav. 31. debilicornis, WoU. {Oxytelides.) 14. OxYTELus, Grav. 32. sculptus, Grav. 33. alutaceifrons, WoU. 34. nitidifrons, WoU. 15. Trogophlceus, Mann. 35. corticinus, Grav. NECROPHAGA. Nitidulidae. 16. Carpophiltjs, Steph. 36. hcmipterus, Linn. 37. dimidiatus, Fab. CATALOGUE. 245 Monotomidae. 17. MoNOTOMA, Hbst. 38. spinicoUis, Aube. 39. picipes, Hbst. Endophlceidae. 17*. CossYPHODES, Westw. 39*. Wollastonii, Westw. Trogositidae. 18. Tkogosixa, Oliv. 40. mauritanica, Linn. Cucujidse. 19. L.a;M:opHL(Eus, Casteln. 41. pusillus, Schdn. 42. carinulatus, Woll. 20. Crtptamorpha, Woll. 43. musa3, Woll. 21. Silvaniis, Latr. 44. siirinamensis, Linn. Cryptophagidse. 22. Ceyptophagus, Hbst. 45. badius, St. 46. affinis, St. 47. gracilipes, Woll. Latridiidae. 23. Anommattjs, Wesm. 48. 12-8triatus, Miill. 24. CoExiCAEiA, Mshm. 49. elongata, Gyll. 25. Latriditjs, Hbst. 50. nodifer, Westw. 51. approximatus, Woll. Mycetophagidae. 26. Mycet-ea, Steph. 52. hirta, Gyll. 27. Typh^a, Stepb. 53. fumata, Linn. Dermestidae. 28. Dermestes, Linn. 54. cadaverinus, Fab. 55. vulpinus, Fab. 29. Attagenus, Latr. 56. gloriosae, Fab. 240 CATALOGUE. Histeridae. 30. Tribalds, Erich. 57. 4-striatu8, Woll. 31. Sapeinus, Erich. 58. bicolor, Fah. LAMELLICORNIA. Aphodiidae. 32. Aphodius, lllig. 59. granarius, Linn, 60. lividus, Oliv. Trogidse. 33. Teox, Eab. 61. Whiteheadii, Woll. Rutelidae. 34. Adoretxjs, Castelu. 62. versutus, Harold. Dynastidae. 35. Heteronychus, Burm. 63. arator, Pab. 36. Mellissius (Bates), WoU. 64. eudoams, WoU. 65. adumbratus, Woll. PRIOCERATA. Elateridse. 37. Anchastus, Lee. 66. com-positarmn, Woll. 67. atlanticus, Cand. Cleridse. 38. CoEYNETEs, Hbst. 68. rufipes, Thunb. Ptinidae. 39. GiBBiuM, Scop. 69. scotias, Fab. Anobiidae. 40. Anobixjm, Fab. 70. velatum, Woll. 71. paniceum, Linn. 72. domesticum, Fourc. 73. confertian, Woll. CATALOGUE. 247 BostrichidaB. 41. Rhizopertha, Steph. 74. bifoveolata, WoU. 75. pusilla, Fab. RHYNCHOPHORA. Tomicidae. 42. ToMicTjs, Latr. 76. aemulus, WoU. Hylesinidae. 43. Hylurgtjs, Latr. 77. ligniperda, Fab. Cossonidse. (Stenoscelides.) 44. Stenoscelis, Woll. 78. hylastoides, Woll. 45. PSEUDOSTENOSCELIS, Woll. 79. sculptiirata, Woll. 80. asteriperda, Woll. 81. longitarsis, Woll. 82. cdutaceicoUis, Woll. 83. eompositarmn, Woll. 84. minima, Woll. 46. Pachtmastax, Woll. 85. crassi(s, Woll. (^Cossonides.) 47. Phkeophagus, Scbon. 86. seneopiceus, Bohem. 48. Hexacopxus, Woll. 87. ferrugineus, WoU. (Pentarthrides. ) 49. Pentarthrodes, WoU. 88. dicksonice, Woll. 89. filicum, WoU. 50. PsEUDOMESOXENUS, WoU. 90. minutissimus, Woll 91. subccecus, WoU. 92. scrobiculatiis, Woll. 51. ISOTORNTJS, WoU. 93. retractilis, WoU. 94. aterrimits, Wol MS CATALOGUE. 52. MiCROXYLOBirs, Chev. •95. trititrntiis. Well. 96. WhitcheaJii, Woll. 97. ociilatus, Woll. 98. lucifugiis, Woll. 99. calcaratKS, Woll. 100. dimidiatKS, Woll. 101. bisectHs, WoU. . 102. sciil2)tHrat(is, WoU. 103. hieaudattis, AVoU. 104. granulosus, Woll. 105. lacertosus, Woll. 106. oimcus, WoU. 107. vestitus, WoU. 108. TT^fwoorf//, Chev. 53. AcAUTHOMEKirs, Bohem. 109. armatus, Bohem. 110. conkolUs, WoU. 111. ellipticus, WoU. 112. monilicornis, Woll. 1 13. similis, Woll. 114. rfeii/Zs, Woll. 115. cylindricHS, WoU. 116. angtishis, WoU. 117. asj)eratus, WoU. 118. terebrans, WoU. 119. obliteratiis, WoU. 54. ErCOPTODERTJS, Woll. 120. verinicidntus, WoU. 121. affinis, WoU. 55. Chalcotrogtjs, WoU. 122. apionide^, WoU. 123. oblongior, Woll. 124. semipolitits, Woll. 56. LAaiPRocHRus, WoU. 12.5. cossonoides, WoU. 57. Xestophasis, WoU. 126. nasalis, WoU. 58. Tapirojiimus, WoU. 127. gibhirostris, WoU. 59. Ttchiorhinus, WoU. 128. variolosits. Woll. 129. porrectus, Woll. 130. ina^qualis, WoU. 131. subochraceas, Woll. 132. Ihieatus. Woll. CATALOGUE. 249 60. Crtptommata, WoD. 133. cucullata, Woll. Rhynchophoridae. 61. Caiandra, Clairv. 134. oryzse, Linn. Tanyrhyncliidae. {^Synaptony chides.) 62. Nesiotes, WoU. 135. squamosus, WoU. 136. harhatus, Woll. 137. fimbriatus, Woll. 138. breviusculus, Woll. 139. horridus, Woll. 140. gracilis, Woll. 141. minor, Woll. 142. simplex, Woll. 143. asperatus, Woll. 144. ascendens, Woll. Trachyphlceidae. 63. Teachtphx(eosoma, Woll. 145. setosum, Woll. Otiorhynchidae. 64. SciOBiTJs, Schon. 146. subnodosus, WoU. 65. Otiorhynchtjs, Germ. 147. sulcatus, Fab. BrachyderidsB. 66. SiTONA, Germ. 148. lineatus, Linn. Anthribidae. (^Arceocerides.) 67. Arjeoceeus, Schon. 149. fasciculatus, De Geer. (Notioxenides.) 68. NOTIOXENTJS, WoU. 150. BewicTcii, Woll. 151. subfasciatus, Woll. 152. alutaceus, WoU. 153. dimidiatus, Woll. 154. JaniscJd, Woll. 155. Dcdei, WoU. 156. Grayii, WoU. 157. ceneus, Woll. 158. congener, WoU. 159. rufopictus, Woll. 250 CATALOGUE. 68. NoTioxENus, Woll. {continued). 160. rotundatus, Woll. 161. ferrugineus, Woll. (Bomoeoderides.) 69. HOMCEODERA, Woll. 162. elaferoides, Woll. 163. nodulipenriis, Woll. 164. Edithia, WoU. 165. major, Woll. 166. compositarum., Woll. 167. pygrnoia, Woll. 168. joivmilio, Woll. 169. rotundipennis, Woll. 170. cdutaceicolUs, Woll. 171. asteris, Woll. 172. Paivce, WoU. 173. coriacea, WoU. 174. globulosa, WoU. 70. ACAKODES, WoU. 175. gutta, WoU. Bruchidae. 71. Betjchtjs, Geoffr. 176. rufobrunneus, WoU. 177. advena, WoU. EUCERATA. Cerambicidse. 72. CuRTOMEErs, Steph. 178. pUicomis, Fab. Lamiidae. 73. CoPTOPs, Serv. 179. bidens, Fab. PHYTOPHAGA. HalticidaB. 74. LoNGiTARstrs, Latr. 180. helmcB, WoU. 181. janidns, WoU. 182. MeJlissii, WoU. Cassididae. 75. AspiDOMORPHA, Hope. 183. mUiaris, Fab. PSEUDOTRIMERA. Coccinellidse. 76. Chilomenes, Chev. 184. lunata. Fab. 185. vicina (Dej.), Muls. CATALOGUE. 251 77. Thea, Mills. 186. variegata, Fab. 78. Epilachna, Chevr. 187. chrysomelina, Fab, CorylopMdae. 79. Sericodeetjs, Steph. 188. lateralis, GyU. 80. Orthoperus, Steph, 189. atomarius, Hear, ErotylidaB, 81. EuxESTUs, AVoll. 190. jyhalacroides, "WoU. HETEROMERA. OpatridaB, 82. Opatrtjm, Fab. 191. hadroides, WoU. 83. Hadkodes, Woll. 192. helenensis, WoU. 84. Takphiophasis, WoU. 193. tuberculatus, WoU. XJlomidaB. 85. Alphitobiits, Steph. 194. diaperinus, Kugel. 195. piceus, OKv. 86. Gnathocerfs, Thunb. 196. coruutus, Fab. 87. Tribolitjm, MacLu 197. ferrugineum, Fab. TenebrionidsB. 88. Tenebrio, Linn. 198. obscurus, Fab. 89. ZoPHOBAS, Blanch. 199. concolor, Woll. Mordellidss. 90. MoRDELLA, Linn. 200. MeUissmna, WoU. Anthicidae. 91. Anthicodes, WoU, 201. macidatus, Woll. 202. fragilis, WoU. 253 INDEX. abdominale, Dactyloster- num, 20. Acanthomerus angustus, 133. armatus, 125. asperatus, 134. conicoUis, 126. cylindricus, 132. debilis, 131. ellipticus, 127. monilicomis, 129. obliteratus, 136. similis, 130. terebrans, 135. Acarodes gutta, 206. Adoretus versutus, 62. vestitus, 62. adumbratus, MeUissius, 67. advena, Bruchus, 208. semulus, Tomicus, 79. seneopiceus, Phloeopha- gus, 94. reneus, Notioxenus, 187. Mthriostoma gloriosa, 56. afSnis, Cryptophagus, 47. , Eucoptoderus, 139. Aleochara Armitagei, 23. decorata, 23. puberula, 23. Alphitobius diaperinus, 229. piceus, 229. alutaceicollis, Homoeo- dera, 201. , Pseudostenoscelis, 89. alutaceifrons,Oxj'telus,35. alutaceus, Notioxenus, 181. Anchastus atlanticus, 71. — - — corapositarum, 69. angustus, Acanthomerus, 133. Anobium confertum, 76. domesticuni, 75. paniceum, 74. rufipcs, 72. striatum, 75. velatuDi, 73. Anommatus 12-striatu3, 49. terricola, 49. Anthicodes fragilis, 238. maculatus, 237. Anthrenus gloriosce, 56. Anfhribiis coffea, 175. Aphodius carhonarins, 59. gvanarius, .59. lividus, 60. apionides, Chalcotrogus, 140. Aplothorax Burchellii, 1. approximatus, Latridius, 53. Araeocerus fasciculatus, 174. arator, Heterbnychus, 63. armatus, Acanthomerus, 125. , XanthoHnus, 32. ascendens, Nesiotes, 169. asperatus, Acanthomerus, 134. — , Nesiotes, 167. Aspidomorpha miliaris, 215. asteriperda, Pseudostenos- celis, 87. asteris, Homoeodera, 202. aterrimus, Isotornus, 106. atlanticus, Anchastus, 71. atomarius, Orthoperus, 222. Attagenus gloriosre, 56. badius, Cryptophagus, 47. barbatus, Nesiotes, 161. Berabidium dicksoni3e,15. evanescens, 18. fossor, 17. gemuiulipenne, 16. Gi'ayanum, 11. megalops, 14. Mellissii, 8. nubigena, 10. platyderoides, 9. • rufosuffusura, 1.5. sublimbatum, 12. trechoides, 13. Bewickii, Notioxenus, 178. bicaudatus, Microxylo- bius, 117. bicolor, Saprinus, 58. bidens, Coptops, 210. bifoveolata, Rhizopertha, 77. bisectus, Microxylobius, 11.5. Bostrickus ligniperda, 81. breviusculus, Nesiotes, 163 Bruchus advena, 208. rufobrimneus, 207. Burchellii, Haplothorax, 1. cadarerinus, Dermestes, 54. Oalandra oryza;, 158. calcaratus, Microxylobius, 113. Callidiiwn luteum, 210. pilicorne, 210. Calosoma hcdigena, 3. helense, 3. Carpophilus auropilosus, 40. dimidiatus, 39. hemipterus, 38. cariuulatus,La3mophloeu8, 44. Cassida miharis, 215. Cerandria cornuta, 231. Chalcotrogus apionides, 140. oblongior, 142. semipolitus, 142. Chilomenes circumjlexa, 218. lunata, 217. vicina, 218. chrysomeliua, Epilachna, 220. Clythra rufieolHs, 215. CoccineUa capcnsis, 220. chryso7ncHna, 220. cognafa, 219. hmata, 217- 254 INDEX. Coccinella nassata, 219. variegata, 219. complanatns, Pristony- chus, 5. compositarum,Anchastu3, G9. , Hoinceodera, 197. , Pseudostenoscelis, 90. concolor, Zophobas, 234. confertum, Anobium, 7(i. congener, Notioxenus, 188. conicollis, Acanthomerus, 126. Coptops bidens, 210. coriacea,Homoeodera,204. coriaria, Homalota, 24. cornutus, Gnathocerus, 231. Corticaria elongata, 50. corticinus, Trogophloeus, 37. Corynetes rufipes, 72. cossonoides, Lampro- chrus, 14.i. Cossyphodes WoUastouii, 240. Cossyphiis lateralis, 221. crassus, Pachymastax, 93. Creophilus maxillosu8,25. Cryptamorpha niusffi, 45. Crvptommata cucuUata, 157. Cryptophagus aiBnis, 47. badiiis, 47. - — — gracilipes, 48. Cryptocephalus rujicollis, 215. Cucujus minutus, 44. pusillus, 44. cucullata, Cryptommata, 157. Curculio fasciculatus,Ylb. lineatus, 174. sulcatus, 173. Curtoraerus luteus, 210. pilicornis, 209. Oyclonotum djitiscoides, 19. Cydonia lunata, 217. vicina, 218. cylindricus, Acantho- merus, 132. Daetylosternum abdorai- nale, 20. Eoussetii, 21. Dalei, Notioxenus, 185. debilicornis, Lithocharis, 34. debilis, Acaiitlioinerus, 131. Derraestes cadaverinus, 54. domesticus, 54. fumatus, 53, 54. hemipterus, 39. paniceus, 74. surinamensis, 4R. vulpinus, 55. diaperinus, Alphitobius, 229. dicksoniiE, Bembidium, 15. , Pentarthrodes, 97. diiuidiatus. Carpophilus, 39. , Microxylobius, 114. discoideus, PliiIonthus,28. domesticum,Anobium, 75. 12-striatus, Anommatus, 49. dytiscoides, Cyclonotum, 19. Edithia, Horaoeodera,195. elateroides, Homoeodera. 193. ellipticus, Acanthomerus, 127. elongata, Corticaria, 50. Bpilachna chrysomelina, 220. Eucoptoderus afBnis, 139. vermiculatus, 138. eudoxus, Mellissius, 66. Euxestus phalacroides, 224. evanescens, Bembidium, 18. fasciculatus, Arseocerus, 174. ferrugineum, Tribolium, 231. ferrugineus, Hexacoptns, 96. , Notioxenus, 190. filicum,Pentartlirodes, 98. fimbriatus, Nesiotes, 162. flavoterminatus, Philon- thus, 26. fossor, Bembidium, 17. fragilis, Antliicodes, 238. fumata, Typhrea, 53. gemmulipenne, Bembi- dium, 16. gibbirostris, Tapiromi- mus, 1.50. G-ibbium scotias, 73. globulosa. Homceodera, 205. gloriosre, Attagenus, 56. Gnathocerus cornutus, 231. gracilipes, Cryptophagus, 48. _ gracilis, Nesiotes, 165. granarius, Aphodius, 59. granulosus, Micro.xylo- bius, 117. Gravanum, Bembidium, 11. Grayil, Notioxenus, 186. gutta, Acarodes, 206. Hadrodes helenensis, 227. hadroides, Opatrum, 224. Haplothorax Burchellii, 1 . heleuse, Calosoma, 3. , Longitarsus, 212. helenensis, Hadrodes, 227. , Homalota, 25. Helops piceus, 230. hemipterus, Carpophilus, 38. Heteroderes puncticollis, 71. Heteronychus arator, 63. — Sancta-hcJena, 64. Hexacoptus ferrugineus, 96. hirta, MycetiBa, 53. Hister bicolor, 58. Homalota coriaria, 24. helenensis, 25. Homceodera alutaceicol- lis, 201. asteris, 202. compositarum, 197. coriacea, 204. Edithia, 195. ■ elateroides, 193. globulosa, 205. major, 197- nodulipennis, 194. Paiv;^, 203. pumilio, 199. pygmaa, 198. rotundipennis, 200. Hojmfrum hadroides, 225. horridus, Nesiotes, 164. hylastoides, Stenoscelis, 84. Hylurgus ligniperda, 80. insequalis, Tychiorhinus, 1.54. Isotornus aterriraus, 106. retractilis, 105. INDEX. 255 Janischi, Notioxenus, 184. janulus, Longitarsus, 213. lacertosus, IMicroxylobius, 118. Lffimophloeus carimdatus, 44. pusillus, 43. Lamprochrus cosso- noicles, 14.5. lateralis, Sericoderus, 221. Latridiiis approximatus, 52. elongatus, .50. nodifer, 51. Ugniperda, Hylurgus, 80. lineatus, Sitona, 173- , Tycbiorhinus, 155. Lithocliaris agyptiaca, 34. brevicornis, 34. debilicomis, 34. ocliracea, 33. lividus, Aphodius, 60. longicornis, Philonthus, 27. longitarsis, Pseudoste- noscelis, 88. Longitarsus helenae, 212. janulus, 213. — Mellissii, 214. lucifugus, Microxylobius, 111. lunata, Chilomenes, 217. Lyctus 12-striatus, 49. maculatus, Anthicodes, 237. major, Homceodera, 197. Matthewsiana, Ptinella, 21. mauritanica, Trogosita, 43. megalops, Bembidium, 14. Mellissiana, Mordella, 235. Mellissii, Bembidium, 8. , Longitarsus, 214. Mellissius adumbratus, 67. eudoxus, 66. Microxylobius angustus, 133. bicaudatus, 117. bisectus, 115. calcaratus, 113. Chevrolatii, 125. Microxylobius conicollis, 126. cossonoides, 145. debilis, 131. dimidiatus, 114. granulosus, 117. — — lacertosus, 118. lucifugus. 111. monilicornis, 129. obliteratus, 137. oculatus, 110. opacus, 119. sculpturatus, 116. terebrans, 136. trituratus, 108. vestitus, 120. Westwoodii, 121. Whiteheadii, 109. miliaris, Aspidomorpha, 215. minima, Pseudostenosce- lis, 91. minor, Nesiotes, 166. miuutissimus, Pseudome- soxenus, 101. monilicornis, Acantho- merus, 129. Monotonia congener, 42. picipes, 42. spinicollis, 41. siyinifera, 41. Mordella Mellissiana,235. morio, Xantholinus, 31. musfe, Cryptamorpha, 45. Mycetffia hirta, 53. nasalis, Xestophasis. 149. Ne^otes ascendens, 169. asperatus, 167. barbatus, 161. brcTiusculus, 163. fimbriatus. 162. gracilis, 165. horridus, 164. minor, 166. — — simplex, 166. squamosus, 160. nigritulus, Philonthus, 29. nitidifrons, Oxytelus, 36. iiitidula dimidiata, 40. nodiier, Latridius, 51. nodulipennis, Homceo- dera, 194. Notioxenus aeneus, 187- alutaceus, 181. Bewickii, 178. congener. 188. Dalci. 185. - — — dimidiatus, 182. ferrugineus, 190. Notioxenus Grayii, 186, Janischi, 184. rotundatus, 190. rufopictus, 189. subfasciatus, 179. nubigena, Bembidium, 10. obliteratus, Acanthome- rus, 136. oblougior, Chalcotrogus, 142. obscurus, Tenebrio, 233. ochracea, Lithocharis, 33. oculatus, Microxylobius, 110. ^ : ojjacus, Microxylobius, 119. Opatrum hadroides, 224. Orthoperus atomarius, 222. oryzse, Calandra, 1.58. Otiorhyncbus sulcatus, 173. Oxytelus alutaceifrons, 35. ccrticinus, 38. nitidifrons, 36. sculptus, 34. Pachymastax crassus, 93. Paderus ochracetis, 33. Paivfe, Homceodera, 203. panicemn, Auobiiun, 74. Pentarthrodes dicksonije, 97. filicum, 98. Pentarthrum subccscum, 102. phalacroides, Euxestus, 224. Philonthus aterrimus, 29. discoideus, 28. flavoterminatus, 26. fuscicornis, 28. longicornis, 27. nigritulus, 29. punctipennis, 30. scyhalarius, 28. turbidus, 30. Phloeophagus ajneopiceus, 94. piceus, Alphitobius, 229. picipes. Monotonia, 42. pilicornis, Curtomerus, 209. Pifhophilus atomarius, 222. platyderoidcs, Bembi- dium, 9. 256 INDEX. porrectus, Tjchiorhiuus, 15,3. Pristonycbus aJatus. 5. couiplaiuitiis, 5. Pseucloniesoxenus minu- tissiuuis. 101. scrobiculatiis, 103. subca;cus, 102. Pseudostenoscelis aluta- ceicollis, 89. asteriperda, 87. coiupositariiin, 90. lougitarsis, 88. minima, 91. sculpturata, 86. Ptinella Mattliewsiana, 21. Piiiius scotias, 73. puberula, Aleocbara, 23. pumilio, Homoeodera, 199. pusilla, Ehizopertha, 78. pusillus, Lajmophloeus, 43. pygmaja, Homoeodera, 198. 4-striatus, Tribalus, 57. retractilisjsotomus, 105. Rhizopertha bifoveolata, 77. pusilla, 78. .rotundatus, Notioxenus, 190. rotundipennis, Homoeo- dera, 200. rufipes, Corynetes, 72. rufobrumieus, BruehuB, 207. rufopictus, Notioxenus, 189. rufosufFusum, Bembi- dium, 15. Saprinus bieolor, 58. lautus, 58. ScarabcBUs arator, 64. eudoxus, 66. ffratiarms, 59. lii'idus, 60. Sciobius subnodosus, 171. Bcotias, Gibbium, 73. serobieulatus, Pseudome- soxeuiis, 103. seiilpturata, Pseudoste- noscelis, 86. sculpturatus, Microxylo- bius, 116. sculptus, Oxytelus, 34. seinipolitus, Chalcotro- gus, 142. Sericoderus lateralis, 221. setosum, Trachyphloeo- soma, 170. Silpha hirta, 53. SilvanuB sui-inamen8is,46. similis, Acauthomerus, 130. simplex. Nesiotes, 166. Sitona lineatus, 173. Sifophilu.s ori/zfs, 158. Spheeridium abdominale, 21. dytiscoidcs, 19. spinicollis, Monotoma,41. squamosus, Nesiotes, 160. Staphylinus aterrimus,29. cliscoideus, 28. maxilloms, 26. nigritidus, 29. Stenoscelis hylastoides, 84. subcajcus, Pseudomesoxe- nus, 102. subfaseiatus, Notioxenus, 179. sublimbatum, Bembi- dium, 12. subnodosus, Sciobiu8,171. subochraceus. Tychio- rhinus, 154. suleatus, Otiorhynchus, 173. surinamensis, Silvanus, 46. Synodendron pusillu7n,7d. Tapiromimus gibbiros- tris, 150. Tarpbiophasis tubercula- tus, 228. Tenebrio fagi, 230. ferrugincus, 232. maiiritanicus, 43, 230. obscurus, 233. terebrans, Acantbomerus, 135. Tbea variegata, 219. Tomicus semulus, 79. Tracbypblceosoma seto- sum, 170. treeboides, Bembidium, 13. Tribalus 4-striatus, 57. Trobolium ferrugineum, 231. trituratus, Microxylobius, 108. Trogopbloeus nanus, 38. corticinus, 37. Trogosita cornuta, 231. mauritanica, 43. Trox Wbitebendii, 61. tuberculatus, Tarphio- pbasis, 228. turbid us, Pbilontbus, 30. Tychiorbinus ina^qualis, 154. lineatus, 155. porrectus, 153. subocbraceus, 154. variolosus, 152. Typbsea fumata, 53. variegata, Tbea, 219. variolosus, Tycbiorbinus, 152. velatum, Anobium, 73. vermiculatus, Eucopto- derus, 138. versutus, Adoretus, 62. vestitus, Microxj-lobius, 120. vicina, Cbilomenes, 218. vulpiuus, Dermestes, 55. Westwoodii, Microxylo- bius, 121. Wbitebeadii, Microxylo- bius, 109. , Trox, 61. WoU astonii, Cossy phodes, 240. Xantbolinus armatus, 32. morio, 31. Xestopbasia nasalis, 149. Zopbobas concolor, 234. 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