mUMOfS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UBRARY STATE OF ILLINOIS OTTO KERNER, Governor DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION WILLIAM SYLVESTER WHITE, Director JOHN A. HARRISON 2006 BOUDREAU DR. URBfm, ILLINOIS UNDERGROUND STORAGE OF NATURAL GAS IN ILLINOIS Alfred H. Bell DIVISION OF THE ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY JOHN C.FRYE, Chief URBANA CIRCULAR 318 1961 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign UNDERGROUND STORAGE OF NATURAL GAS IN ILLINOIS Alfred H. Bell ABSTRACT Natural gas from the Mid-Continent and Gulf Coast regions is being stored underground in Illinois in six areas as of January 1, 1961, and similar storage projects are planned in at least five other areas. The storage reservoirs are of two main types: 1) "aquifers, " or those that originally contained only water, and 2) those that con- tained oil or gas as well as water. Gas storage reservoirs now in use have an estimated total capacity of 184 billion cubic feet. Underground storage facilities perform a vital function in making gas available to consumers in the necessary quantities at times of high demand and at a cost lower than that of direct pipe- line delivery from the distant sources. It is thus possible to serve many more consumers than could be served without the use of un- derground storage. INTRODUCTION Natural gas from the Mid-Continent and Gulf Coast regions is being stored underground in Illinois in six areas as of January 1, 1961, and similar storage projects are planned in at least five other areas. The storage reservoirs are of two main types: 1) "aquifers, " or those that originally contained only water, and 2) those that contained oil or gas as well as water. Underground storage facilities perform a vital function in making gas avail- able to consumers in the necessary quantities at times of high demand and at a cost lower than that of direct pipeline delivery from the distant sources. It is thus possible to serve many more consumers than could be served without the use of underground storage . Natural gas has been stored underground in Illinois since 1953, and the use of underground storage has been steadily increasing. In 1951 the Illinois Commerce Commission consulted the Illinois State Geological Survey about the feasibility of underground storage, and ever since then the Survey has kept in touch with devel- opments and has continued to study the geology of the storage sites. The Survey has assisted by discussions with the staffs of the Illinois Commerce Commission and the companies concerned and by attending hearings before the commission. Much information on the geology and engineering of the storage projects is con- tained in the testimony by geologists and engineers in transcripts of the hearings on file with the commission. Beginning in June 1959, the Research Committee of the Interstate Oil Com- pact Commission undertook a study of the underground storage of natural gas in the United States. At subsequent meetings of the research committee in December 1959, [1] ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 318 June 1960j and December 1960, Illinois and about 25 other states presented progress reports. The Illinois report in- cluded developments in underground gas storage up to December 1, 1960. The present report includes available infor- mation up to January 1, 1961. The six areas in which gas is being stored underground in Illinois are Herscher in Kakakee County (no. 1 on index map, fig. 1); Cooks Mills in Coles County (4); Troy Grove in LaSalle County (2); Waterloo in Monroe County (9); Gil- lespie in Macoupin County (7); and Free- burg in St. Clair County (10). Similar gas storage operations are planned in at least five other areas: Mahomet in Champaign County (map no. 3); Crescent City in Iroquois County (5); Waverly in Morgan County (6); St. Jacob in Madison GAS STORAGE County (8); and North Tilden in Washing- RESERVOIRS ton and St. Clair Counties (11). The Herscher and Cooks Mills storages by the Natural Gas Storage Company of Illinois and the future Ma- homet storage by the Peoples Gas Light and Coke Company are for supplying the City of Chicago. The Troy Grove and future Crescent City operations by the Northern Illinois Gas Company are for supplying many municipalities in north- ern Illinois outside of Chicago. The Northern Illinois Gas Com- pany and others share in the use of the Herscher storage with the Natural Gas Storage Company of Illinois, a subsidi- ary of the Peoples Gas Light and Coke Company of Chicago. The Gillespie and Freeburg storages and the future North Tilden storage by the Illinois Power Company are for supplying gas to local com- munities in southwestern Illinois. The Waterloo and future St. Jacob storages by the Mississippi River Fuel Corporation are for the supply of St. Louis, Missouri, and surrounding communities. The following individuals have been especially helpful in furnishing the basic data and in suggesting revisions and corrections to the preliminary report dated December 1, 1960: O. C. Davis, W. L. Clark, and K. R. Larson of the Natural Gas Storage Company of Illinois; Joseph Gauthier, Harold R. Schwalm, and C. G. Nelson of the Northern Illinois Gas Company; Kenneth Robertson of the Il- linois Power Company; R. B. Harkins of the Panhandle Eastern Pipeline Company; and Carl Temple of the Mississippi River Fuel Corporation. I also am indebted to Carl W. Sherman, Head of the Petroleum Engineering Section of the Illinois State Geological Survey, who assisted in preparing this report. Nov. 1, I960 Operating Experimental Proposed Fig. 1 Location of underground gas storage reservoirs in Illinois. 1 Herscher 7 Gillespie 2 Troy Grove 8 St, Jacob 3 Mahomet 9 Waterloo 4 Cooks Mills 10 Freeburg 5 Crescent City 11 North Tilden 6 Waverly UNDERGROUND STORAGE OF NATURAL GAS 3 The underground reservoirs that originally contained water or salt water, commonly referred to as aquifers, include the reservoirs of largest capacity in Illinois - for example, Herscher. Those that originally contained gas or oil or both, along with some water, include several gas reservoirs where the wells were capable of producing gas but where the gas has not been marketed - for example. Cooks Mills and Freeburg. In these storage reservoirs the injected gas mixes with the gas originally in the reservoir, and during the initial stage the gas withdrawn is a mixture of both. Estimated capacities of operating gas storages in Illinois, as of January 1, 1961, are shown in table 1. Volumes are given in thousands of cubic feet (Mcf). TABLE 1 - ESTIMATED CAPACITIES OF OPERATING GAS STORAGES IN ILLINOIS DECEMBER 1, 1960 Workin g gas capaci Mcf ty Cushion gas Mcf Total Mcf Herscher Gal esville 45,000,000 45,000,000 90,000,000 Herscher Mt. Simon 39,000,000 28,000,000 67,000,000 (Herscher total 157 million Mcf ) Troy Grove 11,000,000 7,000,000 18,000,000 Cooks Mills 1,004,000 984,000 1,988,000 Gillespie 31,000 115,000 146,000 Waterloo 413,000 100,000 513,000 Freeburg 1,810,000 98,258,000 4,590,000 85,789,000 6,400,000 184,047,000 FUTURE DEVELOPMENT Because several companies are actively seeking geologic structures that are suitable for gas storage, it seems likely that additional storage projects will be undertaken during the coming year. Some of the companies engaged in this work and some of their areas of exploration are: Natural Gas Storage Company of Illinois in McLean and adjacent counties; Northern Illinois Gas Company in north- eastern Illinois; Central Illinois Light Company in Peoria, Woodford, and Tazewell Counties; Illinois Power Company in Tuscola region, Douglas County; and Central Illinois Public Service Company in Ashmore South pool, Cumberland and Clark Counties. HERSCHER GAS STORAGE FIELD Operator: Natural Gas Storage Company of Illinois. Location: Kankakee County, 12 miles west- southwest of the city of Kankakee and half a mile south of Herscher village. Geologic Investigations : The presence of an anticline in the subsurface bedrock has been known since the early 1900 's from the drilling of several small oil wells, described by L. F. Athy (1928, p. 110). A structure contour map by D. J. Fisher {in Athy, 1928, fig. 27, p. 75) showing elevation of the St. Peter Sand- stone in part of northeastern Illinois reveals the Herscher Anticline. In 1951, the Natural Gas Storage Company of Illinois undertook to outline the structure in great- er detail and to determine whether suitable porous strata and caprock were present. ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 318 In 1952, 104 shallow test wells were drilled to the Galena Formation and four deep tests were drilled and cored through the Galesville Sandstone. R. 10 E Structure contour (on top of Galesville ; interval 50 feetj datum sea level Fig. 2 - Structure of the Galesville Sandstone at the Herscher gas storage dome. Contours after map by the Natural Gas Storage Company of Illinois. The size and shape of the structure is shown in figure 2, a contour map of the top of the Galesville Sandstone, which was to be the gas storage reservoir. The cores provided the information on porosity and permeability of the Galesville needed to determine its suitability as a gas storage reservoir and the adequacy of the caprock immediately overlying the reservoir. UNDERGROUND STORAGE OF NATURAL GAS 5 Test drilling to determine the feasibility of deeper gas storage to supple- ment the storage in the Galesville reservoir was done in 1957. The information obtained indicated the likelihood of a good storage in the Mt, Simon Sandstone at an approximate depth of 2400 feet. A structure map of the Mt. Simon Sandstone is shown in figure 3, and the relationship of the Galesville and Mt. Simon Sandstones is shown in the cross section, figure 4. interval 50 feet; datum sea level Fig. 3 - Structure of the Mt. Simon Sandstone at the Herscher gas storage dome, Contours after map by the Natural Gas Storage Company of Illinois. ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 318 level -500 1000 -1500 -2000 Fig. 4 - West-east cross section of Herscher dome, vertical exaggeration x 3.3 (location shown on fig. 2). The following is quoted from "The Story of the Herscher Dome, " by the Natural Gas Storage Company of Illinois (1957, p. 4-5). "A total of 21 injection-withdrawal wells were completed in the Galesville Sandstone on the crest of the structure, using 660-foot spacing. "Thirteen observation wells were drilled on the structure to the top of the reservoir at down-dip positions on the flanks to observe water levels and follow the movement and effect of the gas bubble that was to be created. "Gas injection was started on April 1, 1953, using two 150 HP compressors with a total capacity of 15 MMcf* per day. Initially, the five structurally highest wells were used for injecting gas into storage. Gas for storage operations was piped from a point on the Texas Illinois system later renamed Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America near Dwight, Illinois, through a single 30-inch line. A 10,000 HP compressor station and a dehydration plant with 300 MMcf per day capacity were constructed to handle the gas on injection and withdrawal. The capacity of the dehydration plant has since been increased to 430 MMcf per day. The main plant was put into service on July 1, 1953. Injection rates were stepped up to approximately 200 MMcf per day with the large units when the main plant was put into operation. " During the last week in July 19 5 3, four months after gas injection was start- ed, gas began to leak into one of the shallow water wells in the town of Herscher, Soon gas was leaking into all 33 village water wells. Gas injection was stopped one week after leakage had been detected. A search for the cause of the leakage was then undertaken by a variety of methods, but to date the cause has not been determined with certainty. However, it was found possible to control the leakage by the following four methods: * Millions of cubic feet. UNDERGROUND STORAGE OF NATURAL GAS 7 1) By limiting pressure during the injection cycle. At first, the injection pressure was limited to the natural formation pressure above the Galesville aquifer, but later the differential pressure was controlled between the Galesville gas bubble and the overlying Oneota Formation. 2) By recycling the gas from vent wells in the Galena and St. Peter Forma- tions to the Galesville reservoir. 3) By pressurization of the Ironton Formation above the Galesville but be- low the Oneota (see fig. 4) by injection of water. 4) By relieving pressure in the Galesville reservoir through withdrawal of water from perimeter wells outside of the gas bubble. (This water is used for pres- surization of the higher formations.) The total amount of leakage from August 1, 1953, to October 2, 1955, when a recycling system began operation, was 2,947 million cubic feet at an average rate of 3.5 million cubic feet per day. Success of the control methods is indicated in the gradual downward trend in the amounts of gas recycled daily by years shown in table 2 . TABLE 2 - DAILY AVERAGES OF GAS RECYCLED FROM THE GALENA AND ST. PETER FORMATIONS INTO THE HERSCHER GALESVILLE RESERVOIR IN MILLIONS OF CUBIC FEET Galena Formation Average Maximum Minimum St. Peter Formation Average Maximum Minimum 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 (Recycling system began Oct. 2, 1955; a loss to that date was 2.947 billion cu. ft. ) 12.4 15.4 9.8 12.6 15.4 9.1 13.2 15.2 10.6 9.1 12.4 5.7 10.3 20.2 9.9 (Wells first drilled in early part of 1956) 3.6 4.4 2.7 4.3 5.0 3.8 3.8 4.5 3.1 3.7 4.3 3.2 3.2 2.9 0.9 NOTE: The above values are based on average daily recycled volumes for months. The following table shows amounts of gas injected into and withdrawn from the Herscher Galesville reservoir, by years, and the maximum daily withdrawals by years at times of severe cold weather. TABLE 3 - HERSCHER GALESVILLE RESERVOIR (in Mcf) Year Injected Withdrawn Inventory end of year Peak day withdrawal 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 11,885,137 6,178,390 4,337,904 6,490,803 7,041,143 9,124,414 9,698,097 7,826,486 99,044 340,111 1,864,920 1,539,393 2,996,821 8,528,832 6,050,945 7,165,722 11,984,181 17,822,460 20,295,444 25,246,854 29,291,176 29,886,758 33,533,910 34,194,674 61,482 157,777 368,060 414,996 291,159 411,467 429,633 473,391 Inventory Peak day Injected Withdrawn end of year withdrawal 21,667 -- 21,667 None 3,750,320 87,894 3,684,093 25,342 6,034,283 364,495 9,353,881 52,098 7,456,393 733,989 16,076,285 65,410 8 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 318 Similar information is shown in the next table for the Herscher Mt. Simon reservoir. TABLE 4 - HERSCHER MT. SIMON RESERVOIR (in Mcf Year 1957 1958 1959 1960 Although the capacity of the Galesville (fig. 2) and Mt. Simon (fig. 3) reservoirs in the Herscher dome is less than originally anticipated, the total oper- ation will undoubtedly be economically successful. The total investment in the Herscher storage project as of August 31, 1960, was $32,240,864, including the cost of cushion gas but not of microwave installations and some minor items. The total cushion gas investment is $6,929,356, which includes $4,224,016 for the Galesville and $2, 705, 340 for the Mt. Simon. When these figures are compared with the 200 million dollars that would be required to build and equip another 30- inch pipeline from Texas (necessary to meet winter peak loads without storage), the advantage of the underground storage facilities is clearly evident. The location of the principal pipelines which bring gas from the Mid-Conti- nent and the Gulf Coast areas into Illinois is shown on the map (fig. 5). This map also shows the location of the Herscher and Cooks Mills gas storages and the future Mahomet gas storage with the pipeline connections to them. TROY GROVE GAS STORAGE FIELD Operator: Northern Illinois Gas Company. Location: LaSalle County, midway between Mendota and LaSalle and near Troy Grove . Geologic Investigations: The Northern Illinois Gas Company consulted the Illinois State Geological Survey in 1956 in regard to possible sites for under- ground gas storage in the northern part of Illinois. The available data suggested a search for a structural closure north of LaSalle along the axis of the LaSalle Anti- cline. Test core drilling that was begun in January 1957 gave data which defined the Troy Grove dome (fig. 6), an asymmetrical, east-west trending anticline with 120 feet of closure on the Cambrian. The top of the Mt. Simon Sandstone and two basal sandstones of the Eau Claire Formation overlying it are used for gas storage. Dense shales and argillaceous dolomites form the caprock over these sandstones. Tests of core samples indicated porosities in the storage sands ranging from 15 to 18 percent. Many samples of the caprock showed permeabilities below 10" millidarcies. The test drilling indicated the presence of several faults, four of which are shown in figures 6 and 7. The displacement ranges from 15 to 160 feet. In June 1958, the Illinois Commerce Commission issued a certificate of convenience and necessity authorizing Northern Illinois Gas Company to test and UNDERGROUND STORAGE OF NATURAL GAS Genoa City #| Genoa City #2 Mahomet PEOPLES GAS LIGHT AND COKE COMPANY COOKS MILLS n 'NATURAL GAS STORAGE CO. OF ^-L ILLINOIS x "NATURAL GAS I i/STORAGE CO OF ILLINOIS Fig. 5 - Portion of the state of Illinois showing location of pipelines of Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America, Natural Gas Storage Company of Illinois, and Peoples Gas Light and Coke Company. (Courtesy of Peoples Gas Light and Coke Company.) 10 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 318 R. I E. ^ Structure contour on top of the Mt. Simon sandstone; interval 50 ft., datum sea level ; -^ — Fault; A a' Line of x-sea Fig. 6 - Stmcture of top of the Mt. Simon Sandstone at the Troy Grove Storage project, LaSalle County, Illinois (by Northern Illinois Gas Company). develop the structure. Gas injection into the Mt. Simon Sandstone was started in July 1958. Withdrawal of gas on a test basis began in December 1959. Gas is brought for injection into the Troy Grove storage reservoir by a 16-inch diameter lateral pipeline running north from the Natural Gas Pipe Line Com- pany of America's trunk line near LaSalle. The working gas capacity of the storage sands is estimated to be 11 billion cubic feet and the cushion gas capacity 7 billion cubic feet, making a total capacity of 18 billion cubic feet. UNDERGROUND STORAGE OF NATURAL GAS I n m TV 11 North Fig, I MILE 7 - Cross section of Troy Grove aquifer (by Northern Illinois Gas Company) Observations at the wells on both sides of the east-west faults indicated that where sandstone is in contact with sandstone, migration takes place freely across the faults, but there was no indication of upward migration of gas along the faults. Thus, it appears that the Troy Grove dome will be an effective gas storage reservoir. MAHOMET DOME Operator : Peoples Gas Light and Coke Company, Chicago. Location: Western part of Champaign County. Geologic Investigations; In their search for structures suitable for under- ground storage of gas, the Union Hill Gas Company, a subsidiary of the Peoples Gas Light and Coke Company of Chicago, investigated parts of the LaSalle Anticli- nal Belt. In 1959 and 1960, they concentrated on an area between Mahomet and Gibson City. 12 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 318 The following is quoted from the testimony by a company geologist before the Illinois Commerce Commission: "The presence of a large anticlinal structure in the northwestern corner of Champaign County, Illinois, has been confirmed by a detailed exploration program recently conducted by Union Hill Gas Storage Company. The principal structural feature is a domal anticlinal fold with a north- south major axis and approximately 150 feet of closure. No evidence of faulting has been encountered and the asym- metry of the structure, viewed in an east-west direction, is a characteristic exhi- bited by most large subsurface folds in northern Illinois along the LaSalle Anticlinal Belt. "The St. Peter Formation, encountered at an average depth of 1600 feet, is a porous and permeable sand, overlain by impermeable limestones, and suitable for the storage of natural gas. R.6 E. R.7 E. R.8 E. Structure contour on top of St Peter Sandstone; interval 50 feet; datunn sea level . Fig. 8 - Structure of the St. Peter Sandstone at the Mahomet dome. Champaign County, Illinois (after map by Peoples Gas Light and Coke Company, Chicago) . UNDERGROUND STORAGE OF NATURAL GAS 13 "Underground storage of natural gas in the St. Peter Formation will in no way interfere with the local ground-water resources. No minable coals, minerals, nor commercial accumulations of either oil or natural gas have been encountered in any of the geological formations within the proposed storage area . " After several hearings, the Illinois Commerce Commission granted a certi- ficate of convenience and necessity to Peoples Gas Light and Coke Company in August 1950 to develop the structure for gas storage. Injection on a pilot scale is expected to begin in the spring of 1961 . COOKS MILLS STORAGE AREA Operator : Natural Gas Storage Company of Illinois Location: Part of Cooks Mills Consolidated Pool in Coles County, Illinois, Geologic Investigations; The Cook Mills Consolidated oil pool in Coles and Douglas Counties, Illinois, was discovered in 1941, but its major develop- ment did not take place until 1954. Oil and gas are produced from the Cypress, Aux Vases, and Spar Mountain Sandstones and from the Ste. Genevieve Limestone, all of Mississippian age. In one part of the field several wells produced gas from the Cypress, and the Natural Gas Storage Company of Illinois bought the storage rights and the gas in place. The domal structure in this area is shown in figure 9 and has been described by Whiting (1959). R. 7 W. ,e' CP Contour on base of Beech Creek ( Barlow) = top of Cypress ^ Gas injection and withdrawal well ; o Other well Fig. 9 - Part of Cooks Mills Consolidated pool (after map by Natural Gas Storage Company of Illinois, June 1960). 14 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 318 Use of the Cypress Sandstone reservoir for storage in the Cooks Mills area began in 1958. At the end of that year, the reservoir contained 775, 160 Mcf "top" storage gas and 993, 736 Mcf cushion gas, or a total of 1, 768, 896 Mcf. At the end of 1959, the reservoir contained 1, 003, 880 Mcf top and 993, 736 Mcf cushion gas. a total of 1,997,616 Mcf. At the end of 1960 the reservoir contained 2, 120, 373 Mcf. Peak daily withdrawal from the Cypress reservoir in the Cooks Mills field in 1960 was 29,284 Mcf. Table 5 gives monthly injections and withdrawals for the Cooks Mills field for the year 1959. TABLE 5 - COOKS MILLS GAS STORAGE, 1959 (in Mcf, as metered at 14.65 psia) Injection Withdrawal Inventory 1,768,896 1,585,521 1,200,932 821,004 821,004 821,004 1,026,254 1,417,146 1,791,592 1,852,608 1,997,616 1,997,616 1,997,616 December 1958 January 1959 February March April May June July August September October November December 205,250 390,892 374,446 90,826 145,008 183,375 384,589 379,928 29,810 Gas for Injection into the Cooks Mills storage reservoir is brought through a 20-inch lateral line, approximately 20 miles long, from the Natural Gas Pipe Line Company of America's 30-inch transmission line from Texas. The lateral also is used for withdrawal of gas from storage (see fig. 5). Table 6 gives a monthly summary of gas injections and withdrawals for 19 60. TABLE 6 - COOKS MILLS GAS STORAGE, I960 (in Mcf, as metered at 14.65 psia) Injection Withdrawal Inventory December 1959 1,997,616 January I960 - 240,511 1,957,105 February - 60,703 1,696,402 March - 909 1,695,493 April - 173 1,695,320 May - 78 1,695,242 June - 19 1,695,223 July 427,108 - 2,122,331 August - 16 2,122,315 September - 92 2,122,223 October - 377 2,121,846 November - 588 2,121,258 December - 885 2,120,373 UNDERGROUND STORAGE OF NATURAL GAS 15 CRESCENT CITY DOME Operator : Northern Illinois Gas Company. Location : Between Crescent City and Watseka, Livingston County. Geologic Investigations: Following an examination of well cuttings in the files of the Illinois State Geological Survey, Northern Illinois Gas Company com- missioned a gravity survey in Livingston County in the spring of 1959. A gravity anomaly was found just west of Watseka. In June 1959, a small drilling rig was R. 13 W. R. 12 W. Structure contour on top of St. Peter Sandstone; interval 50 feet; datum sea level Fig, 10 - Crescent City dome, Livingston County, Illinois (after map by Northern Illinois Gas Company, October 26, 1960). 15 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 318 moved into the area, and by February 1960 some 22 structure test wells had been completed, 20 of which penetrated the Galena Limestone. Further drilling was car- ried on until by October 26, 1960, about 70 structure test wells had been completed. A structure contour map of the Crescent City dome based on the data from drilling is shown in figure 10. During July, August, and September 1960, the Illinois Commerce Commission held four hearings on the application of the Northern Illinois Gas Company for a certificate of convenience and necessity to test, develop, operate, and maintain an underground gas storage operation in the Crescent City area, Livingston County. The case was still pending at the end of 1960. WAVERLY DOME Operator : Panhandle Eastern Pipeline Company. Location : Morgan County, Illinois, Southeast Township, T. 13 N., R. 8 W., Geologic Investigations : A structure map of Pennsylvanian strata in the vicinity of Jacksonville, published in 1923 (CoUingwood, fig. 2, p. 21) shows an anticlinal nose trending southwest-northeast in T. 12 N., R. 8 W. and R. 7 W. During succeeding years deeper drilling found some gas and oil shows in Devonian strata. The structure of the Waverly dome is shown in figure 11. In the early 1950's, the Panhandle Eastern Pipeline Company acquired gas storage rights and in 1954 began injecting gas into the St. Peter Sand stone, which in this area contains salt water. The record of amounts of gas injected by months and by years is shown in table 7 . TABLE 7 - WAVERLY GAS STORAGE INPUTS (In Mcf) 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 Jan. Feb. 22,043 March 90,236 April 178,589 65,243 304,492 May 474,908 87,169 232,521 June 555,877 33,796 85,328 197,988 July 529,266 84,081 199,866 186,775 Aug. 104,367 91,492 237,156 191,353 Sept. 149,766 122,210 201,495 182,842 Oct. 166,499 198,674 188,458 Nov. 64,705 180,216 148,212 Dec. 52,281 Total 1,992,773 562,783 1,307,428 1,744,920 Up to date, there is no record that any of the injected gas has been recov- ered. A certificate application for authority to conduct productivity testing opera- tions is in the hands of the Federal Power Commission. UNDERGROUND STORAGE OF NATURAL GAS 17 R. 8 W, R.7 W. •Structure contour on top of St. Peter Sandstone ; interval 20 feet ; datunn sea level Fig. 11 - Structure of the top of the St. Peter Sandstone, Waverly dome, Morgan County, Illinois (after map by Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line Company). 18 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 318 GILLESPIE GAS STORAGE FIELD TABLE 8 - GILLESPIE GAS STORAGE Operator: Illinois Power Company- Location^ About two miles east of Gillespie village, Macoupin County. History: The Gillespie Benld Gas Field was discovered in 1923 and was abandoned in 1935 after producing a total of approximately 136 million cubic feet of gas from a Pennsylvanian sandstone lens at the approximate depth of 540 feet. On September 9, 1958, the Illinois Commerce Commission granted to Illinois Power Company a certificate of convenience and necessity for the development, construc- tion, operation, and maintenance of a natural gas storage reservoir in the de- pleted gas field. The location of wells for injection and withdrawal of gas and the thickness of gas sand in each well are shown in figure 12 . The amounts of gas injected and withdrawn by months during 1960 are Total 37,126 29,998 given in table 8. The total amount of gas injected into the Gillespie storage reservoir in 1958 was 100,000 Mcf and for the year 1959 43, 531 Mcf. The amount withdrawn in 1959 was 10, 423 Mcf. The amount injected in 1960 was 37, 126 Mcf and the amount withdrawn was 29,998 Mcf. R. 6 W. Injected Withdrawn 1960 Mcf Mcf Jan. 1,031 1,164 Feb. 12,029 March 18,193 14,164 April 6,852 396 May 1,977 June July Aug. Sept. 933 Oct. 4,832 1,962 Nov. 24 Dec. 3,308 259 KEY ^ Gas well ^ Ab'd gas well -- Dry hole ^ — Thickness of gas sand, interval 5 ft. Fig. 12 - Gillespie gas storage field, Macoupin County, Illinois (after map by Illinois Power Company, August 28, 1957; revised September 8, 1960. UNDERGROUND STORAGE OF NATURAL GAS 19 ST . JACOB FIELD Operator: Mississippi River Fuel Corporation. Location: Southeast part of Madison County about 24 miles east of East St. Louis. History: The St. Jacob oil pool was discovered in 1942. Up to the end of 1959, some 53 producing wells had been drilled, of which 40 were still producing at the end of 1959. Production is from the Trenton Limestone at the approximate depth of 2260 feet. A structure map of the St. Jacob field is shown in figure 13 by contours on top of the Trenton Limestone. On the crest of the south dome the top of the St. Peter Sand- stone is at a depth of 2850 feet and is approximately 100 feet thick. Six wells have been drilled into the St. Peter Sandstone. Based on tests of cores, total storage cap- acity in the St. Peter reservoir in the south dome has been estimated at 33 billion cubic feet. The cap- acity of the north dome is less. An application for authori- zation to construct an 18-inch ser- vice pipeline, 95 miles long, from the Trunkline Gas pipeline at John- sonville to the St. Jacob storage field is before the Federal Power Commission. This line will conti- nue west from the storage field to St. Louis. It will connect with Illinois Power Company and Laclede Gas Company lines. Fig. 13 - St. Jacob gas storage field (after map by Mississippi River Fuel Corporation, January 25, 1960). Contour on top of Trenton Limestone, interval 50 feet, datum sea level 20 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 318 WATERLOO STORAGE FIELD Operator: Mississippi River Fuel Corporation. Location: Monroe County, 15 miles south of East St. Louis. History: The Waterloo oil pool was discovered in 1920 and was abandoned in 1930; production was from Trenton Limestone at the approximate depth of 410 feet. The pool was revived in 1939 and was converted to gas storage in 1951 . Eleven Injection and withdrawal wells, of which eight are in use, were drilled into the Roubidoux (New Richmond) and Gasconade (Oneota) Formations of Ordovician age to the depth of 1, 450 or 1, 500 feet. R. 10 W. Calculated area! extent of St. Peter gas bubble wtien storage is full to leak point. Colculoted area! extent of Roubidoux - Gasconade gas bubble wtien storage is full to leak point. KEY ^,^ Structure contour on top of St, Peter Sandstone, interval 50 ft., datum sec level. • Gas input ond withdrawal well. (•) Observation well. Fig. 14 - Waterloo field, Monroe County, Illinois (after map by Ball Associates, August 1957, by courtesy of Mississippi River Fuel Corporation). The structure Is a fairly sharp anticline trending slightly west of north with a closure of approximately 100 feet on the top of the St. Peter Sandstone (fig. 14). The succession of formations and their thicknesses are shown for a location on top of the structure by the following summary sample study log of a stratigraphlc test well: UNDERGROUND STORAGE OF NATURAL GAS 21 Mississippi River Fuel Corporation A-15 A. J. Theobald, SW-SE-SW, sec. 35, T. 1 S., R. lOW., Monroe County Drilled March 1952 No samples ORDOVICIAN SYSTEM Cincinnatian Series Maquoketa Formation Shale, dolomitic Dolomite, argillaceous Mohawkian Series Kimmswick Formation Limestone Dolomite, calcareous Decorah Formation Limestone, little sand and shale at base Plattin Formation Limestone, dolomitic, cherty Joachim Formation Limestone Dolomite, calcareous; little green shale Glenwood Formation Sandstone, shaly Chazy Series St. Peter Formation Sandstone Everton Formation Sandstone and dolomite interbedded Prairie du Chien (Canadian) series Powell (Shakopee) Formation Dolomite, sandy; little shale Cotter (Shakopee) Formation Dolomite, sandy Jefferson City (Shakopee-New Richmond) Formation Dolomite, cherty Roubidoux (New Richmond) Formation Dolomite, cherty, slightly sandy Gasconade-Van Buren (Oneota) Formation Dolomite, cherty CAMBRIAN SYSTEM St. Croixan Series Emminence (Trempealeau) Formation Dolomite, vuggy, cherty Potosi (Trempealeau) Formation Dolomite-vugs lined with quartz and calcite; some banded chert Derby- Doe Run (Franconia) Formation Dolomite, argillaceous Thickness (ft.) 200 17 125 325 135 Depth (ft.) 200 170 370 20 390 30 420 70 490 30 520 190 710 20 730 154 884 901 52 953 127 1080 156 1236 62 1298 60 1358 89 1447 358 1805 1930 2255 2390 86 2476 274 2750 17 11^1 11 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 318 Cambrian System, continued Davis (Franconia) Formation Dolomite, sandy; some shale and glauconite Bonne Terre (Eau Claire) Formation Dolomite, sandy, glauconitic PRECAMBRIAN Granite, red Total Depth 2767 At the beginning of 1959, 449,723 Mcf of gas was in storage. Total injected during 1959 was 1, 185, 904 Mcf and total withdrawn was 1, 160, 469 Mcf, with a net increase of gas in storage of 25, 435 Mcf. The maximum withdrawn in one day was 20, 614 Mcf. The amount of gas in storage at the end of 1960 was 206, 000 Mcf. The maximum pressure that could be used without leakage was 550 psi . Because of the small capacity of the reservoir, it was not practical for sea- sonal storage, but it serves a useful function for daily injections and withdrawals which take care of the night and day variations in demand. In this way, it serves in the manner of a surge tank. Gas for injection into the Waterloo storage field is brought from the com- pany's trunk pipeline, 1^ miles to the west, by a 6-inch pipeline. FREEBURG GAS STORAGE FIELD Operator : Illinois Power Company, 500 South 27th Street, Decatur, Illinois. Location: St. Clair County, eight miles southeast of Belleville. Geologic Information: The Freeburg pool was discovered in 1956 as a natur- al gas field with no commercial production. After a detailed drilling program, the Illinois Power Company exercised its option to purchase the gas in place and the storage rights . The exploration program included 21 core tests around the perimeter and the drilling of 24 wells which were completed in a manner that would permit their use as injection or producing wells. These wells provided the basic data necessary to estimate the amount of gas in place and the feasibility of underground storage. An additional 44 wells were drilled during 1959'and I960 and completed in a similar manner to finish the development program. Five observation wells were drilled around the perimeter of the storage area during this period for a total of 68 service wells and five observation wells in the entire project. The gas reservoir is the Cypress sand, which is of the Chester Group and Mississippian in age. The local structure of the sand body is monoclinal, shaling out to the north, west, and south. The usual regional dip to the east is present as the sand thickens and becomes saturated with water. The maximum thickness of the Cypress sand In the gas productive area of some 2,400 acres is 47 feet and the top is 308 feet from the surface at its highest point. The "caprock" or barrier to migration of oil is a 16- to 28-foot shale between the top of the Cypress Sandstone and the bottom of the Barlow Limestone. The open-flow potential of the wells has averaged 2,000 Mcf per day with a maximum of 4,500 Mcf per day. The bottom-hole pressure was 165 psi. The volume of gas in place, reduced to atmospheric pressure, was estimated to be 6,400,000 Mcf. Figure 15 is a contour map of the base of the Beech Creek (Barlow) Lime- stone (Meents, 1959). UNDERGROUND STORAGE OF NATURAL GAS 23 R 7 W ^ Gas well -O- Plugged, coal mine stripping -d^ Dry hole ^ ^ ^ ^ 1^ * ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ > ^ ^ ^ * * ^ -^ ^ A 36 31 ^ ^ ^ ^ -<^ ■^ Gas well -^ Dry hole Fig. 16 - Tilden North field, gas storage in lenticular Cypress Sandstone. (Data from Illinois Power Company, August 1955). 26 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 31 The gas reservoir is the Cypress sand, which is of the Chester Group and Mississippian in age. The local structure is monoclinal with a shale-out to the north, west, and south. The sand body has the usual regional dip to the east and becomes water saturated. Within the present projected storage area of about 500 acres the Cypress has a maximum thickness of 33 feet and is 785 feet from the surface at its highest point. The "caprock" or migration barrier is the shale body between the top of the Cypress and the bottom of the Barlow Limestone. The average thickness of this formation is 20 feet. The open-flow potential, at the bottom-hole pressure of 330 psi, has aver- aged 6,000 Mcf per day with a maximum of 11,500 Mcf. Since the project is still under development, the amount of gas in place has not yet been determined. Figure 16 is a map of the Tilden North storage area showing the location of injection and withdrawal wells in the Cypress Formation. R. 6 W. R. 5 W. o Structure test ^ Gas well ^ Abandoned gas well -^ Dry hole Fig, 17 - Structure of top of Cypress Sandstone In Tilden North field in St. Clair, Washington, and Randolph Counties, Illinois (after map by James A. Lewis Engineering, Inc.). Operation: When operation of the project is begun, it is expected that 15, 000 Mcf per day will be injected at 360 psi. The ultimate withdrawal rate is estimated to be 30, 000 Mcf per day. In addition to the field gathering and injection system, and dehydrating and compressing facilities, 15 miles of 16-inch line will be laid from North Tilden to the Freeburg field. This will allow the use of the new Belleville-Freeburg line to serve the North Tilden operation. The total investment in the North Tilden project is expected to be some $4,500,000 and will have about the same economic justification as the Freeburg proj ect . UNDERGROUND STORAGE OF NATURAL GAS 27 REFERENCES Athy, L. F., 1928, Geology and mineral resources of the Herscher Quadrangle: Illinois Gaol. Survey Bull, 85, 120 p. CoUingwood, D. M., 1923, Oil and gas development in the vicinity of Jacksonville: Illinois Gaol. Survey Bull, 44B, 30 p, Meents, Wayne F., 1959, Freeburg gas pool, St. Clair County, Illinois: Illinois Geol. Survey Circ. 272, Natural Gas Storage Company of Illinois, 1957, The story of the Herscher dome: Nat. Gas Storage Co. of Illinois. Whiting, Lester L., 1959, Spar Mountain Sandstone in Cooks Mills area. Coles and Douglas Counties, Illinois: Illinois Geol. Survey Circ. 267. Illinois State Geological Survey Circular 318 27 p., 17 figs., 9 tables, 1961 CIRCULAR 318 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY URBANA