‘ g§ 7 > fp!4 j3j(? ins* BOOKS ADDED TO THE Public Library IN 1902 asjfe ^(s. •,£% Y&HL \S. 5»li?. t M"V : 3 Nvir Q~ coo'' cri rll£ (In Circling Camps. ( (a) Soldier of Manhattan. Abbott, Lyman—The Rights of Man Adams, Mary—The Confessions of a Wife Agassiz, Louis—How to Study Natural History. Altsheler, J. A. Atherton, G. F.—The Conqueror. Ball, R. S.—Starland. Bangs, C. E. and Armstrong, L.—Life of Roosevelt. i T7- ( Coffee and Repartee. «angs, J. | Olympian Nights. Banks, N. H. Barr, A. E.— -Oldfield. ( Feet of Clay. < Friend Olivia. ( Trinity Bells. ( Gentlemen, The King. (In the Midst of Alarms. ((a) Heroine in Homespun. I Pine Knot. Barr, Robt. Barton, W. E Bell, Lilian—Abroad With the Jimmies. Blanchan, Neltje- j [Vow toTttrart the Birds. Bolton, S. K.—Famous Types of Womanhood. Boylan, G. D.—The Kiss of Glory. Brady, C. T.—Hohenzolern. Brady, J. E.—Tales of the Telegraph. Brown, H. D.—The Petrie Estate. Brownell, W. C.—Victorian Prose Masters. Bunner, H. C.—The Runaway Browns. Burnham, C. L.—The Right Princess. Burnett, F. H.—The Methods of Lady Waldenhurst. Buxton, A. J. and Poynter, E. J.—German, Flemish and Dutch Paintings. Cable, G. W.—Bylow Hill. Carson, W. 1L—Hester Blair. (Sir Godfrey’s Grand-daughter. Carey, R. N.— ] The Highway of Fate. ( Mollie’s Prince. Carling, J. R.—The Shadow of the Czar. Castle, A. and E.—The Secret Orchard. Catherwood, M. H —Lazarre. The King in Yellow. Loraine. Chambers, R. W.— The Haunts of Men. Smith’s Battery. The Maid-at-Arms. Channing, B. M.—Winnifred West. Charles, Frances—In the Country God Forgot. i o m p .1./^ 382 Washington, B. T.—Up from Slavery. Weaver— i The Heart of the-World, vv eaver ^ Lives and Graves of Our Presidents. Merwin, Webster- { ^e'shortLine War. Wells, E. W.—Her Ladyship’s Elephant. Wetmore, C. H.—Sweepers of the Sea. Weyman, S. J.—A Gentleman of France. Wharton, Edith—The Valley of Decision. \\t y.;. 0 o t? _( The Blazed Trail. yvmteo. ii.. | The Claim Jumpers. White, E. O.—John Forsyth’s Aunts. Wiggins, K. D.—The Diary of a Goose Girl. Williams, J. L.—Adventures of a Freshman. Wilson, H. L.—The Spenders. w . + ._ T Q ( The Binks Family, winter, j. o. | ^ Name to Conjure With. Wister, Owen—The Virginian. Wright, M. T.—The Aliens. JUVENILE. Lady Lee. A Prisoner in Buff. A Loyal Little Red Coat. The Big Horn Treasure. The Talking Handkerchief. Pathfinder of the Revolution. A Son of Satsuma. A Boy in Early Virginia With Taylor on the Rio Grande. Two Little Knights of Ken¬ tucky. Comodore Junk. Fun with Magic. Two Boys in the Blue Ridge. On the Kentucky Frontier. The Lost gold of the Monte- zumas. Christopher Columbus. The Cruise of the Snowbird. In the Wyoming Valley. Old Fort Schuyler. Larry Hudson’s Ambition. Captain John Crane. Rescued by a Prince. Galophoff. Laurie Vane. For the Liberty of Texas. Mother Carey’s Chickens. The Little Colonel. Prince Dusty. The Prairie Schooner. Big Cypress. Off to Klondyke. The Secret of the Black Butte. With the Swamp Fox. The Boat Club. Aunt Martha’s Corner Cup¬ board. With the Regulators. 0' Crawford, F. M. Churchill, Winston—The Celebrity. Clark, F. B.—Katherine’s Experiment. Clemmens, S. L.— A Double Barrelled Detective Story. Clouston, J. S.—The Lunatic at Large, Corson, Hiram—Introduction to the Study of Shakespeare. Cram, G. F.—Minette. C Rules of the South. (Cecelia. Crockett, S. R.—The Red Axe. Custer, Mrs. Elizabeth—Following the Guidon. Dahn, Felix—A Captive of the Roman Eagles. Dante, Alighieri—Divine Comedy. Daudet, Alphonse—Tartarin of Tarascon. ( Captain Macklin. Davis, Richard H.-^ < In the Fog. (Ranson’s Folly. Dawson, W. J.—Literary Leaders of Modern England. Dearborn, Malcolm—Lionel Arden. Derthick, W. M.—Studies in Musical History. Dickson, Harris—The Siege of the Lady Resolute. Dix, B. M.—The Making of Christopher Farringham. Dix, Thomas -The Leopard’s Spots. Douglas, Amanda—Seven Daughters. Dowden, Edward—Study of Mind and Art of Shakespeare. ( The Captain of The Pole Star. Doyle, A. C.— ■< The Hound of the Baskervilles. (Strange Secrets. Dye, E. E.—The Conquest. Ffiwarf]* H s $ Sons and fathers. ^awards ± 1 . &.— | Xhe Marbea u Cousins. Eggleston, Edward—The Circuit Rider. Eggleston G. C.-{ ACarofinaCavalier. Ellis, J. B.—The Holland Wolves. Elson, L. C.—The Theory of Music. Evans, J. A.—The Speckled Bird. Fane, F. G.—Richard Wyndham. Ferguson, James—History of Architecture. Field, Roswell—The Romance of an Old Fool. Fiske, John—New France and New England. Flynt, Josiah—The Little Brother. Ford, Paul L. Fossland, M. L.—The story of Sarah. Borderlands. Well fields. ( Tattle Tales of Cupid. ( The House Party. Fathergill, Jessie— j Green, A. K.— Frederic, Harold—The Market Place. Fuller, Anna—A Literary Courtship. (Jason Edwards. Garland, Hamlin— < Captain of the Gray-Horse Troop. ( Her Mountain Lover. Gaye, Selina—The Great World’s Farm. Gibbons, W. F.—Those Black Diamond Men. ( The Descendant. Glascow, Ellen— ■< The Battleground. ( Phases of an inferior Planet. Goodloe, A. C. -College Girls. Goodwin, M. W.—Flint. Goss, C. F.—The Loom of Life. Grey, Maxwell—Four-leaved Clover. 'A Circular Study. Marked Personal. The-Leavenworth Case. The Mill Mystery. Hand, Rev. J.—Good Citizenship. Hapgood, I. F.—A Survey of Russian Literature. Harland, Marian {^Kuntry. Harland, Henry—The Lady Paramount. Harris, J. C.—Gabriel Tolliver. Harris, M. C.—The Southerlands. Harte, Bret—Openings in the Old Trail. Higgins, Elizabeth—Out of the West. Hill, J. A.—Stories of the Railroad. Hillis, N. D.—The Quest of Happiness. Holley, Marietta—Samantha at Saratoga. Hope, Anthony—Intrusions of Peggy. Hosmer, J. K.—Short History of the Mississippi Valley. Hotchkiss, C. C.—Betsy Ross. TTrvno-h ( The Girl at the Half-way House, nougn, xl.. ^ T 1 he Mississippi Bubble. Howells, W. D.—The Kentons. t t ( Scientific Demonstration of Future Life, nuason, i. j . ^ Divine Pedigree of Man. Jackson, G. E.—Caps and Capers. Tacobs W W — $ The Skipper’s Wooing. Jacobs, w. vv. | At Sumvich PorL lames Henrv i Dais y Miller - james, nenrj — ^ The Awkward Age . Tampson Anna $ Sacred and Legendary Art. Jameson, Anna— | y hakeS peare’s Heroines. Johnson, Mrs. Clark—Her College Days. Johnston, Mary—Audrey. ( Joy,J. Keightley, S. Marsh, C. L.— R.—Ten Englishmen of the Nineteenth Century. T> ( The Last Recruit of Clare’s. ( The Silver Cross. ( Captain Close and Sergeant Croesus. King, Gen. Chas.— ] In Spite of Foes. ( A Trooper Galahad. Kirke, E. O.—A remedy for Love. Lighton, W. R.—Lewis V. Clark. Lidjencrantz, O. A.—The Thrall of I^ief the Lucky. Long. J. L.—Naughty Nan^ Marquand, Allen—A History of Sculpture. McCutcheon, G. B.—Castle Craneycrow. McCall, Sidney—Truth Dexter. McGowan, Alice—The Last Word. Magruder, Julia—A Sunny Southerner. Major, Charles—Dorothy Vernon of Hadden Hall. Manning, Marie—Lord Alingham, Bankrupt. . Marchmont, A. W.—In the Name of a Woman. ( Opening the Oyster. ( A Gentleman Juror. Mason O T — i Origin of Inventions, mason, u. i. | Woman’s Share in Primitive Culture. Merrick. C. E.—Old Times in Dixie Land. Miller, Hugh—The Cruise of the Betsy. Mitchell S w __ $ Circumstance. Mitcnen, s. tv . { The Autobiography ot a Quack. j Wild Kitty. (Betty a School-girl. Merwin, Samuel—The Road to Frontenac. Morris, Clara—The Pasteboard Crown. Morris, Gouveneur—Tom Beuling. Moulton, R. G.—Shakespeare as a Dramatic Artist. Munn, C. C.—Rockhaven. Murray, D. C.—A Rogue’s Conscience. Norris Frank— $ The Octupus. jn orris, riank | McTeague. Oppenheim, E. P.—A Sleeping Memory. ( The Van Dwellers. Paine, A. B.— < The Bread Line. ( One Before. -Captain of Industry. —Red Saunders. ( Blennerhassett. ( Stephen Holten. Porter, Noah—Science and Sentiment. Post, W. K.—Smith Brunt. Mead, L. T.— Parton, James- Phillips, H. W. Pidgin, C. F.— Reid, Mayne—The Desert Home. Riis, .Jacob—The Making of An American. Rives, H. E.—Hearts Courageous. Robertson, Harrison—The Opponents. Roosevelt, Theodore—Episodes from Winning of the West. Rose, Joshua—Practical Machinist. Rouse, A. L.—Under My Own Roof. Russel, W. C —What Cheer? Sage, William—The Claybornes. Sand, George—Mauprat. Sands, B. F.—From Reefer to Rear Admiral. Sedge wick, A. D.- (The Rescue. ( The Confounding of Camelia. Shakespeare, W.—Complete works with notes, 13 Yol. Shaler, Nathaniel—The Individual. Shelly, P. B.—Poems. Smith, F. H.—The Fortunes of Oliver Horn. Snider, D. J.—The Shakespearian Drama. Sparks. E. E.—Expansion of the American People. Snparman F H _ \ The Nerve of Foley. Spearman, t. n. } Doctor Bryson. Spears, J. R.—The American Slave Trade. stpwart r o 5 The Eternal Quest. Stewart, j. u. | VV i ne on the Lees. _ C An Enemy t>the King. ( The Road to Paris. The Sentimental Calender. (The Associated Hermits. Stockton, F. R.— •< Kate Bonnet. _ ( The Lady or the Tiger. Sutcliffe, Halliwell—Mistress Barbara. Tapper, Thomas—Chats with Music Students. Tarkington, Booth—The Two Vanrevels. Beck’s Fortune. Stephens, R. N Stinson, F. J.- Thompson, A. E.— j Thurston, L. M. Brave Heart Elizabeth. C Mistress Brent. ( A Girl of Virginia. Torrey, Bradford—Everyday Birds. Turgot,—Formation and Distribution of Riches. Tyman, Katharine—That Sweet Enemy. ( The Orcutt Girls. ( Sue Orcutt. ( The Blue Flower. { The Ruling Passion. Verne, .Jules—The Castle of the Carpathians. Baroness. Vaile, C. M.- V an Dyke, Henry- Van Hutton -1 Our Lady of the Beeches. V Folly in Fairyland. Lady Green Satin. Patience Wins. The Cruise of the Enterprise. The Voy age of the Rattletrap. The Wampum Belt. Master of Men. The Half-back. The Cornet of Horse. In the Reign of Terror. The Y oung Scout. True Bear Stories. In the Navy. The Cabin in the Clearing. Adventures of Joel Pepper. Stories Polly Pepper Told. Cinderella. Marching on Niagara. The Flight of Pony Baker. Mopsa the Fairy. A Runaway Brig. Tom Sawyer. Five Little Peppers. Five Little Peppers Abroad. Patty and Her Pitcher. In the Camp of Cornwallis. A Captured Santa Claus. Corporal Lige’s Recruit. True Blue. Lost on the Oronoco. Neighbors of Field, Wood and Stream. A Year in a Yawl. Rick Dale. Tommy Toddles. Dickey Downey. By England’s Aid. The Dragon and the Raven. The Sleepy King. Inland Waterways. Randy and Her Friends. Five Little Peppers Midway. On the Trail of Geronimo. Out-door land. Pickett’s Gap. Beasts of the Field. Naughty Miss Bunny. Young and Old Puritans of Hatfield. Phronsie Pepper. Five Little Peppers Grown Up* Boy’s Book of Explorations. Under Colonial Colors. \