THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY 332 B875 v;8 h ^'%'/'' t\^^ k "M- 1' n^ ■ <'* •'^; L. '''- .' .* ^ ,**^.- > 3 "^ ^1^ f ' li/^S' ,'^/ V.^^1 4. .Mf$^'*^^>V^ AT LETTER TO THE RIGHT HOx\. ROBERT PEEL, M. P. FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD, ON THE PERNICIOUS EFFECTS OF A VARIABLE STANDARD OF VALUE, ESPECIALLY AS IT REGARDS THE CONDITION OF THE LOWER ORDERS AND THE POOR LAWS. BY ONE OF HIS CONSTITUENTS. Laissez nousfaire. SECOND EDITION. OXFORD, PRINTED FOR JOHN MURRAY^ ALBEMARLE-8TREET, LONDON. 1819. BAXTER, PRINTBK, OXFORD. LETTER, Sfc. SIR, In addressing to you these remarks upon the state of our currency, and its connexion with some of the most important interests of so- ciety, I have presumed partly on the political re- lation now subsisting between us, but still more on the manliness and candour which your parliament- ary conduct has always exhibited, and which assures me that I shall obtain one reader at least who will think for himself, and who will not fear, upon a great practical question, to declare what he thinks, how- ever adverse his opinions may be to those whose general Hue of politics he approves. Another mo- tive for this choice is, that the sanction of such a name will probably engage the attention of many readers for whom the subject itself has few attrac- tions, or who think perhaps that the discussion it has undergone is already complete, and that no addi- tional Hght can now be thrown upon it. To such rea- soners I have only to point out the simple fact, that the present Chancellor of the Exchequer maintains doctrines which are at variance with writers hitherto regarded as the greatest authorities in political economy — that this controversy still subsists be- tween his published opinions and theirs — and that his practical measures are still regulated by the opinions he has avowed. Unless therefore we are prepared to abandon these authorities, and adopt a new theory of money, we must regard the ques- tion as one still undetermined, and considering its deep and universal interest, deserving of the most careful investigation. Before I proceed however to lay before you the view I have taken of this important subject, I must be permitted to observe, that the didactic ^ir which may appear in some of these statements, unsuitable as it is to the epistolary form, and par- ticularly as addressed to one who is himself far superior to the writer in political experience and knowledge, is yet almost inseparable from the me- thod of inquiry here pursued. When first prin- ciples are brought in question, it is necessary to explain and vindicate the very elements of the science: at any rate it is impossible satisfactorily to maintain an argument on practical measures without pointing out the dependency of our posi- tions on those first principles which are generally received as true. In the discussion which has hitherto taken place, in and out of Parliament, the advocates of our present financial system have sometimes adopted one, sometimes another of these methods. At one time they deny the funda- mental principles alledged by their opponents— at another they dispute the connexion between the cases adduced and those principles — but still oftener do they seek to involve the question in darkness and mystery, by bringing forward facts, apparently at variance with those principles, and leaving their adversaries to account for them — thus playing a safer part than if they openly denied the principles themselves ; and by a trick of so- phistry, throwing a discredit upon their adversary, because he cannot at the moment either disprove the facts, or reconcile them at once with his own theory. To this latter practice I shall particularly advert in the sequel ; conceiving, as I do, that it is highly disingenuous, and unworthy of the station and cha- racter of those who frequently resort to it. Every one knows how difficult it is to make the generality of men, especially of men who are engaged, as all are more or less, in practical dealings, contemplate (juestions of this kind steadily and impartially. A B 2 considerable effort is necessary to enable them to abstract these ideas from the crowd of adventitious circumstances in which they are always enveloped, and still more from the personal interests involved in them. And when this end is accomplished for a time, and the truth is perceived and acknow- ledged, how soon is the attention exhausted, and the mind returns with pleasure to that state of slovenly repose in which we are too apt to indulge, unless when excited by considerations of interest or duty. If it be true even in morals that Our better mind Is but a Sunday's garment, then put on When we have nought to do, but at our work We wear a worse for thrift, still more natural is it, in matters which belong rather to the province of intellect than of moral duty, that the purer speculations of science should be of rare occurrence and short-lived. Those ex- traneous particulars which have by a laborious pro- cess been separated in order to exhibit the main ingredient in its unmixed form, soon rush together and become blended as intimately as before, when the scientific purpose is answered, and the power- ful test which had expelled them is withdrawn. There is then a strong and constant tendency in the public mind to this confusion of the simple elements of science in the practical concerns of life : and it is painful to see the authority of men high in station employed not to correct these errors, but to sanction and confirm them. Independently of the actual mischief flowing from the errors themselves, one may be allowed, with- out incurring the charge of Quixotic enthusiasm, to lament that the cause of truth itself should be thus exposed to unexpected difficulties— difficulties not of the ordinary kind arising out of the pre- judices and ignorance of the vulgar, but from the influence of men of talent and reputation ; whose aid one might rather have anticipated in behalf of reason against prejudice. That the opposite course should have been pur- sued and should have prevailed, I can only account for, by considering the nature of the Cause in support of which these financial doctrines were first avowed, and the political hostility to that cause which was declared by many of their adversaries. Whatever my own opinion of the doctrines may be, it certainly does not arise from any disappro- bation of the policy then pursued, nor from any leaning towards the foreign politics of its oppo- nents. On the contrary, if that cause had required much greater pecuniary sacrifices from this nation than have been made, according to my judgment it was well worth them all. The nation, I believe. 6 would have cheerfully borne more : and now that the contest has been brought to a glorious issue, they would have looked back with pride instead of regret on the exertions it had cost them. But on this very account. I lament that sophistry and de- lusion should have been employed to effect that for which the simple truth was alone sufficient. The cause was worthy of better means : and to the credit of the late Mr. Perceval it should be ob- served, that he always grounded the obnoxious mea- sure of a forced paper currency, not as his succes- sor in office has done, upon the denial of all the soundest maxims of political economy, but on the necessity of the measure in order to sustain the conflict in which we were then engaged. This ground is intelligible and manly. It admits the departure from established principles, but defends it as the means of avoiding a greater evil. The choice is thus fairly placed before the country : and by the very mode of stating the case, it is at least implied that when the emergency is past, there will be an end also of those irregular pro- ceedings to which it gave birth. Had this ground been steadily maintained, the country would have had the satisfaction of doing that generously, which they have now been told was no sacrifice at all. They might have indulged an honest pride in facing the difficulties of their situation with their eyes open, instead of yielding to representations Which disguised the danger, which insulted the un- derstanding of the wise, and deprived even the ig- norant of the credit of making a voluntary tribute to so great a cause. It is an old reflection, that men submit cheer- fully to irregular acts of power which they regard as necessary, but not to injustice under colour of right. A reflection which Lord Clarendon follows up by some judicious remarks on the effect of that unwise as well as unjust decision of the twelve judges in the case of Ship-money. " That pressure,'* he observes, " was borne with much more cheer- ** fulness before the judgment for the king, than " ever it was after: men before pleasing themselves " with doing somewhat for the king's service, as a " testimony of their affection, which they were not " bound to do ; many really believing the neces- " sity, and therefore thinking the burden reason- " able ; others observing, that the advantage to the " king was of importance, when the damage to " them was not considerable ; and all assuring " themselves, that when they should be weary, or " unwilling to continue the payment, they might " resort to the law for relief, and find it. But " when they heard this demanded in a court of " law, as a right, and found it by sworn judges " of the law adjudged so, upon mirk grounds and 8 " reasons as every slander-by was able to swear " ivas not laiv, and so had lost the pleasure and *' delight of being kind and dutiful to the king; and *' instead of giving, were required to pay, and by a " logic that left no man any thing which he might ^' call his own, they no more looked upon it as " the case of one man, but the case of the king- " dom, nor as an imposition laid upon them by the " king, but by the judges ; which they thought " themselves bound in conscience to the public " justice not to submit to." How far this memorable case bears upon the question before us, as a perversion of law, I shall explain hereafter. Even under that view of it there appear to me to be no slight grounds of alarm in the language which the Chancellor of the Exchequer has thought fit to hold : — but at present I would point out more particularly the close analogy sub- sisting between his perversion oi reason and their perversion of law, in support of a measure of state, and the corresponding effect naturally produced in the minds of all those who watch the proceeding. For myself, I could not more correctly describe the feeling excited by his speeches and the votes of Parliament which followed upon them, than by adopting the words of the eloquent historian just cited. And the more the subject is examined, the more, I am perfiuaded, will the public feel the ne- 9 cessity of some explicit disavowal, on the part of Government, of such pernicious doctrines. It will be my endeavour, in the latter part of this Letter, to exhibit with as much conciseness as is consistent with perspicuity, the several tenets which Mr. Vansittart has maintained on the sub- ject of our currency, in opposition not only to his Parliamentary adversaries, but to the ablest writers, whose opinions have been universally adopted throughout Europe ; and more especially to analyze the reasoning by which his measures have been supported. But it will be expedient in the first place to premise some observations, on the im- portance of this subject — on its intimate connection with our laws, our morals, our religion, in short, with every constituent of social welfare and hap- piness. It is, I fear, but too common to regard a question of finance as important only to the public transactions or to the foreign commerce of the country : and people in general are apt to turn a deaf ear to discussions in which they fancy they have no immediate interest. Financial pamphlets, it has become familiar to remark, produce no im- pression on the public mind. It is on this well- known fact that our finance minister seems prin- cipally to rely for the success of his measures. For if once the generality of people of education could be persuaded that they affect all the most 10 valuable interests of life — that there is really no mystery in the thing itself, (for after all it is only a question of simple arithmetic, and the whole difficulty consists in preserving an exact method, and clearing away irrelevant matter which obstructs the view, while the art of him who is in the wrong on a question of accounts consists in embarrassing and confounding the question and hiding the simple truth,) they would doubtless ex- ercise that independence of mind for which our country is justly celebrated, and compel by the in- fluence of public opinion that deference to truth and justice, which is so conspicuous in every other branch of our public administration. It happens unfortunately too for such enquiries, that men are apt to overlook the simplest and most fundamental truths, merely because they are elementary. The successive improvements which are engrafted on the rude elements of any art, by degrees engross all their attention, and impede rather than assist the view, in case any derange- ment or unexpected difficulty should occur which calls for an examination of first principles. Dex- terity in practice is by no means a criterion of well-grounded knowledge. It is often acquired by the very neglect of that knowledge ; the attention which such knowledge demands being profitably transferred to the rapid execution of measures 11 really but not apparently connected with it. Thus in all improved machinery, the operation would be retarded if the workmen were continually reflect- ing on the several principles of its construction, and the connexion they have with the ultimate effects produced. There is in fact no motive for such mental exertion, and the end being not only as well but even more expeditiously attained with- out it, it soon is not only disregarded as useless, but despised as pedantic. Hence it is that practical men are of all others least qualified to judge of new and unforeseen cases. Habit has already with them superseded reflection : they come to the consideration with minds preoccupied : and if be- sides this their interests are involved, as they al- ways are to a certain degree, in the question, there is hardly any hope of a fair and impartial judg- ment : for even the propositions of Euclid, says a philosophical writer, would become subjects of con- troversy, if the passions and interests of mankind were affected by the result. Notwithstanding, however, this prejudice in fa- vour of practical opinions as opposed to theory, I will venture to premise a few of the established positions, however trite, on which the subsequent reasoning is founded. The great importance of a permanent standard, as the instrument of commerce, as a common c2 12 measure, by which the value of all commodities may be expressed, no one denies. Certain pro- perties in what we call the precious metals seem to have determined all mankind, from the earliest ages, to adopt them in preference to other things for this purpose. Besides their intrinsic value as articles of luxury, they unite the requisites of being portable, divisible, imperishable, distinguishable, in a higher degree than any other substance. Their quantity also is moderate, and not easily increased : and hence arises that main property of being less subject to variation in value than other commodities. That they also are variable, as well as other things, but in a much less degree, was long ago observed by a profound and accurate writer ^ This circumstance, arising in the world at large from the indefinite increase in quantity to which they are liable, disqualifies them indeed for being a perfect instrument, but still leaves them by far the best that can be employed for that use : and the universal concurrence of mankind is deci- sive testimony to this point. Their variation in value in particular countries is of course owing to the fluctuations of demand and supply, an evil which has always a tendency to correct itself — and r * n«(r^£< |ttev ei/v km) tSto to uvri' is yig ui) l^M)i. Arist. Eth. Nicom. lib. v. cap. 5. 13 which can never be excessive or even considerable where mutual intercourse is uninterrupted. It should here be observed, that admitting the continual production of these metals to exceed the wear and tear and loss and secretion, yet it by no means follows that an absolute increase in quantity would lessen their value. The principal demand for them being for the purpose of money, in pro- portion as mankind multiply and commerce is ex- tended, this demand will be increased. It may often exceed the supply, and thus raise their value, as seems to have been the case for two or three centuries before the discovery of America ; and even now, if the art of commerce had not been improved by the institution of banks, and the great extension of credit, the annual supply from America would probably have fallen far short of the increased demand, in consequence of the spread of civilized population over the face of the globe, and the great increase of it in old countries. The rapid depreciation of these metals after the working of the mines in South America has be- come a matter of trite remark. But there are cir- cumstances attending it, more instructive and more deserving the attention of a practical statesman than the fact itself. I mean, the backwardness of mankind in perceiving this fact, their unwillingness to allow it, their proneness to account for the 14 change of prices by every other cause than the true one, the consequent unfairness and inequality in all contracts made for a length of time, the dis- turbance caused in the several relations of society, the hardships and depressions of some, the ruin of others, the difficulties thrown in the way of adjust- ment, and the discord, reproach, vexation, and anxiety which was thus spread through every de- partment of life. Whoever is conversant with the history of those times, especially with that branch of history which enters into the detail of life and manners, must have had frequent opportunities of verifying these remarks. They abound with complaints of the increased dearness of provisions, and of all the necessaries of life — of the rapacity of landlords, the exactions of the clergy, the sufferings of the poor, the pressure of public burdens, the extravagant demands of all men for higher prices and for an increase of wages. Even the literature of the time, and the records of all our ancient institutions, teem with incidental notices to the same effect. The following passage from a sermon of Bishop Latimer's may be taken as a specimen of the mode of thinking on these matters, which continued till the end of Queen Elizabeth's reign, about the close of which the progress of depreciation received a check, continuing nevertheless with a slow and 15 scarcely perceptible pace through the whole of the next century. " Without too much we can get nothing. As " for example, the phisition. If the poore man " be diseased, he can have no help without too " much : and of the lawyer, the poore man can get *' no counsell, expedition, nor helpe in his matter, ** except he give him too much. At marchaunts *' handes, no kind of ware can be had, except we " give for it too much. You landlords, you " rentraisers, I may say, you steplordes, you un- *' naturall lordes, you have for your possessions " yearely too much. For that heere before went " for 20/. or 40/. by yeare, (which is an honest " portion to bee had gratis in one lordshippe, of " another man's sweate and labour,) now it is let ** for 50 or 100 pound by yeare. Of this too much " commeth this monsterous and portentuous dearth " made by man, notwithstanding God doth send " us plentifully the fruites of the earth mercifully, *' contrary unto our desertes. Notwithstanding " too much, which these rich men have, causeth " such dearth, that poore men (which live of their " labour) cannot with the sweate of their face have " a living, all kinde of victuals is so deare, pigs, " geese, capons, chickens, egges, &c. These " thinges with other are so unreasonably en- " haunsed : and I think verily, that if this con- 16^ ** tinue, we shall at length be constrained to pay *• for a pigge a pound." We may sniile at the simplicity of this preacher, and talk of the comparative ignorance of that age : but the same effect precisely has been produced by the same cause in our own times, and is invariably produced whenever the value of money has under- gone a rapid change. Man is naturally an egotist. He classes, and estimates, and speaks of objects re- latively to himself. Experience by degrees enables us to combine facts, and to correct one observation by another: but few who are busily engaged in action attempt this : their impressions are formed at the moment, and from these hasty inconsiderate impressions habits of thinking and speaking arise, which at length become inveterate, and are too stubborn for correction : and it is not till we take our stand at such a distance as to be no way af- fected ourselves by the objects we contemplate, that their true relation amongst each other is discerned. Thus even in the year 1773, when Dr. Johnson travelled through the Highlands, he observes that the people every where complain of the rapacity of landlords, and the increasing dearness of pro- visions, and of all articles of trade. Men will, he remarks, persist in regarding money as the fixed commodity, and all other things as variable ; 17 whereas when a change of price like this gra- dually pervades the market, it is plain that the standard is variable, and not the things which are measured by it, which keep for the most part their relative values as measured by each other unchanged. The change of value which Dr. Johnson ob- served in 1773 has been advancing regularly ever since, and during the last twenty years with in- creased velocity. Tliis is a fact placed beyond dis- pute. Of the latter period I forbear at present to speak, because the depreciation of our currency, as peculiar to this country, is still disputed: and to the consideration of that point I shall proceed, when other preliminary matters are dispatched. But down to the commencement of the war in 1793, a progressive depreciation of money had been perceptible, shewing itself in a rise of prices, and increase of rents, with the usual accompani- ment of complaints at the growing avarice, ex- tortion, and greediness of all classes of men. Of the cause of this depreciation in our own age, so strikingly parallel in its effects on society with that of the sixteenth century, it may be as well here to say a few words : and a few words, I trust, will be sufficient to explain it. That a vast in- crease of the circulating medium lessens the value of any given part of that medium is universally admitted : and hence we account for the former 18 depreciation by the increased supply of the pre- cious metals from the mines of America. Now about the middle of the eighteenth century the use of paper as a representative of coin was be- coming very general. The banking system had spread from London to all our chief commercial towns ; till at length, in the year 1792, when per- haps it had reached or even surpassed the acme of a sound currency, every market town possessed its bank, and all the larger payments, as well as a great proportion of the ordinary payments of life, were made in paper. The specie thus superseded had not yet entirely found its way to foreign countries ; and a large accumulation, with its consequent depreciation, took place at home. It should be observed too, that the banking system not only in- creases the amount, but leads also to a lessened de- mand of the circulating medium, by those modes of economising its use, so well explained by Mr. Bosan- quet'', which make 10,000/. perform the part of half a million in the general settlement of mercantile transactions in London. The same operation to a certain degree is periodically performed in every town which contains a number of banks : and its effects are precisely the same as if an additional quantity of money were kept in hand for these purposes. If, for instance, a million of specie is ^ Observations on the Report of the Bullion Committee^ p. 45. 19 required to circulate the wealth of a district, and by means of improvement in commerce 200,000^. which formerly was detained for answering these mutual demands of merchants on each other, is set at liberty, the effect on the value of the current medium is the same as if its quantity had been augmented to that amount. What proportion the representative part of a cur- rency may safely bear to the real, it is not perhaps easy to ascertain ; so much depending on the ha- bits of the people, who require long training before they give entire confidence to such a mode of payment : and even when the credit is entire, there are many who prefer a tangible to an ideal form of wealth. Some estimate may however be formed from the opinion of Dr. Smith, who considers a stock in hand equal to one third of its bills as quite sufficient to maintain the credit of a bank. When the first editions of his work appeared, the banking system was comparatively new, although it had already produced a sensible effect on our currency by a general rise of prices. Whether this rise was likely to continue is one of the points Dr. Smith discusses, and which he determines in the nega- tive ; probably not foreseeing the rapid and wide extension of that paper circulation but of which it spnmg. If then we adopt Dr. Smith's proportion of paper to specie, viz. three to one, as constituting D 2 20 the creditable state of a single bank, and recollect that banks, which in his time were few, had become in the year 1792 almost universal, so that large payments in specie were generally admitted to be inconvenient, and seldom took place, we may fairly conclude, that the whole circulating medium of the country was increased at least in the ratio of two to one in the course of little more than forty years. If the substitution of paper for coin were strictly universal, the ratio of three to one would not be too large ; but I prefer the other, both because the fact certainly was, that much coin continued to circulate, and the average rise of prices between the years 1750 and 1792 corre- sponds pretty nearly with the proportion first slated. Had the same substitution of paper prevailed throughout the civilized world, there can be no doubt 'but the depreciation of gold and silver would soon have sunk to the same level ; the in- troduction of this new medium being precisely equivalent to a multiplication of the metals, with this additional circumstance conspiring to sink its value, that the labour and cost of production are comparatively nothing. But it is well known that we far outrun other nations in this species of created wealth : accordingly much of our own specie is only dislodged to swell the general cur- rency of Europe ; and by mean?!' of this outlet the 21 excessive accumulation at home has been counter- acted. Still the public stock of the trading world is so far augmented — the ratio of augmentation being greatest in that country which always keeps its circulation brimfull by this domestic manufacture of money. I say nothing of the other concurrent causes which aided this depreciation, such as the pubhc debt, and the expenditure of the American war ; my object being now chiefly to point out the ne- cessary effects of such a change upon the welfare of society ; with the hope that if those evils which I conceive to flow from it are admitted to be its natural result, a strong effort may be made to op- pose a system which aggravates those evils un- necessarily, and finds its resources for discharging past engagements in the perpetuation of this un- natural state of things. The evils I am about to enumerate are no ground of accusation against the government under which they sprung. The rich have been made poor — the creditor has been paid off with less than he lent — the helpless annuitant has sunk amidst the general rise — and he who sold his land for what was deemed an equivalent, has lived to see the price dwindled to less than half its value. These with a thousand other grievances cannot be imputed either to laws or ministers. They are Involved in the very nature of the com- 22 modity itself. Money was supposed to be un- changeable in value, and property invested in that form to be less variable in its nature, however pre- carious its tenure, than in any other. The opinion has been proved by unforeseen causes to be erro- neous — causes for which no one is accountable, and which no one could have anticipated ; and those who acted under the error must abide by their loss. But if such be the misfortune of per- sons who cannot be blamed for their error, it still becomes the part of a statesman to mitigate that misfortune as far as lies in his power : certainly it is his duty, not to heighten this inequality — not to aggravate this unforeseen and unintentional in- justice — not to throw himself into the scale against the sufferer, to enrich the gainer and impoverish the loser in this unfortunate traffic still more, by an artificial depression of that commodity in which the loser's property is invested, or by which his claims are to be measured. That such is the necessary effect of those financial measures and opinions which Mr. Vansittart maintains, it shall be my endeavour presently to demonstrate. But let us first describe somewhat more in detail, what the evils are which attend a rapid change in the value of money, such as no man denies to have actually happened, whatever his opinion of the cause may be. 23 Now the anxiety men have in all ages shewn to obtain a fixed standard, and that remarkable agree- ment of nations, dissimilar in all other customs, in the use of one medium, on account of its superior fitness for that purpose, is itself a convincing proof how essential it is to our social interests. The notion of its permanency, although it be conven- tional and arbitrary, and liable in reality to many causes of variation, yet had gained so firm a hold on the minds of men, as to resemble in its effects on their conduct that instinctive conviction of the permanency of the laws of nature, which is the foundation of all our reasoning. Not only their private contracts, but the most important civil in- stitutions, are built upon it. I need only instance the qualification for a freeholder's vote, and the limitations of five shillings and forty shilHngs in our criminal law. Trained and encouraged in this security by the highest authorities, by universal practice, by the very structure of language which bears the stamp of this belief durably impressed upon it, men naturally contract for the future on the same principles as they exchange for the pre- sent. Their time, their services, their property are engaged for distant terms at a stipulated price in money. Others from various motives of con- venience or necessity convert their lands and houses into this more portable form, and find when they 24 come to reinvest it, that it is no longer what it was, and what it still professes to be. Parents divide their property in what seems to be the most equi- table proportion among their children ; who dis- cover, when it is too late, that the intention is de- feated, and the designed order cruelly inverted : that those, who, as being less able to manage and improve their portion, were especial' objects of care, are in reality the least favoured ; and instead of being better secured against the fluctuations of commerce, are carried onward by a stream of uni- form depreciation which they have no means of counteracting, and the limit of which lies beyond their view. The answer which a political economist gives to these complaints is, that the market naturally adjusts itself to this change of value — that all pay- ments, sooner or later, find their proper level- — that in the mean time industry is quickened, and improvement promoted by the profit which all active dealers make even beyond their own calcula- tions — that the mere nominal increase of price operates as an incentive, and deceives men into their own advantage — that in many cases the advantage is real as well as nominal — that the farmer who sells his produce for more than when he took his farm, improves his land by the ex- penditure of a larger capital — that all sellers, in 25 short, gain, or appear to gain — and that the only loser is the indolent proprietor of money, who is altogether a buyer, and a seller of nothing. To this statement several important considera- tions must be opposed. In the first place, it admits that the proprietor of money and the annuitant, a large and in general a helpless class of the commu- nity, have no share in the general redress. But besides this, the correction itself comes tardily to many and unequally to all. One of the ablest writer^ indeed on this subject observes, that " a variation in " price caused by an altered value of money is com- ^^ mon at onceio all commodities '^." Tliis positioti was not perhaps Intended to be taken literally ; for the professed object of the work in which it occurs is, to point out the ultimate effects of those variations in the demand for labour which are for ever disturb- ing the surface of life, disregarding in the mean tim6 all partial derangements, and the irregular intervals at which the several corrections and adjustments respectively take place. The fact undoubtedly is^, that the altered value of money does not affect all prices at the same time : but that wide intervals occur, during which one class is compelled to bu}^ dear while they sell cheap, and others have no prospect whatever of indemnity, or of regaining the relative position they once occupied. * Ricardo on Political Economy, p. 577. E 26 In the direct bargaining of the market, it is true, where demand and supply are the sole regu- lators, where profit and loss are the only consi- derations, and each dealer is independent of the other, self-interest is sufficiently quicksighted to protect itself; and nothing interferes either to embarrass the view, or to check the natural ten- dency towards a due adjustment of prices. But in the intercourse of life, how numerous are the transactions into which money enters only as one ingredient of the compound ! The moment indeed we quit the shop or the market, all our payments are mingled up with a thousand feelings more or less foreign to the commercial principle — feelings of respect, of delicacy, of forbearance, of affection, of friendship, of gratitude, of duty, which abhor the language of traffic, and studiously exclude it, as far as human affairs will permit, from their communion. It is needless to dwell upon the well-known fact, that all men of liberal and culti- vated minds shun this species of negociation be- tween themselves, that they abridge and evade it if. possible, and throw it off upon some inter- mediate or professional agent. The permanency of a standard relieves the irksomeness of such arrangements, by the promise it gives, that they cannot often return : but when this standard by its variation silently undermines the very principle 27 of the agreement, a continual repetition and cor- rection of these painful dealings is rendered ne- cessary — dealings so much the more painful in their correction than in their first settlement, be- cause opinions vary about the reality of the change, or its amount, or its probable duration : and much injustice is endured from various motives, before the remedy is obtained, or even applied for ; while in the mean time the current of private life, which ought most to be protected from such agitations, is ruffled and disturbed by suppressed discontent, or by discussions and altercations still more un- friendly to social happiness. If an example should be required, on an ex- tended scale, let me draw your attention to the composition for tithes between a Rector and his parishioners — a mode of settlement which for the sake of peace, of mutual convenience, and of pro- fessional character, it is most desirable to preserve undisturbed. Yet as the standard of value changes, these agreements require to be perpetually recti- fied, and made conformable to the change. Is it to be wondered, that in that class of life, the payer should be still more obstinately blind to the ne- cessity of a change, than in more liberal callings — that under prejudices of early habit, cooperating with his interest, and confirmed by the potent spell of names continuing the same, although the nature E 2 28 of the thing is changed, it should be difficult to per- suade him that his pastor does not really demand more than his predecessor enjoyed ? Persuasion in- deed in such cases is always hopeless : the demand is resisted as long as it can ; and when enforced is paid with reluctance, and too often followed by murmurs and reproach ; while at each successive operation of the same kind, fresh irritation is pro- duced, and a general ferment and exasperation pevyades a community, which ought to be the residence of harmony and mutual good-will. These considerations, however they may be de- spised by some statesmen, you. Sir, I am persuaded, will not deem beneath your notice. But the evil is yet more apparent, if viewed in the case of those who are not restrained by delicacy from advancing (heir claims, but whose situation is so dependent, or their interests so entangled, that they must ac- quiesce in the unfairness, for fear of incurring some greater loss. The superior may be peti- tioned, but he cannot be threatened into equity. The competition of the market offers no resource here. If the claim is not allowed, secret dissatis- faction there may be, but absolute submission must be the consequence of refusal. Among the end- less variety of cases which this class comprehends, it will be sufficient to mention one, and that a pro- minent example, the case of stipendiary curacies. 29 That these stipends did not rise in proportion to the income of benefices is perfectly notorious — that in most instances they fell short of that pro- portion by one half is my firm belief, founded upon pretty extensive enquiry: and if the legislature had not opportunely interposed, there is reason to think, from the opposition raised against the mea- sure, that to this day the evil would have existed in full force, and that at least a generation must have passed away before the remedy would have overtaken it. The same principle is observable even in trans- actions which partake more of tiie character of trade, and in which therefore competition alone may be supposed to regulate the market. All commo- dities do not obtain the advanced price at once. In what order they succeed one another, it may not be easy to determine; and much depends upon local and accidental causes ; but in general it may be affirmed, first, that the necessaries of life ol)tain it before the superfluities— and secondly, that he who can with- hold his commodity, or dispose of it where he pleases, obtains the advance before him who must bring it at once to a given market. These are positions, the truth of which I apprehend will hardly be called in question. While the prejudice continues, which is one of the last that leaves the generality of men, that things are dearer, and that they must contract their expences, the saving is of course n^.ade on the super- 30 fluities of life— and the dealers in these superfluities finding the demand lessened, are thus induced, if they cannot afford to wait for better times, to lower rather than to advance the price. On the other hand, the man who can afford to keep back his wares, will naturally be inclined to do so, in order that his own trade may partake in the general ad- vance of prices, which will in time reach him as well as the rest. Now both these principles bear with accumu- lated force upon the class of labourers, more especially, for a reason which will presently be ex- plained, upon the class of agricultural labourers. The things which they have to buy are the neces- saries of life, and the only commodity they have to sell, their labour, it is impossible they should keep back. They come into the market therefore with a double disadvantage, and the effect is invariably found to correspond with this disadvantage ^. A depreciation of the currency always depresses the lower classes. They must buy, and they must sell, and that immediately. The parties with whom they deal are intent upon gain. To drive a bar- gain is the business of their life, and they will not fail to employ the advantage thus thrown into their ^ Dr. Franklin somewhere observes, that his countrymen say there is 10 per cent, difference between Will you buy ? and Will you sell ? This difference is unfortunately doubled to the labourer, when money falls in value. 31 hands. Besides which, it is easy to persuade themselves, and even the workmen they employ, that the high price of provisions is a temporary evil — that it must be borne accordingly — that they ought patiently to wait for better times. In the mean time the labourer is by degrees inured to a harder condition of life ; to inferior food, lodging, and clothing. With his habits of living, his ha- bits of thinking also undergo a change ; and many of those comforts which formerly belonged to his station, being found to be no longer strictly neces- sary, are by degrees forgotten. In this manner, unless an extraordinary demand for labour comes to his aid, his condition is permanently and irre- coverably degraded. That such is the natural course of things ap- pears not only from theory, and the experience of our own times : perhaps the most unexceptionable authority I can produce to the same point is that of a writer, certainly well acquainted with the history of those countries of which he speaks, but who is far from making that application of the facts he adduces which is here designed. " The great and rapid increase of national " wealth has always been attended by a correspond- " ent pressure of distress upon the peasantry. It '' was thus in Portugal, when Joam III. succeeded " his father Emanuel, the most fortunate prince " that ever sat upon a European throne : he was 32 " master of Ormuz, of Goa, and of Malacca in the " East, thus commanding the whole trade of the " Indian seas ; the gold mines of Africa sent in *' rich returns to him, and the greater part of " Morocco paid him tribute : to these treasures " Joam III. succeeded, and never was there a pe- '' riod of greater national distress arising from po- " verty than at the commencement of his reign. " It was thus in Spain, when ships came laden with " silver and gold from Mexico and Peru ; the fact " was distinctly seen, and the cause distinctly " stated by a contemporary writer '' : the influx of " specie produced a diminution in the value of " money, and habits of lavish expenditure in the " rich : rents were raised ; all the necessaries of ** Hfe advanced in price ; the burden fell upon the '' poor ; and of the wealth which poured into the " country in full streams, all that reached them " was in the shape of more abundant alms, which " made them more dependent than they were be- " fore, without preventing them from being more " miserable ^" A diligent enquiry into the state of society during the reign of Elizabeth, which in the depre- ciation of money corresponds remarkably with the present reign, would corroborate this position, by ^ The Inca Garcilasso, vol. ii. book 1. c. 7. quoted in the Quarterly Review, vol. xv. p. 192. *^ Quarterly Review, ibid. 33 shewing how ill the wages of labour kept pace with the increasing price of provisions. It is, I believe, allowed by all who have made minute researches into those times, that at no period of our history till the present was the condition of the labourer so bad. Hence sprung the great and almost sudden growth of the poor-law system, sometimes absurdly attributed to the suppression of mo- nasteries. A violent disturbance of the established relations, as measured by the common standard of money, had taken place; and the lower classes being the last to obtain redress, sunk into that state of abject dependence, from which they slowly emerged through the natural corrective of a; dimi- nished population, aided by the general improve- ment of the next century, and the greater steadi- ness of our currency ; but into which they are now again plunged by the operation of a similar cause. It is the intimate connexion of this fact with the much agitated question of the poor laws, that gives it a commanding claim on the attention of the legislature : a connexion, which, notwith- standing the able and varied discussion that sub- ject has undergone, seems to have attracted less notice than its importance deserves. It is, I be- lieve, by far the most powerful of those causes which have brought the disease to a crisis, and alarmed us all into an anxiety about the remedy. F 34 Much harm has doubtless been done by the false humanity of a recent law, which exempts the re- ceiver of parochial relief from the wholesome ter- rors of a workhouse ; and whatever is done to- wards a mitigation of the evil, all parties seem to be agreed on the necessity of returning to greater rigour in the general execution of the system. But it can hardly be imagined, that a system radically vicious, tending, as the universal voice of the country proclaims, to corrupt, impoverish, degrade, and disorganize society, should have been in full vigour, above two centuries, and yet not bring forth its baleful fruit till within the last thirty years, un- less there had been something peculiar to this latter period, which fostered the evil, arid drew out its latent venom. For it cannot be denied, that its growth has been progi'essive during the whole period of the late war with France — a period not of inactivity and stagnation, but of boundless exertion of every kind. The cessation of this demand for labour has undoubtedly thrown a larger burden than ever on the parish funds ; but long before the peace, the agricultural parishes especially had felt the rapid progress of that intes- tine mischief preying upon their vitals. An investigation of the cause why the agricul- tural districts laboured under this pressure first, and still suffer more severely than the others, will 35 tend to prove yet more forcibly the connexion that subsists between it and the depreciation of money. It was before observed, that the wages of labour always follow at a very unequal pace the advance- ment of prices. Pure theory inculcates the na- tural and necessary tendency towards an equitable adjustment ; it leaves the intermediate difficulties and delays out of the question, as frictions in a mechanical problem ; and justly condemns the folly of attempting to rectify the inequality by law. But laws, though they cannot rectify, yet may aggravate what is amiss, and retard the cure : and those very frictions and disturbing forces may pos- sibly by care and skill be diminished ; at any rate they deserve attentive study, as tending to illus- trate the principles on which the several phenomena depend. Thus the labour of the manufacturer is a trans- ferable stock compared with that of the husband- man. Occasional competition instructs the owner in its value, and it circulates with freedom through those districts where it is most wanted. In other words, the manufacturing labourer has his choice of a market, and of course he obtains his price sooner, than the husbandman who is practically confined to a single spot, and for whose labour there cannot be that free competition which the commercial theory supposes. The local influence 36 too under which he acts, removes him still farther from the condition of the vender of a commodity, under which relation that theory regards him. The consequence is (what experience abundantly testifies) that every expedient is resorted to by his employer before that of a permanent rise of wages : and as the labourer cannot defer the bar- gain, he submits to conditions really more and more rigorous, passing indeed under the same or even a higher denomination, and deriving addi- tional facility from this very disguise. At length recourse is had to the poor-rate to supply the grow- ing deficiency : and when once that store is opened, not for medicine but for food, there is no limit to the use made of it : the employer, as may easily be shewn, having strong motives of interest as well as of sordid habit to repair to it, and the labourer, with broken spirits and conscious impotence, being flattered also by the apparent security against absolute starvation which such an indefinite re- source offers to his mind. Among the subordinate causes that conspire towards this melancholy result is the fact, which appears to be well established'*, that a rise in wages is a diminution not of rent, but of profits. Whatever is theoretically true we may be sure is ** See Ricardo on Political Economy, chap. 14. 37 really acted upon by the interested party, however unconscious he may be of the abstract principle, and even unable to comprehend it : and hence another motive is for ever operating with the farmer to keep down the price of labour, and to pay it as far as he can out of the parish fund. On the evils and iniquity of this practice, which has aU ready struck deep root in many large districts of the kingdom, I forbear now to insist ; my present object being solely to point out their close and ne- cessary connexion with the depreciation of our cur- rency. How they may best be corrected or alle- viated, Parliament will of course make the object of its gi-avest deliberation. The age is too en- lightened to think that a regulation of wages by law can give effectual relief; that Government can create food, or a demand for labour ; but Govern-* ment may remove many obstacles to that principle of self- correction which the analogy of nature teaches us is the universal law of her constitution. Neither have we any right to complain of that progressive depreciation which is the na- tural result of the causes before enumerated, and a liability to which, however unsuspected, was really involved from the first in the very nature of money. But the important inference is, and it is that to which the remainder of my Letter will be directed, that if such be the consequences of depreciation. 38 any artificial^ any superfluous, any arbitrary and coercive depreciation is one of the worst and most unjust measures which can be inflicted upon the country. If Government cannot stem the torrent, let them at least not add to its force by pouring fresh streams into the channel, and by obstructing those natural outlets through which the over- charged waters are struggling to make their way, and to find their proper level. In entering upon this part of my subject, it is painful to think, how much of what is obvious and familiar, not only to yourself, but to every man of liberal education, must be repeated in order that the points in dispute may be fairly laid before the reader. The necessity indeed arises from a cause which only the evidence of facts could force on our belief : that positions so elementary, theorems so long established, should have been required to give way before a novel expedient, confessedly adopted under the pressure of an unparalleled emergency. To this measure of temporary policy the science of ages and the plainest dictates of common sense are required to yield. It is not a compliance of the will, but a surrender of the understanding, that alone will satisfy the advocates of this measure. They de- fend it not as necessary, but as no violation of 39 legitimate theory. They deny that any evil has arisen from this innovation, and yet with mar- vellous inconsistency profess a disposition, and even an eagerness, to return to the ancient course. This, I confess, is not the least of those paradoxes which rest on the authority of the present Chan- cellor of the Exchequer. He stoutly denies that bank paper, and consequently the whole currency of the country, is depreciated. Yet he declares that it is expedient to resume cash-payments as soon as it can be done with safety. If there is no depreciation of the currency, why is it expedient ? The larger the proportion of paper in our currency, provided that paper is equivalent to specie, the better. The quantity of undepreciated paper we can keep afloat in the market is the very test of the buoyancy of our credit — a sure token of public pros- perity—an index of the amount of displaced Specie, which is employed to advantage somewhere else. The only benefit proposed, by making it con- vertible at the will of the holder, is, that depre- ciation may never take place ; this natural check being fully adequate without any officious vigilance, or any positive enactments on the part of Govern- ment, to controul it. But when this check is wanting, there is no security against such an ex- cess as shall cause depreciation : and the only proof that such a depreciation has taken place is 40 either the desire of men at home to obtain specie rather than paper ^ and their readiness to exchange paper for it at a nominal loss ; or, the estimation in which our currency is held abroad being lower than it would be if it consisted of specie or of j)aper convertible into specie. Both these proofs were offered by the Bullion Committee in 1811, and both were rejected by Mr. Vansittart; the first as not founded in fact, the second as not conclusive if true. Many other points of subordinate importance were contested in the course of this discussion, soitie of which I shall have occasion to bring again to your notice, partly as conducive to the main argument, but principally to illustrate the mode of reasoning to which the Finance Minister has re- sorted, and to put it plainly before the public, whether measures which require such reasoning can be well-founded; or whether, if they can be better supported, the advocate, who has abandoned the better ground and taken up this, can be safely entrusted with the guardianship not only of the public revenue, but of the good faith and honour of the country,' which are deeply involved in all these transactions. The argument of Mr. Vansittart's opponents was built upon the following simple maxims. That the legal coin of the country consists of gold 41 and silver of a certain weight and fineness, one pound of gold being coined into forty-four guineas and a half, and one pound of silver (till the late regulation) into sixty-two shillings, and that the impress of the Mint is an assurance to the public that these proportions have been observed. That a pound sterling is either twenty of such shillings, or tt of one of such guineas. That bank paper is a promissory engagement to pay to the bearer the full nominal amount ex- pressed on the bill, in the legal coin of the coun- try, when demanded. That if the bank will not so pay the full amount, and if the holder cannot obtain the full amount of legal coin in exchange from other people, but only a less quantity than is there expressed, bank paper is depreciated in the estimation of the other party. That if the holder is willing to exchange his paper at this disadvantage, it is depreciated in his own estimation. That transactions of this kind to a great extent are carried on through the country. That the general disappearance of specie, which is undeniable, is a proof that there is a profit in sending it abroad : and that the laws which pro- hibit exportation of coin are wholly inefficient. To these simple elements respecting the nature 42 of CURRENCY, a few must be subjoined on the na- ture of EXCHANGE. As every country has a common measure of its own applicable to all traffic within that country, so in traffic with other countries a common measure is obtained by settling the relative value of the cur- rency of each country one with another. This relative value depends on the quantity of precious metals contained in their respective cur- rencies : any given amount of the currency of one country which contains the same quantity of bul- lion with a given amount of the currency of an- other country, is equivalent to it, and constitutes what is called the par of exchange. If the aforesaid amount in one country should have its intrinsic value lessened, the par of ex- change will be altered, and a proportionably larger quantity of that currency will be required to re- store the equality. Notwithstanding the par of exchange, yet from various causes bills payable in the currency of one country have a temporary value greater or less than bills of corresponding amount payable in the currency of another country : that is, they are either above or below par. The exchange is said to be in favour of that country whose bills bear a premium, and against 43 that country whose bills are at a discount. The holder of bills which bear a discount is however generally content to abide by the loss, rather than actually fetch the bullion from that country in whose currency the bill is payable at par — but when the loss would be considerable,, so as to ex- ceed the expence of transmitting bullion, he will fetch it. In other words, he will send the bill to that country with an order to lay it out in bullion to be consigned to him. In practical questions of this kind, the case is stated, for the sake of perspicuity, with greater sim- pUcity than occurs in real life. The dramatis pei'- soncBy if I may be allowed the illustration, are as few as possible, in order that the elements of the plot may be more distinctly seen. And if one or two individuals only were concerned, as the case adduced seems to represent, we might suspect a variety of motives to operate that might obstruct the regular execution of these proceedings, or even the actual advancement of their own interests. But these transactions are in reality conducted on a grand scale : a numerous class of intermediate agents make it the sole business of their lives to watch the relative value of bills, which is for ever fluctuating, and to derive profit from the ex- change, at the same time that the real holder is accommodated by having the affair taken off liis g2 44 own hands. The Intercourse thus maintained even in tioie of war between all commercial countries is active and regular : and we may as well suppose, that in a traffic open to all men between London and Liverpool, one man would long be allowed to make exorbitant gains arising from a commodity which he buys publicly in one place and sells in the other, as that the same people would be suffered without competition to send bullion from a country where it is bought at jnir, to be exchanged for bills in another at an enormous profit, far exceeding the cost and risk of transmission. We assume it therefore as an element in our reasoning, (profit being the sole principle of commercial dealings, and a free competition existing among a multitude of intelligent people all intent upon the same ob- ject,) that the profit cannot long be so great on the exchange of a bill as to exceed the cost of the transmission of bullion. This cost, even in time of war, when freight as well as insurance is dear- est, has been found between London and Ham- burgh never to exceed 7 per cent. The same must be regarded therefore as the limit to the unfavourable rate of exchange even in the worst times : for if it long exceed that measure, it must induce dealers either to buy up the bills for the purpose of sending them to their own couptry, to be changed into bullion ; or it must induce the 45 holders of bullion in that country to send it abroad to buy up these bills at so great an advantage. In either case the competition must be so great (al- ways increasing in proportion to the profit) as speedily to reduce the traffic within the limits above mentioned. In a traffic of this sort too, the level is found almost immediately. Other commodities require some time to produce them — and the fortunate holder of large quantities may make great profits before an adequate competition can grow up : but in these the time and labour required for the production count for nothing. The commodity is always afloat, waiting only the impulse of profit to determine its direction to the best market. It is common indeed to represent the balance of payments between two countries, or that amount by which the exports of one exceed in value its imports from another, as actually made in bullion. But this is not the fact ; and it is material to shew it, as Mr. Huskisson has done *", in his valuable treatise on the Depreciation of our Currency, There is in fact no such thing as a final settlement between two countries at the end of a year, and a balance struck as between two individual dealers : the dealing always goes on, the low rate of ex- * Question concerning Depreciation, p. 49 — ^^53. 46 change naturally drawing goods from the country whose bills are at a discount to redeem those bills, or off that debt which is denoted by a fall in their bills, and checking the importation of them while t^he discount continues. There is thus a continual tendency to restore the equilibrium : and in a natural state of things, the oscillation never departs far from the mean : if it does, its great excess receives an instant check by the actual transmission of bullion ; which is a commodity always set in motion by the slightest advantage at- tending it, being the most portable, and requiring less preparation than any other, and being the least liable to risk from the caprice of custom. Another point assumed in this reasoning is, that bullion and coin are virtually the same thing in all such transactions. To the foreign merchant the matter not theybrm of the commodity constitutes its value. To him a pound of coined gold will not be worth more than a pound of gold in bars. At home however it may be thought there is some difference : and undoubtedly for home use, the coin is preferable, and its value is slightly increased by having passed through the Mint. This increase of value has enabled many countries to take what is called a seignorage or toll at the Mint: that is, he who carries gold to be coined receives back from the Mint something less than he brought, in 47 consideration of the increased value thus given to the commodity. In our own Mint this practice does not prevail : the same quantity precisely is delivered out coined, which was brought uncoined ; the only loss the owner sustains by the process being that of the interest of the money during the delay of coinage. It should seem therefore that bullion with us can never be long below its value in coin, i. e. below what is technically called the Mint price ; because it is so easily convertible at the will of the owner into the more valuable form. But it may be said, that bullion will often be above the Mint price, because when once turned into coin it is, as it were, imprisoned : it can neither legally be turned back into the form of bullion, nor legally be exported. Such undoubtedly is the law of the land. But there is no fact more certain, than that these laws are wholly inefficient whenever a profit attends the violation of them. No man of the slightest experience or knowledge in mercantile affairs is ignorant of the fact: no man, except for the sake of argument, supposes it to be otherwise. Ties of law, and even of religion, it is perfectly notorious, are altogether useless. If the coin is not smuggled abroad, it is melted into bars, and sworn off as foreign gold for exportation. Large dealings, limited only by the demands of trade. 48 of both kinds take place : and although there is no doubt that clandestine exportation is the main channel through which the traffic is carried on, yet the form of an oath for the purpose of rendering melted coin legally exportable is too well known to be but a slight obstacle — an obstacle reducible, like all other matters of trade, to an average ex- pressed in money. Practically therefore it cannot interfere with the correctness of our conclusions, whenever the profit of sending bullion abroad is such as to exceed that average, which has never been rated at more than 5 per cent. : and the clandestine exportation of coin which involves no perjury, but merely runs the risk of seizure, is practised to a much greater extent. Now itwas proved during the enquiry made by the Bullion Committee, that foreign exchanges had for a long time been permanently unfavourable to this country, in a degree far exceeding the limit above mentioned, namely, the cost of remitting bullion, and which by practical men was stated to be rarely more than 5 per cent, even in time of war. In the case of Hamburgh in particular, the exchange had been as low as 29.8, which denotes a loss of about 17 per cent. : and for a long time previous to the enquiry, the discount, although varying, might be fairly taken at 15 per cent. 49 The argument therefore for the depreciation of our currency was simple and clear. As the sending of bullion to Hamburgh would save this discount, and the expense of sending never at the utmost exceeded 7 per cent, a merchant would naturally have recourse to that mode of pay- ment rather than suffer so great a loss. But if he attempted to do so, he found that to buy bullion in England with bank paper would involve him in as great a loss as the discount of his bill. For instance, that to obtain bullion equal in weight to 100 guineas, he must give bank notes to the amount of 112, 1 15, or even 120 guineas, accord- ing as the case might be. This then was another measure of the depreciation of the paper as com- pared with coin: for no one pretends that 112, 1 15, or 120 guineas in specie would ever be given to procure gold equal only to 100 guineas ^ *" It should always be remembered that the depression of the exchange is not proposed as a sole test of the depre- ciation of currency. There being two causes which regulate the exchange, viz. the balance of payments, and the intrinsic value of the currency, these may operate either in con- junction or in opposition to each other. In the first case, the rate of exchange will be as tlieir sum, in the second as their difference. If for instance the balance of payments be 4 per cent, against us, and the currency also depreciated 4 per cent, the depression of the exchange will be 8 per cent. If the balance of payments be 4 per cent, in our favour, and II 50 The reasoning of Mr. Vanslttart against this argument is curious. He does not deny that if guineas were to be had, they would be sent out to save this discount, but he reminds us that it would legal to do so. The fact is admitted on all hands, that coin imll bf exported in such ft state of things, and he himself states it, and reasons upon it again and again : but he says it ought not to be so, and seems to think this an answer to the proof above adduced of the difference of value in our paper and our coin. Paper cannot purchase bullion except at a considerable loss. Coin will purchase it at little or no loss. Coin therefore is more valuable than paper. No, says Mr. Vansittart, if the law were enforced, eoin could not be so employed. But is the law en- forced r Can it be enforced ? Mr. Vansittart him- self shall answer : " The Bank has sometimes been obliged to purchase " gold at a considerable loss ; hut this has always hap- the currency depreci.ited as before, the quantities will neu- tralize each other, and the exchange will be at par. If, lastly, the balance of payments be 4 per cent, in our favour, but the depreciation of currency 20 or 24 per cent, the de- pression of the exchange will only be as l6 or 20 per cent. In this manner the premium given in bank paper for guineas, which often exceeded the nominal rate of exchange, is easily accounted for ; the balance of payments, or the real exchange, being at that time in our favour. 51 " pened in consequence of the foreign demand for -gold ** draining away our coin by clandestine exportation." Speech on the Bullion Besohitions, 1811, p. 37. " When bullion is a more advantageous mode of re- " mittance than bills, gold bullion is sought after for " exportation : exportable gold rises higher than that *' which cannot be legally exported, and is first sent *' abroad. A clandestine or fraudulent exportation oF ** coin, or of ingots produced from coin, soon follows." p. 39. " Since 1809, a further depression of the exchange " has taken place, and a greater quantity of coin has *' gone out of the country." p. 50. These passages all lie within a few pages of one another. And yet in the same speech, Mr. Van- sittart does not think it beneath himself to address the following language to the House, and after- wards, by means of the press, to the country at large. " Do the Committee then mean that the law will be *' ineffectual, and that a real though clandestine ex- " portation of coin will take place ? I will not do the " Committee, I will not do the learned gentleman, the " injustice of suspecting they can mean to countenance " a system, which gives the illegal a decided advantage ** ovet the fair dealer, which habituates and hardens " the trader in the evasion and breach of the law ; *' nay, which is carried on by direct fraud and perjury." p. 5. To affect all this moral sensibility about a fact h2 52 which is perfectly notorious — which is by every writer on the subject assumed as necessary, and incapable of being prevented — nay, which he him- self for his own argument presently after assumes and reasons upon — is something worse than solemn mockery. The very term exchange indeed has no meaning, except on the supposition of the trans- action which is thus awfully deprecated. It is not exchange of commodities, nor exchange of bills, but exchange of the currency of one country for the cur- rency of another, which the name originally imports — which is the basis of all commerce between civi- lized nations — and without which no intercourse but that of barter could take place among them. Let it be observed moreover, that for the sake of heightening the glow of his description, Mr. Vansittart calls the clandestine exportation of coin a fraud. In what sense the word fraud is here used I do not perfectly understand. When melted coin is sworn off for exportation, most probably there is perjury ; although even here it by no means follows that the exporter knew the gold to be melted down from coin : but in the case of clandestine exportation, the revenue is not defrauded: the gold runs the risk of seizure, it is true, but no duty is withheld from Govern- ment, and certainly no fraud is practised on indi- viduals. To induce a man to take less than the 53 value of his property under pretence of giving him an equivalent, is much more like a fraudulent transaction ; and the motto Alea frnus omnis would better suit the author of such a measure, than the imputation of fraud on those whom, he tempts by an exorbitant profit to violate or evade the law. The whole however of Mr. Vansittart's argument is built on this foundation : and he prevailed upon the House of Commons to sanction it, by adopting a resolution^ as contradictory to Mr. Horner's state- ment, upon which in reality it has no bearing. Mr. Horner had argued, that if bank paper was worth as much as coin, it would buy gold as well as coin : but bank paper could not be so employed ex- cept at a great loss — as much as 15 or 20 per cent. — while coin was so employed freely, and was itself besides sent out of the kingdom instead of bullion so rapidly, in consequence of this enormous profit, that it had totally disappeared. Mr. Vansittart's resolution declares, that in public estinxation bank paper and coin are equivalent, ex- cept where this ohject is in view : that is, excepting ^ Resolved, Tliat the promissory notes of the said company have hitherto been, and are at this time, held in public esti- mation to be equivalent to the legal coin of the realm, and generally accepted as such in all pecuniary transactions to which such coin is lawfully applicable. 54 ^he very proof which is offered of the point in question. By this time it had become perfectly notorious that agents were employed in every town of the' kingdom to collect guineas by offering a premium in bank paper. A law had passed rendering the transaction penal, and some convictions had taken place.. The traffic however was not in the slightest degree interrupted. The dealers collected gold from tradesmen, who sold their goods at a cheaper rate when paid in specie. The profit was thus divided among several, according to the number of hands through which the coin passed before ex- portation — the nmin risk remaining only with the exporter, while the intermediate dealings were never brought to light except by spies and in- formers. Of the fact, and of the motive for the fact, there could be no doubt ^. Yet Mr. Vansittart asks his opponents in Par- liament whether they have ever found this differ- eiice in price. No instances, he avers, have been produced — therefore we are not to suppose there 5 " From tlie days of Locke till the present time I have *' no where seen the fact disputed. It is by all writers indis- *' criminately allowed, that no penalties can prevent the coin " from being melted when its value as bullion becomes supe- " rior to its value as coin." Rkardo's Reply to Bosanquet, p. 42. 55 were any. All the liquor has escaped, and the cask is empty : yet if we cannot point out the leak, we have no right to say that the vessel was defec- tive. But where is the candour of thus pressing th-e argumentum ad kominem, when the question is not whether the thing be creditable, but whether it be done ? Individuals abstain from doing many things perfectly lawful in foro conscienti(Ey but which from various motives they do not choose to engage in. Either it is not in their line of business, or there is a prejudice, or a risk, or a trouble, or an odium attending it. Money dealing is not the most respectable calling, any more than dealing in old clothes. But they may both be exercised with a safe conscience : and even if we ourselves should have scruples of conscience, yet if there are always people to be found who do this work, where is the use, where, I may say, is the honesty, of pretending that it is not done as certainly and as regularly as if we were engaged in it ourselves ? TVho does it, is a point |:>erfectly indifferent to the argument. The next ground Mr. Vansittart takes up is, that the continuance of an unfavourable exchange against a country, far exceeding the expense of transmitting bullion, is no proof of a depreciated 56 currency in that country : and lie abounds with examples In which this anomalous mode of dealing, according to him, prevailed. At a time when our paper was convertible into specie at the will of the holder, he contends that similar depressions of the exchange have been known— that during Queen Anne's wars, for eleven years together, the exchange was depressed even to a loss of 12 and 13 per cent, when the expense of conveying specie could not amount to 3 per cent.'' — that for some years after the American war the exchange with Hamburgh continued from 5 to 8 per cent, against England, when the expense of sending specie could not have been more than 5 per cent.* — that in 1760, the exchange between London and Ham- burgh was near 8 per cent, in favour of London, the expense of importing gold from Hamburgh being little more than 3 per cent. : yet there was no paper currency at Hamburgh at that time or since ^. " The very same y^«7'," however, continues Mr. Vansittart, who seems to think the effect of his argument heightened by contrast, " the very same " year the exchange was in November 6 per cent. " against Engl and." That the alteration should have h Speech on the Bullion Resolutions^ p. 111. » Ibid. p. 115. k Ibid, p. 19. 57 taken place within a few months^ is as strong a proof as could be desired of the soundness of the principle we maintain. That excessive depression naturally corrected itself: and the reaction was so violent as to carry the excess to the other side ; enormous gain having the natural effect of drawing so many competitors, as for a short time to reverse the market. Indeed if a hundred such cases had been pro- duced, in which, according to the statement, a great profit presented itself by resorting to a simple and common expedient, which however no one adopted — if this relative position apparently continued for several years between two of the greatest, most intel- hgent, and most active trading cities in the world, containing thousands of persons whose sole busi- ness it is to make a profit by sending to each other whatever commodity will find a good market, and to whom nothing is more familiar than such transactions — what would the conclusion of any reasonable man be from such a representation ? Not surely that disinterestedness, or apathy, or ignorance could exist to such a degree — but that there must be some inaccuracy or some defect in the statement— that all the circumstances of the case were not before him — that it was a problem to be solved, not a fact to be recorded, and produced in evidence as occa- sion miglit require, to illustrate the nature of com- I 58 merce nnd political economy. If the whole case were thoroughly sifted, he would say, it would pro- bably turn out that no profit could be derived from the transaction, for if a profit to that extent could be made, the transaction viust have taken place. To suppose it otherwise, is to give up the great and only fundamental principle on which all com- mercial proceedings rest. To suppose that a mode of dealing attended by loss would be preferred by a merchant to one attended by profit, when both are equally practicable, is a perfect absurdity — and nothing can be more puerile than to support an argument by such a case, however useful it might be to propose it to a student in the theory and practice of commerce as a problem for solution. Yet not only Mr. Vansittart, but a merchant of high character and abilities has resorted to the same mode of reasoning. Mr. Bosanquet follows up the whole of Mr. Vansittart's system, even to the pbint of declaring that the standard of our currency is that pound, whatever it may be, in which Government pays the interest of the national debt. At present I shall only produce, both as a specimen of the reasoning of these gentlemen, and of the mode of refutation that must be resorted to, the case alledged by Mr. Bosanquet of an un- favourable exchange with Hamburgh and with Paris. As a single example, it may be worth while 59 to state the case in some detail, together with Mr. Ricardo's analysis of the riddle. Mr. B. observes, that in the years 1/64 to 1768, the exchange with Paris was 8 to 9 per cent. against London — at the same time the exchange with Hamburgh was during the whole period 2 to 6 per cent, in favour of London. Here then ap- pears to be a profit of 12 to 14 per cent, for the expence, in time of peace, of paying the debt to Paris with gold from Hamburgh — at least 8 or 10 per cent, above what it would cost in fact. Again, the exchange with Hamburgh in favour of London continued several years such as to con- stitute a premium after deducting all expences of 5 per cent, on the importation of gold into Eng- land : yet the exchange was not rectified thereby. Thirdly, in 1775, 6, and 7, the exchange with Paris was 5, 6, 7, and 8 per cent, against London, when half the amount would have conveyed gold to Paris, and one fourth would have paid the debts of Paris at Amsterdam. Here Mr. B. leaves the problem, itnplying either that merchants did not see the profit, or did not regard it : whereas the only rational conclusion from such a statement is, that there must be some circumstances behind, which if known would ac- count for the phenomenon upon the ordinary prin- ciples of trade. Mr. Ricardo undertakes the in- I 2 60 vestigation, and by the aid of a clear intellect joined to^' a perfect knowledge of mercantile affairs, un- ravels the whole mystery. As to the exchange between Hamburgh and Lon- don, he shews, first, that Mushet's tables, on which Mr. B. builds his calculation, are, by the author's own confession in a subsequent edition, erroneous. Instead of 33.8, the par, Mr. Mushet says, should have been 34.1 li. Secondly, because gold is the standard of this country and silver that of Ham- burgh, and the relative value of gold and silver is liable to variation, the par of exchange can never be absolutely fixed : and upon examining the cases in question, the difference arising from this cause is found to have been full 3 per cent. — making the real par 36. lA instead of 33.8, as stated in the tables of Mushet's first edition. Thirdly, this correction of the author's, on ac- count of the par of silver against silver, Mr. Ricardo finds upon consulting Kelly's table to be too low by f per cent. Fourthly, the tables Mr. B. has consulted make no allowance for what is called usances, that is, interest for 2^ months, which it has been the in- variable custom to allow in bills drawn between London and Hamburgh — making a further differ- ence of 1 per cent. The sum of these several corrections reduces the 61 exchange within the limits supposed by the Bullion Committee, namely, the expense of transmitting bullion from one place to the other. By a similar process the excess in the exchange between Paris and London is shewn to be nominal and not real, the French mint taking a seignorage of 8 per cent, that is, raising the nominal above the real value of the coin in that proportion ; which of course must be struck off when it is considered as exchangeable, with a foreign currency. Another paradox, much vaunted by the mi- nister, and supported like all the rest by Mr. Bosanquet — viz. that gold has often been much higher than the mint price for a long time toge- ther, during a sound state of our currency, is made to fall before the same rigorous and exact investigation. But I forbear to enter any farther into these computations — essential as they are to the argument, and highly illustrative of the abilities of the writer who stepped forward to vindicate the truth. Only let me be permitted to remark, that this mode of reasoning, once exposed in the way it is, ought to divest its authors of all claim to our confidence, and that even when the solution is not at hand, yet the application of the principle above mentioned, whenever it is applicable, ought in all reason to be accepted as a sufficient demonstration. Profit is in mercantile dealings, what gravitation 62 is in the system of the universe : and no problem is worth Hstening to, which supposes the absence of that universal principle. Before we quit the subject however, it may be well to subjoin Mr. Ricardo's own reflections upon Mr. Bosanquet's argument, which he has analyzed with so much patience. " I cannot help here observing, that it must " excite astonishment, that a British merchant " should seriously believe it possible, that, in time '^ of peace, a net profit, after paying all expences, "of from 10^ to 12i per cent, should have been " made by the exportation of gold from Hamburgh " to Paris during four years — a profit, which, from " the quick returns, would have enabled any person " engaging in such undertakings to have cleared " more than 100 per cent, per annum on the " capital employed ; and that too in a trade, the '* slightest fluctuations of which are watched by a " class of men proverbial for their shrewdness, " and in which competition is carried to the greatest " extent That facts such as these should be " brought forward to invalidate a theory, the rea- " sonableness of which is allowed, is a melancholy " proof of the power of prejudice over very en- " lightened minds." The astonishment here expressed cannot exceed my own, at reading in the speeches of a Chancellor 63 of the Exchequer, puhlished by himself, a general scarcity"^ of gold asserted, and offered as an ex- planation of the high price of bullion in England, as if gold were, like grain, a thing of annual con- sumption and reproduction, and liable to he af- fected by an unfavourable season ; or as if his readers did not know that every commodity goes to that market where it is most in demand — and that where the laws of a country render it useless, it will neither be brought to it nor remain there. It was under the influence, I presume, of the same counsels, that a gold coinage of sovereigns lately took place— that people wondered at their leaving; us almost as soon as sent into circulation — and then suggested this as a proof that the time was not yet come for a resumption of cash-payments. Will the time ever come, if we wait till the stream of commerce has ceased to flow in the channel of profit ? From the same high authority we are told also, that " if our currency had in fact become of less *' value, this circumstancecow/(/72o//?056i^/y haveoc- " casioned a fall of the exchange" — and " thata di- " minutionof the valu€ of currency at home may have " the efl'ect of improving the exchange, but cannot " by possibility depress it "" ;" doctrines, which ' Speech on the Bullion Question, p. 22. " Ibid. p. 34, 35. 64 may be convenient for the purpose of forcing a temporary measure on the public, but which no man, one would think, who values his reputation as a financier would wish to place on record and sub- mit to their cooler judgment, as his deliberate opinions. They are convenient moreover as introductory to the revival of a policy, often practised in ruder times, but which for more than two centuries has not been suggested in our own, that of a debasement of the coinage. If ever attempted in this country, it will of course be proposed under the more courtly title of lowering the standard, hints of which have certainly been thrown out by the advocates of our paper-system, but which I trust there is yet public virtue enough remaining in the country to reject with indignation, if any minister should ever be so hardy as to advise it. That these fears are not wholly without founda- tion will appear by adverting to the language Mr. Vansittart has held on the subject of a legal stand- ard, a part of his argument which deserves more serious attention than has hitherto been given to it, upon constitutional grounds as well as on the common principles of justice and honour. The first argument indeed against a fixed standard may safely be left to the judgment of 65 my readers, without any attempt at refutation. Because the mint weight of a guinea is 5 dwts. 9i grs. but a guinea is considered by law to be good currency till it is worn below 5 dwts. 8 grs., Mr. Vansittart asks, Which am I to regard as the j^o'ecl standard " ? a specimen of verbal cavilling, which for the credit of his station had better have been omitted, but which for the credit of one's own cause it is always satisfactory to see on the adversary's side. Having established this notable position, that " the legal coin of the country never possessed a " value estimated by a fixed weight of gold or silver " bullion "," he infers very logically that bank-notes therefore, which represent this coin, never had a standard value, and therefore cannot have lost it. Perhaps I ought not to call this the ^rst argu- ment, for I perceive a little before Mr. Vansittart had contended that our silver currency also had no standard, because for any sum not exceeding 25/. it was legal tender however worn, and because of pay* ments made in actual cash, at least 999 in 1000 are under that yalue. It is a good rule in reason- ing to estimate arguments, as prudent men estimate payments, pondere non numero—?i rule which "Speech on t)ui Bullion Resolutions, p. 13. " Ibid. p. 14. K 66 ought perhaps to have led to the disregard of this passage altogether ; for I cannot believe that any person seriously examining the question can accept it as a proof or even a 'presumption that we have no legal standard, because the law declares that in no instance shall a gold coin fall below it more than to a certain point, and because having provided that small payments only shall be made in silver coin, (which cannot therefore affect foreign exchanges,) it does not specify the loss of weight which shall be sufficient to stop their currency. Only let it^be remembered that even in the case of silver coin, it is more proper to say, that it is legal tender however worn, than, as Mr. Vansittart says, at whatever lu eight ; because the original weight, even of them, is as fixed as any thing human can be ; and no English coin was ever legally current that did not first issue from the mint. Having thus, to use his own words, " overturned " the basis" of Mr. Horner's resolutions, Mr. Van- sittart declares himself prepared to prove, in oppo- sition to the doctrine of a fixed standard of current coin, the prerogative of the Crown to regulate the standard " by a reference to the soundest legal ** authorities, and the repeated and acknowledged *' practice of ages p." P Speech on the Bullion Resolutions, p. ^?>. 67 It is this assertion, followed up by a Resolution % which, to my sorrow as well as surprise, obtained the sanction of the House of Commons, that ap- pears to give the question a most important cha- I'acter. For if the prerogative of the Crown be such as to make any quantity whatever of the pre- cious metals, according to pleasure, or any sub- stance, no matter what, lead, paper, or leather, stand for a pound sterling, this certainly is " a ^logic which leaves no man anything that he can '^^ call his own" — which subjects every man's pro- perty to be modified or even extinguished at the will of the Sovereign. Mr. Vansittart does indeed say, that he and his colleagues have nj intention to propose this exer- cise of the prerogative to relieve the wants of Go- vernment; and he even goes on to admit, that " during the existence of a public debt, the alter- " ation of the standard of money would be an act ^ Resolved, That the right of establishing and regulating the legal money of this kingdom hath at all times been a royal prerogative, vested in the Sovereigns thereof, who have, from time to time, exercised the same as they have seen fit, in changing such legal money, or altering and varying the value, and enforcing or restraining the circulation thereof, by Proclamation, or in concurrence with the Estates of the realm by Act of Parliament : and that such legal money cannot lawfully be defaced, melted down, or exported. k2 66 " of bankruptcy, and a direct fraud on the public "creditor, as luell as every private creditqr^ T This, to be sure, is some ground of comfort ; for if,, tiie standard be not altered, till the whole na- tional debt is paid off, we and our children have little, it is presumed, to fear upon that account. But why then should the topic have been intro- duced ? What bearing has it upon the point in debate ? If this power must be in abeyance while the public debt continues, it is perfectly nugatory to advert to it, when the question is. Does not the Government at this moment defraud the public creditor by paying him interest in a depreciated currency— by requiring him to take bank-notes in payment, or nothing ? The creditor says, Pay me in legal coin. The answer is. Bank-paper is as good as coin. The creditor denies it, and contends that bank-paper is notoriously of less value than coin, and to such a degree, that Government has itself been driven to make the sale of it for less than its nominal value in coin, penal. To what purpose, I repeat, is it, to reply to this argument, as Mr. Vansittart does in his first Re- solution, that the King has the power of regulating ' The injustice is the same to every private creditor whe- ther there be a public debt or not. 69 the standard of our coiiiage ? He surely does not mean to call bank-paper our coinage. Indeed part of his argument is, that bank-paper is not made legal tender, and that the public creditor may wait, if he pleases, till the Bank Restriction Act is re- pealed, for his dividends. How then is this maxim of the king's prerogative to be applied ? The coi?i is not altered in value. It is the paper that is de- preciated. Unless therefore he means that the king's prerogative can make that /?ar/?er legal tender, the assertion has not the slightest connexion with the subject in dispute. Is it then meant to display the forbearance of ministers in not having put forth the full strength of the crown, and to warn men how they fret at this petty grievance, when so much greater a burden might have been laid upon them ? Or is it thrown out as a sort of challenge on a point of constitutional law, curious indeed and important, though irrelevant to the subject in hand ? Of the importance of such a declaration from a minister of state there can be no doubt. And it is well that the declaration was met on the spot, by one of the ablest and most luminous answers that a question of constitutional policy ever called forth. I allude to the speech of Mr. Canning, which not only unravels with singular grace and perspicuity the whole sophistry of his opponent's reasoning, on ^6 the subject of currency/ and exchange^ but has placed this doctrine in particular,' iVhich wears so ambiguous and menacing an aspect in the Heso- lution of the House of Commons "^j upon its true grounds both of law and policy. Whoever has read the two speeches of Mr. Canning on this subject, as published by himself, will perceive how largely I am indebted to them for the matter of this pamphlet — a debt which I shall perhaps best discharge by endeavouring to extend its obligation as widely as possible to others. .-:\ -'5 ": The Resolution asserts the king's prerogative to " alter and vary the value of the legal money of *' the kingdom either by Proclamation, or in con- " eurrence with the Estates of the realm by Act ^ of Parliament." The word value must here be understood to mean the current value — that rate according to which debts and pecuniary contracts may lawfully be discharged : for, as to the in- trms'ic value of the metal being affected by the edict of a Sovereign, or an Act of Parliament, it is an idea which none but such financiers as the courtiers of Canute can be supposed to entertain. As Mr. Vansittart did not think it necessary to produce any legal authorities to this point, the fol- »■ Sec page 67. lowing; extract from Judge Blackstone may serve to throw some light upou it. m ^hhSoato ,»ai3 bsotdki ("The denomination, or the value for which tlie "ipjoin is to pass current, is likewise in the breast '/jf;9^ the King ; and if any unusual pieces are *' coined, the value nmst be ascertained by pro- " clamation. In order to fix the value, the weight " and the fineness of the metal are to be takep " .iinto consideration together. When a given ".weight of gold or silver is of a given fineness, it " is then of the true standard, and called sterling " metal and of this sterling metal all the " coin of the kingdom must be made, by the sta- " tute 25 Ed. III. c. 13. So that the king's ", .prerogative seemeth not to extend to the debas- ".,ing or enhancing the value of the coin below or *' above the sterling value; though Sir Matthew "-Hale appears to be of another opinion. The *'-king may also, by his proclamation, legitimate *' foreign coin, and make it current here, declaring " at what value it shall be taken in payments. But " this, I apprehend, ought to be by comparison " with the standard of our own coin ; otherwise " the consent of Parliament will be necessary %" About the authority of an Act of Parliament there can be no question. It is the authority of * Commentaries, b. i. c, 7. §. 4. 72- the King, without ParHament, which Mr. Van- sittart seems desirous of representing, as com- petent to alter the current value of our coin ; that is, to compel his subjects to take it either at the same rate when its real value is lessened, or at a higher rate when its real value remains the same. If = the Resolution does not mean this, it means nothing. But this is precisely the same thing, as taking his subjects' money without their consent. For the debts and engagements of Government may thus be discharged (as often has been done by despotic sovereigns) with a less quantity of the precious metals than was really due. To do this, Mr. Vansittart justly observes, is a direct fraud on the public creditor. Does he mean then that the sovereign has a right to commit this fraud ? That the King cannot tax his subjects without the au- thority of Parliament, but that he may cheat them by his own authority ? So monstrous a propo- sition could hardly have been endured, much less sanctioned by the House of Commons. Neither do I think so ill of the author of this Resolution, as to suspect him of entertaining it. Yet one is here placed in a perplexing dilemma. For if he goes no farther than Blackstone, who thinks "the King's prerogative does not extend to " the debasing or enhancing the value of the coin" — if he means no more than that the authority 73 either of an Act of Parliament or of a Proclamation is necessary to give currency to the coins, their absolute and relative value being previously settled according to strict justice, what is the import of that "reference to the soundest legal authorities " and the repeated and acknowledged practice of ** ages V' which is announced with so much so-^ lemnity in his speech ? and to which moreover he thinks it expedient to subjoin a declaration, both on his own part and on that of Mr. Perceval, that they have wo intention of proposing an alteration in the standard of our money P Why this re- ference to the soundest legal authorities, if he means nothing more recondite than Judge Black- stone's Commentaries ? — and why this mention of repeated and acknowledged practice, if he means onlv the practice of the last two centuries, which no one ever arraigned, and which certainly has no connexion with the subject then under discussion, the forced circulation of bank-paper ? Surely the King's prerogative has nothing to do with the paper of the bank. It is well known to all who have made en- quiries on the subject, that although the coin has at several periods of our history been debased, so that from a pouml of silver, which formerly was ' Page 68. L 74 coined into twenty shillings, sixty-six shillings are now coined, yet the standard has never been lowered from the 43d of Eliz. when sixty-two shil- lings were coined out of the pound, until last year, when the number was increased to sixty-six ; the recent measure being justified on the score of con- venience, and as not affecting the general rate of our currency, which ever since the year 1773 has been measured by the standard of gold : and the standard of our gold coin still remaining unaltered, the legal tender in silver being also reduced to forty shiUings, it was admitted on all sides to be no en- croachment on the principle of a permanent stand- ard of currency. Does then Mr. Vansittart mean by this appeal to " repeated and acknowledged " practice," to propose the arbitrary practice of our Sovereigns prior to the reign of Elizabeth— practice which has been discontinued not only since the Revolution, but which even the Stuart princes in all their difficulties never dared to imitate— does he propose this as evidence of the King's pre- rogative at the present day ? If he does, my an- swer to his doctrine would be no other than that of Bishop Andrewes to King James, " I think your " Majesty has a right to take my brother Neale's ** money, because he gives it, but he has no right " to give away mine." The authority of Sir Matthew Hale, which 75 Blackstone seems to think inclining the other way, is reduced almost to nothing by his own words, as quoted by Lord Liverpool in his Treatise on the Coins of the Realm. " It is neither safe nor honourable for the King " to ijiibase his coin below sterling : if it be at " any time done, it is fit to be done by the assent " of Parhament:" and his opinion even of such a transaction is pretty unequivocally expressed in these words, ^^ fieri non debiiit, factum valetT Notwithstanding all this, notwithstanding the forcible appeal made at the time to the consti- tutional feeling of the House, the Resolution was permitted to stand the first in that series", which was brought forward to support the circu- lation of bank-paper. It was permitted by the same assembly who objected to Mr. Horner's Resolutions, which contain the clearest and most concise exposition of the principles of our cur- rency that has ever been promulgated, that it did not become the legislature to vote abstract propositions however true, and who yet place on their journals one so abstract, that it has confessedly noconnexion either with the Resolutions that follow, or with the occasion out of which the discussion arose. " Sir Matthew Hale's Pleas of the Crown, p. I94. fol. cd, " See Appendix, No. II. • l2 76 In its only intelligible sense, it contains the plainest Implication of the Sovereign's right to the property of his subjects, which has ever been hazarded in modern times. And on that account it is well that a firm stand was made by one member of the House, not against the measure of bank- restriction, which perhaps the circumstances of the country rendered expedient, but against the doctrines and reasons by which it was defended. These doctrines struck at the root of all sound political economy, of our constitutional privileges, and of our public honour and good faith. It will not, I am sure, be unacceptable to my readex-s if I produce, from one of the speeches delivered on this occasion, not the most brilliant passage, but a passage which places in the strongest light the true merits of the case, and the grounds of the speaker's opposition to Mr. Vanslttart's Resolutions. " In addition to these motives of policy, there " are, as I have heard this night, not without asto- " nishment and dismay — considerations of jus- *' tice, which preclude any systematick reduction ** of the amount of our paper currency. Such a " reduction, it is argued, would change the value " of existing contracts, and throw into confusion " every species of pecuniary transaction, from the " rent of the great landed proprietor down to the " wages of thfe peasant and the artisan. Good 17 " God ! what is this but to say, that the system of ff irredeemable paper currency must continue for " ever? What is it but to say, that the debts in- " curred, and the contracts entered into, under " the old established legal standard of the cur- " rency, including the debts and contracts of the " State itself, are now to be lopped and squared " to a new measure, set up originally as a tempo- " raiy expedient; and that the sacredness of publick " faith, and the obligation of legal engagements, " are to be conformed to the accidental and fluctu- " ating derangement, and not to the antient and " fixed rule, of our currency ? " If this be so, there is indeed no hope that we " shall ever return to our sound and pristine state.— " This objection is of a nature to propagate itself " indefinitely. Every day new contracts must ne- " cessarily be made ; and every day successively " (as it is of the essence of depreciation to go on " increasing in degree) at rates diverging more and " more widely from the real standard from which " we have departed. Every day, therefore, must " interpose additional impediments to a return to " the legal standard. Never did the wildest and " most hostile prophesier of ruin to the finances of " this country venture to predict that a time should " come, when, by the avowal of Parliament, no- " minal amount in paper, without reference to any 78 " real standard value In gold, would be the pay- " ment of the publick creditor. But still less *•' could it ever be apprehended that such a system *' was to be built on the foundations of equity and *' right ; — that it would be considered as unjust to " give to the paper creditor the real value of his *' contracts in gold, but just to compel the creditor " who had trusted in gold, to receive for all time " to come the nominal amount, whatever that " might come to be, of his contract in paper. " This proposition appears to me so monstrous, *',and shows so plainly to what an extravagant and " alarming length we are liable to be hurried, " when once we have lost sight of principle and " given ourselves up to the guidance of expediency, " that I am sure this House ought to lose no time " in pronouncing its opinion as to the maxims by " which, for centuries, the currency of this country " has been preserved in eminent purity and inte- *' grity ; and in declaring its determination to " acknowledge no others in the theory of our " money system, and to look to a practical return *' to that system, not only as advantageous to the " State, but as indispensable to its justice and its *' honour ^." When I perceive this tone both of sentiment and reasoning preserved vigorously throughout, ^ Mr. Canning's Speech^ p. 71 — 73. 79 ^ the speaker never ceasing to profess that the prac- Jkal measure may still be necessary, and therefore that he is not prepared to vote against it, but pro- testing earnestly and eloquently, and with a masterly knowledge of the subject, against the false and fatal grounds on which its advocates defend it — and then mark the reception which this line of conduct met with from both sides of the House, I recognize a melancholy instance of the feeble influence of truth, of reason, or even of eloquence, when un- aided by the co-operation of party. Mr. Canning's support was treated with scorn by the author of the Resolutions against ministry, because he would not adopt the concluding proposition, fixing an abso- lute period of two years for the resumption of cash payments. While on the other hand Mr. Van- sittart indulged in what doubtless appeared to him- self the most biting sarcasms, on the inconsistency of a man who could adopt the theoretical opinions of his adversary, and yet support his own practical measures — which he compared to " voting for a " conclusion that contradicts the premises." By the same ingenious process it would appear, that he who votes for the suspension of the Habeas Corpus Act, nmst either deny the existence of the constitutional privileges therein declared, or that if he maintains these, he acts inconsistently in con- senting to a suspension of thein under any cir- cumstances. m But the right honourable gentleman's system of logic, like his finance, sets all precedent at de% fiance. Thus, having wound up his speech in a note of triumph with a sketch of the growing u^ealth and flourishing condition of the country, he denies that this wealth can he Jictitiotis, because it shews itself in works of improvement, such as three new bridges over the Thames, &c. and " to call '* these improvements fictitious would be an out- " rage to common sense." What faculty is out- raged by this species of deduction I leave you, Sir, and my readers to determine. One would think indeed that solid and useful works, raised upon fictitious capital, must have occasionally met the eyes of every man. While nothing is more certain than that one effect of fictitious wealth rs to call forth an active and daring spirit of speculation, growing bolder and bolder from the apparent success of men whose means were as nothing when measured by the old standard, but who by fortunate rashness with their own small capital, or by staking the property confided to them, have risen to sudden opulence. In that new and artificial state of things, it is the shrewd and enter- prising schemer, not the sober dealer, who thrives. Wealth appears to be called into being almost by magic. Cautious and prudential maxims of business are despised as antiquated : and what in other times would be called wild and ruinous speculation, now 81 wears the appearance of energy, intelligence, and ^irit. In the mean time industry does certainly receive an impulse, and a sort of new life is breathed into the whole system of society. The mere cir- cumstance of a fall in the value of money creates, as was before^ observed, a demand for labour- — and that labour being really underpaid brings un- usual profit to the employer. Thus it is that farms are improved, roads, bridges, and canals formed, buildings raised, and a general expenditure of capital, however fictitious itself, soon assumes a visible and substantial form. Till the bubble bursts all goes well. All is hope, activity, and cheerfulness. Thus it was with the famous South-sea scheme, the effects of which on society would have been still more melancholy, had the delusion lasted longer. Thus it is in all revolutionary movements supported by a paper circulation : and it would be just as reasonable for a Frenchman to point with exultation to the armies they raised, clothed, and put in motion, or to the public works they planned and completed during that season of general ferment, as for an English minister to produce new bridges and canals, as proofs that the circulating wealth is real and not fictitious. Ce liest pas Vassignat qui perd, ^ See p. 24, M 8^ vest Vargent qui gagne, was the language of the ruling party respecting their paper, in the first stages of its depreciation. We have seen how well our minister caught this note in his argument about the clearness of gold. By the help of the same logic, he also proves that if the ejects of a paper circulation are solid and visible, the paper- money itself cannot he fictitious . Let him wait till the experiment is fairly over, before he pronounces on its success. Until that re- presentative wealth assutnes again the solid form, we have no right to say, whatever its temporary effects may have been, that it really is what it pro- fesses to be. From the obstinate refusal indeed which it shews to reassume this shape, from its abhorrence to obey any of the charms and incan- tations that have been tried to induce it to re-enter the earthy substance, there is good reason to think that the subtle sprite is well aware how much its importance would suffer — how greatly its dimen- sions would shrink, and its volatility be impaired by such a change—at least it should seem that some more powerful wizard than the present Chancellor of the Exchequer is needed to bring about the metamorphosis. If he has not succeeded in de- ceiving usy how many deceitful promises, how many baffling put-offs and excuses have been prac- 83 tised on him by this coy phantom, who still eludes his grasp Par levibus vends volucrique simillima somno. At one time it was the support of our armies on the continent— then the foreign subsidies — then the scarcity of corn — then the Berlin and Milan decrees — then the inordinate thirst of Buonaparte for gold, and his power of rendering it invisible — then the war in the peninsula — then the peace — for the last document which, if I remenjber right, the successor of Mr. Pitt laid before Parliament to accoimt for the disappearance of specie, was a com- parative list of the arrivals of travellers to and from the continent at Dover. Having run the round of all these frivolities, let us hope that sober reason and experience may at length be allowed to resume their station : and that if we cannot fix this visionary wealth into any substance of corresponding bulk and solidity, we shall at least be permitted to ascertain how much of it is shadowy and ideal, and how much of ster- ling worth. This Mr. Vansittart may call if he pleases " tampering with our currency " ;" which is just as if one should call a proposal to terminate the suspension of the Habeas Corpus Act tamper- ing with the constitution. But there is no other ■ Speech on the Bullion Resolutions, p. I97. M 2 84 way of satisfying the public mind, or of putting an end to that feverish uncertainty about matters which, for the peace, the happiness, the security and honour of private life, ought to be most certain. The disclosure will doubtless be distressing to many, but it will be less mischievous than a con- tinuance of the delusion. Most mortifying of all will it be to those, who have mocked us with congra- tulations on our increased riches, and who naturally desire to put off the evil day, when the emptiness of their boasting shall be made apparent, and when those whom they have misled will justly reproach them as the authors of their calamity. More espe- cially will the bank proprietor feel the loss, who has indulged longest in this golden dream, fondly ima- gining that it is to last for ever, Qui nunc te fruitur credulus aureS, Qui semper vacuum, semper amabilem Sperat, nescius aurae Fallacis. It cannot indeed be expected but that all funded property will collapse, when no longer dis- tended by this airy medium — but the Bank, which has been the chief absorbent of the profit, which has glutted itself, as it were, with the excessive and unlooked-for gain, must be content to con- tribute a proportionate share towards the general 85 restitution. From the year 1797, when the re- striction commenced, to the present time, the value of its stock has been increased nearly threefold^. The whole of this increase must not be attributed to the restriction itself ; but it is impossible not to see that the regular profits of such an institution, incapable as it is of engaging in general trade, and making therefore only lawful interest of its money, and of the Government balances deposited in its hands, can never have amounted to half this sum. In the general correction therefore that must be made, by substituting the metallic for the iiominal value of all monied property, whatever amount of that property exists in the form of Bank-paper, the whole difference of these values will be a loss to the Bank. The difference probably is still not less than 15 per cent, causing a defalcation of nearly one seventh on all its present issues. But whatever the defalcation may be, it will not amount to a restitution of their exorbitant gains — it will only be a cessation of them for the future — and the stock, ^ Iq 1797 bank stock was worth 125 per cent. At pre- sent it is 272. But besides this, every hundred pound stock of that time is a hundred and quarter now ; the bank having in 1816 increased their nominal capital in that proportion : so that the increase of bank stock since 1797 is as 272 -\--^ to 125, or as 340 to 125, which is nearly as three to one. 86 after this reduction, will still exceed its original value in 1797 in a much larger proportion than ever could have been calculated or even hoped for at that time. The most rational and equitable plan for checking this inordinate growth, and providing a fund for the resumption of cash payments, was that of Mr. Canning in 181 L He proposed, that the then divi- dend of the Bank, which was 10 per cent, should be the maximum, and that all future gains during the restriction, beyond this dividend, should be reserved for the purpose of meeting that demand which must one day be made for bullion, if the Bank is ever to fulfil its engagements with the public. This proposal, simple and practicable as it seems, met with no countenance from either party. But the subject of the Bank, of its connexion with the Administration, and its unfortunate in- fluence over it, is one too wide in extent to be dis- cussed at the close of this Letter. It is a subject moreover which is in the hands of one best quali- fied to do it justice : one, whose intrepid perse- verance against the low commercial spite and jealousy he had to contend with, has already saved the country more than the aggregate of all the sinecure places ever existing ; and who, if ade- quately supported in the House, will doubtless 87 succeed ultimately in accomplishing his patriotic purpose *^. * Among the Arabic Fables of Bidpai is to be founds in some copies, a tale which the ingenious translator of that work appears not to have seen. As its originality is un- doubted, I sliall take the liberty of giving it, though in a form somewhat abridged. It is entitled, after their quaint manner.. The Horses, or The folly of taking advice from interested persons. When the Sultan Amurath IV. was preparing for war against the Infidels, he tohl his son he must accompany the army, and bid iiim provide horses and all suitable equipment for the field. The Prince asked how many horses he ought to buy. The Sultan, wishing to try the discretion of his son, replied, ''Go and consider with thyself, and ask counsel of *' those whom thou judgest most worthy to advise thee — buy " whatever is necessary, but be frugal." The young man ap- peared at Court the next day, and told the Sultan he had pro- vided every thing. "And how many horses hast thou bouglit?" Two dozen, O Vicegerent of the Prophet, Destroyer of Infi- dels, Mirror of all virtue, was the answer. "Why so many?" rejoined the Sultan, " whose ad vice hast thou asked ?" I went, replied the Prince, to the Bazaar, and enquired of the dealers in horses : they all advised me earnestly to buy two dozen, except one man, who thought one dozen was sufficient, saying, I might have one dozen more, should they be wanted, out of the royal stables, where they are high fed, and do no work: but I followed the counsel of the many. " By the beard of " my ancestors," exclaimed the Sultan, " thou hast proved " thyself unworthy of the throne of Othman — thou goest to " seek counsel of them whose gain is thine own loss — Vi thou " knowest not to provide for thyself, how shalt tliou be able " to watch over the treasure of the faithful ?" 88 That the Bank has not abused the discretion vested in them by the Government still more — that their issues have not been so excessive as to pre- The story is told, like most eastern fables, with many va- riations. In some copies it is said to be the Vizier not the Son of the Sultan, who was thus tried, and that the enraged Sultan ordered his head to be struck off : in others, that he was contented with depriving him of his beard, because it gave him an. imposing air of sanctity and wisdom, which misled his subjects. All agree in saying that he lost his office, and some add, that he betook himself to a way of life, for which there is no English name, but which in the Arabic is called Jokkai; while the honest dealer in horses was sent for to Court, and from that time forth consulted in all weighty affairs. But these particulars, as being less authentic as well as less applicable to my present purpose, I pass over. The Arabs are fond of the marvellous, even in their moral apologues : and it may be thought that the fiction of a Vi- zier so duped exceeds the bounds of credibility. To the cri- tics who raise this objection I beg leave to recommend a modern narrative of plain matter of fact, in which an exact parallel will be found, substituting only milli07is for hones. If Mr. Grenfell could be persuaded to republish his Speech of April 28, 1814, on the Sinking Fund, he would add greatly to the obligations he has already conferred on the public, by his firm and able, and I may add, successful ex- posure of the infatuated dealings of our ministry with the Bank and with monied men. I question whether the Chan- cellor Oxenstiern, in his memorable advice to his son, ever contemplated a case so humiliating to the pride of human reason, as what is related in the preface to Mr, Grenfcll's speech. 89 elude, like those of America and France, all hope of liquidation, is but slender consolation to a people, whose ministry placed that blind confidence in them which empowered them to do so — whose ministry entrusted to a trading company, without check or controul, an entire command over the whole currency of the country. If the guardian- ship of the public purse be the most sacred charge of the House of Commons ; if, as you. Sir, have recently told us with perfect truth, to watch the slightest encroachment on this constitutional pri- vilege, be the first and most anxious duty of the officer who presides there ; what must we think of that careless and wanton surrender of this superintendence, which was involved in the mea- sure of the Bank Restriction, accompanied as it has been all along by a peremptory refusal to impose any restraint upon the Bank, as to the amount of its circulation ? It is a conduct justi- fiable only on the ground, not merely that ex- cessive issues had not taken place, but that they never could take place — a ground which yet the most devoted advocates of the measure have not ventured to maintain. Whether your opinion coincides with my own on these points — or whether you will approve of the considerations here submitted to your judg- ment, upon matters certainly of great national N m rafoment-^of oite thkf^ I' am confidse^t, that jroawiU not lightly dismiss the subject from your thoughts, nor think amiss of the appeal which is thus inadt h« behalf of some of the dearest interest* of »©►> ciety. You will also, I trust, fe^l thenecessityof re^ pairing, in some way or other, the injuries our pub- lic credit and our mercantile character have sus- tained from the unprincipled speculation which a system of finance supported by such doctrines never fails to introduce — and more especially of raising our peasantry, if possible, from the lan- guishing and abject condition into which they have gradually fallen — 'and which the same finan- cial system has rivetted upon them with many aggravations. The station you now occupy, though not digni- fied by office, is a prominent and proud one. To have been chosen by abdVe fifteen hundred gentle- men of liberal education as their representative in Parliament, without one dissentient voice, and' I believe I may add without one dissentient mind in the whole body, is a distinction which confers no barren honour on its possessor. It must give weight and authority to his opinions : it must ex- tend the sphere of his utiHty : it must afford grounds of self-confidence and self-respect: at the same time that it cannot fail to reflect back- on ourselves some portion of the esteem which 91 belongs to a man " well formed and well placed," who is too independent of party to have his own line of conduct prescribed to him, and who has abilities to direct the efforts of party to the benefit of his country. ^^ THE END Erratum in thejirst edition. Page 63. 1. %i, for diminution of the currency read diminution of the value of currency n2 <<>$iM^O('> s^^k : ■ bloorfg v/ APPENDIX, No. I. Resolutions proposed hy Francis Horner, Esq. in a Committee of the whole House of Com- mons, May 6th, 1811; and negatived, May 10th. 1. That the only money which can be legally ten- dered in Great Britain, for any sum above twelve-pence in the whole, is made either of Gold or Silver ; and that the weight, standard, and denomination, at which any such money is authorized to pass current, is fixed, under His Majesty's prerogative, according to law. 2. — That since the forty-third year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth, the indentures of His Majesty's Mint have uniformly directed that all silver used for coin should consist of eleven ounces and two penny-weights of fine silver, and eighteen penny-weights of alloy, in each pound troy, and that the said pound troy should be divided into sixty-two shillings, or into other coins in that proportion. 3. — That since the fifteenth year of the reign of King Charles the Second, the indentures of His Majesty's Mint have uniformly directed, that all gold used for coin should consist of eleven ounces of pure gold, and one ounce of alloy, in each pound troy ; and that the said pound troy should be divided and coined into forty- 94 four guineas and pi^ei bfilfrguine^, pr JDto other coins in j|iat proportion. „ I ,,, , ,,,,,.((<} hOAi» hw-iiumi li.s J, 4.— That by ;? Pf o^el^matiod (^^7.— That under these' i^s '(w-RiCft consti^ie the 5^tablished policy of this realm, in regard to money) no ctmtracttjr ttttdertJ^Mng fot- the payfltifent; of money, sti- pulaled to be paW in potfrtSs ^terlhi^, 6r in good and lawful money of Great Britain, can be legalty Satisfied and dischai'ged, in gold coin, unless tlie coin tendered shall weigh in the proportion of 4« parts of five peniifr weights and eight grains of standard gold for each poUlid steriing, specified in the said contract; nor in alve:^ coin, for a sum exceeding 25l. unless such coin shall weigh in the proportion of ^ of a pound troy of standard silver for each pound sterling specified, in' ;t^^ contract. , ,,^^ 'I^.^—That the promissory notes of the Bank of Erig- hrfld are stipulations to pay, on demand, the sum in potmds sterBng, respectively specified in each of the said notes. i). — That when it was enacted by the authority, ^pf Pafliament, that the payment of the promissory npte$ of the Bank of England in cash should for a time be suspended, it was not the intention of Parliament that any alteration whatsoever should take place in the value of such promissory notes. i.o '<,i'^ . lI )! h vtucr 10. — That it appears, that tfie adtu^l vafoe p^ ^^ prcHuissory notes of the Bank of England (measuring such value by weight of standai-d gold and silver as afore- said) has been, for a considerable period of time, and still is, considerably less than what is established by the laws of the realm to be the legal tender in pajTnenJtj^f $ny money contract or stipulation. /•, il. — That the fall which has thus taken place ia-tfee> vaJue of the promissory notes of the Bank of England, and in that of the country bank pujxr which i« exchange- able for it, has been occasioned hy too abundant issue of paper currency, botli by the Bank of Engliuid, and by ihe country banks ; and tluit this excess ha« originated from the want ol" that check and coutroul on the ispuot* of the Bank of England, which existed before tlie suspen- sion of cash })aynients. 96 12. — That it appears, that the exchanges with fo- reign parts have, tor a considerable period of time, been unfavourable to this country, in an extraordinary de- gree. 13. — That, although the adverse circumstances of our trade, together with the large amount of our mili- tary expenditure abroad, may have contributed to render our exchanges with the continent of Europe unfavour- able; yet the extraordinary degree, in which the ex- changes have been depressed for so long a period, has been, in a great measure, occasioned by the deprecia- tion which has taken place in the relative value of the currency of this country as compared with the money of foreign countries. 14. — That during the continuance of the suspension of cash payments, it is the duty of the Directors of the Bank of England to advert to the state of the foreign ex- changes, as well as to the price of bullion, with a view to regulate the amount of their issues. 15. — That the only certain and adequate security to be provided against an excess of paper currency, and for maintaining the relative value of the circulating me- dium of the realm, is the legal convertibility, upon de- mand, of all paper currency into lawful coin of the realm. 16. — That in order to revert gradually to this security, and to enforce meanwhile a due limitation of the paper of the Bank of England as well as of all the other bank paper of the country, it is expedient to amend the Act which suspends the cash payments of the Bank, by al- tering the time till wluch the suspension shall continue, from six months after the ratification of a definitive treaty of peace, to that of two years from the present time. 97 'f^T^fltions respecti7}g Moiwif, Bullion, anil Exchanges, moved hij the Right Hon. N. Vansitlart, in a Committee of the ivhole House of Commons, i^th May, and agreed to hy the House, 14th and 16th of Alay, 1811. 1 . Resolved, That the right of establishing and regulating the legal money of this kingdom hath at all times been a royal prerogative, vested in the Sovereigns thereof, who have, from time to time, exercised the same as they have seen fit, in changing such legal money, or altering and varying the value, and enforcing or restraining the circulation thereof, by Proclamation, or in concurrence with the estates of the realm by Act of Parliament: and that such legal money cannot lawfully be defaced, melted down, or exported. 2. Resolved, That the promissory notes of the Governor-and Company of the Bank of England are engagements to pay certain sums of money in the legal coin of this kingdom; and that for more than a century past, the said Governor and Company were at all times ready to discharge such promissory notes in legal coin of the realm, until restrained from so doing on tlie 95th of February' 1797,by an Order of Council, confirrtferf by Act of Parliament. 3. Resolved, That the proniissory notes of the said Company have hitherto been, and are at this time, held in public o estimation to be equivalent to the legal coin of the realm, and generally accepted as such in all pecuniary transactions to which such coin is lawfully appli- cable. 4. Resolved, That at various periods, as well before as since the said restriction, the exchanges between Great Bri- tain and several other countries have been unfavourable to Great Britain; and that during such periods, the prices of gold and silver bullian, especially of such gold bullion as could be legally exported, have frequently risen above the Mint price : and the coinage of money ^t the Mint has been either wholly suspended or greatly diminished in amount: and that such circumstances have usually occurred, when expensive naval and mili- tary operations have been carried on abroad f and in times of public danger or alarm; or when large import- ations of gpain from foreign parts have taken place. '({nt That such unfavourable changes, and rise in ^Jhe price of bullion, occurred to a greater or less degree during the wars carried on by King William the Third and Queen Anne; and also during part of the seven years, and of the American war; and daring the war and scarcity of grain in 1795 and 1796, when the difficulty of procuring cash or bullion increased to such a degree, that on the 25th of February, 1797j the Bank of England was restrained from making payments in cash by an Order of Council, confirmed and continued to the pi-escnt time by divers Acts of Parliament : _a.nd the exchanges became still more unfavourable, and the price of bullion higher, during the scarcity wliijjljt .pre- vailed for two ijrears previous, to the peace @f iA^thiens. 6. Resolved, That the unfavourable state of the exchanges, and the high price of bullion, do not, in any of the in- stances above referred to, appear to have been produced by the restriction upon casli payments at the Bank of England, or by any excess in the issue of Bank-notes ; inasmuch as all the said instance*, except the last, oc- curred previously to any restriction on such cash pay- ments ; and because, so far as appears by such inform- ation as has been procured, the price of bullion has fre- (](>!iently been highest, and the exchanges most unfa" Vdurable, at periods, when the issues of Bank-notes have been considerably diminished, and they have been after- wards restored to their ordinary rates, although those isst^e!^ Tiave been increased. Y. Jtesolved, loiJiV-tyijo -^rcj. ■'" That during the period of nearly sW^rity-eight years, ending with the 1st of January 179G, and pre- vious to the aforesaid restriction, of which period ac- counts are before the House, the price of standard gold in bars has been at or under the Mint price twenty-eight years and five months; and above the said Mint price forty-eight years and eleven months ; and that the price of foreign gold coin has been at or under 3/. ISs. per o)lnce, thirty-six years and seven months, and above the said price thirty-nine years and three months ; and that during the remaining intervals no prices are stated. — And that during the same period of seventy-ei^ht years, the price of standard silver appears to have been at or under the Mint price, three years and two months only. jT.qZft^ibfo^/'i^iJBDg y/it y^miuh ,i3jJ^id noillwd 'to •> That during the latter part, and for some time o 2 100 after the close of the American war, during the years 1781, 1782, and 1783, the exchange with Hamburgh fell from 34.1 to 31.5, being about eight per cent. ; and the price of foreign gold rose from 3/. 17s. 6d. to 4l. 9s. 3d. per ounce, and the price of dollars from 5s. Aid. per ounce, to 5s. 11 jd.; and that the Bank- notes in circulation were reduced between March 1782 and December 1732, from 9,26(),000Z. to 5,995,000/. being a diminution of above one third, and continued (with occasional variations) at such reduced rate until December 1784.: and that the exchange with Hamburgh rose to S^.CJ, and the price of gold fell to 3/. I7s. 6d. and dollars to 5s. l^d. per ounce, before the 25th of February 1787? the amount of Bank-notes being then increased to 8,688,000/. o^jEesolved, 9(5 > That the amount of Bank-notes in Febru- ary 1787, was -8,688,000/. and in February 1791, 11^699,000/.; and that during the same period, the sum of 10,704,000L was coined in gold; and that the ex- change with Hamburgh rose about three per cent. /ji b;vn;''- ■■■ •.. -:ly-i-r^,^ -:•,■■ : nA.i That the average amount of Bank-notes in the year 17Q5, was about 11,4<97,000/. ; and on the 25th of February, 1797> was reduced to 8,640,000/. during whicii time the exchange with Hamburgh fell from 36 to 35, being about three per cent, and the said amount was increased to 1 1,855,000/. exclusive of 1,542,000/. in. notes of one pound and two pounds each, on the 1st of February 1798, during which tin)© thjeLe^ichaBge rose to 38.2, being about nine per centnifinr esw aorijl.)!) 101 11. Resolved, That the average price of wheat, per quarter, in England, in the year 1708, was 5s. 3d.; in 1709 67^. 5d.; in 1800, 11 35. Id.; in 1801, 11 86. 3c/.; and in 18Q2, 675. 5d. The amount of Bank-notes, of five pounds and up- wards, was About And under 51. JMaking together in 1798, 10,920,400/. 1,786,000/. 12,706,400/. in 1799S,, 12,048,790/. 1,626,110/. 13,674,906/. in 1800, 13,421,920/. 1,831,820/. 15,253,740/. in 1801, 13,454,370/. 2,71. '5,1 80/. 16,169,550/. in 1802, 13,917,980/. 3,136,470/. 17,054,450/. That the exchange with Hamburgh was, in January 1798, 38.2; January 1799, 37.7; January 1800, 32. ; Ja- nuary 1801, 29.8 ; being in the whole a fall of above 22 per cent.— In January 1802, 32.2 ; and December 1802, 34. ; being in the whole a rise of about thirteen per cent. 12. Resolved, That during all the periods above referred to, previous to the commencement of the war with France in 1793, the principal states of Europe preserved their independence, and the trade and correspondence thei'eof were carried on conformably to the accustomed law of nations; and that although from the time of the inva- sion of Holland by the French in 1795, the trade of Great Britain with the Continent was in part circum- scribed and interrupted, it was carried on freely with several of the most considerable ports, and commercial correspondence was maintained at all times previous to the summer of I8O7. 102 13. Resolved, That since the month of November 1806, and especially since the summer of 1807, a system of exclu- sion has been established against the British trade on the continent of Europe, under the influence and terror of the French power, and enforced with a degree of violence and rigour never before attempted; whereby all trade and correspondence between Great Britain and the continent of Europe has (with some occasional excep- tions, chiefly in Sweden and in certain parts of Spain and Portugal) been hazardous, precarious, and expen- sive, the trade being loaded with excessive freights to foreign shipping, and other unusual charges : and that the trade of Great Britain with the United States of America has also been uncertain and interrupted ; and that in addition to these circumstances, which have greatly affected the course of payments between this country and other nations, the naval and military ex- penditure of the United Kingdom in foreign parts has for three years past been very great; and the price of grain, owing to a deficiency in the crops, higher than at any time, whereof the accounts appear before Par- liament, except during the scarcity of 1800 and 1801 ; aD(J that large quantities thereof have been imported. fi: Hesolved, *■ - That the amount of currency necessary for car- rying on the transactions of the country, must bear a proportion to the extent of its trade and its public re- venue and expenditure ; and that the annual amount of the exports and imports of Great Britain, on an average of three years, ending 5th of January, 1797, was 48,732,651/. official value; the average amount of re- venue paid into the Exchequer, including monies raised by lottery, 18,759,165/.; and of loans, 18,409,842/.; making 103 together 37,1 eOjOOTZ.; and the average amount of the total expenditure of Great Britain, 42,855,111/.; and that the average amount of Bank-notes in circulation (all of which were for five pounds, or upw^ards) was about 10,782,780/.; and that 57,274,617/. had been coined in gold during His Majesty's reign, of which a large sum was then in circulation : That the annual amount of the exports and imports of Great Britain, on an average of three years, ending 5th of January, 1811, supposing the imports from the East Indies and China, in the year ending 5th of Ja- nuary, 1811, to have been equal to tbeir amount in the preceding year, was 775^7 1 >31 8/. ; the average amount of revenue paid into the Exchequer, 62,763,74'6/. ; and of loans, 12,673,548/. making together 75,437,294/.; and the average amount of the total expenditure of Great Britain, 82,205,066/. ; and that the average amount of Bank-notes, above five pounds, was about 14,265,850/. and of notes under five pounds, about 5,283,330/.; and that the amount of gold coin in circulation was greatly diminished. '"-: 15. P.esolved, '" '' That the situation of this kingdom, in respect of its political and commercial relations witli foreign countries, as above stated, is sufficient, without any change in the internal value of its currency, to account for the unfavourable state of the foreign exchanges, and for the high price of bullion. ,^^.^. 16. Resolved, That it is highly important that the restriction on the payments in cash of the Bank of England, should be removed, whenever tiie political and commercial re- ^ ao4 lations of the country shall render it compatible with the public interest. 17. Resolved, That under the circumstances affecting the po- litical and commercial relations of this kingdom with foreign countries, it would be highly inexpedient and dangerous, now to fix a definite period for the removal of the restriction of cash payments at the Bank of Eng- land, prior to the term already fixed by the Act 44 Geo; III. c. 1. of six months after the conclusion of a definitive treaty of peace. THE END. BAXTEK, PEINTEE, OJCfOfll/. I