T*v. of L.. TO liOJ'ERN &LMOXER'8 FI'XI). 1888 . HAYDEN & KIRK, PRINTERS. Weir City, Kansas. — O F — Local Assembly No. 780, K. of L. /VVWVWW TO IrOrERX tiLMOXER’S FUXD. 1888 . HAYDEN & KIRK, PRINTERS. Weir City, Kansas. Tfiu?n /nr- BY-LAW S of C<3>^. Local Assembly No, 780, K, of L, TO GOVERN THE ALMONER’S FUND. ARTICLE I. Section 1. This society shall be known as the “Knights of Labor Benefit Society, L. A. 780. 1 * Sec. 2. There shall be a standing committee of five members, who shall be elected at the annual election. Sec. 3. The duties of the standing committee shall be to act as a Board of Reference to see after the finances of the society. Sec. 4. There shall be a committee of not less than three to visit sick members, which committee shall be elected annually; and any members declin¬ ing to serve shall be fined in the sum of fifty cents. Said committee shall be empowered to call on and request any two members of the order to stay up at night in turn with any sick member, when they deem it necessary. Any member failing to comply with said request to be fined in the sum of fifty cents. ITT 4 BY-LAWS TO GOVERN THE ALMONER’S FUND. ARTICLE II. Sec. 5. Anv member of a committee neglect- n ing or refusing to perform the duties of said com¬ mittee shall be lined fifty cents. Sec. 6. The visiting committee, upon receiv¬ ing notice of the sickness of a member, shall visit him within twenty-four hours. When said com¬ mittee is satisfied that said sick member is entitled to benefits under the constitution and by-laws, the committee shall procure the same for him. They shall visit such sick member twice a week during his illness. Upon proof satisfactory to the com- % mittee of existing fraud or imposition, they shall immediately suspend payment to such fraudulent member and report the facts to the Almoner. The fact that in their opinion any member has at any time imposed upon them or attempted so to do in regard to the sickness of himself or another they shall report to the Almoner as soon as such fact comes to their knowledge. They may at any time require the certificate of a physician designated by the standing committee in case of reported sick¬ ness of a member. They shall examine and ap¬ prove of all claims for benefits before the same are paid by the Almoner. Sec. 7. Any member of the sick and visiting committee neglecting to visit any sick member, after being duly notified, shall pay a fine of fifty BY-LAWS TO GOVERN THE ALMONER’S FUND. 5 cents; and any member of said committee acting partially or unjustly shall, upon proof thereof before the Assembly, be expelled. Sec. 8 . No member shall be allowed any sick or ailment money until he has been three months a member; and no member shall receive any benefits from the Almoner who has three months 1 dues or any tine or assessment standing against him during said sickness. Sec. 9. Any member receiving sick benefits and found absent from his home or place of resi¬ dence later than eight o’clock p. m., shall be deprived of all benefits of the order during such sickness unless satisfactory excuse for his absence is accepted by the officers of the order to which said member belongs. Sec. 10. In case of death no money shall be be allowed for funeral expenses unless deceased shall have been three months a member, and there shall not be three months 1 dues or any fine or assessment standing against him. Sec. 11. Any member who shall become sick through intemperance, or any vicious habit, or improper or unlawful act, or through negligence of his person or health, shall not be entitled to any benefits during such sickness. 6 BY-LAWS TO GOVERN THE ALMONER’S FUND. ARTICLE III. Sec. 12. The initiation fee of this order shall be one dollar. The montnly dues shall not be less than twenty-five cents. The weekly benefits shall be three dollars for each week for thirteen weeks during any part of twelve months; and no frac¬ tional part of a week shall be allowed. Provided . however, that the board of directors and commit¬ tee on sick shall determine what further amount, if any, shall be appropriated. On the death of a member the sum of forty dollars shall be appropri¬ ated to defray funeral expenses. ARTICLE IV. Sec. 13. A member debarred by Art. 2, Sec. 8, from sick benefits will not be permitted while sick to pay his dues so as to admit him to said benefit. Sec. 14. When a member is taken sick he shall immediately give information to the Almoner, who shall take a note of the same and as soon as possible direct the chairman of the visiting com¬ mittee to visit said sick member, specifying the date on which he received notice of such sickness. Should it be found on visiting a sick member said sickness was brought on by Divine Providence, the chairman shall make out a certificate, with the names of the members appended, and see that said BY-LAWS TO GOVERN THE ALMONER’S FUND. 7 sick member shall receive his regular benefits during his sickness. No beuefit shall be paid any member under plea of sickness unless ordered by the visiting committee and the Almoner. And in case of the death of a member, the sum of forty dollars shall be allowed for funeral expenses, and the same shall be paid by an assessment on the members in the sum of one dollar each. ARTICLE V. Sec. 15. No member shall be allowed any sick benefit for less than one week, and only from the time of notifying the Almoner of his sickness. Members are entitled to benefits on a ceitifieate of a physician and approved by the committee on sick and the Almoner. Sec. 16. Any applicant for aid or benefits shall not be entitled to any assistance or benefit if he performs any labor or is found under the influ¬ ence of liquor. Sec. 17. When the order has paid thirteen weeks 1 sick benefit to any member in any case of sickness, if such sickness still continues it shall be the duty of the Almoner and the sick committee to convene the board of directors of the order and consider whether the full sick benefits shall be con¬ tinued during his illness, or reduced to less, or dis¬ continued. The directors and visiting committee 8 BY-LAWS TO GOVERN THE ALMONER*S FUND. shall be guided by the circumstances of the mem¬ ber and the general tenor of the laws. No action shall be taken under this section until thirteen weeks' benefits have been paid. ARTICLE VI. DUTIES OF THE TREASURER. Sec. 18. He shall receive from the Financial Secretary all moneys belonging to the order und invest and appropriate the same in the manner hereinafter described. He shall keep a correct account of all moneys received and expended and shall report the same quarterly to the Assembly. He shall receipt for all moneys paid him by the Financial Secretary ot this society, and for dis¬ bursements he must have the ordei of the president of the board, countersigned by the Financial Secre- tary. For relief to members and for burial expense he must have the vouchers of the visiting commit¬ tee, countersigned by the President and Financial Secretary. He shall not retain in his possession more than fifty dollars and when ordered to deposit any amount in a saving bank or- other institution, the board of directors shall see that said >rder is complied with. He shall give such judgment bond as the board of directors mav determine for the •» faithful performance of his duties. 3 0112 105208885