fW. : IR E! T TI UX 1ST OP THE i , TRUSTEES »F THE NORFOLK COUNTY RAILROAD, For tiie Sevenl Months ending Noyember 30 , 1858 . r nder the Acts of 1849, Chap. 191 ; 1851, Chap. 102 ; 1854, Chap. 423 ; 1856, Chap 165 ; 1857, Chapters 40, 168 and 240, and 1858, Chap. 46. The Trustees do not answer these questions, because they have not the information necessa- ry — they having taken possession of the Road ’apital Stock, - [ncrease of capital since last Report, - capital paid in, per last Report, Capital paid in since last Report, Total amount of capital stock paid in, lumber of shares of capital stock issued, 'unded debt, per last Report, 'unded debt, paid since last Report, 'unded debt, increase of, since last Report, Total present amount of funded debt, Moating debt, per last Report, Moating debt, paid since last Report, Moating debt, increase of, since last Report, Total present amount of floating debt, Total present amount of funded and floating debt, imount of debts secured by mortgage of road and fran- chise, or any property of the corporation, per last Report, ...... lortgage debt, paid since last Report, ^Mortgage debt, increase of, since last Report, Total present amount of mortgage debt, lumber of mortgages on road and franchise, or any property of the Corporation, IMaximum amount of debts during the year, - average rate of interest per annum, paid during the year, Cost of Road and Equipment. 'or graduation and masonry, per last Report, 'or graduation and masonry, paid during the past year, Total amount expended for graduation and masonry, ’or wooden bridges, per last Report, ... |For wooden bridges, paid during the past year, Total amount expended for wooden bridges, Total amount expended for iron bridges (if any), - |For superstructure, including iron, per la 3 t Report, - |For superstructure, including iron, paid during the past year, ...... Total amount expended for superstructure, including- iron, ------ [For stations, buildings and fixtures, per last Report, |For stations, buildings and fixtures, paid during the past year, ...... Total amount expended for stations, buildings, and fixtures, ----.. [For land, land-damages and fences, per last Report, ^or land, land-damages and fences, paid during the past year, - ' - Total amount expended for land, land- damages and fences, - [For locomotives, per last Report, 2 For locomotives, paid during the past yegfr, - Total amount expended for locomotives, For passenger and baggage cars, per last Report, For passenger and baggage cars, paid during the past year, ...... Total amount expended for passenger and baggage cars, - - - - - - For merchandise cars, per last Report, For merchandise cars, paid during the past year, Total amount expended for merchandise cars, For engineering, per last Report, - For engineering, paid during the past year, Total amount expended for engineering, For agencies and other expenses, per last Report, - For agencies and other expenses, paid during the past year, ...... Total amount expended for agencies and other expen- ses, ...... Total cost of road and equipment, - - - Amount of assets or property held by the corporation in addition to the cost of the road, ... for the benefit of the Bond-holders, in March last. They have answer- ed all the questions re- quired by the Legislature within their knowledge or information. Characteristics of Road. Length of road, ..... Length of single main track, .... Length of double main track, ... Length of branches owned by the Company, stating whether they have a single or double track, Aggregate length of sidings, and other tracks, excepting main tracks and branches, ... Weight of rail per yard, in main road, Weight of rail per yard, in branch roads, Specify the different weights per yard, Maximum grade, with its length, in main road, Maximum grade, with its length, in branch roads, Total rise and fall in main road, ... Total rise and fall in branch roads, ... Shortest radius of curvature, with length of curve, in main road, - Shortest radius of curvature, with length of curve, in branch roads, - Total degrees of curvature, in main road, Total degrees of curvature, in branch roads, - Total length of straight line, in main road, Total length of straight line, in branches, Aggregate length of wooden truss bridges, Aggregate length of all other wooden bridges, Aggregate length of iron bridges, ... Whole length of road unfenced on both sides, Number of public ways crossed at grade, Number of railroads crossed at grade, Remarks, ...... Way stations for express trains, Way stations for accommodation trains, Flag stations, ------ Whole number of way stations, Whole number of flag stations, Doings during the Year. Miles run by passenger trains, - Miles run by freight trains, .... Miles run by other trains, - Total miles run, - Number of passengers carried in the cars, Number of passengers carried one mile, Number of tons of merchandise carried in the cars, - Number of tons of merchandise carried one mile, Number of passengers carried one mile, to and from other roads, - 16,480 9,880 26,368 51,506 577,737 12,560 207,263 459,016 V - '• AiV"!. Number of tons carried one mile, to and from other roads, ..... Rato of speed adopted for express passenger trains, in eluding stops, - Average rate of speed actually attained by express pas . sengor trains, including stops and detentions, .Rate of speed adopted for accommodation trains, (Rate of speed actually attained by accommodation ' trains, including stops and detentions, Average rate of speed actually attained by special trains including stops and detentions, - Average rate of speed adopted for freight trains, includ- ing stops and detentions, - Estimated weight in tons of passenger cars (not includ- ing passengers) hauled one mile, ... Estimated weight in tons of merchandise cars (not in- cluding freight) hauled one mile, Expenditures for Working the Road. F or repairs of road, maintenance of way, exclusive of wooden bridges, and renewals of iron, For repairs of wooden bridges, F or renewals of iron, including laying down, For new iron laid down during the year, deducting the value of old rail taken up, - For wages of switchmen, average per month, 'j For wages of gate-keepers, average per month, I 73 For wages of signal-men, average per month, | o For wages of watchmen, average per month, J ^ Number of men employed, exclusive of those engaged in construction, - For removing ice and snow, (this item to include all labor, tools, repairs, and extra steam-power used,) For repairs of fences, gates, houses for signal-men, gate- keepers, switchmen, tool-houses, - Total for maintenance of way, Motive Power and Cars, p or repairs of locomotives, - >or new locomotives, to cover depreciation, - J or repairs of passenger cars, Tor new passenger cars, to cover depreciation, • or repairs of merchandise cars, for new merchandise cars, to cover depreciation, lor repairs of gravel and other cars, - Total for maintenance of motive power and cars. Dumber of engines, _ l umber of passenger cars, - dumber of baggage cars, dumber of merchandise cars, Dumber of gravel cars, . Miscellaneous. .lor fuel used by engines during the year, viz.: Wood, number of cords, 97. Cost of the same, Coal, nun^ber of tons, (reckoning 2,240 lbs. to the ton,) 427. Cost of coal, ~ Er oil used by cars and engines, - hr waste and other material for cleaning, hr salaries, wages and incidental expenses, chargeable to passenger department, - r salaries, wages and incidental’ expenses, chargeable to freight department, F r gratuities and damages, F- taxes and insurance F ferries, F repairs of station buildings, aqueducts, fixtures, fur- niture, - . * ’ zD 188,689 18 miles per hour. 18 “ “ 8 miles per hour. 494,640 414,726 $8,957.35 40.00 649,64 47 $3,694.79 3,696.18 3,619.20 375.35 2,994.03 205.93 65.29 1,890.37 1,522.89 325.63 420.00 10,066.99 11,010.17 59026 For amount paid other companies, in tolls for passen- gers, and freight carried on their roads, specifying each company, - - For amount paid other companies, as rent for use of their roads, specifying each company, - For salaries of President, Treasurer, Superintendent, law expenses, office expenses of the above offices, and all other expenses not included in any of the foregoing items, ..... Total miscellaneous, .... Total expenditures for working the road, Total amount of interest paid during the year, Income during the Year. For Passengers : 1. On main road including branches owned by company, 2. To and from other roads, specifying what. [Express,] For Freight : 1. On main road and branches owned by company, - 2. To and from other connecting roads, U. S. Mails, ...... Rents, Total income, ..... Net earnings, after deducting expenses, Dividends. per cent. Total, ..... Surplus not divided, - Surplus last year, ..... Total surplus, - There has been no accident since the Trustees have been in possession ISAAC DAVIS, J. W. CONVERSE, WELCOME FARNUM, Trustees of the Bond-holders. Middlesex, ss. Dec. 27, 1858. Personally appeared before me Isaac Davis, J. W. Converse, and Welcome Farnum, and made oath tha this return signed by them, is true, according to their best knowledg and belief. , 2 , 845.18 10 , 224.67 31 , 301.83 $ 17 , 332.32 1 , 055.00 13 , 118.63 175 00 • 8,975 69 40 , 656.61 204.12 9 , 395 . 8 . Isaac S. Shepard, Justice of the Peace . Lithomount Pamphlet Binders Gaylord Bros. Inc. Makers Syracuse, N. Y