No, 1.—Statement of Bonds registered in tbe office of tlie Auditor of Public Accounts, unc (vr an act of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, entitled ‘^An act relating to County and City Debts, and to provide |br the payment thereof by taxation in such Counties and Cities,” approved February IB, 1805. Bonds registersd. County. By whom issued. Ad-in Brown Quincy City . Bute of bonds. When payable. Principal. Interest 866. July 1 1868. July 1 1896. July t 1S86. July 1 1896. July 1 1886. J uly 1 11896. July 1 1SS6. July 1 c‘ i< ■ > 1896. July 1 1886. July 1 .il86T. July I'lSST. July 1 .;l8e6. Julyl 1886. July 1 .11867. July 1 18'7. July 1 . ‘‘ 11897. Julyl . “ 1R87. Julyl . 1866. July l'lS8*i. July 1 . 1867. July i:iSS7. July 1 .1868, July 1 1S88. July 1 1866. July 1 1886. July 1 {( it 1868. July 1 1888. July 1 18S8. Julyl 1888. July 1 1898. July 1 Amount of bonds registered. 1888. Julyl 1838. July 1 (t 1888. July 1 1898. July 1 1888. Jmy 1 1898 July 1 1888, July 1 1869 Julyl 1868. July 1 1869. July 1 1868. July 1 18U9. d uly 1 1898. July 1 tk 18S8. July 1 1889. July 1 1888. J uly 1 1689. Juiy 1 1888. July 1 1889. July 1 1899 July 1 1889. J u.y 1 1899. July 1 1889. July 1 1868. July 1 1883. Ju’v 1 1869. July 1 1889. July 1 1899. July 1 1889. July 1 1863. Julyl 1883. Julyl 1869. July 1 iSj 9. Ju.y 1 Brown county. Am't of each regisiiation. $30,600 1,000 .S,INI0 2,000 15,e01 2 c ,000 11,0,0 4, DUO 7,000 17 8 0 1,009 10,000 4,000 1,000 1,000 1,009 1,8 0 l,ii0 I 3,000 1,000 11,100 1,690 S.OOO 300 2,000 1,00J 7,0J0 8.1 09 12,000 3,1-00 6,7 0 6,600 3,500 3,20U 1,000 909 30U 700 5.100 2.1 0 500 26,UOO 1,'iUO lUO 6,6 0 2,600 1,300 1.100 81,000 1,600 600 200 300 4.200 2,800 5,600 6,400 4.200 1,300 6.000 4,000 3.200 300 2,000 25,000 1866. July 1 1886, July 1 Unknown Hancock . Henderson. Mercer.... Hancock county. 1868. Julyl 18SS. July 1 1865. July 1 1885. July 1 City of Warsaw. Henderson county, Mercer county. SchuTler .. Schnyler county Total regis'^ered under act 1868. July 1 1863, July 1 1869. July 1 1866. Mch.l 1868. July 1 July 1 annually 5tew York, 1888. July 1 July 1 annuallyI now York. New York. 1888. July l!July 1 annually 1889. Julyl “ 1686. July 1 Julyl annually IS8S. July 1 New York. Now York. State Treas State Treas New York. approved February 13, 1865, up to April 23, 1870. New York 183ii. 1867, 1869 Dec. 23 JiiU. 1 “ 16 ** 99 Apl. 26 Ju.y 11 Get. 10 June 26 Oci. 29 Nov. 27 Total. Railroad purposes. « 4 ^4' “ 7 2-0 (1 6 44 “ 19 4,‘too <( 6 4 “ ]9 32,000 t ( 6 4 “ 2i 4,0UO 4 ( 6 “ 20 2,9J0 (( 0 “ 22 14,000 64 6 “ $’4 10.500 (4 6 Nov. 4 4,000 44 6 “ 6 11.600 44 6 1 4 “ 7 2,700 44 6 44 7 270,000 44 6 “ 9 6u0 <4 6 “ 10 3,000 44 6 ( ; “ 11 500 44 6 “ 14 100 44 6 “ 17 1,9J0 44 6 Yi) 300 44 6 “ 23 sou 44 t) Jib 26.7J0 44 6 “ L6 1,000 44 6 Dec. 10 3,000 44 6 12 5 JO 44 6 “ 14 1,000 4 4 0 “ l4 2,000 44 0 , (I 19 400 <4 6 • “ 21 410 44 6 18( ». Feb. 25 1,000 44 6 Mch. 10 2,000 44 6 * “ 10 boo 44 6 4 “ 11) 100 44 6 1 3U 2J0 44 6 4 Apk 2 2,C0J 41 6 ‘ 24 5 0 44 0 ‘ May 25 100 44 6 4 June i> 40 1 44 6 < “ 25 2(0 44 t) t July 17 3( 0 44 0 ‘ Sept. 28 7.000 4 4 6 1 “ 29 6 0 K 0 • Oct, -z 70U 44 0 4 “ 6 HO 44 0 I “ 13 61 0 44 0 ‘ •' 20 25,000 44 6 “ 28 lOU 44 0 ‘ Nov. 5 2, 00 44 0 t “ 10 l,Tu0 44 0 “ 10 1, 00 4* 0 1 “ 13 1,000 44 6 4 “ 13 1.9U0 44 6 4 “ 16 1,100 4. 0 4 “ 16 300 44 0 “ 25 2-.0 44 6 4 Dec. 3 1,400 44 6 ‘ “ 16 101 44 0 181 0. Jan. 25 6(0 6 f Feb. 9 800 44 0 ‘ <• y 1,C09 4 4 6 4 Mch. 1 400 44 c 4 < **10 2,7U0 44 0 4 “ 21 400 44 6 4 i ** 25 4,8JU 4 4 6 Apl. T 4,5UU . Unknown.. c 18 :i. July 27 12,200 44 0 28 2,000 44 C I Aug. 21 I8.OO1I 0 Oct. 17 1,8 0 44 0 ' Dec. 3 1,009 44 6 , .4 07 5,7 0 ii 6 18 June 6 1,300 44 6 ■ Mch. 12 7,5irrr 44 0 “ 30 2,000 44 0 '8 ;i. Apl 14 40,'>00 t» 6 ' “ 14 9,0 0 .. New York 0 16. Aug. 8 38,900 4v 0 .1 1 . le 8,000 41 “ Oct. 4 7(i0 4l 6 it 44 ' 80) 44 6 “ Nov. 22 40 11,200 68,300 300 500 5,400 14,000 1,500 16,500 8,200 2,600 186■<. July 2 “ 3 “ Nov. 28 1819. Jiiu. 4 “ Apl. 19 ‘ Aug. 10 1861. Sept. 5 181'iR. Oct. 19 1870. Apl. 14 18 6. Apl. 23 “ Jui.e33 ‘ Dec. 3 1908. July 1 ‘ Sept.l9 1809. Apt. 14 1869. June 9 " “ 14' 4,500 20,000 8,9U0 600 500 609 $79,090 $35,000 4,0u0 $21,750 750 3..J 2.50 13,000 1,009 $31,000 43,090 Other pu por-es. Aggre¬ gate. II ».2 ^7 Index to law?. Law. 1849. Nnv. 6 IS-I. Feb. 16 1857. Jan. 30 Y’r. Sp. sess 1849 Pr vate. 1837 Vol P'ge ’ 1' 28 1052 173 $500,000 $358,300 $100,700 $858,300 1319. Nov. 6 Sp.sess 100,700 1819. Ncv. e Sp.sesa, $177,100 35,000 $79,1100 $29,000 $37,000 73,000 1833. Feb. 12 Private 212,1001 79,000 1319. Nov. 6 Sp.sess, 1849 1849 18191. 1819!. 1819 1849 184.) 1849 1819 1849 1849 1349 1849, 1849 1849! 1819 1819 1849 1849 1819 l-'49 1849 1849 13.9 1649 1849 1853 1853 1-53 18.53 1853 1853 1849 29,000 1819. Nov. 6 Sp.sess. 1819 1849 1855. Feb. 14 Private. 1S56 1855 1855 1855 1855 1855 1819. Not. 6 Sp.sess. o 119,000 $1,883,100 Date of vote'Name of railroads aided, or kind authurizingl of improvemeuts made debt. 1849 1819 (1851. Mch. 3 Chicago, Burlington and Quincy. 41854. Jau. i! Quincy auu To edo. (1857. May 15,Quincy .and Palmyra. Other purpo-e?, such as public improvement, war expenses, and interest on railroad bonds ----' 28 28 38 28 23 38 23 21 28 28 28 28 28 23 28 28 28 23 28 28 23 28 38 23 38 28 151 151 151 151 151 151 28 28 28 310 310 310 310 31 I 310 28 28 1856.^ June 21 Quincy and Toledo. 1855.^8ep'„'^ (Mississippi and Wabash . (Warsaw and Rockford .. IS63. May 1® (Warsaw and Rockford ., (Mississippi and Wabash . 1853. Nov- ® Warsaw and Rockford . Not obtaiiW^'I Western Air-Line. 1856. April 26 1861, May 1 Rock Island and Alton. Peoria and Hannibal. Length of railroad built. In county, | Total town, ere. leugtn. f3I. (31. 23)^ 2314 23>(f 23 23)4 23(^ 23 Kj 2 23% 2 % 23/j 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 3 % 30% 30% E0% 80% 600 518 16 Chicago, Burlington and Quincy R.R., Cook, JluPage, Kane, Kendail, DeKalb, LaSal e, Brrreau, llem'y, Knox, Wai- leir, He iderson. Full nr, McDonough, Hmcock, Ad.arirs, Stark, Peoria and Fulton counties. Quincy and Toledo {now Toledo, Wabash and iVeaterii) Railroad. Adams, Browu, Pi.e, Morgan, eang mju, Macon, Piatt, ('hampaign and Verm lion counties, Illinois, ihe State of Indiana, and part ot the State of Ohio, to Toledo. Quincy and Palmyra Railroad. From the Mi sissippi River, opposite Quincy, to Palmyra, Missouri Counties in or through which road Is located. 6 80 30 30 30 30 618 613 618 618 618 518 518 618 518 518 518 613 518 618 618 618 618 618 513 518 613 618 Quincy and Toledo {now Toledo, (TaJasft and Western) Railroad. See Adams county. Miasxssippiand Wabash {now Toledo, TTo- bash and Western) Railroad. See Adams county. Warsaw and Railroad. Hancock county. None . SO 30 618 513 618 618 618 61 51 179 179 179 179 179 179 See Hancock county. Western Air Line {now American Cen- ti al) Railrond. Mercer aud Henry couuties. Rock Island and Alton mow Rockford, Rock Island and St. Louis) Rail ood. Whiteside, Heurv, Rock Is and, Mercer', Henderson, Casa, Morgan, Scotr, Greene, Macoup.n aud Jersey coun¬ ties. Peoria and Hannibal Railroad. Brown, Schuyler, Fulton and Peoria : o , * . ^ * i. 1 Assembly of the State of Illinois, entitled ;^o. 2.— Statement of Bonds redstered in the oliiee of the Auditor of Public Accounts, under an act ol the (lenej^i fm-pc Anril Ifi 18fi9 “An j Act to fund and provide for paying the Railroad Debts of Counties, Townships, Cities and Towns,__ ^ _^ Bonds registered. Date oH bonds. County. Bureau . . By whom Issued. Bada, town. Bond.iBoud county . Cass . IBeardstown, city... .1 . 1 “ Champaign . lUrbana township... “ West Urbana township Christian. Christian county. Pana township. Taylors'ille township, Locust township .... Buckhari township.., 1869. 1867. lay 1 1889. larch 7 i pril Hay (( . une uly 1 .31 ing. 31 l.SfiO. 1857. Feb. Oct. 1867. Oct. 1 18C8. 1870. 1868. tec. Jan. pec. Clay.... Fulton . Gallatin. Jefferson.. Kankakee. Clay county. Vermont township .. Pleasant township .. Gallatin county ... Jefferson county Ganeer township. Momence township. 1870. Feb. 8 1869. 1870. When payable. Principal. 1871. 1872. 1877. 1879. 1875. 1878. 1876. 1876. 1877. 1881. 1877. 882. 1878. 1880. July 1 Mar. 7 April 1 May 1 Jane 1 July 1 Interest. July 1, annually April 1, annually, Ma? 1, annually.. June 1, annually . July 1, annually . “ 31 Au^. 31 1889. 1877, Peb. Oct. July 31, aunually.. Aug. 31, annually. let Aug. & Feb., semi-ann. let April & Oct., semi-anu Oct. 1, annually . 1878. 1880. 1878. Dec. Jan. Dec. Deo. 1, annually.. June 1, annually . Dec. 1, annually.. 1890. Feb. 8 1870. 1S69. ^ov. 1 ‘‘ Jan. 1 |lar. 19 july 1 1883. July 1 IT 1890. Jan. 1 Jiune 1889. Kendall. Fox township. 1S69. May 4 Where payable. Prinelpal. State treasury... County treasury. Interest. Rate of in¬ terest State treasury.. County treasury Beardstown.. New York .. Beardstown... New York... Cotmtjij tieasury July 1, annually.. New York . July and Jan., semi-annMy July 1, annually. 1882. 18S3. 1384. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889, Dec. 1 June 1 July and Jan. 1, eemi-ann’y Dec. 1, annually. 1882, 1883. 188 U 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. I Kendall township . LaSalle . Osage township. 1 Ottawa township.. 1 South Ottawa township Dayton township. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 18TT. 18T2. 1873. 1879. 1880. July 1 Town treasury. New York . State treasury.. Town treasury. Count^^ treasury New York . 1867. Mar. 5..., 1866. Feb. 10... Date of ap¬ proval of law authorizing vote andis'ue of bonds. private. 1849. Nov. 6. 1867. Feb. 28., 8 10 10 10 10 1849. Nov. 6.. 1869. April 16&19 Town treasury. New York . State treasury.. Town treasury.. Julyl, annually.. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1S7T. May 22 May 1 1874. 1879. 1884. I8T6. 1876. 1877. 18:8. 1879. 188U. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. Vew York . New York . 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1879. 1380. Marshall . Mercer. McDonough Evans township. Mason county 1857. July 1 1877. Millersburg township . McDonough county ... Bloomington city. Bloomington township Allin lowushii). Downs towhship. 1869. April 17 1879. AprillT April 17, annually D54. J'ui. 1 1S74. Jan. i July and Jau., semi-anu’ly iNew York i 1367. Oct. 1 1887. 1869. Pike county... Pittsfield township.. Newburg township.. Platt.Blue Ridge township.. Peoria . Rock Island. Brimfleld township. Elmwood tov? nship. Peoria city. Rock Island township. Moline township. Sangamon .. iSangamon county... i-. : Springfield tywnsbip 1872. 187.3. 1874. 187.5. 18T6. 1877. 1878. 1879. / 1849. Nov. \ 1809. Feb. Index to laws. Law. Sp. session Private, 1867 1966 Vol. Page Sp. session Private.... 6... 24... Sp. session Private.... 1867. Feb. 22.... 1849. Nov. 1869. Feb. 24..., 1S55. Feb. 16..,, 1869. Mar. 27_ Sp. session Private. 1857. Feb. 18., r ■ pJibllc 1867 1849 1869 1849 1869 1849 1869 1855 1869 1869 1667 758 28\ 308/ M.ay 22 1874. 1879. 1884. Oct 1 1st April & Oct., semi-ann. ;City treasury... • •• ' - County treasury. March 1 1889. June 15 1879. f^ept. 1 •* Mar. 1 July 1 April 1, aunually. March 1, annually., July annually.. 1870. Nov. 1 “ Feb. 12 1880. Feb. 12 17, 18 1867. Oct. 1 1887. Oct. 1 Oct. 1. annually 1S69. ilay 5 1889. July 1 1879. 1384. 1868. 1870. April 27 1889. duly 1 1388. 1869. July 1 1870. 1865. Stark. Springfield city Penn township.!l869. 1881. 1882. 1833. 1SS4. 1835. 18S6. 1867. 1888. 1889. 1890. July 1, annually. State treasury. County treasury 1357 28) 308/ 1863 1856 1866 1867 April 29 Jan. 16 Nov. 10 Nov. 24 Aug. May 20 Length of R.R. completed. Name of Railroads aided. In county, town, etc. Dixon, Peoria and Hannibal. St Louis, Vandalia and Terre Daute., u “ “ Rockford, Roek Island and St. Louis. Rock Island and Alton. Danville, Trbana, Bloomington and Pe^ ... 1868. Jan. 28 1869. April 18 1869. April 6 Pana, Springfield and Northwestern . 1868. April 22 1868. Jan. 26 1868. Feta. 8 1868. Feb. 12 1867. June 3 1868. July 11 New York . City treapury. • •. County treasury. Slate treasury.. State treasury. County treasury. State treasury.... July and January. Jan.l, annually .. - New York. !County treasury. Illinois Southeastern. Peoria and Hannibal,. Illinois Southeastern. Mount Vernon. Total length com¬ pleted. 21 6^ 8% 4kr 8 7K Chicago, Danville and Vincennes. . [near to, 4 13 none in 1860. Oct. 26 Ottawa, Oswego and Fox River. 1866. Oct, 23 1849. Nov. 1857. Jan, 6... 29... 1859. Feb. 21... 1849. Nov. 6... 4r. session Private..., 1859. April 14.. ^p. session Irivate. 1867. Feb. 23.. 1867. Feb. 25.. 10 10 New York. County treasury. 1880. 1881. 1K82. 1833. 1884. IKHD. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1839. Feb. 8 1890. July 1, annually.. Feb. 8 , “ 9' Sept. 30,1885. Sept. 30 July and January July 1 1889. , 1879. State treasury City treasury. July I'july l.^anuually. State treasury Essex township... Osceola township . 8t. Clair... Tazewell.. Belleville city.. New Athens town_ Vermilion.. Washington. Wayne. Tazewell county ...., Pekin city. Pekin township. Tremont township .. Mackinaw township. 1869. Nov. 18,1874. ‘ Uct. 1 1872. ' Dec. 1 1889. Danville township ., Washington county. Wayne county. May Jan. 26 “ 111890. Jan. 1 Nov, 18 Oct. Dec. Jan. 1, annually.iNew York .. Nov. 18, annually. New York . Oct. 1, annually..i . Dec. 1, annually. State treasury City treasury. State treasury. New York . Sept. 111879. Se^t. 1 1870. 1809. March 1 Sept. 9 1870. Jan. 1889. Mar. Jan. July I County treasury New York County treasury. Sept. 1, annually . New York . March 1, annually_ January^and July. July and January .... 1849 1857 1859 1349 1859 New York .. 1866. Dec. 26 1867. Dec. 3 1360. Sept. 29 1866. Oct. 8 1867. Dec. 10 1869. April 17 1866. Dec. 29 1854 1856 Jau, Dec. 758 884 1868 1353 June 13 Aug. 20 1867 1867 1867 1867 June 3 Danville, Urbana, Bloomington and Pekin. I Dec. 24 Hannibal and Naples. 1867. Peb. 28.... 44 i - 2 768 1 “ .... - ....[ 2 1.867. Mar. 6.... “ 2 60 i) 1 1809. Mar. 9.... ‘4 .... 1 1869 3 283^ 1869. Mar. 31.... ‘‘ .... 1 3 372) 1 3 “ “ ....1 3 1 1869. Mar. 9_ i “ ...1 3 283 11 1807. Mar. 7_ .... 1867 2 069 |1 1869. Mar. 4,... U 1869 3 842 !l *• 44 “ 3 (t ' 44 “ 3 ‘‘ 44 3 “ t. (( '■* 3 <4 *• 3 ‘4 u 14 “ 3 44 ‘‘ .... 44 “ 3 “ ... “ 3 ‘4 (( “ .... 3 44 44 3 “ 1 “ .... “ “ B “ “ ... “ 3 ‘4 ‘‘ . 1 r ‘4 3 4‘ “ .... “ “ 3 “ “ .... *4 3 “ “ .... ‘4 3 “ “ .... “ “ 3 “ “ .... “ “ 3 44 “ .... “ 3 .. 1869. Nov. 6.... Sp. session 1849 28 1805. Feb. 16_ Private.... 1805 2 192 “ “ 2 / 186T. Mar. 5..,. 44 1867 2 604) \ 1869. Mar. 9... “ .... 1869 3 283/ 4. 44 3 283 “ “ .... “ 3 “ 18CT. Mar. 6_ 1867 1 841 1869. Mar. 29.... 1809 4 21 180T. Feb. 28.... _ 1867 2 768 4. “ 2 “ I. • . “ 2 4‘ 14 ... “ . . . . “ 2 44 (4 . . . ‘‘ . .. . 2 44 44 •* 2 » “ . . . • 2 1869. Mar. 10.... “ 1869 8 238 ( 1849. Not. 6... Sp. sessloE 1849 2H \ 1869. Feb. 24.. • Private... 1869 3 308/ “ ,,, ‘* 3 “ ■1869 1. 2) :.25/ Illinois Rivpr,'. American Central. Northern Cross.... April 16 St. Louis, Jacksonville and Chicago. April 2; “ “ “ ^1 July 1 Louisiana and Pike County . July 28 Danville, Urbana, Bloomington and Pekin., tfay Aug. 4 Dixon, Peoria and Hannibal. 3^ “ “ Mar. 16 “ “ , “ ^^ov. 6 Peoria and Rock Island., April 5 Rockford, Rock Island and St. Louis May 3 1868. April 14 1869. April 6 1865, April 11 1869. Aug. 8 1868. Nov. 18 1868. July 29 1809. April 20 1868. Sept. ■ 1866. Oct. 1869. May 23 Springfield and Illinois Southeastern. Pana, Springfield and Northwestern.. Dixon, Peoria and Hanuibal. 1867. Aug. 28 1869, June 6 St. Louis and Southeastern . IlUnoia Southeastern. 4M Belleville and Southern Illinois. n U U Danville, Urbana, Bloomio^ton and Pekin . 87% 163 1870. Mar. 15 1870. April 16 inx Date of re¬ gistration. 1870. F«b. 1870. Mar. 1869. Dec 1870. Feb. 1870. Jan. (( ■ 1870. Feb. 1870- Ma". 14 Amount of bonds registered. Amount of each registration. $7,600 7,500 $3,000 35,000 16,000 I 1770. Mar. 22 87% 71 29 1870. Mar. 31 1869. Dk. 11 1870. Mar. 16 34^ 1869. Nov. 10 1870. Mar. 22 1870. Feb. 15 1870. Feb. 18 $%000 3,0'i0 3,00u 8,000 8,000 S,0C0 3,000 3,000 83.000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,0U0 3/ 00 3,000 3,000 r. 22 1869. Adg. 17 $1,000 2 , 00 ii 2,000 2,000 1,1 00 1,000 1,000 2,000 2,000 $2,000 2,000 1,000 1,00U $6,000 6,000 8,000 $16,000 $4,800 4,400 4,000 6,004 3.600 1.600 .300 1,900 2,000 6,000 200 5,000 800 1,700 $2,000 3,000 15,000 63,000 $20,000 6,000 6,000 i,ono 2,000 $25,000 26,000 $30,' 00 15,000 $25,000 $100,000 24.000 6,000 $10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 2 ',000 20,000 20,000 20,000 2u,000 $20,000 Total Names of CoTinties in or through which the Railroads aided are located and in running order. 1869 Nov. 10 36X eii' 2% 4 2>tf 1809. Aug. 17 51 600 150 40 6% 117H 87% 1869. Oct. 28 1869. Nov 1870. Feb. 12 $2,000 2,000 2,0J0 3,000 3,000 3,100 3,0 0 2,000 2,000 8,000 160,000 $1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 30,000 12,000 $13 000 13,000 14,000 1870. Mar. 26 1S70. April 10 l^TO. Mar. 10 1870. Mar. 1 1870. Mar. 10 1870. Mar. 30 1809. June 24 moo. July 1S69. Sept. 13 isfio. Sept. 25 186->. Nov. 1 1870, Feb. 19 1870. Feb. 1870. Mar. 1870. Mar. 1870. Mar. 1870 April 2, 81,000 15.500 10,50U $5,000 $7,0110 C,00o $31,000 31,000 20,000 6,000 $212,000 19,758 12,242 $27,700 2,000 $1,000 24,0 0 30,000 10,000 10,000 18 3 1 6% 6% 6>tf 1% 21 1 2 6 6 87% $5,000 5,00U 5,0()0 5,000 5,UM0 6,000 5,U00 5,000 5,000 5, COO $7.5,ron 75,000 21,000 $5,000 5,0u0 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,00(J 5, too 6,000 $50,0i'.0 ISTO.Feb. 19 1870. Feb. 17 1870. Mar. 28 1870. Mar. 15 $35,000 15,000 1870 . Mar. 26 1870. April 7 UT/, 1869. Pec. 30 ). Pec. 20 6H 13 14 Total amount registered onder act approved 29 71 1869. Oct. 21 1869. NOV. 1870. Mar. 1369. 6ept. n 1869. Pec. “ 1870. Ian. 24 60,000 $16,000 $50,000 30,000 3,0u0 $50,000 25,000 60,000 Bureau, Stark, Peoria, Fulton and Schuyler counties. Madison, Bond, Fayette, Effingham, Cnmberland and Clark. 41,200 6,000 Tazewell, McLean, DeWitt, Platt, Champaign and Vermilion. Now Springfield and Illinois Southeastern Railroad. Gallatin, Wayne, Clay, Christian and Sangamon counties. 33,000 60,000 See Christian cotinty. 45,000 25,000 100,000 See Bureau county. See Christian county. $40,COO 21,100 $25,000 17,600 16,000 12,000 8,000 $25,000 45,000 $75,000 $33,000 17,000 16,600 33,400 Jefferson and Washington counties. Cook, Will and Kankakee counties. 20,000 WhitesidP, Henry, Rock Island, Mercer, Henderson and Case. Morgan, Scott, Greene, Macoupin and Jersey counties. Kendall, LaSalle, Livingston and Marj^hall counties. 212,000 40,000 27,000 6,000 13,000 88,000 Now Peoria, Pekin and Jacksonville Railroad. Peoria, Tazewell, Mason, Cass and Morgan counties. Mercer and Henry counties. Now Chicago, Burlingt.m and Quincy Railroad. See Adams county, in preceding table. McLean, Tazewell, Logan, Mason, Menard, Cass, Morgan, Scott Greene, Jersey and Madison counties, See Champaign county. Pike county. 29,700 Sec Champaign county. Bureau, Stark, Peoria and Pulton counties. 171,000 Peoria county. See Cass county. 100,000 135,000 61,000 See Christian county. Now Springfield and Illinois Southeastern Railroad. Bureau, Stark, Peoria and Fulton counties. SU Clair county. See Champaign county. April 16. 1869, up to April 23,1870. 77,600 70,000 ' TSioOO 100,000 $1,981,400 Washington and Jefferson counties. Now Springfield and Illinois Southeastern Railroad. See Christian county. t : f ' f A : Pi. y 7 1% ■ ' »■.: ' . . ' •l^V»Jl.._X'."- -i . t .■.'•*)•■ {'(■ ! .,-’1 ('■''■ I ft.f 'i' j :;', . ,, ' rt *';i'l I ,•'■ ".’r. j '^.r -r) .! ,..v7v'. AH'/ .f’". ;1.T ' ■;■ -t -At.a i '•^.c: • • • . • -'; -U wm f. P . i^ i " . M / - ■t, ••"'•■. :^^r . -JV.- ^:;3 N r T'. f.^r <1- ** I ¥ M S-4 M • V- >1 [*«♦*«! .11^ • -ii-i-; ■■r’-'^;<:'i- f -., - ' •' .... /)««i».'t0^*l (U'.'rJ.*! '."2 fiiisA. "«?!i seds;^ T^V'r > ij, .f aa ; *:;«'-•''!Y^■,i^/o.I.,^F!T .-. •‘'^' *^5 j ^ ' ! r"'', J* I jf l .1 i'. ** “ . 'M ^ i “ I* »« 1 ». I \ <> «w •,i‘l ^'1 • ^ »¥ f. 4% > u 44 r. <|L_ '» '.rm I »••••.. • » * • ♦ • ♦ • I) ‘V ■ ,)‘ ■ 4>'' i ¥f it il J** • # n v:* »i } 4 I 4 if f:: 1-- () 1 / o ;t u 1* A« {. r I* r; i 1 ;v t II l> «t >> «# . V ^’1 M t- 4 » If J > I . f-'V* •U' .\ I..., « ? ?•) II V ki j ' I) It > ' ,.. \ ;■ ! “ i"" 1 iM ;; !■'•’■ fi--- ’..•.^.-tfw<\l r-wiffil r /vv.;f V' iCi. .J iw-*;' ' ' ,;■•■ ;•••... ri'>'fA I .4^^-. i>,J •' ' '■T . I — -uSd&^l hiU' fi'j'r^T’rn >■ .viiiAmtU'I .otoA-'.Wift ^'‘' ; . . " ■ •' ' ,./yi . j >» ■ 1 • ',1 <' f »» l: : '« '* 1 *« • 1 II ' t> '/.M' •>^ l4 \ *1 #/ ' •• - '» .!■ ' V ! 41 V »\i .1 ,.o;.' , »>■ . «1 K,.tf«-.-.-i ■ 5 •;'>■■■.: ' I*.:?. .ftOv-:' * 1 I IIM f ^ I'^v. f .' i; ' * *x • * * *0^ ': %4 '■ ' 7 ’ „ i < I .4':■■•' i “ ■U:V . i ■\- i'.; ’ t t.,, 4 4 ' .. ! n , -’ t '.■ V, f ■»4 - n I “ rt V “ I, S ^ N,,; . / : I i 4 •- -5'-; '■■u '>•' r i J. f. M ! [ k* 4 . I* »i (■' ik • t. t »l ~ tk t k >> n 1 ' 1 U «4 (» . '* 44- « * I ■4 ' 1 .14 I-. •■ •• ► ' 4 % . w '**■ . I....Tpti_ - ipr r,^-; f .. ’* I [' • ■■■'.-•VI. •••'<"•■.J fj':' '■ ' " • ...- «••; •.-^, • .■■iy.-itZ -r.'j;i>Ji!>::i;c-;! '. »*»*»*»'^»* ••'• ••«• * * ! *• ■ V A ** . II I* i* f #A *• .- ‘f 1* -V**/" ^ • • t » « t n A I . r , , • * II i* 4» i¥ *1 >* II «l <1 IV II »« > .• N, I 4 it ■ ^r. s> IV I 4 • 4 J \ : * * II. 4> */ i.V ftl z. <1 4J .9 II )4 J i 91 \ ■» f ‘! ^ #1 t • 't f « II \ .-4