[ ' G h "i ;'^ ■J ^? i 1 ■ 1 1 i 3 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN JJUNIMI HISTORICAL SUBk^ 9 RULE ^ K(»(: THK GO'A'li^RNMli^NT.. < '1' OFFICERS AN() til I'LO.YES •» ^1 <>F TIIK Southern |(lIinois ^rniieiitiarQ, CHESTER-; ILL. \ SX- LOUlfe: GLOBE-DEMOCRAT JOB PRINTING CO 1879. "^ Xn^r RULES FOR THE GOVEENMENT OF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYES OF THE ojitherii ||lliuois pciiiteiifiarg, CHESTER, ILL. ST. LOUIS: GLOBE-DEMOCRAT JOB PRINTING CO., 1879. # utrn^ COMMISSIOKERS: JOHN G. FONDA, Hancock Co., ISAAC CLEMENTS, Jackson Co., R. D. LAWRENCE, Sangamon Co. JOHN C. SALTER, V/ARDEN. A. H. IRWIN, DEPUTY WARDEN. ALEX. SHOLL, CHIEF CLERK. W. C. DOV/ELL, STEWARD. So'7'7^ K,TJLES FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYES OF THE SOUTHERN ILLINOIS PENITENTIARY. All persons entering upon, or retaining, any position as an officer or emploj'e of this Institution, must do so with the full understanding that they are to lend a prompt, willing, and positive obedience to the rules of the Institution, and the instructions of its officers, and devote their best energies and abilities, indus- triously and faithfulh', to the performance of the duties to which they ma}' be assigned ; and all who can not do so cheerfuU}', must neither accept, nor expect to retain, a position here. 1. There shall be in this prison, in addition to the officers pro- vided by law, an Assistant Deput}- Warden, Convict Steward, Janitor, Usher, Captain of the Night Watch. Receiving and Dis- charging Officer, Hospital Steward, Chief Engineer, and Wagon Master. 2. The Assistant Deputy Warden shall assist the Deputy Warden in the discharge of his duties, in enforcing discipline, and in the punishment of convicts for the infraction thereof. During the absence of the Warden, when the Deputy Warden by law assumes the duties of the Warden, the Assistant Deputy shall, in like manner, exercise and perform the duties of the Deput}'. 3. The Convict Steward, under the Warden, shall have the whole charge and control of the stores of the prison, and of the sub- sistence of the convicts. 4 SO UTHERN ILLINOIS PENITENTIAR Y. 4. The Janitor shall have the care and control of the officers' quarters, and have charge of the subsistence of the officers, and of everj'thing that appertains to their mess. 5. The Captain of the Night Watch shall have charge of the prison while on dut}', and perform the same duties, and be charged with the same responsibilities as are incumbent upon the Deputy Warden. 6. The Usher shall sell tickets of admission to the prison to all persons who ma}' apply for them, and account regularl}' each day to the Clerk for the proceeds arising from such sale. He shall wait upon visitors through the prison and yard, and have the charge of, and censorship over, the mail matter of the convicts in this prison. 7. The Receiving and Discharging Officer shall receive all con- victs who enter this prison, attend to their being clothed, and prepare a proper roll descriptive of them, to be filed with the Clerk. He shall have charge of the clothing of convicts, and shall see that all such clothing is kept in a clean and presentable con- dition. He shall, from time to time, as required, see that all clothing, needing the same, shall be placed in proper repair, and that new clothing be furnished convicts whenever necessar}-. When the term of service of anj' convict has expired he shall see that he is furnished with proper clothing, and discharged from confinement as required by law. 8. The Hospital Steward shall have charge of the dispensary and hospital, and, under the direction of the Physician, shall be I'esponsible for the proper care of invalids. 9. The Chief Engineer shall have charge of all the engines and machinery, and be responsible for keeping the same in repair, and also for the construction and keeping in repair of all buildings connected with the prison, the sewers, heating apparatus, etc. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS rENlTENTIARY. lO. The Wugou Master shall have charge of the stables, teams, wagons ami harness, and it shall be his duty to see that they are properly cared for, and to promptly furnish teams to all parties who have a right to them, during working hours. 11. No oflieer or employe will be allowed to pass outside the prison stockade or wall except in the discharge of some legitimate duty, nor in any manner to absent himself from such duty, except by permission of the "Warden or Deputy. 13. Officers and employes are strictly prohibited from receiving mail matter, books or newspapers, or sending the same while upon duty, and are cautioned against leaving any such reading matter or any article of clothing where it will fall into the hands of con- victs. Wardrobes are provided in the rooms of the Guards as proper receptacles for clothing, and oflicers and employes will be held to a strict accountability in keeping their clothing therein, and seeing that such wardrobes are kept locked. 13. Officers upon the day watch, upon reporting, shall relieve the night watch, and remain upon duty until after the count of the con- victs shall have been made and verified in the evening. Officers upon the night watch will report for duty immediately after the count has been made in the evening, and remain upon duty until relieved by the day watch. 14. Officers and employes are prohibited from talking with convicts in relation to the offenses for whicii they are undergoing punish- ment, or on any other matter not strictly in the line of their duty. All familiarity between officers and convicts, or special interest in the cases of convicts, is likewise prohibited. 15. Officers and employes will not be pennittetl to give or receive from an}- convict any mone}-, article or thing, nor will they be permitted to convey any such article or thing or message, written 6 SOUTHERN ILLINOIS PENITENTIARY. or verbal, from one convict to another, or to any outside person, without written permission. 16. Convicts will be supplied with whatever is necessary for them by the authorities, and no contractor, foreman, or other person, will be permitted to give any convict an}' article of food, clothing or tobacco, without express permission from the Warden. 17. Convicts are only permitted to make such articles as the War- den may think proper, and shall be allowed to sell the same only upon obtaining permission to do so. 18. Officers and employes are prohibited from using profane, abusive or insulting language towards convicts, or in answering improper language from convicts in that of like character. It is especially demanded that the}' should at all times refrain from the use of profane or ill-tempered language in or about the prison. Loud talking, dancing and whistling are likewise prohibited. 19. Keepers and Guards must speak to convicts in a firm, mild tone, using no offensive terms, and, at the same time, with posi- tive, dignified demeanor, which almost invariabl}' commands obedience without resort to punishment. After giving an order officers will not bandy words with convicts, but quietl}' and mildl}' explain it so as to be confident it is understood, and then, if the convict does not immediatel}' obey, send him at once to the Warden or Deput}- where the necessary punishment will be imposed to maintain discipline. Officers must remember that there are provisions made for corrections, and be careful in using their canes, not to punch or strike a convict harder than is necessary to attract his attention, or for self-defense. 20. All employes and officers are prohibited from discussing within the limits of the prison the manner in which any officer or emploj'e performs his dut}', and from making any remarks which might tend to reflect upon the character or management of such ollicer or emplo^'e. Thej'^ are also prohibited from discussing, in the presence of convicts, matters relating to the discipline or manage- ment of this or other similar Institutions. This rule will be rigidly enforced. Intemperance will not be tolerated among em- ployes, neither will they be allowed to keep or use intoxicating drinks in or about the Institution. Oflicers and emploj-es will not be permitted to receive visits, of any character, while on duty. 31. Smoking is strictlj' prohibited, except in the rooms of the officers, or in the guard room of the Institution. 33. All officers or employes whose duty calls them into contact with convicts will be required to uniform themselves as soon after appointment as practicable, and a failure to do so for more than four weeks will work a forfeiture of all pa}'. This rule is impera- tive, and applies alike to all officers of the class above stated. The style and character of the uniform to be such as may be pre- scribed b}' the Warden. 33. The granting of privileges to convicts must alone be exercised by the Warden. 34. All innocent amusements upon the part of the employes of tllis prison will not only be permitted, but encouraged to a reason- able extent. But gambling is positiveh' forbidden, and in no form will it be allowed upon the premises. The time at which all games for pastime must close, must also have a limit, and they must not bo continued after half-past ten o'clock v. m. 35. The officers of this Penitentiary will be held responsible, not only for the discharge of their own duties, but for the prompt and faithful performance of duty by all men under their control. No interference, or meddling one with another, will be permitted on the part of officers in charge of different departments. Any com- 8 SOUTHERN ILLINOIS PENITENTIARY. plaints for the dereliction of men in this regard must be made to, and all orders issued from, the head of each department. A strict enforcement will be made of this order, in the interest of harmonj' and discipline. 26. All Keepers and Guards will be required [to report to the Assistant Deputy Warden everj' morning. Those, who hy reason of sickness, or other cause, maj^ be unfit for dut}*, and unable to appear at the Guard Room personall}', must report by letter or prox}-. A failure to promptly comply with this order will, for the first time, subject the offender to reprimand, and for further delinquenc}' his name may be stricken from the roll. Spitting upon the floor in the Cell House by convict or officer is alike forbidden. 28. No officer, emploj^e, or other person having a habitation wi4ihin the stockade to this prison, will be permitted to remain outside said stockade later than 10.30 o'clock at night, without special permission from the Warden, in writing, and the Captain of the Night Watch is herebj- ordered to admit no one after the hour named, without such written permission. 39. Keepers and Guards must not permit convicts to address officers, contractors, or employes by their given names, and the title of '^ Mister" must not be applied to a prisoner. The convict must not be permitted to forget his position, and it is due to the discipline of the institution that officers and employes uphold the dignity of their official stations. 30. No officer or employe will be permitted to divulge information of an official character to outside parties, or in any manner gossip about the affairs of this Institution. 31. Officers and emploj'es will be allowed two weeks' leave of absence in each year, without stoppage of pay , and where such leave is not taken, two weeks' additional pay will be given. In SOUTHERN ILLINOIS PENITENTIARY. case of sickness ten days will be allowed without stoppage of pay. Such allowance to be granted upon certificate of disability of officer from the prison physician. Keepers are required to be promptly- at the Cell House at the appointed hour in the morning, to receive their respective gangs, and from that time until the convicts are again locked in their cells, they will be held strictly responsible for the conduct and safe custody of their entire gang. 33. It is desirable that Keepers should understand that their suc- cess in controlling men depends very much upon their own deport- ment, and a close observation of the manner in which the guards under them, as well as the convicts, perform their duty. 34. Keepers will require, on the part of the guards and convicts under their charge, strict compliance with the rules of the prison, and will promptly' report any infraction of the rules by the con- victs, or neglect of duty by the guard. 35. Discipline is the first and highest consideration in a prison, and the Keeper who maintains it with the lowest number of pun- ishments will receive the highest commendation from the authori- ties. 36. Keepers will take special care to secure uniformit}' in march- ing their men, and, as far as practicable, should maintain a posi- tion at the left and near the foot of the column, that they may have constantlv in view the convicts under their charge. The men should be formed in close line, single file, before the order to march is given, and care should be taken that the column main- tain its position of close order during the march. No straggling should be permitted under any circumstances. Upon entering the Cell House the Keeper should step to the head of his column and precede his men up the stairs, and pass them in review as they file along the gallery. 10 SOUTHERN ILLINOIS PENITENTIARY. 37. The laws of the State justify the shooting of convicts when attempting to escape, or where several congregated together are combining to offer violence to an oflScer, or resist any lawful com- mand of those having authority. Where an assault is being made by one or more convicts upon an officer, he shall have the right to defend himself, and, if he kills the party making the assault, he shall be held to be justified, care being taken that the nature of the assault is such as to create apprehension for the personal safety of such officer. 38. Armed Guards are required, so far as practicable, to pace their beats, or stand erect with gun in hand. The value of a Guard's service is measured b}' his vigilance. 39. All officers must keep their arms clean, and in perfect order, and will be required to pay all loss arising to the prison from the careless breaking or destruction of them. 40. Armed Guards are cautioned against allowing convicts to approach them while on duty, under pretense of desiring to speak to them, or for any other purpose, and care should be exercised that convicts be kept at such a distance as to preclude the possi- bility of any advantage being taken of the Guards. 41. Convicts should, so far as practicable, be required to salute the Guards placed over them, before changing their position at work, so that the officer ma}- at all times be enabled to know the exact whereabouts of the men under him, and, with the latter view. Guards are recommended to frequently count their men while on duty, especially in going outside of the stockade to work, and in returning inside therefrom. 43. Keepers, Guards, or employes must never leave their posts of duty assigned them, until relieved by proper authority. Guards when relieved will report at the Guard Room, and remain in readi- ness for duty at a moment's notice, until permanently dismissed. S UTHERN ILLINOIS PENITENTIAR Y. 1 1 43. The Gate-Keeper will allow no team or citizen to pass in or out of the prison-3ard, except those employes and oflBcers whose official duties they know render it necessary at the time of passing, without a pass in writing from the Warden or Deputy, and will take up all passes as the holder leaves the yard, returning them daily to the Warden's office. They will examine all teams pass- ing in and out, and see that nothing is concealed in them. RULES FOR FOREMEN. The chief duty of Foremen is to instruct and direct convicts in that particular branch of business to which they are assigned, and to do so in a mild, but firm and dignified manner. Foremen are not required for the purpose of governing or dis- ciplining convicts ; therefore it is not necessary that the}' should use force or threatening language in the discharge of their duties ; and the use of such is strictly prohibited, except, of course, in case of self-defense, or defense of others, or to preserve the peace of the Institution, and maintain the safe custody of the coHvicts When convicts wilfully fail to carry out the instructions of a Foreman, or use threatening, defiant or impudent language, or commit an}' other act endangering the peace and good discipline of the Institution, it shall be the duty of the Foreman to immedi- ately report the same to the Keeper in charge. r #