mm HflBoKH H9S8ffi8HSffi& hHHnBQB ffi Hill TWmB m ShS , v n ■nnvzin JHHH8 ■ HP ■MJMw hhhH ■HGMN ■1 HSHllI^ mHlil Bn B838 SSShhhh ■Hi LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN I.JLu.r «no.45l -45tc cop. 2. JUtl 6 197-1 JAM 1 2 180 JAN 2 im L161 — O-1096 r/o. rv */s3 Report No. 1+53 /^a^CjL MACHINE -INDEPENEENT COMPILATION OF PL/l: PASS 1 COMPILATION by Paul Jang-Ching Wang June, 1971 NOV 9 1972 DEPARTMENT OF COMPUT UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA, ILLINOIS The person charging this material is re- sponsible for its return to the library from which it was withdrawn on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN OEC 2 8 1972 JAN s fig, L161 — O-1096 Report No. 1*53 MACHINE -INDEPENDENT COMPILATION OF PL/l: PASS 1 COMPILATION by Paul Jang-Ching Wang June, 1971 Department of Computer Science University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 618OI * Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Computer Science in the Graduate College of the University of Illinois, 1971. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 MACHINE- INDEPENDENT COMPILATION OF PL/I: PASS 1 COMPILATION BY PAUL JANG-CHING WANG B.S., Taiwan Cheng Kung University, 196 5 THESIS Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Computer Science in the Graduate College of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1971 Urbana, Illinois Ill ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author would like to express his sincere appreciation to his advisor, Professor II. G. Friedman, for his guidance and his invaluable suggestions to make this thesis complete. Mrs. Freda Fischer must also be thanked for her assistance in debugging the EOL program. Thanks are extended to Miss Joyce Vaughn for typing this thesis. Finally, the author would like to express his gratitude to the ILLIAC IV project for its financial support. IV TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1 . INTRODUCTION 1 2. INTERMEDIATE LANGUAGE 8 2.1 The Types of PL/I Statements 8 2.2 Conventions 9 2.3 General 10 2.4 Definitions and Examples of Intermediate Language 1 1 2.4.1 The Assignment Statement 12 2.4.2 The BEGIN Statement 14 2.4.3 The CALL Statement 15 2.4.4 The DECLARE (DCL) Statement and the DEFAULT Statement 16 2.4.5 The DISPLAY Statement 16 2.4.6 The DO Statement 17 2.4.7 The END Statement 19 2.4.8 The ENTRY Statement 19 2.4.9 The EXIT Statement 20 2.4.10 The FORMAT Statement 20 2.4.11 The GET Statement 20 2.4.12 The GO TO (GOTO) Statement 22 2.4.13 The IF Statement 23 2.4.14 The NULL Statement 24 2.4.15 The PROCEDURE (PROC) Statement 25 2.4.16 The PUT Statement 26 2.4.17 The RETURN Statement 28 2.4.18 The STOP Statement 28 Page 2.4.19 The Other Statement 29 2.4.2 DATA- ATTRIBUTE-LIST 29 2.4.21 FORMAT-LIST 31 2.4.2 2 DATA-LIST 33 STATEMENT RECOGNIZER 34 3.1 Expression Translator 36 3.1.1 Definition of Reverse Polish Expression .... 36 3.1.2 Conversion of Infix Expression 37 3.2 Recursive Procedures 45 3.3 External Procedures 51 3.3.1 Procedure ST.REKNZER.C 51 3.3.2 Procedure STATEMENT . RECOGNIZER 51 3.3.3 Procedure ERROR 53 3.3.4 Procedure READ 54 3.3.5 Procedure PICT 54 3.4 Internal Procedures 54 3.4.1 Generator Group 54 Procedure ASSIGN 54 Procedure BEGIN 55 Procedure CALL 55 Procedure DECLARE (DCL) 55 Procedure DEFAULT 55 Procedure DISPLAY 55 Procedure DO 56 Procedure END 57 VI Page Procedure ENTRY 57 3.4.1. 3.4.1. 3.4.1. 3.4.1. 3.4.1. 3.4.1. 3.4.1. 3.4.1. 3.4.1. 3.4.1. Procedure EXIT 57 1 Procedure FORMAT 57 2 Procedure GET 57 3 Procedure GO 58 4 Procedure IF 58 5 Procedure NULL 58 6 Procedure PROCEDURE 58 7 Procedure PUT 58 8 Procedure RETURN 62 9 Procedure STOP 62 62 . . 62 Procedure CLOSE and So On, Procedure ELSE 3.4.2 Utility Group 62 Procedure READB 62 Procedure DICTB 63 Procedure VARIBL 63 Procedure DLIST2 63 Procedure DLIST3 63 Procedure ATRIBU 63 64 64 Procedure ASSIGNMENT, Procedure POLISH, Procedure ALPHAOPT 64 64 64 Procedure INTEGER? Procedure HANDLEASSIGN Vll Page Procedure LEGAL7IP 65 Procedure FOHAT 65 Procedure CQND. PREFIX 65 Procedure POLI 65 Procedure DEBUG 65 4. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS 66 BIBLIOGRAPHY 67 APPENDIX A. THE TIMETABLE OF THE PROPOSED PL/ 1 COMPILER ... 69 B. WHEN TO CALL PROCEDURE DICT 74 Vlll LIST GF FIGURES Figure Page 1. A typical two-pass compiler organization 2. Structure of the compiler program 34 3. Structure of the procedure STATEMENT. RECOGNIZER 35 4 . Structure of the Generator Group 35 5. Structure of the Utility Group 36 6. Flow diagram of the procedure STATEMENT. RECOGNIZER. 52 7. Flow diagram of the procedure IF 59 8. Flow diagram of the procedure DOBEGIN 61 1 1 . INTRODUCTION As far as money is concerned, it is very obvious that small or medium scale computers are more popular than large scale computers. The machine cost of the former is always much less than that of the latter. Most of the organizations (such as companies, universities, etc.) just do not have enough money to buy or lease large scale computers. These two factors do affect the investment policy in industry society. PL/I is a programming language for all seasons. It is the new efficient and powerful generation of the marriage between commercial and scientific languages. Because a PL/I compiler itself occupies too much computer memory, it is difficult to make PL/I available to small or medium scale computer users. It would be a tremendous advantage to make PL/I available on this kind of computer. The solution to the problem mentioned above is to compile the source PL/I program on a convenient large scale computer and to run the object code (i.e. , the output from that large scale computer) on the specific small or medium scale computer. PL/I has drawn features from COBOL, FORTRAN, ALGOL, and other languages. It represents a great step forward to guide the activities of a computer and has been generated based on the experience accumulated with a wide variety of previous compilers. This enhances more characteristics for PL/I. Compilers for previous high-level languages were so designed that the programmer had to qualify every identifier, every option, and every specification. In sharp contrast, the PL/I compiler takes an action the programmer has failed to take. This property 2 is known as 'default action.' When the user is throughly familiar with the default action which the compiler will take and if this is in line with the program as intended, he has a powerful mechanism for saving programming time and computer memory. An effort was attempted to organize the language structure in such a way that the beginner with no prior experience can code effective PL/I programs by simply learning a very small subset of PL/I statements and attributes. PL/I operates at a higher level than was generally available. It has several features which are seldom found in other languages such as array assignment statement, structure assignment statement, multiple closure, do group, etc. Thus, here at the University of Illinois, a small group started to design a PL/I compiler. This project developed into the following steps. 1 . Select a subset of PL/I for which to implement the compiler for the present time. 2. Choose a language in which to write the compiler program. 3. Design the intermediate language. 4. Design and implement the first pass on IBM System/360. 5. Design and implement the second pass on IBM System/360. The last step was to be left to future efforts. A table of PL/I statements and another of PL/I attributes were set up. These two tables formed the timetable of the proposed PL/I compiler. (See Appendix A.) The subset of PL/I in the first version was carefully selected so that all the statements and attributes in that set were the most practical and the most fundamental features. 3 There are four languages involved in the compilation process. 1. The source language, i.e., PL/I. 2. The language in which the compiler program itself may be written and described. 3. The intermediate language, i.e., the first object language . 4. The assembly language, i.e., the second object language. In a search for a good language to use to write the compiler, the following goals should be considered. 1. It should process lists, character strings, and stacks efficiently. 2. Its programs should run quite efficiently. 3. It could be easily implemented on most computers. It was decided that EOL was the best language to code the proposed compiler because EOL satisfied all the goals mentioned above. EOL is a simple low-level language for character string manipulation. It has been designed mainly for compiler writing and symbolic and algebraic manipulation. The development of EOL started in 1965 at the Institute for Mathematical Machines in Warsaw, Poland. The initial EOL-1 and EOL-2 versions were elaborated there. Based on these two previous versions an improved EOL-3 version has been developed and implemented on IBM 709 4 and System/360 at the University of Illinois. EOL-3 facilitates one input device and three output devices. It offers thirty-two stacks for string processing and two files for mass storage. a EOL is a universal but relatively concise language equipped with only a limited set of statements. It has the facilities to handle most of the typical operations used in compilers. Instructions are classified into eight groups: stack, input, output, file, jump, table, macro, and code. Declarations are classified into five groups: switch, table, entry, external, and index. The switch jumps (go or call according to name or index switch) are very desirable features for the compiler writer. They are included in EOL. It is possible to manipulate instruction address stack in order to direct the control to a proper point by applying the instruction EXCHANGE. Instruction CODE allows part of an EOL program to be written in machine language. The pass 1 output will be stored in an EOL file and will be expressed in intermediate language code. A better design of intermediate language will lead to a more efficient pass 2 because a string of information has been represented by the intermediate language code. Thus, an intermediate language code which is represented in a minimum number of characters and gives a maximum amount of information can save much more time for pass 2 while pass 2 rescans the intermediate language code. The definition of intermediate language for each PL/I statement will be given in Chapter 2. The input to pass 1 is PL/I code and the output from pass 1 is the intermediate language code. The intermediate language code accompanied by name tables is in turn the input to pass 5 2 and the output from pass 2 is now assembly language code. (See Figure 1 . ) It was proposed that pass 1 should do as much as possible. In pass 1, the semantic actions construct name tables containing information about block structures, declaration types, and attributes, and map the source program into intermediate language code which is composed of codes, identifiers, variables, names, operators, and operands. Figure 1 shows a typical two-pass compiler organization. The upper half is pass 1 which is composed of five parts. The statement recognizer is the largest and the most important part among these five parts. It calls procedure READ to get a statement and calls procedure DICT whenever an identifier is encountered. It analyzes the statement and transforms the statement into an intermediate language code which is an EOL file record ended by a semicolon and is stored in EOL file 2. When an error is discovered, statement recognizer calls procedure ERROR which prints out an error message. Usually, it continues to analyze the same statement as long as it can. The proposed compiler has two passes, but its compiling time is much less than twice because of efficiencies introduced by the intermediate language. There are two basic methods of compiling, the buttom-up and the top-down methods. In order to enjoy more benifits of both methods, the bottom- up method (i.e., operator precedence method) was employed to transform the expressions into Reverse Polish expressions, while the top- down method was used to analyze all syntax-oriented statements . Source Program in PL/I Machine Independent Phase (Pass 1) Pass 1 Compiler scan PL/I statements, build name tables, give error messages if any and generate corresponding intermediate language code (First) Object Program tin Intermediate Language Machine Dependent Phase (Pass 2) Compiler Pass 2 scan intermediate language code and produce corresponding assembly language code (Second) Object Program in Assembly Language Figure 1. A typical two-pass compiler organization. 7 All PL/I statements except the assignment statements begin with a keyword such as DO, IF, BEGIN or PROCEDURE and end with a semicolon. The assignment statements have no keywords but they have special leading patterns. In the statement recognizer, a very efficient algorithm was employed. It is able to identify all legal statements without requiring keywords to be reserved. Thus, 'IF (X+Y) , THEN, Z = 10;' is a legal assignment statement. The statement recognizer identifies the type of each statement before the parse of that statement is attempted. It first tries to recognize assignment statement by looking for a correct leading pattern which is roughly analogous to X, Y(I+J,2,K), Z=... or X=... etc. If this fails, the leading identifier is matched against a keyword table to determine the statement type. A detailed description of the intermediate language will be presented in Chapter 2. The statement recognizer and the techniques and the principles used in the statement recognizer are briefly described in Chapter 3. Some conclusions and suggestions are given in Chapter 4. 8 2. INTERMEDIATE LANGUAGE Pass 1 stores a file of intermediate language code which is a special representation of the original PL/I program. The introduction of intermediate language is particularly valuable because the proposed PL/I compiler is a multi-pass compiler and it is not necessary to list the source program during pass 2, in which the time to reread the original source program can be completely saved. 2.1 .The Types of PL/I Statements PL/I statements may be classified into nine logical groups: assignment, control, data declaration, error control and debug, program structure, storage allocation, unclassified, output, and input. A digit is assigned to each group for later use. 0-group contains all scalar, array, structure, pointer, and label assignemnt statements. (assignment statements group.) 1 -group contains CALL, DO, EXIT, GOTO, IF, NULL, STOP, RETURN, DELAY, and WAIT statements. (control statements group.) 2-group contains DECLARE and DEFAULT statements. (data declaration statements group.) 3-group contains ON, REVERT, and SIGNAL statements. (error control and debug statements group.) 4-group contains BEGIN, END, PROCEDURE, and ENTRY statements. (program structure statements group.) 5-group contains ALLOCATE and FREE statements. (storage allocation statements group.) 9 6-group contains INCORPORATE statement. (unclassified statement group.) 7-group contains PUT, WRITE, REWRITE, LOCATE, DISPLAY, RELEASE, and FORMAT statements. (output statements group. ) 8-group contains GET, READ, FETCH, DELETE, UNLOCK, OPEN, and CLOSE statements. (input statements group.) There are several statements which belong to both output statements group and input statements group. Because there are more than ten statements in these two groups, they have to be separated into two groups. 2.2 Conventions The following conventions are used through this chapter, means that a choice is to be made. means that precisely one of the elements within the brackets is selected. means that none or one of the elements within the brackets may occur. means that the elements v/ithin the brackets may form an arbitrary non-empty sequence. means that the elements within the brackets may form an arbitrary, possibly empty sequence. xx • • x i for a list xx..x, means the same list as xx..x with subscripts, expressions or arguments transformed into Reverse Polish form, ',' replaced £>y one blank, and meaningless blanks deleted. # means exactly one blank. {} [] [] 10 2.3 General All infix expressions in source program are always transformed into Reverse Polish expressions. Any label prefixes (including entry names) will not appear again in intermediate language code since dictionary routine DICT has put them into a name table and reading routine READ has deleted them from the STRING stack. The condition prefixes will be translated as follows : convert C (condition-name [ , condition-name] . . . ) z\ . . . into { (condition-code [ , condition-code] ...):}... Where condition-code is the corresponding code for condition- name. The one-to-one correspondence between condition-name and condition-code is defined as following: condition-name condition-code UNDERFLOW 00 OVERFLOW 01 ZERODIVIDE 02 FIXEDOVERFLOW 03 CONVERSION 04 SIZE 05 STRINGSIZE 06 STRINGRANGE 07 SUBSCRIPTRANGE 08 CHECK (identif ier- -list) 09 (identifier-list) NOUNDERFLOW 10 11 NOOVERFLOW 1 1 NOZERODIVIDE 1 2 NOFIXEDOVERFLOW 1 3 NOCONVERSION 1 * MOSIZE 15 NOSTRINGSIZE 16 NOSTRINGRANGE 1 7 NOSUBSCRIPT RANGE 1 8 NOCHECK (identifier-list) 19 (identifier-list) If condition-name is undefined, then an error message will be printed out and that undefined name will be skipped. For example : (ill-condition-name, OVERFLOW, ill-condition-name, SIZE , ill-condition-name) : is translated into (,01, ,05,) : accompanied by error messages. In general, blank, as a delimiter, is used to replace comma is a list, i.e., ARRAY(B,C) is translated into ARRAY(BJrfC). Comma is usually used as delimiter in Reverse Polish form, i*e. , B*C is translated into B,C,*. 2.U Definitions and Examples of Intermediate Language If e is a PL/I infix expression, POLISH (e) is defined as the Reverse Polish form of e. For example: If e=A*(B+C) **D-E then POLISH (e)=A,B,C, +,D,**,*,E, - POLISH can be considered as a mathematical function. Its domain is the PL/I infix expression and its image (range) is the 12 corresponding Reverse Polish f jrm. POLISH is really the most important procedure in the statement recognizer. The general format for the intermediate language code of a PL/I statement except assignment statement is: [ (condition-code [ , condition-code] ...):]••• type-code rest; Where condition-code was defined in 2.3. The type-code is a two digit integer. The first digit is exactly the digit which was assigned to each logical group in 2.1. Since each group contains no more than ten statements the second digit can be selected from to 9. The rest is the remaining information about that statement. The definitions of PL/I statements and attributes are mainly based on IBM (1969) . 2.4.1 The Assignment Statement General Format: , scalar-variable"! # # ,=scalar-expression; ,pseudo-var:" •iablel I • • • ' •iable (scalar- variable^ pseudo-variable r ("array-variable ^ f~, array- variable |. .. | pseudo-variable > , pseudo-variable | structure-expression [, BY NAME] V array-expression [ ,BY NAME] | scalar-expression 13 structure -variable! pseudo-variable / .structure-variable) , pseudo-variable = fstructure-expression [ ,BY NAME] 1 . | scalar-expression J Intermediate language: =POLISH (scalar-expression ) ; (scalar-variable Pi f, scalar-variable] pseudp-variablej , paRudn-vflri flhlfi] f array- variable ^ [, array-variable "1 . . . \ pseudo- variable > r pseudo-variablej ] POLISH (structure-expression) [ , ' ] = ( POLISH (array-expression) [ , ■ ] | POLISH (scalar-expression) ( structure- variable ! f. structure-variable] pseudo-variable J .pseudo-variable =f POLISH (structure-expression) [ , ' fl ; 1P0LISH (scalar-expression) BY NAME in source program is replaced by a quotation mark (') in intermediate language code and BYNAME is considered to be BY NAME. Example: (OVERFLOW) : LABEL: V, A (I*J+6 , I-7)=C*D-6; (01):V,A(I,J,*,6,+j*I,7,-)=C,D,*,6,-; Examp le : M= ■ MONEY ■ | | ■ MO/*C*/NE ; Y ■ ; M= ' MONEY ' , ' MO/*C* /NE ; Y * , 4 1 ; Example: Z=B CAT C; Z=B,C,CAT; (Where CAT is an alphabetic operator standing for | ) Example: A=B(C (I+J) *D/K)+E; A=B(C(I,J,+) ,D,*,K,/),E,+; Example: A=B+C,BY NAME; A=B,C,+,»; 14 Examp le : SUBSTR (R,2,3)=(10) STRING ; SUBSTR ( R#2#3 ) = ( 1 ) STRING ; Example: IF(X+Y) ,THEN,Z= (A+B1 ) /C2D*EE-3. 0E1 0; IF(X,Y,+) ,THEN,Z=A,B1,+,C2D,/,EE,*,3.0E10,-; Example: X=10 4. 1 7.0L+0 . 1 3. 4.2L*31 .0.2L/0. 17.0L; X=1 04.1 7. 0L,0. 13.4. 2L, 31.0. 2L,*, 0.1 7.0L,/, + ; Example: A.B.C=D.E+F.G.H; A.B.C=D.E,F.G.H,+; 2.4.2 The BEGIN Statement General Format: BEGIN [ORDER | REORDER] [OPTIONS (option- list) ] ; Intermediate language: type-code 1st field 2nd field 40 1 2 1 ( option- list ) 1st field: •» empty 1 ^ ORDER 2 *■ REORDER 2nd field: *• empty 1 ** OPTIONS Example: Y: BEGIN REORDER; 402 0; Example: (CHECK(X,Y) , SIZE, CONVERSION) : (NOOVERFLOW) :Y:BEGIN ORDER; (09(X,Y) ,05,04) : (11) :4010; Example: BEGIN OPTIONS (OP1 , OP2,OP3) REORDER; 4021 (OP1JzJOP2^0P3) ; 15 Example: BEGIN REORDER OPTIONS (OP1 ,OP2 ,OP3) ; 4021 (OP1#OP2#OP3); 2.4.3 The CALL Statement General Format: CALL /entry -express ion | generic-name} [ (argument [, argument] . . . ) ] [TASK[ (scalar-task-expression) ] ] [EVENT (scalar-event-expression) ] [PRIORITY (scalar-expression) ] ; Intermediate Language : type -code 10 /entry -express ion | generic-name} [ (POLISH (argument) [^POLISH 1st field (argument)]...)] 1 [ (scalar-task-expression) ] 2nd field 3rd field 1 (scalar-event-expression) 1 (POLISH (scalar-expression) ) 1st field: *• empty 1 *- TASK 2nd field: ►empty 1 ► EVENT 3rd field: ►» empty 1 ► PRIORITY Example: CALL METHOD ; 10METHOD000; Example: CALL ABC (A,B*C,D) ; 1 ABC ( A#B , C , *#D) 00 ; Example: CALL WRITE (A,B) TASK PRIORITY (I+J) ; 16 1 WRITE (A#B) 101 (I,J,+) ; Example: CALL WRITE (A ,B) PRIORITY (I+J) TASK (TU) ; I 10WRITE(A)ZJB) 1 (T4)01(I,J,+) 1 9..U.4 The DECLAIM (DCL) Statem ent and the DEFAULT Statement I The DECLARE statement and DEFAULT statement are non- executable statements. The routine DICT will scan then, and build name tables which save some information for pass 2. If there is any error in them routine DICT will give the error message. General Format: f DECLARER / I etc.; Ldcl J Intermediate Language: 20; General Format: DEFAULT etc.; Intermediate Language: 21; Example: DECLARE IV LIKE W, 1 L, 2 N FLOAT; 20; Example: DEFAULT RANGE (P:R) POINTER; 2*1; 2.4.5 The DISPLAY Statement General Format: DISPLAY (scalar-expression) ; DISPLAY (scalar-expression)REPLY(scalar-ciiaracter-variable) [EVENT (scalar-event- variable) ] ; Intermediate Language: 17 type -code 70 (POLISH (scalar-expression) ) ; type-code 1st field 70 (POLISH (scalar-expression) ) 1 (scalar- character- variable 2nd field 1 (scalar-event-variable) 1st field: 1 ». REPLY 2nd field: — *» empty 1 — ^ EVENT Example : DISPLAY ( ' ERROR#IN#EVALUATION ' ) ? ('E 70 ( 'ERRORJrflNJrfEVALUATION' ) • ^ : Example: DISPLAY (5*N-2) REPLY(X) EVENT (BES) ; (5,N,*,2,-)1 (X)1 70(5,N,*,2,-) 1 (X) 1 (BES) ; Example: DISPLAY (5*N-2) EVENT(BES) REPLY (X) ; 70(5, N,*, 2, -)1 (X)1 (BES); 2.4.6 The DO Statement General Format: DC- DO WHILE (scalar-expression) ; fpseudo- variable ^ variable > =specif ication [ , specif ication] . . . ; TO expression^ [BY expressions]! [WHILE (express ion4) ] BY expressions [TO expression2] J c A specification has the following format: expressionl Intermediate Language: type-code 11; type-code 18 11 (POLISH (scalar-expression) ) ; type-code J pseudo-variable I 1 1 < y ariable / =SPECIFICATION [ , SPECIFICATION] A SPECIFICATION has the following format: 1st field 2nd field (POLISH (expressionl ) ) 1 (POLISH (expression2) ) 1 (POLISH (expression3) ] 3rd field 1 (POLISH (expression^ ) 1st field: *• empty 1 ► TO 2nd field: *> empty 1 *• BY 3rd field: ► empty 1 *■ WHILE Example: LOOP: DO; 11; Example: DO WHILE (3*X-5<9); 11 (3,X,*,5,-,9,<); Example: DO X=3,7 TO 11 BY .5 ,4*I,SQRT (J) , A WHILE (B — | =C) ; 11X=(3) 000, (7)1 (11)1 (.5)0, (4,1,*) 000, (SQRT (J) ) 000 , (A)001 (B,C,-r =); Example: DO COMPLEX (X,Y) =0 BY 1+11 WHILE (X<10); 11COMPLEX(XJzJY) = (0)01 (1 , 1 1 , + ) 1 (X, 1 , < ) ; Example: DO INDEX=Z WHILE (A>B), 5 TO 10 WHILE (A=B),100; 11INDEX=(Z)001 (A,B,> ), (5)1 (10)01 (A,B, = ) , (100)000; 19 Example: L: DO 1=1 TO 9, 11 TO 20; 111- '(1)1 (9)00, (11)1 (20)00; 2.4.7 The END Statement General Format: END [label] ; Intermediate Language: type-code 41 [label] ; Example: END; I 41; Example: END TEST; 41 TEST; 2.4.8 The ENTRY Statement General Format: {entry-name : \ ... ENTRY [ (parameter [ , parameter] . . . ) ] [RETURNS (data-attribute-list) ] ; Intermediate Language: type-code 1st field 43 [ (parameter [^parameter] ...) ] 1 (DATA-ATTRIBUTE-LIST) 1st field: »• empty 1 »» RETURNS For the definition of DATA- ATTRIBUTE- LIST, see 2.4.20. Example: L1:L2: ENTRY (X) RETURNS (FIXED BINARY); 43(X)1 (03#01); Example: A:ENTRY (X,N,Y,M); 43 (XJrfNJrfYJrfM)O; 20 Example: B: ENTRY; 430 ; 2.4.9 The EXIT Statement General Format: EXIT; Intermediate Language: type -code 12 Example: EXIT; 12; 2.4.10 The FORMAT Statement General Format: (label A .. .FORMAT (format-list) ; Intermediate Language: type-code 78 (FORMAT-LIST) ; For the definition of FORMAT-LIST, see 2.4.21. Example: COMMON: FORMAT (A(5) ,F(5,2) ,X (3) ,F(10, 0) ) ; 78(08(5) ,01 (502) ,1 1 (3) ,01 (10#0) ) ; 2.4.11 The GET Statement General Format: GET option-list; The format of option-list: "FILE (filename) [COPY] [SKIP [ (scalar-expression) ] ]*" STRING (scalar-character-string-expression) ^BITSTRING (scalar-bit-string-expression) [data-specification] General format of data-specification: 21 LIST (data-list) DATA[ (data-list)] EDIT ((data-list) (format-list)}.. . Intermediate Language: type-code 1st field 2nd field 81 3rd field 1 (filename) 2 (POLISH (scalar-character-string-expression) ) 3 (POLISH (scalar-bit-string-expression) ) 4th field 1 1 [ (POLISH (scalar-expression) ) ] 1st field: 1 (DATA- LI ST) 2 [ (DATA-LIST) ] /* 3 {(DATA- LI ST) (FORMAT- LI ST)} • • • empty 1 — FILE 2 — STRING 3 BITSTRING empty 1 — COPY — empty 1 ► SKIP 2nd field: 3rd field: If 1st field is not 1 (filename) , then the only one correct combination of 2nd field and 3rd field is 00. Error message will be printed out for combinations of 10, 01, and 11. (See rules 10 and 11 in the GET Statement in IBM (1969).) 4th field: — +■ empty 1 ■► LIST 22 2 »» DATA 3 * EDIT For the definitions of FORMAT-LIST and DATA-LIST, see 2.4.21 and 2.4.22 respectively. Example: GET LIST (A,B,C) ; 810 001 (A#BJz5C) ; Example: GET FILE (BETA) EDIT (X,Y,Z) (A(5) ,F (5 ,2) ,A( 1 0) ) ; 811 (BETA) 003 (XjrfYJrfZ) (08(5) ,01 (5#2) ,08(10) ) ; Example: GET FILE (INPUT) SKIP(a||b) EDIT (L,K (3/C) ,T, ( (R(I , J) DO J=1 TO 6), S(I) DO 1=1 TO 3)) (LINE (4*12), F (7,1), 2E(10.3) ,SKIP(3) , (3) ( (3*2) F(8, 2) ,P • 99999 ' ) ) ; 811 (INPUT) 01 (A,B, | | ) 3(L;#K(3,C,/)tfT#( (R(I#J) 1 U= (1)1 (6) 00) MS (I) 111= (1)1 (3)00)) (17(4,12,*) ,01 (7JzH) , (2)02(1003) ,13(3) , (3) ((3, 2,*) 01 (802) ,04' 9 9999')); 2.4.12 The GO TO (GOTO) Statement C GO TO^l \\ V. GOTO J |s General Format: fGO TO^ | label-constant scalar-label-variable Intermediate Language type-code f label-constant 13 / 1 scalar-label-variabl e Example: GO TO LABEL; 13 LABEL; Example: GOTO SWITCH (I); 13SWITCH(I) ; Example: GOTO ABC (I+J, I-J, I*J) ; 23 13ABC(I,J,+#I,J,-#I,J,*) ; 2.4.13 The IF Statement General Format: IF scalar-expression THEN unit-1 [ELSE unit-2] Intermediate Language: type- code 14 POLISH (scalar-expression) (part-1) [*(part-2)]; part-i is the corresponding intermediate language code for unit-i with the last ';' deleted. For example: If unit-i is S(1); S(2); S(3); ..S(n-1); S(n); then part-i will be I (1 ) ; I (2) ; I (3) ; . . I (n-1 ) ; I (n) Where I(j) is the intermediate language code of S(j). Example: IF GREEN THEN DO 1=0; GREEN=' ' B;END; 1 4GREEN ( 1 1 1= ( ) ; GREEN= ' ' B ; 4 1 ) ; Example: IF LAST THEN GOTO ST6;ELSE X=9; 14LAST(13ST6)* (X=9) ; Example: IF X=0 THEN IF Y=1 THEN X=1 ; ELSE ; ELSE GO TO NEXT; 1 4X , ,= ( 1 4Y f 1 , = (X=1 ) * ( 1 5) ) * ( 1 3NEXT) ; Example: IF BA=Z THEN CALL X(0); ELSE CALL X(A); 14BA,Z,=(10X(0)0 00)*(10X(A)0 00) ; 24 Example: IF X=0 THEN IF Y=1 THEN X=1; ELSE GO TO NEXT; 14X,0,=(14Y,1,=(X=1)*(13NEXT)) ; Example: IF X>Y THEN IF Z=W THEN L: Y=1; ELSE ; ELSE (SIZE) : Y=A; 14X,Y,>(14Z,W,=(Y=1)*(15))*( (05) :Y=A) ; Example: IF X+Y THEN L: BEGIN: A=B*C; IF A<0 THEN DO; B=1 C=0| END END; ELSE (SIZE) :LL: IF B=1 THEN CALL MAX(X,Y); • ELSE CALL MIN(X,Y); 1 4 X , Y , + ( 4 ; A= B , C , * ; 1 4 A , , < ( 1 1 ; B = 1 ; C= ; 4 1 ) ; 4 1 ) * ( ( 5 ) 14B,1,= (10MAX(X#Y)000)*(10MIN(X#Y)000) ) ; 2.4.14 The NULL Statement General Format: Intermediate Language 25 type-code 15; Examp le : LABEL : ; 15; Example : ; 15; Example: (SIZE) :L: ; (05) :15; 2.4.15 The PROCEDURE (PRQC) Statement General Format: (entry-name :\ . . . /PROCEDURE! f ( para meter [, parameter] . . . ) ] [RETURNS (data-attribute-list) ] [OPTIONS (option- list) ] [ORDER | REORDER] [RECURSIVE]; Intermediate Language : type-code 1st field 42 [(parameter [^parameter] . . . ) ] 1 (DATA- ATTRIBUTE- LI ST) 2nd field 3rd field 4th field 1 1 ( option-list ) 2 1 1st field: — ^ empty 1 — *» RETURNS For the definition of DATA- ATTRIBUTE-LIST, see 2.4.20. 2nd field: — *■ empty 1 — *» OPTIONS 3rd field: — *- empty 26 1 +- ORDER 2 * REORDER 4th field: — * empty 1 ► RECURSIVE Example: A: I: PROCEDURE; 420000; Example: A: PROC (B,C) RETURNS (FIXED); 42(B#C) 1 (03)000; Example: LAB: PROCEDURE (A,B,CC) RECURSIVE REORDER OPTIONS (MAIN, SYSTEM) RETURNS (FLOAT REAL DECIMAL (12,8)); 42 (A#BJzJCC) 1 (04#05#02#(12#8) ) 1 (MAIN^SYSTEM) 21 ; 2.4.16 The PUT Statement General Format: PUT option-list; The format of option-list: FILE (filename) STRING (scalar-character-string-variable) BITSTRING( scalar-bit-string- variable) [LINE (expression) ] [data-specification] General format of data-specification: LIST (data-list) DATA[ (data-list)] EDIT {(data-list) ( format-list)) ... Intermediate Language : type-code 1st field 2nd field [PAGE] [SKIP [ (expression] 71 27 1 (filename) 2 ( scalar-character-string- variable ) 3 ( scalar-bit-string-variable ) 1 3rd field 4th field 1 [ (POLISH (expression) ) ] 1 (POLISH (expression) ) 5th field 1 (DATA-LIST) 2 [(DATA-LIST)] f 3 {(DATA-LIST) (FORMAT- LI ST A ... 1st field: 0— *- empty 1— * FILE 2-+ STRING 3—- BITSTRING 2nd field: a.— empty 1-* PAGE 3rd field: 0^ empty 1-* SKIP 4 th field: 0-H. empty 1 ^ LINE If 1st field is 2 ( scalar-character-string- variable ) , then 2nd, 3rd, and 4th fields must be all 0. Error message will be printed out if any of them is 1 . 28 5th field: +> empty 1 * LIST 2 »• DATA 3 ^ EDIT For the definitions of FORMAT-LIST and DATA-LIST, see 2.4.21 and 2.4.22 respectively. Example: PUT DATA (A,B,C) ; 7100002 (AtfBJrfC) ; Example: PUT FILE (LIST) EDIT (X,Y, Z) (A (1 0) ) PAGE; 711 (LIST) 100 3 (X#Y#Z) (08(10)); Example: PUT FILE(OUT) EDIT (NAME, NO) (A (30) ,F (5) ) PAGE LINE (10) ; 711 (OUT) 101 (10)3(NAME#NO) (08(30) ,01 (5)); 2.4.17 The RETURN Statement General Format: RETURN [ (scalar-expression) ] ; Intermediate Language: type- code 1 6 [ (POLISH (scalar-expression) ) ] ; Example: OpT: RETURN; 16; Example: RETURN (X**2+Y**2) ; 16(X,2,**,Y,2,+); 2.4.18 The STOP Statement General Format: STOP ; Intermediate Language : 29 type-code 17; Example: STOP; 17; 2.4.19 The Other Statements General Format: STATEMENT-IDENTIFIER etc.; Intermediate Language: type -code 99; The other statements not defined in previous sections have not been implemented in the present verion. If any statement in this group is used in source program, the intermediate language is always 99; and an error message, UMIP112I XXXXXX WERROR%% THE ■ STATEMENT- IDENTIFIER' STATEMENT HAS NOT BEEN IMPLEMENTED YET. DELETES THE REST. XXXXXX (THIS ERROR (OR WARNING) MESSAGE IS ISSUED FOR STATEMENT NUMBER XXX.) , will be printed out immediately after that statement listing. xxx is a 3-digit statement number. 2.4.20 DATA-ATTRIBUTE-LIST DATA-ATTRIBUTE- LIST has corresponding code for each attribute in data-attribute-list. The former is in the same order as the latter . The codes of DATA-ATTRIBUTE-LIST are separated by exactly one blank. data-attribute corresponding code BINARY 01 30 DECIMAL 02 FIXED 03 FLOAT 04 REAL 05 COMPLEX 06 (precision) ( precision ) i.e., (p,g)_^.(p#g) (p) ■* (P) precision has same contents as precision has. The former has exactly one blank to replace the delimiter ',' of the latter. Examples: (10,-2) » (1 OJz5-2 ) (10, + 1) •* (100+1) (10,1) +- (1001) (10) ► (10) PICTURE 'picture-specification' — ► 07 'picture-specification' Example : PICTURE '+9999E-99' ► 07 '+9999E-99 ' BIT 8 CHARACTER 09 (length) (length) i.e., m r (1) and 1=* or constant only VARYING 1 1 AREA 12 (size) (size) i.e., (s) *. (s) and s=* or constant only ENTRY 1 3 EVENT 1 4 OFFSET 1 5 31 OFFSET (scalar-area- variable) 1 5 (scalar-area-variable) POINTER 1 6 TASK 17 2.4.21 FORMAT-LIST If format-list is: item [, item] .. . then FORMAT-LIST is : ITEM[ , ITEM] . . . Where 'item' may be: format-item n format- item n (format- list) so the definition of 'item' is recursive. If item=n (format-list) then ITEM=N (FORMAT- LI ST) If item=n format-item then ITEM=N FORMAT- ITEM If item= format-item then ITEM= FORMAT- ITEM The definition of 'ITEM' is recursive too! If n= (expression) then N= (POLISH (expression) ) If n=constant then N= (constant) Let X=POLISH(x) Define a mapping MAP such that FORMAT- ITEM=MAP ( format- item) by the following correspondence: 32 format-item MAP (format- item) F(w) 01 (W) F(w,d) 01 (W#D) F(w,d,p) 01 (W#D#P) E(w,d) 02(W#D) E(w,d,s) 02(W)rfD#S) C(r) 03(MAP(r)) C(r,s) 03(MAP (r) ,MAP(s) ) Where r,s e (f format-item, E format-item, P format-item} Example: let format-item=C (F(I+J,I-J) ,E (1 0,3) ) then MAP (format-i tern )=MAP (C (F(I+J,I-J) ,E (10,3) ) ) =03(MAP(F(I+J,I-J) ) ,MAP(E(10,3) )) = 03(01 (I,J,+#I,J,-) ,02(10#3)) P 'numeric-picture-specification' 04 ' numeric-picture-specification ' P' character-string-picture-specification ' 04' character-string-picture-specif ication' BP 'binary-numeric-picture-specification' 05 'binary-numeric-picture- specification' format-item MAP (format- item) B(w) 06 (W) B 06 BB(w) 07 (W) BB 07 A(w) 08 (W) A 08 X(w) 11 (W) 33 BX(w) 12 (W) SKIP(w) 13(W) SKIP 13 COLUMN (w) 1 4 (W) BCOLUMN(w) 15 (W) PAGE 1 6 LINE(w) 17(W) R (statement-label-designator) 18 (statement- label-designator) Where statement-label-designator is either a label constant or a label variable. 2.4.22 DATA-LIST If data-list is: element [, element] .. . then DATA-LIST is: ELEMENT [JtfELEMENT] .. . Where ELEMENT=POLISH (element) if the element is an expression. ELEMENT^ (ELEMENT [JrfELEMENT] .. .*) if the element is a repetitive specification, i.e., (scalar-variable 1 (element!, element] .. . D0^ sca i ar _ pseu d o -variableJ " specification [ specification] . . . ) Where a specification has the following format: expression I™ expression2 [BY expression^]! [WH i L E (expression*) ] 1 I BY expression3 [TO expression2] and * stands for the intermediate language code of the third form of the DO statement. The definition of the repetitive specification is recursive. It may be nested to any depth. 34 3. STATETENT RECOGNIZER The purpose of this chapter is to present a brief description of the techniques and principles used in the compiler program. The compiler program contains five procedures and has more than 7300 cards. External procedure STATEMENT. RECOGNIZER has thirty- seven internal procedures. Procedure POLISH is the largest procedure in procedure STATEMENT. RECOGNIZER. It has more than 1100 cards. Procedure STATEMENT. RECOGNIZER is composed of two groups of procedures. The first group is the Generator Group and the second group is the Utility Grorq&« Figures 2, 3, 4, and 5 give a rough structure of the compiler program. [■ ST.REKNZER.C STATEMENT. RECOGNIZER; ■ ERROR: READ: DICT: Figure 2. Structure of the compiler program, 35 ^Generator Group (utility Group Figure 3. Structure of the procedure STATEMENT. RECOGNIZER. ASSIGN: BEGIN: CALL: DECLARE : DEFAULT : DISPLAY: DO: END: ENTRY: EXIT: FORMAT : GET: GO: IF: NULL : PROCEDURE : PUT: RETURN : STOP: CLOSE: DELAY: . . .etc. ^ELSE: Figure 4. Structure of the Generator Group. 36 C REAC3: DICTB: VARIBL: DLIST2: DLIST3: ATRIBU: ASSIGNMENT: POLISH: ALPHAOPT: INTEGER? : HANDLE AS SIGN: LEGAL? ID: FOMAT: COND. PREFIX: POLI: y DEBUG: Figure 5. Structure of the Utility Group. 3.1 Expression Translator Procedure POLISH is the most important procedure among the procedures contained in the external procedure STATEME NT. RECOGNIZER. It is a recursive procedure. (See 3.2.) Its function is to transform an infix expression into Reverse Polish expression. 3.1.1 Definition of Reverse Polish Expression The definition of the Reverse Polish expression for the proposed PL/I compiler is given below. RPexpression <+ — operand, operand, opera tor | operand 37 operand ■+ RPexpression | operand,—! | operand, NOT | operand f -P Where the vertical stroke | indicates that a choice is to be made and -P stands for prefix - (prefix minus). Prefix + will be ignored by the compiler. An operator is any operator defined in the PL/I operator set. It may be an alphabetic operator. An operand is a variable or a constant. If it is a subscripted variable then the subscripts in it must have been converted into RPexpressions. Example: 12+x-y/z*9 is translated into Reverse Polish expression 12,x,+,y,z,/,9,*,- It can be seen that operands in the Reverse Polish expression appear in the same order as in the original infix expression but the operators have been reordered according to the priorities of the operators. 3.1.2 Conversion of Infix Expression Dijkstra (1961) shows the conversion process has many analogies with a three way railraod shunting yard of the following form . (Output Stack) (Input Stack) POSTACK STRING TRSTACK (Translator Stack) He uses these analogies to explain how an infix expression can be converted into a Reverse Polish expression by comparing the priority numbers of two delimiters. A set of priority numbers is given below. Delimiter ** ,Prefix + , Prefix *,/ Infix + , Infix - > = r > / — 1># — i =/ < ,—\0 (0)1=1 46 Any recursive definition must have an explicit definition for some value or values of the argument (s) , otherwise the definition would be circular. The idea of a procedure which itself calls another procedure is very familiar; the analogue of a recursive function in these terms is a procedure which contains call(s) to itself. This kind of procedure is called recursive procedure. There are several recursive procedures in the statement recognizer. One of them is procedure POLISH. The examples presented in the previous section contained no subscripted variable. To include this kind of variable, a special delimiter, say S, must be attached to the set of priority numbers given in 3.1.2. S has the lowest priority number 0. It is used as an indicator to mark the beginning of an expression, therefore S and must be stacked once into the top of the TRSTACK stack whenever a new expression is going to be recognized. In general, the compiler considers it is at the end of an expression whenever an empty STRING stack or an extra comma is being sensed. A semicolon in the top of the PARTCODE stack is used as a signal to make the compiler consider it is also at the end of an expression whenever an extra right parenthesis is being sensed. It is the case that procedure POLISH is called to recognize a subscript in a subscripted variable. The TRSTACK stack will be emptied down to but not including the first (0,S) pair when the end of that expression is encountered. The (0,S) pair will be deleted then. The subscripts separator (i.e., comma) in the subscripted variable will be replaced by exactly one blank and the subscripts will be expressed in Reverse Polish expressions. 47 Example: 1 0+x (m+n,m-n) *y-z is translated into 10,x(m,n,+#m,n,-) ,y,*,+,z,~ Where # stands for one blank. STRING: 1 0+x (m+n,m-n) *y-z TRSTACK : POSTACK: STRING: 1 0+x (m+n,m-n) *y-z TRSTACK: 0,S POSTACK: STRING: +x (m+n,m-n) *y-z TRSTACK: 0,S POSTACK: 10 STRING: x (m+n,m-n) *y-z TRSTACK : 6 , + , , S POSTACK: 10 STRING : (m+n ,m-n ) *y-z TRSTACK: 6,+,0,S POSTACK: 10,x STRING: m+n,m-n) *y-z TRSTACK: 6,+,0,S POSTACK: 10, x( '(' is part of the subscripted variable . 48 STRING: m+n,m-n) *y-z TRSTACK: 0,S,6,+,0,S POSTACK : 1 , x ( STRING: +n,m-n)*y-z TRSTACK: 0,S,6,+,0,S POSTACK: 10,x(m STRING: n,m-n)*y-z TRSTACK: 6,+,0,S,6,+,0,S POSTACK: 1 , x(m STRING: f m-n)*y-z TRSTACK: 6,+,0,S,6,+,0,S POSTACK: 10,x(m,n STRING: ,m-n)*y-z TRSTACK: 0,S,6,+,0,S POSTACK: 10,x(m,n,+ STRING: ,m-n)*y-z TRSTACK : 6 , +, , S POSTACK: 10,x(m,n,+ STRING: m-n)*y-z TRSTACK: 6,+,0,S POSTACK: 1 ,x (m,n,+# 49 STRING: m-n)*y-z TRSTACK: 0,S,6,+,0,S POSTACK: 10,x(m,n,+# STRING: -n)*y-z TRSTACK: 0,S,6,+,0,S POSTACK: 1 ,x (m,n,+#m STRING: n)*y-z TRSTACK: 6,-, ,S, 6 , + , 0, S POSTACK: 1 0,x (m,n,+#m STRING: )*y-z TRSTACK: 6,-,0,S,6,+,0,S POSTACK: 1 ,x (m,n,+#m,n STRING: )*y-z TRSTACK: 0,S,6,+,0,S POSTACK: 1 ,x (m,n,+#m,n,- STRING : ) *y- z TRSTACK: 6,+,0,S POSTACK: 1 ,x (m,n,+#m,n,- STRING: *y-z TRSTACK : 6 , + , , S POSTACK: 1 ,x (m,n,+#m,n,-) 50 STRING: y-z TRSTACK : 7 r * , 6 , + , , S POSTACK: 10,x(m,n,+Jzfm,n,-) STRING: -z TRSTACK : 7 , * , 6 , + , , S POSTACK: 1 ,x (m,n, +#m, n,-) , y STRING: z TRSTACK: 6,-,0,S POSTACK: 1 , x (m,n,+#m,n,-) ,y,*,+ STRING : TRSTACK: 6,-,0,S POSTACK: 1 ,x (m,n,+#m,n,-) ,y,*, + ,z STRING: TRSTACK : , S POSTACK: 1 ,x (m,n,+#m,n,-) ,y, *,+,z,- STRING: TRSTACK: POSTACK: 1 ,x (m,n,+#m,n,- ) ,y,*, + r z,- By the definition of the IF statement, procedure IF will call itself if it contains an IF statement in either unit-1 or unit- 2 or both. (See 2.4.13 and 51 Procedure FOMAT is a procedure which will recognize a format- list for edit-directed data specification. Because format- list is recursively defined, procedure FOMAT was so coded that it is also a recursive procedure. While procedure FOMAT is recognizing an item which is in a format- list and has the form of n (format-list) , it has to call itself. (See 2.4.21.) Procedures DLIST2 and DLIST3 recognize a data-list. An element in a repetitive specification which appears in a data- list may be a repetitive specification again. Although the definition of the repetitive specification which may be an element of a data-list is recursive, procedures DLIST2 and DLIST3 are not recursive. Both procedures employ the stack TEMPA to count the depth of nest and get rid of the recursive problems. (See 2.4.22.) 3.3 External Procedures There are five external procedures: ST. REKNZER.C, STATEMENT. RECOGNIZER, ERROR, READ, and DICT. 3.3.1 Procedure ST. REKNZER.C This is the MAIN procedure and is not considered a part of the compiler program. The function of this procedure is to initiate the procedure STATEMENT. RECOGNIZER and then to print out the intermediate language code which was stored in file FFILE by procedure STATEMENT. RECOGNIZER. 3.3.2 Procedure STATEMENT. RECOGNIZER The interior of the procedure STATEMENT. RECOGNIZER is the framework of the compiler program. Figure 6 is a rough flow diagram of the procedure STATEMENT. RECOGNIZER. 52 Initialization Call procedure READB START Call procedure COND. PREFIX Call procedure HANDLEASSIGN Call appropriate generator according to the table of keywords Transfer the ; intermediate language code of one statement from stack PART CODE to EOL file FFILE no yes Eigure s. Flow diagram of the procedure STATEMENT. RECOGNIZER 53 3.3.3 Procedure ERROR When an error is found procedure STATEMENT. RECOGNIZER calls the procedure ERROR to print out an error message. After this, the compiler continues to analyze the same statement as long as possible. However, the succeeding errors may occur simply due to the compiler's action to the preceding error (s). It was intended to make the error messages self explanatory. A message headed by 55 WARNING Jo implies the statement is still okay, if the programmer agrees with the compiler's action. A message headed by %J5ERROR/oJ5 implies the statement is not okay at all and the programmer has to modify it. The information needed by the procedure ERROR is stored in stack TEMP. Procedure ERROR first prints out the error title number, then goes to the corresponding section for printing the appropriate error message, then prints out the number of that statement in which this error was found and finally returns to the calling procedure. Procedure ERROR usually tells the programmer where the error was found and sometimes prints page heading and number. Example: 131 GO NEWYORK; UMIP153I XXXXXX 55WARNING55 'TO' INSERTED BEFORE 'NEWYORK' IN GO TO STATEMENT. XXXXXX (THIS ERROR (OR WARNING) MESSAGE IS ISSUED FOR STATEMENT NUMBER .131.) Example: 293 Y=A-*B+C; UMIP122I XXXXXX %%ERROR%% MISSING AN OPERAND BEFORE '*B+C'. 54 POSSIBLY ILLECAL COMBINATION XXXXXX OF OPERATORS EXISTS IN THE EXPRESSION. XXXXXX (THIS ERROR (OR WARNING) MESSAGE IS ISSUED FOR STATEMENT NUMBER 29 3.) 3.3.4 Procedure READ When procedure STATEMENT. RECOGNIZER calls procedure READ, procedure READ prints page heading and number if necessary, deletes last eight columns of the input card, lists the current statement number and the contents of that input card, deletes the first column of that input card and returns one statement with a specified format in stack STRING to the calling procedure. 3.3.5 Procedure PICT The function of the procedure DICT is to build up name tables which save information needed in pass 2. Every time an identifier is encountered, procedure STATEMENT. RECOGNIZER calls procedure DICT. (See Appendix B.) 3.4 Internal Procedures External procedure STATEMENT. RECOGNIZER contains thirty- seven internal procedures which may be roughly classified into two logical groups: Generator Group and Utility Group. A brief description of each procedure will be given below. 3.4.1 Generator Group This group has twenty-one procedures. Procedure ASSIGN Previous to compiler's call to this procedure, the compiler had recognized that the assignment statement had a correct left hand side. Thus the function of the procedure ASSIGN is to call 55 procedure POLISH and to check if this expression has a legal BY NAME option etc. Procedure BEGIN This procedure generates type- code 40 for the BEGIN statement. It uses stack F1 to hold information about ORDER or REORDER and uses stack F2 to hold information about OPTIONS. Before returning to the calling procedure, it concatenates stacks F1 , F2 and semicolon to the end of the stack PARTCODE. Procedure CALL This procedure generates type-code 10 for the CALL statement. It uses stack F1 to hold information about option TASK, uses stack F2 to hold information about option EVENT and uses F3 to hold information about option PRIORITY. Before returning to the calling procedure, it concatenates stacks F1 , F2, F3 and semicolon to the end of the stack PARTCODE. Procedure DECLARE (DCL) This procedure generates type-code 20 for the DECLARE statement. Procedure DEFAULT This procedure generates type-code 21 for the DEFAULT statement. Procedure DISPLAY This procedure generates type- code 70 for the DISPLAY statement. For the second form of the DISPLAY statement, it uses stack F1 to hold information about option REPLY and uses stack F2 to hold information about option EVENT. When it is ready to return to the calling procedure, it concatenates stacks 56 F1 , F2 and semicolon to the end of the stack PARTCODE. Procedure DO The DO statement has three different formats. In general, they serve as PL/I statements. However, the third format v/ithout semicolon may be the partial contents of a repetitive specification in a data-list. Procedure DO will play different roles to recognize these two cases mentioned above. This purpose can be achieved by using a signal which will tell the procedure DO where the call to the procedure DO came from. If a semicolon is found in the top of the stack PARTCODE then procedure DO knows that this call came from procedure DLIST2 or DLIST3 which is used to recognize a data-list. If no semicolon is found then procedure DO will know that it has to recognize a general DO statement. Because the information about option LIST or DATA or EDIT is stored in stack F5, the intermediate language code for the DO statement or for the partial contents of that repetitive specification will be stored in stack F5. Procedure DO attaches type-code 1 1 and some other information to the end of the stack F5. It uses stack F2 to hold inforamtion about TO, uses stack F3 to hold inforamtion about 3Y and uses stack F4 to hold information about WHILE. It then concatenates stacks F2, F3 and F4 to the end of the stack F5. Finally, if semicolon is found in the top of the stack PARTCODE then procedure DO will simply return to the calling procedure, otherwise the contents of the stack F5 will be transported to the stack PARTCODE, a semicolon will then be added to the end of that stack and then 57 procedure DO will return to the calling procedure. Procedure END This procedure generates type-code 41 for the END statement. If there is any label, it will follow the type- code. Procedure ENTRY This procedure generates type-code 43 for the ENTRY statement. It uses stack F1 to hold information about option RETURNS. It concatenates stack F1 and semicolon to the end of the stack PARTCODE before returning to the calling procedure. Procedure EXIT This procedure generates type-code 12 for the EXIT statement. Procedure FORMAT This procedure generates type-code 78 for the FORMAT statement and calls the procedure FOMAT to handle the format- list. Procedure GET This procedure generates type-code 81 for the GET statement. It uses stack F1 to hold information about FILE or STRING or BITSTRING, uses stack F2 to hold information about COPY, uses stack F3 to hold information about SKIP and uses stack F5 to hold information about LIST or DATA or EDIT. Procedures DLIST3 and/or TOMAT may be called if necessary. Before returning to the calling procedure, it concatenates stacks F1, F2, F3, F5 and semicolon to the end of the stack PARTCODE. 58 3.4,1,13 Procedure GO This procedure generates type-code 13 for the GO TO statement. If there is any label, it will follow the type-code. It has an entry name called GOTO. 3.4.1 .14 Procedure IF The structure of the IF statement is very complicated because it may contain other statments, DO-groups or begin blocks. Procedure IF is recursive and has two internal procedures: procedure DOBEGIN handles DO-group and begin block, procedure KLABCON handles labels and condition prefixes. Figure 7 is a rough flow diagram of the procedure IF and Figure 8 is a rough flow diagram of the procedure DOBEGIN. Procedure MULL This procedure generates type-code 15 for the NULL statement. Procedure PROCEDURE This procedure has an entry name called PROC. It generates type-code 42 for the PROCEDURE statement. It uses stack F1 to hold information about option RETURNS, uses stack F2 to hold information about option OPTIONS, uses stack F3 to hold information about ORDER or REORDER and uses stack F4 to hold information about RECURSIVE. It concatenates stacks F1, F2, F3, F4 and semicolon to the end of the stack PARTCODE before returning to the calling procedure. Procedure PUT This procedure generates type-code 71 for the PUT statement. It uses stack F1 to hold information about FILE or STRING or BITSTRING, uses stack F2 to hold information about PAGE, uses 59 Initialization START Generate type- code ik, call POLISH for scalar-expression, replace THEN by ' ( ' and increase statement number byl :all procedure HLABCON Call procedure DOBEGIN Call procedure HANDLEASSIGN Give syntax error message and call the appropriate generator Call procedure IE Call appropriate generator according to the table of keywords RETURN Add ' ; • to the end of stack PARTCODE no Figure 7. Flow diagram of the procedure IF. 60 0- Replace ELSE by '*(' Call procedure HLABCON Call procedure HANDLEASSIGN Call appropriate generator according to the table of keywords Replace last ' ; ' by ')', add »;• to the end of stack PARTCODE Give syntax error message and call the appropriate generator Figure 7. (Continued) Flow diagram of the procedure IF. 61 START h Call procedure DO or BEGIN Give syntax error message RETURN Call procedure HANDLEASSIGN Call procedure END yes Call appropriate generator according to the table of keywords Call procedure END Figure 8. Flow diagram of the procedure DOBEGIN 62 stack F3 to hold information about SKIP, uses stack F4 to hold information about LINE and uses stack F5 to hold information about LIST or DATA or EDIT. Procedure DLIST3 or DLIST2 and/or FOMAT may be called if necessary. Before returning to the calling procedure, it concatenates stacks F1, F2, F3, F4, F5 and semicolon to the end of the stack PARTCODE. Procedure RETURN This procedure generates type-code 16 for the RETURN statement. Procedure STOP This procedure generates type- code 17 for the STOP statement. Procedure CLOSE and So On This procedure gives error message UMIP112I for those statements which have not been implemented in the present version such as statements CLOSE, DELAY, DELETE etc. (See 2.4.19.) Procedure ELSE This procedure gives error message UMIP183I for unmatched ELSE clause or for ELSE clause having a v/rong IF clause. 3.4.2 Utility Group This group has sixteen procedures. Procedure READB This procedure calls procedure READ and possibly calls procedure DEBUG according to the contents of the first card of the input data deck. 63 Procedure DICTB This procedure calls procedure DICT and possibly calls procedure DEBUG according to the contents of the first card of the input data deck. Procedure VARIBL This procedure recognizes a single variable. If it is called in procedure DLIST3 then a semicolon, as a signal, will be found in the top of F5 stack. This makes compiler consider that star (*) subscripts in a subscripted variable are legal. If no semicolon is found in the top of F5 stack then star subscripts in a subscripted variable are not legal. Procedure DLIST2 On output, this procedure recognizes a data- list for edit- directed and list-directed data specifications. It possibly sets a semicolon in the top of the stack PARTCODE and then calls procedure DO. (See 2.4.22.) Procedure DLIST3 On input, this procedure recognizes a data- list for edit- directed and list-directed data specifications. On output, it recognizes a data-list for data-directed data specification. It possibly sets a semicolon in the top of the stack PARTCODE and then calls procedure DO. (See 2.4.22.) Procedure ATRIBU This procedure recognizes a data- attribute- list for procedures PROCEDURE and ENTRY. 64 Procedure ASSIGNMENT This procedure analyzes a statement which is either an illegal assignment statement or a statement having undefined statement identifier. It assumes that the statement which is being scanned is an assignment statement and gives error messages accordingly. Procedure POLISH This procedure translates infix expression into Reverse Polish expression. (See 3.1 and 3.2.) It has an internal procedure WTOGO which decides where to go when an error occurs. Procedure ALPHAOPT This procedure distinguishes whether an identifier is an alphabetic operator or not. Procedure INTEGER? This procedure recognizes an integer or a star (*). Its entry name INTEGER recognizes an integer only. Procedure HANDLEASSIGN This procedure recognizes the left hand side of an assignment statement. If a statement has a leading pattern which is roughly analogous to X,Y (I+J,5,K) , Z (2) ,W=. . . or X=..., the keyword •ASSIGN' will be pushed into the top of the stack STRING and then control calls procedure ASSIGN. If procedure HANDLEASSIGN cannot find a correct leading pattern, it will restore the original contents of the stack STRING into the stack STRING and then control calls the appropriate generator according to the keyword v/hich is in the top level of the stack STRING etc. 65 Procedure LEGAL7ID This procedure recognizes a legal identifier. Procedure FOMAT This procedure recognizes a format-list for edit-directed data specification. Procedure COND. PREFIX This procedure handles condition prefix(es). Procedure POLI This procedure calls procedure POLISH and will give an error message UMIP151I if a single star (*) appears in the top of the stack POSTACK. Procedure DEBUG This procedure prints out the contents of the stack STRING word by word. It may be called by procedures READB and/or DICTB. (See,, and Chapter 4.) 66 4. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS The intermediate language described in Chapter 2 has proved to be a satisfactory design for the proposed PL/I compiler. It could be trivially extended to cover the whole set of PL/I. The statement recognizer described in Chapter 3 has been tested on a number of test programs. On a 516 PL/I statements program, its execution time (GO step) was between 42.9 5 seconds and 48.27 seconds. The whole compiler program has more than 7300 cards. Its compilation time (EOL step) was between 251.12 seconds and 279.52 seconds. A notable feature of the statement recognizer is the debugging facility. It was designed especially for pass 2 programmer. This mechanism is composed of procedures READB, DICTB, and DEBUG and the initial instructions at the beginning of the procedure STATEMENT. RECOGNIZER. If one would like to know the contents of the stack STRING after 'CALL READ' only, after 'CALL DICT' only or after both 'CALL READ' and 'CALL DICT' , he may punch a ' + ', a '-' or an '=' respectively at the first column of a control card which should be the first card of his input data deck, i.e., the PL/I program deck. Many valuable comments are also presented through the whole compiler program. The extensive compiler program listing occupies 138 pages and the result of a sample test program occupies 37 pages. They have too many pages to be included as an appendix. 67 BIBLIOGRAPHY Barron, D. W. , Recursive Techniques in Programming. American Elsevier, 1968. Bates, F. and Douglas, M. L. , Programming Language/One. Prentice-Hall, 1967. Dijkstra, E. W. , Making a Translator for Algol 60. A. P. I.C. Bulletin 7, pp. 3-11, 1961. Freiburghouse, R. A., The Multics PL/I Compiler. AFIPS Conference Proceedings, Volume 35, 19 69 Fall Joint Computer Conference. AFIPS Press, 1969. Gear, C. W., Computer Organization and Programming. McGraw- Hill, 1969. Grau, A. A., Hill, U. and Langmaack, H. , Translation of Algol 60. Springer-Verlay, 1967. Halstead, M. H., Machine-Independent Computer Programming. Spartan, 1962. Hassitt, A., Computer Programming and Computer Systems. Academic Press, 1967. Hopgood, F. R. A., Compiling Techniques. Macdonald/Elsevier , 1970. IBM, PL/I Language Specifications. Form Y33-6003-1. April, 1969. Ingermann, P. Z., A Syntax-Oriented Translator. Academic Press, 1966. Lecht, C. P., The Programmer's PL/I - A Complete Reference. McGraw-Hill, 19 68. Lukaszewicz, L. and Nievergelt, J., EOL Programming Examples - A Primer. Report No. 242, Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, September, 1967. , EOL Report. Report No. 241 , Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, September, 1967. Pollack, S. V. and Sterling, T. D., A Guide to PL/I. Halt, Rinehart and Winston, 1969. 68 Randell, B. and Russell, L. J. , Algol 60 Implementation. Academic Press, 1964. Rosen, S. , Programming Systems and Languages. McGraw-Hill, 1967. Sprowls, R. C, Introduction to PL/ 1 Programming. Harper and Row, 1969. Wegner, P., Introduction to Systems Programming. Academic Press, 1964. , Programming Languages, Information Structures, and Machine Organization. McGraw-Hill, 1968. 69 APPENDIX A THE TIMETABLE OF THE PROPOSED PL/I COMPILER The following types of PL/I statements and attributes are desired to be implemented in the proposed PL/I compiler, * denotes that the author has implemented them in his statement recognizer. 70 First Version STATEMENTS : * Assignment (scalars, arrays) * BEGIN * CALL (SUBROUTINE) ♦ DECLARE * DISPLAY (REPLY) * DO * END * EXIT * GET (FILE — SKIP) * GO TO (CONSTANT, VARIABLE) * IF * Null * PROCEDURE (EXTERNAL) * PUT (FILE) * RETURN * STOP ATTRIBUTES: AUTOMATIC, STATIC BINARY, DECIMAL CHARACTER Dimension ENTRY EXTERNAL, INTERNAL FILE FIXED, FLOAT 71 INITIAL INPUT, OUTPUT, UPDATE LABEL Leng th OPTIONS Parameter Precision PRINT REAL RETURNS STREAM VARIABLE VARYING Second Version STATEMENTS : * Assignment (structures, BY NAME) CLOSE * ENTRY * FORMAT * GET (FILE — COPY) ON (SYSTEM) OPEN * PROCEDURE (INTERNAL) ATTRIBUTES ; BIT BIT ST REAM BUILTIN 72 COMPLEX LIKE Third Version STATEMENTS ; * DEFAULT DELETE LOCATE ON (SNAP) READ RELEASE REVERT REWRITE SIGNAL UNLOCK WRITE ATTRIBUTES : BACKWARDS BUFFERED, UNBUFFERED CONNECTED CONTROLLED DEFINED DIRECT ENVIRONMENT EVENT GENERIC IRREDUCIBLE, REDUCIBLE KEYED 73 PICTURE POSITION RECORD Fourth Version STATEMENTS : ALLOCATE * BEGIN (ORDER/ REORDER) * CALL (TASK, EVENT, PRIORITY) DELAY * DISPLAY (EVENT) FETCH FREE * GET (STRING, BITSTRING) INCORPORATE * PROCEDURE (RECURSIVE, ORDER/ REORDER) * PUT (STRING, BITSTRING) WAIT ATTRIBUTES ; ALIGNED, UNALIGNED AREA BASED EXCLUSIVE OFFSET, POINTER SECONDARY Size TASK 7U APPENDIX B WHEN TO CALL PROCEDURE DICT The general rule is that the procedure DICT should be called v/henever an identifier is encountered. 75 Assignment Call DICT when an identifier is in top level of STRING stack. BEGIN Call DICT when BEGIN is in top level of STRING stack. CALL Call DICT when *EN entry-name is in top two levels of STRING stack. Call DICT when each name in an argument is in top level of STRING stack. Call DICT when scalar-task-expression or scalar-event-expression or an identifier in scalar-expression is in top level of STRING stack. DECLARE or DCL Call DICT when DECLARE or DCL is in top level of STRING stack. DEFAULT Call DICT when DEFAULT is in top level of STRING stack. DISPLAY Call DICT when an identifier in scalar-expression is in top level of STRING stack. Call DICT when scalar-character-variable or scalar-event- variable is in top level of STRING stack. DO Call DICT v/hen DO is in top level of STRING stack. Call DICT when an identifier is in top level of STRING stack. END Call DICT when END is in top level of STRING stack. ENTRY 76 Call DICT when ENTRY is in top level of STRING stack. Call DICT when each name in the parameter (s) is in top level of STRING stack. EXIT Do not call DICT. FORMAT Call DICT when each name in the format- list is in top level of STRING stack. GET Call DICT when *SIF filename is in top two levels of STRING stack. Call DICT when *CSN first item in scalar-character-string-expression is in top two levels of STRING stack. Call DICT when *BSN first item in scalar-bit-string-expression is in top two levels of STRING stack. Call DICT when each name in the data- specification or scalar- expression is in top level of STRING stack. GO TO or GOTO Call DICT when *L label is in top two levels of STRING stack. Call DICT when an identifier is in top level of STRING stack. IF Call DICT when each name in scalar-expression is in top level of STRING stack. 77 Call DICT whenever necessary in unit-1 and unit- 2 according to what type of statement it is. PROCEDURE or PRQC Call DICT when PROCEDURE or PROC is in top level of STRING stack. Call DICT when each name in the parameter (s) is in top level of STRING stack. PUT Call DICT when *SOF filename is in top two levels of STRING stack. Call DICT when *CSN scalar-character-string-variable is in top two levels of STRING stack. Call DICT when *BSN scalar-bit-string-variable is in top two levels of STRING stack. Call DICT when each name in the data-specification or expression is in top level of STRING stack. RETURN Call DICT when RETURN is in top level of STRING stack. Call DICT when an identifier in scalar-expression is in top level of STRING stack. Do not call DICT. flOM^ 8 \Sffc UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 510 84 IL8R no COO? no 4S1 4M(1971 Rttolullon ttfli prool proctdurt lot hlg 3 0112 088399743 ■■■■■ 1 1 1 BtifiE ■ I ■■■1 a ■1 I ■ . : ■ . I * ■ ■ ■ Bw ra mw WFia ■■J Bra SSBLp»I ■$$*