LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 510.84 Ijt6r no. 7J5-72I cop. Z Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 „ UIUCDCS-R-T 5-715 NORMAN (NORMalizing ANalyzer) by GARLAN JAY HUBERTS April 1975 DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA CHAMPAIGN URBANA, ILLINOIS IHE LIBRARY OF THE JUN 3 1975 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS z D tr. o »- cn (/) z < or »- o \- o UI z k thereby providing ten degrees of rotational resolution for any opaque object placed over this array. Referring back to Figure 2.3, the MCIT^-ICP operational amplifier cir- cuit does current summing from all the phototransistors in a line of the basic array. Each array then requires eleven op amps and results in eleven analog voltages. Each op amp is biased so that when all phototransistors in its line (varying from six to eleven) are saturated, the output voltage is 1.2 volts. The gain is set so that a change of 0.8 volts is seen every time a transistor is covered by a portion of the figure. Referring to Figure 2.k 9 it is easy to see that by summing currents along lines of phototransistors, positional information of the figure along these lines is lost. The voltages at the outputs of the op amps can be said to represent the "profile" of the figure since they are representative of only the width of the figure along those lines. The machine has eighteen Input Boards which each contain eleven op amps and three CD^0l6AE integrated circuits. Each integrated circuit acts as a four channel analog switch. This arrangement enables NORMAN to send a switch signal to one of the eighteen Input Boards at a time to obtain one angular view of the figure. This profile is then digitized by an A/D Board and stored in a shift register on a board called the Analyzer Board. O o > if ". Z -J ^, < o > o o 6 >>>>>>>>>> cMpOO^cqcqcvicvJCM h w w w ^ w N h •** ~* m U bD ■H F-h Cm O c o •H -P M (U CO h- o (0 o < U CD O r4 i-l u. *"* o 6 ik. z ▲ IT UJ I- UJ x rsi UJ > z o o 5 < z 4 Q to \ D < 00 z to T 2 Sot < t 15 < to 00 fM . 4 k i ) (9 o c J qo 5d z z 2 6 2 Z SUMMING ASIC NO.l S.Y SUM lASIC AY Z o "2< t- «> DC H m x H 03 X z oc * UJ < K z „ a z K X £o < x"- 3 to o to o x O Q. O Q- H Z _ Z " z r* < -« < ^ < 4 • 1 - L 1 1 k X to >- < X uji — tr tO f£ to X (3,9.15) ETC. ARE THE SAMI PHOTOTRANSIS x H O M I E X < UJ (- o z 10 EMORY ONE ROFILE AT ONE 111 -J a z < 2 K ■ j UJ m o < ±1 U. Z _l N < -\ %. i «J a. 3 o u U < k z < . ' . Hi a: _i HI (9 u. z U. < 3 p* (M X Jj a> z < UJ u Z z Z Z Z _i «> U. o O UJ IE X «■ iT K ( ) ( ) < 1 < 1 UJ O 3 > 35)5 ^ \ P>« \. — 1— ^» Q o 1 1 u ?">- °- 3 - It I 2 «t = K < , . V) * -la. w < •- h a cr 3«>£ "-^ (O °^, z o > UJ O o '5 c 2 z J 1 1 " K O Z 1- UI03 s 5! e i=>* a m ' ^ 5 :' x at (£ (E IT K •- Ul 3 a. a. c I bO cd •H P CJ o H pq 11 I- z UJ H Z o o or UJ U- Ll. m >- < OC a: < a. z o < CO oc z up < i tA QC o I- co z < cc t- o »- o c I a. ? \ < ► ( f \ ( > ?\ < ► < > o < > < > < > < » < > < > < > o < 1 < > < > < ► < > 6 < > < i < > < ► < > 6 < > < > < > < > < > 6 < > < l < > < > < > o < > < > < > < > < > < > < < > > 1 ► •—> Z i o 1- o UJ oc Q 1 #— i CVJ ro O O O O O O O O "z o »- O u. U. UJ - m x > H en pq o UJ * on a (U Sh S. •H o a 12 Size independence is gained by sampling over the number of active lines during a certain fixed period of time. In other words, the number of active lines controls the switching rate of the first time division distribu- tor: a larger figure requires a higher switching rate than a smaller figure, it having more lines to cover in exactly the same amount of time. Two registers are sampled at once because the SRPS arithmetic unit can be made to switch gradually from one to the other. The output of the arithmetic unit is a single SRPS signal which varies almost linearly in time with respect to the profile of the input figure. The second time division distributor switches this signal during the same fixed period of time into eleven counters which serve as the profile buffer. At the end of the time period the profile buffer contains the profile of the input figure which is both position and size independent . A comparison is then made between each register of the profile buffer and a corresponding register of a profile buffer of a figure stored in memory. This comparison results in a number for each pair of registers which is equal to the absolute difference of the numbers in the registers. These absolute differences (eleven in all) are then summed together to give a number called a "fit" which is a direct measure of how closely the two profiles match. This com- parison process occurs for each memory location of which there are five, making storage of five separate figures possible. A Result Analyzer Board then searches for the lowest difference or best fit and stores the name of the figure contained on the Memory Board with the best fit. This completes the process for one scan angle. To recognize the figure under conditions of rotation this process has to be gone through eighteen times (a 180 degree look at the figure with 10 degrees of resolution). Each time the Result Analyzer Board stores only the best fit and the name of the figure stored on 13 the Memory Board, from which it came. At the end of its eighteen cycles, the result is displayed. It should also "be mentioned here that the profile buffer uses RAM type storage. This necessitates two modes of operation for the machine, STORE and ANALYZE. ANALYZE has been discussed above. STORE is similiar, the only difference being that instead of comparing between the two profile buffers , the numbers from the first profile buffer are dumped directly into the memory profile buffer. Also since only one angular view of a figure is stored in memory, the STORE operation is complete after one cycle instead of eighteen. Ik k.O MACHINE DESCRIPTION This section contains "board "by board description of the machine and should give a much clearer picture of how the processing is actually done. We start with a description of the front panel and how to operate the machine. k.l Front Panel The front panel contains two rotary switches, a MODE switch and a NAME switch; two pushbutton switches, ERASE and ACTUATE; a double throw (normally centered) toggle switch labeled THRESHOLD, UP and DOWN; and two displays, one which displays the NAME and the other which displays the BEST FIT. The first thing to do after turning NORMAN on is to set the threshold to some suitable value (see Section U.8). This is done by turning the MODE switch to THRESHOLD SET and entering counts in the threshold counter by moving the threshold toggle switch to UP or DOWN. The threshold counter can also be reset by pushing ERASE. There are five storage locations in NORMAN and each one must either be loaded with a figure or erased. To store a figure in memory location one set the MODE switch to STORE 1. Choose a figure to be stored, lay it on the phototransistor array, and select its name by means of the NAME switch. Pushing ACTUATE then starts the cycle and after it is complete, the name of the figure is displayed and the total number of counts in the profile buffer of that memory location is displayed by the BEST FIT display. In like manner all the storage locations can be filled simply by selecting the storage location with the MODE switch. Any location can also be erased by selecting it with the MODE switch and pushing ERASE. 15 To have NORMAN analyze what a figure represents, set the MODE switch to ANALYZE and push ACTUATE. After the processing is done (about 1/2 second) it will display the name of what it thinks the figure resting on the photo- transistor array is. It will also display the best fit, which is a measure of how closely the figure laying on the phototransistor array and the figure it selected from memory match. It should also he mentioned here that NORMAN has a library of eleven figures prepared for it. These were prepared photographically on large film sheets and appear as black opaque figures on transparent plastic sheets. The names of these figures also appear on the NAME switch. The library con- sists of: CIRCLE, TRIANGLE, RECTANGLE, PENTAGON, HEXAGON, CROSS, and the numbers h, 5> 1, and 8. h .2 Input Boards The Input Boards were described quite fully in Chapter 2. Each one of the eighteen Input Boards provides one angular view of the figure to be recognized. Each contains eleven MCIT^ICP op amps and three CDU016AE four channel analog switches. Each op amp does current summing from a row of phototransistors in the array so that its output voltage is dependent upon the number of phototransistors on or off in that particular row. The four channel analog switches act as multiplexers to switch all eleven analog vol- tages onto a bus of eleven lines when a SWITCH SIGNAL is present at that board. U.3 A/D Board This board serves to digitize the eleven analog voltages present on the bus. It is driven by a twelve bit synchronous counter, the middle four bits of which are used to generate a staircase by the use of a high speed 16 op amp. The middle four bits are used because a new SWITCH SIGNAL comes to an Input Board at the same time that the counter starts and using the middle four bits ensures that the analog voltages are all stable before actual digi- tizing begins. By referring to Figures k.l and 2.3, we note that the amplifie] configuration is nearly the same in each case. Each sums current through resistors which are switched on and off from a +12 volt line, in one case by the phototransistors and in this case by open collector high voltage buffers driven by counter bits five through eight. Each configuration also uses a biasing resistor down to a -12 volts. This close matching is very deliberate. If either or both supply voltages drift, both the analog voltages and the steps of the staircase drift in the same manner so that the correct digitized version on the analog voltage is still obtained. The eleven analog voltages and the generated staircase go to eleven SN72510 comparators (Figure k.2). The output of the comparator switches to a logical one when the staircase voltage steps above the analog voltage level. This change goes through a flip-flop to a NAND gate to shut off a train of pulses called STROBE pulses. The outputs of this board are the eleven STROBE lines and the bits of the counter. They all go to the next board, the Analysis Board, which works in conjunction with the A/D Board to digitize the analog voltages. h.k Analysis Board The Analysis Board contains eleven four-bit shift registers which store the digitized profile (Figure U.3). Counter bits five through eight of the A/D Board go to the parallel loading inputs of the eleven shift registers. Each of the eleven STROBE inputs goes to a shift register and keeps loading in the counts until the comparator on the A/D Board shuts it off. Since counter bits five through eight are also the ones that generate the staircase, each one of the IT a. o u. u I o 0- -I -i <-> m (0 n GO CD m oo CD o o o O A A CD 03 a o A CM CVJ en CVJ en en o o AAAA K O g« <^£ j j hj D X Z (D — ct I o AAA f 1AAr- O O -• CM cn «-• *~ < --« CD CD CD CD O O O O AAAA ?H O -P cc5 U 0) w cd a •H cd -p ra TJ !H cd O •H CD m o z o ex. X o z >- in A o o o UJ CD O 18 CO to Z) o DOWN CLOCK > SL1A > SL1B > SLi C > SLID < SHIFT < STROBE 1 < STROBE 11 Figure k.3 Buffer Section of Analysis Board 20 eleven shift registers contains the correct digitized version of its analog voltage after its strobe pulses have been cut off. The Analysis Board has essentially two tasks to perform before its work is complete. It must shift all the four digit numbers up from one shift register to the next until the first shift register no longer contains the number zero: this gives the profile positional independence. The second operation is to discover the width of the profile. A down counter starts with shift register eleven and counts down from eleven until the first shift regis- ter containing a non-zero number is encountered (Figure U.'U). This technique was favored over a straightforward counting up scheme to prevent problems with profiles having "holes" in the middle. Counter bit nine (CB 9) going to one informs the Analysis Board that the digitizing is complete and that it can start the two processes described above. Accordingly CB 9 switches the shift registers from the parallel load- ing state to the shift left state. Four input NOR gates are used to sense the number zero for each shift register. CB 1 provides the pulses to shift the numbers and a twelfth shift register is used to ensure that the shift pulses occur only in groups of four. If the NOR gate for the first shift regis- ter senses that the number zero is present, the NAND gate network lets through a shift pulse and the twelfth shift register ensures that three more follow it. After the four shift pulses, the number that was in the second shift register is now in the first and likewise with all the rest with the eleventh being loaded with all zeroes. This process continues until the first shift register no longer contains the number zero. After this shifting is complete, the up-down counter operating in the down mode and loaded with the number eleven samples the NOR gate of each shift register through a multiplexer and counts down until it finds the first shift register with a non-zero number. 21 5V i i RESET > CLOCK > ;£> ZIl > ZI 2 > ZI 3 > ZI 4 > ZI 5 > ZI 6 > ZI7 > ZI 8 > ZI 9 > ZI 10 > ZI 11 > C D LOAD COUNT DOWN SN74I93 UP-DOWN COUNTER Qa Qb Qc Qd w SN74I50 MULTIPLEXER 10 -> NAL A -> NAL B -> NAL C -> NAL D > Figure h.k Number of Active Lines Information Section of Analysis Board 22 The number left in the counter after this process is complete informs the rest of the machine of the width of the profile. There are two other inputs to the board not directly related to any of the above mentioned processes. These are the inputs labeled SHIFT and SHIFT MODE. Note that both the A/D Board and the Analysis Board are controlled by the counter on the A/D Board. When CB 11 goes to a logical one, the counter shuts itself off and the two boards sit there waiting for the next reset pulse to come along. Referring to the block diagram of Figure 3.2, the time division distributor samples only two registers at once for conversion to synchronous random pulse sequences. To actually do this sampling with multi- plexers would require quite a bit of circuitry and board space. The scheme used instead is to only bring out the outputs of the first two shift registers and provide for external control of the shifting of the eleven registers. The SHIFT MODE input is used to put the shift registers into the shift left mode and the SHIFT input is a series of four small pulses coming from the Control Board which shifts the contents of one shift register into the next. h . 5 Stochastic Sequence Generator Board This board generates all the main clock signals used by the rest of the machine and also converts all the necessary numbers into synchronous ran- dom pulse sequences (SRPS). The method used to generate the SRPS pulses is the (completely digital) recirculating shift register technique. This method is quite well documented and the bibliography lists several sources which discuss this method. The particular shift register configuration in NORMAN has feedback from the 13th and 31st stages through an Exclusive-OR gate to the first stage. This shift register generates what is known as a maximal length sequence. 31 That is, it goes through 2 -1 combinations of ones and zeroes before repeat- ing itself. Only the sequence of all zeroes is avoided. 23 SN7^-85 four bit magnitude comparators are used to convert four bit numbers into SRPS pulses. A four bit number comes into the B inputs of the comparator and can be thought of as a threshold level. The A inputs to the comparator come from any four bits of the recirculating shift register and can be thought of as a digital noise input. The comparator emits a logical one when A is less than B or when the noise is below the threshold. From this one can see that the higher the particular number is, the greater is the probability of finding a one on its SRPS line which is the output of the comparator. NORMAN needs six different numbers converted into SRPS pulses. They are as follows: (1) SL 1 (Scan Line l) is the four bits of the first shift register on the Analysis Board. It is a partial representation of the profile of the figure. (2) SL 2 (Scan Line 2) is the four bits of the second shift register on the Analysis Board. (3) NAL (Number of Active Lines) is the four bits of the counter on the Analysis Board which tell the size or width of the profile. {k) SF (Scale Factor) is used to scale the result on the Stochastic Arithmetic Board to prevent it from being too close to zero or one. It is a four bit number which is permanently wired to a value . (5) GSV (Gradual Switching Value) is a three bit number coming from the Control Board and is used by the Stochastic Arithmetic Board to gradually switch from SL 1 to SL 2. (6) GSV (Gradual Switching Value) is the bit-wise complement of GSV and is also used by the Stochastic Arithmetic Board for switching. The total number of bits sampled from the recirculating shift register is twenty-two. These are taken from the first twenty-two bits of the shift register and to ensure that all the numbers are mathematically independent, the shift register has to be shifted twenty-two times before another compari- son can be made. In NORMAN, comparisons occur continuously, but each of the six SRPS lines are sampled only once every twenty-two time periods and stored in a shift register. 2k k. 6 Stochastic Arithmetic Board The Stochastic Arithmetic Board takes the six SRPS lines generated "by the previous board and carries out the equation: ((SL1 • GSV) + (SL 2 • GSV)) • SF ,, , NAL ~ ~ " -- 14. lj Figure U.5 shows a "block diagram of the circuitry required to implement this equation. The SRPS arithmetic blocks required are a multiplier, an adder and a divider. Each of these are described below with the hope of giving an understanding of this type of processing without being mathematically rigorous. For those interested in stochastic processing itself, the thesis by Afuso listed in the bibliography is especially recommended. U.6.1 Multiplication Each SRPS line is assigned a numerical value according to the proba- bility of finding a logical one on it during any time slot. Consider an example of two SRPS lines each having a value of 1/2. Then the probability of finding a one on either line in any time slot is 1/2. Stated another way, over a long period of many time slots, 1/2 of them will contain ones for each line. If the pulses on each line are random (synchronous with the time slots but randomly placed) and the two lines are - independent of each other, the probability of a pulse occurring on each line in the same time slot is 1/U. This is of course the correct numerical result of multiplying 1/2 by 1/2. Detecting coincidence requires only an AND gate making the SRPS system probably the best number representation system ever devised to carry out multiplication. k.6.2 Addition Addition is as easy to realize intuitively as multiplication. Take an example of two SRPS lines each having a value of 1/U . The result of adding 25 U w •H P M o H PQ cd o pq -p +3 ■H u < CO « CO 0) •H 26 these two lines should be 1/2. If each input has 1/U of its time slots filled and the result should have 1/2 of its time slots filled, it is easy to see that each pulse on each input line should result in an output pulse. The idea which immediately comes to mind is to use an OR gate. This works fine as long as pulses do not occur on each input simultaneously: if two pulses do come in, the OR gate only outputs one.. This extra pulse has to be stored, so that it can be inserted into the output later when there is a free time slot in which neither input line has a pulse present. The easiest way to implement this is to use an up-down counter to store the coincident pulses. Every time a coincidence occurs, the counter is counted up by one. By means of a clock signal, a pulse is inserted into the output line every time there is a free time slot and the counter con- tents are not zero. This also decrements the counter by one. Circuitry must be added to prevent overflowing the counter or counting down past zero. Figure k.6 shows the schematic of the adder. The accuracy of this system depends on the capacity of the counter. In NORMAN a readily available four bit up-down counter is completely suffi- cient because the two input lines have the property that when one has a large value the other has a very small value and vice-versa. ^+.6.3 Division Division is the hardest operation to implement and the hardest to understand. The numerical value associated with an SRPS signal can be expressed as u = f/f , the average frequency of the signal pulses divided by the frequency of the time slots (the clock). For division, an SRPS must be generated such that its value u = u /u . As Afuso states in his thesis: 27 GSV de- creases stepwise linearly from an SRPS value of one to zero. Since the two multiplication terms are summed together, it is evident that the sum at C. Afuso, "Analog Computation with Random-Pulse Sequences," University of Illinois, February 1968, pp. 77 and 78. 29 UJ UJ UJ 2 r- It (M ID o ■H CO •H > o CD H ft ■H o c ■H U Ph 0) -p W) •H > O CXI co 0) a a Q t— •H Pn 30 > h aAAA 6 UJ O O i) Ti •H > •H Q a CO 00 -*■! ft •H j 31 first depends entirely on SL 1 "because GSV = 1 and GSV = 0. This slowly changes as the counter counts up until GSV = and GSV = 1 and the sum then depends entirely on SL 2. In this manner gradual switching from one register to the next is accomplished. When the counter on the Control Board resets itself, it also sends out shift pulses to the Analysis Board which shifts the contents of SL 2 into SL 1 and SL 3 into SL 2, etc. Therefore immediately "before the reset occurred, the sum depended entirely on SL 2 and immediately after it occurs, it also depends entirely on SL 2. This dependence then decreases and SL 3 takes over. In this manner the profile is smoothly expanded in time. The amount of expansion depends on the width of the profile because every pro- file is expanded to a uniform size of eleven buffers wide. The above mentioned expansion is in one dimension only, i.e., the width of the figure. Since the figure is two-dimensional, it must be ex- panded in the other direction as well, to preserve the correct profile. The amount of expansion necessary is inversely proportional to NAL, the width of the figure. Therefore the SRPS sum is divided by NAL in the manner of Equation U.l to completely normalize the profile with respect to size. SF in the equation is a constant used for scaling the result. An inspection of the block diagram of Figure U.5 also shows an AND gate at the output SRPS. This enables the Control Board to completely shut off the SRPS signal. It has a very important use which will be discussed in Section 1+.12.2. h . 7 Memory Boards There are five memory storage locations in NORMAN, each one requiring two boards because of the extensive amount of processing required at each location. The two memory boards are called "Memory Board A" and "Memory Board B" and the logic is split up according to function. 32 Memory Board A (Figure h.9) has three four-bit SNT^193 up-down counters to count the SRPS-F pulses (the output of the SRPS Arithmetic Board) and a fli flop to control the direction of counting. It also has three SN7I+89 random access memories to store the normalized profile. This profile storage has been and will be described as a profile buffer with eleven registers but in reality it is this RAM type storage with each register being a particular address of the RAM. Memory Board B (Figure U.10) has four four -bit SN7U83 adders and five SN7^19^- shift registers, four of which store the output of the adders and one which stores the name information. This board also contains twenty open col- lector NAND gates whose outputs go to a twenty line RESULT BUS and permit each of the memory boards to put its results on the bus on command. Keeping in mind that the circuitry is split up, the operations of the boards will be described as a whole with no further mention of what is actu- ally on which board. The activity of the memory boards is divided up into eleven time peri- ods, one for each memory location of the profile buffer. At the border line of any two time periods, a sequence of three events happens. First, a short pulse called MCP 1 (Memory Clock Pulse l) comes along, then the address is incremented by one, and finally another pulse called 'MCP 2 comes along. The memory boards have two modes of operation, "store" and "analyze." The two memory clock pulses are broken up into four distinct pulses, two of which are active during each mode of operation. U.T.I Store Mode At the start of a machine cycle in the store mode, the memory boards receive a reset pulse which clears the counter and shift registers. Then beginning the first of the eleven time slots, an MCP 2 comes along which in ■ 33 o o u cd o PQ U I s O u w d ■H O o •H IS s 0) ,3 o CO ON * J- qj ■H I Q. > u o CD a o bO a3 ■H P o ■H la o 02 O H CD U w F>4 35 the store mode generates a STORE CLEAR which, in turn, clears the counter again and clears the flip-flop controlling the counting mode, putting it in the up mode. Then the SRPS-F pulses start coming in and are counted by the counter. At the end of this time slot the SRPS-F pulses are shut off and an MCP-1 pulse is received which in the store mode translates into a WRITE pulse. This strobes the contents of the counter into memory address location zero and stores the name information into a shift register. At the start of time slot two the address location is incremented and an MCP 2 is again received and generates a STORE CLEAR. The SRPS-F pulses then start coming in again and are counted. This process continues over and over for eleven time slots and results in a filled profile buffer. The memory boards are put into the store mode when the MBN (Memory Board Number) input is pulled low. Only one set of memory boards can be in the store mode at once and these are selected by the STORE switch on the front panel. The memory boards also have an erase feature which can be activated in the store mode. When one of the five memory locations is selected by the STORE switch and an ERASE button is pushed, the name register at that particular location is cleared. This indicates to the rest of the machine that the results of that board are to be ignored. k.f.2 Analyze Mode At the start of a cycle in the analyze mode the memory boards receive a reset pulse which clears the counter and the shift registers. Beginning the first time slot, an MCP 2 is received which generates a LOAD pulse in the analyze mode. This LOAD pulse presets the counter to the number stored in address location zero of the profile buffer. It also presets the count mode control flip-flop into the down mode. Then SRPS-F pulses start coming 36 in and the counter keeps counting down until one of two things happens. The first is that the end of the time period occurs and an MCP 1 comes along. The second is that the counter counts all the way down to zero. When this happens, the count mode control flip-flop gets reset by the bor- row output of the counter into the up mode and on the next SRPS-F pulse the counter starts counting up. It continues counting up until the end of the time period. At the end of the time period then the counter contains a num- ber which is always equal to the absolute difference between the number of counts in the profile buffer and the number of counts received in that time period. This number gives a direct indication of how closely those two segments of the normalized profile agree or, the lower the number, the bet- ter the fit . At the end of the time period, the SRPS-F pulses end and an MCP 1 comes along. In the analyze mode this generates a pulse called SUM CLOCK which goes to the shift register. The outputs of the counter go to the A inputs of the adder. The outputs of the adder go to the inputs of the shift register and the outputs of the shift register, besides going through NAND gates to the RESULT BUS, go to the B inputs of the adder. The result of this configuration is that the adder is continually adding the number stored in the shift register and the number in the counter. The SUM CLOCK pulse latches this new sum into the shift register. To start the second time period, the memory address is incremented by one, an MCP 2 is received and the SRPS-F pulses start counting the counter down again. At the end of all eleven time periods, the shift regis- ter contains the sum of all eleven absolute differences. This sum tells how closely the two profiles fit each other. 37 k.Q Threshold Board NORMAN has five storage locations which each can store the normalized profile of one figure. It has a prepared library of eleven figures. This clearly gives rise to the possibility that the machine could be asked to recognize something which has not been stored. The Threshold Board gives NORMAN the ability to take care of this situation. The Threshold Board consists of an MBN input identical to that of the memory boards and an up-down counter made up of four SN7^193 up-down counters (Figure U.ll). When storage location zero is selected by the STORE switch on the front panel, MBN is lowered and up or down pulses can be applied to the counter by the THRESHOLD switch on the front panel. The counter can there- fore be set to any number and by means of sixteen open collector NAND gates, this number can be applied to the RESULT BUS. This counter then looks exactly the same to the rest of the machine as the shift registers of each memory location which store the fit numbers. If the threshold is properly set, when the machine is asked to recognize a figure which it does not have in storage, all the fit numbers will be greater than the threshold and the machine will display THRESHOLD as the result. The Threshold Board also contains the switch debounce circuitry for the two pushbutton switches mounted on the front panel. U.9 Result Analyzer Board The Result Analyzer (Figure 14.12) is a very important board becuase it has to search the Threshold Board and the five memory locations for the best fit and send this result on to the Display Board for display. It accomplishes this task by means of a comparator made up of four SN7^85 comparator chips and shift register storage of twenty bits, sixteen of which are used to store the name information. The B inputs of the comparator come directly 38 UJ U A > * + o •H s > rH a) -P H CO OJ •H ko off the RESULT BUS while the A inputs come from the outputs of the sixteen shift register bits. The inputs to the shift register also come directly off the RESULT BUS. The output of the comparator indicates which number is smallest, the number in the shift register or the number of the RESULT BUS. The Result Analyzer obviously cannot go to work until the memory boards are finished and have their fit numbers ready. This is indicated by a signal called RESULT ANALYZE going low. When the machine is in the analyze mode, this signal enables a counter which, through a demultiplexer, lowers each MBN signal in turn and thus puts the fit number of each memory location on the RESULT BUS. The sequence starts off with MBN 0, which is the Thres- hold Board, being lowered. Its fit number is then clocked into the shift register and MBN 1 is lowered. The fit number and name of memory location one are then clocked into the shift register only if its fit number is lower than the number currently in the shift register and if the name is not zero. (A zero name number indicates an erased condition for that memory location). It does this process through MBN 5 and at that time the shift register con- tains the lowest fit number and the name associated with it. This completes the process for one angular view. The board remains inactive until the Control Board starts it again in its search for the lowest fit number from the next angular view. The only difference in the processing for the second and later views is that the shift register is not first loaded with the fit number from the Threshold Board since to do so would nullify all previous results. After this process has been gone through for all eighteen views and only the best fit and its name remain after all those comparisons, the result has to be displayed. In NORMAN, the Result Analyzer Board is in the lowest card nest in the cabinet, while the display is located in the very top of the cabinet. Since the number of wires connecting these two areas was great enough already, a scheme was kl found to avoid running sixteen separate wires for the fit number digits. A multiplexing-demultiplexing scheme could have been used or, if there is plenty of time to transmit the information and particularly if the number has to be converted from a binary to a BCD format, the following technique is helpful. A down counter can be loaded with the fit number. Clock pulses are then applied to it and a wire going up to the Display Board. These pulses keep being applied to the down counter until it hits zero at which time they are also shut off to the Display Board. If a decimal counter on the Display Board has started counting up from zero on these pulses, it will now contain the correct fit number in BCD format. The Result Analyzer Board does transmit the name information up to the Display Board by four wires. The Result Analyzer Board is also used to display information when NORMAN is in the store mode. In this mode the counter and demultiplexer driving the MBN lines are disabled because the STORE switch is already pull- ing down an MBN line. In this mode information is clocked directly into the twenty bits of shift register storage and fed to the Display Board through the use of the down counter as before. No comparisons need be done in this mode. H.IO Display Board This board is used to display both the numerical fit information and the name information from the Result Analyzer Board. The fit information is displayed using five digits of seven segment readouts. The DISPLAY PULSES clock five digits of BCD counters whose information is then latched into five shift registers. Each shift register drives a BCD to seven segment decoder which in turn directly drives the display. See Figure U.13. The Display Board is also used to display name information which it receives as a four bit binary number. The four NAME lines go to a 1+2 1- CO v4 1 UJ w < < > s rv _l w ° m CO CO UJ w CO Q r O z CO O -J ^ A> o u 5*1 — uj oa — UJ k x Q. V_^ O O to •»-t CO z < o o o or < o 00 >- < -J 0_ co Q K UJ o CO •H 1- ■p 13 o or o o w rd UJ o3 CO o UJ pq aJ ^ 0. CM z CO _J UJ a or UJ X UJ _l O cT Q * K Z o UJ UJ o CO _l UJ UJ o or X H - co u cd O PQ H O in -P a o O O •H -P ?H O Ph o 13 u - CO A to Ul cr > + A Ul *; ujz o 2< O rac _i A truer ot ui H»U. a o pq o ^ -p a o o o o •H -P o Oh u tu ■p o o u § •H EH 0) •H Pn kQ will be the total number of counts in the profile buffer of the memory loca- tion selected. U.12.3 GSV Generator This section of the Control Board (Figure h.l6) is active only during the analyze time of the time frame. Its purpose is to provide the differing rates of gradual switching values used by the Stochastic Arithmetic Board as determined by the Number of Active Lines (NAL) information. It consists of a demultiplexer with sixteen outputs, one of which is driven low by the NAL number. An array of OR gates on the outputs of the demultiplexer is used to select which switching point signal from the ROM will get through to drive a counter. The counter is set up to count to seven, reset itself to zero, and continue counting in this manner. To understand how this gradual switching scheme works, take the example of having only two lines active. This means that only the first two shift registers of the Analysis Board have non-zero information. The switching point signal chosen and let through to the counter will be SP 1. Since SP 1 also drives the main counter of the time frame generator and the analyze time is eight SP 1 pulses long, the GSV counter will only have a chance to count from zero to seven in the analyze time. We recall from the discussion of the SRPS Arithmetic Board how this gradually switches from one register to the next. If three lines are active, the counter has a chance to count from zero to seven, reset itself, and count up to seven again. At the reset point, four small SHIFT pulses are sent out to the Analyze Board to shift the contents of each shift register up from one register to the next. In this manner each unnormalized profile is expanded in time. h9 < > > > cocao o o o o pq o u -p o O a o ■H -P M O P-l u o H 0! a CD % H •H 50 U.12.H Memory Address Generator This section (Figure k.lj) is also active only during the analyze time. Its job is to generate the specialized pulses and addresses required by the memory boards. The analyze time has to be divided into eleven discrete periods for the memory boards. This section contains a two piece counter driven by SP 11. The first section of the counter scales SP 11 by eight to take care of the fact that the analyze time is eight SP 1 pulses long. When this first section does emit a pulse, it sends it to a shift register operating on a fast clock in the shift right mode. The pulse travels through the shift register from the Q^ output to the Qp output. As the pulse travels past the Q^ output it is seen by the memory boards as an MCP 1 pulse. The Qg output increments the counter containing the memory address. At Qj) the pulse emits an MCP 2 to the memory boards. This series of events happens eleven times during the analyze period ensuring that all eleven registers of the profile buffer are filled or analyzed. 51 Q. O 2 CM u 5 cr> *t — 1/> O HI M U _l -I ' CE 6 A O O A o o o ro rS to UJ o Q A ro o: £ 5 Z O