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No, 182 EIGEN -VALUE PROBLEMS by we mm 0F THE Ahmed Sameh AUG 15 !°C I 6NIVEISHY Of ILUNOIS Luke Han Report No. 258 ILLIAC IV Doc. No. 182 EIGEN- VALUE PROBLEMS by Ahmed Sameh Luke Han April h, 1968 Department of Computer Science University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 618OI (This work was supported in part by the Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, and in part by the Advanced Research Projects Agency as administered by the Rome Air Development Center under Contract No. US AF 30(602)^UM. ) ABSTRACT The most used methods for solving algebraic eigen-value problems are discussed in detail in this report. These methods are Jacobi's, Householder's and QR-algorithms. Attempts are made to adapt or even modify the algorithm to take advantage of parallel computations. A. Jacobi's Method It proved to be one of the most effective methods on a parallel computer. However, it is limited to symmetric matrices with dominant principal diagonals. Evaluation of the eigen -values and eigen-vector is rather straightforward once the method converges. B. Householder's Method This method reduces the symmetric matrix to the tridiagonal form by means of elementary Hermitian orthogonal matrices. Once the matrix is in the tridiagonal form, evaluation of the eigen-values and eigen-vectors is performed by computational techniques that make almost full use of parallelism. C. QR -Algorithm The QR-algorithm is used for finding the eigen-values of unsymmetric matrices. For best results, the matrix is first reduced to an upper Hessenberg form, using Householder's method. Convergence is accelerated by performing a single origin shift; however, when the matrix has some complex conjugate eigen-values, a double origin shift is used in order to avoid complex conjugate shifts. Flow charts and Tranquil language programs for all algorithms are included in the report. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. Jacobi's Method 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Modification to the Classical Jacobi's Method 1 1.3 High-Level Language Code and Flow Chart 6 2. Householder's Method 6 2.1 Introduction 6 2.2 Theoretical Background 7 2.3 Computing Eigen-values and Eigen-vectors 10 2.3.1 Eigen-values 10 2.3.2 Eigen-vectors 12 2.k High-Level Language Program li+ 2.5 Flow Chart. . . 19 3. An Algorithm for Finding Eigen-values and Eigen-vectors for Non-Symmetric Matrices 23 3.1 Introduction 23 3.2 Theoretical Background (QP -Algorithm) 26 3.3 Numerical Solution for QR Algorithm 30 3.^ High-Level Language Program 3^- 3.5 Flow Chart 37 k. References Ul APPENDIX A (High-Level Language Program for Finding EMAX). . k2 APPENDIX B (QP -Algorithm With Double Origin Shift) kk 1. Jacobi's Method 1.1 Introduction There are many methods for finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a symmetric matrix. Two of the most popular methods are Jacobi's method and Householder -Givens method. In order to apply them on a parallel computer effectively, we have made several modifications to both of the methods. In this section, we will discuss Jacobi's method. 1.2 Modification to the Classical Jacobi's Method Instead of using the Classical Jacobi's Method, i.e., going through all the trouble to search for a pair (since it is symmetric) of largest off diagonal element and to eliminate them, we modified the method by eliminating all the off-diagonal elements of each 2x2 submatrices along the diagonal through orthogonal transformation. At each iteration, this modification will remove n elements of a n x n matrix„ We eliminate the elements by determining an orthogonal matrix cp such that cpA 1 cp = A where A ~ having zeros in the approp- riate locations. To eliminate those elements, we choose cp = Diag. (T x , T 2 , ..., T^ 2 ) [cos a sin a ~| K = 1, 2, , n/2 sin a, -cos a ' ' ' ' t t t So T = T , Cp = cp and TT = I. If matrix A is partitioned into 2x2 blocks as follows: - 1 - A 1 = A ll A 12 A 13 * ' ' A l n/2 , j , r _ A 12 A 22 A 23 ' * * ! A 2 n /2 r- r p ----- r _ - A t ! A* ! A A H 13 | 23 ; 33 j • * * i 3 n/2 1- 1 1 1 • I • I • I la • I • I • I I • • • I •!•••! • • I • I • I I • f. , , , __ A l n/2 ! A 2 n/2 j A 3 n/2 j ' ' ■ j A n /2 n/2 Then A 1+ = CpA 1 cp will be i+1 T 1 A 11 T 1 TAT 1 12 2 T l A ln/2 T n/2 T A t T* 2 12 1 T A T 2 22 2 T 2 A 2n/2 T n/2 T n/2 A ln/2 T l T A* T* n/2 A 2n/2 1 2 • • T n/2 A n/2n/2 T n/2 Considering the diagonal siibmat rices A, , = T. A, . T, to to kk k kk k cos OL sin a, sin a, -cos OL a 2k-l,2k-l a 2k-l,2k J*2k-l,2k a 2k,2k J cos Oi sin cc sin 2 ^_ ± u *2k-l,2k-l cos ~< + a 2k,2k Sin2 \> k "2k-l,2k Sin °k - 2 - b 2k,2k = a 2k-l,2k-l Sin2 a k " a 2k-l,2k, ^ \ + a 2k,2k C ° s2 \ and b 2k-l,2k " 2 ( a 2k-l,2k-l ' a 2k,2k] sin 2 a k - a^ cos 2 ^ Now to eliminate the off -diagonal terms, i.e., b = tan a k = ( a 2k _ 1;2 k ) /2 (a 2k-l,2k-l " a 2k,2k ) 1 x "I a - — tan 2 a 2k- l,2k ^ a 2k-l,2k-l " a 2k,2k> If we define that z _ I Z k ~ 2 \ 1 / ([Ua2 2k-l,2k/ (a 2k,2k " a 2k-l,2k-l )2] +1 ^ Then the rotation angles will be sin tr (A 1 ) = tr (A 1+± ) and since the norm is invariant under an orthogonal transformation of the matrix. Therefore, N 2 (A 1+1 ) = H 2 (A 1 ) - 3 - Since N 2 (A 1 ) = tr (A 1 A 1 ) where A is the absolute of A. Also 2 2 2 2 2 therefore, b 2k-l,2k-l + b 2k,2k = a 2k-l,2k-l + a 2k,2k + 2 a 2k-l,2k Hence by one orthogonal transformation, the sum of squares of the diagonal coefficients increases by the sum of squares of the (n) vanished terms. Now, after one orthogonal transformation, the matrix will look as follows: A i+1 \i° ! b i 3 \h\- ■ — |vv b 22 " b 2 3 b 2U -! b 2,n-l b 2,n J- 1 1 h 13 h 23 j h 33 o j ; \k h 2k 1 ° \k I" " " -' " .L 1 i. J_ 1 J_ _l_ _ _ _l_ - - -lh 1 j n-l,n-l -■- - - -i- - - -0 h 1 ' ' n,n Therefore, "by shifting the second row to the "bottom and the second column to the far right, we bring to the diagonal new submatrices with non-zero off-diagonal elements, and hence the matrix is ready for the second transformation . This shifting is repeated for n - 1 transformations. Then, we will shift - h - the first row to the bottom and first column to the far right repeat the above mentioned shuffling process for m transformation (the diagonal terms are sufficiently dominating). Therefore, the diagonal elements will be equal to the eigen-values, since the eigen- values are not changed by orthorgonal transformations. For comparing number of transformations required by this revised method with the classical Jacobi's method, see Appendix F, first Q.P.R. The eigen- vectors will be the column vectors of B, where B =

m = F cp 1 cp 2 ...

= ^Sk- V f k-l ( ^ } " Vl,k WV supposing that the value of each determinate corresponding to X . is J R. ( j=l,2, . . . . ,n) a plot can be made between \. and R., Figure a. R T mm Every R=0 indicates the position of an Eigen-value max Figure (a) 11 - Each zero crossing indicates a correct eigen-value, supposing that X. gave use to a positive residual R.,_ while X. gave a negative J+l J+l J R., then, again the interval between \. and \. can be divided to J J J -^- get the exact eigen- value with enough accuracy. 2.3-2 Eigen-Vectors If x is the eigen-vector of the tridiagonal matrix (A ) corresponding to an eigen-value \, then the corresponding eigen-vector, V , of the original matrix A is given by, V = P 1 P 2 ••■ P „-2 X To avoid storing the matrices P., the vector v is calculated from the relations, P x = (x) n-2 v 7 n-2 P n _3 (x) n-2 = W n -3 v = p 1 ( x ) 2 = ( x \ (2.17) So, it remains to find the eigen-vectors of the tri-diagonal SS' in the form, matrix. Assume that the tri-diagonal matrix (A „) can be expressed n-2 n-2 c l 1 b l i L i \ c s • . . • c. 1 b. l b. 1 c i + i b. , l+l b i + i • • • • # - 12 - for an eigen-value X and an eigen-vector x, where x = (x , x , ..., x ) , of (A ,,) the following relation can be obtained, (C ± - X) x ± + b 1 x 2 = Vl x i-l + (C i " X ) x i + b i x i + i = ° U=2,3,...,n-1) Vl x n-l + K " M x n = (2.18) If x = 0, the rest of the components of the vector x are zero, so x will be assumed as 1. From the equations (2.18) and (2.l6) an expression for x (r=2,...,n) may be obtained in form, x r = (-l) r_1 f (X)/(b 1 b 2 ... b r ) (r=2,...,n) (2.19) Similarly all the eigen-vectors of the original matrix A may be o obtained, each corresponding to an eigen-value. A flow chart and a higher level language program for this algorithm to find all eigen-values are in sections 2.k. - 13 .4 High Level Language Program #BEGIN #LABEL #ARRAY START L00P1 : #REAL #REAL #SET #READ START, L00P1, LOOPE, LP, LLP, LI, LL1, L2, SEUP, REPE, FINAL, FN>L, EEND; #REAL #FLOAT #SHORT #STRAIGHT A[ 614,64], MQ[64,64], TMQ[ 64,64], FNT[64,64], FCN[64,64], UT[64,l], U[l,64], P[l,64], Q[l,64], EVALUE[64], FNTO[64], FNTl[64], FTO[64], FTl[64], NEVAL[64]; #FLOAT #SHORT S2, S, T, TEM, GRAG, INTV, STRT, FINI, RANG, STP, SSTP, INIA, FINB; #FIXED J, CNT, NCNT, EV, TK, JK, NUM, NUM1, H, L, K, I, N, M; HH, LL, KK, II, JJ, IJ, JI, A; I, NN; J *- 2; HH : : [J,J+1, , 64]; LL :: [1, 2, ...., J-l] ; KK : : [J+1, J+2, , 64]; S2 <- #FOR (H) #SLM (HH)#DO #SUM(A[ J-l,H]t 2) ; S <- SQRT (S2); T ^ S2 - A[J-1,J] x S; #FOR (L) #SIM (LL)#DO UT[L,l] - 0.; UT[J,1] - A[J-1,J] - S; #FOR (K)#SIM (KK)#DO UT[K,l] - A[j-1,K]; U «- TRANSPOSE [UT]; P ^ A x U; P - P/T; TEM <- UT x P; TEM *- TEM/T; Q *- .5 x TEM x U; Q - P-Qi - 14 - MQ «- Q x UT; MQT «- TRANSPOSE[MQ]; A - A - MQ - MQT; J «- J+lj #IF J < 63 #THEN #GOTO L00P1; NCNT «- 0; EV «- 1; GPAG «- EMAX[A] - EMIN[A]; (SEE APPENDIX A) INTV <- GRAG/8. ', STRT <- EMAX[A] ; II :: [1,2,... .,64]; JJ :: [3,h,....,6k]; LOOPE: FINI «- STRT - INTV; RANG <- STRT - FINI; STP <- RANG/ Gk.; #FOR (I) #SIM (II) #D0 #BEGIN EVALUE[I] «- FUNI + STR x (l-l); FNT0[I] <- 1.; FNT1[I] <- A[l,l] - EVALUE[I]; #END; #FOR (K) #SEQ (JJ) #D0 #FOR (I) #SIM (II)#D0 #BEGIN FNT[K,I] «- (A[K,K]-EVALUE[I]) x FNTl[l] A[K-1,K]T2-FNT0[I]; FN0[I] - FNT1[I]; FNT1[I] *• FNT[K,I]; #END NCNT - NCNT + 1; TK «- 1; CNT «- 0; 15 - LP : #IF TK > Gk #THEN #GOTO FINAL #ELSE . #IF FNT[6U,TK] < 0. #THEN #G0T0 LI #ELSE #IF FNT[6U,TK] > 0. #THEN #G0T0 L2 #ELSE #D0 #BEGIN #PRINT EVALUE [TK]; EV «- EV + 1; #IF EV > 63 #THEN #G0T0 EEND #ELSE #D0 #BEGIN TK <- TK + 1; #G0T0 LP; #END; #END; LI : #IF TK > Gh #THEN #G0T0 FINAL #ELSE #IF FNT[64,TK+l] < 0. #THEN #D0 #BEGIN TK <- TK+1; #G0T0 LI; #END #ELSE #IF FNT[6U,TK+l] > 0. #THEN #D0 #BEGIN TK - TK+1; #G0T0 SEUP; #END #ELSE #D0 #BEGIN #PRINT EVALUE [TK+1]; EV - EV + 1; #IF EV > Gh #THEN #G0T0 EEND #ELSE #D0 #BEGIN TK <- TK+1; #G0T0 LI; #END; #END; L2: #IF TK > 6^ #THEN #G0T0 FINAL #ELSE #IF FNT[64,TK+l] < 0. #THEN #D0 #BEGIN TK *- TK+1; #G0T0 SEUP; #END #ELSE - 16 - #IF FNT[6>+,TK+l] > 0. #THEN #D0 #BEGIN TK ♦- TK+1; #G0T0 L2; #END #ELSE #D0 #BEGIN #PRINT E VALUE [TK+l]; EV *- EV + 1; #IF EV > 6k #THEN #G0T0 EEND #ELSE #BEGIN TK <- TK+1; #G0T0 L2; #END; #END; SEUP MM «- CNT x 16 + 1; NUM1 - HUM + 15; NN : : [1,2, ,16]; MM :: [NUM, WUM+1, ,NUM1] ; INIA «- E VALUE [TK-l]; FHB <- EVALUE [TK]; SSTP - (FINE - INIA)/l6. ; #F0R (N) #SIM (NN) #D0 #F0R (M) #SIM (MM) #D0 #BEGIN NEVAL [M] - INIA + SSTP x (N-l); FT0[M] <- 1. ; FT1[M] *- A[l,l] - NEVAL[M]; #END; CNT «- CNT + 1; #IF CNT < k #THEN #G0T0 LP #ELSE REPE TEM <- CNT x 16 IJ : : [1,2, ,TEM]; JI :: [3,k, ,TEM]; #F0R (K) #SEQ (JI) #D0 #F0R (I) #SEQ (IJ) #D0 #BEGIN FCN[K,I]«- (A[K,K]-NEVAL[I]) x FTl[ I] - A[K-l,K]t2 x FT0[I]; - 17 - LLP LL1 FINAL FNAL: FT0[I] «- FTl[l]; FT1[I] - FCN[K,I]; #END; JK *- 1 #IF JK > Gh #THEN #GOTO FINAL #ELSE #IF FCN[6^,JK] = 0. #THEN #D0 #BEGIN #PRINT NEVAL [JK]; EV <- EV + 1; #IF EV > 6k #THEN #G0T0 EENL #ELSE #D0 #BEGIN JK *- JK.+ 1; #G0T0 LL1; #END; #ENL #ELSE #D0 #BEGIN JK - JK + 1; #G0T0 LLP; #END; #IF FCN[64,JK] = #THEN #G0T0 LL1 #ELSE #D0 #BEGIN JK <- JK+1; #G0T0 LLP; #END; #IF CNT = #THEN #G0T0 FNAL #ELSE #G0T0 REPE; #IF NCNT < 8 #THEN #D0 #BEGIN STRT «- FUJI; #G0T0 L00PE; #END #ELSE #D0 #BEGIN #PRINT "SOME ROOTS ARE EITHER TOO CLOSE TOGETHER OR THERE EXIST MULTIPLE ROOTS"; #STOP; #END; EEND : #END 18 2.5 Flow Chart HOUSEHOLDER TRIDIAGONALIZATION S^ = S2 2 2K = T H «- 2 2 64 S^-Z [A((H-1),J)] 2 J=H 2K 2 - S 2 -A(H-l,H)x S L«1,2,...,H-1 > UT(L) «- 0. UT(H) <- A(H-1,H)-S K=H+1,H+2,...,N » UT(K) - A(H-1,K) U *- TRANSPOSE (UT) [II 8 yes PRINT "SOME ROOTS ARE MULTIPLE ROOTS" AFTER "YsTOPj H H O o H 1-3 I 0^ -p- 9 22 3 • An A l gorithm For Finding Eigen-values and Eigen-vect or: i For N on - Symmetric Matrices 3 • 1 Int roduction There are two algorithms for dealing with unsymmetric matrices. The first one is (LR) which was developed by Rutishauser (1953). The LR-algorithm has proved to be a powerful method for finding the eigen-values of symmetric band matrices. However, it proved to be inferior for handling the ei gen- value problem of large non- symmetric matrices, the most important difficulties are, (i) Triangular decomposition may not always be possible. (ii) The amount of computation required by the method is very great. The LR-algorithm is essentially an iterative procedure, where the method consists of a series of similarity transformations on the original matrix, A ± = L x R x (3-1) where, A is the matrix under consideration (size = n) . L is a lower triangular matrix. R is an upper triangular matrix i.e. , L = 1,1 'n,l where I. . 11 1, i = 1, n -i n,n r r 11 In nn - 23 - by similarity transformation, hence similarly hence let, A 2 = Ll A x L x A 2 = R l L l Vl BS ^k\\ ••' L- 1 )(A 1 )(L 1 L 2 ... L k ) (L X L 2 ...L k ) A k+1= A X ( Ll L 2 ... L k ) \ = L l L 2 k \ = W-i ••• R i therefore, T fc U R = L Lg ••• 1^ (i^ \) \_ ± - • • \ ^ = A l L l L 2 • ' * L k-1 \-l ' ' * R 2 R l and so forth, finally T . U k = < A 1> (3-2) (3-3) (3-4) and it was shown that, if certain conditions are fulfilled then, as k -* 00, then (A ) tends to an upper- triangular matrix, where the diagonal elements are the eigenvalues in order of their modulus, (the first being the largest), i.e., (A x ) k = X o \ ■\ n (3.5) follows: The restrictions on the LR-algorithm nay be summarized as 1. Eigenvalues must be distinct since convergence depends upon the ratio (\ /\ ) and will be very slow if - 2k - separation of the eigenvalues is poor. 2. Triangular decomposition of A must exist, (it fails if any of the principal minors of A vanishes). 3« The leading principal minors of the modal matrix, (matrix whose columns are the eigenvectors), and its inverse should not vanish. h. Even if the triangular decomposition exists, there is a large class of matrices where triangular decomposi- tion is numerically unstable which may lead to gross errors in the values of the computed eigenvalues. 2 3 5. The volume of computation is very large, — n multi- plications for each step of iteration, half of them in triangulation and the other half in post-multipli- cation. Due to the above mentioned restriction on LR, QR proved to be a much more efficient algorithm, and it will be discussed here in more detail. A more stable method of triangulation may be achieved by usin^ elementary unitary transformations (QR-algorithm). The QR-algorithm is defined by the relations, A k = \ R k , (3-6) A k+1 = \ A k \ = R k \ where R is an upper-triangular matrix, Q is a unitary matrix, i.e., Q = Q _1 The unitary-triangular decomposition of any square matrix exists. - 25 - 3.2 Theoretical Background (QR -Algorithm) (l) For any matrix A (order n), there exists a unitary matrix Q such that \~ w where, R, is an upper triangular matrix which has real positive diagonal elements, and Q, = IL N n . . • W (3-7) ' k 1 2 n w ' ' where N. = l J i-i i ° • M. (3-8) M. is of order [n-(i-l)], the unitary matrix M can operate on any vector b such that, M b = | |b | | e (3-9) where | To | | is the Eulerian norm of the vector b, e, = {1,0,0,...0} M is an elementary unitary matrix, that is a matrix which differs from an identity matrix at most in one principal 2x2 submatrix. Therefore, if the vector b is of order m, M = T T -, T„ T n (3-10) 7 ' m m-1 d 1 where, t- n t. 11 lr T = r 1 i N i i \ I i -1 t n t rl rr - 26 - The elements of T can be easily expressed in terms of the components r of vector b, / where N. is defined by Eq. (3*8), and r.. = |b.||, where b. = {a.., a. . . , ..... a .}, i = 1. .... n i l n' i+l,i' ' n,i J ' ' (2) Before starting this step, it is of importance to prove that Q is unique if A is non-singular. Proof: Suppose that A = Q l R l = Q 2 R 2 therefore, if A is non-singular, R and R p are non-singular R l R ~2 = Q l" L Q 2 = Q l Q 2 therefore, (R, R ? ) is unitary also, hence, (R, Rp ) '" = (R-, Rp ) (3 '13) since R R„ is an upper-triangular matrix, Eq. (3'13) is satisfied if -1 -1 . and only if R R is a diagonal matrix, therefore, R R ? = I, i.e. R 1 = R 2 , hence Q = Q . - 27 - Step (l) is completed by post multiplying (R ) from Eq. (3-12) k by Q = N x N 2 ... N n to get A = R k Q, and the process is repeated all over again until all the elements a. . , i > j of the matrix A vanish if the eigenvalues of A are distinct. Similar to the LR-algorithm the process may be looked upon as follows, if P k = Ql Q 2 ...Q k therefore, S k " R k R k-1 • • • R 2 R l P k S k = Ql Q 2 ... Q^ (Q^) R^ ... R 2Rl = A l Q l 9 2 ••■ \J\-1 \-l> \-2 ••• R 2 R l and so forth, finally T k ~k " XJi l P. S v = (Aj k ( 3 .1U) Since P, is unitary and S is an upper -triangular, therefore the unitary- triangular decomposition of a non-singular matrix is unique, according to the lemma proved at the beginning of step (2). Francis (1961) proved the convergence of P S = (A) and showed that, "If any non-singular matrix A has eigenvalues of distinct modulus, then under the QR trans- formation the elements below the principal diagonal tend to zero, the moduli of those above it tend to fixed values, and the elements on the principal diagonal itself tend to the eigenvalues." However, for eigenvalues of the equal modulus, it can be shown that the matrix A, becomes split into independent principal submatrices coupled only in so far as the eigenvectors are concerned. Usually, each of these submatrices is associated with groups of eigenvalues of the same modulus. 28 - (3) The amount of computations that the method involves in 3 one iteration is proportional to n . However if the matrix is first reduced to the upper Hessenberg form by any stable unitary transformation technique, i.e., Householder's method, the amount of computations become 2 proportional to n . Reducing the matrix to the upper Hessenberg form has some advantages, (i) If any element a. . of the matrix A is zero, the matrix can be partitioned at this element and the rest of the submatrices can be operated on separ- ately so far as the eigenvalues are concerned. (ii) The upper-Hessenberg form is preserved under the QR-transformation. (iii) If an almost triangular matrix A is non-singular and has non-zero elements, then under the QR-trans- formation the principal diagonal elements of A converge to the eigenvalues in order of size, if they are not equal. (iv) For distinct eigenvalues, the elements (a ) i > J, ij k K k below the principal diagonal converge to zero as , i,. . This is the ^ \. } 3 same rate of convergence as the LR-transformation which is rather slow. Taking a closer look at the process where, for example, (a ) approaches the exact value of the eigenvalue \ , it is found that t> n' e k+l = € k * ^ Vi where e k = (a^ - ^ and \ < 1 Vl To speed up convergence, the origin of all eigenvalues is r the value t before 3 k after the iteration, therefore shifted by the value £ before an iteration and then shifted back again - 29 - n - b k € k+l € k * X - t n-1 s k which is quite an improved rate of convergence for t, , = \ . k n Therefore, the generalized QR-transformation becomes, Vi = \ \\ where q* ( A)£ - E l)_ = Ek In Section 3 methods of choosing the origin shifts (\ are k discussed for "both distinct and equal modulus eigenvalues especially conjugate complex pairs. Once K is found by sufficient accuracy, the order of the matrix may be reduced by omitting the last row and column, 3.3 Numerical Solution for QR Algorithm The numerical solution for Q-R algorithm can be divided into two major steps, viz., (a) Applying Householder 's technique to reduce a matrix to an upper Hessenberg form. (b) Using unitary transformation with the help of origin- shift to iterate, i.e., A« . A A (K + 1) . q (K)t A (K) Q (K) ~(K)t . (K) produces an upper-diagonal matrix, where Q, A Since the Householder's technique has been discussed in detail already, therefore we will only concentrate on part (b). - 30 - The very first step in part (b) is to determine the value of the origin shift. To find this value, we first find the roots of the last principal 2x2 submatrix and then distinguish the follow- ing two cases. (l) Roots are real: choose one that differs least from the last diagonal element a v ' (before kth iteration) / , \ nn i \r\ and call this root X. , then compare a. with the previous one, viz. a/ '(assuming aA '=0) if 1 „(io . ^(k-D IW <2 set E^ = K^\ otherwise set E^ = where E^ is the value of origin shift for kth iteration. (2) Roots are complex: we do one of two things, (i) Set A. = |r|, where |r| is the modulus of the complex roots and then compare with (ii) Do double origin-shift by setting A. = R and * ( k ) ^ -+v, 4.1, • \ ( k - X ) A. = R, compare with the previous A. and \ p , (assuming a. = 0, a. ' = 0; . After the value of origin shift has been found, we subtract all diagonal elements from this value and then start iteration; add the value back after each iteration, until the last subdiagonal element -* 0, then deflate the matrix by taking out the last row and column, the last diagonal element is one of the eigen-values. In doing QR iteration, we simply produce a series of 2 x 2 submatrices to operate on two rows at a time on matrix A and eliminate one subdiagonal element at each time during the pre-multiplication. operate on two columns at a time during the post-multiplication accord- ing to the following algorithm: 31 - (i) PRE-multiply: fi M- V N l 1 J r r r r r- - - - r r r r r- - - - r P y y- - - - y a X x- - - - X a a- - - - a 1 a- - V a - a a a a a r r r- - - - r r r r r- - - - r r k y*y' - - yy x'x' - - x'x' a a- - - a a a- V - a a \ a a a a a where the elements r, r' and k are those of the final triangular matrix and the elements a, x, and 0! are in their original state. The elements in the two rows that are changed are given by: k = (|p| 2 + \cc\ 2 )2 x ' = ux - vy y'= uy - vx u = p/k v = a/k (ii) POST-multiply: a x y r r- a x y r r- a x y r r- k r r- r r- N _ x r f\ \1 -V V [1 \1 a a x'y'r r - a a x'y'r r - a x'y'r r - a p r r - r r - r - - r - r - r - r - r - r Where the elements r, y and k are so far unaltered from the triangular state, and the elements a, x' and a are in their final state. The two columns that are changed are given by: - 32 - a = vk P = jlk x' = \ix + vy y T = uy - vx The higher level language program with a. detailed flow chart for single origin-shift is in section 3«^+ and 3«5. - 33 - 3«^ High-Level Language Program START: L00P1 : #BEGIN #LABEL #ARRAY #REAL #REAL #SET #READ #IF START, LOOP1, L00P2, LOOP3, LIP, L2P, L3P, L^P, LOPM, LOPE; #REAL #FLOAT #SHORT #SKWD A[64,64], P[64,64], IM[6^,64], UT[6U,l], TEM[6U,l], V[61+], \j[6k]; #FLOAT #SHORT S2, S, T, El, TEMPI, XI, X2, LI, L2, E2, E, K; #FIXED J, H, L, Kl, N, M, I; HE, LL, KK, II, IJ, JI; A; J - 2; HH: : [J, J+l, , Gh] ; LL:: [l, 2, ...., J-l] ; KK: : [J+l, J+2, , Gk] ; S2 «- #FOR (H) #SIM (HH) #DO #SUM(A[H, J-l] 1 ' 2) ; S «- SQRT(S2); T «- S2 - A[J,J-1] x S; #FOR (L) #SIM (LL) #DO UT[L,1>0.; UT[J,1] - A[J,J-1] - S; #FOR (Kl) #SIM (KK) #DO UT[K,l] «-A[K,J-l]; P «- IM - TRANSPOSE (UT) x UT/T; A <- P x A; A - A x TRANSPOSE(P); J «- J+l; J < 63 #THEN #GOTO LOOPl; N *- 6h; - 3h - L00P2 L00P3 LIP L2P LOPM: II: : [1, ?-, , N] El «- 0.; TEMPI - SQRT((A[N,N] + A[N-l,N-l] )t 2-k x(A[N-l,N-l] x A[N,N] - A[N,N-1] x A[N-1,N])); XI «- .5 x (A[N,N] + A[N-1,N-1] + TEMPI); X2 - .5 x (A[N,N] + A[N-1,N-1] -TEMPI); LI «- ABS(A[N,N] - XI); L2 «- ABS(A[N,N] - X2); #IF LI < L2 #THEN #D0 #BEGIN E2 <- LI; #GOTO LIP; #END; E2 - L2; #IF ABS((E2-E1)/E2) < .5 #THEN #D0 #BEGIN E <- E2; El - E; #GOTO L2P; #END; E *- 0.; #FOR (I) #SLM (II) #D0 A[I,I] - A[I,I] - E; M <- 1} JI: : [M+l,M+2, ,M] ; K ♦- SQRT(A[M,M] t2 + A[M+1,M] t2); U[M] «- A[M,M]/K; V[M] <- A[M+1,M]/K; #FOR (I) #SIM (JI) #D0 #BEGIN TEM[M,I] <- U[M] x A[M,I] - V[M] x A[M+1,I]; A[M+1,I] - U[M] x A[M+1,I] + V[M] x A[M,I]; A[M,I] *- TEM[M,I]; #MD; A[M,M] «- K; A[M+1,M] *- 0.; #IF M > N-l #THEN #GOTO L3P; - 35 - M *~ M+l; #GOTO LOPM; L3P: M «- 1; LOPN: IJ:: [1,2, ,M] ; A[M+1,M] *- V[M] x A[M+l,M+l]; A[ M+l, M+l] <- U[M] x A[M+l,M+l]; #FOR (I) #SIM (IJ) #DO #BEGIN TEM[I,M] *- U[M] x A[I,M] + V[M] x A[l,M+l]j A[I,M+1] - U[M] x A[I,M+1] + V[M] x A[I,M]; A[I,M] <- TEM[l,M]j #EM); M <- M+l; #IF M > N #THEN #GOTO L^P; #GOTO LOPN; L4P: #FOR (I) #SIM (II) #DO A[I,I] - A[I,I] + E; #IF ABS(A[N,N-1]) > .OCOOOl #THEN #GOTO L00P3; #PRINT A[N,N]j N <- N-l; #IF N > 1 #THEN #GOTO L00P2; #PRINT A[l,l]; #END - 36 - 3-5 Flow Chart TO GET UPPER HESSENBERG FORM H «- 2 2 S = S2 ? 2K~= T m — S 2 -Z [A(j,(H-l))] 2 J=H 2K _ s 2 - A(H,H-l)xS L— x,2.f • • • jH-1 UT(L) «- UT(H) «= A(H,H-l)-S K=H+1,H+2,...,N UT(K) - A(K,H-1) I is 64x6*4 identity matrix P^I -TRANS POSE ( UT ) xUT/ 2K' A <- PxA A *- AxTRANSPOSE(P) H «- H+l yes no © - 37 - FIND ORIGIN-SHIFT VALUE III) • © N «- 6k E1--0 Xl4(a +a . ,+SQRT((a +a , _ Y 2 X n,n n-l,n-l ^ vv n,n n-l,n-l' -i+(a . *a -a *a . ))) n-l,n-l n,n n,n-l n-ljrr'' X2«-i(a +a . ,-SQRT((a +a _ . )' 2 V n,n n-l,n-l vv n,n n-1,11-1' -Ma i n* a -a n *a . ))) n-l,n-l n,n n,n-l n-l,n E - E2 El «- E LI L2 a -XI a -X2| n,n ' yes E2 «- L2 yes fc E - A(l,l)-E-A(l,l) ) E2 <- LI a =A(N,N) n,n v ' ' 1=1,2,..., N - 38 - PREMULTIPLY: GET UPPER DIAGONAL MATRIX M *- 1 K-SQRT(A 2 (m,m)+A 2 (m+l ; m)) U(M) V(M) A(M;M)/K a(m+i,m)/k J=M+l,M+2, ,N a(m,j)«-u(m)*a(m,j)-v(m)*a(m+i,j) A(M+1,J) <-U(M)*A(M+l,J)+V(M)*A(M,j) A(M,M)*^ a(m+i,m)*o Yes No * M^M+1 - 39 POST -MULTI PLY AND TESTING © v M - 1 V a(m+i,mK-v(m)*a(m+i,m+i) a(m+i,m+i)«-u(m)*a(m+i,m+i) \ 1 a(j,mKu(m)*a(j,m)+v(m)*a(j,m+i) a(j,m+i)^u(m)*a(j,m+i)-v(m)*a(j,m) \ ' M «- M+l i No M > N Yes A(l,l)-A(l,l)+E Yes N*-N-l PRT.A(N,N) J=l,2, ...,M 1=1,2,..., N n < r No Yes PRT.A(1,1) kO - k. References Bodewig, E., 1959j "Matrix Calculus". Interscience Publishers, New York; North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam. Francis, J. G. F., I96.I, .1962, "The QR Transformation, Part I and II." Computer J. 1+, 265-271, 332-3^5 • Wilkinson, J. H-, 1960a, "Householder's Method for the Solution of the Algebraic Eigenproblem. " Computer J. 3> 23-27- Wilkinson, J. H. , 19&5, "The Algebraic Eigenvalue Problem." Clarendon Press, Oxford. Young, David M. Jr., i960, "Numerical Methods for Solving Problems in Linear Algebra." The University of Texas Computer Center, Austin. - kl - APPENDIX A High-Level Language Program For Finding MAX #BEGIN #LABEL START, LOOP, LEND; #ARRAY #REAL #FLOAT #SHORT #SKWD A[6k,6k], B[6k, 1], Cl6k, 1]; #REAL #FLOAT #SHORT LIM, CMAX; #REAL #FIXED i; #SET II, JJ; START: #READ A II:: [1,2,...., 6k]; #FOR (I) #SIM (II) #D0 B[I,1] - 1. ; LIM ^ 1. ; LOOP: C - A x B; CMAX «- C[l,l]; JJ:: [1,2,. ...,63]; #FOR (I) #SEQ (JJ) #DO #BEGIN #LT ABS(CMAX) - ABS(C[I+1, 1] ) > #THEN #GOTO LEND #ELSE CMAX *- C [1+1,1]; LEND: #END; #IF ABS(ABS(CMAX) - ABS(LIM)) > .00001 #THEN #D0 #BEGIN LIM «- CMAX; #F0R (I) #SIM (II) #D0 B[I,1] - C[I,1]/LIM; #G0T0 LOOP; #END #ELSE #PRINT CMAX; #END - k2 READ IN A B[I,1] - I- < A is N x I (6k here) < 1=1,2,... ,M (64 here) LIM «- 1. C <- A x FIND MAX(C) -> CMAX yes B[I,1] = C[I,1]/LIM PRINT CMAX STOP ^3 APPENDIX B QP-Algorithm With Double Origin Shift When a matrix has a complex-pairs of eigen-values, the double origin shift is needed. In this scheme, we combine two iterations into one with a pair of origin shifts since single iteration may not be sufficient enough due to the existence of a complex -pair eigen-values. th So at k stage, we will have A ( k+2 ) = Q (k+i)* Q (k)» A (k) Q (k) Q ( k+ i) Let W = Q (k) Q (k+1) and P = (A (k) - E (k) l) (A (k) - E (k+l) l) where E ' and E are the pair of origin shifts, such that W*T gives an upper triangular matrix. W* here is unitary and W = N N ... N N. = i form: •i-1 M. l- in the previous discussion. T has the following x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x X X X N X x XXX Let the first column be r then N should be defined so that N r = 1 1 r ll l- e l - kk - Hence, N A v J N takes the form: X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X V \ \ XXX X X Where the new matrix has few more elements then before, and this is not what we want to do, therefore the general technique will be as follows: (l) Perform an initial transformation (N a ( v\ A with double origin shifts. (k) N ) on (2) Reduce the resulting matrix to almost triangular form by a method, such as Householder's to obtain A A typical stage in the iteration will take the forms: Before Householder's transformation: (ii) After Householder's transformation: XXX X'Y'Y'Y Y Y XXX X'Y'Y'Y Y Y X X X'Y'Y'Y Y Y X X'Y'Y'Y Y Y Z'Z'Z'Y Y Y Z'Z'Z'Y Y Y " Z'Z'Z'T T T T T T T T X X X Y Y Y Y Y Y X X X Y Y Y Y Y Y X X Y Y Y Y Y Y z Z Z Y Y Y Y z Z Z Y Y Y Y z z Z T T T T T T T T T T T T T where 3 rows and 3 columns being affected. X and T are those of the • • + ■ 1 * «- 1 i. i «(k) A (k+2) initial and final matrices A and A res Y's and Z's are changed by the transformation. - ^5 (k) Since the first transformation of A "by N is similar to the subsequent transformations, we can set up the initial condition for the iteration by finding r , r_ , and r given by r n = a n (a n " a) + a i2 ' a 2i + p r 21 = a 21 (a ll + a 22 " a) r 31 == a 21 * a 32 where a = E 1 +■ E 2 E 1 • E 2 the transformation matrices of Householder's method are of the form: N. - N.* = I - 2t.t.* 11 11 t. is such that ti = 1 l i i i i t. . = for j < i and j > i+2 1 Z 10 i t. . J 20 i,i+l 2kt li t. . J 30 i,i+2 2kt, li 2*i where k =(sign Z 1Q ] • (Z 1Q + Z 2Q + Z^ )2 where Z rs Z 10 Z ll Z 12 7 7 7 20 21 22 7 7 7 30 31 32 corresponds to the Z's of the figure above, - k6 In order to reduce the number of multiplication in the Householder's transformation let H. = [0, . . . ,0,1.x. ,X o ,0, . . . ,0] = t — • t. l 1 2 t.. l 11 obtaining N. = I - (l + cp) H. H. i 11 Z 10 Z 20 Z 30 * = T" ' X l = k?Z^ ' X 2 = k^ and a11 < 1 Hence at i stage, the operation on columns a., a. _ and a. „ is [a., a. ...a. _] r -, "I i i+l i+2 i' l+l' H-2 J [a i , a 1+1 , a i+2 ].[I - (l + cp) {a. + X a + X 2 a. +2 ] therefore, a. = a. - n li X l X 2 [1, X 1 , X 2 ]] Let r) = (1 +■ cp) . Vl = Vl - V 11 a i + 2 = a i + 2 " X 2^ Similarly for the row operation. Z_ and Z~ n are eliminated and replace Z n by - k in each transformation. For origin shift, at k stage, we need to consider the last 2x2 sub-diagonal matrix. First, find the two roots of this 2x2 matrix, X , X which differ least from the last two diagonal elements (k-2) respectively. Then compare with the previous two roots X and X , and calculate (k) (k-2) (k+1) (k-1) I- ~r-^ 1 and I- / '■ v 1 I JJk) ' ' jjk+l) I if both > | then set E^ = e^ 1 ' = 0; if both < | , then set E^ k ' = . (k) „(k+l) . (k+l) ,, . . . , , _(k) , „(k+l) , , .. -, \ v , E v ' = \ s ' ; otherwise set both E v andE v ' to be the real part of either X^ ' or X whichever corresponds to the quantity < p . Then iterate again until either or both of the last two sub- diagonal elements are near zero, then deflate the matrix accordingly; record the eigen-value or eigen-values; find new origin shifts; iterate again in the same way until all eigen-values are found. - ^7 - ''TRANQUIL FOR Q-R ALGORITHM WITH DOUBLE ORIGIN SHIFT #BEGIN #LABEL START, LOOPl, L00P2, LOOP3, ROWOP, CLMOP; #ARRAY #REAL #FLOAT #SHORT #SKWD k[6k,6k], v[6k,6k], m[6k,6k], ur[6i+,i]; START: LOOP1: L00P2: #REAL #FLOAT #SHORT S2, S, T, El, E2, TEMPI, XI, X2, LI, L2, EE1, EE2, ESUM, EPDT, Rl, R2, R3, K, ALP, PI, P2, AN, RT1, RT2; #REAL #FIXED J, H, Kl, L, N, I; #SET HH, LL, KK, II, JJ; #READ A; J- 2; HH::[J,J+l,...,6l4]; LL::[l,2,..,,J-l]; KK:: [J+l, J+2, . . . ,6k] ; S2 «- #OR (H) #SIM (HH) #DO #SUM(A[H, J-l]t 2) ; S - SQRT(S2); T <- S2 - A[J,J-l]* S; #FOR (L) #SIM (LL) #DO UT[L,1] «- 0.; UT[J,1] - A[J,J-1]- S; #FOR (Kl) #SIM (KK) #D0 UT[Kl,l] *- A[Kl,J-l]; P «- IM-TRANSPOSE (UT) x UT/T; A <- PxA; A ^ A x TRANSPOSE (P); J <- J+l; #IF J < 63 #THEN #GOTO LOOPl; N *- 6k; II::[1,2,...,N] El <- E2 <- 0.; k8 L00P3: TEMPI «- SQRT((A[N,N] + A[N-l,N-l])t 2-l+*(A[N-l,N-l]* A[N,N] - A[N,N-l]* A[N-1,N])); XI *■ .5* (A[N,N] + A[N-l,N-l] + TEMPI); X2 <- .5* (A[N,N] + A[N-l,N-l] •- TEMPI); LI «- ABS (A[N,N] - XI); L2 «- ABS (A[N,N] - X2); #LE LI < L2 #THEN #D0 #BEGIN EE1 «- XI; EE2 *- X2; #END #ELSE #D0 #BEGIN EE1 «- X2; EE2 - XI; #END; #IF ABS((EE1-E1)/EE1) < .5 #THEN El «- EE1 #ELSE El <- 0.; #IF ABS((EE2-E2)/EE2) < .5 #THEN R0WOP: #FOR (j) #SIM(jj) #D0 #BEGIN #LF I < N - 2 #THEN AN <- ALP* (A[I,J] f PI* A[I+1,J] + P2* A[I+2,J]) #ELSE AN <- ALP* (A[I,J] + PI* A[I+1,J]); A[I,J] <- A[I,J] - AN; A[I+1,J] «- A[I+1,J] - PI* AN; #IF I < N-2 #THEN A[I+2,J] <- A[I+2,J] - P2* AN; CLMOP: #IF I < N-2 #TKEN AN - ALP* (A [J, I] +■ PI* A[J,I+1] + P2* A[J,I+2]) #ELSE AN +- ALP* (A[J,I] + PI* A[J,I+1]); A[J,I] <- A[J,I] - AN; A[J,I+l] «- A[J,I+1] - PI* AN; #IF I < N-2 #THEN A[J,I+2] *- A[J,I+2] - P2* AN; #END; - k9 #BEGIN #IF I < N-3 #THEN #D0 #BEGIN AN «- ALP * P2* A[l+3,I+2]j A[I+3,l] - - AN; A[I+3,I+1]«--P1* AN; A[I+3,I+2] - A[l+3 7 I+2] - P2* AN; #END; E2 <- EE2 #ELSE E2 - 0.; ESUM <- E1+E2; EPDT <- E1*E2; #0R (I) #3EQ (II) #D0 #LE 1=1 #THEN #D0 #BEGIN Rl «- A[l,l]* A(A[l,l] - ESUM) + A[l,2] * A[2,l] + EPDT; R2 «- A[2,l]* (A[2,2] - ESUM + A[l,l]); R3 - A[2,l]* A[3,2]; A[3,l] *" 0; # EN D #ELSE #D0 #BEGIN Rl = A[I,I-l]; R2 = A[I+1,I-1]; #IF I=N-1 #THEN R3 - #ELSE R3 <- A[I+2,I-l]; #END; #IF Rl > #THEN K <- SQRT (Rlt 2 + R2t 2 + R3t 2 ) #ELSE K <- - SQRT (Rlt 2 + R2t 2 + R3 t 2); #IF K ^ #THEN #D0 #BEGIN ALP <- Rl/K + 1.; PI <- R2/(RH-k); P2 - R3/(Rl+k); #END #ELSE #D0 #BEGIN ALP <- 2; PI <- P2 <- 0.; #END; JJ:: [1,1+1, ,N]; #IF ABS(A[N,N-1]) > .000001 #THEN #D0 #BEGIN #IF ABS(A[N-l,N-2]) > .000001 #THEN #G0T0 #L00P3; TEMPI «_ SqRT((A[N,N] + A[N-l,N-l])t2-U* (A[N--l,N-l]* A[N,N] - A[N,N-l]* A[N-1,N])); 50 #END; #END RT1 *- .5* (A[N,N] + A[N-1,N-1] + TEMPI); RT2 «- .5* (A[N,K] + A[N-1,N-1] - TEMPI); #PRINT RT1, RT2; N - N-2; #END #ELSE #D0 #BEGIN #IF ABS(A[W-l,N-2]) < .000001 #THEN #D0 #BEGIN #PRINT A[N,N], A[N-l,N-l]; N <- N-2; #END #ELSE #D0 #BEGIN #PRINT A[N,N]; N «- N-l; #END; #END; #IF N < 1 #THEN #G0T0 L00P2; #ST0P; - 51 TO GET UPPER HESSENBERG FORM H «- 2 2 S = S2 2 2K 5 T 2 "FT I [A(J,(H-1).)] ! J=H 2K 2 *- S 2 - A(H,H-l)xS L=1,2,...,H-1 * K=H+l,H+2,...,N-> UT(L) *- UT(H) <- A(H,H-1)-S UT(K) <- A(K,H-1) I is 6kx6k Identity P <- I -TRANSPOSE (UT)xUT/2K' A - PxA A «- AxTRANSPOSE(P) H <- H + 1 yes 52 - FIND ORIGIN SHIFT d> El «- « E2 «- N «- 6U El <- E2 «- Find two roots of the last 2x2 matrix call XI, X2 LI L2 a -XI n,n a ' -X2 ESUM «- E1+E2 EPDT «- E1*E2 EE1 - XI EE2 «- X2 El «- EE1 E2 «- EE2 - 53 - SET UP AND DO ROW AND COLUMN OPERATIONS © i=2,3,-..,N-2-» i=N-l Rl=a. . . R2=a, Rl=a (a -ESUM)+a *a +EPI XfX 1,1 ±,d ^->1 !,l (a 2 r -ESUM+a ) R>a 2,l * a 3,2 I 2 2 2 K = -jRl +R2 +R3 yes ALP «- Rl/K + 1 PI - R2/(R1+K) P2 «- R3/(R1+K) ROW OPERATION COLUMN OPERATION 2 2 2 = jRl +R2 +R3 ALP 4- 2 PI <- P2 ♦- 5^ - END TEST PRT.A(N,N) N *- N - 1 no III no yes STOP Find two roots of the last 2x2 matrix call RT1, RT2 PRT. RT1, RT2 N <- N - 2 - 55 - AUG ] JUN 2 1969