I£6mi no. 5 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/mixinginturbulenOOuniv J- X(1 i ■: "to .:•-■•■ .':;' : -: - J .' : >.:.''-.. '..' >.'- .'. '00 ' ,;. '..C-ii.''. "^ J.;.! -.J'.f -.'•.. . J / -.- h j .- : • : ! Vj ■' • -> '•'■'( . ■_. • / • ... ■' % ■:■:<-, '; ,< ). . . ■■:■- .•••i I •_•.-' •... '.■•>,-. -■••>■■• • • ■ ■•■•• « -. - • '•■*<'■*. '1 • j V'f. ' '. "■: •■: j- ''. ■ u .• - k - o. function of the variation of the orifice coefficients with the gas flow rate. In evaluating the orifice coefficients; 219 separate runs were performed, They indicate that the maximum variation in orifice coefficients is of the order of 3 percent while the standard deviation of those coefficients from their .lean value is 1,5 percent.. Therefore 5 the standard deviation between successive readings of temperature obtained from the pneumatic thermometer should be not more than 15°i\ in 1000 R ? or 15°F C in about 600 °]T- This is satisfactory precision for engineering studies « The pneumatic thermometer was further complicated by being modified in order to provide a humidity measurement, A third orifice was e.dded to the line. Thoroughly desiccated air is passed through this last orifice and metered, and its flow rate is compared with that through the second orifice; from these two flow rates, the humidity of the gas flowing through the second orifice may be computed, Barring unforeseen difficulties, the pneumatic thermometer may be used with reasonable assurance of accuracy within the limits specified. f , Theoretical Program The problem of coalescence of droplets in a turbulent jet was submitted to three computation laboratories, in order that esti- mates might be made of the cost of computing the solution. The laboratories were 'the Differential Analyzer Laboratory of the University of Pennsylvania, the Punchod-Card Digital Computer Laboratory of the Department of Chemical Engineering at the Pennsylvania State College, and the Computer Laboratory of the National Bureau of Standards, The last named group has submitted as an estimate $5,000, while neither of the other groups has as yet been able to decide on the probable expense* Since the funds assigned to this contract are virtually exhausted, the matter of the computation has been turned over to the Biological Department together with all information necessary for the solution. In the event that the Department prefers not to go ahead with the computation at this time, a technical r eport on the coalescence of droplets in turbulent jets will be prepared, in which the equations will be presented in their final form, together with all information necessary for the solution. The extension of the Hcichardt hypothesis to the flux of momentum and mass in the case of a jet issuing into a stream flowing in a duct has been completed, A technical report on this subject is in the last stages of preparation, and should be issued before the end of January, 1°,52« i ■ ' ... ■ ■ - ':■ ' t - 5 - IV, Personnel The project has beer, under the supervision of Dr„ .am old Kivnick on a full-tiue basis \ Professor H» f. Johnstone has replaced Professor E, l/ Ooninga in the position of overall direction,, During the period covured in this report ». C. L„ Goldren was enployod on a half-tine basis, on the high— velocity spray dryer. J. E, itonano worked on the hot-wire anenoneter » and 11, D. Danielson on the ir.pact--v.be studies; neither of these received condensation fron the contract