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RYAN September 20, 1967 Department of Computer Science University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 6l801 This work was submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Electrical Engineering, September, 1967 , and was supported in part by the Office of Naval Research, Contract No. N00014-67-A-0305-0007 . Ill ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The author wishes to express his appreciation to his thesis advisor, Professor W. J. Poppelbaum, whose support and good counsel have made this thesis project possible. Thanks are also extended to Professor Louis van Biljon, whose suggestions and encouragement were very helpful. The author is further grateful to the many members of the research group who gave freely of their time and experience. Finally, the author thanks Mrs . Jonnie Hudspath and Mrs . Joyce Porter for their excellent typing of the thesis. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .......................... iii LIST OF FIGURES ........................... v 1. INTRODUCTION .......................... 1 1.1 Paramatrix System ...................... 1 1.2 Basic Slide Scanner System ................. 3 2o COMPLETE SYSTEM AND CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION ............. 6 2.1 Complete Slide Scanner Layout ................ 6 2.2 Cathode -Ray Tube and Photomultiplier Specifications ..... 13 2.3 Differential Amplifier - Linear Analysis .. ......... 17 2.X Gating Pulse Generator . . . „ ............ ........ 25 2.5 Linear Ramp and DC Balance ................. 29 2.6 Oscillator and DC Balance ................. 31 2.7 Detection Circuit for Protective Unblanking System ..... 33 2.8 Photomultiplier Detection Circuit .............. 35 3. CONCLUSION ........................... 38 BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................ 1*1 LIST OF FIGURES v FIGURE PAGE 1. Simplified Version of Paramatrix Slide Scanner . . 2. (a) . Horizontal Deflection Waveform . « . . . . , ("b) . Vertical Deflection Waveform. . . • . . . . . . , 3> Complete Slide Scanner Layout ........... k. Timing Diagram for Clock, Gating Pulse / ; and Ramp 5 . CRT Circuit .................... 6. Photomultiplier Circuit .............. 7. Differential Amplifier for Linear Analysis . . . , 8. Differential Amplifier for Slide Scanner . . . . , 9° Gating Pulse Generator .............. 10. Linear Ramp and DC Balance ............ 11. Oscillator and DC Balance ............. 12. Detection Circuit for Protective Unblanking System 13. Photomultiplier Detection Circuit ......... 1^. (a) . Experimental Setup ............. (b) . Typical Output Pattern . . « o • o . k . 8 . :8 . 10. . 11 . ik . 16 . 18 . 26 • 27 . 30 . 32 . ^ • 39 • 39 1 . INTRODUCTION 1.1 Paramatrix System Paramatrix is a hybrid analog-digital graphical processor designed and built by members of Task 15 under the direction of Professor W, J. Poppelbaum, It is capable of performing the following operations on an input pattern: translation and magnification of the pattern in the horizontal and vertical directions, rotation through 360 , thinning 'cloudy' portions of the input pattern, and filling in gaps that appear in the pattern (the location of the gaps must be manually indicated to the processor by the operator) . The resultant output pattern is displayed on a two-dimensional 32 x 32 array of light bulbs . Every clock cycld the Paramatrix system generates a pair of quantized analog voltages (x., "y.).» i* J - 0, > < . , 31. representing the ■*- J spatial co-ordinates of one of 1,02^ points of intersection in the output matrix, Each pair of these analog voltages is fed to the Transformer section of Paramatrix where it undergoes an inverse transformation consisting of rotation, demagnification, and translation. The resulting analog voltages, called X. . and Y. ., refer to the spatial co-ordinates of a test point on the original input pattern, and are related to. x . and y. by the following equations: X. . = - (X. cos0 - y. sine) - a (1.1) ij m 1 j ¥. . = - (x, sine - y. cose) -b (l.2) ij n i J ■where — and — are the magnification factors; a and b are the trans- m n lation components; and 9 is the angle of rotation. If the test point (X. . , Y. .) is a part of the input pattern, then the light bulb corres- ponding to the analog levels (x. , y.) is lit. If the test point (X. ., Y. .) i J ij i«] is determined not to be a part of the input pattern then the light bulb corresponding to (x., y.) is not lit. In this manner, all 1,02^ points of intersection in the output matrix are interrogated and appropriate bulbs are lit resulting in the transformed pattern being displayed on the output matrix. The slide scanner described in this thesis was designed specifically as an efficient and flexible method for providing Paramatrix with an input pattern. It consists of a CRT which is used to scan the slide input pattern, a photomultiplier to detect the presence of light behind the slide, and the necessary control circuitry. The pattern on the slide is made up of transparent lines on an opaque background. This type of slide was favored over dark lines on a clear background because the detection circuit that resulted was of simpler design. Prior to the development of the slide scanner, the input pattern to Paramatrix was provided by four profiles of F(x) versus X, each profile consisting of thrity-two variable voltages stored on potentiometers for equal increments of X. This method of transmitting an input pattern to Paramatrix was deemed inadequate due to the difficulty of manually adjusting many potentiometers each time a new pattern was to be displayed o The slide scanner was designed to alleviate this problem. 1.2 Basic Slide Scanner System In order to acquaint the reader with the fundamental design ideas that resulted in the Paramatrix slide scanner, a simplified version of the scanner system is shown in Figure 1. A detailed block diagram of the entire slide scanner system is discussed in Section 2.1. The method of scanning which is employed makes direct use of the fact that X. . and Y. ., the analog outputs of the Transformer, correspond to the spatial co-ordinates of a test point on the input slide. To determine whether or not this point is a part of the input pattern, amplified versions of X. . and Y. . are fed to the horizontal and vertical deflection plates of the CPT to deflect the electron beam to the appropriate point on the slide . Thus the presence of light behind the slide would indicate that the test point is a part of the input pattern. Alternatively, the absence of light behind, the slide would mean that the test point is not a part of the input pattern „ As indicated in Figure 1, positive transitions of the clock are differentiated and used to reset the R-S flip-flop at the beginning of every clock cycle. The presence of light behind the slide causes a negative going pulse to appear at the output of the photomultiplier • This pulse is shaped and inverted by the detection circuit and is X cc < 2 1 _,_,_ >- _l Z K o O 6 z o h- Z 1- LU cn oe z u < u. o: u. i- Q > 0) g o (D ■d •H H CO 0) -p H ft o CO •H 11 The preceeding discussion indicates the need for a circuit that can produce a delayed gating pulse of appropriate width every clock cycle to initiate and turn off the ramp= This circuit is called the gating pulse generator in Figure 3' In addition there was need to delay the start of the ramp some 150 ns beyond the leading edge of the gating pulse. The reason for this will "be given when the unblanking system is discussed. The time relationship of the clock, the gating pulse, and the ramp is shown in Figure h. Paramatrix Clock Gating Pulse Linear Ramp -5 -5 +2 Figure ^ Timing Diagram for Clock, Gating Pulse and Ramp. 12 It Is possible, for certain combinations of inputs to Para- matrix, for X. . and Y. . to be bumped to + 10 volts for many clock cycles. Since the Pl6 phosphor used in the CRT scanner is easily burned, precautions had to be taken to blank the electron beam "whenever the voltages at the deflection plates remained constant for more than a specified number of clock cycles. This protective unblanking system is shown in Figure 3* The detection circuits sense the voltage at each of the deflection plates and produce a logical "l" if the respective voltage is changing and a logical "0" if it is not changing. Thus, if one or more of the detection circuits is in the "l" state, the output of the NOR circuit they feed is a "0". This "0", as input to the second NOR circuit, gates the output of the gating pulse generator to the unblanking amplifier. The output of the amplifier is AC coupled to the control grid of the CRT. Under these circumstances, the beam is on when the gating pulse is at -5 volts and off -when the gating pulse is at volts. Now it can be seen why the start of the ramp must be delayed approximately 150 ns beyond the leading edge of the gating pulse. This Is because there is a cumulative 150 ns delay between the leading edge of the gating pulse and the turn on of the electron beam. If all of the detection circuits are in the state, the gating pulse is inhibited and the output of the unblanking amplifier remains constant. The control grid of the CRT returns to its DC value, which is beyond cut off, and the beam is off. 13 The circuitry to detect light behind the slide, shown in Figure 3> is exactly as described in Section 1.2. 2.2 Cathode-Ray Tube and Photomultiplier Specifications The particular requirements of the Paramatrix slide scanner system dictated many of the features of the cathode-ray tube. Because of the relatively high scanning rate of Paramatrix (10 us per position when the scanner provides the input pattern) , a short persistence phosphor was required. Pl6 phosphor, with a time constant after aging of 50 ns, was used. Since the deflection waveforms contained high frequency components (a 1.5 us ramp and a k- MHz sinusoid), electron- static deflection was favored over magnetic deflection. Most "standard" flying-spot scanner tubes have spot sizes of the order of several mils. Such high resolution was not necessary since the resolution of the Paramatrix output pattern is 32 lines. In fact, it was found that the majority of the single gun 5 inch oscilloscope tubes had adequate resolution for the scanner system. However, electrostatically deflected oscilloscope tubes have noticeable deflection defocusing at the periphery of the useful screen area. For this reason a tube with a large useful screen area was desired so that scanning could be done easily and reliably in a relatively small central portion of the useful screen area. Ik -1245 v ■» PIN NO. 1 - HEATER 2— CATHODE 3— CONTROL GRID 4— FOCUSING ELECTRODE 5— DEFLECTING ELECTRODE D4 7— PATTERN ADJUSTMENT ELECTRODE 8— DEFLECTING ELECTRODE D3 9— ACCELERATOR 10- DEFLECTING ELECTRODE Dl 11— ASTIGMATISM ELECTRODE 12- DEFLECTING ELECTRODE D2 14— HEATER Figure 5. CRT Circuit 15 The 5D3P-16 meets all of the above requirements in addition to having a small deflection factor (25 to 35 volts DC/inch) , permitting fully transistorized deflection circuitry. The complete layout of the CRT is shown in Figure 5. The CRT employs a linear post-accelerator (a spiral resistance •winding) which is set to +3^25 volts. The cathode is held at -1175 volts, giving a total accelerator potential of hGGO volts. Both the positive and negative high voltage supplies exhibit excellent regulation and low ripple. The three independent +500 volt supplies, which are used for the accelerator, pattern adjustment, and astigmatism electrodes, are obtained from the +3^-25 volt supply through three resistor divider networks . The unblanking pulse is AC coupled to the control grid of the CRT through the ,01/< f capacitor and the 20 k resistor. The intensity of the unblanked spot is adjusted with the wiper arm of the 25 k potentiometer. The choice of Pl6 phosphor in the CRT had a direct effect on the type of light detector used. The sensitivity of semi-conductor light detectors in the vicinity of 3&00A. (the wavelength of peak spectral-energy emission of Pl6 phosphor) is only a small fraction of their peak sensitivity. Consequently, because of their poor response to the blue rich Pl6 phosphor, semi-conductor devices were ruled out. Photomultiplier tubes were considered next. The wavelength of maximum spectral response of photomultipliers varies from 3300 A. 16 ANODE CATHODE 20 K 45 v 16 K 33 K 33K 33K 33K 33K 33K 33K 33K 33 K TO DETECTION 10 K CIRCUIT 1/4 W T .01 /tf ALL RESISTORS 1/2 W , 5% CARBON UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED Figure 6. Photomultiplier Circuit. 17 (S-19) to 8000 A. (S-l) . Spectral response type S-U was deemed the closest match to the spectral-energy emission type Pl6. Of the tubes having this type of response, the RCA 931A was selected as suitable for the slide scanner system. The complete layout of the photomultiplier is shown in Figure 6. The positive high voltage terminal is grounded in order that the output signal will be developed between the anode and ground. This method prevents power supply fluctuations from being coupled directly into the output circuit. The voltage at the photocathode is -1170 volts. The successive stages of the photomultiplier are operated at voltages increasing in th equal steps from the photocathode to the 9 dynode. The voltage between the 9 dynode and ground is 60 volts. This insures that the th voltage between the 9 dynode and the anode will be just sufficient to give anode current saturation. This point on the anode character- istic curve corresponds to a voltage of about 50 volts. Low operating th voltage between the 9 dynode and the anode reduces the dark current due to leakage paths and also reduces the ion bombardment of the dynodes. As a result, the operating stability of the photomultiplier is improved without sacrifice in sensitivity. 2.3 Differential Amplifier - Linear Analysis The basic topology of the differential amplifier is shown in Figure 7. It is a standard NPN differential amplifier with a constant 18 V,» Figure 7. Differential Amplifier for Linear Analysis current sink used to improve the drift and the common-mode rejection ratio. A common emitter resistor, R , has been inserted to provide an efficient method of gain adjustment. A variable gain control "was desirable for two reasons. First, ■with the inputs to Paramatrix set so that magnification = 1 and trans- lation and rotation = 0, the raster pattern on the CRT tube face is to be 2" x 2" (since the input slides are 2" x 2") . Thus, standard resistance values could be used for R and r with the required gain precisely attained by adjusting R . Second, if it were necessary to replace the CRT, it is likely that the new CRT would have slightly 19 different deflection factors. The small gain change could be made by resetting R . g In the following linear analysis we assume ideal transistors (a = 1 and v = 0) in order to derive general circuit equations and to determine the constraints that are to be met at various points in the circuit. The voltage transfer equation is easily derived „ From Figure 7: \ + r(i l " V " r(i 2 + ± r ) + V 2 = ° (2.1) l (v x - v 2 ) g R (2,2) X l + X 2 = L (2.3) Combining equations (2,1) and (2.2) we obtain X l - X 2 1 2 T + R (v x - v 2 ) (2.U) Considering the collector circuit, v Q = -Ri + E - E + Ri Thus, from equations (2^) and (2.5) ve have -R . 2R 20 v Q = E{± 1 - i 2 ) (2.5) *o- (v i' v 2 ) < 2 - 6 > The constant current sink is provided by an NPN transistor vith a constant base-emitter bias. To insure a distortion-free output ve must guarantee that v is above the base-emitter bias for all possible input combinations. From Figure '(: v = -r(i. - i ) + v. (2.7) r 1 g 1 21 Using (2,2), (2.3), and (2.4), equation (2.7) becomes » r -5<*i + ' 2 >-r (2 ' 8) Thus, the minimum value of v will occur at ' r v = - (v + v ) - — (2.9) r min 2 K 1 2 ; min 2 v y > Transistors T, and T~ are operated in the active region. We first investigate the conditions under -which T (or T ) can be cut off. Because of symmetry ve consider only i.. . Equations (2.3) and (2.4) yield Gb + y<'i- T 2> (2 - 10) I 11 - * - -* The minimum value of L occurs vhen v_ = v n . , v^ = v^ , and 1 11 mm 2 2 max R = R . . Thus, equation (2.10) becomes g g min i + fe + rVlW-ia-'a-J (2 - u) 1 min g mm 22 Using equations (2.6) and (2.9)., we may express the double-ended voltage gain of the differential amplifier as a function of R, R , o I, (v n + v ) . , and '1 2 mm r mm R « v n + vj . - 2v 1 2 mm r mm 2 (2.12) The ratio, , indicates the degree to -which the voltage mm gain may be varied by the potentiometer, R . From equations (2.9) > (2.11), and (2.12) we obtain max mm r 2i . - I 1 mm v, . - v_ . 1 mm 2 max _ [rr^r ~^J~. r ~2v' ~T" R 2 mm r mm g max (2.13) Voltages v and v observe the following inequalities: ■10 < v ± < 10 -2 < v 2 < 2 (2.14) 23 The lowest practical base -emitter bias for the constant current sink is -20 volts, using established Paramatrix voltages. Thus, ve have for v n , v_ , v_ , and v . : 1 mm' 2 max 2 mm' r mm v- „ = -10 1 mm 2 max v = -2 2 min v . = -18 r mm Current i n , is set to 1 ma -. 1 mm Equation (2,13) raay nov he rewritten as (2.15) G To get a feeling for how the ratio , varies -with the mm constant current, I, ve set R = «>, Table 1 lists values of g max 2h max G . mi a as a function of 1, including the corresponding values of r and R . as calculated from equations (2.9) and (2.1l) g min I (ma) C max G . min r (kfi) R . (k fi) g mm 5 1.20 i+,8o ^8.0 7 1.43 J>M 16 c 10 1,60 2M 8.00 15 l^k 1.60 k-57 20 1,80 1.20 Jc00 50 1.37 „8o 1.85 50 1.92 .h8 17.03 Table 1. Effect of Constant Current on Gain Variation. It -was decided that a constant current of 20 ma provided good gain variation while at the same time not causing excessive power to be dissipated. For a CRT accelerating potential of ^600 volts it was found that a gain of approximately 3°5 was needed to obtain a 2" x 2" raster pattern on the CRT tube face. 25 With R implemented by a 3k resistor plus a 5k potentiometer, D it may be verified with equation (2,6) that setting R = 2-7" k "Will result in a gain variation of about 3 "to h . The supply voltage, E, required to prevent saturation of T, (or T ) is determined as follows: E - Ri n > 10 1 max — E > 10 + (2.7 x 10 5 ) (19 x 10" 5 ) E > 6l.k volts A supply voltage of 75 volts "was chosen for the amplifier. A schematic of the complete differential amplifier used in the slide scanner system is given in Figure 8. 2 A Gating Pulse Generator It was pointed out in Section 2.1 that there was need for a circuit capable of generating a delayed gating ;pulse to" switch the ramp on and off. This circuit, shown in Figure 9, produces a 2 us pulse every clock cycle approximately 2.5 us after the clock has gone from a "0" (-5 volts) to a "1" (0 volts). The reader is referred back to Figure h for a timing diagram of the clock, gating pulse, and ramp. 26 + 75v n 2.7K,1% 1W +75 v 2.7K,1% 1W 3K.1/4W -AAA -yfc* 5K ■AAA/ 750ft AAA/- 1.2K,1% 240ft -25v -25v T lt T 2 : RCA 40327 T 3 : 2N1613 ALL RESISTORS 1/2 W , 5 % CARBON UNLESS SPECIFIED Figure 8. Differential Amplifier for Slide Scanner. 27 > m OJ CM * •X. in _ OJ m > l Q UJ U. UJ Q. CO CO CO UJ _l z 3 O CD or < o ^* ct> m £ *- OJ co : UJ -J 2 o CD or < o cc o S S w ■^ ro i,i O C H o3 pq o o .1 fn O -P o3 o w O Pn 33 network. Both the capacitors together determine the effective capacity against which the 18 p.h inductor resonates. The output, is taken off the secondary winding on the tuned collector. The loop gain is varied by the 1 k potentiometer to obtain optimum linearity. 2.7 Detection Circuit for Protective Unb tanking System It was mentioned in Section 2.1 that the Pl6 phosphor used in the slide scanner CRT could be easily burned if the spot remained in any position for many clock cycles. For this reason, the detection circuit shown in Figure 12 was designed to indicate whether or not the voltages at the deflection plates of the CRT were changing. There are four such detection circuits, one for each deflection plate. Normally, at least one of the four deflection plate voltages will undergo a 3 volt (or more) transition every 320 us (corresponding to one column scan) . This circuit responds to negative going transitions of 2 volts or more . Emitter follower T_ buffers the detection circuit from the i deflection plate. The base of T is DC biased above -15 volts and T remains saturated and T, is off. The base of T. sees 25 volts through 3 n several k so T. is saturated. Thus, the output is at -5 volts. If a negative transition occurs, a short negative pulse appears at the base of T . Ihis turns off T for a few microseconds and T saturates, thereby cutting off T, . The base of T sees 10 volts I- Q. 3^ oo o UJ u. o LJ 0- CO co CO UJ o CO tr < m Si ^ 00 o rO lhAAA -Q-^7 ID If) -4 WV- O O rO > if) + O 9 > AAA — •»& 1^- CVJ rO O < tr — C\J m ro CO GC O I- CO CO UJ tr Of. ©~^ in CVJ s cu p 03 tiD PI •H s H P 0) •H -P O ■AM ► O uj en O (/) o ui * !? 5 ^ — * Cvl _j _l I- I- < < -P o •H o a o •H -P O (U -p CD (D •H H ft •H -P H 3 +3 o on H ■H 5 Q- 37 A negative pulse at the base of T, cuts T off and the 3 3 collector rises to 10 volts. Transistor T_ is quite sensitive, and any noise that appears at the base of T causes small positive pulses to be present at the collector . For this reason diode D and the 10 k potentiometer are used to form an amplitude-discriminating circuit for the pulses at the collector of T,. The -wiper arm of the potentio- meter is set to approximately 5 volts, thus rejecting all small positive pulses that appear at the collector of T . The 6.2 volt Zener diode level shifts the pulses which exceed 5 volts to provide for proper triggering of the flip-flop. The memory is a standard flip-flop with catching diodes to form a compatible logical output . A positive trigger at the base of T. turns T. off, and the output signal to Paramatrix goes to -5 volts. As mentioned in Section 1.2, a logical "0" means light the bulb. The clock input is differentiated by the high-pass RC circuit, and the negative peaks are clipped off by diode D , Thus, only the positive triggers reach the base of T , resetting the flip-flop at the beginning of every clock cycle. 38 3. CONCLUSION A special purpose flying- spot slide scanner has been designed to provide an efficient and flexible means for transmitting an input pattern to Paramatrix. Voltages generated by the Paramatrix computer position the light spot cf a CRT opposite a test point on the slide, and hybrid circuits are used to sweep the spot over a rectangular area symmetric about the test point. The size of the rectangle can be varied by horizontal and vertical sensitivity controls. The presence of light behind the slide is detected by a photomultiplier, and an appropriate logic signal is generated which is used to either light or not light a bulb in the output matrix. The slide scanner system presented in this thesis has been built and is operating well. By adjustment of the horizontal and vertical sensitivity controls, the slide input pattern can be displayed and manipulated on the output matrix with a minimum of flicker. Photographs of the experimental slide scanner set up are shown in Figure ik. It was mentioned in Section 1.2 that the ultimate solution to the problem of providing an input pattern for Paramatrix reduces to that of having 128 autonomous analog storage cells which receive their analog information from a slide scanning system. Currently under development by members of Task 15 is a reliable, low cost analog storage Figure lU. a.) Experimental Setup Figure Ik. b.) Typical Output Pattern >+0 system called Phastor. The storage element is a monostable multivibrator ■which is triggered by the coincidence of the analog voltage to be stored with a sawtooth ramp voltage. It is felt that in the near future the Phastor system of analog storage may result in a realization of the ultimate solution for" providing an input pattern to Paramatrix . Ul BIBLIOGRAPHY G.E. Transistor Manual , Cleary, J. F., Editor. General Electric Company, I96U. "Graphical Processing Using Hybrid Analog-Digital Circuitry", Casasent, D. P., Report No. 187, Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, August 30, 1965. "Hybrid Circuits for the Paramatrix System", Prozeller, E. F., Report No. 188, Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, September 7, 19&5 • Phototubes and Photocells , Technical Manual PT-60, Radio Corporation of America, 1963. Pulse, Digital, and Switching Waveforms , Millman, J., and Taub , H., McGraw-Hill, 1965. "Quarterly Technical Progress Report", (Circuit Research Program), Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, April-June, 1966. "Quarterly Technical Progress Report", (Circuit Research Program), Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, October-December, 1966. "Quarterly Technical Progress Report", (Circuit Research Program), Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, January-March, 1967. "Quarterly Technical Progress Report", (Circuit Research Program), Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, April- June, 1967. Semiconductor Circuit Design , Watson, J., D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., 1966. _o "A Transistor Coincidence-Discriminator Circuit for 10 Second Pulses", Baker, S. C, Nuclear Instruments and Methods, Volume 12, I96I. Unclassified Securitv Classification DOCUMENT CONTROL DATA - R&D (Secunly cUmmlHcmllen of Mil*, body ot abstract and „■«*»«.,.« anno-nt,on must be entered «hen the overall report ,. cla«t.f..dj I ORIGINATIN G ACTIVITY (Corporefe author) Department of Computer Science University of Illinois Th-bana, Illin ois 6l801 3 REPORT TITLE Z« »epor t security classification Unclassified Zb group A SIXDE SCANTIER IHPUT FOR PARAMATRIX 4 DESCHlPTIVE NO T ES (Type of report and inclusive dates) te chnical Report S AUTHOR^ fi.»si nam? Hral n«i», Initial) Ryan, Lawrence 6 REPO RT DATE August, 196T 8a CONTRACT OR CfiANT NO 1 » ^OTAL NO OF PAGES 7b. NO. OF REFS Nonr 183^ (15) 6. PROjECT NO . -^ JUL 9a. ORIGINATOR'S REPORT NUMBERfS) 9 6. OTHER REPORT f40(S) (A ny other numbers ttiat may be assigned th>3 report) None 10. AVAILABILITY/LIMITATION NOTICES 11 SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES Hone I 12 SPONSORING MILITARY ACTIVITY Office of Naval Research J 219 South Dearborn Street Chicago, Illinois 6o6C4 13 ABSTRACT A special purpose flying-spot slide scanner has been designed to provide an efficient and flexible means for transmitting an input pattern to Paramatrix, a pattern processing computer. The light spot of a CRT is positioned by the "hori- zontal" and "vertical" outputs of the Paramatrix Transformer opposite a test point on the input slide. The presence or absence of light behind the slide is detected by a photomultiplier, and an appropriate logic signal is generated -which is used to' either light or not light a bulb in the output matrix. Variable horizontal and vertical sensitivity controls have been incorporated into the scanner system. In this manner test points that are "near" line seg- ments of the input pattern are considered to be part of the input pattern. This feature allows for thinning and thickening the lines of the output pattern. Unclassified Security Classification Unclassified Security Classification 14 KEY WORDS LINK A ROLE «T LINK C Paramatrix Slide Seamier Input Variable Gain Differential Amplifier INSTRUCTIONS \. ORIGINATING ACTIVITY: Enter the name and address of the contractor, subcontractor, grantee, Department of De- fense activity or other organization (corporate author) issuing the report. 2a. REPORT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION: Enter the over- all security classification of the report. 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The name of the principal author is an absolute minimum requirement. 6. REPORT DATE. Enter the date of the report as day, month, year; or month, year. If more than one date appears on the report, use date of publication. 7 a. TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES: The total page count should follow normal pagination procedures, i.e., enter the number of pages containing information. lb. NUMBER OF REFERENCES: Enter the total number of references cited in the report. 8a. CONTRACT OR GRANT NUMBER: If appropriate, enter the applicable number of the contract or grant under which the report was written. 8b, 8c, & 8d. PROJECT NUMBER: Enter the appropriate military department identification, such as project number, subproject number, system numbers, task number, etc. 9a. ORIGINATOR'S REPORT NUMBER(S): Enter the offi- cial report number by which the document will be identified and controlled by the originating activity. This number must be unique to this report. 9b. OTHER REPORT NUMBER(S): If the report has been assigned any other report numbers (either by the originator or by the sponsor), also enter this number(s). 10. AVAILABILITY/LIMITATION NOTICES: Enter any lim- itations on further dissemination of the report, other than those imposed by security classification, using standard statements such as: (1) "Qualified requesters may obtain copies of this report from DDC " (2) "Foreign announcement and dissemination of this report by DDC is not authorized." (3) "U. S. Government agencies may obtain copies of this report directly from DDC. Other qualified DDC users shall request through (4) "U. S. military agencies may obtain copies of this report directly from DDC Other qualified users shall request through (5) "All distribution of this report is controlled. Qual- ified DDC users shall request through If the report has been furnis-hed to the Office of Technical Services, Department of Commerce, for sale to the public, indi- cate this fact and enter the price, if known. 11. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES: Use for additional explana- tory notes. 12. SPONSORING MILITARY ACTIVITY: Enter the name of the departmental project office or laboratory sponsoring (pay- ing (or) the research and development. Include address. 13 ABSTRACT: Enter an abstract giving e brief and factual summary of the document indicative of the report, even though it may also appear elsewhere in the body of the technical re- port. If additional space is required, a continuation sheet shall be attached. It is highly desirable that the abstract of classified reports be unclassified. Each paragraph of the abstract shall end with an indication of the military security classification of the in- formation in the paragraph, represented as (TS). (S), (C). or (U). There is no limitation on the length of the abstract, ever, the suggested length is from 150 to 225 words. How- 14. KEY WORDS: Key words are technically meaningful terms or short phrases that characterize a report and may be used as index entries for cataloging the report. Key words must be selected so that no security classification is required. Identi- fiers, such as equipment model designation, trade name, military project code name, geographic location, may be used as key words but will be followed by an indication of technical con- text. The assignment of links, roles, and weights is optional. Unclassified c :*.. /-l„...,:f:~«ti^-_ =ZJ