N45 'O < ! No other Road runs Pullman Hotel Cars. Pullman Dining Cars, or any other form of Hotel, Dining or Restau¬ rant Cars THROUGH between Chicago and the Missouri River. On no other Road can you get all the meals you require between Chicago and Omaha without leaving the car you start in. This is the only line that has THROUGH eating cars of any sort. MARVIN 11 UGH ITT, W. H. STEWETT, General Manager, Chicago. General Passenger Agent, Chicago. (SEE 3rd. PAGE OF COVER.) You will learn all about the best Magazines in the country, by OPENING THIS MAP. \ I I % t OF N.SW" HAMPS'I HHE 1 VERMONT Pi^ared Ivxpre* sly for tfae ReffiMgtf «if ftxosc^Jto te s* Pi rb&ah £ P ° tt0U S£aitsTea• a o 3 3 CD CD o Eb 3 o 3 3" o l-i cd CD _ td g CS g » OD (D w w 3 a> p o CD cd p p M o H O •vojt AV9X ‘AUAvpmia 8H ‘*00 2 ? 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A \OH ■ AUBduiolPiimniauia v,AV? luma's r,' 1IU =< 1 C1 Avon : aiuoq ,e saApsjuo.t Xofuaoi AVOH • IBoa auuu Xaqi A VOH : sqooq uavojiioX puiq o, . \ n ij iioniiu 1 sJoquiB siiouea Aq ‘sjaded oaud.u.su, jo SaIH3 s AoH ^ •anvNoaoviAi 303030 o, Janaq e pue 'A3THVd H3X3d SHOW vAa Hx' 30 UaXHOrtVa « A< 1 Mioimqumoa aq ||i.n aiaq j iqaBA ua«, «iu m P1JOAI aqi JO juo, |BniDB aq, uo aiou Maiuu ,uEq,uq e Xq pasmiojd iiaaii l-MulSAOe XH3VA V Ml OlHOM 3HX aNinovt :-V splUB UB pin: ...A3IIMV3 VXXOO-OU3 a MO H 3HX„ 30 HOHXD V »qi Xq W^s liioqs e | 8 £ ** '"’J svioiipi.m J-s ‘uo|ssaaans pidBj ui jaqio ipsa aiomoj'oi ‘sXoct aoj siBiass pus sjjiq joj luuas S.JJOOIV ss !W sapisoy ‘NI31SN3MNVHJ SAAViSnO A3 ‘AHOLS ,.HOSnaD NOSNIUOM „ V «‘NiviNnow-a3MOJL» ..•nomojw enitnc,, jo joqjnv eqq r/sovnn 3 hi HaaNfi.. jsatjo^s I'eixss om± mi m SV 70 HDIH ‘IS l. PjAOjii 91/1 Ut 9U12v6ttJI[ .(JJ/U/JJ JSAUlOSpUVfX MIX it •M 3 3 a « 3 A cc .5 % N -<51 a a c: ® ^ -3 I—I •+J w 3 Ph J o a 3 —- 3 3 o minimal printing '■ FT1HE Subscribers continue to do all kinds of Printing : JL required by Merchants and Manufacturers; such as "•NT: 5ft l!ea«is5.* irmwm , eessss* l STATEMEIf'T HMDS, ; 3 >M ; 1 Blank £• hecks. Blank Orders, Posters, Handbills, UlRCUL/FfS, CARDS, LABELS, &c. —ALSO— Town Orders, Collectoi'S Notices , Chech Lists. Town Records made to order. CLAREMONT MANUFACTURING COMPANY. i~ — THE NEW-HAMPSHIRE REGISTER, FARMERS’ ALMANAC, AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY, FOR Being second after bissextile or leap year, and closing the one hundred and second and beginning the one hundred and third year of the Independence of the United States. ASTRONOMICAL CALCULATIONS BY HOSEA DOTON, A. M. Calculated for the meridian of Concord, lat. 43° 12' North; long. 5° 34' East from the Capitol at Washington. CLAREMONT, N. H. THE CLAREMONT MANUFACTURING COMPANY, PUBLISHERS AND PROPRIETORS. 1878. ARTICLES OF THE CALENDAR, ECLIPSES, ETC. Chronological Cycles, Golden Number, !Epact, !0 Sun. O d © ([ Moon. 0 Earth. Characters of SPRING SIGNS. 1 Aries, the Ram. 2 y Taurus, the Bull. 3 II Gemini, the Twins. SUMMER SIGNS. 4 213 Cancer, the Crab. 5 £1 Leo, the Lion. 6 1IJ} Virgo, the Virgin. 17 Solar Cycle, 2b Dominical Letter, Characters off the $ Mercury. 9 Venus, j* Mars. the Signs 11 Roman Indiction, 6 F Julian Period, 6591 l Planet 6 *. 1 1 Jupiter. 1 2 Saturn. f£l Uranus. „ of the Zodiac, AUTUMN SIGNS. 7 Libra, the Scales. 8 ll\ Scorpio, the Scorpion. 9 / Sagittarius, the Archer WINTER SIGNS. 10 Yp Capricornus, the Goat. 11 tst Aquarius, the Waterbearer, 12 X Pisces, the Fishes. Commencement of the Seasons, Vernal Equinox—Spring begins, March 20th, Oli 55m. Evening. Summer Solstice—Summer begins, June 21st, 9h 16m Morning. Autumnal Equinox—Autumn begins, Sept. 22nd, llh 40m Evening. Winter Solstice—Winter begins, Dec. 21st, 5h 53m Evening. Movable Festivals and Fasts of the Church. Feb. 17 “ 24 Septuagesima Sunday, Sexagesima Sunday, Quinquagesima—Shrove Sunday, March 3 Ash Wed.—1st day of Lent, “ 6 Quadragesima.—1st Sun¬ day in Lent, “ 10 Palm Sunday, April 14 Good Friday, “ 19 Easter Sunday, Low Sunday, Rogation Sunday, Ascension Day—Holy Thursday, Pentecost—Whitsun-day, Trinity Sunday, Corpus Christi, Advent Sunday, April 21 28' May 26 “ 3o! June 9 “ 16 “ 20 Dec. 1 Eels pses. In the year 1878 there will be two eclipses of the Sun, two of the Moon and a Transit of Mercury. I. —An annular Eclipse of the Sun, Feb. 2nd, invisible in New Hampshire. II. —A partial Eclipse of the Moon, Feb. 17th, partly visible, as fob lows: First contact with the shadow, Feb. 17th, 4h 57m Morning. Middle of the eclipse, 6h 25m “ Moon sets, * 6h 58m “ Magnitude, (Moon’s diameter=l) 0 83. III. —A total eclipse of the Sun, July 29th, visible as a partial eclipse, as follows: Beginning July 29tli, 4h 54m Evening. Greatest obscuration, “ “ 5h 52m “ End, 6h 38m “ This is thfe fourth return of the total eclipse of 1806. IV. The moon will rise partially eclipsed on the evening of Aug. 12th, and the eclipse will end at 45 minutes past 8 o’clock. There will be a Transit of Mercury over the Sun’s disc, May 6th, as follows: First contact, May 6th, lOh 26.5m Morning. Least distance of centers, “ “ 2h 14.2m Evening. Last contact, “ “ 5h 57.4m 44 i4A £fj 7 . _ 1878. X JANUARY. 3; New Moon 3d day 9h 17.1m M First Quar. 11th day 2h 0.9m E. PHASES OF THE MOON. Full Moon 18th day 7h 24.9m E. Last Quar. 25th day llli 3 4m M. ol e Sun rise sets day l ; gth Sun Sun d a d south dec’n sou. 1\ & s. pi ASPECTS, &C. -i. 0 h m, h m h m h m s O / h m ; h m S j 1 3 7 32 4 36 9 3 0 3 58 22 59 10 22 6 14 / Circumcision. 2 4 7 3214 37 9 4 0 4 26 22 54 11 18 sets. ']jy [ d dec. 27° 44' South. 3 5 7 32|4 37 9 5 0 4 54 22 48 evel2 4 35 V} Oc i (0dTJ 4 6 7 32;4 38 9 6 0 5 21 22 42 1 3 5 42 « i 6 9 in n 5 i 7 32,4 39 9 7 0 5 48 22 35 1 50 6 4S *>♦ •m 6 F 7 3214 40 9 8 0 6 15 22 28 2 34 7 52 Epipliauy. 7 2 7 32j4 41 9 9 0 6 41 22 20 3 15 8 55 X «9d (Chd 8 3 7 32 4 42 9 11 0 7 7 22 12 3 55 9 57 K St. Lucian. 9 4 7 32 1 4 43 9 12 0 7 32'22 3 4 34 10 58 X [ d crosses eq. N. 10 5 7 31|4 45 9 13 0 7 50 21 54 5 14 morn c f" V. Mary born 3985. 111 6 7 31|4 46 9 15 0 8 20i21 45 5 55 o o kp d cf6 12 i 7 31 4 47*9 16 0 8 43j21 35 6 40 i 5ia (S^c5 13 F 7 30 4 48 9 18 0 9 5 21 25 7 28 212 . a 1 st Sun. after Epiph. 14 2 7 30 4 49,9 20 0 9 27 21 15 8 22 3 22 y [St. Hilary. 15 3 7 29 4 50 9 21 0 9 48 21 4 9 20 4 32 II (V grr. brilliancy. 16 4 7 29 4 51 9 22 0 10 9 20 52 10 22 5 39 11 d dec. 27° 47' N. 17 5 7 28 4 53 9 24 0 10 29 20 40 11 24 6 36 J south 5h. 32m. eve. 18 6 7 28 4 54 9 26 0 10 48 20 28 morn rises. EZd St. PrLca. 19 7 7 27 4 5519 28 OH 6 20 16 0 24 5 57 n (St. Fabian. 20 F 7 26 4 56 9 30 0 H 23 20 3 1 22 7 18 a 2nd Sun. aft. Epiph. 21 2 7 26 4 58 9 32 0 ll 40 19 49 2 16 8 38 ii£ 9 stationary 22 3 7 25 4 59]9 34 0 ll 56 19 35 3 7 9 55 lire St. Vincent. 23 4 7 24 5 0 9 36 0 12 12 19 21 3 56 11 12 [d crosses equa. south. 24 5 7 23 5 19 38 0 12 26 19 7 4 46 morn 9 south 2h. 24 m. eve. 25 6 7 22 5 3 9 40 0 12 40 18 58 5 36 0 281 in Conversion of St. Paul. 26 7 7 22 5 4*9 42 0 12 53 18 37 6 28 1 43 Q south 2h. 54m. eve. 27 F 7 21 5 5'9 44 0 13 5 18 22 7 22 2 56 3d Sun. after Epiph. 28 2 7 20 5 7 9 46 0 13 16 18 6 8 17 4 4 / 9 south 2h. 9m. eve. 29 3 7 19 5 8|9 49 0 13 27 17 50 9 13 5 5 d dec. 27° 49' S. 30 4 7 18 5 10,9 52 0 13 37 17 33 10 7 5 52 [9 sta. 31 5 7 17 5 119 54i0 13 46 17 16 10 58 6 31 1 d $6 di/tf. 1878. MEMORANDA FOR JANUARY. • 31 days. 1 Tuesday. 2 Wednesday. 3 Thursday. i 4 i i Friday. - 5 Saturday. 4 MEMORANDA FOR JANUARY. 31 days. 6 Sunday. 7 Monday. 8 ! Tuesday. • 9 i 1 1 i I W eduesday. i • i l i 10 ! i i f Thursday. i i i '1 ! n Friday. s [ i 12 Saturday. i i i 1 i : 13 i 1 i Sunday. l ! 1 . j 14 Monday. 1 1 i i 15 Tuesday. i i i i 16 l Wednesday. ; 1 1 i 17 Thursday. r i • 18 ! i Friday. • 1878. -——-- MEMORANDA FOR JANUARY. 5 19 Saturday. 20 Sunday. 21 Monday. 22 Tuesday. 23 Wednesday. 24 Thursday. 25 Friday. 20 Saturday. • 27 Sunday. 28 Monday. 29 Tuesday. 30 Wednesday. 31 Thursday. FEBRUARY 28 days. PHASES OF THE MOON. New Moon 2d day 3h 31.1m M. | Full Moon First Quar. 10th day 8h 30.9m M. | Last Quar- 17th day6h 30.7m M. 23d day lOh 26.4m E. °| si Sun rise sets day l’gth Sun south Sun dec’n a sou. a r. & s. d pi ASPECTS, 4C. h m h m h m h m s o / h m h m S 1 6 7 16 5 12 9 57 0 13 54 16 59 11 46 sets. 2 7 r* i 14 5 14 10 0 0 14 1 16 42 eve31 5 41 3 F 7 13 5 16 10 2 0 14 8 16 24 1 13 6 44 4 2 7 12 5 17 10 4 0 14 13 16 6 1 53 7 47 X 5 3 7 11 5 18 10 7 0 14 18 15 48 2 32 8 47 X 6 4 7 10 5 19 10 9 0 14 22 15 30 3 11 9 49 T 7 5 7 8 5 20 10 12 0 14 25 15 11 3 51 10 52 op 8 6 i 7 5 22 10 14 0 14 27 14 52 4 34 11 57 op 9 7 7 6 5 23 10 17 0 14 29 14 33 5 20 morn 8 10 F i 5 5 24 10 19 0 14 30 14 13 6 10 1 5 8 11 2 7 3 5 26 10 22 0 14 30 13 54 7 4 2 13 li 12 3 7 2 5 27 10 25 0 14 29 13 34 8 2 3 19 II 13 4 7 1 5 28 10 28 0 14 27 13 14 9 3 4 21 cr~^ 14 5 6 59 5 30 10 31 0 14 25 12 53 10 4 5 12 Ho L5 6 6 58 5 31 10 33 0 14 22 12 33 11 3 5 54 a 16 7 6 56 5 32 10 35 0 14 18 12 12 11 59 rises. a 17 F 6 55 5 33 10 38 0 14 13 11 51 morn 6 8 in? np 18 2 6 54 £ t/ 35 10 41 0 14 8 11 30 0 53 7 28 19 3 6 52 5 36 10 44 0 14 2 11 8 1 45 8 50 20 4 6 51 5 37 10 47 0 13 56 10 47 2 36 10 9 21 5 6 49 5 39 10 50 0 13 49 10 25 3 28 11 28 m 22 6 6 47 5 40 10 53 0 13 41 10 3 4 21 morn IT] 23 7 6 46 5 41 10 55 0 13 32 9 41 5 16 0 44 m 24 F 6 44 5 42 10 58 0 13 23 9 19 6 12 1 56 i 25 2 6 43 5 44 il 1 0 13 14 8 57 7 8 2 58 t 26 3 6 41 5 45 11 4 0 13 4 8 34 8 3 3.51 V? 27 4 6 39 5 46 11 7 0 12 53 8 12 8 55 4 33 '\fr 28 5 6 38 5 48 11 10 0 12 42 7 49 9*4 i 5 6 [© eel. invisible. Purif. of B. Virgin. 4th Sun. after Epiph. [ § elong. 25° 27' W.l St. Agatha. d b 6 | [ d crosses eq. N. $ in per. [$^c5! b south 2h. 8m. eve. (1 dd 5th Sun. after Epiph. cf south 4h. 52m. eve. d dec. 27° 50' N. 9 south Oh. 49m. eve. St. Valentine, b south lh. 44m eve. ( d eel. visible. Septuagesima Sunday d crosses eq. S. [ § in aph. south 4h. 39m. eve. 9 inf. (5 O b south lh. 19m. eve. (St. Matthias. Scxagesima Sunday, d dec. 27° 49' S. c? south lh. 5m. eve. b south lh. 2m. eve. < 1878. MEMORANDA FOR FEBRUARY. 28 days.! 1 • Friday. 2 Saturday. 3 Sunday. 4 i i. Monday. / 1 i 1878. MEMORANDA FOR FEBRUARY. 7 : 5 i i • • Tuesday. 6 i 1 W ednesday. 7 Thursday. 8 1 Friday. • 9 Saturday. 10 Sunday. 11 Monday. 12 Tuesday. 13 Wednesday. 1 ! Thursday. 15 i • Friday. 16 Saturday. 8 MEMORANDA FOR FEBRUARY. 28 days. 1 17 Sunday. 18 Monday. 19 Tuesday. 20 1 Wednesday. 1 21 1 Thursday j | 22 Friday. ' | 23 Saturday. 24 Sunday. 25 i Monday. 26 Tuesday. 27 Wednesday. : 28 Thursday. 1878 . MARCH. New Moon 3d day lOh 31.6m E. First Quar. 11th day llh 14.8m E. Full Moon 18th day4h 20.9m E. Last Quar. 25th day Oh 3.7m E. K a 3 Sun rise sets day l’gth Sun south Sun dec’n r* / d sou. d r.& s. d Pi ASPECTS, AC. 1 6 u 6 111 36 li 5 111 49 11 Ui 13 li ill 0 12 D 13 7 26 10 ill 29 11 111 5 33 2 MV l 6 35 5 50 11 16 0 12 18 7 3 11 12 6 56 w 3 F 6 33 5 51 11 19 0 12 5 6 40 11 52 sets. X 4 2 6 31 5 &3 11 21 0 11 52 6 17 eve31 6 40 X 5 3 6 29 5 54 11 24 0 11 38 5 54 1 10 7 41 V 6 4 6 2S 5 55 11 27 0 11 24 5 31 1 50 8 44 T 7 5 6 26 5 56 11 30 Oil 10 5 8 2 32 9 48 V 8 6 6 24 5 58 11 33 0 10 55 4 43 3 16 10 54 8 9 7 6 23 5 59 11 36 0 10 40 4 21 4 4 morn 8 10 F 6 21 6 0 11 39 0 10 24 3 57 4 56 0 1 II 11 2 6 19 6 1 11 42 0 10 8 3 34 5 51 1 6 II 12 3 6 17 6 2 11 45 0 9 52 3 10 6 49 2 8 li 13 4 6 15 6 4 11 48 0 9 35 2 47 7 47 3 2 £3 14 5 6 14 6 5 11 51 0 9 18 2 23 8 45 3 46 03 15 6 6 12 6 6 11 54 0 9 1 1 59 9 41 4 23 a 16 7 6 10 6 7 11 57 0 8 44 1 36 10 35 4 54 a 17 F 6 9 6 8 12 0 0 8 26 1 12 11 28 5 20 k 18 2 6 7 6 10 12 3 0 8 8 0 48 morn rises. up 19 3 6 5 6 11 12 6 0 7 50 0 24 0 20 7 40 _r\. 20 4 6 3 6 12 12 9 0 7 32 s 1 1 13 9 2 21 5!6 1 6 13 12 12 0 7 14 N 23 2 7 10 22 22 6 5 59 6 14 12 15 0 6 56 0 47 3 4 11 39 in 23 7 5 58 6 16 12 18 0 6 37 1 10 4 1 morn 1 24 F 5 56 6 17 12 21 0 6 19 1 34 5 0 0 47 / 25 2 5 54 6 18 12 24 0 6 0 1 57 5 56 1 45 26 O u 5 52 6 19 12 27 0 5 42 2 21 6 50 2 31 27 4 5 51 6 20 12 30 0 5 24 2 44 7 41 3 8 28 5 5 49 6 21 12 33 0 5 5 3 8 8 27 3 38 29 6 5 47 6 23 12 36 0 4 47 3 31 9 10 4 1 30 7 5 45 6 24 12 39 0 4 29 3 55 9 51 4 21 X 31 F 5 43 6 25 12 42 0 4 10 4 18 10 31 4 40 X St. David. St. Chad. d ? (5 Quinquagesima— [Shrove Sun. [ d crosses eq. North. Ash Wednesday. [1st day of Lent. [Perpetua. «c?d Quadragesima— [1st Sunday in Lent. St. Gregory. [ d dec. 27 Q 45' N. IQhd south 4h 7m eve. (St. Patrick. 2d Sunday in Lent, d crosses eq. S. (begins. O enters ^ Spring St. Benedict. $ south 3h 57 m eve. ( d dec. 27° 41' south. 3d Sunday in Lent. Annunciation. (f south 3h 52m eve. d'Hd south 3h 50m eve. d ? 6 ? S r - bril [liancy. 4th Sunday in Lent. 11878. MEMORANDA FOR MARCH. 31 days. I 1 Friday. $ 2 Saturday. 1 3 Sunday. - 4 Monday. 5 Tuesday, 10 MEMORANDA F OR MARCH. _31 days. : 6 Wednesday. 7 Thursday. 8 Friday. • 9 Saturday. 10 Suuday. 11 Monday. 12 Tuesday. % 13 Wednesday. 11 Thursday. 15 1 Friday. 16 Saturday. 17 Sunday. 18 1 Monday. f— ~ 1 00 00 • MEMORANDA FOR MARCH. nj ; 19 Tuesday. l i / . - - - 20 Weduesday. 21 1 Thursday. 22 ! Friday. « 23 Saturday. 1 1 l J V | 1 21 Sunday. 20 : Monday. ! 26 i i i Tuesday. “V 27 i i i ! ! Wednesday. | 28 Thursday. 29 Friday. 30 Saturday. 31 I Sunday. 12 APRIL. 30 days. PHASES New Moon 2d day 4h 28.3m E. First Quar. 10th day lOh 8.9 M. OF THE MOON. Full Moon 17th day lh 11.4m M. Last Quar. 24th day 3h 47.2m M. Sun rise sets day | Sun Fgth: south Sun j d dec’nj sou. d & s. d Pi A8PECTS, &C. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 7 5 7 5 F 5 25 3 5 4 5 5 5 6 5 lb m b m h m h m s 0 / h m 42 6 26 12 45 0 3 52 4 41 11 10 40, 6 27 12 47 0 3 34 5 4 11 50 38! 6 28 12 50 0 3 16 5 27 eve31 36 1 6 30 12 53 0 2 59 5 50 1 15 34 6 31 12 56 0 2 41 6 13 2 2 33! 6 32 12 59 0 2 24 6 35 2 52 31 6 33 13 2 0 2 7 6 58 3 46 29; 6 34 13 5 0 1 50 7 20 4 42 28: 6 65 13 8 0 1 33 7 43 5 39 26: 6 36 13 11 0 1 17 8 5 6 35 24 6 38 13 14 0 1 0 8 27 7 30 22 6 39 13 17 0 0 44 8 49 8 22 21 6 40 13 19 0 0 29 9 11 9 14 19! 6 41 13 22 0 0 13 9 32 L0 5 18 6 42 13 25 11 59 58 9 54 10 57 16 6 43 13 28 11 59 44 10 15 11 50 14 6 45 13 31 11 59 30 10 36 morn 13 6 46 13 33 11 59 16 10 57 0 46 11 6 47 13 36 11 59 2 11 18 1 45 9 6 48 13 39 11 58 49 11 38 2 44 8 6 49 13 41 11 58 36 11 59 3 441 6 6 50 13 44 11 58 24 12 19 4 41 5 6 52 13 47 11 58 12 12 39 5 34 3 6 53 13 50 11 58 1 12 59 6 22 2 6 54 13 52 11 57 51 13 18 7 7 0 6 00 13 55 11 57 40 13 38 7 49 59 6 56 13 57 ill 57 31 13 57 8 29 57 6 57 14 0 111 57 21 14 6 9 9 56 6 58 14 3 11 57 13 114 34 9 48 54 7 0 14 5 i 11 57 5 14 53 10 29 h m 4 58 sets. 7 39 8 45 9 52 0 0 0 55 41 21 53 20 44 8 34 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 rises. 9 12 10 27 11 32 aorn 0 24 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 5 37 4 25 45 o 21 41 S X T' ¥ 8 8 8 II II a 1 a n up m m i i£= : 10 =’ X r d crosses eq. N. 1st, d h 6 0 in perihelion. d 06 cf south 3h 40m eve. (dc?6 5th Sunday in Lent, d dec. 27° 34' N. $ south 9h 17m morn, cf south 3h 34m eve. j 1/ south 7h 9m morn.' Q so. lOh 25m morn, j ( d crosses eq. S. Palm Sunday. $ elong. 19° 40' E. cf south 3h 27m eve. 1/ south 6h 44m morn. (St. Alphege. Good Friday, d dec. 27° 29' south. Easter Sunday. cf south 3h 20m eve. St. George. di/6 <©T/n St. Mark. 9 in H 0 sta. (d ? 6 Low Sunday. [ d crosses eqna. N. [d Q 6 1878. MEMORANDA FOR APRIL. 30 days, 1 Monday. 2 Tuesday. 3 Wednesday. 4 Thursday. 1878. MEMORANDA FOR APRIL. 13 5 Friday. 6 Saturday. • 7 Sunday. 8 Monday. 9 Tuesday. • 10 Wednesday. 11 Thursday. 12 Friday. 13 Saturday. 14 Sunday. • 15 Monday. 16 Tuesday. 17 Wednesday. 14 MEMORANDA FOR APRIL. 30 day8. 18 i I Thursday. i 19 l 1 Friday. • ■ 20 i | 0 Saturday. - i | 21 Sunday. ; 09 2 1 Monday. - . J 23 Tuesday. i 24 i Wednesday. 25 Thursday. ; 26 Friday. 27 Saturday. 28 l Sunday. • / 29 Monday. /. • 30 Tuesday. 1878. MAY. 15 PHASES OF THE MOON. New Moon 2nd day 8h 4.4m M. Full Moon 16th day 9h 45.3m M. First Quar. 9th day 5h 46.5m E. Last Quar. 23d day Sh 55.7m E. New Moon 31 day 9h 2.0m E. e a Sun day Sun Sun d d d 3 rise set 3l* gtt L south dec'i 1 sou r. & s .pi h m h m h m h m s O ' m , h m S 1 4 4 53 7 1 1 14 8 11 56 57 15 11 .11 12 I 4 2 8 2 5 4 52 7 2 [14 10 11 56 50 15 29 11 58 'sets. 8 3 6 4 50 7 3 [14 13 11 56 44 15 47 |eve48 8 49 8 4 1 4 49 7 4 14 15 11 56 38 16 4 1 41 9 53 II 5 F 4 48 7 6 14 18 11 56 32 16 21 2 37 10 51 II 6 2 4 46 7 7 14 20 11 56 25 16 37 3 34 ill 40 7 3 4 45 7 8 14 23 11 56 23 16 55 4 30 morn EZo 8 4 4 44 7 9 14 25 11 56 19 17 11 5 24 0 20 a 9 5 4 42 7 10 14 28 11 56 16 17 27 6 17 0 54 a 10 6 4 41 7 11 14 30 11 56 14 17 43 7 7 1 21 a ill 7 4 40 7 12 14 32 11 56 12 17 58 7 56 1 46 hi 12 F 4 39 7 13 14 34 11 56 10 18 13 8 46 2 9 nr 13 2 4, ,38 7 U 14 36 11 56 9 18 28 9 36 2 33 14 3 4 37 7 lo 14 38 11 56 9 18 43 10 30 2 58 15 4 4 36 7 16 14 40 11 56 9 18 57111 27 3 28 m 116 5 4 35 7 18 14 43 11 56 10 19 11 morn rises. m 17 6 4 34 7 19 14 45 11 56 11 19 25 0 26 9 12 18 7 4 33 7 20 14 47 11 56 13 19 38 1 27 10 12 i 19 F 4 32 7 21 14 49 11 56 15 19 51 2 26 10 59 v> 120 2 4 31 7 22 14 51 11 56 18 20 3 3 2211 35 21 3 4 30 7 23 14 52 11 56 22 20 15 4 14 morn 22 4 4 29 7 24 14 54 11 56 2o 20 27 5 1 0 5 '23 5 4 28 7 25 14 56 11 56 30 20 39 5 45 0 28 V'*'* 24 6 4 28 7 26 14 58 11 56 36 20 50 6 26 0 49! X 25 r- / 4 27 7 27 15 0 11 56 42 21 1 7 7 1 7 X 26 F 4 26 7 28 15 2 11 56 48 21-11 7 45 1 26 T 27 2 4 25 7 29 15 4 11 56 54 21 21 8 25 1 45 C P 28 3 4 24 7 30 15 5 11 57 l| 21 30 9< 7 2 5 29 4 4 24 7 30 15 6 11 57 9 21 41 9 52 2 29 8 30 5 4 23 7 3115 8: 11 57 17 21 50 10 41 2 57 8 :31 6 4 23 7 3215 9i 11 57 26 21 58| 11 34 sets. III ASPECTS, &C. St. Phil. & St. James. 9 gr. elong. 46° 7' W. Inv. of the Cross. [d $6 2nd Sun. aft. Easter. John Evangelist. [ d dec. 27° 22' North. 6th, Transit of Q 6th, 9 >2 6 c? south 2h 59m. eve. [ d crosses eq. South. 3d Sun. after Easter. 9 south 9h 3m morn, south 5h 6m morn, south 8h 31m morn. 090 $ in aphelion. (St. Dunstan. 4th Sun. aft. Easter, [d dec. 27° 19'South. 'll south 4h 40m morn i 25th, 'll stationary. ( d crosses eq. North. (St. Austin. Rogation Sunday. . . L 6 d 9 6 (9 iu aph. d 5 6 Ascension Day— [Holy Thursday. 1878. MUMORANDA FOR MAY. 31 days. 1 Wednesday. 2 Thursday j 3 Friday. 4 Saturday. 5 Sunday. 16 MEMORANDA FOR MAY. 31 days. 6 Monday. 7 Tuesday. 8 Wednesday. i 9 Thursday. 10 Friday. -. ft 11 Saturday. 12 Sunday. 13 Monday. 14 Tuesday. 15 Wednesday. • 16 Thursday. ✓ 17 Friday. • 18 Saturday. 1878. MEMORANDA FOR MAY. 17 | 19 Sunday. * 20 Monday. 21 Tuesday. 22 Wednesday. 23 Thursday. 24 Friday. 25 Saturday. 26 Sunday. 27 Monday. 28 Tuesday. 29 Wednesday. J - 1 30 Thursday. 3i Friday. 18 JUNE. 30 days* PHASES OF THE MOON. First Quar. 7th day llh 8.7m E. Full Moon 14th day 7h 5.1m E. W { j Sun day Sun j Sun d d d 2 | ^ Irise sets l’gth south jdec’n sou. r. & s. pl Last Quar. 22d day 2h 29.1m E. New Moon 30th day 7h 44.8m M. A8PECT3, &C. 1 2 3 4 5 6i 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS ;i9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 ;28 29 30 7 F 2 3 o 6 w 1 F 2 3 4 h m,h m h m h m s ,° 4 22 4 22 4 22 4 21 7 33 15 10 11 57 35 22 6 7 33 15 12 7 34 15 13 7 35 15 14 h m h m 0 30 8 44 1 28 9 11 57 44 22 14 11 57 54 22 22 11 58 4:22 29 4 4 21 7 36 15 lo'll 58 14 22 36 4 21 7 36 15 16 11 58 25 22 42 5 4 11 50 4 20:7 3715 17 11 58 36 22 4S 5 53 morn 4 20:7 38 15 1811 58 47 : 22 53 4 2017 3b 15 19 11 58 59 22 58 4 19,7 39 15 20 11 59 11 23 3 4 19-7 39 15 20'll 59 23 23 7 __ 4 19'7 40 15 21 11 59 35 23 11 10 12 1 59 15 21 11 59 47 23 14 11 12 2 38 oi 2 25 10 20 3 21 10 56 4 14 11 25 6 41 0 13 7 30 0 36 8 21 1 0 9 15 1 27 II a a ! v gr. heli. lat. S. so. 3h. 36m. morn. 5 4 19 7 40 7 41 7 41 7 42 6 4 19 7 4 19 F 4 19 2 4 19 7 42 3 4 19 7 43 4 4 19 7 43 5 4 19 7 43 6 4 20 7 43 7 4 20 7 43 F 4 20 7 44 2 4 21 7 44 3 4 21 7 4415 23 15 22 15 22 15 22 15 23 15 23 15 23 15 23 15 23 15 23 15 23 15 23 0 0 0123 17 morn rises. 0 0 12123 20 0 11 8 50 4 4 21 7 44 5 4 22 7 44 6 4 22 7 44 7 4 22 7 44 F 4 23 7 44 15 23 15 22 15 22 15 21 15 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HI ttl m i x 0 25 23 22 1 9 9 31 10= 0 38 ! 23 24 2 3 10 4 0 51 23 26 2 53 10 30 1 4 23 27 3 39 10 52 1 16 23 27. 4 21 11 11 1 29 23 27 5 2 11 29 1 42 23 27 5 41 11 48 1 55 23 26 6 21 morn 7 2 2 21 23 24 7 45 2 34 23 22 8 32 2 46 23 20, 9 23 2 59 23 17 10 IS 3 11 23 14 11 16 3 23 23 11 evel5 0 8 0 30 0 56 1 28 2 10 sets. 8 16 ; Xicomede. [Sunday after Ascen. 1st, d dec. 27° 16' N. 1 [G cT 6 \ i St. Boniface. > r 7X X X c f T 8 i 8 i| ll ! II 1 d crosses eq. S. Pentecost— [Whitsunday. St. Barnabas. $ south 9h. 8m. morn I south 2h. 17m. eve. d dec, 27° 16' S. 1 1 south 6h 37m morn Trinity Sunday. I St. Alban. K % 6 21st, d crosses eq. N. Corpus Christi O ent. T2 Summer [begins. 1st S. after Trinity", j St. John Baptist. 23d, (ih 6 [Ohn heli. lat. N. C $6 (d dec. 27° 17'N. i St. Peter. d $ 6 2nd S. after Trinity. ■ 1878. MEMORANDA FOR JUNE. 30 days. 1 Saturday. 2 Sunday. 3 Monday. 4 Tuesday. * 1878. MEMORANDA FOR JUNE. 19 5 Wednesday, 6 Thursday. 7 Friday. 8 Saturday. 9 Sunday. 10 Monday. — 11 Tuesday. ■ 12 Wednesday. 13 Thursday. 9 14 Friday. # 15 Saturday. 16 Sunday. 17 Monday. _ - 20 MEMORANDA FOR JUNE. 30 days.! 18 Tuesday. 1 - 19 Wednesday. 20 Thursday. 21 Friday. 22 Saturday. 23 Sunday. 24 Monday. 25 Tuesday. 26 Wednesday. 27 Thursday. 28 Friday. 29 Saturday. 30 Sunday. ■1878. JUJLiY. 21 j PHASES OF First Quar. 7th day 3h 34.1m M. Full Moon 14th day 6h 8.8m M. THE MOON. Last Quar. 22d day 7b 30.0m M. New Moon 29th day 4h 54.4m E. a a 3? Sun rise sets day l ? gth Sun south Sun dec’n d sou. d r. & s. d Pi ASPECTS, &C. 1 2 h m h nil h m 4 2317 4415 20 h m s 0 3 35 O / 23 6 h m 1 13 h m 8 55 L® - ° 1(7) in apogee. 2 3 4 24i7 4315 19 0 3 46 23 2 2 8 9 27 a Yis. Virgin Mary. 3 4 4 2517 43 15 19 0 3 57 22 57 3 0 9 54 a 9 sup. <30 [d cf 6 4 5 4 25 7 43 15 18 0 4 8 22 52 3 50 10 18 M Independence, 1776. 5 6 4 26 7 43 15 17 0 4 19 22 47 4 39 10 41 ns d crosses eq. South. 6 7 4 26 7 43 15 16 0 4 29122 41 5 26 11 5 2f. south lh 32m morn. 7 F 4 27 7 42 15 15 0 4 39 22 34 6 IS 11 30 3d S. aft. Trinity. 8 2 4 28 7 42 15 14 0 4 48 22 27 7 10 morn m cf south lh 44m eve. 9 3 4 28 7 41 15 13 0 4 57 22 20 8 5 0 0 m 9 south 9h 27m morn. 10 4 4 29 7 41 15 12 05 6 22 13 9 2 0 35 i $ gr. heli. lat. N. 11 5 4 30 7 41 15 11 0 5 14 22 5 10 1 1 20 X >2 south 4h 57m morn. 12 6 4 31 7 40 15 9 0 5 22 21 57 10 58 2 14 X d dec. 27° 18' South. 13 7 4 31 7 39 15 8 0 5 29 21 48 11 53 3 16 v> south lh lm morn. 14 F 4 32 7 39 15 6 0 5 36 21 39 morn rises. y> 4th S. after Trinity. 15 2 4 33 7 38 15 5 0 5 42 21 30 0 45 8 31 St. Swithin. 16 3 4 34 7 38 15 4 0 5 48 21 20 1 32 8 55 17 4 4 35 7 37 15 2 0 5 53 21 10 2 16 9 15 X 15th, 1 1 stationary. 18 5 4 36 7 36 15 0 0 5 57 20 59 2 57 9 34 X 20th, d h 6 19 6 4 37 7 35 14 59 0 6 1 20 48 3 37 9 52 X d crosses eq. North. 20 7 4 38 7 34 14 57 0 6 5 20 37 4 17 10 11 c f St. Margaret. 21 F 4 39 7 34 14 55 0 6 8 20 26 4 56 10 32 op 5th S. aft. Trinity. 22 2 4 40 7 33 14 53 0 6 11 20 14 5 39 10 55 8 'll south Oh 16m morn. 23 3 4 41 i7 32 14 51 0 6 13 20 2 6 24 11 25 8 25th, 24 4 4 42 7 31 14 49 0 6 14 19 49 7 12 morn 8 26th, d dec. 27° 20' N. 25 5 4 4317 30 14 47 0 6 15 19 36 8 5 0 1 ll St. James, Dog Days 26 6 4 4417 29 14 45 0 6 16 19 23 9 1 0 4S II [begin. 27 4 4 45! 7 28 14 43 0 6 15 19 10 9 59 1 46 S3 d 96 28 F 4 46 7 27 14 41 0 6 14 18 56 10 58 2 55 Log Lays end. 6 6 5 29 6 27 12 58 11 58 12 6 20 8 36 0 5 1/. south 8h 56m eve. 7 7 5 30 6 25 12 55 11 57 52 5 57 9 25 1 12 **♦ 'm d^-6 0 cT cS 8 F 5 32 6 23 12 52 11 57 31 5 35 10 10 2 19 w 12th S. after Trinity. 9 2 5 33 6 22 12 49 11 57 11 5 12 10 53 3 25 >*«•*. Nativ. of B.V. Mary. 10 3 5 34 6 20 12 46 11 56 50 4 49 11 33 4 29 X [ 0 inf- 6Q 11 4 5 35 6 18 12 43 11 56 29 4 26 morn rises. X d crosses eq. N. 12 5 5 36 6 16 12 40 11 56 8 4 3 0 13 6 22 dhd 13 6 5 37 6 14 12 37 11 55 47 3 40 0 52 6 41 T Q so. Oh 32m morn. 14 7 5 38 6 13 12 34 11 55 26 3 17 1 33 7 3 op Holy Cross. 15 F’ 5 39 6 11 12 31 11 55 5 2 54 2 15 7 28 8 13th S. after Trinity. 16 2 5 41 6 9 12 28 11 54 43 2 31 3 0 7 58 8 1/. south 8h 15m. eve. 17 3 5 42 6 7 12 25 11 54 22 2 8 3 48 8 35 II St. Lambert. 18 4 5 43 6 5 12 22 1154 1 1 45 4 39 9 21 II Odd 19 5 5 44 6 3 12 19 11 53 40 1 22 5 33 10 IS II d dec. 27° 11' N. 20 6 5 45 6 2 12 16 11 53 19 0 58 6 29 11 24 in perihelion. 21 7 5 46 6 0 12 14 11 52 58 0 35 7 24 morn 23 St. Matthew. 22 F 7 5 47 5 58 12 11 11 52 37 N 11 8 20 0 36 ft 14th S. after Trinity. 23 2 5 48 5 56 12 8 11 52 10 S 12 9 13 1 54 a [0 enters Autumn 24 3 5 50 5 54 12 5lll 5155 0 35 10 6 3 13 «ji OQ 8 [begins. 25 4 5 51 5 53 12 2 11 t>l 35 0 59 10 58 4 33 d crosses eq. South. !26 5 5 52 5 51 11 59 11 51 15 1 22 11 50 sets. ~r \_ St. Cyprian. 2 r 6 5 53 5 49 11 56 11 50 54 1 46 eve44 6 2 [d h 40 11 42111 49 17 0 5 38 11 39 11 48 59 1 5 3711 36111 48 41 2 5 35 11 33 11 48 23 5 3311 30 11 48 5 6 4 5 31 11 27 11 47 48 5 5 3011 24 11 47 31 7 5 28 11 211 ] 47 15 8;5 2611 1811 46 59 9 5 24'H 15 6 10 5 2311 13 6 11 5 21,11 10 6 13 5 2011 7 6 14 5 1811 4 6 15 5 16'H 1 6 16|5 15|10 58 6 17 5 1310 56 5 11:10 53 5 10 10 50 6 19 6 20 6 21 6 22 5 6 24 5 6 2515 6 2615 6 28j5 i 6 29 4 59 6 30 4 58 8 7 5, 10 47 10 44 10 41 10 39 10 36 10 33 10 30 10 28 6 31 4 56 10 25 -,6 32a 55 5:6 341 54 10 23 10 20 11 46 43 11 46 29 11 46 14 11 46 0 11 45 47 11 45 34 11 15 22 11 45 11 11 45 0 11 44 49 11 44 40 11 44 31 11 11 11 44 23 11 32 11 44 15;11 53 11 44 812 14 11 44 2:12 34 39 37 32 3 19 3 42 4 6 29 52 15 38 1 2410 52 4 5 6 7 22 morn'[A: 8 ‘ 8 51/ 9 56 V): 11 3 ^ 8 52 9 33 10 13 6 46 11 32 7 9morn 7 32 0 14 7 54 8 17 8 39 9 1 9 23 9 45 10 7 10 28 10 50 0 58 1 2 3 4 5 45 35 28 22 16 11 43 57 11 43 53 11 43 49 11 43 46 11 43 43 14 14 12 55 13 15 13 35 13 55 6 10 7 2 7 53 8 43 9 34 10 27 11 22 eve20 1 21 2 23 3 25 4 23 5 16 0 11 |- 1 17,~ 2 21JK 3 24 X 25 >£ 26 HP rises. | op 5 33; y 4 5 6 6 1 37 18 II II 8 11 9 12 10 20 11 24'a morn '£1 0 49 a 2 5 m 3 23 tlTj 4 43 sets. 5 3 1T| 47 40 42 8 50 9 59 ir, d dec. 27° 6' South. 7j south 7h 12m eve. b south llh 8m eve. 23d S. alter Trinity. St. Catharine. [d dec. 26° 44' South. 11 south 3u. 58m. eve. d'Ud (fq stationary. St. Andrew. 1878. MEMORANDA FOR NOVEMBER. 30 days. 1 Friday.. 2 Saturday. 3 Sunday. • 4 Monday. I 1 34 MEMORANDA FOR NOVEMBER. 30 days. 1 5 Tuesday. 8 W ednesday. 7 Thursday. 8 Friday. • 9 Saturday. f 10 Sunday* 11 Monday. 12 Tuesday. 13 Wednesday. ' 14 Thursday. 15 Friday. . 1 18 Saturday. 17 Sunday. 1 j 1878. MEMORANDA FOR NOVEMBER. 35 18 Monday. 19 Tuesday. 20 Wednesday. 21 Thursday. i 22 Friday. 23 Saturday. 24 Sunday. 25 Monday. 26 Tuesday. 27 Wednesday. 28 Thursday. 29 Friday. * \ • i 30 Saturday. * -—— - --- — ■- 36 DECEMBER. 31 days First Quar. 1st day llh 51.8m M. Full ‘Moon 9th day 3h 3.9m E. PHASES OP THE MOON. 16th day lOh 17.4m E. 23d day 4h 38.3m E. First Quar. 3lst day 9h 11.2 M. Last Quar. New Moon Sun rise sets day Sun Sun d d d l’gth south dec’n sou. r. &s. Pi ASPECT8, AC. h m l h m i h m | h m s i° / h m 1 F 7 12 4 26 9 14 11 49 19 21 53 6 8 2 2 7 14 4 26 9 12 11 49 42 22 2 6 48 3 3 7 15 4 26 9 11 11 50 6 22 10 7 28 4 4 7 16 4 26 9 10 11 50 30 22 18 8 9 5 5 7 17 4 25 9 8 11 50 55 22 26 8 51 6 6 7 18 4 25 9 7 11 51 20 22 33 9 37 7 7 7 19 4 25 9 6 11 51 46 22 40 10 25 8 F 7 20 4 25 9 5 11 52 12 22 46 11 17 9 2 7 21 4 25 9 4 11 52 39 22 52 morn 10 3 7 21 4 25 9 4 11 53 6 22 58 0 11 11 4 7 22 4 25 9 3 11 53 34 23 2 1 7 12 5 7 23 4 25 9 2 1154 2 23 7 2 1 13 6 7 24 4 25 9 1 11 54 30 23 11 2 54 14 7 7 25 4 25 9 0 11 54 59 23 15 3 44 15 F 7 25 4 26 9 o 11 55 28 23 18 4 33 16 2 7 26 4 26 9 0 11 55 57 23 21 5 21 17 3 7 27 4 26 8 59 11 56 26 23 23 6 9 18 4 7 28 4 27 8 59 11 56 56 23 25 6 58 19 5 7 28 4 27 8 59 11 57 26 23 26 7 50 20 6!7 29 4 28 8 59 11 57 56 23 27 8 45 21 7 7 29 4 28 8 59 11 58 26 23 27 9 44 22 F 7 30 4 29 8 59 11 58 56 23 27 10 46 23 2 7 30 4 29 8 59 11 59 26 23 27 11 48 24 3 7 30 4 30 8 59 11 59 56 23 26 eve47 25 4 7 31 4 30 8 59 0 0 26 23 24 1 43 26 5 7 31 4 31 9 0 0 0 56 23 22 2 33 27 6 7 31 4 31 9 0 0 126 23 20 3 19 28 7 7 31 4 32 9 0 0 1 55 23 17 4 2 29 F\ 7 32 4 33 9 1 0 2 25 23 13 4 43 30 2 7 32 4 33 9 1 0 2 54 23 9 5 241 31 3 7 32 4 341 9 2 0 3 23, 23 5 6 4| h m morn 7 9 10 12 15 20 Si X X T- T T 8 8 3 4 5 6 24,11 rises. II 4 59 11 4Z3| 14 23 : 27.a : 4oial 52 III 6 7 8 9 10 morn 0 1 2 3 5 6 sets. 5 7 HB 6|^ 21 ^ 34 IT} 55 111 14 J 27 l f \/> 29 40 ~ 48 r; 63. K 56 X 57.1 X ; morale I 8 9' 10 Advent Sunday, d crosses eq. North. dh6 \l 6outh 6h 55m eve. $ sup. (5 Q St. Nicholas. [? in U 2d Sunday in Advent, d dec. 26° 42' N. 9th Ijl stationary, cf south 9h 53m morn 1 1 south 3h lO.ui eve. >2 south 6h 20m eve. cfsouth 9h 51m morn. 3d Sunday in Advent, d crosses eq South. [ § stationary. Oh □ (begins. 22nd © ent. Winter St. Thomas. 4th Sunday in Advent. [ d dec. 26° 43' South. d ? 6 d 0 6 Christmas. [ $ 9 St. Stephen d ^ John, Evangelist. Innocents. Sun. aft. Christmas, [ d crosses eq. North. _ ld_h_6 6 6 1878. MEMORANDA FOR DECEMBER. 31 days 1 Sunday. 2 Monday. 3 Tuesday. 4 Wednesday. o Thursday. - 1878. MEMORANDA FOR DECEMBER. 37 6 Friday. 7 Saturday. 8 Sunday. ! 9 Monday. 10 Tuesday. ■ 11 Wednesday. 12 Thursday. ' 13 Friday. 14 Saturday. • 15 Sunday. 16 Monday. 17 Tuesday. I 18 Wednesday. i 38 MEMORANDA FOR DECEMBER. 31 days. 19 Thursday. > 20 Friday. / 21 Saturday. 22 Suuday. 23 Monday. 24 Tuesday. 25 Wednesday. 26 Thursday. i 27 Friday. - - 28 Saturday. 29 Sunday. 30 Monday. 31 Tuesday. - BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 39 BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF TOWNS, AlpKabe tic ally AiraregecL. PRELIMINARY INFORMATION. 1. The names of all the Towns and all the Post Offices in the State, except those which have North, East, South, West or Center prefixed to the names of the towns of which they are a part, are here alphabet¬ ically arranged, 2. For villages above excepted, look under the name of the town, but East Kingston, North Hampton, South Hampton and South New¬ market are towns . 3. After the name of each town, you find the name of the county in which it is located, the population in 1870, the direction and distance! from Concord and from the Shire town of the county, the wayofreach J ing it by rail, the town officers and justices and the professional and business men arranged under different heads, as nearly alphabetical as is convenient, some regard being had to economy of space. 4. Merchants are supposed to keep a general assortment, and physi¬ cians to be “ old school” unless otherwise specified. 5. Notice that Banks of all sorts, as well as Insurance Companies and Newspapers, are given in tables by themselves, (see Index) and are, therefore, not retained in their former places here. 6. All these items are referred every year, usually between Aug. 1, and Dec. 1, to the Town Clerks and the Postmasters of the several towns and villages for correction. 7. We earnestly solicit corrections from all other persons who may notice things which they know to be errors. Guess work is of no value to us. Our thanks are here rendered for help in response to this note for the present issue. 8. Do not expect to find this Directory absolutely correct all the year round, but use it as a reasonable person and you will find it very- valuable. 9. Also Town Officers, the names are given of those who were elect¬ ed in March 1877—and may or may not be correct after March 1878. according as officers are re-elected or deposed. AC WORTH SULLIVAN— Pop., 1050. W. from C. 50; S. from Newport, 14. R. R. S.— Charlestown, 8 miles, on Sullivan R. R., and Newport, on C. and C. R. R.; stage Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur¬ days to Charlestown ; daily stage from So. Ac worth to Newport, also to Bellows Falls, Vt. OFFICERS— Clerk, William Brooks; Treas ., John Graham ; Select¬ men, H. N. Hayward, G. H. Crosset, H. A. Moore ; Nwp£.,Carl A. Allen. Postmasters— Wm. Brooks ; East, Mrs. R. Buss ; South, D. C. George Justices —J. A. Wood, J. H. Dickey, J. B. Richardson, C. K. Brooks, Geo. A. Tyrrell, State; J. M. Reed, II. N. Hayward, Geo. Bailey, Wm. Brooks, J. H. Clark, J. N. Davis, H. T. Moore. Church —Cong., B. Labaree (from Charlestown). Manufacturers —boots and shoes, Acworth Boot and Shoe Co.; East, handles, boxes and lumber, J. M. Reed; lumber, J. H. Boynton, Kemp Brothers. 40 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Mechanics —blacksmiths, Asa Dodge, M. P. Thornton; carpenters. Daniel Warner, Wm. Hilliard; cooper, 0. R. Kemp; mason, Geo. E. ilfo w. Merchants— William Brooks; auctioneer, A. S Finley. Sou t El— R. R. S. —Cold River, on Cheshire R. R., 11 m. Churches —-Bap.,-; Meth., Geo. A. Tyrrell. Manufacturers —clothespins, handles, Ac., Hawkins & Brackett; lumber, N. Adams, F. F. Hawkins & Son; meal and lumber, J. S. Morrison & Son; mica and minerals, J. S. Bowers; patent road-scrap¬ ers, J. Leavitt Me Keen ; shoe pegs, C. B. Cummings & Son ; tin ware and sap bucket covers, T. B. Hayward; woolens, N. Adams. Mechanics — blacksmiths, J. C. Huntley; Cushing & Watkins: carpenters, Adna Keyes, Julius Crossett, Justin Crossett, Albert Bowen, J. L. Me Keen ; jeweler, H. L. Sillsby; harness maker, 0. Wood ; painter, J. Tyler Clark ; shoemaker, J. Gleason. Merchants—J. F. Richardson, D. C. George ; auctioneer, J. A. Wood; millinery, Mrs. T. B. Hayward. Physician —Carl A. Allen. , ALBANY, CARROLL— Pop., 340. N. E. from C., 74; N. from Ossipee, 27. R. R. S. —Conway. 2 m., Madison, 6 m.. and West Ossipee, 8 m., on Eastern R. R. Tri-weekly stage to West Ossipee. OFFICERS— Clerk, Thurston Smith; Treas., Samuel Littlefield, jr. J Selectmen, J. M. Shackford, A. Blackey, J. L. Harriman; Supt., B. S. Kent. Postmaster— Chocorua, J. X. Piper. Church —F. Bap., T. Brown. ; Justices —J. R. Parish, B. S Kent, G. W. Purington. Manufacturers —lumber, J Douglass, Allen & Warren, A. Moulton, I. S. & S. A. Brown. Mechanics —blacksmith, J. M. Shackford ; carpenters, J. R. Parish, H. E. Eastman, D. T. Drake, S. T. Drake, J. N. Piper; coopers, T. & N. Brown ; shoemakers, J. Hanson, Nathaniel Willey. ALEXANDRI A, GRA FTON— Pop., 877. N. E. from C., 34; S. W. from Plymouth, 12. R. R. S. —Bristol, on Bristol Branch R. R. Daily stage. OFFICERS— Clerk , 0. S. Gale; Treas., E. IT. Bullock; Selectmen , L. L. Thomas, John F. Phillips, Warren Tucker; Supt., Mrs. C. A. Bullock. Postmaster —Horace Saunders. Exp. Agt. — L. L. Ballou. Justices —James Crawford, H. J. Weltou, State; S. G. Akerman, Harvey Locke, S. B. Sleeper, W. F. Simonds, 0. S. Gale, A. F. Cheney, D. B. Plumer, D. E. Wells. Church —Union, F. Carson. Merchant —Horace Saunders. Manufacturers —bobbin wood, Martin Pray; lumber, S. S. Patten, T. T. Drake, John P. Berry, E. T. Hutchins, W. II. Sanborn, J. W. Saunders. Mechanics —blacksmith, Luke Gale; carpenters, Harvey Locke, John Patten. H. J. Wei ton, S. Kirk. AL.I.EXSTOWX, MERRtMACK—V op., 804. S. E. from C. 7. R. R. S. —Allenstown, on Suncook Valley R. R. OFFICERS— KAerk and Treas., C. F. Hildreth; Selectmen, E. Locke, W. D. Marvin, A. P. Fernald ; Supt., H. II. Hartwell. Postmaster —B. J. Kendall. Tel. Agent —C. H. Noyes. Justices —Wm. Haseltine, C. F. P. llildreth, II. II. Hartwell, State'; S. B. Cofran, C. B. Hildreth, II. B. Emery. Churches —Meth., H. H. Hartwell; R. Cath., N. Hardy. Eating House —B. B. Bartlett. Physician —C. F. P. Hildreth. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 41; Exp. Agt’s —Harvey Dennison, Frank Noyes. Lawyers —John B. Hazelton, C. B. Hildreth. Manufacturers —brick, P. & W. Sargent, Jahez Green; cottons, China Marnifg. Co., D. Jewell, Ag’t; lumber, A. N. Osgood ; lumber and wood, Samuel B. Cofran. Mechanics —carpenters, R. Brown, K. D. Stuart, F. Batchelder; mason, A. J. Glover; painters, John Littlefield, Eugene V. Fife; printer, 0. S. Eastman. Merchants — H. Ford & Co.; books and stationery, C. H. Noyes; boots and shoes, Joseph Lacasse ; drugs and medicines, C. F. Hildreth ; furniture, stoves and tinware, C. P. Morse; gent’s furnishing goods, A. B. Sanboru & Co.; groceries, J. Sawyer; hardware, David Ilayes. ALSTLAD, CHESHIRE— Pop., 1213. S. W. from C., 56 ;‘ N. from Keene, 16. R. R. S. —Cold River, on Cheshire R. R. OFFICERS— Clerk, C. S. Egerton ; Treas., E. A. Huntley; Selectmen, E. A. Huntley, Geo. A. Mayo, F. J. Chandler; Supts ., Geo. A. Mayo, C. S. Egerton ; Agent , P. P. Banks. Postmasters—A. R. Emerson; Centre, S. G. Shepard; East, S. M. Kidder. Justices —Ansel Glover, Bolivar Lovell, Aiken Gilmore, Geo. Davis. State; Whitney Breed, T. Tufts, C. E. Cooke, J. A. Brown, G. A. Mayo. Churches— Cong., Geo. F. Chapin ; Univ.,-; East, Cong., G. B. Richardson. Exp. Ag’t—F. P. Huntley. Hotel—Humphrey House, F. J. Burge. Lawyers —Bolivar Lovell, George Davis. Livery Stables —F. J Burge, S. G. Anderson. Manufacturers —edge tools, G. A. Brooks; flour and meal, John D. Holmes; iron ware, plows, OVER, MERRIMACK— Pop., 1352. N. W. from C., 22. R. R. S. —West Andover, Potter Place, Andover Centre and East An¬ dover, on Northern R. R. OFFICERS— Clerk, Geo. II. Morrill; Treas., John Graves ; Selectmen, John F. Emerson, John Graves, Walter B. Durgin; Supt., Alva H. Morrill. Postmasters— West, W. E. Melendy; East, C. G. Pevare. Justices —J. M. Shirley, John Proctor, II. M. Putney, J. P. Carr, J.F. Emery, J. W. Keniston, Wm. E. Melendy, E. G. Emery, State ; Samuel Morrill, James Scales, H. F. French, J. D. Philbrick, Clark Durgin, S. M. Ellis, C. G. Pevare, E. C. Cilley, Geo. H. Morrill, C. E. Carr, F. W. Proctor, Geo. Carr, A. C. Fifield, H. W. Kilburn, R. J. Stearns. Churches— East , Cong., Howard Moody ; F. Bap., G. H. Pinkham. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 43 Ex. & Tel. Ag’ts — West, W. S. Wetherbee ; East , F. P. Morse. Manufacturers —boxes, Cilleysville, S. G. Kimball ; hosiery, East: H. M. Busiel, Shepard & Messer; hubs, Cilleysville , G. J. White ; East, j lasts, John Wadleigh; Cilleysville , lumber, Carr & Downes; Cilleys¬ ville, paper, Kearsarge Paper Co. Mechanics —blacksmiths, Cilleysville , E. C. Cilley, E. B. Hibbard ; East , Yeaton & Son; carpenter, East,J. B. Wadleigh; coopers, East, jWilliam Annis, E. G. Chase; dress maker, West, Mrs. R. N. Messer:, painters, W. H. Grey ; (carriage and sign) Cilleysville , J. F. Kenerson ; (house) East, J.H. Durgin; stone cutter, East, Jona Cilley; wheel¬ wrights, Cilleysville, W. L. Perkins ; East, Judkins & Emery. Merchants — West, J. E. Babbitt; Cilleysville, John Proctor, J. F. Emery, Agent; East, C. G. Pevare, C. W. Cole ; auctioneer, Cilleysville, G. J. White; drugs and medicines, C. W. Bartlett; groceries, patent medicines, &c.. East, Clark Durgin; millinery, Mrs. C. W. Cole ; West, Mrs. Mary Wetherbee. Physician —H. A. Weyworth. Center— Postmaster —W. S. Quimby. Church —Christian, A. H. Martin. Lawyer —John M. Shirley. Hotel & Livery stable —John Proctor, J. S. Thompson, Agent. Literary Institution —Proctor Academy, A. H. Morrill, prin. Manufacturers —clothes driers, Samuel Morrill ; hames and saddle trees, Baker, Carr & Co.; pegs, Kearsarge Shoe Peg Co., Morgan & Foster. Mechanics —carpenter, W. D. Woodbury; masons, D. M. Davis, Benj. Merrill, C. C. Moulton; photographer, J. R. Foster ; stone cut¬ ter, John Buswell. Merchants —Quimby & Keniston; fish and oysters, C. H. Merrill; stoves and tin ware, J. H. Brown ; meat, Andrew C. Fifield. Potter Place—Postmaster— William Gordon. Ex. & Tel. Agent— F. P. Goss. Merchant —C. W. Cole. Manufacturers— welding composition, U. S. Welding Composition Co. Hotel & Livery Stable —John C. Morrison. Mechanics —blacksmith, Jesse Baker; dress maker, Mr3. Barney hair dresser, E. G. P. Emerson; harness maker, M. R. Gregg. ANTROl, HILLSBOROUGH— Pop., 1046; S. W. from C., 30: Amherst 22, Manchester 30, Nashua 33. R. R. S .—Hillsborough Bridge, on Contoocook Valley R. R. Greenfield, 8 m., on Nashua and Wilton R. R. Stages to Hillsborough Bridge and Greenfield, twice daily. Daily stage from Greenfield to North Branch. OFFICERS— Clerk, C. B. Dodge ; Treas., Eben Bass ; Selectmen , G. A. Cochran, S. S. Sawyer, E. F. Gould; Supt., Abbott F. True. Postmasters —E. D. Putney ; ilorth Branch, Almus Fairfield. Justices —N. W. C. Jameson, Almus Fairfield, C. B. Dodge, D. H. Goodall, S. W. Holman, State ; J. G. Flint, W. N. Tuttle, E. D. Putney, S. S. Sawyer, W. R. Carr, G. A. Cochran, Imla Wright, Josiah Loveren, N. C. Jameson, C. F. Holt, A. A. Miller. Churches —Bap., W. H. Fish; Meth., J. L. Felt; Pres., W. R. Cochran. Hotels —Appleton House, Charles Appleton; Carter House, Charles H. Carter. Livery Stables —J. N. P. Woodbury, Chas. H. Carter. Manufacturers —apple, peach and potatoe parers, cherry stoners, Cahoon’s hand and power seed sowers, Woods’ hot water proof cutlery,; silver plating, knife and file handles, Goodell Co.; bedsteads, Dodge Bros., E. C. Paige; cribs and cradles, Daniel Story ; cribs, cradles and 44 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Hatche’s spring Led bottoms. E. Z. Hastings; cribs, cradles, rustic window shades and coffins, J. G. Abbott; excelsior, M. D. Pi>or; lum¬ ber, C. F. Holt, Thomas Poor, W. A. Hildreth; North Branch , D. J. [Parkhurst, Josiah Loveren ; pail and tub handles, North Brandt, D. J. Parkhurst & Son; pasteboard boxes, S. R. Robinson; sewing silk and twist. C. W. Kelsea & Co.; sleighs, M. D. Poor; tassel spools, L. Thomp¬ son, C. W. Kelsea & Co. Mechanics —blacksmiths, L. W. Hill, J. A. Bryer ; North Branch , D. P. Bryer; carpenters, J. M. Duncan, P. W. Clark. C. D. Sawyer, Henry Kimball. S. N. Worthley, Edd Worthley; North Branch , G. F. Mcllvin. B. F. Kidder; cooper, Rodney Sawyer; masons, W. N. Tut¬ tle, J. C. Butterfield; moulder, G. L Herrick; painters, Chauncey White; (carriage), F. L. Nay; North Branch , C. H. Griffin; job print¬ ing. E. J. Thompson; tailor, Frank Roach; wheelwrights, Dodge Bros.; North Branch. W. B. Curtis, H. B. Mcllvin. Merchants —J. B. Woodbury, E. D. Putney, C. B. Cochran; North Branch, G. P. Little, Almus Fairfield ; auctioneers, G A. Cochran, Eben Bass, A. W. C Jameson, J. N. P. Woodbury; clothing, J. W. Duncan, ag’t; jeweler. Geo. Corey; market, John Champney; milliner}’, S. Maria Simonds; stoves and tin ware, Squires Forsaith. Physicians —G. Anthoine; homeo., Morris Christie. ASHLAXD, GRAFTON— Pop., 8S5. N. from C., 35; S. E. from Plymouth, 6. R. R. S. —Ashland, on B. C. & M. R. R. OFFICERS— Clerk, B. B. Worthen ; Treas., F. L. Hughes ; Selectmen, Barnett Hughes. Geo. W. Baker, Henry Page ; Supt., J. A. Dana. Postmaster & Ins. Ag’t—B. B. Worthen. Justices —E. F. Bailey, T. P. Cheney, B. B. Worthen, Hiram Hodg- don, J. L. Wilson. J. F Keyes, State. Churches —F. Bap., J. T. Ward; Epis.. Howard F. Hill. Exp. Ag’t— T. P. Woodman. Tel. Ag’t— W. F. Harris. Hotel & Livery Stable—Squam Lake House, J. M. Cotton. Lawyer —J. L. Wilson. Manufacturers— leather board, E. F. Bailey & Co.; lumber, Lake Co. Mill, H. Page; car and ship timber, T. N. Hughes; lumber and shoe pegs, S. W. Fletcher; manilia wrapping paper, Wilder & Co.; Plymouth buck skin and kid gloves, J. F. Draper Co., J G. Morrison ; leather board, S. C. Baker; pegs, Granite State Peg Works, S. W. [Fletcher ; flannel shirtings, Ashland Woolen Mills, Amos A. Lawrence. Mechanics & Artisans —blacksmiths, J. N. Peavy, C. A. Huckins; carpenters. Geo W. Baker, Frank Thompson, Sam’l C. Shepard, Ruel Ladd, Louis Mousutte; cooper, John Niel ; dressmaker, Miss Mary Locke; hair dresser, Gordon B. Peavev ; harness maker, P. P. Brown ; masons, J. P. Pattee, E. P. Warner; painter, L. A. Ham; tailor, C. N. Clark; tinsmith and stove dealer, Eri G. Clapp. Merchants —Hodgdon & Pollard, E. Rogers, Hughes & Huckins. Anna Dean; auctioneer, Benj. F. Pease; clocks, watches and fancy! goods, W. R. Call; drugs and medicines, F. Y. Dana, Hodgdon & Poi lard; fancy goods and small wares, Miss M. J. Huckins ; fancy goods and millinery. Mrs. S. J. Brown, Susie Dean; meat and vegetables, F. N. Flanders & Co. Physicians —J. A. Dana, A. C. Whipple. Astiuelot—See Winchester. ATKINSON, ROCKINGHAM—Vo?., 488. S. E. from C., 36; S. W. from Exeter, 16. R. R. S .—Atkinson, on B. & M. R. R.; daily stage. OFFICERS— Clerk , S. B. Mason ; Treas., W. W. Hatch: Selectmen, E. P. Iloitt, S. S. Shannon, S. C. P. Trefry; Supt., C. T. Melvin. BUSINESS' DIRECTORY. 45; Postmasters— G. P. Dow; Depot, Charles Fernald. Justices —Green leaf Clarke, E. P. Iloitt, S. G. Chandler, John Dow, State; Gilman Greenough, .1. V. Hazen, 1. It. Hovey. Churches —Cong., C. T. Melvin ; Univ.,-. Literary Institution —Atkinson Academy, J. V. Hazen, prin. Mechanics—carpenters, C. B. Sargent, S. B. Mason; masons, Janies Knight, J. K. Mason*, painter, B. Ii. Steele. Merchant —G. P. Dow. Ex. & Tel. Puft—Depot, Charles Fernald. Atkinson Depot—See Plaistow. AUBIJM, DOCKING HAM— Pop., 821. S. E. from C., 18; W. from Exeter, 18. R. R. S. —Auburn, 1 % miles, on C. & P. R. R. OFFICERS— Clerk, S. G. Prescott ; Treas., W. C. Underhill ; Select¬ men , Win. G. Brown, VV. C. Underhill, Edwin Plummer; Supt., F. P. Coult. Postmistress —M. A. Wiley. Hotel— S. S Griffin. Justices —A. F. Fox, W. M. Neal, State; Harrison Burnham, Am¬ herst Emery, A. D. Emery, C. E. Osgood, J. M. Hall. Churches —Cong., C. E. Houghton ; Metli., F. E. White. Exp. Ag’t—G. R. Gilbert. Manufacturers —lumber, G. G. Griffin, G. P. Clark. Mechanics —blacksmith, A. E. Preston; carpenters, Stephen Em¬ ery, J. P. Chase; harness maker, 0. R. Dinsmore ; mas<>n, Hidden Brown; painter, J. E. White; wheelwrights, A. Goodwin, Charles Goodwin. Merchants —Prescott & Clarke; grain dealer, W. II. Griffin; gro¬ ceries, Henry Saltmarsh, Henry Dockhain, Clias. W. Calef; meat, Wm. Emery, A. Grant, B. Eaton. BARXSTEAD, BELKNAP— Pop., 1414. N. E. from C., 20; S. E. from Laconia, 25. R. R. S. —Pittsfield, 4 miles, Alton Corner, 10, Dover, 25, and Rochester 18; conveyance to each. OFFICERS— Cleric , Center, A. F. Shackford; Treas., Eli Foss; Select¬ men, South, I. L. Berry; North, Geo. L. Hall; II. G. Willey; Supt., Enos George. ) Postmasters — C. W. Blanchard; Center, T. M. Huse; South, E. Hanson ; North , W. C. Berry. Justices —Seth Shackford, T. M. Iluse, G. W. Emerson, J. P. Blais-- dell, H. N. Coibath, C. S. George, A. G. Walker, State ; I. L. Berry, D. E. Yuttle, A. F. Shackford, J. C. Pickering. Churches —Chris.,-; Cong., Parade , W. 0. Carr; F. Bap., Center, E. Piper; North, Wm. Rogers. Hotel —Siiackford’s, S. G. Shackford. Lawyer —C. S. George. Manufacturers —lumber, Ezekiel Babb, Oscar Foss, T. K. Proctor; woolen goods and hosiery, Babcock & Pickering. i Mechanics —blacksmiths, Moses Emerson, Frank Emerson; Center , I .Timothy Emerson, Eli II. Foss; North, Benj. Cole, G. A. Hall, Thom-I ias Guion; carpenters, J. B. St vens, O. H. P. Young, F. A. J. Smart,! IJ. II. Jenkins; coopers, Jacob Aiken, Geo. W. Blake ; Center , Jefferson’ Chesley, David Chesley, Henry Chesley ; mason, S. D. Nutter; paint-' ers, N. S. Nutter. D.II. Whitcomb ; wheelwrights, Center, Frank Blake;! North, Stephen Pendergast, Geo. A. Hall. i Merchants —C. W. Blanchard; South, Eben Hanson ; Center, G. W. 'Iluse, D. E. Avery ; auctioneers, J. P. Blaisdell; Parade, F. S. Jenkins ; Iclocks and watches, Daniel Tuttle Physicians — North, Mark Walker; Center, -Buxton, Solomon Young; dentists, James Locke, James Rowe. j i 46 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. BARRINGTON, STRAFFORD— Pop., 1533. E. from C., 30; W. from Dover, 10. R. R. S. —Barrington, on Nashua & Rochester R. R. Daily mail. OFFICERS— Clerk , Geo. W. Young; Treat ., T. W. Me Daniel; Select¬ men , T. W. Me Daniel, Wm. E. Waterhouse, Wm. G. Jewett; Supt., Wm. Waterhouse. Postmasters —Jeremiah Waterhouse; Fast, G. B. Iialey; Noi'th, Daniel Cater. Justices —Wm. Waterhouse. State; H. G. Carter, L. A. Brown, J. S. Daniels, T. W. Me Daniel, Gilman Hall, Hezekiah Thompson. Churches —Cong., E. F. Burchers; Bap.,-. Manufacturers —lumber, Clough & Anderson, W. H. Buzzell, H. W. & J. M. Locke, Elisha Locke & Co., J. F. Berry, Elmer Hull. Mechanics & Artisans —blacksmiths, G. A. 0. Chesley, Nat. Brock, J. II. Chesley ; carpenters, Daniel Lee, John Arlin, I.F. Berry ; mason, :J. M. Chesley ; painters, Everett Clark, Frank Clark ; wheelwrights, Richard Drew, Abednego Drew, Greenleaf Swain, T. R. Hall. Merchants —groceries, J. R. Calef, T. R. Hall, W. E. Waterhouse. Physicians —Wm. Waterhouse, David Me Daniel, J. S. Daniels. BARTLETT, CARROLL— Pop., 629. N. E. from C., 85; N. from Ossipee, 45. R. R. S .—Bartlett and Glen Station, on P. & 0. R. R. OFFICERS— Clerk , J. D. Thompson; Selectmen, G. W. M. Pitman, A. L. Meserve, E. T. Rogers. Postmasters — J. F. Masson; Center, Cornelius Stilphen; Lower , E. C. Stokes. Justices —G. W. M. Pitman, A. L. Meserve, Joseph Pitman, jr., State; E. M. Hall, J. D. Thompson, Isaac Meserve. Churches —Adv., J. B. Bearing; F. Bap., Spencer Kenison ; Meth., Jonas Gale. Hotels —Bartlett House. Frank George ; East Branch House, Pitman Bros.; Pequaket House. E. C. Stokes. Lawyer —G. W. M. Pitman. Physician -Virgin. Manufacturers —lumber, Bartlett Land and Lumber Co., G. G. & 0. S. Lucy. Mechanics —blacksmiths, Perkins & Wilson; Center, Timothy Per¬ kins, Woodbury Perkins ; carpenters, Freeman Stillings, A. M. Hall, E. M. Hall, G. W. Peck, H. P. Richards, E. T. Rogers, Samuel Muir; Center, Joseph Mead ; carriage repairer, Center, Wilbur Wentworth. Merchants —Meserve & Gillis, Jas. Nute, J. F. Masson, L. S. Foster, F. A. Rodgers; Center , Joseph Mead, L. Clough ; Lower , G. W. M. & A. Pitman, L. Grey. BATH, GRAFTON— Pop., 1168. N. W. from C., 80; N. from' Haverhill, 14. R. R. S. —Bath, on B. C. & M. R. R. OFFICERS— Clerk, I. Patterson ; Treas .. Edward Woods; Selectmen, A. J. Leighton, J. C. Noyes, M. R. Tewksbury; Supt., H. H. Clark. Postmaster —D. G. A. Foster. Exp. & Tel. Ag’t —H. P. Ross. Justices —J. H. Johnson, Jesse Mann, Geo. Morrison, A. P. Carpen¬ ter, J. L. Carleton, Isaac Patterson, State: Edward Woods, Quorum ;, Daniel Patterson. E. B. Gale, Moses Abbott, H. C. Carbee, Wm, Minot, M. S. Woodward, J. C. Noyes, Philip Carpenter. Churches —Cong., G. W. Kinne ; Swiftwater, Meth., -Merrill ; R. C.,---. i Lawyers—Isaac Patterson, J. L. Carleton, A. P. Carpenter, Edward Woods. Eating Honse & Livery Stable—James Gordon. I Manufacturers—boots and shoes, E. C. George; carriages, J. W. (Lyons; cloth dressing and "wool carding, M. S. Woodward ; leather, E. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 47 C. George; lumber, Foster Davis & Co., Daniel Wliiteher; Swi/tivater,' Swiftwater Saw mill Co.; paper and pulp, A. Conant & Co.; starch,; Whitcher, Foster & Co. Mechanics & Artisans—blacksmith, S. H. Hastings; carpenters, Moses Lang, Richard Cross, A. Flanders, J. D. Norris, I P. Kimball,! 0. P. Rollins; painters, J. N. Lyon, Chas. Foster; tailor, J. M. Carroll; wool carders, Everet and Woodward. Merchants— Foster & Kay, Orville Carleton; medicines, E. C. George, J. N. Gale. Physicians —Wm. Child; homeo., Jonathan Bronson. Sear Camp—See Ossipee. BEDFORD^ HILLSBORO— Pop., 1221. S. from C., 21; N. from Nashua, 13. R. R. S. —Manchester, on Concord R. R. Daily stage. OFFICERS— Clerk , S. A. Riddle; Treas ., John TIodgman; Selectmen , S. E. Morrison, S. T. Soper, E. W. Butterfield ; Supt., Ira C. Tyson. Postmistress & Merchant—Mrs. Mary J. Kendall. Justices —Geo. Foster, I. N. Riddle, State; J. II. Stevens, John Hodgman, J, H. Me Affee, Clinton French, R. M. Rollins, S. A. Riddle,! J. A. Riddle. Church —Pres., I. C. Tyson. Manufacturers —boots and shoes, 0. L. & C. II. Kendall; bricks, J. H. Me AfL e, Daniel Parker; lumber, S. C. Damon, E. K. Woods, G. W. Goffe, A. Fosdick, Geo. Foster. Mechanics & Artisans—blacksmiths, T. F. Kendall, J. S. Park- hurst; carpenters. Clinton Bixby, Janies Gardner; masons, E. G. Gil-: more, James Me Pherson ; wheelwrights, L. & C. P. Farley. BEL.3IONT, BELKNAP— Pop., 1285. N. from C., 18; S. from! Laconia 6. R. R. S. —Tilton, 6 miles, East Tilton, 4 miles, on B. C. : & M. R. R. Daily Stage to Tilton. OFFICERS— Clerk and Supt., C. E. Clough ; Treas., T. E. Clough ; Selectmen , C. II. Rowe, J. E. Maxfiold, N. D. Garmon. Postmistress —Addie F. Johnson. Exp. Ag’t —C. II Aikens. Justices —C. A. Hackett, A. P. B. Currier, p. o. ad., East Tilton, Isaiah Piper, C. E. Clough, N. D. Garmon, W. C. Wells, State; I. Moon¬ ey, Quorum; Ira Blaisdell, A. J. Hackett. Churches —Chris., A. Kidder; 1st F. Bap., M. A. Quimby. Hotels — American House, W. B. Stevens; Belmont House, Ira Mooney. Livery Stable — J. P. Hall. Physician, elec., Wm.Buclftin. Manufacturers —brick, A. W. Brown; hosiery, Gilmanton Mills, Moses Sargent, jr., ag’t; lumber, Arthur Brown, N. D. Garmon. Mechanics & Artisans —blacksmiths, A. S. Gale; carpenters, C. L. Akely, G. W. Riley, Jewett Maxfield, Cyrus Norris ; hair dresser, H. J. Fuller; man le worker, W. R. Gale; masons, Nath’l Ellsworth, p. o, ad., Laconia; J. M. Knowles; painters, G. H. Johnson, Charles |Thomas: wheelwright, Benjamin Johnson. Merchants —T. E. Clough & Son, G. W. Hunt, R. G. Hoyt & Co.: books, stationery, fancy goods, R. G. Hoyt & Co.; drugs and medicines, E. C. Bean ; meat, J. M. Folsom. BENNINGTON, HILLSBORO— Pop., 405. S. W. from C., 32 ; N. W.from Amherst, 25. R. R. S. —Hillsboro Bridge, on Contoocook .River, Branch of Concord & Claremont R. It. Greenfield, 5 m., on Pe-j iterboro Branch of Boston & L. R. R. Daily stage to each. 1 OFFICERS— Clerk, A.. W. Gray; Treas., William Eaton; Selectmen. B. D. Felch, Wesley Wilson. J. C. Dodge; Supts., J. H. Flemings, Mrs. N. Whitney. 48 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Postmaster —G. A. Whittemore.~ Justices —Amos \\ hittemore, J. W. Flagg. Samuel Baldwin. Church —Cong., James Holmes. Exp. Ag’t—Joliu Woodbury. Hotel & Livery Stable— John Ellouwood. Manufacturers —boots and shoes, Lewis Martin; cutlery. Samuel Baldwin; hoes and cutlery, C. J. Kimball; paper, Twombly & Co.; powder barrels and kitts King A Co.; paper pulp, Nathan Whitney. 1 Mechanics —carpenters, W. Wilson, VY. Eaton; machinist, T. D. Lakin ; watch maker, H. Lakin. I Merchants —G. A. Whittemore; clocks and watches, Hartwell La¬ kin : grain and lumber. King & Co.; meat, G. P. Griswold. | I1ENTOX, GRAFTON —Pop., 375. N. W. from C., 65; E. from Haverhill, 10. R. R. S .—North Haverhill, on B. C. & M. R. R., 7 m. Stage Wednesdays and Saturdays. OFFICERS— Cbrk , P. W. Allen; Treas... Tas. Page; Selectmen, C. B. Keyser, M. W. True, W. W. Eastman ; Supt ., F. S. Howe. Postmaster—Amos Whitcher. Justices —E. F. Mann, State; G. W. Mann, James Page, Amos Whitcher, J. H. Keyser, D. D. Page, B. H. Tyrrell, P. W. Allen. Churches —F. Bap., L. D. Jeffers; Meth.,-; Union., Manufacturers — clapboards, William Eastman; lumber. Chase Whitcher; W. & R. Coburn, J. II. Keyser, W. R. Park ; starch casks, J. H. Keyser; shingles, S. W. Cowen. J. P. Cox, L. Betnis, jr. Mechanics —blacksmith, Geo. Fox; carpenters, E. L. Cox, Amos Whitcher, G. W. Mann, Janies Norris. i ltbRLl \, COOS— Pop., 722. N.E. from C., 140 ; E. from Lan¬ caster, 35. R. R. S .—Berlin Falls, on Grand Trunk R. R. j OFFICERS.— Clerk, Geo. S. Wilson ; Treas., W. M. Wilson ; Select¬ men, S. D Green, Cyrus Wheeler, L. C. Beattie: Sujtt., S. D, Green. Postmaster— Falls. Ira Mason. Ex. & Tel. Agent—A. K. Cole. Justices—M C. Forist. A. K Cole, State ; Jesse Tuttle, G. Coffin, S. D. Breen, H. C. Sawyer, J. M. Parker. Church —Berlin Falls, Union, A. J. Benedict. Hotels—Mt. Forest House, M. C. Fo:ist; Whirling Eddy House, H. F. Marston ; Alpine Cascade Resort, S. D. Blodgett. Manufacturers —boots and shoes, Win. Moffett; lumber, Berlin Mills Co., Jericho Mills, C. K. &. Z. E. Gilbert; Success Mills, I. W. Ames; sp'ool stuff and salt boxes, Wilson Bros., Daniel Green; starch, R. II. Wheeler & Co.: shingles, L. N. Clark. I Mechanics —blacksmiths, Wm. D. Sanborn, J. C. Anderson. S. D. Blodgett; carpenters, H. A. Blodgett, Elliott Perkins, H. V. Mason ; masons H. W. Rowell, G, Coffin; millwrights, Franklin Wheeler, Peter Kelley; photographer, H. Wingate; printers, Eastern Coos Printing and Publishing Co., S. D. Green, manager; wheelwrights, J. S. Cates, Peter Kelley. Merchants —Berlin Mills Co., Ira Mason, Wheeler & Paine ; cran¬ berry culturist, Daniel Green. ! BETHLEHEM, GRAFTON— Pop., 998. N. from C„ 90: N. E. from Haverhill, 35. R. R. S .—Bethlehem and Littleton, on White Mt. R. R. Shag s connect with all trains. OFFICERS— Clerk, H. W Wilder; Treas., I). P. Gordon; Selectmen, J. K. Barrett, M. C. Noyes, 0. II. Streeter; Supt., D. P. Gordon. Postmasters—J. S. Blaudin; Hollow, S. C. WiLou ; Station, F. Gordon. Justices —Wm. Kenney, I. J. Quimby, D. P. Gordon, J, G. Sinclair BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 49 f G. T. Cruft, State; T. J. Spooner, C. E. Baker, H. W. Wilder, 3lilo Ba¬ ker, W. A. Me Gregory, W. Wilder, M. C. Noyes, Benj. Tucker, A. W. Bland in, D. F. Davis. I Boarding Houses —Turner House, J. N. Turner; Belavue, David Phillips; Strawberry Hill, J. K. Barrett; Avenue, Kelly & Sun; MtJ Agasis, Henry Danforth ; Prospect, G. W. Phillips; Hillside Home,: B. F. Davis; Bethlehem, Wm. Bunker; Cottage Home, Joseph Plum-' mer; White Mt., S. F. Winch; Sunset, J. H. Clarke; Elm, Wm. C. Simpson; Spooner, T. J. Spooner ; Bailey, W. L. Me Intire ; Centennial 1 House, H. W. Wilder. Churches —Cong., C. II. H. Pannell; Epis.,-; Meth., S. P. Heath. Hotels —Sinclair House, Durgin & Fox; Maplewood House, I. S. Cruft. Livery Stables —H. W. Wilder, C. H. & J. H. Clark, J. T. Dutton. Manufacturers —lumber, Waumbeck Co., John Pierce, jr.j I. E. Richardson, Noyes & Co.. Libby Co.: starch, M. E. Noyes, J. G. Sinclair. Mechanics & Artisans —blacksmiths, G. K. Morrison, T. W. Bean, Searles Shute, Jos. Me Kenney, W. L. Me Intire, John Pierce, jr.; car penters, Joseph Plummer, Joseph Philbrick, John Me Gregory, S. j Varney, William Bunker, L. Woodman, John Judd; Hollow, D. I. Ab¬ bott F. Abbott; cooper, John Lovejoy: hair dresser, Ezra Knapp; mason, William Sanborn; painters, C. N. Bean, Robert Barrett, A. Watson, Wm. Simpson, L. D. Burton ; shoe maker, T. Hildreth. Merchants —J. S. Blandiu, C. G. White, Huntoon Bros.; auctioneer, H. VV. Wilder; druggist, G. F. Abbott; groceries, Arthur Bailey. Physician —T. E. Wells. Blue Hills—See Stratford. BOSCAWEX, MERRIMACK—Pop., 1637. N. W. from C., 10; R. R. S —Boscawen and North Boseawen, on Northern R. R OFFICERS— Clerk, C. E. Chadwick; Selectmen, J. C. Gage, Luther Graves, Gage, C. C. Hall; Supt., H. C. Adams. Postmasters —C. E. Chadwick; North; C. B. Dimond. Justices —Nehemiah Butler, I. K. Gage, L. M. Chadwick, State ; E. E. Graves, H. C. Adams, Luther Gage. Church —Cong.,-. Manufacturers —brick, J. E. Riues; chairs and settees, John Seavy & Co.; leather, E. Raymond; lumber, H. W. Flanders, C. & J.Gage,j p. o. ad., Fisherville; piano stools, Seavey &, Chadwick. Mechanics —blacksmiths, H. S. Antiis, E. W. Durgin; carpenters, Bradley Atkinson. Geo. Knowles, G. L. Pillsbury ; granite worker, North , C. W. Simons; job printers, Seavey & Chadwick; North, E. E. Towne ; wheelwrights, North, 31. K. Howser. Merchants — Plain, C. W. Carter, Foot & Gage, p. o. ad., Fisherville carriages, David Fellows, C. J. Chadwick ; laiicy goods, C. E. Chad¬ wick ; Geo. E. Kimball, p. o. ad., Fisherville. FMysicians —E. E. Graves, S. M. Emery, p. o. ad., Fisherville. BOW 9 MERR1MA CK —Pop., 745. S. from C., 5 R. R. 8 .—Concord. OFFICERS— Clerk , Geo. G. Clough ; Treas., Enoch Alexander; Select¬ men, W. M. Davis, J. C. Hammond, Aaron Colby; Supt., J. P. Brown. Postmaster —J. C. Hammond. Justices —J. W. Guodhue, H. M. Baker, State; Enoch Alexander, Harrison Colby, J. C. Hammond, C.G. Brown. Churches —Bap., 0. W. Kimball; Meth.,-. Manufacturers —lumber. Geo. W. Colby, Solomon Heath, Hiram Colby, Moses Perkins. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 50 ' Mechanics—blacksmiths, J. Brown. Wm. Duncklee; carpenters.! D M. Hammond, Geo. II. Elliot, J. B. Elliott, W. L. Rogers; mason, J. C. Hammond ; stone cutters, J. W. Goodhue, Geo. W. Allen, Jamesj Palmer, Geo. H. Palmer; tailor, J. J. Buntin; wheelwright, G. K. 1 Eiliott Bow Mills—Postmistress—Mrs. J. L. Colby. Manufacturers —baskets, A. G. Colbv; brick, John Brown, 2d, Napoleon Berry, lumber, Horace Call, Jas. E. Brown. ! Mechanics — blacksmith, Willoughby Colby; carpenters, Seriah Morgan, George Sanborn ; mason, Albert Ordway ; miller, Isaac E, Bow, stone cutter, Seriah Morgan, i Bow Bake—See Strafford. ! BRADFORD, MERRIMACK— Pop., 1018. W. from C., 25. R. R. S. —Bradford and Melvin’s Mills, on C. & C.R. R. Stage to New London. I OFFICERS— Clerk, 0. B. Osgood; Treas n J. W. Morse; Selectmen, I. A. Peaslee, D. G. Peaslee, C. P. Pike ; Supt^ W. G. Huyt. Postmaster —W. A. Carr. Church —Bap., El bridge Pepper. Justices —A. S. Brackett, M, W. Tapparv, J. W. Morse, Daniel Carr, T. P. Jones, S. W. Holman, State ; Jesse Carr, E. H. Eaton, Quorum; Joshua Eaton, W. A. Carr. W. 0. Heath, J. A. Peaslee, S. W. Hoiman,; J. H. Ames, C. F. Davis, C. P. Pike. Lawyer—M. W. Tappan. Ex. & Tel. Ag’t—Geo. L. Mitchell. Ins. Ag’tS—I. K. Lund, Sam’l W. Holman. Hotels —Springs Hotel, Henry Bixby ; Raymond House, Charles Gillis ; Bradford Hotel, Martin Bartlett. Livery Stables —Harvey Colby, R. Bates. Manufacturers— lumber, Hollis L. Blood, B. G. Peaslee. Mechanics —blacksmiths, C. M. Newman, J. K. Lund ; carpenters, Bates & Jones, E. M. Bailey, J. C. Bailey, John Hoyt; harness maker,i Silas Sawtill; marble worker, W. L, Day ; masons, O. E, Ring, E. Jj Ring; painter, Marshall Eaton ; tailor, J. F. Buswell; wheelwrights, 0. B. Osgood, Evans Lewis, E. H. Morse. Merchants —D. R. Marshall, J. W. Morse, W. A. Carr, Silas Colby ; clothing, J. F. Buswell: drugs and medicines, C. R. Nichols; millin-j ery goods, Mrs. Hiram Gillingham & Hal?. Physicians— J. H. Martin, P. B. Rvhards. BItENTWOOD, ROCKINGHAM— Pop„ S3o. S. E. from C n 30 ; W. from Exeter, 6. R. R . S. —Epping, 4 miles ; Exeter, on Bos¬ ton & Maine R. R , 6. OFFICERS — Clerk , J. W. Smith; Trees., A. W. Dudley; Selectmen, Geo. D. Bartlett, A. W. Dudley, J. G. Dudley ; Supt., W. 0. Jackson, j Postmaster— G. D. Bartlett. Physiciar » -M. W. Cavelry. Justices — W. H. Dudley State ; J. B. T. Graves, N. A. F.Tuck, Orin Sanborn, J. W. Robinson, E. G. Flanders, F. D. Pollard, D. F. Fellows.' Churches —Bap.,-Scott; Cong., W. C. Jefkson. Manufacturers —boxes, Stephen Fellows & Son, G. H. Hoyt; car¬ riages, D. Tow le & Son, p. o. ad., Kingston: lumber, J. A. & Warren,| D. Robinson ; R. II. Fellows, J. W. Sanborn, p. o. ad., Kingston ; soap. 1 J. H. Taylor, p. o. ad., Epping ; wrapping paper, Benj. C. Clark, Chas Davis, p. o. ad., Exeter; wheels, Robert Rowe & Sons. Mechanics —blacksmiths, Robinson & Flint, Robert Rowe & Sons ; masons, E. G. Brackett, Herman Yeasey. Merchants—E. B. Wood. p. o. ad., Kingston; D. 0. Waldron, p. o. ad., Epping ; E. G. Flanders ; nursery plants, Ac., J. T. Smith & Sous , BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 51 BRIDGEWATER, GRAFTON— Pop., 465. N. from C., 30; S. from Plymouth, 4. R. R. S. —Bridgewater, on B. C. & M. R. R. OFFICERS — Clerk, J. E. S. Fifield ; Treas., Thomas Hammond ; Se¬ lectmen, Thomas Hammond, G. B. Dolloff, G. F. Fletcher; Supt., F. P. Morrill. Postmaster & Merchant— J. F. Morrill. Jnstices —Chas. Woodman, State; D. B. Clement, T. Hammond. Churches—Bap.,-; Meth., N. Culver. Manufacturers —lumber, Richard Brown. Mechanics —blacksmiths, S. 0. Morrill; brick mason, C.H.Heath ; carpenter, Odlin Sleeper ; cooper, Jos. Heath ; painter, J. A. Woodman. BRISTOL, GRAFTON —Pop., 1416. N. W. from C., 30; S. from Plymouth, 16. R, R. S. —Bristol, at terminus of Bristol Branch R. R. OFFICERS— Clerk, A. W. Bingham ; Treas., C. H. Boarduian ; Select¬ men, Seth Cass, Fred Bartlett. A. J. Ferrin ; Supt., Miss Nancy Durgin ; I Police, J. W. Wells. Postmaster —Albert Blake, jr. Justices —L. W. Fling, G. T. Crawford, K. E. Dearborn, S. K. Ma- !son, Albert Biake, W. A. Berry, J. T. Sanborn, F. II. Bartlett, B. F. Perkins, Geo. A. Emerson; State; Frederick Bartlett, C. H. Mudgett, L. W. Hammond, L. A. Ballou, W. G. Crawford, W. Sleeper. Churches- -Cong., Joliu M. Hart; F. Bap., Nason Lothrop ; Meth. Harvey Woodward. Exp. Ag’t —0. F. Morse. Tel. Ag’t —C. H. Dickinson. : Eating House —Robert Horner. Hotel & Livery Stable —Bristol House, 0. K. Bucklin. Ins. Ag’tS —fire and life, S. K. Mason, K. E. Dearborn. Lawyers— L. W. Fling, S. K. Mason, K. E. Dearborn. Literary Institution —Public High School, prin., I. A. Chase. Manufacturers —bedsteads, E. D. Crosby; boots and shoes, W. P. Ballou, D. P. Prescott; buck gloves, Kent & Berry, A. P. Harriman & Co., A. M. Draper & Co., H. A. Randolph & Co., W. R. Dickinson ; car¬ riages, 0. Iv. Bucklin ; coffins and caskets, G. A. Robie; flannels, Holden & Co.; flour, Taylor, Shaw & Co.; flour and meal,-Brown, 1 Taylor, Shaw & Co , Geo. G. Brown ; gas screens. A. J. Tewksbury ; iron, Levi Gurdy; leather, E. K. Pray, Warren White’s estate; lum¬ ber, Lake Co., E. Sanborn. Sanborn & Brown ; safety locks, Safety 1 Lock Co.; straw board and paper, Mason Perkins & Co., Mason & Co., Wooster; waterproof blacking, G. B. Sanborn. Mechanics & Artisans— blacksmiths, A. Clement, J. Taylor, Frank Calley; carpenters, J. T. Sanborn, Gideon Boardman, W. T. Taylor, B. L. Walls, R. S. Hastings; custom carder. Geo. A. Robie; hair dresser, John Bennett; harness maker, Chas. H. Tukey; jeweller, :E S. Foster; machinist, Geo. A. Robie; marble workers, L. D. & ;C. H. Day; masons, S. S. Sanborn & Son, L. J. Wadleigh; painters, P. G. Carleton & Son, H. B. Quint; photographer, P. W. Tennant; printer, R. W. Musgrove. Merchants —G. M. Cavis, Chas. Boardman, L. W. Hammond, L. A. 1 Ballou, Cyrus Taylor; auctioneer, Lock Rice ; boots and shoes, D. P. Prescott; clocks and watches, A. J. Smith, M. W. White, W. A. Bus- well ; clothing and gent’s furnishing goods, C. H. Dickinson, J. N. Dickinson, 0. B. Ray; dry goods, boots and shoes, W. George; drugs and medicines, Fowler & Co.; fish and oysters, J . D. Follansbee, H. A. Sanborn; meat, S. II. Dodge, Curtice & Locke; millinery, Mrs. M. M. Mullin, Mrs. W. P. Ballou, Misses Butrick & Knight; music, R. W. Musgrove; tin ware, stoves, &c., F. W. Bingham, S. W. Call. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Physicians— H. B. Fowler, I. S. Chase; eclec.. J. M. Bishop; den¬ tists, Fowler & Son, Clias. H. White, E. W. White. BROOKFIELS), CARROLL- Pop., 416. N. E. from C.,50; S. from Ossipee, 12. R. R. S. —Pike’s Crossing. 1 mile, Wolfeboro’ junc., 2 miles, Union vil. 5 m., on Ports. Gt. F. & Conway R. R. OFFICERS— Clerk , E. M. Cate; Treas., Chas. Churchill; Selectmen, Wm. Blake, Jr., C. H. Churchill, Thos. Goodhue; Supt., Jeremiah Chamberlain. Postmistress —Miss Abbie G. Hutchins. Justices —J. N. Cate, D. C. Coleman, State; Bickford Rand, Charles Churchill, J. W. Sanborn. Church —Bap., P. Lovering. Manufacturers —lumber, N. H. Roberts, F. A. Copp.^». Mechanics— blacksmiths, John Hackett. J. H. Furgerson ; carpen¬ ters, S. H. Plummer, C. A. Hackett, J. H. Willey, D. W. Lang ; cooper B. D. Whitehouse ; mason, G. Allen. BROOJOAXE, HILLSBOROUGH— Pop., 741. S. from C., 40. W. from Nashua, 13. R. R. S. —Pepperell, Mass., on Worcester & Nashua R. R. Daily stage. OFFICERS— Clerk , E. C. Tucker; Treas., W. J. Smith ; Selectmen, D. S. Fessenden, Samuel Swett, Wm. Wallace ; Supt ., H. W. Kemp. Postmaster —II. B. Stiles. Hotel —G. J. Shattiick. Justices —Benj. Gould, Sta'e; D. S. Fessenden, G. W. Bridges. Churches —Cong., F. D. Sargent; Meth., W. H. Stuart. Mechanics —blacksmith, G. W. L. Hobart; cabinet makers, Hobart Kendall & Co.; carpenter, J. Baldwin; cooper, J. A. Hall; painters, J. D. Cook, G. W. Foster; wheelwrights, C. E. Shattuck, Bridges & Buss. N Merchants —C. P. Hall, Samuel Swett, W. F. Rockwood. Physicians —D. S. Dearborn. CAMBRIDGE, CO OS —Pop., 378. N. E. from C., 113. R. R. S. —Upton, Maine, on Grand Trunk R. R.; semi-weekly stage, i This town has lost its organization. CAMPTOX, GRAFTON— Pop., 1226. N. from C., 52 ; N. from jPlymouth, 6. R.R. S. —Plymouth, 6 miles, on B., C., M. & White Mt. R. R. Stage to train on Monday, Wednesday and Friday ; from Tues¬ day, Thursday and Saturdays ; daily from July 1st to Oct. 1st. OFFICERS— Clerk , S. J. Philbrick; Treas., E. J. Young; Selectmen, jE. Dole, S. N. Stickney, Calvin Swett; Supt , A. Y. Tilton. I Postmasters -; West, E. H. Sanborn. Justices —T. J. Sanborn, Stale; T. S. Pulsifer, C. W. Cook, J. W. Morrison, Geo. II. Adams, S. J. Philbrick F. A. Mitchell. Churches —Bap., Village , A. Y. Tilton; West, F. Bap., W. II. Cutting ; C. W. Neison; Cong., Q,. Blakely. Ex. Ag’t— F. Bartlett. Livery Stable— J. H. Plumer. Hotels & Summer Board —J. C. Blair; West, T. J. Sanborn ; Vil¬ lage, F. Chase, J. W. Morrison, C. G. Webster, T. W. Mitchell, F. A. Mitchell, C. Cutter. S. C. Willey. Manufacturers —bobbins, Cole & Dexter; West, Rowe & Moulton; Village, John Southmayd, G. Mitchell ; carriages, Village, R. J. Plum¬ er, T. W. Mitchell, J. Blackey; furniture, Village, Pierce & Sanborn, Elliott & Avery; flour and meal, Village, E. Dole & Co.; gloves, Blair & Burleigh; last blocks, G. L. Rogers; lumber, F. E. Morse, J. S. Bump ; West, Rowe & Moulton ; Village, Daniel Morrill ; shingles, E. Dole & Co., Davis Percival ; West, Rowe & Moulton ; woolens, Vil¬ lage, E. Dole & Co. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 53 Mechanics & Artisans—blacksmiths, \V. H. Fellows; Village. S. C. Chase, S. J. Philbrick, J. R. Foss; carpenters, W. S. Bickford ; Village, D. Morrill, E. P. Hart, J. F. Kendall, G. D. Mitchell; cooper, J-ames Downing; hair dressers, Village. 31. Holmes, Nicholas Brown ; harness ‘(taker, J. R. Davis; millwright, Village , J. F. Kendall; painters, Village, R. J. Plnmer, T. W. Mitcnell, Elliot & Avery; photographers, Village, E. J. Young ; shoemakers, I. S. Moses; Village, G. S. Whitney. Merchants— C. W. Cook ; Village , J. Young; Cook, Morrisons <£ Barnard; West, E. H. Sanborn, J. H. Moulton; clothing, Village, Joseph Cook; millinery, Village. Mrs. M. P. Packard. Physician — Village. W. A. Smith. C AX A AX, GRAFTON— Pop., 2377. N. W. from C., 43. S. from Haverhill, 30. R. R. S. —Canaan, East and West Canaan on Northern R .R. • OFFICERS— Clerk, A. M.Shackford; Treas., Eleazer Barney; Select 1 men, Isaac Davis, 31. T. Colby, John Currier; Supt., S. R. Swett. Postmasters —J. H. Kelley; Fist, Eleazer Barney; West, Warren Wait. i Justices —Eleazer Barney. S. R. Swett, G. W. Murray, J. H. Kelley, J. D. Weeks, State; J. M. Barber, David Barnard, W. A. Wallace Horace Kinne, H. II. Wilson, J. T. Milton, Chas. Day, II. F. Wooster F. Currier, 31. T. Colby, Norman Hadley, W. G. Somers, Elijah Smith, W. L. Harris, Harry Leeds, I. T. George, C. 0. Barney, Isaac Davis, Dexter Richardson. , Churches —Bap.,-; F. Bap., Fast Village, Nathan Jones: Meth., J. H. Hilman; Fast, 0. P. Wright. Ex. & Tel. Ag’t—A. M. Shackford. Hotel &. Liv. Stable —II. C.Gale. Lawyers —G. W. 3Iurray, J. D. Weeks, Frank Currier. Manufacturers —boots and shoes, J. L. Gove ; strawboard, Stephen [>easlee, Luunmers, Nathan Jones. Mechanics —blacksmiths, Frank Scickney, J. D. Webber, J.H. La- throp; carpenter, Nathan Willis; harness maker, C. R. Coburn; ma sons, Stephen Smith, E. W. Johnson; printer, Fast, C. 0. Barney . wheelwrights, East, F. S. Parker ; Factory Village, P. II. Stocker. ! Merchants —J. H. Kelley, F. Currier; East, Barney Bros.. 31. n, Milton, Rand & Co., C. A G. W. Davis, A. E. Smith, H. W. Aldrich West, Ilpyt & Colby; auctioneer, S. R. Swett; clocks and watches. J. W. Folsom ; millii.ery, 3Irs. E. D. Muzzey, 31rs. S. A. Swett. Physicians —Ara Wheat, E. 31. Tucker, J. L. Rogers. CANDIA, ROCKINGHAM— Pop., 1457. S. E. from C., 16; W. from Exeter, 20 m. R. R. S. —Candia and East Candia, on Concord A Pori8. R. R. Stage connects with trains in the morning, and with down train at night OFFICERS— Clerk, Frank W. Eaton; Treas., Edmund R. Ingalls; Selectmen, E. R. Ingalls, P. W. Sanborn, Frank P. Brown ; Supt. Oreste J. Bean. Postmasters —G. C. Lang; Village, W. J. Dudley. Justices —Jonathan 3Iartin, John 31oore, H. 31, Eaton, John Rowe, J. H. Nutting, R. E. Patten, P. W. Sanborn, State, J. C. Langford, Edmund Hill. J. II. Philbric, Wm. Crane, F. P. Langford, C., T. Lane, I. L. Fitts, 31. F. Emerson, W. J. Dudley, J. R. Fitts, Levi Bean, Frank W. Eaton. Churches —F. Bap., B. P. Parker; Cong., - Pette ; 3Ieth., J. B. Robson, Express Agent —J. H. Philbrick. Hotel —Union, G. W. Robinson. Ins. Ag’ts —J. H. Nutting. J. L. Fitts. 54 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Mechanics—blacksmiths, W. S. Healy, Lewis Remo, Janies A. Ilackett ; butchers, C. H French,Frank Hall; carpenters,P. M.Towle, J. R. Batchelder. S. A. Davis, Frank Hall; carriage painter, C. A. Boone; carriage jobber, C. Emery; contractors and builders L. S. Munroe, R. H. Dunn, T. H. Clifford ; coopers, J. C. Dearborn, Sam’l .Morrill, G. F. Patten ; masons, Ingalls Bunker, Wm. Patten ; dress¬ making, Misses Remoe : painters and paper hangers, E. E. Winship. Charles Bbuncer, W. Varnum; printer, J. J. Lane; stone mason, N. H. Martin, Joseph Watson, Warren Trussell; undertaker, J. M. Young; wheelwrights, J. W. Lovejoy, C. Emery. Merchants—G. C. Lang & Son, J. L. Barker, W.J. Dudley, C. T. Lane & Co., T. J. Whitridge, F. P. Browne; auctioneers, J. M. Voting, E A.Buswell, Frank P. Langford ; drugs and medicines, W. clocks and watches, J. M. Young. Manufacturers—lumber, flour and meal, S. A. Davis, J. Q. Cass, J Johuson ; shoes, A. P. Gilman. Miscellaneous—music, Nellie M. Eaton, Julia Towle, John K. Nay ; penmanship and drawing, Martin Y. B. Eaton; real estate, brokers. J. L. Barker, Joseph Watson ; civil engineers, H. M. Eaton, J. L. Fitts. Physicians —E. S. Berry, J H. Dearborne, - Young, - Averill, J. F. Pease. CA\TESiBl'RYi MERRIMACK —Pop., 1169, N. from C. 9J R. R. S. —Canterbury, 2^ m. and No. Concord, 3 xu. on BjC. & M. R. R. Stage to and from mail train to Shaker Village. OFFICERS— Clerk A. H. Brown; Treas. and Supt. Luther Sargent,, Selectmen, Edward Osgood, Arthur Clough, Millard F. Emery. Postmasters—Mrs. M. L. Brown; Shaker Village, B. H. Smith. Justices—D. M. Clough, David Morrill, Edward Osgood, W. II . Currier, Luther Sargent, State ; S M. Clifford, H. L. Clough, A. H. Brown, J. B. Higgins, C. S. Osgood, J. 0. Lyford, W. A. Stone, Chas. Smith, E. II. Knowles, C. IV. Emery, S. C. Pickard. Churches—Cong. James Doidt; Hill's Corner —Mrs. Lizzie Mon¬ mouth ; F. Bap. J. B. Higgins, A. I). Smith ; Shakers, J. S. Kaime, H. C. Blinn. Ex. Agent— F. S. Noyes. Merchant —A. H. Brown; meat, E. L. Batch lder. Manufacturers—grain cradles, P. C. Clough; lumber, David Mor¬ rill, G. P. Morrill; wash mills and mangles ior laundry, N. A. Briggs. Mechanics—blacksmiths. J. K. Taylor, Samuel Hill, E. G. Chase ; carpenters, T. L. Whidden, M. B. Neal, S. A. Morrill, Samuel Gilman. J. B. Carter, E. F. Gale ; Shaker Village , E. K. Knowles; mason, H. H. Houser; painters, H, G. Haines ; wheelwright, Eliphalet Gale. C ARROLL, COOS —Pop., 300, N. from C. 130 ; S. E. from Lau-| caster. 15. R. R. S. —Twin Mountain, on White Mt., R. It., % ln - iFabyan House, 4 m , on B. C. C. S. Campbell. A. Wilson. J. L. Wilson, II. Starkey, A. Farwell; ma¬ sons, D. S. Walton, S. Chamberlain, D. E. Robbins. Merchants —J. C. Farwell; jewelry, Geo. F. Darling. Physician— J. F. Butler. CHK llESTEft, MERRIMACK— Pop., 872. E. from C., 8. R. R. S. —Chichester, on Suncook Valley R. R. OFFICERS— Clerk, Charles A. Langmaid ; Treas., David T. Brown ; [Selectmen, David T. Brown, Horace Carpenter, George M. Munsey ; Supt., Samuel Kendall. Postmasters —Solomon Leavitt; North, G. P. Haines. Justices —Edward Langmaid, C. H. Carpenter, H. C. Knowlton; l State ; Augustus Leavitt, 0. C. Shaw, Charles Lake. Churches —Cong.,-; Met h., Abram R. Lunt. Manufacturers —lumber, G. W. Lane, G. M. Munsey ; wooden han¬ dles, J. 0. Men ill. Mechanics —blacksmith, J. W. Lamplirey; carpenters. Albert San¬ born, E. A. Miller ; painter. C. E. Call; wheelwright, Ira Sanborn. Exp. Ag't—G. S. Sanders. Merchant—Augustus Sheldon. ft orl It— Churches— Adv.,--; Bap.,-. Manufacturers —boots and shoes, E. & G. S. Sanders; lumber, C. G. Sanders, Eneas Ordway, Joseph Holmes, J. Mason, G. H. Haines. Mechanics —blacksmiths, James Cliesley, John Fellows; carriage anrl sleigh maker, G. H. Haines, Merchants —G. P. Haines, Joseph Morse. Cliocorua.—See Albany. CLAREMONT, SULLIVAN— Pop., 4058. N. W. from C., 50. R. R. S. —Claremont, on Concord and Claremont, R. R.; Claremont Junction, West Claremont, on Sullivan R. R. OFFICERS— Clerk, F. F. Haskell: Treas., E. W. Tolies ; Selectmen, S. F. Rossiter, John W. Jewett, II. P. Sliedd ; Supt., M. S. Rossiter; j Agent , C. G. Buel. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 58 Postmaster— J. M. Whipple. Justices —T. J. Harris, 0. F. R. Waite, Arthur Chase, J.L. Farwell. C. H. Eastman, Win. E. Tutherly, J. S. Walker, Ira Colby, II. W Parker, E. D. Baker, W. II. H. Allen, Wm. Clark, R. W. Silsbee, C. 0. Eastman, E. L. Goddard, James Holt, John McLaughlin, State ; J. \V. 'Sanborn, Sumner Putnam, June Pierce, G. G. Ide, W. Ellis. Albert jRossiter, S. G. Jarvis, A. Dickinson, Hermon Holt, I. D. Hall, W. P. Beckwih, George Davis. Churches —Bap., Joseph Swaim ; Cong. Levi Rodgers ; Epis.,- I-; Meth., E. R. Wilkins; R. Cath., Cornelius O’Sullivan ; Univ., Edward Smiley. Exp. Ag’t—0. J. Brown. Tel. Ag’t— Henry Judkins. Hotels —Tremont House, Chas. H. Clark; Sullivan House, J. Leet & Son ; Belmont House, E. F. Leet. Ins. Ag’ts —T. J. Harris, Algernon Willis, C. 0. Eastman, J. L. Farwell, James Bullard, Wm. Clark, E. P. Storrs, B. M. Morrill. ! Lawyers —E. D. Baker, Ira Colby, H. W. Parker, Arthur Chase, W. ill. II. Allen, Hermon Holt, Geo. Davis. Literary institution —Stevens High School, A. J. Swain, prin. Livery Stables— Stowell & Welcome, J. M. Hey wood, Frank Clem-j ent, C. W. Kendall, L. W. Watriss. Manufacturers —bakers, Henry Kimball, G. E. Bostwick; blinds, |doors. moulding and sash, Whitney & Goodall; blind trimmings, hames and patent two blade mincing knives. L. N. Kempton ; books. Claremont Manuf’g Co.; boots and shoes, R. W. Farwell & Co., Barrett & Tenney, H. C. Noj’es, S. E. Noyes, Wm. lledfield, Ii. A. Dickinson & Co., E. F. Johnson, W. A. Corey, Hill & Labounty; brick, L. B. Farr: cigars, Deane Bros., Abbott & Hart, G. & T. Hale; carriages and sleighs, Gill Leuven; cottons, Mouadnock Mills Co., Daniel W. John¬ son, agent; carpets aud toweling, J. McFarlane; flour and mill feed, Sugar River Mill Co.: files and rasps, Samuel Richardson, jr.; knit shirts and drawers, Herbert Bailey ; leather, Charles H. Eastman ; lumber, Mouadnock Mills Co., Sugar River Mill Co., C. H. Swain, A. D. Beatson ; mill feed, I. C. Harriman; shingles, house furnishings, Ac. L. W. Randall ; paper print, Claremont Manut’g Co ; G. G. Ide. ag^t;! Sugar River Paper Mill Co., J. T. Emerson, ag’t; stair rails, mould-, ings, &c., Freeman & O’Neil; stereotype plates, Claremont Manuf’g Co.; woolens and cassimeres, G. L. Balcom; flannels, Monadnock Mills Co.; wool rolls, R. Shepardson ; wine, Albert Hale. Mechanics & Artisans — blacksmiths, L. W. Watriss, C. E. Albee, Peter Meyette, A Young ; carpenters, 0. Newton, J. Ilendee, G. B.{ Farrington, G. D. Osgood, L. R. Chase, L. D. Hall, 0. A. Bond,! Geo. Murphy, G. Murphy, jr., D. J. Livingston, H. Baker, L. E. Comstock, A. S. Burbank, N. L. Davis, G. T. Stockwell, Ilait Brothers, Austin Perry, H. R. Beckwith, Wm. Chandler ; cooper. A. R. Russell; hair dressers, E. H. Jacques, Eugene Millette, W. Lee ; harnesses, T. Dart, E. J. Bowen, R. C. Bradford, L. D, Patten ; laun¬ dry, A. J. Blodgett; Machinists, Sullivan Machine Co., J. P. Upham, Pres., M. A. Nott,; marble workers, Blood k Woodcock ; masons, C. F. Tibbels, G. A. Walker, G. W. Howe. S. Mitchell, A. Walker, D. Spaul¬ ding, L. Stearns, C. Edson; painters, J. T. Little, John Barnard, G. Rowell, T L. Heath, G. II. Abbott: landscape, R. E. Miller; photo¬ grapher, Wm. Coffrin ; printers, Claremont Manuf’g Co., J. Weber, R. I;. Smiley & Co., S. H. Story; tailors, S. F. Redfield, E. F Houghton; L. M. Blood-; tin, sheet iron and copper plate workers, A. C. Stone k J __ ; BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 59 Co., S. S. Rand, J. G. Briggs; watch makers, Solon Silsbee, Reuben Spencer, S. I. L. Woodbury. Merchants —Henry Patten, J. W. Peirce & Co.; agents’ furnishing goods, Albert Hale, auctioneers, H. L. Hubbard, F. F. Haskell; books and stationery, Claremont Stationery Co.; boots and shoes, It. W. Far- well & Co., H. A. Dickinson & Co., E. F. Johnson, II. C. Noyes C. H. Wee 1 & Co.; dry goods, C. H. Weed th Ea-tman, L. S. Morrill, J. P. Brown, C. W. Moore, L. L. Mower, Z. C. Perkins, J. P. Bancroft, E. C. Eastman, J. W. Shaw, G. P. Conn, Timothy Haynes, C. C. Danforth, Geo. W. Ela, F. II. Pierce, Joseph Wentworth, H. E. Chamberlain, J. Y. Barron. J. W. Hildreth. J. II. Pearson, E. Adams, Thomas M. Lang, Walter Harriman, J. C. Moore, B. E Badger. Ons¬ low Stearns, I. B Merrill, J. B. Rand. F. S. Dodge, I. A. Hill, Enoch Gerrish, A. J. Prescott, G. W. Lawrence, J. F. Webster, W. C. Harri- inan, Win. Butterfield, Wm, Yeaton, W. W. Taylor. M. Gilmore, J. D. Fife, Shadrach Seavy, D. F. Secomb, J. S. Davis, T. B. Martin, R. G- iWyman, II. F. Hill, S. C. Whitcher, G. N. Crockett, S. L. French, L. B. Durgiu, Chas. Whitcher, A. W. Silsbv, J. E. Sargent, Arthur Fletcher, F. II. Gould. John Connell. J. C. A. Hill, G. 0. Morrill, F. N. "Brown. L. H. Carroll, J. M. Jones, W. H. Allison, W. S. Whitcomb, E. H. Roiiins, I. W. Hammond, Truman Smith, C. S. Danforth, M. R Emerson, J. II. Stokes, F. S. Streeter, Win. A. Taylor, Jas. H. Chase, J. N. MeLintoc, J. P. Nutter, Jacob Carter , Svtte : I. N Abbott, Quo¬ rum-, H. Sanborn, II. B. Foster, A. S. Smith, G. S. Morrill, A. W. Rolfe, J. E. Browne, R. P. Staniels, W. II. Bell, J, N. Patterson, Henry Rob¬ inson, II. A. Brown, G. F. Underhill, S W. Hook, W. A. Bean, J. T. Clough. Geo. P. Cleaves, A. II. Robinson. 0. L. Shephard, G. li. Diamond, J. H. Mace W. W. Holden, C. J.-Conner, Chas. R. Corning, B. II. Couch, Warren Clark, G. W. Estabrook, A. B. Thompsou, Stilman Humphrey, T. A. Pillsbury, J. S. Locke, C. C. Davis, C. H. Amsden’ G. A. Fernald, II. W. Stevens, E. B. Craddock, R. A. Ray, D. E. Howard 62 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. C. Y. Dudley, E. A. Merrill, W. W. Flint, Giles Wheeler, J. Wetherbee, W. W. Hill, C. K. Robinson, D. B. Donovan, F. A. llolt, Henry W. Parker, W. B. Tebbetts, J. C. Linehani, E. A. Greeley, Mitchell Gil¬ man, J. B. Morrill, Chas. A. Sargent; Wm. A. Clough, Geo. Noyes, S. D. Greeley, D. S. Webster, J. B. Eastman, Geo. B. Whitridge, N. E. Martin, Churches —Advent,-; First Bap., William V. Garner; Pleasant St. Bap., E. C. Spinney ; E. E. Cummings ; F. Bap., H. F. Wood, J. P. Nutting ; Cong., F. D. Ayer; South Cong.,-; N. Bouton, E. H. Greeley, W. R. Jewett; West, John W. Colwefl; East Abraham Burnham ; H. A. Kendall, -McClenning; Epis., - -; W. W. Niles, bishop of the diocese ; Millville, H. A Coit ; J. H. Coit, Hall Harrison, R. A. Benton, C. A. Morrill; First Meth., O. W. Scott; Baker Memorial Meth., W. Eakins ; J. W. Merrill, E. Adams, 0. W. Holman, E. Smith ; R. Cath., J. E. Barry ; Uuita., J, A. Bean ; Univ., Everett L. Conger. Exp. Agent—Nathaniel White. Tel. Agents — Western Union, II. H. Morrison ; Atlantic and Pacific, Nath’l Mclntire. Eating Houses —A. W. Gale, L. H. Carroll, Smith & Newhall, H. M. Sinclair. Hotels —Eagle, John A. White; Phoenix, Wm. S. Baker; Elm House, J. L. Colli u; American House, D. G. Marsh; Merrimack House, D. Silver : Birchdale Springs , Adams & Co. Ins. Agents —S. & S.C. Eastman. R. P. Stauiels, Morrill & Danforth, Lyman Jackman & Co., J. B. Marston, Perkins & Ballard, D. E. IIow- C. W. Moore, Wm. A. Stone; M. It. Emerson, general agent. Lawyers —Asa Fowler, J. E. Sargent, A. Fletcher, Sylvester Dana, Josiah Minot, J. II. George, L. D. Stevens, H. P. Rolfe, W. L. Foster, J. Y. Mugridge, H. E. Perkins, W. W. Flint, S. G. Lane, B. E. Badger,! j Warren Clark, Unas. P. S inborn. S. C. Eastman, W. M. Chase, C. C. Lund, F. II. Pierce, F. A. Fowler, L. S. Morrill. J. H. Albin, F. S. Streeter, A. L. F. Norris, M. W. Tappan, Fred II. Gould, Henry Robin son, D. S. Corser, Frank N. Brown, D. B. Donovan, II. L. Norris, A. C. .Osgood, A. L. F. Norris, F. S. Streeter. Literary Institutions —St. Paul’s school, H. A. Coit, D. D., prin ; 'Union High School, John L. Stanley, prim; Female Boarding and Day, School, Misses Bridge. Livery Stables— C. H. Norton & Co.,Ansyl S. Dill, A. & G. A. Foster, Bushey & Bowser, N. A. Duncklee, Wilkinson A Brown, D. Philbrick, Toof & Hobbs. Manufacturers —bakers, J. S. Norris & Son, South End Bakery; L. H. & Clough Co.;'bedste ds and furniture. N. H. Stale Prison, G. F. IComins, contractor; book cases and desks. J. E. Rundlctt; brick S. Holt, Past, J. T. Clough ; candles, M. Critchett & Son; carriages, Ab¬ bott Downing Co., Concord Carriage M’f’g Co., Flanders, V> bite & Houstin, J. W. Bliss, Union Carriage Manufactorv, II. M. Rav; car¬ riage springs, J. Palmer & Co.; carriage wheels etc., Holt Bros.; car wheel and brass founders, Ford & Kimball; churns, P. Blanchard’s Sons ; cigars, J. S. Hubbard, S. Wardner ; flannels W st, D. Holden & Co.; gas, Concord Gas Light Co.; harnesses, J. R. Hill & Co., J. D. Johnson & Son, E. 0. Murphy ; ink, H B. Foster ; leather and belting, Page Belting Co., G. T. Page ; East, S. Eastman & Co.; mackerel kits, West, Moses Humphrey ; melodeun and piano keys, James Crockett; mouldings, brackets etc., E. B. Hutchinson; organs and melodeons, Ballou & Curtis, Prescutt Organ Co.; organ melodeon and piano stools, BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 63' Prescott Organ Co., Ballou & Curtis; picture frames and looking' glasses, Robinson & Co., F. D. Batchelder, S. Blood; plaster, East , J. T. Clough; plows, stoves and castings, Wm. P. Ford & Co,; pumps, R. Button ; silver ware, W. B. Durgin ; slate and gravel roofs, W. M.. Darrah ; sash, blinds and doors, A. Bunker, Lowell Eastman ; tables and refrigerators, W. H. Caldwell. Mechanise & Artisans—architects, Dow & Wheeler; Artists, A. Tenney, H. B. Moore, E. W. Kimball; book-binders, F. S. Crawford, Morrill & Silsbv, N. Giles ; brick masons and builders, Nahum Robin-.! ; son, Ordway & Ferrin, Lyman Fellows, Kenney & Godfrey, W. 11. Kenney, Chas. E. Thompson, S. S. Ordway, D. Bramaud, E. B. Hutch- jinson ; builders, Miller & Sanborn, Scott & Buzzell, Samuel ShuteJ Webster A Morgan, Mead, Mason & Co.; fresco-painters, W. S. lleuay i& Son; hair dressers, C. H. Proctor, W. H. Corning, Knee & Ney, C. Barrett. A. J. Souza, E. J. Knee, C. W. Allen, Sam’l C. Robinson, A. J. Tabor; harness maker, J. D. Johnson; machinists, Woodman Bros, John A. White, A. Bean & Co., Frank Stevens, D. C. Allen Co.; marble workers, Cummings Bros., li. N. Farley & Co., paint¬ ers, J. C. Tilton, John Connell, Geo. Abbott, F. A. Moulton, Geo. Smart, J. T. Carpenter & Co., W. II. Perkins, 0. C. Cole & Co., Geo. P. Glover, F. J. Fullerton, J. H. Caswell, Chalirles E. Savory ; pho-' tograpliers, Kimball Bros., D. F. Gerould, 11. P. Moore, 11. G. Bailey, Everett & Lindsey; plumbers, Geo. Goodhue, Eves MERRIMACK —Pop., 3000; part of Concord and Boscawen but distant from city 0 m. R. R. S. —Fisherville on N. R., R., conveyances to ail trains, and N. Concord, on B. C. & M. R. R., 1 m. no conveyance. Postmaster —S. F. Brown. Lawyer —Nehemiah Butler. Churches —Bap., W. B Smith, J. E. Burr; Cong.,--- Meth., Lyman E. Sanborn ; R. Catli., J. E Barry. ! Hotels —Penacook House, Hannibal Bonney; Washington House, Gilman Shaw. Library— Fisherville Library Association, N. A. Gage Librarian. Literary Insaiution— Penacook Normal Academy, A. C. Hardy, prin. Livery Stibles—C. N. Butler, M. Bickford. G, Shaw. Manufacturers —axe helves II., M. Fisher; carriages, J. D. Fife, carriage axles, etc., D. A. Brown & Co., circular and other saws, whif- fletree springs, Gage, Porter & Co.; cottons Brown; doors, sash and blinds, C. M. & A. II. II. Brown’s Sons, J. S. W. Rolfe ; excelsior. J BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 65 Blanchard; flour, &c., Whitcker & Stratton; furniture, H. H. Amsden '& Sons ; lumber, C. & J. C. Gage, J. Whittaker & Co.; woolens, A Harris’s Sons. Mechanics & Artisans— civil engineer, J. D. Fife ; photographer, M. S. Lamphrey ; undertaker, J. A. Coburn. Merchants —Gr. M. Dudley; bakery, Harlow & Bean; boots and shoes, J. P. Sanders, D. W. Fox, Peter Sahagan; clothing, J. P. San-; decs, Critchett & Corser; coffins, J. A. Coburn ;.dry goods, Foote & Cage, W. H. Allen, Brown & Foote, J. C. Linuchan, D. Putnam; fur¬ niture, Amsden & Son, G. M. Dudley; groceries, J. C. Linnehan, N. C. Hunt, J. McNeil & Co., Brown & Foote, Foote & Cage; hardware, stoves, cutlery, &c., Evans & Cale, Isaac Baty; jewelers, W. H. Bell, S. C. Noyes; medicines, C. C. Topliff; C. H Fowler; meat, &c., Daniel Smith, J. Foss, Sawyer & Rhoades; millinery, Mrs. Jacobs, Misses Peaslee, Hale, Chadwick; paper hangings, W. H. Alien, Brown & Foote; sewing machines, S. C. Noyes; stoves and tin ware, Evans & Cale, Isaac Baty. I Physicians— S. M. Emery, W. H, Ilosmer, C. C. Topliff; dentists, H.D. White, J. H. French H. Knight. Connecticut Cake—See Pittsburg. Contoocook—See H >pkinton. CONWAY, CARROLL —Pop., 1607. N. E. from C. 71; N. from jOssipee. 28. R. R. S. —Conway, ou P. & 0. R. R. and Eastern R. R. | OFFICERS— Clerk. J. A. Farrington ; Treas., H. C. Abbott; Select¬ men, C- W. Wilder, William F. Thompson, H. B. Cotton; Supt., S. G Norcross. Postmasters —Abel M. Ayer; Centre, J. A. Farrington. Justices —S. B. Shackford, L. H. Eastman, H. Me Norton, S. D J Thompson, D. E. Thompson, State ; E. P. Lampson, S. H izeltine, J. Eastman, J. A. Farrington, J. L. C. Wood, C. F. Mansfield, H. W. Chamberlin, Andrew Diusmoer. Churches —Cong., S. C. Norcross; Meth., F. B. Smith, and at Center. Hotels —Conway House, Grove House, Pequaket House. Lawyers —JohnB. Nash; Center, Joel Eastman. Manufacturers —carriage*, L. S. Merrill, Eaton, Burnell & Thomp¬ son ; lumber, Allen & Warren; lumber and flour, J. II. Berry; Center, II. B. Cotton ; pegs, B. F. Sturtevant; straw board, Merrill & Co. Mechanics & Artisans— blacksmiths, J. A. Cloutman ; Center, J. M. Nason ; carpenters, C. A. Biotton, Paul IVentworth ; Center, 0. S. Hurd, C. C. Perry, B. E. Perkins; cooper, Center, A, P. Morton ; civil engineer and land surveyor. J. A. Farrington ; harness maker and carriage trimmer, C. W. Wilder; masons, E. H. Meader ; Center, N. Peterson; millwrights J. H. Berry, H. W. Berry; painters, A. M. Ayer, Palmer & Robertson, J. A. Carlton, Sawyer Bro’s, L. C. Quint,! Center, D. Atherton. Merchants —J. C. L. Wood ; Center, Farrington, Morton & Co. Physicians —Simeon Evans, S. N. Greenlaw, David Watson. Tel. Agt —F. W r . Davis. Livery Stable— L. II. Eastman. Xortli— R. R. S. —North Conway, on P. &. 0. R. R. and Eastern Ir. r. j Postmaster —B. D. Eastman. Physician —Wm. Bragdon. Justices—H. H. Dow, C. II. Whitaker, S. D. Thompson, L. Pitman, N. N. Pease. Churches —Bap., T. C. Gleason, Cong., S. G, Norcross; Epis., II. A. Parker; Meth., 0.M. Corescus. ,66 BUSINESS DIRECTOR*. . Hotels — Kiarsarge House, Sunset Pavillion, McMillan House, Washington House, North Conway House, Interval House, Mason Hotel. Literary Institutions —North Conway Academy. Mrs. Norcross, prim, Livery Stables —Mndgett & Sons, W. C. Eastman, J. W. Whitaker, J. T. Raudall, Alfred Eastman. Manufacturers—carriages. I. M. Chase, lumber. Furber Bro’e, S. W. Thompson, A. M. Barnes; potter}' C. Harriman. Mechanics & Artisans— blacksmiths, W. S. Carter, Moses Randall, ! Timothy Clifford; cabinetmakers, Moses Chandler, 0. H. Boswell; carpenters, C. S. Meserve, G. Y. Eastman, E. R. Eastman, Albert Barnes, J. M. Seavey, Joseph Ware, A. W. Barnes, C. H. Eastman, Alpheus Furber, M. L. Charles, Caleb Merrill ; confectioner, G. W. Barker; cooper, Benj. Richardson ; harness maker, G. F. Boston., masons, Lorenzo Lamb; painter, S. C. Eastman; photographer, N. W. Pease ; tailor, J F. Mason. Merchants —J. T. Randall. N. S. Davis, N. R. Mason, B. D. East¬ man, G. F. Wolcott & Co.; drugs and medicines, L. Pitman ; millinery, IWilson & Goodwin, E. C. Farrington. Coos—See Stratford. CORXISH, SULLIVAN— Pop., 1334 N. W. from C. , 60 ; N. W. from Newport 12. R. R. S. —Windsor, Yt., on Central Yt. R. R. OFFICERS— Clerk and Treas., Flat, T. A. Gleason; Selectmen, N. A. Deming; Flat , E. 0. Day; 0. B. Williams; Supt., Flat, A. T. Jackson. Justices —Chester Pike, Orlando Powers, II. M. Day, Araunah Bur- nap. S. A. Tracy, J. A. Parker, State ; Wm. C. Hart, B. S. Fletcher, J. M. Davidson, Wm. Balloch. Lemuel Martindale, E. F. Chellis, G. G. D. Kenyon, D. N. Morgan, S. M. Bugbee,C. E. Jackson. Hotel —Connecticut River House, Michael Brady. Manufacturers —lumber, Chester Pike, G. W. Sargent, J. C. Whitaker. Churches —Epis.,-; Meth.,-• Physician —Francis Boardman. Merchant —wool, C. Pike. Cornisti Flat— R. R. S .—Claremont 10 m., on C. & C. R. R.; Lebanon 10 m., on N. N. H. R. R.; Windsor, Yt t , 8 m., on C. Y. R. R. Postmaster —T. A. Gleason. Churches —Bap., G. A. Glines ; Cong., J. T. Jackson. Hotel —Union House, Elmore Barrows. Physician —G. W. Hunt. Manufacturers —lumber, E. 0. & H. M. Day ; leather, Alvin Com- mings; patent medicines, S. Hardy's Sons. Mechanics —blacksmiths, S. M. Sherburn, A. K. Spaulding, C. T. Sturtevaut; carpenters, B. B. Churchill, Charles Tyler; cooper, D. E. Carroll ; harness maker, W. H. Sisson ; painter, L. F. Stone; wheel¬ wrights, J. J. Lamson, D. B. Kinsman. Merchants —T. A. Gleason ; auctioneer, clocks and watches, S. W. Bryant; wool,0. Powers. Physician —Geo. W. Hunt. Crawford House—See Carroll. CKOI BON, SULLIVAN— Pop., 652. N. W. from C. 44; N. fr. Newport, 7. R. R. S. —Newport, on C. & C. R. R. Daily stage. OFFICERS— Clerk. Alonzo Allen ; Treas., Ruel Durkee; Selectmen, Ruel Durkee, AYm. W. Ryder, Frederick Barton; Supt., II. A. Barton. Postmasters —Alonzo Allen; Flat, Mrs. Polly D. Ilall. Justices —Nathan Hall, Elias Powers, John Cooper, D. R. Hall, W. H. Powers, Albina Hall, W. W. Le Seur State", J. C. Grundy, Alonzo Allen. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 67i 1 Churches —Cong.,-; Meth., W. W. Le Seur ; Flat » Univ.,-. Hotel—Croydon House, David A. Sargent. Ins. Ag’t — Flat , Dan’l R. Hall. Manufacturers — Flat, excelsior and mattress filling, Adams & Co lumber, Flat, Humphrey & Hanson; patent ox yokes, S. G. Walker. Mechanics —blacksmiths, Harry Leeds; carpenter, Hubbard Coop¬ er ;!mason, Hubbard Cooper; painters, H. Cooper, Ruel D. Hall. Merchants —George W. Dunbar; groceries, David A. Sargent; wool, jPliny Hall. Physician —Williams Barton DALTOJi, COOS —Pop.. 733. N. from C., 112 ; S. fr. Lancaster, 8. R. R. S —Dalton, on White Mt. R R. Stages connect with trains twice a day. Lunenburg on P. & 0. R. R.; one mile from Sumner House. OFFICERS— Cleric and Treas., B. A. Taylor; Selectmen , Jona M. Lang, Ira C. Carlton, George Weston ; Supt., A. E. Hall. Postmaster —H. P. Blakslee. Church —Cong., A. E. Hall. Justices —J. B. Sumner, B. A. Taylor, State ; J. M. Lang. Hotels —Sumner House, J. B. Sumner ; Rosebrook House, Lee Rosebrook. Manufacturers— lumber, Libby, Gordon & Co., G. W. & N. W. Lib¬ by ; starch, Littleton Starch Co., Libby, Sartwell & Co. Mechanics —blacksmiths, B. E. Somers; carpenters, J. P. Thorn. R Page; mason, E. P. Cushman; wheelwrights, T. J. Smith, A. M. Colby. Merchants —Bond & Blakslee. 0. D. Ewen. DAYBURY, MERRIMACK— Pop. 830. N. W. from C., 30 ; S. W. from Plymouth. 15. R.R.S. —Danbury & So. Danbury, on N. R. R. OFFICERS— Cleric , J. H. Currier : Treas., J. C. Webster ; Selectmen J. H. Emmons, Cyrus Jones, John Tucker; Supt., W. T. Norris. Postmasters —Stillman Clark; South, Alfred Sleeper. Justices —Stillman Clark, M. L. Taylor, J. S. Knowlton. W. T. Norris, J. A. Kuowles, Robert Ford, State ; I. S. Brown, J. C. Webster J. II. Currier. Churches —Bap., Franklin Merriam ; Cong., S.F. Lougee ; Chris. ! South, VY. S. Morrill. Hotel, Livery Stable, Exp. &Tel. Ag’t — J. B. Cheney. Lawyers —Stillman Clark' W. T. Norris. Manufacturers —boots and shoes, H. C. Norris, H. F. Taylor ; cof¬ fins and caskets, G. K, Jewett; leather, N. P. Clough & Co.; lumber. Frank Farnham, L F. Hoyt, G. N. Ford. Mechanics —blacksmith, L. F. Ballou; carpenters, W. H. Thayer ; N. Leeds, F. S. Ransom ; coopers, George Sanders. J. D. Morrison, masous, S. T. Sargent, A. J. Phelps; painter, E. G. Coffin ; printer, W. H. Travers. Merchants —J. C. Webste^r. J. H. Currier; South, E. Bucklin ; auc¬ tioneer, J. H. Currier; meat, Alvin Stuart; millinery, Mrs. A. J.! Thayer, Mrs. A. Stuart ; cattle and horses, Edwin Litchfield & Son . Physician— J. B. N. Gould. Real Estate Agent— J. H. Currier. DANVILLE, ROCKINGHAM— Pop., 548. S. E. from C., 33 ;' S. W. from Exeter, 10. R. R. S. —Plaistow 6, and Newton Junction 4, on B. & M. R. R.; Sandown 4% on N. &. R., R. R. Daily stage to 9 A. M. train for Boston waiting for 5 P. M, from. OFFICERS— Cleric, F. W. George ; Treas., John Elkins; Selectmen , John Elkins, Oliver Hunt, John S. Tuck; Supt., J. A. Lowell.' - 68 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Postmaster —J. C Bradley. Justices —Aaron Quiinby, Wm. Hoyt, Elisha Qnimby, David Griffin, State ; Jarius Towle, J. C. Bradley, Franklin Fitts, W. S. Meserve, L. W, Collins, S. A. Collins. Churches —F. Bap..J. A. Lowell ; Meth., J. Higgins. Manufacturers —lumber and boxes, Dimond & Collins ; lumber, M. ' Spofford & Son, A. Rogers; shoes, W. A. Calvert & Co. Mechanics —blacksmith, W. S. Meserve ; carpenters, Ilarriman Sargent, Moses Anderson; coopers. J*. II. & L. W. Collins. Alva & J. Collins; D. & S. Sargent, Jacob Collins, A. J. Bagiev, Joseph & Levi Collins ; dressmaker, Miss M. A. Eastman ; wheelwright, J. L. James. Merchants —J. C. Bradley, S. C. Griffin, A. J. Philbrick. DEERFIELD, BOOKING HAM— Pop., 1762. N. E. from C., 20; W. from Portsmouth, 25. R. R. S .—Candia Depot, on C. & P. R. R. Stage daily connects with morning and evening trains. OFFICERS— Clerk , J. F. Prescott ; Treats., J. S. French ; Selectmen, D. S. Fernald, A. S. Whittier, David Gerrisk, S. S. Conn, George W. Currier. Postmasters —E. A. J. Sawyer ; South, F. J. White. Justices —L. B. Pkilbrickj_Samuel Woodman, John Griffin, Samuel Hobbs, David Stevens, R. JTSanborn, State; E. A. Sawyer, John Cur¬ rier, S. G. Haines, I. II. Morrison, A. L. Jenuess. T. W. Currier, D. S. Fernald, David Smith, G. H. Towle, A. J. Balchelder, H. W. Hazen, J. J. Dearborn, Lewis A. Ladd. Churches —Bap., H. 0. Walker; Cong., L. White ; F. W. Bap., E. Blake. Express Agent —Eugene Menard. Ins. Agts. — L. B. Philbrick, L A. Ladd. Hotel & Livery Stables —Glenwood House, J. W. Prescott, J. T. Brown ; Center, Exchange Hotel, Geo. Page. Manufacturers —carriages. L. D. Ladd; doors, sash and blinds, G. P. Rand ; lumber, Alpheus Rodgers, Dearborn & Sawyer, J. K. Wood¬ man, Gilbert Robinson, George J. French; tubs and pails, W. A. Churchill. Mechanics & Artisans — blacksmiths, M. D. Emerson; Center , Abraham Chase, Enoch F. Meloon, Joseph Deroche ; carpenters, C. 0. Brown, G. W. Page, Albert Ladd, T. W. Currier, G. W. Letter : coop¬ er, B. F. Moulton; hair dresser, Center , A. B. Chase ; masons, El- bridge Whittier, T. W. Sanborn ; painters, D. B. Smith, Langdon Rowe ; tinsmith, II. J. Page ; wheelwrights, C. 0. Brown, L. D. Ladd. Merchants —S. C. Danforth ; Center, J. M. Ballon; South , B. J. Sanborn ; auctioneers, L. B. Philbrick, A. L. Jenuess ; furniture and coffins, J. F. Prescott. Physician—G. H. Towle. , DEERL\G, HILLSBOROUGH— Pop., 725. S. W. from C., 22; N. W. from Manchester 22 ; N. W. from Amherst, 19. R. R. S. — Hillsborough Bridge, 4 m., on Concord 9 Claremont R. R. Stage every other day to Oil Mills, Weare. OFFICERS— Cleric, J. G. Morrill; Treas., Alvin Tubbs; Selectmen, R. E.Otis, II. C. Ferry, W. F. Whitaker; Supt., II. C. Ferry. • Postmasters—R. Tubbs: East. Herod Chase ; 1 Vest, J. M. Appleton. Justices —Russell Tubbs. L. Goodall, State ; Win. Forsaith, Quorum; G. C. Patten, Herod Chase,Carleton Clement, C. A. Appleton, Geo. Smart, J. W. Presby, J. F. Chase. Horace Gove. Churches —Cong., — Palmer; Meth.,— Presby. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 69 Hotel —J. M. Appleton. Merchant— -Russell Tubbs. Literary Institution— Deering Academy, J. S. Woodbury, prin. Manufacturers —boots and shoes, E. W. Barnes; lumber, J. E. Ellis, Dow & Hill, G. Roach. Mechanics —blacksmiths, Dow & Hill, Edward Buttrick ; East, A. Kentfield; cooper, John Gilmore; painter and wheelwright, Henry Gilmore. DERRY, ROCKINGHAM— Pop., 1800. S. E. from C., 25.; S. W. from Exeter, 21. R. R. S. —Derry, on M. & L. R. R., and Hubbard’s ^Station on N. R. R. R. Stage connects with all traius from Concord, [Manchester, Boston and Lawrence. OFFICERS— Cleric, F. W. Parker; Treas., R. II. Clark; Selectmen, Depot, J. E. Webster; J. R. Clark; East ; George Moore; Supt., II. 0. Hill, East. Postmasters —Seneca Pettee; Depot. H. C. Matthews ; East , F. W. Parker. Justices —G. C. Bartlett. J. Priest, Wm. Anderson, David Currier, jN. B. Prescott, I. Dustin? Rufus Tilton, J C. Taylor, F. N, Parsons, | State \ Joseph Montgomery, Quorum’, W. W. Poor, G. W. Barker. H. E. Eastman, G. W. Dickey, G. K. Whitney, J. R. Clark, George Moore, II. P. Hood, I. A. Dustin, W. 0. Noyes, G. C. Currier, A. B. Smith, G. jO Reynolds, H. K. Underhill, F. W. Parker, J. M. Palmer, G. K. Bart¬ lett, J. A. Greenwood. Churches —First Cong., R. W, Haskins; East, -; Meth., N. L. Alger. Ex. & Tel. Ag’t— Depot, James Priest; East, F. W. Parker. Hotels —Sanders’ Hotel, J. C. Sanders; Depot, Railway House, A. B. Smith. Lawyer —G. C. Bartlett. Literary Institutions —Pinkerton Academy, E. R. Angell, prin.; 'East, Adams Female Academy, Miss E. L. Taylor. | Manufacturers —boots and shoes, W. S. Dcpt>t, Pillsbury, edge tools, H. R. Underhill; ribs for loom reeds, Beuj. Chase, jr.; lumber,; \Dep"t, Horn Bros.; East, Jonas Herrick. Mechanics —blacksmiths, Goodwin & Pratt; Depot, T. R. Robie \East, J. A. Kimball, Geo. Richards; carriage makers, Goodwin & Pratt; harness makers, E. M. Boyd; East, John Kimball; printers, The Star Printing Co.; wheelwrights, D. C. Palmer, J. M. Jaquis. Merchants —Pettee & Co., Charles Adams ; Depot, II. C. Matthews, East, F. 4 W. Parker; Derry Cash Store, A. T. Learnard, ag’t; clocks and watches, Wm. Haskins; corn and’ meal, W. W. Poor; millinery, Mrs. Learnard & Miss Carr. Physician —J. H. Crombie, D. C. Clark ; vet., I. A. Butterfield. DORCHESTER, GRAFTON— Pop., 689. N. W. from C., 50 ; N. W. from Plymouth. 18. R. R. S. —West Rumney, 6%m., East Canaan, 8. Mail stage to East Canaan Tuesdays and Saturdays. OFFICERS— Clerk, J. A. Norris; Treas., Charles Clough; Selectmen, Charles Clough, Aldeu Youngman, Joseph W. Burley; Supt. B. W. Leavitt. Postmasters —Carrie Norris ; North, G. F. Coburn. Justices —Parker Folansbee, State ; S. W. Clement, Quoimm; G. F. Colburn, Asahel Blodgett, Marshall Burpee, B. K. Norris. Church —F. Bap., G. W, Jessman. Manufacturers —charcoal, Prescott & Co., p. o. ad., West Rumney . North, Geo. F. Colburn; lumber, Peaslee & Dustin, Albert & S. A’ Leavitt, L. S. Fellows, P. B. Powers, Alden Whicher; shingles, clap^ BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 70 boards and building timber, Norris & King, worsted, Henry Wilkinson- Mechanics—blacksmith, J. M. Fitts; carpenter, S. W. Clement; coopers, Joshua Rowen, J. M. King, Benj. A. King, J. F. Austin ; mason. John Quimby ; wheelwright, Stillman Merrill. Merchant—j. F. Austin, jr.; J. M. Fitts, p. o. ad., West Rumney. I>OVEIt, STRAFFORD —Pop., 9874. E. from C., 40. R. R. S. Dover, on B. & M. R. R. Dover & Ports. R. R., Dover & Win. R. R. OFFICERS— Mayor, S. H. Foye; City Clerk and Sec'y of Board of Instruction, J. B. Stevens, jr.; City Treas., Frank Freeman; Alder- men, W. T. Wentworth, H. F. Snow', C. W. Avery, J. W. Cate, C. II. Horton, M. D. Page, T. W. Woodman, W. Wiggin ; Chairman of Board of Instruction , G. B. Spalding; City Marshall, J- W. Rines ; Assistant Marshall , G. W. Caverly. Postmaster—G. W. Colbath. Justices—J. H. White, Geo. Wadleigh, W. J. Chesley, E. V. Brews¬ ter, F. A. Freeman, Joseph Hayes, S. M. Wheeler, J. G. Hall, W. T. Perkins, T. J. Smith, J. B. Stevens, jr., T. E. Sawyer, C. Woodman, D. Hall, F. Hobbs, H. A. Redfield, E. P. Hudson, C. H. Horton, Thos. Bennett, E. R. Brown, W. H. Dodge, G. W. Caswell, Wm. Stearns, D. Ward, C. W. Wiggin, Z. S. Wallingford, Joseph Hayes, H. H. Metcalf, B. P. Strout, C. M. Murphy, V. H. McDaniel, J. R. Jack- son, Calvin Sanders, T. G. W. Pray, State; G. Lovell, Quorum ; John Clemeuts, E. J. Lane, Charles Youug, D. H. Wendell, Uriah Wiggin, Frank Freeman, Jeremiah Smith, C. H. Sawyer, B. P. Pierce, J. S. Hayes, J. W. Hartford, J. Y. Demeritt, E. C. Goodwin, L. G. Ilill, L. Chamberlin, J. L. Foster, C. C. Hardy. J. T. S. Libbey, S. H. Mathes, E. H. Twombly, C. B. Shackford, Everett Hall, H. Davis, A. J. Young, J. W. Pray, J. W. Drake, J. R. Palmer, E. 0. Foss, Wm. B. Lyman, Oliver Waytt, S. W. Baker, H. Haley, J. A. Wiggin, J. F. Manson, J. R. Ham, D. C. Wiggin, E. H. Whitehouse, W. H. "Vickery, J. Parker, W. B. "Wiggin, C. E. Horn, A. M. Foss, J. D. Guppy, John Kivel, J. B. Stevens, J. R. Palmer Churches—F. Bap., Washington St., G. C. Waterman, Charles St.. E. W. Ricker ; C. Bap., F. A. Tow r ne ; Cong., G. B. Spaulding; Epis.; I. W. Beard; Meth., M. W. Prince; R. Cath., J. Drummond; Unit., C."A Allen; Univ., C. E. Hand; Belknap Cong., I. P. Smith. 1 Eating Houses— II. D. Freeman, Mrs. C. H. Neal, Geo. F. Woodus, T. Brown. Ex. Agents—Niles & Co., David Lawrence, Frank Shorey, Jackson & Co. Tel. Ag’ts—C A. Tufts, W. H. Vickery. Hotels—American House, A. T. Pierce & Co.; N. H. House, W. J. Walker; Kimball House, C. E. Smith; Mansard House, J. F. Chase ; New England House. J. A. Smith; New Hampshire House,-; United States Hotel, G. W. Ricker. Ins. Ag’ts—D. H. Wendell, C. A. Tufts, II. A. Redfield, F. Freeman,' E. P. Hodsdon, G. B. Prescott, Everett 0. Foss, J. S. Hayes, A. M. Austin. Lawyers—T. E. Sawyer, J.H. White, S. M. Wheeler, J. G. HalL J. R. Varney, T. J. Smith, F. Hobbs, W. II. Dodge, C. B. Shackford^ Calvin Sanders. Literary Institutions—Diver High School, Franklin Academy. Livery Stables—W. R. Brown, J. Chase, W. H. Smith, S. Mitchell, G. L. Purinton & Co. Manufacturers—boots and shoes, Palmer & Warner, J. Bradley & Co., G. B. Wentworth, G. W. Tash & Co., E. C. Kiunear & Son, J. H. r - -■ - BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 71 Hurd & Son, M. S. Hutchins, C. W. Thurston, E. A. Strong aac Wight. Manufacturers —lumber, T. A. Twitchell, J. W. Wheeler & Co. DlXBARTOJi, MERRIMACK— Pop., 778, S. from C., 10. R. R. S. —E. Weai e, 3, Goftstown, 6, on Manchester ERHAYS,STi?A FFORD —Pop., 1260. E. from C., 34; S. W. from Dover, 5. R. R. S .—Durham. %m., ou B. & M. R. R. Stage. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 73 OFFICERS— Clerk, Yalentine Matties, jr.; Treas., J. B. Smith ; Se¬ lectmen, J. B. Smith, II. F. Fogg, Albert Young. Postmaster —Yalentine Mathes,jr. Tel. Ag’t —J. W. E. Thompson. Y Justices —Jos. C. Bartlett, J, E. Buzzell, Ephraim Jenkins, State ; J. B. Smith, J. Langley, Yalentine Matties, jr. Churches —Chris. Bap.,-;Cong., H. L. Talbot. Hotel—Oyster River Hotel, T. M. Tooey. Manufacturers —brick, H. A. Mathes, John Mathes, V. Mathes, jr.; lumber, Samuel Runlett, T. II. Wiswall ; wall paper, T. II. Wiswall & Co.,p. o. ad., Newmarket; wall and news paper, Page & Coffin, p. o.ad., New Market. Mechanics —blacksmiths, J. E. Buzzell, J. R. Giles; machinist, Ephriam Jenkins ; wheelwright, J. E. Buzzell. Merchants —G. & W. W. P. Frost. Y. Mathes, jr., Alvin Jacks. Physician —C. J. Ricker. % EAST KINGSTON, ROCK1NGHAM— Pop. 553. S. E. From C. 42 ; S. from Exeter, 6. R. R. S. —E. Kingston, on B. & M. R. R. | OFFICERS— Clerk , F. J. Philbrick : Treas.. G. W. Sanborn ; Select - i men, E. W. Philbrick, G. S. Giles, G. W. Sanborn ; Supt., A. R. Brown. Postmaster —H. L. Rowell. Church —Bap.. J. R. Graham. Justices —E. F. Currier, B. K. Webster, State ; G. B. Webster, S. Sanborn, E. W. Philbrick, N. E. Tuck, N. B. Tilton, J. P. French. Exp. & Tel. Agent —J. B. Morrill Manufacturers —shoes, C. Greenly. Mechanics —blacksmith, C. E. Marsh; carpenters, E.W. Philbrick.; J. L. Philbrick, F. J. Philbrick, J. H. Buswell, G. D. Smith, Dana Webster, J. G. Nelson, W S. Rowell, Nathaniel Batchelder. Merchants —Frank Merrill ; groceries, E. A. Tilton, H. L. Rowell, I. W. Buswell ; millinery and dressmaking, M. C. Davis. EASTONi". GRAFTOjS —Pop., 300. N. W. from C., 85 ; N. E. from Haverhill, 20. R. R. S. —Lisbon, 12 m., Bath 12 m., on White Mt. R.R. OFFICERS— Clerk. Clark Edwards; Treas., A. Coolev ; Selectmen, Geo. W. Kendall, William Kendall, Amos C. Morse ; Supt., Mrs. L. S. Gray. Postmaster —F. B. Young. Church —Union, J. Smith. Justices —Geo. W Cogswell, State ; Geo. W. Kendall, Winsor Drury, jr., John W. Gray, N. 0. Cogswell. Manufacturers —lumber, Whitcher & Kendall. Hall Dexter & Co., II. K. Noyes, Daniel Whitcher. Rufus W. Young, Samuel Whitch¬ er, T. B. Young; starch, Parker, Atwood. & Whitney. Mechanics —blacksmith, Frank J. Bartlett; carpenters, G. W. Ken¬ dall, T. B. Young ; cooper, John W. Grav. EATON, CARROLL— Pop., 656. ‘.N. E. from C., 69; N. from Ossipge, 20. R. R. S. —Conway Corner. 5 m., on Eastern R. R. Daily stage. Brownfield, Me., on P. & 0. R. R., 10 m. OFFICERS— Clerk, Lncien Danforth ; Treas., Edwin Snow; Select¬ men , Charles A. Brooks, Carie Drew, Oren A. Allard. Postmaster — Center. H. H. Robertson. Hotel —H. IT. Robertson. Justices —S. W. Perkins, J. E. Perkins. State ; Silas Snow, Edwin Snow, Charles Robortson.C. M. Allard, II. B. Allard. Church —F. Bap.,-. Manufacturers —lumber, boards, shingles, staves Ac., Edwin Snow. Mechanics —blacksmiths, Charles Robertson, Henry Kenneson; cabinet makers, Silas & Alvin Snow; masons, B. F. Wakefield, II. B. Allard. 74 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Merchants —Snow & Brooks, Clement Drew. F. H. Wood ; millin¬ ery and fancy goods, Mrs. H. H. Robertson. EFFINGHAM, CARROLL— Pop., 904. N. W. from C., 70 ; W. from Ossipee, 8. R.R. S. —E. Wakefield and Ossipee Center, on P. Gt. Falls & Conway R. R. Daily stage. , OFFICERS— Clerk, Center, M. C. Morse; Treas., J. V. Granville; Selectmen, Center, A. M. Rumney, Chas. Parsons, Chas. Stevens; Supts. A. J. Wedgewood, Joseph Lougee, Frank Barker. Postmasters —A. W. Clark; South, B. F. Taylor. Justices —C. K. Drake, State; John Demerrit, J. M. Thurston, J. V. Granville, Quorum ; A. M. Rumney, A. W. Clark, A. M. Drake, Elijah Taylor, B. F. Taylor, S. Q. Dearborn, J. L. Demeritt, J. A. Leavitt, M. C. Morse, J. M. Drake. Churches —Cong.,-; F. Bap.,-; South, Univ..-. Mechanics —blacksmiths, James Buzzell; South, Van Bureu Glid-j den ; carpenter. South, Woodbury Glidden ; harness maker, South ,| W. S. Taylor; painter, A. W. Clark; tailor, South, P. Glidden; wheel¬ wright, A. W. Clark. Merchants —A. B. Lamper, S. M. Morse & Son; South, clothing, B. F. Taylor. Physician —A. N. Gould. Center—Postmaster—M. C. Morse. Church —Chris..-. Physician—A. N. Gould. Literary Institution —Masonic Institute. Mechanics & Artisans—blacksmiths Levi Champion & Son ; car¬ penters, J. F. Moore, J. A. Leavitt, A. M. Rumney, Elijah Taylor; hairdresser, C. F. Rowe; Masons. Simon Leavitt, J. F. Cate; pho¬ tographer, J. L. Drake ; tailor J. E. Knowles. Merchants —A. M. Drake; auctioneer, S. M. Morse; clothing, S. M. Morse & Son, A. M. Drake, Joel Sibley. Falls— Postmaster —J. Demeritt. Churches — F. Bap..-; Meth.,-Butler. Lawyer —S. Q. Dearborn. Manufacturers —spools, bobbins and rakes, C. & 0. Parsons. Mechanics & Artisans —blacksmith, Melvin Fulton ; carpenters, S. T. Lougee, G. E. Leighton, Oren Stillings, Seth Hatch; hair dresser, J. W. Thurston; machinist, John Parsons; masons, Alonzo Keniston Joseph Keniston,.R. A. Cate, Stephen Flanders; stone-cutter, J. B\ Davis. -| Merchants —J. L. Demeritt & Son ; clothing, J. L. Demeritt & Son- ELLSWORTH, GRAFTOX—Fop., 192. N. W. from C., 58; S. E. from Haverhill, 25. R. R S. Rumney, 10 miles, on B. C. & M. R. R. OFFICERS— Clerk and Treas., II II. Pease ; Selectmen, J. M. Dustin, Oscar F. Blake, David R. Buzzell; Supt., D. R. Buzzell. Justices —D. R. Buzzell, J. M. Dustin, Wellman Downing. Church —F. Bap., Milton Downing. Manufacturers —lumber; B. T. Brown, Elijah Averill. Mechanics —blacksmiths, E. Currier, B. P. Downing; carpenters, Albert Dowming,Samuel Willey; cooper, Samuel Willev. ENFIELD. GRAFTOX— Pop., 1662. N. W. from C., 42 ; S. fr. 1 Haverhill. 35. R. R. S. —Enfield on^No. N. II. R. R.. OFFICERS— Clerk, Center. J. F. Bryant; Treas., Wyman Pattee ; Selectmen, J. M. Nelson, H. Gage, J. E. Gile ; Supt.. W. II. Dorothy ;' Agent. J. S. Lovejov. Postmasters— C. G. Morgan ; West, B. F. Pettingill; Center, J. F. Bryant. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 75 ■“ • Justices —Wyman Pat tee. J. F. Bryant, Valentine Mauahan C. G. Morgan, Eben Clough, A. A. Cox, State ; John Jones, Quorum ; P. S. Wells, James Huse, Mark Purmort, Timothy Kidder, jr., N. S. Wheel¬ er, L. W. Currier, Nathaniel Purmort, J. M. Nelson. Churches —Cong., Francis Parker ; Meth., M. Sherman ; Shakers, Henry Cummings ; Univ., C. F. Fortney. Exp. & Tel. Ag’t —J. B. Follansbee. Hotel —Granite State House, G. W. Clark. Livery Stables —G. W. Clark, J. A. Valentine. Manufacturers —bedsteads, Huse & Berry ; brooms, tubs and pails, Shakers; butter firkins, Wells & Flanders; eave spouts, D. M. Cum¬ mings ; flannels, Dodge & Davis ; leather, Livingston Bros.; lumber, A. A Cox. Blake A Wells; sash and blinds, J. C. Currier. Mechanics —blacksmiths, W. D. Flemming; West, D. Sargent; East, D. McKinnie; carpenters, A. P. Plummer, Don Choate; carriage maker and painter, E. B. Shattuck; painter, X. S. Wheeler; printer, card and job, E C. Chandler; wheelwright, E. B. Shattuck. Merchants —C. G. Morgan, Pattee & Currier ; clocks, watches and jewelry, H. B. Stanley ; drugs and medicines. E. C. Chandler ; fancy goods and notions, W. C. Clough ; groceries. E. B. Huse, G. W. Burn¬ ham & Co.; meal and grain, Wyman Pattee; millinery, L. & I. Wil¬ liams. Physician—Valentine Manahan. C’eaiter— Hotel —Mont Calm House, J II. Morse. Manufacturers—carriages and sleighs, W. II. Leavitt; brooms, J. F. Spaulding & Co.; leather, C. L. Clark ; lumber. J. C. Clough, S. Mars ton. Mechanics —blacksmiths, W. G. Huntley, J. Me El wain ; marble workers, G. F. Andrews, H. Atwell ; painter, Z. II. Dustin ; wheel¬ wright, W. H. Leavitt, Wm. Wal ott. Merchants —J. F. Bryant; grain and meal, B. F. Denison. Physician —F. P. Fisher. EPPIXG, ROCKINGHAM— Pop., 1270. S. E. from C., 39 W. from Portsmouth 13; R. R. S .—Eppingand West Epping, on Con¬ cord & Portsmouth R. Pc.,and on Nashua A Rochester It. R. Epping ^ m., West Epping, % mile from R. R. S. OFFICERS— Clerk, A. R. Thompson ; Treas., Geo. S. Rundlett ; Se¬ lectmen,, Wm. R,. Bunker, Geo. S. Rundlett, J. S. Blaisdell; Supt., H. B. Burnham. Postmasters —D. Stiekney.; West, G. N. Shepherd ; North, Hannah Chase; East, names P. Barber. Justices —B. F. Prescott, H. B. Burnham, W. L. Plummer, H. F. Hoyt, J. M. Godfrey, G. N. Shepard, Nathaniel Batchelder, J. B. Pear¬ son, J. G.Ordway, G. L. Folsom. C. H. Knox, State; E. F. Barber, D F. Bartlett, C. W. Sanborn, W. H. Stiekney, J. C. Burley, J. II. Holt, II. F. Norris, G.Q. Dow, G. W. Tilton, M. A. Perkins, Josiah Dear¬ born, Frank Chase, G. S. Rundlett, C. F. Edgerly, M. V. Fogg; W. F. Lawrence, Quorum. Churches —Cong., J. H. Stearns; Epis.,-Friends;- Meth. W. II. Jones, Ex. & Tel. Agent— C. H. Knox. Hotel & Livery Stable —Pawtuckaway, W. R. Bunker. Manufacturers —boots aud shoes, B. W. Hoyt, A Smith & Co., J. C. Corning & Son; brietts, Levi Thompson, Rundlett, Brown & Co.; lumber and meal, Chas. Miles & Sons ; lumber, G. L. Dow, C. P. Blake, J. H. Pike; plaster, lumber, and shingles, Thomas Folsom & Sons; 76 i - BUSINESS DIRECTORY. • shingles and hubs, Henry Pearson ; wood and lumber, Thompson & Norris ; woolens, C. H. Norris; Carpenter Bros. Mechanics & Artisans—blacksmiths, W. R. Bunker, Levi Thomp¬ son, G. W. Hopkinson, L. H. Hill ; carpenters, J. M. Godfrey, Robert Pike, J. P. Sanborn, Bean & Tilton ; civil engineer, West, G. N. Shep¬ herd ; niaosns, R. B. Dame & Sons, Tuttle & Brackett; painters, D. W. Nason, G. W. Ordway, Stickney & Garland; planing, matching, and shingles, 0. A. & E. E. Miles; printer, E. P. Stickney; tailor, David Stickney ; wheeelwrights, Samuel Spencer, Daniel Sanborn. Merchants —W. H. & J. Q. Pike, W. R. Bunker; West , W. N. Dow & Co., J. L. True; auctioneer, F. E. Bean ; clothing, David Stickney; drugs and medicines, W. H. Stickney; flour and grain, wholesale and retail, J. S. James; furniture and coffins, Francis Ham ; groceries, S. B. Pike & Co., John Leddy, E. A. Stiles; meat, G. H. Bean; S. H. Rand, Langely & Sanborn; millinery, M. A. Hazlewood, A. R. Thomp¬ son ; staves and tin ware, William H. Bailey. Physicians—Nathaniel Batchelder, II. B. Burnham. EPSOM. MERRIMA CK— Pop., 993. E. from C., 12, It. R. S.— Epsom and short Falls, on Suncook Yalley R. R. OFFICERS— Clerk, G. R. Worth; Treas., George Sanders, jr.; Se¬ lectmen, George Sanders, jr., Warren Tripp, Walter Chesley ; Supt ., Daniel G. Chesley. * . Postmasters —J. T. Cotterell; Short Falls, J. B. Tennant. Justices —H. F. Sanborn, Benj. Towle, J. H. Dolbeer, State ; Paran Philbriek, Samuel Martin. Churches —Chris., Geo. Garland; Cong., E. C. Cogswell; F. Bap., Joel Baker. Manufacturers —boxes, W. Tripp ; flour and meal Wm. Burnham ; lun her and shingles, S. Bickford, M. D. Bickford, H. Bickford, H. A. Holmes. Mechanics —blacksmiths, Frank Twombly, Paran Philbriek, H. Hillard : carpenters, Jackson Philbriek, John Sperling, W. T. Sanders ; millwright, H. A. Holmes. Merchants— -J. B. Tennant, Silver and Robinson, J. C. Ilall & Son, H. S. Knowles. Physician —A. H. French. ERROLL, COOS —Pop., 17S. N. E. from C., 140; E. from Cole- brook, 20. R. R. S —N. Stratford, on G. T. R. R., 33 m. Stage also from Bethel Maine, 35 miles, on G. T. R. R., twice a ^eek. OFFICERS— Cleric and Treas., Geo. C. Demeritt; Selectmen , J. A. Thurston, L. H. Grober, M. F. Coolidge; Supt., D. H. Thurston. Postmaster —S. R. Hanseome. Justices —W. W. Bragg, State ; D. H. Thurston, Quorum', J. A. Thurston, C. II. West. Hotels —Akers House, John Akers ; Erroll Bridge, W. W. Bragg. Manufacturers —lumber, Pingree & Coe, John Akers; starch, J. A. & E. D. Thurston. Mechanic —blacksmith, E. D. Thurston. EXETER, ROCKINGHAM— Pop., 3437. S. E. from C., 40. R. R. S. —Exeter, on B. & M. R. R. OFFICERS— Clerk, W. H. Belknap; Treas., W. B. Morrill; Select¬ men, W. B. Morrill, J. M. Wadieigh, C. H. Downing; Supts., A. C. Per¬ kins. Chas. Burleigh, G. A. Titcomb. Postmaster—N K. Leavitt. Justices—Woodbridge Odlin, Chas, Conner, W. P. Moulton, J. H. Shapley, W. W. Stickney, W. B. Morrill, J. M. Lovering, C. G. Conner, I ____—---—.! BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 77 J. F. Wiggin, C. H. Bell, J. W. Odlin, J. J. Bell, Thomas Leavitt, J. I>. Lyman, W. M. Hunnewell, J. W. Towle, G. W. Weston, E. C. East-; man, State; W. H. Robinson, J. H. Kimball, Orin Head, G. E. Lane,! T. R. Davis, C. D. Towle, W. F. Putnam, A. J. Hoyt, W. 0. Perkins,! jW. II. Belknap, C. Marseilles, L. G. Hoyt, S. D. Wilson, J. D. P. Win¬ gate. A. C. Buzell, Madison Sleeper. Churches—Cal. Bap., J. N. Chase; Cong., Swift Byington; G. E. Street; Epis., H. Ferguson ; Meth., J. H. Haines ; R. C., Michael Lucy ; Unit., B. F. McDaniel. Eating Houses—C. E. Folsom, G. W. Leavitt, W. II. Smith, D. J. jMolloy, C. C. Thompson. Exp. Ag’t—G. M. Perkins & Co. 1 Hotels—American House, L G. Towle; Hoyt’s, C. Stevens, Gorham Hall, S. H. Dumas. Lawyers—W. W. Stickney, Thomas Leavitt, Alva Wood, J. F. Wig- gin, Gilman Marston, J. Warren Towle, A. C. Buzell. Literary Institutions—Phillip’s Exeter Academy, A. C. Perkins,’ prin.; Robinson Female Seminary, Harriet E. Paine, acting prin.; Exeter High School, Albion Burbank, i Livery Stables—L. G. Towle. C. D. Towle, J. C. Dutch. Manufacturers—Exeter Brass Works, E. Folsom & Co.; carriages, Clark Bros., E. G. Lane; cottons, Exeter Manuf’g Co., Ilervey Kent, agent; Exeter Foundry, J. Carlisle & Co.; lumber, Smith & Folsom, E. 0. Lovering; Exeter Machine Works, W. Burlingame, agent; pot¬ ter’s ware, Asa Lamson. Mechanics & Artisans—blacksmiths, B. A. Ellison, W. S. Bow- lev, A. J. Fogg, G. W. Greene; carpenters, Brown & Warren, C. W. Young, Jpsiah Batchelder, C. H. Palmer; hair dressers, N. P. Cutler, jH. II. Young; harness makers, Tilton and Fleming, Theodore Kellogg ; marble workers, C. S. Greeley & Co., T. R. Davis; mason, W. P. Weeks; painters, B. G. Purington, .T. N. Head, J. B. Sanborn, W. 0. Perkins, I. M. Watson, I. T. Puringion; printers, Wingate & Duntou. Chas. Marseilles; tailors, R. C. Thompson, R. & G. Carter ; watch maker, D. M. Quimby, C. E. Deane. Merchants —Porter & Thing, Weeks Brothers; auctioneers, J. P. Elkins & Co., C. D. Towle; books and stationery, G. E. Lane; boots and shoes, Earle & Cutts, T. E. Fifield, G. T. Stacy, J. M. Towle, Hen¬ ry Dow ; clocks and watches, W. B. Morrill ; clothing, Earle & Cutts, A. Churchill & Co., J. P. Elkins & Co.; dry goods, G. C. Lyiord. Foll- ansby & Dearborn ; drugs and medicines, C. A. Merrill, A. S. Wether- ell; fancy goods and notions, S H. Emerson, L. C. Langley, S. Rick¬ er, Wm. Currrier; groceries, Crocket & Downing, N. Weeks, jr., Elliot & Dudley, Dunn & Murdock; hardware, Kelly and Gardner, J. W.j Getchel, Steele & Carlisle; hats and caps, A. Merrill & Sons, R. & G. Carter, Churchill & Co.; millinery, Miss E. N. Mitchell, C. E. & A. W. Brown, Mary 0. Litch, S. B. Young, J. R. Pettingill, C. II. Kendall, J. C. Pratt; paper hangings, G. E. Lane, Porter & Thing; wool, A. Merrill & Sons, H. C. Moses. Physicians—Wm. Perry, W. G. Perry, C. C. Odlin, Albert Carroll, E. Bartlett, Charles Warren; dentists, C. H. Gerrish, J. E. S. Pray, 1 G. E. Mitchel. Tel. Ag’ts—S S. Haynes, Ella Haseltine. Fabyan Mouse—See Caroll. FARMINGTON, STRA FFORD —Pop., 2261. N. E. from C., 35; N. W. (rom Dover, 18. R. R. S. —Farmington, on D. & W. R. R. ^mile from village; conveyance to all trains. OFFICERS —Cleik A. W. Shaekf'ord; Treas., J. E. Fernald; Select¬ men, S. S. Amazeen, P. M. Horne, Joseph L. Demeritt. 78 / BUSINESS DIRECTORY. X* Postmaster —A. C. Newell. Tel. Ag’t —G. W. Wood. Justices —I). T. Parker, G. N. Eastman, D. W. Edgerly, J. B. Edger- ly, H. Barker, E. F. Nute, F. Emerson, Chas. York, D. C. Mellows, C. W. Talpey, Stephen Nutter, C. W. Tebbets. C. H. Pitman, State ; W. W. Hayes, J. E. Fernald, J. G. Johnson, P, M. Horne, Isaac Mer¬ rill, R. B. Foss, I. C. Varney, A. C. ^Newell, F. Leighton, Chas. Leigh-i ton, A. A. Hall. Churches —Adv., J. G. Smith; Cong.,-; F. Bap., D. H. Adams. j Exp. Ag’t —George Tarlton. Hotel —Mechanic’s, S. Varney. ! Lawyers —G. N. Eastman, F. Emerson. C. W. Tibbetts. Literary Institution —High School, E. J. Goodwin, prin. Livery Stabies —C. French, S. Nutter, E. P. Mooney. Manufacturers — boots and shoes, D. W. Kimball, G. A. Jones, A. Nute A Sons, H. B & J. B. Edgerly, J. F. Cloutman, E. 0. Curtis, Israel Hayes, M. L. Hayes. & Co., E. F. Jones, J. M. Berry; excel¬ sior, S. H. Buzzell ; lasts, Haines & Flanders ; lumber, W. W. Hayes, J. W. Waldron, J. II. Waldron, Amos Tufts & Son. Mechanics & Artisans — blacksmiths, A. Leavit, R. E. Cross, E. R. Jones, Alonzo Straw; carpenters. A. C. Tibbetts, S. S. Cloutman, A. A. Hall, G. M. Dixon, Alvin Dixon, S. P. Knox, I. A. Quint, F. J. Chamberlain ; hair dresser, S. T. Smith, C. N. Lougee, F. D. Johnson ; harness makers, Geo. Whittier, E. E Clark; masons, E. F. Fales, H. A. Whitten; painters, Frank Keniston, E. T. Avery, S. C. Hayes, C. F. Colbath, S. R. Sparrow; photographer, A. W. Shackford; printers, J. E. Fernald & Son, R. K. Pearl; tailors, J. N. Bodwe.I, J. C. Little¬ field, B. Dunn ; wheelwright, J. P. Tibbetts. , | Merchants —Dockham & Nute Bros., J. F. Hall, C. W. Talpey, H. Barker, J. E. Fernald, J. H. Barker & Co., C. W. Wingate; boots and shoes, N. F. Ham, L. L. Pinkham ; clocks, watches and jewelry, J. F. Safford ; clothing, J. N. Bodwell, F. C. Tilton; drugs and medicines.| R. B. Foss, Parker & Smith, A. C. Newell; dry goods, 0. A. Hoyt;' .groceries, Pre ton Pearl, B. F. Blaisdell; millinery, Mrs. Goodall & ;Chesley, Mrs. L. A. Small, Mrs. 0. A. Hoyt; organs and pianos, A. C. Newell; provisions, Lucas & Burnham, J. II. Dudley; stoves &c., Fuller &, Small. Physicians —R. B. Foss, A. C. Newell, D. T. Parker, F. H. Allen, F. L. Nute; dentist, D. W. Edgerly. Fisherville—See Concord. FITZWILLIAM, CHESHIRE—Pop., 1314. S. W.from C., 54; IS. E. from Keene, 13. R. R. S. -Fitzwilliam Depot, 1 *4 mile, and State Line on Cheshire R. R. OFFICERS— Clerk, Stephen Batcheller; Treas., J. M. Parker; Se¬ lectmen, Chas. Byam, S. S. Stone, Chas. D. Bigelow; Supts. , John Col¬ by, A. R. Gleason. Postmasters —P. S. Batcheller. “Justices —A. J. Blake, A. A. Parker, Sam’l Kendall; Depot, G. Allen’ State', J. S. Adams, Silas Cummings, John Whittemore, G. A. Whit- t^more, John Forristall, A. R. Gleason. Samuel Kendall, J. J. Allen, M. A. Allen, Jonas Damon, P. S. Batcheller ; Drpot, C. B. Perry. Churches —Bap., S. Latham ; Cong., J. Colby. Hotels —Fitzwilliam, Abner Cage; Cheshire, 0. K. Wheelock; Sip Pond House, J. S. Cox; Monadnock Mountain House, Newton & Batchellers. I Insurance Agents— -life and fire, A. J. Blake, G. A. Whittemore. Lawyer —A. J. Blake. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 79 Livery Stables —Abner Gage, 0. K. Wheelock. Manufacturers —butter firkins and pails, E. Bowker; brackets and fancy wooden ware, C. L. Taft; lumber, S. 8. Stone; grist, and saw mill, S. S. Stone; pails and tubs, Jonas Damon, p. o. ad., Winchen- don, Mass. Mechanics —blacksmiths, S. Poland, M. A. Allen, P. Whitcomb, carpenters, H. Firmin, W. H. H. Parker ; dress maker, Miss S. T. Stowell; harness maker, G. N. Olmstead ; painters, C. A. Smyth- enman, W. Brewer; shoemakers, Samuel Hill, Blake Windle ; wheelwrights, E. & C. Carter. Merchants —J. M. Parker & Co., Whittemore & Co., P. S. & 8. Batcheller; butcher, G. Bemis; clocks, watches , medicines, hats and caps, P. S. & S. Batcheller; State Line, Joel L. Gilson, p. o. ad., Wiu- cbendon, Mass.; granite, Fitzwilliam Granite Co.; millinery, Miss S.T. Stowell; provisions and meat, Henry Page. Physicians —Silas Cummings, A. R. Gleason. I>epot—Postmaster— Elbridge Cummings. Church— Meth., S. S. Dudley. Exp. &. Tel. Ag ! t —Elbridge Cummings. Ins. Ag’t— C. B. Perry. Manufacturers —lumber, Henry Howe, S. W. Holman, H. Cooledge, Burbank & Stone, G. W. Simoud. A. G. Bebee, E. Wilder; flour and meal, Burbank & Stone, F. B. Frye. Mechanics —blacksmiths, W. A. Newton, C. F. Pope ; carpenters, W. J. Peck, S. A. Taylor; dress maker, Miss Ann G. Damon ; granite workers R. L. Angier, E. Blodgett, N. H. Granite Co., Fisher & Hay¬ den, A. Hayden, Melvin Wilson, D. H. Reed, Henry Howe. Merchants —F. B. Frye; berries, C. B. Perry ; millinery, Mrs. S. A. Wilson. FRAXCESTOWX, HILLSBOROUGH— Pop., 932. S. W. fr. C. 25 ; N. W. lr. Nashua, 23. R. R. S —Greenfield, on Peterboro R. R. 4 % miles, stage twice daily. OFFICERS— Clerk . L. F. Atwood; Treas., Amasa Downs; Selectmen , Geo. F. Pettee, Jonathan Danforth, Tlios. E. Taylor; Supt ., G. D. Epps. Postmaster— S. B. Hodge. Justices —T. B. Bradford, S. D. Downes, S. M. Dineniore, A. H. Bix- by, S. B. Hodge. State ; Hiram Patch, J. P. Woodbury, Mark Balch, I. B. Farnum, G. W. Cummings. Church— Cong.,-. Exp. Agt’s —J. K. Chandler, E. W. Colburn. Hotel & Livery Stable —Francestown, Wm, H. Farnum. Literary Institution —Francestown Academy, H. S. Cowell, prim: Town Librarj', 1000 volumes. Manufacturers —kits, pails, &c., H. P. Clark & Sou; soap-stone Francestown soap-stone quarry, Eaton & Williams ; writing desks and fancy boxes, J. T. Bixby. Mechanics & Artisans —blacksmiths. H. W. Spaulding, G. D. Epps, Frank Cudworth ; carpenters, Issachar Dodge, E. W. Colburn, H. P. Downes; cooper, Luther Hardy; harness maker,S. B. Hodge; masons, E. K. Batchelder. S. P. Newton ; painters, W. Butterfield, D. S. Hen¬ derson ; wheelwrights, Daniel Moody, C. A. Barrett. Merchants —Amasa Downs, R. Bradford, Grange Store, A. L. Sav¬ age, proprietor; auctioneer, S. B. Hodge ; millinery, R. Bradford. Physicians — S. M. Dinsmore; homeo., T. E. Fisher; dentist, H. G. Kittredge. 80 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. FRAXCOXIA, GRAFTON— Pop., 549. N. from C. 85 ; N. E. from Haverhill, 34. R. R. S. —Littleton, on White Mt. R. R. Daily stage. OFFICERS— Clerk, Osmond Parker; Treas., H. W. Noyes ; Select¬ men , H. W. Noyes, W. F. Parker, Otis Brooks; Supt., G. A. Beckwith. Postmaster—Charles Edson; Profile House , C. H. Greenleaf. Justices—E. B. Parker, Joel Spooner, State ; C. H. Greenleaf, J. N. Oakes, Osmond Parker, W. F. Parker, Charles Edson. Church —F. Bap., G. A. Beckwith. Physician —W. B. Moody. Hotels —Profile House, Taft & Greenleaf; Valley House, Burt & Knight ; La Fayette House. Spooner & Son. Manufacturers —boots and shoes, G. H. Burt; iron, N. H. Iron Co., Charles Edson, agent; lumber, E. B. Parker, Lewis & Co.; spools and bobbins, Streeter Eaton; starch, Parker, Priest & Co., Farmer’s Starch Co , E. B. Parker, agent. Mechanics —blacksmiths, John Wilson, W. C. George; carpenter, Oliver Knight; machinist, Clark Bowles; painter, Ira Whipple; wheelwrights, 0. W. Harris, Emery Aldrich. Merchants —0. & W. F. Parker ; millinery, Electa J. Bowles. FRANKLIN, MERRIMAC— Pop., 36U0. N. from *C., 18. R. R.S. —Franklin on Northern R. R. OFFICERS— Clerk , G. W. Sawyer ; Treas.. D. S. Gilchrist; Selectmen, Ira Greeley, H. S. Prescott, C. C. Cross; Biard of Education, I. N. Blodgett, E. B. S. Sanborn, David Gilchrist; Agent, Geo. W. Lord. Postmaster —E. G. Colburn. Ex. Ag’t —B. M. Prescott. Justices —A. F. Pike, J. P. Sanborn, R. W. Bennett, Daniel Barnard, G. W. Rollins, I. N. Blodgett, Alexis Proctor, E. B. S. Sanborn, David Gilchrist, J. W. Simonds, G. W. Nesmith, E. Judkins, G. R. Stone, E. G. Leach; Milton Gerruse, Stephen Kenrick, E. C. Stone, State ; A. G. Morrison, G. G. Wadsworth, II. II. Call, B. S. Hancock, F. H. Daniel, Francis Shaw, D. E. Brown, Ira Greely, H. E. Blake, R. G. Burleigh, G. L. Sauborn, R. M. Davis, J. S. Jewell, G. L. Chandler, A. L. Butter- worth, C. C. Kenrick, W. M. Barnard, J. L. Foote, B. B. Tobie, F. N. Parsons. Churches —Adv., D. M. Leavitt; C. Bap., J F. Fielden ; Chris., 0. J. Wait; Cong., A. H. Burr; F. Bap., E. H. Prescott; Meth., J. D. Folsom; R. Cath., M. J. Goodwin. Hotels —Webster House. 0. B. Davis; Franklin House, A. K. Moore. Lawyers —A. F. Pike, Daniel Barnard, I. N. Blodgett, E. G. Leach, G. W. Nesmith, E. B. S. Sanborn, R. W. Bennett. Livery Stables —C. C. Kenrick, W. L. Gilchrist, 0. B. Davis, A. K. Moore. Manufacturers —belting and hose, J. H. Pettengill; brick, W. L. Gilchrist; conductors’ punches, J. B. Aiken; foundry, James Taylor; hats and caps, W. J. Fortier; hosiery, A. W. Sulloway; leather, Thos. Me Connell ; lumber, Joseph Brown & Co., J. II. Rowell, Babbitt & Dresser, A. G. Morrison, B. S. Colby, Wallace Burleigh; machinery, B. C. Stevens; needles, A. D. Sanborn; paper, Winnipiseogee Paper Co., W. F. Daniell, Manager; soap, James Bennett, J. L. Merrill; stove polish, Rowell & Whitney ; tin ware and stoves, J. H. Rowell; trusses, N. Wilton & Son; wagons, carriages, and sleighs, W. L. Gilchrist; wood pulp, Cross Pulp Co., W. F. Daniell, Manager. Mechanics & Artisans —barber, G. W. Shaw; blacksmith, J. B. Calley ;-carpenters, Jasper Cil ley, Austin Campbell; coopers, Abner Thurston, Richard Judkins; dress makers. Miss Mary A. Swain, Mrs. C. Hopkins; feather bed-renovater, John Shaw; harness makers, L. D. . ■ ...... " 7.~t—— i.. .. i . .M i. .1- -. r» BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 81 Davenport, Sleeper & Proctor; masons, F. W. Sargent, B. K. Woodward; marble workers, Cummings Bro3., D. A. Sanborn, Dana & Watts ;j painiers, Joseph Webster, W. S. Wheeler, F. Cummings, E. Osgood, G. F. Woodward; photographers, Chas. Warren, C. M. Couch; stone! masons, Joseph Judkins, Albert Colby, J. Matthews, Jacob Bennett,) D. Mitchell; tailors, E. R. Heath, J. C. Neal, J. H. Neal, H. J. Odell; wheelwrights, A. L Morrison, J. W. B. Clement. Merchants— L. Richardson, D. Gilchrist & Co., Morrison & French ; auctioneers, E. C. Stone, Edwin Judkins; boots and shoes, Morrison |mp stools, Ernest W. Gourd; fancy flannels, Frank¬ lin Mills, M. J. Stevens prop.: machinery, Clark and Haynes ; niachin-j ery, screws and hosiery, Walter Aiken; pant, cloths and geut’s dress , goods, Franklin Woolen Co., Wesley Sawyer, ag’t.; picture frames juid! lamp mats, Franklin Novelty Co.; sash, doors and blinds, L. D. Sleeper , ROCKINGHAM— Pop., 695. S. E. from C., 50; W. from Portsmouth, 5. R. R. S. —Greenland, on C. & P. R. R., I, on E. R. R., 2 m. OFFICERS— -Clerk., G. E. Brackett; Selectmen, J. H. Brackett, Thomas Mahoney, John E. Seavey. Postmasters—Edward Holmes ; Depot , Samuel G. Folsom. Justices—C. W. Pickering, J. P. Tilton, J. S. II. Frink, John Hatch, State ; E. Holmes. Churches—Cong., Edward Robie; Meth., G. W. Ruland. Hotel—Brackett’s, G. E. Brackett. Exp. & Tel. Ag’t—H. C- Taft. Lawyers—J. S. H. Frink, C. W. Pickering, John Hatch. Manufacturers—boxes and lumber, Wardwell & Raud ; cider, W. II. L. & G. E. Brackett, Simeon S. Brackett; lumber, S. S. Brackett ; lumber, flour and meal, Union Corp., J. A. Holmes, agent. Mechanics—blacksmiths, N. M. Gookin, J. C. Weeks, N. P. Odway ; Icarpenters, D. J. Norton, C. Foss, J. B. Lowd, G. Dearborn, F. P. Phil- 1 brook, C. A. Dearborn, Chas. W. Mardeu; masons, Richard Watson. 1 C. W. Johnson, C. W. Hodgden ; millwrights, W. H. Brackett, N. P.i Marston, Wardell & Rand; painters, E. Marston, James Brackett, J. P. Cate, J. C. Bennett; wheelwrights, Wm. BeoK, W. F. Bennett. Merchants—G. E. Brackett, J. P. Packer, J. E. Holmes, S. G. Folsom, L. Duntley ; meat, E. P. Parker, E. E. Marston, A. J. Norton; nuisery, E. G. Clough. Physicians—J. W. Odell, W. 0. Junkins. Real Estate—Nathaniel Wiggin. GREENVILLE, HILLSBOROUGH —Pop.,975. S. W. from C.j 48; W. Jarom Nashua, 22. R. R. S. —Greenville on Peterboro’ & Shir¬ ley Branch R. R., and East Wilton on B. L. & N. R. R.. 7 miles. Stage to East Wilton and return daily. OFFICERS— Clerk, F. E. Pierce; Treas., J. L. Chamberlain; Se¬ lectmen, F. B. Heald, Janies Taft, S. E. Adams; Supt., C. G. Corey. Postmaster & Ex, Ag’t—F. B. Heald. Justices—F. Merriam, State; John Kenney, H. I. Whitney, J. A. Hartshorn, C. E. Hall, James Taft. Churches—Bap.,-; Cong., G. F. Merriam ; R. Cath., Ed-1 ward Buckle. ! I ---- 88 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Hotel—Columbian House, Ira Gusfine. Ins. Ag’t.—James Taft. Tel. Agent—A. G. Stickney. Livery Stables—M. H. Hardy, Louis Cherbano, E. B. Barrett, W. Sawtell, A. Bousliway. Manufacturers —cottons, Columbian Manuf’g Co., Samuel Haines, ag’t; flour and teed, lumber and furniture, .1. L. Chamberlain; lum¬ ber, J. H. Elliott ; printers supplies, Leonard Morse. Mechanics —blacksmiths, J. R. Lynch, Asa Webber, Frank King; carpenters, Thomas Hays, W. R. Collins. S. F. Blanchard, George Sherwin, Clias. Lynch, Frederick Man>field, G. VV. Sargent, F. C. White, Lafayette Hays; hair dressers, J. F. Ballou, A. L. Ritter; harness makeis, Strong & Brunnell; machinist, II. A. Davis; masons, E. L. Nutting. II. M. Livingstone, C. G. Blanchard; painter, W Saw¬ tell; shoemaker, G. H Livingston; wheelwright, H. H. Shumway. Merchants —0. D. Prescott, Ilartsh* rn & Whitney, John Janes, J. A. Hartshorn, P. 0. Salvail; clothing, G. A. Hartshorn; coal, An¬ drew Henry; coffins, furniture, paints and oils, Win. Sawtell; drugs and medicines, C. E. Hall; fancy goods, Mrs. A. M. Wetherbee; fish, H. A. Benson ; jeweller, B. P. Lamb ; meat, G. C. Robbins; millinery, Miss E. Barber, Mrs. L. J. Gordon; tea and coffee, Amos Scripture; tin ware and stoves, N. P. Farrar. Physicians —c. G. Cory, C. E. Hall. Real Estate —John Kenney. GROTOX, GRAFTON— Pop., 5S3. N. W. from C., 45; N. W. from Plymouth, 10. R. R. S .—North Groton, on B. C. & M. R, R.; Bristol, on Bristo Branch, R. R. Stage connects with 8 A.M. and 5 P. M. trains. Rumney, 5 m. on B. C. & M. R. R. Stage connects Wednesday and Saturday with noon and 2 o’clock trains. OFFICERS— Clerk, J. E. Muzzey; Tr>as., S. Wheat ; Selectmen , S. Wheat, C. G. Kidder, Avin Goodhue; Supt., J. C. Wheat. Postmasters —A. Y. Bagley ; yorth, J. C. Hall. ' Justices—G. E. Colburn, Stute; David Hobart, Luther Elliot, A. Y. Bagh y : yorth, D. M. Tenney, J. R. Wheat. Manufacturers —bed slats, bobbin stocks, Ac., Osgood Dale; lum¬ ber, I. P. Hardy, C. W. Hunkins, A. B. Crosby, C. F. Wheat; patent clapboard machines, L. C. Kendall ; yorth, patent slide blind hang¬ ings, Daniel Kidder ; rules, R. B. Hazelton & Son. Mechanics —blacksmith, L. L. Chever; carpenters, North, G. Far- num, J. L. Clement; coopers, N. 0. Phelps; yorth, Jotham Cum¬ mings. Merchant— J. E. Muzzey, Physician —J. C. Wheat. Groveton—See Northumberland. HAMPSTEAD, ROCKiyGHAM— Pop., 935. S. E. from C., 1 30; S. W. from Portsmouth, 30. R. R. S. —Atkinson, on B. & M. R. R. Daily stage fr., W. Hampstead, ou N. & R. R. R., to Atkinson Station. OFFICERS— Clerk , A.M, Moulton ; Treas., J. W. Garland ; Selectmen, J. D. Ordway, J. W. Garland, Thos. M. Arnold; Supt., Caleb Moulton Postmasters —E. S. Tabor; West, J. D. Ordway. Justices —A. Buck, Caleb Moulton, Nelson Ordway, H. B. Carter, Samuel Morse, State ; J. D. Ordway, J. W. Garland, C. W. Pressey. T. M. Arnold, L. H. Winslow. Church —Cong., Albert Watson. Manufacturers—lumber, F. A. Pike ; West, E. E. Currier ; box and planing mill, C. W. Pressey & Co. Mechanics—blacksmiths, Wm. Sanborn & Son; carpenters, Win Griffin, R. R. Brickett, D. II. Emerson, J. H. Emerson, J. Gibson. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. --- m - 89 West, S. Pressey, cooper, L. L. C. Little; mason, Janies Hazeltiue 5 painter, James Gibson ; wheelwright, E. Baitlett. | Merchants —A. \V. Foote, J. 1). Ordway & Son ; auctioneer, J. D. Ordway ; groceries, H. W. Mills; millinery, Mrs.E. M. Locke, Mrs. S. Shannon ; millinery and fancy goods, Miss Nellie L. Perley. Physicians —j. C. Eastman, Benjamin Wood an. East—S. E. fr. C., 32, S. W. fr. Exeter, 11. Daily stage fr. Plais- tow, on B. & b M. R. R., at 5 P. M.; and tor Sandown, on N. & R. R. R.,; at 0 P. M„ and 7.45 A. M.; and for Plaistow on B. & M. R. R. Postmaster & Lawyer—llosea B. Carter. Justices —Hosea B. C’ai ter, Samuel Morse, State ; T. M. Arnold. Manufacturers —charcoal, T. M. Cook; lithographers and art pub¬ lishers, Globe Publishing House; pumps, George Allen; wagons, 1 Gilbert Verburght. Mechanics —blacksmiths, A. G. Ward, Gilbert Verburght ; carpen-; ters, James Johnson, John Johnson; cooper, J. F. M’Coliister; ma-j chinist, E. G. Eaton ; watch maker, C. B. Morse; wheelwrights, John¬ son Brothers. Merchants —Tappan S. Carter; mercantile stationary, II. B. Car¬ ter & Co.; sewing machines and sewing machine findings, The Globe' Machine Co.; cattle and swine, E. Pearsons. Physicians—thomp., Mrs. Clarisa Grant; dentist, Sam’l Morse. HAMPTON, ROCKINGHAM —Pop., 1177. S. E. from C., 47 ; S. from Portsmouth, 20. R. R. S. —Hampton, on Eastern R. R. OFFICERS— Clerk, J. M. Ackerman ; Selectmen, J. T. Brown, J. F. Marston, W. E. Lane. Postmster—J. M. Akerman. Justices —Joseph Dow, Uri Lamprey, C. G. Tappan, State ; J. J. Leavitt, J. M. Lamprey, C. M. Lamprey, A. J. Leavitt, David Marston, A. S. Coffin, J. M. Fogg, J. T. Brown, D. 0. Leavitt. Churches —Cong., John Bachelor; F. Bap., L. L. Harmon ; Meth. J. P. Fr.) e. Hotels —Union, 0. H. Whittier ; Boar’s Head,S. II. Dumas; Ocean Honse, Philip Yeaton & Co.; Hampton Beach, T. & J. L. Leavitt; Eagle, L. P. Nudd ; Granite House, A. J. Batchelder. Literary Institution —Hampton Academy, G. W. Ricker, prin. Livery Stables —O. H. Whittier, J. T. Clement. Manufacturers —lumber, A. S. Coffin; shingles, [S. C. Lamprey & Co., S. J. Drake . Exp. & Tel. Ag’t. —G. B. Davison. HEBRON, ORA FTOA —Pop., 382. N. W. from C., 40 ; W. from Plymouth, 12. R. R. S. —Bristol, on Bristol Br It. It. Daily stage. OFFICERS— Clerk, Mark Jewell; Treas., J. P. Sanborn; Selectmen, J. P. Sanborn, W. C. Ross, J. W. Sanborn ; Supt., E. K. Follansbee. j Postmasters —C. W. Powers; AasL.David Me Clure. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 93 Justice—J. J. Crosby, S‘ate. Church —Union, Charles Nirklin. Hotels —Union House, Frederick Clement; Ceutral House, Cyrus Moore. Mechanics —blacksmiths. J. W. Sanborn, D. P. Hardy ; carpenter, and wheelwright, G. C. Lang; tailor, C. W. Powers. Merchants—'V. P Bevde. M. A. Wells. HiJXXlliEli, MERRIMACK— Pop., 1283. S. W. from C., 15: R. R. S. —Heuuiker, on Contoocook Valley K. R. Stage to every train. OFFICERS— Clerk , G. C. Preston; Treas., W. 0. Folsom ; Selectmen, S. M. Patten, A. F. Farrar. Enos Carter. Postmasters— G. Wilkins; West, S. M. Currier. Justices —D. S. Carr, J. II. Albin, Nathan Sawyer, L. W. Peabody, W. H. Gilmore, L. W. Cogswell, J. H. Albin, State ; Josiah Morse, S. M. Patten, W. P. Cress}’, 0. II. Noyes, Harrisou Morrill, F. E. Colby, D. W. Cogswell, John Chase, D. K. Robbins, G. H. Hardy, J. H. Hoff¬ man, D. R. Everett. Churches —Cong., .T. II. Hoffman: Meth., G. II. Ilardy. Hotel —Noyes’, 0. H. Noyes, Livery Stable—0. H. Noyes. Ins. Ag’ts —D. S. Care,. Win. C. Folsom. Lawyer —John II. Albin. Literary institution —Henmker Academy S. S. Bean, prin. Manufacturers —coffins, F. AVuitn y; dry n*easure.s, J. Gage & Co.: eather, G. D. Gouli; lumber, 0. H. Noyes, D. F. Wyman, G. W. Rice; mackerel kits, G. W. S. Dow; paper. Contoocook Paper Valley Co.; West , C. R. Bacon; tin ware, K. Hardman. Mechanics —blacksmiths, D. W. Cogswell, W. Chandler. G. L. Flint, Harris Campbell, L. W. P.estonT J. A. Andrews; carpenters, John Hill, Hiram Marsh, C. R. Bacon, W. C. Gogswell ; cooper, Moses Gar¬ land ; flour and meal, Dillingham Sc Co., John Gutrerson; harness maker, C. H. Sargent; painters, W. P. Cressy, C. C. Hill; shoe maker, H. E. Merrick; tailor, Jesse Webster; wheelwright, James W.lkins. Merchants — Everett & Preston, W. 0. Folsom ; We^st, S. M. Carrier, auctioneers, D. W. Cogswell, W. 0. Folsom, D. S. Carr; jeweler, W. T. Sargent; meat, Jacob S. Whitney ; millinery, L. M. Campbell, Mrs. C. Nichols. Physicians —L. W. Peabody, G. II, Sanborn ; dentist, S. 0. Bowers Hig’lilanti—A. Post Office in Coos County. MERRIMACK— Pop. 620. N. W. from C. 25. R. R. S.— Hill, on Bristol Branch R. R.; Danbury,5, on Northern R. R. OFFICERS— n lerk, J. W. Favor; Treas., M. J. Morrill; Selectmen, M. J. Morrill. W. B. Cawley, F. B. Shaw; Supts., II. A. Stratton, J. P. Ladd. Postmaster, Express & Tel. Ag’t. —G. D. Stackpoie. Justices —G. A. Sumner, Slate; J. R. Rowell, I. T. Parker. G. D. Stackpoie, M. F. Little. Churches —Chris., E. H. Wright; West Parish,-. Hotel —J. P. Ladd. Manufacturers —carriages and sleighs, G. A. Sumner; glass cut¬ ters and light hardware, F. R. Woodward; improved riveted latch needles, G. H. Adams & Co., organs, Williams & Eatou; lumber, W. B. Cawley. Mechanics —blacksmith, H. Morrill; coopers, R. Calley, Jos. Pres¬ cott; job priuter, F. R. Woodward. Merchants — G. D. Stackpoie. Eaton & Mason. HiiiLSBOlttFUGfH:, HILLSBOROlfGH-Pop . 1595. W. fr. C., 25 ; N. W. from Nashua,32 ; N. W. fr. M inciiester, 27 ill. R. R. S. — Hillsborough Bridge. 2 l /2 m. on C. V R. R. St ige twice a day. 94 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. OFFICERS— Clerk , J. B. Whittemore ; Treas., J. C. Campbell; Se¬ lectmen , Cornelius Ooolidge, G. F. Saltmarsli, J. P. Gibson; Supt., Harry Brickett. i : Postmasters —J. G. Dickey; Center, Elizabeth Nelson ; Upper Vil-\ lage, C. W. Conn. Justices —H. D. Pierce, T. N. Goodale, Cornelius Cuolidge, Edgarj Hazen, W. H. Manahan, J. M. Curtis, B. K. Webber, F. H. Pierce, J. II. T. Newell, D. F. Whittle, State ; J. C. Campbell, A. C. Burnham, E. M. Wilkins, M. M. Hadley, F. W. Gould, G. E. Hoyt, Horace Atwood. Churches — Center , Cong., John Adams ; Meth., H. Chandler. Hotel —St. Charles, G. A. Sackett. Lawyer —II. D. Pierce. Manufacturers —leather S. A. Brown^ lumber, J. G. Dickey, S. An¬ drews, T. A. B. Young; haircloth, Wm. Libby. Mechanics —blacksmiths, G. F. Thompson, Geo. Saltmarsh, F. B. Abbott; Center , B. Priest; carpenter, Center , E. C. Hoyt; harness maker, S. S. Wilkinson; mason, Upper Village , A. P. Ferry ; shoe¬ maker, E. Smith ; painter, E. J Wiley. Merchants —Onslow Gilmore, D. S. Roach, J. P. Gibson; auction¬ eer, W. H. Manahan. Physicians —J. Q. A. French, John Goodell. Bridge—Postmistress— Mrs. Martha Lovering. Churches —Cong. H. Brickett; Meth.. G.'N. Bryant. Literary Institution— Valley Academy, Harry Brickett, prin. Exp. Agent— H. H. Whittle. Tel. Aa ! t— R. C. Dickey. Hotel —Talley, Childs Brothers. Billiard Saloon —W. H. Foster. Lawyers —B K. Webber, A. B. Spaulding, F. H. Pierce Livery Stables —Fmmons Newman, J. Porter. Manufacturers —baker, J. W. Thompson ; bedstead 5 ;, W. II. Mana¬ han, cupper, “tin and sheet iron, Newman & Colby; flour and grain, Hale & Robbins; gents hose, G. D. Peasley; lumber, R. E. Loveren, Wm. Merrill ; machine needles, II. Grady ; paper boxes, W. S. Lov¬ eren : hoots and shoes, A. Merrill, ag’t; shirts and drawers, J. B. Smith, Mechanics & Artisans —blacksmiths, J. II. Eaton ; carpenters, W. Prichard & Son, P. H. Rumrill, C. H. Clough, Wm. Emerson; dress making, Clara Steele, Mrs. A. M. Emerson ; hair dresser, II. B. Eaton; harness makers, F. P. Sleeper & Co.; machinists and iron founders, T. McClintock & Son ; masons, F. Sleeper, F. Scribner ; painters, T. A. Burt, Alonzo Codman, Chas. Knott; photographer, F. D. Darrah ; printers, Holton & Ferry ; tailors, S. H. Bakei ; wheelwrighis, S. D. Hastings. Merchants —J. S. Butler, Dutton & Morse, II. Marcy, Morrill & Morrill, L. B. Baily.; auctioneers, J. II. Lovering, F. W. Gould; clocks, watches and jewelry, J. E. Russell, H. W. Cowles; clothing and furnishing goods. S. II. Baker; coffins and caskets S. D. Hast ings ; confectionery and cigars, Chas. R. Jameson; drugs and medi¬ cines, R. C. Dickey, II. Marcy ; fancy goods and notions, A. M. Wyman; fish, 0. D. Thompson ; flour and graiu, S. D. Wyman; furniture, G. W. Stewart; ice, D. M. Buxton; meat, Kimball Bros., J. G. Dodge ; mil. linery, James Newman, C. F. Greenleaf; proeduce, J. G. Dodge Physicians — A. C. Burnham, M. H. Felt G. W. Cook ; homeo., I. P. Chase ; dentists, F. P. Newman. HINSDALE. CHESHIRE —Pop., 1342. S. W. from C., 75; S’ W. from Keene, 19. R. R. S. —Hinsdale, on Ashuelot R. R. Hack to all trains. i OFFICERS— Clerk and Tr^as., G. W. Holland; Selectmen , Geo. Well-j BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 95 man, C. J. Amidon, H. H. Day; Supts ., W. S. Leonard, E. Bradford. M C Dix | Postmaster & Tel. Ag’t—F. D. Fisk. Livery Stable— S. E. Perham. H. F. Fisk. Justices — W. S. Barrows, L. B. Lamson, F. J. Barber, H. F. Horton, &'late: Geo. Welman, G. C. Barber. Churches —Bap.,-; North ,-; Cong.,-; Meth., E. Bradford; Univ., John Hilton. Exp. A.g’t— E. Stebbins. Hotel —Ashuelot House, H. M. Slate. Insurance Agents —W. S. Barrows, F. J. Barber, G. S. Wilder. Manufacturers —bolts, C. E. Hunter; boxes, John Snow ; cashmer- ets, Haile, Frost k Co., C. J. Amidon ; chisels and drawing knives,} G. S. Wilder; Granite State mowing machines, Newhall & Stebbins; iron foundry, T. W. Saben; leather, J. U. Beers ; lumber, M. H. Bard- 'well, Ansel Dickinson, L. A. Parks ; planing mill and water tubing, L. A. Parks; soap, E. & N. Worden k Co.; water wheels. Holman k Merriman ; wrapping paper, George Robertson k Son, G. C.Fisk. Mechanics & Artisans —blacksmiths, L. W. Follett, Q. W. Cobb: carpenters, G. A. Day, Sewell Day, Holton k Gale, 0. B. Tyler, E. Blanchard, A. Gilbert, Charles Smith, W. H. Fuller, John Hancock, J. Holden; cooper, J. Corless; dress makers, Mrs. George Curtis, Miss Sophia Doolittle, Mrs. Mary A. Priest, Mrs. L. Wellman, Mrs. Howard, Misses Gale; hair dre>ser6, G. A. Johnson, P. P. Woodbury ; harness maker, E. L. Walker; machinists, Holman k Merriman, New- }hall & Stebins ; mason, Geo. Alexander; millwright, L. B. Lamson ; painters, R. 0. Eaton, (carriage and sign) N. E. Pratt, (house) Timo¬ thy Wyman, G. W. Johnson, Jas. Andrews, D. D. Ball; photographer, H. C. Dustin ; printer, C. S. Farr; shot makers, Z. E. Leonard, H. L. Porter; tailor, C. E. Marden ; wheelwrights, J. W. Battle, M. S. Leach. Merchants —G. W. Holland, F. D. Fisk, C. Robb k Curtis; books ■& stationery, Hunter k Co.; boots and shoes, Harris k Co.; coal, grain' k feed, C. D. Whittaker k Son; confectionery, II. W. Thayer, J. II. Henry, G. A. Johnson ; drugs, L. A Lamson, 0. J. Martin ; fancy good9. 0. J. Martin, Hunter & Co.; fancy poultry, P. F. Amidon ; furniture, F. Jackson ; groceries, Wm, Evans ; hardware, paints, oils Ac., L. A. Lamson ; jewelry, Frank Jackson ; lumber, C. A. Mason; meat, R. T. Blodgett, P. W. Taylor; meat and groceries. D. L. Sanderson ; millin¬ ery, Mrs. L. P. Wise, Miss L. F. Cooper; tin ware and stoves, J. B. Mitchell, J. A. Marden. Physicians —W. S. Leonard, M. C. Dix; eclec., 0. J. Martin; den¬ tist. W. C. Barrett, W. E. Fay. ISOEDERNESS, GRAFTON— Pop. 937. N. from C. SO; E. from Plymouth, 7. R. R. S .—Ashland, 4, on B. C. k M. R. R. Stage and mail tri-weekly. j OFFICERS— Clerk and Treas ., N. B. Whitten ; Selectmen, Stephen Ethridge, C. R. Cox, Jesse Currier; Supt., Tlios. Cox. Postmaster— N. B. Whitten. Physician —D. B. Tucker. Justices—A. L. Shaw, Russell Cox, D. H. Cox, Sanrl Smith 2d, State ; W. B. Cox, N. B. Whitt; n, J. B. Huckins, D. C. Worthen. Manufacturers —coffins, G. W. Shepard; lumber, S. 31. Worthen, p. o. ad., Ashland, C. 31. Ames, p. o. ad., Plymouth ; lumber, packing boxes, shingles, clapboards, cloth boards and salt boxes, H. H. Shepard. Mechanic —cooper, James Lowe. Merchant —N. B. Whitten. HOLLIS, HILLSBOROUGH—Top., 1080. S. from C., 38; W. from Nashua, 8. R. R. S .— llollis, on Nashua k Worcester R. R., miles from Center. Stage three times a day. 96 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. OFFICERS— Clerk,G. A. Burge;v Treas., S. M. Spaulding; Selectmen , T. E. Flagg, J. A. Coburn, Guvs. W. Hardy; Supt., II. L. Kelsey. Postmaster —George A. Burge. Justices—E. T. W leeler, J. B. Perkins, R. L. Farley, J. W. Per-i kins, State ; John Farley, Quorum; 0. A. Read, E. J. Colburn, 0. P. Eastman, C. S. Spauld ng. A. J. Fariey, Win. H. Rideout, G. A. Messer. Church —Cong., II. L. Kelsey. Exp. Agent —Darius Badd. Manufacturers —brooms, L. J. Nutting; coopers tools, Levi Pierce; pump', Nathan Wil oughby. Mechanics —backsmiths, C. B. Ric’ ardson, A. R. Lovejoy. J. S. Horton; carpenters, Noah Lovejoy, A. H. B 11s, Caleb Farley, Nathan Willoughby. G. A. Messer; coopers, Worcester Bros., E I ward Hardy, Proctor Bros.; painters, C. F. Chase, Alfred Farley, J. C. Hildredth; shoe maker, J Gate*; wheelwrights. B. L. Farley, T. French. Merchants —G. A. Burge; auctioneers, J. B. Perkins, G. A. Burge: clocks and watches, Ebenezer Baldwin. Physicians —TI W. Willoughby. Win. P. Cutter. HOOK^ETT, MERRIMACK— Pop., 1331. S. E. from C., 1 e; Supt., J. II. Adams. Postmaster —F. C. Towle. Ex. & Tel. Ag’t —li. A. Lautry. Justices —Natt Head, Jesse Gault, J. W. Prescott, W. C. Kellogg State ; G. A. Robie, A. W. Prescott, J. S. Burbank, B. A. Ham. Church—Meth . S. G. Kellogg. Hotels— A yer House, Horace Burney; Stearns House, John Stearns, j Livery Stables —J. w. Prescott, Samuel Head. 2d, J. 0. Ingalls. Manufacturers —bricks, N. & W. F. Head, Jesse Guilt, Samuel Head, Charles Biiley; cambrics, Hooksett MauuPg Co., E. H. Nut¬ ting. ag’t : lumber, N. &. W. F. Head. Mechanics & Artisans— blacksmith, G. A. Robie; carpenter, S. F. Goodaie; hair dresser, Horace Parker; harness maker, B. J. Gile; machinist, 0. W. Peaslee; mason, W. B. Jones. Merchants —F. C. Towle, S. D. Me Affee & Co., G. W. Hazcltine & Co.; millinery. De Corine Co. Physician —I. H. Adams. HOPKOffON, MERRIMACK— Pop., 1819. S. W. from C., 12. R. R. S. —Hopkinton, on C. & C. R. R. D tily stage. OFFICERS—D. L. Gage; Treas., G. A. Curtice: Selectmen, Eli A Boutwell, L II. Dearborn G. A.Steveus; Supt., H. W. Green, C. A. Harvey, II. P. Dustin, Postmasters— D. L. Gage; West, Henry Wheeler. Justices—C. G. Hawtiiorn, I. D. Merrill, J. F. Jones. E. C. Bailey, G. K. Goodrich, H. W. Greene, J. M. Conner, Phineas Clough, State ;! Isaac Story, G. W. Currier, P. M. Flanders, Quorum; Charles Could, 1 G. B. Hardy, R. P. Copps, S. S. Page. J. M. Harvey, G. A. Curtice, D. L. Gage. H. D. Dustin, G. C. Blaisdell, J. F. Burnham, G. W. French, Wm. Colby, W. S. Davis, J. S. Kimball, jr. Churches —Bap., W. S. Tucker; Cong., C. A. Stone; Epis., Hall Harrison. Exp. Ag’t —A. Simonds. Hotel —G. G. Bailey. Lawyers— H. W. Green, C. G. Hawthorn. Manufacturers— leather, II. J. Chase. Mechanics & Artisans —blacksmith, Horace Edmunds : carpenter, E. B. Dunbar; cooper, A. C. Sargent; hair dresser, S. R. Adams; 1 masons, George Cboat, J. L. Hayes; painters. Mel via Colby, Isaac iStory, Geo. F. Tilton : whe *lw ights. B. 0. Kimball, W. G. Thompson.; BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 97 Merchants —D. L. Gage & Co., Kimball & Co.; auctioneer, H. W. Green ; meat, E. D. French; millinery, Miss J. M. Johnson. Physician —Alexander Rogers, C. H. Harriman. Contoocock— Postmaster— E. W. Stevens. Churches —F. Bap.,J. C. Osgood; Chris., N. D. Sleeper; Meth., Lewis Howard; Sweedenborgian, Charles Hardon. Ex. & Tel. Ag’t —A. H. Currier. Ins. Ag’t —J. F. Jones. Hotel—Contoocock House, C. E.Taylor. Literary Institution —Contoocock Academy, Charles Hardon, prin. Manufacturers —carriages and sleighs, E. Upton ; lumber, Harvey Chase, J. F. & E. D. Burnham, Henry Wheeler; lumber and kits (steam) Kempton and Morrill. Mechanics —blacksmiths, F. J. Mudgett, F. Webster, H. Dow; carpenter. C. Montgomery ; mason, J. H. Bacon ; painters, Nichols Bros. Merchants—G. A. Curtice, W. II. Hardy, E. Wyman, R. P. Fland-, ers ; auctioneer, G. B. Hardy; fi*h, David Williams ; meat, H. M. Davis ; stoves and tinware, G. H. Ketchum. Physicians —J. W. Wilson, G. C Blaisdell, D. 0. Collins. Horn’s Mill’s—See Wakefield. HUDSON, HILLSBORO— Pop., 1066. S. E. from C. 38. R. R. S. Hudson Center, on N. & R. R. R. OFFICERS— Clerk and Treas., James Emery; Selectmen, John M. Thompson, Chas. Steele, G. W. Trow ; Supts ., D, 0. Smith, James Emery. Postmasters —Eli Hamlet, N. P. Webster. Justices —W. H. Chase, S. D. Greeley, State ; Kimball Wbester, J. Merrill, S. A. Steele, Sam’l Greeley. Churches— Bap., G. W. Kenney; Cong., J. W. Haley; Meth., A. F. Baxter. Mechanics —blacksmith, T. J. Solomon; file cutters, Edwin Wil¬ loughby, Samuel Walton; wheelwrights, J. Carnes, E. Martin. Merchants —N. P. Webster, H. G. Lewis. Physicians —James Emery. D. 0. Smith. JACKSON, CARROLL— Pop., 474. N. E. from C. 90. N. from Ossipee, 40. R. R. S —Glen station 3;miles, on P. & 0. R. R. Daily stage. OFFICERS— Clerk, G.W. Meserve ; Treas., 0. P. Meserve : Selectmen Geo. W. Meserve, C. W. Carlton, J. M. Towle \Supt., Chas. W. Carlton. Postmaster —0. P. Meserve. Justices— G. P. Meserve, Jonathan Gale, State ; J.B. Trickey, G. W. Meserve, M. C. Wentworth. Church —F. Bap.,-. Hotels—Jackson Falls, Trickey Bros.; Thorne Mt., M. C. Went¬ worth ; Glen Ellis House, N. T. Stilling. Manufacturers —lumber, Jackson Manufg Co., C. F. Perkins, J. M. Meserve, J. H. Dearborn, C. E. Gale. Mechanics —blacksmiths, J. D. Towle, Wm. Ward ; carpenters, D. F. Drew, Wm. Copp, Chas. Meserve; masons, Silas Perkins, Wm. Copp ; wheelwrights, G. M. Fernald, C. W. Gray. Merchants —Bucknell & Kimball, A. L. Stillings. Physician —Daniel Dinsmore. JAFFREY, CHESHIRE—V op. 1266. S. W. from C., 45; S. E. from Keene, 15. R. R. S. —East Jaffrey, on Monandock R. R. OFFICERS— Clerk, J. P. Frost; Treas., East, C. H. Powers ; Select¬ men, H. A. Turner, C. S. Bailey, John A. Cutter ; Supt., J. H. Little ; Agent, S. B. Fiske. Postmaster & Physician—G. A. Phelps. Ex. Ag’t—Aaron Perkins. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 98 Justices —John Fox, F. H. Cutter, F. S. Pierce, State ; G. A. Phelps, 0. H. Bradley, J. P. Frost, J. W. Fassett, Alfred Sawyer, H. B. Wheel-, er, H. B. Aldrich, L. N. Willoughby. Church — Center, Cong., supplied by J. F. Bassett. Hotel — Center , Cutter’s, Jonas Cutter; Central House, H. B. Wheeler. Literary Institution— Conant High School. Manufacturers — Center, leather, Julius Cutter ; chair stuff, Heath & Gilmore ; shoes, Luke French. I Mechanics — Center, blacksmiths, Joseph Smith & Son ; carpenters, IV. D. Shattuck, Alvah Parker, J. P. Frost ; cooper. Elbridge Baldwin; dress makers, Center , Miss E. R. Gibbs, Mrs. E. Woodman, Mrs. G. L. Rice. Merchants — Center, J. T. Bigelow ; anctioneer, J. E. Baldwin. East— Postmaster —Peter Upton. Churches —Bap., L. J. Dean ; Cong., W. H. Dowden ;^Univ., J. H. Little. Hotel —Granite State, Benj. Pierce. Livery Stables —H. A. Turner, Aaron Perkins. Manufacturers —wooden ware, Alvin J. & James E. Bemis; brooms, C. A. Rand ; blue drilling, White Bros; nestboxes, Annett & Mur¬ dock ; shoes, G. Fairbanks ; shoe knives, Wilbur Webster. Mechanics & Artisans —blacksmiths, D. A. Colburn, Ira Gardner; carpenters, L. L. Pierce, Liberty Towne, Sylvester Towne, G. A. Towne, |B. E. Bartlett, S. B. Robinson; cooper, N. C. Shedd; dressmaker, ( ‘Mrs. T. Hanscom ; hair dresser, A. Caldwell; gunsmith, J. S. Dutton ; 'masons, I. C. Ryan, W. H. Ingraham ; painters, Fred Stevens, Frank jWellman, Elbridge Wilbur, H. C. Hunt; tailors, M. W. Ray, J. At¬ kinson ; wheelwrights, Mower & Allen. j Merchants —J. S. Lacy, C. II. Powers, Walter Goodnow & Co.; auc¬ tioneers, Pierce and Fuller, drugs and medicines, S. B. Fisk; lum- oer, W. E. Goodnow; meat, Colburn & Robins, Reuben Pierce ; milk, John B. Shedd. Fhysicians —0. H. Bradley, dentist, G. C. Duncan. JEFFERSON, COOS —Pop. 825. N. from C., 116; S. E. from Lancaster, 7. Daily stage. R. R. S. —Jefferson, on Browns Lumber Co.’s R, R , 2^ m. OFFICERS— Clerk, J. A. Hicks; Treas., E. B. Rogers; Selectmen,\ Benj. Tuttle, Wm. Crawshaw. E. S. James ; Supt., J. H. Brown. Postmaster, Tel. Ag’t & Merchant— A. F. M*on. Justices —J. A. Hicks, B. H. Plaisted N. It. Perkins, State] A. M. Pottle, B.R. Kenison, A. F. Mason, A. L. Berry, J. M. Morse. Churches— C. Bap.,-; Meth., J. H. Brown. Hotels & Livery Stables—Waumbeck House, J. R. Crocker ; Mt. Adams House, Crawshaw & Co.; Summer Boarding Houses, Bedell Bro’s & Co.; Plaisted House, B. H. Plaisted; Crawford House, E. A. Craw¬ ford ; Pliny Range House, G. W. Crawford ; Highland House, G. A. & J. L. Pottle; The Maples, Mrs. M. H. Bowles. Manufacturers —flour, W. R. Evans ; lumber, Browns lumber Co. Jeremiah Ricker, Albert Bennett, Parcher & Co., Franklin Reed, Jew¬ ett & Gray ; starch, B. S. Plaisted, Plaisted & Roberts, Tuttle & Craw¬ ford, N. R. Perkins. Mechanics —blacksmiths, Nicholas Tuttle; carpenters, George Crawford, W. H. Somers, J. Goodall ; wheelwright, H. M. Grant. Physician —C. H. Burnham. Tei. Ag’t —A. F. Mason. KEENE, CHESHIRE— Shire town. Pop., 7000. S. W. from C., 52. R. R. S. —Keene, on Cheshire R. R. _ BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 99, OFFICERS— Mayor, R. Stewart; City Clerk, L. C. Doolittle; Treas. f \ G. W. Tilden ; Aldermen , Ward 1, G. W. Rail; Ward 2, G. R. Wright; Ward 3, I. F. Prouty ; Ward 4, G. H. Tilden ; Ward 5, E. C. Thayer ; City Marshall, E. R. Locke; Chief Engineer, Wm. Babbitt; Clerk of Council, C. A. Gale, Postmaster—A. Smith. Justices —F. A. Faulkner, S. A. Carter, J. J. Allen, jr., Edward Farrar, G. F. Starkweather, C. C. Webster, F. A. Perry, W. P. Abbott, D. II. Woodward, F. F. Lane, Edward Gustine, C. F. Webster, Hiram Blake, J. H. Elliott, Allen Giffin, C. F. Rowell, Isaac Aldrich, D. W Buckminister, Hosea Foster, J. R. Beal, Silas Hardy, C. II. Whitney’ J. S. Taft, J. W. Babbitt, State ; R. J. Holt, F. C. Fauikner, J. G. Perry’ J. Q. Fuller, V. A. Wright, E. F. Lane, Reuben Stewart. W. S. Briggs,- S. B. Aldrich, George Tilden, F. E. Newcomb, I. W. Russell, H. 0* Coolidge, J. W. Herrick, Jason French, J. N. Morse, Alonzo Kingsley* F. H. Kingsbury, J. G. Joslyn, G. W. Tilden, S. 0. Gates, Samuel Nimsv 0. G. Dort, L. C. Doolittle, G. H. Gilbert, E. D. Knight, J. L. Bolster* H. S. Martin, J. Humphrey, L. WHolmes, J. J. Albee, M. T. Totting’ ham, I. F. Prouty, W. H. Spalter, H. S. Martin, E. D. Knight, F. A- Barker, A. S. Whitcomb, H. P. Muchmore, S. White, E. P. Dole, C. K- Pemberton, W. H. Elliott, A. W. Baker, B. Ripley, E. R. Locke, A.P* Little, G. A. Litchfield, Alonzo Kingsley, LeoDard Wellington, Joseph Whitney. Churches —Bap., W. H. Eaton, D. D.; 1st Cong., Cyrus Richardson ; 2d Cong., J. A. Leach; Epis., G. W. Brown : Meth., G. W. Norris ; R. Cath., Patrick Holohan ; Unita., W. 0. White; Univ., W. W. Hayward Eating Houses —N. G. Guernsey, 0. Lettenmayer, A. J. Aldrich, C. P. Colton, Amos Gale. f Exp. Ag’t —F. A. Barker. Tel. Ag’ts —D. R. Calef, C. H. Cutter. Hotels —Cheshire House, M. J. Sherman; Eagle, A. R. Mason; City Hotel, H. Coulliard. Lawyers —F. A.Faulkner, A. T.Batchelder, F. F. Lane, D. K. Healey, C. C. Webster, D. H. Woodward, Leonard Wellington, Hiram Blake, Silas Hardy, L. W. Holmes, E. P. Dole, F. C. Faulkner, W. H. Elliot. Literary Institution —Keene High School, Frank H. Hooper, prin. Livery Stables —G. w. Todd, L. Martin & Son, David Russell. Manufacturers —boots and shoes, N. S. Warren; book binders and blank book manufacturers. G. H. Tilden & Co., W. H. Spalter; brush aud duster handles, A. S. Whitcomb; chairs, Keene Chair Co., W. W. Mason, Supt.: Cheshire Chair Co.; flannel, Faulkner & Son, Irvin Colby, Charles Howe & Co.; machinist, A. Thompson & Co.; marble worker, J. C. Hunter; masons, Jacob Hamlin, H. C. Forbush; painters, C. A.( Larkin, Dooley & Heath, W. A. Folsom, W. M. Cushing; photogra¬ pher, E. T. Wilson, printers, Qnimby, Burns, & Co., Coos Rep. Associ¬ ation; tailors, T. S. Underwood, Nelson Sparks; wheelwright, A. J. Marshall, J. G. Derby. Ira E. Woodward. Merchants —R. P. Kent & Co., J. A. Smith & Co., Rowell & Allen ; auctioneers, B. H. Corning, A. J. Congdon; books and stationery, Colby & Hamblin, P. J. Noyes; boots and shoes, Chas. E. Me Intire ; clocks and watches, C. E. Allen, G. F. Martin, A. F. Norris ; clothing, G. W. Lane; dry goods, Kent & Griswold; drugs and medicines, Colby & Hamblin, P. J. Noyes; flour and corn, Frank Smith & Co., Cleveland & Ockin.cton; groceries, Cleveland & Ockington, D. W. Smith, S. G. Evans, E. S. Smith; hardware, Cobleigh Kent & Co.; meat, A. J. Congdon, H. Gray; millinery, Mrs. S. J. Evans, Mrs. Isaac Bowman,' Miss H. A. Brown, Mr3. Jane Nutter; news dealer, Colby & Hamblin. Physicians—Frank Bugbee, Ezra Mitchell, F. A. Colby, M. R. Woo Iburv; homeo., D. L. Jones, C. E. Rowell; dentist, B. T. Olcott. | LANDAFF, GRAF TON —Pop., 582. N. W. from C., 85; N E. from Haverhill, 20. R. R. S. —Lisbon, 3 m.,on White Mountain R. R. Conveyance from up trains Wed. and Sat. OFFICERS— Clerk, Wm. H. Atwood; Treas., S. A. Eaton; Selectmen , Moses Ciark. Archimedes Young, C. E. Clark; Supt., Luella Clark. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 104 Postmaster—J. E. Hall. Justices—Moses Clark, J. E. Hall, State ; S. A. Eaton, M. J. Noyes, Hiram Clark, Moses Whitcher, T. J. Ruggles, S. Gordon, jr., A. Young. Church—Meth., James Crowley. . Manufacturers—lime, Samuel Noyes ; lumber, R. T. Gordon & Co., J. C. Atwood, C. & J. Chandler, C. L. King, F. P. Foye3, Lisbon p. o., Daniel Whitcher; starch, J. C. Atwood, J. T. Clark & Co., Daniel Wliitcher, Benton p. o. Mechanics—blacksmiths, J. C. Atwood, William Harden ; carpen¬ ters, M. G. Clark, H. H. Noyes, S. G. Simouds ; coopers, H. II. Noyes, K. W. Noyes, M. G. Clark, 0. S. Merrill, G. H. Merrill; Eben East¬ man ; masons, M. G. Clark, Moses Clark. Merchant—Daniel Whitcher, Benton p. o. LANGDON, SULLIVAN— Pop., 411. W. from C.. 56; S. W. from Newport, 22. R. R. S. —Bellows Falls, Vt., Junction of Cheshire Vt. Valley and Central Vt. R. R. S. Charlestown 4, on Sullivan R. R. OFFICERS— Clerk, S. L. Slader; Treas., John Currier; Selectmen , L. 5 F. Parker, C. A. Holden, I. P. Smith; Supt., Miss Mary A. Simpson. Postmaster—John Currier. Churches—Cong.,-; Univ.,-. Justices—J. S. Walker, State; Henry Wiley, Thomas Winch, Sam¬ uel King. Manufacturers—lumber, Sidney Wiley; Robert Elwell, p. o. ad., Drewsville. Mechanics—cabinet makers, A. T. & A. P. Fish ; carpenters, Sam’l King, Benj. P. Hiland, N. Wilson; masons, Asa Smith, 0. W. Pierce ; shoemaker, Daniel Mansfield; wheelwright, David Ramsey. IiEBA^ON, GRAFTON— Pop., 3098. N. W. from C., 50; S. from Haverhill, 30. R. R. S .—Lebanon, on Northern N. II. R. R. OFFICERS— Clerk, E. J.Durant; Treas., S. A. Peck; Selectmen, S. A. Peck, George Blood. E. F.*Emerson ; Supts., D. G. Brockway, N. F. Tilden ; Agent, Elisha Ticknor. Postmasters—E. P. Liscomb ; East, C. A. Cushing. Justices—A. M.Shaw.E. J. Durant, J. G. Ticknor, F. A. Cushman, J. L. Spring, W. B. W eeks, E. P. Liscomb, D. B. Emerson, C. A. Downs, F. L. Owen, C. A. Dole, W’m. H. Cotton, State ; Joel Baker, P. E. Davis, VV. P. Burton, S. A. Peck, C. A. Cushing, 0. W. Bitmap, Ebenezer Cole, Hiram Emerson, Solomon Cole, 0. S. Wright, A. S. Eaton, J. M. Per¬ kins, A. W. Baker, F. W. Cheney, J. E. Dewey, C. B. Plaistridge, F. L. Owen, jr. Churches—Bap.. N.F. Tilden; Cong., J. M. Dutton; Meth. E. C. Bass; R. Cath. F. X. Tudel. Eating House—D. H. Sargent. Express Agent—Henry Fales. Telegraph Agt—W, H. Richardson Hotels — Hamilton House, J. Hamilton; Lafayette, A. J. Holt; Sayer Hotel, F. Sayer. Lawyers—W. B. Weeks, J. L. Spring, C. A. Dole, W. H. Cotton Literary Institution—Lebanon High School. E. W. W r estgate, prin Livery Stables—C. D. Jewett, Dan Storrs, Frank Sayer. Manufacturers—band saws, C. M. Baxter ; coffins, Chas. E. Mars- ton ; doors, sa^h, blinds and chamber furniture, Meed, Mason & Co., P. E. Davis; lumber, Hurlburt & Emerson ; mowing machines, D. B. Emerson; patent sponge for upholstery, F. A. Cushman, agent; rakes and snaths, W. D. Marston & Co., reed organs, Lebanon Organ Co.; scythes, M. V. Purmort: watch keys and nickel plating, Kendrick, Davis & Co.; water wheels and mill work, Cole & Tilden; wood work¬ ing machinery, Martin Buck. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. =T 105 Mechanics & Artisans —bakers, Mason*& Page ; blacksmiths, G. W. Davis, Jordan & Bennett; East, Ira Greeley ; carpenters, Muchmore & Whipple, N. B. Marstou; hair dressers, Thelesphor Benard, F. H. Stevens : harness makers, Elisha Ticknor, W. P. McFee, Washburn, & Triscott ; machinists, Cole, & Tilden, Martin Buck? masons, Ziba Cook, C. H. Hunter, A. W. Shapleigh; marble worker, II. G. Billings ; [millwright, Wm. Duncan ; painters. Durant & Perkins, (carriage) E. S. Bessey; photographer, C. E. Lewis; printers, F. W. Cheney, E. II. Cheney; stair # builders, Goodrich & Baker; tailors, P. M. Kenyon, A. M. Gove & Co.; tin and sheet iron workers, C M. Hildreth, Brown Bros ; watchmakers, C. M. Hoffman, F. B, Kendrick; wheelwrights, Waldo Howard, G. A. Elliott Merchants —G. W. & A. L. Worthen; auctioneers, J. G. Ticknor, N. C. Bridgman ; books and stationery, W. H. Richardson ; boots and shoes. Cragin & Sturtevant, T. D. Simmons ; clocks and watches, F. B. Kendrick, C. M. Hoffman ; clothing, hats and caps. P. M. Kenyon, A. M.j Gove & Co.; dry goods, G. C. Whipple, Houghton Macy, C. E. Delano; drugs and medicines, I. N. Perley, H. P. Kendrick; fancy goods and [notions, .W. H. Richardson ; (wholesale) H. W. Carter, Carter & Churchill; fish, A. & C. Knights; furniture, Durant & Perkins:; groceries, G. Bennett, Emerson & Mason, 0. W. Baldwin, & Co., Frank Simmons, J. Benard; hardware, C. M. Hildreth, Browu Bros.; meat, Westgate & Quimby ; millinery, E. H. Thompson, Mrs. F. B. Ken¬ drick. Physicians —J. A. Davis, T. H. Currie, D. G. Brockway, C. W. Man¬ chester ; homeo., E. A. Knight ; dentists, W. F. Davis, W. S. Bowles, Currie & Clough. West—Postmaster— W. P. Burton. Church —Cong., A. B. Rich. Hotel —E. G. Southworth. Literary Institution —Tilden Ladies’ Seminary, H. Orcutt, prin. Livery Stables —Stearns Bros., A. M. Southworth. Manufacturers— ax helves, E. L. Kelley; bent felloes and sleigh runners, Haskel Walker; lumber, J. K. Butman, Thomas Wood & Waterman. Mechanics —blacksmith, Haskel Walker; dressmaker, Miss L. M.l Fowler; harness maker, Erank McCarty; masons, Sylvester Austin,! C. W. Austin; marble worker, A. S. Eaton; miller. John Gray. Merchants —Church & Burroughs; clocks and watches, G. H.J Worthen; druggists, Drake & Woodman; furniture, W. B. Rolston & Co.; hats, caps, boots and shoes, Frank Hutchinson; millinery and fancy goods, Miss L. M. Fowler.; Dentist —G. S. H. Comins. jLEJE, STRAFFORD— Pop., 776. S. E. from C., 33; -N. W. from Dover. 12. R. R. S. —Lee, on Nashua & Rochester R. R. OFFICERS— Clerk, D. E. Plummer; Treas., B. F. Lang; Selectmen ,1 B. F. Lang, Josiah Durgin, F. J. Tuxbury ; Supt., B. F. Davis. Postmasters —D. E. Plummer; South , Horace Scales; Wadley’s Falls , I. D. Edgerly. Justices —A. G. Comings, Geo. E. Durgin, T. M. Thompson, Slate ; B. F. Davis, S. W. Lane, C. S. Cartland. Churches —Chris., A. G. Comings; Cong.. J. W. Lees. Manufacturers— leather, Guy Gliddeu, H. M. Glidden; lumber, John Mathes, Job Thompson. Mechanics —blacksmiths, D. S. Jenkins, W. A. Jenkins, C. H. Jones.' L. E. Pendergast, 0. W. Small, James Buzzell; carpenters, T. A. Ben. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 106 nett, Janies McDaniels, J. True Bartlett, G. F. Stevens ; masons, G. G. Bennett; painter, 0. W. Small; wheelwrights, J. Jones, Obadialr Davis. Merchants —D. E. Plumer, G. W. Plumer, I. D. Edgerly ; auction¬ eer, G. W. Plumer. Leigh toll’s Corners—A post office in Carroll County. EEitIFSTEft, SULLIVAN —Pop., 678. W. from C., 40 ; S. from Newport, 10. R.R. S. —Newport & Claremont, on C. & C. R. R. Daily stage to Newport and tri-weekly to Claremont and Charlestown, and daily from East Lempster. OFFICERS— Clerk. E. B. Richardson; Treas., L. B. Allen; Select¬ men, Hiram Parker, Kimball Pollard, Homer Beckwith; Supt., C. D. Stafford ; Agent, L. B. Allen. Postmasters —Sarah J. Smith ; East, W. E. Way. Justices—Alvah Smith, A. J. Mitchell, C. R. Jones, W. E. Way, J. G. Robinson, State ; E. B. Richardson, W. T. Thissell, C. H. Hodgman, Hiram Parker, R. D. Pollard. Churches —1st Cong., John Lebosquet; 2d Cong.,-; East, Meth.,-Hooper; East, Univ., Win. Hooper. Hotel—Lempster House, J. G. Robinson. Ins. Agents —Wm. Way ; East, Chas. R. Jones. Livery Stable —E. B. Richardson. Physician —J. N. Butler. Manufacturers —card board, East, Cutler & Allen ; carriages, Keyes Brothers; lumber, C. Putnam; East , Page & Pollard, R. D. Pollnrd, C. W. Tandy ; lumber and mill feed, John Wheeler. Mechanics & Artisans —blacksmiths, Michael Sweeny; East, Moses Davis, C. M. Dodge ; carpanters, E. B. Abbott; East, L. Cutler, T. W. Bruce, Albro Baker; harness maker, East, C. R. Jones; shoemakers, J. M. Fay, J. A. Evans ; East, Albert Noyes. Merchants—E. B. Richardson ; East, W. E. Way. LINCOLN, GRAFTON— Pop., 71. N. W. from C., 71; N. from' Plymouth, 24. R.R. S. —Plymouth, 21 miles, on B. C. & M. R. R. Daily stage. OFFICERS— Clerk, J. W. E. Tuttle; Selectmen, B. Elliot, J. W. E. Tuttle, D. A. Dearborn ; Supt., II. Barker. Postmaster— G. F. Russell. Exp. Agent —F. Bartlett. Justices —J. W. E.Tuttle, J. R. Elliott. Hotel— Flume House, B. Elliot. LISBON, GRAFTON— Pop., 1848. N. W. from C., 85; N. E. from Haverhill, 12. R. R. S. —Lisbon, on White Mt. R. R.“ OFFICERS— Clerk, F. H. Richardson; Treas., W. K. Parker; Select¬ men, H. B. Savage, Nathan Whipple, G. D. Clough ; Supt., II. B. Copp. Postmasters—A. C. Wells ; Sugar Hill, Hiram Noyes; North , B. H. Richardson. Justices —W. H. Cummings, J. R. Young, Chas. Parker, A. A. Wool. 1 son, S. F. Hoskius, G. F. Cushman, J. L. Foster, Joseph Parker State; Hiram Noyes, W. P. Whitcber; Asa Hildreth, W. K. Parker’, A. Wells, A. C. Wells, Geo. W. Wells, M. H. Bowker, 0. H. Boynton’ E. D. Rand, H. B. Savage. ~ ’| Churches —Adv., I. H. Shipman; Sugar Hill , N. Wheeler; F. Bap., Sugar Hill, -Smith; Meth., H. B. Copp. Ex. & Tel. Ag’t— C. J Kelsea. Eating House— C. C. Sanborn. Hotels —Ammonoosuc House, A. W. Moore; Lisbon House, J. F, Aldrich. Livery Stable —J. F. Aldrich. Ins. Ag’ts —A. A. Woolson, Parker & Young, W. P. Whitcher. Lawyers —E. D. Rand, J. L. Foster. BUSINES3 DIRECTORY. 107 Manufacturers —bobbin?, W. H. Cummings, J. K. Atwood, J. G. Moore, S. A. Beane, J. & F. P. Noyes, H. H. Cogswell & Co.; boxes, Parker & Young, R. E. Palmer & Co.; carriages, Moffitt Bros.: Sugar Hill , Noyes & Jepperson ; lumber, S. C. Jackman ; mackerel kits, Pal¬ mer & Bedel; piano boards, Parker & Young ; shoe pegs, J. G. Moore ; starch, Parker, Young & Co., Priest, YouuS & Co., Wells & Woolson; Sugar Hill , Sugar Hill Starch Co.; wood pulp, J. G. Moore. Mechanics & Artisans —blacksmiths, D. C. Moulton & Co., Moffitt Bro’s; Sugar Hill , N. & C. Jefferson ; boot and shoe makers, 0. Clough ; Sugar Hill, G. W. Wells ; carpenters, Wm. Quimby, II. C. Chase, H. E. Smith, W. Iv. Parker, Moses Atwood, J. B. Taylor, Silas Brown, S. D. Parker; cooper, Albert Brooks; hair dresser, D. M. Clough ; harness maker, J. W. Colburue; machinist, H. P. Titus; marble worker,! Manley Stevens; masons, E. Fisk, I. B. Gould, N. Kendall; mill¬ wrights, D. S. Richardson, N. W. Moulton; painters, A. II. Elliott, A. J. Cass, Montgomery Heath, Geo. Pennock ; printer and station¬ er, H. E. Parker; tailors, George Brumner, N. B. Moore; tanner, G. W. Wells ; watchmakers, W. H. Weston, S. K. Fisk. Merchants—Wells & Woolson, Stevens & Hoskins, T. E. Howe & Co.,' A. Wells; North, B. Richardson; Sugar Hill, Hiram Noyes ; auction-! eer, I. B. Gould; clocks and watches, W. H. Weston, S. K. Fisk ; confectionery, J. W. Parker; drugs and medicines, W. P. Whitcher &. Co, C. J. Kelsea; dry goo Is and millinery, Mrs. J.G. Moore & Co., Mrs W. C. Barnard; flour, grain, &c., Grist Mill Co.; furniture. Geo. C. Woods ; groceries, S .C. C. Sanborn ; papers and periodicals, E. J. Richard¬ son ; tin ware and stoves, L. R. Kemp. Physicians—C. H. Boynton, 0. H. Boynton ; eclec., H. A. Hildreth ; thomp., S. P. Brown, J. F. Thompson ; dentists, D. W. Cooley, M. N. Howland. * EITCHFIEED, HILLSBOROUGH— Pop. 345, S. from C., 30 ; N. from Nashua 5. R. R. S. —Thornton’s Ferry, Merrimack, on Concord R R. OFFICERS— Cleric, I. N. Center; Treas ., Chas. Me Questen ; Select¬ men, Isaac Me Questen, J. W. Goodspeed, J. L. Senter ; Supt., M. A. Cen¬ ter ; Agent, G. B. Griffin. Justices—J. A. Marsh, Isaac Me Questen, I. N. Center. Church—Pres., B. II. Emerson. Manufacturers—boots and shoes, J. E. Barrett; pine lumber, Isaac Me Questen, Chas. Me Questen. Mechanics—blacksmith, R. Sanders]; carpenters, Edward Parker, German Kendall, Nathan Bullock; plumber, S. J. Corning; wheel¬ wright, Daniel Kennedy. Merchant—G. B. Griffin. Physician—G. L. Doughty. E1TTEETOX, GRA FTON— Pop., 244G. N. W. from C., 100; N. from Haverhill, 30. R. R. S. —Littleton, on White Mt. R. R. OFFICERS— Clerk, H. W. Smith ; Treas ., Alonzo Weeks ; Selectmen J. K. Dunbar, jr., John Mitchell, Nathaniel Flanders; Supt., F. C. Albee. Postmasters—P. R. Gould; North, Rufus Smith. Justices—John Farr, Harry Bingham. G. A. Bingham, E. 0. Kenney, E. C. Stevens, J. J. Barrett, E. W. Farr, E. Carlton, C. H. Green, J. M.j Charlton, W. J. Bellows, John Mitchell, L. C. Wilkins, G. W. Barrett, W. H. Stevens, State; A. Me Intire, Quorum; N. C. Farr. Geo. Farr, P. R. Gould, A. S. Bachellor, H. H. Southworth, H. A. Bishop, M. L. Gould, George Abbott, J. H. Bailey, J. D. Chandler, N. G. Smith. C. F. Eastman, 0. B. Copeland, W. H. Bellows, F. A. Coffran, W. H. Mitch¬ ell, W. M. Taylor. 108 1 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. i Churches—Cong., C. E. Miiliken; F. Bap., Ira Emery ; Meth., N. M. D. Granger ; Epis., A. R. Graves. Eating Houses—S. Overands, Frank Muzrall. Exp. Ag’t—W. A. Haskins. Tel. Ag’t—Alden Quimby. Hotels—Thayer’s, H. L. Thayer; Union House, W. A. Richardson. Ins. Agt’S.—J. J. & G. W. Barrett, Farr & Stevens. Lawyers—John Farr, Bingham & Mitchell, Farr & Stevens, G. A. Bingham, Bachellor & Bolles, D. S. Whitcher. Literary Institution—Littleton High School, prin., B. F. Robinson. Livery Stables—C. Young, II. L. Thayer, W. A Richardson. Manufacturers—boots and shoes, A. Weeks, J. S. Davis ; coffins and caskets, B. F. Wells, J. Merrill ; furniture, J. Merrill, T. White; gloves, and mittens, Ira Parker & Co., Eureka Glove Co.; iron foundry, J. Kil- burn & Son ; leather, S. Parker & Co; lumber, Littleton Lumber Co., II. C. Redington & Co., A. Holmes; potato starch, Littleton Starch Co., West, West L. Starch Co.; sash, doors and blinds, Chandler & Fitzgerald; scythes aud axes, N. H. Scythe Co.; tin and sheet iron ware, C. C. Smith; flannels, Littleton Woolen Co. Mechanics & Artisans—blacksmiths, Ladd & Bunker, N. W. Ran- lett, C. Kenison, A. Streeter; carpenters, E. D. Dunn, C. H. & H. H.! Lovejoy, C. Nurse, S. F. Simpson, N. Carbino, J. Dow, jr., J. P. Copp, J. D. Chandler, J. Simpson; hair dressers, L. H. Parker, Jerry Leu- jway; harness makers, A. Coburn, Truman Stevens, T. J. Pratt; ma-i ;cliinists, J. Kilburn & Son; mason, N. S. Cooley; millers, Gates &! iBros., Fred Fulford ; painters, John Hilliker, Frank Phillips, A. R. Burton, Albert Lovejoy, F. Hunt; (carriage) Harry Burnham, C. T.j Powers ; photographers, J. Smilie, Geo. Aldrich ; printers, G. C. Furber, ;J. S. Peavey; stereoscopic views, Kilburn Bros., F. G. Weller; tailors. Nelson Parker, Clinton Morse; wheelwrights, N. W. Ranlett, D. H.i French. Merchants—C. & C. F. Eastman, N. C. Farr, Tilton Bros., Farr & Dow, Southworth, Lovejoy & Taylor, Bellows & Son; auctioneer, W. S. Smith: ibooks and stationery, D. 0. Wallace; carpeting, N. C. Farr; clocks and watehes, Elbridge Flint, C. Hodgman, T. M. Stevens; clothing, N. W. Cheney & Co., N. Parker, R. H. Whitaker; drugs and medicines,! G. F. Abbott, Curtis, Gates & Co.; fancy goods, C. Gates & Co., H. M.! Parker; fruit and confectionery, D. 0. Wallace, J. Smillie, S. Overand,! |Frank Mugrall; furniture, L. D. Sanborn & Co.; groceries, Eaton &j jTarbell; hardware, Bellows & Son, C. W. Brackett; hats and caps,' Nelson Parker, N. W. Cheeney & Co ; meat, J. S. Frye & Co.; millin¬ ery, Mrs. A. Stevens, Mrs. M. F. Poor, S. Overand, Mrs. A. L. Littlefield. Physicians—C. M. Tuttle, Frank Moffett, H. L. Watson, Ralph Bug- bee, jr.; homeo., T. E. Sanger; dentists. S. C. Sawyer, E. B. Hoskins, i LIVERMORE, GRAFTON— Pop., 45. N. from C..90; N. E. jfrom Haverhill, 45. R. R. S. —Livermore, on P. & 0. R. R. i OFFICERS— Cleric, C. N. Saunders ; Selectmen, B.M. Akers, W. Moran C. N. Saunders. j Justices—Geo. H. Fairfield, Chas. N. Saunders. Manufacturers—lumber, C. W. Saunders & Co. Merchants—C. W. Saunders & Co. IiOX DOMDERRY, ROCKINGHAM —Pop., 1405. S. E. from C., 26 ; W. from Exeter, 25. R. R. S. —Londonderry on M. & L. R. R. iWilson’s on M. L. R. ! OFFICERS —Clerk and Treas., North, D. G. Annis : Selectmen, Wm. P. Nevins; North, P. W. Dickey, Chas. S. Pillsbury; Supt., Wil¬ lson’s Crossing, John Dickey\ I | BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 109 Postmasters —D. II. Burns; North , J. W. McKay; Wilson's Cross¬ ing , Warren Richardson. Justices —J. M. Platts, J. F. Twiss, R. C. Mack, W. S. Pillsbury, W. P. Richardson, John Gilchrist, C. S. Pillsbury, Josiah Goodwin, R. P. Clark, Wm. Clark, A. M. Corning, Eugene Wason, State; War¬ ren Richardson, Jonathan McAllister, G. E. Fifield. John Dickey H. C. Smith, M. Dickey, Gilbert Hills, D. G. Annis, F. Monter, A. J. Benson, G. F. Pliuner, F. P. McGregor, C. 0. Butrick. Churches —Bap.,-; Meth., J, F. Spaulding: Presb., L. B. Pert. Physician —Eugene Wason. Exp. Agt’s— D. W. Barker; Wilson's Crossing, Warren Richardson. Manufacturers —boots and shoes, Wilson’s Crossing , Colby & Co., flour and feed, E. C. Kendall; South, W. T. Hill. p. o. ad., West Wind¬ ham; lumber, E. C. Kendall; South, W. P. Hill, p. o. ad., West Wind¬ ham; pumps, North, Dickey & Whidden. Mechanics —blacksmiths, D. D. Smith, W. P. Richardson, S. P. Robie, Joseph D. Thomas; carpenters, John Gilchrist, Isaac Coburn, C. R. Frost, J. W. Greeley, C. 0. Butrick, J. W. Peabody, D. B. Me Gregor, Joseph Roach ; North, G. W. Kimball, Nelson Boyce, Sam¬ uel Payne, Joseph Manning, jr.; masons, S. T. Towns; North, M. M. Boles; paipters, W. G. Holden, A. Baker; North, Orrin Stokes; wheelwrights, Parker Farley, M. V. Thompson. Merchants —D. H. Burues, Jas. W. Rattray : North, J. W. Me Kay ; Den- y Depot , A. P. Hardy . Mason ; fur¬ niture, D. A. Ambrose ; millinery, Mrs. H. N. Newell, 0. & E. Knowles; tin ware, stoves, &c., T. S. Moses. Meriden—See PlainfleH. i MERRIMACK, HILLSBOROUGH— Pop., 1066. S. from C., 26 ; S. W. from Manchester, 10; N. from Nashua, 8; East fr. Amherst,! BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 118 8. R. R. S. —Merrimack. Reed’s Ferry, and Thornton’s Ferry, on Concord R. R. South Merrimack, on Nashua & Wilton R. R. ! OFFICERS— Clerk, Benjamin Ela ; Treas^ M. P. Nichols; Selectmen} II. YV. Wilson, L. F. Lowell, G. E. Patterson; Supt's., M. P. Nichols,j J. T. Jones. ; Postmaster & Exp. Ag’t— G. H. Bixby. i Justices—YV. T. Parker, State; llarrison Eaton, David Henderson, S. C. Anderson, A. Me C. Wilkins, Benj. Ela, Isaac Fitts, N. Y. Oliver, J. L. Spaulding, J. L. Read, YVm* Layers. ! Church —Cong., C. I. Hubbard. Hotel —Merrimack, II. N. Colston. Literary Institution —Me Gaw Normal Institute, B II. Weston, pr. Manufacturers —extension tables, Thomas Paiker ; wooleus, David Henderson ; yarn, Win. Henderson. ! Mechanics —carpenters, G. W. Moulton, W. J. Roekwood, Wm. E.l Brown, F. A. Chamberlain; shoemakers,G. II. Bixby, Joseph Ircdale;! wheelwright, Henry F. Herrick. Merchant —N. Y. Oliver. Physicans— H. Eaton, W. W. Pillsbury.i South— Postmaster & Merchant— Asaph Evans. Church—Cong.,-. Exp. Ag’t —Wm. Locke. Manufacturer —lumber, Rodney Hodginan. Mechanics —carpenter, Geo. E. Patterson; coopers, Ilosea Evans, Sanderson & Son ; wheelwright, Wm. Patterson. Reed’s Ferry — Postmaster — M. P. Nichols j Exp. Ag’t— C. S. Nesmith. Merchant —S. C. Anderson. I Manufacturers —brick, Joseph A Eri Kittredge ; fish barrels, kits,' cooper stock and lumber, Fessenden & Lowell; overalls, J. W. Kit-, tredge, F. F. Walker. Mechanics —blacksmiths, J. M. Fosdick, J. B. Elliot; harness ma-i kers, Leonard Walker, F. F. Walker; painter, E. W. French. Thornton’s Ferry — Postmaster & Exp. Ag’t —George Drew. Manufacturers —brick, Esty & Jones; furniture, Parker & Co. Mechanics —blacksmith, G. W. Colston; carpenter, S. G. Chambei*- lin. Merchant— G. B. Griffin. MIDDLETON,— STRAFFORD Pop.,510. N. E. from C., 40 ;j N. from Dover, 24. R.R. S. —Union Village, 3 miles on Conway.Div.i Eastern R. R. Stage Tues. Thins, and Sat. j OFFICERS— Clerk , 0. F. Kimball; Treas., B. P. Chesley ; Selectmen B P.Chesley, J. B. Stevens, Cyrus B. Perkins ; Supt., Seth Sawyer, i Postmaster —Jonathan Daniels, i Justices —A.G. Orne, W. II. Cloutman, B. P. Chesley. Church —F. Bap., Seth Sawyer. Manufacturers— shoe knives, 0. E. Brown. Mechanics —carpenters, W. II. Cloutman, America Lane. I MILANy COOS —Pop., 710. N. E. from C., 30; E. from Lancas¬ ter, 30. R. R. S. —Berlin Falls, 8, West Milan, 7, on Grand Trunk R. R. Daily Stage to Berlin Falls. OFFICERS— Clerk, G. YV. Blanchard; Treat., P. A. G. W. Phipps; Selectmen, W. II. Evans, Dennis B. York, J. II Chandler; Supt., R. H. Meserve. Postmaster —J. S. Phipps ; West, B. T. Roberts. Justices —J. M. Phipps, F. I. Bean, P. A. G. W. Phipps, Adamsi Twitchell. State; Moses Ilodgdon, jr., J. S. Phipps, Daniel Bean, D. B. York, G. YY T . Blanchard. Church—Meth., YY m. Wood, Abner Keith. Hotel—Hiram Elinwood, West, I. II. Fogg. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 119 Lawyer—F. I. Bean. Manufacturers—carriages,Bean A Wheeler; lumber, A. A. A R. W. Higgins, I. W. Ames; shingles, R. H. Cole; starch, Hutchinson Wheeler, A Pettingill, Horn, Wheeler & Parker. Mechanics—blacksmiths, G.E. Dale, S. P. Folsom, Geo. W. Page; West, C. S. Green, Ransom Perkins ; harness maker, H. T. Ellingwood ; shoe makers, D. G. York, L. R. York; West, Chas. Corkum. Merchants — J. M. Phipps A Co., York A Twitchell, A. Blake, W. A. Willis & Co.; West, B. T. Roberts, G. W. A F. H. Blanchard. Physicians—R. H. Meserve; West, E. Green, i MILFORD, HILLSBOROUGH— Pop., 2606. S. from C., 35. S. from Amherst, 3 ; W. from Nashua, 11; S. W. from Manchester, 15. R. R. S. —Milford, on Nashua A Wilton R. R. Conveyance to all trains. OFFICERS— Clerk , J. M. Laws; Treas ., F. T. Sawyer; Selectmen, C. Wilkins, S. B. Emerson, Geo. E. Clark, Board of Education , Ad- lison Heald, G. F. Bartlett, D. S. Burnham ; Agent , A. M. Hatch. Postmaster & Tel. Ag’t—J. W. Crosby. Justices—Gilbert Wadleigh, Bainbridge Wadleigh. William Rams- Idell, W. II. W. Hiud, Abel Chase, R. M. Wallace, C.'S. Averill, S. C. Coburn, Geo. E. Foster, State ; F. T. Sawyer, J. E. Foster, G. F. Bart¬ lett, David Heald, C. B. Tuttle, C. C. Shaw, J. E. Bruce, D. K. Marvell, J. W. Pillsbury, G. E. Clark. Levi Curtis, J. W. Crosby, James M. Laws, G. E. Clarke, J. Hadlock, T. B. Dearborn. Churches—Bap., R. B. Moody ; Cong., George Pierce; Meth., J. L. Harrison ; R. Cath. E. Buckle ; Unita., A. M. Pendleton. Eating Houses—W. A J. A A. Wetherbee, M. M. Morrell. Exp. Ag’ts—W. S. Huntley, J. W. Crosby. Hotels—Union, Geo. E. Boutell. Livery Stable—H. A. Barker. Lawyers—Bainbridge Wadleigh, Gilbert Wadleigh,Robert Wallace, C. S. Averill. Literary Institution—Milford High School, S. J. Blanpied, prin. Manufacturers—bone meal, Ac., E. S. Burno; boots and shoes, Co¬ burn A Hamblett; cooperage, W. L. Pierce A Co.; extension tables, S. B. Emerson; furniture, Bragg St Conant, D. Heald, H. G. Loomis ; grauite workers, F. F. Turner, C. A. Burnes ; knitting cotton, M. Kaley & Co.; leather, J. Lewis & Co.; lumber, Wm. Gilson, II. S. Gilson, How.' ison & Marvell, Dow A Gutterson, D. T. Butterick A Co., W. L. Pierce A Co.; granite workers, Marvell A Weaver ; meal and feed, A. A. Gil¬ son ; mirror frames, A. Fuller; piano actions, G. L. Darracott; pic¬ ture frames, J. A. Wheeler; plows, W. N. Patterson; printer’s furni¬ ture, W. W. Robbins A Co.; soap boilers, Milton Parker, A. G. Stearns, I. A J. T. Burns; toys, Burdick A Talbot; window springs, D. Good¬ win. Mechanics & Artisans—blacksmiths, Marvell A O’Conner, J. M. Stickney; caxpenters, Luther Duncklee, A. Fifield, B. Blanchard, C. Weaver, J. D. Cochran, E. C. Towne; concreter, A. S. Richards ; coopers, W. Gilson, W. L. Pierce A Co.; hairdresser, D. N. Goodwin; harness makers, A. H. Mclntire, C. A. Wood, George Hadley; machinist, Edwin Smith ; marble workers, I. H. Carlton, John Sanders; masons, S. F. Shirley,G. Hamblett, W. L. Winslow; painters, A. J. Lynch, J. E. Mackay, C. L. Wilkins, J. F. Eaton ; photographers, B. F. Foster, J. D. Perkins; tailors, H. F. Warren, R. E. Bendon; watch makers, H. P. Hamblett, James E. Webster, C. H. Averill; wheelwrights, Charles Tarbell, E. Shannesy. Merchants—John E. Bruce, A. A. Gilson, Bartlett A Dodge. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 120 auctioneers, J. \V. Duncklee, E. P. Hutchinson ; bakery, D. J. Crosby ; [hooks and stationery, Mrs. J. A. Wheeler ; boots and shoes, D. F. Thompson, Coburn & Hamblett; clocks and watches, J. E. Webster ; |clothing, hats and caps, J. A. Ober & Co., F. W. Richardson; drugs,i ^medicines and hardware, D. S. Burnham, Kidder & Whitney; fish, G. H. Needham, Ira Chase ; granite, L. M. Burns, Parker Fletcher, J. B. Melendy, G. F. Parker, A. E. Carlton, Everett Hutchinson, Na¬ than Merrill, W. P. Easton, T. M. King, D. A. Bates ; groceries, Guild & Adams, C. P. Rossiter; meat, Foster Bros., W. B. Wellman ; S. N. Stevens; millinery, Mrs. E. Comstock, H. M. Robinson ; seeds and plants, J. A. Wheeler; stoves and tin ware, J. A. Powers, J. F. Boynton ; variety store, C. W. French, A. J. Pride, Physicians — T.B. Dearborn, A. W. Smith, C. R. Kelly ; clair., Mrs. S. S. Mixer ; homeo., W. H. W. Hinds ; dentist, C. F. Fiske. MILLSFIELD, COOS —Unorganized. Pop., 31. N. from C., 150. E. E. S. —Bethel, Maine, 46 in., on Grand Trunk R. R.; p. o. ad. Errol 1. Justice—G* W. Annis. Manufacturers —barrel staves, clapboards, shingles and lumber, J. W, Ellinewood & Co. ^ Mill Village —See Goshen. MII/JTOV, STEJFFOED —Pop., 1598. N. E. from C., 40; N. W. from Dover, 20. E. E. S. —Milton, on Ports; Gt. Falls & Conway R. R. OFFICERS— Clerk , C. H. Looney ; Treas., Geo. Lyman ; Selectmen, Geo. Lyman, G. H. Plummer, John U. Simes ; Supts., M. V. B. Cook, Freeman H. Lovvd, F. P. Bickford. Postmasters —C. H. Looney; South, H. H. Wentworth ; West , T. F- Canney. Justices —Luther Hayes, C. H. Looney, E. W. Fox, State, Joseph Plummer, Josepo Mathes, Joseph Cook, George Lyman, G. W. Peavy, J. S. Hersey, J. N. Simes, B. B. Plummer, G. W. Tasker, M. Y. B. Cook; C. C. Hayes, Ira Miller. Churches —Chris., D. B. Goodwin; Cong., J. N. Lowell; F. Bap.,j E. Owen. Exp. & Tel. Ag’t —Daniel Cockery. Hotels & Livery Stables —Tri Mountain House, J. R. Horne ; C. H. Downs. Literary Institution —Milton Clas-ical Institute, Miss Clements. Manufacturers-* boots and shoes, Wilson & Morgan ; excelsior, J. H. Avery & Co.; shoe boxes, Chas. II. Hayes ; shoe knives, J. II. Duntley ; lumber. Luther Hayes, Scates & Lyman ; L. Plumer, p. o. ad., Union.! Mechanics —blacksmiths, H. Duntly & Son ; carpenters, Joseph jMathes, E. H. Hersom, I. W. Jones, D. R. Fall, G. W. Swassey ; hair dresser, H. B. Knox ; masons, Clark Foss, Win. F. Wentworth, G. P. Otis; painter, G. F. Hodgdon; shoemaker, George Tasker; wheel-] wrights, Joseph Mathes, Daniel Jenness. Merchants —J. F. Hart, Dan. Cockery; fancy goods, Mrs. Ira S.j Knox, Mrs. J. F. Hart; fish, Geo. Howe; millinery, Mrs. C. M. Roberts. Physician— G, W. Peavey. Mills— Postmaster & Express Agent— E. W. Fox. Churches—Cong., D. B. Scott ; F. Bap., II. Quimby ; Meth. A. B. Carter. Hotels & Livery Stables —Central House, C. Remick; Centennial House, J. W. Prescott. Manufacturers —carriages and wheelwrght.- T oh n Brackett; flan-j ! »e s, Waumbeck Manuf’g Co.; felt cloth, piano and table, covers, Ed-! .vard Brierly & Son ; table and piano covers, Townsend & Co. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 121 | Mechanics —blacksmiths, Ebenezer Osgood, Nathaniel Riues, S. F. Rines, S. R. Uuunells; carpenters. J. F. Titcomb, E. S..Simes; hair i dresser, E. A. Hargraves ; harness makers, A. Sanborn & Son ; mason. J. G. Rines; painters, G. W. Crane, E. C. Abbott. Merchants —Asa Fox & Son, A. A. Fox & Co., J. U. Simes, Ira Miller: confectionery, E. A. Hargraves ; drugs and medicines, A. W. Low; fancy goods, Mrs. M. A. Berry; jewelry, E. T. Libbey ; provisions, C. S. Lowd. Physicians —J. C. Buck, C. W. Gross,-Cowell. MONROE, GRAFTON—Top., 532. N. W. from C., 92; N. from Haverhill, 18. R. R. S. —Mclndoe’s Falls and Barnet, on C. & P. R. R. R. OFFICERS— Cleric, C. B. Paddleford; Treas .. J. Q. Gilchrist ; Select¬ men , C. B. Paddleford, Oscar Frazer, Edward Emery; Supt., Mrs. Chas. Buffum. Postmasters —J. Q. Gilchrist; North, B. F. Shepherd. Justices —Albert Mason, Horace Duncan, Stale ; Daniel Sherry, D. F. Blodgett, Alex. Warden. Church —Cong.,-Cobleigh; North, Meth.,-. Hotel —Monroe House, Mrs. Martha Hadley. Livery Stables —D. R. Gilchrist. Manufacturers —lumber, C. B. Paddleford & Co.; Tan Dyke & Merrill, p. o. ad , Mclndoe’s Falls. Mechanics —blacksmiths, Wm. Morse; North, R. A. Moore; car¬ penters G. W. Little, John Little, Henry Cross, Geo. Webster : coop ers, Wm. Walworth, Freeman Cross; harness makers, D. F. Blodgett ;j painter, G. A. Holmes; printer, D. F. Blodgett; shoemaker, E. Thayer ;i wheelwright, Geo. Blodgett. Merchants —Warden & Page. MOILTONBOROIGH. CARROLL— Pop., 1299. N. E. fr. C. , 50 ; W. from Ossipee, 18. R. R. S. —Meredith Village, 9 m. and Centre Harbor, 5 m., on B. C. & M. R. R Daily stage. OFFICERS— Clerk, Geo. L. Mason; Treas.. A. M. Graves ; Selectmen ,! A. M. Graves, L. Dow, F. S. Lee; Supt., B. M. Mason. Postmasters —J. E. French: Red Hill, N. G. Goodwin. Justices —J. B. Dow, W. H. H. Mason, H. M. Senter, B. M. Mason, James French, J. E. French, State; Mark Randall, G. L. Mason, A. P. Jacklard. J. G. Abbott, J. C. Pitman. Eleazer Davis, 2d, J. F. Cotton. Churches — Red Hill , F. Bap., J. Pettiugill; Meth., S. J. Robinson. Hotel —A. P. Jacklard. Lawyer —George P. Davis. Manufacturers —flour and meal, W. H. H. & B. Mason ; handles, N. Bunker, J. F. Bodge; lumber, L. D. Baitlett. J. French, B. F. Brown. Mechanics —blacksmiths, Alonzo Watson, F. Picring, W. Weed; carpenters, M. E. & J. T. Hoyt, J. A. Berry, J. C. Pitman; hair dresser, D. G. Lee: masons, D. B. & C. F. Garland, Geo. Kelley ; shoemakers. J. M. Smith, D. Clement, B. C. Clement, B. F. Counce; wheelwright C. F- Huntress. Merchants —J. E. French, A. P. Jacklard; Red Hill, N. G. Good¬ win; Red Hill, cloths, boots, shoes and notions, Simon Glines; tin ware, stove*, Ac., A. J. Goodwin ; tin ware and groceries, Goodwin & Councet wholesale (travelling) fancy goods and notions, C. H. Blake; E. Blake. _ Physicians —W. H. II. Mason, G. L. Mason. NIoultoiivillo— See Ossipee. MOXT VERNON. HILLSBORO—Top., 601. S. from C., 28. 122 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. |W. from Amherst, 3. R. R. S. —Milford, 5 miles, on Nashua & Wilton R. K. Daily stage. | OFFICERS— Clerk, J. M. Fox; Treas., Clark Campbell ; Selectmen, James Upton, II. F Dodge, Thus. II. Me Question; Supt., G. W. Todd. I Postmaster & Tel. Ag’t— A. S. Bruce. ! Justices—C. J. Smith, G.W. Todd, J. H.Bruce, State ; Alonzo Travis, John Trevitt, A. S. Bru e, Clark Campbell. Church— Cong., Wm. II. Woodwell. Physician— S. Bunton. Literary Institution -Me Cololm Institute, G. W\ Todd, Prin. Manufacturer —fancy boxes, Bragg & Conant. Mechanics —blacksmith, C. Livingston; carpenters, J. T. Me Col- lorn, Joseph Averill, Bradley Jones, Elbridge Marvell ; painters, P. F . 1 Pike, John Smith ; shoemaker, G. E. Mills. Merchants —T. II. Richardson, Jameson & Perkins ; auctioneers, 1 J. II. A. Bruce, A. S. Bruce. Mount Washington—A Post Office in Coos County. Munsonville—See Nelson. NASHUA, HILLSBOROUGH— Shire town. Pop., 13,000. S. E. from C., 35. R. R. S. — Nashua, on B. & N. R. R.. Concord R. R. & W. & N. R. R., N. & R. R. ' OFFICERS— City Cleric, E. M. Bowman; City Treas., G. E. Gage; Mayen', Charles Williams; Aldermen, Ward 1, J. H. Dunlap; 2, S. A. •Sawyer; 3,G. P. Messer; 4, G. W. Badger; 5, T. F. Wills, J. C. An- nis; 6, B. S. Babcock, E. 0. Blunt; 7, H. A. Allbee, Amos Webster; 8, E. B. Burke; President of Common Council , A. Chase; Citric of Com-\ mon Council, J. II. Chapman ; Assessors, D. A. Wdlson, C. F. Tolies, A. 1 D. Ayling, George Swain, John Bullard; Collector of Taxes , E. J.! Copp ; Superintendent of Schools, J. H. Goodale; City Marshal , W. 0.! Clough ; Assistant Marshal , W. C. Brown; Chief Engineer, F. A. Bar-; jney; Police Court Justice, Jas. B. Fassett ; Solicitor , A. F. Stevens; Liquor Agent , M. A. Taylor. Postmaster— Hwnry A. Marsh. Justices —J. M. Hunt, G. II. Whitney, C. P. Danforth, Gilman C. Shattuck, G. Y. Sawyer, T. II. Wood, A. W. Sawyer, A. F. Stevens, |E. P. Emerson, Albert Me Kean, Thomas Pearson, C. C. Boutwell, J. B. Fassett, H. M. Goodrich, George Stark, D. R. Marshall, B. F. Emerson, C. V. Dearborn, G. A. Ramsdell, David Gillis, E. P. Brown, B. B. Whit-' Itemore, Thomas Chase, Samuel Evans, S. S. Davis, J. G. Kimball, Aaron King, S. D. Chandler, J. P. Howe, J. G. Graves, H. B. Atherton, >1. W. White, S. T. Worcester, A. H. Saunders, J. A. Spalding, F. A. ;Mc Kean, J. F. Whittle, E. Spalding, II. J. Chapman, W. W. Hailey, !R. Emerson, M. R. Buxton, D. W. King, F. G. Crowell, J. H. Thurber, IW. F. Wright, 0. C. Moore, G. Y. Sawyer, jr. State; P. H. Hill, Albert Lull, R. A. Arnold, E. B. Hammond, Benj. Saunders, F. E. Tupper, IW. J. Cooper, C. A. Gillis, Stillman Swallow, J. E. Hunt, V. C. Gilman,| Loring Farnsworth, E. B. Burke, H. W. Gilman, H. II. Eaton, T. H.j Gibby, Oliver Dodge, William "Weaver, T. B. Crowley, R. M. Sawyer, IJ. M. Saunders, F. A. Eaton, E. J. Copp, L. R. Kidder, E. F. McQues- ;ton, E. E. Parker, I. Robbins, jr., F. Kelsey, II. C. Little, W. 0. Clough,' |W. S. Jackman, M. A. Worcester, W. C. Brown, C. S. Collins, Chas. W.j dloit, A. S. Eaton, R. J. Hallaren, F. Winch, J M. Flanders, J. Swal-j |low, H. Parkinson, 0. D. Murray, T. M. Shattuck, C. K. Daggett,] iJ. M. Hopkins, D. Sargent. J. O’Donnell, F. A. Marden, J. P. S. Otter-i son, N. P. Whittemore, R. C. Duffey, D. F. Runnells, A. W. Woodman,' Williams Hall, C. II. Burke, H. H. Davis, W. II. Cook. Matthew Barr,! J. E. Kent, G. F. Andrews, R. M. Blanchard, Geo. Swain, Patrick BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 123 Lonergan, G. F. Sliedd, J. B. Parker, Geo. W. Flanders, R. D. Barnes, Clias. McGregor, E. M. Bowman, C. W. Stevens, S. G. Dearborn, S. L. Powers, 0. B. Hill. ! Churches —Bap., G. W. Nicholson; Cong., Frederick Alvord, Clias. Wetherby, J. K. Aldrich; Epis., J. Lelioy; Metli., Clias. E. Hull, (Chesuut St.)L. P. Cushman; R. Cath., J. O’Donald, (Irish ;) J. 11. V. B. .Millette, (French); Unit., T. L. Gorman ; Univ., Jus. Gorton. Eating Houses —Luton & Lund, G. E. Hastings, Allen Wilson, G. P. Swett, T. A. Greeley, G. B. Fiske, F. M. Eayrs. Exp. Ag’tS —M. C. Cutler, U. T. Morrill A Co. Hotels —Indian Head, Mrs. J. A. Cushing; iremont House, Gilman Scripture; Willard’s Hotel, Charles Willard. Ins. Ag ! tS— E. P. Emerson, J. G. Kimball, McKean & Andrews, C. L. Meloon, Caleb Richardson, J. H. Tliuruer; Francis Winch, T. B, Crowley, Copp . A. Russell, C. F. Steven, E. Stanbridge; carpenters, E. Howe. Chas. Taylor, George Taylor, W. R. Know 1 ton ; hairdresser, A. W. Stow; harness maker. C. L. Weston ; machinists, F. N. Gibson ; paint¬ ers, H. A. Willard, Jas. Bennett; tailor. J. Webber; printers, Geo. D Burton, Ecliter & Pro; wheelwrights. R. II. Davis. R. Gould. Merchants— C. A. Whitney, G. A. Tarbell, A. H. Wright, J. Silver ; auctioneer, W. W. Johnson ; clocks and watches, M. Ames, P. W Manly. XEW LONDON, MERRIMACK— Pop., 959. N. W. from C., 1 - —— ^ —‘I BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 127 30. R. R. S .—Potter Place, on Northern R. R., and Bradford, on Concord & Claremont R. It. Daily stage. OFFICERS— Clerk, Geo. Woodward; Treas ., L. P. Gould ; Selectmen , L. P. Gould. N. A. Parker, Seth Littlefield; Supt., S. C. Fletcher. Postmasters —Geo. Woodward ; ScythevUle, J. H. Burpee. Justices —Luther Me Cutchins, M. E.Sargent, J. II. Burpee, D. E. Colby, N. C. Todd, 2d, State ; N. T. Greenwood, Quorum ; C. S. Sargent. •A. C. Burpee, G. M. Knight, II. W. Seamans, E. F. Hastings, B. M. P. Stanley, Geo. Woodward. J. P. Elkins, J. K. Law. j Church —Bap., S. C. Fletcher. Hotel —D. S. Seamans. Literary Institution —New London Literary and Scientific Institu-j tion, J. F. Morton, prin. j Livery stables —D. S. Seamans, Marcus Nelson. Manufacturers —clapboards and shingles, J. W. Taylor, H. D. liar.' vey; leather, ScythevUle, E. A. Jones ; lumber, Parker & Davis, New London Scythe Co. I Mechanics & Artisans— blacksmiths, J. M. Dow, E. P. Blood ; ScythevUle , Frank Crockett; carpenters, G. P. Woodward, Clias. Wood¬ ward, G. M. Knight; harness maker, R. Me Connell; photographer, II. J. Currier. i Merchants —0. K. Russell, C. S. Sargent, Woodward & Co.; Scythe - ville, J. II. Burpee ; drugs and medicines, A. II. Whipple ; fancy goods and millinery, Adaline Everett; organs, C. A. Everett; sewing ma¬ chines, Geo. Woodward. Physicians —S. M. Whipple; ScythevUle, J. P. Elkins. NEWMARKET, RO CKINGHA M —Pop., 1987. S. E. from C., 36; W. from Portsmouth, 14. R. R. S. —Newmarket.on B. &. M. R. R. | OFFICERS— Clerk, D. W. Me Neal; Treas., C. E. Tasker ; Selectmen. i Harrison, G. Burley, Reuben Stackpole, Nathan H. Leavit ; Supt.,\ Ciias. II. Smith, p Postmaster— J.F. Garland. ' Justices — W. A. Shackford, S. A. Haley, David Murray, A. L. Mellows, G. W. Kitridge, W. B. Small, Valentine Smith, J. W. Smart, N. H. l.eavitt, E. Richardson. Timothy Murray, State ; B. F. Haley, Quorum’, II. II. Smith, D. W. McNeal, T. W. Thompson, G. L. Dear¬ born. 1 Churches —Cong., I.C. White; F. Bap., John Malvern ; Meth., Henry Dorr. j Eating Houses— J. 0. Davis, C. S. Stackpole, A. G. Furber. Exp Ag’t—N. C. Smith. Tel. Ag’t—W. II. Huntington. Hotel—Washington House, J. B. Silver. Lawyers —W. B. Small, A. L. Mellows, C. H. Smith, j Livery Stables —j. W. Wiggin, F. E. Webster. Manufacturers —clothing, B. F. Haley, A. T. Varney ; cotton goods Newmarket Manufacturing Co., G. W. Frost, ag’t ; lumber, J. W. Smart ; railroad furnishings, Lafayette Hall. Mechanics —blacksmiths, Stackpole Bros., Garland & Nowell, D.l W. Rowe ; carpenters, C. E. Tasker, Samuel Savage; hair dressers, Chapman & Morgan ; harness makers, G.K, Hammond, G. W.French ; marble worker, J. A. Mathers ; painters,T. W. W iley, J. 0. Ilodgdon;! photographer, F.P. Hutchins. i Merchants —boots and shoes, J. L. Boardman, II. II. Pinkham, Geo. W T . French ; clocks and watches, B. S. Kingman ; clothing, C. V. Doe ! C. H. Ellison; dry goods, B. F. Ilaley, Mathes & Wiggin ; drugs and medicines, S. H. Greene G. L. Dearborn ; fancy goods and notions, W. \Y r . Stackpole, J. M. Caswell, C. S. Stackpole, carriage and har*. 128 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. nesses, N. H. Leavitt; groceries, Warren Gerry, L. F. Hanson, T. Me- Gnire Sc Co., John Saundres, G. L. Dearborn, Matlies Sc Lane, Richard¬ son Sc Leavitt; hardware, Treadwell & Davis ; millinery, M. A. Wood, M. E. Badger, E. A. Huntington. Physicians—S. H. Greene, G. W. Ivittredge, J. L. Elkins ; dentist, A .F. Severance. I NEWPORT, SULLIVAN— Shire town. Pop., 2163. N. W. trom C., 40. R. R. S. —Newport, on C. & C. R R. Northville, 2 m. OFFICERS— Clerk , A. B. Chase; Treas ., F. W. Lewis; Selectmen Wm. Woodbury, G. II. Towle, Chas. A. Silsby ; Supt., S. L. Bowers. Postmaster—G. W. Nourse. Justices —Amasa Edes, Edmund Burke, W. F. Newton, A. S. Wait, S. L. Bowers, L. W. Barton, R. P.Claggett, S. H. Edes, Edmund Wheel¬ er, G. R. Brown, Jacob Reddington, Dexter Richards, G. W. Nourse, E. A. Jenks. G. E. Dame, M. A. Barton, R. S. Howe, John Towue, A. V. Hitchcock, Francis Boardman, E. M. Kempton, B. F. Haven, State: F. W. Lewis, A. II. Ingram, C. H. Pike, P. S. Adams, N. 0. Page, G. H. Towle, S. H. Moody, F. A. Sibley, G. H. Fairbanks, I. A. Reed, N. E. Reed, S. M. Richards, W. H. Me Crillis, A. Wylie, M. S. Jackson, E. E. Stearns, II. J. Barton, Wm. E. Brooks, Geo. C. Edes, George Dodge, C. A. Thompson, C. A. Silsby, Wm. Woodbury. Churches —Bap., H. C. Leavitt; Cong., E. E. P. Abbott; Meth., 0. H. Jasper ; Unit.,-. Exp Agent—A. P. Welcome. Tel. Ag’t—E. C. Converse. Hotels—Newport House, E. L. Putney ; Phoenix, J. H. Brown. Lawyers—Amasa Edes, L. W. Barton, S. H. Edes, Edmund Burke, A. S. Wait, S. L. Bowers, G. R. Brown, N. E. Reed, W. F. Newton. Literary Institution—Newport High School, H. J. Barton, prin. Livery Stables—Putnam George, M. S. Jacksou, G. F. Watts, 0. P. Brown. Manufacturers —flannels, Dexter, Richards & Son, Coffin & Nourse. S. II. Edes ; forks, hoes and garden rakes, L. F. Dodge & Co.; leather. J. II. Hunton Sc Son, Lyman Rousevel; lumber, D. G. Fowler, I. F. Chandler, W. W. King, S. W. Allen, E. E. Nettleton ; rakes, Geo. E. Alexander; sash and blinds, L. Whitemore, W. L. Dow & Co.; scythes. Sibley Scythe Co. Mechanics & Artisans —blacksmiths, Lear Sc Maxfield, E. Wil¬ kins, C. M. Brown, J. Emerson,jr., L. Lathrop, C. A. Maxfield ; granite workers, C. E. Walling, Jonathan Blake, D. Severance; gunsmith, C. T. Palmer; hair dresser, R. Dudley'; harness makers, G. & E. A. Pollard, C. H. Watts ; marble worker, C. A. Puffer ; masons, James Karr, Joseph Karr, I. W. Sargent; painters, W. A. Humphrey, S. A. Williams, W. S. George, C. C. George; photographers, 0. P. Baston, H. J. Brown; printers, Carlton Sc Harvey; tailors, A. V. Hitchcock, Mooney Sc Meserve, John Lyons, Young Sc Hutchinson; tinsmiths, C. Wilcox & Son, Stowell Sc Son; wheelwrights, L. H. Hunter, Henry Royse, J. K. Pierce. Merchants —Fairbanks Sc Royce, C. II. Whitney Sc Co., J. Barnard, Richards Sc Coffin. A. P. Welcome: auctioneers, M. A. Barton, R. P. Clageet, J. S. Huntress; books, stationery, drugs and medicines, E. C. Converse, C. Hurd; boots and shoes, E. S. Chase Sc Son, D. F. Patch, S. "Kempton; cuffin', and caskets, B. M. Gilmore; clocirs and watches, A 0. Sc G. H. Woodbury, E. P. Fisher ; clothing, hats and caps, M. W. Burke, Mooney Sc Meserve; dry goods S. II. Edes & Son, C. M. Emer¬ son ; flour and grain, F. P. Rowell, Wright & Co.; furniture, W. W. Hubbell, C. F. Osgood Sc Co.; groceries, F. A. Rawson, Britton uth Sc Dover R. R , Portland, Saco & Ports¬ mouth R. R., Ports., Great Falls and Conway R. R. OFFICERS— Mayor , J. II. Broughton; City Clerk and Special Jus¬ tice, Marcellus Bufford; Treasurer, Samuel P. Treadwell; Collector , James Moses, Aldermen, Ward 1. Alfred C. Hoyt, Wm. E. Hadley, Albert L. Payne; 2, H. A. Yeaton, CLias. II. Sides, P. D. Nortou ; 3, E. D. Coffin ; 4. Chas. W. Norton, Geo. A. Perkins ; Common C/uncil- men. Ward 1, M. E. Long, W. S. Gray, J. B. Marston, Chas. E. Young. Chas. E. Hodgdon, A. F. Pfeiffer; 2, Elbridge Prior, John Wood, J. S. Whidden, Wm. A. Hodgdon, A. W. Walker, 0. M. Jellison ; 3, Jona¬ than Buzzell, j!•., J. A. llammond; 4. Win. H. Smart. Geo. Cox, Wm. II. Pettigrew, S. B. Pearson, jr.; R. E. Rich, Clerk; Justice of Police Court , Chas. E. Batchelder; City Solicitor, Wm. II. Hackett; City Mar¬ shal, Thomas Entwistle; Street Commissioner, J. R. Holmes; City Physician, Dan‘l W. Jones; Board of Health. Dan'l W. Jones. Daniel Danielson, Robert Shillaber; School Board, Mayor, John II. Brough¬ ton, Chairman, ex-ofcio; John Pender, Secretary; Committee, for three years, Chas. W. Gardner, A. B. Sherburne, Mrs. Anna B. Wil¬ son: for two years, Wm. H. Hackett, James R. May, Andrew P. Wen¬ dell. Mrs. Helen C. Knight; for one 3 r ear, John II. Hutchinson. Chas. A. Shannon, Mercer Goodrich, John Pender; High School Committee, DarFl J. Vaughn, Jas. R. May, Mrs. Helen C. Knight; Sub. Com¬ mittee, Dist. No. one, Chas. A. Shannon, John Pender, A. B. Sher-j bure; Dist. No. two, John II. Hutchinson, Wni. II. Hackett, Mrs. Anna B. Wilson ; Dist. No. three, Chas. W. Gardner. Mercer Goodrich. A. P. Wendell; Committee on Purchases, Shannon, Pender & Goodrich; Ex. of Teachers, Ilachett, Shannon, and Mrs. Knight; Truancy, May, Wendell, and Shurbure; Text Books, Pender, Hutchinson and Gard¬ ner; Salaries, Vaughn. Hutchinson, Sc Mrs. Wilson; Assessors. Ja\s A. Rugg, Isaiah Wilson, Robert King, Allied Stavers, Chas. II. Mendum, Benj. F. Webster, Jeremiah Sanborn, Henry F. Wendell, Benjamin Russell ; Overseers of the Poor, Chairman, the Mayor, ( ex-officio ), S. W. Ilovt. Chas. H. Joy, A. B. Tref'ethen Sam‘1 S. Frye; C if Engineer, Sa n*I S. F'etcher; Harbor Master. Wm. C. Ham; Port Wardens, E. E. Vaughn, Floron Barri, Ja*. W. Raitt; Weigher, Edward Newman. Postmaster— E. G. Pierce, jr. Justices—A. W. Haven, W. H. Y. Hackett, W. n. Hackett, Aaron Young, Ichabod Goodwin, John Sise, J. H. Bailey, J. II. Kent, G. E. H dgdon, Calvin Page, T. E. 0. Marvin, J. M. Davis, A. F. Howard, BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 139 ; —i A. F. Craig, John Pender, Samuel Dodge, F. W. Miller, F. W. Rand, : L. Odell, Marcellas Bufford, A. R. Hatch, II. F. Wendell, B. M. Parker, B. W. Curtis, G. W. Pendexter, D. J. Vaughan, J. W. Parsons, Win.; Conn, J. P. Morse, W. N. Isley, Ilowe Call, State; W. II. Rollins, W. L. Dwight, John Dame, Quorum; A. R. H. Fernald, C. W. Bailey, John llodgdon, 2d, A. II. Hill, M. J. Vaughan,'J. S. Rand, B. Clieever, M.j Goodrich, Newton Johnston, E. T. Brackett, II. N. Dunyon, George An-; nable, S. II. Marshall, C. A. Shannon, J. II. Broughton J. H. Flagg, C. E. Ackerman, C. A. Ilazlett, Clias. E. Batclndder, J. H. Clieever, S.; C. Whittier, E. G. Pierce, jr., W. R. Preston, J. E. Slater, R. C P erce, S. W. Clark, P. D. Norton, A. A. Fernald, J. F. Jenness, Wm. It. Foster,! 'J. G. Harvey, W. H. Sise, 0. .J. Hobbs, M. E. Long, Wm. C. Ham. Churches —Adv.,-; Bap., W. II. Alden; Chris., J. A. Goss; Cong., Jus. W. llubbell; Epis., C. A. Holbrook; F. Bap., E. Owen ; Metli., J. E. Noyes; It. Catli., E. M. O’Callaghan; Unit., James De Normandie; Univ., E. M. Grant. Exp. Agt’s —Jackson & Co., Frye & Co. Hotels —Rockingham House, F. W. Hilton; Kearsarge House, J. E. Dennett; National,-York; Franklin House, G. H. Atkins ; East-] eru Exchange, John Dixon; Commercial House, J. W. Goodwin, i Ins. Ag’ts —A. F. Craig, F. W. DeRochmont, Morse & Isley, John .Sise, C. A. Ilazlett, II. A. Yeaton, Wm. C. Robinson. Lawyers —W. H. Y. Ilackett, A. R. Hatch, W. H. Rollins, J. S. H. Frink, Wm. H. Hackett, A. F. Howard, Calvin Page, G. E. Hodgdon, jW. F. Boardman, J. W. Emery, H. Call, C. E. Batelielder, John Hatch, Lory Odell, W. C. IJarriman. ■ Literary Institutions —Smith’s Commercial Academy, Prin. L. E. Smith ; Miss Morgan’s Boarding School, Prin., Miss A. C. Morgan. Livery Stables —E. W. Cochrane, Stoddard Bros., Woodbury Locke, Robert Roberts, J. P. Foster, Harry Freeman. Manufacturers —ale, Eldredge Brewing Co., Portsmouth Brewing jCo., Frank Jones; blocks, W. R. Martin, Thomas Odion ; boots and shoes, J.K. Nute; carriages, N. P. Bryant k Co., G. J. Greenleaf, G. M. iHuntress, T. A. Tucker; cigars, J. Sanborn ; cod liver oil, Marvin Bios k Bartlett; cottons, Kearsarge Mills; confectionery, J. II. Thompson k Co.; distillery William Ward ; hackles, k Wilson & Co.; hosiery.! jThomas Lester, William Cart ledge, Hosiery Co., Thomas Kennedy k Son; leather, M. H. Goodrich; masts and spars, W. R. Martin; patent grapples and anchors, Trafton Brothers ; planing mills, Daniel Mason, J. G. Barnard) I. N. Rugg, J. Haddock k Son; rattan ware, D. Urch; sails and awnings, J. R. Ilolbrook, Charles Walker, T. S. Gay ; sash jand blinds, Jacob Haddock & Son; soap and candles, A. T. Walker k Son, W. E. Hadley, 11. S. Cleaves & Son. \ Mechanics & Artisans— bakers, C. W. Plumer, J. W. Sowersby, Vaughan Bros.; blacksmiths, F. II. Seavey, S. B. Mathes, Ira Seymore, D. J. Norton; bookbinder, VV. B. Lowd; brass founders, N. D. Miller, Isaac Furber, D’Este & Co.; carriage smiths, John Dyer, G. J. Green- leaf, B. S. Mathes; coopers, W. T. Frye, Jos Walton; dyer, Thomas Murphy; gas fitters, J. P. Sweetser, N. D. Miller, Waldron k Camp¬ bell; gun and locksmith, J. F. Shillaber; harness makers, J. S. Til¬ ton, J. T. Larrabee, ag’t; machinists, Critchley k Whalley; marble! workers, Silas PhiIIbrick, J. S. Treat; masons, Wm. Andrews, Geo. Ha.} es, R. King, L. N. llurd, W. J. Frazer; (stone) E. J. Gunner, Robert Maiden; painters, E. D. Coffin, W. B. Colley, J. W. Lefavour, ,Grogran & Morrison, J. Grover, J. M. Locke, S. Scruggin, Wm. Itund- lett, E. Tripp, S. W. Trippe, M. J. k W. A. Vaughan ; photographers, 140 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Davis Bros., 0. H. Cook; printers, L. W. Brewster, F. W. Miller A Co., Chronicle A Gazette Publishing Co., G. W. Guppy, C. W. Gardner, O. M. Knight, W. H. Foster. B. F. Thorndike; ship builders, Wrn. F. Fernald. Daniel Marcy ; sliipsmiths, J. W. Raitt, B. F. Rice, Traf- ton Bros.; stucco workers, Frazer A Green, L. N. Hurd; tailors, E. M. Brown, Peyser & Kennedy. J. E. Ham & Co., J. W. Moses, C. E. Myers & Co., W. P. Walker, Rider & Cunningham, H. Leveen; undertakers, Fletcher A Tanton, J. F. Adams. Merchants —agricultural implements, Woodbury Seavy & Co; an¬ tique furniture, J. H. Dodge, J. L. 0.Coleman ; auctioneers, C. Dwight, llanscon A Co., W. II. Hackett J. P. Morse, H. F. Wendell; books and stationery, W. G. Myers, H. B. Buzzell A Son, W. B. Lowd, Moses Bros., M. Goodrich ; boots and slices, E. S. Fay A Co., Jas. M. Carr, Oren Bragdon, John Kelley, Joseph Pettigrew, A. A. Payne, J. H. Slater, Wm. B. Hussey; clocks, watches and jewelry, Hutchinson A Connell, C. E. & J. E. Dixon, F. W. Ham, H. H. Ilam ; clothing, W. P. Walker, J. E. Ham A Co., J. T. Brown C. L. Myers A Co., Rider A Cunningham, J. W. Moses, E. Leveen A Co., Peyser A Kennedy. Eph¬ raim Green. Moses Spear, John. Kelley, John Mai.sbenden ; coal and wood, E. F. Sise A Co., C. E. Walker A Co., Russell A Odion, J. H. Thompson, D. Hamilton ; commission, M. T. Bretton A Co., H. F. Wen¬ dell, E. F. Sise A Co., Charles Robinson A Son, Russell A Odion; crock ery and glass ware, N. F. Mathes & C'o., A. Tredick A Co., C. Dwight llanscon, J. II. Slater, J. W. P. Carter ; drugs and medicines, David Kimball, A Co., W. R. Preston, J. H. Thacher, Geo. Hill, J. D. Rund- lett, F. B. Coleman ; dry goods, Mrs. C. H. Clough, Ayers A Locke, Sta¬ ples, Stackpole A3Iarston. L Blumaver A Co.,G. B. French. J. S. Rand, Annable A Marden, C. N. Shaw A Co., Wm. Benson, Pfeiffer A Co.; fancy goods, H. B. Buzzell A Sou, J. H. Foster, Lizzie D. Tripp, Pfeiffer A Co.. II. W. Mason, A. Stavers. Annable A Marden, C. N. Shaw & Co., Wm. Benson; florists, Amos Pearson, Mrs. J. B. Haley, J. H. Hutchinson, Jos. Maloou ; fish, Valentine Doane, jr., Randall A Caswell, N. F. Berry, Elvin Newton, Sullivan & Co., C. M. Tredick, G. W. Randall; flour and grain, J. Brooks & Co., Thomas Neil. Chas. R-obinson & Son ; fruit and confectionery, II. C. Locke, S. Gilbert, F. W. Rice. F. S. Wendell, B. Whitcomb. J. W. Gerrish, Smart & Atwell, J. H. Thomp¬ son A Co., A. Robeck & Sons; furniture, Sheldon Bros.. E. M. Rrown & Co., Fletcher A Tanton ; groceries, Charles C. Akerman, William Alton, Butler A Laighton, J. W. P. Carter, H. M. Clark, John Coulon A Co., Wm. Downs & Son, R. K. Oxford, S. S. Frye, H. L. Garrett, II. F. Gerrish, George Abbott, Charles H. Tucker, J. R. Yeaton & Co., S. G. Huoper, James Junkins, C. E. Laighton A Son, Dennis Lynch, II. S. Hartshorn, N. F. Mathes A Co., W. C. Newton, S. W. 3Ioses, J. H. Slater, II. W. Oxford, 0. Griffin A Co., A. A. Payne, W. Sladen, J. Stokell & Co., Geo. Stott, Richard Wald'-n, T. Ward well A Sons, J. H. Wells, C. H. Joy, Ward A Maddock. L. V. Newell, John Conlon, Sam¬ uel Rowe, J. W. Swett A Son, C. W. Rsnd, S. W. Hoyt, C. H. Tucker, M. F. Prescott, II. C. Plumer ; hardware, J. H. Bailey A Co., Rider A Cot¬ ton, G. T. Vaughan, A. P. Wendell A Co., Isaiah Wilson ; hats, caps A furs, F. E. Dearborn, N. K Walker A Son, J. F. Berry ; ice, G. A. Per¬ kins, John Downs, B. Ilodgdon; importers, I. Goodwin, E. F. Sise & Co., C. E. Walker & Co.; lumber, lime and cement, Sani’l Adams & Co., A. A. Fernald, T. E. Call & Sons, Russell A Odion; millinery, A. A. Batchelder A Co., Mrs. A. C. Fonda, Misses Hills, Pfeiffer, C. N. Shaw A Co., A. F. Talton, J. 31. Tebbets, E. J. Tuckerman A Co., A. M. Par- menter; music and musical instruments, D. H. Montgomery, E. A. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 141 ; ______ Tilton ; nurserymen, D. H. Spinney, G. H. Rogers ; paints, oils and glass, J. H. Bailey & Co., E. Tripp, M. J. & W. A. Vaughan, A. P. Wendell & Co., Isaiah Wilson, J. T. French; picture frames, D. H. {Montgomery, Win. Benson, Davis Bros.; provisions, II. M. Clark, E. Dennett. H. L. Garrett, J. II. Grant, B. F. Mugridge, Win. Horn, II. F. Hartshorn, E. R. Laighton & Co., John Stokeil & Co., S. W. W T ebber, J. H. Wells, Frank Wiggin ; salt, C. E. Walker & Co., E. F. Sise & Co.; |sash and blinds, J. T. French, B. F. Webster; stereoscopic views, Davis Bros., 0. H. Cook; stoves and tin ware, A. J. Badger, Uriah Blaisdell, J. L. 0. Coleman, J. P. Sweetser, Dearborn & Co., Earing & Martin ; wall paper, Mercer & Goodrich; window shades, Elisha Tripp, A. Tredick & Co., W. G. Myers, II. B. Buz/.ell & Son, G. II. Tripp. Physicians —B. W. Curtis, N. L. Folsom, J. Hall, S. C. Whittier, A. B. Sherburne, J. W. Parsons, Brainard Dearborn, J. R. May, S. J. 1 Donaldson, F. E. Potter, E Richter, D. W. Jones,-Welch ; hot., A.| Perry; dentists, E. B. Coodall, E. S. Ryder, N. L. Folsom, J. S. Perry,, P. M. Jewett, L. M. Johnson. Blotter Place—See Andover. Pottersville—See Ilarrisville. Profile Hfoase—See Franconia. RANDOLPH, CO OS —Pop., 138. N. E. from C., 120; S. E. from Lancaster, 19. R. R. S. —Gorham, 5 m., on G. T. R. R. OFFICERS— Clerk , Ithiel Scales ; Treas ., J. E. Leighton ; Supt., J. W. Buswell; Selectmen , J. E. Leighton, Chas. E. Lowe, L. M. Wat¬ son Postmaster —Post-office address, at present, Gorham. ! Justices —A. G Messenger, State ; Justus Low, L. M. W r atson. Hotel —Accommodation House, L. M. Watson. Manufacturers —lumber, Robert Blair, A. G. Messenger. Mechanics —blacksmith, A. G. Messenger; carpenters, Hubbard; illunt, C. C. Leighton; wheelwright, C. C. Leighton. RAYMOND, ROCKINGHAM— Pop., 1300. 'S. E. from C., 24.1 W. from Exeter, 14; W. from Portsmouth, 25. R. R. S. —Raymond on Concord & Ports., R. R. OFFICERS— Clerk , Charles Poor; Treas., A. B. Smith; Selectmen, Wesley Poore, A. D. Hardy, W. Titcomb; Supt., C. W. Scribner. Postmaster —T. M. Gould. Exp. & Tel. Ag’t— G. A. Gilmore. Justices —W. B. Blake, S. M. Harriman, J. T. Dudley, Benj. Poore, S. D. Tilton, State; D. N. Lane, Quorum; John Healey, S. B. Gove, jT. M. Gould, J. D. Brown, A. W. Brown, Geo M. Moulton, Dudley Lane, B. F. Tilton. i Churches — F. Bap., Joseph Fullonton, B. S. Manson; Cong., C. Sumner; Meth., R. J. Bartlett. Exp. Ag’t —Geo. W. Shepard. Hotels —Eagle, F. G. Bean ; Riverside, Geo. A. Pecker. Literary Institution —Raymond High School. I Livery Stables— J. L. Jones, F. G. Bean. ! Maufacturers —boots and shoes, W. D. Ladd ;. soap, hard and soft. Jones & Son; sugar boxes and hogshead staves, E. T. Nutter & Co.; tubs, pnils mackerel kits and shingles, H. J. Lovering. Mechanics & Artisans —blacksmiths, A. W. Rrown, Warren Ladd, Solomon Ellis: cooper, George Robie ; gun smith, J. F. Brown; hair: dresser, Will Elliott; harness makers, Shields Tenney; painters, D. BatcheMer, J. L. Poor, C. Poor; printers, Eagle Printing Co.; stone cutter and mason, A. F. Keyes; tailor, Wm. Decourcy , wheel¬ wrights, Warren Ladd, E. G. Brown. 142 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Merchants—Higley & Shepard, B. F. Tilton, A. G. "Whittier ; auc¬ tioneer, S. D. Tilton; carriage painting, Cbas. Poor; drugs and medicines, T. M. Gould; fish, W. D. Davies; 'hardware, Win. H. Bailey ; meat, N. C. Garland ; millinery, L. A. Lung, A.B. Smith, A. J. Shepard. Physician —True M. Gould. Keel Hill —See Moultonborough. Reed’s Ferry —See Merrimack. RICHMOND, CHESHIRE —Pop., 868. S. W. from C., 64. S. from Keene, 13. 11 R. S. —Keene, on Cheshire R. R., Winchester, 5 m., on Asliuelot R. R. Daily stage to Keene. OFFICERS— Clerk , Geo. W. Newell;' Treas ., Leason Martin ; Select• men , Edson Starkey, J. B. Abbott, II. P. Sprague; Supts., Lydia 0. Barrows, James C. Longley. Postmasters —Warren Kemp ; North , Harvey Martin. Justices—J. B. Abbott, State: D. B. Aldrich, Nahum Cass, E. Star- key, E. N. Bowen, Geo. W. Newell. Churches —Bap., J. L. Wliitternore; Univ.,-. Exp. Ag’t—A. E. Naromore. Hotel—J. Allen. Manufacturers —card machine and axe factory, N. Thayer; chair stuff, E. N. Bowen, F. 0. Bowen ; dimension stuff, Abbott & Martin, F. & A. Amidon; pails, Nutting Brothers; pail staves, G. II. Taylor, Abbott & Martin, II. M. Carlton, 0. E. Parsons, F. &A. Amidon. carpenters, Edson 0. Starkey. George Taylor, N. E. Tuttle, D. B. Al- Mechanics —blacksmiths, W. Randall, N. F. Newell, D. E. Farrar; drich; gun smith, Andrew Dodge; mason, D. B. Aldrich; painters, Edwin Amidon. A. J. Bufftim; stone cutters, A. Twitchell, N. Naro¬ more, F. E. Naromore ; wheelwright, Harvey Martin. MerciiantS—Chas. North wood. North, J. L. Newell; auctioneer. J. D. Bryant; millinery, Mrs. W. J. Ballou. RIXIMwE, CHESHIRE— Pop., 1107. S. W. from C., 50; S. E.' from Keene, 18. R. R S .—West Rindge, 4 miles, on Monaduock R. R. Stage connects with every irain. OFFICERS —Clerk and Treas., W. W. Emory ; Selectmen, J. B. Perry, Geo. W. Stearns, Joel Wellington; Supt ., Chas. E. Rogers. Postmasters —W. W. Emory; West, H. E. Wetherbee; East, Miss C. L. Converse. Justices —Zebulon Converse, E. S. Stearns, G. W. Stearns, State; J. B. Perry, J. B. Robbins, Elijah Bemis, W.G. Jones, Joel Wellington, D. S. "Walker, W. W. Emory, J. C. Town, A. S. Coffin, C. T. Platts, Ned Twasher, H. E. Wetherbee. i Churches —Cong., F. G. Clark ; Meth., C. E. Rogers. Exp. Ag’t —D. S. Walker. Livery Stable— J. A. Stearns. Hotels —Elm House, J. 0. Barrett; Center , J. L. Burbank. Manufacturers —acid works, M. E. Converse ; boots and shoes, R. M. Hill; boxes, East , Union Box and Lumber C»., R. R imsdell & Co.; fancy wooden ware, West, 0. P. Butler: saw horses West, A. S. Saw- tell; spools and bobbins, Center , A. S. Coffin ; types, A. F. Chadwick; wooden ware, IV. F. Sawtell, E. S. Kimball, E. Bemis, S. Kimball. Mechanics —blacksmiths. J. A. Stearns, C. F. Stearns, E. II. Con¬ verse ; carpenters, D. S. Walker, W. G. Jones, C. M. Converse ; mason, N. Frost; painter, J. 1’. Hunt; wheelwrights, R. Buzzell, E. B. Cotter, Merchants —W. W. Emory, G. W. Stearns & Co.; West, H. E. Weth¬ erbee: grain dealers, 0. D. Converse & Son. Physician—II. A. Watson. | Roby’s Corner—See Warner. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 143 ROCHESTER, STRAFFORD -Pop., 6000. E. from C., 40; N. from Dover, 10. R. R. S. —Rochester, on P. G. F. & Conway, Port¬ land & Rochester, Nashua & Rochester, and Dover & Winnip. R. R. East, Portland & Rochester; Gofiic, Nashua & Rochester, Dov. , STRAFFORD— Pop., 1500. S. E. from iC., 45 ; N. from Dover, 4. R. R. S. —Salmon Falls, on Boston & Mainej and Ports. & Con. R. R. OFFICERS— Clerk and Treas., W. H. Morton; Selectmen, George Yeaton, Nathan Chapman, W. H. Rollins; Supt ., Robert Pike, j Postmistress — Salmon Falls, Emma Butler. I Justices —J. Converse, State; E. S. Nowell, W. H. Morton, C. D. Allen,A. Roberts, T. F. Hodgdon. Churches—Cong., —-; Epis.,-; R. C., F. X. Bouvier. Exp. Ag’ts —Goodwin & Co., Eastern Exp., W. Sanborn. Literary Institution —High School, Milton Hyde, prin. Livery Stables —Joseph Dudley, Geo. Wentworth, J. M. Goodwin. Manufacturers — sheeting, drillings and cotton flannel, Salmon Falls Manufacturing Co., 0. S. Brown, ag’t. Mechanics & Artisans —barber, Frank Wilkinson ; harness maker, Noah Pike; shoemaker, Charles Malloy. | Merchants — boots and shoes, II. Wentworth; dry goods, J. R. Cressev; druggist, E. H. Wheeler; groceries, Union Store, R. C. Fernald, agt.. Temple Lord, P. Shorey & Co.; hardware and tin, A. G. Haley ; meat, E. A. Ham ; millinery, Mercy H. Roberts. Physicians —W. II. Horr; dentist, Alphonzo Severance. Telegraph Agents— E. S. Nowell, E. Clark. KOXISIRY, CHESHIRE — Pop., 174. S. W. from C., 50. E from Keene, 5. R. R. S. and p. o. ad., Keene, on Cheshire R. R. OFFICERS— Clerk, Elbridge Kingsbury ; Treas., Brigham Niras ; Selectmen, G. E. Newton, Josiah Parker. J. G. Smith ; Supt., B. Nims. Justices —Elbridge Kingsbury, G. G. Newcomb. Church —Cong., - Ela. RUMXEY, GRAFTON —Pop., 1164. N. W. from C., 51. R.R. S. —Rumney, West Rumney and Quincy, on B. C. & M. R. R. i OFFICERS— Clerk, A. J. Stevens ; Treas., Otis Whitney; Selectmen, S. D. Baker, A. T. Weeks, 0. D. Doe; Supt., O. S. Hall, i Postmasters —A. J. Stevens ; West, D. L. Simpson ; Depot, C. Spaulding. | Justices —S. H. Qnincy, J. L. Dearborn, Sam’l Herbert, S. D. Baker, State; H. B. Simpson. Quorum; Lyman Merril,, C. B. Simpson, O. W. Stevens, Daniel L. Simpson, J. W. Pease, Chas. Pease, J. L. Davis, ,C. W. Herbert, A. J. Stevens. Churches —Bap., J. B. Breed ; Baker's River, J. D. Tilton ; Meth., J. Hayes. Exp. Ag’ts —II. W. Herbert; West, J. R. Swain. Hotel& Livery stable —Stinson House, G. C. Jones. Lawyer—S. Hetbert. Manufacturers — bobbins, J. P. Keyes ; brick, Charles Spaulding ; "BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 145 coffins and caskets. H. K. Ford; flour and meal, W. H. Keniston ; gloves aud tannery, G. W. Fletcher & Son, G. E. Greeley, M. M. Em¬ erson ; hoe, fork and mop handles, S. C. Norris, Benj. Davis, B. P. Hardy; ladders, J. W. Peppard; leather and rubber cement, P. W. Tenant ; lumber and charcoal, Chas. Spaulding & Co.; lumber. Elliott Bros., W. W. Fales, C. II. Elliott ; mops, C. R. Emerton; rakes, T. P. Sc H. 0. Nutting; tin ware, 0. B. French. Mechanics—blacksmiths. C. C. Craig, F. E. C. Green, S. D. Abbott; carpenters, D. K. Pillsbury, T. R. Ford, E. Ford, P. D. Hart, F. P. Hart, masons, W. J. Spaulding, Otis Blanchard; jeweler, C. L. Hunt; mil¬ linery and dress making Mrs. Julia Hibbard; painters, J. C. Burn¬ ham, N. S. Sanborn, D. A. Kent; photographer, P. W. Tenant; stone cutters, 0. W. Stevens, G. D. Keniston, Eugeue Elliott, Frank Fellows; veneer cutter, Benj. Davis. Merchants—Joseph Abbott, S. H. Quincy, Lyman Merrill, Chas. Spaulding; West, C. B. Simpson; auctioneer. A. C. Hill; drugs and medicines, S. H. Quincy. Physicians—Daniel Darling, D. L. Simpson, A. C. Hall, J. W. Heath. RVE, ROCKINGHAM— Pop., 996. S. E. from C., 50; S. from Portsmouth, 5; Exeter, 10. R. R. S. —North Hampton, 4%, and Greenland, 2%, stations on Eastern R. R. Daily stage. OFFICERS— Clerk, 0. S. Green ; Treas .,-; Selectmen, El- vin Rand, Nathaniel Marden, E. C. Jenuess; Supt^ J. 0. Drake. Postmasters—J. T. Walker ; Beach , G. H. Jenness. Justices—T. J. Parsons, E. B. Philbrick, State; C. J. Brown, L. B. Parsons, J. D. Marston, J. R. Poor. J. T. Walker. Churches—Adv., J. Herd; Chris., W. BowdichJ; Cong., W. S. Had¬ ley. Hotels—Farragut House, J. C. Philbrick & Son; Sea View. G. G. Lougee; Washington House, J. E. Leavitt; Prospect House, D. M. JToss ; Star Island, Oceanic, C. Poor. Mechanics—blacksmiths, F. M. Marden, W. J. Rand, A. V. Seavey, J. M. Rand, Oliver Jenness, Wm. J. Walker, Martin Sleeper; carpen¬ ters, L. J. Bunker, Jacob Marston, R. G. Skapley, W. R. Mace, Irving W. Marden, T. W. Rand, William Tre r ethen, W. H. Locke, J. E. Leav¬ itt, R. L. Locke, A. J. Drake, Amos Jenness, B. D. Batclielder, J. T. Marden, Joseph Berry, D. M. Foss, John Odion, Jos. Odion, 0. L. Foye, H. L. Trefethen, S. Trefethen, R. W. Philbrick, Ira 31arden, D. W. Rand, Chas. Trefethen, J. T„ Walker; cooper, W. C. Downing; ma¬ sons, 0. B. Philbrick, Henry Rand, Gilman Trefethen. Winslow Tref- then, J. A. Moulton, Thos. Green; painters, S. R. Spear, Chas. W. Spear t A. J, Johnson. Merchants—T. J. Parsons, Jed. Rand, W. E. Sc S. L. Chesley, W. Jenness, E. C. Jenness. Physician—Warren Parsons SALEM, ROCKINGHAM— Pop., 1603. 8. E. from C., 40. R. R. S 1—'alem,on Manchester Sc Lawrence R. R., I% m. Daily stage. OFFICERS— Clerk, B. R. Wheeler ; Treas., W. W. Merrill; Selectmen, W. W. Merrill, C. T. Maxwell, N. H. Paul; Supt., Miss Susan Wheeler. Postmaster—G. C. Gordon. Justices—G. C. Gordon, Thomas Dustin, L. W. Taylor, M. II. Tay¬ lor, State ; J. C, Ewins, Quorum; Silas Hall, Isaac Thorn, W. G. Crow¬ ell, Isaac Woodbury, Wm. R. Wheeler, J. A. Troy, 0. Dustin, James Ayer. Churches—Cong., Samuel Bowker. Meth., A. C. Coult. Insurance Ag’tS—Geo. C. Gordon, John F. Smith. Manufacturers—boots and shoes, D. N. Russ, T. M. Russ, B. R. 146 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Wheeler, Kelley '& Russ, W. H. Kelley; lumber, W. G. Crowell. Mechanics —blacksmiths. T. B. Black, J. Hall; carpenters, .T. *H- Lancaster, W. B. Ayer; masons, R. Russ; painters, A. H. Merrill, C. II. Smith ; wheelwright, J. Maine. Merchants — J. C. E\M'ns,C.I. Bowker. Physician — G. C. Howard. I>epot— Postmaster— J. A. Troy, Ex. & Sta. Ag’t— R. A. Tilton. Churches —Cal. Bap., A. S.Stovvell; Meth., A. T. Bunker. Mechanics —blacksmith, H. Strong; carpenters, A. Goodwin & Co., G. W. Thorn ; harness maker, T. D. Parish ;mason, J. B. Colby; paint¬ ers, I. W. Foster, Geo. II. Webster. Manufacturers —cider and vinegar, Gage & Jones ; enamelled cloth, C. A. Evans; shoes, G. Roberts, I. Woodbury,jr., T. Foster. Heal Estate A’gt— L. P. E. Richards. Merchants —Sherwood & Blethin, G. Roberts, J. C. Carey. Livery Stables— Silas Hall. North— Postmaster— M. H. Taylor. Merchant— J. Austin. Church —Meth.,-Powell. Manufacturers —frocking, J. W. Wheeler & Son ; lumber, R. Taylor; repellants and shawls, Walton & Co.; shoddy. Taylor & Dustin; yarn, T. Dustin & Co. Mechanics —blacksmiths, Chas. Smith; wheelwright,- Powell. SALISBURY, MERRIMACK—Fop., 897- N. W. from C., 16. R. R. S. —North Boscawen, on Northern N. II., R. R. Daily stage. OFFICERS— Clerk , Elbridge Smith ; Treas.. J. Arey ; Selectmen , Jon¬ athan Arey, T. H. Whittaker, John Shaw; Supt ., D. J. Calef; Agent , Wm. Dunlap. Postmasters —L. A. Hawkins; West , William Dunlap ; Center , S. W. Green. Justices —Nathaniel Saw’yer, J. C. Smith, E. B. Emerson, State ; C. C. Rogers, M. P. Thompson, Quorum ; M. J. Stevens, T. D. Little, Nathan Tucker, jr., William Dunlap, J. Arey, D. J. Calef, I. S. Blais dell, S. W. Green. Churches —Bap..-; Chris.,-; Cong., A. H. Martin. Hotel —Elm House, Amos Chapman. Ex. Agent —E. C. Smith. Literaryllnstitution—Salisbury Academy,-, prin. Manufacturers—drag rakes, T. D. Little; lumber. D. S. Prince, W r hittaker & Entitoon, Holmes & Son; pumps, P. A. Fellows. Mechanics —blacksmiths, Daniel Colby, S. B. Sweat, Jonathan Arey, Samuel Emerson, P. A. Fellows; carpenters, W T . B. Parsons, A. H. Parsons, Tlios. Foote ; coopers, R. F. Batcbelder. J. R. Btizzell ; harness maker, A. E. Persons ; masons, Richard Fellows, E. H. Gil¬ bert; millers, John Shaw, T. D. Little ; painters, S. A. Minard ; tailor, M. P. Thompson; wheehvright, M. II. Fellows. Merchants—Calef & Smith, W. B. Parsons; West, Wm. Dunlap; auctioneers, J. C. Smith, M. P. Thompson. Physicians —liomeo.. G. P. Titcomb. Salmon Falls— See Rolliusford. Sanborn’s— See Wakefield. SANBORNTON, BELKNAP—Yog., 1236. N. from C., 21. S. from Laconia, 4. R. R. S. —Tilton on B. C. Wl€H, CARROLL —Pop., 1854. N. from C., 50 ; N. W. from Ossipee, 34. R. R. S.— Aleredith Village, 12 on B. C. &. M. R. R. Daily stage to connect with the boats at Centre Harbor. West Osssi- pee, 12, on Eastern R. R. Daily stage. OFFICERS— Clerk, Geo. N. Dorr; Treas., D. H. Hill; Selectmen, D. H. Hill, B. C. Davis, J. Gove; Supt. and Agent, Haz n Pettingill. Postmasters —Arven Blauchard ; North, Simeon Johnson ; Centre, Charles Blauchard. Justices —M. H. Marston, W. M. Weed,E. Q. Fellows. 0. T. Vittum, J. II. Plumer, D. G. Bedee, P. Wentworth, D. H. Hill, W. A. Heard, Ezra Gould, State ; Arven Blanchard, J. M Smith, II. Libbey, S. B. Wiggin, J, J. C. Brown, S. F. Severance; J. E. Hilton, Aaron Beder, R. ,S. Batchelder. G. P. Davis. Churches —Cong.,-; F. Bap.. D. Calley; North, - Sinclair ; Friend,-; Meth., D. W. Downs. Exp. Agents— Frank Nelson. H. Allen, C. Sanborn, Hotel— Pleasant House J. C. Burleigh. Lawyers —D/II. Hill, Paul Wentworth, W. M. Weed, G. P. Davis. Literary Institution —Center Sandwich High School, G. N. Dorr, Livery Stables —G. Hanson, J. C. Burleigh. Prin.; Academic and Normal Institute, D. G. Bedee, Prin. Manufacturers —baskets, sJohn Fogg, A. C. Fogg, J. W. Bennett ; boots and'shoes, D. M. Skinner, George Perkins, J. F. Moulton; cigars, T. .1. Mann & Son'; lumber, U. J. Hoag, Sylvester Carter. N. M. Bean, J. French. Mechanics & Artisans —blacksmiths, G. T. Lawrence, II. G. Chick, J. P. Chase, M B. Sanborn, C. H. Atwood, C. M. Quimby, J. F. Web¬ ber, W. Gleason ; carpenters, D. II. Folsom, G T. Lawrence, D. T. Mason, J. II. Quimby, A. W. Quimby, A. A. Quimby; coopers, J. M. Morrison, Asahel Glines; hair dresser, Charles Scoggins; mason, L. Abbott; millwright, G. T. Lawrence; painters, B. B. Locke, G. W Webster, H. B. Ham ; printer, C. C. Fellows, C. E. Blanchard; under j ■ —— 148 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. takers, G. W. Mann, D. H. Folsom, S. Dinsniore; watchmaker, S. Weed, C. E. Mason; wheelwrights,.B. J. Smith, C. S. Blackey. Merchants —Charles Blanchard, W. A. Hurd, F. E. Burley. A. R Kimball, A. Blanchard, Johnson J. Hill; auctioneer, G. Moulton. W. S. Plummer; drugs, medicines and fancy goods, C. C. Fellows; millinery, Irene Me Gaffey; pictures and ^frames, A. R. Kimball & Son ; tin ware, J. M. Smith. Physicians —Joseph Huntress ; homeo., H. X. Hart ; dentists,- Garey, S. B. Wiggin. Seytheville—See Xew London. SEABROOK, ROCKINGHAM— Pop., 1609. S. E. from C.,50 ; S. from Portsmouth, 14; S. E. from Exeter, 8. R. R. S. —Seabrook, 1 m., on the Eastern R. R. OFFICERS— Clerk, Jonathan Gove; Trees., J. B. Green; Selectmen, Joseph Chase. F. A. Dow, H. C. Chase; Supt ., H. C. Chase. Postmasters —J X. Brown: South, J. Christian. Justices — J. M. Weare, State; John Philbrick, Quorum; Joshua Janvrin, Robert Collins, W. A. Rand, J. X. Brown, John Weare, C. S. Dow, H. C. Chase. Churches —Adv., S. S. Brewer; C. Bap., C.A.Martell; Cong., Frank Haley; Friends,-; Meth., W. C. Tansom. Exp. Agents —G. W Rendall, Calvin Buswell, C. A. Barton. Hotel —Washington House. Mrs. Lydia Parker. Ins. Agent —J. X. Brown. Tel. Agent —Geo. E. Merrill. Literary Institution —Dearborn Academy, Miss Louisa H. Rams- dell, prin. Manufacturers— -boats, C. H. Sanborn, Benj. Perkins, C. & J. A. Locke, Lowell Brown, jr.; boots and shoes, Wm. Porter, Staples & Adams, E. P. Tibbetts : lumber, G. A. Weare, Frank Brown, W. H. Xoyes. Mechanics & Artisans —artist, Miss C. A. Perkins; blacksmiths, F. F. Felch, C. F. Felch, J. S. Lane; carpenters, E. D. Gove, Jos. Chase, E. Chase, D. Dow, James Sanborn ; machinists. E. D. Gove, A. S. Chase; painters, C. Chase, S. J. Smith, Wm. F. Smith; tailor, C. T. Locke; wheelwright, Enoch Chase. Merchants —J. W. Locke, J. D. Locke, A. A. Locke, T. X. Chase, J. Christian, Bryant Eaton, John X. Brown; auctioneer, J. M. Weare; grain, wholesale and retail, X. Robbins; groceries, J. Chase, H. C. Chase, Charles Fogg, John Locke, J. S. Smith, W. Eaton. Physicians —Daniel W. Colcord, Frank Haley. SIiak.er Tillage—See Canterburv. SHARON, HILLSBOROUGH— Pop. 182. S.W. from C., 48; W, from Amherst, 22. R. R. S. —Greenville 7, and Peterborough, 5 on Monadnock R. R. OFFICERS— Cleric, Treas., and Supt., B. H. Sanders, p. o. ad. Tem¬ ple ; Selectmen, II. E. Bond, B. H. Sanders, J. A Hadley. Justices —Nathan Moore, Stute ; B. II. Sanders. Manufacturers —lumber. Preston & Emery, p.o. ad., Xew Ipswich.; portable steam saw mill, B. H. & G. A. Sanders. Mechanic —Carpenter. II. E. Bond. SKELBURXE, COOS— Pop., 250. X. E. from C., 150,E. from Lancaster, 30. R. R. S. —Shelburne, on Grand Trunk R. R. OFFICERS— Clerk and Treas., S. B. Hubbard ; Selectmen, A. C. Ev. ans, E. P. Burbank, H. A. Stevens ; Supt.. S. B. Hubbard. Justices —A.R. Evans, State: S. B. Hubbard, Fletcher Odell, Dari¬ us Green. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 149 ,---.- Church —Metli.,-Chandler; Exp. Ag’t —F. C. Hardy. Hotel—Winthrop House, Janies Hebbard. | Mechanics —blacksmith, I. W. Speller ; carpenter, Moses Wilson; cooper, Washington Newall, Merchant —C. C. Hebbard. j Summer Boarding Houses —T. J. Hubbard, H. P. Gates, C. E. jPhilbrook, A. E. Philbrook. Sliort Falls—See Epsom. SOMERSWORTH, STRAFFORD —Pop., 4504. E. from C., 45; N.from Dover, 7 . R. R. S. —Great Falls, on Ports., Gt. Falls & Conway R. R, and Boston & Maine R. R. OFFICERS— Clerk, Wm. F. Harmon; Treas., W. D. Knapp; Select¬ men, Enoch Wliitehouse, H. M. Hanson, J. A. Locke; Supts., E. J. Randall, C. L. Chapman, 0. B. Morse, C. H. Wells, Isaac Chandler; j Agent, 0. L. Farnham. Postmaster —Great Falls, C. L. Chapman. | Justices —G. E. Beacham, W. 1). Knapp, G. W. Burleigh. J. B. Shapleigh, N. Wells, T. W. Woodman ; D. W. Quimby, E. M. Webber, jE. M. Smith. S. S. Chick, W. P. Moses, J. G. Young, State ; 0. II. Lord, W. B. Martin, I. Pearl, E. B. Le Gro, W. L. Bracej r , J. A. Edgerly, J. A. Stickney, E. A. Crawford, E. J. Randall, J. S. Haines, L. C. Chapman, C. S Jones, W. F. Harmon, W. W. Woodman, W. R. Burleigh, J. B. Nelson, A. L. Bartlett, C. H. Wells. Churches —Cal. Bap., D. H. Stoddard; F. Bap.,P. W. Perry ; Cong, S. W. Webb; Meth., High St., W. E. Bennett, Main St., M. Howard; R. Cath., Clement Mutsaers. I Eating Houses— nT. M. Wentworth, Charles Ramsay, T. F. Marston, C. A. Locke, Thomas Locke. Exp. Ag’t —Bagley & Co., Eastern. Tel. Ag’t—AV. W. Nason. ! Hotels —Great Fails, R. Hussey; Granite State, T. S. Wentworth, Lawyers^—N. Wells, W. D. Knapp, W. J. Copeland, G. W. Burleigh. W. R. Burleigh. James A. Edgerly. Literary Institution —Great Falls High School, J. E. Dixon, prin., Livery Stables —J. 0. Lord, B. F. Ilaftson & Co., C.K. Drew. Manufacturers —bobbins, I. & E. Blood; boots and 8hoes, S. D Bryant, L. M. &. D. M. Nute; cotton, Great Falls Manufacturing Co., J. Cummock, ag’t; doors, sash and blinds, Hubbard & Co.; flour, jC. W. Wright & Co.; stoves and castings, Somersworth Machine Co., |M. C. Burleigh, ag’t; woolens, Great Falls woolen Co., Edward Hargraves, ag’t. Mechanics & Artisans —baker, F. A. Hussey : blacksmith, W. D. Merrick; carpenters, D. L. Hodsdon, S. P. Horne & Co., L. E. Deca tur, Wm. B. Clark, Freeman Chick, C F. Mitchell, I. Hodsdon ; hair dres er, C. B. Jenness ; harness makers, Stevens & Hacking, P. L. Ward ; machinists, Somersworth Machine Co., E. N. Higley ; marble, worker, John Emery ; masons, Hiram Wentworth, George Wentworth Moses Foss , painters, David Wingate, B. 0. Martin, Noah S. Brown, Horace Wentworth, Jerry Lord, S. Grant ; photographers, C. C. Gard¬ ner, E. J. Deland ; printers, Edwin Fernald, Edward F. Ricker ; tailors H. Yesehoff, J. B. Clarke, M. J. O’Brien. j Merchants —auctioneer, J. G. Hill; books and stationery, A. Thwing, W. W. Nason, L. A. Goodwin, Wm. F. Harmon; boots and shoes, J W. Bates, S. D. Bryant, N. O’Brian, Moore Bros.: clocks and watches, J. J. Woodward, Wm. Mulloy, Folsom & Faunce ; clothing, D. Lothrop, &Co., J.jG. Hill, Peyser & Kennedy ; dry goods, M. Bates & Co., Wimplheimer & Co., Alfred Carter. S. S. Chick & Co., C E. Bart lett & Co., Moore & Sou ; drugs and medicines, J. U. Wingate, C. M BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 150 Jones, Goorge Moore, L. A. Goodwin, W. W. Nason, llenry Goodwin; jfancy goods and notions, Laura A. Bates, I. S. Coleman. W. H. Bayles, M. D. Folsom : fish, Lewis Smith, Remich & Co.; flour and meal, John Martin ; furniture, Chas. San!) rn ; groceries, S. James & Sons, J. T. Bickford & Co., Union Store, Div. 30, C. F. Blake, T. W. Wood¬ man, 0. L. Farnham & Co., Enoch Whitehouse, .! A. Bagley, W. S. Gilman, C. Watson; hardware, Tebbetts Bros., S. A* Seavy, Hodsdon Bros., H. C. Gilpatrick; hats and caps, Bates & LeGro, Moore Bros,; meat, J. S. LeGro, W. Hartford, J. I. Shallis; millinery. Miss G. A. iLougee, Mrs. A. J. Watson, Miss Andrews, Miss L. E. Ricker, Mrs. Stillings, Miss Hattie .Horne, L. M. Fullerton, C. II. Harmon & Co., lva Grant. Physicians —E. Edgecomb, J. A. Hayes, C. E. Swasey, L. D. Hamb- tt, Alvin Jenkins, C. II. Elliott; homeo., J. Conant; dentists, 0. Q. Shapleigh. Julius Guttman. SOUTH HAMPTON, ROCKINGHAM— Pop., 448. S. E. 1 from C., 4G; S. from Exeter, 9. R. R.S. —East Kingston, 4, Amesbury, Mills, 3, on Boston & Maine R. R. OFFICERS— Clerk, John Paige ; Treas., B. R. Jewell; Selectmen , B. R. Jew ell,1'. B. French, I. F. Puringtbn ; Supt,, F. B. French. Postmaster— Philip White. Justices —B. R. Jewell, Quorum; N. S. Smith, N. H. Brown, J. Eaton, G. Kelly. Church —Cal. Bap., E. L. Scott. Hotel —Central H ouse, Mrs. Crafts. Literary Institution— Barnard School. Manufacturers —boots and shoes, J. 0. P. Clifford; carriages, E. P. Downing; tree protectors, N. A. Copeland. SOPfH NEVFJIAiUCEF, ROCKINGHAM — Pop. 808. S from C., 35 ; N from Exeter, 4. R. R. S. —South Newmarket, on B. & M.-R. R. OFFICERS— Clerk , A. H. Verney ;Treas ., J. B. Martin ; Selectmen , J. B. Martin, A. J. Neal. Geo! 0. Paul; Supt., Mrs. A. H, Varney. Postmasters —Albert Fiold ; Junction, C. II. Leavitt. Justices —Albert Field, A. II. Varney, E. Hersey ; State; Patrick Quinn, S. P. Badger. Churches —Cong., A. C. Childs; Meth., 0. T. Bachtel; Univ., R. T. Sawyer. Hotels— Shute House, 0. G. Sanborn ; Elm House, A. M. Wiggin. Manufacturers— lumber, S.& D. G. Neal. Mechanics —blacksmiths, John Foss, J. C. Stevens; carpenters, Hollis Pease, John Pease, Geo. P. Hanson ; machinists, G. E. Fifield, G. B. Wiggins, Swamscott Machine Co., Amos Paul, ag’t; masons. L. S. Pease,G. K. Smith, II. 0. Smith ; painters, J. M. Ew'in, J. H. Han¬ son ; wheelwright, J. Foss, jr. Merchants —J. C. Hanson, Albert Field, D. C. Wiggin. J. Coffy. Physician —A. H. Varney. Telegraph Agent. —J. E. Simpson. SPRINGFIELD, SULL1 VAN— Pop., 781. N. W. from C. 38.' N. E. from Newport. 15. R. R. S. —West Andover, 11 m., on Northern N. H. R. R. Daily stage. OFFICERS— Clerk, M. M. Wiggin ; Treas., D. P. Goodhue; Select¬ men , H. F. Goss, H. T. Sanborn, John Johnson; Supt., C. McDaniels. Postmasters —II.T. Sanborn; East, Lorenzo Dow. Justices —Charles McDaniels, State; D. N. Adams, Quorum', Joseph Davis, jr., C. P. Wells, J. C. Nichols, S.<4\ Colby, A. 11. Fowler; J. T. Colby, M. M. Wiggin, D, P. Goodhue. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 15 L Manufacturers —lumber, A. J. Kidder, Y. P. George, J. T. Colby, Sargent Heath. Mechanic —blacksmiths, J. H. Collins. C. F. Randall. Merchants — J. B. Prescott; auctioneer, East, L. Dow; boots, and shoes, H. T. Sanborn. West— Postmistress —Mrs. D. N. Adams. Church — (Union) Chris., L. Bailey. Mechanics— carpenters, J. C. Nichols, Wm, H. Quimby, John Wig- gin ; carriage maker, K. Stocker ; masons, Tallant Boyce, J. C. Nichols. Merchant —D.N. Adams. Physician —D. P. Goodhue. S 1 ARli^ COOS —Pop.. 4S0. N. from C. 154 ; N. from Lancaster, 16. R. R. S. —Stark, on Grand Trunk, R. R. OFFICERS— Clerk and Treas., A. J. Smith ; Selectmen , J. A. Pike, Woodbury Cole, F. T. Potter ; Supt., W. T. Pike. Postmasters —Clifford t Cole; Stark Water Station, G. W. Perkins. Justices —C. P. Stevens, State; A. J. Smith, Quorum ; L. Cole, W. T.; Pike, Albert Thompson. Churches —Bap., Clifford Cole; Meth.,-Davis. Exp. Ag'ts— A. J. Smith, P. J. O. Connor. Tel. Agent— P. J. 0. Conner. Manufacturers —flour and meal, Andrew Jackson’; lumber, Sylves¬ ter Cole; Dexter Cole, E. Hickney & Co., Milan Steam Mill Co., LaFor- est Brown, ag’t. J. M. Pike. Mechanics —blacksmith, W, McCordick; C. R. Rich; carpenters, Sylvester Cole, F. T. Potter ; cooper, Luke Cole; machinist, A. Thomp¬ son: painter, .John Thompson. Merchants —Edmund Creen, John Thompson. Stark. Water —See Stark. STEWARTSTOWX, COOS —Pop., 900. N. from C., 150; N. from Colebrook, 5. R. R. S. —North Stratford, on Grand Trunk R. R.i Daily stage. OFFICERS— Clerk and Supt., Lorenzo Farman; Treas., J. Flanders; Selectmen, Alansou Owen, S. W. Carlton, E P. Kidder. Postmaster—S. M. Jordan. Justices —John Flanders, A. W. Drew, State; I. H. Pickard, Quo¬ rum ; E. Kilburn, H, Tewkesbury, H. D. Flanders, J. M. Kidder, Hi- ram Blanchard, J. C. Poor, S. M. Jordan, Frank Blodgett, L. Farman, Alauson Owen. Churches —Cong.,-Bugbee; Chris.,- Manufacturers —starch, Lovering Sc Co., Eustis & Co. Mechanic —blacksmith, S. M. Jordan. Merchants —Oscar Lang, Lorenzo Farman, L. W. Alger. W T est—Postmaster—L. W. Alger. Church—Cong. W. STBugby.j Hotel & Livery Stable— Coos House, J. P. Blodgett. Manufacturers —clapboards, chair stuff, and woo len bowls, W. F Allen ; flour and meal, G. Beac-her; woolens, G. Beacher. Mechanics —blacksmith, F. Record; carpenters, Joseph Gurtin, Joseph Tibbets ; painter, Thos. Mayo, repair shop, C. S. Dalton. Merchants —L. W. Alger Lorenzo Farnbam & Co.; drugs, True Lov- erin; .furniture and coffins, E. S. Parker; millinery, Mrs. 0. L. Fling. Physicians —S. W. Ingalls. Guy Holbrook. STODDARD, CHESHIRE— Pop., 667. S. W. from C. 40 ; N. E. from Keene, 15. R.~ R. S. —Keene on Cheshire R. R., 15 milesj BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 152 Greenfield, on Wilton Ex. R. R., 16 ni.; Hillsborough, on Contoocook R. R. 12 miles. Daily mail from Boston : daily stage. OFFICERS— Clerk, Silas Dinsniore ; Treat., Ephraim Stevens ; Se¬ lectmen, J. F. Whittemore,J. M. Rice, J. H. Scott; Supt., Sumner Knight. Postmasters —Henry Reed; South , Mrs. E. McClure. Justices— Silas Dinsmore, J. M. Rice, State ; Nathan Gonld. Church —Cong., H. H. Colburn. Hotels—Central House, S. J. Harrington; South, 0. H. Harding; Mill Village, Island House, R. J. Brown. Manufacturers—lumber, Gilman Sacey ; lumber, clothes pins and pails, Christopher Robb. Mechanics —blacksmiths, Chester Conn, T. F. Snow; carpenter E. B. Dodge; coopers, Elias Smith, E. Barden, S. A. Rider, W. Si- monds ; masons, W. S. Tuttle, E. W. Morey ; shoe maker, Solon Esty Merchants —Harriet Simonds, James Simonds, George L. Blodgett South ,-Bigelow. STRAFFORD, STRAFFORD — Pop., 1669. E. from C., E. N. W. from Dover, 15. R. R. S. —Dover 15, on Boston & Maine R. R. Tri-weekly stage. OFFICERS— Clerk , H. B. Foss : Treat., C. G. Scott; Selectmen, C. D. Scruton, C. G. Scott, J. S. Foss; Supt., E. C. Handy. Postmasters — Corner, J. D. Berry; North, Daniel Pease; Blue Hills, A. S. Clark. Justices —J. B. Smith, N. C. Twombly, J. W. Jewell, A. S. Clark, T. D. Foss, H. A. Drew, Stute ; D. L. Babb, J. C. Foss, Jeremiah Task¬ er, Daniel Babb, M. F. Foss, H. F. Walker, 0. H. Colbath, L. C. Critth- ett, J. H. Perry, J. S. Foss, Paul Perkins, R. W. Foss, W. Foss, G. W. Boody, Azariah Waldron, H. T Hill. H. B. Foss. M. D. Johnson. Churches —Adv..-: F. Bap., Corner, C. C. Foster; North, -. Hotel — Corner, Blue Hill Cottage Home, J. M. Whitehouse, pro. Manufacturers — North, flour and meal, E. J. Fory ; lumber, Paul Perkins. Mechanics —blacksmiths, Coi'ner, T. Roberts, S. D. Berry; North, Daniel Babb. Merchants —J. w. Jewell, D. S. Woodman ; North, D. E. Avery. Physicians —Nehemiah C. Twombly, H. C. Coburn. Center—Postmaster—Demeritt Place. Church —F. Bap., S. C. Kimball. Merchant —Harrison Hill. Literary Inst. —Austin Academy, S. C. Kimball, prin. Manufacturers —lumber. Tasker & Brown. Mechanics —blacksmiths, Pearey & Brown. Row Fake— Postmaster —A. Waldron. Church —F. Bap.,— Smith. Hotel —Bow Lake House, J. C. Peavey. Manufacturers —lumber. Caswell & Wal'dron. Mechanic —blacksmith, George Know]ton. Merchants —Daniel S. Woodman ; auctioneor, H. A. Drew. STRATFORD, COOS— Pop., 88T. N. from C., 160. N. from Lancaster. 14. R. R. S. —Stratford, on G. Trunk R. R. OFFICERS— Clerk , Hollow, W. G. Fuller; Treat., B. B. Ockington ; Selectmen, George R. Eaton, F. N. Day, W. H. Kimball ; Supts., F. N. Day, Melvin Marshall. Justices —M. D. Johnson, State ; W. R. Brown, S. Brown, M. Mar¬ shall. F. N. Day. Hollow — R. R. S— Stratford, Hollow, x / 2 mile. BUSINESS DIRECTORS' 153 Postmaster— L. B. Blodgett, Physician— C. C. Carpenter. Church— Meth.. - Collins. Exp. Ag’t— F. N. Day. Mechanic— paintey, J. C. Robinson. Manufacturers —lumber, E. F. Merrill, Steam Mill Co. Merchants —N. B. Waters, L. B. Blodgett, B. B. Ockington, J. M. Butters; millinery, Mrs. Sarah Norcott. Coos— R. R. S .—North Stratford. Exp. Ag’t—James Twohey. Postmaster —J. II. Dan forth. Church —Bap.,-. Hotels —American House, II. B. Ilinman ; Willard House, E. H. Fol¬ som. | Manufacturers —lumber, S. M. Smart ; starch, J. II. Danforth. Mechanics —blacksmiths, G. W. Hinman, J. R. Stevens, Wm. Ogle. 1 harness maker, Fred Roby; machinist, J. B. Alger; painter, C. P Schoff. Merchants —J. II.Danforth, G. R. Eaton ; groceries, G. C. Kimball’ J. M. Staples; millinery, Miss Hattie Willard. STRATH AM, ROCKING HA M —P< »p., 769. S. E. from C., 40; E. from Exeter, 4. R. R. S. —Stratham, 2, on C. & P. R. R.; New, market, 2^ miles. OFFICERS— Clerk, J. S. Staples ; Treas., J. N. Thompson ; Selectmen J. N. Thompson, I. S. Wiggin, Jenness Brown ; Supt., J. J. Scammon. Postmaster —J. S. Staples. Justices —J. J. Scammon, C. G. Brown. Churches —Bap., Noah Hooper; Cong., A. B. Peabody, Chris.,- F. Bap.,-. Manufacturers —meal and lumbei, E. B. Jewell; meal,.lumber and shingles, George Wingate. Mechanics —blacksmith, N. E. Norton; carpenters, 0. J. Tilton, D. P. Batchelder, H.H. Leavitt, I. W. Tuttle; leather, B. Moulton. Merchants —florists, J. II. Diman, A. Craig; groceries, J. S. Staples. Siagrar Hill —See Lisbon. SULLIVAN, CHESHIRE— Pop , 347. S. W. from C.,48. N. E. from Keene, 7. R. R. S. —Keene, on Cheshire R. R. Stage Mon.. ,Wed. and Sat. OFFICERS — Clerk, East, A. C. Ellis; Treas., Amos Wardwell; Se- ctmen, E. E. Rugg, M. J. Barrett, Geo. L. Mason; Supt., A. A. Niins. Postmaster —A. G. Nims. Church —Cong., S. S. Drake. Justices —Chas. Mason, State; John Locke, E. H. Bullard. East—Postmaster— Horace II. Bridge. Church —Cong., evang., union.-. Manufacturers —chair stock, L. II. & D. W. Goodnow ; flour bucket hoops, A. A. Ellis; lumber, A. A. Ellis, L. H. & D. W. Goodnow, Geo. Kingsbury ; meal, L. H. & D. W. Goodnow. Mechanics —blacksmith and machinist, Lyman Davis; carpenters, E. E. Rugg, George Kingsley, A. N. Holt, L. W. Towne; shoemaker, Nahum Bridge. Merchants —L. S. Bond; grain, L. II. & D. W. Goodnow. I SUNAPEE, SULLIVAN— Pop., 808. N. W. from C., 37; E. from Newport, 5. R.R. S. —Sunapee, on C. & C. R. R. Semi-daily! stage. OFFICERS— Clerk . F. A. Young; Treas.. D. C. Eastman ; Selectmen, D. C. Eastman, J. S. Whipple, J. M. Cooper; Supt.. E. R. Perkins. Postmasters —W. C. Stocker; South, Asahel Lear; Georye's Mills, William Russell. j Justices— Josiah Turner, T. P. Smith, W. C. Sturoc, John Felch Bradford Currier, Hiram Sargent, George's Mills , D. A. George, State ; 154 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. H. B. Clough, J. B. Smith, William Russell, J. G. Tucker, J. P. Knowl- ton, H. M. Reich. Churches —Chris, J. Young; Meth,, B. W. Chase; Union,-; : George's Mills , J. Young. Exp. Ag ! t —J. F. Davis. Tns. Agent —John Felch. Hotels —Sunapee Lake House, Esek Young, Lafayette House, Lafay¬ ette Colby. Livery Stables —J. Y. Gardner, J. A. Tucker, F. Blodgett. Manufacturers —clothes pins, J. B. Smith ; coffins and caskets. L.; H Goss ; excelsior, W. C. Stocker ; flour and meal, J. C. Purington ; granite, S. Bailey ; harnes. Granite Hume Works, Cowles & Bartlett; lace leather, J. T. Young: leather, J. Young & Son ; lumber, Emery & Runnals, E. P. Stiekney ; shoe stiffening^ and inner soles, J. A. Tuck¬ er : shingles, S. W. Abbott, George's Mills, Martin & Chase, E. P. Stick lie}', II. T. Eastman; threshing machines, F. A. Y'oung, Josiah Tur¬ ner; wallets. M. L. Sargent. Mechanics —blacksmiths, M. C. Muzzey & Son, Asahel Lear, E. Sidell; barber, A. W. Paige; carpenters, M. A. Young. J. N. Sargent,- S. Woodwaid, M. L. Sargent, C. S. l r oung; coopers. John Ifoung, S. G.; Page; founder, Harrison Soule; grist mill, George's Mills, D. A. George; machinists, Josiah Turner, J. B. Smith; painter, J. B. Smith;J wheelwrights, M. A. Young, Stephen Woodward. Merchants —N. P. Baker, D. G. Knowltou & Son, William Russell' M. J. Adams ; boots and shoes, J. W. Merrill; furniture J. B. Smith J meat, William Currier; paints and oils,J. B. Smith; tin ware, H Cunningham. Physician —C. F. Leslie. Tel. Ag’t—N. P. Baker. Suneoolt—See Pembroke. SURRY, CHESHIRE— Pop., 318. S. W. from C., 55; N. from Keene, 7. R. It. S. —Keene, on Cheshire R R. Daily stage. OFFICERS— Clerk and Treas., W. H. Porter; Selectmen , G. K. Har- !vey, J. D. Blake, F. F. Field; Supt., W. II. Porter. Postmaster—w. H. Porter. Justice—G. K. Harvey. Church— Mesh., -. i Hotel —.J D. Cheever. Mechanics —bl icksmith. Sam’l Poole; carpenters, Holland Stevens, M. A. Carpenter, John Rodgers ; wheelwright, George Wilcox. Physician —W. H. Porter. Sl'TTOX, MERRIMACK— Pop., 1155. N. W.. from C., 23. R. R. S. —Bradford, on Concord & Claremont R. R. Daily stage. OFFICERS— Clerk , D. L. Powers ; Treas., A. D. Colcord ;, Selectmen, B. F. Pillsbury, M. L. Pillsburv, H. V. Little; Supt., C. A. Fowler. Postmasters —Truman Putney; Jforth , Joseph Greeley; South , J. B. Me Allister. Justices — J. R. Smiley, Moses Hazen, A Page, State ; Erastus Wad- leigh, J. M. Sargent, Truman Putney, G. C. Eaton. G. C. Fuller. Churches —Adv., Dustin Davis; F. Bap., J. D. Waldron; South, I. Peaslee ; C. Bap., North, T. B. Eastman. Manufacturers —carriages and sleighs, D. R. x\bbott, C. C. Marshall, :G. Chadwick; North II. Howe & Co.; clothes pins, William Little ; ex¬ celsior, J. P. Nelson; lumber, D. W. Couch & Son, M. S. Blaisdell; North, J. Kezer. Mechanics-blacksmiths, W. L. Morgan; NortJ), W. P. Sargent, B; T. Fifield ; carpenters, J. Knowllon, Asa Page; South, Frank Chase. North, William Howe; cooper, South, Asa White; harness maker, N;! J. Nye; masons, H. Burpee; North, Levi Flint; painters, L. Wiley ,j BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 155 (carriage,) C. C. Marshall; North, R. R. Wheeler, B. F. Wells; South, W. C. Hoyt; shoemaker, J. G. Rogers; wheelwrights, W. II. Marshall;: North, Tom Williams. Merchants —Truman Putney; North , Jos. Greeley; South , J. Il.j McAllister; flour and grain, H. W. Chadwick; meat, C. L. Andrew.i ;M. V. B. Shattuck ; millinery, North, Mrs. J. M. Sargent; ready-made, .'clothing, F. E. Fastman. Physicians —S. N. Welch; North , J. R. Smiley; South, G. C. Fuller. SWANZEY, CHESHIRE— Pop., 1026. S. W. from C., 55 ; S. from Keene, 4. R. R. S. —Swanzey, on Ashuelot R. R. OFFICERS— Clerk, and Su/ f., G. I. Cutler; Treas., 0. Sprague ; Se¬ lectmen, D. B. C. Hill, Stephen Faulkner, Edmund Stone. Postmasters —E. Howes ; Westport , G. W. Brooks; East, A. B. Reed. Justices —Joseph Hammond, Stephen Faulkner, B. Read, S. Bartlett, B.‘C. Smith, State; F. Downing - , T. T. Wetherbee, Enoch Howes, A. A.j Ware, Josiah Parsons, G. I. Cutler, G. W. Willis, Y. A. Woodcock, A. S. Kendall. Church —Cong., H. II. Saunderson. Physician —G. I. Cutler. Hotels —G. W. Howe; Prospect House, 11. T. Bidwell, p. o. ad., Keene, Manufacturers — clothes pins, East, E. Wilcox; nest and sauce buckets, lumber and staves, East, G. F. Lane; pail stock, East, D. E. Woodward: pails, East, Murphy & Alexander; Westport, James Marsh, Ephraim Murdock, jr., p. o. ad., Keene; toy and quarter pails' (and knife trays, C. G. & R. R. Ransdell; wool matresses, East, L. S. Lane. Merchants —Harriet Chamberlain; Westport, James Marsh & Co.; auctioneers, C. N. Hills, C. H. Howard. West— Postmaster— S. H. Fox. Churches —Bap.. E. J. Emery ; Meth.. T. Fowler; Uni.v.,-Tabor* Ex. & Tel. Ag’t—S. H. Fox. Hotel—Homer Evans. Manufacturers —beavers and cashmerets, Stratton Mills Co., H. S. Martin, Treas.; confectionery boxes, Sn.-w & Co.; leather, A. S. Ken-j dall; lumber, C. L. Russell & Co., S. 11. Holbrook, B. F. Lombard: pails and buckets, C. L. Russell & Co., Edmund Stone. Mechanics —blacksmiths L. R. Holbrook, L. B. Seaver. Merchants —S. H Fox, Frank Snow. TAM WORTH, CARROLL— Pop., 1344. N. E. from C., 60. N. from Ossipee, 13. R. R. S. —West Ossipee, 4. on Ports., Gt. Falls & Conway R. R. Daily stage. OFFICERS— Clerk, Joseph Gilman ; Treas., Jona. Nickerson : Select¬ men, Jona. Nickerson, J. F. Roberts, G. W. Roberts ; Supt., Franklin Davis. Postmasters —Miss Mary J. Gilman ; South, J. T. D. Fulsom ; Iron Works „ James Emery. Justices —Joseph Gilman, L. B. Mason. C. P. Cooke, D. M. Gilman, 0. G. Hatch, True Perkins, S. F. Thompson, State ; Andrew Neally, L. E. Reniiek, \V. P. Gilman, F. D. James, P. Mitchell, F. S. Weeks,} Alonzo Nickerson, D. Q. Tilton, James Howard, Jonalhau Nickerson, J. P. Smart, T. Wiggin, J. P. Cushing, II. M. Bartlett. Churches —F. Bap., J. S. Runnals; Cong., F. Davis ; Meth..- Hotel —Gilman’s, J.Gilman. Physician —J.C Bassett. Manufacturers —boots and shoes. F. N. Burleigh, W. B. Gilman, jcottage bedsteads, card boards, dry goods boxes and lumber, Morrill & Taylor ; thread spools, Wiggin & Haley, H. Metcalf. Mechanics —blacksmiths. N. H. Varney, Thos. Wiggin, Chas. White. 156 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. house; carpenters. S. E. Remick, N. II Varney, T. E. Whitten; ma¬ chinists, Goo. Varney, D. S. Morrill. A. Webster ; marble workers, F S. Weeks & Son. Merchants —C. P. Cook, L. E. Remick; South L. D. Mnson & Son, W. Eastmau ; Iron Works. Hath & Emery : auctioneer, S. S. Beech*. TEMPLE, HILLSBORO— Pop.. 421, S. W. from C. 45 ; W. from Nashua. 17. R. R. S —Greenville, on Peterboro & Shirley Branch R. R. Daily stage. OFFICERS— Clerk, C. P. Hayward ; Treat., C N. Colburn ; Selectmen , C. N. Colburn. C. W. Edwards, S. W. Edwards ; Board of Education. W. \j. Clark, Harvey Hadley, A. M. Howard, Chas. Waldron, E. B. Ed¬ wards, Geo. Barker, S. Ilodkins. Postmaster —N. Colburn. Hotel —Central House, Jas. Woodard. Justices —Jonathan M. Spaulding, C. P. Hayward. Lewis Howard. Church —Cong., W. L. Clark. Exp. Ag ! t & Merchant —C. P. Hayward. Manufacturers —lumber,- Burton, M. M. Balch. Mechanics —blacksmith, Geo. F. Barker; carpenter, J. S. Tuttle; cooper, James Woodward: machinist, M. M. Balch. TIIOIiXTON, GRAFTOX —Pop., 840. N. W r . from C., 57 ; N. from Plymouth, 14. R. R. S. —Thornton, on B. C. & M. R. R. Daily stage from June 30 to Sept. 30 ; tri-weekly the rest of the year. OFFICERS— Clerk. C. P. Sargeut; Treas., W. H. Gordon ; Selectmen, O. F. Janies, 0. C. Foss, John-Johnson ; Supt , JolinL. Barnard. Postmasters— 0. F . James ; IFesf, C. H. Weeks. Justices —J. Chapman, State ; M. B. Cone, C. P. Sargent, Quorum; Wm. Merrill, M. J. Hazeltine, Johu W. Pattee, A. Lyford. Church —F. Bap.,-. Express Agent —Frank Bartlett. Physician — E. G. Guilford. Hotel—Grafton House, I. E. Pattee, C. H. Weeks. Manufacturers —bobbins and dimension lumber, Dauforth & Mil- tou F’oss : can iages, Carter Foss, J. W. Pattee. Mechanics —blacksmiths, H. H. Fifield; carpenters, H. Y. Hart ; James F’ogg; painter and wheelwright, J. W. Pattee. Merchants —Enoch Emmons, C. H. Weeks. Thornton’s Ferry —See Merrimack. TIFT OX, BELKXA P— Pop., 1147. N. from C., 18. S. W. from Laconia. 10. R. R. S. —Tilton and Ea-t Tilton.on B. C. & M. R. R. OFFICERS — CUrk , S. H. Williams ; Treas., J. P. Dearborn ; Select¬ men , J. P. Dearborn, E. L_ Sanborn, H. Q. Dalton ; Supt., George Pliil- brick. Postmasters — D. E. Hill: East, Chase Rollins. Justices —B. T. Brown, C. Tk Rogers, A. B. Wyatt, J. B. Sanborn, W. C. Kellogg, F. E. White, D. N. Kemp, R. S. Perkins, State ; W. T. Cass,G. S. Philbriok. Churches— F. Bap., East, J. G. Munsey ; Cong., F. k T Perkins Epis., Henry II. Hayner ; Meth.. S. Quimby. Eating Houses —W. A. Colby, S. T. Holmes. • Ex. Agent—R, S. Perkins. Tel. Ag’t—Miss Lizzie A. Blake.^ Hotel —Dexter House, C. Foss. Lawyer —C. C. Rogers. Literary Institution—New Hampshire Conference Seminajy and Female College, pres., L. D. Barrows ; prin., Sylvester Dixon. / Livery Stable— J. L. Loverin. Manufacturers —excelsior, East. -Shaw ; lumber, B. P. Simonds, B. T. Brown; East, B. W. Brown; woolens, A. H. Tilton, Granite BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 157 Mills Co., A. S. Balantyne, ag’t, Elm Mills, R. Firtli, agent, Winnipi- saukee Mills, C. Boynton, Agent. Mechanics & Artisans —blacksmiths, C. B. Garmon, M. C. Abbott ; carpenters, D. M. Page, D S. Gilman, J. F. Eastman, L. Conant, D. C. |Tebbetts ; dress makers, Clark & Goodrich ; hair dresser, Geo. Nelson ; harness maker, A. B. Wyatt; masons, E. L. Sanborn, W. L. Sanborn ; painters,T. W. Long, Lougee Bros., F. Wilkins, 0. S. Reed ; East, E. iC. Fifield ; photographer, F. J. Moulton ; printer, G. W. Baker ; wheel¬ wrights. H. N. Atkinson, W. Sanborn- M. V. Streeter Merchants —J. F. Taylor, D. N. Kemp, Phil brick & Hill, J. Hill ; East, Chase Rollins, W. A. Colby; auctioneer, B. T. Brown ; books and stationery, G. A. Stevens, W. A. Colby; boots and shoes, Condou & Lung. G. W. Abbott ; clocks and watches, Albert Lord ; fancy goods, Condon & Lang; drugs and medicines, G. A. Stevens, Eastman & Herrick; millinery, Miss H. Page'; Clark & Goodrich; stoves and tin ware, Noyes & Thorp. Physicians —J. P. Osborn, C. R. Gould, J. H. Woodard, A. A. Moulton,0. S. Martin. TROY, CHESHIRE— Pop., 767. S. E. fr. C., 60 ; S. from Keene, 9. R. R.S. —Troy, on Cheshire R. R. OFFICERS— Cleric, H M. Whittemore ; Treas ., A. C. Dort; Selectmen, J. R. Stanley, Augustus Hodgkins, W. N. Watson ; Supts., G. H. Al¬ drich, A. C. Dort. Postmaster— C. W. Whitney. Justices —Edwin Butt-rick, John Clement, State ; Abel Baker, Quo¬ rum; E. P. Kimball, D. W. Farrar, Tlios. Toleman, W. N. Watson, J. R. Stanley, Edmund Bemis. Churches —Bap., J. S. Herrick ; Cong., James Marshall. Eating House— F. A. Aldrich. Ex. & Tel. Ag’t —A. G. Hurlburt. Hotel —Monadnock Hotel, John Clement. Livery Stables —E. P. Kimball, Ezekiel Starkey. Manufacturers —boots and shoes, James Capron, Ransom Ingalls ; clothes pins and pail handles, B. F. Fox & Co.; earthen ware, C. M. Silsby & Co., Farrar & Frappier; flour and meal, Winthrop Knights ; leather, W. G. & R. M. Silsby ; pails and tubs, Edwin Buttriek & Co.; pails and nest buckets, C. D. Farrar; woolens, Troy Blanket Co., Bar¬ rett Ripley, ag’t; pail handies, Webster Corey ; picture frames, Wright, Brown & Co. Mechanic?- —blacksmiths, Alden Upbam & Co.; carpenters, J. E. Royce, C. H. Gove, Amos Ingalls; painters, Wm, Harris, A. M. For- ristall; printer, H. C. Newton; stone masons, J. R. Stanley, Luther Whittemore, A. B. Gates, Frank Harvey; wheelwright, Winthrop Knights. Merchants —C. W. Whitney, E. P. Kimball & Sons : auctioneer, John Clement; books, stationery and yankee notions, II. C. Newton ; carriages, grain and mill feed, Ezekiel Starkey ; meat, J. R. Deane. Tl T FTON T Bt Unity to New¬ port. OFFICERS —Cleric , J. M. Perkins: Treas., Amos Perkins ; Selectmen , Selim Sleeper, F. L. Quimby. G. E. Bartlett; Supt., A. H. Gould. Postmasters —Mrs. H. E. Lewis; East, C. A. Clough. Justices —Amos Perkins. Harvey Hnntoon, E. J. Glidden, E. W. Woodell, State; John Paul, J. M. Perkins, Nathan Huntoon, Selim Sleeper, I. P. Breed. M. Johnson. Churches —Bap.,-; Meth.,-TTesi-. Hotel—Unity Springs House. Moses Fairbanks & Co. Mechanics— blacksmiths, S. Smith, C H. Cammet & Son ; carpen¬ ters, C. Straw, I. Gillingham; East , L. Whittemore, A. A. Gilman, John Currier, Harvey Beuway : coopers, R. J. Hall, Luther Hall; East , L. Whittemore; wheelwrights, A. Bailey, H. B. Walker & Sons. Merchants —groceries, J. P. Whitaker ; East. C. A. Clough ; lumber, C. & G. B. Gilman. Wad ley’s Falls—See Lee. WAKEFIELD, CARROLL —Pop., 1185. N. E. from C., 43. S. from Ossipee, 10. R. R. S. —Union, Wolfeboro Junction, Wakefield, North and East Wakefield Dep>-t, on Ports. Gt. Falls & C. R. R. OFFICERS— Clerk., G. A. Yeaton; Treas , Daniel Brackett; Select¬ men, Daniel Brackett S. H. Smith, II. R. Waldron; Supts., N. Bar¬ ker, C. W. Sanborn, Asa M. Brackett. Postmasters —Hiram Paul; East. Thomas Wood: North, Mrs. J. Hill; East Depot, I. S. Lowd : Sanborn's, G. F. Piper; Union, Elijah Wadleigh; Horn-s Mills. John G. Sanborn. Justices —J. W. Sanborn, Elijah Wadleigh, M. B. Smith, D. S. Bur¬ ley, J. E. Scranton, C. W. Sanborn, State; James Me N. Cooke, S. H. Smith. J. II. Cloutiuan, C. A. Yarney, G. H. Gage, J. M. Burley, Geo. Gage, Wm. T. Wells. Churches —Cong., G. O. Jenness ; Epis., Wolfeboro Junction, W. B. T. Smith; F. Bap.. II. P. Mansur. Express Ag’ts —Arthur Paul, E. W. Junkins, A. 0. Robinson, D. Davis, J. W. Mathes. Hotels —National House, Depot, Mrs. G. H. Wiggin ; Wolfeboro Junction, J . Clement; Union , Union, R. H. Pike; Sanborn, House, M. Wentworth. Lawyer —L. D. Sawyer. Livery Stables— Wolfeboro Junction , M. Wentworth; East Depot , I. S. Lowd. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 159 Manufacturers —chairs, R. Sanborn ; excelsior, S. II. Buzzell; felt doth, John Mickle; grave stones, H. F. Stevens ; lumber, J. W. San-! born. Win. Meserve, Pine River Lumber Co.; Union, R. II. Pike ; Depot, staves,*11. II. Stanley. j Mechanics —blacksmiths, J. H. Junkins,-Runnels, J. P. Fel¬ lows, G. L. Wentworth ; carpenters, T. C. Burley, G. W\ Drew & Son, Jackson Horne, E. D. Yeaton, I. N. Fellows, J. W. Hill, G. R. Dore, G. A. Neal ; harness maker, G.W. Sawyer ; masons, Noah Kim¬ ball, N. K. Nniter; tailors,-Asa Brown, H. Scammon. | Merchants —A. J. 1 Milliken, Geo. A. Yeaton ; Union, A. F. Wood & 'Co., C. A. Varney, E. Wadleigh, J. P. Gilman, J. Penny; Wolfeboro, Junction , 0. Cottle, J. W. Garvin & Co.; North, J. W. Mathes, ; Depot , F. Sawyer & Co.; auctioneer, J. W. Sanborn; hardware, Union. Cooper & Hutchins. j Physicians —S. W. Roberts; Union, J. L. Swinerton, J. E. Scruton. 1 Tel. Agents —E. W. Junkins, A. 0. Robinson, Arthur Paul, Clara Davis. I WALPOLE, CHESHIRE— Pop. 1830. S. W. from C., 60. N. W. fr. Keene, 18. R. R. S —Walpole and Cold Riv. on Cheshire IL R. OFFICERS— Clerk, A. P. Richardson ; Treas., T. B. Buffum; Select men, Henry Burt, D. A. De Wolf, II. C. Rawson ; Supt., Geo. Aldrich. Postmasters —R. L. Ball; Drewsville, W. A. Bond. Justices —A. H. Bellows; Drewsville, Hope Lathrop, State; E. K Seabury, H. W. S. Griswold, H. E. Putnam, J. G. Bellows, R. L. Ball, Chas. Fisher, W. P. Mason, Scott Wellington. j Churches— Chris., -; Cong., Edwin Seabury; Epis., Drews¬ ville. St. Peter’s,-; Unit., Wm. Brown. Exp. Agent— II. A. Perry. Tel. Ag’t— W. G. Barnett. Hotels —Wentworth House, H. A. Perry; Drewsville, Mountain House, Thomas Taunt. Lawyer —J. G. Bellows. Literary Inst.—Walpole High School, C. R. Crowell, prin. Livery Stable —W. A. Maynard. Manufacturers —leather, A. F. Maynard; lumber, C. B. Hall; pic¬ ture frames and nest boxes. W. A. & C. B. Bond. Mechanics & Artisans —blacksmiths, E. W. Barker, Hicks & Wat¬ kins, A. A. Beckwith; carpenters, A. W. Burt, Hubbard Newton,I M. J. Hale, E. W. Watkins; hair dresser, Richard Knapp; harness maker, Henry Allen; painters, Herod Brown, Win. Warn; photo*! grapher,E. A. Chapin. Merchants —G. P. Porter & Co., E. K. Seabury ; Drewsville, W. A.! & C. B. Bond; auctioneers, Ephraim Barker, Chas. Fisher; books, sta-' tionery, drugs and medicines, C.C. Davis"; boots and shoes R. L. Ball ;| hardware, B. P. Owen; millinery, Jenny Fuller, Mrs. Watkins. Physicians —G. A. Blake, A. P. Richardson, W. B. Por er. WAUYEit, MERRIMACK—Pop., 1(367. N. W. from C., 18 m. R. R. S —Warner, on C. & C. R. R. OFFICERS — Clerk, Frank Heath; Treas., J. G. Ela; Selectmen , J. D. Currier, Paine Davis, J. G. Ela ; Supts., S. C. Patter, E. C. Cole i E. II. Walker. Postmasters —E. II. Carroll; Roby's Corner, M. II, Roby. Justices —II. II. Harriman, N. G. Ordway, S. S. Beau, A. P. Davis, Robert Thompson, State; G. C. George, Quorum; H. R. Sargent, A. C.i Carroll, A. W. Harriman, J. G. Ela, J. M. Harriman, P. C. Wheeler, G. N. Tewksbury, E. C. Cole, A. Gilmore, R. E. Walker, John George, M. J. Collins, A. Kelly, E. M. Dunbar. jl60 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Churches —Bap., W. II. Walker; Cong., - -; Meth., - -; Univ., L. Willis. Exp. & Tel. Agent —A. R. Putman Ins. Agent. — A. P. Davis. Hotels —Warner and Kearsarge, Fred Smith. Lawyers —Samuel Davis, A. P. Davis. Manufacturers —baskets, W. Haskell; bedsteads, John Rogers; boots, John Osgood ; boxes, F. M. Watson & Co.: card board, Davis Bros., p. o. ad., Contoocook; chairs, S. C. Pearce, p. o. ad., Bradford; clothes pins and hubs, C. P. & C. W. Redington ; excelsior, John Rog¬ ers, Bartlett Bros., 0. II. P Bartlett ; flour and meal, J. C. Ela; lum¬ ber, N. G. Ordway, J. C. Ela, Davis & Co. Mechanics —blacksmiths, E. II. Harriman, P. C. Clough, W. D. Chase, N. Chase, - Turner; carpenters, W. K. Morrill, A. Rowe, G. F. Edmonds, Edgar Davis; harness maker, J. S. Rogers; mason, George Watson; painters, II. Buswell, L. N. Chase ; (carriage), M. C. Harriman; printer, J. G. Ela; tailor, C. A. Benton & Co.; watch¬ maker, J. H. Morrill; wheelwrights, B. F. Harriman & Son, W. Johnson ; wool carding, J. C. Ela. Merchants —R. Thompson, A. C. Carroll & Son, J. G. Ela, B. F. Heatff, S. W. Davis, Hubbard & Trussell, p. o. ad., Contoocook; Bart-J lett Bros., C. H. P. Bartlett, p. o.ad., Roby’s Corner; auctioneer. A. P. Davis ; clothing. C. A. Benton & Co.; drugs and medicines, Geo. II. Ingalls ; meat, J. Sawyer & Son ; millinery, Mrs. G. H. Ingalls, Miss Mary S. Porter; tin, sheet iron and stoves, Smith Bros., Clark Bros. Physicians —J. M. Rix, J. Cogswell. WARREX, GRA FTON —Pop.,960. N. W. from C., 65 ; E. from Haverhill, 15. R. R. S. —Warren, Warren Summit on B. C. & M. R. R. 1 OFFICERS— Clerk , A. M. Weeks ; Treas., I. M. Weeks ; Selectmen ,| Ezra Libbey, D. Q. Clement, Adoniram Whitcher; Supt., D. A. French. Postmasters —J. S. Jewett; Summit , D. K. Davis. Justices —J. S. Jewett, I. M. Weeks, J. M. Williams, State ; Ezra Libbey, F. C. Cummings. I). A. French, J. F. Merrill. Church—Meth., L. W. Prescott. Exp. Ag’t— J. E. Davis. Hotel —Mosilauk House, L. M. French. Ins. Ag’t— J. M. Will lams. Manufacturers —bobbins, L. F. Jewell, James Jewell, Merrill & Clark ; lumber,, A. B. Merrill, Knapp & Putnam, shingles, Geo. B.j Merrill ; starch, R. Lv. & D. Q. Clement; window shades, < Alton, 221 170 15 232 172 1769 723,006 3.86 Barnstead, 123 254 2 118 255 1544 598,980 3.02 Belmont, 133 174 129 176 1185 675,093 3.39 C’ter Harbor, 71 80 79 79 446 214,041 1.07 Gilford, 336 299 3 270 223 3361 1,293.872 7.5 4 Grilmanton, 213 158 1 236 183 1644 6 44,220 3.43 Laconia, 307 443 1 400 518 3 2309 2.590,578 10.60 Meredith,' 186 237 191 224 1807 895,771 4.51 N. Hampton, Sanbornton, 169 99 4 177 95 2 1257 410,075 2.32 129 189 142 203 1236 585,589 3.37 1 L'ilton. 128 149 9 138 159 7 1147 541,888 2.73 2006 2252 35 2112 2289 12 17,705 9,173,113 45.84 Carroll County—18 towns. Albany, 36 47 34 56 339 123,266 .62 Bartlett, 46 165 60 163 629 240,263 1.22 Brookfield, 59 46 65 49 1 416 205,269 1.04 Chatham, 55 59 63 57 445 124,317 .67 Conway. 208 242 239 267 1607 655,547 3.80 Eaton, 35 124 37 110 656 152,577 .771 Effingham, 103 181 118 143 904 294,456 1.49; Freedom, 33 170 32 149 1737 339,067 1.70 Hart's Locat’n, 10 5 10 3 26 24,310 .26 Hale’s Locat’n, 4 .01 Jackson, 9 123 12 115 2 474 221.112 .86, Madison, 116 35 112 36 646 189,852 .96 Moultonboro, 124 173 109 201 1299 424,801 2.15 Ossipee, 218 240 4 226 197 8 1822 599,915 3.02 Sandwich, 273 203 2 263 218 4 1854 524.639 3.22 Tam worth, 181 155 207 145 1344 472,988 2.23 Tuftonboro, L03 145 1 122 146 5 949 424.972 2.13 Wakefield, 143 136 2 134 177 1185 605,715 3.05 Wolfeboro, 265 301 311 312 1995 1,545,610 7.78 2017 2553 9 2154 2544 20 17331 7,168,676 36.98 Cheshire^County—23 towns. Alstead, 141 138 154 153 1213 659,077 3.69 Chesterfield, 147 124 3 167 151 1289 598,762 3.24 Dublin, 100 24 107 28 930 398,052 2.00 Fitzwilliam, 206 59 22 194 89 2 1140 584,560 3.15 Grilsuin, 67 105 . 69 102 590 328,051 1.78 178 GOV. VOTE— POPULATION— •VALUATION AC. i Harrisville, 88 96 92 80 2 1342 434,876 2.31 Hinsdale, 258 96 3 260 98 4 1342 805,430 3.80 Jaffrey, 185 106 7 196 117 1256 916,780 4.61 Keene, 925 562 10 946 604 5 5971 6,458,801 29.97 Ward 1, 215 139 1 239 152 Ward 2, 171 64 3 156 84 1 Ward 3, 218 124 4 228 128 3 . Ward 4, 180 78 2 188 83 1 Ward 5, 141 157 135 157 Marlborough, 257 50 1 252 49 2 1017 602,857 3.42 Marlow, 93 101 83 104 710 410,923 2.07 Nelson, 64 44 67 43 744 219,985 1.10 Richmond, 99 80 105 94 868 318.656 1.60 Rindge, 193 58 189 56 1107 555,755 2.99 Roxbury, 26 11 24 10 . 174 88,048 .44 Stoddard, 57 69 1 46 80 667 287,297 1.44 Sullivan, 66 20 69 25 347 260,596 1.51 Surry, 53 37 52 51 318 210,459 1.16 jSwanzey, # 163 222 15 167 241 9 1626 868,050 3.87 Troy, 119 50 1 130 53 767 461,869 2.37 Walpole, 199 241 ' 1 189 252 1 1830 1,247,878 7.05 Westmorel’d, 145 143 1 144 151 3 1256 766,546 4.24 Winchester, 274 232 7 278 264 2 2097 1,150,957 5.39 3925 2668 72 3980 2895 30 27265 18,634,265 93.21 Coos County —22 TOWNS. Berlin, 30 68 30 60 529 238,890 1.30 (Cambridge did not vote, 28 27,000 .14; (Carroll, 26 68 i 33 60 378 264,060 1.33! IClarksville, 31 43 33 42 269 95,824 .63; jColebrook, 211 185 2 219 179 1372 593,056 3.37 Columbia, 103 88 115 82 752 291,793 1.57- Dalton, 56 89 1 54 88 ' 773 213,623 1.20 Tummer, 53 43 46 39 317 77,180 .44| lErroll, 11 28 15 29 178 74,402 .50! Gorham, 116 152 1 121 146 1167 365,907 2.14 Jefferson, 48 167 10 44 148 4 826 242,581 1.52 Lancaster, 306 314 29 329 300 14 2248 1,162,596 5.86 ! Milan, 109 66 113 74 710 186,106 .94 jNorthumbTd 113 132 3 97 142 1 955 372,828 2.06 Pittsburg, 55 59 55 60 400 177.990 1.41; i Randolph, 6 33 7 33 138 59,670 .30! Shelburne, 40 21 37 27 259 118,146 .59 Stark, 64 82 68 82 464 208,802 1.05 Stewartstown , 35 172 4 48 159 909 298,445 1.80 Stratford, 68 110 69 119 886 310,709 1.75 Wentworth’s Lo. 0 10 10 38 19,000 .09 Whitefield, 192 173 12 181 168 15 1196 504,355 2.67 iBean’s Purchase. 14,000 .07 IChandler’s Purchase. 3,500 •02 Crawford’s Purchase. 40,000 .20 jCutts’ Grant. 7,500 .03 'Dixville. 8 20.000 .10 Dix’s Grant. 8,000 .04 Ervin’s Grant. 2,400 .01 GOV. VOTE—POPULATION- —VALUATION &C. 179 Green’s Grant. 71 6,500 .33 Low & Burbank’s Grant. 10.000 .05 Gilmantou & Atkinson Academy Grant. 14,500 .07 Ivilkenney. 16,000 .08 Sawyer & Burbank’s Grant. 5,000 .05 Martin’s Location. 17 5,000 .03 Millsfield Location. 28 29,000 .15 Nash & Sawyer’s Loc. 7,500 .04 Odell’s Township. 1 33.000 .18 Pinkham's Grant. 51,000 .03 Success. 5 16,3o0 .08 Sargent’s Purchase. 26,700 .14 Second College Grant. 11 19,500 .13 Thompson & Meserve’s Purchase 12,500 .06 Crawford’s Grant. 26.000 .14 1673"" l JTo3 57 1714 2053 34 15,580 6,276,869 34.66 Grafton County— 38 towns. Alexandria, 103 133 101 141 1 877 263,136 1.45 Ashland, 170 87 159 89 1 885 588,102 2.97 Bath, Benton, 96 139 106 130 1168 593.741 2.99 18 60 14 67 375 134.709 .68 Bethlehem, 43 263 25 255 1 998 432,213 2.43 Bridgewater, 65 44 63 47 453 149,323 .75 Bristol, 246 144 2 248 145 3 1416 594,958 3.27 Campton, 173 125 ISO 130 1226 361,902 1.94 Canaan, 233 175 272 202 2 1877 689,408 3.47 Dorchester, 47 101 44 96 689 160,935 .81 Easton, 8 78 8 77 Ellsworth, 2 51 1 46 5 39,552 .20 Enfield, 206 156 224 172 4 1662 842,963 4.54 Franconia, 48 92 46 94 549 280,050 1.41 Grafton, 100 136 105 145 907 391,112 1.97 Groton, 53 76 56 81 583 164.517 .83 Hanover, 259 157 238 161 2085 1,130,928 5.63 Haverhill, 238 311 233 302 2270 963,808 4.93 Hebron, 38 60 36 60 382 • 119,914 .68 Holderness, 85 113 85 113 793 268,118 1.47 Landaif, 32 86 43 149 882 375,917 1.79 Lebanon, 601 261 640 289 3098 2,369,765 11.92 Lincoln, 8 8 7 11 71 34,001 .17 Lisbon, 241 218 255 202 1 1848 987,442 4.97 Littleton, 315 365 292 367 2446 1,250,891 6.55 Livermore, 6 7 7 6 1 Lyman, 69 95 75 86 658 229,674 1.16 Lyme, 218 95 4 221 107 1 1358 572,948 3.07 Monroe, 79 45 76 39 532 228,219 1.25 Orange, 45 39 53 45 340 112,526 .52 Orford, 168 98 1 164 123 1119 587,371 3.36 Piermont, 97 73 103 66 792 450,402 2.26 Plymouth, 191 236 179 236 1409 784.824 3.95 Rumney, Thornton, 153 128 8 148 126 8 1164 426,602 2.41 67 143 64 146 840 190.979 .96 Warren, 56 170 54 174 960 360,200 1.81 W aterville, 1 7 2 7 33 23,713 .12 Wentworth, 66 207 65 190 971 312,850 1.17 180 GOV. VOTE—POPULATION— -VALUATION 40. Woodstock, 28 66 1 28 66 405 85,448 .51 Elkins’ Grant. 30,000 .15 Sargent & Elkins’ Grant. 7,500 .04 Hatch & Cleaves’ Grant. 600 . 01 ; Two Raymond Grants. 500 .01! Bean & Gilman’s Purchase, • 2,000 01. ' 4677 4353 11 4705 4905 22 17,596,761 90.75 Hillsborough County— 31 towns. Amherst, 204 114 4 217 115 5 1353 885,440 4.46 Antrim, 161 157 1 159 165 2 905 581,541- 3.29 Bedford, 159 138 1 161 164 1221 673,712 3.90 Bennington, 40 64 50 72 401 217,464 1.09 Brookline, 107 118 110 117 741 362.110 1.88: Deering, 61 117 1 54 123 2 722 287,219 1.70 Francestown, 142 97 146 100 579,633 3.18; Goffstown, 250 195 3 246 207 1656 1,083,533 5 . 45 : Greenfield, 60 121 67 119 527 373,860 2.02 Greenville, 120 54 120 52 975 571,093 2.87 i Hancock, 83 113 88 112 692 425,149 2.31: Hillsboro, 200 260 8 195 273 9 1595 754,139 4.31 i Hollis. 168 136 2 172 145 2 1080 816,672 4.12 Hudson, 130 144 1 148 142 1066 688,035 3.46 Litchfield, 35 56 36 54 345 312,611 1.61! Lyndeboro, 97 104 101 123 820 302,601 7.72 Manchester, 2506 1762 26 2752 2116 9 23509 19,242.430 99.3l| Ward 1, 268 82 4 564 153 2 Ward 2, 350 119 4 703 230 3 Ward 3, 484 283 7 254 240 1 Ward 4, 477 270 2 278 294 Ward 5, 128 622 3 408 669 1 Ward 6, 336 175 1 342 402 Ward 7, 275 79 2 203 128 2 Ward 8, 188 132 Mason, 74 89 75 100 1364 420,261 2.26' Merrimack, 167 90 177 120 1066 734,340 3.86>. Milford, 463 142 484 146 3 2606 2,090,065 9.64! Mont Vernon , 68 88 73 82 601 364,832 1.84 Nashua, 1268 1099 11 1249 1180 26 10541 9405,195 43.63 Ward 1, 193 136 2 204 156 2 Ward 2, 156 115 1 178 156 1 Ward 3, 59 129 1 46 81 2 Ward 4, 130 32 128 36 1 Ward 5, 67 167 157 237 2 Ward 6, 319 239 2 212 206 8 Ward 7, 184 160 2 180 165 7 Ward 8, 180 121 3 144 143 3 New Boston, 144 173 5 133 186 1 1241 804,426 4.18 N. Ipswich, 177 60 2 169 86 1380 657,951 3.82, Pelham 93 128 106 118 861 657,225 3.81 Peterbor’gk, 338 162 2 371 221 2236 1,674,976 9.69 Sharon, 35 ^28 34 33 182 82,672 42 ! ! Temple, 58 41 66 51 421 219,710 1.19, Weare, 291 199 1 288 202 7 2093 1,054,153 5.31 W'ilton, 197 229 201 245 1974 990,834 4.61 GOV. VOTE—POPULATION— -VALUATION <&C. 181 Windsor, 4 15 4 16 81 52,695 " 2 1 7900 6293 68 8252 6985 65 64212 47,366,577 241.29 Merrimack County— 26* TOWNS. Allenstown, 52 100 45 118 804 753,401 5.40' Andover, 100 258 102 265 l 1206 659,609 3.32 Boscawen, 173 164 2 • 161 170 2 1637 1, 088,823 5.33 Bow, 90 130 1 101 133 1 745 491,180 2.47 J Brad ford, 110 165 2 114 179 1081 501,922 2.53 Canterbury, 154 114 160 106 1169 670,978 3.38| Chichester,) 86 128 97 116 1 872 320,309 1.88 'Concord, 1899 1330 15 1930 1400 13 1224 12,031,652 55.50 Ward 1, 204 163 6 211 170 7 Ward 2, 79 143 2 79 148 1 Ward 3, 93 103 106 110 Ward 4, 477 282 2 455 299 Ward 5, 432 202 n 404 213 Ward 6, 409 292 5 441 304 4 Ward 7, 205 145 234 156 jDanbury, 92 124 101 118 2796 366,639 1.85 Dunbarton, 111 81 2 122 90 1 778 633,989 3.19 Epsom, 115 146 110 155 993 391,704 2.08 Franklin, 316 480 3 374 424 3 2301 1,626,926 10.641 Henniker, 194 200 188 198 1288 811,701 4.08! Hill, 105 60 115 68 620 227,854 1.24, Hooksett, 186 98 3 193 m 1331 887,395 4.46 Hopkinton, 261 213 252 256 2 1815 1,312,966 5.85| iLoudon, 100 222 125 227 1282 732,339 3.70[ ■Newbury, 42 120 38 121 601 298,782 1.50| iNew London, 144 90 L40 80 1 959 478,315 2.71 j Northfield, 115 106 125 109 836 529,303 2.44; Pembroke, 250 140 3 242 192 8 2518 1,436,288 6.97 Pittsfield, 197 250 2 273 293 7 1690 1,036,743 5.22; Salisbury, 90 118 80 137 897 424,930 2.14; Sutton, 150 128 152 132 1155 474,471 2.39 Warner, 256 213 251 222 1667 1,050,074 5.29! Webster, 104 82 108 83 1 689 413,758 2.08 Wilmot, 107 146 105 150 - 1072 291,420 1.78 5599 5403 33 5804 5664 41 43757 29,943,471 149.42 Rockingham County- —38 TOWNS. Atkinson, 90 65 82 72 1 488 330,102 1.79 Auburn, 109 91 106 90 815 328,360 1.78! Brentwood, 121 67 128 52 895 341.085 1.87 Candia, 183 181 191 190 1457 583,313 2.95 Chester, 204 93 226 85 1153 483.931 2.81| Danville, 96 76 1 84 85 548 232,059 1.15 Deerfield, 211 227 202 224 1768 645,969 3.70 Derry, 278 138 261 138 3 1S09 873,708 5.15 E. Kingston, 58 88 57 92 2 553 259,986 i.3i j Epping, 191 205 181 214 7 1270 703,845 3.54 Exeter, 543 156 3 583 171 1 3437 2,565.397 12.91 Fremont, 87 62 4 94 74 1 527 237,516 1.20 Gosport, annexed to Rye 94 2,334 .11 182 GOV. VOTE— -POPULATION- -VALUATION AC. Greenland, 78 95 4 87 93 5 695. 474,448 2.77 Hampstead, 129 98 4 126 111 8 935 414,777 2.09 Hampton, 188 119 177 121 1177 736,225 3.70! Hamp’n Falls , 109 49 108 41 1 679 316,234 1.72! Kensington, 73 86 78 84 641 325.069 1.76 Kingston, 137 142 4 130 152 10 1054 449.767 2.57 i Londonderry, 235 120 1 237 128 2 1405 709,878 3.93 Newcastle, 98 84 103 83 667 173,959 .85 Newington, 34 73 25 73 414 243,681 1.36 Newmarket, 226 288 242 268 1987 1,214,796 7.38 j Newton, 126 116 135 118 . ' 856 342,006 1.72 !n. Hampton, 91 130 85 131 723 485,861 2.45 North wood, 187 140 208 123 1 1430 547,888 2.97 Nottingham, 139 130 2 133 129 1 1130 426,575 2.16 Plaistow, 106 48 118 60 1 879 374,363 1.89 Portsmouth, 1146 1113 10 1154 1227 7 9211 8,567,765 50.65 Ward 1, 441 371 6 121 236 3 Ward 2, 485 350 2 195 108 1 Ward 3, 66 149 2 158 292 1 Ward 4, 154 243 65 122 Ward 5, 340 • 86 1 Ward 6, 116 275 Ward 7, 159 108 1 Raymond, 119 217 132 217 1121 485,346 2.44 Rye, 116 196 96 163 994 696.975 3.78 i Salem, 227 165 8 233 176 27 1603 566,161 3.42 Sandown, 55 84 58 88 496 212,739 1.17 Seabrook, 155 213 1 181 198 1609 333,233 1.68 S. Hampton, 65 62 1 64 66 448 266,685 1.34 S. Newm’ket, 157 73 1 165 67 6 808 457,948 2.30 jStratham, 94 105 105 92 769 634,093 3.28; Windham, 112 55 117 56 1 753 399,223 1.93 6378 5450 45 6492 5564 85 47310 27,443,300151.60 1 Strafford County- -13 TOWNS. Barrington, 207 156 2 217 204 9 1583 658,9S3 3.42 Dover, 1187 885 12 1162 851 19 9012 8,448,852 36.35 Ward 1, 212 134 2 193 95 5 * Ward 2, 311 279 6 342 481 6 Ward 3, 283 243 2 523 185 8 Ward 4, 376 229 2 104 90 Durham, 160 103 176 85 1299 653,672 3.52 Farmington, 392 371 7 396 376 11 2063 1,226,883 6.63 Lee, 92 91 1 75 122 3 776 407,038 2.56 Madbury, 85 47 76 51 408 292,519 1.26 Middleton, 34 72 33 63 476 154,559 .78 Milton, 228 137 232 131 1598 559,437 3.33 New Durham 48 152 2 45 143 4 974 297,273 1.63 Rochester 657 529 6 631 479 40 4104 2,832,012 14.12 Rollinsford, 189 88 7 196 93 1500 1,329,872 7.05 Somersworth 590 308 10 555 350 8 4504 2,963,351 16.10 Strafford, 167 255 1 172 252 1668 611,476 3.33’ i 4036 3194 48 3966 3200 94 29965 20,435,927 100.14 .1 U. S COURTS IN NEW HAMPSHIRE 183 Sullivan County— 15 towns. t Acworth, 157 127 149 147 1050 495,704 2.65 Charlestown, 222 143 236 153 1742 1,328,880 7.09 iClaremont, 662 301 7 665 290 13 4053 2,735,287 17.35 jCornish, 191 104 209 119 1334 665,364 3.35 iCroydon, 113 53 2 123 47 2 652 263,618 1.33 Goshen, 55 75 60 82 507 254,889 1.28 {Grantham, 87 74 94 72 * 608 213,728 1.08 Langdon, 71 34 70 41 411 321,172 1.62 Lempster, 94 87 2 93 95 1 678 271,229 1.46 Newport, 366 308 3 366 315 2 2163 1,412,693 8.38 Plainfield 143 195 154 195 1 1589 658,334 3.71 Springfield, 114 93 97 102 781 217,709 1.10 Sunapee, 99 129 1 91 138 808 290,903 1.56 Unity, 59 129 57 128- 839 367,070 1.90 Washington, 113 105 118 110 2 839 399,132 2.11 2546 1957 15 2582 2034 21 18054 9,895,712 56.15 SUMMARY BY COUNTIES. Belknap, 2006 2252 35 2112 2289 12 17,705 9,173,113 Carroll, 2017 2553 9 2154 2544 20 17,331 7,168,676 Cheshire, 3925 2668 72 3980 2895 30 27,265 18,634,265 Coos, 1673 2103 63 1714 2053 34 15,580 6,276,869 Grafton, 4677 4853 11 4705 4905 22 38,725 17,596,761 Hillsborough, 7900 6293 68 8252 6985 65 64,212 47,366,577 Merrimack, 5599 5403 33 5804 5664 41 43,757 29,943,471 Rockingham, 6378 5450 45 6492 5564 85 47,310 27,443,300 Strafford, 4036 3194 48 3966 3200 94 29,965 20,, 35,927 Sullivan, 2546 1957 15 2582 2034 21 18,054 9,fi 95,712 12,821 11,581 161 41,761 38,133 424 319,904 152,957,168 11,581 38,133 161 424 Total votes, 24,563 80,318 United States Courts in New-IIainpsliire. Circuit Court Judge —George F. Shepley, Portland, Me. Circuit Court Clerk —Win. H. Hackett, Portsmouth. ,District Court Judge —Daniel Clark, Manchester, j District Court Clerk —Charles H. Bartlett, Manchester. Marshal —J. N. Patterson, Concord. Deputy Marshal —J. P. Morse, Portsmouth. SESSIONS OF THE C0URT8. Circuit Court at Portsmouth, 8th day of May, and at Exeter, 8th day of October. District Court at Portsmouth, 3d Tuesdays of March and September; at Exeter, 3d Tuesdays of June and December. 184 JUDICIARY DEPARTMENT. Jndiciary Department. THE SUPREME CJURT. Charles Doe, Rollinsfurd, Chief Justice. William L. Foster, Concord, Associate Justice. Clinton W. Stanley, Manchester, Associate Justice. Isaac W. Smith, Manchester. Associate Justice. George A. Bingham, Littleton, Associate Justice. William H. 11. Allen, Claremont, Associate Justice. Lewis YY. Clark, Manchester, Associate Justice. Mason YY 7 . Tappan, Bradford, Attorney General. Edward A. Jenks, Concord, Reporter. CLERKS. Counties. Names. Residences. Belknap, Martin A. Haynes, Lake Y’illage. Carroll, YYhlliam A. Heard, Sandwicch. Cheshire, Edward Farrar, Keene. Coos, Moses A. Hastings, Lancaster. Grafton, Charles B. Griswold, Lebanon. Hillsboro, George A. Ramsdell, Nashua. Merrimack, Luther S. Morrill, Concord. Rockingham, Charles G. Conner, George E. Durgin, Exeter. Strafford, Dover. Sullivan, Geo. E. Dame, SOLICITORS. Newport. Counties. Names. Residences. Belknap, John W. Currier, Alton. Carroll, Buel C. Carter, Wolfeboro. Cheshire, Daniel K. Healey, Keene. Coos, Edgar Aldrich, Colebrook. Gfrafton, Evarts \Y\ Farr, Charles II. Burns, Littleton. Hillsboro, YYhlton. Merrimack, Herman YY\ Greene, Hopkinton. Rockingham, Wm. B. Small, Newmarket. Strafford, Charles B. Shackford, Dover. Sullivan, Ira Colby, Claremont. LAW TERMS. At Concord, on the first Tuesday in June and the first Tuesday in December. There are also adjourned terms in March and August of each year. TRIAL TERMS. For the County of Belknap, at Laconia, on the fourth Tuesday of March and the fourth Tuesday of September. For the County of Carroll, at Ossipee on the third Tuesday of April and the third Tuesday of October. For the County of Cheshire, at Keene, on the first Tuesday of April and the third Tuesday of October. For the County of Coos, at Colebrook, on the first Tuesday of Feb¬ ruary and the third Tuesday of August, and at Lancaster on the' fourth Tuesday of April and the first Tuesday of November. For the County of Grafton, at Haverhill, on the fourth Tuesday of March and the fourth Tuesday of September, and at Plymouth on the first Tuesday of May and the first Tuesday of November. JUDICIARY DEPARTMENT. 185 For the County of Hillsborough, at Amherst, on the first Tuesday of May; at Manchester, on the first Tuesday ol» January, and at Nashua on the first Tuesday of September. | For the County of Merrimack, at Concord, on the first Tuesday of October and the first Tuesday of April. For the County of Rockingham, at Portsmouth, on the third Tues¬ day of October, and at Exeter, on the third Tuesday of January and the second Tuesday of April. For tlie County of Strafford, at Dover, on the second Tuesday of February and the first Tuesday of September. For the County of Sullivan, at Newport, on the fourth Tuesday of January and the first Tuesday of September. ASSIGNMENTS OF JUDGES FOR FIRST HALF OF THE YEAR 1878 * Manchester, Jan. 1st, Allen ; Exeter, Jan. 15th, Bingham; Newport, Jan. 22d, Clark ; Colebrook, Feb. 5th, Doe; Dover, Feb. 12th, Smith; Haverhill, Mar. 26th, Stanley; Laconia, Mar. 26, Bingham ; Concord, Apr. 2, Foster ; Keene, Apr. 2, Doe ; Exeter, Apr. 9, Smith ; Ossipee, Apr. 16th, Stanley ; Lancaster, Apr. 23d, Clark; Plymouth, May 7th, Foster; Amherst, May 7th, Allen. * This assignment is made for only six months at a time. PROBATE COURTS. JUDGES. * Counties . Names. Residences. Belknap, Samuel W. Rollins, Meredith. Carroll, Larkin D. Mason, South Tamworth. Cheshire, Josiah G. Bellows, Walpole. Coos, Wm. D. Weeks, Lancaster. Grafton, j Frederick Chase. Hanover. Hillsboro, Henry E. Burnham, Manchester. Merrimack, Nehemiah Butler, Boscawen. Rockingham, Thomas Leavitt, Exeter Stratford, Jacob D. Young, Madbury. Sullivan, William Clark, REGISTERS. Claremont. Counties. Names. Residences. Belknap, Daniel S. Dinsmoor, Laconia. Carroll, Samuel B. Wiggin. Sandwich Centre. Cheshire, Dauphin W. Buckminster, Keene. Coos, Charles B. Allen, V Lancaster. Grafton, Tyler Westgate, Haverhill. Hillsboro Timothy B. Crowley, Nashua. Merrimack, John P. Nutter, Concord. Rockingham, Woodbury M. Durgin , Exeter. Stratford, John R. Varney, Dover. Sullivan, S. L. Bowers, Newport. TERMS OF PROBATE COURTS. Bellcnap County. At Laconia on the third Tuesday of each month. JUDICIARY DEPARTMENT. 186 Carroll County. At Conway on the first Tuesday of January, May and September. At West Ossipee on the first Tuesday of February, June and Octo¬ ber. At Ossipee Corner on the first Tuesday of March, July and No¬ vember. At Wolfeborough Junction on the first Tuesday of April, August and December. Cheshire County. At Keene on the first and third Fridays of each month. Coos County. At Colebrook on the first Tuesday of February and September. At Gorham on the first Tuesday of October and April. At Lancaster on the first Tuesday of January, March, May, July and November. Grafton County. At Lebanon on the first Tuesday 7 of March and September. At Lisbon on the third Tuesday of April and October. At Plymouth on the first Tuesday of May and November. At Haverhill on the fourth Tuesday of March and September. At Woodsville on the first Tuesday of July. At Bristol on the third Tuesday of July. At Littleton on the third Tuesday of January. At Orford on the third Tuesday of February. At Canaan on the first Tuesday of June and December. At Wentworth on the third Tuesday of August. Hillsborough County. At Manchester on the fourth Tuesday of January, March, May July, September and November. At Nashua on the fourth Tuesday of February, April, June! August, October and December. At Francestown on the Friday next following the fourth Tuesday of April, July and October. At Amherst on the Friday next following the fourth Tuesday of June and December. At Milford on the Friday next following the fourth Tuesday of, February and September. At Peterborough on the Friday next following the fourth Tuesday of May and August. At Greenville on the Friday next following the fourth Tuesday, of March and November. At Hillsborough on the Friday next following the fourth Tuesday; of January. Men'imack County. At Concord on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month from 10 A. M. to 5 P. M., and on Wednesday next follpwing, from 10 A. M.j to 12 M.. with such special sessions as may be necessary. Applica-' tions lor appointments and matters in which no previous notice is re¬ quired attended to Tuesday forenoons. JUDICIAR? DEPARTMENT— INSURANCE COMPANIES. Rockingham County. I At Exeter on We—,* ' b 8 b t rU Sly rC of Apnt and on the Wednesday next following the of March, and on the second "Sr s & - — T Tt d R«1io J Nron‘t d h« C rt Tuesday of April and on tire third Tues-j day ofAugust, and oil the second Tuesday of December. I Strafford County. At Dover on the first Tuesday of January, March, May, August and| '^Rochester on the first Tuesday of July ^"ml'june. * n issr a £*« &***»'■ Sullivan County At Newport on the last Wednesday of February, April, June, K S t U a" N T a o n n ®he° e iast e Wednesday..of January, March, May, July, September and November. lxj j vv . , We have submitted proofs of the above.matter places of holding the courts to the several Resist b J Fr Jo ’ and tf auy J i Ifound, we wish the blame to go where it belongs. __ 1 iW Insurance Companies* ufsaar 55S23S ,1877, there were m the « ®“•* amonnt of $1,952,096. The S of t'S preceding "ear had been * 1,094 At the above date fthere were sirI Mutual ,um notes to the amount of * * * The i osse8 during the year Jhad been $19,ulo.n. f dtoRnnnn At the close of 1875, Manchester, had a paid up "l' ia . _ ' ~ 95 ^ 'pp e risks j n the State “ Car T^S,To k !hi Jooo“ he fossesVafd in the State had been aoiountea to $ 1 o,ouu,ooj. Thero were at *4AW174 and the premiums received $61,74b.,0. * nere , ® auu 1110 y F J Companies licensed according to the above date, sixty-six toreign Lompa carriec i risks to! law to do busmess m the State^ These c P d anl0nnt ed toj tUtMSW and thefosts of th^yearfi. $ 381,351.94. Various Life! Insurance Companies had, at thei close of 1876,dssnec to State 8,523 policies, insuring 4> 12,539,^89. I amount! amounted to *435,339 75. and the loaue*to!E1-7 * 93. 8 , The .tmoimt of tax paid bv these several companies to the btate, accoiai 0 S one per cent, of whole amount of premiu ms received. 188 COUNTY OFFICERS. County Officers, Notaries Public and Coroners* Note—Justices of the Peace "will be found in connection with their respective towns, immediately after town officers. BELKNAP COUNTY. Register- —Jacob P. Boodey, Laconia. Treasurer —Amos li. Jones, Tilton. Commissioners — David C. Clough, Sanbornton ; Alvali Foss, Gil- nianton ; J. M. Paine, Center Harbor. Sheriff— George H. Everett, Laconia; Deputy Sheriffs —Hanson Be- iiee, Meredith Village; George D. Savage, Alton; Geo. H. Roby, Lake Village; Lewis Jenkins, Gilmantou ; Robert Martin, Tilton. Jailor —William S. Woodman, Laconia. Coroners —A. G. Hull, David C. Batchelder. Notaries —Charles A. Hackett, Belmont; Thomas Ham, J. P. Hutch¬ inson, Lake Village; A. C. Leavit, D. S. Dinsmoor, Laconia; S. A. Ladd, John Smith, jr., Meredith ; Thomas Webster, Sanbornton ; W. T. Cass, C. C. Rogers, Tilton. CARROLL COUNTY. Register —Sanborn B. Carter, Ossipee. Treasurer —Joseph Q. Roles, Ossipee. Commissioners— Asa Chandler, Chatham ; Jonathan Sanborn, Brook¬ field ; Arthur L. Meserve, Bartlett. Sheriff —John Demeritt, Effingham. Deputy Sheriffs —E. C. Stokes, North Conway; Hugh Me Norton, Center Conway; Alonzo Alley, Madison ; D. M. Gilman, So. Tamworth; F. E. Burleigh, Center Sand¬ wich ; Alanson Allard, Freedom; John Parsons, Effingham Falls: Hiram Paul, Wakefield; E. P. Allen, Ossipee; Joel F. Cotton, Moul- tonboro; R. R. Davis, Wolfeboro; J. C. Ferren, Tamworth Iron Works. Jailor —S. Porter Phillbrick, Ossipee. Coroners —J. F. Topliff, Freedom; Israel B. Manning, Wolfeboro. Sealer —A. Beacham, Ossipee. Notaries —Geo. W. M. Pitman, Bartlett; J. W. Thompson, C. W. Wilder, Conway ; E. I. Towle, Freedom ; H. Louge^ Moultonborough ; C. C. Fellows, Sandwich; J. F. Stockbridge, Tuftonborough ; Frank Weeks, Ossipee; Buel C. Carter, John M. Brackett, J. G. Cate, Wolfeborough. CHESHIRE COUNTY. Register —John J. Allen, jr., Keene. Treasurer —Warren W. Mason, Keene. Commissioners —Chas. R. Sargent, Hinsdale; Charles H. Whitney, Keene; Geo. C. Hubbard, Gilsum. Sheriff— Ralph Holt, Keene. Deputy Sheriffs —S. 0. Gates, J. C. Rice, Isaac Aldrich, J. W. Babbitt, Keene; R. R. Wilson, Winches¬ ter; F. S. Pierce, East Jaffrey; H. A. Perry, Walpole; J. S. Walker, Alstead; E. P. Kimball, Troy; Charles Scott, Peterborough; F. W. Gould, Hillsborough Bridge; John Forristall, Fitzwilliam; F. J. Rogers, Marlow. Jailor —Jonas C. Rice, Keene. Coroner —Geo. F. Starkweather, Keene. Sealer —Virgil A. Wright, Keene. i Notaries —Bolivar Lovell. Alstead; A. J. Blake, Fitzwilliam; L. B. iLamson, F. J. Barber, Hinsdale; Peter Upton, Jaffrey ; F. A. Faulkner, II. 0. Coolidge, 0. G. Nims, R. H. Porter, G. W. Tilden, 0. G. Dort, j Hi ram Blake, F. C . Faulkner, Keene; Silas Dinsmoor, Stoddard; COUNTY OFFICERS. 189 Obadiah Sprague, Swanzey; J. G. Bellows, Walpole; Henry Abbott, E. M. Forbes, Winchester. COOS COUNTY. Register —Joseph W. Flanders, Lancaster. ✓ Treasurer —J. M. Lang, Dalton. Sheriff —E. Geo. Rogers, Colebrook. Deputy Sheriffs —A. A. Palmer. Gorham; L. S. Stalbird, Geo. M. Stevens, Lancaster; H. M. Leavitt, Colebrook ; J. Q. A. Libby, Whitetield ; George Farr, Littleton. Commissioners —A. N. Twitcliell, Gorham ; L. G. Piper, Colebrook ; N. R. Perkins, Jefferson. Jailor —A. P. Wheelock. Coroner —Ira S. M. Gove. Sealer —A. J. Marshall. Lancaster. Notaries —Albert Barrke, J. I. Parsons, Colebrook; B. II. Plaisted, Jefferson; M. A. Hastings, Richard P. Kent, Lancaster; Alfred R. Evans, Gorham ; J. G. Trulari, Whitetield. GRAFTON COUNTY. Register —Nathaniel W. Cheney, Haverhill. Treasurer —Franklin Eaton, Wentworth. Commissioners —Chas. G. Smith, Haverhill; Mark Purmort, Enfield Center; Geo. T. Crawford, Bristol. » Sheriff—A.. A. Cox, Enfield. Deputy Sheriffs —Solon A. Peck, Leb¬ anon; J. L. Bridgman, Hanover; Chas. H. Riley, Orford; H. S. King, Woodsville; Daniel Patterson, Bath; George Farr, Wm. II. Bellows, Littleton ; H. D. Morey, Wentworth; Manson S. Brown, Plymouth; Wm. A. Bickford, Bristol; Scott Fellows, Haverhill. Dep¬ uties living in other Counties, Hanson Bedee, Meredith ; Charles C. Kenriclc, Franklin ; Frank S. Dodge, Concord; Rufus P. Claggett, Martin A. Barton, Newport; Phin G. Sargent, Danbury. Jailor —Scott Fellows, Haverhill. Deputy Jailor —Chas. S. New¬ ell, Haverill. Coroners —R. E. Smith, Plymouth; G. S. Stevens, Haverhill. Notaries —Jona. F. Keyes, Ashland; S. E. Holden, Samuel K. Ma¬ son, H. E. Dearborn, Bristol; G. W. Murray, Canaan ; Carter Houston Enfield; Newton S. Huntington, Cornelius A. Field, Hanover; N. W. Westgate, G. W. Chapman, Haverhill; L. J. Spring, Edwin B. Gould, E. J. Durant, Pliny E. Davis, Edward A. Kendrick, Lebanon; A. A. Woolson, Lisbon; Geo. Farr, Oscar C. Hatch, E. W. Farr, Littleton; H. II. Holt, Lyme; Chas. W. Pierce, Orford; Joseph Burrows, Plym¬ outh; Samuel Herbert, Rumney; W. A. Flanders, Wentworth, S. B. Page, Woodsville. HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY. Register —Dana W. King, Nashua. Treasurer —Isaac L. Heath, Manchester. Commissioners —H. T. Morrill, Nashua ; Geo A. Wason, New Boston ; H. B. Putnam, Manchester. Sheriff— Charles Scott, Peterborough. Deputy Sheriffs —D. L. Stev¬ ens, Daniel F. Healy, Geo. W. Nichols, H. D. Lord, D. R. Prescott, Manchester; A. S. Eaton, M. R. Buxton, D. R. Marshall, Nashua: F. W. Gould, Hillsborough ; J. A. Hartshorn, Greenville ; Moses Clark, East Wilton ; Wallace Caldwell, Goffstown ; D. K. Marvell, Milford; Chas. £. Holt, Antrim; I. A. Dustin, Derry; Ralph J. Holt, Keene. Jailor —David Wadsworth, Nashua. Coroners —B. B. Whittemore, Nashua;, Jacob F. James, Manchester. Sealer —A. D. Ayling, Nashua. Notaries —Charles Richardson, Amherst; Isaac N. Riddle, Bedford ; A. H. Bixby, G. W. Cummings, Francestown; A. J. Carr, Goffstown ; !l90 COUNTY OFFICERS. James Taft, Greenville; J. C. Campbell, Hillsborough ; .Daniel Good¬ win, Mason; S. N. Bell, Joseph B. Clark, C. E. Balch, D. W. Lane; B. P. Cilley, L. B. Clough, J. A. Biddle, G. B. Chandler, E. H. Paine, ' W. R. Patten, C. H. Bartlett, Nathan P. Hunt, Harris F. Morse, iC. F. Morrill, I. W. Smith, J. P. Bartlett, E. W. Harrington, jr., B. F. Clark, J. F. James, J. H. Andrews, J. E. Dodge, N. II Wilson, II. W. Tewksbury, R. J. P. Goodwin, Manchester; C. S. Averill, F. T. Sawyer, Milford; A. W. Sawyer, Albert McKean, J. A. Spaulding, J. G. Kimball, Geo. E. Page, F. A. Me Kean, J..W. White, C. V. Dear¬ born, B. B. Whittemore, C. W. Hoitt, F. H. Eaton, E. S. Cutter, Nashua; W. A. Preston, E. A. Bartlett, New Ipswich; Ezra M. Smith, R. B. Hatch, Frank G. Clark. Peterborough ; C. II. Burns, Wilton. MERRIMACK COUNTY. Register —Charles H. Alexander, Concord. Treasurer —James II. Rowell, Concord. Commissioners —John S. Thompson, Andover ; John E. Rines,- Bos- cawen, James F. Langmaid, Pembroke. Sheriffs —Frank S. Dodge, Concord; Deputy Sheriffs —Frank M. Tap- pan, Bradford ; Jonathan L. Pickering, Concord, G. S. Locke, Concord ; jJohn C. Pearson, Fisherville ; George N. Watkins, Ilopkinton ; George B. Hardy, Contoocook ; Charles C. Kendrick, Franklin ; Robert Mar¬ tin, Tilton; Eli Dodge, So. Newbury; James G. Fellows, Suncook; David C. Harriman, Warner; William H. Currier, Shaker, Village ; G. Frank Green, Pittsfield; Frank R. Woodward, Hill; Henry W. Kilburn, East Andover; Frank W. Flanders, Wilmot Flat; Phin G Sargent, Danbury. Deputies for Merrimack residing in other Coun¬ ties—Daniel L. Sfevens, Daniel R. Prescott. Manchester; Wallace (Caldwell, Goffstown; Fred W. Gould, Hillsborough; William A. Beck- ford, Bristol; Rufus P. Claggett, Martiu A. Barton, Newport; Alfred jA. Cox, Enfield; Lewis JenkiDS, Gilmanton Iron Works. Jailor —Frank S. Dodge, Concord. Coroners —Charles F. Stewart, C. P. Gale, Concord. Notaries —Charles F. Hildreth, Allenstown ; J. M. Shirley, Andover; M. Chase, Arthur Fletcher, Lyman D. Stevens, E. G. Carter, Sam’l C. Eastman, Geo. S. Blanchard, Asa Fowler, John H. Albin, J. B. Rand, S. F. Brown, (p. o. Fisherville) II. J. Crippen, J. E. Lang, Isaac A. Hill, Geo. A. Fernald, L. S. Morrill, Wm. F. Thayer, George Jones, A. B. Thompson, Z. C. Perkins, Janies Minot, Wm. P. Fiske, Concord; E. If. S. Sanborn, Alexis Proctor, R. W. Bennett, Daniel Barnard, jFranklin ; J. F. Jones, Hopkinton ; Archibald Clark, Nortlifield ; C. T. Cram, Wm. H. Berry, T. H. Thorndike, Pittsfield ; G. C. George, A. P. Davis, J. E. Roberts, G. L. Ordway, Warner. ROCKINGHAM COUNTY. Register —George W. Weston, Exeter. Treasurer —George E. Lane, Exeter. Commissioners —Frank P. Cram, Hampton Falls; S. D. Tilton, Ray, mond ; Newton Johnston, Portsmouth. Sheriff—J. H. Kent, Portsmouth. Deputy Sheriffs —Geo. E. Eaton,- Candia; Ezra A. J. jjawyer, Deerfield; Isaiah A. Dustin, Derry ; Henry H. Titcomb, East Kingston; George W. Tilton, Epping; B. Hoyt, Exeter ; Samuel A. Woodman, Kingston; William Clark, Lon¬ donderry; John W. Smart, Newm rket; Joseph A. Trickey,^tforth- wood Narrows ; C. W. Gardner, Portsmouth ; Charles A. Shepard, Raymond; John N. Brown, Seabrook ; James W. Odlin, Thorutou. Deputies for Rockingham, residing in other Counties—Harrison D. ■Lord, Daniel L. Stevens, Daniel R. Prescott, Manchester; Alvin S. Eaton, Nashua. COUNTY OFFICERS. - 191 Jailors —J. H. Kent, Portsmouth ; J. W. Odlin, Exeter. Coroners —William A. Shackford, Newmarket; S. C. Whittier, Ports¬ mouth ; T. M. Gould, Raymond. Notaries —John H. Nutting, Candia ; John W. Noyes, Wm. Crawford, Chester; D. G. C. Bartlett, Geo. C. Currier, Derry; J. M. Godfrey, Epping ; W. B. Morrill, William P. Moulton, Warren F. Putnam, George E. Lane, A. J. Hoyt, Exeter; David Murray, Timothy Murray, Wm. A. Shackford, Newmarket; Ira B. Hoitt, North wood; W. H. Hills, Plaistow; J. P. Bartlett, W. H. Hackett, John Sise, M. Bufford, J. E. Rider, B. M. Parker. G. T. Vaughan, Calvin Page, Alfred F. How¬ ard, H. N. Dunyon, G. T. Yaughn, Howe Call, Francis M. Hatch, Ports¬ mouth; Warren Parsons, Rye; G. C. Gordon, Salem. STRAFFORD COUNTY. Register —Ezra H. Twombly, Dover. Treasurer —Harry H. Hough, Dover. Commissioners —C. H. Foss, E. H. Whitehouse, Dover; John Bart¬ lett, Lee. Sheriff—S. S. Chick. Deputy Sheriffs —Jonathan Dustin, Barring¬ ton ; J. G. Wallace, D. C. Wiggin, J. H. Davis, J. W. Hartford, Dover; J. G. Johnson. Farmington ; Joseph Jones, Madbury ; A. U. Nason, iJohn Legro, Rochester; E. S. Nowell, Rollinsford ; Nathan Went worth, Somersworth. Jailor —Samuel J. Smith. Coroners —T. W. J. Pray, J. R. Ham, Jason W. Drake, Dover. Sealer —Uriah "Wiggin. Notaries —A. A. Tufts, C. W. Woodman, Calvin Hale, J. G. Hail, Harrison Haley, V. H. Daniel, H. F. Gerrish. Dover; J. R. Yarney, E. R. Brown, W. J. Morrill, J. F. Manson, V. H. Me Daniel, Calvin Sanders, Durham *, D. W. Edgerly, Farmington ; E. W. Fox, Milton ; John Me Duffee, Franklin Me Duffee, A. D. Whitehouse, C. B. Gaffney. C. K. Sanborn, S. D. Wentworth, H. M. Plummer, Rochester; Wm. H. Morton, Rollinsford; S. S. Rollins, Enoch Perkins, J. A. Stickney, G. W. Burleigh, W. R. Burleigh, E. J. Randall, A. A. Porkins, Som¬ ersworth. SULLIVAN COUNTY. Register —Wm. E. Brooks, Newport. Treasurer —Charles H. Long, Claremont. Commissioners —Wm. E. Tutherly, Claremont; Francis Boardman, Newport; Horace F. Goss, Springfield. Auditors —J. M. Perkins, Unity ; George G. Ide, Claremont. Sheriff—Rufus P. Claggett, Newport. Deputy Sheriffs —S. P. Osgood, Charlestown; James Holt, H. L. Hubbard, Claremont ; Lemuel Martindale, Cornisb ; John S. Walker, Langdon, p. o. ad., Alstead; M. A. Barton, Newport ; J. F. Raynsford, Plainfield ; Wm. H. H. Cowles, Sunapee; Samuel B. Strickland, Washington. Deputies liv¬ ing in other counties; Henry W. Kilburn, Andover; Frank M. Tap- ;pan, Bradford ; A. A. Cox, Enfield; F. W. Gould, Hillsborough; Solon A. Peck,Lebanon; Eli Dodge, Newbury; David C. Harriman, Warner; Frank W. Flanders, Wilmot. Jailor —Martin A. Barton, Newport. Coroner —Nathan Hall, Croydon. Sealer —George W. Fitch, Claremont. Notaries —C. C. Kimball, George Olcott, Charlestown ; J. L. Farwell, 0. F. R. Waite, Hermon Holt, E. D. Baker, Ira Colby, jr., Albert Rossiter, Claremont ; F. W. Lewis, Newport; Richard Sanborn, (Springfield. I 192 COMMISSIONERS RESIDING IN OTHER STATES. Commissioners for IVew Hampshire Residing in other States. Arizona Territory— Prescott. Will D. Sonthworth. California — San Francisco, J. H. B. Wilkins, Ed. Chattin, N. P. Smith, Jay E. Russell, E. V. Joice ; San Jose, James R. Lowe ; Oakland City, J. W. Hodgkin. Colorado — Denver, Jeremiah E. Ayers. Connecticut — Hartford, Edward Goodman, D. G. Gordon, H. E. Taintor. Georgia — Savannah , J. W. Burroughs. Illinois — Chicago, S. S. Willard, P. A. Hoyne, Chas. Knobelsdorff, S. W. King. Kentucky — Louisville, Ilarry Stucky. Louisiana — New Orleans, Andrew Hero, jr., J. G. Eustis, J. J. Barnett. Maine — Portland. J. O’Donnell; Fryeburg, S. W. Fife. Maryland — Baltimore, Wm. B. Hire, James S. Key, Geo. H. Chan- ller, Murray Hanson. Massachusetts — Amesbury, Geo. W. Cate, Geo. Turner; Boston, Robert I. Burbank, J. W. Chapman, Geo. S. Frost, Geo. T. Angel 1, Ben¬ jamin Pond, J. Q. A. Brackett, W. P. Fowler, J. B. Bell, D. H. Cool- idge, C. Wheeler, II. L. Hazel ton, B. M. Fernald. Daniel Sharp, C. II. Adams, Sumner Albee, John E. M. Gilley, F. I. Morrill, W. J Forsaith, C. K. Fay, W. P. Fowler, S. A. B. Abbott, W. F. Merritt, E. S. Cutter, G. A. Shaw, A. B. Wentworth, A. E. Pillsbury, B. H. Currier, Wm. W. Doherty, Samuel Jennison, W. R Dyer, Chas. E. Goodwin, Arthur P. Dodge, E. G. Russell, D. B. Whittier; Lawrence, C. U. Bell, II. C. Bacon, H. F. Hopkins; Lowell’, John Davis.; Lynn, Benjamin E. Porter, Salem, L. W. Kelley ; Waltham, B. Berkley John¬ son ; Winchendon, G. II. Whitney, L. W. Pierce, Worcester, J. A. Titus, J. H. Hill. Michigan — Detroit, Wm. J. Waterman. Missouri — St. Louis. Wm. M. Ale Pherson, J W. Hodgkin. New York — New York City, E. C. Webb, George Chesebro, F. I. King, G. W. Colles, A. C. Anderson, Wm. F. Lett, C. H. Hatch, C. H. Woodbury, C. W. Anderson, C. I. Bushnell, Thos. Kilvert, Alex. OstraDder, G. W. Browne, Charles Nettleton, L. W. How, S. B. Goodale, Rufus K. Me Harg, II. C. Banks, H. A. Bagley. John A. Hillery, M. F. Dowley, James Taylor, T. B. Clifford, ILirace Andrews, F. A. Mardeu, M. B. Maclay, S. B. Givar, Eleazer Jackson, M. J. Merchant, Geo. R. Jaques, R. M. Brune, B. F. Hillery, S. C. Doty, J. L. Dayton, J. B. Nones, Jacob Du Bois, C. T. Duncklee, C. W. Kle- bisch, F. S. Driscoll, C. H. Smith, W. II Bowers, E. W. Francis, W. 0. Wetherbee, N. P. Schench; Albany, Edward Wade; Brooklyn, Wm. E’ Osborn, C. E. Soule; Corning, Chas. II. Thompson; Goshen, John II. Comer. Ohio — Cincinnati, S. S. Carpenter. Pennsylvania — Philadelphia, Charles Chauncy, T. D. Rand, J. P. Diver, S. L. Taylor, II. P. Roche, Henry Reed. H. Phillips, Jr., Benj. F. Moore, F. C. Fallon ; Pittsburgh, Walter Morris. Rhode Island — Providence, Charles Selden. Vermont — Brattleboro, Royal Tyler, Wm. S. Newton. Dist. Columbia — Washington, F. W. Hackett, J. T. K. Plant, S. C. Mills, W. C. Oflfutt, J. C. Starkweather. Wisconsin — Milwaukee, Francis Bloodgood. COM. FOR OTHER STATES—REVENUE COLLECTORS. 193 Commissioners appointed by other States* Residing in New Hampshire. William Henry Hackett, Calvin Page, Portsmouth, for California Maine, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania,’ and Wisconsin. Charles W. Woodman, Dover, for Massachusetts, Missouri, and New York. Charles G. Conner, Exeter, for Massachusetts and New York. Arkansas —Sylvester Dana. California —Geo. Y. Sawyer, Nashua. Iowa —Thus. J. Morrison, Manchester. Kansas —Thomas J. Merricon. Maine —Albert S. Twitchell, Gorham; Albert H. Hoyt, Portsmouth. Massachusetts —Moses Hazen, Sutton; Asa Fowler, Concord; Fran¬ cis A. Faulkner Keene. Michigan —Lyman D. Stevens, Concord. New Jersey —Calvin Page, Portsmouth. New York —Lucien B. Clough, Manchester. U. S. Commissioners. C. H. Bartlett, Manchester; W. H. Y. Hackett, A. R. Hatch, Ports¬ mouth; H. A. Fletcher, Lancaster; Edmund Burke, Newport; C. W. Woodman, Dover; Henry Hey wood, Lancaster; A. P. Carpenter, Bath; Asa Fowler, Concord. Internal Revenue. Collector. » Andrew H. Young, Dover. Deputies. First Division. —(Rockingham, Strafford, Belknap and Carroll Co’s.,) Aaron Young, Portsmouth. Second Division. —(Hillsborough Co.,) Cyrus A. Sulloway, Manches¬ ter. Third Division. —(Merrimack Co.,) Isaac A. Hill, Concord. Fourth Division. —(Cheshire and Sullivan Co.,) Chester Pike, Cor¬ nish. Fifth Division. —Grafton and Coos Co.,) Richard W. Cragin, Leb¬ anon. Registers in Bankruptcy. First District —Thomas E. Sawyer, Dover. Second District —James B. Stiaw, Manchester. Third District —A. T. Batchelder, Keene. 194 STATE INSTITUTIONS. BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. Organized in 1870. STATE INSTITUTIONS. Moses Humphrey, Concord, Chairman ; James 0. Adams, Manches-j ter, Secretary; Charles F. Kingsbury, Lyme; J. W. Sanborn, Lower! Gilmanton ; B. F. Hutchinson, Milford; John M. Weare, Seabrook; Hiram Parker, Lempster; Joshua B. Smith, Durham; Barton G.| ■Towne, Lancaster; S. B. Shac.kford, Conway; Geo. K. Harvey, Surry.j Members are appointed for three years by the Executive. The Board| jis now in the eighth year of its existence. It holds an average of 'thirty meetings a year, and has visited more than one half the towns 1 in the State, and discussed subjects of agricultural interest. The members, who have no compensation, have given nearly one thousand' lectures, and the Secretary gives about one hundred a year. The! (Board has rooms in the State House, has collected a library of five! (hundred volumes, and has a museum containing many specimens of 'the rocks of the State, samples of grain, wool, wood, and nearly allj (the varieties of grasses grown in the State. A volume of agricultural; (matter, containing from five to six hundred pages, is published an¬ nually. These are exchanged for samples of farm products or other! articles for the museum. FISH COMMISSIONERS. The work of the Commissioners for 1877 m&y be summarized as fol-j ilcfws: * ! Twenty-five Pike Perch brought from Canada, and placed in Mas-| (coma Lake in Enfield in May. Forty-five Black Bass and five-hundred: Smelts taken from Sunapee and placed in Mink Pond in Lisbon in May. One hundred thousand young Shad brought from Holyoke in July, and placed in the Winnepesaukee river, above Tilton, and one hundred thousand from the same place put in the Contoocook river, at Contoocookville. A State hatching house has been built at Livermore’s Falls, in Hol- deruess, 2 miles above Plymouth, and a series of breeding ponds for! Trout and Salmon, nearly completed, by the joint action of the Com-j missioners of N. H. and Mass., each of which Commissions have ex¬ pended about $1000 for this purpose. This hatching house was completed Oct. 1st, and Oct. 10th. 100,000 eggs of the Californian Salmon, were received from the U. S. Fish Commission and have been safely hatched, and are now nearly ready to be turned loose in the Pemigewasset and Baker’s river, and other of the streams which form the Merrimac In addition to this work, twenty or thirty ponds in the southern and eastern part of the State, at Hooksett, Derry, Salem, Hampstead. Ac. Ac., have been stocked with Black Bass. Arrangements have been made with the U. S. Fish Commission for from twenty to forty I thousand eggs of the Landlocked Salmon, from the St. Croix Lakes, in Maine, which will be hatched at the Mass. State hatching house, at Winchester, and delivered to us in May, 78 for transplantation to such of our large lakes, Winnepesaukee, Sunapee Ac., as are suitable for these fish. : We have also received from the Mass. Commissioners 30,000 young California Salmon, which also hatched at Winchester, and which lia\e been set free in the feeders of the Merrimac. jl STATE INSTITUTIONS. 195 Under the sanction of the law passed by the last Legislature, the Commissioners issued a notice, prohibiting fishing in lake W iunepe- saukee and its adjacent lakes and bays, for sixty days following the 20th of O tober, ’77 in order, if possible, to stop the spearing of the. Lake Trout on their spawning beds, and have reason to believe that the order has been generally obeyed, and that the results will prove successful. The calls upon us, for fish to stock various waters, are frequent, and we look forward to a very busy season the coming year. The re¬ sult of the work of former commissions, is shown by the fact that numbers of full grown Salmon have ascended the Pemigewasset, this year, nearly to its head waters, many having been seen above Wood- stock. This is due to the construction, for the first time of proper Fishways, at the Dams on the Lower Merrimac. * The fact that this was sent to us, by one of the commissioners, in the form of a letter, will account for the absence of formality and any seeming want of exactness in detail. ■ttgg ' . Punitive and Reformatory. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE PRISON, Concord. John C. Pilsbury, Warden; Thomas A. Pilsbury, Deputy Warden; A. H. Crosby, M. I)., and J. W. Barney. M. D., Physicians; aud the Rev. Eleazer Smith, Chaplain; Mrs. L. S. Dickerson, Matron. The number of convicts in prisou May 1, 1877, was 160,—149 males and 11 females. The earnings and income of the prison, were, during the year $30,261.77. The expenses for the same period were $15,821.28. The various officers of the prison appear to have done their dutj’ in a satisfactory manner. The health of the prisoners has not been so good as usual. The Legislature of 1877 voted to build a new prison at an expense not to exceed $ 200,000.00 in all, including grading, fencing, Ac., aud the contracts for the same are partially made. The ;.rice received by the State for convict labor is 46 % cents per day, if the number of men exceeds 100, otherwise it is 50. REFORM SCHOOL. Manchester. Trustees. —Hon. II. T. Morrill, Nashua, President; Hon. Daniel Clark, Manchester, Secretary; D. W. Johnson, Claremont, Nathaniel White Esq., Concord, N. H., J. W. Peppard, Rumney, Horatio Kimball, Keene, A. C. Clement, Esq., Plaistow. J. C. Ray, Superintendent; Mrs. J. C. Ray, Matron ; Miss B. F. Scoville and Miss M. Safford, Teachers. The whole number in thi3 school during the year ending May 1, 1877 was 143. At this date, there were in it 112. The whole number who had been sent to it since its establishment, was 889. The expen¬ ses of the institution during the year had been $21,918.60. Its re¬ ceipts from all sources had been, including bills unpaid, $ 28.557,45 and there were due the Institution for board and other items $4,367.24. At its session in 1877, the Legislature appropriated to this school $800, for the purchase and setting up of a new boiler, or other heating apparatus. Under the management of the superintend¬ ent and his assistants, this institution appears to be doing much for the education and reformation of those'unfortunate children and youth sent to it. ■ ■ ■ ' ■ . ..... ■ II 196 STATE INSTITUTIONS. Benevolent. ASYLUM FOR THE INSANE.— Concord. Board of Trustees— Geo. B. Twitchell, M. D. Keene, Prendent : Jos. B. Walker, Esq : Concord ; Secretary and Financial Agent ; Albert Smith, M. D. Peterboro; Honi Daniel Gillis, Nashua; Hon. E. A. Hibbard, Laconia; Chas. A. Tufts; M. D. Dover; Hon. Chas. H. Bell, Exeter; Wm, G. Perry, M. D. Exeter; Hou. Dexter Richards, Newport; Joseph Burrows, Esq., Plymouth; Waterman Smith, Esq., Manchester; John Y. Barron, Esq., Concord. Resident Officers — J. P. Bancroft, M. D., Superintendent aud Treas¬ urer ; I. P. Brown, M. D. Assistant Superintendent; B. R. Benner. M. D. 2d, Second Assistant Physician : M. H. W. Moore, Matron; 0. Y. Dudley, Cleric and Steicar d. The Asylum for the Insane, contains accommodations for about 285 patients; those for each sex being nearly equal. For several years past, the number of applicants has been nearly equal to the capacity of the house. To the full extent of the means available, the best improvements are constantl}' being introduced, both in the buildings and methods of care and treatment; and the institution is prepared to afford to those needing its care all the comforts, conveniences and benefits of a first class Hospital. During the year ending May 1, 1877, 119 patients were admitted, and 118 were discharged. The whole number who received care and treat¬ ment was 39S. Thirty-six were discharged entirely recovered, and 38 partially recovered. The number left in the institution, May 1, 1877, was 280. The total receipts for the year were $ 83,869.73; and the total ex¬ penditures for the same time $83,729,66. DEAF AND DUMB AND BLIND. The Legislature of 1S77 appropriated the sum of five thousand dol¬ lars for the support, clothing and education of the indigent deaf aud dumb persons of this State in the Asylums at Hartford and at Mystic River, Connecticut, and in the asylums or schools for deaf and dumb persons in Massachusetts ; and also the sum of three thousand dol¬ lars for the same purposes in behalf of indigent blind persons of the state, at the asylum in Boston, Masshchusetts, and also the sum of one thousand dollars for the support of feeble minded children at in¬ stitutions in Massachusetts—all for the current year and to be ex¬ pended under the direction of the governor. There have been two hundred and three persons supported by the state at the institution in Hartford, since its commencement in 1817. During the year ending May 1, there had been in the same twenty pupils from this state. Applications for the benefit of the appropria¬ tions should be made to the secretary of state, at Concord. i THE N. H. ORPHAN’S HOME IN FRANKLIN, ORGANIZED i IN OCT. 1871. Supported by private benevolence; managed by twenty-one trus. tees. Officers for 1877, G. W. Nesmith, pres.; Hon. Dexter Richards^ vice president; Hon. John Kimball, Concord, treasurer; Isaac K’ STATE INSTITUTIONS. 197 Gage, Fisherville, secretary. Amount of funds, April 1877, real estate* $17,355.99; personal property, $4,543.69; cash assets on hand, $2,468.57; permanent fund, $ 2,000.00. Annual expenditures average about $3,000. Income, when an agent is employed, about the same sum. We distribute annually about thirty-three orphans into differ¬ ent parts of the state—finding generally good homes for them. We; instruct all on hand. Our average number supported is about 35.j We now have room for a larger number when our income will justify their reception. , ' Educational. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS. Trustees —Geo. W. Nesmith, Franklin, President; Joseph Kidder* Manchester, Secretary; Frederick Smyth, Manchester, Ti'easurer jEdward Spaulding, Nashua ; B. F. Prescott, Epping ; W. H. H. Mason, Moultonboro; Hiram Hitchcock, Ilonover ; Samuel C. Bartlett, Hano- |ver; John J. Morrill, Gilford ; J. W. Sanborn, Gilmanton, Farm Supt.; Principal Instructor: B. P. Blanpeed Prof, of Chemistry; C. E. Pet- tee, Prof, of Mathematics; II. G. Jessup, Prof, of Botany. ' STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, Plymouth. Board of Trustees. —Hon. Royal H. Porter, Keene, President; Rev. King S. Hall, Lake Village, Secretary ; Ilis Excellency B. F. Prescott,' jEpping; Rev. Chas. A. Downs, Lebanon ; Clinton S. Averill, Eqs.; Mil¬ ford; lion. Hazen Bedel, Colebrook; Win. M. Chase, Esq., Concord; 1 P. Brainard Cogswell, Esq., Concord ; Joseph G. Edgerly, Esq..Manches; jter ; Edw r ard L. Goddard, Esq., Claremont; Rev. Howard F. Hill, Ash- jland ; Charles A. Jewell, Esq., Plymouth ; Hon. John D. Lyman, Exeter-; Benj. M. Mason, Esq., Moultonboro; Chas. W. Pickering, Esq., Green-' 'land; Rev. Geo. B. Spalding, Dover; Chas. F. Stone, Esq., Laconia - [Chas. M. Whittier, Esq., Treasurer, Plymouth; Wm. C. Buck, A. M. Supervisor, Manchester. During the year closing June 1,1877, there were 142 pupils connect¬ ed with this school. Graduates last year, 43 ; total since the establish¬ ment of the School in 1871, 214. Most of this number have beeu and are now engaged in teaching in different parts of the State and with 1 excellent success. At its session in 1877, the Legislature appropriated $5000 to the use and benefit of this school. Ambrose P. Kelsey, is the Principal. The Special Investigating Committee made a favorable report. Kimball Union Academy, located at Meriden, is preeminently the 1 child of the church. It was especially established to aid and fit young men Tor the Christian ministry. Pres. Dwight of Yale College and Pres. Moore of Amherst, Profs. Adams and Shurtliff of Dartmouth; ; College, and Profs. Stuart and Woods of Andover Theological Semi¬ nary were among its founders. It is a school for both sexes. It has sent out over sixteeu hundred graduates. Some twenty have become Foreign Missionaries while [many others are in the home field. The work it has done has given it !an enviable rank for thoroughness and high moral tone. The school to-day aims at no less than it has accomplished in the past. It em-i ploys five permanent teachers, thiee male and two female. The av-; erage attendance now, a term, according to last catalogue, is ninety five. It has three courses of study—the classical, an English with Latin, |l98 ^ STATE SOCIETIES. - -- --«- | and an English course in which French or German may be substitir ted for certain studies. A full hour is given to each recitation. The school is being refitted with apparatus. There are three terms of thirteen weeks each in the year. The winter term of thirteen weeks began Dec. 5, 1877, and will end March 4, 1878. Rhetorical exercises 1 ot middle class March 4. Spring term of thirteen weeks will begin' March 20,1878. Graduating exercises June 20, 1878. STATE LIBRARY. Librarian , William H. Kimball. The number of books in the li' brary has more than doubled within ten years and amounts to nearly fifteen thousand. The space appropriated for it at the State House 1 cannot accommodate much further increase. Many valuable books have been added during the year, including several volumes of re¬ ports, State laws, town histories, atlasses, histories and biographies. . .. _ i STATE SOCIETIES. Religious. Concerning those State Societies and associations which do not ap pear under this head, in this number of the Register, we have to say ( that we applied by mail to one or more persons of distinction con¬ nected with each one of as many as were noticed in the issue of 1877,! and this in ample time for them to respond. It need not be taken for granted that we got even all that follows in response to our request for information. But we got no more. j We are not only willing but desirous to give the annual statistics of each Society, Denomination, Association <£c., &c., in the State, to¬ gether with the names of the principal officers, in order tha£ our. Register may be a complete hand book for all purposes within the State. j When those organizations publish annual reports, we shall be hap¬ py to have a copy sent to us—but yet, we would far rather have the Secretary, or some officer, send us not later than the first of Novem¬ ber , a brief notice of any acts of his associations worthy of record, or any statement showing progress or prospects, together with the names of officers. We hope to find room to speak further of this, elsewhere. CHRISTIANS. In 1850, there were in the State twenty-five churches of this denom¬ ination ; in 1860, there were thirty-three churches and church edifices ; jin 1870, there were nineteen churches and church edifices. In 1876, there were nominally 36 organizations, but many of them were small; not sustaining regular preaching. There are 30 church edifices !owned wholly or in part, by them of an estimated value of $48,725_. A few of the churches have parsonages. There are now probably 25 or 30 preachers in the State. EPISCOPAL. The Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of New Hampshire- The Rt. Rev. Wm. Woodruff Niles, D. D., Bishop , residence, Concord- Standing Committee , Rev. Henry A. Coit, D. D. Concord , Resident, Rev-i Lorenzo Sears, Manchester , Hon. Wm. L. Foster, Concord. Secretary, Albert R. Hatch, Esq., Portsmouth , Horace A. Brown, Concord , and ( STATE SOCIETIES. 199 one vacancy occasioned by the death of the Rev. Jas. H. Eames, D. D.' Concord. Secretary and Registrar of the Convention, Horace A’i Brown, Concord. Treasurer , Geo. Olcott, Charlestown. Trustees’: the Bishop, the Rev. I. G. Hubbard, D. D., Claremont, Secretary. Win-! L. Foster, George Olcott, Arthur Chase, Claremont, Geo. L. Balcom, ! Claremont, John L. Farwell, Claremont. Examining Chaplains, Rev.; J.*H. Coit, Concord, Rev. Lorenzo Sears, Rev. Henry Ferguson, Exe-j ter. Number of clergy, 31. Number of parishes and stations, 27.j Number of baptisms, 207. Number of communicants, 1883. Number iconfirmed, 164. Amount of money raised and reported $21,451.94.i Nearly every clergyman atten led the annual convention, in Manches¬ ter, Sept. 26, 1877. The seventy-eight an nual convention will beat, jConoord, on the last Wednesday of September, 1878. The Bishop re¬ ported to the last convention that no clergyman of the diocese had died during the year, and that none had withdrawn. The Diocesan fund for the support of the Episcopate amounts to Dearly eleven thou¬ sand dollars. UNI VERSA LISTS. The first society of the denomination in New Hampshire was formed at Portsmouth about 1773. The second was formed at Alstead in 1791 and the third at Weare, in 1803. In 1805, the Universalists were recog¬ nized by law as a distinct religious sect. The State is divided into two Associations, named Cheshire and Rockingham. These were or¬ ganized in 1824. In 1833 a State Convention was formed. This body consists of all the clergymen in fellowship with the denomination, residing in the State, the officers thereof and two lay delegates form each society. In 1850, there were in the State thirty-eight church edifices, valued at $83,100. In 1875, there were twenty-eight parish¬ es and stations. The number of families connected with them was 1,393. There were twelve churches, having 561 members and fifteen Sunday-schools, having 1.476 pupils. The number of church edifices was twenty-eight, valued at $ 194,070, and sixteen ministers. Masonic. OFFICERS OF TIIE GRAND LODGE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. M. W. Grand Master, John J. Bell, Exeter; R. W. Deputy Grand Master, Solon A. Carter, Keene; R. W. Senior Grand Warden, Andrew, Bunton, Manchester: R. W. Junior Grand Warden, F. Me Kean, Nashua; R. W. Grand Treasurer, Joseph Kidder, Manchester; acting R. W. Grand Secretary, Geo. P. Cleaves, Concord. R. W. District Deputy Garnd Masters. — District No. 1, Chas. A. Tufts, Dover ; District No. 2, Alpheus Gay, Manchester; District No. 3,j Leonard J. Tuttle, Keene; District No. 4, Horace A. Brown, Concord; District No. 6, Geo. C. Perkins, Lebanon; District No. 6, Hiram A. Ilayes, Great Falls. JR. W. State Grand Lecturer —Dan’l W. Edeerly, Farmington. R. IF. Grand Lecturers —District No. 1, R. B. Wentworth Rochester ; District No. 2, Henry A. Marsh, Nashua; District No. 3, Chas. W. Whitney, Tro}': District No. 4, Frank D.'Woodbury, Concord; District |No5, Thos. S. Ellis, Lancaster; District No. 6, Chas. A. Varney, Union ‘Village. R. IF. Grand Chaplains —Rev. James Adams, Candia; Rev. Henry Powers, Manchester. IF. Senior Grand Deacon —Alphens W. Baker, Lebanon. 200 - STATE SOCIETIES. W. Junior Grand Deacon —J Frank Webster, Concord. W.\Grand Stewards —Joseph W. Hildreth, Concord; DanT A. Clifford, Manchester; Joseph W. Robinson, Concord ; Joshua W. Hunt, Nashua. _ j W. Grand Marshal —Geo. F. Cleaves, Concord. IF. Grand Sword Bearer —Geo. A. Hatch, Laconia. W. Gi'and Pursuivants —Geo. K. Whitney, Derry ; Henry A. Camp¬ bell, Manchester. Grand Tyler —Samuel W. Emerson, Concord. OFFICERS OF THE ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. John J. Bell, Exeter, M. E. Grand High Priest: Geo. W. Currier’ Nashua, E. Deputy Grand High Priest; Albert S. Wait, Newport, E- Grand King; Clark F. Rowell, Keene, E. Grand Scribe ; Joseph W. Hil¬ dreth, Concord, E. Grand Treasurer; Geo. P. Cleaves, Concord,acting E. Grand Secretary ; James Adams, Caudia. E. Grand Chaplain ; Henry A. Bailey, Manchester, E. Grand Captain of the Host; Chas. N. Towle, Concord, Grand Principal Sojourner; Ghas. G. Conner, Exeter. Grand! Royal Arch Captain; Henry P. Glidden, Dover. Grand Master of Third Veil; Benjamin F. Webster, Portsmouth, Grand master of Second Veil ; Geo. A. Hatch, Laconia, Grand Master of First Veil; James Far¬ rington. Rochester, Geo. 0. Woodcock. Claremont, Grand Stewards;, Samuel W. Emerson, Concord, Grand T\ler. OFFICERS OF THE GRAND COUNCIL OF ROYAL AND SELECT MASTERS OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. Henry P. Glidden, Dover, M. P. Grand Master; Harvey L. Currier’ : Manchester, Deputy P. Grand Master ; Edward Dew. Concord, P. Grand Master; Joseph W. Hildreth, Concord, Grand Treasurer; Geo. P. Cleaves, Concord, acting Grand Recorder; James Adams, Candia, Grand Chaplain; J. Frank Webster, Concord. Grand Conductor; George A. Hatch, Laconia, Grand Captain of the Guards; Henry Lewis, Man¬ chester, Grand Marshal; Charles E. CaDnej , Dover, Grand Steward ; Samuel W. Emerson, Concord, Grand Sentinel. COUNCIL OF HIGH PRIESTS OF THE STATE OF NEW^HAMPSHIRE. / Ofllers elected at the Annual Convocation , held in Concord, on Tuesday , May 15, A. L\ 5877, A. D. 1877. M. E. John J. Bell, Exeter, President: E. Albert S. Wait. Newport; Vice President; E. Elisha Ayes, Keene, Chaplain; E. Alpheus W. Baker, Lebanon, Treasurer ; Secretary, E. Charles G. Conner, Exeter. Master of Ceremonies ; E. Benj. F. Webstar, Portsmouth, Conductor ; E. Charles N. Towle, Concord, Herald ; E. Edward Dow, Concord, Guard. OFFICERS OF THE GRAND COMMANDEY OF KNIGHTS TEMPLAR OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. Sir Chauncy H. Greene, Littleton, R. E. Grand Commander; Sir Joseph W. Hildreth, Concord. V. E. Deputy Grand Commander; Sir Alberts. Wait, Newport, E. Grand Generalissimo; Sir Benjamin F. Rackley, Dover, E. Grand Captain General; Sir Joseph Kidder, Man¬ chester, E. Grand Prelate; Sir Nathan P. Hunt, E. Grand Senior Warden; Sir Thomas S. Ellis. Lancaster, E. Grand Junior Warden ; Sir Frank A. McKean; Nashua, E. Grand Treasurer; Sir George P. !Cleaves, Concord, E. Grand Recorder; Sir Milton A. Taylar, Nash- STATE SOCIETIES. 201 ua; E. Grand Standard Bearer; Sir Andrew Bunton, Mancnester, E. Grand Sword Bearer; Sir Washington Freeman, Portsmouth, E.j Grand Warder; Sir Edward R. Kent, Lancaster, E. Grand Captain of the Guards. Patrons of Husbandry. National Grange. Officers. —Master, Samuel E. Adams, Minnesota ; Overseer, J. J. Woodman, Paw Paw, Mich.; Lecturer, M. Whitehead, Middlebush, N. J.; Steward, A. J. Vaughan, Memphis, Tenn.; Assistant Steward, William Lewis, Kansas; Chaplin, S. Ii. Ellis, Springboro, Ohio; 'Treasurer, F. M. McDowell, Wayne, N. Y.; Secretary, 0. H. Kelley,! Louisville, Ky.; Gate-Keeper, 0. Dinwiddie, Orchard Grove, Ind.;' Ceres, Mrs. .John T. Jones, Barton, Ark.; Flora, Mrs. Samuel E. Adams,! Monticello, Minn.; Pomona, Mrs. Harvey Godard, North Granby, Conn.;} Lady Assistant Steward, Miss. C. A. Hall, Louisville, Ky. Executive Committee. —D. Wyatt Aiken, Chairman, Cokesbury, S. C.;| Dudley T. Chase, Claremont, N. II.: Alonzo Golder, Rock Falls, Ill.;: W. H. Chambers, Oswicbee, Ala.; Henly Ellis, Ohio.g New-Hampshire (State Grange. Master, Dudley T. Chase, Claremont; Overseer, Geo. A. Wason, New Boston; Lecturer, John D. Lyman, Exeter; Steward, Wm. Child, Bath; Ass’t Steward, Frank L. Taylor. Danbury; Chaplain, Isaiah Wheeler, Temple ; S< cretary, C. C. Shaw, Milford; Treasurer,' D. M. Clough, Canterbury ; Gate Keeper, Isaac W. Springfied, Roch- ( ester; Ceres, Mrs. W. Rowell, Bristol; Pomona, Mrs. I. E. Hall, Lan- daff; Flora, Mrs. G. A. Wason, New Boston; L. A. S., Mrs. Kate E. Miller, Portsmouth. Executive Committee.— D. T. Chase, Claremont; C. C. Shaw, Mil¬ ford; Abijah Allen, Littleton ; Isaac Story, Hopkinton. Subordinate Granges. Names. Location, j Master. Secretary. 1 Gilman Exeter John J. Bell C. W. Treadwell 2 Bartlett Kingston R. B. Bartlett C.Il.DeRochemo 3 Amoskeag Manchester Rodney M. Rollins Adam Dickey[nt 4 Merrimack Riv. Canterbury Ai tliur Clough, MissL.M.Mason. 5 Lowell E. Washingt’n John Wood W. J. Powers. 6 Hales town No. Weai'6 Geo. G. Kendrick Daniel Ramon. 7 Granite Milford Wm.Wells Howard E.C. Hutchinson 8 Sullivan N ewport S. A. Tenney L. L. Cutts. 9 Claremont Claremont Dudley T. Chase Agermon Willis. 10 Souhegau Amherst Thomas M. Harvel Jas. R. Stearns. 11 Hudson Hudson Lucien M. Tolies Jas. G. Walker. 12 Hollis Hollis Benj. L. Farley Chas. E Hardy. 13 Nashua Nashua Alfred Chase Oliver Dodge. 14 Mountain East Concord R. E. S. W ells. ;15 Hampton Falls Hampton Falls Lewis T. Sanborn Levi E. Lane. 16 Hooksett Hooksett Geu. Natt Head E. P. Fuller. 17 Ashland Ashland J. F. Keyes Paul Perkins. 18 Pinnacle' Lyndeborough Andy Holt Mrs. D. Putnam. 19 Cold River So. Acworth, Geo. W. Leighton Hrrvey Howard. ‘20 Advance Wilton Geo. II. Keyes A. D. Abbott. 21 Prospect Mont Vernon Geo. W. Todd John M. Fox. , 22 Portsmouth Portsmouth Frank W. Miller Mrs.F. W. Miller !20 2 STATE SOCIETIES. Names. 1 Location. | Master. j [ Secretary. |23;Greenfield Greenfield Sidney H. Hardy A. W. Savage. '24 Stratham Stratham John P. Weeks Mrs.J. P. Weeks. "25 Cornish Cornish LemT Martindale Chas. D. Nevins. 26 i Colnmbia Columbia Lucian B. Grout Enoch R, Kelsea 27 North Star Stewartstown Harvey Tewksbury John C. Poor. *2S Mohawk Colebrook Arth. T. Holbrook S.B.Whittemore 29 No. Haverhill No. Haverhill H. P. Watson Ida M. Hunt. ,30 ’Grantham No. Grantham Abort W. Flanders L. B. Hayward. 31 Thornton Reed’s Ferry John II. Me Aiee W. F. Kittridge. 02:Oak Hill F rancestown Geo. D. Epps G. A. Duncklee. •33 John Hancock Hancock Andrew B. Stone John P. Hills. 34 Miller Temple Isaiah Wheeler Nathan A. Child. 35; Peterborough Peterborough 0. A. Willey' F. Field. 30 Watatic New Ipswich E. F. Blanchard Wm. D. Locke. .37 Xutfield Derry Isaiah A. Dustin . Jos. R. Clark. 38 Plainfield Plainfield 0. B. Williams B. F. Ward. [ton. 39 Bear Hill Henaiker Square M. Patten Mrs.M.S.R.New- 4u Unconoonuc W. Goffstown J. K. Richardson S. B. Gilchrist. ;41 Wolf Hill Deering A. A. Wilkins C. J. Wilkins. 42, Stark Dunbarton Wm. B. Burnham Daniel Jameson j 43 Ball Mountain Stratford Gerry W. Johnson Wm. R. Brown. ] 44 Londonderry Londonderry Wm. Clark Miss S.E. Clark, j 45 No. Four Grange No. Charles’wn C. E. Whipple F. H. Locke. ,46 Narraganset Bedford Solomon Manning Silas A. Riddle. 47 Warren Pond Alstead S. A. Mitchell 48 Lancaster Lancaster W. R. Stock well jr L. S. Stalbird. 49 Monroe Monroe Alexand’r Warden D. F. Blodgett, j 50 White Mount’u Littleton Abijah Allen Jno. W. English. 51 Winnipesaukee Meredith John Dearborn D. W. Coe. 52 Mont Belknap Gilford Wm. H. W r eeks Ileman Hunter 53 Joe English New Boston Thos. R. Cochran Jno. F. Marden. 54 Wyoming j South Weare E. B. Bartlett II. E. Bartlett, j 55 Ammonoosuc Bath Wm. Child A. P. Prescott. ‘50 Union Hopkinton Isaac Story Jas. M. Connor. ! 57 Chester Chester H. C. Felch Mrs. L. D. Baker. 5.8 B radford [Bradford Ezra Cilley, 2nd Horace C. Felch 59 Union Orford Asa S. Rhoades Jas.M. Learned. 60 Grastou Star Hanover Wm. L. Barnes H. F. Hoyt, jr. 61 Palmer Piermont L. E. Risley B. C. Metcalf. ■62 Morning Star Lyme Nathan W. Hewes Bella Sawyer. ! 63 Valley Hil’sb’o Bridge Edgar Hazen John Goodale. 64 Lafayette Franconia Enos W. Thayer Henry Spooner.| ,6.5 Crown Point Strafford Cor'r Jacob B. Smith Chas. F. Felker. ' 66 Excelsior West Rumnev A. T. Weeks James Smart. 67 Cardigan Alexandria E. C. Merrill Levi F. Blake. 68 Mascomy Enfield L. F. Webster N. S. Holt. 69 Eureka Grafton Center Jas. B. Bullock Miss M.E.Straw. To Mont Calm Enfield Chas. Me Daniels C. B. Noyes 71 Blazing Star Danbury F. L. Taylor Alvin Stuart. ;72 Indian Kiver Canaan John H. French Alvin Davis. (73 Golden Lisbon G. F. Savage D. W. Cooley. | 74 Deerfield Deerfield L. B. Phil brick J. F. Prescott. 75 Eagle Lebanon L. W. Rice A. B. Stearns. | 76-Barrington Barrington Thos. W. Hale Jona. R. Drew. STATE SOCIETIES.—NEWSPAPERS. 203 Names. Location. Master. Secretary. 1t 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 Mount Hope Olive Branch Bow Lake Cocheco New Found Spafford Androscoggin North wood Rochester Kearsarge Highland Lake Croydon Warner Sutton Landaff Hebron Strafford Rochester Bristol W.Chesterfield Milan North wood Rochester Wilmot East Andover Croydon Warner Sutton John E. Hall E. Iv. Follansby Gee. W. Boody Jos. N. Hayes Weston Rowell Ora Smith W. A. Willis Ezra Tasker I. W. Springfield Horace Webster J. B. Wadleigh Otis Cooper H. G. Patten Cbas. A. Fowler Geo. C. Austin. D. P. Hardy John S. Foss. Jas. M. Hayes. Mrs.E.S. Wallace' 0. E. Sargent. L. Pettingill. S. S. James. D. B. Waldron Horace Pedrif k.| H. M Bos worth | Miss H. A. Lov- eriug. L. Hardman Mrs. Geo. Roby Newspapers. Towns. Amherst, Canaan, E., Claremont, 44 44 Names of Papers. Farmer's Cabinet , Canaan Reporter, _ National Eagle , Northern Advocate , The Narrative , Colebrook, Northern Sentinel, News, Monitor , Independent Statesman, N. II. Patriot, The People , Enquirer , Morning Star, Foster's Democrat, Publishers. Pub. days.< Edward D. Boylston, Tuesday' Concord, 44 44 u Dover, 44 44 44 44 C. 0. Barney, J. Weber, S. H. Story, Albert Barker, C. A. Bridge, Rep. Press Assoc : ation, <4 4 4 (4 C. C. Pearson & Co., Libbey & Co., I. D. Stewart, Geo. J. Foster & Co., 44 Exeter, 44 Farrington, Franklin, Gorham, Great Falls, 44 Hanover, Hillsboro B. Hinsdale, 44 Keene, 44 Laconia, Lake Vi 1 lag Lancaster, 44 Foster's Baily Democrat, State Press, II. H. Metcalf, Granite Monthly, H. H. Metcalf, News-Letter, C. Marseilles, Exeter Gazette, Wingate & Dunton, Farrington Advertiser, Chas. M. Folsom, Merrimack Journal, The Mountaineer, Journal, Free Press, The Dartmouth, , Messenger, G. B. & F. Iv. Wheeler, V. V. Twitchell, Edwin Fernald, Free Press Pub. Co., Sen. Class, Dart. Col., Thursday Holton & Fery, Thursday IV id ay Saturday Tuesday Semi-Monthiy ; Friday Friday Daily Thursday Wednesday Thursday: Thursday Wednesday Friday Daily Friday Monthly: Friday Saturday Friday Friday Weekly Friday Friday Star Spangled Banner, Banner Publishing Co., Monthly Martin & Co., Quarterly Sentinel Printing Co., Thursday Mirror N. H. Sentinel, Cheshire Republican, Democrat, e Times. Coos Republican, Independent Gazette , Julius N. Morse, Wm. M. Kendall, Martin A. Haynes, Coos Rep. Assoc'n Quimby & Burns, Saturday Friday Saturday Tuesday Wednesday 204 NEWSPAPERS. U Milfoid, Nashua, U Location. Names of Layers. Lebanon, Granite St. Free Press , Littleton, W. Mountain Republic , “ Argus , Loudon R., Household Messenger, “ National Gazette t Manchester, Mirror <£• American, “ Min'or cC- Fanner r “ J/an. Daily Union , 27/? Union Democrat , A’. H. Journal oj Music , Saturday Night Disp'ch, Enterprise , Nashua Da. Telegraph , 2V. Weekly Telegraph , “ N.Gaz.J Hillsb. Co.Adv. “ Nashua Daily Gazette , New Ipswi’hjTYmes, Newmarket, Advertiser , Newport, TV. H. A rgus ct- Spectator 'Pembroke, Sunco'k Journal, Peterboro, Transcript , Plymouth, Grafton Co. Journal , “ Grafton Co. Democrat, Portsmouth, The P rtsm'th Journal , Chronicle , 2V. //. Gazette, Times , States and Union , Portsmouth Weekly , -Rochester, Courier. Troy, Home C> mpanion , Wilton, Wilton Journal , Wolfeboro, Granite State News , Publishers. F. W. Cheney, Geo. C. Fur her, J. S. Peavey, I. S. French & Co., Smith & Co., John B. Clarke, Campbell A Hanscom, I. S. Whitney, M. S. Hunt, Geo. E. Foster, Moore & Langley, B. B. & F. .Fi/Z). days) Friday! Thursday: Friday: Monthly, Quarterly Daily Saturday Daily Tuesday- Monthly Saturday' Tuesday! Daily Saturday P. Whittemore, Thur.'.] Dail v; c; a a J. C. Emery, Monthly! Wingate A Dunton, Thursday ,Carleton A Harvey, Friday, 0. S. Eastman, Saturday Faruum A Scott, Thursday) Kimball A Temple, Saturday Democrat Pub. Co., Friday L. W. Brewster, Saturday) Chronic’! A Gazette Pub. Co., Daily “ Thursday Geo. W. Guppy, Daily; “ Friday! Frank W. Miller A Co., Saturday] C. W. Folsom, Friday H. C. Newton, Monthly; Geo. E. Foster, Tuesday C. H. Parker, Monday! AMENDED CONSTITUTION. We printed, last year, tlie old Constitution of the State entire. ISince then the State itself has printed and generously distributed jthe same with the amendments,and in one form or another, the new Constitution is accessible to all who care to possess it. We therefore do not print it this year, but simply make a note of one of its pro visions. We refer to that which changes the time of holding elections and the tenure of office of State officers. The change was, as to time of election, from March to November, and once in two years instead of once a year.^ The first election under the new Constitution, as de¬ termined by Statute, will take place in November next, and that will give us two elections in one year, as the last unden the old Con-j Istitution is to take place in March as usual. It was also ordained by the Legislature of 1677 that election of town officers aud the transaction of town and ward business shall be held once in two years only. We hope that we shall not be considered as meddling with politics if we say that we consider it highly probable that the legislature of 1878 may be called upon to repeal this latter !act, for, so lar as we can learn, it is not in accordance with the ex¬ pectations nur with the wishes of the people. jpet SAVINGS BANKS. 205 Bailies* SAVINGS BANKS. The following table gives the names of all the Savings Banks in the State, their location, Treasurers, number of Depositors, and 1 , amounts due them according to the report of the Bank Commission ers, presented to the Legislature in June, 1877. Instead of the Resources we give the number of depositors and the amounts due them. All but two of the Institutions reported their Resources equal to their liabilities. Most of the remainder report a surplus and a guaranty fund. Neither the number of depositors nor the amount of deposits, according to our footing, agrees with the foot¬ ing of the Report. A portion of the discrepancy is caused by errors iu the Report—the rest may be our blunders. Location. Alton, Ashland, Bristol, Charlestown, Claremont, Concord, U c< 4; Conway, Derry Depot, Dover, 4 . 44 Epping, Exeter, Farmington, Fislierville, Fitzwilliam, Francestown, Franklin, Freedom, Gorham, Greenville, Hanover, Hinsdale, Jaffrey, (E.,) Keene, 44 Laconia, 44 Lake Village, Lancaster, Lebanon, Littleton, Manchester, Banks. Alton Five-Cts., Ashland Savings, Bristol Savings , Connecticut Riv., Sullivan Sav. Inst., Merrimack Co., Concord Savings, iV. II. Savings, Loan d Trust Sav., Conway Savings, Derry Savings, For Co. of Straford, Dover Five Cents, Cocheco Savings, Epping Savings, Union Five Cents, Squamscott Sav., Farmington Savings. Penacook Savings, Fitzwilliam Sav., Francestown Sav., Franklin Savings, Ossipee Valley, Gorham 5 cts Sav., Mason Vil. Sav., Dartmouth Sav., Hinsdale Savings, Monadnock Sav., Ches. Prov. Inst., Keene Five Cents, Laconia Savings, Belknap Savings, Lake Village Sav., Sav. B. of Coos Co., Lebanon Savings , Littleton Savings, Amoskeag Savings, Treasurers. Depos’ors A. L. Rollins, J. F. Keyes, G. M. Cavis, George Olcott, Albert Rossiter, John Kimball, George Jones, Wm. P. Fiske, J. V. Barron, S. B. Shack ford, G. C. Currier, C. Woodman, Calvin Hale, J. C. Plummer, G. S. Rundlett, Geo. E. Lane. Francis Hilliard, , Thos. F. Cooke, S. F. Brown, M. Chaplin, Sam’l D. Downs, Alexis Proctor, Elias Towle, R. F. Ingalls, Milton H. Hardy, N. S. Huntington, G. Wellman, Peter Upton, George Tilden, G. A. Litchfield, W. L. Melcher, Benj. P. Gale, Thomas Ham, H. 0. Kent, E. A. Kendrick, O. C. Hatch, Moody Currier, 195 345 570 1,201 2,597 840 3,191 4,136 1,529 329 243 5,312 1,545 754 127 1,342 87 764 1,626 203 4S6 1,119 354 382 242 1,113 159 437 3.879 3,839 1,933 871 635 437 1,694 961 6.880 Am’nts due De¬ positors # $ 42,524: 77,133 141,620 305,829 1,091,129 250,639! 551,383| 1,322,499 575,423 91,287 57,439] 1,864,131 172,991 164,587 j 16,404 179,519 15,866 232,709 334,986' 36,6401 112,059' 343,097! 90,864 24,517! 45,021! 282,826, 26.221! 176,057 1,989,367] 742,265’ 601,475 369,895 174,159; 53,500. 629,101 270,348 2,471.896' 206 SAYINGS BANKS. Location. it it a a Banks. Manchester Saw, Meredith Y., Milford, Nashua, U New Ipswich, Newmarket, Newport, Peterboro, Pittsfield, Portsmouth, (C it Rochester, ii Rollinsford, Sandwich, Soniersworth, Suncook, Tilton, Walpole, Warner, E. Wilton, Winchester, Wolfeboro, U Treasurers. Depositors N. Parker, 6,191 Merrimack River , Fred'k Smyth, 3,489 City Savings , DanT W. Lane, 1:440 People's Savings, (4. B. Chandler, 907 Meredith Village, Seneca A. Ladd, 5S4 Milford Five Cents, C. S. Averill, 1,541 Mechanics’’ Savings, C. Y. Dearborn, 968 Nashua Savings, Wirgil C. Gilman, 3,141 City Savings, E. P. Brown, 1,955 New Ipswich, F. W. Preston, 369 „ Newmarket Sav., S. A. Haley, 320 Newport Savings, Fred. W. Lewis, 1,242 Peterhoro Savings, M. L. Morrison, 1,775 Pittsfield Savings, W. H. Berry, 800 Portsm’th Savings, J. H. Foster, 7,200 JRock'm Ten Cents , John Christie, Port. T. d: Guar. Co. Norway Plains, Gonic Five Cents, Rochester Savings, S. D. Wentworth, Rollinsford Sav.,_ Win. H. Morton, G. L. Treadwell, Frank. McDuffie, N. Y. Whitehouse, Sandwich Savings, Somersworth Sav., China Savings, dona Savings, Walpole Savings, Kearsarge Sav., Wilton Savings, Ashuelot Savings, Car. Co. Five Cts., W. A. Heard, A. A. Perkins, C. F. Hildreth, Win. T. Cass, Josiah G. Bellows, H. H. Harriman, Moses Clark, Ellery Albee, John M. Brackett, Wolfeboro Savings, J. L. Avery, 532 1,436 138 478 1,664 332 2,575 279 506 149 321 531 736 1,605 2,89 Am't. 2,911,606 1,218,132 450.513 471,831 145,448 304,452 162,080 1,536,081 127,989' 126,292’ 65,848 312.834 581,552 140,869' 2,438,95S * 340,107 610,227) 39,263 120,541 778,069 65,065 766,741, 41,615 179,539’ 20,288! 71,730' 96,291; 135,010 465,300' 88,722 * Including capital stock. S 97,875 $30,560,271 The number of Savings Banks in the State is 67. The number of depositors is 98,683. The amount deposited by them is $32,235,876.56. The total amount of loans and investments, including Bonds and stocks, $30,323,728.41. The amount of State tax paid in 1876 was $298,060.22. The amount of National tax paid for six months, ending Dec. 31, 1876 $7,612.00. STATE FINANCES, as reported to the Legislature in June 1877. There was in the Treasury, June 1, 1876, $ 37,541.15. Received du¬ ring the year, $900,181.03. The State was in debt, over and above assets, June 1, 1876, $3,629,538.49 and June 1, 1877, $3,576,390.87, a decrease of $53,147.62. The revenue was derived, each year $400, 000.00 from State tax ; and, in the year ending June 1, 1877, from Railroad tax $69,338.28; from Insurance tax $ 10,175.41; from in¬ terest, $ 1,239.56 : and from miscellaneous sources, $ 1,382.85. State Bonds were paid, during the year, to the amount of $100,000.00 ; and of them will fall-due on the first of July of this year, $110,000.00. The amount credited to towns on account of Savings Bank tax was! $274,578.74, on account of R. R. tax, $79,192.38, and on account of Literary fund and Insurance tax $31,371.30; leaving balance to be Daid by the towns, $ 14,857.58. NATIONAL BANKS 207 ii u 200.000 60,000 150,000 100,000 Harrison Haley, 100,000 W. F. Putnam, 100,000 Tlio’s. F. Cooke, 100,000 G. W. Cummings,100,000 ii ii NATIONAL BANKS, With names of the Presidents and Cashiers and the amount of Capi¬ tal paid in—corrected to June 1,1877, according to the Bank Com¬ missioners’ Report to the Legislature. Location. Banks. Presidents. Cashiers. Capital. Charlesto’n, Conn. Riv. Nat. Hope Lathrop, George Olcott, $100,000 Claremont, Claremont Nat'l Geo. N. Farwell, John L. Farwell, 150,000 Concord, First National, G. A. Pillsbury, Wm, F. Thayer, 150,000 “ N. State Capital, John V. Barron, H. J. Crippen, Derry DepotDerry National , John W. Noyes, G. C. Currier, Dover, Strafford Nat. Wm. S. Stevens, E. R. Brown, Dover National, Oliver Wyatt, Calvin Hale, Cocheco Nat. J. E. Lathrop, Exeter Nat. Granite S., J. L. Merrill, Farmiugt'n, Far. National, J. F. Cloutman, Francesto’n, First National, J. D. Butler, Gonic,* First National, N.V.Whitehouse,A.D.Whitehouse, 60,000 Great Falls, G't F. National, Nath’l Wells, Jos. A. Stickney,l 50,000 Hanover, Dartmouth Nat. H. Hitchcock, N. S. Huntington, 50,000 Hillsboro. First National, Steph. Kenrick, J. C. Campbell, 50,000 Jaffrey, (E .,)Monadnock Nat. Benj. Cutter, Peter Upton, 100,000 Keene, Cheshire Nat. John E. Elliot, Royal H. Porter, 200,000 “ Citizens' NaCl, S. D. Osborne, 0. G. Dort, 100,000 Keene National, Edward Joslin, Geo. W. Tilden,- 100,000 Ashuelot Nat. G. A. Wheeler, H. 0. Coolidge, 100,000 Laconia, Laconia Nat'l, J. C. Moulton, D. S. Dinsmore, 150,000 Lebanon, National of, William S. Ela, E. A. Kendrick, 100,000 Littleton, Littleton Nat'l , John Farr, 0. C. Hatch, 100,000 Manchester, Amoskeag Nat. Moody Currier, G. B. Chandler, 200,000 “ First National, W. Smith, Fred’rick Smyth,150,000 Manchester Nat., Nathan Parker, Chas. E. Balch, 150,000 City National, C. W. Stanley, D. W. Lane, 100,000 Second National, Aretas Blood, Josiah Carpenter. Milford, Souhegan Nat., R. R. Ilowison, Fred. B. Sawyer, 100,000 Nashua, First National , E. P. Emerson, J. A. Spalding, 150,000 Second Nat'l, J. W. White, F. A. Eaton, 100,000 Indian Head N .,Calvin B. Hill, F. A. Me Kean, 120,000 New r market,A T ettfm«rA;e£ Nat.,3. L. Lawrence, Sam’l A. Haley, 80,000 Newport, First National, Dexter Richards,Fred. W. Lewis, 100,000 Peterboro, First National, F. Livingston, C. P. Richardson, 100,000 Pittsfield, Pittsfield Nat'l, C. H. CarpeDter, J. A. Goss, 50,000 Portsmouth,First National, W.H.Y. Hackett.E. P. Kimball, 300,000 N.Mech. d Trad., John Sise, Geo. W. Butler, 300,000 Rockingham N., J. J. Pickering, John P. Hart, 200,000 N. H. National, Jas. P. Bartlett, L. S. Butler, 150,000 Rochester, Rochester Nat., John Me Duffee, Frank. Me Duffee, 50,000 Rollinsford, SalmonFallsS.B G. W. Roberts, W. H. Morton, 50,000 Somi*rsw’th,»$'owierstt> , £7i Nat., Oliver H. Lord, S. S. Rollins, 100,000 Tilton, (Citizens' Nat., E. Davis, William T. Cass, 70.000 Warner, Kearsarge Nat., N. G. Ordway, G. C. George, 50,000 Winchester, Winchester Nat., E. C. Thayer, Henry Abbott, 100,000 Wolfeboro, Lake National, J. M. Brackett, C. F. Parker, 75.000 *■ Towu of Rochester. There are in the State forty-six National Banks, having a capital of about five and a-half millions of dollars, and one State Bank—Sal¬ mon Falls State Bank—having a Capital of $50,000 (i << ii ii ii ii ii ii 208 RAILROADS. / PRINCIPAL RAILROADS IN NEW-HAMPSHIRE, with length, in miles, within the State. Concord R. R., 35 m. From Boston , Mass., Miles. To Nashua is.39 Thornton’s Ferry.... ATprrnnfl.f' . ..6— 48 .3— 46 Read’s Ferry. .2— 48 Goff’s Falls. .4— 52 Manchester. .4— 56 Martin’s Ferry. Hooksett. .4— 65 Suncook . . 2—67 Robinson’s .. . .3— 70 Concord .. ....J....4— 74 Northern R. R., 69.5 m. From Concord To Fisherville i3 .7— Boscawen.3— 10 North Boscawen .4— 14 Franklin.5— 19 East Andover.6— 25 Andover.3— 28 Potter Place.4— 32 West Andover.1— 33 South Danbury.3— 36 Danbury.3— 39 Grafton.5— 44 Grafton Center.2— 46 Canaan.6— 52 West Canaan.3— 55 Enfield.3— 58 East Lebanon.3— 61 Lebanon.4— 65 White River Junction , Yt. 5— 70 ! Con. & Portsmouth R. R.,40.5 m. From Concord, Miles. To Suncook is. ...7— 7 Hooksett. Manchester. ....9— 18 Massabesic. ..4— 22 Auburn. Candia.. ....4— 30 Raymond. ....6— 36 West Epping. ....3— 39 Epping. ...3— 42 East Epping. New-Market Junction . .. .4— 49 Stratham. Brackett’s. Givenland. Portsmouth.. ....4— 59 77 82 86 89 93' 95 Concord & Claremont R. R. 56 m. From Boston , Mass., Miles. To Concord is .74 West Concord.3— Mast Yard.5— Coutoocook.4— Dimond's Corner.3— Warner.4— Waterloo.2— Roby’s Corner.2— 97 Melvin’s Mills .2— 99 Bradford.2—101 Newbury.7—108 Mt. Sunapee.....2—110 Sunapee.*.3—113 Newport...4—117 Northville. 3—120 Ivelleyville.2—122: Claremont .6—128. Claremont Junction.2—130; Contoocook River R. R., 15 m. From Contoocook Miles- To Ilenniker is...8— Hillsboro Bridge.7—15 Sullivan County R. R., 25.5 From Bellows Falls, Vt., Miles. To So. Charlestown is.4 Charlestown.4— 8 Springfield.3—11 North Charlestown.3—14 Claremont .4—18 Windsor, Vt., .8—26 Manchester & Lawrence R. R., 22.39 m. ram Manchester Miles. o Londonderry is.... .6 Wilson’s . .2— 8, Derry . .^...3—11 Windham. .3—14 Salem. .5—19| Messer’s. .4—23 Methuen Mass. .1—24 Lawrence. .2—26 Boston . .26—52 Cheshire R. R., 42.81 m. From Bellows Falls, Yt., Miles To Cold River is. lj Walpole.3— 4, Westmoreland.6— 10 East Westmoreland.4— 14 Ke Minnesota, 439,706 27 9,209 160,697 Mississippi, 827.922 816,731 11,191 Missouri, 1,721,295 1,499,028 222,267 Nebraska, 122,993 92.245 30,748 Nevada, 42.491 23,690 18,801 New Hampshire, 318.300 288,689 29.611 New Jersey, 906,096 717,153 188,943 New York. 4,382.759 3,244,406 1,138,353 North Carolina, 1,071,361 1,068,232 3,059 Ohio, 2,665,260 2,292,767 372,49a Oregon, 90,923 79,315 11,600 545,261 Pennsylvania, 3,521,791 2,976,530 Rhode Island, 217,353 161,957 55,396, South Carolina, 705,606 697,532 8,074 (Tennessee, 1,258,520 1,239,204 19,316* 'Texas. 81?,579 756,168 62,411 'Vermont, 330,551 2S3,396 47,155 Virginia, 1,225,163 1,211,400 13,754 West Virginia, 442.014 424,923 17.091 Wisconsin, 1.05 i, 670 690,171 364,499 Total, States, 38,113,253 32,640,907 5,472,346- TERRITORIES. 'Arizona, 9.658 3.849 5,809( Colorado, (State,l?"6.) 39,864 33.265 6,599^ Dakota, District of Columbia, 14,181 9,366 4,815i 131,700 115,466 16,254 Idaho, 14,999 7.114 7,885- Montana, 20,595 12,616 7,979: j New Mexico, 91,874 86,254 5,626( / 214 U. S. GOVERNMENT. Utah, Washington, Wyoming, Total, Territories, 86.7S6 23,905 9,118 56,084 18,931 5,605 34S,530 30,102 5,024 3,513 94,200 : i 38,555,983' 442,730 SUMMARY. Total population of the United States, Composed of Natives, - 32,989,437 Foreigners, 5,566,446: For purposes of comparison, summarizing the tables already pub-! lished, the total population of the United States may also be made to appear under the following classification : White, 33,586,989 Colored, 4,880,009 Indian, 25,731 Chinese, 63,254—38,555,983^ Of the Indians and Chinese, the Territories contain 4303 of the for¬ mer, and 7075 of the latter. Note —The Indian Territory (88,152) and Alaska (15,240) are not in icluded nor mentioned in any of the census tables above epitomized. iitited States Government.* THE EXECUTIVE. Salary $ 50,000 “ 10,000 For succession of President from the organization of the Government to the Inauguration of Mr. Hayes, 1877, page 211. RUTHERFORD B. HAYES, of Ohio, President, WM. A. WHEELER, of New York, Vice President Wm. M. Evarts, of N. Y., John Sherman, of Ohio, Geo. W. McCrary, Kentucky, |R. W. Thompson, of Indiana, [Caul Schukz, of Missouri, David M. Key, of Tennessee, the cabinet. Secretary of State, Secretary of the Treas’y, Secretary of War, Secretary of the Navy, Secretary of the Interior, Postmaster General, Attorney General, $10,000 cc (4 (4 (4 (( Uharles Devens, of Mass , j Commissioner of Agriculture, -Wm. G. LeDuc, Washington, j Commissioner of Education , John Eaton, Washington. Librarian of Congress — Ainsworth R. Spofford, Washington. !Public Printer , John D. Defuees, Washington. THE JUDICIARY. Supreme Court ot‘ tlie United States. Morrison R. Waite, of Ohio, Chief Justice, Salary $,10,500 ASSOCIATE JUSTICES—SALARY $ 10,000. Stephen J. Field, of California, William Strong, of Penn., Joseph P. Bradley, of N. J. James Harlan, of Kentucky. D. W. Middleton, of Dist. Columbia, Clerk, fees; Wm. T. Otto, of Ind., Reporter, $ 2,500; John G. Nicolay, of Illinois, Marshal, $ 3,500 Ward Himt, of South Carolina, |Nathan Clifford, of Maine, Noah II. Swayne, of Ohio, :Samuel F. Miller, of Iowa, U. S. COURTS AND U. S. SENATE. 215 ? U. S« Circuit Court Judges. CIRCUITS. JUDOES. X Me., N. II., Mass, and Rhode Island, George F. Shepley of Maine. 1*2 Vermont, Conn, and New York, Alex. S. Johnson, New York City. J 3 New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware, Wm. Me Kennan of Pa. 4 Maryland, Virginia, W. Va., N. and 3. Carolina, Hugh L. Boud, of Md. 5 Ga., Fla., Ala., Miss., La., and Texas, Wm. B. Woods of Alabama. £ Ohio. Mich., Kentucky and Tennessee, Halraer H. Emmons, of Mich.; - Indiana, Illinois and Wisconsin, Thomas Drummond of Illinois. !g Minn., Iowa, Mo. 5 J Kansas, Ark. and Neb., John F. Dillon of Iowa. L California, Oregon and Nevada, Lorenzo Sawyer of California. r Court of Claims of the Cuited States* Charles D. Drake of Missouri, Chief Judge, Salary $4,000 Edward G. Loring, of Massachusetts, Judge, “ Ebenezer Peck, of Illinois, “ u j Charles C. Nott, of New York, “ M Wm. A. Richardson, of Mass., “ M Archibald Hopkins, Clerk, $ 3,000 Forty-Fiftli Congress. First Session commenced Oct. 15,1877 ; Second Session Dec. 4, 1877. UNITED STATES SENATE. TDems. in italic, Reps, in roman.] Wm. A. Wheeler, of New York, President of the Senate. George C. Gorham, of California, Secretary, salary, $5,000 John R. French, of No. Carolina, Sergeant at Arms, salary, $4,320 Alabama —G. E. Spencer, 1879; James T. Jones , 1883. Arkansas —S. W. Dorsey, 1379 ; Augustus H. Garland , 1883. California —Aaron A. Sargent, 1879; Newton Booth, 1881. Colorado—J. B. Chatfee, 1879 ; H. M. Teller, 1883. Connecticut — Wm. H. Bxmum, 1879; Wm. W. Eaton , 1881. Delaivare — T. F. Bayard , 1881 ; Eli Saulsbury , 1883. Florida —Simon B. Conover, 1879 ; Charles W. Jones , 1881. Gecn'gia.—John B. Gordon , 1879; Benj. H. Hill, 1883. Illinois —R. J. Oglesby, 1879; David Davis, 1883. Indiana—Daniel W. Voorhees , 1879 ; J. E. Me Donald, 1881.’ Iowa —William B. Allison, 1879 ; Samuel J. Kirkwood, 1883. Kansas —John J. Ingalls, 1879 ; Preston B. Plumb, 1883. Kentucky — Thos. C. MoCrecry , 1879 : James B. Beck , 1883. Louisiana — Wm. Pitt Kellogg, 1879; J. B. Eustis, 1883. Maine— Hannibal Hamlin, 1881; James G. Blaine, 1883. Maryland—George R. Dennis, 1879; William P. Whyte, 1881. Massachusetts —Henry L. Dawes, 1881; Geo. F. Hoar, 1883. Michigan —I. P. Christiancy. 1881; Thomas W. Ferry, 1883. Minnesota —S. J. R. Mc Millan, 1881; Wm. Windom, 1883. Mississippi —B. K. Bruce, 1881; L. Q. C. Lamar , 1883. Missouri — F. M. Cockrell, 1881; D. H. Armstrong, 1879. Nebraska —A. S. Paddock, 18S1; Alvin Saunders, 18S3. Nevada —J. P. Jones, 1879 ; Wm. Sharon, 1881. New Hampshire —E. II. Rollins, 1883 ; Bainbridge Wadleigh, 1879. New Jersey — T. F. Randolph, 1881; John R. MacPherson, 1883. N w York —Roscoe Conklin. 1879; Francis Keman, 1881. North Carolina—Augustus S. Merrimon , 1879; Matthew W. Ransom,\ jl877. _ ' -> ___ l 216 U S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Ohio —Stanley Matthews, 1879; Allen G. Thurman, 1881. Oregon —John H. Mitchell, 1879; Lafayette Grover, 1883. Pennsylvania— James 1). Cameron, 1879; Win. A. Wallace, 1881. Rhode Island— Henrj B. Anthony, 1883; A. E. Burnside, 1881. South Carolina—M. J. Butler, 1883; John J. Patterson, 1879. Tennessee—James E. Bailey, 1881; Isham G. Harris, 1883. Texas—Richard Coke, 1883; Samuel B. Maxey , 1881. Vermont —George F. Edmunds, 1881; Justin S. Morrill, 1879. Virginia—John W. Johnston, 1883 ; it. E. Withers, 1881. West Virginia—Frank Hereford , 1881; Henry G. Davis, 1883. Wisconsin —Timothy 0. Howe, 1879; Angus Cameron, 1881. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE UNITED STATES. Samuel J. Randall, Pennsylvania, Speaker . [Republicans in roman; Democrats in italic. The names are given in the order of Congressional districts.] Alabama —James T. Jones, Hilary A. Herbert , Jeremiah N. Williams Charles M. Shetley, Robert F. Ligon, Goldsmith W. Hewitt, Wm. H' Forney, Wm. W. Garth. Arkansas—Lucien C. Gause, Wm. F. Siemens, Jordan E. Cravens Thomas M. Gunter. California —Horace Davis, H. F. Page, John K. Luttrell, Romualdo Pacheco. Colorado —J. B. Bel ford, or T. M. Patterson, (contested.) Connecticut — Geo. M. Landers, James Phelps, John T. Wait, Levi Warner. Delaware—James Williams. Florida —if. H. M. Davidson, Horatio Bisbee. Georgia—Julian Hartridge, Wm. E. Smith, Phillip Cook, Henry R. Harris, Hilton A. Chandler, James H. Blount, Wm. H. Felton, A. H. Stephens, Hiram P. Bell. - Illinois —William Aldrich, Carter H. Harrison, Lorenzo Brentano, Wiliam Lathrop, Horatio C. Burchard, Thomas J. Henderson, Phillip! C. Hayes, Greenbury L. Fort, Thomas A. Boyd, B. F. Marsh, Robert M. Knapp, Wm. M. Springer , Thomas F. Tipton,-Joseph G. Cannon, John if. Eden, Wm. A. J. Sparks, William if. Monison, William Hartzell, Richard W. Townshend. Indiana—Benoni S. Eiiller, Thomas if. Cobb, George A. Bicknell, Leonidas Sexton, Thomas M. Browne, Milton S. Robinson, John Hanna, Morton Os Hunter, Michael D. White, Wm. H. Calkins, James L. Evans, Andrew H. Hamilton, John H. Baker. Iowa —Joseph C. Stone, Hiram Price, Theo. W. Burdick, N. C. Deering, Rush Clark, E. S. Sampson, H. J. B. Cummings, Wm. F. Sapp, Addison Oliver. Kansas —William A. Phillips, Dudley C. Haskell, Thomas Ryan. Kentucky—Andrew R. Boone, James A. Me Kenzie, John W. Caldwell, J. Proctor Knott, Albert S. Willis, John G. Carlisle, Joseph C, S. Black-] burn, Milton J. Durham , Thomas Turner, John B. Clarke. Louisiana — Randall L. Gibson, E. John Ellis, C. B. Darrall, J. B .! Elam , J. E. Leonard, E. W. Robertson. Maine —Thomas B. Reed, W. P. Frye, Stephen D. Lindsey, Llewellyn Powers, Eugene Hale. Maryland—Daniel M. Henry , Charles B. Roberts, William Kim melt, Thomas Swan, Eli J. Henkle. Massachusetts —William W. Crapo, Benj. W. Harris, Walbridge A-j Field, Leopold Morse, Nathaniel P. Banks, Geo. B. Loring, Benj. F-j I U. S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. 217 Butler, Wm, Clafliu, Win. W. Rice, Amasa Norcross, G. D. Robinson, Michigan — Alpheus S. Williams , Edwin Willits, Jonas H. McGowan, .Edwin W. Keightley, John W. Stone, Mark S. Brewer, Omar D. Conger, Charles C. Ellsworth, Jay A. Hubbell. Minnesota —Mark H. Donnell, Horatio B. Straight, Jacob H. Stewart. Mississippi—Henry L. Muldrow, Van H. Manning , 11. De Soto Money, Otho R. Singleton , Chas. 0. Hooker, Janies R. Chalmers. Missouri —Anthony Ittner, Nathan Cole, Lyne S. Metcalf, Robert A. Hatcher , Richard P. Bland, Charles H. Morgan, Thomas T. Critten¬ den, Benjamin J. Franklin, David Rea, Henry M. Pollard, John B. Clark, jr., John M. Glover. Aylett H. Buckner. Nebraska —Frank Welch. Nevadai —Thomas Wren. New Hamp hire — Frank Jones, James F. Briggs, Henry W. Blair. New Jersey- —Clement H. Sinnickson, John H. Pew, Miles Ross, Alvah H. Clark , Augustus W. Cutler, Thomas B. Peddie, Augustus A. Hardenburgh. New York — Janies W. Covert , Win, D. Feeder, Simeon B. Chittenden, Archibald M. Bliss, Nicholas Muller t S. S. Cox, Anthony Eickhoff, Anson G. "McCook, Fernando Wood, Abram S. Hewitt, Benj. A. Willis , C. N. Potter, John H. Ketcham, Geo. M. Beebe, S. L. Mayham, T. J. Quinn- M. I. Townsend, Andrew' Williams, A. B. James, J. li. Starin, Solomon Bundy', Geo. A. Bagley, Wm J. Bacon, Wm. II. Baker, Frank Hiscock. J. H. Camp, E. G. Lapham, J. W. Dwight, J. N. Hungerford, E. Kirke Hart, C. B. Benedict, D. N. Lockwood, Geo. W. Patterson. North Carolina — Jesse J. Yeates, C. H. Brogden, A. M. Waddtl, J. J. Davis, Alfred M. Scales, W. L. Steele, Wm . M. 'Robbins, Robert B. Vance. „ Y Ohio—Milton Sayler, Henry B. Banning, Mills Gardner, John A. Me Mahon, Americus V. Rice, J. D. Cox, H. L. Dickey, J. Warren Keifer, John S. Jones, Charles Foster, Henry S. Neal, Toomas Ewing, Milton I. Southard, Ebenezer B. Finley, Nelson H. Van Vorhes, Lorenzo Danford, William Me Kinley, jr., James Monroe, James A. Garfield Amos Townsend. Oregon —Richard Williams. Pennsylvania. —Chapman Freeman, Charles O'Neill, S. J. Randall, Wm. D. Kelley, Alfred C. Harmar, William Ward. Newton Evans, Hiester Clymer, JA. II Smith, Samuel A. Bridges, Francis D. Col'ins, Henry B. Wright, James B. Reilly , John W. Killinger, Edward Overton jr., John T. Mitchell, Jacob M. Campbell, William S. Stenger, Lev- Maish, Levi A. Mackey, Jacob Turney, Russell Errett, Thomas M. Bayne, Wm. S. Sliallenberger, Harry White, John M. Thompson Lewis F. Watson. , Rhode Island —B. T. Eaines, Latimer W. Ballou. South Carolina —Joseph II. Rainey, Richard H. Cain, D. IF Aiken, John H. Finns. Robert Smalls. Tennessee —James H. Randolph, J. M. Thornburgh, G. G. Dibrell, H. Y. Riddle, John M. Bright, John F. House, W. C. Whitthorne, J. D. C. Atkins, W. P. Caldwell , II. Casey Young. Texas — John H. Reagan, David B. Culberson, James IF. Throck¬ morton, Roger Q. Mills, DeWvt C. Giddings, Gustave Schleicher.- Vermont —Charles H. Joyce, Dudley C. Dennison, Geo. W. Heudee. Virginia — B. B. Douglas, John Goode, jr., Gilbert C. Welker, Joseph Jorgensen, George C. Cabell, John R. Tucker, John T. Hai'ris, Eprpa Hunt.on, Auburn L. Pridemore. West Virginia — Benjamin Wilson, Benj. F. Martin, John E. Kenna: '218 MINISTERS TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES. Wisconsin — C. G. Williams, Lucie □ B. Caswell, G. C. Ilazelton, William Pitt Lynde , Edward S. Bragg, Gabriel Bouck, II. L. Hurn-j phrey, Thad. C. Pound. Delegates from Territories. — Arizona—Hiram S. Stevens. Dakota, Jefferson P. Kidder. Idaho—Stephen S. Fenn. Montana — Martin Maginnis. New Mexico —Trinidad Romero. Utah —Geo. Q. Canuon, ’(Mormon.) Washington —Orange Jacobs. Wyoming —William W. Corbett. Clerk of the House , George M. Adams, Kentucky. Sergeant-at-Arms , John G. Thompson. Ministers to Foreign Countries. ENVOYS EXTRAORDINARY AND MINISTERS PLENIPOTENTIARY. ’ Countries. Austria, Brazil, Chili, China, France, Capitals. Ministers. Vienua, John A. Kasson, Rio do Janeiro, Henry W. Hilliard, Santiago, Peking, Paris, Great Britain, London, Italy, Mexico, Peru, Ger'n Empire, Russia, Spain, Thomas A. Osborn, Geo. F. Seward, Edward F. Noyes, John Welsh, George P. Marsh, John W. Foster, Richard Gibbs, Edwin W. Stoughton, From. Salary. Iowa, $12,000 12 ; 000 ' Kansas, 10,000[ N. Y., 12,000 Ohio, 17,500 Penn. Yt. Ind. N. Y. N. Y. 17,500 12,000 12,000 10,000i 17,500; 17,500 12,000 Rome, Mexico, Lima, Berlin, St. Petersburg, Madrid, James Russell Lowell, MINISTERS RESIDENT. Argentine Rep. Buenos Ayres, Thomas O. Osborn, Ill. 7,500 Belgium, Brussels, Ayars P. Merrill, 7,500 iCentral American States') ^“ C 4arag“d [ Guat - Geo. Williamson, Maine, 10,0000 Salvador, Denmark, G reece, Hawaiian Isle Japan,J Netherlands, J Copenhagen, Athens, Honolulu, Tokei, Hague, Montevideo, Lisbon, ;Swed’n & Nor’y,Stockholm, Switzerland, Berne, iTurkey, : Paraguay,* Portugal, M. J. Cramer, Ky. John M. Reed, N. Y. J. M. Comly, Ohio, John A. Bingham, Ohio, James Birney Mich. John C. Caldwell, Me. Beuj. Moran, John L. Stevens, Uruguay,* Venezuela, Hayti, iLiberia, Maine, N. Y. Tenn. Maine, Egypt, Syria, Bengal, Turkey, Italy, * United. Nicholas Fish, Constantinople,Horace Maynard, Montevideo, J. C. Caldwell, Caraccas, Thomas Russell, MINISTERS RESIDENT AND CONSOLS GENERAL. Portau Prince, John M. Langston, D. C. Monrovia, J. Milton Turner, Mo. CONSULS AND CONSULAR AGENTS. Alexandria, C. M. Salvago, Beirut, John T. Edgar, Calcutta, A. C. Litchfield, Constantinople, Eugene Schuyler, N. Y. Florence, J. S. Crosby, 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500' 10,00(1 7,500 $7,500 4,000 $3,500 2,000 6,000 3,000 Fees RATES OF POSTAGE. 219 Prussia, Frarikft-on-the Alfred E. Lee, 3,000 Cuba, Havana, [Main, Henry C. Hall, N. Y. 6,000 England, London, Adam Badeau, 7,500 Canada, Montreal, J. Q. Smith, 4,000 France, Paris, A. T. A. Torbert, Penn. 5,000 Mexico, Tampico, Edmund Johnson, Gilford \V. We^ls, 1,500! China, Shanghai, 4,000 --- THE KATES OF POSTAGE. Postal cards, one cent each, to all parts of the United States, and Canada. Letters, and all other mailable matter of other classes subject to letter postage by reason of a violation of the postal laws, 3 cents per half-ounce to all parts of the United States and Canada. On registered domestic letters an additional fee of 10 cents is re¬ quired. Local or “ drop” letters, that is, for the city or town where deposi¬ ted, 2 cents if delivered by carriers, and 1 cent if there is no carrier system, peiihalf ounce. Manuscript for publication in newspapers and magazines charge¬ able as letters. Newspapers, to each actual subscriber, in the county where pub¬ lished, free of postage. Newspapers and periodicals, transit excepted, to be prepaid at' the office of publication, at 2 cts. per pound, if printed weekly or oft-i ener, and 3 cts. if printed less frequently. Packages of mail matter must not exceed four pounds each in weight. One cent for two ounces .— Almanacs, books (printed,) calendars, catalogues, corrected proofs, hand-bills, magazines, when not sent to regular subscribers, maps—lithographed or engraved—music (printed sheet,) newspapers, when not sent to regular subscribers, occasional publications, pamphlets, posters, proof-sheets, prospectuses, and regu¬ lar publications designed primarily for advertising purposes, or for free circulation at nominal rates. One cent for each ounce .—Blank books, blank cards, book manu-j script, card boards and other flexible material, cromo-lithographs, 1 circulars, engravings, envelopes, flexible patterns, letter envelopes,] letter paper, lithographs, merchandise, models, ornamented paper,! postal cards, when sent in bulk and not addressed, photographic views, photographic paper, printed blanks, printed cards, sample cards, samples of ores, metals, minerals, and merchandise, seeds, cuttings, bulbs, roots, and scions, stereoscopic views. Undelivered letters and postal cards can be re-sent to a new address without additional charge. Senders may write their name on the postal, preceded by the word; from.” Stamps cut from stamped envelopes are rejected by the post office. Stamped envelopes and wrappers, postal cards, and stamps of differ¬ ent denominations for sale at post-offices. Stamps and stamped envelopes accidentally spoiled redeemed at any post office. FOREIGN MONEY ORDERS. Post-offices marked B., in the list of money order offices are author¬ ized to issue postal orders on the Postmaster at New York for pay¬ ment in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, at the fol- lowing rates: Orders not exceeding $10, 25 cents ; over $10 and not FOREIGN MONEY ORDERS. 220 [exceeding $20,50; over $20 and not exceeding $30,75 cents; over j$30 and not exceeding $40, $1; over $40 and not exceeding $ 50 [$1.25. No single order issued for more than $50. Orders Payable in Switzerland. —The Post Office marked S. is au¬ thorized to issue money orders not exceeding $50 on the Postmaster! at New York, payable in Switzerland, or Italy. ORDERS PAYABLE IN THE GERMAN EMPIRE. The Post Offices marked G., are authorized to issue orders payable in the German Empire, through the New York post offiece, as above' [at the following rates: not exceeding $5, 15 cents; over $5 and not| exceeding $10, 25 cents; over $10 and not exceeding $20, 50; over, !$20 and not exceeding $30, 75; over $30 and not exceeding $40 $1 ;| [and over $40 and not exceeding $50, $1.25—payable in the paper currency of the United States. ORDERS PAYABLE IN CANADA. Post-offices marked C., are authorized to issue postal orders payable in Canada in sums not exceeding $ 50, at 20 cents for every $10. MONEY-ORDER POST-OFFICES IN NEW-HAMPSHIRE. Antrim, [Ashland, [Bradford, Bristol, B. Charlestown, iClaremont, 13. Colebrook, Franklin, B. Littleton, Plymouth, Gorham, Lyme, Ports’h,B.C. Great Falls, B. C.Manchester,B.C.G.Rochester, Greenville, Meredith Village, Rumney, G.I. jConc’d, B.C.G. S.I.Hinsdale, B. Coos, Hopkinton, iDover, B. C. Keene, B. C. 'Enfield Center, Laconia, B. [East Hampsated, Lake Village, [Exeter, B. Lancaster, Farmington, Lebanon, B. Hanover, B. Meriden, Haverhill, « Milford, Hillsboro Briclge,Nashua, B. C. G. New Hampton, New Ipswich, New London, Newport, B. North Conway, Peterborough, Pittsfield, Sandwich, Center, Suncook, B. Tilton, Troy, Warren, West Lebanon, Wilton, B. Winchester, Wolfeborough. jFisherville, B. Lisbon, Rates of Commission for Domestic Money Orders. —On orders not exceeding $15, 10 cents ; over $ 15 and not exceeding $30, 15 cents 'over $ 30 and not exceeding $ 40, 20 cents ; over $40 and not exceeding $ 50, 25 cents. TABLE OF INTERNAL REVENUE TAXES Since 1874. Ale, Beer, Lager, Porter , and all Fermented Liquors , per bbl. of not more than 31 gallons, $1.00; wholesale dealers in, $50, retail $20. Bank Checks, and Bankers' and Trust Co. Checks , drafts, orders or vouchers, and on any other corporation, company, or person for any amount, 2 cents each. Banks , NationoJ, on average amount of deposits, pay semi-annually 34 of 1 per cent; on average amount of circulation, semi-annually, 34 of 1 per cent; and also on amount beyond 90 ^ ct. of their capital, 3^ of 1 ct.; on notes of State banks used for circulation, 10 ^ ct.— See Savings Banks. Bankers, on capital employed beyond amount invested in U. S' bouds, 34 of 1 ^ ct. semi-annually. Brandy, made from grapes, per gallon, 90 cts. Brewers, less than 500 bbls. $50.00. Brewers of 500 bbls. or more $100 00. Checks see Bank Checks. Cigar Lights, 1 cent for every 25, or fraction of 25. INTERNAL REVENUE TAXES. 221 Cigars, made of tobacco or any substitute, per 1000, $6 ; manufac¬ turers of, special tax, $10. See Tobacco. Cigarettes, not exceeding 3 lbs. per 1000, $1.50 per 1000 ; if weighing more per 1000, $5 per 1000. i Cosmetics, per value of 25 cents or less, 1 cent ; and for every 25 cents addition to the value, 1 cent. Distilled Spirits, per proof gallon, 90 cents.—See Wholesale Liquor Dealers. Drafts. —See Bank Checks. Legacies and Successions on estate, of persons deceased prior to Oct. 1, 1877. If property goes by legacy, to lineal ancestor, brother or sister, at the rate of $1 for every hundred dollars in cash value ; to descendant of brother or sister, $2 for each hundred; to brother or •sister of the father or mother, or descendant of a brother or sister of |the father or mother, $4 per hundred; to brother or sister of the grand-father or grand-mother, or descendant of brother or sister of grand-father or grand-mother, $5 per hundred ; to person in any other degree of consanguinity, or to a stranger, $ 6 per hundred. Lega¬ cies or property passing by will to husband or wife of the person deceased, free of tax: also if passing to a minor child, unless the amount exceeds one thousand dollars, when the excess is liable to taxation. If the property goes by succession the taxes are in the same proportion to the several classes. Manufacturers of Stills, for each still or worm, $20, and special tax of $50. Matches, 1 cent for every 100, or fraction of 100, per package. Medicines, see Cosmetics. Orders, see Bank Checks. Perfumery, see Cosmetics. Playing Cards, each pack. 5 cents. Prreparations, see Cosmetics. Rectifiers of distilled spirits special tax, $200. Retail Dealers, in liquors, special tax, $25 ; in malt liquors, $20. Savings Banks and Trust Companies , with capital, of 1 ^ ct., on capital and entire deposits. But all such banks paying not less than 4 ^ ct. to any depositor and making a dividend on their stock not ex. ceeding 8 ct. annually, are treated as Savings Banks without capital. Snuff, manufactured of tobacco or any-substitute, per lb., 32 cents. See Tobacco. Spirits, Distilled, per proof gallon, 90 cents. Tapers, wax, double the rates on Matches. Tobacco, manufactured chewing and smoking, of every description, per lb., 20; special taxes—retail ^dealers in, except leaf, $ 5; other dealers in, except leaf, $25; manufacturers of, $10: peddlers of to¬ bacco, snuff, or cigars, with more than two horses, $50, with two horses, $25, with one horse, $15, on foot or by public conveyance, $10; retail dealers in leaf, $500, and if annual sales exceed $1000, 50 cent, for every dollar in excess. Vouchers , See Bank Checks. Wholesale Liquor Dealers,-special tax, $100; retail, $25. Wines, Liquors or Compounds in imitation of wine, not made from grapes, currants, rhubarb, or berries, grown in the U. S., but by being mixed with distilled spirits, or the infusion of any matter in spirits, to be sold as wine or its substitute—per bottle or package of not more than one pint, 10 cents; more than a pint and not over a quart, 20 cents ; and in the same proportion for any larger quantity. '■222 POPULATION. GOVERNORS, ETC. ■ { j POP. OF THE U. S., IN 1870, WITH THE NAMES OF THE GOVERNORS AND THE TIMES OF HOLDING ELECTIONS. States. Pop. ’70. Capitals. Governors. Election. Alabama, 990,9921 Mon tgomery Geo. S. Houston,* 1 M Aug. ! Arkansas, 484,471 56< >,247 39,804 Little Rock Wm. R. Miller,* 1 M Sept. California, Sacramento Wm. Irwin, * 1 Tu Sept l Colorado, Denver, John L. Rout, See note. Connecticut, 537.454 Hartford R, D. Hubbard,* 1 M April.! Delaware, 125,015 Dover John P.Cochran,* See note, j Florida, Georgia, 187,748 1,184,109 Tallahassee M. L. Stearns, See note. Atlanta A. H. Colquitt, 1 W Jan. Illinois, Indiana, 2.539,891 Springfield Shelby M. Cullom, See note. 1.680,637 Indianapolis Jas. D. Williams,* 2 Tu Oct. ! ,Io\va, 1,191,792 Des Moines -Gear, 2 Tu Oct.fi Kansas, 364,399 Topeka Geo. T. Anthony, See note. Kentucky, 1,321,011 Frankfort J. B. Me Creery,* 1 M Aug. j Louisiana, 726,915 New Orleans F. C. Nichols,* 1 M Nov. | Maine, 626,915 Augusta Selden Conner, 2 M Sept. Maryland, 780,894 Annapolis John L. Carroll,* See note. Massachusetts 1,457,351 Boston Alex. II. Rice, See note. 1 Michigan, 1,184,059 Lansing Clias. M. Croswell, John S. Pillsbury, 1 M April, j Minnesota, 439,706 St. Paul See note. Mississippi, 827,922 Jackson J. M. Stone,* See note. Missouri, 1,721 295 Jefferson Cit. John S. Phelps,* See note. Nebraska, 122,993 Lincoln Silas Garber, L. R. Bradley,* See note. Nevada, 42,491 Carson City See note. N. Hampshire, 318,300 Concord P. C. Cheney, 2 Tu Mar. | New Jersey, 906,096 Trenton Geo. B. McClellan,* See note. New York, No. Carolina, 4,382,759 Albany Lucius Robinson,* See note. 1,071,361 Raleigh Z. B.Vance,* ITh’r AugJ Ohio, 2,665,260 Columbus II. M. Bishop,* 2 Tu Oct. Oregon, 90,923 Salem S. F. Chadwick,* J. F. Hartranft, 1 M June. \ Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, 3,521,791 Harrisburg See Note. I 217,353 Newpt & Prv Chas.C. Van Zandt, 1 W April.! So. Carolina, 705,606 Columbia Wade Hampton,* See note. Tennessee, 1,258,520 Nashville Jas. D. Porter, jr.,* R. B. Hubbard,* See note. Texas. 818,579 Austin See note. Vermont, 330,551 Montpelier Horace Fairbanks, 1 Tu Sept. Virginia, 1,225,163 Richmond F. W. M. Holliday,* See note, j W. Virginia, 442,010 1.054,670 Charleston John J. Jacobs,* 2 Tu Oct. j Wisconsin, Madison Wm. E. Smith, See note. Territories. Alaska, 15,240 Sitka Unorganized. Salary. Arizona, 9,658 Tucson A. P. K. Safford, See note. Dakota, 14.181 Yankton John L. Pennington See note. Idaho, 14.999 Boise City Mason Bray man, See note. Montana, 20,595 Virginia City Benj. F. Potts, See note. New Mexico, 91,874 Santa Fe S. B. Axtell, See note. Utah, 86,786 Salt Lake Cit George W. Emery, 1 M Aug. Washington, 23,955 Olympia Elisha F. Perry, See note. Wyoming, 9,118 Cheyenne John M. Thayer, See note. Dist. of Col., 131,70') Washington | Indian Ter., 68^152 Talequah Total Pop., 38,555,983 * Democratic. All others Republicans. Note —Tues. af. first Mon. in Nov. f Except in Presidential year. NATIONAL DEBT. 223 ! THE NATIONAL DEBT, Nov. 1, 1877. DEBT BEARING INTEREST IN COIN Bonds at 6 per cent., Bonds at 5 per cent, Bonds at 4^ P er cent, Bonds at 4 per cent, Total principal, Total interest, $ 758,776,850 . 703,266,650 200,000,000' 55,000,000; $1,717,043,500' $28,515,05461 DEBT BEARING INTEREST IN LAWFUL MONEY Navy pension fund at 3 per cent, $ 14,000,00000 Interest, $140,000 DEBT ON WHICH INTEREST HAS CEASED SINCE MATURITY Principal, $ 27,062,88026 Interest, $ 1,049,495.09 DEBT BEARING NO INTEREST Old demand and legal tender notes, $354,551,5945 0 Certificates of deposit, 37,620,00000 Fractional currency, - 18,352,57466| Coin Certificates, 33,543,20000 Total principal, Total unclaimed interest, TOTAL DEBT Principal, Interest, $ 444,070,369 16 [$ 7,447,03 $ 2,202.176,74942 29,711,99673 $ 2,231,888,74615 $131,022.84394 15,950,63264 Total, CASH IN THE TREASURY Coin, Currency, Currency held for the redemption of fractional currency, 9,444,56900 Special deposit held for redemption of certificates of deposit, as provided by law, 37,620,00000 Total, $ 194,038,04558 Less estimated amount due military establishment, for which no appropriations have been made, Total, Nov. 1,1877, Nov. 1876, DEBT, LESS CASH IN THE TREASURY. $ 9,500,000 00 $184,538,045 58 $ 2,047,350,70057 ;2,088,87 8,43678 Decrease since Nov. 1,1876, 'Decrease of debt during month, Decrease since June 30, 1877, 1*31 $ 41,527.73621 4,236,55430 612,807,52269 ;BOND3 ISSUED TO THE PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANIES, INTEREST PAYABLE IN, ^LAWFUL MONEY.* i Principal outstanding, ,$ 64,623,51200 Interest accrued and not yet paid, 1,292,47024 Interest paid by the United States, 35,957,62914 Interest paid by transportation of mails &c., 8,756,41352 ''Balance of Interest paid by the United Statesl 27,201,21562 224 NEW HAMPSHIRE REGISTER. THE NEW HAMPSHIRE REGISTER. This being the tenth annual issue of the New Hampshire Register and Business Directory, (by mistake last year’s was numbered 10,) we wish to repeat some things which we have said before, and to say some things which we have never said. At the time of commencing this publication, we had recently pur¬ chased the right to publish Walton’s Vermont Register, which we still publish, and of which we uniformly sell more than twice the number which we sell of the New Hampshire. There was not at that time, so far as we knew, any similar book' published in New Hampshire. The more we learned of the demand] for the Vermont book, the more we thought there ought to be one! like it for our own State, and, without stopping to count the cost, we put out the initial number. It was when prices were higher than' they are now and the idea of getting a New Hampshire Register fori twenty five cents struck some people as bordering on the ridiculous.! The first year’s sale was as large as we anticipated, and the sale has] never been less in any year since, but it has not risen to our expecta- 1 tions, nor have we ever received for Registers sold anywhere near what we should ask, <,and our prices are lower than most book mak¬ ers’), for making the same books for other parties. On the contrary,! if we sold twice as many as we now sell, and gave away the same number we now give away, we should not then receive a fair price for the work of making them. We cau figure this out for any one who understands book making, but it is not worth while to go into details here. Now we would like to ask the people of New Hampshire whether, first, they wish the Register continued , and, secondly, whether they ex¬ pect us to continue it at our own expense. We estimate that there are between seventeen and twenty thousand names of business men, town, county and state officers, See., printed in each issue of the Reg¬ ister. We ask those men, is it of any advantage to j T ou to have your, names thus printed? The best answer we could give to the question; would be to show some of the letters we have received from those whose' names have unintentionally been left out. But not to bear on that phase too much, there doubtless are some who don’t care a fig whether Itheir names are in or not—but does that prove that it is of no advan¬ tage to them that they are? We have another class of letters which! we might exhibit on this point. “ I very often wish to find the name! of a man in some other town in the state, and in such cases I have but to refer to your Register, which I never allow to be removed from my; desk, and I usually can find it in much less time than I could in any other jvay ” writes a man in one of the learned professions. We have not room to quote others, but hope we shall be believed when we say that the unanimous voice of all who have used the Register is that it is indispensable. If that is the case, it must be continued. But how? Will each of] you seventeen to twenty thousand^ersous, whose names and occupa-; tions we have gratuitously advertised for ten years, buy a copy, or shall we double the price to those who have been its constant supporters? This latter way would seem ungracious, notwithstanding the fact that we know of scores of men, in the state and out, who would willingly pay four times what they now pay, rather than go without a copy. And here, lest we should forget it, we do not wish to rest under the imputation of folly, in spending our money for other people to the NEW HAMPSHIRE REGISTER. 225 extent which might be inferred from what we have said if we should say nothing about our advertising patronage. Nor, on the other hand, do we wish others to imagine that that is so great as it might iseem. It ought to be more, and it ought to come from the business men of our own State. We mean by this that we do derive considerable income from the advertisements, but that it costs us a great deal to get them, and that we should not get so many but for the fact that we print so large a number of the Vermont Register. So that while, taken all in all, the total receipts from the Register may come somewhere near the ex¬ pense laid out upon it, yet we have never yet heard of a person’s buy¬ ing it on account of its advertisements ! and the purchasers of the Register pay nothing for them, and they ought not to be expected to support the Register, which is worth what it costs to any man. We do not reckon them into the expense of getting up the Register, and if there is any profit upon them, the most that can be said about it is that it goes to offset the loss on the Register proper—or what you suppose you pay for when you buy a copy. What we wish, and what we think is just and fair, is that twenty thousand New Hampshire people should each purchase a copy of the Register, of the dealers in their own towns and villages—not this year,! we have not made our arrangements to supply so many—but if every one we print is picked up clean, and we have more orders than we can fill we will make arrangements next year and thereafter to furnish as many as may be called for. We have a word to say to some of our patrons who seem to have formed the idea that, if we had a mind to, we might furnish a perfect book. Well we won’t say but that we think pretty well of our abili¬ ties, and we have no hesitation in saying that our intentions are good—but, there are yet, some few obstacles to our progress in that direction. In the first place, the nature of the case requires that we should collect the material from some jive hundred persons. We levy on every town clerk and almost every postmaster in the State for the lists of business men and town officers. We correspond with every Secretary of State in the Union—we send circulars to every editor, bank cashier, savings bank treasurer, sheriff, Clerk of Court and Reg¬ ister of Probate in the State, and if this does not bring the information we wish, we write to others from whom we think we can obtain it. If any man supposes that every one of this vast multitude is an ac¬ complished penman, or even that he makes his I’s and J’s just as we make them, or spells every body’s name as we should spell them, or appreciates the importance of being exact about things in general, if that man will make us a visit about the first of December, we will speedily convince him of his hallucination. And this is not all, dear grumblers ; we have repeatedly asked you to help us in this respect. We are terribly anxious to get every man’s name in, and to spell it rightly, and to put it in the right place, but, after all we have said about expenses, we hardly think we shall be expected to make a tour of the State each year, in person, to secure the much desired information. We repeat our assertion that we shall be very glad of any help from any quarter in the direction of absolute accuracy. It can be conveyed to us for three cents, and in most cases for one besides the trouble of writing. Do it about the first of August, or at least by the first of September. We have said something further in this connection under the head of “ State Societies.” j And now a word about Politics. “ Is the Register a party organ 226 NEW HAMPSHIRE REGISTER. That’s what a paper or two asked last year. The answer is not by a jug full. We published last year, before the Grand Commission sat, that Rutherford B. Hayes and William A. Wheeler were President and Vice President elect. As the Register is always issued between the elec tion of President and his inauguration, if we should, in presidential years, announce the old president as in office it would quite often not be true after inauguration day, and so the custom has been to an¬ nounce both him and the one elected to fill his place. Our mistake last year was in making up our minds as to the fact upon evidence not accepted by some of our patrons. But we did not confine our search for truth to papers of any one party and we thought that our conclusions were therefore honestly drawn. The Register is intended to give an impartial statement upon al! matters with which [it deals, and will so continue to be conducted. If it has any ambi¬ tion it is to set forth in true colors the glory and dignity of the State of New Hampshire, by recording her progress and standing in] jevery laudable undertaking. j Before we conclude, we wish to say a word of thanks to all who have aided us by supplying material for the present issue. In most leases it has been promptly received and in many cases prepared with ! great care and without doubt with considerable labor. As we have [said before, the accuracy of the book depends almost entirely on the igood will of these co-laborers. j We ought also not to forget the favorable notices which our work lhas received from “thepress” of the State. We are very sensible of 'the influence of the press, and for that reason always glad to see favor¬ able notices of the New Hampshire Register and Business Directory. [And even when they are not favorable, w r e wish to see them. It has [never occurred to us that any one man knows all that can be known, land in undertaking to make a book which is intended to be of use to [every intelligent citizen, some discretion must be used as to what to select and what to reject. As the Register is made for a whole year, [of course things of .ephemeral interest must be excluded—and as it is [but for one year, we have this year omitted some things which maybe [of as much interest one year as another, but which may be easily re¬ ferred to by those who have full sets of the Register. As heretofore, then, we invite criticism, in order that we may know what things are of general interest and value, conscious that we may [not always be the best judges. As the object of these three tedioue pages is to ascertain whether the Register does so far commend itself to those who have been in the habit of buj'ing it and examining it for [criticism as to lead them to recommend it to their friends, we will [simply add that if the Register receives the support which is necessary to its existence, it will continue to exist, otherwise-. ! With respect to our advertisers we have to say that we have never [yet applied to one for patronage whom we did not think in return jworthy of patronage, and as to those who have advertised with us year after year as Scribner, Gillott, A. & P. Tea Co., Capen, Sprague & Co., Closson, Stationery Co., Sullivan Machine Co., our own Banks, several! Railroads, two or three Insurance Companies, Fenno, Malden Dye] House, the Eagle Hotel, Merriams, Noyes, Smith, Page Belting Co., N. E. Linen Hose Co., Sabine, Sampson, Davenport & Co,, Crampton Bros., &c., we know them to be reliable in every particular, for we have done business with them all and never had occasion to find fault with their goods or prices. We might say the same of some of the new advertisers, but we have not the space to particularize farther. ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 Claremont Stationery Co., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Books and Stationery. ' Wrapping Paper, Paper Bags, Twine, Slates, &c., &c. Have a Large Stock of all kinds of Goods in their line, and FILL ORDERS PROMPTLY -A_T LOW PRICES. HANOVER CRACKERS. GEO. W. SMITH, BAKER AND CONFECTIONER. {Formerly at Hanover , N. H.) Removed to White River Junction, Vt. to be able to receive orders quickly, and forward goods with dispatch. My Factory being equipped with all the improve¬ ments in machinery I am able to manufacture, by steam, large quantities on short notice. Employing men of long experience and using ma¬ terials of the finest quality only I am able to furnish goods, which, for Purity and Excellence, ft ARE NOT EXCELLED. This makes it an object for Dealers to order from me and for Consumers to enquire for my goods. ESTABLISHED IN 1815. 2 ADVERTISEMENTS. Wetmore Turbine Water Wheel. SULLIVAN MACHINE COMPANY, Sole Manufacturers, CLAREMONT, N. H. ADVERTISEMENTS. 3 FIRE ON THE HEARTH Three things in one: Ventilation of a fire place, radiation of a stove, circulation of a furnace. Pure air and an even temperature throughout a room. Larger sizes especially adapted for use in school and lecture rooms. No other inexpen¬ sive apparatus so completely meets the requirements of sanitary science Prof. E. L. Youmans, Editor of the Popular Science Monthly (using the Stove), says: “ I procured one for trial and critical observation, and have found it to work so admirably that / have no hesitation in strongly recommending it. It is economical of fuel, easily managed, and com¬ bines the pleasantness of the open fire with the heating efficiency of the best stoves. It is easy to heat an apartment, but to warm it uniformly by an inexpensive contrivance , that at the sajne time secures an abund¬ ant supply of fresh air, is a disideratiim that has not, that I am aware of been previously attained.” Dr. A. N Bell, Editor of the Sanitarian (using the Stove), says: “For all rooms requiring independent warmers, the Fire on the Hearth is the greatest improvement of modern times.” For Descriptive Catalogue, and detailed reports from many distinguish¬ ed authorities, send for circular to THE OPEN STOVE VENTILATING CO., 115 FUTON STREET, NEW TORE. VENTILATION. ADVERTISEMENTS. ISAAC FEN NO & CO., Manufacturers of MEN’S & BOYS’ 28 Summer Street, i Corner of Hawley, ISAAC FENNO. C. M. FLAKE. R. D. GOODWIN. A. K. TOLMAN. H. G. HARTSHORNE. ADVERTISEMENTS. 5 GOING TO PAINT ? USE THE BEST. THE AVERTLL CHEMICAL PAINT received the only MEDAL and DIPLOMA from the CENTENNIAL EXHIBITION. MIXED READY FOR USE. It is the most DURABLE PAINT made. It is the most ECONOMICAL PAINT made. It is the H ANDSOMEST PA INT made. Be AVERILL is tlie Standard and only RELIABLE Mixed Paint, and,should not be confounded with other mixed paints. It has received the highest endorsements from thousands of persons who have used it, in va-i rious sections of the country. Sample cards, to-; gether with testimonials from owners of the finest residences in the country, furnished free by AYEMU GHEMICAL PAINT CO*, UnTZETW YORK. S^PELLUCIDITE, for coating and preserving hard woods, the best and most durable preparation known. ADVERTISEMENTS. 6 'page belting company, COiTCORD, 1ST. HI. PAGE’S PATENT LACING. Branch Office: 50 Federal Street, Boston. GAGE, PORTER & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF CAST STEEL SAWS OF ALL KINDS, ALSO, WHIFFLETBEE AND YOKE SPBINGS. % All warranted superior to any in use . Saws repaired in the best manner. All orders promptly answered. FI3HERSVILLE, N. H. WE HAVE A FEW COPIES OF The Old Root and Herb Doctor, OR Indian Mode of Healing, which we will send by mail at 50 cents a copy, bound in cloth ! CLAREMONT MANUFACTURING CO., Claremont, N. H. ADVERTISEMENTS. 7 The Boston Daily Advertiser. 1813-1878. The Daily Advertiser will continue its endeavors to furnish accurate and trustworthy information and discussion in all its depart¬ ments. In the News Department, general and local, every morn¬ ing is given a concise and intelligent summary of the news of the world, up to the last hour. The Commercial, Financial and Business De¬ partments present a daily resume of financial, commercial, man-! ufacturing and marine intelligence,—prepared by experts in every, branch. The Editorial Department is devoted to independent and impartial discussions of all questions of current interest, political, in¬ dustrial, social, literary, and whatever else concerns the well-being of the country. And in thege critical times it is well to say that THE DAILY ADVERTISER will be found on the side of the most thorough Civil Service Reform; of Honest Money and of an Honest Ballot. The regular and occasional correspondents of the Daily Advertiser, at home and abroad, are men and women of established reputation, fitted for their work by wide experience and knowledge of the world. In all the departments it is the constant aim of the paper to keep pace with the times in science, literature, the arts, and morals, as well as in politics, business and current events. BOSTON Seii-f eetly ADVERTISER, $5 per annum or $4 when paid in advance. Issued on Tuesday and Friday mornings. The Boston.Weekly Advertiser, $ 2 per annum in advance. Issued on Thursday morning. The Semi-Weekly and Weekly editions are made up from the Daily with reference especially to the wants of more distant readers, con taining a few advertisements, all the imgof tant aew6 of the week, a large and interesting variety of selected ihiscellany and original cor¬ respondence and editorials and editorial comment on all the fresh and important topics of the time. The Monday Lectures of REV. JOSEPH COOK, reported of¬ ficially, are given in all editions. These Lectures are intended to .treat the more important and difficult topics of Religious thought -from the point of view of the freshest American, British and German scholarship. Terms: $12 per annum; $3 per quarter. BOSTON OFFICE: Daily Advertiser Building, No. 29 COURT ST., Opposite Court Square. WASHINGTON OFFICE - - - No. 1314 F Street E. F. WATERS, Treasurer. 8 ADVERTISEMENTS. TBS V ,> O •rH rH "co cd o P4 w o >> 4-3 •rH "cl p* o CJ © CQ CO cd o u Q* 3 "3 a. o o o o o c* o o <1 H B o H H Et FRED’K HOLBROOK, Pres. JAS. DALTON, Sec’y. Office in Town Hall, Brattleboro, Vermont. ADVERTISEMENTS. 23 The Union Plan Of the North. Eastern, is simply self-insur¬ ance by mutual contribution, in advance. Poli¬ cies are issued for $ 1000 and $ 2000. All are together—no divisions—and each is assessed with¬ in specified limits, according to age and amount of policy, an equitable sum on each death. A limited sum is paid in advance which, when exhausted by deaths, must be replaced within 30 days. The plan numbers nearly 1500 and is daily increasing. The larger the membership the greater the security, and the less the cost yearly to each. In short it is the only reasonable and safe Life Insurance Plan. The following shows the aver¬ age of cost for $ 1000 insurance in this Plan, the past two and a half years, ending Dec., 1876. Ages. Cost. 18 to 25 yrs.!.$ 10.08 25 to 40 “ . 12.30 40 to 50 “ . 14.60 50 to 55 “ . 17.52 55 to 60 “ . 22.20 SEND FOR CIRCULAR TO JAS. DALTON, Sec’y, ADVERTISEMENTS 24 TJHE GRAFTON COUNTY JOURNAL, KIMBALL & TEMPLE, - PLYMOUTH, N. H. Circulation 1200. Largest in the county. Good advertising medium. Local new s a specialty. Nearly 50 correspondents in as many towns. Canvassers, Correspon¬ dents, Subscribers and Advertisers always wanted. Terms and specimen copies upon application., PORTSMOUTH JOURNAL; Saturdays; republican; LEWIS W. BREWSTER, Publisher. For eighty-four years this newspaper has been well sustained, and its successive editors have endeavored to impart to it a character for respectability and good morals, and to make it a clean family newspaper. Portsmouth is the only seaport of N. H., !the principal shire town of Rockingham County; the terminus of five railroads; and the centre of a semi-circle of seaside resorts. The Journal is one of the best advertis¬ ing mediums in its section, being widely known, and extensively patronized at home, and by hundreds of families originating in Portsmouth, but spread throughout the country. THE DAILY UNION and the UNION DEMOCRAT (Established 1851.) Published bv CAMPBELL & HANSCOM, Manchester, N. H. The largest Daily and Weekly in N. H. Terms, Daily $5. Weekly $1,50 per year, strictly in advance. mssxpm&s&ASPe LANCASTER, N. H. - * * TERMS, $1.50 PER YEAR. RATES OF ADVERTISING. One inch, one week, $1.00; each subsequent week 25 cents. Reading notices, ten cents per line each insertion. Special terms made with local advertisers, and for advertisements continued any considerable length of time; also for those occupying extensive space. The Republican establishment is furnished with every facility for doing all kinds of JOB PRINTING, which will be exe¬ cuted in the best possible manner at the lowest rates. THE GRANITE MONTHLY, Devoted to Literature, History aud State Progress. H. H. METCALF,. Publisher, Dover, N. H. The Only New Hampshire Magazine.—Terms, $1.50 per Annum. HILLSBOROUGH MESSENGER. A valuable medium for reaching the Farmers, Mechanics and Mer¬ chants of Hillsborough, Merrimack, Cheshire and Sullivan Counties- I HOLTON & FERRY, Publishers and Proprietors. Published every Thursday morning, at $1.25 per annum, strictly in advance. Book, Job, Fancy and Ornamental Printing promptly executed at short notice and low rates. Hillsboro’ Bridge, N. H. H. C. NEWTON, Troy, N. H., Publisher of The Home Companion^ a large and interesting monthly paper. Terms, 50 cents per year; or with beautiful chromo, : 75 cents. Also Dealer in Novelties, Notions, Chromos, Pictures, Books at wholesale and retail. Peddlers supplied with the best selling articles at the lowest prices. Libraries supplied with Books at extremely low rates. Send stamp for copy of Companion, Prices of goods, &c. Address - - - H. C. NEWTON, Troy, N. H. ADVERTISEMENTS. 25 RICHARD T. RITCHiE, MANUFACTURER OF ALL KINDS OF ALSO Lines, Twines and Bale Rope, AND Superior 2 and 3 Ply Marline, Manchester, N. H. "TTSTTLLVATrs?" TV# eld. en’fl. nil. end or, l t " STAS SPANG-LED RaN- NEK," the " FAMILY FAVORITE" »„4 ionn paper for THE MILLION. E«t-h- liehed, ls63. There’. uoliiep l,It ,'f. 014 •nd young. rich and poor. **int » c ! a aner.— "it ware* lor ALL." It'S* large 4j-colcmn, / 8 page paper, crowded with charming Tales, Sketches, Stories, Poem*. Wit, Humor, Fan, Recipes. Parries, Humoroce Poems, etc., ete. In its " ROGUE’S CORNER," eterr Swindler, Quick, Humbug, and Fraud is fully, freely, aci truthfully exposed. No one sen be swindled who reads the "BANNER.” 100,000 people reed . .... re,T n P°° this National Paper. TRY IT 0NC3 , AND NOW. Only 75 cents a year, op with Premium of SIS Charming Chromos, cr a Qno Dictionary, cloth, 251 page*, only §1. Tr al T.-p. 13 cer '*‘ Specimens FREE. Don’t put it cfT tat 6LNO NOW. Address, "i>TAB SPANGLED BAilNEB," HukUIo, N. O. D. WEBSTER KING & CO., 42 Oliver St., BOSTON, Mass., Manufacturers of all grades of Dealers in NEW ENGLAND FLINT SAND PAPER, NEATS-FOOT OIL, PURE WHITE LEAD, EMERY, EMERY CLOTH, GLUE STOCK, Ac., Ac. Xen-IIampsliire Sentinel. Established in 1799 . One of the oldest, largest, cheapest and best Republican Family Newspapers, in New England. Terms, $ 2.00 per year, in advance. Having a circulation more than double that of any other paper in the vicinity, it especially commends itself to advertisers. SENTINEL PRINTING CO ., Publishers and Proprietors. YOU CAN STILL GET A COPY OF SCRIBNER’S LOO BOOK By sending 25 cents to CLAREMONT MANUFACTURING CO., Claremont. N. H. . . jS6 ADVERTISEMENT. The St. Albans Lime. MANUFACTURED BY W.B. FONDA, St. Albans, Yt, IS ABSOLUTELY THE PUREST LIME IN THE UNITED STATES. It has been analyzed by Prof. A. D. Hager of New York, who pronounces it 99 2 per cent. Pure Lime. It is paticularly adapted to Paper Makers’ and Bleachers’ use, as it is unequaled in pureness, white¬ ness, and strength. Parties who have used it for these purposes will use no other. For Masons’ use it is best and cheapest, as it takes more sand than other lime, and makes A STRONG, WHITE PLASTER- Put up in 200 lb. and 300 lb. Barrels, (net weight,) and warranted full weights. The barrels are well coopered and nailed—are made of spruce and will not fall to pieces by handling. Address W. B. FONDA, St. Albans, Vt. We have used this Lime for the last three years, and find it far superior in strength and purity to any we have tried. Dec. 1877. Claremont Manuf’g Co. i ADVERTISEMENTS. 27 MANUFACTURE LINEN & RUBBER LINER LINEN HOSE, All sizes from % inch to 10 inch Diameter. Rubber Lined Linen Hose, The Finest Hose for use in Mills and Fire Departments. It will not leak nor sweat under a pressure of 300 pounds to the square inch. It is perfectly water tight, and stronger, lighter, and more pliable than any other in the market. AVI hinds of Couplings, Hose Pipes, Con¬ nections, and all other Fire Depart¬ ment Supplies furnished at low prices. N. E. LINEN HOSE MANUFG CO., ROB’T GEMS, Treas. Salesroom 339 Washington St., BOSTON, MASS. « 28 AD V ERTISEM ENTS. no VflTT TXT A T^TT* Books, Cards, Prints, Chromos, ^ i w U Yf Xin 1 Photograph-*, Albums, Gold Pens, Pencils, Paper, Stationery, Knick-knacks, Notions, Novelties of every description? Beware of unreliable dea'ers— avoid risk—send only to the old, original and only " HEAD¬ QUARTERS.* * Established, 1860. We originated what is now an enormous trade. We import books weekly. Supply* all. Scientific, Legal, Medical, scarce, foreign and other books not often to he obtained—in fact, supply ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING in the Book or any other line. Our large Store has four floors crowded with cords of books on every known subject, and all offered very low. CATALOGUES FREE. Information given. Send stamp, and Address, HUNTER At CO., PUBLISHERS, HINSDALE. N. U. GATHERED SKETCHES. From the early History of VERMONT AND NEW-HAMPSHIRE. One copy by mail for.....75 cents. Claremont Manufacturing Company, Claremont, N. H. Grafton County Democrat, Plymouth, N. H. Democrat Publishing Co., - Proprietors Published Weekly at $l.BO per Annum. A large four-paee, thirty-two column newspaper, devoted to Local, State and General News and Miscellaneous Reading Matter. Demo¬ cratic to the backbone at all times and under all circumstances. More ,than twice the amou7it of reading niatter contained in any other journal in the County. Address all letters to DEMOCRAT PUBLISHING CO., Plymouth, N. H. EVERY YANKEE BOY SHOULD HAVE Grandfather’s Story. It tells what sort of stuff men are made of. Ask your pa to send 75 cents , To Claremont Manufacturing Co., . Claremont, N. H. ADVERTISEMENTS. 29 All about your Senatorial District I NEW MAP OF NEW-HAMPSHIRE. This Map gives in detail all the new Towns and changes in town lines; also the 24 New Senatorial Districts (officially correct). Printed in bright colors on fine paper, Price 25 cts. Office edition mounted on stout board, Price 50 cts. HOSEA B. CARTER & CO.. Publishers., East Hampstead, N. H. Map securely packed and mailed upon receipt of price. OT By an arrangement made with the publishers, the owner of this copy of N. H. Register for 1878 Iwill be supplied with one copy of the above MAP by mail free , on the following condition, to wit. Cut out this Notice, and mail it with three postage stamps to HOSEA B. CARTER & CO., East Hamp¬ stead, N. H., stating where to send the Map. EF This Notice must be sent to show that you own a copy of Reg¬ ister for 1878 . Black River insurance Agency, A. E. BOSWORTH, Agent, SPRINGFIELD, VERMONT. For information regarding the Best Companies, Best Rates, and Best place to insure. Call on or address as above. C. J. Kimball & Son, MANUFACTURERS OF Solid Shank and Socket Hoes, Solid Cast- steel Drawing Knives, Butcher and Shoe Cutlery, Tanners Fleshers, etc. Being, (so far as we know,) the only HOE makers in New Hamp¬ shire, we hope for a liberal share of the local trade. BENNINGTON, N. H. WHITNEY’S NEW HAMPSHIRE JOTJ^tlSr^Xi OB * 1 HVLTJSIO Published Monthly. I, S. WHITNEY, Editor and Publisher, 8(56 Elm St., Ferren’s Building MANCHESTER, N. 13. Teems :—SI.00 per annum, payable invariably in advance. Single copies 10 cents. ADVERTISEMENTS. PLANTS FOR Parlor and Garden, ALSO rnamenfaf SMALL' FRTJITS, Shrubs, Seeds, Bulbs, &c., &c. CULTIVATED AND FOIL SAFE BY H. P. 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Weare, ADVERTISEMENTS. 35 lOiflQOiCQiO i- co o o co 00 aS Bn © t- o «co o i-l rH (M CM © 4ft cocoaeococoN CO M lO lO CO CO IQ Ifl HN^CiOON^ciO a Hl_ a 0^04hhh 3 NNCOCOOCDOOCO flj i oo 4ft co iOO^COcMhhO ©a^cDocuo^iNt- ■ _ VCO CM 1-1 54P^ HHHr a 04 a h} ©©4ft©iX>©©cOce COHHOiO^COCON a OJ ® ffl o> CO 00 00 00 » &3 >» rH (4 as Hi H > < a a fe >» £ © a_ ®’Oo^ •aa a** ® S . .? e o J= a » -S ||=S||^|S S3 J 4g^READ DOWN > Hi w >4 • (MMNOl-HNiOO 3 C4CO^HCOHC4C4CO Pu MCHC'lC'^^'O'COOuO • ©©©4ftrH©©©© a © O rH © O (M 4ft «0 O . © © O O © >-t i-H —* Q 3 © cc 00 00 00 00 t- Sh q 'dll aV3d ^ 3 af «5o «$jg a . a a 83 « as SB t-S •a 93 3 I I c3 » *>a h rl o •H . a «r-£ a HaSIs <*. 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Life Insurance Oo., 168 Williaftis, G. W„ Saddlery, Ac.,175 ADVERTISEMENTS. Lufkin Reversible Ploughs, (Castings of Iron and Steel by new process.) NO MORE DEAD FURROWS ! Turns equally well on level land or on side hill, i The farmer’s delight! Try it. WATER WHEELS AND MILL IRONS of most approved kinds. Regulators for Water Wheels! Papier Mache Roving Cans, FOR COTTON MILLS. Better, lighter, more durable and cheaper than tin or iron. Also manufacturers of their celebrated Diamond Drill and Quarrying Machines, ^ind generally of all kinds of machinery and castings. SULLIVAN MACHINE CO., Claremont, N. H. AND DEAL IN Improved AND MACHINES. AGENTS WANTED FOR The Best Steel Tooth Sulky Rake, MAPLE SUGAR EVAPORATORS, Plows, Mowing Machines, &c. Send for our Circular, Vermont Farm Machine Co., BELLOWS FALLS, VT., MANUFACTURE Farm Implements, THE SUESCRIBERS’mAKE TO ORDER* « T=> A PF.R. 3 0112 105297904 ng; • from a Primer to a Quarto Bible STEREOTYPE PLATES, •. j IN ANY SIZE OF TYPE OR PAGE riiiHno, FE0J£ A CAED TO A CATALOGUE. • , » . ‘ J.Qb ’Bookbinding, in any* known style, plain of ornamental. i . I Slags purchased, IN*ANY QUANTITY—CAR LOADS PREFERRED. t * V* ADDRESS THE % ■*- • . • * • ' Claremont Manufacturing. Co., • . • * • < - ’ , .CLAREMONT, N. H. f