ae } : pa “y " S } ; t e : J eo ; \ 2 Soom i es ea poe | SURREY CHAPEL: ITs . Serbices and Anstitutions, WITH | THE REPORTS FOR 1872. Motto for the Pear. “YE ARE MY FRIENDS.” LONDON: CAXTON PRINTING WORKS, CAMDEN ROAD, N.W. . 1873. \ , \ / CONTENTS ie Shee 2 f tO SERVICES. eek PAGE Surrey Chapel, ....000.. ssh dase sega spe peels 3 Bond of Union ...... qe tpt aseeesieg shea ARR Sele kate ann 3 Hours of Worship... ...c:....c+s000:00-e5 50s eeeanenee een 5 Bible Classes! ...... 1...) saci deus. tcp ae cohle ich Setian ee 8 Maternal Meetings ...-..........seeesee eevee espe aan 8 Baptism. Lord’s Supper..:...........0s.+se)stee ese 9 Admission of Members ........ “WW igesesse s+ sane nate 10 Marriages.’ 5... 5s5 ie. ver euch as bee ees eee wey 11 Pews.and Sittings... i... 0.6. 6 aes aogr'eos 200 11 Officé-bearers ivi... scessecsesceeseeas sleet sasaneneel 12 Missionaries .4...6..0ssesed0s oe secssas ses 00s 9 12 Statistics .iccsassssestes sat venteeasseigetess; Oe 12 INSTITUTIONS. General Regulations ... 15 | Female Missionary List of Societies and Working Association 39 Mestings 220 sMiaue a 16 | Missionary (eae Plders’ Fund: 5.59.25 17 | Missionary Working Trustees of Surrey Party -... 4. 0 eee 42 GHADEL Bessa aoe 18 | Rowland Hill Fund ... 438 Almshouses _............ 19 | Rev. Newman Hall’s Benevolent ............... 20 Fund ayes Veaeebs ee 54 Bible wae wake eee 25 | School of Industry ... 55 Centenary Fund (Day Sunday Schools ......... 56 Schools) rawr cytes 26 | Southwark Mission ... 60 Christian Instruction... 28 | Temperance Society and City Mission ............ 31 Band of Hope ...... 64 MIGECAS ios cient epeedarae 34 | Tract}... 7g 68 Female Clothing ...... 36 | Subscribers ~.j2,enee 12 Home Missionary Tabular Statement of Working Society 38 Receipts .. Sd ae 274622} aA tae eer SURREY CHAPEL. Surrey CHAPEL was founded by the Rev. Rowland Hill, who opened:it for Divine Worship on June 8th, 1783, and addressed the congregation from the words, ‘‘We preach Christ crucified.” Mr. Hill was the Pastor of the Church until his death, on April 11th, 1833, a period of nearly fifty years. The pulpit was then supplied by various ministers, until on Septem- ber 4th, 1836, the Rev. James Sherman commenced his pastorate by preaching from the words, “I will go in the strength of the Lord God; I will make mention of thy righteousness, even of thine only.” - In May, 1854, he resigned the pastorate, in conse- quence of enfeebled health, and took leave of his people in a discourse on the text, ‘‘ Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the Word of the Lord may have free course and be gloritied.” (2 Thess. iii. 1.) Mr. Sherman was succeeded by the Rev. Newman Hall, of Hull, who preached his first sermon as Pastor on Sunday Morning, July 2, 1854, from the words, <‘ Who is suflicient for these things P” (2 Cor. ii. 16), and, ‘‘ Brethren, pray for us.”’ (1 Thess. v. 25.) THE CHRISTIAN’S SOLEMN COVENANT AND BOND OF UNION. RENEWED AND PUBLICLY RATIFIED AT SURREY CHAPEL BY THE COMMUNICANTS OF THE LORD’S SUPPER, ON SUNDAY MORNING, JAN. 5TH, 1873. On this first Sabbath of the new year, and assembled round the table of our Lord, we do hereby, before God and one another, renew our solemn Covenant. We confess that we are guilty, ruined sinners, deserving the righteous punishment of God. But we declare our confidence in his mercy, as revealed by Jesus Christ, who is ‘‘the propitiation for our Scr t— pee OG 4 sins, and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.” We trust in that atonement; we plead the merits of the Redeemer. By Him, the only way to the Father, we draw near, with penitent yet confiding hearts, saying —‘ God be merciful to me a sinner.’ And we desire anew to yield up ourselves entirely to our Tri-une Jehovah. We would look up with filial love, and say—‘‘ Our Father who art in Heaven—hallowed be thy name!’ We would live as his adopted children, trusting, obeying, rejoicing in Him. We yield ourselves to the Sonof God. We would be taught by Him as our Prophet; we rely on his sacrifice as our Priest; we would obey his com- mands as our King. Tor ‘this we seek the aid of the Holy Spirit, the giver and preserver of the life of godliness in the soul; and we declare our sincere purpose to give heed to his counsels—not wilfully to . grieve Him—but daily, through the year, to cherish his presence in our hearts. We declare that we are not our own, but bought with a price. Wedesire to present ourselyes—spirit, soul and body—time, property, influence—a living sacrifice unto God. We will endeavour in all things to prove that we love Him, by obeying his command- ments. We will endeavour in private and public, in our households, in our business, in daily life, in all places, in all companies, to act as becometh the Gospel—to promote true religion in the hearts of others, to help the needy, comfort the sorrowful, and to diminish vice, ungodliness, and misery in the world, ‘‘looking for that blessed hope, the glorious appearing of our great God and Saviour, Jesus Christ.” And knowing, from numerous past failures, how un- able we are of ourselves to do anything that is good, we do earnestly implore the help of Him, without whom we can do nothing—but who has said, ‘‘ My grace is sufficient for you.’ In the name of the Father, and of tie Son, and of the Holy Ghost, to this our solemn Covenant we do now severally and unitedly assent—with a solemn and a hearty—, ‘Afternoon _,, 2 e.o0ts, », Lvening, Religious Service fanG cous 5s ee Prayer Meeting . ge! e Monday Evening, Temperance Meeting . 8.30 ,, Tuesday Afternoon, Mothers’ Meeting . 2.30 ,, Wednesday Evening, Band of Hope cade », Lemperance Meeting 8.30 ,, Thursday vena Females’ Prayer Meeting. 7 3 " ‘Temperance Meeting 8.30 ,, Friday Evening, Prayer Meeting . 8.30 ,, Saturday Evening, Rone Men’s Bene- fit Society . 8.30 9 Established by w Previciie men “for relief in miekieen: They subscribe 6d. per week each, and receive in sickness 12s. per week and medical attendance. AT THE WORKMAN’S HALL, KING’S BENCH WALK. Sunday Morning, School atts . 10 o’clock. 2 Afternoon ,, : Beara lias », Evening, Religious Service ee ee PY Monday, Band of Hope . ” Tuesday Wednesday } Educational Classes 6 6 8 Friday Thursday, Religious Service . : oaks iy Saturday, Penny Bank ‘ 5 ey) Fe Popular Entertamment . Hoody oo S 8 By the Christian Instruction Society. Sunday Evening, Red House, Mint . 7 o'clock. “ No. 42, ditto .- 1a . ae INOMOUs ditto ffir}. f . No. 35, ditto ta, - af No. 22, ditto 1G; at: » No.16, ditto 7 aes Kes 7 No. 14, ditto te as a “4 No. 10, ditto Tees a nA No.4 ditto sf ns 4 Model Lodging House. 7 e, "4 » Williams’ ditto TRIP es a 3 Evans’ ditto Postal HA hy Farm House ditto 3 ae re rs Wilds’ ditto {fins Ay ay eI ya Ss ditto Tay La " Angel-court, Borough . (mies 0 Blue Boar Alley 7 , At Farm House, Harrow-street, Mint :— Sunday Afternoon, Bible Class . 3 to 4.30 o'clock. » Evening, Service . .- ite So + », Prayer Meeting . . 8.15 t08.45 ,, On Wednesday Evening a Bible Class is held, and on Friday Evening a Temperance Meeting is held at 8.30. BIBLE CLASSES. A Bible Class, for Young People and Adults, is held in the Library, every Thursday Evening, at half- past 8 o’clock. Classes for Young Women, Sunday Afternoon, quarter ~ to 3 o'clock. Class for Young Men, at 44, Charlotte-street, Sunday Morning, half-past 9; Afternoon, quarter to 3 o’clock. MATERNAL ASSOCIATIONS. The object of these associations is the promotion of individual and domestic piety, by awakening in the 9 consciences of the members a deeper sense of their responsibility as mothers, and of the great importance of training up their children in the way they should go. To accomplish these purposes, the associations meet once a month, or oftener, as circumstances may allow: the time is spent in conversation, and in — reading the Scriptures and books on subjects calcu- lated to instruct mothers in the best method of training their children, and maintaining order and harmony in their families. The Morning Class, conducted by Mrs. F. Jones, meets in the Vestry, at eleven o’clock, on the last Tuesday in every month. The Branch Associations are held as follows:— That in connection with the School of Surrey Chapel meets in the Library, on the first Monday in every eae at half-past two o’clock—conducted by Mrs. ones, Mission Hall, Bath-street, London-road, last Mon- day in every month, at half-past two o’clock—con- ducted by Mrs. C. Ruck. It is recommended that all mothers residing in the neighbourhood be affectionately invited to attend. BAPTISM Is administered on Sunday, according to special announcement, Members of the Church may bring their children without previous application; but other persons who desire to have their children baptized, are requested to apply to the Minister. THE LORD’S SUPPER Is celebrated on the first Sunday in every month at noon, and on the third Sunday afternoon at three o'clock. Accredited Members of any section of the - . Christian Church are invited to participate in these services. Also on the last Sunday Evenings in June and December, when all persons who are ‘ looking unto Jesus” are invited, though they may not be Members of Churches. 10 CHURCH MEMBERSHIP, Persons desiring to become Members of the Church are requested to communicate with the Pastor, in the Vestry, on Monday Evening, from five to seven o’clock. Those whose engagements prevent them from doing so, may see the Pastor, in the Vestry, after service on Sunday. ‘The names of candidates are announced to the Church at the Prayer Meeting, a week previous to their admission. Should anything in their conduct be inconsistent with a Christian pro- fession, information is requested to be given, privately, to any of the Officers of the Church. If no objection be made, the candidates are publicly welcomed into ~ the fellowship of the Church, on the Monday Evening preceding the Communion Sabbath ; while those who prefer to receive their Communion Cards privately, may obtain them from the Pastor, in the Vestry. The Communion Carp is divided into twelve parts, according to the months of the year ; and that portion which contains the name of the current month is to be delivered up at each celebration of the ordinance. Should this be neglected, the Member will be con- sidered as absent on that occasion. If the card be at any time lost or forgotten, a slip of paper, having on it the Member’s registered name and number, may be substituted. After unavoidable absence, the Member is requested to bring, at the next attendance, the portion of card not used, with the cause of absence written on the back ; every change of residence should be notified on the back of the ticket. Members are requested to return the tops of their cards, with their correct addresses thereon, early in December, and to apply for their new cards prior to the first Sunday in January. By this plan the names and residences of the Members become known to the Pastor and Elders, and are copied into the register of the Church once every year. The Elders are also not only enabled to preserve an exact record of the attendance of the Members at the Lord’s Supper, but become acquainted 11 with the cases of those who, from illness or other causes, are absent, Members removing to other Churches, are specially requested to apply for a letter of transfer through their new Minister, within six months of discon- tinuing attendance at Surrey Chapel. MARRIAGES. The Chapel is licensed for the celebration of mar- riages. Information may be obtained of the Assistant Minister, Parsonage House, adjoining the Chapel, and of the Registrar, Mr. Greenwood, 61, Nelson- square, Blackfriars-road. PEWS AND SITTINGS In the gallery of the Chapel, may be engaged or renewed at any quarter of the.year—the sittings in the area are renewable at Christmas and Midsummer —for which purpose attendance is given by the Trustees on Monday and, Wednesday evenings, when application for sittings may also be made. Seats not occupied by the seat-holders at the beginning of the psalms are appropriated to the use of strangers, The assistance of the regular attendants is affection- ately solicited, to secure as much accommodation as possible to the large concourse of persons who attend to hear the Word of God. The SurrEY CHapEL Prayer Boox consists of portions of the English Liturgy, arranged in the order in which they are read, with the Canticles marked for chanting. That, and Tor Surrey CuareL Hymn Book, may be obtained of Mr. Drake, the Chapel-keeper, 44, Charlotte-street. : Entered upon Office. 1836 1838 1853 1855 1860 1860 1864 1869 1869 S.E. 12 OFFICERS OF THE CHURCH. Rey. Newman Hatt, LL.B., Pastor. Rey. Henry GRAINGER, Assistant Minister. THE NAME. Mr. H. Hadland, Mr. W. Freeman,| Mr. C. Ruck, Mr. W. Webb, Mr. G. Saunders, Mr. J. G. Joy, Mr. R. Pigott, Mr.J.H.Goodman, Mr.J.J. Frederick, ELDERS. ADDRESS. Guildhall, E.C. 27, Millbank-street, Westmin- ster, S.W. 1, Belgrave-terrace, Stockwell- road, Brixton, 8.W. 23, Upper Thames-street, E.C. South-lodge, Dartmouth-park, Forest-hill, S.E. 112, St. George’s-road, S.E. 6, Spencer-park, Wandsworth- common. 50, Nelson-square, Blackfriars- road, S.E. 18, Binfield-road, Clapham- road, S.W. MISSIONARIES. Mr. Wm. Stone, Mission Hall, 42, White-street, Borough, Mr. Wm. Harrison, 20, Merrick-square, Newington, 8.E. Mr. Moses Botting, 28, Wellington-street, Blackfriars- road, S.E. STATISTICS OF THE CHURCH, 1872. Number of Members on the Register, December Slat, UST Lig aes ies wave cates sise ces Sete 1369 Admitted during the Year 1872— From other Churches .................0008 26 From the World. :...3..:...:.asaneee 113 Renewed their Membership ............. 3 — 142 1511 13 REMOVALS, DEATHS, &c. Transferred to other Churches ...... 20 UE, 2 Gt a ee 22 Discontinued attendance through re- moval and other causes ............ 87 RMREMEEE SPOR © 5 (ks odes ahcwsdwense vw Ses er DE MESMBCUO M22 hos Sik 5 css 2s Jeapred os 1 — 132 1379 DECEASED. Members who have died during the year 1872 :— Charles Baker, 8, Charles-street, Blackfriars- MED fc... <5 Sc sen rce Ma dck molec tne 98 tess January. Emily Smith, 26, Arnott-street, Harper- street, New Kent-road ..............,.eceeeeee » Rebecca Webb, 10, Wertemburgh-street, MAE Sch. 2, (ahd son os viene ac cdivcd ext ” Ann Deadman, Stamford-street ............... March. Kezia Harrison, 116, Crawford-street, Port- UNECE OMe. Socrates Poor a Sad ans cacv es April. John Hall, 507, Wandsworth-road............ May. Christian Sharman, 168, Blackfriars-road ... June. Ann Spaull, 23, Brook-street, Berkeley-square _,, Ellen Hopkins, 95, Lower Marsh ............ July. Mary Avory, Drapers’ Alms Houses ......... August. Sarah Cave, 23, Great Charlotte-street ...... A John Sparks, Hopton’s Alms Houses ......... »9 Thomas Rider, 112, Newington-butts ...... September. Mary Ann Marshall, 9, Brunswick-place, UEMBIITTAPOOQ(L os 55 sacs .osaecsesisedscsevs October. Ann Allen, 143, Upper Kennington-lane ... November. Anne Bedford, 36, Gurney- pebrect, New : SERA 2, dst. voaechieerc ss esses December. Maria Brand, Surrey Chapel Alms Eran, » Mary Smith, Church House, Newington-butts Pe Sarah Goodman, 77, Union-street, Borough Mary Ann Hall, 507, Wandsworth-road...... re James Lesty, 139, Union-road, Mer date. [rt a IG ea geile ar gee | Pee Seer Lewis Tilton, 19, Brooks-place, Smirks- me CDEC.) ICONE-PORG. coos cedvecelenaeveeaeeecs 14 VISITATION OF THE. SICK. Sick Members of the Church and Congregation, desirous of being visited, are requested to send their names in writing, to the Assistant Minister, at the Parsonage House, or either of the Elders. ‘Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the Church, and let them pray over him.” 15 A General Meeting of the Office-bearers, Committees, and Members of the various Societies connected with Surrey Chapel, was held in Surrey Chapel Rooms, on 27th January, and following Mondays. Rev. NEWMAN HALL in the Chair. After singing and prayer, the Chairman stated that the object of the meeting was to lay before the con- stituents of the Societies an audited account of the last year’s receipts and expenditure, to re-appoint Officers and Committees, to receive from the Secre- taries a statement as to the condition of the Societies they represent, with a view to revive any that may be declining, and to fill up vacancies, either of Officers or Members of Committee, where such are needed. The financial reports of the various Societies were then presented and passed, and the Officers and Committees appointed for the ensuing year. . The following resolutions were adopted at the first General Meeting, March 20th, 1856 :— 1, That a book be published early in eagh year (each Society bearing its quota of expense), containing a yearly Report of the Church and its various Insti- tutions. 2. That the accounts of the Societies be balanced and audited up to the 31st December in each year. 3. That an Annual Meeting, similiar to the present, be held early in each year. 4, That the business of each Society be conducted by a Committee, appointed by the General Meeting, with power to add to their number, whose attendance shall be marked by a return to be sent in at the end of the year. Three to form a quorum. 5, That the Elders of the Church be ex-officio members of all the Committees, affording opportu- nities occasionally to visit and encourage their brethren. “Lepsoupe AA 4Sv/T “Aepuoy, 4Sal iy ‘Upuop, ySe'T ‘.s 134 0 0 Blankets and Flannel Dividends on Consols 7218 0 for distribution ...... 19 12 10 Ditto on 8 per cent. Bread and Coals for Reduced: 2555525. -5-.8 105 0 0 distribution ............ 37 00 Annual Collection ... 38 10 2% Printing Reports, &c., Collection at St. James’ Stationery, Postage FES Veb.cesanss rere ea and Sundries ......... ase Cae Quota for + Printing “* Surrey Chapel and , its Institutions” ... 2 11 0 Surrey Chapel Rooms 4 4 0 Balance in hand, Dec. SU LS 1 Liewees wakes as os 47 10% £399 6 92 £399 6 9% Audited by JAMES JOY. WILLIAM WATKINS. 24 NURSING AUXILIARY. TREASURER’s ACCOUNT FOR 1872. Dr. £ sd. Cr. & 8. d. To Balance in hand, Dec. By Nurse’s Wages ......... 42 0 0 GAELS Ratan sess waive os LG) 2.10 Milk, Bread, Washing Subscriptions, Dona- and Sundries ......... 8 13 11 tions, &c. ... ee ROO PL Lie. Mrs. Gladstone’s Con- Collection at St. James’ valescent Home ..... 10 0 0 Halle srt soca treet HO 8) Balance in hand, Dec. Gift from Miss Cope, 31, (187 22au eee en as ep Residuary Legatee under Miss Price’s Api recy tine oe ator ters 50 0 O £111 14 2 £1ll 14 2 Audited by JAMES JOY. : WILLIAM WATKINS. SUBSCRIPTIONS. £ 8. d. 8.0 Ash, Mr 010 6 Longmore, Miss OD 0 A. 8. H. Hos ake Low, Mrs. . le OD ‘A New Year Offering S00 Morgan, Mr. R. 0 6.0 Baxter, Mr. : 0 +510 Morley, Mrs. 1.0 -0 Bevis, Miss : 010 0:| Mundy, Mrs. atc OO Bowman, Mra ° 010 6 Newton, Mr. J. 010 0 Brownnutt, Mr. 2 Ob rao Palmer, Mr. ODF Brunt, Mrs. 5 taps Leun Rider, Mr. 11.0 Dempster, Miss ole) Rider, Mrs. an led Deverell, Mr. 0.5 Ruck, Mr. C. . . 010 O Drew, Mrs. 0 35°38 Ruck, Mr. C., Jun... Feo Dunn, Mr. 1? 0740 Ruck, Mrs. C., Jun. . aL Faaray Earl, Mr. D. 1r4n,030 Sayer, Mr. 5 > OSGeo Edwards, Mr. OND > 0 Scroggie, Mrs. 010 6 Fiwin, Mr. yay 0) Shaw, Mrs. : - tee Frederick, Mrs., Coll. by . he MS) Sheppard, Miss . 2 Ose baa Friend, A, by Mr. J. G. ee enOENO Smith, Mrs, Mary 010 0 Goodman, Mr. J 010 O Southgate, Mire . Oe eee Greening, Mr. 0°50 Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. G. . 010 0 Glover, Mrs. . 010 O Thatcher, Mr. . ‘ yh Baa Glover, Miss, Collected by 010 O Trinder, Mr. . d - OP RONRO Grose, "Mr. J. 010 O Trinder, Mrs. . DRS VO: Heffer, Mrs., Collected by 2 3 0 Weston, Miss . : = YT RO 40 Hopkins, Mr. O52 20 Under ds, each . sy pe, Jolliffe, Mrs. . 010 6 —_—_—_— Jolliffe, Mrs., Collected by 0.14 49 £35 11 4 Jolliffe, Miss 010 0 Longmore, Mrs. 010 6 25 AUXILIARY BIBLE SOCIETY. President—Rev. Newnan Hall, LL.B. Treasurer—Mr. Poole, 50, Union-street, Borough, S.E. Secretary—Mr. Smith, Benyon-villa, Benyon-road, N. Depositary—Mr. Drake, Library, Surrey Chapel. Committee—Messrs. _ Broughton, Churchill, Patrick, Johnson, Jennings, Watkins and White; with the Elders of the Church, ex-officio, and two Repre- sentatives from each Sunday School. This Auxiliary has been established 61 years, having been formed, as an Association, in the year 1812, by the Rev. Rowland Hill, for the purpose of circulating the Holy Scriptures. This’ Society keeps a stock of Bibles, Testaments and suitable publica- tions for distribution by Ministers, Missionaries, Bible- women and Benevolent Societies connected with Sur- rey Chapel; also for the supply of the Southwark Sunday ‘School Society and the free distribution of them to persons whose means prevent them from ob- taining a copy, even at the present reduced price, and of raising funds in aid of the British and Foreign Bible Society. AUXILIARY BIBLE SOCIETY. TREASURER’S ACCOUNT FOR 1872. Audited by JOSEPH JOHNSON. THOMAS BROUGHTON. Dr. Se) 854d Or. ee To Balance in hand, Dec. By Cash paid Parent aL SUS i acy Saeco 1213 2% DOCLOY A wevese2-oRecwectes 27 0 0 Subscriptions ............ 13 15 6 Ditto Bibles, &ec.......... 6 2 0 Free Contributions from Rooms’ Committee...... Lee FeO Schools, viz. :— Quota for Printing Surrey Chapel 5 0 0 ‘‘ Surrey Chapel and IMAG radi L5G its Institutions’’...... 016 6 Borough-road... 1 5 9 Balance in hand, Dec. Jurston-street 1 0 1 SIL OLaaenseedvere sites 12 6 53 Bond-street...... 09 0 HawkstoneHall 015 9% Keni-street...... 3 4 25 Dockhead ...... 519 3 Borough-road, Evening ...... Ge'U - Castle-yard.,..... 0% Ss 20R Lia £47 5 115 £47 5 113 26 THE ROWLAND HILL CENTENARY FUND FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES, ESTABLISHED 1844. President—Rev. Newman Hall, LL.B. Treasurer —Mr. W. Watkins, 48, Falmouth-rd., Dover-rd. Secretary—Mr. John Newton, 102, Clapham-road. Committee—Mr. Allen, Mr. Edwards, Mr. Herregan, Mr. Maxwell, Mr. Thatcher, Mr. Whale. . The Trustees of the Society’s Property and the Elders of the Church ex-officio. It has been an eventful year in the history of the Centenary Education Fund. Early in the year the Committee had notice to give up possession of four of the rooms in which daily instruction had been afforded by this Committee to the children of the poor for many years. The Committee were thankful that for some years they had been the instrument of affording daily in- struction to about 1000 children in Southwark and Lambeth; but they were not unwilling to hand over their Schools to the School Board of London for two reasons :— : 1. That the children would receive a better edu- cation than the funds of the Centenary Com- mittee could provide. 2. The money thus saved would enable the Com- mittee to assist more effectually other objects still in view. _ The Committee have therefore now only one Day School to support, which is effectually carried on in Bond-street, Commercial-road. ‘NATTV CUVHOIY "TTAMXVIN ‘¢ 4q poypny 8 9L 99cF 8 91 996F OL IL 98 © SL8I STE ‘ood ‘puvy ut souv[eg 0 0 GZ ‘''*SULOOY [OOYD, Jo Avay, pu vA A, 0 Gc T seaee seer een ees oO” o.dvjsog ‘K1dUOTIVIG EGLO ee hn Be « SUOTINFSUT S}I pus pdvyp Aormg,, Suryug 10F vyon%y ee 1.) be ee sv sotooy jedeyg Aarimg G 0 04-0 8L 4 ‘oY ‘suLMofoN “suruveyp SULT eee "oR “syoog “speop Gat lele as ee SIOJLUO TN 02 6 [ooyog 48-puog. 105 suor{di1osqng puBw siayovay, JO setrepeg Pe? Ge Se a nk seen ee ‘ [OOYDY 490.148-pley —: [00g 400148-puog “SUBHL 98 WOIP[IYD Jo suoryngiayuOD) 8 618 —8 61 § sYfoog »Y Suruvs[H ‘speop 9 aay ai Meanie | NES ape = fimgee tel OTL G20ag. SS SIOYOVAT, FO SoLIVpeg si OUOJSYMVFT JO [eyIdwy uo 4so190jUT —:[ooyog pavk-opysv9 Oe lor ie suolyeuog puv suorydriosqng Sieh L-Gr— UL St 8% > +, ‘op Suruwayy ‘s[vor O OL GT “'"'"** looyog 400148-puog «oF ‘og 0 O OF ‘'''' sxeqovay, Jo soriepeg D200 Lares JOOydg 490148-JUsy TOF ‘og Se AOOUdS 00} e-3o et Ray oe ae w"* POOWS FAL L G1 8t—L Z 9 syoog Hy Sururazy ‘stvog IOF PUBMO]TS UOIUL [OOTY pos.svy O OL Z4€ “"""’ Stoqovay, Jo sorrepeg OE Sie ee “TRH UvuLMeNy “acy Aq —: [OOTY Jurpy SUOUIeg Jegze “QZvoyyourq pus > G TE—P G HP “''' *OM Buruv[yH ‘sTvog wuvydely 4v suooe[on jo AyoroyT 0 0 O08 ‘' sdoYovay, Jo sortepeg Lg OR Z 2 VSS pedeyg Aoraing 48 woryoeT[09 —[00Yog pvol-ysno10og #6. LE 9T TST ‘TE ‘oq ‘puey ut eoureg of, 1 aR 3 a Pe Ral iG: ‘Z18T HO LNAOOOV SATAASVANL ‘AUNODA AUVNGINGO 28 SURREY CHAPEL CHRISTIAN INSTRUCTION SOCIETY, President—Rev. Newman Hall, LL.B. Treasurer—Mr. T. P. Baines, 100, Blackfriars-road, S.E. Secretary—Mx. 8S. J. Earl, 133, Kennington-park-rd., 8.E. Depositary—Mr. Cranfield, 261, Southwark-bridge-road, S.E. Superintendent of Districts—Mr. Goodman, 50, Nelson- square, Blackfriars-road, S.E. Superintendent of Room in New Farm House, Mint—Mr. J. McDougall, Leadenhall-street. Committee—Messrs. Bird, Edwards, Eadisson, Foster, McDougall, Grisold, Matthews, Sheldrick, Taylor and Thwaites, also the Elders of the Church ex-officio. The Committee are glad to report that the Visitors of the various districts have notin the least slackened their efforts during the past year. About 500 families have been regularly visited, and the aggre- gate number of visits has been about 12,000. Very encouraging have been the interviefvs which our friends have had with the poor, the destitute, the sick and the dying, as well as with those in health and in better circumstances. The sorrowful have been led to feel that they have not been left without a kind, sympathising friend in the world, and to all, the Gospel has been faithfully preached. The num- ber of permanent Visitors during the year has been 13; but the Committee lament that, through inereas- . ing years and infirmity, one of their most efficient and indefatigable Visitors has been compelled to resign the interesting employment in which she has been so long and so usefully engaged. They trust that some other kind friend will come forward to fulfil her lack of service, so that the district which is 29 now vacated may not be altogether abandoned, The number of tracts distributed has been 19,000, 7,500 of which have been circulated on the loan system, together with 950 ‘‘Sunday at Homes.” The Visitors have been encouraged by their ready reception at the homes of the poor, and they believe that good has been done. Several are considered to be in a hopeful condition, and one has joined the Church. . The large room hired at the Farm House has been considered so necessary to the successful operations of the Society that, though forming a large item in the expenditure, the Committee have resolved upon rent- ing it for another year, in the hope that the Church and Congregation will,- by their liberality, enable them to discharge their liabilities. Here the Visitors meet every Sunday evening for prayer, and for making arrangements for the preaching stations; religious services are held two evening's in the week, and there is a Sunday School for very poor children, whose parents being chiefly Irish, they are not allowed to at- tend our school in Harrow-street, About 80 children are in attendance at this school, which is open morn- ing and afternoon, and they are giving satisfactory evidence of improvement in the knowledge of the Word of God. During the past year, we have had to give up our services in two of the stations, in consequence of the houses being under repair; but other doors have been opened for us, two other stations have been added, one a very large house in which upwards of 70 persons have the Scriptures read and expounded to them every Sunday evening; other houses can be added when we have labourers to occupy them. ‘The harvest truly is great, pray ye the Lord that He send more labourers.” Fifty copies of the ‘‘ British Workman ” are distributed with various tracts every month. The Superintendent would gladly welcome any Christian friend who would assist in this work if they would meet him at the Farm House (Upper Room), Harrow-street, Mint, at 6.30, any Sunday evening. ‘AHNOONAT “H ‘A ‘ONINNOAG WVITTILA 44 porpny 9 ¥ oF 9 PF SF 2:8 Te ae ee * ¢¢ SMOTFNITASUT S}t puvpodeyp faring,, suryursg cof vyon’y OT tC sutooy fedeyp forme on ie “+ sorrpung eat) Ah eee are eae ae oFtD “rodooy-t00g | 0 O &% JUIWT ‘OSNoyT WIR] Ul WOOYW Jo yuey @ SOL eS SS Ng edie —“GRTaTe (Ee OROR Le sJoVly, SuaATjeg pue Sut ‘d0q] “lornsvory, oY} 0} onp souvjeg -purg, Surpnyour ‘Arvpeg s,Aavqtsodeq O=OlcLe ae suoIyeuo(, puw suordriosqug Oe CiaaGaer en 6 2 oe "ow “SPoVIy, ‘SuOTzBoTTqng 0 6 TL yadeyp formg ye woroa][o/ 0 9TT ‘op ‘Krouoyeyg Suyumg Sg | $ FL 6 “TLST ‘TE ‘oq ‘puey ut couvyeg oy, oD ete orp 76) 4 eM Gaeta 0k ‘ ‘248T UOd GCNOOOOV SAAUASVAUL “ALAIOOS NOILLONULISNT NVLLSTYHO 31 AUXILIARY TO THE LONDON CITY MISSION. President—Rev. Newman Hall, LL.B. Treasurer—Myr. Dunn, 38, Southwark-street, S.E. Secretary—Mr. Jabez Jones, 13, Wansey-street, Wal- worth, S.E. ' Committee—Mr. Ash, Dr. Brown, Mr. Champion, Mr. S- Earl, Mr. Edwards, Mr. Farra, Mr. Glasspool, Mr. Maxwell, Mr. Maxwell, Jun., Mr. Palmer, Mr. Sayer, Mr. Swingler, and the Elders of the Church ex-officio. Missionaries —Kent-street district, Mr. Stone, Mission Hall, 42, White-street, Borough, S.E. Surrey Chapel district, Mr. Botting, 28, Welling- ton-street, Blackfriars-road, S.E. LADIES’ BRANCH. Secretary—Mrs. Heffer, 159, Kennington-park-road, S.E. Committee and Collectors—Miss Ash and Mrs. Heffer. The Committee, in presenting this their 30th Annual Report, have much pleasure in stating that the operations of this important Mission during the past year have been of a most encouraging nature, and fraught with highly satisfactory results. The blessing of God has been richly vouchsafed on the labours of their two truly zealous Missionaries, Mr. Stone and Mr. Botting. Mr. Stone has hitherto been deprived of a Mission 32 Hall, and having to conduct his services in the open air and in all weather, has consequently laboured amidst much trial and difficulty. The Committee are glad to report that a commodious and well- furnished hall has just been erected, situate in White-street, Borough, and that it will be opened for evangelistic purposes early in February. Mr. Botting’s success at King’s-court Chapel has been.of such a nature that the Committee felt bound to erect and furnish an additional hall for his district, such hall is situate in King’s-bench-walk, Welling- ton-street, and is now open on each Lord’s Day, also on every evening during the week, for educational and spiritual instruction, and already with results most gratifying. ‘ The Committee, while deeply lamenting their loss of the presence and active services of their late Trea- surer, Mr. Rider, have pleasure in stating that Mr. Andrew Dunn has consented to occupy the position — so worthily held for many years by their late departed friend and Christian philanthropist. The following summary shows but a portion of the important operations of this Mission during the past year :— Families Visited.3. 000034 J. S.ssacses 3 epee 8,541 Aggregate Attendance at In-door Meetings ...... 12,506 Persons who have joined this and other Churches 26 Temperance Meetings °.. )... 270.57. «-s01- ee 128 Aggregate Attendance 2.0. 1..:. fi).t2.a. sie enee ee 14,877 Band of Hope Meetings... ...2...)..2..,.eeeeeeee 93 Aggregate Attendance... ..05.....s0ccemee oe eee 5,129 Signed the Pledges sis0)c. hc: soe ee 477 Tracts distributed...08 0. 0... ih cis os oe ce ee 26,047 United Meetings 'he ciciuc ives anes oaicte nce ee 496 Aggregate Attendance .1..¥............ ¢.esemeiae 52,750 Left-off wearing apparel is earnestly solicited, and may be sent to the Missionaries, or left at Mr. Drake’s, 44, Charlotte-street, Blackfriars-road, or at the resi- dence of the Secretary. 33 ITAMXVNN ‘£ ‘SANIVE ‘g se an oe oe ee et AE suoryeregpy AG ‘YIMM Youcg 8 buy p 0 Ge pc eee aS OT G 98 oe Oe a ee ate ole e W eleem 8) Srrerens: ee Le ot it Ae poe ey Ais ororee ariedany ‘aq ‘toansvary, OY} 0F eNp souRVE Re ees a teen. sioqrenb @) sex) OMT [Ack cae fo eee sparvy Surpe[op 0 SL OL Mea Ry | OR Ge Bos OC Oo ae eee su01 "gunoooy gadpyg 2.Wnog s bury ~eIoq[e IOZ ‘soup “Ap tod ‘sworywuog Port sec ee ee berererreceers veeeee sul0oy FO Judy 0 S81 Ca eee Sop] 03} ii dea aN rereres SUOTINATYSUT SJL puv Qme8T, Co mn Sa ‘ow ‘suorydtrosqng pedo Kamins, ” 1 SUT oy Bjonty BRO PE seen at os. ating 4B SsuorpoT[OD OPS0 a tear ee “kyaro0g quorsg Aq | 8 ZI PT TAS ‘Tg ‘oo “puvy url eouvyeg OL, ‘p *g F - 70) ‘p “9 a4 Ad a ee ee a eee ee ‘2481 YOK CTNQOOOV SAMAUNSVALL ‘NOISSIN ALIO NOGNOT AHL OL AAVITIXOV % 34 DORCAS SOCIETY. INSTITUTED 1800. Treasurer and Secretary—Mrs. Harding, 159, Kennington- - park-road. Purchasers—Mrs. Waygood and’ Mrs. Gibson. Committee. Mrs. Ash. | Mrs. Jolliffe. Mrs. Bristow. Mrs. G. Joy. Mrs. Burtwell. Mrs. Low. Mrs. F. Carter. Mrs. Newton. Mrs. Frederick. Mrs. Nicholson. Mrs. Glanvill. Mrs. Russell. Mrs. Grainger. Mrs. Rider. Mrs. Heffer. Mrs. Rideal. Miss Howells. Mrs. Sayer. Miss Houston. Mrs. Webb. Mrs. Williams. This Society assists poor married women during the period of their confinement, and is entirely dependent on voluntary subscriptions. This year, 62 cases have received the aid this Society affords in money, coals, soap, clothing for the infant, and the loan of suitable linen for the mother. The members of the Com- mittee meet monthly, in turn, at each other’s houses, for the purpose of making up the different articles of clothing for the use of the poor women; they also visit the cases to afford such religious counsel as the circumstances of each require, and can testify to the gratitude with which the assistance of the Society is received in that which is so particularly a time of need. In consequence of deaths and removals, this valuable Society has lost many of its friends and supporters. The Committee earnestly solicit the sympathy of those who have it in their power to aid them. Every subscriber of half a guinea is entitled to recommend one case annually, and one case additional at the rate of every half-guinea sub- scribed. ‘SNVITTIA ‘A LAIWaVH ‘MOINDATUA ‘S 44 poypny L FL Oc Lt Pl 9cF 0 0 G “ yo09g uo pupa O--£. 0G 0 0 T ‘" TRH 'N ‘Aoy Sq “ox OL SI '''" SA8T ‘TE ‘00 “puvy ut couereg ‘SUOTLIOG 10}F8 ‘sosuadxoa LENS ad | al eis aie ar iay ures WOOY FO Fuw9y SUIT[OABI BAOGB PoATODeT Gat Osis oe OO Santis pue SI00d. 0 LT § suoyeu0g x» suoydrzosqng G LT 98°" “oH ‘STwoD “SurypOTO ‘woury Ag | T ST SL" TLST ‘Te ‘oeq ‘puey ur courjeg oF, Pp 8 & 7) “Px ty F “i ‘648L YUOL LNNOOOV SAINUMASVANL ‘ALAINOS Svouod 36 FEMALE CLOTHING SOCIETY. INSTITUTED 1825. Treasurer § Secretary—Mrs. Harding, 159, Kennington- park-road. Committee. Mrs. Burtwell. ‘Mrs. Heffer. Mrs. Geo. Joy. Mrs. Grainger. The object of this Society is to furnish, at half- price, the most necessary and useful articles of female clothing ; and many needy but decent families have been thereby enabled, by their small savings, to procure comfortable apparel. The presentnumber of subscribers is very small, and the Committee earnestly solicit increased help. 1. The business of this Scciety is conducted by a Committee of six members, in addition to the Presi- dent and Treasurer. ; 2. A meeting of the Committee is held on the third Friday in every month, at twelve o’clock (ex- cepting the months of July, August and September), in the Surrey Chapel Rooms; when articles of clothing are supplied, at half-price, to such applicants as come provided with tickets of recommendation, signed by a subscriber. 3. Every subscriber of 7s, and upwards, annually, is constituted a member of this Society. A donation of five guineas constitutes a Life Subscriber, who is entitled, annually, to two tickets of recommendation, value 6s. each. 4, Every member subscribing one guinea, annually, is entitled to three tickets of recommendation. A subscriber of 14s. is entitled to two tickets, annually, and a subscriber of 7s. to one ticket for such sub- scription. One or more members of the Committee undertake the purchasing of the materials. Thirty-seven cases have been assisted during the year. { ‘NOLMON HiLGAvZ119 ‘ATOM LAIMUVH 4q peypey 8 8 8eF $8 8 S8aF SU Werte! oer even Nase YS YUvg Uo puoprard SOL ¢ Q ct SUIYZOTO Fo opeg wWoaz YSBD > Sle Aas Soo @L48I “TE ‘oe “‘puvy ut souereg Ne SE Ua) doremaeesscopeene SUL Ome vee i ete artes bee nas __, souRpuesTy: 0 0 T ‘TRH 'N ‘Aoy Aq “op 48 Cigna pi, Seaici aa a hinay Se ae WOO FO FUE ‘sUOULIOg 10978 ‘sosuadxa oni Ee ¢¢ SUOTJNINSUT S}I pus SUTT[AAVIY OAOG’ PIATIVIYT Jadeyy Aoting ,, Suyurtg roy vont 9 SI 6 suoyeu0g xsuotdiIOsqng | Ws, og Ok ree ‘oy ‘spoyuvg ‘Aredearpuoury Ag IL 91 9 ‘“ TL8T ‘TE ‘eq ‘puvy ut souR[eg Oo], Pe ee ae in ee Rae rer. ‘eL8t UO LNQOOOV SATUASVAAL ALHIOOS ONIHLOIO @IVAaAG. 38 HOME MISSIONARY WORKING SOCIETY. Committee—Mrs. Grainger, Mrs. Hayward, Mrs. Sayer, and Miss Wilkey. Secretary—Miss Emma Wilkey. -The object of this Society is to assist the poor (particularly of the Church and Congregation), by making and selling articles of clothing under cost price. The ladies meet monthly, at the Parsonage. During the last year, upwards of 500 garments have been sold. TREASURER’S ACCOUNT FOR 1872. Dr. Seeds Cr. £; syed To Balance in hand, Dec. By Linendrapery ......... 4113 8 OL; LSVLEtinssese ses b 9 26s Quota for Printing Subscriptions and Do- ‘‘Surrey Chapel and MAtiONs veces shee haces 122 7% its Institutions” ... 0 6 0 Cash from Sale . of Balance-in hand, Dec. Clothing ivissscceassees 2679 £93, 31, 1872tse peavetepeanee 2 2.3% £44 1113 £44 1 113° canes te Audited by ALICE WILLIAMS. MARIA WILLIAMS. 39 FEMALE MISSIONARY WORKING ASSOCIATION. Treasurer—Mrs. Clark. Secretary—Mrs. Heffer, 159, Kennington-park-road. Purchasers—Mrs. Burtwell and Mrs. Heffer. Committee. Mrs. Hayward. Mrs. Newton. Mrs. Jolliffe. Mrs. Osboldstone. Miss Spencer. The object of this Association is the promotion of a missionary spirit among its members ; to assist those. ladies who, with their husbands, are labouring abroad in connection with the London Missionary Society ; in the establishment and maintenance of native Female Schools, by gifts of needlework, which are sold to the English and other residents. The meetings are held in the Library adjoining the Chapel, on the last Friday afternoon in every month, from four till eight o’clock. At half-past five Tea is provided, at a charge of threepence each person. During the last year, a contribution of useful and fancy articles was sent to Rev. James Sibree, Mad- agascar, value £9 17s. FEMALE MISSIONARY WORKING ASSOCIATION. TREASURER’S AccOUNT FOR 1872. Dr. ist. | Cr. Jom 85.10: To Balance in hand, By Materials ......... 7 210 Deewsl L87t 0s, 9 92 Balance in hand, Subscriptions ...... 914 6 Dec. 31, 1872.28 1 52 £10 4 32 £10 4 32 Audited by MARY ELIZ. RUSSELL. ELIZABETH SPENCER, 40 AUXILIARY MISSIONARY SOCIETY. President—Rev. Newman Hall, LL.B. Treasurer-—Mr. Richard Bowman, 70, Goswell-street, B.C. Secretary—Mr. S. C. Bristow, 11, Park-villas, Lower Norwood, 8.E. Committee. Mr. Churchill. Mr. Edwards. Mr. Jennings. Mr. Patrick. Mr. Steer. The Representatives of the Sunday Schools, and the Elders of the Church ex-officio. LADIES’ BRANCH. Treasurer—Mys. Freeman, Millbank-street, Westminster. Secretary—Miss Ash, 112, Newington-butts. Committee and Collectors. Miss Longmore. Miss Putley. Mrs. C. Ruck, Jun. Miss Moreland. Miss Russell. The Rey. Rowland Hill was one of the founders of the London Missionary Society, and ever took a most zealous interest in its operations and success, One of the Annual Sermons on behalf of the Society from its commencement (a period of 71 years), has been preached in Surrey Chapel. The Auxiliary is sup- ported by subscriptions and donations, and by the proceeds of missionary boxes. The co-operation of the young in the circulation of, and contribution to these boxes, is one means of supporting the Society ; and the Committee affectionately request the aid of the young people of the Congregation, by increased exertions, to assist them in the missionary cause. Subscriptions may be sent in Postage Stamps, Post Office Orders, or otherwise, to the Treasurer or Secretary. 41 ‘NOLMAN NHOL 7 ‘SNIMLVM WVYITTIM 4q poqpny fats i St outs | , 0 z2—0 6 9 meres are o's ere’ Oe nRe eon a le pvoyyoocy te Ak ah or 300.148-9U9 yf Il eT 0 ore eee eee rreseeere pavd-o[}sBp 0 0 TL ° SutmsAg ‘pror-ysno10g 1 2 Hretereeeeee TTBEY QUOISHMBPT 9 lad see een ee were nenene 400.148 -puog t 0 OLel Tocco pvor-Tsno10g goes q00.148-0ys.0 ¢ q Pa fend AY GL Ps oe SS ' qodeyg formg —: s[ooyog WoIF SUOTPOOTIOD Lb O ‘ BIST ‘TE 0g ‘puey ut couvreg TRG LO in eae "+ -o1 Soxog ATBUOISST IY OT BS ae a ae smooy joduyy Aorang O SL GF—9 -OT STN Weaetg Serpe] Od that Yc Ck aaa eae SUE ST DES LS ge A Gia 4 er storyditosqng podeyy Aotmg,, suyutg 1oF vyony hop Ogee SUOUIIG [BNUUW 4B SUOTPPIT[OH 2 ai id Sond 8G Sar Cae Ayoroog yuorweg 07 yseQ Ag | TLS BS °° TAST ‘TE Oe “Pury Url souvpe oF, Pie “Bie 76) oe ea eee Ale 8 ‘CL8T UO LNQOOOV SGHaNSVAGL | "ALAIOOS AUVNOISSIW AUVITIXOV 42 MISSIONARY WORKING PARTY. Treasurer—Miss Glover. Secretaries—Mrs. Heffer and Miss Russell. Members. Miss Ash. _ |Mrs. Grainger. Miss Russell. Miss Baker. Misses Howells. {Miss Sheppard. Misses Fairless. Miss Irish. Misses Webb. Mrs. W.D Glanvill. |Miss E. Longmore.|Misses Williams. Miss Glover. Miss Newton. Miss K. Williams. Misses Wilkey. The meetings are held the first Thursday in every month, from three till half-past seven, at the residences of the members, when useful and fancy articles are made for the benefit of Mission Schools. During the last year, contributions of useful and fancy articles were sent to Mrs. Sibree, Madagascar, value £10 6s. 6d. MISSIONARY WORKING PARTY. TREASURER’S ACCOUNT FOR 1872. Dr. fuis.atd. Cr. £ 8.9 d; To Balance in hand, * By Materials, &c....... 5 3 0% Decx3ly 187 ae Oana es Balance in hand, Subscriptions ...... 5 0 0 Dec, 81, 1872 —. Is aae £616 74 £616 7} treet eT eres Audited by ELIZA GLOVER. MARY HOWELLS. 43 ROWLAND HILL FUND, FOR PERPETUATING THE WORK OF GOD IN CONNECTION WITH SURREY CHAPEL. President—Rev. Newman Hall, LL.B. Treasurer—Mr. Cornelius Ruck, Jun., 40, King William- street, E.C. Secretary—Mr. Geo. Joy, 83, Kennington-park-road, 8.E. Commtttee. Trustees’ Members. Elders’ Members. Mr. Joseph Moreland. Mr. Richard Pigott. Mr. Daniel Earl. Mr. Henry Hadland. Mr. J. G. Joy. Mr: William Webb. Members elected by the Church and Congregation. Dr. Gervis. Mr. George Joy. Mr. John R. Glanvill. © Mr. Walter Williams. Mr. Richard Bowman. Mr. Cornelius Ruck, Jun. A bequest, made by the late Rev. Rowland Hill, of a sum of money to be appropriated in obtaining the Freehold of the Chapel, having, by a decision in Chancery, been declared void, it has been determined to raise a Fund to carry out Mr. Hill’s intentions, and to be employed as shall be most expedient for perpetuating the work of God commenced by him, and since carried on by the Rev. James Sherman and the Rev. Newman Hall. A trust-deed, approved by Counsel, has been exe- cuted, and the Fund is now invested in the names of the following Trustees :— Rev. Newman Hall. Mr. Richard Pigott. Mr. Cornelius Ruck, Jun. Mr. William Webb. Subscriptions and donations will’ be thankfully received by the President, the Treasurer, or by any member of the Committee. 44 “ROWLAND HILL FUND.” DoNATIONS IN 1872. £ 8, d. AS. H. : : : “ s . : La) B. B. 2 é ; : 4 “ 120s 5 Dunn, Mr. . : 1<70740 Elliott, Mr. H.C. . : A ‘ : De ls * i Goff, Martha . $ é : : 3 5 010 0 Harding, Mrs. F; 7 2:2 0 King, Mr. Z. 215 0 Longmore, Miss Maria 0 5 0 Longmore, Miss Emma _ . 4 a > ’ 0 45) 70 Longmore, Miss Martha : : 5 H 1-ayao Newth, Dr. 5 aera ht, Phillips, Mr. T. R. : : 2 2 0 Smith, Mr. T. J. ; : : 5 0.70 20 Tedd, Sarah Ann 010 0 £1418 0 Total amount of Subscriptions and Donations received to Dec. 31, 1872 . : 5 : : £4524 14 & DONATIONS FROM THE SURREY CHAPEL CONGREGA- TION, RECEIVED IN 1272, AND AS NOT REQUIRED FOR THE FREEHOLD SITE, HANDED OVER TO THE | BUILDING FUND. * Ackland, Mr. C. e Aitken, Mrs, ........ Alderson, Mr. J. Alderson, Mrs. ...... Alderson, Miss A, Alderson, Miss E. .. Alexander, Mr. J. P. AllawayeMiad. ....° 2 rAllowaye Wired sc. 1 LOG Ge 1 A Motherand Children 1 Anderson & Cattley, NECHATS evens itt ..... Anderson, Mrs. Ann 1 Anderson, Mrs. ...... 1 Andrews, Miss Baker, Mrs. Barber, Mr-S.;M.. .; 2 Barker, Mr. iy Barnes, Mr. 1 meATHOS MTS ee. so <5: s 1 Bartlett, Mrs. Mary.. 1 Barkervill, Mr. J. 1 iBaeteme WT Css... | 5 Baxter, Mr. KE... ...- 1 Baxter, MnyG.....: 1 Beard, Mr. D. E. .... 5 Latte) he i a 2 1 1 y 1 Mt 1 1 5 2 i Beddell, Mr.G....... Bedwin, Mr. ........ Beevis, Miss Beli eNitts Grote. - 3. =): Benson, Mr. John.... Bennett, Mrs. Jemima Biges, Miss annie! Mire Eat. 3 2: Bingham, Mr. Birch, Mrs. Esther .. Birdeye, Mr. ..../... Bishop, Mr. ey WOrerHomrmocoocecoe’ — SCoocrowoorHroscnw fun MOH COHMHOOHOOUHM HOH HHH > s Bishop, Miss ........ 1 Blackman, Mr. F. 10 10 Bowden, Mrs. 8., per Miss Williams ....10 0 Bowditch, Mr, W. A. 5 5 Bowles, Mrs. Martha 5 0 Bowles, Mr. A. ...... a ai Bowles, Mrs. R....... 0 Bowman Bros.,Messrs, 52 10 Boyd, Miss Barbara.. 10 0 IBOVse. Mire Sent wceret nO Brace, Mr.’and Mrs... 2 0 Byrasier, Mr. C, T, List Brindley, Mr., and Hamiiives gas. ieee 12 Bristowe,Mr,and Mrs. 2 Brockway,:Mrs. Ann 1 Broughton, Mr. E. J, 1 Bro Wiise LYS: pee here < 2 Brown MTSE Ase. sas 1 Brown, Mrs. Caroline 1 Brownnutt, Mr. .... 3 Brownnutt, Miss $8. J. 2 Brumswell, Mrs. .... 1 Bruskett,Mr,and Mrs, 4 Burnham, Mr. F, C.. 1 Butters, Mr 5 Cadman, Mr. & Mrs.. 1 Cadman, Misses Campbell, Mr. ...... 1 Carpenter, Mr. J..... 5 Carter, MroT 9 2335 83 ] Carter, Mrs. I. ...... 1 Castona iin Gio eee 1. 5 Castonwe Misia seek 3 Chamberlain, Mr. B.. 6 Champion, Mr. ...-.. 5 Churchill Mrioie 323 5 Churchill, Mr. & Mrs. WSL raas Seby aeae 2 eee oa! Churchill, Mr. W. W. 2 Clapp, Miss Clare, Miss Clarke Mrssg te ce. as Clark’ Mine D425 Clowes, Mr. Collins, Mr. 1 10 5 1 1 SOSCMcoouncreSCOoNnCRHOCOCOONCOHNSO ~ He nocone corvrooceocoocoocoec$5ye coccoooooecoco oof eooccocs — ~~ ooocooccocs Condron, Mr......... Cooper, Mr. G. B..... Cooper, Mr. John.... Copeland, Mr. H..... Cope, Miss tpee. eee Corby, Mr. W. Corbin, Mrs. ........ Coules, Mr. E. Cowell Mr: Ws)... ae Cox. Mr Gury es ee Cranfield, Mr., Family and 3 Friends...... Crean, se eee weee Davies, Miss A. B.... Dean, Mr. H. Jun.. Dean, Mrs. Deighton, Mrs........ Drake, Mr. & Mrs.... ee a ees 6 1 2 5 5 5 Davies&Jones,Messrs. 2 1 1 1 i 2 1 Driver; Mra Wye Earl, Mi Doe ee 100 Bark MroSid secre » HAStes eiVLT nWVictie even ar 1 Edwards, Mr......... ii) Edwards, Miss ...... 3 Edwards, Mr. John .. 5 Edwards, Mrs. 1 Hiioth ye rei eee 5 Blliott, Mr. and Mrs. Bilis Mir? iW cilities 1 Ellis, Mrsi Me aa BR. M. fee arene nis 5 Eveington, Mrs. .... 1 Pyans, Mr. H:e.-ee 1 Eyans, Mr-Jdi2. 9 .4ec2 2 win Mreere ster acc. 25 Faulconer, MiryiR.8. 10 5 Lea er, CE epee ee peeeieh or 8 Hellgves BG Dal OL Ne Ae ah Field, Mr. are a 2 Firth, Mr. & Mrs..... 2 Fisher, Mr. We6.2 ic 3- 5 Fisher, Mr sAniGa at Misher? Mrae cheek 1 Ford, Mr. John...... 10 Fowle, Mrsi2-. i ane 1 Frean, MYs.3 orn oes oe i. Frederick, Mr. J. J Freeman, “Mr. Ww. e409 Freeman, Mrs. Martha 1 > _ Kocoowsrocowoormcnrnooscoro ™ Ree oococornNc. ecoonmroooonowrwoococnrwooooo 4 coocoocoooococoecococoecoocc:;[ SCceocoocescoooceoooc Ss col con Scocecoocon pha oS £ Friend,per Mr. Harriss 1 Frost, Mrs. H! 2.0... 1 Hrost, Mrs Gave eee 1 Fulton; MrGe eee 1 Gardner, Miss ...... 1 Gee, Mrs.4. 5.022 cee 1 Gérvis, Ure. ees 25 Gibbs, MrS.0)% ee ee 2 Girrard, Mrs. M. A... 1 Girls in Ist and 2nd classes Mint-street Sunday School .... Glaisher, Mr. W. Glanvill Mr Sees Glasspool, Mr, A. J... Glover, (Drees aeons Goff, Miss eMies-..0.. Goff, Miss RK. ........ Gooddey, Mrs. Job .. Goodchild, Mr. J..... Goodman, Mr. J. H.. 10 Goodman, Mr. J. W.. 5 Goodman, Mr. H..... 3 1 us Oe bh we Goodman, Mr. 8. Grant, Miss M. J..... Grainger, Mr,&Friends 10 Greake, Mrs22- soe ee Greey, Mr. Jj seen Grose, Mr.cB. cs ne eee eee eee ft et Re RE OD Hall, "Rev. Nera . 100 Hall, Mr.(8. Bag eee 5 Hall, Mr. J. W. 4th 1 Hall, Miss: sae 1 Hadland, Miss L..... 5 Hadland, Miss§..... 2 Hageis; Mace. een oe 1 Hanson, Mrs. B. .... 1 Harding, Mr sWe soem Harding, Mr. Ptd> a aa Harman, Mrs. 2 Harnott, Maree eee 2 Harnott, Mr. W.8... 1 Harriss, Mr. J. H. 1 Harrison, Mr. 5 Harrison, Mrs. Provi- dence, pet Mrs. 8. E.. Crabb ee eeee ‘Harrison, Mr. H. .... Hayward, Mr. M.L.. 5 1 Haslam; (Mr. Jie 5 Pp.) Hayward, Mr. W..... 1 CHOOCOHOHREEHE CronNFroowmoocoocorHrRkKrHewWococococoeooocoorecorsS coooo coooooococ™ oooocooococoeo x cooo cocooececeoceoc\e|csoococoo cooos no rpcreth Hearne, en Pcie « Hoffer, Mrs... 2... 4. Heley, Mr. W.,per Mr. PAINS OR Sols’ s Heley, Mr. T., per Mr. Grainger as <<<: Hickson, Mxs..;..... Hillier, Mr. & Mrs. .. Himus, ISS 2S ats Himus, MARSCAL of css Himils, Mrs. ........ Hitchcock, Miss Hodgkins, Mr. Hodgson, Miss Hooles, Mrs. ........ Hopkina, Mr.......... Hopkins, Mrs. Hopwood, Mr. ...... Hopwood, Mrs. ...... Horn, Mr. T. W. Horswell, Miss Houston, Miss ...... Flowells) Marad «5.03% Hubert, Mr. 8. M.... Hughes, Mr. Humphreys, Mr, E£. 8. Humphreys, Mr. J... Hunt, Mr. cere ee see eee see ee ee Kb Tt RT OOO ON to et bo et or Huntington, Mr. .... RP OWSUM NGS een ss ss Jenkinson, Mr. C. T, Johnson, Mr. J....... Johnson, Mr. Joseph Johnson, Mr. W. .... 1 Jolliffe, Mr. .:...... 5 Outen MIs oss... Ske Li Jolliffe, Miss ........ 1 Jones, Miss E. 8. .... 1 Jones,Mr.& Mrs.W. H. 1 Jones, Mr. Jabez .... ~2 Jones, Miss M. ...... i Jones, Mr. (Clapham) 1 Joys Mrs Gee ss... 100 Joy, Mr. George 100 MOVs NB or cts st oa cist 1 OVE WINSSE hs os oot. 32 5 NOYs MUraW sc hnettoate ine 1 Kemmerley, Miss .... 1 Kent, Mr. T. R....... 1 Ketcher, Miss........ 1 TSM To osc shel ae 5 King air W. Moen. 5 , Dror? ph ° SUS OH COC CH HY OHO CHOY OCOCOFONOH OOOOH NOOCOCOCONOCKFOCOCOrFSCY o \ ocooscooooooocooonooooooooocoococeocooceceoceoceoceocooscoooo oo ocoo™ fe ~I King, Mr. George .. 2 Kitching, Mr. J. .... 38 Knight, Mr. J. “6, Seana Knighton, Be We eevee Launcelot, Mr. Layton, Mr. G. Dees Mird: Citroen ce Leathers, Miss Lewis, Miss:......... Lisenden, Mr. J. Tloyds Mist Hae wens Lockwood, Mrs. S. . Longland, Mr. F. C.. Longley, Mrs. C. .... Longmore, The Misses Longman, Miss Lord, Miss H. Low, Mrs. Lowrie, Mr. G. ...... VOUS MBs & cea: Mackness, Mr. T. .... Maine MreG. 2 osc.. Mann, My. 8. L. Mann, Miss 8. ...... Mann, Miss M. A... Marks, Mrs. R. Martin, Mrsie scutes = Martin Mr.& Mrs.J.A. Marshall, Mrs. M,.... Marsland, Mr. B. .... Mason, Mr. W.T..... Mason, Mrs. Masters, Mrs......... Matthews, Mr.C. W.H. Maxwell, Mr. Jide aot McCarnie, Messrs.J.&J. McLachlan, 1 Ree er Mitchell, Mrs Jb: su 5 Mitchell, Mr. W. .... Mitchell, Mr. W. E.. Millss Miss A. 222-23, 23 Moody, Mrs. M, Moore; Miss’ ©... <2; Moser;} Mr. RoJ.. 3.2% Money, Mr. & Mrs, .. ee ee ee LO OU a het pet bn) <2) bt et SOoOrFMOCOSCONEFOCOMHENORF HORM RB HHH NW WHOONCCOCOCMOOCOOCOOUMNOCCOH}HOC CSO OOUNOWN: _ _ : =) eoocscoscecooooooocoseogrocooscooscooeseoocoeosoecoece|ceoecoece|coooosesocoosso: Pe) Moreland, Mr. J. ....100 Morley, Mr. J. ...... i Morrisey; Mrs") yea Mullins, Mr. Eli .... 1 Maundy, Mrs.) 2: 50 Murphy, Miss........ 5 Muskett, Mr. A...... 1 Naldrett, Mrs. ...... 1 Needham, Miss ...... 1 Nell, Miss EK, ........ 5 Newton, Mr.:J:...... 10 Nicholson, Mrs....... 100 Nixons Mr. etre Ohlson;-Mr- 23 2ee.0n8 it Pains Vit: sere 5 Palmer; Miri aya 5 ‘Palmerevitsis.s eke 3 Parker,Mr.& Mrs. J.8. 2 Patrick, Mr.,and Chil- OCTET. Le cree ee 2 Pavis, (Mrs thse 1 - Pearce, Mr. -and Mrs. 1 Beck, Mir vd Stas tO Peck Airs. Massa aoe 1 Peeling: Mr; a: 28.4% 1 Peterson, Mrs........ 1 Pentelow, CESS, To ellos 1 Phase, Mr. Gr tsi ae, 2 Phillips, Mia iWi tae steee. Pigott, Mra. on).2 100 ‘Pinks, Miss 2537 soe 1 Pizey, Mr.7h: Ha Pontifex, Mrs. +... .- 10 Poole, Miss Sins. seen Poor, Mr. and Mrs... 1 Potier) Mr= J: ih: 3. 3 Potter, Miss «:.....-. 3 Potter, Miss BH. ...... 3 Powell, Miss......... 1 SELL ese ne iets 1 iPutleydvir. ih. 8% 0. 3 Pratt, Mr. Daniel.... 5 1 PPTICO AMS eee ee R. 0 Redman, Mr, A.-.... 3 Redman, Mr. C. H. 3 Redman, Mr. A, 2 Redman, Mr. #. 2... .5 Reeve, Mrs. Ann .... Ll Rider, Mrs s tee 500 Roberts, Mr.'........ if Roberts, Mrs......... 1 Robinson, Mrs. ...... 1 - Robson, Mrs-....2..- 1 1 8. a oooocoocoooocCcoOorHFKoo& eel wpooococnrcocnw SOM HK RKO DON WWSRFOWKFOWWOOFMCOCOCOSCOS d. cocoocooce|cocecoceoooeo oosocoocooooooocococecoossooecsocoscoocoocoos 48 : £ Ss. Roderick, Mr. E. ..7. 922 Rogers, Mr. Jie) sous Jed Ross; Mrs; een eee Lon Rowe, Wry Vere. ue 5° 0 Rowe, -Mrsi:. .fs:4 ee Sau, Rowe, Miss": 2. «scien of af Roccliffe, Miss .....: 1 Royal; Mr W). <- ace Lee cl Ruck Mrs Geen. cee 100 0 Ruck, Mr. a Jun. ..200 0 Ruck, Mrike ance eo a0 Russell, Mrs. eer ee 7 Aol |) Russell, Miss .......- iO Russell, Miss ........ i Beet Sage, Mr. and Mrs... 2 0 Salaway, Mr. H. .... 1 11 Sandford, Miss ...... iy 1) Sanders, Mr..and Mrs. 2 0 Sargeant, Mr......... 2 2 Sayer), Mir: #seeeeeaee 50 Scroggie, Mra../-... 2. SPU Scroggie, Miss E. .... 2 10 Scroggie, Miss F. .... 2 0 Scott, Mr, and Mrs.... 2 0 Seamons, Mr. W..... 2 0 Shaw, Mrsss3sseeeees 50 0 Sharp, Mr.andMrs.J. 2 2 Sharp, Miss72)) eee 170 Sheppard, Miss...... be he Shipley) Myr, vance 33 0 Simmons, Mr cee ae 10 1 Simpson, Mrige esas 2 Sinclair, Mr. R. M... 1 Sister Elizabeth yi vik Smith, Mr. W.K..... 5 Smith, Mrs. G. ...... 2 5 1 Smith, Mir: ‘Gre Smith; Mirae Siith, Mreieeee ee 5 Smith, Mr:R5)7. oc. 1 Smith, Mr. IN: 2.0.2 1 Smith, Miss’-*.5¢ ee 3 Smith, Mr sissies 2 Smith, Mr.and Mrs.. 2 Spice, "Mra, Seca 1 Springer, Miss ...... 1 Spencer, Mr. and Miss 5 Speller, Mrs. -j2s5 40 1 Speller, Miss ........ 1 Sparkes, Mrs. HE. .... 1 Sowerby, Mr. .0:...:. 10 1 Stannat, Mr. J....... 2 Steele, Miss F. A..... 5 Stevens, Mr. J....... 1 Stevenson, Mr. H. W. 1 HOSS OM HH AOU NCWHEeOOSOMNOOC OSH ceosescecesoocoesossosooososoSeSoSoSCsSOoSCSSCOOS COSC ONO COCOSC OCC COCO SoCo Se £s. d. £ 8. a: Steward, My. §....... De On, 0 Waters) Mred> tf... eae ae O Dhue, Miss acess w..- 10 0 Watsons Mre 2a ooo. PA OAT LY DUOLe Mire We Wee ase 0D 0.7.0 Wistsony Vita es aaa er Le Iee0 Storm More Js yi, 25 aes Sawn © Weayicen MY sits. cee a cae OU Stillwell, Mr. J.N.... 2 2 0 AYO on MGS AWA ee mee, 251.050 Stringer, Miss ...... deat Wy) Webby) Mars le Aca. 7. eb2ua2an 0 Stuart, Mr, Ay :....- E00 WebbyMissi Eas... - nls XN} Styles, Miss K. A..... 110 0 Webb,Mr. & Mrs. J.R. 4 4 O Swingler, Mr......... 3.3 0 Webster, Mrid..e. 20 0 0 pPappimeevreeA, <... L: 0: ,0 Weeks, Mr. H. ...... eon 6 AM ais 2) 6 eee OREO PAG, Wiells a Mrs (Eines a tag. 1-0 avlony Mims Olt. 6.33 Da ie O Wesley, Miss. 5.:52 2. 20.5.0 Maytorg lr d sj... 3&0 Weston, Miss ........ 2 0.0 ANE Syd Rosey 0) 8 Se aa 2 2-0 White, Mee Js. Doe yO Taylor, Mr. and Mrs.. 2 0 0 Wilkey, MESS oF rae oe 10 0 0 Mayor. NEW.) .. >. =. 2.2 0 Wilkey, MissE ...... 5 0 0 Taylor, Mrs. W. . pas MG) Williams, Mr. W.....-50 0 0 Taylor, Mr.and Mrs. G26 OF 0 Williams, Miss A. .... Lie aw) Temple; Mrs: 2.5... bY ‘Williams; Mri J:2.... o O70 Thateher,, Mr-. ....<. ISeired Wailhams< Mrs To ey po. 2080 Thomas, Mr E. .... 1 1 ‘0 Williams, Miss ...... Le sO. Thompson, Mr....... yan UW) Willes Miss Se Mose. 9b LO Thwaites, Mr., and Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. 2 0 0 BATE ae erg aie sie! on 30 0 0 Wilson, Mr., Mrs. and Thorn, Mr, and Mrs... 5 0 0 WSS ee). ree rie. Her Oar) Tilney, Vernon s ow Ss 5 ienOae 0 Wiser Mirren ee ater ar, 110 0 We Ee eer atid essa 3 sc 25 0 0 Wise, Mr. B.......... Aha a) Trotman, Mr. W..... 2 2 0 Wiseman, Mr. ...... 5 0 0 Tyler, MoS 24.6... Bur boe Wootten, Mr......... 25 08.6 Tyler, WE, in eden ria Wika MT Ae tre tciera ese oe 20750 Underhill, Mr. W.G. 5 0 O Aad yi AN Wp ee eae Bie ESE, ‘Upton, Mr. J. W..... Oe. 6 Wright, Mrs., and Uptony Mrsi) oy... I 0% 0 Childrens tyes sen: Ole O Vitor GS 0 ee 1 0 0 Woy borne, Hae are ee OO Wincey Miss 8! Ans... 1 2 0 Wiy toast Misses a acca, TA One Nines Mr Ws os... io ie 0 Wren, Mr., Mrs. and AV cS Te rae. co ies « 5. 0 0 Masieiiea oases cia 110 0 Wallanda, Mrs. ...... Ty he 0 Sums under £1 ...... 106 4 1 WG Tar a hb oe If, We .0 —— Warner. Mr J! . 2... De UG £3369 9 1 WEAF MISE 3.0. : SeaOmeC ee Watkins, Mr......... SeeU rel) N.B.—For Donations. received by Rev. Newman Hall from friends outside the Congregation, see list at end of book. 50 | 6 SURREY CHAPEL TREASURER’S SurreyChap. St. George’s Rooms, SurreyChap, Hall, June 18, 19, Rooms, Total. June4&5. 20, 21, and Jan 7, 1873. July 10. To RECEIPTS. §& sd, L ad (& sb See Rev; Newman Hall pt..52. ose neck 1044 0 116 91) 15 SY 5 2861950 Mrs, Grainger. Mrs. Masters, Mrs, Farra, Miss Wilke yc i 9 Sa lwicinwinathereietrss 4418 7 ‘117 4710.7 Tis Sibel MrseNicholson icra a4 sons ware 8414 4 4 BY Be 8414 4 Mrs SWilliams asserts eerie 50 2 6 84 4-46 8 6 2 14212 0% Mrs. Ruck. Mrs. Josiah Ruck, Mrs, Low... 39 0 0 388 8 6 010 0 718 6 Miss Hadland—Sunday School. Miss Gardner, Miss Stevens, MGISS of OOS ae ces .cieteeaticetyele ere 1710 0 43 8 8 5 7 8 66 6 4} Miss Russell. Mrs. Frederick, Mrs, Newton, Mre. Reeves ..)1.Gn eek =o. a 46 7 3% 74 15 8 1 5 12810 .64 Mrs, Palmer. Mrs. Sayer, Miss Sheppard, Miss Chamberlain, Mrs, Brindley 41 3 0% 6217 3 104 0 3h Mrs. Thwaites, ; Mrs, (Ea wardsta.ei 4 eee ett 1410 0 214 2 3 OO 38 14 3 Mrs. Scott—Choir ................ TLE ORO 32: (9:9 Seeta ee 47 4 9 Mrs. Ash, Mrs. Baker, Miss Dempster 2710 0 4210 3: 600 6 O 3 Mrs. Rider, Mrs. Webb, Mrs, Moreland, Mrs, on ehweLAUVALL fest. ater ore ate eels 33-1627) Goh Age 313,10 S7oeeene Mrs. Howells ite eer crk sien. ee os 30.5) 07 - 26:12.0) 56 17 11° Mrs. Hodgkin—Refreshments. ; Mr. Hodgkin, Mrs. R, Sharp .. 20.0 0 813 7 723 Messrs. Clark and Son, per Mr. Jo. GETOy teeta ee eerie ay UY 5 0 0. Treasurer of St. Saviour’s, Hoxton 10 0 0 Py a 10 0 0 FA TLCULON pertieals cie eieisletaihvele ee leisise state = 1012 6 11 0 OF 2112 6 IA GIN IESION Is oe Nera a eclaimietareniets iets 40 1 6 8717 6 “18 1050 seo Do. Tickets sold by Ladies 14 9 0 uy ei 1449 0 £61411 3 76414 3 9910 42 £1508 15 103 51 BAZAAR, 1872. ACCOUNT. By EXPENDITURE, ST, GEORGE’S HALL. =5 Be MTSE os cise G5 oo diss ot avin vceeatuccucccieccees 27 10 iii EEBELEGIDOS o.oo. he ec nc soc cssieciec cece sepees 41 11 eR od asco g oo sikh acslcdesacdeteete whee oa Lok ete TROPOUNSE ars y Fo) < c. oiein’ec'n'e so bc cle Mina dvn vadcecwede Joe Warren Hall and Co.—Stationery...........4.. ccc ecee cece 29° 1 Se ACME EE LUINOING once vies vcs olca cd deece des veleccensenes 1 16 VR teeD a Tae CROLL OANINIOUICN e's sig ss elele a diacis,isiside'ecjsivcewowee ses 12°15 Refreshments—Orphan Children ................cececeeves On HEE EINES ocote nd 6068 GOR CORREA OSTE EE Gee Meer tere JN tis SEMIS. onde Son sd COGMUAB OCR R DD RED ES CLO aCnenr aera O) A AMMAN OP REL U SMUT etc La Ach, ¢'elevaig: cic c's.6,5.9 vies id dle «.c)0'e.a 6 sieve vie eit SURREY CHAPEL ROOMS. Edgington—Tent ............ ES I Se EE ei ha et ie 11 10 NV ctr AME LATION Se fovctal vie, ccc ¥o=cre's oS. GEtie cls aiduabe ce sie 10 10 TEESE oe worm bette Zr UO IO eee ee ea SaOmO PU MPTICE RE TELOT ATW a sis) a4 he ore vise corsa wle'e's oe.el Selo LOG Ts Let Sa aA eee ee i 6 USER CsA De geo whol eel sic occ goo. c overle sis eatbe oes wsiatesioelt's 4 10 BHOSMIMMEEETIFOLOL GOOGS So... foc. c's bonne eee ccepecsecuce a9 Trustees of Surrey Chapel—Gas,<..........5.-.ccccesccoues 5 0 es, i 011 0 TICK GUS Hat S ETC EETTTS 6 wie violate bi elniccjeaviacliceeece 0° 4 6 —. 015 OR GINO Ly Liem UCM ete ote iis) ticles ls cie\ave tcater8's < oe.o's'e/nie'ala, ee 5 10 ACHOHGAN Ce CUD sitems ddOH 4O AGNVE GNV ALHIOOS GONVUAMWAL THdVHO AANYOAS " suolpvortqng JO epeg oy, 68 SOUTHWARK AUXILIARY RELIGIOUS TRACT SOCIETY. President. 2 Rev. Newman Hall, LL.B. Treasurer. Mr. Pigott, 6, Spencer-park, Wandsworth-common. Secretary. Mr. James Cranfield, 26, Kempsford-road, Kennington-lane. Cash Secretary. Mr. J. W. Maxwell, 29, Banner-street, St. Luke’s. Committee. Mr. Churchill. Mr. Jennings. Mr. J. Johnson. Mr. Leeding. With the Representatives of the various Sunday Schools, the Missionaries and the Elders of the Church ex-officio. LADIES’ BRANCH. Treasurer. Mrs. Harding, 159, Kennington-park-road. Secretary. Mrs. Kirchner, Peckham-rye. Conunittee. Miss Ash. Miss Tyler. Mrs. Heffer. Miss M. Williams. , ee vee SGT tee ZE9‘T. Seni a ae rs teens serene a ZLST ‘Te ‘aT ‘pury m0 yoo 00SEL ZhO °° 1Se¢e_« —————-—- —-—— 00& eer on Son 00g Senta Sa ieTeNayalaie vis FERS ees DCN roSuresy HH “ADT BOg ie Sih aera Oe an Maou at eat then ao akan tae Gua Me eae aanrentign eaipery PEs chs OOT Ries 00g Se ava Mespiaite clare Whee seme ela ons Ajaog [euroze yy ern 1008'S, - 004 "** S[O0T9§ posseyy pur Jueszuy ‘Aepung Wee eee es eee 000‘T eee ee ee * KOIDOG queTOAoueg 000s * — ' QoO’e “''' kqor~og uoKONAysUT UBYASTIYO 00¢*F ere 00¢ eee 00¢‘z er eC SOLIBUOISSTI[ AYO 000°¢ **' 009 NEES 88 ae SEA Rete ae tes UOISsT YrVMTNOG = —: sqUBIN sn0zmMyBIy . «2 5 9 O| Farmer, Mr....... Loire nes Heffer, Mrs............. £15 17s, SOUTHWARK MISSION. Collected by— dn Bs. Eeakeeae Ash, Miss.....:...18 6 0O| Glanvill, Mrs.Geo. 616 0 Thornton, Miss......... £1 18s. 10d. AUXILIARY MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Collected by— asec. £8) Longmore, Miss 213 0O| Ash, Miss......... 416 Moreland, Miss 5 0 | Ruck,Mrs.C.,jun. 3 2 ~~ Sp Sid em 3 zi GENERAL LIST OF | Centen- | ai | Band | Benevo- Bible ary pe os Subscribers. | of lent Sopiok Fund Ban Hope. | Society. | ¥- 1 for Edu- Soiat cation. . y- £8. d.|& s.-d. | 4 8:. 05126 is 5daoes aos Allen, Ruth 7 OT ON Oso oO me ah Anon., St. James’ Hall oe nO nese) AP. cap PADS spbis On) COS oso SE ie Ft 010 6/010 6 s ry OHS fore WS eae ow.) 0°10) 6°]. eanebame OS . Sa i a a Diep 010 0. 99 6(40 7015 561314018 7 0 75 South- |Southwk. ; London eee city | Doras | iemale | Mission | School | wank | Mision | rac Mission. | Society. Society. | g neh Industry.| School Working repeats. Va ; Society. | Classes. me Ov ieeeeecri ss. Gd.) Ss. Gd.) Sg. d.)8 gs. d.j8.8,. d.| £8. d, P 2G eto serOl7 0) 4 0-6) 7 6) 315 41.8 19. 0) 310.6 x * - - ee Oe Ba Olin &. . : a te fe Mi WY Oe ota, Be hoe tO OOO Meomins bled Oy 1 0 ae ee 28 ae thee 0 : Ves 0. 5.0 fe 519 3 ae = era wiosght 0 0°10 0 0/1 0 O11 0-015 0 01 1°0 0 ce veoh eee ont eas OFL0- Or S070 0 ee a ay Ra 1. [0100 110'0|2 0 0 cee os Ane “ae ies 010 0 ar aes 010 0 aie nt T0y 0 awe een be vi A ae see een Oy been, O ye poe Tae es 0 : .. a Pen Orig ' Loais0 , Med HAA : O10" 6 Beste pec i a one ve mes Bs age Le Og) : Vela Grie0" 7" -0 010 6 ia (208s x i COAG 6 010 0 3 or oH cae +h 010 0 oe noe oe ae ale 2 Lees On). LOneG tere 0) is ies 0 Oe 10 x6 Ags a2 a F sae Ase ee wee Te One Oris tee Ola 0 aes : of aN «te OF :S.0 ; ah TAM AL Bic aes by eo 010 6 sh Lees Oi sania aoe CRtOs US Peete ORO. 10S 6) tal ok Ode de a On Om Or Ov Genie Gs 0507-0") 0 16) OF 0 10, 0 te : OFLOT 05} bia “ay amen Ore kO. EO 1 ae ae) arn 3112 61912 0/312 0/1813 6/6 9 0|2015 7 12813 6' 619 6! 76 | Centen- Ghaaait : 1an Band | Benevo-| “pile Fuya | Instruc- Subscribers. of lent | : 2 Hope. | Society. Society. for Edu-| , #02 cations Society. £ os. d.| £ 8..d.1 1% 8. da) & Goa eee Brought forward Dio 210 |20 Re eeCmi eo 6) 3 1450) te e7 0 Glover, Mrs. : ahs 010 0 vf ack Glover, Miss he Pe pas oe Goff, Martha ie a OS a0 : ae Goodman, Mr. soe 0-5 70 17010 RO se a ‘Grainger, Mrs.... os Ke 0. 5-50 ree : 3 Grose; MrisJ., 2. Ae 0-5. .0.):0 1a 3080 sp e0 : 010 0 Hall, Rev. Newman ... 5 6 0: 5 570 )SLG1 SOR lee ee Do. received above ex- penses after Bermpus, &ec.|10 0 0 Hadland, Mr. ... at 010 0 Hanston, Mr. ... She 010 0 See Harding, Mrs. te aac eee oes S- eee Hedges, Ann ... cn a 010 0 ze Bis 010 0 Heffer, "Mrs. nee an mae ane tec Do. for support of a child in Pareychaley School (named Emma _ Louisa Harding) ; bb Heffer, Mrs. Henry “ic Roe Heylyn, Mr. H. 5 0 0 re Hodgkinson, Sir poe 5 5 0 = Hoole, Mrs. ey: 1 eee wee Hopkins, Ws 5 a OM Os Os omy On 40 Houston, Miss Me a 010 6 oe eae Howells, Mr. T. “ix Oc1 52501 Sede 010 6/010 6 Howells, Mrs. is a aes eae Add Howes, Mrs. 010 O Hunt, Mr. ™ A ae, Huntington, Mr. aa 0205.0) 20 Seb au Jenrick, Mr. ie re ass Jolliffe, Mr. .. of AS (0) aaa Jolliffe, Mrs. oa | ae 0's 0 Jolliffe, Miss oe Ob er0 os Jones, Mr. Jabez ee | 010 6 Joy, Mr. James : 010 6 Joy, Mrs. James ts ‘ Leo aoe Se Joy, Mr. William ee = Leo 0 He Joy, Mr. J. G. Ee 010 0/1 0° 011 © Ole me 1)050 Joy, Mrs. J. G. fe des on Joy, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 1°1/0)]1 140;aeie@ ay, 1 0 Joy, Mrs. Geo. wide as Ke ee ca set Joy, Miss ae wae ae Sr 0 4 0 Be “op Af lee sag ee 5 7030 cia UE Mrs. apf oh bo | eo} on a o>) ~T | oo Carried forward 14 6/816 6|7 6. 611440756 7 London City Dorcas oe Mission- Mission. | Society. | O%UPS| ary Society. | gociaty. sedi | Srawda rs: 3; ae | Sr see de SE 12 Shige Otis 19, 0 118) 13 . 6 Soar ae a i LAedere oy O25 0 re 16) 0.) 0.10. .0 Zoot tee Ot 10.5 3 0 eG vost O.. 0 110/014 0/010 6 010 6 ee 5 f 210 0 05 010 50 0 5 0 Oe 5 0 flee 0 rg . AG ie Ge 2 al 6 010 0 len eo Ge G LED i eh ce ees a rae D0? Of Ul wee OHO: OF L O..0 ae FROIO~.| ae ft 1 Py COR ee Tet 0 i é OPIG Gui 7 0 25 AON eS es 6/714 0 |28 14 0 fond r] South- School wark of Sunday Industry.| School Society. GoaseG. IeSes. a 6 9) 0.2015 7 Ho heal bios o Oo pat 7: So o 010° 6 0 5 0 L2eeoe O oo a Coo: e o Southwk. Mission to the Working Classes. £ at dt 28 18 0 10 5 10 10° 5 ao oo oO o oo IO. ). Oa 0 010 6 010 6 ata le 10 0 1a 6 24 7 7 (\4617 6 Tract Society. Sead. 619 6 0 8 0 0 5 0 05 0 010 0 Subscribers. Brought forward King, Mr. Z. Kirchner, Mrs. Ladies’ Maternal Assocn. for Native Teacher (Surrey) Leeding, Mr.: Bek Lisenden, Mr. Longmore, Mrs. Longmore, Miss F. Longmore, Miss ; Longmore, Miss Martha Longmore, Miss KE. ... Longmore, The Misses Low, Mr. W. Mann, Mr. 8. L. Masters, Mrs. Matthew, Mr. J. Maxwell, Mr. Maxwell, Miss McArthur, Hon. W., M. EP: Moreland, "Mr. Moreland, Mrs. se Moreland, Mr, J. B. Moreland, the Misses.. Morgan, Mr. R. Morley, Mrs., for 1871. Moser and Sons, Messrs. Moser, Mr. Richard ted Moser, Mr. Robert Moser, Mr. John Mundy, Mrs. Nell, Miss BE. Nell, Mrs. Newton, Mr. New ton, Mrs, Newton, Mrs. Sarah . Nicholson, Mrs. y Nottidge, Mr. Josias ... Osboldstone, Mrs. Palmer, Mr. R. Parritt, a Be Peache, Mrs. Peache, Miss Pellatt, Mr. Pentlow, Jemima Carried forward 78 Centen- | Christian Band 5) Deneve sae ee Tnstruc- he oe! Society. tion Hope. | Society. * | for Edu- Society cation. . £s. d./£5. d.|£s.4.| £5. le ed 29 5 6|7314 6|816 617 6 6 {1420 6 2 ea i a = 010 0 i Ns 1 ised i ¥e 0) DOORS ae .. |010 6/010 6/010 6 010 6/0 2 6|010 0/0 2 6|0 26 . |010 6/010 6| nie aaa ap te i Rae Motes ci ne as 010 0/010 6 os g a Seep " me 010 0 Adil Te by; Lei po am 3 0 0 ue 010 0 20 0 ‘Si e . |010 0/010 0 a) £0 2°09 (00a 2 i a | (29280 ) ae PEt! eta b lua At) 1080 me se Nol aa 3% O00 31 7 0/2 4 6|l1 9 641 1 649 5 O1 , City Mission. Dorcas Society. Su | 010° emul tone) |Z: '0 Gn 10; 6 =P tent He i coo 38 9 01251 618 8 6147 6 Olle 0 0|32 9 79 London Mission- ary Society. Se ssr a: ) 2814 0 | 10 0 1 i) ooo & oo 0 School of Industry. 83 di Lee om. 6 South wark Sunday School Society. Se 10. 010. 10. 0 10- Southwk. Mission to the Working Classes. Tract Society. VSS, Gt esrads AG 178° 6 112i 6 010 0 0 0! 1 158 10° Oo for) Oe oOrF}: : 1 [= ye So Oo fork —=i=) Sis os 10 i106 34 Pt os as oer 10 1515 0 Subscribers. Brought forward Pepper, Mr. eae Peterson, A. Pigott, Mr. Plimsoll, Mr., Pocock, Mr. Poole, Mrs. Pring, Mr. Pring, Mr. (donation)... Purvis, Mr. ; Purvis, Mrs. Mpa ss Putley, Miss Reed, Mrs. R. W Rideal, Mrs. W. Rider, Mr. Rider, Mrs. Rodbet, Mrs. Rowe, Mr, Ruck, Mr. Cornelius ... Ruck, Mr. Cornelius, jun. Ruck, Mrs. C., jun. Ruck, My. J. Ruck, Mr. Row land . Russell, Mrs. he Salmon, VG oR: Sayer, Mr. Scroggie, Miss Sells, Mrs. C. Sewell, Mr. Sharman, Mrs. Sharp, Mrs. Shaw, Mrs. Sheppard, Mr. Sheppard, Miss HE. . Shipley, Mr., for 1871 and 1872 Shuttleworth, Mr., for 187 1 and 1872 Silvester, Mr. Smith, Mr, 4iy GP Southgate, Mr. Southwark, Mission ... Sparks, Miss Spencer, Mr. Carried forward 80 Band of Hope. Benevo- lent Society. & 8.70. Sa Om bo 8S B6 : One oat 010. 2 0 oo oonrS SES St ON se 010 0 a oO _ oO lon =) Oo 10 fut a Oo Pe = ae =. & Ho Oo Hore oO =) Ho eS ooro bat Os oO; A cigs oo lor) ooo o So co oo ooco DOMmai MeO aAaSCooCoS o oO fod oo 116 2 6 Centen- Bible | yand Society. | so» Bdu- | cation. £s.a\/£58.4 11°96 rae 010 0 : waa 0 20640 1 1017 ie 0.10 04°50 106 110 ~ Christian Instruc~ tion Society. £ Suds Mie sp (8 010 0 010 O}; 1310 6114 9 0/20 5 0 81 South- jSouthwk. wark Mission e Sunday | to the | 17 Society. Gnaj Industry.| School | Working y- paLeby. Society. | Classes. London City Dorcas Clothing Mission- neue ol Mission. | Society. eee Laer on sey dul 8: dil 6 s. d.| Sos. d.| Ss. d. | h e d. 38 9 01235 1 6/8 3 6147 6 Oll6 00/32 9 1(\58 0 6(15 15 0 4 fe Rev. Sa Ost GeO 0 fe aeee Poa See i 1 Ghoul 6 SEAR ua te ACAD bank boat ae Rees oad al Ww nea a : ig mL a g ss Ly By MGteein {he TO} #2: SP 10.2 0 0 4 0 wy Me 010 0 1020 0}010 0/010 0 ih oo Parco 010 6 Bi " 015 0 = oh O10). Ob T-.1,.0 as - 010 0/1 1 0/014 0/010 0/010 0 .. |010 6|010 0 0 4 0 ir is a yi a 10 01/010 6 S a 010 0 . ato 166 et 10610. 6 hI OOO fe See eG \ 1s P0610 6h 212" 0 te 010 6/010 6/010 6/010 6 010 6 ; ue $,) eh WA ees aa : Pe 010 0 mt . 1010 6 ae Gr iow G ig " 0 5 0/010 6 0) 50,0 5 0 B ie, 0 5: 0 5 Re roe Or fy 0 010 0 i Lae’ eaten a eo a tO 010 0 Zu ee is het 0310890 | ye et 05 0 e | 05 0 010 0 oe 010 0 44 8 6 (31 7 01918 0 (54 5 612117 6135 6 7 \66 1 0-\2016 6 82 Centen- Band | Benevo-| pip) ary Sate ae Subscribers. of lent Soci “ Fund ae ee: Hope. | Society. 1eCY- | for Bdu Sg ie 3 ; cation y £8. d.| S soGo1S 8.2 Gee ake oes nee Brought forward 36 7 6 1162 6 {13 10 6 {14 9 0/20 5 0 Spencer, Miss coe oa A Spiller, Mr. : 1 -Fdees oa Spiller, Mrs. Osan 0 a Spiller, Miss ORS aaG 3 Steward, Mr. Ly To 5 H Stroud, Mrs. 010 O *e é Stringer, Miss M. A. . aise soe wee Swingler, Mr. 0 1050 an be Tarn, Mr. ho Taylor, Mr. & Mrs. George 010 0 Taylor, Mr. Charles... 1 0 0 op Pe Thatcher, Mr. a oe eee 1 4 Thorniloe, Mr. 010 0 Sy mee Thornton, Miss, Coll. by Ao | Bde A “oe Thwaites, Mr. 010 0,010 0 010 0 Thwaites, Mrs. ae 015 0;010 0 010 0 Thwaites, Miss A. 333 010 O ‘ aa Thwaites, Master G. ... 010 0 oe Trinder, Mr. ee ons 010 6 Trinder, Mrs. 010 6 Tyler, Mr. J. 8. es 010 6 aes : Tyler, Mr. 8. ve: 010 6 x Vaughan, Mr. ooo : Violet, Miss ns -- | 010 6 wee 5 Walsh, Mr. Meg ine oe Sew * Watkins, Mrs. tee ooo tre : Webb, Mr. yr. Webb, Mrs. . eee Webb, Mr. B. a os Webb, Mr. W. “ Webb, Mrs. W. at ide ax .. Webster, Mr. ... ARs aes 2 Ota os ae Weston, Miss ... ... 0s Daeg won 3 a ss 0 5 0 White, Mr. wee tre ees eee . tee Wicks, Mr. as as 0 0 a : AS Wilkey, Miss au ch 010 0 i, , Williams, Mr. Walter oe Ses 5 Williams, Mrs. Walter ose : Williams, Mr. Joshua 1 159 “ Williams, Mr. Thomas LA Be eve Willson, Dr. 0°10 O Willson, Mr. 8. 010 0 Wilson, Mrs. a sae 010 6 sae deg Wilson, Miss M. A. ... oe 0 5 0 05 0 we Carried forward 40 7 6 |182 18 6 {13 15 6 {1414 0 (2110.0 City Mission. Dorcas Society. One e Seeties: oosco 010 6 010 6 co 3 UOT § oo 010 6 050 ea a 49 16136 104015 6'55 5 6123 7 6/3912 7 I79 A£ 9 Female Clothing Society. Ss. d. 18 0 Oo Hchd ire Bash Oo 58 London Mission- ary Society. £ s. d. 64 5 6 010 0 South- wark Sunday School Society. Seige, Oe |oy Be 2017, School of Industry. | | are erty | 010 0 Se hide be.6 0550 d. 6030" 6.7) 166 19:0 Southwk. Mission to the Working Seam ds co ig K=) i) ocr _ Co oo oo a ee Sac Oa co 05 0 Classes. Society. to 1 th — fe) SS Tract 10. G $10 j22 5 84 Subscribers. Brought forward Wise, Mr. Wiseman, Mr. i Young Ladies’ Working Party (for Native Teacher, James Sherman) Under 5s. each Total 010 6 013 0/011 0 Centen- ; E Christian Band | Beneve-| pipte | My [Instone Hope. | Society. Society. | gor Edu- Bt in cation. a: £ os. d.\S s. ds 1 Sie, sag See eee 40 7 6/132 13 6} 13 15 6 14 14 0 [21 10 0 / : SB Lo Sac of ‘41 0 611840 0'1815 6 1414 0/2110 0 Female Clothing Society. City Dorcas Mission. | Society. & s. acl es eee | Sa ds 149 1 6/36 1 0/1015 6 010 0 4911 6'36 1 0/1015 6 85 | South- anon School wark ey. of Sunday Society. Industry. eee SPs. Geil te Se d..|. 6. 8; dd. Homeom O.2or iis Go/S9 12 7 re az eZ.= 6 on No ao Southwk.; Mission Tract to the Society. Working Classes. £8. d.|/£ 8. d. 79 3 10: {22 5 0 518 0 79 310/28 8 0 60 8 0/9 7 6/3915 1 -- h GL #¢ FI Ti seen1 $4 € 6808T G 81 9g $ 6 FI 9F9 a #G S816 Ss 41 FL 162 | F “IL 63 FIL LT OF | ELT 6L tE % 8 Ort 9 0 -IF | OL OL SIZ | OLE 62 | § PL G24) 9-8 298 Ree:- 62.68 9 1 §§ , 0 6 OFT) 0-9 i tL 2 6181 at 0 0 0028) 0 0 008 | tT 6 69g] LT 6 69g 6 OL TOL] OL 91 ats 00 ¢ Oi. 0..9 S S&L $6 § IL 99 9 F1L6 9 F116 GEC SGua bor en GaG L % IL i@ 9 I OL Oh te 0 T 98 b SL t6 8 F109 0 SIZE 02 0F IZ, a1) 49 GU BPG ae T° SES 6 ZL +E 6 GI tS 49 GL 6FF | F IT $& Il F 1¢9 ms Samet Sn dots he SS rs ‘SuOT}VMOG ‘Te0y, | pure sao. | -drimosqng Sp CL FS wee eee eee $2 4 6911 9 L 99z1| 6 24 9RETl I LT OF ee ee ¥ es SG OT; 6 eee eee eee i FI FI| 9 8 & es nil Ne ana zh = # & G¢ a 44 % 8 = ee Bat seh oe a 8 9L IF 9 SL ss 0 0 0 ILS A pee fe $e ere 0 $ 18 eee eee = ere ea 116 9F | O F are = 13 9 + 8 or ise be eee eee ig 6 9% eee = 0 OLS 11g 8 oe = aes 2K a AT oe ie = Ol Vecerd BE 4 net is 8 A991 0 OL SEL a oe % OL 8¢ 0 8ST LLT ie rae yf OL 81 SIF En T 9 98% st Nein: ees ines Gg «ee apes ON eg CE acts Ie Be ee fiers *kq10dorg ‘Op ‘HAIOM “STOTIOOTIOH pepuny Uo ‘SUMOTZ BOTT “SyUoy spueprarq |-qng Jo ereg eee eee £yoD0g AIVUOTSSI, WOpuOo'T "IHX VHQ ATUUNG HLIM GHLOXNNOD LON TITH Yoo st9avyy ‘fooyog Suryio\y uvydio ar + fadvyo Aormyg jo seeqsury, “* TOOg Loy pung [eredg puny Sepia (Arerixny) Ajor0g youry, ado Jo purg pur Ayoro0g eouvszeduay, MOISSY, YIVATTINOG ai 401008 Tooys Avpung yAvAaTynog : : Agsnpuy Jo looyog eee eee eee eee eee eee eee nee eee TreH 81my09T 8 O[doeg 1OF pun, 8,[TVET WRULM NT *AegT see tee : ae reezeg fo speso0.g ‘od ‘Op OF T[VH WeuIMON ‘Aoy 19g 0d YOIUYH MON JO OFS IOF qereds ‘od e “. pung TH puvlaory Aqreg Sapyt0 4 ATBUOTSSTI (4zeyTExny) Ayo100g ATVUOISSI, WOpuoT TMONVIOOSSY SUTYIOAM ATVUOISSTPL OTVUIAT nas * Ayot00g SUIYIO MM ATLMOISST]Y OULO st £90 SUIG_OTO seu, &y9100g svor0g (Arerprxny) worsst yt A919 ats *** £9TOIOG MOTONAISU] ULYSTIYO eee wee eee eee pun, Arewoeyw9/) (Arey) Syo100g eTqIg a aus ese Ayotog JuepoAouEg ee eee eee eee sosnoystayy tee eee “Idd VHD AWHUNG HLIM GELOANNOD ‘CAST UVAK CHL WOa “OW ‘STILALIOOG SQOIUVA AO SMAIGOUCY AHL AO INGNALVLG AVIAAY, DONATIONS, &c., FOR PURCHASING A J REEHOLD pte PERPETUATING THE INSTITUTIONS OF SURREY CHAPEL, Received by the Rev. Newman Hall during the year 1872, from friends outside the Con- gregation ; leaving the sum of £38500 con- tributed for the same purpose, during this period, by the Congregation, and a further sum of £1300, the proceeds of a Bazaar, to -be handed over to the Building Fund, towards which £12,000 are still needed. DONATIONS. £ Her Grace the Duchess of Argyll ...........,.csccsescs 5 Rt. Hon. the Dowager Duchess of Grafton.............. 2 The Most Noble the Marquis of Westminster, K.G....... 50 Mivaeteimertom.. War) Mtssell. KK. Ge ook ued acs clseece cece ws 5 Rt. Hon. the Earl of Shaftesbury, K.G. ................ 10 Rt. Hon. the Dowager Countess of Gainsborough ...... 1 PU ERO TEBE MIEOEIOUEY oles, ds occ oko ctieclee weddatasanecns 25 PRE ORGIOS GUS od oa sc wos enc cigs cas orcs ak core ook a 5 Rt. Hon, the Lord Mayor—Sir Sidney Waterlow, Kt..... 21 The Very Rev. the Dean of Gloucester.................. 3 The Lady Augusta Stanley ................cccccceccucs 5 RRM ER yO 5 he coke rel wdy Oe 2 diohoce wath Sp ae cake 1 PMOL TSO G OUT KANTAITO® | oi. bs vals» os voce «4 ody cielciecs 10 Rite VEIN IAI LO 242s + Siecle). at,« ate, ode cum COS odrew Seal eee 1 Rigdsee toremec Nizhbing ale” F..,. cscs e ase wseescecnen ce 5 MO et CMTE TOUS CG, ale ore aietetrligt piste scans Ea chine hae clos on 8 2 Bi te Borer lex tons Harte sc oo. ccs os cca: ee ches 20 Alderman sir D2 Salomons, Bart., MoP.. 6.0035 ¢oc0ne 00k 10 Alderman Sir J. Lawrence, Bart., M.P. (Lecture Hall) £50 0 Sir Titus Salt, Bart..... (Foundation Stone) £400 ...... 0 MUM CMOMMABOMAMVOOIS, MOP. 5.2 ols «is.o a 0a wes tisisie g.ocicle 3 Alderman and Sheriff Sir F. W. Truscott ....../....... 3 RrOUE UID OIMICLUS cusses sb sacs levee avec cduadoeate 8 RRO GEIST, ey CATON, ¢ aic.c6ss «sites ae cle Pate tias eters es 10 rem EMD SABIE Le, to.) stu araie @ «: civit: er ciciecs! Snio-s)s, 0.8 9a wishes 100 Beresford, Col., M. AE BRAB i lticborcoune CAL omer nee Got 25 Colman, Mr. J. J., M.P..... (Foundation Stone) £50 . 0 UMMM LCE Mn Th vos sinls oleye «ificisiae swat cece te apeie 10 Gilpin, Mr. C., MP. Bocaire dicho! She’ are sly Mee citkanai sta seasta iota ty Aepiiee deeds HC TemIN Teme Cree, ate oleh aid e-tas-a. ale! «20s «,ade-sidgers ene Soto epee 59 Hughes, Mr. Thomas, M.P...(Foundation Stone) £3.... 0 TO ELOM. ATEDUT. MIDs. 3. ec clecckloosoecesseccus 10 es ETM NM E tee aA aie ass 05:6 ¢ ole sieleys oie 4 oie ste slale sara ai0 10 Leeman, Mr. G., M.P..... (Foundation Stone) £50...... 0 eps pI Pate OMVEN Ese 15-10 aitalcte-c Wicits <1», clic eta es wate wiels o alee te 20 Wir raldermiate MGATONUI MEPs a. 3. sss oc cease te oahece ve 50 SEC Leen UENCE f ciceleeafoe.s sia c.cle cog et te sac ted ee vic S Morley, Mr, Samuel, M.P...(Foundation Stone) £500.... 0 Je TT Bo Ny et Ma AD eS a AIR 50 Plimsoll, Mr. 8., M.P..... (Foundation Stone) £50 ...... 0 Ue MEI! DOE a. oa: Bal 913,005, 0 o1ps + aie adie Ais. « seaihip afele oe 20 Carried forward .......+..: £555 Coscpoeoeoroocoomaecocooocoso# pee wowds _ Or Oi Oo OC OS: 6 o — i — SsccsceooooscecoscooSoscoSeo oo eo co coco coo ec eo ooo eo eocooso oo oo = Brought forward. .555 ote sets tascseetormasens 2 AP ODACCorek stor 5 Adams, Mr. John... i Adams, Mr. John.,...., 2 Adeney, Mr. James... 1 PWC e Won IN IER Be. 5 Alexander, Mr. J......, 50.’ Alexander, Mr. Joel... 0 "Allany Maz. IM eictee 2 AllamyeMrs, -is.ccstscacces 1 Alliott, Mr. J. B....... 5 SA Tens Mir. Ws Soiree 2 Allen, Mx. Thomas ... 0 Allen, Mr. Alexander 2 ‘Allison, Mir. yap Allport, Mr. James... 5 AmM6s; MTS teces ssc aenee Anderson, Mr. J. ...... 5 Andrews, Mr. James 2 Andrews, Mrs. ......... 10 Anonymous... 1 Arkoll, Mr. Charles... 10 Arthur, Rev. W.) 4.052 5 Ash, Mies BE. wssessscsee 5 Ashworth, Mr. ......... 5 Atkinson, Mr. Henry 5 Atkinson, Mr. W....... 5 Atwool, Mr. Josiah.., 1 sAWery, DLT. ectloceeses 25 Aylmer, Major-Genl. 1 Ayton, Mr. W. <.cse000. 5 Bacon, Mr. George ... 10 Back, Mr. T. H.....: Ane Bare Mr BD) auc sccane 1 Bailey, Mrs. H.......... 1 Bainbridge, Mr.C. ... 2 Baines, Mr. Levee 25 Barcham, MrT. aie. 24 Barclay, Mire asl 10 Baring Bros. & Co., IM OBEYS. 4 sacsicessteceeeee 200 Barratt, Miss Ann... 1 Bartram), Mr, J.) c.5 <8 5 Barker, Mr. Thomas 5 ‘Bazett, (Mr. C.\Y." 3... 2 Beattie, Mr. A.......... 2 Benson, My. R...... 20 Beston Min i wveeateners 1 Bell, Mr. Henry ..... A004 Belsey, Mr. F. F. ...... 2 SSOSrPSCSOOSCSOC COON SCOOCOMNOONMOCOHNHUAOOF SOOoronwococoe CONONFrOCCS iSaeceacese cooococec$n Carried forward. .£1027 14 0 aS o SosoocococoocoocesoocoeSsescopscsoooecoooe:. £ Brought forward. .1027 Bennett, Mr. W. ...... 5 Bicknell, Mr. Henry 5 Bingley, Masivcc.tes. med. Black, Mr. Adam..,... 5 Blackden, Mrs. C. ... 20 Blackett, Mr. John... 2 Bland, Major ......... setae Bollen; WMt Hew .ceeeees 10 Bottomley, Mi. GS 202 Bousfield, Mr. C. H. 5 Boutcher, MISS, o cs Brought forward, .5979 Robinson, Mr. ...... 5 Rowntree, Mr. W. .. 2 Rutter, Mra) ....5... 0 oe Cid Gye eee 5 SeR Ae eaeee tec ata. s 10 Sadd; MreAlG,*.... 2 Salmon, Mr. Robert.. Salt, Mr. Titus ...... Salt, Mr, Edward.... 20 Sandon, Mr.G. E.... 1 Sands, Mr. John Sad. k. Scott, Mr, Benjamin 1 Scott, Mrs, and Miss 10 Selincourt, Mr, ...... 10 Sells, Mr. John ...... 5 Sawell Mises ontld <8 3 Shadwell, Mr. Lucas 5 Spare: Mr. ao ha are Loe ys) G4 hy 2 21 Shaw W. and J, and Sons, WYeEssrs\ 305: 2 Sheffield, Mr. Edward 5 Shepheard, Mr. C. .. 5 Sheppard, Mr. John.. 1 Shuttleworth, Mr. J., per Mr. T. E. Back 1 Sidebottom, Mr. J...100 Simpson, Mr, Thomas 1 Smith, Mr. Edward.. 10 Smith, Mr. G, H,.... 1 Smith, Mr. W.H.:... 1 Smith, Mr. Neil, Jun, 1 Smith, Mr. W. M, and INET Bem dal siafs)c.e.s Smith, Mr. Seth .. Smpthy Myre se. <<... 5 Smith, George and Sons, Messrs. ...... 20 Smith, The Misses 10 Soames, Mr. James... 5 Soper, Mr. William .. 5 Southwick, Miss .... 0 Sowerby, Mr. John .. 5 Spalding, Mr, Thomas100 Spalding, Mr. Henry 100 Spender, Mrs, ...... 1 Spender, Miss ...... 0 Spicer, W. and H.,, DEOSEY Beige tis! a/si + «:ci6 50 Spicer, Mr. James... .100 Carried forward. .£6702 S. 16 nse eocenu.. _ cocounnococo coos cocococecoo oone coonooceornroocoonce coccocecoo oco ococoeocoo ooocsa cococosocec|eo@cooooo Brought forward. .6702 Sprague, Mr. J....... 1 Sprague, The Misses.. 0 Stackhouse, Mr.H.F, 5 Stapleton, Mr. J.G.. 20 Stapleton, Mrs. ...... 5 Stevenson, Mrs....... 1 Stewart, Mr. Robert 10 Stone, Miss’. 2c. 0 Stone, Mr, Thomas .. 5 Strickland, Mr. F. .. 5 Sturge, Mr. George .. 10 Sturt & Sharp, Messrs. 2 Sulivan, Miss (Foun- dation Stone) £5 .. 0 HUNATIOS 4 eine eel see 7 Sutton, Mr. M.H.... 2 Swaine, Mr. J. ...... 2 Talbot, Captain...... 2 Varn eM Pie ae oes acces 100 Tawell, Mr. W. D. 1 Way lors MISS scene s's< 0 aylorsMxeyJobn.... 1 TAyIONOMITS Saber deack 2 Taylor, Mr. John .... 1 Teacher of Music .... 0 Thanksgiving for Prince of Wales’ re- COVELY “acese dace Thompson, Mr. Henry100 Thomson, Bonar and COMP MGSatsta asics 4 50 Thomson,Mr.and Mrs, 5 Thomson, Mrs, ...... 5 Thorp, Mr. J oseph .. 1 Thretfall, Mr, T 2 Todds Missy fons ve asree 1 Tomkins,-MrivB. ...: 5 Tribe, Mr. Wilberforce 2 Trollope, Rev. C. .... 1 Trotter, Mr, Arthur.. 5 arudingers Mir Are iL PuoOKer Mrs Js kisses 5 Tucker, Mr. Joseph .. 50 Turnbull, Mr. Dennis 0 Turn balls Mr Hivys.. 5 Turnbull and Wilson, Messrs tats stanies 2 Unwin, Messrs, ...... 3 Vacher, MroT..B, 323.10 wh on one oO wmeoococcrooococe:, Cororwreo So ee _ oecenrocrounmowcouneo oD to 0 oY) _ aoce ocresS coocoococoeocoeoconu: coco’ coo oO o qeooococooccoocosococo 0 Carried forward..£7160 6 10 10 &. gs. d, fo Sid. Brought forward..7160 6 10 Brought forward..7379 16 4 Vaizey, MrvJiR. 25. 17180 Whiting, Mr. Noel .. 1 0 0 Vallance, Mr. James 10 0 0 Whitson, Mr. James 3 3 0 Verrall, Rey. Gi 2 ee 0RR0 Whitwell, Mr. Mark 5 0 0 Wilkinson, Miss...... pa) Wilkinson, Mr.Joseph 3 3 0 Wish eLiaee c2aetiee LerOr0 Williams, General. . iL 4d 0 Walkden, Mr. John.. 5 0 0 Williams, Mr, George 100 0 0 Walker, Mr. W. .... 010 6 Wills, Mr. H. O, «2 OFLORO Walton, MryJonn, 2), 40'RO Wills, Mrigired 1. ..tee IO WO Wardle, Mr.:H.. 27... 100 Wills, Mr, Edward .. 1010 0 Wartnaby, Mr. W.. 20 0 Wills; Mr. WOH... 160 mone Wates, Mr. Arthur .. 5 0 0 Willison, Mr. John .. 010 O Wathem, Mr. Charles 10 10 0 Wilson, Mr. Joshua.. 20 0 0 Watson, Mr. D....... jE Re Y Willsworth, Mrs, .... 010 0 Webb, Mr. George .. 3 3 0 Winch, Mr; W. BR, .... 507-010 Welch, Mr. J, Kemp 100 0 0 Winslow, Dr. Forbes 5 0 0 Wellington, Mr. T. .. 1 0 O Wontner, Mr. A.J... 5 0 O West, Mr. Fred...... 1 OY Wood, Dr. Pedi). > aLao ae Weymouth, Dre Aas be Oee0 Woodhouse, Mr, J, .. 1 0 0 White, Mr. Alderman 5 5 0 Woollacot, Mr, ...... 410 40°30 White, Mr. George F. 50 0 0 Wright, Mr. Gaia. 3 25: 0-20 Whiteley, Miss a.aner LOM OFe0 —--- —_——- Carried forward..£7702 13 4 Carried forward..£7379 16 4 pe RS os COLLECTIONS AFTER SERMONS BY REV. NEWMAN HALL, DEDUCTING EXPENSES. asa Aberdeen, August 13, 1871—8 Sermons ................ 14 8 6 Glasgow, August 20, 1871—2 Sermons.................. 38 19 4 St. Leonards, October and November 18, 1871—3 Sermons 19 0 6 liverpool, Noyemberil4;871¥ 5. <2. <6. <1. is) -mielee ene 1S Se) Bradford eee December 11—15, 1871 .......0.. 0000 36 0 0 Huddersfield Bristol Redland Park Chapel, February 23, 1872........ 14 0 0 Bath, March, 31872—2 Sermons’.:.... 2). 2ukicbmeee oe 15080 Upper Clapton, April 11872" «. sy... 401s 226 eee Sie “a. ORC Derby, -April!]7;1872 oes «es ss isa see eee 10 10 0 Nottingham, (Rev. J, M. Wright), April 18, 1872 ...... 18 0 0 Do, (Rey, C, Clemence), April 19, 1872 ........ 15 10 O Maidstone, May'80, 1872)... 2... 0... 4 ele oe eee ee 4.6 3 St./Leonards, June 1351872 i .%...... 08 i poe eee 11,10 <® Carried forward....£229 8 11 11 Su se de Brought forward.... 229 § 11 PRET IEUITO. LA LS) opis ces