University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign ACES UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Agricultural Experiment Station BULLETIN NO. 128 TEN GENERATIONS OF CORN BREEDING BY LOUIE H. SMITH URBANA, ILLINOIS, SEPTEMBER, 1908 SUMMARY OF BULLETIN No. 128 i.. The results of ten years experiments in breeding corn to modify the composition of the grain and thereby adapting it to various special purposes are here reported. 2. Starting with a variety of average composition, it has been possible by selection and breeding, in ten generations : ( I ) to in- crease the average protein content from 10.92 to 14.26 percent; (2) to decrease the average protein content from 10.92 to 8.64 percent; (3) to increase the average oil content from 4.70 to 7.37 percent; (4) to decrease the average oil content from 4.70 to 2.66 percent. In other words, out of a single variety of corn two strains have been developed of which one is now almost twice as rich in protein as the other, and two other strains have been developed, one of which is now nearly three times as rich in oil as the other. Page 468. 3. Variations among individual ears have been found ranging in protein content from 6.13 percent in the low-protein strain, to 17.79 percent in the high-protein strain, and in oil content from i. 60 percent in the low-oil strain to 8.59 percent in the high oil strain. Page 489. 4. Climatic conditions exert, in certain years, a marked effect upon the composition of the corn crop as regards its protein, oil, and starch content. Page 469. 5. Altering the composition of the grain has produced no very marked effect upon the composition of other parts of the corn plant. Page 476. 6. Continued selection appears to have induced a certain cor- relation between protein and oil content. Page 483. 7. Selection for the composition of the grain has resulted in characteristic types of kernel. Page 484: 8. Perceptible modifications in the type of ear have likewise been wrought. Page 485. 9. Selection for high-protein is evidently accompanied by a re- duction in yield. In the other strains the yields for the most part have been maintained in spite of the rigorous selection for the spe- cial chemical characteristics. Page 485. 10. The detailed plot records of each of the four strains and the analytical results of nearly 5000 individual ears which have been analyzed during the ten years' work are placed on record in the appendix to this bulletin in such arrangement that the maternal pedigree record of every ear is shown. Page 490. 11. These four breeding plots are still being continued. JTO AVOl HO H.SIH JIO MOl IT tjSiH dojo pujugf) INTRODUCTORY NOTE BY CYRIL G. HOPKINS, CHIEF IN AGRONOMY In 1896 the Illinois Experiment Station began the improvement of corn by varying the composition of the grain through selection and breeding. The results of the first two years of these investigations were published in Bulletin No. 55 "Improvement in the Chemical Composition of the Corn Kernel." This same work has been carried on continuously since that time, and although several publica- tions have been issued in the meantime bearing upon different phases of the subject of corn improvement as it has been developed, including Bulletins 82, 87, 100, and 119, there has, however, been no complete report published of the results obtained in the progress of this original line of work described in Bulletin No. 55. It is the present purpose therefore to present the results which have been ob- tained, in the first ten generations, in improvement in composition in various di- rections, namely, for high protein, for low protein, for high oil and for low oil, of the single variety of corn from which these four different strains have been produced, and which is known as "Illinois" corn. Since the discovery of the possibility of improving corn for special adaptation and the general recognition of its importance, this Station has extended its work to other standard varieties of corn best adapted to different sections of the state, applying the methods and principles worked out in the original experi- ments with the "Illinois" variety. This work of improving the other standard varieties both for yield and for special adaptation is being carried on largely in co-operation with seed corn breeders of the state. A large amount of data re- lating to this later work has already accumulated, but it is proposed to reserve this for future publication rather than to attempt to cover in this report all of the corn breeding work now in progress believing that such a division of the subject will allow a clearer presentation. Inasmuch as the editions of Bulletins 53 and 55 are already exhausted and the demand for the information contained therein is still unsatisfied, it is pro- posed to make the nature of this report as complete a presentation of the in- vestigation as is possible without making too great repetition of material al- ready published. For several years Professor Louie H. Smith has been largely responsible for the conduct of these investigations, valuable assistance having also been ren- dered during recent years by Doctor E. M. East, now agronomist at the Con- necticut Experiment Station, Mr. R. W. Stark, now chief chemist for the Cuban Experiment Station, Mr. H. H. Love, and Mr. C. H. Myers. TEN GENERATIONS OF CORN BREEDING BY LOUIE H. SMITH, ASSISTANT CHIEF IN PLANT BREEDING IMPORTANCE OF CORN IMPROVEMENT Aside from the purely scientific interest attached to this work, the practical importance of improvement of corn to adapt it for special purposes as well as for increased yield is now becoming generally recognized. The significance of improving the chemical composi- tion of corn has already been pointed out in Bulletins 55, 82, 87, and 100 of the Illinois Experiment Station, and it is scarcely neces- sary to dwell upon this phase of the subject further than to refer briefly to some of the demands for corn improved along these par- ticular lines. No other crop is made to serve such a variety of purposes as corn, and in consideration of these many different uses is suggested the question of special adaptation. Purpose of increasing the protein. In the nutrition of man and beast protein is the most expensive nutrient. Of all of our Ameri- can food stuffs corn is the cheapest, because of its economical pro- duction. But because corn does not contain sufficient protein for most purposes of feeding, it must be re-inforced by other more ex- pensive food stuffs in order to obtain the proper ratio of this im- portant nutrient. It is from these considerations that farmers, and especially stock feeders, recognize the importance of breeding corn for increase of protein content. Purpose of decreasing the protein. On the other hand, there is a demand from the manufacturers of those products which are derived from the starch of corn such as glucose, gum, dextrine, syrup, and alcohol, for a corn having a large proportion of car- bohydrates and not so rich in protein. The practical effect of de- creasing the percent of protein is to increase the percent of starch; therefore, for such purposes there should be a place on the market for corn which is bred for decrease of protein content. Purpose of increasing the oil. The oil of corn has in recent years found such a wide commercial use that under the present market conditions, it has become, pound for pound, by far the most valuable constituent of the grain, and whereas formerly in the glu- cose factories and corn mills the germs containing the oil were 457 453 BULLETIN No. 128. [September, almost a waste product, there is now an actual demand on the part of these industries for corn which is richer in oil. It is proposed to meet this demand by breeding corn for increase of oil content. Purpose of decreasing the oil. There is also a practical use for corn with a low oil content. It has been found by investigation that in feeding swine, the oil in the corn tends to produce a soft, flabby quality of flesh which is very undesirable, especially for our export trade where the demand of the market is for a hard, firm product. A remedy for this lies in the reduction of the oil content of the corn which is fed. Thus here we have a very important practical object for breeding corn for decrease of oil content. These special purposes mentioned for which corn is being im- proved suggest the possibility of many others demanded by the various industries which utilize the corn crop and which require different qualities in it. Corn improvement should, of course, embrace quantity as well as quality and in all practical work of selection looking toward im- provement, the matter of increased yield per acre should be given first consideration. Recognizing the importance of this principle, the methods used in these experiments have been chosen with the view of maintaining or increasing the yield, and productiveness is made the basis of the first selection, even sometimes at a sacrifice in percentage of the desired chemical constituent. FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES Before taking up this work of the improvement of corn by systematic selection and breeding, it was necessary to make a pre- liminary study of the subject such as is reported by Doctor Hop- kins in Bulletin 53 "Chemistry of the Corn Kernel." In this study a large amount of valuable knowledge was gained which bears upon the technical side of the work, such as the chemical principles in- volved and the laboratory manipulations upon which the success of the entire work so intimately depends. Further, important data were obtained from which were derived the principles of selection upon which all of this work in improvement of the composition of corn is based. All improvement by selection and breeding depends, of course, upon variation, therefore it was necessary to make a pre- liminary study in order to learn how corn varies with respect to its composition. As the result of such an investigation the following data were obtained : Analysis of parts of the ear. In studying this question 30 duplicate analyses were first made on different parts of ears. Five ears were divided lengthwise into 3 samples each in the following I90S.} TEN GENERATIONS OF CORN BREEDING. 459 manner: If the ears were i2-ro\ved, 3 samples of 4 consecutive rows each were made; if i6-rowed, 3 samples of 5 consecutive rows each were made, one row being left, etc., etc. Duplicate analyses of 15 samples thus prepared from 5 different ears gave the results shown in Table I. The different ears are dis- tinguished by the letters (a), (b), (c), (d), and (e*). TABLE i. VARIATION IN COMPOSITION IN SAMPLES FROM DIFFERENT EARS FROM THE SAME EAR AND Sample & Ear. Ash. Protein. Oil. Carbohydrates. 1 (a) I 1.42 | 1.43 10.79 10.75 4.57 4.58 83.22 8324 2 (a) ( 1.48 |l.47 10.97 10.94 4.54 4.51 83.01 83.08 'iJt 3 (a) j 1.50 | 1.51 10.66 10.72 4.53 4.55 83.31 83.22 4 (b) J1.S1 11.52 12.00 11.98 4.60 4.59 81.89 81.91 5 (b) j 1.49 ( 1.48 12.01 12.05 4.57 4.57 81.93 81.90 6(b) j 1.48 | 1.47 12.19 12 08 4.85 4.80 81.48 81.65 7 (c) * j 1.37 1 1.37 10.09 10.10 5.24 5.17 83.30 83.36 8 (c) | 1.31 } 1.34 10.14 10.18 5.08 5.18 83.47 83.30 9 (c) j 1.36 (1.37 10.15 10.20 5.20 5.17 83.29 83.26 10 (d) j 1 . 39 } 1.38 10.46 10.46 4.28 4.29 83.87 83.87 11 (d) | 1.43 \ 1 42 10.25 10.27 4.22 4.20 84.10 84.11 12 (d) \ 1.43 } 1.45 10.09 10.06 4.16 4.15 84.32 84.34 13 (e) \ 1.34 ) 1.36 11 19 11.20 4.80 4.78 82.67 82.66 14 (e) \ 1.30 1 1.28 10.66 10 62 4.91 4.89 83.13 83.21 15 (e) j 1.36 | 1.36 10.81 10.92 4.83 4.79 83.00 82.93 460 BULLETIN No. 128. [September, These results indicate uniformity in the composition of differ- ent parts of the ear. The following shows the greatest total vari- ation in the 6 single determinations of each constituent in any one ear ; and also the total variation between the different ears. Ash. Protein. Oil. Carbohydrates. In any single ear. .09 .58 .28 .55 .24 2.13 1.09 2.86 Another lot of five ears was selected and each of these was di- vided crosswise into 3 samples of approximately equal amounts, which for convenience are designated "tip," "middle" and "butt," the ears being lettered (f), (g), (h), (i) and (j). The results of the duplicate analyses are given in Table 2. It is observed that in every case the tip is the lowest in protein and that usually the middle is lower than the butt, the average total difference in the ear being 0.73 percent and the widest 1.13 percent as shown in the total variations following Table 2. The variation in ash and oil is small and shows no such pe- culiarity. The carbohydrates, being determined by difference, ap- pear, of course, as the complement to the sum of the .other sub- stances and show in the opposite direction approximately the varia- tion of the most variable determinable constituent. Partial analyses of single kernels. For the work on ash con- tent several ears of corn were selected, and from each a sample of corn, consisting of a number of rows of kernels and believed to fairly represent the ear, was taken and its percentage of ash in the dry matter determined. Then for special investigation of ash con- tent of single kernels four ears from the lot were chosen, of which two were high and two low, comparatively, in percentage of ash as previously determined. From each ear 10 kernels were selected at approximately equal distance throughout the length of the ear, the kernels being numbered from I to 10 and the order running from tip to butt. The data from the ash determination in single kernels and also percentage of ash in the large sample from the same ear are given in Table 3. 1908.] TEN GENERATIONS OF CORN BREEDING. 461 TABLE 2. VARIATION IN COMPOSITION IN BUTT, MIDDLE AND TIP PORTIONS OF THE SAME EAR AND OF DIFFERENT EARS Sample & Ear. Ash. Protein. . Oil. Carbohydrates. 16 (f), Tip ( 1.58 I 1.59 11.78 11.76 5.09 5.10 81.55 81.55 17 (f) Middle ( 1.58 ? 1.57 12.22 12.26 5.13 5.03 81.07 81.14 18 (f) Butt j 1.56 ( 1.58 12.36 12.42 5.04 5.03 81.04 80.97 19 (g) Tip j 1.49 | 1.49 11.99 11.97 4.86 4.84 81.66 81.70 20 (g) Middle j 1.51 i 1.51 12.49 12.49 4.77 4.76 81.23 81.24 21 (g) Butt f 1.50 11.51 13.02 13.10 4.57 4.59 80.91 80.80 22 (h) Tip ( 1.37 ( 1.35 9.72 9.67 3.90 3.93 85.01 85.05 23 (h) Middle j 1.37 \ 1.35 10 07 10.08 3.98 3.97 84.58 84.60 24 (h) Butt j 1.51 ] 1.49 10.49 10.46 4.01 4.00 83.99 84.05 25 (i) Tip j 1.47 ( 1.48 10.58 10.61 4.58 4.60 83.37 83.31 26 (i) Middle j 1.45 ( 1.44 11.05 11.03 4.56 4.60 82,96 82.93 27 (i) Butt j 1.47 \ 1.48 11.03 1U.96 4.48 4.46 83.02 83.10 28 (j) Tip j 1.77 "I 1.74 10.87 10.78 4.36 4.37 83.00 83.11 29 (j) Middle ( 1.65 I 1.62 11.35 11.31 4.56 4.58 82.44 82.49 30 (j) Butt ( 1.71 ( 1.72 11.32 11.28 4.28 4.29 82.69 82.71 The following shows the total variation : Ash. Protein. Oil. Carboh3'drates. In any single ear. . . . .16 1 13 .30 1.06 In five ears .42 3 43 1.23 4.25 462 BULLETIN No. 128. [September, TABLE 3. VARIATION IN ASH CONTENT IN KERNELS FROM THE SAME EAR AND FROM DIFFERENT EARS Kernel No. Ear No. 1 Ear No. 2 Ear No. 3 Ear No. 4 1 1.50 1.64 1.10 1.14 2 1.57 1.64 1.08 1.23 3 1.61 1.63 1.09 1.13 4 1.56 1.65 1.10 1.17 5 1.67 1.59 1.07 1.13 6 1.69 1.63 1.09 1.22 7 1.71 1.68 1 07 1.25 8 1.64 1.65 1.10 1.19 9 1.64 1.70 1.21 1.11 10 1.74 1.60 1.11 1.10 Composite 1.73 1.65 1.10 1.11 of ear These results confirm those of the previous experiments in in- dicating uniformity in the composition of the ear in all parts, al- though, of course, slight variations are found. In the work on the protein content of single kernels, 5 ears, 3 of which were high and 2 relatively low in protein, were selected from a number of ears in a manner analogous to that described in the previous experiment. In Table 4 are shown the results of these protein determinations. TABLE 4. VARIATION IN PROTEIN CONTENT IN KERNELS FROM THE SAME EAR AND FROM DIFFERENT EARS Kernel No. Ear No. 1 Ear No. 2 Ear No. 3 Ear No. 4 Ear No. 5 1 12.46 12.17 11.53 7 t 45 7.72 2 12.54 12.94 12.32 7.54 8.41 3 12.44 12.51 12.19 7.69 8.37 4 12.50 13'. 42 12.54 7.47 8.31 5 12.30 13.12 12.14 7.74 8.02 6 12.49 14.59 12.95 8.70 8.76 7 12.50 13.21 12.84 8.46 8.89 8 12.14 13 43 8.69 9.02 9 12.14 13.16 12! 04 8.86 8.96 10 12.71 14.05 12.75 8.10 8.89 Composite of ear 13.06 13.87 12.96 7.59 8.40 igo8.] TEN GENERATIONS OF CORN BREEDING. 463 Here in the protein content, as in the case of the ash, we find on the one hand comparative uniformity among different kernels of a single ear and on the other, marked variation among different individual ears. The results of these analyses of different ears from a single variety together with analyses of different parts of single ears es- tablish beyond question two important fundamental facts upon which all of this subsequent work of selection and breeding is founded. The statement of these facts is as follows : (1) The car of corn is approximately uniform throughout in the chemical composition of its kernels. (2) There is a ivide variation in the chemical composition of different ears of the same variety of corn. With these two principles established, we have a working basis for the chemical* selection of seed corn. With uniformity in the individual ear, it is possible to determine very approximately the composition of the grain by analyzing a sample consisting of a few rows of kernels, and this is the actual practice in the examination of individual ears. If the ear represented by this sample is found to be desirable for seed, the remainder of the kernels of the ear may then be planted. The wide variation in composition between different ears of the same variety is a very important factor in the selection of seed ; as a starting point is thus furnished in each of the several lines of desired improvement. It is to be observed that this principle of uniformity within the individual, and variation as between different individuals within the variety, holds not only for the chemical composition of the kernel but it applies as well to other characteristics such as the structure, for example, and whenever any such characteristic is re- lated to productiveness or other utility of the crop, it should be taken into account in the breeding. GENERAL PLAN OF THE EXPERIMENTS In the general plan of these experiments, it was proposed to determine the influence upon the chemical composition of corn by selection and breeding in the four directions namely, (i) for in- crease of protein content, (2) for decrease of protein content, (3) for increase of oil content, (4) for decrease of oil content. The method employed was as follows : 464 BULLETIN No. 128. [September, For the first selection a large number of ears were analyzed both for protein and for oil. In the high protein breeding, for ex- ample, the 24 ears highest in protein were selected for seed and planted in a plot isolated from other sorts of corn, each ear in a separate row. These rows were harvested separately and the seed for the next planting was selected from ears of this crop which were found to be highest in protein, repeating this process each year. The breed- ing for low protein and for high oil and low oil was conducted on the same plan. Under this system each selection rapidly gave rise to a "pure" strain. As each original ear had its own register num- ber and as all succeeding ears bore corresponding numbers the exact pedigree of each row (on the female side) was at all times fully known. This general method has been maintained from the beginning, although some minor modifications of details have been made from time to time during the progress of the work as experience indi- cated as being desirable or as necessity demanded. THE BREEDING PLOT The size of the breeding plot has varied in the different plots and in the different years. The number of rows included in any plot is always given in the plot records. The locations of these breeding plots have always been chosen with reference to their isolation from other corn fields in order to prevent cross fertilization from other kinds of corn. It is quite difficult with so many corn experiments as are carried on at this Experiment Station to obtain conditions that are ideal in this re- spect, but by taking advantage of tall hedge rows, and other bar- riers, prevailing winds, and other corn fields of the same strain, there has been but slight, if any, admixture in these breeding plots. A system of alternating the locations of the breeding plots of the opposite strains has been carried out. For example, after the first two years the locations of the high-protein and the low-protein plots were reversed ; that is the high-protein plot was planted on the same ground that the low-protein plot had occupied the two preceding years and vice versa. After two years more these plots were shifted back to their original locations. The high-oil and low-oil plots were managed in the same manner. The design of this alternation of location of the plots was to provide something of a check upon the possible influence of soi.1 upon the composition /9o5.] TEN GENERATIONS OF CORN BREEDING. 4-65 of the crops. The plots have been changed to other locations in later years but this system of alternating has been maintained. For each of these breeding plots there is now provided a double area which makes possible a crop rotation system including clover and other legumes, for maintaining the productivity of the land. CULTURAL CONDITIONS The cultural methods, including the preparation and cultiva- tion of the soil, planting, harvesting, and handling 'of the crop on these breeding plots have been such as is considered good practice in ordinary corn growing. The seed has always been planted in hills in preference to drills. The present practice is to plant the hills three feet apart each way and to allow two stalks to the hill. Attention is paid to the matter of preventing the distribution of pollen from weak, barren or otherwise undesirable plants by de- tasseling all such plants at the proper time. After discovering the great advantage to be gained by the method of detasseling alternate rows and taking seed only from such detasseled rows, as pointed out in Bulletin 100, this system has been applied to all of our regular breeding plots. The method of harvesting has been that of cutting and curing in the shock. SAMPLING AND SELECTING In the earlier years of the experiments a sample from each of all of the rows was reserved by selecting a certain number of the choicest ears as judged from their physical appearance. But as the possibility of improvement became more clearly established, a system was adopted by which seed ears for the next year's plant- ing are taken only from those rows which prove to be most pro- ductive as determined by the weight of ear corn produced, all other rows of the plot being rejected as a source of seed, and since the introduction of the system of detasseling alternate rows, only the best of the detasseled or "dam" rows have been selected. This method of selecting the choicest ears to represent the plot-row has been followed throughout the work although details of the system as regards the number of ears taken have been somewhat modified in the different years, as will appear in connection with the data which follow in the appendix. The ears, thus chosen on account of their physical superiority, are then subjected to chemical analysis and from the results of these analyses is made the final selection of seed for the succeed- ing season. 466 BULLETIN No. 128. [September, In the sampling for these analyses two rows of kernels are taken lengthwise of the ear to represent the composition of the individual ear. At the same time composite samples to represent the selected plot-rows are taken by mixing together one row of kernels from each selected ear of the respective plot-rows. Each seed ear thus selected is given a permanent "Register Number" which designates that ear for all future reference. REGISTERING By our system of numbering the "Register Number" shows at the same time the number of the ear and the generation of the breeding. This is done by starting the first year in the 100 series numbering the ears to be planted in succession from 101, and the second generation starting with the 200 series running up from 20 1 and so on, starting each succeeding year of the breeding with a higher hundred. Thus Ear No. 1018 shows that this ear belongs to the tenth generation and was planted in row 18 of the breeding plot of that year. The "Dam No." is the register number of the parent ear and is useful in tracing the pedigree record from year to year. The "Annual Ear No." is simply a temporary number given to each ear to be used during examination for selection and as soon as the selection of the seed ears has been determined and the arrangement for planting has been decided the ears are given their permanent register numbers. A description of the physical as well as the chemical character- istics of all the seed ears is kept on record including length of ear, tip circumference of ear, butt circumference of ear, number of rows of kernels, number of kernels in row, weight of ear, weight of cob, tip circumference of cob, and butt circumference of cob. Besides this numerical description a photograph record is also kept of every ear planted. The performance record of each seed ear is shown by the weight and number of ears produced as well as the average com- position of its progeny. For a more detailed description of the system of registry used in our corn breeding work the reader is referred to Bulletin 100. VARIETY The variety of corn selected for this investigation was one of medium size and of safe maturity for this latitude. It has been grown upon the Experiment Station farm every year since 1887. Previous to that time it had been carefully grown for several years /po5 8.89 955 10.37 856 10.60 906 11.95 956 11.50 857 11.27 907 10.84 957 10.69 858 9.81 908 9.15 958 11.94 859 9.69 909 10.02 959 14.05 311 By Dam 205 By Dam 210 By Dam 213 861 11.18 911 11.66 961 12.97 306 862 12.10 912 11.06 962 13.25 315 863 11.55 913 10.02 963 12.66 864 13.04 317 914 10.08 964 11.68 865 11.08 915 11.83 965 9.29 866 11.73 916 11.09 966 9.89 867 11.48 917 11.45 967 12.12 868 11.78 918 10.75 968 12.29 869 10.64 919 9.67 969 9.71 1908.} TEN GENERATIONS OF CORN BREEDING. 499 TABLE 19. Continued. Annual ear No. Protein, percent. Register No. assigned. Annual ear No. Protein, percent. Register No. assigned. Annual ear No. Protein, percent. Register No assigned. *By Dam 213 By Dam 217 By Dam 222 971 10.55 1021 10.06 1071 8.07 972 11.80 1022 12.24 1072 11.48 973 9.47 1023 10.25 1073 10.95 974 11.97 1024 11.84 1074 10.47 975 11.94 1025 11.50 1075 10.90 976 12.98 319 1026 11.23 1076 10.17 977 10.96 1027 9.66 1077 10.84 978 11.43 1028 11.91 1078 7.83 979 12.16 1029 9.86 1079 9.06 By Dam 2U By Dam 218 By Dam 22S 981 11.80 1031 11.74 1081 11.44 982 11.58 1032 11.53 1082 9.97 983 10.12 1033 10.15 1083 11.55 984 13.12 316 1034 8.90 1084 9.94 985 13.34 310 1035 9.93 1085 11.27 986 10.95 1036 10.46 1086 11.57 987 11.38 1037 10.47 1087 10.53 988 11.17 1038 11.72 1088 9.36 989 10.11 1039 12.39 302 1089 10.61 *By Dam 214 By Dam 219 By Dam 22 b 991 11.39 1041 8.70 1091 8.74 992 9.86 1042 10.98 1092 9.50 993 10.69 1043 8.63 1093 10.20 994 10.75 1044 12.16 1094 10.60 995 12.42 1045 12.35 301 1095 11.49 996 10.42 1U46 10.10 1096 12.74 304 997 11.72 1047 9.54 1097 10.47 998 12.20 1048 10.83 1098 12.07 999 10.96 1049 10.68 1099 12.36 By Dam 215 By Dam 220 1001 11.85 1051 10.87 1002 11.42 1052 9.63 10n3 10.39 1053 8.61 1004 12.88 320 1054 10.31 1005 9.32 1055 12.37 324 1006 11.04 1056 10.28 1007 12.75 1057 11.85 1008 10.33 1058 11.26 1009 12.09 1059 9.80 By Dam 216 By Dam 221 1011 12.99 318 1061 12.78 1012 9.96 1062 13.03 307 1013 9.71 1063 11.72 1014 10.78 1064 10.58 1015 11.51 1065 10.95 1016 11.39 1066 11.50 1017 9.81 1067 12.04 1018 9.11 1068 11.43 1019 11.29 1069 11.42 *An extra set of ears were analyzed from Dams 211, 212, 213 and 214. 500 BULLETIN No. 128. [September, TABLE 20. THIRD GENERATION HIGH PROTEIN PLOT RECORD, 1899 Protein, percent Protein, percent. Register By Dam Register By Dam ear No. No. Seed ear Crop har- ear No. No. Seed ear Crop har- planted. vested. planted. vested. 301 219 12.35 10.00 313 212 14.25 10.74 302 218 12.39 10.17 314 208 13.46 11.09 303 204 12.48 11.50 315 213 13 25 11.42 304 224 12.74 11.00 316 214 13.12 11.77 305 201 12.83 10.89 317 205 13.04 12.50 306 213 12.97 11.35 318 216 12.99 11.88 307. 221 13.03 11.91 319 213 12.98 12.68 308 203 13.05 10.56 320 215 12.88 12.09 309 212 13.21 12.04 321 206 12.82 11.89 310 214 13.34 11.37 322 29 12.55 10.22 311 212 14.05 12.78 323 207 12.45 12.24 312 212 14.92 12.21 324 220 12.37 10.76 Average of plot. 13.06 11.46 1908.] TEN GENERATIONS OF CORN BREEDING. 501 TABLE 21. PROTEIN IN Two HUNDRED SIXTEEN INDIVIDUAL EARS FROM HIGH- PROTEIN PLOT OF 1809 Annual ear No. Protein, percent. Register No. assigned. Annual ear No. Protein, percent. Register No. assigned. Annual ear No. Protein, percent. Register No. assigned. By Dam 301 By Dam 306 By Dam 311 1601 12.03 1651 12.10 1701 13.46 420 1602 9.81 1652 11.85 1702 13.74 407 1603 10.79 1653 10.75 1703 12.10 1604 7.71 1654 9.54 1704 14.41 411 1605 11.28 1655 11.73 1705 12.09 1606 11.56 1656 13.22 401 1706 11.70 1607 10.18 1657 11.57 1707 12.78 1608 8.91 1658 9.66 1708 11.01 1609 9.66 1659 13.36 405 1709 12.75 By Dam. 302 By Dam 307 By Dam 312 1611 9.91 1661 13.41 403 1711 12.37 1612 8.35 1662 12.75 1712 12.83 1613 9.11 1663 11.72 1713 10.17 1614 9.83 1664 11.46 1714 12.69 1615 11.20 1665 12.32 1715 10.32 1616 11.88 1666 11.58 1716 11.41 1617 10.96 1667 13.09 1717 12.06 1618 10.75 1668 12.77 1718 11.35 1619 9.77 1669 11.48 1719 10.59 By Dam 303 By Dam 308 By Dam 313 1621 11.69 1671 11.32 1721 13.05 1622 11.60 1672 11.11 1722 9.94 1623 9.94 1673 12.30 1723 10.23 1624 13.13 1674 9.81 1724 11.97 1625 10.60 1675 10.02 1725 12.25 1626 12.15 1676 10.27 1726 10.32 1627 12.32 1677 10.92 1727 10.06 1628 12.65 1678 10.52 1728 9.91 1629 11.82 1679 9.55 1729 11.21 By Dam 304 By Dam 309 By Dam 314 1631 10.25 1681 10.59 1731 11.95 1632 12.83 1682 12,33 1732 13.19 424 1633 13.54 1683 13.48 404 1733 13.94 409 1634 11.55 1684 12.88 1734 11.05 1635 11.10 1685 11.00 1735 10.47 1636 11.87 1686 13.87 408 1736 10.10 1637 9.78 1687 13.31 402 1737 12.34 1638 10.30 1688 10.29 1738 13.20 1639 10.24 1689 12.09 1739 10.02 By Dam 305 By Dam 310 By Dam j/j 1641 11.04 1691 11.90 1741 10.13 1642 12.13 1692 11.35 1742 10.50 1643 10.50 1693 12.97 1743 11.41 1644 11.15 1694 10.07 1744 8.74 1645 9.97 1695 12.21 1745 11.96 1646 11.31 1696 12.53 1746 13.73 418 1647 10.81 1697 11.93 1747 11.76 1648 11.55 1698 11.37 1748 10.16 1649 10.66 1699 10.56 1749 11.20 502 BULLETIN No. 128. [September, TABLE 21. Continued. Annual ear No. Pro^in, percent. Register No. assigned. Annual ear No. Protein, percent. Register No. assigned. Annual ear No. Protein, percent. Register No. assigned. By Dam 316 By Dam 319 By Dam 322 1751 11.12 1781 12.26 1811 11.17 1752 11.30 1782 13.89 417 1812 11.89 1753 11.78 1783 10.69 1813 13.51 419 1754 11.85 1784 12.29 1814 10.95 1755 12.16 1785 14.24 414 1815 11.84 1756 13.48 421 1786 13.89 416 1816 10.60 1757 11.23 1787 11.83 1817 12.00 1758 11.02 1788 14.20 1818 9.76 1759 11.97 1789 12.66 1819 11.19 By Dam 317 By Dam 320 By Dam 323 1761 12.32 1791 13.97 410 1821 14.53 413 1762 12.46 1792 12.35 1822 11.31 1763 14.78 412 1793 11.62 1823 11.95 1764 12.70 1794 11.69 1824 10.44 1765 12.49 1795 11.61 1825 13.31 423 1766 12.67 1796 12.07 1826 10.46 1767 12.04 1797 10.72 1827 11.53 1768 12.% 1798 12.92 1828 13.02 1769 13.41 422 1799 12.10 1829 12.01 By Dam 318 By Dam 321 By Dam 324 1771 10.85 1801 13.93 415 1831 10.09 1772 12.88 1802 12.42 1832 11.61 1773 11.81 1803 10.65 1833 10.81 1774 12.86 1804 13.63 406 1834 10.81 1775 13.05 1805 10.90 1835 10.96 1776 11.84 1806 11.99 1836 10.35 1777 12.66 1807 10.54 1837 12.78 1778 11.73 1808 12.80 1838 11.15 1779 12.32 1809 10.94 1839 9.62 TABLE 22. FOURTH GENERATION HIGH PROTEIN PLOT RECORD, 1900. Protein, percent. Protein, percent. Register ear No. By Dam No. Seed ear Crop har- Register ear No. By Dam No. Seed ear Crop har- planted. vested. planted. vested. 401 306 13.22 12.27 413 323 14.53 13.50 402 309 13.31 12.56 414 319 14.24 12.34 403 307 13.41 12.44 415 321 13.93 12.44 404 309 13.48 11.62 416 319 13.89 12.24 405 306 13.36 11.53 417 319 13.89 12.76 406 321 13.63 12.00 418 315 13.73 12.21 407 311 13.74 12.90 419 322 13.51 12.37 408 309 13.87 12.09 420 311 13.46 12.13 409 314 13.94 11.70 421 316 13.48 12.38 410 320 13.97 11.95 422 317 13.41 12.26 411 311 14.41 12.87 423 323 13.31 12.71 412 317 14.78 12.86 424 314 13.19 11.63 Average of plot. 13.74 12.32 I9o8.] TEN GENERATIONS OF CORN BREEDING. 503 TABLE 23. PROTEIN IN Two HUNDRED SIXTEEN INDIVIDUAL EARS FROM HIGH- PROTEIN PLOT OF 1900 Annual ear No. Protein, percent. Register No. assigned. Annual ear No. Protein, percent. Reg-ister No. assigned. Annual ear No. Protein, percent. Register No. assigned. By Dam 401 By Dam 406 By Dam 411 2801 12.22 2851 12.55 2901 12.31 2802 13.09 2852 12.28 2902 15.21 506 2803 14.35 514 2853 11.14 2903 12.72 2804 12.05 2854 13.30 2904 12.93 2805 12.57 2855 10.56 2905 12.45 2806 11.20 2856 12.82 2906 14.43 513 2807 12.31 2857 12.15 2907 12.43 2808 12.54 2858 13.34 2908 12.72 2809 11.87 2859 11.61 2909 13.45 By Dam 402 By Dam 407 By Dam 412 2811 14.10 2861 11.44 2911 14.54 503 2812 14.01 515 2862 13.31 2912 13.31 2813 12.34 2863 14.63 510 2913 11.31 2814 12.45 2864 13.53 2914 12.64 2815 11.99 2865 13.11 2915 13.71 2816 14.06 2866 11.75 2916 12.56 2817 11.93 2867 12.99 2917 11.79 2818 13.13 2868 13.43 2918 12.87 2819 13.30 2869 13.63 2919 15.20 509 By Dam 403 By Dam 408 By Dam 413 2821 11.82 2871 13.63 2921 12.47 2822 14.09 2872 13.11 2922 14.98 505 2823 13.32 2873 10.59 2923 14.45 512 2824 13.72 2874 12.55 2924 14.38 501 2825 14.56 511 2875 12.19 2925 13.22 2826 11.30 2876 10.88 2926 15.40 508 2827 13.55 2877 12.57 2927 15.71 507 2828 11.64 2878 12.13 2028 12.48 2829 12.48 2879 13.90 2929 13.58 By Dam 404 By Dam 409 By Dam 414 2831 11.45 2881 11.26 2931 14.17 2832 11.86 2882 12.53 2932 10.89 2833 12.11 2883 11.85 2933 11.51 2834 13.70 2884 12.54 2934 12.98 2835 11.54 2885 13.04 2935 14.19 2836 11.90 2886 11.45 2936 14.30 2837 12.63 2887 11.22 2937 13.02 2838 11.63 2888 10.31 2938 11.92 2839 12.86 2889 13.77 2939 11.69 By Dam 405 By Dam 4*0 By Dam 415 2841 11.35 2891 14.43 502 2941 13.24 2842 11.62 2892 11.24 2942 13.03 2843 11.31 2893 11.55 2943 13.21 2844 13.05 2894 11.42 2944 12.53 2845 12.54 2895 11.70 2945 13.96 2846 11.47 2896 11.79 2946 13.39 2847 11.54 2897 11.75 2947 12.39 2848 12.53 2898 12.56 2948 13.53 2849 12.60 2899 12.11 2949 12.92 504 BULLETIN No. 128. [September, TABLE 23. Continued Annual ear No. Protein, percent. Register No. assigned. Annual ear No Protein, percent. Register No. assigned. Annual ear No. Protein, percent. Register No. assigned. By Dam 416 By Dam 419 By Dam 422 2951 13.37 ,2981 12.34 3011 13.73 2952 12.58 2982 13.03 3012 12.30 2953 11.74 2983 12.37 3013 11.96 2954 12.29 2984 13.00 3014 12.78 2955 11.63 2985 14.59 504 3015 12.88 2956 11.99 2986 12.73 3016 11.10 2957 12.14 2987 13.30 3017 12.86 2958 12.35 2988 12.01 3018 12.16 2859 11.91 2889 12.23 3019 13.22 By Dam 417 By Dam 420 By Dam 423 2961 13.85 2991 12.29 3021 11.81 2962 11.74 2992 12.48 3022 11.90 2963 12.43 2993 12.22 3023 13.01 2064 12.16 2994 12.66 3024 12.29 2965 12.36 2995 12.52 3025 11.74 2966 13.44 2996 12.75 3026 13.01 2967 13.40 2997 13.01 3027 13.54 2968 14.01 2998 12.15 3028 13.89 2969 12.87 2999 11.79 3029 13.50 By Dam 418 By Dam 421 By Dam 424 2971 12.23 3001 12.89 3031 12.49 2972 13.47 3002 12.66 3032 10.98 2973 12.36 3003 13.10 3033 11.24 2974 12.17 3004 13.68 3034 11.44 2975 12.73 3005 11.82 3035 13.00 2976 12.16 3006 12.77 3036 12.11 2977 11.59 3007 11.67 3037 11.98 2878 10.52 3008 13.16 3038 9.34 2979 13.81 3009 13.31 3039 11.46 TABLE 24. FIFTH GENERATION HIGH PROTEIN PLOT RECORD, 1901 Register ear No. By Dam No. Protein, percent. Register ear No. By Dam No. Protein, percent. Seed ear planted. Crop har- vested. Seed ear planted. Crop har- vested. 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 413 410 412 419 413 411 413 14.38 14.43 14.54 14.59 14.98 15.21 15.71 14.78 13.76 14.10 15.02 13.37 14.07 14.44 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 *515 413 412 407 403 413 411 401 402 15.40 15.20 14.63 14.56 14.45 14.43 14.35 14.01 15.21 14.22 13.61 13.83 14.19 13.61 13.46 13.37 Average of plot. 14.78 14.12 *Planted in Special High-Protein Plot: not included in average. TEN GENERATIONS OF CORN BREEDING. 505 TABLE 25. PROTEIN IN SIXTY INDIVIDUAL EARS FROM HIGH-PROTEIN PLOT OF 1901 AND SEVENTY-TWO ADDITIONAL EARS FROM SPECIAL HIGH-PROTEIN PLOT Annual ear No. Protein, percent. Register No. assigned Annual ear No. Protein, percent. Register No assigned. Annual ear No. Protein, percent. Register No. assigned. By Dam 501 By Dam 509 3563 12.70 3564 10.60 3611 14.78 3691 15.03 613 3565 13.69 3612 16.03 3692 13.77 3566 14.78 3613 13.57 3693 12.84 . 3567 13.61 3614 14.84 By Darn 510 3568 15.27 3569 12.75 By Dam 502 3701 3702 12.19 14.85 3591 3592 14.62 13.93 3621 13.15 3703 14.33 3593 is! 05 602 3704 12.36 3594 13.26 By Dam 503 3705 14.56 3595 14.71 3631 14.12 3706 13.00 3596 13.18 3632 13.62 By Dam 511 3597 14.98 3598 12.49 By Dam 504 3711 3712 14.35 11.59 3599 15.58 605 3641 15.51 610 3713 11.80 By Dam 5/5 3642 14.64 3714 13.24 Grown in Special High 3643 14.68 Protein Plot. 3644 14.89 By Dam 512 3521 13.73 3645 14.85 3721 12.63 3522 12.73 3646 14.27 3722 15.80 608 3523 13.46 3647 12.78 3723 12.67 3524 13.87 3648 14.22 3724 15.65 I 609 3525 13.12 3526 14.93 614 .By Dam 505 By Dam ^/? 3527 11.56 3651 3652 3653 3654 3655 3656 13.02 12.17 14.63 13.57 12.94 12.96 3731 3732 3733 3734 3735 13.99 14.51 12.01 12.86 14.27 3528 3529 3541 3542 3543 3544 13.40 13.93 13.78 11.78 12.80 13.54 3657 3658 3659 12.80 13.14 13.56 3741 3742 y Dam 11.50 14.37 514 3545 3546 3547 3548 13.16 13.47 12.21 13.09 By Dam 506 3743 13.86 3549 11.76 3744 13.34 3551 14.88 3661 3662 3663 3664 15.41 13.20 11.82 14.17 604 By Dam 507 Grown in Special High Protein Plot. 3552 3553 3554 3555 13 '.85 13.16 11.08 12.23 By Dam 507 3531 3532 13.29 12.33 3556 3557 13.28 14.12 3671 14.54 3533 11.96 3558 14.61 3672 14.88 3534 14.25 3559 14.80 3535 13.84 3571 14.69 By Dam 508 3536 15.17 612 3572 12.08 3537 15.00 601 3573 11.18 3681 13.47 3538 16.12 607 3574 13.67 3682 15.38 3539 14.20 3575 13.07 3683 15.49 3561 12.86 3576 8.94 3684 14.51 3562 15.40 611 3577 13.58 506 BULLETIN No. 128. [September, TABLE 25. Continued. Annual Protein, Register ear No. percent. No. assigned. 3578 13.33 3579 15.76 606 3581 12.17 3582 15.01 3583 13.58 3584 13.75 3585 15.21 603 3586 13.82 3587 . 13.13 3588 14.77 3589 14.12 TABLE 26. SfxTH GENERATION HIGH PROTEIN PLOT RECORD, 1902 Register ear No. By Dam No. Protein, percent. Register ear No. By Dam No. Protein, percent. Seed ear planted. Crop har- vested. Seed ear planted. Crop har- vested. 601 601 603 604 605 606 607 507 507 515 506 507 515 507 15.00 15.05 15.21 15.41 15.58 15.76 16.12 12.47 12.83 ii]59 12.44 12! 32 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 512 512 504 507 507 509 515 15.80 15.65 15.51 ]5.40 15.17 15.03 14.93 12.44 11.76 13.17 11.93 12.42 Average of ten selected rows. 15.39 12.34 IQ08.] TEN GENERATIONS OF CORN BREEDING. 507 TABLE 27. PROTEIN IN NINETY INDIVIDUAL EARS FROM HIGH-PROTEIN PLOT OF 1902 Annual ear No. Protein, percent. Register No. assigned. Annual ear No. Protein, percent. Register No. assigned. Annual ear No. Protein, percent. Register No. assigned. By Dam 601 By Dam 605 By Dam 611 4171 13.07 4201 13.44 4241 12 81 4172 12.64 4202 14 22 707 4242 14.29 708 4173 12.82 4203 13.76 720 4243 12 76 4174 14.70 710 4204 13.50 4244 14 49 709 4175 13.51 4205 13 32 4245 13.79 703 4176 13.51 4206 13 47 4246 13.19 4177 12.29 4207 13 13 4247 10.48 4178 13.62 4208 13.32 4248 13.70 701 4179 13.38 4209 13.06 4249 12.68 By Dam 602 By Dam 607 By Dam 612 4181 12.11 4211 13.14 4251 12.28 4182 13.80 719 4212 14.62 713 4252 12.15 4183 11 84 4213 13.86 704 4253 15.01 711 4184 12 32 4214 13 31 4254 12.50 4185 13.72 721 4215 14 12 716 4255 12.02 4186 12 86 4216 14 02 717 4256 13.22 4187 14.25 715 4217 11.50 4257 12.49 4188 13.30 4218 14 37 714 4258 11.04 4189 14.75 712 4219 13.66 4259 12.66 By Dam 604 By Dam 609 By Dam 613 4191 11.77 4221 13 28 4261 11.60 4192 12.32 4222 13.30 4262 12.36 4193 13.28 4223 10.88 4263 12.99 4194 13.08 4224 13.42 4264 13.67 4195 12.16 4225 13.76 702 4265 13.98 705 4196 11.69 4226 13.45 4266 12.36 4197 12.54 4227 14.03 706 4267 12.91 4198 12.73 4228 11.09 4268 12.53 4199 9.99 4229 12.99 4269 13.02 By Dam 610 4231 13 89 718 4232 13 68 722 4233 11.00 4234 9.80 4235 13.12 4236 11.79 4237 11.86 4238 9.54 4239 12 17 508 BULLETIN No. 128. [September, TABLE 28. SEVENTH GENERATION HIGH PROTEIN PLOT RECORD, 1903 Protein, percent. Protein, percent. Register By Dam Register By Dam ear No. No. Seed ear Crop har- ear No. No. Seed ear Crop har- planted. vested. planted. vested. 701 611 13.70 712 602 14.75 13.63 702 609 13.76 713 607 14.62 14.03 703 611 13.79 714 607 14.37 11.20 704 607 13.86 715 602 14.25 70S 613 13.98 13.22 716 607 14.12 12.40 706 609 14.03 12.76 717 607 14.02 12.30 707 605 14.22 718 610 13.89 12.47 708 611 14.29 719 602 13.80 709 611 14.49 13.74 720 605 13.76 710 601 14.70 14.61 721 602 13.72 711 612 15.01 722 610 13.68 Average of ten selected rows. 14.30 13.04 1908.] TEN GENERATIONS OF CORN BREEDING. 509 TABLE 29. PROTEIN IN ONE HUNDRED INDIVIDUAL EARS FROM HIGH-PROTEIN PLOT OF 1903 Annual ear No. Protein, percent. Register No. assign ed. Annual ear No. Protein, percent. Register No. assigned. Annual ear No. Protein, percent. Register No. assigned. By Dam 705 By Dam 712 By Dam 717 1 13.68 41 13.02 81 13.92 2 11.98 42 12.30 82 14.30 3 14.42 43 12.02 83 13.12 4 14.40 44 12.71 84 13.06 . 5 14.60 822 45 13.94 85 12.51 6 12.64 46 12.78 86 8.47 7 11.49 47 14.30 87 14.90 818 8 11.39 48 13.77 88 14.88 804 9 13.44 49 14.37 89 14.28 10 13.49 50 13.14 90 10.47 By Dam 706 By Dam 713 By Dam 718 11 14.42 51 14.85 819 91 14.26 12 11.35 52 13.44 92 14.38 13 12.96 53 15.21 806 93 15.23 816 14 13.85 54 14.76 802 94 13.91 15 12.57 55 12.95 95 13.98 16 11.18 56 13.82 96 10.93 17 15.34 808 57 12.66 97 10.84 18 12.22 . 58 14.56 98 12.68 19 15.40 813 59 14.78 820 99 10.37 20 14.75 801 60 13.65 100 11.62 By Dam 709 By Dam 714 21 13.58 61 13.34 22 14.95 805 62 11.87 23 11.87 63 13.07 24 15.30 815 64 14.00 25 12.51 65 13.26 26 14.34 66 12.56 27 15.12 817 67 12.81 28 15.55 812 68 12.22 29 15.38 809 69 13.30 30 14.83 803 70 13.90 By Dam 710 By Dam 716 31 14.76 821 71 11.09 32 13.42 72 11.01 33 15.37 814 73 14.50 34 17.33 811 74 13.76 35 14.56 75 12.28 36 13.80 76 13.68 37 15.45 810 77 15.24 807 38 14.08 78 12.37 39 11.47 79 14.34 40 14.40 80 12.69 . 510 BULLETIN No. 128. [September, TABLE 30. EIGHTH GENERATION HIGH PROTEIN PLOT RECORD, 1904 Protein, percent. Protein, percent. Register By Dam Register By Dam ear No. No. Seed ear Crophar- ear No. No. Seed ear Crophar- planted. vested planted. vested. 801 706 14.75 812 709 15.55 15.56 802 713 14.76 813 706 15.40 803 709 14.83 15.19 814 710 15.34 15.41 804 717 14.88 815 709 15.30 805 709 14.95 816 718 15.23 14.70 806 713 15.21 14.99 817 709 15.12 807 716 15.24 818 717 14.90 14.96 808 706 15.34 13.79 819 713 14.85 809 709 15.38 14.32 820 713 14.78 14.99 810 710 15.45 821 710 14.76 811 710 17.33 16.39 822 705 14.60 Average of ten selected rows 15.39 15.03 1908.} TEN GENERATIONS OF CORN BREEDING. 511 TABLE 31. PROTEIN IN ONE HUNDRED INDIVIDUAL EARS FROM HIGH -PROTEIN PLOT OF 1904 Annual ear No. Protein, percent. Register No. assigned. Annual ear No. Protein, percent. Register No. assigned. Annual ear No. Protein, percent. Register No. assigned. By Dam 803 By Dam 809 By Dam 816 1 13.88 31 13.68 71 14.83 2 14.10 32 16.35 921 72 14.07 3 15.54 33 14.77 73 14.38 4 16.41 907 34 14.65 74 15.17 5 16.89 904 35 15.69 75 16.24 909 6 15.30 36 13.81 *76 13.52 7 17.00 913 37 14.64 ' 77 14.20' 8 13.48 38 16.57 918 78 13.12 9 14.64 39 15.64 79 13.40 10 15.38 40 14.18 80 12.94 By Dam 806 By Dam 811 By Dam 818 11 16.60 906 41 17.79 916 81 13.22 12 13.90 42 17.07 82 15.43 13 16.77 924 43 14.74 83 15.97 911 14 15.43 44 15.83 84 14.63 IS 14.06 45 17.53 902 85 13.07 16 14.28 46 17.73 914 86 13.43 17 15.10 47 14.41 87 16.76 922 18 14.00 48 16.26 88 15.18 19 14.46 49 16.71 89 14.65 20 13.18 50 17.38 905 90 15.15 By Dam 808 By Dam 812 By Dam 820 21 16.49 901 51 15.39 91 15.83 903 22 12.72 52 17.04 915 92 15.92 23 14.21 S3 16.43 919 93 14.83 24 14.77 54 16.78 923 94 12.62 25 13.80 55 15.94 95 14.38 26 13.75 56 14.75 96 15.85 917 27 13.46 57 14.18 97 16.52 910 28 13.95 58 13.87 98 14.17 29 16.75 908 59 15.00 99 13.22 30 10.61 60 15.73 100 14.52 By Dam 814 61 15.74 62 16.28 912 63 13.62 64 16.50 920 65 15.72 66 13.90 67 14.60 68 15.62 69 16.13 70 16.33 925 512 BULLETIN No. 128. [September, TABLE 32. NINTH GENERATION HIGH PROTEIN PLOT RECORD, 1905 Register By Dam Protein, percent. Register By Dam .Protein, percent. ear No. No. Seed ear Crop har- ear No. No. Seed ear Crop har- planted. vested. planted. vested. 901 808 16.49 914 811 17.73 15.09 02 811 17.53 915 812 17.04 903 820 15.83 916 811 17.79 904 803 16.89 917 820 15.85 905 811 17.38 918 809 16.57 14.75 906 806 16.60 919 812 16.43 907 803 16.41 920 814 16.50 14.91 908 808 16.75 921 809 16.35 909 816 16.24 922 818 16.76 14.76 910 820 16.52 923 812 16.78 911 818 15.97 924 806 16 77 14.86 912 814 16.28 13.97 925 814 16.33 913 803 17.00 Average of six selected rows 16.77 14.72 1908.} TEN GENERATIONS OF CORN BREEDING. 513 TABLE 33. PROTEIN IN ONE HUNDRED TWENTY INDIVIDUAL EARS FROM HIGH- PROTEIN PLOT OF 1905 Annual ear No. Protein, percent. Register No. assigned. Annual ear No. Protein, percent. Register No. assigned. Annual ear No. Protein, percent. Register No. assigned. B y Dam 912 B y Dam 918 B y Dam 922 1 13.84 41 14.65 81 15.43 2 13.82 42 14.00 82 13.38 3 15.30 43 15.83 1011 83 14.06 4 12.77 44 14.71 84 16.16 1010 5 14.35 45 14.86 85 14.83 6 12.91 46 13.95 86 12.74 7 15.52 1007 47 14.51 87 15.25 8 15.84 1002 48 15.87 1023 88 15.30 9 13.39 49 16.58 1006 89 15.71 1003 10 13.82 50 14.59 90 14.79 11 11.31 51 14.02 91 14.59 12 12.98 52 13.87 92 14.89 13 13.99 53 13.15 93 14 ' 15.81 1014 54 15.07 94 14.78 15 15.22 55 14.29 95 12.84 16 13.48 56 15.29 96 15.39 17 14.70 57 16.10 1018 97 15.10 18 10.77 58 15.36 98 13.87 19 15.62 1019 59 14.54 99 15.72 1022 20 13.99 60 13.81 100 15.65 1015 B y Dam 914 B y Dam 920 B y Dam 924 21 16.00 61 15.41 . 101 14.75 22 14.94 62 15.19 102 14.79 23 14.25 63 16.87 1008 103 15.21 24 16.32 64 12.44 104 15.56 25 12.80 65 14.55 105 15.95 1012 26 17.35 1009 66 13.47 106 17.05 1024 27 14.95 67 15.46 107 15.05 28 14.24 68 15.78 108 15.88 1005 29 15.02 69 15.87 1001 109 12.00 30 15.01 70 15.99 1020 110 15.38 31 15.15 71 13.08 111 11.03 32 14.74 72 15.25 112 14.60 33 12.92 73 15.88 1013 113 15.74 1017 34 14.45 74 15.85 114 16.59 35 17.39 1004 75 13.99 115 14.02 36 15.23 76 14.71 116 15.44 37 15.68 1016 77 14.36 117 14.97 38 12.25 78 14.11 118 14.12 39 17.30 1021 79 14.79 119 15.26 40 15.74 80 15.28 120 13.90 514 BULLETIN No. 128. [September, TABLE 34. TENTH GENERATION HIGH PROTEIN PLOT RECORD, 1906 Register By Dam Protein, percent Register By Dam Protein, percent. ear No. No. Seed ear Crophar ear No. No. Seed ear Crop har- planted. vested. planted. vested. 1001 920 15.87 1013 920 15.88 1002 912 15.84 1014 912 15.81 1003 922 15 71 1015 922 15.65 1004 914 17.39 14.35 1016 914 15.68 1005 924 15.88 1017 924 15.74 1006 918 16.58 14.50 1018 918 16.10 1007 912 15 52 1019 912 15.62 1008 920 16.87 - 1020 920 15.99 14.47 1(109 914 17.35 1021 914 17.30 1010 922 16.16 14.35 1022 922 15.72 13.97 1013 918 15.83 1023 918 15.87 1012 924 15.95 13.92 1024 924 17.05 Average of six selected rows 16.30 14.26 TEN GENERATIONS OF CORN BREEDING. 515 TABLE 35. PROTEIN IN ONE HUNDRED TWENTY INDIVIDUAL EARS FROM HIGH- PROTEIN PLOT OF 1906 Annual ear No. Protein, percent. Register No. assigned. Annual ear No. Protein, percent. Reg-ister No. assigned. Annual ear No. Protein, percent. Register No. assigned. By Dam 1004 By Dam 1010 By Dam 1020 1 17.13 1102 41 14.17 81 16.11 1110 2 15.56 42 13.94 82 14.36 3 16.62 1114 43 11.84 83 12.64 4 14.57 44 14.00 84 14.27 5 13.83 45 13.14 85 15.57 6 11.73 46 14.75 86 15.00 7 15.02 47 14.42 87 14.62 8 14.07 48 14.37 88 12.57 9 13.89 49 12.50 89 13.69 10 13.85 50 14.96 90 14.15 11 13.02 51 13.93 91 14.46 12 13.88 52 15.69 1111 92 14.12 13 15.76 1107 53 15.54 1106 93 15.74 1103 14 13.98 54 15.16 1123 94 15.63 1115 15 12.69 55 17.67 1118 95 13.51 16 12.04 56 14.91 96 14.19 17 14.87 . 57 13.67 97 13.25 18 15.79 1119 58 13.50 98 14.79 19 14.14 59 14.70 99 14.48 20 14.56 60 14.16 100 16.17 1122 By Dam 1006 By Dam 1012 By Dam 1022 21 14.88 61 14.17 101 16.11 1105 22 12.87 62 15.58 1113 102 13.77 23 12.61 63 14.85 103 14.14 24 14.72 64 11.09 104 14.11 25 12.75 65 14.21 105 13.15 26 12.85 66 13.59 106 11.30 27 16.30 1104 67 12.44 107 12.91 28 15.44 1109 68 14.07 108 15.82 1112 29 15.01 69 15.35 1101 109 16.48 1124 30 15.26 70 14.45 110 10.46 31 13.37 71 11.42 111 14.79 32 16.06 1116 72 12.19 112 14.36 33 13.31 73 13.40 113 12.47 34 15.20 74 14.89 114 12.06 35 15.93 1121 75 13.58 115 14.93 36 15.08 76 13.94 116 12.62 37 13.78 77 16.36 1120 117 14.10 38 14.95 78 12.82 118 14.28 39 14.44 79 14.18 119 15.65 40 14.08 ** 80 15.79 1108 120 15.78 1117 516 BULLETIN No. 128. [September, TABLE 36. FIRST GENERATION Low PROTEIN PLOT RECORD, 1897 Register ear No. By Dam No. Protein, percent. Register ear No. By Dam No. Protein, percent. Seed ear planted. Crop har- vested Seed ear planted Cr< p har- vested. 101 102 9.31 9.12 10.55 *107 8.40 /10.36 \10.20 103 9.08 10 89 108 9.22 9.89 104 9.15 10.26 109 9.33 10.24 105 8.38 10 10 110 9.36 11.20 *106 8.25 I 10.73 I 9.90 111 112 9.30 9.47 12.24 t Average of ten rows t 8.96 10.55 t Analyses of seed for rows that are not represented in the harvest are not included in tfre plot average. *Crop from Reg. Nos. 106 and 107 were sampled in duplicate. TABLE 37. PROTEIN IN FORTY-EIGHT INDIVIDUAL EARS FROM LOW-PROTEIN PLOT OF 1897 Annual ear No. Protein, percent. Register No. assig-ned. Annual ear No. Protein, perceut. Register No. assig-ned Annual ear No. Protein, percent. Register No. assigned. . By Dam 102 By Dam 106 By Dam 108 411 11.37 431 10.98 451 10.80 412 11.47 432 9.67 212 452 10.07 413 11.36 433 9.91 453 12.13 414 11.15 434 12.85 454 10.04 By Dam ioj *By Dam 106 By Dam 109 416 8.88 208 436 9.38 211 456 10.16 417 9.26 203 437 10.03 457 10.22 418 11.62 438 10.97 458 8.22 206 419 10.43 439 9.28 210 459 11.92 By Dam 104 By Dam 107 By Dam no 421 9.60 201 441 10.25 461 11.61 422 9.93 442 10.28 462 10.85 423 12.45 443 11.40 463 10.04 424 10.43 444 9.34 202 464 11.68 By Dam 105 *By Dam 107 By Darn in 426 11.46 446 8.84 205 466 13.98 427 8.29 207 447 11.27 467 12.55 428 10.19 448 9.05 209 468 13.89 429 9.69 449 8.95 204 469 12.19 *An extra set of ears were analyzed from Dams 106 and 107 1908.] TEN GENERATIONS OF CORN BREEDING. 517 TABLE 38. SECOND GENERATION Low PROTEIN PLOT RECORD, 1898 Protein, percent. Protein, percent. By Dam Recrister By Dam ear No. No. Seed ear Crop har- ear No. No. Seed ear Crop har- planted. vested. planted. vested. 201 202 104 107 9.60 9.34 10.92 11.00 *207 105 8.29 I 10.43 | 11.14 203 103 9.26 11.03 208 103 8.88 10.68 204 107 8.95 10.06 209 107 9.05 11.16 205 107 8.84 9.83 210 106 9.28 9.93 *206 109 8.22 ( 10.26 (10.19 211 212 106 106 9.38 9.67 10.27 10.83 Average of plot 9.06 10.55 *Crop from Reg-. Nos. 206 and 207 were sampled in duplicate. 518 BULLETIN No. 128. [September, TABLE 39. PROTEIN IN ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-SIX INDIVIDUAL EARS FROM LOW- PROTEIN PLOT OF 1898 Annual ear No. Protein, percent. Register No. assigned. Annual ear No. Protein, percent. Register No. assigned. Annual ear No. Protein, percent. Register No. assigned. By Dam 201 By Dam 206 By Dam 209 1101 9.26 1151 8.90 315 1201 12.70 1102 10.25 1152 10.62 1202 11.02 1103 10.73 1153 9.33 1203 10.97 1104 7.76 309 1154 9.52 1204 10.89 1105 12.78 1155 11.00 1205 10.25 1106 11.36 1156 10.68 1206 12.31 1107 10.17 1157 10.30 1207 11.35 1108 12.49 1158 13.04 1208 9.81 1109 11.98 1159 9.02 301 1209 9.60 By Dam 202 *By Dam 206 By Dam 210 1111 9.99 1161 10.93 1211 8.66 303 1112 11.07 1162 10.58 1212 9.87 1113 11.26 1163 10.24 1213 11.63 1114 11 ..09 1164 9.41 1214 9.45 1115 10.40 1165 7.85 310 1215 10.78 1116 11.11 1166 11.71 1216 9.99 1117 11.33 1167 8.29 306 1217 9.87 1118 10.70 1168 11.65 1218 10.22 1119 11.41 1169 9.90 1219 8.82 314 By Dam 203 By Dam 207 By Dam 211 1121- 11.87 1171 10.10 1221 11.51 1122 9.57 1172 10.71 1222 11.28 1123 10.48 1173 8.63 313 1223 10.94 1124 10.28 1174 10.34 1224 10.63 1125 10.87 1175 11.32 1225 8.32 311 1126 13.36 1176 10.93 1226 10.16 1127 11.44 1177 11.66 1227 9.18 1128 9.45 1178 9.66 1228 8.78 1129 11.60 1179 11.10 1229 10.74 By Dam 204 *By Dam 207 By Dam 212 1131 8.58 312 1181 16.08 1231 10.44 1132 12.97 1182 12.30 1232 11.27 1133 7.85 307 1183 13.25 1233 10.30 1134 9.24 1184 8.95 316 1234 12.46 1135 11.81 1185 11.36 1235 9.52 1136 11.77 1186 9.46 1236 10.02 1137 8.80 1187 11.42 1237 11.34 1138 10.97 1188 8.83 302 1238 10.54 1139 8.57 305 1189 10.19 1239 10.09 By Dam 205 By Dam 208 1141 10.58 1191 9.71 1142 11.21 1192 11.38 1143 10.21 1193 9.15 1144 7.50 308 1194 12.48 1145 9.67 1195 11.48 1146 9.56 1196 10.41 1147 9.54 1197 11.59 1148 10.15 1198 10.85 1149 8.62 304 1199 9.26 *An extra set of ears were analyzed from Darns 206 and 207. 1908.} TEN GENERATIONS OF CORN BREEDING. 519 TABLE 40. THIRD GENERATION Low PROTEIN PLOT RECORD, 1899 Register ear No. By Dam No. Protein, percent. Register ear No. By Dam No. Protein, percent. Seed ear planted. Crop liar- vested. Seed ear planted. Crophar- vested. 301 206 9.02 9.80 309 201 7.76 9.26 302 207 8.83 10.09 310 206 7.85 10.33 303 210 8.66 9.87 311 211 8.32 9.61 304 205 8.62 9.95 312 204 8.58 10.50 305 204 8.57 9.70 313 207 8.63 9.88 306 206 8.29 9.83 314 210 8.82 9.73 307 204 7.85 9.55 315 206 8.90 9.79 308 205 7.50 9.53 316 207 8.95 10.40 Average of plot 8.45 9.86 520 BULLETIN No. 128. [September, TABLE 41. PROTEIN IN ONE HUNDED FORTY-FOUR INDIVIDUAL EARS FROM LOW- PROTEIN PLOT OF 1899 Annual ear No. Protein, percent. Register No. assigned. Annual ear No. Protein, percent. Register No. assigned. Annual ear No. Protein, percent. Register No. assigned. By Dam 301 By Dam 306 By Dam 311 1841 9.49 1891 8.54 1941 9.66 1842 8.66 1892 9.13 1942 8.66 1843 9.17 1893 8.68 1943 8.71 1844 9.11 1894 8.47 409 1944 8.83 1845 8.97 1895 6.66 408 1945 9.11 1846 11.49 1896 9.40 1946 10.15 1847 9.56 1897 9.00 1947 9.29 1848 9.74 1898 8.79 1948 9.86 1849 9.72 1899 9.66 1949 9.54 By Dam 302 By Dam 307 By Dam 312 1851 10.16 1901 10.49 1951 9.84 1852 8.82 1902 9.04 1952 10.57 1853 9.26 1903 8.95 1953 9.93 1854 10.07 1904 9.89 1954 9.76 1855 11.29 1905 9.92 1955 9.27 1856 9.69 1906 10.91 1956 9.85 1857 10.23 1907 10.04 1957 10.15 1858 8.63 416 1908 10.24 1958 10.74 1859 8.57 415 1909 8.08 404 1959 9.12 By Dam 303 By Dam 308 By Dam 313 1861 9.48 1911 9.52 1961 9.62 1862 10.23 1912 8.41 1962 10.57 1863 10.77 1913 9.50 1963 11.99 1864 9.74 1914 9.26 1964 10.27 1865 10.34 1915 8.39 1965 9.55 1866 9.96 1916 9.26 1966 8.54 402 1867 9.30 1917 8.62 401 1967 9.99 1868 9.01 1918 9.18 1968 10.19 1869 10.38 1919 7.74 406 1969 13.06 By Dam 304 By Dam 309 By Dam 314 1871 9.27 1921 7.49 407 1971 9.66 1872 8.70 1922 8.61 1972 8.44 403 1873 10.54 1923 7.98 405 1973 8.85 1874 9.20 1924 9.89 1974 9.72 1875 9.44 1925 7.60 410 1975 10.28 1876 10.19 1926 8.41 1976 8.74 1877 8.18 413 1927 9.44 1977 11.27 1878 10.99 1928 9.42 1978 10.13 1879 12.66 1929 8.67 1979 10.26 By Dam joj By Dam 310 By Dam j/j 1881 7.83 411 1931 11.62 1981 9.54 1882 9.53 1932 10.12 1982 9.00 1883 10.98 1933 10.15 1983 9.06 1884 7.61 1934 10.01 1984 9.09 1885 9.84 1935 8.47 414 1985 9.57 1886 9.52 1936 11.76 1986 8.95 1887 8.94 1937 10.14 1987 8.03 412 1888 9.17 1938 9.59 1988 10.48 1889 8.48 1939 11.86 1989 9.64 TEN GENERATIONS OF CORN BREEDING. 521 TABLE 41. (Continued.} Annual ear No. Protein, percent. Register No. assigned. By Dam 316 1991 10.33 1992 10.46 1993 9.34 - 1994 9.96 , 1995 10.70 1996 10.09 1997 11.28 1998 10.59 1999 10.86 TABLE 42. FOURTH GENERATION Low PROTEIN PLOT RECORD, 1900 Register ear No. By Dam No. Protein, percent. Register ear No. By Dam No. Protein, percent. Seed ear planted. Crop har- vested. Seed ear planted. Crop har- vested. 401 308 8.62 9.14 409 306 8.47 9.03 402 313 8.54 9.54 410 309 7.60 9.08 403 314 8.44 9.20 411 305 7.83 9.97 404 307 8.08 9.09 412 315 8.03 9.39 405 309 7.98 9.04 413 304 8.18 9.09 406 308 7.74 9.08 414 310 8.47 9.41 407 309 7.49 9.35 415 302 8.57 9.53 408 306 6.66 8.84 416 302 8.63 10.72 Average of plot 8.08 9.34 522 BULLETIN No. 128. [September, TABLE 43. PROTEIN IN ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FOUR INDIVIDUAL EARS FROM LOW- PROTEIN PLOT OF 1900 Annual ear No Protein, percent. Register No. assigned. Annual ear No. Protein, percent. Register HO. assigned. Annual ear No. Protein, percent. Register No. assigned. By Dam 401 By Dam 406 B DaM 411 3041 9.82 3091 8.50 3141 7.54 510 3042 9.08 3092 8.37 3142 8.15 3043 9.58 3093 9.28 3143 10.02 3044 8.02 3094 8.60 3144 11.05 3045 7.96 3095 8.30 3145 8.87 3046 7.62 511 3096 7.91 3146 9.54 3047 8.61 3097 10.26 3147 11.32 3048 9.36 3098 7.67 503 3148 10.73 3049 8.55 3099 8.25 3149 12.29 By Dam 402 By Dam 407 By Dam 412 3051 8.44 3101 8.27 3151 10.76 3052 8.90 3102 8.39 3152 11.16 3053 9.47 3103 11.85 3153 11.12 3054 9.67 3104 8.57 3154 10.12 3055 7.90 514 3105 9.13 3155 7.78 513 3056 8.95 3106 10.13 3156 8.69 3057 10.90 3107 8.52 3157 9.14 3058 8.34 3108 7.79 501 3158 10.05 3059 10.23 3109 9.81 3159 9.34 By Dam 403 By Dam 408 By Dam 413 3061 8.40 3111 7.90 3161 9.39 3062 9.04 3112 8.57 3162 9.85 3063 7.50 505 3113 8.04 3163 8.14 3064 8.60 3114 8.18 3164 8.74 3065 9.95 3115 7.26 508 3165 9.21 3066 7.43 506 3116 9.79 3166 8.54 ' 3067 9.71 3117 8.14 3167 9.54 3068 10.19 3118 11.83 3168 8.87 3069 7.67 3119 8.67 3169 9.72 By Dam 404 By Dam 409 By Dam 414 3071 7.75 502 3121 9.58 3171 8.14 3072 9.08 3122 8.12 3172 10.12 3073 10.53 3123 8.93 3173 8.68 3074 8.09 3124 8.02 3174 9.31 3075 9.81 3125 8.46 3175 8.86 3076 9.32 3126 9.33 3176 9.28 3077 9.36 3127 9.56 3177 8.16 3078 7.08 507 3128 9.19 3178 8.81 3079 10.08 3129 8.28 3179 8.70 By Dam 405 By Dam 410 By Dam 415 3081 7.49 509 3131 8.72 3181 8.40 3082 9.53 3132 8.49 3182 10.89 3083 8.56 3133 7.70 512 3183 10.91 3084 8.48 3134 9.66 3184 9.85 3085 8.24 3135 9.18 3185 9.91 3086 9.77 3136 9.17 3186 8.55 3087 9.67 3137 8.17 3187 9.03 3088 10.47 3138 10.31 3188 8.92 3089 9.99 3139 7.56 504 3189 9.94 1908.] TEN GENERATIONS OF CORN BREEDING. 523 TABLE 43. Continued Annual Protein Register VT ear No. percent. .No. assigned. By Dam 416 3191 10.51 3192 9.52 3193 9.52 3194 9.93 3195 8.58 3196 10.74 3197 11.09 3198 9.86 3199 9.41 TABLE 44. FIFTH GENERATION Low PROTEIN PLOT RECORD 1901 Protein, percent. Protein, percent. Register By Dam Recrister By Dam ear No. No. Seed ear Crop bar- ear No. No. Seed ear Crop har- planted. vested. planted. vested . 501 407 7.79 10.30 508 408 7.26 9 92 502 404 7.75 9.50 509 405 7.49 10.90 503 406 7.67 9.69 510 411 7.54 9.38 504 410 7.56 9.97 511 401 7.62 10.68 505 403 7.50 9.59 512 410 7.70 10 44 506 403 7.43 10.08 513 412 7.78 9.61 507 404 7.08 10.54 514 402 7.90 9.97 Averag-e of plot 7.58 10.04 524 BULLETIN No. 128. [September, TABLE 45. PROTEIN IN ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-SIX INDIVIDUAL EARS FROM LOW- PROTEIN PLOT OF 1901 Annual ear No. Protein, percent. Register No. assigned. Annual ear No. Protein, percent. Register No. assigned. Annual ear No. Protein, percent. Register No. assigned. By Dam 501 By Dam 506 By Dam 511 3751 9.79 3801 9.56 3851 9.24 3752 9.85 3802 10.30 3852 10.25 3753 11.03 3803 9.03 3853 12.82 3754 9.17 3804 8.36 602 3854 10.93 3755 10.22 3805 9.61 3855 9.73 3756 10.32 3806 9.80 3856 9.98 3757 10.12 3807 9.78 3857 10.78 3758 9.01 3808 8.36 613 3858 9.91 3759 8.89 3809 9.77 3859 8.22 By Dam 502 By Dam 507 By Dam 512 3761 8.37 614 3811 10.26 3861 8.61 3762 7.77 609 3812 9.03 3862 8.72 3763 9.08 3813 9.70 3863 8.93 3764 8.14 610 3814 11.22 3864 10.03 3765 8.44 3815 11.39 3865 9.35 3766 10.37 3816 9.27 3866 8.78 3767 8.43 3817 8.92 3867 9.75 3768 11.63 3818 10.50 3868 12.47 3769 11.11 3819 10.52 3869 10.79 By Dam 503 By Dam 508 By Dam j/j 3771 8.20 611 3821 8.83 3871 9.40 3772 9.33 3822 10.29 3872 8.71 3773 9.44 3823 10.05 3873 7.54 607 3774 10.03 3824 9.11 3874 9.06 3775 8.41 601 3825 10.24 3875 9.05 3776 9.52 3826 9.05 3876 10.84 3777 10.51 3827 9.68 3877 8.87 3778 9.88 3828 9.08 3878 9.53 3779 9.60 3829 9.66 3879 9.79 By Dam 504. By Dam 509 By Dam 514 3781 8.41 3831 9.83 3881 9.61 3782 9.18 3832 13.05 3882 7.66 606 3783 11.38 3833 11.44 3883 9.60 3784 8.49 3834 10.54 3884 11.75 3785 10.83 3835 9.57 3885 8.03 605 3786 8.68 3836 10.23 3886 8.25 603 3787 8.49 3837 12.02 3887 11.34 3788 10.72 3838 9.23 3888 8.53 3789 11.18 3839 11.59 3889 10.97 By Dam 505 By Dam 510 3791 9.45 3841 8.73 3792 9.16 3842 7.59 608 3793 10.19 3843 8.53 3794 8.19 3844 10.26 3795 10.41 3845 9.20 3796 8.53 3846 8.19 604 3797 8.34 612 3847 9.52 3798 9.08 3848 8.73 3799 10.39 3849 8.81 TEN GENERATIONS OF CORN BREEDING. 525 TABLE 46. SIXTH GENERATION Low PROTEIN PLOT RECORD 1902 Protein, percent. Protein, percent. Register By Dam Register By Dam ear No. No. Seed ear Crop har- ear No. No. Seed ear Crop har- planted. vested. planted. vested. 601 503 8.41 8.03 608 510 7.59 8.01 602 506 8.36 7.78 609 502 7.77 603 514 8.25 7.63 610 502 8.14 8.53 604 510 8.19 611 503 8.20 605 514 8.03 8.47 612 505 8.34 8.29 606 514 7.66 8.43 613 506 8.36 8.47 607 513 7.54 614 .502 8.37 8.57 Average of ten selected rows 8.15 8.22 TABLE 47. PROTEIN IN NINETY INDIVIDUAL EARS FROM LOW-PROTEIN PLOT OF 1902 Annual ear No. Protein, percent. Register No. assigned. Annual ear No. Protein, percent. Register No. assigned. Annual ear No. Protein, percent. Register No. assigned. By Dam 601 By Dam 605 By Dam 612 4271 7.66 4301 7.96 4341 7.57 4272 9.05 4302 9.38 4342 8.15 4273 7.89 4303 8.04 4343 8.11 4274 8.63 4304 8.41 4344 7.73 4275 7.74 4305 7.53 4345 8.70 4276 6.98 707 4306 8.20 4346 6.84 708 4277 7.78 4307 7.63 4347 7.94 4278 9.69 4308 7.65 4348 7.94 4279 7.46 4309 7.57 4349 8.10 By Dam 602 By Dam 606 By Dam 613 4281 6.61 714 4311 9.44 4351 7.52 4282 8.89 4312 8.31 4352 8.17 4283 8.31 4313 7.01 706 4353 7.80 4284 8.52 4314 7.65 4354 7.47 4285 7.46 4315 7.43 701 4355 7.59 4286 6.86 715 4316 8.47 4356 9.12 4287 6.37 712 4317 8.03 4357 8.63 4288 7.59 4318 7.62 4358 9.48 4289 7.50 4319 8.27 4359 7.23 704 By Dam 603 By Dam 608 By Dam 614. 4291 7.47 4321 7.09 717 4361 8.38 4292 7.36 702 4322 6.42 710 4362 7.94 4293 7.97 4323 7.22 718 4363 8.46 4294 7.91 4324 9.14 4364 7.62 4295 6.45 713 4325 7.42 721 4365 8.63 4296 7.29 720 4326 7.00 716 4366 8.51 4297 7.52 4327 9.53 4367 7.45 722 4298 7.24 719 4328 6.37 711 4368 6.48 709 4299 7.12 705 4329 8.20 4369 8.21 By Dam 610 4331 8.38 4332 8.44 4333 7.73 4334 8.10 4335 7.67 4336 7.78 4337 7.27 703 4338 7.70 4339 7.85 526 BULLETIN No. 128. [September, TABLE 48. SEVENTH GENERATION Low PROTEIN PLOT RECORD 1903 Protein, percent. Protein, percent. Register By Dam Register By Dam ear No. No. Seed ear Crop har- ear No. No. Seed ear Crop har- planted. vested. planted . vested. 701 606 7.43 712 602 6.37 702 603 7.36 8.57 713 603 6.45 703 610 7.27 9.04 714 602 6.61 704 613 7.23 7.68 715 602 6.86 8.41 705 603 7.12 716 608 7.00 8.74 706 606 7.01 8.53 717 608 7.09 707 601 6.98 9.22 718 608 7.22 708 612 6.84 8.88 719 603 7.24 709 614 6.48 720 603 7.29 710 608 6.42 8.63 721 608 7.42 711 608 6.37 8.51 722 614 7.45 Average of ten selected rows 6.93 8.62 TEN GENERATIONS OF CORN BREEDING. 527 TABLE 49. PROTEIN 'IN ONE HUNDRED INDIVIDUAL EARS FROM LOW-PROTEIN PLOT OF 1903 Annual ear No. Protein, percent. Register No. assigned. Annual ear No. Protein, percent. Register No. assigned. Annual ear IN o. Protein, percent. Register .\o. assigned. By Dam 702 By Dam 706 By Dam 7/7 1 8.58 31 7.73 71 7.17 2 8.40 32 7.43 72 8.41 3 8.56 33 8.69 73 8.10 4 6.82 815 34 6.67 74 7.77 5 8.41 35 7.20 75 7.92 6 7.14 805 36 7.56 76 7.28 803 7 8.37 37 8.95 77 6.80 814 8 8.43 38 7.41 78 8.01 9 6.89 816 39 8.01 79 6.79 809 10 7.26 819 40 8.03 80 9.50 jffy Z>aw 70? By Dam 707 By Dam 7/5 11 9.14 41 8.26 81 7.95 12 8.86 42 7.34 801 82 7.30 820 13 8.20 43 7.37 83 10.05 14 7.85 44 6.75 813 84 7.41 15 9.26 45 10.20 85 8.14 16 9.48 46 9.05 86 7.74 17 8.21 47 9.35' 87 9.00 18 8.43 48 9.34 88 7.23 804 19 8.00 49 7.80 89 7.37 20 7.36 822 50 8.82 90 6.38 811 By Dam 704 By Dam 708 By Dam 716 21 7.00 817 51 6.54 812 91 8.13 22 6.80 808 52 8.55 92 8.37 23 7.19 818 53 8.61 93 8.60 24 6.62 810 54 8.21 94 8.57 25 7.32 821 55 8.61 95 8.61 26 6.99 806 56 8.10 96 7.86 27 8.85 57 8.16 97 7.87 28 7.35 58 9.08 98 8.61 29 7.74 59 8.19 99 6.87 807 30 7.31 802 60 9.42 100 7.95 By Dam 710 61 7.61 62 9.27 63 7.56 64 7.64 65 8.34 66 7.61 67 7.72 68 8.37 69 10.05 70 8.00 528 BULLETIN No. 128. [September, TABLE 50. EIGHTH GENERATION Low PROTEIN PLOT RECORD 1904 Protein, percent. Protein, percent. Register By Dam Register By Dam ear No. No. Seed ear Crop har- ear No. No. Seed ear Crop har- planted. vested. planted. vested. 801 707 7.34 812 708 6.54 9.56 802 704 7.31 9.42 813 707 6.75 803 711 7.28 8.76 814 711 6.80 804 715 7.23 8.81 815 702 6.82 9.02 805 702 7.14 816 702 6.89 806 704 6.99 817 704 7.00 807 716 6.87 8.66 818 704 7.19 9.27 808 704 6.80 819 702 7.26 809 711 6.79 9.36 820 715 7.30 810 704 6.62 10.09 821 704 7.32 9.79 811 715 6.38 822 703 7.36 Average of ten selected rows 7.00 9.27 TEN GENERATIONS OF CORN BREEDING. 529 TABLE 51. PROTEIN IN ONE HUNDRED INDIVIDUAL EARS FROM LOW-PROTEIN PLOT OF 1904 Annual ear No. Protein, percent Register No. assigned. Annual ear No. Protein, percent. Reg-is ter No. assigned. Annual ear No. Protein, percent. Register No. assigned. By Dam 802 ,#j> Z?aw 807 By Dam 815 1 7.60 902 31 9.00 71 8.13 2 7.71 32 7.80 903 72 8.30 3 7.83 33 7.95 909 73 7.39 4 8.83 34 8.44 74 7.15 918 5 9.41 35 8.64 75 7.57 6 7.96 36 8.21 76 7.63 7 7.24 911 37 7.31 916 77 7.26 925 8 9.82 38 8.51 78 7.87 9 8.14 39 6.36 79 8.93 10 9.61 40 8.22 80 6.57 904 By Dam 803 By Dam 809 By Dam 818 11 8.94 41 8.68 81 7.86 12 6.13 908 42 9.24 82 8.75 13 7.24 43 9.60 83 7.76 14 7.69 44 7.87 84 8.34 15 8.67 45 7.58 85 8.84 16 8.55 46 7.67 907 86 9.26 17 6.78 914 47 7.65 913 87 7.35 921 18 7.38 48 7.49 920 88 7.70 19 7.24 901 49 8.71 89 8.85 20 7.64 50 8.00 90 7.53 910 By Dam 804 By Dam 810 By Dam 821 21 8.44 51 8.58 91 8.91 22 7.16 923 52 9.98 92 7.46 23 7.06 912 53 8.87 93 7.34 919 24 8.44 54 7.89 94 8.10 25 8.71 55 7.34 905 95 9.88 26 8.18 56 8.06 96 6.91 924 27 7.64 57 8.89 97 8.47 28 6.71 906 58 8.55 98 7.27 915 29 9.25 59 10.46 99 7.95 30 7.74 60 7.79 922 100 9.98 By Dam 812 61 9.90 62 8.05 63 8.19 64 7.88 65 8.77 66 9.47 67 8.63 68 7.51 917 69 8.93 70 8.25 530 BULLETIN No. 128. [September, TABLE 52. NINTH GENERATION Low PROTEIN PLOT RECORD, 1005 Register By Dam Protein, percent. Register By Dam Protein, percent. ear No. No. Seed ear Crop har- ear No. No. Seed ear Croc har- planted. vested. planted. vested. 901 803 7.24 914 803 6.78 8.91 902 802 7.60 7.96 915 821 7.27 903 807 7.80 916 807 7.31 904 815 6.57 917 812 7.51 90S 810 7.34 918 815 7.15 906 804 6.71 8.78 919 821 7.34 907 809 7.67 920 809 7.49 8.38 908 803 6.13 921 818 7.35 909 807 7.95 922 810 7.79 910 818 7.53 923 804 7.16 911 802 7.24 924 821 6.91 8.71 912 804 7.06 8.68 925 815 7.26 913 809 7.65 Average of six selected rows 7.09 8.57 TEN GENERATIONS OF CORN BREEDING. 531 TABLE 53. PROTEIN IN ONE HUNDRED TWENTY INDIVIDUAL PROTEIN PLOT OF 1905 EARS FROM Low- Annual ear No. Protein, percent. Register No. assigned. Annual ear No. Protein, percent. . Register 3.63 302 1599 3.98 1908.] TEN GENERATIONS OF CORN BREEDING. TABLE 80. THIRD GENERATION Low OIL PLOT RECORD 1899 556 Oil, percent. Oil, percent. Register By Dam Register By Dam ear No. No. Seed ear Crophar- ear No. No. Seed ear Crop har- planted. vested. planted. vested. 301 205 3.64 3.85 309 205 3.27 3.73 302 208 3.63 3.92 310 206 3.33 3.71 303 209 3.58 3.81 311 207 3.35 3.76 304 206 3.56 3.88 312 201 3.39 3.76 305 203 3.38 4.01 313 208 3.56 3.86 306 206 3.34 3.81 314 207 3.59 3.74 307 204 3.32 3.59 315 204 3.64 3.94 308 205 3.22 3.91 316 207 3.65 3.84 Average of plot 3.47 3.82 556 BULLETIN No. 128. [September, TABLE 81. OIL IN ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FOUR INDIVIDUAL EARS FROM Low-OiL PLOT OF 1899 Annual ear No. Oil, percent. Register No. assigned. Annual ear No. Oil, percent. Register No. assigned. Annual ear No. Oil, percent. Register No. assigned. By Dam 301 By Dam 306 By Dam 312 2121 3.89 2171 3.55 2231 4.03 2122 3.45 404 2172 3.57 2232 3.65 2123 3.82 2173 3.46 414 2233 4.29 2124 3.91 2174 3.76 2234 3.55 2125 4.09 2175 3.91 2235 3.41 412 2126 3.93 2176 3.60 2236 4.03 2127 3.56 2177 3.90 2237 3.72 2128 4.12 2178 4.16 2238 4.10 2129 3.68 2179 3.79 2239 3.42 405 By Dam 302 By Dam 307 By Dam 313 2131 3.79 2181 2.94 409 2241 4.21 2132 4.17 2182 3.53 2242 3.63 2133 3.62 2183 3.14 410 2243 3.47 413 2134 3.82 2184 3.22 2244 3.81 2135 4.24 2185 3.58 2245 3.99 2136 3.54 401 2186 3.69 2246 4.32 2137 3.74 2187 3.71 2247 3.95 2138 4.12 2188 3.60 2248 3.98 2139 4.20 2189 3.51 2249 3.96 By Dam 303 By Dam 308 By Dam 314. 2141 3.53 402 2191 4.38 2251 3.90 2142 4.50 2192 3.93 2252 3.71 2143 4.21 2193 4.18 2253 3.56 2144 3.87 2194 4.13 2254 3.68 2145 4.10 2195 3.87 2255 2.81 408 2146 3.55 ' 2196 4.38 2256 4.13 2147 3.89 2197 4.21 2257 3.84 2148 3.94 2198 3.92 2258 4.48 2149 3.65 2199 3.46 403 2259 3.60 By Dam 304. By Dam 309 By Dam 315 2151 3.62 2201 3.73 2261 4.11 2152 3.96 2202 4.00 2262 4.25 2153 3.83 2203 3.52 416 2263 3.93 2154 3.62 2204 3.69 2264 3.67 2155 4.57 2205 3.57 2265 3.60 2156 3.82 2206 3.69 2266 3.49 415 2157 3.76 2207 3.95 2267 4.28 2158 3.89 2208 3.81 2268 3.84 2159 4.19 2209 3.84 2269 3.76 By Dam 305 By Dam 310 By Dam 316 2161 3.68 2211 3.68 2271 4.13 2162 4.04 2212 4.26 2272 3.72 2163 3.66 2213 4.45 2273 3.71 2164 4.38 2214 3.08 407 2274 4.22 2165 4.16 2215 3.58 2275 3.97 2166 4.08 2216 3.33 2276 3.78 2167 4.72 2217 3.60 1 2277 4.14 2168 4.35 2218 3.93 2278 3.92 2169 3.86 2219 3.32 411 2279 3.59 By Dam 311 2221 3.31 406 2222 4.00 2223 3.82 2224 4.36 2225 3.73 2226 3.98 2227 3.75 2228 4.41 222Q 3.92 1908.} TEN GENERATIONS OF CORN BREEDING. 557 TABLE 82. FOURTH GENERATION Low OIL PLOT RECORD 1900 Register ear No. By Dam No. Oil, percent . Register ear No. By Dam No. Oil, percent. Seed ear planted. Crophar- vested. Seed ear planted. Crop bar- vested. 401 302 3.54 3.61 409 307 2.94 3.36 402 303 3.53 3.67 410 307 3.14 3.40 403 308 3.46 3.55 411 310 3.32 3.61 404 301 3.45 3.52 412 312 3.41 3.65 405 312 3.42 3.99 413 313 3.47 3.68 406 311 3.31 3.43 414 306 3.46 3.71 407 310 3.08 3.33 415 315 3.49 3.71 408 314 2.81 3.39 416 309 3.52 3.43 Average of plot 3.33 3.57 558 BULLETIN No. 128. [September, TABLE 83. OIL IN ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FOUR INDIVIDUAL EARS FROM Low-OiL PLOT OF 1900 Annual ear No. Oil, percent. Register No. assigned. Annual ear No. Oil, percent. Register No. assigned. Annual ear No. Oil, percent. Register No. assigned. By Dam 401 By Dam 406 By Dam 411 3321 4.35 3371 3.35 3421 3.50 3322 3.55 3372 3.42 3422 3.59 3323 4.05 3373 3.03 512 3423 3.56 3324 3.16 501 3374 3.35 3424 3.24 3325 3.32 3375 3.54 3425 3.86 3326 3.42 3376 3.03 502 3426 3.59 3327 3.69 3377 3.32 3427 3.90 3328 4.43 3378 3.65 3428 3.46 3329 3.68 3379 3.55 3429 3.63 By Dam 402 By Dam 407 By Dam 412 3331 3.49 3381 3.76 3431 3.55 3332 3.70 3382 3.34 3432 3.89 3333 3.44 3383 3.66 3433 3.38 3334 3.61 3384 3.27 3434 3.77 3335 3.64 3385 3.55 3435 3.24 3336 3.26 3386 3.23 3336 3.36 3337 4.08 3387 3.31 3437 3.71 3338 4.30 3388 3.28 3438 3.82 3339 3.23 3389 2.97 504 3439 3.75 By Dam 403 By Dam 408 By Dam 413 3341 3.26 3391 2.94 510 3441 3.30 3342 3.74 3392 3.49 3442 3.73 3343 3.26 3393 3.43 3443 3.93 3344 3.37 3394 3.37 3444 3.83 3345 3.94 3395 2.56 507 3445 4.01 3346 3.82 3396 3.20 3446 3.95 3347 3.46 3397 3.66 3447 3.68 3348 3.44 3398 4.03 3448 4.04 3349 3.45 3399 3.41 5449 3.22 514 By Dam 404 By Dam 409 By Dam 414 3351 3.31 3401 3.68 3451 3.56 3352 3.90 3402 3.81 3452 3.58 3353 3.27 3403 2.65 508 3453 3.50 3354 3.35 3404 3.49 3454 3.89 3355 3.09 513 3405 3.54 3455 3.94 3356 3.54 3406 3.50 3456 3.32 3357 3.25 3407 3.37 3457 4.31 3358 3.43 3408 2.65 506 3458 4.17 3359 3.86 3409 3.51 3459 3.78 By Dam 405 By Dam 410 By Dam 415 3361 4.52 3411 4.19 3461 3.71 3362 3.96 3412 2.89 505 3462 3.36 3363 4.06 3413 3.75 3463 3.68 3364 4.05 3414 3.47 3464 4.05 3365 4.07 3415 3.20 3465 3.39 3366 4.02 3416 3.47 3466 4.14 3367 3.62 3417 3.02 503 3467 3.81 3368 4.01 3418 3.44 3468 3.31 3369 4.45 3419 3.59 3469 3.55 TEN GENERATIONS OF CORN BREEDING. 559 TABLE 83. Continued. Annual Oil, Register ear No. percent. No. assigned. By Dam 416 3471 3.39 3472 3.28 3473 3.84 3474 2.87 509 3475 3.78 3476 2.97 511 3477 3.38 3478 4.05 3479 3.71 TABLE 84. FIFTH GENERATION Low OIL PLOT RECORD 1901 Register ear No. By Dam No. Oil, percent. Register ear No. By Dam No. Oil, percent. Seed ear planted. Crop har- vested. Seed ear planted. Crop har- vested. 501 401 3.16 3.48 508 409 2.65 3.37 502 406 3.03 3.41 509 416 2.87 3.64 503 410 3.02 3.54 510 408 2.94 3.44 504 407 2.97 3.32 511 416 2.97 3.35 505 410 2.89 3.47 512 406 3.03 3.42 506 409 2.65 3.31 513 404 3.09 3.44 507 408 2.56 3.32 514 413 3.22 3.48 Averag-e of plot 2.93 3.43 60 BULLETIN No. 128. [September, TABLE 85. OIL IN ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-SIX INDIVIDUAL EARS FROM Low-OiL PLOT OF 1901 Annual ear No. Oil, percent. Register No. assig-ned. Annual ear No. Oil, percent. Register No. assigned. Annual ear No. Oil, percent. Register No. assigned. By Dam 501 By Dam 505 By Dam 510 4031 3.31 4071 3.60 4121 3.60 4032 3.96 4072 3.75 4122 3.25 4033 3.19 4073 3.57 4123 3.29 4034 3.32 4074 3.77 4124 3.41 4035 3.53 4075 3.37 4125 3.42 4036 3.31 4076 3.36 4126 3.42 4037 3.90 4077 3.72 4127 3.65 4038 3.35 4078 3.45 4128 3.58 4039 3.34 4079 3.56 4129 3.54 By Dam 502 By Dam 506 By Dam 511 4041 3.57 4081 3.18 4131 3.47 4042 3.42 4082 3.75 4132 3.00 604 4043 3.26 4083 3.50 4133 3.45 4C44 3.09 613 4084 3.52 4134 3.11 4045 3.29 4085 3.29 4135 3.23 4046 3.81 4086 2.78 607 4136 3.38 4047 3.65 4087 3.17 4137 3.44 4048 3.16 614 4088 3.56 4138 3.40 4049 3.77 4089 3.80 4139 3.66 By Dam 503 By Dam 507 By Dam 512 4051 3.06 603 4091 3.21 4141 3.32 4052 3.93 4092 3.08 602 4142 2.93 606 4053 3.60 4093 3.88 4143 3.44 4054 3.69 4094 3.70 4144 3.68 4055 3.42 4095 3.24 4145 3.03 611 4056 3.52 40% 3.35 4146 3.62 4057 3.53 4097 3.22 4147 3.83 4058 3.57 4098 3.07 612 4148 3.62 4059 3.32 4099 3.26 4149 3.39 By Dam 504 By Dam 508 By Dam j/j 4061 2.96 605 4101 2.95 609 4151 3.56 - 4062 3.66 4102 3.33 4152 4.17 4063 2.97 610 4103 3.82 4153 3.78 4064 3.62 4104 3.40 4154 3.28 4065 3.34 4105 3.35 4155 3.53 4066 3.36 4106 3.47 4156 3.37 4067 3.22 4107 3.47 4157 3.65 4068 3.78 4108 3.18 4158 3.66 4069 3.47 4109 3.20 4159 2.97 By Dam 509 By Dam 514 4111 3.73 4161 3.40 4112 3.17 4162 3.73 4113 3.38 4163 4.09 4114 3.61 4164 3.64 4115 3.49 4165 3.69 4116 3.77 4166 2.87 608 4117 3.63 4167 3.38 4118 3.10 601 4168 3.87 4119 3.64 4169 3.55 1908.] TEN GENERATIONS OF CORN BREEDING. TABLE 86. SIXTH GENERATION Low OIL PLOT RECORD 1902 561 Register ear No. By Dam No. Oil, percent. Register ear No. By Dam No. Oil, percent. Seed ear planted. Crophar vested. Seed ear planted. Crop har- vested. 601 509 3.10 608 514 2.87 602 507 3.08 3.16 609 508 2.95 3.03 603 503 3.06 3.18 610 504 2.97 604 511 3.00 2.92 611 512 3.03 2.84 605 504 2.96 2.86 612 507 3.07 3.01 606 512 2.93 3.02 613 502 3.09 607 506 2.78 2.80 614 502 3.16 3.32 Average of ten selected rows 3.00 3.02 TABLE 87. OIL IN NINETY INDIVIDUAL EARS FROM Low-OiL PLOT OF 1902 Annual ear No. Oil, percent. Register No. assigned. Annual ear No. Oil, percent. Register No. assigned. Annual ear No. Oil, percent. Register No. assigned. By Dam 602 By Dam 605 By Dam 611 4471 3.32 4501 2.83 4541 3.17 4472 2.80 4502 2.66 717 4542 2.85 4473 3.55 4503 3.21 4543 3.21 4474 2.67 718 4504 3.03 4544 2.87 4475 3.37 4505 2.75 721 4545 2.83 4476 3.41 4506 2.78 701 4546 2.79 4477 3.08 4507 2.81 4547 2.80 4478 3.04 4508 2.83 4548 2.54 709 4479 3.28 4509 2.52 713 4549 2.87 By Dam 603 By Dam 606 By Dam 612 4481 2.94 4511 3.06 4551 3.53 4482 2.86 4512 2.44 710 4552 3.01 4483 3.16 4513 3.36 4553 2.65 716 4484 3.05 4514 2.98 4554 2.66 705 4485 3.66 4515 2.79 722 4555 2.65 706 4486 2.65 707 4516 3.16 4556 2.83 4487 3.39 4517 3.07 4557 3.44 4488 3.51 4518 2.83 4558 3.12 4489 3.03 4519 3.23 4559 3.28 By Dam 604 By Dam 607 By Dam 614 4491 2.60 708 4521 2.12 711 4561 3.80 4492 2.93 4522 3.06 4562 3.56 4493 3.19 4523 2.93 4563 3.76 4494 2.78 4524 2.90 4564 3.20 4495 2.59 714 4525 3.06 4565 3.29 4496 2.67 704 4526 3.54 4566 3.03 4497 3.33 4527 2.63 715 4567 3.52 4498 2.87 4528 2.70 719 4568 2.74 702 4499 2.72 703 4529 2.87 4569 3.07 By Dam 609 4531 3.12 4532 2.92 4533 2.83 4534 2.80 . 4535 2.73 720 4536 3.16 4537 2.41 712 4538 2.74 4539 3.65 562 BULLETIN No. 128. [September, TABLE 88. SEVENTH GENERATION Low OIL PLOT RECORD 1903 Register By Dam Oil, percent. Register By Dam Oil, percent. ear No. No. Seed ear Crop har- ear No. No. Seed ear Crophar- planted. vested. planted. vested. 701 605 2.78 712 609 2.41 2.82 702 614 2.74 713 605 2.52 3.01 703 604 2.72 714 604 2.59 * 704 604 2.67 715 607 2.63 705 612 2.66 716 612 2.65 3.24 706 612 2.65 717 605 2.66 707 603 2.65 718 602 2.67 2.81 708 604 2.60 3.04 719 607 2.70 3.01 709 611 2.54 2.82 720 609 2.73 2.93 710 606 2.44 721 605 2.75 711 607 2.12 722 606 2.79 3.02 Average of nine rows 2.62 2.97 *Sample destroyed 1908.] TEN GENERATIONS OF CORN BREEDING. 563 TABLE 89. OIL IN NINETY INDIVIDUAL EARS FROM Low-OiL PLOT OF 1903 Annual ear No. Oil, percent. Register No. assigned. 1 Annual ear No. Oil, percent. Register No. assigned. Annual ear No. Oil, percent. Register No. assigned. By Dam 708 By Dam 713 By Dam 719 1 3.26 31 3.19 801 71 3.14 821 2 3.12 32 2.86 72 3.18 3 2.92 816 33 2.82 807 73 2.66 812 4 3.04 34 3.31 74 2.51 5 2.96 35 3.20 75 2.77 808 6 2.83 36 3.26 76 3.26 7 2.95 37 3.21 77 3.47 8 3.04 38 3.12 78 3.31 9 3.22 39 3.01 79 3.56 10 2.62 40 3.03 820 80 3.01 803 By Dam 709 By Dam 714 By Dam 720 11 2.78 41 (Samples spoiled) 81 3.19 822 12 13 14 2.93 3.38 3.10 42 (No analyses) 44 made 82 83 84 3.33 2.99 2.91 805 15 2.93 45 85 2.96 818 16 2.73 46 86 2.85 17 3.13 47 87 3.02 802 18 2.81 48 88 2.71 810 19 2.68 49 89 2.71 20 2.89 50 90 3.32 By Dam 712 By Dam 716 By Dam 722 21 2.71 51 2.98 91 3.02 804 22 2.94 52 2.83 92 3.37 23 2.74 53 2.66 93 3.38 24 2.85 54 3.39 94 3.06 25 2.81 55 3.31 - 95 2.72 813 26 2.87 . 56 2.88 96 2.81 819 27 2.93 57 2.78 814 97 2.33 811 28 2.84 58 3.18 817 98 2.92 815 29 3.28 59 3.28 99 2.72 809 30 3.03 60 2.75 100 2.97 By Dam 718 ' 61 2.62 62 2.96 63 3.17 64 3.21 65 2.91 66 2.94 67 3.00 68 2.92 806 69 2.99 70 2.86 564 BULLETIN No. 128. [September, TABLE 90. EIGHTH GENERATION Low OIL PLOT RECORD 1904 Register ear No. By Dam No. Oil, percent. Register ear No. By Dam No. Oil, percent. Seed ear planted. Crop har- vested. Seed ear planted. Crop har- vested. 801 713 3.19 812 719 2.66 2.82 802 720 3.02 813 722 2.72 803 719 3.01 / 814 716 2.78 3.05 804 722 3.02 3.08 815 722 2.92 2.88 805 720 2.99 816 708 2.92 2.84 806 718 2.92 2.84 817 716 3.18 807 713 2.82 2.88 818 720 2.96 2.99 808 719 2.77 819 722 2.81 809 722 2.72 820 713 3.03 810 720 2.71 2.93 821 719 3.14 811 722 2.33 2.60 822 720 3.19 Average of ten selected rows 2.80 2.89 1908.] TEN GENERATIONS OF CORN BREEDING. .565 TABLE 91. OIL IN ONE HUNDRED INDIVIDUAL EARS FROM Low-OiL PLOT OF 1904 Annual ear No. Oil, percent. Register No. assigned. Annual ear No. Oil, percent. Register No. assigned. Annual ear No. Oil, percent. Register No. assigned. By Dam 804 By Dam 810 By Dam 815 1 3.10 31 3.09 71* 3.29 2 3.05 32 2.57 72 2.65 924 3 3.43 33 2.69 912 73 2.47 920 4 3.15 34 3.18 74 2.87 5 3.30 35 2.97 75 2.78 6 3.26 36 2.66 921 76 3.28 7 2.70 906 37 2.94 77 3.14 8 2.96 38 2.76 78 3.33 9 3.31 39 2.90 79 2.69 913 10 2.83 911 40 2.90 80 2.99 By Dam 806 By Dam 811 By Dam 816 11 2.98 41 2.37 81 3.15 12 2.82 42 2.78 82 2.95 13 2.93 43 2.40 902 83 2.95 14 2.83 901 44 2.79 84 2.63 905 15 2.84 908 45 2.74 85 3.07 16 2.79 46 2.66 86 3.44 17 2.84 47 2.67 87 3.07 18 2.83 48 2.52 914 88 2.74 922 19 3.03 49 2.53 89 2.96 20 2.69 915 50 2.34 917 90 2.84 By Dam 807 By Dam 812 By Dam 818 21 2.83 51 2.93 91 2.69 903 .22 2.83 52 2.91 92 2.98 23 2.94 53 2.86 907 93 3.10 24 3.02 54 2.96 94 3.17 25 2.67 904 55 2.74 918 95 -2.49 916 26 2.75 910 56 3.10 96 2.65 923 27 2.83 57 2.85 97 3.09 28 3.03 58 2.93 98 3.00 29 3.24 59 2.74 925 99 2.80 30 2.53 919 60 3.02 100 3.15 By Dam 814 61 3.23 62 3.07 63 2.67 909 64 3.14 65 3.41 66 3.27 67 2.68 68 3.47 69 2.86 70 3.12 566 BULLETIN No. 128. [September, TABLE 92. NINTH GENERATION Low OIL PLOT RECORD, 1905 Oil, percent. Oil, percent. |?Pp'ic'f#t" By Dam T? f* cr i c4"*t* Rv T)a m ear No. No. Seed ear Crophar- -IV C g 1 LC 1 ear No. I > jr -i ' 1 1 111 No. Seed ear Crop har- planted. vested. planted. vested. 901 806 2.83 914 811 2.53 2.52 902 811 2.40 915 806 2.69 903 818 2.69 916 818 2.49 904 807 2.67 917 811 2.34 905 816 2.63 918 812 2.74 2.69 906 804 2.70 2.60 919 807 2.53 907 812 2.86 920 815 2.47 2.57 908 806 2.84 2.64 921 810 2.66 909 814 2.67 922 816 2.74 910 807 2.75 2.48 923 818 2.65 911 804 2.83 924 815 2.65 912 810 2.69 925 812 2.74 913 815 2.69 Average of six selected rows 2.67 2.58 1908.] TEN GENERATIONS OF CORN BREEDING. 567 TABLE 93. OIL IN ONE HUNDRED TWENTY INDIVIDUAL EARS FROM Low-OiL PLOT OF 1905 Annual ear No. Oil, percent. Register No. assigned. Annual ear No. Oil, percent. Register No. assigned. Annual ear No. Oil, percent. Register No. assigned. By Dam 906 By Dam 910 By Dam 918 1 2.51 41 2.30 1011 81 2.84 2 2.93 42 3.04 82 3.02 3 2.35 1002 43 2.33 83 2.53 4 2.25 44 2.62 84 2.57 5 2.78 45 2.41 85 3.06 6 2.35 1014 46 2.77 86 2.24 1010 7 1.97 47 2.52 87 2.42 1003 8 2.92 48 2.50 88 3.02 9 2.41 1007 49 2.74 89 3.14 10 2.75 50 2.10 90 2.37 1015 11 2.56 51 2.43 91 2.50 12 2.95 52 2.82 92 2.32 1022 13 2.42 1019 53 2.22 1006 93 2.58 14 2.87 54 1.77 1018 94 2.46 15 2.89 55 3.09 95 2.71 16 2.76 56 2.44 96 2.66 17 2.86 57 2.37 97 2.72 18 2.43 58 2.31 98 2.96 19 2.60 59 2.58 99 2.83 20 2.43 60 2.26 1023 100 2.75 By Dam 908 By Dam 914 By Dam 920 21 2.51 61 2.48 101 2.61 22 2.51 62 2.80 102 2.71 23 2.94 63 2.73 103 2.99 24 3.07 64 2.63 104 2.63 25 2.80 65 2.93 105 2.66 26 2.58 66 2.24 106 2.31 27 2.01 1004 67 2.77 107 2.45 1005 28 2.75 68 2.80 108 2.86 29 2.92 69 2.36 1001 109 2.74 30 2.52 70 2.56 110 2.80 31 2.24 1016 71 2.47 111 2.40 1017 32 2.68 72 2.23 1008 112 2.26 1012 33 2.85 73 2.24 1020 113 2.26 34 2.69 74 2.42 114 2.24 35 2.45 75 2.64 115 2.50 36 2.92 76 1.99 116 37 2.43 1009 77 2.67 117 2 '.89 38 2.55 78 2.39 1013 118 2.40 1024 39 2.40 1021 79 2.60 119 2.56 40 2.95 80 2.41 120 2.51 568 BULLETIN No. 128. [September, TABLE 94. TENTH GENERATION Low OIL PLOT RECORD 1906 Register ear No. By Dam No. Oil, percent. Register ear No. By Dam No. Oil, percent. Seed ear planted. Crophar- vested. Seed ear planted. Crophar_ vested. 1001 914 2.36 1013 914 2.39 1002 906 2.35 2.79 1014 906 2.35 2.76 1003 918 2.42 1015 918 2.37 1004 908 2.01 1016 908 2.24 2.60 1005 920 2.45 1017 920 2.40 1006 910 2.22 2.71 1018 910 1.77 2.46 1007 1008 906 914 2.41 2.23 1019 1020 906 914 2.42 2.24 2.62 1009 908 2.43 1021 908 2.40 1010 918 2.24 1022 918 2.32 1011 910 2.30 1023 910 2.26 1012 920 2.26 1024 920 2.40 Average of six selected rows 2.20 2.66 TEN GENERATIONS OF CORN BREEDING. 569 TABLE 95. OIL IN ONE HUNDRED TWENTY INDIVIDUAL EARS FROM Low-OiL PLOT OF 1906 Annual ear No. Oil, percent. Register No. assigned. Annual ear No. Oil, percent. Register No. assigned. Annual ear No. Oil, percent. Register No. assigned. By Dam 1002 By Dam 1014 By Dam 1018 1 2.88 41 2.96 81 2.26 2 2.22 1102 42 2.76 82 2.38 3 2.05 1114 43 2.77 83 2.40 4 2.70 44 2.66 84 4.60 1110 5 2.88 45 2.82 85 2.43 6 2.69 46 2.05 1106 86 3.17 7 2.71 47 2.28 87 2.36 8 2.42 1107 48 3.17 88 2 57 9 2 98 49 2.87 89 2.35 10 2 98 50 2.67 90 3.22 11 2.65 1119 51 2.80 91 2 39 12 2.88 52 2.97 92 2.98 13 3.18 53 3.03 93 2.47 14 3.16 54 2.88 94 2.23 1103 15 3.21 55 2.43 1118 95 2.52 16 2 93 56 2 43 1111 96 2.41 17 2.79 57 2 45 1123 97 2.59 18 2.76 58 2.56 98 2.48 19 2.77 59 3.10 99 2.34 1115 20 3.00 60 3.54 100 2.10 1122 By Dam 1006 By Dam 1016 By Dam 1020 21 2.70 61 2.74 101 2.52 22 2.68 62 2.67 102 2.44 23 2.40 1109 63 2.79 103 2 35 1105 24 3.01 64 2.87 104 2.60 25 2.63 65 2.34 1108 105 3.14 26 2.34 1104 66 2.4= 106 2.85 27 2.49 1121 67 2.62 107 2.21 1112 28 2.86 68 2.72 108 3.15 29 2.93 69 2.77 H9 2.67 30 3.13 70 2.55 110 2.91 31 2.82 71 2.91 111 2.50 32 2.78 72 2.68 112 2.38 1117 33 2.71 73 2.82 113 2.59 34 2.71 74 2.45 1101 114 2.61 35 2.72 75 2.97 115 2.45 36 2.15 1116 76 2.34 1120 116 2.62 37 2.73 77 2.50 117 2.22 38 2.53 78 2.54 118 3.28 39 2.87 79 2.35 1113 119 2.78 40 3.01 80 2 54 120 2.10 1124 570 BULLETIN No. 128. [September, TABLE 96. PROTEIN IN CORN PLANTED AND HARVESTED ON MIXED-PROTEIN PLOT IN 1898 High protein. Low protein. Plot row No. Register ear No. Protein, percent. Register ear No. Protein, percent. Seed ear Crop har- Seed ear Croph >r- planted. vested. planted. vested. 1 209 12.80 11.24 205 8.84 9.72 2 212 13:62 11.75 206 8.22 11.04 3 216 12.72 12.10 207 8.29 10.09 4 223 11 .97 11.65 208 8.88 10.89 5 224 11 .89 11.81 209 9.05 10.58 Plot averages 12.60 11.71 8.60 10.46 TABLE 97. PROTEIN IN CORN PLANTED AND HARVESTED ON MIXED-PROTEIN PLOT IN 1899 High protein. Low protein. Plot ro\v Protein, percent. Protein, percent. Register Register No. ear No.j Seed ear Crop har- ear No. Seed ear Crop har- planted. vested. planted. vested. 1 309 13.21 12.04 303 8.66 9.87 2 309 13.21 12.07 303 8.66 10.53 3 310 13.31 12.86 304 8.62 9.39 4 310 13.34 12.24 304 8.62 10.01 5 311 14.05 12.70 305 8.57 9.60 6 311 14.05 12.00 305 8.57 8.74 7 312 14.92 12.74 306 8.29 9.70 8 312 14.92 12.86 306 8.29 9.33 9 313 14.25 12.02 307 7.85 9.36 10 313 14.25 12.04 307 7.85 9.22 11 314 13.46 11.33 308 7.50 9.03 12 314 13.46 12.12 308 7.50 9.06 13 315 13.25 11.16 311 8.32 10.11 14 315 13.25 11.39 311 8.32 9.10 15 316 13.12 11.10 312 8.58 9.40 16 316 13-12 11.63 312 8.58 8.82 17 317 13.04 12.09 314 8.82 9.29 18 317 13.04 12.45 314 8.82 10.00 Plot averages 13.63 12.05 8.36 9.47 1908.} TEN GENERATIONS OF CORN BREEDING. TABLE 98. PROTEIN IN CORN PLANTED A'ND HARVESTED ON MIXED-PROTEIN PLOT IN 1900 High protein. L,o\v protein. Plot row Protein, percent. Register Protein, percent. No. ear No. Seed ear Crop har- ear No. Seed ear Crop har- planted. vested planted. vested. 1 408 13.87 9.54 404 8.08 8.18 2 409 13.94 11.10 405 7.98 8.36 3 410 13.97 10.32 406 7.74 7.68 4 411 14.41 11.55 407 7.49 7.81 S 412 14.78 10.78 408 6.66 7.57 6 413 14.53 11.87 409 8.47 7.68 7 414 14.24 10.19 410 7.60 8.56 8 415 13.93 10.64 411 7.83 7.96 9 416 13.89 10.88 412 8.03 7.79 10 417 13.89 11.18 413 8.18 7.88 Plot averages 14.15 10.81 7.81 7.95 572 BULLETIN No. 128. [September, TABLE 99. PROTEIN IN ONE HUNDRED THIRTY-SEVEN PAIRS OF EARS GROWN ON MIXED-PROTEIN PLOT IN 1899 Plot row No. Hill No. Protein, percent. Plot row No. Hill No. Protein, percent. From high -protein seed. From low-protein seed. From high- protein seed. From low-protein seed. 1 4 9.65 12.13 8 15 13.86 9.76 1 6 13.90 10.50 8 16 14.41 9.73 1 7 12.75 9 80 9 7 10.48 7.48 1 8 11.51 9.54 9 9 10.89 11.54 1 9 10.25 9.79 9 10 12.03 8.56 1 13 11.53 8 18 9 10 10.07 7.35 1 13 11.89 8.44 9 11 14.25 8.92 1 14 14 89 9.98 9 13 11.26 8.21 2 1 12.94 9 09 9 14 13.62 7.33 2 3 12.73 10.40 9 15 12.35 7.71 2 4 13 22 8 27 9 15 10.34 9.38 2 7 10.51 9.81 9 16 14.03 14. (>3 2 10 9.89 7 87 10 2 10.45 7.75 2 11 10.98 14.71 10 3 12.49 13.32 2 J2 14.76 11.53 10 7 12.40 7 62 3 3 12.83 10 26 10 9 11.15 7.64 3 5 12.16 9.22 10 10 10.74 9.14 3 6 12.78 8.76 10 13 11.48 11.86 3 7 11.92 9.45 10 14 13.50 8.22 3 8 10.51 9.88 10 15 12.26 9.27 3 8 9.15 7.89 10 15 13.30 8.27 3 11 13.77 10.10 11 2 11.88 8.78 3 12 14.80 8.99 11 5 9.58 9 92 3 14 13.51 11.05 11 6 11.77 10.61 3 16 15.18 9.51 11 10 9.98 7.25 4 8 8.37 9.63 11 11 9.76 7.81 4 9 13.44 10.17 11 12 10.58 9.57 4 11 11 79 8.53 11 13 12.55 8.75 4 14 12.77 11.21 11 14 11.38 9.26 4 IS 12.84 9.78 11 14 12.09 9.43 4 16 13 21 9 85 11 15 11.48 7.57 5 4 11 26 7.91 12 1 12.86 9.83 5 5 13.80 8.33 12 5 11.95 11 07 5 5 11.18 10.42 12 7 12 05 8.81 5 10 14.06 10.38 12 8 12.23 8.45 5 11 12.88 9.28 12 8 12 25 8.72 5 14 12.68 11.73 12 9 13.29 8.09 5 15 14.04 9.07 12 11 8.93 8.41 6 6 12.07 9.88 12 13 11.66 8.08 6 7 11.12 8.07 12 15 12.72 7.83 6 9 12.30 7.94 12 16 11.47 9.85 7 9 14.33 8.82 13 3 10.59 10.91 7 10 10 84 9.86 13 7 11 67 9.11 7 11 12.45 8.58 13 8 10.66 11 25 7 11 9.56 9.35 13 9 11.47 7.74 7 12 10.77 8.92 13 9 8 27 8.17 7 14 14.21 9.51 13 11 11.22 10.05 7 15 15.15 12.01 13 15 10.21 9.19 8 8 12.05 9.52 13 16 12.41 11.28 8 9 13.47 8.51 14 4 12 43 8.26 8 10 9.60 8.77 14 7 12.35 9.52 8 13 12.59 8.26 14 8 10.52 9.14 1908.} TEN GENERATIONS OF CORN BREEDING. 573 TABLE 99. Continued. Plot 11:11 Protein, percent. Plot Hill Protein, percent. row No. n.m No. From' hig-b- protein seed. From low protein seed. row No. No. From high-protein seed. From low-protein seed. 14 11 11.32 9 09 16 15 11.77 9 92 14 12 9.37 9.08 16 16 12 18 9 51 14 13 10.21 8.36 17 1 10.73 9.99 14 13 11.18 8.25 17 7 10 29 9.71 14 15 12 56 9.46 17 7 12.11 8.92 14 16 10 96 9.94 17 8 12.69 8.12 15 3 10.96 8.65 17 10 13.00 9.H4 15 7 11.76 8 91 17 12 12.48 8.85 15 9 9.18 7.74 17 14 12.05 11.00 15 12 11 67 9.68 17 15 13.01 7.57 15 15 11.12 12.48 17 16 12.54 9.45 16 7 12.51 9.32 18 4 14.14 11.17 16 9 11.11 9.06 18 9 11.73 10.84 16 11 11.50 8.39 18 10 14.19 9.66 16 12 10 93 7.45 18 12 9 28 8.51 16 13 12.20 7.46 18 16 13.44 10.35 16 14 10.26 8.15 Averages 11.92 9.34 TABLE 100. OIL IN CORN PLANTED AND HARVESTED ON MIXED-OIL PLOT IN 1898 Plot row No. High oil. LyOW Oil. Register ear No. Oil, percent. Register ear No. Oil, percent. Seed ear planted. Crop har- vested. Seed ear planted. Crop har- vested. 1 2 3 4 5 207 210 212 213 215 5.20 5.44 5.68 5.49 5.43 4.66 4.87 5.38 5.14 5.35 205 206 207 208 209 3 39 3.39 3.38 3.50 3.70 3.60 3.86 4.13 4.20 4.06 Plot averages 5.45, 5.08 3.47 3.97 574 BULLETIN No. 128. [September, TABLE 101. OIL IN CORN PLANTED AND HARVESTED ON MIXED-OIL PLOT IN 1899 Plot row No. High oil. Low oil. Register ear No. Oil, percent. Register ear No. Oil, percent. Seed ear planted. Crop har- vested. Seed ear planted. Crop har- vested. 1 305 6.47 5.09 304 3.56 3.81 2 305 6.47 5.08 304 3.56 3.92 3 306 6.71 5.27 308 3.22 3.89 4 306 6.71 5.09 308 3.22 3.83 5 307 6.49 5.03 310 3.33 3.73 6 7 307 308 6.49 6.34 5.33 5.04 310 311 3.33 3.35 3.85 3.72 8 308 6.34 5.44 311 3.35 3.76 9 309 6 09 5.07 315 3.64 3.95 10 309 6.09 5.37 315 3.64 3.88 Plot averages 6.42 5.18 3.42 3.83 TABLE 102. OIL IN CORN PLANTED AND HARVESTED ON MIXED-OIL PLOT IN 1900 High oil. Low oil. Plot Oil, percent. Oil, percent. row No. Register ear No. Register ear No. Seed ear planted. Crop har- vested. Seed ear planted. Crop har- vested. 1 402 6.21 5.61 404 3.45 3.93 2 403 6.22 5.74 405 3.42 3.78 3 404 6.35 5.88 406 3.31 3.73 4 405 6.42 5.99 407 3.08 3.75 5 406 6.54 5.71 408 2.81 3.89 6 407 6.43 5.91 409 2.94 3.80 7 408 6.33 5.60 410 3.14 3.60 8 409 6.27 5.84 411 3.32 3.58 9 410 6.22 5.68 412 3.41 4.22 10 411 6.20 5.82 413 3.47 3.77 Plot averages 6.32 5.78 3.24 3.81 1908.] TEN GENERATIONS OF CORN BREEDING. 575 TABLE 103. OIL IN EIGHTY-FIVE PAIRS OF EARS GROWN ON MIXED-OIL PLOT IN 1899 T31 ~4- Oil, percent. T->1 -4. < Oil, percent. .Plot row No. Hill No. From high-oil From low - oil JrlOt row No. Hill No. From high-oil From low-oil seed. seed. seed. seed. 1 6 5.23 3.51 5 12 5.66 3.90 1 8 5.31 3.61 5 13 4.82 3.68 1 9 5.84 4.06 6 1 4.40 3.82 1 10 5.78 3.47 6 5 5.18 3.72 1 12 3.46 4.00 6 9 5.49 5.49 1 14 4.00 3.81 6 9 5.59 3.33 1 15 6.05 3.96 6 11 5.43 3.92 1 16 5.96 4.31 6 12 5.15 3.84 2 1 5.55 4.27 6 12 4 91 3.67 2 3 5.34 4.20 6 13 5.59 3.22 2 4 5.29 4.34 7 3 5.75 3.57 2 6 5.12 3.66 7 5 4.51 3.30 2 8 5.71 3.20 7 6 4.92 3 93 2 9 5.17 3.86 7 9 5.09 3.92 2 10 3.56 3.86 7 10 4.74 3.73 2 11 5.18 4.55 7 13 5 01 3.66 2 12 4.51 3.93 7 15 5.30 3.93 2 12 4.84 3.85 8 2 6.29 3.76 2 15 5 59 3 62 8 10 6 08 4.09 2 16 5.28 3.67 8 11 5.29 3.28 3 3 5.00 5.24 8 12 5.66 3.38 3 4 5.77 3.73 8 13 4.66 4.13 3 8 5.23 3.51 8 13 5.02 4.06 3 9 5.26 3.16 8 14 5.53 4.04 3 9 5.85 3.01 8 16 5.22 3.42 3 10 5.77 3.56 9 i 2 4.58 4.1,9 3 11 4.73 3.52 9 4 4.97 3.60 3 12 5.36 3.86 9 6 5.34 4.21 3 13 4 85 4 48 9 6 4.93 3.47 4 2 5.49 4.12 9 8 5.66 3.08 4 3 5.18 3.90 9 9 5.33 3.61 4 7 4.77 3.58 9 12 5.01 3.97 4 11 5.77 4.30 9 12 4.65 4.29 4 12 5.17 3.79 9 13 4.90 4.37 4 13 3.86 3.93 9 14 5.06 3.48 4 13 5.28 4.26 10 4 5.67 3.28 5 2 5.24 3.52 10 7 5.01 3.86 5 3 5.59 3.73 10 9 5.63 3.54 5 5 5.02 3.60 10 10 4.80 3.68 5 7 5.25 3.67 10 12 5.12 4.41 5 9 5.05 3.41 10 14 5.75 3.77 5 10 5.20 3.78 10 15 5.95 3.85 5 10 6.69 3.98 Averages 5.22 3.82