L I E> RAHY OF THE U N IVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 370 no -53 c Return this book on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. University of Illinois Library N3!/ 1 3 J9fj; DEC 1 1 IS 78 t 1978 APR 2 9 981 mi HAR u b 5ttttt Z006 L161— O-1096 The Bureau of Educational Research was established by act of the Board of Trustees June 1, 1918. It is the purpose of the Bureau to conduct original investigations in the field of education, to summarize and bring to the attention of school people the results of research elsewhere, and to be of service to the schools of the state in other ways. The results of original investigations carried on by the Bureau of Educational Research are published in the form of bulletins. A list of available publications is given on the back cover of this bulletin. At the present time five or six original investigations are reported each year. The accounts of research conducted elsewhere and other communications to the school men of the state are published in the form of educational research circulars. From ten to fifteen of these are issued each year. The Bureau is a department of the College of Education. Its immediate direction is vested in a Director, who is also an instructor in the College of Education. Under his super- vision research is carried on by other members of the Bureau staff and also by graduates who are working on theses. From this point of view the Bureau of Educational Research is a research laboratory for the College of Education. Bureau of Educational Research College of Education University of Illinois, Urbana BULLETIN NO. 44 BUREAU OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH COLLEGE OF EDUCATION HOW PUPILS SOLVE PROBLEMS IN ARITHMETIC By Walter S. Monroe Director, Bureau of Educational Research PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, URBANA 1929 UNIVERSITY 5100 12 28 6412 ™ nm?. PREFACE The problem studied in the investigation reported in this bulle- tin is an important one. Arithmetic is generally thought of as afford- ing a large portion of the opportunities for reflective thinking in the elementary school, and it has been assumed that much of the train- ing which pupils receive in this process is secured by solving arith- metical problems. If it is true, as the present investigation indicates, that pupils do not think reflectively in solving problems, it is obvious that their learning in the field of arithmetic is not what it is assumed to be. The reader of this bulletin, however, should bear in mind that the investigation deals only with the way in which pupils now solve problems. No attempt was made to ascertain if pupils could be taught to solve problems by thinking reflectively. The data for the investigation were collected during the school year of 1926-27. Mr. John A. Clark, Assistant in the Bureau of Educational Research, supervised the scoring of the test papers. The tabulation of the data, however, was not completed until after Mr. Clark left the Bureau of Educational Research. Work on other projects during the school year of 1927-28 delayed the completion of the report. Walter S. Monroe, Director Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://www.archive.org/details/howpupilssolvepr44monr LIST OF TABLES Table I. Provisions for Comparisons of Pupil Responses to Various Types of Problem Statements 10 Table II. Variations in Pupil Responses to Problems When Technic- al Terminology (T) was Substituted for Simplified Terminology (S)— Grades VI, VII, and VIII 13 Table III. Variations in Pupil Responses to Problems When Irrele- vant Data (I) were Substituted for Relevant Data (R) — Grades VI, VII, and VIII 14 Table IV. Variations in Pupil Responses When Language Which is Abstract (A) in Nature was Substituted for Language Which Pre- sents a Real or Concrete (C) Setting. Grades VI, VII, and VIII. . 16 Table V. Number and Frequency of Errors in One Thousand Test Papers 18 Table VI. Variations in Pupil Responses to Problems When Technical Terminology (T) was Substituted for Simplified Terminology (S)— Grade VI ' 27 Table VII. Variations in Pupil Responses to Problems When Technical Terminology (T) was Substituted for Simplified Terminology (S)— Grade VII 28 Table VIII. Variations in Pupil Responses to Problems When Technical Terminology (T) was Substituted for Simplified Terminology (S)— Grade VIII 28 Table IX. Variations in Pupil Responses to Problems When Irrelevant Data (I) were Substituted for Relevant Data (R) — Grade VI. .29 Table X. Variations in Pupil Responses to Problems When Irrele- vant Data (I) were Substituted for Relevant Data (R) — Grade VII . 29 Table XI. Variations in Pupil Responses to Problems When Irrelevant Data (I) were Substituted for Relevant Data (R) — Grade VIII. . 30 Table XII. Variations in Pupil Responses When Language Which is Abstract (A) in Nature was Substituted for Language Which Pre- sents a Real or Concrete (C) Setting — Grade VI 30 Table XIII. Variations in Pupil Responses When Language Which is Abstract (A) in Nature was Substituted for Language Which Pre- sents a Real or Concrete (C) Setting — Grade VII 31 Table XIV. Variations in Pupil Responses When Language Which is Abstract (A) in Nature was Substituted for Language Which Pre- sents a Real or Concrete (C) Setting — Grade VIII 31 HOW PUPILS SOLVE PROBLEMS IN ARITHMETIC The problem of this study. In another place, the author has described the general process of solving verbal problems in arith- metic as follows: Meanings are connected with words and symbols; the implied question concern- ing a functional relationship is identified and answered; denominate number facts are recalled; numbers are read and copied. However, the response cannot be ade- quately described by enumerating the responses to such elements. Reflective think- ing is involved. It should be noted that the total response to a verbal problem in- cludes the determination of the calculations to be performed plus the response to the example formulated. Reflective thinking is involved in only the first phase of the total response. 1 Elementary-school teachers and other observers of the performances of pupils in the field of arithmetic probably would criticise this state- ment by pointing out that it describes how pupils should solve prob- lems, rather than how they do solve them. It is the purpose of this study to answer certain questions relating to the actual pro- cedure that pupils follow in solving problems in arithmetic. It seemed to the writer that the nature of pupils' responses to changes in the statement of a problem would furnish an indication of how they proceed in solving it. 2 Consequently, a series of tests was devised which made possible a comparison of responses of pupils to certain types of statements of the same problem. A statement of a problem was considered abstract if there was no reference to the activity in which it occurred. If this activity was indicated in the statement, it was called concrete. The terminology of a problem was considered technical when the terms used were those that are commonly employed by specialists in a particular field. The term- inology was considered to be simple when it consisted of words and phrases in general use. A third modification in the statement of a problem was secured by introducing irrelevant data. The way in which these variations were introduced in the statement of certain problems is described later under the heading of the construction of the tests. x Monroe, W. S. and Clark, J. A. "The Teacher's Responsibility for Devising Learning Exercises in Arithmetic," University of Illinois Bulletin, Vol. 23, No. 41, Bureau of Educational Research Bulletin No. 31. Urbana: University of Illinois, 1926, p. 22. 2 The word "problem" is used throughout this bulletin to designate what is sometimes called a verbal problem. Arithmetical exercises frequently designated as examples are not included. 8 Bulletin No. 44 The specific questions for which information was sought may be stated as follows: 1. What is the difference between the responses of pupils to problems stated abstractly and the same problems stated in concrete terms? 2. What is the difference between the responses of pupils to problems stated in simple terms and the same problems stated in technical terminology? 3. What is the difference between responses of pupils to problems in which all the data given are needed for solving the problem and the same problems stated so as to include some irrelevant data? After the data had been collected, a fourth question was added: 4. In solving a problem incorrectly in principle, what procedure do pupils follow? In these questions, the phrase "responses of pupils to problems" refers only to the principle or plan of solution throughout the study. No attention was given to errors of calculation. The construction of the tests. Four separate tests were con- structed — Test A, Test B, Test C, and Test D. With one excep- tion, 3 the test problems were taken from texts designed for the seventh grade. The wording of these problems was varied, and the various forms of statements arranged as shown in Section I of Table I. Problems 1 and 7 were presented in the same form on all four tests. In Test A, Problem 2 is stated in simple terminology (S), all of the data given are relevant (R), and the setting is concrete (C). In Test B, technical terminology (T) is used, all the data given are relevant (R), and the setting is concrete (C). The difference in the statement of the problem is the change from simple terminology to technical terminology. In Test C, the problem is stated in simple terminology (S), although the data given are relevant (R), and the setting is abstract (A). In Test D, technical terminology (T) is used, irrelevant data (I) are included, and the setting is abstract (A). The four forms of Problem 2 are as follows: Problem 2 Test A — SRC. During a sale, Smith and Company reduced the price of furnaces 20%. When the purchaser paid cash, they gave an additional 5% off the sale price. Mr. Jones bought a furnace at the sale and paid $551 cash for it. What price did Smith and Company originally ask for the furnace? Test B — TRC. Mr. Jones was allowed successive discounts of 20% and 5% on the list price of a new furnace which he bought from Smith and Company. If Mr. Jones paid $551, what was the list price of the furnace? 3 Problem 3 was not taken directly or indirectly from any text. However, it represents a very simple type of problem that has a high frequency of occurrence in all texts. How Pupils Solve Problems in Arithmetic 9 Test C — SRA. An amount was reduced 20%. After an additional reduction of 5% of the remainder was made, the final remainder was $551. What was the original amount? Test D — TIA. A man borrowed $551 for 60 days at 7% to pay a bill on which successive discounts of 20% and 5% were allowed. What was the original amount of the bill? The variations of the statements of the other problems may be ascertained by referring to Appendix A. The arrangement of the various forms of statement in the four tests is indicated in the first section of Table I. Plan of securing equivalent groups. It is obvious that it would not be satisfactory to have the same pupils respond to two or more statements of the same problem. Hence, it was necessary to secure four groups of pupils that were equivalent in ability to solve the prob- lems selected. The method of random sampling was employed as a means of securing these equivalent groups. In order to have each of the tests given to a random sample of pupils, the four tests were arranged in alternate order so that when distributed to the pupils in the class, the first, fifth, ninth, thirteenth, and so forth, would receive Test A; the second, sixth, tenth, fourteenth, and so forth, would receive Test B; the third, seventh, eleventh, fifteenth, and so forth, would receive Test C; the fourth, eighth, twelfth, sixteenth, and so forth, would receive Test D. Since the tests were to be given in a large number of classes, it seemed that this plan of sampling would provide equivalent groups. 3a The equivalence of the groups on which the comparisons were based was still further insured by means of a carefully planned arrangement of the different forms of statements in the several tests. The six types of problem statements considered are repre- sented by the letters S, T; R, I; C, and A. 4 Each statement of a problem necessarily possesses three of these characteristics, one of each pair. In this investigation, each statement was formulated so that its characteristics w T ere present in one of the following eight combinations: SRC, TRC, SIC, SRA, TRA, TIC, SIA, TIA. These various forms of statement were distributed among the different tests for each problem as indicated in Section I of Table I. This distribution was planned so as to provide the maximum data for answering the questions given on the preceding page. A study of Table I will reveal that no two comparisons of the same factors were made between the same groups of pupils. 3a These groups were equivalent not only in arithmetical ability but also in respect to teachers, textbooks, and other factors. *See p. 8 and 20. 0. OF ILL LIB. 10 Bulletin No. 44 > < '1 ■a (LI s o o U 22 < Q U y< oocfl 22 < Q 6 < 6 caca u -4 Q pq a '1 ■a u rt a 6 o CJ p u < U PQ Q < U 1 Q i pq u pq < a H % cu a S o o t» X Ov o 3 +-> c CD O C cu «H H Cfl-H CN fi co — 3 6 JS cu XI ™-° C5 T3 O ^H cud, a tu C 1—1 x 1 -* en ■o . 3 "3 c T3 CO CO C3 >s HH CU tu c •- -a rt "J «U o c Z& H-. O a co u C rt o<^J u a a n o 2 4, > X Q OS y, W z k— > EC > u H H 75 Q o £ 1 en r/i s H >> J n pg n o ,j rt n Plh fe H PS en w H Z Q o H Cu u. J a p- m P & c^ o fc c* CJ r/i a Z H n U> H H c/} o fc.fi o a Uo <-> c c'C - ' £h Q -0.1 -1.4 -3.1 7.4 9.1 15.4 1.9 7.6 -10.3 7.2 H 2.2 10.4 5.5 51.5 22.8 18.7 7.0 9.0 44.7 44.6 eo 2.1 9.0 2.4 58.9 31.9 34.1 8.9 16.6 34.4 51.8 Number Correct in Principle 5 CN >© O X 00 x — re r>- so — re CNO CNCNO re CN a IS H 2311 2305 2313 2311 2313 2313 2305 2311 2328 2311 7) 2328 2313 2311 2305 2328 2328 2313 2305 2313 2305 o O CN re Ov 14 Bulletin No. 44 < Q HH H E > 9 W .. « M w tr K > t« Q S < W « R? ° o I o 55 w f> c^ w ►J D pej Ch u- % Q IT; c H H H < tf) < > PP d ©n l/)^ OfO on O V 5 no — © -io —<{N to 1 fc.2 o a O'O o» -HO »D no t^ CN ♦> c c "C no*-h H t-» CN NO on * — ONVO no 1/5 ONn t^. in •*vO oon oon i^O d oo© CN f~ NO n cn §1 a; O. 5 CN — n 0> O On CN ONf> *r>tr> — U") ^*l/5 On -h 00 t^ 3 S on t»<© OX iooo o -. ■•-> ^< t^« t— 1/5 t^O CNIO ti Ov i/> ©i/5 1/5 t~» t^ 00 CN On rj< — CN 00 r«- »h CN »H CN "" — 00 oo >/> -HIO u-> 00 — CN NO — o OCN n n nn n n n n u to CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN S 3 *o "llfl n — noo — n Pi — o -H CN on nn n nn CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN cci2 uu « « t-*fr* •o O Cfl «S O C/3CA) hh mm UU s o OJ *J 1/5 00 rj<© n cn NO-H u "2 3 >- > to m< S5 > < Q 1- H h B J u X £ « w O u, oo 1-1 r-» CN>0 Ot^ < cs^ ^H00 lflO •*io CO 1/5 »-c ** ■ ro>0 O TflT) CO „_, Q | | | y 2J y o!5 u y ro — ©<-< OO OfO 1/5 t^ ^ c < Tt Tt -to Tj<0 ££ «* r— co c^ Be 3— ' O-H o© CN CN OO U ■*© 00 t— CN-* t^O 1/5 oo iC »-• CN Orf -H CN 5 1 1 1 el! r-» t-- O CN <*t^ O^ < ^ OOO O »H CN <0 ^h 00 CO 00 1/5 ^10 < CN -^ (NO — o COCO ro fO c^cC co 0)13 CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN xi a !<£ Zo oo»/5 ^lO Hl^ oo £ 7)55 Pi a a s o U i y CN 00 •*« lil CN Ok~* Xl rt CO «-H »H CN U « oot}o»oooo tO0 •^VO^C.CirfCN-'tf a NOMlOOO*^10N vOlOTfrO'-iPO'-im'^'f*} < 'tf'^O-^rOCNCCTfCNlO m C _o 3 o w to 3 O V c 2 w 13 o H OuiiflOOON^Oifl OC^CNOO^TCNrJ-'tCN Q O CQ O "! « O « m CMO iO f CS «-> CN " -* < CNCNIO — OC-vOf^OvO CN>-I CN^- «-< Problem Nf^^lfllOOCOOrt CN How Pupils Solve Problems in Arithmetic 19 that a large per cent of seventh-grade pupils do not reason in attempt- ing to solve arithmetic problems. Relatively few pupils follow the plan described on page 7. Instead, many of them appear to per- form almost random calculations upon the numbers given. When they do solve a problem correctly, the response seems to be deter- mined largely by habit. If the problem is stated in the terminology with which they are familiar and if there are no irrelevant data, their response is likely to be correct. On the other hand, if the prob- lem is expressed in unfamiliar terminology, or if it is a "new" one, relatively few pupils appear to attempt to reason. They either do not attempt to solve it or else give an incorrect solution. APPENDIX A PROBLEMS USED IN TESTS In the following pages are reproduced the various forms of the twelve arithmetic problems presented to more than nine thousand pupils of the sixth, seventh, and eighth grades in Illinois for the pur- pose of obtaining data in regard to the actual procedure that pupils follow in solving problems in arithmetic. Four different statements are given for each problem, with the exception of Problems 1 and 7, which appeared in the same form on all four tests. The character- istics of the problem statements are represented by symbols as follows: S Simple terminology T Technical terminology A Abstract C Concrete R All data relevant to problem I Irrelevant data included Problem 1 Test A. Mr. Duncan drove his car 6375 miles one year and found at the end of the year that 340 gallons of gasoline had been consumed. At 21c a gallon, what was the cost of gasoline for one mile? This same statement was used for Tests B, C, and D. Problem 2 Test A — SRC. During a sale, Smith and Company reduced the price of furnaces 20%. When the purchaser paid cash, they gave an additional 5% off the sale price. Mr. Jones bought a fur- nace at the sale and paid $551 cash for it. What price did Smith and Company originally ask for the furnace? Test B — TRC. Mr. Jones was allowed successive discounts of 20% and 5% on the list price of a new furnace which he bought from Smith and Company. If Mr. Jones paid $551, what was the list price of the furnace? Test C — SRA. An amount was reduced 20%. After an addi- tional reduction of 5% of the remainder was made, the final remain- der was $551. What was the original amount? Test D—TIA. A man borrowed $551 for 60 days at 7% to pay a bill on which successive discounts of 20% and 5% were allowed. What was the original amount of the bill? 20 How Pupils Solve Problems in Arithmetic 21 In Test A, the technical term, successive discounts, was restated in simplified language. A real setting was added by using words such as sale, Smith and Company, and Mr. Jones. Only relevant data were used. Thus Problem 2, Test A satisfied the theoretical requirement of having simplified (S) terminology, relevant (R) data only, stated concretely. In Test B, the technical terms, successive discounts, and list price, were retained. Relevant data only were used. The words, Mr. Jones, Smith and Company, and sale gave a real setting. Thus the combination of factors represented by the symbol TRC was satisfied. In Test C, simplified terminology was substituted for the tech- nical terms, successive discounts. Relevant data only were used. No attempt was made to give a real setting to the problem, but rather, the problem was stated abstractly. In the latter respect, Test C differs from Test A. In Test D, the technical terms, successive discounts, were used. Irrelevant data, 60 days at 7%, were introduced and the problem did not present a real setting. This procedure describes how the corresponding problems of the different tests were formulated. Without describing in detail the variations in the remaining cor- responding problems, each of the statements of corresponding prob- lems will be listed under the problem, test, and combination the particular statement represents. Problem 3 Test A — TRA. Find the amount of a bill for 3} S yds. of material at 40c a yd., and for 10 yd. at 85c a yd. Test B — SIA. Find the total cost of Z x /i yards of material, 3 inches wide, at 40c a yard, and 10 yards of material, 40 inches wide, at 85c a yard. Test C — SRA. Find the total cost of Z l /i yards of material at 40c a yard, and for 10 yards at 85c a yard. Test D — TIC. Mrs. Henderson made the following purchases: Z x /2 yds. of ribbon, 3 inches wide at 40c per yd.; 10 yds. of curtain material, 40 inches wide, at 85c per yd. Find the amount of the bill. Problem 4 Test A — TIA. The following articles were purchased: 5 vacuum cleaners, 12 parlor lamps, 7 rugs, and a suite of furniture. The total amount of the bill was $1500. Terms: 90 days, net; 60 days, 2%; 30 days, 5% i cash, 10%. Find the net amount if cash is paid. 22 Bulletin No. 44 Test B — TIC. The Hall Company buys 5 vacuum cleaners, 12 parlor lamps, 7 rugs, and a suite of furniture from Brown and Com- pany, wholesalers, for a total of $1500. Terms: 90 days, net; 60 days, 2%; 30 days, 5%; cash, 10%. Find the net amount paid to Brown and Company if the Hall Company pays cash. TestC — TRA. A dealer buys merchandise worth $1500. Terms: 90 days, net; 60 days, 2%; 30 days, 5%; cash, 10%. Find the net amount if cash is paid. Test D — SIC. The Hall Company buys 5 vacuum cleaners, 12 parlor lamps, 7 rugs, and a suite of furniture from Brown and Com- pany, wholesalers, for a total of $1500. The bill must be paid not later than 90 days from the day of purchase. 2% will be taken off if paid in 60 days; 5% off if paid in 30 days; or 10% off if cash is paid. Find the amount Brown and Company receives if the Hall Company pays cash. n , , - ^ J Problem 5 Test A — SI A. A man purchased 50 articles at $1.50 each and sold them at $2.25 each. Allowing 20% of the selling price for ex- penses, how much was made on each article? This is what per cent of the selling price? Test B — SIC. The Student Supply Store in a university dis- trict bought 50 fountain pens at $1.50 each and sold them at $2.25 each. Allowing 20% of the selling price for the running expenses of the store, how much was made on one fountain pen? This is what per cent of the selling price? Test C — SRC. The Student Supply Store bought fountain pens at $1.50 each and sold them at $2.25 each. Allowing 20% of the selling price for the running expenses of the store, how much was made on one fountain pen? This is what per cent of the selling price? Test D — TRC. The Student Supply Store purchased fountain pens at $1.50 each and sold them at $2.25. Allowing 20% of the selling price for the running expenses of the store, the profit is how much per fountain pen? The profit is what per cent of the selling Problem 6 Test A — SI A. One side of a triangle is Z x /i ft., another side is 8J4 ft., a third side is 8% ft., and the distance from the top point to the base is S^g ft- What is the sum of the sides? Test B — TRC. A pennant was cut so that its base was 3}/% ft., the top side was 8J4 ft., and the lower side was 8% ft- What was the perimeter of the pennant? How Pupils Solve Problems in Arithmetic 23 Test C — TIA. The base of a triangle is 3% ft. One side is 834 ft., the other 8; 3 s ft., and the altitude, 8}£ ft. What is the perimeter of the triangle? Test D — TIC. A pennant was cut so that its base was Z x /i ft., the top side was 8J4 ft., the lower side was 8?£ ft., and its altitude S}^ ft. What is the perimeter of the pennant? Problem 7 Test A. Walter sold his bicycle to Henry for $36 and gained 25% of the selling price. If Walter had wished to make 40% of the cost, what would have been the selling price? This same statement was used in Tests B, C, and D. Problem 8 Test A — SIC. A crew of 4 men working for 8 hours with a steam shovel, dug a basement 40 feet long, 24 feet wide, and 8 feet deep. Mr. Thomas paid them 40 cents a cubic yard for this work. How many cubic yards were taken out in digging the hole? Test B — SRA. How many cubic yards are taken out in digging a hole 40 feet long, 24 feet wide, and 8 feet deep? Test C — TIC. A crew of 4 men working for 8 hours with a shovel dug a basement 40x24x8 for which Mr. Thomas paid them 40 cents a yard. How many yards were excavated? Test D — SRC. Mr. Thomas hired men to dig a basement 40 feet long, 24 feet wide, and 8 feet deep. How many cubic yards of dirt were taken out in digging the hole? Problem 9 Test A — TRC. The list price of caps is $3.50. During a sale, Walter bought a cap on which a discount of 15% was given. What is the net price Walter paid? Test B—TRA. The list price is $3.50; discount is 15%. What is the net price? Test C — SIC. The Johnson Clothing Company gave a reduc- tion of 15%, on all goods bought on June 12. At the sale, Walter bought a cap which usually sold for $3.50; a shirt, for $4.50; and a tie for $1.50. He gave the clerk a ten-dollar bill. What did Walter pay for the cap bought on June 12? Test D — SRA. One article usually sells for $3.50. It was sold for 15% less than the usual price. What price was paid for the article? 24 Bulletin No. 44 Problem 10 Test A — SRC. Mr. Jones shipped to his agent in Chicago, a carload of peaches, 410 bushels, which he sold at $1.25 a bushel. The agent received 8% of the selling price for selling the peaches. The other expenses were: freight, $75.65; drayage at Chicago, $8.50; baskets, $49.20; picking and packing, $50.20; carting to the station, $18; refrigeration, $55. How much a bushel did Mr. Jones receive after expenses were taken from the amount the agent received for the peaches? Test B — TRA. A commission of 8% was paid to an agent who sold 410 bu. of fruit at $1.25 per bu. Other expenses were $75.65, $8.50, $49.20, $50.20, $18, and $55. How much per bu. net was received? Test C — SI A. The sale of 410 bushels at $1.25 a bushel was made by an agent who usually sold a total of $200,000 worth each year. He received as his share 8% of this amount collected. Other expenses were $75.65, $8.50, $49.20, $50.20, $18 and $55. How much did the owner receive for one bushel after all expenses were taken from the amount collected? Test D—TIA. The sale of 410 bushels at $1.25 a bushel was made by an agent who usually sold a total of $200,000 worth each year. A commission of 8% was paid. Other expenses were $75.65, $8.50, $49.20, $50.20, $18 and $55. How much per bushel net was received ? Problem 11 Test A — TIC. Mr. Thomas deposited $800 in a savings account and $325 in a checking account with the First National Bank, which pays interest at the rate of 4% compounded semiannually. How much will Mr. Thomas have in his savings account at the end of two years? Test B — SRC. Mr. Thomas deposited $800 in a savings account with The First National Bank, which pays 4 per cent interest every six months. The interest, when due, is added to the amount depos- ited. How much will he have at the end of two years? Test C — TRC. Mr. Thomas deposited $800 in a savings account with the First National Bank which pays 4% interest compounded semiannually. How much will he have at the end of two years? Test D — TRA. A man deposited $800 in a savings account of a bank which pays 4% interest compounded semiannually. How much will be due at the end of two years? How Pupils Solve Problems in Arithmetic 25 Problem 12 Test A — SRA. A man had an average income last year of $79.17 a month. His average monthly expenses were $60.50. If he had $632.80 at the beginning of the year, how much did he have at the end of the year? Test B — TIA. A man had an average income last year of $79.17 a month. His average monthly expenses were $60.50 of which $350 was spent each year for food and clothing. If he started the year with a balance on hand of $632.80, wmat was the balance at the end of the year? Test C — SIC. Mr. Williams had an average income of $79.17 a month. His average monthly expenses were $60.50 of which $350 was spent for food and clothing. At the beginning of the year Mr. Williams had $632.80 which he had saved previously. How much did he have at the end of the year? Test D — SI A. A man had an average income of $79.17 a month. His average monthly expenses were $60.50 of which $350 was spent for food and clothing. At the beginning of the year he had $632.80 which he had saved previously. How much did he have at the end of the year? APPENDIX B TABLES SHOWING DETAILS OF VARIATIONS IN PUPIL RESPONSES TO DIFFERENT TYPES OF PROBLEM STATEMENTS The following tables give for each of three grades — sixth, seventh, and eighth — the data relative to the differences in pupil responses to six types of problem statements. For the meanings of the symbols used, see page 20. 26 How Pupils Solve Problems in Arithmetic 27 r < £ , — „ h - — < >< a hJ c fe s * Uh :- > << W u P A < U O H L - fc 'S: W > c tn P Z W J B PQ « o W Pm H n o H - lX| f/1 w J :/-, Pm i'- H Cfl a a - - w H - a f-< •r r/1 pq Z, U O C/J - o 4 « < > 'o c •c PL, S ©-<© v©«/> PC-* © PC t-t c u u W OiA<0 r- r~- >o^i^ r-oo occ vC W) N-tO ©PC 5 N*« iooc \0 vc >o oo Cm/; x© PO**PO CN© TJ V o, e o ■»-> < C 01 O H ■. 'JIOCH TjtPC O . uo ** CN O>0 ^2 '5. 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