URBANA Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/datafromcontroll07lund ENVIRONMENTAL GEOLOGY NOTES NOVEMBER 1965 • NUMBER 7 from the Northeastern Illinois Office, Naperville ILLINOIS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY libra; NOV 19 1965 DATA FROM CONTROLLED DRILLING PROGRAM IN MC HENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS CHARLES R. LUND ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY JOHN C. FRYE, Chief • Urbana URBANA CI- DATA FROM CONTROLLED DRILLING PROGRAM IN MC HENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS Charles R. Lund Descriptions of character and sequence of materials and data on relative consistency, natural water content, and grain-size distribution are given for glacial deposits tested and sampled, as a part of a controlled drilling program, at eleven sites in McHenry County, Illinois. INTRODUCTION Data gathered from field and laboratory analyses of samples col- lected from eleven holes drilled in McHenry County (fig. 1) are presented here. These holes were drilled as part of a study of water resources man- agement in the six-county metropolitan area of northeastern Illinois. Fifty-two holes were drilled in the area to obtain data and samples of the subsurface unconsolidated materials, which are mainly glacial drift depos- its. The program was coordinated by the Northeastern Illinois Metropolitan Area Planning Commission and financed by a planning grant provided by the Federal Home and Housing Finance Agency. The work was supervised by the Illinois State Geological Survey, and drilling was performed under contract by the Layne -Western Company of Aurora, Illinois. The first number of this series (Environmental Geology Notes 1, April 1965) gave the specific objectives of the drilling and sampling pro- gram, a description of the drilling methods and equipment used to obtain the samples, and an explanation of the methods used to perform the various tests made on the samples by both the contractor and the Illinois Geological Survey. Environmental Geology Notes 2, May 1965, presented data collected for nine borings drilled in DuPage County, and Environmental Geology Notes 6, October 1965, presented data collected for eleven holes drilled in Kane, Kendall, and DeKalb Counties. IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM The numbering system used to identify the borings is based on the location of the boring. The number of each hole consists of the county abbreviation, township, range, section, and coordinates within the section. - 2 - R5E r-i— R6E R7E R8E R9E 1 T 1 J 1 • • i i Hebron L._j r -i'l. i Richmorv 1 — , 1 ijjl d 1 1 46 N I s f — TV r irinc, i Harv 3rd- — Lc» i Grove i i A / _L 1 i i i I « Wonder /Y Lake J] s jnny 'l— sideLj T 45 N J -.: Mcculloch / ^-/ _v Lake / x p is takee T 44 N • McHenr J_ / 1 £a/te -- 1 k i - 1 " li\ Woodstock S Z^ i*r 1 \ 1 p ) 1 ) 1 1 1 \ i ■ i U r. -J 1 i 1 ? ■• J tU *-■ V N. klnnH i*yk kee L, / live. i i 1 - | Jn l\ Lakft I..1 1 i KTs f >V5\ Crystal L J n Lak e OakwoodJ \ Hills L-V __lA|L. I h . . i o i < >- >» — 'Mar 1 engo i r L l-H s ^ - -1- - - - t >yst Lake tf/ C > J iU j -3 J" -- v-^ • | Unk )n fel 7/ r^Cary T 43 it | 1 . r J1 i/i N _SI L .ake -in-l 111 R '~"Ll I rur-f^^ 1 ~> Hur i tley V~7 t he-H i,ls i 1. , — J % -' ' !i irrinaton/Lr 1 i 1 \\ .1 1 j j Algonqi. /r" L. Hills STL i ! ) I 1 SAMPLE ^ LOCATION c GRID MILES b 1 2 3 Borings discussed in report 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 I Fig. 1 - Location of borings in McHenry County - 3 - Sections are divided into rows of one-eighth-mile squares. Each square contains 10 acres and corresponds to a quarter of a quarter section. A normal section of one square mile contains eight rows of eighth-mile squares; an odd-sized section contains more or fewer rows. Rows are numbered from east to west and lettered from south to north as shown in the grid on figure 1. For exam- ple, a well located in square 4b of section 12, township 43 north, range 5 east, would be numbered MCH 43N5E-12.4b. Where there is more than one boring in a 10-acre square they are identified hy arabic numbers after the lower case letter in the boring number, for example MCH 43N5E-12i4b2. A location map is presented for each of the eleven borings, drawn on the scale of one inch equals 2000 feet, or 1:24,000, the scale of the United States Geological Survey 7%-minute quadrangle topographic maps. The borings have been located within the 10-acre coordinate squares, with as much accuracy as this scale permits, according to detailed footage locations from easily recognizable landmarks supplied by the contractor. The quadrangle topographic map on which the boring is located is identified on the location map. Quadrangle maps may be obtained from the Illinois State Geological Survey, Urbana, or from the United States Geological Survey, Washington, D.C. EXPLANATION OF NOTES ON DRILLING RECORDS The abbreviations and symbols used by the contractor on the drill- ing records included in this report are listed below. Blows/ 18" - number of blows required to drive the split-barrel sampler 18 inches of penetration (see Environmental Geology Notes 1, p. 2, for detailed description). Weight of hammer and length of drop for the various depth intervals are indicated on the log heading. 81/2" - number of blows (81) required to drive a split-barrel sampler a certain number of inches (2"). Recovery (in.) - length of the sample retained in the sampler. Q u - unconfined compressive strength expressed in tons per square foot (TSF). MC - natural moisture content. SS - split-barrel sampler 1 3/8 inches inside diameter (ID). 2S - split-barrel sampler 2 inches ID. 3S - split-barrel sampler 3 inches ID. W - wash sample - 4 - The relations between descriptive terms for relative density and relative consistency and the quantitative expressions for these aspects of the materials follow. Relative Density Description Blows/ft Very loose 0- 5 Loose 5-10 Medium dense 10 - 30 Dense 30 - 50 Very dense 50+ Relative Consistency Description Q,, in TSF Very soft 0.0 -0.25 Soft 0.25 - 0.5 Medium 0.5 - 1.0 Stiff 1.0 - 2.0 Very stiff 2.0 - 4.0 Hard 4.0+ Descriptions of materials given in the drilling records were made in the field by the sampler and are not necessarily consistent with the laboratory data. Stratigraphic interpretation of the borings is under study and is be- yond the scope of this report. SIZE -DISTRIBUTION ANALYSIS Analysis of the density and grain-size distribution of the cohesive and noncohesive materials was carried out in the laboratories of the Illinois State Geological Survey, Urbana. The Tyler sieves and their U.S. Standard equivalents used in the grain-size analyses, the diameter of the mesh openings in inches and millimeters, and the Wentworth grain-size classification are shown on page 5. The data presented in the size -distribution analysis for each boring are classified as follows: gravel - > 2.0 mm sand - < 2.0 mm and > 0.062 mm silt - < 0.062 mm and > 0.004 mm clay - < 0.004 mm Some of the sample numbers in the tables giving grain-size data on the cohesive and noncohesive materials have letter symbols added that indicate the following: A - top bag of sample where two bags were used for a sampled interval. B - bottom bag of sample where two bags were used for a sampled interval. - 5 Sieve number Mesh diameter Grain-size U.S. classification Standard Tyler in. mm (Wentworth) 4 4 0.185 4.699 Granules and pebbles (gravel) 10 9 0.078 1.981 18 16 0.0390 0.991 25 24 0.0276 0.701 35 32 0.0195 0.495 45 42 0.0138 0.351 60 60 0.0097 0.246 Sand 80 80 0.0069 0.175 120 115 0.0049 0.124 170 170 0.0035 0.088 230 250 0.0024 0.061 Hydrom separation Silt eter Clay - 6 - R 5 E R 6 E SSUJtew.Rd. 18 4\ rij Location Detail 104' N of Coral West Road 19' E of Maple Street Road 1000' W, 900' N of SE C , sec. 12 Genoa Quadrangle Fig. 2 - Location of boring MCH 43N5E-12.4b - 7 - DRILLING RECORD FOR MCH 43N5E-12.4b Surface elevation: 902 ft Date started: 8-7-62 Date completed: 8-30-62 Boring method: Hollow auger (0-105 ft) Hammer weight: 140 pounds Hammer drop: 30 inches Rotary (105-191.5 ft) 475 pounds 36 inches Depth (1 M =10') Description of material Samples No. Type Recov- Depth ery (ft) (in.) 16.5 52.0 Till - sand, clayey, brown, slightly reddish, pebbly, slightly grayish at 16' Till - clayey sand to sandy clay, gray, slightly pink; 22.5 trace of pebbles 31.0 Sand, gravel, gray, slightly brown, saturated Till - clay, sand, silt, igrayish brown; pebbles, slightly pink Till - sand, silt, clay, pinkish gray-brown; few pebbles; gravel seams; sand pockets 1 2S 2 2S 3 2S 4 2S 5 2S 6 2S 7 2S 8 2S 9 2S 10 2S 11 2S 12 2S 13 2S 14 2S 15 2S 16 2S 17 2S 18 2S 19 2S 20 2S 21 2S 2.5- 4.0 5.0- 6.5 7.5- 9.0 10.0-11.5 11.5-14.0 15.0-16.5 17.5-18.0 20.0-21.5 22.5-24.0 25.0-26.5 27.5-29.0 30.0-31.5 32.5-34.0 35.0-36.5 37.5-39.0 40.0-41.5 42.5-44.0 45.0-46.5 47.5-49.0 50.0-51.5 52.5-54.0 18 18 18 12 18 10 12 20 10 10 6 14 13 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 "Blows/ 18" drop hammer Q 12 13 18 11 13 16 13 11 8 31 61 51 17 22 26 22 18 18 22 23 35 0.9 0.7 1.4 1.0 1.4 1.5 2.2 1.9 1.8 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.0 MC 12.3 11.2 12.2 12.2 12.3 12.0 11.3 11.3 14.1 11.3 10.9 12.1 10.9 10.7 10.7 10.6 10.9 (Continued) 8 - DRILLING RECORD FOR MCH 43N5E-12.4b - Continued • Description of material i Samples Depth (1"=10') 1 |no. Recov- Depth ery Type (ft) (in.) Blows/ 18" drop hammer Q u MC J22 2S 55.0- 56.5 12 34 1.7 10.7 |23 2S 57.5- 59.0 14 39 ■24 ! 29 60.0- 61.5 18 40 2.9 10.1 25 2S 62.5- 64.0 14 43 9.0 26 2S 65.0- 66.5 18 38 2.2 9.7 27 2S 67.5- 69.0 14 38 1.3 12.0 (Description on preceding page) 1 28 2S 70.0- 71.5 18 100 4.5+ 7.6 29 i 2S 72.5- 74.0 18 28 1.7 ;30 2S 75.0- 76.5 18 24 0.8 10.6 31 2S 77.5- 79.0 18 22 1.4 8.9 32 2S 80.0- 81.5 18 18 1.4 10.7 33 2S 82.5- 84.0 14 25 1.8 10.2 105,0 108.0 , — — _ — , Peat, woody, dark brown, grad- ing to black organic silt 1 ^4 1 35 2S 2S 2S 85.0- 86.5 87.5- 89.0 90.0- 91.5 16 14 18 18 26 25 2.2 3.1 1.2 10.8 9.9 36 10.2 Sand, gravel, gray-white; a little silt (blue -gray clayey silt near 108'); fine sand at base 37 38 2S 2S 92.5- 94.0 95.0- 96.5 18 16 31 25 2.0 1.5 10.7 11.0 39 2S 97.5- 99.0 18 1.3 11.2 125.5 -40 41 42 43 2S ss ss ss 100.0-101.5 105.0-106.5 110.0-111.5 115.0-116.5 18 27 1.2 10.6 128.0 Silt, gray, interbedded with clayey silt Sand, gray, fine, very well sorted with well rounded grains, stratified; beds of fine silt to coarse gravel 44 3S 120.0-121.5 (Continued} 9 - DRILLING RECORD FOR MCH 43N5E-12.4b - Continued Depth U"=10') Description of material Samples Recov- Blows/18" No. Type Depth ery (ft) (in.) drop hammer MC 148.0 171.0 | (Description on preceding > page) Till - clay, sandy, gray, with gravel;, shale particles; brown mottling in lower part Till - clay, gravelly, gray- 57 3S brown; a little coarse gravel and sand; a few cobbles 45 3S 125.0-126.5 46 i 3S 130.0-131.5 Wi 3S 135.0-136.5 48 3S 140.0-141.5 49 3S 145.0-146.5 50 3S 150.0-151.5 51 3S 155.0-156.5 152 3S 160.0-161.5 53 3S 165.0-166.5 54 3S 170.0-171.5 1 55 3S 175.0-176.5 56 3S 180.0-181.5 57 3S 185.0-186.5 58 2S 190.0-191.5 5.2+ 10.0 11.0 194.0 197.0 Bottom of hole @ 197.0' * Bedrock, dolomite, gray-white at 194' -196'; gray-green dolomitic shale at 196' -197' - 10 SIZE DISTRIBUTION DATA FOR MCH 43N5E-12.4b Cohesive Materials Size distribution of portion < 2 ,0 mm Sample % > 2.0 mm 7o < 2 . mm % > .062 mm % > .004 mm 7. ^ .004 mm Density 1 7.0 93.0 43 36 21 2.33 3 7.0 93.0 42 37 21 2.32 4 5.0 95.0 43 41 16 5 6.0 94.0 42 35 23 6 4.0 96.0 44 38 18 2.34 7 5.0 95.0 41 38 21 8 3.0 97.0 37 43 20 2.38 13 5.0 95.0 38 42 20 2.33 14 3.0 97.0 41 36 23 15 12.0 88.0 40 43 17 16 4.0 96.0 41 41 18 2.27 17 6.0 94.0 42 40 13 18 6.0 94.0 41 42 17 19 5.0 95.0 41 44 15 20 5.0 95.0 39 39 22 2.40 21 4.0 96.0 39 38 23 22 7.0 93.0 41 35 24 23 7.0 93.0 40 45 15 24 3.0 97.0 43 42 15 2.46 25 5.0 95.0 43 45 12 26 5.0 95.0 44 37 19 27 8.0 92.0 44 43 13 28 4.7 95.3 40 38 22 2.33 29 4.0 96.0 44 39 17 30 4.0 96.0 40 42 18 31 6.0 94.0 40 42 13 32 4.0 96.0 42 41 17 2.37 33 4.0 96.0 40 41 19 34 4.0 96.0 39 42 19 35 4,0 96.0 39 41 20 36 6.0 94.0 34 46 20 2.40 37 4.0 96.0 37 37 26 38 5.0 95.0 34 42 24 40 7.0 93.0 32 42 26 2.38 44 48.2 51.8 71 18 11 (Continued) - 11 - SIZE DISTRIBUTION DATA FOR MCH 43N5E-12.4b - Continued Cohesive Materials - Continued Size distribution of port: Lon < 2.0 mm Sample % > 2 . mm % < 2.0 mm % > .062 mm % > .004 mm % c. .004 mm Density 45 1.6 98.4 33 46 21 48 34.4 65.6 56 11 33 50 0.6 99.4 2 53 45 51 43.0 57.0 27 39 34 2.41 52 4.6 95.4 3D 34 36 53 8.0 92.0 30 33 37 54 8.9 91.1 31 37 32 55 20.0 80.0 44 41 15 56 12.0 88.0 32 51 17 57 12.5 87.5 43 38 19 53 40.0 60.0 30 38 32 2.23 Noncohesive Materials Percentage retained on sieve Sample 4 9 16 24 32 42 60 80 115 170 Pan 10 34.5 17.5 4.0 12.5 5.0 5.0 6.5 4.5 4.0 2.0 4.5 - 12 - R 5 E OS 4J <3 36 Drainage Ditch ^ R 6 E / MC HENRY CO. / _J / 31 \ _ \ o o PQ 04 4L, n Location Detail 470' N of Drainage Ditch 10' E of cen. line of Getty Road 1300' W, 2200 ' S of NE C , sec. 36 Genoa Quadrangle Fig. 3 - Location of boring MCH 43N5E~36.Ze 13 - DRILLING RECORD FOR MCH 43N5E-36.2e Surface elevation: 825 ft Date started: 8-27-62 Date completed: 8-27-62 Boring method: Hollow auger (0-75 ftj Hammer weight: 140 pounds Hammer drop: 30 inches Samples Recov- Blows/ 18" Depth (1"=10') Description of material No. Type Depth (ft) ery (in.) drop hammer % MC 4.0 Sand, silty, black; organic, peaty seams 1 2 2S 25 4.5- 6.0 9.5-11.0 18 18 25 78 3 SS 14.5-16.0 18 16 4 ss 19.5-21.0 18 25 5 SS 24.5-25.0 3 10 Sand, gravelly, gray, fine 6 ss 29.5-31.0 6 16 to coarse 7 ss 34.5-36.0 8 30 8 ss 39.5-41.0 18 15 2.5 12.3 9 ss 44.5-46.0 6 16 10 ss 49.5-51.0 18 30 4.6 15.0 38.0 11 12 ss ss 54.5-56.0 59.5-61.0 18 12 22 10 3.8 1.9 16.9 16.8 Till - pinkish gray sand- silt-clay to silty sand 13 ss 64.5-66.0 70 48.0 14 15 ss ss 69.5-71.0 74.5-76.0 12 6 30 200 1.8 9.7 9.8 Till - clay, silty, ^ray; trace sand and fine gravel 60.5 Sand, grey, fine 67.0 Till - sand, silty, gray, pebbly 75.0 [Bottom of hole @ 75.0' - 14 - SIZE DISTRIBUTION DATA FOR MCH 43H5E-36.2e Cohesive Materials % > 2.0 mm % C 2.0 mm 3: Lze dis Lribution of pc rtion < 2.0 mm Sample % > .062 mm "U > .004 mm % < .004 mm Density 1 31.0 59.0 83 13 4 8 8.0 92.0 36 41 23 2.37 9 2.0 98.0 20 35 45 10 3.0 97.0 21 35 44 2.27 11 3.0 97.0 41 35 24 12 3.0 97.0 23 33 44 2.17 14 7.0 93.0 46 38 16 2.41 Noncohesive Materials Sample Percentage retained on sieve 16 24 32 42 60 80 115 170 Pan 2 41.1 16.1 11.0 3 19.1 17.7 13.9 5 32.3 13.1 9.0 7 44.1 17.0 11.3 4.0 6.0 6.4 6.6 2.7 1.4 0.6 4.1 5.7 8.6 10.3 11.9 6.0 2.7 1.1 3.0 5.5 12.2 14.9 8.2 3.0 1.2 0.3 0.3 6.3 9.7 6.2 2.9 1.5 0,5 0.1 0.4 15 - R 8 E ry Location Detail 610' N of first drive N of airport 28' W of Pyott Road 28' W, 1250' S of NE , sec. 17 c Crystal Lake Quadrangle Fig. 4 - Location of boring MCH 43N8E-17.1g - 16 - DRILLING RECORD FOR MCH 43N8E-17.1g Surface elevation: 895 ft Date started: 8-16-62 Date completed: 10-23-62 Boring method: Hammer weight: Hammer drop: Hollow auger (0-101 ft) 140 pounds 30 inches Rotary (101-213 ft) 475 pounds 36 inches Depth (1"=10») 2.0 Samples Recov^ Blows/18" Dsp^.h ery drop No. Type (ft) (lu«) hammer 34.0 46.0 Gravel, sandy, brown, fine to coarse; a few cohbles Till - sand, clayey, silty, S ra y; a few pebbles; weak Till - sand, silt, clay, pinkish gray -brown; pebbles; sand and gravel seams and pockets 1 2S 4.5- 6.0 2 2S 9.5- 11.0 3 2S 14.5- 16.0 4 2S 19.5- 21.0 5 2S 24.5- 26.0 6 2S 29.5- 31.0 7 2S 34.5- 36.0 8 SS 39.5- 41.0 9 SS 44.5- 46.0 10 SS 49.5- 51.0 11 2S 54.5- 56.0 12 2S 59.5- 61.0 13 2S 64.5- 66.0 14 2S 69.5- 71.0 15 SS 74.5- 76.0 16 SS 79.5- 81.0 17 SS 84.5- 86.0 18 SS 89.5- 91.0 19 SS 94.5- 96.0 20 SS 99.5-101.0 * Topsoil, sand, clayey, dark brown (Continued) Qu MC 14 80 10 75 14 33 14 68 14 40 12 46 2 8 4 7 18 15 1.5 9.1 18 19 2.0 10.8 13 82 4.5 8.2 16 40 2.3 10.6 9 38 2.5 11.1 2 42 6 28 6 28 2.0 10.6 18 30 3.7 10.4 18 24 1.6 12.6 12 64 6 30 - 17 - DRILLING RECORD FOR MCH 43N8E-17.1g - Continued i i i Samples 1 Depth (l ,r =10')l, Description of material i ! i No. ~Reco\r-~ Depth ery Type (ft) (in.) Blows7l8' drop hammer % MC . 21 ■-- 2S 105.0-106.5 18 32 3.7 11.9 . Z2 i 2S 110.0-111.5 14 54 2.9 9.1 23 2S 115.0-116.5 4 11.9 24 2S 120.0-121.5 17 37 3.3 12.5 25 2S 125.0-126.5 18 83 5.0 9.8 26 2S 130.0-131.5 Refu sal 27 2S 135.0-136.5 16 82 5.0 10.3 28 2S 140.0-141.5 18 75 5.0 9.9 29 2S 145.0-146.5 19 31 5.0 10.5 30 2S 150.0-151.5 11 37 3.0 31 2S 155.0-156.5 13 72 3.0 10.8 (Description on preceding page) 32 2S 160.0-161.5 21 34 2.6 11.9 33 2S 165.0-166.5 12 44 1.5 11.6 34 2S 170.0-171.5 19 38 2.5 11.3 j 35 2S 175.0-176.5 21 37 2.6 12.3 36 2S 180.0-181.5 12 34 2.3 12.6 i 1 37 2S 185.0-186.5 20 37 2.2 12.1 | i 38 2S 190.0-191.5 20 42 2.3 12.7 1 ■ i i 39 2S 195.0-196.5 16 39 3.1 11.3 i 40 2S 200.0-201.5 18 41 2.6 11.8 41 2S 206.0-207.0 5 89 42 2S 210.0-211 Cuttings ! 43 2S 212 -213 Cuttings (C< >n tinned) - 18 - DRILLING RECORD FOR MCH 43N8E-17.1g - Continued Description of material Samples Depth (1"=10») Recov- Blows/ 18" Depth ery drop No. Type (ft) (in.) hammer Q u MC 1 (Description on page 16) i 203.0 :ll.O Gravel, Bendy, gray-browr.; traces of silt and cobbles (outwash) ; thin interbedded till at 208' (12 M ) ?1?TPIZ!*" 215.0 ;** Bottom of hole @ 215. 1 * Boulders or broken lime, vuggy (!'); soft gray to white dolorcite ** Bedrock, dolomite (cherty) , gray to white - 19 - SIZE DISTRIBUTION DATA FOR MCH 43N8E-17.1g Cohesive Materials Size disi iribution of portion < 2.0 mm Sample % > 2.0 mm % < 2.0 mm % >.062 mm % > .004 mm % < .004 mm Density 4 58.0 42.0 84 12 4 2.57 7 11.0 89.0 45 37 18 9 12.0 88.0 30 33 29 10 7.0 93.0 36 35 29 2.32 11 53.0 47.0 75 15 10 2.34 12 3.0 97.0 29 44 17 2.35 13 2.0 98.0 35 35 30 17 4.0 96.0 48 29 23 18 8.0 92.0 35 35 30 19 5.0 95.0 62 28 10 2.39 20 5.0 95.0 35 35 30 2.33 21 7.0 93.0 34 36 30 2.64 22 9.0 91.0 34.5 35 30.5 24 8.0 92.0 35 37 28 25 4.0 96.0 36 36 28 2.41 27 13.0 87.0 35 35 30 2.38 28 7.0 93.0 34 37 29 29 4.0 96.0 34 37 29 2.42 30 9.0 91.0 36 34 30 31 4.0 96.0 32 40 28 2.43 32 4.0 96.0 32 39 29 33 4.0 96.0 30 40 30 2.35 34 4.0 96.0 32.5 36 31.5 35 3.0 97.0 27 39 34 2.37 36 12.0 88.0 29 41 30 37 3.0 97.0 26 42 32 2.34 38 4.0 96.0 25 43 32 39 6.0 94.0 28 41 31 2.33 40 2.0 98.0 29 40 31 41 42.0 58.0 66 24 10 42 33.0 67.0 56 24 20 Noncohesive Materi. als Percentage reta: Lned on ,sieve Sample 4 9 16 24 32 42 60 80 115 170 Pan 1 46.0 3 30.0 6 45.0 16.0 15.0 26.0 11.0 9.5 12.0 4.5 5.0 3.4 5.0 4.0 8.0 10.5 4.5 3.5 3.0 11.0 2,5 1.5 4.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.2 6.5 3.5 1.4 - 20 - R 7 E R 8 E Location Detail rw 190' S of cen. line of Algonquin Road 22' W of cen. line of Randall Road 22' W, 2850' S of NE C , sec. 30 Crystal Lake Quadrangle Pig. 5 - Location of boring HCH 43N8E-30.1d - 21 - DRILLING RECORD FOR MCH 43N8E-30.1d Surface elevation: 900 ft Date started: 8-15-62 Date completed: 10-17-62 Boring method: Hollow auger (0-101 ft) Hammer weight: 140 pounds Hammer drop: 30 inches Rotary (101-192.5 ft) 475 pounds 36 inches Samples Depth (1"=10') Description of material No. Type Depth (ft; Recov- ery (in.) Local wash or trans- located till, silt, sandy, gray to brown 11.0 Sand, silty, gray, fine to medium; a few pebbles 18.0 Till - sand, silty, gray; trace clay and gravel 28.0 Till - clay, silt, sand, pinkish gray-brown; a few pebbles; grades more pebbly with depth 1 2S 4.5- 6.0 6 2 2S 9.5- 11.0 12 3 SS 14.5- 16.0 8 4 SS 19.5- 21.0 8 5 2S 24.5- 26.0 2 6 SS 29.5- 31.0 5 7 SS 34.5- 36.0 11 8 SS 39.5- 41.0 13 9 SS 44.5- 46.0 15 10 SS 49.5- 51.0 7 11 SS 54.5- 56.0 7 12 2S 59.5- 61.0 10 13 2S 64.5- 66.0 18 14 2S 69.5- 71.0 18 15 2S 74.5- 76.0 18 16 2S 79.5- S1.0 14 17 SS 84.5- 86.0 14 18 SS 89.5- 91.0 9 19 SS 94.5- 96.0 17 20 SS 99.5-101.0 18 Blows/ 18" drop hammer Q u MC 5 29 24 12 18 12 19 3.1 10.9 16 2.0 11.5 16 2.3 10.8 12 0.7 14.6 14 0.5 13.5 25 1.2 20 1.7 12.0 30 2.4 11.3 42 4.1 10.0 31 25 2.2 10.9 22 3.3 11.5 30 4.1 11.0 25 3.9 11.4 (Continued) - 22 DRILLING RECORD FOR MCH 43N8E-30.1d - Continued Depth (l"=10')i Description of material Samp lea **6&r± bTovsTTs"" Depth ery drop No. Type (ft) (in.) hammer (^ MC (Description on preceding page) 21 2S 105.0-106.5 4 22 2S 110.0-111.5 19 61 5.1 9.3 23 2S 115.0-116.5 19 70 2.8 11.0 24 2S 120.0-121.5 18 3.6 11.7 25 2S 125.0-126.5 4 35 26 2S 130.0-131.5 18 31 4.1 11.4 27 2S 135.0-136.5 8 32 10.7 28 2S 140.0-141.5 17 34 2.2 14.4 29 2S 145.0-146.5 7 32 4.6 11.3 30 2S 150.0-151.5 16 98 5.2 8.5 31 2S 155.0-156.5 18 34 5.2 10.5 32 2S 160.0-161.5 19 40 3.4 10.8 33 2S 165.0-166.5 17 75 34 2S 170.0-171.5 18 70 35 2S 175.0-176.5 19 44 36 2S 180.0-181.5 20 34 37 23 185.0-186.5 18 42 3.5 38 189 -192.5 Cut tii igs (Continued) 23 DRILLING RECORD FOR MCH 43N8E-30.1d - Continued Depth | (1"=10'); Description of material Samples Recov- Blows/ 18" Depth ery drop No. Type (ft) (in.) hammer Q u MC (Description on page 21) 158.0 1S5.0 Till - silt, clayey, gray; traces of sand and gravel 171.0 173.0 Silt, sandy, gray Clay, silty to silt, clayey, green-gray; traces of sand and fine gravel 189.0 192.5 i ** , Bottom of hole @ 192.5' * Peat, sedimentary to fibrous, red-brown to black, grading near bottom to black organic silt ** Bedrock, dolomite, white to green-white or vuggy tan; 1' white dolomitic clay on top - 24 - SIZE DISTRIBUTION DATA FOR MCH 43N8E-30.1d Cobesive Materials Size distribu tion of portioi i < 2.0 mm Sample % > 2.0 mm % ^. 2 .0 mm 7. >.062 mm 7o > .004 mm 1 < .004 mm Density 3 3.0 97.0 45 45 10 4 11.0 89.0 50 38 12 7 12.0 88.0 34 41 25 2.43 8 7.0 93.0 36 39 25 9 6.0 94.0 36 39 25 2.36 10 6.0 94.0 51 33 16 11 7.0 93.0 34 41 25 2.30 12 4.0 96.0 35 37 28 13 4.0 96.0 36 37 27 2.34 14 4.0 96.0 34 33 33 15 3.0 97.0 36 35 29 2.42 16 40.0 60.0 62 23 15 2.27 17 6.0 94.0 41 34 25 2.36 18 7.0 93.0 36 35 29 19 8.0 92.0 35 38 27 2.40 20 3.0 97.0 36 35 29 22 5.0 95.0 35 35 30 23 4.0 96.0 36 35 29 2.33 24 8.0 92.0 35 39 26 26 3.0 97.0 33 38 29 2.35 27 5.0 95.0 34 38 28 28 12.0 88.0 34 39 27 2.40 29 3.0 97.0 34 37 29 30 3.0 97.0 38 37 25 2.39 31 2.0 98.0 36 37 27 32 3.0 97.0 30 43 27 2.39 35 2.0 98.0 24 50 26 36 0.0 100.0 21 45 34 2.23 37 0.0 100.0 2 63 35 25 - R 6 E 31 r \ n YiSS l 32 V 33 ~Vfc ^r 2.0 mm % .062 mm 7. > of portion • .004 mm % < 2.0 mm < .004 mm Density 15 B 3.6 96.4 33 37 30 16 9.0 91.0 26 36 38 2.35 18 11.0 89.0 80 14 6 19 6.0 94.0 38 35 27 2.46 22 8.5 91.5 46 40 14 23 12.0 88.0 62 22 16 2.42 24 8.0 92.0 42 34 24 2.50 Noncohesive Materials 4 9 16 Pei centa 24 32 R*i retained o.i 42 60 sieve Sample 8C 115 170 Pan 3 3.7 12.5 17.5 11.4 21.2 17.6 9.4 3.8 1.6 0.4 0.9 6 15.0 9.6 9.2 8.0 15.7 21.0 15.6 4.1 1.1 0.2 0.5 13 12.0 2.3 5.5 10.4 32.3 16.5 11.4 3.4 1.0 0.4 4.G 20 0.1 0.4 0.5 0.3 0.6 2.2 20.2 25.5 23.8 10.9 15.5 21 3.7 0.6 0.6 0.1 0.6 1.2 19.1 40.3 20.6 5.3 7.9 22 1.9 0.7 0.3 0.0 0,0 1.2 20.1 27.5 22.2 10.2 15.9 - 29 R 6 E Location Detail 250' E of E edge of bridge over North Branch Kishwaukee River 12' S of Streit Road 12' S, 1850» E of NW , sec. 15 c Harvard Quadrangle Fig. 7 - Location of boring MCH 45N6E-15.6h - 30 - DRILLING RECORD FOR MCH 45N6E-15.6h Surface elevation: 910 ft Date started: 8-28-62 Date completed: 10-5-62 Boring method: Hollow auger (0-101 ft) Hammer weight: 140 pounds Hammer drop: 30 inches Rotary (101-134 ft) 475 pounds 36 inches Depth (r'-lO 1 )! Description of material 3.0 Road fill Samples No. Depth Type (ft) Recov- Blows/ 18" ery drop (in.) hammer O Clay, organic, black to gray, i 2 fibrous 3 10.0 - Gravel, sandy, gray, fine to coarse, little silt, grades finer at 20' (fine to coarse sand) 21.5 Till - sand, silty, brown to gray, slightly pink; little c lay; pebb ly; sand pockets _2iJ5_ 37.5 42.5 Silt, stratified; sand, very fine, gray; peat and organic seams Clay, sandy, dark blue -gray, sticky I Till - silty sand to sand I silt clay, light gray; fine to medium sandy gravel layers and pockets; cohesive, trace clay 4 ! 5 I 6 7 8 9 ;io In i i 12 i 113 14 15 16 17 !l8 19 20 2S 2S 2S 2S SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS 2S 2S 2S 2S 2S 2S 2S 2S 4.5- 6. 9.5-11, 14.5-16, 19.5-21, 21.0-22, 24.5-26, 29.5-31, 32.0-33, 34.5-36, 39.5-41, 44.5-46, 49.5-51, 54.5-56. 59.5-61. 64.5-66. 69.5-71. 74.5-76. 79.5-81. 84.5-86. 89.5-91. 4 18 6 18 12 12 5 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 3 31 30 12 8 8 30 23 18 8 7 30 32 43 37 29 33 37 35 57 1.7 4.0 4.1 4.1 2.5 3.4 4.2 MC 0.8 72.0 1.0 11.2 0.8 10.1 59.0 0.8 17.3 10.4 11.2 10.1 10.1 9.9 10.2 11.1 (Continued) - 31 - DRILLING RECORD FOR MCH 45N6E-15.6h - Continued Depth (1»=10«) Description of material Samples No. Recov- Blows ll8 ,r ~ Depth ery drop Type (ft) (in.) hammer Q u MC i(Description on preceding t page) 103.0 , 21 22 123 I i i 24 L 5 1 26 i 27 i i28 I 29 2S 94.5- 96.0 10 2S 99.5-101.0 18 2S 105.0 106.5 19 2S 110.0-111.5 19 2S 115.0-116.5 2S 120.0-121.5 5 2S 125.0-126.5 2S 130.0-131.5 64 46 3.0 11.9 40 2.7 4.8 12.8 47 4.2 124 127 148 130.5-134.0 Cuttings Till - clay, silty, gray- brown; trace of sand and gravel 113.0 122.0 Boulder bed jTill - sand, silty, brown; j trace of clay and a little | gravel, cobbles, boulders 130.5 134.0 ! Bottom of hole @ 134.0' * Bedrock, dolomite, gray to white to white -green; trace of pyrite and chert; thin bed of white -green shale at 131' 32 - SIZE DISTRIBUTION DATA FOR MCH 45N6E-15.6h Cohesive Materials % > 2.0 mm "U < 2.0 mm Size distribution of i portion < 2.0 mm Sample % > .062 mm % > .004 mm 7 < .004 mm 5 7.0 93.0 49 34 17 6 14.0 86.0 50 38 12 7 0.4 99.7 41 54 5 10 0.3 99.7 44 30 26 13 6.0 94.0 39 43 18 14 3.3 96.7 31 41 28 15 5.0 95.0 43 38 19 16 6.0 94.0 43 35 22 17 36.8 63.2 54 29 17 18 8.0 92.0 47 34 19 19 5.0 95.0 38 36 26 21 4.0 96.0 36 34 30 22 4.0 96.0 30 34.5 35.5 23 3.1 96.9 23 35 42 24 2.0 98.0 22 37 41 26 10.0 90.0 43 43 14 28 44.6 55.4 48 34 18 Noncohesive Materials Sample 4 Percentage retained on sieve 16 24 32 42 60 80 115 170 Pan 2 63.2 9.9 5.4 1.6 3.6 4.0 2.0 4.1 1.5 0.8 3.7 3 24.9 19.5 9.6 6.2 10.7 10.3 9.4 4.5 3.0 1.9 0.0 33 - R 7 E 30 / 45 N / 31 28 32 \ 33 N Location Detail 896' E of cen. line of Illinois 47 18' N of cen. line of Ware Road 18» N, 1800' W of SB , sec. 29 c Woodstock Quadrangle Fig. 8 - Location of boring MCH 45N7E-29.3a - 34 - DRILLING RECORD FOR MCH 45N7E-29.3a Surface elevation: 885 ft Date started: 8-28-62 Date completed: 10-4-62 Boring method: Hollow auger (0-101 ft) Hammer weight: 140 pounds Hammer drop: 30 inches Rotary (101-169 ft) 475 pounds 36 inches Depth (l'^lO 1 ) 1 Description of material Samples Recov- Blows/ 18" Depth ery drop No. Type (ft) (in.) hammer Q u 53.0 Gravel, sandy, brown, clean, fine to medium Sand, gray, fine to medium 8 2S 9 2S 10 2S 11 2S 12 2S 13 2S 14 SS 15 SS 16 SS 17 SS 18 SS 19 SS SS 19.5-21.0 22.0-23.5 24.5-26.0 27.0-28.5 29.5-31.0 32.0-33.5 34.5-36.0 39.5-41.0 44.5-46.0 49.5-51.0 54.5-56.0 59.5-61.0 64.5-66.0 18 18 18 8 18 10 10 6 6 10 4 14 61 70 22 25 26 25 56 27 27 22 28 60 29 HC 2.5 Clay, sandy, dark brown 1 2 2S 2S 2.0- 3.5 4.5- 6.0 10 17 25 16.2 Till - silt, sandy, brown; a 3 2S 7.0- 8.5 12 26 11.0 little clay; gravelly; cobbles varies to silty sand 4 2S 9.5-11.0 18 26 9.7 5 2S 12.0-13.5 18 32 9.2 6 2S 14.5-16.0 18 42 8.7 24.0 7 2S 17.0-18.5 18 54 9.7 9.5 71.0 (Continued) 35 - DRILLING RECORD FOR MCH 45N7E-29.3a - Continued Depth j (l'^lO 1 ) Description of materials j _ Samples Recov- Blows/ 18" Depth ery drop |No. Type (ft) (in.) hammer Q„ MC 21 I J22 i 23 !24 SS 69.5- SS 74.5- SS 79.5- SS 84.5- Sand, gravelly, gray, fine to : coarse 95.5 , Till - sand, silt, clay, 98.0 pin kish gr ay; sand layers Gravel, sandy, gray, fine to medium; a few cobbles 127.0 Sand, silty, gray; a little gravel and a few cobbles; thin sand lenses scattered; j trace clay 138. : Till - silt, clayey, dark > red- brown; a little sand 25 SS 89.5 26 SS 94.5 27 S3 97.0 28 SS 99.5 29 2S 105.0 30 2S 110.0 31 2S 115.0 32 2S 120.0 33 23 125.0 34 2S 130.0 35 2S 135.0 36 2S 140.0 37 2S 145.0 38 39 40 41 42 2S 150.0- 2S 155.0- 2S 160.0- 2S 165.0- 166 - 71.0 76.0 81.0 86.0 91.0 96.0 98.5 101.0 106.5 111.5 116.5 121.5 126.5 131.5 136.5 141.5 146.5 151.5 156.5 161.5 166.5 169 4 28 18 52 8 21 15 6 4 6 18 18 14 18 16 16 16 8 16 20 6 60 15 15 65 53 117 106 128 48 45 37 70 50 83 137 5.2 Cuttings 146.0 (Continued) - 36 - DRILLING RECORD FOR MCH 45N7E-29.3a - Continued Samp le s Depth (1 M =10') Description of material No. Type 153.0 165.0 Gravel, sandy, clayey; a trace of cobbles; separated from till by 1' or 2' fine gray-brown sand Till - sand, clayey, gray- brown; medium to coarse sand and gravel -lM^ nr 159.0 ! ** Bottom of hole @ 169. 1 * Sand and gravel, gray, dolomitic •* Bedrock, dolomite, white to gray-white Re c ov" Bl ows? 1 8" Depth ery drop (ft) (in.) hammer Q, MC - 37 - SIZE DISTRIBUTION DATA FOR MCH 45N7E-29.3a Cohesive Materials Size distribution of portion < 2.0 mm Sample % > 2.0 mm % < 2.0 mm % > .062 mm % > .004 mm % < .004 mm Density 1 13.0 87.0 40 39 21 3 5.0 95.0 43 37 20 4 8.0 92.0 42 42 16 2.44 5 7.0 93.0 42 39 19 6 7.0 93.0 41 39 20 7 5.0 95.0 42 41 17 2.33 8 8.0 92.0 41 40 19 27 9.0 91.0 61 20 19 33 4.0 96.0 36 36 28 34 6.0 94.0 49 35 16 35 4.0 96.0 42 47 11 2.36 36 6.0 94.0 57 29 14 39 12.0 88.0 57 28 15 2.46 40 5.0 95.0 54 30 16 41 50.0 50.0 64 36 2.43 Noncohesive Materials Percentage retained on sieve Sample 4 9 16 24 32 42 60 80 115 170 Pan 11 56.5 9.6 7.1 3.5 5.2 5.0 6.0 2.4 1.1 0.4 3.2 14 38.8 27.2 11.4 3.2 4.4 4.4 4.0 1.7 1.0 0.6 3.3 18 46.8 20.0 9.5 3.0 4.0 4.2 3.8 2.0 1.2 0.9 4.6 22 18.7 15.2 12.0 5.8 7.3 8.3 12.4 6.3 3.6 1.9 8.5 29 45.4 15.7 9.2 3.0 3.8 4.6 7.7 2.5 1.6 1.0 5.5 32 46.0 16.8 10.5 4.7 5.6 4.2 2.5 1.4 1.5 1.0 5.8 R 9 E T 45 N T 44 N {y\ SullivanX A uk ^ Location Detail 122' S of Beach Road 13' r /J of Lily Lake Road 1150 ■ E, 500' N of SW C , sec. 32 Wauconda Quadrangle Fig. 9 - Location of boring MCH 45N9E-32.7a - 39 - DRILLING RECORD FOR MCH 45N9E-32.7a Surface elevation: 760 ft Date started: 9-6-62 Date completed: 10-12-62 Boring method: Hollow auger (0-86 ft) Hammer weight: 140 pounds Hammer drop: 30 inches Rotary (86-156 ft) 475 pounds 36 inches Depth (1»=10') Description of material Samples "Recov- Blows/ 18" No. Type Depth (ft) ery (in.) drop hammer Qu MC 2.0 j Sand, clayey, dark brown 20.0 25.0 35.5 53.0 Sand, brown, fine to medium; trace gravel; stratified 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sand, gravelly, brovm, medium 7 to coarse 8 Sand, gray, fine to medium; a little gravel in lower por* tion 10 j 11 Gravel, sandy, gray, medium 39.5 to coarse; silty seams ;cobbly 12 Sand, gray, fine to coarse; interbedded with fine to coarse sandy gravel 13 14 15 16 17 18 Gravel, sandy, gray, fine to 1^9 coarse 20 2S 2S 2S 2S 2S 2S 2S 2S 2S 2S 2S SS W SS SS 2S 2S SS 2S 2S 4.5- 6.0 9.5-11.0 14.5-16.0 19.5-21.0 24.5-26.0 29.5-31.0 34.5-36.0 39.5-41.0 44.5-46.0 49.5-51.0 54.5-56.0 59.5-61.0 54.5-59.5 64.5-66.0 69.5-71.0 74.5-76.0 79.5-81.0 84. 5 '86.0 90.0-91.5 95.0-96.5 18 18 18 8 8 18 10 4 6 4 6 5 10 15 17 17 16 16 21 20 43 22 18 19 23 61 52 55 35 38 98 104 (Continued) 40 DRILLING RECORD FOR MCH 45N9E-32.7a • Continued Depth (1"=10') Description of material No, Depth Type (ft) Samples ~Re"cov^" Blows/ 18"~ ery drop (in.) hammer Q, MC (Description on preceding page) 90.0 Sand, gray, very fine; a trace to a little fine gravel near top; some wood particles found in place in sample 20 103.0 Gravel, sandy, gray; trace j of clay and silt and cobbles; clay fraction increases in 1 streaks 21 2S 100.0-101.5 2 72 22 2S 105.0-106.5 14 23 2S 110.0-111.5 12 112 24 2S 115.0-116.5 12 25 2S 120.0-121.5 10 26 2S 125.0-126.5 171 27 2S 130.0-131.5 5 158 28 2S 135.0-136.5 6 159 29 2S 140.0-141.5 8 30 23 145.0-146.5 Refu 31 2S 150.0-151.5 10 140 32 150.8-156.0 Cut tings 114.0 Sand, gray, medium; a trace to a little gravel 128.0 Boulders, sand and gravel; boulders predominantly carbonates (dolomites and some limestone) with gray- white sandy silty gravel; gravel is angular; no sort- ing apparent; thin lenses of red-brown till (sandy silty clay) (Continued) - 41 - DRILLING RECORD FOR MCH 45N9E-32.7a - Continued Description of material Samples Depth (l'^lO') Recov- Blows/18" Depth ery drop No. Type (ft) (in.) hammer Q MC u 150.8 (Description on preceding page) 156.0 Bedrock, dolomite, white to gray to green -gray, limey; beds of white chert Bottom of hole @ 156.0' - 42 - SIZE DISTRIBUTION DATA FOR MCH 45N9E-32.7a Cohesive Materials Size distribution o f portion < 2.0 mm Sample % > 2.0 mm % < 2.0 mm % > .062 mm % > .004 mm 7, ^ .004 mm 31 14.0 86.0 22 62 16 Noncohesive Materials Pe rcentage retained on sieve Sample 4 9 16 24 32 42 60 80 115 170 Pan 1 5.9 5.5 6.9 4.6 10.6 21.7 29.8 8.5 2.7 0.9 2.9 2 0.0 0.2 0.3 0.3 1.0 4.4 22.6 30.8 22.9 9.5 8.0 3 16.5 8.0 11.1 7.5 15.0 19.1 16.0 3.7 1.3 0.4 1.4 4 24.6 18.1 13.8 5.8 8.4 10.4 9.5 3.0 1.3 0.9 4.2 5 77.0 8.6 4.7 1.6 1.9 1.6 1.4 0.5 0.3 0.3 2.1 6 2.0 3.9 3.6 1.5 2.7 5.1 18.2 25.4 20.4 9.1 8.1 7 16.2 7.2 9.7 4.6 7.1 9.3 13.6 10.8 7.9 4.2 9.4 9 0.0 3.7 12.4 7.1 13.1 21.2 28.5 10.1 3.3 0.6 0.0 10 0.4 14.4 33.3 14.4 16.2 10.2 6.2 2.3 1.3 0.5 0.8 11 0.0 15.4 27.8 13.4 19.3 13.8 6.8 2.0 0.8 0.3 0.4 12 53.8 12.2 11.0 4.8 6.9 5.2 3.0 0.9 0.6 0.3 1.3 14 50.5 19.5 9.3 3.2 3.8 3.2 2.6 1.6 1.4 1.1 3.8 15 50.3 20.2 12.9 4.2 4.4 2.7 1.9 0.9 0.8 0.4 1.3 17 0.0 4.7 16.6 6.1 9.0 23.9 22.2 12.6 3.7 0.7 0.5 18 17.3 0.5 2.0 3.0 10.0 19.4 22.0 9.8 5.0 2.4 8.6 19 1.9 2.3 1.7 1.2 3.1 5.8 8.8 21.5 34.1 10.7 8.9 20 0.9 0.4 1.3 1.6 17.9 26.6 26.4 11.5 7.6 2.8 3.0 21 41.7 1.8 1.7 0.9 3.3 8.6 15.9 8.6 6.2 2.9 8.4 22 21.3 12.8 16.1 7.8 9.9 8.2 8.3 4.4 3.1 1.8 6.3 23 44.9 12.2 8.0 2.9 4.4 4.5 5.7 4.0 3.4 2.0 8.0 24 21.8 6.0 11.7 7.2 12.8 13.5 12.4 4.9 2.8 1.6 5.3 25 70.0 9.2 4.6 1.6 5.9 1.5 1.5 0.9 0.8 0.6 3.4 27 59.7 13.7 6.5 2.3 3.4 2.8 2.8 1.7 1.4 1.0 4.7 28 21.1 21.4 15.5 5.3 6.1 4.5 4.4 2.9 2.9 2.3 13.6 29 45.6 23.0 11.6 3.2 3.0 2.2 2.0 1.4 1.3 1.1 5.6 32 18.1 45.2 32.6 1.8 0.6 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.9 43 - R 4 E 17' Nof cen. line of York Road 146' W of cen. line of /Jhite Oaks Road 17* N, 2800' W of SE , sec. 7 c Harvard Quadrangle Fig. 10 - Location of boring MCH 46N5E-7.5a - 44 - DRILLING RECORD FOR MCH 46N5E-7.5a Surface elevation: 975 ft Date started: 8-9-62 Date completed: 9-10-62 Boring method: Hollow auger (0-101 ft) Hammer weight: 140 pounds Hammer drop: 30 inches Rotary (101-475 ft) 475 pounds 36 inches Depth (1"=10') Description of material Samples No, Recov- Depth ery Type (ft) (in.) Clay, silty, light brown, mottled with gray (local 5.5 wash) 13.0 37.5 Till - sand, silty, red- brown; occasional cobble; pebbles*, trace clay Till - sand, yellow-brown, silty and pebbly; a few clean wet layers (6 M ); occasional cobble Till - sand to silty sand, gray, compact; layers of clean sand; trace clay 1 2 I 3 I i 4 -i |s ! 6 ! 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 I 17 18 19 2S 5.0- 6.5 2S 10.0-11.5 2S 15.0-16.5 2S 20.0-21.5 2S 25.0-26.5 2S 30.0-31.5 2S 35.0-36.5 2S 40.0-41.5 2S 45.0-46.5 2S 50.0-51.5 SS 52.5-54.0 SS 55.0-56.5 SS 60.0-61.5 SS 65.0-66.5 SS 70.0-71.5 SS 75.0-76.5 SS 80.0-81.5 SS 85.0-86.5 SS 90.0-91.5 SS 95.0-96.5 12 Blows/18" drop hammer O MC 16 8 0.6 73.0 8 14 12.2 10 32 14 41 10.8 8 59 18 140 12 60/12" 14 50/14" 16 175/16" 4.5+ 7.7 12 100/12" 13 116/14" 18 104 4.5 6 118 15 150/15" 4.4 9.3 18 200 4.6 9.8 12 230/12" 3.3 10.3 18 118 5.2 8.2 12 12 35 200 (Continued) 45 - DRILLING RECORD FOR MCH 46N5E-7.5a - Continued . Samples Recov- Blows/ 18" Depth • Depth ery drop (1"=10') Description of material No. Typ e (ft) (in.) hammer % MC 21 SS 18 155 22 2S 105.0-106.5 6 (Description on preceding 23 2S 110.0-111.5 page) 24 23 115.0-116.5 5.2 25 2S 120.0-121.5 14 104 5.2+ 8.0 38J3 26 27 2S 2S 125.0-126.5 120.0-131.5 12 10 134 137 3.4 5.2 19.4 16.6 28 2S, 135.0-136.5 18 76 18.3 Sand and gravel, gray; layers of fine sand inter- 29 23 140.0-141.5 18 85 3.8 19.1 bedded with fine to coarse gravel, cobbles, few silty 30 2S 145.0-146.5 18 81 3.3 18.6 layers 31 2S 150.0-151.5 18 87 4.1 17.3 32 23 155.0-156.5 18 90 4.8 36.0 113.0 33 34 2S 2S 160.0-161.5 165.0-166.5 18 18 77 3.4 20.6 Sand, silty, gray-brown; 35 2S 170.0-171.5 18 88 19.8 gravel lenses; trace clay 36 2S 175.0-176.5 10 97 21.0 37 2S 180.0-181.5 18 75 2.9 9.7 126.0 38 2S 185.0-186.5 12 117 2.5 10.6 39 2S 190.0-191.5 12 Silt, clayey, gray; speckled and massive to stratified 40 2S 195.0-196.5 18 115 4.8 9.7 with seams of very fine sand; massive tends to have 41 2S 200.0-201.5 3 30 i more clay 42 23 205.0-206.5 18 10.6 ' 43 2S 210.0-211.5 12 5.2+ 13.8 (Continued) - 46 - DRILLING RECORD FOR MCH 46N5E-7.5a - Continued Description of material i Samples Depth (1"=10') No. Recov- Depth ery Type (ft) (in.) Blows/ 18" drop hammer r V MC i 44 28 215.0-216.5 18 162 9.8 1 45 28 220.0-221.5 14 210 5.2+ 13.8 • 46 2S 225.0-226.5 12 191 (Description on preceding page) 47 48 28 28 230.0-231.5 235.0-236.5 12 12 115 212 3.8 19.1 49 28 240.0-241.5 14 188 • 50 28 245.0-246.5 12 178 51 2S 250.0-251.5 10 176.0 52 53 54 55 2S 2S 2S 28 255.0-256.0 260.0-261.0 265.0-266.0 270.0-271.5 8 8 4 12 . Till - silt, clayey, gray- brown, stiff; some sand and medium gravel; also contains sand seams, silt seams, and cobble layers 55A 2S 56 2S 57 2S 58 2S 275.0-276.5 280.0-281.5 285.0-286.5 290.0-291.5 16 18 6 12 151 132 173 5.2+ 5.2+ 5.2+ 8.2 7.4 7.8 59 2S 295.0-296.5 14 184 5.2+ 8.0 60 2S 300.0-301.5 18 5.2+ 7.6 210.0 61 62 63 64 2S 2S 2S 2S 305.0-304.5 310.0-311.5 315.0-316.5 320.0-321.5 16 16 16 12 93 5.2+ 5.2+ 5.2+ 8.8 Silt, dark brown; trace of sand and fine gravel, also found in lenses; silt, both massive and stratified 8.6 i 65 2S 325.0-326.5 18 83 5.2+ 9.6 (Co ntinued) - 47 DRILLING RECORD FOR MCH 46N5E-7.5a - Continued Samples Recov- Blows/ 18" Depth Depth ery drop (l'^lO 1 ) Description of material No. Type (ft) (in.) hammer Q MC 66 2S 330.0-331.5 18 202 5.2+ 9.3 (Description on preceding 67 2S 335.0-336.5 12 114 page) 68 2S 340.0-341.5 3 102 236.0 69 70 2S 2S 345.0-346.5 350.0-351.5 8 18 191 132 5.2+ 71 2S 355.0-356.5 18 120 . 72 2S 360.0-361.5 10 184 Sand, brown, stratified, 73 2S 365.0-366.5 6 becoming coarser with depth 74 2S 370.0-371.5 14 75 2S 375.0-376.5 14 173 76 2S 380.0-381.5 3 260.0 » 77 78 2S 2S 385.0-386.5 390.0-391.5 14 10 121 Gravel, sandy, coarse; trace 88 265 clay and silt 1 79 2S 395.0-396.5 10 126 100 142 276.0 290.0 Sand, pink-brown, very fine, 180 2S 400.0-401.5 16 round to subrounded, frosted and predominantly quartz; 81 2S 405.0-406.5 8 trace of gravel. 182 2S 405 -410 Cuttings J83 2S 415.0-416.5 8 231 84 2S 415 -420 Cuttings 85 2S 425.0-426.5 4 86 2S 425 -430 Cuttings 87 2S 435.0-436.5 6 234 188 2S 441.0-442.5 8 185 (Continued) :Till - silt, sandy, pink- brown, hard; trace of clay 48 - DRILLING RECORD FOR MCH 46N5E-7.5a - Continued Depth (1"=10') Description of material Till - silt, sandy, pink- brown; trace of fine gravel; percent of gravel increasing with depth 350.0 354.0 Samp le s Recov- Blows/lS 71 " No. Type Depth (ft) ery (in.) drop hammer % MC 89 2S 441 -447 Cuttings 90 2S 447.0-448.5 16 238 91 2S 452.0-453.5 14 237 92 2S 453 -455 Cuttings 93 2S 460.0-461.5 7/3" 284 94 2S 460.5-465 Cuttings 95 2S 470.0-471.5 12 216 96 2S 473.5-475.5 Cuttings Gravel, sandy, coarse, very poorly sorted; angular granules underlain by medium sand, wail sorted; sandy gravel becoming coarser at 375'; large ';cbblas of linestone present in lower part 7.9 * Sand, silty, dark gray, hard; trace of clay and gravel; several wood particles found (buried soil) (Continued) - 49 - DRILLING RECORD FOR MCH 46N5E-7.5a - Continued Depth (1"=10') Sa mples Recov- Blows/ 18" Description of material Silt, gray-buff, stratified; Ismail lenses of sand present; ,highly calcareous; occasional j fibers and black organic streaks No. Type Depth (ft) ery (in.) drop hammer 402.0 406.0 Gravel, sandy, coarse, gray- brown; interbedded with fine to coarse sand; trace silt Silt, brown; trace of clay 412.0 435.0 Gravel, coarse; cobbles, gray- brown; some medium sand and trace of silt and clay ~ 440.0 Sand, silt, clay, very fine; cobble or gravel beds Gravel, cobbles, silt, alternating beds; some clay; also beds of fine sand u MC (Continued) 50 - DRILLING RECORD FOR MCH 46N5E-7.5a - Continued Depth i (l"=10')l Description of material No. Type Depth (ft) Samples Recov- Blows/ 18" ery drop (in.) hammer Q u MC I (Description on preceding 455,0 P a S e > 45S.0 ' Boulder bed Silt, gray-brown, hard; trace very fine sand 470.0 | Till - clay, silt, sand, 473.5 | medium brown, very hard 475.0 i* I Bottom of hole @ 475.0' * Bedrock - dolomite, gray, brown, vugular, some chert - 51 - SIZE DISTRIBUTION DATA FOR MCH 46N5E-7.5a Cohesive Materials Size distribution of portion < 2.0 mm Sample % > 2.0 mm % < 2.0 mm % > .062 ram % > .004 mm % .004 mm Density 1 1.0 99.0 48 30 22 2 5.0 95,0 ; 43 37 20 3 6.0 94.0 40 39 21 4 9.0 91.0 59 37 4 5 7.0 93.0 44 50 6 6A 30.0 70.0 69 24 7 2.41 6B 8.8 91.2 55 35 10 7 0.1 99.9 63 36 1 9 12.0 88.0 47 36 17 11 30.0 70.0 60 29 11 12 15.0 85.0 49 39 12 13 9.0 91.0 46 29 25 15 8.6 91.4 49 32 19 2.45 16 9.1 90.9 46 37 17 2.44 17 2.7 97.3 31 50 19 2.49 18 5.7 94.3 30 51 19 22 51.0 49.0 64 29 7 2.60 24 3.2 96.8 31 37 32 2.43 25 0.1 99.9 54 27 19 26 0.0 100.0 . 1 66 33 2.26 27 0.0 100.0 64 36 2.25 29 0.0 100.0 61 39 2.24 30 0.0 100.0 49 51 2.06 31 0.0 100.0 1 38 61 2.49 32 0.0 100.0 44 56 2.19 33 0.0 100.0 53 47 2.24 34 0.0 100.0 1 81 18 2.13 35 2.0 98.0 15 60 25 2.17 36 3.0 97.0 14 73 13 2.23 37 8.0 92.0 41 47 12 2.45 38 7.0 93.0 43 45 12 39 0.0 100.0 41 54 5 40 3.0 97.0 32 36 32 42 4.0 96.0 33 33 34 2.39 43 5.0 . 95.0 30 40 30 44 6.6 93.4 47 33 20 2o42 45 0.0 100.0 3 50 47 2.31 46 0.0 100.0 15 56 29 2.15 47 0.0 100.0 1 51 48 2.14 48 0.0 10C.G 18 (Continued) 64 18 2.22 52 - SIZE DISTRIBUTION DATA FOR MCH 46N5E-7.5a - Continued Cohesive Materials - Continued Size distribution of porti on <2.0 mm Sample % > 2 .0 mm % -^ 2 . mm 7o >.062 mm % > .004 mm % .004 mm Density 55A 2.3 97.7 54 27 19 56 3.0 97.0 57 24 19 2.44 58 3.0 97.0 49 25 26 2.43 59 6.0 94.0 50 27 23 60 2.0 98.0 48 27 25 2.43 61 8.2 91.8 44 30 26 62 3.0 97.0 45 24 31 2.40 63 3.0 97.0 45 29 26 64 5.6 94.4 45 29 26 2.39 65 4.0 96.0 43 30 27 66 2.0 98.0 44 29 27 2.30 69 3.8 96.2 56 35 9 70 2.0 98.0 26 52 22 2.31 73 42.6 57.4 58 30 12 79 0.0 100.0 44 41 15 93 0.1 99.9 5 83 12 95 3.0 97,0 56 30 14 2.41 Noncohesive Materials Percentage retained on sieve S ample 4 16 24 32 42 60 80 115 170 Pan 8 9.0 2.0 4.0 2.5 6.0 14.0 29.5 16.0 9.0 4.0 4.0 20 25.2 12.0 8.0 3.0 6.0 8.0 11.0 7.0 5.5 3.0 11.3 50 8.5 8.0 12.0 6.5 13.0 16.5 15.0 8.0 4.5 2.0 6.0 53 34.5 25.5 11.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 3.5 2.0 2.0 1.0 8.5 73 11.0 6.0 2.5 2.0 10.0 24.0 24.0 8.0 3.5 2.0 7.0 75 46.0 13.0 9.0 3.5 4.5 5.0 4.0 2.5 2.0 2.0 8.5 83 41.5 9.0 5.5 2.0 8.0 11.0 8.5 4.5 2.5 1.5 6.0 85 54.5 14.5 9.0 2.5 2.5 2.0 2.0 1.5 2.0 1.5 8.0 90 0.3 0.3 1.0 1.0 3.0 11.5 27.2 18.0 11.5 6.2 20.0 - 53 - R 17 E Location Detail 75' E of cen. line of Reese Road 18' S of cen. line of Hebron Road 2500' W, 2500' N of SE , sec. 8 Harvard Quadrangle Big. 11 - Location of boring MCH 46N6E-8.4d 54 - DRILLING RECORD FOR MCK 46N6E-8.4d Surface elevation: 1160 ft Date started: 8-13-62 Date completed: 9-18-62 Boring method: Hollow auger (0-101 ft) Hammer weight: 140 pounds Hammer drop: 30 inches Rotary (101-332.5 ft) 475 pounds 36 inches Samples Recov- Blows/ 18" Depth Depth ery drop (1"=10») Description of material No. Type (ft) (in.) hammer Qu MC 1 2S 2.0- 3.5 6 25 13.5 2 2S 4.5- 6.0 18 16 0.6 12.2 Till - sand, brown, silty; trace clay; some gravel and 3 2S 7.0- 8.5 18 36 0.5 5.6 cobbles 4 2S 9.5-11.0 14 36 9.3 17.0 5 6 7 2S 2S 2S 12.0-13.5 14.5-16.0 17.0-18.5 18 6 18 31 38 25 0.7 9.3 22.0 Till - sand, gray, silty; trace clay; some gravel and cobbles 8 2S 19.5-21.0 18 25 9 2S 22.0-23.5 18 16 11.7 10 2S 24.5-26.0 18 20 1.8 11.0 Till - sand, silt, clay, 11 2S 27.0-28.5 18 22 1.3 10.4 reddish gray-brown, pebbly 12 2S 29.5-31.0 18 21 1.3 10.4 13 2S 32.0-33.5 18 20 2.1 11.5 14 2S 34.5-36.0 18 22 2.0 15 2S 37.0-38.5 6 37 51.5 Sand, gray, fine to medium, 16 2S 39.5-41.0 18 19 2.3 11.0 clean, well graded; silt lenses 17 2S 42.0-43.5 18 25 2.5 50.0 18 2S Till - sand, silty, pinkish gray-brown; pebbles; a little 19 2S clay 20 2S 44.5 47.0 49.5 (Continued) •46.0 ■48.5 ■51.0 18 18 18 23 24 21 2.3 2.5 3.6 10.2 10.3 55 - DRILLING RECORD FOR MCH 46N6E-8.4d - Continued ■ :■■'' Samples Recov- Blows/ 18" depth (I'VLO') Description of material No. Depth ery Type (ft) (in.) drop hammer Qu MC ' 21 2S 52.0- 53.5 18 25 22 2S 54.5- 56.0 12 19 (Description on preceding page) 23 SS 59.5- 61.0 13 25 1.5 10.^ 24 SS 62.0- 63.5 15 21 1.1 11.4 81.5 25 26 SS SS 64.5- 66.0 67.0- 68.5 17 2 26 24 1.6 10.4 27 SS 69.5- 71.0 2 55 28 SS 72.0- 73.5 14 27 1.1 10 r 2 29 SS 74.5- 76.0 8 17 30 SS 77.0- 78.5 11 15 1.3 10.2 ■ ■ 31 SS 79.5- 81.0 24 32 SS 82.0- 83.5 13 16 1.7 8.3 33 SS 84.5- 86.0 14 17 1.3 11.7 Till - sand, silt, clay, pinkish gray- brown; a few 34 SS 87.0- 88.5 18 18 1.3 10.8 pebbles; a few silt lenses 35 SS 89.5- 91.0 18 19 1.3 10.4 36 SS $2.0- 93.5 6 17 0.8 11.2 37 SS 94.5- 96.0 18 18 1.1 10.9 38 SS 97.0- 98.5 1 22 39 SS 99.5-101.0 15 40 2S 105.0-106.5 14 32 4.0 10.3 41 110.0-112.5 Cuttings 42 2S 115.0-116.5 18 29 3.3 145.0 (Continued) - 56 - DRILLING RECORD FOR MCH 46N6E-8.4d - Continued j Samples Re cov- Blows/18" Depth (1 M =10') Description of material No. Depth e Type (ft) (1 ry drop n.) hammer Q u MC Till - silt, clayey, brown; some sand and cobbles 43 115 -120 Cuttings 152.0 44 45 2S 125.0-126.5 126.0-130 2 5 Cuttings Silt, gray, very hard 159.0 ! 46 47 2S 135.0-136.5 140.0-142.5 18 23 r Cuttings 3.1 9.4 . 48 2S 145.0-146.5 16 32 2.3 11.0 49 150.0-152.5 Cuttings 50 2S 155.0-156.5 17 178 51 160.0-162.5 Cuttings 52 2S 165.0-166.5 15 36 2.5 10.7 . 53 170.0-172.5 Cuttings 54 2S 175.0-176.5 9 19 2.3 11.0 Till - sand, silt, clay, red-brown, soft; few cobbles, 55 180.0-182.5 Cuttings gravel size, and quantity increasing with depth 56 57 2S 185.0-186.5 190.0-192.5 16 25 Cuttings 2.9 10.7 58 2S 195.0-196.5 13 28 59 200.0-202.5 Cuttings 60 2S 205.0-206.5 17 34 3.2 12.4 61 210.0-212.5 Cuttings 62 2S 215.0-216.5 16 45 5.2+ 10.1 63 220.0-222.5 Cuttings 64 2S 225.0-226.5 18 39 4.7 10.2 65 230.0-232.5 Cuttings (Co Qtinued) - 57 - DRILLING RECORD FOR MCH 46N6E-8.4d - Continued Depth (1"=10«) Description of material (Description on preceding page) Samples Recov- Blows/18" Depth ery drop No. Type (ft) (in.) hammer Q u MC 66 2S 235.0-236.5 18 32/12" 3.1 67 2S 240.0-241.5 19 62 4.0 10.4 68 245.0-247.5 Cuttings 69 2S 250.0-251.5 17 58 5.1 10.9 70 255.0-257.5 Cuttings 71 2S 260.0-261.5 6 35 72 265.0-267.5 Cuttings 73 2S 270.0-271.5 14 65 5.2+ 10.0 74 2S 275.0-276.5 19 65 5.2+ 9.2 75 280.0-282.5 Cuttings 76 2S 285.0-286.5 18 56 5.2+ 10.0 77 290.0-292.5 Cuttings 78 2S 295.0-296.5 20 69 4.4 9.1 79 2S 300.0-301.5 17 4.4 9.8 80 2S 305.0-306.5 17 69 4.0 81 310.0-312.5 Cuttings 82 2S 313.0-314.5 13 105 83 2S 318.0-319.5 16 59 84 2S 323.0-324.5 6 201 85 23 329.0-329.5 6 159 86 329 -331 Cuttings (Continued) 58 DRILLING RECORD FOR MCH 46N6E-8.4d - Continued Depth (1"=10') Description of material No. Type Depth (ft) Samples Recov- Blows/ 18" ery drop (in.) hammer Q„ MC (Description on page 56) 313.0 Sand and silty clay beds, alternating; silty clay bed 313.0 2' 1 thick; 5* sand-beds Silt and clay beds, strati- ,„ n fied, gray to dark gray; thin 322.0 | very fine sand beds 325.0 l Till - clay, silt, sand, 329.5 tmff brown; gravel Bedrock - limestone, dolomi- 332.5 t ic, gra y-white, fossil iferousl Bottom of hole @ 332. 5 1 Sand, gray-brown, fine to coarse; contains gravel and cobbles, fragmental - 59 - SIZE DISTRIBUTION DATA FOR MCH 46N6E-8.4d Cohesive Materials Size distribv ition of portion < 2.0 mm Sample % ^2.0 ram % ^2.0 mm % >.062 mm % > .004 mm % < . 004 mm Density 1 11.0 89.0 53 41 6 2 11.0 89.0 55 37 8 3 10.0 90.0 58 35 7 4 16.0 84.0 54 35 11 5 7.0 93.0 57 35 8 6 8.0 92.0 52 38 10 7 21.0 79.0 69 25 6 2.48 8 13.0 87.0 57 31 12 9 5.0 95.0 36 38 26 2.38 10 5.0 95.0 40 35 25 11 6.0 94.0 45 36 19 12 8.0 92.0 42 35 23 13 6.0 94.0 39 39 22 2.40 14 5.0 95.0 40 36 24 15 4.0 96.0 38 37 25 16 6.0 94.0 38 38 24 17 7.0 93.0 36 39 25 2.34 18 7.0 93.0 39 40 21 19 3.0 97.0 37 36 27 20 11.0 89.0 37 39 24 2.36 23 7.0 93.0 36 40 24 2.44 24 4.0 96.0 37 36 27 25 4.0 96.0 37 36 27 2.21 28 8.0 92.0 42 36 22 29 20.0 80.0 48 38 14 30 2.0 98.0 37 39 24 2.37 32 4.0 96.0 34 41 25 33 6.0 94.0 38 40 22 2.39 34 5.0 95.0 37 37 26 35 5.0 95.0 36 41 23 37 8.0 92.0 37 36 27 2.38 40 7.0 93.0 37 36 27 2.41 42 4.0 96.0 21.5 59.5 19 2.34 46 11.0 89.0 37 36 27 48 8.0 92.0 34 41 25 2.36 50 4.0 96.0 37 40 23 52 7.0 93.0 34 40 26 2.42 54 5.0 95.0 36 36 28 2.42 56 3.0 97.0 34 38 28 2.40 58 3.0 97.0 36 (Continued) 39 25 50 - SIZE DISTRIBUTION DATA FOR MCH 46N6E-8.4d - Continued Cohesive Materials - Continued Si ze distribution of portion < 2.0 mm Sample % > 2.0 ram % ^ 2.0 ram % > .062 mm % > .004 mm % < .004 mm Density 60 5.0 95.0 34 41 25 2.38 62 3.0 97.0 36 38 26 2.38 64 4.0 96.0 36 34 30 2.38 66 4.0 96.0 35 42 23 2.39 67 3.0 97.0 36 38 26 2.44 69 3.0 97.0 36 34 30 2.45 71 5.0 95.0 36 35 29 2.54 73 5.0 95.0 35 42 23 2.49 74 3.0 97.0 35 42 23 2.45 76 3.0 97.0 35 39 26 2.40 78 2.0 98.0 34 42 24 79 3.0 97.0 33 44 23 80 4.0 96.0 32 38 30 2.41 Noncohesive Materials Percentage e retained on sieve Sample 4 9 16 24 32 42 60 80 115 170 Pan 82 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 1.3 9.0 17.0 29.5 16.0 11.5 15.5 84 12.0 5.0 6.5 3.0 5.0 7.0 13.0 12.5 12.5 8.0 15.5 35 4.5 6.0 7.0 3.5 5.0 6.0 9.5 10.5 9.5 8.5 30.0 .1 - R 7 E / \ '•, .' 28 \ - ■ • — -, J • / 27 y * ** 7 « ^^&> / c 5 / c / i s X 33 " x - (So V- 7 •a 2.0 mm 7 s. 2.0 mm Size distribution 7. > . 062 mm % > of .004 porti rnm on < 2 . mm % < .004 mm Density 1 0.0 100.0 8 77 15 4 17.0 83.0 64 29 7 2.57 7 12.0 88.0 57 39 4 8 7.0 93.0 59 37 4 11 3.0 97.0 39 38 23 2.45 12 3.0 97.0 80 17 3 14 3.0 97.0 35 39 26 2.43 15 6.0 94.0 37 37 26 16 5.0 95.0 37 39 24 2.46 17 12.0 88.0 39 38 23 13 28.0 72.0 42 35 23 20 4.0 96.0 51 33 16 2.43 22 15.0 85.0 45 45 10 23 19.0 81.0 54 30 16 24 4.0 96.0 37 39 24 2.48 25 3.0 97.0 36 34 30 ENVIRONMENTAL GEOLOGY NOTES SERIES 1. Controlled Drilling Program in Northeastern Illinois: J. E. Hackeit and G. M. Hughes. April 1965. 2. Data from Controlled Drilling Program in DuPage County, Illinois: Jean I. Larsen and C. R. Lund. May 1965. 3. Activities in Environmental Geology in Northeastern Illinois: Jean I. Larsen and J. E. Hackett. June 1965. 4. Geological and Geophysical Investigations for a Ground-Water Supply at Macomb, Illinois: Keros Cartwright and D. A. Stephenson. July 1965. 5. Problems in Providing Minerals for an Expanding Population: H. E. Risser. July 1965. 6. Data from Controlled Drilling Program in Kane, Kendall, and DeKalb Counties, Illinois: C. R. Lund. October 1965.