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Bo:ne Dp bewene two angels off Qat^an. £l)e fire b!oubt>y ajcee in a bare fcI5e 0l>eu)et|> t|>ecrueltc of tf?e rcb man/ xoUcb^\><^^\>^ bepourcb tbe beaiitifuU (wan, tTTouall en my t?nrc t\)c tDl>yte Lion/ fArter of yoKFeAl)e vyle butd^crs fonne* Z^e fijce buHee foebbes m a felbe hlach BetoFenet^ flo2by funou fnee COI>erfo:e tt)c gtobl^sr to put abacf e locbrj^n^etbin by6 bvoIiffbebarcFnea* 3r{)e banboa in tbe mibbee 5ot|> cxptcffc maff if €urre bjcb in ypfu)it4) iowut <&naxoynic\x>it\f ^i^ tet^ aFyngee crowne * 2r(?c cloabbe fignifiet^) plaync timnny CoDereb oper witl> a^^rbinale |)att; Q>b^rin fbalbe fulfiileb tbe pjopbecy 2fry fe t?p 3acFe anb pii t on tl>y faldtt/ ^02 t{)e t^mc \e(con\c of baggeanbtDal^ temporal! cbeuolry tbus t^j0tt)en botbnc 1CD|ierfo: pie taFe |)cbe ab beware tj>y crpfie. anpler ffooDe frenlit and bro- ther in Cljnft Sl^after. i&^(!5.ili ; €)^Defptetl) grace ana pea-- 0^ ce from (!5oO t^e fat-- |g poure latt letter/ Here brother m C^rift/1 percetieD/ t^at joure De- fpre toa0/ to ^atie tie Iptle toorfee toljic!) pe Cent/ Voele e^amene&/ anO tiiUgentlg put m= to prgnt. aai^ic!) t^pnge (tlje boDe of rite/ to^ere tDitl) not alonlp pou ad 31/ but toe 3|o|).;rli toitt) tf)e to^ole nombre of Cfinfti'^ cfiofen flocfee/remajnffe amonge oure nation of en- ffUffl^e me/ are fenet together/ purlp for t^e trutie0 fafeeponUereli) 1 coulDe Do no leffe but fulfill anD accoplpfflf)e> for ais moclie ass It 10 at^pnp Co neceffarp^ aailjere of no tioute/ il[)all Cprpnge grett frute into tlie fa^ mitfpzt^/mt!^ Ip0:l)ttintotl)epmtol)ic5of loge CeaCo liabe bene Core blgntifoltieti^ ^^oug^ ^a,xx^ t^e rampCfl[)e reCp&ue of gote^/ Co farre m^- tireU tottlj mani0 blpnue reaCon (tot)tcl) re= pute pett felicite to mafeemen beletie/ goo&e to be tl)e naturall cauCe of etiill/ tiarfenesf to procelie oute of liglit/ anD Ivinst to be groton-^ b 90^265 S^au tJtti in trout^ anti tD mafee of t^e toorJje of xxini. Ipfe tl)e glatie of aeatlj/ contcarp to all tru-- £tl)) tljat Ccnpture calletl) tfiepm faulce tea-- djer0/ anti brpnger^ in pretiel? of Uamp-- U'^P^KU nable fem^/ tt^t Denpinge t^e lorae t^at 6oii0;!)ttl)tpm/anDtirpno:eontl)e(rotone^eli'- 1300 ftopfte tiampnaci'on/ for t^eir leaupnge of manp into t|)eir aampnable toaftgf^ ^f ap.^tiin tol)of0 boDlJie0 annU fouler tl)U0 once blpn- S^a.tsij 6e!j anD leDtre outof t^enarotoetoage of Igfe/ into t^e broa&e toage of pertiicion/ t^ouotoe CDftetoufnejS tlieg mafee tlieir marcfjanUjfe^ n.^nM Jiailierli? t^e toape oE truetl) (t^at 10 to fage tl)e glorious ffofpell of Clirift) 10 etiill fpo= cfeen of^ In fo moclje tliat t\it^ after tii0 maner fealeD toit^ tl)e marfee of tlje grett apojtii beaft of t^e ett^/tD!)ofeconfcience0.^.paul UuAni liefcrpbetl) to be finpD Voitt) tt)e Ijottpero of blafptiemp/ onlp gebe Ijene to tl)e fpi:ete0 of erroure/ ana agtielgfflt)e doctrine of tliepm to^iclj fpeafee faulce t^roug;^ Ijipoccifp/ Cor-- iii'j. b^aapnge to marp/ ana comaunapnge to ab^ ft ag ne f rom meate0 ana f 0 cl) e to 0 1^ er) cannot but barfee tliere att/ forbia it/ aa toitl) all hio-- lence perfecute t^e reaer0 tliere of^ get^ 31 I'K^et. J netiertl)elelle toitl pou/ aomge after tlje a-- poftle0 eruaicion/ a0 longe a0 31 folotoe no I'j^ae.j 1} aecei3able fable0/ toill not be negliget to put 6m5ren m vtmtmhvmntt (tfioff^ t^ep partly fenotoe t^em t^eir feltie0/ anU are fta^ t)lpfil)eti m tljt preCent truett)) of tpfe t^^m pgtoljerbpt^epmapetliemDre ttiiUetlpnote tl)e tiifceatfulneg of mortall man/ anD t^e tmtv come tinto t!)e fertotolelige of ttie im-- ortall ffoli. ^epnge t^e tpme at Jotie to^enit ffoti of mfimte mere?/ liat!) orDeneO be-- Hucj fore to mafee t|)epm t^orotoe C^rift oure 3S^om4 lorde parte tafeer^ alfo of ffloriougf toill ^c.wlj anil porpo0^ etie a0 In t|)e ffofpell oure Catje^ (EbreJij oure before to all liatiti promefea^ i t|)e^ mar.Cfj forecofptierpngetl)etooriuetl)u0tobetorap= x^i pe& m mpferp anD bltntme^ (aD nolo i tl)efe luMnAx latter tiape0 becoman l^oleor lienneof falce fo;rpljipocnte0/anti a mancio for all ratiem ?lu.ti(ii. gnp tooltie0 Uifgjfeti in lambed ffepnne^/ to^fcl) 5 ate all lobe/ anU toitl) oute tiretie of pD toanfier but for t^eire prape) l)atie luU^ It a tljpnge mofte contiem'et/ to fett tW fmale treatous a0 a glagf or m]?roure moft cleare before all men0 eje0. 31 n tl)e preface to^ere of manpfeftlp tlieg fi[)all perceaie/ t)otoe ffrett tiaunger notoe a Dape0 it 10/ tfte truet^ ot^^er to Defcribe toitl) penne/ or toit^ %utM tonge to Declare^ 31 n t^e lamentacio foloto^ pnge/ ma5e bp a belp beaft/ engentireti a-- monp tl)e grefp/ or anopnteti ^eap/ tootljer Eo.^t3) topCe calleU t^t papptticall fme (tofiDm Sl^a> iti} Cljrift calletf) a crofeeD/tntatoartie/anD cruell x^i] ffeneratio of tienemou^ iiperjS) t^ep map Cur- 1Lucea;r groape anti fele/ tofiere of oure fpretuall lorDe0/mafter0/ ao rular0(falcelp Co nameO) ijatie proceDeti/ anU are come* toit^ tofiat preComcion t|)ep UiCDapne tt)e aunciertt anD true no6Ie blouO^ a& to!) at preeminece ana ma^;r^ii) Dignite t^ep ^atje obtapneti ttiroug:!) t^eir faulce an crafti brpngpnp tippe of t^e blaC- p|)emou0 maHe/to^ict principally 10 tlieir lolDe/ tteUe/ ana aeCence^ ifort^ermore in t^t aialoffe enCupnge or breCe interluOe/ ijaf ma0 aeCcrgbeo toitl) W abliommable mimC= ter0^ a0 ^ope^/ Caramall0/ &iCfl[)op0/ ab:: bote0/ monfee0/ fr]?re0/ ana lyfee tootl)er> to^erin alCo 10 aeclarea to^att tree0 tl)eg ma.tjiK are toitl^ t^eir Crute^anna to^at t^eg ft^all re^ epiCJu* magne tlieir maffe once aiCanullea/ aa putt aotone^ WLlikli alltoell conC?aerea/3l lioape tbat t^e reaer toljat efaer ^e be/toill nott tafee tbigftoorfee asatbpnge contjiaousf/oraprim 3L\om.u ciple of b^trea aa aebate. nor pett aeCppCe tl)e rjcbejf of tbe e:oane0/ ana oC tlie paci- ence/ of t^t lonp Coferance of pa. but to ill remember tliat l)i0 fepnane0 onlp leaaet^ l)pm to repentaunce. ana mefeel? toit^ t^e I, Cor. 1} Cprete of qupetnc0/ fgrft iuage It/ ana t^ en th rptire!)pmaife>an&fautleCre^e(l[)aUfpntieit a svm occaaon/ to lotie/ anU alCo to tpcfee ffo& 5i0 fatfier moft mtmfull/ to!)ic|) oC Ijigf tenfier mmp!)at|) nottoelptierea Spnttippe tintD a leatoti mpn&e/ toitf tIjeCe tie(Cel0 of IBlom.! toratljt/ ao cIjilDreti of t^e Oebill/ to lio 3|oa.i3u tfiofe t5png;egf tofiict) are nott comlp/ ful of Eom* ij all t3nnffl)touCne0 /fornication/ toicfeetinejS/ cotietouCne^/ maliciouCneg^ cf . anD foftrtU !)?m nott to become Ijfeetinto t|)epm/ aljater of ffoD/ ana of 1)10 ffoUlp toorDe. aga^ntt to^oCe ting;otiline0/ anD tinrig;t)toufne0/ tlie toratl) of tl^e fietienlp ffoa aperetl). becauCe t^ep toit^ Soltie t!)e true riff^toCnes of goti/ txiljidjecomettitlirotoetljelpffjtoftliegofpell ^om4 of Cidritt/ in t^e tinriff^touCnejJ of mans latoeis antr trafticion^^ ge/ ali a0 fajtl). paul/ tl)Ougf) t^ep fenotoe tje rig^toufnes of g:oD/ ^otoe tijep to^i'clj foclie tt)pnpgf co= mitt are toortfiep of Oeat^/ pett not onlg tio tl)e fame/ but alfo liabe pleafure in tl)e tioar0 of t^em. aoili^i^fore tliep are before goli toitfj oute e;rcure. feinge tfiat fenoVoinge pD/ t^ep B:lorifpl)?mnott a0 goa. nor pett are t^ancfe- full, but toe^e full of tianiti'e0 in t^etr maginacionjj. count^nge tliegm felbes topfe Vo^ere a0 in Detie t^ep are folesf> ifor toit^ t^eir folpffl[)e anD blgnDe ^ert/ ttieg tourne tlje fflorp of t^e nnmomll 3:013/ buto tf)e Cmditubc of tlje pmap of momll mam fl)aU Ipktopfe clearly percetie/ t|)at toe of tsutp coltse 60 no leCCe/ but for t|)e prefertia- CIO arib tutell of tlje mnocettt anti ample/ to declare tfie pettilent Doblene^/ anD trecetia-^ hit felsuccio of t^e toicfeeli. acorDtge to t^e Jjoctrprte fljetoeU tmto W etierp toljere bp 3|oan. Cfinft oure matter^ tot)ic|) cam to fabe annQ not to Dettrope^ jfor one rotte apple/ Iptell rnauxin anO Iptell putrifiet^ an to|)ole ^eape* a Ipt- %nuxn til fotoer leben t^e toljole lompe of &otoe^ j.Cor.ti one rancfelpnge member/ t^z Vo^ole botitip^ ^^ortlp to cocluDe* ^ere in 31 am toell per^ fuatietJ/ lett t^t tinptilp roare anD barcfee netier fo lotooe/ ti&at tl)e fgre tofiic!) C^rift iluc^^ij cam to fepnule on ert^/ cannott butt burne^ t!)at 10 to fape/ IjijS pDlp toorUe foretier:^ Kre.^;;cij more encreace ano cot(nue> sai^erfore &ere S)la^X'on brot!)er/ j?f enp mo foclie fmale fttctie0 come ciiu tinto poure ljontie0/ to^i'cl) pe fl[)all mtige cjctiitj apte tinto t|)e augmetacio of t^i0 fpre/ fentie t^em bnto me (pf m enfflonDe t|)ep mape not be publiffljeD) anD bp a;oDDi0 grace toi't^b all mp potoer aD poflibilite/ 31 fc» enDeber mp fplfe to fepnDle t^epm/ tliat a0 manp a0 3oa.ftiij are of tte feDe o£ abrap flijall fe t^etr Ue^t/ S^at.tj anD tlierbp glorpfp t^eir fatljer celeftiall/ tol)ic!) fecpe pou anD poured contmullP comforte to W S^^^^ for eier C ^lieaut^or of t^etoorfee. (Bo foitlie Iptell treatoug not^pnp a fraiDe. ^0 t^e CarDinall of gorcfee Dedicate ano t^ons^ l)e tfireate tje be not difma^tie Co pupplgffl[)e 1)10 ab^ominaftle eftate if or tfiouffl) potoer tioet^ eletiate ^ett tl&e feafon 10 notoe tienlp come WLt intjeniatur iniquita0 em0 aG oDmrn^ dieCreatougf. €) mp aut!)or ijotoe fljall g| be fo bolUe SL fore t|e Cardinall to fljetoe mp face fe>eip all tl)e clarffp toit^ f)pm tiotlj ^olDe/ atlCo in f ateour of tl)e l&pngi^ grace aiaiit^ fur(ou0 fentertce t^eg toill me cliace jforbiDDpngeenp perfone to retie me aai^erfore mp oeare autljor it canott be^ Cfiejaut^or. C^ou fenotoeft berg toell toliatt l)i0 Igfe 10 SUnto all people greatlp Deteftable/ caufetlj man? one to Do amiffe Cljoroto t)i0 ejcample ab^ominable^ aai^erfore it 10 not^gnge reprobable %o declare ^(0 mifc^efe ana toliortiom ?!llt intiematur iniquita0 em0 ati oDi'um^ '3i:5eCreatou0> C^ouffl) ^10 Ipfe of all people 10 !)ateti ^et in tl)e made tl)eg putt moc^e cofiOece ?iaif)ic!)e tijroug:!) out all t^e toorlD 10 Dilatea S10 a VDorfee of anguler magnificence/ ^vtttt0 alCo t^ep liatie inrtterence Ctaiitlialltoot^erpeitonessoftljeCpmualte ilQllierfore lieare author it cannot ^5eaut|)or. i3D tieate treatou^ tl)ou maptt nott conCptier ^fieir blpn&e affeccion m ignorance aaifierbp all t^e toorlDe botl) farre ana near l^atl) bene combreo tDitfj loge coti'nuace 3|tt 10 5Otitii0 tDillt)i0 truet!) to atiaunce and to putt antic^rift oute of t)i0 fepng&o WLt inbematur iniquita^ em0 aD oDmm ^t^^reatou0> dfllell pett tl&ere 10 greate occaCo of grutip 25e caufe 31 apeare to 6e conti(ciou0. Cfllitliouten faple tfie clargp toill me mage ^0 proceDe of a fprete prefumtuoug/ if or to tifefocljetoorDe0 contumeliou0 g|t becomet^ nott cl)riften cftarite dillljerforem? aeare autlior it cannot be^ ^l)eautl)or. (E) mp treatou0 it 10 gotil5i0 luDgement ^0 to recopence t^eir mauoe blafpliem? feepnge tliep burneD ^10 Ijolp teftament ^fjorotoet^eprotoUe carlu'nal0 tprannp appnft toljofe liartie obftjnacp to crpe %l\z ftone0 in tlie ftrete cannot be o om WLt (ntieniatur iniquitasf ems? ati otimm* C^e ^reatougf* 3! preCume to mafee rtlaciort iSDfCecm mattery t^atbetjncma^ne ^Ijep toiU count it for Diffamaciori tf)ip:e0 cotrptieD of a frotoartie brapne ^0 tiefcrpbe t^ eiu faulted it 10 but tiagne (Erceptgi toere m Come autborite (KLlfjerfore Deare author itt cannotbe* ^be^utljor* SL0 touctilfft^at t^ou neoe not to beoeiem %liz truetf) fl[)allie t^p conCertiacion ?l(lll)ple0 t^ou prefume no faulted to tietem Buttoljeare tbou Ijaft bauoe certificacio ©J t^etr knotolcDge anti mformacion Ciaibicl)e babe forfafeen tbe to^ore of tome WLt inbeniatur iniqu(ta0 emgf aD oDrnm* aia0 pett (n tbei'r outragioug! furoure %l)t}> tt)aU tourffe ab bane toitb cruel fettce SLli tboCe tobi'cbe babe to me eng faboure Ctber to mp fapnp pbe creoence 3In bell antr beben tbeg b^be preeminece ^obo a0 tbep Ipftetoitb freeltberte Mlb^i^fore mp beare autbor it cannot ^b^^utbor* <© treatou£( lett anticbrift crpe anb roare Sl^anatCgnge toitb fulminacions cruelte fljalbefeareU no mom ^zn feno\DpnQ:el)i0 ali|)ominadongf ifpe apon W forgeD e;i;ecracion5J* »)epn5e ti0 tprann^ i0 otiercome cat mtieniatur imqui'ta^ zm^ aD oDmm^ iFpe on U& t»pi>liTfl|)e mterDiccion^ {IQltti^ W feepe0 locfef cliapneg anD fetwrjs iFpe apDti all^ijs mnfoictionss anD apD tfjoCe toljic^ e to l^vm are DetterjJ ifpe apon^(0 bulled brete0 anD letters (L(ll|)etin fje iss namtD Ceruugf fertiorum Wit mtjematur imquita^ eui0 aU odium* ifpe on ffol&en tlire fol&eo croVone {LQlf)i'c]^e5^tiretl) totoeare apo^i^^ead Jf apon ^isf mai'efte anO renolone Clapmtnp on mfie to be in Cfiriftf tteati jfpe on^ig carfee0 botfie qu^cfee and dead (Bx l)oc nuc et uCque in Ceculum WLt inbematur iniquita^ em0 ad odium* BUITed t^ep be to^iclb are curCed of tfiepope SLxiQ courCed are t^ep to|)o ^e dotfj bU'CCe SL courCed are all t^ep t^at Sate enp f)ope (Etl^er m 1)10 perConne or el0 in l^isf* jfor of almpg;l)tp god a courfed 5e i& ^er omnia Cecula Ceculorum WLt intieniatur irtiquitagf eiusf au otimm* C^eare folotottlj t^t lamentaci'om SLla& ala0 for tooo anti bitter papne a)pprefl:eD toitlje grefe aixD CorofuU care I^Dtoe tijall toe fro fietig toepgnge refrapne ConCpDer]?nffe t^e caCe tliat \j)e in are* aaie t) atie noto lo ft t^e prpce of oure toelf are »>epnffe t^at g;one 10 t^e maffe iliotoe OeceaCeti ala0 alasf^ aaio toortl) t|)e time t^at etier toe toere ftorrt Co Ce tlje c^aunce ottW liolorour^ liape ifor noto ar toe mocfeeU aD laugljeti to ffeorn ^tore i^onour brought to e^;treme tiecape WLt mape toell fgnge ala0 anD toell atoape fe)epn5e tftat gone 10 tl^e maffe iliotoeUeceaCea alag ala0* aiproclieprouli patriarfef toitl) pourepope ©irii)Op0 arCtipffl[)Op0 aD Cardinally gape aaiitl) all ot^er prelate toliicl) ^ atr pour ^ ope Co he mapntapneU 6g tl)e matte all toage aai|)0 iljall ff ntie oure bellg aD rpcfje arage ^t^nsz t^at gone 10 t^e matte IJotoe tieceaCeO ala0 ala0. 2Dratoe nere pe preftf in poure lose ffotonf Ciaiitl) all tie fr?re0 of t^efteffgerl? ortire0 Coml)it|)er motif : toit^ broUe lljati'e crounf SLnn all Coc^e asS are (|)ore abotje t^e ear^/ !^elpe me to lamet toi'tlj aolourou^ teare^ ^epuffe tl)at gone isf tfie matte iliotoe DeceafeU ala0 alajJ^ UolfullDeftruction of noble trope JL21a0 netier to man Ijaulfe Co lamentable ilior pett tl)e Cubueraon of Kome oure lope SLTnUer top toe toere counteti l)onorable. €) fortune fortune : tpu arte tinfauorable »)e?n5e tpt pne (0 tl)e matte iliotoetieceaCeU ala0 alagf^ 3Departel5 10 notoe tp matte aU clean pne Cl)e cpfe ftp!) older of oure liberte aaiprbp our to^ore0 ad Ijarlotf etiergclione aoiere mapntapneb in rpcfie felici'te. ifull fore toe (I^all repent tl^{0 Dape to Ce feepnje tliat gone 10 tlje matte iliotoe DeceaCeD ala0 ala0> iDur bauuf aO brotljel0 Ijatje loft tlier fiUmg; €>urebaftartie0 compelled to p aftrape/ j3Dure tognnip mill fiatl) loft t^r pgnUip ?Lai^ (cl) toe fuppoCeU netier to Decape^ aia0 t|)erfore to^at ffjall toe Do or faje ^egnp tpt gone 10 tlie matte jjiotoe Deceafeti ala0 ala0* ^ure gap teltiet gotonf furreD toitl) fable0 WLljittt toerre toont to feepe ti0 from colde ^l^z paulfrep0 ati |)acfeenei0 in oure ftable0 iiiotot to mafee cfietiefaunce mutt 6e Col&e a&uefortietr mitred ana croffesf of goltie ^epnge t|)at gone 10 tlje matte jjiotoe DeceaCeti ala0 alasf. (lauiljaU notoe abate oure toelttig tabled aaiit^ Delicate De]?ntge0 Co tieUciou0 Cure merp letter tnti plefaunt fabler Sire notoe tourneU to mattery Doloroust Wit mutt lape tiotone oure eftate Co popousf ^t^nst tljat gone 10 t^e matte il^otoeoeceaCea ala0 ala^^ C>ure f]?ngre0 ft)pmffe toitl) precpougf ttogf ^ett tn golDen rpnge^ of rgcl)e baloure Cure effeminate fleCilje anU tenDer bone^ »)l)albe coftrapneO to f aule tinto laboure if or to^p DecapeD 10 all oure l^onoure ^epnge tliat gone 10 t^^e matte^ ^otoe DeceaCed alas alasf^ aai^ere a0 toe tiCeU apon mule0 to rpoe il^lotoe mutt toe netie0 prpcfee a Cote a lone Cure toanta lialiaunce anti bottlge pnae aaiitl) toofull miCerp 10 oter gone- Cure glpttnge goiae 10 turneU to a ttone feiegnge tl)at gone 10 t^^e matte* l^lotoe DeceaCeD ala0 ala0^ Wit ^a5 oure Certiate0 in mott courtlg topCe 31 n greate multitude folotoige oure taple Wiit^ ffarUeD latere? after tlie netoe g:j?Ce aaifjometaie frelpCuppomD to (ett aD raple l^otD be It notoe tac|)e fro toother fljall fajle ^t^nsz t!)at gone (0 t^e maffe/ /liotoe DeceaCeti/ ala0 alasf^ ainft of toi&atttiilne0 oure pope Did arpfe* aflleDefDapneD t|)eeftate0 of noble faloDe/ iIiot!)png:e afrapDeoure betters to Defppfe^ aja^erfor apgnft 60 tfiep toill notoefurm^Ce ^epnp t^at gone 10 tl^e maffe/ iliotoe DeceafeD/ ala0 ala0. ?L21e toece calleD lorDe0 aD Doctour0retierete/ IBlopallp raiffnpnp in tfie fpretualte^ 31 n eterp place tofieare toe toere prefente/ ^liep ftapleO tlieir bonetf anD botoeD a line* But It beffpnnetl) notoe toot^&er togfe to be^ ^epnge t^at pne i0 t^e maCCe/ iliotoe DeceafeD/ ala0 ala0^ aaie DetiotoreD t|)e fuftenaunce of t^e poore/ aaiattgnffe tl)e poDe0 of people temporally JiailierVDit^ toe norpffljeD man? a toljore/ ^0 fatiCfge oure pleaCure beaftialU SLiXa jett toe toere counted fpretuall, SanDer fatieoure of tfie malle/ iliotoeDeceaCeD/ ala0 ala0> jSDure o:reatelotDCp{ppe0aD Domlnacion0/ aaiitft oure rgc^e iuelle0 anD romptou0 plate. iDure place0 anD large ^ abitacion0/ iatrorneti toit!) fiang^nfff aU be&tiegf of ftate jfrom cure ^onue^ fljall notoe be fepeme^ feegnffe tfiat gone isf t^e maffe iiiotoc HeceaCeD/ ala0 alass* SL Due/ oure agtie anti Cupportacion/ aaiterfjp fortune fo merely DiD fmgle. artoele comforte aitD confolacion/ ^l)U0 Colitienip c^aungeti Voit!) fnatoliple^ €)ure bapne confptieitce DgO ti0 fore hzs^lt. ^epnge t^at gone 10 e maffe/ liotoe aeceafeti/ ala0 ala^^ Bp t|)e maffe toe toere e^altetJ fo ^pe/ ^^at fcatlg enp ma toetoollie once fenotoe^ aaie tl) oufftit for to af cenDe t»nto t^t ffepe/ l^atjpnge oure feate abotje t|)e rapne botoe 2But Voe are come Uotone agapne full lotoe^ &t^nsz tljat gone 10 tlje maffe/ ^otoe DeceafeD/ ala0 ala0. ^JemaffemaoebglorDfati fepngf overall/ ifarre anu nereetierg toliearejatipngpotoer. {laiftb bonorable tgtlejs tl)eg Dpli 1)0 call/ SDreUpnge to offenDe ti0 at enp ^oure^ ^l&e toere toea0 fvtt(t) a0 t^e garDeaoure* WLn^tv fatioure of tl)e maffe/ il^otoe deceafeU/ ala0 ala0. ^monge all tbe people toe toent a fore/ Bp pretence of oure fapneD 5olpne0^ ^5^p reputed l30for fiaulfe godtie0 aU more/ ^Ijorotoe tlje maflt& beneficialnesi. aillt)(c!)e 10 notoe tourneli to oure ^etjinegf^ ^epnge tljat pne 10 t^e malCe/ jl^lotoe aeceaCeD/ alas ala0* %fit maffe toa0 onlp oure anguler Cuffrage/ Co Delitice tt)e people from t^eir Cjnne^ dieretoag no preft in totone nor tillage/ But bp tbe malfe 510 Iptipnge DiO topnne* aaiSofe fuperfluite flijalbe full tljpnne^ ^epng;e t^at gone (0 tlje maffe/ liotoe fieceaCeti/ ala0 ala0. O fapt!)full matte/ Co conftant ana true^ 31 n Ijetien ano ertf) conttnuallp. CIcllenotoe tl)p ctiplDren (Ijall morne anD rue/ Ci^e e^aunce of tl)p liefeape fo fotienlp^ Conftrapnea toe are all to toepe anD crpe^ ^epnp t^at gone 10 tlje matte/ /[Jotoe lieceafeD/ ala0 ala0. Bp tlje matte toe l)a& |)ge autbonte/ 31nbetjen anli ertb tafepnp oure pleafure^ %^nst0 anil prgnce0 for all tbeir dignite/ %^o luTpleafet30 feareO oute of meafure^ aia0 toe babe notoe loft oure cbefe treafure^ »)epng:e tbat gone 10 tbe matte/ il^otoe Deceafeti/ ala0 ala0^ %\)t matte mabe b0 fo ftronge anb ftorbp/ Cbat agagnft bell gate0 toe bib prebagle* 2Delpbermge foule0 oute of purgatorp/ CLail)D 10 lie t^en t|)at tooltie nott ijetoajle. ^epiiffe t^t pne 10 tje maCCe/ ^otoe tieceaCeU/ ala0 alag^ jaDf all maner tljj^npg tl)e comoDpte/ t|)e matK0 i^ealpe onlp fiepenlie* ifrom fpcfettc0 anU peftilent mortali'te/ Cocoure of tlje matCe DiU i30 liefentie* ail profpente t^at oure lorbe 610 fentie. JlcLlas for fatjoure of tl)e matte iliotoelieceaCeti/ ala0 alag^ ^fje matte farre e^rcetiet^ maixi0 reafon/ k)(t t?me0of fouleVoetljer mafepngefapre* 3|t caufetl) frute for to rppe m feafon/ ^uttpnge atoape infecnon0 of t^e apre* (Brjeate eftate0frenli(T)ippe ftablp to repapre^ ^afte confirmacion bp t^e matte iliotoe lieceafeli/ ala0 ala0* matte in tiue t?me procuretl) rapne/ JLQlljerbp aoure0 aa erbeg frefl|)lp Do fprjnffe* anD matte mafeet^ it forto feace appne/ afil^en It Co abountietl) to t^eir l^pntirpnp* SLU maner matr]?monp anD marpinge^ 310 folemnpCeD bp t^e matte/ ^otoe DeceaCeti/ ala0 ala0^ ^0 Coutiear0 and men ppng:e a toarre fare/ ^5e matte 10 etjer a fure protection* 3itpreferbetl) people from Voofull care/ aDrpijpnge atoape all affli'ccion. jaia0 to^D can iTjetoe bp Defcnpn'on^ Sill t^e proffette of t^t matte/ iliotoe DeceaCtti alasf alajs. toofull cl^aunce: moft iixfortunate/ CoDeitlp mafepnp comutaciom IJetjer Tence t^e toorltit teas fgrft create/ a2Ja0 tfierea tfipiise of foc^ e reputacion* Stov in etjerj? lontie anti naciom ail ffootiaes cam tl)e maffe/ iliotoe tieceaCeti/ ala0 alajj^ aoibatt atjapletb notoe to ^atie a lljatje ^etiUe/ to be aparelleD toitl) a longe gotone. flDure anopitteli 5onDe0 tio i0 Iptle fteDDe/ fliailier a0 t^e maCTe 10 tl)U0 plucfeeD Dotone (EJnto oure Difljonotore all tioetlj rebotone* ^egnge tbat pne 10 t^e malle/ ijiotoe DeceaCeO/ ala0 alagf^ ■%^t polities of tbe cjurcbe are tafeeatoape/ (Beten to poijrefolfeesf CofErpnp mtiisetice^ Oetjpne Certigceljtterl? Doetb tiecaje/ aaiitb lialotoeD ojle/ fait/ anil franfegnfence. Co bolp toater tbep l\$bt no reference* feegnffe tbat gone 10 tbe malle/ ^otoe aeceafeD/ ala0 alagf* ail people becaufe tbe malCe 10 Departed/ feefeetb notoe/ Ceremonies to confounUe* ^ITbc aultreg of t^e lorie are fubuerteti/ Jiaiitl) pmaps! toljfc^ coft manpapountie* ^t)e templet alfo arc t^rotoe to t|e guountie ^epnp t^at gone 10 t^e matfe/ ^otoe ueceaCeD/ alas alasf^ ^(Uljtrfore notoeof mp lamentation ^0 mafee an enDe toit^ oute Delape* if are toele Ijolp conCecracion/ WLitl) blpffeli Canctu0 anti agnuiS &ei. jflo lender notoe tott^ ]?ou toe can prape^ »)egnffe ttat pne 10 t^e matte/ ^otoe tieceareli/ ala0 ala0^ Si Due/ gentle lionunug bobifcum/ aowtt) comfortable/ ite mitta eft* 1R.equiem eternam/ 10 notoetintion/ Bp tobom toe l)aD manp a feft. Eequiefcat in pace anft po6e reft. »)epn5e tbat gone 10 tlje matte/ liotoe DeceaCeH/ ala0 ala0. C l^ere folotoet^ a brefe 2Dialoge htu toene ttoo prefte0 Certiauntf/ na-- mcD aaiatfepm anli 3|effrapc* JIfilatfepn ^^f^^(Bfiv^^t/\iavi^tf!t tl)Ou oure matter/ ^l)U0toit^ lamentable maner/ !^oft pitouflp complapne ? 3|effrape C??erlieitcat5a? peebetJrooOe/ 31 prape goo turne it tnto goolie/ %^atitht itDtt to Durepapne. 25ut ijf it o£ a &er? furetp/ ^[0 It isf rpofeen in tlje couittrp/ ^5^t tje Ijolp matte 10 Dealie. C2)eaD ? pee^effrape bp fianDe/ WLatu SLnt} t^at t^^Du mpff^t toell tinOer(tart&e/ l^aUtie t|)Du eitp toitt in t|)p fiea&e^ ifor t^e roroufuU conarapiite/ iDf oiire mafterjS complapnte/ SlllDuelp for tps lieceace toasf. JLQl^etfor lett tjs outre counrell tafee/ Cai^at flS)?Cte for ftjs 10 ftett ta mafee/ »>e?iTp tf)at DeceaceD 10 t^e mafTe^ C Sl^arp toatbgne tijou Capeft tier? trotje/ 3IeC. sale flljall 5abe but a col&e brotfie/ 1 feare me (Ijortel? after tftisJ. But 91 prapetfieteUmenotoeplapae/ Wia^ f)t b? enp mpfc^aunce ttapite/ iSDr VDa0 It for age tl^at l)e DeaDe f^^ C il^ape/ It to as not furl? for age/ WLiXU J^orIjetoa0 of luftp courage/ C^oufflj Ije IjalJ berp mang perejj. aifo fjaU continued (liU/ gf prette0 mjg:I)t]&aue ^ati tfieir toi'll/ flittit^ tt)e tjelpe of monkegf anti frgres^ ©utt^e toas affauteD fo Core/ ^iTfiat fje coulDe reOft no more/ jano tea0 fapne to getje ouer^ Cfien cam W a&ucrfamsJtoit!) mpff^t/ SLni} ttetoe Ijpm oute of ^^onlie qupg:t)t/ ^0 tljoufflj l)e Ijati bene a faulce rotrer> 3Ief. C aaii'tlj tol)at Voepen Oil! tljep ^pm fepU/ Jt£af)etljer\oit!) playeortoit^ bill? Si ffODDe feloto(i)ippe Ugijtlp telU aoiat. C ii^ia^e: toit^ a fljarpe mo etiffeti CtoorDe/ Jiaitjic^ a0 t^ep fape toags pDDi^ toorlie/ 3DraVDne oute of t^e §ol? pfpelU gjef* C SlnD (0 ffoatii0 toor&e of Cocfiempfftit/ ^Ijat It fleVoe tljematf e aotone rifflit/ flDf fo auncient contmuaunce ? Sl^p t^pnfeetl) ftfl)ultienot be true/ »)epnp tjat prettes VoolDe refcue/ JLOJitl) toorimp rprijeiS anli fubftaunte. Sl^onke0/ cljannon^/ allfljafeen crotone^/ ffiaiolbe tiabe brouslj t tl) eir tiillag:^ ali tounes/ aaiitl) t^eir toljole religtoup table, jai^ ict) bntiet anticljnfti0 rapgtie/ are of recte0 Variable ana tjajne/ i^orto be recfeeneli in numerable^ flDure matter alfo 3| oare f ape/ Wiit^ man? toother preftes jape/ aailjom^l fenotoetjerj? toelU aaioiae Ijate fpent all t^eirgootie^ gee tierelp tbeir otone tiertblcrulie/ Co ^elpe matte appnft t^e gofpelU Caiat. C Cofflje imix tlieg ftia all t^eir beft/ jptot fparpnge to op^n t^eit cljeft/ dPetiptige out br?be0 Ubcrallp- SElierbp tjep l)aa gret confidence/ ifor to Ijatie Oone moclje aCGftence/ 3In ap&e of tje malle cempnl]?. But It protjapleD t^eim notlipnge/ jfor ffotifti^toorae tiatlj Coctie toorfepnge/ ^Ijat none mape tefift contrarM C aaiell/ pet tafee it for no Ccorne/ 31 31 tell tlje tobeare ajj 3| VoasJ borne/ C^ep reaft tbe gofpell openlp^ SlnD t^e principall lioar0 be Cuc^e/ ^0 notoe a liapesf ptierne tbe cburcje/ ilio fmale folegf 31 promeis tlje^ SLni} namlp one tbat i0 tlje cbefe/ aaii^icbe 10 not fefi&/ Co ofte toitj roll befe/ S10 toit^ ratoe motten Co goti ^elpe me. aj^bofemulepf ft fl^^ulfte be ColDe/ »)0 ffaplp trappeQ toitb tjeltjet anU goiae/ ann geben to b0 for oure tt^m^ 31 fiurft enCure t^ e one tljpnge/ S10 for a competent Ipbpnp/ ^1)10 Cetien pere toe liulDe not care. C Sf l)e be Coc^e tobat (0 ^(0 name/ jaiat. iDv of to!)at reffarie 10 ^10 fame? 31 befeclje t^e iljortlp e^preCCe. C Sl^arp/ fome men call ^pm Carnall/ 3|ef» Slno fome faje ^e 10 tlje tiebiU anO all/ t^atnarcfee of all toickeUnegf. Mat C asiell/ to be brefe Voit^ outen glofe/ SLnt} not to Ctoartje from oure purpofe/ Cafee potie ^ebe tojat 31 (Ijall fape. ^f)e tpme toill come or it be longe/ (LSllien tl^ou fljalt fe tfieir ftatl]? t^ronge/ Mitl) miferablerupneUecape^ iliote toele t^e enfample of Kome/ ^0 toTiat miCerp it 10 come/ aai^ic^ toas tijeir ^eDDe princfpalU ]?nffe vmmntt/ i^Dt mocfie better tbati a fenaue* 3|ef- Ci^eacetotorfone/betoareoftljat/ 31 tell tl)e 5(0 fbpnne 10 conCecrat/ janopnteli toitl) bolp opntmente> 2aiat. C ^ee/ fo manp a fenaue^ f feinne/ 3I0 grefpH toitb out anH toit^ in/ SLiib pett tbep are not e^ cellente 3Ief. C Cocfee0 bone^/ t^i^ 10 rancke IjereCp/ It toere fenotone: bp ana bp/ ^bou fl|)uiaeft a faffffote beare. ^0 Cpeafee Co of focbe a prelate/ ajabile0 tbep are all of tije fame rate/ if or tbe more parte euerp tob^are. But to tbe purpofe tbat toe beganne/ aaibat aia monies ana frpere0 tbanne/ aaiben matCe toent tbu0 to toracke? Wiau C»>obtterea toa0tbeirabuCone/ ^bMtoitb ffteat confuOone/ Cb^P toere fapne to ftanae abacfee. 3|ef> C iSDcb : 31 fenotoe a frper in a place/ aail)om t^ep call fatlier Sl^attbia0/ toolde tjatic malie foclje a nopCe/ WLitit W horrible fljnll topee/ able to Ijabe ma6e tljepm afraptje. C Cof0)e/ tljere toere frpre^ ttoo or t^re/ flJ^an 3in faptl) a0 grett panc^eti a0 te/ aaii't!) t)elUe0 more tljen a barelU Jiai^iclj for all t^eir learneti (trenfftfje/ aaiere Co confountieti tliere at lengtlje/ Ctat ttiep gatre ober t&eir quarelL C aca^at matie 3i^on faber am CmCer/ ief. aaiitlj t^eir aptierfif Ccfepuss ana a^omer/ 2Dit> t!)e? bnto malle no Cocoure? C ge0 tmlv/ toitlj toorliegJ of greate bofte/ {LJaat. ^l)ep rpareU nott to fen&e tlieir ofte/ Ctreatnpnp tDit^fearCull terroure* l^otoe be it tj ep fiao foc^e impe&iment/ %\iat tljep coul&e nott be t^ere preCent/ ^0 t^ou (ijalt tt)e cafebntierftontie^ €mfer Comtpme a re^uler c^anon/ ^ITo defentie t^e mafR0 cannon/ Honp before !)aa taken in Ijonlie^ WLW\t craftelp to tipftolde toit^ lpe0/ feo grebouap troubled ti'js epe0/ fllnti alCo encombreU |)i0 brapne^ C^at t|)ere toas no remelip/ ffiut te toa0 fapne certenlp/ at t)ome/ a f ole to remagne^ iflatterpnge Jfafier/ full of liiCliapne/ WLa0 netoe alimittea to bec^aplapne/ WLnto Wkt ifer&(nan& 6p ot^e^ aai^erfore lie tiaU pnouff^ of buCpne^/ ^0 tiifftDalie t^t tiufee0 nobleness/ if rom fatour^np t^t golilp trot^e^ SljS for a^orner/ e blpntit latoear/ SLxib (£cfetu0/ tl)e ftotoarDe fop^iftraiV %^tv Ijatie afore caftpngetoiCliome. ^l)at in foclje lionorable autiience/ (Iflll)eare a0 topfe clarclieg are in prefence/ ^t^p toill notttierp glaUlp come. g|ef. CSl?e&le& nott Crafmu^/ in matter aai^ict) fo craftelp can aatter/ aautlj clofeeD tnHimulacion? JLQlat. C^^etoasfftufptomalietoillfce/ 51 tf)pnp nott polBble to be/ Sifter topfe clarcfei0 eftimaci'on. (lailierfore Ije intermitteli Iptle/ S10 conctrnpnp tlie maCKs tptle/ aaiit^ enp maner affercion. l^t fearetlj greatlp fome men fage/ gf malfe fljuloe titterlp tiecape/ Heatt Ije flSjulDe lofe W penOom iFlottDitl)(lonl)png;eljeljat^ tnl)ig(l)e&&e/ »)Oclje an opinion of ttie pO of breDDe/ ^l)at Ije tool&e leber Dpe a marter. Cl)eneber^etooltiebeoft^i0 confent/ Cfiat tlirift 10 not tfieare corporally prefent/ 9!n brtime topne and toater^ SlUo lie !)at5 get^en foc^c a laufiacion/ ©nto tfje pools of abl)ommacion/ g|nl)i0a:lofpnB:epiftlt0 before tpme. ^!)at pf Ije lljulDe toother Vopfe reclame/ S^en toolde impute ftnto W blame 53Df inftable inconftancp tt)e crpme^ Cl^otoetiiU t^ep t^entoitl) lotiayne/ 31 ef. SLn^ toit!) t^e tinmerfite of Colapne/ a^atie tl)ep ri5l)t nog^t for maCK^ parte? C Se0 furlp iDit^ terrible tiociferacion/ laiat^ ^^ep malie toontierEull erclamacion/ ^Ijetoorlie of to Cubtierte. ^l)ep fent tljet^er^^omas and ^cote/ aaiitl) tootlier quefti'onifte0 ffoli toote. iFullofcralipncyetoor&e^ inopinable^ But to|)en it cam to tlje eff ecte/ ^Ije? toere fo abaOljeft anfi aeiecte/ ^Ijat once to l)ilCe t^ep toere nott able^ ClttDa^atljpnpplapnlP acorft/ 3|ef. ^l)at maffe toent t^u0 bp t^e toortt/ l^atjgnffe fo man? on ^(0 topnge* C (BotiO 10 toorbe 10 fo efRcaciou0/ Jfllat^ Slnti of ftrenfftlje fo mertielou0/ ^^at agapnft it 10 no reattgnje* C i|ietiertl)ele(re amonjye tW arape/ 3|ef^ aitta0 nott t^eare one callen Coclape/ SI limll pratpe tool^tttft poaftc? But all tljDUffl) W ftature be CmalU men Cape l)e lacfeetl) no gall/ a^ore ftenemou^ an anp toatie^ Mo/ for l)e IjaDUe a notlier occupacpon/ (laiau c aoirptinge to tlje enrylpflije nacpon/ 9|nuenc?one0 of flatterpe^ 3Ief^ CCoCnglonDe? mpo&etgme/ 31 trotoe t^e tircl)pn toill clpme/ ^0 fome promocion l)aftelp. (laiat. C €)r eljs trulp it flijal cott Ijpm a fall/ ifor^e(0 infauoucetDitl) t^epmall/ aaillicl) 5aue tfie ffofpell in ^ate^ Continually lie tioti) torpte/ CuerlaborpngetiapeanD npffljt/ ^0 t3pl)oH)e anti'clinftegf ettate* ®f papifte0 l)e i0 tlie Defender/ SLn'b of ilutljer tlje conUemner/ ^l)e ffofpell titterlp oefppfpnp. ^0 forp Ipegf l)e liatl) no tijame/ ^0 t^at t^ep fometoljat frame/ Wiit^ t^e procelCe of ^(0 toritpnge^ ^e torote of late to German B^pncfee/ oaiaftpnp m tiapne paper an6 pncke/ ^&omerane0 epyttle to corruptee (lill^icPp c^nften men requpreti/ ^ccorlipnge asJ lie toas DefpreD/ 2Dpli|i0 parte tfiepmto mftructe^ ilia t5?ng:e er in toa0 reprobable/ But all to gcDfiec tme anti Rentable/ CLJttitlb out Ijerefp or enp faulte. !^otoe be it ttjisf toretct) tjixl^amfaft/ ^Cljorotot mall tie toag nott a gaft/ ^f)e truett) toitl) l?e0 to affaulte^ C be a0 tljou Capft fje (0/ lef. 3 toarant^e fljall not mi0/ €)f a benefice anD t^ at liortl?. iforH enCure t!)e oure Cartimall/ GQlitt) toother biXnjops in generall/ 'S.otje foct)e a felotoe entierlp ©ut lett t^i'0 notoe paCCe anti go to/ afllljat 10 belt for oiire profRt to Do/ ^tmst matCe fiatlj maDe !)i0 en&e? C »)urelp a0 farre a0 3| can geffe/ daiat^ aoie are Ipfee to be mafterleCCe/ gerre it be longe Co pti me menUe^ ^or a0 fone a0 1^ e maCCe 10 bun'eD/ ^ure matter tljalbebeffpreti/ €)f all ^(0 rpcfie poffelBon C C&en mate 31 put t^ e out of doute/ gief. 3!t 10 gooDe t|)at toe lofee aboute/ Head toe folfe a netoe lelCom !^otoe be it/ t)otoe longe toill it be/ jaDretoertljattoefljalire/ €)f t^i0 tietitre maCCe t^e bun'all? SL0 toucljpnffe tjat in berp OeDe/ (Ifllan C^!)ep are uDttpett full? apetie/ aSut I CuppoCe (Ijortlp t^cg iJ)all/ »)ome toollie l^afte ^pm carieli to Kome/ for tie cauCe of all c^nftenft ome/ 3|t 10 tl)e pnncipall Ce> anil fome tooloe Ijate Ijpm to ^vmntt/ ©ecaure of tlje noble mapntenaunce/ '^iriiat lie IjaD of ^&arp0 timberttte. »)ome alCo perftoatie in poDe erneft/ Cljat in (Eitglontie it toere belt/ 1^10 aefiDe coor0 rpc^lj? to begraue 3|ef^ Ci^otoe after mpfolpCfi[ie coniecture/ ^Ijep couHienottfort)i0fepulture/ 2Det3pCe/ a better place to l)atie^ ^Ifo tljeare 10 ^apncte ^l)oma0 fclirpne/ iSDf preciou0 ftone0 anti ffoltie fpne/ Ml^erm tfie maCCe t!)ep mape lape. aaiterof t|)e rpc5e0 incompre^enCble/ ^[0 it i0 fpofeen bp perfone0 credible/ a^pffjt an (Emperour0 raunfome pape^ a^orotier t^ eare 10 tlie Car&inall/ flDf tD^oCe pompe to mafee re^earceall/ ItpaCTet^mp capacite* aaiitlj ttatelp biffoppe0 a greate forte/ ifflll)icl) feepe a merielou0 porte/ Concernpnp toorlDelp rogalte^ ^reae0 alfo t^at are feculer/ Jffllitl) monfee0 an& cl)anon0 reguler^ iaftotontie Co in poCreCRom Cfiat bot^ in toelfare anb toede/ WLitl) Dute Doute tl)ep farre e^;ccDe/ ^1)0 nDtile0 of t^e reffiom Cgf it be t^u0 a0 tljou Dott Declare/ M^U 3It 10 6eft t^at maCCe be burteti ttieare/ aaiitt) Due honorable retetence^ C^e but t^ep 5atie a fcotoarDe toitt/ anD par cafe t^ep toiU nott aDmitt/ aSut titterlp mafee reCftence? C^olDe t^p peace anD be content Jiaiat. ^Ije pCpellbp a comaunDment/ ^0 Do It toill ftrapfflitlp t|)epm compelL C^^ep fett nott b? t|)e ffoCpell a a?e/ 3Ief. ' 2DiDDeftt5ounotbeareto!)atttiiUanp/ Did tinto t^e ffoCpell? Cl(llljp/DiD tljep appntt^pm confppre? Clfllat. C2Bp trot^e t^ep Cett Ijpm a fpre/ 3|ef^ €)penlp inHonDoncite^ Clfllljo caufeD it Co to be Done? {Lfliat. ClnCott)et|)eBiC(;f)OppeoCilonDon/ 3|ef. acllit^ t^e CarDinallf autfiorite. aai^iclj at ^&auli0 croCCe erneftlp/ 2DenounceD it to be ^ereCp/ at tte ffoCpell ft)ulD come to li^s^u Callpnge t|)epm !)eretifee0 e;rcecrable (Ifllliiclje cauCeD t^e goCpell tenerable/ Co come tnto lage mensf Cpglit^ D I^e tieclarcti tijere in tnvmtnt^/ Cljat fotonoe monvt& more aiio Ie0/ abote tijre tl^ouCantie in t^t tranaaciom ?^otoe fte it to^en all cam to pagf/ 31 aare Cape tinable Ije toa0/ 5Df oneerroureto mafeeprobaciom Slla0 \)t Cap5e/ matters ano frenOegf/ ConfplJer toell notoe in poure mpntie^/ Cljefe ^eretifef tJiligentlp^ ^f)ep Capetljat comeittoomen/ all aCCone come into Ijeten/ S10 tljoCe tl^at Iptie perfectlp^ aaiat^ C^nli toa0 tljat tjeir tier? Capinge? 31ef^ cafter tl)i0 topfe toit^ oute fapn^nge/ gin a certapne prologe tljep torpte^ <2r|)at a to^oare or an open Conner/ 2Bp meaner of C^nft oure redemer/ (lfll|)ome gou to repent ootf) incpte> fe>t)all Coner come to Caluacion/ meritf o£Cl)rifti0 paCKon/ C6en an outtoar&e l)olg Ipter^ iiaiat. C^l)ep aiti tl)ere none toother twinge (Ijetoe/ ^l)en (0 reliearcea in matl)etoe/ gin t^e one anD ttoentp cljapter* g|ef. Cif or all tijat /lie CapDe inW Cermone/ leiattier tlien tlie pCpell flOullie be comone/ Brpngpnge people into erroure !^e toolDe fflaHl? Colfre marterliome/ tjpliolDe tl)e lietipl0 fre&ome/ jSDf VD!)Cim!)e 10 a confeffoure* C JLJ^I)?/ mafeeft tijou Spm a Caput? Jlfllatt. CCuen fDc!)e a one a0 papnter^ Ho papnt/ 3ef> ilDn toaUe0 anD borUes actificiallp^ (lM)kl toit]^ mpter0/ croC[e0/ ano cDpe0/ 0pere Ip&e gape ti(fl:^c»p0 ano pope0/ 3n ftratonffe fatCon outtDacDlp* 3\it ep are ptiol0 in effecte/ S^amettf of antic^n'ft 10 Cecte/ ^0 blpnDefolfeeaeceatfullp^ perceabe toell notoe t!)at/ |)onore0/ W^au it 10 fpofeen/ mutant more0/ Wiit^ Coc|)e tnen moft comenlp^ But tfipnfeeft t^m in tl)p mpnoe/ ^^at l^e coultiemf)f0 ^ertefpnDe/ 3In Coc^e a cafe Seatfi to fouffer/ C^tiape/ pt toa0 a toor&e of office/ 3Ief^ 31 toarante tie 10 nott fo foU'fffie/ %o putt W ftcilitip fo in aaunger^ i[ietiert|)eIe(Ce toi't^ tonp anO porffe/ jau t^ouff^ ^ e (l)uHie fare tfie toortCe/ (Blatilp ^e toill tio l)i0 Detjer. Co plucfee t|)etoortieof gotmotone SLiXb to e;ralte tlje t^vt folDe crotone jSDf antic^ritt 5p0 tietien aifo t^ ere 10 a charge tjnaer papne/ Cljat no manenp t^pnge retagne/ iforpf tljep pRCumetljecontrarj?/ %^t^ Mt t^eir B:ootie0 to(tt) oute metre?/ SlnD t|)eiu ttoDUies to be incarcerate^ Q^orotier tljat no clarc&e be fo boltie/ ^©reti? or pearte/ toit^ li^m to ^olUe/ |9reac^png:e oufi:l)t (n fatioure> ffiut contrary t^eir brapne0 to fett/ ©otlje in fcoless anti in tfje pulpett/ ^^pm an& all l)i0 to tidionoure^ aaiiierfore it botetl) tlie pfpell notljpnge SL0 concernpnge t^e maCCsJ burpinge/ ^0 fenDe en? precepte tljet^er^ ifor t^e? l)ati letter bp tljigi Dage/ (Bo tinto tlje liebi'll ttrajg^ttoape/ to obepe ^pm in enp maner^ aaiat. C^^iiS paffetl) of all t^ateier 3| liearlie/ 31 toonDer tfiep toere nott a fearDe/ Co notable blaCpliemp. jliotttoitl) ftonupnp tljei'r mterrupci'on/ ^Ijall tourne to tljeiroeftruccion/ Sit longe runnpnje fgnallp^ if or t^oug^ t!)ep caufea to be brent/ Ct)e outtoarDe lljatitiotoe or garment/ £)fffotitii0 toor&e fo ^pe of prpce^ gett tl)e srotontie of lji'0 maielf?/ ^rintea in cljnftenlierte^ fecretlp/ Cliep are nott able to premtipce^ ^tjerfort toljpt^er rije? toi'U or mil/ it be t^e ^olp prpel0 toiU/ a^affe m Cnglontie to Imr?. Em tljej^m crafee tintiU t^ep burff/ 2Dopnff tljei'rbea ana t^eirtourft/ 31 tt a&apletlb nott a c^erp^ *2ri)ep are toorlDlp anti carnall/ SLntu tl)t ffofpell 10 Cpretuall/ aroaeD toit^ angel0 prcCeitce^ C gnt CO m e b nto t^ at recfeeng n e/ 31 'ZlC^e? Voill mo angels toit^ t^epm lir^nge/ %l)tn (i)albe m tf)e ffoCpel0 aflittenct^ C^atie tlje? of anplg» en? ffarnpfon? azilat. C ^e ffoli kitotoetl) man? a legion/ 3|ef^ ^tt all tpmegf t|)epm to focoure^ C^otxie DO ttiep ti^eCe angelsJ gett? 221at^ CBp mp faptj of poire mengj floett/ 3I^f* aaiii'clj for tJ)e?m fore Do labourer C^t)a/3| tootttDelltol)attl)Oumeane/ Ciaiat^ »)Ocie anplgf are nott toort^e a beane/ gf it come to t^e pognt once^ But notoetoolDe 3| Ijeare t^t e^;prelle/ ^!ri)emaner of t^eir IjolpnetCe/ ©reflp DeclareD att once. CSl^arp tl^at 10 Done fortlie toit^ all/ 3!ef. if or tlje? Ijabe no l)oljne0 attall/ 510 farre a0 31 fatoe ]?ett eber* i^otoe be tt fl[)ortlp to Difcoutte/ 'W-^tk prouOe ettate Co ejlorlou0 91 tljalltiew tzlU tritjt^tt. ifpcft a0 31 Captie t^cre 10 a CarUinaH/ aaifiicf) 10 t!)e lElulcr pnnti'pall/ C^coue;^ ttie walme tn cijerp parte* aaiat, C^ate ttie? not in (EnglonOe aHpnp? 3|eff. C aia0 mane/ Cpeafee not of f^at tlpnp/ jpor It ffoett to mp tierpe Ijarte. Slnti 91 fl()aU lljetoe t^e a cauCe tot)pe/ •^irfiere 10 no ^t^nct tnaec t^e Cfege/ %^at to compare toit^ 'bptw is* able, a pofilp perfone te (0 of ftature/ Cntiueli toitlj all gpfte^ of nature/ SLnti of ffenttplne0 incomparable. 3|n Conlirpe Ccience^ lie 10 fene/ l^atjpnp a laftgeto |)i0 jSEitoene/ (Crample of toomanlpe bel)atjeoure. il^ottoittiftantipnp for all tl)i0/ 3Bp tl)e Carbinall ruleli lie 10/ %o tte Diftapmnp of §10 ionoure. Winu c2Doetl) lie folotoe t^e Carl)male0 1'ntente? 3ef. C^ee/ anti tliatt^e comone0repente/ Wiit^ manp a toeppnge teare. aaiat. CSrtie CarOlnall tieretl) tl)e?m tfian? 3ef. C^la0 fen0 Cnglandefpca bepn/ {Ulla0 ncter foclie a tprante tfieare. IBp W ptpt"^ and faulce treacljerg/ SOitioardom anO batttip leac^erp/ f)at|) bene Co intollerable^ ^fjat potre comens toit^ tfjei'i; topte0/ 31nmaner aretoearp of tljeir Iptiesf/ ^0 fe tl)e lonUe Co miCerable^ ^btousf) all t^e lonDelje cauCeO penur?/ SLm aftertoarUe tofee atoape t^eir mone?/ l^roceDpnffe moft tprannouOp^ po&re people netip anO bate/ 1^10 cruell bem toolDe nott Cpare/ Ileatpnge tbepm in peate miCerp* InComocbe tbat for lacfee of foUe/ Creature0 bougbt toi'rtj Cbnfti0 blotie aaiere fapne to ape in petou0 cast aiCo a rpffbt noble ^Bnnce of fame/ l^enrp tbe Oucfee of bucfepngame/ l^e cauCea to Depe ala0 ala0* poftesf tbat be tbusf gatiDereo/ aoiretcbetilp b^ll^tb Ccatterefi/ In cauCe0 notbpnge erpeUient^ %o mafee topntiotoe0/ toalle^/ an& 0 otesf/ anD to mapntapne bautie0 and tobore^/ a grett parte tberof (0 fpent^ C %ttt all tbi0 pa0 31 prape tbe bertelj/ dOlat^ anU fl[)e\De me Comtobat Cen'ouCp/ ^Df bi0 Cpretuall magnificence^ CiFpi^ft 1)^ Mtb a tptle of.^.Cecile/ gief. anil 10 a negate of latere/ SL tJignite of bpc prempnente* fiatlj biffljoprpcfeegf ttoo or tljre/ (Ifllitt) tlje pDpe0 full autjon'te/ gin care0 of DiTpenracion. acaau C^^e mape tljen toitl) tlje malte Difptnce/ gf 1)0 be faulen in t^e fentmce/ €)f t|)e ffrett ej:comumcaciDn?i gieL C^^at Ije mape in allmantr cafe0/ !^Dtot be it l)e ffebetlj notl)pnge grated But CellctS all for relitip monp. (Ercepte courfes and blellpn5e0 aautl) fps:l)t of ^(0 pltien r^nge^ ail te gebetl) frelp^ aaiau C^att) tie fo large faculte/ €)f tl)e popig benpgnite/ ^0 it 10 fpoken abroaUe? gief> c:^eaontietl)mtljepope0roume/ l^aftpnge of lji0 bulle0 a grett fome/ 31 trotoe an to^oale carte loaDe. Jiaiiertoitl) men0 porfe0 to tiefcljarn;e/ l^e ertentietl) lji0 potoer more large/ ^^entljepotoerof almpffljtp pD^ ifor Votjet^er it be polie or ill/ !^i0 perier0 mpntie lie toill fulfill/ feupplantpnge t|)e truetl) bp fallijoti. ^0 gett !)pm a fpnjuler name/ lonue ^e brpnget^ out of frame/ agapnft all ffo&tii0 forboD. !^e tournet^ all tl)j?nffe topfg terig/ iI5Dtt fparpnge for mv fmnonp/ ^orellfpmuaU ff?fte0. 3!it0;caun«0 of conCanguinite/ ^0 marp Voitt) m neace Defft^^/ gettet^ atoape mens tfirpftes- iDf feculer folfee Ije can make teffuler/ anti afl:a3?ne of reguler feculer/ a^afe^nge as Se Ipft blacfee of to^Pte. i2Dpen to|)orl3ont and afiljoutrp/ H^z alotoetl) to be matrimony/ ^toug;^ it be neber fo bnrj?g:Ijt. Haufull toedlocfee to Ditiorce/ gebetl) tier? Igtle force/ linotDpnffe no caufetojerfore^ pla^etlj tfje Deti'U and ^is liame/ SLll people reportpnge tl)e fame/ CourCCe tl)e tpme tliat etier l)e loas bore> Clt cannot f^ncfee in mp mpn&e/ (Lcllat. %^at tl)e Caruinall 10 fo blgnde/ Co mafee enp foc|)e tn'uorcement. Cdjouffl) It be nott m tljp belefe/ 3I^f- 31 tell tl)e to putt it in prefe/ l^e Dotlj all tl)at l)e can intent. CBittoi^te totom tiott t^ou Voene? Jiaiat. CBittoi^te tlje l&jnffe anD tlje £iuene/ 3I.ef. WiW^ t)^^^ bene longe of one aHent. C ^ome caufetljen ^e ^att) efppeti/ (laiat aContier tljegm to uebjDe/ ncceffarp ann tirpnt* Cil5ot|)?n5c but t^t tmtcl)ec Uot^ fapne/ Cbat t|)e ffootie lalip (0 barapne/ ILpfee to be paft c^plUe beacpnp, (IQlat. C^alf tl)e fepnge netcr c^^lOe 6? tier? 3cf* Ci^omatifaVDeetjerpoDlpec/ C^en t^ ofe totttlj flje fotrt^ Din brpffe. ilQiat. Cisfttecempoftljepmalpije? 3tt, Cgea^nnte0/tol)omtoDercr?tie/ 31ttDm^ertieJo an omoure, &l)e 10 but a c^jlOc of age/ ^nti 10 (|)e botlje topCe anti Cap/ flDf ijcr? beautifull fatjeoure* ^^ecfectlp Itje Oot^ repreCent/ Clje fingulec a;tace0 txtzllmt/ IBotfie of fatfier anu motljer* !^otDe be It all tl)i'0 nott reffartpnije/ Cfiep came of orcfee i$s meofielgtip/ jfocto limorce t^epm a fonder* aSLlatt, |[^renottt^enoble0!)ecetDit|) offenneti? 3cf, C 9*^0/ but It tan not be amenOeH/ 8L& lonffe a0 ^e 10 t^e ruler, aaiat. Cl t|)pnlie t^eiSEiuene 10 nott fault?/ ©utliat^e Done pnoug^ of '^er partp/ gf itjati pleaCeU gotilu'0 benificence* 31ef* CJPione 10 fault? but tlje butcher/ aail)om almpff^t? sou tiot^ fuffer/ 'i:o fcDurge t|)epeople0 offence. WLnto ffDd fie I'sf Co otiiDu^/ Ct)at notfipnge can be proCperou0/ iiaifiere a0 ^e ^at^ ptiernaunce* &en0 t^at ^^e cam fprtt fortoame/ SLU t^pnge^ fiatie pne bacfetoarDe/ aZttitlj mocfiemprcfiefe ann miTc^aunce^ Mo perlp purpoCefie Doet^ intenDe/ ^fiat etier comet^^ to a potie enlie/ But liamaffe anti tn'bulaciom CUn t^eCe parties it 10 berifped aoiat* ^tat^eliat^ a coUep etii'fieti/ flDf mertielDU0 founliaciDm CiSDf preup fjouCegf of baulirp/ gief* l^e ^at!) maDe a ftue0 openlp/ (EnDueli toitl) large zxibimn^ CUpcfeneft t|)Ou tD toljaarmonffer^/ Sffllat. a colaore of clarfee0 ano fcolear^/ (Enfupnp learnea erutn'cion^ CZILfiou mapftperceatie/ bp reaCon/ l^f^ d)att3ertuefl[)albetierg geaCDit/ amouffe a Com of pule loCel^* asi^lcl) liatierpc^e^ mfimte/ 3!n toelt^ anti toorlDlp Delpte/ (Betien to pleafure anti not^pnge elesf* C^fiep rede t^ ere botl) grefee ano ebrue/ laiat. c;i toill not Cape but it 10 true/ 3|ef. at t^ere be men of grett Ccience* l^otoe be it to^ ere prp&e 10 tfie beffpnnpnge^ ^^eUetirtl 10 comenlp t!)e en&pnp/ ^0 toe tz bp txpmmtz^ Sim ?f tl)ou confpaer todl/ (Ctieii a0 t!)e totoue of Babell/ ffitgan of a prerompciom &o 10 collefi50|| Dare bnDertafee/ ^5all confunDe t^e region* iiaitiat 10 it to Ce &oo:B;e0 anG catte0/ (Barbell ^e&tie0 an& CarliinaU Ijattes/ ^apnteD ontoaUe0 toit^ modje coft. Ciailjic^ ouff^t of tiiite to be fpent/ apon pobre people mDigent/ ifor lacfee of f otie btterlp loft. CQlat. C^at^ Ije for foclie folke no proljiDence? 3Ief. CiF^o/ fatipnge onlp to riD t\)tm Ijence/ SI proper toa^e 5e pmagenetlj. ZBau C^fter to^at maner portiiaunce? 31ef. CCruelp leaft tl)ep ft)ulDe be cobraunce/ a toarfare Ije t|)epm CenDett). iULlat. c3^anpoftl)epmt^enareflapne? 31ef. C^ljep netier comeljometiaulfe agapne/ 31 mape tell tl)e in gooDe plpffljt. ifor fome be tafeen prefoner0/ ^nD fome are DeD&e of tl)efetier0/ a^anpof ttjepmlofjnffe tbeirfpfft)t. C)f ttoentp tt)oufan&efpg:|)tpns:emen/ &cant returnetlj Ijome affa]?ne ten/ 5n pone ttate antr perfect Ipfepnp. ifor tlje more parte matie beffser^/ SLn^ fo become roblier^ anD fteler^/ (Lalljerbp tijep Ijatie a ftjroa&e entipnge* C^e faretlj nott tlje better for toarre/ Mat. C^cs marp/ it 6otI) Ijpm prefarre/ 31ef* Co more g:apne0 tijeni can reljearce. ifor f^rft or t!)e toarre Do beffpnne/ CI) CP laboure bi0 fabotire to toPnne/ (Bebpnge gpfteci man? ani) Dptiers^ anti pf It cannot be fo pacifpeD/ CI) CP brpbe |)pm on t!)e tootI)er fp&e/ at t^e lead for to be fatoureD. Slnti fpnallp toarre for to ceace/ aiUftlj retoarlie0 tljep muft |)Pm peace/ ^r els peace cannot be performed. C3DotIje \)t practpfe foc|)e conbepaunce? ^at. C^e/ anD for tbat caiife in jf raunce/ gjef. C!)(0 toarre tjme |)e teas belobeD^ CC|)ou mafeeft Ijpm t^en a trapter? JLfllat. C3i recfeen t)pm a falce fapterer/ 31 ef. gf tbeberp truet!) toere protieft* C &(UeU lett t!)i0 pas/ ^otoe tiot!)e t)e/ laiat* 3!n ptjpnge graimtes of liberte/ SLm cafed tljat be DiTpenfable? C^e folotoetlj tl)e comen practpfe/ 51^f- ®f marc!)antes in tijei'r marcljantipfe/ Co getttoorlDlp poUesfmotiable* SLxib \)Z liDtl all bp l)i0 factDure0/ leieftpnge in quptt fellcite^ Ijatlj falce fmtt& anti fccpbe^/ (Bappnge for not^pnp but for brpbegf/ ifull of frauDe0 anD perterOte. oaiat. C^tiep are nameU pett Vootlier topfe/ 3|ef, C^rot^be/ but tfiep folotoe tiei'r ggfe/ gintoicfeeD operations^ Wi^U €3 put a tafe notoe tjep be leatoDe/ ^sf 31 tlipncke tljep are all beft)retolie/ gin t|e(r atiminiftraeions/ all t|)ep to ^ ell for tlje Carfiinall/ el0 t^pnfeeft t^^ou tl)at ljefl|)all/ (Bo t^etljer in W otone perfone? g|ef^ C^I)oub:1) |)e l^ate tjere focbe prerogatibe/ gin all popnte0 tljat be Difpenfatitie/ ^0 performe it bp complltom gett in tW popnt felierlp/ l^e muft performe it perfonallp/ aaiittioute enp e^empciom aaiat cgfSebea0tl)ou^aaterefap&e/ gi toene tl^e Hebils toill be afraplie/ ^0 Jatie Ijpm a0 a companion^ ifortoljattoittttsf emracions/ Slrib tDitl) ]&i0 terrible fulmmaciongf/ H^t tool&e l)an&le tliepm fo^ ^l)at forberp Hre&e ano feare/ sill tilt &etiil0 t!)at be t|)eare/ WLilbt glad to let ^vm g:a* C^0 for t^at t^ ou magft be aCCuteti/ 3Ieu ^5e &eti(l0 toitf) courffe0 are intjreti/ SL0 auti^oiirsJ tbere of toit^ out faple^ caaifiat ?f 5e toiU tbe tietitl0 bUCTe? ?Laiat. C^5^P regartie it no more be giCCe/ 3l^f* ^^entoaffffpnge of St0 mule0 taple^ C2Dotb 5e tiCe t^en on mule0 to rpOe? aaiat. Cge anD tljat toitf) Co fl[)amfull prpDe/ ^ef. ^b^t to tell (t (0 not poffible. Sl^ore Ipfee a goli teleftiall/ ^b^n enp creature mortall/ aoittb toorltilppompeincreoible^ ^Before bptn rpUetb ttoo prette0 ftronp/ janft tbep beare ttoo croffe0 riffbt longe/ (Bappnffe in et^er? man0 face^ ^fter tbepm folotoe ttuo la?e men Cecular/ ianU eacbeof tbepmbolD^nffeaplllar/ In tbeir bontie0/ tteaUe of a mace^ Cb^tt folotoetb mp lorUe on bi0 mule/ ^rappe&toitb plDetinDerber cule/ 31n eierp pognt mod curiouOp^ iSDn eacbe fpDe a polla^e 10 borne/ aaibicb tn nonetootberbfe aretoorne*. I^retentipnffe Comebifi mifterp^ ^b^n batb It ferbauntf fpbe or ixv Ccore/ fe)ome bebpnUe an& Come before/ SL martielDujS great companp. C)f to|)ict)/ are lorDe^ anti pntlemen/ WLitl) manp g;rome0 anti pemen/ ^nD alCo fenatie0 amonge* ^f)U0 Daplj? Ije proce&et^ fort^e/ anti men muft take it at toort^e/ ^(aiiet^er tie Do rig^t or torange^ SL grett carle tie 10 anti a fatt/ jaiearjnge Dntif0 ^eD a reti ^att/ Procureti Voit^ angels Cul^aop. anil a0 tljep fag intpmeof rapne/ jfotoer of tii0 gentelmen arefajne/ ^0 5olDe otier it a cannopp. ©er]?lie t5i0 to tell t^e more neVoe^/ !^e tjat^ a papre of coftl? fljetoesJ/ CLQltn'ctj aiaom touctje enp grotonDe^ %\)t^ are fo goo&lp anD curioujs/ ail of ffolDe anD ftone0 precioujs. Cottpnge man? a tljouCanDe potonDe^ mau canD totio tii& for ttie0 iljetoe^ pape? lef^ CCrulpmanparpc^eabbape/ ^0 be eaCeD of tiigf biataciom aaiat^ C2Dotti 5e in tii0 otone perCone tn'Ct? 3itf. Ciltio/anottierfortipmtiotlji't/ Cljat can ffepll of ttie occupaci'om a feloVoe nettier topfe nor f aD&e/ :3But Ije toa0 netier gett full maDDe/ ^^oug;5 5^ b^ frantpfee anti more* 3DDCtDi: aipn f)e i0 nameti/ ®ne t|)at to Ipe igf not afiiametr/ fppe abauntaffe t^erfore. e^SLvt tot^z iDitl) !)?m I'a enj prpce? Jiaiat^ Cge/ for t^ep tio all l)i0 aDipce/ "itt^ CLQlI)et|)er it be toronp or nffl)t> C^atlj t^e CarDinall eng gap manaoit? Ifllat. C(Brett palaces toit^ out compareCon/ 3l^f> Sl^oft glorious of outtoarDe fiffljt^ 5lnti toi'tl) iimecfeeD popntUetu'ce/ 9^ore Ipfee tjnto a parafiice/ an ertlielg S^bitacion^ C^^e cometl) t|)en of fome noble ftocfee? Wiau C^^iS father coulUe f natcl^e a bullocfe/ 3|ef. Si butctier bp |)i0 occupaciom Cl^otoe cam Ijebnto tf)i0 glorp? Sfllat. C^Slapnlj bp tl)e tiel3il0 policy/ 3|ef^ ^0 it 10 etierp toljeare fapUe^ C^re ti)t ftates tiere toitlj all content. Mau Cfff tl)ep fpeafeeaun;l)tt^ep arel^ent/ 3lef. Ciai^erfore 1 tell t^e tl)ep are a frapDe. C?^^att abftinence tiCetl) l)e to tafee? IQIat. Cln Hent all fpflTje lie dot^ forfafee/ gjef. ifeUDetoi'tl) partriffes anti plofters. C^^e leatiet^ tljen a Hutlierans Ipfe? Mlat. CflD nape/ for l)e liatl) no topfe/ 3|ef* ©ut toljoares t|at btW lotier0> Cff f lie bfe tol)oare0 to occupp/ aaiat. t 5it i& ffrett martieU ctvmnl^/ C^at efcapetl) ttje f renege pociicsf' lef, C^e^ali tfie pocfeess toitt outfaple/ aai^ecfore people on Ijpm lii'ti ra^le/ Mit^ manp obprobn'ou0 mocfeesf^ aoiat. C^e toais tfien ab^oma of pnnte? 31ef» tcotlj man/ not an pnc^e/ fe>ti'll in fatjoure conrinuallp, aOlat, ClBp tfie fieljiU t!)en t)e toorfeet^? 31ef, CSTtulp Co etecp man fuUptl)* 2But alas! tot) at remetip? afllat, C^^atlj 5e rijilUcen b? Ijl0 tD'^oarejS alCo? 3tt C^e and f^at full prototilg t^ep p/ ^amlp one Vo^om 31 tio fenotoe. TOi'cl) Ijat^ of t^e c^urcliesf gooDejS tleclp/ a^ore tl)en ttoo tl^oufanO potonoe perl?/ Slnb pett 10 not content 1 trotoe, name I'sf matter aGltnter/ jfor toljom mp lorUe W father/ l^at^e ptten of tl)e frenc'^e fepnjesf pace. C^atVo^en t^ebiOljop of Eone/ €)ut of tliliS Ipfe (0 lieliDe anO gone/ l^e fl|)all fucceOe !)pm in ttsJ place* Qfllat* C^lnli 10 W fatljec a0 retjp/ Co promoute t^e noble propnp/ 510 Ije (0 totoartie0 W baftartie0? 'itU C^efatjouretl) Iptell noble linage/ 'STafegnffe a toape t^elc fjen'taffe/ Eat^er t^cn to Cett tliepm fortDartie0, btukzt^ rnenss tettametite0/ SLni contrary to t^cir mtcntess/ ^tl)i0 otune mpnlie anti pleafuce. l^eljJilbe tteDc0 tJeireiCecutour^/ ^aprnp toi'tl) t^z ntUll all oure^/ leipdjel? to encrcacc tii'js tceaCourc* a^ang a poUe la&pjj lognter/ l^e tngcofet^ tip into 5t0 cofec/ jaDft^eto'^i'ct fomeiicteto name* 3 recfeen t^e Counter of 2Dacbp/ Ciaittt) tie Countejf of ^alCbucp/ ^Ifo t^e aoucljesf of ^Bucfe^nffame* Cl^t^eueti'lfot^e antopcfone? Mlat* C^clj/ tliece I'sf net^ec liufee m barone/ :!5e tljep neber of fo gmt potoec. But t^ cp ace conttrapneo to croutcfie/ Before tl)i0 butcfiecl? ttoutc^e/ ^0 1'ttomtjnto an Cmproure* Ciliotoe furl? t^ en after mg mpnUe/ Ciaiat* je? cannot focje anotfier fpnDc/ (grle lietiOe matKs office to folempnife* CSfittiei)i0pleafuref)emape/ Jef, l^otoc be it tjfet^ Iptell to prape/ if or It 10 late or te Do argfe, aifo a0 farre as( 31 canne mufc/ i;o 00 t'btsJ office 5e toi'll refufe/ 3Dre!J2n5e^(g( pompe t^erbp to lofe» aaian for ttjat/ it iWl mtl^n^t f fepll/ Papnlp It hz tit ffDfpel0 toill/ 2Dd It !je muft anD cannot oCe^ 3\d. C^ett ittoUbe aparelou0 buOne^/ ifor bicrtiopgf anli pnftejs tioutle^/ ^0 aj?lie f)pm toiU nott be flacfee^ CSous;^ t!)ep loueljpm ajs t|)e tiebiU/ to DO t]^e ffofpell ComeebiU/ iltlo Diliffence in t^epm il)aU lacfee* aaiat^ C^atie tljt biCft)Op0 Co grett rpc^e^? 3tt C3ti0nottpo(Kbletoej;pre0/ tvutuvt of tlje fpretualte^ mau cJL^'^at/aret^ebirtljop^tiifamejS? 3ef. cSetJepcanVDcleffe)?Uof topnegf/ Better tlien of Debimte^ Hatoeargf t!)ep are of e;i;perience/ SLn'a in cafe0 appnft confcience/ ^!)ep are parfet bp practpCe* Co forge ej;commumcac(on0/ ifor tpt^e0 anD Decimaciongf/ g|0 t!)eir continuall e^ercpfe^ ^0 for preach pnp t^ep tafee no care/ d)ep \3)oltie fe a courfe at an ^are/ Hatfier tjen to mafee a fermom %o folotoe t^e cljace of toplDe trere/ ^aCTpngetlie tpmetoit^ iolp cl^ere/ iamonget^ejm all 10 comom Co plape at tlje carDeiS an& Upce/ fe>Dme of t^epm are not^j^nge npce/ Bott) attiaCarti anD momc^aunce. ^6^? tir^ncfee in ppe plDen lioUe0/ %l)z bloutiDe of potire ample fouled/ PenTfl[)pnge for lacfee of fudenaunce. ^ieirljongerp cure0 tijep neter teac^e/ iflor toill foffre none Vootjer to preacje/ But foc'&e a0 can Ipe anli ftatter. BiHDpnffe t^e IieaUe^ after tW Wt (t)M prape for t!)e gooDe eftate/ €)f loroemp matter^ SlnU fo retignp a rajge mansf route/ e^l)ortetIj to prage for tfie foule/ €)f tl)i0 perCone ano of tljat^ WLW^ ffatie bofee/ bell/ or cfjalles/ ^0 tjefortfieraunce of ffoDDi0 fertiejs/ Babblpttp I)e toottett) neare to!)at^ ^ocljepreac!)er0be comenDeft/ Slnti t^e tootiier are repreJenUeU/ (lfll!)ic5 preac^e t^e gofpell purlp^ fe)0 tijeg fitt apon couCiien^ fofte/ djeir ropalte e;;alteD alof te/ ^f)ep regarfte nott g;oDtii0 toorUe furlp^ ^fiep are fo getieri to atiarpce/ C^at t!)ep ponUer no premDpce/ l^appenpnge to t|)e tomen VoealL norplllie fertaunte0 in ptielne^/ WLW^ tojen t|)ep are matterlegf/ sire conttrapnelr to fteggreor (fealr^ ^0 tell all t^e abliominacion/ €)f tlieirVDmcljeU conuerCanon/ It toere bot^e lonp anti teliiou^^ MJat. Clft|)ehia;t)op0tioCDaliDtonoe/ l^otoe are Ceculer prettegf foVonlie/ Qfllitlj perfongrto^icl) berelipousf? 3ef. C^Spnfeeft tljat toitlj tliepm it i& Ccaut/ iI5ape nape man/ 1 tf)e toarant/ ^l)ep fele no in&icrent rearagre^ ifor t!)ep 5 atre potiegf I'nnumeralile/ antr fare moclie better at tljeir table/ Cljen lortie0 of toort^p paraph J^ortuneVDitlj prefte^ runnetl^ onto^elejf/ ^0 t^at fome tatje after tteir Ijele^/ SL Ccoare of pemen taule anli ftoute> - |[jai|)om for to mapntapne ptielp/ Cl)ep ^ abe benefpcejs berp manp/ 31 n t^e country t^ere aboute. aaiierbp t^ep are Co prouae anO tjapne/ Cl)attt)e noble men t^epliiTDapne/ (laiitlj Ccornfull inliiffnacfon. oug^ peratjenture tljei'r fat^er^/ Mm ottjer fototer^ or cobbler^/ €)f no maner reputaciom S10 for religious f olfee to be brefe/ 31n all (Englonlie t^ep Ijate tje cfiefe/ Slnli moft plefaunt comoWtee0^ ^f)e ffootilp Caplejs/tlie gooUlp lonDejf/ aaironryfuUp t|ep IjolDe in tliei'r ^onlieiS/ 5Bp CDloure of t^^eir faulce prapre^/ 2Deft:auDeli are tfie tpgfit fieprejs/ jftom tljeir true inljentaunce^ ^|)ep are tlie cauCe ot mpferg/ flDf tofjorOom/t^^eft/ anti tiejyfferp/ ^0 tlje CDmentoelle0 -^pixtieraunce^ 1^0 frutfuU VDorfee t^ep tjCe/ all f)oneft laliDure ti^tv refufe/ d^etjento^olp to auffffeCflfjnetf^ ^fiep are nettier plllp nor liitjine/ IBut Ipfee to brut beaftesf anli ftopne/ aaialtrpnge mCgnfulltoretcIjelinesJ^ 31 rpeafce tljigf oE t|)e poCCeflioner^/ SLli t^oug^ tlje men&icant ortier^/ are notl)pnp leCCe abl)ominable^ aailioCe Iptipnge 10 toitj oute lauDe/ ilioriflljeli in rapine ana frauOe/ (BrounDea onleCpngf Ueteftable^ djep are t^z tiet>il0 meffenger^/ ann of anticlirift tbe members/ (C;rample of all pertjerate^ ^&ep are p&olg of aatterp/ SLtib apoftel0 ofI)ppotr?fp/ IRepleniffljeotDit!) enormi'te. Ho/^ereJ i&atie tl)usf reported/ l^otoe t^efr Ipfe 10 partly ortireD/ SLiXb intier toljat conliinon, aaiat. C^Ijat tijou ^att 3 ma&e goti a tjotoc/ InComoclbc t^atj martiaple^Dtoe/ %l)Ou fenotoeft tljei'r Oifpoficiom But 31 prape tlje/ Doft t^ou luDp/ ^i^at t|ep toill manner ana grulip/ at t]^e beDae malli0 burpi'nge? lef. Cge Cprgi toi'0 man | am Cure/ diep toilUabDuretoit^ bufp cure/ 1^10 Cepulture forln'Dti^np* ifor to^p tljeir Cuperaui'te/ Bp tl)e matB0 liberalite/ €)nlp |)at^ rupportaciom Mau C9ai|)at fuppofeft tI)ou of men temporall? 3IeC. C3I t^pnfee ttiej? tooltie t)DlDe |)ere Voitlj all/ tftep ^a& Due informacion. ilietiertlielelle at tl)e beggf pnge/ abe&e matte amonp t^epm to brpnge/ ^]^ere toilfae Come aifficulte^ 25e cauCe oClonp continuaunce/ %^t^ fjatie f)aD truft anti afgaunce/ ^^orotoe t^e matte CabeD to be^ ifor t!)eCe prettes anD frpre0 perCtoatre/ ^6at bp t^e matte t^ep tljall etiaUe/ Cternall papne anD punnpCiTjment^ JliOi^oCe Cuff rage tioet^ tfiepm gret fteUDe/ profitttable bot^e to quicfee anD DeDtie/ SLtm tlm m^ribt am mtipment. C to pre(te0 ana fv^tv0 miTerable/ Mau 2DDutle0 t^e maffe 10 proffitable/ janD 10 t^e mill of tljeir toelfam 3\it to t|)e people toit^out fapnpuffe/ 3|t 10 plapne a frauDfuU tieceatipnffe/ Co mafee t-^eir porlle emptp anti bare^ Cil^otoe trulg 51 trotoe a0 ou tioft tape/ 3|ef. dSien t^ere goet^ tl)e Ijare qu^te atoape/ Sim all t^eir liabdlpnge 10 but lge0* SLll t^oufflj tljere be toother obftacle0/ T5z caufe of tl)e pett mpracle0/ 2Daplp practgCeD before oure epe0> CCIjou netier fatoeft mpracle torouff^t? Sfllat. C3/ tto bp Ijpm ttat me boufffit/ gief. T5ut a0 ti^e pre(te0 mafee reftearcealU CCantt t^ou rel)ear0 me notoe one? ctfllan Cil^o 31 cannot/ but oure fpr 3|^on 31ef. Can/ in ljt0 CnffliXflje fettibalU CCKetie t^ep to foctie fable0 creDence? JLfllat. CC^ep iatie t|)em in more reference/ 31ef> %\)zn tl)e ffofpell a tlioufanli foiae. aifo t|)er (0 nether Vo^oare nor t^efe/ ilJor enp of fo toicfeeD miTcl^efe/ But bp t^e matte 10 maGe boltre> ifor pf tljep lieare once a prefti0 matte/ ^^ep truft furlp t!)at Dape to patte/ afllitl)out all parell or oaungeoure^ Craft? rorceretiS anti falce tipce plaperjf/ picfeepoitess anli pretip contie?er0/ t^e maCCe tope to ^atie focDure> 9^m\)anm patCpnge tuagesf on farre/ janli Couliiargf ffopnge fort|)e to toarre/ ?£p tl)e made are ofte preCertiea. Sl^aCCe brprtffetl) fpnnerss to grace/ janti ftnue0 atoape it Doet^ cljace/ iaiiotie all tljpngeg preferred^ a^alte ColemniCetl) manage/ SLnt) feepetl) people from aomage/ Caufpnge alfo toeimer to be fager* fll^affe mafeetl) tame tl)pnge0 of to]?H)e/ 5lnU lielpetl) toemen to be Voitl) cl)]?l&e/ djorotoe alBftence of t^e faper* SeaCCe atjapletl) agapnft fpcfene^/ • a protieb remetr? for all oiftreg/ janD for tl) jnge0 t^at be gone^ ^l)U0 to conclude toit]^ brebi'te/ jQDf tl)e to^ole cljurc^e^ feli'cite/ ^^e maffe 10 mapntener alone^ IMau C^lje noble0 tl)at be topfe anti fage/ 31 fuppofetoitt focljeblpntieaotage/ Cf)ep cannot fo foKffljlp begple. 3!ef. C^rott) it 10/ fome of tl)epm begpnne/ Co liatie Iptell confiDence tljere in/ ana lelfe tooll toitl) in a toljple^ (I21l){cl) of tlje biftl)op0 10 perceaijea/ aai^erfore fiate notoe rettrapnrti/ (EltiDer tte pagne of courffpixffe^ %liat no lape man &o re&e or lo&e/ g|n enp foitfuU enffUCflije bofee/ 5flli[)olp fcripture CDncernpnge^ ^l)nr frantpfee folp ijS Co petiiTilje/ ^Ijat tfiep contempne m (Bn^Ultttt/ Co l^ate tlje netoe Ceftamenu ©ut a0 for tale0 of Eobpn ^otie/ aaiit^ tootfier left e0 nether toneft nor potie/ C^eg Ijatie none impeDi'menu C^eir ma&tie bnCatierp teact)png:e0/ anil tjegr fantafticall preactpng:e0/ atmonge ample folfee to promote^ ifor no CO ft tijep Cpare nor ftpnte/ ^IDpenlp to put tfiepm in prjnte/ Creatipng:e fcripture tinDer tieir fote^ aifo tijei'r decreets anli fiecretallf / Mlit^ folpf(i)e &reame0 papifticallf / C^ep compell people to reOe^ ^otoe be it t^e confutation/ j3Df t^eir abl)ominacion/ C^ep Id ill not Coffre to procetie^ Cl&epe tl)Ou filence and be toljpft/ Ifllat tE^oug;^ toit^ grett crakes tljej reftft/ if or a I? tell feaf on pref ent^ gett 31 toarant toi't^in (^ortt fpace/ apaffe toill Ijatie t^ece W bergmp plate/ jacDrDpnp a0 it is! contienient. 3Ief. C»)0 xnot^z tltt toorfe for oure t|)rpfte/ if or tl)m t^ere id none tootfjer It^pfte/ Si m\x>t matter toe muft ti0 gett. aaiau C^ll t^ouglj made be nelitie anD rotten/ SL matter ma?e Ipff^tlp be gotten/ toe oure mpnDe to lab oure fett^ 3l^f^ CSebutprette0Certiicei0s:ape/ ifor toe mape toit!) t^mn all toage/ 3|npDelne0l)atie grett refpgt^ WLau C^liat for a ci^ntten man 10 nott bett/ aSorne into laboure anU not tinto rett/ SL0 tilt foule 10 tinto flpffljt. But notoe all tl)i0 matter to fpare/ ilett u0 oure matter0 tipner prepare/ if or it 10 l)pe tpme tierelp^ 31ef. ftlpttJip lett 130 0:0 a pace/ if or l)e toill be(i)rotoe oure face/ gf Ije fpnfie not all tj^np reD?> aaiat. c^atoe/ 3 pra^e tlie jett abg&e/ fe>ett tl)p tni^nzd a topple a fptie/ SLiXb lett ti0 ^ate f]?rft a Conge^ ^ef. caQlljattooltiettt|)outl)at^tl[)ultieCpnp? aaiat^ C»>urlg Come propper contepeD tl)png;e , iliot otier teD(ou0 nor longe* 3ef^ e3 trotoe tl)ou arte a Cpuffpnge man? ^I)e5eftil oftl)eto|)ittljat3 can/ 2But3I lotie rpectallg foc^^e geare. tttmlta'ot it mttp orCa&tie? 3|eF. foam not be it goolie or baGDe/ Jlfllat. t^at 31 maj?e Come to^at fieare/ Clf t!)Ou toiU t|)p mvmt fatiffp/ gief. (0ett t|)e into Come monafterp/ janD be amonp tl^e^m in ti^t queare* C3Do tfiep ife Cocfie lol? Cj^nffpnge? JLQ-lat. C3t 10 t^e crafte oCtfteir Iptpnye/ 3Ief^ a^E^erbp tfiej mafee luftp c^eare^ C15ut3| tintierfton&enott to^attfie? Cape/ Mlat. CBp mp Cot!)e no more do t^ep/ 3leC. 3i map (ijetoe t\tz in counCelU C»>t)aU3 aretlje notoeaqueftion? WLau CSe liartielp a ptitii0 beneCon/ 31^f- ^ntr 31 toill not Cpare t^e to telU C^are t^ou neber m religion? Sfllat* CSe a DoCen pere0 continually. C^ljen tl)ou fenotoeft moc^e inljappme0? Wlau C5l ffrett tieale more tjen poDne0/ 3I^f- 31 prome0 tl)efaptl)fullp* CJiaiell lett ti0 Differ tW till Coune/ Mau Ml^en oure mafter0 Diner 10 Done/ aaie to ill agapne come l)pDDer> C3I am content etien Co to bo/ 3IeC. CiFptft Cpnp a balett/ 50 to/ aaiat. SlnD tlien toill toe to Diner. caia0 31 am martjelouOp Drpe/ 3|ef. aai^at neliet^ t^e Co to Ij^nger? 3ef. CWeatitrnt^etieftmanner. CUntljeiopfullmonetfi of (Dip June/ aaialfepnge all alone care to folajS- 3 fiertieatjopcetoitl) alioloroujstune/ if ull pitiouOp crpinge/ ala0 ala0> CljetoorlDe (0toor(letl)eitetiprittoagf. i^etjer Co Depe m miCerable tiecaje/ 3nt it cannot tijugf enliure all toape* iFptft to beffpnne at tie fpretualte/ aaifioCe Ipftpnge Ojultie 6e example of grace^ ginaueD tDitf) parfett toorfee^ of cl^ante/ ^efepnp ffoliDijS tonoure in etierg cace* toorllie toitlb tjtsf tiani'te^ tfiep enbrace- Henprnje g:oti all tfiougb tljep fape nape/ 25ut (t cannot tl)U0 ensure all toape> jDf tf)f0toorttiet!)ep^atiet^ecljefeaommion aaiit^ ftatelp preeminence temporalU ^bep preafume to be 5 aUDe m opinion/ flDf tie people/ as lorlies empenalU aaiorfljipfull femourjs toe mutt tbegm call/ Bequprgnge tbat toe fl[)uHie to t^epm obege/ 25ut it cannot t^usf enOure all toape^ ^!)e vvtfft^ antJ gaoti&egf oft^e comen toeaU/ I^at^ fett tltt^m in djeir l^onoiire full ^ge. ^^ep are occaCan tfiat t^etieg Do tteall/ and caufe of all mifc|)efe anD miferp. toorlulp treaCure t^ep confume pDelp. iI^ot:^?nffe reprftpnge but paftace an& plape 2But It cannot t^UjS enDure all Voape. Cte laboure of t^e potjre people tfiep Detiotoer anu of noble0 t^ep toafte t^e patrimonp^ %^t^ teac^e an& exl)orte men pft to ^onoure aaiit^ tl)eir temporall fubftaunce anti monp* C^ep clapme tptlie^ to fupporte t^eir folp^ gintientpnge manp a faulce offecpnp Dape/ IBut it cannot t^u^ enoure all toape* Cfiep oug^t of Dut^ to preac!)e t!)e gofpell/ ^^e toortie0 of Ipfe/ fo Dulcet anD fVoete. !^otoe be it tljere agapnlt c|)eap tliep rebell/ C^nfti0 Doctrpne troaDen tinDer t^eir fete^ ep beare ti0 in t)onDe t^at it i0 nott mete, ^^e gofpell to be fenotoen of people laje/ Sut it cannot t^ujS enDure all toape^ Cntp tl)ep f)olDe/ c!)arite fett a fgoe/ leietapngnffe for cljaftite carnall Defgre. fe)lDut^e anti fflomnp in t!)eir Ijole emp]?te. l^atlj ma&e temperance an& labour to ftraj?e But It cannot t5u0 enUure all toaje^ (Emprours aD fe)?no:f tl^^p trappe in t^ ei'r lure/ 3Deceatipnffe tijepm bep falce aDulaciom »)0 tl)at of promocion0 tl)ep be Cure/ iFull Iptell t^ep ponDer tl)elr Damnation^ ^5ep gebe tt)ejm no true information/ HnD tt)at etii'tientlp parceatie t^eg maje/ aSut It cannot t^u0 enUure all Voaje. toorfeejs of mere? apon t|)em arefpent^ poure people DefrauD jnp toitt) iniurp^ %5e? Drpncfee tlie bloud of fouled innocent/ »)imple folfee beff^lpnge outraffeouO]?. ^fieir f oule fjlt^? carfee0 to magngf?* %it^ torappe in robe0 antr coftlp arape/ But it cahnot tl)U0 ensure all tuage^ (BoDDijS comaunOmetf tliep trafgretCe opelp ^0 lji0 golilp loie no reCpecte Ijatipnjje* ^Ijep take l)i£( name miapnetoitl)blaffemp/ l^olp Dape0 after tljeir otonmpntie fapnpnge ^0 ^onourtl)eir par'etf t^ep are Difdapnpnffe Sl^ore cotietougf tienfej?te0 toaptpngeaprape^ But It cannot tl)U0 eniiure all toa}?e. jforbiDtipnp toetilofee appnft toilU %^ ei'r Cub lect^ tl) opp rede (n toretc^ eti ca ce/ ^rone tinta mortljer cl)intten mm to fpilL Sacrilege anU fimonp 10 t!)eir come milL (ILTfj?n0;e falce toitne^ t^e truet!) to tiela)?e/ ©ut it cannot tlju^ tn&ure all toage* Ct)^ facrementf of cfinltijs orDmaunce* 31nftitute oure feble fajt^ to Cuftapne. Cljep ^atie pertiemD tjnto ourel)pntiraimct. (Enforcpnpti^ to truft in trpttess tiapne. aaiotfjei: netoe facrementf falcel]? tljej? fapne^ iDbttuvist ffo&f toortie asi mocl) agf tljep map ©ut it cannot tljii0 cn&ure all toape^ C5nffi0 fueDo t^eg tiatjc brought m bontiage flDf tjetienlg ne;^tc0 mafepngemarctiantipfe. g|n pttlp VDorfee0 t^ep cotiett atiauntage/ Co fcUc t|)etr inCaciate cotictpCe^ i3Df t|)c Uamnable matCe tl)ep mafee a Cacrgfj?fe Compellpnge men Uearlj for it to page/ :2But It cannot tlju0 cn&ure allXoape. ^Df !)ell anti Ijcticn t|)cp mak rtjebefance/ ifapnpnp a0 t|)eg li?(t a purgatorp. ^?pocnfpi0 leader of t^nrfiaunce/ lUilit^ toronjye e;;torcion anD ijferg^ f IReop anD prompte c^n'ftcti mm to betcap^/ 2But It tannot t\)iw mXmtz all toape. TO^rforctireap to f^nnpCiTjemp bala&e/ C Ijetjenl? father/ apoit t^e §! calU ^^atie ppte on man/ Voljom tljou tatt matie/ 'STo fertje tl)c m freDom CpcctualU lai'D ijsf from anti'tljn'ai0 ftonoegf Co t^ralU JUaijectoi'tlj toe are faft bobnti npffljt aO tiajc '(I^at tl)p name be not blarpliemeij all toape. Ho notoe 31 liaije fione m? bett/ 'Eofatiffptljerequea/ ^ccor&gnp a0 tljou befpre&ft^ Sillat, CH totll tiolDe t^e tljen no lenger/ IBut lofee tljat tijou remember/ %o fulfill tljat tl)Ou promjfeDtt. j ILov^z 5D& iDtiat gaoUe &ape0/ ^6^0 monkegf Ijatie in abbc]?e0/ ^nliaonetljerfVDettuorCtxijncfee* ^tei litie intDeltbjne^ auD eaCe/ ^at3pnp to^at Coetiet t^eg pleafe/ WLiti) tieUcate meate anti Drpnclie^ Wi^n toi't^ djep farce t^eir bellies fa Ml/ C^at to all 5ootine0 tlje? are Dull/ a^afejuffe merp toit^ gill anti 3|Dan. Wi)Z^ fitt fleppnge in a corner/ iSDr momblpnge tlieir pater natter/ Ctei'r mpnDe notlignffe t^er apon^ Be tljep netier Co ftroncye or ftarcfee/ ^5ep iDill ej;erc?Ce no maner toarcke/ ii-lorlahourefaotiDiIp^ C^rte tl)ou Ijere 31^ffwp mate? WLau Cffe/ to^p comeft tljou Co late? 3ef. 31 am Cagne for t^e to tar?. €31 toae. C:»>o mot 31 tljel tl)oun;bttbe Came/ Jef. !^otoe be it t^e ttuarSe toas to blame/ ^^at be OiD no better porbape. CBp t^p faptlj/baD tt)ou better fare/ caiat. 3n tlje clojtter toliere as tljou toare/ WLnt^tt tit rule of tlje monatterp ? 1ef> € fare cotlja? tlje? eate ti^tiv belief full/ (Ctjer? man a& moclje as Ije toull/ auD none faptt) blacfee 10 Ijigf epe? afllat. CclfllljatUotljepfortt/enptipnge? 31 ef^ C^rulp notljpnphut re&e anD fpnp/ ^9aC[png:e tlje t]?me toit^ fporte anli plape* Wiau C^liat 10 a Ijfe in De&e for tl)e noneg/ d)Du toare a fole bp t^^Ce ten Iiones/ asilian tljou cameft fro t^ej^m atoape? 3|ef> C€)l tljpncfee filfe moc^e fortunate/ ^|)at fro tljeir l]?fe 3| am feperate/ »)epng:e it 10 fo ab^ommable. {aiat C IQlMt abljommacion 10 tljere in? 3ief^ C;^la0 mate all to geDer 10 fpnne/ SLnt} toretcl)e&ne0 mod miTerable> aaiat. ciai^tamanof reUffion/ 3|0reputeli aDeDDeperfon/ Co toorlDlp contierfacion? 3Ief. Cllti0 of atruet|)t|)i7?are&eDi)e/ for tljej are in no tife nor fteDDe/ %o cljriften men0 confolaciom aintr a0 a Ue&lie ttgnfepnge carfeace/ (Enproffitablp clopetb a fpace/ gf it be feepte abotie grotontie^ feo in t^eir Ipfe fuperfticiou0/ ^f toicfeeti cr?me0 enormiou0/ il^o maner proffitablene0 10 fotonJse/ Cffett tfjeir orocr 10 iitr? ftra^te? Wlau Cge but t!)ep Coclie a confaj^te/ 31^f- %fiatt^z^ mafee iteafp pnotoe. ai^oreeafp bp t^ettoent]? parte/ ^&en to laboure itt fome am/ €)r to go toiti) tl)e cam or plotoe. C^5^P Ijabe man tlje toorltie forfakn/ CLQlat. atni) a rprmall Ipfe tafeen/ ConQftgnffe in goftlj? bufj^nejj. c:?[fll|)atcaUpe t|)etoorltie| pra^e? 3!ef. CJiauit!)p rj?c^e0 anti pleafurs gape/ acLlat. ^nU DccaaDn0 of fpnfulnes. C^Ijen are tljep m t^e toorlDe (till/ jfor tfiep Sabe all t^at tljeg toill/ CL£Llitl) v^tfit& anft potrelKongf^ anD a0 toucljpnffe tl)e realme of bice/ l^rpDe/ turatl)/ entip/ ano abance/ aaiitl) toDt^b^r fpnfttll tranfgrefliEDnsf. 3|n t6i0 toorltie tliat toe Do name/ C^ere 10 none Co farre oute of frame/ anti Ipbe m foclie outragioufne^. C^ettieffrpe tljou erreft Co goU me Catie/ Sfllat^ jfor t^e frper0 no poffelGonjS Sate/ IBut Ipbe onlp bp pure almeg. CiFt^pergf? notoetjep aretoorft of all/ 31ef. BufBan toretcl)e0 anD rafcall/ ^ ilotieCmen of all fenatiifiljnesf. ^Ijouffl) tl)ep be no poUelGonersJ/ are tliep intolleralini beffjerji/ Uptjnffe on rappn ana a(fce?te> aaiornjipfuU matuorts to beffple/ l^onorable tiicginss to tiefple/ Continuallp t^eg Do Voapte^ €)f^Dnettp tijepfjabeno reprtie: ^0 tiiTpUafe goD tt)ep are not afearlie/ if or t|)e tialoure of a pgnne/ iDf tol)DrtiDm tljep aredje berp bauUesf/ iFrautiulent intienter^ oC frautie^/ ^rotiocaciantintD Cjnne^ ^Sep are aauntier of bertoufne^/ iDccafiontirtto biciouCnesS C^icfeen0 of tlje DebilsJ lirooDe> ^0 tlje truett) rijeg are atiberranesf/ SDiligent unapner0 of Ipegf/ 2Depratier0 of ttiofe ttiat be poUe. ^t)ep are antic^rifti0 pufone^/ Promototer0 of ^isfpartione?!/ Sinn proctour0 of fimonp. ^|)ep are brober0 Ijeten to fell/ ifre coppp i)oloer0 of liell/ ^nli fe fermerg of purptorp. €)f fat^ an tl)ep are t^e fouDier^/ SLn^ anticljn(ti0 otonemannerjs/ fl[)ippe fortoarliegf to conbe]?. anJj to conclutie feriouap/ ^^eg aret^eljellljotonde^terHlp/ Cil^Dtoe tI)Du arte gcetlp otierfene/ {Ifllat. ifor in placed tl)ere a& 9] Ijatie bene/ Cfiep Dd ffooue^! tt)e certifp> ifor It toer not for tl) e frper^/ C^ere tool&e not be in Cetien peresJ/ a fermon in t^e poiire contrp^ Slrib a0 for t|)e(r IptJ^nge trulp/ Cl)ep beffge peopled alrne^ purlp/ Cafepnge Coc^e tlj^nge^ a0 tlje? gete. ^Ije? liabe no toaft Cuperauite/ But eben t^eir bare neceffite/ »)cantpnouo;|) to^erb? to lefie. C3 mean not tfjat ti)Z^ are all baD/ Jef. jfor 1 tooltie t|)e Detill tliej^m ^ ati/ ^t)en toitl) a fajre Oeli'tierance^ 3nt of t^e gretter parte 31 t^oug^t/ Mltitii '1 Cape are toortEe tljen nought/ B^eplete Voitlj miTcl)etioug( tienpance^ ^^eir preacljpnge 10 not Ccripture/ ©utfablesf of t^eir comecture/ ^nD men0pmaginacion0* ^^e? brpnffe in olDe tai^besJ tale0/ ©otlj of (Englontie/ fraunce/ anU afllalegf/ Jiailiicl) tijep call Ijolp narrations, SLn^ to t^epm fcripture tijep applp/ pertiertpnge it mod fijamfullj/ ^fter ti)eir otone opinion^^ (l{a!)ertDit5 t|)e people bejnp fetiDe/ 3jn to manpfolDe errour^ are letiUe/ Sln\} toretct)eti fuperfticionsf^ i©f Cl^nd Dure merciTull fateoure/ mafee a mUiye full oC terroure/ C^nlp tt)reatning:e oure tramrtacion. {l2Jl)ofe fa&eoure agf tlje? falttp fague/ Wit cannot be able to obtepne/ SJaitl) oute Capnte0 metiiacion. ^^ep Cape t^at ^ol? men0 fuffrag:e0/ ^artion0 matCe^/ anti pil5remag;e0/ jfor fpnne0 make fatiCfacciom C^ep biU i)0 m oufe toorfeegJ to trutf/ JL21l)erb? t^ep fape tljattoemuft/ 2Defertie oure faluacfon^ ifapt^ Utell or notljpnp tijep repute/ flE^erof toe begnge Dettitute/ 5lre brought into Defperaciom anD a0 for t^ei'r Ipfe &outle0/ 3|t (0 tl)e toell of onffracioufne^/ €)f iniquite tlje mgroure> %lit alme0 t^at potire folfee fl[)ullie Ijabe/ CLfllretcIjelilp atoape tijep Do crate/ ^0 Iptje pDelp toitl)oute laboure. 2Di'ffa^te0 continually t^ey Do muCe/ and crafty falfl[)0D Dayly tljey bfe/ aaiitl) ample folfee gretly tJiffemblynffe^ ^l)ey feare ly tell to|)om t^ey offenDe/ SLtuMimt} to rappe ariD ren&e? jail t^at comet^^ in tft eir fingrjnffe. ^l)eir miTerable DiTpoacion/ CauCetl) ttrgfe anD CeDici'Dn/ 3n all placet toljere a0 tl)eg titoelU ^fiere 10 none tin^appme^ Done/ 3|iien)? clinfteii vzsiont/ But a frper i& of t^e counCelU ^l)0U55 tl^^P fape tl)at t|)eir order/ 3|0 to Ijatie no tl)vnsz in proper/ ©ut to tife all tl)Pnpgf in comone^ gett t^er 10 no comenalte/ dai^ic^ ^atlj Co ffretparcialite/ Si0 tljeir miferable reU'gione^ jf or toi^ere as tlje f)eDtie0 pnncipall/ fljaiSom matter Docter0 tl)ep call/ ?Lptie in toeltljp abounUance^ ^l)e toother are potire anD neDp/ ILeaDpnge tl)eir Ipbeg in penurp/ ^cant l)atipng;e tljeir Cuttenance* i3Df tliei'r brothers tie^: acion/ ^5^? t^tie no companion/ aDefppCpnp tt)oCe tljat be m Ccfenegf^ Slgapnft ail orDer oCcl)ante/ ^^ep DefDapne for to Ijatie pete/ apon t^epm tljat are in Deftreg^ ^0 iljeVoe all t|)eir tinl)appi'ne0/ ^0 abljommable and il)amle0/ Wiau C^^ou Ijaft Captie pnoucyl) all re&p/ ^l^ep cannot 6emDcteVDDr0lpff|)tlp/ fff t^e tiitieU be not epm amonge. 3!e£. €ia0fort|)att!)DunetieftnDtfeare/ Detiill Voitl) t^epm 10 familiare/ ^11 toaje ftot^e at heli anD at ftorije^ aaiat. c^lie obfcriiaunte0 are not Co tiifpofeD? 3tt. caaiilt tl^ou fiafte t|)eir Ipfe liifclofetj/ ©reap reljearfeD at a toome? Mlat^ CiEiotoe mate 3| prape tlje Ijartelp* 3itt C»^o ffoD ^elpe me of all Ijppocrpfp/ Cbep are tbe tierp founDaciom aaiat* Create man/ to!)atfpeabefttl)ou? 31 perceatie toell tijou erreft notoe/ ajllitt) toor&e0 of Diffamaciom 31ef. caai^ptJpnfeefttSoutljat'iDoerre? aiaat. cBecauCe t^e Voorltie Dot!) t^epm preferre/ ifor t^eir to!)olp contierraci'on. 3|ef> Cgefo toeretjefcrgbes anti p^arifapg/ ^^^rouff^ t^eirfalceljppocriTp toap0/ ^monge tl)e31ue0 in reputaciom iltlebert^eleffe in intoar&e maner^/ C'bep toere toorCe tl)en open fpnner^/ afllljom oure lorae alCo & iti courffe^ CLfllat^ CSl^afeeftoft^epmfocljecompareCon? 31ef^ Cge fatipnge after mv opinion/ ^^e obCertjant^ are farre toorfe. C3t 10 not poffifale to be Co/ mau 5Fot t^eg lljetoe tljec a0 tijep go/ iSDf (implme0 apecaunce^ CSe fo DDttie t^e fore tootljer topple/ 3I^f- all t^ouff^ Ije canne manp a tople/ pmentie a ample couittenaunre^ C^t)Ou tioeft toronfffullp CurmpCe. Mau C jRape 3! tell tlje it 10 t^eir gpfe/ 31 ef. ^0 liafte ttpo faces in a ^DoDe. CJiaiS at tioa t^ou meane tl)erbi?? Jl2lat. C^Satt|)ep are tiiC[embler0 timuerfall?/ 31e£* ainti featoe or none of tljemn be po&e> Cl^ljeptifenD Vo^ortiom/norrobberg/ (Ifllat. ijior tafee mens ffootie0 toroncrfullp/ ^0 farre a0 31 can ^eare or fe? 4[€)pen a&tioutrer0 ti^tv are none/ 3l^f^ get are tl)ep not tiiro;en0 eijerp c^one/ ail tl)ouffIj t^ej profette ctiafti'te. Cl)ep !)atie pollucion0 Deteftable/ anD intoardebrenngnfff intollerable/ i3Df t^e flefffjlp concupifcence. ge an5 toother toljple0 atiboutrg/ aaiitl) toother meane0 of letcfterp/ Cloafeeti tintierafapneG pretence, aaiic^ to overcome certapnlp/ ^^ep tife not t^ e n'ff^t remeDp/ €)f oure lorln'0 inftitucion. (Betjpnp 5etie to fprete0 of errour0/ SLn\} Uoctrpne of Ditilpftlje tiDCtDur0/ 60 mafee proljibinom SLm a0 toticlipnffe t^ztt to be plajne/ %fit^ are rije greteft tljetie^ tijat rapjue/ 3!it all t]^e toorlDt notoe a Dape0 jfor all Vootljer tl)etie0 comenlp/ €)ft^epmtait)ict)SatieaIiounliantlp/ ^nO of rgct)e folke take tijefr pra^ejs. ©ut tl)e obfertiautitf no people Do fpare Qpafepuffe t^eiu queft eberp toljeate/ afllitl) moft importunate ccatj^nge^ ^0 fteffffe of t|)e potier anti neUp/ ^!)ep are agf Doffje^ moft gretip/ aiiD \ooltie0 incetCantlp ragpnge^ 9illat* Cffettl)epnetjerIjanliellmonep? 3ief. Ciliofortt)ati0afulitfllpolic?/ %o tipl)oltiet|)efr mantle tiifffpf^nge^ ifor tol^en anti'cljn'ft fatlians foune/ Co ftatilpffl)e!)i0 realme l)ati beffoune/ Cemporall^onoureDefp^fpnge^ %o fiatie all m lj(0 Domitxion/ l^e malie manp a religion/ aautl) outtoar&eljolpne0 aperpnge. afllllicl) into recte0 innumerable/ afller aitiiDeD toitlj oute fable/ die toorlDe in care for to brpnge^ 25? tfiei'r toloureti Detocion/ %Q t|)e people tlje? gatie a motion/ jano Co bp tljeic contcitijnffe cad/ ^Ift ffott dene a toape at tlje laft/ C^ei'r cljefe poCCeffions temporallp. ?LQll)erbp lape people opretEeti fore/ »)cant coulUe tlje? gebe enp more/ Concernpuffe lonUeiS anb patrimonp^ d)en cam t|)e fotoer ortier^ of frj?er0/ MW^ are tie fublf anciall piller^/ €)f antic5nfti'!3 mapntenauitce> ^o^olp t|)epm feltiejs t!)ep tiiD mafee/ ^l)at all polIeCKon0 t^ep tiiD forfafee/ aaiilfull pot^ertp to in^aunce> ^0 lAe b}> alme0 t|)eg diO preteitUe/ Sinn receateti all tl)at god &iD fenoe/ ^lieatopnge tofeens of perfectiom aailierfore tfte people DiU tljepm l)onoure/ aaiitl) ffretter lotie an& fateoure/ ^^en tl)Ofe t^atfiati poffedion. (C^cept litieloD and lonDe0 onl?/ Cl)ep receatieti all tl)at cam tulv/ Mlljet^er it toer monp or toare. l^otoe be it tljep diD multiplp/ 31 n all protitnce0 fo Innumerably/ ^irijroug:!) t^e toorltie in etier? quartear. Ct)at tl)e people toej;eti toerp/ feeynffe tijep coulde not kepe a penp/ :JBut tlje frper^ toolDe beg;a;e it atoape. SLt t^t latt cam ti)t olifetftauntf / j3Df anti'ct)rift tlje truftp ferbauntf/ ^0 lirpnge tlje toorlDe m moreDtfea^t* SLnt} lead tljtv t^ulDe feme rtjarjeable/ Cfiep fotonDe a neVoe toape ticceatable/ Co begpllie botlje j)ong:e aitti olue. ^^ep toere of toti\t fuperftfaone/ ^Ijat in proper or in comone/ ^t)ep toolDe notlipnge feepe nor plGe* ^Df t^eir nelieg( Ijatipnge tlje tife/ Co 5 anole mone? t^ep tipD refufe/ ifapnpnge auftente of pennaunce* (lailjerbp toitlj &ef^rou0 affecte/ d)epeople^ali a grett refpecte/ (Ento tljeir papnteD obferbaunce^ gin fomocie tliat t^oug;!) t|)eir lon&esf/ aaia0 ffetien clene oute of tlieir IjonJiegf/ 15^ meaner of t^e poCCeCKonergf^ anti alfo mod gretieouap opprett/ Wiiti) t^e tiaplp craijpnge anD queft/ ^Df t^e tinf aciate frger begjersf. gett rtje obfertiauntf femetr fo parf^t/ C^at to liealpe t^epm t^ep mDgeD pt/ Qfllit!)Oute c!)arp a t^j?np c|)antable. aoifjerfore all tl)e Vootljer fecte0/ ginmanerreputea ablecte^/ e obferbaunte toere honorable, aipon toljom t^e toorfee^ of mere?/ aHereftettotoeli continuallj/ Mitii Cuperauoug? abunDaunce. SLM Co tintier a leatouc coloure/ CljepDtJre peopli0 Cuftenaunce. d)ep !)atie increafeU Co t^eir nomber/ ^^at all t^e to orlDe t!)ep Do encomber/ aaiitS mtollerableoppreCKom ^t)ep ate more nogou^ a g;m atale/ 3!n!)pnoraunce of t^e comen toealle/ ^botie enp tootljei: facciom jForto|)ere a^t^e people afore/ (laier IjalfebeffffereU anJ) more/ Bp t^e toother orDers afore Captie* ^!)ep robbeti tje toorlfte iterlp/ CauCpnffe it toi't^ extreme begprj?/ 31 n pett rupne to be oefeapDe^ CCljou fpeafeeft agapnft confcience/ Mian jfor toe perceatie bp experience/ (lailiat a goDlp Ipfe tljep leatie. C^ep flpe sjiUgetitlp all e^;celle/ ILitignge in potierte anti CcaCne^/ Ciaiitlj fmaleDrpncfee anD brotonebreaUe. C^tjpnfeeft tlioutljep libempenurp? Jef* C^r elg( tftep are Iiipocriteg tier lip/ Clfllat. iDf iTjamfull tu'lKmulacion. C»>ape t|)att)ar&lp onceappne/ 3ef. if or t^p leatie a Ipfe to be plague/ ifull of toorlDlp tielectacion/ ifprft tljep Ijatie befe antj mutten/ ®f tl)e tltztz ti)at mape be gotten/ aaiitl) ftreo anti tirpncfee of tf)e beff . Slnti t!)at morofaer Co largely/ ^5at to farce anti ftuffe t^eir bellp/ ^!)ep tafee more tijen t^ep can Deiett. ^l)ep ]&atie faucet toitl) eberg tiifil^e/ JiaillitljertSat It lieaefil)eor fpftlje/ iDv el0 t^ep toilnot lie contents ^0 eate breti t|)at 10 broVone or (tale/ (Etljer to tirpnclie tl)pnne bpere or ale/ ^t)ep count It not contienient> Slnt} man? tpme0 tljep l)atie tiapntie^/ ^ent fromDptierg lorlie^ anO latipe0/ ^^eir tol)olP fuffrap0 to procure. J^at. CSet tl)ep netber bafee nor breVoe. 91ef. C^io for all laboure t^ep e^;cl)etoe/ 31 t|)efajtbfullp enfure. Wlau C^otoe ^atie tl)ep tbeir meate rott or bake? 3Ief. C Motber men for tbepm tbe paj?ne take/ Mlbom fpretuall fatl)er0 t!)ep calU (iaiat> c^nDliatjetbep no fpretuall motber^? lef. C ^e0 Voitb manp afterg! anti brotbersf/ ^nD alfo tiouffl)ter0 fpretualL Wiau C^otoe come tbep to lipnreD fo n^e/ 3]ef. CBecaufe tbe? canne ttatter anD i?e/ Sl^afepnge belebe ttie cotoe 10 too^e. C^6e? cannot Ije tljoug;^ t!)e? tDOlDe/ Jlfllat. ifor tlje? toill netlier aitjcr nor goltie/ il^or cotiet enp mangf poDe. C^rotoeft rijou t^tv cotjpt not^pnp/ Jef. WLlm as t^ep come a htss^ns/ ^0 t^c fiouffc of a potire man? WXW^ f)at^ hotl toj)fc ana cliilUren/ ainti 10 not able to tvnX^t tijem/ 2Dopnge t!)e 6ett tljat etier !)e cam get ^e mutt tinto t^t frper0 ffebe/ Sill tl)oug^ ^e l!)uiae !j!0 ^oufljoloe gretje/ ^aijpnge nouglit t^epm Celbe0 to eate^ f[(D t^ej^atiettient^e cyrettermelie^ afllat> CSc pJJ ffetie tl)epm efaill to fpeUe/ 3lef. C^at Do potier creatur0 Co entreate> iFor tl)ep iljulDe t^eiu lii^np gett/ (ICttitl) boD&elp lalioure ano CVoett/ aai^erbp tljep mpfftitliealpetoot^er^ C^o t^ep DO tealpe tljem fpretuallp. Mau C»)Oc^e fpretualne0 3| Defpe/ 3ief. afll^en potier people Dpe for i^onryer^ CSl^en Cage tl)ep are gooDe to t^e potier/ aaiat. SLWb getieetierp Dage att^eirDoer/ (Brett alme0 anD refreC(i)pnge> C^t^j? ffctje alme0/ but Ijotoe? 3ief. Wi\im tl)ep ^atie eaten gnotoe/ C^cii: ffceDp pauncl)e0 replemCiIjpnp^ ^Ijen gaDDer tie? tip t^eir letiettC/ 8: ^ot t!)e beft morfelsf but ffobbettC/ aQll)iCib tnto potjec people tliep nzak, (UUat. C^Dfien are tlje? Ipbe tottlj outelioutf/ (Ento ccrtajne tljctje^ tieljoute/ WiW\) tiouffl) t^ep tjfe to tteale. get t^ep are Kberall ano fre/ en? poter creature tfiep Te/ tooltie be lotlie/ '21:0 bfe appne in tl)ei'r refeccton* SQlat. C^&otier folfee pet comcnae t!)e?m gretl^ 3!ef* c^utpf ttepUnetoeagimorijea0 3I/ toolfie rat|)cr on f^ej^m tomplagne. Mlat* c^Dtaie tio t^eg potier people offence? 3Ief» C^P caufe in pOelneiS tljej fpenUe/ Mlji'cl) tinto tljejm fl)ulbe pertapne* (L21at» Ct!ri)ep are not paell 31 Uare fa^e/ Mt)plf tlje? reOe/ fj^ncye/ ano prape Continually etierp ^oure* 3iCf» Cl call It ^Mnt& tinproffetable/ Wl^icii in no cafe id confortable/ ^0 t^e neceffite of oure neffPaure^ €Mtll }>m t\ft apottledDt^ tor^te/ mau SL mft tmm praper Dotfi proffgte/ ^nti 10 tier? efittcadougf* CSlre t^ep mft m tljp reputation? gfef* C ^fttr t^eir otone affirmatiDii/ aaiat. %ml^ t^e? art juft auD rfffljtousf* C^t)tti It 10 an ttu'dtnt tofeen/ 3|tf^ ^|)at tf)tp are of VDljom it is fpofeen/ WLz t30bf«3 qui mftifitati0 tJO0 ipCogf* CtLJLl^ at Doft t^ou t!)efe toortie^ note? {[Slat* C^Ijattinlierneatlj afrpergf tote/ 3!^f- Sl^ot^e IjipotriTp t^ep gloCe^ ClK^eputeft tljou itt)(potnTp/ aoiat* ^^at tfiep i3fe to go Co fiolpip/ tutt ft)ue0 toitj out en? ^oCe? CIBe It iipotrpf? or no/ 3I^f- Co manffill tljeir potie fljues to/ Sl^e t!)pnfeett) it but foliTiijne^^ CC^eg cutt but tf)e bpper leliaer/ JtJaat. Cilio for It ii3 mot^e eaOer/ 3ef. C^en to tut tlje Cole0 Uoutlegf. CC{)ep Uo It for pennaunce fafee/ JLQlat^ Cfor all tljat gret (t)i(tt t^ep matie/ 3ief. Co atio^oe all torporall Cofferaunce. CCfiep fl)etoe figne^ of penauce outtoarDl?. WLau C^e but tljep fpnDe forije a remeUp/ 31 tf* Ct)at tljeg fele Iptell gre&aunte^ if or in CDtientf to!) ere ajs tliep are/ C!)pcfee mantel0 of frpfe tl)ep toeare/ aaiitl) Cocfeegf to feepe t|)eir fete toarme ^lien liatie tljep f^re at t^eir pleafure/ auD to fit tl)erbp at t^eir leapCure/ ii-lo man Capinge tljepm enp Ijarme* anD to!)en t|)ep toalfee t^eir ftacions/ dje;? fefee gentilmens! ^alntacion^/ {Lfli^ere a0 t^e? fare Deliciouflp. if or be t^ere netier fa cyrett preafe/ ^I)ep are fet tp at t^e l)g tieafe/ ^afeen Ipfee lortie^ Ijonorablp^ Cljep ^atie alfo to toaCilje t|)eir fete/ aaiater maDe Ijott toft!) erbegj ftoete/ artfii a ffootie f jer in tfteir c!jamlier. ^!)en ^atie t!)ep breti/ ale/ an& topne/ aoiit^ arpc^ebeD of &Dtonef]?ne/ 2Decfeeti after t^e bett maner. attiU paratienture tl^e poUe father/ l^at!) m !)ig( fietie a blafitier/ ifull of ffprtffer/ nutmeffp^ or grapness. iuaitiic!) to mafee t^e Drmcfee mpg:!)tpe/ l^e puttet!) t^enit a quanti'te/ ^0 comforte anli toarme ii0 ftepnegf. (laiat. C^Sepfpntinott!)f0to5erfoei!ert!)ep come? 31ef* C^pr3| toi0iti0t!jefrcuftome/ g|n fferttflmens placed c'omenlp. (M^u C^et to^en t!)eg go on farre lornep^/ %fit^ cannot eCp^e oute all toapgf/ (BzntiUmm SoufesS Co rrtdp^ ca^arg before tljeiraepartpnge/ 3|ef. ^Ijep ]^at3e bp moutlie or torptpnp/ dename0 of places toljere tl)ep DtoelL C»>oimtpmet5ep fapleptt31 m&p? laiat. CCfimaot^^ej mormor anO gru5p/ 3|ef> llpfeeponffetietn'l0 of lielU C^|egtoantfocl)etl)pnp0mt5eirclopaer?a2lan CConcernpnp t|)efare of tlieirfrogter/ 3]ef^ 31 tiio tell t^e a fore partl?> :2But tljen tliep liafte geft cl)amber0/ aaii^icl) are oroeneo for ftranpr^/ ainD for fatl)er0 to make merp^ ^5ere 5atie t^^e? ale/ topne/ and bgre/ ^n& in Vomter tpme a poDe fgre/ afllitlj ffape concegtegJ mang tootljer^ C&fll^^at 10 tl)eir comunicacion? saiat. CB? fotl^e murmuracion/ €)ne bacfebptpnp anot^er^ C^liep fiabe not^pnp to murmur fore* dfllat^ CH tell t^e t^ep murmur more/ 3!^f^ Clienenp perfons tljat 31 fenotoe^ ifull of ent3iou0 fufpici'on/ ^tiertof)elmeij toitij ambition/ C^ouffl) tlieirtiocacionbelotoe* SiQli't^ allDilipnce tljeg laboure/ Co obtapne noble mens faijoure/ Slnh to lie latip0 confttCoursf^ gin totijt mamr0 tiaplp t^ep bofte/ Wilio toitt) ffrett eftate^ mape Do motfe/ l&ecfeenpnp t^epm feltit topfe feniourgf. Sillat c2Da ttiep Uef pre to be conberrant/ 3|n CDurtegf of bertue Co fcant/ ilntangletr toitlj alltinffranoufnes? gief^ C^S^P are content to be partner^/ aaiit!) all tinffraciou^ lptier«3/ Co be tl)ep ry^be tlje^m almes?- Wiau ClI put caCe tljep yebe notljpnp? 3]ef^ cl^^en toliet^er ^e be lor&e or fepnge/ ^b^P tonilji0 maner0 Deprabe^ l^otoe be it tbougb tbep be aUboutrersf/ C;rtoraoner0/ or tobormonger^/ to be tbeir Crenlie^ tbep toitCabe* Cben toitb grett comen&acion/ gintbeirttatterpngepreUicacion/ Cbep toilltbeir acte0 magniTp^ aaiberfore toboare^/ tbetie^/ ano batoUesf/ anD all Cocbe a0 libe bp CratoDe^/ ^0 tbeir orUer babe a fanteCp. Mlat. c^otoeDo tbep tobtcb are true prearijerjs? 31 ef^ C^b^P ave cbargeD in tbeir cbaptergf/ (lUntier tbeir prelat!0 ftrapte precepte. ^b^t agapnft tbeir gootie CoVontier^/ 2Benefacter0/ anti Crenolp lioer0/ j^o enormite0 tbep Detecte^ Cgf tfiep fett men riju0 to Ccole/ m^u 31 trotoe t!jc? mafee man? a fole/ iDf laDpsanli ffentUltoemem C»>l)all 31 iljetoe tlje ^oVoe tijep do? 3^f* CiFiotoe for oure lortiifi fafee 50 to/ {Lfllat. ^0 tell t^e caft ot tlji0 totjolp men. CiF?t^tt it 10 tljefr cuftome etier/ 31^f- Co go/ ttoo anD ttoo to getter/ Creep te a g;rett impetn'ment. SLriQ to to mv laDg0 el) amber/ if ormoft pncketl) in tlje elfier/ {Lail)ielj of t^epm i& molt auneient. S10 fone a0 mp laDp Ije Dotlje fe/ JLiaitlj a eountenaunee of graijite/ !^e falutet^ !)er noblene^. ^J? lalip t^en of l)i0 eompnge/ affeetouOp reiopfpnp/ JLaieleometlj Ijmn toit^ glalinesf. C^e father t^entoit^ lji0 fflofj^nge ftgle/ after tljatljefjatlj preatljeD atoljple/ aaiit^ faaliblpnffe a&ulaeiom laUp toitf) man? a gootie morotoe/ ©egpnnetlj |)er tale to folotoe/ ^peafegnge after tW fatGom fatljer pe Do grett penaunee/ Co topnne eternall inljeritaunee/ Ctroto praper/faft/anti toatcljgnge. geljfe forto ftoeare no otljegf/ ^tt\)tv iljetes nor fl)um0 toearpnge. SlmWion pt Cett a Cp&e/ iFlpirige VDorlDlp pompe anti prplie/ aai^^id^etoitlj ti0 i0Daplp in ire. !^appp are anU fortunate/ ^0 litje in Co parfet a ftate/ WL\)m to &e fatieo j?e are Ture^ It Voere not for poure to!)oUne0/ ^t)i0 toorlOe full of bicioufne^/ ^aU bene Deftropeti longe or tl)i0> =l§otoe be it/ pe Do pacif?/ ^l)e ripure of goti almigljtp/ ^otoarlif b0 tftat lite a miiS. ^^e father tljen toitlj toorDe0 of comforte/ 55egpnnetl) laDp to e^J orte/ »)agn0;e t^u0/ o gooDe matjame> goure latiptijippe netiett) not to care/ if or toe praj?e Daplj? for poure toelfare/ »)talt)e poure perpetuall Defence/ iaga))ntt fpcfene0 anli peftilence/ ^Ducfeerpitffe pou in aliuerCte^ 5lnti for a fure aprobacion/ !^etiri?nptt fortlj a narracion/ 3De Ubro conformitatum> l^otDe.^.iFrance0 t^eir atibourp/ ^ntz in tt)e pere entretb purgatorp/ CQlljen tiiat fed bage botb come^ anb from tben^ Ije tafeetj oute/ CSofe to^iclj to tpm toere beboute/ <3Dr tobt0 orber cf)antable> ^!)U0 labp not berp topfe/ 30 brouffbt in to fole0 parabpfe/ ^torotoe t^eir toorbe0 bifceabable. C^ati^ C^rift amonge t!)epm no place? JElat. CCtirift cat!) a? in no maner cace/ 31 l^e 10 rather to tljeir bamage^ Be caufe t!)orotoe I)i0 paftton/ jf or b0 Ije mabe fatiffacci'on/ a21it|)outeenp man0 fuffraffe^ aoiljofetroctrpnepf t^ep &fti obCerte/ l^lapnlp for ijonger tljep fljultit ttectje/ CE^cepte ep toolDe to laboure fall. ?L(Llat. c^^otoe toncluDe tl)ep tlien at t^e enfte? l^C. la&p muft to tljelr cotient fenOe/ ^zv blpltpnge toidj a trentalU afllat. caoi^at 10 t^e mntall/ in paper? 31ef> C^DrelgmgaoUegolDeoraitier/ ^0 mafee tliejm a recreaciom iiaiat C^Ijeg toi'll not for all (Cnfflontie/ 1^ and ill monep toitlj tl)eir bare ^ontie/ "b^tjeljaD (nformacion. 3!ef. <[ gett in golUen cupped to tir]?ncfee/ ^na to touc^etuemenj tl)jncfee/ iltlD g;rett parelltfjep Do aD^jerte* SLviQ t^ouffKome ofttiepmnetiertiare/ ^ouclje enj? cogne tuit^ |onlie0 bare/ gett t|)ep toucl)e it toitt) t^eir ^ertt^ ^t^P ^atie alCo toitljouten lefpnge/ fil^onep in lootljer men0 keppnge/ lUe&p at t^eir comaunUment^ aMl{)ic|) bp tl)e torpttpnge of a bill/ 3|nto!)att foeter tiCe^ tijep toill/ 2Dajlp i0 beftotaieD anD fpent* 31n enp cotient tai^ere t|)ep be/ 2Uerp featoe of t^epm t|ou (tjalt fe/ ©ut Ijatie a frentie temporally. ^0 to!)omforetierp trpKlltiayne/ ^iiatmnttl} once (nta tfieirfarapne/ ^IjDug:!) ft coil a uotile or ttoapne/ T5v anD bv tl}tv tt)all it attapne/ iiiot foarfpiigc toljat id laptie oiitc. (I(ll|)(clj trulp pf tljep il)ulDc piircljace/ Sillitl) latioure ana ftoctt of tijcir face/ Cljep toolDetoottertepfelofee alioute. Cgf itlie ad tljoii tiott erprelle/ (Icllar. ^lapulp ttjei'r rule rijep tio tranfgrelle/ IRetaPHPnge in comen or in proper^ C^ljepIjatietljepopidDeclaracion/. lef. Q^akpnje djerof a mitigacion/ ^jn moft fatiorable maner. QnQertoljofeDitilpntieproteccion/ '(Elj CP Ijatie put tlj cpm infufateccion/ as cIjilDrenof infquite. oUIjerfore Ije tafectlj to Ijid perfon/ Clje name of tljeir Dominion/ Co life It ffebpniye lifaerte* djcp Ijatie leant as moclje as a louHe/ il^etljer clottjes/ cljurclje/ nor Ijouffe/ Suttljepopetljereof is atoner. C^LJUfjp afcrpbetljep itto tlje pope? CxUat. CBp eaufe toitlj foclje craft tljep Ijope/ Jef. Co beiypliDe people feculer> ifortoljereas tljcP lite toeltljplp/ anU ^atie all tljpng;^ afauntiantip/ acortipnffe to tf^m apetpte^ get t ntier foc^e falce pretence/ ^5e? fapne to Coffre laDiffcnce/ Contempnjrtffe alltoorl&l? Delate. ^!)e pope alfo for tlji0 intent/ Becaufe to t)i0 errouu0 tl^ep content/ ^lotopnplbi0 abljominaci'ongf^ (Brauntet!) to t^eic atiauntaffe0/ Sl^anp bullet anti pt:et3ileo:e0/ aMit^toretc|)eD conftrmacion^^ (L(lll)ore fatoure to recompence/ ^ffapnft all gooDe confcience/ '^ITljeppreacSe a0 moclje asJ tljep ma^e. ^l^at t^e people toitlj retierence/ Continue ftill in obe&ience/ €)f t^e popi0 rule npg^t and Da^e^ Cljouglj l)i0 VDorfee0 be contrary/ ^^ep Cape tljat Ije i& pti&i0 bicar?/ ^nti of Cljrift tl)e leftenaunte/ Sl^afepnge of a fenlie/ an angell/ C^rift/ of anticl)ria rebell/ a fapnt/ of t^e tiitiel0 ferbaunte^ ?Laiat> C3I CuppofeD toitlj out DiCCemblpnp/ ^!)at tl)ep tife& in tijeir preacl)jng:e/ ^11 toa)?0 to fijeaVoe tt)e terite. ^t^nst amonge t^e (tate0 ropall/ ^Ijep toerereputeti fubftanciaU/ aaiit^ outeeng parcialite* ^t)ep tifeti to ffo in pDi3er torte/ (Cj:5ortpng:e bott) in toorlie anti Uelie/ 2UntD t!)e io?e celeftialL 510 tt)ouffi tte? !)aD no ertljel? lotie/ IBut onlp to t^e Ipfe afaotje/ 3Derppfpng:e tlje lope^ of t^igf Ipfe momll. C^l)e to|)ol]?ne0 t^at tftep oiti (ijeaVoe/ 3!ei. ?l9nnc(paUp Diti otier tjrotoe/ ^Ije fapt^ of all cl)nftenliome> ifor t|)ep toere confeUerate/ WLitl) antic^n'ft Co inveterate/ CalleDt^e^^ope of l^ome. JLfll^ofe latoes to fett in renotone/ C^nfti0 Doctrine tijep plucbeD liotone/ ^tv'omm^t all to^olp fcnpture. ani) ^et fo perfett tl)eg Dia apere/ ^l)at grett men0 confeffion^ to Ijere/ g|n etjerp place ttiep ^an tlje cure. d)ep pretenDeD foc^eparfetne^/ Cljat fimple people more anti les/ 5LTnto tljeir tDor&e0 gaije crefience. JliU^atfoetier fablejs t^ep DiU tell/ 'Srtieg toere tafeen a0 tlje gofpell/ approbeU toitl) comen fentence. dillljerfore bp tljei'r feUucci'on/ ^§ep ^atie bene tlje lieftruccion/ €)f all true cbriden liberte. Cljep make cruelne0 of mercg/ ^tvtttmn of Mpc^criTp/ SLn'Q of freftome captiijite^ €)f counterfepteti fimlacion/ d)ep pmajm momficacion/ ^urnpnge fajrij to infiUelite> glielness tl)ep name contemplacion/ jfapni?np jele of murmuracion/ (£nmie0 to cliaritable amite. Jaiat. Cl|martsa?lemoc!)eanotooni3et/ ^^at tlje? fl)ulDe|)atie tnp anger/ enp ent(ou0 Debate^ ^epnge from toorldlp ropalte/ ^no promocion0 of ijigntte/ C^ep areVoiUinfflp prttiate^ Jef. €^l)oua;^ tliep ^atie no toorlDip ^onourg/ get netfier fepng:e0 ne emperour^/ il^or Vootjer ftate0 of t]^e temperalte. l^atie foclie ftrpfe in t^eir protiitton/ ja0 obfertiaunte0 in t^eir religion/ Wlitii DeDlj f)atreD anD enmpte. ^0 be maUe confetCor^/ anti preac^er^/ aaiarUeng/ &iCcrete0/ and minifter^/ anti tootljer officer of prelacy, aaiit^ greiiou0 malice ano rancour/ iDne agapnft another tiotlje murmour/ ifull of craft anti inconftanc?> C^ep^atie netljerlire&e nor fl[)ame/ C^^ir faultle0 bretljren to Defame/ !^ati?ng:e none occaCon tol^p^ ffonffeimnap^nft tfteirfupmourjS/ janD prelate0 agapnft t^eic infen'ouuss/ iSDne at aitott)euIjat^ entip. 3|n rijapterjs anu tiiTitactonsf/ Cliej? bfe toronge accurationg?/ aaiitlj man? aan&erou^ miurpt0 ^Ije? ejcccute fl|)arpe comcciong?/ ^0 ponpfl^e tlje tranfpe(DEDn0/ €)f tl)eiufanta(f?cfee certmon^esf^ (I5dIi an& latoegf t^ep omttt/ Slplpi'np tjeir maliciougf toitt/ Co kepe mati0 m^mmm^ %lti^ arepatron^of pDolatrp/ ^romouter^ tinta f)mt^/ ^nti farprtpr^ tip ofDiCTeitnon^^ Cil^otoe bp tlje faptl) of lioDp/ aaiar. Dbreiauntf are not fa ^0 t!)ep do outtoarDlg feme> c;gft|)Dufenetoemanpfeftlj/ 3icf> (laitiat a Ipfe tt)e? occupy/ €31 tJ^iJ^ IjearUe pnouglj anu to moc^e/ ^at. t^egr contierraaonlie foclie/ 31t (0 pite t^at tljep are fouffereti^ But notoe tDucIjpnp tlje maner0/ flDf tl)ere religi'DU0 pDlIe(Iioner0/ 31 toolOe t)eare Comtoljai more ijttereti^ 3Ief. C3 tDl&e tiit in t!)e besgnnpncfe/ 3l0gmlp ab|)ominable. a^arcfee t^eir Ipfe intentifelp/ anD t^Du fl[)alt not t|)enn efp^/ (£np t^pnge tljat 10 comenOable. Mlat. <[CL21t)at Capft tl^ou t^ett of t^eir tiotoegi? 2015 erbp tliepm felted t|)ep fpotofe/ ^0 5DD/ bp a cempne prome0^ lef^ C^urlg in it C^rift t^ep forfafee/ ^nD tl)em Celtiegf to|)olp t|)ep betafee/ Utie in tlje Uetiil^ fertie0^ aaiat C(I(U|)?/tI)ejprofea:ec!)aaite/ ^betiimce/ anli toilfuUpotiem/ aai^i'cl) allmpffljtj? 50D DDt^ approbate. 3Ief* cgtfor allt^atjprome^tbe/ %\)t^ fecpe none of all tl)e tijre/ aaiit^ munfiane affectiongf intricate. {Lfllat. C^U toorltilpne0 tl)ep Do renounce. 31ef* CC|)0U55 tDitb toorDe0 t^eg Co pronounce/ %^zk ^erte0 Do not content. muu CCljegobfertietrulg obeDience. 3Ief. C Se but Catpnp reDerence/ iltlottipnge after Cljndi0 intent, ifor after ffoDDi0 comanDementf/ d)ep fl)ulDe obep tlieir parentf . ^^onorpnge tljegm agf 10 tl)eir Dutp. il^lottoitl) aanDpnffetl)ej are fomaD/ ^Seir fattieugs anli motfier^ are (jlaH/ %o fianoure tijepm retjcrentlj^ jan& tolicre a0 ^olp fcn'pture toolDe/ ^fiat tinta all potoeriS toe ftjulDe/ iDbeg asf to 0:otiDi0 ortienauitce^ C5^p are intier no potoer at all/ i^et^er Cpretuall nor temporall/ Co tlje comen toealli0 fort^eraunce^ CC^eg ofaep tnto tjeir prelate/ dJUat^ ^t all reafongf perl? anD late/ precept accompUCiljj^nffe* CH toill not 6en]?e tljej tip obep/ 3|ef. ZEJnto tlje ruler of tlinr abbe?/ ja carle of tlieir otone cl)orpng:e* get 10 it in fuperttictoufne^/ (Ifllit^ outen enp profitableneis/ iDf tl)eir nefflbour^ comforte> Cf)e? fertie tl^epm feltie^ anU no mo/ Cargnge U'tell liotoe t^ e toorlDe go/ »)0 tljat t^ep liatie pleafure anD fporte^ SLiXQ contrary tlje feculer0/ SLvt l3nUer temporall rulerg/ QjQlitl) tt)eir c{)il&ren an& to jtie0^ 5lt all Ceafon0 prell anU reD?/ Co put tliegm ttVoz& in leopartip/ Sltientur^np bot^e gooties anU lpt)e0^ Co fertie t^z fepnge in toarre ana peace/ Clieg putttl)e)?mfeltie0 altoageinpreace/ ^1)0 tiefence ott^tvtalmt arottgnge^ tlM)m a0 t^z reU'g;iDU0 fecte^/ (Ento no latoejs are fubi'ectes/ iDbepmge netljer p& nor fepp^ tl)e fepnffe tanU tljeir Tertn'cetire/ iforrtjtoitlj tljep lape for an e^rcuCe/ C^at t!)e? mutt Do gooDi0 tiuttnesf^ anD m It tfiep be fotontie negligent/ ^5eg Cape tfie fepnge 10 impetii'ment/ :2BecauCe t^ep mud tio ^pm fertiegf^ janti pf t|)efepnB:efl)aU tl^epm compell/ ^ben obftpnatlp tijep 60 rebell/ iflemp to tl)e popi0 mapntenaunce^ to!)om t|)ep obtapne e^empciong/ Jfrom all t^ e mnfdicaon^/ jSDf temporall gobernaunce^ aaiat* C^f tl)e pope taiitl) out grett e;;pen0/ Cljep can obtapne no foclje DefengJ/ SL0 men Cape toljicl) 60 it fenotoe^ Jtt^ Cfftt are tl)ej Co Carre outoCtune/ ^bat tl)ep tio tl)eir poliesf Co conCume/ IBlat^er tlien m poise tiCe0 to beftotoe^ afllat^ Ci perceat^e bg tljigf toitlj out Caple/ Ctieir obetu'enteDotl) not probable/ aBut toljat Capft tbou to tbei'r poberte? 31eC^ c^ai^atne&ej tl)eroftoCpeafee/ ConfiDerinffe tl)ep tio it breafee/ (EnUueD toitlj rgclie Celicite^ C2Da t^e? totitt Iptieloli poffeffe? CClje? !)atie in maner t|)e rgc^e^/ eber? lanUe auD naciom iliamlp m (Cng;lantie region/ ej:ceiie m pofCeCKon/ SLnt} lortil? Dominaciom %\)t blacfee orDer fiat^ more alone/ ^izn all tl)e noblegj etierp cl)one/ ^0 touc^pnge t^eir patrimony* ^l)ou toolDeft furl? martiell/ ^0 fe tljei'r fare ana aparell/ gin all pojnte0 fuperauoutt?^ ^liere be monfeejs of focbe ttatlpnegf/ ^l)at fcant toi'll f offer at tlieir meffe/ a lorDe of bluaue toitl) tiepm to att* QiSll^ofe proto&e ferbice to beljolDe/ g|n plate of Clier anU golDe/ gitpaffet^atnangtoi'tt^ Unpfflitegf ann fquper0 honorable/ SLvz fapne to ferte at tlieir table/ fento SDufeesf e^cellent^ 2Dfter0 of t^epm l^ate ti)e tiegre/ iDf toortbp €rle0 in Uignite/ ^nU are lor&eg of tljeparlement^ C^^e? &efcenUe of famous progen?? C^e befffferg fonne0 mod comenlp/ ^b^'t^f^tljer^ fcant toortl) a groate^ Comjnge fjrft to tbe abb? gate/ SL iJtffffpnse toitl^ a CcalUU pate/ l^atjpnp nether gaotie fljurt nor coate^ JlQl^icl) a0 Cone agf l^e 10 onegi clao/ ifor a gentilman ^e 10 |)ali/ ^fiouffl) ^e be but a ftarcfee fenatoe^ aaiat. €»>ocl)epotiertei0plente/ ifot bp it abopDgnffe fcacite/ ail toelt^pne^ tliep liafte^ 3ef. CltiStrulpt^eirfifO^jngenett/ ^otier men0 gooue^ atoave to gett/ Co fatl0fp t^ei'r gluttennp^ 3|t 10 t^e ffoulfe of tietioracion/ Slnti fountapneof Defolacion/ Co all people generallp^ JlJlltierof intoljol? fcnpture/ 31 0 toritten a notable figure/ ^l)etoeD m tlje bofee of 3Daniell/ ll?otoet^eprette0 of :2Babilone/ aaiit^ falfl^oD acor&pnp in one/ l^aa anpDole called BelL iSDuttoartilp ma&e all of bra0/ ana mtoartilg of ert^ ttVDa0/ !^at)]?np a refcepte fo oebifeti^ Ci^at tie pDole CemeO to Detiotoere amdljepetoft^ topneanD ttotoer/ 2Daplg tinto It CacrpfiCeD^ CLQl^icl) tlje prette0 toitl) t^eir to5ore0/ Ct)orotoe craftp contritieD i)ot:e0/ (Entrtinffe irt t^e np5!)t Cecml?> SLn^ tljtre mafejnffe recreacion/ ^Ijep confumeli tt)e oblacion/ flDppreCCpnse t|)e people gretiDuap* aflllji'ct femeU Co ituaunge a t^pnge/ ^^at iiDtlje t|)e people ana tlje fepnge/ IBleputea (t a grett miracle^ tlntill 3Daniel at t^e laft/ ^erceatipnge t^eir t»iCceata6le catt/ Slffapnft It maUe an obftacle^ !^e tittereft to tljeir confutton/ ^l)e execrable illuaon/ (tai^ertoit^ ttie folfee t^e? Core nopea^ CauCpuffe bp t)t0 poltcp/ ^Iljat tW pOole fttterlp/ aQla0 brofeen anD &ettropetr> C (IQl^erto Doft tt)ou tl)i0 compare? CC>f religious perCon0 to Ueclare/ ^Ije (ntollerable enoumtte^ ifora0t!)epreaeg!toit^ tfieirpJJoll/ CSe poter people Diti pill ana poll/ Bp t^eir DiCCaptfull futtelte> fe)0 tl)e c^ilDren of pernicion/ ilJameO men of reli'g:ion/ WLitl) tl)eir toilfull poterte* Clje topoe toorlne forto begger/ SDape anU npgljtt^ep inDetier/ 25lpntign5etl)e peopled ttmpUcite* 22lan C3I mattiaple men mafeeno rettrapnt/ C^eir tiitEa]?tfulne0 to attaint/ WL^^l^ it 10 open anli apem^ 31ef^ C9Damel igf not pett come/ fl[^all obtapne tlie roume/ C^eir frauufuU toape0 to Tuftuerte^ aaiat. CJL215enlI)aH)etI)enl)i0compnffe? 31ef* ClenCuret^eorlonffcrunnpnffe/ ifor Ije beffpnnet^ to Dratoe nere^ aaiat- CJlQlell t!)en/ 1|)(0 matter to remitt/ 31 toolDe berp fapne a Iptell fitt/ i3Df t^eir c^aftite to teare> 3ef. C^otelltteoftl^eirc^aaite/ 3|t Ipet^ not in mp capacite/ ^l)efl[)amfuUne0 t^erof to compr^Ce^ aaiat* e^tn rape tlieg mt bliffeDlp/ Mlitlj out acte of matrimony/ Cnfupnge tjerteou^ exercpCe^ 3!ef^ CC^eir cloptter^ aret^elietjil^metoe^ if arte toorCe tfien enp ftetoes/ iSDr cbmen placet of tot c^rDom^ Cl)ep are t^e Deng of bauome^/ ianO fornacesf of all letcljerouCnejS/ Hpfee tinto (Bomer anU »)oDom^ gonje laliDe0 and babe0 innocent/ C^^ep brpnge in bp tlieir intpfment/ ^0 tl&eir leatotre conffreffaciom afll|)om tl^ep receatie to profeCRon/ ^Before tl)att!)ej? f)at3etiifcrecion/ ^0 t^ei'r ttemall tiamnanon* ifor totieu tijep fele bp e;iperience/ ^fiebrpnnpnge of tt)e concupifcence/ ^rpcfepnp tlieirfiemstDitl) lobe^ ConCpfterptip alfo tljeir bonfiase/ l^Dtoe tliep can bCe no manage/ SL& a c|)ntten man Jjotl) befiotie^ C^en to quenclje t^ei'r apetpte0/ ^^eg are fapne to be foDomptes/ ^buCpnge tljegm feltieef Sjnnaturall?^ SLm Co from ^ope of faltanon/ CS^p fall into Defperacion/ ^vt^v^nsz t\)m li?be0 mott C|)amfullp> Cl toillnot fa? tje contrary/ WL^U 2But among:e a pett company/ flDne or ttoo focje tl)Ou maj?tt f jntie^ CSpafee tl)e company grett or fmall/ 3Ief. SL monge a tljoufanli fpnDe tljou (l)all/ fecant one c^aft of bolitip anti mpn&e C^l)ep fape pett toitl) bolDe aufiacite/ laiat^ ^5 at It reftetl) in mangf faculte/ Iflietoill/ to Ubecljaaij. CClien mafee tl)ep Cljn'ft a lj?er/ 3|ef^ Callpnge it agpfte flnguler/ iliot getien to eberp boDDp^ |9aul alfo m 1^10 epiftle/ (Hnto ^imotlie l)i0 DiTci'ple/ aaintpnse fpme of puopljcc?* iliameti^ it a DptiUffl^e Ooctrpne. OJafn'ct) ap)?nftfcnpture&itiine/ jforbiD&et^ folfee to marg^ 9lpDrol3er ttje (lorpsf not fapnpmje/ C^^elitiesi of olDefatljer0 contepnpn8:e/ (B^tiereccortfc to t^e fame. 121!) ic5 enUueD toit^ a;otilp fcience/ (£j;erc]?f}?np continuall abftinence^ lutte^ of t^e flertl)e to tame, get featoe or none tjali t^e grace/ Jiaiit!) all t^eir laboure to pur ct ace/ Cl)e anffuler ggfte of c|)attite> l^otoe fl[)ulD tlje? tlien Kie cl)a(te/ ^^at of pftlpneg liatie no tafte/ (Bebeni^olp to carnalite. Jinitliclb a0toolte0 ana Irelp beaftejJ* Catpnge anD tirpnfegnp in tpeir feattess/ Cfteblouuaeoftljepober comenalte/ ^IT^ep liate Cocl)e a0 are ftuDiougi/ Still) or rgnp t^ofe tliat are tierteou0/ SL& a toaUe/ or popfonDe ferpente. aaiitlj oute fenotoleoge agj alle0 brute/ ^f all gooae manners tieftitute/ ©rapnles) anD infipient* aaiat. C3! fe t^en lie toerre a fterp d^plUe/ Mlljicl) toolDe enp mo abbepgf bplDe/ if tlje jjooUe^ lljulD be fo ?ll fpent^ CUttoem fare better 3 Cuppore/ %o plucfee Uotone a grett Corte of t^ofe/ 2fll!)ic^ are all reDp of coftlp bilfipnge/ CiJDureloraeforliiD/ tljattoerrepete/ laiat^ for tl)ep feepe fiofpitalite/ WLaj>z farj?ng;e people 5arborpng;e> l^unjanDe men attli lat)ourer0/ aaiit^ all comeit artificer^/ %it^ caufe to l)atie grett ernpnp> C^etr totonegf anU tiillapg/ aoiit^ out e;raccion0 or pillages!/ (Hnlier t^e^m tate moclje topnnpttge^ C^ep feepe alfo manp fertiaunte^/ l&etapnpnge fermergf ana tennaunte0/ {LQllicl) hp tl)epm|)at)et^eir Iptipnge^ C^^ofpi'tall abt)e?e0 tijou fpnDett but featoe/ 3Ief* ail tl)0U5b Come of tbepm forafl)eatoe/ ^0 blpnUfelDe tl)e peopled t^siu ^^aratienture toill not tienape/ ^f a gentle man come ttiat to ape/ ^0 gebe l)pm lotigpnge for a npg^u ©ut p£ pober men tljptljer reforte/ Cljep iljall tabe full Iptell comforte/ ilJet^er meate/arpncfee/ ne loUgpnge^ feaijpnp toother tolipleg perl)apf / ^b^P ptt a featoe broken fcrapf i3Df tbefe cormorantt' letpnge^ C 2Hell pett t^ei'r fare conCpOerpng;e/ tiaiat^ 3|t 10 3 no fmale t!)pnp/ ^fiattfjep leatie Daplp at tljeit bortie^ 31^f* Cie but tfiorotoef alee lorclier^/ anti tint^rpftp abbe? lobbergf/ ^0 potire folefee Iptell t^eg a forUe^ ifor tlje beft meate atoa]?e t^e? earbe/ WiWl for tlieir liarlDttf muft fertie/ CLJllitl) toother frentiesf of t^eir fejnne^ Cijen proll t^e Cerftpnge ofiSeergf/ WLitl) tlje j?emen tijat be toapter^/ »)0 tl^at tfieir letiettf are but tpjnne^ ^nD to^ere as tl)0u maueft relaeion/ ^l)at men of ConDrp oeeupaeion/ t|)epm are fett into labourer It 10 aboute Coelie folpffl|)ne0/ Coneernpnffe no proffptablene0/ (Ento tl)m nefft)bour0 Coeeoure^ 3!n bplOpnp of e^ ambers eunouis/ C!)urel)e£(/ anD l)oufe0/ fuperttuouiS/ ^0 no purpoCe e^peDient^ feo tfiat tl)ep mape fatiTfp/ ^iieir inor&inate fantafp/ Cfiep tare for no tietrpment^ »)et tipee anD earfie placers a f jtie/ S[nti tijorotoe out tl)e toorlDe fo topDe/ ^liep toatte ttieir poDe moft m tia^ne^ ^lieir prpDe mafeetj man? a beffffer/ jf^atoe or none farpnge t^z better/ (EmptanpUelliatiel or ttoajne* ^fieir totone0 fomtpme of rcnoVDiie/ Heatolilp tl)ep cauCe to faule dotone/ ^!)e ^onoure of tl^e lontie to marce^ Cue tteir fubitttf at tl)e latoe/ aaifiom rtjep mafee nott toort!) a ftratoe/ IK^apn^np tliepm B;iltlesf at t^e faarre^ anU tljatl me notoe rep arte/ t!)eir lDr&fl)ip0 a grett forte/ aaiitf) to!)om tf)ep JaU controtierCpgf^ jl^amlp/^ajntcCDmon&ig lierp/ Ciaiitl) li]?tier0 toother a grett manp/ SLintier t^efiolDe of moiiatterpgf- jfurtfiermore ttieare as 31 dtti toone/ jail !)uftianlie men t|)ep ^aije tm&one/ 3Dettropmp tl^e lonDe miTerabl?^ C^o prote tijat it toer fter? |)arUe^ JLcttat. C^afeelietie^otoe farmery p bacfetoaroe/ 3|ef. anti t^ou lialt fe it toitlj t|)gne ep> ifor t|)e lon&esf toelt^ prpncipallp/ ^tontietl) in e.rercpfe of fjufbantirp/ encreace of catell and tUl^n^u aZU^icI) a0 lonffe a0 it Dotlj prof per/ d)e realme goet!) bacfitoarlie netier/ 31 n ftabill felicite perfetierpnge^ d)e abbe]?0 t|)en full of co&et^fe/ aailjom polIeCtton0 couloe not fuffjfe/ (l\}tv more anO more encroach png;e^ Sltmtljt^ I)ati fpoplen ffentrtlmen/ Cljep tinliennpneti ^uCbanlie men/ 31 It mailer tt)epm roblipnp. afa^tare a farme for toa0 fett/ (Hnlier. xxxM)t^ tooltie not it lett/ lElapfpnffe it tip on Co ^pe a fome^ ^Ijatmanp apotie!)uft)olDer/ Conftra)?neti to getie ^10 farme otitr/ %o extreme licffgarp tiiti come> aJllat. C3I Mtieliearlie fape of mj>ne tllier^/ d)at in (Englontie man]? fermer0/ I&ept gap t)outl)olDe0 in tgmesJ paffeti^ 3|ef. Cffetjiat t|)ep DiD toit^ liberalite/ »)t)eatDpn5e to potire people c|)ante/ ©ut notoe all toptier isf J)affl[)eU> ^Df rpcl)e farme place0 anU lialle?/ ^t)Ou feift notj pnge hut bare toalles/ Cl)e rofe0 fallen to tl)e grotonDe/ Co tourne fagre |)oufe0 into patture/ C^ej? 60 tlieir Diligent cure/ comen toell to confotaintie^ ajaat. c^^otxie Ijatie tlje abbep0 t^eir payment? Jef. caneloetoapetljepao intent/ Hettpnge a Uofen farme0 tintier one^ aoitiic^ one or ttoo rpcl)e francfelpng;^'/ iDccuppinp a oofen men0 Iptpngf/ Cafee all in ttieir otone l)ontie0 a lone^ aaiat^ CCSetootljermpaijnpt^eirrent/ 3t IpcfelgljoD toere neffliffcnt/ Slnt} toolDe not Do tl)eir tiutp^ Ctirtiep paptie tljei'r tiutp anU mart/ 3|ef. But t!)ei'r farmed are IjepttjeD Co fore/ ^liat tijeg are ftroug^t tinto faeffgerp^ C^^afte tl)e franctilpngf tlierbp no gapne? WLau Ctfe0/ hut fprft tl)ep Jabe moc^e paj?ne/ 3ef^ ger tliep can ptt (t Cubttanciallp^ ^apinge more £or t!)e entr^nge m/ %ljen t^ ep ftjalbe able to topne/ a gooDe to^ jle after certapnlp^ ifor to gett t^e abbottf confent/ 2lln&er tl)e feale of t^e cobent/ 3It 10 a t!)pnge ber? coftlp* aoi^ere of tfie cljarpgr to recober/ %ett tlje? (tfiiM t!)epm felbess enpober/ ^nD be broufffjt into became* ^Bober cillp fl[)eppertif tljep gett/ aail)ome into tljeir farmer t^ep Cett/ iljbpnp on mplfee/ tolipff/ anb to^ep^ CSl^ercpfuU lorbe/ toljo tearbe eber tell/ saiat* 3eieUg;iou0 folfee to be fo cruell/ feupplantpnge t^e temporalte^ C^ljou fenotoeft nott toatfepn felotoe/ 3!ef. !^otoe t|)ep l)abe brouffljt to forotoe/ gjn Ipfetopfe tlje fpretualte. C©p tol^at maner cabillacion? Wiau C»)url? tfiroug;!) improperacion/ 3Ief^ (numerable beneficegf^ aaiat C2DD tl)ep beneficed I'mproperate? 3tU Cge ana tijat man? a curate^ 2Daplp courtfe ttieir cruell belliegf^ aoiat^ C^fiep eate netljer cljurclie ne fteple^ 31ef^ Ci^o but t^e? robbe t|)e potier people/ 2DeioVDr]?n5e t^efr fubttaunce^ aoiat^ CgftfiepfiofpretuallgCotoe/ ^!)ep mapetoell temporallp motoe/ after tfjt apoftlejs orDenaunce^ 3!ef^ C:^pff)et|)eptiai3e It better cbeape/ ifor tliep temporall g:DoGe0 reape/ ana fotoenot^pnge Cpretuallp* 'Elieir panTiTjonjs t^ep fljeare anD cli'ppe/ ©ut tl)ep netieropenttietrUppe/ Co ffebe tfiepm enp fo&e ffottl?^ tfllat C^^appelp tbep tio it in prebete. 51ef^ c»>oB:otibeaIpemeitmapetoellbe/ ©ntier fome fecret clauCure. if or it 10 Curlp Co intiiOble/ ^6at 31 trotoe it i0 not poCKble/ Co be fene of enp creature^ aoiat* cafllliat require tijep of benefices? CjEiot5pnffebuttoI)atietl)eflece0/ SLnh atiauntag:e0 carnallp^ ?ffllat^ C3I perceatie not loell t^p meanpnge. %zt, CCbep are reaper to taUeljp tpt^?no:e/ C^en to preacfte to t^egm f rutfuUg^ els tijere mv gmt Differpnge/ WLau ©itVoene tijeft anlr tptfje plierpnp/ after tl)e practpfe tlbat toe Ce? Ctler? U'tell/ all tl) jno:e0 vzcktmra/ gief* feat^nffe t^at t5etie0 are correcteft/ anil tpt!)e s:alierer0 0:0 fcott fre^ C^^atie tlje]? no circumfpeccion/ Wiiiu (Lfllitl) iiU'sent affecci'on/ ifor ttiei'r pareffllje^ to protgDe? C^t)ep Cett in fobCflje tiotarDe^/ g|eu Sl^ore mete forto be beartoarDe^/ ^Ijen c^n'ften mens Coulee to gjDe^ Sim etien asf t!)e? do bp farmage/ ©rpngetlje lonDe into a rearage/ Contempngnge tlie ftate temporalU 31n Ipfee maner bp tjefr rappne/ ^^ep fjatje broug:t)t into rupne/ Clje order eccleaafticalU Cit aperetl) tl)ep are paft grace^ aaiat. C^Sej? are tlje ditielg fornace/ 3Ief* ^fteninfernalltinraci'able* iLlttitttz monfeegf are fonopou?/ IQlat^ 5Botl)e fraudulent and coftetoujj/ ^0 toljat tifeiS are tljep proflStable? CijiotoebptliedeatS t^at3 tljalldepe/ 3|ef. ^f all people tinder netl) tlie fkpe/ ^Ije toorlde mape tl)epm beft fpare. ipeti^er to t^e s;odl? deite/ Mov pm ta mam btfUte/ gintn? caceprofiStalilet^eg are> janti not onlp tinnecellarp/ 2But moreotier cUne contrary/ 2De£rautipno:e tljat to t^epm 10 tiue. iFor tl^DUffl) ti[)eir Ipfe Co tiiciou^/ 'QTo plJtii0 laVDe0 10 tnmnau^/ Confotontipnge t^e toape of imue^ get are tliep morepcefompteous/ ^ajinge tfjeir toortie^ meritoriougi/ ^^ealpe fpnner0 to be gotiUi^ fiepregf^ aaiierbp C6rifti'0 ftlouti t^ep lieCp^fe/ S10 t^oufflj it coultie not fuffpfe/ Jiaiit^ out t^eit: Damnable prapregf^ 5lnti to!)eare a0 ttiej? fljulDe be preft/ ^t all reaCon0 flopnge tlieir beft/ ^te comen toell to mapntapne^ ^^eir bellied are Co full of peace/ ^iat netl)er in toarre nor peace/ ^^ep cane Do enp Ijealpe certapne> get tlieir f jnDpngf ttiep e;;penDe/ WiW^ fl[)ull>^ t^^ lonDe DefenDe/ 2Detiotor^np manp a fenpgljtegj fe^ Cliep are netl)er gottlp/ ner VoorlDlp/ l^at^er Ditiljfllje tlien goDlp/ (laift^ out enp ffooDe properte^ aaiat^ Cgf t^e? be Coc^e pDellratienergf/ ^l)e? are Igfee to tfie grett courfer^/ Ml^ic^ noble men m ftMt& feepe^ JFor t^ep are c^ereCeD alltoape/ CLfllitl^ freffl[)e litter anU ffooliefiape^ 2DDpng:e n'gtit nogfit but eate ana aepe> C^Ijere 10 in ttiegm grett tiitjerate/ 3|ef. jfor It come to extremite/ ^|ep rabe t^eir mattery from ptiilU aoiljere a0 tfiefe miTerable bribers/ ©rpnp tliei'r foVonDer0 ana ^ealper^/ arapffl^t toape to tje detiilU CSlre tfiep Ipfee to tooltie^ ratienou0? ^at. <[ a grett Deale more outragiou^/ 31 ifarre erceDpnp tjeir rapacite^ jf or tliouffb tb^P be cruell of fepnDe/ gett tbep leatie tbeir ffepnne^ be Sjnfte/ 550 a mentie0 for tbeir cruelte ©ut tbi0 mifcbei3OU0 moucferp/ Cbouffb tl)ep robbe etier? country/ ([aib]?l0 t!)e? be liere a Ijtie^ get can t!)ep not be Co pleaCeD/ ©ut after tbat tbep be DeceaceU/ ILeatt en^ bp t|e?m fl)ulD tbrptie^ Cb^? car? into tbeir Cepulture/ Cljeir aaplp clotbpnp anD tiefture/ IBurieti in tljeir cbttrlpfflijebabjte^ C^atie tbep on tbei'r bote0 alCo? Wlau Cge bp mp trotbe etien retip to go/ ^0 tf)e tietiiU toitbouten refppte. 1 Mau centre 10 Come mi'fterp pontreren/ %\)at t^cp tiCe Co to bz buvkn/ 31n tjeirljabpte am clotljpnp. 31cC* Cilio tiout It 10 a miftcr?/ 3Bp coni'ectour0mam'feftlp/ CSei'r toretcljcD l^fe betoknptiffe. if or asJ in t^tjs Ipfe tl)ep timapbe/ •E^eir t!)rtften neffljbour^ to apue/ Hpipnp Ijere tncfieritalilp* ^0 tip t^eir Deat!) anli latter entie/ 3In t!)eir buriall tfiep pretenUe/ |iot to be of Ctriftisi company* aaiat* ci^otoljomtfienootbeppertapne? 3!ef* CSTo t|e OetjUl t!)ei'r Coterapne/ aailji't^ tat^ ttiepm all (a W bonoe* Saiat, CJBetoare t^ou be not to bolije/ if or tl)p Ipfe toere bouffljt anti folOe/ S>f t^ou fpafee tW in dEnglontie. lef* Cl^'bep mapetoell bot^e ban anti cour0/ 2But t^e? cannot Do mocl)e Voor^/ 'QTll^n tliep in'ti to l^un tte marcliaunt* 22lat» CSOiti ttep enp pctiaunte to 'bpm? 31ef» €i3Dut of tlji'sf Ipfe tfiep btti ^gm trpme/ Becaufe l)e toa^ ptmi0 Cerijaunte* Mlat, C^e tii5 Come faulte gretlp notorp ? ^iZU C^ot^jnpbutforamortuarp/ Cte prefteg appntt Ijjm tn'ti arpfe* jl^o maner faulte I'n l)?m toasf fotonOe/ gtt toajf 5e lianpa/ brent/ ana firotonUe* 1^10 ffODtieg tafejn Ijp for a prgCe^ ias an Jeritpfee tje? fipm tofee/ ffiecauCtSeljaD man? abofee/ 3|neno;lpf(l)e/ of ^ol]? fmpture^ aifa f)t toorll)ippeD no pmap^/ ana tooiae not p on pilgremag:e0/ ?IliCpng:e none otf)e0 to permre^ C^re t^e prelatf Co mad frantgcfee/ WLau %o mtip Coci)e a man an ^ eritjcfee/ »)l)eto3?nffe tokens of f^aelite? regarUe tlietr toorlDip proffett/ Ciaijnnjnp tfierfap man^ a forfett/ CLai^tc^e motietlj tljepm to cruDelite* Slpen0 poDe0 torongfuU^ to ceafe/ ^!)ep make Ijeritjfef toljom t^e? pleaCe/ faulce relation of ^omener^^ C^^aijetliep none toother intellection? WLau Cge0 alCo bp ttjeirconfeftton/ 31ef. (L£ai)iclj tliep tell in preftes earejS. C3Dare tl)ep confeCRon0 to betoraje? WLau CConfeflion0 catlia? pe bp mp fape/ 31ef. ^l)ep feepe no fecretnes attalU diouffl) noble men Ijaie Doctourgf/ ^0 be tbeir pritiate confeCCour^/ get t^ ep ^atie one tliat igf pneralU CBefptietl)ofetoSicl) areperticuler? {LSl^t. Cffe/ anD t^at l&att) brougljt Come to care/ 3|et flDf toljom 3! tmltt mafee reljearcealL SUlat C^^t0 name toolDe J trer? f apne Ijere. lef. €lti0ttieene:Ur(!)e?luci£eu/ aaiDtljertopre calUU tl)t CartiinalL gin all tl)e lonOe tl)tre i«s no \Dpg:ljt/ il*let|)eu lorUe baron/ nor fenpffljt/ ^0 totom lie i^atlj tnv liatreft. IBut et^er bp CoVoer fpectjeor ftoete/ SDf tfteir confellour0 l)e toill toete/ Hiotoe t|)tp ^atie tljejm feltie^ be|at)t6^ Ml^at t^ep Tape/ it 10 actepteti/ gin no popnte to be obiecteD/ ^Ijoufflj tliep be ag( falce as luDa^. aaiat. c afllljat autl)orite 60 t^ep allege? gef. cgt 10 tliei'r c^urc^e0 prebilege/ jfalcelp to fapne t^at netier toa0^ caiat. C»>oc^econfelIour0 aretimuft^ gef. Cgettnei3e0tio(ttl)epmua/ tljeg toill to ^onoure afcentie. liilau Ci&romocion0 areof t^el^ipngis gpft? gef. c:jForalltljat5emafeetl)Cocl)eft)pft/ 'tr^at in l)(0 pleaCure t^ep UepenDe. ^^oufff) ttiep ^atie t^e k^nsi^i patent/ (|gj;cept t^ep |)atie alfo W aCCent/ gt tournetlj to none aijauntage^ ?$i0 potoer lie tsotl) Co e^;tenfie/ ^Ijat t^e fepnsi0 letters to renfte/ !^e tofll not forbeare inW t^P* i& a S^ttt preCumpcion/ efee oute lontie^ etserg c^oite/ 3eu Slnd t^ou (t)alt fpnlie none Co prone/ Si& (Cnglonfte/ to tl^igf pDolatrp. €)f to^olg lliooDes/ t^ere 10 Cotlje a Q^Ijt/ ^1) at b itVoene t^ 10 anO mgD np g;^ t/ 3 couiae not mafee e;i;pUcacion^ ^lien^atietliep ladies a^manp/ ^ome o£ grace ana Come oC mere?/ WLit^ &it3er0 oClamentacion* a^orotier papnteU ttocfef anU (tone^/ Sfllitf) li)r?ne0/ full of rotten bone0/ Co t^eto|)i'cljetl)ep mafeeoblaaon. caail^at are tjeg after tl)p CuppoCpnge? C^ftertlieirtoorfee^gi tijepmttteme/ ©ot^ to man anU pfi oure crtatxiure^ aailjm agi (0 no goti but one* WLz ou^lt to toorfl[)fp ^pm alone/ ana no falce ptiDe0 to aftoure* aziltipcfie of l)onoure i& aefrauoeti/ t^efeptiole^ faulcelp lauaeU/ WXitii facriftce anU aaoraciom Sl^an mlpfee manertljej? robbe/ Cauf jnp poire folfee to fpo:!) ano fobbe/ ^afepnp atoape tfieir futtentacion* Ciaiat* C^6e potie^ tljat to tlicpm are offered/ aire tl)ep not to potier people proffered/ ^lielr neceflite0 to relefe? 3|ef* ClitijStoatteti mrpetou^retiell/ amonffe mang an jdell laiell/ ^0 mv^tfi)t mort^er and miTcIjefe* aaiat. Cl!!)earefapet^atbef?lie0l2.ontion/ Cliere 10 oure la&p of MlilCDon/ aai^ icl) Dots ffrett mpraclegf Daplp. 3ef. for loljortiom/ anU letclieroufneg/ »)l)e 10 tl)e cliefe laap maftre0/ ComenparamoureofbauUrp* Sl^anp men a0 it 10 fenotoen/ I&epe mo c^pltiren t|)en tfieir otone/ 5Bp Itv mpratlesJ pcomocfom afllptjejf to tiectatje ttieir ^uCbantie^/ S@a60 to ^tt manp crranUe^/ (HnUcr coloure of aetjociom C3pott t!)OU ouce laDg Co batfebpte? €^0 but 31 l^ate tl)e ttocfe^ in Oefp^te/ WLitttb^ tijcp lii(lS)onoure|)ec» 31 n fcripture it i'0 tontten/ iJnli of ouce lorue focliititien/ 1:0 be a f alee ptiolatrcr* tf)ou tiott fo farre ptocelie/ l^otoe 10 It t^zn in tijp ccetie/ €)f »»apnti:i)omas{ of Cantourburp? €31 beletje/ ano alfo 31 tcuft/ gf t^at Ije Voece in tlji0 Ipfe lutt/ SLnti otouve lortie^ tocaci'on* •Srtiat fjisf foule ^at^ fmi'ci'on/ perpetually toitt out I'ntermilKoii/ anlj jet C!)nft in t^epm !)at!) no parte/ ©ut toorcfee tijepm bp t^e Ueiilg arte/ Murpgnp an ang;el0 Ipfeenegf* asifjic^ Dotlj IfpmaiFe Co tranCpofe/ ifraudulentlp to beffplet^oCe/ ^f)at contempne ffoGlii^ nffljtoufneff. (L?aat. Cijiletiertfieleae a0 clarfee0 trefgne/ aaiorfepnrye of mpracle^ ig( a fis;ne/ ^^attinto goti t^ep are acceptable^ g|ef. C»>ljaU toe to men creDencegetie/ iDr ougtjt toe tlje pfpell to belete/ iiaifiore iente 10 impermutable? 31 Dare Cage/ anli abpfie tfierb?/ Cf)at&apnct ^|)oma0 of Caunterbur?/ aaiit!) tootlier »)apnctf canon^feD. ^f t!)eir papnteD efficacite/ 310 but a0 it Cemett) to be. j3Df ffoD t^ej are tiefppCetr* ifor t^ouffl) t|)ep fieale lame anli blpnoe/ {L£ait5 men(a0 tt)ep Cape) out of mgnUe/ l^ealppnpDiCeaCejs corporalU get Deftrope t^ep out of fian&e/ ifor etierp one of tliepm a t^otoCan&e/ Concernpnge t^eir Coule0 CpretualU Slnt} to^ere a0 C^nd Dotl^ require/ tC^at of ffoti toe fl}uli3e M^vz/ SLll oute neteflite anti nelie> tl^epm toe mafee peticion/ iappnft ptiUi'0 protiibiciDit/ ^0 toicfeeD aoctour^ ptipnp l^eDe. cafllell?et3I ertrurertjeleffrape/ mat. ^fie ffoCpell for tl^egm tljeg lapt/ (Brotonti^nge on it ttjeir argument Cil^ape toatfepn t^at 10 a ftarcfee Ipe. gief. C^^otoe i!)aU toe t|en t^e trot^ trge/ UUu Come proiiacton ebitient? CSl^arp tafee to^olp torptpnrye/ 31ef. lietfier aUfi^nge nor fiimmpCfl)pnB:e/ ©ut e&en plapnlg after tt)e letter^ C^liep Cape Ccn'pture 10 Co DiffuCe/ aaiat> d)at lape people on it to muCe/ ^Ijuiae be neier tlje better^ 3|t (0 no metilpnge Cor Cole0/ IBut Cor Coc^e a0 !)atie bene at Ccole0/ S10 tioctour0 t^at be ffra&uate. C^fflleneft tl)0u tijat ^©eter t^ e fiCtl^er/ 3ef. (Elnfierftotie not Ccripture clearlger/ ^!)ent!)ep!)anCaie0 obttmate? TOoOiDCotoilCuU? refift/ Slgajntttfie receat3gng:e oCCljntt/ 510 t!)ep toliiclj toere learneli ? Cilio toonUer/ Cor t^ep fenetoe !)pm not> QHat. Cifelo more Do oure ijoctour0 pD toot/ 31^^^ 3|n enp popnte to fte UiTctrneD. aoiat. C€)f Cl^rift pett t!)ep mafee menci'Dm 3ef* CSeforfatcauCet^eirpenaon/ (Ifllitf) lieneficesf mape be entiuea^ But in itttit l^tt ana beljatieDure/ UtCppCe Cfjnft oure fateoure/ Habourpngel&i^ toorDe to e;i;cimie^ aaiat. CCantttibDuprDtiet!)i0mtieDe? 3|ef^ C Jiai|)ofDeter toill t^e sofpell re&e/ protie It fljall neOe no teftegf* S21at^ C^Seratienttire tljep toolUe!)abe i'tl)i'ti/ aailjtrfore to re&e it tfieg forlnti/ ?lett men fljulfte fenotoe t^eit toicfeeUne^^ 3|ef^ C^aa tf)OU ftuDieO an to'^oale pere/ C!)Ou coulDeft notljatie gone no nere/ ^0 1) It tlieir craftp futtelne^* ifor t|)e pfpell toere Coffered/ j3Df lape people frelg to be reD/ g|n tfieir otone moaer^ langaje^ ^fiep l^ulDe Ce at t^eir fpnger0 enUe^/ ^5^ab5ommacfon0 of tljeCefenae^/ afllit^ t^e abuaon of pilgremage^ aiCo to perceabe eberp lD|)itt/ TOat ft (0 ^apnte forto tifitt/ Jffllitl) noble0/ brouc|)e0/ ann rpnge^- aaiat^ CSDott tI)ou t§i0 cuttume repreljen&e? 3!ef^ C3I tijpncfee no gooDe man toill comenDe/ »)Oc|)e Cuperfticiou^ offergngesf* aflljerof tlvt popntf 3 toiU motje/ 25? ti^e tofipclje | iljall plapnlp probe/ iFptft apDtireman of famtitoen?ng:e/ if or 1)10 topfe ana clipltireu labourpnjje/ ^0 feepe ano fpnUe tl^egm fioneftlp^ ^^aratienture for fome Ocfeene^/ jSDr for a tiotoe of foUftljne^/ ^oaccomplgffl)e&atan0 mffitut^ CafeetJ on l&pm a f arre tia^e/ Co fome &apncte0 fljrpne or pma^e/ Heatjpnp l^ijs |)oml)ol&e Dettttute^ nmw^ often tpme0 Do misi carp^ Cf)e meane to^i'le tfiat lie Dotl) tarp/ Beftotaipnge 5t0 laboure in tiapne> atnti fo ffo&Di0 comaunGment neglecte/ if or fmale trptte^ of none effecte/ die? put tl)e?m feltie0 into pa?ne^ ^econuarpl?/ tofiat petiif(t)ne0/ g|0 it to l)onouretoit!) rgcl)e0/ ^Df fteaue fapnctf t^^e boDte0? ^epnget^attotiplS t^ep f)ere Iptieo/ ifrom rpc^ e0 t^ep toere Depriiieo/ as( toe reDe in t^eir ftorgejS/ d)irtilp/ it i& no Cfiriften touc^e/ Co fe manp a pl&en ouclie/ aaiitl) rpnp0 anti ttonejs precioua?. Co malie dealie fagnctegj forto l|)gne/ tSUlm pDber folfee for !)onpt ppne/ gD^mgetoit^ out|)ealpepniDua]?^ ^nO jftoit^ allpDlEfaiUte/ flDure clirifteit negpout^ potem/ 2Dulp to apftetotarebotontie. (Ifllfi J Do ^apnctejs it tlien tranfsrtCCe/ 3In tol)om c^antable perfctne^/ 31 n efptciall ft)ul&e reDolonije? Magnet g|!)on to Cljntt Co amiable/ »)apt|)/ t^tepte tot be charitable/ ILotpitge eac^e tootlier fraternallj?^ 3|t botetl) not C^rift to profeUe/ ifor tol) j/ toe toantier m i)arcfene0/ WLit^ outli0:l)terromouap> ifor 1)0 toe can Ije I) ate c^^arite/ ^l)at feitl) 1^10 negpoursj necefltte/ SlnD refuCetl) ^pm to focoure? Sfllat^ Cl marbaple not bp l)pm tl)at me maDe/ t^ep be toitl) plDe ano ftone0 Co laDe/ 'ZITibouffh tliep cannot tl)eirne5l)bour0 it, 3But notoe to Cpeafee ernettlp/ ?^atie t^eir Coulee celeftiallp/ 5|n Cocfie offer^^nges enp Uelpte? lef^ C3|t 10 to t^epm pett DeCpleaCure/ SLb^ovv^n^t it out oCmeaCure/ Sl& a tlipnge Hone m tijeir tieCppte^ iiaiat^ €2215attoerebettthentobeDone? 31ef. c^obreaktl)epmmpece0attone/ SL monrye poijre folk to ht ae(lntiuteO> C^^atD/ to 50 tljat toljo Hurft/ dfllat. fecjnp tt at !)e iljuloe be a courft/ jan& a0 anljentpfeereputeti. CHettfiejmtoit^ furioufneg CtotU/ lef. CourfpngetoitS bofee/faell/ anD cantieU/ {Lfllljj^ls t|)ej |)atie breath for to fpeafee^ get i[)al) toe t^e l&pngegj licence/ aaie toolDe toit!) outen Diffplience/ ^tntrgoltien iTjrgnegi in pece0 breaker C Jiaifiat ffjulUe toe Eio toi't!) tljeir rgc|)ej3? {I2lat. CdSebe It to poijer men in almegf/ 91ef. ^0 toI)om of Dute it tiot!) longe^ C^tjc »)apncte0 tljen toolDe be angrp/ Jiaiat. fff tljat toe ll)uli3e be fo tiarop/ (ISnlaufull]? to Do tl^ejm toronp^ if or fome men l^atie it affapDe/ JLCaijom fapncte0 liate OjreatoeDlj arapDe/ 3in retsengpnge tfiei'r mrnrp- ^0 t^at bp an toljole npg^te^ fpace/ ^!)ep toere fapne to feepe one place/ I3ore0 ftontignffe open apertlp. C^nD to^at toa0 t^eir fpnall c^aunce/ 3ef. C2Bp mp fotlje/ in an l)ang:]?n8:e Daunce/ afllat. ^liei'r necfef in a cor&e to pretie. H Me tije feapnctegf en? men to kvlU 11 ef. Cil^o but tl)ep mafee t^epm ftonDe fti'll/ Mlat. (Entill t|)eg be tafeen of t|)e »)Cljeretie* tirSctt are tl)? Ipfec anii tmUahlz/ Unto ourc &i'fiiop0 ijcncrable/ aoiSic^ Cape/ toe toi'U not mortfjec* 3But t^ep put men in Coc^e Catieprlie/ 'STIiattoi'tS in a tofiple aEtertoarue/ %^t^ be Cure to go no f ortfiec* lef, C^te not focbe fapnctf reptefjenable? SQlat* cSe for tlje? fljjultie be I'ntjmcible/ flDf c!)aritable tiilecciom if or it t^ep tolU en? man nope/ (Etfier enp boUp to tiettrope/ ^^t^ are not of Ctnfti^ election* aOJl^i'c'^e after Eufef ebangeU'on/ ^aptie to t!)apoftel0 lamejs anH llion/ i^eCtiti'0 cui'u0 fpintu0 eftigf. 'STfie f onne of man Iji'dber cam/ ^ot forto Deftrope enp man/ 2But to f abe tliat periCiljeo i'0» aaifierfore let tliepm tio toon&er^/ 25p tl)e bi'belsi tlieir fountier0/ 1:0 leafte men I'n blpnbe cectte* gett neber t^elclCe tl)ou anH 1/ afllolbe put oure felbe0 m leoparbp/ agapntt all t^m malignite* 1:0 tafee atoap t^eir oucl)esf/ (Bolben rpngf anO brouclie^/ (Bebpnge itbnto t^epoore* Mau Cl^ljou e;rcepa*S'»C|)utbert of 2Duram/ fflOlftS oure latip of aaialCpngam/ 511CD ourelaOp of tl)e9^DDre^ C(Boi) bepnge ourc Uimcion/ aaie toolDe mafee none zxtmionf jappnft tlje ti€tiil0 encljauntmentf ^ Co Do t!)ei'r bett/ let t^tgm not f pare/ if or toe toolDe mafee t^ejm full bare/ €)f t^eir precious? ornamerxtf ^ C^ure Ijonefte tlien DettagneV ^uerlg toe iljulDe be proclagmeD/ ifor outragiouss ^eretgfef ^ more toe tljen t^e Carlimall? C^e attemptetlj not^pnge at all/ »)Oclje mater0 m W bifli)oprpcfef . Cl am fure t^ou ^aft tiearDe fpofeen/ (LCa!)atmonatterie0 Ijeljatl^ broken/ aBttl) out t^eir fotontier^ confentf . l^efubtiertett c^urclieg/ and cjappell^/ ^ali^ng;e a toage bofef anD belljs Ctaiit^ c^alefce0/ anti beftmentf ^ l^e plucfeett Dotone t^e cottlp leatresf/ Cliat It maje rapne on fagnctf 5^a&eg(/ iliot fparpnp goD nor oure laDge^ afll^ere a0 tjep re& fertijce Dihpne/ C^ere 10 poutpnge of pfffp^ ano ftopne/ (laittl) loto^nje of o^en ano feje» C^e aultre0 of tl)eir celebration^/ are maUe pearclje^ for fien^ ana capon0/ Slntr tfiouffl) it be netier Co prop|)ane/ l^e (0 cDunteti a gootie c!)ri(tiane/ il^D man Dopnge !)pm enp !)urtt. aaiat C^conCamcepfitbeCotlie/ diatt^e CarDinallCo liDtte/ 31 toonftec tijat Ije 10 not apeac^eti. 31 ef. C€)/ cl)urc5c mm are topip f a^;e0/ Sl^ore craftp t^en mg:ffeler0 &Dj;e0/ ^0 plap liffier tiu mapne teacl)eti> 10 not for noufflit t|)ep fapne/ ^5at tl)e ttoo CtDeartie0 to t^epm pertapne/ 25ot|) rpretuall/ anD temporal!- a21!)ertoit|) t^ep plape on ftotf) !)onUe0/ S^ott tprannouOp m t^eir bonDe0/ l^olDpnffe tlietDorltie ftnitierralL ^[ffapnft 500 t^ep are Co ftolibourne/ ^t)at Ccripture tje? toffe anti tourne/ ^Cter tieir otone pmaginacion. gC tljej Cage t^e mone 10 beletoe/ aaie mutt beletie t^at it i0 true/ er ffirt^dl/ •^Eo to^om for a faltitacton/ 31 toill reljearce a tirefe oraci'on/ 3DeUi'tate tnto W ffatlpnesf* Cil^otue ffentellmatel tj^eprapc* C?^atie at it t^zn toi'tl) out Uclapt/ Contempnpnge W maU'cioufntsf* miferablc monfter/ molt maU'ci'ou0/ jfatfiec of perberatt/ patrone of tell* ii) terrible rant/ to 50& anD man o&iou0/ Stutjotate of anticl)nft/ to C^rift rebell* 1:0 tf)e 3! fpeafee/ 0 captife Cartn'nall fo cruell. Cauae0 cfiargpnge bp ttp courfeD comaOmet Co brmnesoSJlii^toorOe f^etoi^olp teftamet* (Bo&lif toortie/ potonD of alltertue ati grate •^Ije frutteouss f o&e/ of oure f apttifull truft . !)a(l conliempneti in moft carfull race/ Ctirotoe furiousf fol?/ falce anti tinmft* <© fearte p^arao/ folotoer of fleffljl? lutt. aoi^atmobetj tljp mgnoe bpmalpce to cofent/ 1:0 brenne gontif toorDe/ tt)e toljolg tettamet, "Zir^etenoureof t^P tprann? patCet^ brapne gjn eterp popnt elji'Dentl? to entipg^t* liero nortieroo/toer neber fo no?u0 certapne a lef. fe^ame it I'si to fpcafee tiotoe agapnft rpffl)t* 1:1)? fiatfuU l)ert ^at^ caufeO to be bccnt/ (BoHDisJ true toorUe/ tlje Voljolp tettament* i3D pertjerCe ptefte patnacfee of prptie/ 9^ovt^tm\ait\} out mercp moft execrable, jSD beaftlp brottiell/ of baulirp tlie brplie/ 2Datlpnp of t^e UebiU/ sretlp tieteftable» jaiasi/ tofiattoretclb tootle be fo bengeable? atenp tpme to attempte foc'^e I'mpeaiment/ %o bcene goDHf toorDe t^e toljolp teftament* Xl5oU of 1)10 5oo6ene0/ puHpti not to tije/ Sl^an to Uelgtec from fteaolj dampnacion* D ffoti toll Ijpm anti all i^i'gf contempne/ Wiit1^ tl)eftotar&e of punnpCtljmenu (^at. Cdjep t^D fptff Come proiocanon? 31 ef^ CiF^one tootlier tlien tl)e tranflacion/ (Dt t^t enfflpCOje nttoe teftament^ ?Lfll^erin tlje autl)our0 toitl) mecfenes/ SUtterlg atiDplipnp conbfcioufne^/ SDemeancti t^epm fo Difcretlg^ ^Ijat toitf) all tl)eir intencion/ C^ep coulDe fgnDe no reprel)ennon/ B^caftpnge 5Dtilii0 toorUe toilfullp* Mlat. Cl^otoe^ati tl)e gofpell Eprft entraunce/ 3|nto (EnfflonOe fo fam of liiftaunce/ (lai^ere to retie lipm/ no man mape? 3ef. CdPootie c^riften men toitl) pure affecte/ jaDf goD ttngulerlp tljerto electe/ Clfllit^ coft DiU l)pm t^ettier conbeje^ JLQlljicl)/ eien a0 C|)nft toa0 betrageft/ ^0 toitl) l)?m tt)e clarjp plapeV ^Jorotoe traptetou0 prom'ciom caiat caoi^oplapedtljepamof^luliasf? 3ef. cCtetol)olpbinT)opof^a]?nctiaa:e/ a pofte of ^atan0 iunCtiicciom JLOl^om tliep call 2Doctour ftantiiTilije/ aaione at 10 netlier flefflje nor fifl^e/ 5lt all tpmeg a comen lper> l^e (0 a ba&lpng:e ^Eiutftiomft/ »)om tpme a lotoCj grape fr^er^ iSDf Itbmafee 10 fcarce anli bolDe/ 3jn braulpriffe toortie^ a tjecp fcolDe/ Sl^enfflpnffe tiennem toit^ fugre^ l^e fitCppfetS t^^ truetS of goti/ ^tafegnp parte rattier toitt) falcef)0&/ ifortoofatapnetoorialp lucre^ 3|n came plapinge ^e i& a po6e jrefee/ aixti can CfepU oE poft anD fflpefee/ SllfD a papre of lipce to troUe^ J^or tDt)orDom ano formcaciotis/ i^e mafeett) man? biOtacionsf/ W0 3D(oce0 to pill ana poUe^ ^ITfjougl) lit be a ftotote aiiipne/ gett a preft to feepe a concubine/ !^etljere admittetl) toittpnglp* »)0 tfiep pape t^eir pearly tribute iJnto W apt3lifti)e fubttitutf/ €)fficiall/ or comillarp^ ^0 ref)earce all lj(0 Iptjpnje/ (goD getie it jtjell cljetjpnp/ C^r el0 Come amendment (!)ortlp^ C^otoe HiD ^e tl^e pfpell betrape? Cone a£{ eter ^e tearoe Cape/ T&ttovt tDljoCe prototie conaftorp/ TBvi^n^nst in falce tcftimonp/ e gofpell 5 e &iD tljeare accuCe* (Icllat* C^e diD ntD perfone0 repreCent/ ^fieit lu&asf tl)e traptour malibolent/ TOiclie betrapeD Ctinft to t^t 3ue0^ 3!tf^ C^iou nta]?tt tt of tSepm m one manne/ !^ero&/ i&ilat/ Cappfias/ anti ^nne/ aaiitf) tf)nrpropertifi( fetjerall Slnti in anottier manifeftlp/ 3!uDa0 full of confpiracp/ aaiitl) tfje fecte0 p^anfaicalU Ctiep are a jrett Deale more mutable/ C^^n i^roteujs o£ forme fo banable/ acaiiicf) coulDe Ijpm filfe fo Gifffpfe* ^tep canne reprefent ape0/an& bearest/ 1Lpon0/ and affe^ toltb lonp earesf/ (Cben asf t^e? lift to dib^fe. 2But notoe of ttantnTlije accufatlon/ IBreaj? to mafee aeclaration/i Cbu£f to t^ e Car&ntall be fpafee^ ^^leafetj poure honourable grace/ ^ere 10 cbaunfeU a pftioujs cace/ 5lnD to tbe c|)urcbe a pett lacfee^ ffofpell in oure (Cnffliflije tonp/ j3Df lape men to be reD anU fonp/ 3!0 notoe Ji'&Uer come to remajne^ IMfic^ man? '^ewtpfef (|)all make/ (£xctpt poure grace Come toape tafee/ 2Bp poure autljorite f)pm to reftrapne. S^ov tntip It I'sf no t)antilpnfi:e/ iFor lape peopled tjn&erttonDpnge/ WLit^ t^e gofpell to tie buCp* CLQlIjicf) man? tootte I'ntecptifpnffe/ 3!nto lieref? I'ttu'D brpnge/ aDifOapn^np t^e cturcl)e tinretjerentlp* CCoCllje/ tfiefe Capngf are fop^ iaitall/ 31 toolDe l)eare tf)c fence mi'tf tcall, tfiep^abe once in^ibicion/ 3in no maner of contiicion/ ^0 reDe goDtiis toor&e anti W latoejS^ if or ti0 ioctourjs oEt^eolog:?/ 3it fl[)albebut afmale mafterp/ ^0 mafee t^epm fole0 anfi liatoe0> ilofee toliat ttou Uoft bp tprannp/ (LCae tortl alotoe it bp Copfiiftrp/ ^gapnft ttiefe toorlDlp tiiUapne^^ aaiat^ Ciliotoetrulp t^isf 10 tlje meanpnge/ i!?otoe Coeber be tje fpeafepnge/ €)f tfieCe fpretuall lor&apnesf. CBut to^at Captie tijc CarDiitall fiere at ? C% Cpatie dje toorliesf of pilat/ ^a^inst/ 31 fpntit no fault ttien'm l^Dtoe 6e It/ t^e biTJljapg affembleO/ aaifiat toa0 beft to Determ^n? %fizn anfVDereD biTiljop Capp^asf/ ^5at agmt parte better it toa0/ ffofpell to be cotiempneU* Heft tfieir tiice^ manpfol&e/ »)!)ulfie be fenotoen of ponp anU oltie/ ^fieir eftate to be contempneD^ ^l)e Car&inall t^eix incontinent/ aiffapnft t^e goCpell gatie iungement/ »)apin0;e/ to brenne te DeferieU* aoi&erto all t^e biOljoppf crpeV anCtoerpnge/ it cannot be tiengeU/ i0 toortlip fo to be CertieO- C9f tjep plape t|)U0 tbeir tiap0/ ^Jep fljall not efcape tt)e plap0/ ffiai^icl) to t^egm of Komel)appene6^ Sit toi oCe Ccourp Co martielouEf/ C^e? tooltie pf t|)ep toere gracious/ (Blatilp to be alimoninijeti* ^0 to!)om 0:otitii0 toortie in purite/ MlajS fprft (I)elDe& toitlj liumilite/ ^ccorignge to tlje heritable fence* t^oVoe it it ttiep toolfte not (t wttate/ But fratoarUlp toitlj ftoeatr&e ann gUatt/ %^t^ fjcpulCrt It from ttitnce* Uttnto tprannp t^cp trio leane/ (lE^erfore goD tjCpnge anotliec mcane/ C9f t^ou toilt t!)en Ittie cljrittenlp/ SJaat. ^Sou muft ftCe t^p aife prebelp/ iDr el0 furelp t^ou arte but aealie* Cl fl|)aU liate t|)eare agJ grett liberte/ 3ef. ^0 intDOttier placi0 of cfjnftente/ C^e truetl) of Cfirift to profeCCe^ ifor ^ e ttiat toiU t^ e truetl) tieclare/ 31 aare Cape mocl)e better ^etoeare/ ZSlau C^fjouff^ t!)Ou ffo netier Co farce tience/ get toitl) moft terrible fentence/ Co courCCe tlje tl)e? toill not mgffe- 3Ief^ C3 pDnDertierplpteUtbeircourfe0/ if or to pn 31 Cape toitb bumblene^/ Cbep fl[)all courCe/ ano tliou il[)alt blptfe Sfllat. Cl|n tfiefr cDurCe0/ 10 tbeir no parell? 3|ef^ e^0o for tbep lio it in tlje quarell/ i3Df tfjeir gob to^icb 10 tbeir bell?^ (laiat. C2fllbatmiTcbet3OU0 pa i0tljat? 3!cf. CJliUlonetljat^atlj eaten tip tbefatt/ i3Df englontif toealtl) fo merp^ (Laiat. cH toill sett me tben into Wialt&/ Co &toell amonge biUe0 anu nale0/ aoiitb f olfee t^at be ample anti ruDe^ 3ief* CComenottberegi counfelltlje* ifor tlje preae0/ tbei'r ttmplicite/ C^orotoe craftpne0 Do fo DeluUe^ Cb^t to^ofo et3er 10 fo barD]?/ Co fpeafee appnapre(te0 fenatierp/ ifor an beritpfee tbep bpnt tafee^ j3Df tobofe miferable calamite/ tinier tbe fpretuall captmite/ 31 toill bere after a procelle mafee^ aOlat* CCben toill 31 50 into tbe realme/ €)f tbe plenteou0 lonlie of beame/ 3n tbe Cite of |©rap to titoell^ Ci3Df ttoo t^pngf 3 toill t^etoarne/ 'itU Qfll^ic^e t!)Du mutt patfetlp learne/ t|ou toilt folotot mp counfelU ifprtt betoare in erpeciall/ iSDf tl)e outtoarUt man e^tenall/ Ctoug:!) t)e n^etot a fapre apccaunce. Sl^anp fi)aU come in a Iambic Cfepnne/ aaif)iclj are ratJiftl)?nQ:e tooluee toit!) m/ (Ennempgf to Cljritti0 orlimaunce. ^!)e CeconDt 10/ enp replp/ ^rpitffpnse in reaConsf ohttinatlp/ appnft t^atto^ic^ Ccmetlj to be tretoe. ^abe no graouate for an aut^oure/ But remitt goofie matter tioctoure/ ^0 tfie olDe tettament or netoe^ anD ^tl)t tortl beare t!)e in l^onDe/ C^at tijou cantt not it tmberttonlie/ ©e cauCe of t^eoifficulte^ Slxt 5j?m Ijotoe t^ou arte able/ ^0 tmoerttonlie a fajneli faMe> €)f more craftj fubtiUte? ClI fetl)ou fenotoett t^eir fecretneg/ iiaiat. CSe3| coultie in tljeirterp Inclines/ Hef. 2Declare t|)epm pf 3| ^ aD refppte. C aaiell 3 toilf Departe/ atiue/ aaiat. CiliotoeJ befec|)eourelortie3eru/ "itt. %o be t^j ffpDe Uape anli npfft)t* C3|n aefcnpcio of t!)e armejS/ for tol)erforrelietD!)erbp^ Cfin'tt ffoliDf fonneborneot ama^lien poore/ if orto Cat) e matifep nti/ from eben Def cetiUeli* ^aope Clemmte.tlje Conne of an tojoore/ 'Eo Ofdrope man/ from liell liatl) aCcenOeti, 3nto!)om I'sJ etjioentl? comprel)enl)cO* 'Cfiepecfett mekne0 of oure fatjeouwC^nft/ SlnO tjrannp of tljc murtfjerec^nticttift* Reprinted by Ckarles Whittingham, Chiswick. 1845.