<*- • :• « ft VOLE SAM’S BIBLE, OR THE UNIVERSAL Imf' DIAGNOSIS. THE ORIGIN, NATURE, AND DESTINY OF MATTER, MAN AND THINGS. Containing the American Scriptures, carefully collected from legends, traditions, circumstantial, u id direct evidence. Showing whM is health and what is disease. Showing what is sane and what is insane. Showing what is right and what is wrong. Showing what freedom and what is slavery. Showing what is and what is not law and gospel. With treatment and remedies that is within your own reach and control. ] Containing the Declaration of American' Inde- pendence, and the Constitution of the United States. Washington’s farewell address, and a An- fdy sis, or an Essay on man. With an Introductory ilistory of Bibles, Religions, Etc., Compared, and Contrasted with the Yankee ite creed and Stan- card of Justice. ADDRESS OR CALL ON WOODWARDS SONS M c MINN V ILLE, TENNESSEE. YEAR 119 OF AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE. / PART FIRST. Containing the Declaration of Independence, the Consti- tution of Uncle Sam, Washington’s Farewell Address, an An- alysis, or an Essay on man, with an Introductory history ^of Bibles and Religious, with the Yaq&eeite Used; or 9 Standard Ot J ustiee ! ^NOTE ! I believe I have chosen, and compiled more great truthes, in this book, than 2m§ been uoue in &ny Bible, That I was shaped, and Influenced to do so by God, as much so, as any. That the works chosen, are as much Inspired as any of the books chosen for other Bibles $ and that I am as much Inspired, and I have as good a right to choose these books and compile them into a Bible for the Amercan JV- man, as had that Jew, or that Homan, or that fengllshcm that Mohammedan, or that Mormon; or, that host of othe> That was the way they got their Bibles, and that is zl) tfcgre is in it. COMPILED J.IXETCH VOODWASD, MtinriiTm.E, te*'w. Advertise? Print — lbVO.— and bterotyye. B. I A Y p CD - 03 ct- 5! O er 5* • OQ a » M H« OQ P P - c+ Ct* CO c r CD CD o I2J H M O P o o o *-s a. P aq e-f- o h, .ij so o er CO CD »“S <1 CD Qj 92 o •"fi O CD a o o TS p C^“ p- OQ »-8 CD CD CO tH CO 'v# 5" ft 9 *-s p M* p e^> P* cr P CD O VJ T3 CD P o -3 o »— » p GO OQ ZD •“S CO CD %• CO 03 cr <• << P cf- Ch ! k J * / PREFACE. mm j)[j) NOT write this book. Tt is the writ* T ings, and beliefs of many, many great, wise, T and good men and women ; from all parts H 0 f the world. It is a defence of Liberal, Free or Individual government 5 that is for giving man a chance to read, study, investigate, and to enjoy the different ideas and opinions of their fellow men or their own. If it is wrong, then freedom is wrong, and I have a grate deal of good company. How does the lives and characters of Paine, Jeff- erson, Franklin, Washington, Lincoln, Sherman, Grant, and a host of our Infidel fathers compare to those of Abraham, Lot, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Solo- mon, and that set of enslaving, murdering, being, thieving, whoreing, devastateiog, set of god-sent. Jews and Christians? f I am not alone in this wide, wide world, and my bible is just and rational! Not so with the Jew Christian, King Jim’s bible ! It runs counter to the nature, of man and things; it is wretchedly self-contradictory, both in history, facts, and cir- cumstantial evidence ! What I have said about religionists and their bi- bles is nothing compared to what they first said a- bout my liberty and infidelity! They that live in glass houses ought not to throw rocks ! Or he that is without sin let him throw the first rock ! It is a mighty ill wind that blows no one any good ! I be- lieve, however, that this Jew-Christian-King-Jim- bible is that kind of an ill wind ! It has always in- jured it,s friends worse than its foes ! I believe it is too foul, vicious, obscene, and dangerous for man to generaly keep for our youth to read ! And, if you will investigate this subject as it is presented to you from page 108 to 122, of book Our Beginning less, you will find that this is enough Religion is an awful mental disease ! And its mortality has been greater than all other diseases put together! And this is why I have dwelt so much on this subject. This book is entended as a private medical and legal guide'. It contains many choice subjects that can be read on all readable occasions 5 as at births, weddings, funerals, or at the sick bed. We hold that religion is an acquired disease, a cra- ziness ! I have endeavorod to prove it from their own frui's! For by their crab-apple fruits we know them ! And I have endeavored to point out a remedy ; not only for it, but, for our ever ill. It is entended as a chart and prescription, and it should be kept as private property— private and se- cure, under lock and key ! The destroying hand of religionists will ever be after it and ) ou !• I object to the old Jew bible, because it was only a garbled extract from the old snake, fish, ghost, and legendary fables of the ancients. I reject the Christian, s bible, because it rests on the same old mythical foundation. They reject all of the old ex- cept its*foundation ; therefore, this gives me the right to reject it and their ghostly foundation! And to declare in favor of Hylotheism, or that there is no god except universal matter ! And that he is universal goodness and intelligence ! Each plant is an individual, filled with deity! They are male and female, they love and hate, suffer and enjoy, they display an intelligence, they work and they rest, they live and they die. Plants and trees are but stationary animals, for in the great chain of life it is impossible to tell where the plant life ends and the animal life begins ! So from plant life we come, and bstck to it our body does go, while our intelligence back to deity doth flow! MAN IS ONLY A DETACHED PLANT! v; mm r • ( 5 y* ^•o<4Cx>-^ ^5 PREFATORY REMARKS, / Religion is a sign of weakness, caused from the predominance of our infernal infirmaties. It being an unbalanced or diseased 'condition it is not re- liable nor trustworthy, and leads to craziness. We should never cry, grieve, fret, nor unnecessari- ly complain. This, too,Ts an expression of our un- balanced, or weakened condition. Religion has never improved, nor elevated mau. We only have to refer yon to the road traveled by it from the first religious altar— Cain’s and Ablb’s, on down to the Sabatarian and Prohibitionists of today. Religionists descend the scale. They never climb. They descend from a lord of all they sur- vey, to a church-ridden subject, and from asubjeA to a priest-ridden slave, and from a slave to a hi^st of burden. From an Eden to a hell. It is a fact, although the Adamites claim to be; God-first aud God-chosen, and God-perfect, yet they have but little in prose, song, law or gospel hut what they gleaned fromlothers. AikL being last, .from the hind tit, they are runts, and imbibe our vices more than our virtues. They claim to be God^perfect, •and cannot discover, or learn any more. According to their own history, after God bad made everything, then he made male and female man, in his own image and placed them in the world, (not a garden nor an Eden), but the world, and commanded them to be fruitful and multiply, and replenish and subdue the earth. And that u was good. Now, this was on Saturday, or the 6th day. Of course, God is a white man, and that was when the white man was made*. Now, the next chapter tells us that the Lord God, not God, early Sunday, made this colored mau, Adam,-' from the dust, rubbish, and nubbin end of creation, and put him in a garden, to keep it. In proof of the above assertion that Adam was made from the dust, dirt, and colored rubbish, left from a hard week's work, * there was nothing to make Eve, so he had to take a piece of Adam. And then he was so tired he had to rest! Leaving them half made, naked, igno- rant, and at the mercy of an awful Devil! And this awful curse remains on all Adamites, or Christians to this day. Can you not see, they are different men, made by 1 * a lot of different gods, out of different material, at different times, and put in quite a different place, and given very, very different commands ? The Adamites cannot prove their origin, when nor where they got their laws, songs or gospel. They were so obscene and wretched that they were afraid to sign their names to them, or give dates ; but like a thief claim to have found them. (See 22c., 2 kings.) And it was a bitter pill to the king,^ llv. 1 Who knows or can prove this * is the law given to Moses? I - ^ These Adamites were mere infants to the nations that existed prior to them. Their bible is a meie almanac compared to the bible of mother India. It is so extensive that a man cannot read it in a lifetime. Yet, this world was full when these be- ing, thieveing, murdering, piratical, presumptuous Adamite bigots started out. This world was full when that murder Cain started out, and found a wife. It was full when old drunken Noah had the , deliriumtremens, and imagined that awful flood. It was full when that Did lying, obscene, vagrant Abraham tramped about. It was full when that idiotic Jacob worked fourteen years for two treach- erous wives.. It was full when that murdering, bastard Moses claimed two mams and nary dad,. And, although he wandered 40 years, he could not find a vacaut or unclaimed spot! The world was full when their descendants, in 1492, landed on our beautiful American shores. Although we have given-them religious, political and civil freedon and J protected them .with equal and exact justice— no- where else, or never before enjoyed, yet, they seem to retain that same old hydro-phobia religious virus that confuses, maddens, and destroys both great and small now, as much so as in the days of Sodom and Gomorrha. Even John the babsouser, Jesus the man God, and Paul the law giver, struggled to reform the errors of Moses, David and Solomau. Paul summed the Law and Gospel up in these few words: ‘Thou shalt not committ adultry, kill, steal, bear false witness, norcovit. And if there be any other com- mandments it is, to love thy neighbor as thyself. Rom. 13. Let no man judge you in meat, drink, ho- ly days, the new moon, or the Sabbath days. Col. 2. That one man esteemeth one day above another, and that another man esteemeth everyday alike. Let every man be fully pursuaded in his own mind Rom. 14. That Christ abolished the Command- ments, Laws, and Ordinances. And that we are now delivered from the law. Lu. 16, 16. Eph. 2, 15. Rom. 7, 6. J : Isaiah said such laws wasau iniquity; so said our revolutionary fathers. And they gave us their Declaration of freedom. Our Constitution forbids all religious laws and ordinances. Our Stars and Stripes, thank God, wave above the image, the eagle, the cressant and the cross! The Declaration of Independance rules above all bibles, words of God and religion— and it claims to be from a just God ; declaring equal and exact jus- . t ice to all man-kind. A privilege never before granted. These Adamites ’ have a lot of religious songs, their God songs, from Moses, David and Soloman, yet they won’t sing them, and the most unscrupu- lous Christian seems to be ashamed of them. All these things being declared by Jason in five, books, we abridge in one, says 2nd., Mccabees. It ] is said, so and so, i n the books of the wars of the" lord, and in the books of Arnon, says the 21st., chap- ; ter of Numbers. So, it has always been. The first man Wrote his books. And so has all men and tribes. They wrote them ou stone, bark, leaves, on whatever come handy; on the ground, and on their v own living ,skin f; A tatto.o is a character that signi- fies something, as much so as our Phenician char- acters, a, b, c, or our Arabic characters, 1, 2, 3. Derber of ancient Pheniciawas called the book city. To them we owe the present alphabet, and to the Arabs we owe our present arithmetical figures. So the Christians clid not know much about geology, j astronomy, geography, physiology, nor the sim- p list Inws of nature. And, worst of all, it turns out that all that their god told them turns out false. So, it does not tell well for Mr. Jew, and Mr. Christian, who claim to be the origin of every thing and every bod v. The great trouble is, man has a disposition to lie r cheat, and to defraud, to claim his is superior, or the best. This desire led to the claim of a help from . God, or a super-human power. This c&u£ed the killing of Able, This caused the downfall and the destruction of every country ruled by religion. It caused the dark ages. It will take the bright light of American freedom many, many years to re-dis- eover, and to replace what religion has destroyed. I have seen three versions of this Jew-Christian , < c* * % 1 } | f ,* ... * . r ' • ‘f -111'. LH ft T . ) v { j . . } 4 King’s bible. They contradicted each other, 'and themselves. Yet, we are told^they are very perfect, and come from a perfect god. So, it is with Christ- ians, they claim to have been made perfect, and the serpent played the devil with them. 'Yet, their bible at the 3rd., chapter, 22oud., verse of Genesis tells us that the serpent learned them good from evil. And their god published them, and their pos- terity awfuly for learning. Then Luke tells us a ct 16th., c. 8tlh, v., that the children of this world are Wiser than the children of light, or the Adam- ites. Then, from personal and historical acquaint- ance With Christians I fail to see that they are as good, nor, that their muchness, is any more reliable than other people. It cannot be disputed but what every word that was in their first bible, that they claimed Moses got from his god, was a thousand years older than he or his people And was common property, of the snake, fish, and ghost stories, of the five cent type. It is an old saying, “ as long aa the moral law It applied to the sacred laws of mother India, of which there is 12 thousand volums, and no mans life is long enoughf to read them ! The Pagans a- bridged them into one sentence — “ Do to others as you would they should do unto you” . Moses a- bridged them into 10 commandments. Paul a- bridged them into 5 commandments. And Uncle Sam abridged it all down into one glorious word— “ freedom”. And yet, it is stranger than fiction to say it— yet, it is too true— this declaration of freedom, although established over 100 years— yet, it is flatly denied) by qvery government, and contradicted, and cunn- ingly thwarted, and withheld by every party, clique, church, and order under the sun. And there can scarcely be found — a free man— or one that even believes in a free people. In other govern- ments you only have to support one party. In thi s they willingly, without need, in rags, and poverty feed, clothe, and strut, as idle,ignorent, gods, many many, parties, cliques, churches, nnd orders ! The theology of mother India, is not only the old est, but the best yet offered. It is Pantheistic, that is, whatever is, is a part of God; and if natural, or well balanced, it is right. That we have the god- head of the Creator, a Preserver, and a Changer. This last, gives us the transmigration, that is, the matured, or perfected man or woman, will be ab- sorbed to rest in God, while the immatured,or im- perfect man, woman, or child will be given another chance. This is the most rational and scientific, and then it is just. While a Jew savior, and an ever- lasting Christian hell, of fire, is simply the output of mans becrazed infernal infirmities. . *• What the Greeks, and Romans, found in mother India j is just what meets the eye of the traveler to- day. A teeming population, gentle and peaeable, fabulous riches: the arts and the industries passing from generation to generation unchainged. The same is so of the oldest city — Damascus, the capitol of ancient Syra. She has never been changed, nor destroyed! The same was found in this country, in 1492. It was a perfect garden, inhabited by a sin- less race of people, that were as numerous as the ants upon the ant hills. But now how is it ? View the contrast, wherever the cross^has been raised ! Loss, theft, murder, robbery, forgery, rape, sui- _ cide, mob law, gag law, force law, prohibition law, Sunday law, moral law, civil law, common law, out law, money law, always at law, in forcing unconsti- tutional, and uncalled for laws; along with the sud- den and premature deaths, premeditated and death by poison, a drunken death, death by law, a spirtual death, and an eternal death — is the hue and cry from one end of this continent to the other. And religious, political misrule, with their thous- and and one secret oath bound orders, that has u- surped our civil rule, and trampled down our cons- titutions, has caused it. The papers canuot record the awful tragidies as, fast, and as truthfully, as they rapidly occur. The death roll tor this presidctial campaign, and on up to now, never was equaled on earth ! Yes, only tbipk, that a great, and respectable part of our good peaceable, law-abiding citizens, yes, citizens of these great and mighty free states, secretly rall- ied and arrayed by secret oatli-bound, oath-break- ing, religious, political, paternal clans — declaring destruction to our fixed, free institutions ; the God given, rights of other citizens— for the ayowed and determined purpose of ruling and controlling of them without their consent, representation, or knowledge ! Forcing us to sanction, give, and sup- port a subsidiary robbery, or be boycotted, or, cas- trated, that is, made in-to a cut fice-dog, at best, if you please! And this is one of the reasons why we have such a howl, such a bowyow, just now. For ail that the largest majority can now do, is stint, starve, suff- er; stand a fair off, and view those oath-bound, se- cret touchmenot, privileged fields of sweet Eden, over and over, jump^around, whine, play dog — and die like a dog; and this is life among the Christians in a land long a go declared free ! To prove that I am not exaggerating Pres. Clve- land on the 30th., of June, 1893, called the congress of the United States together for the purpose of re- lieving the people from their great distress, and to prevent further loss, by repealing the unwise laws, as he termed them. This government, under Gen. Grant, being in duced by the Christians, some 20 years ago, to con- tribute money, and government help, to convert the world ; and especially the south, the Negro, and the Indian. An Inquisitorial Christian -crusade was general y inaugerated, whenever, and wherever it was possible. A kind of a religious, paternal gov- ernment has been forced upon us for 20 years; with an army of hidden accusers, that force us into the courts ; all of which is unconstitutional . Myself be- ing dragged before the federal court, the attorney- general with hidden accusers., acted the double and rediculous farce of prosecutor and defender. I making a witness of him and won the case, as is recorded in my book Brutality and Humanity. The most outrageous taxes have been collected, and the vilest laws enforced. No representation, -and little protection. They destroyed the peoples greenback money, it had saved the country against a great rebellion. It had inspired new hope, and started it again in pros- perity and peace. They estabelished a system of speculating banking — give them capital; and ex- empted them from taxes; and levied an outrageous privilege tax on all the trades, arts, and industries. They increased their army of government officers, and employes. They increased their salaries. They turned all offices, both national, state, county, and corporations, into a speculative business, and soon amassed fabulous fortunes. This soon begun the shutting down the wheels of honest industry, and started a million army of beg- ging. thievlug, robbing, ravishing, and murdering -tramps. In less than a year, the thousand and one, sectarin churches, built themselys mighty cathe- drells and palacious parsonages. And all of this fabulous wealth has been given to then, and is a- lo wed to shine, and strut free of taxation. While the poor labor pays outrageous rents, taxes, and lives in a hovel , a disgrace to these lords stables ! And when a storm comes they are blown away Just one church, Trinity, in New York, owns a league of laud, right in the heart of the city, free from taxes. Wall street with its tuns of gold, the millionaires homes, the great shows, theaters, and all free from taxes ! No wonder the Itallians, Chineses, Indians, Ne- groes, and subjugated southerners, have grown cianish and uncertain. Mob law had to be resorted too by the Chineses and Indians, to get rid of these unbearable Christian missionaries. Mob law had to be resorted too by the south to get rid of the im- pudent and lawless Negroes, Itallians, and Simite Christians ! And although the government was so foolish as to dabble, and invest in religious matters, she was also, so unjust as to select just one sect, the Quakers, to make “ honest Injin. ” And yet, after gobbling up* a few millions, in less than no time they run the poor Indians crazy, made them idle, had them looking for a saviour. And as he was to be an Indian conquor, and not a subjugated Jew, they begun the bloody war dance, for the destruc- tion of every body but “good In jin. Finally the government sent an army out there and slew them; not sparing the women nor children ;nad the rivers run red with their blood ! And religion done it ! These are only a few facts among the many where this religious, paternal class, with their un- constitutional class laws, has proven disasterously. Right now while I am penning this page, the decis- ion of our highest court is that the worlds fair can keep open on Sunday ! This outrageous attempt of the Sundyites to inforce their filthey crazey relig- ion, caused a loss of thouauds of dollars, ruined the fair, disgraced the nation, add made a braying jack ass of themselves. It would take 25 hundred teams each carrying a tun of money, to pay tor one years expenses that these “unwise laws,” has taxed the people with — that’s squandered in uncalled for religious lawsuits! It would take the same to haul a years interest for these banking bond lords!! It will take tuns of money to pay these democrat and republican gods, their outrageous salleries, while they w’ere placing these “unwise laws ” upon us, and whose interest it is to keep such upon us ! ! ! Now, Grover, where are you going to get this noney ? Remember the money-changers, your saviour fussed with, and you will see you are confronting exactly the same Jew money-changers, and the same state of affairs If you give these speculative money-changers a new lease, and get the money ; then you re-place Hie nation in a worse slavery than the old Negro slavery,’ and you know it, and you know that the people know it. And the sequel will be told of us as it was told of Rome, Persia, Babylon, Egypt, and When Rome went down these same relisri- ous money-changers, that run Christ crazy, owned all the then known world! When Persia went down one per cent, of the population owned (he money, and all the land ! When Babylon went down two per cent, of the people owned all of the wealth . When Egypt went down three per cent, ot her population owned uinty-seven per cent, of the wealth ! In every instance the common people were church ridden slaves, and starved to death ! For the last twenty years the United States has rapidly followed in the steps of these old preast-rid- den religious nations! And religion caused it! And yet, our constitution positively forbids religous legislation. Every honest citizen forbids it. And our experience forbids it. . Tllis is & big countrey : The 827,844 square miles of the original 13 states, would have long a go been exhausted had it not been for the fresh additions. Jefferson bought Louisiana of Napoleon, and ad- ded more than a million square miles of western territory to the union . Monroe purchased Florida of Spain, and brought 59,268 additional square miles under the stars and stripes. The annexation of Texas increased our territory by 376,921 square miles. The annexation of the provinces of northen Mexico increast it by 535,783 square miles. The Gadsden purchas in the southern part of Arizona gave us 45,535 square miles more. Sewards purch- ased Alaska, from the Czar ot Russia, added 577, 930 square miles of territory, and brought the area of this free and independent union up to its present extensive possessions, of 3,603,884 square miles. More than three-fourths of which has been added by annexation during the present century* The fourth of July, 1893, marks the 117th birth, day of the firsthand only free nation, under the sun a mighty nation. Every sound, every sight, should remind us of that fourth of July, 1776, when that band of heroic men, rebelled against the tyranny of i he English church, and subscibed their names to a declaration of the eternal right to independence and self-government ! A privilege that all nations had denied man, from the fact, that they were un- der church rule, and not self-rule ! Yet, their preast-ridden subjects, aided us in gain iug our freedom, and served in our ranks in defend- ing it ! And our pension money goes out freely to every country under the sun ! State after state has been added, until the thir- tev are now forty-odd. *6TLet no one forget the length of time, and the cost at which freedom and liberty were secured ! Reader, it is awful to teach, that all that our rev- alutionary fathers done, and all that our country has done, is hellish ! Yet, this is exactly, what all churches teach ! Remember, this is a civil government. It is not a religious, nor a political one. It was intended to be run by the civil magistrates ; under the peoples written constitution . They should be elected by the people, and not by, nor in the interest of any party, clique, church, or order. *®*The church is our most dangerous enemy, from the fact, that they deny the supremacy of our magistrates, and teach that the pope, the bishop, the pre'ast, the preacher, and the king, are divine, and recieve a commission from God to rule man . We deny a divine class to rule. Yet, they claim that they must spit, and dabble in every thing be«, fore it can be legally eat, drank, or used. That you are not living a* legal life, unless they have circum- cised you into the old brigiual Jew meat, blood and money roub*to heaven. Or, the sweet Jesesites wa n ter route of bapsousing, wine bibing, and money begging, to heaven. That you are not legally be- got, nor legally born, uuless they tied the gordian knot, and got big pay for It. To illustrate: When I was 21 years old, my father a methodist preacher, come to me and asked me if I wanted to be baptised. I asked, why do yo ask me that ? He replied, answer me, and then I will explain. I replied, no, nor circumcised. He then said, your mother would not alow you baptised, and made me promise her, on her death bed, not to alow it, and to ask you this question, when you were of age ! So, to this day, I thank my God that I never have belonged to any thing and ean truthfully say, I am an American. Of course, for fifteen long years, I was begged, and solicited, by others, but, not by my father, to become a Christian. But, from my firs recollections, I abhorred such an idea. Yet, I so respected my father, that I never made known my convictions until after his death. His old bible, manuscripts, prayers, and sermonds, fell into my hands, and informed me that he too, was an Infidel ! That the Methodist Conference, had discharged him, because he would not quit singing those old songs, praying those old prayers, and preaching those old sermonds ! So, he died an Infi- del, and was not buried with his wife and children but, buried by the Masons, in a Presbyterian grave. yard, near the grave of one the wickedest men I eve knew. I have heard his curse-oathes a mile ! When my mother, a sister, and a brother died; and as I had not been bapsoused, as one of the lords kids, I was not considered worth, nor worthey, of a doctors bill. Thus, I not only, escaped initiation to Christian slavery, but, medical murder ! After seeing that I would not die, my father gave me to a sister of charity, and her Christian charity, was as true as the needle to the pole, for she gave me to an old town sow, the old sow carried me to her nest of pigs ! But, like poor old Daniel, I was so infern- aly hellish that the hogs would not eat me ! My grandfather, an old Irish Infidel, found me in the hogs bed, and carried me in his arms, eight miles to his country home, and gave me a black mamma. She was an Infidel, from the fact that her only child had been torn from her bosom, and carried south by these southern Methodist Chris- tians, who claimed a Negro had no soul, to save ! Religionists, and especially, Christians respect not the feelings, nor the concience of others, but are eternally yelping about theirs. Idont believe it is possible to hold a court, without having some old long faced, hypocritical complaining Christian be- fore it. • * 4 j V * • * " „Their savior says at Luke 14c. 26 v, that you, to become a Christian, must hate your father, moth- er, wife, children, brethern, sisters, and your own life ! This is actually the first symptom of craz^pess ! If you are truly a Christian you are certainly cra- -zey ! The mind hast to be wrought up to that pitch of excitement that partly, or wholy unbalances it. This is, what they call, “gitin figm”. It is having the organic quality of your brain chainged from a healthey to an unhealthey condition. From rest, to unrest! and you are ever afterwards restless, and miserable. — The faith, hope, and charity of our government is more just, stable, and trustworthy, and this makes us better than Christianity. We bestow full faith, hope, and charity to all mankind, to every thing! All other religions, bestow only to their sect, and only to paying members at that; givifcg discour- agement to others throughout life, and dooming you to an eternal hell throughout eternity ! As soon as a member, or, slave, to any party, clique, church, or order fail to pay their dues, then * charity stops ! And the poor suffering becrazed cre- atures that has served them all their life has to die in an old Infidel poor-house ! We do not condem a man for what his ancestors done. Christianity does. Visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the chil- dren Ex. 20c. Gen. 3c, 17. 9c, 25. Lev. 25c, 45, 46. Jo. 3c, 8. Lu. 21c, 17. 2 Tim. 3c, 12. Heb. 12c, 68, Rom. 5c, 12. ” Many more could be given. These are wretched facts, before every bodies eyes, and yet, they will give, give to the church all their life, and at last, be deserted, and have to die in our old Infidel asylum; in full view of those magnificent churches, and those palacious parson* ages, Only think, how many, many towns and counties, there are in this union; and everyone has its asylum. Did you ever see a church that had an asylum ? Yet, they are all the time begging for the poor heathen; and sit and whistle jigs, and see their members carried to our asylums every day. Our civil magistrates meet every month, to bear vouiieomplaiuts, and to provide for your wants. Does your pretending great friends, the church, ever do so? Even Trinity Church, of New York, with millions of exempt property, has no asylum! but many, many a saloon, and gambling hell ! Websters dictionary tells us that the heathens had their asylums for the vilest criminals. The Jews had their cities of refuge.” But, you Christ- ians are a lot of wealthey lying beggars! Feasting on falce pretenses, and exacting submission by threatening every body with an eternal hell, but 0 f J' 0 % they would use force to-day, brute force, were they in power. The 109 psalm is a fair sample of a Chris- tians prayers. And think of it being ordered, and inspired by God . I composed, and prayed a similar one when a child. I here give you both. “ Let the extortioner catch all that he hath — and let the stranger spoil ail his labor. Let there be none to extend mercy unto him— let his posterity be cut off. But, 0, God, deliver thou me ! ” - I chimed in : “ O, God, I would there were a Christian hell; and that I was a favord fiend, to foed‘ and feast, upon their immortal gizzards. O, how I would chunk ’em.” It now seems to me that I am in a Christian hell and O, dont I chunk ’em ? The seduction of young girls, and mens wives, in the church, by preachers, are far more often than by saloonists, or gamblers. Take your history of your fathers ; Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, Solo- mon ; and on down to Wesley, Beacher, and others. Then just call to mind, any church in your time, and answer this question. f And where do you go to get a redress of your in- juries ? To the church ?- No, never; but to our old Infidel, Court House. The only place you can get a notice, and a protection . Aud you know it. Did your bible, or any religious government, ever res- pect, or protect your life, liberty, happiness, and virtue ? Never, never, no never ? The Catholics settle a case of rape for 2 or 3 dollars. Solomon in all his glory, would not respect, nor protect, your childhood, innocence, nor virtue. He himself, would violate any female child, he choose’ and even imprison them, as long as he wished ! He would send out his soldiers and take of your fair daughters, just who, and as many as he pleased, and do with them just when, where, and as he pleased ! J ust read his history, and then get some old drunk fool to sing his songs, and hug you at • ' the same time; and see if you would not like to be one of bis 7 hundred strange wives, or one of his 3 hundred young concubines ! Head the 1st; verse of the 11 tiu chapter of 1st* Kings, and it tells you that he loved many strange women, together [in a whore house] with the daughters of Pharaoh, wo- men of the Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Ziuo- nions, and Hittites. Contrary to his gods orders. And he loved other gods; also, contrary to orders Then you Christians of to-day, add to this infa- my a glaring lie, on his songs, and on your maker, by adding to them, and -make them say it is the churches love for Christ. When he, nor none of his people had yet thought of a religion that included a Christ. ) 4 Just such whoreing religion wa9 going on in the south, and was forced on the Negro. The same in Utah. And r would be forced on us to-day if it were not for our Infidel government. And they have the bibleforit. The 6 th. chapter of Genesis tells us the sons of God took them wives of the daught- ers of men as they choose. Solomon, according to the laws of nature, could not have used that number of women in a life time, at broken doses, much less, all at one dose. The facts are, he was the keeper of a mammoth whore house! He was a great big, black, hoo-doo, Jew Negro. He practiced spells, and charmes. And, in the short space of a 40 years life exhausted the fabulous wealth, the plunder from nation, after na- tion; that their god had murdered, in cold blood, and give to him, through Moses, Aaron, and Josh- ua. And, although his god had destroyed all his- former creation, and created Jeruselam specially for him , and had promised to dwell there, perpetually, for ever. Yet, this wine, woman, and song, cross- mark, hoo-doo religion downed them all. Millions of her men, women, and children wer slaughterd Within her walls, and the rest sold into slavery ! And, religion in your wiseest man caused it. O ! my, what a mashing lover, for the church, was Sol- omon, He loved love. His love was free-love; and thrown away on those undeserving. Christs was love exacted through a threat, a reward , or a price; bought love ; slave love ! Both were the extremes of craziness. While our love is a universal love, a rational, reasoning love, founded on what is due you; or justice to all mankind. Yes, wesay, as does Pope, at page 36 : “Take Nature’s path, and mad opinion's le^ve; All states can reach it, and ail heads can concieve; Obvious her goods, in no extreme they dwell ; There needs but thinking right, and meaning well; And mourn our various portions as we please, Equal is com- mon sense, and common ease. • Remember, man, “the Universal Pause Acts not by partial, but by general laws; ” Aiid makes what happiness we justly call Subsist nqt in the good of one, but all.” *.i*l «A .oil , But, this proposed Christian savior, or, man-god, taught, as did his fathers, a specialelection only lor the Jews, and a special damnation for every body else! Matt, the 15c., 24 tells us that Christ was only sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. And at the 26 verse he calls others dogs ! The 1 c., 11 of John tells us that his own recieved him not. Yes, your bible teaches, aud so does tradition, that the house of Israel rejected him, and claimed that he was a bastard, a fraud; and the money- changers said he was a regular he biiley goat, and butted over their tables; and the old women declar- ed he was a mad dog, and slaped them about. So, his craziness had become dangerous. He had not only thretened his people, and their tem- ple* with destruction, and preached sedition, but, he had laid Oil violent hands ! He had committed the sin, and the‘crime; that caused the officers of their god to hunt him up. They found him hiding out, trying to elude an arest, as you are told by Luke, at 14 c., 46, 48, Now, if they were not the officers of God, then your bible is a lie, and if they are officers of God, then your man-god is crazy, mistaken, or an imposter. At any rate, he was offering both an earlhley, and a heavenly Jeruselam, on a credit, and at short promissory payments at that. He could get only ignorent men for his apostles. And they were all the time asking about an earthley instead of a heavenly kingdom. [ f i . v p » He even said publically, that : “ There was some standing there that would not last death until they sean him coming in his kingdom,” Matt., 16c . ,28. Mar. , 9c., 1. Lu., 9c., 27 . And, although, they wa- ted, hoped, and looked, yet he never came. And from* that day to this, fools only expect him. And A t \ “ although they claim the earth, and the temple was rent, and the heavens darkened, the dead walked around ; is not supported by the records ; and is an unreasonable lie. As to his resurection, the apostles did not look for that, nor did they believe it. Lu. 16c 13, 14. But they knew they had betrayed him, de- serted him; and seen him die like a dog on the cross of infamy. They had seen him drink gall and vinegar. They had seen him slaped, kicked, stabed, and spit upon. And after they had allowed all this, and as they had ail deserted him, they heard him desparingly cry out. as he was dying- in a loud voice “ My god! ray god! why hast thou forsaken me? His own recieved him not, but, according to God's Holy Law, John the bapsouser, had done it All! According to this self-same law, they mur- dered him ! A^nd according, to his own law they made wine out of his blood, happy bread of his body, and they eat, and drink,, him to this day ! Only think ! forsaken by his people, by his apos- tles, and by his god ! What an awful lif and death was his, and all of his followers, even to this day ! O ! my, what mistakes for gods to make ! John was to be his forerunner, to prepare the way, so Christ could set up his kingdom. And although he had converted, and bapsoused, in the little river Jorden, in one summer, ALL Judea, ALL Jeru- selam, and every body round a bout there — which was millions, and millions, of all races of people. Matt. 3c., 5. Mar. lc., 5. Lu. 3c., 1 to 21. John did no miracles, John 10c., 41. Then, who told this li$? When Jesus arived he found John in prison, and could not have been^bapsoused by him, Matt. 11c. 2, 3. And the way not prepared, so he undertook to prepare it. Poor fellow ; Peter cursed him, and dis- owned him! Judas sold him! And the medical stu- dents dissected him! The peddlers baught his old clothes ! Yet, in the face of all this we are told he rose from the dead; that he upbraded them for their unbelief; then he gave them a greater command. By this time he was awful charitable, for Lu. the 16th. c. and 14 15 verses, tell us that he appeard to the dirty 11 ; this even included old ‘cussing, 7 ‘denying, 7 ‘crying, 7 Peter, “ And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every CREATURE . Creature included theMusketo, the Flea, Chinch, the Louse, the Devil, and vour deadliest enemies! It includes the Hog, the Dog, and the Jackass, our best friends ! >• j 1 ~ * These are the signs of this new, Catholic, or, be- lieve or bedamed religion. “ In his name they were to cast out devils, speak new tongues, [to ac- ommodate every creature,] handle serpents, drink poisons, and heal the sick. 77 But lo, and behold, these like all signs failed, and they all soon met aw ful deaths! . ; Hundreds of years after a sirpelar Catholic religi- on was restarted, by Constantine, emperor of the Rom am Empire. And yet no biblel Christ had not only failed to make them understand; but, he him- self could not read, nor write, and left not the scratch of a pen ! Reader, remember this is proof gleaned from themselves, and not from others. And remember, also, that the bible is only a lot of novels, a fabrica- tion, got up by a Roman King, from old tradition- ary fish, and snake stories, of the five cent type. It is an ontrage to contribute it to the Devil, much- less our Maker. From its original self, you could not distinguish it from the scratches of an old hen. It is only fragments, or broken doses, of those old traditionary fables, and stojies of the ancients. Nothing is original, nor is any subject faithfully given, nor is it complete. This is why you cannot make any thing out of it but a jumbled up mass of Self-Contradictions ! THIS CUT represents the religionists of this King’s Bible smashing out a poor mans brains, just for picking up a few sticks on Sunday. See Num- bers, Chapter xv. Verse 32 to 37. They done so till stoped by the Romans. So did the Roman Christians till destroyed by the Arabs. The English and the American Christians done so till stoped by the United States. So, Mr. Chris- tians what power to protect, or to inforce your Am* / Gods, God-Kings, Lords, Lord -Gods, Christs, Christ-Jesus’, or Saviors laws when you, yourselvs do not keep, nor even respect them ? You have always, in every country under the Sun, changed your gods laws just to suit man and the Devil. Noah, Abraham, Moses, Joshua, and others were Lords and Saviors. Jesus tried to be a Lord and a Savior, but failed— his own people disowned, and killed him by beating his brains out for violating their Sunday and other laws, just as this picture represents. He was not crucified ! This 4th Commandment has two objects. Hard labor , and pretended rest. And, this is precisly, the way it has been in forced, whenever, and wherever religionists had the power. “ Six days SHALT thou labor.” it demands! One is as much enjoined as the other. The first object is to force you to labor every day or pay a fine. And to give a part of that days wa- ges to the church, or pay a fine. The next is, to force you to observe their Sabbath, and many oth- er church days, as they say, or pay a fine. And to force you to their church, and your children to the Lord’s school, as they say, or pay a fine. How presumptuous, how hypocritical, how ab- surd, and self-contradictory in religionists to claim that they obey the 4th, or any of the command- ments! Or, that a God with a spark of sense, would give us a commandment that conflicts with the unchangable laws of nature. God has given us half of time for rest! He even marked it with a dull, heavy, somber hue; or, darkness, called night, and you with a tired, yawning, stretching, relaxed, stupid condition— a desire to rest, slum- ber, snooze, or sleep. None, no, not one can dispute nor mistake this time, nor its necesity. Then, why will you be a fool? and a beast of burden? for a lot of knaves, and evil designing rascals ? You never hear these blasted, blating, braying, Jackass, once a week, Sunday clean up, go to meet- ing, whitewashed, Christian, hypocritical knaves, and fools, say one word about the desecration of man’s God given, one half of time, for rest. No, you never heard such a thing! And yet, without it every bit of it-— man becoms an unheal they, unbal- anced, or crazy being ! And this condition has to be reached, and established, before any man will profess Christianity! Most of our diseases, and troubles, arise from this disregard of man’s God given, one half of time for rest. And this everlasting meddling, wanting to change our wives and children into Christians. H^fWanting to attend to God’s business, wanting to Change the noblest work of God, or Nature ; as if they were beholding to man. This meddling with peoples private affairs. This meddling with young riiarried people. This meddling with old people, after they are in their dotage. This med- dling with sick people. This meddling with peop- le after they are dead. Yes, this smelling around generally; this eavesdsopping, this intimidating, and meddlesom practice of Christians, as in the days of Rome, have not only become an unbeara- ble nuisance, but a curse ! And we have reached a point where forbarence has ceased to be a virtue ; and retaliation has to be resorted to in self defence. This so-called, mis-called, man styled Lord’s day for rest, is a lie; and the people know it. It is a day for preacher feasting, money begging, wine- bibing, bibblebabling, backbiting, proselyting, and meddling with people generaly ! It actually debilitates, deranges, and injures man and beast; and they feel less like work the next day than any day in the whole week; and are more or less sick, or addled from the loss of sleep, intemperance, glutony, or over exertions, and ex- cesses, and the awful jealousy that is pecular to this courting day, and time for dress display. It is a grand day for saloons and doctors ! Only review the humiliating situation that ralli- ed to be the God-sent Agent to open, and controle the World’s Fair. Only think ! hundreds of differ- ent religions* or God sent Agents, with their Stan- dard of Justice, or rules of faith, were there! And every one dimetrically opposed to the other, to God and Nature, to our Declaration of In- dependence, to our Constitution, and to our indi- vidual conscience, and chances, as free indepen- dent Sovereigns. Yes, they were all there demanding that they, and they alone, were the genuine elect, or God’s chozen Agent, and the only one that God would alow to open, and controle the Great World’s Fair ! and thus, the whole World be made to bow obedi- ence to their peculiar little, nearsighted, sectarian songs, prayers, and sermons! or genuine rout to Heaven! What a crazy, humiliating condition was this. The President of the United States had to interfear and open, and control the Fair himself ! Then O! my, what a howl ! what a bowyow ! of shame, and slander, and insolence went up, throughout this crazy! crazy! religious world: saying that the great World’s Fair was so big that it aimed to get along without the help of God. This was a dastardly, and a cowardly insult, to our Free American God> and to eyery free American citizen. j&gy* Then cam the hiena howl, we will boycot you, % that is, we will premeditatingly, in secret, murder yur Fair ! We will close you on Sunday ! Then the query came, whose Sunday ? For lo, and be- hold, there, were more different Sundays offerd than there are days in a week ! Then pray tell us whose Sunday can we keep? Mine, mine, yelled a legion of crazey cranks, from every quarter under the Sun. And to their viciousness, shame, and disgrace, and our stupidity, they did illegaly, and contrary to all law, God’s or man’s, they forced a partial close, two or three times ; knowing that it could not •&£-. n be observed; and thank God it was not. But, a- round their own churches, and homes, indignantly, and defiantly, caroused the maddened rabble. It al- most rivaled the storming of the Bastile, in Paris, in 1789. And they demanded that it be no more closed on any Man’s, Lord’s, nor God’s days. Reader, all this proves beyond a doubt that God is not like a man; neither does he lie, repent, and change. Neither was man made in the image and likeness of God Man is only an atom of God. God neither hears nor answers prayers. This was not only tested, and thoroughly proven, to its fullest extent, by the united prayers of all the religions throughout the whole world, to close the gales of World’s Fair on Sunday, or the Christian’s Jew- Lord’s day. Yes, history is full , and running over* • with just such tests. Take the fall of Jeruselam, and religion in that day. Take the fall of .Rome, and religion in that day. Take the fall of the Cru- sades, that jg^^ MURDERFD millions of their own Christian children, by endeavoring to regain Jeruselam. Take the fall of England when praying and fighting, for OUR INFIDEL FATHERS des- truction; and from that day to this, praying, and working for the destruction of the only free gov- ernment under the sun. j®f*This praying to an imaginary god has been going on for ages, and not one instance is on record where their prayeas were answered — or that God has made himself known to man. w Prayer, faith, and works were all thoroughly tes- ted at the Great World’s Fair. They not only spent week after week, praying and working, but they spent millions of dollars ! Yet their god, like their Jesus’ god, anwered not his nor their prayers. He shirked, and prayed for the cup of death to be withheld, and when he felt the cold, relentlns hand of death was upon him, he askingly cried in a loud voice; “ My. God! my God! why hast thou forsa- ken me?” Reader, God knows no religion, no bible* nor Sunday. Uncle Sam knows no religion, no bi. ble, nor Sunday; nor no sane man does. Why \ should God make a day for rest and worship, and not mark it, so that all Nations, and Tribes of man could not mistake his time and wish? Nature nor no other animal, but this crazy animal man knows any such a day. Ample proof was furnished of religion being a daingerous crazy curse, during the World’s Fair, It opened with rapine and murder! It lived beset with rapine and murder ! It closed with rapine and murder! And religion caused it ! The Sun of the Preacher of Congress, while at the Faad to marry and to do bus- iness, as did Moses, Isaac, Jacob, and others. They will marry the Devil, or any of his children; a sa- loomst, a gambler, a bigamist, a harlot, or anv c2,: r 2,r r ,ord ’ *» - a. r Only think, hundreds of different religions sur- round us, all declaring each other false, and every body but themselves on the road to hell ! And es- pecially our United State’s Standard of Justice or be lisio n, is wrong : when it is the ONLY {Standard of Justice or T?#>Hrr?rk« i „ Le > 01 iteligion, ever known to man, where all arealike protected in their religi- ftc “ lom 1 ™" k of that you u„KMtoW, pl .„ se . Ij tiojr hypocrits ! ’ ,n ™ H # ? w did God rest - f Was he deafening you with the thunder of great belles? Was he pouTiding an o d clapboard pulpit, screaming like a Panther- e ing the rich man that it is easier for a Camel to go through the eye of a cambric needle than foA tcli man to go to heaven ? Or, that God blest and saved only the liberal giver? And thus extort from weak minded people, old women, children widows and orphans, blood money ? ’ THIS so-called Lord’s Day could not be made >ractical, beneficial, nor general, that is, universal from the fact that time is not the same ^11 over the world at the same time, and at all places. This fact was not known to the getters up of bibles ! ! ! ! This fact, got them, aud their god in to a scrape of presumptuous ignorance. Even that winding up book of horror of horrors, murder of murders, in that awful revealed prophecy, of this Christian god, to his only son, aud from him to his brother John of what would shortly come to pass, has not come to pass. See Revelation* They taught that the earth was held up byits four corners. They did not. know it was round, and when day here it was night there. So, a gener- al day of rest would stop not only communication, but commerce, travel and trade. It would do it be- tween the states— for they are free and independ- ent souvereigns on ail such questions, and could not, or would not agree, on the same Lord, nor the same Lord’s day. Tellegrarns, nor letters could not be exchanged. This craziness was carried so far by the Jews that they would not fight on Sunday, so the enemy slaughtered them. They swallowed their money, and their enemy riped them open and got it; destroyed their house of god, that was to stand forever. And to-day the Infidel holds all of it. all that God once alowed the Jewe "and Christi- ans to host of, as a God given home. Being driven from their so-claimed god-given homes, long before 1492, they fled, not knowing where they were going, and landed on our beauti- ful Yankee Continent: that we called Americus* Vespucius, or the twin brothers, or the Ameri- kas • We recieved them, with ail human charity, and now just view their fruits, and hear their hell- ish boasting, and threats; that this countrey is theirs, and that they are going to controle it: when the facts are, they are crazey, and cannot controle themselves. Fifteen years ago I said that if this state of affa> irs continued that soon nobody but the lawyer and the bond holder would controle this countrey, right or no right. And it is so! I now say that if this state of affairs continue; that is, alowing religion to have any control of us whatever, that destruction will soon follow ! !J! Iff If this state of affairs continue every Magistrate will have his Preacher, to pray before he begins a trial. Every old Granny will have a Chaplain to pray before a cild can be legally born. There is now more singing, praying, and preach* ing done in our Tax-tackey-schools, than in our churches • Every school is run for the special inter- est of the church. And they are teaching- onr chit* dren lies and they know it l The facts are all pub- lic matters are run in the special, individual inter- est of some special indiviuals. as some party, clique church, or a secret oath'bound order. And at aw- ful salaries. And things are run illegally, and un- just; and they know it ! This is worse than slavery, or a king; for you have hundreds of kings and bond-lords to support; with a rapid increasing ar- my of beggers and paupers,! They, your masters, do not want a fair and a honest government! You don’t want it! And this is why we do not have it ! The simplest individual if he will but stop and think, for himself, just one moment, will see that it is the peoples addled, be- erazed,. and enslaved, preacher-ridden condition that f eds, struts, and clothes with unlimited pow- er the Politit ions, the Lawyers, the Doctors, the Popes, the Priests, the Preachers, the Gamblers ; and a thousand and one, of their parties, cliques* churches, and their secret oath bound orders ! ! ! ! I®* Good laws do not feed polititions ! Peace does not feed lawyers ! Health does not feed doctors ! A clear concience does not feed the pope, the priest the deacon, the chaplain, the preacher, the mission- ary , and the lieiug Sundy school teacher ! A good government would not feed a thousand and one of these presumpteous, parasitical, piratical, so-called self-styled, God sent guardians ! ’ They are the law brakers, and the accusers of the $ loyal, hnd the innocent ! They murdered Morgan, in New York; Lincolin, and Garfield, in Washing- ,A ' ' ton; Cronin, and Harrison, in Chicago, and Henn- esy, in New Orleans! Religion is only an emotional insanity, a weak- ness that leads to craziness. History, both sacred and secular, tells us that religion never improves, nor elevates man, as is claimed ! It makes man des- cend the scale ; from a God-given, free moral agent or an independent sovereign, of all they survey, down from a lord to a church-ridden subject, and from a subject to a priestridden slave, and from a slave to a beast of burden. They are the destroyer of the good, the true , and the beautiful ! This is the historical descent, or downfall, of every Ration, that has ever existed ! and religion caused it ! iSrDeny it and you make your bible a lie ad- mit it and you at once prove it a dangerous curse ! I do not know whether man ascended from a Porwigle ; or descended from a god ; but one thing I do know, and that is, religionists descend from free men to slaves !!! ! The doctrin of Franklin, Paine, Jefferson, and our Revolutionary Fathers, that all men was cre- ated free and equal, was blasphemous to religion- ists, and their King George’s Bible • Tom Paine-ism, or Infidelity, or Independen- ce, found this Yankee Nation’s neck under the despotic, religious heal of King George; and his, bond-lords! It found the people then, as we find them now— howling from oppression — praying for the privilege of being his slave— not a free man ! Freedom had never entered their empty pates # They were not trying to be free men — no, they were only trying to soften the gall-gizzard of their masters. Ifidelity found them plowing with a stick, and reaping with their fingere— just as they were doing in the days of their Moss Jesus ; and it was an awful sin* to say he had not learned us all ! With sticks and stones, Infidelity made the first, attact on King George’s soldiers ! And af- ter seven long years of awful suffering, death, star- vation, and bloodshed, they give to the whole world the first privilege to be, or not to be a free- man! Yet, to-day, in the broad, bright light of the one hundredth year of the Independence of the United States, there can scarcely be found a free man! Never was there such a scramble for office as now. To be the hired purgered slave of some clique, party, church, or secret oath-bound order! As far back as time can date all nations got their ideas from Egypt, and not from God. And Egypt got her’s from Mother India; who got her’s from the devil ! So our evidenc has reached U9 through the third witness, and not God. And the worst of all : not one principle taught by this wandering jew-god, of the Christians, was original ; no, but it was the common ideas of those old countries. So now where, O, where is your thief of a god ? This temporal ruling of man by an earthly god, that religionists, aud especially, the Catholics, aim to so amend our Constitution as to so rule us, was in the form of a god-head in Egypt . It was a trin- ity, composed of the Father, the Motherland the first born Son. This is royal and not free religion. Here is where this royal idea of the first born son w r as of God : that is, begot by God : and an heir to his earthly throne : that is, he is born a god and you' a beast of burden ! Tis was Jesus’ claim ; and he actualy insulted a poor penitent woman and called her a dog: See. the 21st to 27th verses of the 15th chapter of Matt. That the rest of the children were nothing, not re- liable, for they were only the child ren of meii, or the bastard children of the gods. This made Isaac the only begotten* son of Abraham. At least, that is the principle, that all governments prior to ouFs was founded. We see this principle aimed at when Cain slew Abel ; he being the first born son, was declared got from God, but they dont tell us ^where they got Abel. Cain could not stand to hear Abel claim to be god-favored, or respected, as Abel claim- ed : O, no, this was blasphemy, so he slew Abel. We see it in old Juda, who made Onan, his sec- ond son marry his first son El’s widow, that an heir may be born to Er. Er was killed by the Lord, and when Onan failed to give the Lord a royal heir the Lord slew him. Just read the 19th, and the 38th chapters of Genesis ; and see the kind of mortality, it teaches our sons 7 and daughters. Onan-isim, royal-isim, obscenity, and murder! is the composition of Christianity and its Lords Gods, and followers! fi^My God! reader, just read the 19th and the 38th chapters of Genesis* J®** Only think, of an all-wise God, having any thing to do with such abominations, Er and Onan, killed by this Christian Lord, or God, because they would not be a party with him in sin, shame and crime! Sodom and Gomorrah was burned'alive! innocent mothers, and infants that had never thought of crime, much less com- mitted it was burned alive, by this Christian god because they would not fi^Ttake and use old Lots girls. They, after being driven from Sodium, in the plains of Gomorrah, take refuge in the moun- tains, and play the devil with their old daddy ! Look at the Stone-forts, in South, in Central and North America, and they tell of the struggles of Virtue agaiust this abominable Christian god ! ! There is not one foot of ground, a^ far as I can see but what has drank the life blood of some Slave to this Christian God ! I was begat, bo rued, and rased within their domain ; and know of what I say. Aud history tells us that precisley so is recorded of all the now known world ! Egyptian history, tells us of a god-head, of three. And here it was that the Jews aud the Christians got their ideas; and not from God : and then they changed the old god-head into a father, son, and a holy ghost. Mixing a haunt, a ghost, or an embod- ied spiret with the physical, and the meutal. And from Egypt Jesus got his idea of a Christ : for they have a fable of a god, Osiris, that weut about the world* doing good. Even after King George was whiped, and his church driven from our land; the aristocracy of tne. slave owning South, under the influence of Ham el ton, and the preachers, and especially the Puritans, with their awful blue religious laws, uni- ted as Federalists, and come very near overthrow* ing our Infidel form of government. Since the Amerikas,or Twin Brothers, have been known to Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Islands, sixteen wars have raged in what are now the Uni- ted States. The Dutch war of 1655, King Philip’s war of 1675, King William’s war of 1689, Queen Annes war of 1713, French and Indian war of 17 57, the Revolution of 1775, the Indian war of 17 90, tha Barbary war of 1803, the Tecumseh war of 1811, the war of 1812, the first Seminole war 1817, the second Seminole war in 1832, the Black Hnwk war of 1835, the Mexican war of 1816, and the Rebelfon in 1861. ~ * The duration and cost of the four great wars were : Revolution, seven years , and cost over one hundred million dollars ; 1812, two and a half years and cost over one-hundred million dollars; Mexi- can, two years, and cost $66 millions; the Rebelion, four years, and cost over 3 billions. In the revolution were over 2 hundred thous- and Yankee, or American troups; while in the Rebelion there was over 2 billions of troops, from all parts of the world, fought for this Union ; and to-dav, 33 years after, our pension money still goes out freely to them — to many a foreigner, away in a distant land ! I l There have been a perpetual desire to overthrow this government ; and many attempts have been made. The first was in 1782, when some officers of the federal army tried to consolidate the thirteen states into one and confer supreme power on Wash- ington ; in 1787, Shay’s Insurection ; in 1794, Whis* key Insurection ; in 1814, the Federalists again ; in 1820, Missouri Teritory ; in 1820, Georgia and the Creek Indians ; in 1820, Georgia and the Chero- kees ; in 1832, South Carolina ; in 1842, Rhode Is- laud ; in 1856, the Mormons ; in 1859 John Brown ; in 1861, the Southern Rebelion; in 1890, the Sim- ites, in Ala., and the Indians out west ; while the Briceville Insurection in Tenn. in 1891 and 2 was only a repetition of similar Inspections throughout the whole Union; and this everlasting, crazy, med- dlesom practice of pie hunters; or fishers of men, seek to cause it ! Every four years, these fishers of men, struggle for the largest pie — the Presidential Pie — that is worth five hundred thousand dollars ! Then, every two years, the various states, are run wild by these pie hunting, fishers of men ! So, it is a fact, that as fast as the old fools die out the young fools grow up ! Yes, we will have plen- ty of fools with us always; school or no school; and you yourself being the fool ! It is easy to fool all the people, but impossible to keep them from find- ing it out: and woe! to the smart Alecks wheh caught ! Yes, while these large fish are gobbling up the smaller fish, the smaller ones are grabbing mouthful after mouthful from the larger ones, until like a snow pile their muchness melts away, and they, and it, return to the devil who gave it; relig- ion, or no religion. So, after all, whatever is, is right, and aim at-?* change your partners — and balanc ail : you too, can do well if you will but attend to your own home, the dearest, and the most sacred place on earth . So, when cast upon the great sea of life, we find it a sea of strife, and just like some little boat, some are cast upon the rocks and never get to float. And, yet, you can if you will make it Borne, sweet home : for at best, all men have to study, fret, and work, early and late, and when they get one of those palaces it is rnearly to die in; and be left for these pie hunting fishers of men. But few by their own honest labor can even make a comfortable home. He has no time to loose; to give away; nor to work for some body else. |0p*Then where di 1 these palaces, temples, churches, mansions, and great buildings come from ? In answer, I say, that millions of poor human beings have been robbed of their time, labor, and life to build them. Then as they come by plunder, history and experience, tell us that they too, will go to ruin and destruc- tion. This is no superhuman prophecy, but it is a moral fact; and the moral is this — the man who builds honestly himself an humble home, buildes the noblest temple to his country and to his God! It is home, sweet home, the noblest, the dearest, and the most sacred spot in existence; yes — “Those who will may wed the lands, And the princely dower ; Bind themselves a lifetime too Some brick and mortar tower. Yet, the bitter tear will start, And the soul will rue, Better fair than riches all, Is the honest heart that is true. Freedom, health, or tranquility is the wish of all sane people. The good, the bad, the great, the small, one and all, long and sigh for peaceful tran- quility. It is this heaven of rest that all hope to at- tain, both in thjs life and the life hoped for. “ Some calm sequestered spot, The world forgetting, by the world forgot.” 93F* This was the happy condition of all tribes of man when first discovered by these Jew-Jesusite^ missionary malcontents. This happy condition was this bli-sful Eden of peacefulness; when dis^- covered by the Christians. Now, just view the fruits of Christian avarice on one side and Infidel charity on the other. After Christianity had killed out the whole then known world, and caused the dark, dismal, ignorant age — then it was that Infi- delity in the deserts of Arabia; and the wildes of the Amerikas gave us Bfberty ! I seen the very identical results reached in my father’s family. My father, a preacher, married an Infidel’s daughter • It so happened that the par- son was to stay at hon* for a season, and according- ly give us Christian rule — that ended in ruin! As I was coming home, late one evening* I saw the parson chop off a cat’s head. What on earth, father can be the matter? I asked. She was trying to kill the martins, he exclaimed. Time went on, and one long summer’s afternoon I constantly heard the fi- ring of his shot gun; and all hands woudered if the parson had turned sportsman. And on arriving at the house we found the parson had been killing martins. What is the trouble, father, I asked? The martins are eating up the bees, he replied* Time roled on, and soon cider-making came on. Work over we went to making cider. Here come the bees. They sucked the old sowered pomace, got drunk, made no honey, and starved, and froze to death. My dear black mamma’s only child was torn from her bosom, by the parson, and sold to the South ; and soon she with a broken heart died. Scrofula, like a hyena, seased me; and when a long dark, cold and dismal inter had past, the parson had completely exhausted our summer’s harvest, by giving feasts, and charity to the beggars* And when the bright and joyous spring-time was come to make glad and happy, our home, sweet home, but, ah! alas, there was not one ray, nor sound of gladness there ! » The last prayer I heard the parson pray was: 44 Servants, obey your masters, for such is the com- mands and the will of high heaven, etc.” And al- though I was rotting with scrofula, and could not wear my shirt, I fled to New York, where I for the first time seen Tom Paine’s followers marching in a large procession, under the Stare* and Stripes, pealing forth exciting strains of martial music; cel- brating the memory of that great and good patriot, Thomas Paine ; I had so often heard slandered • Here it was that I wandered from temple to temple ; from church to church; from palace to pal- ace; from den to den ; from school to school; ask- ing what is truth. I seen, tasted, felt, smelt, and heared for myself the beliefs, ways and ideas of this world. Early | Sunday morning I heard the elink-ety-clink, simelarto the ironed hoofs of hors- es on the pavement. It was the catholics going to mass. I fell in and went too. An intimacy formed between the priest and myself, and I actually know of ship loads of property (hat he gathered from his dupes. The Spirtualists told me that they would paint my mothers picture; but could not tell me If she was white or black. The Miller ites were pre- dicting the world to end then; just as the first fools done thousands of years ago. The Mormons on one end of this dilemma declaring religion was increase and multiply ; while the Shakers occupied the op- posit, declaring it was not to increase and muiti- ply. Hundreds of contradicting religions and be- liefs were there, all contending to be our masters, and like king-gods rule us. They ail but the Paine or Yankeeites; hate our free, or Infidel form of rule. They deny to the people, equal and exact jus- tice, in labor, wages, ability, and privilages. Although our Revolutionary fathers proclaimed this; lived, suffered and died, struggling to inforce it. Yet, King Dollar’s republican castration form of rule never alowed it. By it the people, like dogs, are kept castrated ; that is, some clique must vote you for president, and he your servant, appoints or, sells to the highest bidder all the rest or our offi- ces. This is Catholicism, the opposit to freedom ! A dollar is just so much no matter who has it. A measured days work is just so much no matter who dose it. It may be a president, it may be z. peasant; yet, they are both hirelings, and should re- cieve the same for a days work. They dont ! This rascality is the cause of bonds and taxes. They are for no other purpose than to sumptuously support the rascal. King Dollar knew he could not bribe, nor fool a nation, but, get them to agree to a medi- ator, a go between, that is, to be ruled and fooled by a representative, then he had them at the will of his money, his majority rule, his veto and parden- ing powers. Our only safty is in equal and exact justice in labor, wages and privilages. And allow no law nor officer of the law, only by a direct vote of the people: and a large two-third majority rule at that. r t * ' : - - Yes, this is what ails us — the people by law fur- nish their officers not only what they need, but, what they want ! Then their officers, by law, will not allow the people what they need, much less that which they want ! This is a Christiau bell-weather disease. Follow me and 1 will make you fishers of men! sayeth their man-god! Yes, the Christian mans actions prove they hath no pre-eminance a bove a beast ! The religious man, like sheep, go in flocks, and like them have their bell- weather leaders. Reader, who is your bell-weather? Who have you sworn to follow; and by so doing forfited your freedom and manhood ? It is quite natural and right that children and idiots should have bosses and leaders. It was so arranged by our Revolutionary Fath- ers, and expected that when a man was grown he would think for himself, throw off slavish res- traints, and in the light of his own conscience, keep himself and his country forever thereafter free. g^^But, ah, alas, who can say I am an American? Truly, this is an age of great progress, an age of change, where the survival of the fitest seems to be struggling for a higher life. At any rate, no time, according to history, and circumstantial evidence, was the world so free from superstition as now, and from the glaring absurdities which have for all ages degradingly enslaved it. The free man is a thinking man that is not satisfied with a sounding brass, nor a tingling symbol, or a dead letter in a sealed book, as is tehe Christian’s Jew bible. Yes, what matter is it if such teachings and cus- toms were believed aud practiced by our fathers for ages? That does not go to prove them true, or make them right for us. Do we not see that we are rational, reasoning, accountable, immortal beings of progress, of development, destined never to stand still ? Do we not now see that which was necessary and sufficient to satisfy the demands of ages past and gone, is wholy alarming and injurious to the ' present ? Do we not plainly see that we can now do with onr works of art, in a few days, for a few dollars, what it took our fathers months, at an out- lay of vast labor and mony to do ? Then where is there any saftey, or any good practical common sense to stick to those old routine, sham-conven- tional and delegatory powers, and such like pater- nal rule, that is not only a monopoly in the hand of some persecuting, treacherous party, clique, or- der, or church, whoes rule is hellish, that debars not only the onward progress of freedom and re- form, but it crushes out every spark of freedom, in- vention, or improvement, of whatever growth or kiud! Yes, even in the broad bright light of Amer- ican experienc, we see people stinting, starving, or half clothing their children and at the same time wasting their money, food and time on barbacues, church festivals, and the missionary hoax ! I am opposed to all this, for a famine always fol- lows a feast. I am opposed to all, to everything whose tendency is to mislead, fetter, or in the least rob, or enslave the mind, the body or the conscien- tious aspirations of man ! I am opposed to all, to everything that cannot come out honest and square into the broad open light of day, and stand equally the scrutinizing tests of the.ir fellow man. PAINE AND INGERSOLL. CUT 1 Represents Ingersoll, and CUT 2 Repre sents Paine. CUT 1 . | CUT 2 . THE Free Thinkers of New York and Brooklyn on Decoration Day, 118, unveiled a monument to Thomas Paine, near New Rochelle, New York. Col. Ingersoll was the orator of the occasion. And said: “ More than 118 years ago Thomas Paine came to our shores. Fie was an Englishman, and • while I rem°mher t he histoy of that people, and their savage brutality; while I remember their crowned idiots and robed bypocrits; while Ire- member all that is bad and all that is great and glorious, I say here to-day that no better blood than the English blood never ^coursed in human veins. [Yet the English people grew out of a no- torious band of thieving, piratical murders! just as the Jews did ! Ed ] “The first article Paine wrote was on and against Negro slavery. He wrote against deueling. He \ . wrote in favor of the vv rights of woman, to marri- age and to divorce. He wrote on international ar- bitration, and the treatment of prisoners while in prison. He wrote on humau reason, called the — Age of Reason. He wrote the Declaration of Inde- pendence. He was the first to write the words ‘•United States of America.” He was first to sug- gest a government of the people, by the people, and for the people instead of one by the gods, and for the gods ! He was the first to suggest a consti- tution of the people, in place of the one by the aristocratic god-favored few He did more to estab- lish this republic than any other man.” “ He was a greater thinker and a greater power than all the pulpits and rostrums combined. And why ? because he was just. In France, when the question of the execution of King Louis came up he said; ‘‘Kill the monarch, but not the man Lou- is; ” and for this he was imprisoned. There is not a doctor of divinity, (and it is not wonderful that such a divinity needs doctors,) for there never has been one great enough , ingenious enough, educated enough, to answer the argument of Thomas Paine, as found in his book, The Age of Reason. The priests began to attact him and they are at it now. Every pulpit has been a mint where slander and lies have been coined against tine greatest of American patriots ! Will it never cease ? Sometimes I think truth is the scarcest thing in the world. Sometimes I think that a lie is the healthiest thing that is ever told to this world. No matter how old or absurd it is, it appears with- out a wrinkle, with ears undulled, and with eyes undimed, fresh as dew in the heart of a rose. The ministers have lied about Paine’s last sick- ness until they got blue in the face. They say he died regretting that he wrote against God and the Bible. He never did any such a thing. And if he had that would not have made the bible right, re- ligion sane, nor a personal man-god certain. He never wrote against God, but he said he believed in one God and no more, and he had a hope for a blissful life after death. He died calmly, regret- ting nothing of that kind. While his faculties re- mained he was true to the teachings that inspired ' -.7 ■ 44 .- him in the days of his pride and power. But the clergy are given so much to misrepresentation that they cannot discern the difference between the truth and falsehood. Sometimes I get a little sorry for the preachers. I have lived to see the brand of inferiority put on every orthodox brain. I have lived to see the time when the reaHhinkers, the philosophers, the men of thought, are on the other side. So I tell you to-day that in the great battle between reason and superstition we have passed midnight. In the great' bat tie between government by the people and government by God through kings we have past midnight. The tendency of the world to-day is towards representative govenment. It is towards absolute intellectual liberty, towards intellectual hospitality, towards allowing every human being to make the best guess he can on a subject he knows notning about. In the great bat- tle between living for this worldand soem other we have passed midnight, and we are living for this world. We want homes, sweet homes, good food and good clothes, we want friends, vve want books, we want pictures, we want music, with its thrill- ing voice We want everything there is of joy, and gladness beneath the sky, and when we come to an* other world, if we ever do, we will have plenty of time to attend to that. We are believers in the home here, in the family here; and we think more of our families than all the so-called spirfcual rulers you can cram into infinite space; and the man who did as much as any other to help on the human race, along this great highway of intellectual and physical progress is the man we honor to-day. He was one of our greatest soldiers in the grand old army of human progress, and his reputation is increasing every day; and in a few more years as the American people meet on the fourth of July to pay honors to the memory of the great ; and when they speak of Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, they will also speak of Thomas Paine ! S : ’ ;1 WASHINGTON AND LINCOLN. The Liberators of Man. CUT 1 Represents Lincoln, and CUT 2 Repre- sents Washington. It is an old saying that Washington was the first in war,, the first in peace, and the first in the hearts of his c >un;trymen, but second* in the hearts of his country women, for after having his first love re- fused he led ins countrymen victorious through a long bloody war, and then married a widow, and then served them tinny years in helping to organ- ise t lie first free government ever known. Yet, he nor his c >untrymen had not advanced far enough in humanity to advocate, or to grant a uni- versal freedom. And it was even eighty odd years after a pirpetual struggle over the question of uni- versl human freedom before the opportunity of the single stroke of Lincoln’s pen gave us univeral -freedom! So Lincoln, the old Infidel, (who the rebel preachers say their god killed in a theater, be- cause he repealed their god’s laws and set the soul- less, beast of a nigger free !) was actually the first successful saviour of man. He gave to man the first privilege of a universal religion or no religion; and a universal bible or no bible ! Yet, but few can to-day say I am a free man; for vve have not yet fought for a universal suffrage ! We have no voice in fixing values, rents, wages, and privilegs; and by these agencies mankind is yet enslaved ! ! ! Enslaved privileges and enslaved money make an enslaved people ! ! It is to Jeffei^n and Franklin that we owe very, much. They stood firm for equal and exact justice in suffrage and privileges, while Washington lent a great deal to the god-fa void few. Yet he was a deist, therefore, not a believer in religion, but his military bmnp made him as vain as a peacock, and he courted the smiles of the hypocrits, and was for great pomp and formality. Jefferson was the first President inaugerated at Washington, and he was a materialist, or a hylo- theism Franklin was a deist and robed the Chris- tian’s gods of their thunder arnd lightning, and to^ day we are using it as fuel, for light, for heat, and for engine power. So, our Ben. not only denied and rebeled agaiust the earthly rule of the gods, but robbed them of their artillery ! And if we only had a free' money, a money that could uot be bought and sold, or h6arded up in the bauks, to speculate upon our miseries and misfor- tunes; if we had uniform wages, and privileges as advocated by Jefferson, the father of democracy, or home rule, we would be prosperous freemeu in deed and truth. A dollar is just so much no matter who has it, nor what it is made out of. A days work is just so much done, no matter who done it, or how long it took them to do it. It may be a President it may be a Peasent involved, yet, both are hirelings and should recieve the same amount of the same kind of money for tnat days work. They do not, and this rascality is the cause of bonds, taxes and pov- erty ! bond and tax slavery ! I ! ! —47.— THE DEEDS °$° 3^3 — — T A DEED for a town lot, on the j south side of the public square, ’wi Me. Minnville, Tenn. Fronting 23 feet and ' 5 inches — thence south 40 feet — thence west 23 feet 5 inches— thence to the beginning. Recorded in Me. Minnville, Tenn., 1st, day of July, 1867. SECOND, a deed from the corporation of Me. Minnville, for a cemetery lot, No. 153, as shown on plot, and as now used by said Woodward, this the ! MY WILL and WISH is that these two pieces of mother earth, and their fixtures, be protected bv the (LIBERAT7ST throughout the worlclfc That is, that they be “held amt TiTe (TT) y~7 Fe mTo r their spec ial benefit. That my wife Emma, and our four - sons Isaac, Fletch, Frank, Tom, and my son Lava- ter, or those of them that are Liberals, and survive me, they are the first Trustees to watch after, and to see to the renting of said town property, paying of taxes, repairing and improving of the same, and receiving a reasonable pay as they may agree on. All disputes must be settled, all truetees elected by a majority vote of the trustees. The place should be known as— Woodard’s Lib- eral School and Asylum. And its Library of Lib- eral books, manuscripts, papers, pictures, patents copyrights and fixtures should be constantly used for this purpose by some one or more teachers as y the trustees may see fit to lease out or support. maintenance of our Liberal herefore, all Liberty Loving mid struggle for its growth nd money to it, and by es- >ol8, libraries and asylums. 20th., day of August, 1880. do or threaten, the thing is, foil us to do and to keep doing. If you have but one Liberal book, but one glorious truth, then use them. Teach them by the wayside, or as you work your way along, even by the flickering light of a camp fire. This is your privilege and no blating, bulldozing, crazy Chris- tian has any right to attempt to make you ashamed or afraid. The thing is, say your say! do your- do! it matters not what others believed or knew ! It wont be long until the name of Christian, like that of their hateful dady the self-accursed Jews will be but a hiss and a curse ! I^O! my, what a great help would an acre of ground with a spring of good water be to your Lib- barty and to the educating of your children, and what a small amount to you that has thousands of just such places unoccupied. Give us such as that for a Library and for burrial purposes and we will furnish a house and books —books of all kinds. J8®** When my earthly life is ended, then burry me on this lot 153. A neat, straight or parallel coffiin with four hand holds so four friends can carry me to the grave. Burry me on my left side facing the magnet, or north-east. Play or sing some good li- vely air as Yankee doodle, Star-Spangled Banner \ and all go home rejoiceing. This the 4th., day of the 7th., month aud the ] 120 th., year of our American Independence. J. Fletch. Woodward, M, D Me. Minnville, Tennessee 7, 4, 120, The Sweet By-and-by. Ther’s a land that is fairer than day, And by faith we can see it afair, For the Father waits over the way, To prepare us a dwelling-place there. CHORUS. In the sweet by-and-by, We shallmeet on that beautiful shore; In the sweet by-and-by, We shall meet on that beautiful shore. We shall sing on that beautiful shore. The melodious songs of the blest. And our spirits shall sorrow no more: Not a sigh but pure blessings of rest. In the sweet by-and-by, etc. To our bountiful Father above We will offer the tribute of praise For the glorious gift of his love, And the blessings that hallow ou 1 ’ days. In the sweet by -and -by, etc. We shal rest on that beautiful shore: In the joyes of the saved we shall share; All our pilgrimage-toil will be o’er, And the conqueror’s crown we shall wear. In the sweet etc. We shall meet, we shall sing, we shall reign, In the land where the saved liver die; We shall rest free from sorrow and pain, Safe at home, in the sweet by-and- by. In the sweet by-and-by, etc. ■c Rome , Sweet Rome. ’Mid pleasures and palaces Though we may roam. Be it ever so humble, There’s no place like home; A charm from the skies Seems to hallow us there , Which, 6eek through the world, Is ne’er met with elsewhere. CHORUS. Home, home, sweet, sweet home, Be thou ever so humble, There’s no place like home. I gaze on the moon, As I chace the dear wild, And feel that my parent Now thinks of her child; She looks on that moon From our own cotagc door, Through woodbines whose fragrance Shall cheer me no more.-Ohorus. An exile from home, Splender dazzles in vain, Oh, give me my holy, Thatched cottage again ; The birds siuging gayly, That come at my call, Give me then, with sweet peace, Mine dearer than all. — Chorus. \ OUR BE GINNING LESS ISTORY, legendary traditions, ancient ru- ins, and written records, or direct and cir- and destiny of mind, matter, mankind, and all other things. In the beginningless of time, we have no chaos, no confusion, but one grand, vast, knowing, all- wise, creative, or invisible God-space ! This was, pias been, and is yet, the only form, shape, and na- ture of God! As is shown in cut 1 . And in the beginning we have but nebula, or a visible light ; as shown in cut 2. Ttis God-illumi- nated nebulous matter begun to revolve on its own center or its eq u ado r, from west to east; and by the efforts of equa the matter composing the nebu- la gradually become condensed towards the center ; the exterior portions thus had the velocity^ of their revolutions increased, until by the centrifugal force they wer seperated from the main mass, and left behind in the form of a ring; thus it was, that the materials of each of the planets was seperated from the main mass; while the remainder of the main mass was condensed towards the center, forming the sun; the famous and fabulons fountain of all life, or the source of all planets and life, as it re- lates to our solar system. And finally each of the planetary rings, by a similar process, was con* densed into planets, depositing in the mean time rings out of which its secondaries, the moon or, its moons, etc., are formed. cumstantial evidence of the origin, nature, CUT1. CUT 2. And in process of time this earth may become an uninhabited, fixed, firy sun. Inhabited only by the firy, sinful souls of those people who once inhabit- ed it in its present fast changing condition. And around which will revolve the moon — ft having changed to an inhabitable earth — for the good, the true, and the beautiful. Yes, it is highly probable that this earth is fast changing to a firy sun, and the moon to an inhabit- able earth. But it is not reasonable to suppose that either it nor man will be blotted out, but. only pu- rifyed and changed. Theology and religion take the advantage of knowledge and science as much so as they do of innocence and ignorance, and pre- suppose fre quently too much— for the progress of knowledge, science, discovery, and history has cer- tainly knocked prop after prop from under them as fast as they presupposed them; leavingthe first re- ligion of our first fathers, the worshiping of the Gre- ater through the sun, near the truth ; and their le- gendary traditions more reliable. Only think, thousands of such solar systems as ours have been discovered, all whirling through, this vast, vast immensity of infinite God-space ; hA many things or ways fair grater and grander tha that of ours. Sirius imparts many times more ligl than our sun; in Vega we have a heavenly body 1 many, many times larger than our sun. Yes, yes, there are other suns in this knowing infinite! ■iM trf 4 God-creative space, that are infinitly larger than the one that which gives us light, heat, and life. J| This all goes to sustain the legendary traditions, historys, records, and the stupendous remains of a | mighty race of people that inhabited the Aineri- kas, or twin brothers, thonsands of years before the J sun appeared in the heavens. We yet have the | most stupendeous remains .of cities, walls, towers, 1 temples, and grand paved thoroughfares, in these Amerikas that out date any thing on this earth, | dating back before the sun appeard in the heavens! The light from other heavenly bodies give them a 3 . perpetual, grand, subdued, mild, equally balanced light for thousands of years before our present firy sun appeared in the heavens and set up a perpet- ual strife, both in man, animals, and all nature. At that time the earth had another continent called the Atlantika. It was situated between Af- rika and South Amerika, it almost connected them. It was sunk by an earthquake, and w ien it went down a flood of water dashed over a portion of Af- rika to Asia, and in receding it caused the great desert. This was where Moses got Noah’s flood. There was no earthquakes, no great storms, no great cyclones, no great volcanic eruptions until the firy sun appeared in the heavens and set on fire the combustable gasses and substances of those lofty unprotected mountains. Then it was when the Atlantiek Continent, with its mighty nations wetjt down beneath the old oceans wave, to rise no more. Then it was that the great cities of Central South Amerika and Afrika was shaken down ; and although their mighty inhabitants was giants, yet, those who survived this awful blinding,' deafening becrazeing shock, fled to the shady dark woods and caverns of the mountains to protect themselves from the suns awful firv face ! which was awful in a torrid zone! Then it was that they, the surviv- ors begun to petition the Great Heavenly Father, through his mighty' sun ! A planet sun and not a man-sun, as the Christians will hava it. Yes, yes, there are other suns in space that are infiniily larger than the one wich gives us our heat, light, and life. Yet, the Jews and Christians claimed their bible deniend all this, and they even declared t lie moon was an independent light, im- movably fixed, or hung up in the heavens, made just to rule the night; and the sun, just to rule the day; and it rose and set, and the earth was flat, and the bigest thing in existence, made espeeialy for the Jews. Then the Christians declared the same for themselves. They murdered in cold-blood the inhabitants of Mexico, Central, and {South — 4. — Amerika, to rob them of their fabulous wealth, and their beautiful ho nes, and their accumulations of ages iti knowledge. The star Arcturas, was known to them, thean- ecient Aztec nations of the Amerikas. They knew it to be a mighty sun of a far, far a way solar sys- tem of planets ; and that it was millions of miles further from us than is our sun ; and thousands of miles larger than the sun that now, for the present time, gives us our light, heat, life, strife or changes* Ah, yes, strife, for a repose, a paradise of idle ignorance is not the aim nor intention of the Crea- tor; but education, which is a noble unrest, an ev- er renewed awakening from the dead, a ceasless questioning of the past for the proper interpreta- tion of the future, and the urging on of the mo- tions of life, which had better be accelerated into an Infidel fever than alowed to retrograde into a Christian stupidity. This is when, how, and where their Adam fell. They did not worship them, these suns, no, but the Great Heavenly Father through these suns, as does their lineal descendants, the Arabians, ' Chi- nese, Japanese, Moors, and the Albino tribts. And why? because they believed them pure, therafore, they aimed at approaching the Great Heavenly Fa- ther through the purest and nearest medium. They held that the Christian’s man-god was too impure, and unreliable tor a savior. And here is where the Christians got their idea of a savior. As eai lv as tradition and history goes we find that the eastern world had been trading and mix- ing with the Amerikas, or twin brothers; and that their discovery by a Columbus, in 1492, is simply a Catholic Lie. There was no such a man as Col- umbus. But, when by intrigue, murder, and trea- son the Christians controled the Roman Fmpire, then it was that Ferdinand, the Catholic, iuauger- ated that awful thieving, robbing, death dealing Crusade. He sent over an overwhelmning army concealed them, and after having arrainged for a friendly commercial conference with the rulers of the various Amerik&n governments, and while they were in friendly session his army massacred them — fired on them from ambush ! not sparing women and children. Having massacred most of their great men at one blow, these Christian devils then for years ravaged the Amerikas from center to circumference, n^ver respecting nor sparing^the women and children ! Yes, yes, they these Chris- tian devils claimed it their divine duty to thus rob, and murder mankind, and never ended their re- lentless blood eurdleing crusades uutil the North Amerikan Revolution, in 1776, when all mankind was declared brothers ; created free and equal; Ad- am or no Adam ; and that no special slavery curses, marked by caste or color had been fixed upoif some mankind as Christians and their bibles taught, and had enforced, whenever, wherever they could; till this earth was filled with ruins and the winds with the moning, wailing, howling, piteous voices of in- nocent, murdered victims! Such had b^en the awful fate of the world until checked by our Amerikan Infidel Fathers in 1776, after three hundred years of perpetual war, the Con- dor, the Eagle, and the Cactus, bears aloft in high Heaven the Stars and Stripes, far, far above all re- ligions of all bibles of the Lion and the Unicorn, the Crescent and the Cross— declaring from our exalted Equador, equal and exact justice — and * t liberty to hold to a god or no god, and no bloody, murdering, Christian hell hound had any rights to molest us, nor make us afraid ! And here we are, a mixed, Yankee, or Arab type of people, not as white as oua Albino Aztic fathers, nor as black as our Ethiopian mothers— but of a whitish color, and a more rational, sane, well bal- anced free man than a pure unmixed caste. Note what history says'ofour fathers. Barnes in his general history of 1883, in his. introduction to modern peoples at page 427, guys : “ It& laws were written in hieroglyphics; its judges were cho- THE ATLANTIC OCEAN, CUT 2 is the Atlantic Ocean, or that part of the ocean between Afrika and Europeon the east, and Amerika on the west. CUT 2, It occupies only about one tenth part of the sur- face of the globe. It has two remarkable currents flowing to Europe and Afrika from the Amerikas. The Gulf stream, of wind and water, that warm nourish, and sustain all Europe; and the Amazoni- an current that flows straight across to Afrika ; and it is but a short distance, and easily followed even by a canoe. Then blow, spout, splutter, and talk a- bout the discovery of the Amerikas ! A greater lie never was" palmed off on man than this Christopher Columbus Catholic lie ! Its another Santa Claus lie! f&sg* The facts are, only a shorter and a more prac- tical route to the Amerikas was the only discovery! B^And that was sought by all parts of the world ! T and thunder, or unnatural, and unreasonable ghost stories; collected up and compiled into a bible since the destruction of Jeruselam and Constantinople. All of which is entiriey immoral, vicious, destruc live and entirly foreign to our free country, to our enlightened, minds; while this which is herein off- ered is in accordance to first class, sound, hard sense, backed by justice, freedon, rational reason, and the interest of all, both great and small, and is suppor- ted by better legendary traditions, by better his- tory, and then by better living facts, as well as by ancient ruins, monuments, and picture-graphic rec- ords now in existence; notwithstanding the Chris- tians pretended flood that destroyed theirs, even edstroyed the earth, and then their jealous wars, have for all time tried to destroy ours. See our ill- ustrations. Moroko in Afrika was peopled from South Amer- fka thousands of years before the present atmosph- ere cleared up enough for the sun to shine, or the stars to be seen. The Moors, koew and traded with their Aztec South Amerikan fathers. The Aztecs ■■ . \ \ • wer the lineal descendants of the original Albino or very white rase of people, that inhabited the moun- tainous country of South Amerika long before the sun, moon, or stars shone to guide wondering man elsewhere. They kept fires perpetually burning from all elevated mounds, hills, and mountains, to guide them in their travels and pursuits of life — hence, we call them mound builders, and fire wor- shipers. Fire was firt discovered early by our first fath- ere while using reeds and stalks of corn; they found by vigerously rubbing them together they caught on fire. And what a grand discovery, a friend of vast importance, well worthy admiration, love and worship. ; So, you can see how easy it was for our first pa- rents to travel, even be 'ore the sun, moon and stars to guied them. So, of our first sailors, they taken the advantage of currents, winds, and tides, and it pppi was not as dificult to travel by water as by land. Then, look on the maps of the world, compare the facilities, resources, advantages and adaptability of South Amerika; see from her exalted altitude and Eden-like climate how favorable the place to people the entire world, both by land and by water. But, I will not be as low-flung, nor as low-bred as has been all Abraham ites and Jesus ites, and claim all, the whole earth; hell and heaven, to ‘me self alone. If you will look on the map of Afrika, right on the same tropical circle, as in South Amerika, you wil* find at the head waters of the river Nile a like ad- aptability to generate man. But, nowhere on earth has there went forth as much proof, as has went forth to the world, in fa- vor of any beginning place for man, as has, in all ages past, and as is yet being developed in favor of Mexiko, Central and South Amerika. It has al- ways been a densely populated Eden, of inteligent, satisfied, stay at home, and attend to their own business kind of people. But, their priority, supe- riority, civilization and humanity, their fabulous mines of gold, silver, pearls, diamonds and prec- ious things of this earth, so enraged the jealous and avaricious,* and hellish hearts of the Christians that they with the mighty Roman Empire to back them saught their anihilatiou ! And yet, it is an Eden, and a heaven, to this evil hour! where people dwell in immense cities far a bove the clouds, in the bright clear skyes, where it is perpetual summer, and sunshine all day long, the year in the year out, and at night the sunlight from millions of other distant suns making it nearly as bright as day ! Where storms, winds, rains, thun- der and lightning is not known. Where it is one perpetual spring-time, of beautiful flowers, sweet bowers, of delicious fruits, georgeus butterflies, an- gelic birds , and every thing to make glad and sat- fied the heart of a noble man. Yes, yes, nowhere else on this earth can another more favorable Eden or eartly Paradise be found* — 9 . — And all nature not only surpasses all other places in magnitude and grandure, but being so equally balanced and blended as to prove its priority as a fit borning, rearing and starting out place of all mankind. All races, and colors seem to spontane- ously spring up from here in the beginning ,and to gradually branch out to people the globe. Is it not easy to see where the nations of this earth got their traditions, songs and teachings? Those that committed sin and crime were banish- ed from the [presencs of the father], from those earthly cities, far above the clouds, in the skyes, in the ever, or immediate presences of our heavenly father ; and never to return in that life ! So thous- ands, and thousands were driven out to people the world; or if they prefered to stay they wersacrifi- eed ; or if they ever returned, they were sacrificed, and so they sacrificed all prisoners of war. So every fable, custom, lie, wrong, or song can be traced back to this beginning; even hell oiriginated in those awful volcanic earthquakes, and those aw- ful firy eruptions. These refugees, criminals, and dare devil adven- tures, eventually found out the whole creation; and that it was only one grand merry-go-round at best. So, they soon found out each others hidden booger, and went for his pocket-book, hell, or no hell; un- til raid after raid, crusade after crusade, conquest af- ter conquest, has so rapidly ravaged, pillaged and plundered the Amerikas until all learning, and all wealth has been trace l back to oar shores. Yes, we have been the golden Eldorado for the world, and they have given us their deadly Upas in return. The gold and ornaments for Solomons Temple was shiped from here; the glory of India, Babylon, Greece and Rome was made and shiped from here! Take from the great Cathedral of Rome what the Spaniards stole and robed from Amerika, and it would sink into insignificance ! Take from that great Trinity Church in New York what it has, by law, robed the people of, in no t ix on a league of — 10 . — land and it would vanish! Only think it is the lar- gest church, and the tallest steeple, in this country and yet, its an ant-hill when compared to the mam- moth pile of stolen property— the Cathedral or St* Peter’s of Rome. Harper’s Monthly, July, 1872 says ; “ We pace the church, and find its length that of three ordinary city blocks! The front of the basilica is as broad as five of the largest American churches, and about as high as three such churches piled one above the other. The roof of the nave is as high as the top of one of the tallest of our city steeples. Above this mammoth pile towers the dome to such a bight that the steeple of Trinity Church, of New York, might be placed on the floor beneath it, and would only reach to the base of the walls of the dome ; and another steeple, if placed upon the top ofTrinitv, would only pierce the dome and lantern, and just overtop the great gild- ed cross.” J8®*Such could not be said until the builders of j this mass of iniquity had plundered, robed, and destroyed our Temples in Amarika! And as this church came by^iniquity and plunder, so, also, she will depart as iniquity and plunder ; and her infamous people, like their infernal fathers, the self-accursed Jews, will pay the penalty, by being a hiss and an accursed word throughout all time ! These Christians were not hunting a new world, no, but a shorter route to the old world, so as to he able to ship more direct. This Columbus discovery business is a Catholic lie. To prove what I here say see Barnes General History, on Phenicia. The Phenicians and Moors were Albino colonies from the Amerikas; and had carried with them the art of all arts, the art of pic- ture-graphic and typographic printing. We were at that time the masters of the commerce of the world, and the Phenicians and Moors our common carriers. And when they fell into the hands of the Romon Christians, then it was, and this is how it was that they discovered Amerika, and then was — 11 . — It to their great discomforture that they found all of our Capitals situated on the most elevated Pacif- ic shores; forceing them to traverse otir Continent, or round our extream southern extremity — Cape Horn. He tells us on page 74 that: “ They conceal- ed the source of their supplies so carful ly that once a Phenicirn captain, outward bound, finding him- self followed by a Roman ship sent to discover his destined port, ran his own vessel on the rocks to lead his enemy to destruction, and prevent reveal- ing the secret ! ” All around this famous and fabulous fountain of perpetual youth, light, and life, are the grand and beautiful lakes of life, the lakes Lauricocha, Reyes, Titicaca, and their isles. The purest and most ele- vated water, vegetables, fruits, and flowers in the world, adorn, beautjfy, .and make perpetual spring time in and around their shores. Yes, on the high mountainous ranges, vallies and coves, of the Andes of Ecuador and Peru, are yet to be seen the ancie- ~ nt ruins of the first cities in the world, and the first temples ever dedicated to our heavenly Fa- ther, or the Creator, or the Begin ningless of all. The ruins of those mighty cities of the skies, and the temples of the sun, moon, stars and fire are still there, to bear out, the legendary traditions, and cir- cumstantial proof of a mighty race of highly civil- ized, and enlightened, humane people, that has no doubt been murdered. Gone, thousands ot years be- fore the Peruvians come and went in a like manner from those delightful earthly mansions in the skies. Millions of years have past and gone, yet, the ru„ ins, the vallies, the ravines, the lakes, the islands, the everlasting mountains, the Eden climate, the land of perpetual light, all, all go to support these very reasonable legendary traditions of our dead fathers. Here it was that the first Eggs of man was devel cped and hatched. Nature having been supplied with a sufficient amount of Human Germs, or Eggs ✓ on for the Borniug of every Species of mankind, as the / — 12. — white, black, red, yellow and blue. And. from these five primary or elementary colors have all now existing families, tribes, and nations have so sprung. So, also, was it so arranged for every- thing that hath vegetal life. A sufficient amount of original species was spontaneously brought forth, through the earth, wherever it was favorable. And here it was the most favorable spot on earth, for the generating, horning and rearing of man, and all vegetal life. And then, from thence on, generation has been by sexual organs of generation, implanted in every thing having vegetal life, and controled by the nat- ural laws of love affinity of the sexes. And from that day to this spontaneous generation, or divine begetting has not been possible ; that is living mat- ter cannot originate from non-living; that is, — when the earth tore loose from the sun it brought forth with it a certain limited amount, and kind of seed or egg germs for every living being, that hath come into existence, after its kind, as soon as suit- able or favorable opportunities offerd. Thus ended spontaneous geneartion, or a special creation; and now it is only transmitted generation. Hence, the theory of transmutabillity, and a spe- cial creation, or a special providence, outside of, or contrary to the law's of Nature, by a special man^ god, yes, a special providence is wholy wrong. Early in the history of man we find him capable of making perfect imitations of eggs and cells, that neither microscopic examination nor chemical an- alysis could detect the difference. Yet, they would not grow . Precisely so with transmutation, or the changing of one thing, or person into quite another thing, or person, having quite different natures. For a long time, the transmutation of base metals into gold was thought possible ; and the changing of imperfect man into a perfect angel/but nature has proved pre-eminent, and man had to acknowl- edge a supreme unchangable fixed law, that he then could not reach. And although millions of years have given him time, yet, he cannot reach it* but, he can only approach it through the medium of some higher law ; and this is what give rise to this personal idol, god or savior; and being made over. Pretending to take the mediatorial place due all nature. 1 Now, you see the difference, all religions before the Ackteekites and Yankeeites acknowledged a very fickle, unreliable, ever changing personal man 1 god; operated through a changabJe idol, mvth-god, ora man mediator, or savior ; while we acknowl- edge an unchangable, allwise Creator-God, that horns guides and con t roles only through the uner- ring and unchangeable, and immutable laws of na- ture; hence ALL Nature is our mediator or Savior. Therefore, our religion is sumed up in the iv. e- pistle of Pope’s Essay on Man, that says : “ Take Nature’s path and mad opinions leave, etc.” Yes, here it was, and here it yet is, in our earthly home, the tropics, that December is as pleasant as April or May, as the Christians sing, and sigh for in their anticipated hea veii. Ah, yes, here their immaculate Mol would not have to hunt a stable in December, no, but, out on the green pastures all night long with the shepards lay ! And here it is where yon get your Christmas. May-pole, and AU- fools-day — a nine months gestation adzactly; ma- king their immaculate conception day in April or May! Fie, fie, fie, I do say! See our cut of our. Earthly Paradise, or our Land of Perpetual Light ; see the Lake, the Isle, and the Celestrial Human Egg-plants; and the Trees of Life, or the waving, flapping, mil key Corn; and the great variety of milk, bread, meat, fruit and vegetable plants and trees, that not only grew there then, but> they yet grow in great variety, to nourish and to sustain man. Note the great varieties of bread and fruit Palms, and the clothing, utensils, tents, boats, houses, etc,, that they furnish man there to this very, very remote day. Hence, not only does living man prove that our — 14. — first fathers were not only white, black, red , yell- ow and blue, but natural sense teaches it, even our first food, the milky, green corn, was, and is yet, are of ail these colors. And now all of these ex- tremes have united, mixed and blended in every conceivable way, place and condition, making one grand equanitrious, or equador, or a well proportion- ed, blended and balanced humane human being? D known as the Yankee. And as their government pushes onward and up- ward to the original starting point, Eucador, we see them assuming a well proportioned man of a flesh and blood color, far in advance in physical and mental excelence to their primitive fathers of many colors. This was proven by the voyages, ex- peditions, and crus ides into the western world, or the Amerikas, and the isles of the seas. In every instance both black, white, red, yellow, anb blue, have given way to the Equadors, Arabs or Yan- kees. The traditions of our firit fathers, from Eq- uador, or Eden, in South Ainerika, prove that our first fathers were of the three elementary color-, ■ as the red, yellow, blue, and the white and black blenders; and vegetated from the Celestri al Egg- plant, the original undergrowth amid the trees of life, or the milky, sweet corn, and the bread and f meat pi lms, that grew to such gigantic propoi- j tions, and in many varieties; on and around this is- land Titiaca. |’ We see the ugly wiggletail changed to the un- | godly musketo. We se that horrid caterpillar also f! changed into a beautiful, angelic butterfly. Then, j is it any more unreasonable that these same Laws | of Nature should Vegetate man from the vegeta- | ble kingdom? or change him from a mammoth porwigle? Are not these traditions far more reasonable than those that tell us that we were only half made? Made from the dust, rubbish and nubend of a hard weeks work? Just enough dust left to* sorter r make Adam; and not a particle left to make Eve; < wr'jr N — 15. — and by a lord-man-god, that got so tired that he had to rest. Which is the most reasonable tradi- tion reader? No, from indestructible mind and matter thou wast made, and back to them thou wilt surely return. The facts before us, and the existing ruins prove it, to say nothing of legends, traditions, and histo- ries circumstantial proof. Circumstantial proof tell us that the first permanent buildings were of rock. Why? Simply because great rocks, medium rocks, small rocks were more plentiful, and more practical. Soft rocks that was easy carved and har- dened when left to the sun and time. Chunks and wedges, strips and sheets of rocks, and hardened lava, in all shape and form , as sharp as a knife and as hard as steel was plentiful. They only had to choose their tools. Iron, Gold, copper, silver, and the mettles were plentiful, already melted and seperated from their oars, and fused along the vol- canic crevices, right before their wondering eyes. The earth was teeming with all manner of food and drink ; furnished in every conceiveable vessel ; and all our primitive fathers had to do was to use these hard flints, lava, etc., for tools to work the rocks, mettles, clay, wood and things into what they fan- cied. So, soon all nature served them, enriched, a- dorned and butified them. Step by step they seen nature develop every thing before them, and all they had to do was, as is now, useing them and profiting by the unerring lessons of Mother Nature and suffering and loosing, in every instance, by the irring lessons of rulers, masters, man-made-gods; that run counter to the laws of our life. Yes, their Paul says: “The Natural Man receiv- eth not the things of the spirit of god — ” When the facts are, they know not God! muchless his spirit ; for if they did they* 4 could not run contrary to the laws that made and sustain them. They do, see 1. Cor. ii. 14, Yes, their bastard of a man-god said : “ Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. Mat. iv. 19.” Yes, this infamous Christian — 16.— *» ' / bastard of a man-god said to do this, to follow him, you must hate everybody, everything, and your own life. Lu. xiv. 26. And this is the first, and -the main symptom of craziness. And their fruits from Cain and Abel on down prove it ! At the first age of the earth, and especially at the equator, every animal, insect, and thing, was so well provided for that they had no occasion to mo- lest each other; and ages of peace and plenty come \ and went before strife, contention, fights and war set in. And this was caused by the sudden apper- ance of the firy sun in the heavens, that forced them to ventuereiug necessarily and unnecessarily too far — out from under the presence of equa, or the land of perpetual light, out ♦into the world of darkness, sickness , changableness, or where every- thing was in a less balanced condition. This give rise to the story of the fall and curse of man and nature. Nearly every story of the sacred writings, of the east, is founded on facts that yet exist in the Amerikas. The first men born from the Celestriael Egg- plant, [cut 3, ] were two white twin brothers. And they watched with breathless silence the horning of the next egg nearest to them, and when born, lj 7 1 v \ ■> ' ItS : £ !j$ yf$ ' V. Kjf {\ # m HElRjfi! Hv m ■'iTtMF s, : " H as >R THE petual lig home of man. §(^South America, the river Amazon, i and lake Titiacac. htful and the most elevated an anywhere on the glo chilling winter, no burn storm clouds. The leaf, perpetual; far up above vens ! ! ! .. •b M .tv* a j 1 s- -fas*- t‘ u fcL fcj - m < — 17 . — and covers. And from the corn and cain stalks they made themselves tents, wigwams, and incloseures. The milky corn, milky cocoa, and cow-trees, yiel- ded them milk, the palm trees gave them cocanut and banana meat, and the plantain, coin, wheat and rice, furnished them mush and bread ; figs, ber- ries, melloh, fruits, delicious vegetables, nuts and seeds gave them an abundance of good food. And, although, this was an eden of bliss, that gave man all that his animal and mental natures could possibly enjoy, yet, that continued change that ended in death, naturally rased the question does this end all ? No, ah, no, it makes him believe in, and long for another, and a still higher state of I existence. And, he is undoubtedly, destined to an- other, and a higher state of existence. We find as the body, and as the brain is devel- oped the mind manifests its self. f^TThe minds, per-se, that is, iu and of its self does not change, grow, increase, nor diminish ; or die. Mind is iirw mortal ! Matter is mortal ! and allways sick and dying; and although when young we cannot, and when old we cannot manifest the minds, as when in mature manhood, yet, the fault is in the body. Yes, it is not lost, it is only pent up and cannot manifest its self, from the feeble, diseased or abnor- mal condition of the body. Yet, mind is mind, and I am certain that it is mind that manifests every function of matter throughout the entire universe. Yes, knowing, rational, reasoning, never grow- ing, never changing, never dying mind. Build the animal organs, or house, for the kind of, and quan- tity of mind you want and it will be occupied by v that class of miud only. The insect sees man crush it beneath his feet ; it sees and knows this ; but, does it know that man is inteligence ? Man sees the elements crush him beneath their mighty force, but, does man know, and acknowledge, the elements, or their force is in- telligence? If they were in the shape, and the body of a man then he would say yes, the elements — 18. — have intelligence, and they do me an injustice! Then is it necessary that intelligence should be con- fined ouly to the shape of a man ? Certainly not. There was necessarily bearriers, boundarys and lim. its put to all things. And I am convinced that mind in the form of nebulous matter exists within us, and can float away into the infinite immensity of God-space, from whence it originally came. The first man called himself Ab, and the first woman Abba. The next called himself Baal, and the second woman called herself Baala. As they then had so mysteriously met, they naturally ad- mired each other, and as they mutually aided each other, they soon loved and adored each other, and soon agreed to always respect, love and to live one for the other, and as one. In course of time they met up with other men and women living near to them, and they could but relate to each other about the same borniug, and happy existence. And as their numbers and skill increased soon it was ma-ma and pa-pa ; and a vigorous child was born for each breast ; and in a bout eight years that child, also, became a parent. In due time their thatched cottages give way to massive cities of rock, the ruins to this day can be seen near the north eastern edge of Lake Titicaca, where arts, sciences and industries was cultivated and sent out throughout the world. How easy for the minds of the first men from their exalted and elevated homes, on the mountains of Ecuador, ele- vating them five miles, or more, above every thing and the sea. How easy for them to form an ideaj of the world beyond ; even before the sun appeared in the heavens* Ab’s and Abba’s generations followed the moun- tains and the Pacific coast, and eventually reached Afrika, where they met with Baal’s and Baala s venerations, who had followed the Amazon in their boats, and across to the Atlantica, where they soon reached Afrika. This is the Azteec and Phenecian traditions; and facts to this day, are in their favor. i i i ' , e .4 I — 19. — The Encyclopedia Britanica acknowledges the priority of the Aztec existance, and sun worship, by saying: “The most holy and perfect rite in the Eiusinian Mysteries was to show an ear of corn mowed down in silence, and this was a symbol of the incarnation of the sun, by the sun worshipers. It was the deification of, and the worship of the re- productive organs. ,, Yes, the first men having jf been begot of God, through the Sun and Nature, and born from the Celestrial Egg-plant ; and their first food being the milky corn, roasting— ears, In- dian corn, or Zea Maize of the Aztecs. This was the first and the most mysterious right and festival of the Aztecs sun and fire worship. It I was a lesson entended to forever remember the ac- tual origin of the first men through the Celestrial Egg-plant, and first nourished by the milky roast- ing ears ; and that the next men -were from man’s own reproductive organs. Zea Celestrial, or the Celestrial Egg-plant, like Zea Maize, and Zea Caragua are mammoths of the graass family ; and dike the mammoths of the ani- mal kingdom, the Behemoth, the Mastodon, and the Celestrial Egg-plant, have fulfilled their enten- ded mission, and are now only fossail remains — a i thing of tradition and history. p And as the grass family first clothed and fed f the earth, so the grass family first fed and clothed man. U^And as the grass family had attained to such a great age, and to such a mammoth size, . being the most extensive and useful, having matu- red to a mammoth in extent, statue, variety and usefulness, in the Amerikas, is our knock-down proof, in our favor, for the borning and beginning place of vegetable, animal and human existence. My great grandfathea told me that when he was a child he stood on the Andes, and viewed the vally of the Amazon, and it was a vast pampas of mammoth shrubs and grasses. And when he lan- ded in Tennessee, it was mostly a vast canebrake, dotted here and there, with mammoth grass and — 20 .— shrubs. Now it is covered with mammoth oaks, furnishing the eastern, or younger parts of the world with lumber, just as we furnished Solomon. Count the yearly strata of these oaks and they will tell you that my old grandfather was right.* We have always founl the white, black, yellow, red, blue, and brown man, and their various mix- tures, in the Amerikas. The Albino Irishman is the pure white man. The Negro African is the pure black man. The Florid Scotchman is the pure red man. The Nankeen Chineman is the pure yellow man. The Ethiopian African is the pure blue man. The American Indian is the pure brown man. The Festival of Ceres, the goddess of corn, has been wherever found. The Lord’s supper is only this So, which is first ? Now, would I not rather rep- resent my thankfullness to our Heavenly Father, selfish and unreasonable, unjust, contrary to nature and without a shadow of evidence, and not one ray of proof. And worse still, is it to say that all the animal kingdom sprung from a water polyog, aud all these families of man and animals, are cir- cumstances of the gradual development of time, up from a polyp ; or, what can be more shameful, cow- ardly, and humiliating, than to say they are curses put upon man, as the mark put on Cain, or the curse put on Ham ; or an avaricious, greedy, thiev- ing trick of Jacob made ring; streeked, striped and spotted cattle. Wonder who spotted the Leopard, and gave the georgeous colors to the birds and but- terflies ? * / Reader, is it not more reasonable to take uner- ing and unchanging natures path, and say, that as we can see that the vegetable kingdom connects celebrated by all these tribes of man, whenever, or resent my thanktullness to our Heavenly Father,' V for this first, and these continued blessings of this ; grass family, through this -Goddess, Cerese, than through an imposture of a man. *■ i To say that all these unfading, unchanging col- ors aud types of man sprung from a Jew Adam is with, and grows out of the mineral or earth, air, and water kingdoms, and as they, the vegetable world depends upon these for life and existence ;so of man, animals and all warm blooded creatures — they depend upon the vegetable world for their origin and support. Then is it not more in line to say they all origin nally sprung from these many, many Vegetable Egg-plants, that was of the first growths to clothe and cover the earth ? the family of grasses, than to accept such a humiliated man-god creaftion, as is given in these King’s Bibles? The Christians tell us that their bible rests on the Jew’s bible; and as I have shown that it rests on nothing, and tells us not of the Amerikas, the Atlanticas, nor their wonderful people, nor of the five or six kind of man that was at the beginning. I will now speak of theirs, as it is of a later date. Now, their father, and his son, and a ghost, tell us through their infalibie witness, the only remains of an executed malefactor, that could neither read nor write, a Mr. Mathew, a Roman, their first wit- ne s, they make him say that Jesus was the son of David and Abraham. He tell us, man by man, the generations up to Joseph, his law-evading, and law-breaking step-dad; saying that there were i twenty-eight generations; see l, 1 to 18. Then this same father, and his son, and a ghost, tell us through another infalibie witness, the very uncertain remains of an other executed malefactor that could neither read nor write, a Mr. Luke, a Roman, their third witness, they make him say at iii, 23, that Jesus was only Jl®* 4 supposed to be the sun of Joseph ! AisT* So, it is only a supposition as to whoes bastard he was ! or, whether he ever was! He, too, gives their names, man to a man, from Joseph, his supposee dad, up to David, one of his many declared dads, making it out forty-three gen- erations ! jg@T“A difference of fifteen generations! ggp-And agreeing in none but David’s generation ! And Mr. Luke counts four Josephs, and Mr. Ma- — 22 .— tthews but one! Tvvo Mattathias and Mr.Matthew none! Two Mitthats and Mr. Matthew none ! ma- king a complete momix ! Proving that they r are a set of presumptuous ignorameses, that know noth- ing of their own origin, much less the origin of the five or six races of man ! Now, my dear reader, how is all this for high ? for infalible witnesses? or, to rest your souls salva- tion on? Mr. Matthew says positively that he was the son of Jtwo men, 1, 1 ; then, as positively, tell us that he is the son of a ghost, 1, 18. Then, Mr. Luke does not tell us whose son he is, hut, says “ As was supposed the son of Joseph.” *-• Again, Mr.Matthew tells us at 1, 16, that Jacolij begat Joseph ; then Mr. Luke chimes in and tell us at iii, 23, Joseph is the son of Heli ! So, you see. A GOD-HEAD. | than the son ; then at x, 30 he tells us that they are one. Then Mr. Mark, their second witness, at vi, 5, says he could do no migh- ty work, save heal a few sick folks. Now, if man needs a savior it is more than Na*» ture, or Nature’s God knows ; for all Nature is our saviour. And if you will stick to Nature’s Path, and Mad Opinions leave, you will have no use for a blating missionary, nor a tax gathering preacher. The above cut represents the Christians godhead it was in lieu of the ancient Aztecs, that was the Father, the Mother and the Child ; and* represents the perpetuation of man ; and this is his Salvation. none of them knew their oftf dad, much less his; and, th« father, the son, and that ho ghost, has played the devil trying to tell us. And maul has always played the devil] when he has any thing to du y with them. John, at xiv, 28, tells u« that the father was grater TWO AWFUL SELF-CONTRADICTIONS We Are told that Moses wrote the fire first books of this King Jim’s bible. These books say — “ And the Lord spake un- to Moses. These be the words which Moses spake, etc. ” We find recorded at the xxxiv chapter, 5 and 6 verses of Deuteronomy, one of the books that they say Moses wrote, we find an account of the death and buriel of Moses ! Then how could he have wrote about his own death and buriel? This fact and the finding of a book of laws as is recorded at xxii chapter, 8 verse of ii Kings, settles the hash as to the authenticity of the old Jew scriptures. Then we are given as witnesses, a lot of books, to prove that there was a bastard son of a ghost and a lot of men, Je- Sue by name, said to be the only son of God, and that he was sent to save his people — the Jews, that had always claimed to be God’s only people ! Therefore, not lost ! and did not need him — they kicked, and reeieved him not, no, but they killed him for his impudence, as they had done many! many others! This was a trick of stratagy by the Romans to convert the Jews! Yes, they first said to their missionaries that they sent to the Jews — “ Go not to the Gentiles, and into the cities of the Samaritans, enter not ! But go to the lost sheep of Israel. ” And when they killed this imposter Je- sus and his missionaries then it was that Rome sent out a very liberal claim of — a Go ye into all the world and pro claim the gospel to every creature ! We are given Matthew, Mark and Luke, Jesus’ cousins, and his bastard brother John, the bapsouser, that was ille- gally begat and bora about the same time as was Jesus, and by the same rake of a god ! See Luke, i, 35, 36, 41. This makes them bastard brothers ! j., 19, 36. And these fellows writing about their own infamous begeting and homing is as absurd as Moses writing about his own death and burial. They marveled among themselves and contradicted each other as to who he was. They ask “ Whoes son is he ? ” u By what authority does he violate the laws and threaten our destruction ? ” And well they may after reading'how many dads he had and the kind of dads he had. Now Matthew tell us in his second chapter that it was wise men from the east that' called to see the babe; that they found him in a house and they give him gifts of gold, etc., from their treasures. And they picture it as a mansion ; see cuts on the next page. Then Luke their third witness tell us in his second chap- ter that it was shepherds that called to see the condemed basterd, and they found him in a manger with the cattle t They picture the shepherds as out in the green pasture, in May, with their sheep, and they picture them at the open in anger or feeding trough, in an open lot by the wayside and not in a house as Matthew says! And this in a cold December night, adorned with frost, snow and ice ! J CUT 1, In the House. | CUT 2, In the Manger. Then Matthew tells us at the 14 verse of his ii chapter that Joseph (led that night with the babe into Egypt! Then Luke, chimes in aad contradicts Matthew r by telling at the 22 Terse of his ii chapter that they carried the us babe to Jeruselam ! 1 1 „ ^ j Now, the question it, why should this god-favored wo- * • ♦ man be humiliated to a vagabond tramp and just at this very, very criticle stage of divine pregnancy ? Another awful self-contradiction is in Matthew saying Je. bus rode au ass and her colt into Jeruselam. He said ye •hall find an ass tied and her colt with her, bring them, xxi, 2. Now, Mark, Luke and John contradict this ! Mark says a colt tied, xi, 5. Luke says a colt tied, xix, 30. And they both say bring him, not her or them as Matthew says. Now, his brother John that was beheaded long before this occur* auce is made to say — “ As it is written, he, Jesus found a young ass and sat thereon, and he did ride into Jeruselam j with a great crowd of wild, frantic ragamuffins yelling, haillj hail ! thy King cometh, sitting on an ass's colt, xii, 14. Thus it was be committed the overt act of treason that 1 cost him his dear lift ; and caused him to cry — 14 My god • ] my god ! why hast thou forsaktn me?” Then, aad thus it .was that he disturbrd the peace aud defied the authorities of A. — 23 .— , and the laws of both God, Rome and Judea, and by over throwing the tables of the money changers, and the seats of them that sold doves, at the temple, Matt, xxi, 12 ! ! The Romen laws that ruled the Jews and the then whole known world, would not alow religious trmaps, public par- ading, public preaching, and excitement! This is tHe law then and there in force. “ Whoever introduces new religions, the character and tendencies of which are unknown, whereby the minds of men may bn disturbed, shall, if belonging to the higher | rank, be banished, and if to the lower rank, they shall be f put to death. ” M So the Jews and the Christians brought on their own des- truction by meddling with other peoples business, and by defying the powers that be ! Reader; only think, yes, think ! the Adamites, Abraham- ites, Israelites, Jew^Jesnsites, are one and the same, and claim to be the beginning ! When authentic history, from < old reliable governments, tell us that they, the filthey 1 ob- scene, vicious Jews were' hatched from the mud of the riv- 1 er Nile, in Egypt thousand of years after the Amerikas, Indis, Egypt and other countries were in existence, with teeming millions of inteligent, civilized human beings ! Their own history tells you this from Genesis to Revela' tinns, from Alpha to Omega, or, from A, to Izard ! And then they were orriginally a kinkey-headed black, red lip- ped Negro, and of a very low down organization. They did not .have as much sense as our Andes Shepherd Dogs - f Then Geology, botany and all branches of natural history tell us the same facts ! jg^r Take their own testamony, it alone makes their own history! And why? Simpley be- cause they were so infernaly infamous that no other nation on God’s earth would degrade themselves by even men* tioning of them ! And God was so jnst that he made them record their own infamy in a book called the book of God ! And the first we hear of them is that after God had made Man ! and evey thing [Gen. 1 . 26. ], then it was that the Lord-god, not God, made this Jew-Adam, from the dust or nubends of creation, [Gen. ii, 7.], which was the drying up of the mud of the riyer Nile ! They were originally a mud Negro! The men God made had some sense and they were turned loose, a free, independent sovereign, into the world. See Gen. I. 28. Not so with the Jew-Adamites that the Lord-god, not God, and some body made early Sunday, from the nubends of creation ! They were ignorent and put off in a garden in Eden, and not out in the world as man » —23.— was; Sec. Gen. ii, 7, 8, 15. iii, 1 to 24 ; until driven out a cursed race; to which I do not belong; I am an Amenkan- The tramping of Adam or Abraham into Egypt, the sell- ing of Joseph into Egypt. The bondage of the whole race of Jew* in Egypt volentarily ! The longiag for their flesh-pots* The being of slaves for the Medes and the Persians. The being led away slaves to Babylon. The being led a w ay cap- tive slaves to Rome, to Turkey, to Russia, to Arabia, to Af“ rica, to the Amerikas, all go to prove that they were, and still are a crazy, superstitious set of bastard mongrels, that know nothing only as they guess at it. They have been slaves for every known race of man; and therefore a vile mixture of them all; just as their bible says, see page, 163. THE SLAVE BLOCK! Reader we refer you to page 87, 100, 123-9, 136-7-9 141-2, 156, 161-2-3; and to slarery in our index. And especially to page 123. Reader, only think, over half of the world is at this moment growning under Christian slavery ! Author- < ised from a book called the book of God I They are of all races, casts, conditions, and color They are striped and sold to the highest bidder as is here pictured. They are sold publicly as is our cat- tle and horses. The mouth is opened, the teeth exam- ined, they are striped and all parts examined. This I have seen enacted in Me Minnville, and Sparta, Tenn. Thus it was enforced from Main to Mexico! Now you can see it from Mexico to Australia! wherever Christian- ity is enforced ! And if this Jew-Ohristian bible Is the book of God as is claimed, then this stealing, kidnapping, buy- ing and selling of human beings, to be used as beasts of burden is right ! for it certanly does permit it and com- mand it! And religion caused it ! And is sustaining and defendihg it wherever Christianity rules ! WHAT IS GOD? Moses’ god was a jealous demon ! A personal man-god; with all the animal passions, and infer- nal infirmities of man, hell, and the devil. A god of hate, revenge, cruelty, and desolation. That des- troyed nation after nation, and then turned on his own people, and after destroying the most of them, giving their homes to their enemies, and their wo- men as slaves, and the remnant he scattered as vagabonds throughout the earth. There were all manner of gods long before his. There were gods for everything.. The god of heaven, the sun, moon and stars. The god of earth, the winds, seasons, snows and storms. The god of love and marriage. Abraham carried his gods with him as he tramped and somebody stole them. Babylon’s great god was Bel and the Dra- gon, that Daniel said was dead. His god was a live one that would not let the lions eat him. Jesus claimed the same god and when he seen he was not going to save him as he had Daniel, he in great agonies of despair askingly cried aloud : “Mv god, my god, why hast thou forsaken me?’’ Aaron’s god was a gold calf. Ilis was worth something, and w T ould command respect in any land. The Christians’ god was a Jew, a born criminal, a bastard, a mongrel, a half breed; an ill- bred man-god , and was executed. Then in a general use a god is what a man styles a King, the ruler, or the biggest thing in his per- ceptions. And his perceptions might not be any greater thau a child, who believes its mother is the greatest god of all. Whatever controlling in- fluence rules man, that is his god. Man’s god has always been his lulling passion. Whatever he calls his god, may be to others a mere nothing. The gods of the Ancients have all lived their time, and are now dead. The Christians of to-day, their god was executed for treason, blasphemy, and high crime, before he was grown. The philosophers, the scientist, and all well bal- anced, and informed men, in all ages, and in all ra- ces, had a God of Principal. Their idea of a God was a Scientific Phenomena. That is, God fills the universe. Force is the measure and ultimate of matter— the measure and the ultimate of all exist- ence. God fills the whole universe. There can be no point in space, in. an element, or in an atom of matter, that is not filled with God. If God is not every where, then you have something greater than God— a space greater than God. Then to ac- knowledge any thing greater than God is to ac- knowledge there is no God. |^° We can only approximating^ comprehend God. Through natural law. We cannot know, or see God as we se our selves, and one another. He has no parts. He is infinite. Not to be infinite would be' not to be God; and to be infinite is to be inearlv abstraction. So we cannot comprehend God as a whole, we can only comprehend him by piecemeals. We cannot comprehend be>ond our sense, which only come to us through five different avenues ; as 1 st., feeling, 2 nd., tasting, 3 rd., smell- ing, 4th„ seeing, and 5 th., hearing. And, although, these five avenues use the same nerves, and brain, yet you cannot see through any but the eye; neither can you smell through any but the nose. And whatever we can conprehend, we certainley have a right to analyze. But, to attrib- ute an effect to a cause he cannot prove is foolish- ness. Yet, this is the religionists lamentable fix. Their idea of a god, and a heaven, is of the very lowest down passions. Something that the lowest down rascal on earth craves, as gold, silver, meat, bread, drink, puppy love and idleness. It is a god , of passion, and a heaven of idleness. They have f neither principle, nor rational, human reason. They are a thousand years behind the dignity of an enlightened and free people, like the majority of the American people are. They are only to be made known to be hated, and banished forever. And as our Declaration of Independence sounded the last death knell to all religions, and their gods. They are now only fossil remains, and classed with the dead gods of the past. The God of the present, and the future, is a God of dignity, of rational reason . A God of honor, of light, knowledge, love, justice, truth, and.of uni- versal freedom. Then, watch — see— our enemies as they watch and struggle, night and day, to place their little dead, defunct, bastard, criminal, Jew god — sweet Jesus they call him — see how they try to place themselves, and that hateful emblem of sin shame, and slavery— the cross — above our Stairs and Stripes, our emblem of freedom, and a just heaven. God is invisable, undividable, and uu- changable. He is one and the same always. He does not exist as father, a son, and a ghost. But he exists ija us as a father, a mother, and a child. So venerate, and worship your father, your mother, yourself and home, for by so doing you pay due homage to the great giver of all. GOOD FATHER, HEAVENLY FATHER , or the GREAT INTELLIGENCE— GOD. O thou eternal One, whose presence bright All space doth occupy, all motion guide, Unchanged through Time's all-devastating flight, Thou only God 2 there is no God besides ! Being above all beings ! only One ! Whom none can comprehend and none explore, Who fills space-existence with self alone, Embracing all, supporting, watching o'er — A Something we call God, and know no more. In its sublime research, Philosophy May measure out the ocean deep, may count The sands or the sun's rays, but, God ! for thee There is no weight nor measure; none can mount Up to thy mysteries ; Reason's brightest spark, Though kindled by thy light, in vain would try To trace thy counsels, infinite and dark ; And thought is lost ere thought can soar so high, Even pass like moments in eternity. 1 . » # Thou from primeval godliness didst call First nature, then existence ; God, on thee Eternity had its foundation ; all Spring forth from thee — of light, joy, harmony, Sole origin ; all life , all beauty, thine ; Thou didst create all, and yet create ; Thy splendor fills all space with rays divine ; Thou wast, thou art, and shalt be, glorious, great, Life-giving, life-sustaining, or create! Thy chains the unmeasured universe surround, Upheld by thee, by thee inspired with breath ; Thou the beginning with the end hast bound, And beautifully mingled life and death ! As sparks mount upward from the firy blaze, So suns are born, so worlds spring forth from thee, And as the spangles in the sunny rays Shine round the crystal snow, the pageantry Of heaven’s bright children glitters in thy praise* — 26 . — Trillions of torches, lit by thy command, Journey unwearied through the -blue abyss; They own thy power, accomplish thy command, All gay with life, all eloquent with bliss ; What shall we call them ? Piles of crystal light? A glorious company of golden streams ? Lamps of celestial ether, burning bright ? Suns lighting systems with their joyous beams? But thou to these art as the noon to night. Yes! as a drop of water in the sea, All this magnificence in thee is lost, What are the trillion worlds compared to thee? And what am I, then? Heaven’s unnumbered host, Though multiplied by myriads, and arrayed In all the glory of sublimest thought, Is but an atom in the balance, weighed Against thy greatness — is a cipher brought Against infinity ! Oh, what am I, then ? Naught. Naught! But the effluence of thy light divine, Pervading worlds, hath reached my bosom too! Yes ! in my mental doth thy knowledge shine. As shines the sunbeam in a drop of dew ; Naught ! but I live, and on hope’s pinions fly Eager towards thy presence, for in thee I live, and breathe, and dwell, aspiring high, Even to the throne of thy divinity; I am, O Ood, and surely thou must be ! Thou art! directing, guiding all. Thou art! Direct my understanding, then, to thee ; Control my desires, guide my wandering heart; Though but an atom ’mid immensity, Still lam something fashioned by thy plan! v , I hold a middle rank ’twixt heaven and earth, On the last verge of mortal being stand/ Close to Eden where beings had their birth, Just on the boundary of the perfect-land ! The chain of being is complete in me ; • In me is matter’s last gradation lost; And the next step is Spirit— Deity ! — 27.— I can command the ligh tiring ; is this dust ? A monarch and a slave? a worm? a god ? Why came I here v and how? why so marvelously Constructed and conceived ? Unknown ? This god Lives surely through some higher energy! For from itself alone it could not be ! Creator, changer, preserver, — my God, * You created me ! Source of life and good ! My mind connects in links to thine O, God ! Thy light,- thy love, in their bright plentitude, Filled me with an immortal mind, to* spring 0 ? er the abyss of death, and bade it wear The garments of eternal day, and wing Its heavenly flight beyond this little sphere, Even to its Source — to thee — its Author, thee. O thoughts ineffable ! O vissions blest! Though partial are our conceptions of thee, Yet, may thy shadowed image fill my breast, And waft homage to thy Divinity ; God ! thus alone my lonly thoughts can soar; Thus seek thy presence, Being wise and good ! Midst thy vast works admire, obey, adore! And when this tongue is eloquent no more, My mind will thank in strains of gratitude. Derzhavin. j&^GOD, therefore, is not in any sense a sub stance; nor a person , neither is he an effect; but, he is the remote cause of force, pervading and un- < derlying all the ceaseless changes of everything that hath either form, substance, or life. He is celestrial mental intelligence, full, complete, and 9 without passions, or form ; a circle complete, wih- out beginning or end. **@8 ~c£>-o (£/* o • * — 2f. — THE BAD MAN, BAD SPIRIT, or the EVIL ONE- the DEVIL. T HESE are a few modest names usually used to represent that which is bad, or opposite to good or God. They, like the names, for God are many ; and it proves them to be the mear growth of mans literature. It proves that man is the creator of these many gods and devils. For, if there had been first, a god and a devel do- ing as is said of them, then they would have been known to all man by one name, one history, as is Cezar, or Washington. As it is, their names, like- nesses, functions, and history are legion and myth- ical. Proving that they never did exist, in human form as Cezar and Washington ; and that they are the creation of mans infernal infertilities. The first account we have of the evil one, in our Amerikan mythology, is in the war in the heavens in which the evil one and his army were east out, and as they winged their way to this earth the sun pursued them, coming nearer the earth than it ev- er had done, making its light and heat ’ so intense that it set on fire the gasses in our most elevated, and exposed mountains, causing the most terific ti- ers, thundering volcanoes, and destructive earth- quakes. It not only set on fire the thatched cotta- ges, but it shook down the massive cities, blinded, confused, and caused great terror, suffering, and de- struction to all Eden, the land of perpetual light, and life, and to all South Central, North Amerika, and the isles of the seas, but the whole earfh was •con vu Iced from its center to its circumference. Sinking the Atlantic Continent, where the most of the host of this evil one landed, causing a great flood of water to sweep over Afrika, even into Asia and other parts of the earth, which on receding it caused deserts, swamps, and prairies, leaving not only the earths centers broken and changed, but, the surface in many places was imbeded with foss- — 29 . — ils and remains from other distant parts of the world, making it very foreign to it. Causing a more distinct night and day, summer and winter, winds and currents, causing the breath- ing, or flow and ebb of the sea, that twice a day meets and disputes with the mighty current of the fearful giant Amazon ; at its mouth, causing the most terrific dashing volumn of water known on this earth. A volum of water fifty miles wide, and hundreds of feet deep, forcing its way for thous- ands of miles, across the South Am-?rikan Conti- nent, from the very top of the Andes, from the ac'* tual Elen, where its headwaters are above the clouds, four or five miles higher than the sea, and * being forced down such a grade, forces its fresh wa- ter current hundreds of miles out into the briny sea. Twice a day, it and the ocean’s flow disputes for masterdom, and in meeting, these enormous mass- es of water, a mountain of water, surf, and foam is dashed upward, and then held in all its terific fury hundreds of feet in the air ! Such was not known to the Antesollucents, or to those people who existed on earth before the sun made its appeareuce inthe heavens; setting all na- , ture to a greater struggle, and to a more forcible axistence — not for each others destruction, no, but for the supremacy of those most fit. All this was a mear change of growth of nature, and no gods, devils, good nor evil ones had any thing to do with it. Yet, the massive ruins of cities aud temples, that was ornamented with huge statues, and huge statue-shaped rocks, throughout the Amerikas, are poiuted out to us to this day as petrified statues of these Antesollucent gods, and devils. Yes, we are told that the sun turued the devil, I and all of his host of officer-gods and goddess’ as Jupiter, Vulcan, Pluto, Juno, Mars, Mercury, Nep- tune, Saturne, Minerva, Sirene, Triton, Urania, Venus, etc., iuto big stone statues, and that their wicked soules are left to swoop down upon U9, and to howl across our continents, iu tornadoes, herri- cans, cyclones, amt the howling, shrieking, moans ing, trembeling, freezing, death dealing wintery blasts — for such strife was not known to the Ante- sollucents. The oldest book the Christians have, in their bi- ble, is the old Arab Job, and it is only a garbled extract. It represents the devil as a fit associate with their god and his sons, see Job i. 6, 7; a kind of a detective, that went about kill i n sr and torment ing, gods own folks. Then this evil one is not only the prince of the demons, but also, the prince of this world, see John xii. 31; xiv.30; xvi, 11; and even the god of this world, see 2 Cor . iv. 4. Eph. u — vi. 12. And Rev. xii. 9, tell us that the Dragon, Serpent, Devil and Satin, is one, the four gods of this mighty godhead — the gods of this world, that was cast out of heaven, and [made] an unmerciful abuser and murder of its peaceful inhabitents! Yes, this god of the Christians, and his sons, are very, yes, awful friendly with this devil after such a terrific row and war! I guess those tother sons, that Job mentions must hav*e died for Jesus is said -to be his only son , and he and this devil of a god was on awful friendly terms, for he layed out, with out food, forty day^fVay out in a wilderness, with this devil ; Jozy even let Nick tote him up to heav- en, to the holy city, and stick him on the pinnacle of the steeple ; Nick then flew with him, up into an exceeding high mountain, and showed Jezy what a whopping big world he was god over ; saying now Jezy if you will just tumble down and worship me I will give you my gal [Sal and all of this big w T orld see Matt. iv. Then Jezv told Nick if he would follow him he •/ would make him a fisher of men, Matt, iv, 19, and to do this he must hate every thing, and every bod- y> and even himself, and love nothing but sweet Jezy, Lu. xiv. 26. For, says he, Nick I am some devil meself : Think not I am come to send peace on earth, no, I came not to send peace ! but asword! Matt. x. 34. I am come to send fire on this earth ; — 31.— Lu. xii, 49; so, you just git, or I will mall the stuf- fing out of you; Matt.iv, 10. And he got, and this was more than he, Nick, the acknowledged king of this world, and a contending king for heaven could stand, so he declared war against sweet Jezy and as his father had given him all power of earth and heaven, giving all things into his hand, Mat.xxviii, 18. Jo. iii. 35; he was simply a sardine for Nick. For we are told at >v. 26, of the Acts, that the Kings of this earth stood up, and the Rulers were gathered together against the Lord, and against his;* Christ. So the powers that was did not receive Jez T nor acknowledge him; his own received him not* and the powers that be killed him ! And, although he called loud and lustily, for his god to save hinot yet, he died a malefactor to the higher powers; an'’> or ,n W.T?'?, 1 "' 1 ‘’H incredible j our ’ he earth harries ?„ f off a "di ai ">oo £izv:: m «»«o r "' a, ' <, »" <« around at the rate^ f h "' g at ‘he e ffUator . I an hour, iu jte of more th an a f **° r 18 whirled 1 s «n, the rate is ^ Evolution on it miIc9 eart h. Af id W! > , the same j n oth 8 axes, to the Po,e ^ is otUv « betWeen tho equafn Parts of ‘he ,10 ur, or a b ou( . ^"dred and JV”* , eit her est Point to the Nor!k 1,eSanii, '“‘e Zf ^ 1 ' 69 a ? •■cached, hill, k ° rth Eol e whiru?* At t( ie near/ eli »e P'oio, ,„ a ® OmjcI w *y train, a v . • at) out as f ast Tesa raijt ri>e Period of 1 t,le ei andXhUen^hen!''® 'po^t the e | ' “ We “ P ° es ! 01 a-day Sun- tt ^“***11 Part of Pife, Engiaud s'coh ^ West horn ti^G 83,1 acr0Ss Erance, °‘J’ Ire,a »d, r tr Em ' nati °'. s to a :r r fro, ° zfv b **« , where the inhablta fT' 818 "*•«» calitj ^ a ° 8perou s / "o'- >* Jtrr e ' " eari ' •« oouiinuaijy aop £ at 8t,ea m 0 f WaPm ' If 19 si m . ix^or *iSr ^““o lo».VlV" a °”» over them. Th ; ’ J because warm 8 ? hose Pros- the Gnif Str s * ar m current 0 f water^ bW am. Reverse this Tf,u r Js called * ‘his warm, ocean —40.— current, the Gulf Stream, and the warm winds should be directed towards Labrador, instead of to- 1 wards Europe, then the former would become pro- ductive, green and prosperous, while the latter would become snow-bound and desolate.’ ’ N. B. All this goes to prove that the altitude of the American Continent is so much greater than the European, and that its vast rivers, rushing its wa- ters across to the Eastern Continent, proves beyond a doubt that the beginning was in the Americas, from whence all that is, has been supplied. Shamer! shame! on any man, or on any set of men, or a vast continent that would teach other- wise — right in the very face of an always, ever ex- isting unimpeachable witnesses from all Nature. They not only owe us for their origin, but, they owe thei ?rj; existence to us ! AMERICA, DEAR NATIVE LAND. t America, dear native land, Of golden zone and silver strand ; Whoes mountains pierce unto the sun, Whoes endless rivers seaward run ; How thrills my soul to hear thy name, To sound thy kindeling deeds of fame; Dear land of all our best desires, Where freedom keeps her altar fiars. America, whose humblest sons Are born as earths divinest ones, With faces set unto the bights Where honor crowns her faithful knights; Whoes daughters wear the royal grace, That clothe the queen of regal race, Where hand in hand they hold unfurled The Magna Charter of the world. — 41 .— America, on many a plain, The flower of thy youth lies slain. But from the soil by valor fed, The ripest grain is harvested. Our Fathers God, we cry to thee, O keep thy people pure and free, And let the fires of freedom run, To all the lands beneath the sun. Written for the Acme Haversack, by Kate Brownlee Sherwood. SWEET LAND OF LIBERTY. Tune, America. My countrey! ’tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty, Of thee I sing; Land where my fathers died, Land of the Pilgrims’ pride, From every mountain side Let freedom ring. My native country! thee, Land of the noble free, Thy name I love; I love thy rocks and rills, Thy woods and templed Hills ; My heart with rapture thrills, Like that above. Let music swell the breeze, And ring from all the trees, — 42. — Sweet freedom’s song; Let mortal tongues awake ; Let all that breathe partake'. Let rocks their silence break, The lound prolong. My fathers’ God ! to thee, Author of Liberty! To thee we sing; Long may our land be bright With freedom’s holy light: Protect us iu our right, Great God we sing! Written by Samuel Francis Smith, of Boston, in 1832, to be sung at Fourth of July celebrations. : f AMERICA IN THE FRONT RANK OF NATIONS. BY DANIEL WEBSTER. THIS lovely land, this glorious liberty, these be- nign institutions, the dear purchase of our fathers, are ours ; ours to enjoy, oure to preserve, ours to transmit. Generations past, and generations to come, hold us responsible for this sacred trust. Our fathers, from behind, admonish us, with their anx- ious paternal voices. Posterity calls out to us from the bosom of the future; the wourld turns hither its solicitous eyes, — all, all conjure us to act wisely and faithfully, in the relations which we sustain.* We can never, indeed, p ry the debt which is up- on us; but by virtue, by morality, by religion, by the cultivation of every good principle and every good habit, we may hope to enjoy these blessings through our day, and to leave it unimpared to our children. Let us feel deeply how much, of what we are and what we possess, w r e owe to this liberty and to these liberal institutions of government. It cannot be denied, but by those who would dis- pute against the sun, that with America, and in America, a new era commences in human affairs. / — 43 .— ' ( Tins era is distinguished by free representative governments, by entire religious liberty, by im- proved systems of national intercourse, by a new awakened and an unconquerable spirit of free in- quiry, and by a diffusion of knowledge throughout the community, such. as lias been before altogether unknown and unheard of. America, America, our country, our own dear and native land, is inseparably connected, fast, fast bound up, in fortune and by fate, with these great interests. If they fall, we fall with them; if they stand, it will be because we have upheld them. Let us contemplate, then, the connection whicl binds the prosperity of others to our own ; and le 1 us manfully discharge all our duties which it im- poses. If we cherish the virtues and principles of our fathers, all Nature will assist us to carry on theft work of Human Liberty and Human Happiness. Auspicious omens cheer us. Great examples are before us. Our own firmament now shines bright- ly upon our path. Washington and our Revolu- tionary Fathers, as stars, are indelibly, and forever fixed in the clear upper sky. Many, many other bright and noble stars have now joined the Amer- ican constellation ; they circle round their center, and the heavens beam with new light. Beneath this illumination let us walk the course of life, and at, its close devoutly commend onr beloved country the common parent of us all , to Divine Goodness. HONESTY THE BEST POLICY. Washington after Serving, [not ruling] his coun- trey for Lrty-five years, give# .this as his farewell warning : “ I hold the maxim no less applicable to public than to private affairs, that honesty is al- ways the best policy. Can it be that Providence has not connected the permanent felicity of a nation with its virtue? Let it be asked where is the securi- ty for property, where is the security for reputa-* tion, where is the security for life, if a truthful and righteous obligation does not animate the oathes. which are the instruments of investigation in our courts of justice?”- Again he asks: “ Who that is a sincere friend to it, can look with indifference upon attempts to shake the very foundation of the whole fabric?” HAIL REPUBLIC! “Hail ! thou Republic of Washington, Hail ! Never one star of thy Union shall pale, Thou hope of the world ! Every omen of ill Must fade in the light of thy destiny still ; And Time brings but honor with increase to thee, Thou land of the beautiful, home of the free.” THIS is a likeness of Washing- ton, who with our Revolutionary Fathers, fa ugh t for years against the religious tyrants, of this Old Jew King’s Bible, and its awful vicious, enslaving, crazy, and self- con traiiictory teachings! The churches, one and all, and ail religionists, called them Traitors, Heratics, and Infidel°Rebls! And they are in hell to-day if this awful King’s Bible is true ! But thank God, dear reader, it is not true. It is only a collection of sixty odd blood and thunder fish, snake, and ghost sto- ries, from the Low-down, vicious, obscene, vulgar, Five Cent Novels of that day ! “ Success, right or wrong, wins our sympathies. And this is why Washington, the Father of our Countrey’s name is written with fame. Had he made a failure, who would have remembered him with honor and pride ? Echo answers who? and auy owl, or fool can say who.” PATRIOTISM THE SUBLIMEST OF ALL PUBLIC' VIRTUES. That patriotism which, catching its inspiration from on high and leaving an immeasurable dis- tance below all lesser, groveling, personal interests — 45. — and feelings, animates and prompts to deeds of self sacrifice, of valor, of devotion, and of death itself that is public virtue; that is, it is the noblest, and the sublimest of all public virtues. — Henry Clay. I BELONG TO THEM ! READER, the above cut represents what actu- ally happened to one of onr Govenors. In his can- vass for election he actually boasted of the Secret Oath-bound Orders that he belonged too. Saying: I belong 1st. to the Church; 2nd. to the Masons; 3rd. to the Oddfellows ; 4th. to the Democrats; 5th. to the Alliance; and of course, the church made him admit that he originally belonged to the 6th, fellow, Mr. Devil ! And it so happened that the Devil had the lar- gest chain on him, and the flogging that old Job got was nothing to what this poor old Slave got from all of his masters !. N^xt accompanying cut' represents an Indignation Meeting at Elm-street Curch, South Nashville, Tenn., where this *‘1 be- long to them’’ govenor Buchanan was sevearly de- nounced, and threatened with mob violence! They declared he had brought Shame and Disgrace on the whole State ! . They declared that he spent his time at Sunday whiskey hells, and was frequently tc^irunk to at- tend to business, and yet, a deacon in the church ! The papers terribly denounced him as a trickster, • • r " —46. — - THE MEETING AT ELM-STREET CHURCH j because he had not pleased any of his masters. They say, that he, by the trickery of these oath- hound, secret -orders, got to he Govenor ! That he now sets back in his office, and has his Officials out secretly working to maintain him, by fraud and unfairmeans! That he releases too many notori- ous convicts That he let a notorious forger, Oavis, that had forged himself in the Penitentiary, forge himself out ! And worst of all the Banner says: “ All this expense would have been l avoided if the Legislature had done its duty and the >Gove- nor had not Signed inportant Laws without read- ing them ” ' • a Only think, it would fake a book as large as the largest to record the rascality, errors, and blunders of this oath-hound,? secret-order, govenor, and his hayseed, foxtail, sag'egrass, legislature ! They have gutted the Treasury, and give the gripes to all of our pocket books. — 47 . — And yet, after all this outrageous blundering dissatisfaction, mob law, and confusion, he and hfe oath-bound, secret-order ringsters, has the impu- dence of the very Devil, and added insult to injury by asking the people to still trust him. Great god, only think — the money that he and his religions, political, paternal, oath-bound, secret or- der, hayseed, foxtail, sagegrass, legislature has lost* and squandered, if made into silver barbed wire it I would fence in the whole state. He gave two thou- sand dollars to a lawyer to do a little business that j the banks offerd to do for nothing. So the Democrats Stomped the Stuffing out of Mm ; the Church gritted thir teeih, shook, their fists, and made awful mouths at 7 im, and forgot to pray for Mm ; so, the Devil and the Tricksters went right and left for Mm; the Miners at Briceville, aided and backed by the whole county of Anderson, they after petitioning, and re- monstrating to this Govetior to no relief, reached that point where forbarence ceased to be a virtue, and they rose up as a solid mob, turned out, drove away the Convicts and bio wed up the prison, and burnt up the stockades, as our above picture repre- sents. He and his religious ringsters draged me before the United States Court for Caricaturing of him and the situation in the state. Uncle Sam — 48 .— however, looked down on the wretched momixed up affairs of the State, and smilingly consoled him- self by releasing me and saying: “ Well it’s an old saying, there i9 fools in all families; and there is Buck, just look at 7 im, he is the biggest fool 7 ive got. And the very night after I was released, an aw- ful mob, of thousands of infuriated citizens of Da- vidson County, attacted the Jail, tore down the gates, doors, shot the guards, and mobed a lot of prisoners, and the Govenor was there ! and was heard to say, boys, boys, listen to me ! But, no one would listen to him . This is the Circular that waked them up, and caused my arrest and trial ; and tll'ey en tended to imprison and ruin me! TO *the Senate and the House of Representatives, and to the Attorney General, and Govenor of Tenn- essee. For years your predecessors have disregarded our Constitution in toto ! And you have done the same so far ! Col. Savage forewarned you Smart Elecks of this wretched state of affairs. Declaring that the Legislature had no right to hire out the convicts or to make a law to extend beyond two years. It is this disregard for our laws by you that is fast de moralizing our people ; and forbearance has ceased to be a virtue, and mob violence has to be resorted too in setf defence; and you bet, God is always to be found with David ! So you need nolonger con- sole your galling gizzards with the delusive dogma “ That the greatest good to the greatest number is right. 77 Every human being has his Constitulion- al Rights, and none of vour ordinances is Law if it Conflicts with the Constitution ! Nor will God protect you in the enforcing of it, but he will turn you over to David Damnation just ascertain as this state of affairs continue? How much Dynamite do you suppose there is now in the State of Tennessee? GENTLEMEN are you aware that only ONE man could step down to any of our drug stores, and purchase just THREE ingredien s that OLD WOMEN use for dyeing, and in one hours time, have enough Dynamite made to blow your little Militta to eternity ? Dont you remember the ru- mored earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in our mountains? Only think! this — Our Bob — ever since his term was up, has been shrieking around the State with an old tiddle trying to again rase a wind, and as he could not, he anounced to lecture on fools! But, ah, alas, presum pteous Bob ! you are only a political mummy ! And your royal success- or Buck, after the stuffing was stomped out of him then the Alliance picked up what was left of him and run him for the second term, and thank God ! he never carried a single county ! t Had I not been one of the number of free men that you smart Elecks have Outlawed I would be mum. But, for you, when threatened, and forewarned, to thus knowing- ly make a more infernal set of royal class laws than your bruder Bob did is damnable ! This picture rop^ resents his would like to be Cock of the walk — a trio of royal, religious, me- ^^dical quacks, of his own creation! A headless, senseless, quack of a goose. The people he says have not got sense enough to choose their physician, lie places us in the hands, and at the mercy of a set of fool quacks ! He and they show their infamy by wanting a law to force people to employ them, and them only, go it is quack ! religion! medicine and politics! — 50 . — YES, quack! quack! quack! goes Gov. Taylor’s / royal, medical, goose of* a would like to be King A divine favored triune dictator, or a three head- ed goose ! This goose is only one of the many, many un- constitutional laws Gov. Taylor, Buchanan, and Turney have signed! They Know Our Con'* stitutioiis positively for- bids Religious, Medical, or, any Class laws ! They know that Our Constitution says^: u Full faith and credit shall be given in each state to the public records of ev- ery other state. That citizens in each state shall be entitled to all the privileges ot cit- iz ins in the states. That perpetuities and. monopo- lies shall not be allowed. That you are not to be made to observe any Religious ordinance, or rule.” Yes, they know that any body has got as good a right to practice their politics, religion, medicine, and to choose their day for rest, as they have to do any thing . Yes, each of these good, religious Govenors have been remonstrated with, shown the unjust, unfair, unprecedented, and uneonstitutionality of these laws. And they and the legislature have been pe- titioned to repeal all such laws; but, enstead of do- ing so they enact more! So, what hope is there for us when those empewered with the making, and executing of our laws are our greatest blunders hypocrite, and our vilest law breakers? «** • — 51. — History and experience, tell us that nearly all improvements, discoveries have beeu given to us by some common Arab, Negro, Indian, or Individ- ual. Opposed and persecuted by — this self-same- goose headen re- ligious set, that is all the time quacking around our Conns, ♦ Congress, and Legislatures as this cut represents. It’ they were only allowed to use just what they, what their goose headed set have gotten up they would be a thousand years behind! and iiave nothing bett- er to offer man than the white Elephant, a sacred Bull, a pack Camel, a climbing Laina, Afri- can Slavery, an involuntary Bond or Tax Slave, horse shoe, cross mark, lioodo, I hear e so, politics, religion, and medicine. It was they that betrayed your sacred weaknesses, and infirm- . ities, that by law you are forced to confess, and to oncover to the whole workh It was they that made that unconstitutional law for- cing you to employ them in every case of measels, or pay a fine and be imprisoned ! It was they that forced an illegal and unconstitutional clause in our Census Law that forced everybody to uncover and expose their saerid rights ami secrets to the public, to he Published to the world— tiius placing you in the power of, and at the mercies of any devil that might choose to devour you ! Some Govenors have been man enough not .to sign such laws, and some have been repealed, while our higher courts are all the time busy repealing them ! April, 1889, this self-same goose healel. set, past Senate bill 79, that declares none but Allopaths, Homeopaths, and Electrics, shall practice medicine! — 52 . — Thus was conglomerated a strange mixture of Infa- my — a three headed qu ick; opperated in the name and by illegal state laws ! This debars four or more schools of their rights and privileges. Tais debars every citizen of their liberty to choose from four or more well and long estabelished schools of medicine ! or to even choose a physician ! All of this is infamous and unlawful! And yet, Gov. Taylor, not only willingly, but in a few minuts, made this infamous law ! It was he that appointed Mr. Allop ith, Homeopath, and Ec- lecticopath, as Inquisitorial Generals, and placed the powers of our Officers and Courts at their com- mand, with as absolute monarchal povtfers as has the Emperor of R issia! Thus establishing a Mon- archy, in a Republic! from which there is no re- course! nor appeal! For when they notified me of their law, and or- dered me to obey it; that is, renounce rriv School of Medicine, turn hvpocrit, turn a lying truckling, quack! or leave the State ! And when I appealed to Gov. Taylor, for a redres, he informed me I had none! And advised me to submit to this awful three headed monstrosity! A QUOCK ! I then appealed to Legal advise and . was informed that as I was Graduated an M.'D., in New York, and that not only did this protect ' me, but, the United States, and the State CONSTI TUTIONS protect me from such discriminations, and grants any body as good a right to practice medicine as have Gov. Tay lor’s god-favored three! The above cut gives them another defeat, and re- % buke. Last week these Infernal Old Infamous — 53 . — quacks tried to inforce their infamous registration laws on Dr. Crane, of Bradford, Pa., but got their gizzards choked out of ’em as our preceding pic- ture represents. Dr. Crane would not register, and the courts decided that he was not obliged too. Golly, a Crane has got more sense than a goose! Yes, anv set of men that would discriminate and trample underfoot Constitutions that they have sworn to protect, as these Govenors have done, are simpley no men at all. And any set of men that cannot stand honest and fare competition without monkeying with the Legislature, the Church, Con- gress and the Courts, had better openly ‘jine in with the Pope, the Preast, and the Preachers, and deny a Free Government as they do. Yes, deny a free souverignitv and free salvation, and force an- other Infamous Inquisition, for this is the sum, substance, and intention of these paternal class laws; as all party, and religious laws are. This cut represents this goose headed se t ihey are always at all public gatherings, as meetings and bury- ings, consulting as to what must be done to Mr. so and so. This Coxite class be- come so provokingly a- noying at our Legislatures and Congress, that they had to be arrested, fined and imprisoned. A stan- ding army guards our Capitol9 now to keep dowu these religious cranks, or no business can be done. They, a few evil designing rascals, collect up ar- mies of fools, in all parts of the states, and march to the Capitols, and demand that their ideis be en- acted into laws. Finaly they learned a little sense, got tired wati ng for Christ, d roped hi9 name from their banner, and skedaddled. And all this is the fruits of religion. ; —54.— When I was a student of medicine it was bleed, blister, scarify, cup, leach, puke and purge ; and ifi this failed to kill yovi, then you were starved to death — not allo.wed your necessary food and water, never washed, scrubed, or bathed only when they went to bury you . Our first friends were the steam and water doctors. They taught and treated the people belter. And now t lie great avenue to health leads to Watering Places, and not to Drug Places ! Old Doctor Allopathy, and his two sons, Homeo- pathy and Ecleeticopathy, are inear Drummers for some Drug Store, or Nostrum ! And yet, Dr. All- opathy gives Poison Oak, Strychnine, Aconite, Foxglove, Henbane, Jimpson-weed, and every vile poison known to man, as medicine! And from their poisons none never recover ! Dr. Homeo. path and Dr. Foleoticopath gives precisly these same awful poisons ! So where is your choice, or friend fair Tennessee? So, I am not surprised at the suggestion, that the portraits of these infamous Govenors be hung face to the wall and their infamous record pasted cn their backs ! Just as I was going tq press with this book I was arrested with a United States warrant, charged by Gov. Buchanan and his hayseed, foxtail, sagegrass legislature of sending unmtilable matter to them, through the mail . This was Sep. 14th. 1891. The case was examined by our postmaster, Asa Faulk- ner, a U. S. Co trim ssioner, who said he had not read my Circular, and proceeded to read it aloud to all present. He then bound me ouer in a five hun- dred dollar bond, which I managed to give, and kept out of j lit, just what they did not expect, from the fact that Patterson, Faulkners brother-in. law, a drunken Prohibitionist, that was once ar- rested for an attempt to rape a little girl, an or- phan, one of my near neighbors; he whispered it a round to one Mr Morton, that Fleteh Woodward was in jail ! showing that it was a wilful, malicious and a premeditated attact by the Faulkners, to a- gain injure and imprison me ! —55.— r The point I want noticed is that this Complain- ant, prosecuter, persecutor, Asa Faulkner, was the willing witness, the postmaster that committed the error, if any, for the express purpose of making an offense so he could have a case, for he was the Com- missioner that had to try the case! And then ma- king out that he had not read my Circular or Infi- del Literature, when he had a month before, secre- tly tried to stop it, by complaining to the Postoffi- ce department at Washington, and was informed that we had as good rights to the mails as he oi*, any party, clique, church, or order ! So, in my opinion, this Christian Saint, Asa Faulkner, is an awful purgerod, prose-percecuting witness, and had these three hayseed, foxtail, sage- grass legislators to play their part for him. Now, as this hayseed, foxtail, sagegrass legisla- ture had made an unc institutional law, saying no school of medicine shall practice but the old drug 1 schools ! And as I had been ordered to renounce , my conscience, and disown my school of medicine, or leave the State! I kicked as the preceedidg cir- culars show, and then they Lave kicked as I have r just told ! Our Constitutions make it my DUTY, as well as my PRIVILEGE, to apply to those invested w th the powers of government for a redress of grieve- J ances, by address or remonstrance. Saying that I the Printing Press Shall be Free to every person to examine the proceedings of the Legislature, or of}' any branch, or Officer of the Government. About the first of October, 1891, Asa Faulknerj showed me a letter from Attorney General Rhum saying that the Attorney General at Washington had decided that my Infidel Literature was maila- ble. This fact Asa knew when lie had me arrest- ed, and pretended to try the ease, and bound mj over; and he kn^w also, that he had submitted my case to the Authorities at Washington, and that they had ordered him to let me alone. And when Attorney General Rhu n, of the U # S. •1 — 56. — Court, at Nashville, Term., was Officially notified then he illegally persisted in persecuting me, and ‘forced an Indictment. And I was officially inform- ed that my case was' set for trial the 5th. day of Nov. 1891. My case was called late that day, and put off on an excuse, no appearance of their witnss- es. The Attorney General then with all the impu- dence of a Falstaff, having the exact stature of old Dogberry, asked me why l had published Mr. Asa Faulkner. I said, I have not. , He then produced some of the unfinished proof-sheets of this book. I asked, where did you get that? It is my stolen property! Then he replied, I have stolen proper- ty in my possession have I? Yes, said I, dont you see the book is not finished ? It has been stolen from my office, from behind my counter, and from my desk ! And I seen and know the thief ! Exit — I then appealed to the Judge, saying that they had a Cut an l Dried Case against me, and have put it off with the hope of Jailing me ! They know that I have no way of making a bond here ; and as soon as it reaches home that I am in Jail they^ this Infamous set entend to Arrest my two sons, minors, and charge them with something terable md Jail them ! This is their program, and may it displease your honor! The Judge told me to go home and to ask the same man to go my bond. I iid so. And it so happened that we had to go to his thief, and perjured Asa Faulkner to give the oond. I then asked Asa Faulkner where he got those proof-sheats of my book that he had given ihe Attorney General ? He said he bought the book from Will Maupins. [then went and brought Maupins to him, and Maupins told him no sir. I sold you a different book, and not a piece of a book. I then carried Maupins before the Grand-jury and indicted Faulkner for Grand Larceny, and I would have prosecuted him if our Attorney Gener- al, Whitson, had not been exposed in open court, by a Wild Cater, one Tom Drake, who informed the Court, Jury and the people, that he had sold —57.— the Att’y Gen. Whitson Wild Cat Brandy ! Thif thrown hint into Asa Faulkners hands, and I los- my case. And this rascally Att’y Gen. Whitsoi was so unpopular that he dared not run for a sec ond term, and his Assistant, Fairbanks, made i vigerous canvass, a poor race, and got beat. Early Friday April the 29ih, 1892, my case wa, again called in the Federal Court, at Nashville Tenn. My hypocritical Christian persecutors wer on hand, in full force. Their galling gizzards wrea! j n g for my blood! Alone! alone! without oil kind human friend to council, or to console, I am wered ready, for I never felt better ! I inforrne the Judge that I had neither council nor witnesses This was so sweet and savory to them ! What cunning chuckle excitingly went through the! demon gizzards ! A kind sympathising faced Ger tlcman quicklev tendered me his service, but, told him that he did not know tne. O, that make no difference, said he. Yes, said I, but I do nc know you ! The Attorney General proposed to the Jud* that he would act as my council. I accepted hin the Att’y Gen. as my Attorney ! He then, rath arguingly, introduced the case to the Court, in shape that would have made me guilty, under h Catholic construction of the law ! So, I kicked And informed the Judge that I not only denied ti charges in to to, but, I now was prepared to pro' that I did not mail the Circulars as charged in tl ' Indictment; and if I had, they were malable! ai that Mr. Faulkner and the Alt, y Gen. was knot ing to these facts; for our postmaster l,ad orders mail them, and he and the Nashville postmast mailed them, amd charged me extre postage, at then to cap the climax of infamy they remaih then from the Nashville office to the Capitol, at they made me pay them another postage ! I Things began to fizz and fry now. The Attorm GeneraT called a lot of witnesses, the Govenor, t States Att,y Gen., some Legislators, Postmastei 58 Inspectors, Detectives, etc. And, he failed to prove that I mailed them, or, that they were unmailable. As their main prose-persecuting witness, Asa Faulkner, their double-barreled witness — a post- master and a commissioner — denied that he, or his assistant, ever did recieve any such orders! I then turned to my council, the Att’y General, and asked him if he did have an Official Letter from Wash- ington, declaring Asa Faulkner did have orders to let me alone, and to send my Infidel Literature on? as Mr. Sager, his assistant, had told Mr. Crow and myself? O! in surprise, the Att’y General asked, you dont aim to make a witness out of me? O, yes ? said I, slapping him on the shoulder, you are my Attorney, and I must have that letter! Come John dont go back on your client ! He seen that he was fairly caught in his Council Trap, and after the Ju- rors and the Judge demanded it he produced it and the Judge immediately released me! Long live the Judge! Asa Faulkner, their double-barreled, prose- perse- cuting, postmaster, and commissioner, a willingly perjured witness, seeing that he was caught, said ,a preacher got him to write to the department to /get my Infidel Literature declared unmailable, but, i he nor Mr. Sager, his assistant, never did get any answer! B. Mr. Sager, his assistant, in- formed Mr. Crow and myself, that they did get or- ders to send my Infidel Literature on ! Yet, had [ t not caught the prose-persecuting Att’y General in l t my council trap, I would have been made out a li- lar! For there was a liar in the bunqh, and he was j proven to be Ase Faulkner ! He was contradicted * by their own Attorneys ! by his assistant ! by Mr. Houchens, by Mr.Maupins, by myself, and by him : seif! Verily, verily, I would not believe him on ' oath is what I heard some offiicial Gentlemen say, i on the streets the other day, and they were talking I about other official business, not mine ! So, say I I also, Gentlemen ! T E. Settle, the postoffice inspector witness, said he withdrew from the Tullahoma office a pack of my Adam Porwigle Circulars. And lie considered them the most original literature in existence, and nothing like them ! He knew nothing of the Truth Seeker, Investigator, Iron Clad Age, Puck, New York World, or, that there was a Liberal or an Infidel Literature! And yet he is an Inspector ! t®* FOUR TIMES ! have my life, liberties and property, and that of my home, and family, have been attacted and unreparably injured by the Fau- kners! ! ! ! My loss! my long suffering ! and that of my poor, stinted, and half starved family— from this life-long, relentless, Faulkner persecu- tion — is beyond description! ♦ In Sep. 1362, Sam Henderson, Tip Faulkner’s father-in-law, and Tom Argo, their relative, char- ged that Livley & Harmon had made me some en- graving blocks, and I had used them te counterfit money! Livley & Harmon swore this! But, ah! alack ! I produced the blocks, and proved by D. F. Wallace that he used them for me in printin fa Bo- tanical Book. So, down they went and out of Jail I came; but at the lo3S of my hard earned home, aud considerable suffering, the loss of time, money and all was nothing to the damage done my char- acter; and an eternal devil that it forced into my soul that time does not efface! No! it intensifies this venom; and eternity will not fjrgive! For I am certain there is no such a thing as forgiveness in this life, nor the life hoped for ! Forgive ? It is a misnomer, a cheat, a Christian fraud ! Again, in March 1864, this Sam Henderson and his son-in-law, Tip Faulkner, had turned from Rebels to Yankees, and now report me to Col. Gil- bert, the 19th. Michigan, U.S. A. Infantry, as a very dangerous charac»er! That I delt in Counterfit money, vulgar pictures, bogus inlistments and bo- gus bounties, and wasa spy, etc ! I was arrested, and immediatly rushed off and ramed into a mili- tary prison! My place of business, my home and — 60. — family was searched and not a trace of evidence, much-less proof was found 1 I told the Col, that they had played this game ou me with the Rebels, in 1862. That they were Rebels when the Rebels were here and yankees when the yankees were here ! So, down they went, and out of the Guard* house I came ! With couciderable loss of money, time and property ! That led to a premature death of my wife and child l^-they being driven out of their home, by the Rebel Soldiers, on that cold, cold bitter snowy night, and the child down with the measels, and EVERY thing that we had on earth was taken ! and that which they could not take they piled in the center of the house and set fire to it! while the Drunken Rebel Demon’s with their Bayonets shouted, staggared, and jobed around like demons from the regions of the darned ! In Nov. 1873, this same everlasting Tip Faulk- ner and his uncle Louis Faulkner, charged me with and prosecuted me for the murder of Enoch Oook- sy; their kinsman ! That was killed at a whore house that he frequented ! I was turned off the In- quest and a crosseyed Faulkner put in my place. ,1 was arrested and ramed in an awful cold, dark,fil- they old jail, and denied bail ! My house was thor- oughly seached, and the whole world ramsacked for near two years, and not one ray of evidece, nor proof was found ! So out of jail I came, after ex- hausting another hard earned home, and pileing up on me an awful forced debt ! And now after 18 years of awful predudice, sin stint, deprivation, anxiety, fear, grief, suffering, death, and yawning, premature, pauper graves! that God made us fill ! so the preachers say ! After all this has rolled its relentless wheels over me ! and my humble home and family — and we owe no man — and no evidence, much-less proof, comes up for them, these good Christians, to thus continue their persecutions, by declaring I am an awful, aw- ful man, and sure for hell ! It is the Christ- ian hell that has been eterualy set up in them, for they know not justice, honor, nor forgiveness ! — 61 . — And now, in the summer of 1891, we hear of Asa Faulkner as soon as he was made Postmaster wri- ting to the Postmaster General to have my Infidel Literature declared unmailable ! I found him ex- tra snappish, crabbed, and extra expensive to me. He refused me to exchange a few stamps, saying it was against tiie law, and in a few minutes after he made the exchange for another person, for my ver- y same stamps In another case, he declares such is the law, when it was not, and he was corrected at two dollars expense to me. Then to cap the climax he bound me over in a five hundred dollar bond on a circular that he had been Officially notified to let pass, and at the same time he was declaring his sympathy for me, and that he had not read my cir- cular and winldngly proceeded to read it to all. Now, I knew that he had read my circular, and that he was secretly trying to stop it and my Infi- del or Liberal Literature! And the last I saw of him the morning he started for Nash ville, to pre. sent me to the Grand Jury was at Massie’s Saloon- Aptat se pugno ! Now, mv erring fellow man, charity should begin at home, stay and end at home with this Faulkner family. For I am certain if they will bring their own erringselves to trial that they will not have any time to hown me from my cradle to my grave! Bo it is with my Literature, worse always has, and is passing through the mails, so why single out me? When I started my Literature, Me Minn ville had seven or eight Christian churches, and as many no- toriously public bawdy-houses ! Who dared to open their mouth but my Literature? Who secured to • A you the privilege of being your-own witness, if my Literature did not ? A privilege that you nor I did not enjoy until after my third trial in 1874! My Liberal or Infidel Literature alone petitioned and remonstrated for this the greatest privilege known to a poor man. And now, my envious, jealous, hateing, tattling, crazy Christians that cant see how l always have plenty of money, I will say that I work for it, that -62.- / / y I do not credit nor ask for credit beyond a spanked- up security ! To illustrate — in the winter of 1876, after working in snow and ice all week, I strug- gled on foot through snow and ice 18 inches deep, for 12 miles! I reached home with my boots fro- zen to my feet and legs! and found F.M. Smith, a Lawyer, wating for his part of my hard earned nionev ! that I owed him for defending me against the Faulkners! MM i Mm 0 « O! my God! on- ly think of that destitute and des- olate home, and suffering family that one winter out of 18 others! Only 50 cents fell to our part after that week of aw- ful struggle, in snow and ice! Twenty five ce’is we spent lor corn meal and 25 cents for soup bones, to sustain life tor another tearful week ! Now, my hate- in gl 'a |tU "g’ hy p P‘, ' ocrits, if vou will do likewise you too, wbi soon pay yutti hones debts, hate and tattle less, and tell fewer lies. The above cut represents Old Popular Opinion giving Old Crucifiction a hit of his mind. Look here Old Crucifiction, if this fellow Woodward is guilty of half what these Faulkners say then he is the sharpest rascal on earth. At any rate, as the thing has developed its self they had better let him alone or some body might suspicion them . \ Yes, be who undertakes to protect, shield, and defend a lot of evil designing blunders, blunders himself worse; and makes an ass of himself! So, blander on ye high and ye low officials— yes, by jo blunder all your life — at the peoples extra expense, and like your Jew pap Adam, and your Jew Jesus, lay it on your gods, or on your devils, or on Torn Walker, or your wife. THE TWO PICTURES— The following is a truthful statement, and it is graphically illustra ted by the two following cuts. The first cut rep- resents Jesus and the Christians when not in pow- er; or when they see no way to enforce their religion ! The next cut represents them in power, and carrying out the hell that is in them ! They are blood thirsty cowardly demons; and that is the kind ofagod they worship! The next cut shows how they stabbed our Revolution- ary Fathers, and now our de- fenders ! u The Beast is dead and landed in hell, ” is the language of the Nashville American of Jan. 1893! in speaking ol the death of Gen Butlar, a noble t Id Union soldier ! The Representatives of all religions, from all pai ls of the world while speak- ing in the World’s Congress of all religions, poured forth their withering condemnations of the Crimes of Christians— saying : “The Christian Mission- aries have always come to os with soldiers, bayo- nets, swords, muskets, cannon, opium, whiskey, tobacco, and instruments of torture! They robed, murdered, and destroyed us t an all in the name of God 1 ” —64.— 44 Christianity seems to contain, within itself, the very elements of self-contradiction; and of course, as we might naturally expect, the history of the Christian Church is a history of contradiction. On the one hand, Chris- tianity is an innocent lam b, 44 a lamb slain from be fore the foun dation of the world, a lamb led to the si a ugh ter, or as a sheep be- fore its shear ers, it is dura b, and opens not its mouth as is represented dy the cut on the opposite page. On the other hand, it is a lion, “the lion of the tribe of Judea, ” a beast of pr«y, with all theferos- Ity of a tiger, as is shown in the above cut ! Yes, at one moment, it is all love and peace, and a peace- maker; and at another, it tied a rest Think not t at I am come to send peace on earth, no ! I came not to send peace ! but a sword, Matt., x., 34. ; an he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one, Lu. xxii, 36. I am come to send fire on this earth, Lu. xii, 49. Follow me and I will make you FISHERS of men, Matt, iv, 19. And to do this, he, Jesus, the Christians Jew man god, says you must HATE every thing, and every body, and hate even your father, mother, wife, children, brethren, sisters, yea, you must hate your own life, and love ONLY sweet Jesus, Lu. xtv, 2b> ^ ‘ We might continue the contradictions ; but we have surely given enough. Now what else can be expected from crazy beings and such contradictory elements than what the world has wofully experi- enced?. History is but a practical comment upon them ; that condemn them, for by their fruits we know them . When Christianity, or any kind of religion, is weak, either as a whole, or as any praticular sect ? it is all meekness, all humility, all patients, all love all charity! But the very moment they are strong, either in their own strength, or by the aid of the Strong Secular Arm, power, or Authority of the Government, she is filled with unrelenting cruelty 1 No crimes are too base for her to commit ! No tortures are too cruel for her to inflict See our leading References. / j READING REFERENCES — Are here given as proof for what I have said in this book. It is not necessary to go further than their own bible ! No, it is not necessary to quote from the history of the world, page after page of proof, for enough has been heard from their own mouth, not only to con- demn, but also, to eternally dam it ! GENESIS. — LEARNING GOOD and EVIL fron the Devil — the God of this world, caused the god of the Christians to become Envious, Jealous, and ‘cussin’ mad, so he cursed this world’s god, the world, and man! He placed the curse of pain, sick- ness and labor upon you, iii, 17, 22, 23! RELIGION caused the first enmity, and the first born man to commit murder, iv, 4, 2, 8, 23. And the fair daughters of man seduced the sons of god, vi, 2. JEALOUSY limited mans life, vi, 3, and de- stroyed man and the earth, 13! TELLING theJTRUTII caused the CURSE of SLAVERY to be put on man, ix, 25 ! The Jew’s and the Christian’s god’s judgement and morality gets worse I He rewardeth sin and crime! and chooses liars, whores, whoremongering tramps, vagabonds, and thieving murders, and he himself a party to sin and crime, and rewards one — 66 .— his followers, for the very crimes he condemns, and killed others for! xii, 1, 13. xv, xvi, 15. xviii, xix, 4, 8, And their god destroyed the men of Sodum and Gomorrah because they were trying to uphold morality, law, order and chastity, and he, god, up- held old drunken Lot and his whoreing girles in their whoredom, and wickedness ! Lot says take my two daughters that has never known a man ! and let these wicked men go! and as they would not, then god burned them up! and old Lot used his own girles ! Reader the rest of the book is worse than this — xix, 8 ! 32 to 38! xxv, xxx, xxxiv, xxxviii! EXODUS.— 1c, 22. 2c, 12. 7c, 20. 12c, 29. 13c, 2. 14c, 28. 32c, 27. Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, Put every man his sword by his side, and go in and out from gate to gate throughout the camp, and SLAY every man his brother! and every man his Companion ! and every mao his neighboi !! ! LEVITICUS.— 13c, 46. 14c, 17c, 7. 18c, 3. 20c 24c, 14. But the seventh year shall be a sabbath of rest unto the land, a sabbath for the Lord : thou shalt neither sow thy field, nor prune thy vineyard, 25c, 4. Hoodoo! doo! do>! NUMBERS.— 15c, 36. 16c, 1 to 50. 21c, 1 to 35. 25c, 1 to 18. 26c, 10. ^32c, 1 to 54. 32c, 39 to 41. 33c, 50 to 36. Kill all! except the women chil- dren, that have not known a man by lying with him, these keep alive for yourselves, 3ic, 18. ! DEUTERONOMY* — According to this book, a ^od, and an awfu one! is still with these nasty, religious wretches, and the twentieth chapter tells us, that it is God that goeth with them, and fights for them! ii, 25, 31 to 37. iii,lto29. vi, 2 to 5, 20 to 25. xii, 29. xiii, 16. xx, 4. xxi, 11. xxviii, 27 to 32, and the 68 verse says you shall be sold and no buyer. How is this for high ? See full page cut. JOSHUA. — Worse, and worser. They, the Jews and their god, goes pards with a whore, ii, 12 to 18 —67.— and takes an oath from her ! Thev arc fortv years starving to death in a wilderness, in sight of a land flowing milk and honey and fritters on every tree, v, 6. vi, 17 to 21, to 25. vii, viii, 1 to.35. x, 1 to 43. xi, 1 to 23. xiii, 1 to 33. xxii, 8. JUDGES. — The first chapter of this book tells us at the 19 verse, that the Lord, old Juda, and their nasty set, could not whip the people of the valley ! Then, in the fifth chapter, at the fifth verse, they tell us that this same Lord was so powerful that he shook down the heavens, and melted Mount Si- nai ! Yet, no one misses Mount Sinai ! Then immediatly at sixth chapter, fifth verse, we are toid that they and their god was nothing com- pared to the Mideonites ; that they could not count them, nor their camels ! i, 1 to 36. iii, 1 to 31. iv, 1 to 24. v, 5. vi, 5. vii, 2, 12, 25. viii, 10 to 30. ix, 18 to 54. x, xi, xii. xv, 14, 15. So, on it goes, this book ot RELIGIONS ! re- cording tragedy after tragedy, just like we see and hear from crazy drunken fools in a poliece court! Read of Royalism and Onanism in 3Sc of Gene- sis ! See what a lesson the 30, 34, and 38th chapters of the first book of this King’s bible learns our sons and daughters ! Read of Abraham’s ONLY begot- ten son at Hebrew, 11c, 15. Then ask Hagar the servent girl about it at Gaiations, 4c, 22. Ask Ke- turah his concubine about it at 1 Chronicles, lc, 32, and you will find he had many a son! Only read of his brother Lot and his girls, at 19c, 36, of Genesis! Of Jaeob and Rachel, not at the well, no, but, in a tangle with the servent girl, xxx, 3, of Genesis ! of Noah drunk and naked, at ix, 21, of Genesis ! the ravishing of Dinah, at xxxiv, the circumcising and murdering cf the Sheckemites ! the ravishing and the murder of Er and Onan by the Lord, and old whoremongering Judah and the harlot Tamar re- warded at xxxviii of Genesis! virteons Jew Joseph the servent, and the royal queen of Egypt, in a tan- gle at xxxix, 7, because she invited him to Lie with her ! Samson and his sweethearts at Jndgas xvi, 5; — 68 .— • Robbery Commanded by the god of Abraham, ihe god of Isaac, the god of Jacob, and by the god of Moses and the Hebrews, at iii, 6, 18, 22. xii, 35, 36. of Exodus ! Universal hatred commanded at Luke xiv, 26 ! Labor and Slavery oadained as a Curse, put only upon the Adamites by their gods at Gene- sis iii, 16, 19. ix, 25. and at Exodus xx, 9. and at ^Leviticus xxiii, 3. xxv, 45, 46. and at Joel iii, 8* and at Deutaronomy xv, 17. Murder commanded at Exodus 32c, 27. Whoredurn commanded, enjoin- ed, and rewarded by this bible god at Numbers, 31 c, 18 2 and at Hosea, lc, 2. 3c, 1, 2, 3! actually sav- ing: “ And the Lord said to Hosea, Go, take unto thee a wife of whoredom! 99 Lying commanded, approved, and sanctioned by this bible god, by this god of the Christians 2 at 1 Samuel, 16c, 1, 2, Joshua, 2c, 1 to 6. James, 2c, 25. Exodus, lc, 18, 20. 3c, 22. 1 Kings, 22c, 21, 22. Num- bers, 14c, 23. Romans 3c, 7. 2 Corinthians, 12c, 16. And the bigest, and the most unreasonable Lie is that of John the bap souser. On page 63 is a like- ness of this John the bap-souser, the fore runner of an imtnaginary Savior, or Christ. Now, where in does his or Jesus’ likeness differ? and where in do they differ from the likenesses of the Indians of this countrey at that time? Neither of them were the Staudardof the good, enlightened people ex- isting on both continents at that day and time. No, you might as well say that our wandering Cow- boys are the standard of Americans 2 General Grant was awfully surprised to fiud the Chief Justice of Pagan China the most learned, or best manager on earth 2 Yes, we are told that this John the Bap-souser, in so short a time as one su miner bap-soused ALL yes, ALL Judea, ALL Jerusalem, and every body round about there! Matthew iii, 5. Mrk i, 5. Luke iii, 1 to 21. There were 7 millions of the conquerd, accursed enslaved Jews! several thous- and Roman Soldie rs !, several thousand Roman Merchants 2 several thousand Roman officers 2 sev- — 69. — eral thousand other citizens ! several thousand oth- ers “ round about there ! ” Making over a BILL- ION ! of fashionable, civilized, religious people, to be re-converted, and bap-soused in so short a time as one summer ! Now, this bap-sousing of a billion of people, by immersion, one at a time, in a little creek of a river, was no miracle ! tor John did no miracles, so say the tenth capter of St. John, at the forty-first verse! Then who told this whopping lie ! His orders to these billion of proselytes, were If you had TWO coats to give ONE to him that had none! He even told the Roman soldiers what they must do, all of which was contrary to law! Just as religionist are doing in this government to-day! And when he said the King was living in adultery he the King, instead of parting with his wives, con- cubines, and his tother coat, he sent and chopped off old imposter Johns head, and give it to one of his ballet High Kickers as a play thing ! Only think, as I have shown, this Jesus, John, and those FtSHERS of MEN ! and their follow- ers, would not ware only an old Sackcloth of a gar- ment, they did not ware one coat, much less two coats ! They were regular old professiona tramps of the dead beat type! Or fishers of men ! The idea of an old illiterate pauper vagrant, or a crazy wild man, howling out of a wilderness ; as this John, Jesus, and others did — nearly naked l nearly starved ! and only partly hid their obscenity with an old camels hair sackcloth, called a “gar- ment, r is outrageously unreasonable ! Now, this Jesus made his appearance while John was in prison and could not have been bap-soused by him, Matt, xi, 2, 3. He taught quite a different religion to John. The fifth chapter of Matthew tells us that he taught non resistance ! That if this one garment was demanded to give it without re- sistance ! To return good for evil ! 39 u I say resist not evil ! J> If smote on one cheek turn the other l Give to the borrower and beggar ! And to love your vilest enemy ! Quite a self-contradiction as I *how on page 63 and 64, where Matt, x, 34, tell us — 70 . — j he come not to send peace, no, but fire, hate and a sword! This is ail bully crawfish bate for these fishers of men! It was to prepare a way for an e- deu for beggars and tramps ! And to this day all religions are run for the victuals and drink, money and power that is in them ! A TRUE 8 TORY OF JESUS the Christians Christ, and God ! Now, Jesus and John was claim- ed, as has always been claimed, for great men, to be miraculously brought into this world, to do a certain kind of work. Yet, they were deprived of that privilege, by a contending power that has not only to this day, has it proved itself superioi, and held its own, against the combined power of these royal god chosen men, gods and devils ; but it is more on a natural balance, thus making it in harmony to the entire creation. While they aie in a perpetual war, contention, strife, bloodshed, suf- fering, self-contradiction, and an eternal hell of fire and brimstone awaites them throughout eternity ! Now, my god, these facts alone upsets all of this miraculous or divine claims, that has been claimed by every government under the sun, but ours the United States of America. Then, their claims were not new, nor out of the ordinary course of human events, no, their claims were such as had always beeu claimed by all men who sought to be a king, a ruler, or a great man. They claimed to be better, wiser and more god fa- vord than others. In fact, as perfect as God ! and a royal heir to heaven ! the selected elect! that de- clares all others reprobates, doomed and darned ! This is the foundation of all religions, or stan- dards of justice except that of these United States. And its religion, or standard of justice is, EQUAL- ITY before the Law and Privileges ! There is a pedigree, and history shows it, Tun- ing back for many generations, among the family of Jesuses. They held to this claim — a divine heir to rule, and they claimed to have the genuine law to rule; just as we see in ail governments to-day ! —71.— This government is in just precisely this lament- able fix to-day ! There are many parties, cliques, churches,, and secret oath bound orders that are seaking to run and rule this nation on just such un- just claims, as a god favord few ! There were three Jesuses, and the one that the Christians claim as their man-god, savior, or Christ himself never drempt, or thought of such absurd- ities, as being worshiped as God ! No, but only a mediator for his own conquered, and lost people! Matthew, his first witness, tells us at x, 5, 6, 7, that he said to his disciples, “Go not to the Gen- tiles, and in to the cities of the Samaritans enter not. But go to the lost sheep of Israel.” Yes, this same witness tells ns at the xv, 26, that all others are mear dogs! Then his fourth witness, St.John, tells us at i, 11, that “ lie came unto his own, and his own recieved him not. ” No, but they killed him, for high treason, for violating the laws of the god of their fathers, and the la \ s of their countre\ ! The claim — u Go ye into ALL the WORLD and preach the gospel to every CREATURE, ” is not of Jewish origin, no, nor the origin, nor the wish of any other rase of people but the Usurpers of the Roman Empire — the Constantine Catholics! This Universal or Catholic, believe or be darned, religion, originated at the time the Roman Empire claimed to know, own, and to controle the whole world! While the Jews claimed dimetricallv the % opposite; a special god-elect of themselves only! Yet, the facts are, they at that time, knew ab$o» lutely nothing about the Russians, the Chinese, the Arabians, the Africans, the Australians, nor the vast, vast American Empires, that was then in ex- istence, and further advanced in the sciences and arts than they. Romes greatness was not equal to the American Governments at their imputed dis- covery ! All of which is a Catholic lie! It was the introduction of the Printing Press from the AtneriV kas, by Vespucius, a Florentine Liberal, into Italy, with maos, in a printed book, that he published on *' - 72 - / 2 - ^ his return from South Amerika, that soquickley * made it knowu one to the other ! Then it was that this imputed discovery of the Amerikas was hatched up by the European and the Roman governments; and their subjugation ac- complished by their combined intrigue and treach- ery ! Their meddlesom insolence and arrogance is worse than their fathers, the accurst Jews, and like them they have become a shame, a disgrace, and a reproach to the whole known world ! This Jesus never drempt of being worshiped no more than Moses. Tie was trying to free his en- slaved people from Rome, just as Moses had done from Egypt. Constantine the last of the Cezars . . done this! And the first Catholic church had no Pope, a very presumpteous, blasphemous imposter! A fellow that claims to be god ! as much so, as was claimed for this man Jesus! The apostles never heard of a pope, nor his creator a lot of bishops ! Constantine started the original catholic church in Africa, under the controie of a lot of bishops, it was his bishops of Rome that broke off from this original, [so called], catholic, or Christ’s Church ! and originated a pope, an absolute monarch, or a man-god, to take the place of this man-god Jesus ! All of this and yet no Roly Bible! The idea of a Bible, a Pope, and Bishops was not hatched up at Rome until after the Conquest, jmd Subjugation of Mexiko, Centrael, and South Amer- ika! Not till they had become masters of their im- mense wealth and learning ! And as the Original Scriptures were written in Hieroglyphics of the an- cient Aztecs! this made their translation by their conquors an utter impossibillity! THEN, what is the Holy Bible of the Jews and the Christians? Authentic history tells us that it is only a collection of old fables and traditionary le- gends, or lies, robbed from the Alexandrian Libra- ry, in Egypt, by this Constantine, King of the Ro- man Empire — and bound in one book, and called— the Book of books, from tha fact, that the Ameri- kans, Arabians, Africans, Brittons, Chinese, Egyp tians, and all nations had their Holy Bibles, long, long before Moses, Jesus, Constantine, or this King James was thought of ! This Roman King sent forth his presumed Di- vine Decree declaring all other Bibles, or Sacred books profane ! impious! lies! and must be de^ stroyed! He, with the mighty Roman army, fire, torture, and the sword ! started out to DESTROY all other Bibles, and books, histories, fables, tradi- tions, learning and records, and to enforce his upon the, presumed, whole world ! He destroyed all institutions of learning ! he burned the Alexan- | drian Library, and all institutions of learning in all parts of the then known world ! Their object was to destroy all former records and to place them- selves as the god given, and god.chosen boss of the whole world! They put to death all who opposed or even doubted his authority being divine! this was done wherever they could throughout the then known world ! thus causiug the DARK and IG- NORENT age of the world ! This Religionists done in every land under the sun, till stoped by our Liberal, or Infidel Govern- ment — the United States of North America; the only government under the sun that wont let re- ligionists murder themselves and you and me ! Thank God this Infamous fool and his mighty army of Christians were ANIHILATED in a war with the Arabians, who claimed the right to pro- tect themselves, their homes, and their Sacred wri- tings, their arts and sciences, and all institutions of learning which the Christians were fast destroying ^ Their excuse for destroying all other Bibles, and books was that God so decreed ! But down went this mighty, self stiled, god sent Greek and Roman Empire and its falce god and absurd bible ! Their men w ere all Jslaughterd; Constantine himself di- ed not “ On the field of battle,” as Christians loud^ ley sing, no, but he ignoinineosly fled from their field of battle, inside his fortified god set up throne — 74 .— where he and his mighty army of Christians, per- haps a million, was slaughtered ! Their women and children were turned into slaves and the prisoners were fed’ to the dogs, hogs, tigers, and lions! See full page cuts of this and the Greek Slave ! the Jew Slave! the Christian's Slave ! and the Slaves of parties, cliques, churches and secret orders! Yes, after their destruction the world enjoyed an age of peace, such as never was known on earth before ! And this is what the Christians style the dark ag< s ! Hundreds of years after an English King, Jim the Simpleton, collected up the fragments of this set of Jew and Roman Idiots, taking part from this that, or the other would be, or self styled words of God, just such as suited him and rejecting the rest ! So there is not one word of this Jew, Roman, Eng- lish King's Bible that is original or genuine ! much- less the work of an Almighty God ! Thus while England was re-forgeing the Slavery Fetters and horrid chains of Religion, the Yankee Americans we*e re-building the Signal Fires of Liberty, Freedom End Independence ! This King Jim's Jew Bible and Jew Jesus was Forced upon us by all the horrible torture known to tire and the sword ! Even in this free and en- lightened nation until Washington, the great Arch Devil, as the church called him, aud his Infidel Devils, whiped this self-styled King of God's and drove them and their church back to England, and tii -their stead set up a government of the People and not of the king's, god's and devil's ; no, but the first and only just and free government under the sun, for ail prior governments claimed to be for the gods, from the gods, and by the gods! And they enforced all manner ot religion, slavery, robbery, murder, all ip the name of God ! We have hundreds of organized religions, aud each claim to be from God, with his ouly way to heaven ! Hundreds of other religions claiming the same only way, have given way for these and are —75.—. no more ! Soon these will do the same ! Then, where is this only way? This one fact proves it a craziness ! Only think, hundreds of these crazy re- ligions, and contradictimg each other, themselves, every thing, and every body. Each having picked out of this bible just some isolated part as suits them for a creed, which is just so many sign boards tacked on one post — the cross — each one pointing out an entirely different way to heaven, and declar- ing that all of those others pointed to hell ! What is religion to one is blasphemy to the oth- ers ; that our government and all others, and all other churches are not of God, no, hut of the devil ; and must be destroyed ! That it is God’s. purpose that they, the selected elect, should make war on all others, and on us, until they annihilate us ! This makes religionists bitter, bitter enemies to our countrey, and to us as free individuals ! THE above cut represents the god of this world, Mr. Devil, and his Kings, writing the Jew-Chris- tian’s King’s^ible, and dividing the then known, or presumed all of the world — Europe, Asia and Africa, between the triune three! And it tells us at the 22 verse of the iii chapter of Gen. that it was he, Mr. Devil, the god of this world that learned us good and evil, # and not our Maker! Yes, John, our fourth witness, tells us he, Mr. Devil, is the king, prince, or ruler of the world. —76.— r } -76.— / Bee, xii, 31. xiv, 30. Yes, the xiv, 1,2,3 tells us that Jesus was done with this world, and the 30 verse tells us that Mr.Devil superseded him ! The xiii, at 33 says “ Whither I go, ye cannot come ! ” Then their last witness, Paul, at 2 Cor. iv, 4. Eph vi, 12, says that old Nick was the god of this world, and Jesus nowhere denied it. Is it not strange that their god made the world and all creation in just six days, and then he has been from that time up to now, millions of years, trying to write a bible? This one fact proves that our maker had nothing to do with it, no, but Mr. Devil wrote it with his tail as U shown on page 75. I was told when a child that a god made me and wrote the bible for me! And that it was a good and a perfect guide for me. That it contained all that mv Maker wanted me to know ! Then when I grew a man 1 was offered another edition of this bi- ble that attempted to correct several thousand of errors and self-contradictions of this first bible ! One says Job’s wife said curse? God and then die! The other says she said bless God and die! One says Samson caught three hundred foxes and tied their taile to a tire, and they run through the Phil- ^ istians corn and burnt it up. The other leaves out the foxes, and says he threw fire into the dry stub- ble and it caught on fire and burnt up their corn. So, on it goes attempting to correct their god’s devil’s and king’s first bible, by adding to, and by taking from as circumstances may suggest! The idea of three hundred, or even two foxes having their tails tied together and to a fire brand, and to run both, or all in the same direction is a lie. Then the Philistians had no corn. Corn was no4 known to the eastern continent until after that age. It was known only to the western continent, from whom this fable was stolen. It was in this way : The Cowboys, of the pampas, would make bundles of foxtail grass aud set them on fire and shoot them into the dry stubble, set it on fire, and in this way burnt up the sacred corn of the oppressive chiefs. -77.- i . ! Then, again, the Christians had nc^ r o’ >thin(r )ike a ^correct calandar till after the su bjugi cr^tion of the Amerikas. And they coaid not correctly^se. ar j a t | t to their number of feast days, or day9 for .. ^ pqtllltr drinking, and acting the fool around some ido» ; And we will never have a correct computation of time till some free, liberal minded Amerikan will arrange a calandar free from religion! The days of a week are artificial ; and you cannot tell one from the other ! Yet, we find these crazy religionists fussing, fighting, and murdering their fellow man for not being partial to some one of these god’s, holy, or lord’s days — and keep it holy to their god ! And the muddle is — there are more gods to worship than there is days in a week ! or in a year ! Day and night are natural divisions of time ; caused by the earth revolving to the sun, and any fool can tell them apart, and when to work and when to rest ! But, if you can tell when Sun- day comes, or which day is Suday, you are sharper than Jesus; for he found it then, as it is now, a dis- puted point, and he left it as he found it ! Now, as the earths revolution, on its own axi9, is various, owing to its shape and rotary motion, so, is the length of day and night, various. In fact, day never ends on ihe earth ! it is one perpetu* * • al day and sunshine on this earth ! Night is only the shade of a part of the earth, that i9 between the sun and us ! And it varies fron twelve hours to six months in length ! These facts were not know to the god 9 and the getters up of bibles ! So of a year of time. When the earth has mai. its journey round the sun, this is one year of time. This the ancient Amerikans taught, and affirmed; and the Christians denied, and held that the earth was flat, aud that the sun rose and set! Yes, they tell us, their Josh commanded the sun to stand still, and he obeyed l This is a setler ! And their Jesus taught his desciples that it was not for man to know the Times or the Seasons, Acts i, 7. or just before his return, we would only be able to know seed timeand harvest only by the green leaf. The original scriptures started with the or- iginal tribes of man in South Amerika— the Ack- teeks. They were written iu Hieroglyphics, or se- cret characters, known only to the sacred scribes, or printers- Making their interpretation and transla- tion by thieves, pirats, or eveu by their subjugaters impossible! Then the interpretation, and transla- tion of these Greek, Litin, aud Hebrew garbled guessed at interpretations are preposterous ! Then the translation of this King Jim’s English bible from the original Greek, Latin, and Hebrew is another preposterous guessed at job, Irom the facts that those languages havegon through such horrid changes, that if the old original inhabitants were to rise from the dea l they could mot read them ! They are about as correct as was the old mans understanding ot the preachers text. A vety pios old lady could not attend church, so she sent her ’ husband for the express purpose of bringing to her the text. The text was: An Angel came dowu from heaven and took a live coal from the altar. But his understanding of it was : An Ingin come down from New Haven and took a live coalt by the tail and jerked it out of the haulter. Yes, Toni Paine, one of our Revolutionary fath- ers called the worlds attention to the imperfection „f the bible. And for which the church is darning him to hell to this day ! But, O ! my God ! soon the American Baptist Bible Society claimed to have found 24 thousand mistakes in this King Jim’s Bible, that was forced upon us by fire-tor- ture and the sword ! And they asked : “ Who will plead for a bible having 24 thousand mistakes in it. This is directley contradicting this King Jim s West Minster Confession of Faith that declares, that this King Jim’s bible is Infalible, and so plain “ that not only the learned but the unlearned could understand them.” Nevertheless, the Baptist did work their racket, made them a bible that says you must be bapsoused beyond a doubt! And >et, iu — 79 . — the brightest heavenly light of their two thousand years of correcting, we yet find it a mear juiubled up mass of vicious virus, that maddens and des- troys all with in whome it reaches ! And stranger still — it has taken millions, and millions of Christian schollars, and untold billions of dollars, with all the Roman and Brittish Em- pires, with all their mighty armies of murders, and all of their awful gods and devils, and that terable j Inqusition, with its expeditions, conquests, cru- sades of terror, force and destruction, thousands of years to write, teair up, and to re-write, and to try to force this awful, vicious, obscene, ungodly and unhuman bible of errors and self-contradictions! And my God! stranger still to behold them from that awful hour when the first born man killed his I only brother, and a religious fuss caused it, and on down to this day we see them fighting and contra- dicting each other as to what it means! And stran- ger still, is it to me that any human being can be idiot enough as to thus make a beast of himself ! One says this, another says that, and they aredia- 1 metrically opposit ; yet, they all claim to be God’s 1 Infaiible Agent ! That God has given them the right to rule and to abuse you and me, placeing our mind and our mind’s salvation in their presumed divine hands, and what an awful sin for you or me to question their actions or authority. The first Jew and Roman Bibles had no vowels, and the consonants were ramed as close together as possible, not even seperated into words ! Here is the firt line of Genesis : nthbgunngdcridthhvn- ndthrth. When the vowels are supplied it is guess work; and five kind of vowels to guess at, and the right one never guessed ! Then they could not make any sense out of it un- til they put in words and explananions, and that is the use of the Italic words in the bible ; they are ' acknowledged additions ! And this fact is admit- ting the imperfection of the bible ; aud the lack of power of their god to protect it ! — 80 / ? So, is It any wonder that there is thousands of errors and hundreds of self-contradictions? Or that one says God has a lamb for a son, and that he himself is a ram, a bull, or a calf, and worship him as such? No wonder we cannot build prisons and insane asylums fast enough ! This King Jim’s bible tells us their god made us ignorent, not knowing good and evil ! Then be- cause we erred he cursed us, the world, and every living thing ! Then because we still erred he de- stroyed us, but, saved seed, however! Now, what did the blamed fool expect to gain ! Did he expect figs to grow on thistles? Did he expect corrupt seed to produce incorrupt people? Precisley so with these so styled infalible bibles, the last one is no more perfect than the first, and the first is not cor- rect, according to their own testamony ! 1 1 “ In no work that has been printed since the in- l vendor* of that art, has there been so many mis- prints figjT perpetrated as in this bible of the K I N G S!” So says the American Art Printer, < and so says Uncle Sam’s Bible ! POPE SEXTUS the V . caused an edition of the “ Vulgate” to be I published in Rome in 1500, to change it to suit his thoughts. Every proof of which he had carefully corrected himself. And at the end of the volume he affixed a bull by which he excommunicated any- one who should attempt to make an alteration in the text This book caused a good deal of amaze- ment — for the bible was found to be full of mis- takes! King Jim’s bible has many remarkable misprints and changes ! In the edition of 1634, at the xii Psalm it says: “The fool has said in his heart there is a god.” now they have it to say no god. Even the edition of Field, who was a printer to the University of Cambridge in the seventeenth century, is full of misprints. It is said he receiv- ed a present of one thousand and five hundred pounds from the independents to print “y” for ' “ w ” in the sixth vers of Acts, in order to make it the duty of the people to choose their pastors. Tn PBh the same bible in 1 Cor. vi, 9, we find : “ Know ye npt that the unrighteous shall inherit the kingdom ^ of God? ” In 1617, it was called the “ Vinegar Bi- ble,” for it said : “ parable of the vinegar. ” at Lu. xx. The omission of the negative word [not] in the commandments frequently occur. And one of the most remarkable changes is that of a brave German woman. Made to get rid of the slavery imposed on woman at iii, 16, of Gen. She inserted [not], making it say : he slall not rule over thee ! It is well known that the book of Job is of Arab origin, and much older than the Pentateuch, or the first Jew bible. There were numerous ancient sa- cred books long before Moses or the Jews was born. J The ancient Phenician city Derbia was called the book city, and wa3 subjugated by the Jews, and 1 here from Derbir, and not from Moses, nor God, was originated the first Jew bible ! From this Phoenician country the eastern con* tinent got their alphabst, and they, the Pheuicians got theirs from the Amerikas — from the Anteeks. And although their books were numerous their subjugaters appropiated them. So it was with the ancient Amerikas ; their conquors appropriated ■ their wealth and learning. So, it is an undeniable I fact, well known to all races of men, that these 1 Christians are a presumpteous, thieveing, murder- 1 ing, lying, set ! They have nothing but what they 1 got by murdering their fellow man for, and only i think, they lay it all on God ! When the facts are they have nothing from God ! its all evil, unnatu- ral, and a delusion from the Devil ! Among the anecient books to be rememberd are the two seperate books used by Moses, or the Jews in compiling their book Genesis. The first chapter of their Genesis tells us that God made man, and that he blest them, and said, be fruitful, multiply, replenish the earth and subdue the earth ; and that this was on the sixth day. J^^The length of which was twenty -four hour9 or twelve months Recor- ding to the place occupied' on the earth. For it took — 82 .— / the evening and the morning to make their day. The xvii chapter of Jesus’ Genesis tells us that, a The Lord created man of the earth, and then he turned him into the world, with a power over all things therein.” And the xviii chapter tells us that “ He that liveth forever created all things in gen- eral. ” Then the ii chapter of this Jew Moses Gen- esis starts out by telling us that God ended his la- bor on the seventh day. Then it tells us that the Lord God, not God, nor the Lord, no but the Lord ^ God made Adam and Eve, and put them in a gar- den, not the world, to keep it. And they were so ig- norant they did not know good and evil. Their bible in comparing their ignorence says: the Ser- pent was the most subtle, or wise. So, dont yon see, cant you see, that they are only at best, garbled extracts from other authors? Ma- king quite different men, and things, at different (| times and places, and puling of them in quiet diff- erent places and giving them very, very different commands? Some of the books of this King Jim’s bible do not even mention the name of a god, much less put any claim to inspiration ! 4 I am proud to inform the reader that this book Esther, that does not even mention the name of a god, a lord, nor a lord-god ! Yet, it gives us a history of one of the grandest, and most extensive governments yet recorded in history 1 The great Roman Empire was a mear fool, or a mear dwarf compared to these 127 provinces mentioned in this godless, Persian book, Esther ! Esther was a Jew slave, decending from the captives carried to Baby- lon, by Nebuchadnezzar. Jewish bibles show throughout their various books that they got what they know from their stay in Egypt, Babylon, Greece and Rome, and not from God ! / Even Solomon, their wisest man, was a Mor- mon and a Sadducee, he rejected the Oral Law, and denied the resurection of the dead. And his Song of Songs mentions not a god, a lord, nor a a lord-god ! Yet, we are told that it is the church- e’s love for Christ ! Great Cesar ! Then, their god or Christ, must have been wine, woman and song ! The Jewsbibles from their Roman captivity to • * the execution of Jesus and his disciples show an -* % important feature of ungodlines and human de- pravitv ! The Samariliau Jews, were half-p. reeds* from intermixing with the other tribes of Jews, or other tribes of man. From these bastards or half- breeds this man-god Jesus originated. The full blooded Jews who were in power, and who was so recognized by their Roman Masters, and who was allowed to rebuild Jerusalem, hated and despised these mongrels. They refused all intercource with K i ' ' ».•<'{ f Q | them! And while the fulPbioods were rebuilding the temple the half-breeds stoped them and tried to prevent its rebuilding. So, these mongrels erected a temple of their own on Mount Gerizi mn and re- estabelished the Mosaic Order of worship. Their bible was the Pentateuch, or the live first books of Moses. And those Jews that had fallen in Africa had forgotten their language, they spoke Greek, so they collected up the traditions of their fathers and made the Septugent bible. So, from the very be- ginning of tnis Jew bible making we have many factions, and strange to say, that they all differed as much as midnight from day! Yet, they all claim to be God’s only means, his only way to heaven; and you have no choice, its believe or be darned! The Catholic’s letter, from this defunct Jesus, to Bridget, and the book Mormon, is about the las faddle in bible amendments ! And it is a strangling fact, to the young Christ- ian student, when he sees that the knowledge, and power of their self-syled heathens have never been rivaled, much less equaled ! For he finds that the Hanging Gardens of Baby Ion,"; ‘the Pyramida of Egypt, the Chinese Wall, the Cut Stone Paved Way, across the South Americrn Continent, and iheir Hieroglyphical Records have not yet been equaled by any of these so called, ail wise, all good — 84. — and all powerful nations, and agents of the Creator! \ Now, the reader can see, from this, that the Le- igends and Traditions that reached Afrika from South Amerika, was by this time, as . greatly con- torted as was the old mans understanding of the parsons text, given on page 78 ! Then, again, Moses might have been just as bad mistaken, about what his lord, lord-god, or god said to him as was this old man ! Again, no two men can understand just a- like, neither can they tell it precisley alike! So, by the time this Oral Law passed from Sinai through Moses, then through Josh, the Elders, the Prophets the Scribes, and the Printers, who with all of his, and their mistakes, you may have some idea as to its correctness, and why it is full of self-contradic- tions, an mistakes ! Just a little while before this man-god Jesus put. in his appearance, the full-bloods, at Jerusalem, established a school, and got up that awful Com- mentary on the Revelations of God, and called it the Talmud, or to learn. It claimed to contain the Oral Law that Moses claimed to have got from God, by the word of mouth ; and which he told to Joshua, and he, Josh, told it to the Elders, and they told it to the Prophets, and they to the Great Synagogue! Now, if this is not hearsay evidence of a very dangerous character, then what is it? Between the writings of the last Old Testament book and the first New Testament book there was a long, long period, hundreds of years of war, an- ihilation, and a replenishing ! Nation after nation passed away, before this King Jim’s bible was thought of. This man-god Jesus is among the un- certain myths, from the facts that he never owned, nor never was in power over anything ! No record mentions him ! King Constantine, last of the Cesars of the*Ro- mau Empire, and all great men, have ben recorded in the history of their day, but this Jew man-god Jesus was not even mentioned ! This Constantine called a council, at Carthage, in Africa, and caused 0 — 85. — the compiling of the Catholic bible ! He declared the making of bible3 closed, and declared his to be the supreme law of the world ! But, ah, alas! the Mohammedans conquored them, destroyed their bible; and then it was that this Simpleton* King Jim, of England, hatched up this awful bible of Errors and self- contradictions! Now, if God is a just God, and I believe he is, then religionists and their bibles are not of him ! No, no! O, no, but they are a crazy Cain and Babel whim, in and of themselves, too infamous to be contributed even to the devil, for they in every age of the world, when tolerated or in power, have led to this same Cain and Babel confusion, chaos and destruction! God is a vast, vast almighty creative power of energy and intelligence! He cre- ated us free and equal ; and he so framed his im** mutable, and unchangable laws as to always pre- serve us free and equal ! This religionists and their bibles deny ! This you cannot be and live in peace, in any other country under the sun but this Liberal, Infidel United States of America, that religionists hate and preach so bitter against ! Their prayers, curses, rantings, mob-laws, and war in defense of their King Jim’s bible’s pre* sumed divine slavery laws, for years, drenched this country in human gore ! Brother murdering brother, father and mother murdering their chil- dren, or each other, and in return murderd by their children — destroying more of themselves than there was of the so-called soulless Negro ! Tearing down the Stars and Stripes, and placeing in their stead slavery, under the lash and the cross, as we now have in Central and South America, that was once as free as we! This was the Chris- tian life and aspirations, that passed before my youthful eyes for twenty years, till Lincolin, that old Liberl, Abolitionist, interfeard and repealed their god’s laws and set the Negro free ! But, this Christian slavery warfare, secretly con- tinues, and as fast as the old fools die out the *»:.s young fools grow up ! Ah, you infamous hypocrits who freed you from the galling yoke of a King and the lash of a Christian master ? Who gave you this glorious freedom, and protection that mortal man never before enjoyed ? Who gave you the freedom to worship, or not to worship, a god accor- ding to your choice ? Did religionists? Did your King’s, or their bibles! No! no! never! They only give us slavery, fire and torture ! They yet demand of you to believe or to eternaly be darned ! and a submission to their standard of justice ! Yes, one of their noted preachers, Sam Joues, in the Chattanooga, Sunday Times, of Oct., 7, 1894, page 16, says: “ No matter how close the thing gets to the gates of hell, once a republican always a republican. But, he forgot to tell us that this is his exact religion— once a Christian, always a Christian! He says the immortal Ben Hill said that reconstruction had made the Negro spring in one bound from the corn fields to the legislative halls to make laws for “ decent people.” And that no man ought to be allowed to vote unless he can read and write the English language correctly and intelligently!” Tnis is Sam representing trutlff* fully the Christian religion, or justice ! And he knows it w mid wr > ig th.3 Negro, and deprive over half of our citizens of their vote! It was those old Infidel or Liberal fathers that could neither read nor write, much less, do so cor- rectly, that seen that good and right subsisted not in this so-called divine god-favord few ! No, O! no, but in poor you, in poor me, in us all ! Then, re. member, you cannot be a good honest, moral, up- right, free American and belong to any clique, par- ty, church, or oath bound secret order ! For their divine claims make their gods unjust and self-con- tradictory, and you a truckling slave. This big me and little you, anihilating, fool kind of religion, caused Moses, the bastard, the murder, the bigamist, the robber, and his gang of murders, to murder and to rob millions of innocent human beings, and in turn to be robbed and murdered; and all done by, or in the name of God ! This is old Jew bible religion ! This same spirit of rule or ruin, believe or be darned, destructive kind of re- ligion caused their half-blood, bastard of a mongrel of a man-god, their Jew Jesus, to be a treacerous traitor! To be a disobedient child, violating the laws of parents, and grew up a disobedient man, violating the laws of the land, styling himself the only son of God — the King of the Jews ! And by violating their god’s laws, and religion, and the laws of the land, he knowingly, and boastingly made himself a criminal, and by threatening death and destruction — it caused his death, which he as well deserved, as much so as Haman, John Brown and Guiteau ! This was New Testament religion ! This same spirit of mnrder caused all of the apos- tles, and Christians of that day, to be murders, and in return, under their god’s laws and religion they were murdered! This same spirit of murder, plun- der, war, slavery 4 and robbery, caused the fall and destruction of the Amerikas, India, Egypt, Greece, Rome, Babylon, and all countrys of which we have any record. There now exists three opinions as to tlfe nature of the powers of this New Testament religion. 1st. The Erasfcin, that make the Church a mear subject of the state, with no more powers nor privileges than a citizen. 2nd. The Romish? that make the state a mear subject of the church. And 3rd. The Evangelical, that declare that this New Testament is the law of all laws ! and that they will not obey any other ! Now, of course, be- tween these three evils, I choose the least, and de- clare in favor of the Erastian, or that the church should be ruled by the state as any individual ! Only think, while God has bound nature fast in fate he has left free the human will! The earth revolvs around the sun, making the seasons come and go. The earth turns to and from the sun? causing day and night, as in days of your. While religion is that same old, anihilating, hydro- — 88 . — / phobia virus, that confuses, maddens and destroys all,, both great and small ! As much so to-day as at that Jew beginning day of that Cain and Babel confusion, chaos, and destruction. “ What means all this military craze that has ta- ken hold of the churches? Asks the American Sentinel, of Jan. the 24, L895. u Church Cadets, Boys’ Brigades, and Epworth Guards, with their weekly drill have superseded the prayer meeting, and it means that the churches have discontiued the “ Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God,” and have appealed to the force of arms to enforce the doctrine of religion by State laws ! The next step will be to proclaim a religious cru- 4. r sade and march against the heretics. And all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.” Yes, this was the fate of a simelar religious cru- sade, known in history as the “ Children’s Cru- sade.” “ In the district of Vendome, Fiance, in 1200, appeared a shepherd boy named. Stephen, showing a letter which he said was from this de- funct, man-god, Jew Jesus, directing him to go forth and conquor the Infidels of Palestine. He de- clared none but innocent children could succeed, * for of such is the kingdom of heaven.’ Only think— “ Seven thousand children were led by him to the shores of the Adriatic, where they were captured and made slaves of! Then came more than thirty thousand boys and girls, who took ships at Marseilles, and was soon wrecked on the coast of Africa, and were either drowned or en- slaved ! ” So, like these fools, like the Mormons, the Simites, and the Coxites, will be these poor fools fate ! J The knowledge of the awful follies and the de- structive fate, of all governments, from the first to the last, is the reason why our revolutionary fath- * ... sr ers rebelled against such infamy and set up this the first just, free, and only liberal government under thes sun ! The knowledge of these facts is my excuse for presenting these absurdities and self-contradic* tions to this so-called word of G o n. Now, my never dying fellow man if you will obey your parents and your countrys laws, you will be a good man, with us all, and with God, and will never need the help of any clique, church, par- ty, or secret oath bound order! For our general government, all make ample provisions for the need of us all, both great or small. $£r And this is the whole need and duty of man to man, and to his creator. Then I beseech you to obey the golden rule : “Do to others as you would they should do to you.” “ Take natures path and mad opinions leave, all states can reach it all heads can concieve, ” ration- ally judge and execute. Then, do no harm, no, but all the good you can, that is, so live, that you may not die like a fool, no, but like a sane, free man pass on to a more exalted condition in eternity. Die, no, not die, nor even retrograde, but quietly pass on to a more favorable eternity. That is, you the actual mental man, matured, withdraws from the material, or mortal man. He, the immortal man casts the body aside, he deserts it, and he steps out of this material or physical world into the mental, or world of rational, reasoning intellN gence. We see our bodies decompose, and go back to mother earth. We see by comparative reason- ing, and by our inherent desire, within us, for a higher, and a more nobler continued personal ex* istence, such a chance ! It is this that gives us our faith and a hope to live forever and never die ! By this simple act, called dying, no change is ef- fected in the mental man, in form, organization, or character ! He is no better and he is no worse, he knows no more and he* knows no less, he has not lost nor gained a single faculty or feature. He has only gained more favorable conditions for his hapiness, and advancement in the future. To make this plain, I will say that this universe is God, made up of Positive and Negative God \ i -nm • — 90 .— matter. And this is all there is of it i There is no such a thing as an independent personal god, dev* il, ghost, or spirits in it, on it, or anywhere about it J And here is oar heaven or our hell ! If we are well balanced this is heaven ; and if they are not then this is hell ! Yes, mind or energy or intelligence, when ra- tional, or balanced, is pure refined God-matter, or active matter, while the more solid, or inactive is termed physical, on negative matter, or matter at rest, or the physical body of God ! Now, reader, which are you going to be? Are you going to im- prove, purify, and strengthen your body so as to aid your mind in manifesting its greatest, and grandest qualities ? Or, are you going to neglect the God giveu duties intrusted to you ? Mind or intelligible personal matter is one and the same at all stages of life. It is a parcle of God, and manifests itself an infant, a child, a man, or an idiot according to the physical body, or prison that it is imprisoned in. And, precisley so is it with all animals and life. The reason the dog does not show as much inteligence as man is because the environs of his peculiar constructed mortal body will uot let him do so. Then , again, personal identity, or that sameness of being, of which consciousness is our evidence, is marked throughout the entire universe with a ra- tional, reasoning, forewarning inteligence, that even an idiot cannot mistake l The burrican, the cyclone, and the gentle zephyr, all have their peculiar phenomenal e.haracteristicts; and believed from time immemorial to have an in- telligent, special god to speciaiy preside over and for them. 80 has the winter’s crystals, as seen in the rain, the frost, the snow and the hail. Person- al design, or that sameness of beiug, or, construct- ion, design and intelligence shape and control every thing, with as much incomprehensive de- sign as that of the human organism. Then, what about, aceonntahilitir 2 k - bout future rewards and punishments? All wrong as lying, stealing, murdering, etc., is a craziness, a diseased or unbalanced condition that would not be done if the person were healthy or properly baU anced, watched, taught, raised, or cared for. Then, they are not accountable but little, if any, for what is visited upon you from your ancestors for gener- ations back. Therefore, we do not imprison and execute our fellow man to punish them ! no, O, no! but to reform them, and to protect ourselves. And as fare as wanting to punish them hereafter— after death — there is no such a desire in eternity. For death is not a punishment, as the Christites and their King Jim’s bibl© teaches! No, but death, when natural, is a reward, a promotion ! The child that was prevented from crawling in- to the fire, fretted over it terribly, but, in its grown up day it forgot it and cared uofc for its supposed injuries. So of us in eternity. WHATEVER IS— IS BEST. I know as my life grows older, And mine eyes have clearer sight. That under each rank wrong somewhere There lies the root of right. That each sorrow has its purpose, By the sorrowing oft unguessed, But as sure as the sun brings morning Whatever is— is best. I know that each sinful action, As sure as night brings shade, Is somewhere, sometime punished. Though the hour be loug delayed. I know that the soul is aided Sometimes by the heart’s unrest. And to grow means often to suffer. But whatever is— is best. I know there is no error In the great supernal plan. And all things work together For the final good of man. 1 A \ n KHQHBHhh I know when my mind speeds onward In its grand eternal quest, I shall cry as I look earthward, Whatever is — is best. Ella Wilcox. IS LIFE WORTH LIVING? Is life worth living ? Yes, so long As there is wrong to right, Wail of the weak against the strong. Or tyrany to fight. Long as there lingers gloom to chase, Or streaming tear to dry, One kindred woe, one sorrowing face That smiles as we draw nigh. Long as a tale of anguish swells The heart, and eyes grow wet, And at the sound of freedom’s bells We pardon with regret. So long as faith and freedom reigus, And loyal hope survives, 'And gracious charity remains To gladden holy lives. While there is one untrodden tract For intellect or will, And man is free to think and to act. Life is worh living still. English Magazine. LIFE LET US CHEERISH. Life let us cheerish, While the taper glows, And the fresh floweret, Pluck it er it close. Away with every toil and care, Why choose the wrangling thorn to ware? With heedless hearts life’s conflicts meet, Till death sounds her last retreat. Old Song. i . SHED NOT A TEAR. Shed not a tear o’er your friends early bier, When they are gone, when they are gone. Come at the close of a bright summers day, When I am gone, when I am gone. Come and rejoice that ’ive thus passed away, When I am gone, when I am gone. Sin 2f you a soug when my grave you shall s ee When lam gone, when lam gone. Plant you a tree that may wave ovpr me, When I am gone, when I am gone. Old Song. I THINK I THUNK A LIE. I ust to think when I was young, And my heart was free from guile, That there was grief in every tear* And joy in", every smile. That friendship was not all a cheat And love could never die, But thinking now of what I thunk, I thiuk I thunk a lie. I ust to think about myself, And think that I would be A govenor or a president, Or a general like Lee. But I have waited long iu vain, Whilst years rolled slowly by, And thinking now on what I thunk, I thiuk I thunk a lie. I ust to think the ladies were All sweetness combined; That they were all God’s last and be^t Of perfectness refined. That they were not half pads and paint. But angels from on high. But thinking now of what I thunk, I thiuk I thunk a lie. The peeachers, too, I ust to think. Were not like other men, And were not tempted of the flesh And could not therefore sin . — 94 .— But since I’ve traveled round a bit I’ve watched them on the sly. And thinking now of what I thunk, I think I thunk a lie. The houe9t tiller of the soil When marketing his crop, . •Takes pains to put the ripe and best Always upon the top. I ust to think those honest men Would never cheat or try; But thinking now of what I thunk, I think I thunk a lie. The editors, a lordly set, Who live, on milk and honey, Tey’ve nothing else on earth to do But write and rake in the money. Leastwise that way I ust to think, But now it makes me cry, To think about the way. I thunk, And how I thunk a lie. What noble men the doctors are, I ust to think they came From heaven or some heavenly lana And worked for love and fame. That they could cure all earthly ills And never let us die, But thinking now of what I thunk, I think I thunk a lie. The lawyers, too, I ust to think Oh! God forgive the thought— That their convictions of the right Could uot by knaves be bought. That they would not a client rob Or sell him on the sly, But thinking now of what I thunk, I thiuk I thunk a lie. The dry goods men are honest, too, They swear they sell at cost; I ust to think they told the truth. And all their profits lost. I thaoght a yard was full three feet, Dont ask my reason why ; But thinking now of what I thunk, I think I thunk a lie. I ust to think elections were The public will to voice, And not a thimble-rigging game TtS give the cliques a choice. That patriotism played its part, Though stills were never dry, But thinking now of what I thunk, I think I thunk a lie. Dr. O. T. Dozier. THE SURVIVAL OF THE FITTER. TPS THE way of the world, I am sorry to say ; for cats, and for dogs, aud for monkeys, as well as for civilized men, on the weaker to prey ! * THE HUNTERS. A cricket fed on an insect v Too small for eye to see, A field-mouse captured the cricket And hushed his lullaby. A gray shrike pounced on the field-mouse And hung him on a thorn, * And a hawk came do wu on the cruel shrike From over the waving corn. And a fox sprang on the red-tailed hawk From under a fallen tree, For birds and beasts, by flood and field, Of every degree Prey one upon the other; ’Twas thus ordained to be, My rifle laid old Renard low, And death — deaid ended me. Ernest McGaffey. I - IT’S MONEY AFTER ALL. There are men in all professions. We meet every day, Wheather pursuiug pleasure Or business as they may. Their creed they yelp iu public, Which they practice not at all. They all are after money, So it’s money after all. , * i • . V' SOB — 96 .— The lawyer hangs his shingle out, To coax the people in, And then he tells them, great and small. Their cases he will win. Me says he labors for the good Of people one and all. But he charges forty prices, So it’s money after all. The doctor in his office sits. Among his drugs and pills* Dealing out his doses, To cure the peoples ills. He says he likes to give relief, To the suffering oues that call, But he always asks for money, So it’s money after all, ' r ■■ ■ ' The preacher stands before us And tells us we all sin, He says if we only love the Lord, No matter how much you sin. And from where the biggest salary is He receives the winning call— You can name it what you’re a mind to, But it’s money after all. The politicians rave about Reform from morn till night, And says if he’s elected He’ll legislate all right. But when he gets to Congress He’s the grandest rogue of all— He gobbles up the money, So it’s money after all. Thus in one common group they shad, As by my song you see, No matter what they profess, Or what their station be — The merchant, lawyer, doctor, Preacher, Congressman and all. They all are after money, So it’s money after all. . , ■ A HYPOCRITE. -. _ I , When fortune smiles And looks seren, »Tis pray sir, how do you do ? » . ‘ f ' ' ~ ■ ' : j’- —97.— • A ' • . * Your family are well I hope, Can I not serve them or vou ? ' * But turn the scales, Let fortune frown, Ills and woes be tied to you — Pm sorry for your loss, but, Times are hard, good-by to you ! STORY OF A POLITICIAN, Weight ten pounds; baby boy ; Mamma’s dar- ling; Papa’s little man; Jimmy; Jarqes; Young Mr. Jones; James Jones; Mr. James Jones; Clerk of election Jones ; Committeeman Jones; The Hon. James M. Joues; Alderman Jones; Ex-Alderman Jones; James Martin Vanburan Jones; Old Jones; Old Jim Jones; Tenth Ward Jones; Jim the bum; Whiskey Jim ; Old Soak; Cell 9; Coroner’s Office; Unidentified; Pauper’s Field ! KINDER MIXED Colonel’s runnin’ for congress, Major’s runnin’ for mayor; Captain’s runnin’ for sheriff, An’ the private's plowin’ a steer ! Sergent’s off for the senate — Corporal’s heatin’ him there; Chaplain’s runnin’ for bishop, An, the private’s plowin’ a steer ! " - 4 ( # r % W * Colonel cussin’ the captain, ’Cause the vote is kinder small, \ Sergent’s after the corporal. An, the chaplain’s cussin’ ’em all! O, ruther than swar for congress, ^ Au’ ruther than cuss for mayor, I’ll pastur’ out with the privates, An’ keep on plowin a steer ! F. L. S. THE FOX AND THE GRAPES. i • A fox in passing by, Saw some grapes hung up high. There waling in quiet way; If you can eat us sir, You may; troll, loll, lay. gff : “ 98 -- / The fox he tried in vain, The tempting morsel to obtain, He licked his chops an hour, Then left vouching that they were Sour ; troll, loll, lay. Esop. THE SPIDER. * v. >1 Will you walk in my parlor Said a spider to a fly, O, iPs the prettiest parlor That you ev’r did spy — will you Wont you walk in now Mr. Fly? And the way into tny parlor, Is up a pretty winding stairs; Then, I have many curious things, To show you there — will you, Wont you walk in now Mr. Fly? School Book. SHUN TEMPTATION. LOOK not upon the sparkling wine, When it is red within the cup, Stay not for pleasures when she fills Her tempting, madening glasses up; Though clear its depths, and rich its glow, A madning demon lurks below ! His form was fair, his cheeks were health, His word was bond, his purse was wealth, With wheat his fields was covered oe’r, Plenty sat smiling at his door; His wife, his ceaseless fount of joy, How laughed his daughter, played his boy, At morn ’twas health, wealth and pure delight? It was health, wealth and bliss at night. ’Tis gone! and all the fault was his! The social glass L saw him seize, The more for festive wit to please, Daily increasing on him stole, Frequently came the midnight bowl, And in that bowl headache was placed; Shame next was mingled in the draught, Yet, indignant he drank and laughed! My admonitions thus in vain, I sent the mad wretch to restrain; V — 99 . — Haggard his eyes, upright his hair, Remorse! sinks him in despair! Reader, refrain while yet you may, Too soon you may be common clay ! School Book. HOW WE SHOULD LIVE. SO should we live that every hour May die as dies the natural flower, A self-reviving thing of power. That every thought and every deed May hold within itself the seed Of future good and present need. Esteeming sorrow, whoes employ Is to develop, not destroy, Far better than a barren joy. M i 1 n e s . FREEDOM. O FREEDOM! thou art not, as poets dream, A fair young girl, with light and delicate limbs, And wavy tresses gushing from the cap With which the Roman master crowned his slave When he took off the gyves. A bearded man, Armed to the teeth, art thou : one mailed hand Grasps the broad shield, and one the sword ; . thy brow Glorious in beauty though it be, is scar- red Wilh tokens of old wars ; thy massive limbs Are strong and struggling. Power at thee has launched Ilis bolts, and with his lightnings smit- ten thee, They could not quench the life thou hast from HEAVEN ! Bryant. FREEDOM'S SONS THEN. Freedom'9 sons come join our chorus, Praise this favored spot of earth, Praise the skies now shining o'er us. Praise the land that gave us birth. Though our skies are often frowning, Though our land is rough and seared. Health and peace our labors crowning. Bless the cherful spirits here. I —100,— /5T Eaual rights are here defended, Riches fill our busy hands. Then, let welcome be extended, To' the poor of other lands. , Old School Song. UNCLE SAM’S FARM- of all the “i sh 7 0 “toi?’ Yallte S« ‘>»e ssjsi r * C » mITnJSiuS to the people of the world- Chora, t Come along, dehorn every way; Come from eveiy ^ don’t be a i a rmed, ^ alarm. St. Lawrence makes our no. our southern as « lantic ocean, w t Auniains away to Oregon, across the Rockey Moun am, a^y ^ ^ We ^ The South may raise the t , and 80Un d the pork and corn, Wt» « New Fo) , the the spinnels, the an that course along out deep for ..«« *»eep »«d driving cotton milts. but little did they Our fathers gav 1 ’ along this mighty dream, Of the results that JL w ^ ^ and ri v- age of steam , 1 ffi ^„d we send our news ers are all a blaze of ftg* hlc wire, hy lightnaig on he ’ _ * 1 lhe „„io„s, for oar Yes, '*« are 'o»“d 10 wjU eho „ il.e foreran SSSMK P&e » 2 ssfs ‘ re“p3e' dTti!i* voting. »»<* “« chil,lre “ 80 t0 ihooT. 1 . school song. FREEDOM’S SONS NOW. W.* ’wfc « e myffl’bid yoa rise? S ihlldren wise ,.d graadsires hoary, Behold their tears and hear their cries! Behold their tears and hear their cries ! ; Lawless tyrants are mischief breeding! f With hireling host and ruffian band ! Affright and desolate the land! I While liberty lies couched and bleeding ! 1 To arms ! to arms ! to arms ye braves ! The venging sword quickly unsheathe ! March on ! march on ! O ! liberty or death ! This is the hue and cry now, in the 119 year of our American freedom, from shore to shore. Yes, although, we have given them civil, religious and political freedom, never before, nor nowhere else ’ enjoyed ; yet, we see the people boycotted together, j for the avowed and express purpose of lording it over the rest without their consent, interests, or knowledge, It proves that a mam only believes a thing the way he wants it to be — and when he finds that he is shure caught — then he shrieks with a hypocrits despair ! M ANS STANDARD. — It is said that the stan- dard by which one man judges another is as fol- lows; A just man, — only those who belong to his party, clique, church, or oath-bound secret order, all others are considerd rascals, and must not be encouraged, but boycotted in to starvation and ab- ject slavery. A rascal, — one who owes him money. Ditto, — one who he owes money, A dude, a fop ; or a flirt, — one who dresses different or better than he, or her. A miser, — one who saves more than he, or her. A spendthrift, — one who spends more than he, or her. A suob, — one whoes social position is better than his, or hers. An upstart, — one whose social position is worse than his, or hers. A smart man one who thinks as he, or she. A fool, a smart Al- eck, — one who believes and lives different from him, or her. A crank, — one who can out argue he or her. So, if it was not for the self-made grit, or sand —io2.— / that is in our own gizzards, to contend for our god- given, seif-inalienable, or equal rights, we would certainly be stamped under, and by these loud, pre- tending honest men, religion, or no religion, just- ice, or no justice ! So, I say, help thyself, defend thyself, for the gods only help those who help themselves ! The theory that is now being put in practice by religionists, “ That an unconstitutional law is good, and should be obeyed, and enforced until repealed is a base, dastardly lie oh its own face! All persons who attempt to enforce such are tresspassers on the first, foundational, organic, self-inalienable, or con- stitutional laws, and are liable by action at law, and should be presented, indicted and prosecuted, be they president, govenor, or any body ! ” NEVER FRET. Never Fret if it hails or snows— Never mind how the storm-wind blows; Just what’s best for you, God — he knows; Why should you weep aud sigh? Never mind when a world of woes Beats you down, with a thousand foes; Just what’s best for you, God— he knows; Over you bends his sky ! # Never fret when the black night throws Darkness over your life’s last rose, Killing its loveliness! God still knows; Why should you pray and weep? Never fret, there is sweet repose With the dying day— twilight’s close, Fol at death’s valley; God repose, And watches while you sleep. Selected. DEEDS, NOT WORDS . Why profess a thing you cannot, or do not prac- tice ? Tis a lesson you should heed, If at first you dont succeed, With courage persevear/ and Try, try, again. All that other folks can do, Why with patients should not you? Only keep this rule in view, Try, try, again. Old Song. Here is a childs lullaby, I give it in answer to all religionists. Tinkum, tmkujn Mr. Blinkunj, I am a merry Hyloist, Pray thee, what is the matter? That you all make such a clatter? Cant you leave us natural folks? To sing our songs and crack our jokes? No, no, says Mr. Jew, your foreskin must go ! and your stiff neck must limber like dough ! No , no, says Mr. Christian, you are born totally de- praved! as mean as hell 1 and your spirit must be broken! your mind subjugated, enslaved and hu- miliated ! But we say:— fie ! fie ! to all such religion ! it is a degenerating shame, a horrid craziness ! Give it play and never scare it, Curb it ouly to direct, but Never, never, brake its spirit, Let U glide through this life correct. , — 105 . — THIS WORLD’S GOOD ENOUGFI. When I hear a feller growlin’, In a sing-song whiny voice, That this world is dark and scowlin’, An ’if he could ’ave his choice; How he’d fly away to glory In a robe o’ spotless white — Then I think his upper story Is a little bit too light; For a notion that’ll make a Man as big a fool as that, You can bet it ’ill never take a Lodgin’ under my oF hat. Oh! there’s people alluz whinin’ — With a long dejected face — An’ complainin, an’ repinin, That this world’s a dreary place; If you showed ’em rosy bowers Where the birds sing in the shade, W’y they’ll sigh an’ say the flowers After while ’ave got to fade, ’Till they shut out all the gladness From this path of life below, An’ they leave a trail o’ sadness ’Long the highway as they jgo. I remember one ol’ mortal Who’d contended sixty years, That grim death is but the portal, From this gloomy vale o, tears, To the golden-paved hereafter ’An the idle, sweet by an’ by; Yet w’en angels come to waft’er To ,er home up in the sky, W’y it seemed the summons knocked ’ Vain philosophy, sky high; An’ she told the family doctor, She’d a leetle ruther stay. Course there ain’t no use pretendin’ That the world ain’t some at rough, But the p’int that I’m defendin’ Is, it’s plenty good enough ; Fer we know that this good earth wus Made a dwellin place fer man, An’ our death as well as our birth wua Part o’ God,s eternal plan, So a critter needn’t hurry Towards that land o’ heav’nly bliss, An he has no caus to worry ’Bout a life as good as this. Yes, the noble American Indian was the first to sing to the Christans — “Home, sweet home,” and he was the first to sing to them — u O, give me a cot in the vally I love, A*tent in the green wood a home in the grove, I care not how humble for happy it would be, If those I love, in peace, could share it with me.” Yes, the grandest sentiments, the most sublime truths in prose, poetry, painting, or unwritten tra- ditions, and songs, have originated from the abo„ riginal Amerikans. While the most degrading, sickening, humiliating, and degenerating vices, errows, and self-cot radictions have originated from the Jews and the Christians ! And they acknowl- edge it in their King Jim Bible ! Yes, — When young they had a fortune, They taught * it could not be sunk, ♦So they spent it all gamblieg ! Of nights when love-feasting drunk ! So, very early next morning, Their heads and frames racked in pain, Their heart was filled with sadness, For they were vagrants again ! Yes, Mr. Christian, young or old, is feeble in mind and back, His shoes, dont cover his toes, And his old hat goes flip flop, O’er his old love-feasting nose ! It is a shameful fact, the Christian’s Jew, King Jim bible, exalteth strong drink, and feasts, above every thing ! Jesus aud his followers, like their fa- thers were gluttons, drunkards, aud whoremongers* Give strong drink unto him that is ready to per- ish, and wine to those that be of heavy hearts. Bet him drink and forget his poverty, and remember his misery no more, says the xxxi chapter of Prov- erbs ! Aud thou shalt bestow that money for whatsoever thy soul (lu$teth after,) says the xiv chapter of Deuteronomy ! And Paul tells us at the first chapter of Romans, and so dose the second chapter of second Peter, that lu£t is unlawful de- sire. James 'and the Psalmist tells us that lust is evil, depraved desires! The xx chapter of Proverbs — 107. — tells us that Wine is a mocker, strong drink is rag- ing, and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise! It biteth like a serpent, and stingith like an adder, says the xxiii chapter ! Paul tells us at xi chapter of 1 Corinthans that their meetings were not for the better, no, but for the worse ! For, in eating and drinking to excess, they come to the Lord’s Supper drunk ! And I tell you such sin, lust, and crime is the legitimate fruit of their teachings, and meetings to this day ! Jesus tells us at the 19 verse of the vii chapter of St.John that none of them kept the law ! and they said he did not obey it, and killed him ! And for myself, I say neither kept it, and could not, had they tried! Then, after starting out with several hundred a- postles, and drilling them, god only knows for what, or for how long, they deserted him, betray- ed him, sold him, and the last we hear of them is that he come up on eleven of them and upbraded them for their unbelief, and left them forever, so says Mark at the xvi chapter, 14 verse ! Now, if this is not madness from Adam on down that is, blowing cold and hot, or advocating both sides of the question, or worshiping both man and the devil, then I am a blatned fool. * When a child, at our Sunday School, our big hu- rley leader would roar out. — When the morning light, Drives away the night, I’ll away to the Sabbath School. Then, I soon found that he practiced not what he tought me, no, but he reveled and gloted in the lust granted him in his King Jim's bible, as I have just shown. So, — When the evening night, Drove away the light, He would away to the harlot’s slums ! And soon his business failed, his health was gone, and like his old Jew dads, Solomon and Da- vid, he fermented in drunkness and gluttony, and rotted with venereal disease ! □ —108.— O then resign your rude Christian wine, * Each father, mother, son, and daughter, Better than wine is pure water cold, From God’s bright crystal fountain flowing. I will now give two rude songs that X heard sung when a school child. The last one was about my uncle Jo, and is the truth. This one the Christian King Jim bible is responsible for. — KING JIM’S GOD is a Haunt, a Demon, a Jack-’o Lantern, a Will ’o the Wisp, a deceptive performer of Legerdemain, a Trixter that pretends to make something out of nothing, and in this way he pretends to have made everything. He is an ignore nt, vicious beast, a coflipound of three independent sovereign man gods, with thous- ands of subordinate slaves. He is divided against himself; known as Jove, Nick and Mike, and are a passionate, contrary, contending, crazy, fighting, man-god. Their original home was Heaven, but a woman got in it and caused a war, and ever since that Jove and Mike hold that place for them- selves; while they force Nick to stay on Earth and in Hell ! And they, Jove and Mike, have free access to all creation — being the Cock ’o the walk; wl ile Nick and his sudjects harass them, to this good day, so the preachers say. . Yes, they say, Jove’s and Mike’s sons come down and mixed up with Nick’s fair daughters, until this earth is filled up with a race af seiui-demo-gods, that are totally depraved, that is, they are as mean as hell! Their last struggle with Nick was between their grown up man child mentioned at Xtev. xii, 13. He now appeard by the name of Jesus, and tried Nick a forty days racket in a wilderness ; he was the first to squeal, and give Nick the champion- ship, Matt. iv. After this he tells his disciples that hence forth he, would not talk much, for the prince of this world, Nick, cometh, John, xiv, 30. And where he was going they could not come ; although his father’s house had many mansions, yet, there was no place for them, but he would not leave them comfortless: X will prepare a place for you, aud come for you; that those standing there would not die before he come, Matt, xvi, 28. John, xiii,33. xiv, 1, 2, 3. This is cold comfort ! Yet, in the face of all this, we see that as fast as the old fools are killed out that the young ones grow up, and are all the time blowing about something that they know nothing about, . • * • FOR KING JIM’S BIBLE SAYS SO. NICK was poliece in Heaven, Was watching day and night sure, lie caught Mike with a woman. For King Jim’s bible says so. Rev. xii, 6, 10. Nick accused old Mike of sin, This accusation brought war sure, Mike and his clique went for Nick, For King Jim’s bible says so. Rev. xii, 7, 8, 9. Lu. x, 18. The Devil’s heir to Heaven, Mike’s clique throwed him o’erboard sure, They fought over a woman, For King Jim’s bible says so. Rev. xii, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. The Christian’s god’s a robber, For he robed the Devil sure, Then give ’im Earth for Heaven, For King Jim’s bible says so. Rev. xii, 10, 12, 13. Nick then went for Mike’s Eden, For Mike’s Eve and Eden sure, They were trespassing on him, For King Jim’s bible says so. Gen. iii, 5, 6, 7, 22 . Zech. iii, 1, 2. 2Cor. iv, 4. Eve was that same old woman, He had caught Mike with before, So he just told old Adam, For King Jim’s bible says so. Rev. xii, 13. Gen. iv, 1. It was Nick learned them wisdom, They were ignorant before, Did not know good and evil, For King Jim’s bible says so. Gen. ii, 17, 25. — 110 .— For this Mike cursed every thing . He cursed the innocent sure, He first set bad examples, For King Jim’s bible says so. Gen. iii,17, 18,19. He drove them with the Devil, To wander the wild world o er, To be chattie slaves always, For King Jim’s bible says so. Gen. iii, 14 to 23. ix, 25. Lev. xxv, 45, 46. Joelia. This Lord Mike has been murdering, Innocent ones o’er, and o er, From that awful day to this, For King Jim’s bible says so. Ex. xii, 29. xxxii, 27 . Num . xxxi, 17 , 18.Deut.xx 4. Nick’s made Mike and Jove beli, AU they ’er said or done sure, Provoked them to drown their race, For King Jim’s bible says so. . Geh. i. 31. vi, 7. 2 Pete.n, 4, 12. Mike’s and Jove’s sons come down, M Married Nick’s fair ^uglders sure. Ivlarritju ^ « — » , For this all mankind was drowned, For King Jim’s bible says so Gen. iv, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 13. :ir I! Yes, ves, we are giants yet, With tellescopic glass sure. We watch Jove's and Mike s tricks, But King Jim's book dont say so. kee Uncle Sam s Bib e. Made them destroy heir best works, Their chosen children the Jews, Nick'* beat them at every game, For King Jim's bible says so, From Genesis to Revelation. Made them publish their infamy, To the world for all time sure, In a book called the bible, For King Jim's bible says so. From Genesis to Revelation. This book ends on a woman, It begun on one I’m sure. It's murder blood and thunder . 'or King Jim’s bible says so. pmm (rpnftsi 3 to Revelation* They have mistaken oui* fables, And oar nicknames too, for sure, They have taken them for truths, For King Jim’s bible says so. 2 Peter, ii, 1, 2, |; 18, 19, It is self-contradictory, Says his eyes is every where sure, Then he had to come down to see, For King Jim’s bible says so. Prov. Xv, 3. Gen. iii, 8; xi, 5. Jove saw all he had made, Said it was very good sure, Nick has made him destroy it, For King Jim’s bible says so. Gen. i, 31; vii, 21 I I. have built the a house Lord, To abide in with us forever sure, And the Lord agreed to do it, For King Jim’s bible says so. 1 Kings, viii, 13; ix, 3. Nick made Jove rue, and undo, Other gods live there now sure, While his god-chosen Jew dont ! For .King Jim’s bible says so. 2 Kings, xvii, 20. Deut* xxviii, 30, 64,68! Now, who’d worship such a god? He destroys the good ones sure ! While the Devil protects you ! For King Jim’s bible says so. Kings, x,'ll, 30. Is. xlv, 7. Am. iii, 61 Ez. xx, 25! •“ Oi*r father who art in heaven,” Is a god limited there sure. Like Mose, a sub-god, limited ! For King Jim’s bible does teach so. Matt.vi, 9. Ex. vii, 1. u My god! my god ! ” he did cry! “ Hast thou forsaken me ? ” sure, Proves his god was limited, For King Jim’s bible says so. Matt, xxvii, 43, 46. Ex. vii* L This world is full of such gods now. Infamous as hell I I am sure^ Powerless! and falce pretendera too ! For King Jim’s bible does say so ! Ex. iv, 16; vii, i; xxii, 28. 2 Cor. iv,4. ; • J4W& m '\ .' •* >Jf vi — 112 . — Ex Gods of cruelty and lust, Gods that’s very low down sure, Gods of awful examples, For King Jim’s bible says so, xxxii, 27. Num xxxi, 18. Deut. xxviii, 30, 36. He’s what you want him to be, He’s a lamb or lion sure, And he is just like your self, For King Jim’s b:ble says so. John, xv, 4, 7. Homans, ix, 11, 12. •i? He had not ONE human quality, But was demon of low degree sure, A few quotations will proove it too, For King Jim’s bible says so and so. From Genesis to Revelations. By Jove’s examples of lust, His chosen rulers went sure, They ravisned , murdered and stole! For King Jim’s bible says so. Ezek. xx, 25 Ex. xv, 3; xxxii, 27 ! There was nothing too low down, For them to do to you sure! They lived and acted like demons, For King Jim’s bible says so. N[um. xxi, 34, 35; xxxi, 18. Ex. xxxii, 27. fr m Abram went for Hagar you know, Old Sarah agreed to it sure, Then drove their bastard child away, For King Jim’s bible does say so. Gen . xvi, 2, 4 ; xxi, 10 ! Old Abram bartered off Sarah, Said she was his sister sure, Then he had to take her back, For King Jim’s bible says so. Gen. xx, 2, 5, 7, 14, 16. Old Lot went for his daughters, He went for both of ’em sure, And they went for their old dad, For King Jim’s bible says so. Gen . xix, 30 to 38. He tried to decoy Nick’s police, Said take my virgin daughters sure, hat they had never known a man, ng Jim s Dime says so. n.^ A Q A Q — 113 — This royal Lord burnt up Sodom, Because they would not sin sure! By acting the heast like old Lot, For King Tim’s bible says so. Gen. xix, 1 to 8, 29, to 38 ! This royal Lord killed Onan, Because he would not sin sure, This Lord Mike murdered shrewd Onan For King Jim s bible says so. Gen. xxxviii, 6, 8, 9, 10. Jew Jacob went for Belhali, And they went for Rachal sure, Jacob went for others too, Foa King Jim’s bible says so. Gen . xxx, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 12 to 22 ! Shechem’s in bed with Dinah, In the bed with Diuan sure. The innocent was murdered! For King Jim’s bible says so. Gen. xxxviii, 14 to 18, 24, 25. Mrs. Potipher went for Joseph, She went for sweet young Jew Joseph si He tore himself loose from here, For King Jim’s bible says so. Geu. xxxix, 7, 12, 13, 14. Nick stood up against Israel, And provoked old David^sure, He caught him and Mike’lieing, For King Jim’s bible says so, 1 Chr. xxi, 1, 2, 3, 8. Seventy thousand lives went, To pay for David’s lies sure, Innocent lives for his lies, For King Jim’s bible says so. l.Chr. xxi, 14. His Lord had learned him to lie, Told him Saul would get him sure. Then God give him not to Saul, For King Jim’s bible says so. 1 Sam. xxiii, 7, 12, 13, Nick arrested Joshua. Because he was filthey sure. But old Mike paid Joshe’s fiue. For King Jim’s bible says so. Zech. iii, i, 3, 2. —114. Nick went for old Solomon, Told us of his whore house sure! How he kept the gods ahd gals, For King Jim’s bible says so. - 1 Kings, xi, 1 to 8. That he’s a hoo doo Nigger ! Black as tents of Kedar sure! A regular old burnt out bum ! For King Jim’s bible says so. Sol. Songs, i, 5; v, 1. Nick told us Dave lost his grip, Damsels could not it arouse, He too was a burnt, out bum. For King Jim’s bible says so. 1 Kings, i, 1, 2. Ps. lxxix, 4. Nick is still a policeman, And tells us all thats done sure, He give old Job fits you know, For King Jim’s bible says so, ■ Job i, 1, 6, 7. ii, 1, 2, 7. He made him curse like old Mike, Curse the day of his birth sure, The night that he was conceived, For Kiug Jim’s bible says so. Job iiij 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. M Nick and Jesus burned together! Lade out in a wilderness sure! Alone forty days forty nights! For King Jim’s bible says so, Matthew, iv, 1, 2, 8. ick bet this world with Jesus, That he could out starve him sure, ortv days made JesUs squeal! For Kiug Tim’s bible says so. vftmhfiW. iv. 1. 2. o. 'oilow me and I will make Thee fishers of men for sure ! ^ou must hate every body ! For King Jim’s bible says so. Matthew, iv, 19. Luke, xiv, ! One nights fishing settled it, He was caught himself tor sure. An old bum sold him out quick. For King Jim’s bible says so. Kick went n JreliSgGSTyookn c The scou “ • ® v^ck to Englaud, And drove him b £ . Religion ! Freed gee Unci? Sam’s bible. How, if e y e ^ ( ^fai"°K^bowTfure, Time’s bistoO done it all! King J im’ 8 b J> e , 9 ° bl ble says so. . Isa - %£ E S .xx,t 1« 2 Sam. x’xiv, 17. M*tt. 12 * ^ * M CHARITY SHOULD STAY AT B0» - «T 7 Aiiln K T1 v e then we would know Let her own hgW sbm , Ua we know her. vhere to find her ! Fo by - _ /vn »• j t nrav draw neai , COME all around, iP*y u hear> Listen a while and on 8 A n t et the 1 houses around the pond. ■ At the nousto « , pc , . trees did shed their leaves, Last fall when t ees « ^ ^ at ea30j The bi-ethreii ^ e e until this spring, T Now they go it shoe-boots again. >s xt is the O^bemto siSg^nd^ray, That causes thei an d night, »«'»»* ls * Mgl “ • ^ 1 niorVlt. Sucn . . . " ,1% s iSS^. 118 "' D»t« * commenced, At brothel °l ll !S5!» hi* expence* _ T» !he?r lender ««».. To sing and pray i ea der were, Bother f 1 V we ku ow not where But he » & know, Brother Biby we^ldoknow. To Monkey C 8 _| tt g g «> wild* — 116 .— To brother Ford and Davis too, A caution now I’ll give to you, Brother Johnson, to you likewise, Do tell us how your business lies? IM'* Ms Pray, do you get along so well. That yiPll have corn to keep and sell r If you dout all teud it better. You will get an awful setter ! Brother Stanley, a word you need, Your corn is hidden in the weeds, If you wiii give your corn a cleaning, You will have no time for meeting* Brother Stoglin has hold on grit. Amid all this he holds on yet, When he does come he has to walk, Sing and pray to him is no balk. Says if he lives to see next fall, He will have a horse at his call, And a buggy to ride her in, The way he will preach is no sin. This was their Text, Song, aiuj Prayer, Pray on brothers, and dont you get weary! Ther’s a starry crown in Heaven for you ! That will make you out shine yonders sun! Pleasant Cove School House, Warren County, Teuu., 1845. Rily B . N. B. Brother Stoglins buggy ride was to the State prison for carrying out his god’s command, given him at Deut.xiv, 22! Brother Biby was prosecuted for acting to his servant Rebeca, like Abraham did to Hagar ! Brother Springs, a re- fined, educated physician, and a mason, was prose- cuted for carrying out the examples of Jacob, his wife, like Rachel, agreeing to him ! And brother BRJJ y an author doctor, aud great Sunday School teacher, fled the country with another man’s wo- man, leaving his wife and family ! And on! on! could I go, giving you dose, after dose, of the fruits of this awful disease, called reli- gion, but this is enough ! You oniy^ have to^ call . them to mind yourself, or go to our Records at the or read a Newspaper, to see its in- j fnl nnlors ! I — 117 . — YANKEE DOODLE DANDY. Or, we can do what you do, god or no god, handy* The British claimed to be God’s army, sent by king George, Jim’s successor, to put dowh the Devil’s rebel heretics, and to enforce their gods religion ! They boasted that the rebel mongrels could not do what they could ! But, as soon as they come in hearing, played a tune, the rebels instantly played it too. From this it wassailed by an Indian Yan- kee Doodle Dandy. Which ment-We can do what you do, god or no god, handy ! And, although, it taken us seven long bloody years to convince them, nevertheless, we did, we whiped this god-chosen army, and drove their god chosen rule from our shores ! And in its stead we give man a chance to rule himself, according to the first, inherent law to life, liberty and property, that naturly develops within him. Once on a time old Johnny Bull Flew in a ragiug fury, And said that Jonathan should have No trial, sir, no jury ! That no elections should be held, Across the briny waters: “ And now,” said he, “ I’ll tax the tea Of all his sons and daughters. Then down he sat in burly state, And blusterd like a grandee, And in derision made a tune Called u Yankee Doodle Dandy.” Yankee doodle, these are facts— Yankee doodle dandy : My son of wax, your tea I’ll tax— Yankee doodle dandy. Chorus— Yankee doodle, let all sing, Old Yankee doodle dandy; Yankee doodle, make it ring, O yankee doodle dandy. John sent the tea from o’er the sea With heavy duties rated : But whether hyson or bohea, I never heard it stated. „ _ mfm Then Uncle Sam to pout began — He laid a strong embargo— Ordered his Indians out, and Threw overboard the cargo. Then Johnny sent god’s army — Big words and looks to bandy, Whose martial baud, when near the land, Played Yankee doodle dandy. • Yankee doodle — keep it up Yankee doodle dandy ! I’ll poison with a tax your cup, . Yankee doodle dandy I ” A long war then they had, in which John was at last defeated — And Yankee doodle was the march To which his troups retreated. Cute Uncle Sam, to see them fly Could not restrain his laughter; That tune, said he, suits to a T., I’ll play it ever after. Old Johnny’s face, to his disgrace, Was flushed with rage and brandy ! He even swore he’d play no more, This Yankee doodle dandy ! Yankee doodle — ho ! ha ! he I Yaukee doodle daudy — We kept his tune, but not his tea, Yankee doodle dandy. I’ve told you now the origin Of this most livly ditty, Which Johnny Bull now swares is dull, Aud stupid ! what a pitty ! With Hail Columbia it is sung, In chorus full and hearty — On land and main we breathe the strain, John made for his tea-party. No matter how we rhyme the words, The music speaks them handy, Where’s the girl fair but sings the air Of Yankee doodle dandy ? Yankee doodle — firm and true — Yankee doodle dandy, Yankee doodle through and through, Yankee doodle daudy. AGAIN, sixty odd years ago, Johnny come and fought it over ! But we swept him down like killing Ducks from our forted river ! Then to flank us, pop in our rear, He thought he had our breeches, But old Hickory waded the swamp, And piled him in our ditches! Old Hickory’s loss was so slight, We could but scarcely miss them ! While the red tape British that night, Met with an awful mystery! x Since that day to this, Johnny Bull, Is slyly working to subvert us! With his subjects our land is full, Hopeing to subjugate us ! X The Americans, which was mostly Indians, un^ der an Irishman, General Jackson, in this battle, only had seven men killed and six wounded ! while the British army was nearly aunihilrted! One day many met in Yorktown, Year one hundred and five sir, To celebrate a happy birth, One hundred years begun, sir.J Big guns was fired and speeches made, Which told the grateful story How victory there made freedom safe, And gave our country glory. And then to show how much we love Our forefather’s British nation— With many guns their flag we hailed, And raised to highest station ! With hearty shouts and glad hurrahs To sing with us seemed handy, For british voices cheered with ours For Yankee doodle dandy ! - 100, A. I. means one hundred years since freedom was born, and Americans declared Independent! Man dates his age from his birth, so should a na- tion. This nation was born July the 4th, 1776 ; of Christian-god-rule ! which we rebeled against, and freed ourselves from. Then we should begin our dating from the year 1, the 7th month, and 4th day; or the birth-day of the United States of America. For example:— IJ. S. Flag adopted, year 1, 6th dry. The battle of New Orleans, the 39th year, 1st month and 8th day. The surrender of Lea, the 89tli Only think— It is the interest of every govern- ment under tne sun, to inisteach our children ! ! ! It is the interest of every party, clique, church and order to inisteach our children ! And can you not see they are doing it ? Our school books have been changed, till now there' is not a thrill of our patri- otism in them ! Only think of the birth of the Star Spangled Banner. Like Home, Sweet Home, bom in prison! Scott Key, an American prisoner of the war 36, while confined on a British war-ship, during an at- tact on Baltimore wrote it ! All the day betore, the cannon had roared, but the Stars and Stripes float- ed proudly from Fort McHenry ! The darkness of night did not still the fury of the British guns! And through the first dawn of morn, Scott Key looked anxiously out for the emblem of freedom and liberty ! Whose success ment life, and whose defeat ment death ! And when he seen its tattered and torn shreds yet floating on heavens free breeze a thrill of patriotism inspired him, and he then and there wrote — Oh! say can you see. by the dawn’s early light, What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming? THE STAR-SPANGLED BANNER. And the rocket’s red glare, the bumbs burst- iug in air, Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there ! Oh! say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave, O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave ? > » On the shore, dimly seen through the mist of the deep. Where the foe’s haughty host in dread si- lence reposes, What is that, which the breeze, o’er the tow- ering steep, As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half dis- closes ? Now it catches the gleam of the morning’s first beam ; In full glory reflected, now shiues in the stream ; ’Tis the star-spangled banner! — oh! long may it wave, ' O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave ! And wheres that royal god-sent band, that by heaven swore, 'Mid the havoc of war and the battle’s confusions, A home and a country they’d leave us no more ? Their blood has washed out their foul foot- steps polution ! No refuge could save the hireling and slave From the terror of flight ! or the gloom of the grave ! And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave 1 Oh! thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand Between their loved home and war’s des- olation ! Blest with victory and peace, may our heav- en-rescued land, Praise the Powers that hath made and pre- served us a nation ! Then conquor vve must, when our cause it is just, This then being our motto, OURSELF we trust ! And the star-spangled banner in triumph will wave O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave! READER, I will here close this volume ; hope- ing that you will not only appreciate it, but, de- fend it as liberaly as it has defended your freedom. Preserve it, correct it and add volume, after vol- ume to it. Remember the hand of the destroyer will ever be after it. It is your private friend, then keep it under lock and key. Yankee doodle tells you of the year one, and our revolutionary war; and t hat freedom was given to us by heretics and infidels ! It and the star-span-- to gled banner tells you of the second attempt to crush us, and how victory was won by an Infidel ! And Lincoln, Grant, Sherman, and our noble liberators, that freed us from the Christian’s chattle slavery were Infidels and Heretics ! and are in hell if this Christian bible and religion is true ! BRUTALITY AND HUMANITY. Or the many, many oceans of innocent human blood religion has murderously shed ! » • W HAT AILS US? Want of charity to Infidelity ami to your disagreeing neigh- bor, thats what ails us. What i9 Infi- delity? To disbelieve any of the many re- ligions ! And every one of them declaring that he and he alone is right, and the only way to heaven. To say our Creator did not write a big book. To say you believe the laws and morals of the United State’s Constitution and our Declaration of Inde- pendence is as good a way and as sure a way to heaven as any ! That is what they, these religion- ists call Infidelity ! 1st. The Paganites, they declare that as God made the different races of man that he said to all of them : 44 Do to others as you would they should do to you.” That he inscribed this upon their hearts and they inscribed it upon their temples. 2nd. The Jewites are the first infidels, infidels to you and me, and the Paganites, by denying this just creed, and for saying: “ I am the only God chosen. That God had cursed, darned and destroy- ed his first creation, and had created a new heaven and a new earth and a new Jeruselam, especially for them, and had promised them to dwell there with them perpetually forever ! They shed oceans of innocent human blood trying to enforce this cra- zy religion ! But they, nor their god, are not there to-day ! 3rd. The Jesusites, they are infidels to the Jewites, and declared that a bastard, a mongrel a half-breed, a Jew and a God — from the royal house of the Jesus’ was begot by God himself, by seduceing an old Jews wife! He declared that he come to make men fishers and haters of men ! That he come not to send peace on earth, no, but hate, fire and a sword ! Heb. xii, 6, 8. Matt, iv, 19. x, 34. Lu. xii, 49. xiv, 26 ! They too have shed an ocean of pure human blood, using hate, fire and the 124 sword, endeavoring to force people to acknowledge this crazy religion ! 4th. The Mohamedites are in- fidels to all of these ites, and declare that they are the only light and hope of the world. And they shed an ocean of human blood fighting over this crazy religion ! They whipped them all, every one of these other ites, and drove them from their boasted god established homes ! And to-day all of these hating god-favored, god-chosen, and devil whippedites are here, seeking an asyl um among us Infidels ! They are only a lot of crazy, whining begging, malcontents, that God could not please, nor learn them any sense! They are an awful clog to our happiness, iife and advancement. 5 th The Yankeeites, they are infidels to all of these ites, and places the emblem of freedom, the Stars and Stripes, above the hating hateful Cross the emblem of hate, and perpetual war! And de- mands that religion shall be controled by the gov- ernment of Uncle Sam. And after whipping them all, every one of these god-sent, god-anointed, god- appointed Kings, and their heaven favored armies; yes, after sheding an ocean of royal human blood in self defence, we discarded all of them. All of the many, many crazy religions, and their many, many conflicting and self-contradicting bibles that was the supreme taw of this land ! And in its hateing murdering stead we established the Yankeeite bi- ble of Uncle Satn’s, and the firstjust, free, and the only upright, moral government under the sun ! Our creed declares that God created ALL man- kind free and equal ; making man a knowing, and understanding, accountable, responsable, moral jjggT free agent, that can save or dam himself. 1 Then, as we are not TOTALLY mean, totally de- praved, nor totally lost, we need no earthly god- father, mediator, guardian, or savior. So, we Yankeeite Infidels have done more to pro- tect and to advance mans knowledge, freedom and happiness in one hundred years than all of these other ites have done in ihousands of years ! Infi- delity questions all things, proves all things, and holds fast to that which is good. And not to sum- mons the demons of hate, chaos and misrule as re- ligions do, and then accuse us of it ! Yes, my ac- countable religious enemies, I would hate to accuse my fellow dissenting neighbors of a hellish crime when you must know that all surrounding facts, that are plain before every bodies eyes proves you a wilful and a malicious liar, or an ignorant fool. And, again, every human being that has reached but a few years of experience must know that he is punished every day of his life for his sins and his crimes. And, O! what a punishment they will be to you in eternity where you cannot hide them ! And this is why you hope in a Jesus and trust in a priest ! Bnt, you hope in vain, for thank God there is no such a thing as a savior, no such a thing as forgivness, no such a thing as escaping justice ! and no sane honest person could ask for forgiveness ! Infidelity and morality is a progressive science; it is provable and improvable. And if religion is not provable and improvable why say prove all things? Infidelity and morality is founded on well estabelished uncontrovertable facts. While the' ology and religion is a craziness founded only on an imaginary, unjust desire, or a diseased hope! They are mere ideas and opinions of men — blind becrazed, presnmptious man ; who has branded In- fidelity and morality as profane ! and themselves as sacred! and alone trustworthy and reliable! When the facts are just the reverse! They, as these accompanying slate cuts show from their own self- accursed history, prove that they are not now, nor never was, and to any reasonable mind is sufficient evidence to warrant the belief that they never will be reliable nor trustworthy ! So thought and declared our revolutionary fath- ers ! And I here unhesitatingly declare that reli- gion is a craziness , a weakness of our infernal in* firmities, and aught to be held and watched as such as it was in the days of Rome. For the miseries 126 and destruc ion that religion has caused is bevond * computation or discription ! 1 urn your attention to Brutality, or the religious side of this subject and view the picture. Begin at the first murder ! Cain kills his younger brother ! CUT BRUTALITY! And religion caused it ! Follow that little reli- gious beginning on ! Follow that little led rivulet of human blood on, and it sou joins in with others that religion has shed ! g^**See them as they wind on, onward, around that awful mountain of hii- mon bones and skull* ! It is Mount Ariat. See the 127 Ark that has just been left on the top of this moun- tain of humain remains ! Only think think of No- ah and family as they clamber over the rotting re- mains of man and beast, as they leave the Ark ! Only think of the human gore trickling down its slimy sides ! Only think of its stifling stench, and gastly views that meet their gaze ! And religion caused it ! How soon in the very infancy of this world the Christians have a demon for a god ! cursing this world, and entailing sin, crime, slavery, suffering, destruction, hate and a premature death, on all creation, and especially on all man-kind, for the al- ledged disobedience of the first half made, totally ignorant, and totally depraved old Jew ! Simply because he had received light and knowledge from the Devil ! And just as soon as they began to in- crease, multiply, replenish and subdue this earth, we see the sons of this Christian god coming down from heaven and taking bv force, - a rape process, just w home they choose of these fair daughters of earth, to themselves for CONCUBINES! And soon do we see this god of these religionists a jeal- ous hateing god ! Declaring war, making murder, and trying to not only destroy these bastards, this god amalgamated rase, hut the earth also ! Why ? Because a Jew-god accursed, sin predestined race of ravished bastards could not be made Jew-god religious, nor Jew-god like perfect ! Immediatly after this unnatural flurry of jealous hate, we see this same Jew-god amalgimated, be- wilderd, moon-eyed set, endeavoring to evade this hating, hatful god’s curses and destruction by buil- ding them a tower to heaven. Follow them on but a little way further, and we see this Jew-god him- self had to come down from his exalted heaven and see what these wretches were doing. We see him guilty of a more infernal and wretched vio- lance than anything in the antedeluvian history. More like a demon from the regions of the darned, than a merciful God-father from heaven. We see W W ' i 1 128 / l this Jew-god of Che Christians, corning down and confusing an all ready scared Co death, becrazed world until they themselves did not know each- other! And while in this wretched intoxicated state they are driven, like beasts, pell-mell in ev- ery direction ! Follow it on, and just as soon as they begiu to establish other homes, in other countries, we see this same Christian Jew-god him- self going at the head of a mighty army of the se- lected elect, through every nation under the sun ; robbing, stealing, pillaging, ravishing, and mur- dering the bewilderd and helpless nations of this earth, until these rivers of human gore are terri- ble rivers, sufficient to float the largest steamships or the mighty ship of Zion ! On it goes, this awful river of the gods, this riv- er of blood , this river Jordan, winding its bloody way through the very heart of every nation under the sun ! On it goes, deepening and widening, as it is joined by ten thousand millions of other rivers of human gore, that religion has shed out of the hearts of poor, innocent, helpless infants, women and children, and all done in the name of God, or by God himself, they say ! On it goes, this Jew^ Christian bibleof King Jim’s, recording page after page, book after book, of those different barbarian uncalled for wars, cold-blooded, unprovoked mur- ders, awful massacres, and un paraded slaughters, that religion has done in every land under the sun! Jl^** And only think, they claim to be done in the name of a just God, or by God himself! Follow it on, it is now a terrible river of hot, boiling, hissing human gore, sufficient to carry the skulls, skeletons and decayed bodies, along its slippery, slimy banks of hissing serpents, and demons from the regions of the darned ! Look across on yonder shore — on the other side of this river of the gods — this river Jordan, and view this religious landscape over ! See that church, aud that Christian preacher as he points with pride to their fruits, as he begs and beckons you on to slavey, hate, self-de lial, suffer- 129 ' ing and an ignomineous death ! Yes, yes, see that Church, that Preacher, and that Devil ! See their fruits! See those maniacs, that religion has fright- ened to death, with their hideous sermons, with their bibles self-contradictions, and religions mad- dening fire! They are a heavy tax-burden to ev- ery state in the union, and a terrible nuisance ! See the skulls of the millions, and millions of in- nocent, helpless victoms, that religionists has piled mountain high ! See Golgotha, a mountain of hu- man skulls! where they closed the tragedy of trage- dies, by erecting in its midst a cross and to cap the climax they then and there crucified god himself! See the vast tracts of nations that they have, and are fast destroying, as fast as rebuilt and replenish- ed ! See that cross, that towers up high out of this mountain of human skulls ! There it was, they say, that religionists murdered even God himself, and to this evil day, they say, that they are living off of his flesh and his.blood to this day,! “^8 My God ! My God ! This is religion, I am told ! ! ! NOW turn your attention to the right side of this picture, to humanity, and see what the Chris- tians, what the Kings, the Princes, Empers, Lords, Lawyers, Doctors, Popes, Preasts, Preachers, Poli- titions, and their divine right slaves, and their bi- bles call the Devil’s works! See those rich and luxuriant farms, that feed those idle, medlesom, parasitical, piratical scoundrels! See that beau- tiful vally. See those happy, happy, ah, virteous homes. See those happy, happy, ah, thrice happy children and their schools. See the learned, the good, the true, the beautiful, the charitable and the wise. fi®“See those God loving and hell-fearing liberal fathers and mothers, as they struggle on to* wards eternity ; and not a New, Jew-Jerusalem. See the dome of our Capitol in the distance, and the statue of Liberty, that holds aloof the flambeau torch of Liberty and Infidelity; the only light, and the only true and sane religion in the world ! - ** 130 shines only for their little clique, that shi nes ghost- ly only for awhile and then dies out of its own £ brutality ; just as it has done every where, in heav- | en or on earth ! While our religion is : “ Do to others as you would they should do to you. ” It CUT HUMANITY — Home, Sweet Home, virtue, reason, justice, truth, love, liberty, education, in- vention, and progress. For this light has shone so pure and bright that every nation in this world has seen it, felt it, en- joyed it, admyred it, embraced it, and defended it ! And draw pensions or charity from it! It is no lit- tle hateing, hateful missionary fox-fire light, that 131 helps, protects, defends, and supports those that cannot help themselves— and this is all that mortal man can do. Yes, we even respect, care for and bury the dead ; while their hateing, hateful god at the ix, 60 of Lnke says: 44 Let the dead bury their dead! ” So, of all the mighty nations in the east or in the west this glorious Liberal Infidel nation js the most charitable and the best. So, down with the traitors, and up with our flags boys, shouting our battle cry of a universal freedom. CUT 1, HUMANITY. | CUT 2, BRUTALITY. Cut one, Humanity, is an old-time picture of Uncle Sam, the honest, cherful old Liberal and In- fidel. He loves everybody, he wants every-body to be free and happy, he is every-bodvs friend. * - - ■ ■ ■ — ■ -■ ■ ■■ Cut two, Brutality, is a correct likeness of a hyp- ocrite, or a two-faced scoundrel He hates and med- dles with every-body ! He wants every-body to be just like himself, and to “ git ligion, and jine his church, ” and be a miserable, homeless, hateing, hateful church-ridden slave. FAMILY RECORDS. FOR such as births, deaths, marriages, wills deeds, charts and valuable records. FAMILY —135.— RECORDS. ”< - 3 ^ F \ FAMILY —136.— RECORDS V5^> ^3i £?' >'FAMILY —139.— RECORDS . ^ " r.-: === ^rr^ ' . • • .... | - Rwj'"'^'. •■ ••■ t .'i' ' vkT y n j>/>-' 'a* * ' ■ ■*••*•? •. " ■ ■ , ■i" 1 v'?!^ -if- * ■ . >^W : , ^ ' * \"‘ :¥:'\ S f - if- 11? ' □•''' : '' ' / .iX X r'v f ;■.. *h'K.-r .., ML^ * ; ,.v *&y. .< Mr; FAMILY —141.— RECORDS. *<^3 ■ / r ' ■y ' v • '■ - r 'A j ... FAMILY —142.— RECORDS. THE ANIMAL AND THE HUMAN CHART OF AS MARKED BY IT comprises your Physiognomy, Psychology, Physiology, Phrenology, PaWnistr Anatomy, Pathology, Temperament, and organic quality. 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