V--. DoJj ^ vL ORDERS ISSUED BY ZIZUZZIZ^HH THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO, in Formal Proceedings FROM JULY 1st, 1911 TO MAY 1st, 1912 ORDERS ISSUED BY % *>y< - Formal No. i. The Union Depot Company, Defendant. ^ ENTRY QF DISMISSAL. h N Now comes the complainant, and represents to the Commission that, since the hearing herein, it has sold and disposed, of .the Southern Hotel Company, by reason whereof it has no further interest in this proceed- ing, and asks that the same be dismissed. On consideration whereof, The Public Service Commission, being fully advised in the premises, grants said request. It is therefore ordered that the proceeding be and the same is here- by dismissed. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this twenty-third day of November, 1911. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. The Gratiot and Brownsville Telephone' Company, Complainant. vs. * Formal No. 2. The Brownsville Farmers" Telephone Com- \ PANY, Defendant D This matter came on for hearing upon the motion of defendant to dismiss the complaint herein, for the reason, amongst others, that the complainant should apply to the Court of Common Pleas instead of the Commission for the relief prayed for. And it appearing to the Commission that since hearing said motion, complainant has filed a petition for relief in the Common Pleas Court 3 249295 4 of Licking County, and has obtained an order restraining defendant from proceeding with the construction of its telephone line, which line complainant says is being constructed in violation of law, and such being the only relief which this Commission could bring to the aid of com- plainant, under the petition, said complainant is left to its remedy now sought in the courts, and the petition herein is dismissed. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this twenty-ninth day of September, 1911. V Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Application of The Marion Water Company, of Marion, Ohio, for Authority to Issue Au- thorized Preferred Stock in the Sum of Six Thousand, Eight Hundred and Twenty Dollars. >- Formal No. 3. j The Marion Water Company, of Marion, Ohio, having on July 21,. 1911, filed its petition for authority to issue Six Thousand, Eight Hund- red and Twenty Dollars ($6,820.00) authorized preferred capital stock for the purpose of making extensions to its £lant, and the time of hear- ing said matter having been fixed for Tuesday, the Twenty-fifth day of July, 1911, at 2 o’clock P. M., and due notice of the time and place of said hearing being given, this day the same came on to be heard; after hearing the evidence and making such inquiry and investigation as the Commission deemed proper, and it appearing that the proceeds of the sale of said authorized preferred capital stock are to be used for the dis- charge of the lawful obligations of said Marion Water Company, to-wit: Necessary expense to be incurred in the construction of five thousand, four hundred and fifty-six feet of extension^ to the mains of said company, with necessary hydrants, said extensions having been ordered by the municipality of Marion, Ohio. Now, upon due consideration of the petition herein, accompanying exhibits, and the evidence, it is Ordered, That the said Marion Water Company be, and it is here- by authorized to issue sixty-eight (68) shares of said authorized pre- ferred capital stock at the par value of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) a share, amounting at par value to Six Thousand Eight Hundred Dollars ($6,800.00), that said shares be sold at not less than the par value there- of, it being the opinion and finding of this Commission that the capital to be secured by the issue of said sixty-eight (68) shares of preferred 5 ■capital stock is reasonably required for the said purpose of the corpora- tion. It is further Ordered, That the proceeds arising from the sale of said preferred capital stock be devoted by said The Marion Water Company to, and used for, the following purposes, and no other, to-wit : The discharge of its lawful obligation incurred in the extension of its mains and in- stallation of hydrants as herein set out. It is further Ordered, That said The Marion Water Company make verified report to the Commission as follows : Upon the sale of said Sixty-eight (68) shares of preferred capital stock, or any part thereof, the fact of such sale ; the terms and conditions of sale ; the amounts realized therefrom, which shall not be less than the par value of said preferred stock. At the termination of each and every period of six (6) months from the date of this order, the disposition and use made of the pro- ceeds of said preferred capital stock, setting forth in reasonable detail, the purposes to which the proceeds have been devoted in accordance with the provisions of this order; and that such report shall be made until all the proceeds of said preferred capital stock have been expended pursuant to this order. Columbus, Ohio, August io, 1911. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. W. N. Webster, Complainant. f Formal No. 6. The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, j Defendant, j It appearing- that this complaint has been satisfied by defendant making Charlestown a flag stop, this case is, therefor dismissed. Columbus, Ohio, April 5, 1912. 6 Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. The Henry Burkhardt Packing Company, ^ Complainant: > Formal No. 7. American Express Company, Defendant. ^ This case is submitted under the provisions of sections 579-580 of the General Code, as amended May 9th, 1910, O. L. Vol. 101, page 173. The complaint, with the complainant’s affidavits and exhibits, was filed August 22nd, 1911. The defendant’s answer and counter affidavits were filed September 15th, 1911. Upon examination of the pleadings, affidavits exhibits, the Commission find : That on June 23, 1910, The Henry Burkhardt Packing Company shipped from Dayton, Ohio, a quantity of meat designated in the com- plaint as weiners and sausage, by the American Express Company and consigned to J. A. Arnett at Greenfield, Ohio ; that the distance between Dayton and Greenfield is seventy-six miles; that the shipment, being more than twenty-four hours in transit, was detained an unreasonable length of time and arrived at destination in a damaged condition ; that the amount of damage was $9.95 ; that on July 1st, 1910, complainant made claim upon the defendant for the sum of $9.95, and that on July 2 1 st, 19 1 1 , defendant rejected said claim and the same has not yet been paid. The value of this merchandise, the portion thereof that was damaged and the fact that it was delivered to the express company in good condition are not in controversy in this case. The Commission, therefore, further find that there is due said complainant, The Henry Burkhardt Packing Company, from said de- fendant, American Express Company, the sum of $9.95. The Commission further find that the claimant, The Henry Burk- hardt Packing Company, is a resident of Montgomery County, Ohio, and that the defendant, American Express Company, has and main- tains an office in Dayton, Montgomery County, Ohio, and it is ordered that the findings o f the Commission in this matter be certified to the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of Montgomery County, Ohio. We, O. P. Gothlin, J. C. Sullivan and O. H. Hughes, constituting the Public Service Commission of Ohio, do hereby certify the foregoing to be the finding of the Public Service Commission of Ohio in the ibove entitled matter, as shown by the records and files of said Com- mission. 7 In Testimony Whereof, We have hereunto set out hands and affixed the seal of said The Public Service Commission of Ohio, this 28th day of October, 1911. THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO, By O. P. Gothlin, Chairman , J. C. Sullivan, O. H. Hughes, Commissioners. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this 28th day of October, 1911. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. The Village of McComb, Ohio, Complainant. vs. I he New York, Chicago, and St. Louis Rail- road Company. Defendant. ^Formal No. 8. ENTRY. It appearing to the Commission that the complaint in this case has been satisfied by the Defendant making the village of McComb a regular stop for Trains Number Two (2) and Three (3), the same is, therefore, dismissed without further record. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. The Patton Telephone Company, Complainant. vs. The Harrison and Jefferson Telephone Company, Defendant. ^ Y Formal No. 9. This case came on this day to be heard upon the motion of the defendant to dismiss the complaint and was argued by counsel ; and the 8 Commission being fully advised in the premises finds the grounds of said motion well taken and same is sustained. This case is therefore dismissed without further record. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this twenty-ninth day of September, 1911. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. The Bucyrus Light and Power Company, Complainant. vs. The City of Bucyrus, > Formal No. 10. Defendant. ^ This case came on this day for further hearing and it being made to appear that the ordinance fixing the rates for electric service in the * city of Bucyrus was enacted on the 6th day of December, 1910, and that the law creating The Public Service Commission of Ohio and defining its jurisdiction became effective on the first day of July, 1911, the Commission find that it has not jurisdiction in the premises, and no authority to hear and determine the issue made in said case, and the same is, therefore, dismissed without prejudice. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this 8th day of December, 1911. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Investigation of the > Merger or Consolidation of The People's Telephone Company With The Madison Telephone Company, or of the Purchase I _ , __ q. -p» rrormal No. by and Transfer of the Property, Fran- chise and Rights of The Madison Tele- phone Company to The People's Tele- phone Company of Geneva, Ohio. > 11. This matter came on this day to be heard upon the testimony and exhibits and the Commission being duly advised, find that the purchase of the property of The Madison Telephone Company by The People’s Telephone Company was consummated at a date prior to the first day of 9 July, 1911, and that this Commission has no further jurisdiction in the premises. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this fourteenth day of September, 1911. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Application of The^i Union Gas and Electric Company for j Approval by the Commission of Sliding [^Formal No. 13. Scale of Rates for Electric Current in | the City of Cincinnati, Ohio. J The Union Gas and Electric Company having on the 7th day of September, 1911, tendered for filing with the Commission its schedule of rates, minimum charges and sliding scale of rates to be charged for electric current, in the city of Cincinnati, Ohio, and having at the same time made application to the Commission for its approval of said mini- mum charge and sliding scale of rates, said application came on this day to be heard ; and the Commission, after hearing the evidence, the argument of counsel, and it appearing that said company is authorized by ordinance of Council to assess a minimum charge, said minimum charge and sliding scale of rates is hereby approved, to become effec- tive October 15th, 1911. Columbus, Ohio, October 2nd, 1911. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Application of The"] New Lexington Water Company for Au- S Formal No. 14. THORITY TO ISSUE BONDS. The New Lexington Water Company of New Lexington, Ohio, having, on the eighth day of September, 1911, filed its petition for authority to issue its bonds of the par value of $44,000.00, the proceeds to be used in building and constructing a system of water works for the village of New Lexington, Ohio, and the time of hearing said mat- ter having been fixed for Thursday, the fourteenth day of September, 1911, at one-thirty P. M., and due notice of the time and place of said hearing having been given and having on said day been heard in part, and the further hearing thereof having been continued from day to day, came on this day for final hearing. IO After hearing all the evidence, examining the exhibits and making such inquiry and investigation as the Commission deemed proper, and it appearing that the proceeds of the sale of said bonds are to be used for the discharge of the lawful obligations of said, The New Lexington Water Company, to-wit : necessary expenses incurred in the erection and construction of a water works system in and for said village of New Lexington, according to the plans and specifications submitted herein in evidence. 1 Now, upon due consideration of the petition herein, accompanying Exhibits and the evidence, it 'is Ordered, That said, The New Lexington Water Company be, and it is hereby authorized to issue its bonds of the par value of Forty- four Thousand Dollars ($44,000.00), and that said bonds be sold at not less than 96%. of the par value thereof, it being the opinion and finding of the Commission that the money to be secured by the issue of said bonds is reasonably required for the said purposes of the said, The New Lexington Water Company. It is further Ordered, That the proceeds arising from the sale of said bonds be devoted by said, The New Lexington Water Company, to, and used for the following purposes and no other, to-wit: the discharge of its lawful obligations incurred in erecting and constructing said water works system at and in New Lexington, Ohio. It is further Ordered, That said, The New Lexington Water Company, make verified report to the Commission as follows : Upon the sale of said bonds, or any part thereof, the fact of such sale; the terms and conditions of sale; the amounts realized therefrom, which shall not be less than 96% of the par value of said bonds. At the termination of each and every period of three months from the date of this order, the disposition and use made’ of the proceeds of the sale of said bonds, setting forth in reasonable detail, the purposes to which the proceeds have been devoted in accordance with the provisions of this order, and that such report be made until the proceeds of said bonds have been expended, pursuant to this order. Columbus, Ohio, October 4, 1911. Before The .PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Application of Tiie^I Toledo Home Telephone Company for [ „ • T , r , T frormal No. 15. Permission to File Rates on Less Than 0 Statutory Notice. J This matter came on this day for hearing upon the pleadings, the evidence and the exhibits and was argued by counsel, and the Com- II mission after due consideration and being fully advised in the premises find the grounds of said application and the reasons therefor not well taken, and refuse to grant the prayer of said application, and refuse to prescribe a period of less than thirty days within which said new rates and schedules may become effective after the same are filed with this Commission. Said application is therefore dismissed without further record. Columbus, Ohio, September 13, 1911. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. DeWitt T. Cope, ^ Complainant. I ^Formal No. 16. The Hamilton Gas and Electric Company, Defendant. J The complainant alleges that The Hamilton Gas and Electric Com- pany is a corporation, organized and doing business under the laws of the State of Ohio, and is engaged in the business, among other things, of furnishing artificial gas for heat, cooking and light to about 3,700 of the inhabitants of the city of Hamilton, Ohio. That said defendant Company on, or about the 10th day of August, 1911, charged and re- quired the complainant and the other users .of gas in said city of Ham- ilton, to pay the sum of ten cents as meter rent for the gas meter used by said defendant company in measuring the cubic feet of gas con- sumed by the complainant, and the other patrons of defendant, in said city of Hamilton, Ohio, for heat, cooking and light, during the month of July, 1911. That said defendant company will continue to make said charges as meter rent until restrained from so doing. That the acts so complained of by complainant, and permitted and done by de- fendant company are in violation of section 9329 of the General Code of the State of Ohio. After considering the pleadings, consisting of the complaint, the answer of defendant to the complaint, the amendment to the complaint, the defendant being in default for answer to the amendment to the com- plaint, hearing the testimony, examining the exhibits and making such inquiry and investigation as the Commission deemed proper, the Com- mission find that the defendant, The Hamilton Gas and Electric Com- pany, furnish gas to consumers within the municipality of Hamilton, Ohio, assessed, charged and collected a rent for meters used in meas- 12 tiring the number of cubic feet of gas delivered to consumers of gas and its patrons as in the complaint alleged. The Commission further find that the council of the municipality of Hamilton, Ohio, has not, by ordinance or otherwise regulated and fixed the price which the de- fendant company may charge for the rent of its meters, and that said company is not charging rent for the use of its meters by virtue of such ordinance, as provided in Section 3982 of the General Code of Ohio. The Commission further find that said defendant, The Hamilton Gas and Electric Company, has assessed, charged and collected said rent for its meters, used in measuring the number of cubic feet of gas delivered to consumers of gas and its patrons within the municipality of Hamilton, Ohio, as alleged in the complaint, in violation of the law and especially in violation of Section 9329 of the General Code of Ohio. It is, therefore, Ordered, That said defendant, The Hamilton Gas and Electric Company, forthwith, cease apd desist from assessing, charging and col- lecting rent for its meters used in the measuring of the number of cubic feet of gas delivered to consumers, and its customers within the munici- pality of Hamilton, Ohio. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this November 24, 1911. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Filing of Schedule of Rates by The Union Gas and Electric Company of Cincinnati, Ohio, and its . _ , A * A/r r Formal Vo. 18. Application for Approval of a Minimum j Charge Provided for its Product and | Service. J It appearing to the Commission that the schedule of rates and charges tendered for filing by said. The Union Gas and Electric Com- pany is the schedule that was in efifect on and prior to July 1st, 1911, and it appearing that said schedule is tendered for filing in compliance with the provisions of Section 18 of House Bill No. 325, said Schedule is therefore admitted to the files of the Commission as of right and as not requiring the approval of the Commission to make said schedule of rates and charges lawful. Columbus, Ohio, September 12th, 1911. 13 Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. Bemis and Vosburg, Complainant. vs. Pennsylvania Company, [^Formal No. 19. 1 Defendant. J This petition is submitted under Sections 579-80 of the General Code, as amended May 9, 1910, O. L. Vol. 101, p. 173. Petitioners pray for a refund of Twenty-eight Dollars demurrage, assessed and collected on Lehigh Valley Railroad car No. 63,284, loaded with lumber, shipped from Rome, Ohio, July ninth, 1910, consigned to The Menke Manufacturing Company, Columbus, Ohio. The complaint, with complainant’s affidavits, was filed with the Commission, September twenty-sixth, 1911. Defendant’s answer, with counter affidavits, was filed October eighteenth, 1911. Upon examination of the pleadings, affidavits and exhibits, the Commission find : That complainant is a co-partnership, located at Pittsburgh, Pa., doing a wholesale lumber business under the name of Bemis and Vos- burg; that, on July ninth, 1910, they shipped a carload of lumber, in Lehigh Valley Railroad car No. 63,284, consigned from Rome, Ohio, to The Menke Manufacturing Company, at Columbus, Ohio; that*the shipment was made from a local point on the Pennsylvania Company’s lines in Ohio, and consignor assumed that it would arrive in Columbus via Pennsylvania Company’s lines, and mailed to the Agent of the Pennsylvania Lines, Columbus, Ohio, an order directing that, on arrival, the car be delivered to the F. A. Jacobs Wheelbarrow Works. The car arrived in Columbus via the Cleveland, Akron and Columbus Rail- way; that the Agent of the Pennsylvania Company’s lines in Columbus received the order in due course and, on July eleventh, 1910, in accord- ance with an existing custom, sent information to other railroad agents in Columbus, advising them of the order that had been received ; that this custom was instituted for the reason that cars sometimes arrive in Columbus via lines other than those over which shippers expect them to arrive, and either the Agent of the Cleveland, Akron and Columbus Railway at Columbus, did not receive the communication from the Agent of the Pennsylvania Company’s lines, or, having received it, did not act upon it; but, after the car had remained in Columbus, unclaimed, for some days, he sent a tracer to the originating point to secure dis- 14 position ; that, for some reason not disclosed, after the car had re- mained in Columbus for thirty days, the matter was taken up with the Agent of the Pennsylvania Company’s lines, who wrote to the Agent of the Cleveland, Akron and Columbus Railway, advising him of the dis- position that should be made of the car, and calling attention to the fact that he had previously written on July eleventh; that the Agent of the Cleveland, Akron and Columbus Railway received this second in- formation on August eleventh, 1910, and immediately made the neces- sary delivery ; that, in the mean time, demurrage to the amount of Twenty-eight Dollars had accrued, which complainant paid. That claim was made by complainant upon defendant for refund of said demurrage charge more than sixty days prior to the filing of the complaint with the Commission, and that said claim was rejected by defendant and has not yet been paid, in whole or in part. Petitioners claim that demurrage was not rightfully assessed, because of the fact that shipment did not arrive in Columbus via Pennsylvania Company’s lines. . This contention is not well taken. The route the car traveled was a reasonable route and much more direct than if it had traveled all the way over the lines of the Pennsylvania Company. That shipper was, to some extent, neg- ligent in that he did not satisfy himself as to the actual route the car would take before sending disposition instructions. That, on the other hand, there was negligence upon the part of the railroad companies in- terested. Either the Agent of the Pennsylvania Company’s lines did not send notice of his disposition instructions regarding this car to the Agent of the Cleveland, Akron and Columbus Railway, as claimed, on July eleventh, 1910, or the Agent of the Cleveland, Akron and Columbus Railway, after receiving such instructions, negligently failed to act thereon; that, had he acted in accordance therewith, as he did a month later, delivery would have been affected at once and no demurrage would have accrued ; that, inasmuch as both the shipper and carrier have been negligent in the matter, neither should bear the entire burden resulting from such negligence, the Commission are of the opinion % that fifty per centum of the demurrage accrued and collected, to-wit: Four- teen Dollars, should be refunded to the plaintiff. The Commission, therefore, find, That there is due the said complainant, Bemis and Vosburg, from the defendant, Pennsylvania Company, the sum of Fourteen Dollars. The Commission further find, That the claimant is a resident of Pittsburgh, Pa., and that the defendant has, and maintains an office in Franklin County, Ohio, and it is, Ordered, That the finding of the Commission in this matter be certified to the clerk of the courts of common pleas of Franklin County, Ohio. IS , We, O. P. Gothlin, J. C. Sullivan and O. H. Hughes, constituting The Public Service Commission of Ohio, do, hereby, certify the fore- going to be the finding of The Public Service Commission of Ohio, in the above entitled matter, as shown by the records and files of said Commission. In Testimony Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands, and affixed the seal of said The Public Service Commission of Ohio, this fifth day of January, 1912. THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO, By O. P. Gothlin, Chairman , J. C. Sullivan, O. H. Hughes, Commissioners. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Investigation of the d Management of The Stark Electric j Railroad Company, Especially as to y Formal No. 20. Constructing, Issuing, Publishing and | Filing its Schedule of Rates and Fares. J It appearing that the schedule of passenger rates and fares of The Stark Electric Railroad Company, designated, as local Passenger Tariff R. C. O. No. 4 has been constructed, issued, published and filed in con- formity to the statutes and the rules of the Commission, this case is, therefore, dismissed, without further record. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this ninth day of January, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. The Men's Club of Rubicon, Complainant. ' vs. The Dayton Power and Light Company, Defendant. ^Formal No. 21. Upon the application of complainant, this case is dismissed with- out further record. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this fifth day of October, 1911. i6 Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Application of The ^ Cleveland, Painesville & Eastern Rail- road Company for Authority to Issue ^Formal No. 22. Bonds. J The Cleveland, Painesville and Eastern Railroad Company, a cor- poration organized under the laws of the State of Ohio, having, on the 25th day of September, 1911, filed its petition for authority to issue its Forty year, Five Per Cent, Refunding and Extension Mortgage Gold Bonds, being part of the reserve bonds authorized to be issued under its mortgage, or deed of trust to The Cleveland Trust Company, Trustee, dated June 1st, 1908, the proceeds to be used to re-imburse the com- pany for moneys and funds expended for betterments, improvements and additions made to its line of railroad between January 1st, and July 1st, 1911, a statement ifi detail of such expenditures being set out fully in said petition, and the time of hearing said matter having been fixed for September 28th, 1911, at three o’clock p. m., and due notice of the time and place of said hearing having been given, and having on said day been heard in part, and further hearing thereof having been con- tinued from day to day, came on this day for final hearing. After hearing all the evidence, examining the exhibits and making such inquiry and investigation as the commission deemed proper, and it appearing that the proceeds of the sale of said bonds are to be used for the discharge of the lawful obligations of said, The Cleveland, Paines- ville and Eastern Railroad Company, to-wit : for reimbursement of funds expended for betterments, improvements and additions to the property of said company, in the manner fully set out in said petition. Now, upon due consideration of the petition herein, accompanying exhibits and the evidence, it is ordered, that said, Th£ Cleveland, Painesville and East- ern Railroad Company be, and it is, hereby authorized to issue its Forty year. Five Per Cent, Refunding and Extension Mortgage, Gold Bonds,, the same being part of the reserve bonds authorized to be issued under said company’s Mortgage, or deed of Trust, to The Cleveland Trust Company, Trustee, dated June 1st, 1908, of the par value of Fifty Four Thousand Dollars ($54,000.) and that said bonds be sold at not less than Eighty Per Cent of the par value thereof, it being the opinion and finding of the Commission that the money to be secured by the issue of said bonds is reasonably required for the said purposes of the said. The Cleve- land, Painesville and Eastern Railroad Company. It is further. Ordered, that the proceeds arising from the Sale of said bonds be de- voted by said. The Cleveland, Painesville and Eastern Railroad Company i7 to, and used for, the following purposes, and no other, to-wit : The dis- charge of the lawful obligations of said company in the reimbursement of funds expended for betterments, improvements and additions as fol- lows : Right of Way $2,585 00 Right of way for high tension line from Painesville to Wil- loughby. Land 3,853 33 Land bought on Erie Street in Painesville for Storage Yard and track connections with the L. S. & M. S. Ry. Special Work 7,175 0Q Curves, Side Tracks and Loops put in Willoughby car house yard. Paving Put in at Willoughby, Painesville and Dille Road. Track Work Culvert at Willoughby Beach to eliminate curved trestle, double track at Stop 141, and tools. Light lines Lighting lines for Mentor and Lake Road. Buildings Addition of 40' x 60' to Willoughby Shop. Power Plant Equipment Additions to equipment to take care of lighting service and in- creased business. Shop Equipment Air pump, motor, etc., for .cleaning equipments when over pits in car house. Cars Balance paid on three new fifty-two foot cars purchased from Niles Car and Manufacturing Co. $54,706 06 1,833 68 1,717 76, 11,053 53' 6,803 80 6,465 25 545 00 12,673 71 It is further Ordered, that said, The Cleveland, Painesville and Eastern Railroad Company make verified report to the Commission as follows : Upon the sale of said bonds, or any part thereof, the fact of such sale; the terms and conditions of sale; the amounts realized therefrom, which shall not be less than Eighty Per Cent of the par value of said bonds; at the termination of each and every period of three months from the date of this order, the disposition and use made of the pro- ceeds of the sale of said bonds, setting forth in reasonable detail, the purposes to which the proceeds have been devoted in accordance with the provisions of this order, and that such report be made until the proceeds of said bonds have been expended pursuant to this order. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this first day of November, igi i. i8 Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Application of The Van Wert Home Telephone Company and the Central Union Telephone Com- pany for Approval of Contract for Con- nection and Exchange of Service. I Formal No. 23. J This matter came on to be heard upon the joint petition of The Van Wert Home Telephone Company and the Central Union Tele- phone Company, the evidence and the exhibits. After due consideration of the pleadings, the evidence and the ex- hibits, and the Commission being fully informed in the premises, and it appearing that the service furnished the public will be improved thereby, and that the public will be furnished adequate service for a reasonable and just i charge, and that no increase in rates nor diminution of ser- vice, as now established, is contemplated by the applicants, by rea- son of said connection and exchange of service, the Commission is satisfied that the prayer of said petition should be granted. It is, there- fore, Ordered, That said, The Van Wert Home Telephone Company and the Central Union Telephone Company be, and they are, hereby, authorized to form a connection between the plant and system of The Van Wert Home Telephone Company and the plant and system of the Central Union Telephone Company at Van Wert, Ohio, for the ex- change of service between said companies, as provided by law. It is, further, Ordered, That this order may become effective and the author- ity therein granted may be exercised on and after this date : Provided, There be no diminution of the service now afforded by the said The Van Wert Home Telephone Company, and enjoyed by its patrons, by discontinuing connection, or failing and refusing to exchange service with any other company with which connection now exists, and exchange of service is maintained. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this fourth day of December, 1911. i9 Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Application of The " Mt. Sterling Telephone Company and the Central Union Telephone Company for Connection and Exchange of Serv- ice. > Formal No. 24. This matter came on to be heard upon the joint petition of The Mt. Sterling Telephone Company and the Central Union Telephone Com- pany, the evidence and the exhibits. After due consideration of the pleadings, the evidence and the ex- hibits, and the Commission being fully informed in the premises, and it appearing that the service furnished the public will be improved thereby, and that the public will be furnished adequate service for a reasonable and just charge, and that no increase in rates nor diminution of service, as now established, is contemplated by the applicants, by reason of said connection and exchange of service, the Commission is satisfied that the prayer of said petition should be granted. It is, therefore, Ordered, That said, The Mt. Sterling Telephone Company and the Central Union Telephone Company be, and they are, hereby, authorized to form a connection between the plant and system of the Mt. Sterling Telephone Company and the plant and system of the Central Union Tel- ephone Company at Mt. Sterling, Ohio, for the exchange of service be- tween said companies, as provided by law. It is, further, Ordered, That this order may become effective and the authority therein granted may be exercised on and after this date : Provided, There be no diminution of the service now afforded by the said, The Mt. Sterling Telephone Company, and enjoyed by its patrons, by discontinuing connection or failing and refusing to exchange service with any other company with which connection now exists and exchange of service is maintained. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this fourth day of December, 1911. 20 Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Joint Application of The Citizens Telephone Company of Delaware, Ohio, and The Central Union Telephone Company for the Con- sent and Approval of the Commission for the Purchase of Certain Property of The Central Union Telephone Company by The Citizens Telephone Company of Delaware, Ohio, and for a Connecting Arrangement for an Ex- change of Service Between the Appli- r Formal No. 25. CANTS. This case came on this day for final hearing upon the joint petition of the Central Union Telephone Company and The Citizens Telephone Company of Delaware, Ohio, for authority to transfer certain property now owned by said Central Union Telephone Company and used in local service in the city of Delaware, Ohio, and to form connection and in- terchange service, the evidence and the exhibits, and was argued by counsel. After considering the pleadings, hearing the evidence, examining the exhibits, listening to the arguments of counsel and making such fur- ther inquiry and investigation as the Commission deemed proper, and it appearing that the pric£ to be paid by the said The Citizens Telephone Company of Delaware, Ohio, to said Central Union Telephone Com- pany for the property of said Central Union Telephone Company used in local service in the city of Delaware, and fully set out in the exhibits, is in excess of the value thereof ; and it appearing further that a part of the property sought to be transferred by the said Central Union Tele- phone Company to The Citizen^ Telephone Company of Delaware, Ohio, is a duplication of the present property of said The Citizens Telephone Company of Delaware, Ohio, the Commission is satisfied that the prayer of said petition as to the sale and transfer of said property should not be granted. It is, therefore, Ordered, That this petition, insofar as it relates to the transfer of property by the said Central Union Telephone Company to said The Citizens Telephone Company of Delaware, Ohio, be, and the same here- by is denied, and this case, insofar as it relates to the transfer of said property hereby is dismissed. It is further Ordered, That the said Central Union Telephone Company and The Citizens Telephone Company of Delaware, Ohio, be and they hereby are 21 authorized to form connection and interchange service for the purposes and in the manner set out in said petition. It is further Ordered, That the authority herein granted may be exercised on and after this date. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this sixteenth day of April, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Application of The" Ashtabula Telephone Company and The Central Union Telephone Com- pany for the Consent and Approval of the Commission for the Purchase of certain Property of the Central Union Telephone Company by the Ashtabula Telephone Company and for the Pur- chase of Certain Property of the Ash- tabula Telephone Company by the Cen- tral Union Telephone Company and for a Connecting Arrangement for an Ex- change 01 Service between Applicants. Formal No. 26. j . This matter came on this day for final hearing upon the joint pe- tition of The Ashtabula Telephone Company and the Central Union Telephone Company, the evidence and the exhibits; and the Commission, being fully advised in the premises, is satisfied the prayer of said petition should be granted. It is, therefore, Ordered, That said Central Union Telephone Company, be and it is, hereby, authorized to sell to The Ashtabula Telephone Company certain of its property used in local service and located in the municipalities of Ashtabula and Kingsville, Ohio, and fully set out in a bill of sale attached to the petition and marked exhibit “A”, and made a part hereof by refer- ence ; and said The Ashtabula Telephone Company is, hereby, author- ized to purchase said property and to pay therefor the agreed sum of Seventeen Thousand, Nine Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($17,950.00). It is further Ordered, That said The Ashtabula Telephone Company be, and it is, hereby, authorized to sell to said Central Union Telephone Company cer- tain of its property, used in toll service and fully set out in a bill of sale attached to the petition herein and marked exhibit “B”, and made a part of this order by reference; and said Central Union Telephone Company is, hereby, authorized to purchase said property and to pay 22 therefor the agreed price of One Thousand, Four Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($1,450.00). It is further, Ordered, That said The Ashtabula Telephone Company and Cen- tral Union Telephone Company, be, and they are, hereby, authorized to form connection and interchange service in the manner and for the purpose set out in said petition. It is further, Ordered, That the authority herein granted may be exercised on and after this date. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, This 8th day of February, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Application of the 1 Western Ohio Railway Company for r Formal No. 27. AUTHORITY TO ISSUE STOCK. This matter came on this day to be heard and it appearing to the Commission that the sale of securities mentioned in the pleadings filed herein was consummated at a date prior to July 1st, 1911, the Commis- sion finds that it has no jurisdiction over said transaction, and said petition is therefore dismissed. Columbus, Ohio, October 17th, 1911. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the matter of the application of The Lima Natural Gas Company for per- mission to file schedule of rates for r Formal No. 28. Lima, Ohio, with Minimum charge. The schedule of rates to be charged for natural gas in the city of Lima, tendered for filing on the 29th day of September, 1911, by The Lima Natural Gas Company, is hereby approved to become effective November first, 1911. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this nineteenth day of October, 1911. 9 23 f Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF THE ^ Lima Natural Gas Company for per- j MISSION TO FILE SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR Formal No. 29. Cridersville, Ohio, with minimum j CHARGE. J The schedule of rates to be charged for natural gas in the village of Cridersville, tendered for filing on the 29th day of September, 1911, by The Lima Natural Gas Company, is hereby approved to become effec- tive November first, 1911. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this nineteenth day of October, 1911. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the matter of the application of The" Lima Natural Gas Company for per- _ , __ fbormal No. 30. mission to file schedule of rates for j COLDWATER, OHIO, WITH MINIMUM CHARGE, j The schedule of rates to be charged for natural gas in the village of Coldwater, tendered for filing on the 29th .day of September, 1911, by The Lima Natural Gas Company is hereby approved to become effec- tive November 1st, 1911. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this nineteenth day of October, 1911. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the matter of the application of The" Wapakoneta Natural Gas Company for PERMISSION TO FILE SCHEDULE RATES FOR Formal No. 31. Wapakoneta, Ohio, with minimum i CHARGE. J The schedule of rates to be charged for natural gas in the city of Wapakoneta, tendered for filing on the 29th day of September, 1911, by The Wapakoneta Natural Gas Company, is hereby approved to be- come effective November 1st, 1911. Columbus, Ohio, October 19th, 1911. 24 Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the .matter of the application of The^I St. Marys Gas Company for permission | _ , 0 ,, > Formal No. 72 . TO FILE SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR St. MaRYS, j Ohio, with minimum charge. j The schedule of rates to be charged for natural gas in the city of St. Marys, tendered for filing on the 29th day of September, 1911, by The St. Marys Gas Company, is hereby approved to become effective November 1st, 1911. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this nineteenth day of October, 1911. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the matter of the application of The Celina Gas Company for permission to _ , ~ ~ > Formal No. file schedule of rates for Celina, Ohio, WITH MINIMUM CHARGE. 33 - The schedule for rates to be charged for natural gas in the city of Celina, tendered for filing on the 29th day of September, 1911, by The Celina Gas Company, is hereby approved to become effective Novem- ber 1st, 1911. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this nineteenth day of October, 1911. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the matter of the application of The^ Mt. Vernon Electric Company for ap- ! _ t XT T ■p> f Formal No. 34. PROVAL OF CONTRACT WITH TlIE FEDERAL ° Electric Sign System Company. J This matter came on this day for investigation upon the pleadings and the exhibits, and the Commission being fully advised find that the contract submitted is not in conformity with law and approval thereof is, therefore, refused. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this thirtieth day of September, 1911. 25 Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. Application of The Cincinnati, Hamilton 1 and Dayton Railway Company for au- I _ , XT f Formal No. THORITY TO ISSUE BONDS IN THE SUM OF j ^ $462,000.00. J The Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railway Company having on the twenty-ninth day of September filed its petition for authority to issue its bonds of the par value of $462,000.00, to be used as a deposit and pledge as security and indemnity to a company or companies who would become surety, or sureties, on a bond for the release of a certain attachment issued by the Supreme Court of the State of New York, in a suit therein pending wherein the said, The Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railway Company is defendant, or to a person, firm or corpora- tion, who would indemnify such surety company, or companies, and the time of hearing said matter having been fixed for October 2nd, 1911, and having on said day been heard in part, and the further hearing thereof having been continued from day to day, came on this day for final hearing. After hearing all the evidence, examining the exhibits and making such inquiry and investigation as the Commission deemed proper, the Commission is of the opinion that authority for such issue should not be granted and said application is, therefore, denied. Columbus, Ohio, October 27, 1911. ■ • ) Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF THE Harrison and Jefferson Telephone Com- pany and The Hopedale Telephone Company for approval of the sale and transfer of certain property by The Harrison and Jefferson Company to The Hopedale Telephone Company. Formal No. 3 6 - This matter came on to be heard upon the joint petition of The Harrison and Jefferson Telephone Company and the Hopedale Tele- phone Company, the evidence and the exhibits. After due consideration of the petition, the evidence and the ex- hibits, and the Commission being fully advised in the premises, and it appearing that the public will be furnished adequate service for a rea- sonable and just charge, the Commission is satisfied that the prayer of said petition should be granted. It is, therefore, Ordered, That The Harrison and Jefferson Telephone Company be, and it is, hereby, authorized to sell and transfer to The Hopedale Tele- phone Company certain real estate, franchise rights, and personal prop- erty, fully set out in the petition and in an inventory filed herein, and marked exhibit “A,” on the terms and conditions agreed upon by said companies and set out in their said joint petition; and the said, The Hopedale Telephone Company is authorized to purchase said property. It is, further, Ordered, That this order shall be in effect and the authority herein granted may be exercised on and after this date. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this fifth day of December, 1911. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. The Massillon Board of Trade Company, Complainant , vs. ^Formal No. 38. Pennsylvania Company and The Baltimore j and Ohio Railroad Company, Defendants. J It appearing that this complaint has been satisfied, the same is therefore, at the request of complainant dismissed . without further record. Columbus, Ohio, January 12th, 1912. 27 Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. The Village of Maumee, Complainant , i vs. Formal No. 39. The Ohio Electric Railway Company, | Defendant. J This case came on to be heard upon the petition of the complainant, the Village of Maumee, through its Mayor, John A. Smith, the answer thereto of the defendant, the evidence and the exhibits. The complainant alleges, among other things, that it is a munic- ipal corporation, duly incorporated under the laws of Ohio, is situate in Lucas County, Ohio, and has a population of two thousand, three hun- dred persons, and is surrounded by a well populated county; that the defendant owns and operates, by electric power, an interurban railway which runs through and across the village of Maumee, that said railway has been in operation for about four years, and that defendant main- tains a daily passenger service of sixteen cars each way, all of which cars stop at said village fo.r letting off and taking on passengers, and ten of which cars, five each way, are what are designated as “limited cars ;” that said village is a regular station on defendant's line of railroad for the accommodation of passengers, and that defendant is a large carrier of freight in and out of said village, that defendant has never maintained a depot, or depo.t building, within the corporate limits of said village and has neglected and failed to construct and maintain a depot or depot building in the corporate limits o,f said village for the accommodation of passengers, nor does it have or maintain a station agent in said place, nor has it a freight depot therein. The defendant, by way of answer to the complaint, alleges, among other things, that the village of Maumee is located upon the Maumee River, the Miami and Erie Canal, the Toledo, St. Louis and Western Railway, the Wabash Railway and, also, upon the line of the Maumee Valley Traction Company, operated by The Toledo Railways and Light Company, and upon The Toledo, Bowling Green and Southern Traction Company ; that The Toledo Railways and Light Company operates said Maumee Valley Traction line from near the center of the city of Toledo to the center of the village of Maumee, providing ample accommodation for passengers and freight, and operates passenger cars on a schedule of about every twenty-four minutes and more than forty cars daily; that The Toledo, Bowling Green and Southern Traction Company operates between the city of Findlay and the city of Toledo upon an hourly schedule of eleven local and ten limited cars each way daily, all furnishing 2 8 service to the inhabitants of said village of Maumee ; that the Toledo, St. Louis and Western Railway Company operates its system of railway extending from the city of Toledo to the city of St. Louis, passing through said village, and operates a number of cars daily each way, and provides ample accomodation for both passengers and freight; that the Wabash Railway Company, operating from said city of T6ledo, through said village of Maumee, to the city of Ft. Wayne, provides ample accommodation ; that all of said railways except the Wabash Rail- way is located in or in proximity to the center of said village of Maumee ; that defendant’s railroad is located and operated through vacant lands along the west side of said village of Maumee, about one-half mile distant from the center of said village, and between defendant’s said line and the built-up portion of said village is the Miami and Erie Canal and the Clover Leaf Railroad, so that, owing to the conditions stated, the defendant obtains but a small percent of the business, either pas- senger or freight, in or out of said village and cannot expect, under present conditions, to obtain business sufficient to justify it in maintaining a passenger and freight depot and agents therein, and that the revenue derived from all business in and out of Maumee does not amount to a sufficient sum of money to justify said company in maintaining such depots and agents in said village, and that, prior to the filing of the com- plaint herein, defendant, at its shops in Lima, began the framing of material for the purpose of erecting at the village of Maumee and upon its line of railroad, a standard shelter station, or waiting room, and that this, with freight platforms, will provide all the facilities that the business in that locality will justify. After considering the pleadings, hearing the evidence, examining the exhibits and making such further inquiry and investigation as the Commission deemed proper, the Commission finds that the facilities and service furnished by defendant, for the accommodation of passenger and freight traffic, at the village of Maumee are inadequate. The Commission further finds that the defendant is the owner of land upon which a suitable depot building may be erected. The Commission further finds that the fact that the other carriers, named in defendant’s answer, provide adequate, passenger and freight facilities in said village does not excuse defendant from providing ade- quate facilities upon its line. The Commission further finds that the business offered to defendant is sufficient in volume to justify defendant in maintaining the facilities herein ordered. The Commission further finds that the building and facilities fur- nished at this point by defendant since the commencement of this action are inadequate. It is, therefore, Ordered, That the defendant. The Ohio Electric Railway Company, be and it is, hereby, notified and required to provide and maintain at 2 9 said village of' Maumee an adequate depot building, on or convenient to its right-of-way, for the accommodation of such passenger and freight traffic as may be offered to it at this point. It is further Ordered, That said building shall be kept clean, well lighted and warmed, for the comfort and accommodation of the traveling public. It is further Ordered, That defendant may comply with this order by the erec- tion of a building which shall contain at least one enclosed room, not less in size than twelve by fourteen (12x14) feet, or its equivalent, for the accommodation of passengers, and by providing such additional space in said building, or in a separate building, at the option of defendant, as will afford adequate facilities for the handling of freight forwarded and received at this station. It is further Ordered, That ninety (90) days from this date shall be considered a reasonable time within which to comply with this order. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this eleventh of April, 1912, Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the matter of the application of The Chesterhill Fuel and Light Company and The River Gas Company for the ap- proval OF THE SALE OF AND TRANSFER OF THE PROPERTY, EXCEPT THE FRANCHISE IN THE VILLAGE OF CHESTERHILL, OHIO, OF The Chesterhill Fuel and Light Com- pany to The River Gas Company. Formal No. 40. This matter came on to be heard upon the joint petition of The Chesterhill Fuel and Light Company and The River Gas Company, the evidence and the exhibits. After due consideration of the pleadings, the evidence and the exhibits, and the Commission being fully informed in the premises, and it appearing that the public will be furnished adequate service for a reasonable and just rate, the Commission is satisfied that the prayer of said petition should be granted. It is, there- fore, Ordered, That The Chesterhill Fuel and Light Company be and it is hereby authorized to sell and convey all its rights and property to The River Gas Company for the consideration, and on the terms, set out in the contract made and entered into by said companies for such con- veyance and designated as Exhibit A and attached to said joint petition. It is further 30 Ordered, That this order shall be in effect and the authority there- in granted may be exercised on and after this date. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this twenty-first day of October, 1911. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. The Kilbourn Mutual Telephone Company, ^ Complainant vs. The New Ashley Telephone Company, et al, j Defendants. J Formal No. 41, This case came on this day for further hearing, and it appearing that The Kilbourn Mutual Telephone Company is a corporation incor- porated and organized, under the laws of Ohio, not for profit, the Com- mission find that said company has not the legal capacity to maintain this action and the same is, therefore, dismissed. Columbus, Ohio, December 8th, 1911. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the matter of the application of TheI Ironton Electric Company for author- ^Formal No. 42. ITY TO ISSUE $14,000.00 CAPITAL STOCK. The Ironton Electric Company, a corporation organized under the laws of Ohio, having, on the twenty-first day of October, 1911, filed its petition for authority to issue its common stock of the par value of $14,000.00 for the purpose of securing funds to be used in the purchase of, and the making of necessary improvements on and additions to cer- tain property of The Ohio Valley Electric Company, an inventory show- ing the character and value of said property being attached to the peti- tion herein and marked exhibit “A”, said property being now and here- v tofore used by the said The Ohio Valley Electric Railway Company for municipal, mercantile and commercial electric lighting in the City of Ironton, Ohio, and the time of hearing said matter having been fixed for October twenty-seventh, 1911, and due notice of the time and place 3i of* said hearing having been given, and said matter having been heard in part at said time, and the further hearing thereof having been continued from day to day, the same came on this day for final hearing. After due consideration of the pleadings, hearing the evidence, ex- amining the exhibits and making such inquiry and investigation as the Commission deemed proper, and it appearing that the proceeds of the sale of said stock are to be used for the discharge of the lawful obliga- tions of said corporation, it is, Ordered, That said The Ironton Electric Company be, and it is, hereby, authorized to issue its common stock of the par value of Four- teen Thousand Dollars ($14,000.00), and that said stock be sold at not less than the par value thereof, it being the opinion and finding of the Commission that the capital to be secured by the sale of said stock is reasonably required for the purposes of said The Ironton Electric Com- pany. It is further, Ordered, That the proceeds arising from the sale of said stock be devoted by said The Ironton Electric Company to, and used for the fol- lowing purposes, and no other, to-wit : The purchase of and the making of necessary improvements on and additions to the property fully set out in said petition and exhibit, which is made a part hereof by refer- ence. It is further, Ordered, That the said The Ironton Electric Company make veri- fied report to the Commission as follows : Upon the sale of said stock, or any part thereof, the fact of such sale; the terms and conditions of sale, the amount realized therefrom, which shall not be less than the par value of said stock; at the termination of each and every period of three months from the date of this order, the disposition made of the proceeds of the sale of said stock, setting forth in reasonable detail, the purposes to which the proceeds have been devoted, and that such report be made until all the proceeds of the sale of said stock have been expended pursuant to this order. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this twenty-seventh day of January, 1912. 3 2 Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. The Federal Clay Product Company, Complainant ^Formal No. 43. The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, | Defendant. J entry of dismissal. It appearing that defendant has accorded satisfaction in this case, the same is therefore dismissed without further record. Columbus, Ohio, March 13th, 1912. * Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the matter of the amended application of The People's Telephone Company, of Geneva, Ohio, for authority to sell $8, 000.00 OF CAPITAL STOCK. The People’s Telephone Company, a corporation organized under the laws of Ohio, with its principal place of business at Geneva, Ohio, having, on the sixth day of February, 1912, filed its amended petition for authority to issue its common stock of the par value of Eight Thous- and Dollars, and said matter having been set for hearing. March sixth, 1912, at two o’clock p. m., and due notice of the time and place of said hearing having been given and having been heard in part on said day and the further hearing thereof having been continued from day to day, the same came on this day for final hearing. After considering the pleadings, hearing the evidence, examining the exhibits and making such further inquiry and investigation as the Commission deemed proper, and it appearing that the proceeds of the sale of said stock are to be used for the discharge of the lawful obliga- tions of said corporation, the Commission is satisfied that the prayer of said amended petition should be granted. It is. therefore, Ordered, That said The People’s Telephone Company be. and it is, hereby, authorized to issue its common stock of the par value of Eight Thousand Dollars ($8,000.00), and that said stock be sold at the best price obtainable, which shall not be less than the par value thereof, it Formal No. 44. 33 being the opinion and finding of the Commission that the money to be ob- tained by the issue of said stock is reasonably required for the proper purposes of said corporation. It is further, Ordered, That the proceeds arising from the sale of said stock be devoted by said The People’s Telephone Company to and used for the following purposes, and no other, to-wit : the payment for underground construction, new construction, new equipment and exchange building, the same being fully itemized and set out in detail in said amended peti- tion, the same being made a part of this order by reference. It is further, Ordered, That said The People’s Telephone Company make vari- fied report to the Commission as follows : upon the sale of said stock, or any part thereof, the fact of such sale ; the terms and conditions of sale ; the amounts realized therefrom, which shall be the largest amounts ob- tainable and not less than the par value of said stock; at the termina- tion of each and every period of three (3) months from the date of this order, the disposition and use made of the proceeds of the sale of said stock, setting forth in reasonable detail, the purposes to which said pro- ceeds have been devoted, and that such report be made until all the proceeds of the sale of said stock have been expended in accordance with this order. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this twenty-first of March, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Application of The Hocking Valley Railway Company for Authority to Issue Two-Year Four and One-Half Per Cent. Gold Notes, Ma- turing November i, 1913, in the Face Amount of $4,000,000. ^Formal No. 48. The Hocking Valley Railway Company having duly presented to the Public Service Commission of Ohio its verified application in writ- ing stating that said Railway Company proposes to create, and to sell for money only, an issue of $4,000,000 of its Two-Year Four and One- Half per cent. Gold Notes to be dated November 1, 1911, and to mature November 1, 1913; said notes to be issued under an indenture with The Equitable Trust Company of New York, as Trustee, a tentative draft of which is to said application attached marked Schedule A and made a part thereof, and said Railway Company having thereupon requested that this Commission by order duly made, authorize, consent to and permit the issue and sale by said Railway Company of said $4,000,000, 34 face-amount, of said Two-Year Four and One-Half Per Cent. Gold Notes for the purposes and upon the terms hereinafter set forth : Now, Therefore, said application having been duly considered and the same being in due form and sufficient in law, the Public Service Commission of Ohio Hereby Orders, Consents to, and Authorizes the issuance by said The Hocking Valley Railway Company of its Two- Year Four and One-Half Per Cent. Gold Notes as follows; to-wit: 1. The amount and character of said notes are as follows: Said notes are Two-Year Four and One-Half Per Cent. Gold Notes of said Railway Company dated November i, 1911, payable November 1, 1913, and are to be substantially in the form in said indenture set forth. Pending the preparation of definitive notes some or all of said notes may be issued as temporary notes as provided in the indenture. The aggregate face amount of said notes in respect of which the order of this Commission is granted, is $4,000,000, constituting the entire face amount of said notes authorized to be issued in said indenture. 2. The purposes for which said $4,000,000 of said notes are to be issued are as follows : (a) Three million two hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($3,250,000) face amount of notes to pay and refund promissory notes of said Railway Company, now outstanding to the face amount of $3,250,000 (of which $2,500,000 are notes dated April 21, 1910, held by Kuhn, Loeb & Co., of New York City, and $750,000 are notes, dated July 10, 1909, maturing July 10, 1910, and since extending by agreement with the holders, said $750,000 of notes being held by J. P. Morgan & Co., of New York City.) (b) Seven hundred fifty thousand dollars ($750,000) face amount of notes to provide funds to be applied on account of the acquisition of property, the construction, completion, extension or improvement of the facilities of said Railway Company and the improvement or main- tenance of its service, the nature and estimated cost thereof being as follows : ADDITIONS TO AND IMPROVEMENTS AND BETTERMENTS OF FACILITIES OF THE HOCKING VALLEY RY. FROM NOVEMBER 1ST, I 9 II. Needed to complete work previously undertaken : Dec., 1911 Olentangy and Lancaster bridges $2,726 40 Kimberly to Beaumont, 2nd track 1,093 32 Passing tracks, Hocking Division 3,000 00 Passing tracks, River Division 500 00 South Columbus, Parsons Avenue Yard 6,251 60 Walbridge Engine House 6.687 39 Columbus Grade Crossing Elimination 25,000 00 Logan Steam Pipe Conduit 5,000 00 Total $50,258 71 35 Calendar Year of 1912. Necessary. Desirable. Electric Lighting Plant, Walbridge $10,500 00 Extension of 29 Passing tracks, Toledo Division, to hold 65 cars, engine and caboose 45,000 00 Telephone train dispatching installation, Toledo Division. 15,000 00 Passing Track, Kanauga 3,000 00 Additional right-of-way, Harpster, for drainage ditch and second track 1,000 00 15 locomotives, 10 freight, 4 passenger, 1 hump 300,000 00 10 coaches 120,000 00 10 caboose cars 7,500 00 2-span deck girders, 109 ft. spans, single track, replace- ment bridge over Big Walnut Creek, including new pier 17,600 00 1 girder, 64 feet over highway, north of Marion 6,000 00 1 girder, 54 ft., LeMoyne 4,500 00 Rail Saw and Drill 2,000 00 Grade separation, S. High St., Columbus 50,000 00 Necessary. Desirable. 5 sections 2nd track, aggregating 15.8 miles $278,250 00 Extension Yard track, Nelsonville 10,000 00 Telephone train dispatching installation, Hocking Division. 10,000 00 Nelsonville Cut-Off 55,000 00 Miscellaneous station and office buildings 15,000 00 Water tank and track scales, Walbridge 4,700 00 Marion Engine House and tracks, including purchase of land, water softening plant, etc 25,000 00 Shop tools, Columbus and Logan 5,000 00 Sanitary closets and sewage, Logan 5,000 00 4-story fire-proof construction building for storage of rec- ords required under I. C. C. regulations 36,000 00 Yard tracks, S. Columbus Yard $165,000 00 Installation water softening plant and water supply 15,000 00 Coal plant, ash pit, etc 25,000 00 Engine house, 15 stalls, to be constructed during 1913, and provision made for additional 15 stalls during 1914 or subsequently 50,000 00 xurntable 10,000 00 ^>team pipe, washout plant, electric lighting, etc 20,000 00 •Office building and storehouse 5,000 00 Car repairs bldg., storehouse, etc 2,000 00 Sanitary sewage disposal, out buildings, etc 5.000 00 Total $762,100 00 $560,950 00 Needed to complete work previously undertaken $50,258 71 Grand Total $812,358 71 The money to be procured by the issue of said $4,000,000 of notes is reasonably required for the purposes aforesaid and said Railway Com- pany is not, without the consent of this Commission, to apply any of the proceeds of said notes to any purpose not hereinabove specified. 36 3. The terms upon which said notes are to be issued are as fol- lows : Said notes are, forthwith upon the issue thereof, to be sold for money only at a price of 98 per cent, of the face amount thereof to- gether with accrued interest from the date of said notes; said Railway Company having duly entered into a contract for the sale of said $4,000,- 000 of notes upon said terms, subject to due authorization by this Com- mission. It Is Further Ordered, that said The Hocking Valley Railway Company, at the termination of each and every period of six (6) months from the date of this order, make verified report to this Commission of the disposition and use made of the proceeds of said Two-Year Four and One-Half Per Cent. Gold Notes, setting forth in reasonable detail the purposes to which such proceeds have been devoted in accordance with the provisions of this Order and that such report shall be made until all the proceeds of said notes have been expended in accordance with this order. Dated at Columbus, O., this 27th day of October, A. D. 1911. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Application of The" Defiance Gas and Electric Company for Approval by the Commission of a Minimum Charge and a Sliding Scale of Rates to be Charged for Gas, and for Approval of a Minimum Charge and a Sliding Scale of Rates to be Charged for Electric Current in Defiance, Ohio. J Formal No. 49 - The minimum charge and sliding scale of rates to be charged for gas and the minimum charge and sliding scale of rates to be charged for electric current at Defiance, submitted October 28th, 1911, for approval by The Defiance Gas and Electric Company, are hereby ap- proved to become eflfective November 30th, 1911. Columbus, Ohio, October 28th, 1911. 37 Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Application of The Washington Gas and Electric Company for Approval by the Commission of a Minimum Charge and Sliding scale of Rates to be Charged for Gas in Wash- ington C. H., Ohio. ^Formal No. 50. The minimum charge and sliding scale of rates to be charged for gas at Washington C. H., Ohio, submitted November 1st, 1911, for ap- proval, by The Washington Gas and Electric Company are hereby ap- proved to become effective December 1st, 1911. Columbus, Ohio, November 1, 1911. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Application of The Washington Gas and Electric Company for Approval by the Commission of a Minimum Charge and Sliding Scale of Rates to be Charged for Gas at Bloom- ingburg, Ohio. ^Formal No. 5i* The minimum charge and sliding scale of rates to be charged for gas at Bloomingburg, Ohio, submitted November 1st, 1911, for approval, by The Washington Gas and Electric Company are hereby approved to become effective December 1st, 1911. Columbus, Ohio, November 1, 1911. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Application of The • Citizens Telephone Company for Au- thority to Issue Bonds of the Par Value of $35,900.00. >■ Formal No. 52 . The Citizens Telephone Company, located at Circleville, Ohio, a corporation organized under the laws of Ohio, having on the 3rd day of 38 November, 1911, filed its petition for authority to issue its bonds of the par value of $35,900.00 for the purpose of providing funds to take up and pay off a like amount of said company’s bonds falling due and be- coming payable on the first day of March, 1912, and the time of hearing said mater having been fixed for November 21st, 1911, at 3 o’clock p. m. and due notice of the time and place of said hearing having been given, the same came on this day to be heard. After considering the pleadings, hearing the testimony, examining the exhibits and making such inquiry and investigation as the Commis- sion deemed proper, and it appearing that the proceeds of the sale of "said bonds, are to be used for the discharge of the lawful obligations of said, The Citizens Telephone Company, of Circleville, to-wit: Nec- essary expenses incurred in paying off bonds of the applicant of like amount falling due and becoming payable on the first day of March, 1912. Now, upon due consideration of the petition herein, the exhibits and the evidence ; It is Ordered, That said, The Citizens Telephone Company be, and it is hereby authorized to issue its bonds of the par value of $35,900.00 and that said bonds be sold at not less than the par value thereof, it being the opinion and finding of the Commission that the capital to be secured by the sale of said bonds, is reasonably required for said pur- poses of the corporation. It is further Ordered, That the proceeds arising from the sale of said bonds be devoted by said, The Citizens Telephone Company, to, and used for the following purposes, and no other, to-wit: The discharge of its lawful obligations in taking up and paying off its bonds of like amount falling due and becoming payable on the first day of March, 1912. It is 1-urther Ordered, That said, The Citizens Telephone Company make ver- ified report to the Commission as follows : Upon the sale of said bonds or any part thereof, the fact of such sale: the terms and conditions of sale; the amounts realized therefrom, which shall not be less than the par value of said bonds. At the termination of each and every period of six (6) months from the date of this order, the disposition and use made of the proceeds of said bonds, setting forth in reasonable detail, the purposes to which the proceeds have been devoted, in accordance with the provisions of this order; and that such report be made until all the proceeds of said bonds have been expended, pursuant to this order. Columbus, Ohio, Nov. 21, 1911. 39 ' Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Application of The Dayton Power and Light Company for Approval of Minimum Charge and Slid- ing Scale of Rates to be Charged for Electric Current in the City of Day- ton, Ohio. ^Formal No. 53. It appearing to the Commission that the schedule of rates submit- ted for approval, has been heretofore, to-wit, on November 7th, 1911, withdrawn by said Company, and no other schedule substituted therefor,, this case is, therefore, dismissed. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this eighth day of February, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Complaint of A. F. ^ Herbsleb, on Behalf of the Users of Electric Current of an Unjust, Un- reasonable and Unlawful Charge for Such Current by The Union Gas and Electric Company in Cincinnati, Ohio. > Upon the application of complainant, this case is hereby dismissed without prejudice. Columbus, Ohio, December 26th, 1911. Formal No. 54. 40 Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Application of The Springfield and Washington Railway Company, for Authority to Issue Two Hundred Thousand Dollars Par Value of Common Stock, and Three Hundred Thousand Dollars Par Value of Thirty Year, Five Per Cent., Bonds, For The Purpose of Extending and Equipping Said Company's Traction Line from South Charleston to Washington, Ohio, and Refunding Said Company's Present Mortgage Indebtedness. ^Formal No. 55 - The Springfield and Washington Railway Company, having on the eleventh day of November, 1911, filed its petition for authority to issue Two Hundred Thousand Dollars, par value, of common stock and Three Hundred Thousand Dollars, par value, of bonds, for the purpose of raising funds to construct, extend and equip its line from South Charles- ton to the city of Washington, Ohio, and to refund $105,000.00 mortgage indebtedness, and the time of hearing having been fixed for Wednesday, November 22nd, at 10:00 a. m., and due notice of the time and place of said hearing having been given, this day came on to be heard. After considering the pleadings, examining the exhibits and making such in- quiry and investigation as the Commission deemed proper, and it ap- pearing that the proceeds of the sale of said stock and bonds are to be used for the discharge of the lawful obligations of said. The Springfield and Washington Railway Company to-wit : Necessary expenses incur- red in the construction, extension and equipment of its line from South Charleston, Ohio, to Washington, Ohio, and in the refunding of its said mortgage indebtedness, now, upon due consideration of the petition herein, accompanying exhibits and the evidence, it is Ordered, That the said, The Springfield and Washington Railway Company be, and it is hereby authorized to issue two hundred thousand dollars, par value, of common stock and three hundred thousand dollars, par value, of bonds, that said common stock be sold at not less than the par value thereof, and that said bonds be sold at not less than eighty- five per centum of the par value thereof. It is further Ordered, That the proceeds arising from the sale of said common stock and bonds, be devoted by the said, The Springfield and Washington Railway Company, to, and used for, the following purposes, and no other, to-wit: The discharge of its lawful obligations incurred in the construction, extension and equipment of its line between South Charles- 4i ton, Ohio, and Washington, Ohio, and for the refunding of its said mortgage indebtedness, it is further Ordered, That the said, The Springfield and Washington Railway Company, make verified report to the Commission as follows : Upon the sale of said common stock and bonds, or either, or any part of either, the fact of such sale; the terms and conditions of sale; the amounts realized therefrom, which shall not be less than the par value of said common stock, and not less than eight five per centum of the par value of said bonds. At the termination of each and every period of six (6) months from the date of this order, the disposition and use made of the proceeds arising from the sale of said common stock and bonds, or of either, setting forth in reasonable detail, the purpose to which said proceeds have been devoted in accordance with the provisions of this order; and that such report shall be made until all the proceeds of said common stock and bonds have Wen expended pursuant to this order. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this twenty-second day of November, 1911. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Application of The Licking Light anp Power Company for Approval of Minimum Charge and Slid- ing Scale of Rates to be Charged for Electric Current in the City of Newark. -\ > Formal No. j The minimum charge and sliding scale of rates to be charged for electric current in the city of Newark, Ohio, submitted for approval, November 13th, 1911, by The Licking Light and Power Company is hereby approved to become effective February 1st, 1912. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this first day of February, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Application of The > Columbus Interurban Terminal Com- pany for Authority to Issue $125,000.00 f of Bonds. Formal No. 57 - The Columbus Interurban Terminal Company, a corporation un- der the laws of the State of Ohio, having, on the fourteenth day of 42 November, 1911, filed its petition for authority to issue its first mort- gage, five per cent., twenty-five year bonds, of the par value of $125,- 000.00, the proceeds arising therefrom to be used for the erection of a terminal freight! and passenger station on real estate owned by said company in the City of Columbus, Ohio, and the time of hearing having been fixed for the twenty-seventh day of November, 1911, at two o’clock p. m., and due notice of the time and place of said hearing having been given, the same came on this day to be heard. After considering the pleadings, hearing the evidence, examining the exhibits and making such inquiry and investigation as the Com- mission deemed proper, and it appearing that the proceeds of the sale of said bonds are to be used for the discharge of the lawful obligations of said The Columbus Interurban Terminal Company, to-wit: Ex- penses incurred in the erection of a terminal freight and passenger sta- tion on real estate owned by said company in Columbus, Ohio, with ap- purtenances, yards, tracks and connecting tracks in connection there- with, as set out in said petition: Now, upon due consideration of the pleadings, accompanying exhibits and the evidence, it is, Ordered, That The Columbus Interurban Terminal Company be, and it is, hereby, authorized to issue its twenty-five year, five per cent, first mortgage bonds of the par value of $125,000.00, and that said bonds be sold at not less than ninety-five per centum of the par value thereof, it being the opinion and finding of the Commission that the money to be received by the issue of said bonds is reasonably required for the pur- poses of the said The Columbus Interurban Terminal Company. It is further, Ordered, That the proceeds arising from the sale of said bonds be devoted by the said The Columbus Interurban Terminal Company, to, and used for the following purposes, and no other, to-wit: The erection of a terminal freight and passenger station on real estate owned by said Company in the City of Columbus, Ohio, with appurtenances, yards, tracks and connecting tracks in connection therewith. It is further, Ordered, That said The Columbus Interurban Terminal Company make verified report to the Commission, as follows : Upon the sale of said bonds, or any part thereof, the fact of such sale ; the terms and conditions of sale; the amount realized therefrom, which shall not be less than ninety-five per centum of the par value of said bonds. At the termination of each and every period of six months from the date of this order, the disposition and use made of the proceeds of the sale of said bonds, setting forth in reasonable detail, the purposes to which the pro- ceeds have been devoted in accordance with the provisions of this order, and that such report be made until the proceeds of said bonds have been expended. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this twenty-seventh day of November, 1911. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Application of The Medina Gas and Fuel Company for Au- thority to Issue Bonds of the Par Value of $250,000.00. ^Formal No. j 58. The Medina Gas and Fuel Company, a corporation organized under the laws of Ohio, having, on the seventeenth day of November, 1911, filed its petition for authority to issue its bonds, of the par value of $250,000.00, in denominations of $1,000.00 each, numbered from One to Two Hundred and Fifty, both inclusive, payable, $50,000.00 in one year, $50,000.00 in two years, $50,000.00 in three years, $50,000.00 in four years and $50,000.00 in five years and to draw interest at 6 per cent, per annum, payable semi-annually, the proceeds to be used for con- structing, completing and equipping a new pipe line for the transportation of gas from what is known as the Medina-Ashland Natural Gas Field to Kenton, Ohio, a distance of about sixty miles, and fo.r drilling and equipping additional gas wells in the said Medina-Ashland Natural Gas Field, and the time for hearing said matter having been fixed for the twenty-third day of November, 1911, at one-thirty P. M., and due notice of the time and place for said hearing having been given, the same came on this day to be heard. After hearing all the evidence, examining the exhibits and making such inquiry and investigation as the Commission deemed proper, and it appearing that the proceeds of the sale of said bonds are to be used for the discharge of the lawful obligations of said The Medina Gas and Fuel Company, to-wit: For the payment of expenses incurred in constructing, completing and equipping a pipe line for the transportation of gas from the Medina-Ashland Natural Gas Field to Kenton, Ohio, and for drilling and equipping additional gas wells in the Medina-Ashland Natural Gas Field, as fully set out in said petition : Now, upon due consideration of the petition, accompanying exhibits and the evidence, it is, Ordered, That the said The Medina Gas and Fuel Company be, and it is, hereby, authorized to issue its bonds of the par value of $250,000.00, in denominations of $1,000.00 each, numbered from One to Two Hun- dred and Fifty, both inclusive, payable, $50,000.00 in one year, $50,000.00 in two years, $50,000.00 in three years, $50,000.00 in four years and $50,000.00 in five years, and that said bonds be sold at not less than ninety (90) percentum of the par value thereof, it being the opinion and finding of the Commission that the money to be secured by the is- sue of said bonds is reasonably required for the lawful purposes of said The Medina Gas and Fuel Company. It is further, 44 Ordered, That the proceeds arising from the sale of said bonds be devoted by the said The Medina Gas and Fuel Company to, and used for the following purposes, and no other, to-wit: For constructing, completing, and equipping a new pipe line for the transportation of gas from what is known as the Medina- Ashland Natural Gas field to Kenton, Ohio, and for drilling and equipping additional gas wells in the said Medina-Ashland Natural Gas Field. It is further, Ordered, That the said The Medina Gas and Fuel Company make verified report to the Commission, as follows : Upon the sale of said bonds, or any part thereof, the fact of such sale; the terms and con- ditions of the sale ; the amounts realized from said sale, which shall not be less than ninety (90) percentum of the par value of said bonds. At the termination of each and every period of three months from the date of this o.rder, the disposition and use made of the proceeds of the sale of said bonds, setting forth, in reasonable detail, the purposes to which the proceeds have been devoted in accordance with the provis- ions of this order, and that such report be made until all the proceeds of said bonds have been expended pursuant to this order. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this twenty-third day of November, 1911. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Application of The Cleveland and Pittsburg Railroad Com- pany for Authority to Issue Capital Stock for the Extension and Improve- ment of its Facilities and the Mainte- nance of its Service of the Par Value of $1,073,950.00. ^Formal No. j 59 * The Cleveland and Pittsburg Railroad Company, a corporation or- ganized under the laws of the State of Ohio, having, on the seventeenth day of November, 1911, filed its petition for authority to issue its capital stock of the par value of $1,073,950.00, to reimburse the Pennsylvania Railroad Company for expenditures made in the improvement of the facilities and maintenance of the service of the Cleveland and Pitts- burg Railroad, a statement, in detail, of such expenditures being set out fully in said petition, and the time for hearing said matter having been fixed for the twenty-third day of November, 1911, at ten o’clock a. m. and due notice of the time and place of said hearing having been given, the same came on this day to be heard. 45 After hearing all the evidence, examining the exhibits and making such inquiry and investigation as the Commission deemed proper, and it appearing that said stock is to be used for the discharge of the lawful obligations of said The Cleveland and Pittsburg Railroad Company, to- wit : To reimburse the Pennsylvania Railroad Company for funds ex- pended in the improvement of the facilities and maintenance of the serv- ice of said The Cleveland and Pittsburg Railroad Company in the man- ner fully set out in said petition, and it appearing further, that said ex- penditures were made by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company under a valid lease, whereby the said Pennsylvania Railroad Company is required to operate the railroad of The Cleveland and Pittsburg Railroad Com- pany: Now, upon due consideration of the petition herein, accompany- ing exhibits and the evidence, it is, Ordered, That said The Cleveland and Pittsburg Railroad Com- pany be, and it is, hereby, authorized to issue its capital stock of the par value of $1,073,950.00; said stock to be disposed of at not less than the par value thereof, it being the opinion and finding of the Commis- sion that the issue of said stock is reasonably required for the lawful purposes of said The Cleveland and Pittsburg Railroad Company. It is further, Ordered, That said stock be transferred to the Pennsylvania Rail- road Company, at the par value thereof, to reimburse said Pennsylvania Railroad Company for moneys expended in the improvement of the facilities and maintenance of the service of said The Cleveland and Pittsburg Railroad Company, as follows, to-wit : Station grounds, stations and terminals, second and other additional tracks Second, third and fourth tracks, storage yards and track elevation Bridges and culverts Station buildings and fixtures Shops, engine houses and turntables Miscellaneous structures Dock and wharf property Equipment — freight: Payment on car trust account: 525 steel gondola cars, final $56,883 50 18 cabin cars 13,184 28 11 locomotives 180,114 48 Equipment — Passenger : 2 coaches, part cost, final $14,017 34 2 locomotives, part cost, final 62 84 $46,855 16 541,325 45 243 80 9,011 62 2,368 68 5,375 93 204,531 35 $250,182 26 $14,080 18 $1,073,974 43 46 It is further, Ordered, That The Cleveland and Pittsburg Railroad Company make verified report to the Commission as follows : Upon the transfer of said stock, or any part thereof, the fact of such transfer; the forms and conditions of the transfer, and the amounts realized therefrom, which shall not be less than the p&r value of said stock. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this 23rd day of November, 1911. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Application of The Ohio Valley Gas Company for Approval by the Commission of a Minimum Charge and Sliding Scale of Rates to be Charged for Gas in East Liverpool AND WELLSVILLE, OHIO. ^Formal No. 60. The minimum charge and sliding scale of rates and classification of service for natural gas in the cities of East Liverpool and Wellsville, Ohio, and embodying a classification of service, filed January 22nd, 1912, for approval by The Ohio Valley Gas Company are hereby approved to become effective February 1st, 1912. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this twenty-second day of January, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Application of The " Wheeling Natural Gas Company for Approval by the Commission of a Mini- mum Charge and Sliding Scale of Rates . to be Charged for Gas in Bellaire, | Bridgeport, Martin's Ferry and Shady | Side, Ohio. Formal No. 61. The minimum charge, sliding scale and classification of service for natural gas in the municipalities of Bellaire, Bridgeport, Martins Ferry, and Shady Side, Ohio, filed January 22nd, 1912, for approval, by The 47 Wheeling Natural Gas Company are hereby approved to become effec- tive February 1st, 1912. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this twenty-second day of January, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Application of The Tri-State Gas Company for Approval by the Commission of a Minimum Charge and Sliding Scale of Rates to be Charged for Gas in Brilliant, Costonia, East Liverpool, Ekeyville, Empire, Knoxville, Mingo Junction, New Alex- andria, Richmond, Steubenville, To- ronto, Wellsville and Wintersville, Ohio. ^Formal No. 62. The minimum charge, sliding scale of rates and classification of service for natural gas in the municipalities of Brilliant, Costonia, East Liverpool, Ekeyville, Empire, Knoxville, Mingo Junction, New Alex- andria, Richmond, Steubenville, Toronto, Wellsville, and Wintersville, Ohio, filed January 22nd, 1912, for approval, by The Tri-State Gas Com- pany are hereby approved to become effective February 1st, 1912 Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this twenty-second day of January, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Application of The" Wetzel Gas Company for Approval by the Commission of a Minimum Charge and Sliding Scale of Rates to be „ Charged for Gas in Clarington, Duffy | (Texas), Hannibal (Baresville) and | Sardis, Ohio. Formal No. 63 - The minimum charge, sliding scale of rates and classification of service for natural gas in the communities of Clarington, Duffy (Texas), Hannibal (Baresville) and Sardis, Ohio, filed January 22nd, 1912, for 48 approval, by The Wetzel Gas Company are hereby approved to become effective February ist, 1912. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this twenty-second day of January, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Application of The West Unity Power and Light Company for Approval of Minimum Charge and Sliding Scale of Rates to be Charged for Electric Current in the Village of West Unity. Formal No. r 65 - The minimum charge and sliding scale of rates to be charged for electric current in the village of West Unity, Ohio, submitted November 25th, 1911, for approval by the West Unity Power and Light Company is hereby approved to become effective January ist, 1911. Columbus, Ohio, December 23rd, 1911. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Application of The^ Delphos Home Telephone Company for Authority to Issue $20,000.00 of Com- r Formal No. 67. mon Stock. The Delphos Home Telephone Company, a corporation duly or- ganized under the laws of Ohio, with its principal place of business in the City of Delphos, Ohio, having on the 2nd day of December, 1911, filed its petition for authority to issue $20,000.00 of its common stock, for the purpose of reimbursing its income account, for funds expended there- from, and for liquidating outstanding obligations incurred, in the en- largement and extension of its facilities and the improvement of its service, and the time of hearing said matter having been fixed for Thurs- day, December 7th at 10 o’clock A. M., and due notice of the time and place of the said hearing having been given, this day the same came on to be heard. 49 After due consideration of the petition, .hearing the evidence, ex- amining the exhibits and making such inquiry and investigation as the Commission deemed proper, and it appearing that the proceeds of the sale of said stock are to be used for the discharge of the lawful obligations of said, the Delphos Home Telephone Company, the Commission is sat- isfied that the prayer of said petition should be granted. Therefore, up- on due consideration of the petition accompanying exhibits and the evidence, it is Ordered, That the said, The Delphos Home Telephone Company, be, and it is hereby authorized to issue $20,000.00 par value of its common stock and that said stock be sold at not less than the par value thereof, it being the opinion and finding of the Commission that the capital to be se- cured by the issue of said stock is reasonably required for said purposes of the corporation. It is further Ordered, That the proceeds arising from the sale of said stock be devoted by said, The Delphos Home Telephone Company to, and used for the following purposes, and no other, to-wit : The reimbursement of its income account for funds expended therefrom, and for liquidating outstanding obligations, incurred in the enlargement and extension of its facilities and the improvement of its service, as follows; .• ■£' Material purchased * $12,580 60 Miscellaneous expenses ' ' 454 60 Expenses for managing Central office j 356 04 Labor payrolls (1911) 7,73130 Engineers’ charges ‘ 1,350 00 It is, further Ordered, That said, The Delphos Home Telephone Company make verified report to the Commission as follows: Upon the sale of said stock, or any part thereof, the fact of such sale; the terms and con- ditions of sale; the amounts realized therefrom, which shall not be less than the par value of said stock. At the termination of each and every period of six (6) months from the date of this order, the disposi- tion and use made of the proceeds arising from the sale of said stock, setting forth in reasonable detail, the purposes to which the proceeds have been devoted, and that such report be made until all the proceeds of said stock have been expended in accordance with the provisions of this order. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this 7th day of December, 1911. 50 Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Application of The^ Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton | Railway Company for Authority to j Waive the Collection of Car Service I - ) Charges and Suspend Car Service Rules | Formal No. 68. ** on Cars Loaded With Fine Coal and j Held at Mines Awaiting Billing In- I structions. J This matter came on this day to be heard upo/i the application of The Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railway Company for authority to waive the collection of car service charges and suspend car service rules on cars loaded with fine coal and held at mines on the line of said The Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railway Company awaiting bill- ing instructions, and the testimony ; and it appearing to the Commission that there is now a great demand for lump coal in the domestic markets, and that the market for fine coal is very limited ; and it appearing further, that both the applicant, The Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railway Company, and the general public will be benefitted thereby, it is, there- fore Ordered, That the said The Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Rail- way Company, if it so elect, may waive the collection of car service charges and suspend car service rules on cars loaded with fine coal and held at the mines on its line awaiting billing instructions; Provided, That cars shall not be held under load by an operator or operating Company, free from car service charges under this order or in excess of two hundred (200) per cent, of the aggregate daily rat- ing of the mines operated by such operator, company or companies ; and it is further Provided, That if the said The Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railway Company elect to and does waive the collection of car service charges and suspends car service rules, as provided in this order, it may reinstate the same at any time after such suspension, upon giving twenty (20) days’ notice thereof to the public, and the filing of proper tariffs with the Commission ; and it is further Provided, That if, in the opinion of the Commission* public con- venience or necessity should require the same, the Commission may, upon twenty (20) days’ notice to the said The Cincinnati, Hamilton and Day- ton Railway Company, annul the provisions of this order. Permission is hereby given to the said The Cincinnati. Hamilton and Dayton Railway Company, to file tariff with the Commission provid- ing for the suspension of car service rules and the charges thereunder. 5i effective on one day’s notice; authority for such publication • to appear thereon, as Special Permission Number Three Hundred and Seven (307) of December 8, 1911. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this eighth day of December, 1911. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Application of The Ironton Electric Company for Ap- proval of Minimum Charge and Sliding Scale of Rates to be Charged for Elec- tric Current in the City of Ironton. r Formal No. 69. The minimum charge and sliding scale of rate to be charged for electric current at Ironton, Ohio, submitted December 4th, 1911, for ap- proval by The Ironton Electric Company, is hereby approved to become effective January 1st, 1912. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this fifth day of December, 1911. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Application of The^| Columbus, Urban a and Western Elec- j tric Railway Company for Authority ^Formal No. 70. to Issue $5o,ooo’.oo Stock and $5,500,- 000.00 Bonds. The Columbus, Urbana and Western Electric Railway Company, having, on the seventh day of December, 1911, filed its petition for au- thority to issue its bonds of the par value of $5,500,000.00 and its capital 'stock of the par value of $50,000.00, to be used in the construction of its railway from the present terminus north of the city of Columbus to the city of Findlay, and to build an extension from the city of Kenton to the city of Wapakoneta, and the time of hearing said matter having been fixed for December fourteenth, 1911, and due notice of the time and place of said hearing having been given, and having on said day been heard in part, and the further hearing thereof having been continued from day to day, came on this day for final hearing. 52 After due consideration of the pleadings, hearing the evidence, ex- amining the exhibits, and making such inquiry and investigation as the Commission deemed proper, the Commission is of the opinion that au- thority for such issue should not be granted and said application is,, therefore, dismissed. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this fourth day of January, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Application of The Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway Company and The Ceveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Rail- way Company in Regard to “New York Central Lines Equipment Trust of 1912.” ^Formal No. 7i- The Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway Company and The Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Railway Company having, on the seventh day of December, 1911, filed their joint petition for au- thority to issue Trustees’ Certificates of what is designated as the “New York Central Lines Equipment Trust of 1912” of the par value of $15,000,000.00, for the purpose of securing equipment, and the time of hearing said matter having been fixed for Friday, December fifteenth, 1911, at nine o’clock a. m., and due notice of the time and place of said hearing having been given, and the same having been heard in part on said day and the further hearing thereof having been continued from day to day, came on this day for final hearing. After hearing the evi- dence, examining the exhibits and making such inquiry and investigation as the Commission deemed proper, and it appearing that the proceeds of the sale of said certificates are to be used for the discharge of the lawful obligations of the petitioners herein, to-wit : The expense incurred in securing necessary equipment for the use of said companies, now, upon due consideration of said petition, accompanying exhibits and the evi- dence, it is; Ordered, That The Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway Company and The Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Rail- way Company be and, hereby, are authorized to enter into and execute an agreement dated December 1, 1911, with John Carstensen, Alfred H. Smith and Edward L. Rossiter, parties of the first part, and Guar- anty Trust Company of New York, of the second part, and known as New York Central Lines Equipment Trust of 1912, substantially in the 53 form of the agreement which is annexed to the petition of said cor- porations for this authorization and marked Exhibit A; also to enter into and execute a lease of agreement dated January i, 1912, with the Guaranty Trust Company o.f New York, substantially in the form of the lease and agreement which is annexed to said petition and marked Ex- hibit B, and to enter into such leases and agreements as may be nec- essary in order to obtain all of the equipment authorized under said agreement of December 1, 1911 ; and also, to issue all of the evidences of indebtedness required by the terms of said agreements to be executed by said corporations or either of them. That the certificates mentioned in said agreement, Exhibit A, to the maximum amount of $15,000,000.00 as therein specified, shall not be sold for less than ninety-seven per cent, of their par value, and that the proceeds of such sale or sales be used only for the purposes specified in said agreement, it being the opinion and finding of the Commission that the capital to be secured by the issue and sale of said certificates is reasonably required for the said purposes of said railway companies. It is further, Ordered, That said The Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Rail- way Company and said The Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Railway Company shall make verified reports to the Commission as follows : (a) Upon the sale of said certificates, or any part thereof, the fact of such sales ; the terms and conditions of sale and the amount re- alized therefrom, which shall not be less than ninety-seven per cent, of their par value : (b) At the termination of each and every period of six months from the date of this order, the disposition and use made of the proceeds of said certificates, setting forth in reasonable detail the purposes to which the proceeds have been devoted in accordance with the terms o.f this order and that such reports shall be made until all the proceeds of said certificates have been expended in accordance with the terms of this order. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this nineteenth day of December* 1911. 4 54 Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. Village of Oak wood. Complainant. vs. ^Formal No. 72. The New York, Chicago and St. Louis Rail- road Company, Defendant. It appearing that full satisfaction of this complaint has been ac- corded by defendant, this case is, therefore, at the request of the com- plainant, dismissed. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this twentieth day of December, 1911. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Application by The Cleveland, Painesville and Eastern Railroad Company for the Issuance and Disposition of its Mortgage Bonds. The Cleveland, Painesville and Eastern Railroad Company, a cor- poration organized under the laws of the State of Ohio, having, on the twelfth day of December, 1911, filed its petition for authority to issue its Forty Year, Five Per Cent. Refunding and Extension Mortgage Gold Bonds, being part of the reserve bonds authorized to be issued under its mortgage, or deed of trust to The Cleveland Trust Company, Trustee, dated June 1st, 1908, the proceeds to be used to reimburse the company for moneys and funds expended for betterments, improvements and ad- ditions made to its line of railroad between August 2nd, 1911, and Octo- ber 31st, 1911, a statement in detail of such expenditures being set out fully in said petition, and to secure funds for further betterments, im- provements and additions, a statement in detail of such further better- ments, improvements and additions being set out fully in said petition, and the time of hearing said matter having been fixed for December twenty-first, 1911. at eleven o’clock a. m., and due notice of the time and place of said hearing having been given, and having on said day been heard in part, and further hearing thereof having been continued from day to day, came on this day for final hearing. Formal No. 73. 55 After hearing all the evidence, examining the exhibits and making such inquiry and investigation as the Commission deemed proper, and it appearing that the proceeds of the sale of said bonds are to be used for the discharge of the lawful obligations of said, The Cleveland, Paines- ville and Eastern Railroad Company, to-wit : For reimbursement of funds expended and to be expended, for betterments, improvements and additions to the property of said company, in the manner fully set out in said petition. Now, upon due consideration of the petition herein, accompanying exhibits and the evidence, it is Ordered, That said, The Cleveland, Painesville and Eastern Rail- road Company, b£ and it is, hereby, authorized to issue its Forty Year, Five Per Cent. Refunding and Extension Mortgage, Gold Bonds, the same being part of the reserve bonds authorized to be issued under said company’s mortgage, or deed of trust, to The Cleveland Trust Company," Trustee, dated June ist, 1908, of the par value of Two Hundred and Eleven Thousand Dollars ($211,000.00) and that said bonds be sold at not less than Eighty (80) Per Cent, of the par value thereof, and the remaining twenty percentum of the amount of said expenditures to be made up from earnings of said company or assessment on the stock- holders, so that a total of $211,000.00 shall be spent on said betterments, improvements and additions, as hereinafter set out ; it being the opinion and finding of the Commission that the money to be secured by the issue of said bonds is reasonably required for the said purposes of the said, The Cleveland, Painesville and Eastern Railroad Company. It is fur- ther, , Ordered, That the proceeds arising from the sale of said bonds be devoted by said, The Cleveland, Painesville and Eastern Railroad Com- pany to, and used for, the following purposes, and no other, to-wit : The discharge of the lawful obligations of said company in the reimburse- ment of funds expended for betterments, improvements and additions between the dates August 2nd, 1911, and October 31st, 19 1 1 , as follows: PAINESVILLE POWER HOUSE — Turbines, switchboard, boilers, crane, piping, chimney, etc $28,772 50 HIGH TENSION LINE — High tension line between Willoughby substation and Paines- ville power house 003 27 RIGHT OF WAY — Right of way for high tension line, Willoughby to Painesvjlle. . 795 00 TRACK WORK — Culvert at Willoughby and double track at Stop 141, Shore Line. 2,157 20 LIGHT LINES — Lighting lines for Mentor and Lake Road 25 63 BUILDINGS — Additions to Willoughby shop, steam heating system and house in Nottingham 522 86 56 SHOP EQUIPMENT — Power hack saw and air pump, motor, etc., for cleaning equip- ment 35 00 CARS — Work car built in shop 740 93 Total $33,952 48 And, the discharge of the lawful obligations of said company in the reim- bursement of funds to be expended in the prosecution of further better- ments, improvements and additions, as follows : PAINESVILLE POWER HOUSE — Land and buildings purchased from the Cleveland, Painesville and Ashtabula Railroad Company Turbines, switchboard, boilers, crane, piping, chimney, etc... WILLOUGHBY SUB-STATION — Equipment made necessary on account of additional power in- stallation •. .. v HIGH TENSION LINE — High tension line between Willoughby Sub-station and Paines- ville Power House WILLOUGHBY TRACK — Paving of tracks in Willoughby village WICKL1FFE TRACK — Paving of tracks in Wickliffe village BUILDINGS — Addition to Willoughby shop, steam heating system and house in Nottingham Total $177,507 66 It is further, Ordered, That said, The Cleveland, Painesville and Eastern Rail- road Company make verified report to the Commission, as follows : Upon the sale of said bonds, or any part thereof, the fact of such sale; the terms and conditions of sale; the amounts realized therefrom, which shall not be less than Eighty Per Cent, of the par value of said bonds ; at the termination of each and every period of three months from the date of this order, the disposition and use made of the proceeds of the sale of said bonds, setting forth in reasonable detail, the purposes to which the proceeds have been devoted in accordance with the provisions of this order, ^nd that such report be made until the proceeds of said bonds have been expended pursuant to this order. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this 27th day of December, 1911. $7,895 00 116,580 07 18,129 50 14,663 89 8,564 10 9,982 10 1,693 00 57 Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Application of The •Cleveland Electric Illuminating Com- pany for Authority to Issue Common Stock of the Par Value of $1,500,000.00 and First Mortgage Bonds of the Par Value of $1,500,000.00. ^Formal No. 74 - The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company having, on the twelfth day of December, 1911, filed its petition for authority to issue its com- mon stock of the par value of $1,500,000.00 and its first mortgage bonds of the par value of $1,500,000.00 to provide funds to meet its lawful obligations incurred, and to be incurred in making necessary improve- ments, extensions and betterments to its property, as fully set out in exhibits ‘A”, “B” and ‘Amended Exhibit B”, attached to and made a part of the petition herein, and the time of hearing said matter having been fixed for Tuesday, December nineteenth, 1911, at eleven o’clock a. m., and due notice of the time and place of said hearing having been given, and having been heard in part 011 said day, and the further hear- ing thereof having been continued from day to. day, the same came on this day for final hearing. After considering the pleadings, hearing the evidence, examining the ■exhibits, and making such inquiry and investigation as the Commission deemed proper, and it appearing that the proceeds of the sale of said stock and bonds are to be used for the discharge of the lawful obliga- tions of said company, now, upon due consideration of the pleadings, •accompany exhibits and the evidence, it is, Ordered, That the said The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Com- pany be, and it is, hereby, authorized to issue its common stock of the par value of One Million, Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1,500,00.- 00), and that said stock be sold at not less than the par value thereof, it being the opinion and finding of the Commission that the money to be secured from the sale of said stock is reasonably required for the purpose of said corporation. It is further, Ordered, That said The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company be, and it is, hereby, authorized to issue its First Mortgage five per cent. (5%) Bonds of the par value of One Million, Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1,500,000.00), and that said bonds be sold at not less than ninety-seven and one-half per cent. (9 7 i%) of the par value thereof, it being the opinion and finding of the Commission that the money to be secured from the sale of said bonds is reasonably required for the pur- poses of said corporation. It is further, 58 Ordered, That the proceeds arising from the sale of said stocks and bonds be devoted by said The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Com- pany, to, and used for the following purposes, and no other, to-wit : 1. To pay existing indebtedness and obligations incurred for the necessary improvements, extensions and betterments constructed or. in process of construction from June 30th, 1911, to October 31st, 1911, inclusive^ and to be constructed under uncompleted contracts executed prior to October 31st, 1911, amounting to $663,012.85,' as fully set out in Exhibit “A” attached to the petition and made ' a part hereof by reference. 2. For the construction and completion of the necessary improve- ments, extensions and betterments for the twelve month period beginning October 31st, 1911, amounting to $2,735,000.00, as fully set out in exhibit “B” and “Amended Exhibit B” attached to the petition and made a part hereof by reference. It is further, Ordered, That said The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company make verified report to the Commission as follows : Upon the sale of said stocks and bonds, or any part of either, the fact of such sale ; the terms and conditions of sale ; the amounts realized therefrom, which shall not be less than the par value of said stock and not less than ninety-seven and one-half per cent, of the par value of said bonds. At the termination of each and evey period of six (6) months from the date of this order, the disposition and use made of the proceeds of the sale of said stocks and bonds, or of either, setting forth in reasonable detail the purposes to which the proceeds have been devoted, and that such report be made until all the proceeds of said stocks and bonds have been expended pursuant to this order. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this twentieth day of January, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Application of The ] New Lisbon Gas Company for Au- V Formal No. 75. THORITY TO ISSUE $6,000.00 BONDS. J The New Lisbon Gas Company having, on the thirteenth day of December, 1911, filed its petition for authority to issue its bonds of the par value of $6,000.00 for the purpose of acquiring additional property, constructing extensions, and improving its facilities in order to comply with its contracts with the village of Lisbon, and to pay off an indebt- edness of $2,500.00 already incurred for the purposes aforesaid, and the 59 time of hearing said matter having been fixed for Tuesday, December nineteenth, 1911, at 1:30 o'clock p. m., and due notice o.f the time and place of said hearing having been given, and having been heard in part on said day, came on this day for final hearing. After hearing the evi- dence, examining the exhibits and making such inquiry and investigation as the Commission deemed proper, and it appearing that the proceeds of the §ale of said bonds are to be used for the discharge o.f the lawful obligations of said, The New Lisbon Gas Company, to-wit; Necessary expenses incurred in acquiring property, constructing extensions and the improvement of its facilities and the paying off of its obligations in the amount of $2,500.00 already incurred for the purposes aforesaid, now, upon due consideration of the petition herein, accompanying exhibits and the evidence, it is, Ordered, That said The New Lisbon Gas Company be and it is, hereby, authorized to issue its bonds of the par value of $6,000.00 and that said bonds be sold at not less than the par value thereof, it being the opinion and finding of the Commission that the capital to be se- cured by the issue of said bonds is reasonably required for the said pur- poses of said The New Lisbon Gas Company. It is further, Ordered, That the proceeds arising from the sale of said bonds be devoted by said The New Lisbon Gas Company to, and used for, the following purposes, and no other, to-wit: The acquiring of additional property, constructing extensions, improving its facilities and paying off its indebtedness already incurred for the purposes aforesaid, as herein set out. It is further, Ordered, That said The New Lisbon Gas Company make verified report to the Commission as follows : Upon the sale of said bonds, or any part thereof, the 7 fact of such sale, the amounts realized therefrom, which shall not be less than the par value of said bonds ; at the termina- tion of each and every period of three (3) months from the date of this order the disposition and use made of the proceeds of the sale of said bonds, setting forth in reasonable detail, the purposes to which the pro- ceeds have been devoted, and that such report be made until all the pro- ceeds of the sale of said bonds have been expended pursuant to this order. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this twentieth day of December, 1911. 6o Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Application of The Detroit, Toledo and Ironton Railway Company, George K. Lowell, Benjamin S. Warren and Thomas D. Rhodes, Re- ceivers, for Authority to Suspend Car Service Rules and Waive Assessment of Car Service Charges on Cars Loaded With Fine Coal and Held at the Mines Awaiting Billing Instructions. ^Formal No. 76. This matter came on this day to be heard upon the application of The Detroit, Toledo and Ironton Railway Company, George K. Lowell, Benjamin S. Warren and Thomas D. Rhodes, Receivers, for authority to waive the collection of car service charges and suspend car service rules on cars loaded with fine coal and held at mines on the line of said The Detroit, Toledo and Ironton Railway Company awaiting billing instructions, and the testimony; and it appearing to the Commission that there is now a great demand for lump coal in the domestic markets, and that the market for fine coal is very limited : and it appearing further, that both the applicant, The Detroit, Toledo and Ironton Railway Com- pany, George K. Lowell, Benjamin S. Warren and Thomas D. Rhodes, Receivers, and the general public will be benefited thereby, it is, there- fore, Ordered, That the said The Detroit, Toledo and Ironton Railway Company, George K. Lowell, Benjamin S. Warren and Thomas D. Rhodes, Receivers, if it so elect, may waive the collection of car ser- vice charges and suspend car service rules on cars loaded with fine coal and held at mines on its line awaiting billing instructions : Provided, That cars shall not be held under load by any operator or operating company, free from car service charges under this order in excess of two hundred (200) per cent, of the aggregate daily rating of the mines operated by such operator, company or companies; and it is further, Provided, That if the said The Detroit, Toledo and Ironton Railway Company, George K. Lowell, Benjamin S. Warren, and Thomas D. Rhodes, Receivers, elect to and does waive the collection of car sendee charges and suspends car service rules, as provided in this order, it may reinstate the same at any time after such suspension, upon giving twenty (20) days’ notice thereof to the public, and the filing of proper tariffs with the Commission ; and it is further. Provided, That if, in the opinion of the Commission, public conveni- ence or necessity should require the same, the Commission may, upon 6i twenty (20) days’ notice to the said The Detroit, Toledo and Ironton Railway Company, George K. Lowell, Benjamin S. Warren and Thomas D. Rhodes, Receivers, annul the provisions of this order. Permission is hereby given to the said The Detroit, Toledo and Iron- ton Railway Company, George K. Lowell, Benjamin S. Warren, and Thomas D. Rhodes, Receivers, to file tariff with the Commission provid- ing for the suspension of car service rules and the charges thereunder, effective on one day’s notice; authority for such publication to appear thereon, as Special Permission Number Three Hundred and Nine (309) of December 21, 1911. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this twenty-first day of December, 1911. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Joint Application of The Ohio Valley Electric Railway Company and The Ironton Electric Company for the Approval of the Sale and Transfer of Property of The Ohio Valley Electric Railway Company to The Ironton Electric Company. ^Formal No. 77. This matter came on to be heard upon the joint petition of The Ohio Valley Electric Railway Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of West Virginia, and The Ironton Electric Com- pany, a corporation organized under the laws of Ohio, the evidence and the exhibits. After due consideration of the pleadings, the evidence and the exhibits, and after making such inquiry and investigation as the Commission deemed proper, and it appearing that the public will be furnished adequate service at a reasonable and just rate, and it appear- ing further, that the money to be received from the sale of said prop- erty will be placed to the credit of Capital Account by the said The Ohio Valley Electric Railway Company, the Commission is satisfied the prayer of the petition should be granted. It is, therefore, Ordered, That The Ohio Valley Electric Railway Company be, and it is, hereby, authorized to sell and convey all that portion of its property, fully designated and described in the petition herein, and heretofore used by the said The Ohio Valley Electric Railway Company for munici- pal, mercantile and commercial electric lighting in the City of Ironton, Ohio: And said The Ironton Electric Company is, hereby, authorized to 62 purchase said property and to pay therefor the sum of Fourteen Thous- and Dollars ($14,000.00). It is, further, Ordered, That this order shall be in effect, and the authority therein granted may be exercised on and after this date. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this twenty-seventh day of January, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Application of TheJ Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Rail- I Formal No. 78. way Company for Authority to Issue j $1,679,000.00 Bonds. The Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railway Company, a corpora- tion incorporated and organized under the laws of Ohio, having, on the eighteenth day of December, 1911, filed its petition for authority to de- posit and pledge with The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company its bonds, as follows: First, $1,093,000.00 guaranteed first and refunding mortgage bonds; second, $157,000.00 of its guaranteed first and refund- ing mortgage bonds ; third, $429,000.00 of its unguaranteed first and refunding mortgage bonds, the proceeds to be used in purchasing equip- ment and making improvements, additions and betterments to the rail- roads owned, leased or controlled and operated by the said The Cincin- nati, Hamilton and Dayton Railway Company and to reimburse income account for money expended therefrom for the discharge of the principal or capital obligations of said company and to pay certain interest charges ; and the hearing of said matter having been fixed for Wednesday, Decem- ber twenty-seventh, 1911, at three o’clock p. m., and due notice of the time and place of said hearing having been given, and having been heard in part on said day and the further hearing thereof having been con- tinued from day to day, and said applicant having, on the sixteenth day of March, 1912, filed its amendment to its said application, by sub- stituting said amendment for the third section of the original applica- tion and requesting authority to deposit and pledge $309,000.00 of its unguaranteed first and refunding mortgage fionds in lieu of $429,000.00 of said bonds, thereby eliminating from the third section of said petition the request for authority to deposit and pledge bonds to secure funds to pay interest charges, said matter came on this day for final hearing upon the petition, the amendment thereto, the exhibits and the evidence. After considering the pleadings, hearing the evidence, examining the exhibits and making such inquiry and investigation as the Commission deemed proper, and it appearing that the proceeds to be secured by the pledge and deposit of said bonds are to be used for the discharge of the lawful obligations of said The Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Rail- way Company, the Commission is satisfied that the prayer of said petition, as amended, should be granted. It is, therefore, Ordered, That the said The Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Rail- way Company be, and it hereby is authorized to deposit and pledge with The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, at not less than eighty (80) per centum of the par value thereof, first, One Million and Ninety-Three Thousand Dollars ($1,093,000.00) of its guaranteed first and refunding mortgage bonds, second, One Hundred and Fifty-Seven Thousand Dol- lars ($157,000.00) of its guaranteed first and refunding mortgage bonds, third, Three Hundred and Nine Thousand Dollars ($309,000.00) of its unguaranteed first and refunding mortgage bonds, it being the opinion and finding of the Commission that the money to be secured from the de- posit and pledge of said bonds in the manner set out in said petition and the amendment thereto, is reasonably required for the proper purposes of said corporation. It is further Ordered, That the proceeds arising from the deposit and pledge of said bonds be devoted by the said The Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railway Company to and used for the following purposes, and no other, to-wit: First, the money secured from the deposit and pledge of said $1,093,000.00 guaranteed first and refunding mortgage bonds to be used in paying the obligations of said company incurred in making improve- ments, additions and betterments to the property of said company, as fully set out in Exhibits “B” and “C” attached to the petition and made a part of this order by reference; second, the money secured from the de- posit and pledge o.f said $157,000.00 guaranteed first and refunding mortgage bonds to be used in payment of the lawful obligations of said company incurred in making the improvements, additions and better- ments to its property, as fully set out in Exhibit “D” attached to the peti- tion and made a part of this order by reference : third, the money secured from the deposit and pledge of said $309,000.00 unguaranteed first and refunding mortgage bonds to be used to reimburse the income account of said company for moneys actually expended therefrom for the discharge of principal or capital obligations of said company during the six months ending December thirty-first, 1911, said principal or capital obligations having been incurred in making the improvements, additions and better- ments to the property of said company, as' fully set out in the third sec- tion of the original petition, which is made a part hereof by reference. It is further Ordered, That the interest charges on the money secured from the said The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company shall not exceed the rate of five (5) per centum per annum. It is further Ordered, That said The Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railway Company make verified report to the Commission, as follows: Upon 64 the deposit and pledge of said bonds or any part thereof, the fact of such deposit and pledge, the amounts realized therefrom, which shall be the largest amount obtainable and shall not be less than eighty (80) per centum of the par value of said bonds ; at the termination of each and every period of six (6) months from the date of this order, the dispo- sition and use made of the proceeds of the deposit and pledge of said bonds, setting forth in reasonable detail the purposes to which the pro- ceeds have been devoted, and that such report be made until all the pro- ceeds of the deposit and pledge of said bonds have been expended pur- suant to this order. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this tenth of April, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of Application of Byron E. Koh'n and The Country Home Tele- phone Company for Approval of the Sale and Transfer of the Property of The Complete Telephone Company by Byron E. Kohn to The Country Home Telephone Company. \ ^Formal No. 79. This matter came on this day for final hearing upon the joint petition of Byron E. Kohn, sole owner of the property of what was known as The Complete Telephone Company and later designated as the K. L. X. Y. Telephone Company, and The Country Home Telephone Company, the evidence and the exhibits. After due consideration of the pleadings, the evidence and the ex- hibits, the Commission is satisfied that the prayer of said petition should be granted. It is therefore, Ordered, That said Byron E. Kohn be and he is, hereby, authorized to sell to the said The Country Home Telephone Company certain prop- erty fully set out in an inventory filed herein on the second day of March, 1912, and marked Exhibit “A”, and made a part of this order by reference and said The Country Home Telephone Company is, hereby, authorized to purchase said property and to pay therefor the sum of ' Eight Hundred ($800.00) Dollars. It is further, Ordered, That the authority herein granted may be exercised on and after this date. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this eleventh day of March, 1912. 65 ‘ Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Application of The Spencerville Telephone Company for i Approval by the Commission of its ^Formal No. 81. Schedule of Rates Embodying a Classi- I fication of Service. J This case came on this day to be heard, and the applicant, failing to appear either in person or by representation, to sustain this applica- tion, said case is hereby dismissed and the schedule of rates submitted for approval is hereby rejected. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this twenty-ninth day of December, 1911. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. * In the Matter of the Application of The Convoy Home Telephone Company for Approval by the Commission of its Schedule of Rates Embodying a Classi- fication of Service. ^Formal No. 82. This case came on this day to be heard, and the applicant, failing to appear either in person or by representation, to sustain the applica- tion, said case is hereby dismissed and the schedule of rates submitted for approval is hereby rejected. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this twenty-ninth day of December, 1911. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Application of The Eastern Ohio Telephone Company for the Approval by the Commission of its Schedule of Rates Embodying a Classi- fication of Service. ^Formal No. 83- This case came on this day to be heard, and the applicant, failing to appear either in person or by representation, to sustain the application, 66 said case is hereby dismissed and the schedule of rates submitted for approval is hereby rejected. Dated at Columbus, .Ohio, this twenty-ninth day of December, 1911. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Application of The^i Greenville Electric Light and Power | Company for Authority to Issue $25,- 000.00 Common Stock. The Greenville Electric Light and Power Company, a corporation organized under the laws of Ohio, with its principal place of business at Greenville, Ohio, having, on the twenty-eighth day of December, 1911, filed its petition for authority to issue its common stock of the par value of Twenty-five Thousand Dollars to secure funds for building and con- structing an electrical extension line from Greenville, Ohio, to New Madison, Castine, West Manchester, Eldorado, Lewisburg and Brook- ville, Ohio, and the time of hearing said matter having been fixed for Wednesday, January tenth, 1912, at 1 :3c) o’clock p. m., and due notice of the time and place of said hearing having been given, the same came on this day to be heard. After due consideration of the. petition, hearing the evidence, ex- amining the exhibits and making such inquiry and investigation as the Commission deemed proper, and it appearing that the proceeds from the sale of said stock are to be used for the discharge of the lawful obliga- tions of said, The Greenville Electric Light and Power Company, the Commission is satisfied that the prayer of said petition should be granted. Therefore, upon due consideration of the petition, accompany exhibits and the evidence, it is, Ordered, That said The Greenville Electric Light and Power Com- pany be, and it is, hereby, authorized to issue Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00) par value, of its common stock, and that said stock be sold at not less than the par value thereof, it being the opinion and finding of the Commission that the Capital to be secured by the issue of said stock is reasonably required for such purposes of the corporation. It is further, Ordered, That the proceeds arising from the sale of said stock be devoted by said The Greenville Electric Light and Power Company to, and used for the following purposes, and no other, to-wit : The build- ing and constructing of an electrical extension line from Greenville, Ohio, y Formal No. 85. 6 ; to New Madison, Castine, West Manchester, Eldorado, Lewisburg and Brookville, Ohio. It is further, Ordered, That said The Greenville Electric Light and Power Com- pany make a verified report to the Commission, as follows : Upon the sale of said Stock, or any part thereof, the fact of such sale; the terms and conditions of sale; the amount realized therefrom, which shall not be less than the par value of said stock. At the termination of each and every period of six months from the date of this order, the disposition and use made of the proceeds arising from the sale of said stock, setting forth, in reasonable detail, the pur- poses to which the proceeds have been devoted, and that such report be made until all the proceeds of said stock have been expended in ac- cordance with the provisions of this order. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this tenth day of January, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. » In the Matter of the Application of The New Madison Lighting Company for Authority to Issue $3,500.00 Common Stock. ^ Formal No. 86. The New Madison Lighting Company, a corporation organized un- der the laws of Ohio, with its principal place of business at New Madi- son, Ohio, having on the twenty-eighth day of December, 1911, filed its petition for authority to issue its common stock of the par value of Three Thousand, Five Hundred Dollars, to secure funds to be used in con- structing an electrical transmission line in the town of New Madison. Darke County, Ohio, for the purpose of transmitting and delivering electricity for light, heat, power and other purposes, to consumers in said town, and the time of hearing said matter having been fixed for Wed- nesday, January tenth, 1912, at 3:00 o’clock p. m., and due notice of the time and place of said hearing having been given the same came on this day to be heard. After due consideration of the petition, hearing the evidence, ex- amining the exhibits and making such inquiry and investigation as the Commission deemed proper, and it appearing that the proceeds from the sale of said stock are to be used for the discharge of the lawful obli- gations of said The New Madison Lighting Company, the Commission is satisfied that the prayer of said petition should be granted, Therefore, upon due consideration of the petition, accompanying exhibits and the evidence, it is, 68 Ordered, That said The New Madison Light Company be, and it is, hereby, authorized to issue its common stock, of the par value of Three Thousand, Five Hundred Dollars ($3,500.00), and that said stock be sold at not less than the par value thereof, it being the opinion and finding of the Commission that the capital to be secured by the issue of said stock is reasonably required for said purposes of the corporation. It is further, Ordered, That the proceeds arising from the sale of said stock be devoted by said The New Madison Lighting Company to, and used for the following purposes, and no other, to-wit: The construction of an electrical transmission line in the town of New Madison, Darke County, Ohio. It is further, Ordered, That said The New Madison Lighting Company make verified report to the Commission, as follows : Upon the sale of said stock, or any part thereof, the fact of such sale ; the terms and conditions of sale ; the amounts realized therefrom, which shall not be less than the par value of said stock. At the termination of each and every period of six months from the date of this order, the disposition and use made of the proceeds aris- ing from the sale of said stock, setting forth, in reasonable detail, the purposes to which the proceeds have been devoted, and that such report be made until all the proceeds of said stock have been expended in ac- cordance with the provisions of this order. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this tenth day of January, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Investigation of the Operation and Management of The Cincinnati Traction Company With Respect to the Safety and Security of the Public. ^Formal No. j 87. The Commission having under consideration the management and operation of The Cincinnati Traction Company with respect to the safety and security of the public, and especially with respect to the necessity for the installation and equipment of its trolley wires with guards, where the tracks and wires of said traction company cross the tracks of The Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railway Company at Hamilton Avenue in the municipality of Cincinnati, Ohio: It is Ordered, That an investigation thereof be made bv the Commission, and a hearing thereon held. Friday, January twelfth, 1912, at nine 69 o’clock a. m., at the offices of said Traction Company are hereby fixed as the time and place of said investigation and hearing. It is further, Ordered, That the said The Cincinnati Traction Company be duly notified of said investigation and hearing by the forwarding of a copy of this order to the President or other proper official of said company. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this 28th day of December, 1911. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Application- of F. N. Donaldson for Approval of a Minimum Charge and Meter Rent to be Charged Formal No. 89. for Natural Gas in the Village of Jewett, Ohio. This matter came on this day for final hearing upon the pleadings, the evidence and the exhibits, and, after due consideration thereof, the Commission is satisfied that said minimum charge and meter rent are excessive and unreasonable and that the same should not be approved. It is. therefore, Ordered, That approval of said minimum charge and meter rent be, and the same is, hereby withheld, and said application be, and the same is, hereby, dismissed. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this 29th of February, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Application of The J Formal No. 90. South-Da yton Railroad ^Company for I Authority to Issue $10,000.00 Stocks ^ and $8,000.00 Bonds. The South-Dayton Railroad Company, a corporation organized un- der the laws of Ohio, with its principal place of business in the city of Dayton, Ohio, having, on the second day of January' 1912, filed its petition for authority to issue $15,000.00, par value, of its common stock and $10,000.00, par value of its bonds, to be used in acquiring certain railroad property from the The Washed Gravel and Sand Company, as fully set out in said petition, and the hearing of said matter having been 70 fixed for January sixteenth, 1912, at 1 130 o’clock p. m., and *due notice of said hearing having been given, and having been heard in part on said day, and the further hearing thereof having been continued from day to day, and the applicant having, on the twenty-fourth day of January, 1912, filed an amendment to its petition wherein the amount of securities to be issued is reduced to $10,000.00, par value, of its stock and $8,000.00, par value of its bonds, said matter came on this day for final hearing upon the petition, the amendment thereto, the exhibits and the evidence. After due consideration of the pleadings, hearing the evidence, ex- amining the exhibits and making such inquiry and investigation as the Commission deemed proper, and it appearing that the proceeds of the sale of said stocks and bonds are to be used for the discharge of the law- ful obligations of said corporation, it is, Ordered, That said The South-Dayton Railroad Company be, and it is, hereby authorized to issue its common stock of the par value of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00), and that said stock be sold at not less than the par value thereof, it being the opinion and finding of the Com- mission that the capital to be secured by the sale of said stock is reason- ably required for the purposes of said corporation. It is further, Ordered, That said The South-Dayton Railroad Company be, and it is hereby, authorized to issue its bonds of the par value of Eight Thousand Dollars ($8,000.00), and that said bonds be sold at not less than eighty-five percent (85%) of the par value thereof, it being the opinion and finding of the Commission that the funds to be secured by the sale of said bonds are reasonably required for the purposes of said cor- poration. It is further, Ordered, That the proceeds arising from the sale of said stocks and bonds be devoted by said The South-Dayton Railroad Company to, and used for the following purposes, and no other, to-wit : The purchase of the railroad property of The Washed Gravel and Sand Company, con- sisting of road-bed, rails, ties, switches, equipment, easements, licenses, rights-of-way and privileges now owned or occupied by said The Washed Gravel and Sand Company in Section 7, Town I, Range 7 M. R’s in Van Buren Township, Montgomery County, Ohio, said property being fully set out and described in the petition herein and accompanying ex- hibits, which are made a part hereof by reference. It is further, Ordered, That the said The South-Dayton Railroad Company make verified report to the Commission, as follows : Upon the sale of said stocks and bonds, or any part of either, the fact of such sale ; the terms and conditions of sale ; the amounts realized therefrom, which shall not be less than the par value of said stock and not less than eighty-five per cent (85%) of the par value of said bonds; at the termination of each and every period of three (3) months from the date of this order, the disposition made of the proceeds of the sale of said stocks and bonds, or of either, setting forth in reasonable detail, the purposes to which 7 1 the proceeds have been devoted, and that such report be made until all the proceeds of the sale of said stocks and bonds have been expended pursuant to this order. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this 24th day of January, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Application of The Mahoning Valley Water Company for Authority to Issue Three Hundred Thousand Dollars of its Bonds. > Formal No. 92. The Mahoning Valley Water Company, a corporation organized un- der the laws of Ohio, with its principal place of business at Youngstown, Ohio, having, on the third day of January, 1912, filed its petition for authority to issue its bonds of the par value of $300,000.00 and said matter having been set for hearing January twelfth, 1912, at two o’clock p. rn., and due notice of the time and place of said hearing having been given ; and having on said day been heard in part, and the further hearing thereof having been continued from day to day, the same came of this day for final hearing. After considering the pleadings, hearing the evidence, examining the exhibits and making such inquiry and investigation as the Commission deemed proper, and it appearing that the proceeds of the sale of said bonds are to be used for the discharge of the lawful obligations of said corporation, to wit : First, the funding of the floating debt of said com- pany : second, the retiring of a former issue of the bonds of said com- pany of the par value of $100,000.00, and, third, the construction of ex- tensions and improvement of its plant and property, it is, Ordered, That said The Mahoning Valley Water Company be and it is, hereby, authorized to issue its first mortgage bonds of the par value of Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000.00), said bonds to be dated March first, 1911, and to bear interest at the rate of six (6) per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, and to be sold by said The Mahoning Valley Water Company at the best price obtainable and at not less than ninety-seven and one-half (97J) per cent, of the par value thereof, it being the opinion and finding of the Commission that the money to be secured by the issue of said bonds is reasonably required for the proper purposes of said corporation. It is further, Ordered, That the proceeds arising from the sale of said bonds be devoted by said The Mahoning Valley Water Company to and used for the following purposes, and no other, to-wit : First, the funding of the 72 floating debt of said company, as fully set out in Exhibit “A” ; second, the retiring of a former issue of bonds of said company of the par value of $100,000.00, as fully set out in Exhibit “B”, and, third, the con- struction of extensions and improvements to the plant and property of said company, as fully set out in Exhibit “C”, each an^ all of said exhibits being part of the record in this case and made a part of this order by reference. It is further, Ordered, That said The Mahoning Valley Water Company make verified report to the Commission as follows : Upon the sale of said bonds, or any part thereof, the fact of such sale ; the terms and conditions of sale; the amounts realized therefrom, which shall be the best price obtainable and not less than 9 per cent, of the par value thereof ; At the termination of each and every period of six (6) months from the date of this order, the disposition and use made of the proceeds of the sale of said bonds, setting forth in reasonable detail, the purposes to which said proceeds have been devoted, and that such report be made un- til all the proceeds of the sale of said bonds have been expended in accordance with this order. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this 6th of February, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Application of The Detroit, Toledo and Ironton Railway Company, George K. Lowell, Benjamin S. Warren, Thomas D. Rhodes, Re- ceivers, for Authority to Suspend Car Service Rules and Waive the Assess- ment of Car Service Charges on Cars Loaded With Coal at Mines, to the Ex- tent of Two Hundred Per Cent, of the Output of Each Mine, and Held for ^Formal No. Billing. 93 - This matter came on this day to be heard upon the application of the Detroit, Toledo and Ironton Railway Company, George K. Lowell, Benjamin S. Warren and Thomas D. Rhodes, Receivers, for authority to waive the collection of car service charges and suspend car service rules on cars loaded with coal at mines on the line of said The Detroit, Toledo and Ironton Railway Company, and held for billing, and the testi- mony ; and it appearing to the Commission that the applicant has, and will continue to have under this order, cars sufficient in number to meet 73 all the requirements of its patrons; and it appearing further, that both the applicant, The Detroit, Toledo and Ironton Railway Company, George K. Lowell, Benjamin S. Warren and Thomas D. Rhodes, Receivers, and the general public will be benefited thereby, it is, therefore, Ordered, That the said The Detroit, Toledo and Ironton Railway Company, George K. Lowell, Benjamin S. Warren and Thomas D. Rhodes, Receivers, if it so elect, may waive the collection of car service charges and suspend car service rules on cars loaded with coal at mines on its line and held for billing: Provided, That cars shall not be held under load by any operator or operating company, free from car service charges, under this order, in excess of two hundred (200) per cent, of the aggregate daily rating ■of the mines operated by such operator, company or companies ; and it is further, Provided, That if the said The Detroit, Toledo and Ironton Rail- way Company, George K. Lowell, Benjamin S. Warren and Thomas D. Rhodes, Receivers, elect to, and does waive the collection of car service charges and suspends car service rules, as provided in this order, it may reinstate the same at any time after such suspension, upon giving twenty (20) days’ notice thereof to the public, and the filing of proper tariffs with the Commission ; and it is further, Provided, That if, in the opinion of the Commission, public con- venience or necessity should require the same, the Commission may, upon twenty (20) days’ notice to the said The Detroit, Toledo and Ironton Railway Company, George K. Lowell, Benjamin S. Warren and Thomas D. Rhodes, Receivers, annul the provisions of this order. Permission is hereby given to the said The Detroit, Toledo and Ironton Railway Company, George K. Lowell, Benjamin S. Warren and Thomas D. Rhodes, Receivers, to file tariff with the Commission pro- viding for the suspension of car service rules and the charges thereunder, effective on one day’s notice ; authority for such publication to appear thereon, as Special Permission Number Three Hundred and Eighteen (318) of January 10, 1912. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this 10th day January, 1912. 74 Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Application of The Oberlin Telephone Company and the Central Union Telephone Company for Approval of Contract for Connec- tion and Exchange of Service. ^Formal No. 95 - This matter came on this day for final hearing upon the joint pe- tition of the Oberlin Telephone Company and the Central Union Tele- phone Company, the evidence and the exhibits ; and the Commission, being fully advised in the premises, is satisfied that the prayer of said petition should be granted. It is, therefore, Ordered, That said The Oberlin Telephone Uompany and the Cen- tral Union Telephone Company be, and they are, hereby, authorized to form connection and interchange service in the manner and for the pur- poses set out in said petition. It is further, Ordered, That the authority herein granted may be exercised on and after this date. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this 8th of February, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Application of The^ Columbiana County Light and Power Company for Permission to Sell its _ , -p. t, -p. rp f Formal No. 06. Property, Plant and Business to The | * Salem Electric Light and Power Com- | pany. J This matter came on this day to be heard upon the joint petition of The Columbiana County Light and Power Company and The Salem Electric Light and Power Company, the evidence and the exhibits. After due consideration of the pleadings, the evidence and the ex- hibits, the Commission is satisfied that the prayer of said petition should not be granted. It is, therefore. Ordered, That said petition be, and the same is, hereby, dismissed. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this thirty-first day of January, 1912. 75 Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Application of The American Gas Company for Authority to Issue $76,675.00 Stock. ^Formal No. 98. The American Gas Company, a corporation duly organized under the laws of Ohio, with its principal place of business at Carrollton, Ohio, having, on the sixth day of January, 1912, filed its petition for authority to issue its common stock of the par value of $76,675.00 for the purpose of securing funds to meet its lawful obligations incurred in the purchase of property, and for the improvement and extension of its service, and the time of hearing said matter having been fixed for January eighteenth, 1912, at three o’clock p. m., and due notice of the time and place of said hearing having been given, this day the same came on to be heard. After considering the pleadings, hearing the evidence, examining the exhibits and making such investigation as the' Commission deemed proper, and it appearing that the proceeds of the sale of said stock are to be used for the discharge of the lawful obligations of said The Ameri- can Gas Company, to-wit: Obligation incurred, and to be incurred in the purchase of property and the improvement and extension of its service, as fully set out in said petition. Now, upon due consideration of the pleadings, accompanying exhibits and the evidence, it is, Ordered, That The American Gas Company be, and it is, hereby, authorized to issue its common stock, of the par value of Seventy-Six Thousand, Six Hundred and Seventy-Five Dollars ($76,675.00), and that said stock be sold at not less than the par value thereof, it being the opinion and finding of the Commission that the money to be received from the sale of said stock is reasonably required for the purposes of said The American Gas Company. It is further, Ordered, That the proceeds arising from the sale of said stock be devoted by the said The American Gas Company to, and used for the following purposes, and no other, to-wit : The discharge of the lawful obligations of said corporation, heretofore incurred and to be incurred in the purchase of property and the extension and improvement of its service, as fully set out in the petition filed herein, which is made a part hereof by reference. It is further, Ordered, That the said The American Gas Company make verified report to the commission, as follows : Upon the sale of said stock, or any part thereof, the fact of such sale, the terms and conditions of sale, the amount realized therefrom, which shall not be less than the par value of said stock. At the termination of each and every period of six months from the date of this order, the disposition and use made of the proceeds of 76 the sale of said stock, setting forth in reasonable detail, the purposes to which the proceeds have been devoted, and that such report be made until the proceeds of said stock have been expended. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this 18th day of January, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. The L. Vinney Company, Complainant. ^Formal No. 99. The Ohio Electric Railway Company, Defendant. ^ It appearing from statements of complainant that satisfaction of the case' has been afforded by defendant, the same is, therefore, dismissed. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, February 9, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Application of The^ Wilmington Gas, Light and Coke Com- pany for Authority to Issue $10,000.00 r* Formal No. 100. Stock. The Wilmington Gas, Light and Coke Company having, on the fifteenth day of January, 1912, filed its petition for authority to issue its capital stock of the par value of $10,000.00 to reimburse said com- pany for money heretofore, to-wit : Within the past five years; ex- pended from its income or from other moneys in its treasury, not secured or obtained from the issue of stocks, bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness of said company, for the acquisition of property and the ex- tension and improvement of its plant, as fully set out in said petition, and the time of hearing said matter having been fixed tor January twenty-second, 1912, at two o’clock p. m., and having been heard in part on said day, and the further hearing thereof having been continued from day to day, the same came on this day for final hearing. After considering the pleadings, hearing all the evidence, examining the exhibits and making such inquiry and investigation as the Commission 77 deemed proper, and it appearing that the proceeds of the sale of said stock are to be used for the discharge of the lawful obligations of said company, it is. Ordered, That said The Wilmington Gas, Light and Coke Company be, and it is, hereby, authorized, to issue its capital stock of the par value of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00), said stock to be sold at the best price obtainable and at not less than the par value thereof, it being the opinion and finding of the Commission that the money to be secured by the sale of said stock is reasonably required for the legitimate pur- poses of said corporation. It is further, Ordered, That the proceeds arising from the sale of said stock be devoted by said The 'Wilmington Gas, Light and Coke Company to, and used for the reimbursement of said Company for expenditures hereto- fore made from income or from other moneys in the treasury of said company, not secured or obtained from the issue of stocks, bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness of said company, as follows : 1907-8. 1909. 1910. 1911. Gasworks $982 38 $491 39 $2,204 69 Meters 622 86 . 173 25 $200 94 146 50 Laterals 548 81 113 68 127 17 40 57 Mains 970 12 275 40 144 98 224 90 Tools 145 60 26 19 29 29 20 67 Siding 2,261 13 Real estate 275 00 Scales 124 99 $3,544 72 $3,466 03 $502 38 $2,637 23 $10,15036 It is further : Ordered, That said The Wilmington Gas, Light and Coke Company make verified report to the commission as follows : Upon the sale of said stock, or any part thereof, the fact of such sale; the amounts real- ized therefrom, which shall be the best price obtainable and not less than the par value of said stock; at - the termination of each and every ( period of three (3) months from the date of this order, the disposition and use made of the proceeds of the sale of said stock, setting forth in reasonable detail, the purposes to which said proceeds have been de- voted, and that such report be made until all the proceeds of the sale of said stock have been expended pursuant to this order. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this 19th of February, 1912. 78 Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO'. In the Matter of the Application of The^ Hopedale Telephone Company for Au- „ thority to Issue $4,000.00 Capital ^ orma °- 101 • Stock. The Hopedale Telephone Company, a corporation duly organized under the laws of Ohio, having, on the sixteenth day of January, 1912, filed its petition for authority to issue its common stock of the par value of Four Thousand Dollars, the proceeds to be used for the acquisition of property and the extension and improvement of its facilities, and the time for hearing said matter having been fixed for January twenty- third, 1912, at three o’clock p. m., and due notice of the time and place of said hearing having been given, and having been heard in part on said day and the further- hearing thereof having been continued from day to day, the same came on this day for final hearing. After con- sidering the pleadings, hearing the evidence, examining the exhibits and making such inquiry and investigation as the commission deemed proper, and it appearing that the proceeds of the sale of said stock are to be used in the discharge of the lawful obligations of said company, the Com- mission is satisfied that the prayer of said petition should be granted. It is, therefore, Ordered, That the said. The Hopedale Telephone Company, be and it is, hereby, authorized to issue its common stock of the par value of Four Thousand Dollars $(4,000.00), and that said stock be sold for the best price obtainable and not less than the par value thereof, it being the opinion and finding of the Commission that the money to be secured from the sale of said stock is reasonably required for the proper pur- poses of said corporation. It is further. Ordered, That the proceeds arising from the sale of said stock be devoted by said The Hopedale Telephone Company to, and used for the following purposes, and no other, to-wit: First, in payment for property heretofore purchased by said The Hopedale Telephone Com- pany from The Harrison and Jefferson Telephone Company; second, in payment for additions and betterments made to the plant and prop- erty of The Hopedale Telephone Company since the purchase and ac- quisition of said property from the Harrison and Jefferson Telephone Company ; third, for improvements, extensions and additions to the plant and property of said The Hopedale Telephone Company hereafter to be made, all of said property being fully set out in Exhibits “A” and “B” respectively, in the record of this case and made a part of this order bv reference. It is further. 79 Ordered, That said The Hopedale Telephone Company make veri- fied report to the Commission as follows : Upon the sale of said stock, or any part thereof, the fact of such sale and amounts realized there- from, which shall be the best price obtainable and which snail not be less than the par value of said stock; at the termination of each and every period of three months from the date of this order, the disposi- tion and use made of the proceeds of the sale of said stock, setting forth in reasonable detail the purposes to which the proceeds have been de- voted, and that such report be made until all the proceeds of said stock have been expended pursuant to this order. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this ninth of April, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Application of The ^ Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railway Company for Authority to Suspend Car Service Rules and Waive the Assessment of Car Service Charges ^Formal No. 103. on Cars Loaded With Coal at Mines, to the Extent of 200 Per Cent, of the Output of Each Mine, and Held for Billing. This matter came on this day to be heard upon the application of The Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railway Company for authority to waive the collection of car service charges and suspend car service rules on cars loaded with coal at mines on the line of said The Cin- cinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railway Company, and held for billing, and the testimony; and it appearing to the Commission that the appli- cant has, and will continue to have under this order, cars sufficient in number to meet all the requirements of its patrons ; and it appearing further, that both the applicant, The Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railway Company, and the general public will be benefited thereby, it is, therefore, Ordered, That the said The Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Rail- way Company, if it so elect, may waive the collection of car service charges and suspend car service rules on cars loaded with coal at mines on its line and held for billing; Provided, That cars shall not be held under load by any operator or operating company, free from car service charges, under this order in excess of two hundred (200) per cent, of the aggregate daily rating of 8o the mines operated by such operator, company or companies ; and it is further, Provided, That if the said The Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railway Company elect to, and does waive the collection of car service charges and suspend car service rules, as provided in this order, it may reinstate the same at any time after such suspension, upon giving twenty (20) days’ notice thereof to the public, and the filing of proper tariffs with the Commission; and it is further Provided, That if, in the opinion of the Commission, public conve- nience or necessity should require the same, the Commission may, upon twenty (20) days’ notice to the said The Cincinnati, Hamilton and Day- ton Railway Company annul the provisions of this order. Permission is hereby given to the said The Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railway Company to file tariff with the Commission providing for the suspension of car service rules and the charges thereunder, effect- ive on one day’s notice; authority for such publication to appear thereon, as Special Permission Number Three Hundred and Twenty-Three (323) of January 24, 1912. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this 24th of January, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Joint Application of The Falls Electric Company and The Buckeye Light and Power Company for Authority to Sell and Purchase Property. ^Formal No. 104. J This matter came on this day for final hearing upon the joint petition of The Falls Electric Company and The Buckeye Light and Power Company, the evidence and the exhibits. After due consideration of the pleadings, the evidence and the ex- hibits the Commission is satisfied that the prayer of said petition should be granted. It is, therefore, Ordered, That the Said The Falls Electric Company be, and it is, hereby, authorized to sell and convey to the said The Buckeye Light and Power Company certain property fully set out in exhibits and inven- tories filed herein and made a part of this order by reference; and said The Buckeye Light and Power Company is, hereby, authorized to pur- chase said property and to pay therefor the sum of Twenty-Five Thous- and ($25,000.00) Dollars. It is further, Ordered, That the authority herein granted may be exercised on and after this date. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this seventh of March, 1912. 8i Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Application of The Buckeye Light and Power Company for Authority to Issue $40,000.00 Common Stock. 1 ^ Formal No 105. The Buckeye Light and Power Company, a corporation duly organ- ized under the laws of Ohio, having, on the seventeenth day of January, 1912, filed its petition for authority to issue $40,000.00 par value of its common stodk, the proceeds to be used in acquiring the property, franch- ises and assets of The Falls Electric Company located in the villages of Covington and Pleasant Hill, Ohio, and having, on the ninth day of March, 1912, filed an amendment to said petition asking that it be al- lowed to issue its common stock in such amount as the commission might deem proper, and the hearing of said matter having been fixed for March twenty-sixth, 1912, at two o’clock p. m., and due notice of the time and place of said hearing having been given, and having been heard in part on said day and the further hearing thereof having been continued' from day to day, said matter came on this day for final hearing upon the petition and amendment thereto, the exhibits and the evidence. After due consideration of the pleadings, hearing the evidence, examining the ex- hibits and making such inquiry and investigation as the Commission deemed proper, and it appearing that the proceeds of the sale of said stock are to be used for the discharge of the lawful obligations of said corporation, it is Ordered, That said The Buckeye Light and Power Company be, and it is, hereby, authorized to issue its common stock of the par value of Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00), and that said stock be sold at the best price obtainable and at not less than the par value there- of, it being the opinion and finding of the Commission that the capital to be secured from the sale of said stock is reasonably required for the said purposes of said corporation. It is further Ordered, That the proceeds arising from the sale of said stock be de- voted by said The Buckeye Light and Power Company to and used for the following purposes and no other, to-wit : the purchase of the property of The Falls Electric Company as fully set' out in an inventory filed herewith and marked Exhibit “A”, said exhibit being made a part here- of by reference. It is further Ordered, That said The Buckeye Light and Power Company make verified report to the Commission, as follows : upon the sale of said stock, or any part thereof, the fact of such sale, the terms and conditions of the sale and amounts realized therefrom, which shall be the best price obtainable and not less than the par value thereof ; at the termination of each and every period of three (3) months from the uatc of this order, the disposition made of the proceeds of the sale of said stock, setting forth in reasonable detail the purposes to which the proceeds have been devoted, and that such report be made until all the proceeds of the sale of said stock have been expended pursuant to this order. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this fifth of April, 1912. vt Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Application of The Mt. Vernon Electric Company for Ap- proval of Supplement of Schedule of ^Formal No. 106. Rates. This matter came on this day for final hearing upon the application of The Alt. Vernon Electric Company for approval of schedule of rates for electricity to be charged in the City of Mt. Vernon, the evidence and the exhibits. After considering the pleadings, hearing the evidence and examining the exhibits, the Commission is of the opinion that such schedule of rates should not be approved. Said application is, therefore, denied, said schedule rejected and this case dismissed. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this 8th day of February, 1912 . Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Application of The" Mt. Vernon Electric Company for Ap- proval of Supplement of Schedule of r Formal No. 106. Rates. J This matter came on this day for rehearing upon the application of The Mt. Vernon Electric Company, and it being made to appear to the Commission that the rates set out in the schedule tendered to this Com- mission for approval by said Company do not conform to and are in conflict with the provisions of an ordinance enacted by the Council of the City of Mt. Vernon, regulating the price to be charged for electric service in said city, the Commission is of the opinion that said schedule of rates should not be approved. The application of the sard Mt. Vernon Electric Company for ap- proval of said schedule of rates is therefore, upon rehearing, denied, said schedule rejected, and this case dismissed. Columbus, Ohio, April 3, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Joint Application of J The Lisbon Oil and Gas Company and I The Beaver Gas Company for* Au- ^Formal No. 107. THORITY TO PURCHASE AND SELL PROPERTY, j This matter came on to be heard upon the joint application of The Lisbon Oil and Gas Company and The Beaver Gas Company; the evidence, and the exhibits. After due consideration of the pleadings, the evidence and the exhibits, the Commission is satisfied that the prayer of said petition should be granted. It is, therefore, Ordered, That The Beaver Gas Company be, and it is, hereby, authorized to sell and convey to The Lisbon Oil and Gas Company cer- tain of its property, fully set out in a copy of an agreement attached to said petition and marked Exhibit “A” ; and the said The Lisbon Oil and Gas Company is authorized to purchase said property, and to pay there- for the agreed sum of Eighteen Thousand ($18,000.00) Dollars, in the manner set out in said contract. It is further, Ordered, That the authority herein granted may be exercised on and after this date. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this 23rd of February, 1912. Before Tfie PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Joint Application of The Lisbon Oil and Gas Company and The Pennsylvania and Ohio Gas and ^Formal No. 108. Oil Company for Authority to Pur- I CHASE AND SELL PROPERTY. This matter came on to be heard upon the joint application of The Lisbon Oil and Gas Company and The Pennsylvania and Ohio Gas and 8 4 Oil Company; the evidence, and the exhibits. After due consideration of the pleadings, the evidence and the exhibits, the Commission is satis- fied that the prayer of said petition should be granted. It is, therefore,. Ordered, That The Pennsylvania and Ohio Gas and Oil Company be, and it is, hereby, authorized to sell and convey to The Lisbon Oil and Gas Company certain of its property, fully set out in a copy of an agreement attached to said petition and marked Exhibit “A”; and the said The Lisbon Oil and Gas Company is authorized to purchase said property, and to pay therefor the agreed sum of Six Thousand ($6,000.00) Dollars, in the manner set out in said contract. It is further, Ordered, That the Authority herein granted may be exercised on and after this date. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this 23rd day of February, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Application of The Home Telephone Company and the Central Union Telephone Company for the Consent and Approval of the Com- mission for the Purchase of Certain Property of the Central Union Tele- phone Company by Tfie Home Tele- phone Company and for a Connecting Arrangement for an Exchange of Serv- ice Between the Applicants. Formal No. 109. This matter came on this day for final hearing upon the joint peti- tion of The Home Telephone Company of Waverly, Ohio, and the Central Union Telephone Company, the evidence and the exhibits; and the Commission, being fully advised in the premises, is satisfied the prayer of said petition should be granted. It is, therefore, Ordered, That said The Central Union Telephone Company be, and it is, hereby, authorized to sell to said The Home Telephone Com- pany certain of its property used in local service, and fully set out in a bill of sale attached to the petition herein and marked exhibit “A”, and made a part of this order by reference; and said The Home Telephone Company is, hereby, authorized to purchase said property and to pay therefor the agreed sum of Six Hundred and Seventy-One Dollars and twenty-eight cents ($671.28). It is further, 85 Ordered, That said The Home Telephone Company and the said The Central Union Telephone Company be, and they are, hereby, au- thorized to form connection and interchange service in the manner and for the purposes set out in said petition. It is further, Ordered, That the authority herein granted may be exercised on and after this date. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this eighth day of February, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Investigation of the 1 Management and Operation of The Harrison Light and Fuel Company L Formal No. no. With Respect to the Adequacy and Ac- commodation Afforded by its Service. This case came on this day for final hearing, and it appearing that the complaint arose from the neglect and refusal of said company to give preference to domestic users of gas in times of shortage in supply; and it further appearing that said company has now filed its schedule of rates providing that domestic consumers will be first supplied should the vol- ume of gas at any time be found to be insufficient for all consumers, this case is, therefore, dismissed. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this eighth day of February, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Application of The" Scott Home Telephone Company and The Central Union Telephone Com- l pany for Approval of Contract for Con- | NECTION AND EXCHANGE OF SERVICE. Formal No. in. This matter came on this day for final hearing upon the joint peti- tion of The Scott Home Telephone Company, of Scott, Ohio, and the Central Union Telephone Company, the evidence and the exhibits; and the Commission, being fully advised in the premises, is satisfied that the prayer of said petition should be granted. It is, therefore, 86 Ordered, That said The Scott Home Telephone Company and the Central Union Telephone Company be, and they are, hereby, authorized to form connection and interchange service in the manner ana for the purposes set out in said petition. It is further, Ordered, That the authority herein granted may be exercised on and after this date. Columbus, Ohio, February §th, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Joint Application of > The Sycamore Telephone Company, a Corporation, and the Sycamore Tele- [^Formal No. 112. phone Company, a Partnership, for Au- i THORITY TO PURCHASE AND SELL PROPERTY. This matter came on this day for final hearing upon the joint peti- tion of The Sycamore Telephone Company, a partnership, and The Sycamore Telephone Company, a corporation organized under the laws of Ohio, the evidence and the exhibits. After considering the pleadings, hearing the evidence, examining the exhibits, and making such further inquiry and investigation as the Commission deemed proper, and it appearing that the amount to be paid by The Sycamore Telephone Company, a corporation, to the Sycamore Telephone Company, a partnership, for the property described in the petition and the exhibits attached thereto, is greatly in excess of the value df said property, the Commission is satisfied that the prayer of said petition should not be granted. It is, therefore, Ordered, That said case be, and the same is, hereby, dismissed. Columbus, Ohio, February, 27th, 1912. §7 Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Application of The Fayetteville Telephone Company and The Central Union Telephone Com- pany for the Consent and Approval of the Purchase of Certain Property of The Central Union Telephone Com- pany by The Fayetteville Telephone Company and for a Connecting Ar- rangement for an Exchange of Service Between the Applicants. >- Formal No. 122. This matter came on this day for final hearing upon the joint peti- tion of The Fayetteville Telephone Company, of Fayetteville, Ohio, and the Central Union Telephone Company, the evidence and the exhibits ; and the Commission, being fully advised in the premises, is satisfied that the prayer of said petition should be granted. It is, therefore, Ordered, That said The Central Union Telephone Company be, and it is, hereby, authorized to sell certain of its property used in local service located in Perry Township, Brown County, Ohio, and fully set out in a bill of sale attached to the petition and marked exhibit “A”, and made a part of this order by reference; and said The Fayetteville Telephone Company is, hereby, authorized to purchase said property and to pay therefor the agreed sum of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00). It is further, Ordered, That said The Fayetteville Telephone Company and the Central Union Telephone Company be, and they are, hereby, authorized to form connection and interchange service in the manner and for the purpose set out in said petition. It is further, Ordered, That the authority herein granted may be exercised on and after this date. Dated at Columbus', Ohio, this eighth day of February, 1912. 88 Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Application of The^) New Concord Telephone Company for I _ , Authority to Issue $600.00 Capital C 0 Stock. ENTRY OF DISMISSAL. Upon the application of The New Concord Telephone Company, this case is hereby dismissed. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this twenty-seventh day of February, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Application of The^ New Concord Telephone Company for _ , XT * t y normal No. 124. Approval of an Increase of Charges for f its Service. ENTRY OF DISMISSAL. Upon the application of The New Concord Telephone Company this case is hereby dismissed. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this twenty-seventh day of February, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter oe the Joint Application of > The Brown Independent Telephone Company and the Central Union Tele- phone Company for Approval of the Purchase of Certain Property of the Central Union Telephone Company by the Brown County Independent Tele- phone Company and for a Connecting Arrangement for an Exchange of Serv- ice Between Applicants. Formal No. 125. This matter came on this day for final hearing upon the joint peti- tion of the Brown County Independent Telephone Company and the Central Union Telephone Company, the evidence and the exhibits : After due consideration of the pleadings, the evidence and the ex- hibits, and it appearing that no increase in rates or curtailments of ser- vice on the part of either of said companies will result therefrom, the Commission is satisfied that the prayer of said petition should be grant- ed. It is, therefore, Ordered, That the said the Central Union Telephone Company be, and it is, hereby, authorized to sell to the said The Brown County Inde- pendent Telephone Company certain of its property used in local service in the villages of Georgetown and Russelville, Ohio, and fully set out in a bill of sale attached to the petition herein marked exhibit “A”, and made a part of this order by reference; and said The Brown County Independent Telephone Company, is hereby, authorized to purchase said property, and to pay therefor the agreed price of Eight Thousand, Three Hundred ($8,300.00) Dollars. It is further, Ordered, That said the Central Union Telephone Company and The Brown County Independent Telephone Company be, and they are, hereby, authorized to form connection and interchange service in the manner and for the purposes set forth in said petition. It is further, Ordered, That the authority herein granted may be exercised on and after this date. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this thirteenth day of February, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Application of The I Brown County Independent Telephone j Company for Authority to Issue Formal No. 126. $ 3 > 35 °-°° Capital Stock and $4,000.00 I Bonds. J The Brown County Independent Telephone Company having, on the twenty-fifth day of January, 1912, filed its petition for authority to issue its common stock of the par value of $3,350.00, its first mortgage five per cent, notes of the par value of $4,000.00 and its second mortgage six per cent, notes of the par value of $2,000.00, the proceeds to be used for the acquisition of property and the extension and improvement of its facilities, and the time of hearing said matter having been fixed for January twenty-fifth, and due notice of the time and place of said hear- ing having been given, and having been heard in part on said day, and the further hearing thereof having been continued from day to day, the same came on this day for final hearing. 90 After considering the pleadings, hearing the evidence, examining the exhibits and making such inquiry and investigation as the Commission deemed proper, and it appearing that the proceeds of the sale of said stocks and notes are to be used for the discharge of the lawful obliga- tions of said company, the Commission is satisfied that the prayer of said petition should be granted. It is, therefore, Ordered, That said The Brown County Independent Telephone Company be, and it is, hereby, authorized to issue its common stock of the par value of Three Thousand, Three Hundred and Fifty ($3,350.00) Dollars, its first mortgage five per cent. (5%) notes of the par value of Foyr Thousand ($4,000.00) Dollars, and its second mortgage six per cent. (6%) notes of the par value of Two Thousand ($2,000.00) Dollars, and that said stock and notes be sold for the best price obtainable, and not less than the par value thereof ; it being the opinion and finding of the Commission that the money to be secured from the sale of said stock and notes is reasonably required for the proper purposes of said corpora- tion. It is further, Ordered, That the proceeds arising from the sale of said stock and notes be devoted by said The Brown County Independent Telephone Company to, and used for the following purposes, and no other, to-wit : The purchase of certain of the property of the Central Union Telephone Company, fully set out in a bill of sale, marked Exhibit “A”, attached to the joint petition of the said The Brown County Independent Telephone Company and the Central Union Telephone Company, filed with the Commission on January twenty-fifth, 1912, and designated as Number One Hundred and Twenty-five, which bill of sale is made a part of this order by reference, and for the improvement and extension of the plant and facilities of said The Brown County Independent Telephone Company, as fully set out in the petition herein. It is further, Ordered, That said The Brown County Independent Telephone Company make verified report to the Commission as follows: Upon the sale of said stock and notes, or any part thereof, the fact of such sale ; the amounts realized therefrom, which shall be the best price obtainable and which shall not be less than the par value of said stock and notes; at the termination of each and every period of three (3) months from the date of this order, the disposition and use made of the proceeds of the sale of said stock and notes, setting forth, in reasonable detail, the purposes to which the proceeds have been devoted, and that such report be made until all the proceeds of said stock and notes have been ex- pended pursuant to this order. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this 13th of February, 1912. 9i Before The . PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Joint Application of " The Gratiot and Brownsville Tele- phone Company and the Central Union Telephone Company for Approval of Contract for Connection and Ex- change of Service. J y Formal No. 127. This matter came on this day for final hearing upon the joint peti- tion of The Gratiot and Brownsville Telephone Company and the Cen- tral Union Telephone Company, the evidence and the exhibits. After considering the pleadings, the evidence and the exhibits, and it appearing that no increase in rates nor diminution of service will result therefrom, the Commission is satisfied that the prayer of said petition should be granted. It is, therefore, Ordered, That the said The Gratiot and Brownsville Telephone Company and the said Central Union Telephone Company be, and they are, hereby, authorized to form connection and interchange service in the manner and for the purpose set out in said petition. It is further, Ordered, That the authority herein granted may be executed on and after this date. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this eighth day of March, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO In the Matter of the Application of Nor- " folk and Western Railway Company for an Order Authorizing Said Corpo- ration to Issue . $14,320,000.00 Con- vertible Debenture Bonds and Capital Stock for The Conversion Thereof. This thirtieth day of January, 1912, the application of the Norfolk and Western Railway Company, filed January twenty-ninth, 1912, under sections 56 et sequitur of the Public Service Commission Act of Ohio, passed May thirty-first, 1911. for an order authorizing the applicant, Norfolk and Western Railway Company, to issue not exceeding $14,320,- 000.00 of convertible debenture bonds of the said company bearing in- terest at lour per centum per annum, and also the common capital stock ^Formal No. 128. 92 to be delivered in lieu of or in effecting the conversion of such con- vertible debenture bonds, for the purposes set forth in th$ said applica- tion came on for hearing; and the Commission, having examined such, witnesses, books, papers, accounts and reports, and having made such inquiries and investigations as deemed proper and necessary, and it ap- pearing that part of the proceeds of said issue is to be expended in the State of Ohio and that a portion of the said capital to be secured thereby has been e nd is to be expended in the State of Ohio, and being of opinion that the use of the capital to be secured by the issue of said bonds and of the common capital stock to be delivered in lieu of or in effecting such conversion herein authorized is reasonably required for the ac- quisition of property, for the construction, completion, extension or im- provement of its facilities, for the improvement or maintenance of its service, for the discharge or lawful refunding of its obligations and for the reimbursement of moneys actually expended from income and othe~ moneys in the treasury of the company not secured from the issue of srocks, bonds, notes, or other evidences of indebtedness of said com- pany, gives its consent and authority that said bonds may be issued, and : IT IS, HEREBY, ORDERED: 1st. That the applicant, the Norfolk and Western Railway Com- pany, be, and it is, hereby, authorized to issue its convertible debenture bonds not to exceed Fourteen Million, Three Hundred and Twenty Thousand Dollars ($14,320,000.00), to be dated September third, 1912, maturing September first, 1932, bearing interest at the rate of four per centum per annum, convertible at the option of the holder at any time before September first, 1922, into paid up shares of the same par value of the company’s common capital stock ; the privilege of subscribing to which bonds at par is to be given to all the holders of the capital stock of the company for an amount of said bonds equal to twelve and one- half per centum of their holdings of the company’s stock as registered at the close of business January thirty-first, 1912, and any bonds not taken by the stockholders pursuant to such offer to be sold at the best price obtainable and not less than ninety-seven (97) per centum of the par value thereof ; and the Norfolk and Western Railway Company be, and it is also, hereby, authorized to issue shares of its common capital stock to be delivered in lieu of or in effecting the conversion of such con- vertible debenture bonds. 2nd. That the purposes to which the said issue or the proceeds thereof shall be applied, are the acquisition of property, the construc- tion, completion, extension or improvement of facilities, the improve- ment or maintenance of the service, the discharge or lawful refunding of obligations and the reimbursement of moneys actually expended from income and other moneys in the treasury of the company, all as particu- 93 larly specified in the application of said company for this authorization, filed with this Commission on the twenty-ninth day of January, 1912. Any proceeds of this issue of bonds which shall not be needed to defray the estimated cost of any class of expenditures stated in the ap- plication may be applied to the payment of any excess of cost of any other of the said classes of expenditures above the estimated cost there- of. 3rd. That the applicant shall, on or before January first, 1913, make verified reports to this Commission, as follows: (a) The amount of said bonds subscribed by the holders of the capital stock of the com- pany; (b) the amount of said bonds not subscribed by the stockholders and offered to be sold by the company; (c) the terms and conditions of the sale of the bonds not subscribed by the holders of the capital stock of the company, and the amounts realized therefrom; (d) on or before January first, 1913, and at the termination of each and every period of six months thereafter, the disposition and use made of the proceeds of the bonds, setting forth, in reasonable detail, the purposes to which the proceeds have been devoted, in accordance with the terms of this order, and that such reports shall be made until all the proceeds of said bonds have been expended in accordance with the terms of this order. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Joint Application of The Botkins Telephone Company and The Central Union Telephone Com- pany for Approval of Contract for Con- nection and Exchange of Service. ^Formal No. 131- This matter came on this day for final hearing upon the joint peti- tion of The Botkins Telephone Company and the Central Union Tele- phone Company, the evidence' and the exhibits; and the Commission, being fully advised in the premises, is satisfied that the prayer of said petition should be granted. It is, therefore, Ordered, That said The Botkins Telephone Company and the Cen- tral Union Telephone Company, be, and they are, hereby, authorized to form connection and interchange service in the manner and for the pur- poses set out in said petition. It is, further, Ordered, That the authority herein granted may be exercised on and after this date. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this twenty-third day of February, 1912. 94 Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Application of The^ Salem Electric Light and Power Com- pany for Approval by the Commission . of Minimum Charge Sliding Scale and j orma °* 1 3 2 ' Classifications of Service for Electric j Service in Salem, Ohio. J The minimum charge, sliding scale and classification of service in the revised schedule of rates for electric service by The Salem Electric Light and Power Company of Salem, Ohio, offered for filing January 31st, are hereby approved and ordered filed, to become effective March 1st, 1912. Columbus, Ohio, January 31st, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the matter of the application of The^I Northern Ohio Traction^ and Light j Company for authority to issue $2,000,- Formal No. 134. 000.00 PAR VALUE, CUMULATIVE PREFERRED | CAPITAL STOCK. J The Northern Ohio "Traction and Light Company, a corporation in- corporated and organized under the laws of Ohio, having, on the second day of February, 1912, filed its petition for authority to issue its cumula- tive preferred capital stock of the par value of Two Million Dollars, the proceeds to be used for the acquisition of property, and construction, completion, extension and improvement of its facilities, as fully set out in Exhibits “A”, “B”, “C”, and “D” attached to said petition, and the hearing of said matter having been fixed for February nineteenth, 1912, at two o’clock p. m., and having been heard in part on said day and the further hearing thereof having been continued from day to day, and said company having, on the eighth day of March, 1912, filed its amend- ed petition reducing the amount to be expended for the purposes therein set out from Two Million, Nine Hundred and Eleven Thousand, Six Hundred and Twenty-Eight Dollars and two cents to Two Million, Thirty-Nine Thousand. Six Hundred and Twenty Dollars, said matter came on this day for final hearing upon the amended petition, the evi- dence and the exhibits. 95 After considering the pleadings, hearing the evidence, examining the exhibits, listening to the arguments of counsel and making such further inquiry and investigation as the Commission deemed proper, and it ap- pearing that the improvements, extensions and betterments contemplated by the petitioner, as fully set out in said exhibits, are proper and neces- sary for the maintenance and extension of petitioner’s service, and that the whole and each and every part thereof should be made, the Commis- sion is satisfied that a portion of the necessary expenditures in making said improvements, extensions and betterments to its property should be raised by the sale of its said cumulative preferred capital stock. It is, therefore, Ordered, That The Northern Ohio Traction and Light Company be and it hereby is authorized to sell its cumulative preferred capital stock of the par value of One Million, Six Hundred and Forty Thousand Dollars ($1,640,000.00), and that said stock be sold for the best price obtainable and at not less than the par value thereof, it being the opin- ion and finding of the Commission that the money to be secured from the sale of said cumulative preferred capital stock is reasonably required for the proper purposes of said corporation. It is further Ordered, That the said The Northern Ohio Traction and Light Conipany devote not less than Three Hundred and Sixty Thousand Dollars ($360,000.00) in addition to the amounts raised by the sale of its said cumulative preferred capital stock, to the acquisition of property and the making of improvements, extensions and betterments, as set out in said petition and the exhibits attached thereto, and that said sum of Three Hundred and Sixty Thousand Dollars be secured and obtained either from an assessment upon the holders of the common stock of said company, or that said sum be taken from the surplus earnings of said company which otherwise, except for the provisions of this order, would be devoted to the payment of dividends upon said common stock. It is further Ordered, That upon the completion of the power plants now under construction and to be constructed by said company, as set out in said petition and the exhibits attached thereto, that the original cost of the power plants now in use, amounting to the sum of Three Hundred and Twenty-Two Thousand Dollars ($322,000.00), be deducted from the capital obligations of said company by the redemption of bonds of the par value of Three Hundred and Twenty-Two Thousand Dollars, due and payable at the time said new power plants' are completed or that, if no stfch bonds are due and payable at said time, that said sum of • Three Hundred and Twenty-Two Thousand Dollars be set aside and devoted to the redemption of said bonds of the par value of Three Hun- dred and Twenty-Two Thousand Dollars when the same shall fall due and become payable. It is. further 96 Ordered, That the proceeds arising from the sale of said cumula- tive preferred capital stock of the par value of One Million, Six Hundred and Forty Thousand Dollars and said sum of Three Hundred and Sixty Thousand Dollars obtained from an assessment upon the holders of the common stock of said company or taken from the surplus earnings of said company which otherwise would be used in the payment of dividends upon said common stock, be devoted by the said The Northern Ohio Traction and Light Company to the following purposes, and no other,, to-wit : For the construction and equipment of a power plant. $1,500,000 00 For double tracking the Akron, Bedford and Cleve- land Division of interurban railway between Chit- tenden’s station and Fell’s station, and between 'the northerly limits of Bedford and the south- erly limits of Newburg, in all a distance of ten and one-tenths miles > 410,000 00 For the construction of car barns and the construction and equipment of car shops in South Akron.... 250,000 00 For the purchase of thirty-five city cars, fifteen inter- urban cars and two derrick cars 350,000 00 $2:510,000 00 Less amounts credited as follows : Amount expended on power plant to December 31 , 1911 320,380 00 The abandonment of seven and one-half miles of single track on the Akron, Bedford and Cleve- land Division now located on public highway and to be charged from income 150,000 00 $470,380 00 Total expenditure for the acquisition of property, improvements, extensions and betterments under this order $2,039,620 00 It is further Ordered, That the said The Northern Ohio 'Traction and Light Company make verified report to the Commission as follows: Upon the sale of said cumulative preferred capital stock, or any part thereof, the fact of such sale and the amounts realized therefrom, which shall be the largest amounts obtainable and shall not be less than the par value of said stock; at the termination of each and every period of six (6) months from the date of this order, the disposition and use made of the proceeds of the sale of said stock of said company, and use made of the amount obtained from an assessment upon the holders of the com- mon stock of said company or from the surplus earnings of said com- pany as herein set out, setting forth in reasonable detail the purposes to which said sums of money have been devoted, and that such report 97 be made until all the proceeds of the sale of said stock and the amount obtained from an assessment upon the holders of the common stock or taken from the surplus earnings of said company have been expended pursuant to this order. It is further Ordered, That when the said power plants now under construction and to be constructed, as set out in said exhibits, are completed, that said fact be reported to the Commission, together with a report of the action of said company in reducing its capital obligations by reason thereof, as herein required. It is further Ordered, That all the provisions of this order and all the parts thereof be considered interdependent, and not separable at the option of said company. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this twenty-third of April, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In THE MATTER OF THE JOINT APPLICATION OF The Wellington Telephone Company and the Central Union Telephone Company for the consent and approval of the Commission for the purchase of CERTAIN PROPERTY OF THE CENTRAL UNION Telephone Company, and for a connect- ing ARRANGEMENT FOR AN EXCHANGE OF SERVICE BETWEEN THE APPLICANTS. ► Formal No. 135. This matter came on this day for final hearing upon the joint peti- tion of The Wellington Telephone Company, located at Wellington, Ohio, and the Central Union Telephone Company, the evidence and the ex- hibits. After due consideration of the pleadings, the evidence and the exhibits, and it appearing that no increase in rates nor curtailment of service will result therefrom, the Commission is satisfied that the prayer of said petition should be granted. It is, therefore, Ordered, That the said Central Union Telephone Company, be and it is, hereby, authorized to sell to the said The Wellington Telephone Company certain of its property used in local service in the village of Wellington, Ohio, and its toll circuit from Wellington to Nova, the same being fully set out in a bill of sale attached to the petition herein and marked Exhibit “A”, and made a part of this order by reference; and said The Wellington Telephone Company is hereby, authorized to pur- chase said property and to pay therefor the sum of Five Thousand ($5,000.00) Dollars. It is further, 9 8 Ordered, That said The Wellington Telephone Company and the said Central Union Telephone Company be, and they are, hereby, au- thorized to form connection and interchange service in the manner and for the purposes set out in said petition. It is further, Ordered, That the authority herein granted may be exercised on and after this date. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this twelfth day of March, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the matter of the application of The" Wellington Telephone Company for authority to issue $3,500.00 capital j Formal No. 137. STOCK. The Wellington Telephone Company, a corporation duly organized under the laws of Ohio, having, on the sixth day of March, *1912, filed its petition for authority to issue Three Thousand, Five Hundred Dol- lars par value of its common stock, the proceeds to be used for the im- provement, extension and betterment of its plant and property, and the time for hearing said, matter having been fixed for March fourteenth, 1912, at three o’clock p. m., and due notice of the time and place of said hearing having been given, and having been heard in part on said day and the further hearing thereof having been continued from day to day, the same came on this day for final hearing. After considering the pleadings, hearing the evidence, examining the exhibits and making such inquiry and investigation as the Commission deemed proper, and it ap- pearing that the proceeds of the sale of said stock are to be used in the discharge of the lawful obligations of said company, and it appearing further, that One Thousand Dollars, par value, of said stock has here- tofore, to-wit: prior to July first, 1911, been pledged to The First Na- tional Bank of Wellington, Ohio, as security for a loan of One Thousand Dollars to said The Wellington Telephone Company, and that said bank desires to exercise its option to retain said stock in liquidation of said note, the Commission is satisfied that the prayer of said petition, insofar as it relates to the issue and sale of stock of the par value of Two Thousand, Five Hundred Dollars, should be granted. It is, therefore, Ordered, That the said, The Wellington Telephone Company be, and it is, hereby, authorized to issue its common stock of the par value of Two Thousand, Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500.00), and that said stock be sold at the best price obtainable and not less than the par value thereof, it being the opinion and finding of the Commission that the money to 99 be secured from the sale of said stock is reasonably required for the proper purposes of said corporation. It is further, Ordered, That the proceeds arising from the sale of said stock be devoted by said The Wellington Telephone Company to, and used for the following purposes and no other, to-wit : in payment of obligations for improvements, extension and betterments, and in the installation of a new switchboard, as fully set out in an inventory, or appraisal, of said property introduced into the record as Exhibit “A”, and made a part of this order by reference. It is further, Ordered, That said The Wellington Telephone Company make veri- fied report to the Commission as follows : Upon the sale of said stock, or any part thereof, the fact of such sale and amounts realized there- from, which shall be the best price obtainable and which shall not be less than the par value of said stock; at the termination of each and every period of three (3) months from the date of this order, the dis- position and use made of the proceeds of the sale of said stock, setting forth in reasonable detail, the purposes to which the proceeds have been devoted, and that such report be made until all the proceeds of said stock have been expended pursuant to this order. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this ninth of April, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the matter of the joint application of ^ The Kenton Telephone Company and the Central Union Telephone Company FOR THE CONSENT AND APPROVAL OF THE Commission for the purchase of certain PROPERTY OF THE CENTRAL UNION TELE- PHONE Company by The Kenton Tele- phone Company and for a connecting ARRANGEMENT FOR AN EXCHANGE OF SER- VICE BETWEEN THE APPLICANTS. Formal No 138. This matter came on this day for final hearing upon the joint peti- tion of The Kenton Telephone Company and the Central Union Tele- phone Company, the evidence and the exhibits. After due consideration of the pleadings, the evidence and the exhibits, and it appearing that no increases in rates or curtailment of service on the part of either of said companies will result therefrom, the Commission is satisfied that the prayer of said petition should be granted. It is, therefore, IOO Ordered, That the said Central Union Telephone Company be, and it is, hereby, authorized to sell to the said The Kenton Telephone Com- pany certain of its property used in local service in the city of Kenton, Ohio, and fully set out in the bill of sale attached to the petition herein and marked Exhibit “A”, and made a part of this order by reference ; and the said The Kenton Telephone Company is, hereby, authorized to purchase said property and to pay therefor the agreed price of Four Thousand ($4,000.00) Dollars. It is further, Ordered, That said The Kenton Telephone Company and Central Union Telephone Company be, and they are, hereby, authorized to form connection and interchange service in the manner and for the purposes set out in said petition. It is further, Ordered, That the authority herein granted may be exercised on and after this date. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this 28th of February, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the matter of the application of The Kenton Telephone Company for the CONSENT AND APPROVAL OF THE COMMIS- SION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $22,400.00 COM- MON STOCK OF THE COMPANY TO PROVIDE THE COMPANY WITH FUNDS TO DISCHARGE $18,400.00 OF ITS BILLS PAYABLE AND TO PURCHASE THE KENTON EXCHANGE PROPER- TY of the Central Union Telephone Company at a price of $ 4 , 000 . 00 . ^Formal No. 139. The Kenton Telephone Company having, on the fifth day of Febru- ary, 1912, filed its petition for authority to issue its common stock of the par value of $22,400.00 for the purpose of discharging $ 18 , 400.00 of its bills payable, incurred in the extension, improvement and better- ment of its plant, and of paying the Central Union Telephone Company $4,000.00 for certain property authorized to be purchased by Order Number One Hundred and Thirty-eight of this Commission, and the time of hearing said matter having been fixed for February twenty- third, 1912, at two o’clock p. m., and due notice of the time and place of said hearing having been given, and having been heard in part on said day, and the further hearing thereof having been continued from day to day, the same came on this day for final hearing. IOI After considering the pleadings, hearing the evidence, examining the exhibits and making such inquiry and investigation as the Commis- sion deemed proper, and it appearing that the proceeds of the sale of said stock are to be used for the discharge of the lawful obligations of said company, the Commission is satisfied that the prayer of said peti- tion should be granted. It is, therefore, Ordered, That said The Kenton Telephone Company be, and it is, hereby authorized to issue its common stock of the par value of Twenty- two Thousand, Four Hundred ($22,400.00) Dollars, and that said stock be sold for the best price obtainable and not less than the par value thereof, it being the opinion and finding of the Commission that the money to be secured from the sale of said stock is reasonably required for the proper purposes of said corporation. It is further, Ordered, That the proceeds arising from the sale of said stock be devoted by said The Kenton Telephone Company to and used for the following purposes, and no other, to-wit: For the purpose of discharg- ing Eighteen Thousand, Four Hundred ($18,400.00) Dollars of its bills payable, incurred in the extension, improvement and betterment of its plant, and paying the Central Union Telephone Company Four Thousand ($4,000.00) Dollars for certain property authorized to be purchased by Order Number One Hundred and Thirty-eight (138) of this Commis- sion. It is further, Ordered, That said The Kenton Telephone Company make verified report to the Commission, as follows : Upon the sale of said stock, or any part thereof, the fact of such sale, the amounts realized therefrom, which shall be the best price obtainable, and which shall not be less than the par value of said stock; at the termination of each and every period of three (3) months from the date of this order, the disposition and use made of the proceeds of the sale of said stock, setting forth in reasonable detail the purposes to which the proceeds have been de- voted, and that such report be made until all the proceeds of said stock have been expended pursuant to this order. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this 28th of February, 1912. 102 Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In THE MATTER OF THE JOINT APPLICATION OF The South Charleston Home Tele- phone Company and the Central Union Telephone Company for the approval OF A CONTRACT FOR CONNECTION AND EX- CHANGE OF SERVICE, AND FOR THE PURCHASE OF CERTAIN PROPERTY OF THE CENTRAL Union Telephone Company by The South Charleston Home Telephone ^Formal No. 144. Company. This matter came on this day for final hearing upon the joint peti- tion of The South Charleston Home Telephone Company and the Cen- tral Union Telephone Company, the evidence and the exhibits. After due consideration of the pleadings, the evidence and the exhibits, and it appearing that no increase in rates or dimunition in service will result therefrom, the Commission is satisfied that the prayer of said petition should be granted. It is, therefore, Ordered, That the said Central Union Telephone Company be, and it is, hereby, authorized to sell to the said The South Charleston Home Telephone Company certain of its property, fully set out in a bill of sale attached to the petition and marked Exhibit “A”; and the said The South Charleston Home Telephone Company is, hereby, authorized to purchase, said property and to pay therefor the sum of Two Hundred ($200.00) Dollars. It is further, Ordered, That said The South Charleston Home Telephone Com- pany and the said Central Union Telephone Company be, and they are, hereby, authorized to form connection and interchange service in the manner and for the purposes set out in said petition. It is further, Ordered, That the authority herein granted may be exercised on and after this date. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this fifteenth day of March, 1912. 103 ✓ Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the matter of the joint application of The Home Telephone Company of Plattsburg, and the Central Union Tel- ephone Company for approval of con- tract FOR CONNECTION AND INTERCHANGE OF SERVICE BETWEEN THE APPLICANTS. ^Formal No. 145. This matter came on this day for final hearing upon the joint peti- tion of The Home Telephone Company of Plattsburg, Ohio, and the Central Union Telephone Company, the evidence and the exhibits, and the Commission, being fully advised in the premises, is satisfied that the prayer of said petition should be granted. It is, therefore, Ordered, That said The Home Telephone Company of Plattsburg, Ohio, and the Central Union Telephone Company be, and they are, hereby, authorized to form connection and interchange service in the manner and for the purposes set out in said petition. It is further, Ordered, That the authority herein granted may be exercised on and after this date. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this twenty-ninth day of February, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. Louis J. Stumpf, Complainant, vs. r Formal No. 146. The Springfield, Light, Heat and Power j Company of Springfield, Ohio. Defendant, j ENTRY OF DISMISSAL. It appearing that defendant has accorded satisfaction in this case, the same is, therefore, dismissed. Columbus, Ohio, March 23d, 1912. 104 Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the matter of the joint application of ^ The Eastern Ohio Telephone Company and the Central Union Telephone Com- Formal No. 147. PANY FOR APPROVAL OF CONTRACT FOR CON- NECTION AND EXCHANGE OF SERVICE. J This matter came on this day for final hearing upon the joint peti- tion of The Eastern Ohio Telephone Company and the Central Union Telephone Company, the evidence and the exhibits; and the Commis- sion, being fully advised in the premises, is satisfied that the prayer of said petition should be granted. It is, therefore, Ordered, That said The Eastern Ohio Telephone Company and the Central Union Telephone Company be, and they are, hereby, authorized to form connection and interchange service in the manner and for the purposes set out in said petition. It is further, Ordered, That the authority herein granted may be exercised on and after this date. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this fifth day of April, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the matter of the joint application of ^ The Darrtown Telephone Company and The Cincinnati and Suburban Bell Tel- Formal No. 148. ephone Company for approval of con- I NECTION AND INTERCHANGE SERVICE. This matter came on this day for final hearing upon the joint peti- tion of The Darrtown Telephone Company and The Cincinnati and Sub- burban Bell Telephone Company, the evidence and the exhibits; and the Commission, being fully advised in the premises, is satisfied that the prayer of said petition should be granted. It is, therefore Ordered, That said The Darrtown Telephone Company and The Cincinnati and Suburban Bell Telephone Company be, and they are, here- by, authorized to form connection and interchange service in the manner and for the purposes set out in said petition. It is further Ordered, That the authority herein granted may be exercised on and after this date. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this twenty-first day of March, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the matter of the joint application of The West Milton Home Telephone Company and the Central Union Tele- phone Company for the approval of a contract for a connection and ex- change OF SERVICE BETWEEN THE TELE- PHONE SYSTEMS OF THE APPLICANTS. ^Formal No. 150. This matter came on this day for final hearing upon the joint peti- tion of The V est Milton Home Telephone Company .and the Central Union Telephone Company, the evidence and the exhibits; and the Com- mission, being fully advised in the premises, is satisfied that the prayer of said petition should be granted. It is, therefore, Ordered, That said The West Milton Home Telephone Company and the Central Union Telephone Company be, and they are, hereby, authorized to form connection and interchange service in the manner and for the purposes set out in said petition. It is further, Ordered, That the authority herein granted may be exercised on and after this date. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this twenty-first day of March, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the matter of the joint application of The (Brookville, Ohio) United Home Telephone Company and the Central Union Telephone Company for the ap- Formal No. 15 1 PROVAL OF A CONTRACT FOR CONNECTION AND EXCHANGE OF SERVICE BETWEEN THE TELE- PHONE SYSTEMS OF THE APPLICANTS. This matter came on this day for final hearing upon the joint peti- tion of The United Home Telephone Company, of Brookville, Ohio, and the Central Union Telephone Company, the evidence and the exhibits; and the Commission, being fully advised in the premises, is satisfied that the prayer of said petition should be granted. It is, therefore, Ordered, That said The United Home Telephone Company, of Brookville. Ohio, and the Central Union Telephone Company be, and io6 they are. hereby, authorized to form connection and interchange service- in the manner and for the purposes set out in said petition. It is further,. Ordered, That the authority herein granted may be exercised on and after this date. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this twenty-first day of March, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the matter of the joint application of The New Lebanon Telephone Company and the Central Union Telephone Com- pany FOR THE APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT FOR CONNECTION AND EXCHANGE OF SERVICE BE- TWEEN THE TELEPHONE SYSTEMS OF THE AP- PLICANTS. ^Formal No. 152. This matter came on this day for final hearing upon the joint peti- tion of The New Lebanon Telephone Company and the Central Union Telephone Company, the evidence and the exhibits ; and the Commission, being fully advised in the premises, is satisfied that the prayer of said petition should be granted. It is, therefore, Ordered, That said The New Lebanon Telephone Company and the Central Union Telephone Company be, and they are, hereby, au- thorized to form connection and interchange service in the manner and for the purposes set out in said petition. It is further, Ordered, That the authority herein granted may be exercised on and after this date. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this twenty-first day of March, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In THE MATTER OF THE JOINT APPLICATION OF The McComb Home Telephone Com- pany and The Central Union Tele- phone Company for the approval of a connection and exchange of service. ^Formal No. 158. This matter came on this day for final hearing upon the joint petition of The McComb Home Telephone Company and the Central Union Telephone Company, the evidence and the exhibits ; and the Com- 107 mission, being fully advised in the premises, is satisfied that the prayer of said petition should be granted. It is, therefore, Ordered, That said The McComb Home Telephone Company and the Central Union Telephone Company be, and they are, hereby, au-» thorized to form connection and interchange service in the manner and for the purposes set out in said petition. It is further, Ordered, That the authority herein granted may be exercised on and after this date. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this twenty-first day of March, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the matter of the application of The^ Conneaut Telephone Company and the Central Union Telephone Company for THE CONSENT AND APPROVAL OF THE COM- MISSION FOR THE PURCHASE OF CERTAIN PROPERTY OF THE CENTRAL UNION TELE- PHONE Company by The Conneaut Tel- r Formal No. 161. ephone Company and for the purchase of certain property of The Conneaut Telephone Company by the Central Union Telephone Company and for a connecting arrangement for an ex- y CHANGE OF SERVICE BETWEEN THE APPLICANTS. The Conneaut Telephone Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Ohio, and the Central Union Telephone Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Illinois, having, on the ninth day of March, 1912, filed with the Com- mission their joint petition for the consent and approval of the Com- mission for the purchase of certain property of the Central Union Tele- phone Company by The Conneaut Telephone Company, and of certain property of The Conneaut Telephone Company by the Central Union Telephone Company, and for a connecting arrangement and interchange of service between the telephone systems of said petitioners, and the time for hearing said matter having been fixed for Monday, March twenty-fifth, 1912 at two o’clock p. m., and due notice of the time- and place of said hearing having been given, and the same having been heard in part on said day, and the further hearing thereof having been con- tinued from day to day, the same came on this day for final hearing upon the petition, the evidence and the exhibits. io8 After due consideration of the pleadings, hearing the evidence, ex- amining the exhibits and making such further investigation and inquiry as the Commission deemed proper, and it appearing that no increase in rates on the part of either of said companies will result therefrom, the Commission is satisfied that the prayer of said petition should be granted. It is, therefore, Ordered, That said Central Union Telephone Company be, and it hereby is authorized to sell to said The Conneaut Telephone Company certain of its property used in local service and located in the munici- pality of Conneaut, Ohio, and fully set out in a bill of sale attached to the petition and marked Exhibit “A”, and made a part hereof by refer- ence; and said The Conneaut Telephone Company hereby is authorized to purchase said property and to pay therefor the agreed sum of Four- teen Thousand, Five Hundred and Fifty-six Dollars and fifteen cents ($14,556.15). It is further, Ordered, That said The Conneaut Telephone Company be, and it hereby is authorized to sell to said Central Union Telephone Company certain of its property, used in toll service and fully set out in a bill of sale attached to the petition herein and marked Exhibit “B”, and made a part of this order by reference; and said Central Union Telephone Company hereby is authorized to purchase said property and to pay therefor the agreed price of Four Hundred and Sixty-four Dollars and sixty-six cents ($464.66). It is further, Ordered, That said The Conneaut Telephone Company and said Central Union Telephone Company be, and they hereby are authorized to form connection and interchange service in the manner and for the purposes set out in said petition. It is further, Ordered, That the authority herein granted may be exercised on and after this date. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this thirtieth day of April, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the matter of the joint application of^ The Celina and Mercer County Tele- phone Company of Celina, Ohio, and The State Line Telephone Company of New Corydon, Indiana, for authority to PURCHASE AND SELL PROPERTY. j This matter came on this day for final hearing upon the joint peti- tion of The Celina and Mercer County Telephone Company, a corpo- ration organized under the laws of the State of Ohio* with its principal Formal No. 162. > 109 place of business at Celina, Ohio, and The State Line Telephone Com- pany, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Indiana with its principal place of business at New Cory don, Indiana, the evi- dence and the exhibits, and the Commission being fully advised in the* premises, is satisfied that the prayer of said petition should be granted. It is, therefore, Ordered, That said The State Line Telephone Company be, and it hereby is authorized tp sell to said The Celina and Mercer County Telephone Company all that portion of its property used in telephone service and located in Mercer County, State of Ohio, as fully described in said petition, and said The Celina and Mercer County Telephone Company hereby is authorized to purchase said property and to pay therefor the agreed sum of Four Hundred and Twenty-five Dollars ($425.00). It is further Ordered, That the authority herein "granted may be exercised on and after this date. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this twenty-seventh of April, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In THE MATTER OF THE. APPLICATION OF ThE^ Trumbull Public Service Company for AUTHORITY TO ISSUE $ 1 64,000.00 6% GOLD BONDS. Formal No. 163. This case come on this day for final hearing upon the petition of The Trumbull Public Service Company for authority to issue its bonds of the par value of One Hundred and Sixty-four Thousand Dollars, the evidence and the exhibits. After considering the pleadings, hearing the evidence, examining the exhibits and making such further inquiry and investigation as the Commission deemed proper, and it appearing that the proceeds arising from the sale of said bonds are to be used in liquidating outstanding notes of said company amounting to One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars, and that authority is sought to sell said bonds at ninety-two per cent, of their par value, and that said transaction, if consummated, will operate to increase the obligations of said company without adding to the value of its property, the Commission is satisfied that the prayer of said petition should be not granted. It is, therefore, Ordered, That the authority of the Commission to issue said bonds be and it is, hereby, withheld, and that said petition be and the same is, hereby, dismissed. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this twelfth day of April, 1912. no Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the matter of the application of The North Randall Railway Company for AUTHORITY TO ISSUE $150,000.00 CAPITAL STOCK AND $150,000.00 BONDS. Formal No. 165. The North Randall Railway Company, a corporation organized under the laws of Ohio, having, on the thirteenth day of March, 1912, filed its petition for authority to issue One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars, par value of its capital stock and One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars, par value of its bonds, the proceeds to be used for the purpose of acquiring a right-of-way, locating and constructing thereon, and equipping a line of electric railway, and to pay the neces- sary expenses incident thereto, and the hearing of said matter having been fixed for March twenty-second, 1912, at two o’clock p. m., and due notice of the time and place of said hearing having been given, and having been heard in part on said day, and the further hearing thereof having been continued from day to day, and the applicant hav- ing, on the twenty-sixth day of March, 1912, filed an amended petition wherein the amount of securities sought to be issued is reduced to Fifty Thousand Dollars, par value, of its capital stock and One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars, par value, of its bonds, said matter came on this day for final hearing upon the petition, the amended petition, the exhibits and the evidence. After considering the pleadings, hearing the evidence, examining the exhibits and making such inquiry and investigation as the Commis- sion deemed proper, and it appearing that the proceeds of the sale of said stock and bonds are to be used for the discharge of the lawful obligations of said company, the Commission is satisfied that the prayer of said amended petition should be granted. It is, therefore, Ordered, That said The North Randall Railway Company be, and it is, hereby, authorized to issue its capital stock of the par value of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00), and its bonds of the par value of One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000.00), and that said stock and bonds be sold for the best price obtainable, and not less than the par value thereof, it being the opinion and finding of the Com- mission that the money to be secured from the sale of said stock and bonds is reasonably required for the proper purposes of said corpora- tion. It is further, Ordered, That the proceeds arising from the sale of said stock and bonds be devoted by said The North Randall Railway Company to, and used for the following purposes and no other, to-wit : in acquiring a Ill right-of-way, in locating and constructing thereon and in equipping a line of electric railway, and to pay the necessary expenses incident thereto, as fully set out and described in detailed estimates, a profile and map, marked Exhibits “A”, “B”, “C” and “D”, respectively, at- tached to said petition and made a part of this order by reference. It is further, Ordered, That said The North Randall Railway Company make verified report to the Commission as follows: Upon the sale of said stock and bonds, or any part thereof, the fact of such sale, the amounts realized therefrom, which shall be the best price obtainable and which shall not be less than the par value of said stock and bonds; at the termination of each and every period of three (3) months from the date of this order, the disposition and use made of the proceeds of the sale of said stock and bonds, setting forth in reasonable detail, the purposes to which the proceeds have been devoted, and that such report be made until all the proceeds of said stock and bonds have been expended pur- suant to this order. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this eleventh day of April, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. Earl D. Carr, Receiver of The Nelsonville Coal Company, Complainant, vs. The Hocking Valley Railway Company and The Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Railway Company. Defendants. i * Formal No. 166. This case is submitted under the provisions of sections 579-80 of the General Code of Ohio, as amended May 9, 1910, Ohio Laws, Volume 10 1, page 173. The complaint, with complainant’s affidavits and exhibits, was filed March thirteenth, 1912. The separate answer of the defendant, The Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Railway Company, and counter affidavits, was filed March twenty-first, 1912, and the separate answer of the defendant, The Hocking Valley Railway Company, and counter affidavits, was filed April fourth, 1912, and the affidavits of com- plainant in rebuttal were filed April fifteenth, 1912. 1 12 Upon examination of the pleadings, affidavits and exhibits, tke Commission find that on or about the twenty-second day of January, 1910, the complainant delivered to thp defendant, The Hocking Valley Railway Company, at Nelsonville, Ohio, one carload of coal of the net weight of 60,500 pounds, loaded in Hocking Valley Railway car No. 342, and consigned to The John A. Murphy Company at Dayton, Ohio, upon the line of the defendant, The Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Railway Company, and. that, upon arrival of said car of coal at Dayton, Ohio, said car contained but 39,000 pounds of coal, the same being 21,500 pounds of coal less than had been delivered to said The Hocking Valley Railway Company, by complainant at Nelsonville; that the value of said coal so lost is Two Dollars and thirty-five cents per ton of 2,000 pounds, and that the complainant was damaged by reason of the loss of said coal in the sum of Twenty-four Dollars and nine cents ($24.09). The Commission further find that on or about the twenty-eighth day of February, 1910, the complainant delivered to the defendant, The Hocking Valley Railway Company, one carload of coal of the net weight of 77,800 pounds loaded in Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Railway car No. 38,443, consigned to The John A. Murphy Company at Dayton, Ohio, upon the line of the defendant, The Cleveland, Cin- cinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Railway Company, and that, upon the arrival of said car of coal at Dayton, Ohio, said car contained but 61,600 pounds of coal, the same being 16,200 pounds of coal less than had been delivered as aforesaid, to said The Hocking Valley Company at Nelsonville, Ohio, that the value of said coal is Two Dollars and thirty-five cents ($2.35) per ton of 2,000 pounds, and that complainant’s damage by reason of said loss of said coal is the surh of Seventeen Dollars and eighty-six cents ($17.86). The Commission further find that said coal in each instance was lost by reason of the negligence of said defendants in the protection of said coal while in transit. The Commission further find that the defendants are not liable to the complainant for the value of one thousand (1,000) pounds of coal in each of said shipments, said cars having been billed at a weight of one thousand pounds less than the actual weight thereof, in accordance with the tariff regulations of defendants and with complainant’s con- sent and acquiescence therein. The Commission further find that complainant presented to the said defendants his claim against them on account of said shortage in coal, on the fourteenth day of August, 1911, and that on or about the twenty-sixth day of September, 1911, said claim, was finally rejected, and that more than sixty (60) days elapsed between the presentation of said claim to the defendants by complainant, and the filing of this com- plaint with The Public Service Commission of Ohio. / The CoiTimissiOft farther find that there is due complainant from defendants for the loss of coal in said two shipments from Nelsonville, Ohio, to Dayton, Ohio, as herein set out, the total sum of Forty-one Dollars and ninety-five cents ($41.95), with interest thereon from the thirteenth day of March, 1912, the date of the commencement of this action by complainant. The Commission further find that complainant is located in the County of Athens, State of Ohio. It is, .Ordered, That the finding of the Commission in this matter be cer- tified to the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of said Athens County. We, O. P. Gothlin, J. C. Sullivan and O. H. Hughes, constituting The Public Service Commission of Ohio do, hereby, certify the fore- going to be the finding of The Public Service Commission of Ohio in the above entitled case, as shown by the records and files of said Com- mission. In Testimony Thereof, We have hereunto set our hands and affixed the seal of said The Public Service Commission of Ohio, this, twenty-fifth day of April, 1912. THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO, By O. P. Gothlin, Chairman , J. C. Sullivan, O. H. Hughes, C 0 m mission ers . Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the matter of the investigation of the management and operation of The Ber- j lin Center Telephone Company witpi ^Formal No. 167. respect to its compliance with the pro- I VISIONS OF THE LAW. J It appearing that The Berlin Center Telephone Company has this day filed its schedule of rates, this case is, therefore, dismissed. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this eighth day of April, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the matter of the investigation of the MANAGEMENT AND OPERATION OF The Greene Telephone Company with re- spect TO ITS COMPLIANCE WITH TLIE PRO- VISIONS OF THE LAW. ^Formal No. 168. It appearing that service was not secured upon The Greene Tele- phone Company by reason of misdirection of the subpoena herein, this case is, therefore, dismissed. Columbus, Ohio, April 26th, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the matter of the investigation of the ^ MANAGEMENT AND OPERATION OF THE j Gorby-Cady Telephone Company with y Formal No. 169. respect to its compliance with the pro- I VISIONS OF THE LAW. J It appearing that The Gorby-Cady Telephone Company has this day filed its schedule of rates, this case is, therefore, dismissed. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this eighth day of April, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the matter of the investigation of the^I MANAGEMENT AND OPERATION OF THE Hastings Telephone Company with re- l Formal No. 170. SPECT TO ITS COMPLIANCE WITH THE PRO- I VISIONS OF THE LAW. J It appearing that The Hastings Telephone Company has this day filed its schedule of rates, this case is, therefore, dismissed. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this second day of April, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the matter of the investigation of the ^ MANAGEMENT AND OPERATION OF THE Holland Home Telephone Company with ^Formal No. 171. RESPECT TO ITS COMPLIANCE WITH THE PRO- | VISIONS OF THE LAW. J It appearing that The Holland Home Telephone Company has this day filed its schedule of rates, this case is, therefore, dismissed. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this first day of April, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In THE MATTER OF THE INVESTIGATION OF THE MANAGEMENT AND OPERATION OF THE Jerseyville Telephone Company with RESPECT TO ITS COMPLIANCE WITH THE PRO- VISIONS OF THE LAW. ^Formal No. 172. It appearing that the Jerseyville Telephone Company discontinued business prior to July 1st, 1911, and has furnish no service since said date, this case is, therefore, dismissed. Dated at Columbus, Ohio this twenty-seventh day of March, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In THE MATTER OF THE INVESTIGATION OF THE MANAGEMENT AND OPERATION OF THE Lyons Mutual Telephone Company with RESPECT TO ITS COMPLIANCE WITH THE PRO- VISIONS OF THE LAW. :> Formal No. 173. It appearing that The Lyons Mutual Telephone Company has this date filed its schedule of rates, this case is, therefore, dismissed. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this eighth day of April, 1912. n6 Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In THE MATTER OF THE INVESTIGATION OF THE MANAGEMENT AND OPERATION OF THE Malinta Mutual Teleppione Company WITH RESPECT TO ITS COMPLIANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE LAW. > Formal No. 174. It appearing that The Malinta Mutual Telephone Company on this date filed its schedule of rates, this case is, therefore, dismissed. Columbus, Ohio, March 22nd, 1912, Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the matter of the investigation of the ^ MANAGEMENT AND OPERATION OF THE Manchester Telephone Company with [^Formal No. 175. RESPECT TO ITS COMPLIANCE WITH THE PRO- VISIONS OF THE LAW. It appearing that The Manchester Telephone Company has this day filed its schedule of rates, this case is, therefore, dismissed. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this twenty-seventh day of March, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the matter of the investigation of the MANAGEMENT AND OPERATION OF THE Muskingum County Farmers' Telephone Company with respect to its compliance WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE LAW. ^Formal No. 176. It appearing that The Muskingum County Farmers' Telephone Company has this day filed its schedule of rates, this case is, therefore, dismissed. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this third day of April, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the matter of the investigation of the ^ MANAGEMENT AND OPERATION OF THE Mecca Telephone Company with re- [^Formal No. 177. SPECT TO ITS COMPLIANCE WITH THE PRO- | VISIONS OF THE LAW. . J It appearing that The Mecca Telephone Company has this day filed its schedule of rates, this case is, therefore, dismissed. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this fifth day of April, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the matter of the investigation of the MANAGEMENT AND OPERATION OF THE j Proctorville Central Telephone Com- ^Formal No. 178. PANY WITH RESPECT TO ITS COMPLIANCE | WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE LAW. J It appearing that The Proctorville Telephone Company has discon- tinued business and is furnishing no service, said Company is not re- quired to file schedules of rates, and the case is dismissed. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this twenty-seventh day of March, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the matter of the investigation of the MANAGEMENT AND OPERATION OF THE Port William Mutual Telephone Com- pany WITH RESPECT TO ITS COMPLIANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE LAW. >• Formal No. 179. It appearing that The Port William Mutual Telephone Company has this day filed its schedule of rates, this case is, therefore, dismissed. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this thirtieth day of March, 1912. n8 Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the matter of the investigation of the h MANAGEMENT AND OPERATION OF THE Sullivan Telephone Company with re- Formal No. 180. SPECT TO ITS COMPLIANCE WITH THE PRO- | VISIONS OF THE LAW. J It appearing that The Sullivan Telephone Company has this day filed its schedule of rates, this case is, therefore dismissed. Columbus, Ohio, March 27th, 1912., Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the matter of the investigation of the MANAGEMENT AND OPERATION OF THE Tipp Telephone Company witpi respect TO ITS COMPLIANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE LAW. ^Formal No. 181. It appearing that The Tipp Telephone Company has this day filed its schedule of rates, this case is, therefore, dismissed. Columbus, Ohio, March 27th, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. IN THE MATTER OF THE INVESTIGATION OF THE MANAGEMENT AND OPERATION OF THE j Wilgus Telephone Company with re- Formal No. 182. SPECT TO ITS COMPLIANCE WITH THE PRO- VISIONS OF THE LAW. J It appearing that The Wilgus Telephone Company is a mutual com- pany organized not for profit, and has no revenue, said Company is not required to file* schedules of rates, and the case is, therefore, dismissed. Columbus, Ohio, March 27th, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the matter of the investigation of the ^ MANAGEMENT AND OPERATION OF The j Lebanon Teeephone Company with re- ^Formal No. 184. SPECT TO ITS COMPLIANCE WITH THE PRO- | I VISIONS OF THE LAW. j It appearing that The Lebanon Telephone Company on this date filed its schedule of rates, this case is therefore, dismissed. Columbus, Ohio, March 19, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the matter of the joint application of ^ The John A. Stewart Electric Company j and The Hocking Power Company for Formal No. 185. AUTHORITY TO SELL AND PURCHASE PROP- | I ERTY. J This matter came 3 n this day for final hearing upon the joint peti- tion of the The John A. Stewart Electric Company and The Hocking Power Company, a corporation organized under the laws of Ohio, the evidence and the exhibits. After considering the pleadings, hearing the evidence, examining the exhibits and making such further inquiry and investigation as the Commission deemed proper, and it appearing that the amount to be paid by the Hocking Power Company to The John A. Stewart Electric Com- pany for the property described in the petition and the exhibits attached thereto, is greatly in excess of the value of said property, the Commis- sion is satisfied that the prayer of said petition should not be granted. It is, therefore, Ordered, That this case be, and the same hereby is dismissed. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this thirtieth day of April, 1912. 120 Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the matter of the application of The'] Tiffin W ater Works for authority to l Formal No. 187. ISSUE $150,000.00 PAR VALUE BONDS. ] J The Tiffin Water Works, a corporation incorporated and organized under the laws of the State of Ohio, having, on the nineteenth day of March, 1912, filed its petition for authority to issue its bonds to the amount of One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars, to bear interest at the rate of five percentum per annum, the proceeds to be used, first, for refunding or liquidating applicant’s present outstanding bonded in- debtedness, bearing interest at the rate of six per centum per annum, of One Hundred and Ten Thousand Dollars; second, to pay applicant’s floating indebtedness of Fifteen Thousand Dollars; third, to pay for five thousand feet of proposed extensions of applicant’s pipe system at a cost of not less than Five Thousand Dollars, and fourth, to reimburse in- come account to the amount of Twenty Thousand Dollars, which said sum has been expended from income for improvements and extensions during the years 1909, 1910 and 1911, as fully set out in said petition, and the hearing of said matter having been fixed for April third, 1912, and due notice of the time and place of said hearing having been given, and having been heard in part on said day and the further hearing thereof having been continued from day to day, said matter came on this day for final hearing upon the petition, the evidence and the ex- hibits. After considering the pleadings, hearing the evidence, examining the exhibits and making such further inquiry and investigation as the Commission deemed proper, and its appearing that applicant’s present outstanding bonded indebtedness amounts to One Hundred and Ten Thousand Dollars, that the same matures on May first, 1912, that the said present outstanding bonded indebtedness should on said date be liquidated or refunded, and that the funcjs for such liquidation or refund- ing should be raised by the issue of new bonds of said corporation, the Commission is satisfied that such portion of said petition as relates to the liquidation or refunding of applicant’s present outstanding bonds should be allowed. It is, therefore, Ordered, That the Tiffin Water Works be, and it hereby is author- ized to issue, as of the date of the cancellation and retirement of its original bonds, as set forth herein, its bonds of the par value of One Hundred and Ten Thousand Dollars ($1 10,000.00), bearing interest at a rate not exceeding five per centum per annum, and that said bonds be sold for the best price obtainable and at not less than the par value thereof, it being the opinion and finding of the Commission that the 12 1 money to be secured from the sale of said bonds is reasonably required for the proper purposes of said corporation. It is further Ordered, That the proceeds arising from the sale of said bonds -shall be devoted to the following purposes, and no other, to-wit: The liquidation or refunding of applicant’s present outstanding bonds, which amount to One Hundred and Ten Thousand Dollars, and bear interest at the rate of six per centum per annum. It is further Ordered, That the applicant retire upon the date of its maturity, to- wit, May first, 1912, or as soon thereafter as possible, its present out- standing bonded indebtedness of One Hundred and Ten Thousand Dol- lars. It is further Ordered, That the said Tiffin Water Works make verified report to the Commission as follows : Upon the sale of said bonds, or any part thereof, the fact of such sale and the amounts realized therefrom, which shall be the highest price obtainable and shall not be less than the par value of said bonds ; upon the retirement of said present outstanding bonds, or any portion thereof, the fact of such cancellation of such in- debtedness, detailing the number, date and amount of each bond; at the termination of each and every period of thirty days from the date of this order, the disposition and use made of the proceeds of the sale of said bonds, and that such reports be made until all of applicant’s present •outstanding bonds have been retired and cancelled, and all of said bonds herein authorized have been disposed of and the proceeds arising from the sale thereof have been expended pursuant to this order. It is further, Ordered, That as to the issue of bonds for the other purposes stated in said petition, this cause be continued for further investigation. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this thirtieth of April, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Joint Application of > The New Concord Telephone Company and the Central Union Telephone Company for the Consent and Approval of the Commission for the Purchase of Certain Property of the Central Union Telephone Company by The New Con- cord Telephone Company and for a Connecting Arrangement for an Ex- change of Service Between the Ap- plicants. >- Formal No. 188. The New Concord Telephone Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Ohio, and the Central Union Telephone 122 Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Illinois, having, on the twentieth day of March, 1912, filed with the Commission their joint petition for the consent and approval of the Commission for the purchase of certain property of the Central Union Telephone Com- pany by The New' Concord Telephone Company, and for a connecting arrangement and interchange of service between the telephone systems of said petitioners, and the time for hearing said matter having been fixed for Friday, March twenty-ninth, 1912, at four o’clock p. m., and due notice of the time and place of said hearing having been given, and the same having been heard in part on said day, and the further hearing thereof having been continued from day to day, the same came on this day for final hearing upon the petition, the exhibits and the evidence. After considering the pleadings, hearing the evidence, examining the exhibits and making such further inquiry and investigation as the Com- mission deemed proper, and it appearing that no increase in rates on the part of either of said companies will result therefrom, the Commis- sion is satisfied that the prayer of said petition should be granted. It is, therefore, Ordere^ That said Central Union Telephone Company be, and it hereby is authorized to sell to said The New Concord Telephone Com- pany certain of its property used in local service and located in the muni- cipality of New Concord, Muskingum County, Ohio, and vicinity, and fully set out in a bill of sale attached to t^he petition and marked Exhibit “A”, and made a part of this order by reference; and said The New Concord Telephone Company hereby is authorized to purchase said property and to pay therefor the agreed sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00). It is further Ordered, That said The New Concord Telephone Company and said Central Union Telephone Company be, and they hereby are au- thorized to form connection and interchange service in the manner and for the purposes set out in said petition. It is further Ordered, That the authority herein granted may be exercised on and after this date. Dated at Columbus, Ohio, this thirtieth of April, 1912. 123 Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Joint Application of The Auglaize Telephone Company and The Central Union Telephone Com- pany for Approval of Connection and Exchange of Service. ] ^Formal No. 194. The Auglaize Telephone Company having failed to appear at the time set for hearing, this case is, therefore, dismissed. Columbus, Ohio, April 26th, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Joint Application of ^ The Rock Creek Citizens Telephone Company and The Central Union Tele- [^Formal No. 195. phone Company for Approval of Con- | NECTION AND EXCHANGE OF SERVICE. J The Rock Creek Citizens Telephone Company having failed to ap- pear at the time set for hearing, this case, is therefore, dismissed. Columbus, Ohio, April 26th, 1912. Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Investigation of the Management and Operation of The Corning-Elliott Telephone Company of Elliott, Ohio, With Respect to its Com- pliance With the Provisions of the Law. >■ Formal No. 213. It appearing that The Corning-Elliott Telephone Company has this day filed its schedule of rates, this case is, therefore, dismissed. Columbus, Ohio, May 1, 1912. 124 Before The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OHIO. In the Matter of the Investigation of the Management and Operation of The Greene Telephone Company of Lock- land, Ohio, With Respect to its Com- pliance With the Provisions of the Law. ^Formal No. 221. It appearing that The Greene Telephone Company of Lockland, Ohio, has this day filed its schedule of rates, this case is, therefore, dis- missed. Columbus, Ohio, April 26th, 1912. 125 INDEX PAGE American Gas Company, Authority to issue stock 75 American Express Company vs. Henry Burkhardt Packing Co 6 Ashtabula Telephone Company and Central Union Tele. Co 21 Auglaize Tele. Co. and Central Union Tele. Co 123 Baltimore & Ohio R. R. Co. and Federal Clay Products Co 32 Baltimore & Ohio R. R. Co. and Pennsylvania Company vs. The Massillon Board of Trade Company 26 Baltimore & Ohio R. R. Co. vs. W. N. Webster 5 Beaver Gas Co. and Lisbon Oil & Gas Co 83 Bemis & Vosburg vs. Pennsylvania Company 13 Berlin Center Tele. Co., Investigation 113 Botkins Tele. Co. and Central Union Tele. Co 93 Brown County Independent Tele. Co., Issuing Capital Stock 89 Brownsville Farmers Tele. Co. and Gratiot & Brownsville Tele. Co 3 Brown County Independent Tele. Co. and Central Union Tele. Co 88 Bucyrus Light & Power Co. vs. City of Bucyrus 8 Bucyrus, City of, vs. Bucyrus Light & Power Co 8 Buckeye Light & Power Co., Issuing stock 81 Buckeye Light & Power Co. and Falls River Electric Co 80 Burkhardt Packing Co., Henry, vs. American Express Co 6 Celina and Mercer County Tele. Co. and The State Line Tele. Co. of New Corydon, Indiana 108 Celina Gas Company, Minimum Charge 24 Central Union Tele. Co. and Ashtabula Tele. Co 21 Central Union Tele. Co. and Auglaize Tele. Co 123 Central Union Tele. Co. and Botkins Tele. Co 93 Central Union Tele. Co. and Brown County Independent Tele. Co 88 Central Union Telephone Co. and Conneaut Tele. Co 107 Central Union Tele. Co. and Delaware Citizens Tele. Co 20 Central Union Tele. Co. and Eastern Ohio Tele. Co 104 Central Union Tele. Co. and Fayetteville Tele. Co 87 Central Union Tele. Co. and Gratiot & Brownsville Tele. Co 91 Central Union Telephone Co. and Home Telephone Co. (Waverly) 84 Central Union Tele. Co. and Kenton Tele. Co 99 Central Union Tele. Co. and Home Tele. Co. of Plattsburg 103 Central Union Tele. Co. and Mt. Sterling Tele. Co 19 Central Union Tele. Co. and McComb Home Tele. Co 106 Central Union Tele. Co. and New Lebanon Tele. Co 106 Central Union Tele. Co. and The New Concord Tele. Co 121 Central Union Tele. Co. and Oberlin Tele. Co 74 Central Union Tele. Co. and Rock Creek Citizens Tele. Co 123 Central Union Tele. Co. and Scott Home Tele. Co 85 Central Union Telephone Co. and South Charleston Home Tele. Co 102 Central Union Tele. Co. and United Home (Brookville, O.) Tele. Co 105 Central Union Tele. Co. and Van Wert Home Tele. Co 18 Central Union Tele. Co. and Wellington Tele. Co 97 Central Union Tele. Co. and West Milton Home Tele. Co 105 126 PAGE Chesterhill Fuel & Light Company and River Gas Co 29 Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton Ry. Co., Issuing Bonds 25 Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton Ry. Co., Issuing Bonds 62 Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton Ry. Co., Waive C. S. Rules at Mines 50-79 Cincinnati Traction Company, Safety of Public 68 Cincinnati Suburban Bell Tele. Co. and Darrtown Tele. Co 104 Circleville Citizens Telephone Co., Issuing Bonds 37 Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Ry. Co. and the Hocking Val- ley Ry. Co. vs. Earl D. Carr, Receiver of the Nelsonville Coal Company Ill Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Ry. Co. and Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Ry. Co., “N. Y. C. Lines Equipment Trust, 1912”. 52 Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co., Common Stock & Bonds 57 Cleveland, Painesville & Eastern R. R. Co., Mortgage Bonds 16 Cleveland, Painesville & Eastern R. R. Co., Issuing Bonds 54 Cleveland & Pittsburg R. R. Co., Issue of Capital Stock 44 Columbiana Light & Power Co. and Salem Elec. Light & Power Co 74 Columbus Interurban Terminal Co., Issuing Bonds 41 Columbus, Urbana & Western Elec. Ry. Co., Issue Stock & Bonds 51 Complete Tele. Co. and Country Home Tele. Co 64 Conneaut Tele. Co. and Central Union Tele. Co 107 Convoy Home Tele. Co., Classification of Service 65 Cope, DeWitt T., vs. Hamilton Gas & Elec. Co 11 Corning- Elliot Tele. Co., Investigation. 123 Country Home Tele. Co. and Complete Tele. Co 64 Dayton Power & Light Co., Minimum Charge 39 Dayton Power & Light Co. vs. Men’s Club of Rubicon 15 Darrtown Tele. Co. and Cincinnati Suburban Bell Tele. Co 104 Defiance Gas & Elec. Co., Minimum Charge 36 Delaware Citizens Tele. Co. and Central Union Tele. Co 20 Delphos Home Tele. Co., Common Stock 48 Detroit, Toledo & Ironton Ry. Co. Suspend C. S. Rules at Mines 60-72 Donaldson, F. N., Jewett, Ohio, Minimum Charge — Gas 69 Eastern Ohio Tele. Co., Classification of Service 65 Eastern Ohio Tele. Co. and Central Union Tele. Co 104 Falls River Electric Co. and Buckeye Light & Power Co 80 Fayetteville Tele. Co. and Central Union Tele. Co 87 Federal Clay Products Co. and Baltimore & Ohio R. R. Co 32 Geneva, Peoples Tele. Co. and Madison Tele. Co 8 Geneva, Peoples Tele. Co., Capital Stock 32 Gorby-Cady Tele. Co., Investigation 114 Gratiot & Brownsville Tele. Co. and Brownsville Farmers Tele. Company. 3 Gratiot & Brownsville Tele. Co. and Central Union Tele. Co 91 Greenville Electric Light & Power Co., Common Stock 66 Greene Tele. Company, Investigation 114 Greene Tele. Company of Lockland, Investigation 124 Hamilton Gas & Electric Company vs. DeWitt T. Cope 11 Harrison & Jefferson Tele. Co. and Hopedale Tele. Co 25 127 PAGE Harrison & Jefferson Tele. Co. vs. Patton Tele. Co 7 Harrison Light & Fuel Co., Accommodation by its Services 85 Hastings Tele. Co., Investigation 114 Herbsleb, A. F., Union Gas' and Electric Co., Cincinnati, 0 39 Hocking Valley Railway Company, Gold Notes 33 Hocking Power Co. and The John A. Stewart Electric Co 119 Hocking Valley Ry. & C. C. C. & St. L. Ry. vs. Earl D. Carr, Receiver... Ill Home Telephone Co. and Central Union Tele. Co 84 Home Tele. Co. of Plattsburg and Central Union Tele. Co 103 Holland Home Tele. Co., Investigation 115 Hopedale Tele. Co., Capital Stock 78 Hopedale Tele. Co. and Harrison & Jefferson Tele. Co 25 Ironton Electric Company, Capital Stock 30 Ironton Electric Company, Minimum Charge & Sliding Scale 51 Ironton Electric Company and Ohio Valley Electric Ry. Co 61 Jersey ville Telephone Company, Investigation 115 Kenton Telephone Co., Common Stock 100 Kenton Tele. Co. and Central Union Tele. Co 99-100 Kilbourne Mutual Tele. Co. and New Ashley Tele. Co 30 Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Ry. Co. and Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Ry. Co., “N. Y. C. Lines Equipment Trust of 1912” 52 Lebanon Tele. Co., Investigation 119 Licking Light & Power Co., Newark, Minimum Charge & Sliding Scale.. 41 Lima Natural Gas Co., Coldwater, O., Minimum Charge 23 L;ma Natural Gas Co., Cridersville, O., Minimum Charge 23 Lima Natural Gas Co., Lima, Ohio, Minimum Charge 22 Lisbon Oil & Gas Co. and The Beaver Gas Co 83 Lisbon Oil & Gas Co. and The Pennsylvania & Ohio Gas & Oil Co 83 Lyons Mutual Tele. Co., Investigation 115 Massillon Board of Trade Company vs. Pennsylvania Company and The Baltimore. & Ohio Railroad Company 26 Manchester Tele. Co., Investigation 116 Mahoning Valley Water Company, Issuing Bonds 71 Malinta Mutual Tele. Co., Investigation 116 Madison Tele. Co. and Peoples Tele. Co 8 Marion Water Company, Preferred Stock 4 Maumee, Village of, vs. Ohio Electric Ry 27 Mecca Tele. Co., Investigation 117 Medina Gas & Fuel Co., Issuing Bonds 43 Men’s Club of Rubicon vs. The Dayton Power & Light Co 15 Mt. Sterling Tele. Co. and Central Union Tele. Co 19 Mt. Vernon Electric Company, Schedule of rates 24 Mt. Vernon Electric Company, Supplement of Schedule of Rates 82 Muskingum County Farmers’ Tele. Co., Investigation 116 McComb Home Tele. Co. and Central Union Tele. Co 106 M'cComb, Ohio, village of, vs. N. Y., Chicago & St. L. R. R. Co 7 128 PAGE. Nelsonville Coal Co., Earl D. Carr, Receiver, vs. Hocking Valley Ry. Co. and The Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Ry. Co N 111 New Ashley Tele. Co. and Kilbourne Mutual Tele. Co 30 New Concord Tele. Co., Capital Stock 88 New Concord Tele. Co. and Central Union Tele. Co < 121 New Concord Tele. Co., Increase of charge for service 88 New Lebanon Tele. Co. and Central Union Tele. Co 106 New Lisbon Gas Co., Issuing Bonds 58 New Madison Lighting Co., Common Stock 67 New Lexington Water Co., Issuing Bonds 9 New York, Chicago & St. Louis Ry. Co. vs. McComb, Ohio 7 New York, Chicago & St. Louis Ry. Co. vs. Village of Oakwood 54 “New York Central Lines Equipment Trust of 1912.” Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Ry. Co. and Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Ry. Co...' 52 Norfolk & Western Ry. Co., Capital Stock 91 North Randall Ry. Co., Capital Stock 110 Northern Ohio Traction & Light Co., Capital Stock 94 Oberlin Tele. Co. and Central Union Tele. Co 74 Ohio Valley Electric Ry. Co. and I ronton Electric Co 61 Ohio Valley Gas Co., Minimum Charge and Sliding Scale 46 Ohio Electric Ry. Co. vs. L. Vinney Company 76 Ohio Electric Ry. Co. vs. Village of Maumee 27 Oakwood, Village of, vs. N. Y. C. & St. L. R. R. Co. 54 Patton Tele. Co. vs. Harrison & Jefferson Tele. Co 7 Pennsylvania Co. vs. Bemis & Vosburg 13 Peoples Telephone Company and Madison Tele. Co 8 Home Tele. Co. of Plattsburg and Central Union Tele. Co 103 Port William Mutual Tele. Co., Investigation 117 Proctorville Central Tele. Co., Investigation 117 Pennsylvania Company and The Baltimore & Ohio R. R. Co. vs. The Massillon Board of Trade Company 26 Pennsylvania and Ohio Gas & Oil Co. and Lisbon Oil & Gas Co 83 River Gas Co. and Chesterhill Fuel & Light Co 29 Rock Creek Citizens Tele Co. and Central Union Tele. Co 123 Salem Elec. Light & Power Co. and Columbiana Light & Power Co 74 Salem Elec. Light & Power Co., Minimum Charge & Sliding Scale 94 Scott Home Tele. Co. and Central Union Tele. Co.. 85 South Charleston Home Tele. Co. and Central Union Tele. Co 102 South-Dayton Railroad Co., Issuing Bonds 69 Southern Hotel Company and Union Depot Company .3 Spencerville Tele. Co., Classification of Service, 65 Springfield & Washington Ry. Co., Issuing Bonds 40 Springfield Light. Heat & Power Co. vs. Louis J. Sturnpf 103 Stark Elec. R. R. Co., Rates and Fares 15 St. Marys Gas Co., Minimum Charge 24 Sturnpf, Louis J., vs. The Springfield Light, Heat & Power Co 103 Sullivan Tele. Co., Investigation 118 129 i’AGE Sycamore Tele. Co., a corporation, and Sycamore Tele. C<5., & partnership, 86 State Line Tele. Co. and Celina & Mercer County Tele. Co 108 Stewart, Jno. A., Electric Co. and The Hocking Power Co 119 Tiffin Water Works, Par Value Bonds 120 Tipp Telephone Co., Investigation 118 Toledo Home Tele. Co., Permission to file rates on less than statutory notice 10 Tri-State Gas Co., Minimum Charge and Sliding Scale 47 Trumbull Public Service Co., Issuing Gold Bonds 109 Union Depot Company and Southern Hotel Company 3 Union Gas & Electric Co., Cincinnati, Minimum Charge 12 Union Gas & Electric Co., Cincinnati, Sliding Scale 9 United Home (Brookville, O.) Tele. Co. and Central Union Tele. Co 105 Union Gas & Electric Co., Cincinnati, vs. A. F. Herbsleb 39 Van Wert Home Tele. Co. and Central Union Tele. Co 18 Vinney Company, L., vs. Ohio Electric Ry Co 76 Wapakoneta Natural Gas Company, Minimum Charge 23 Washington Gas & Elec. Co., Washington, Minimum Charge 37 Washington Gas & Elec. Co., Bloomingburg, Minimum Charge 37 Waverly, O., Home Tele. Co. and Central Union Tele. Co 84 Webster, W. N., vs. Baltimore & Ohio R. R. Co 5 Wellington Telephone Co., Issuing Capital Stock 98 Wellington Telephone Co. and Central Union Tele. Co 97 West Milton Home Tele. Co. and Central Union Tele. Co 105 West Unity Power & Light Co., Minimum Charge and Sliding Scale 48 Western Ohio Railway Co., Issuing Stock 22 Wetzel Gas Co., Minimum Charge and Sliding Scale 47 Wheeling Natural Gas Company, Minimum Charge and Sliding Scale.... 46 Wilgus Telephone Company, Investigation 118 Wilmington Gas, Light & Coke Company, Capital Stock 76 *9