STS - 01 r n fi ■ ‘S^**:***^ „, „,.. .. . -■-• .'/. .... ^ • : - • ^irtSR ’ No. CLXXIV. FRENCH’S STANDARD DRAMA. ■ RIP VAN WINKLE J 1 LEGEND OF THE CATSKILLS. ▲ romaotio drama, m too acts. ^ ♦ Z?ysj0: i^lf IBS VitOM WA8HIK8TOI JBT IHQ*8 911781 » C © *. v& : T . ’ . ' ' • 4 ‘ BY CHARLES BURKE. fcl .. * it-'.':;■ * WITH CAST OF CHARACTERS, stage business, costumes, RELATIVE POSITIONS, &c., &a. fsp AS EUBJCJUBB) A5? Tm PRINCIPAL AMERICAN THEATRES s Return this book on or before the Latest Date stamped below. A charge is made on all overdue books. TT , T T ., U. of I. Library S~\ r* ' NOU 23 194 :’ FEB MfiY -9 1343 jftN :>■(> t >2 AW -51952 May -4195} mcv i s is"; \C: \}S1 -9 1969 S»969 17625-S FRENCH’S STANDARD DRAMA 2T&e ^ctfnjj SBDftton. No. CLXXIV. UP VAX WINKLEj A LEGEND OF THE CATSKILLS. A ROMANTIC DRAMA, IN TWO ACTS. ADAPTED FROM WASHINGTON IRVING’S SKETCH BOOK BY CHARLES BURKE. TO WHICH ARE ADDED Iptior of the Costume— Cast of the Characters—Entrances .and Exits itivt Petitions of the Performers on the Stage, and the whole < 5 f the Stage Business. ▲8 PERFORMED AT THE PRIHC1FAL AMERICAN THEATRES. NEW YORK SAMUEL FRENCH PUBLISHER 36 West 22D Street LONDON SAMUEL FRENCH PUBLISHER 89, Strand 2Q>» Costume .—[Rip Van Winkle..] RIP— First dress: —A deerskin coat and belt, full bi own breeches deer skin gaiters, cap. Second dress: —Same, but much worn and ragged. KNICKERBOCKER— First dress: —Brown square cut coat, v est and breeches, shoos and buckles. Second dress: —Black coat, breeches, hose, &c. DERRIC VAN SLAUS—Square cut coat, full breeches, black Bilk hose, shoes and buckles— powder. BERMAN— First dress: —Ibid. Second dress: —Black frock coat, tight pants, boots and tassels. VEDDER \ CLAUSEN > Dark square cut coats, vests, breeches, &c. RO BY ) GUSTAFFE—Bluejacket, white pants, shoes. SETH SLOUGH — Gray coat, striped vest, large gray pants. JUDGE—Full suit of black. FOUNG RIP—A dress simils*r to Rip’s first dress. DAME—Short gown and quilted petticoat, cap. ALICE— First dress: —Bodice, with half skirt, figured petticoat Second dress: —Brown satin bodice and skirt. foe LORRENNA, Act 1—A child. LORRENNA, Act 2—White muslin dress, black ribbon belt, &c. STAGE DIRECTIONS. L. means First Entrance Left. R. First Entrance Right. S. E L Second Entrance , Left. S. E. R. Second Entrance , Right U E L Upper Entrance , Left. U. E. R. Upper Entrance , Right. C. Centre L. C. Left Centre. R. C. Right of Centre. T. E. L. Third Entrance Left. T. E. R. Third Entrance , Right. C. D. Centre Door. D R Door Right. D. L. Door Left U. D. L. Upper Door , Left. U. D. R, Upper Door } Right. %* The reader is supposed to be on the Stag*, taping th* A-udi^nc# y 813637 RIP VAN WINKLE ACT L BCEl>& 1 — A Village.—House , l. h. 3 e., with a sign of " George III.’ 5 - ~ or three tables , c. l. and r. — Villagers discovered , mto- king, v'edder, r., Knickrbocker, l. c., Rory, l., Clausin at Ub ble, o. Jhorus at rise of curtain . CHORUS. In our native land, where flows the Rhine, In infancy we culled the vine: Although we toiled with patient care, But poor and scanty was our fare. SOLO. Till tempting waves, with anxious toil, We landed on Columbia’s soil; Now plenty, all our cares repay, So laugh and dance the hours away. CHORUS. Now plenty, all our cares repay, So laugh and dance the hours away; Ha, ha, ha ! Ha, ha, ha! So laugh, ha, ha ! and dance the hours away. Veld. Neighbor Clausin, on your way hither, saw you anything of our friend, Rfp Van Winkle 1 Where there’s a cup of good liquor to be shared, he’a sure to be on hand—a thirsty soul. Knick. Truly, the man that turns up his nose at good liquor is a fool, as we Dutchmen have it; but cut no jokes on Rip ; remember, I’m soon to be a member of his family ; and any insult offered to him, 1 shall resent in the singular number, and satisfaction must follow, as the Frenchmen have it. Vedd. So, Knickerbocker, you are really determined to marry Rip’s sistei, the pretty Alice 1 Knick. Yes, determined to be a prisoner in Hymen’s chains, as the lovers have it. I’ve got Rip’s consent, I’ve got Alice’s consent, and I’ve got my own consei t BIP VAN WINKLE. s VUm. But liare you got the dame’s consent, eh Knick. There I'm dished and done up brown; would you 5 ^eve it 1 she calls me a long, scraggy, outlandish animal, and that look like two deal boards glued together. Rory. Here comes Alice, and with her, Rip’s daughtei Music. — Enter Alice, with Lorenna, u. e. r. h. Alice. Come along, loiterer! woe betide us when we get hc*ae, for laving tarried so long. What will the dame say I Lor. Well, it’s not my fault, for you have been up and down th* mie a dozen times, looking for the school-master, Knickerbocker. Alice. Hold your tongue, Miss, it’s no such thing. Lor, You know you love him. Alice. How do you know that, Miss Pert ? Lor, I can see it; and seeing is believing, they say. Oh, you’re monstrous jealous of him, you know you are. [Knickerbocker advances , l. h. Alice. Jealous! I, jealous of him I No, indeed, I never wish to see his ugly face again. Knick. Say not so, sweet blossom of the valley, for in that case I Bhall shoot myself in despair. Alice, Oh, don’t think of such a thing, for then your ghost might haunt me. Lor. And I’m sure you would rather have him than his ghost; would’nt you, Alice I Knick. That’s a very smart child. But Alice, sweet Alice, can’t I drop in this evening, when the old folks are out of the waj I Alice. Not for the world: if the dame were to find you in the house, I don’t know what would happen. Lor. Don’t you know, Alice, mammy always goes out for an hour in the evening, to see her neighbor, Dame Wrigrim ; now, if you [to Knickerbocker] come at eight o’clock, and throw some gravel at the window, there’s no knowing but you might see Alice. Knick. That’s an uncommon clever girl; but, Alice, I’m determined to turn over a new leaf with Dame Van Winkle; the next time I see her, I’ll pluck up courage and say to her- Dame. [ Without , r. u. e.J Alice! Alice ! odds bodikins and pins but I’ll give it you when I catch you. [The Villagers exit , r. and l. h. Knick. Run, Alice, run! [Alice, Lorrenna and Knickerbocker run to b. Dame. [Without, r.] Alice! [Alice, Lorrenna and Knickerbocker exit hastily. L. r Rory , Egad ! the dame’s tongue is a perfect scarecrow. Vedd. The sound of her voice sets them running just d,s if she were one of the mountain spirits, of whom we hear so much talk Bui where the deuce can Rip be all this while 1 [Rip sings without , l 2 r But talk of the devil and his imps appear. Enter Rip Van Winkle, l. 2 e., with gun. game bag , §c. Rip. Rip, Rip, wass is dis for a business. You are a mix nootz« I RIP FAN WINKLE. unt dat !s a fact. Now, I staited for de mountains dis mornln', deter* mined to fill my bag mit game, but I met Von Brunt, de one eyed ser¬ geant—comma see hah, unt brandy-wine hapben my neiber friend; well, I couldn’t refuse to take a glass mit him, unt den I tooks ano- der glass, unt den I took so much as a dozen, do I drink no more as a bottle; he drink no more as I—he got so top heavy, I rolled him in de hedge to sleep a leetle, for his one eye got so crooked, he never could Lave seed his way straight; den I goes to de mountain, do I see double, d-d a bird could I shooted. But I stops now, I drinks no more ; i f anybody ask me to drink, I’ll say to dem—[V edder comes down , r. and offers cup to him.] —here is your go-to-hell, and your family’s go-to-hell, and may you all live long and prosper. [Drinks. Vedd. Why, neighbor Rip, where have you been all day I We feared some of the Elfin goblins of the Catskill had caught you. Rip. Ha, ha ! I never see no ghosts, though I’ve fought mit spirits in my time, ha, ha ! Vedd. And they always throw you, eh 1 ha, ha ! Rip. Dat’s a fact! Ha, ha, ha ! Vedd. But, Rip, where have you been 1 Rip. Oh, very hard at work—very busy; dere is nothing slipped fun my fingers as was come at abe. Rory. [Down l.] They appear to have slipped through your game bag though, for its full of emptiness.—Ha, ha, ha ! Rip. Ho, ho. ho! cut no jokes at my bag or I’ll gib you de sack Vedd. Come Rip, sit down, take a pipe and a glass and make your Belf comfortable. Rip. Nine, nine—ech con neiched—it behoves a man to look after his interest unt not drink all de while, I shall den be able to manage—- Vedd. Your wife, Rip 1 Rip. Manage mine frow 'l Can you fly to de moon on a paper kite 1 can you drink all de beer and brandy-wine at one gulp 'l when you can do dat mine goot im himmel you can manage mine frow. [All laugh. Rory. Take one glass Rip. Rip. No, I won’t touch him. Vedd. Come, come, lay hold. Rip. Now I’ll be d-d fun I does. Vedd. Well, if you won’t. [All go to table but Rip. Rip. Dere is a drinks, dere is a drinks, I have conquered temptation at last Bravo resolution! bravo resolution; resolution you shall have one glass for dat. [ Goes to table. Omnes. Ha, ha, ha ! Rory. Here, Rip, here’s a glass at your service and as for the co^ tents I’ll warrant it genuine and no mistake. [ Gives Rip a cup. Rip. Rory, here is your go-to-hell, unt your family’s go-to-hell, un may von ah live long unt prosper. Rory. Come, Rip, give us a stave. Vedd , Yes, yes, Rip, a stave, for the old dame will be after you loon and then we will all have to make a clearance. Rip. Oh, tunner wasser! won’t my old woman skin me when I get home. RIP VAN WINKIK. 1 Vedd. and Rory. Ha, ha, ha! come, the song, the soo^ Rip . ell here is Rip Van Winkle’s warning to all sin*, e fellows. SONG.— Rip. List, my friends, to caution’s voice, Ere de marriage knot you tie; It is the devil, mit shrews to splice, Dat nobody can deny, deny, Dat noboby can deny, Chorus .—That nobody can deny, When a wife to rule once wishes, Mit poor spouse ’tis all my eye, I’m d-d if she don’t wear de breeches, Dat nobody can deny, deny, Dat nobody can deny. Chorus .—That nobody can deny, Qtm. Yet dere is a charm about dem, Do dere voices are so high We can’t do mit em, . {Pause. Nor we can’t do mit out ’em, Dat nobody can deny, deny, Dat nobody can deny. Chorus. —That nobody can deny, &c. Dame. [Without, r. 1. e.] Rip, Rip! I’ll stretch your ears when I get hold of them. Rip. Mine goot im himmel, dere is my frow. Dame. [Without.] Rip ! you lazy varmint! Rip! Rip. [ Gets under the table with bottle.] Look out, boys! de wild -eat’s coming. Music. —Vedder, Rory and Clausin, at table .— Enter Dame, with a stick y r. u. e. Dame. Where is this wicked husband of mine! odds bodikins and pins ! I heard his voice ; you’ve hid him somewhere ! you ought to ba ashamed of yourselves to inveigle a husband from a tender, loving spouse; but I’m put upon by all, because they know the mildness of m^ temper.— [They laugh.] —Odds bodikins and curling irons, but some a you shall laugh the other sides of your months— I’ll pull your pate fop you. Music .— Chases them round table: they exit l. and r. —Dame upset table and discovers Rip. Dame. Oh, you Rip of all rips ! what have you to say for yourseli 1 Rip. Here is your go-to- hell, unt your family’s, untmay yoa all livt long and prosper. 9 RIP VAW WHIRLS Dame. f Pulling him down the stage by the ear.] I'm cool—that li to say not very hot: but the mildest temper in the world would be in a passion at such treatment. Get home, you drunken monster or I shan’t be able to keep my hands oft’ you—tell me sir, what have you been about, all day ? Rip. Hard at work my dumpsy dumpsy, de first ting I see dis morn¬ ing was a fine fat rabbit. 1lame. A rabbit ? Oh, I do like rabbits in a stew : I like everythin! in a stew. Rip. I be d-d but dat is a fact. Dame. Well, well, the rabbit? Rip. I was going to tell you, well, dere was de rabbit feeding in de grass. Dame. Well, well, Rip ? Rip. I puts my gun to my shoulder Dame. Yes,—— Rip. I takes goot aim mit him. Dame. Yes,- Rip. I pulls my trigger, unt- Dame. Bang went the gun and down the rabbit fell. Rip. Eh ? snap went de gun and off de rabbit run. Ha, ha ha . Dame. No! Rip. I be d-d fun dat is a fact. Dame. And you shot nothing ? Rip. Not dat time; but de next time, I picks me my flint, unt ] creeps up to de little pond by de old field, unt dere what do you tink I see? Dame. Ducks? Rip. More as fifty black ducks— ducks as big as a goose— well I hauls up again. Dame. And so will I [raising stick ] if you miss fire this time, — Rip. Bang! Dame. How many down ? Rip. One! Dame. Not more than one duck out of fifty ? Rip. Yes, a great deal more as one duck. Dame. Then you shot more than one ? Rip. Yes, more as one duck, I shot one old bull. Dame. What? Rip I’m d-d fun dat is a fact! dat was one down, and my goot m himmel how he did roar and bellow unt lash his tail unt snort and neeze unt sniff! Well, de bull puts right after me, unt I puts right way fun de bull: well, de bull comes up mit me just as I was climb¬ ing de fence, unt he catch me mit his horns fun de seat of my breeches 1 ont sent me flying more as a mile high.—Well, by and bye directly, t come down areadv in a big tree, unt dere I sticks fast, unt den— Dame. You went fast asleep for the rest of the day. Rip. Dat’s a fact. How you know da* ? you must be a witch. Dame. [Catching him by the cottar.' Home, sir, home ! you lazy •camp. [Beating him . RIP VAN WINKLB 9 Rip. But, mine lublicka frow- Dame. Home! Beatin % urn Rip Nine! nine !— Dame. Home ! [Beats l im. Rip. Mine goot im himmel. [Music. — Dame beats him off r. e 1. f SCENE II — A Plain Chamber in First Grooves. Enter Derric Van Slaus, l. h. Derr. Should the present application fail, I am a ruined ms i; & • liy speculations will be frustrated, and my duplicity exposed , yes the dissipation of my son must inevitably prove his ruin as v ell as mine. To supply his wants, the public money has been employed and, if unable to replace it, heaven knows what may be the conse¬ quence. But my son is now placed with an able advocate in New York, and should he pursue the right path, there may be still hopes ol his reformation. Herman. [ Without , l. h.] My father, you say, is this way I Derr. What voice is that; my son ? What can have recalled him thus suddenly I Some new misadventure—Oh, my forboding thoughts! Enter Herman, l. h. Derr. Herman, what brings you back I Are all my cautions thus lightly regarded, that they can take no hold upon your conduct \ Herm. You have good cause for warmth, sir, but learn the reason of my disobedience, ere you condemn. Business of importance has urged me hither—such as concerns us both most intimately. Derr. Some fresh extravagance, no doubt, to drain my little left, and set a host of creditors loose upon me. Herm. Not so, sir, but the reverse. List! you know our neighbor Rip Yan Winkle I Derr. Know him I Aye, his idleness is proverbial - you have good cause to recollect him too, since ’twas by his courage your life was preserved, when attacked by the famished wolf. Herm. He has a daughter scarcely seven years old now, the attor¬ ney whom I serve, has been employed to draw up the will and settle the affairs of this girl’s aunt, who, for some slight offered by Van Winkle, has long since discarded the family. At ner death, the whole of her immense wealth, in cash and land, is the inheritance of the girl, who is, at this moment, the richest presumptive heiress in the land. Derr. What connection can Van Winkle’s fortune have with ours ? Herm. Listen! Were it possible to procure his signature to a con¬ tract that his daughter, when of age, should be married to me, on this security money might be raised by us to any amount. Now, my good father, am I comprehensible ? Derr. Truly, this seems no visionary dream, like those in which, with fatal pertinacity, you have so oft indulged ; and. or recollection, the rent of his tenement is in arreas ; ’twill offer favorable opportu¬ nity for my calling and sounding him; tbecontia«u be your care irO KIP VAN WINKLE. Herm. ’Tis already prepared and lacks only his signature.—[Pr#« seating it.\ Lawyers, who would do justice to their clients, must not pause at conscience ; ’tis entirely out of the question when their own interest is concerned. Derr. Herman, I like not this black-leg manner of proceeding ; yet it augurs thou wilt be ) pettifogger, I’ll to Van Winkle straight and the ugh not legalized to act, yet in this case I can do work which hon* *8t lawyers would scorn. [Exit, r. h. llerm. [/SoZws.] True; the honest lawyer lives by his reputation, and therefore pauses to undertake a cause he knows unjust: but how eas¬ ily are some duped. Can my father for a moment suppose, that the rank weeds of youth are so easily uprooted 1 No 1 what is to be done, good father of mine, but to serve my self 1 young men of the present generation cannot live without the means of entering into life’s varieties and this supply will henceforth enable me to do so, to the fullest ex¬ tent of my ambitious wishes. [Exit, l. h. 6CENE III.— Rip’s Cottage. — Door , l. 2 e. — Window in flat.—A closet in flat, with dishes, shelves, $c.—Clothes basket , with clothes. — Table , chairs, arm chair, with cloak over it.—Broom on stage. Knickerbocker enters cautiously, d. 2 e. l. Knick. Zooks ! I’m venturing into a tiger’s den in quest of a lamb. All’s clear, however; and, could I but pop on little Alice, how we would bill and coo. Sho comes ! lie still, my fluttering heart. Enter Alice, r. h. Alice. [ Without observing Knickerbocker ] There, there, go to sleep. Ah! Knickerbocker, how I love you, spite of all the strange ways that you pursue. Knick. [Aside.] Sensible, susceptible soul! But merit ever meets its recompense. Alice. No wonder I am fascinated; his figure is so elegant, and then his education! I never see him, but I am ready to jump into his loving arms. [ Turning, she is caught in the embrace of Knick. Knick. This is too much for human nature to support; this decla¬ ration is a banquet that gods might prize. Beauteous angel! hear iie, whilst I proclaim- [Kneeling. Dame. [ Without.] Go along, you drunken brute. Knick. The devil! ’tis Dame Van Winkle ! what’s to become of me 1 Alice. If you’re found here I’m ruined! you must conceal your¬ self—but where 'i Knick. That’s the important question; oh, I’ll hop into the cupboard. Alice. Not for the world! she is sure to want something out of it* Here, here, get into this clothes basket, and let me cover you ovei with the foul linen. Knick. It’s a very foul piece of business altogher: but I must atom ach it whether I will or no. [Music.—She puts him into the basket and cover s him with linen.— Dare enters l 2 b. dragging in Rip. RIP VAN WINKLfc. II Dame. And now, sir, I’ve got you home, what have you to say for t ourself, I should like to know 1 Rip. Nothing, my darling, de least said is soonest mended, and sc you shall have all de talk to yourself.—Now aint dat liberal I Dame. Where’s all the game you were to bring home 1 Rip. On de wing still: wouldn’t venture to come mitin fire: for though dey missed mine gun, dere’s one ting for certain, I never miss four blowing up. Dame. My blowing up ! Odds bodikins and pins ! I shall never be tble to contain myself! Where’s the money to pay the rent, you oaf. Rip. I don’t know.—Do you 'l Dame. You’ll go to prison, and that’ll be the end on’t. Rip Come, no more quarreling to night. We’ll see about de rent money to-morrow morning. Dame. To-morrow ! it’s always to-morrow with you ; so, Alice, you are sitting and idling as usual, just like your brother, a precious pail of soft pates. Rip. Soft pate ! pretty hard I guess, or it would have been fructured long since and dat’s a fact. Dame. And now, Alice, come with me that I may satisfy my¬ self how you have disposed of the children, for in these matters you are just such a crawler as that vagrum there, [isretiring on r.,] that terrapin! Rip. Terrapin! Ah, dame I leaves you to go the whole hog: but bark ee, my lovey, before you go, won’t you return de leetle bottle which you manage to get from me last night I Dame. Odds bodikins and pins ! A man already drunk, and asking for more liquor ! you sha’nt have a drop, you sot, that you shall not. The bottle indeed ! not you, eh ! faith ! [Exit, with Alice, r. h. Rip. Tunder take me if I don’t think but what she has finished it herself, and dat’s de fact. My nose always sniffs like a terrier’s : ’tis in de cupboard, her Hollands;—so, here goes to nibble. [Music .— Rip opens the closet door cautiously , and is rummaging for a bottle , when he treads on Knickerbocker, who roars out lustily. Rip, in his sudden alarm , upsets the porcelain and glass ; and , falling , rolls into the middle of the chamber , qibaking in every limb t and vociferating loudly. Rip. Help ! murder! fire ! thieves ! Knickerbocker, in the interim , darts out of the closet , und , beyond the consiousness of future proceeding , throws himself into the arm chair — Alice, entering hastily , throws a cloak over him , which hides him. from observation. — Dame enters , alarmed , r. h. Dame. Odds bodikins and pins ! what’s the matter, now I Rip. [Raising his head cautiously.] Matter, indeed ! the devil’s in Uie cupboard ! Oh, la ! I’ll be swammed. Dame In the cupboard !—[Going there 1 sees chira broken , squal- ling. ]—Ali my fine porcelain destroyed! monster'. vile, rapaciou* \nster ! A devil, indeed, has been in the cupboard, and that’s you 13 RTP VAN WINKLE. The cliina, presented to me by my grand * Nations, which 1 set sncli store on, smashed into a thousand pieces ; ’tis too much for my weak nerves. I shall swoon! I shall faint! [She sinks in the arm chair, but immediately starts up, and, squalling , falls into Rip’s arms —Knickerbocker regains the closet, unobserved by all , save Alice. Dame. Heaven have mercy on us! there was somebody in th« chair ! somebody in the chair ! Rip Phoo! there’s nothing in de chair, save your old cltak, [2W n*g it aside.] dat’s all. Dame . I’m so alarmed—so agitated, that—Alice, put your hand in to my pocket and you’ll find a bottle. [Alice produces a bottle. Rip. [Aside.] A leetle bottle! Oh, dat’s de private cupboard Alice, let me hold de leetle bottle, whilst you fetch a glass for the old woman. [Alice, hastening off , brings a wine-glass, from r., which Rip fills and gives to Dame. Rip. Here’s your go-to-hell, and your family’s, and may you live long and prosper. [Drinks from the bottle ; Alice, in the interim , proceeds to the closet and brings Knickerbocker out , who is making for the door, when, hearing some one approach, he again escapes to his retreat. Alice. [At door.] Oh, aunt! aunt! here’s the burgomaster coming up the garden. Dame. Odds bodikins and pins ! the burgomaster! what’s to be done now 7 coming for the rent! what’s to be done now, I say 3 Rip. I’ll go to bed and think. [Crosses to r. Dame. You shan’t go to bed! you must make some fresh excuse ; you’re famous at them to me; you have got into the hobble and must get out of it as well as you can, I shall go and consult my friend Dame Wrigrim : and Alice, should the pedlar woman come, desire her not to leave any more of her rubbish here. [ALs Dame retires , she meets Derhic to whom she curtseys. Derr. Good evening, Dame. Dame. Your honor’s servant. [Exit Dame, d. p. Rip. [Aside.] La ! what a stew I’m in; Alice, take yoursell off, ’tip full time; wish I was off too, mitall my heart and soul. Aliee [Aside.] Dear, dear! what will become of my poor Knicker¬ bocker. " [Exit R. H Derr. Well honest Rip, how wags the world with you ? Rip. Bad enough, sir, for though laboring from morn jo night, I can make no advance in de world, though my industry is proverbial, and dat’s a fact. Derr. Why, where the bottle is concerned, few, I believe can boast io much industry. Rip. Dat is a fact; but I suppose you have called concerning d« :ent. [Aside.] How my heart goes and oomes! [Aloud.] Now if youi ionor will be so good enough to- Derr. To write the receipt: certainly Rip. Nine, nine! [Aside.] I’m stewed alive mit perspiration. Derr. We’ll talk of the rent at a future period i there if another %S air on which I w»h to consult you. I f VAN WIBfKtB. in /tip. Take a chair, your honor.— [Aside, rubbing h is hands to ^Aher.] —It’s ali right, by de hookey.— [Aloud.] —Taxe a glass m»t rue. [ They take chairs. Derr. You know my only son, whose life you preserved 1 Rip. Yes ; and a wild harum scarum dog he is. [Drinks. Derr. He is now stationed in New York, studying the law, and has become a staid, sober, prudent youth; and now, ’tis my wish that he ■hould settle on this, his native place, and that he marry some honest f *rl, who is altogether unacquainted with the frivolities of cities ; and have been thinking, that in a few years, your daughter will be grown up, and would make a suitable match for him. True, there will be some disparity in their ages, but as the years are on the side of the husband, so’twill be all the better for the wife, in having a matured preceptor. Rip. Beg pardon, sir; but it strikes me you are only carrying on your rigs mit me. Derr. No, on my honor; and, to convince you that I’m in earnest, I have brought with me a contract, by which our offspring, when of age, are bound to intermarry, or forfeit their several fortunes. I shall settle all mine on Herman, and I shall expect you to do the same for your daughter. Rip . Yah ! yah ! ech woll; I’ll give her all I got; all my money j but she must be d-d smart if she can find ’em. Take a drink, Mr. Burgomaster. [Drinks. Derr. Well, here are the two contracts, both binding and legally drawn. Rip. Yah ! yah ! [Drinks —Derrio gives hi'a the pen.] What you want mo to do mit dis ! Derr. Merely sign your name. Rip. Me, put my name to dat paper, mitNftt my old woman know¬ ing 'l —mine goot friend, she would skin me. [Noise in closet .j Schat! you witch! Derr. But I was about to propose, on cordition of your signing the contract, to let you live rent free, in future. Rip. Bent free ! I’ll sign ! but stop ! my old woman must play old hob mit me—so put down dat* I can break dat contract, if I choose, in twenty years and a day.— [Noise.] —S<,hat! you witch! Derr. [ Writing.] As you please. [Noise. Rip. Schat! you witch! [Drinks Derr. Is that a cat, friend Rip 1 [ W iting. Rip. I don’t know if it is a cat—but, if it is my dog Snider, I would n’t be in his skin when de old woman comes back. Derr . There, friend Rip, I have inserted, at your request, thb codicil; 11 Should the said Rip Van Wir kle think fit to annul this con¬ tract, within twenty years and a day, Le sk&Ii be at fufi liberty to do io.’* Rip. Yah, yah ! dos is recht—dat if gooi. How Mr. Burgomaster what you want me to do I Derr . Sign it! Wass? 14 RIP v a* WWfctiB Derr Sigr. ! Rip. Give me de paper.—[ Takes it.] —H &w my head tjrns round. — [Reading.] —“Should the said Rip Van Winkle 5 — yah, yah! dat is me.—“ Rip Van Winkle—twenty years and a day.”—Oh, dat is all recht.—[ Writing.] —R-i-p V-a-n— [Noise.] —Schat! you witch I W-i-n-k-l-e—now, dere he is. Derr. And there is the counterpart. * Gives it. Rip. Dis is for me, eh 1 I’ll put him in my breast pocket—yah, yah Derr. Now Rip, I must bid you good evening. Rip. Stop! Take some more liquor. Why, de bottle is empty Here! Alice! Alice ! get some more schnapps for de burgomaster. Derr. No, not to .light. [Rising.] But, should you want any y m will always find a bottle for you at your old friend Rory’s; so, good night. Rip. Stop, Mr. Burgomaster! I will go and get dat bottle now.— [Rising.] —Alice, Alice! comma see hah ! Enter Alice, r. h. Rip. Alice, give me mine hat [Alice gives it.] Now take care of de house till I comes back: if de old woman comes before I gets home tell her I am gone out mit de burgomaster on par—par—tick partick- ler business. [Exit, l. d., with Derric. [Alice advances and brings on Knickerbocker from the closet. Alice. So Mr. Knickerbocker, you are still here. Knick. Yes; all that’s left of me! and now, that the coast is clear, IM give them leg bail as the lawyers have it, and if ever they catch me here again— [He goes towards the door . and returns in sudden alarm. Knick. Oh dear ! oh dear ! here’s mother Van Winkle coming back, I shall never get out of this mess. Alice. It’s all your own fault! why would you come to-night I Knick. I shall never be able to come again,—the cross vixen will take care of that if she catches me here Alice. There is but one method of avoiding her wrath; slip on the clothes the old pedlar woman brought for sale, and I’ll warrant you’ll soon be tumbled out of the house. Knick. With a good thrashing to boot, I suppose. No matter, if I •an but slip out of the house, I don’t care what I slip into. [Enickerbocker sits in arm chair and is attired by Alice in woman $ dress : on rising , the petticoats but reach his knees Knick. Confound the lower garments ! they’re too short by half. Alice. ’Tis your legs are too long by half! sloop down; say as little a possible, and you’ll not be discovered. [He again sits. Dame enters , d. f. Dame, Well I’ve got back and I see Mr. Van Slaus is gone! but there’s that varlet, Rip ; out again 1 oh, that Rip ! that Rip ! I’ll cer¬ tainly be the death of him; or he will of me, which is most likely. Alice, wh3 you in the chair I Alice The pedlar woman, aunt: who fcaa come for the things •he left. RIP VAN WINKLE. 16 Dame. The pedlar woman—hark’ee gossip ; brii g no more of youi rubbish he.e. Take yourself off, and let me have a clear house. Knick. [Aside.] ’Gad, I wish I was safely cleared out of it. [.Knickerbocker rises, hobbles forward, r.; but, for getting the shwtr ness of the petticoats, in curtseying, is discovered by the Dame, from the exposure of his legz. Dame. Odds bodikins and pins ! who have we here ! an impostor but you shall pay for it; this is a pedlar woman, indeed, with such lanky shanks. [She rushes up to door and locks it — then, with 0 broom , l. u. e., pursues him round — he flings bonnet in her face. Knick. Needs must, when the devil drives—so here goes. [He jumps through the window, which is dashed to pieces—he disap¬ pears.-!) rushes up, with broom, towards window-A lios, laughs. Dame. What! laugh at his misconduct, hussey. One’s just as bad is the other. All born to plague me. Get you to bed—to bed, I say. [Dame drives Alice off, and follows, r. — Scene closes. SCENE IV.— Half dark. — A front wood.—The report of a gun ts heard—shortly after, Rip enters, with his fowling piece, l. h. Rip. Whip-poor-Will! egad, I think they’ll whip poor Rip.— [Takes aim at bird — it flashes in the pan. J—Another miss ! Oh, curse the misses and the missusses ! hang me if I can get a single shot at the sky-flyers. Wish I had one of de German guns which Knickerbocker talks so much about—one dat fires round corners; la ! how I’d bring dem down! bring dem down ! were 1 to wing as many daily as would fill a dearborn, dame wouldn’t be satisfied—not that she’s avaricious— but den she must have something or somebody to snarl at, and I’m the unlucky dog at whom she always lets fly. Now, she got at me mit de broom-stick so soon as I got back again ; if I go home again, she will break my back. Tunner wasser ! how sleepy I am—I can’t go home, she will break my back—so I will sleep in de mountain to¬ night, and to-morrow I turn over a new leaf and drink no more liquor. Voice Outside. Rip Van Winkle. [A dead pause ensues. — Suddenly, a noise, like the rolling of cannon balls is heard—then a discordant shout of laughter , l. h. — Rj# wakes and sits up, astonished. Rip. What the deuce is that I my wife at mine elbow? Oh, no nothing of the kind : I must have been dreaming; so I’ll contrive to nap, since I’m far enough from her din. [Reclines and slajx, Voice Outside. Rip Van Winkle. [The laugh being repeated , Ri again awakes. Rip. I can’t be mistaken dis time. Plague on’t I’ve got among tin spirits of the mountains, metinks, and haven’t a drop of spirits left to keep them off. Swaggnno. [Without l. h. 1 Rip Van Winkle! Rip Van Winkle Rip. Rip Van Winkle ! that s me to a certainty. 16 RIP ^ AN WINKLE. rj/^iV.-SwAGGRiNO, the grotesque dwarf , enters , u. h. binding beneath the weight of a large cask which he bears on his shoulder—He pauses , examines Rip, then invites him to assist him in placing the cask on the ground , which Rip complies with. Rip. Hang me, if he hasn’t brought my heart up into my mouth what an outlandish being, a sea snake, by dunder! [Music. — Swaggrino, pointing to the cask , entreats Rip’s assistance in bearing it up the mountains. Rip. Want me to help you up mit it I Why not say so at first, wy old codger ] What a queer old chap to be sure; but I can’t let him toil up the mountain with such a heavy load as dat, no, no, and so old broad chops I’ll help you. [Music .— Dwarf assists in placing cask on Rip’s shoulder—a lou laugh is heard — Rip is alarmed , but Dwarf signs him to proceed and be of good courage—leads way up rocks r .—another peal of laughter , and Rip hastily follows him. SCENE V. — Dark.—The Sleepy Hollow , in the bosom of the moun¬ tains occupying the extreme extent of the stage—stunted trees, frag¬ ment* of rock in various parts.—Moon in the horizon : the en¬ trant* to this wild recess being by an opening from the abyss in the rear of the glen. Music .— Grotesque Dutch figures with enormous masked heads and lofty tapering hats , discovered playing at cards in various places others at dutch pins—battledores and shuttlecocks—the majority seated on n rock drinking and smoking. Qauderkxn. Since on earth this only day, In fifty years we’re given to stray. We’ll keep it as a holiday! So brothers, let’s be jolly and gay. Icken. But question, where’s that lazy wight, Who, soon as sun withdrew it’s light. Was for the earth’s rich beverage sent, And has such time in absence spent. Gaud. Perhaps with some misfortune he’s been doomed fct meet, Cross’d, no doubt, on the road by mortal feet. Icken. And what the punishment that you decree On him, who on our mysteries makes free I Gaud. Twenty years in slumber’s chain, Is the fate that we ordain; Yet, if merry wight he prove, Pleasing dreams his sleep shall move. Icken. Our brother comes, and up the rugged steep, A mortal, see, Swaggrino’s presence keep. Omnes. Twenty years in slumber’s chain, Is the fate that we ordain. He comes ! he comes! let silence reign!— Let silence reign 1 let silence reign ! RIP VAR WINKLE. 17 j The spiriri retire up and station themselves in motionless attitudes. Music. — Swaggrinc ascends by the opening m the rear, followed by Rip, with the keg .— Rip advances on the l. h.; and, with the assistance of his conductor, places the cask on the rock.—The spirits remain immovable in front. Rip. I’m a dead man, to a certainty. Into what strange company ave I tumbled! crikey, what will become of me I Dear, dear ! would were home again, even though along with Dame Van Winkle. Music.—The figures severally advance, and stare at him, then resums their games. Swag grin o taps the cask; motions the astonished Rip to, assist him in distributing its contents into various flagons ; an injuction with which he complies .— Swaggrino helps his com¬ panions. Rip. [On l. h.] After all, they seem a harmless set, and there can be no argument with them, for they appear to be all dumbies.—Lord were my wife as silent They’re a deadly, lively, jolly set; but I wonder what kind of spirits dese spirits are drinking ! surely, dere can be no harm in taking a drop along mit dem.— [Fills a flagon .]— Here goes !—Gentlemen, here’s your go-to-hells, and your broad chopped family’s, and may you all live long and prosper. [ Drinks . Omnes. Ha, ha, ha 1 [Music .— A grotesque dance eusues, during which , Rip continues to supply himself from the keg.—He at length joins in the dance, and becomes so exhausted, that he reels forward and sinks in front . The dancing ceases, the spirits utter three ho, ho, ho’s !— Some of them sink. — Music , piano , as the curtann slowly descends. END OF ACT I. ACT II. SCENE L —The last of the First Act repeated; out tfie distance nou presents a richly cultivated country.—The bramble is grown inti a lofty tree, and all that remains of Rip’s gun is its rusty barrel, which is at the foot of the tree. Bird Music .— Rip discovered extended on the ground, asleep; his hair gray, and beard grown to an unusual length—the hour of the scene is gray dawn and birds fr&m. sky and hill are chirping . Rip. [Speaking in his sleep.] Mother Van Winkle ! Dame Van Win- ale ! what are you arter I Don’t be always badgering, will you never allow poor Rip a moment’s quiet I Curse it! don’t throw de hot water aboui, so, you’ll scald one’s eyes, and so you will, and no mistake ; and S3 you have. [He awakens in sudden emotion] Eh! by dunder* what’s all dis, where am I in the name of goodness where am I 'l [gazing around.] On the Catskill Mountains, by all that’s miraculous! EgadJ my rib will play the very devil with me foi stopping out all night 16 RIP VAN WINKLR. There will be a fine peal sounded when I get home. ] How confoundedly stiff and soie my joints do feel, surely I 1 »ust hav* been sleeping for a pretty long time! Asleep! no I was awake and enjoying myself with as jolly a rum set of codgers as ever helped to toom out a keg of Hollands. I danced, and egad, drank with them, till I was pret¬ ty blue, and dat’s no mistake ;—but confound it, they shouldn’t have caught me napping, for ’tis plain they have taken themselves off like an unceremonious pack of—pack of—give an eye tooth to know whi they were. [Looking around.] Where is my gun? I left it on a little bush. [On examining he finds the rusty barrel of his gun.] Hillo! come up, here’s a grab ! the unmanerly set of sharpers! stolen one of the best fowling pieces that ever made a crack; and left this worhless, rusty barrel, by way of exchange ! What will Dame Van Winkle say to this. By the hookey ! but she’ll comb my hair finely! Now, I went to sleep beneath that hickory ;—’twas a mere bush. Can I be dreaming still ? Is ther'* any one who will be good enough to tell me whether it is so or not ? Be blowed if I can make head or tail o’nt. One course only now remains,—to pluck up resolution, go back to Dame Van Winkle and by dundor shod! soon let me know whether I’m awake or not. [Music. — Exit , L. h. SCENE II.— J rjf.ll furnished apartment in the house of Knicker¬ bocker. Lorrenna, now a woman , enters , r. h. Lor. Alas, what a fate is mine! Left an orphan at an early age,—a relation’s bounty made me rich, but to-day, this fatal day—poverty again awaits me unless I bestow my hand without my heart* Oh, my poor father! little did you know the misery you have entailed upon your child. Knickerbocker and Alice enter , l. h. arm in arm. They are much more corpulent than when seen in Act 1 and dressed in modern attire ,— Alice in the extreme of former fxshion .' Knick. Decided that cause in the most judgematical like manner. White wasn’t black. Saw that in a twinkling, no one disputed my ar¬ gument. [Speaking as entering.] Come along, spouse ! Lauks ! how you do waddle up and down side to side like one of our butter laden logers in a squall, as the Dutchmen have it, ah, Lorrenna, you here 1 but you appear more depressed than customary. Those saddened looks are by no means pleasing to those who would ever wish to see you cheerful. What the dickens prevents your being otherwise when 2.11 around are so anxious for your happiness. Lot . Truely, am I beholden for your protection and ever grateful Hut to place a smile on the brow whilst sorrow lingers in the bosom is a deceptive penance to the wearer—painful to those around whc mark and must perceive the vizard; to say that I am happy would be inconsistant with truth. The persecutions of Herman Van Slaus- Alice. Ah ! my dear Lorrenna, many a restless night ha re I had oi that varlet’s account, as spouse knows. SIP VAN WINKLE. 19 * Knick. That’s as true as there’s ghosts in the Catskills, as Dutchmen have it; for be darned if a single night passes that Alice suffers me to go to sleep peaceably. Alice. Well, well; cheer thee my neice; there is bounteous intelli¬ gence in store ; nor think there is any idle ficticn in this brain, as our divine poets picture. Knick. There, there Alice is getting into her romance again,—plain as my fist—she has been moonified ever since she became a subscriber for books at the new library ! Planet struck, by gum, as philosopher have it, and- Alice. And you have said so little to the purpose, that I must now interpose. My dear Lorrenna—Gustaffe—’tis your aunt who speaks— Knick. There, now, pops in her word before a magistrate. Lor. My Gustaffe ! ha ! say !- Knick. Would have told you in a brace of shakes, as gamblers have it, if she hadn’t thrown the dice first. Yes my pretty chicky—Gustaffe’s vessel is now making up the Hudson; so cheer thee ! cheer thee I say ! your lover is not far oft* Lor. Gustaffe so near I blessed intelligence ! Oh, the happiest wishes of my heart are gratified ! But are you certain 1 Do not raise my hopes without cause. Are you quite certain 1 speak dear aunt; are you indeed assured, Gustaffe’s vessel has arrived 1 Knick. Did’nt think fit to break the news too suddenly, but you have it. Alice. “ The ship with wide expanded canvas glides along and soon ” —I forgot the remainder of the quotation ; but ’tis in the delectable work ‘‘Robinson Crusoe”—soon will you hear him hail. [A knock is heard l.] My stars foretell that this is either him- Knick. Or somebody else, as I suppose. Enter Sophia, l. h. Soph. Oh, sir; Squire Knickerbocker, Herman, son of the late Der- pc Van Slaus, is in the hall. Alice. That’s not the him whom I expected, at all events. Knick. Son of the individual whom I succeeded as burgomaster 1 Talk of the devil—now, I don’t know how it is, but I’m always squal- mish when in company of these lawyers that’s of his cast. Qui Tam. Soph. He wishes to be introduced. What is your p’ >asure I Knick. Let him be so by all means. An honest man needn’t fear ihe devil. [Exit Sophia, l. Lor. Excuse my presence uncle. To hear him repeat his claims would but afflict a heart already agonized: and with, your leave. 1 will withdraw. [Exit, r. 1 e. Knick. Aye, aye; let me alone to manage him, as a barrister says to his client when he cross-questions a witness. See Miss Lorrenna V) her chamber, Mrs. Knickerbocker. This Herman is a d—d rogue ns the English have it; and he’ll go to the dominions belovr. as the devil will have it, and ae I have had it for the last twenty years. Alice, And I tell you, to your comfort, if you don’t send the varlet quick off with a flea in his ear, you shall have it. Yes, squire Knick- 20 KIP VAN WINKLE. •wbocker, yon sliall have it, be assured. So says Mrs. Knickerbocker* you shall have it. [Exit, r- h. Knick. Truly, I’ve had plenty of it from you for the last eighteen years Enter Herman, l. h. Herm. Sir, I wait upon you once more. The period is now expired whan my just claim, which you have so long protracted, can be vainly disputed. A vain and idle dispute of justice. Knick. Precious fine, indeed, sir,—but, my ward has a mighty Strong reluctance to part with her fortune, and much more so to mak« ou her partner for life. You are not exactly to her liking, nor to her n the world’s generally. Her. One on the other she is compelled to. You are aware, sir, that the law is on my side! the law, sir—the law, sir ! Knick. Oh, yes! And, no doubt, every quibble that it offers will bo twisted to the best purpose for your interest. You’re a dabster at chicane, or you’re preciously belied. Her. You will not, I presume, dispute the signature of the individ¬ ual who formed the contract'? Knick. Oh, no ! not dispute Rip’s signature, but his error in judge¬ ment. I happened to be a cabinet councillor at the very moment my deceased relative, who was non compos mentis , at the time, clapped his pen to a writing, artfully extracted from him by your defunct father, whose memory is better forgotten than remembered. Her. Sir, I came here, not to meet insult; I came hither, persuaded y ou would acknowledge my right, and to prevent a publicity that may be painful to both parties. You are inclined to dispute them, before a tribunal shall they be arbitrated; and, knowing my claims, Mr. Knickerbocker, know well that Lorrenna or her fortune must be mine. [Exit, L. H. Knick. You go to Davy Jones, as the seamen have it. Lorrenna Bhall never be yours, and if ever she wants a cent whilst I have onu my name isn’t Knickerbocker;—damme, as the dandies have it. Lorrenna enters, with Alice, r. Lor . (c.) My dear guardian, you have got rid of Herman, I perceive. Knizk. I wish I had, with all my soul; but he sticks to his rascally undertaking like a crab to its shell; egad, there will be no dislodging him, unless he’s clapped into a cauldron of boiling water, as fishmon¬ ger* have it. AHce. And boiled to rags. But, husband ! husband. I say ! Knick. Mr. Knickerbocker, my dear, if you please. Alice. Well, then, Mr. Knickerbocker, my dear, if you please, we avo been looking out at the window to ascertain who came and went and have discovered a fine, handsome fellow galloping towards th« town, and I shouldn’t at all wonder if it wasn’t- Gustafpe rushes m, l. h. Lor. [Hurries to him.] My dear, dear Gustaffe I RIP VAN WINKLE. 21 Gust 1Embracing her.] My tender, charming Lorrenna! Knick. Why, Gutftaffe! Bless us! why, how the spark has grown Alice . Not ouite so corpulent as you, spouse. Knick. Spouse! Mr. Knickerbocker, if you please. Truly, wife we have both incrrased somewhat in corporal, as well as temporal substance since Go itaffe went to sea. But you know, Alice- Alice. Mrs. Knickerbocker, if you please. Kiick. Well, Mrs. Knickerbocker- Gust. Why, Knickerbocker, you have thriven well of late. Knick. I belong to the corporation, and we must support our col¬ oration as well as it. But not a word about the pig, as the butchers nave it, when you were a little boy, and Alice courting me. Alice. I court you, sirrah 1 what mean you 'l Knick. Sirrah! Mr. Knickerbocker, if you please. Why, then, deary—we didn’t like any one to intrude on our society; do you take the hint 1 as the gamblers have it. Come along, Alice—Mrs. Knick¬ erbocker, I would say—let us leave the lovers to themselves. Alice. Again they meet, and sweet’s the love that meets return. Exeunt Knick. and Alice, r. h. singing in concert , “Again they meet.” Gust. My dear Lorrenna, why this dejected look I—It is your own GustafFe enfolds you in his arms. Lor. Alas! I am no longer worthy of your love,—your friendship. A fatal bond ex £ racted from my lamented father has severed us for ever—I am devoid of fortune. Gust. Lorren-aa, you have been the star that has guided my bark, •—thee, my compass—my north pole,—and when the magnet refuses its aid to the seaman, then will he believe that you have foundered in affection, or th?Qk that I would prove faithless from the loss of earthly pittance. Lor. Shoals,—to speak in your nautical language—have long, on e' ery side, surrounded me; but by my kind uncle’s advice must we N/ guided. [Exit, r. h. *>CENE III.— The town of Rip’s nativity , instead of the village as presented in first scene of the drama:—It is now a populous and flourishing settlement.—On the spot where Rory’s tap house for¬ merly stood, is a handsome hotel, and the sign of “George III.” is altered into that of “George Washington.” A settee in front with table.—The harbor is filled with shipping.—Music at th opening of the scene. Ibth Slough, the landlord enters from the Hotel.—Loud shouts l. h. 3. E. Seth. Well I reckon the ele< tion’s about bustin’ up. If that temper¬ ance feller gets in I’m bounds sell out; for a rum-seller will stand no more chance with him than a bob tail cow in fly time.— [Laugh, u. e. r.J —Hollo ! who is this outlandish critter 1 he looks as if he had been dead for fifty years and was dug up to vote against the temper¬ ance ticket.— [Music. — Enter Male and Female Villagers , laughing , —J tinier Rip, — they gather round him. 22 BIP VAN WINKLE. Rip. Where I was I wonder 1 my neiber frints, 1 knosfc you tyh spricken V’ Villagers. Ha, ha, ha ! lstf Vill. I say old feller, you aint seed nothing of no old butter firkin with no kiver on, no place about here 1 — Rip. No butter firkin mit no kiver no place no I aint seen him. Villagers. Ha, ha, ha ! lstf Vill. Who’s your barber 1 — [Strokes his chin — all laugh and 9%it , R, H. Rip. I cant understand dis: everything seems changed.— [Strokes his chin.] —Why I’m changed too, why my beard’s as long as a go*t’». Seth. [Coming down , l.J Look here, old sucker, I guess you had better go home and get shaved. Rip. My old woman will shave me when I gets home 1 Home, where is my home 1 I went to the place where it used to was, and it wasn t dere. Do you live in Catskill I Seth. Well I rather guess I dus- Rip. Do you know where I live I Seth. Well, to look at you, I should think you didn’t live nowhere in particular but stayed round in spots. Rip. You live in Catskill I Seth. Certain. Rip. You don’t know dat I belong here ? Seth. No I’m darned if I do. I should say you belonged to Noah’t ark- Rip Did you never hear in Catskill of one Rip Van Winkle 1 Seth. What Rip Van Winkle, the greatest rum sucker in the country 1 Rip. Dat is a fact—dat is him ! ha, ha ! now we shall see. Seth. Oh yes, I’ve heard of him: the old coon’s been dead thes# twenty years. Rip. Den I am dead and dat is a fact. Well, poor Rip ia dead I’m sorry for dat.—Rip was a goot fellow. t Seth. I wish there was a whole grist just like him in Catskill Why they say he could drink rum enough in one day to swim in. Rip. Don’t talk so much about rum; you makes me so fry a* never was. Seth. Hold on a spell then, and I’ll fetch you something to wet your whistle. [Exit into house. Rip. Why here is another change! dis was Rory’s house last night [Beth re-enters] mitde sign of George the Third. Seth. The alteration of my sign is no bad sign for the country I reckon. Rip. [Reading.] “ George Washington,” who is he ? I remember a •hoot of dat name, dat served under Braddock, before I went to sleeps Seth. [Giving him jug.] Well, if you’ve been asleep I guess he ar’nt: his enemies always found him wide awake and kicking; and that shoot, as you call him, has planted the tree of liberty so everlasting tight in Yankee land, that all the kingdoms of the earth can’t root it out. Sip Well here is General Washington’s goot health, and his family*! BIP VAN WINKLE. 28 goot health ant may dev all live long ant prosper. Sc poor Rip Van winkle is dead, eh 1 Now comes de poser ; if Rip is dead, what has become of his old woman % Seth. She busted a blood vessel swearing at a Yankee pedlar, and has gone to kingdom come long ago. Rip. De old woman dead too 1 den her clapper is sioppeu at last Pause.] So de old woman is dead; well, she led me a hard life—-she *as de wife of my bosom, she was mine frow for all dat. [ Whimper ng.] I’m dead too unt dat is a fact Tell me my frient- Seth. I can’t stop any longer—the polls are almost closing and i must spread the game for the boys. Hurrah, for rum drinking and cheap licence for the retailers ! that’s my ticket. Re-enter Villagers, shouting , r. h. Seth. Here, boys, see what you can make of this old critter.—I give him up for the awfulest specimen of human nature in the States, [Exit into house 2 d Vill. Are you a federal or a democrat 1 Rip. Fiddle who 'l damn who’s cat 7 2 d Vill. What’s your politics 'l Rip. Oh, I am on de safe side dere; I am a faithful subject o/ King George! 2 d Vill. He’s a tory ! Kill him ! Duck him ! Villagers. To the horse pond ! Duck him. [Music.—They seize Rip and are about hurrying him off when Gus taffe rushes from l. 1. e. and throws them off. Gust. Stand back, cowards. Omnes. Cowards! Gust. Yes. cowards ! who but cowards would rush in numbers on * grey haired man I Rip. Yah, yah, dat’s a fact! Gust. Sheer off! you won’t 1 then damme, here’s at ye. [Drives them off r. h.] Tell me, old man, what cause had you given them to attack you. Rip. I don’t know : do you 1 Gust. You appear bewildered : can I assist you 1 ? Rip. Just tell me where I live, dat’s all I want to know. Gust. And don’t you know 'l Rip. I’m d-d fun I does. Gust. What is your name 1 Rip. Why 1 was Rip Van Winkle. Gust. Rip Van Winkle 1 impossible! Rip. Well I won’t swear to it myself. Gust. SUy,—you have a daughter 1 Rip. To be sure I has: a pretty little girl about so old ; Lorrenna— ad I have a son too, a lublicka boy, but my daughter is a girl. Gust, Do you remember entering into a contract, binding youi daughter to marry Herman Van Slaus 1 Rip. Oh 1 I remember, de burgomaster came to my house last nighl mit a pape. and I wrote my name down on it but I was drunk RIP VAN WINKLfc. 24 Gust. Last night! His brain wanders: yet it must be he, eom come, with me, old man. Rip. Where are you goiag to take me to 7 Gust. Your daughter. Rip. Yes, yes, take me to my child. [Crosses to I.] Sto_, my gr* cious!—I am so changed, suppose she should forget me too; no, she can’t forget her poor father. Come, come ! [ Exeunt , l 1. B. SCENE IY.— Knickerbocker’s House as before . Knickerbocker, Alice and Lorrbnna enter , r. Knick. Give me joy dear’s, I’m elected unanimously—elected I member of the legislature. Alice. Why spouse! Knick. Mr. Knickerbocker, if you please, my dear; damme! I’m m happy I could fly to the moon, jump over a steeple, dance a new faiK dango on stilts. [Dances.] Fal, lal, la. Enter Herman, l. Knick . Well, sir, what the devil do you want 7 Herm. I came to claim this lady’s fortune or her hand. Alice. Knock him down, spouse. Knick. Mr. Knickerbocker, my dear. Alice. Oh, bother! I know if he comes near my neice, woman as I am, I’ll scratch his eyes out. Herm. Mr. Knickerbocker. Knick. The honorable member from - County if you please. Herm. The judge of the district will this day arrive and give judge ment on my appeal, my rights are difinitive, and I question the whole world to controvert them. We shall meet before the tribunal, then presume to contend longer if you dare. [Exit, l. h. Knick. ’Twill be difficult, no doubt, but we’ll have a wangle for the bone, as the dog’s have it, there will be no curs found in our party, I’ll be sworn. [Aside.] Hang me but I’m really a little chop fallen and there is a strange sense of dizziness in my head which almost over¬ comes me. Lor. My dear uncle, what is to be done in this emergency 7 Knick. Done! your fortune is done for: but if you ever want a cent whilst I have one, may I be sent to the devil that’s all. Gust. [Entering.] Bravo! Nunkey Knickerbocker! you are CO blind pilot. Awake to breakers and quicksands Knickerbocker. Knick. Knickerbocker! the honorable Mr. Knickerbocker if yju Mease, I’m now a member of the Legislature and curse me if I’d ihange my dignified station as representative of an independent peo¬ ple, for that of tte proudest potentate who holds supremacy by coc JVptior or the bayonet. [Exeunt b. e. RTF VAX WTNKLB. % SOENE LAST.— The Court House. — An arm chair at the be k,tn front of which, is a large table , covered with baize.—\fh each Ade a gad try —On the r. of table are chairs. Munc. — 'The Judge discovered in c., seated.—The galleries filled. \ • t* auditors. — Herman, l. h. — Knickerbocker, r. 1 Judge. Mi. Knickerbocker, you will please to bring your client i) ourt. [Knickerbocker goes off } and returns with Lorrenna and Alice, r. h. 1 e. Judge. Be pleased to let your ladies take seats. [Lorrenna and Alice sit, on r. h. Ilerm. And now, sir, I presume ’tis time to enter on my cause Twenty years have elapsed since this contract, this bond was signed by the father of that lady, by which, her or her fortune were made mine. Be pleased to peruse, f Presenting the document to the Judge. Judge. [Reading.] “ We, Derric Van Slaus, Burgomaster, and Rip Van Winkle, desirous of providing for the prosperity of our offspring, do hereby mutually agree that Herman Van Slaus and Lorrenna Van Winkle shall be united on the demand of either. Whosoever of those contracted, fails in fulfilling this agreement, shall forfeit their fortune k the partv complaining. Kip Van Winkle, Derric Van Slaus.” But here’s a codicil. “ Should the said - Rip Van Winkle think fit U annul this contract, within twenty years and a day, he shall beat fuh liberty to do so. (Signed) Derric Van Slaus.’ The document is perfect in every form Rip Van Winkle, ’tis stated, is defunct. Is there any one present to prove his signature 1 Ilerm. Mr. Knickerbocker, if he dare be honest, will attest it. Knick. Dare be honest, sir ! presume you to question my veracity 7 I How was that bond obtained 1 Herm. Why should you ask 1 The late Rip Van Winkle, anxious for the prosperity of his offspring, though too indolent to provide for their subsistence persuaded my deceased father to form this alliance Knick, It’s a lie ! Hum !— Judge. RestmuTthis violence ! a court of justice must not be swayed oy such proceedings. Herm. Behold! sir, a picture of their genera! effrontery. In a pub- i He tribunal to threaten those, who, in pleading their own rights, but advocate the cause of justice. Lor. [Comes down stage.] All my hopes vanish—bleak and dreary i* the perspe tiye. Ilerm [Advances. | At last l triumph l Now lady your hand or tout Inheritance. Lor. My hand! never! Welcome were every privation to an | npion with one so base. Judqe. It appears, then, that this signature is not den ed by the defendant and that case the contract must stand in full fore* against he; RIP VAX WTXTUiR 2* Ia/t. Oh Alice, take me home: poverty, death, anything father tliari wed the man I cannot love. [She is led off by Alice, r. u Kntck Why. damn it, .Judge! Judge. Mr. Knickerbocker! Knick l beg pardon, l meant no disrespect to the court, but l had thought after— Judge I have decided, Mr. Knickerbockei. Knick. Oh! you have decided. Yes, and a damned pretty mess you’ve made of it But I shan’t abide by your decision; I’ll appea to a higher court. I am now a member of the legislature, and if the} ealow such blocks as you on the bench, I'll have a tax upon tinker fiir—yes, sir, a tax upon timber. [Exit, r., in a rage. Judge. Twenty years and a day is the period within which the con tract, could be cancelled by the negature of Rip Van Winkle, and as he has rendered no opposition during this lengthened time- llerm. ’Tis not very probable, sir, that he will alter his intentions by appearing, to do so within the few brief hours that will complete ihe day. Can the grave give up its inmates ] No, no ! Who dare pretend to dispute my rights'? The only one who could do so has been dead these twenty years. Enter Gustaffe and Rip, l h. Gust . ’Tis false ! Rip Van Winkle stands before you! [Chord Omnes. Rip Van Winkle! ITerm. You Rip Van Winkle! Van Winkle come back after sucb ft .apse of time 1 impossible ! Kip. Nothing at all impossible in anything Rip Van Winkle under¬ takes. and though all of you are in the same story, dat he has been gone so long, lie is nevertheless back soon enough, to your sorrow niv chap. Herm. If this, indeed, be Rip Van Winkle, where ha* be hid him self for twenty years 1 fudge. What answer do you make to this 7 Rip. Why dat I went up in de mountains last nigh, got diuuk mit some jolly dogs, and when I come back dis mot.;i.ig I tound my¬ self dead for twenty years. Herm. You hear him, sir. Judge. This is evidently an impostor; take him into custody. Gust. Stay ! delay your judgement one moment ml I bring the best of proofs — his child and sister. \ EnJ e Herm. If you are Rip Van Winkle, some one beie would surely t cognize you. Rip To be sure dey will! everyone knows me in Catskill. j It mthei round him and their heads.\ No, no, l don’t know des< peoples—dey don t know me neither, and yesterday dere was not a dog in the village but would have wagged his tail at me ; now dey bark Deie’s not a child but would have scrambled on my knees— now dey run from me. Are we so soon forgotten when we’re gone ? Alreiidy dere > no one wot knows poor Rip Van Winkle Herm. So, inleed, it seems. RIP VAN WIN ft LB 27 Rip. And have you forgot de time 1 saved your life ? llerm. Why, I—I—I- Rip . In course you have ! a short memory is convenient for yon Herman. Hervn. f Aside.] Should this indeed be he! [Aloud .J I demand judge tuent. Judge. Stay ! It you be Rip Van Winkle you should have a counter *>drt of this agreement. Have you such a paper? Rip. Paper! I don’t know; de burgomaster gave me a paper .vi light. 1 put it in my breast, but I must have loosed him. No, im-» 3eire he is ! here is de paper ! [Gives it to Judge, who reads it. Judge. ’Tis Rip Van Winkle! \All gather round and shake hand* mth him. Rip. Oh ! everybody knows me now ! Herm. Rip Van Winkle alive! then I am dead to fortune and to fame; the fiends have marred my brightest prospects, and nought is left but poverty and despair. [Exit. l. h. Gust. [Without, r.] Room there! who will keep a child from a long lost father’s arms? Enter Gustaffe, with Lorrenna, Alice and Knickerbocker. Lor. My father ! [Embraces Rip Rip. Are you mine daughter? let’s look at you. Oh, my child—bu: ho'" you have grown since you was a little gal. But who is dis 1 Alice. Why, brother!— Hip. Alice! give us a hug, Who is dat? Alice. Why, my husband—Knickerbocker. Rip. Why Knick. [Shakes hands ] Alice has grown as big round as a tub ; she hasn’t been living on pumpkins. But where is young Rip, my baby ? Knick. Oh, he was in the court house just now Ah ! here he comes! Enter Rip Van Winkle, Jr., R. 1. e. Rip. Is dat mv baby ? come here Rip, come here you dog , I am your father. What an interesting brat it is. Knick. But tell us Rip, where have you hid vouself for the last twenty years 1 Rip. Ech woll—ech wool. I will take mine glass and tell mine strange stony and drink the health of mine frients. Ui t, ladies and gents, here is vour goot health and your future families and mai \ e til live long and prosper. THB BSD. Lithomount Pamphlet Binders Gaylord Bros. Inc. Makers Syracuse, N. Y