^ 378 .103 1^6; 3p ILLINOIS-- UNIVERSITY-- COMMITTEE ON STATE- UNIVERSITY ■ RELATIONS PUFLIC SERVICE FOR STATE GOVERNMENT EY THE UNIVERSITY OF ILI INOIS [n?5) ^ s: l«^aW •J. I FViGPd THE INSTITUTE OF GOVERNMENT AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS PUBLIC SERVICE FOR STATE GOVERNMENT BY THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS February 197 5 John E. Corbally, President University of Illinois 364 Administration Urbana, Illinois 61801 Dear President Corbally: In January 1974 you appointed the University Committee on State- University Relations to study means of improving our academic contribution toward solution of the state's problems. One of the committee's first projects is the following report on the various research and advisory activities provided by the University faculty and students for the state of Illinois. Measuring state-University relations in dollars, we found that during 1973-74, ninety-five research contracts totaling nearly $5.5 million had been signed. That amount does not include the less formal relationships of resource and advisory services offered by the faculty, faculty membership on state boards and commissions, and student volunteer services. Among those benefiting from the University's talents through state agencies were farmers, educators, social workers, police, low-income families, and residents in state institutions, as well as the public at large. The intent of this report is to illustrate the various means by which the University can be of service to Illinois state government. The report does not attempt to be a directory of all current state-University relations. Gathering such information is no easy task. Even as this report was being revised, more information was discovered for inclusion in the final edition. Research for this document began with a survey by Ken Allen, a research assistant at the Institute of Government and Public Affairs. The final report is a result of the efforts of Jane Vanneman and Linda Knibbs, also research assistants at the institute, and of Ashley Nugent, the institute editor. With the completion of this report, the committee turns its attention to a study of University policy on public service. The University's three campuses hold a wealth of potential assistance for officials involved with the problems of running the government of a complex agricultural-industrial state. As our resources become more familiar to those in state government, the University's public service role should continue tjo develop, incerely, 6u~ V amuel K. €ovp, Chairman University Committee on State- University Relations PUBLIC SERVICE FOR STATE GOVERNMENT BY THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS University of Illinois Committee on State-University Relations Samuel K. Gove, Chairman February 1975 It 63-^ MEMBERS OF THE UNIVERSITY COMMITTEE ON STATE-UNIVERSITY RELATIONS SAMUEL K. GOVE, Director and Professor of the Institute of Government and Public Affairs; Professor of Political Science, Urbana-Champaign; Chairman (217) 333-3340 SAMUEL R. ALDRICH, Assistant Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station; Professor of Soil Fertility, College of Agriculture, Urbana-Champaign (217) 333-4424 BERTRAM W. CARNOW, Professor and Director of Occupat-ir-nr 1 ^ind Environmental Medicine, School of Public Health; Director of thf Environmental Health Resource Center, Medical Center, Chicago (312) 996-7887 DONALD J. CASELEY, Vice-Chancellor , Medical Center, Chicago (312) 996-6402 JAMES P. HARTNETT, Director of the Energy Resources Tenror; Professor cf Heat Transfer, College of Engineering, Chicago Circle (312) 996-4490 ELDON L. JOHNSON, Vice-President for Governmental Relations and Public Seirvice, Urbana-Champaign, ex officio (217) 333-3077 BOYD R. KEENAN, Professor of Political Science and of the Institute of Government and Public Affairs, Chicago Circle (312) 996-2794 ALAN B. KNOX, Associate Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs; Director of the Office of Continuing Education ,ind Pu>.li^ '^'.rvice; Professor cf Educational Administration, College of Education, Urbana-Champaign (217) 333-7363 JOSEPH I. LIPSON, Associate Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs; Professor of Geological Science, College of Liberal Art? and Sciences. Chicago Circle (312) 996-4433 ROSS J. MARTIN, Associate Dean, College of Engineering; Director of the Engineering Experiment Station; Professor of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, Urbana-Champaign (217) 333-2152 BARRY MUNITZ, Vice-President for Academic Development and Coordination, Chicago Circle, ex officio (312) 996-3308 ARNOLD V. WOLF, Dean of Graduate College; Professor of Physiology, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Medical Center, Chicago (312) 996-7686 LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS tS URBANA -CHAMPAIGN CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 3 STATE-UNIVERSITY CONTACTS 7 Agriculture , Department of 7 Arts Council 9 Business and Economic Development, Department of 10 Children and Family Services, Department of 10 Commerce Commission 11 Conservation, Department of 11 Bureau of Land Acquisition 12 Corrections, Department of 12 Law Enforcement Commission 13 Stateville Penitentiary 13 Energy Resources Commission 1^ Environmental Protection Agency 1^ Environmental Quality, Institute for 15 Finance , Department of 19 General Assembly Commission on Children 19 Commission on Intergovernmental Cooperation 20 Legislative Council 20 Pension Laws Commission 21 Science Advisory Council 21 State Property Insurance Study Commission 21 Toll Road Advisory Committee 22 Township Laws Study Commission 22 Water Resources and Water Pollution Commission 22 Governor Advisory Council on Developmental Disabilities 22 Bureau of the Budget, Office of Planning and Analysis 23 Consumer Advocate 24 Office of Human Resources 24 Special Search and Nominating Committee for the Board of Education 24 Higher Education, Board of 25 Labor, Department of 26 Law Enforcement Commission 26 Criminal Justice Information System Policy Review Committee 29 Local Government Affairs, Department of 29 Office of Housing and Buildings 30 Mental Health , Department of 31 Herman Adler Zone Center 33 Adolph Meyer Zone Center 33 Lincoln State School 33 Mental Health Planning Board 34 Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission 34 Personnel, Department of 34 Public Aid , Department of 34 Public Health, Department of 35 Public Safety, Department of 36 Public Works and Buildings, Department of 36 Racing Board 36 VI Secretary of State 36 Driver ' s License Division 37 State Library 37 Social Policy, Institute for 38 State Scholarship Commission 39 Superintendent of Public Instruction 39 Adult Education '^0 Certification Section, Department of Professional Relations ^0 Champaign School District #4 41 Division of Safety Education 41 Division of Vocational and Technical Education 41 Research Section ^3 Scholarship Services Section 43 Urbana Community School District //116 43 Transportation, Department of 44 Office of Planning, Programming, and Environmental Science 50 Vocational Education and Rehabilitation, Board of ^ 51 Division of Vocational Rehabilitation 51 Other State Agencies 51 APPENDIX 55 INDEX OF UNIVERSITY UNITS 59 Vll PUBLIC SERVICE FOR STATE GOVERNMENT BY THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS INTRODUCTION Concern for the improvement of relations between state governments and the academic community has grown in recent years. As problems facing state and local governments have increased in number and complexity, both public officials and university scholars have come to realize the necessity for sharing what can be learned on the campus with decisionmakers in city halls and the state capital. With that in mind, the University of Illinois Committee on State- University Relations has published this report of many public service activities performed for Illinois state government agencies by University faculty and students. The report does not purport to include all public service activities but rather represents a sampling of the variety of services available from the University. Much of this information comes from a 1973 study of University contracts with state agencies by a research assistant for the Institute of Government and Public Affairs at Urbana-Champaign. Other information was gathered more informally by committee members through newspaper articles, campus bulletins, and personal contacts. Relations between the University and the state of Illinois fall into four general categories: formal research, informal consultation, faculty appointments to boards and commissions, and student volunteer work. The formal relations are the contracts signed between the University and a state agency for various research. On the Urbana-Champaign campus, seventy-four contracts totaling $4,605,739 were in existence during 1973-1974. The Chicago Circle campus had seven contracts in 1973-1974 involving $270,000, while the Medical Center campus had fourteen contracts for $600,000. -4- Two examples suggest why contracts may be undertaken. The Illinois Department of Agriculture is a regulatory agency, not a research agency, so it contracts with the College of Veterinary Medicine to do research on cattle and swine. The Illinois Highway Department is primarily an opera- tional unit and has come to rely on the College of Engineering for research data about Illinois highways. Neither in-house work nor a professional consultant can provide the same quality of services for the price paid to the University departments. High caliber doctoral students often supply much of the manpower for this research conducted at greatly reduced cost for the state agency. Informal relations include a wide variety of activities. University units, faculty, and students participate in conferences and seminars; prepare bulletins, newsletters, and reports for the state; and maintain general noncontractual relationships with the state agencies and officials. The Jane Addams School of Social Work at Chicago Circle sponsors various conferences and workshops, including a recent institute for members of the Illinois Department of Mental Health and community mental health workers. The Environmental Health Resource Center at the Medical Center, one of several University research centers, houses documents on environmental standards and various forms of air, water, and soil pollution. The center also publishes a newsletter. A partial listing of newsletters and other sources on University research is given in an appendix to this report. In addition to their teaching and research responsibilities, numerous University faculty serve on state boards and commissions. The faculty, with their experience and expertise, become valuable members of such organizations. For example, when William Gilbert, Director of the -5- Psychological and Counseling Center at Urbana-Champaign, became a representative to the Illinois Mental Health Planning Board, assistance to the state by the University was enhanced. Students from the University's campuses volunteer hours of their time each week to work with state agencies. On the Urbana-Champaign campus, Volunteer lllini Projects (VIP), coordinates over 700 volunteers in almost a dozen different programs. Among these are projects which provide volunteers at Adolph Meyer Zone Center in Decatur and the Lincoln State School in Lincoln. This report does not attempt to be comprehensive but hopefully will serve as an indication of the kinds of assistance the University can offer public officials in fulfilling their daily and long-range responsibilities. Not only the academic community and state agencies but the public at large will benefit as the University's unique talents are further utilized by the state of Illinois. STATE-UNIVERSITY CONTACT? Or. the following pages is a listing of many state-University relationships which presently exist. Information presented for each contact includes the Illinois state agency (left margin); the University unit (right margin); and, where appropriate, the project title, the project director, or faculty member serving on a state board or commission (center) . The contacts are listed in alphabetical order according to state agency. Some projects are described in more detail than others as examples of the public service work provided by the University. The letters folloving the name of the University unit indicate whether the unit is all university (all univ) , or is located at Chicago Circle (CC), the Medical Center (MC), or Urbana-Champaign (UC) . The Uni-^ersity units are listed alphabetically in the index. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE College of Agriculture (UC) Orville G. Bentley In May 1974 Orville G. Bentley, Dean of the College of Agriculture, was confirmed by the Illinois Senate to the board of advisors of the Illinois Department of Agriculture. The group advises the governor and state director of agriculture on programs and policies which affect agriculture in the state. Dr. Bentley also serves on the Cattle Disease Research Advisory Committee, the Advisory Board of Livestock Commissioners, and the Swine Disease Control Advisory Committee, all of which are associated with the Illinois Department of Agriculture. -8- DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Cooperative Extension Service (UC) Educational Program for Low Resource Farm Families E. E. Golden In November 1972 a contract began for this program involving 150 low- income farmers in four southern Illinois counties. Purpose of the research is to aid the farmers in improving their farming operations, to discuss family difficulties, and to apply successful techniques to similar problems elsewhere in the state. The program will continue until funds are depleted. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUBIE Cooperative Extension Service (UC) Energy Task Force H. B. Petty In late fall of 1973, the Cooperative Extension service of the College of Agriculture realized that its field staff, area advisors, and specialists would be called upon by the public for help in solving energy shortage problems. A task force, such as the one which was effective during the southern corn leaf blight crisis, was established. State funds for the group are matched with federal funds under the Federal-State Marketing Improvement Program of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service. The project will provide information on supplies and demands for fuel and electricity, transportation, storage facilities, and other factors related to the basic energy problem. -9- DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE College of Veterinary Medicine (UC) L. Meyer Jones L. Meyer Jones, Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine, serves on the Cattle Disease Research Advisory Committee, the Advisory Board of Livestock Commissioners, and the Swine Disease Control Advisory Committee, all of which are associated with the Department of Agriculture. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE College of Veterinary Medicine (UC) Cattle and Swine Disease Research L. Meyer Jones Each year, funds are allocated by the Illinois DepartmeYit of Agriculture, Division of Meat, Poultry and Livestock Inspection, to the College of Veterinary Medicine for cattle and swine disease research. All research projects are reviewed and approved by the Cattle and Swine Advisory Committee of the Department of Agriculture. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE College of Veterinary Medicine (UC) Veterinary Diagnostic Services L. Meyer Jones The College of Veterinary Medicine at Urb ana-Champaign receives a yearly grant from the Illinois Department of Agriculture to supply diagnostic services for the state. ARTS COUNCIL School of Music (UC) Choral Ensemble Edwin London -10- DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT; DEPARTMENT OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS College of Agriculture (UC) Illinois Plan of Work for Research and Extension Under Title V In July 1973 the College of Agriculture received federal funds for a three-year project under Title V of the Rural Development Act of 1972. Title V is a pilot project to test the capabilities of educational institutions in designing and delivering research and extension programs for rural development. The major thrust of the Illinois project is on rural leadership development in selected counties. The college consults with the Illinois Department of Local Government Affairs and the Illinois Department of Business and Economic Development to insure that the research and extension plans are consonant with the state's development efforts. DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN Educational Resources AND FAMILY SERVICES Information Center (UC) Lilian G. Katz Lilian G. Katz, Professor of Early Childhood Education and Director of the Educational Resources Information Center Clearinghouse on Early Childhood Education, has been appointed by Governor Dan Walker to the advisory council of the Department of Children and Family Services. DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN Jane Addams School AND FAMILY SERVICES of Social Work (UC) The Jane Addams School of Social Work at Urbana-Champaign is completing a program of grants and loans funded by the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services which was designed for students having career interests in the management of social service delivery systems. -11- COMMERCE COMMISSION Center for Advanced Computation (UC) Computer-Based Analyses Bruce Hanna DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION Department of Anthropology (UC) Archaeological Surveys Charles J. Bareis Charles J. Bareis of the Department of Anthropology at Urbana- Champaign has received several grants for archaeological work from the Illinois Department of Conservation. Included in the projects are an inventory of archaeological sites in Illinois, an archaeological survey of the Iroquois and Vermilion river valleys, and a survey of the Silver Creek Drainage and the Central Kaskaskia Valley. DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION Department of Anthropology (UC) Archaeological Survey of the Mississippi Valley James W. Porter DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION Department of Anthropology (CC) Starved Rock Archaeological Project Robert Hall DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION Department of Geography (UC) Demonstration Study on Historical Landscape Analysis John A. Jackie -12- DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION Department of Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene (UC) Deer Research Lyle E. Hanson The Department of Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene at Urbana- Champaign has for several years conducted studies for the Illinois Department of Conservation on diseases of deer. DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION, BUREAU OF LAND ACQUISITION School of Business (UC) Seminar for Right-of-Way Negotiators Kendrith Rowland Several School of Business students assisted Bureau of Land Acquisition staff members in hosting a seminar for right-of-way negotiators in November 1973 at Illini Union (UC) . Kendrith Rowland, Professor of Business Administration, organized the students, who assumed the role of property owners in the seminar. DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Center for Research in Criminal Justice (CC) Hans Mattick Hans Mattick, Professor and Director of the Center for Research in Criminal Justice, was asked by Governor Dan Walker's office to be a member of the advisory commission to the Adult Division of the Department of Corrections. -13- DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Jane Addams School of Social Work (UC) Conference Charles Henderson On June 8 and 9, 1974, Charles Henderson, Professor of Social Work and Assistant Director of the Jane Addams School of Social Work at Urbana- Champaign, addressed a conference in Urbana on the Illinois Department of Corrections community development programs. DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS; LAW ENFORCEMENT COMMISSION Jane Addams School of Social Work (CC) Intervention Demonstration Project Within Police Departments Harvey Treger Since March 1970 the two state agencies have funded this project, which demonstrates the role of social workers in cooperation with police departments. The program seeks to develop crisis intervention and early social treatment methods to reduce the need for formal processing of offenders through the juvenile and adult corrections systems. DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS, STATEVILLE PENITENTIARY Volunteer Illini Projects (UC) Prison Concern Project Volunteer Illini Projects student volunteers select an inmate at Stateville Penitentiary in Joliet as a friend to write and visit several times a month. This program was organized to increase communications between inmates and the community at large and to improve the rehabilitation of prisoners. -14- ENERGY RESOURCES COMMISSION Energy Resources Center (CC) , Institute of Government and Public Affairs (all univ) James P. Hartnett Boyd R. Keenan James P. Hartnett, Director of the Energy Resources Center, and Boyd R. Keenan, Professor of Political Science and of the Institute of Government and Public Affairs at Chicago Circle, have been appointed by legislative leaders to the Illinois Energy Resources Commission. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Environmental Health Resource Center (MC) Report on Illinois Drinking Water Supplies A report was prepared in the spring of 1974 by the Environmental Health Resource Center advising the state about possible adverse health consequences of using drinking water supplies with elevated nitrate levels. The report was based on data which indicated that several surface water supplies and a few public well water supplies in Illinois have often exceeded the U.S. Public Health Service Drinking Water Standard for nitrates. Recommendations were made to retain the present standard limit of nitrates and to utilize available treatment methods for nitrate removal from private wells and municipal supplies. The report included suggestions for three additional studies on this problem. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Numerous University of Illinois Departments Several University of Illinois faculty worked with the Illinois Institute for Environmental Quality on a task force on noise. Their report was presented to the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. The following -15- U of I faculty members served on the Noise Task Force: John J. Desmond, Director of the Engineering Experiment Station at Urbana-Champaign; Harlow W. Ades, Professor of Physiology and Biophysics at the School of Life Sciences and Professor of Electrical Engineering at Urbana-Champaign; Roger W. Findley, Professor of Law; Sheldon J. Plager, Professor of Law; and Research Assistant Larry Blackwood. The task force aided the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency in the development and advocacy of Illinois' comprehensive noise control program. INSTITUTE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY; GOVERNOR'S OFFICE, BUREAU OF THE BUDGET, Center for Advanced Computation; OFFICE OF PLANNING AND ANALYSIS Department of Computer Science (UC) Land Resources Planning C. W. Bullard See a description of this project under Governor's Office, Bureau of the Budget, Office of Planning and Analysis on page 23. INSTITUTE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY College of Agriculture (UC) Sewage Sludge Fertilizer Study Thomas D. Hinesly This project, running from November 1971 to November 1975, was established to study the environmental impact of using sewage sludge as fertilizer. The institute's primary interest is to learn about the use of sludge for land reclamation and to observe public health effects. -16- INSTITUTE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY College of Law (UC) Noise Task Force Sheldon Plager This project has been concerned with the development of motor vehicle and airport noise regulations. Regulations will be drafted and reviewed by appropriate industry and government groups before formal presentation to the Illinois Pollution Control Board. As part of the project, Sheldon Plager and Roger Findley, professors of law, are currently involved in extensive litigation and are representing the Illinois Pollution Control Board in defending regulations which were written a year ago. Marvin Frankel, Professor of Economics at Urbana- Champaign, works as a consultant to the Noise Task Force. INSTITUTE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY College of Medicine (MC) Environmental Health Resource Center Seminars Bertram Carnow The College of Medicine in Chicago has hosted weekly seminars for the Environmental Health Resource Center, funded by the Illinois Institute for Environmental Quality. These seminars were open to the public free of charge and lasted about two hours. Speakers talked on such topics as the health impact of petroleum energy systems, nuclear energy utilization, and coal energy systems; construction and city planning mistakes with regard to energy conservation, especially in Chicago; the automobile and public health; control of automotive emissions; prospects of solar energy utilization; and health hazards of transporting and storing nuclear fuels and wastes. -17- INSTITUTE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Department of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering (UC) Environmental Aerodynamics K. R. Sivier This contract involves a study of the aerodynamic aspects of atmospheric pollution. INSTITUTE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Department of Agricultural Economics (UC) Soil Loss from Illinois Farms Earl Swanson This research, begun in July 1972, is to provide the basis for a plan to control soil loss without resorting to the regulatory process. INSTITUTE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Department of Agricultural Engineering (UC) Feedlot Runoff Control Research Project D. H. Vanderholm This project studied data gathered from institute-sponsored demonstration projects and four farmer-built projects in Kane, DeKalb, Will, and Peoria counties. The project's purpose is to monitor the runoff from operating feedlots which incorporate the waste management features recommended by the U.S. Soil Conservation Service and the University of Illinois. The research will evaluate the systems and develop operating guidelines to be used by Illinois farmers as they work to meet proposed livestock waste management regulations. INSTITUTE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Department of Civil Engineering (UC) Air Pollution Andrew McFarland -18- INSTITUTE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Environmental Health Resource Center (MC) Documents, newsletters Bertram Car now The center publishes a newsletter, Environmental Health Resource Center News , reporting on the status of environmental hazards within Illinois. Documents on environmental standards and health effects are also housed at the Institute. INSTITUTE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY; Institute for Environmental BOARD OF HIGHER EDUCATION Studies (UC) Institute for Environmental Studies Ben B . Ewing See a discussion of this project under Board of Higher Education on page 25. INSTITUTE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY School of Public Health (MC) Air Pollution Effects on High- Risk Populations Bertram Carnow In this study, extensive data on high-risk populations are correlated with data on concentrations of sulfur dioxide. The results are being used to design control strategies and establish control priorities. A computerized data file will be available for use by other investigators. INSTITUTE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY School of Public Health (MC) Environmental Health Advisor Bertram Carnow Under this contract the School of Public Health served as an environmental health advisor. The school's director formulates the -19- Institute's long-range planning on environmental health program development, He frequently acts as witness before the Pollution Control Board on behalf of the institute. INSTITUTE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY School of Public Health (MC) Environmental Health Resource Center Bertram Carnow The center provides information and performs research on environ- mental hazards to health; identifies regulatory and research priorities for the Pollution Control Board; performs research and responds to inquiries from agencies, the General Assembly, and the public; and sponsors numerous seminars on environmental health problems. Dr. Carnow is director of the center, which should become a permanent source of expertise for the state. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Administration (UC) Ronald W. Brady Ronald W. Brady, Vice-President for Planning and Allocation, is on the Advisory Board to the Secure Automated Facility Environment Project (SAFE), under the Illinois Department of Finance. GENERAL ASSEMBLY, Division of Services for COMMISSION ON CHILDREN Crippled Children (MC) Edward F. Lis Edward F. Lis, Director of the Division of Services for Crippled Children at the Medical Center, serves on the Illinois Commission on Children. -20- GENERAL ASSEMBLY, COMMISSION Institute of Government and ON INTERGOVERNMENTAL COOPERATION Public Affairs (all univ) Samuel K. Gove In September 1973 Samuel K. Gove, Professor of Political Science and Director of the Institute of Government and Public Affairs, was appointed to the advisory committee on local government accounting, auditing, and reporting practices of the Illinois Commission on Intergovernmental Cooperation. GENERAL ASSEMBLY, LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL Department of Political Science (CC) Twiley W. Barker Twiley W. Barker, Professor of Political Science at Chicago Circle, serves on the Advisory Committee on Legislative Staff Internships of the Legislative Council. GENERAL ASSEMBLY, Institute of Government and LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL Public Affairs (all univ) Samuel K. Gove Samuel K. Gove, Professor of Political Science and Director of the Institute of Government and Public Affairs, is a member of the Advisory Committee on Legislative Staff Internships. He reviews applications for the Illinois Legislative Staff Internship Program and aids the coordinator of the program at Sangamon State University in the initial processing and evaluation of applicants. -21- GENERAL ASSEMBLY, PENSION LAWS COMMISSION College of Law (UC) Rubin G. Cohn Professor Rubin G. Cohn of the College of Law at Urbana-Champalgn serves on the Illinois Pension Laws Commission. GENERAL ASSEMBLY, Numerous University of SCIENCE ADVISORY COUNCIL Illinois Departments The following University of Illinois faculty members serve on the Illinois Science Advisory Council: William Ackermann, Chief of the Water Survey and Professor of Civil Engineering at Urbana-Champaign; Daniel Alpert, Professor of Physics and Associate Director of the Center for Advanced Study and Coordinated Science Laboratory at Urbana Champaign; William L. Everitt, Professor of Electrical Engineering Emeritus and Dean of the College of Engineering Emeritus at Urbana-Champaign; John C. Frye, Chief of the Geological Survey and Professor of Geology at Urbana-Champaign; and Boyd R. Keenan, Professor of Political Science and of the Institute of Government and Public Affairs at Chicago Circle. GENERAL ASSEMBLY, STATE PROPERTY INSURANCE STUDY COMMISSION Administration (UC) J. R. Gallivan J. R. Gallivan, Supervisor of Insurance at Urbana-Champaign, is on the advisory board to the Division of Risk Management, created by the Illinois Senate's State Property Insurance Study Commission. The advisory board concerns itself with proposed legislation for centralized purchasing of all fidelity and surety bonds for state officers and employees, including those of the University. -22- GENERAL ASSEMBLY, TOLL ROAD ADVISORY COMMITTEE Administration (UC) William Rice William Rice, Administrative Assistant for Legislative Relations in the President's Office, serves on the Toll Road Advisory Committee, a continuing legislative advisory commission. GENERAL ASSEMBLY, TOWNSHIP LAWS STUDY COMMISSION Joseph Pisciotte Institute of Government and Public Affairs (all univ) Joseph Pisciotte, Professor of Political Science and of the Institute of Government and Public Affairs, was appointed by the Illinois House Minority Leader to serve on the Township Laws Study Commission. GENERAL ASSEMBLY, WATER RESOURCES AND WATER POLLUTION COMMISSION Department of Civil and Nuclear Engineering (UC) Ben Ewing In January 1974 Ben Ewing, Professor of Civil and Nuclear Engineering and Director of the Institute for Environmental Studies, accepted an appointment to serve as a public member on the Illinois Water Resources and Water Pollution Commission. GOVERNOR'S OFFICE, ADVISORY COUNCIL ON DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES Division of Services for Crippled Children (MC) Edward F. Lis Edward F. Lis is a member of the Governor's Advisory Council on Developmental Disabilities. -23- GOVERNOR'S OFFICE, BUREAU OF THE BUDGET, Center for Advanced Computation; OFFICE OF PLANNING AND ANALYSIS Department of Computer Science (UC) Services for Resource Allocation Disparity Analysis B . P . Hanna The aim of this project is to prepare a computer card data base for the 106 federal programs listed in the 1971 U.S. Treasury Report. The data base will include program expenditures; general need indices such as total population, state and local tax burden, federal tax burden, state income, urban population and population below poverty level; and program specific indices such as pupil enrollments for an elementary and secondary need index. Measurements of allocation and disparities relative to indices of need and program expenditures will be developed for each program. GOVERNOR'S OFFICE, BUREAU OF THE BUDGET, OFFICE OF PLANNING AND ANALYSIS; Center for Advanced Computation; INSTITUTE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Department of Computer Science (UC) Land Resources Planning C. W. Bullard The Center for Advanced Computation will compile a list of efforts exploring methods to inventory and designate areas of critical environmental concern, and areas which are, or may be, impacted by key facilities. The center will briefly note the various approaches of these efforts, will delineate existing information sources and data based on the Center for Advanced Computation's Illinois Resource Information System (IRIS) and Natural Resource Information System (NARIS) projects, and will develop suggestions for a state land use data base. -24- GOVERNOR'S OFFICE, CONSUMER ADVOCATE College of Law (UC) Consumer Protection Legislation Seminar Mary Gardiner Jones U of I law students in Professor Jones' Fall 1974 seminar researched consumer protection legislation which has been proposed in the state. Examples of consumer protection laws in other states have also been examined. The students' work will be used by the Governor's Office in developing legislation on consumer protection for consideration by the General Assembly. Ms. Jones is a professor of law and business administration. GOVERNOR'S OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES Jane Addams School of Social Work (UC) Faculty Speakers Money is received from the Governor's Office of Human Resources for faculty development. The faculty are invited twice a year to speak on various subjects relating to social work. GOVERNOR'S SPECIAL SEARCH AND NOMINATING COt-IMITTEE FOR THE Institute of Government and BOARD OF EDUCATION Public Affairs (all univ) Joseph Pisciotte Joseph Pisciotte, Professor of Political Science and of the Institute of Government and Public Affairs, was appointed by Governor Dan Walker to the Governor's Special Search and Nominating Committee for the Board of Education. -25- BOARD OF HIGHER EDUCATION; Institute for Environmental INSTITUTE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Studies (UC) Institute for Environmental Studies Ben Ewing The Institute for Environmental Studies at Urbana-Champaign was established in November 1972 to develop a broad program of research, education, and public service dealing with man's physical, biological, and social environments. The institute includes task forces, the Center for Human Ecology, and the Water Resources Center. A grant of $10,000 from the Illinois Board of Higher Education was awarded the institute for the period January through August 1974 to work with the board on a cooperative Development of Environmental Studies Program. BOARD OF HIGHER EDUCATION Administration (CC) Interinstitutional Cooperation Program Joseph I. Lipson BOARD OF HIGHER EDUCATION Administration (CC) Program for a Network of Community Based University Action Centers Eugene Eidenberg BOARD OF HIGHER EDUCATION Department of Health and Safety Education (UO Development and Implementation of a Health Education Consortium Donald B. Stone -26- DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (MC) Development of Occupational Safety and Health Programs The Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine in the School of Public Health is advisor to the Illinois Department of Labor for the development of occupational safety and health programs within the state. LAW ENFORCEMENT COMMISSION Administration (CC) Eugene Eidenberg Eugene Eidenberg, Vice-Chancellor at Chicago Circle and Professor of Political Science, is chairman of the policy board of the Illinois Law Enforcement Commission. LAW ENFORCEMENT COMMISSION Center for Research in Criminal Justice (CC) Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Operation Identification Program as Implemented in Illinois Hans W. Mat tick Hans Mattick, Professor and Director of the Center for Research in Criminal Justice at Chicago Circle, responded to a request for a proposal from the Illinois Law Enforcement Commission to evaluate a relatively simple, but specialized, crime control program that has been implemented in about 210 Illinois communities. LAW ENFORCEMENT COMMISSION Department of Economics (UC) Judicial Services Provided by Trial Courts of Illinois Robert Gillespie -27- LAW ENFORCEMENT COMMISSION Department of Economics (UC) Socio-economic Factors Demand for Court Services Robert Gillespie LAW ENFORCEMENT COMMISSION Jane Addams School of Social Work (CC, UC) The Jane Addams School of Social Work at Chicago Circle and Urbana- Champaign has received funding from the Illinois Law Enforcement Commission for a program of grants and loans to students with careers in corrections social work. The program provides stipends and field learning in suburban police departments having services for juvenile offenders. Acceptance of a scholarship under this program usually requires a willingness to work with an Illinois state agency in that field after graduation. LAW ENFORCEMENT COMMISSION Jane Addams School of Social Work (CC) The School of Social Work at Chicago Circle recently received a large research grant from the Illinois Law Enforcement Commission to provide legal and social services for inmates of adult penal institutions. This program is statewide and began July 1, 1974. LAW ENFORCEMENT COMMISSION Jane Addams School of Social Work (CC) Police Training Institute Harvey Treger Harvey Treger and the staff of his Intervention Demonstration Project have held discussions at the Police Training Institute about their project on police-social worker cooperation. Most police are enthusiastic about the concept and have expressed the opinion that these programs are successful in their communities. The institute is funded by the commission. -28- LAW ENFORCEMENT COMMISSION Jane Addams School of Social Work (UC) Police Training Institute Faculty Twice each year four faculty members from the Jane Addams School of Social Work at Urbana-Champaign teach at the Police Training Institute in Urbana. Policemen from throughout the state attend the institute, which is funded by the Law Enforcement Commission. LAW ENFORCEMENT COMMISSION; DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Jane Addams School of Social Work (CC) Intervention Demonstration Project Within Police Departments Harvey Treger See description of this project under Department of Corrections, page 13. LAW ENFORCEMENT COMMISSION Police Training Institute (UC) Police Training Institute Activities J. F. Schaich The Illinois Law Enforcement Commission funds a number of special projects through the Police Training Institute at Urbana-Champaign. Among these are the development of new and revised police training curricula; the Police-Community Relations Training Programs; and the development, publication, and distribution of the first comprehensive manual for sheriffs and youth officers in Illinois. -29- LAW ENFORCEMENT COMMISSION, CRIMINAL JUSTICE INFORMATION SYSTEM POLICY REVIEW COMMITTEE Center for Research in Criminal Justice (CC) Hans Mat tick Hans Mattick, Professor and Director of the Center for Research in Criminal Justice at Chicago Circle, is chairman of the state Criminal Justice Information System Policy Review Committee. This committee will recommend policy regarding the computerization, storing, and exchange of data in the criminal justice information system. DEPARTMENT OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS; DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT College of Agriculture (UC) Illinois Plan of Work for Research and Extension Under Title V See a description of this informal relationship under Department of Business and Economic Development, page 10, DEPARTMENT OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS Institute of Government and Public Affairs (all univ) Samuel K, Gove In March 1974 Samuel K. Gove, Professor of Political Science and Director of the Institute of Government and Public Affairs, was appointed by Governor Dan Walker to the Local Government Advisory Council for a term expiring in January 1975. This council is the advisory group to the Department of Local Government Affairs. -30- DEPARTMENT OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS Institute of Government and Public Affairs (all univ) Illinois Home Rule Clearinghouse and Policy Analysis Project Samuel K. Gove The Institute of Government and Public Affairs at Urbana-Champaign has had a contract with the Illinois Department of Local Government Affairs since 1972 for the Illinois Home Rule Clearinghouse and Policy Analysis Project. The project is designed to increase understanding and disseminate information on home rule in Illinois. The Home Rule Newsletter has been a major source of such information. In April 1973 the institute held the Illinois Assembly on Home Rule and later published the background papers and speeches from this meeting. Regional conferences have also been sponsored jointly by the institute and by the Illinois Department of Local Government Affairs as part of the project. DEPARTMENT OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS Department of Urban and Regional Planning (UC) State Regional Land Use and Regional Planning Louis B. Wetmore DEPARTMENT OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS, Housing Research and OFFICE OF HOUSING AND BUILDING Development (UC) Housing: Physical and Social Design Robert D. Katz This project developed mechanisms enabling state and local housing authority personnel to fulfill their housing responsibilities, especially with respect to physical and social design. The field staff of the Office of Housing and Building will use these guidelines to assist housing agencies -31- in the determination and analysis of housing needs, identification of problem areas, and development of solutions and the steps necessary for their implementation. DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH Department of Biochemistry (UC) The Means by Which Psychoactive Drugs Affect the Individual William McClure This study of how psychoactive drugs affect the individual has resulted in numerous publications. DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH Children's Research Center (UC) Motor Performance and Recreation Instruction M. G. Wade DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH Children's Research Center (UC) Reading Instruction for the Retarded Keith G. Scott DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH Department of Pathology (MC) The Gross and Microscopic Effects of Ventricular Dilation on the Brain Ursala F. Rowlatt DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH Department of Pediatrics (MC) Enzyme Induction as an Approach to Treatment of Inborn Errors of Metabolism Paul Wong DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH Department of Psychiatry (MC) Clinical Services for Adult Patients Paul M. Singer -32- DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH Department of Psychiatry (MC) Conditioned Operant Performance in Brain Operated Primates Thomas J. Tucker DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH Department of Psychology (UC) Adolph Meyer Zone Center Gordon Paul DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (UC) Application of Principles of Fluid Mechanics to Analyses of Pathological Changes in Cerebral Circulation M. E. Clark A July 1971 through June 1974 grant was received to conduct research on the circulation of blood in the brain and the factors which control this circulation in normal individuals and those suffering from arteriosclerosis, strokes, or similar conditions. Simple and complex models of branching and looping arterial networks are simulated using computational methods so that the pressure and flow distributions can be obtained and compared with data from normal and pathological animal experiments. DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH Jane Addams School of Social Work (CC) Conferences Faculty The Jane Addams School of Social Work at Chicago Circle sponsors numerous conferences and workshops, such as a recent institute for members of the Illinois Department of Mental Health and community mental health workers. This institute led to the development in September 1974 of a program to provide continuing education for personnel involved in statewide community mental health. -33- DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH School of Basic Medical Sciences (UC) Genetics Counseling Service William Daniel DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH, Department of Recreation and HERMAN ADLER ZONE CENTER Park Administration (UC) Analyses of Children's Activity and Motor Performance Al Sapora This program was established in 1966 to describe, predict, and control the activity of children in informal activity in groups. The Motor Performance and Play Research Laboratory (MPPRL) staff of the University's Children's Research Center have been involved in numerous workshops, seminars, and colloquia under the auspices of the Illinois Department of Mental Health and other state agencies in connection with this project. MPPRL also provides library services, consultative services, and student assistance to the Department of Mental Health. DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH, ADOLF MEYER ZONE CENTER Volunteer Illini Projects (UC) Mental Health Project Volunteer Illini Projects students work in various roles, from tutor to friend, with adults and adolescents at the Adolf Meyer Zone Center in Decatur. DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH, LINCOLN STATE SCHOOL Volunteer Illini Projects (UC) Mental Retardation Program Volunteer students travel to Lincoln State School in Lincoln every Saturday to work with the mentally retarded residents whose ages range from six months to over ninety years. -34- MENTAL HEALTH PLANNING BOARD Psychological and Counseling Center (UC) William Gilbert William Gilbert, Director of Psychological and Counseling Center at Urbana-Champaign, was a representative to the Illinois Mental Health Planning Board. NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS Center for Advanced Computation; PLANNING COMMISSION Department of Computer Science (UC) Services and Computer Usage B. P. Hanna This research provides a mechanism for the application of the center's information processing skills to the Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission's (NIPC) projects. The center's Illinois Resource Information System and Natural Resource Information System, as well as its Monica and ARPA Network Terminal System, will be used by NIPC. DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL Office of Nonacademic Personnel; (EMERGENCY EMPLOYMENT ACT) Affirmative Action Office (UC) High Impact Program James Ransom, Jr. DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL Office of Nonacademic Personnel; (EMERGENCY EMPLOYMENT ACT) Affirmative Action Office (all univ) University Civil Service System Testing Research Philip Ash DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC AID Jane Addams School of Social Work (UC) Social Welfare Education Mark Hale -35- DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH College of Nursing (MC) Nursing Recruiting and Education Program Helen Hotchner The project, which serves communities throughout the state, prepares nurses to increase service offered by public health agencies. No similar program for public health nursing personnel exists in Illinois. A study was completed during 1973 on the Impact of Educational Counseling Program . Questionnaires were sent to over 400 nurses who had attended one or more workshops to determine whether this program had motivated nurses to continue their education. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH Department of Preventive Medicine (MC) Study of Trauma Injuries Theodore C. Doege DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH Department of Psychiatry (MC) Child Psychiatry Clinic Edward Futterman DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH Department of Surgery (MC) Emergency Medical Services and Highway Safety Program Lloyd Nyhus DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH Research Resources Laboratory (MC) Trauma Data Bank for Use in the Emergency Medical Services and Highway Safety Program John Marbarger DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH School of Public Health (MC) Trauma Registry Paul Q. Peterson -36- DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Continuing Education (UC) Fire College and Regional Fire School Programs W. J. Eckert In 1973-1974 the 50th Annual Fire College was held at the Urbana- Champaign campus, and regional fire school programs were held in various locations throughout the state. These programs are to improve the knowledge, efficiency, and skills of Illinois firemen using the equipment available to them in their own department and/or area. The firemanship training program serves as the educational arm of the state Fire Service. The program consults with Illinois industries on fire safety and fire prevention techniques and provides training for fire brigade organizations within Illinois industries. Fire prevention education for Illinois citizens is provided with speakers at numerous meetings and programs. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND BUILDINGS; DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Department of Forestry (UC) Springer-Sangamon Environmental Research Program I. I. Holland RACING BOARD College of Veterinary Medicine (UC) Research on Equine Medicine L. Meyer Jones SECRETARY OF STATE Survey Research Laboratory (all univ) Policy Planning Implications of the 1970 Census Data for Illinois Users Daniel J. Amick This project began in May 1973 and is currently developing a computerized system for making 1970 census data available to users throughout the state. The project is being conducted in cooperation with -37- the State Library System. The Survey Research Laboratory at Chicago Circle has become the process center for the state of Illinois for 1970 census data. The Survey Research Laboratory supplies census data to University of Illinois faculty and students, state and local government agencies, and local and regional planning agencies. Dr. Amick is currently engaged in putting all data from the census on microfiche. The Illinois State Library in Springfield will then be able to print any number of copies from this microfiche to distribute to libraries throughout the state. SECRETARY OF STATE, DRIVER'S LICENSE DIVISION Highway Traffic Safety Center (UC) Relationship between Driver License Written Tests and Future Driver Performance John A. Conley SECRETARY OF STATE, STATE LIBRARY Library Administration (UC) Library Research and Reference Services Project R. B. Downs In this program, the University of Illinois makes available resource material, equipment, and personnel to supply research and reference library services to residents of Illinois. SECRETARY OF STATE, Graduate School of STATE LIBRARY Library Science (UC) 19th Annual Allerton Park Institute: CATV and its Implications for Libraries Cora E. Thomassen SECRETARY OF STATE, Graduate School of STATE LIBRARY Library Science (UC) Program for Library Evaluation and Planning Lucille Wert -38- INSTITUTE FOR SOCIAL POLICY Center for Advanced Computation; Department of Computer Science (UC) Computer-Based Analysis of Emergency Employment Act Hiring Practices B . P . Hanna This project supported the analysis and monitoring of ongoing hiring practices relating to the Emergency Employment Act. INSTITUTE FOR SOCIAL POLICY Center for Advanced Computation; Department of Computer Science (UC) Analysis and Evaluation of the Central Illinois Emergency Employment Act High Impact Demonstration Program R. H. Bezdek This study will determine the overall effect of the high impact projects on the respective Illinois communities. Research will focus on the impact on local unemployment, the characteristics of participants, the effects on the individual program agents and agencies involved, the success the programs have in moving participants to unsubsidized employment, the impact on community attitudes toward public employment programs, and other issues. INSTITUTE FOR SOCIAL POLICY Department of Sociology (UC) County Jails and Local Criminal Justice Systems J. R. Kimberly This research was designed to develop a model for understanding the ongoing behavior within any given jail, the variations among individual jails, and the possibilities for a systematic basis for evaluating alternative social policy choices. A basic concern is the role a jail plays in the development and maintenance of the variety of criminal careers and subcultures present within* the jail's catchment area. Also -39- considered is the nature of the relationships of a jail to other components of the criminal justice system and to the statewide network of jails. Professor Kimberly worked with the Department of Computer Science and the Center for Advanced Computation at Urbana-Champaign during this study. STATE SCHOLARSHIP COMMISSION Office of Student Financial Aids (UC) Students for Equal Access to Learning (SEAL) SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION College of Architecture and Art (CC) Consultant of Art Programs in the Public Schools Leon Bellin Professor Leon Bellin, in the College of Architecture and Art at Chicago Circle, has been consultant to the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction since June 1970. He evaluates programs in art in the public schools. SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Institute of Government and Public Affairs (all univ) Robert N. Schoeplein Robert N. Schoeplein, Professor of Economics and of the Institute of Government and Public Affairs, has been serving as a member of the Illinois Office of the Superintendent for Public Instruction's Advisory Committee on School Finance since 1971. -40- SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Institute for Research on Exceptional Children (UC) Training Program in Transformational Generative Grammar for Teachers of Deaf Students Stephen Quigley This project involves the development of materials and personnel for teaching sentence structure to deaf children. A goal of the project is creation of a PLATO course in transformational-generative grammar designed for teachers of deaf children. SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Jane Addams School of Social Work (CC, UC) In 1973-74 the Illinois Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction awarded stipends for students interested in social work in the public schools. A public school can be reimbursed by the state for training the student. SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, ADULT EDUCATION Educational Administration (UC) Developing Capability-Evaluation of Adult Basic Education Programs Arden Grotelueschen SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, CERTIFICATION SECTION, DEPARTMENT Office of Admissions OF PROFESSIONAL RELATIONS and Records (UC) Foreign Transcript Evaluation Richard Dremuk -41- SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, Division of English as a CHAMPAIGN SCHOOL DISTRICT #4 Second Language (UC) Multi-Lingual/Multi-Cultural Program L. F. Bouton SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, Department of Health and DIVISION OF SAFETY EDUCATION Safety Education (UC) Teacher's Manual Emergency Driving Procedures A. E. Florio SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, Department of Health and DIVISION OF SAFETY EDUCATION Safety Education (UC) Traffic Safety Education Instruction A. E. Florio SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, DIVISION OF VOCATIONAL AND Bureau of Educational TECHNICAL EDUCATION Research (UC) In-Service Correspondence Course Development Rupert N. Evans SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, DIVISION OF VOCATIONAL AND Cooperative Extension TECHNICAL EDUCATION Service (UC) Consumer and Homemaking Education Program for Low-Income Families Jack Claar For four years this project has enabled teaching assistants to aid eligible families in managing their limited resources for maximum satisfaction and for improving their standard of living. Approximately 110 assistants work with nearly 2,500 families. -42- SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, DIVISION OF VOCATIONAL AND Department of Vocational and TECHNICAL EDUCATION Technical Education (UC) Annotated Bibliography of Consumer and Homemaking Education Hazel Spitze SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, DIVISION OF VOCATIONAL AND Department of Vocational and TECHNICAL EDUCATION Technical Education (UC) Developing and Utilizing Community Resources Lloyd Phipps SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, DIVISION OF VOCATIONAL AND Department of Vocational and TECHNICAL EDUCATION Technical Education (UC) Development of Local Evaluation Strategies Tim L. Wentling SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, DIVISION OF VOCATIONAL AND Department of Vocational and TECHNICAL EDUCATION Technical Education (UC) Education for Personnel Conducting Cooperative Education Programs Involving Learners with Special Needs David W. Williams SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, DIVISION OF VOCATIONAL AND Department of Vocational and TECHNICAL EDUCATION Technical Education (UC) "Handbook" for High School and Post-High School Guidance Personnel Robert Walker SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, DIVISION OF VOCATIONAL AND Department of Vocational and TECHNICAL EDUCATION Technical Education (UC) Occupational Teacher Education Lloyd Phipps -43- SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, DIVISION OF VOCATIONAL AND Department of Vocational and TECHNICAL EDUCATION Technical Education (UC) Statewide Evaluation Project Tim L. Wentling SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, DIVISION OF VOCATIONAL AND Department of Vocational and TECHNICAL EDUCATION Technical Education (UC) Teacher-Training Program in Health Occupations Education-Training Phase Lloyd Phipps SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, DIVISION OF VOCATIONAL AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION Institute of Aviation (UC) Votch Aircraft Maintenance W. D. Trulock SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, Survey Research RESEARCH SECTION Laboratory (all univ) Attitudinal Survey and Final Report Diana O'Rourke SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, SCHOLARSHIP SERVICES SECTION Department of Education (UC) Special Education Traineeships and Fellowships Max Spriggs Charles Henderson Merle Karnes SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, Division of English as a URBANA COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT //116 Second Language (UC) Multi-Lingual/Multi-Cultural Program L. F. Bouton -44- DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Administration; Department of Civil Engineering (UC) Bicycle Task Force Conference D, J. Molnar J. H. Trail In March 1974, J. D. Molnar from the Office for Capital Programs at Urbana-Champaign and J. H. Trail, a civil engineer in the Urbana-Champaign Physical Plant Services, attended a conference on development of bikeways throughout the state of Illinois. The conference, held in Springfield, was sponsored by the Illinois Department of Transportation. Mr. Molnar discussed the bikeways on the Urbana-Champaign campus. Mr. Trail commented on safety objectives, maintenance procedures, and regulations and enforcement conditions. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION College of Engineering (UC) Highway Traffic Safety Center J. E. Baerwald The Highway Traffic Safety Center was established as an all-university service agency which functions under the Dean of the College of Engineering. The center serves as a vehicle in directing both on- and off-campus requests for assistance to the appropriate university personnel. Center personnel have been utilized in the development of both state and national legislation. The director of the center, J. E. Baerwald, works closely with representatives of the Illinois Department of Transportation to provide coordination between the traffic safety efforts of state agencies and the university. -45- DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Department of Civil Engineering (UC) Behavior of Welded Highway Structures W. H. Munse The Department of Civil Engineering is studying the behavior and strength of welded highway structures along with methods of applying the acquired data to practical usage, specifically through improvement of design specifications. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Department of Civil Engineering (UC) Correlation of University of Illinois Pavement Test Tract with AASHO Road Test B. P. Hazarika A study is being made to establish a correlation between the performance and behavior of pavements tested in the University of Illinois pavement test track and the AASHO Road Test. Secondary objectives are to establish the fundamental causes for pavement distress and the factors which influence pavement performance. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Department of Civil Engineering (UC) Durability Testing of Stabilized Materials M. R. Thompson B. J. Dempsey This project has developed a satisfactory and realistic procedure for evaluating the freeze-thaw durability of partially cemented highway materials. A standard freeze-thaw cycle has been established for use in conjunction with the automatic equipment and durability testing conducted with typical stabilized Illinois materials. Tentative durability criteria have also been developed. -46- DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Department of Civil Engineering (UC) Dynamic Stresses in Highway Studies C. P. Siess W. H. Walker Research on dynamic stresses in highway bridges is being conducted by means of field tests. The investigation utilizes the information gained from previous analytical studies to plan the field tests program and to interpret the field test results. Those results are correlated with predictions from theoretical analysis as related to prediction of the life expectancy of bridges. Major emphasis is placed on developing computer-based techniques of data analysis and studying the statistical nature of the effect of traffic loadings. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Department of Civil Engineering (UC) Evaluation of Typical Drainage Systems E . J . Barenberg Research is ongoing to evaluate the behavior and performance of open-graded materials for pavement drainage. Various gradation of open- graded granular material stabilized with small amounts of asphalt cement will be evaluated for stability and permeability in the laboratory. These materials will then be tested for performance in various pavement systems in the University of Illinois pavement test track. Also various filter systems to prevent plugging of the draining layer will be tested. -47- DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Department of Civil Engineering (UC) Field Investigation of Prestressed Reinforced Concrete Highway Bridges M. A. Sozen W. L. Gamble Research is being conducted to measure long-term strains and deflections in prestressed concrete highway bridges. Researchers are exploring indications that prediction methods based on constantly controlled environmental conditions in laboratories are not applicable to structures exposed to the weather unless significant modifications are made. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Department of Civil Engineering (UC) Highway Problems Project Mor eland Her r in The University of Illinois has had continuing contractual agreements with the state of Illinois to establish and provide for the operation of a continuing program of cooperative highway research. The most recent contract was executed in July 1966 and established the Illinois Cooperative Highway Research Program. The general purpose of this program is to secure and analyze data and to develop facts and information which will advance the science of highway engineering for practical application. The program provides methods for prompt dissemination of any useful knowledge acquired to practicing highway engineers in Illinois. -48- DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Department of Civil Engineering (UC) Life Expectancy of High Bridges- Stresses History Studies W. H. Walker This research investigates stresses induced in highway bridges under high-volume mixed traffic. The specific objective is to develop and interpret a statistically significant body of data on live-load stresses. An extensive field test program in cooperation with the Department of Transportation is planned for a five-year period. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Department of Civil Engineering (UC) Rural Criteria Intersection Illumination R. H. Wortman The Department of Civil Engineering has undertaken a project to develop methods for selecting rural at-grade highway intersections for illumination and the level and type of illumination to be utilized. The relationship between intersection design and accidents has been quantified, and guidelines for rural intersection illumination have been developed. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Department of Civil Engineering (UC) State of Illinois Soils Manual T. H. Thornburn The Department of Civil Engineering is completing a State of Illinois Soils Manual, which will contain information on geology and general soil conditions, procedures for soil exploration and soil testing, general design recommendations for highways, and physical property data on the major soil types of Illinois. -49- DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Department of Civil Engineering (UC) Structural Evaluation of Asphalt- Aggregate Cold Mix Bases M. Herrin I. Ishai Another current project is the structural evaluation of asphalt- aggregate cold mix bases. The purpose of this research is to establish tentative methods of testing quality criteria and mix design procedure for evaluating pertinent properties of bases constructed with cold mixes. The project also seeks to relate the test results to the structural response of the stabilized materials for the design of flexible pavements for low-traffic roads. Investigators are trying to determine feasible testing methods and develop a concept for predicting structual responses. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Department of Civil Engineering (UC) Study of Field-Made Joints in Prestressed Reinforced Concrete Highway Bridge Girders W. L. Gamble B. Mohraz Experimental and analytical studies are underway which will lead to the development of methods of splicing precase, prestressed concrete bridge girders. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Department of Civil Engineering, Materials Engineering- Mechanical Properties (UC) Use of Shrinkage-Compensating Concrete in Bridge Decks C. E. Kesler The use of expansive cement concretes to produce crackfree bridge decks and pavements is being investigated to determine if durability will -50- be substantially improved. Procedures for the design, control, and curing are being developed through this cooperative program with several engineering departments. Recommendations will be tested in field use. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Department of Civil Engineering, Materials Engineering- Mechanical Properties (UC) Aggregate Characteristics Affecting Skid Resistance C. E. Kesler R. L. Berger The petrographic features, wear resistance, and polishing characteristics of many Illinois aggregates have been determined by this study. These data are being correlated with field skid resistance of the aggregates in both bituminous and portland cement concrete pavements. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Department of Forestry (UC) Springer-Sangamon Environmental Research Program I. I. Holland DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Department of Systems Engineering (CC) Interactive Transportation Analysis System Yehuda Gur DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, OFFICE OF PLANNING, PROGRAMMING, Department of Urban and AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE Regional Planning (UC) Urban Transportation Policy William Goodman -51- BOARD OF VOCATIONAL EDUCATION Department of General AND REHABILITATION Engineering (UC) Curriculum Development, Teacher Education, and Subject Matter Conference Coordination in Engineering Technology J. S. Dobrovolny The Department of General Engineering is working on an engineering technology education project with the Illinois Board of Vocational Education and Rehabilitation. Results of the study will include a six-quarter curriculum guide in mechanical power technology, identification of engineering technology curricula needs, conferences on the philosophy of technical education for high school guidance counselors and program administrators, and evaluation of engineering technology programs in the state. Project staff will serve in an advisory capacity to the Illinois director of technical education. BOARD OF VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND REHABILITATION, DIVISION OF VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION Department of Psychology (CC) Testing, Counseling and Therapy Rolf Peterson This program to test clients and to provide counseling and therapy for department clients was established in April 1973. OTHER STATE AGENCIES Department of Agricultural Economics; Center for Advanced Computation (UC) Illinois Social and Economic Indicators for Rural Development (ISEIRD) John van Es The Agricultural Experiment Station, through the Department of Agricultural Economics and the Center for Advanced Computation at Urbana-Champaign, has established the Illinois Social and Economic -52- Indicators for Rural Development (ISEIRD) . This is a data collating and retrieval system to facilitate research, extension, and planning activities regarding problems in rural areas. ISEIRD will be operated with the help of an advisory committee composed of representatives from the University of Illinois, other universities, and state government agencies. The research potential of a system like ISEIRD has been demonstrated by Dr. Lowell Hill and his staff, who used the data system to determine storage, transportation, and fuel needs for the 1973 grain harvest in Illinois. OTHER STATE AGENCIES Jane Addams School of Social Work (CC, UC) Administrative Internships In the Jane Addams School of Social Work at Urbana-Champaign and Chicago Circle, students are assigned for their practicum as welfare administrative interns after two semesters of study on campus. They work four full days a week at various state and local agencies throughout Illinois. Only few of these agencies pay the students. OTHER STATE AGENCIES Energy Resources Center (CC) Illinois Energy Conferences; Illinois Energy Newsletter James P. Hartnett The Energy Resources Center sponsored two Illinois Energy Conferences in cooperation with the Office of Extension of the University of Illinois at Chicago Circle. The proceedings are available in book form: Energy Problems in Illinois: Proceedings of the First Annual Illinois Energy Conference and Energy Conservation Policy Options: Proceedings of the Second Annual Illinois Energy Conference . A newsletter, the Illinois -53- Energy Newsletter , is published bimonthly by the center and distributed to interested individuals and agencies throughout the state. Staff of the center have been assisting the Illinois House and Senate committees working on Illinois energy problems. APPENDIX SOURCES ON UNIVERSITY RESEARCH Numerous University of Illinois departments, institutes, and research centers publish monthly or yearly documents describing the various research activities undertaken by their faculty and students. Some units publish yearly summaries of research such as the College of Engineering's Summary of Engineering Research . Other departments issue newsletters, e.g., Survey Research from the Survey Research Laboratory, on a regular basis throughout the year. Following is a listing of some newsletters, bulletins, and reports published on the three campuses. All contain information concerning the research interests and current public service activities of the University's faculty and students. Bureau of Educational Research, Office of School-University Research Relations Bureau of Educational Research 288 Education Building University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 61801 Bureau of Educational Research, Abstracts of Current Research Projects Related to Education, University of Illinois 1973-1974 Bureau of Educational Research 288 Education Building University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 61801 College of Agriculture, Current Affairs College of Agriculture 101 Mumford Hall University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 61801 -56- College of Engineering, Engineering Outlook Engineering Publications 112 Engineering Hall University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 61801 College of Engineering, Summary of Engineering Research Engineering Publications 112 Engineering Hall University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 61801 Department of Agricultural Economics, The ISEIRD File Department of Agricultural Economics 305 Mumford Hall University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 61801 Energy Resources Center, Illinois Energy Newsletter Energy Resources Center Room 275 S. R.R.B. Box 4348 University of Illinois at Chicago Circle Chicago, Illinois 60680 Environmental Health Resource Center, Environmental Health Resource Center News 2035 W. Taylor Box 6998 University of Illinois Medical Center Chicago, Illinois 60612 Graduate College (CC) , Faculty Publications and Doctoral Dissertations Graduate College 1523 UH Box 4348 University of Illinois at Chicago Circle Chicago, Illinois 60680 Graduate College (MC), Graduate Faculty Publications Attn: Graduate College Room 405 University of Illinois Medical Center 1737 W. Polk Street Chicago, Illinois 60612 Graduate College (UC), Faculty Publications and Doctoral Dissertations Graduate College 318 Administration Building University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 61801 -57- Institute for Environmental Studies, Lead Project Newsletter Institute for Environmental Studies 302 Environmental Research Lab University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 61801 Office' of School and College Relations, University of Illinois News Office of School and College Relations 351 mini Tower University of Illinois Champaign, Illinois 61820 Survey Research Laboratory, Survey Research Survey Research Laboratory 414 David Kinley Hall University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 61801 University of Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station, Illinois Research Agricultural Publications Office 123 Mumford Hall University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 61801 Volunteer Illini Projects, VIP Volunteer Illini Projects 328 Illini Union University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 61801 Water Resources Center, Water Resources News and Announcements Water Resources Center 2535 Hydrosystems Laboratory University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 61801 INDEX OF UNIVERSITY UNITS Administration, 19, 21, 22, 25, 26, 44 Admissions and Records, Office of, 40 Advanced Computation, Center for, 11, 15, 23, 34, 38, 51 Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, Department of, 17 Affirmative Action Office, 34 Agricultural Economics, Department of, 17, 51 Agricultural Engineering, Department of, 17 Agriculture, College of, 7, 10, 15, 29 Anthropology, Department of, 11 Architecture and Art, College of, 39 Aviation, Institute of, 43 Economics, Department of, 26, 27 Education, Department of, 43 Educational Administration, 40 Educational Research, Bureau of, 41 Educational Resources Information Center, 10 Energy Resources Center, 14, 52 Engineering, College of, 44 English as a Second Language, Division of, 41, 43 Environmental Health Resource Center, 14, 18 Environmental Studies, Institute for, 18, 25 Forestry, Department of, 36, 50 Basic Medical Sciences, School of, 33 Biochemistry, Department of, 31 Business, School of, 12 Children's Research Center, 31 Civil and Nuclear Engineering, Department of, 22 Civil Engineering, Department of, 17, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50 Computer Science, Department of, 15, 23, 34, 38 Continuing Education, 36 Cooperative Extension Service, 8, 41 Crippled Children, Division of Services for, 19, 22 General Engineering, Department of, 51 Geography, Department of, 11 Government and Public Affairs, Institute of, 14, 20, 22, 24, 29, 30, 39 Health and Safety Education, Department of, 25, 41 Highway Traffic Safety Center, 37 Housing Research and Development, 30 Law, College of, 16, 21, 24 Library Administration, 37 Library Science, Graduate School of, 37 -60- Medicine, College of, 16 Music, School of, 9 Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Department of, 32 Nonacademic Personnel, Office of, 34 Nursing, School of, 35 Urban and Regional Planning, Department of, 30, 50 Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Department of, 26 Pathology, Department of, 31 Pediatrics, Department of, 31 Police Training Institute, 28 Political Science, Department of, 20 Preventive Medicine, Department of, 35 Psychiatry, Department of, 31, 32, 35 Psychological and Counseling Center, 34 Psychology, Department of, 32, 51 Public Health, School of, 18, 19, 35 Veterinary Medicine, College of, 9, 36 Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene, Department of, 12 Vocational and Technical Education, Department of, 42, 43 Volunteer Illini Projects, 13, 33 Recreation and Park Administration, Department of, 33 Research in Criminal Justice, Center for, 12, 26, 29 Research on Exceptional Children, Institute for, 40 Research Resources Laboratory, 35 Social Work, Jane Addams School of, 10, 13, 24, 27, 28, 32, 34, 40, 52 Sociology, Department of, 38 Student Financial Aids, Office of, 39 Surgery, Department of, 35 Survey Research Laboratory, 36, 43 Systems Engineering, Department of, 50 \ A \ # I UNIVERSITY OHLLINOIS-URBANA C001 ?uV,SlCEFORSTAT^rGOVERNMENTURBA 3 0112 025306199