OF THE U N I VLRS ITY OF ILLINOIS 352.0737 SpSot^ 13 03 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates https://archive.org/details/municipalcodeofcOOspok MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE WASHINGTON TOGETHER WITH THE I CITY CHARTER AND AMENDMENTS, RULES OF THE CITY COUNCIL, AND LIST OF FRANCHISE ORDINANCES REVISED, COMPILED AND CODIFIED BY E. O. CONNOR OF THE SPOKANE BAR PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY OF CITY COUNCIL. SPOKANE, WASH.: The Inland Printing Company THE INLAND PRINTING COMPANY Inland Press SPOKANE, WASHINGTON PREFACE Sf> 6 0 ^ / M (/ 5 > In preparing this code an effort has been made to arrange and classify, under separate heads and chapters, all ordinances relating to certain subjects. The idea being to present, under one head for ready ~ reference, all ordinances pertaining to< the subject matter. A table of contents of the subjects, covered by the several chapters, is pro- o* vided. While there may be some imperfections in the work, they may be overlooked when it is understood that more than two thousand J ordinances have been passed by the City Council. The work of c-^ revising, codifying and classifying this vast number of ordinances is w* considerable. The code contains all ordinances now in force, and passed prior to June 1st, 1903, with several ordinances passed since that time included. Ordinances relating to street improvements, vacations and various miscellaneous subjects, are published by title and date of passage only. The charter, and all amendments thereto, is published complete. For convenience the book is divided into three parts, viz.: the 3 first part contains the charter and municipal code; part second, con- taining street improvement, vacation, appropriation and miscellaneous ■ ordinances published by title only; part three contains the list of ^franchise ordinances and rules of the City Council. Separate indexes are arranged for the charter, for the code, for part two, and for the list of franchises. The indexes have been prepared with care, believing ^ that they are a very important part of a work of this kind, for pro- viding easy access to> the various provisions of the charter and ^ ordinances. The work of revising, codifying and publishing the charter and code is done under the direction and authority of the City Council. Spokane, July, 1903. E. O. CONNOR. I I 79304 CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK STATE OF WASHINGTON, \ COUNTY OF SPOKANE, l ss. CITY OF SPOKANE, ) r I, C. A. Fleming, City Clerk of the City of Spokane, State of Wash- ington, do hereby certify that the charter, and amendments, and ordinances, contained in this code, are true copies of the original charter, amendments and ordinances as recorded in the office of the City Clerk, of the City of Spokane, and that this code is prepared and codified by E. O. Connor, and published, under the direction and authority of the City Council of the City of Spokane. Witness my hand and official seal this 29th day of July, 1903. C. A. FLEMING, City Clerk of the City of Spokane, Wash. (SEAL) TABLE OF CONTENTS Page. City Charter 9 Chapter I — City Government and Officials 60 Chapter II — Local Improvements and Public Work 74 Chapter III — Bonds and Warrants 94 Chapter IV — Police Regulations 106 Chapter V — Health and Sanitation 130 Chapter VI — Licenses 149 Chapter VII — Streets, Sidewalks and Bridges 168 Chapter VIII — Animals and City Pound 182 Chapter IX — Bicycle Regulations 191 Chapter X — Sidewalks, Sewers and Streets 197 Chapter XI — Police Department 212 Chapter XII — Fire Department. 220 Chapter XIII — Water Department 240 Chapter XIV — Building and Plumbing Regulations. 253 Chapter XV — Public Library and Art Gallery 288 Chapter XVI — Miscellaneous Ordinances 293 Part II — Street Improvements, Appropriations and Miscellaneous Ordinances 313 Part III — List of Franchises 411 Rules of City Council 511 Index — To City Charter 519 To Municipal Code 569 To Street Improvement and Miscellaneous Ordinances.... 607 To List of Franchises 629 ERRATA. The following corrections are to be noted: On page 180, title of Ordinance No. A53, omitted, is as follows: “An ordinance relating to bridges.” On pages 275 to 280, ordinance amending No. A817, should read: “No. A1304,” instead of “No. A1034.” NOTE. — Since going to press the following ordinances have been passed : A1405, amending Ordinance No. A658, page 182; Ordinance No. A1406, amending Ordinance A1197, page 72; Ordinance No. A1451, repeals and is a substitute for Ordinance No. A1299, page 149; Ordi- nance No. A1450, amending Ordinance No. A631, page 212. OFFICERS OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT, CITY OF SPOKANE. 1903 HON. L. F. BOYD, Mayor. HON. FRED E. BALDWIN, President of City Council. MEMBERS OF CITY COUNCIL. First Ward E. W. HAND LEONARD FUNK Fifth Ward FRED E. BALDWIN J. E. FOSTER Third Ward DR. G. T. DOOLITTLE J. H. BOYD Fourth Ward G. W. BURCH J. B. LINDSLEY Second Ward N. S. PRATT FRED PEARSON CITY OFFICIALS. FLOYD L. DAGGETT City Comptroller M. H. EGGLESTON City Treasurer J. P. JTJDSON Corporation Counsel E. O. CONNOR '.Assistant Corporation Counsel A. H. KENYON Assistant Corporation Counsel C. A. FLEMING City Clerk E. M. WOYDT Chief of Police A. F. GILL City Engineer J. D. HINKLE Judge of Police Court E. C. TOUSLE Y Clerk of Police Court A. H. MYERS Chief of Fire Department MRS. ESTELLA DEFFENBAUGH City Librarian CITY COMMISSIONERS. F. P. WEYMOUTH President of Board of Public Works H. C. ROOT President of Board of Police L. B. HANDLEY President of Board of Fire Commissioners BOARD OF HEALTH. DR. G. W. ROBERTS. DR. WM. CHAPMAN. DR. C. G. BROWN. DR. H. W. ALLEN Health Officer THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE. ARTICLE I. GENERAL RIGHTS, LIABILITIES, BOUNDARIES AND WARD DIVISIONS. Section 1 . We, the people of Spokane, a city of the State of Wash- ington, having a population of more than 20,000 inhabitants, and being authorized by the constitution and laws of said state to frame a char- ter for its own government, do hereby publish and declare this to be our City Charter. The corporate name of the city is Spokane, and by that name shall have perpetual succession; may sue and defend in all courts and places, and in all matters and proceedings whatever; may have and use a seal and alter the same at pleasure; may purchase, receive, hold and enjoy real and personal property within or without its corporate limits, may condemn, appropriate, enter upon and take any lands within or with- out its corporate limits, for public squares, streets, parks, commons, houses of correction or any other proper and legitimate municipal pur- pose, and may ornament and improve the same and may erect neces- sary public buildings thereon; provided, that in all cases where private property is condemned or taken for public use, as aforesaid, the city shall pay a fair compensation therefor, to the owners of such property, and when such owners and the city are unable to agree as to the amount of such compensation, the same shall be determined in the manner provided by the general laws of the state, relating to the mode of proceeding to appropriate lands by the right of eminent domain; may have, mortgage and dispose of the same for the common benefit; and may receive bequests, devise gifts and donations of all kinds of property within and without the city for any purpose, and for the benefit or trust of charity or other public purposes; and do all acts necessary to carry out the purposes of such gift, bequests, devise and donations; have power to manage, lease, sell, dispose of the same in accordance with the terms of the gift, bequest or trust; provided, that no property which the city now owns, or may hereafter acquire for the purpose of establishing or maintaining a water supply system or light- ing system, for the city, shall be leased or sold, unless the question of IO CHARTER OF CITY OF SPOKANE such proposed lease or sale shall have been first submitted to the quali- fied electors of the city, at a special or general election and assented to by a majority of the electors voting on such question. The City of Spokane is hereby declared to be a separate highway or road district exempt from the supervision and control of the Board of County Com- missioners of Spokane county. Said County Commissioners shall not have any jurisdiction to assess, levy or collect any road, property, or road poll tax upon the property or the inhabitants therein for road or bridge purposes, and all such taxes collected within the corporate limits of said city shall belong to said city. As amended by amendment No. 1, approved and adopted by the peo- ple at an election held May 2, 1893. Sec. 2. Suits, actions and proceedings may be brought in the name of the City of Spokane Falls for the recovery of any property, money or thing belonging thereto, in law or in equity, or dedicated to public use therein; or for the enforcement of any rights of or contracts with said city, whether made or arising or occurring before or after the adoption of this charter, and the adoption of this charter shall not operate to abate or discontinue any existing suit, action in court or else- where to which said city is a party. Sec. 3. All contracts of every description heretofore duly and legal- ly made and entered into by the City of Spokane Falls by virtue of an existing law, shall remain valid and binding upon the City of Spokane Falls. Sec. 4. The City of Spokane Falls shall include within its limits the following lands and territories: The corporate limits of the City of Spokane Falls shall be bounded as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of the south- east % of section 3, township 25 north, range 43 east, W. M.; thence west to the northwest corner of the southeast % of section 2, township 25 north, range 42; thence south to the southwest corner of the south- east % of section 26, township 25 north, range 42; thence east to the southeast corner of section 28, township 25 north, range 43; thence north to place of beginning; and shall include within its corporate limits the following described lands and territory: South y 2 section 4, south y 2 section 5, south y 2 section 6, sections 7, 8, 9, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 28, 29 and 30, in township 25 north, range 43 east, W. M., and south y 2 section 1, southeast % section 2, east y 2 section 11, section 12, sec- tion 13, east y 2 section 14, east y 2 section 23, east y 2 section 26, sec- tion 24, section 25, in township 25 north, range 42 east, W. M., to- gether with such other territory, if any, heretofore or hereafter taken from or added to said city in pursuance of law. Sec. 5. The City of Spokane Falls is hereby divided into five wards, bounded and designated as follows: First Ward — The First ward shall include all that part of the city within the following boundaries: Commencing at the southeast cor- ner of the corporate limits of the city; thence north along the east line CHARTER OF CITY OF SPOKANE ii of the city limits to the north bank of the Spokane river; thence west along the north bank of the Spokane river to the center line of Division street; thence south along the center line of Division street and Di- vision street produced to the south line of the city limits; thence east along the south line of the city limits to the point of beginning. Second Ward — The Second ward shall include all that part of the city within the following boundaries: Commencing at the center line of Division street on the north bank of the Spokane river; thence west along the north bank of the Spokane river to the center line of Monroe street; thence south along the center line of Monroe street to the cen- ter line of Ninth street; thence west on center line of Ninth street to the center line of Madison street; thence south on the center line of Madison street to the south line of the city limits; thence east along the south line of the city limits to the center line of Division street pro- duced; thence north along the center line of Division street produced and of Division street to point of beginning. Third Ward — The Third ward shall include all that part of the city within the following boundaries: Commencing at the center line of Monroe street produced, on the north bank of the Spokane river; thence westerly along the northern bank of the Spokane river to the center line of section 14, township 25, range 42; thence west on said center section line to the center of said section 14, being the west limit of said city; thence south along said west line of said city limits to the southwest corner of said city limits; thence east along the south line of said city limits to the center of Madison street; thence north along the center line of Madison street to the center line of Ninth street; thence east on the center line of Ninth street to the center line of Monroe street; thence north on the center line of Monroe street to the point of beginning. Fourth Ward — The Fourth ward shall include all that part of the city within the following boundaries: Commencing at the northwest corner of the city limits; thence east along the north line of the city limits to the center of Mill street projected; thence south along the center of Mill street projected and Mill street to the north bank of the Spokane river; thence westerly along the north bank of the Spokane river to the center line of section 14, township 25, range 42; thence west to the center of section 14; thence north to the point of beginning. Fifth Ward — The Fifth ward shall include all the territory em- braced within the city limits lying north of the north bank of the Spokane river and east of the center of Mill street and Mill street pro- jected. Sec. 6. The City Council shall have power to redistrict the city into wards, and provide for the representation thereof in the City Council; provided, each ward shall have the same number of Coun- cilmen as provided herein, and there shall be no redistricting within three years from the adoption of this charter, and the term of office as 2 CHARTER OF CITY OF SPOKANE provided in this charter shall not be changed; provided further , there shall not be more than 21 members of the Council until the population of the city reaches 100,000. No ordinance redistricting the city into wards shall take effect within 60 days preceding any municipal election. Sec. 7. Whenever any new territory is added to the city, the same shall be attached to and be a part of the ward or wards adjoining thereto. Sec. 8. The City Council shall by ordinance, as often as may be neces- sary, divide the wards into election precincts in such manner as will best subserve convenience in voting and will conform to the general laws of the state; provided , no alteration of such precincts shall take place within 60 days next preceding any election held in the city after the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one. ARTICLE II. ELECTION, APPOINTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION OF CITY OFFICERS. Section 9. The officers of said city to be elected by said city at large shall be the Mayor, Treasurer and Comptroller, who shall each hold their office for the term of two years from and after the 10th day after the first Tuesday in May, A. D. 1895, and until their successors "are elected and qualified. Two Councilmen shall be elected in each ward. The Corporation Counsel, the City commissioners and such other offi- cers now existing, and such other officers as may be necessary to fill any office hereafter created to carry out the provisions of this charter, shall be appointed by the Mayor, subject to confirmation by the City Council. The City Clerk shall be elected by the City Council. The appointment of all other officers not herein specified shall be made by the Mayor, subject to confirmation by the City Council. The Corporation Counsel shall hold office for the term of two years, and all of section 79 in conflict with this section is hereby repealed. All elective officers shall hold office until their successors are elected and qualified; provided, the City Council may by ordinance, two-thirds voting therefor, authorize the Corporation Counsel to appoint one or more assistants, whenever the interests of the city demand such ap- pointment; and, provided, that section 81 of Article V of the Free- holders’ Charter, adopted March 24, A. D. 1891, be and the same is hereby repealed. As amended by amendment No. 2, approved and adopted by the people at an election held May 2, 1893, and as amended by amendment No. 27, approved and adopted by the people at an election held May 7, 1895. Sec. 10. The municipal election shall be held on the first Tuesday in May in the year 1897, and on the first Tuesday in May of every alter- nate year thereafter. Special elections shall be held at such time and for such purpose as the City Council may by ordinance prescribe. At least fifteen days’ notice shall be given of the time, place and purpose CHARTER OF CITY OF SPOKANE T 3 of any special election in such manner as shall be prescribed by the ordinance ordering the same. As amended by amendment No. 3, approved and adopted by the people at an election held May 2, 1893, and as amended by amendment No. 28, approved and adopted by the people at an election held May 7, 1895. Sec. 11. The qualification of voters at all elections shall be as pro- vided by Article VI of the constitution of the State of Washington. Sec. 12. At least twenty days prior to any election the City Council shall designate one place of voting in each precinct, and shall appoint such judges and inspectors for such place of voting as shall be required by the general laws for state and county elections. Sec. 13. At all elections votes shall be by ballot, and the polls shall be open at 9 a. m. and close at 7 p. m. Sec. 14. The City Clerk, under the direction of ‘the City Council, shall give fifteen days’ notice by posting at each voting place in the city a notice of the time and place of holding each election and the officers to be elected, and in all cases notice shall be published in the city of- ficial newspaper for at least ten days next preceding such election of the time, place and purpose of such election. It shall be the duty of the City Clerk to cause to be made out and delivered at each voting place by the time fixed by law for the opening of the polls on the day of each election all necessary books and lists required by the general law of the state for holding such election. Im- mediately after the close- of the polls the judges and inspectors of elec- tion shall then and there, without removing the ballot boxes from the place where the ballots were cast, proceed to canvass all votes, and such canvass made, and the return thereof shall be signed by the judges and inspectors, securely sealed and delivered to the City Clerk by one of their number not more than twelve hours after the same are sealed. On the first Friday evening after the election the City Council shall meet at 7 o’clock p. m. and proced to canvass the returns of such election, and shall thereupon declare the result and what persons are elected; and in case of a tie vote for any office, the City Council shall decide by lot which person having the highest and equal [number] of votes shall be elected to said office. If from any cause the meeting of the City Council shall not take place, and the vote shall not be canvassed, the canvass shall take place at the next meeting of the Council thereafter. The statement of such canvass shall be made out and signed by the President of the City Council and filed with the City Clerk, who, within three days thereafter, shall make out and cause to be delivered to each person elected a certificate of election. And every person elected shall qualify within seven days thereafter, and in case of failure to so qualify his office shall, at the option of the City Council, be declared vacant. -Sec. 15. (Repealed by amendment No. 54, adopted by the people at the election held May 5, 1903.) Sec. 16. The terms of all officers not herein otherwise provided shall * 4 CHARTER OF CITY OF SPOKANE cease upon the tenth day after the first Tuesday in May, but all officers shall hold their offices until their successors are elected or appointed. Sec. 17. Should any vacancy occur in any elective office, such vacan- cy shall be filled by the majority vote of all the members of the City Council until the next general election for city officers. ARTICLE III. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. Section 18. The Mayor shall be the chief executive officer of the city, and all contracts, in writing, entered into by the Board of Public Works, Board of Fire Commissioners or Board of Police, to which the city shall be a party, shall be approved by him before becoming effect- ive; but he shall not be entitled to vote nor participate in the delibera- tions of the City Council. As amended by amendment No. 38, approved and adopted by the people at an election held May 4, 1897. Sec. 19. He shall be a citizen of the United States and of the State of Washington. He shall be a freeholder of the city, and shall have been an inhabitant of the territory embraced within the city limits at the time of the election for a period of at least three years. Sec. 20. He shall vigilantly observe the official conduct of all pub- lic officers, and take note of the fidelity and exactness, or want thereof, with which they execute their duties and obligations, especially in the collection, custody, administration and disbursement of the public funds and property; and the books, records and official papers of all - departments, boards officers or persons in the employ or service of the city shall at all times be open to his inspection and examination. He shall take especial care to see that the books and records of said de- partments, board, officers and persons are kept in legal and proper form; and any official defalcation or wilful neglect of duty or official misconduct which he may discover or which may be reported to him shall be laid by him before the City Council, and the Grand Jury or Prosecuting Attorney of Spokane County, in order that the public inter- ests shall be protected and the person in fault proceeded against ac- cording to law. He shall from time to time give the City Council in- formation in writing relative to the state of the city, and may recom- mend such measures as he may deem beneficial to its interests. He shall see that the ordinances of the city are observed and enforced. He shall have a general supervision over all the departments and public in- stitutions of the city, and see that they are honestly, economically and lawfully conducted. He shall take all proper measures for the preser- vation of public order and the supression of all riots and tumults. Sec. 21. He shall see that all contracts and agreements with the city are faithfully kept and fully performed; and to that end shall cause legal proceedings to be commenced and prosecuted in the name of the CHARTER OF CITY OF SPOKANE 15 city against all persons or corporations failing to fulfill their agree- ments or contracts, either in whole or in part. Sec. 22. The Mayor may call extra sessions of the City Council, and shall do so upon written request of five members of the City Council, and shall communicate to them in writing when assembled the objects for which they have been convened, and their actions at such sessions shall be confined to such objects. Sec. 23. The Mayor shall approve of all official and other bonds except as otherwise provided for in this charter. He shall have power at all times, in any emergency, of which he shall lae the judge, to assume command of the whole or any part of the po-ice force of the city. In case of riot, tumult or violent disturbance of the public order, the Mayor shall have, as the exigency in his judg- ment may require, the right to assume control for the time being of the police force; but before assuming such control he shall issue his proclamation to that effect, and it shall be the duty of the Board of Police and Chief of Police to execute orders promulgated by him for the suppression of such tumult and the restoration of order. Sec. 24. The Mayor is empowered to call on every male inhabitant of the city over the age of 18 years to aid in enforcing the laws and ordinances in force in said city, and in preserving the peace and safety of the same; and the City Council shall have power to provide by ordi- nance for the punishment of any person who shall refuse to afford such aid when so required. As amended by amendment No. 4, approved and adopted by the people at an election held May 2, 1S93. Sec. 25. The Mayor or Chief of the Fire Department shall have power to call on every male inhabitant of the city over the age of 18 years to aid in preventing and extinguishing fires; and the City Council shall have power to provide by ordinance for the punishment of any person who shall refuse to afford such aid when so required. As amended by amendment No. 5, approved and adopted by the people at an election held May 2, 1893. ARTICLE IV. LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT. Section 26. All legislative powers of the City of Spokane Falls shall be vested in the Mayor and City Council. Sec. 27. The City Council shall consist of ten members. No person shall be eligible to the office of Councilman unless he is an elector of the ward in which he is elected and a freeholder in the city, and shall have been such freeholder at least one year next preceding his election, and shall have been a resident of the territory comprising the city for two years next preceding his election. As amended by amendment No. 29, approved and adopted by the people at an election held May 7, 1895. i6 CHARTER OF CITY OF SPOKANE Sec. 28. The five Councilmen elected at an annual election held in the year 1895 shall each hold his office for the term of two years, be- ginning on the tenth day after the first Tuesday in May, A. D., 1896, and thereafter at each biennial election two councilmen shall be elected in each ward. Five of said Councilmen, one from each ward, shall take their seats ten days after said election, and five of said councilmen, one from each ward, shall take their* seats ten days after the first Tuesday in May of the year following their election, and the ballots shall desig- nate the term for which each councilman is elected, and the time that each Councilman so elected shall take his seat. As amended by amendment No. 30, approved and adopted by the people at an election held May 7, 1895. Sec. 29. No member of the City Council, of any board, or any other officer or e'mploye of the city, shall in any manner, either directly or indirectly, be interested in any contract with the city or any board of the city, nor interested in furnishing any material, nor shall any of the parties enumerated be permitted, either directly or indirectly, to deal in the warrants of the city, or upon any special fund; and any member of the City Council, of any board, or any officer or employe of the city who shall violate any part of this section shall thereby forfeit his office or employment, and all such contracts shall be ipso facto void, and the offender shall be liable to such penalties as may be provided by ordi- nance. Sec. 30. The City Council shall elect one of its members President thereof, who shall perform the duties usual to a presiding officer, and shall have the same right to vote and participate in the arguments and deliberations as other members of the City Council. A majority of all members of the City Council shall constitute a quorum, but a less num- ber may adjourn from day to day or until the next regular meeting, and may compel the attendance of absent members in such manner as said Council may by ordinance or resolution provide. The President may be removed at any time by a two-thirds vote of all the members of the Council. In the absence of the President any member of the City Coun- cil may be called upon to act as President pro tem. In case of the ab- sence or inability to act of the Mayor, the President of the City Council shall during such absence or inability to act assume and discharge the duties of Mayor. Sec. 31. The City Council shall establish rules for its government, keep a journal of its proceedings and permit the publication of the same. The yeas and nays shall be called upon any question upon the demand of any member, and the vote so taken shall be entered in full upon the journal. All votes of the City Council shall be viva voce. Sec. 32. The City Council shall have power to punish its members for contempt, for non-attendance and for disorderly conduct or conduct unbecoming a member of the City Council, and to expel any member by a two-thirds vote of the whole Council. The President of the City Council shall appoint such committees as may be provided by the City CHARTER OF CITY OF SPOKANE 17 Council, one of which shall be denominated the Finance Committee, and each committee so appointed shall have the power to perform the duties and functions allotted to it. Sec. 33. At 10 o’clock a. m. of the second Friday following the an- nual municipal election the City Council shall meet, at which time, the newly-elected Councilmen shall assume the duties of their office. The City Council shall meet at such other times as it may by ordinance or resolution determine; provided, it shall meet at least semi-monthly. All meetings and proceedings of the City Council shall be public. Sec. 34. All legislative acts of the City Council shall be by ordi- nance, the subject of which shall be clearly set out in the title; and no ordinance shall contain more than one subject. The enacting clause shall be: “The City of Spokane Falls does ordain as follows,” and no ordinance shall become a law unless a majority of all the members of the City Council shall have voted therefor. Every ordinance, after the passage thereof, shall be signed by the President of the Council and at- tested by the Clerk, and shall forthwith be transmitted to the Mayor for his approval. If he approves, he shall sign it; if not, he shall return it with his objections in writing to the City Council by depositing the same with the City Clerk, who shall present the same to the City Coun- cil at its next regular meeting thereafter. Said objections shall be en- tered upon the journal of its proceedings, and the Council shall then consider said objections; if after such consideration two-thirds of the members of the Council shall vote to pass the ordinance, notwithstand- ing such objections, it shall become a law. If any ordinance presented to the Mayor contain several sections or items, he may object to one or more sections or items while approving the other portions of the ordi- nance. In such case the sectins or items objected to shall not take ef- fect unless passed over the Mayor’s objection, as hereinbefore provided for the passage of ordinances notwithstanding the Mayor’s objection. If any ordinance shall not be returned by the Mayor within five days, exclusive of Sundays or legal holidays, after it shall have been present- ed to him, the same shall become a law in like manner as if he had ap- proved the same. Sec. 35. Every ordinance, after its passage, shall be recorded in a book kept for that purpose, which record shall be authenticated by the President of the City Council and attested by the City Clerk; and, in case said ordinance is also approved by the Mayor, he shall also sign said record. Every ordinance shall be published in the official newspa- per of the city within five days after its adoption, either by approval of the Mayor or over his veto, and every ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after ten days after its passage, whether it shall have been properly published or not. If an ordinance shall declare an emergency to exist, it shall go into effect, if so stated in the ordinance, forthwith upon its adoption in any of the ways herein stated. As amended by amendment No. 41, approved and adopted by the people at an election held May 2, 1899. 2 i8 CHARTER OF CITY OF SPOKANE Sec. 36. No ordinance or section thereof shall be revised or amended except by ordinance, which new ordinance shall contain the entire ordi- nance or section as amended; nor shall the City Council, by resolution or motion, except any person or corporation from the provisions or re- quirements of any ordinance. As amended by amendment No. 42, approved and adopted by the people at an election held May 2, 1899. Sec. 37. The City Council shall annually let the legal advertising to the lowest and best bidder, who shall give bonds to the city in such sum as may be fixed by the City Council to well and faithfully perform the conditions of the contract; and it shall be the duty of the City Council, after having let the contract for publishing the legal notices of the city, to designate the newspaper published by the party receiving such contract as the official newspaper of the city. All ordinances, reso- lutions, notices, tax and assessment sales, and other proceedings, state- ments, doing or matters of the city required to be published shall be printed therein. If for any reason a new contract shall not have been let at or before the expiration of any existing annual contract, such ex- isting contract shall continue in force at the same rates for publica- tions, and under the same terms, except as to the duration thereof, un- til such time as a new contract shall have been let; provided, such new contract be let within a reasonable time; and such paper shall, during any such continuance of any contract, remain the official newspaper of the city. Contracts for blank books, job printing and stationery, or any part thereof, may also he made with the lowest responsible bidder for all or any portion of such work or stationery, if the majority of the City Council shall deem such contract desirable. As amended by amendment No. 50, approved and adopted by the people at an election held May 7, 1901. Sec. 38. No ordinance obligating the city for the payment of more than $1,000, or vacating any street, highway or alley, or granting any franchise, shall be passed before the second regular meeting of the Council after its introduction; nor shall any ordinance vacating any street, highway or alley, or granting any franchise, be passed until no- tice of application for same be published in the official newspaper of the city by the party applying therefor, containing a copy of the ordinance so applied for and without cost to the city. No ordinance granting a franchise shall be passed within thirty days from its introduction, and no exclusive franchise or special privilege shall ever be granted. Sec. 39. All appropriations of money shall be by ordinance, and no money shall be drawn from the treasury except in pursuance of an appropriation; provided, always, that where a fund has been created to be expended for a specific purpose, the same may be paid as therein provided by order of the Council or proper board or officer having charge of such specific fund. Sec. 40. The City Council shall not allow or permit the erection of CHARTER OF CITY OF SPOKANE IQ any house, building, booth or stand, or like structure, in any street, avenue or alley within the limits of the city; provided, this section shall not apply to drinking fountains or monuments. Sec. 41. The City of Spokane Falls shall have power to establish and regulate markets, to provide for weighing, measuring and inspec- tion of all articles of fuel, food or drink offered for sale thereat, or at any place within the limits of the city; by proper penalties to enforce the keeping of proper legal weights and measures by all vendors within the city, and to provide for the inspection of such weights and meas- ures. Sec. 42. To erect and establish hospitals and pesthouses and to control and regulate the same; provided, further, that the city may enter into contracts with hospitals and charitable associations for the care and treatment of indigent sick, children and others who are un- able to care for themselves, and may compensate such hospitals and associations. As amended by amendment No. 51, approved and adopted by the people at an election held May 7, 1901. Sec. 43. To erect and establish workhouses and jails, and to con- trol and regulate the same, and to provide for the working of prisoners contained therein. Sec. 44. To provide for establishing and maintaining reform or training schools for juvenile offenders. Sec. 45. To create, establish and maintain a public library. Sec. 46. To regulate the burial of the dead, and to establish and regulate cemeteries within or without corporate limits,, and to acquire land therefor by purchase or condemnation or otherwise; to cause cem- eteries to be removed beyond the limits of the corporation, and to pro- hibit the establishment of any cemetery within two miles of the boun- daries of the city. Sec. 47. To direct the location and construction of all buildings in which any trade or occupation offensive to the senses or deleterious to the public health or safety shall be carried on, and to regulate the use thereof in such manner as to insure the public health, safety and com- fort; and to prohibit the erection and maintenance of such buildings or structures, or the carrying on of such trades or occupations within the limits of said city, or within the distance of two miles beyond the boundaries thereof. Sec. 48. To make regulations for the prevention of accidents by fire, to provide fire engines and other apparatus, and to provide for the prevention and extinguishment of fires, and to regulate or prohibit the transportation, keeping or storage of all combustible or explosive ma- terials within the corporate limits of the city, and to restrain or regu- late or prohibit the use of fireworks. Sec. 49. To establish fire limits and enlarge the same as circum- stances may require, and make all such regulations for the erection and maintenance of buildings and other structures within the corpor-- 20 CHARTER OF CITY OF SPOKANE ate limits as the safety of persons or property may require, and to cause all such places and buildings as may from any cause be in a dangerous state to be put in a safe condition, and to prohibit the erection or con- struction within such fire limits of any building or structure, or any addition to any building or structure, unless such building, structure or addition be constructed of such material and in conformity to such rules, regulations and conditions as the City Council shall have pro- vided; and to provide for the removal of any building or structure, or any addition to any building or structure, erected contrary to such prohibition, and to prohibit and regulate the removal of all erections and buildings within the city limits. Sec. 50. To regulate the manner in which stone, brick and other buildings, fences and party walls shall be constructed and maintained. Sec. 51. To require the owners of public halls or other buildings to provide suitable means of exit; to provide for the prevention and abatement of nuisances, for the cleaning and purification of water courses and canals, for the draining and filling up of ponds on private property within its limits, when the same shall he offensive to the senses or dangerous to the health; to regulate and control and provide for the prevention and punishment of the defilement and pollution of all streams running into or through its corporate limits, and for the distance of five miles beyond its corporate limits, and on any stream or lake from which the water supply of the city is or may be taken for a distance of five miles beyond its source of supply; to provide for the cleaning of areas, vaults and other places within the corporate limits which may be kept so as to become offensive to the senses or dangerous to the health, and to make all such quarantine and other regulations as may be necessary for the preservation of the public health, and to re- move all persons infected with any infectious or contagious disease to some suitable place to be provided for that purpose. Sec. 52. To declare what shall be a nuisance and to provide for the abatement of the same, and for the punishment of any person or party who may create, continue or suffer a nuisance to exist. Sec. 53. To regulate or prohibit the carrying on within the cor- porate limits of the city of occupations which are of such nature as to affect the public health or good order of the city, or to disturb the pub- lic peace, and which are not prohibited by law, and to provide for the punishment of all persons violating such regulations, and of all per- sons who knowingly permit the same to be violated in any building or upon any premises owned or controlled by them. Sec. 54. To restrain and provide for the punishment of vagrants, mendicants, prostitutes and other disorderly persons; to prohibit and provide for the suppression of houses of prostitution or ill-fame, places where smoking of opium is permitted, gambling-houses and other disor- derly houses or places. Sec. 55. To provide for the punishment of all disorderly conduct and of all practices dangerous to public safety or health, and make all CHARTER OF CITY OF SPOKANE 21 regulations necessary for the preservation of public morality, health, peace and good order within its limits, and to provide for the arrest, trial and punishment of all persons violating any ordinance of the city; but such punishment shall in no case exceed the punishment pro- vided by the laws of the State of Washington for misdemeanors. Sec. 56. To restrain and prevent domestic and other animals from running at large, and to regulate or prohibit the driving of cattle or stock upon and over the streets or bridges within the city or any of them; and to license, tax, regulate and restrain the keeping of dogs within the city limits, and to authorize the distraining, impounding and sale of domestic and other animals for the penalty incurred and costs of proceeding, and to authorize the destruction of dogs impounded for want of a license. Sec. 57. To make all rules and regulations necessary or proper to carry into execution all powers vested by this charter or by law in said city, or in any department or officer thereof, unless otherwise provided for in this charter. The City of Spokane has power to own, erect, purchase, construct, or otherwise acquire and maintain, waterworks within or without the corporate limits of said city, to supply said city and its inhabitants with water, and to regulate and control the use and price of the water so supplied. To provide for lighting the streets and all public places, and for fur- nishing the inhabitants with gas or other lights, and to erect or other- wise acquire and maintain the same within or without the corporate limits of said city, or authorize the erection and maintenance of such works as may be necessary and convenient therefor, and to regulate the use and price thereof. As amended by amendment No. 7, approved and adopted by the people at an election held May 2, 1893. Sec. 58. To regulate the placing of all interior and exterior elec- tric lighting and power wires, circuits and apparatus, and to make regu- lations for the prevention of danger to life and property from the use of such electric lighting or power wires, circuits and apparatus. Sec. 59. To provide for the supervision of the placing of all such electric lighting or power wires, circuits and apparatus, and of the electric fire alarm system by a competent electrician. To license, regulate and restrain the selling or giving away of malt, vinous, fermented, intoxicating or mixed liquors, and to revoke such licenses or refuse to issue a license to any person to deal in the same, and to prescribe limits within which any license for the sale of such liquors shall be granted; provided, no license shall be granted to any person or persons who shall not first comply with the general laws of the state in force at the time the same is granted; and that no license shall be granted to continue longer than one year from the date thereof; and, provided further, that no retail license shall be granted for a less sum than $500. 22 CHARTER OF CITY OF SPOKANE To grant licenses for any lawful purpose, and to fix by ordinance the amount to be paid therefor, and to provide for revoking the same; provided, no license shall be required from merchants, manufacturers, artisans, mechanics and professional persons having a fixed place of business, where such business is carried on, and who do not, as a whole or part of their business, offer for sale or deal in intoxicating, spiritous, malt, vinous, mixed or fermented liquors. To establish stands for hacks and other vehicles for hire, and regu- late the charges for hacks and other vehicles carrying passengers, par- cels or freight for hire, and require the schedule of such charges to be posted in every such hack or other vehicle. To fix the price of water and light furnished to the inhabitants of the city by any person or corporation other than the city, and to regu- late the supply and use thereof, whether by persons or corporations now holding franchises or hereafter obtaining franchises. To license, tax, regulate and control hawkers, peddlers, shows, theatricals, circuses and all other classes of business not otherwise in this charter provided for. To provide for naming streets and numbering houses; for regulating and preventing the exhibition of banners, flags, signs and placards, across streets or sidewalks; for regulating or suppressing public criers, advertising, ringing of bells, blowing whistles or other noises. To regulate all parades and processions, and to determine what parades and processions upon the streets shall be unlawful, and to de- clare the same a nuisance. To order an enumeration of the inhabitants of the city, and provide the manner of taking such enumeration. The City Council shall have power by three-fifths vote of all its members to remove any elective officer of the city upon charges of mis- conduct or malfeasance in office, under such rules and provisions and mode of procedure and trial as may be established by ordinance. To create such offices not herein provided for as the needs of the city may require, and to establish and regulate the salary, and to pre- scribe the powers and duties of the same. As amended by amendment No. 8, approved and adopted by the people at an election held May 2, 1893. Sec. 60. The City of Spokane Palls shall have and exercise all such powers and privileges as are incidental to and usually exercised by municipal corporations of like character and degree, whether the same are in this charter specially enumerated or not, and as may be necessary for carrying into effect the provisions of this charter according to the true intent and meaning thereof. Sec. 61. The City of Spokane is authorized to construct and main- tain, or cause to be constructed and maintained, sidewalks, and to curb, recurb, grade, regrade, pave, repave, plank, replank, macadamize, re- macadamize, gutter and regutter any street, avenue, public way or alley therein, or any part of any such street, avenue, public way or alley; and CHARTER OF CITY OF SPOKANE 23 to pay for the cost of such improvement, may levy and collect a special tax or assessment upon the lots and parcels of land abutting upon, ad- jacent or proximate to the portion of the street, avenue, public way or alley so improved; and, for this purpose, the city shall, by ordinance, establish assessment districts, which shall include the lots and parcels of land benefited by said improvement; provided, however, that such assessment district shall be coterminous with the portion of the street, avenue, public way or alley improved, and the side lines of such assess- ment district shall in no event be distant more than 150 feet from the nearest side line of the street, avenue, public way or alley improved, and all lots or parcels of land within such assessment district (except land included within streets, avenues, public ways or alleys) shall be deemed and taken to be lots and parcels of land abutting upon, adjacent or proximate to the portion of the street, avenue, public way or alley improved; provided further, that in all assessments and levies to pay the cost and expense of any improvement, real estate only shall be as- sessed, excluding from such assessment all improvements thereon, whether the same are affixed to the land or not, and the improvements upon such land shall not be taken or assessed as any part of the land, or at all. The action of the City Council in the creation of such assess- ment district shall be final and conclusive. No improvement, where the whole or any portion of the cost and expense thereof is to be defrayed by the collection of special assess- ments upon the property specially benefited thereby, shall be ordered unless the owners of at least one-half of the property subject to con- tribute to such improvement, shall file a petition therefor; provided, that the legal representatives of such owners may sign such petition for and on behalf of the owners; provided further, that such improve- ment may be ordered without petition by an ordinance which shall have passed by a vote of at least two-thirds of the whole council. All peti- tions for improvements shall be filed with the Board of Public Works. As amended by amendment No. 49, approved and adopted by the people at an election held May 7, 1901. Sec. 62. Whenever a petition for the curbing, grading, paving, planking, macadamizing, guttering or sidewalking, or the recurbing, re- grading, repaving, replanking, remacadamizing, reguttering or reside- walking of any street, avenue, public way or alley, shall be filed with the Board of Public Works, the board shall ascertain if the signers thereof are the owners of at least one-half of the property subject to contribute to such improvement; and if they find such to be the fact, they shall report such petition to the City Council, with their recom- mendation. Such report shall contain such data and information with respect to such work as the city may by general ordinance prescribe. Whenever, in the absence of any petition, the Council shall deem it ad- visable to order such improvement, it shall by resolution direct the Board of Public Works to prepare and transmit a report of such work; and said board shall thereupon prepare and file such report in the same 24 CHARTER OF CITY OF SPOKANE manner as if there had been a petition therefor and favorable report by the board. The Council may order any such improvement, notwith- standing an adverse report by the board; but no improvement shall be ordered in any case until there shall have been filed with the Council by the Board of Public Works a report upon such proposed improve- ment. As amended by amendment No. 49, approved and adopted by the people at an election held May 7, 1901. Sec. 63. The City of Spokane is authorized and empowered to pre- scribe by general ordinance the mode in which the charge on the re- spective lots and parcels of land shall be assessed and determined for the purpose of paying the cost and expense of any and all street im- provements. Such charge, when assessed and the assessment roll con- firmed by the City Council in the manner hereinafter authorized, shall be a lien upon such lots and parcels of land as are shown on such as- sessment roll from the time said assessment roll shall be placed in the hands of the Tax Collector. All assessments levied upon lands of the United States, State of Washington, state university, County of Spo- kane, any school district, and the City of Spokane, except streets, av- enues, public ways and alleys (which shall not be assessed), shall be paid by the City of Spokane out of the general fund. As amended by amendment No. 49, approved and adopted by the people at an election held May 7, 1901. Sec. 64. The Board of Public Works shall make out and certify to the City Council the assessment roll, showing the assessments upon each lot or parcel of land contained in the assessment district. Such assessment roll shall be prepared in such manner and form as may be prescribed by ordinance. As amended by amendment No. 49, approved and adopted by the people at an election held May 7, 1901. Sec. 65. Upon receiving said assessment roll, the City Clerk shall forthwith give notice by publication for at least five days in the official newspaper that the assessment roll is on file in his office, the date of the filing of the same, and that the same is open for public inspection, and said notice shall state a time within which the City Council will meet to hear appeals of the parties aggrived by such assessment. Sec. 66. Any party claiming to be aggrieved by said assessment, whether named in the assessment roll or not, may, at any time after the first publication of such notice, and prior to such time before the date fixed for such hearing as may be prescribed by general ordinance, file written objections to, or protests against, such assessment roll. He shall state therein his grounds of his objection or protest, and the City Council may, in its discretion, refuse to consider any grounds of protest or ob- jection, or any protests or objections to such assessment roll, or any of the assessments therein not so specified and filed; and the regularity and correctness of the proceedings in ordering said improvement and in levying said assessments, and the correctness of the amounts of said CHARTER OF CITY OF SPOKANE 25 assessments, and of the amount levied upon each particular lot or par- cel of land, shall not, in any manner or by any proceeding whatsoever, be contested or questioned by any person not filing written objections to any such assessment roll, or to such assessments as hereinbefore de- scribed. As amended by amendment No. 49, approved and adopted by the people at an election held May 7, 1901. Sec. 67. At the time appointed for hearing objections to such assess- ment the Council shall hear and determine all objections which have been filed by any party interested to the regularity of the proceedings in making such assessment and to the correctness of the amount of such assessment, or of the amount levied on any particular lot or parcel of land; and the Council shall have the power to adjourn such hearing from time to time, and shall have power, in their discretion, to revise, correct, confirm or set aside, and to order that such assess- ment be made de novo, and such council shall pass an order approving and confirming said proceedings and said assessment, as cor- rected by them, and their decision and order shall be a final determina- tion of the regularity, validity and correctness of said assessment, to the amount thereof, levied on each lot or parcel of land. Any person who has filed objections to such assessment, as herein- before provided, shall have the right of appeal to the Superior Court in the same manner as is now provided for appeals from reassessments in an act of the legislature of the State of Washington, entitled “An act relating to and authorizing the collection of assess- ments for local improvements by a new assessment or reassessment of the cost and expenses of making same in cities and towns, and de- claring an emergency,” approved March 9, 1893, as the same stands at the time of the adoption of this amendment, and such appeal, and all proceedings thereunder, shall be conducted as in said act prescribed, and said act shall govern said appeal in every respect. As amended by amendment No. 45, approved and adopted by the people at an election held May 2, 1899. Sec. 68. The city shall prescribe by ordinance within what time, or times, such assessments, or installments thereof, shall be paid; and may provide for the payment and collection of interest at a rate not exceed- ing eight per cent, per annum upon all unpaid installments. The city may prescribe by general ordinance in what manner and to whom such assessments and installments shall be paid, and for the giving of notice by publication for a reasonable time in the official newspaper that the roll is in the hands of the collector, that the assessments are payable and the date when the same become delinquent. Such notice shall be a sufficient demand for payment; and it shall be the duty of any person whose property is assessed for improvements, as herein provided, to pay all such assessments before the same become delinquent. Assessments ,or installments thereof, shall, when delinquent, bear such interest and penalty as may by ordinance be prescribed; and such penalty and interest shall be added to and be a part of the assessment ?6 CHARTER OF CITY OF SPOKANE lien. Delinquent assessments shall be enforced and the lien thereof foreclosed in such manner as the city may by ordinance prescribe. And the city is hereby authorized and empowered to provide for the sale of lands upon which there are delinquent assessments for the amount of such assessments, penalties, interest and costs, as may he due, upon reasonable published notice (the time and manner of such notice to be prescribed by general ordinance) ; the execution and delivery of cer- tificates of sale to the purchaser, and the time and manner and costs of redemption; provided, that said time shall not be less than one year from date of sale; the execution and delivery of assessment deeds; and may, so far as consistent with the laws and constitution of Washington and of the United States, prescribe the effect of such deeds as prima facie and conclusive evidence of the validity and regularity of the im- provement and assessment proceedings culminating in the issuance of such deed. The city may provide for the bringing of suits in court in the name of the city to enforce the collection of such assessments, fore- closure of such assessment liens and recovery of costs. In such pro- ceedings all owners of property upon which there are delinquent assess- ments, or installments thereof, arising under a single roll, may be join- ed as defendants, and all liens for such assessments may be foreclosed in such action. In such proceedings it shall be sufficient to allege the passage of the assessment ordinance, the assessment, the confirmation thereof and the failure to pay within the time prescribed. The assess- ment roll and order of confirmation, or authenticated copies thereof, shall be prima facie evidence of the regularity and validity of the pro- ceedings connected therewith, and the burden of proof shall be upon the defendants. The decree in such proceedings shall be for the amount due and costs, and for the sale of the land therefor. The city may provide for the issuance of delinquent assessment certificates for any and all delinquent assessments, or installments thereof; and may pro- vide that such certificates shall bear interest at a prescribed rate, not to exceed fifteen per cent, per annum, from the date of issuance; and such certificates shall constitute a lien upon the assessed premises for the amount thereof and costs; and that the same may be foreclosed in the same manner and with the same effect as mortgages upon real estate are foreclosed, or as delinquent tax certificates are foreclosed. It may make such certificates assignable in writing, may guaranty them in whole or in part, and prescribe the time, manner and terms in and upon wdiich the land may be redeemed. Such cer- tificates shall be prima facie evidence that the land against which the same were issued was subject to the assessment, was properly and regularly assessed, and that the assessment, or installment, for which the certificate was issued, was not paid prior to the issuance thereof. The city may prescribe any other means for the enforcement of the payment of delinquent assessments, or installments thereof, and the foreclosure of the assessment liens, not forbidden by law. The city may provide that at the sale of lands for delinquent assess- CHARTER OF CITY OF SPOKANE 27 ments, or installments thereof, the lands shall be struck off to it, if there he no bidder therefor of the amount of the assessment, penalties, interest and costs, and that the certificates of sale and assessment deed shall be issued and delivered to itself, and in its name, as purchaser; and may provide for the issuance to itself of all or any of the delinquent assessment certificates, either at the date of delinquency or after a fixed period; and may foreclose the same in its own name; provided, however, that any and all property which the city may acquire through proceedings for the collection of delinquent assessments, or installments thereof, or the foreclosure of assessment liens, shall be held in trust for the fund for the creation of which such assessment was levied; and the city shall provide for the execution of such trust in such manner as may be equitable; provided further, that the city shall not be liable for any assessment fund, or for any claims or demands whatsoever against such funds, except as trustee thereof; and the holders or own- ers of any claims or demands against any special assessment fund shall look only to such fund tor the payment thereof, and shall have no claim against said city therefor, except from such fund. All moneys collected or received upon assessments for local improve- ments shall be kept as a separate fund, and shall be solely for the pur- pose for which such fund was created. The provisions of this section shall apply to assessments heretofore levied and assessment liens heretofore created, as well as to those to be hereafter levied and created. As amended by amendment No. 49, approved and adopted by the people at an election held May 7, 1901. Sec. 69. In all cases of special assessments for local improvements of any kind against any property, persons or corporations whatsoever, and when said assessments have failed to be valid, in whole or in part, for any cause, the City of Spokane is hereby authorized to reassess such special taxes or assessments; provided, that in all cases where a reas- sessment for any local improvement shall be made the assessment dis- trict for such reassessment shall be created for the same territory as that comprised in the district upon which the original assessment was attempted to be levied. Whenever for any cause, mistake or inadvertence, the amount assess- ed shall not be sufficient to pay the cost of the improvement made and enjoyed by the owners of the property in the local assessment district where the same is made, the city is authorized to make a reassessment for such improvement. All reassessments shall be made and collected in accordance with the law or the ordinances existing at the time of its levy, and shall con- stitute a lien upon the lots and parcels of land reassessed from the time such reassessment roll is placed in the hands of the tax collector. As- sessment and reassessment liens, and the liens of delinquent assess- ment certificates, shall be paramount to all other liens or encum- brances whatsoever, except for assessments and general taxes. 28 CHARTER OF CITY OF SPOKANE As amended by amendment No. 49, approved and adopted by the people at an election held May 7, 1901. Sec. 70. Whenever the city shall provide for any improvements, the whole or any part of the cost and expense of which may be assessed against the land included in any local assessment district, it may, in its discretion, provide for the payment of the cost and expense thereof by the issuance of local improvement bonds, and for the payment of such bonds, with interest on the same, from assessments to be levied and collected from the property liable for the cost and expense of such improvement within the assessment district created for such improve- ment. Such bonds shall, by their terms, be made payable on or before a date not to exceed ten years from and after the date of the issuance thereof, which latter date may be prescribed by resolution or ordinance, but may be issued subject to call and retirement upon reasonable notice. They shall bear such interest as may be provided in the ordinance au- thorizing the issuance thereof, not exceeding eight per cent, per annum, which interest shall be paid annually or semiannually, as prescribed by ordinance. The City of Spokane shall not be liable upon such bonds except as trustee for the district and bondholder. As amended by amendment No. 49, approved and adopted by the people at an election held May 7, 1901. Sec. 71. Nothing in this amendment contained shall be construed to repeal or annul any ordinance heretofore passed, or to vacate, annul or set aside any assessment or reassessment heretofore levied or or- dered. As amended by amendment No. 49, approved and adopted by the people at an election held May 7, 1901. Sections 72, 73 and 74 repealed by amendment No. 49, approved and adopted by the people at an election held May 7, 1901. Sec. 75. The City of Spokane shall have the sole and exclusive con- trol of all streets, highways, alleys and grounds within its limits dedi- cated to public use. The fee of all property dedicated to public use shall be vested in the City of Spokane. The City Council shall have power to establish the grade of all streets by ordinance, and after the grade of a street has once been established it shall not be changed, ex- cept by ordinance, after a report on same by the Board of Public Works, and ordered by a two-thirds vote of all the members of the City Coun- cil; provided, that no street shall be regraded until after a report on same by the Board of Public Works and ordered by a two-thirds vote of all the members of the City Council. As amended by amendment No. 11, approved and adopted by the people at an election held May 2, 1893. Sec. 75%. The City of Spokane is empowered to provide for the sewerage of said city. It may by ordinance prescribe the manner in which such improvements may be made, and prescribe all needful regu- lations for the exercise of the power hereby conferred. It may establish sewer districts in conformity with the requirements of the topography CHARTER OF CITY OF SPOKANE 29 of the ground, and construct in each of said districts a main or trunk sewer, and it may provide for the payment therefor by a special tax upon the real property in such district, or by special assessments upon the land included therein, excluding all improvements thereon, whether the same be affixed to the land or not, and such sewer districts shall in- clude all land which can be conveniently drained or sewered into such main or trunk sewer. The city may from time to time establish in connection with such main or trunk sewer, subsewer districts, and construct and maintain in such districts a subsewer for the purpose of drainage and sewerage, directly or indirectly, into a main or trunk sewer. The boundaries of such subsewer district shall be prescribed by ordinance, and the cost and expense of establishing and constructing such subsewer shall be assessed upon the realty benefited thereby. All proceedings for the establishment of drainage or sewer districts and subsewer districts shall, as far as practicable, conform to the meth- ods herein prescribed for the establishment of street improvement dis- tricts; and assessments to pay the cost and expense thereof (which as- sessments are hereby made a lien paramount to all liens or encum- brances, except for assessments or general taxes, from the time the as- sessment roll is placed in the hands of the tax collector) may be made, collected and such liens enforced, in the same manner and by the same means as assessments for street improvements; and the City of Spo- kane is authorized and empowered to use all the means, including the issuance, sale and foreclosure of delinquent assessment certificates, to collect such drainage and sewer district assessments that it may use to collect street improvement assessments. As amended by amendment No. 52, approved and adopted by the people at an election held May 7, 1901. Sec. 76. The City of Spokane Falls shall have power to authorize or prohibit the construction, maintenance or operation of any railway to- be operated by steam, electricity, cable, horse or other power upon any streets, highways, alleys or public grounds of the city, subject to such restrictions and upon such conditions as the City Council may deem the public interests to require; and to prescribe and enforce the terms and conditions upon which the same may be constructed, main- tained or operated. To regulate the moving and the operation, the time, the rate of speed, rates of fare, and make provisions for the protection of persons and property against injury from the use and operation of moving cars on railroads or street railways, whether the same have been con- structed before the adoption of this charter or afterward; provided, no franchise for any street railway shall be granted for a longer time than twenty-five years, nor except the ordinance granting the same contain, in addition to any other conditions or provisions, a condition that the company or corporation to whom the same is granted shall, at its own expense, pave or improve the street between the outer rails of 30 CHARTER OF CITY OF SPOKANE its tracks, and for two feet on each side thereof, in the same manner that the city shall require the improvement of the balance of said street, within thirty days after the said street shall be improved; and also that work upon the same shall be commenced within sixty days from the taking effect of the ordinance granting the same, and be fully com- pleted and in operation within a time not exceeding one year, and the time fixed by the ordinance granting such franchise for the commence- ment or completion of the work shall not be extended for any cause, and in case of failure to comply with such conditions the franchise shall be forfeited and void. Sec. 77. No franchise shall be granted to any company for the erection of poles or masts along the streets for the conduct of electric- ity, except the same is accompanied with the condition that the upper arm of said poles shall be for the exclusive use of the city for the carry- ing of wires for the city business; and provided further, that the city shall have the right to the exclusive use, so far as the same may be necessary, of the upper arm of all telegraph, telephone or electric light masts now erected or to be erected under any existing franchise in the city; and no franchise shall hereafter be valid which does not reserve to the city such right of use upon said masts. This provision shall not apply to the poles of any electric railway company situated in the center of the street. ARTICLE V. LAW DEPARTMENT. Section 78. The law department of the City of Spokane shall con- sist of a Corporation Counsel. As amended by amendment No. 12, approved and adopted by the people at an election held May 2, 1S93. Sec. 79. A Corporation Counsel shall be appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Council, and shall hold office for the term of two years. He may be removed, upon the recommendation of the Mayor, by a majority vote of all the members of the City Council, or may be re- moved by a vote of two-thirds of the members of the Council after charges have been preferred. The Corporation Counsel must be an at- torney of the Supreme Court of this state, and must have been engaged in the practice of his profession for at least five years. He shall give a sufficient bond to the city in the sum of $5,000, conditioned for the faithful performance of his duties. The City Council may, by ordi- nance, two-thirds voting therefor, authorize the Corporation Counsel to appoint one or more assistants, whenever the interests of the city de- mand such appointment. As amended by amendment No. 55, approved and adopted by the people at an election held May 5, 1903. Sec. 80. It shall be the duty of the Corporation Counsel to bring CHARTER OF CITY OF SPOKANE 3i and prosecute all actions at law and in equity and all special proceed- ings which may be directed by the Mayor or the City Council, and shall defend all actions or proceedings co which the city or any officer, board or department of the city is a party, and all other actions or proceed- ings in which the rights or interests of the city are involved. He shall give legal advice in writing to the Mayor, City Council, Comptroller, and to all boards and departments, when requested by them in writing; and also to any other officer of the city, when directed by the Mayor or City Council so to do. He shall keep a docket of all the cases to which the city may be a party in any court of record, in which shall be briefly entered all steps taken in each cause, and which shall at all times be opened to the inspection of the Mayor, Comptroller or any committee of the City Council, or of any officer of the city upon direction of the Mayor. It shall also be the duty of said Corporation Counsel to draft all ordinances, when required to do so by the Council, bonds, contracts, leases, conveyances and such other writings as may be required by the business of the city. He shall also inspect and examine all city tax and assessment rolls, and all proceedings in reference to the levy and collection of city taxes and local assessments. He shall also keep bound books of record and register, of briefs and transcripts used in causes wherein he appears, and of all official written communications sent by him to any officer, board or department of the city, and all opinions given by him. He shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by ordinance, and he shall keep on file all written communications received by him of- ficially. As amended by amendment No. 14, approved and adopted by the people at an election held May 2, 1893. Sec. 81. Repealed by amendment No. 27, approved and adopted by the people at an election held May 7, 1895. (See section 9.) Sec. 82. Repealed by amendment No. 15, approved and adopted by the people at an election held May 2, 1893. Sec. 83. It shall be the further duty of the Corporation Counsel to conduct all prosecutions for public offenses committed against any of the ordinances of the city, and appear for that purpose in any court wherein the same may be pending. It shall also be his duty to com- mence action on all forfeited bail bonds within thirty days after they are declared forfeited, and shall diligently prosecute the same. No action on a bail bond shall be compromised except by authority of the City Council. When judgment has been rendered in an action on a bail bond, and any property is exposed for the sale on execution in such ac- tion, the Corporation Counsel may bid, and, if necessary, purchase said property for and in the name of the city at a price not exceeding the judgment recovered on such bond. Until otherwise provided by the laws of the State of Washington, it shall be the duty of the City Council to elect one justice of the peace, holding office within the city of Spokane, to act as Police Justice for 3 2 CHARTER OF CITY OF SPOKANE said city. All prosecutions for violations of ordinances shall be brought before him, as well as cases in which the city is complainant, which may be by law cognizable before a justice of the peace. In cases where he is interested or a. party, the actions may be brought before any other justice of the peace, or a change of venue may be had as provided by law. The justice of the peace accepting such ap- pointment shall not be entitled to any fees in city cases, but shall be compensated by such salary as is now or shall be established by ordi- nance. It shall be his duty to charge up all fees as and at the rate provided by the laws for the state for justices of the peace, and to pay all such fees when collected, together with all fines, into the city treas- ury at least once each month; and he shall make a monthly report to the City Council of all cases tried before him, of all fines imposed, of all fines and costs collected, and disposition that has been made of such moneys. He shall hold his office during the term for which he shall have been elected justice of the peace; provided, that the City Council shall have power, by resolution at any time, to revoke his appointment and designate some other justice to perform the duties of Police Jus- tice. if from any cause his official appointment shall expire or be re- voked, he shall deliver up all books and papers pertaining to city cases to the person or officer succeeding to his duties. The Police Justice shall give such bond to the city as may be re- quired by the City Council. Whenever any law of the State of Washington shall provide for a police or municipal court to be established in cities of said state, and such court shall have been organized in the City of Spokane, the pro- visions of this article as to the police court shall cease to operate, save and except that all costs and fines shall be paid into the City Treasury. The City Council may require a bond, and a monthly report shall be made, as herein provided, from the justice or judge of any such court. As amended by amendment No. 16, approved and adopted by the people at an election held May 2, 1893. ARTICLE VI. CLERICAL DEPARTMENT. Section 84. There shall be a City Clerk. He shall be a citizen of the United States and the State of Washington, and a qualified voter of the City of Spokane Falls at the time of his election by the City Council. Sec. 85. The City Clerk, by and with the consent of the City Coun- cil, can appoint a deputy or deputies, for whose official acts the said City Clerk shall be held responsible, and whom he may at any time remove. Every such deputy shall have the power to perform any of the duties of the City Clerk in the name of the Clerk. CHARTER OF CITY OF SPOKANE 33 Sec. 86. The City Clerk, or a Deputy Clerk, shall attend all meet- ings of the City Council and keep a full and complete record of the proceedings of such meetings. Sec. 87. He shall have the custody of the city seal, the public records, except such as are entrusted by the provisions of this charter to other officers, the original rolls of ordinances of the City Council, the original contracts, deeds and certificates relative to the title of any property of the city; all official, indemnity or security bonds, except his own bond, and such other records, papers and documents of value as are not required to be deposited with any other officer; provided, the City Council may, by resolution, cause the removal of any record, records, paper or papers from the office of the City Clerk to the custody of any other officer of the city to be designated in such resolution. Sec. 88. He shall attest all public instruments and official acts of the Mayor by his signature and the city seal, and shall also certify un- der his hand and the seal of the city all copies of such original docu- ments, records and papers in his office as may be required by any officer or person, and charge therefor such fees for the use of the city as may be provided by ordinance. Sec. 89. The City Clerk shall perform such other duties as may hereinafter be prescribed, and also such as the City Council may direct, consistent with this charter. Sec. 90. The City Clerk shall give a bond, with two or more sureties, to be approved by the Mayor, in a sum not less than $5,000, conditioned for the faithful discharge of his duties. Sec. 91. All books, records and papers in any public office of the city shall be open for public inspection at all times. ARTICLE VII. CITY COMMISSIONERS. Section 92. There shall be appointed by the Mayor, and confirmed by three-fifths of all the members of the Council, three freeholders and electors of the city, who shall be designated as the “City Commission- ers.” They shall each subscribe to an oath to faithfully perform the duties of their offices. They shall each give a bond in the sum of $20,000, with good and sufficient sureties, conditioned for the honest and faithful performance of their duties. Upon the first regular meeting of the City Council after the Mayor and Council shall have been elected and qualified, after the adoption of this charter, the Mayor shall appoint the City Commissioners as hereinbefore provided, one to serve until the second regular meeting of the Council after the organization of the Council after the election in the year 1892, one to serve until the second regular meeting of the Council after organization of the Council after the election in the year 1893, and one to serve until the second regular meeting of the Council 3 34 CHARTER OF CITY OF SPOKANE after organization of the Council after the election in the year 1894. And at the expiration of their several terms of office their successors shall be appointed for the term of three years. Sec. 93. Not more than one of said Commissioners shall be ap- pointed from the same ward, nor shall more than two be appointed from the same political party. Vacancies may be filled in the same manner as original appointments are made, but for the unexpired term of the vacancy only. Either of said Commissioners may be removed upon recommendation of the Mayor by a majority of all the members of the City Council, or may be removed by the vote of two-thirds of the mem- bers of the Council without recommendation of the Mayor. The members of the Board of City Commissioners shall not hold any other office, either federal, state, county or city, except the office of notary public. They shall devote their entire time to the duties of their offices, and personally inspect all important work while ui;der con- struction. Sec. 94. Said Commissioners shall constitute and act as a Board of Public Works, as a Board of Police and as a Board of Fire Commis- sioners, and as such shall have the authority and perform the duties prescribed and imposed in this charter upon the respective boards, Pub- lic Works, Police, Fire Commissioners, Secretary and Building inspector. Upon their appointment and qualification, they shall organize, by the election of one of their number as President of the Board of Public Works, of one of their number as President of the Board of Police, of one of their number as President of the Board of Fire Commissioners, one of their number as Secretary, and one of their number as Building Inspector. The Secretary shall keep a record of all their transactions when act- ing as either the Board of Public Works, Board of Police or Board of Fire Commissioners. As amended by amendment No.. 17, approved and adopted by the people at an election held May 2, 1893. Sec. 95. Repealed by amendment No. 56, approved and adopted by the people at an election held May 5, 1903. . Sec. 95%. In addition to the duties herein required to be performed by said Commissioners, the President of the Board of Public Works shall perform the duties of Superintendent of Water Works, the Presi- dent of the Board of Police shall perform the duties of Street Com- missioner, and the President of the Board of Fire Commissioners shall perform the duties of Clerk to the City Commissioners. Added to Article VII by amendment No. 31, approved and adopted by the people at an election held May 7, 1895. CHARTER OF CITY OF SPOKANE 35 ARTICLE VIII. PUBLIC WORKS. Section 96. The Board of Public Works may employ all persons who may be necessary to carry on the work or perform the duties here- by assigned to the Board of Public Works. Sec. 97. The Board of Public Works shall have exclusive charge of the improvement and extension of all streets and alleys. They shall have charge of improving or altering all sewers. They shall have charge of the water works and all improvements and changes in the same. They shall have charge of laying all water pipes and doing everything that pertains to the conduct of the water works and the water supply system of the city. They shall also have charge of all things pertaining to the drainage of the city; They shall have charge of all bridges and the erection and improvement of the same. They shall have charge of the employing of all persons in discharge of the duties herein mentioned. They shall have charge of the erection and improvement of public buildings and the inspection of private build- ings. Sec. 98. When it shall be decided to do work by contract, they shall advertise at least ten days in two daily newspapers of the city for bids, accompanied by a certified check to an amount to be fixed by the board and named in said advertisement, not exceeding 10 per cent, of ihe estimated cost of the work, reserving the right to reject any and all bids; provided, that in all contracts awarded, in which the probable amount of expenditure would exceed $1,000, the publication shall be made for a period not less than twenty days. If the Mayor and City Council shall by resolution declare an emergency to exist, the publi- cation herein provided for may be dispensed with. Sec. 99. The board shall have charge of all public works of every kind, where not otherwise provided for in this charter, and charge of furnishing all material and supplies for such work, and shall report to the City Council such work, as it shall deem necessary and proper to be performed for the city, and if the Council shall concur with the board, the board shall have power to enter into contracts therefor and for the performance of such other public works, as may be authorized or directed by the City Council. Whenever proposals for supplies for work shall be advertised to be let to the lowest bidder, a specified day and hour shall be named, when such bids shall be opened. Such bids shall be made in duplicate, one to be furnished to the Mayor and one to the Clerk of the City Com- missioners, and such bids shall be accompanied by an affidavit of the bidder, that the same is made in good faith, and there is no collusion or understanding between him and any other bidder on such work. Such bids may be handed in any time before the hour designated for opening the same; and all bids, original and duplicate, shall be opened at the hour named, in public and in the presence of such persons, as 36 CHARTER OF CITY OF SPOKANE may see fit to attend such opening of bids. As soon as the bids are opened, the clerk or other officer, with whom the same are filed, shall in the presence of the board or officer opening them, record the same in a book kept for that purpose; provided, nothing herein shall be construed to prevent the rejection of any or all bids tendered, when so deemed to be proper. Sec. 99%. In making or letting contracts for the construction of buildings, structures or improvements of any kind whatsoever, the Board of Public Works shall have the power to make or let such contracts with such stipulations as will make the person, firm or corporation to whom the contract is let, an independent contractor for all or any of the purposes and objects of the contract, and not an agent or employe of the city. As amended by amendment No. 39, approved and adopted by the people at an election held May 4th, 1897. Sec. 100. All officers, employes and agents appointed by the Board of Public Works shall hold their offices during the pleasure of the board. They shall make such rules and regulations respecting the use of water, of the water works belonging to the city, the rates, the time and manner of the collection of rates and rents therefor, as they may deem necessary, and submit the same to the City Council, and when approved by the Council the same, or so much thereof as shall be approved, shall be in force. Sec. 101. Repealed by amendment No. 52, approved and adopted by the people at an election held May 7th, 1901. ARTICLE IX. POLICE DEPARTMENT. Section 102. A Department of Police is hereby established in the City of Spokane Falls, which shall consist of the City Commissioners acting as a Board of Police, a Chief of Police and such officers and men as may be authorized by this charter or permitted by ordinance. Sec. 103. The City Council may by ordinance establish a detective force with such officers and men, as it may determine, but such officers and men shall be appointed by the Board of Police as herein provided for officers and men of the police force, and the detective force shall be entirely under the supervision of the Board of Police. Sec. 104. The Board of Police shall have a general supervision of the Department of Police, and shall appoint all of the officers and men of the Police Department, upon their own motion. Sec. 105. They shall make such rules and regulations for the con- duct of the Police Department, as they may deem necessary, not incon- sistent with the constitution and laws of the State of Washington and this charter. CHARTER OF CITY OF SPOKANE 37 Sec. 106. They shall have power to establish or cause to be estab- lished police beats and stations throughout the city. Sec. 107. They shall cause accurate books of account to be kept of all expenditures in the Police Department, and all material acquired, on hand and lost, worn out or expended. Sec. 108. They shall make estimates, as often as they may deem necessary, of all material, its kind and character and probable cost, and of the fund necessary to defray the expenses of the department, and submit the same to the City Council. Such estimates shall be made and submitted at the end of each fiscal year, covering as near as may be the necessary expenses of the ensuing year. Sec. 109. The Board of Police shall at the end of each fiscal year make a full report of the condition of the department, showing its oper- ations during the year, which report shall be accompanied by the report of the Chief of Police, and shall be published with the other reports of the departments of the city. Sec. 110. The Board of Police shall have charge of the city jail and workhouse and other institutions for the punishment or reform of offenders, and shall recommend to the City Council such improve- ments or alterations therein, as it may deem necessary. Sec. 111. All the officers and men upon the police force shall hold their offices during good behavior, and shall not be removed therefrom, except upon charges of improper behavior, incompetency or inefficiency, which charges shall be established to the satisfaction of the board. Provided, the Chief of Police may be removed upon recommendation of the Mayor with the consent of a majority of all the members of the City Council, or may be removed by the vote of two-thirds of all the members of the Council without recommendation of the Mayor. Pro- vided, however, that the Board of Police shall have power by rules to establish a probationary period upon the force (not exceeding six months) before full appointment. As amended by amendment No. 32, approved and adopted by the people at an election held May 7, 1895. Sec. 112. The City Council shall have power by ordinance to pro- vide for the retirement of officers or men of the police force, who have been injured in the service, or who have become superannuated after twenty years’ service. Sec. 113. The Mayor, in case of emergency, may appoint any num- ber of special policemen, but such appointments shall not continue in force more than five days, without having been ratified by the Board of Police. Sec. 114. Special policemen for depots, public buildings, etc., may be appointed by the Board of Police upon application; but such appoint- ment shall not be for more than six months, subject to renewal, and shall be without expense to the city, and the board may remove such appointees at any time without assigning any cause therefor. Sec. 115. The officers and men of the Police Department shall have 38 CHARTER OF CITY OF SPOKANE full power to make arrests and serve warrants, subpoenas and all pro- cess from the Municipal Court of the city, and to do and perform all things usually required from police officers of municipalities. Sec. 116. Every appointee of the police force must be a citizen of the United States, of good reputation for honesty and sobriety, able to read and write the English language, and must have been a resident of the city for at least one year preceding his appointment. Every appointee hereafter appointed, except the Chief of Police, shall be not less than 25, nor more than 50 years of age, and must possess such physical qualifications, as will enable him to pass a satisfactory medical examination under such rules and regulations, as may be provided by the Board of Police. Sec. 117. The Board of Police shall have power to remove any officer or man from the police force who shall be a member thereof at the time of the organization of the board, without any charges or alleged cause, at any time within three months after the organization of the board. ARTICLE IX. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Section 118. The Fire Department shall consist of the Fire Com- missioners, Chief of the Fire Department, and such other officers and members as the City Council may by ordinance provide. Sec. 119. The Board of Fire Commissioners shall have a general supervision of the Fire Department, and shall appoint all of the officers and men of the Fire Department upon their own motion. Sec. 120. All the officers and men of the Fire Department shall hold their offices during good behavior and shall not be removed therefrom except upon charges of improper behavior, incompetency or inefficiency, which charges shall be established to the satisfaction of the board. Provided , the Chief of the Fire Department may be removed upon recommendation of the Mayor with the consent of a majority of all the members of the City Council, or may be removed by the vote of two-thirds of all the members of the Council without recommendation of the Mayor. Provided, however, that the Board of Fire Com- missioners shall have power by rule to establish a probationary period upon the force (not exceeding six months) before full appointment. As amended by amendment No. 33, approved and adopted by the people at an election held May 7th, 1895. Sec. 121. The Board of Fire Commissioners shall have charge and supervision of the fire alarm system of the city and shall have power to establish fire stations in the city and designate points where fire alarm boxes shall be established. Sec. 122. The board shall cause accurate books of account to be kept of all expenditures in the fire department and all material acquired, on hand and lost, worn out or expended in the service. CHARTER OF CITY OF SPOKANE 39 Sec. 123. The board shall make estimates, as often as it may be necessary, of all material, its kind and character and probable cost, and of the fund necessary to defray the expenses of the department, and submit the same to the City Council. Such estimates shall be made and submitted at the end of each fiscal year, covering as near as may be, the necessary expenses of the ensuing year. Sec. 124. The board shall at the end of each fiscal year make a full report of the condition of the department, showing its operations during the year, which report shall be accompanied by the report of the Chief of the Fire Department, and shall be published with the other reports of the departments of the city. Sec. 125. The board shall have power to remove any officer o'r man from the Fire Department, who shall be a member thereof at the time of the organization of the board, without any charges or alleged cause, at any time within three months after the organization of the board. Sec. 126. The Board of Fire Commissioners shall adopt and prescribe all rules and regulations for the government and conduct of the Fire Department, provided such rules and regulations shall be submitted to the City Council, and shall be in force only when approved by the City Council. Sec. 127. The City Council has power to pass such ordinances relating to the control, management and regulation of the Fire Depart- ment, as it may deem necessary. The City Council shall have power by ordinance to provide for the retirement of officers or men of the Fire Department who have been injured in the service or who have become superannuated after twenty years of service. ARTICLE XI. SANITATION. Section 128. There shall be a Board of Health, which shall consist of three physicians, who are entitled to practice their profession under the laws of this state, two of whom must be physicians in active practice, to be appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council, wffio shall have supervision of all matters appertaining to the sanitary condition of the city and its public institutions. Any member of said Board of Health may be removed upon recom- mendation of the Mayor, by a majority vote of all the members of the City Council, or may be removed by the vote of two-thirds of the members of the City Council without recommendation of the Mayor after charges have been preferred. As amended by amendment No. 19, approved and adopted by the people at an election held May 2, 1893. Sec. 129. The members of the said board shall hold office for three years. The members first appointed shall so classify themselves 4o CHARTER OF CITY OF SPOKANE that one shall go out of office at the end of the first year, one at the end of two years, and one in three years. The member having the shortest term to serve shall be president of the board, and the health officer, his clerk or assistant, shall act as secretary of the board. Sec. 130. The City Council shall provide an office for the Board of Health, in which the meetings of the board shall be held. Such meetings shall be held at least once a month, or whenever requested by the president or two of its members. Sec. 131. Said board shall appoint and remove by and with the consent of the City Council, a Health Officer, who shall be a physician, and such other subordinate officers, as from time to time may be deemed necessary by the City Council. The Health Officer shall act as city physician. He shall be the executive officer of the board and see, that all ordinances relating to the sanitary affairs of the city and the rules and regulations of the board are enforced. Sec. 132. The Health Officer shall visit the public buildings and institutions of the city, and the public and other schools within the city, once in each quarter and as f requently, as may be required by the Board of Health, and investigate the sanitary conditions of the same, and make quarterly reports of such examinations to the Board of Health. He shall also make to the board for publication a monthly report of the affairs of his office, including natal, mortuary and other sanitary statistics. He shall also furnish for publication a monthly report of the natal, mortuary and other sanitary statistics of the city. Sec. 133. Whenever the Health Officer shall certify to the Board of Health, that any building or part thereof is for any sanitary cause unfit for human habitation, said board may issue an order, to be affixed conspicuously on the building, and where practicable, to be served on the owner, agent or lessee, requiring all persons to vacate such building or apartment at and until such time as the board may determine. Sec. 134. Whenever a case of small-pox, yellow fever, Asiatic chol- era or any other infectious or contagious disease is reported to the Health Officer, or whenever such cases come to his knowledge, he shall immediately visit the premises where the person is, and if he shall find such reported disease, or any infectious or contagious disease on such premises, he shall forthwith cause to be displayed a quarantine flag in a conspicuous place on said premises, and post upon the doorway a placard setting forth the fact that infectious or contagious disease exists therein. Sec. 135. The Health Officer shall immediately report to the Chief of Police, City School Superintendent, the principals of private schools within the city, and the Superintendent of the Public Library, the name and residence of every person sick of the diseases in section 134 of this article enumerated, or any other infectious or contagious disease, he may deem dangerous to the public health. Sec. 136. It shall be the duty of the City School Superintendent, CHARTER OF CITY OF SPOKANE 4 f the principals of private schools within the city and the Superin- tendent of the Spokane Falls Public Library, when so notified, to refuse admittance to the public schools or library any member of a household in which any of the aforesaid diseases are found, until advised by the Health Officer, that there is no longer any danger from contagion. Sec. 137. Every physician in the city shall immediately report to the Health Officer, in writing, every patient he shall have sick of any contagious or infectious disease, and shall report every death occurring from such diseases immediately; also every householder in said city shall forthwith report to the Health Officer the name of every inmate of his or her house, who he or she shall have reason to believe to be sick of any contagions or infectious disease, and any death from such diseases occurring at his or her house. Sec. 138. The Health Officer shall keep a record of all births, deaths, interments and cremations occurring in the city. Sec. 139. All the physicians and mid-wives in the city shall report, in writing, to the Health Officer within twenty-four hours, all births or deaths occurring in his or her practice. In all cases where no physician or mid-wife is employed, it shall be the duty of the parent or attendant to make such report. Sec. 140. The Board of Health, through and with the co-operation of the Board of Public Works, may locate, establish and maintain pesthouses, and discontinue and remove the same whenever necessary for the preservation of the public health. They may appoint and remove at pleasure such physicians and nurses (whose compensation shall be fixed by the City Council by ordinance) for said pesthouses, as may be necessary to maintain the efficiency of the same, and may cause to be removed thereto and kept thereat any person affected with any contagious or infectious disease. , Sec. 141. No person shall remove a person affected with any contagious or infectious disease from any house or place within the city limits to any other house or place without the written permission of the Health Officer. Sec. 142. The board may appoint and remove, with the permission of the Council, such market and sanitary inspectors as may be provided for by ordinance. Sec. 143. The Health Officer shall, once each quarter, inspect all slaughter houses or market houses, or any place within five miles of the city limits, where animals are killed and prepared for sale, and report the result to the Board of Health; and it shall be their duty to see that at none of those places the river is contaminated by offal of any kind. Sec. 144. The Board of Health may proclaim such quarantines and establish and declare such quarantine districts and stations, as may in their judgment be necessary for the preservation of public health. 42 CHARTER OF CITY OF SPOKANE Sec. 145. The Board of Health may, when they deem necessary, require all railroad cars or other public conveyances, before the same shall stop at any station or depot within the city, to stop at any locality selected and established for quarantine purposes, and to leave there all such persons with their stores and baggage as the Health Officers shall deem necessary so to leave for the health of the city. Sec. 146. The Board of Health shall make such rules and regula- tions for the government of the quarantine or the health of the city, as from time to time the public health may require, and the physicians or health officers in charge of any quarantine station or place shall have \power to enforce such regulations as shall be neces- sary for the proper management thereof, and it shall be the duty of all persons in quarantine, and all officers, policemen, agents or others employed by the city or about said quarantine stations or places, to carry out and obey the same. Sec. 147. It shall be unlawful to disinter or exhume from the grave, vault, cemetery or other burial place within the city, or in any cemetery within three miles of the city, or to deposit the body of any deceased person, without first causing to be filed in the health office a certificate signed by a legally qualified physician or coroner, or in the absence of either, by any person in attendance, setting forth as nearly as may be, the name, age, sex, color, place of birth, occu- pation, date, locality and cause of death of such decedent, and obtain from the Health Officer a written permit for burial or other purposes. Sec. 148. The Health Officer shall prepare a book of blank permits in proper form, containing stubs on which, as well as in the permits, shall be entered by the Health Officer or his clerk a record giving the age, name, sex, nativity, cause of death and place of burial, and when a permit is issued for disinterment or removal of remains in or through the city, the record shall also show the destination of the remains. Sec. 149. The City Council shall by ordinance provide for the enforcement of such orders and regulations, as the Board of Health may adopt and the Council approve, providing also for expenses in- curred in carrying out the same. .And in addition to the powers in this article enumerated, the Health Officer and the Board of Health may administer oaths on matters connected with the department, and shall have such other powers and authority as may be prescribed by ordinance of the City Council or by general law. Sec. 150. The City Council shall pass such ordinances, as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this article, and may pre- scribe such other duties, regulations and provisions relating to the sanitary affairs of the city, as may be deemed proper. CHARTER OF CITY OF SPOKANE 43 ARTICLE XII. FINANCE. Section 151. All money accruing to or belonging to the City of Spokane Falls shall be under the control of the City Council, and shall be paid out when authorized by warrants drawn on the City Treasurer, signed by the President of the City Council, attested by the Clerk, and countersigned by the Comptroller. All warrants shall be payable to the order of the person, in whose favor they may be • drawn, and shall be transferable by indorsement. Every warrant shall specify the purpose for which it is drawn and the funds out of ■which it is to be paid. Provided , however, the City Council may pro- vide for pay rolls and for the manner and method of the payment thereof. Sec. 152. The Mayor, Comptroller and Treasurer of the city and the President of the City Council shall constitute and be denominated a sinking fund commission. Sec. 153. Any three of the officers named, of whom the Comptroller shall be one, shall be and are hereby authorized to discharge the duties and trusts hereby vested in them, but shall not receive any additional compensation or salary for such services. The City Council may require from those officers bonds for the faithful performance of their duties. Sec. 154. Said committee shall negotiate the sale of all bonds of the city in accordance with the provisions of the ordinance under which said bonds may issue. They shall from time to time invest the moneys of the city, which shall constitute a sinking fund for the redemption of the city debt, or any surplus interest to the credit of the interest fund in the" purchase of bonds issued by the city or in city orders at the market price, not exceeding the par value thereof. If at any time such investment cannot be made, then said com- mission may invest said funds in interest bearing securities of the County of Spokane or State of Washington. No money belonging to the sinking fund shall be loaned to any person or corporation. Sec. 155. Whenever any of the moneys constituting the sinking fund for the redemption of the city debt shall be required for invest- ment as above mentioned, or for the redemption of any city bonds at their maturity, said commissioners shall report amount of money so required to City Comptroller, who shall certify the sum to the City Council, and thereupon said City Council shall authorize an order to be drawn on the City Treasurer, directing him upon delivery of the securities purchased to pay for the same or to make the required payment of principal or interest maturing on the said bonds. It shall be the duty of the Comptroller to keep a correct journal of the proceedings of said commissioners, to be verified by any three of them, and once every three months, or oftener if required, to render 44 CHARTER OF CITY OF SPOKANE to the City Council a full detailed report of the proceedings of said commissioners. All acts of said commissioners shall be based on the resolutions duly entered on said journal. Sec. 157. In case of vacancy in office, or inability of any of said commissioners to attend to the duties hereby imposed, it shall be the duty of the City Council’ to designate, by resolution, one or more of their number to supply the place of said commissioner or commis- sioners for the time being. Sec. 158. All bonds and securities purchased by said commis- sioners shall be held for safe keeping by the City Treasurer. When- ever any of the city bonds shall be paid, a record thereof shall be made in the journal of the commission, and the bonds shall be can- celled and burned in the office of the Comptroller, under the direction and supervision and in the presence of said commissioners, who shall certify to such destruction. Sec. 159. It shall be the duty of said commissioners to protect the credit of the city, direct and superintend the payment of interest ai}d the bonded indebtedness of the city, whenever said interest or bonds may be payable. Sec. 160. The city may borrow money to be used for strictly municipal purposes, and may incur indebtedness in other ways, for such purposes, but it shall not for any purpose become indebted in any manner to an amount exceeding l^a per cent, of the taxable property in said city, to be ascertained by the last assessment for city purposes, without the assent of three-fifths of the voters in the city voting at an election to be held for that purpose, nor in cases requiring such assent shall the total indebtedness of the city at any time exceed 5 per centum of the value of all taxable property in the city, to be ascertained by the last assessment made for city purposes; provided that the city with such assent may become indebted in a larger amount not exceeding five per centum additional for the purpose of supplying the city and its inhabitants with water, artificial light and sewers, or other works, when works for supplying such water, lights and sewers, or either of them, are owned by the city. Sec. 161. To secure any existing indebtedness of the city, or any indebtedness about to be incurred, the city may by ordinance authorize the issuance of bonds of the city therefor, and pledge the faith and property of the city for the payment of such bonds and direct the time and manner of the payment of both principal and interest thereof, and may, from time to time, authorize the refunding of any indebted- ness of the city. Said bonds shall not be sold unless they have been advertised for sale at least sixty days, and in no event shall said bonds be sold or negotiated at less than par and accrued interest. As amended by amendment No. 46, approved and adopted by the people at an election held May 2, 1899. Sec. 162. The City Council shall make such provision as may be CHARTER OF CITY OF SPOKANE 45 necessary or proper for a depository for the safe keeping of the city funds, or any part thereof. As amended by amendment No. 21, approved and adopted by the people at an election held May 2, 1893. Sec. 163. The City Council shall have power to appoint from its members a committee, consisting of five, to be denominated the Finance Committee, and to fill all vacancies in said committee. Such commit- tee shall have power to investigate the transactions and accounts of all officers having the collection, custody and disbursement of the public money, or having the power to approve, allow or audit demands on the treasury; it shall have free access to any record, books and papers in all public offices, and shall have the power to administer oaths or affirmations and to examine witnesses and to compel their attendance before them by subpoena. Said committee, or either of them, may visit any of the public offices, whenever and as often as they think proper, and make their examinations and investigations without hindrance. It shall be the duty of said committee as often as every six months to examine the official bonds of all city officers and depositories of the city funds and inquire into and investigate the sufficiency and solvency of the sureties, and report the fact to the Mayor. Such report shall specify each bond with the sureties, and the amount for which each surety is bound, and such report shall further state., whether or not said sureties are deemed sufficient and solvent. Upon such report the Mayor shall so act as to protect the city, and require new bonds whenever necessary, and he shall forth- with suspend such officer and report the same to the City Council for action, until sufficient bond is filed and approved. Said committee shall Keep a record of its proceedings, with the names of witnesses exam- ined and a substantial statement of evidence taken. If from the exam- ination made by the said committee it shall appear, that a misdemeanor in office or defalcation has been committed by any of the officers, said committee shall make a report to the Mayor, who, if he approve such report, shall forthwith suspend or remove such officer. Any police officer shall execute the process and orders of said committee. Sec. 164. The Finance Committee shall, immediately after being appointed and quarterly thereafter, make a thorough examination of all the books of the City Clerk, City Comptroller and City Treasurer, and report the result of such investigations to the City Council. Sec. 165. The City Comptroller shall exercise general supervision over the financial affairs of the city. He shall number and keep a record of all demands against the city, showing the date of approval, amount and name of original holder, the number, on what account, and out of what fund payable. He shall be required to be con- stantly acquainted with the exact condition of the treasury. He shall on the first Monday of each month, or oftener if required, report to the Mayor and City Council the condition of each fund in the treasury. 46 CHARTER OF CITY OF SPOKANE He shall make annual reports to the City Council, and to the Mayor, on his request, of the financial condition and requirements of the city, with a careful statement and estimate of the receipts and expenditures. He shall keep a complete set of books for the city, in which shall be set forth in a plain and businesslike manner every money transaction of the city, so that he can at any time tell the exact condition of the city’s finances. He shall make an annual report, showing the source from which the city’s revenues were derived and how expended. He shall issue all licenses in accordance with the law on presentation to him of a receipt from the City Treasurer showing that the license fee has been paid, and shall countersign all warrants upon the Treasurer. Sec. 166. He shall keep publicly posted in his office a list of all persons receiving salaries from the city, with the amount of monthly salaries received by each opposite his name, which list shall be revised and corrected by him monthly and be at all times open to public examination. He shall regulate and harmonize the bookkeeping methods in all departments of the city and monthly examine and audit the books of all city offices receiving moneys belonging to the city and report results of such examination to the Mayor. As amended by amendment No. 22, approved and adopted by the people at an election held May 2, 1893. Sec. 167. He shall perform such other duties as this charter or the City Council may direct, and may appoint such regular and tem- porary deputies, as the City Council may authorize, whose compensation shall be fixed by ordinance. Sec. 168. There shall be a City Treasurer, who shall be ex-officio tax collector, and who shall be elected at the same time in the same manner as the Mayor. He shall give a bond in such sum as the City Council may require. As amended by amendment No. 57, approved and adopted by the people at an election held May 5. 1903. Sec. 169. As tax collector the City Treasurer shall perform the duties provided in this charter and by the general laws of the state and ordinances of the city. As Treasurer he shall receive, keep and pay out all moneys upon warrants duly issued therefor belonging to the city, and shall keep account of all receipts and expenditures under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by ordinance, and shall do all things required of him by this charter or any ordinance of the city. Sec. 170. It shall be the duty of the City Treasurer to receipt for the moneys of the city and pay out the same only on warrants drawn in pursuance of the order of the City Council, countersigned and registered by the City Comptroller, except as herein otherwise provided. He shall each day, except Sundays and legal holidays, render to the City Comptroller a statement of the balance of each fund of the CHARTER OF CITY OF SPOKANE 47 treasury of the city. He shall require good and sufficient bonds to be given by all assistants and Clerks in his office, who shall receive or have care, custody or handling of any moneys or other valuable things belonging to the city, which said bonds shall be approved by the Mayor. He shall issue a call for outstanding warrants of any fund, upon which warrants have been previously issued, but not paid for want of funds, whenever there may be $1,000 of that fund in the treasury, or whenever there are sufficient funds in the treasury to pay any out- standing warrants, interest to cease ten days after the publication of the first notice. Warrants shall be paid in the order of their number and date of issue, and shall be charged to their respective funds. Such call shall be made by publication in the city official newspaper for the period of one week, and shall be made within five days after the required amount of money is in said funds. He shall account for and pay over all moneys on hand as such Treasurer to his successor in office, and deliver all books, vouchers and effects of the office to him; and such successor shall receipt therefor. Sec. 171. Every officer or agent of the city or other person who shall receive or have in his hands any money belonging to the city, shall immediately pay over the same to City Treasurer and take his receipt therefor in triplicate, one of w r hich receipts shall be delivered to the City Clerk and another to the City Comptroller by the party paying over the money. If any such officer, agent or person shall fail to pay over to the City Treasurer any money so received or delivered to the City Clerk or the City Comptroller such receipt of the City Treasurer for more than forty-eight hours after the money or receipt shall have been received by him, such officer, agent or other person shall forfeit to the city double the amount of money so received or for which such receipt was given, to be recovered by civil action brought by the city against such officer in a court of competent juris- diction. Sec. 172. The Treasurer’s books shall be at all times in business hours open to public inspection, subject to such reasonable rules and regulations as the City Council shall by ordinance prescribe. Sec. 173. On or before the first Monday of July in each year the Comptroller shall prepare and transmit to the City Council, accom- panied with estimates and reports of each department, which he shall require to be delivered to him from the heads of each department on or before the 20th of June each year, an estimate of the probable necessities of the city for the current fiscal year, giving the amount required to meet the interest and sinking funds for any and all outstanding bonded debts, together with the amount needed for sala- ries and probable wants of all departments of the municipal govern- ment in detail, and showing the necessities of each of the several funds to be provided for; the estimates shall also show as nearly as may be what amount of income and revenue is likely to accrue to the treasury and be collected from fines, licenses and all other 48 CHARTER OF CITY OF SPOKANE sources of revenue exclusive of tax on property. And he shall give an estimate of what amount will be required to be levied and raised for tax from all property in the city in order to meet the necessities of such fiscal year, said estimates to be based upon where practicable, the resources and expenditures of the fiscal year preceding, and at the same time the Comptroller shall also report to the City Council the balance on hand in each fund. The City Council shall, on or before the first Monday in September in each year, by ordinance, fix the rate of taxes to be levied and levy the taxes upon all taxable property, both real and personal, in the city, needed to raise sufficient revenue to carry on the different depart- ments of the municipal government for the current fiscal year. Sec. 174. Except as in this charter otherwise provided, the assess- ment of property taxable in the city for municipal purposes, the equali- zation of assessments and collection of taxes and the sale of prop- erty for unpaid taxes and the redemption of property sold for taxes shall be made in the same manner and with like effect, as now or may be provided hereafter by law, for the assessment of property, equalization of assessments, levy, collection of taxes, and the sale of property for unpaid taxes for state or county purposes, and redemption thereof, and all provisions of law applicable to such assessments, equalization, levy, collection and sale for state and county purposes are hereby applied to and shall be the law governing such assessments, equalization, levy, collection and sale for municipal pur- poses, and the respective officers of the city shall have, possess and perform the same powers and duties in all matters concerning revenue and taxation for municipal purposes, as are or may be by law con- ferred or imposed upon county taxes in matters concerning revenue and taxation for state and county, purposes, and to that end: First. All powers and duties so by law conferred and imposed upon County Assessors are hereby imposed or conferred upon the City Assessor. Second. All powers or duties so by law conferred or imposed upon the Board of County Commissioners are hereby conferred and imposed upon the City Council and its constituted committees. Third. All powers and duties so by law conferred or imposed upon tne County Attorney are hereby conferred and imposed upon the Corporation Counsel. Fourth. All powers and duties so by law conferred or imposed upon the County Treasurer as tax collector are hereby imposed and conferred upon the City Treasurer as city tax collector. Fifth. All powers and duties so by law conferred and imposed upon the County Treasurer are hereby conferred upon and imposed upon the City Treasurer. Sixth. All powers and duties so by law conferred and imposed upon the County Clerk and County Auditor respectively are hereby CHARTER OF CITY OF SPOKANE 49 conferred and imposed upon the City Clerk and City Comptroller respectively. Section 175 to 196, both inclusive, repealed by amendment No. 53, approved and adopted by the people at an election held May 7. 1901. Sec. 197. There is hereby created an Auditing Committee, which shall consist of the Mayor, President of the City Council and the City Comptroller. The Mayor shall be chairman of this committee. The Comptroller shall be secretary of the same, but in the absence of either from meetings of the committee, a temporary chairman and secretary can be chosen by the committee to act. The auditing com- mittee shall hold stated meetings once in each month, and can adjourn from time to time. It shall be the duty of this committee to examine and allow or reject and disallow all claims and demands of whatever nature, except salaries of city officers as fixed by this charter, and dues for labor done under the direction of the Board of Public Works or the Park Commission, duly certified by the chairman of such board or commission, which may he presented against the city, and the City Comptroller shall not draw a warrant for any ciaim or demand, except such salaries and dues, unless the same has been approved by a majority of the whole auditing committee. Sec. 198. All demand bills and claims which may arise against the city, including the payment of all the employes of the city, whether under regular monthly salary or not (except salaries of city officers as fixed by this charter and dues for labor done under the direction of the Board of Public Works or the Park Commission, duly certified by the chairman of such board or commission) shall be duly verified as hereinafter provided and be filed with the secretary of the auditing committee, who shall file and number the same in the order of presen- tation and refer same to auditing committee for action, whose duty it shall be to allow or reject the same in whole or in part, and if allowed, designate particular fund from which they are to be paid and indorse upon the back of each claim or demand the date of its allowance or rejection, the amount allowed and also the section of Ihe term, number of ordinance, number of contract, resolution or other order under which the said claim or demand was authorized or contracted for. These indorsements shall be verified by the signatures of the chairman and secretary of the auditing committee. All claims or demands, after being allowed or disallowed, shall be forthwith reported to the City Council for final action. Sec. 199. All demands and claims against the city hereinbefore required to be verified shall be subscribed and sworn to before the City Comptroller or some officer authorized to administer oaths. Each claim or demand must be accompanied by detailed statement of the items, which shall be attached thereto and made a part thereof. Sec. 200. The secretary of the auditing committee shall attend all meetings of said committee and keep a correct record or journal of the proceedings of said committee. 4 50 CHARTER OF CITY OF SPOKANE Sec. 201. The following funds are hereby established: First. City Park fund, from which shall be paid the expenditures for purchase of land for parks, the construction and repair of build- ings therein, and the construction and building of drives and boule- vards, and the planting of trees, ornamentation and other improve- ments pertaining to the public parks of the city. Second. Library fund, from which shall be paid all expenditures made and ordered by the library commission of the Public Library. Third. General fund, from which must be paid all appropriations, claims, demands and other expenses not payable from other funds. The City Council may, from time to time, establish such other funds as they may deem necessary, and shall continue in force all interest funds, bond funds, bond redemption funds and other funds now or hereafter established for the payment of all interest upon all bonded indebtedness of said city; and the percentage of each annual tax levy shall be named for each fund, and the whole amount of taxes and revenue of the city appropriated to said several funds, accordingly; and no transfer shall be made from one fund to another except as otherwise provided in this charter, unless by an affirmative vote of two-tliirds of all members of the city council, by yeas and nays, re- corded in the journal of proceedings; and in no case shall any moneys be transferred from any fund provided for the payment of any interest or principal of any bonded indebtedness then existing, nor from the library fund, to any other fund. All moneys in the funds heretofore known as the fire department, salary, police department, street, sewer and drainage, street light, public health and public building funds (which charter funds are hereby abolished) shall be transferred to the general fund. As amended by amendment No. 53, approved and adopted by the people at an election held May 7, 1901. Sec. 202. The City Council, except as otherwise provided in this charter, may by ordinance determine and designate to what funds shall be apportioned all moneys accruing to or belonging to the city. Sec. 203. The City Council shall have power to provide for the assessment, levy and collection of taxes on all real estate and personal property for the payment of the debts and expenses of the corporation; but all taxes levied as aforesaid shall not in any one year exceed seven- tenths of one per centum of the property assessed; but the city shall have power to make a levy in excess of seven-tenths of one per centum per annum for the purpose of paying judgments against the city, and of paying interest on the bonded indebtedness, and providing moneys for the redemption and settlement of warrants issued heretofore for the improvement or repair of streets and alleys, including sewers and side- walks; but nothing in this section shall be construed to render the city liable for the payment of warrants issued for local improvements. And provided further that the city council shall have the power to pro- vide for the levy of a larger percentage per annum during the last CHARTER OF CITY OF SPOKANE 51 five years prior to the maturity of the bonds of the city for the purpose of creating a sinking fund for the retirement of such bonds as herein- after provided. And provided further, that all warrants issued by the city for the redemption and settlement of local improvement warrants, as provided herein, and for the purpose of paying judgments, shall be drawn on a fund to be known as the redemption and judgment fund, and not otherwise. As amended by amendment No. 53, approved and adopted by the people at an election held May 7, 1901. Sec. 204. To provide for the assessment and collection of a road poll tax, not exceeding $4 per poll, on all male inhabitants between the ages of 21 and 50 years, inclusive. Sec. 205. The City Council shall make no appropriations in aid of any corporation, person or society unless expressly authorized by this charter or the laws of the state. Sec. 206. The City Council, after taxes have been levied in any year, shall have the power to make temporary loans in anticipation of the collection of such taxes, such loans to be applied to the purposes, for which such taxes have been levied, and to no other purposes, and such taxes shall be inviolably applied to pay such loans. Sec. 207. When loans shall be created exceeding iy 2 per centum of the taxable property of the city, and bonds therefor issued by the city under this charter, the City Council in authorizing and providing for the same, shall direct the time and manner of payment and rates of interest, but no such bonds shall be issued except as provided by law, nor unless the proposition for creating such indebtedness shall have been previously submitted to the electors of the city at a regular, general or special election, of which thirty days’ notice shall have been published in the city official newspapers and such proposition shall have then received the assent of three-fifths of the voters voting at such election. The mode and manner of submitting such proposition to the voters shall be prescribed by the ordinance. And in case such three- fifths of the voters voting at such election are in favor of such loan, the City Council may, after such election, by ordinance confirm the loan, but no bond shall be issued therefor until after such confirma- tion, nor until the City Council shall ha.ve made specific provisions for payment annually of interest on such bonds, and for a fund to pay the interest on such bonds and a sinking fund to be raised by annual tax at least five years before the bonds are due, sufficient to pay and dis- charge such bonds at maturity, and the faith and property of the city shall be and is hereby pledged for the final payment of any and all such loans. The City Council may refund any indebtedness at such times and upon such terms as they may see fit; provided , that the rate of interest upon such refunded bonds shall never exceed that of the bonds to pay which they were issued. Sec. 208. No debt or obligation of any kind against the city shall be created by the City Council except by ordinance specifying the amount and object of such expenditure. 52 CHARTER OF CITY OF SPOKANE Sec. 209. The City Council shall, once in each year, and not less than twenty nor more than sixty days before the annual election, cause to be printed in pamphlet form a full and intelligent statement of all the receipts and expenditures of every description for the fiscal year ending on the 31st day of December next preceding such state- ment, including all the moneys which have passed through the hands of the Treasurer for any purposes whatever, together with the different sources of revenue, the amount received from each, the several appro- priations made by the City Council, the objects for which the same were made and the sums expended for each, and any money borrowed upon the credit of the city, whether by temporary loans or the issue of bonds, the terms upon whfch it was obtained, the authority under which it was borrowed, and the purpose to which it was applied, and how much of the same or other city indebtedness has been paid, and by what means. A copy of which statement shall be supplied to every citizen of the age of 21 years and upward making application therefor. The statement shall also include a detailed account of city property, personal and real, its value, and if rented, to whom and on what terms, and of existing debts of every description, and of the condition of the sinking fund, with all other information necessary for a full understanding of the financial concerns of the city. ARTICLE XIII. THE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS. Section 210. The city park fund shall consist of: First. The proceeds- from the sale of bonds hereinafter provided for. Second. Such gifts, bequests and devises as may be given, be- queathed or devised to the City of Spokane Falls for the purpose of a park or parks. Third. Any appropriations that the City Council may make for said funds from time to time. Sec. 211. The City Council may, subject to the provisions of the constitution and laws of this state, issue bonds of the city for the payment thereof, but not to exceed in any one year $100,000, payable at such period as shall be fixed by the City Council, not exceeding twenty years after the date thereof, with interest not to exceed 5 per cent per annum, with such further terms and conditions as the City Council shall by ordinance prescribe, to be denominated public park bonds of the City of Spokane Falls, and shall sell the same to the highest bidder, but at not less than their par value, and the proceeds thereof shall be paid to the City Treasurer and be a portion of the city park fund, cre- ated at section one [210] of this article. Not to exceed 50 per cent, of such proceeds may be used in the purchase of land for a park or parks, and the remainder thereof shall be used for the improvement of parks, the construction of buildings therein, the construction and building of CHARTER OF CITY OF SPOKANE 53 drives and boulevards, the planting of trees, shrubs and flowers, and for other ornamentation and improvements in the parks of the city. Sec. 212. The management and control of said fund and all the public parks of the city shall be and is hereby vested in a park com- mission, to consist of the Mayor, the President of the City Council and City Engineer, without additional salary. Sec. 213. The City Clerk, in person or by deputy, shall perform the clerical work of the Park Commission, shall attend their meetings and perform such other duties as they shall require. Sec. 214. After any land for park purposes has become or is the property of the city, the Park Commission shall proceed to the survey- ing, improvement and ornamentation of the same, the erection thereon of such building or buildings as they may deem proper and best, and for these purposes may call to their assistance such experts as they may require; provided, that at no time shall any debt be made or incurred by said Park Commission for such purposes until there is a sufficient sum of money of the city park fund in the city treasury which may be available to pay the same. Sec. 215. An annual tax of not more than one mill on the dollar of the assessed valuation of the property of the city shall be levied, the proceeds thereof to be a part of the public park fund, and to be used in the construction and building of drives and boulevards, the planting of trees, shrubs and flowers, and any other improvements that may by the Park Commission be deemed necessary or proper for the ornamentation or beautifying of the public parks of the city. As amended by amendment No. 58, approved and adopted by the people at an election held May 5, 1903. Sec. 216. The Park Commission shall have the full and exclusive power to control, manage and supervise the public parks of the city, to carry out and regulate the same, and shall alone have authority to spend the public park fund, except as otherwise provided in this char- ter, and the commission shall certify every such expenditure to the City Comptroller, who shall issue his warrant to the City Treasurer therefor, and the same shall be paid by the City Treasurer out of any money in the city park fund not otherwise appropriated. The City Park Commission may at such times as they see fit, by and with the consent of the City Council, appoint a Superintendent of Public Parks and such assistants as may be required, provided said commission shall make expenditures of the park fund in the different public parks of the city as nearly as may be in proportion to the areas thereof, and should at any time the Park Commission consider that the fund available should be expended in any different proportion, they shall, by and with the consent of the City Council, so provide. Sec. 217. The Park Commission shall annually, on or before the first day of July of each year, transmit to the Mayor an itemized esti- mate in writing of the amount of money that will be required for the improvement, maintenance and government of the parks of the city 54 CHARTER OF CITY OF SPOKANE during the coming year, and an itemized account of all receipts and expenditures received or made by them, and a detailed report of all work and improvements made during the year expiring. ARTICLE XIV. MISCELLANEOUS. Section 218. Repealed by amendment No. 59, approved and adopted by the people at an election held May 5, 1903. Sec. 219. All officers now in office shall be and remain in office after the adoption of this charter, only until their successors are elected or appointed and qualified, and all officers created or named by any former charters, not provided for in this charter, shall become vacated and no longer exist. Sec. 220. Subdivision 1. The City of Spokane shall not be liable for any damage or injury sustained by any person or property in con- sequence of any street, highway, bridge, culvert, sidewalk or crosswalk in said city being out of repair, unsafe, dangerous or obstructed from any cause in any manner, including the existence of snow or ice thereon, unless actual notice of the defective, unsafe, dangerous or ob- structed condition of said street, highway, bridge, culvert, sidewalk or crosswalk shall have been given to the council, or the Superintendent of streets of said city at least twenty-four hours previous to such dam- age or injury. All claims for damages for personal injuries or for injuries to property alleged to have been sustained by reason of the negligence of the city, or any officer, agent, servant or employe thereof, must be presented to the city council within one month after any such injuries shall have been received in the manner hereinafter in this sec- tion provided; provided, however, that in addition to the filing of the claim as hereinabove provided, where such injuries are alleged to have been caused by the existence of snow or ice, on a street, highway, side- walk, bridge or crosswalk, notice of such injury, in writing, signed by the person injured, or the owner of the property injured, or by some one on his or her behalf, must be filed with the city clerk within three days after said injury shall have been sustained. Said notice shall describe the injury, the cause thereof and the nature and place of the snow or ice causing the injury. All claims for injuries to person or property, and all notices of such claims herein required, shall be in waiting and shall state the time when and the place where such Injuries were re- ceived and must also state the cause, nature and extent of the same, the amount of damage sustained thereby and the amount for which the claimant will settle the same, and must be verified by his or her affidavit, in proper form, to be true; and the refusal or omission to present such claim and give notice where notice is required, in the manner and within the time in this section required shall be taken to be, and shall be, a waiver of any and all damages on account of such injuries and shall be a CHARTER OF CITY OF SPOKANE 55 bar to any suit or action against the city to recover the same, or any part thereof; provided , the amount for which any such claimant offers to settle shall not be used as evidence in any suit instituted by Said claimant against the city to recover damages for the alleged injury, after a failure to settle without suit. As amended by amendment No. 47, approved and adopted by the people at an election held May 2, 1899. Sub. 2. In case any injuries shall have happened or be caused by reason of any sidewalk being out of repair, or by not being properly guarded by railings when the abutting lots, blocks or property is be- low grade, the abutting lot, block or property to said sidewalk where said injuries were received and the owner or owners thereof shall be liable for all damages, which may be sustained by reason of such want of repair or of railings; provided, the Superintendent of Streets shall have notified in writing said owner or owners, or the agent or agents of said owner or owners, if any of them be known, at least 15 days before said injuries shall have occurred, of such want of repair or rail- ing, and that he, she, they or it will be held liable for all injuries which may be sustained by reason of such want of repair or railing, and in case said owner or owners are not known, or have no known agent or agents within the City of Spokane, or if said owner or owners are not residents of the City of Spokane, such notice may be put upon some conspicuous place upon such lot, block or property. As amended by amendment No. 35, approved and adopted by the people at an election held May 7, 1895. Sec. 221. All valid ordinances of the City of Spokane Falls are in force and effect after the adoption of this charter, and until such ordi- nances are repealed, and no rights vested or liabilities incurred, when this charter shall be adopted, shall be thereby lost, impaired or dis- charged. Sec. 222. All acts and parts of acts relating to the incorporation of the City of Spokane Falls, heretofore passed, are hereby repealed. Sec. 223. The following named officers shall receive as full com- pensation for all services of every kind rendered by them the following salaries, payable in city warrants at the end of each calendar month: The Mayor, twenty-five hundred dollars ($2500) per annum. Each Councilman, six hundred dollars ($600) per annum; provided, that ten dollars ($10) shall be deducted from the salary of any member for each failure to attend a regular meeting of the Council, unless excused from such attendance. The City Comptroller, eighteen hundred dollars ($1800) per annum. The City Treasurer, eighteen hundred dollars ($1800) per annum. The Corporation Counsel, twenty-four hundred dollars ($2400) per annum; provided, that all appearance fees collected by the Corporation Counsel in any case wherein an appearance fee is taxed and allowed to the city shall be paid into the city treasury for the use of the city. The City Clerk, fifteen hundred dollars ($1500) per annum. The Chief of Police and Chief of the Fire Department 5 * CHARTER OF CITY OF SPOKANE shall each receive such salary as the City Council may, by ordinance, fix. All other officers of the city, except as provided in this charter, shall receive as compensation for all services rendered by them of every kind such amounts as may be fixed by ordinance. As amended by amendment No. 60, approved and adopted by the people at an election held May 5, 1903. Sec. 224. The City Council may by ordinance alter the salaries of the officers as herein designated, and all other officers, but no salary shall be increased or decreased during the term of office of any in- cumbent therein. Sec. 225. Any amendment or amendments to this charter may be proposed by the City Council, upon a vote of two-thirds of all the mem- bers thereof concurring therein. When such amendment or amendments shall be proposed, the same shall be entered upon the record of the proceedings, and at the second regular meeting of the Council thereafter shall be again submitted to a vote of the Council, and if upon such resubmission two-thirds of all the members of the City Council concur therein, such amendment or amend- ments shall be submitted to the qualified electors for their adoption at the next general municipal election, and if a majority of all the votes cast upon the subject shall be in favor of adoption, the same shall thereby become a part of the City Charter. Every proposed amendment shall be published in two newspapers, one of which shall be the official newspaper, 30 days next preceding the day of election at which the same is submitted to the electors. As amended by amendment No. 26, approved and adopted by the people at an election held May 2, 1893. Sec. 225%. Whenever 45 per centum of the qualified voters of the City of Spokane, who actually voted at the last general municipal elec- tion next before the presentation of the proposition hereinafter men- tioned, according to the registration and poll books used at said general election, and at the time of signing said proposition shall be actually registered in the list of qualified voters of said city, and 20 per centum of whom are freeholders in the City of Spokane, and were such free- holders at least six months before signing said proposition, shall present to the City Council a proposition to amend, the City Charter, setting forth the proposed amendment in proper form to be submitted, the City Council shall submit said amendment without change, to the qualified voters of the city for their ratification or rejection, at the next general election, which shall be held at least four months after the presentation of such proposition and amendment to the City Council; provided, every signature attached to any such proposition shall be proved to be the true signature of the person purporting to sign the same and to have been actually signed by such person, by the affidavit of some quali- fied voter of said city, who saw him sign the same; said affidavit shall be made before one of the judges of the superior court of Spokane county and have the seal of said court thereto attached, and any person CHARTER OF CITY OF SPOKANE 57 or persons presenting any such proposition and amendment, in addition to the proof of the signatures, must furnish such evidence touching the qualifications as voters and freeholders of the signers thereof, as the City Council may require. The City Council shall provide by ordinance for punishing persons for signing any such proposition and amendment without the qualifica- tions as aforesaid, and also to punish any one who may write or attach the signature of any person, other than his own, to any such proposi- tion. Added to Article XIV by amendment No. 37, approved and adopted by the people at an election held May 7, 1895. ARTICLE XV. The name of the municipal corporation, now existing, and known as the City of Spokane Falls, shall be and is hereby changed to the name of the City of Spokane. Wherever, in this charter, in any ordinance, suit, proceeding, con- tract, or otherwise, said corporation is designated by the name of Spo- kane Falls, the same shall be taken and construed with the same effect as though the same were originally designated as Spokane. The form of ballot to be used in voting for or against said article: “For separate Article No. XV.” Against separate Article No. XV.” If a majority of the ballots cast upon said subject be for said separate article, then the same shall be part of this charter; otherwise it shall be rejected. FINAL CERTIFICATE. State of Washington, County of Spokane, l>ss. City of Spokane Falls. J This certifies, that at an election held in the said City of Spokane Falls on the 27th day of September, 1890, under the provisions of an ordinance duly passed by the legislative authority of said city (said city then and there containing a population of more than 20,000 in- habitants, as ascertained by a census thereof, theretofore taken as provided by law) and under and in accordance with the provisions of section 10, Article XI, of the constitution of this state, and of an act of the legislature of the State of Washington, approved March 24, 1890, entitled “An act to provide for the government of cities having a popu- lation of 20,000 or more inhabitants, and declaring an emergency to exist,” the qualified electors of said city did elect 15 freeholders of said city, who had severally been residents of said city for a period of at least two years preceding the date of said election, and who were each qualified electors of said city, at the date of said election, as a 5 « CHARTER OF CITY OF SPOKANE commission of 15 freeholders to prepare and frame a charter for said City of Spokane Palls. That said 15 freeholders did convene for said purpose within 10 days after their election and proceed to and did frame the foregoing as such charter, and the same being so prepared and framed by said freeholders, we, the undersigned, being a majority of said 15 freeholders so elected as aforesaid, do now propose and submit to the legislative authority of said city the foregoing as a charter for the City of Spokane Falls. In witness whereof we hereto set our hands this 15th day of Jan- uary, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one. David P. Jenkins. A. M. Cannon. H. E. Houghton. I. S. Kaufman. Prank A. Bettis. James N. Glover. George H. Leonard. E. J. Webster. State of Washington, County of Spokane, l.ss. City of Spokane Falls. J I, C. O. Downing, being the duly elected and qualified Clerk of the city aforesaid, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true, correct and complete copy of the proposed charter of the City of Spo- kane Palls, as submitted by the charter commission to the City Council of the aforesaid city on the 15th day of January, A. D. 1891, and by the aforesaid City Council ordered published according to law on the 17th day of January, 1891. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the city to be affixed this 20th day of January, A. D. 1891. [Seal.] C. 0. Downing, City Clerk,. MAYOR’S CERTIFICATE. I, C. P. Clough, Mayor of the City of Spokane Falls, do hereby certify, that in accordance with the terms and provisions of section 10 of Article XI of the constitution, and of Chapter IV, and also pursuant to “An act to provide for the government of cities having a population of 20,000 or more inhabitants, and declaring an emergency to exist,” approved March 24, 1890, of the laws of said state, the City Council of the City of Spokane Palls, duly caused a special election to be held on the 27th day of September, 1890, for the purpose of electing 15 free- holders to prepare a charter for the City of Spokane Falls; that due CHARTER OF CITY OF SPOKANE 59 notice of such election was given in the manner provided by law; that on the 27th day of September, 1890, said election was held, and the votes cast thereat were duly canvassed by the legislative authority of said city, and the following named persons were declared duly elected to prepare and propose a charter for said city, to-wit: Albert Allen, F. A. Bettis, A. M. Cannon, James Glispin, J. N. Glover, H. E. Houghton, D. P. Jenkins, I. S. Kaufman, G. H. Leonard, R. Russell, C. R. Burns, E. J. Webster, A. Munter, James Monaghan and F. H. Mason. That there- after, to-wit: on the 15th day of January, 1891, said board of freehold- ers duly returned a proposed charter for the City of Spokane Falls, signed by the following members thereof, to-wit: Frank A. Bettis, A. M. Cannon, James N. Glover, H. E. Houghton, D. P. Jenkins, I. S. Kauf- man, G. H. Leonard and E. J. Webster. That thereafter such proposed charter was duly published in two daily newspapers in said city of general circulation therein, to-wit: The Spokane Falls Review and Spokane Falls Chronicle , for a period of 30 days, said publication in each of said papers commencing on the 24th day of January, 1891. That thereafter, on the 24th day of March, 1891, at a special election duly called by the legislative authority of said city the proposed charter was submitted to the qualified electors thereof, and the returns of such elec- tion were duly canvassed by the legislative authority thereof at a meeting held on the 25th day of March, 1891, and the result of said election was found to be as follows: For said proposed charter, 2045 votes; against said proposed charter, 312 votes; majority for said pro- posed charter, 1733 votes. For separate Article XV, 1129 votes; against separate Article XV, 513 votes; majority for separate Article XV, 616 votes. Whereupon the said charter was declared duly ratified by a ma- jority of the qualified electors voting at said election. And I further certify that the foregoing is a full, true and complete copy of the pro- posed charter so voted upon and ratified as aforesaid. In testimony whereof I hereunto set my hand and affix the corporate seal of said city at my office this 1st day of April, 1891. C. F. Clough, [Seal.] Mayor of the City of Spokane Falls. Attest : C. O. Downing, ' Clerk of the City of Spokane Falls. 6o MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE The Code of the City of Spokane. CHAPTER I. City Government and Officials. ORDINANCE NO. Al. AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A COMMON SEAL. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. A seal two inches in diameter, having a device repre- senting the falls of the Spokane river at SpoKane, with the words “City of Spokane” on the curved line above and the word “Washington” on the curved line below said device, shall be and is hereby adopted as the corporate common seal of the City of Spokane. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 10 days after its passage. Passed the City Council April 21, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. A828. AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE OFFICE HOURS OF THE VARIOUS OFFICERS OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE. The City of Spokane does ordain as folloios: Section 1. That each and every office of the City of Spokane shall he opened and kept open for business on each and every day (Sundays ;and legal holidays excepted) from the hour of 8 o’clock a. m. until the hour of 5 o’clock p. m., continuously, excepting Saturdays, when said offices shall be kept open from the hour of 8 o’clock a. m. until the hour of 3 o’clock p. m., continuously; provided, however, the office of the register and collector of water rates shall be kept open on the Saturday occurring in the first seven days of each month until 5 o’clock p. m., and during said hours all public records of the city shall be open to in- spection, under the inspection and direction of the officer having charge thereof. Sec. 2. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 10 days after its passage. Passed the City Council May 19, 1899. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 61 ORDINANCE *NO. A602. AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR REMOVING ELECTIVE OFFICERS FOR MISCONDUCT OR MALFEASANCE IN OFFICE. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. That any elective officer of the City of Spokane may be removed upon charges of misconduct or malfeasance in office by the City Council, three-fifths of all the members of the Council concurring therein. Sec. 2 The Mayor, Board of Police, or any one or more citizens of the City of Spokane may prefer charges, in writing, under oath, against any of said officers, guilty of misconduct or malfeasance in office, stating the act or acts of such misconduct or malfeasance in office, as nearly as may be, and in as plain and concise language as may be, and sworn to be one or more of the persons making said charges, to the effect that he or they believe the same to be true, and depositing the same with the City Clerk with a written request that the City Council remove said officer. Sec. 3. Whenever any charges shall be deposited with the City Clerk, he shall immediately file the same, and shall forthwith issue a citation or notice to the officer or officers accused, citing them to appear before the City Council at its next meeting to answer the said charges, which notice shall be substantially as follows: To : You are hereby notified that you have been charged with misconduct (or malfeasance, as the case may be) in office upon the oath of as follows, to-wit: (State the charges.) Now. therefore, you are directed to be and appear before the City Coun- cil, in the council chamber at the City Hall, in the City of Spokane, on the day of . . . ., A. D. 189. ., at the hour of in the noon of said day, to answer said charges, and in case of your failure so to appear, the Council will pro- ceed to hear and determine said charges, and will remove you from your said office if the same shall be proven to be true to its satisfaction. (Said notice must state the style of officer or officers accused, and shall be signed by the President of the Council and attested by the Clerk, and have the seal of the city attached.) Sec. 4. Said notice may be served by any police officer or by any male citizen of the United States above the age of 21 years, by deliver- ing a copy thereof, certified to be a true copy by the City Clerk, to said officer personally within the City of Spokane, if he can be found, or by leaving such copy at his place of abode with some suitable person living in or occupying the same house with said officer, if said officer can not be found in the City of Spokane, at least three days before the time fixed for him to appear before the City Council for trial, and shall make re- turn of service in the same manner as is required by law to make return of summons in the superior court of the State of Washington; and in case said citation can not be served in time, the Clerk shall renew the same from time to time till the same is served. 62 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE Sec. 5. If the accused appear on the day fixed for appearance, he shall be allowed at least three days to prepare for trial, and the Council shall, on the appearance day, designate some day for hearing the same, which day shall not be less than three or more than 10 days from said appearance day. Sec. G. The accused may answer said charges by general denial and by such other pleas as he may deem necessary, but no demurrer or dila- tory motion shall be entertained. The general denial shall put in issue every question of law. Sec. 7. Such witnesses may be examined as may be produced, for or against the accused, as the City Council may determine to hear; provided, the President or President pro tem. of the City Council shall administer all necessary oaths. Sec. 8. All objections to testimony and the competency of witnesses and all other matters arising during the hearing shall be decided by a majority vote of the members of the City Council. Sec. 9. Either side may be represented by an attorney or attorneys; provided, that the prosecution shall be conducted by the Corporation Counsel, but only one attorney on a side shall address the Council upon any objection or question arising during the progress of the trial, and only 15 minutes shall be allowed either attorney to address the Council upon any such objection or proposition; the objector or proposer shall be heard first, and the other side may reply, and if the said objector or proposer does not consume all of his 15 minutes in opening, he may reply to the extent of the portion thereof not consumed in his opening address. When a witness is produced the attorney who begins his ex- aminations, whether in chief or cross-examination, must finish the same and make all objections, and no other attorney will be permitted to pro- pound any questions to said witness or to make any objection during said examination. The attorney representing the accuser shall have the opening and closing of the testimony, but the testimony offered after the accused shall have closed must be strictly in rebuttal, and said at- torneys shall have the opening and closing in the argument on the merits, and each side shall be allowed to address the Council on the merits for three hours only, and the respective attorneys may divide said time between them as they may see fit, and as many attorneys may speak on the merits as may wish; provided, that not more than three hours are consumed on a side in said arguments; provided, that when more than one officer is tried at a time or more than one prefers charges, for the purpose of construing this section, they shall be deemed as one. Sec. 10. If any accused shall fail to appear and defend the charges preferred, the City Council shall enter said failure upon its minutes, and a general denial, and proceed to hear and determine the same in the same manner, as near as may be, as if the accused had appeared and answered. Sec. 11. After the close of the arguments, the City Council shall clear its chamber of all persons not members, or officers, and proceed MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 63 to decide the same, and may adjourn from day to da^ until a final judg- ment is reached. Sec. 12. If the City Council shall by a vote of three-fifths of all the members thereof, voting in the affirmative, find the accused guilty of misconduct or malfeasance in office, as the case may be, it shall cause the same to be entered upon its minutes, and shall by resolution, declare the said officer or officers removed, and his or their office to be vacant. Sec. 13. Said office or offices shall be vacant from and after the said entry shall have been made, and said officer or officers shall, from thenceforth, cease to be an officer of said city, and any and all acts of said officer or officers thereafter performed or attempted to be per- formed shall be null and void. Sec. 14. All rules of the City Council, not in conflict with this ordi- nance, that may be applicable, shall be in force during any trial here- under. Sec. 15. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 10 days after its passage. Passed the City Council the 24th day of September, 1895. ORDINANCE NO. A15. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR PAYROLLS AND FOR THE MANNER AND METHOD OF THE PAYMENT THEREOF. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. All officers and employes of the city shall be paid from payrolls. Such payrolls shall be made in duplicate and certified by the heads of the several departments in which service for which payment is to be made has been rendered, and approved by tho chairman of the board having control of such department, and allowed by the Auditing Committee (excepting as provided by section 197 of the charter), except as hereinafter provided. Sec. 2. Repealed. Sec. 3. The payrolls for the salaries of city officers, fixed by the charter or ordinance, shall be certified by the City Comptroller. Sec. 4. Employes who shall be discharged or whose time of service shall expire prior to the last day of any month shall be issued an order for time certificate, given by the foreman and countersigned by the head of the department. This shall then be presented to the clerk of the Board of City Commissioners, whose duty it shall be to issue on the Comptroller a time certificate, which shall be approved by the President of the Board of City Commissioners, in whose department the labor shall have been performed. Upon the filing of such time certificate the Comptroller shall forthwith issue time checks, which shall be paid by the City Treasurer in the same manner as pay checks. As amended by Ordinance No. A348, passed the City Council August 29, 1893. 64 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE Sec. 5. The payrolls of all employes not herein otherwise provided for shall be certified by the chairman of the Board of Public Works. Sec. 6. All payrolls herein provided for shall be filed with the City Comptroller on the first day of each calendar month, and all sums due upon such payrolls shall be paid by pay check of the City Comp- troller upon the appropriate fund of the city treasury. Sec. 7. This ordinance shall take effect ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council May 23, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. A32. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR A PURCHASING AGENT. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. There shall be a Purchasing Agent for the city, who shall be appointed by resolution of the City Council and serve during the pleasure of the Council. His duties shall be to purchase all supplies and material for the city, excepting such as are purchased upon bids under advertisement by some board of the city. Purchases shall be made un- der the following regulations: For supplies for the City Council, com- mittees of the City Council and the City Clerk there shall be a requisi- tion for the same, which shall originate with the City Clerk and be ap- proved by the President of the Council. For supplies for the executive and legal department a requisition shall originate with the City Clerk, to be approved by the Mayor. For supplies for the Board of Health and Health Officer a requisition from the secretary of the board, to be ap- proved by the Mayor. For supplies for the Board of Public Works a requisition from sa!id board, to be approved by the Mayor. For supplies for the City Assessor; City Treasurer and City Comptroller a requisition from the officer requiring the same to be approved by the Mayor. For supplies for the police department a requisition from the Board of Po- lice, to be approved by the Mayor. For supplies for the fire department a requisition from the Board of Fire Commissioners, approved by the Mayor. For supplies for the engineering department a requisition from the City Engineer/approved by the President of the Board of Public Works and the Mayor. All requisitions after approval shall be filed with the Purchasing Agent, who shall purchase the articles required and see that they are delivered as directed, bills for the same to be sent to the Purchasing Agent, who shall certify that they are correct as to price and forward them to the party to whom the goods were delivered, who shall certify to the receipt of the goods and return the bills to the Comp- troller to be vouchered. When vouchered and passed upon by the Auditing Committee, they shall go to the City Council for final approval. When approved the City Clerk shall return the voucher to the Comp- troller, who shall issue a warrant for the same and charge to the proper account. Sec. 2. The Purchasing Agent shall require bids on all supplies and material the cost of which shall exceed two hundred dollars ($200). MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 65 Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council June 25, 1891. ^ORDINANCE NO. A857. AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE SALARIES OF THE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYES OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. That on and after the 15th day of August, 1899, the fol- lowing named officers and employes of the City of Spokane shall receive in full compensation for all services of every kind rendered by them the following salaries, payable in city "warrants at the end of each month. to-wit : Janitor 55.00 City Engineer, who shall act as Superintendent of Sewers with- out extra cost to the city 150.00 Assistant engineers, each 100.00 Foreman or Superintendent of Streets 90.00 Sec. 2. All ordinances, parts of ordinances and resolutions in con- flict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council August 1, 1899. ORDINANCE NO. A1399. AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE SALARIES OF CERTAIN OFFICERS AND EMPLOYES OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. That on and after the 1st day of July, A. D. 1903, the following named officers and employes of the City of Spokane shall receive in full compensation for all services of every kind rendered by them, the following salaries, payable in city warrants at the end of each month: per month. First deputy, Comptroller’s office * $100.00 Second deputy, Comptroller’s office 85.00 First deputy, Treasurer’s office 100.00 Second deputy, Treasurer’s office 100.00 Third deputy, Treasurer’s office 85.00 Fourth deputy, Treasurer’s office 85.00 * Several provisions of this ordinance repealed by new ordinances. See departments for salaries of officers. 5 66 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE Provided, that the salaries of the second and third deputies in the Treasurer’s office be charged to the water fund of the City of Spokane. PEE MONTH. First deputy Clerk $100.00 Second deputy clerk 80.00 Assistant Corporation Counsel and Stenographer, appointed under ordinance No. A1063, passed June 18, 1901: PEE MONTH. Assistant Corporation Counsel $100.00 Stenographer 75.00 Assistant Corporation Counsel, appointed under ordinance No. A1174, passed June 17, 1902: PEE MONTH. Assistant Corporation Counsel $100.00 Sec. 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 10 days after its passage. Passed the City Council June 18, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. A1404. AN OEDINANCE FIXING THE SALAEY OF THE CITY COMMISSIONEBS OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. That on and after the first day of July, A. D. 1903, each City Commissioner shall receive in full compensation for all services of any kind rendered by him, the salary of one hundred and fifty dollars ($150.00) per month, payable in city warrants, at the end of each month. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed by the City Council June 30, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. A1215. AN OEDINANCE FIXING THE SALAEY OF THE ASSISTANT LINEMAN OF THE WATEE DEPAETMENT. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. That on and after the first day of September, A. D. 1902, the salary of the assistant lineman of the water department shall be ninety dollars per month, payable in city warrants at the end of each month. Sec. 2. All ordinance^ or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 6 7 Sec. 3. Whereas an emergency exists, this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Passed the City Council September 2, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. A609. AN ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE THE CORPORATION COUNSEL TO EMPLOY AN AS- SISTANT, PRESCRIBING HIS DUTIES AND FIXING HIS COMPENSATION. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows : Section 1. That the Corporation Counsel be and he is hereby au- thorized to appoint an assistant, who shall hold office during the pleas- ure of the City Council or the Corporation Counsel; and in case said assistant is removed from office by the Corporation Counsel, or his suc- cessor appointed, the Corporation Counsel shall report his action therein to the City Council at its next meeting. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of said assistant, subject to the direction of the Corporation Counsel, to conduct all prosecutions for public of- fenses committed in violation of any of the ordinances of the city, and to appear for that purpose in any court wherein the same may be pend- ing. Said assistant shall perform such other duties as the. Corporation Counsel may think proper in carrying out the provisions of the laws and ordinances of the city. Sec. 3. Repealed. Sec. 4. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council October 25, 1895. ORDINANCE NO. A1063. AN ORDINANCE TO REPEAL ORDINANCE NO. A770, PASSED JULY 8 . 1898, EN- TITLED “AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CORPORATION COUNSEL TO EM- PLOY AN ASSISTANT, PRESCRIBING HIS DUTIES AND FIXING HTS COMPEN- SATION;” AND AMENDING SECTION 1 OF ORDINANCE NO. A833, ENTITLED “AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE SALARY OF THE CORPORATION COUNSEL AND HIS ASSISTANTS,” PASSED MAY 23, 1899. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. That ordinance No. A770, passed July 8, 1898, and en- titled “An ordinance authorizing the Corporation Counsel to employ an assistant, prescribing his duties and fixing his compensation,” be and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. 2. That section 1 of ordinance No. A833, passed May 23, 1899, and entitled “An ordinance fixing the salary of the Corporation Coun- sel and his assistants,” be and the same is hereby amended to read as 68 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE follows, to-wit: Section 1. Commencing July 1, 1901, the Corporation Counsel and his assistants shall receive as full compensation for all services rendered by them the following salaries, to-wit: The Corpora- tion Counsel, two hundred dollars ($200) per month. (See ordinance No. A1399, passed June 18, 1903.) Sec. 3. The Assistant Corporation Counsel shall have all the general powers of the Corporation Counsel, and shall perform his duties under the direction of the Corporation Counsel. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council June 18, 1901. ORDINANCE NO. A1174. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CORPORATION COUNSEL TO EMPLOY AN ASSISTANT. Whereas, Large sums of money are due to the City of Spokane for taxes assessed from the year 1886 to the year 1893; and Whereas, The Supreme Court of the state has recently decided that the statutes of limitation do not run against such delinquent taxes; and Whereas, Large sums of money are due the City of Spokane on assessments for the improvement of streets, the construction of sewers and sidewalks, which have been delinquent for more than five years; and Whereas, Payment of said taxes should be enforced by suits in the Superior Court; and Whereas, The Corporation Counsel has not sufficient assistance to prosecute such suits; therefore The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. That the Corporation Counsel of the City of Spokane is hereby authorized to employ an assistant at a salary of one hundred dollars per month. Sec. 2. That the Assistant Corporation Counsel so employed shall devote his entire time to the collection of the city’s delinquent taxes, and the service of the city, under the direction of the Corporation Counsel. Sec. 3. That such Assistant Corporation Counsel may be removed at any time when, in the judgment of the City Council, his services are no longer necessary. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council June 17, 1902. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 69 ORDINANCE NO. A201. AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING THE CERTIFICATE OF THE CORPORATION COUNSEL TO ALL BONDS WHICH MAY BE. REQUIRED BY THE CHARTER OR ANY ORDI- NANCES OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. All bonds required to be given to the City of Spokane, by either the charter or any ordinance of the city, shall, before the same is approved by the Mayor, have attached the certificate of the Corpora- tion Counsel stating that he has examined such bonds and finds that the same has been properly and legally executed and is in accordance with the provisions of the charter or the ordinances requiring such bond. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council May 10, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. A824. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR AND FIXING THE SALARY OF THE POLICE JUSTICE. Whereas, The legislature of the State of Washington has provided for the appointment of a Police Justice in cities of the first class; and Whereas, The Mayor has appointed such Police Justice for the City of Spokane; now therefore The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. That the Police Justice shall receive, as full compensa- tion for all services rendered by him as such police justice the sum of one hundred dollars ($100.00) per month, commencing with the 1st day of May, 1899, and shall before entering upon the duties of his office give a good and sufficient bond to the city in the sum of $2,500.00, to be approved by the Mayor, conditioned for the faithful performance of his duties. Sec. 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council May 9, 1899. ORDINANCE NO. A1287. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING A SALARY FOR THE CLERK TO THE POLICE JUSTICE AND FIXING HIS BOND. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. That the salary of the clerk to the Police Justice shall be eighty dollars per month, to be paid by the city from and after November 11, 1902. 7o MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE Sec. 2. That the clerk to the Police Justice shall enter into a bond to the City of Spokane in the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars, con- ditioned that he will faithfully perform the duties of his office, and pay to the City Treasurer once a week all moneys received by him as such clerk, which belongs to the City of Spokane. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Pa.ssed the City Council January 20, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. A735. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A POLICE COURT FUND, PROVIDING WHAT MON- EYS SHALL BE PAID INTO THE SAME AND WHAT SHALL BE PAID THERE- FROM. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. There is hereby established a fund to be known as a Police Court Fund. Sec. 2. There shall be paid into said fund all moneys arising from costs, fines, forfeited bonds, jury and witness fees, and all other sources arising in the court presided over by the Police Justice. Sec. 3. Witnesses and jurors duly in attendance upon said court, and while the same is convened by said Police Justice, shall be paid from said fund. Said Police Justice shall, on the first and third Mon- day of each month, file with the City Comptroller a complete and de- tailed statement containing the names of such witnesses and jurors as may be entitled to fees for attendance upon said court, and the respec- tive amounts due same, which certificate shall be transmitted by the Comptroller to the City Council for final action. Sec. 4. Witnesses subpoened by the city duly in attendance upon the Superior Court of this county in cases upon appeal from the police court may be paid from said sum upon a certificate from the County £lerk containing the names and amounts due such witnesses, and upon same being approved by the Corporation Counsel, or his assistant, said cer- tificate shall be filed with the City Comptroller, who shall transmit same to the City Council for final action. Sec. 5. After the favorable action of the City Council upon the cer- tificates mentioned in sections 3 and 4, the Comptroller shall issue a pay check upon said Police Court Fund, which shall be paid by the Treas- urer. Sec. 6. Any surplus moneys accruing to said Police Court Fund may be transferred to other funds by action of the City Council, as provided by law. Sec. 7. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council January 21, 1898. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 7i ORDINANCE NO. A10. AN ORDINANCE CREATING THE OFFICE OF CITY ENGINEER AND PRESCRIBING HIS DUTIES. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. The office of City Engineer is hereby created and es- tablished. Sec. 2. Repealed by Ordinance A466, passed June 26, 1894. Sec. 3. The City Engineer shall devote his entire time to the duties of his office, and must be a practical surveyor and civil engineer of skill and learning in his profession. He shall, in addition to the duties pre- scribed by the charter, perform such services and duties as may be pre- scribed or directed from time to time by the Board of Public Works. He may be removed from office upon recommendation of the Mayor or Board of Public Works, with a concurrence of a majority of all the members of the City Council, or he may be removed without recom- mendation from the Mayor or Board of Public Works by a three-fifths vote of all the members of the City Council. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council May 11, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. A506. AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING BONDS FROM CERTAIN OFFICERS. The City of Spokane does ordain as folloios: Section 1. That the Chief of Police and the City Engineer shall each give a bond to the City of Spokane in the penal sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000)^ with two sureties, conditioned for the faithful per- formance of his duties, and to faithfully and punctually pay over all moneys coming. into his hands belonging to the city to the City Treas- urer, and to carefully keep and preserve all property belonging to the city coming into his hands or custody, and to faithfully and punctually deliver the same to his successor in as good condition as received, wear and tear by use excepted, before entering- upon the duties of his office; provided, that the present Chief of Police and City Engineer shall each enter into a bond as provided herein within ten days after the passage of this ordinance. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council December 4. 1894. 72 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE ORDINANCE NO. A1197. AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE WAGES TO BE PAID FOR THE USE OF TEAMS BY THE CITY OF SPOKANE. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. That teams, including the drivers, employed by the City shall be paid four dollars ($4.00) per day. Sec. 2. That whenever sprinklers are called out for any part of a forenoon or afternoon they shall receive pay for one-half ( y 2 ) a day. Sec. 3. That ail ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. Whereas an emergency exists, therefore this ordinance shaft" take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Passed the City Council August 5, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. A1114. AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH THE HOURS TO CONSTITUTE A DAY’S WORK ON ALL MUNICIPAL CONSTRUCTION, OR SUCH WORK DONE BY CONTRACT OR SUB- CONTRACT, AND PROVIDING FOR THE WAGES TO BE PAID LABORERS EMPLOYED v IN DOING THE SAME, AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR ITS VIOLATION. The City of Spokane does ordain as folloivs: Section 1. Hereafter eight hours in any calendar day shall consti- tute a day’s work on any work done for the City of Spokane, subject to the conditions hereinafter provided. Sec. 2. Hereafter all laborers employed by the day on municipal work, either directly by the city or by contractors or subcontractors, on all work for the city, shall receive and be paid not less than two dollars and twenty-five cents for a calendar day’s work of eight hours. As amended by ordinance No. A1342, passed April 28, 1903. Sec. 3. All work done by contract or subcontract on any building or improvements, or work on roads, bridges, streets, alleys or buildings for the City of Spokane shall be done under the provisions of this ordi- nance; provided , that in cases of extraordinary emergency, such as danger to life or property, the hours for work may be extended; but in such case the rate of pay for time employed in excess of eight hours of each calendar day shall be one and one-half times the rate of pay allowed for the same amount of time during eight hours’ service. And for this purpose this ordinance is made a part of all contracts, subcon- tracts or agreements for work done for the City of Spokane. Sec. 4. Any contractor, subcontractor or agent of contractor, fore- man or employer, who shall violate the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined in a sum not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than two hun- dred dollars, or by imprisonment in the city jail for a period not less MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 73 than ten days nor more than ninety days, or both such fine and impris- onment, at the discretion of the Court. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council January 7, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. A41. AX ORDIXAXCE PROVIDING FOR PAYMENT OF RECEIPTS FROM LICENSES INTO THE SALARY FUND. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. All receipts of money by the city from all licenses issued thereby shall be paid into the salary fund. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council July 9, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. A12. AN ORDINANCE CREATING A SPECIAL SUPPLIES FUND. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. There is hereby created and established a Special Sup- plies Fund. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council May 19, 1891. 74 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE CHAPTER II. Local Improvements and Public Work. ORDINANCE NO. A1088. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE MAKING OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS, TO BE PAID FOR, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, BY ASSESS- MENTS UPON THE LOTS OR PARCELS OF LAND ABUTTING UPON, ADJACENT OR PROXIMATE TO SUCH IMPROVEMENT, PRESCRIBING THE MODE IN WHICH THE CHARGE UPON THE RESPECTIVE LOTS AND PARCELS OF LAND SHALL BE ASSESSED AND DETERMINED, AND CREATING A LIEN TO SECURE THE PAYMENT OF SUCH ASSESSMENTS. The City of Spokane does ordain as follov>s: Section 1. All petitions for the sidewalking, curbing, recurbing, grading, regrading, paving, repaving, planking, replanking, macadamiz- ing, remacadamizing, guttering and reguttering of any street, avenue, public way or alley, or any part of such street, avenue, public way or alley, shall be filed with the Board of Public Works. No improvement where the whole or any portion of the cost and expense thereof is to be defrayed by the collection of special assessments upon the lots or parcels of land abutting upon, adjacent or proximate to the portion of the street, avenue, public way or alley to be improved shall be ordered, except by an ordinance which shall have passed by a vote of at least two-thirds of the whole Council; provided, that when- ever the owners of at least one-half of the property subject to contribute to such improvement shall file a petition therefor, such improvement may be ordered by ordinance passed by a majority vote of the members pres- ent; provided further, that the legal representatives of such owners may sign such petition for and on behalf of the owners. Sec. 2. Whenever a petition for such improvement shall be filed with the Board of Public Works, the board shall ascertain if the signers thereof are the owners of at least one-half of the property subject to contribute to such improvement; and if they find such to be the fact, they shall report such petition to the City Council, with their recom- mendation as to the granting of the same. Such report shall contain a statement of the assessed valuation of the property which in their judgment should be assessed for improve- ment according to the last assessment thereof, a statement of the area MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 75 of the property which should be assessed, a statement of the area and assessed valuation of the property owned by the parties signing the petition, and an estimate of the cost of such improvement. Such report shall further set forth the reasons for the recommendations of the Board with respect to granting or refusing the prayer of the petition, and a statement of all of the facts necessary to enable the Council to act in- telligently upon said petition. If the recommendation of the Board of Public Works be that the prayer of such petition be granted,, such Board shall transmit with such report plans and specifications for the pro- posed improvement. Whenever in the absence of any petition the Council shall desire to make any improvement, it shall, by resolution, direct the Board of Pub- lic Works to prepare and transmit a report on such work; and said Board shall thereupon prepare and transmit to the Council such report, plans and specifications, in the same manner as if there had been a pe- tition for such work and a favorable report by the Board. Sec. 3. Whenever the City of Spokane shall decide to improve any street, avenue, public way or alley, or any part thereof, and to pay for the cost of such improvement, in the whole or in part, directly or in- directly, by the levy of a special tax or assessment upon th^ lots and parcels of land abutting upon, adjacent or proximate to the portion of the street, avenue, public way or alley so improved, it shall, by ordi- nance, create an assessment district, which shall include the lots and parcels of land benefited by said improvement; provided, however, that such assessment district shall be coterminous with the portion of the street, avenue, public way or alley improved, and the side lines of said district shall in no event be distant more than one hundred and fifty (150) feet from the nearest side line of the street, avenue; public way or alley improved. The cost and expense of said improvement, together with any inter- est that may lawfully accrue thereon, to be assessed upon the lots and parcels of land in said assessment district, shall be apportioned upon said lots and parcels of land included in said assessment district (except streets, avenues, public ways and alleys) in proportion to the valuation of such lots and parcels of land, as shown by the last equalized county assessment roll; provided, however, that in such apportionment the val- uation of the land only shall be considered, excluding all improvement, whether affixed to the land or not; and provided further, that if the par- cel of land to be assessed for such improvement is not separately as- sessed upon tjie county assessment roll, such tract shall be valued at such sum as bears the same proportion to the county assessment of such tract and such other land as may be assessed with it as the area of such tract bears to the area of the parcel described in the county roll; and such apportionment shall be ascertained and made in the manner here- inafter provided. Sec. 4. As soon as possible after the taking effect of an ordinance providing for any of the improvements herein contemplated, and as 76 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE soon as the Board of Public Works can ascertain the cost and expense thereof, such board shall make out and certify to the City Council an assessment roll, which shall exhibit in separate columns: First, the owner, or reputed owner, of each lot or parcel of land separately as- sessed, if known to said board, and if the name of the owner be un- known, the word “unknown” shall be written opposite the description of such lot or parcel of land; second, a brief description, by lot, block or otherwise, of such lot or parcel of land assessed; third, the assess- ment number of eacn lot or parcel of land separately assessed; fourth, the valuation of such lot or parcel of land, ascertained as hereinbefore provided; fifth, the amount assessed to each of said lots or parcels of land. Said assessment roll shall also contain, or have annexed thereto, a diagram or map of the assessment district, showing the lots or parcels of land to be assessed for such improvement district, showing the lots or parcels of land to be assessed for such improvement; and the lots or parcels of land shown on said diagram or map shall be marked with numbers corresponding with the numbers of like lots or parcels of land, as shown on the list of assessed lands. Sec. 5. The cost and expense of any improvement not to be paid by special assessments shall be prescribed by ordinance and shall be paid out of the general fund. Sec. 6. Upon receiving said assessment i oil, the City Clerk shall give notice by five successive publications (Sundays excluded) in the official newspaper of the city that such assessment loll is on file in his office, the date of filing the same, and that the same is open for public inspection. Said notice shall state a time, not less than twenty days after the first publication of said notice, at which the Council will hear and consider objections to said assessment roll by any parties claiming to be aggrieved by any assessment. Sec. 7. Any party claiming to be aggrieved by any assessment ap- pearing in said roll, whether named in the assessment roll or not, may, at any time after the first publication of said notice and prior to the day preceding the day fixed for such hearing, file with the City Clerk objections to or protests against such assessment roll. Such protests or objections shall state clearly the grounds of the objection or protest, and objections to such assessment roll or to the assesment proceedings not made before the City Council as aforesaid shall be conclusively pre- sumed to have been waived. Sec. 8. At the time appointed for hearing objections to such assess- ment the Council shall hear and determine the objections which have been filed by any party interested, to the regularity of the proceedings in making such assessment and to the correctness of the amount of such assessment, or of the amount levied upon any particular lot or parcel of land; and the council may adjourn such hearing from time to time, and shall confirm, revise, correct, change or modify such roll, or any part thereof, and confirm the same as corrected, or set aside such roll, and order that said assessment be made de novo, or refuse to confirm such MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 77 roll, as to the Council shall appear equitable and just. All orders of confirmation shall be by ordinance. Sec. 9. The ordinance of confirmation shall prescribe within what time, or times, such assessments, or the installments thereof, shall be paid, and shall provide for the payment and collection of interest at a rate not exceeding eight per cent, per annum upon all unpaid install- ments, and the rate of interest and penalty which delinquent install- ments shall bear. Sec. 10. All assessments for local improvements shall be paid to the City Treasurer in lawful money of the United States. Sec. 11. The City Clerk shall, within five days after confirmation of any assessment for local improvements, certify and annex to the assess- ment roll a copy of the order of confirmation, and shall make and annex to said roll a warrant directing the City Treasurer to receive and collect the assessments named therein, and shall deliver the same to the City Treasurer, and shall also certify the amount of such roll to the City Comptroller. The Treasurer shall forthwith give notice, by three week* ly insertions in the official newspaper of the city, that such assessment roll is in his hands, that the assessments are payable, and the date when the same become delinquent, if unpaid. Such notice shall be a suf- ficient demand for payment, and it shall be the duty of any person whose property is assessed for improvements, as herein provided, to pay all such assessments before the same become delinquent. Sec. 12. The City Treasurer shall, upon the receipt of the amount due upon any assessment or installment thereof, make out a duplicate receipt therefor, specifying therein the lot and parcel of land on which the assessment or installment so paid was levied, according to its de- scription on the assessment roll. Such receipts shall be numbered and shall contain the name of the party paying with the amount and date of payment and the description of the property paid on. The Treasurer shall immediately enter upon the assessment roll, opposite the descrip- tion of the lot or parcel of land so paid, upon the number of the receipt, the name of the party paying and the amount and date of payment. One of such receipts shall be given to the person paying the assessment or installment; the other shall remain in said receipt book, and the Treas- urer shall, within twenty-four hours after the making and giving of such receipt, submit such receipt book to the City Comptroller, who shall check up all receipts so given, and shall charge the Treasurer with the amount received on account of any assessment or installment thereof. The Treasurer shall also post such collection in his cash or collection register provided for that purpose, and in his ledger. Within thirty days after the date of delinquency the Treasurer shall make out and file with the City Clerk an abstract of all delinquent as- sessments or installments thereof, arid such delinquent assessments or installments thereof shall thereafter be collected in such manner as the city may by ordinance prescribe. 78 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE Sec. 13. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council September 3, 1901. ORDINANCE NO. A831. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING A METHOD OF ASSESSING REAL ESTATE FOR LOCAL IMPROVEMENT, OTHER THAN SIDEWALKS, AND CREATING A LIEN TO SECURE THE PAYMENT OF SUCH ASSESSMENTS. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. Whenever the City of Spokane shall decide to improve any street or streets, highway or highways, therein by curbing, grading, paving, planking, macadamizing, guttering or sewering, the cost and expenses of such improvement may be assessed and charged against the land in the assessment district created for such improvement to the extent of the benefits received by the respective lots, pieces or parcels of such land, and such benefits and the assessments therefor shall be as- certained and made in the manner hereinafter provided. Such assess- ment district shall be created in the manner now or hereafter provided by the charter, and such assessments shall be a lien upon the property assessed from the time when they are confirmed, which lien shall be paramount and superior to any other lien heretofore or hereafter created, whether by mortgage or otherwise, except a lien for prior as- sessments and for general taxes, and shall be payable at such times, and, when delinquent, shall bear such interest and penalty as shall be prescribed by ordinance. Sec. 2. After the taking effect of the ordinance providing for any of the improvements herein provided for, and as soon as the Board of Pub- lic Works can ascertain the cost and expenses thereof, such board shall make out and certify to the City Council an assessment roll, which shall exhibit in separate columns: First, the name of the owner, or re- puted owner, of each separate lot, piece, parcel or subdivision of land separately assessed, if known to said board, and if the name of the own- er be unknown, the word “UNKNOWN” shall be written opposite the description of such land; second, a brief description by lot, block, or otherwise, of such subdivision of land assessed; third, the assessment number of each subdivision of land separately assessed; fourth, the amount asessed separately to such subdivision. Said assessment roll shall also contain, or have annexed thereto, a diagram or map of the assessment district showing the lots or parcels of land to be assessed for such improvement, and the lots or parcels of land shown on said diagram or map shall be marked with numbers corresponding with like lots or parcels of land as shown on the list of assessed lands. Sec. 3. In assessing the respective lots, pieces or parcels of land in said assessment district, the Board of Public Works shall ascertain the amount of benefit received by the same, and the amount of benefit so MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 79 determined shall he the amount to he, and shall be, assessed to and against such lot, piece or parcel of land; provided , however, that in case the benefits assessed to and against the entire assessment district shall exceed the total amount of the cost or expenses of such improvement, such excess shall be deducted from the assessments against the differ- ent pieces and parcels of land in equal proportion, and the respective assessments shall so stand as reduced. Sec. 4. In event the total amount of the assessments as made in the above manner shall not be sufficient to pay the cost and expenses of said improvement, the difference between said assessments and such cost and expenses shall be borne by the city at large, and the ordinance confirming such assssment roll shall name the fund from which such part to be borne by the city at large shall be paid. Sec. 5. Upon receiving the said assessment roll, the City Clerk shall give notice, by five successive publications (Sundays excluded) in the official newspaper of the city, that such assessment roll is on file in his office, the date of filing the same, and said notice shall state a time at which the Council will hear and consider objections to said assessment roll by the parties aggrieved by such assessment. The owner, or owners, of any property which is assessed in such assessment roll, or any per- son interested therein, whether named therein or not, may file with the Clerk his objections, in writing, to said assessment. Any objections shall state clearly and separately the grounds of objection, and no ob- jector shall be thereafter allowed to raise objections not made before the Council. Sec. 6. That at the time appointed for hearing objections to such assessment the Council shall hear and determine all objections which have been filed by any party interested to the regularity of the proceed- ings in making such assssment, and to the correctness of the amount of such assessment, or of the amount levied upon any particular lot or parcel of land; and the Council shall have the power to adjourn such hearing from time to time, and shall have power, in their discretion, to revise, correct, confirm or set aside, and to order that such assessment be made de novo, and such Council shall pass an order approving and confirming said proceedings and said assessment, as corrected by them, and their decision and order shall be a final determination of the regu- larity, validity and correctness of said assessment to the amount thereof levied on each lot or parcel of land. Sec. 7. Any person who has filed objections to such assessment, as hereinbefore provided, shall have the right of appeal to the Superior Court, and thence to the Supreme Court, in the same manner as is now provided for appeals from assessments in an act of the legislature of the State of Washington entitled “An act relating to and authorizing the collection of assessments for local improvements by a new assessment, or reassessment, of the cost and expenses of making same in cities and towns, and declaring an emergency,” approved March 9, 1893, as the same stands at the time of the adoption of this ordinance; and such ap- 8o MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE peal, and all proceedings thereunder, shall he conducted as in said act prescribed, and said act shall govern said appeal in every respect. Sec. 8. The Council shall provide in the order confirming said as- sessments and assessment roll at what time and in what manner the same shall be paid to the City Treasurer, or other collecting officer, and when the same, or the installments thereof, will become delinquent, and the rate of interest which the same will bear. Sec. 9. The City Clerk shall, within five days after any assessment roll is confirmed, or as soon thereafter as is possible, certify and annex to said assessment roll a copy of the order of confirmation, and issue and annex to said roll a warrant directed to the City Treasurer, or other collecting officer, to receive and collect the assessments named therein, and shall deliver the same to the said officer, and shall certify the amount of such roll to the City Comptroller. The collecting officer shall forthwith give notice, by three weekly insertions in the official newspaper of the city, that such assessment roll is in his hands, that the assessments are payable, and the date at which interest accrues, if they remain unpaid. Sec. 10. If, for any reason, the city has no official newspaper at the time any notice herein required should be published, then and in that event it shall be sufficient to publish said notice in any newspaper of general circulation published in said city. Sec. 11. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 12. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council May 19, 1899. ORDINANCE NO. A691. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ASSESSMENT AND COLLECTION OF THE COST OF IMPROVING STREET INTERSECTIONS, FORMING A PART OF ANY LOCAL IMPROVEMENT IN THE CITY OF SPOKANE, UPON THE PROPERTY INCLUDED IN THE DISTRICT ESTABLISHED FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE COST OF SUCH LOCAL IMPROVEMENT, AND DECLARING IT TO BE THE INTENTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE TO MAKE LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF AN ACT OF THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, ENTITLED, “AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE ASSESSMENT AND COLLECTION OF THE COST OF IMPROVING STREET INTERSECTIONS FORMING A PART OF ANY LOCAL IMPROVEMENT IN ANY INCORPORATED CITY OR TOWN, UPON THE PROPERTY INCLUDED IN THE DISTRICT ESTABLISHED FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE COST OF SUCH LOCAL IMPROVEMENT, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY,” PASSED AT THE SESSION OF TIIE LEGISLATURE OF 1897. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. That whenever any local improvement is ordered to be made in the City of Spokane, the cost of which is payable in whole or MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 81 in part by an assessment upon the property abutting or approximate thereto, a like proportion of the cost of that portion of said improve- ment included within the limits of any street intersection, space or spaces, shall be included in the amount of total cost to be assessed and levied upon, and collected from the property included within the local improvement district, established for the purpose of providing the cost of such local improvement. For the purposes of this ordinance any improvement made either upon or under the surface of any street, avenue, alley, square or other public place, the cost of which is payable in whole or in part by an assessment upon the property abutting or proximate thereto shall be deemed to be a local improvement. Sec. 2. The City of Spokane does hereby declare it to be the inten- tion of said city to make improvements of the character herein de- scribed under the provisions of an act of the legislature of the State of Washington, entitled “An act providing for the assessment and collec- tion of the cost of improving street intersections forming a part of any local improvement in any incorporated city or town upon the property included in the district established for the payment of the cost of such local improvement, and declaring an emergency,” passed at the session of the legislature of 1897. Sec. 3. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Passed the City Council lyiay IT, 1897. ORDINANCE NO. A842. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING A METHOD FOR CREATING ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS AND ASSESSING REAL ESTATE THEREIN FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SIDE- WALKS, AND CREATING A LIEN TO SECURE THE PAYMENT OF SUCH ASSESS- MENTS. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. Whenever the City of Spokane shall decide to improve any street or streets, highway or highways, therein, by constructing a sidewalk thereon, the cost and expenses of constructing such sidewalk may be assessed to and charged against the land in the assessment district created as hereinafter provided for such improvement to the extent of the benefit derived by the respective lots, pieces or parcels of land from such improvement, and such benefits and the assessments therefor, shall be ascertained and made in the manner hereinafter provided, and such assessments shall be a lien upon the' property assessed from the time when they are confirmed, which lien shall be paramount and superior to any other lien created subsequent thereto, whether by mortgage or otherwise, except a lien for general taxes, and shall be payable at such time, and when delinquent shall bear such interest and penalty as shall be prescribed by ordinance Sec. 2. An assessment district for the purpose of constructing side- 6 82 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE walks under this ordinance shall contain the same limits and include the same property as is prescribed by the charter for other street improvements; provided, however, that where the said sidewalk is con- structed only on one side of a street, then and in that event the said assessment district shall only include the land upon that side of the street upon which said sidewalk is constructed, the limits of said district to he ascertained, however, in the same manner in which they would be ascertained on such side of said street if both sides were to be so improved. Sec. 3. Whenever the entire street is to be improved otherwise than by sidewalking in a uniform manner, and there are no sidewalks on either side of the portion of the street to be improved, as aforesaid, then the ordinance providing for such improvement may include side- walking each side of said street so otherwise improved, and the entire improvement, sidewalking included, shall be considered as a single improvement, and the entire cost thereof be assessed against the property within the assessment district created for the payment of such improvement, in the manner provided by the charter for creating assessment districts for local improvements other than sidewalking. Sec. 4. The method of making said assessments to pay for the con- struction of sidewalks, as herein provided, the manner of contesting the same and objecting thereto, and all other procedure concerning said assessments for constructing sidewalks, not herein particularly pro- vided for, or otherwise ordered, shall be made in the same manner as is provided by ordinance No. A831, entitled, “An ordinance providing a method of assessing real estate for local improvements other than side- walks, and creating a lien to secure the payment of such assessments,” passed May 19, 1899. Sec. 5. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed by the City Council June 20, 1899. ORDINANCE NO. A85. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE PAYMENT OF SPECIAL TAXES LEVIED AND ASSESSED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALKS. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. Whenever any special tax shall be levied for the purpose of paying the expenses of constructing sidewalks, and it shall appear by the certificate of the Superintendent of Streets that a sidewalk con- forming to the requirements of the ordinances of the city has been constructed in front of any lot or parcel of land by tne owner thereof, the City Treasurer shall upon presentation of such certificate cancel as “paid by building of walk” so much of said special tax as was levied MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 83 and assessed upon the said property in front of which said walk shall be shown to have been built. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect ten days after its passage. Passed by the City Council September 1, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. A1080. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF SEWERS AND SUBSEWERS TO BE PAID FOR IN WHOLE OR IN PART, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, BY AS- SESSMENTS UPON THE LOTS OR PARCELS OF LAND BENEFITTED THEREBY; PROVIDING FOR THE CREATION pF SEWER DISTRICTS, PRESCRIBING THE MODE IN WHICH THE CHARGE UPON THE RESPECTIVE LOTS AND PARCELS OF LAND IN THE SEWER OR SUBSEWER DISTRICT SHALL BE ASSESSED AND DETER- MINED; PROVIDING FOR THE FILING OF OBJECTIONS TO THE ASSESSMENT ROLL AND A HEARING UPON SUCH OBJECTIONS BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL, AND PRESCRIBING THE MANNER AND TO WHOM SUCH ASSESSMENTS SHALL BE PAID, AND CREATING A LIEN TO SECURE THE PAYMENT OF SUCH ASSESS- MENTS. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. All petitions for the construction of main or trunk sew- ers shall be filed with the Board of Public Works. The construction of a main or trunk sewer, or sub-sewer, where the whole or any portion of the cost and expense thereof is to be defrayed by the collection of special assessments upon the lots or parcels of land benefited thereby, shall not be ordered, except by an ordinance which shall have passed by a vote of at least two-thirds of the whole Council; provided, that, whenever the owners of at least one-half of the property subject to contribute to the cost of constructing said sewer shall file a petition therefor, such construction may be ordered by ordinance passed by a majority of the members present; provided further, that the legal representatives of such owners may sign such petition for and on behalf of the owners. Sec. 2. Whenever a petition for the construction of a main or trunk sewer or sub-sewer shall be filed with the Board of Public Works the Board shall ascertain if the signers thereof are the owners of at least one-half of the property subject to contribute to such improvement; and if they find such to be the fact, they shall report such petition to the City Council with their recommendation as to the granting of the same. Such report shall contain a statement of the assessed valuation of the property owned by the parties signing the petition and an estimate of the cost of such improvement. Such report shall further set forth the reasons for the recommendations of the Board with respect to granting or refusing the prayer of the petition. If the recommendation . of the Board of Public Works be that the prayer of the petition be granted, such Board shall transmit with such report a map, plans and specifications for the proposed sewer. 84 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE Whenever, in the absence of any petition, the Council shall desire to order any main or trunk sewer or sub-sewer constructed, it shall, by resolution, direct the Board of Public Works to prepare and transmit a report on such work, and said Board shall, thereupon, prepare and transmit to the Council such report, map, plans and specifications, in the same manner as if there had been a petition for such work and a favorable report by the Board. Sec. 3. Whenever the City of Spokane shall decide to construct any main or trunk sewer or sub-sewer and to pay for the cost and expense thereof in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, by the levy of a special tax or assessment upon the lots and parcels of land to be bene- fited thereby, it shall by ordinance adopt a map, plans and specifica- tions therefor, create an assessment district, which shall include the lots and parcels of land which can be conveniently sewered or drained by such main or trunk sewer or sub-sewer, the cost and expense of said improvement, or so much thereof as the said City Council shall by ordi- nance prescribe, together with any interest that may lawfully accrue thereon, to be assessed upon lots and parcels of land in said assessment district (except streets, avenues, public ways and alleys), as follows: One-half in proportion to the area of such lots and parcels of land, and one-half thereof in proportion to the valuation of said lots and parcels of land, as shown by the last equalized county assessment roll; pro- vided, however, that in such apportionment the valuation of the land only shall be considered, excluding all improvements thereon, whether the same be affixed to the land or not; and, provided further, that if the parcel of land to be assessed for such improvement is not separately assessed upon the county assessment roll, such tract shall be valued at such sum as bears the same proportion to the county assessment of such tract and such other land as may be assessed with it as the area of such tract bears to the area of the parcel described in the county assess- ment roll. Such apportionment shall be ascertained and made in the manner hereinafter provided. Sec. 4. As soon as possible after the taking effect of an ordinance providing for the construction of a main or trunk sewer or sub-sewer, and as soon as the Board of Public Works can ascertain the cost and expense thereof, such Board shall make out and . certify to the City Council an assessment roll, which shall exhibit, in separate columns; first, the owner, or reputed owner, of each lot or parcel of land sepa- rately assessed, if known to said board, and, if the name of the owner be unknown, the word “unknown” shall be written opposite the descrip- tion of such lot or parcel of land; second, a brief description by lot, block or otherwise of such lot or parcel of land assessed; third, the assessment number of each lot or parcel of land assessed; fourth, the area in square feet of such lot or parcel of land, provided, that any frac- tion of a square foot in excess of one-half shall be counted as one square foot, and any fraction of a square foot less than one-half shall be dis- regarded; fifth, the amount assessed to each of said lots or parcels of MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 85 land; sixth, the valuation of such lot or parcel of land, ascertained as hereinbefore provided; seventh, the amount assessed upon each of said lots or parcels of land upon an ad valorem basis; eighth, the total amount assessed upon each of said lots or parcels of land. Such assess- ment roll shall also contain or have annexed thereto a diagram or map of the assessment district showing the lots or parcels of land to be assessed for such cost and expense of such work, and the lots or par- cels of land shown on said diagram or map shall be marked with num- bers corresponding with the numbers of the same lots or parcels of land as shown on the list of assessed lands. Sec. 5. The cost and expense of any sewer not to be paid by special assessments shall be prescribed by ordinance and shall be paid out of the general fund. Sec. 6. Upon receiving said assessment roll, the City Clerk shall give notice by five successive publications (Sundays excluded) in the official newspaper of the city that such assessment roll is on file in his office, the date of filing the same, and that the same is open for public inspection. Said notice shall state a time when, not less than twenty days after the first publication of said notice, at which the Council will hear and consider objections to said assessment roll by the parties claiming to be aggrieved by said assessment. Sec. 7. Any party claiming to be aggrieved by any assessment appearing in said roll, whether named in the assessment roll or not, may, at any time after the first publication of said notice and prior to the day preceding the day fixed for such hearing, file with the City Clerk objections to, or protests against, such assessment roll. Such protests or objections shall state clearly the grounds of the objec- tion or protest, and objections to such assessment roll or to the assess- ment proceedings not made before the City Council as aforesaid shall be conclusively presumed to have been waived. Sec. 8. At the time appointed for hearing objections to such assess- ment, the Council shall hear and determine the objections which have been filed by any party interested to the regularity of the proceedings in making such assessment and to the correctness of the amount of such assessment, or of the amount levied upon any particular lot or parcel of land, and the Council may adjourn such hearing from time to time, and shall confirm, revise, correct, change or modify such roll, or any part thereof, and confirm the same as corrected, or set aside such roll and order that said assessment be made de novo, or refuse to confirm such roll, as to the Council shall appear equitable and just. All orders of confirmation shall be by ordinance. Sec. 9. The ordinance of confirmation shall prescribe the time, or times, when such assessments, or installments thereof, shall be pai'd, and shall provide for the payment and collection of interest at a rate not exceeding eight per cent, per annum upon all unpaid installments, and the rate of interest and penalty which delinquent installments shall bear. 86 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE Sec. 10. All assessments for the construction of sewers shall be paid to the City Treasurer in lawful money of the United States. Sec. 11. The City Clerk shall, within five days after the confirma- tion of any assessment for the' construction of sewers, certify and annex to the assessment roll a copy of the order of confirmation, and shall make and annex to said roll a copy of the order of confirmation, and shall make and annex to said roll a warrant directing the City Treas- urer to receive and collect the assessments named therein, and shall deliver the same to the City Treasurer, and shall also certify to the amount of such roll to the City Comptroller. The Treasurer shall forth- with give notice, by three weekly insertions in the official newspaper of the city, that such assessment roll is in his hands, that the assess- ments are payable, and the date when the same become delinquent, if unpaid. Such notices shall be sufficient demand for payment, and it shall be the duty of any person whose property is assessed for the construction of any sewer, as herein provided, to pay all such assess- ments before the same become delinquent. Sec. 12. The City Treasurer shall, upon receipt of the amount due upon any assessment, or installment thereof, make a duplicate receipt therefor, specifying therein the lot and parcel of land on which the assessment or installment so paid was levied, according to the descrip- tion on the assessment roll. Such receipts shall be numbered and shall contain the name of the party paying, with the amount and date of payment and a description of the property paid upon. The Treasurer shall immediately enter upon the assessment roll opposite the descrip- tion of the lot or parcel of land so paid, upon the number of the receipt, the name of the party paying and the amount and date of payment. One of such receipts shall be given to the person paying the assessment or installments; and the other shall remain in the receipt book, and the Treasurer shall, within twenty-four hours after the making and giving of such receipt, submit such receipt book to the City Comptroller, who shall check up all receipts so given, and shall charge the Treasurer with the amount received on account of any assessment or install- ment thereof. The Treasurer shall also post such collections in his cash or collection register, provided for that purpose, and in his ledger. Within thirty days after the date of delinquency, the Treasurer shall make out and file with the City Clerk an abstract of all delinquent assessments or installments thereof, and such delinquent assessments or installments thereof shall thereafter be collected in such manner as the city may by ordinance prescribe. Sec. 13. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed by the City Council September 3, 1901. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 87 ORDINANCE NO. A1031. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO CONTRACTS FOR PUBLIC WORKS, AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. A203, ENTITLED “AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO CONTRACTS FOR PUBLIC WORKS,” PASSED MAY 2, 1892, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. When it shall he decided to do work by contract, the Board of Public Works shall advertise for bids as required by the City Charter. Such advertisement shall require that all bids filed be accompanied with a certified check upon some Spokane bank in good standing, payable to the order of the President of the Board of Public Works, in an amount to be fixed by the board and named in said advertisement, not exceeding ten per cent, of the estimated cost of the work, which check shall be forfeited to the city in the event that the bidder shall neglect or refuse to enter into a contract (with approved sureties) to execute the work for the price mentioned in his bid and according to the plans and specifications, in case the contract shall be awarded to him. The board shall reserve the right to reject any and all bids. Sec. 2. No proposals or bids shall be advertised for any public works or material without the plan or profile of the work to be done, accompanied with specifications for doing the same, or specifications for the material or supplies to be furnished, being on file in the office of the city engineer, which said plan, profile and specifications shall, at all times, be open for public inspection. Sec. 3. All contracts for work, material or supplies relating to any of the matters under the control of the Board of Public Works shall be let by the said Board of Public Works. All contracts, whether for public works, supplies or other purposes, shall be executed in triplicate by the proper officers of the city on the part of the corporation, and by the contractor. One original copy so executed shall be kept on file in the office of the Secretary of the Board of Public Works, one shall be filed in the office of the City Comptroller, and the third shall be given to the contractor. All contracts and bonds shall be in the name of and run to the City of Spokane. Sec. 4. All contracts executed by the said Board of Public Works on behalf of the , city shall contain a provision that the Board of Public Works shall decide every question which can or may arise be- tween the parties relative to the construction of said contract, and to the performance thereof, including all questions as to the quality, quantity and amount of the several kinds of work which may be per- formed, or material furnished under such contract, and the prices thereof, and that such determination shall be conclusive upon the parties; also, that in case of improper construction or noncompliance with the contract in any manner, the said board may suspend said work at any time, or order a partial or complete reconstruction of the same, if improperly done, or to declare the contract forfeited and to re-let the 88 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE same. All contracts entered into on the part of the city shall provide that, in event the contractor, or contractors, shall violate any of the provisions of such contract, the Board of Public Works shall ascertain and determine the amount of damages resulting from such violation, which determination shall be conclusive, and that the contractor, or contractors, shall pay to the city the amount of such damages as ascer- tained and determined. Sec. 5. All contracts shall contain a provision that, if the work is not completed within the time specified, the contractor must pay to the City of Spokane an amount which the board may determine, not less than ten dollars per day for each and every day that said work remains uncompleted. Such amount to be deducted by the city from the final estimate allowed the contractor. Sec. 6. All contracts under which the contractor, or contractors, are to be paid from special assessments shall contain covenants to the effect that the city shall not be liable for the assessment fund, or for any claims or demands whatsoever against such fund, except as trustee thereof; and that the contractor, or contractors, shall look only to such fund for the payment for the performance of such contract, and shall have no claim against the city therefor, except from such fund. No liability of any kind shall attach to the city by reason of entering into such contract, except as specially provided in the contract. Sec. 7. Whenever the Board of Public Works, or any other city officer, shall let any work or improvement which shall require the digging up, use or occupancy of any street, avenue, public way, alley or public grounds of said city, there shall be inserted for the same substantial covenants requiring the contractor to erect and maintain, during the night time, such barriers and lights as will effectually pre- vent the happening of any accident in consequence of such digging up, use or occupancy of such street, avenue, public way, alley or public grounds, for which the city might be liable; and also such other cove- nants and conditions as experience may prove necessary to save the city harmless from damages; and such contracts shall contain cove- nants upon the part of the contractor, or contractors, to save, indemnify and keep harmless the said city against all liabilities, judgments, costs and expenses which may in any wise accrue against said city in con- sequence of the failure of said contractor, or contractors, to perform such contracts in accordance with the terms and conditions thereof, or which may in any wise result from the carelessness or neglect of such contractor, or contractors, or his, their or its agents, employees or workmen, in any respect whatsoever; and that, when any judgment is recovered against said city for any such liability, costs or expenses, such judgment shall be conclusive against said contractor, or con- tractors, and his, their or its sureties, not only as to the amount of damages, but also as to their liabilities; provided, reasonable notice has been given of the pendency of such suit to such contractor, or con- tractors, and his, their or its sureties. Such contract shall provide that MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 89 all work must be done with the least possible inconvenience to the public, and shall contain such provisions as may be best adapted to secure this end. Sec. 8. There shall be inserted in every contract by the city with every contractor for public works a provision that, in case such con- tractor shall discharge any employee (or such employees shall cease to work) and give his time-check, showing the amount of labor per- formed and the amount due, such employee may file such time-check with the City Comptroller, and the amount due upon such time-check may be paid the owner thereof from proceeds due such contractor upon the next succeeding estimate allowed upon the contract under which the work represented by such time-check was performed. Every such contract shall provide that a certain per centage (not less than ten per centum) be reserved out of the moneys earned upon said contract, and that said percentage shall not be payable until such contractor shall satisfy such board, or officer letting such contract, that all work- men have been fully paid. Sec. 9. Whenever the Board of Public Works shall notify the con- tractor, by notice personally served, or by leaving a copy thereof at the contractor’s last place of abode, that no further vouchers or esti- mates will be issued, or payments made on the contract, until the workmen and employes have been paid, and the contractor shall neglect or refuse for the space of ten days after such notice shall have been served to pay such workmen or employees, it shall and may be lawful for the city to apply any money due, or that may become due, under the contract, to the payment of said workmen and employes without other or further notice to said contractor; but the failure of the city to retain and apply any of such moneys, or of the board, or other officer, to order to direct that no vouchers or estimates shall issue, or further payments be made, shall not, nor shall the paying over of such reserved percentages without such workmen or employes being first paid, in any way affect the liability of the contractor or of his sureties to the city, or to any workman or employe or material men, upon any bond given in connection with such contract. Sec. 10. In cases where the contractor, or contractors, shall proceed to properly perform and complete their said contracts, the said board may, from time to time, as the work progresses, grant to said contractor, or contractors, an estimate of the amount already earned, reserving ten per centum therefrom, which shall, when approved by the Auditing Committee and the City Council, entitle the holder or holders to receive the amount that may be due thereon. Sec. 11. In case the prosecution of any work be suspended in consequence of the fault of any contractor, or contractors, or in case the bids for doing such work shall be deemed excessive, or the persons or persons making proposals are not, in the opinion of said board, responsible or fit to be entrusted with its performance, the said Board of Public Works may, with the approval of the City Council and the 9 o MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE Mayor, where the emergency of the case and the interests of the city require, employ workmen to perform or complete any improvement ordered by the City Council; provided, that the cost and expense thereof shall in no case exceed the amount assessed or the sum appro- priated, for completing the same. Sec. 12. Whenever, in the judgment of the Board of Public Works, it shall be necessary to retain a portion of the sum agreed to be paid the contractor for any period after the completion of the work and acceptance by the city, the said board may so provide in the contract. Sec. 13. Whenever any work or improvement is let by contract to any person or persons, firm or corporation, the officers of the city letting the same shall, in all cases, take a bond from such person, firm or corporation, with some surety company authorized by the laws of the State of Washington, to become surety upon such bonds, as surety thereon, in an amount not less than the contract price to be paid for the performance of such contract. Such bond shall be conditioned upon the faithful performance of the contract, in the time and manner therein required, and the faithful compliance with all the terms and provisions thereof; also to save, indemnify and keep harmless the said city against all liabilities, judgments, costs and expenses which may, in any wise, accrue against said city in consequence of the failure of said contractor or contractors to perform such contract in accord- ance with the terms and conditions thereof and to comply with the covenants and agreements therein contained, or which may in any wise result from the carelessness or neglect of such contractor or contractors, or his, their or its agents, employes or workmen, in any respect whatsoever; such bond shall further contain a covenant that, whenever any judgment is recovered against said city for any such liability, costs or expenses, such judgment shall be conclusive against the principal and sureties upon said bond, not only as to the amount of the damages, but also as to their liability; provided reasonable notice has been given to such parties of the pendency of such action. Such contractor or contractors shall also make and file such bond or bonds for the protection of the pay of all laborers, mechanics, material men, &nd others, as are, or may be, provided by law. Sec. 14. The bonds required by this ordinance shall be submitted to the Corporation Counsel for examination and certificate to their proper and legal execution. They shall, before acceptance, be approved by the Mayor. No contract shall take effect until the bonds required by this ordinance, certified by the Corporation Counsel and approved by the Mayor, shall have been filed. Sec. 15. All contracts shall contain a provision that the same is accepted, subject to all the conditions and requirements of this ordi- nance. Sec. 16. That ordinance No. A203, entitled “An ordinance relating to contracts for public works,” passed May 2, 1892, and all amendments thereto, be, and the same is hereby repealed. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 9i Sec. 17. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council February 19, 1901. ORDINANCE NO. A1082. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE FORECLOSURE OF LIENS, CREATED BY SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS FOR LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section. 1. That whenever any special assessment or installation thereof for local improvements heretofore, or hereafter assessed, is delinquent, an action may be brought in the name of the City of Spokane in the Superior Court to foreclose the lien created by such special assessment and improvement, in the manner provided for the foreclosure of liens, by the laws of the State of Washington. Sec. 2. In such suits all owners of property upon which there are delinquent assessments or installments thereof due, arising under a single roll, or one assessment district, may be joined as defendants, and all liens for such assessments may be foreclosed in such action. Sec. 3. In such proceedings it shall be sufficient to allege the passage of the assessment ordinance for the improvement to be made, the assessment, the confirmation thereof, the amount due thereon from each person, firm or corporation, upon each lot, lots, block, or parcel of land, the date of delinquency, and the failure to pay for the same. Sec. 4. That the assessment roll and the order of confirmation or unauthenticated copies thereof, shall be prim, a facie evidence of the regularity and validity of the proceedings connected therewith, and the amount due from each owner of the lot, or parcel of land thereon described, and the failure to pay the same within the time prescribed, and if in such proceeding the court shall find that there is any amount properly chargeable to any of the lots or parcels of land included in the assessment roll for the making of the said improvement, it shall enter judgment for the whole amount as shown by the assessment roll and for all costs against such lot or parcel of land, and shall by decree direct that such land be sold in the manner provided by law for the sale of land in foreclosure proceedings, and executions shall issue to enforce such decree. Provided, that in all cases where such assessments are by ordinance payable in installments, executions shall issue on such decree only, as such installments are due, or as they become due and payable. And, provided further, that the purchaser at said sale may pay to the City Treasurer any and all subsequent payments as they fall due and delinquent, and upon his failure to make such payments when the same becomes due and delinquent, that then execution may be issued for the amount then due, and the purchaser shall take said property free from any claim, right, title or interest acquired by the first purchaser, except the right to redeem as herein provided. 92 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE Sec. 5. That in all cases where property is sold under the provisions ' of this ordinance when there are no bidders, the property shall be sold to the city, which property shall be held by the city as trustee, for the benefits of all persons having or holding bonds or warrants, payable out of the fund created to pay the cost and expense of making the im- provements for which the assessment was made. That the owner or owners of property sold to the city as herein provided, may at any time before the execution and delivery of the deed hereinafter provided for, redeem said property by paying the amount assessed upon such property, together with interest thereon at the rate of fifteen per cent per annum from the date of the sale and the equal and rateable portion of the costs incurred by the city in the prosecution of the suit, and allowed by the court in the action to foreclose said lien. Sec. 6. That the owners of all the property sold under the provi- sions of this ordinance, may redeem the same or any separate part thereof, by paying to the City Treasurer the amount assessed upon such property, together with the interest thereon, at the rate of fifteen per cent per annum from and after the day of delinquency, and the costs incurred in foreclosing said assessment lien, at any time within one year from and after the day of sale, to enforce the payment of the last installment due. Sec. 7. That it shall be the duty of the City Treasurer to execute and deliver to all purchasers deeds conveying to them all property sold under the provisions of this ordinance, which is not redeemed within the time and manner herein described. Such deed shall be prima facie evidence in all controversies and suits in relation to the rights of the purchaser, his heirs and assigns, to the real estate thereby conveyed of the following facts: First. That the land conveyed was within the improvement dis- trict, and was subject to assessment for said improvement, and that it was assessed in the manner provided by law. Second. That the said assessment was not paid. Third. That the land had not been redeemed from the sale at the date of the deed. Fourth. That the land was sold for special improvement assess- ments, penalties and costs, as stated in the deed. Fifth. That the grantee in the deed was the purchaser or assignee of the purchaser, and that the same was conducted in the manner provided by law. Sec. 8. This ordinance shall take effect, and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed by the City Council September 3, 1901. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 93 ORDINANCE NO. A1402. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT ASSESSMENTS. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. That when any local improvement assessment becomes delinquent it shall be the duty of the City Treasurer to transmit to the Corporation Counsel, a statement containing the name of the street and the points thereon, between which the improvements were made; the number of the improvement district; the number of the ordinance under which the improvement was made; the date when the assess- ment became delinquent; the amount of principal and interest due; a description of the property on which the assessment is delinquent, and the name of the owner of such property. Sec. 2. That upon the receipt of such statement, the Corporation Counsel shall at once proceed to collect such delinquent assessment by suit or otherwise, and in the manner required by law. Sec. 3. That when any annual installment or payment remains due and unpaid for the period of 30 days after it becomes delinquent, that thereupon the whole amount assessed against any property shall be- come delinquent, and shall draw interest at the rate of 8 per cent, per annum; and that in any suit or action for the recovery of the amount due the whole amount, then unpaid, together with the interest thereon, shall be included in the said suit or action. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 10 days after its passage. Passed the City Council June 18, 1903. 94 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE CHAPTER III. Bonds and Warrants. ORDINANCE NO. A695. AN OEDINANCE CREATING A REDEMPTION AND JUDGMENT FUND, PROVIDING FOR THE REDEMPTION OF WARRANTS ISSUED FOR LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS PRIOR TO THE YEAR 1895, AND PROVIDING FOR TRANSFERS OF MONEYS FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENT FUNDS TO THE REDEMPTION AND JUDGMENT FUND, AND AUTHORIZING THE REDEMPTION OF GENERAL FUND WARRANTS HERETOFORE ISSUED TO REDEEM LOCAL IMPROVEMENT WARRANTS. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. That, pursuant to the amendment No. 40 to the City Charter, adopted by the qualified electors May 4, 1897, there is created a fund designated as the Redemption and Judgment Fund. Sec. 2. All warrants issued by the city for the construction of side- walks and sewers and the grading of streets under the “special assess- ment plan” prior to the year 1895, which have not heretofore been redeemed, shall be paid, satisfied, discharged and redeemed by the issu- ance in lieu thereof of warrants of the City of Spokane, on the Re- demption and Judgment Fund. Sec. 3. All or any general fund warrants which have been hereto- fore issued to redeem warrants issued for sidewalking, sewering or street grading under the special assessment plan, or on judgments rendered in actions brought on account of the nonpayment of any such warrants, may be redeemed at the option of the holders thereof, in the order of presentation to the Comptroller by the issuance of city warrants upon the Redemption and Judgment Fund; and the Redemp- tion and Judgment Fund warrants issued as provided in this section may bear the same interest as the General Fund warrants presented for such exchange; provided the holders of such General Fund war- rants make application for such exchange prior to October 1, 1897. Sec. 4. Any and all final judgments which may be rendered here- after against the city upon any of said local improvement warrants, and all final judgments which have been heretofore rendered on such war- rants and remain unsatisfied, shall be paid, satisfied and discharged by the issuance of warrants upon said Redemption and Judgment Fund. Sec. 5. All warrants issued by the Redemption and Judgment Fund MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 95 shall draw interest at the rate of six per cent per annum, and no more, except as otherwise provided in this ordinance. Sec. 6. Whenever any local improvement fund warrants mentioned in this ordinance shall be redeemed, as herein provided, the Comptroller shall give the Treasurer written notice thereof, who will make proper entry and record thereof; provided, nothing contained in this ordinance shall affect the liability or obligation of any person to pay any assessment shown to be unpaid upon any street grade, sewer or sidewalk assessment roll, but the city’s right to collect and enforce such assessment shall remain inviolate. Sec. 7. Any and all special assessments collected and paid, or which may hereafter be collected and paid into any local improvement fund, the warrants upon which are, or may be redeemed, shall be immediately transferred to said Redemption and Judgment Fund without further direction from the Council. Sec. 8. Immediately upon the going into effect of this ordinance, the City Comptroller shall give notice by publication in the newspaper doing the city printing, each day for one week, substantially as follows: “NOTICE TO HOLDERS OF STREET GRADE, SEWER AND SIDEWALK WARRANTS.” “Notice is hereby given that upon presentation to the undersigned, I will redeem and discharge all street grade, sewer and sidewalk special fund warrants issued prior to the year 1895, as is provided by law. “No interest will be allowed upon any of such warrants which may accumulate ten days after the first publication of this notice. First publication, , 189 — . , City Comptroller.” Sec. 9. No interest shall be allowed upon any such local improve- ment warrants which may accumulate ten days subsequent to the first publication of the above notice, and the fact that any suit may be pending to enforce the payment of any such warrants shall not operate to prevent the redemption and payment of any such warrants, but the same shall be paid as other such warrants, including any accrued costs, notwithstanding the pending of any such suit or action, unless the City Council should otherwise direct. Sec. 10. Immediately upon the going into effect of this ordinance the City Comptroller shall also give notice by publication in the paper doing the city printing, each day for one week, substantially as follows : “notice to holders of general fund warrants. “Notice is hereby given that upon presentation, prior to October 1, 1897, to the undersigned, I will exchange General Fund Warrants Nos. by warrants drawn upon the Redemption and Judgment Fund, as provided by law. , City Comptroller.” Sec. 11. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 12. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council May 25, 1897. 9 6 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE ORDINANCE NO. A907. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR ISSUING SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT BONDS INSTEAD OF SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT WARRANTS FOR CERTAIN STREET IMPROVEMENTS, AND REPEALING ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. Whereas, All of the contractors on street improvement work where it is provided that the same shall be paid from the special improvement warrants, where payment has not yet been made, are desirous of having such payment made to them in special improvement bonds instead of warrants, as aforesaid, and Whereas, Such change in the manner of payment will be for the best interests of all parties, now, therefore, The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. That the Comptroller of the City of Spokane is hereby authorized and directed to issue to the respective contractors, who have not yet received payment on street improvements under their contracts, entitled to warrants in payment for making street improvements to be paid by special assessments, negotiable coupon bonds, as provided by an act of the Legislature of the State of Washington, entitled “An act authorizing the issuance and sale of bonds by cities, to pay for local improvements, providing for the payment thereof, and declaring an emergency,” approved March 14, 1899, instead of issuing to such con- tractors warrants as provided by the several ordinances authorizing and providing for such warrants. Said bonds shall be of the denomination of two hundred dollars ($200) each, except that one of the bonds issued for each separate improvement may be for such sum less than two hundred dollars ($200) as shall be necessary to make the issue for said improvement correspond with the cost of that particular improvement, and such bonds shall be issued to the contractors, as aforesaid, at the same time and in the same aggregate amount as heretofore provided for the warrants in lieu of which said bonds shall be issued. Said bonds shall be made payable to bearer as many years after date as there shall be installments of the special assessment levied upon and to be collected from the property included in the assessment district created and established for the purpose of making payment for the improvement, and shall bear interest at the rate of six per cent per annum, payable annually; provided, the City of Spokane reserves the right to call and pay any of said bonds according to their numerical order, as provided in the act above referred to, whenever there shall be sufficient money in any of the funds against which said bonds shall be issued to pay any of said bonds. The bonds issued in payment for the aforesaid improve- ments, respectively, shall be paid from the funds heretofore created and established for the purposes of defraying the cost and expense thereof, and in no event shall the City of Spokane be liable for the payment of said bonds, or any part thereof. Sec. 2. That it is not intended by this ordinance to in any wise change the relations of said respective contractors and the City of MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 97 Spokane, except to substitute bonds for warrants in making the pay- ments for the aforesaid improvements, respectively, as provided by the contracts therefor. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall only apply to contracts of the nature herein described, now in force, and where payment has not been made. Sec. 4. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 5. Whereas, An emergency exists, this ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its adoption. Passed the City Council January 2, 1900. ORDINANCE NO. A785. AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE RATE OF INTEREST UPON BONDS, WARRANTS AND OTHER EVIDENCE OF INDEBTEDNESS OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. That all bonds, warrants and other evidence of indebt- edness, including local improvement bonds and warrants, issued by the City of Spokane, sjiall bear interest at the rate of six per centum per annum, which shall be specified in such bonds, warrants or other evi- dence of indebtedness; provided, however, that such interest may be made payable quarterly, semi-annually or annually; and, provided fur- ther, that this ordinance shall not apply to any existing obligation of the City of Spokane. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council September 6, 1898. ORDINANCE NO. A397. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF NEGOTIABLE STREET OR SEWER BONDS BY THE CITY OF SPOKANE FOR LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS, PAYABLE IN WHOLE OR IN PART BY SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS LEVIED UPON THE ADJOIN- ING, CONTIGUOUS OR APPROXIMATE PROPERTY, AND PRESCRIBING THE FORM AND MANNER OF EXECUTION AND SALE OF SAID BONDS, BY VIRTUE OF SEC- TION 61 OF ARTICLE IV OF THE FREEHOLDERS’ CHARTER, ADOPTED MARCH 24, A. D. 1891, AS AMENDED MAY 2, 1893. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. Whenever the City Council shall order or cause any street, avenue, highway or alley in the City of Spokane to be graded, curbed, guttered, paved, repaired or macadamized, or remacadamized, planked or replanked, or any sewer, or lateral sewer, or connection, to be constructed, or make or cause to be made any other local improve- ment, the cost and expense of which is chargable in whole or in part to the adjoining, contiguous or approximate property, or shall make, or cause to be made, any re-assessment for the costs and expenses of 7 98 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE any of said improvements, or for any part thereof, it may, in its discretion, provide for the payment of said costs and expenses assessed or re-assessed, as aforesaid, by issuing in the name of the City of Spokane, its negotiable coupon bonds therefor, payable to bearer in not more than ten years after date, with interest at n rate not exceeding eight per centum (8 per cent.) per annum, payable annually; each bond shall have a coupon attached thereto for each annual installment of interest. As amended by ordinance No. A448, passed June 26, 1894. Sec. 2. Such bonds shall be issued in such denominations as the Council may direct, not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500), and be designated as “Special Improvement Bonds for avenue, street, alley or sewer district No. ,” as the case may be, and be subject to annual call by the City Treasurer at the expiration of any year before maturity in such manner, sums and amounts as the Treas- urer may have cash on hand to pay the same, in the avenue, street, alley or sewer fund, on which said bonds are issued and payable from. Sec. 3. The money collected by the special assessment on the lots, blocks or parcels of land included in the assessment district for which such bonds shall be issued, shall be set aside and kepi: as a fund for the payment of such bonds and interest accruing thereon. Sec. 4. The City Treasurer, whenever he may have money belong- ing to the said fund in the treasury, sufficient to pay any one or more of said bonds and the annual interest on all of said bonds, shall issue his call for the same in their numerical order, beginning with “No. 1,” by publishing a notice in the official newspaper of the City of Spokane for at least ten consecutive issues, beginning not less than twenty days before the expiration of any year from the date of said bonds, and all interest shall cease at the date named in said notice or call for the pay- ment of such bonds, and shall be so stated in said notice or call. Sec. 5. All such bonds must be paid in their numerical order, be- ginning with “No. 1.” Sec. 6. Each bond shall have printed or written upon its face the terms of its issuance and also the fund against which it is issued, and its date, and the following notice: “N. B. This bond is not a general debt of the City of Spokane, and has not been authorized by the voters of said city as part of its indebtedness. It is in pursuance of section 61, Article IV of the City Charter, as amended by amendment No. 9, and is a charge against the fund herein specified, and its issuance and sale is authorized by ordinance No. A Sec. 7. Said bonds shall be substantially as follows: “Special improvements bonds for District, No. in the City of Spokc'ne, State of Washington. Number. $ . N. B. — This bond is not a general debt of the City of Spokane, and has not been authorized by the voters of said city as a part of its indebt- edness. It is in pursuance of section 61 of Article IV of the City Char- MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 99 ter, as amended by amendment No. 9, and is a charge against the fund herein specified, and its issuance and sale is authorized by ordinance No. A . The City of Spokane, a municipal corporation of the State of Wash- ington, hereby promises to pay to or bearer $ lawful money of the United States, out of the fund established by ordinance No. and known as District No. of the City of Spokane, and not otherwise. This bond is payable in years after date, and is subject to annual call by the City Treasurer at the expiration of any year before maturity, in such manner and amounts as he may have cash on hand to pay out the same in the said fund from which the same is payable, and shall bear interest at the rate of per centum per annum, payable annually, both principal and interest payable at the office of said City Treas- urer. A coupon is hereto attached for each installment of interest to accrue herein, and said interest shall be paid annually on presentation and surrender of such coupon to the City Treasurer, but in case this bond is called for payment before maturity, each and every coupon rep- resenting interest not accrued at the expiration of the call shall be void. The City Council of said city, as agent of said District No. — — — — , established by said ordinance No. , has caused this bond to be issued in the name of said city, as the bond of said District No. ; the proceeds thereof to be ap- plied in part payment of so much of the cost of the improvement of -under said ordinance No. as is to be borne by the owners of property in said Dis- trict, and the said * = District fund No. of Spokane has been established by ordinance for said purpose, and the holders of this bond shall look only to said fund for the payment of either the principal or the interest of this bond. The holder of any bond issued under authority of this act (ordinance) shall have no claim therefor against the city, in any event, except from the collections of the special assessment made for the improvement for which (such) this bond (was) is issued, but his remedy in case of non-payment shall be confined to the enforcement of such assessment. The call for the payment of this bond or any bond issued on account of said improvement may be made by the City Treasurer, by publishing the same in the official newspaper of the city for at least ten (10) con- secutive issues, beginning not less than twenty (20) days before the expiration of any year from date hereof, and if such call be made, in- terest on this bond shall cease at the date named in such call for its payment. This bond is one of the series of bonds, aggregating in all the principal sum of dollars, issued for said District No. , all of which bonds are subject to the same terms and conditions as herein expressed. Ix Witness Whereof, The said City of Spokane has executed these IOO MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE presents, to be signed by its Mayor, and countersigned by its City Comp- troller, and sealed with its corporate seal, and attested by its City Clerk this day of in the year of our Lord, 189 City of Spokane, Countersigned: By Mayor. City Comptroller. City Clerk.” Sec. 8. The City Comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to purchase for and in behalf of the city blank bonds, lithographed, in the form hereinbefore designated, together with the lithograph plates therefor, and said blanks shall be completed, executed and issued for such local improvement districts, anu in such amounts and at such times as shall be authorized oy ordinance. Sec. 9. Bach and every bond shall be signed by the Mayor and City Comptroller; sealed with the corporate seal, and attested by the City Clerk, and each of the coupons shall bear the signature of the City Comptroller; and such bonds shall be in the aggregate for the amount assessed and levied upon the assessment district against which they are issued, and shall be numbered consecutively beginning with No. 1. The City Comptroller shall keep in his office a register of all such bonds with the date, amount, number, terms and times of pay- ment and the assessment district against which they are issued. Sec. 10. Whenever the City Treasurer shall issue his annual call for any bonds issued under this ordinance, he shall file a copy of the notice calling for the same with the Comptroller, and the Comptroller shall immediately upon receipt of such copy enter upon the register of said bonds opposite the corresponding number of each bond mentioned in such notice, “Called for payment,” and the date of the call and the time to be presented; and when any of said bonds are paid by the Treasurer he shall forthwith notify the Comptroller, stating the num- ber, date, amount and district against which said bonds are issued, and the Comptroller shall immediately upon receipt of such notice indorse in red ink on the register of such bonds opposite the corresponding number of each of such bonds, “Paid.” Sec. 11. Whenever any of said bonds shall be called for payment the interest on each bond so called shall cease on and after the day designated in said call for its payment. Sec. 12. Nothing herein shall be construed as repealing or modify- ing any existing manner or method for the City of Spokane to issue its bonds for local improvements herein provided, but shall be construed as an additional and concurrent power and authority; and bonds may be issued under any ordinance of the City of Spokane, which pro- MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE IOI vides for the issuance of bonds for local improvements payable from the proceeds of special assessments, the judgment of the City Council may direct. Sec. 13. A copy of section 5 of Chapter XCVI of the Session Laws of 1893 of the State of Washington, entitled “An act relating to in- ternal improvements in cities, authorizing the issuance and collection of bonds upon the property benefited by local improvements, and de- claring an emergency,” approved March 9, 1893, shall be plainly writ- ten, printed or engraved on the face of each bond so issued. Sec. 14. The Sinking Fund Commission shall sell the bonds to the highest bidder, after having first advertised for bids for the same for at least twenty days preceding the day of such sale, in the official news- paper of said city; provided, that such bonds shall not be sold for less than their par value and accrued interest, if any, net; and, provided further, that said bonds may be issued to the contractor making the improvement or doing the work, for the payment of which said bonds are issued, in satisfaction of the contract price, at their par value and accrued interest, if any, net. As amended by ordinance No. A810, passed January 6, 1899. Sec. 15. The proceeds arising from the sale of such bonds shall be applied to the payment of the costs of performing the work or improve- ment for which they are issued. Sec. 16. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after it passage. Passed the City Council February 20, 1894. ORDINANCE NO. A354. AX ORDIXANCE TO PROVIDE FOR TAE ISSTJAXCE OF STREET AXD SEWER IM- PROVEMEXT BOXDS, FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE COSTS AXD EXPENSES OF IMPROVING ANY OF THE STREETS BY GRADING, PAVING, ETC., AND THE CONSTRUCTION OF SEWERS IN THE CITY OF SPOKANE, AXD TO PROVIDE FOR THE PAYMENT OF SAID BOXDS. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. Whenever any street, avenue or alley, or any part of any street, avenue or alley, shall be graded, cleared, grubbed, guttered, curbed, sidewalked, paved, repaired, macadamized or remacadamized, planked or replanked, or otherwise improved, or any sewer construct- ed, within the City of Spokane, the expense of which is chargeable to the abutting, adjoining, contiguous or approximate property, the city may issue its negotiable coupon bonds for the costs and expenses of such improvement, payable to bearer, not later than ten years from the date of such bonds, with interest at a rate not exceeding eight per centum per annum, as shall be determined by the City Council. Sec. 2. Such bonds shall be made payable in such annual install- ments, not exceeding ten installments, as the City Council may deter- 102 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE mine; and there shall be attached to each of such bonds a coupon for each annual installment of the principal, together with the interest on all the installments unpaid for the year such coupon is payable. Sec. 3. Whenever any street, avenue or alley, or any part of any street, avenue or alley shall be ordered to be improved, or any sewer is ordered to be constructed, as hereinbefore provided, the City Coun- cil shall, by the ordinance ordering such improvement or sewer to be constructed, determine and designate the assessment district or dis- tricts liable to bear and pay the costs and expenses of making such improvements, or constructing said sewer, and the bonds to be issued for such improvements or sewer shall be known and designated as “Improvement Bond for such District or Districts.” Sec. 4. Such district shall include all the adjoining, contiguous and approximate property liable to be assessed for such improvement, or sewer, according to the charter of the city. Sec. 5. Such bonds may be issued to the contractor contracting for such improvement, or sewer, in payment thereof, in such sum or sums and at such time or times during the progress of such work as may be determined by the Board of Public Works; provided, the amount and time of each payment shall be expressed and stipulated in the con- tract with such contractor for the work to be performed, if such con- tractor shall elect to receive the same; provided, if such contractor shall not elect to receive such bonds, the Sinking Fund Commission of said city shall sell the same after having duly advertised the same for sale at least sixty days preceding the day of such sale; provided, that such bonds shall not be sold for less than their par value and accrued interest, if any, net. Sec. 6. The proceeds arising from the sale of such bonds shall be applied to the payment of the contractor performing the work. Sec. 7. Such bonds shall not be issued in any amount in excess of the contract price of the work or improvements to be done and made, except that the installment coupons shall include the interest on such installments to the maturity of such bonds; provided , that such bonds shall be of such denomination as the Mayor and City Council shall deem proper. Sec. 8. Whenever such bonds are issued, under the provisions of this ordinance for any work or improvements, the cost of which is by law chargeable by special assessment against specific property, a spe- cial assessment shall be levied each year upon and against said prop- erty, sufficient to redeem the installments of such bonds, next there- after maturing, together with the interest due on the unpaid install- ments to the maturity of such bonds for such year, at the rate fixed in said bond, not exceeding eight per centum per annum. Such assess- ment shall be levied and collected in such manner as may be provided by law and the charter and ordinances of the City of Spokane for the levy and collection of special assessments for such improvements where no bonds are issued; provided, the basis of such assessment shall be re- MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 103 tained and remain for assessment of all succeeding installments of such bond, except as provided in section three (3) of Chapter XCVI of the Session Laws of the State of Washington, 1893, being an act en- titled “An act relating to internal improvements in cities,” etc., ap- proved March 9, 1893. Sec. 9. The owner of any piece or parcel of land liable to any such special assessment may, within thirty days before the issuance of such bonds, redeem such piece or parcel of land from such liability by pay- ing to the City Treasurer the entire assessment chargeable against the same; provided, that any such piece or parcel of land may be redeemed from such liability after the issuance of such bonds by paying to said Treasurer all the installments of such assessments which have been levied, with accrued interest, if any, on said installments, and also the amount of the unlevied installments, with interest on the latter at such rate as may oe fixed in such bond, not exceeding eight per centum per annum from the date of the issuance of such bonds to the time of the maturity of the last installments; provided further, when any such piece or parcel of land shall have been redeemed from the liability for the costs and expenses of any work or improvements as herein pro- vided, the same shall not thereafter be liable for further special assess- ment for such costs and expenses, except as provided in section three (3) of Chapter XCVI of Session Laws of the State of Washington, 1893, being an act entitled “An act relating to internal improvements in cities,” etc., approved March 9, 1893. Sec. 10. It shall be the duty of the City Clerk to mail a written or printed notice to the owner or owners, if known, of any piece or par- cel of land liable to any special assessment under the provisions of this ordinance thirty days before the issuance of any bonds herein pro- vided for, which said notice shall contain the date of the issuance of such bonds, the amount of the entire assessments chargeable against each piece or parcel of land belonging to such owner or owners, and that the same can be redeemed from all liability for such assessment by paying the entire assessment against the same within the thirty days prior to the issuance of such bonds. Sec. 11. A true and correct copy of section five (5) of Chapter XCVI of Session Laws of the State of Washington, 1893, being an act entitled “An act relating to internal improvements in cities, authoriz- ing the issuance and collection of bonds upon the property benefited by local improvements, and declaring an emergency,” shall be plainly written, printed or engraved on the face of each and every bond issued under the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 12. The funds raised by assessments under this ordinance shall be applied solely to the redemption of the bonds issued as herein provided. Sec. 13. The City Council shall in the ordinance ordering any work or improvements to be done and made, for which bonds can be issued under the provisions of this ordinance, fix and determine the denomi- 104 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE nation of the bonds to be issued for the same, the number and amount of the annual installments in which the same are to be paid, not exceed- ing ten (10) installments, the rate of interest the same are to bear not exceeding eight per centum per annum. Sec. 14. Such bonds, when issued to the contractor constructing the improvement in payment therefor, or when sold as above provided, shall transfer to the contractor or other owner or holder all the right and interest of such city in and with respect to every such assessment, and the lien thereby created against the property of such owners assessed as shall not have availed themselves of the provisions of this act in regard to the redemption of their property as aforesaid, shall authorize said contractor and his assigns and the owners and holders of said bonds to receive, sue for and collect or have collected every such assessment embraced in any such bond by or through any of the methods provided by law for the collection of assessments for local improvements. And if the city shall fail, neglect or refuse to pay said bonds, or to promptly collect any of such assessments when due, the owner of any such bonds may proceed in his own name to collect such assessment and foreclose the lien thereof in any court of competent jur- isdiction, and shall recover in addition to the amount of such bonds and interest thereon, five per centum, together with the costs of such suit. Any number of holders of such bonds for any single improve- ment may join as plaintiffs, and any number of owners of the property on which the same are a lien may be joined as defendants in such suit. And such bonds shall be equal liens upon the property for the assess- ments represented by such bonds without priority of one over another to the extent of the several assessments against the several lots and parcels of land. Sec. 15. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 16. This ordinance shall take effect ten days from and after its passage. Passed the City Council October 3, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. A600. AN ORDINANCE WAIVING THE RUNNING OF THE STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS ON STREET GRADE WARRANTS, AND PROVIDING FOR THE RE-PRESENTATION OF SAME. Whereas, The legal right to maintain suits upon a large number of warrants which were issued by the City of Spokane in payment for grading the streets of said city are about to and have expired by the running of the statute prescribing within what time suits upon the same can be brought; and Whereas, The City of Spokane believes all of these warrants should be paid, where legally issued, out of the funds from which they were originally payable; and MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 105 Whereas, It is the intention of the city to do all in its power to compel payment of all of said warrants to be made out of the fund upon which they were drawn, and to do all in its power to provide said funds according to law; and Whereas, The City believes that its excellent credit should be main- tained at all hazards; therefore The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. That the City of Spokane hereby waives any and all rights which have or may hereafter accrue to it by reason of the run- ning of the statute of limitations of the State of Washington against street grade warrants heretofore issued. Sec. 2. That all actions maintainable at law or equity against the city upon street grade warrants heretofore issued, where the right to bring suit has been or may hereafter be extinguished by the lapse of time, may be maintained, notwithstanding said lapse of time, or the operation, running of, or any effect of any statute limiting the time in which suits on said warrants may be brought. Sec. 3. That any holder or holders of such street grade warrants may present to the Treasurer of said city any such warrant or warrants within two years from the date of the passage of this ordinance, and although the same may have been endorsed theretofore “not paid for want of funds” by such City Treasurer, the Treasurer of said city is hereby authorized and directed to again endorse said warrants “not paid for want of funds” (in case he has not sufficient moneys applicable thereto with which to pay the same) in the manner provided by law, and such endorsement shall be deemed and treated by said city as a renewal of any promise or obligation made or incurred in any manner by the execution of the contract for doing the work or authorizing the issuance of such warrant, or any acts done by said city or its failure to do any act or thing in respect to the subject matter thereof, or by the execution or delivery of such warrants, either to the holder of such warrants or the contractor named in such contract, or the assignor of such warrants. Sec. 4. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 5. This ordinance to take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council September 17, 1895. io6 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE CHAPTER IV. Police Regulations. ORDINANCE NO. A706. AN ORDINANCE TO PROHIBIT DRUNKENNESS AND FIXING THE PUNISHMENT THEREFOR. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. Every person who shall he found in a state of intoxica- tion upon any private house, building or premises, not occupied by said person intoxicated, to the annoyance of any other person, or who shall he found in a state of intoxication in or upon any street, avenue, or alley or public place, or place open to public view, shall, upon being drunk or intoxicated, be incapable of taking care of himself or herself, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convic- tion thereof shall he fined not less than one dollar nor more than fifty dollars. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Passed the City Council July 20, 1897. ORDINANCE NO. A1324. AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING DISORDERLY CONDUCT AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF^ AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. A707, EN- TITLED “AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING DISORDERLY CONDUCT, AND FIXING THE PUNISHMENT THEREFOR,” PASSED JULY 20, 1897, The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. Every person who shall, on any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or in or upon any private house, building or premises, act in a noisy, riotous or disorderly manner, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars or imprisonment in the city jail for thirty days, or both. Sec. 2. That ordinance No. A707, entitled “An ordinance pro- hibiting disorderly conduct, and fixing the punishment therefor,” pass- ed July 20, 1897, be and the same is hereby repealed. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE T07 Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council March 24, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. A697. AN ORDINANCE DEFINING VAGRANCY, AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. The following persons are hereby declared to be vagrants: All persons who tell fortunes, or who keep houses where lost or stolen goods may be found; all common prostitutes and keepers of bawdy houses, or houses for the resort of prostitutes; all habitual drunkards, gamesters or other disorderly persons; all persons wander- ing about and having no visible calling or business to maintain them- selves; all persons going about as collectors of alms for charitable in- stitutions under any false or fraudulent pretense; all persons playing or betting in any street or public or open place at or with any table or instrument of gaming at any game or pretended game of chance. Sec. 2. Any person found guilty of being a vagrant within the meaning of section one of this ordinance shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars or imprisonment in the city jail at hard labor not exceeding ninety days, or both. Sec. 3. That all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance, or pertaining to the subject matter hereof, be and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council June 11, 1897. ORDINANCE NO. A1110. AN ORDINANCE DEFINING WHO ARE DISORDERLY PERSONS, AND PROVIDING FOR THEIR PUNISHMENT, AND THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. All persons who habitually frequent bawdy houses and gambling rooms, all persons who are steerers, cappers or boosters for any gambling game or device, all bunco-steerers and sure-thing players, all men living with prostitutes, or upon the earnings of fallen women and prostitutes, are hereby defined and classed as disorderly persons. Sec. 2. Any person found guilty of being a disorderly person, as de- fined in section 1 of this ordinance, shall be punished by a fine not ex- ceeding one hundred dollars, or imprisonment in the city jail at hard labor not exceeding thirty days, or both. Sec. 3. That all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with io8 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE the provisions of this ordinance, or pertaining to the subject matter hereof, be, and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed by the City Council December 17, 1901. ORDINANCE NO. A900. AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE MANNER OF CONDUCTING SALOONS, BARS AND SIDEBOARDS WHERE MALT OR SPIRITUOUS LIQUORS OR BEVERAGES ARE SOLD, AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation owning, running, conducting or tending any saloon, bar or sideboard where malt or spirituous liquors or beverages are sold or given away, in the City of Spokane, to sell or give away any malt or spirituous liquors or beverages therein, or in connection therewith, between the hours of two o’clock a. m. and half past five o’clock a. m. As amended by ordinance No. A906, passed January 2, 1902. Sec. 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine of not more than one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment for not more than thirty days in the city jail. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council December 5, 1899. ORDINANCE NO. A1403. AN ORDINANCE TO PREVENT THE SALE OF INTOXICATING OR SPIRITUOUS LIQUORS TO MINORS, AND PROVIDING A PENALTY THEREFOR, AND REPEAL- ING ORDINANCE NO. 49, ENTITLED “AN ORDINANCE TO PREVENT THE SALE OF INTOXICATING, MALT AND FERMENTED LIQUORS, WINE AND BEER TO MINORS,” PASSED MAY — , 1887. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. That every person who shall within the limits of the City of Spokane, sell or give to a minor intoxicating or spirituous liquors, without the written permission of the parent or guardian of such minor, shall, on conviction thereof be fined in any sum nol less than twenty-five dollars, and not more than one hundred dollars, or be imprisoned in the city jail for a term not exceeding 30 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 2. That ordinance No. 49, entitled “An ordinance to prevent the sale of intoxicating, malt and fermented liquors, wine or beer to minors,” passed May — , 1887, be and the same is hereby repealed Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 10 days after its passage. Passed the City Council June 18, 1903. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 109 ORDINANCE NO. 469. AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING ANY FEMALE CHILD UNDER THE AGE OF EIGHTEEN (18) YEARS FROM VENDING FLOWERS OR OTHER WARES IN SALOONS OR PLACES WHERE LIQUORS ARE SOLD. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. That any female child under the age of eighteen (18) years is hereby prohibited from selling or offering for sale flowers or other wares in any saloon in the City of Spokane Falls, or in any other place where liquors are sold. Sec. 2. Any saloonkeeper who permits a female child under the age of eighteen (18) years to enter his saloon for the purpose of selling flowers or other wares, or for any other purpose, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be fined in the sum of not less than twenty ($20) dollars nor more than fifty ($50) dollars, to be collected by due process of law. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and publication. Passed the City Council July 9, 1890. ORDINANCE NO. A425. AN ORDINANCE TO PROHIBIT THE EMPLOYMENT OF WOMEN IN SALOONS AND LIQUOR STORES, AND TO PROVIDE A PUNISHMENT THEREFOR. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation owning, conducting or managing any saloon, store or any place of busi- ness in the City of Spokane where any vinuous, alcoholic, spirituous or fermented liquors are sold or given away, to employ or permit any woman in or about said saloon, store or place of business, as bartender, waitress or in any capacity that would require said woman to address, talk to, solicit to drink or communicate with or carry or deliver drinks to any person or persons in said saloon, store or place of business, while such person or persons are in said saloon, store or place of business, or that would require said person or persons, or any of them, to address, talk to, order or solicit drinks from or communicate with said woman while in said saloon, store or place of business. Sec. 2. Any person, firm or corporation, or any employe of aAy person, firm or corporation, who shall violate any of the provisions of section one of this ordinance, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convicition be fined not more than one hundred dollars and not less than fifty dollars, and the costs of prosecution, and be committed to jail until such fine and costs are paid, allowing one dollar per day for each day confined in said jail. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council May 22, 1894. IIO MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE ORDINANCE NO. A1183. AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE SMOKING OR INHALING OF OPIUM, AND THE KEEPING OF PLACES WHERE OPIUM IS SMOKED OR SOLD, AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF, AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 15, ENTITLED “AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE SMOKING OR INHALING OF OPIUM,” PASSED SEPTEMBER 9, 1885, AND ORDINANCE NO. 320, EN- TITLED “AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE KEEPING OF HOUSES OR PREM- ISES WHERE OPIUM IS SMOKED OR INHALED IN THE CITY OF SPOKANE, WASHINGTON TERRITORY,” PASSED JULY 17, 1889. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. No person or persons shall smoke or inhale opium in any house, cellar or place, or shall visit any house, cellar or other place for for the purpose of inhaling opium, or be in any house, cellar or place where opium is being smoked without lawful business. Sec. 2. No person or persons shall keep, set up, open, or cause to be opened a house, cellar, or any other place, in which such person or persons, or any other person or persons, shall smoke or inhale opium, or sell or furnish opium for the purpose of being smoked upon the premises. Sec. 3. It shall not be necessary, in order to prove the guilt of any person or persons keeping such a house, cellar or other place for smok- ing or inhaling opium, that any one should be found smoking or in- haling therein; but the finding of the pipes, opium or other appliances used for the purpose of smoking or inhaling opium therein shall be deemed sufficient evidence of the violation of sections one and two of this ordinance. Nor shall it be deemed necessary in order to prove the guilt or convict any person or persons of smoking or inhaling opium that they shall be found in the act of smoking or inhaling; but evidence that such person or persons were found in such house, cellar or other place in possession of opium pipes, or under the influence of opium, shall be deemed sufficient evidence for conviction. Sec. 4. No person or persons shall bargain for or buy any opium in any house or place to be smoked upon the premises. Sec. 5. That ordinance No. 15, entitled “An ordinance prohibiting the smoking or inhaling of opium,” passed September 9, 1885, and ordi- nance No. 320, entitled “An ordinance prohibiting the keeping of houses or premises where opium is smoked or inhaled in the City of Spokane Falls, Washington Territory,” passed July 17, 1889, be and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. 6. Any person or persons violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con- viction thereof shall be fined in any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars or imprisonment in the city jail at hard labor not exceeding thirty days, or both; and all opium pipes and other apparatus used in smoking or inhaling opium that may be taken by any officer shall, by MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE in order of the police justice, be destroyed by the officer taking the same immediately after the trial. Sec. 7. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed by the City Council July 8, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. 287. AN ORDINANCE TO RESTRAIN AND SUPPRESS HOUSES OF ILL-FAME AND PROSTITUTION. The City of Spokane Falls does ordain as follows: Section 1. That all dissolute women or other disreputable persons found strolling or loitering about any street, alley or public place of the city after 9 o’clock p. m., and any female who shall be guilty of solic- iting prostitution upon any of the streets, alleys or public places within the city, shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars and the costs of prosecution. Sec. 2. Whoever shall keep or maintain within the corporate limits of the City of Spokane bawdy houses, houses of ill-fame or any place for the practice of fornication, or shall knowingly permit any building, room or part thereof, or any place owned by him or her or under his or her control to be used for that purpose, shall, upon conviction, be fined in a sum not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars and the costs of prosecution. As amended by ordinance No. A347, passed August 22, 1893. Sec. 3. All persons who may be found guilty of any offense under this ordinance shall be confined in the city jail until the fine which may be imposed and the costs are paid. Sec. 4. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are repealed; provided, that such repeal shall not affect any actions al- ready pending, but that any such actions shall continue and be ad- judicated under the ordinances as they are now in force. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five days after its passage and publication. Passed the City Council May 8, 1889. ORDINANCE NO. 202. AN ORDINANCE TO SUPPRESS AND RESTRAIN GAMBLING. The City of Spokane Falls does ordain as follows: Section 1. Whoever shall keep or maintain any gambling house or room, or any place where betting is done within the city, or shall knowingly permit any such room or place to be so kept in or upon any building or premises owned or controlled by him, or shall permit any persons to come together in any house, room or place owned or controlled by him for the purpose of gambling, keep or permit to be 1 1 2 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE used therein any keno table, faro bank, shuffle board, cards or other instrument, device or thing commonly used for the purpose of gam- bling, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $100 upon conviction thereof. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after five days after its publication. Passed the City Council October 12, 1888. ORDINANCE NO. A1187. AN ORDINANCE REGULATING RIDING AND DRIVING IN THE CITY OF SPOKANE, AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF, AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. Al08, ENTITLED “AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO HORSES,” PASSED OCTOBER 7, 1891. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. No person or persons shall ride or drive any horse or horses, or other animal, on the public streets of the city of Spokane, within the fire limits, at a greater speed than six miles an hour, and on all public streets outside of the fire limits at a greater speed than ten miles an hour; provided, however, that this section shall not apply to conveyances carrying United States mail, or to vehicles use 3 as ambu- lances, or to the fire department, or to the police patrol of the city. Sec. 2. No person or persons shall ride or drive an automobile, or any other vehicle driven by motive power, on the public streets of the City of Spokane within the fire limits at a greater speed than eight miles an hour, and on all public streets outside of the fire limits at a greater speed than twelve miles an hour. Sec. 3. No person or persons, upon turning the corner of any street, or crossing the intersection of any street in the City of Spokane, shall ride or drive any horse or horses, or other animal, automobile or vehi- cle with greater speed than at the rate of four miles an hour. Sec. 4. No person or persons shall ride or drive any horse or horses or other animal, automobile or vehicle, in or through any alley in the City of Spokane, or at the time of issuing from or quitting such alley, with a greater rate of speed than a walk. Sec. 5. No person or persons shall lead, or ride, or drive any horse, or horses upon any sidewalk in the City of Spokane. Sec. 6. No person or persons shall race any horse, or horses, auto- mobile or other vehicle, upon any public street of the City of Spokane. Sec. 7. No person or persons shall leave any horse, horses or other animal attached to any carriage, wagon, cart, sleigh, sled or other vehi- cle, in any part of the public streets of the City of Spokane without se- curely fastening such horse, horses or other animal. Sec. 8. It shall be unlawful for any person to ride or drive an auto- mobile, or other vehicle driven by motive power, in the City of Spokane to which a bell and a lamp is not attached. Before reaching any street MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 1 13 crossing, every person riding or driving an automobile, or other vehi- cle driven by motive power, must sound the bell at least thirty feet distant before reaching such crossing. It shall be unlawful for any person to ride or drive an automobile, or other vehicle driven by mo- tive power, after dark without a light. Sec. 9. Every person or persons driving an automobile, or other vehicle driven by motive power, shall, when passing a horse or horses on the street w r hich show fright, stop, or when receiving a signal from any driver of a horse or horses that are frightened by said automobile, or vehicle, shall stop until said horse or horses shall pass. Sec. 10. Every person or persons riding or driving a horse or horses, automobile, bicycle, or other vehicle, shall ride or drive on the right of the center of the street, and on meeting other riders or drivers of horses, automobiles, bicycles, or other vehicles, shall turn to the right of the center of the street. Sec. 11. Every person or persons riding or driving a horse or horses, automobile, bicycle, or other vehicle, shall, upon turning the corner of any street, leave a space of at least six feet between the curb and the said horses, automobile or other vehicle. Sec. 12. Any person or persons violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction, be deemed guilty of a misdemean- or and fined in any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars. Sec. 13. That ordinance No. A108, entitled “An ordinance relating to horses,” passed October 7, 1891, be and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. 14. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council July 15, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. A234. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE DISCHARGE OF FIREARMS WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person or number of per- sons to fire or discharge any gun, rifle, fowling piece, pistol or any oth- or firearm within the limits of the City of Spokane without having first obtained the consent and permission of the City Council of the City of Spokane so to do. Sec. 2. Any violation of section one of this ordinance shall subject the offender or offenders to a fine not exceeding the sum of twenty-five dollars. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council August 2, 1892. 8 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 114 ORDINANCE NO. A544. AN ORDINANCE TO PUNISH THE CARRYING OF CONCEALED WEAPONS WITHIN THE CITY OF SPOKANE. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. If any person within the City of Spokane shall carry upon his person any concealed weapon, consisting of either a revolver, pistol or other firearms, or any knife (other than an ordinary pocket- knife), or any dirk or dagger, slingshot or metal knuckles, or any in- strument by the use of which injury could be inflicted upon the per- son or property of any other person, shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than twenty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars and costs of prose- cution, and be imprisoned until such fine and costs are paid; provided , that this section shall not apply to police officers and other persons whose duty it is to execute process or warrants or make arrests, or persons having a special written permit from the Superior Court to carry weapons. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council January 2, 1895. ORDINANCE NO. 191. AN ORDINANCE TO PROTECT THE CITY FROM BURGLARS, ROBBERS AND OTHER CRIMINALS. The City of Spokane Falls does ordain as follows: Section 1. Members of the police department shall have a right to demand of every person found abroad in the City of Spokane Falls af- ter 11 o’clock at night the reason why and the business on which such person is abroad, and if such person shall fail or refuse to give a satis- factory answer for being abroad, he shall be subject to a fine not exceed- ing one hundred dollars. And if such officer shall be satisfied that the public good requires it, he shall, having first explained his official char- acter, arrest and detain such person for further examination. The ob- ject of this ordinance being to protect the city from burglars, robbers and other criminals. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after five days after its publication. Passed the City Council September 19, 1888. ORDINANCE NO. A592. AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE INDECENT EXPOSURE OF THE PERSON, AND PRESCRIBING A PENALTY THEREFOR. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. Any person or persons who shall, in any public place in the City of Spokane exhibit his or her person in an obscene and in- MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 15 decent manner, or who shall permit or allow an indecent exposure of any part of his or her person in any public street, thoroughfare, alley or place, or in any place whatsoever whereby any such exposure shall be made public, shall be fined in any sum not less than five dollars ($5.00) and not more than one hundred dollars ($100.00), or impris- oned for a period not less than ten days and not more than six months. Sec. 2. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council August 13, 1895. ORDINANCE NO. A151. AN ORDINANCE TO PROHIBIT THE PRINTING, PUBLICATION AND SALE OF OB- SCENE AND IMMORAL PUBLICATIONS. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. No person, firm or corporation shall print or publish, sell or offer for sale, or give away, or exhibit within the City of Spo- kane, any obscene, immoral or indecent publication, print, picture, illus- tration or paper. Sec. 2. Any person, firm or corporation violating any provision of this ordinance shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined in any sum not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars and the costs of prosecution. Sec. 3. All obscene, immoral and indecent prints, pictures, publi- cations or papers are hereby constituted and declared a nuisance, and the Chief of Police is hereby authorized at his discretion to summarily seize and abate the same whenever found within the limits of the city. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council January 8, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. A1250. AN ORDINANCE TO PROHIBIT THE MAINTAINING, CONDUCTING, OPERATING OR USING AUTOMATIC NICKEL-IN-THE-SLOT MACHINES, OR OTHER DEVICES OF LIKE CHARACTER, WHEREIN THERE ENTERS AN ELEMENT OF CHANCE. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. Any person or persons who shall conduct, maintain or operate, either as owner or owners, proprietor or proprietors, lessee or lessees, employe or employes, agent or agents, any automatic nickel- in-the-slot machine, or other device of like character, wherein there en- ters an element of chance, whether the same be played for money, checks, credits, or any other thing or representative of value redeem- able in money, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction, shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than n6 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE one hundred dollars, and in default of the payment of the fine imposed shall be imprisoned in the city jail one day for each two dollars thereof. Sec. 2. For the purposes of trial and conviction under this ordi- nance, the possession of any such machine or device that automatically pays money, or checks, or slugs, ana commonly known as a cash ma- chine, or keeping the same in any place accessible to the public, shall be prima facie evidence against the person in possession thereof of guilt under this ordinance. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council November 11, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. A723. AN ORDINANCE LICENSING THE SALE OF GOODS, WARES AND MERCHANDISE BY MEANS OF AUTOMATIC DEVICES, APPARATUS OR MACHINES, AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. Every person, firm or corporation within the City of Spokane who shall use any automatic device, apparatus or machine for the sale of goods, wares or merchandise, shall, before using the same, obtain a license therefor from the City Comptroller. Sec. 2. Before obtaining such license, the person applying therefor shall pay to the City Treasurer the sum of five dollars, and upon such payment being made and filing a duplicate receipt therefor with the City Comptroller, the said Comptroller shall issue to the person, firm or corporation making such payment a license to use for the term of three months the device, apparatus or machine mentioned in section one of this ordinance. Sec. 3. Any person using any automatic device, apparatus or ma- chine for the sale of goods, wares and merchandise without a license therefor, as herein provided, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding twenty dollars or by imprisonment not exceeding ten days, or both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council November 2, 1897. ORDINANCE NO. A722. AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING EXPECTORATION IN PUBLIC PLACES, AND PROVID- ING A PENALTY THEREFOR. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. No person shall expectorate on the floor of any street railway car or other public conveyance, or public building, or on any sidewalk in the City of Spokane. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 117 Sec. 2. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon convic- tion thereof, shall he fined not exceeding five dollars, or shall be pun- ished by imprisonment in the city jail of the City of Spokane for a term not exceeding two days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council October 19, 1901. ORDINANCE NO. A951. AN ORDINANCE TO PREVENT LOITERING ON THE STREETS AND OTHER PUBLIC PLACES. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to stand or loiter upon the streets or street corners after having been ordered by a police officer to move on, unless said person has some business at such place. Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person to seat themselves upon the steps or window sills, or upon the railings surrounding the same, of any business house or block, without the consent of the owner or occu- pant first having been obtained. Sec. 3. Any person found guilty of a violation of the provisions of this ordinance shall be punished by a fine not to exceed fifty dollars and costs of prosecution. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall be in effect ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council April 10, 1900. ORDINANCE NO. A501. AN ORDINANCE TO PROHIBIT CHILDREN FROM LOITERING ABOUT THE STREETS AT NIGHT. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. That hereafter no person, under the age of sixteen years shall be or remain on the streets, or on any public or unoccupied grounds in this city, after the hour of eight p. m. from October 1 until April 1, or after the hour of 9 o’clock p. m. from April 1 to October 1; provided, that the above shall not apply to any child or children who are in company of a parent or parents, or other male adult, having care or custody of him, her or them, nor to any child or children who may be sent upon any proper or necessary errand by said parent, parents or custodian, while pursuing such errand with due diligence. As amended by ordinance No. A743, passed the City Council Febru- ary 15, 1898. Sec. 2. It shall hereafter be the duty of each policeman in this city to order all children found in the streets, in violation of section one of i8 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE this ordinance, to immediately return to their homes, and upon a sec- ond violation of said section shall arrest and detain said children found violating this ordinance. Sec. 3. Any child violating this ordinance, or any person having the care and custody of any child, who, after being duly notified of said first violation, shall permit such child under his or her care, custody or control to again violate section one of this ordinance, shall upon con- viction, be fined in any sum not exceeding five dollars ($5.00) and be imprisoned until such fine and costs are paid. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council October 16, 1894. ORDINANCE NO. A122. AN ORDINANCE TO REGULATE THEATRICALS AND SHOWS BY PROHIBITING THE SAME ON SUNDAY. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. No theatrical, dramatic or operatic entertainment, vari- ety or minstrel show, or concert or entertainment for gain shall be given or allowed in any theater, hall, saloon or building within the City of Spokane on Sunday; provided, the Mayor shall have discretion to grant permits to any entertainments on Sunday that he may deem proper. Sec. 2. Any person, or the owner, manager or lessee of any theater, hall, saloon or building violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall, upon conviction thereof, be deemed guilty of a misdemean- or and be fined in any sum not less than twenty-five nor more than seventy-five dollars and costs of prosecution for each offense. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council November 10, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 30. AN ORDINANCE TO CLOSE BUSINESS HOUSES, SALOONS AND PLACES OF AMUSE- MENT ON SUNDAY. The City of Spokane Falls does ordain as follows: Section 1. No person or persons shall, within the limits of the City of Spokane Falls, on Sunday, open for the purpose of business, trade or sale of goods or merchandise, or the carrying on of any me- chanical trade or business, or the exhibition or performance of any play or amusement, any shop, store, building, saloon, house or place of business whatever; provided, this ordinance shall not apply to livery stables and undertakers, and shall not apply to the sale of drugs, medi- cines and surgical instruments by drug stores. Sec. 2. Any person or persons violating any of the provisions of MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 119 the preceding section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not less than ten dollars nor more than fifty dollars and the costs of the prosecution. Sec. 3. The Chief of Police and all police officers must diligently watch for and arrest or cause the arrest of all offenders against the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Passed the City Council July 7, 1886. ORDINANCE NO. A31. AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE SALE OF, DISPOSING OR GIVING AWAY OF CIGARETTES TO ANY PERSON UNDER THE AGE OF SIXTEEN YEARS, AND PROHIBITING THE USE OF CIGARETTES ON STREET CARS, PUBLIC STREETS OR ANY PUBLIC PLACE WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE, BY PERSONS UNDER THE AGE OF SIXTEEN YEARS. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons within the limits of the City of Spokane to sell, dispose of or give away any cigarette or cigarettes to any person under the age of sixteen years. Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person under the age of six- teen years to smoke or use cigarettes on any street car, street or in any public place within the limits of the City of Spokane. Sec. 3. Any person or persons violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not exceeding twenty-five dollars. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect ten days after its passage Passed the City Council June 25, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. A415. AN ORDINANCE TO PROHIBIT PERSONS KEEPING BILLIARD TABLES, BOWLING ALLEYS, POOL TABLES, PIGEON-HOLE TABLES, JENNY LIND TABLES, OR ANY OTHER GAMING TABLES, FROM ALLOWING PERSONS UNDER THE AGE OF EIGHTEEN YEARS TO PLAY UPON OR USE THE SAME. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. That no person, firm or corporation, or any agent, ser- vant or employe of such person, firm or corporation, within the City of Spokane, shall allow any person under the age of eighteen years to use any billiard table, bowling alley, pool table, pigeon-hole table, Jenny Lind table, or any other gaming table or device, for the purpose of playing any game, for any purpose, upon or with, in any drinking saloon or house, restaurant, store, fruit store or stand, confection store 120 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE or stand, or in any room or building adjoining or attached to any of said place or places, in the custody or control of said person, firm or corporation. Sec. 2. That any person, firm or corporation, or any agent, servant or employe of said person, firm or corporation, who shall violate any of the provisions of section one of this ordinance, shall, upon conviction, be fined not more than twenty-five dollars ($25.00) nor less than ten dollars ($10.00), and the costs of prosecution. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council April 3, 1894. ORDINANCE NO. A163. AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE AGAINST ACCIDENTS BY FALLING ARTICLES FROM WINDOW SILLS. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. No person shall place or keep on any window sill, porch or other projection above the first story of any brick or frame building within the city any earthen flower pot, wooden box, pitcher or any other article which might do injury in falling to any pedestrian, unless the same shall be securely fastened or protected by screens, or otherwise, in such manner as to prevent falling on to the street. Sec. 2. Any person or persons violating the provisions of this ordi-* nance shall, upon conviction, be fined in any sum not exceeding fifty dollars and costs of prosecution of each offense. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council February 23, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. A1328. AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE ERECTION OF FENCES OVER SIX FEET HIGH WITHOUT PERMIT FROM THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. That it shall be unlawful to erect or maintain any fence in the City of Spokane, over six feet high, or barb wire fence, without first obtaining a permit therefor from the Board of Public Works. Sec. 2. Any person convicted of violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not less than five dollars and not more than twenty dollars, and costs. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Pased the City Council March 24, 1903. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 12 ORDINANCE NO. A1213. AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR THE PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY FROM SOOT, SMOKE OR FIRE, AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR TIIE VIOLATION THEREOF. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. No person or persons, agent, firm or corporation, shall suffer or permit any .smokestack, chimney-flue or stovepipe to annoy the residents, occupants or owners of any building in the neighborhood with smoke, soot or cinders. Sec. 2. Whenever any smokestack, chimney-flue or stovepipe en- dangers the surrounding or adjacent property by fire, or annoys the residents, occupants or owner of any building in the neighborhood with smoke, soot or cinders, the Board of Fire Commissioners shall cause the same to be abated, altered or improved, and the said chimney or smokestack carried to such a height as may be necessary for the protection of the surrounding property, and conducive to the comfort of the residents and occupants of buildings in the vicinity. Sec. 3. Any owner, agent, person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not more than one hundred dollars, and the continuance or maintaining of such violation shall be deemed a new offense for each day on which the same is so continued or maintained. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council August 19, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. A568. AN ORDINANCE TO PROTECT PROPERTY AND ORNAMENTAL, SHADE AND OTHER TREES, SHRUBS AND PLANTS. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. Any person or persons, who shall, within the City of Spokane, willfully or carelessly, break, destroy, deface, or in any other manner injure any house, building, shop, store-house, or other house, or any door, window, or shutter of any house, building, shop, store, or other house, or shall sever therefrom any door, window, shutter, gate, fence or enclosure, or any part thereof, or any material of which it is formed or constructed, or who shall sever from the freehold any product thereof, or anything attached thereto, or, who shall pull down, lap, girdle, break or otherwise injure or destroy any fruit, ornamental or shade tree, shrub, plant or turf, being the property of another, or who shall cut down, lap, girdle, break or otherwise injure or destroy, any ornamental, shade or other tree, plant or shrub, standing or growing on any common or public ground, or any street, avenue, alley, sidewalk, park or promenade of the City of Spokane, or cut or other- 122 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE wise injure or destroy the turf thereof, or who shall willfully cut down, lap, girdle, break, destroy, injure, or carry away any timber or tree whatsoever, being on land not owned or controlled by such person or persons, or who shall cut, break, destroy or in any manner injure any goods, wares, merchandise, or other personal property of another, or who shall wilfully or carelessly break, injure, deface or destroy, any house or building, or any part thereof, or fence, railing, or any part thereof, or any sign, tree-box, lamp, lamp-post, hydrant, or fire-plug, or any chain or lock attached thereto, or in or about the same, or any other property of the City of Spokane, or who shall daub, or cause to be daubed, any such property with paint or other substances; and any person or persons, who shall hitch, fasten, or cause or suffer to be hitched or fastened, any animal, under the control or in the service of such person or persons, to any ornamental, shade tree, plant or shrub, in or upon any street, avenue, alley, sidewalk, park, public square, or other public place in the City of Spokane, or to any case or tree-box around any such tree, plant or shrub, or suffers or permits any such animal to remain so hitched or fastened after knowing that such animal is so hitched or fastened, or who shall stop, hitch or fasten, or suffer or cause to be stopped, hitched or fastened, any such animal so near any such tree, plant, shrub, case or box, or any hydrant or fire-plug, that such animal can ordure, bite or injure, such tree, plant, shrub, case, box, hydrant, or fire-plug, or any person or persons who shall cause or suffer any animal under such person or persons control, to bite, or in any manner injure, any such tree, plant, shrub, case, box, hydrant or fire-plug, shall upon conviction for any such offense, be fined not more than fifty dollars nor less than ten dollars and pay the costs of prosecution, and be confined in the city jail until such fine and costs are paid; provided, nothing herein shall be so construed as to prevent the owner or owners, or agent, of the property along side thereof, from trimming any such tree, plant or shrub in a proper manner and at the proper time of the year for such trimming, or from repairing such case or tree-box whenever the same needs such repairs. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council March 5, 1895. ORDINANCE NO. A170. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PARKS AND PUBLIC SQUARES OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. The management and control of all public parks and public squares of the city is vested in the Park Commission. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the Park Commission to keep the fences of all enclosed public grounds in repair, and also all sidewalks around said public grounds. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 123 Sec. 3. No person shall enter or leave any of the public parks or other enclosed public grounds of the City of Spokane except by their gateway. No person shall climb or walk upon their walls or fences. Sec. 4. Neither cattle, horses, goats, swine or other animals, except as herein provided, shall be turned into any one of said parks, public squares or public grounds by any person. All persons are forbidden to carry firearms or to throw stone or other missies within any one of the public parks or other public grounds of the city. All persons are forbidden to cut, break or in any way injure or deface the trees, shrubs, plants, turf, or any of the buildings, fences, or other constructions or property within or upon any of the said parks or public grounds. Sec. 5. No person shall expose any article or thing for sale upon any of said parks or other public grounds, except such person shall have been previously licensed by the Park Commission, nor shall any peddling or hawking be allowed therein. Sec. G. No threatening, abusive, insulting or indecent language shall be allowed in any parks or public grounds of the city whereby a breach of the peace may be occasioned. No person shall be allowed to tell fortunes or to play at any game of chance at or with any table or instrument of gaming, nor to do therein any obscene or indecent act. Sec. 7. The Park Commission may direct that any of the entrances to the public park be closed at any time. Sec. 8. No person shall post or otherwise affix any bills, notice or other paper upon any structure or thing within any park or other public grounds of the city nor upon any of the gates or enclosures thereof. Sec. 9. No person shall, without the consent of the Park Commis- sion, play upon any musical instrument, nor shall any person take into or carry or display in said public parks any banner, target or trans- parency. No military or target company, civic or other, shall be permitted to parade, drill or perform therein any military or other evolution or movement. Nor shall any fire engine, hose cart or other machine on wheels, commonly used fof the extinguishing of fire, be allowed on any part of said parks or other public grounds without the previous consent of the Park Commission, except in case of fire. Sec. 10. No person other than employes shall light, make or use any fire in said parks or other public grounds. Sec. 11. No person shall go upon any grass, lawn or turf of the parks or other public grounds, except when and where the word “Common” is posted; indicating that persons are at liberty at that time and place to go on the grass. The Park Commission shall cause printed or written copies of prohibitions of this ordinance to be posted in said parks or grounds. Sec. 12. Any member of the city police shall have power to arrest any person who shall not desist from any violations of this ordinance when directed, and cause him to be committed for examination. Sec. 13. Any person who shall violate any provisions of this ordi- 124 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE nance, or who shall neglect or fail or refuse to comply with any or either of the requirements thereof, shall, on conviction, pay a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, and the costs of prosecution. Sec. 14. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 15. This ordinance shall take effect ten days after its passage. Passed by the City Council March 11, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 99. AN ORDINANCE TO REGULATE SOLICITORS FOR HOTELS, BOARDING HOUSES, HACKS, OMNIBUSES AND OTHER VEHICLES. The City of Spokane Falls does ordain as follows: Section 1. No person shall solicit for a hotel, boarding house, hack, omnibus or other vehicle or for any other purpose whatever inside the depot of any railroad company within the City of Spokane Falls, nor upon the platform thereof, excepting three feet of said platform next to and abutting on the street, which space shall be designated by a line being placed upon said platform or painted by said railroad com- pany thereon. As amended by Ordinance No. 117, passed March 8, 1888. Sec. 2. Any person acting as solicitor for a hotel, boarding house, hack, omnibus, or other vehicle, whether for himself or as agent for another, shall conduct his business in a quiet, orderly manner, and in an ordinary tone of voice, and shall not molest or intrude himself upon any passenger or other person or individual with him or his baggage, except as requested by the owner thereof. Sec. 3. No person shall habitually lounge or stay in a railroad depot in the city without having and making known, when so requested by any policeman or civil magistrate, his business thereat, nor without having legitimate business or errand at such railroad depot. Sec. 4. No person shall hitch his horse, mule or team to any truck, platform or lamp-post at said depot, or on the platform thereof. Sec. 5. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars. Sec. 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after five days after its passage and publication. Passed the City Council December 28, 1887. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 125 ORDINANCE NO. A1040. AN ORDINANCE TO PREVENT ACCIDENTS BY TRESPASSING UPON RAILWAY CARS, ENGINES OR TENDERS, AND MAKING IT A MISDEMEANOR TO GET ON OR OFF THE SAME, AND PROVIDING A PENALTY THEREFOR. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, not a passenger or in company with a passenger, to get on or off, or attempt to get on or off, in any manner, any railroad engine, tender or car of any descrip- tion, or any part of such engine, tender or car of any description, whether the same or either of them be in motion or not, while such engine, tender or car is within the limits of the City of Spokane; provided, this ordinance shall not apply to any employe of any railroad when in the discharge of his duties as such; nor to any person who shall hoard a passenger train for the purpose of meeting or assisting in the departure of any passenger, while the said train is at a standstill at a regular station. Sec. 2. Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than five dollars and not more than fifty dollars, and costs of prosecution. Sec. 3. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council April 2, 1901. ORDINANCE NO. A58S. AN ORDINANCE TO PREVENT ACCIDENTS BY STREET CARS. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person under the age of fifteen years to get on or off, or attempt to get on or off any cable, grip, electric, horse, or other street car while such car is in motion. Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person under the age of fifteen years to wantonly, mischievously, or sportively, step or sit upon the steps of any cable, grip, electric, horse or other street car for the purpose of surreptitiously riding thereon; or in any manner to cling to the steps, railing, sides, or any part thereof, while the same is in motion, or under way on its track, for like wanton, mischievous or sportive purposes or intentions. Sec. 3. Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof before the judge of the Municipal Court, shall be fined not less than one dollar nor more than ten dollars, and costs of prosecution. Sec. 4. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. 126 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE Sec. 5. This ordinance shall take effect and he in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council July 16, 1895. ORDINANCE NO. A547. AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE SPEED OF CARS ON STREET RAILROADS WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. That no motorman, conductor or other person, shall move, or cause, or allow to be moved, any car on any of the street lailroad tracks within the limits of the City of Spokane at a greater rate of speed than eight miles per hour inside the fire limits or at a greater rate of speed than twelve miles per hour outside of the fire limits. Sec. 2. Any person violating this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction, shall pay a fine of not less than ten nor more than one hundred dollars and costs of prosecution, and be committed to the city jail until such fine and costs are paid. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council January 15, 1895. ORDINANCE NO. 24. AN ORDINANCE LIMITING THE SPEED OF RAILROAD TRAINS WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS, ETC. Be it ordained ~by the City of Spokane Falls: Section 1. That no conductor, engineer, fireman, brakeman, or ether person, shall move, or cause or allow to be moved, any locomotive, tender, or car within the city limits at a greater rate of speed than eight miles per hour, under a penalty of not less than ten nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense. Sec. 2. That no conductor, engineer, fireman, brakeman, station or yard master or other person connected with any railroad in said city, shall cause or allow any locomotive, tender or car to be and remain on or within thirty-seven and one-half feet of the centers of the railroad crossings of Howard and. Monroe streets in said city for a longer period than twenty minutes, under a penalty of not less than ten nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense. Sec. 3. That this ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after the date of its passage and publication. Passed the City Council September 17, 1884. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 127 « ORDINANCE NO. A99. AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING ANY RAILROAD COMPANY FROM BLOCKING WITH ITS CARS OR OTHERWISE ANY STREET IN THE CITY OF SPOKANE FOR A LONGER PERIOD THAN FIVE MINUTES. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. No engineer, fireman, conductor, brakeman, yard master, station agent, agent, division superintendent or other officer, agent or employe of any railroad company having a track within the City of Spokane, or any other person, shall cause or permit any train, engine, car or other obstruction to stand across any street within the City of Spokane or any part thereof for a longer period of time consecutively than five minutes. Sec. 2. Whenever it shall become necessary for the transaction of the business of any railroad company within the city to pass over any street which its track or tracks may cross with its train, engine or car, or whenever it shall be come necessary in the transaction of its business for any such railroad company to stand any engine, car or train across any such streets or any part thereof, then, and not other- wise, the persons mentioned in the preceding section may block a portion of said street for a period of time not to exceed fifteen minutes; provided, however, that during such period such person shall leave a space not less than shirty feet in width in the middle of said street free and unimpeded for the passage of teams, equestrian and pedestrian. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall not be so construed as to permit any of the persons named in the first section hereof, or any other employe or employes, officer or officers, agent or agents of any railroad company, under any pretext or excuse whatsoever, to evade the provisions hereof. Sec. 4. Any person or persons violating the provisions of this ordinance, or any of them, or aiding, assisting or abetting therein, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars and cost of prosecution, and shall be committed until such fine and costs are paid. Sec. 5. It is hereby made the duty of the Chief of Police to enforce this ordinance and to place such necessary force on or near the railroad crossings of this city, where in his judgment the same may be needed, as may be necessary to enforce the same; and he is hereby directed to cause any person or persons found by him, or any of the police of this city, violating any of the provisions of said ordinance to be forthwith arrested and prosecuted. Sec. 6. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 7. This ordinance shall take effect ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council September 17, 1891. 128 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE ORDINANCE NO. A26S. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR RAILROAD CROSSING GATES AT CERTAIN RAILROAD CROSSINGS AND INTERSECTIONS WITH CERTAIN STREETS IN THE CITV OF SPOKANE. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. That the Northern Pacific Railroad Company, where its tracks intersect and cross Stevens, Howard, Post, Monroe and Division streets and Sprague avenue, the Seattle, Lake Shore & Eastern Railway Company, where its tracks intersect and cross Division and Washington streets, and the Union Pacific Railroad Company, where its tracks intersect and cross Division street, and the Union Pacific Railroad Company or the Union Depot Company, where their tracks intersect and cross Washington street, shall within sixty days after the taking effect of this ordinance, in order to provide protection to persons and property, construct and maintain at the said crossings and intersection of their tracks and the above named streets, railroad crossing gates on each side of their said tracks at said crossings and across each of said streets. Said gates to be of the kind called and known as “Mill’s Automatic Railroad Crossing Gates,” and to be of sufficient length and dimensions to extend com- pletely and wholly across each of said streets, so that when any engine, car or train is passing or about to pass each and any of said crossings or intersection, it will be impossible foe any person or persons, vehicle or vehicles or conveyances of any kind to gain access to said tracks at said crossings from any or either of said streets until such engine, car or train, or either of them shall have passed over and beyond any such crossing or intersection. Sec. 2. Any failure on the part of the said railroad companies to erect, construct and maintain any one of the railroad crossing gates within the time and of the number, kind and dimensions, and in the places and manner prescribed by section one of this ordinance at any and each of the crossings and intersections of their said tracks with the streets mentioned in section one of this ordinance, shall subject the said railroad companies to a penalty of one hundred dollars ($100.00) for each and every offense, and a failure or neglect on the part of the said railroad companies for each and every ten (10) days after the expiration of the time fixed by this ordinance for the erection and construction of said railroad crossing sates to erect and construct such railroad crossing gates as herein provided shall constitute a new, separate and distinct offense. Sec. 3. Every such railroad crossmg gate shall be erected and constructed at the sole cost and expense of said railroad companies, under the supervision and subject to the approval of the Board of Public Works of the City of Spokane, and the same shall forever thereafter be kept and maintained by said railroad companies in proper lepair and condition at their own cost and expense, and without MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 129 expense or cost to the City of Spokane, under the supervision of the said Board of Public Works and to its satisfaction. Sec 4. Any violation of or failure to observe any of the foregoing 2 'rovisions of this ordinance on the part of the said companies, their agents and employes, or any or either of them, shall, where no other penalty is imposed, subject the offender or offenders to a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars ($25,001 nor more than one hundred collars ($100.00) with costs of prosecution, to be recovered in any court of competent jurisdiction Sec. 5. This ordinance shall take effect ten (10) days after its passage Passed the City Council December 2", 1892. ORDINANCE NO. All 35. AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING HOTEL AND PUBLIC LODGING HOUSE KEEPERS TO KEEP A REGISTER, AXD PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. Every person or persons keeping or conducting a hotel or public lodging house in the City of Spokane shall keep a register in which all guests and lodgers shall be required to register their names and addresses, and said landlord the room or rooms assigned said guests and lodgers, which said register shall be open to inspection by the police, health officer and sanitary police of the City of Spokane at all times, and to the public generally during all the hours said hotels 01 lodging houses are open for the reception of guests or lodgers. Sec 2. Any person or persons violating any of the provisions of section one of this ordinance, or who shall refuse to allow the inspec- tion of said register Dy any policeman health officer or sanitary police of the City of Spokane, and the public generally as provided in section one, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not exceeding fifty dollars, nor less than five dollars, and the costs of the prosecution. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed by the City Council February 18, 1902. 9 130 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE CHAPTER V. Health and Sanitation. ORDINANCE NO. A1120. AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR THE PROTECTION AND PRESEVATION OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH, AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. No person or persons shall suffer or permit any cellar, vault, private drain, cesspool, privy, or sewer, upon any premises belonging to, or occupied by him, or her, within the limits of the City of Spokane, to become nauseous, offensive, or injurious to the public health. Sec. 2. No distiller, tanner, brewer, soap boiler, tallow chandler, meat packer, dyer, livery stable keeper, house keeper or other person shall discharge out of, or permit to flow from his, or their premises, or the premises he or they occupy, any foul or nauseous liquors, slops, or substance whatever, into any private ground, street, alley, lane, or public ground within said city. Sec. 3. No person or persons shall keep, or cause to be kept, any stale, putrid, or stinking fat, grease, or meat, nor shall any person Veep for more than twenty-four hours any undressed hides, unless they are properly salted, except at places where the same are to be manu- factured. Sec. 4. Repealed by ordinance No. A1323. Sec. 5. Every person, firm, or corporation hauling fresh meats into the City of Spokane, shall provide a covering for their wagons, and cover the fresh meats hauled in wagons, with suitable and sufficient coverings to protect the same from all dust, mud, and dirt. Sec. 6. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to carry on the business of slaughtering, or rendering of any animal matter or manufacturing the same into fertilizing material, or changing the form thereof in any manner, by the use of heat, steam, fire, chemicals, or otherwise, or to erect or keep any bone boiling establishment, or depository of dead animals or animal matter at any place, or in any establishment, any where within the City of Spokane, or within two miles of the limits of said city, except by permit of the Board of MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE Health. Any permit so granted may be revoked by the Board of Health whenever deemed necessary. Sec. 7. If any person or persons shall within the limits of the City .of Spokane, permit or suffer on his, her, or their premises, or on premises of which he, she or they may be the occupant or occupants, any nuisance, either in exercising any unwholesome, or offensive trade, calling, or business, or by having, or suffering, or permitting, any building, outhouse, sewer, sink, or any putrid, or unsound beef, pork, fish, hides, skins, or any putrid carcass, or any unwholesome substance, or anything whatever, to be, or remain on premises, of which he, she, or they shall be the owner, or owners, occupant, or occupants, until any offensive and ill stenches, or otherwise they, or any of them, shall become offensive, hurtful, or dangerous to the neighborhood or the public health, it shall be the duty of the Health Officer to give notice to such person or persons, to remove and abate such nuisance forth- with, and if the owner, or owners, agent, occupant, or occupants of premises on which such nuisance shall be situated, shall neglect or refuse to remove the same as ordered, he, she, or they, upon conviction thereof, shall be liable to the penalty hereinafter prescribed, together with the expense of removing such nuisance. If any person or persons shall, after receiving notice as aforesaid, permit any such nuisance to remain, the Health Officer shall remove and abate such nuisance at the expense of such person or persons. Sec. 8. No privy, vault, or cesspool for sewerage, shall be con- structed in any part of the City of Spokane, where a sewer is provided in front of the property lines, or on a side street not exceeding 150 feet from the property lines, or in the alley at the rear of said property lines, and no connection from any cesspool or privy vault shall be made with any sewer or drain pipe of a building for the purpose of affording surface drainage for the cellar, without proper provisions against the access of sewer air into the building. All owners or agents of any property, when notified by the Board of Health, shall clean out, and fill up any vault or cesspool on their property, and make proper connection with the sewer. Sec. 9. No pile or deposit of manure, offal, or garbage, or accumu- lation of any offensive, or nauseous substance shall be made or permitted within the limits of the city, nor shall any person or persons, or corporation unload, discharge or put upon, or along the line of any railroad, street, alley, or highway, or public place within said city, any manure, offal, garbage, or other offensive, or nauseous substance, nor shall cars, or flats loaded with, or having upon them any such substance, or substances be allowed to remain, or stand on, or along any railroad, street, or highway within the limits of the said city. All manure vaults attached to stables, or all deposits of manure therewith connected, shall be so cared for by owners of such stables as in no case to become a nuisance. Sec. 10. No manure, garbage, offal, or any vegetable, or animal 132 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE matter, or nauseous substance, detrimental to health, shall be dumped, or deposited at any place within the limits of the city of Spokane, except by special permit from the Health Officer. Sec. 11. No person or persons shall construct, without the consent in writing of the Board of Health, or Health Officer, any privy, vault, or cesspool, on premises of which he or she is the owner, agent, or occupant, within twenty feet of any house, or residence, or building used as such, nor within two feet of the line of any lot. The walls of such vault, or cesspool shall be of brick, cemented stone, or sound plank of not less than two inches in thickness. The bottom of all vaults, or cesspools shall be smooth and level in surface. The size of all vaults hereafter constructed, shall not be less than 3 y 2 feet in depth, by 2^x4 feet in length, and width. All vaults shall be closely boxed, or walled at the top with the privy building, and a ventilating pipe of wood, or other material of not less than four inches in diameter, shall extend from the top of the vault, to two feet above the building. Every privy shall be provided with close fitting covers, subject to the approval of the sanitary police. All cesspools hereafter constructed, shall not be less than seven feet deep, nor less than three feet in diameter, if of circular form, or not less than twelve square feet in surface measurement, if rectangular. No person, or persons, shall throw, or deposit in any privy vault, or cesspool, any garbage, cans, crockery, glass, or other rubbish whatsoever. And the owner, agent, or occupant of the premises shall be responsible for the condition of the same. No building shall be used as a dwelling house unless the same is provided with a privy vault, or is properly connected with a cesspool, or sewer. Deviations from the said sanitary regulations shall be made only by written consent of the Board of Health, or Health Officer, and only after showing of cause as to why the regulations should not be complied with. Sec. 12. No person or persons shall empty, or attempt to empty any vault, sink, privy, or cesspool in the City of Spokane, except pursuant to a permit therefor, first received from the Health Officer. Sec. 13. No person or persons shall abolish, abandon, or neglect any privy, cesspool, or vault containing any excrement, filth, or other offensive matter, or fill up any such privy, cesspool, or vault upon any premises owned, cultivated, or occupied by such person or persons, without first removing completely therefrom all filth, and then filling up the same with earth. Sec. 14. All persons, firms, or corporations engaged in the business of scavenger within the City of Spokane, or w r ho may be employed therein by individuals to remove garbage, or other substance, which for any cause has become offensive, or has to be removed, shall in removing the same through, over, or along any of the streets, high- ways, alleys, or public grounds of said city, or elsewhere therein, convey the same in close, tight, covered boxes, or receptacles, so as to prevent the scattering, or dropping therefrom, of any such garbage MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 133 or other substances while in motion, or passing along any of the streets, highways, alleys, and other places above mentioned, any part or portion of such garbage or other materials, and substances, or permit the emission of smells therefrom. Sec. 15. No person or persons, company, or corporation shall, within the City of Spokane, remove, or cause to be removed, the contents of any privy vault, sink, cesspool, or private drain, without a permit first obtained from the Health Officer. Every such permit shall give the name of the scavenger, describe the premises where the work shall be done, and designate where the contents thereof shall be de- posited. Sec. 16. Each scavenger shall make return to the Health Officer of every permit issued to him within two weeks after issuance of the permit. Sec. 17. The cleaning, emptying, and removing of the contents of privy vaults, sinks, cesspools, or private drains shall be done in an inoffensive manner, and any scavenger having begun such scavenger work shall, without being interrupted or delayed, finish the same, and shall in every instance leave the privy, vault, sink, cesspool, or private drain in as good condition upon the outside as when the work was undertaken. Sec. 18. The contents of privy vaults, sinks, cesspools, or private drains so removed by any scavenger, shall be conveyed in airtight tanks, or vessels, and shall be disposed of in such a manner, under the direction of the Health Officer, as to cause no offense, and always between the hours of 10 p. m. and 4 a. m., said tanks, or vessels shall be kept clean, and inoffensive when not in actual use. Sec. 19. Every tenement, lodging house or restaurant keeper shall have proper and suitable conveniences, or receptacles for receiving garbage and other refuse matter . Sec. 20. It is the duty of the owner or owners, or agent of property, or occupants, to keep all privy vaults on property owned, managed, or occupied by them, clean, and to properly clean them whenever notified to do so by the Health Officer, and any expense incurred in cleaning vaults, or abating any nuisance shall be paid by the owner of the property, his agent, or the occupant of the same, as the Board of Health may determine. Sec. 21. Every butcher, grocer, and milk dealer, and their agents and employes, shall allow the parties authorized by the Board of Health to freely and fully inspect their cattle and milk, meats, fish, game, fruits, and vegetables, held, offered, or intended for sale, and shall be required under oath, to answer all reasonable and proper questions asked by either the Health Officer, or deputy, or a member of the Board of Health, relative to the condition thereof, and of the places where said articles may be kept, or stored, and shall allow the same to be examined by said officers. Sec. 22. No person shall sell, expose for sale, or offer to sell, or '34 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE deliver, or bring within the limits of the City of Spokane, for human food, any blown, tainted, diseased, or bad meat, poultry, fish or game, or any meat, fish, poultry, or game that dies by disease, or accident, nor any milk, or cream diluted, adulterated, or not pure or fresh, or wholesome, unsound, or decayed fruit, vegetables or other market produce, nor any other class of food supplies, whether in the natural state, or manufactured, that is not fresh, sound, wholesome and un- adulterated, or the flesh of any calf, pig, or lamb less than six weeks old when slaughtered. Sec. 23. It shall be the duty of any authorized officer, upon discov- ering any meat, fish, poultry, or game, fruit, vegetables, or milk, or other articles offered or exposed for sale as food, within the City of Spokane that is decayed, diseased, unwholesome, or from any cause unfit for food, to at once seize and confiscate the same and to report to the Health Officer and at once enter complaint against the owner or person offering such meat, fish, poultry, or game, fruit, vegetables, or milk, or other fooa articles for sale. Sec. 24. The owner, lessee, or occupant of any room, stall, or place where any meat, fish, poultry, fruit, or vegetables designed or held for human food, shall be stored, or kept, or held, or offered for sale, shall put and keep such place, and its appurtenances in a cleanly and wholesome condition, and every person having charge of, interested, or engaged in, whether as principal, agent, or employe, in the care of, or sale of any meat, fish, poultry, fruits, or vegetables, or other articles of food whatever, whether in its natural state, or manufactured, shall put and preserve the same in a cleanly and wholesome condition, and they shall be so kept as to be impossible of pollution by dogs or other animals, and shall not allow the same, or any part thereof, to be poisoned, infected or become unsafe, or unwholesome. Sec. 25. It shall be the duty of every person knowing of any fish, meat, poultry, game, fruits, or vegetables, or other substances being bought, sold, or offered, or exposed for sale as food for human beings, or being in market, public, or private, in said city, to forthwith report such fact, and the particulars relating thereto, to the Board of Health, or to one of its officers. Sec. 26. No animal shall be killed for human food while in an overheated, feverish, or diseased condition. All diseased cattle, or hogs in the City of Spokane, shall at once be reported to the Health Officer by the owner, or custodian thereof, or any person knowing of the same. Sec. 27. Whenever the attention of the Health Officer is called to the water in any well, or cistern, or spring, or other source of supply in the City of Spokane, which, after a careful examination by said Health Officer, or by qualified examiners, is found to be impure, con- taminated, and unfit to drink, it shall be the duty of the Health Officer to serve, or cause to be served on the owner, agent, or tenant of the property, a notice in wrting, that such water shall no longer be used MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 135 for drinking purposes, and it is hereby made the duty of the Board of Health to order the closure, filling up, or destruction of any well, or cistern, or other source of supply whose waters are found to be impure, unless after proper cleansing it is found that the water is healthful, to the satisfaction of the Board of Health, and when such steps are taken by the Board of Health, any tenant, owner, agent, or other individual whatsoever who resists, opposes, or attempts in any way to interfere with said work of the Board of Health, or resists any properly authorized officer in the discharge of his duty, shall be subject to the penalties herein provided. Sec. 28. Whenever any building, or part thereof, shall, for any sanitary cause, be unfit for human habitation, and the Health Officer shall so certify to the Board of Health, the raid board may issue an order, to be affixed conspicuously on the building, and served on the owner, or owners, agent, lessee, or occupant thereof, requiring all persons to vacate such building, or apartment, at such time as the Board of Health may determine, which time shall be stated in said order. Any owner, or owners, agent, lessee, or occupant of any such building, or part thereof, who shall fail, or refuse to comply with said order, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined in any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars. Sec. 29. Any person or persons, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor, and upon conviction shall be fined in any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars. Sec. 30. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 31. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed by the City Council January 7, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. A1119. *N ORDINANCE TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC HEALTH, AND PREVENT THE SPREAD OF CONTAGIOUS OR INFECTIOUS DISEASES, AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF. Tie City of SpoTcane does ordain as follows: Section 1. That every physician, Christian Science healer, divine heder, faith curist, osteopath, any and all persons who profess to cure or treat diseases by whatsoever means or method, and every person whi practices about the cure of the sick or injured, or who has charge of, *r treats or professionally prescribes for any person sick, injured or dseased, regardless of whatsoever name or title they may assume, shall report to the Board of Health of the City of Spokane in writing every person having contagious or infectious disease, such as cholera, yellov fever, scarlet fever, typhus fever, typhoid fever, cerebro-spinal 136 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE meningitis, or spotted fever, smallpox, varioloid, diphtheria, measles, chickenpox, membranous croup, or any of the grades of such diseases which he, or she, may be attending, together with his or her place of dwelling and name, if known. Reports of all such cases shall be made without delay. Sec. 2. That the term “contagious or infectious disease,” as used in oection One of this ordinance, shall be construed and understood to mean all diseases of infectious, contagious or pestilential nature, and such diseases as the Board of Health may designate as contagious and dangerous to the public health. Sec. 3. That no person shall, within the city limits, without a permit from the Health Officer, carry or remove from one building to another, any person sick of any contagious disease, or any clothing or other property that may have been exposed, nor shall any person by any exposure of any individual sick of any contagious disease, or the body of such person, or by any negligent act connected therewith or in respect to the care or the custody thereof, or a needless exposure of himself cause or contribute to- or promote the spread of disease from any such person or from any dead body. Sec. 4. No person or conductor in charge of any railroad car or public conveyance, shall knowingly bring into this city any person or persons diseased of cholera, smallpox, ship fever or contagious or communicable disease whatsoever. No railroad car or public convey- ance at any time covered by proclamation of quarantine shall pass by any quarantine station or place without stopping, nor shall leave the same without special permit from the Board of Health, and no person stopping in said quarantine, or received therein, shall leave the same without first obtaining permission of the Health Officer or attending physician nor shall any person aid or abet any conductor or person in charge of any railroad car or conveyance in violating, neglecting or evading any provisions or requirements of this ordinance, nor shall any person interfere with, resist, neglect or refuse to obey the orders of any physician, health officer, police officer or other person in any authority at any quarantine station or place of quarantine nor commit any breach of the peace, nor do any act calculated in any way to defeat or interfere with the provisions or requirements of this article, or cf any regulations of the Board of Health. Sec. 5. That no person, from any house where any person is sick Dr afflicted with any of the diseases named or provided for in Section Che of this ordinance, shall attend any school in this city until the recovery or death of such person; and said person must be provided wit! a certificate from the attending physician or the Health Officer, certifying to their non-contagiousness, which statement must be presented tc the principal or teacher of said school before said person will be alDwed to return. Sec. 6. That every keeper of every hotel, boarding house or l Spokane, with the permission of the City Council, shall, within three weeks from and after 148 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE the passage of this ordinance, appoint an Inspector of Plumbing. Such inspector shall be a practical plumber, and shall hold office until re- moved by the Board of Health, with the permission of the City Council. Sec. 2. The compensation of such inspector shall be eighty-five dol- lars ($85) per month, which amount shall be paid from the city treas- ury of the City of Spokane. Sec. 3. Such inspector, so appointed, shall inspect all plumbing work for which permits are hereafter granted within the City of Spo- kane in process of construction, alteration or repair, and shall report to said Board of Health all violations of any law, ordinance or by-law relating to plumbing work, and also perform such other proper duties as may be required by the said Board of Health or by any ordinance of the City of Spokane. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council September 5, 1899. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 149 CHAPTER VI. \ Licenses. ORDINANCE NO. A1299. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE REVOCATION OF LICENSES AND TO REPEAL ORDINANCE NO. A688, PASSED JANUARY 26, 1897, AND ORDINANCE NO. a1293, passed February 3, 1903. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. That all licenses may be revoked by the City Council, first, for the violation of any law of the State of Washington; and, sec- ond, for the violation of any ordinance of the city, (1) upon the recom- mendation of the Mayor, (2) upon the recommendation of the Board of Police, or (3) upon the complaint, in writing, of any private citizen; provided, that when the complaint is made by a private citizen he shall file a good and sufficient bond, conditioned to pay all costs and expenses incurred by the hearing or trial on said complaint, if the same is frivol- ous. Sec. 2. That the recommendation for the revocation of a license, by the Mayor or the Board of Police, and the complaint when made by a private citizen, must state the grounds generally upon which the recom- mendation or complaint is based. Sec. 3. That upon the filing of such recommendation or complaint, and at the next meeting of the City Council, either regular or special, the City Council shall fix a time for investigating the charges so made, which shall not be less than three days nor more than ten days, and notice of the time of said hearing, together with a copy of the com- plaint or recommendation, shall be served upon the person, firm or corporation, to whom the license was issued or transferred. Sec. 4. That at said hearing evidence may be introduced by the city to substantiate the charges made, and by the person, firm or cor- poration whose license may be revoked by the proceedings, and upon proof satisfactory to the Council that any law of the state or an ordi- nance of the city has been violated, the Council may revoke such li- cense by a majority vote of all the members present. Sec. 6. That upon the revocation of any license the money for the unexpired term for which the license was issued shall be returned to the licensee. Sec. 6. That ordinance No. A688, passed January 26, 1897, and ordi- i5o MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE nance No. A1293, passed February 3, 1903, be and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. 7. Whereas, an emergency exists, this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Passed the City Council February 20, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. A915. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO LICENSES, PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLA- TION THEREOF, AND REPEALING ORDINANCES NOS. A625, a700, a702, A711, a728, a764 and a807, and all ordinances in conflict herewith. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. No person, firm or corporation shall engage in or carry on any business or vocation within the City of Spokane for which a license is required by this ordinance until they shall first obtain such license. Sec. 2. The license fee to be paid by hawkers, peddlers and itiner- ant vendors shall be as follows: (a) Of fruits, vegetables, butter, eggs or other farm produce, two dollars ($2) per day, or twenty-five dollars ($25) per quarter. (b) Of fish, poultry or other meat, two dollars ($2) per day, or sev- enty-five dollars ($75) per quarter. (c) Of jewelry, furs, rugs, carpets, dry goods, portieres, clocks, pic- tures, cutlery, patent or proprietary medicines, nostrums or flavoring extracts, two dollars ($2) per day, or twenty-five dollars ($25) per quarter. (d) Of candy, popcorn, chewing gum, ice cream or confections, or anything not particularly mentioned in this section, fifty cents ($0.50) per day, or five dollars ($5) per month. Any person engaged in hawking, peddling or itinerant vending, whether as principal or agent, shall be deemed a hawker, peddler or itinerant vendor under the provisions of this section; provided, it shall be lawful for any farmer, gardener or other person without a license to sell, deliver or peddle any fruits, vegetables, berries, butter, eggs, fish, milk, poultry, meats or any farm produce or edibles, raised, caught, produced or manufactured by such person, except on Sundays; pro- vided, however, that this section shall not prohibit the sale or delivery of dairy products on Sunday; and, provided further, that this section shall not apply to commercial travelers representing wholesale houses or establishments who sell by samples. As amended by ordinance No. A952, passed April 10, 1900. Sec. 3. The proprietor or manager of every show, exhibition or place of amusement, not otherwise herein provided for, whether having an admission fee or not, which shall be kept open and a play or per- formance conducted at an hour later than 12 o’clock, midnight, shall pay a license of one hundred dollars ($100) per quarter, or five dollars MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE « 15 1 ($5) per night, at the option of such proprietor or manager; and, when kept open and a play or performance conducted at an hour not later than 12 o’clock, midnight, shall pay a quarterly license of fifty dollars ($50), or five dollars ($5) per day or night, at the option of such pro- prietor or manager; provided, no license shall be issued for a longer period than one year; and, provided further, that no shows, exhibitions or places of amusement shall be kept open after 2 o’clock a. m.; and, provided further, that no license shall be granted under this section for shows, exhibitions or amusements given, performed or carried on in any place, tent, arena or building where malt, fermented, vinous or spir- ituous liquors are sold, given away or delivered. Sec. 4. The proprietor or manager of every circus, or circus and menagerie combined, shall pay a license of one hundred and twenty-five dollars ($125) for each performance or exhibition; provided, however, that if two exhibitions shall be held in one day, the license fee shall be two hundred dollars ($200) for both; and, provided further, that the owner or manager of any circus, menagerie, show or other like exhibi- tion charging an admission fee exceeding fifty cents ($0.50) for each performance or exhibition shall pay a license of one hundred and fifty dollars ($150) for one performance or exhibition; and, provided fur- ther, that if two performances or exhibitions of this character shall be held in one day the license fee shall be two hundred and fifty dollars ($250) for both; and, provided further, that if more than one-fourth of the seating space in said circus, or circus and menagerie combined, shall be held as reserved seats for the use of which additional compensation shall be charged, the price of such reserved seats shall be deemed and taken to be a portion of the price of admission. Every building, tent, arena or space where feats of horsemanship and acrobatic sports are exhibited, together with any animals such as are usually exhibited in a menagerie, shall be regarded as a circus and menagerie combined. Sec. 5. The proprietor or manager of a menagerie shall pay a li- cense of seventy-five dollars ($75) per day. A menagerie, within the meaning of this section shall be an exhibition of wild animals of any description; provided, however, that if any menagerie be combined with a circus and a single admission fee charged for both, no other or differ- ent license shall be required than that required by section 4 of this ordi- nance. Sec. 6. Managers or proprietors conducting sports, shows or enter- tainments known as merry-go-rounds, phonographs, cinematograph, kinetoscope, or like shows, or anatomical museums, charging an admis- sion fee not to exceed twenty-five cents ($0.25), shall pay a license of one dollar ($1) per day, or twenty dollars ($20) per quarter. Sec. 7. All horse or dog shows, or horse and dog shows combined, shall pay a license of ten dollars ($10) per day. Sec. 8. Every variety theater holding a performance shall pay a license of three hundred dollars ($300) per year. Any person, firm or 152 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE corporation desiring a license for a variety theater shall apply by peti- tion in writing to the City Council at any session thereof, which peti- tion shall state definitely the building or place where such theater is to be conducted, and the City Council, upon satisfactory proof that the applicant is of good moral character, may grant to such applicant a license, which shall be a sufficient permit to conduct a variety theater at the place so named, and not otherwise. No such license shall be granted until such person, firm or corporation shall pay to the City Treasurer the sum of three hundred dollars ($300) for the same, and no license shall be granted for a shorter term than one year, and no such license shall be granted until such person, firm or corporation shall have executed a good and sufficient bond, with a surety or guar- anty company as surety, to be approved by the Mayor and Corporation Counsel, in the sum of two thousand dollars ($2000), conditioned that such person, firm or corporation shall conduct an orderly house and comply with all the laws of the State of Washington and ordinances of the City of Spokane; provided, that no such variety theater shall be pro- vided with private boxes of any kind, nor shall any female be employed therein in the capacity of waitress, or for the soliciting of drinks, either for herself or for others, or in any capacity, either directly or indirectly, except as performer upon the stage of such variety theater, nor shall such variety theater remain open after two o’clock a. m. Sec. 9. Each wholesale dealer or bottler of beer shall pay a license of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per quarter; provided, however, that brewers and manufacturers of beer within the city limits shall not be required to take out a license as wholesale dealers for beer so manufac- tured. Sec. 10. Wholesale dealers in wines and liquors shall pay a license of one hundred dollars ($100.00) per annum. Any person, firm or cor- poration desiring a license for selling liquors and wines at wholesale shall apply by a petition, in writing, to the City Council at any session thereof, which petition shall state definitely the building or place where such liquors or wines are to be sold at wholesale, and the City Council, upon satisfactory proof that the applicant is of good moral character, may grant to such applicant a license. Persons, firms, corporations or dealers selling malt, fermented, vinous or spirituous liquors in quanti- ties not less than one gallon are wholesale dealers within the meaning of this section; provided, this ordinance shall not be so construed as re- quiring a license for the sale of spirituous, malt or fermented liquors or wines made by any registered pharmacist or druggist when sold by them to be used strictly for medicinal purposes or upon prescription of any regular physician. As amended by ordinance No. A1003, passed September 11, 1900. Sec. 11. For shooting galleries and bowling alleys a quarterly li- cense of ten dollars ($10.00) each shall be paid; provided, if both shall be combined in one business, the license for both shall be fifteen dollars ($15.00) per quarter. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE T 53 Sec. 12. For public scales a quarterly license of three dollars ($3.00) shall be paid; provided, that any person, firm or corporation having a license for public scales shall make out all weigh-bills in ink or indelible pencil, and shall preserve a copy of all weigh-bills issued for at least six months after the same shall have been issued; and, provided further, that said copies shall be open to inspection by any person desiring to see the same. Sec. 13. All lodging house keepers shall be required to register quar- terly at the office of the Chief of Police the name and number of the lodging house owned or kept by them. Sec. 14. Every person, firm or corporation engaged in bill posting shall pay a license of ten dollars $10.00) per quarter. A bill poster, within the meaning of this ordinance, shall be a person, firm or corpor- ation who posts or distributes bills as a vocation for hire. Sec. 15. Every person, firm or corporation who shall, by means of any vehicle, carry any person or persons to or from any point within the corporation limits of the City of Spokane for hire, shall pay a li- cense of five dollars ($5.00) per year for each and every vehicle so used; provided, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to apply to railroad or street railroad cars. Each vehicle used for such purpose shall be provided with two lamps on the outside thereof, one on each side, which shall be lighted at all times when such vehicle shall be upon the streets at night. And every person, firm or corporation taking out a license for any vehicle under the provisions of this ordinance shall forthwith, and before using the same, cause the number of such vehicle, which number shall be desig- nated by the City Comptroller at the time of the issuance of such license, to be plainly printed in figures at least one and one-half inches in length in a conspicuous place upon the lamps of such vehicle and upon the inside of such vehicle. Such number shall be erased imme- diately upon the expiration of the license taken out for such vehicle. As amended by ordinance No. A952, passed April 1 (j, 1900. Sec. 16. All laundries and wash-houses within the limits of the city shall be licensed as follows: Each laundry or wash-house in which not more than two persons are employed shall pay a license of twenty dollars ($20.00) per annum, to be paid quarterly in advance. Each laundry or wash-house in which more than two persons are employed shall pay a license of forty dollars ($40.00) per annum, payable quar- terly in advance. Sec. 17. No person shall pursue the business of scavenger within the city limits until he has procured a license therefor, for which he shall pay five dollars ($5.00) per quarter for each team so employed. Sec. 18. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to sell cigarettes made of tobacco in combination with any substance or material, covering or wrapper, or containing any substance or ma- terial other than tobacco, until a license shall have been obtained there- for. The applicant for such license shall make oath that to the best of 154 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE his knowledge and belief the cigarettes intended to be sold pursuant to said license do not contain any injurious drug, narcotic or other deleterious matter. Upon written application made to the City Comp- troller in the manner hereinbefore provided, upon which shall be en- dorsed a recommendation that such license shall be issued by at least five reputable citizens, said Comptroller shall issue said license. Every person so licensed shall pay a fee of ten dollars ($10.00) if sales are to he made at retail, and twenty-five dollars ($25.00) if sales are to be made at wholesale, for the right to sell cigarettes for the period of one year from the date of such license. Such license may be granted for a fractional part of a year at the same rate proportionately; provided, that no license shall be granted for the sale of cigarettes for a shorter period than six months, and such license shall not be transferable or assignable. Sec. 19. For the purpose of this ordinance, except as herein other- wise provided, the year is hereby divided into quarters, as follows: The first quarter shall commence on the first day of January of each year and terminate on the 3'lst day of March; the second quarter shall com- mence on the 1st day of April and terminate on the 30th day of June; the third quarter shall commence on the 1st day of July and terminate on the 30th day of September; and the fourth quarter shall commence on the first day of October and terminate on the 31st day of December of each year; provided, however, that when a license is applied for dur- ing the last half of any quarter, the applicant shall pay pro rata for the unexpired term of said quarter, provided he pays for the full succeed- ing quarter, in advance, at the same time. Sec. 20. Upon payment to the City Treasurer of the amount herein required to be paid for any license, the Treasurer shall issue his re- ceipt for the same, specifying in such receipt the character of the li- cense for which payment was made; and, upon presentation to the City Comptroller of such receipt, the City Comptroller, when it shall appear to him that such license is authorized under the provisions of this ordinance, shall issue to the person presenting the same the license therein specified; provided, however, that said Comptroller shall not issue a license when the City Council or any other body, officer or per- son whose consent is necessary therefor has not given said consent. Sec. 21. Any license issued under this ordinance for a business to be carried on at a particular place shall be kept conspicuously posted in such place of business. Sec. 22. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor; and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not to exceed one hundred dol- lars ($100.00), or by imprisonment not to exceed thirty (30) days in the city jail. Sec. 23. That ordinance No. A652, and all ordinances amendatory therof, and particularly ordinances Nos. A700, A702, A711, A728, A764 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 155 and A807, and all ordinances in conflict herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. 24. An emergency is hereby declared to exist, and this ordi- nance shall be in effect from and after its adoption. Passed by the City Council January 23, 1900. ORDINANCE NO. 19. AN ORDINANCE IN RELATION TO LICENSES FOR SELLING INTOXICATING LIQUORS AT RETAIL. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. If any person shall, within the limits of the City ol Spo- iLane Falls, sell, dispose of, or for the purpose of evading the provisions of this ordinance give away any spirituous, malt or fermented liquors, wine or beer in any quantity less than one gallon, without first obtain- ing a license therefor, every such person shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on conviction thereof, shall, for each and every such offense, be fined in any sum not less than twenty nor more than fifty dollars, with the costs of prosecution added thereto. Sec. 2. Any person desiring to keep a drinking shop, bar room or saloon within the corporate limits of Spokane Falls, at which spirituous, malt and fermented liquors and wines may be sold in less quantities than one gallon, may apply by petition, in writing, to the City Council at any session thereof, which petition must state definitely the building or place where such drinking shop, bar room or saloon is to be kept; and the City Council, upon satisfactory proof as to the character of the applicant, may grant to such person a license, to be called a retail li- cense, which shall be a sufficient permit to sell such liquors at the place so named, not for any other place; provided, that when any person shall use or forfeit the first six months of their license they may be permitted to transfer the remaining six months, with che consent of the Council. No such license shall be granted until such person shall pay the City Treasurer the sum of five hundred dollars for one year’s license, and that no license shall be granted for a shorter time than one year, nor shall such license be granted until such person shall have exe- cuted a good and sufficient bond, with two or more sureties, to be ap- proved by the City Council, in the sum of one thousand dollars, con- ditioned that such person shall keep an orderly house, comply with all the requirements of the charter of the City of Spokane Falls, and of the ordinances of said city end the laws of the Territory of Washington. As amended February 29, 1888, by ordinance No. 113. Sec. 3. Nothing in this ordinance shall be so construed as to restrict the sale by apothecaries ou druggists of spirituous, malt or fermented liquors or wines, for medicinal purposes only, upon the prescription of a practicing physician, and no license shall be required therefor. Sec. 4. No license for the sale of intoxicating liquors shall hereafter 56 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE be granted without the consent, in writing, of the owner or lessor of the building or premises in which the business is to be conducted; and the paper containing such consent shall be kept on file by the officer is- suing such license. And all licenses granted under the provisions of this ordinance shall be issued by the City Clerk, signed by him in his official capacity, with the seal of the city affixed. As amended June 1, 1887, by ordinance No. 54. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall not be construed or held so as to ren- der invalid any license heretofore issued by any competent authority and yet unexpired. Sec. 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from the time of its passage and publication. Passed the City Council February 24, 1886. ORDINANCE NO. A393. AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE LIMITS WITHIN WHICH INTOXICATING LIQUORS MAY BE SOLD IN THE CITY OF SPOKANE. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. No license shall be issued to any person or persons, or firm or corporation, for the sale of spirituous, malt or intoxicating liquors, or wine, in any place or building within 140 feet of any church or public school building, or building used exclusively for school pur- poses, within the present fire limits in the City of Spokane, and within three hundred (300) feet of any church or public school building, or building used exclusively for school purposes, outside the present fire limits in the City of Spokane. Sec. 2. All petitions for any license to sell any of the articles men- tioned in section 1 of this ordinance, or for a transfer of any license ta any of the parties mentioned in said section, must affirmatively show that the place or public building in which the same are to be sold is not within 140 feet of any church or public school building, or building used exclusively for school purposes, within the present fire limits in the City of Spokane, nor within three hundred (300) feet of any church or public school building, or building used exclusively for school pur- poses, outside the present fire limits in the City of Spokane. Sec. 3. No person or persons, firm or corporation shall conduct any saloon where spirituous, malt or intoxicating liquors or wine are sold within 140 feet of any church, public school building, or any building used exclusively for school purposes, within the present fire limits of the City of Spokane, nor within three hundred (300) feet of any church or public school building, or 'building used exclusively for school pur- poses, outside of said fire limits within the City of Spokane. Sec. 4. Any person o r * persons, firm or corporation owning, conduct- ing or in any manner interested in any saloon within the limits pro- hibited in this ordinance, and any person, employe, agent or servant em- MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 157 ployed in and about such saloon shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction, shall be fined not more than one hundred dollars nor less than fifty dollars and the costs of prosecution. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall not apply to or affect any saloon now located. Sec. 6. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 7. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council February 20, 1894. ORDINANCE NO. A29. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO AUCTIONS AND AUCTIONEERS. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. No goods, wares, merchandise, or other thing whatever, shall be sold at auction or exposed for sale in any street, avenue, alley or public place in the City of Spokane unless permission in writing be first obtained from the Board of Police, which is hereby authorized to grant a permit to make such sale when, in their opinion, such permis- sion shall not interfere with the free travel of any such street, avenue, alley or public place, and will not be in any respect injurious to the city or inhabitants thereof. Sec. 2. All sales of goods, wares and merchandise or other personal property at public auction within the city, except such as are made under and by virtue of legal process, shall be made by a person, his co- partner or clerk, who shall have first obtained a license for such pur- pose as herein provided. Sec. 3. No bellman or crier, nor any drum or fife or other instru- ment of music, nor any show, signal or means of attracting the atten- tion of passengers, other than a sign or flags, shall be employed or suf- fered or permitted to be used at or near any place of sale, or at or near any auction room, or near any auction whatsoever. Sec. 4. Any person may become an auctioneer and be licensed to sell real and personal property at public auction at a place to be named in said license upon paying to the City Treasurer the sum of four hun- dred ($400.00) dollars, payable quarterly, and executing a bond to the city, with two sureties, to be approved by the Mayor, in the penal sum of one thousand ($1,000.00) dollars, conditioned for the due observance of the ordinances of the City Council. As amended by ordinance No. A465, passed June 26, 1894. Sec. 5. Every person who may wish to obtain a license as above mentioned, shall apply in writing for the same to the City Clerk, set- ting forth therein his proposed place of business and the names of his sureties, and in no case shall such license be transferable, or the place of business changed, without the consent of the City Council. 158 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE Sec. 6. All licenses to auctioneers shall be made to expire at the end of three months from the first day of July, October, January and April of each year, respectively, and shall be subject to revocation at the option of the City Council. As amended by ordinance No. A465, passed June 26, 1894. Sec. 7. Any person or persons who shall sell or attempt to sell at public auction in this city any goods, chattels or personal property whatever, except under and by virtue of legal process, without first having obtained the license therefor, as above required, shall forfeit and pay for each offense the sum of fifty dollars ($50). Sec. 8. It shall be the duty of every auctioneer who shall offer for sale any watch, plate, or jewelry of any kind, to announce to the per- sons present in a loud voice whether the same be gold, gold plate, silver, silver plate, or base metal, before proceeding to sell the same. Every auctioneer who shall offer for sale any watch, plate or other jewelry without first making such announcement shall, on conviction thereof, pay a fine of not more than fifty dollars or less than ten dollars for each offense. Sec. 9. The purchaser at an auction sale of any watch, plate or jewelry shall have the right to return it to the auctioneer at any time within five days from the day of sale, if the watch, plate or jewelry be not of the quality represented to him, and the auctioneer shall return to the purchaser the price of the article. Should he refuse to do so, he shall forfeit his license and be liable to a fine of fifty dollars; and it is hereby provided that if it shall be made to appear to tne satisfaction of the Mayor that the place of sale, or the place of business, of any such auctioneer shall have been closed at any time during said five days for the purpose of avoiding an offer to return any such article so sold, the Mayor shall revoke the license of such auctioneer. Sec. 10. Any auctioneer who shall exhibit and offer for sale at auc- tion any article, and induce its purchase by any bidder, and who shall afterwards substitute anv article in lieu of that offered to and pur- chased by the bidder, shall forfeit his license and be liable to a fine of fifty dollars. Sec. 11. Any auctioneer or person being present when any watch, plate or jewelry is offered for sale who shall knowingly, with intent to induce any person or persons to purchase the same, or any part thereof, make any false representation or statement as to the ownership of, or the character or quality ( f the article or articles so offered for sale, or as to the poverty or circumstances of the owner or pretended owner of said article or articles, shall, on conviction thereof, be subject to a fine of fifty dollars; and if such false representation is made by such auc- tioneer, or by any other person with such auctioneer’s knowledge or consent or connivance, the license of such auctioneer shall be forfeited. Sec. 12. Every auctioneer at the time of receiving his license shall file with the City Clerk, in writing, signed by him, designating the co- partner and the clerks mentioned in section 2 of this ordinance, and, MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 159 upon any change of such co-partner or clerks, shall file a like writing, setting forth such change; and if any auctioneer shall permit any other person than such co-partner or clerks to sell any article at auction at the place designated in such license, he shall forfeit his license, and on conviction thereof, shall be fined fifty dollars for each offense. Sec. 13. All the provisions of this ordinance shall apply to such co- partner and clerks while acting as auctioneer, and such co-partner and clerks so acting as auctioneer shall be subject to all the penalties here- in imposed upon auctioneers for like offenses or violation of this ordi- nance. Sec. 14 . In case of the death of any auctioneer before the time limited in his license shall have expired, his co-partner or co-partners, if he has any, or his personal representative, may continue to act under the license for the unexpired time. Sec. 15. No auctioneer shall sell or offer for sale at public auction any goods, wares, merchandise or other personal property in any place, house, store or other building other than in the place, house, store or building where he is authorized to sell by his said license, without a special permit from the Board of Police, and which permit shall only be granted where such proposed auction sale shall be held in a private house or residence, and when the person or persons asking or desiring such permit shall have paid to the City Treasurer the sum of two dol- lars for each day such sale shall occupy. Sec. 16. Any person or persons violating any provision or provisions of this ordinance where no other penalty is imposed shall be subject to a penalty of not less than fifty dollars for each and every offense. Sec. 17. All ordinances and parts of ordinances relating to the sub- ject of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 18. This ordinance shall be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council June 10, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. A603. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR GRANTING LICENSES TO SELL LIVE STOCK, SECOND-HAND WAGONS, BUGGIES, HARNESS AND FARM IMPLEMENTS AT PUBLIC AUCTION WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS, AND PRESCRIBING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. No person or persons, company, firm or corporation shall hereafter sell or offer for sale, dispose of or offer to dispose of, at public auction, within the limits of the City of Spokane, any live stock, second- hand wagons, buggies, harness or farm implements, without first having obtained a license therefor, which shall be issued as other licenses are issued by the City Comptroller. Sec. 2. Any person or persons, company, firm or corporation de- siring to sell any of the above mentioned property at public auction i6o MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE within the limits of the City of Spokane may do so upon first obtaining a license, which shall be issued by the Comptroller upon the payment therefor of the sum of fifteen dollars, which shall entitle said applicant to sell any of the above mentioned property at public auction at any time within a period of three months from the issuance of said license; provided, that no license shall issue for a shorter time than three months. Sec. 3. Any person or persons, company, firm or corporation violat- ing any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be liable to a fine not exceeding fifty dollars ($50.00) and not less than twenty-five dollars ($25.00). Sec. 4. All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 5. This ordina.nce shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council October 8, 1895. ORDINANCE NO. A293. AN ORDINANCE LICENSING EMPLOYMENT OR INTELLIGENCE AGENTS. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. That ordinance No. A27, entitled “An ordinance licens- ing employment or intelligence offices,” passed by the City Council of the City of Spokane Falls on the 10th day of June, 1891, and approved by the Mayor on the 18th day of June, 1891, is hereby repealed. Sec. 2. Whosoever shall open or keep an office or place for the pur- pose of obtaining employment for others, or for obtaining employes for others, or giving information whereby employes or employers may be obtained, shall be deemed to be a keeper of an intelligence office. Sec. 3. No person or persons shall keep an intelligence office in this city without a license tnerefor first had and obtained from the City Comptroller, as hereinafter provided for, or after the same shall have been revoked, or shall have expired, or at any other place than that designated in such license, under penalty of not less than $25 nor more than $100 for each offense. Sec. 4. Any person or persons wishing to receive a license to keep an intelligence office shall first pay to the City Treasurer for the use of the city the sum of fifty dollars ($50.00) and file with the City Clerk a bond in the penal sum cf one thousand dollars ($1,000), with two or more good and sufficient sureties, to be approved by the Mayor, con- ditioned that the applicant or applicants will fully comply with all the provisions and requirements of this ordinance, and will pay all judg- ments that may be rendered against him or them for any violation of this ordinance, and that such applicant or applicants will further pay such judgments as may be recovered against him or them by reason of a wilful misrepresentation or wilfully deceiving any person trans- MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 161 acting any business with said applicant or applicants, as keeper of such intelligence office; and upon producing and filing with the City Comp- troller the receipt of the City Treasurer for the sum of fifty dollars, he, or they, shall be entitled to receive from the City Comptroller a license to keep an intelligence office; said license shall designate the house in which such licensed person or persons shall keep his or their office, and the number of the license and said license shall continue and be in force for the period of one year next ensuing, unless sooner revoked by the City Council for violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance; provided, that no keeper of an intelligence office where fees or charges are not received or demanded for information furnished by such keep- er, shall be required to take out a license to keep the same. As amended by ordinance No. A490, passed August 30, 1894. Sec. 5. Any person keeping an intelligence office as aforesaid who shall, directly or indirectly, or through any agent or other person or persons, make use of any improper device, deceit, false representation, false pretense, or any imposition whatsoever for the purpose of obtain- ing a fee, money, gratuity or other thing of value from any customer, person or persons, shall, on conviction, be fined in the sum of not less than $25 and not more than $100. Sec. 6. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed, reserving, however, to all those persons who have taken out licenses under former ordinances of the city, whose licenses have not expired at the date of the passage and approval of this ordinance, the right to continue to do business under such former license during the unexpired period for which such license was orig- inally granted. Sec. 7. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council March 16, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. A362. AN ORDINANCE TO REGULATE THE BUSINESS OF PAWNBROKERS, LOANBROKERS AND KEEPERS OF LOAN OFFICES OR PLACES WHERE MONEY IS LOANED AND ARTICLES OF VALUE RECEIVED, HELD OR KEPT AS SECURITY. The City of SpoTcane does ordain as follows: Section 1. Any person, or firm of persons, or corporation, who loan money on deposit or pledge of any kind of personal property, or who deal in the purchase of any kind of personal property on condition of selling the same back again at a stipulated price, or who makes a pub- lic display at his place of business of the sign generally used by pawn- brokers to denote their business, to-wit: one or more gilt or yellow balls, or who publicly exhibits a sign of “Money to loan on personal property or deposit, or pledge,” or who shall keep any second-hand store or any other place where money is loaned and any kind of personal 11 162 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE property is received, held or kept as security in the City of Spokane, is hereby declared to be a pawnbroker, and shall take out a license, as hereinafter provided, and shall keep a register in which shall be en- tered in legible writing, in ink, in the English language, at the time each loan or purchase is made, an accurate account of each and every article, thing or goods pawned, pledged, deposited or bought in the course of business during that day, with the amount paid for, advanced or loaned upon the same, the year, month, day and hour of receiving or pledging the same, the name and residence of the person or persons pawning, selling, depositing or pledging the same, or from whom the same was received or purchased, or both, if the said articles or any part thereof should be pawned, pledged, deposited or sold by any one for the benefit of any person or persons not present, and a general de- scription of the persons so pawning, pledging, depositing or selling the same and the person or persons for whom the same were pawned, pledged, deposited or sold; and no entry made in said book shall be erased, obliterated or defaced, and the said book, as well as every ar- ticle or thing pawned, pledged, deposited or sold shall at all reasonable times be open to the inspection of the Mayor, Chief of Police or any member of the police force of the City of Spokane. Sec. 2. Any person, firm or corporation mentioned in section one of this ordinance doing business within the corporate limits of the City of Spokane may apply for such license by petition in writing to the City Council at any session thereof, which petition must state definitely the building or place where such business is to be conducted; and the City Council, upon satisfactory proof of the good character of the applicant or applicants, to exercise or conduct such business, may grant to such applicant or applicants a license, to be called a “pawnbroker’s license,” which shall be a sufficient permit to conduct such business at the build- ing or place named in said petition, and not at any other place or build- ing; every such applicant or applicants, before receiving such license, shall pay to the City Treasurer the sum of twenty-five dollars per quar- ter for the use of the city, and shall enter into a joint and several bond to the City of Spokane, with two or more sureties, in the penalty of five hundred dollars, conditioned for the due observance of all such ordinances of the City of Spokane as may be in force, or may be passed, respecting the keeping or conducting of such business at any time dur- ing the continuance of such license. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of every person, firm or corporation mentioned in section one of this ordinance to make out and deliver to the Chief of Police of said City of Spokane every day before the hour of 12 o’clock noon a legible and correct copy from the book required to be kept in section one of this ordinance, containing an accurate description of all personal property, goods, articles or things received on deposit, pawn or pledge, or purchased during the preceding day, together with the hour the same were received, pawned, pledged, deposited or pur- chased, and the name, residence and description of the person or per- MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE •63 sons for whom the same were pawned, deposited, pledged or sold, if such he the case. Sec. 4. No person, firm or corporation licensed as aforesaid shall take or receive in pawn, pledge or deposit for money loaned, or pur- chased on condition of selling the same back again at a stipulated price, any personal property, bonds, notes, securities, article or other valuable thing from any minor, or the ownership of which, in whole or in part, is in, or which is claimed by any minor, or which mr allow any such express wagon, express dray or express cart, to stand or remain on or along Riverside avenue from the east side of the Nichols block to the east line of Lincoln street; Sprague avenue from the west line of Ste- vens street to the east line of Lincoln street; Howard street from the right-of-way of the Northern Pacific Railroad Company to the north line of the alley between Riverside avenue and Main avenue; Stevens street from the north line of the alley between Riverside avenue and Main avenue to Sprague avenue; Mill street from the north line of the alley between Riverside avenue and Main avenue to Sprague avenue, and Washington street from Riverside avenue to Sprague avenue, while waiting and soliciting custom. Provided, that the provisions of this section shall not apply to express wagons, carts or drays standing on or along the sides of streets before and in front of the places of business of the owner or owners of said express wagons, express carts or express MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 173 drays, for tlie purpose of handling the goods, wares and merchandise of said owner or owners, or for the purpose of and while loading or unloading any goods or articles hauled or to be hauled. Sec. 2. Any person or persons violating any of the provisions of section one of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not exceeding ten dollars and the costs of prosecution for each and every offense. Sec. 3. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict here- with be and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council October 20th, 1896. ORDINANCE NO. A39. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE OBSTRUCTION OF STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. No person shall engage in any game, sport, amusement, or exhibit any machine, or show, or any animal, or indulge in any acro- batic feats, or do anything else in the streets or upon the sidewalks which shall have a tendency to frighten horses, or which shall collect any crowd of persons so as to interfere with the passage of teams or vehicles or persons passing along the streets and sid ^streets, and any person who shall do any of these things shall be fined not less than three nor more than twenty-five dollars for each and every such offense. Sec. 2. No person shall without a permit in writing from the Mayor (attested by the City Clerk), beat any drum or other instrument, or blow any horn or other instrument, or make use of any music, either instrumental or vocal, for the purpose of attracting the attention of passengers in any street in the City of Spokane to any circus, menagerie or show or other thing in said city tending to the collection of persons on the streets and sidewalks to the obstruction of the same, under the penalty of not less than ten dollars and not more than fifty dollars for each offense. The provisions of this section shall not be so construed so as to affect any organized band of music, or organized musical society, or civic or military parade. This ordinance shall not be construed to repeal or affect any part of the ordinance relating to auctions and auc- tioneers, passed June 10, 1891. Sec. 3. The permit required in section two of this ordinance shall be revocable at the pleasure of the Mayor. Sec. 4. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council June 19, 1891. 174 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE ORDINANCE NO. A368. AN ORDINANCE TO PROTECT PERSONS AND PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF SPOKANE. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. Whoever shall play any football or other game of ball, or throw to and fro any ball or other substance, or throw any ball, stone, rock, gravel or other substance in any street, avenue, alley, public grounds, park or place within the City of Spokane, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction theieof, shall be fined not more than ten dollars or less than five dollars and the costs of prosecution. Sec. 2. Whoever shall wantonly destroy, cut, remove, deface, break, mark, or write upon, or in any manner injure any window, fence, gate or any bridge, dwelling house, engine house, building, hitching post, awning, railing or other property, public or private, not his own, within said city, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convic- tion thereof, shall be fined not more than ten dollars nor less than five dollars and costs of prosecution. Sec. 3. Whoever shall have in his or her possession in any of the streets, avenues, alleys, public grounds or places o? the City of Spokane, any blow-gun, air-gun, cat-rifle, slung-shot, sling, bean-shooter or any other device, gun or contrivance, not commonly known as fire- arms, for shooting, casting, throwing or projecting any shot, ball, bullet, stone, gravel or any other missile or substance, shah be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than ten dollars nor less than five dollars and costs of prosecution. Sec. 4. Whoever shall from any place, private or public, within the City of Spokane, shoot, cast, throw or project, with or by means of any blow-gun, air-gun, cat-rifle, slung-shot, sling, bean-shooter, or any other device, gun or contrivance, any shot, ball, bullet, gravel or any other missile or substance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, up- on conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than twenty dollars, nor less than five dollars and the costs of prosecution. Sec. 5. Whoever shall ride, drive or move while on, in or upon the same, or while any other person or persons are on, in or upon the same, any bicycle, tricycle or any wheel, vehicle or carriage, except light carriages for the conveyance of infants or cripples, over, upon or along any of the sidewalks within the fire limits of the City of Spokane, as they now are or may hereafter be extended, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than ten dollars nor less than five dollars and the costs of prosecution. Sec. 6. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council November 28, 1893. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 75 ORDINANCE NO. A464. AN ORDINANCE TO PREVENT BOOTBLACKS FROM SOLICITING TRADE UPON THE PUBLIC STREETS AND THOROUGHFARES OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE. The City of Spokane does ordain as folloivs: Section 1. That no person shall, upon any of the streets or avenues of said City of Spokane, solicit or ask any person for permission to black or shine the boots or shoes of such person. Sec. 2. Any person violating this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a. misdemeanor, and, upon conviction, be fined in any sum not greater, than five dollars and costs of prosecution, and be confined in jail until such fine and costs are paid. Sec 3. This ordinance shhll take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council June 26, 1894. ORDINANCE NO. A1143. AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE USE OF AND HANGING OVER AND ACROSS THE STREETS AND SIDEWALKS OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE OF AWNINGS, SIGNS AND BANNERS. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons, firm or corporation, to erect and maintain within the City oi Spokane any awning or covering over any sidewalk, except folding awnings, con- structed of cloth, placed upon iron frames and securely fastened to the building, any such awning to be not less than eight feet above the sidewalk. Sec. 2. That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons, firm or corporation, to erect, maintain and hang over and across any street or sidewalk, or over and across any portion thereof, in the City of Spokane, any signboard or device representing any business, trade or profession, or any banner or flag of whatsoever kind, without the per- mission and consent of the Board of Public Works of said city, first had and obtained; provided , that signboards and devices repre- senting any business, trade or profession may be erected and main- tained, without such permission and consent as aforesaid, when such signboard or device shall not extend out from any building more than thirty inches, and when such signboard or device is not more than twelve inches in width, and securely fastened to the building by iron frames or rods, which said signs, where they extend over the sidewalk, shall not be less than twelve feet from sidewalk; and provided further, that this ordinance shall not apply to electrical illuminated signs and devices representing any business, trade or profession when the same shall conform to the following regulations: First. On streets where the sidewalk is sixteen feet in width, such 176 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE signs and devices shall extend not more than eight feet from the side of the building. Second. On streets where the sidewalk is fourteen feet in width, such signs and devices shall extend not more than six feet from the side of the building. Third. On streets where the sidewalk is twelve feet in width, such signs and devices shall not extend more than four feet from the side of the building. Fourth. On streets where the sidewalk is ten feet in width, such signs and devices shall not extend more than three feet from the side of the building. Fifth. No portion of such electrical illuminated signs and devices when erected shall extend out over the sidewalk from the face of the building any further than the distance provided for in this section. Sixth. The bottom of such electrical illuminated signs and devices shall be securely fastened to the building by iron rods or fiames. Eighth. Guy wires, when used, shall not be spread more than two feet on each side of such signs or devices, measuring from a point where such sign or device is fastened to the building. Any person or persons, firm or corporation, wishing to erect any electrical illuminated sign or device, shall first submit a detailed dia- gram, with a statement of what material said sign or device is to be constructed, to the Board of Public Works. And if said detailed dia- gram or statement so submitted conforms to the provisions of this ordinance, the Board of Public Works may give a permit for the con- struction and erection of such sign or device, subject to its approval when erected. Sec. 3. Any person or persons, firm or corporation, violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fmed in any sum not less than five dollars and not more than twenty-five dollars and costs of prosecution. Sec. 4. That all ordinances in conflict with this ordinance be and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council March 18, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. 226. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING OFFENSES AND DISORDERLY CONDUCT. The City of Spokane Falls does ordain as follows: Section 1. That if any person shall drive, wheel or draw upon any sidewalk any hand-truck or vehicle, except hand carriages for children, or if any person having charge or control of any beast of burden, vehicle or street railway car, shall intentionally cause or permit the MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 177 same to stand upon any street crossing or intersection, or so near thereto as to obstruct the same, they shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor, and, upon conviction thereof before the Police Court, shall be fined not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollais. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after five days after its publication. Passed the City Council January 16, 1889. ORDINANCE NO. A632. AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING OBSTRUCTIONS ON SIDEWALKS. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. No person shall use or occupy more than two feet of space, nor more than eight feet high immediately in front \>f the build- ing occupied by him or them, measuring from the building, in display- ing any goods, wares, clothing, merchandise or produce of any kind upon any street or sidewalk in the city; provided, that in no case shall any merchandise, goods, wares, clothing or produce of any kind be exposed for sale on the sidewalks on Sunday. Sec. 2. No person shall place or cause to be placed upon any crosswalk or sidewalk in the city, any lumber, iron, coal, trunk, bale, box, crate, keg, cask, barbed wire, merchandise, article or thing what- soever, whether of the same description or not, so as to obstruct a free passage for foot passengers for more than three hours, said obstruc- tion not to extend more than one-half the width of said walk; provided, that all material necessary for the construction of sewers, water or gas pipes, or alteration or repair thereof, or any obstruction necessary in the improvement of th^ streets or sidewalks shall not be deemed obstructions within the meaning of the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 3. Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall, on conviction, be punished in a fine not exceeding twenty-five dollars and the costs of prosecution. Sec. 4. An ordinance entitled “An ordinance prohibiting the ob- struction of sidewalks,” passed the City Council September 29, 1886, and ordinance No. 386, entitled “An ordinance relating to sidewalks and prohibiting the obstruction thereof,” passed the City Council De- cember 4, 1889, and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council March 3, 1896. i 7 8 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE ORDINANCE NO. A484. AN ORDINANCE TO PREVENT ADVERTISING BY WRITING OR PRINTING SIGNS ON THE SIDEWALKS OF THE CITY. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. That it shall he unlawful for any person, firm or cor- poration to advertise his, her, their, or its business by writing, printing, engraving, marking, stamping, drawing, painting or in any manner by any device whatever, his, her, their or its name or names, business or wares upon any of the sidewalks, or upon any railing or curb thereof, or any crosswalk or streets in the City of Spokane Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to deface any of the crosswalks, sidewalks or streets in the City of Spo- kane by writing, printing, engraving, marking, stamping, drawing, painting, or in any other manner making any sigE or device whatsoever upon the same, or upon any railing or curb thereof. Sec. 3. Any person or persons violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed, guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not less than ten dollars nor more than fifty dollars and the costs of prosecution, and be impris- oned until such fine and costs are paid. Sec. 4. The Chief of Police and all police officers must diligently watch for and arrest, or cause to be arrested, all persons violating this ordinance. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council August 7, 1894. ORDINANCE NO. A382. AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR THE REMOVAL OF SNOW AND ICE FROM THE SIDEWALKS IN THE CITY OF SPOKANE. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. That every owner or occupant of any house or other building, and the owner or proprietor, lessee or person entitled to the possession of any vacant lot or block, and every person having charge of any church, jail or public hall, or public building; within the fire limits of the City of Spokane, shall, during the winter season and dur- ing the time snow shall continue on the ground, by 9 o’clock a. m. on every day after a snowfall, and whenever necessary, clear the side- walks in front of such house, church, jail, public hall or building, and in front of such lot or block, from snow and ice, and shall keep them conveniently free therefrom during the day; or shall, in case the snow and ice are so congealed that it can not be removed without injury to the pavement, cause the said snow and ice to be strewed with ashes or sand; and, also, at all times keep such sidewalks clear and free from all dirt, filth or other obststruction or incumbrances, so as to MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 79 allow citizens to use the said sidewalks in an easy and commodious manner; and every person neglecting or refusing to comply with this section shall, upon conviction, he fined in any sum not exceeding ten dollars and not less than three dollars and costs of prosecution. Sec. 2. Whenever any person shall neglect or refuse to comply with this ordinance, the Chief of Police shall cause all such snow and ice and other obstructions to be removed, and report the same, together with verified vouchers of the cost of such removal, to the Board of Public Works, and said cost shall be assessed upon the abutting lot, block or property to the sidewalk from which said snow and ice or other substances are removed, and said Board of Public Works shall make a special assessment for the same in the same manner as special assess- ments are made for grading streets, and report the same to the City Council, with the report and vouchers of the Chief of Police, and when approved and confirmed by the Council said assessment shall be a lien on said lot or block, and be collected as other special assessments are collected. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council February 6, 1894. ORDINANCE NO. A356. AN ORDINANCE TO PREVENT THE PLACING OF SALT ON AND ALONG THE PUBLIC STREETS AND SIDEWALKS OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. That it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corpora- tion to place upon and along, or cause to be placed upon and along any of the streets and avenues, or upon any of the sidewalks within the City of Spokane, any common salt or other substance containing the properties of chloride of sodium; provided, however, that 'his ordinance does not include or apply to any person, firm or corporation bona fide conducting an electric or other street railroad in the city and who use such salt or other substance containing chloride of sodium, at switches and curves of the streetcar track. All such persons, firms and corpora- tions shall have the right to use salt and substances containing such properties at the switches and curves of its tracks, not to exceed six inches either side of such switch and curves, to clear the same of snow, or other obstruction, and facilitate the transportation of its cars. As amended by ordinance No. A677, passed December 7, 1896. Sec. 2. Any person convicted of a violation of section 1 of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon convic- tion thereof, shall be fined not less than $10 nor more than $50 and the costs of prosecution. Sec. 3. That all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. i8o MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE Sec. 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council October 10, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. A215. AN ORDINANCE TO PREVENT THE POSTING OF BILLS AND SIGNS ON THE NEW BRIDGES, AND PROVIDING A PUNISHMENT FOR THE SAME. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. It shall he unlawful for any person, firm corporation or association of persons to place or cause to be placed by any party, any bills or signs upon the new bridges of the City of Spokane, or otherwise deface the same; and any person, party, firm, corporation or association violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in a sum not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, which shall be collected the same as other fines and penalties. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council June 7, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. A53. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. No person shall ride, lead or drive any wagon, carriage, dray, cart or other vehicle of conveyance, nor any mare, horse or other animal, on or across any of the bridges within the limits of the City of Spokane at a faster gate or pace than a common walk; provided, that this section shall not apply to the bridges spanning and crossing the river on Monroe and Division streets; and, provided further, that no loaded truck or dray shall be allowed to be drawn over any bridge faster than a walk; and any person or persons who shall be guilty of a viola- tion of this section shall, for each and every offense, pay a fine in the sum of ten dollars and costs of prosecution, to be recovered before any court having jurisdiction. As amended August 2, 1892, by ordinance No. A232. Sec. 2. No person or persons shall drive or assist in driving on or across any of the bridges within the city, to exceed eight head of cattle or horses, or fifty head of sheep or hogs at any one time in a drove, and any person violating the provisions of this section shall, for each and every offense, pay a fine in the sum of ten dollars and cost of prosecution. Sec. 3. If any person or persons Shall unnecessarily or wilfully remain or stop with any team or teams, horses, oxen, wagon, sleigh, sled or any other vehicle whatever upon any of the bridges within the City of Spokane, or in and upon the approaches to any such bridge, such person or persons shall, on conviction thereof, be fined in the sum of five dollars for each offense, and cost of prosecution. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE j8i Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of all drivers or persons in charge of any wagon, dray, carriage or vehicle of any kind, to keep to the right when crossing the bridges within the City of Spokane, except where prevented by the passage of an electric car, or other street railway car. Sec. 5. No person or persons shall gather any assemblies or crowds upon any of the bridges of this city or the approaches leading to the same, so as to obstruct in any manner the passage of foot passengers, teams, carriages or persons across the same. Sec. 6. No band of musicians shall play, or beat time or keep step with each other while they or any procession or body of persons marching with them, or any portion thereof, are upon or crossing any bridge in this city, under a penalty upon the leader or director of such band, of not less than five nor more than twenty-five dollais and costs of prosecution. Sec. 7. Any person or persons found guilty of violating the pro- visions of any section of this ordinance for which a fine is not pre- scribed by such section, shall be liable to a fine of not less than ten nor more than twenty-five dollars and costs of prosecution. Sec. 8. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with any of the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 9. This ordinance shall take effect ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council July 23, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 237. AN ORDINANCE MAKING IT UNLAWFUL TO INTERFERE OR MEDDLE 'WITH, IN- JURE OR IMPAIR, OR REMOVE ANY OF THE MAINS, SERVICE PIPES, METERS OR OTHER APPARATUS BELONGING TO THE SPOKANE FALI S GASLIGHT COM- PANY, WITHOUT THE AUTHORITY OF SAID COMPANY, AND FIXING THE PEN- ALTY THEREFOR. The City of Spokane Falls does ordain as folloivs : Section 1. That it shall be unlawful for any person or corporation, unless by authority of the Spokane Falls Gas Light Company, to inter- fere, or meddle with, injure, impair or remove any of the main or service pipes, meters or other apparatus of said companj used in or about its business in the City of Spokane Falls; provided, this ordi- nance shall not be so construed as to deprive the City of Spokane Falls of any powers, rights or privileges which it now has or may hereafter have, to regulate the use of and to control the streets and alleys of said city. Sec. 2. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of section one of this ordinance shall be fined in a sum not exceeding twenty dollars, or imprisoned not more than twenty days. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after five days after its passage and publication. Passed the City Council February 6, 1889. 182 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE CHAPTER VIII. Animals and City Pound. ORDINANCE NO. A658. AN ORDINANCE TO RESTRAIN AND PREVENT DOMESTIC ANIMALS FROM RUN- NING AT LARGE, AND AUTHORIZING THE RESTRAINING, IMPOUNDING AND SALE OF SUCH ANIMALS, AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows : Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any horses, mules, cattle, hogs, sheep, goats or other stock to run or go at large wi+hm the limits described as follows, to- wit: Beginning with the intersection of the line of the east city limits with the center line of Fifteenth avenue, thence north along the line of the east city limits to the center line of the Oregon Railway & Navigation Company’s railway tracks; thence northwesterly along the center line of said Oregon Railway & Naviga- tion Company’s tracks to the south hank of the Spokane river; thence northeasterly along the south bank of the Spokane river to its inter- section with the line of the east city limits; thence north along the line of the east city limits to the center line of B’uclid avenue; thence west along the center line of Euclid avenue to the southeast corner of section 5, township 25, north of range 43 E. W. M.; thence north along the east line of said section 5, township 25, north of range 43 E. W. M., to the north city limits; thence west along the line of the north city limits to the west line of said section 5, township 25, north of range 43, E. W. M.; thence south along the west line of section 5, township 25, north pr range 43 E. W. M., to the center line of High avenue; thence west along the center line of High avenue to the center line of Cedar street; thence along the center line of Cedar street to the center line of Barrinds avenue; thence west along the center line of Barrinds avenue to the center line of Maple street and Maple street produced, to the center line of Montgomery avenue; thence west along the center line of Montgomery avenue and Montgomery avenue pro- duced to the north or east bank of the Spokane river; thence in a southwesterly direction along the north and east bank of the Spokane river to a point opposite the mouth of Latah creek; thence across the Spokane river and along the east hank of Latah Creek to the center MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 183 line of Fifteenth avenue; thence east along the center Pne of Fifteenth avenue to the place of beginning. As amended by ordinance No. A1083, passed September 3, 1901. Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful to drive any horses, mules, cattle, hogs, sheep, goats, cows or any other stock, through the limits as described in section one of this ordinance, in herds of more than ten in number, without special permit from the Mayor to do so. Sec. 3. It shall be unlawful for any horses, mules, cattle, hogs, sheep, goats, cows or other stock to run or go at large within any part of the City of Spokane, between the hours of 8 u. m. and 6 a. m. It shall be lawful for any police or other officer of the city to take up any such animals running at large between the hours aiore^aid within the city, and take them to the city pound. Sec. 4. It shall be lawful for any officer or hcusenolder of the city to take up any such animals found running at large within said limits in violation of sections 1, 2 or 3 of this ordinance, and to take them to some suitable place or places to be selected by and to be in charge of the Chief of Police, which place or places are to be known as the City Pound. Sections 5 and 6 repealed by ordinance No. A1064. Sec. 7. Any person who shall knowingly permit a violation of this ordinance shall be fined in any sum not exceeding twenty-five dollars and costs. Sec. 8. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 9. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council September 1, 1896. ORDINANCE NO. A1065. AN ORDINANCE TO RESTRAIN AND PREVENT BULLS FROM RUNNING AT LARGE WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE, AND AUTHORIZING THE RESTRAINING, IMPOUNDING AND SALE OF SUCH ANIMALS, AND PROVIDING FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any bull or bulls to run at large in any part of the City of Spokane at any time. It shall be lawful for any police or other officer of the city to take up any such animal or animals running at large and to take it or them to the City Pound. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police, to whom any such animal or animals herein described may be brought to provide suitable food for the same, and within forty-eight hours after the said animals have been impounded he shall set up 0 notice in three public places in the city, describing the animals impounded separately, notifying the owners to appear and pay the costs and charges therein and remove the 1 84 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE same within five days from the date of said notice, and in case the owner or owners shall fail to do so he shall expose said animal or ani- mals to public sale, and sell the same to the highest bidder for cash at the time and place named in said notice, and after deducting all costs and charges herein provided, shall pay over the remainder, if any, to the Treasurer of said city for the use of the owner or ovners of such animals, if claimed, and ownership to be proved within three months thereafter; if not claimed within said time the same shall be placed in the general fund for the use of the city. Sec. 3. The Chief of Police shall collect the following rates and fees, to-wit: For impounding bulls, one dollar per head. For each day’s keeping of same, twenty-five cents per head. For making sale, five per cent of the total amount received thereon, and all money collected under this authority over and above the cost of keeping shall be paid into the City Treasury within forty-eight hours after receipt of same, for which the City Treasurer shall issue his re- ceipts in duplicate, specifying for what the money was received, one of which receipts shall be immediately filed with the Compti oiler by the Chief of Police or person receiving such money. Sec. 4. Any person who, being the owner of or in the custody or control of any bull, shall knowingly permit the same to run or go at large, within the limits of the City of Spokane, in violation of this ordinance, shall be fined in any sum not exceeding fifty dollars and costs. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed by the City Council July 16, 1901. ORDINANCE NO. A1064. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF A CITY POUND AND GRANTING TO THE SPOKANE HUMANE SOCIETY A FRAN- CHISE TO MAINTAIN THE SAME/ PROVIDING FOR THE IMPOUNDING, KEEP- ING AND DESTRUCTION OF ANIMALS RUNNING AT LARGE, AND THE PAY- MENT OF PENALTIES THEREFOR, AND FOR THE COLLECTION OF FEES FOR THE IMPOUNDING AND CARING FOR SUCH ANIMALS, AND PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT OF COMPENSATION TO SAID SPOKANE HUMANE SOCIETY, AND REPEALING SECTION 4 OF ORDINANCE NO. Al82, PASSED APRIL 5, 1892, AND SECTIONS 5 AND 6 OF ORDINANCE NO. A658, PASSED SEPTEMBER 1, 1896. The City of Spokane does ordain as folloios: Section 1. It shall be the duty of the Spokane Humane Society, a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Washington, to establish and thereafter maintain a pound for the keeping of all animals, including dogs and bitches, found run- ning at large within the limits of the City of Spokane contrary to the ordinances of said city. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 185 Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the said Spokane Humane Society to restrain and impound all dogs and bitches found running at large within the limits of the City of Spokane, and for which license shall not have been taken out as required by ordinance No. A182, passed April 5, 1892, entitled “An ordinance providing for the licensing and impound- ing of dogs and bitches.” All dogs and bitches so running at large and not having thereon a collar with a metal tag appended thereto, as re- quired by said ordinance No. A182, shall be presumed to be dogs and bitches for which no license has been issued. Sec. 3. The Spokane Humane Society shall keep a record of all ani- mals, including dogs and bitches, which may be impounded, which rec- ord shall contain a description of the animals so impounded, and the date and place where such animal was distrained, and the date of im- pounding the same. Sec. 4. Any dog or bitch so impounded shall be subject to redemp- tion by the owner thereof, at any time prior to the expiration of forty- eight hours after such impounding, taking out for such dog or bitch the annual license for the current year, and the payment to said Spo- kane Humane Society of the sum of fifty cents for each dog or bitch so impounded, and the further sum of fifty cents for each day the same shall have been kept in custody; provided, however, that if the annual license for such dog or bitch for the current year shall have been there- tofore taken out, the said owner shall not be obliged to take out an additional license; and, provided further , that a day shall be composed of twenty-four hours, and that every portion of a day in excess of any multiple of twenty-four hours shall be deemed and taken to be a full day. At the expiration of forty-eight hours after the impounding of any dog or bitch such animal, if unclaimed by the owner, shall be offered for sale, to pay the expenses of impounding and keeping; such sale to be upon printed or written notice, which shall be posted at the police headquarters and at the pound for twenty-four hours; and, in case no purchaser is found for the amount of such costs and expenses, it shall be the duty of the Spokane Humane Society to cause the destruction of said dog or bitch in some painless and humane way, and to dispose of the carcass in some inoffensive manner, provided, how- ever, that such Humane Society may, if it so desires, keep such dog or bitch for a longer period than forty-eight hours; provided further, that any person purchasing a dog or bitch shall be required, in addition to the payment of the purchase price, to take out an annual license for such dog or bitch for the current year. Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of said Spokane Humane Society to distrain and impound any horses, mules, cattle, hog- goats or any other stock running at large within the limits of the City of Spokane in violation of the ordinances of said city, and to keep and properly feed such animals while so impounded. Within forty-eight hours after such animal shall be impounded the said Humane Society shall post a written or printed notice at the police headquarters, at the pound and MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 1 86 at two other public places in the city, describing the animals impounded and notifying the owners to appear and pay the coses and charges thereon and remove the same within five days from the date of said notice. In case the owner or owners shall fail so to do said society shall expose such animals to public sale and sell the same to the highest bidder for cash at the time and place named in such notice. Sec. 6. There shall be collected, upon the redemption of any stock, the following rates and fees, to-wit: Per head. For impounding horses, mules or cattle $0.50 For impounding hogs, sheep, goats or other animals 25 For each day’s keeping of horses, mules or cattle 25 For each day’s keeping of goats, sheep, hogs or other stock 10 Twenty-four hours shall be deemed and taken to be a day, and every portion of a day in excess of any multiple of twenty-four hours shall be deemed and taken to be a full day. Five pe" cent upon the total amount received upon any sale shall be retained as a fee for making such sale. Sec. 7. The fees for impounding any animal and for making a sale of any animal, except dogs or bitches, and all sums re eived from the sale of any animal, except dogs or bitches, in excess cf the full costs and charges herein provided, shall, within forty-eight hours after re- ceipt of same, be paid over to the City Treasurer, who .shall issue his receipt therefor, in duplicate, specifying for what the money was re- ceived, one of which receipts shall be immediately filed with the Comp- troller. Sec. 8. In the event there shall be no bidder for horses, mules, cattle, hogs, sheep, goats or other stock distrained and impounded, the Humane Society may destroy such animals by some humane and pain- less methods, and shall thereupon dispose of the carcass in some inof- fensive manner. Sec. 9. All sums of money paid to the Treasurer of said city as the excess of the purchase price of any animal, except dogs and bitches, over and above costs and charges, shall be held by said Treasurer for the use of the owner or owners of such animal, if maimed and owner- ship established to the satisfaction of such Treasurer, within three months thereafter. If not so claimed by the owner thereof, such sum shall be placed in the general fund for the use of the city. Sec. 10. The City Comptroller of the City of Spokane is hereby authorized and directed to make and issue, on or before the 10th day of -each calendar month, to said Spokane Humane Society, a monthly war- rant upon the general fund for an amount equal to ninety per cent of the total sum of money received from dog licenses for the preceding calendar month. Sec. 11. That section 4 of ordinance No. A182, passed April 5, 1892, entitled “An ordinance providing for the licensing and impounding of dogs and bitches,” and sections 5 and 6 of ordinance No. A658, passed MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 187 September 1, 1896, and entitled “An ordinance to restrain and prevent domestic animals from running at large, and authorizing the restrain- ng, impounding and sale of such animals, and providing a penalty for r violation thereof,” be and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. 12. The franchise and privileges hereby granted shall continue for the period of ten years from the passage of this ordinance; pro- vided, however, that the said Spokane Humane Socii-ty shall accept L is ordinance and the franchise and privileges hereby granted within five days of the passage thereof by a writing subscribed by the proper officers of said company, and attested by the seal thereof, which shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk, and shall execute and file in the office of the said City Clerk a bond with a surety comiany authorized to do business in the State of Washington under the laws of the said state as surety thereon; such bond shall be in the penal sum of five thousand dollars, and shall be conditioned for the faithful perform- ance of all of the requirements of this ordinance. And if such accept- ance and such bond shall not be so filed, the rights and privileges con- ferred shall lapse, and this ordinance be of no further effect. Sec. 13. That the said society shall employ some suitable person to perform the duties heretofore performed by the Police Department of the city in impounding and destroying animals at its expense, who shall be appointed a special policeman of the city, and shall have power and authority to make arrests for the violation of any ordinance of the city, and who shall perform the duties of a policeman when not engaged in the discharge of his duties under this ordinance. Sec. 14. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed by the City Council this 16th day of July, 1901. ORDINANCE NO. A182. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE LICENSING AND IMPOUNDING OF DOGS AND BITCHES. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. The keeping of dogs or bitches within the limits of the City of Spokane is hereby forbidden unless the owners or keepers thereof shall procure a license for each dog or bitch as herewith pro- vided for, and every person violating any of the provisions of this sec- tion shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, on conviction thereof, for each and every offense be fined in any sum not exceeding five dollars, to which shall be added the costs of orosecution. Sec. 2. The annual license tax on dogs and bitches is hereby fixed at the following rates: On each dog, one dollar; on each bitch, three dollars. Sec. 3. On payment to the City Treasurer of the amount of any such license tax, and the production of a certificate thereof, it shall i88 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE be the duty of the City Comptroller to issue a license to the person ap- plying therefor, which license shall remain and be in fo;ce from its date until the 30th day of June next ensuing, and no longer; and the Comp- troller shall furnish with such license a metal tag upon which shall be stamped a number corresponding with the number of such license, and such tag shall be appended to a collar which the owner shall pro- vide and place and keep upon the neck of the dog or bitch so licensed. Sec. 4. Repealed by ordinance No. A1064. Sec. 5. The Chief of Police is hereby authorized to secure a suit- able pound for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this ordi- nance. Sec. 6. If any person, the owner of any dog or bitch, shall permit such dog or bitch to wear the collar and tag contemplated by this ordinance, without said tax being paid and said license procured, or shall keep or allow such dog or bitch about the premises, without pay- ing such license, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in a sum not exceeding ten dollars and the costs of prosecution. Sec. 7. If any person owning the same shall permic any bitch while in heat to run at large, notwithstanding a license may have been obtained for such bitch as herein provided, such person shall in such case, upon conviction thereof, be fined in any sum not exceeding twenty- five dollars and costs of prosecution. Sec. 8. It shall be a misdemeanor for any person to steal or remove the tag or collar as provided for in this ordinance, frcm any dog or bitch, except the owner; and such misdemeanor shall be punishable by a fine of twenty dollars and costs of prosecution. Sec. 9. This ordinance shall take effect ten days after its passage, and all ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Passed the City Council April 5, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 282, AN ORDINANCE TO REGULATE THE DRIVING OF STOCK UPON THE GRADED STREETS OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE FALLS, AND TO PL NISH THE VIOLA- TION THEREOF. The City of Spokane Falls does ordain as follows Section 1. That no greater number than ten head of horses, cattle, sheep or hogs shall be driven along and upon any graded street or part of a street of the City of Spokane Falls at one time and in one drove. Sec. 2. When any horses, cattle, sheep or hogs shall be driven along and upon any street as aforesaid, they shall be in charge of a sufficient number of herders to properly guard and keep them together in a body as near the center of the street as possible, and to keep them all constantly moving until they shall have have passed away from such streets. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 189 Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of said person or persons in charge of said horses, cattle, sheep or hogs, while they or any of them are upon such street or streets to be sufficiently close to the drove- to keep it mov- ing along to prevent any of said horses, cattle, sheep or hogs from going upon the sidewalks or parts of the streets reserved for sidewalks or parks, or from browsing along said sidewalks or parks. Sec. 4. When any horses, cattle, sheep or hogs are being driven along any such street or streets, are so negligently cared for by the person or persons having them in charge that any of said animals shall come to a standstill or shall browse along or get upon said sidewalks and parks, such animal or animals shall be deemed to be running at large, and may be taken up as by ordinance provided. Sec. 5. Any person or persons who shall drive or permit any greater number of horses, cattle, sheep or hogs, of which they may be in charge, than ten head, as provided in section 1 of this ordinance, to be driven or to go along any of said graded streets or part of a street as herein set forth, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be fined in any sum not more than twenty-five dollars, and shall be im- prisoned until such fine and costs shall be paid. Sec. 6. Any person or persons having charge thereof who shall drive or permit any number of horses, cattle, sheep or hogs to go along or on any graded street or part of a street in such manner that said animals or any of them shall loiter, come to a standstill, browse along or get upon any of the sidewalks or parks or spaces reserved for side- walks or parks; or any person or persons who shall hitch, fasten or secure any horse, cattle, sheep or hog to any tree, stake or post or upon any sidewalk, street or parts of the street reserved for sidewalks or parks, or upon any sidewalk or sidewalk curbing, for the purpose of allowing said cattle, horse, sheep or hog to browse or feed, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be fined not more than twenty-five dollars, and imprisoned until such costs and fine are paid. As amended by ordinance No. A342, passed the City Council July 20, 1893. Sec. 7. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five days after its passage and publication in the official newspaper of the city. Passed the City Council May 8, 1889. 190 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE ORDINANCE NO. A596. AN ORDINANCE MAKING IT LAWFUL FOR ANY PERSON, AND THE DUTY OF ANY POLICE OFFICER TO KILL AND DESTROY ANY AND ALL VICIOUS OR DANGER- OUS DOGS OR OTHER ANIMALS, WHICH ARE KEPT OTHERWISE THAN SE- CURELY CHAINED IN A PROPER PLACE ON THE OWNER’S PREMISES, OR AL- LOWED TO RUN AT LARGE WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS, AND MAKING IT A MISDEMEANOR FOR ANY PERSON OR PERSONS, TO KEEP ON HIS OR HER PREMISES, OR ELSEWHERE, ANY VICIOUS DOG OR OTHER ANIMAL, UNLESS THE SAME BE SECURELY CHAINED OR OTHERWISE PROPERLY SECURED. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows : Section 1. It shall be lawful for any person, and it shall be the duty of all police officers of the city, to kill and destroy any and all vicious or dangerous dogs or other animals found within the city limits either on or off the premises of the owner, or within or upon any street, alley or thoroughfare; provided, this section shall not apply to animals kept upon the owner’s premises when securely chained, confined or secured, so as to render it or them harmless to persons lawfully upon such premises, streets, alley and thoroughfares. Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person knowingly to keep, harbor or maintain upon or off of his premises or her premises, any vicious or dangerous dog or animal, unless the same he securely chained or secured so as to he rendered harmless to persons lawfully upon said premises or upon any street, alley or thoroughfare within the city limits. Sec. 3. Any person violating any of the provisions of the foregoing section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, be fined in any sum not less than five dollars and not more than fifty dollars. Sec. 4. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council August 27, 1895. ORDINANCE NO. A184. AN ORDINANCE TO PROHIBIT THE DESTRUCTION OF BIRDS AND BIRDS’ NESTS. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows : Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to kill, maim or destroy, or attempt to kill, maim or destroy any bird of the species commonly known as wild birds, or to wantonly destroy the nest of any such bird. Sec. 2. Any person found guilty of any offense mentioned in the preceding section shall be fined in any sum not less than five nor more than twenty-five dollars. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council April 15, 1892. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 191 CHAPTER IX. Bicycle Regulations. ORDINANCE NO. A1123. AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE RIDING OF BICYCLES IN THE CITY OF SPO- KANE, AND PRESCRIBING THE PUNISHMENT FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows : Section 1. That it shall be unlawful for any person to ride a bi- cycle on the public streets or bicycle paths of the City of Spokane at a greater rate of speed than eight miles an hour, and that on all street crossings the rate of speed shall be reduced to five miles an hour. Sec. 2. Section 2, vetoed by Mayor, and veto sustained. Sec. 3. It shall be unlawful for any person to ride a bicycle in the City of Spokane to which a bell is not attached. Before reaching any street crossing or alley every person riding a bicycle must sound the hell at least 30 feet distant before reaching such crossing or alley, and upon meeting any person or vehicle, and before passing any person or vehicle, the bell must be sounded so as to give timely warning of his or her approach, at least 30 feet distant before meeting, or passing any person or vehicle. Sec. 4. Every person convicted of the violation of any provision of this ordinance shall be punished in any sum not exceeding $25, or be im- prisoned more than twelve hours. Passed the City Council January 21, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. A760. AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE RIDING OF BICYCLES AND TRICYCLES UPON THE SIDEWALKS OF ANY OF THE STREETS WITHIN THE CITY OF SPOKANE, AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows : Section 1. That hereafter it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to ride any bicycle or tricycle upon the sidewalks, of any of the streets within the City of Spokane. Sec. 2. Any person or persons violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con- 192 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE viction thereof shall be fined in a sum not to exceed $100 and shall be imprisoned in the city jail until such fine and costs are paid. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council June 7, 1898. ORDINANCE NO. A599. AN ORDINANCE TO PREVENT ACCIDENTS BY BICYCLES, TRICYCLES, BIKES AND TANDEMS. The City of Spokane does ordam as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, or persons, within the limits of the City of Spokane, to ride or drive any bicycle, tricycle, bike or tandem in a manner commonly known as coasting, or in any other manner wherein said rider or driver shall not have absolute and complete control of the aforesaid bicycle, tricycle, bike or tandem, so that he or she may stop the same to avoid all possible injury or colli- sion. Sections 2 and 3 repealed. Sec. 4. Any person or persons violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall De deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than twenty-five dollars for each offense. Sec. 5. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council September 3, 1895. ORDINANCE NO. A822. AN ORDINANCE TO PROTECT CYCLE PATHS AND PROVIDING A PUNISHMENT FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF. The City of Spokane does ordain as folloios : Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to stand, ride or drive any horse, cow, wagon, buggy, carriage or other vehicle, except bicycles, tricycles or light carriages propelled by hand for the convey- ance of infants or cripples, over, upon or along any of the cycle paths within the limits of the City of Spokane, as they now are or hereafter may be constructed; provided, however, that this ordinance shall not be construed as a^ecting such paths where the same intersect streets or where they intersect alleys used as driveways. Sec. 2. Any person found guilty of any offense mentioned in the preceding section shall be fined in any sum not less than five nor more than fifty dollars, and pay the costs of prosecution, and shall be con- MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 193 fined in the city jail until such fine and costs are paid; provided, how* ever, that such persons shall not he so confined more than one day for each three dollars of such fine and costs. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council April 7, 1899. ORDINANCE NO. A641. AN ORDINANCE TO PROTECT BICYCLISTS AND BICYCLES, AND PROVIDING A PEN- ALTY FOR TIIE VIOLATION THEREOF. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows : Section 1. It shall be unlawful to throw, drop or place, or cause or procure or be thrown, dropped or placed, in or upon any cycle path, avenue, street, sidewalk, alley, road or highway, or public place, any glass, tacks, nails, pieces of metal, wire, briar, thorn or other substance, which might injure or puncture any tire on a bicycle, or which might wound, disable or injure any person using such bicycle; and any person found guilty of committing an act declared to be unlawful under this section shall be fined in any sum not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars, and pay the costs of prosecution. Sec. 2. Such fine, when collected, shall be paid into the road or street fund of the city. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council April 28, 1896. ORDINANCE NO. A763. AN ORDINANCE TO CREATE A BICYCLE ROAD COMMISSION. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows : Section 1. There is hereby created and established a Bicycle Road Commission. Said commission shall consist of the president of the Board of Police, City Engineer and three citizens of the City of Spo- kane, to be appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Council. Sec. 2. Within ten days after the first day of August, 1898, the Mayor shall appoint as members of the Bicycle Road Commission, as provided by section 1 of this ordinance, three citizens of the City of Spokane, one of whom shall be appointed and serve for the term of three years, one for the term of two years and one for the term of one year from the first day of August, 1898; and all persons appointed as members of said commission, after the expiration of any of the said terms, shall serve for the term of three years from the first day of August of the year of his or her appointment. Either or all members of the commission, mentioned in this section, may be removed at any time upon recommendation of the Mayor by a majority of the members 13 i 9 4 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE of the City Council, or by a vote of two-thirds of the members of the City Council without the recommendation of the Mayor. Sec. 3. All of the members of the Bicycle Road Commission shall serve without compensation. Sec. 4. The Bicycle Road Commission shall hold regular meetings once each month, upon such day as they may designate for holding regular meetings. Special meetings may be called at any time by the president of the Board of Police, and he shall call a special meeting whenever requested to do so by three members of the Bicycle Road Commission. Sec. 5. The president of the Board of Police shall be chairman of the Bicycle Road Commission and the City Engineer shall be secretary of the said commission and keep a full and complete record of the pro- ceedings of the Bicycle Road Commission. Sec. 6. The Bicycle Road Commission shall have the full and ex- clusive power to control, manage and supervise the expenditures of the moneys accruing to the bicycle road fund, and said commission shall certify each and every such expenditure to the City Comptroller, who shall issue his warrant to the City Treasurer therefor, and the same shall be paid by the City Treasurer out of any money in the bicycle road fund; provided, the City Comptroller shall not issue any warrant drawn upon the bicycle road fund except for expenditures duly certified as provided herein; and, provided further, that at no time shall any debt be made or incurred by the said Bicycle Road Commission for any purpose until there is a sufficient sum of money in the said bicycle road fund available to pay same. Sec. 7. Said Commission shall expend the moneys accruing to the bicycle road fund exclusively for the making and improving of roads or paths to be used only by bicycles, and all expenditures shall be made for such purposes, and no other; provided, said* commission shall have power to authorize expenditures other than for the improvement of roads or paths for the purpose of defraying the necessary incidental expenses for the purchase of bicycle tags, stationery, etc. Sec. 8. The Bicycle Road Commission shall have the full and ex- clusive power to build, lay out, construct and maintain bicycle roads or paths, and to control, manage and regulate the use of same. Sec. 9. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council June 21, 1898. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 195 ORDINANCE NO. A830. AN ORDINANCE TO LICENSE THE RIDING OF BICYCLES AND TRICYCLES UPON THE STREETS AND WAYS OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE; CREATING A “BICYCLE ROAD FUND,” AND APPROPRIATING THE SAME TO CERTAIN USES; PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THE PROVISIONS HEREOF, AND REPEAL- ING ORDINANCE NO. A762, PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL JUNE 21, 1898, ENTITLED “AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE LICENSING OF BICYCLES AND TRICYCLES IN THE CITY OF SPOKANE, AND CREATING A BICYCLE ROAD FUND AND DESIGNATING THE USE THEREOF, AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION HEREOF.” The City of Spokane does ordain as follows : Section 1. That no bicycle or tricycle, the wheels of which are more than twenty-five inches in diameter, shall he ridden in or on any of the streets, squares, alleys, ways or public places within the City of Spokane, unless a license has been procured for the use of such bicycle or tricycle in the manner hereinafter provided; provided, however, that nothing in this section shall be construed to apply to bicycles or tri- cycles belonging to and ridden by nonresidents of the City of Spokane who may be visiting in the City of Spokane. Sec. 2. The license year for bicycles and tricycles shall be deemed to commence on the first day of April and end with the last day of March of each calendar year. Licenses for the use of such bicycles or tricycles shall be issued by the City Comptroller for any license year, and shall be good until the first day of the succeeding April; and all licenses issued hereunder shall expire with the 31st day of March next ensuing. Each person desiring to obtain a license shall pay to the City Treasurer the sum of one dollar ($1) as the fee therefor; said Treas- urer shall thereupon deliver to such person a receipt for such license fee; and it shall be the duty of the City Comptroller, upon the filing of such receipt in his office, to issue to the person filing such receipt a license; provided, however, that nothing in this ordinance contained shall be deemed to revoke, cancel or in any wise impair any license heretofore issued; and, provided further, that when any license hereto- fore issued shall expire subsequent to the 31st day of March, the per- son holding the same may, upon the expiration thereof, secure a new license under the provisions of this ordinance, to run until the 31st day of March next ensuing, upon payment to the City Treasurer, in the manner hereinbefore provided, of the sum of seventy cents ($0.70). Sec. 3. The City Comptroller shall keep a record of all licenses issued, including the number of the bicycle or tricycle, and shall fur- nish with the license a tag with the license number stamped thereon, to be attached to the steering head of the bicycle or tricycle; provided, that the same shape of tag shall not be used for two consecutive years. Sec. 4. Any person or persons who shall violate any of the pro- visions of this ordinance by riding a bicycle or tricycle not licensed as provided in this ordinance, shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined not 196 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE less than two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) nor more than ten dollars ($10), and the costs of prosecution. Sec. 5. All license fees paid under this ordinance shall be, and the same are hereby, appropriated to a fund, which is hereby created, to he known as the “bicycle road fund.” The moneys in said fund shall be expended for the purpose of building and maintaining bicycle paths and roads, for special policemen, whose duties are to look after such paths or roads, and to enforce the provisions of this or any other ordi- nance of the City of Spokane or law of the State of Washington regu- lating the use of bicycles, tricycles, or the building, construction, main- tenance or use of bicycle paths or roads; for bicycle tags, and any and all expenses growing out of the execution or enforcement of the pro- visions of this or other ordinances of the City of Spokane or law of the State of Washington regulating the use of bicycles, tricycles, or the building, maintenance or use of bicycle paths or roads; and for no other uses or purposes whatsoever. Sec. 6. That ordinance No. A762, passed by the City Council June 21, 1898, entitled “An ordinance providing for the licensing of bicycles and tricycles in the City of Spokane, and creating a bicycle road fund and designating the use thereof, and providing a penalty for the viola- tion hereof,” be and the same is hereby repealed; provided, however, that all moneys in the “bicycle road fund,” created under the pro- visions of said ordinance No. A762, shall be and the same are hereby transferred to the “bicycle road fund” herein created, and are hereby appropriated to be expended as other moneys in said named fund. Sec. 7. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council May 19, 1899. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 197 CHAPTER X. Sidewalks, Sewers and Streets. ORDINANCE NO. A773. AN ORDINANCE FOR THE MAINTENANCE, REPAIR AND RENEWAL OF SIDEWALKS IN THE CITY OF SPOKANE, AND PRESCRIBING THE MODE OF PAYMENT THEREFOR, AND FOR THE REPEAL OF ORDINANCE NO. A655, APPROVED AUG- UST 27, 1896, ENTITLED “AN ORDINANCE PRESCRIBING THE MANNER OF MAINTENANCE, REPAIRS AND RENEWAL OF SIDEWALKS IN THE CITY OF SPOKANE, AND THE MODE OF PAYMENT THEREFOR IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE LAW OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, ENTITLED “AN ACT RELATING TO MAINTENANCE, REPAIRS AND RENEWAL OF SIDE- WALKS IN CITIES OF THE FIRST, SECOND OR THIRD CLASS, AND PROVIDING FOR PAYMENT THEREFOR BY OWNERS OF ABUTTING PROPERTY, AND DECLAR- ING AN EMERGENCY,” APPROVED MARCH 21, 1895. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. That whenever any street, lane, square, place or alley in the City of Spokane shall have been improved by the construction of a sidewalk or sidewalks along either or both sides thereof, the duty, bur- den and expense of maintenance, repairs and renewal of such sidewalk or sidewalks shall devolve upon the property directly abutting upon that side of such street along which such sidewalk has been constructed, in accordance with the provisions of the law of the State of Washington entitled “An act relating to maintenance, repairs and renewal of side- walks in cities of the first, second or third class, and providing for pay- ment therefor by the owners of abutting property, and declaring an emergency,” approved March 21, 1895, which said provisions shall be applied and enforced in the manner hereinafter provided. Whenever in the judgment of the Board of Public Works the condi- tion of any sidewalk is such as to render the same unfit or unsafe for the purposes of public travel, the said board shall, at an official meeting, make formal declaration of the condition of said sidewalk, and shall order the same to be cleaned, repaired or renewed, as may be required to make the same fit and safe for purposes of public travel. Said declaration and order shall be set forth in, and made part of, the official record of the proceedings of said board. The said board shall thereupon notify the owner, or owners, of the property immediately abutting upon the portion of said sidewalk where such cleaning, repairs or renewal MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE i 9 3 is required of the condition thereof, and shall instruct such owner or owners to clean, repair or renew the said portion of such sidewalk upon which his property so immediately abuts. Such notice shall spe- cify a reasonable time within which such cleaning, repairs or renewal shall be executed by such owner or owners. Such notice shall be in writing, and shall be in substantially the following form, to- wit: To You are hereby notified that that portion of the following described sidewalk, towit upon which the following described property, to-wit , of which you are the owner, immediately abuts, is unsafe (or unfit) for the public travel, because of (here state cause of defect) And you are hereby instructed to clean (or repair or renew) said por- tion of said sidewalk, in accordance with the order of the Board of Public Works, a copy of which is hereto attached; and to have said work completed on or before the day of . .., A. D. 189... This notice is issued and served in accordance with the provisions of ordinance No. A There shall be attached to such notice a copy of the declaration and order of said board. Such notice shall be served by delivering the same to such owner, or leaving it at the house of his usual abode with some person of suitable age and discretion then resident there; provided , however, that if such owner be not a resident of the City of Spokane, then such notice may be served by mail by depositing such notice in the postoffice, addressed to the person on whom it is served, at his place of residence, with postage prepaid. In case such owner shall fail to comply with the instructions of said notice within the time therein specified, the fact of such noncompliance shall be entered upon the records of the Board of Public Works; and thereupon an order shall be made and entered instructing the Superin- tendent of Streets to proceed forthwith to execute the necessary work in accordance with the original order; and the full cost thereof shall be charged to such owner of abutting property; and such charge shall be- come a lien upon said property and shall be collected by due process of law. Sec. 2. For the purposes of this ordinance all property having a frontage upon the sides or margin of any street shall be deemed to be abutting property, and that said property shall be chargeable as pro- vided by this ordinance and the laws of the State of Washington for all cost of maintenance, repairs or renewal of any form of sidewalk im- provement between the said street margin and the roadway lying in front of and adjacent to said property; and the term “sidewalk,” as in- tended for the purpose of this ordinance, shall be taken to include any and all structures or forms of street improvement included in the space between the street margin and the roadway. Sec. 3. The duties imposed upon owners of abutting property by MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 199 this ordinance shall at all times he exercised under the supervision and to the acceptance of the Superintendent of Streets or his assistant. No work which shall create any obstruction to public travel shall be com- menced until a permit therefor shall have been granted by the said Superintendent of Streets. In the performance of any work imposed upon them under the provisions of this ordinance, the owners of abut- ting property shall exercise due care to prevent any injury or damage arising therefrom. Whenever during the progress of such cleaning, re- pairing or renewal such sidewalk, or portion thereof, is rendered by reason thereof unsafe or unfit for the purpose of public travel, such owner or owners so engaged in such work shall erect and maintain proper guards and signals, both day and night, to warn the public of the condition of such sidewalk, and guard against danger therefrom; and such owner shall be liable for all damage which may arise by reason of his carelessness in conducting such work upon the adjacent sidewalk or by reason of his failure to erect and maintain proper guards and signals. Sec. 4. Grades and lines necessary for the proper execution of side- walk repairs and renewal, as herein provided, shall be marked upon the ground by the City Engineer, or his assistants, upon application therefor to the Board of Public Works. Sec. 5. None of the duties imposed by this ordinance shall in any way be deemed to authorize or allow the obstruction of any street, either during or after any work upon any sidewalk, except under per- mit therefor. No material removed from any sidewalk shall be placed upon any portion of any adjacent street, alley, place or square, except permit therefor be granted. Sec. 6. Nothing in this ordinance shall be construed to limit or prevent the exercise of the existing powers of the city or the rights of abutting property owners by majority petition to secure the construc- tion or reconstruction of any sidewalk under the charter and ordinance provisions governing local improvements. Neither shall anything in this ordinance be construed as limiting the existing power of the city with reference to the maintenance or control of sidewalks. Sec. 7. Ordinance No. A655, entitled “An ordinance prescribing the manner of maintenance, repairs and renewal of sidewalks in the City of Spokane, and the mode of payment therefor, in accordance with the provisions of the law of the State of Washington, entitled ‘An act relat- ing to maintenance, repairs and renewal of sidewalks in cities of the first, second and third class, and providing for payment therefor by owners of abutting property, and declaring an emergency/ approved March 21, 1895,” is hereby repealed. Sec. 8. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City council July 12, 1898. 200 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE ORDINANCE NO. A656. AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE CONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALKS, AND PROVID- ING A PENALTY THEREOF. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. That all sidewalks hereafter laid shall correspond to the provisions of this ordinance, unless otherwise ordered by the City Council, and no permission shall be granted for the construction of any other or different sidewalk without such order. Sec. 2. That part of all streets and avenues lying between the walk- way and the property line, and between the walkway and the carriage- way, shall hereafter be known and designated as boulevards. Sec. 3. That sixteen feet in width upon and along each side of all streets and avenues which are ninety feet wide or more, and fourteen feet in width upon and along each side of all streets and avenues which are eighty feet wide and less than ninety feet wide, and twelve feet in width upon and along each side of all streets and avenues which are seventy feet wide and less than eighty feet wide, and ten feet in width upon and along each side of all streets and avenues which are sixty feet wide and less than seventy feet wide, and eight feet in width upon and along each side of all streets and avenues which are fifty feet wide and less than sixty feet wide, and seven feet in width upon and along each side of all streets and avenues which are forty feet wide and less than fifty feet wide, and six feet in width upon and along each side of all streets and avenues which are less than fifty feet wide, shall be re- served for walkways and boulevards. Except that upon Mill street, between the Post street bridge and the Northern Pacific Railway Com- pany’s right-of-way, twelve feet in width upon and along each side of the street shall be reserved for walkways and boulevards; upon Howard street, Post street and Stevens street, between the SpoKane river and the Northern Pacific Railway Company’s right-of-way, fourteen feet in width upon and along each side of these streets shall be reserved for walkways and boulevards; upon Front avenue, between the east line of Post street and the west line of Grant street, and upon Main avenue, between the east line of Lincoln street and the Northern Pacific Rail- way Company’s right-of-way, twenty feet in width upon and along each side of these avenues shall be reserved for walkways and boulevards. As amended by ordinance l\o. A816, passed tne City Council Febru- ary 7, 1899. Sec. 4. That the width of the walkways and boulevards on the streets and avenues of the City of Spokane shall be as follows: MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 201 Except that upon all streets and avenues within the fire limits of the city the width of the walkways shall embrace the entire width re- served for walkways and boulevards by this ordinance. Provided, that the width of walkways already laid on the streets and avenues need not be changed until new ones are required, or until the same may be changed by resolution of the City Council, to make them correspond and comply with the provisions of this ordinance. And Provided further, it shall be optional with the owners of the abutting property to provide either one or two boulevards. Sec. 5. All wooden walkways hereafter laid shall correspond to the provisions of this section: First — Height of Curbs. — The height of the curbs shall be as fixed 202 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE by the respective street grade ordinances, establishing the grade of streets. Second — Grade of Walk from Curb to Lot Line. — Sidewalks shall rise from the curb to the line of the lot at the rate of one-fourth of an inch to every foot in width, and shall be graded with solid earth to within six inches of the covering planks, and when the covering planks do not cover the whole width of the sidewalk, the space not covered shall be filled to the top of the curb with earth. The walkway shall in all cases be planked or paved the full width of the walkway as defined by this ordinance. Third — Curbs. — Curbs, when built of wood, shall be sixteen inches wide and three inches thick; their ends shall be cuv square so as to make good square joints at all the joints and at points where there is a change in the grade of the curb, the joints will be reinforced and se- cured by splice pieces, said splice pieces to be two inches thick, twelve inches wide and not less than thirty-six inches long, and shall be well and firmly spiked to the curbs on the inside with at least eight twenty- penny wire nails. All curbs shall be built and maintained by the prop- erty owner. Fourth — Posts. — At the ends of all curb planks, as at alley crossings, etc., the curb shall be secured to posts to retain the curb in place. Posts to be 4x4 inches, not less than thirty-six inches long, and to be firmly set into the ground. The top of the post to be flush with the top of the curb, and the curb shall be spiked to the post with not less than fifty-penny wire nails. Fifth — Stringers. — The Sidewalk stringers shall be laid parallel with the curb and shall not be less than 2x6 inches, resting on a good, firm foundation. All stringers, except outside stringers, shall lap at least eight inches and shall be firmly spiked together. No stringer shall have a clear unsupported span. Where the covered surface of the walkway is four feet wide, there shall be four stringers in the width of the walk; where the covered surface of the walkway is five feet wide, there shall be five stringers in the width of the walk; where the covered surface of the walkway is six feet wide, there shall be five stringers in the width of the walk. Where the covered surface of the walkway is eight feet wide, there shall be six stringers in the width of the walk; where the covered sur- face is twelve feet wide there shall be nine stringers; where the covered surface is fourteen feet wide there shall be ten stringers, and where the covered surface is sixteen feet wide there shall be twelve stringers in the width of the walk. At the street corners there shall be a diagonal stringer from the corner of the property lines to the corner of the curbs, which shall be firmly spiked to the curbs and to all other stringers. Sixth — Sidewalk Plank. — The sidewalk cover plank shall be laid at right angles with the stringers, and shall not be less than two-inch thick plank, surfaced on one side. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 203 In no case shall the sidewalk cover plank be more than six inches wide, and shall not be less in length than the full width of the covered walk. All sidewalk plank shall be laid to a true and even surface. The cover plank to be spiked at the ends to the stringers or curb plank with two twenty-penny nails, and to each intermediate stringer in zigzag style with one twenty-penny nail; all nails to be driven at least one- fourth of an inch below the surface of the plank. Where the cover-plank does not extend out to the curbs, a sidewalk plank shall extend out to the curb line every eight feet, and shall be securely fastened to retain the curb in position. At all street intersections the sidewalk cover shall extend out full width to the curbs on all sides. Whenever it becomes necessary to put up a railing on the walk, a sidewalk cover-plank every eight feet shall extend out beyond the building line not less than eighteen inches, to which the brace pieces securing the railing posts shall be spiked. After laying the sidewalk cover-plank, the same shall be cut to true and straight lines at both edges. Seventh — Railing. — Whenever the sidewalk is elevated more than three feet above the adjacent property a railing shall be constructed in the following manner: Every eight feet (on the extended sidewalk cover-plank, as above described) a 2x4-inch post not less than 40 inches high shall be set up and securely toe-nailed to the sidewalk. A brace-piece of 2x4-inch stuff shall be securely spiked to post and to the extended sidewalk cover- plank, making as firm and secure a job as possible. On the top of the posts a 2x4-inch plank shall be spiked to the same, thus making top rail of the railing. At a point not more than 20 inches Delow the top of the posts a lx6-inch board shall be firmly nailed with at least three nails to each post, forming the middle rail of railing. Eighth — Driveways. — Wherever driveways are built from the car- riageway or roadway to the lot, the same shall be constructed so that the finished surface of the driveway shall be on the same plane with the walkway. The driveway cover shall be built of 2x4-inch stuff, dressed on two sides and set on edge upon 4x6-inch sills, resting on a good firm founda- tion. Sills to be laid twenty-four inches on centers and at right angles to the curbs. The driveway cover to be laid parallel with the curb. In no case will the driveway extend beyond the curb line into the carriage- way, and the construction of approaches or bridges from the surface of the carriageway over the gutter to the surface of the driveway shall not be allowed; but in all cases the slope of the driveway shall begin at the bottom of the gutter and extend to the top of the walkway cover- plank. Whenever driveways shall be built permission may be granted to cut out the curb plank the full width of the driveway. 204 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE Ninth — Materials.— All the lumber used in the construction of this work shall be the best of its kind, good and sound, free from loose knots or bark, shakes or other imperfections. All lumber shall be subject to the approval of the Board of Public Works or its authorized agent, and any material condemned by them shall not be used on this work, but shall be immediately removed from the premises. Tenth — Workmanship. — All workmanship shall be the best in every respect, and all shall be done to the full satisfaction of the Board of Public Works or its authorized agent. Eleventh — Shade trees. — In all cases where shade trees are to be set out along sidewalks, such shade trees shall be set only In the center of the boulevard next to the roadway. Any person planting shade trees as provided for in this ordinance may erect temporary fences outside of them for protection. Such fences are, however, to be so constructed as not to impede travel on the streets, nor prevent persons on foot from passing along such sidewalk, and all such fences shall be removed whenever the owner is notified to do so by the Street Superintendent. Sec. 6. Whenever the City Council shall decide in favor of con- structing any sidewalk, they shall cause all the necessary surveys and plans to be made, and shall determine the materials with which the same shall be constructed, and shall order a report upon the same to be made by the Board of Public Works. Sec. 7. When said report shall have been received and an ordi- nance passed by the City Council for constructing said sidewalk, notice shall be given by the Board of Public Works to the owners of the abut- ting property to construct said sidewalk according to the provisions of this ordinance and within thirty days. Sec. 8. Whenever any sidewalk, or any portion thereof, which has been ordered to be constructed by the City Council, after notice to the owners of the real estate, as provided by this ordinance, shall not be completed within the time fixed in said order, the Board of Public Works shall cause such sidewalk to be constructed according to the original order, and the expense thereof shall be estimated and become chargeable to the lot or lots of land abutting upon said sidewalk ac- cording to the provisions of section 61 of the freeholders’ charter, as amended and approved and adopted by the people at an election held May 2, 1893. Sec. 9. All ordinances, or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith or pertaining to the subject matter of this ordinance are hereby re- pealed. Sec. 10. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council August 25, 1896. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 205 ORDINANCE NO. A750. AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING INCOMBUSTIBLE SIDEWALKS ON ALL PAVED STREETS AND ON ALL STREETS WITHIN THE FIRE LIMITS, DIRECTING THE MANNER OF CONSTRUCTION, AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE BREACH THEREOF. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows : Section 1. All sidewalks hereafter constructed on all paved streets and on all streets within the fire limits of the City of Spokane shall De of noncombustible material and constructed in all respects according to the general plans and specifications approved and adopted by the City Council and the Board of Public Works, April 19, 1898, and on file in the office of the said board. Sec. 2. Any person or corporation found guilty of a breach of this ordinance, or any part thereof, or of said general plans and specifica- tions referred to in section 1 of this ordinance, or any of them, shall be fined in a sum not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars, and shall stand committed until the same is paid. Sec. 3. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage and approval. Passed the City Council May 3, 1898. ORDINANCE NO 412. AN ORDINANCE TO REGULATE THE BUSINESS OF PLUMBING IN THE STREETS OR ALLEYS OF SPOKANE FALLS, DEFINING THE LIABILITIES OF PLUMBERS, AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF. The City of Spokane Falls does ordain as follows Section 1. No firm or individual engaged in the business of plumb- ing shall make any excavation in any street or alley in the City of Spokane for the purpose of making any connection with any water main, gas main or sewer, or for the repair or alteration of the same, or for any purpose connected with the business of plumbing, unless such firm or individual shall have first executed to the City of Spokane good and sufficient bond in the sum of fifteen hundred dollars ($1500) with two or more sufficient sureties, to be approved by the Mayor, which bond shall be renewed every twelve months from the date thereof or from the date of said renewed bond, conditioned that said firm or individual shall hold the City of Spokane harmless from any damage or claim of damage against the City of Spokane arising out of or caused by any negligence or unskillfulness or failure to comply with the provisions of any ordinance by said firm or individual or their employes in the making, guarding and maintaining such excavations. As amended by ordinance No. A589, passed July 23, 1895. Sec. 2. No firm or individual engaged in the business of plumbing 2o6 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE shall make any such excavation unless such firm or individual shall have taken out a plumber’s license and said bond has been approved and filed and the permit to make such excavation has been issued as provided by ordinance. As amended by ordinance No. A589, passed July 23, 1895. Sec. 3. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, and imprisoned in the city jail until such fine and the costs of prosecution are paid. Sec. 4. Nothing in this ordinance contained shall be construed to prevent any private person from making any such excavation for neces- sary plumbing on his own premises, without first having taken out a license as a plumber; provided , he shall have first obtained a permit from the Superintendent of Streets and shall have executed and de- livered to the city a similar bond to that required in section 1 of this ordinance. Sec. 5. Any firm or individual convicted a second time of a viola- tion of the provisions of this ordinance shall forfeit their license as plumbers, and no license shall be again issued to any such individual or firm or member thereof for one year after the forfeiture of such license. Sec. 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five days after its passage and publication. Passed the City Council December 18, 1889. ORDINANCE NO. A486. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO SEWERS AND DRAINAGE. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. The Health Officer of the City of Spokane is hereby em- powered, and it is hereby made his duty in all cases, where there is a public sewer in any street, highway or alley, in the City of Spokane, to compel every owner or occupant of lands, buildings or premises fronting or abutting on said street, highway or alley, or withing 300 feet of the same in the case of unplatted land, to construct or Cause to be constructed a sufficient sewer or drain pipe in the manner herein- after prescribed, which shall connect such land, buildings or premises, and ail vaults, cesspools, ditches, water closets and pipes therein or thereon, used as a receptacle or conductor of filth, with such nearest accessible public sewer (unless such connection is impracticable by reason of the topography of the ground), and the material used in the construction of such private sewer or drain pipe shall be substantially like that used in the public sewer with which the connection is made. Sec. 2. Every person, firm or corporation owning any land or premises situated within the limits prescribed in the foregoing section. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 207 in all cases where there is a public sewer in any street, avenue, alley or highway, shall make a sufficient drain from his, her or its house, lot or premises, connected with such sewer; and the Health Officer shall have power in all cases where there is a public sewer, as aforesaid, to cause such connections to be made, and shall give such owner his, her or its agents, or tenants, notice in writing, specifying the time when such drain must be completed, provided such time shall not exceed sixty days, and if such owner, agent or tenant shall fail, neglect or re- fuse to complete the same within the time specified, the Health Officer shall report the same to the Board of Public Works, and the Board of Public Works shall immediately cause said drain to be constructed, and the amount paid for the construction of the same shall be assessed against the premises so drained, and report the same to the City Council, as in assessments for street improvements, and upon confirma- tion of the same by the City Council the amount thereof shall consti- tute a lien upon the said premises so drained, and such assessment may be collected and the lien enforced in the same manner as as- sessments for street improvements are collected. Section 3. When any private drainpipe connected with any public sewer or drain becomes obstructed, broken or out of order, the Health Officer shall, if the owner, agent or tenant of such premises fails to re- pair the same after two days’ notice so to do, cause such drainpipe to be removed, reconstructed, repaired, altered or cleansed, os he may deem expedient, at the expense of the owner, agent or occupant of such premises as aforesaid, to be collected in the manner provided in section 2 of this ordinance. No person, firm or corporation shall make any connection with any of the public sewers nor shall any opening be made into the same until the person making the same shall obtain from the Board of Public Works a permit so to do, and shall have filed in the office of the City Clerk a bond in the sum of $3000, with one or more responsible sureties, to be approved by the Mayor of said city, and con- ditioned that he, she or it will indemnify and save harmless the City of Spokane from all suits, accidents and damages consequent thereupon for or by reason of any opening in any street, alley, highway or avenue made by such person or those in his, her or its employment in making any connection with any public or private sewer, or for any purpose whatever, and that he will also replace and restore the street, alley, highway or avenue to as good a state and condition as at the time of the commencement of said work, and maintain the same in good order, to the satisfaction of the Board of Public Works or Council of said city, and shall conform in all respects to the rules and regulations of said city relating to streets, alleys and avenues thereof, and any person, firm or corporation making such connection or opening into any public sewer or drain, or causing the same to be made without first obtaining a permit and filing a bond as aforesaid shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum 2o8 CHARTER OF CITY OF SPOKANE not less than $10 nor more than $100, and pay the costs of prosecution, and be committed until such fine and costs are paid. Sec. 4. All applications for permits must be made by the owner or agent, and must state the location of the sewer, the number of the lot and block, and the number of the building to be connected and how they are occupied. It shall not be lawful for any person to extend any private sewer or drain beyond the limits of buildings or property for which the permit has been given. Any person violating this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and punished by a fine of nor less than $10 nor more than $100, and pay all costs of prosecution, and be commit- ted until such fine and costs are paid. Sec. 5. All permissions given as aforesaid to connect sewers and drains shall be upon the express condition that the City Council or Board of Public Works may at any time revoke and annul the same, and the person making such connections, or their successors in interest, shall have no right to claim any damages in consequence of such per- mission being revoked or annulled. Sec. 6. All connections with public sewers or drains shall be made in a workmanlike manner, even with the inside surface of the sewer, where a connecting Y has not been left, or, in case the Board of Public Works shall deem best, the person making such connection shall re- move a joint of the sewer pipe and insert in its place a Y, properly placed and securely cemented before making connection therewith, and when a Y has been left the connection shall be made without damaging or breaking the same. The street must be opened and the paving or planking and earth deposited in a manner that will occasion the least inconvenience to the public and to provide for a free passage along the gutter. One-half of the street must be kept clear for the passage of vehicles, and bridge-ways must be provided on sidewalks for foot pas- sengers. In refilling the trench the earth must be deposited in layers of not more than six inches in depth and be well rammed to prevent after settlement. As soon as any such drain or sewer is completed, the pav- ing or planking and sidewalk must be restored to as good condition as previous to the excavation, and all rubbish and surplus earth im- mediately removed. Sec. 7. All drains which enter into any public sewer or drain in any street, alley, avenue or highway shall be built of such size and material, and in such direction, and with such grade, and in such manner as the Board of Public Works may direct. Sec. 8. Notice in writing must be given the Board of Public Works at their office by any person desiring to make connection with any public sewer or drain at least five hours previous to the time of making such connection, when such work will be ready for inspection, and the Board of Public Works, or their agent, shall inspect the same, and the said connection must be made in the manner prescribed in this ordi- nance and to the satisfaction of said Board of Public Works before the trench is filled. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 209 Sec. 9. It shall be unlawful to construct or extend any drain for the reception of sewerage or waste water under or into any hotel, tene- ment house, dwelling or any building, or to connect the same with any public sewer, unless the said drain shall in its plans and construction conform to the following requirements: First and second subdivisions repealed by ordinance No. A791. Third — In all cases where a building is used as a hotel, tenement, boarding house or restaurant, the owner or occupant shall provide a properly constructed grease trap, through which all slops of a greasy nature shall be drained, and the Health Officer shall have authority, and he is hereby authorized and directed to compel any person, firm or corporation to provide and use a grease trap, as aforesaid, whenever in his judgment the same is necessary. Sec. 10. Whenever any person, firm or corporation desires to con- struct a house drain intended to be connected with or discharged into any sewer, he, she or it shall, before beginning work upon the same, deposit with the Board of Public Works the plan thereof, which shall show the whole course of the drain from the connection with the sewer to its terminus within the house, with the location of all branches and fixtures to be connected therewith, said plans, or a copy thereof, to be left on file in the office of said Board of Public Works. If, upon in- vestigation of said plan, the Board of Public Works shall find that the same does not conform to the requirements of this ordinance, said Board of Public Works shall not issue any permit for its construction or connection with any sewer, and it shall be unlawful to construct said drain or to connect the same either directly or indirectly with any sewer. Sec. 11. The City Engineer or the Health Officer shall have the right to enter upon the premises drained by any house drain or con- nected with any public sewer at all reasonable hours, to ascertain whether the provisions of this or any other ordinance in regard to house drains has been complied with, and if he shall find that said drain or its attachment are in conflict with the provisions of any law or ordinance in regard thereto, he shall notify the owner of said premises, or the agent of such owner, of the fact. It shall thereupon be the duty of said owner, or agent of the same, to cause said drain or its attachment to be so altered, repaired or reconstructed as to make them conform to the requirements of the law and ordinances in regard thereto within fifteen days from the time of receiving such notice. Sec. 12. No person, firm or corporation shall injure, break or re- move any portion of any man-hole, lamp-hole, flush-tank or any part of the public sewers, and when any person or persons, firm or corpora- tion shall desire to lay or drive any pipe in any of the streets on which sewers are laid, he, she or it shall give at least twenty-four hours’ no- tice to the Board of Public Works of said City, and any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor, and, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a Tine of not less 14 210 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, and pay the costs of prosecution, and he imprisoned until such fine and costs arc paid. Sec. 13. No person, firm or corporation shall deposit any garbage, rubbish, dead animals, or any substance having a tendency to obstruct the flow of the sewer, in any man-hole, lamp-hole, flush-tank or sewer opening, and any persons violating any provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, be fined in any sum not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, and pay the costs of prosecution and be imprisoned until such fine and costs are paid. Sec. 14. It shall be the duty of the police of the city, or any em- ploye on the streets of said city, in all cases where they may find any person or persons engaged in the work of breaking ground for the pur- pose of making connection with public sewers or drains of the city, to ascertain at once if such person or persons are duly authorized to per- form such work; and in the event of said persons not being duly au- thorized, or not having a permit, to order them to desist, under penalty of arrest for violation of this ordinance, and shall immediately report the fact to the Health Officer and Board of Public Works. Sec. 15. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance, for which no penalty is especially provided herein, shall be deem- ed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dol- lars, and pay the costs of prosecution, and be imprisoned until such fine and costs are paid. Sec. 16. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council August 21, 1894. ORDINANCE NO. A24. AN ORDINANCE TO REGULATE BLASTING. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons, corpora- tion or corporations, to blast rock or stone within the corporate limits of the City of Spokane, except as herein provided. Sec. 2. Any person or p'ersons, corporation or corporations, desiring to prosecute the business of blasting rock or stone within the corporate limits of said city may apply to the Chairman of the Board of Public Works for permission to carry on such business, which permission shall be granted upon compliance by said person or persons with the pro- visions of this ordinance. Sec. 3. Such person or persons, corporation or corporations, shall execute a bond to the City of Spokane, with good and sufficient sureties, to be approved by the Mayor, in the penal sum of one thousand to ten thousand dollafs, at the discretion of the Mayor, conditioned to save the MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 21 city from loss from any damage which may accrue to any person by reason of such blasting of rock or stone; and further, that he, it or they will fully and in all things comply with the requirements of this ordi- nance, as well as of all ordinances which may hereafter be passed regu- lating or relating to said business. Sec. 4. In all cases of blasting rock or stone w r ithin the City of Spokane, each blast, before firing it, shall be securely covered with chain aprons, brush or other materials, to be placed over and around such charge in such manner that all danger to persons and properties shall be absolutely prevented. Sec. 5. Three minutes’ notice before firing the blast shall be given by displaying a red flag three feet by six on a staff not less than ten feet high, set in a conspicuous place within twenty-five feet of the point where the charge is placed, and also by calling out the words “A blast” several times repeated, and loud enough to be distinctly heard at a distance of two hundred feet from the point of discharge. Sec. 6. Any person or persons who shall engage, aid or assist in blasting any rock or stone within the corporate limits of said city without having first given the security and gained the permission as in this ordinance provided, or shall violate any of the provisons of this or- dinance, shall, upon conviction thereof, for each offense be fined in the sum of one hundred dollars, or imprisoned for a period not exceed- ing three months, or both, as may be adjudged. Sec. 7. This ordinance shall take effect ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council June 16, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. A424. AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR AND REGULATING THE LAYING OF GAS MAINS IN THE CITY OF SPOKANE. The City of Spokane does, ordain as follows: Section 1. Hereafter the Spokane Falls Gas Light Company shall lay all mains necessary to be laid on the south side of all streets, avenues and alleys running east and west, and on the west side of all streets, avenues and alleys running north and south in the City of Spokane, and all said mains shall be laid three and one-half feet from the curb line. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council May 22, 1894. 212 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE CHAPTER XI. Police Department. ORDINANCE NO. A631. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR A POLICE FORCE IN THE CITY OF SPOKANE. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. The police force of the City of Spokane shall consist of the Chief of Police, a captain of police, two sergeants, one of whom shall be designated as desk sergeant and the other a patrol sergeant, and twenty-four regular policemen and four specials. Two of said po- licemen shall act as drivers of the patrol wagon, and shall serve twelve hours each in every twenty-four hours. Two of said policemen shall act as jailers, and shall serve twelve hours each in every twenty-four hours. The Chief and Captain of Police shall be required to work twelve hours as a day’s work, and must render to the jailers such as- sistance as may be needed to enable such jailers to discharge their duties. The Chief of Police shall also perform the duties of license inspector. As amended by ordinance No. A1252, passed November 11, 1902. Sec. 2. In cases of emergency the Mayor may appoint such special policemen as he may deem necessary, which appointment must be in writing and filed in the office of the City Clerk. Sec. 3. Special policemen for special service at depots, theaters, public buildings or grounds, may be appointed by the Board of Police to hold their positions during the pleasure of said board, upon the petition of the person or persons desiring such appointment, which petition shall state the necessity therefor, and all special policemen so appointed for such service shall be paid by the person or persons requesting such appointment, and in no case shall the city be respon- sible for the compensation of such special policemen. They shall have all the powers of regular policemen, and shall be under the orders of the Chief of Police, but in no case shall he place them upon other duties except in case of sudden emergency. Sec. 4. The Chief of Police, or the Mayor, or, when on duty the Captain of Police, shall have power to suspend any policeman or officer of the police force from duty for cause, and the officer making such suspension must immediately report the same to the Board of MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 213 Police, in writing, and the matter shall stand for trial before the Board of Police, and the said Board may annul such suspension and restore to duty, or may sustain such suspension and may sentence the accused person to loss of pay, not exceeding one month, or suspension from duty for a definite period without pay, or may remove the offender from his position. Sec. 5. The Board of Police may make rules for the government of the police force. Sec. 6. That an ordinance entitled “An ordinance creating a Police Department and defining its power and duties,” passed January 30, 1890; an ordinance entitled “An ordinance providing for a police force for the City of Spokane Falls, and repealing all ordinances in conflict herewith,” passed the City Council August 13, 1890, and all ordinances amending said last mentioned ordinance, ordinance No. A326, entitled “An ordinance providing for a police force for the City of Spokane, and repealing certain sections of ordinances in conflict therewith, and also providing for a system of patrol telephone calls to be used and con- trolled by said police force,” passed the City Council June 10, 1893, and all ordinances amending said ordinance No. A326, and all ordi- nances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. 7. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council February 4, 1896. ORDINANCE NO. A1254. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF A POLICE MATRON, AND FIXING HER SALARY. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. That the Board of Police be, and it is hereby authorized to appoint a Police Matron under the provisions of the act of the Legis- lature of the State of Washington, entitled “An act requiring the appointment of Police Matrons in certain cities, designating their duties and directing their compensation, and declaring an emergency,” approved February 20, 1893. Sec. 2. That the salary of the Police Matron shall be fifteen dollars per month, to be paid at the same time policemen are paid. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council November 11, 1902. 214 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE ORDINANCE NO. A1400. AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE SALARIES OF THE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYES OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE IN THE POLICE DEPARTMENT. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows Section 1. That on and after the 1st day of July, 1903, the follow- ing officers and employes in the Police Department of the City of Spo- kane shall receive in full compensation for all services of every kind rendered by them, the following salaries, payable in city warrants, at the end of each month: Per Month. Chief of Police $140.00 Captain 110 . 00 Sergeants 95.00 Patrolmen, first grade, third year 85.00 Patrolmen, second grade, second year 80.00 Patrolmen, third grade, first year 75.00 Specials, per day 2.50 Sec. 2. All regular patrolmen during their first year’s service shall he deemed officers of the third grade; for the second year’s service they shall be deemed second grade officers; and for the third year’s service and thereafter they shall he deemed first grade officers. Sec. 3. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith he and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council June 18, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 234. AN ORDINANCE DEFINING THE POWERS AND DUTIES OF POLICE OFFICERS. The City of Spokane Falls does ordain as follows : Section 1. That all the police officers of the City of Spokane Falls shall have power within said city to make arrests without as well as with warrants for any violation or offense against any ordinance of said city, for which an arrest is authorized. Sec. 2. That it shall be the duty of all persons making arrests in said city to bring the person or persons, as soon as practicable, before some court having jurisdiction of the offense charged, within the city, and to make proper complaint, so as to vest said court with jurisdiction to hear and determine the cause. Sec. 3. That it shall be the duty of all police officers of said city whenever they have reasonable cause to suspect that any ordinance of said city has been or is being violated to investigate the matter with- out delay, and if the evidence renders it probable that some or more persons are guilty of having violated one or more ordinances of said city which provide punishment on arrest and conviction, it shall be MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 2^5 the duty of said officer having such information to arrest or cause the arrest of such suspected person without delay, and bring him before the proper court for investigation and trial, and to make and enter proper complaints in such cases. Sec. 4. That no police officer shall be or become an active partisan in politics nor in any way meddle with the private concerns of citizens outside of the line of his duties as an officer. Sec. 5. That no police officer shall make use of any threatening or provoking language or be guilty of any threatening or provoking acts toward any person or property within said city, beyond what may be required in the exercise of his official duties. Sec. 6. That the committee of the Council on Health and Police shall divide the city into such number of police districts as they may from time to time deem expedient, and with the Chief of Police said committee shall prescribe boundaries of said districts, and the Chief of Police shall assign the officers to said districts. Said committee shall make a report to the Council stating the number of said districts and the boundaries thereof, and the names of officers assigned to each, and shall report all changes they may make in such districts. Sec. 7. That except when called elsewhere in the performance of official duty or in case of emergency, each police officer of the city shall, while on duty, constantly patrol the district to which he is assigned and not go out of such district nor loiter in any store or saloon, house or building, and no police officer shall be intoxicated at the time of going on duty, nor while on duty drink any spirituous or malt liquors or wine, nor enter any saloon or public or private house except in the performance of official duty. Sec. 8. That in addition to the Chief of Police the permanent police force of the City of Spokane Falls shall consist of one Captain of Police and such number of police officers as the Council may from time to time determine. Sec. 9. That the Captain of Police shall have and exercise power and authority to the same extent as is vested in the police officers of the city, and it shall be his duty to see that the. officers under him faithfully perform their duties; to exercise vigilant control over them during the time he is on duty, and in the absence of the Chief of Police he shall act in his stead and place. Sec. 10. That the Chief of Police, Captain of Police and police officers shall not receive any other compensation than that provided by ordinance, and police officers and Captain or Chief of Police shall not receive any fees for making arrests, or witness fees, or fees for serving subpoenas or process in any action brought before the Police Justice of the city, wherein the City of Spokane Falls is a party, but such fees heretofore taxed as costs shall likewise be taxed hereafter and be paid into the City Treasury. Sec. 11. That the Mayor of the city be and is hereby authorized to appoint from time to time a sufficient number of competent persons to 2l6 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE serve as special policemen of said city on election days, holidays and extraordinary occasions, and during such time as in the judgment of the Mayor any emergency renders necessary a temporary addition to the police force of the city. Sec. 12. All appointments made under the provisions of section 11 shall be made in writing and filed with the City Clerk, and each person so appointed shall, before assuming the powers and duties of his office, take an oath before some officer authorized to administer oaths to faithfully perform the duties of his office during his continuance therein. Said officer shall serve without compensation unless otherwise provided and expressed in their written appointment filed as aforesaid, and in case compensation is so provided for, then it shall be at the rate of $2.50 per day for actual service. Sec. 13. That each special officer of said city shall have the same power to make arrests within the city, with or without warrants, as is possessed by regular police officers, and each of such officers shall be vigilant to protect and preserve the peace and arrest all violators of law, and shall obey the orders of the Chief of Police. Sec. 14. That ordinance No. 34, passed July 14, 1886, is hereby repealed. Sec. 15. That no member of the Police Department of the City of Spokane Falls shall be a member of, or connected with, any private detective agency or association, or be in any manner employed by or interested in any such detective agency or association. Sec. 16. That any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convic- tion thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than $10 nor more than $100. Sec. 17. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the expiration of five days after its publication. Passed the City Council February 6, 1889. ORDINANCE NO. 125. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE DUTIES OF THE CHIEF OF POLICE. The City of Spokane Falls does ordain as follows-. Section 1. The Chief of Police shall at no time absent himself from the city for a longer period of time than twelve hours, without the consent of the Mayor, and he shall not without the like consent of the Mayor employ a substitute, and in case of a violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance, he shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined in a sum not less than ten dollars nor more than twenty-five dollars. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after five days after its passage and publication. Passed the City Council April 4, 1888. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 217 ORDINANCE NO. A958. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING RIGHT OF WAY FOR THE PATROL WAGON OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. The patrol wagon and team of the Police Department of the City of Spokane shall have the right of way upon all streets and alleys in the City of Spokane when using such streets and alleys in the course of police duties. Sec. 2. It is hereby made the duty of all persons on hearing the alarm gong, or on the approach of said patrol wagon, to instantly clear the way, so that said wagon and team may pass safely. Sec. 3. Any person or persons convicted of violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be punished by a fine of not less than five, nor more than one hundred dollars. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council May 8, 1900. ORDINANCE NO. 7. AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR PERSONS COMMITTED TO THE CITY .TAIL WORK- ING FOR THE' CITY. Be it ordained by the City of Spokane Falls: Section 1. Every able bodied male person upon whom any fine or penalty shall be imposed for the violation of any ordinance, and who shall be committed to the city jail until such fine or penalty shall be paid, shall be liable to work upon the public squares, lots, blocks, engine house, streets, sewers or other property of the city, and in cleaning the crossings of streets, and streets and alleys in the city. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the City Marshal, whenever he shall have such prisoners in his custody, to notify the Superintendent of Streets of the fact and the number of such prisoners, and that officer shall designate to the City Marshal the character of labor necessary and required to be done by such prisoners, and thereupon the City Marshal shall cause such work to be performed by such prisoners in his charge, so far as practicable. Sec. 3. Every person described in section 1 of this ordinance must labor as herein provided, and shall be allowed, exclusive of his board, one dollar and fifty cents for each day’s work on account of his fine or penalty, for nonpayment of which he was committed. Such labor must be performed under the direction of the City Marshal or Superintendent of Streets, whose duty it shall be to see that the prisoners are so guarded as to prevent escapes, and if necessary he may shackle such prisoners. Sec. 4. No prisoners shall be required to labor more than eight hours in one day. If any prisoner shall refuse to labor when required 2 18 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE by the City Marshall or Superintendent of Streets, he shall for every .such refusal he closely confined in the city jail with no food except bread, and no drink except water, for the period of twenty-four hours. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Passed the City Council June 10, 1885. ORDINANCE NO. A78. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE SALE OF STOLEN PROPERTY. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. There shall be kept in the office of the Chief of Police a record containing a description of all property seized or taken by any member of the police force, with the date of its receipt, from whom and by whom taken or seized. The Chief of Police shall quarterly pub- lish a description of all property which shall have been taken and been in custody for the period of three months next preceding together with a notice that the same will be sold at public auction at a time and place therein named, not less than ten nor more than fifteen days after the publication of such notice, unless the owners thereof shall prior to such time prove ownership and reclaim the same. The Chief of Police shall at the time and place named in said notice, sell at public auction such of said property advertised as aforesaid, as shall remain unclaimed; provided , where property seized or taken as above mentioned shall be of a perishable nature, that the same may be sold in such time and manner as the Chief of Police shall deem necessary. The proceeds therefrom shall be paid into the City Treasury and be placed to the credit of the general fund. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council August 21, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 415. AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING ANY PERSON FROM WEARING THE BADGE OF OR EXERCISING THE DUTIES OF A SPECIAL POLICE OFFICER WITHOUT BEING REGULARLY APPOINTED A MEMBER OF THE POLICE FORCE. The City of Spokane Falls does ordain as follows : Section 1. No person shall be permitted to wear the badge of a police officer of this city, or be allowed to exercise the powers and duties of, nor act as a police officer of this city, without said person has been first regularly appointed a member of the police force, and further provided that all persons appointed to act as special police shall be placed upon the pay rolls of the city police at a salary of not less than one dollar per month. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 219 Sec. 2. Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not less than five dollars nor more than twenty-five dollars and the costs of prosecution. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect five days after its passage and publication. Passed the City Council January 15, 1890. \ f 220 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE CHAPTER XII. Fire Department. ORDINANCE NO. A345. AN ORDINANCE TO CREATE AND REGULATE THE FIRE DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE, PROVIDING OFFICERS AND EMPLOYES THEREOF, AND DEFINING ITS POWERS AND DUTIES. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. A department of the city government is hereby created and established, to be known as “The Fire Department of the City of Spokane.” Sec. 2. The officers of said department shall consist of one Chief of the Fire Department and one Assistant Chief of the Fire Department, who may be selected from among the employes of the department, and in such case he shall remain on duty the same as an employe of the department. The department shall have such other officers as may from time to time be provided by ordinance. The Chief of the Fire Department shall be the executive officer of the Fire Department. He shall devote his exclusive attention to its interests and shall engage in no other business. Sec. 3. The employees of said department shall consist of one Chief of the Fire Department, one Assistant Chief of the Fire Depart- ment, one Secretary, six Captains, nineteen hosemen, ten truckmen and one electrician, who shall remain on duty at all times, both day and night, subject to the orders of the Chief of the Fire Department, and who shall sleep at the engine and hose houses of the department. Other and further employes may be provided from time io time by ordinance. As amended by ordinance No. A913, passed January 16, 1000. Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the Board of Fire Commissioners to assign the employes to duty with the various engines, hose carts and hook and ladder trucks belonging to the city, and he shall keep a book in which shall be entered the name of each officer and employe, the date and character of his employment, his nationality, age at the time of his employment, whether married or unmarried, and in case of his discharge or discontinuance in service, date and cause thereof. He shall also keep an entry in said book of the duty to which each employe is assigned. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 221 Sec. 5. No person shall he qualified for the position of foreman unless he shall have been a resident of the State of Washington for one year, and a member of the Fire Department of the City of Spokane for six months prior to his being designated by the Board of Fire Com- missioners as foreman. Sec. 6. The engineers employed in the Fire Department shall be licensed engineers. Sec. 7. The Board of Fire Commissioners shall be responsible for the efficient working of the department, and shall have under their charge the fire alarm telegraph. The Chief of the Fire Department shall from time to time make such recommendations to the Board of Fire Commissioners, with reference to the extension, alteraiion or im- provement of the fire alarm system, as he shall deem necessary. Sec. 8. Whenever the Chief of the Fire Department shall go out of office he shall turn over to his successor in office all the books, papers and property of the department under his care, and take a receipt in duplicate therefor, and file one copy thereof in the office of the Board of Fire Commissioners for reference, and such receipt shall discharge the liability of the outgoing Chief for all books and property enume- rated therein and charge the same to his successor. Sec. 9. The Chief of the Fire Department shall have control of all persons present at any fire, and to that end shall, ex-officio, have and exercise all the powers of the Chief of Police. When a fire breaks out he shall take immediate and proper steps for its extinguishment. He shall have power to summon and require any and all persons present at a fire to aid in extinguishing the same, as he shall direct, or in removing personal property from any building on fire or in danger thereof, or in guarding such property. Any person refusing to obey such summons and order shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars and not less than five dollars and costs of prosecution, and imprisoned in the city jail until such fine and costs are paid. Any fireman who shall refuse or wilfully neglect to obey any lawful order of the Chief of the Fire Department or the Assistant Chief or the Foreman of his company when at or going to a fire, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined in any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars nor less than five dollars and costs of prosecution, and shall be imprisoned in the city jail until such fine and costs are paid. Sec. 10. For any disobedience of order or regulations, or infraction of discipline by any employe, the Chief of the Fire Department may fine the offender for each case a sum not exceeding two dollars, which shall be entered upon the pay roll and be deducted from his pay, or he may suspend the offender from duty and report the matter fully to the Board of Fire Commissioners for their action, or both. Sec. 11. In case of the absence from duty of the Chief of the Fire Department, or his inability to act, the Assistant Chief of the Fire t 222 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE Department shall he ex-officio Chief of the Fire Department, and if such absence or inability shall continue for more than one week the Assistant Chief shall, for the time he shall act, be entitled to the same salary as the Chief, and a sufficient amount shall be deducted from the salary of the Chief for the said Assistant, to make his salary equal to that of the Chief for such time as said absence or inability of the Chief shall continue. Sec. 12. The Chief of the Fire Department shall execute a bond to the City of Spokane in the sum of five thousand dollars, with two or more sufficient sureties to the approval of the Mayor, conditioned that he will faithfully perform all of the duties of his office, and that he will well and truly account for all moneys, books or property which shall come into his hands by virtue of his office, and will turn all the books, papers and property over to his successor, and pay all moneys over to the City Treasurer. The Assistant Chief of the Fire Depart- ment shall execute and deliver a like bond in the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars. Sec. 13. Repealed by Ordinance No. A636. Sec. 14. All ordinances, parts of ordinances, resolutions and re- ports in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 15. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council August 22, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. A1401. AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE SALARIES OF THE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYES OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE IN THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. The City of Spokane does ordain as followss Section 1. That on and after the 1st day of July, A. D. 1903, the following named officers and employes in the Fire Department of the City of Spokane shall receive in full compensation for all services of every kind rendered by them, the following salaries, payable in city warrants, at the end of each month: Per Month. Chief of Fire Department $140.00 Assistant Chief 110.00 Electrician 100.00 Secretary 85.00 Captains 90.00 Foreman 85.00 Engineers 95.00 Drivers, stokers, pipemen and truckmen — First grade, third year 80.00 Second grade, second year 77.50 Third grade, first year 75.00 Substitutes, per day 2.25 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 223 Sec. 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council June 18, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. A161. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING RIGHT OF WAY TO THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. The Fire Department of the City of Spokane is given the right of way, with its teams and apparatus, upon the streets and alleys of the city in going to and from fires. Sec. 2. It is hereby made the special duty of all persons upon hearing an alarm of fire, or the alarm gong, or on the approach of any fire apparatus, to instantly clear the way so that such team or apparatus may without danger pass by. Sec. 3. It is also made the special duty of all streetcar companies and their several drivers or conductors, upon hearing an alarm of fire or the alarm gong, or on the approach of any fire apparatus, to stop their car or cars, and out of the way of street crossings, until such team or apparatus has passed by. Sec. 4. All drivers or conductors of streetcars or other vehicles shall, upon approaching the vicinity of a fire, stop their cars or other vehicle until they have ascertained from the Chief or his assistants that they can pass without in any way interfering with the Fire De- partment. Sec. 5. All railroad companies operating railroads coming into or passing through the City of Spokane, and all engineers or other per- sons handling engines on said railroads or streets, shall, upon approach- ing the vicinity of a fire, stop their engine or cars until they have ascertained from the Chief or his assistants that they can pass without in any way interfering with the Fire Department. Sec. 6. Any person or persons running a handcar or other car on any railroad in the City of Spokane shall be subject to the foregoing, governing railroads coming into or passing through the city. Sec. 7. Any person or persons violating any of the foregoing provi- sions of this ordinance shall be punished by a fine of not less than five nor more than one hundred dollars and costs of prosecution, and shall, in addition, pay all damage resulting to the department, and shall have no claim either against the city or such department on account or any injury or damage he or they may sustain by any collision or accident thereby occasioned. Sec. 8. This ordinance shall take effect ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council February 19, 1892. 224 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE ORDINANCE NO. A549. AN ORDINANCE FOR THE PROTECTION OF FIRE HYDRANTS. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. That no person, firm or corporation shall, in any man- ner, obstruct the free use of any fire hydrant within the City of Spo- kane; or allow, suffer or cause any snow or ice to be thrown or piled upon any fire hydrant within the City of Spokane; or have, or place, or allow to be placed, or cause to be placed, any material in front of any fire hydrant, or within ten feet from either side thereof. Sec. 2. Any person violating this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not more than ten dollars nor less than three dollars, and pay the costs of prosecution. Sec. 3. Any and all such material found obstructing any of said hydrants shall be forthwith removed by the officers or employes of the Board of Fire Commissioners, at the risk, cost and expense of the owners, owner or claimants of the property, fronting and nearest to said hydrant. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days, after its passage. Passed the City Council January 22, 1895. ORDINANCE NO. A1280. AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH THE FIRE LIMITS WITHIN THE CITY OF SPO- KANE, AND TO REGULATE THE ERECTION OF BUILDINGS THEREIN, AND RE- PEALING ORDINANCE NO. A1118, APPROVED JANUARY 13, 1902. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. The fire limits of the City of Spokane are hereby estab- lished within the following described boundaries: Commencing at a point on the center line of Madison street 150 feet south of the south line of Second avenue, thence north along the center line of Madison street to the center line of Mallon avenue, thence east along the center line -of Mallon avenue, and Mallon avenue pro- jected, to the center line of Washington street; thence south along the center line of Washington street to the north bank of the Spokane river; thence easterly along the north bank of the Spokane river to the center line of Division street; thence south parallel with the east line of Division street to the south line of the Northern Pacific right of way; thence southwesterly along the south line of the Northern Pacific Railroad Company’s right of way to the center line of Browne street; thence south parallel with the east line of Browne street to the center line of Second avenue; thence west parallel with the south line of Second avenue to the center line of Washington street; thence south along the center line of Washington street to a point 150 feet south of MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 225 the south line of Second avenue; thence west parallel with the south line of Second avenue to the place of beginning. Sec. 2. That ordinance No. A1118, passed January 18, 1902, be and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. 3. Whereas, an emergency exists, this ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage. Passed the City Council December 16, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. A1076. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS TO GRANT PERMITS FOR THE ERECTION OF TEMPORARY STRUCTURES IN THE FIRE LIMITS OF THE CITY. The City of Spolcane does ordain as follows ; Section 1. The Board of Public Works is hereby authorized to grant permits for the erection of tents and temporary structures in the fire limits of the city; provided, that said structures shall not be more than ten feet high and shall not be roofed or covered, and that such tents and structures shall bo removed permanently ninety days from the date of the issuance of the permit. Sec. 2. Whereas, an emergency exists, this ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its adoption. Passed the City Council August 20, 1901. ORDINANCE NO. 333. AN ORDINANCE TO CREATE AND ESTABLISH A FIRE ALARM TELEGRAPH IN THE CITY OF SPOKANE FALLS. The City of Spokane Falls does ordain as follows : Section 1. That a system of fire alarm telegraph is hereby estab- lished in the City of Spokane Falls, and the same shall be immediately erected and placed in operation. Sec. 2. Said fire alarm shall consist of fourteen noninterference fire alarm boxes, not less than six miles of wire, with a sounder to the firebell at the central station; and one gong at the waterworks, with such other attachments and paraphernalia as may be necessary to make said system as complete and perfect as possible. Sec. 3. Said system, when the same shall have been completed, shall be under the direction of the Chief of the Fire Department, sub- ject to the order of the City Council; and it shall be the duty of the Chief of the Fire Department to cause the same to be kept in good repair, and he shall be responsible therefor, and to that end he may, from time to time, detail a member of the Fire Department to patrol, examine and repair the lines as may be necessary. It shall be the further duty of said Chief to cause the said lines to be tested at 12 o’clock noon and at 8 o’clock evening of each day. 15 226 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE Sec. 4. Within three days after the passage of this ordinance it shall be the duty of the City Clerk to prepare and cause to he pub- lished in a daily newspaper published in the City of Boston, Mass.; one daily newspaper published in the City of San Francisco, Cal.; one daily newspaper published in the City of Minneapolis, Minn., and in the official newspaper of Spokane Falls, an advertisement calling for sealed proposals for the erection of said fire alarm telegraph, with such specifications therein as may be directed by the Mayor in con- junction w T ith the Committee on Fire, Water and Sewers. Said adver- tisement shall be published for three days, and shall call for the pro- posals as aforesaid to be submitted to the City Council at a time fixed therein, not more than thirty days after the passage of this ordinance, and with such security for the performance of the bid as may be directed by the Mayor and said committee. Sec. 5. At the first meeting of the City Council after the time fixed for the reception of said proposals, the City Council shall publicly open and examine all proposals received, and shall award the contract for the erection of said fire alarm telegraph to the lowest bidder for a system to be approved by the City Council, or it may reject all bids and cause a new advertisement for proposals. Sec. 6. Immediately upon the passage of this ordinance the Chief of the Fire Department shall apportion the city into fourteen fire dis- tricts and report the same to the City Council for its approval, and if the same shall be approved they shall constitute the fire districts of the City of Spokane Falls; or said districts may be modified and changed by the Council, and the same as modified and changed shall constitute the fire districts of the city. So soon as said districts shall be established it shall be the duty of the Chief of the Fire Department to prepare and report to the City Council a code of fire signals for said fire alarm telegraph, and when the same shall have been approved it shall constitute the fire alarm signals of the city; the said signals shall be printed upon cards and distributed throughout the city for information. Sec. 7. The City Council may from time to time cause said fire alarm telegraph to be extended by an ordinance therefor, and may cause said code of signals to be enlarged and new fire districts to be added by a resolution to that effect, but in no case shall the boundaries of said districts be changed until a full description of the new bounda- ries shall have been published for five days in two daily newspapers of said city, and cards shall have been printed and distributed as aforesaid, containing a statement of the districts as changed, with the time when said change will take place. Sec. 8. It shall be the duty of the Chief of the Fire Department to distribute the keys of the alarm boxes to reputable citizens residing or doing business in the immediate vicinity of said boxes, in every case taking a receipt therefor in a book to be kept for that purpose. Upon demand the Chief of Police shall turn over to the Chief of the Fire De- MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 227 partment the receipts which he may have taken for such keys, and all keys which he may have in his possession or under his control, and the Chief of the Fire Department shall thereafter be responsible for said keys, and may call them in and redistribute them as he may deem proper. As amended September 3, 1890, by ordinance No. 490. Sec. 9. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect five days after its passage and publication. Passed the City Council September 4, 1889. ORDINANCE NO. A894. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE INVESTMENT OF TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS FROM THE HOSPITAL FUND OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT IN SUCH SECURITIES AS ARE AUTHORIZED BY SECTION 6 OF ORDINANCE NO. A80. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows : Section 1. The City Comptroller, by and with the consent of the Mayor, is hereby authorized to invest the sum of two thousand dollars from the hospital fund of the Fire Department of the City of Spokane, Washington, in bonds of the City of Spokane, Spokane County, or State of Washington, or warrants of the City of Spokane, or County of Spokane. Said securities shall be deposited with the City Treasurer, who shall be the custodian of the same at all times. Sec. 2. Whereas, an emergency exists, this ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its adoption. Passed the City Council November 21, 1899. ORDINANCE NO. A80. AN ORDINANCE TO CREATE A HOSPITAL FUND FOR THE FIRE DEPARTMENT AND TO REGULATE ITS CARE AND DISBURSEMENT THEREOF; AND TO REPEAL AN ORDINANACE ENTITLED “AN ORDINANCE TO CREATE A HOSPITAL FUND FOR THE FIRE DEPARTMENT AND TO REGULATE ITS CARE AND DISBURSEMENT,” PASSED AUGUST 13, 1890; ALSO TO REPEAL AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED “AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AN ORDINANCE TO CREATE A HOSPITAL FUND FOR THE FIRE DEPARTMENT AND REGULATE ITS CARE AND DISBURSEMENT,” PASSED DECEMBER 21, 1890. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows : Section 1. A hospital fund for the Fire Department of the City of Spokane is hereby created, which fund shall be raised, constituted and augmented as hereinafter provided. Sec. 2. There shall be deducted from the salary or pay of each officer or regular member of the Fire Department force the sum of one dollar for each month, and the same shall be placed in a separate column upon the pay roll, and the aggregate amount thereof shall be transferred and paid into the hospital fund. 228 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE Sec. 3. All fines which shall be levied upon any regular member of the Fire Department by its Chief, as provided in the ordinances organizing the Fire Department or regulations of such Fire Depart- ment, shall be deducted on the pay roll from the amount due such member, and the Comptroller shall issue a pay check in favor of the hospital fund for all hospital dues and fines deducted from the pay rolls of the Fire Department, which pay check shall be delivered to the Treasurer, who shall receipt therefor and credit the same to the hospital fund. Sec. 4. The City Treasurer shall receive and place in the hospital fund all gifts or donations of money from any source, and shall exe- cute duplicate receipts thereof, delivering one of such receipts to the person or persons from whom such donation or gift was received and filing the other in the office of the Board of Fire Commissioners, and all such moneys shall be accounted for in the hospital fund. Sec. 5. All donations or gifts of money made to the Fire Depart- ment, on account of services rendered at a fire, shall be deemed to be a donation or gift to the hospital fund, and shall be delivered to the City Treasurer and converted into such fund. Sec. 6. The City Treasurer shall be custodian of the hospital fund, which shall not be regarded as any part of the City fund, as City Treasurer, and shall be accountable to the city therefor upon his offi- cial bond the same as for other funds of the city, but the said Treas- urer, upon the recommendation of the City Comptroller and the Chief of the Fire Department, in writing, may invest said fund, or any part thereof, in the bonds of the City of Spokane, Spokane County, or State of Washington, or warrants of the City of Spokane, or County of Spokane. As amended by Ordinance No. A1157, passed April 29, 1902. Sec. 7. The hospital fund shall be devoted to the care of sick and disabled firemen upon the regular fire force of the city, or any person who shall be injured while acting as fireman at any fire under the orders of the Mayor or Chief of the Fire Department, and for the care of destitute firemen’s widows and orphans. As amended by ordinance No. A627, passed January 21, 1896. Sec. 8. The funds shall be dispersed for the purposes aforesaid and none other. Upon the sickness or injury of any member of the Fire Department entitled to the fund in this act mentioned, the Captain of the station shall immediately report to the Chief of the Fire Depart- ment and the President of the Board of Fire Commissioners, the name, or the nature of his injury, and the member so reported shall be enti- tled to and there shall be paid from said hospital fund the expenses incurred for drugs and nurse hire as certified to by the attending physi- cian (who shall be employed by and be under the direction of the Fire Commissioners, but with the understanding that said physician shall in no sense be considered a city officer, nor shall the city become in any way liable for his compensation) and the Chief of the Fire De- MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 229 partment, and in the event there is no physician employed, shall be certified to by the Chief of the Fire Department alone. There shall be paid from said fund to any member otherwise entitled to the same in the event of disability by sickness, the sum of one dollar per day; and where members are injured in the discharge of their duty they shall be allowed two dollars per day out of the hospital fund for the time lost on account of such injury, and substitutes for such injured or sick member to be placed on the pay roll and paid by the city. In case any fireman in active service in the Fire Department shall die while in said service, or shall die from the result of injuries received while in the service of the Fire Department, his widow, if any there be, shall receive from the said fund the sum of five dollars per month during the time she shall remain unmarried, and should said deceased fireman leave any children, the widow or custodian of said children shall receive, for their benefit exclusively, the sum of two dollars per month for each child while under the age of fifteen years. The Comp- troller shall issue warrants upon the hospital fund for such amounts as shall be due under the provisions of this section, upon the certificate of the Captain of the station to which the fireman belongs, approved by the Board of Fire Commissioners. As amended by ordinance No. A627, passed the City Council Jan- uary 21, 1896. Sec. 9. An ordinance entitled “An ordinance to create a hospital fund for the Fire Department and to regulate its care and disburse- ment,” passed August 13, 1890, is hereby repealed, and an ordinance entitled “An ordinance to amend an ordinance to create a hospital fund for the Fire Department and to regulate its care and disburse- ment,” passed December 21, 1890, is hereby repealed; and all ordi- nances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 10. This ordinance shall take effect ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council August 21, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. A267. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO EIRE ESCAPES, STANDPIPES, IRON DOORS, SHUT- TERS AND GRATINGS. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. It shall be the duty of each and every owner, agent or lessee of every building occupied as a tenement, boarding cr lodging house, or for a factory, mill or manufactory, or for offices or workshop, in which persons are employed above the second floor, and of every building more than two stories in height used as a scnool building, to provide each and every such building with suitable facilities for escape in case of fire, and to keep the said facilities in good repair at all times and free from all obstructions and sufficient for the safe egress, in case of fire, of all persons usually employed in or frequenting any such building. 2 3 0 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE Sec. 2. Every building of four or more stories in height in the city shall immediately upon the passage of this ordinance be, by the owner, agent or lessee of such building, provided with one or more metallic ladders or fire escapes, with balconies and railings to extend in front of and to communicate with one window in each story, extending from the first story to upper stories of such building or buildings, to four feet above the roof. Said ladders or fire escapes shall be of such loca- tion and numbers and of such material and construction as Ihe Board of Fire Commissioners of the city may determine. After such deter- mination shall have been made as aforesaid, any member of the said Board of Fire Commissioners may, at any time, by a notice in writing served on the owner, agent or lessee of any such building, by leaving with such owner, agent or lessee, or at his, or her, or their residence or place of business a copy of such notice, cause such metallic ladders or fire escapes to be placed upon such building in the locations and of such material and construction as the said Board of Fire Commission- ers may have determined, within thirty days after the service of such notice upon the owner, agent or lessee aforesaid. Provided , however, that all buildings more than two stories in height used for manufacturing purposes shall have one metallic ladder or fire escape for every twenty-five persons or less employed above the second floor. Sec. 3. Every building of four stories or more in height situated in the City of Spokane shall be by the owner, agent or lessee of such building provided with a four inch metallic standpipe outside of the front wall, extending from four feet above the line of the sidewalk to four feet above the roof, and at each story there shall be branches with gate-valves, and there shall be a Siamese inlet four feet above the line of the sidewalk, and a Siamese outlet at the end of the pipe over the roof, with gate-valves attached, all to be made of proper dimensions and to connect with the hose used by the fire department of the City of Spokane. All valves to open and close as the Chief of the said Fire Department may determine. Sec. 4. All owners, occupants or the person or persons having control of any building on which iron shutters are placed shall leave all such iron shutters above the first story opened and fitted so that the firemen can readily close them when needed to protect the building from fire. All iron doors and shutters to openings on the first story of any building shall be hung on hinges, and the locks shall be so arranged as to admit of easy destruction by the Fire Department; provided, that all iron doors or shutters shall be securely fastened in the wall or hung to an iron frame. This shall apply to all iron doors or shutters in the front, on the sides, or in the rear of any building, and in no case shall all the iron doors and shutters of a building be fastened from the inside, but at least one of such doors in the front, one on the side and one in the rear shall be fastened with a lock as above described. Sec. 5'. No gratings or bars of wood, iron, brass or other material MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 231 shall be either temporarily or permanently placed, fixed, built or main- tained in the walls or framework of any brick, stone or wooden build- ing in this city, in the basement or in any story or portion of any story of any building, or in the openings made for affording access or exit to or from any building, or in any space or opening for affording light or air, or in any opening made in any building for doors, windows or other purpose, without permission of the City Council. Sec. 6. Any person or persons violating this ordinance or any of the provisions thereof shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined in a sum not less than ten dollars and not more than seventy-five dollars and costs of prosecution. Sec. 7. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 8. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council December 20, 1892. ORDINANCE NQ. A791. AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR THE PREVENTION OF FIRE AND ACCIDENTS THEREBY, FOR THE PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY THEREFROM; PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATING THE PROVISIONS HEREOF, AND RE- PEALING ORDINANCE NO. 235, ENTITLED “AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR THE PREVENTION OF ACCIDENTS BY FIRE AND THE PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY ENDANGERED THEREBY,” PASSED FEBRUARY 6, 1889. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows : Section 1. All buildings hereafter erected within the fire limits of the City of Spokane, as now established, or as may hereafter be establish, shall have their outside walls and party walls made of brick, stone or other noncombustible material, and such outside walls and party walls shall extend from the foundation to the top and through the roof of said buildings; and the roof shall be covered with tin or some other noncombustible material, and the walls shall be so con- structed as to separate all woodwork, both of the interior and exterior of such buildings, thoroughly and completely, from all and every other part of the interior and exterior of any adjoining building. The outer walls of all brick or stone buildings hereafter to be erected for a one story building shall not be less than eight inches in thickness; for two stories, not less than twelve inches for the first story, and eight inches for the second story. If more than two stories, the walls of each story shall be at least twelve inches in thickness, except the upper story, and that shall be at least eight inches in thickness; and all the walls shall be securely anchored with iron anchors to each tier of beams, said anchors to be made of l%x% flat or % round iron; said anchors shall be securely built into the wall at intervals of not more than eight feet apart and well fastened to the beams. No brick or 232 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE stone walls shall be supported upon stringers of wood in any portion of the city. It shall be the duty of the Inspector of Buildings to see that this section of the ordinance is complied with in every particular. Sec. 2. All repairs to buildings constructed of brick, stone or other noncombustible materials shall be made to conform to this ordinance. Sec. 3. No wooden building within the said fire limits shall be altered or changed without the written permission of the Board of Public Works, which permit shall specify fully the alteration or change required, and no such permit shall be given if any increase shall be made by the proposed change or alteration in the size of any wooden building within said fire limits, or if such repairs or alterations will increase the value of such building more than twenty-five per cent. The application therefor and a copy of each of such permits shall be kept on file in the office of the Board of Public Works, provided, that not more than one permit shall be issued to repair any one building, except to repair damages caused by fire. Sec. 4. No building within said fire limits shall be removed, except to a portion of the same lot on which it may have stood to make room for more permanent improvements, or to a point outside the fire limits. Sec. 5. Whenever any building or structure shall be by any means so injured as to be, in the judgment of the Inspector of Buildings, or the Board of Fire Commissioners, a dangerous nuisance, or when any wooden building within the fire limits shall, in the judgment of the Inspector of Buildings, and the Board of Fire Commissioners, be dam- aged by fire to the extent of thirty-five per cent, or more of its actual value, the Inspector of Buildings shall immediately cause to be served upon the owner or person having control thereof a notice requiring such person to remove the same forthwith, and the person receiving such notice shall, within five days after receiving same, comply with the requirements thereof, and any person or persons violating this section shall, on conviction thereof before the Police or other court having jurisdiction, be punished by a fine of not less than ten or more than one hundred dollars, and each day of maintaining or con- tinuing such violation shall be deemed a new offense and be punished accordingly; and said defendant shall be committed to jail until said fine is paid; and upon conviction of any person under this section the Inspector of Buildings, or the Board of Fire Commissioners, shall direct the Chief of Police to forthwith tear down or remove such building, and the expense of so doing shall be paid in the first instance by the city, and the same shall be recovered from the defendant in an action for that purpose. Provided, that, if in the judgment of the Inspector of Buildings, or the Board of Fire Commissioners, the said building, structure, or the remains thereof and any part thereof, is in such condi- tion that it will not remain without falling or breaking for five days, then the said Inspector shall have the right and power to tear down or put said building, or structure, or remains thereof, in such condition as MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 233 *n their judgment shall be necessary for the safety and comfort of the public. Sec. 6. All roofs shall be so constructed as to he reached by a scuttle, the same shall be at least twenty by thirty inches, the frame and lid covered by metal, and shall have a stationary ladder communi- cating with the scuttle. Provided, that, when considered necessary, the Inspector of Buildings, or Board of Fire Commissioners, may order more than one scuttle to be constructed in any roof. The roofs of all adjoining buildings, if of unequal height, or separated by a barrier, shall be connected by stationary iron steps or ladders, and the expense of providing same shall be borne jointly by the owners of said joined buildings. Sec. 7. All cornices, gutters, eaves and parapets (above first story of business buildings and above thirty feet from grade or sidewalk in all other buildings) shall be made of noncombustible material. Pro- vided, that all cornices within the fire limits, where constructed of metal, shall be supported on iron brackets properly anchored into walls, and to have iron bar or pipe extending the full length of the cornice and bolted to each bracket in such manner as to support fire ladders hung onto same. All cornices are to be riveted together and be bolted to iron brackets. As amended by Ordinance No. A1042, passed the City Council May 8, 1901. Sec. 8. That every chimney or flue that may hereafter be built in any frame building within the city shall have walls of good quality of brick or stone at least four inches in thickness, which shall be com- menced at the ground, excepting in houses not more than one story in height, and be laid in good lime mortar, and be plastered on the inside, and, when passing through or near the woodwork, be plastered on the outside; no chimney or flue shall be built which shall have any joist or timber resting on or extending into the same. Such chimneys shall be well secured, and shall extend at least four feet above the roof of the building to which they are attached, measuring from the point where each chimney or flue passes through the roof, and should such chimneys or flues be deemed by the Inspector of Buildings or the Board of Fire Commissioners unsafe to the building, or buildings adjoining, they shall be carried up to such height as may be necessary, not to exceed four feet above the extreme height of said building or buildings adjoining. When necessary to extend any chimney over four feet above the roof of the building from which it comes, such extension may be made of iron of not less than fourteen gauge, and must be securely guyed and anchored, which guys or anchors may be attached to the building to be protected in a manner satisfactory to the Inspector of Buildings. Sec. 9. No smoke pipe, in any building with wooden or combustible floors and ceilings, shall enter any flue unless said pipe shall be at least eighteen inches from either floors or ceilings; and in all cases 234 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE when smoke pipes pass through wooden partitions of any kind, whether the same be plastered or not, they shall be guarded by a double collar of metal, with at least two inches of air space, and holes for ventila- tion, or by a soapstone ring not less than four inches in thickness and extending through the partition, or by a solid coat of plaster of paris three inches thick, or by an earthenware ring the inside diameter of which shall be three inches larger than the pipe. Sec. 10. No stove pipe or smoke pipe shall pass through any win- dow, side or roof of any building, unless by a permit granted by the Inspector of Buildings, or Board of Fire Commissioners, and such per- mit shall designate the time for which such leave was granted. The opening where the pipe goes through the side of the building shall be in all cases at least four inches in diameter larger than the size of the pipe, and be protected by a double collar of metal, or otherwise, as in the case of passing through partitions, and tin or zinc on the inside or outside of such opening. Sec. 11. No smoke pipe shall be placed nearer than ten inches to any wooden or frame plastered wall, wooden casing or finish, except at right angles therewith in passing through the same, nor nearer than sixteen inches to the wall of any adjoining building. Sec. 12. All smoke pipes passing through the roof of any building shall extend at least four feet above the roof of the building to which they are attached, measuring from the point where each passes through the roof, and if, in the opinion of the Inspector of Buildings, or the Board of Fire Commissioners, they are deemed unsafe to the building or buildings adjoining, they shall be carried up to such a height as shall be deemed necessary, not to exceed four feet above the extreme height of said building adjoining; provided, that no owner, proprietor, superin- tendent, agent or occupant of any steam saw or planing mill, or factory of any kind, or any foundry or machine shop or any establishment where steam power is used, shall use or continue the use of or maintain or erect any smokestack or chimney, in connection with such establish- ment, of less than twenty feet above the adjoining buildings or those adjacent thereto. Sec. 13. If, in the opinion of the Inspector of Buildings, or Board of Fire Commissioners, a sheet iron pipe is not sufficient for the safety of a building or buildings, he or they shall inform the ownep or occu- pant thereof and order a brick chimney, which order shall be complied within ten days; provided, that hotels and restaurants shall, in all cases, provide brick chimneys in place of stove pipes. All owners or occupants of any buildings within the city in which there is a smoke pipe shall, when notified by the Inspector of Buildings, or Board of Fire Commissioners, comply with the foregoing requirement, and also replace a bad or defective smoke pipe with a new one when ordered. Sec. 14. When the flue, smoke pipe or chimney shall be deemed by the Inspector of Buildings, or Board of Fire Commissioners, to be un- safe, the Inspector of Buildings, or the Board of Fire Commissioners, MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 235 shall notify, in writing, the owner or occupant of the building that the same must be repaired or removed within ten days, and the said owner or occupant so notified shall within said time repair or remove the same. Sec. 15. It shall be unlawful for any person to deposit any ashes in any wooden vessel or on any wooden floor within tne city, or deposit them in any place, on their own or other premises, that will be nearer than ten feet to any woodwork. Sec. 16. The manufacture of matches, tow, excelsior, the storage of excelsior, except in bales, and all other extra hazardous avocations are hereby prohibited within the fire limits of the City of Spokane; and the manufacture of set ammunition, fireworks, and the distillation or manufacture of naphtha, coal or other inflammable oils are hereby pro- hibited within the limits of the City of Spokane. Sec. 17. No person shall use any portable light in any room where naphtha, bezoine, gasoline, turpentine, coal oil, alcohol, excelsior, hay, straw, shoddy, shavings, sea moss, flax, jute or any explosive or highly inflammable liquid or materials are kept or handled, unless such light be securely enclosed in a lantern. Sec. 18. Spark arrestors shall be placed on all chimneys or smoke stacks used for conveying the smoke of any steam boiler or steam en- gine whenever deemed by the Inspector of Buildings or Board of Fire Commissioners necessary for the safety of adjoining property. Sec. 19. Every person making or using shavings shall, at the close of each day, cause the same to be securely stored or disposed of so as to be safe from fire. No person shall, within the fire limits of the city, have, keep or put any hay or straw in a stack or pile without having the same enclosed or secured so as to protect it from fire, to the satis- faction of the Inspector of Buildings or Board of Fire Commissioners. Sec. 20. The Inspector of Buildings, the Board of Fire Commis- sioners, the Chief and Assistant Chief of the Fire Department or any member of the Fire Department having written authority from the Board of Fire Commissioners, shall at all times haye the right to enter any building within the city for the purpose of discovering or ascer- taining any violation of this ordinance; and it shall be the duty of each of said officials, or men, to see that the provisions of this ordinance are enforced, and to make complaint to the Police Justice or court having jurisdiction for violation thereof. Sec. 21. That any person or persons who shall wilfully or mali- ciously make a false alarm of fire shall, upon conviction before the Police Justice or court having jurisdiction thereof, be fined not less than twenty dollars, nor more than fifty dollars, or be imprisoned in the city jail not more than twenty days, for each and every offense, as the court or judge may determine. Sec. 22. No person shall make or cause to be made, within the city, any open fire for burning rubbish or other combustible material on any street, alley or lot within thirty feet of any building, and no person 236 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE shall make or cause to be made within the city any open fire for burn- ing rubbish or other combustible material on any street, alley or lot without the written consent of the Board of Fire Commissioners or the Chief of the Fire Department. As amended by ordinance No. A803, passed the City Council December 6, 1898. Sec. 23. No rendering kettle, or receptacle for rendering grease or tallow, and no boiling kettle for candy factories or confectioneries shall be used in any building, unless it is placed securely cn a foundation of brick, stone, concrete or other noncombustible material; and said foundation shall extend at least two feet on each side of said kettle or receptacle. Sec. 24. No person shall, within the city limits, boil any rosin, tar, pitch, turpentine, varnish or any other inflammable substance unless, the same be done in an open space at least thirty feet from any build- ing or other property which might be injured thereby, or in a fireproof building; provided, that before so doing, written permission must be obtained from the Board of Fire Commissioners or Chief of Fire De- partment. Sec. 25. The Chief of the Fire Department, and his assistants, are required to see that all of the provisions of this ordinance are enforced, and to make complaint for all violations thereof to the Police Court, or court having jurisdiction. Sec. 26. All churches, hotels, theaters, and all other buildings used for public assemblages, shall have such means of ingress and egress as the Inspector of Buildings or the Board of Fire Commis- sioners shall approve, and all doors to the main entrance to such buildings shall open both inwardly and outwardly, when said Inspector of Buildings or Board of Fire Commissioners shall, in writing, so di- rect; and all doors and means of egress in such buildings, while being used for assemblages of any kind, shall be kept unfastened, so they may be immediately opened, if necessary, and shall be so kept until such assemblages are entirely dispersed; and all buildings hereafter erected, altered or changed and intended to be used for public gather- ings or assemblages shall have the main aisles and passage ways at least four feet in width; provided, that all main entrances to such buildings hereafter erected, with the exception of churches, shall not be less than eight feet in width. Sec. 27. All the main aisles and passageways in the buildings used for public assemblages shall be kept by the person or persons having charge or control thereof, free from camp stools, chairs, sofas, benches, or other obstructions during any service, performance, exhibition, lec- ture, concert, ball or any other public assemblage whatever. Sec. 28. Every person occupying or using a building in which there is a hoist-way or well-hole through the floor or floors shall keep such hoist-way or well-hole, when not in actual use, surrounded by a sub- stantial railing, and shall cause the same to be securely closed at night by trap doors. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 237 Sec. 29. That no person shall open any of the fire hydrants of the city, except he belong to the Fire Department or is acting under orders from the Chief of the Fife Department, or his assistants, or by the authority of the Board of Fire Commissioners, or Superintendent of Water Works. Sec. 30. That no person shall keep, in any building within the fire limits of this city, more than twenty-five pounds of dynamite, blasting or giant powder or gunpowder, which must be kept in some receptacle of iron, so that in case of fire it can be conveniently moved. Not more than fifty gallons of coal oil, ten gallons of naphtha, ten gallons of benzine, ten gallons of gasoline, or ten gallons of any other liquid ex- plosive shall be kept at any one time in any building within the fire limits. Sec. 31. It shall be unlawful to use the public fire alarm, except when an alarm of fire is given, or by permission of the Board of Fire Commissioners. Sec. 32. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to maintain in any building an elevator, unless the bottom of said elevator well is walled up on all sides with brick walls at least eight inches thick, extending from floor of basement to the under side of ground floor, and such walls shall be supplied with self closing fire doors opening into the basement of said building. Sec. 33. No person, firm or corporation shall use any building, or any room in any building, within the fire limits as a packing house or room where straw, hay, shavings, excelsior, or other inflammable ma- terials, is used for packing purposes, unless such building or room so used shall be so constructed as to be fire proof; and any room or rooms so used shall be separated from all other rooms and buildings by fire proof walls, floors and ceilings. All openings into such buildings, room or rooms shall be provided with fire proof doors or shutters, which shall be securely closed when such buildings, room or rooms are not in use for such packing. Sec. 34. Every room, the doors or windows of which open upon the street, yard, alley or court, in buildings over two stories in height occupied as a hotel or lodging house, shall be by the owner of said building, or the person having charge thereof, provided with a coil of rope three-quarters inch in diameter, sufficiently long to extend to the ground, one end of which shall be securely attached to the base- board in such room by a hook or ring. Sec. 35. Every owner, agent or lessee of a building upon which fire escapes are located shall keep conspicuously placed in the halls of said buildings signs showing locations of said fire escapes, or any means of egress from said buildings other than stairways. Sec. 36. Every building now or hereafter erected of more than two stories in height shall either have upon each floor above the second at least one hallway for every seventy-five feet of frontage, or fraction thereof exceeding forty feet, extending through said building to the 238 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE front, sides or rear thereof, and there shall be either a door or window in the wall at the outside end of each hallway to provide easy access to fire escapes, or the owner, agent or lessee may have the option of pro- viding an iron balcony, extending across said building in front of the windows at each floor above the second, and said balcony to be provided with iron fire ladders or iron stairways at such points as may be deter- mined by the Board of Fire Commissioners. It shall be the duty of the Inspector of Buildings, or the Board of Fire Commissioners, to notify the owner of all buildings of three or more stories in which such hall- ways now open into rooms to make such changes within thirty days from date of notice as will cause said hallways to conform to the pro- visions of this ordinance. Sec. 37. Such notice shall be served in writing, and left at the office or residence of the owner, agent or lessee of said building, with some person of suitable age residing therein, or in charge thereof. If the parties so notified shall fail to comply with said notice within thirty days, they shall, upon conviction, be fined in a sum not less than ten dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars, and shall stand committed until said fine is paid at the rate of three dollars for each day of im- prisonment; or the Inspector of Buildings or Board of Fire Commis- sioners shall cause such changes to be made at the expense of said owner, and the same may be collected in an action at law for that purpose. Sec. 38. No plans for the construction of any building over two stories high shall be approved by the Inspector of Buildings unless said plans shall provide for the construction of such fire escapes, stand- pipes, scuttles and stairways, brick elevator walls in basement, and hallways, as provided in this and other ordinances of this city. Sec. 39. It shall be unlawful for the owner, agent, tenant, lessee or occupant of any building within the fire limits of the city to permit rubbish, waste paper, straw, hay, rags, excelsior or any other waste material to accumulate in area ways, basements, halls, closets or light wells. It shall be the duty of the Chief or Assistant Chief of the Fire Department to notify, in writing, the owner, agent, tenant, lessee or occupant of the buildings in which such accumulations of rubbish are found to remove the same forthwith, and the person receiving such notice shall, within twelve hours after receiving same, comply with the requirements thereof, and any person or persons violating this section shall, on conviction thereof before the Police Court or other court having jurisdiction, be punished by a fine of not less than ten or more than one hundred dollars, and each day of maintaining or continuing such violation shall be deemed a new offense and be punished accord- ingly, and said defendant shall be committed to jail until said fine is paid. Sec. 40. Any building or structure, or any room therein or any part thereof, erected, maintained or conducted contrary to the pro- visions of this ordinance, and each act or omission to act in accordance MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 239 with the terms and conditions hereof is hereby declared to be a nuisance. Sec. 41. A violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance, ex- cept where otherwise provided herein, shall be punished by a fine of not less than five nor more than one hundred dollars, or by imprison* ment in the city jail not less than three nor more than thirty days, and the continuing or maintaining of such violation shall be deemed a new offense for each day on which the same is so continued or maintained, and shall be punished accordingly. Whenever, under this ordinance, a fine is imposed the court may also, provide that the person fined shall remain in jail until said fine is paid; and whenever such order or judgment is entered the person imprisoned shall receive credit on said fine at the rate of three dollars for every day of imprisonment after the entry of judgment. Sec. 42. That ordinance No. 235, entitled “An ordinance to provide for the prevention of accidents by fire and the protection of persons and property endangered thereby,” passed February 6, 1889, be and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. 43. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed by the City Council October 19, 1898. 240 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE CHAPTER XIII. Water Department. ORDINANCE NO. A1113. AN ORDINANCE REGULATING AND CONTROLLING THE USE OF WATER SUPPLIED BY THE CITY OF SPOKANE, WASHINGTON, AND FIXING THE RATES THEREON. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows : Section 1. That application for a permit to connect any property with the city water service must be made in writing by the owner of the property or his authorized agent, on a blank form furnished by the Superintendent of the Water Department at his office. This form of application shall contain an agreement that the applicant will at all times conform to and be governed by the rules and regulations of the Water Department of the City of Spokane; also a statement of the purposes for which water is to be used, the number and kind of fixtures and the number of rooms in the building. Plumbers are prohibited from connecting with the service pipes at the property line until such permit has been furnished him by the owner of the property. Sec. 2. All service pipes from the main, or from other service pipes to the property line (including service cock to be placed one foot inside of the curb line), will be put in by the city, the cost of which will be charged to the property owner, and no water will be furnished said property until all of the charges have been paid to the Collector of Water Rates; provided, that when areas have been excavated under the sidewalks the service pipes shall be laid by the city, only to the inside of the area wall. Sec. 3. When the property owner desires two or more service pipes on the same property, he shall so state in his application for a permit to connect, and separate service pipes will be run from a connection to be made inside the curb line, and stop-cocks will be put upon each of the separate services. Property owners will not be allowed to connect the water service of different properties together. The property owner must put in and maintain at his own expense all plumbing within his premises, and put in a stop-cocK, hy which the water may be shut off within his premises for purposes of repair. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 241 The city will not be liable for any damages that occur within his premises on account of defective pipes or fixtures. No connection with any properties will he allowed until the owner thereof shall obtain the property number for his house or building. Sec. 4. No extension of pipe, or increase of bathtubs, toilets or other fixtures, shall be made within any premises until a permit has first been obtained from the Superintendent of the Water Department, and any plumber making such extensions or putting in additional fix- tures without the owner of the property furnishing him such permit to make the extension may be refused a permit to do plumbing in the City of Spokane. The plumber making such extensions or charges shall report to the city water office within twenty-four hours after the completion of the work the extension and additional fixtures put in. Sec. 5. All service pipes shall be of lead or galvanized iron, and laid to a depth of not less than four feet below the established grade of the street. Sec. 6. Application for the use of water must be made by the owner of the property, or in his name by his authorized agent. Sec. 7. The property and property owners will be held responsible for the payment of all water rates. Change of ownership in the property will not remove the liability of the property for water rates due. Sec. 8. The Board of Public Works is authorized to divide the city into three districts, which shall be known as “District Number One,” “District Number Two” and “District Number Three.” The water rates will become due and payable quarterly, and in one district each month, as follows: In “District Number One” on or before January 20. 1902, and on the 20th of each third month thereafter. In “District Number Two” on or before February 20, 1902, and on the 20th of each third month thereafter. In “District Number Three” on or before the 20th of March, 1902, and on the 20th of each third month thereafter. Water rents at the established rates will be charged against the property from the date on which the water is ordered turned on by the property owner until the date upon which the property owner orders it turned off. Provided, that if ordered turned off between the 1st and 15th of the month a half month rental will be charged, and if ordered turned off between the 15th and the last day of the month, a month’s rental shall be charged. Sec. 9. Where water rates are not paid when due, a penalty of fifty cents will be added, and the water turned off at the curb cock as soon thereafter as possible, and will not be turned on again until all charges have been paid. Should the water be turned on after it has been turned off at the 16 242 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE curb cock without the consent of the Superintendent of the Water De- partment, it will he cut off at the main, and a charge of three dollars made for the expense of turning it off and on. If the street is paved, the charge of turning it off and on at the main will be twelve dollars. Sec. 10. No person will be allowed to furnish water to parties oc- cupying other premises without a written permit from the Superintend- ent of the Water Department. For a violation of this section the Superintendent of the Water De- partment shall order the water shut off from the premises where such water was furnished, and shall not be turned on until the water so furnished shall have been paid for at the regular rate, together with fifty cents additional charge for turning off and on. Sec. 11. Where water is allowed to waste on account of leaking 1 pipes or fixtures, or is used for irrigating purposes to such an extent as to run off the property or form pools of water, the Superintendent of the Water Department shall put in a meter, and collections of water rents will be made at meter rates. Sec. 12. The city, by its proper officers or employes, shall have ac- cess to any premises where water is furnished for the purpose of in- spection of pipes and fixtures. Stop-cocks and meter covers must be left accessible; the property owners are to refrain from covering them. Sec. 13. Hose connections may be put in for lawn sprinkling, but shall not stand more than four inches above the surface of the ground. They shall be provided with a cock and waste, also with a loose key for opening and closing the lawn hydrant. Where sill-cocks are used, they shall be provided with a cock inside the building, for opening and closing the same. All other faucets or bibs shall be inside the house or building to be supplied with water. Sec. 14. Where meters are used, one meter for each building will be furnished by the city without charge. The property owners to pay for putting the meter in place. The property owners must protect meters from freezing, and will be charged for the cost of repairs made necessary by allowing the meters to freeze. Sec. 15. No water will be furnished for irrigating or sprinkling purposes on property which does not pay water rates for other pur- poses, except through a meter and meter rates. Lawn rent will be charged where hose connections are on the prop- erty. Sec. 16. Water for building purposes will be furnished only by pay- ment in advance and on a written estimate of the manager or architect of the quantity of brick, stone, plastering or other materials for which the water is to be used. Sec. 17. The water may at any time be shut off from the main with- MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 243 out notice for repairs, extensions or other necessary purposes, and per- sons being supplied with city water are cautioned against danger of ex- plosion or collapse. The city will not be responsible for any damage that may occur on account of the shutting off of water for any of the above purposes. Sec. 18. No plumber, or other person, will be allowed to make con- nections with the city main, or make alterations in any conduit, pipe or other fixtures connecting therewith, or to connect pipes when they have been disconnected, or to turn water off or on any premises without per- mission from the Superintendent of the Water Department. Sec. 19. While water is furnished through a meter, if from any cause the meter fails to register, the property owner shall he charged for the average daily consumption as shown by the meter for the month previous. Sec. 20. Under no circumstances shall any plumber or other person turn on the water to any property at the curb cock, without permission of the Superintendent of the Water Department. Any plumber violating this section will be refused permission to make connection with the water service pipes. Sec. 21. The following rates shall be charged for water furnished by the city monthly: Minimum rates for any single service $1.00 Banks, exclusive of water closets 1.00 Bakeries, by meter. Barber shop, one chair 1.00 Barber shop, each additional chair 50 Bath tubs, private use 25 Bath tubs, public use, by meter. Boarding houses, ten rooms or less, regular family rates. Boarding houses, more than ten rooms, meter. Butcher shops (or by meter) $2.00 to $5.00 Breweries, meter. Cigar factories $1.00 to 5.00 Cattle, each 25 Dwelling houses, four rooms or less 1.00 Dwelling houses, five or six rooms 1.25 Dwelling houses, seven or eight rooms 1.50 Dwelling houses, nine or ten rooms 1.75 Dwelling houses, eleven or twelve rooms 2.00 Dwelling houses, thirteen or fourteen rooms 2.25 Dwelling houses, each additional room 15 Dyeing and scouring, by meter. Forges, one fire 1.00 Forges, each additional fire 75 Factories, not otherwise specified, by meter. Hotels, by meter. Horses and mules 25 244 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE Laundry, by meter. Offices 1.00 Photograph galleries $1.50 to 3.00 Saloons, meter. Stables, livery sale or feed, meter. Soda Fountains, each 1.00 Steam engines, by meter. Stores, drug (or by meter) $2.00 to 6.00 Stores, grocery (or by meter) $1.00 to 3.00 Stores, grocery, with vegetable sprinkler extra (or by meter) 3.50 Stores, dry goods and other (or by meter) $1.00 to 5.00 Stores, wholesale liquor (or by meter) ^3.00 to 6.00 Urinals, self-closing, each 50 Urinals, constant flow, by meter. Water closets, private 25 Water closets, public, by meter. Building Material. Stone, per cubic yard 08 Plastering, per 100 yards square 40 Brick, per 1,000 10 Concrete, per cubic yard 40 Lawn Sprinkling. Each lawn hydrant or sill-cock, per season 1.00 First 1,000 square feet or less 50 Next 6,000 square feet or less 40 Above 7,000 to 14,000 feet or less 30 For each 1,000 above 14,000 feet 20 Meter Rates. Minimum meter rate, per month 2.00 For water service by meter, per month, for 1,000 gallons 15 No charge shall be made for the use of meters, provided, but one meter will be furnished each property. For hospitals, sanitariums and like institutions, where fees are charged the inmates, for all water used in excess of 30,000 gallons per month, 5 cents per 1,000 gallons. Public schools, free. Strictly charitable institutions free. The use of water for all purposes not otherwise specified, by meter. As amended by ordinance No. A1152, passed April 9, 1902. Sec. 22. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance be and the same are hereby repealed. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after Janu- ary 1, 1902. Passed the City Council December 26, 1901. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 245 ORDINANCE NO. A1199. AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE USE OF WATER FOR SPRINKLING OR FOR IRRI- GATING PURPOSES, OR FOR WASHING OR CLEANING SIDEWALKS, AND PRE- SCRIBING THE PUNISHMENT FOR VIOLATION THEREOF, AND REPEALING ORDINANCES NOS. A642, a654 AND A710, AND ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows : Section 1. The use of water for sprinkling or irrigating purposes, or for washing or cleaning sidewalks is prohibited, except as follows, viz.: East of Howard street and Howard street extended on the north side of the Spokane river, and east of Howard street on the south side of the Spokane river (except all that portion of the city north of Cora avenue and Euclid avenue on the north side of the river, and on the south side of Fifth avenue, as hereinafter described), from 8 o’clock a. m. to 11 o’clock a. m., and from 7 o’clock p. m. to 10 o’clock p. m. West of Howard street and Howard street extended on the north side of the Spokane river, and west of Howard street on the south side of the Spokane river (except such portion of the city south of Fifth avenue as gets its supply of water from the stand-pipe, and that portion of the city north of Cora avenue), from 5 o’clock a. m. to 8 o’clock a. m., and from 4 o’clock p. m. to 7 o’clock p. m. That portion of the city supplied with water soutn of Fifth avenue described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the intersection of the east line of the Northern Pacific right-of-way and Fifth avenue; thence east along the center line of Fifth avenue to Perry street; thence south on the center line of Perry street to Celestia avenue; thence east along the center line of Celestia avenue to Pittsburg street; thence south along the center line of Pittsburg street to Eighth avenue; thence east on the center line of Eighth avenue to Eagle avenue; thence east on the center line of Eagle avenue to Bluff avenue; thence east on the center line of Bluff avenue to the east city limits; thence south on the east city limits to the south city limits; thence west on the south city limits to the Northern Pacific right-of-way; thence north along the Northern Pacific right-of-way to the place of beginning. And all that portion of the city north of Euclid avenue, east of Divis- ion street and that part of the city north of Cora avenue and west of Division street from 4 o’clock a. m. to half past 10 o’clock p. m. The above provisions providing for the hours of sprinkling and for washing or cleaning sidewalks shall not apply where water for such purposes is furnished through meters. Provided, that tne Board of Pub- lic Works may change the limits of the territory to be sprinkled within certain hours, if they deem it necessary. For each violation of the provisions of this section a penalty of $2.50 shall be imposed and taxed against the person to whom the ser- vice used therefor is supplied and the water turned off without notice, and where the water has been turned off for the violation of this sec- 246 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE tion it shall under no circumstances be turned on again until the pen- alty has been paid. As amended by ordinance No. A1385, passed June 18, 1903. Sec. 2. When an alarm of fire is given all hydrants shall be imme- diately turned off, and shall remain so turned off until after the fire shall be extinguished; and it shall be unlawful for any person to com- mit any waste of water at any time or to allow any water to run from any hydrant unless the same is used for some lawful purpose. Sec. 3. When an alarm of fire occurs during the hours the street sprinkling wagons are running, all drivers of such wagons shall stop drawing water from the hydrants until the fire department has stopped using water. Sec. 4. It shall be unlawful to have any hose used for sprinkling, as above provided, with an outlet or nozzle of a greater diameter than one-quarter (44) of an inch; and on all rotary sprinklers the sum or aggregate of the diameters of all the openings or outlets shall not ex- ceed one-quarter (44) of an inch. Sec. 5. Any person or persons violating any of the provisions of sections two, three and four of this ordinance shall be punished by a fine of not less than five dollars ($5.00) and not more than ten dollars ($10.00), and costs of prosecution. Sec. 6. That ordinances Nos. A642, A654 and A710, and all ordi- nances in conflict herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. 7. Whereas, as emergency exists, this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Passed the City Council August 12, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. A1060. AN ORDINANCE TO ABOLISH THE OFFICE OF REGISTER AND COLLECTOR OF WATER RATES, AND REQUIRING THE CITY TREASURER TO PERFORM CERTAIN DUTIES OF SAID OFFICE. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows : Section 1. That the office of the Register and Collector of Water Rates be and the same is hereby abolished. Sec. 2. That all water rates be hereafter paid to the City Treasurer, who shall, from and after the time this ordinance takes effect perform all the duties heretofore performed by the Register and Collector of Water Rates; provided, however, that the City Treasurer shall not prepare or keep the pay roll of the officers and employes of the water department, but such pay roll shall be prepared by the Superintendent of Water Works. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council June 18, 1901. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 247 ORDINANCE NO. 10. AN ORDINANCE TO PREVENT UNAUTHORIZED USE OF WATER WORKS. Be it ordained by the City of Spokane Falls: Section. 1. Whoever having a license or agreement with the City of Spokane for the use of water from the water works of said city, shall maliciously or fraudulently use or suffer the water therefrom to he used for purposes other than those specified in such license or agree- ment, or shall knowingly, maliciously or fraudulently suffer or permit any person not licensed or authorized by said city to take or use water from any hydrant, pipe or connection on the premises or under the con- trol of such person, or shall negligently or maliciously suffer the water to run therefrom without being used, shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars. Sec. 2. Whoever shall by himself, or by any person acting under his authority or direction, maliciously or fraudulently use or take water from any part of the water works of said city, without a license or permit from said city, or who shall knowingly, maliciously or fraud- ulently take or use water from any pipe or connection of said water works without a permit or license from said city, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Passed the City Council August 5, 1885. ORDINANCE NO. 343. AN ORDINANCE TO ORGANIZE THE WATER DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE FALLS. The City of Spokane Falls does ordain as follows : Section 1. That a department is hereby created for the purpose of the management of the waterworks of the city, and all matters apper- taining thereto, to be called the Water Department of the City of Spo- kane Falls. Sec. 2. The officers and employes of said department shall consist of a Superintendent of the Water Department, an engineer and two assistant engineers of the waterworks, a Register and Collector of Water Rates, and such other employes as may be necessary for the efficient working of said department; which said employes shall be provided for as the necessity therefor may arise, by resolution or ordinance of the City Council. Sec. 3. The Superintendent of the Water Department shall have full charge, subject to the orders of the City Council, of the entire con- structed water system of the city, and shall have control and direction of the officers and employes herein provided for. He shall propose 248 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE plans, specifications and estimates for extension of the waterworks as may be required by the City Council, and shall supervise all such ex- tensions when ordered to be made by the proper authority; he shall cause to be kept at the waterworks station a register of the pressure upon the pumps for each day in the year, and shall preserve such reg- ister as one of the records of his office; he shall cause to be opened and kept by the Register and Collector of Water Rates a set of books to be called “property books” of the water department, upon which shall be taken up as a charge against said water department all the property now in existence and belonging to said department, with the cost thereof, as near as can be ascertained, and containing the location and extent of the various mains and extensions belonging to the city, and a statement of the location and character of all gates, valves, cut-offs and hydrants, and such other matter and material as may be necessary to a complete understanding and location of all parts of said works. There shall also be entered upon said books as a charge against the water department all extensions thereof, with the cost, and all material purchased for the water department with a particular description of such material, with the cost thereof, and duplicate vouchers therefor shall be filed in the office of the water department, and when any such material shall have been used, lost or destroyed, or otherwise expended, the same shall be entered upon the books as a credit, and vouchers showing the manner of its use, destruction, loss or expenditure shall be filed in the office of the water department, and if the use of the same shall be as a part of the permanent system, it shall be charged back to the cost of the works. All vouchers for materials purchased either by contract or other- wise, and for all material used, lost, destroyed or expended, shall be in duplicate, and at the end of each month duplicate abstracts from such vouchers shall be made and certified as correct by the Superintendent of the Water Department, and one copy of such vouchers and abstract shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk, and the other copy shall remain on file in the office of the water department. Vouchers for ma- terial used or expended shall be verified by the certificate of the Super- intendent, and vouchers for material lost or destroyed shall be verified by the affidavit of some person having a knowledge thereof. Sec. 4. The Superintendent shall also cause to be procured and opened a set of books to be called the “Water Rate Books,” and in the same shall be entered in the most suitable order for easy reference a record of all taps which have been heretofore or which hereafter may be made to the water mains, stating the exact location thereof, with a description of the premises to be supplied, and in suitable columns an account of bathtubs, water closets, laundries, lawn sprinklers, etc., upon the premises, together with the rates as applied to the premises, with the date at which the connection was made, columns for the amount due for fines, for the amount paid and the date when paid, and MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 249 such other material as may be necessary to a full and clear account of the subject matter. All rates shall he payable on the first of every month, and at least once each month or oftener, if the Superintendent of the Water De- partment shall so order, a full abstract shall be made of all moneys received during the preceding month, and of all connections made with the mains as aforesaid, which shall be filed in the office of the City Treasurer. On the fifteenth day of each month, or oftener, if the City Council shall so order, all moneys received by the water department shall be paid over to the City Treasurer, and such moneys so paid shall be cred- ited by the said City Treasurer to a fund to be created by him to be called the “Water Department Fund," and duplicate receipts taken therefor, one of which shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk, and one remain on file in the office of the water department. Sec. 5. On the first Monday of April and the first Monday of October of each year the Superintendent of the Water Department shall pre- pare estimates of the amounts and kinds of material, including blank books and stationery of all kinds, which, in his judgment, will be nec- essary for the operation of the department for the six months next en- suing, and shall transmit the same to the City Council for their action. All material of whastoever kind which shall be procured by the water department shall be placed on proper duplicate vouchers, receipted for by the Superintendent; one copy thereof filed in the office of the City Clerk and the other shall remain on file in the office of the water de- partment. Sec. 6. On the first Monday of April of each year the Superintendent shall make a full report, and transmit the same to the Council for its information, of the proceedings of the water department during the preceding year, which report shall contain in tabular or other form an account of the present condition of the water system, the number of miles of the mains, and the different sizes at the beginning of the year, with the amount of different sizes and location of such mains, hydrants, valves, gates and cut-offs as have been added during the year, with the cost thereof in detail; also all repairs that have been made to the works or mains, and the cost thereof in detail; also the number of private connections with the mains, the number that have been discontinued or removed, and the number that have been added dunng the year, and the different rates; he shall also report the pressure of the pumping station for each month and the number of gallons of water pumped on the last day of each month; said report shall also contain statements of money received and from what source during the year, and the amount and times when the same was paid over to the City Treasurer. The Superintendent shall also embody in said report all other in- formation which he may deem necessary to a full elucidation of the present condition of the water department, together with suggestions and recommendations as to repairs, extensions and improvements in 250 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE the water system. And the City Council shall cause said report to be published in pamphlet or book form in connection with other reports. Sec. 7. The Engineer and Assistant Engineers shall have charge of the pumping station and the regulation, repairs and care of the pumps, and at least one of them shall be on duty at all times, both night and day. They shall be under the direction of the Superintendent, and the Assistant Engineers shall he under the direction of the Engineer, sub- ject to the orders of the Superintendent and the rules established by him. The Engineer shall see that the daily report is kept as hereinbe- fore provided, and shall report and deliver the same to the Superintend- ent at such time as he may be required to do so; he shall also keep an account of all materials used and expended in and about the pumping station, and shall make due report thereof to the Superintendent as re- quired; he shall have charge of and be responsible for all tools and material belonging to the pumping station, and shall make a daily re- port of all occurrences, and shall promptly report to the Superintendent anything unusual occurring about the pumping station, and any and all failures to promptly and efficiently perform their duties on the part of the Assistant Engineers, or either of them; and shall perform such other duties about the pumping station as he may be required by the Superintendent. Sec. 8. The Register and Collector of Water Rates shall keep the office of the water department; he shall open and keep the books, ab- stracts and accounts hereinbefore provided for under the direction and control of the Superintendent, and also such other books, abstracts and accounts as shall be required of him by the Superintendent; he shall make all his reports to the Superintendent and be exclusively under his direction; he shall collect all water rates and keep the proper ac- counts thereof; he shall issue permits for all connections with the mains in the name of the Superintendent, but in no case shall a permit be is- sued until a plan of the premises to be supplied showing all taps, bath- rooms, water closets, lawn sprinklers and other adjuncts shall have been filed with him and a rate fixed thereon, and said permit shall re- quire the lineman to immediately report to the Register and Collector when the connection shall have been made, and the Register shall im- mediately cause said plan to be verified by his personal examination or by the certificate of some officer connected with the water department, and when so verified the same shall be entered upon the rate book, and the rate upon said connection shall commence running from that date. Sec. 9. Whenever the water rates shall not have been paid by the fifth of the month, the Register shall immediately direct the lineman to turn off the water from said premises, and when so done the lineman shall immediately report the same to the Register, who shall enter said fact with the date thereof upon the books, and the Register shall be liable to account for all water rates between the tenth day of the month and the date when said water shall be turned off. When all ac- cumulated rates and fines shall have been paid, the Register shall enter MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 251 the fact upon his books and shall order the lineman to turn on the water. Sec. 10. The Register and Collector of Water Rates shall the last day of each month prepare in duplicate a payroll of all the officers and employes of the water department for the current month, which shall show the services performed, the length of time and the rate of pay of each; and shall file said duplicate payrolls in the office of the City Treasurer, and no officer or employe shall be paid any part of the amount due to him until he shall have signed each roll. When so signed the Treasurer shall file one of said rolls in the office of the City Clerk. The Register shall keep an account of the contents of all such pay- rolls in a book to be kept in his office, to be called the “Water Depart- ment Time Book,” and the name of every officer and employe, his rate of pay, date of commencement and discontinuance of service, amount due and position held by him shall be entered in said book, and the same shall be carefully preserved. Sec. 11. The Superintendent is authorized to employ a man to be called a lineman, at a salary not to exceed eighty (80) dollars per month; the said lineman shall be required to make all taps and con- nections with the mains, opening and closing gates, and valves, repair- ing and testing hydrants, and such other duties in connection with the line as may be deemed necessary by the Superintendent; immediately upon his employment his name shall be placed upon the time book and a full record of his services kept; he may be removed by the Superin- tendent at his discretion. The Superintendent is also authorized to employ a laborer, at a rate of wages not exceeding sixty-five dollars per month, for such time as he may deem necessary, to assist the lineman, and his name shall be enter- ed upon the time book. (Sec. 12 repealed by ordinance No. A827, passed May 19, 1899.) Sec. 13. All plans, specifications and estimates prepared by the Superintendent shall be in duplicate; one copy thereof shall be filed in the City Clerk’s office, and the other preserved in the water department office. All plans, specifications, estimates, correspondence and other papers that shall be prepared by or come into the hands of the Super- intendent of the Water Department as such Superintendent, shall be the property of the City of Spokane Falls, and shall oe turned over to his successor in office. Sec. 14. The term of office of the Superintendent and Register and Collector of rates shall commence upon the first Monday of May of each year, and they shall hold their office for one year and until their successors are elected and qualified. A Superintendent and Register shall be elected at the first regular meeting of the Council after the passage of this ordinance, and shall hold office until the first Monday in May, 1900, and until their succes- sors are elected and qualified. 252 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE The Engineer and Assistant Engineers shall be appointed by the Superintendent of the Water Department and confirmed by the City Council, and such appointment shall continue until the same is re- voked by the Superintendent, and such revocation confirmed by the City Council. Sec 15. The salary of the Superintendent of Water Works shall be one hundred and twenty-five (125) dollars per month; the salary of the Register and Collector of Water Rates shall be one hundred (100) dollars per month; the salary of the Engineer shall be ninety (90) dollars per month, and the salaries of the Assistant Engineers shall be eighty (80) dollars per month; each and all of said salaries shall be charged to and paid out of the Water Department Fund, and all sal- aries and wages in the water department shall become due and payable on the first day of each and every month. Sec. 16. Before entering upon his duties the Superintendent of the Water Department shall take the usual oath of office and shall execute and deliver a good and sufficient bond, with three or more sufficient sur- eties, to the approval of the Mayor, for the faithful performance of his duties as such Superintendent, and that he will well and truly account for all moneys and property coming into his hands or into the hands of his subordinates; which bond shall be in the penal sum of fifteen thousand ($15,000) dollars. And said Register and Collector of Water Rates shall take and subscribe a like oath, and. shall execute and deliver to the City of Spokane Falls a bond in the penal sum of five thousand ($5,000) dollars, with three or more sufficient sureties, to the approval of the Mayor, conditioned that he will faithfully perform the duties of his office, and will well and truly account to the City ol' Spokane Falls or to the Superintendent of the Water Department thereof for all mon- eys and property which shall come into his hands as such Register and Collector of Water Rates. Sec. 17. This ordinance shall take effect and be m force five days after its passage and publication. Passed the City Council October 4, 1889. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 253 CHAPTER XIV. Building and Plumbing Regulations ORDINANCE NO. A285. AN ORDINANCE TO REGULATE THE CONSTRUCTION, ALTERATION, REPAIRS AND REMOVAL OF BUILDINGS IN THE CITY OF SPOKANE, WASHINGTON. The City of Spokane does ordain as folloivs : Section 1. No person or persons shall construct, alter, repair, raise or move any building or structure of any kind within the City of Spo- kane, except in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance, as far as the same are hereby made applicable thereto. Sec. 2. The provisions of this ordinance shall apply to all buildings or structures hereafter erected, altered, repaired, raised or moved with- in the limits of the City of Spokane, as the same now are, or may here- after be, defined (except those erected by the United States or the State of Washington) in so far as hereinafter mentioned to all buildings or structures within said city. Sec. 3. Any alterations in or additions to any building already erected, or hereafter to be erected, except necessary repairs not affect- ing the construction of the external or party walls, roof, chimneys or stairways, shall be to the extent of such work be subjected to the regu- lations of this ordinance. No building already erected or hereafter built shall be raised or built upon in such manner that were such build- ing wholly built or constructed after the passage of this ordinance it would be in violation of any provision thereof. Where, however, good and substantial buildings shall be raised up an increase of one or more stories, the Board of Public Works, or their agent, shall first carefully examine the same, and such deviation from this ordinance may be allowed as in his or their judgment may be necessary, considering the strength and solidity of the walls already built, and in no case shall any deviation be allowed which will be likely to detract from the safety of such building when so raised. ERECTED OR ENLARGED WITHIN FIRE LIMITS. Sec. 4. Every building hereafter erected or enlarged within the fire limits of the City of Spokane shall be built of brick, stone, iron or other incombustible material. DEPTH OF FOUNDATIONS — STANDARD DEPTH PILING FOOTING COURSES. Sec. 5. Every permanent structure shall have its foundation resting 254 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE upon solid ground, or upon concrete, piles or othet substructure ap- proved by the Board of Public Works. No person shall build a founda- tion for any brick or stone building being over one story high less than four feet below the street grade or below the exposed surface of the ground, if the same is below the street grade, except upon a foundation of solid rock. The depth of twelve feet below the street grade is hereby fixed as the standard depth of foundations for brick or stone buildings used for business, manufacturing purposes or public buildings. Any person excavating for or commencing foundations for any building at a greater depth than the above standard depth shall fully protect all adjoining buildings and the walls thereof, the foundations of which have been constructed at the standard depth then in force. Whenever piles are required to be driven for a foundation to rest on, they shall be driven to a firm and solid bearing, and the tops shall be cut off at an elevation to insure constant emersion. There shall not be less than two rows of piling under all external and party walls, and they shall be spaced not over three feet on centers in the direction of the length of the wall. Foundations shall rest upon proper base or footing courses. If of stone, each stone shall have its upper and under surface approx- imately parallel, and shall be close fitted and bedded solid. The breadth of every base course or footings shall be not less than twenty inches wider than the wall to be placed upon it, and such extra width as in the judgment of the Inspector of Buildings the character of the soil may require. WALLS OF BRICK THICKNESS. Sec. 6. The thickness of brick or dressed stone walls of all business, manufacturing and public buildings shall not be less than the number of inches shown in the following tables: For outside, party or division alls: Basement '1st story 2nd story 3rd story 4th story 5th story 6th story 7th story | 8th story || 9th story 10th story 11th story M to t? xn O >-s For one story 12 8 1 For two story 16 12 12 For three story 16 16 12 12 For four story 20 16 16 12 12 For five story 24 20 16 16 12 12 For six story 24 20 20 16 16 16 12 For seven story 24 20 20 20 16 16 16 12 For eight story 28 24 20 20 20 16 16 16 12 For nine story 28 24 24 20 20 20 16 16 16 12 For ten story 28 24 24 24 20 20 20 16 16 16 12 For eleven story 32 28 241 24 j 24 20 1 20 20 16 16 16 12 For twelve story 32 28 28 1 24 1 24 24 1 20 20 20 16 16 16 12 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 255 Buildings having the first story or basement and first story desig- nated for business purposes and the upper stories for dwellings shall have walls of brick-work or dressed stone of the thickness as follows, to- wit: Basement 1st story 2nd story 3rd story 4th story 5th story 6th story 7th story ! 8th story 9th story 10th story 11th story For two story 16 12 8 For three story 16 12 12 8 For four story 20 16 12 12 12 For five story 20 16 16 12 12 12 For six story 20 20 16 16 12 12 12 For seven story 24 20 20 16 16 12 12 12 For eight story 24 24 20 20 16 16 12 12 12 For nine story 24 24 20 20 20 16 16 12 12 12 For ten story 28 24 24 20 20 20 16 16 12 12 12 For eleven story 28 24 24 24 20 20 16 16 16 12 12 12 For twelve story 32 28 24 24 24 20 20 16 16 16 12 12 The above shall apply to all walls of sixty feet and under in length. Walls exceeding sixty feet in length shall not be allowed to have more than two upper stories twelve inches thick. The figures in the following table shall be the thickness of brick or dressed stone walls for all walls of dwelling houses: Basement 1st story 2nd story 3rd story 4th story 5t.h story 6th story 7th story 8th story 9th story LOth story 11th story 1 12th story One story 12 8 Two story 16 12 8 Three story 16 12 12 8 Four story 16 16 12 12 12 Five story 20 16 16 12 12 12 Six story 20 16 16 16 12 12 12 Seven story 24 20 16 16 16 12 12 12 Eight story 24 20 20 16 16 16 12 12 12 Nine story 24 20 20 20 16 16 16 12 12 12 Ten story 28 24 20 20 90 j 20 \90 16 16 16 12 12 12 Eleven story 28 24 24 20 20 16 16 12 12 12 Twelve story 32 28 24 24 2ft 20 20 20 1 16 16 12 12 12 The above shall apply to all walls sixty feet and under in length; when over sixty feet in length such walls shall not be allowed to have more than two upper stories twelve inches thick. All party or division walls of a less thickness than twelve inches shall be corbelled not less than four inches on both sides to receive the floor joists; said corbelling shall not be done a less height than six courses of brick, which shall be well oonded into the wall. 2 5 6 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE WALLS OF RUBBLE STONE THICKNESS. Sec. 7. Whenever rubble stone walls are used they shall not be less than one quarter thicker than the walls specified in the foregoing tables; provided, however, that no rubble stone wall of a less thickness than eighteen inches be used. BUILDINGS OVER FIFTY FEET WIDE WITHOUT BRICK PARTITION WALLS OR GIRDERS. Sec. 8. In all buildings over fifty feet in width not having either brick partition walls or girders supported by columns running from front to rear of such building, the external wall shall be increased four inches in thickness for every additional fifty feet or fraction thereof in the width of such building. At least one hall for each seventy-five feet ' or less frontage shall extend through and to the outside wall facing a window or door. WALLS OVER ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FIVE FEET IN LENGTH WITHOUT CROSS WALES OR BUTTRESSES. Sec. 9. Bearing walls over 125 feet in length without crosswalls or buttresses of equal height with the outside walls shall be four inches thicker than above required. CORBELLING OF WALLS ABOVE ROOF. Sec. 10. Where there is a flat, hip or pitch roof, the party wall shall be carried up to a height of not less than two and one-half feet above the roof covering at every part of said roof, and shall be corbelled at least twelve inches or to the outer edge of all projections on the front or rear walls of the building. And where the roof is of the kind known as Mansard or French, or of any style except as above specified, unless the same is constructed of fireproof material throughout, the party wall shall be carried up to a height of not less than two and one-half feet above the flat or upper slope of said roof, and shall extend through the lower slope at least eighteen inches from and parallel with the roof covering, and be corbelled out at least twelve inches or to the outer edge of all projections; provided, that if a gutter stone of suitable dimensions and properly balanced shall be inserted, it shall be equiva- lent to corbelling. RECESSES IN WALLS. Sec. 11. Recesses and openings may be made in external walls, provided the thickness of the backs of such recesses be not less than eight inches, and provided the whole area of all the recesses and open- ings in any wall do not exceed one-half of the area of said wall. No continuous vertical recess of more than four inches in depth shall be made in any twelve-inch wall, and no recess of any kind shall be made in any eight-inch wall. CUTTING DOORS THROUGH WALLS. Sec. 12. Whenever it becomes desirable to cut a doorway through any party or division wall separating two buildings, a notice of the in- tention to do so shall be filed with the Board of Public Works. Any such doorways shall not exceed ten feet in height by eight feet in width. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 257 and shall have top, bottom and sides of stone, brick or iron. The said doorway shall be closed by two sets of wrought iron or metal covered doors, hung to rebated iron frames and separated by the thickness of the walls. Whenever such a doorway ceases to be used, it shall be im- mediately filled up with masonry. Whenever any doorway which has been left open at the time of construction or made afterwards in any party or division wall between two buildings shall cease to be used, it shall be filled up with masonry. HOLLOW WALLS. Sec. 13. Hollow walls may be built , but all such walls shall be tied together with incombustible anchors placed not more than three feet apart; if used as bearing walls, the thickness shall be reckoned by their solid parts, unless either part is at least eight inches thick, and solid vertical connections are made not less than twelve inches wide or more than eight feet apart from centers, in which case two-thirds of the hol- low space shall be counted with the solid parts. BACKING OF WALLS FACED WITH STONE, ETC. Sec. 14. Exterior walls faced with stone shall have a backing of not less than eight inches of hard brickwork laid in mortar, but in no case shall the thickness of stone and backing taken together be less than the thickness required for a brick wall of the same height. The stone facing of a wall shall always be securely tied to the brick backing by means of metal clamps. The backing of any iron front that is not wholly self-sustaining shall be treated as an independent wall. If the iron is self-sustaining, then the party and division wall shall extend to meet the outside thickness of the iron, and all vacancies shall be filled with grout to insure a complete separation of adjoining buildings. In all walls which are faced with thin ashlar anchored to the backing, or in which the ashlar has not alternate headers and stretchers in each course or alternately heading and stretching courses, the backing of brick shall not be less than twelve inches thick, and each stone of said ashlar work shall be securely tied to the backing by one or more suitable metal anchors. The backing of all walls, of whatever material it may be com- posed, shall be of such thickness as to make all walls, the facing of which is less than four inches thick, independent of the facing, con- form as to thickness with the requirements of this ordinance. stone cornices. Sec. 15. In all cases where a wall is finished with a stone cornice the greatest weight of material of such cornice shall be on the inside of the face of the wall, so that the cornice shall firmly balance upon the wall. HEADING COURSES IN WALLS. Sec. 16. Every seventh course shall be a heading course. In pressed brick work every seventh course shall be a course of double width brick. No Flemish header shall be allowed. No buttered joints shall be allowed. All joints shall have a full bed. 17 258 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE GIRDERS. Sec. 17. It shall not be lawful to erect, construct or build any rear, front, party, division or partition wall upon wooden girders, rafters or lintels, or to support any such wall by any wooden support whatever, but all such supports shall be of iron, brick or stone, and of such suf- ficient size and strength to support the superstructure. IRON PLATES UNDER LINTELS. Sec. 18. All lintels used to support walls or other weights over openings shall be of sufficient strength and bearing to carry the super- imposed weights, and shall, when supported at the end by brick walls or piers, rest upon wrought iron plate, well bedded, at least one inch thick, the full size of the bearing. ARCH FORMS. Sec. 19. No timber shall be used in any wall of any building where stone, brick or iron is commonly used, except arch forms for interior arched openings. Arch forms not to rest on wall exceeding two inches. ANCHOR IRONS. Sec. 20. All walls running at right angles with the floor beams or joist shall be anchored with a good and substantial wrought iron an- chor, not to exceed ten feet apart and to be fastened to top of beam or joists. Said anchor to be made T-shaped at wall and the end to be ten inches long, the end that fastens to floor beam turned down one and one-half inches and bedded in the beam. When floor beams meet on girders they must be tied together by nailing an inch board on both sides of joist or beam, with not less than five ten-penny nails in each end of beam. All anchors must run within four inches of opposite side of walls. When walls run parallel with floor beams or joists, said walls shall be anchored not less than twelve feet apart. Anchors to be placed over solid bridging and bedded on floor beams or joists and ex- tending back from wall eight feet and bridging well nailed to floor beams or joists. No strips of wood shall be laid in any brick, stone or cement walls. WALLS MINIMUM THICKNESS OF. Sec. 21. The thickness of every wall as herein determined shall be the minimum thickness as applied to solid walls. The height of every external or party wall as referred to in this ordinance shall be meas- ured from the level of the sidewalk to its highest point. HEIGHT OF STORIES. Sec. 22. The height of stories for all given thicknesses of walls must not exceed eleven feet in the clear for the basement, eighteen feet in the clear for the first story, fifteen feet in the clear for the second story, fourteen feet in the clear average height of all stories above second story, and no story shall be higher than eighteen feet; if any story ex- ceeds these heights, respectively, the walls of such story and of all the stories below the same shall be increased four inches in thickness addi- tional to the thickness already mentioned. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 259 BUTTRESSES. Sec. 23. The amount of materials above specified for external walls may be used in piers or buttresses, provided the external walls between said piers or buttresses shall in no case be less than twelve inches thick. BUILDINGS OVER THIRTY-FIVE FEET WIDE IRON OR WOODEN GIRDERS. Sec. 24. Every building hereafter erected more than thirty-five feet in width, except churches, theaters, railroad station buildings and other public buildings, shall have one or more brick or stone partition walls running from front to rear and carried to a height not less than the top of the second floor joist. These walls shall be so located that the space between any two of the floor bearing walls of tne building shall not be over twenty-five feet. Iron or wooden girders supported on iron or wooden columns, brick or stone piers may be substituted in place of partition walls and shall be made of sufficient strength to bear safely the weight which they were intended to support, and shall have a foot- ing course or leveler for each column, not less than three feet and six inches square, and one foot and six inches thick. HOTELS AND TENEMENT HOUSES. Sec. 25. All hotels and tenement houses hereafter erected (for which plans have not been heretofore submitted and approved), the height of which is six stories or over, shall be made fireproof; that is to say, shall be constructed with walls of brick, stone, iron or other hard incombustible material, in which timber limits or bond timbers shall not be placed, and in which the floors and roofs shall be of ma- terial similar to the walls. The stairs and staircase landing shall be built entirely of brick, stone or other hard incombustible material. No woodwork or other inflammable material shall be used in any of the partitions, furrings or ceilings in any such fireproof buildings, except- ing, however, that the doors and windows and their frames, the trims, casings, the interior finish and floor-boards and the strips directly there- under may be made of wood. FIREPROOF BUILDINGS. Sec. 26. In all fireproof buildings hereafter constructed the follow- ing rules must be observed: First — All iron columns shall be made true and smooth at both ends, and shall rest on a cast iron bedplate, and shall have cast iron caps, which shall also be made true. All iron trimmer beams, headers and tail beams shall be suitably framed and connected together, and the iron girders, columns, beams, trusses and all other iron work of all floors and roofs shall be strapped, bolted, anchored and connected to- gether and to the walls in a strong and substantial manner. Second — Under the ends of all iron beams where they rest on walls a stone or cast iron template must be built into the walls, said template to be eight inches wide in twelve-inch walls, and in all walls of greater thickness to be twelve inches wide, and such templates, if of stone, shall not be in any case less than six inches in thickness, and no template shall be less than twelve inches long. 26 o MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE Third — All brick and stone arches placed between iron floor beams shall be at least four inches thick and have a rise of at least one and one-half inches to each foot of span between the beams. Arches of over five feet span shall be properly increased in thickness as required by the Board of Public Works, or their agent, or the space between the beams may be filled in with sectional hollow brick or burnt slay or some equally good fireproof material, having a depth of not less than one and one-half inches to each foot of span, a variable distance being allowed of not over six inches in the span between the neams. Fourth — The said brick arches shall be laid to a line on the centers, with close joints, and the bricks shall be well wet, and the joints filled with cement-mortar, in proportions not more than two of sand to one of cement by measure. The arches shall be well grouted and pinned, or chincked with slate and keyed. All buildings ten-scories and over in height must be strictly fireproof. SLOW BURNING BUILDINGS. Sec. 27. All office buildings six stories and over in height and all other business buildings (not heretofore mentioned) seven stories and over in height must be built slow burning, equal to the following: Floor joists to be thoroughly protected on top and lower edges with tile or concrete one and one-half inches thick, tile when less than one and one-half inches thick to be put on, with an air space not less than three- quarters of an inch between the joist and tile. Partitions to be either brick or tile. All iron and wood columns and beams to be protected on all exposed surfaces the same as provided for floor joist. No stud partitions on wall furring of wood to be allowed in buildings intended to be slow burning. All tile protection for floors, joists, beams, columns, etc., to have not less than one heavy coat of plastering. WALLS NOT TO BE CARRIED OVER TWO STORIES ABOVE ANY OTHER WALLS. Sec. 28. In the process of construction of any building, no wall shall be carried to a greater height than one story above any other wall. Walls of any building shall be securely braced during the process of erection. PILASTERS OR COLUMNS OUTSIDE OF BUILDING LINE. Sec. 29. The face of wall, pilaster or column of any building above the level of its main water table, unless such column or pilaster is merely part of any portico, or window, or window dressing, shall not project beyond the building line. PORTICOS, BAY OR ORIEL WINDOWS. Sec. 30. Porticos to any building extending through one or two stories may have their plinths extend three feet over the street line, and bay or oriel windows shall have the body of such window not more than three feet over the street line, and no part of such window shall be at a less distance than twelve feet above the grade of sidewalk in business buildings, and not less than eight and one-half feet in dwelling houses. Brackets projecting more than fourteen inches shall be kept at least five feet above the sidewalk; provided, that no bay window MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 26 r shall be allowed within four feet of any party line or in any alley, and that no such window shall be allowed to project into any street fifty feet or less in width. STAIRWAY OR OPEN AREA IN SIDEWALK. Sec. 31. No stairway or open area shall extend Into the sidewalk more than four and one-half feet on streets having walks eighteen feet wide, or more than four feet on streets having walks fifteen feet wide, or more than three feet and six inches on any street having walks less than fifteen feet wide. Provided , that all such stairway or open areas shall be properly protected by smooth iron or brass railings. Stairways extending into the sidewalks at street corners must be rounded off so that they shall have a radius not exceeding the distance that said stairway projects into the sidewalk, measuring at right angles to the front or side of the building. WALLS UNDER SIDEWALKS. Sec. 32. Any person desirous of utilizing the underside of the sidewalks in front of any building owned by him in the fire limits, shall construct a sufficient stone wall not less than two feet thick to retain the roadway of the street, and shall extend the sidewalks, division or party walls of such building under the sidewalk to such curb wall; the sidewalks in all such cases shall be of incombustible material entire, supported by walls or iron beams and columns of sufficient strength to carry a safe load of not less than one hundred pounds to the square foot, exclusive of the weight of the materials used in the construction of such walk. Owners of corner property will be allowed to use the space under the sidewalk excepting eight feet square at the intersection of the curb line. Openings in side- walks in the fire limits for the admission of coal or light shall be covered with rough prismatic lights in iron frames or with iron covers having a rough surface, and in no case will a smooth surface be tolerated on any such cover, now in place or to be hereafter con- structed. All trap doors, covers and hinges in sidewalks must be flush with the same. EXTERNAL STAIRS. Sec. 33. No person shall construct or maintain within the fire limits a wooden stairway on outside of the building leading to any story of any building above the floor of the first story. BRICK PIERS ISOLATED. Sec. 34. Isolated brick piers shall be built of good, hard, well burnt brick of uniform size, laid in cement and sand mortar, with uniform joints throughout, facing and backing, and of sufficient size to carry safely the load which they are intended to carry; joints not to exceed three-eighths of an inch in thickness. CAP IRONS OR STONES. Sec. 35. Under all lintels, girders or columns piers shall have a cap iron at least two inches thick, or a cap stone at least twelve inches thick, the full size of the pier. In the case of an external 262 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE brick pier the plate may be reduced sufficiently in size to allow four inches of brick work to intervene between the edge of the plat and the face of the pier exposed to the weather. COLUMNS. Sec. 36. Columns supported by walls or piers shall rest upon an iron plate at least two inches thick or upon a capstone at least twelve inches thick and of a size satisfactory to the Board of Public Works or their agent. Under all columns shall be an iron plate of not less than two inches in thickness. All columns must be wrought to a true bearing at right angles with its axis, and must be set plumb without wedging up. All iron columns shall have straight cores. Every pier or column supporting walls of masonry shall have for a footing course a broad leveler of stone of sufficient thickness and with a bear- ing surface equal in area to the square of one foot more than the width of the footing courses required for a wall of the same thickness as that borne by the pier or column, and if the foundation of such piers or columns rests upon piles a sufficient number shall be driven to insure a proper support. BINDERS IN BRICK PIERS. Sec. 37. Every brick pier shall have one or more binders built therein, either of iron not less than one inch thick or of stone not less than six inches thick. These binders will be the full size of the pier. The distance between any two binders, or between either of them and the capstone or base of the pier, shall not exceed four feet. All capstones and bases shall be the full size of the pier. BEARING OF FLOOR TIMBERS OR JOISTS. Sec. 38. All floor or ceiling joists shall have a bearing of not less than four inches, and when entering brick or stone walls shall be cut on a splay of four inches in their width. All floor and ceiling joists shall have a row of bridging not to exceed seven feet from center. TRIMMERS OR HEADERS. All trimmers and headers more than four feet long used in build- ing, except dwelling houses, shall be hung in stirrup irons of proper width and strength to support the weight to be supported. MAIN PARTITIONS SUPPORTING FLOOR BEAMS OR RAFTERS. Sec. 39. All main partitions supporting in any manner the floor beams or rafters shall be placed directly over each other, and shall rest on a wall girder or hard pine capping, and shall be head and foot against each other as far as practicable. All partitions shall be bridged not to exceed five feet from center to center, and the bridging to be flush with studding. joist entering two sides of wall. Sec. 40. Roof or floor timbers in brick buildings entering the same wall from opposite sides shall have at least four inches solid brick- work between the ends of said timbers. IRON WALLS OR STONE TEMPLATES. Sec. 41. Under the ends of iron girders resting in walls a stone MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 263 template shall be built into the wall not less in width than four inches less than the thickness of said wall, and not in any case less than six inches in thickness and eighteen inches long. Iron wall plates not less than one inch in thickness may be used in place of such templates. All wooden girders to run not less than eight inches into the wall. SAFE LOAD OF FLAT ROOFS. Sec. 42. Flat roofs shall be constructed to bear a safe weight, exclusive of materials, of not less than fifty pounds per superficial foot. FLOORS OF BUSINESS BUILDINGS TO BE EXAMINED BEFORE USING. Sec. 43. It shall be the duty of the owner of any business building, before allowing the same or any part thereof to be occupied, to have the same carefully examined by a competent architect, master builder or civil engineer not interested in its construction, and who shall be approved by the Board of Public Works or their agent; and such archi- tect, master builder or civil engineer shall certify to the weight per square foot each floor of said building can safely sustain, and a copy of such certificate shall be kept constantly posted by the owner where the same can be readily seen and read from such floor. The minimum capacity, however, of any floor shall be eighty pounds per square foot, and the Board of Public Works or their agent may require a new exam- ination whenever they shall deem it necessary. No person shall load any floor to a greater degree than specified in the certificate above named, or shall remove any notice posted as above. FLOOR BEAMS AROUND CHIMNEYS. Sec. 44. All floor beams, joists and headers shall be kept at least one and one-half inches clear of any wall enclosing a fire flue or chim- ney breast. The space left between the framing and such flue shall be filled solid with gauged mortar, to be a heavy coat of plastering put on the walls of such flues before any other woodwork shall be placed against it. BRICK PROJECTING BETWEEN JOISTS. Sec. 45. All buildings for residence and business purposes shall have the brick project not less than two inches inside the face of the wall between the joists of each floor and ceiling joists the full height of the joists. SCANTLING PARTITIONS IN HOTELS AND TENEMENT HOUSES. Sec. 46. Partitions in hotel buildings and tenement houses made of scantling to be lathed and plastered shall be filled in with brickwork eight inches high in the best manner. SCANTLING PARTITIONS. Sec. 47. Scantling partitions shall not be employed as supporters of any floor or roof in buildings over three stories high (except dwell- ing houses). CUT OFFS IN PARTITIONS. Sec. 48. Any school building, church or other building containing an assembly room, or any stone or brick building hereafter erected 264 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE in which wooden furrings or partitions shall be used, shall have at the bottom of such furrings and partitions timbers in each story cut offs of such slow burning materials put in in such manner as shall be approved by the Board of Public Works or their agent. PARTITIONS IN FACTORIES, MILLS, ETC., ADJOINING STAIRWAYS. Sec. 49. Factories, mills and buildings w T here more than twenty-five operatives are employed, hotels, boarding, tenement, lodging and apart- ment houses, and business buildings less than fifty feet high not here- after specially mentioned, shall have the partitions adjacent to or enclosing stairways constructed of incombustible material, or of at least two by three studding plastered on both sides and protected as follows: The space from the top of the lathing or head of the parti- tion below to a line three inches above the top of the baseboard or six inches above the top of the floor. If there be no baseboard and the space adjoining the strings of the stairs from the under side of said strings to a line three inches above the baseboard thereof, or six inches above the rake of the nosings, if there be no baseboard, shall be filled in solid brick or stone set in mortar, concrete, grouting, tile or other incombustible filling; if the stairs are wainscoted, there shall be a similar filling three inches above and below the top lines of the wainscoting. When such buildings are over three stories high, and in warehouses, storehouses and business buildings over fifty feet high, said partitions shall be as above described, and shall be, further, either filled solid in a similar manner for the whole height thereof or be plastered on the sides adjoining the stairway on iron laths or wire netting, or covered with tile or other incombustible, nonconducting material. WEATHER COVERING OF ROOFS, ETC., IN FIRE LIMITS — SLOPE OF COMPOSITION ROOFS. Sec. 50. The weather covering of all roofs, cornices, gutters, eaves and parapets within the fire limits shall be made of incombustible materials. The slope of composition roof shall not exceed two inches to the foot. UNCOVERED TAR, ETC., ON ROOFS. Sec. 51. No uncovered tar, composition, resin, felt or woodwork shall in any way be exposed on any roof or its appendages. APPENDAGES ENVELOPED IN METAL APPENDAGES DEFINED. Sec. 52. Appendages to any business building in fire limits above the first story, and above thirty feet from grade of sidewalk on any other building, if not wholly of incombustible material, shall be envel- oped with metal. Dormer windows, cornices, mouldings, balconies, bay windows, towers, spires, ventilators, etc., shall be considered as appen- dages. INCOMBUSTIBLE CORNICES. Sec. 53. Incombustible cornices shall be well secured to the walls, and in all cases the walls shall be carried up to the planking of the roof behind the cornice, and where the cornice projects above the roof. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 265 the walls shall be carried up to the top of the cornice; and all exterior wooden cornices on brick, stone or iron buildings that shall hereafter require to be replaced shall be constructed of some noncombustible material, as required for new buildings; and every exterior wooden cornice or gutter on brick, stone or iron buildings that may hereafter be damaged by fire or the elements to a greater extent than one-third of the whole value thereof shall be taken down, and, if replaced, shall be constructed in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance. IRON DOORS AND SHUTTERS. Sec. 54. All stores, storehouses, mills and manufactories in the fire limits, which are more than two stories high, shall have doors, blinds or shutters, made of fireproof materials, on every window and entrance where the same do not open on a street. When in any such building the shutters, blinds or doors can not be put on the outside they shall be put on the inside, and hung upon iron eyes, or frames independent of any woodwork; shutters above the first story to be arranged so that they can be opened from the outside. This, however, shall not apply to fireproof buildings. Prismatic lights in iron frames shall be regarded as equivalent to iron shutters. TRAP DOORS AND OPENINGS THROUGH FLOORS. Sec. 55. No person shall construct or use any opening through any floor, except stairway opening, unless it shall have trap doors, covered with metal on the under side, on all floors, with sufficient guards for protection during the hours of business, and such doors shall be closed at all other times. ELEVATORS AND HOISTWAYS. Sec. 56. Hoistways in which elevators shall be used shall have a fireproof shaft started at the lowest point reached by said elevator, and from such point extended up through and six feet above the roof. Doors in such shaft shall be made of metal, and the catches or fasten- ings upon such doors shall be so placed that they can be opened only from the inside of the shaft, and entirely under the control of the elevator operator. All openings not having doors shall have metallic frames filled with prismatic lights in iron frames. Where automatic trap doors, lined with metal on the under side, are used at each floor through which an elevator passes, which door closes immediately after the passage of the cab or platform of the elevator through any floor, the opening and closing of the doors being operated by the passage of the cab or platform, elevator shafts may be dispensed with. Open passenger elevators may be allowed, provided the same are enclosed in substantial iron nettings. No owner of, or person having in use, an elevator, shall allow any one under eighteen years of age to operate said elevator. The doors or guards of all elevators shall be securely closed before starting said elevators up or down, unless provided with self-closing doors. SCUTTLES THROUGH ROOF. Sec. 57. All buildings within the limits of the City of Spokane 266 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE built of brick, stone or iron, and frame buildings having flat roofs, two or more stories in height, now or hereafter built, shall have scuttle frames and covers, or bulkheads and doors on the roof, made of or covered with some fireproof material, and all scuttles shall have sta- tionary ladders leading to the same, and all such scuttles and ladders shall be kept so as to be ready for use at all times, and all scuttles shall not be less in size than two by three feet; and if a bulkhead is used or substituted in any building in place of a scuttle it shall have stairs with a sufficient guard or hand rail leading to the roof; and in case the building shall be a tenement house, the dooi in the bulkhead, or any scuttle, shall at no time be locked, but may be fastened on the inside by movable bolts or hooks. SKYLIGHTS. Sec. 58. All skylights exceeding fifty superficial feet, shall have frames of sash constructed entirely of iron. Glass in all skylights, if not prismatic lights, shall be protected by screens made of not less than No. ten (10) wire, with meshes not exceeding one inch, such screens to be secured to the sash and kept at least four inches above the glass. CONDUCTORS. Sec. 59. Buildings hereafter erected fronting on a street shall be kept provided with proper leaders for conducting the water from the roof to the ground, sewer, street gutter or dry well, in such manner as shall protect the walls and foundations from damage; and in no case shall the water from the said leaders be allowed to flow upon the sidewalk, and no person shall construct or maintain any such leader or leaders, except in accordance with the provisions of this section. CHIMNEYS. Sec. 60. No person shall construct, use or maintain any chimney or other conduit for smoke, except the same be built of brick or other fireproof material, other than sheet iron; but smoke conduits for boil- ers, factories and mills, and stovepipes leading from stoves to chimneys are not hereby prohibited, if the same shall be approved by the Board of Public Works, or their agent. All brick flues shall have full joints, and be smoothly plastered inside with mortar from top to bottom, and outside below the roofing, and the walls of the flues shall not be less than six inches thick, except in structures less than two stories high, where the walls of flues may be four inches thick. All flues for boilers, furnaces and ovens shall be of brickwork, eight inches in thickness to such furnace or boiler does not exceed fifteen horse power; if exceed- ing fifteen horse power the walls of the flues shall not be less than twelve inches thick to above height. Brick flues not starting from the foundation walls shall be securely built into the brickwork of the walls into which they are hung. In no case shall chimneys rest upon any floor without a footing of masonry or iron, supported by iron beams, having a secure bearing on masonry or iron at either end. Chimneys in wooden buildings, which chimneys are not built up from the ground, shall be supported by good and sufficient planks or posts from the MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 267 foundation, and no such chimneys shall be rested upon brackets alone. In no case shall flues be less than eight by eight inches. All flues shall be topped out at least four feet above the roof of the building to which they belong, if flat, and two feet above the ridge of any pitched roof. All flues in party walls shall be kept at least two inches from the party line of said wall, except joint flues, which shall be separated by a four inch width of brickwork the entire length. No smoke pipes in any building with wooden or combustible floors or ceilings shall hereafter enter any flue unless the said pipes shall be at least twelve inches from either the floors or ceilings; and in all cases where smoke pipes pass through stud or wooden partitions of any kind, whether same be plastered or not, they shall be guarded by a brick ring not less than three inches in thickness and extending through the partition, or by a solid coating of plaster of paris three inches thick, or by an earthen- ware ring three inches from the pipe. FURNACES AND HOT AIR REGISTERS. Sec. 61. In all cases where hot water, steam, hot air or other fur- naces are used, the furnace pipe must be kept at least two feet below the beams or ceilings above the same, unless said beams or ceilings shall be properly protected by a shield or tin plate suspended above said smoke pipe, with sufficient space for the free circulation of air above and below said shield, and the smoke pipes shall, in all cases, be kept at least eight inches from the beams or ceilings as aforesaid. The tops of all furnaces set in brick must be covered with brick, slate or tin plate, supported by iron bars and so constructed as to be perfectly tight; said covering to be in addition and not less than six inches from the ordinary covering to the hot air chamber. The top of every portable furnace not set in brick shall be kept at least one foot below the beams or ceilings with a shield of metal, made tight, and sus- pended below the said beams or ceilings, and extended one foot beyond the top of the furnace on all sides. All hot air registers from hot air furnaces hereafter placed in the floor of any building shall be set in iron borders not less than two inches in width. There shall be an open space of one inch on all sides of the register box, extending from the under side of the ceiling, below the register, to the border in the floor; the outside of said space to be covered with a casing of tin plate, made tight on all sides, to extend from the under side of the aforesaid eeiling up to and under said border. PIPES FOR WATER, STEAM, GAS, ETC. Sec. 62. Gas, water, steam or other pipes which may be introduced into any building other than a dwelling shall not be let into the beams unless the same be placed within twelve inches of the ends of the beams. FIRE PLACES, BOILER ROOMS, UNSAFE CHIMNEYS. Sec. 63. Hearths of fire places or grates shall be laid upon brick or stone arches, or upon bars of iron supporting a bed of brickwork. The back of all fire places shall not be less than eight inches thick. All 268 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE boiler rooms hereafter constructed in any building otner than dwelling houses shall be protected with brick or iron, and shall be so arranged that all openings between the said boiler room and other parts of the building in which it is placed shall be closed by iron or metal covered doors, which shall be securely closed at the end of each day. This does not apply to fireproof buildings. If any chimney, flue, fire place or other heating apparatus or any premises in the City of Spokane shall, in the opinion of the Board of Public Works, or their agent, be dangerous or unsafe by reason of endangering the premises by fire or otherwise, the Board of Public Works, or their agent, shall at once notify in writing the owner, agent or other party having an interest in said premises, and shall require him to make the same safe; and upon neglect of said person so notified to comply with the provisions of said notice for a period of forty-eight hours after the service of said notice upon him, he shall become liable to a penalty of not less than ten dollars nor more than fifty dollars for every day’s continuance of said unsafe structure, and to imprisonment until such fines and costs are paid, not exceeding ninety days. POSTS FOR GUY ROPES. Sec. 64. Iron bars shall not be driven in the roadway of any street for the purpose of attaching guy ropes of derricks. Posts may be set up on the side of the roadway opposite any derrick for the purpose of attaching guy lines. Such posts shall not be less than eight inches square, of sound timber, sixteen feet long, set at least five feet in the ground; guy ropes attached to such posts shall be kept at least ten feet above the surface of the street. DANGER LIGHTS. Sec. 65. Any person having the use of any portion of the street or sidewalk for the purpose of erecting or repairing any building, or for any other purpose, shall cause a sufficient number of red lights to be placed in a conspicuous place in front of such obstruction from dark until sunrise each night during the time such obstruction remains. STREET GUTTERS IN FRONT OF BUILDING OPERATIONS. Sec. 66. The gutter or waterway of any street, avenue or alley shall not at any time be obstructed by any building materials so as to prevent the free passage of water in and along the same. AWNINGS, WOODEN SIGNS. Sec. 67. Where awnings are attached to buildings, the framework shall be of metal. All signs placed on any building above the sills of the third story windows shall be made of incombustible materials. No wooden signs shall be more than two feet wide. BURNT AND DANGEROUS BUILDINGS. Sec. 68. Whenever, in the opinion of the Board of Public Works, or their agent, any wall or other part of a burned building is dangerous, or when any building shall be deemed unsafe for the purposes for which it is used, or that shall be in danger of being set on fire from any defect in construction, or any machinery, material or staging used MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 269 during the construction of any building shall be considered unsafe for the purpose it is intended for, the Board of Public Works, or their agent, shall notify the owner or his agent in writing, specifying wherein such danger consists, or wherein such building is unsafe or defective. If the owner or agent neglects or refuses, after the serving of such notice, to proceed to put such building, machinery, material or staging in a safe condition, or to forthwith remove such danger, he shall be subject to the penalty of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each and every day such viola- tion shall continue after the serving of such notice, and shall be imprisoned until such fine and costs are paid, not exceeding ninety days. FIREPROOF VAULTS AT FACTORIES. Sec. 69. No building shall be used or occupied in whole or in part, for any of the trades or occupations hereinafter mentioned, to-wit: Planing mills, sash, door and blind factories, carpenter or cooper shops, wagon or carriage manufactories, cabinet and furniture factories, wood turning and veneering works, agricultural implement manufactories, box or shingle factories, or any other woodworking factory or shop, unless such building so occupied shall have in connection with it a brick or fireproof vault of sufficient capacity to contain all shavings, sawdust, chips or other light combustible refuse connected therewith, and all such shavings and other light combustible refuse shall be removed daily from such premises to such vault. In no event shall proprietors, owners or lessees of such manufactories allow combustible refuse to accumulate upon any lot, or in any building, unless stored in a fireproof vault. REPAIRS OF FRAME BUILDINGS IN FIRE LIMITS ARBITRATION. Sec. 70. It shall be unlawful to repair any frame building within the fire limits of the City of Spokane, when such building shall have been damaged by the elements or decay to the extent of forty per cent, of the value of such building. The decision of the Board of Public Works shall be conclusive as to the amount of damages to any building caused by the elements or decay. permit before commencing. Sec. 71. Before the erection, construction, material alteration or repairs of any building in the City of Spokane, the owner, architect or builder thereof, shall file with the Board of Public Works a statement in writing, giving the intended location of such building, its dimen- sions, materials, manner of construction and estimated cost. If such building is to be erected or materially altered within the fire limits of the city, then such owner, architect or builder shall — in addition to the statement aforesaid — submit for examination full specifications and plans for the proposed building or alterations, and shall also sign an agreement that the proposed work shall be done in accordance with the descriptions set forth in such plans, specifications and statement, and that all matters and things connected with such work shall be 270 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE done in strict compliance with the provisions of this ordinance. If it appears from said statement, plans and specifications that the building to be erected or repaired will conform to the provisions of this ordi- nance, so far as applicable thereto, then the Board of Public Works, or their agent, shall issue a permit to do the work desired. It shall not be lawful to proceed to construct or materially alter any building within the City of Spokane without such permit. STAIRWAYS IN BUILDINGS WHERE PERSONS ARE EMPLOYED. Sec. 72. Every store building, factory or other structure, wherein any person or persons shall be employed, above the first story thereof, in any trade or occupation, as workmen or workwomen, for wages, shall contain and be provided with so many stairways and of such size, width and material as the Board of Public Works, or their agent, may direct, and no building now or hereafter constructed for other uses or purposes, shall be used for employment or work of persons as herein above named without stairways having been constructed under supervision of said Board of Public Works, or their agent. STAIRWAYS IN FIRE LIMITS. Sec. 73. It shall not be lawful to build, construct or erect any wooden stairs or stairways on the outside of buildings leading to the upper stories of any building or buildings in the fire limits of the City of Spokane. Stairs leading to cellars or basements from sidewalks shall be built of noncombustible material. GUARDS AROUND MACHINERY, ETC. Sec. 74. In every factory, workshop or other place, or structure where machinery is employed, the belting, shafting, gearing, elevators and every other thing, when so located as to endanger the lives and limbs of those employed therein while in the discharge of their duties, shall be, so far as practicable, with approval of Board of Public Works, so covered or guarded as to insure against any injury to such employes. KINDS OF BRICK USED BRICK LAID IN WARM AND COLD WEATHER. Sec. 75. All brick walls and buttresses shall be of merchantable, well shaped brick, well laid and bedded, with well filled joints in lime or cement mortar, and well flushed up at every course with mortar, and all brick used during the warm months shall be wet at the time they are laid, and shall be dry at the time they are laid during the cold months. SMOKE HOUSES. Sec. 76. Smoke houses shall be constructed throughout with in- combustible materials, with ventilators at or near the top, and guards no less than four feet above the firebed sufficient to prevent the meats from falling into the fire. If they open into other buildings, such openings shall be protected by iron doors or shutters properly and thoroughly constructed. ESTIMATE OF COST OF BUILDINGS. Sec. 77. The Board of Public Works, or their agent, may in their MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 271 discretion, estimate the cost of any proposed building or structure for which a permit is applied for. THICKNESS OF WALLS OF BUILDINGS HAVING TRUSS ROOFS. Sec. 78. The outside brick or stone walls of rooms, having trussed roofs or ceilings, such as churches, public halls, theaters, dining rooms, or the like, if more than fifteen or less than twenty-five feet high, shall average at least sixteen inches; if over twenty-five feet high, at least twenty inches; if over forty-five feet high, at least twenty-four inches in thickness, exclusive of gables. An increase of four inches in thickness shall be made in all cases where the walls are over one hundred feet long, unless there are cross walls of equal height. SOLID BUTTRESSES. Sec. 79. If solid buttresses of brick or stone are employed, with a sectional area of three hundred or more square inches, placed less than eighteen feet apart, and extended to or nearly to top of the walls, four inches may be deducted from the thickness of any wall having such buttresses. STAIRWAYS IN PUBLIC HALLS, MAIN FLOORS IN PUBLIC HALLS EXIT HOSE ATTACHED TO STANDPIPES. Sec. 80. No stairway to any public hall or part thereof shall rise more than ten feet without a platform, and no winders, wheeling or circular steps shall be used. No such stairway shall be less than four feet wide. Each stairway and passageway shall have a strong hand rail on each side thereof throughout its entire course. Every public' hall with accommodations for five hundred or more people shall have at least two separate and distinct exits, to be as far apart as may be found practicable. Public halls accommodating seven hundred or more persons shall have at least three separate and distinct exits. No portion of the main floor of any public hall not used as a theater, and with accommodations for five hundred persons, shall be elevated to a greater height than thirty five feet above the street grade. Public halls with accommodations for one thousand persons or more shall have the main floor not over twenty-five feet above the street grade. No portion of the main floor of any theater with accommodations for five hundred or more persons shall be more than ten feet above the street grade. All egress openings in public halls shall have the word “exit” conspic- uously placed over them. The aisles or passages in such halls shall, at all times, be kept unobstructed. All such buildings shall have a water standpipe and water plugs to be placed on the stage or platform, or in its immediate vicinity, which shall be connected with the water pipes or street mains of the city, and shall be put in under the direc- tion and to the satisfaction of the Chief of the Fire Department and Board of Public Works, or their agent. Hose shall be attached to such standpipe, of such size as may be directed by said Chief of the Fire Department, to have nozzle and stop cock attached thereto; such hose shall be of sufficient length to extend to the farthest limits of such building or place of amusement, and shall at all times be kept in good 272 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE order and repair, subject to the inspection and approval of the Chief of the Fire Departement. All public halls with accommodations for one thousand or more persons shall have at least one standpipe in the street or alley on the outside of the building from ground to roof, with hose attachment close to a window or door at each floor or gallery. DEFINITION OF TERMS USED. Sec. 81. The words “tenement house” shall include every building which, or any portion of which is to be occupied, or is occupied, as a dwelling by more than two families, living independently of one an- other, and doing their cooking upon the premises. The words “wooden buildings” shall include all wooden, frame and veneered buildings. The term “division wall,” as used in this ordinance, shall apply to floor bearing walls extending through buildings from front to rear and sepa- rating stores and tenements in buildings or blocks owned by the same party. The word “streets” shall mean all streets, avenues and public alleys. The words “business building” shall embrace all buildings used principally for business purposes, thus including, among others, hotels, theaters and office buildings. The word “basement” shall mean a story whose floor is three feet or more below the. sidewalk, and whose height does not exceed eleven feet in the clear; all such stories that exceed eleven feet high shall be considered as first stories. The words “public halls” shall mean every building used as a church, chapel or other place of public worship; also, every building used as a college, school, public hall, hospital, theater, public concert room, public ball room, public lecture room, or for any public assemblage. ELEVATOR INSPECTIONS. Sec. 82. It shall be the duty of the Board of Public Works, or their agent, to cause a careful inspection of all passenger and freight ele- vators in the City of Spokane, as often as deemed necessary, and see that said elevators are in a perfectly safe condition, and in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance. It shall be unlawful for any person owning or having the care or control of any elevator to use or permit the use of the same after it has been declared by the Board of Public Works, or their agent, to be in a dangerous or unsafe condition, and he has prohibited the use of the same, until all necessary repairs have been made, under the penalty of twenty-five dollars for each offense. Sec. 83. It shall be the duty of the Board of Public Works, or their agent, to examine or cause to be examined, all buildings reported dangerous, or damaged by fire or accident, and to make a record of such examination, including the nature of such damage, with the name of the street and number of such building, the name of the owner, and to examine all buildings under application to be moved, raised, en- larged, altered or built upon, if considered necessary, and to make a record of the condition of the same. Said records shall always be open to the inspection of the public. The Board of Public Works, or their assistants, shall, so far as may be necessary for the performance of MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 273 their duties, have the right to enter any building or premises in the City of Spokane, and to examine and inspect such building in process of construction, and to direct the suspension of any such building operations as shall not conform to the requirements in this ordinance contained, and no person shall continue any building operation of any kind in the City of Spokane after said Board of Public Works, or their agent, has in writing directed the suspension thereof for such reason. Sec. 84. Any person who shall violate any provision of this ordi- nance shall, unless herein otherwise provided, be subject to a fine of not less than twenty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for every offense, and shall be imprisoned until such fine and costs are paid, not exceeding ninety days. Any owner, builder or contractor who shall construct or cause to be constructed, and any architect having charge of the same, who shall permit to be constructed, any building in viola- tion of the provisions of this ordinance, shall be liable to the penalties and punishments provided for and imposed by this ordinance. Sec. 85. Repealed by ordinance No. A817. Sec. 86. Any provision of other ordinances inconsistent with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 87. This ordinance shall take effect ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council March 7, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. A817. AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING CERTAIN RULES AND REGULATIONS PRESCRIBED BY THE BOARD OF HEALTH OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE, WASH- INGTON, FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, ALTERATION AND INSPECTION OF THE PLUMBING AND SEWERAGE PLACED IN OR IN CONNECTION WITH ANY BUILDING IN SAID CITY OF SPOKANE, AND REPEALING SECTION 85 OF ORDI- NANCE NO. a285, ENTITLED “an ORDINANCE TO REGULATE THE CONSTRUC- TION, ALTERATION, REPAIRS AND REMOVAL OF BUILDINGS IN THE CITY OF SPOKANE, WASHINGTON,” PASSED MARCH 7, 1893; AND THE FIRST AND SECOND SUBSECTIONS OR SUBDIVISIONS OF SECTION 9 OF ORDINANCE NO. a486, entitled “an ordinance relating to sewers and drainage,” PASSED AUGUST 21, 1894; AND ALL OTHER ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT WITH SAID RULES AND REGULATIONS, AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLA- TION OF SAID RULES AND REGULATIONS. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: PLUMBING PLANS TO BE FILED. Section 1. Before the construction, reconstruction, alteration or repair, (except as hereinafter provided) of any portion of the plumbing or drainage system of any building, suitable plans of all work proposed ^o be done shall be filed at the office of the inspector of plumbing by the architect or by the owner or agent of the property, or by the con- tracting plumber. 18 274 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE Sec. 2. All plumbing plans and sections shall show clearly the loca- tion of all soil, waste and vent pipes, fixtures and traps. PLANS NOT REQUIEED. Sec. 3. Plans will not be required in cases of removal of stoppages, repairs of leaks and repairs of or replacing broken fixtures, tanks, kitchen boilers or faucets. ONE PLAN FOR SEVERAL BUILDINGS. Sec. 4. Where a number of buildings are situated on adjoining lots on one street, and the plumbing is the same in each, and to be done under the same contract, one plan will be considered sufficient for all the buildings. In such a case a general plan shall be filed, showing all the houses and the location of the main drain for each house. SPECIFICATIONS. Sec. 5. Every plan must be accompanied by a clear written descrip- tion thereof, or abstract of the specifications, on the blanks supplied by the Department of Health for this purpose. APPROVAL OF PLANS. Sec. 6. Plans and specifications shall be approved or rejected within two working days from the date of filing. In case of rejection, the one filing the plan shall be notified in writing of the reasons for such rejection. NO PLAN APPROVED WITHOUT WATER DEPARTMENT PERMIT. Sec. 7. No portion of any plumbing or drainage work shall be exe- cuted until the water department shall have issued a permit for such work, and the above mentioned plans and descriptions thereof shall have been approved by the Inspector of Plumbing. TIME LIMIT OF PLANS. Sec. 8. If the work is not begun under the approved plans within six months from the date of approval, new plans shall be again pre- sented for approval. CHANGES IN PLANS. Sec. 9. No change of the approved plans shall be permitted unless such change shall be authorized by the owner or agent, submitted to the Inspector of Plumbing, and approved, and placed on file as in the case of original work. inspection. Sec. 10. The Department of Health shall be notified when any work is ready for inspection; all work shall be left uncovered and convenient for examination until inspected and approved; no notice shall be sent for any inspection until the work is entirely ready. TIME FOR INSPECTION. Sec. 11. The Plumbing Inspector shall examine the work within two working days after receiving notice that it is ready for inspection. AIR OR WATER TEST. Sec. 12. Plumbing work shall be tested by the water or five poun • MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 30 All avenues in Northeast Division shall be numbered from Division street east, commencing with No. 1 and continuing with even numbers on the south side and odd numbers on the north side, and each and every number shall have a capital letter “E” prefixed, and this shall be considered as part of the house number. All streets in the Southeast Division shall be numbered from Sprague avenue south, commencing with No. 1 and continuing with even numbers on the west side and odd numbers on the east side, and each and every number shall have the capital letter “S” prefixed, and this shall be considered part of the house number. All avenues in the Southeast Division shall bw numbered from Division street east, commencing with No. 1, continuing with even numbers on the south side and odd numbers on the north side, and each and every number shall have the capital letter “E” prefixed, and this shall be considered a part of the house number. All streets in the Northwest Division shall be numbered from Sprague avenue north, commencing with No. 1 and continuing with even numbers on the east side and odd numbers on the west side. All avenues in the Northwest Division shall be numbered from Division street west, commencing with No. 1, and continuing with even numbers on the north side and odd numbers on the south side. All streets in the Southwest Division shall be numbered from Sprague avenue south, commencing with No. 1, and continuing with even numbers on the west side and odd numbers on the east side, and each and every number shall have the capital letter “S” prefixed, and this shall be considered as part of the house number. All avenues in the Southwest Division shall be numbered from Division street west, commencing with No. 1 and continuing with even numbers on the north side and odd numbers on the south side. Sec. 4, The decimal system of number is hereby adopted, and one hundred numbers are assigned to each block and each twenty feet to be assigned one number. Sec. 5. All house numbers along streets and avenues lying north of the Spokane river shall have a cipher prefixed, and this shall be con- sidered as a part of the house number. Sec. 6. All numbers shall be supplied to the owners or occupants of buildings by the City Clerk upon payment to him for the use of said city, of the sum of fifty cents for the same and for his certificate. Said Clerk shall issue with said numbers a certificate giving the number, the name of the occupant and location of the premises to be numbered, and shall make a record thereof in his office. Such number shall be attached to the building or place of business to which it belongs in a conspicuous place, either above or at the side of the front entrance of said building or place of business. As amended December 23, 1891, by ordinance No. A143. Sec. 7. All houses or places of business now erected shall be num- bered in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance on or before 302 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE the 20th day of January, 1892, and all houses or places of business hereafter erected shall be so numbered within fifteen days after the completion thereof. Any person, firm or corporation failing to comply with the provisions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined in any sum not exceeding ten dollars and costs of prosecution, and be committed until such fine and costs are paid. As amended December 23, 1891, by ordinance No. A143. Sec. 8. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. Sec. 9. This ordinance shall take effect ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council November 4, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 179. AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH A CITY MARKET PLACE AND TO REGULATE THE USE THEREOF. The City of Spokane Falls does ordain as follows : Section 1. Lots 9 and 10, block 9, Town of Spokane Falls, is hereby designated and established as a city market place, and all persons de- siring to offer for sale in wagon load lots any hay, wood or other products may use'and occupy the same for such purpose. Sec. 2. No person or persons shall offer for sale in wagon load lots, in any street or alley of the city, any hay, wood or other products, nor cause or permit any such wagon load lots of hay, wood or other prod- ucts owned or controlled by him or them to stand in any street or alley in the city for sale. Sec. 3. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction, shall be fined in any sum not exceeding twenty-five dollars for such offense. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after five days after its publication. Passed the City Council August 22, 1888. ORDINANCE NO. 239. AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE PLATTING AND LAYING OUT OF ADDITIONS TO THE CITY OF SPOKANE FALLS WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE CITY. The City of Spokane Falls does ordain as follows'. Section 1. All persons or corporations laying out or platting addi- tions to the City of Spokane Falls within the limits of said city shall conform all streets and alleys to the streets and alleys of adjoining plats and additions and to the original plat of the city, so far as prac- ticable. Sec. 2. All persons or corporations laying out parcels of land into lots and blocks within the limits of the City of Spokane Falls shall place in the streets twenty-five (25) feet each way from the northeast MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 303 corner of each block a stone two (2) feet long and at least six (6) inches square on top, with a one-half ( y 2 ) inch hole drilled to the depth of two (2) inches and filled with lead, into which a brass point shall be driven at the exact point twenty- five (25) feet each way from the northeast corner of each block. The top of such stones shall be placed two (2) feet below grade, where established, and not less than two (2) feet below the surface of the ground. Where said point falls upon solid rock, the stone aforesaid shall be omitted, but a hole one (1) foot deep, one-half (%) inch in diameter, shall be drilled at the exact point, and an iron rod be safely anchored therein flush with the surface of the solid rock. All points thus marked shall be shown on the plat filed. Sec. 3. All persons or corporations shall, before filing any such plats of additions, submit the same to the City Surveyor and obtain his approval thereof, and the City Surveyor shall make a record in his office of the location of all points placed as specified in section two (2), and shall report same to City Council, and no plat shall be made until same shall be approved by the City Council. Sec. 4. Any persons or corporations violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction, shall be fined in any sum not exceeding one hundred dol- lars ($100). Sec. 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after five days after its passage and publication. Passed the City Council February 6, 1889. ORDINANCE NO. A1350. AN ORDINANCE VACATING A PORTION OF MAIN AVENUE, LYING BETWEEN MON- ROE STREET AND RIVERSIDE AVENUE, IN THE CITY OF SPOKANE. Whereas, The Washington Safe Deposit & Trust Company hereto- fore filed its petition for the vacation of a certain part of Main avenue, in the City of Spokane, which is more particularly hereinafter de- scribed; and Whereas, The City Clerk gave notice of the filing of said petition and of the time and place fixed by order of the Council for hearing said petition, and at the time and place so fixed for said hearing (no person appearing and objecting thereto) it was ordered by the Coun- cil that the prayer of said petition be granted, upon compliance with the terms and conditions of a certain contract made and entered into by and between said Washington Safe Deposit & Trust Company and the City of Spokane, on the 3rd day of March, A. D. 1903, which said contract is now on record and on file in the office of the City Clerk; now, therefore, The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. That that portion of Main avenue, in the City of Spo- 304 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE kane, Washington, described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the northeast corner of lot 35, block 4, Glover’s addition to Spokane Falls, now Spokane, Washington; thence east 102.50 feet to the west line of Monroe street; thence south along the west line of Monroe street 57 feet to a point; thence along a line bearing south 67 degrees, .05 min- utes west, a distance of 103.16 feet, to a point of curve; thence curving to the right, through 32 degrees 35 minutes of curvature, with a curve having a radius of 34.22 feet, a distance of 19.43 feet to a point of tan- gent; thence along a tangent bearing north 80 degrees 20 minutes west a distance of 115.03 feet to a point of curve; thence curving to the left, through 28 degrees 24 minutes of curvature, with a curve having a radius of 194.28 feet, a distance of 95.42 feet, to the southwest corner of lot 34, block 4, Glover’s addition to Spokane Falls, now Spokane, Washington; thence north 71 degrees 16 minutes east along the south- erly line of said block 4, said Glover’s addition, a distance of 232.31 feet, to the southeast corner of lot 35, said block 4; thence north along the east line of said lot 35 a distance of 12 feet, to place of beginning, be and the same is hereby vacated. Sec. 2. That upon the failure of the said Washington Safe Deposit & Trust Company to perform any of the terms and conditions of the contract herein referred to, this ordinance shall be null and void. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council March 24, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. A417. AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR THE DISPOSING OF BALLOTS AND RETURNS OF ELECTION. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. The City Clerk shall, at the expiration of six months after each election, destroy all ballots and returns of such election; and the City Clerk shall destroy all ballots and returns now on hand of previous elections; provided, the destroying of all election ballots and returns shall be done in the presence of the Mayor and President of the City Council. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council April 6, 1894. ORDINANCE NO. A249. AN ORDINANCE DIVIDING THE WARDS OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE, WASHINGTON, INTO ELECTION PRECINCTS. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. The several wards of the City of Spokane are hereby MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 305 divided into election precincts, and the boundaries of each precinct shall be as hereinafter described. FIRST WARD. Adams Precinct. — Commencing at a point on the line of the easterly- city limits where the same intersects the north bank of the Spokane river; thence south on said easterly city limits line to the center line of Mendenhall avenue; thence west along the center line of Menden- hall avenue to the intersection of the same with the west line of sec- tion 1G, township 25 north, range 43 east, W. M.; thence westerly along the continuation of the center line of Mendenhall avenue to a point where the same intersects the center line of section 17, township 25 north, range 43 east; thence north along the center line of section 17, township 25 north, range 43 east, to a point where the center line of Riverside avenue intersects the center line of said section 17; thence westerly along the center line of Riverside avenue to the center line of Sheridan street; thence south along the center line of Sheridan street to the center line of Riverside avenue; thence westerly along the center line of Riverside avenue and the extension thereof to the cen- ter line of Division street; thence north along the center line of Divis- ion street to the north bank of the Spokane river; thence easterly along the north bank of the Spokane river to the place of beginning. Allen Precinct — Commencing at a point on the easterly city limits line, where the same intersects the center line of Mendenhall avenue; thence south on the easterly city limits line to the center line of Hart- son avenue; thence west along the center line of Hartson avenue to the north and south center line of section 21, township 25 north, range 43 east; thence south along said center line of said section 21 to the center line of Eighth avenue; thence west along the center line of Eighth avenue to a point where the same intersects the center line of Newark avenue; thence northwesterly along the center line of Newark avenue to a point where the same intersects the center line of Arthur street; thence north along the center line of Arthur street to a point where the extension of the same intersects the extended line of Men- denhall avenue; thence east along the extended center line of Menden- hall avenue, and the center line of Mendenhall avenue to the place of beginning. Arthur Precinct. — Commencing at a point where the easterly city limits line intersects the center line of Hartson avenue; thence west along the center line of Hartson avenue to the north and south center line of section 21, township 25 north, range 43 east; thence south along said center line of said section 21 to the center line of Eighth avenue; thence west along the center line of Eighth avenue to a point where the same intersects the center line of Newark avenue; thence northwesterly along the center line of Newark avenue to a point where the same intersects the center line of Arthur avenue; thence south along the center line of Arthur avenue to the center line of Eighth avenue; thence west along the center line of Eighth avenue to the cen- 20 3°6 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE ter line of Hatch street; thence north along the center line of Hatch street to the center line of Blaine avenue; thence west along the cen- ter line of Blaine avenue to the center line of Chandler street; thence north along the center line of Chandler street to the center line of Hartson avenue; thence west along the center line of Hartson avenue to the extended center line of Division street; thence south along the extended center line of Division street and the center line of Division street to the south city limits line; thence east along the south city limits line to the east city limits line; thence north on the east city limits line to a point where the center line of Hartson avenue inter- sects the said east city limits line, the place of beginning. Alki Precinct. — Commencing at a point where the extended center line of Arthur street intersects the extended center line of Mendenhall avenue; thence running south along the extended center line of Arthur street and the center line of Arthur street to the center line of Eighth avenue; thence west along the center line of Eighth avenue to the cen- ter line of Hatch street; thence north along the center line of Hatch street to the center line of Blaine avenue; thence west along the center line of Blaine avenue to the center line of Chandler street; thence north along the center line of Chandler street to the center line of Hartson avenue; thence west along the center line of Hartson avenue to the extended center line of Division street; thence north along the extended center line of Division street and the center line of Division street to the center line of Riverside avenue; thence east on the ex- tended center line of Riverside avenue and the center line of Riverside avenue to a point where the center line of Riverside avenue intersects the center line of Sheridan street; thence north on the center line of Sheridan street to the center line of Riverside avenue; thence east along the center line of Riverside avenue to a point where the same intersects the center line of section 17, township 25 north, range 43 east; thence south along said center line of said section 17 to a point where the extended center line of Mendenhall avenue intersects the said center line of said section 17; thence east along the extended cen- ter line of Mendenhall avenue to a point where the same intersects the extended center line of Arthur street, the place of beginning. SECOND WARD. Brickell Precinct. — Commencing at the north hank of the Spokane river at the center line of Division street; thence south along the cen- ter line of Division street to the intersection of the center line of Division street and the center line of Front avenue; thence west along the center line of Front avenue to its terminus, and continuing west in a straight line to the center line of Monroe street; thence north on the center line of Monroe street to the north bank of the Spokane river; thence easterly along the north bank of the northernmost chan- nel of the Spokane river, including the islands, to the place of begin- ning. Burke Precinct. — Commencing at the intersection of the center line MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 307 of Front avenue and the center line of Division street; thence south along the center line of Division street to the center line of Riverside avenue; thence west along the center line of Riverside avenue to the intersection of the center line of Riverside avenue and the center line of Washington street; thence north along the center line of Wash- ington street to the intersection of the center line of Washington street and the center line of Front avenue; thence east along the center line of Front avenue to the place of beginning. Browne Precinct. — Commencing at the intersection of the center line of Front avenue and the center line of Washington street; thence south along the center line of Washington street to the center line of Riverside avenue; thence west along the center line of Riverside avenue to the center line of Howard street; thence north along the center line of Howard street to the center line of Front avenue; thence east along the center line of Front avenue to the place of be- ginning. Butler Precinct. — Commencing at the intersection of the center line of Front avenue and the center line of Howard street; thence south along the center line of Howard street to the center line of Riverside avenue; thence west along the center line of Riverside avenue to the center line of Monroe street; thence north along the center line of Monroe street to a point opposite the center line of Front avenue; thence east on a direct line and along the center line of Front avenue to the place of beginning. Burton Precinct. — Commencing at the intersection of the center line of Riverside avenue and the center line of Division street; thence south along the center line of Division street to the main track of the Northern Pacific Railroad tracks; thence southwesterly along said main track to the intersection of the Northern Pacific Railroad and the center line of Stevens street; thence north along the center line of Stevens street to the center line of Riverside avenue; thence east along the center line of Riverside avenue to the place of beginning. Blake Precinct. — Commencing at the intersection of the center line of Riverside avenue and the center line of Stevens street; thence south along the center line of Stevens street to the main track of the North- ern Pacific Railroad: thence west along said main track to the center line of Mill street; thence north along the center line of Mill street to the center line of Riverside avenue; thence east along the center line of Riverside avenue to the place of beginning. Beacon Precinct. — Commencing at the intersection of the center line of Mill street and the center line of Riverside avenue; thence south along the center line of Mill street to the main track of the Northern Pacific Railroad; thence west along said main track to the center line of Monroe street; thence north along said center line of Monroe street to the center line of Riverside avenue; thence east along the center line of Riverside avenue to the place of beginning. Bernard Precinct. — Commencing at the intersection of the main 3°8 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE track of the Northern Pacific Railroad and the center line of Division street; thence south along the center line of Division street to the center line of Third avenue; thence west along the center line of Third avenue to the center line of Monroe street; thence north along the center line of Monroe street to the intersection of the center line of Monroe street with the Northern Pacific Railroad track; thence easterly and northeasterly along the main track of the Northern Pacific Railroad Company to the place of beginning. Blaine Precinct. — Commencing at the intersection of the center line of Third avenue and the center line of Division street; thence south along the center line of Division street and the center line of Division street extended to the center line of Fifth avenue; thence west along the center line of Fifth avenue to the center line of Monroe street; thence north along the center line of Monroe street to the cen- ter line of Third avenue; thence east along the center line of Third avenue to the place of beginning. Belmont Precinct. — Commencing at the intersection of the center line of Fifth avenue and the extended center line of Division street; thence south along the center and on a direct line with the center line of Division street to the south city limits; thence west along said south city limits to the center line of Madison street; thence north along the center line of Madison street to the center line of Ninth avenue; thence east along the center line of Ninth avenue to the center line of Monroe street; thence north along the center line of Monroe street to the center line of Fifth avenue; thence east along the center line of Fifth avenue to the place of beginning. THIRD WARD. Clay Precinct. — Commencing on the center line of Monroe street at the north bank of the Spokane river; thence south along the center line of Monroe street to the center line of Riverside avenue; thence westerly along the center line of Riverside avenue to where the said center line of Riverside avenue intersects the section line between sec- tions 13 and 24, township 25, range 43 E. W. M.; thence west along said section line to the west city limits; thence north on said west city limits to the half section line of section 14, township 25 north, range 42 E. W. M.; thence east on said half section line to the north bank of the Spokane river; thence southerly and easterly along the north bank of the Spokane river to the place of beginning. Carleton Precinct. — Commencing at the intersection of the center line of Riverside avenue and the center line of Monroe street; thence south along the center line of Monroe street to the main track of the Northern Pacific Railroad; thence west along the main track of the Northern Pacific Railroad to the center line of Cedar street, and pursu- ing a west course along the extended center line of Pacific avenue and the center line of Pacific avenue to the intersection with the center line of Riverside avenue; thence northerly and easterly along the center line of Riverside avenue to where the center line of Riverside avenue inter- MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 309 sects the south line of section 13, township 25 north, range 42 east; thence east along the south line of said section 13 to a point where the center line of Riverside avenue intersects the center line of Cedar street; thence northeasterly along the center line of Riverside avenue to the place of beginning. Cannon Precinct. — Commencing at the intersection of the Northern Pacific Railroad main track and the center line of Monroe street; thence south along the center line of Monroe street to the center line of Fifth avenue; thence west along the center line of Fifth avenue to the center line of Maple street; thence north along the center line of Maple street to the center line of Pacific avenue; thence east along the center line of Pacific avenue and along the main track of the Northern Pacific Railroad to the place of beginning. Cleveland Precinct. — Commencing at the intersection of the center line of Fifth avenue and the center line of Monroe street; thence south along the center line of Monroe street to the center line of Ninth avenue; thence west along the center line of Ninth avenue to the center line of Madison street; thence south along the center line of Madison street to the south city limits; thence west along the south city limits to the main track of the Northern Pacific Railroad; thence north along the main track of the Northern Pacific Railroad to the center line of Fifth avenue; thence east along the center line of Fifth avenue to the place of beginning. Carlisle Precinct. — Commencing at the intersection of the center line of Pacific avenue and the center line of Maple street; thence south along the center line of Maple street to the center line of Fifth avenue; thence west along the center line of Fifth avenue to the main track of the Northern Pacific Railroad; thence southerly along said main track to the east and west half section line of section 24, town- ship 25, range 42; thence west on said line to the extended center line of Cceur d’Alene street; thence northerly along the extended line of Cceur d’Alene street and the center line of Cceur d’Alene street to the center line of Pacific avenue; thence east along the center line of Pacific avenue to the place of beginning. Cass Precinct. — Commencing at a point where the north line of sec- tion 23, township 25 north, range 42 east, intersects the west city limits line; thence east along the north lines of sections 23 and 24 to a point where the north line of section 24 intersects the center line of Riverside avenue; thence southwesterly along the center line of River- side avenue to the center line of Pacific avenue; thence west along the center line of Pacific avenue to the center line of Cceur d’Alene street; thence southwesterly along the center line of Cceur d’Alene street and the extension thereof to the east and west center line of section 24, township 25 north, range 42 east; thence east along said east and west center line to where the same intersects the main track of the Northern Pacific Railroad; thence southeasterly along the Northern Pacific Rail- road to the south city limits line; thence west along the south city MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 310 limits line to the west city limits line; thence north along the west city limits line to the north line of section 23, township 25 north, range 42 east, the place of beginning. FOURTH WARD. Delaware Precinct. — Commencing on the north city limits at a point directly north of the center line of Mill street; thence in a direct line south and along the center line of Mill street to the center line of Sharp avenue; thence west along the center line of Sharp avenue to the center line of Cedar street; thence south on Cedar street along its center line to the center line of Boone avenue; thence west along the center line of Boone avenue to the abandoned track of the Spokane Cable Railway Company; thence northwesterly along the center of said track to the west city limits; thence north on the line of the west city limits to the line of the north city limits; thence east on said line to the place of beginning. Damon Precinct. — Commencing at the intersection of the center line of Sharp avenue and the center line of Mill street; thence south along the center line of Mill street and the center line of Mill street extended to the north bank of the Spokane river; thence westerly along the north bank of the Spokane river to the extended center line of Cedar street; thence north along the extended center line of Cedar street and the center line of Cedar street to the center line of Sharp avenue; thence east along the center line of Sharp avenue to the place of begin- ning. Douglas Precinct. — Commencing at the intersection of the center line of Boone avenue and the center line of Cedar street; thence south along the center line of Cedar street and the extended center line of Cedar street to the north bank of the Spokane river; thence westerly and northerly along the north bank of the Spokane river to a point where the half section line of section 14, township 25 north, range 42 E. W. M., intersects said river; thence west on said half section line to the west city limits; thence north on said west city limits to where the Spokane Cable Company’s abandoned track reaches said city limits; thence southeasterly along the said abandoned track to the center line of Boone avenue; thence east along the center line of Boone avenue to the place of beginning. % FIFTH WARD. Eureka Precinct. — Commencing at the northeast corner of the city limits; thence south on the east line of the city limits to the north bank of the Spokane river; thence westerly along the north bank of the Spokane river to the center line of Division street; thence north along the center line of Division street to the center line of Euclid avenue; thence east along the center line of Euclid avenue to the center line of Perry street; thence north along the center line of Perry street to the north city limits; thence east on said city limits to the place of begin- ning. Eldorado Precinct. — Commencing on the north city limits at the in- MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 3ii tersection of the center line of Perry street; thence south along the cen- ter line of Perry street to the center line of Euclid avenue; thence west along the center line of Euclid avenue to the center line of Division street; thence south along the center line of Division street to the north bank of the Spokane river; thence westerly along the north bank of the Spokane river to the center line of Mill street; thence north along the center line of Mill street and the extended center line of Mill street to the north city limits; thence east on said city limits to the place of beginning. Sec. 2. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council September 9, 1892. (New precincts have been established by Board of County Com- missioners. — Note. ) ORDINANCE NO. A576. AN ORDINANCE TO REMIT PENALTY AND INTEREST ON MUNICIPAL TAXES WHICH BECAME DUE AND PAYABLE IN THE YEARS PREVIOUS TO 1893. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. That all the penalty and accrued interest shall be re- mitted on all delinquent municipal taxes which became due and pay- able in the years previous to 1893, and which shall be paid on or before the 1st day of October, 1895, and the City Treasurer shall receive the net amount of such taxes in full satisfaction thereof. Sec. 2. All the penalty and one-half of the accrued interest shall be remitted on all delinquent municipal taxes payable in the years pre- vious to 1893, and which shall be paid after the 1st day of October, 1895, and on or before the 1st day of January, 1896, and the City Treasurer shall receive in full satisfaction of said taxes the net amount thereof, together with interest thereon at the rate of ten per centum (10%) per annum from the date when the same became delinquent to the date of payment. Sec. 3. One-half of the penalty and one-half of the accrued interest shall be remitted on all municipal taxes which became due and payable in the years previous to 1893, and which shall remain unpaid after the 1st day of January, 1896, and the City Treasurer shall receive in full satisfaction of such taxes the net amount thereof, together with a pen- alty of two and one-half per centum (2y 2 %), and together with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent. (10%) per annum from the date when the same became delinquent to the date of payment. Sec. 4. Nothing herein shall apply to any taxes for which the prop- erty subject to pay the same shall have been sold to any person, firm or corporation, except the City of Spokane. Sec. 5. When any property liable to pay any of the taxes herein 3 12 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE mentioned shall have been sold to the City of Spokane, the City Treas- urer in collecting said tax, shall, in addition to the amount of the tax collected, and penalty and interest, when penalty and interest shall be collectible under this ordinance, collect the amount of all the costs and charges of advertising of said sale, legally chargeable against said property, on account of said sale. Sec. 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council May 10, 1895. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 3i3 PART II. Street Improvements, Appropriations, and Mis- cellaneous Ordinances. It being deemed unnecessary to print the following ordinances in full, the title and date of passage of the several ordinances is here given : STREET IMPROVEMENT ORDINANCES. No. A887. An ordinance to establish the grade of Adams street from the north line of Boone avenue to the north line of Mallon avenue. Passed the City Council November 10th, 1899. No. 255. An ordinance to provide for grading Adams street from Fifth street south to the city limits. Passed March 18, 1889. No. A442. An ordinance to provide for the re-assessment of all lots, etc., fronting Adams street between the south line of Fifth street and the south city limits, as said limits were defined and existed on the 13th day of March, 1889, to provide for the payment of grading said Adams street. Passed June 26, 1894. No. A513. An ordinance confirming the re-assessment roll for the grading of Adams street between the south line of Fifth street and the south city limits, as said limits were defined and existed on the 13th day of March, 1889. Passed December 4, 1894. No. A520. An ordinance to issue bonds to pay for grading Adams street from the south line of Fifth street to the south city limits, as said limits were defined and existed on the 13th day of March, 1889. Passed December 4, 1894. No. 547. An ordinance providing for the grading and improving of South Adams street between the center line of Fourteenth street and the center line of Twenty-first street. Passed February 11, 1891. No. A44. An ordinance providing for the levy and collection of special tax to pay the expenses of grading, etc., of South Adams street between the north line of Fourteenth street and the south line of Twenty-first street. Passed July 9, 1891. No. 549 An ordinance providing for the grading and improving of Adams street from the south line of Sprague street to the north line of Fifth street. Passed February 11, 1891. No. A341. An ordinance providing for the sidewalking of both 314 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE sides of Adams street between the north line of Second avenue and the south line of Sprague avenue. Passed July 18, 1893. No. A1311. An ordinance to establish the grade of Ash street from the south line of Fifth avenue to the north line of Tenth avenue. Passed the City Council March 24, 1903. No. A1148. An ordinance to establish the grade of Ash street from the south line of Tenth avenue to the north line of Fourteenth avenue. Passed the City Council April 1, 1902. No. A59. An ordinance providing for the grading and guttering of Fourth street (now Ash street) between the north line of Broadway and the south line of D street. Passed July 31, 1891. No. A1175. An ordinance to establish the grade of Augusta avenue from the west line of Monroe street to the east line of Ash street. Passed the City Council June 17, 1902. No. A834. An ordinance to establish the grade of Augusta avenue from the east line of Standard street to the west line of Atlantic street. Passed the City Council May 23, 1899. No. A1133. An ordinance providing for the grading, curbing, bal- lasting and sidewalking of Augusta avenue from the center line of Monroe street to the center line of Howard street, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district, and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement. Passed the City Council February 4, 1902. No. A1285. An ordinance to amend the title to ordinance No. A1133, entitled “An ordinance providing for the grading, curbing, bal- lasting and sidewalking of Augusta avenue from the center line of Monroe street to the center line of Howard street, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement.” Passed the City Council January 20, 1903. No. A1289. An ordinance to establish the grade of Addison street, from the south line of Boone avenue to the nortn line of Carlisle avenue. Passed the City Council January 20, 1903. No. A1202. An ordinance to establish the grade of Alice avenue from the west line of Monroe street to the east line of Jefferson street. Passed the City Council August 12, 1902. No. A1056. An ordinance to establish the grade of Arthur street from the north line of Highland avenue to the south line of Twelfth avenue. Passed the City Council June 4, 1901. No. A64. An ordinance providing for the grading, guttering and curbing of Arthur avenue between south line to Fourth street and the south line of Washington avenue. Passed August 4, 1891. No. A1194. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the improvement of Augusta avenue, from the center line of Monroe street to the center line of Howard street, by grading, curbing and ballasting the same, and to provide for the col- MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 315 lection of assessments and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed the City Council July 22, 1902. No. A1259. An ordinance to amend section two of ordinance No. A1194, entitled “An ordinance approving and confirming the assess- ments and assessment roll for the improvement of Augusta avenue, from the center line of Monroe street to the center line of Howard street, by grading, curbing and ballasting the same, and to provide for the collection of assessments and the payment of the bonds issued therefor,” passed July 22d, 1902. Passed the City Council November 28, 1902. No. A1195. An ordinance approving and confirming the assess- ments and assessment roll for the improvement of Augusta avenue, from the center line of Monroe street to the center line of Howard street, by sidewalking the same, and to provide for the collection of assessments and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed the City Council July 22, 1902. No. 154. An ordinance to provide for the grading of Saxton street (now Bernard street) between Third and Eighth streets. Passed May 29, 1888. No. A449. An ordinance to re-assess Saxton street (now Bernard street), between Third street (now Third avenue), and Eighth street (now Eighth avenue), to pay for grading of said Saxton street (now Bernard street) heretofore made. Passed June 26, 1894. No. A515. An ordinance to confirm the reassessment roll for grad- ing Saxton street (now Bernard street), between Third street (now Third avenue) and Eighth street (now Eighth avenue). Passed De- cember 4, 1894. No. A518. An ordinance to issue bonds to pay for grading Bernard street (formerly Saxton street), between Third avenue (formerly Third street) and Eighth avenue (formerly Eighth street). Passed December 4, 1894. No. 216. An ordinance to provide for the grading of Bernard street between north side of First street and north end of Bernard street. Passed December 5, 1888. No. A439. An ordinance to re-assess Bernard street, between the north line of First avenue (formerly First street), and the north end of Bernard street as the said north end was defined and existed on the 5th day of December, 1888, to pay for grading said Bernard street heretofore made. Passed June 26, 1894. No. A287. An ordinance providing for the sidewalking of Bernard street on the west side thereof, between the north line of Eighth avenue and a point 150 feet north of the north line of Eighth avenue. Passed March 7, 1893. No. A660. An ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer on Bernard street from Seventh avenue to Eighth avenue and on Eighth from Bernard street to McClellan street. Passed September 29, 1896. No. A681. An ordinance to amend section IV of an ordinance 3 i6 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE entitled “An ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer upon Bernard street from the center line of Seventh avenue to the center line of Eighth avenue and on Eighth avenue from Bernard street to center line of McClellan street, and providing for the issuance of bonds to pay the cost thereof,” passed the City Council September 29, 1896. Passed the City Council January 5, 1897. No. A680. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment roll for the assessment district established for the improvement of Bernard street from the center line of Seventh avenue to the center line of Eighth avenue, and Eighth avenue from Bernard street to the center line of McClellan street, by sewering the same, and to provide for the payment of the same. Passed the City Council December 15, 1896. No. 345. An ordinance to extend the water main on Bernard street between the center of Fifth and the center of Sixth street, also on Fifth street (now Fifth avenue) between the center of Washington and the center of Bernard street. Passed October 11, 1889. No. A818. An ordinance to establish the grade of Bishop Court from the west line of Monroe street to the east line of Jefferson street. Passed the City Council March 21st, 1899. No. A87. An ordinance providing for the grading, guttering and curbing of Spokane street (now Boone avenue) between the east line of Victoria street (now Division street) and the east line of College street (now Gonzaga street). Passed September 1, 1891. No. 286. An ordinance providing for the grading of Boone street (now Boone avenue) from Monroe street to the west city limits. Passed May 8, 1889. No. A429. An ordinance to re-assess Boone street (now Boone avenue) between the west line of Monroe street and the west city limits, as said limits were defined and existed on the 11th day of May, 1889. Passed June 26, 1894. No. A526. An ordinance to confirm the re-assessment roll for the grading of Boone avenue, formerly Boone street, between the west line of Monroe street and the west city limits, as said limits were defined and existed on the 11th day of May, 1889. Passed December 11, 1894. No. A534. An ordinance to issue bonds to pay for grading Boone avenue, formerly Boone street, from the west line of Monroe street to the west city limits, as said limits were defined and existed on the 11th day of May, 1889. Passed December 14, 1894. No. A155. An ordinance providing for the construction of a side- walk on both sides of Boone avenue from College street (now Gonzaga street) to Division street. Passed January 26, 1892. No. A1079. An ordinance providing for the sidewalking of Boone avenue from the center line of Monroe street to the center line of Cochran street, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district, and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement, providing MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 317 for the issuance of bonds and the payment thereof. Passed the City Council September 3, 1901. No. A1156. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the improvement of Boone avenue, from the center line of Monroe street to the center line of Cochran street, by sidewallpng the same, and to provide for the collection of assessments and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed the City Council April 15, 1902. No. 80. An ordinance providing for the grading of Bridge street between the west line of Monroe street and the west end of the Post street bridge. Passed September 23, 1887. No. A1134. An ordinance providing for the paving and curbing of Bridge avenue, from the east line of Monroe street, to a line 25 feet east of the east line of Lincoln street, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said im- provement. Passed the City Council February 18, 1902. No. A1144. An ordinance to amend sections six and nine, of ordi- nance No. A1134, entitled “An ordinance providing for the paving and curbing of Bridge avenue from the east line of Monroe street, to a line 25 feet east of the east line of Lincoln street, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district, and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement,’ passed the City Council February 18, 1902. Passed the City Council March 18, 1902. No. A1255. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the improvement of Bridge avenue, from the east line of Monroe street to a line 25 feet east of the east line of Lincoln street, by paving and curbing the same, and to provide for the collection of assessments and the payment of the bonds issued there- for. Passed the City Council November 11, 1902. No. A1241. An ordinance to establish the grade of Bridgeport ave- nue from the east line of Arch avenue to the west line of Martha street. Passed the City Council October 28, 1902. No. A164. An ordinance providing for the grading, etc., of Bridge- port avenue from the east line of Division street to the west line of Perry street. Passed March 1, 1892. No. 348. An ordinance providing for the grading and guttering of Broadway between the east line of Chestnut street and the west line of Post street. Passed October 11, 1891. No. A437. An ordinance to reassess Broadway, formerly Broadway street, between the east line of Chestnut street and the west line of Post street to pay for the grading and guttering of said Broadway, here- tofore made. Passed June 26, 1894. No. A529. An ordinance confirming the reassessment roll for the grading and guttering of Broadway, formerly Broadway street, between MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 3i8 the east line of Chestnut street and the west line of Post street. Passed December 11, 1894. No. A536. An ordinance for the issuance of bonds to pay for grad- ing and guttering of Broadway, formerly Broadway street, from the east line of Chestnut street to the west line of Post street. Passed December 14, 1894. No. A250. An ordinance providing for the sidewalking of Broad- way on both sides of said street between Monroe street and Chestnut street. Passed September 20, 1892. No. 439. An ordinance providing for the grading and improving of Park street (now Browne street) between Main and Sprague streets. Passed April 30, 1890. No. A374. An ordinance to reassess Browne street, formerly Park street, from the north line of Sprague avenue to the south line of Main avenue, to pay for the grading and improving of said Browne street, heretofore made. Passed January 16, 1894. No. A394. An ordinance to confirm the reassessment roll for the grading, etc., of Browne street, formerly Park street, between the north line of Sprague avenue and the south line of Main avenue. Passed February 20, 1894. No. A402. An ordinance for the issuance of bonds to pay for the grading, etc., of Browne street, formerly Park street, from the north line of Sprague avenue to the south line of Main avenue. Passed March 9, 1894, and as amended by Ordinance No. A478, passed July 24, 1894. No. A815. An ordinance to establish the grade of Cannon street from the south line of Riverside avenue to the north line of Sixth avenue. Passed the City Council February 7, 1899. No. A846. An ordinance providing for the grading, curbing and sidewalking of Cannon street between the south line of Riverside avenue and the north line of Fifth avenue, and for the payment of the cost thereof; creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement, providing for the issuance of warrants in payment of the cost thereof, and a fund to pay the same. Passed July 5, 1899. No. A870. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the assessment district for the improvement of Cannon street, in the City of Spokane, between the south line of Riverside avenue and the north line of Fifth avenue, by the grading, curbing and sidewalking of the same, and to provide for the collection of said assessments and the payment of the warrants issued therefor. Passed September 12, 1899. No. A899. An ordinance to amend section 2 of Ordinance No. A870, entitled “An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment roll for the assessment district for the improvement of Cannon street, in the City of Spokane, between the south line of Riverside avenue and the north line of Fifth avenue, by the grading, curbing and sidewalk- MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 3 T 9 ing of the same, and to provide for the collection of said assessments and the payment of the warrants issued therefor,” passed September 12, 1899. Passed December 5, 1899. No. A1310. An ordinance to establish the grade of Cannon street from the south line of Fifth avenue to the north line of Tenth avenue. Passed March 14, 1903. No. A1186. An ordinance for the improvement of Carlisle avenue, by grading, curbing, parking and sidewalking the same, from the center line of Monroe street to the center line of Lincoln street, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property in said assessment district to pay for the said improvement and for the issuing of bonds and the payment thereof. Passed July 8, 1902. No. A1334. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll for the improvement of Carlisle avenue from the center line of Monroe street to the center line of Lincoln street, by the grading, curbing and parking the same, and to provide for the col- lection of assessments and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed April 21, 1903. No. A391. An ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer upon Cedar street. Passed February 20, 1894. No. A432. An ordinance confirming the assessment roll for sewer- ing Cedar street. Passed June 26, 1894. No. A1039. An ordinance to establish the grade of Chandler street from the north line of Fourth avenue to the south line of Eighth ave- nue. Passed April 2, 1901. No. A970. An ordinance to establish the grade of Clarke avenue from the east line of Huron street to the west line of North street. Passed June 12, 1900. No. A991. An ordinance to establish the grade of Cleveland avenue from the east line of Post street to the east line of Corbin Park Addition. Passed August 7, 1900. No. A768. An ordinance for the grading, curbing and guttering of Chestnut street, between the center line of Second avenue and the center line of Fourth avenue, creating an assessment district, providing for the payment for such improvement by installments, and estab- lishing a fund for such payment by the levy and collection of special assessments on the property in said assessment district, and providing for the issuance of bonds, as authorized by the charter and ordinances of the City of Spokane. Passed June 21, 1898. No. A796. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment for the assesment district for the improvement of Chestnut street by grading, curbing and guttering from the center line of Second avenue to the center line of Fourth avenue, and to provide for the collection of said assessments and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed November 1, 1898. 320 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE No. A925. An ordinance to establish the grade or Chestnut street from the north line of Second avenue to the south line of Riverside avenue. Passed February 20, 1900. No. A939. An ordinance providing for the grading, curbing and sidewalking of Chestnut street from the center line of Riverside avenue to the center line of Second avenue, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement, providing for the issuance of bonds and a fund to pay the same. Passed March 6, 1900. No. A1087. An ordinance providing for the grading and curbing of Chestnut street from the center line of Fourth avenue to the center line of Fifth avenue, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement, providing for the issuance of bonds and the payment thereof. Passed September 3, 1901. No. A1112. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the improvement of Chestnut street from the center line of Fourth avenue to the center line of Fifth avenue, by grading, curbing and ballasting the same, and to provide for the collection of said assessments and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed December 17, 1901. No. A1089. An ordinance providing for the sidewalking of Chest- nut street from the center line of Fourth avenue to the center line of Fifth avenue, and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement, providing for the issuance of bonds and the payment thereof. Passed September 3, 1901. No. Allll. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the improvement of Chestnut street from the center line of Fourth avenue to the center line of Fifth avenue, by sidewalking the same, and to provide for the collection of said assess- ments and the payment of bonds issued therefor. Passed December 17, 1901. No. A1240. An ordinance to establish the grade of Chestnut street from the north line of Bridge avenue to the south line of Maxwell avenue. Passed October 28, 1902. No. A1286. An ordinance for the improvement of Chestnut street from Bridge avenue to Boone avenue, by grading, curbing and side- walking the same, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property of said assessment district to pay for the said improvement, and for the issuing of bonds and the pay- ment thereof. Passed January 20, 1903. No. 139. An ordinance to provide for the grading of College MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 3 21 avenue between Monroe street and the west city limits. Passed May 9, 1888. , No. A438. An ordinance to provide for the reassessment of lots, etc., fronting on College avenue, between Monroe street and the west city limits, to pay for grading, etc., of the same. Passed June 26, 1894. No. A528. An ordinance confirming the reassessment roll for the grading of College avenue between Monroe street and the west city limits. Passed December 11, 1894. No. A532. An ordinance to provide for the issuance of street improvement bonds for the payment of the costs and expenses of grading College avenue from Monroe street to the west city limits. Passed December 14, 1894. No. A251. An ordinance providing for the sidewalking of College avenue on both sides of said street, between Monroe street and Chestnut street. Passed September 20, 1892. No. 311. An ordinance providing for the extension of water mains on College avenue between Cedar and Home streets. Passed July 9, 1889. No. A1176. An ordinance to establish the grade of College avenue from the west line of Chestnut street to the east line of Summit boulevard. Passed June 17, 1902. No. A1182. An ordinance for the improvement of College avenue by grading, curbing and sidewalking the same, from the center line of Chestnut street to the center line of Summit boulevard, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and pro- viding for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property in said assessment district to pay for the said improvement, and for the issuing of bonds and the payment thereof. Passed July 1, 1902. No. A1251. An ordinance to amend section 1 of Ordinance No. A1182, entitled “An ordinance for the improvement of College avenue, by grading, curbing and sidewalking the same, from the center line of Chestnut street to the center line of Summit boulevard, and for the payment of the costs thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on property in said assessment district to pay for the said improvement, and issuing of bonds and the payment thereof,” passed July 7, 1902. Passed November 11, 1902. No. A1291. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the improvement of College avenue from the center line of Chestnut street to the center line of Summit boulevard, by grading and curbing the same, and to provide for the collection of assessments and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed January 3, 1903. No. A1360. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the improvement of College avenue from the center line of Chestnut street to the center line of Summit boulevard, by sidewalking the same, and to provide for the collection of assess- 21 3 22 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE ments and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed May 6, 1903. No. A1203. An ordinance to establish the grade of Cora avenue from the west line of Monroe street to the east line of Jefferson street. Passed August 12, 1902. No. A727. An ordinance to establish the grade of Coeur d’Alene street from the south line of Fourth avenue to the south line of Fifth avenue. Passed December 7, 1897. No. A800. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of Coeur d’Alene street, by grading, curbing, sidewalking and parking the same between the center line of Fourth avenue and the center line of Fifth avenue, in the City of Spokane, providing for the issuance of warrants to pay therefor, creating an assessment district, and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments upon the property adjudged to be benefited by said improvement, for the purpose of creating a fund to pay said warrants. Passed November 4, 1898. No. A811. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment roll for the assessment district for the improvement of Coeeur d’Alene street from the center line of Fourth avenue to the center line of Fifth avenue, by grading, curbing, sidewalking and parking, providing for the collection of said assessments and the payment of the warrants issued therefor. Passed January 6, 1899. No. A1231. An ordinance to establish the grade of Courtland avenue from the east line of Arch street to the west line of Martha street. Passed October 7, 1902. No. A888. An ordinance to establish the grade of Dean avenue from the east line of Cedar street to the west line of Jefferson street. Passed November 10, 1899. No. A881. An ordinance providing for the grading, curbing, ballast- ing and sidewalking of Dean avenue from the center line of Cedar street to the center line of Cochran street, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district, and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement, providing for the issuance of bonds and a fund to pay the same. Passed October 20, 1899. No. A923. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the assessment district for the improvement of Dean avenue from the center line of Cedar street to the center line of Cochran street, by grading, curbing, ballasting and sidewalking the same, and to provide for the collection of said assessments and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed February 6, 1900. No. A1210. An ordinance to establish the grade of Dean avenue from the west line of Cochran street to the east line of Lindeke street. Passed August 19, 1902. No. A1214. An ordinance for the improvement of Dean avenue from Cochran street to Lindeke street, by grading, curbing and side- walking the same, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 323 an assessment district, and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property in said assessment district to pay for the said improvement, and for the issuing of bonds and the payment thereof. Passed August 19, 1902. No. A1354. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the improvement of Dean avenue from the center line of Cochran street to the center line of Lindeke street, by grading, curbing and parking the same, and to provide for the collec- tion of assesments, and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed May 6, 1903. No. A801. An ordinance to establish the grade of Denver street from the north line of Newark avenue to the south line of Celesta avenue. Passed November 15, 1898. No. A86. An ordinance providing for the grading, guttering and curbing of Skillig street (now DeSmet avenue), between the east line of Victoria street (now Division street), and the east line of College street (now Gonzaga street). Passed September 1, 1891. No. A694. An ordinance providing for the sidewalking of the north side of DeSmet avenue, between the east line of Division street and the west line of Hamilton street, creating an assessment district, and pro- viding for the issuance of bonds to pay for the cost thereof. Passed May 20, 1897. No. 111. An ordinance providing for the grading of Division street between the south side of Riverside avenue and the south end of the Division street bridge. Passed February 24, 1888. No. A455. An ordinance to reassess all lots, etc., fronting on Divi- sion street between the south line of Riverside avenue and the south end of the Division street bridge for the purpose of raising money to pay for the grading of said Division street, heretofore made. Passed June 26, 1894. No. A512. An ordinance approving the reassessment roll for the grading of Division street between the south line of Riverside avenue and the south end of the Division street bridge. Passed December 4, 1894. No. A522. An ordinance to issue bonds for the grading of Division street from the south line of Riverside avenue to the south end of the Division street bridge. Passed December 4, 1894. No. 319. An ordinance providing for the grading and improving of Victoria street (now Division street) from the north end of the Divi- sion street bridge to the north city limits. Passed June 17, 1889. No. A3fr9. An ordinance to reassess Victoria street (now Division street), between the north end of the Division street bridge and the center line of Mission avenue (formerly north limit of city), to pay for grading and improving said street, heretofore made. Passed De- cember 5, 1893. No. A395. An ordinance to confirm the reassessment roll for grad- ing, etc., of Victoria street (now Division street) between the north 324 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE end of the Division street bridge and the center line of Mission avenue (formerly north limit of city). Passed February 20, 1894. No. A401. An ordinance for the issuance of bonds to pay the cost of grading, etc., of Victoria street (now Division street) from the north end of the Division street bridge to the center line of Mission avenue (formerly north limits of city). Passed March 13, 1894, and as amended by ordinance No. A476, passed July 24, 1894. No. 555. An ordinance providing for grading and improving Vic- toria street (now Division street) from Mission street northerly. Passed February 23, 1891. No. A52. An ordinance providing for the levy of a special tax to pay for the improvement of Victoria street (now Division street) from the south line of Mission street north to the north line of High street. Passed July 23, 1891. No. A403. An ordinance providing for the grading and making a slope upon lot No. 1 in block No. 74, in Central Addition to Spokane, on the west side of Division street. Passed March 13, 1894. No. A141. An ordinance providing for the construction of a side- walk on the w r est side of Division street from the S. L. S. & E. R. R. track to Montgomery avenue. Passed December 23, 1891. No. A142. An ordinance providing for the construction of a side- walk on the east side of Division street from the Spokane river to Mission avenue. Passed December 23, 1891. No. A144. An ordinance providing for the construction of a side- walk on the east side of Division street from Mission avenue to Mont- gomery avenue. Passed December 29, 1891. No. A235. An ordinance providing for the sidewalking of Division street, between the north end of the Division street bridge and the south line of Harrison avenue. Passed August 9, 1892. No. A93. An ordinance providing for the grading, etc., of Eighth street from the west line of Washington street to the west line of Sher- man street. Passed September 4, 1891. No. A291. An ordinance providing for the sidewalking of Eighth avenue on the south side thereof between the west line of Browne street and the west line of Washington street. Parsed March 14, 1893. No. A292. An ordinance providing for the sidewalking of Eighth avenue on the north side thereof between the east line of Washington street and the west line of Browne street. Passed March 14, 1893. No. A789. An ordinance to establish the grade of Eighth avenue from the west line of Lincoln street to the east line of Chestnut street. Passed October 5, 1898. • No. A934. An ordinance to establish the grade of Eighth avenue from the east line of Hatch street to the west line of Ivory street. Passed March 6, 1900. No. A1209. An ordinance to establish the grade of Eighth avenue from the east line of Chestnut street to the west line of Chestnut. Passed August 12, 1902. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 325 No. A1126. An ordinance providing for the grading, curbing, park- ing and sidewalking of Eighth avenue from the center line of Chestnut street to the center line of Monroe street, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district, and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement, providing for the issuance of bonds and the pay- ment thereof. Passed February 4, 1902. No. A1151. An ordinance to amend sections 1 and 7 of Ordinance No. A1126, entitled “An ordinance providing for the grading, curbing, parking and sidewalking of Eighth avenue from the center line of Chestnut street to the center line of Monroe street, and for the pay- ment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district, and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property bene- fited by said improvement, providing for the issuance of bonds and the payment thereof,” passed February 4, 1902. Passed April 9, 1902. No. A1164. An ordinance approving and confirming the assesments for the improvement of Eighth avenue, from the center line of Chestnut street to the center line of Monroe street, by grading, curbing and parking the same, and to provide for the collection of said assessments and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed May 13, 1902. No. A1276. An ordinance to amend section 2 of Ordinance No. A1164, entitled “An ordinance approving and confirming the assess- ments for the improvement of Eighth avenue from the center line of Chestnut street to the center line of Monroe street, by grading, curbing and parking the same, and to provide for the collection of said assess- ments and the payment of the bonds issued therefor,” passed May 13, 1902. Passed December 16, 1902. No. A1226. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the improvement of Eighth avenue, from the center line of Monroe street to the center line of Chestnut street, by sidewalking the same, and to provide for the collection of assessments and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed October 7, 1902. No. A1153. An ordinance providing for the grading and sidewalk- ing of Eighth avenue from the center line of Hatch street to the center line of Ivory street, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district, and providing for the levy and collec- tion of special assessments on the property benefited by said improve- ment. Passed April 15, 1902. No. A1161. An ordinance to amend section 6 of Ordinance No. A1153. entitled “An ordinance providing for the grading and side- walking of Eighth avenue from the center line of Hatch street to the center line of Ivory street, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collec- tion of special assessments on the property benefited by said improve- ment,” passed April 15, 1902, by striking out the word “five” and inserting" the word “ten” in lieu thereof. Passed May 6, 1902. No. A1333. An ordinance approving and confirming the assess- 326 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE ments and assessment roll for the improvement of Eighth avenue, from the center line of Hatch street to the center line of Ivory street, by grading and curbing the same, and to provide for the collection of assessments, and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed April 21, 1903. No. A1204. An ordinance for the improvement of Eighth avenue from the center line of Sherman street to the center line of Hatch street, by grading, curbing and parking the same, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district, and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property in said assessment district to pay for the said improvement, and for the issuing of bonds and the payment thereof. Passed August 12, 1902. No. A1345. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the improvement of Eighth avenue, from the center line of Sherman street to the center line of Hatch street, by grading, curbing and parking the same, and to provide for the collec- tion of assessments and tfie payment for the bonds issued therefor. Passed April 28, 1903. No. A1138. An ordinance to establish the grade of Eleventh avenue from the east line of Maple street to the west line of Elm street. Passed March 18, 1902. No. A1266. An ordinance to establish the grade of Eleventh avenue from the east line of Perry street to the east line of Pittsburg street. Passed November 25, 1902. No. A1246. An ordinance to establish the grade of Eleventh avenue from the east line of Adams street to the west line of Monroe street. Passed October 28, 1902. No. A1057. An ordinance to establish the grade of Eleventh avenue from the west line of Arthur street to the east line of Ivory street. Passed June 4, 1901. No. A1229. An ordinance to establish the grade of Eleventh avenue from the east line of Arthur street to the west line of Ivory. Passed October 7, 1902. No. A1237. An ordinance for the improvement of Eleventh avenue from Monroe to Adams streets, by grading, curbing, parking and sidewalking the same, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district, and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property in. said assessment district to pay for the said improvement and for the issuing of bonds and the pay- ment thereof. Passed October 28, 1902. No. A1236. An ordinance for the improvement of Eleventh avenue from Arthur to Ivory streets, by grading, curbing, ballasting and side- walking the same, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property in said assessment district to pay for the said improvement, and for the issuing of bonds and the' payment therefor. Passed October 28, 1902. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 327 No. A359. An ordinance providing for the grading, guttering and curbing of Elm street, between the south line of Riverside avenue and the north line of Fourth avenue. Passed October 27, 1893. No. 360. An ordinance providing for the laying of water mains on Elm street, between Pacific avenue and Third street. Passed November 13, 1889. No. A1309. A 11 ordinance to establish the grade of Elm street, from the south line of Fifth avenue to the north line of Tenth avenue. Passed March 24, 1903. No. A1147. An ordinance to establish the grade of Elm street from the south line of Tenth avenue to the south line of Twelfth avenue. Passed April 1, 1902. No. A1247. An ordinance to establish the grade of Empire avenue, from the east line of Arch street to the west line of Martha street. Passed October 28, 1902. No. A1242. An ordinance to establish the grade of Ermina avenue from the east line of Division street to the west line of Astor. Passed October 28, 1902. No. A1261. An ordinance for the improvement of Ermina avenue from Division to Astor streets, by grading, curbing, parking and side- walking the same, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district, and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property in said assessment district to pay for the said improvement, and for the issuing of bonds and the payment thereof. Passed November 25, 1902. No. 314. An. ordinance authorizing the grading of Ferry street from Bernard street to Center street. Passed June 26, 1889. No. 184. An ordinance to provide for the grading of Fifth street (now Fifth avenue), between Saxton street (now Bernard street) and the east line of Pine street (now Cannon street), in Cannon’s Addi- tion. Passed August 29, 1888. No. A495. An ordinance to reassess property fronting on Fifth ave- nue (formerly Fifth street) between Bernard street (formerly Saxton street) and the east line of Pine street (now Cannon street), to pay for grading said Fifth avenue. Passed September 25, 1894. No. A557. An ordinance to confirm the reassessment roll for the grading of Fifth avenue, formerly Fifth street, between Bernard street, formerly Saxton street, and the east line of Cannon street, formerly Pine street. Passed February 26, 1895. No. A562. An ordinance to issue bonds to pay the costs of grading Fifth avenue, formerly Fifth street, from Bernard street, formerly Sax- ton street, to the east line of Cannon street, formerly Pine street. Passed February 26, 1895. No. 436. An ordinance providing for the grading and improving of Fourth street (now Fifth avenue), between Spokane street and the east city limits. Passed May 10, 1890. No. A511. An ordinance to reassess property adjoining Fourth MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 328 street (now Fifth avenue), from Spokane street east to the city limits, as said limits were defined and existed on the 10th day of May, 1890, to pay for grading said Fourth street, heretofore made. Passed De- cember 4, 1894. No. A559. An ordinance to confirm the reassessment roll for the grading and improving of Fourth street (now Fifth avenue), from Spokane street east to the city limits, as said limits were defined and existed on the 10th day of May, 1890. Passed February 26, 1895. No. A566. An ordinance to issue bonds to pay the cost of grading and improving Fourth street (now Fifth avenue), from Spokane street east to the city limits, as said limits were defined and existed on the 10th day of May, 1890. Passed February 26, 1895. No. A65. An ordinance providing for the grading, curbing and guttering of Fourth street extension (now Fifth avenue), between the west line of Hatch street and the east line of Arthur avenue. Passed August 4, 1901. No. A643. An ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer upon Fifth avenue, .Jefferson street, Fourth avenue and Cedar street, and creating an assessment district therefor, and providing for the payment of same. Passed May 5, 1896, and as amended by Ordinance No. A647, passed June 2, 1896. No. A666. , An ordinance to confirm the assessment roll for sewer- ing Fifth avenue, Jefferson street, Fourth avenue and Cedar street. Passed October 8, 1896. No. A767. An ordinance to establish the grade of Fifth avenue from the west line of Spokane street to the east line of Hatch street. Passed June 21, 1898. No. A896. An ordinance to establish the grade of Fifth avenue from the east line of Monroe street to the east line of Cedar street. Passed December 5, 1899. No. A947. An ordinance to establish the grade of Fifth avenue from the east line of Cceur d’Alene street to the east line of Cannon street. Passed April 3, 1900. No. A1264. An ordinance to establish the grade of Fifth avenue from the east line of Pittsburg street to the west line of Regal street. Passed November 25, 1902. No. A911. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Fifth avenue by grading, curbing, ballasting and parking the same from the center line of Cedar street to the center line of Monroe street, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment dis- trict and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement, providing for the issuance of warrants and a fund to pay the same. Passed January 16, 1900. No. A953. An ordinance amending the title and sections 4, 5, 6 and 7 of Ordinance No. A911, entitled “An ordinance providing for the improvement of Fifth avenue by grading, curbing, ballasting and park- ing the same from the center 14ne of Cedar street to the center line of MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 3 2 9 Monroe street, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement, providing for the issuance of warrants and a fund to pay the same,” passed Jan- uary 16, 1900. Passed April 17, 1900. No. A954. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the improvement of Fifth avenue from the center line of Cedar street to the center line of Monroe street, by grading, curbing, ballasting and parking the same, and to provide for the collection of said assessments and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed April 17, 1900. No. A955. An ordinance providing for the grading, curbing, bal- lasting of Fifth avenue from the center line of Cceur d’Alene street to the center line of Cannon street, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement, providing for the issuance of bonds and a fund to pay the same. Passed May 1, 1900. No. A1030. An ordinance approving and confirming the assess- ments and assessment roll for the improvement of Fifth avenue from the center line of Cceur d’Alene street to the center line of Cannon street, by grading, curbing, ballasting and sidewalking the same, and to provide for the collection of said assessments, directing the issuance of bonds in payment therefor, and providing for the payment of such bonds. Passed February 13, 1901. No. A1330. An ordinance for the improvement of Fifth avenue from Pittsburg to Regal street, by grading, curbing, parking and side- walking the same, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property in said assessment district to pay for the said improvement, and for the issuing of bonds and the pay- ment thereof. Passed April 21, 1903. No. 303. An ordinance to provide for grading and guttering First street (now First avenue) from the west side of Chestnut street to the west side of Washington street. Passed June 12, 1889. No. A479. An ordinance to reassess property fronting on First avenue, formerly First street, between the west line of Chestnut street and the west line of Washington street to pay for grading said First avenue, heretofore made. Passed July 24, 1894. No. A76. An ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer upon First street (now First avenue), from Mill street to Howard street. Passed August 21, 1891, and as amended by Ordinance No. A146, passed December 26, 1891. No. A153. An ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer upon First avenue, from Post street to Mill street. Passed January 26, 1892. No. A194. An ordinance providing for the construction of sewerage 330 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE upon First avenue from Post street to Lincoln street. Passed May 2, 1892. No. A386. An ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer upon First avenue from Walnut street to Cedar street. Passed Feb- ruary 20, 1894. No. A444. An ordinance confirming the assessment roll for the sewering of First avenue, formerly First street, between the center line of Walnut street and the center line of Cedar street. Passed June 26, 1894. No. A389. An ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer upon First avenue, formerly First street, from the center line of Madison street to the center line of Cedar -street. Passed February 20, 1894. No. A433. An ordinance confirming the assessment roll for sewer- ing First avenue, formerly First street, between the center line of Madison street and the center line of Cedar street. Passed June 26, 1894. No. A644. An ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer upon First avenue, and creating an assessment district therefor, and providing for the payment of the same. Passed May 5, 1896, and, as amended by Ordinance No. A648, passed June 4, 1896. No. A708. An ordinance to establish the grade of First avenue from the west line of Chestnut street to the west line of Poplar street. Passed July 24, 1897. No. A924. An ordinance to establish the grade of First avenue from the east line of Madison street to the east line of Washington street. Passed February 6, 1900. No. A1221. An ordinance to establish the grade of First avenue from the west line of Lee street to the east line of Helena street. Passed September 16, 1902. No. A673. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment roll for the assessment district established for the improvement of First avenue from Walnut street to a point 337% feet west of the west line of Maple street, by sewering the same, and to provide for the payment of the same. Passed November 10, 1896. No. A927. An ordinance providing for the paving and curbing of First avenue from the east line of Madison street to the east line of Washington street, and for the payment of the cost thereof; creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement; providing for the issuance of bonds and a fund to pay the same, and for the maintenance of said improvements. Passed February 20, 1900. No. A968. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the improvement of First avenue from the east line of Madison street to the east line of Washington street, by paving and curbing the same, and to provide for the collection of such assessments, directing the issuance of bonds in payment therefor, and providing for the payment of such bonds. Passed June 9, 1900. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 33i No. A1238. An ordinance for the improvement of First avenue from Maple to Chestnut street, by grading, curbing, parking and sidewalking the same, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property in said assessment district to pay for the said improvement, and for the issuing of bonds and the pay- ment thereof. Passed October 28, 1902. No. A1275. An ordinance to amend section 3 of Ordinance No. A1238, entitled “An ordinance for the improvement of First avenue from Maple to Chestnut street, by grading, curbing, parking and sidewalking the same, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property in said assessment district to pay for the said improvement, and for the issuing of bonds and the payment thereof,” passed October 28, 1902. Passed December 16, 1902. No. A1225. An ordinance for the improvement of First avenue from Helena to Lee street, by grading, curbing, parking and side- walking the same, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property in said assessment district to pay the said improvement, and for the issuing of bonds and the payment thereof. Passed October 7, 1902. No. A1220. An ordinance for the improvement of First avenue from Washington to Bernard streets, by grading, curbing and side- walking the same, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property in said assessment district to pay for the said improvement, and for issuing of bonds and the payment thereof. Passed September 16, 1902. No. A1319. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the improvement of First avenue, from the center line of Washington street to the center line of Bernard street, by sidewalking the same, and to provide for the collection of assess- ments and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed March 24, 1903. No. A1316. An ordinance approving and confirming the assess- mens and assessment roll for the improvement of First avenue from the center line of Washington street to the center line of Bernard street, by grading and curbing the same, and to provide for the col- lection of assessments and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed March 24, 1903. No. A1049. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the improvement of First avenue, from the center line of Ash street, produced, to the center line of Spruce street, produced, by sewering the same, and to provide for the collection of said assessments, directing the issuance of bonds in payment thereof, and providing for the payment of such bonds. Passed May 14, 1901. 332 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE No. A1020. An ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer on First avenue, from the center line of Ash street^ produced, to the center of Spruce street, produced, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district, and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement, providing for the issuance of bonds and a fund to pay the same. Passed December 4, 1900. No. A918. An ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer on First avenue from a point thirty feet east of the east line of Ste- vens street to the center line of Washington street, and for the pay- ment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district, and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement, providing for the issuance of bonds and a fund to pay the same. Passed January 30, 1900. No. A950. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the improvement of First avenue, from a point thirty feet east of the east line of Stevens street to the center line of Washington street, by the construction of a sewer (with laterals) therein, and to provide for the collection of said assessments and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed April 3, 1900. No. A836. An ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer on First avenue, from the east line of Madison street to the center line of Lincoln street, and for the payment of the cost thereof; creat- ing an assessment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement, providing for the issuance of bonds and a fund to pay the same. Passed May 31, 1899. No. A868. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll for the assessment district for the improvement of First avenue, in the City of Spokane, Washington, from the east line of Madison street to the center line of Lincoln street, by the con- struction of a sewer therein, and to provide for the collection of said assessment and the payments of the bonds issued therefor. Passed September 12, 1899. No. 443. An ordinance providing for the grading and improving of Fourth street (now Fourth avenue), between Chestnut street and Chandler street. Passed May 21, 1890. No. A366. An ordinance to reassess property fronting on Fourth avenue, formerly Fourth street, between Chestnut street and Chandler street, to pay for grading said Fourth avenue, heretofore made. Passed November 28, 1893. No. A376. An ordinance confirming the reassessment roll for grad- ing, etc., of Fourth avenue (formerly Fourth street) between Chestnut street and Chandler street. Passed January 20, 1894. No. A399. An ordinance for the issuance of bonds for grading, etc., Fourth avenue (formerly Fourth street) from Chestnut street to Chan- MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 333 dler street. Passed February 27, 1894, and, as amended by Ordinance No. A477, passed July 24, 1894. No. A176. An ordinance providing for the grading, etc., of Fourth avenue, from the center line of Chestnut street to the west line of Spruce street. Passed March 22, 1892. No. A175. An ordinance providing for the laying of a sidewalk on Fourth avenue, between the west line of McClellan street and the east line of Oak street (now Grant street). Passed March 22, 1892. No. A671. An ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer upon Fourth avenue, from the center line of Lincoln street to the center line of Jefferson street, and providing for the issuance of bonds for the payment of the same. Passed October 27, 1896. No. A683. An ordinance to amend Ordinance No. A671, entitled “An ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer upon Fourth avenue, from the center line of Lincoln street to the center line of Jef- ferson street, and providing for the issuance of bonds for the payment of the same,” passed the City Council October 27, 1896. Passed January 5, 1897. No. A716. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment roll for the assessment district established for the improvement of Fourth avenue, from the center line of Lincoln street to the center line of Jefferson street, by sewering the same, and to provide for the pay- ment of the same. Passed September 7, 1897. No. A70214. An ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer upon Fourth avenue, from the Cedar street sewer to the center line of Oak street, on Maple street from the center line of Fourth avenue to the center line of Fifth avenue, and on Fifth avenue from the center line of Walnut street to the center line of Oak street. Passed July 9, 1897. No. A703. An ordinance to amend section 1 of Ordinance No. A702%, entitled “An ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer upon Fourth avenue from the Cedar street sewer to the center line of Oak street, on Maple street from the center line of Fourth avenue to the center line of Fifth avenue, and on Fifth avenue from the center line of Walnut street to the center line of Oak street,” passed July 9, 1897. Passed July 23, 1897. No. A718. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment roll for the assessment district as established for the improvement of Fourth avenue from the Cedar street sewer to the center line of Oak street; on Maple street from the center line of Fourth avenue to the center line of Fifth avenue, and on Fifth avenue from the center line of Walnut street to the center line of Oak street, by sewering the same and to provide for the payment of the same. Passed September 21, 1897. No. A1054. An ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer on Fourth avenue from the center line of Oak street to the center line of Spruce street, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district, and providing for the levy and collection of special 334 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE assessments on the property benefited by said improvement, provid- ing for the issuance of bonds and a fund to pay the same. Passed June 4, 1901. No. A1098. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment roll for the construction of a sewer on Fourth avenue from the center line of Oak street to the center line of Spruce street, and to provide for the collection of said assessment, directing the issuance of bonds in payment therefor, and providing for the payment of such bonds. Passed October 16, 1901. No. A1136. An ordinance to establish the grade of Fourteenth avenue from the west line of Maple street to the east line of Race street. Passed March 18, 1902. No. A1267. An ordinance to establish the grade of Fourteenth avenue from the east line of Perry street to the west line of Helena street. Passed November 25, 1902. No. A1244. An ordinance to establish the grade of Frederic avenue, Post street and Park Place avenue from the center line of Monroe street to the center line of West Oval street. Passed October 28, 1902. No. A1262. An ordinance for the improvement of Frederic avenue from the center line of Monroe street to the east line of Post street, thence on Post street to south line of Park Place, thence on Park Place to center line of West Oval street, by grading curbing and sidewalking the same, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property in said assessed dis- trict to pay for the said improvement, and for the issuing of bonds and the payment thereof. Passed November 25, 1902. No. 69. An ordinance providing for the grading of Front street between the center of Stevens and the center of Oak street (now Grant street). Passed August 22, 1887. No. A113. An ordinance providing for the construction of a side- walk on the north side of Front street from Oak street (now Grant street), east to the bridge over the Spokane river. Passed October 20, 1891. No. A188. An ordinance providing for the laying of a sewer on Front avenue. Passed April 29, 1892. No. A771. An ordinance to provide for the construction of a sewer on Front avenue from the center line of Bernard street to a point twenty-seven feet east of the west line of Division street, creating an assessment district and providing for the payment for such improve- ment by the levy and collection of special assessments upon the prop- erty adjudged to be benefited by said improvement, and providing for the issuance of bonds and a fund to pay the same. Passed July 8, 1898. No. A795. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment roll for the assessment district for the improvement of Front avenue by sewering said avenue from the center line of Bernard street to a point twenty-seven feet east of the west line of Division street, and MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 335 to provide for the collection of said assessments and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed October 19, 1898. No. A772. An ordinance to provide for the construction of a sewer on Front avenue, from a point twenty-seven feet east of the west line of Division street to the center line of Grant street, creating an assessment district, and providing for the payment for such improve- ment by the levy and collection of special assessments upon the prop- erty adjudged to be benefited by said improvement, and providing for the issuance of bonds and a fund to pay the same. Passed July 8, 1898. No. A804. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment roll for the assessment district for the improvement of Front avenue by the construction of a sewer on the said Front avenue, from a point twenty-seven feet east of the west line of Division street to the center line of Grant street, and to provide for the collection of said assess- ments and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed December 6, 1898. No. A891. An ordinance to establish the grade of Gardner avenue from the east line of Cedar street to the west line of Jefferson street. Passed November 10, 1899. No. A1026. An ordinance to establish the grade of Gardner avenue from the east line of Jefferson street, produced, to the west line of Monroe street. Passed February 5, 1901. No. A994. An ordinance to establish the grade of Gardner avenue from the east line of Jefferson street to the east line of Hollis street. Passed August 7, 1900. No. A996. An ordinance providing for the grading, curbing and ballasting of Gardner avenue from the center line of Jefferson street to the center line of Lindeke street, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement, providing for the issuance of bonds and a fund to pay the same. Passed August 28, 1900. No. A1017. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the improvement of Gardner avenue from the center line of Jefferson street to the center line of Lindeke street by grading, curbing and ballasting the same, and to provide for the collection of said assessments, directing the issuance of bonds in pay- ment therefor, and providing for the payment of such bonds. Passed December 4, 1900. No. A997. An ordinance providing for the sidewalking of Gardner avenue from the center line of Jefferson street to the center line of Lindeke street, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement, providing for the issuance of bonds and a fund to pay the same. Passed August 28, 1900. No. A1018. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments 336 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE and assessment roll for the improvement of Gardner avenue, from the center line of Jefferson street to the center line of Lindeke street, by sidewalking the same, and to provide for the collection of said assessments, directing the issuance of bonds in payment therefor, and providing for the payment of such bonds. Passed December 4, 1900. No. A1232. An ordinance to establish the grade of Glass avenue, from the east line of Arch street to the west line of Martha street. Passed October 7, 1902. No. A1248. An ordinance to establish the grade of Gordon avenue from the east line of Arch street to the west line of Martha street. Passed October 28, 1902. No. A861. An ordinance providing for the grading, curbing and sidewalking of Grant street, from the south line of Third avenue to the center line of Hartson avenue, and for the payment of the cost thereof; creating an assessment district, and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement, providing for the issuance of bonds and a fund to pay the same. Passed August 1, 1899. No. A884. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the assessment district for the improvement of Grant street, in the City of Spokane, from the south line of Third avenue to the center line of Hartson avenue, by the grading, curbing and sidewalking of the same, and to provide for the collection of said assessments and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed November 10, 1899. No. A819. An ordinance to establish the grade of Hamilton street from the north line of Sharp avenue to the south line of Montgomery avenue. Passed March 21, 1899. No. A838. An ordinance providing for the grading, curbing and ballasting of Hamilton street, from the center line of Sharp avenue to the center line of Montgomery avenue, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement, providing for the issuance of warrants in payment of the cost thereof, and a fund to pay the same. Passed June 6, 1899. No. A880. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the assessment district for the improvement of Hamilton street, in the City of Spokane, Washington, from the north line of Sharp avenue to the center line of Montgomery avenue, by the sidewalking of the same, and to provide for the collection of said assessments, and the payment of the warrants issued therefor. Passed October 20, 1899. No. A853. An ordinance providing for the sidewalking of Hamilton street, from the north line of Sharp avenue to the center line of Mont- gomery avenue, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement, providing MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF UPOKANE 337 for the issuance of warrants in payment of the cost thereof, and a fund to pay the same. Passed July 11, 1899. No. A879. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the assessment district for the improvement of Hamilton avenue, in the City of Spokane, Washington, from the center line of Sharp avenue to the center line of Montgomery avenue, by the grading, curbing and ballasting of the same, and to provide for the collection of said assessments and the payment of the warrants issued therefor. Passed October 20, 1899. No. A653. An ordinance providing for the grading of Hamilton street beween the north line U. P. R. R. tracks and Sharp avenue. Passed August 4, 1896. No. 369. An ordinance providing for the grading, curbing and guttering of Harrison street, between Washington and Victoria streets. Passed November 20, 1889. No. A1007. An ordinance to establish the grade of Hartson avenue from the west line of Pine street to the west line of Arthur street. Passed September 25, 1900. No. A1249. An ordinance to establish the grade of Harvey avenue from the east line of Arch street to the west line of Martha street. Passed October 28, 1902. No. 541. An ordinance providing for the grading and improvement of Hatch street, between Sprague and Fifth streets. Passed January 5, 1891. No. A935. An ordinance to establish the grade of Hatch street from the north line of Eighth avenue to the south line of Rusk avenue. Passed March 6, 1900. No. A999. An ordinance providing for the sidewalking of Hatch street from the center line of Highland avenue to the center line of Webster avenue, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district, and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement, providing for the issuance of bonds, and a fund to pay the same. Passed August 28, 1900. No. A998. An ordinance providing for the grading, curbing and ballasting of Hatch street from the center line of Highland avenue to the center line of Webster avenue, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district, and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvements, providing for the issuance of bonds, and a fund to pay the same. Passed August 28, 1900. No. A1021. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the improvement of Hatch street from the center line of Highland avenue to the center line of Webster avenue, by grading, curbing and ballasting the same, and to provide for the collection of said assessments, directing the issuance of bonds in pay- 22 33 8 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE ment thereof, and providing for the payment of such bonds. Passed December 18, 1900. No. A969. An ordinance to establish the grade of Havermale street * from the east line of Washington street to a point one hundred and thirty feet west of the west line of McBroom street. Passed June 12, 1900. No. A1282. An ordinance to establish the grade of Helena street from the south line of Tenth avenue to the south line of Fourteenth avenue. Passed November 25, 1902. No. A1222. An ordinance to establish the grade of Hemlock street from the south line of Fourth avenue to the north line of Sixth avenue. Passed the City Council September 16, 1902. No. A1227. An ordinance for the improvement of Hemlock street from Fourth to Sixth avenue by grading, curbing, parking and sidewalking the same, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collec- tion of special assessments on the property in said assessment district to pay for the said improvement, and for the issuing of bonds, and the payment thereof. Passed the City Council October 7, 1902. No. A1320. An ordinance approving and confirming the assess- ments and assessment roll for the improvement of Hemlock street from the center line of Fourth avenue to the center line of Sixth avenue by sidewalking the same, and to provide for the collection of assess- ments and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed the City Council March 24, 1903. No. A1337. An ordinance approving and confirming the assess- ments and assessment roll for the improvement of Hemlock street from the center line of Fourth avenue to the center line of Sixth avenue by grading, curbing and parking the same, and to provide for the collection of assessments and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed the City Council April 21, 1903. No. A766. An ordinance to establish the grade of Highland avenue from the east line of Sherman street to the west line of Arthur street. Passed the City Council June 21, 1898. No. A856. An ordinance providing for the grading, curbing and sidewalking of Highland avenue from the center line of Sherman street to the center line of Arthur street, and for the payment of the costs thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said im- provement, providing for the issuance of warrants to pay the cost there- of and a fund to pay the same. Passed the City Council August 1, 1899. No. A893. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the assessment district for the improvement of Highland avenue, in the City of Spokane, from the center line of Sher- man street to the center line of Arthur street, by the grading, curbing and sidewalking of the same, and to provide for the collection of said assessments and the payment of the warrants issued therefor. Passed MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 339 the City Council November 21, 1899. No. A168. An ordinance providing for the grading, etc., of Hilliard street between Sprague and North avenues. Passed March 11, 1892. No. 25. An ordinance to provide for the grading of Howard street between the south line of Riverside avenue and the north line of Sev- enth street. Passed May 19, 1886. No. 310. An ordinance providing for the extension of sewer on Howard street between Sprague and First streets. Passed June 21, 1889. No. A74. An ordinance providing for the laying of a sewer on How- ard street from First street to Seventh street. Passed August 11, 1891, and as amended by ordinance No. A135, passed December 18, 1891. No. A713. An ordinance providing for the paving and curbing of Howard street between the north line of Riverside avenue and a line two hundred and five (205) feet north of the north line of Front ave- nue, and parallel therewith, creating an assessment district and provid- ing for the payment of such improvement in installments, and estab- lishing a fund for such payment by the levying and collection of special assessments upon the property benefited by such improvement, and pro- viding for the issuance of bonds as authorized by an act of the legisla- ture of the State of Washington, entitled ‘An act relating to internal improvements in cities, authorizing the issuance and collection of bonds upon the property benefited by the local improvements, and declaring an emergency,” approved March 9, 1893, and the charter and ordinances of the City of Spokane. Passed by the City Council August 13, 1897. No. A730. An ordinance to amend the title and sections 1, 4, 5 and 6 of ordinance No. A713, entitled “An ordinance providing for the pav- ing and curbing of Howard street, etc.,” passed August 13, 1897. Passed the City Council December 14, 1897. No. A742. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment roll for the assessment district for the improving of Howard street by paving, and to provide for the collection of said assessments and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed the City Council Feb- ruary 15, 1898. No. A928. A’n ordinance to establish the grade of Howard street from the south line of Riverside avenue to a point 265 feet south of the south line of First avenue. Passed the City Council February 27, 1900. No. A1102. An ordinance providing for the paving and curbing of Howard street from the south line of the Northern Pacific Railway Company’s right of way to the south line of Second avenue, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement; providing for the issuance of bonds, and a fund to pay the same. Passed the City Council October 16, 1901. No. A1185. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the paving and curbing of Howard street from the Northern Pacific Railway Company’s right of way to the south line 340 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE of Second avenue, and to provide for the collection of assessments and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed' the City Council July 8, 1902. No. A837. An ordinance providing for the paving and curbing of Howard street between a line one hundred feet south of the north line of the Northern Pacific Railway Company’s right of way and the south line of Riverside avenue, and for the payment of the cost thereof; creat- ing an assessment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement; pro- viding for the issuance of bonds and a fund to pay the same, and for the maintenance of said improvement. Passed the City Council May 31, 1899. No. A920. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the assessment district for the improvement of Howard street between a line one hundred feet south of the North line of the Northern Pacific Railway Company’s right of way and the south line of Riverside avenue by paving and curbing the same, and to pro- vide for the collection of said assessments and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed the City Council February 6, 1900. No. A1011. An ordinance to establish the grade of Howard street from the north line of Howard street bridge to the north line of Waver- ly avenue. Passed the City Council October 23, 1900. No. A1022. An ordinance providing for the grading, parking, curb- ing and ballasting of Howard street from the north right of way line of the Seattle, Lake Shore & Eastern Railway Company to the center line of Waverly place, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district, and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement, providing for the issuance of bonds and a fund to pay the same. Passed the City Council January 8, 1901. No. A1034. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the improvement of Howard street from the north right of way line of the Seattle, Lake Shore & Eastern Railway Company to the center line of Waverly place by grading, parking, curb- ing and ballasting the same, and to provide for the collection of said assessments, directing the issuance of bonds in payment therefor, and providing for the payment of such bonds. Passed the City Council March 26, 1901. No. A384. An ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer on Huron street. Passed February 20, 1894. No. A446. An ordinance confirming the assessment roll for the sewering of Huron street. Passed June 26, 1894. No. A916. An ordinance to establish the grade of Indiana avenue from the east line of Division street to the east line of Perry street. Passed the City Council January 30, 1900. No. A945. An ordinance providing for the grading, curbing and sidewalking of Indiana avenue from the center line of Division street MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 34i to the center line of Perry street and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said im- provement, providing for the issuance of bonds and a fund to pay the same. Passed the City Council March 27, 1900. No. A973. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and the assessment roll for the improvement of Indiana avenue from the center line of Division street to the center line of Perry street by grading, curbing and sidewalking the same, and to provide for the col- lection of said assessments and the payment of the bonds issued there- for. Passed the City Council June 12, 1900. No. A174. An ordinance providing for the grading, etc., of Indiana avenue between the east line of Chestnut and the west line of Division street. Passed March 22, 1892. No. A245. An ordinance providing for the sidewalking of the north side of Indiana avenue between the west line of Division street and the east line of Washington street. Passed September 2, 1892. No. A294. An ordinance providing for the sidewalking of Indiana avenue on the north side thereof between the west line of Washington street and the east line of Monroe street. Passed March 25, 1893. No. A1108. An ordinance to establish the grade of Illinois avenue from the east line of Dakota street to the center line of Regal street at city limits. Passed the City Council November 19, 1901. No. A1325. An ordinance for the improvement of Illinois avenue from Perry to Regal streets by grading, curbing and parking the same and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property in said assessment district to pay for the said improvement, and for the issuing of bonds and the payment thereof. Passed the City Council March 24, 1903. No. A889. An ordinance to establish the grade of Jefferson street from the south line of Boone avenue to the north line of Mallon avenue. Passed the City Council November 10, 1899. No. 181. An ordinance providing for the grading of Jefferson street from the south line of Riverside avenue to the center line of Fourteenth street. Passed August 22, 1888. No. A1201. An ordinance to establish the grade of Knox avenue from the west line of Monroe street to the west line of Jefferson street. Passed the City Council August 12, 1902. No. A1219. An ordinance for the improvement of Knox avenue from Monroe to Jefferson streets by grading, curbing, parking and side- walking the same, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property in said assessment district to pay for the said improvement, and for the issuing of bonds and the payment there- of. Passed the City Council September 16, 1902. No. A1355. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments 342 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE and assessment roll for the improvement of Knox avenue from the center line of Monroe street to the center line of Jefferson street by grading, curbing and parking the same, and to provide for the collection of assessments and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed the City Council May 6, 1903. No. A1207. An ordinance for the improvement of Knox avenue from the center line of Howard street to the center line of Division street by grading, parking, ballasting, curbing and sidewalking the same and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property in said assessment district to pay for the improvement, and for the issuing of bonds and the payment thereof. Passed the City Council August 12, 1902. No. A1277. An ordinance to amend section 1 or ordinance No. A1207, entitled “An ordinance for the improvement of Knox avenue from the center line of Howard street to the center line of Division street by grading, parking, ballasting, curbing and sidewalking the same, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property in said assessment district to pay for the said improve- ment, and for the issuing of bonds and the payment thereof,” passed August 12, 1902. Passed the City Council December 16, 1902. No. A1318. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the improvement of Knox avenue from the cen- ter line of Howard street to the center line of Division street by grad- ing, parking, ballasting and curbing the same, and to provide for the collection of assessments and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed the City Council March 24, 1903. No. 563. An ordinance providing for the grading and improving of Lake street between the south line of Division street and the east line of Agnew & Byer’s addition. Passed March 25, 1891. No. A1243. An ordinance to establish the grade of Liberty avenue from the east line of Arch street to the west line of Martha street. Passed the City Council October 28, 1902. No. A1037. An ordinance to establish the grade of Lidgerwood street from the north line of Fairview avenue to the south line of Bridgeport avenue. Passed the City Council April 2, 1901. No. A1281. An ordinance to establish the grade of Lincoln street from the north line of York avenue to the south line of Effie avenue. Passed the City Council December 16, 1902. No. A964. An ordinance to establish the grade of Lincoln street from the south line of Boone avenue to the north line of Cora avenue. Passed the City Council June 5, 1900. No. A895. An ordinance to establish the grade of Lincoln street from the south line of First avenue to the north line of Fifth avenue. Passed the City Council December 5, 1899. No. A930. An ordinance to establish the grade of Lincoln street MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 343 from the south line of Riverside avenue to a point 265 feet south of the south line of First avenue. Passed the City Council February 27, 1900. No. A1348. An ordinance to establish the grade of Lincoln street from the south curb line of Seventh avenue to the north curb line of Ninth avenue. Passed the City Council April 28, 1903. No. A1349. An ordinance to establish the grade of Lincoln place from the west curb line of Lincoln street to the north curb line of Ninth avenue. Passed the City Council April 28, 1903. No. A77. An ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer upon Lincoln street from Main street to Sprague street. Passed August 21, 1891, and as amended by No. A145, passed December 26, 1891. No. A195. An ordinance providing for the construction of sewerage upon Lincoln street from First avenue to Sprague avenue. Passed May 2, 1892. No. A344. An ordinance providing for the grading, guttering and curbing of Lincoln street between the north line of Riverside avenue and the south line of Main avenue. Passed August 15, 1893. No. A851. An ordinance providing for the paving and curbing of Lincoln street from a point one hundred feet south of the north line of the Northern Pacific Railway Company’s right of way to the south line of Riverside avenue, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creat- ing an assessment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement, providing for the issuance of bonds and a fund to pay the same, and for the maintenance of said improvement. Passed the City Council July 11, 1899. No. A921. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the assessment district for the improvement of Lincoln street from a line one hundred feet south of the north line of the Northern Pacific Railway Company’s right of way to the south line of Riverside avenue by paving and curbing the same, and to provide for the collection of said assessments and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed the City Council February 6, 1900. No. A982. An ordinance providing for the grading, curbing and ballasting of Lincoln street from the south line of the Northern Pacific Railway Company’s right of way to the center line of Fifth avenue, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement, providing for the issuance of bonds and a fund to pay the same. Passed the City Council July 3, 1900. No. A1000. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the improvement of Lincoln street from the south line of the Northern Pacific Railway Company's right of way to the center line of Fifth avenue by grading, curbing and ballasting the same, and to provide for the collection of said assessments, directing 344 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE the issuance of bonds in payment therefor, and providing for the pay- ment of such bonds. Passed the City Council August 28, 1900. No. A983. An ordinance providing for the sidewalking of Lincoln street from the south line of the Northern Pacific Railway Company’s right of way to the center line of Fifth avenue and for the payment of the cost. thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement, providing for the issuance of bones and a fund to pay the same. Passed the City Council July 3, 1900. No. A1004. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the improvement of Lincoln street from the south side of the Northern Pacific Railway Company’s right of way to the center line of Fifth avenue by sidewalking the same, and to pro- vide for the collection of said assessments, directing the issuance of bonds in payment therefor, and providing for the payment of such bonds. Passed the City Council September 18, 1900. No. A1132. An ordinance providing for the grading, parking, curb- ing apd sidewalking of Lincoln street from the center line of Indiana avenue to the center line of Sharp avenue, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement. Passed the City Council February 4, 1902. No. A1284. An ordinance to amend the title to ordinance No. A1132, entitled “An ordinance providing for the grading, curbing, parking and sidewalking of Lincoln street from the center line of Indiana avenue to the center line of Sharp avenue, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said im- provements.” Passed the City Council January 20, 1903. No. A1193. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the improvement of Lincoln street from the center line of Indiana avenue to the center line of Sharp avenue by sidewalking the same, and to provide for the collection of assessments and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed the City Council July 22, 1902. No. A1192. An ordinance approving and confirming the assesments and assessment roll for the improvement of Lincoln street from the center line of Indiana avenue to the center line of Sharp avenue by grading, curbing and parking the same, and to provide for the collec- tion of assessments and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed the City Council July 22, 1902. No. A776. An ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer on Lincoln street from the Riverside avenue sewer to the Main avenue sewer, and for the payment for such improvement out of the sewer and drainage fund. Passed the City Council July 19, 1898. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 345 No. A1024. An ordinance to establish the grade of Madison street, from the south line of Second avenue to the south line of Riverside avenue. Passed January 15, 1901. No. A1035. An ordinance providing for the grading, curbing and ballasting of Madison street, from the center line of Second avenue to the center line of Riverside avenue, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district, and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement, providing for the issuance of bonds and a fund to pay the same. Passed March 26, 1901. No. A1052. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the improvement of Madison street from the center line of Second avenue to the center line of Riverside avenue, by grading, curbing and ballasting the same, and to provide for the col- lection of said assessments, directing the issuance of bonds in pay- ment therefor, and providing for the payment of such bonds. Passed June 4, 1901. No. 58. An ordinance providing for the grading of Main street, between the east line of Park street and the center line of Alder street. Passed June 1, 1887. No. 512. An ordinance to place a sewer on Main street, from East Maple street west to the Spokane river. Passed October 23, 1890. No. A1131. An ordinance to establish the grade of Main avenue from the east line of Huron street to the west line of Michigan street. Passed February .4, 1902. No. A1188. An ordinance to establish the grade of Main avenue from the west line of Division street to the west line of Lincoln street. Passed July 22, 1902. No. A779. An ordinance to provide for the construction of a sewer on Main avenue, from the manhole one hundred ten feet west of the west line of Post street to the Lincoln street sewer, and connecting therewith, creating an assessment district, and providing for the pay- ment for such improvement by the levy and collection of special assessments upon the property adjudged to be benefited by said improvement, providing for the issuance of bonds and a fund to pay the same. Passed July 19, 1898. No. A812. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment roll for the assessment district for the improvement of Main avenue by the construction of a sewer on said avenue, from a point 112 y 2 feet west of the west line of Post street to the Lincoln street sewer, and to provide for the collection of said assessments and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed January 6, 1898. No. A1169. An ordinance for the improvement of Main avenue, from the center line of Huron street to the center line of Michigan street, by grading the same, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district, and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property in said assessment district to pay 346 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OE SPOKANE for the said improvement, and for the issuing of bonds and the payment thereof. Passed June 3, 1902. No. A1211. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the improvement of Main avenue, from the center line of Huron street to the center line of Michigan street, by grading and curbing the same, and to provide for the collection of assessments and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed August 19, 1902. No. A1206. An ordinance for the improvement of Main avenue, from the center line of Huron street to the center line of Michigan street, by sidewalking the same, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property in said assessment district to pay for the said improvement, and for the issuing of bonds and the payment thereof. Passed August 12, 1902. No. A1359. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll for the improvement of Main avenue, from the center line of Huron street to the center line of Michigan street, by sidewalking the same, and to provide for the collection of assessments and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed May 6, 1903. No. A1189. An ordinance for the improvement of Main avenue by paving the same, from the west line of Division street to the west line of Lincoln street, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district, and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property in said assessment district to pay for the said improvement, and for the issuing of bonds and the pay- ment thereof. Passed July 22, 1902. No. A1362. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the improvement of Main avenue, from the west line of Division street to the west line of Lincoln street, by paving the same, and to provide for the collection of assessments and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed May 6, 1903. No. A778. An ordinance to provide for the construction of a sewer on Main avenue, from the Lincoln street sewer to the Huron street sewer, and for the payment for such improvement out of the Sewer and Drainage Fund. Passed July 19, 1898. No. 189. An ordinance to provide for the grading of Mallon street (now Mallon avenue), between the center line of Horn avenue (now Chestnut street) and the east boundary of the N.W.% of Section 18, Township 25, North, Range 43, E. W. M. Passed September 12, 1888. No. A457. An ordinance to reassess property fronting on Mallon avenue, formerly Mallon street, between the center line of Chestnut street, formerly Horn avenue, and the east boundary of the N.W.% of Section 18, Township 25 North, Range 43, E. W. M., to pay for the grading of Mallon avenue, heretofore made. Passed June 26, 1894. No. A540. An ordinance confirming the assessment roll for grading Mallon avenue, formerly Mallon street, between the center line of MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 347 Chestnut street, formerly Horn avenue, and the east boundary of the N.W.% of Section 18, Township 25 North, Range 43, E. W. M. Passed December 18, 1894. No. A542. An ordinance to issue bonds to pay for the cost of grading of Mallon avenue, formerly Mallon street, from the center line of Chestnut street, formerly Horn avenue, to the east boundary of the N.W .14 of Section 18, Township 25 North, Range 43, E. W. M. Passed December 18, 1894. No. A1178. An ordinance to establish the grade of Mallon avenue, from the west line of Chestnut street to the east line of A street. Passed June 17, 1902. No. A1179. An ordinance for the improvement of Mallon avenue, by grading, curbing and sidewalking the same, from the center line of Chestnut street to the center line of A street, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district, and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property in said assessment district to pay for the said improvement, and for the issuing of bonds and the payment thereof. Passed July 1, 1902. No. A1352. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the improvement of Mallon avenue, from the center line of Chestnut street to the center line of A street, by side- walking the same, and to provide for the collection of assessments and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed May 6, 1903. No. A1335. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the improvement of Mallon avenue, from the center line of Chestnut street to the center line of A street, by grading and curbing the same, and to provide for the collection of assessments and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed April 21, 1903. No. 313. An ordinance providing for the grading of Maple street, between First and Tenth streets. Passed June 26, 1889. No. A458. An ordinance to reassess property fronting on Maple street, between the north line of Block 13 of Browne’s addition, at First street (now First avenue), and the north line of Tenth street (now Tenth avenue), to pay for grading said Maple street, heretofore made. Passed June 26, 1894. No. A527. An ordinance confirming the reassessment roll for the grading of Maple street, between the north line of Block 13, of Browne’s Addition, at First' street (now First avenue), and the north line of Tenth street (now Tenth avenue). Passed December 11, 1894. No. A538. An ordinance to issue bonds to pay for grading Maple street, between the north line of Block 13 of Browne’s Addition, at First street (now First avenue), and the north line of Tenth street (now Tenth avenue). Passed December 14, 1894. No. A66. An ordinance providing for the grading, guttering and curbing of Maple street, between the north line of Tenth street and the north line of Fourteenth street. Passed August 4, 1891. No. 376. An ordinance extending the water mains on Maple street, 348 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE from the corner of Fourth and Maple streets, south to Cliff avenue. Passed November 20, 1889. No. A1077. An ordinance to establish the grade of Maple street, from the south line of Boone avenue to the north line of Bridge avenue. Passed August 20, 1901. No. A1092. An ordinance providing for the grading, curbing, park- ing and sidewalking of Maple street, from the center line of Boone avenue to the center line of Bridge avenue, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district, and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement, and providing for the issuance of bonds and the payment thereof. Passed October 4, 1901. No. A1127. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments for the improvement of Maple street, from the center line of Boone avenue to the center line of Bridge avenue, by sidewalking the same, and to provide for the collection of said assessments and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed February 4, 1902. No. A1128. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments for the improvement of Maple street, from the center line of Boone avenue to the center line of Bridge avenue, by grading, curbing and parking the same, and to provide for the collection of said assessments and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed February 4, 1902. No. A1005. An ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer on Maple street, from the center line of Eighth avenue to a line twenty-five feet south of the north line of Tenth avenue, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district, and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement, providing for the issuance of bonds and a fund to pay the same. Passed September 18, 1900. No. A1014. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the improvement of Maple street, from the center line of Eighth avenue to a line twenty-five feet south of the north line of Tenth avenue, by sewering the same, and to provide for the collection of said assessments, directing the issuance of bonds in payment therefor, and providing for the payment of such bonds. Passed October 30, 1900. No. A726. An ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer upon Maple street, from the center line of Fifth avenue to the center line of Eighth avenue, creating an assessment district, and providing for the payment for such improvement by the levy and collection of special assessments upon the property adjudged to be benefited by said improvement, providing for the issuance of bonds and a fund to pay the same. Passed November 16, 1897. No. A751. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment roll for the assessment district for the improving of Maple street by sewering from the center line of Fifth avenue to the center line of MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 349 Eighth avenue, and to provide for the collection of said assessments and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed May 3, 1898. No. 331. An ordinance to provide for grading Alder street (now Market street), from the intersection of the N. P. right of way to the south line of Ferry street. Passed August 21, 1889. No. A461. An ordinance to provide for the reassessment of Alder street (now Market street), between the N. P. R. R. right of way and the south line of Ferry street (now Ferry avenue), to pay for the grading of Alder street (now Market street), heretofore made. Passed June 26, 1894. No. A971. An ordinance to establish the grade of Maxwell avenue, from the west line of Monroe street to the west line of Cedar street. Passed June 12, 1900. No. A1050. An ordinance to establish the grade of Maxwell avenue, from the east line of Monroe street to a point 150 feet east of the east line of Washington street. Passed May 14, 1901. No. A1375. An ordinance to establish the grade of Maxwell avenue, from the east line of Howard street to the west line of Washington street. Passed May 19, 1903. No. A1008. An ordinance providing for the grading, curbing and ballasting of Maxwell avenue, from the center line of Monroe street to the center line of Cedar street, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district, and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement, providing for the issuance of bonds and a fund to pay the same. Passed September 25, 1900. No. A1016. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the improvement of Maxwell avenue, from the center line of Monroe street to the center line of Cedar street, by grading, curbing and ballasting the same, and to provide for the collec- tion of said assessments, directing the issuance of bonds in payment therefor and providing for the payment of such bonds. Passed Novem- ber 20, 1900. No. A1009. An ordinance providing for the sidewalking of Max- well avenue, from the center line of Monroe street to the center line of Cedar street, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district, and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement, providing for the issuance of bonds and a fund to pay the same. Passed Sep- tember 25, 1900. No. A1027. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the improvement of Maxwell avenue, from the center line of Monroe street to the center line of Cedar street, by sidewalking the same, and to provide for the collection of said assess- ments, directing the issuance of bonds in payment therefor, and provid- ing for the payment of such bonds. Passed February 5, 1901. No. A1208. An ordinance for the improvement of Maxwell avenue 350 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE by grading, curbing, parking and sidewalking the same, from Monroe to Howard streets, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district, and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property in said assessment district to pay for the said improvement, and for the issuing of bonds and the payment thereof. Passed August 12, 1902. No. 1364. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the improvement of Maxwell avenue, from the center line of Monroe street to the center line of Howard street, by grading, curbing and parking the same, and to provide for the collection of assessments and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed May 6, 1903. No. A1036. An ordinance to establish the grade of Mayfair Hill, from the south line of Cleveland avenue to the north line of Fairview avenue. Passed April 2, 1901. No. A675. An ordinance to establish the grade of Mill street, from the south line of First avenue to the north line of Sixth avenue. Passed November 17, 1896. No. 355. An ordinance providing for the grading and improving of Mill street, between Riverside avenue and Post street. ^ Passed October 30, 1889. No. A75. An ordinance providing for the laying of a sewer on Mill street, from Sprague street to First street. Passed August 21, 1891, and, as amended by Ordinance No. A147, passed December 31, 1891. No. A1313. An ordinance to establish the grade of Mill street, from the south line of Fifth avenue to a point twenty-six feet south of the north line of Sixth avenue. Passed March 24, 1903. No. A975. An ordinance providing for the paving and curbing of Mill street, from a line one hundred feet south of the north line of the Northern Pacific Railway Company’s right of way, to the south line of Front avenue, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district, and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement, providing for the issuance of bonds and a fund to pay the same, and for the maintenance of said improvement. Passed June 19, 1900. No. A1033. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the improvement of Mill street, from a line one hundred feet south of the south line of the Northern Pacific Railway Company’s right of way to the south line of Front avenue, by paving and curbing the same, and to provide for the collection of said assess- ments, directing the issuance of bonds in payment therefor, and providing for the payment of such bonds. Passed March 19, 1901. No. A1363. An ordinance for the improvement of Mill street, from Fifth to Sixth avenues, by grading, curbing and sidewalking the same, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district, and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 35 property in said assessment district to pay for the said improvement, and for the issuing of bonds and the payment thereof. Passed May 6, 1903* No. A1274. An ordinance to establish the grade of Mission avenue, from the west line of Division street to the west line of Calispel street. Passed December 2, 1902. No. A748. An ordinance to establish the grade of Mission avenue, from the west line of Division street to the east line of North Riverton avenue. Passed March 22, 1898. No. A765. An ordinance providing for the grading, curbing and guttering of Mission avenue, between the east line of Division street and the center line of Standard street, creating an assessment district, providing for the payment of such improvement by installments, and establishing a fund for such payment by the levy and collection of special assessments on the property in said assessment district, and providing for the issuance of bonds, as authorized by the charter and ordinances of the City of Spokane. Passed June 21, 1898. No. A797. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment roll for the assessment district for the improvement of Mission avenue, by grading, curbing and guttering, from the east line of Division street to the center line of Standard street, and to provide for the collection of said assessments and the payments of the bonds issued therefor. Passed November 1, 1898. No. A787. An ordinance to provide for the construction of a side- walk on each side of Mission avenue, in the City of Spokane, from the east line of Division street to the center line of Standard street, pro- viding for the issuance of warrants to pay therefor, creating an assess- ment district, and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments upon the property adjudged to be benefited by said im- provement, for the purpose of creating a fund to redeem said warrants. Passed September 13, 1898. No. A813. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment roll for the assessment district for the improvement of Mission avenue, in the City of Spokane, Washington, from the east line of Division street to the center line of Standard street, by the construction of a sidewalk on each side of said street, and to provide for the collection of said assessments and the payment of the warrants issued therefor. Passed January 6, 1899. No. A877. An ordinance providing for the grading, curbing and sidewalking of Mission avenue, from the center line of Dakota street to the center line of North Riverton avenue, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district, and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement, providing for the issuance of bonds in payment of the cost thereof, and a fund to pay the same. Passed September 29, 1899. No. A902. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments 352 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE and assessment roll for the assessment district for the improvement of Mission avenue, from the center line of Dakota street to the center line of North Riverton avenue, by grading, curbing and sidewalking the same, and to provide for the collection of said assessments and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed December 19, 1899. No. A1278. An ordinance for the improvement of Mission avenue from Division to Calispel street, by grading, curbing, ballasting and sidewalking the same, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district, and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property in said assessment district to pay for the said improvements, and for the issuing of bonds and the pay- ment thereof. Passed December 16, 1902. Ordinance No. A1365. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the improvement of Mission avenue, from the center line of Division street to the center line of Calispel street, by grading, curbing and ballasting the same, and to provide for the collection of assessments and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed May 6, 1903. No. 82. An ordinance to provide for the grading of Monroe street between the north line of Bridge street and the north line of the City of Spokane Falls. Passed September 28, 1887. No. 156. An ordinance to provide for the grading of Monroe street between the south side of Riverside avenue and the south line of Cliff street (now Ninth avenue). Passed May 29, 1888. No. A434. An ordinance to reassess Monroe street, between the south line of Riverside avenue and the south line of Cliff street (now Ninth avenue), to raise money to pay for the grading of Monroe street, heretofore made. Passed June 26, 1894. No. A555. An ordinance approving the reassessment roll for the grading of Monroe street between the south line of Riverside avenue and the sou - line of Cliff street (now Ninth avenue). Passed February 26, 1895. No. 561. An ordinance to issue bonds for the grading of Monroe street from the south side of Riverside avenue to the south line of Cliff street (now Ninth avenue). Passed February 26, 1895. No. A20. An ordinance providing for the grading, curbing and guttering of Monroe street, between Stoll street and the north line of Cora street. Passed June 4, 1891. No. A107. An ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer upon Monroe street. Passed October 7, 1891, and, as amended by Ordi- nance No. A137, passed December 18, 1891. No. A931. An ordinance to establish the grade of Monroe street, from the south line of Riverside avenue to a point 275 feet south of the south line of First avenue. Passed February 27, 1900. No. A777. An ordinance providing for the paving and curbing of Monroe street from the south end of the Monroe street bridge and the south line of Riverside avenue (extended across Monroe street from MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 353 the corner of the Review Building), and for the payment of the cost thereof. Passed July 19, 1898. No. A798. An ordinance to provide for the maintenance of the pavement on Monroe street, between the south end of the Monroe street bridge and the south line of Riverside avenue (extended across Monroe street from the corner of the Review building), and for the payment of the cost thereof. Passed November 1, 1898. No. A852. An ordinance providing for the paving and curbing of Monroe street, between a line one hundred feet south of the north line of the Northern Pacific Railway Company’s right of way and the south line of Riverside avenue, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district, and providing for the levy and collec- tion of special assessments on the property benefited by said improve- ment, providing for the issuance of bonds, and a fund to pay the same, and for the maintenance of said improvement. Passed July 11, 1899. No. A922. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the assessment district for the improvement of Monroe street, between a line one hundred feet south of the north line of the Northern Pacific Railway Company’s right of way and the south line of Riverside avenue, by paving and curbing the same, and to provide for the collection of said assessments and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed February 6, 1900. No. A1124. An ordinance providing for the paving and curbing of Monroe street, from a line 112 feet south of the south line of Bridge avenue to the south line of Mallon avenue, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district, and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement. Passed February 5, 1902. No. A1317. An ordinance to amend section 1 of Ordinance No. A1124, entitled ‘‘An ordinance providing for the paving and curbing of Monroe street, from a line one hundred and twelve feet south of the south line of Bridge avenue to the south line of Mallon avenue, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvements,” passed February 4, 1902. Passed March 24, 1903. No. A1059. An ordinance to establish the grade of Montgomery avenue, from the west line of Cedar street to the east line of Mill street. Passed June 18, 1901. No. A976. An ordinance to establish the grade of Ninth avenue from the east line of Lincoln street to the west line of Chestnut street. Passed the City Council June 19, 1900. No. A1013. An ordinance providing for the sidewalking of Ninth avenue between the center line of Lincoln street and the center line of Chestnut street, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement, providing 23 354 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE for the issuance of bonds and a fund to pay the same. Passed the City Council October 23, 1900. No. A1028. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the improvement of Ninth avenue from the center line of Lincoln street to the center line of Chestnut street by sidewalking the same, and to provide for the collection of said assess- ments, directing the issuance of bonds in payment therefor, and pro- viding for the payment of such bonds. Passed the City Council Feb- ruary 5, 1901. No. A1012. An ordinance providing for the grading, curbing, bal- lasting and parking of Ninth avenue from the center line of Lincoln street to the center line of Chestnut street, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement, providing for the issuance of bonds and a fund to pay the same. Passed the City Council October 23, 1900. No. A1023. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the improvement of Ninth avenue from the center line of Lincoln street to the center line of Chestnut street by grading, curbing, ballasting and parking the same, and to provide for the collection of said assessments, directing the issuance of bonds in payment therefor, and providing for the payment of such bonds. Passed the City Council January 8, 1901. No. A1038. An ordinance to establish the grade of Nora avenue from the west line of Monroe street to the east line of Division street. Passed the City Council April 2, 1901. No. A839. An ordinance to establish the grade of Nora avenue from the east line of Division street to the east line of Perry street. Passed the City Council June 13, 1899. No. A1177. An ordinance to establish the grade of Nora avenue from the west line of Monroe street to the east line of Ash street. Passed the City Council June 17, 1902. No. A854. An ordinance providing for the grading, curbing and sidewalking of Nora avenue from the east line of Division street to the center line of Columbus street and for the payment of the cost there- of, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collec- tion of special assessments on the property benefited by said improve- ment, providing for the issuance of warrants in payment of the cost thereof and a fund to pay the same. Passed the City Council July 11, 1899. No. A882. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the assessment district for the improvement of Nora avenue, in the City of Spokane, from the east line of Division street to the center line of Columbus street by the grading, curbing and sidewalking of the same, and to provide for the collection of said as- sessments and the payment of the warrants issued therefor. Passed the City Council October 20, 1899. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 355 No. A1095. An ordinance providing for the grading, curbing, park- ing, ballasting and sidewalking of Nora avenue from the center line of Monroe street to the center line of Division street, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district, and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement, providing for the issuance of bonds and the pay- ment thereof. Passed the City Council October 16, 1901. No. A1122. An ordinance to amend section 3 of ordinance No. A1095, entitled “An ordinance providing for the curbing, parking, bal- lasting and sidewalking of Nora avenue from the center line of Monroe street to the center line of Division street, and for the payment of the costs thereof, creating an assessment district, and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on property benefited by said improvement, providing for the issuance of bonds and the payment thereof,” passed October 16, 1901. Passed the City Council January 21, 1902. No. A1159. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the grading, curbing and ballasting of Nora avenue from the center line of Monroe street to the center line of Di- vision street, and to provide for the collection of assessments and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed the City Council April 29, 1902. No. A1160. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the improvement of Nora avenue from the cen- ter line of Monroe street to the center line of Division street by sid- walking the same, and to provide for the collection of assessments and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed the City Council April 29, 1902. No. A1181. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Nora ave- nue by grading, curbing, parking and sidewalking the same from the center line of Monroe street to the center line of Ash street, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and provid- ing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property in said assessment district to pay for the said improvement, and for the issuance of bonds and the payment thereof. Passed the City Council July 1, 1902. No. A1356. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the improvement of Nora avenue, from the center line of Monroe street to the center line of Ash street, by grading, curbing and parking the same, and to provide for the collection of assessments and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed May 6, 1903. No. A1073. An ordinance to establish the grade of North avenue, from the west line of Highland avenue to the west line of Sherman street. Passed July 16, 1901. No. 368. An ordinance providing for the grading, curbing and 356 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE guttering of North River street, between its west end and Division street. Passed November 20, 1889. No. A1085. An ordinance providing for the grading and curbing of North avenue, from the center line of Hilliard street to the center line of Sherman street, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creat- ing an assessment district, and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement, providing for the issuance of bonds and the payment thereof. Passed September 3, 1901. No. A1141. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments for the improvement of North avenue, from the center line of Hilliard street to the center line of Sherman street, by grading and curbing the same, and to provide for the collection of said assessments and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed March 18, 1902. No. A1084. An ordinance providing for the sidewalking of North avenue from the center line of Hilliard street to the center line of Sherman street, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement, providing for the issuance of bonds and the payment thereof. Passed September 3, 1901. No. A910. An ordinance to establish the grade of Oak street, from the south line of Riverside avenue to the north line of Third avenue. Passed January 16, 1900. No. A917. An ordinance to establish the grade of Oak street, from the south line of Riverside avenue to the south line of Fifth avenue. Passed January 30, 1900. No. A1146. An ordinance to establish the grade of Oak street, from the south line of Tenth avenue to the south line of Twelfth avenue. Passed April 1, 1902. No. A1312. An ordinance to establish the grade of Oak street, from the south line of Fifth avenue to the north line of Tenth avenue. Passed March 24, 1903. No. A1071. An ordinance providing for the grading and curbing of Oak street, from the center line of Second avenue to the center line of Fifth avenue, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district, and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement, providing for the issuance of bonds and a fund to pay the same. Passed July 16, 1901. No. A1105. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the grading and curbing of Oak street, from the center line of Second avenue to the center line of Fifth avenue, and to provide for the collection of said assessments, directing the issuance of bonds in payment therefor, and providing for the payment of such bonds. Passed November 5, 1901. No. A926. An ordinance providing for the grading, curbing, bal- MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 357 lasting and sidewalking of Oak street, from the center line of Riverside avenue to the center line of Fifth avenue, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district, and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement, providing for the issuance of bonds and a fund to pay the same. Passed February 20, 1900. No. A1048. An ordinance providing for the sidewalking of Oak street, from the center line of Second avenue to the center line of Riverside avenue, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district, and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement, providing for the issuance of bonds and a fund to pay the same. Passed May 8, 1901. No. A1043. An ordinance providing for the grading and curbing of Oak street, from the center line of Second avenue to the center line of Riverside avenue, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district, and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement, providing for the issuance of bonds and a fund to pay the same. Passed May 8, 1901. No. A1081. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment roll for the improvement of Oak street, from the center line of River- side avenue to the center line of Second avenue, by grading, curbing and ballasting the same, and to provide for the collection of said assess- ments, directing the issuance of bonds in payment therefor, and provid- ing for the payment of such bonds. Passed September 3, 1901. No. A1072. An ordinance providing for the sidewalking of Oak street, from the center line of Second avenue to the center line of Fifth avenue, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district, and providing for the levy and collection of special assess- ments on the property benefited by said improvement, providing for the issuance of bonds, and a fund to pay the same. Passed July 16, 1901. No. A1212. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the improvement of Oak street, from the center line of Second avenue to the center line of Fifth avenue, by sidewalking the same, and to provide for the collection of assessments and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed August 19, 1902. No. A1086. An ordinance providing for the sidewalking of Oak street, from the center line of Second avenue to the center line of Riverside avenue, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district, and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement, providing for the issuance of bonds and a fund to pay the same. Passed September 3, 1901. No. A1125. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments for the improvement of Oak street, from the center line of Second avenue to the center line of Riverside avenue, by sidewalking the 358 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE same, and to provide for the collection of said assessments and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed February 4, 1902. No. 520. An ordinance providing for the grading and improving of East Pacific avenue, between the east line of Washington street and the west line of McClellan street, and from the west line of Mc- Clellan street to the west line of Hatch street. Passed November 19, 1890. No. A50. An ordinance providing for the levy and collection of a special tax or assessment to pay the expenses of the improvement (by grading, etc.) of East Pacific avenue, between the east line of Wash- ington street and the center line of Hatch street. Passed July 23, 1891. No. 140. An ordinance to provide for the grading of Pacific avenue, from its east end to the west city limits. Passed May 9, 1888. No. A430. An ordinance to provide for the reassessment of all lots, etc., fronting on Pacific avenue, between the east end of Pacific avenue, as the said east end was defined and existed May 9, 1888, and the west city limits, as said limits were defined and existed on the 9th day of May, 1888, to raise money to pay for grading Pacific avenue, heretofore made. Passed June 26, 1894. No. A385. An ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer upon Pacific avenue, from the center line of Spruce street to the center line of Walnut street. Passed February 20, 1894. No. A431. An ordinance confirming the assessment roll for the sewering of Pacific avenue, from the center line of Spruce street to the center line of Walnut street, Passed June 26, 1894. No. A1268. An ordinance to establish the grade of Pacific avenue from the center line of Perry street to the center line of Regal street. Passed November 25, 1902. No. A843. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Pacific avenue and Coeur d’Alene street, from the center line of Poplar street to the center line of Spruce street, by grading, curbing, ballasting and parking, and for the payment of the cost thereof; creating an assess- ment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement, providing for the issuance of warrants in payment of the cost thereof, and a fund to pay the same. Passed June 20, 1899. No. A875. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the assessment district for the improvement of Pacific avenue and Cceur d’Alene street, in the City of Spokane, Wash- ington, from the center line of Poplar street to the center line of Spruce street, by grading, curbing, ballasting and parking the same, and to provide for the collection of said assessments, and the payment of the warrants issued therefor. Passed September 26, 1899. No. A806. An ordinance to provide for the construction of a sewer on Pacific avenue, from the center line of Spruce street to the east line of Cceur d’Alene street, providing for the issuance of warrants to pay therefor, creating an assessment district, and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments upon the property adjudged to be bene- MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 359 fited by said improvement for the purpose of creating a fund to redeem said warrants. Passed December 6, 1898. No. A820. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment roll for the assessment district for the improvement of Pacific avenue, by the construction of a sewer on said avenue, from the center line of Spruce street to the east line of Cceur d’Alene street, and to provide for the collection of said assessments and the payment of the war- rants issued therefor. Passed March 21, 1899. No. A1279. An ordinance for the improvement of Pacific avenue, from Perry to Regal street, by grading, curbing, parking and side- walking the same, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district, and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property of said assessment district to pay for the said improvement, and for the issuing of bonds and the pay- ment thereof. Passed December 16, 1902. No. A1239. An ordinance to establish the grade of Pennsylvania street, from the north line of Euclid avenue to a point 126.5 feet north of the north line of Empire avenue. Passed October 28, 1902. No. A1321. An ordinance to establish the grade of Park place, from the east line of Post street to the east line of Corbin Park. Passed March 24, 1903. No. A1343. An ordinance for the improvement of Park Place ave- nue, East Oval street, Waverly Place avenue and West Oval street, by grading and sidewalking the same, and for payment of the cost thereof. Passed April 28, 1903. No. A1269. An ordinance to establish the grade of Perry street, from the north line of Ninth avenue to the south line of Fourteenth avenue. Passed November 25, 1902. No. A1366. An ordinance to reestablish the grade of Perry street, from the north line of Tenth avenue to the south line of Tenth avenue. Passed May 6, 1903. No. A1353. An ordinance for the improvement of Perry street, from Ninth to Fourteenth avenue, by grading, curbing and sidewalking the same, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district, and providing for the levy and collection of special assess- ments on the property in said assessment district to pay for the said improvement, and for the issuing of bonds and the payment thereof. Passed May 6, 1903. No. 281. An ordinance providing for the grading of Pine street, between the Northern Pacific tracks and the north line of Sherman street. Passed April 23, 1889. No. A460. An ordinance to provide for the reassessment of all lots, etc., fronting Pine street between the track of the N. P. R. R. and the north line of Hartson avenue, formerly Sherman street, for the purpose of raising money to pay for the grading of said Pine street. Passed June 26, 1894. No. A531. An ordinance to confirm the reassessment roll for the 36 o MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE grading of Pine street between the track of the N. P. R. R. and the north line of Hartson avenue, formerly Sherman street. Passed December 11, 1894. No. A537. An ordinance to issue bonds for the payment of the expenses of grading Pine street from the N. P. R. R. track to the north line of Hartson avenue, formerly Sherman street. Passed De- cember 14, 1894. No. A387. An ordinance providing for the construction of sewerage upon Post street, from the center line of Front avenue to a line four- teen feet south of the center line of Main avenue. Passed February 20, 1894. No. A445. An ordinance confirming the assessment roll for the sewering between the center line of Front avenue and a line fourteen feet south of the center line of Main avenue. Passed June 26, 1894. No. A909. An ordinance to establish the grade of Post street, from the north line of Third avenue to the north line of Fourth avenue. Passed January 16, 1900. No. A845. An ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer on Post street, from the Front avenue sewer to the manhole at the east end of the Post street bridge, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement, providing for the issuance of bonds, and a fund to pay the same. Passed July 5, 1899. No. A908. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the assessment district for the improvement of Post street, in the City of Spokane, from the Front avenue sewer to the manhole at the east end of the Post street bridge, by the construction of a sewer therein, and to provide for the collection of said assess- ments, and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed January 16, 1900. No. A860. An ordinance providing for the paving and curbing of Post street, between a line one hundred feet south of the north line of the Northern Pacific Railway Company’s right of way and the south end of the Post street bridge, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collec- tion of special assessments on the property benefited by said improve- ment, providing for the issuance of bonds and a fund to pay the same, and for the maintenance of said improvement. Passed August 1, 1899. No. A988. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the improvement of Post street between a line one hundred feet south of the north line of the Northern Pacific Rail- way Company’s right of way and the south end of the Post street bridge, by paving and curbing the same, and to provide for the collec- tion of said assessments, directing the issuance of bonds in payment therefor, and providing for the payment of such bonds. Passed July 6, 1900. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 3«i No. A1096. An ordinance providing for the grading, curbing and sidewalking of Post street, from the south line of the Northern Pacific Railway Company’s right of way to the center line of Third avenue, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district, and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement, providing for the issuance of bonds, and the payment thereof. Passed October 16, 1901. No. A1104. An ordinance to amend section 3 of Ordinance No. A1096, entitled “An ordinance providing for the grading, curbing and sidewalking of Post street, from the south line of the Northern Pacific Railway Company’s right of way to the center line of Third avenue, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment dis- trict, and providing for the levy of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement, for the issuance of bonds and the pay- ment thereof. Passed November 5, 1901. No. A1130. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments for the improvement of Post street, from the south line of the Northern Pacific Railway Company’s right of way to the center line of Third avenue, by grading and curbing the same, and to provide for the collec- tion of said assessments and the payment of bonds issued therefor. Passed February 4, 1902. No. A1230. An ordinance to establish the grade of Providence ave- nue from the east line of Arch street to the west line of Martha street. Passed October 7, 1902. No. A1149. An ordinance to esablish the grade of Race street, from the south line of Tenth avenue to the south line of Twelfth avenue. Passed April 1, 1902. No. A788. An ordinance to establish the grade of Race street, from the north line of Tenth avenue to the north line of Thirteenth avenue. Passed October 5, 1898. No. 349. An ordinance providing for the grading and guttering of Riverside avenue, between the west line of Monroe street and the east line of Chestnut street. Passed October 11, 1889. No. A435. An ordinance to provide for the reassessment of River- side avenue, between the west line of Monroe street and the east line of Chestnut street, for the purpose of raising money to pay for the grading, etc., of said avenue, done under ordinance No. 349. Passed June 26, 1894. No. A556. An ordinance confirming the reassessment roll for the grading, etc., of Riverside avenue between the west line of Monroe street and the east line of Chestnut street. Passed February 26, 1895. No. A564. An ordinance for the issuance of street improvement bonds for payment of cost of grading, etc., Riverside avenue, from the west line of Monroe street to the east line of Chestnut street. Passed February 26, 1895. No. 500. An ordinance establishing and authorizing the extension and construction of a sewer pipe on Riverside avenue, from the center 362 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE of Washington street east to the center of Bernard street, thence south on Bernard street to the center line of Sprague street. Passed Septem- ber 19, 1890. No. A152. An ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer on Riverside avenue between Bernard street and Division street. Pass- ed January 22, 1892. No. 334. An ordinance providing for the laying of water mains on Riverside avenue, from Monroe to Division streets. Passed Septem- ber 4, 1889. No. A1099. An ordinance to establish the grade of Riverside avenue, from the east line of Chestnut street west to angle in Riverside avenue. Passed October 16, 1901. No. A761. An ordinance providing for the paving and curbing of Riverside avenue, between the east line of Monroe street and the west line of Division street, creating an assessment district, and providing for the payment for such improvement in installments, and establish- ing a fund for such payment by the levy and collection of special assessments on the property in said assessment district, and providing for the issuance of bonds, as authorized by the charter and ordinances of the City of Spokane, and for maintaining the same. Passed June 10, 1898. No. A783. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment roll of the assessment district for the improvement of Riverside avenue by paving and curbing, from the east line of Monroe street to the west line of Division street, and to provide for the collection of said assess- ments and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed August 23, 1898. No. A741. An ordinance to provide for the construction of a sewer on Riverside avenue, from the center line of Washington street to the Lincoln street sewer, and connecting therewith, creating an assess- ment district, and providing for the payment for such improvement by the levy and collection of special assessments upon the property adjudged to be benefited by said improvement, providing for the issu- ance of bonds and a fund to pay the same. Passed February 4, 1898. No. A755. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment roll for the assessment district for the improvement of Riverside avenue, by sewering, from the center line of Washington street to the Lincoln street sewer, and to provide for the collection of said assess- ments and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed May 17, 1898. No. A890. An ordinance to establish the grade of Rusk avenue from the east line of Sherman street to the west line of Arthur street. Passed November 10, 1899. No. A936. An ordinance to establish the grade of Rusk avenue from the west line of Sherman street to the east line of Hatch street. Passed March 6, 1900. No. 155. An ordinance to provide for the grading of Second street MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 363 (now Second avenue), between the east line of Washington street and the west line of Chestnut street. Passed May 29, 1888. No. A436. An ordinance to reassess Second street (now Second avenue), between the east line of Washington street and the west line of Chestnut street, to pay for grading said Second avenue, heretofore made. Passed June 26, 1894. No. A558. An ordinance to confirm the reassessment roll for the grading of Second avenue, formerly Second street, between the east line of Washington street and the west line of Chestnut street. Passed February 26, 1895. No. A567. An ordinance for the issuance of bonds to pay for grading Second avenue, formerly Second street, from the east line of Washington street to the west line of Chestnut street. Passed Feb- ruary 26, 1895. No. 481. An ordinance providing for the grading of Second street (now Second avenue), between Washington and Hatch streets. Passed August 14, 1890. No. A451. An ordinance to reassess property fronting on Second avenue, formerly Second street, between Washington street and Hatch street, to pay for grading said Second avenue, heretofore made. Passed June 26, 1894. No. A530. An ordinance to confirm the reassesment roll for grading Second avenue, formerly Second street, between Washington street and Hatch street. Passed December 11, 1894. No. A539. An ordinance to issue bonds to pay for the grading of Second avenue, formerly Second street, from Washington street to Hatch street. Passed December 14, 1894. No. A48. An ordinance providing for the grading, guttering and curbing of Second street (now Second avenue), from the east line of Chestnut street to the west line of Cceur d’Alene avenue. Passed July 16, 1891. No. A89. An ordinance providing for the grading, guttering and curbing of Second street (now Second avenue), between the west line of Hatch street and the east line of Arthur avenue. Passed September 1, 1891. No. A133. An ordinance providing for the construction of a side- walk on both sides of Second street (now Second avenue), from Chestnut street to Cceur d’Alene avenue. Passed December 8, 1891. No. A190. An ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer upon Second avenue, from the center line of Washington street to the sewer line on Howard street. Passed April 29, 1892. No. A388. An ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer upon Second avenue, from the center line of Lincoln street to the center line of Cedar street. Passed February 20, 1894. No. A443. An ordinance confirming the assessment roll for sewer- ing Second avenue, between the center line of Lincoln street and the center line of Cedar street. Passed June 26, 1894. 364 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE No. A665. An ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer upon Second avenue, from Cedar street to Cceur d’Alene street. Passed October 6, 1896. No. A1100. An ordinance to establish the grade of Second avenue from the west end of Second avenue to the west line of Cceur d’Alene street. Passed October 16, 1900. No. A674. An ordinance to provide for the construction of a sewer upon Second avenue from Cedar street to Coeur d’Alene street, and pro- viding for the issuance of bonds to pay the cost thereof. Passed the City Council November 17, 1896. No. A682. An ordinance to amend section 4 of an ordinance entitled “An ordinance to provide for the construction of a sewer upon Second avenue from Cedar street to Coeur d’Alene street, and providing for the issuance of bonds to pay the cost thereof,” passed November 17, 1896. Passed the City Council January 5, 1897. No. A686. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment roll for the assessment district established for the improvement of Sec- ond avenue from the center line of Cedar street to the center line of Cceur d’Alene street by sewering the same, and to provide for the pay- ment of the same. Passed the City Council January 26, 1897. No. A1066. An ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer on Second avenue from the center line of Bernard street to the man- hole in the intersection of Second avenue and Washington street, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement, providing for the issuance of bonds and a fund to pay the same. Passed the City Council July 16, 1901. No. A1361. An ordinance for the improvement of Second avenue extension from Cceur d’Alene street to Second avenue extension by grad- ing, curbing and ballasting the same, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property in said assessment dis- trict to pay for the said improvement and for the issuing of bonds and the payment thereof. Passed the City Council May 6, 1903. No. A892. An ordinance to establish the grade of Seventh avenue from the west line of Lincoln street to the west line of Monroe street. Passed the City Council November 10, 1899. No. A960. An ordinance to establish the grade of Seventh avenue from the east line of Bernard street to the east line of Mill street (pro- duced). Passed the City Council May 15, 1900. No. A972. An ordinance to establish the grade of Seventh avenue from the east line of Bernard street to the west line of Browne street. Passed the City Council June 12, 1900. No. A978. An ordinance providing for the grading, curbing and ballasting of Seventh avenue from the center line of Bernard street to the center line of Browne street, and for the payment of the cost there- MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 365 of, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and col- lection of special assessments on the property benefited by said im- provement, providing for the issuance of bonds and a fund to pay the same. Passed the City Council June 19, 1900. No. A995. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the improvement of Seventh avenue between the center line of Bernard street to the center line of Browne street and grading, curbing and ballasting the same, and to provide for the collection of said assessments, directing the issuance of bonds in pay- ment therefor and providing for the payment of such bonds. Passed the City Council August 21, 1900. No. A905. An ordinance providing for the grading, curbing and ballasting of Seventh avenue from the center line of Lincoln street to the center line of Maple street, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collec- tion of special assessments on the property benefited by said improve- ment, providing for the issuance of bonds and a fund to pay the same. Passed the City Council December 19, 1899. No. A941. An ordinance to amend section four (4) of ordinance No. A905, entitled “An ordinance providing for the grading, curbing and ballasting of Seventh avenue from the center line of Lincoln street to the center line of Maple street, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said im- provement, providing for the issuance of bonds and a r'und to pay the same,” passed December 19, 1899. Passed the City Council March 20, 1900. No. A1001. An ordinance providing and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the improvement of Seventh avenue from the center line of Lincoln street to the center line of Maple street by grad- ing, curbing and ballasting the same, and to provide for the collection of said assessments, directing the issuance of bonds in payment there- for and providing for the payment of such bonds. Passed the City Council August 28, 1900. No. A874. An ordinance to establish the grade of Seventh avenue from the west line of Monroe street to the east line of Maple street. Passed the City Council September 26, 1899. No. 482. An ordinance providing for the grading and improving of Seventh street (now Seventh avenue) from Lincoln street to Chest- nut street. Passed August 13, 1890. No. A288. An ordinance providing for the sidewalking of Seventh avenue on the south side thereof between the west line of Washington street and a point 375 feet west of the west line of Washington street. Passed March 7, 1893. No. A290. An ordinance providing for the sidewalking of Seventh avenue on the north side thereof between the west line of Bernard street and the east line of Howard street. Passed March 7, 1893. 366 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE No. A191. An ordinance providing for the construction of sewerage upon Seventh avenue from Washington street to Saxton street (now Bernard street). Passed the City Council April 29, 1892. No. A1061. An ordinance to establish the grade of Shannon street from the west line of Cedar street to the east line of Mill street. Passed the City Council June 18, 1901. No. A110. An ordinance providing for the grading, guttering and curbing of Sharp street between west line of Post street and the east line of Jefferson street. Passed October 13, 1891. No. A650. An ordinance providing for grading and improving Sharp avenue between the east line of Pearl street and the east line of Superior street. Passed June 16, 1896. No. A1029. An ordinance to establish the grade of Sharp avenue from the west line of Post street to the west line of Washington street. Passed the City Council February 13, 1901. No. A1223. An ordinance to establish the grade of Sharp avenue from the west line of Elm street to the east line of Nettleton street. Passed the City Council September 16, 1902. No. A1041. An ordinance providing for the grading, curbing and ballasting of Sharp avenue from the center line of Washington street to the center line of Post street, and for the payment of the cost there- of, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and col- lection of special assessments on the property benefited by said im- provement, providing for the issuance of bonds and a fund to pay the same. Passed the City Council April 2, 1901. No. A1070. An ordinance approving and confirming the assess- ♦ ments and assessment roll for the improvement of Sharp avenue from the center line of Washington street to the center line of Post street by grading, curbing and ballasting the same, and to provide for the col- lection of said assessments, directing the issuance of bonds in payment therefor, and providing for the payment of such bonds. Passed the City Council July 16, 1901. No. A1217. An ordinance for the improvement of Sharp avenue from Jefferson to Hollis streets by grading, curbing, parking and side- walking the same, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property in said assessment district to pay for the said improvement, and for the issuing of bonds and the payment there- of. Passed the City Council September 16, 1902. No. A1274. An ordinance approving and confirming the assess- ments and assessment roll for the improvement of Sharp avenue from the center line of Jefferson street to the center line of Hollis street by grading, curbing and parking the same, and to provide for the collection of assessments and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed the City Council May 19, 1903. xno. A693. An ordinance providing for the sidewalking of Sharp avenue between Hamilton street and College street, and College street MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 367 between Boone avenue and Sharp avenue, creating an assessment dis- trict, and providing for the issuance of bonds to pay for the cost thereof. Passed the City Council May 20, 1897. No. A357. An ordinance providing for the grading, guttering and curbing of Sheridan street between the north line of Front avenue and the south end of the Olive avenue bridge. Passed October 10, 1893. No. A1078. An ordinance to reestablish the grade of Sheridan street from the south line of Fifth avenue to the north line of Hartson avenue. Passed the City Council August 20, 1901. No. A1015. An ordinance to establish the grade of Sheridan street from the north line of Hartson avenue to the south line of Sprague avenue. Passed the City Council October 30, 1900. No. A1097. An ordinance providing for the grading, parking, bal- lasting and sidewalking Sheridan street from the center line of Hart- son to the center line of Fifth avenue, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district, and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said im- provements, and providing for the issuance of bonds and the payment thereof. Passed the City Council October 16, 1901. No. A1140. An ordinance approving and confirming the assess- ments for the improvement of Sheridan street from the center line of Hartson to the center line of Fifth avenue by grading, curbing and parking the same, and to provide for the collection of said assessments and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed the City Council March 18, 1902. No. A1142. An ordinance approving and confirming the assess- • ments for the improvement of Sheridan street from the center line of Hartson to the center line of Fifth avenue by sidewalking the same, and to provide for the collection of said assessments, and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed the City Council March 18, 1902. No. 501. An ordinance providing for grading and improving Sher- man street from Sprague street to Tenth street. Passed September 19, 1890. No. A459. An ordinance to provide for the reassessment of prop- erty fronting on Sherman street between Sprague avenue (formerly Sprague street) and Tenth avenue (formerly Tenth street) to pay for the grading and improving of said Sherman street heretofore made. Passed June 26, 1894. No. A541. An ordinance to confirm the reassessment roll for grad- ing and improving Sherman street between Sprague avenue (formerly Sprague street) and Tenth avenue (formerly Tenth street). Passed Sprague street) and Tenth avenue (formerly Tenth street). Passed December 18, 1894. No. A543. An ordinance for the issuance of bonds to pay for grad- ing and improving Sherman street between Sprague avenue (formerly December 18, 1894. No. A745. An ordinance to provide for the construction of a side- 368 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE walk on both sides of Sherman street from Third avenue to Rusk ave- nue, creating an assessment district, providing for the payment of such improvement by the levy and collection of special assessments upon the property adjudged to be benefited by said improvement, for the issuance of bonds and a fund from which to pay the same. Passed the City Council February 15, 1898. No. A781. An ordinance approving and confirming the assesment roll for the assessment district for the improvement of Sherman street by constructing a sidewalk on both sides oi said Sherman street ffrom the south line of Third avenue to the north line of Rusk avenue, and to provide for the collection of said assessments and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed the City Council August 2, 1898. No. A784. An ordinance providing for the issuance of bonds to pay for the construction of a sidewalk on both sides of Sherman street, in the City of Spokane, from Third avenue to Rusk avenue, and for the levy and collection of special assessments upon the property benefited thereby to redeem said bonds. Passed the City Council August 26, 1898. No. A849. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment roll for the assessment district for the improvement of Sherman street by sidewalking both sides of said street from the south line of Third avenue to the north line of Rusk avenue, and to provide for the collec- tion of said assessments and the payments of the bonds issued therefor. Passed the City Council July 11, 1899. No. A1145. An ordinance to establish the grade of Sinto avenue from the west line of Division street to the east line of Monroe street. Passed the City Council April 1, 1902. No. A1245. An ordinance to establish the grade of Sinto avenue from the west line of Monroe street to the west line of Division street. Passed the City Council October 28, 1902. No. A1300. An ordinance to establish the grade or Sinto avenue from the west line of Monroe street to the center line of Cedar street. Passed- the City Council February 20, 1903. No. A1180. An ordinance for the improvement of Sinto avenue by grading, curbing and sidewalking the same from the center line of Pearl street to the center line of Division street, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property in said assessment district to pay for the said improvement, and for the issu- ing of bonds and the payment thereof. Passed the City Council July 1, 1902. No. A1260. An ordinance for the improvement of Sinto avenue from Monroe to Division street by grading, curbing, parking and side- walking the same, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property in said assessment district to pay for the said improvement, and for the issuing of bonds and the payment there- of. Passed the City Council November 25, 1902. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 369 No. A1296. An ordinance for the improvement of Sinto avenue from Monroe to Cedar street by grading, curbing, parking and side- walking the same, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property in said assessment district to pay for the said improvement, and for the issuing of bonds and the payment there- of. Passed the City Council February 20, 1903. No. A1373. An ordinance for the improvement of Sinto avenue from Dakota to Columbus street by grading, curbing and parking and sidewalking the same, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collection of spe- cial assessments on the property in said assessment district to pay for the said improvement, and for the issuing of bonds and the payment thereof. Passed the City Council May 19, 1903. No. 127. An ordinance to provide for the grading of Sixth street (now Sixth avenue) from the center of Saxton street (now Bernard street) west to the west line of Mill street. Passed April 4, 1888. No. 284. An ordinance providing for the grading of Sixth street (now Sixth avenue) between Mill and Post street. Passed May 8, 1889. No. A43. An ordinance providing for the grading, guttering and curbing of Sixth street (now Sixth avenue) between the west line of Lincoln street to the east line of Maple street. Passed July 9, 1891. No. A131. An ordinance providing for the construction of sewerage upon Sixth avenue from Saxton street (now Bernard street) to How- ard street. Passed December 3, 1891. No. A805. An ordinance to establish the grade of Sixth avenue from the west line of Monroe street to the east line of Maple street. Passed the City Council December 6, 1898. No. A914. An ordinance to establish the grade of Sixth avenue from the west line of Monroe street to a point 125 feet west of the west line of Jefferson street. Passed the City Council January 23, 1900. No. A980. An ordinance providing for the grading, curbing, side- walking and parking of Sixth avenue from the center line of Monroe street to the west line of Jefferson street, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement, providing for the issuance of bonds and a fund to pay the same. Passed the City Council July 3, 1900. No. A1010. An ordinance approving and confirming the assess- ments and assessment roll for the improvement of Sixth avenue from the center line of Monroe street to the west line of Jefferson street by grading, curbing, sidwalking and parking the same, and to provide for the collection of said assessments, directing the issuance of bonds in payment therefor, and providing for the payment of such bonds. Passed the City Council October 23, 1900. No. A1044. An ordinance providing for the grading, curbing and ballasting of Sixth avenue from the center line of Adams street to the 24 370 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE west line of Cedar street, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creat- ing an assessment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement, providing for the issuance of bonds and a fund to pay the same. Passed the City Council May 8, 1901. No. A1129. An ordinance approving and confirming the assess- ments for the improvement of Sixth avenue from the center line of Adams street to the west line of Cedar street by grading, curbing and ballasting the same, and to provide for the collection of said assess- ments and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed the City Council February 4, 1902. No. A1101. An ordinance providing for the grading, curbing and ballasting of Sixth avenue from the center line of Adams street to the west line of Cedar street, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collec- tion of special assessments on the property benefited by said improve- ment, providing for the issuance of bonds and a fund to pay the same. Passed the City Council October 16, 1901. No. A1218. An ordinance for the improvement of Sixth avenue from Bernard to Browne streets by grading, curbing, ballasting, park- ing and sidewalking the same, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collec- tion of special assessments on the property in said assessment district to pay for the said improvement, and for the issuing of bonds and the payment thereof. Passed the City Council September 16, 1902. No. 367. An ordinance providing for the grading of South Center street in Havermale’s addition. Passed November 20, 1889. No. A1163. An ordinance to establish the grade of Spofford avenue from the east line of Cedar street to the west line of Monroe street. Passed the City Council May 6, 1902. No. A1170. An ordinance providing for the grading, curbing and sidewalking of Spofford avenue from the center line of Monroe street to the center line of Howard street, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said im- provement, providing for the issuance of bonds and the payment there- of. Passed the City Council June 17, 1902. No. A1205. An ordinance for the improvement of Spofford avenue from the center line of Monroe street to the center line of Cedar street by grading, curbing, parking and sidewalking the same, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and pro- viding for the levy and collection of special assessments on the prop- erty in said assessment district to pay for the said improvement, and for the issuing of bonds and the payment thereof. Passed the City Council August 12, 1902. No. A769. An ordinance to establish the grade of Spokane street MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 37i from the north line of Third avenue to the north line of Hartson ave- nue. Passed the City Council June 21, 1898. No. A859. An ordinance providing for the grading, curbing and sidewalking of Spokane street from the south line of Third avenue to the center line of Hartson avenue, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said im- provement, providing for the issuance of warrants in payment of the cost thereof and a fund to pay the same. Passed the City Council Au- gust 1, 1899. No. A885. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the assessment district for the improvement of Spokane street, in the City of Spokane, from the south line of Third avenue to the center line of Hartson avenue by grading, curbing and sidewalking the same, and to provide for the collection of said assess- ments and the payment of the warrants issued therefor. Passed the City Council November 10, 1899. No. 298. An ordinance to provide for grading and improving Sprague street from its junction with Riverside avenue to the east city limits. Passed May 29, 1889. No. A440. An ordinance to reassess Sprague avenue (formerly Sprague street) between Riverside avenue and the east city limits, as said limits were defined and existed on the 29th day of May, 1889, to pay for grading and improving said Sprague avenue (formerly Sprague street) heretofore made. Passed June 26, 1894. No. A560. An ordinance to confirm the reassessment roll for the grading and improving of Sprague avenue (formerly Sprague street) between Riverside avenue and the east city limits, as said limits were defined and existed on the 29th day of May, 1889. Passed February 26, 1895. No. A563. An ordinance to issue bonds to pay for grading and im- proving Sprague avenue (formerly Sprague street) from Riverside avenue to the east city limits, as said limits were defined and existed on the 29th day of May, 1889. Passed February 26, 1895. No. A68. An ordinance providing for the grading, guttering and curbing of Sprague street (now Sprague avenue) between the east line of Hatch street and the east city limits. Passed August 4, 1891. No. A489. An ordinance to reassess the property fronting on Sprague avenue (formerly Sprague street) between the east line of Hatch street and the east city limits to pay for grading, etc., of Sprague avenue heretofore made. Passed September 4, 1894, and as amended by ordinance No. A651, passed June 16, 1896. No. A309. An ordinance providing for the sidewalking of the south side of Sprague avenue between the west line of Hatch street and the west end of the Sprague avenue trestle. Passed May 9, 1893. No. A330. An ordinance providing for the sidewalking of the south 372 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE side of Sprague avenue between the east end of the Sprague avenue trestle and the east line of Lee street. Passed June 14, 1893. No. A73. An ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer upon Sprague street (now Sprague avenue) from Mill street to Madi- son street. Passed August 11, 1891, and as amended by ordinance No. A136, passed December 18, 1891. No. A669. An ordinance approving and confirming the reassess- ment roll for the assessment district established for the grading and improving of Sprague avenue (formerly Sprague street), in the City of Spokane, between the east line of Hatch street and the east city limits, and to provide for the payment of the same. Passed the City Council October 20, 1896. No. A944. An ordinance to establish the grade of Sprague avenue from the east line of Madison street to the east line of Bernard street. Passed the City Council March 20, 1900. No. A739. An ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer on Sprague avenue from the center line of Washington street to the Mill street sewer, and connecting therewith, creating an assessment district and providing for the payment of such improvement by the levy and collection of special assessments upon the property adjudged to be benefited by said improvement, providing for the issuance of bonds and a fund to pay the same. Passed the City Council January 25, 1898. No. A752. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment roll for the assessment district for the improvement of Sprague avenue by sewering from the center line of Washington street to the Mill street sewer, and to provide for the collection of said assessments and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed the City Council May 3, 1898. No. A862. An ordinance providing for the paving and curbing of Sprague avenue from the east line of Monroe street to the west line of Bernard street, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement, providing for the issuance of bonds and a fund to pay the same, and for the main- tenance of said improvement. Passed the City Council August 22, 1899. No. A946. An ordinance providing for the paving and curbing of Sprague avenue from the east line of Madison street to the east line of Bernard street, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property' benefited by said improvement, providing for the issuance of bonds and a fund to pay the same, and for the main- tenance of said improvement. Passed the City Council April 3, 1900. No. A984. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the improvement of Sprague avenue from the east line of Madison street to the east line of Bernard street by paving and curbing the same, and to provide for the collection of said assess- MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 573 ments, directing the issuance of bonds in payment ther&for, and pro- viding for the payment of such bonds. Passed the City Council July 3, 1900. No. A933. An ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer on Sprague avenue from the center line of Washington street to a point ten feet east of the east line of Bernard street, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement, providing for the issuance of bonds and a fund to pay the same. Passed the City Council February 27, 1900. No. A957. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the improvement of Sprague avenue from the center line of Washington street to a point ten feet east of the east line of Bernard street by the construction of a sewer on the same, and to provide for the collection of said assessments and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed the City Council May 8, 1900. No. A257. An ordinance providing for the grading, guttering and curbing of Spruce street between the south line of Pacific avenue and the north line of Fourth avenue. Passed October 4, 1892. No. A264. An ordinance providing for the sidewalking of Spruce street on both sides thereof between the south line of Pacific avenue and the north line of Fourth avenue. Passed December 9, 1892. No. 163. An ordinance to grade Stevens street from the south bank of the Spokane river to the north line of Seventh street (now Seventh avenue). Passed June 27, 1888. No. A462. An ordinance to reassess property fronting on Stevens street between the south bank of the Spokane river and the north line of Seventh street (now Seventh avenue) to pay for the grading of said Stevens street, heretofore made. Passed June 26, 1894. No. A524. An ordinance confirming the reassessment roll for the grading of Stevens street between the south bank of the Spokane river and the north line of Seventh street (now Seventh avenue). Passed December 11, 1894. No. A533. An ordinance for the issuance of bonds to pay for grad- ing Stevens street from the south bank of the Spokane river to the north line of Seventh street (now Seventh avenue). Passed December 14, 1894. No. A929. An ordinance to establish the grade of Stevens street from the south line of Front avenue to a point 245 feet south of the south line of First avenue. Passed the City Council February 27, 1900. No. A850. An ordinance providing for the paving and curbing of Stevens street between a line one hundred feet south of the north line of the Northern Pacific Railway Company’s right of way and the south line of Front avenue, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement, providing for the issuance of bonds and a fund to pay the same, and 374 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE for the maintenance of said improvement. Passed the City Council July 11, 1899. No. A919. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the assessment district for the improvement of Stevens street between a line one hundred feet south of the north line of the Northern Pacific Railway Company’s right of way and the south line of Front avenue by paving and curbing the same, and to provide for the collection of said assessments and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed the City Council February 6, 1900. No. A1154. An ordinance changing the name of Summit boulevard to Mission avenue from Cedar street west to A street, west of block eight, Nettleton’s Second addition to Spokane. Passed the City Coun- cil April 15, 1902. No. A873. An ordinance to establish the grade of Tenth avenue from the west line of Monroe street to the west line of Cannon street. Passed the City Council September 22, 1899. No. A1055. An ordinance to establish the grade of Tenth avenue from the west line of Arthur street to the east line of Ivory street. Passed the City Council June 4, 1901. No. A1270. An ordinance establishing the grade of Tenth avenue from the east line of Perry street to the east line of Pittsburg street. Passed the City Council November 25, 1902. No. A876. An ordinance providing for the grading, curbing and sidewalking of Tenth avenue from the center line of Monroe street to the center line of Cannon street, and for the payment of the cost there- of, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and col- lection of special assessments on the property benefited by said im- provement, providing for the issuance of bonds and a fund to pay the same. Passed the City Council September 29, 1899. No. A886. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the assessment district for the improvement of Tenth avenue, in the City of Spokane, from the center line of Monroe street to the center line of Cannon street by grading, curbing and side- walking the same, and to provide for the collection of said assessments and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed the City Council November 10, 1899. No. 292. An ordinance providing for the grading of West Third street (now Third avenue) between Howard and Ash streets. Passed May 22, 1889. No. A452. An ordinance to reassess West Third street (now Third avenue) between the west line of Howard street and the east line of Ash street, to raise money to pay for the grading of said Third street, heretofore made. Passed June 26, 1894. No. A525. An ordinance approving the reassessment roll for the grading, etc., of Third avenue (formerly West Third street) between the west line of Howard street and the east line of Ash street. Passed December 11, 1894. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 375 No. A535. An ordinance for the issuance of bonds to pay the cost of grading, etc., of Third avenue (formerly West Third street) from the west line of Howard street to the east line of Ash street. Passed December 14, 1894. No. 466. An ordinance providing for the grading and improving of Third street from Bernard street to the east limits. Passed July 16, 1890, and approved July 22, 1890. No. A127. An ordinance providing for the levy and collection of a special tax to pay the expense of the improvement of Third street (now Third avenue) between the west line of Saxton street (now Bernard street) and the east line of Hatch street (formerly the east city limits). Passed November 24, 1891. No. A454. An ordinance to provide for the reassessment of prop- erty fronting on Third avenue (formerly Third street) between Ber- nard street and the east city limits, as said limits were defined and existed on the 22d day of July, 1890, to raise money to pay for the grading and improving of said Third avenue, heretofore made. Passed June 26, 1894. No. A516. An ordinance to confirm the reassessment roll for the grading and improving of Third avenue (formerly Third street) be- tween Bernard street and the east city limits, as said limits were de- fined and existed on the 22d day of July, A. D. 1890. Passed December 4, 1894. No. A523. An ordinance to issue bonds for the cost of grading and improving Third avenue (formerly Third street) from Bernard street to the east city limits, as said limits were defined and existed on the 22d day of July, 1890. Passed December 4, 1894. No. 56. An ordinance to provide for the grading of Third street (now Third avenue) between the east line of Howard street and the west line of Bernard street. Passed June 1, 1887. No. A72. An ordinance providing for the grading, etc., of Third street (now Third avenue) and the continuation thereof, known as Fourth street, in Union Park and Wadsworth & McDonald’s addition from the west line of Hatch street to the east city limits. Passed Au- gust 11, 1891. No. A364. An ordinance providing for the grading, guttering and curbing of Third avenue between the west line of the N. P. R. R. right of way and the east line of Chestnut street. Passed November 10, 1893. No. A398. An ordinance confirming the assessment roll for the grading, curbing and guttering of Third avenue between the west line of the N. P. R. R. right of way and the east line of Chestnut street. Passed February 27, 1894. No. A404. An ordinance to issue bonds for the cost of grading, etc., of Third avenue from the west right of way line of the N. P. R. R. to the east line of Chestnut street. Passed March 6, 1894, and as amended by ordinance No. A475, passed July 24, 1894. No. A220. An ordinance providing for the grading, guttering and 376 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE curbing of Third avenue and laying a sidewalk on both sides thereof between the west line of Spruce street and the east line of Coeur d’Alene street. Passed June 29, 1892. No. A165. An ordinance providing for the construction of a side- walk on both sides of Third avenue from Washington street to Sher- man street. Passed March 1, 1892. No. A721. An ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer upon Third avenue from the center line of Madison street to a point eighty-nine (89) feet east of the east line of Mill street, creating an as- sessment district, and providing for the payment for such improvement by the levy and collection of special assessments upon the property ad- judged to be benefited by said improvement, providing for the issuance of bonds and a fund to pay the same. Passed the City Council October 19, 1897. No. A756. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment roll for the assessment district for the improvement of Third avenue by sewering from the center line of Madison street to a point eighty- nine feet east of the east line of Mill street, and to provide for the col- lection of said assessments and the payment of the bonds issued there- for. Passed the City Council May 17, 1898. No. A1067. An ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer on Third avenue from the center line of McClellan street to the Howard street sewer, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an as- sessment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement, providing for the issuance of bonds and a fund to pay the same. Passed the City Council July 16, 1901. No. A1106. An ordinance approving and confirming the assess- ments and assessment roll for the construction of a sewer on Third avenue from the center line of McClellan street to the Howard street sewer, and to provide for the collection of said assessments, directing the issuance of bonds in payment therefor, and ‘providing for the pay- ment of such bonds. Passed the City Council November 5, 1901. No. A696. An ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer upon Third avenue from the east line of Madison street to the west line of Cedar street, and providing for the issuance of bonds to pay the cost thereof. Passed the City Council June 1, 1897. No. A704. An ordinance to amend section four of ordinance No. A696, entitled “An ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer upon Third avenue from the east line of Madison street to the west line of Cedar street, and providing for the issuance of bonds to pay the cost thereof,’ passed June 1, 1897. Passed the City Council July 20, 1897. No. A715. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment roll for the assessment district established for the improvement of Third avenue from the Cedar street sewer to the center line of Madi- MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 377 son street by sewering the same, and to provide for the payment of the same. Passed the City Council August 31, 1897. No. A1265. An ordinance to establish the grade of Thirteenth ave- nue from the east line of Perry street to the east line of Pittsburg street. Passed the City Council November 25, 1902. No. A1137. An ordinance to establish the grade of Thirteenth ave- nue from the west line of Maple street to the west line of Ash street. Passed the City Council March 18, 1902. No. A1058. An ordinance to establish the grade of Twelfth avenue from the west line of Arthur street to the east line of Ivory street. Passed the City Council June 4, 1901. No. A1139. An ordinance to establish the grade of Twelfth avenue from the west line of Maple street to the west line of Elm street. Passed the City Council March 18, 1902. No. A790. An ordinance to establish the grade of Twelfth avenue from the west line of Cedar street tp the west line of Elm street. Passed the City Council October 5, 1898. No. A1271. An ordinance to establish the grade of Twelfth avenue from the east line of Perry street to the east line of Pittsburg street. Passed the City Council November 25, 1902. No. A1301. An ordinance to establish the grade of Virginia avenue from the west line of Post street to the east line of Cedar street. Passed the City Council February 20, 1903. No. A1326. An ordinance for the improvement of Virginia avenue from Cedar to Post street by grading, curbing, parking and sidewalking the same, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assess- ment district and providing for the levy and collection of special as- sessments on the property in said assessment district to pay for the said improvement, and for the issuing of bonds and the payment there- of. Passed the City Council March 24, 1903. No. A390. An ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer upon Walnut street from a point twelve and one-half feet south of the center line of Pacific avenue to the center line of First avenue. Passed February 20, 1894. No. A447. An ordinance to confirm the assessment roll for the sew- ering of Walnut street between a point twelve and one-half feet south of the center line of Pacific avenue and the center line of First avenue. Passed June 26, 1894. No. A872. An ordinance providing for the grading, curbing and sidewalking of Walnut street from the center line of Second avenue to the center line of Sixth avenue, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said im- provement, providing for the issuance of bonds in payment of the cost thereof and a fund to pay the same. Passed the City Council Septem- ber 12, 1899. No. A883. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments 373 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE and assessment roll for the assessment district for the improvement of Walnut street, in the City of Spokane, from the center line of Second avenue to the center line of Sixth avenue by the grading, curbing and sidewalking of the same, and to provide for the collection of said as- sessments and the payment of the bonds issued therefor. Passed the City Council November 10, 1899. No. A1327. An ordinance to reestablish the grade of Washington street from the south line of First avenue to the north line of Second avenue. Passed the City Council March 24, 1903. No. A981. An ordinance providing for the paving and curbing of Washington street from the south Washington street bridge to the north line of First avenue, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collec- tion of special assessments on the property benefited by said improve- ment, providing for the issuance of bonds and a fund to pay the same. Passed the City Council July 3, 1^00. No. A1068. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll for the improvement of Washington street from the south Washington street bridge to the north line of First avenue by paving and curbing the same, and to provide for the collection of said assessments, directing the issuance of bonds in payment therefor, and providing for the payment of such bonds. Passed the City Council July 16, 1901. No. A1103. An ordinance amending section two of ordinance No. A1068, entitled “An ordinance approving and confirming the assess- ments and assessment roll for the improvement of Washington street from the south line of Washington street bridge to the north line of First avenue by paving and curbing the same, and to provide for the collection of said assessments, directing the issuance of bonds in pay- ment therefor, and providing for the payment of such bonds.” Passed the City Council November 5, 1901. No. 165. An ordinance to provide for the grading of Washington street between the north end and Eighth street. Passed June 24, 1888. No. A450. An ordinance to reassess all lots, etc., fronting Washing- ton street between the north end of Washington street, as the said north end was defined and existed on the 24th day of June, A. D. 1888, and Eighth avenue (formerly Eighth street) for the purpose of raising money to pay for the grading of Washington street, heretofore made. Passed June 26, 1894. No. A554. An ordinance to confirm the reassessment roll for grad- ing Washington street between the north end of Washington street, as the said north end was defined and existed on the 24th day of June, A. D. 1888, and Eighth avenue (formerly Eighth street). Passed Feb- ruary 26, 1895. No. A565. An ordinance for the issuance of bonds to pay the cost of grading Washington street, from the north end of said street, as said north end was defined and existed on the 24th day of June, A. D. 1888, MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 379 and Eighth avenue (formerly Eighth street). Passed February 26, 1895. No. 461. An ordinance providing for the grading and improving of Washington street from the north end of the Washington street bridge to the main line of the Seattle, Lake Shore & Eastern railroad. Passed July 16, 1890. No. A456. An ordinance to reassess Washington street between the north end of the north bridge on Washington street and the main line of the Seattle, Lake Shore & Eastern railroad, to raise money to pay for the grading and improving of said Washington street. Passed June 26, 1894. No. A514. An ordinance to approve the reassessment roll for the grading and improving of Washington street between the north end of the north bridge on Washington street and the main line of the Seattle, Lake Shore & Eastern railroad. Passed December 4, 1894. No. A519. An ordinance to issue bonds to pay the cost of grading and improving Washington street from the north end of the north bridge on Washington street to the main line of the Seattle, Lake Shore & Eastern railroad. Passed December 4, 1894. No. 521. An ordinance providing for the grading and improving of Washington street from the Seattle, Lake Sh(5re & Eastern railroad tracks to the south line of Buckeye street. Passed November 12, 1890, and as amended by ordinance No. 534, passed December 31, 1890. No. A51. An ordinance providing for the levy and collection of a special tax or assessment to pay for the grading and improving of Washington street between the Seattle, Lake Shore & Eastern railroad and the south line of Buckeye street. Passed July 23, 1891. No. A67. An ordinance providing for the grading, etc., of Washing- ton avenue between the east line of Arthur avenue and the north line of Ninth street. Passed August 4, 1891. No. A270. An ordinance to provide for the sidewalking of the east side of Washington street between the north line of the Seattle, Lake Shore & Eastern right of way or the Union depot grounds and the south line of Buckeye avenue. Passed December 30, 1892. No. A271. An ordinance providing for the sidewalking of the west side of Washington street between the Seattle, Lake Shore & Eastern right of way or the Union Depot Company’s grounds and the south line of Maxwell avenue. Passed December 30, 1892. No. A289. An ordinance providing for the sidewalking of Wash- ington street on the west side thereof between the south line of Seventh avenue and the south line of Eighth avenue. Passed March 7, 1893. No. A192. An ordinance providing for the construction of sewer- age upon Washington street from Sixth avenue to Eighth avenue. Passed April 29, 1892. No. A265. An ordinance providing for the construction of sewer- age upon Washington street from the south end of the Washington 380 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE street bridge to the center line of Front avenue. Passed December 20, 1892. No. A1315. An ordinance to establish the grade of Waverly place from the east line of Post street to the east line of Corbin park. Passed the City Council March 24, 1903. No. A1314. An ordinance to establish the grade of Wilson avenue from the west line of Huron street to the east line of Ontario street. Passed the City Council March 24, 1903. No. A1306. An ordinance for the improvement of Wilson avenue from Ontario to Huron street by grading, curbing, parking and side- walking the same, and for the payment of the cost thereof, creating an assessment district and providing for the levy and collection of special assessments on the property in said assessment district to pay for the said improvement, and for the issuing of bonds and the payment there- for. Passed the City Council March 10, 1903. VACATIONS. No. A962. An ordinance vacating a strip of ground ten and one- half (10*4) feet in width on each side of Poplar street, and next to the lot line thereof, from the south line of Pacific avenue to the north line of Third avenue, (excepting at the intersection of Poplar street and Second avenue). Passed the City Council June 5, 1900. No. A967. An ordinance vacating the alley in block 25 of Sec- ond Sinto addition to Spokane, Washington. Passed the City Council June 5, 1900. No. A990. An ordinance vacating Howard street addition to Spo- kane Falls (now Spokane), Washington, and the streets, alleys, lots and blocks in said addition according to the recorded plat thereof. Passed the City Council August ‘i, 1900. No. A979. An ordinance vacating certain parts of streets and ave- nues and certain lots and blocks in J. M. Morgan’s addition to Denver, Spokane County, W. T., according to the recorded plat thereof. Passed the City Council June 19, 1900. No. A985. An ordinance vacating certain parts of streets and ave- nues and certain lots and blocks in Union Pacific addition to Spokane, Spokane County, Washington, according to the recorded plat thereof. Passed the City Council July 3, 1900. No. A1002. An ordinance vacating a strip of ground twelve and one-half (12 y 2 ) feet in width on the south side of First avenue, and next to the lot line thereof, from the east line of Hemlock street to the west line of Chestnut street. Passed the City Council Sept. 11, 1900. No. A1263. An ordinance vacating the west twenty-five feet of Calispel street, from the north line of Fairview addition to the south MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 38i line of Corbin Park addition to the City of Spokane. Passed the City Council November 25, 1902. No. A1025. An ordinance vacating the alley in block eighty-six (86) of Second addition to Railroad addition to Spokane Falls, (now Spokane), Spokane County, Washington. Passed the City Council Feb- ruary 5, 1901. No. A1051. An ordinance vacating the alley in block sixty-six (66), the alley in block sixty-seven (67) and that portion of Eighth avenue lying between the east and west side lines of said blocks extended, all of Second addition to Railroad addition to Spokane Falls, now Spo- kane, County of Spokane, State of Washington. Passed the City Coun- cil May 14, 1901. No. A1307. An ordinance vacating Olive avenue from the east line of lot six, in block twelve, and the east line of lot one, block fifteen, in Resurvey of the Second addition to Third addition to Railroad addi- tion, to Sherman street. Passed the City Council March 10, 1903. No. A937. An ordinance vacating a portion of the alley in and be- tween the east sixteen lots of block 10 of Nettleton’s Second addition in the City of Spokane, State of Washington. Passed the City Council March 6, 1900. No. A940. An ordinance vacating the alley in block number eight, of Cannon s addition to Spokane Falls (now Spokane), according to the recorded plat of said addition. Passed the City Council March 20, 1900. No. A687. An ordinance vacating that part of Sterling street through the southeast corner of block 23, Altamont, Spokane County, Washington. Passed the City Council January 26, 1897. No. A712. An ordinance vacating the alley in block 28 in Lewis & Shaw’s Terrace Park addition to Spokane, W. T., now Spokane, Wash- ington. Passed the City Council August 10, 1897. No. A690. An ordinance vacating a portion of Blanco street in the City of Spokane, State of Washington. Passed the City Council April 20, 1897. No. A670%. An ordinance vacating certain streets, alleys and high- ways, in Cliff Park addition to the City of Spokane, Spokane County, State of Washington. Passed the City Council April 2, 1897. No. A814. An ordinance vacating all of Porter avenue and all of Michigan street lying north of Water avenue, and all of the east half of Ontario street lying north of Water avenue, all situated in the Sec- ond addition to West Riverside addition to the City of Spokane, and vesting the title of the real estate comprising the streets so vacated in the Northwestern and Pacific Hypotheekbank (Northwestern and Pa- cific Mortgage Company), a corporation. Passed the City Council Jan- uary 17, 1899. No. A986. An ordinance vacating a portion of Latah avenue, in Coeur d’Alene addition to the City of Spokane, and that portion of Seventh avenue included between the west line of said Latah avenue 3»2 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OE SPOKANE and the west line of Coeur d’Alene addition. Passed the City Council July 3, 1900. No. A1344. An ordinance vacating part of Riverside avenue in Bennett’s addition to Spokane Palls (now Spokane), Spokane County, State of Washington, according to the recorded plat thereof. Passed the City Council April 28, 1902. No. A1372. An ordinance to vacate the alley in block thirty-six in Heath’s Third addition to Spokane Palls, now Spokane, Washington, and part of Pearl street, east of and adjoining lot one of block forty- five of J. M. Morgan’s addition to Spokane Falls, now Spokane, Wash- ington. Passed the City Council May 19, 1903. No. A1093. An ordinance vacating those portions of Olive, John, Bradley and Mendenhall avenues lying east of the right-of-way of the Northern Pacific Railway Company and the Oregon Railway and Nav- igation Company, and all those portions, of Stone, Altamont, Cook, Smith, Lacy, Nelson, and Regal streets lying between said rights-of- way, as well as all the alleys within the district bounded by said rights- of-way and Regal street. Passed the City Council October 4, 1901. No. A1165. An ordinance vacating Sun street, in block 2 Ross Park, and thirty feet off the southwest side of Charlotte street, in block 5 Ross Park, in the City of Spokane. Passed the City Council May 13, 1902. No. A1191. An ordinance to vacate the alley in block thirty-one of Wolverton and Conlan’s addition to Spokane Palls (now Spokane). Passed the City Council July 22, 1902. No. A1190. An ordinance to vacate the alley in block eighteen in Second addition to Third addition to Railroad addition to Spokane. Passed the City Council July 22, 1902. No. A1184. An ordinance vacating the alley in block seven, Re- survey and Extension of Cowley’s Second addition to Spokane, Wash- ington. Passed the City Council July 8, 1902. No. A1173. An ordinance vacating the alley through block num- bered seven, in Booge’s addition to the City of Spokrme. Passed the City Council June 17, 1902. No. A672. An ordinance vacating a certain portion of College street. Passed the City Council October 27, 1896. No. A1303. An ordinance providing for the vacation of a portion of Lincoln street, in the Cityof Spokane, Washington, to-wit: That portion of Lincoln street in said City of Spokane lying between the north line of Ninth avenue and a line drawn parallel to said north line and distant therefrom four hundred and sixty-four and five-tenths (464.5) feet in a northerly direction. Passed by the City Council March 10, 1903. No. A1340. An ordinance vacating that portion of Chestnut street, between Riverside avenue and First avenue, in the City of Spokane, except ten feet in the center thereof. Passed the City Council April 21, 1903. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 383 No. A1282. An ordinance to vacate Carlisle avenue from the east line of Ruby street to the west line of Lidgerwood street; Mayfair street from the north line of Carlisle avenue to the south line of Jack- son avenue, and from the north line of Jackson avenue to the south line of Buckeye avenue; Pearl street, from the north line of Carlisle avenue to the south line of Jackson avenue, and from the north line of Jackson avenue to the south line of Buckeye avenue, and from the north line of Buckeye avenue to the south line of Cleveland avenue; Lidgerwood street from the north line of the right-of-way of the Spo- kane Falls and Northern Railroad to the south line of Jackson avenue, and from the north line of Jackson avenue to the south line of Buckeye avenue, and from the north line of Buckeye avenue to the south line of Cleveland avenue; Addison street from the north line of Jackson ave- nue to the south line of Buckeye avenue and from the north line of Buckeye avenue to the south line of Cleveland avenue; and Wiscomb street from the north line of Jackson avenue to the south line of Buck- eye avenue and from the north line of Buckeye avenue to the south line of Cleveland avenue. Passed the City Council January 6, 1903. No. A1288. An ordinance providing for the vacation of a portion of Lincoln street, to-wit: Commencing at the north line of Ninth ave- nue and running thence north four hundred and sixty-four and five- tenths (464.5) feet. Passed the City Council January 20, 1903. No. A897. An ordinance vacating the alley in block “Q” of the “Subdivision Third Sinto addition” and the alleys in blocks thirty- eight, thirty-nine and forty in the “Addition to Second Sinto addi- tion” in the City of Spokane, State of Washington. Passed the City Council December 5, 1899. No. A949. An ordinance vacating the alley in block thirty-seven (37), in Heath’s Third addition to Spokane Falls (now Spokane), in Spokane County, Washington. Passed the City Council April 3, 1900. No. A938. An ordinance vacating the public streets and alleys in the cemeteries known as Spokane Cemetery and Mountain View Ceme- tery. Passed the City Council March 6, 1900. No. A1332. An ordinance to vacate the west twenty-five feet of Oak street in front of blocks 48 and 54 in Cannon’s addition to Spo- kane Falls, now Spokane, Washington. Passed the City Council April 21, 1903. No. A1045. An ordinance vacating a portion of Sixth avenue, Sev- enth avenue. Cannon street and other streets in the City of Spokane. Passed the City Council May 8, 1901. No. A956. An ordinance vacating a part of Madison street lying between Sixth avenue and Seventh avenue in the City of Spokane. Passed the City Council May 1, 1900. No. A864. An ordinance vacating a portion of Madison street, be- tween Seventh and Eighth avenues, in the City of Spokane, State of Washington. Passed the City Council September 5, 1899. No. 518. An ordinance vacating the alleys laid out and extending 3^4 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF UPOKANE through blocks thirty-two (32) in Cannon’s addition, block four (4) in Mountain View addition, block one (1) in Bingaman’s addition, block thirty (30) in Stratton’s addition, block six (6) in Ide’s addition, and block four (4) in Ide’s Second addition, all in the City of Spokane Falls. Passed the City Council November 19, 1890. No. 76. An ordinance vacating the alleys in block 4, Mountain View addition, and block 1 in Bingaman’s addition, and blocks 30 and 26 in Stratton’s addition, all in the City of Spokane Falls. Passed the City Council September 21, 1887. No. A227. An ordinance to vacate the alley extending through block 2, in Havermale’s addition to Spokane Falls. Passed the City Council July 5, 1892. No. A427. An ordinance to vacate an alley extending east and west through block five (5) of D. P. Jenkins’ addition to the City of Spokane Falls, now Spokane. Passed May 29, 1894. No. A123. An ordinance vacating the alley laid out and platted on the south side of Kern & Ridpath’s subdivision of lot 11 of G. H. Mor- gan’s addition to Spokane Falls. Passed the City Council November 13, 1891. No. 562. An ordinance vacating the alleys laid out and extending through blocks eighty-four (84), ninety-two (92), one hundred thirty- seven (137), one hundred fifty (150), and one hundred fifty-one (151), in Lidgerwood Park addition to the City of Spokane Falls. Passed the City Council March 18, 1891. No. A331. An ordinance to vacate the alleys in certain blocks and also a portion of Dalton avenue, all in Lidgerwood Park addition to the City of Spokane Falls, (now Spokane), Washington. Passed the City Council June 16, 1893. No. 301. A:i ordinance vacating certain alleys and parts of streets in Sinto addition to Spokane Falls. Passed the City Council June 5, 1889. No. 107. An ordinance for the vacation of the alley in block 28 of the Town of Spokane Falls. Passed the City Council February 1, 1888. No. 259. An ordinance to vacate the alleys in blocks 57 and 58, Second Railroad addition to the City of Spokane Falls. Passed the City Council March 20, 1889. No. A242. An ordinance providing for the vacation of certain streets and alleys in the Second addition to Third addition to Railroad addition to Spokane Falls. Passed August 26, 1892. No. A355. An ordinance to vacate the alleys in blocks three, six and seven, Shannon’s addition to Spokane Falls. Passed October 10, 1893. No. 440. An ordinance vacating a certain portion of Stratton’s ad- dition to Spokane Falls, and the streets and alleys and avenues there- in. Passed the City Council April 30, 1890. No. A571. An ordinance to vacate the streets, alleys and thorough- MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 385 fares in Twickenham within the city limits of the City of Spokane, and to vacate the bridge and wagon road located in the S. E. % of Sec- tion 11, Tp. 25 N., R. 42, E. W. M., also within the city limits of the City of Spokane. Passed the City Council March 19, 1895. No. A240. An ordinance vacating the public streets and alleys in the cemetery known as Mountain View cemetery. Passed August 23, 1892. No. 525. An ordinance relating to the vacation of a portion of Boone street. Passed the City Council November 26, 1890. No. 387. An ordinance vacating a certain portion of Central Addi- tion to the City of Spokane Falls. Passed the City Council December 4, 1889. No. A273. An ordinance vacating Cliff street in Celesta Park in the City of Spokane, Spokane County, Washington, as the said Cliff street appears on the plat of the said Celesta Park, recorded on page 140 of Book “A” of records of plats of Spokane County. Passed January 3, 1893. No. 565. An ordinance to vacate a strip twenty-five (25) feet wide off the west side of Dakota street as the same passes through Wolverton & Conlan’s addition to the City of Spokane Falls. Passed the City Council April 1, 1891. No. 564. An ordinance vacating a strip on either side of Victoria street between the north end of the Division street bridge and the south line of Mission street. Passed the City Council April 1, 1891. No. 92. An ordinance relating to the vacation of a portion of Fifth street and the alley running from Hilliard street to east line of Cow- ley’s addition. Passed the City Council December 7, 1887. No. A255. An ordinance to vacate a portion of Howard street in Keystone addition. Passed September 27, 1892. No. A134. An ordinance vacating that portion of High street in Whiting’s First addition to Spokane Falls running along blocks A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H in said addition. Passed the City Council Decem- ber 15, 1891. No. 173. An ordinance to vacate that part of Mallon street east of the east line of lot 3 in block 2, in D. P. Jenkins’ addition to the City of Spokane Falls. Passed the City Council August 3, 1888. No. 421. An ordinance to vacate a strip of land on the north side of Mill street from the south branch of the Spokane river to Post street. Passed the City Council March 20, 1890. No. A298. An ordinance to vacate a portion of Normandie street in Central addition to Spokane Falls, now Spokane, Washington. Passed May 1, 1893. No. 517. An ordinance vacating a certain strip of land in the City of Spokane Falls along the north side of Riverside avenue between Oak street and Cedar street. Passed the City Council November 15, 1890. No. A1358. An ordinance vacating the street and alleys of and be- tween blocks 16 and 17 of the Resurvey of Second addition to Third ad- 25 386 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE dition to Railroad addition to the City of Spokane. Passed the City Council May 6, 1903. No. A275. An ordinance vacating that portion of Riverside ave- nue in Browne’s addition to Spokane Falls, (now Spokane), described as follows, to-wit: Extending from the north line of Pacific avenue, the full width of said Riverside avenue, north 292 feet and thence northeasterly to the north line of section twenty-four (24), township twenty-five (25), north of range forty-two (42), E. W. M., as said por- tion of saj,d Riverside avenue appears upon the plat of Browne’s addi- tion to Spokane Falls, recorded and on file in book “A” of plats at page 8 of the records of plats of Spokane County, State of Washing- ton. Passed January 6, 1893. No. 247. An ordinance vacating a portion of Sixth street between Mill street and the east line of Post street in the City of Spokane Falls. Passed the City Council March 6, 1889. No. A422. An ordinance vacating certain tracts or parcels of land, being portions of land formerly dedicated as Sprague street, and lying between blocks four (4), five (5), and six (6) of Nosler’s addition to Spokane Falls, and the north line of section twenty (20), township twenty-five (25) north, of range forty- three (43), east of the Willam- ette meridian in Spokane County, State of Washington. Passed April 28, 1894. No. 67. An ordinance relating to the vacation of portions of Stev- ens and East Eighth streets. Passed the City Council August 4, 1887. STREETS. No. 230. An ordinance to extend, lay out, open and establish Broadway street from the west line to the east line of Chandler’s Sec- ond addition to the City of Spokane Falls. Passed the City Council January 16, 1889. No. 224. To widen, establish, lay out and open that portion of Sprague street lying between the west line of Havermale’s addition and the east limits of the City of Spokane Falls. Passed the City Council January 2, 1889. No. A42. An ordinance extending Sprague street and appropriat- ing the property embraced within such extension to public use for a public street. Passed the City Council July 9, 1891. No. 418. An ordinance to establish, extend, lay out and open Stev- ens street for and of the uniform width of seventy-five feet from a line drawn from the northwest corner of block thirty to northeast corner of block twenty-nine, all in Railroad addition to the City of Spokane Falls, to a line drawn from southwest corner of block twelve to south- east corner of block thirteen, all in Railroad addition to the City of MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 387 Spokane Falls, and for the full width of said lines. Passed the City Council February 26, 1890. No. 552. An ordinance to establish, lay out and open that portion of Third street lying between the section line between section twenty and twenty-one, township twenty-five, range forty-three, E. W. M., and the east line of Agnew and Byers’ addition and Hartson and Town- send’s Highland Park addition, all within the City of Spokane Falls. Passed the City Council February 23, 1891. No. 372. An ordinance extending and establishing Washington street from the north side of Front street north and northeasterly to the depot grounds of the Seattle, Lake Shore and Eastern Railway Company. Passed the City Council November 20, 1889. No. 272. An ordinance reducing the width and changing the name of Gonzaga street, in Second Sinto addition. Passed the City Council April 3, 1889. No. 389. An ordinance changing the name of Pine street in Booge’s, Cannon’s and Browne’s adidtion, to Cannon avenue. Passed the City Council December 4, 1889. No. A114. An ordinance to change the name of A street in West Grove addition to Riverside avenue, Lake street in Nosler’s addition to First avenue, Lake street in Saunder’s addition to First avenue, B street in West Grove addition to First avenue, C street in West Grove addition to Pacific avenue, Railroad street in Saunder’s addition to Pacific avenue, D street in West Grove addition to Second avenue. Third street in Kaufman’s addition to Averetta avenue, Third street in Wadsworth & McDonald’s addition to Averetta avenue, E street in Union Park addition to Third avenue, Fourth street in Union Park addition to Third avenue, First street in Hartson & Townsend’s High- land Park addition to Third avenue, Fourth street in Kaufman’s addi- tion to Third avenue, Fourth street in Wadsworth & McDonald’s addi- tion to Third avenue, E street in West Grove addition to Third avenue, F street in Union Pacific addition to Fourth avenue, F street in West Grove addition to Fourth avenue, Fifth street in Celesta Park addition to Fourth avenue, Fifth street in Union Park addition to Fourth ave- nue, Second street in Hartson & Townsend’s Highland Park addition to Fifth avenue, Fourth street in Chandler’s addition to Fifth avenue, G street in Union Pacific audition to Fifth avenue, G street in West Grove addition to Fifth avenue, Sixth street in Celesta Park addition to Fifth avenue, Sixth street in Union Park addition to Fifth avenue, Seventh street in Celesta Park addition to Celesta avenue, Seventh street in Union Park addition to Sixth avenue, H street in West Grove addition to Holly avenue, H street in Union Pacific addition to Holly avenue, I street in Union Pacific addition to Beacon avenue, I street in West Grove addition to Beacon avenue, I street in Lewis & Shaw’s Terrace Park addition to Beacon avenue, Cliff street in Celesta Park addition to Toledo Court, Sixth street in Liberty Park addition to Hart- son avenue. Eighth street in Altamont addition to Hartson avenue, 388 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE Sixth street in Snyder’s addition to Hartson avenue, Eighth street in Celesta Park addition to Hartson avenue, Eighth street in Union Park addition to Hartson avenue, Fifth street in G. H. Morgan’s addition to Hartson avenue, Fifth street in Chandler’s addition to Hartson avenue. Third street in Hartson & Townsend’s Highland Park addition to Hart- son avenue, Ninth street in Altamont addition to Seventh avenue, J street in Winona addition to Seventh avenue, J street in Lewis & Shaw’s Terrace Park addition to Seventh avenue, Tenth street in Alta- mont addition to East Eighth avenue, Eighth street in Liberty Park addition to East Eighth avenue, Fourth street in Hartson & Town- send’s Highland Park addition to East Eighth avenue, K street in Wi- nona addition to Eighth avenue, K street in Lewis & Shaw’s Terrace Park addition to Eighth avenue, L street in Winona addition to Ninth avenue, West Ninth street in Second Railroad addition to Ninth ave- nue, Cliff avenue in Cannon’s addition to Placidia avenue, L street in Lewis & Shaw’s Terrace Park addition to Ninth avenue, North street in Stafford’s First and Second addition to Tenth avenue, M street in Winona addition to Tenth avenue, M street in Lewis & Shaw’s Terrace Park addition to Tenth avenue, East and West street in Klein’s sub- division of lot 16, Kaufman & Patterson’s addition to Highland ave- nue, Sherman street in First addition to South Highland Park addition to Highland avenue, N street in Alphonse addition to Willow avenue, O street in Alphonse addition to Twelfth avenue, First street in Staf- ford’s First and Second addition to Twelfth avenue, Penn street in Snyder’s addition to East Twelfth avenue, Seminary street in Cook’s First and Second addition to Thirteenth avenue, Second street in Staf- ford’s First and Second addition to Thirteenth avenue, P street in Alphonse addition to Burnett avenue, I street in Alphonse addition to Butler avenue, Grosvenor street in Queen Anne addition to Fourteenth avenue, Third street in Stafford’s First and Second addition to Four- teenth avenue, Richmond street in Houghton & Callahan’s addition to Fifteenth avenue, Albany street in Queen Anne addition to Fifteenth avenue, Oswego street in Houghton & Callahan’s addition to Sixteenth avenue, Queen street in Queen Anne addition to Sixteenth avenue, Con- gress street in Houghton & Callahan’s addition to Seventeenth avenue, St. James street in Queen Anne addition to Seventeenth avenue, St. Paul street in Houghton & Cftllahan’s addition to Eighteenth avenue, Forest street in Houghton & Callahan’s addition to Nineteenth avenue, Racine street in Houghton & Callahan’s addition to Twentieth avenue, Lake street in Houghton & Callahan’s addition to Twenty-first avenue, Peter stieet in Spokane View addition to Twenty-first avenue, Lewis street in Englewood addition to Twenty-second avenue, Mathew’s street in Englewood addition to Twenty-third avenue. Casey street in Englewood addition to Twenty-fourth avenue, Twenty-fifth street in Spring Lake addition to Twenty-sixth avenue, Twenty-sixth street in Spring Lake addition to Twenty-seventh avenue, Twenty- seventh street in Spring Lake addition to Twenty-eighth avenue, Spokane street in Net- MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 389 tlet*on’s addition to Dean avenue, Singumen street in Sinto addition to Sharp avenue, Singumen street in First addition to Sinto addition to Sharp avenue, Singumen street in Second Sinto addition to Sharp ave- nue, stoll street in Stratton’s addition to Muzzy avenue, Stoll street in Bingaman’s addition to Muzzy avenue, Alder street in Wolverton & Conlan’s addition to Carlisle avenue, A street in J. M. Morgan’s addi- tion to Denver to Carlisle avenue, Alder street in Central addition to Carlisle avenue, Cceur d’Alene street in Lauman’s addition to Carlisle avenue, Cceur d’Alene street in Carlin’s addition to Carlisle avenue, Roberta street in Avondale addition to Jackson avenue, B street in J. M. Morgan’s addition to Denver to Jackson avenue. Pend d’Oreille street in Carlin’s addition to Jackson avenue, Pend d’Oreille street in Lauman’s addition to Jackson avenue, Pend d’Oreille street in Spokane College addition to Jackson avenue, Cceur d’Alene street in Spokane College addition to Carlisle avenue, C street in J. M. Morgan’s addition to Denver to Buckeye avenue, Arthur avenue in Forrest Park addition to Virginia avenue, Carlisle street in Central addition to Case avenue, Carlisle street in Wolverton & Conlan’s addition to Case ave- nue, Elmer street in Avondale addition to Case avenue, Carlisle street in Wolverton & Conlan’s addition to Case avenue, Riblet street in Avon- dale addition to Cleveland avenue, D street in J. M. Morgan’s addition to Denver to Cleveland avenue, Cliff street in Belleview addition to Alta avenue, Cliff street in Alta Vista addition to Alta avenue, Grant street in Heath’s Fifth addition to Augusta avenue, Helena street in South Side Cable addition to Cable avenue. East and West street in Klein’s subdivision of lot 16, G. H. Morgan’s addition to Highland ave- nue, East and West street in Kern & Ridpath’s subdivision of lot 13, G. H. Morgan’s addition to Webster avenue, East and West street in Kern & Ridpath’s subdivision of lot 11, G. H. Morgan’s addition to Rusk avenue, East and West street in Ham’s subdivision of lot 9, G. H. Mor- gan’s addition to Blaine avenue, Liberty street in Heath’s Fifth addi- tion to Ermina avenue, Lilac street in Heath’s Fifth addition to In- diana avenue, Stanley street in Heath’s Third addition to Baldwin ave- nue, Stanley street in Heath’s addition to Baldwin avenue, Athlane street in Wolverton and Conlan’s addition to Fairview avenue, Gar- field street in Lauman’s Second addition to Laumau avenue, Grant street in Lauman’s Second addition to Empire avenue, Tenth street in Lidgerwood Park to Empire avenue, Ninth street in Lidgerwood Park to Providence avenue, Eighth street in Lidgerwood Park to Byrne ave- nue, Seventh street in Lidgerwood Park to Gordon avenue, Sixth street in Lidgerwood Park to Glass avenue, George street in Whiting’s Sec- ond addition to Courtland avenue, Fifth street in Riverview addition to Courtland avenue, First street in Lidgerwood Park to Courtland avenue, Fourth street in Riverview addition to Bridge- port avenue, Fourth street in Lidgerwood Park to Bridgeport avenue, Third street in Riverview addition to Liberty avenue, Third street in Lidgerwood Park to Liberty avenue, Second street in Riverview addi- 390 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE tion to Harvey avenue, Second street in Lidgerwooc! Park to Dalton avenue, Park street in Whiting’s addition and re-survey of Whiting’s Second addition to Euclid avenue, Diamond street in Northeast addi- tion to Ross Park to Euclid avenue, Diamond street in Avondale addi- tion to Euclid avenue, First street in ifidgerwood Park to Euclid ave- nue, Spring street in Altavista addition to Euclid avenue, Spring street in Belleview addition to Euclid avenue, Spring street in Forrest Park addition to Euclid avenue, E street in G. H. Morgan’s addition to Den- ver to Euclid avenue, Nixon street in Dennis & Bradley’s addition to Broadway avenue, Babbit street in Dennis & Bradley’s addition to Springfield avenue, Kirk street in Dennis & Bradley’s addition to Olive avenue, Peck street in Dennis & Bradley’s addition to Olive avenue, D street in Central addition to Montgomery avenue, D street in Fair- view addition to Montgomery avenue, D street in Shannon’s Second addition to Montgomery avenue, D street in Moore’s addition to Mont- gomery avenue, D street in Muzzy’s addition to Montgomery avenue, C street in Central addition to Mansfield avenue, C street in Fairview addition to Mansfield avenue, C street in Shannon’s addition to Mans- field avenue, C street in Moore’s addition to Mansfield avenue, C street in Muzzy’s addition to Mansfield avenue, B street in Central addition to Knox avenue, B street in Fairview addition to Knox avenue, B street in Shannon’s Second addition to Knox avenue, B street in Moore’s addi- tion to Knox avenue, B street in Muzzy’s addition to Knox avenue, A street in Central addition to Shannon avenue, A street in Fairview ad- dition to Shannon avenue, A street in Shannon’s Second addition to Shannon avenue, A street in Moore’s addition to Shannon avenue, A street in Muzzy’s addition to Shannon avenue, Twentieth street in South Side Cable addition to Nineteenth avenue. Nineteenth street in South Side Cable addition to Irving avenue, Eighteenth street in South Side Cable addition to Bolster avenue, Seventeenth street in South Side Cable addition to Cable avenue, Washington avenue in Liberty Park addition to Newark avenue, Front street in Resurvey and Addition to Spokane Falls to Front avenue, Front street in Havermale’s addition to Front avenue, Front street in Third addition to Railroad addition to Front avenue, Bradley avenue in Nettleton’s addition to Court avenue, Stoll street in Chamberlain’s addition to Mission avenue, Stoll street in Nettleton’s addition to Mission avenue. Summit street in Nettleton’s addition to Bluff avenue, Bluff street in Chandler’s Second addition to Ide avenue, North street in Nettleton’s addition to Ide avenue, North street in Ide & Kaufman’s addition to Ide avenue, Spokane street in Sinto addition to Boone avenue, Spokane street in First addition to Sinto addition to Boone avenue, Spokane street in Second Sinto addi- tion to Boone avenue, Boone street in Central addition to Boone ave- nue, Boone street in Stratton’s addition to Boone avenue, Boone street in Keystone addition to Boone avenue, Boone street in Bingaman’s ad- dition to Boone avenue, Boone street in Chamberlain’s addition to Boone avenue, Boone street in Ide’s Third addition to Boone avenue, MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 39 1 Boone street in Nettleton’s addition to Boone avenue, Boone street in Sherwood addition to Boone avenue, Carpenter street in Nettleton’s ad- dition to Sinto avenue, Carpenter street in Chamberlin’s addition to Sinto avenue, Ohio street in Stratton’s addition to Sinto avenue, Max- well street in Bingaman’s addition to Sinto avenue, Skellig street in Sinto addition to De Smet avenue, Skellig street in First addition to Sinto addition to De Smet avenue, Skellig street in Addition to Second Sinto addition to De Smet avenue, Skellig street in Second addition to Second Sinto addition to De Smet avenue, Harrison street in Heath’s Fifth addition to Perry street, Harrison street in Ross Park addition to Perry street, Carleton street in Lidgerwood Park to Perry street, Ohio avenue in Northeast addition to Ross Park to Perry street, Belle avenue in Liberty Park addition to Perry street, Belle avenue in Cook & Byer’s addition to Perry street, the Easterly street in Fry’s addition to Perry street, the Easterly street in Celesta Park addition to Perry street, A street in Celesta Park addition to Hogan street, A street in Fry’s addition to Hogan street, Nevada street in Houghton & Calla- han’s addition to Helena street, B street in Union Park addition to Hel- ena street, Sherman street in Liberty Park addition to Helena street, B street in Celesta Park addition to Helena street, C street in Union Park addition to Madelia street, C street in Celesta Park addition to Madelia street, Cambridge street in Houghton & Callahan’s addition to Madelia street, D street in Union Park addition to Pittsburg street, D street in Wadsworth & McDonald’s addition to Pittsburg street, D street in Ce- lesta Park addition to Pittsburg street, Lane avenue in Liberty Park addition to Pittsburg street, Harris street in Snyder’s addition to Pitts- burg street, Ashland street in Houghton & Callahan’s addition to Pitts- burg street, Ashland street in Englewood addition to Pittsburg street, E street in Union Park addition to Magnolia street, Burr street in En- glewood addition to Napa street, F street in Union Park addition to Napa street, Snyder avenue in Snyder’s addition to Napa street, Burr street in Houghton & Callahan’s addition to Napa street, L street in Ross Park addition to Napa street, G street in Union Park addition to Crestline street, Julia avenue in Snyder’s addition to Crestline street, Water street in Spokane View addition to Crestline street, K street in Ross Park addition to Crestline street, Elmore street in Wadsworth & McDonald’s addition to Crestline street, H street in Union Park addi- tion to Lee street, H street in Kaufman’s addition to Lee street, H street in Southeast addition to Ross Park to Lee street. I street in Altamont addition to Lee street, J street in Altamont addition to Stone street, I street in IJnion Park addition to Stone street, I street in Kaufman’s addition to Stone street, G street in Southeast addition to Ross Park ad- dition to Stone street, J street in Union Park addition to Altamont street, J street in Kaufman’s addition to Altamont street, F street in Southeast addition to Ross Park addition to Altamont street, L street in Altamont addition to Cook street, K street in Union Park addition to Cook street, K street in Kaufman’s addition to Cook street, E street 392 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE in Southeast addition to Ross Park addition to Cook street, M street in Altamont addition to Smith street, L street in Union Park addition to Smith street, L street in Kaufman’s addition to Smith street, D street in Southeast addition to Ross Park addition to Smith street, N street in Altamont addition to Lacey street, M street in Union Park ad- dition to Lacey street, M street in Kaufman’s addition to Lacey street, C street in Southeast addition to Ross Park addition to Lacey street, N street in Union Park addition to Nelson street, N street in Kaufman’s addition to Nelson street, B street in Southeast addition to Ross Park addition to Nelson street, O street in Kaufman’s addition to Regal street, A street in Southeast addition to Ross Park addition to Regal street, A street in Northeast addition to Ross Park addition to Regal street, Helena street in South Side Cable addition to Strack street, Lake street in Spring Lake addition to Oak street, Second street in Chamberlin’s addition to Walnut street, Second street, in Ide’s addition to Walnut street, First street in Spokane College addition to Cedar street, First street in Belleview addition to Cedar street. First street in Moore’s addition to Cedar street, First street in Muzzy’s addition to Cedar street, First street in Chamberlin’s addition to Cedar street, First street in Ide’s adidtion to Cedar street, Helena street in South Side Cable addition to Strack street, Washington street in Stratton’s addition to Colville street, Colville street in Fairview addition to Washington street, Garfield street in Stratton’s addition to Washington street, Colville street in Ontario Land Company’s addition to Washing- ton street, Garfield street in Central addition to Washington street, Victoria street in Lidgerwood Park addition to Division street, Vic- toria street in Central addition to Division street, Victoria street in Sinto addition to Division street, Victoria street in Shannon’s addition to Division street, Victoria street in Heath’s Second addition to Divi- sion street, Victoria street in Heath’s Third addition to Division street, Victoria street in J. M. Morgan’s addition to Denver to Division street, Victoria street in Whiting’s addition to Division street, First street in J. M. Morgan’s addition to Denver to Ruby street, Second street in J. M. Morgan’s addition to Denver to Mayfair street, Third street in J. M. Morgan’s addition to Denver to Pearl street, Fourth street in J. M. Morgan’s addition to Denver to Lidgerwood street, Sellwood street in Heath’s addition and Heath’s Third addition to Lidgerwood street, Fifth street in Heath’s addition to Astor street, Sixth street in J. M. Morgan’s addition to Denver to Addison street, Delta street in Lidger- wood Park addition to Addison street. Seventh street in J. M. Morgan’s addition to Denver to Wiscomb street, Grant street in Hartson’s sub- division of lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 in Hartson & Townsend’s Highland Park addition to Hatch street, Grant street in Chandler’s addition to Hatch street, Grant street in Ham’s subdivision of lot 9, G. H. Morgan’s addition to Hatch street, Grant street in Kern & Ridpath’s subdivision of lot 13, G. H. Morgan’s addition to Hatch street, Hayes street in Hart- son’s subdivision of lot 3 in Hartson & Townsend’s Highland Park ad- MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 393 dition to Scott street, Lake street in Hartson’s subdivision of lot 4 in Hartson and Townsend’s Highland Park addition to Conklin street, Oak street in Third addition to Railroad addition to Grant street, Ma- ple street in Third addition to Railroad addition to Colfax street, Mon- mouth street in Second Sinto addition to Cincinnati street, Monmouth street in Second addition to Second Sinto addition to Cincinnati street, Rosemont street in Heath’s Fifth addition to Cincinnati street, Rose- mont street in Wolverton and Conlan’s addition to Cincinnati street, Rochelle street in Lidgerwood Park addition te Cincinnati street, Pa- cific street in Second Sinto addition to Standard street, Eighth street in J. M. Morgan’s addition to Denver to Standard street, Kookan street in Second addition to Second Sinto addition to Hamilton street, Koo- kan street in Second Sinto addition to Hamilton street, Kookan street in Heath’s Fifth addition to Hamilton street Kookan street in Wolver- ton & Conlan’s addition to Hamilton street, Liberty street in Lidger- wood Park addition to Nevada street, Pikkan street in Second Sinto addition to Columbus street, Pikkan street in Addition to Second Sinto addition to Columbus street, Milkokan street in Second Sinto addition to Superior street, May avenue in Liberty Park addition to Ivory street, May avenue in Cook & Byer’s addition to Ivory street, May avenue in Stadecona Park addition to Ivory street, Koaschin street in Second Sinto addition to Morton street, Osborne street in Wolverton & Con- lan’s addition to Morton street, Stanley street in Lidgerwood Park ad- dition to Morton street, DeSmet street in Second Sinto addition to Perry street, Second street in Muzzy’s addition to Walnut street, Sec- ond street in Spokane College addition to Walnut street, Second street in Belleview addition to Walnut street, Third street in Ide’s addition to Maple street, Third street in Chamberlain’s addition to Maple street, Third street in Muzzy’s addition to Maple street, Third street in Spo- kane College addition to Maple street, Third street in Belleview addi- tion to Maple street. Fourth street in Ide’s Second addition to Ash street, Fourth street in Chamberlin’s addition to Ash street, Fourth street in Muzzy’s addition to Ash street, Fourth street in Belleview ad- dition to Ash street, Monaghan street in Spring Hill addition to Ash street, Fifth street in Ide’s Second addition to Oak street, Fifth street in Chamberlin’s addition to Oak street, Fifth street in Muzzy’s addition to Oak street, Fifth street in Belleview addition to Oak street, Yassar street in Spring Hill addition to Oak street, Illinois street in Ide & Kaufman’s addition to Elm street, Illinois street in Ollis addition to Elm street, Illinois street in Ide’s Third addition to Elm street, Sixth street in Chamberlin’s addition to Elm street, Sixth street in Muzzy’s addition to Elm street, Sixth street in Belleview addition to Elm street, Anna street in Ide & Kaufman’s addition to Cannon street, Anna street in Ollis addition to Cannon street, Anna street in Ide’s Third addition to Cannon street, Seventh street in Chamberlin’s addition to Cannon street, Seventh street in Muzzy’s addition to Cannon street, Seventh street in Belleview addition to Cannon street, Horne street in 394 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE Nettleton’s addition to Chestnut street, Eighth street in Chamberlin’s addition to Belt street, Eighth street in Muzzy’s addition to Belt street, Eighth street in Belleview addition to Belt street, East street in Staf- ford’s First and Second addition to Chestnut street. Main street in Stafford’s First and Second addition to Cceur d’Alene street, First ave- nue in Lewis & Shaw’s Terrace Park addition to A street, Royal street in Alta Vista addition to Webster to A street, Holyoke street in Sher- wood addition to A street, First avenue in City View addition to A street, First avenue in Sunny Slope addition to A street, Second ave- nue in Lewis & Shaw’s Terrace Park addition to B street, Second ave- nue in West Grove addition to B street, Second avenue in Sunny Slope addition to Canfield street, Second avenue in City View addition to Can- field street, Third avenue in Lewis & Shaw’s Terrace Park addition to C street, Third avenue in West Grove addition to C street, Third avenue in Sunny Slope addition to Canton street, Third avenue in Albion Heights addition to Canton street, Third avenue in City View addition to Canton street, Fourth avenue in Lewis & Shaw’s Terrace Park addi- tion to D street. Fourth avenue in West Grove addition to D street, Fifth avenue in Lewis & Shaw’s Terrace Park addition to E street, Fifth avenue in West Grove addition to E street, Sixth avenue in Lewis & Shaw’s Terrace Park addition to F street. Sixth avenue in West Grove addition to F street. Fourth avenue in Albion Heights ad- dition to F street, Waterloo street in Queen Anne addition to F street, Seventh avenue in Lewis & Shaw’s Terrace Park addition to G street, Seventh avenue in West Grove addition to G street. Eighth avenue in Lewis & Shaw’s Terrace Park addition to H street, Eighth avenue in West Grove addition to H street, Eighth avenue in Albion Heights to H street, Park street in Cliff Park addition to Browne street, Sher- man street in First addition to Railroad addition to Browne street, Sherman street in Second addition to Fourth addition to Railroad addi- tion to Browne street, Sherman street in Fourth addition to Railroad addition to Browne street, Park street in Havermale’s addition to Boone street. Passed the City Council October 20, 1S91. No. 496. An ordinance to change the names of certain streets in Stratton’s, Fairview, Ontario Land Company and Central additions to Spokane Falls. Passed the City Council September 10, 1890. No. 506. An ordinance changing the name of Alder street in Third Railroad addition, to Market street. Passed the City Council October 22, 1890. No. A171. An ordinance to change the names of certain streets therein named. Passed the City Council March 11, 1892. No. A211. An ordinance to change the name of Saxton or Saxon street to Bernard street. Passed the City Council May 24, 1892. No. A657. An ordinance providing for the laying of water mains on Seventh, Eighth, Ninth and Eleventh avenues and on Elm street in the City of Spokane. Passed the City Council September 1, 1896. No. A1069. An ordinance providing for the laying of water mains MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 395 upon Montgomery avenue from Division street to Monroe street, thence south on Monroe street to Gardner avenue, thence west on Gardner ave- nue to Chestnut street, and on Chestnut street from College avenue to Maxwell avenue. Passed the City Council July 16, 1901. No. A380. An ordinance providing for the condemnation of part of lot No. one (1) in block No. seventy-four (74) in Central addition to Spokane. Passed the City Council February 6, 1894. No. A392. An ordinance to condemn a strip of land thirty feet wide through the northwest quarter of section fourteen (14), in township twenty-five (25) north, range forty-three (43), east of the Willamette meridian, to secure a right-of-way over said northwest quarter of said section to lay water mains to connect the new water works pumping station of the City of Spokane with the present distributing system of said city. Passed the City Council February 20, 1894. No. A379. An ordinance providing for the condemnation of lot No. five (5), block No. fourteen (14), in Second addition to West Riverside addition to the City of Spokane for sewer purposes and the payment for the same out of the sewer fund of said city. Passed the City Council January 30, 1894. No. 68. An ordinance transferring all rights and privileges to the County of Spokane to erect and maintain bridges across the Spokane river between the north end of Howard street and the south end of Fender or Johnson road, on the banks of the Spokane river. Passed the City Council August 12, 1887. No. 435. An ordinance accepting the Monroe street bridge in the City of Spokane Falls, and authorizing the execution and delivery of warrants therefor in the sum of $15,000, payable to the Spokane Cable Railway Company. Passed April 30, 1890. No. A276. An ordinance providing for and authorizing the con- struction of a bridge on Olive avenue, across the Spokane river and providing for an appropriation to pay for the same. Passed the City Council January 24, 1893. No. A835. An ordinance to establish the grade of the alley in block 14 in Resurvey and Addition to Spokane Falls, from the west line of Howard street to the east line of Mill street. Passed the City Council May 23, 1899. No. A847. An ordinance to establish the grade of the alley in block 13 Resurvey and Addition to Spokane Falls, from the west line of Mill street to the east line of Post street. Passed the City Council July 7, 1899. No. A802. An ordinance to establish the grade of the alley in block 3, South Park addition to Spokane Falls (now Spokane), from the west line of Walnut street to the east line of Maple street. Passed the City Council November 15, 1898. No. A821. An ordinance to establish, lay out and open Northwest Boulevard from the intersection of Monroe street and Indiana avenue, in the City of Spokane, Washington, to the east side line of Second 396 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE street (sometimes called Corbin street), near the intersection of said street with Webster Boulevard, in the town of Webster, Washington; and providing for the condemnation of property included therein. Passed the City Council March 21, 1899. No. A1298. An ordinance fixing the width of Lincoln street, be- tween Effie avenue and York avenue, providing for a parking strip and I fixing the width of the sidewalk. Passed the City Council Febru- ary' 20, 1903. No. A667. An ordinance creating a park on a portion of Mission avenue. Passed the City Council October 22, 1896. No. A1155. An ordinance providing for the laying of water mains on Cleveland avenue, Fairview avenue, Ruby street, Mayfair street and Pearl street, in the City of Spokane. Passed the City Council April 15, 1902. No. A1168. An ordinance changing the name of North avenue in the City of Spokane, to Highland avenue. Passed the City Council June 3, 1902. No. A1233. An ordinance establishing Sewer District No. 2, in the Fourth ward sewer system, and providing for sewering the same, creat- ing an assessment district for the collection of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement, and providing for the issuance of bonds to be paid out of the funds arising from said special assessments. Passed the City Council October 28, 1902. No. A.1297. An ordinance amending section 3 of ordinance No. A1233, entitled “An ordinance establishing Sewer District No. 2, in the Fourth ward sewer system, and providing for sewering the same, creating an assessment district for the collecting of special assessments on the property benefited by said improvement, and providing for the issuance of bonds to be paid out of the funds arising from said special assessments,” passed the City Council October 28, 1902. Passed the City Council February 20, 1903. No. A1258. An ordinance to amend section 4 of ordinance No. A1233, entitled, “An ordinance establishing Sewer District No. 2, in the Fourth ward sewer system, and providing for sewering the same, creating an assessment district for the collection of special assessments on the prop- erty benefited by said improvement, and providing for the issuance of bonds to be paid out of the funds arising from said special assess- ments,” passed October 28th, 1902. Passed the City Council November 25, 1902. No. A1235. An ordinance authorizing the Board of Public Works to provide by contract for the maintenance of the paving on Main ave- nue, from the center line of Lincoln street to the center line of Divi- sion street. Passed the City Council October 28, 1902. No. A1234. An ordinance providing for the condemnation of the following described property, situate in the City of Spokane, to-wit: Beginning at the south line of Ninth avenue at its intersection with the east line of section 20, township 25, north, range 43 east of the Wil- MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 397 lamette meridian, running thence east on said south line 30 feet, run- ning thence due south 331.39 feet, running thence due west 60 feet, running thence due north 331.39 feet to the said south line of said Ninth avenue, running thence east on said south line to place of begin- ning; for the purpose of opening up and extending Perry street. Passed the City Council October 28, 1902. No. A989. An ordinance to change the name of Rusk avenue to Eighth avenue. Passed the City Council July 6, 1900. No. A1172. An ordinance to change the name of College street to Gonzaga street. Passed the City Council June 17, 1902. No. A1216. An ordinance providing for the laying of water mains in Hays’ Park, an addition to the City of Spokane. Passed the City Council September 16, 1902. N No. A678. An ordinance providing for and ratifying the laying of water mains on Eighth, Ninth and Eleventh avenues, and on Oak street in the City of Spokane, under the terms of ordinance No. A657. Passed the City Council December 15, 1896. No. A1357. An ordinance establishing Sewer District Number One, in the First ward sewer system, providing for the construction of a main trunk sewer therein, creating an assessment district for the col- lection of special assessments on the property benefited by said im- provement, and providing for the issuance of bonds to be paid out of the funds arising from said special assessments. Passed the City Coun- cil May 6, 1903. MISCELLANEOUS. No. A736. An ordinance to provide for the issuance of funding bonds for the City of Spokane, for the purpose of taking up certain indebtedness of the city, by exchanging the bonds for warrants, provid- ing for the time, form and manner of issuing said bonds and the time and manner of paying the same. Passed the City Council January 21, 1898. No. A1347. An ordinance granting to the Northern Pacific Railway Company the right to build and maintain a bridge across Washington street between First and Second avenues, for railroad purposes, and repealing ordinance No. A307, passed June 21, 1889. Passed the City Council April 28, 1903. No. 493. An ordinance to provide for the election of fifteen free- holders. to frame a city charter and ordering an election therefor. Passed the City Council September 8, 1890. No. A943. An ordinance authorizing the release to Elmer E. Alex- ander of certain riparian and flowa.ge rights in section twelve, in town- ship twenty-five, north, of range forty-three east W. M. Passed the City Council March 20, 1900. 398 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE No. A942. An ordinance granting the use of water to the Spokane Amateur Athletic Club. Passed the City Council March 20, 1900. No. A689. An ordinance to provide for the submission to the quali- fied voters the proposition of creating a loan of $205,000, and issuing negotiable bonds therefor, for the construction of a reservoir, and elec- tric light plant, and refunding certain general fund, sewer and drain- age and public building fund warrants outstanding, and adopting a plan for said reservoir and electric light plant. Passed the City Coun- cil March 23, 1897. No. A724. An ordinance providing for the investment of the sum of one thousand dollars from the Hospital Fund of the Fire Department in Fire Department warrants of the City of Spokane. Passed Novem- ber 16, 1897. No. A904. An ordinance providing for the payment of certain taxes now due upon blocks fifty-seven, fifty-eight and sixty-two in Central Addition to the City of Spokane Falls (now City of Spokane), Wash- ington, and making an appropriation therefor. Passed December 19, 1899. No. A782. An ordinance providing for the settlement of the account of the City of Spokane against the Browne National bank of Spokane. Passed the City Council August 16, 1898. No. A1075. An ordinance providing for the issuance of a license to the Washington Water Power Company, a corporation, permitting said corporation to construct, maintain and operate single track electric street railroad along and over certain portions of certain streets in the City of Spokane, Washington, for the transportation of passengers to and from the Spokane Interstate Fair during its exposition in Septem- ber, 1901. Passed the City Council August 16, 1901. No. A775. An ordinance providing for the borrowing of ten thou- sand dollars for the purpose of improving and increasing the number of the public parks of the City of Spokane, and the issuance of bonds therefor. Passed the City Council July 19, 1898. No. 39. An ordinance providing for the calling of an election for the purpose of voting upon the question of the construction, erection and maintenance of waterworks in the City of Spokane Falls by the said City of Spokane Falls. Passed March 11, 1885. No. A497. An ordinance to provide by a temporary loan, funds to meet the requirements of the salary fund. Passed September 28, 1894. No. A569. An ordinance to provide by a temporary loan, funds to meet the requirements of the salary fund. Passed March 12, 1895. No. A13. An ordinance providing for the transfer of $2000 from the street sewer fund to the special supplies fund. Passed May Ij9, 1891. No. A18. An ordinance providing for the transfer to the salary fund from the general fund of $4379.05, from the fire fund $3503.81, from the street fund $2179.31, from the water fund $816, from the municipal court fund $192.50. Passed June 4, 1891. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 399 No. A346. An ordinance providing for the investment of $750 of the hospital fund in building warrants. Passed August 22, 1893. No. 470. An ordinance providing for the making of an enumeration of all persons residing in the corporate limits of the City of Spokane Falls. Passed July 28, 1890. No. 2. An ordinance to provide for borrowing money and issuing bonds for the construction and maintenance of water works in the City of Spokane Falls, Washington Territory. Passed May 20, 1885. No. A685. An ordinance providing for the issuance of warrants in the sum of three hundred and fifty thousand dollars, interest and principal payable out of the revenues from the water works system of the City of Spokane, for the purpose of taking up and refunding the outstanding warrants issued against the water works funds, and for the extension of said water works system, and pledging sufficient moneys to be received from said water works system, now owned or which may hereafter be owned, operated or controlled by said city, to pay the interest and principal of said new warrants as the same become due. Passed January 15, 1897. No. A352. An ordinance providing for the purchase of the property included in what is known as the Junken-Harrington site, for the pur- pose of creating a power to supply the City of Spokane with water and electricity. Passed October 3, 1893. No. 217. An ordinance authorizing the issuance of city bonds for the purpose of extending the city waterworks system to the amount of seventy thousand dollars, in denominations of one thousand dollars each, to run twenty years, with interest at six per cent, payable semi- annually, and providing for a tax for the payment of principal and interest of the same at maturity. Passed December 12, 1888. No. A492. An ordinance to provide for the refunding of the indebt- edness created for the construction and maintenance of water works in the City of Spokane Falls, by authority of an ordinance entitled “An ordinance to provide for borrowing money and issuing bonds for the construction and maintenance of the water works in the City of Spo- kane Falls, Washington Territory,” passed by the City Council May 20, 1885, by issuing bonds to replace the bonds issued therefor, by authority of the ordinance aforesaid. Passed September 11, 1894. No. A550. An ordinance as a supplement to Ordinance No. A492, approved September 13, 1894, “providing for the refunding of indebt- edness created for the construction and maintenance of water works, by issuing bonds to replace bonds heretofore issued therefor,” approv- ing and accepting the proposition of the Seaboard National Bank of New York relative to the purchase of said refunding bonds, and pre- scribing the form of the bond. Passed January 30, 1895. No. A583. An ordinance providing for the borrowing of money for the completion of the water works system of the City of Spokane and the issuance of obligations therefor, and providing that sixty per centum of the gross revenues derived from the water works belonging 4oo MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE to the city shall be applied in the liquidating of said debt, and provid- ing for the making of a contract with Theis & Barroll for said purposes, and the calling of all outstanding water works warrants, and other matters in respect to the water works system. Passed June 7, 1895. No. A353. An ordinance appropriating forty thousand dollars from the new water fund for the purpose of paying for what is known as the Junken-Harrington site, and all the riparian and flowage rights and the land that will be overflowed or otherwise used by constructing a dam, pumping station and race ways for the purpose of creating a power, to supply the City of Spokane with water and electricity. Passed October 3, 1893. No. 346. An ordinance authorizing the Mayor and the City Treas- urer to sign ten thousand dollars six per cent water bonds, dated December 1, 1888. Passed October 11, 1889. No. A637. An ordinance authorizing the issuance of warrants upon a fund to be known as Water Works Fund No. 2, sufficient and for the purpose of completing the new water system, and paying all outstand- ing indebtedness arising from the final winding up and adjustment of and upon the construction of the new water works system, and setting aside and pledging ten per cent of the gross revenues of the Water Department for the payment thereof. Passed March 17, 1896. No. A612. An ordinance providing for the issuance of bonds in the sum of three hundred fifty thousand dollars, interest and principal payable out of the revenues received from the water works system of the City of Spokane, for the purpose of taking up and refunding out- standing warrants issued against the water works fund, completing the new water works system now under construction, and extending the water system through the district known as the “Hillside,” and pledging sufficient moneys to be received from said water works system or any other system hereafter established, sufficient to pay the interest and principal on said bonds as the same may mature. Passed December 6, 1895. No. A325. An ordinance providing for the purchase or condemna- tion of certain lands and flowage rights along the Spokane river, and providing for the construction, maintaining, extending and enlarging of a system of water works for the City of Spokane, and adopting a plan therefor, and declaring the estimated cost thereof, and authoriz- ing the use of funds heretofore obtained from the sale of water works bonds by said city in part payment thereof, and providing for the calling of a special election for submitting such question to the qualified voters of said city for their ratification or rejection; and also repealing an ordinance in respect to the same subject matter, passed by the Council of said city May 9, 1893, entitled “An ordinance authorizing an indebtedness for a water works system, which, with the present bonded indebtedness for that purpose, shall not exceed two and one-half per centum of the taxable property of the City of Spokane, as shown by the last assessment roll; and providing for condemna- MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 401 tion of flowage rights along the Spokane river in parts of sections eleven, twelve, fourteen and one, in township twenty-five, north of range 43, east W. M., and for the condemnation of a reservoir site according to an act entitled ‘An act to enable cities of the first class to exercise the right of eminent domain,’ approved March 9, 1893, and for the improvement of said property for constructing, building, main- taining, extending, enlarging and improving a system of water works for the City of Spokane, and authorizing the use of funds heretofore raised on water bonds in part payment therefor, and adopting a plan therefor, and providing for a special election of said city, that the voters of said city may vote for or against said proposition.” Passed June 10, 1893. No. A40. An ordinance providing for and authorizing the borrow- ing of one million two hundred thousand dollars, of which five hundred thousand dollars is to be used for the purpose of extending, enlarging and improving the water works system owned by the City of Spokane, and seven hundred thousand dollars to be used for the payment of outstanding warrants on the water, sewer and general fund of the city, the building of bridges and approaches thereto, and the purchase of lands and construction thereon of municipal buildings. Passed June 26, 1891. No. A9. An ordinance authorizing and providing for creating a loan of one million two hundred thousand dollars, and issuing bonds therefor, for the purpose of extending, enlarging and improving the water works system owned by the City of Spokane, and for general municipal purposes, to-wit: For the redemption and payment of out- standing warrants on the water, sewer and general funds, the building of bridges and approaches thereto, and the purchase of lands and the construction thereon of municipal buildings, and providing for a special election for the submission of such proposition to the voters of the city. Passed May 11, 1891. No. 94. An ordinance to ratify, confirm and supply the record of an ordinance entitled “An ordinance authorizing McDonough & Co., and their associates, assigns and successors, as individuals or as a corpora- tion undef the name of the Spokane Falls Gas Light Company, to erect, maintain and operate works for the manufacture and sale of illuminat- ing gas, and to lay pipes for the distribution of the same in the City of Spokane Falls,” passed December 8, 1886, and approved December 1886. Passed the City Council December 14, 1887. No. A1094. An ordinance levying the tax and fixing the rate thereof for a revenue to defray the expenditures of the different departments of the City of Spokane for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1902, and limiting said expenditures. Passed October 4, 1901. No. A1006. An ordinance levying the tax and fixing the rate thereof for a revenue to defray the expenditures of the different departments for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1901, and limiting said expenditures. Passed September 25, 1900. 26 402 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE No. A1224. An ordinance levying the tax and fixing the rate thereof, for a revenue to defray the expenditures of the different departments of the City of Spokane, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1903, and limiting the expenditures. Passed October 9, 1902. No. A794. An ordinance levying the tax and fixing the rate thereof, for a revenue to defray the expenditures of the different departments for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1899, and limiting said expenditures. Passed October 19, 1898. No. A720. An ordinance for levying the tax and fixing the rates thereof, for a revenue to carry on the different departments of the municipal government of the City of Spokane, Washington, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1898. Passed October 6, 1897. No. A 8 69. An ordinance levying the tax and fixing the rate thereof, for a revenue to defray the expenditures of the different departments for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1900, and limiting said expenditures. Passed September 12, 1899. No. A670. An ordinance levying the tax and fixing the rates thereof, for a revenue to carry on the different departments of the municipal government of the City of Spokane, Washington, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1897. Passed October 27, 1896. No. A365. An ordinance levying the tax, etc., for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1894. Passed November 14, 1893. No. A502. An ordinance levying the tax, etc., for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1895. Passed October 30, 1894. No. A608. An ordinance levying the tax, etc., for the fiscal year end- ing June 30, 1896. Passed October 25, 1895. No. A286. An ordinance providing for the extension of time for the collection of taxes. Passed March 7, 1893. APPROPRIATIONS. No. 194. An ordinance appropriating $600 for the repairing of the lower Hangman creek road. Passed September 26, 1888. No. 201. An ordinance appropriating $300 to pay expenses of W. T. Press Association. Passed October 12, 1888. No. 211. An ordinance appropriating $200 to pay expenses of grading and repairing Hilliard street. Passed October 24, 1888. No. 227. An ordinance appropriating twelve hundred dollars to care for paupers. Passed January 16, 1889. No. 231. An ordinance appropriating one hundred fifty dollars to Edgar Thompson for pesthouse. Passed February 6, 1889. No. 232. An ordinance appropriating four hundred dollars to Harris & Connel for removing buildings. Passed February 6. 1889. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 4 ° 3 No. 233. An ordinance appropriating one thousand dollars for repairing Post street bridge. Passed February 6, 1889. No. 243. An ordinance appropriating four thousand five hundred dollars for grading Front street. Passed February 20, 1889. No. 256. An ordinance appropriating one thousand dollars for printing pamphlets. Passed March 13, 1889. No. 257. An ordinance appropriating five hundred dollars for improvements on Bridge street. Passed March 20, 1889. No. 278. An ordinance appropriating two hundred and fifty dollars for improvements on Fifth street. Passed April 12, 1889. No. 291. An ordinance appropriating one thousand dollars for leveling, etc., on Main street. Passed May 15, 1889. No. 294. An ordinance appropriating six hundred dollars for buying instruments and furniture for the City Surveyor. Passed May 22, 1889. No. 304. An ordinance appropriating five hundred dollars for the flood and fire sufferers. Passed June 17, 1889. No. 306. An ordinance appropriating six thousand dollars to the Fire Department. Passed June 19, 1889. No. 312. An ordinance appropriating two hundred fifty dollars to the Legal Department. Passed June 26, 1889. No. 327. An ordinance appropriating five thousand dollars for purchasing the south seventy-five feet of the east half of lot 3, block 10, Railroad Addition. Passed August 21, 1889. No. 329. An ordinance appropriating four thousand dollars to the N. P. R. R. Co. for building retaining walls. Passed August 21, 1889. No. 352. An ordinance appropriating to Phillip Buehner one thou- sand seventy-three dollars and forty-nine cents for materials furnished the water works. Passed November 6, 1889. No. 354. An ordinance appropriating eight hundred seventy-seven dollars and seventy-five cents to Moffat Bros., for excavating, etc. Passed November 6, 1889. No. 373. An ordinance appropriating five thousand two hundred dollars to the Water Department. Passed November 20, 1889. No. 411. An ordinance appropriating seven hundred eighty-four dollars to Steigel for building hose house, etc. Passed December 18, 1889. No. 422. An ordinance appropriating three thousand seven hun- dred and thirty dollars to E. B. Preston & Co. for hook and ladder truck. Passed April 30, 1890. No. 423. An ordinance appropriating six hundred and fifty dollars to pay for horses. Passed March 26, 1890. No. 424. An ordinance appropriating one thousand eight hundred dollars for fire alarm bell. Passed March 26, 1890. No. 425. An ordinance appropriating three thousand two hundred and fifty dollars to pay for fire alarm. Passed March 26, 1890. 404 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE No. 426. An ordinance appropriating five hundred dollars to pay for horses. Passed March 26, 1890. No. 428. An ordinance appropriating four hundred six dollars and twenty-five cents to pay for extras in fire alarm. Passed April 3, 1890. No. 430. An ordinance appropriating three hundred and fifty dol- lars for examining Monroe street bridge. Passed April 3, 1890. No. 432. An ordinance appropriating one thousand two hundred and eighty dollars for city dump. Passed April 16, 1890. No. 437. An ordinance appropriating one hundred and fifty dollars to pay for hose cart. Passed April 30, 1890. No. 446. An ordinance appropriating one hundred and fifty dollars for celebration of Memorial day. Passed May 28, 1890. No. 447. An ordinance appropriating four thousand two hundred dollars to pay interest on bonds. Passed May 28, 1890. No. 454. An ordinance appropriating ten thousand dollars to pur- chase iron pipe for mains. Passed June 4, 1890. No. 455. An ordinance appropriating seven thousand dollars to extend water main on Monroe street. Passed June 4, 1890. No. 459. An ordinance appropriating four hundred dollars for a fire bell for the north side. Passed July 2, 1890. No. 471. An ordinance appropriating three thousand one hundred and fifty dollars for hose. Passed July 28, 1890. No. 479. An ordinance appropriating five hundred dollars to defray expenses of city census. Passed August 6, 1890. No. 488. An ordinance appropriating nine thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars to purchase half of lot 5, block 1, Railroad Addition to Spokane Falls. Passed August 27, 1890. No. 489. An ordinance appropriating four hundred seventy-six dol- lars and fifty cents for the extension of water mains on Chestnut street. Passed August 27, 1890. No. 492. An ordinance appropriating two thousand five hundred dollars for horses for the Fire Department. Passed September 4, 1890. No. 502. An ordinance appropriating two thousand dollars for the extension of sewer on Riverside and Bernard street. Passed October 4, 1890. No. 503. An ordinance appropriating twenty-five thousand dollars for piers on Monroe street bridge. Passed October 7, 1890. No. 514. An ordinance appropriating five thousand five hundred dollars for water mains. Passed November 12, 1890. No. 526. An ordinance appropriating two hundred dollars for harness, etc. Passed December 11, 1890. No. 527. An ordinance appropriating ten thousand dollars for fire engines. Passed December 17, 1890. No. 529. An ordinance appropriating six hundred dollars for cement. Passed December 24, 1890. No. 531. An ordinance appropriating one thousand four hundred MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF 8P0KANE 405 thirty-two dollars and fifty cents for two hose wagons and fourteen pairs harness hames. Passed December 24, 1890. No. 533. An ordinance appropriating two hundred and fifty dollars to Jones & Voorhees for legal services. Passed December 31, 1890. No. 535. An ordinance appropriating two thousand dollars for horses. Passed December 31, 1890. No. 537. An ordinance appropriating five hundred dollars to defray City Attorney’s expenses in conducting street grade cases in the Supreme Court. Passed December 31, 1890. No. 538. An ordinance to appropriate one thousand dollars to defray expense in framing charter. Passed December 31, 1890. No. 559. An ordinance appropriating twenty thousand dollars for piers for Monroe st'reet bridge. Passed March 18, 1890. No. A16. An ordinance appropriating one thousand dollars to enforce the interstate commerce law. Passed May 23, 1891. No. A17. An ordinance appropriating one thousand dollars to enforce the interstate law. Passed June 4, 1891. No. A37. An ordinance appropriating five hundred dollars to the managers of the Home for the Friendless. Passed June 25, 1891. No. A61. An ordinance appropriating five hundred dollars to the managers of St. Joseph’s Orphanage. Passed July 31, 1891. No. A62. An ordinance appropriating five hundred dollars to the managers of Sacred Heart hospital. Passed July 31, 1891. No. A84. An ordinance appropriating five hundred dollars to Jones, Belt & Quinn to assist in litigation. Passed September 1, 1891. No. A95. An ordinance appropriating two thousand six hundred and fifty dollars to pay judgment in case of Curry vs. City of Spokane Falls. Passed September 17, 1891. No. A96. An ordinance appropriating sixty-four thousand dollars for the purchase of public grounds. Passed September 17, 1891. No. A109. An ordinance appropriating five thousand five hundred dollars to C. B. Dunning for services as Police Justice. Passed October 7, 1891. No. A117. An ordinance appropriating thirty-six thousand dollars for construction of Division street bridge. Passed October 27, 1891. No. A118. An ordinance appropriating twenty-three thousand and ten dollars for the construction of bridges on Howard street. Passed October 27, 1891. No. A156. An ordinance appropriating four hundred and seventy- three dollars to enforce the provisions of the interstate commerce law. Passed February 9, 1892. No. A157. An ordinance appropriating six hundred dollars to the Home for the Friendless. Passed February 9, 1892. No. A162. An ordinance appropriating three hundred dollars to the St. Joseph’s Orphanage. Passed February 23, 1892. No. A169. An ordinance appropriating five hundred dollars to the Chamber of Commerce. Passed March 11, 1*892. 406 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE No. A196. An ordinance appropr:ating two hundred and fifty dol- lars to employ counsel to assist the Corporation Counsel. Passed May 6, 1892. No. A212. An ordinance appropriating two hundred ten dollars and fifty cents to entertain the Presbyterian delegates. Passed May 24, 1892. No. A217. An ordinance appropriating three hundred dollars to the St. Joseph’s Orphanage. Passed June 14, 1892. No. A243. An ordinance appropriating eight hundred dollars to employ Turner, Graves & McKinstry to assist the Corporation Counsel. Passed August 26, 1892. No. A256. An ordinance appropriating the sum of one thousand dollars for the improvement of Cceur d’Alene park. Passed October 4, 1892. No. A266. An ordinance appropriating the sum of five hundred dollars from the general fund for the purpose of defraying the expenses of the committee appointed to meet in convention at Tacoma or Seattle for the purpose of securing necessary legislation for cities of the first class in the State of Washington. Passed December 20, 1892. No. A295. An ordinance appropriating the sum of five hundred dollars to the Library fund. Passed April 4, 1893. No. A329. An ordinance appropriating the sum of four thousand dollars for the purpose of purchasing ground, erecting and maintain- ing thereon a hospital for contagious diseases. Passed June 16, 1893. No. A350. An ordinance appropriating one thousand dollars to employ Jones, Belt & Quinn to assist Corporation Counsel. Passed September 7, 1893. No. A358. An ordinance appropriating twenty-one hundred dollars for the purpose of purchasing water pipe in Whiting’s Addition. Passed October 13, 1893. No. A371. An ordinance appropriating four thousand seven hun- dred and fifty dollars to pay judgment rendered in favor of Mary Safer. Passed January 16, 1894. No. A416. An ordinance appropriating six hundred and fifty dollars to pay for the west sixty feet of lots 1 and 2 in block 25, Stratton’s Ad- dition to Spokane Palls, for a fire station. Passed April 3, 1894. No. A418. An ordinance appropriating six hundred dollars for the purchase of the unplatted part of that part of Wildcat lake now form- ing a part of the extension of Sprague avenue. Passed April 6, 1894. No. A421. An ordinance to appropriate fifteen hundred dollars to pay for lot 1, block 33, Stratton’s Addition, for a fire station. Passed April 28, 1894. No. A488. An ordinance appropriating one hundred dollars toward the payment of the expenses of a delegate from the City of Spokane to the National Irrigation Congress at Denver, Colorado. Passed August 30, 1894. No. A494. An ordinance appropriating two hundred and fifty dol- MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 407 lars toward defraying the expenses of the suit relative to the Spokane freight rates. Passed September 18, 1894. No. A633. An ordinance appropriating five hundred dollars from the Municipal Court fund to pay the expenses of J. M. Comstock to eastern cities to negotiate the sale of three hundred and fifty thousand dollars of water works bonds. Passed March 9, 1896. No. A639. An ordinance appropriating the sum of twelve hundred thirty-seven dollars and sixty cents out of the Fire Department fund for the payment to the Wayne Sulkeyette & Road Cart Company for Fire Department appliances. Passed April 7, 1896. No. A640. An ordinance appropriating one thousand dollars from the General fund for the purpose of defraying the expenses necessary to be incurred in obtaining just and equitable freight rates for the City of Spokane. Passed April 28, 1896. No. A1370. An ordinance providing for the employment of Allan F. Gill, Civil Engineer, to superintend placing of pumps at up river water works, and providing for his compensation. Passed May 6, 1903. No. A1117. An ordinance providing for the care of homeless chil- dren, orphans and juvenile offenders, and making an appropriation therefor. Passed January 7, 1902. No. A1158. An ordinance providing for the purchase and install- ment of two additional pumps at the City Pumping Station, and appro- priating seventeen thousand dollars therefor. Passed April 29, 1902. No. A1167. An ordinance appropriating the sum of fifty dollars to the Grand Army of the Republic. Passed May 13, 1902. No. A1166. An ordinance appropriating the sum of one hundred dollars toward the expenses of the Fourth of July celebration in the City of Spokane, July 4, 1902. Passed May 13, 1902. No. A1107. An ordinance appropriating the sum of fifty dollars a month from November 1, 1901, to March, 1902, both inclusive, to the Door of Hope Mission. Passed November 19, 1901. No. A758. An ordinance appropriating eight thousand dollars from the Fire Department fund, to be expended for the Fire Department. Passed June 7, 1898. No. A749. An ordinance appropriating eighty-nine thousand seven hundred twenty-nine dollars and eighty-five cents from the Water Department fund for the improvement and extension of the city water system, and transferring certain moneys into said fund. Passed May 3, 1898. No. A786. An ordinance appropriating the sum of two hundred dollars for the benefit of the Spokane Press 'Club in entertaining editors of the Pacific Northwest. Passed September 6, 1898. No. A1019. An ordinance authorizing the making of a contract with the St. Joseph’s Orphanage, and the making of a contract with the Home of the Friendless, and the making of a contract with the Florence Crittenden Mission, for the performance of hospital service 408 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE and for the furnishing of training schools for juvenile offenders, and making an appropriation therefor. Passed December 4, 1900. No. A1273. An ordinance appropriating the sum of four hundred and fifty dollars to pay for repairing the paving on Riverside avenue. Passed December 2, 1902. No. A1257. An ordinance providing for the care of homeless chil- dren, orphans, juvenile offenders, fallen women and wayward girls, and making an appropriation therefor. Passed November 25, 1902. No. A959. An ordinance authorizing the making of a contract with the St. Joseph’s Orphanage and the making of a contract with the Home of the Friendless, for the performance of hospital services and for the furnishing of training schools for juvenile offenders, and mak- ing an appropriation therefor. Passed May 11, 1900. No. A965. An ordinance appropriating one hundred and fifty dol- lars to purchase lots for the right of way for a public bridge and approaches thereto over Latah creek, in the City of Spokane. Passed June 5, 1900. No. A966. An ordinance appropriating three hundred dollars to purchase an easement or right of way for a public bridge and the approaches thereto over Latah creek, in the City of Spokane. Passed June 5, 1900. No. A1290. An ordinance appropriating the sum of fifteen thousand dollars for the establishment and construction of a garbage crematory in the City of Spokane. Passed February 3, 1903. No. A1228. An ordinance to appropriate the sum of four hundred dollars, to defray the expenses of the Fire Chief in attending the meeting of the International Association of Fire Chiefs at New York. Passed October 9, 1902. No. A992. An ordinance appropriating twenty-nine hundred dollars from the Water fund for the construction of a building to be known as the Cannon Hill Pumping Station of the water works system. Passed August 7, 1900. No. A974. An ordinance appropriating two thousand dollars to purchase a site for an auxiliary pumping station for the water works. Passed June 19, 1900. No. A809. An ordinance appropriating the sum of twenty-six hun- dred and forty dollars from the Street fund to pay for the guarantee and maintenance of the Riverside avenue pavement between Monroe and Division streets. Passed December 23, 1898. No. A719. An ordinance authorizing the purchase of real estate in Heath’s addition on which to erect a fire station, and appropriating two hundred and fifty dollars to pay for the same. Passed October 6, 1897. No. A732. An ordinance appropriating fifteen hundred twenty-six dollars and sixty cents from the General fund to pay the taxes due on blocks 57, 58 and 62 of Central Addition to Spokane Falls (now Spo- kane). Passed January 11, 1898. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 409 No. A737. An ordinance appropriating the sum of two hundred dol- lars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, from the Street fund, for the purpose of constructing a road from the west line of Lincoln street down Peaceful Valley. Passed January 25, 1898. No. A746. An ordinance appropriating three thousand dollars for the purchase of fire alarm boxes. Passed March 1, 1898. No. A825. An ordinance appropriating five hundred dollars to be paid as a reward for the arrest and conviction of certain persons engaged in the holdup of the Ross Park car, and providing for the payment thereof. Passed May 9, 1899. No. A866. An ordinance appropriating one thousand dollars to purchase a site for a fire station. Passed September 5, 1899. No. A1053. An ordinance authorizing the making of a contract with the St. Joseph’s Orphanage, and the making of a contract with the Home of the Friendless, and the making of a contract with the Flor- ence Crittenden Mission, for the performance of hospital service and for the furnishing of training schools for juvenile offenders, and mak- ing an appropriation therefor. Passed June 4, 1901. No. A1322. An ordinance to provide for the erection of a standpipe, and appropriating thirty-three thousand dollars therefor. Passed March 24, 1903. No. A1303. An ordinance to ratify, adopt, confirm and approve the purchase of certain real property heretofore made by the City of Spo- kane for a crematory site, and to ratify, adopt, confirm and approve each and all of the acts and proceedings of the City Council and other officers of the City of Spokane relative to the purchase of the same and the payment of the purchase price thereof. Passed March 10, 1903. No. 1198. An ordinance appropriating the sum of twelve thousand dollars from the Water fund, to be expended in replacing the present four and six inch water mains, with a twelve inch main and six inch hydrants, on Main avenue. Passed August 5, 1902. No. A738. An ordinance appropriating four hundred and fifty dollars to satisfy the claim of J. A. Coverly. Passed January 25, 1898. No. A826. An ordinance appropriating two hundred dollars to pay the claim of H. E. Zielley. Passed May 12, 1899. No. A1091. An ordinance providing for and authorizing the pur- chase of a certain piece of land from J. A. Williams and Lena Gerlach, and providing for an appropriation to pay the same. Passed October 4, 1901. No. A1062. An. ordinance making an appropriation for the payment of the street grade assessments upon lot 1, in block 1, Ollis’ Addition to Spokane Falls (now City of Spokane), Washington. Passed June 18, 1901. No. A1109. An ordinance appropriating the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars to the Spokane Humane Society. Passed December 3, 1901. N No. A1338. An ordinance appropriating one thousand dollars for 4io MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE the entertainment of the President of the United States. Passed April 21, 1903. No. A1339. An ordinance appropriating the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars to the Grand Army of the Republic. Passed April 21, 1903. No. A1336. An ordinance appropriating seven hundred and ninety- six dollars and ninety-eight cents to H. L. Burns for extra work on the Third avenue sewer, between Howard and McClellan streets. Passed April 21, 1903. No. A1331. An ordinance appropriating the sum of thirty-eight dollars and twenty-five cents to H. H. Heritage for services as sanitary officer. Passed April 21, 1903. No. A1341. An ordinance appropriating eight hundred and fifty dollars to purchase lots 11 and 12 in block 4, Wadsworth & McDonald’s addition to Spokane, for a fire station. Passed April 21, 1903. No. A1292. An ordinance appropriating the sum of fifty dollars to N. F. Stokes, in settlement of his claim against the city for injury to his horse. Passed February 3, 1903. No. A1371. An ordinance authorizing the purchase of the ground necessary to open Division street at what is called the “Rock Cut” the full width, from J. J. Browne, and appropriating two hundred and fifty dollars therefor. Passed May 19, 1903. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 4i 1 PART III. List of Franchise Ordinances. STREET RAILWAYS. CITY PARK TRANSIT COMPANY. ORDINANCE NO. 332. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF A STREET RAILWAY IN THE CITY OF SPOKANE FALLS. The City of Spokane Foils does ordain as follows: Section 1. That there be, and there is hereby granted to the City Park Transit Company, its successors and assigns, the right, privilege and authority, to locate, lay down and maintain tracks for a street railway to be operated as a cable line or by electricity, and to construct, operate and equip and maintain the same on the streets of Spokane Falls, as follows, to-wit : Com- mencing at the intersection of Sprague street and Division street, thence north on Division and Victoria streets to the north city limits ; provided, that the said City Park Transit Company, its successors and assigns shall hold the city harmless from any damage or claim of damage which may arise by the reason of the construction or maintenance or operation of said street railway ; and, provided l further, that at or before the time of the commencement of the construction aforesaid the said City Park Transit Company, or its successors or assigns, shall execute and deliver to the City of Spokane Falls a good and suffi- cient bond in the sum of twenty thousand dollars, with three or more sureties, to be approved by the Mayor, conditioned to hold the City of Spokane Falls harmless for and in the manner aforesaid. As amended by Ordinance No. A932 passed Feb. 27, 1900. Sec. 2. Said company shall maintain a single track railway within the limits of the city, and if the same shall be operated by electricity, it shall main- tain along the sides *of said streets the necessary poles therefor, said poles to be of such height and dimensions as may be designated and required by the City Council, and shall not be less than one hundred feet apart, and in no case shall they construct or maintain a line of poles in the center of the street. Sec. 3. The rails of said railway shall be laid so that the top thereof is flush with the top of the grade of the street, and on each side of each rail there shall be placed a plank not less than twelve inches in width in contact with the rail and not less than two inches thick, and the upper side thereof shall be flush with the top of the rail, which plank shall be securely spiked to the ties or stringers, and shall be kept in good condition by said company. At the inter- sections and crossings of streets it shall be the duty of said company in addition to the plank upon the outside of each outer rail, to securely plank over the entire surface lying between the outer rails of each track for the entire width of said intersecting street ; such planking shall not be less than two inches in thickness, 412 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE and shall present an even surface at the top of the rail, and shall be securely spiked and fastened in place, and shall be kept and maintained in good, safe and proper condition by said company, its successors or assigns. It shall be the duty of said company to fill all the spaces enclosed between the outer rails of its tracks, and on the outer side of each track, with suitable road gravel, to the inspection of the Street Commissioner, so that the said gravel when packed in place shall be flush with the top of the planks on each side of the rails ; and such surface shall be kept and maintained by said company, its successors or assigns, at its or their own proper cost and expense. Sec. 4. The tracks herein authorized shall be laid as near as practicable to the middle of the street over which the same shall pass. Sec. 5. All the equipments of said road shall be first-class in every par- ticular, and shall be of the most modern and approved kind, and the tracks shall be standard gauge ; and the rate of fare upon said road shall not exceed five cents for one passenger one way. Sec. 6. Whenever the City of Spokane Falls shall decide by ordinance to pave or macadamize or otherwise improve any street or part of street over or upon which the tracks herein authorized shall be laid, it shall be the duty of said company to macadamize, pave or otherwise improve, at its own cost and expense, all the space lying between the outer rails of each track and for two feet on the outside of each outer rail, of such material and in such manner as may be prescribed by the City Council for such street or part of a street, and under the direction and inspection of such person as may be appointed by the City Council for that purpose, and such paving, macadamising or other improve- ment shall be maintained in good repair at the expense of said company, its successors or assigns. Sec. 7. Whenever in the construction of the road and tracks herein author- ized it shall be necessary to cross the line of any street or other railway, it shall be the duty of the said City Park Transit Company, its successors and assigns, to put in and keep and maintain at its own expense whatever appliances may be needful and necessary for the proper crossing and non-interference with the motive power of such street or other railway. SEc. 8. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed or construed to mean that the city relinquishes any of its rightful authority over the streets or any part of them, but the city by its agents, officers or contractors shall have and retain its full power and authority to enter upon said streets or any part thereof for the laying of gas pipes, water pipes, the construction of sewers, or any other public works, and to grant the right to any other railways or motor lines to cross the tracks herein authorized in a reasonable and proper manner without let or hindrance. Sec. 9. The speed at which cars may be run upon the road hereby author- ized, may be regulated by the City Council. Sec. 10. Any failure on the part of said company, or its successors or assigns, to do or cause to be done anything herein required of it or them in a reasonable, fair and proper manner, and as and when required to be done, shall lay said company, its successors or assigns, liable to the city in amount equal to the cost of doing the matter required, with ten per cent, additional for expenses in addition to costs, and Such failure to do or perform whatever, or any part thereof that may be required, shall work a forfeiture of all the rights herein conferred. Sec. 11. The franchise and privilege hereby granted shall continue for the period of thirty years from the passage of this ordinance (unless the same shall for some cause become forfeit before the expiration of such time) ; provided,, however, and all the rights and privileges herein contained are upon the express conditions that the said company, its successors or assigns, shall commence the construction thereof within six months from the passage of this ordinance, aud shall complete and operate the same within the limits herein set, within one year after the passage of this ordinance ; provided, the said company shall not MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 413 be required to commence the construction of said railway until Victoria and Sprague streets shall have been graded and accepted as such by the City Council, and the time for the commencement and construction shall not begin to run until said acceptance. Sec. 12. Said company shall accept this franchise within forty days from the passage of this ordinance by a writing subscribed by the proper officers of said company and attested by the seal thereof, which shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk, and if such acceptance shall not be so filed the rights herein conferred shall lapse, and this ordinance be of no further effect. Sec. 13. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five days after its passage and publication without expense to the city. Passed the City Council August 28. 1889. CITY PARK TRANSIT COMPANY. ORDINANCE NO. 385. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO THE CITY PARK TRANSIT COMPANY THE RIGHT TO BUILD AND MAINTAIN AN ELECTRIC RAILWAY OVER AND UPON THE DIVISION STREET BRIDGE. % The City of Spokane Falls docs ordain as follows: Section 1. That there is hereby granted to the City Park Transit Company the right to build and maintain a double iine of electric railway over and upon the bridge over the Spokane river known as the Division street bridge, upon the conditions hereinafter set forth. Sec. 2. The said line of railway shall be so laid and built as not to inter- fere with the public use of said bridge, and shall be built under the supervision of the Superintendent of Streets, and the city may at any time when it shall appear that by reason of the character of the rails or the manner or place in which they are laid, the same may become an obstruction to public travel, require such alterations to be made as shall avoid inconvenience to public travel. Sec. 3. The said City Park Transit Company in consideration of the prem- ises shall be and hereby is required to keep said bridge throughout in good repair, and shall upon the order of the City Council, grant any other company the right to use said track ; provided, said company assume its proportion of the obligation under this ordinance, so long as the same shall be used by said company, under the supervision and direction of the Superintendent of Streets, and before this grant shall operate, and within sixty days after the passage of this ordinance, shall execute and deliver to the City of Spokane Falls a bond in the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars, with two or more sufficient sureties to the approval of the Mayor, conditioned that it will keep said bridge in repair and safe and convenient for public travel, and wilt in all things conform to the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 4. The said company shall not take any rights under this ordinance unless work on said railway line shall in good faith be commenced within ninety days from the passage hereof, and unless said work shall so continue that said bridge shall be occupied by the rails by the 15th day of April. 1890. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall talke effect and be in force five days after its passage and publication. Passed the City Council Nov. 20, 1889. Vetoed Nov. 27, 1889. Passed over the Mayor’s veto December 4, 1889. 414 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE CITY PARK TRANSIT COMPANY. ORDINANCE NO. 499. AN ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE THE MAINTENANCE AND CONSTRUCTION OF A STREET RAILWAY IN THE CITY OF SPOKANE FALLS. The City of Spokane Falls does ordain as follows: Section 1. That there be and there is hereby granted to the City Park Transit Company, its successors and assigns, the right, privilege and authority to locate, lay down and maintain tracks for a street railway, with the necessary turnouts and switches, to be operated as a cable line or by electricity, and to construct, operate and equip and maintain the same on tne streets of Spokane Falls as follows, to-wit : Commencing at the intersection of Sprague street and Division street on the westerly boundary of Division street, thence easterly on Sprague street to the easterly boundary of the city ; also commencing at the intersection of Napa street and Sprague avenue, thence southerly along Napa street to the intersec- tion of Napa street and Third avenue. As amended by ordinance No. A577, passed May 14, 1895. Commencing also at the intersection of Monroe street and Sprague street on the easterly boundary of Monroe street, thence on Sprague street and the easterly side of Monroe street to the center of First street, thence westerly on First street to the center of Pine street, thence southerly on Pine street to the center of Third street, thence easterly on Third street to the city limits. Commencing also at the intersection of Hatch street and Third street, in the center of Third street, thence northerly on Hatch street to a point at or near the center of Sprague street, to connect with the first named line on Sprague street. Provided, that the said City Park Transit Company, its successors or assigns, shall hold the city harmless from any damages or claim of damages which may arise by reason of the construction or maintenance, or operation of said street railway ; and, provided further, that at or before the time of the commencement of the construction aforesaid the City Park Transit Company, or i,ts successors or assigns, shall execute and deliver to the City of Spokane Falls a good and sufficient bond in the sum of thirty thousand dollars, with two or more sureties to be approved by the Mayor, conditioned to hold the City of Spokane Falls harmless, from and in the manner aforesaid, which bond shall be substituted for and be in lieu of the present bond, filed by said company under its former franchise, and apply by the terms thereof, to both franchises. Sec. 2. Said company shall maintain a single track railway within the limits of the city, and if the same shall be operated by electricity, it may main- tain along the sides of said streets the necessary poles thereof, said poles to be of such height and dimensions as may be designated and required by the City Council, and shall not be less than about 100 feet apart, and in no case shall they construct or maintain a line of poles in the center of the street, and when the business on said street is of sufficient volume to require the use of a double or other track, then by consent of the Council bf the City of Spokane Falls, evinced by resolution, the said company may erect, construct and main- tain a double or other track on said streets with the approval of said Council. Sec. 3. The rails of said railway shall be laid so that the tops thereof are flush with the top of the grade of the street, and on each side of each rail there shall be placed a plank not less than twelve inches in width, in contact with the rail, and not less than two inches thick, and the upper side thereof shall be flush with the top of the rail, which plank shall be securely spiked to the ties or stringers, and shall be kept in good condition by said company. At the intersections and crossings of streets, it shall be the duty of said company, in addition to the plank upon the outside of each outer rail, to securely plank MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 4i5 over the entire surface lying between the outer rails of each track for the entire width of said intersecting street ; such planking shall not be less than two inches in thickness, and shall present an even surface with the top of the rail, and shall be securely spiked and fastened in place, and shall be kept and main' tained in good, safe and proper condition by said company, its successors or assigns. It shall be the duty of said company to till all the spaces enclosed between the outer rails of its tracks, and on the outer side of each track, with suitable road gravel, to the inspection of the Street Commissioner, so that the said gravel when packed in place shall be flush with the top of the planks on each side of the rails, and such surface shall be kept and maintained by said company, its successors or assigns, at its or their own proper cost and expense. Sec. 4. The tracks herein authorized shall be laid as near as practicable to the middle of the streets over which the same shall pass, or if one side, then under the guidance and direction of the Street Superintendent. Sec, 5. All the equipments of said road shall be first-class in every par- ticular, and shall be of the most modern and improved kind, and the tracks shall be standard guage ; and the rate of fare upon said road shall not exceed five cents for one passenger one way. Sec. 6. Whenever the City of Spokane Falls shall decide by ordinance to pave or macadamize or otherwise improve any street or part of a street over or upon which the tracks herein authorized shall be laid, it shall be the duty of said company to macadamize or otherwise improve, at its own cost and expense, all the space lying between the outer rails of such track and for two feet on the outside of each outer rail, of such material and in such manner as may be prescribed by the City Council for such street or part of a street, and under the direction and inspection of such person as may be appointed by the City Council for that purpose, and such paving, macadamizing or other improvement shall be maintained in good repair at the expense of said company, its successors or assigns. Sec. 7. Whenever in the construction of the road and tracks herein author- ized it shall be necessary to cross the line of any street or other railway, it shall be the duty of the City Park Transit Company, its successors and assigns, to put in and keep and maintain at its own expense whatever appliances may be needful and necessary for the proper crossing and non-interference with the motive power of such street or other railway. Sec. S. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed or construed to mean that the city relinquishes any of its rightful authority over the streets or any part of them, but the city by its agents, officers or contractors shall have and retain its full power and authority to enter upon said streets or any part thereof for the laying of gas pipes, water pipes, the construction of sewers, or any public works, and to grant the right to any other railways or motor lines to cross the tracks herein authorized in a reasonable and proper manner without let or hindrance. Sec. 9. The speed at which cars may be run upon the road hereby author- ized may be regulated by the City Council. Sec. 10. Any failure on the part of said company or its successors or assigns to do or cause to be done anything herein required or which may be required of it or them in a reasonable, fair and proper manner and as when required to be done, shall lay said company, its successors or assigns, liable to the city in amount equal to the cost of doing the matter required, with ten per cent, additional for expenses in addition to costs. Sec. 11. The franchise and privilege hereby granted shall continue for the period of thirty years from the passage of this ordinance, with the right to a renewal thereof on such terms as the Council may adopt ; provided , however, and all the rights and privileges herein contained are upon the express conditions that the said company, its successors or assigns, shall commence the construction thereof within one month from the passage of this ordinance, and shall com- plete and operate the same within the limits herein set, within one year after 4 t6 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE the passage of this ordinance, and as to the portions not completed within said period, this franchise shall lapse in the option of the Council and upon a resolu- tion passed for that purpose. Provided, the said company shall not be required to commence the construction of said railway until the streets named herein shall have been graded and accepted as such by the City Council, and the time for commencement and construction shall not begin to run until said acceptance. Sec. 12. Said company shall accept this franchise within five days from the passage of this ordinance by a writing subscribed by the proper officers of said company and attested by the seal thereof, which shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk, and if such acceptance shall npt be so filed, the rights herein conferred shall lapse, and this ordinance be of no further effect. Sec. 13. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force after its passage and publication witholit expense to the city. Passed September 4, 3 890. Passed over the Mayor’s veto September 10, 1890. Accepted September 12, 1890. CITY PARK TRANSIT COMPANY. ORDINANCE NO. 53 3. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF A STREET RAILWAY IN THE CITY OF SPOKANE FALLS. The City of Spokane Falls does ordain as follows: Section 3 That there be, and there is hereby granted to the City Park Transit Company, its successors and assigns, the right, privilege and authority to locate, lay down and maintain tracks for street railways with the necessary turnouts and switches, to be operated as a cable line or by electricity, and to construct, operate and equip and maintain the same on the streets of Spokane Falls, as follows, to. wit: Commencing at the intersection of Victoria and Mission streets on the south side of Mission street, thence north on Victoria street and the continuation thereof to the boundary of the City of Spokane Falls, and any continuation of the said Victoria street which may hereafter be made by future enlargement of said city. Also commencing at the intersection of said Victoria street, or the continu- ation thereof, and Third avenue on Lidgerwood Park addition to Spokane Falls, thence east along said Third avenue to Lidgerwood street, thence north on Lidgerwood street to the boundary of the corporation, or any continuation thereof by an enlargement of the boundary of the city. Also commencing at the intersection of Lidgerwood street and Third avenue and to join with the line above named, thence east on Third avenue to the center of Liberty street, thence north on Liberty street to the boundary of the corpora- tion, or any extension of same by enlargement of the city limits. Also commencing at the intersection of C street in Morgan’s addition, and the extension .of Victoria street, thence east on C street to First street in Mor- gan’s addition, 1 hence north on First street to D street, thence east on D street to Eighth street in said Lidgerwood Park addition : thence east along said last named street to Monticello street, thence north on Monticello street to the center of Third avenue in said Lidgerwood Park addition. Provided, that the said City Park Transit Company, its successors or as- signs, shall hold the city harmless from any damages or claim of damage which may arise by reason of the construction or maintenance or operation of said street railway ; and provided further, that at or before the time of the com- mencement of the construction aforesaid the City Park Transit Company, or its MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 4i7 successors or assigns, shall execute and deliver to the City of Spokane Falls a good and sufficient bond in the sum of three thousand dollars, with two or more sureties, to be approved by the Mayor, conditioned to hold the City of Spokane Falls harmless for and in the manner aforesaid. Sec. 2. Said company shall maintain a single track railway within the limits of the city, and if the same shall be operated by electricity, it may maintain along the sides of said streets the necessary poles therefor, said poles to be of such height and dimensions as may be designated and required by the City Council, and shall not be less than one hundred feet apart, and in no case shall they construct or maintain a line of poles in the center of the street, and when the business on said streets is of sufficient volume to require the use ot a double or other track, then by consent of the Council of the City of Spokane Falls, evinced by resolution, the said company may erect, construct and main-; tain a double or other track on said street with the approval of said Council. Sec. 3. The rails of said railway shall be laid so that the top thereof is flush with the top of the grade of the street. At the intersection and crossings of streets it shall be the duty of said company to securely plank over the entire surface lying between the outer rails of each track for the entire width of said intersecting street ; such planking shall be two inches in thickness and twelve inches in width, and shall present an even surface with the top of the rail, and shall be securely spiked and fastened in place, and shall be kept and mainta ? uea in good, safe and proper condition by said company, its successors or assigns. When the streets are graded it shall be the duty of said company to fill all the spaces enclosed between the outer rails of its tracks, and on the outer side of each track, with suitable road gravel, to the inspection of the Street Com- missioner, so that the said gravel when packed in place shall be flush with the top of the planks on each side of the rails ; and such surface shall be kept and maintained by said company, its successors or assigns, at its or their own proper cost and expense. Sec. 4. The tracks herein authorized shall be laid as near as practicable to the middle of the streets over which the same shall pass, or if on one side, then under the guidance and direction of the Street Superintendent. Sec. 5. All the equipment of said road shall be first-class in every partic- ular, and shall be of the most modern and approved kind, and the tracks shall be standard gauge ; and the rat'e of fare upon said road shall not exceed five cents for one passenger one way. Sec. 6 . Whenever the City of Spokane Falls shall decide by ordinance to pave or macadamize or otherwise improve any street or part of a street over or upon which the tracks herein authorized shall be laid, it shall be the duty of said company to macadamize or otherwise improve, at its own cost and expense, all the space lying between the outer rails of said track and for two feet on the outside of each outer rail, of such material and in such manner as may be prescribed by the City Council for such street or part of a street, and under the direction and inspection of such person as may be appointed by the City Council for that purpose, and such paving, macadamizing or other improvements shall be maintained in good repair at the expense of said company, its successors or assigns. Sec. 7. Whenever in the construction of the road and tracks herein authorized it shtf.ll be necessary to cross the line of any street or other railway, it shall be the duty of the City Park Transit Company, its successors and assigns, to put in and keep and maintain at its own expense whatever appliances may be needful and necessary for the proper crossings and non-interference with the motive power of such street or other railway. Sec. 8. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed or construed to mean that the city relinquishes any of its rightful authority over the streets or any part of them, but the city by its agents, officers or contractors shall have and retain its full power and authority to enter upon said streets or any part thereof for the laying of gas pipes, water pipes, the construction of sewers, or any 27 418 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE other public works, and to grant the right to any other railway or motor lines to cross the tracks herein authorized in a reasonable and proper manner without let or hindrance. Sec. 9. The speed at which cars may be run upon the road hereby author- ized, may be regulated by the City Council. Sec. 10. Any failure on the part of said company, or its successors or assigns, to do or cause to be done anything herein required or which may be required of it or them in a reasonable, fair and proper manner, and as when required to be done, shall lay said company, its successors or assigns, liable to the city in amount equal to the cost of doing the matter required, with ten per cent, additional for expenses in addition to costs. Sec. 11. The franchise and privilege granted shall continue for the period of thirty years from the passage of this ordinance, with the right to a renewal thereof on such terms as the Council may adopt ; provided, however, that all the rights and privileges herein contained are upon the express conditions that the said company, its successors or assigns, shall commence the construction thereof within one month from the passage of this ordinance, and shall complete and operate the same within the limits herein set, within one year after the passage of this ordinance, and as to the portions not completed within said period, the franchise shall lapse in the option of the Council, and upon a reso- lution passed for that purpose. Provided, the said company shall not be required to commence the construction of said railway until the streets named herein shall have been graded and accepted by the City Council, and the time for commencement and construction shall not begin to run until said acceptance. Sec. 12. Said company shall accept this franchise within five days from the passage of this ordinance by a writing subscribed by the proper officer of said company and attested by the seal thereof. Sec. 13. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force after its passage and publication, without expense to the city. Passed the City Council November 5, 1890. Accepted November 12, 1890. FRANCIS H. COOK, T. J. DOOLEY, H. N. BELT, and E. A. ROUTHE. ORDINANCE NO. 100. AN ORDINANCE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION OF A MOTOR RAILROAD IN THE CITY OF SPOKANE FALLS, WASHINGTON TERRITORY. The City of Spokane Falls does hereby ordain as follows: Section 1. That the right is hereby granted to Francis H. Cook, T. J. Dooley, H. N. Belt and E. A. Routhe, all of Spokane Falls, Washington Ty., their heirs and assigns and associates, to grade, lay down and equip, maintain and operate a motor hne of single track, of double rails, on which the cars of ordinary length shall be moved or run by steam, electricity, cable, horses or other motive power over the whole of, or such parts of such road as the owners may elect within the City of Spokane Falls, County of Spokane, and Territory of Washington, upon, over and along the following named streets, to-wit : From southern limits of the city to Saxton street, Saxton street north to Fifth street, west on Fifth street to Washington street, Washington street north to Spokane river. Sec. 2. That the owners of said motor railroad shall keep said road in good repair, and construct and maintain proper crossings for vehicles at intersection of all streets and crossings. Sec. 3. The track of said street railway shall not be more than four feet eight and one-half inches between rails, and shall be laid as nearly as practicable MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 4 T 9 in the middle of said streets heretofore enumerated, and when the road hereby provided for does intersect any other railroad, the rails shall be so cut as to permit cars to pass without any obstruction. And in case the cars upon said railway shall be moved or run by electricity, the poles which are hereby author- ized to be constructed and erected for such purpose along the side of said streets, shall be of such heights and dimensions as may be designated by the City Council, and shall not be less than one hundred feet apart, and the upper arms of all said poles shall be for the exclusive use of the city for the carrying of wires for the city business. As amended February 16, 1892, by ordinance No. A160. Sec. 4. The rails of said road shall be the regular tee, iron or steel rails (or other improved pattern of steel or iron), laid flush with the street, with such switches, turnouts, turn-tables and side-tracks as or shall be necessary to the equipment and operation of said motor road. Sec. 5. That the motors used on said road, if the same be steam motors, shall be enclosed by wooden frame, and that the same shall be provided with “Patent” or noiseless exhaust. Sec. 6. The business of said motor line or street railway shall be to carry passengers, and the cars run and operated on said road shall be of latest approved construction for the comfort and convenience and safety of passengers, and serve the purpose of the traffic of said road, and that the cars and motors of said road shall not be moved at a rate of speed to exceed ten miles per hour, and that the same are to be run at convenient hours night and day to accom- modate the traveling public. Sec. 7. The rates of fare on said road shall not exceed the sum of ten cents for one continuous ride in one general direction. Sec. 8. The owners of said road shall have by mutual consent the right to connect this line with any and all other steam, electric, cable or horse car railway now or hereafter to be constructed in the City of Spokane Falls. Sec. 9. The franchises and privileges hereby granted shall continue for thirty years, to date from and after the passage of this ordinance ; provided , that the grantees hereof, their heirs, assigns and associates, shall have said road constructed and track laid and cars in operation on all streets over which this franchise is granted within thirty days after said streets are graded and accepted. As amended October 3, 1888, by Ordinance No. 199. Sec. 10. This ordinance shall not be so construed as to deprive the City of Spokane Falls of any powers, rights or privileges which it now has or may hereafter have conferred upon it to regulate the use and control of the streets and alleys of said city. Sec. 11. That the City of Spokane Falls shall not be held liable for damages to the owners of private property through which said motor line shall run. Sec. 12. The grantee shall, before the signing of this ordinance, give a good and sufficient bond in the sum of $5,000, with three or more sureties as a guarantee of good faith on their part, the form and substance of which to be approved by the Mayor of the city. Sec. 13. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on and after five days after its passage and publication. Passed the City Council December 28, 1887. 420 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE LEWIS C. DILLMAN and JOHN H. STONE. ORDINANCE NO. 431. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A FRANCHISE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A STREET RAIL- WAY TO LEWIS C. DILLMAN AND JOHN H. STONE., THEIR ASSOCIATES, SUCCES- SORS AND ASSIGNS. The City of Spokane Falls does ordain as follows: Section 1. There is hereby granted to Lewis C. Dillman and John H. Stone, of the City of Spokane Falls, County of Spokane, and State of Washington, their associates, successors and assigns, the right, privilege and authority to locate, lay down, maintain and operate a double track street railway over and upon the streets of Spokane Falls as follows, to-wit : Commencing at the junction of Monroe and West Eighth streets, thence running southeast along Clilf avenue and Monroe street to Fourteenth street, thence east on Fourteenth street to Division street, thence north on Division street to Summit avenue, thence westerly on Summit avenue to Cliff avenue, thence southwesterly on Cliff avenue to Monroe street. And the said Lewis C. Dillman and John H. Stone, their associates, succes- sors and assigns, shall have the right to construct, maintain and operate said line of railway in the manner herein provided and along said streets, together with all switches, turntables and turnouts, to operate said railway by cable, electricity or horsepower, or any other improved method of propulsion, excluding steam. Sec. 2. The rails of said railway shall be laid flush with the top of the grade of the street, and on each side of each rail there shall be placed a plank not less than twelve inches in width and two inches in thickness, champed and brought closely in contact with the rail, and securely spiked to the ties or sleepers. The upper edge of said plank shall be flush with the top of the rail, and the same shall be kept in good condition by the said Lewis C. Dillman and John H. Stone, their associates, successors and assigns. At the intersection and crossing of streets in addition to the plank on the outside of each rail, it shall be the duty of the said Dillman and Stone, their associates, successors and assigns, to plank over the entire space lying between the outer rails with similar planks well laid and spiked for the entire width of the intersecting street, and such street shall be kept in repair by the said Dillman and Stone, their associates, successors and assigns, under and at the direction of the Super- intendent of Streets It shall be the further duty of the said Dillman and Stone, their associates, successors and assigns, to fill all the spaces between the outer rails of their tracks with suitable road gravel flush with the top of said plank- ings, that the same may be at all times safe and convenient for public travel. All of the portion of the street occupied by said company for its tracks lying between the outer rails thereof, and for two feet outside of each outer rail shall be kept in good repair by the said Dillman and Stone, their associates, succes- sors and assigns, under the inspection and upon the order of the Superintendent of Streets. Sec. 3. The track of said railway shall not be more than five feet between the rails, and shall be laid as near as practicable to the middle of the street, and so as to offer as little obstruction as possible to the use of the street. Sec. 4. The rates of fare inside the city limits shall not exceed five cents each way for one passenger. Sec. 5. The cars shall be of approved modern construction, provided with brakes and apparatuses for stopping the same, and shall not be run at a speed exceeding eight miles an hour ; but the rate of speed by ordinance is hereby reserved. Sec. 6. Whenever the city shall determine to plank, macadamize or pave MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 421 any street or streets or a part of any street, the use of which is hereby granted to said Dillman and Stone, their associates, successors or assigns, it shall be the duty of said Dillman and Stone, their associates, successors and assigns, to plank, macadamize or pave said street or streets or part of a street so ordered to be improved, between the outer rails of their tracks and for two feet on the outside of each rail, at their own proper cost and expense, and of and with such material and in such manner and within such time as shall be ordered by the proper authorities of the city ; and if said Dillman and Stone, their associates, successors and assigns, shall fail or neglect to plank, macadamize or pave, as the case may be, as ordered, the ^Superintendent of Streets shall proceed to perform said work, and the cost thereof with ten per cent, additional expense shall be a charge against said Dillman and Stone, their associates, successors and assigns, and the same may be recovered in an action at law, either upon the bond hereinafter provided or otherwise. All such paving, macadamizing or planking shall be kept in repair by said Dillman and Stone, their associates, successors and assigns, at their own proper cost and expense. Sec. 7. Nothing in this ordinance shall be construed to restrict the City of Spokane Falls in its lawful and proper authority over the streets or any part thereof, and the said city by itself, its agents, contractors or officers, or by any person duly authorized by law so to do, shall have full power and authority to enter upon any of the streets herein mentioned, and dig up the same for the purpose of sewering, laying water pipes and connections, or pipes for the con- veyance of electric wires and connections ; or planking, grading, paving, macad- amizing, or repairing any of said streets. And the city shall have the full right and authority to establish, raise, lower, or change the grade of such street, streets or parts of street, and in no case shall the city be liable to the said Dillman and Stone, their associates, successors or assigns, for any damages for doing or performing or authorizing the doing and performing of any matter and thing in this section mentioned. Sec. 8. The privilege and franchise herein granted shall continue for thirty years from the date of the passage of this ordinance ; provided , that the con- struction of said railway shall be commenced within four (4) months and com- pleted to the junction of Fourteenth and Silitz streets within one (1) year after the taking effect hereof. Sec. 9. If said railway shall be operated by electricity, said Dillman and Stone, their associates, successors and assigns, shall and are hereby authorized to erect the necessary poles on each side of the street for the purpose of carrying the necessary wires and cables therefor. Sec. 10. The said Dillman and Stone, their associates, successors and assigns, shall within sixty (60) days after the taking effect of this ordinance, file in the office of the City Clerk their acceptance thereof, which acceptance shall be securely kept by the Clerk, and shall be recorded at large in the ordi- nance book. Sec. 11. Whenever it shall be required of the said Dillman and Stone, and their associates, successors or assigns, to do anything or make any repairs upon said streets or any parts thereof as herein set forth, and the said Dillman and Stone, their associates, successors or assigns, shall neglect or refuse so to do, it shall be the duty of the officer having charge of the streets of the city to give, or cause to be given, to the said Dillman and Stone, their associates, successors or assigns, three days’ notice in writing to do said work or make said repairs ; and the cost thereof with ten per cent, additional as a penalty for the expenses thereof shall be a charge against the said Dillman and Stone, their associates, successors and assigns, and the same may be recovered by the city in an action either upon the bond hereinafter provided for or otherwise. Sec. 12. At the time of filing the acceptance of this franchise, as herein before provided for, the said Dillman and Stone, and their associates, if any, shall make, execute and deliver to the City of Spokane Falls a good and sufficient bend in the sum of thirty thousand dollars ($30,000), with three or more suffi- MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 422 cient sureties to the approval of the Mayor, conditioned that the said Dillman and Stone and their associates, if any, will commence and complete the said rail- ways as herein provided for in section 8 of this ordinance, and that it will faith- fully do and perform all of the duties and requirements made and laid upon it by its franchise, and that it will pay over all moneys for which it may become liable under the terms of the ordinance granting its franchise, and that it will hold the city harmless from any damage or claim of damage by reason of any negli- gence or unskillfulness in the construction or operation of its road ; and such bond shall be renewed every five years, or whenever required by a resolution of the City Council. A failure on the part of said company to file the acceptance hereinbefore provided for, or to give or renew such bond as and when required, shall immediately terminate any and all rights of said Dillman and Stone, their associates, successors or assigns, under this ordinance, and shall terminate and extinguish the franchise. Sec. 13. Whenever any street or part of a street, over and upon which such railway is authorized to be built, shall not be graded at the time said railway is to be built, said Dillman and Stone and associates, if any, or their successors or assigns, are herein and hereby permitted to grade the same at their own expense to the established grade for the width of said road, and for two feet on the outside of each outer rail, and all streets, crossings and approaches now in use shall be graded to the full width of the street, and in no case shall any track be laid otherwise than to the established grade, save and except where the street is already graded, said track may be laid flush with the surface of the street as graded. Sec. 14. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five days after its passage and publication without expense to the city. Passed the City Council April 2, 1890. W. S. NORMAN. ORDINANCE NO. A186. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING PERMISSION AND AUTHORITY TO W. S. NORMAN, HIS SUC- CESSORS OR ASSIGNS, TO LAY DOWN AND MAINTAIN TRACKS FOR A STREET RAILWAY UPON CERTAIN STREETS IN THE CITY OF SPOKANE. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. That there be and there is hereby granted to W. S. Norman, his successors and assigns, the right, privilege and authority to locate, lay down and maintain tracks for a single or double track street railway to be operated by electricity, and to construct, operate, equip and maintain the same on the streets of Spokane, as follows, to-wit : Commencing at the intersection of Monroe street and Boone avenue, thence northerly on Monroe street to Cora avenue ; also from the intersection of Monroe street and Virginia avenue ; thence easterly on Virginia avenue to the property of the Washington and Idaho Fair Association, westerly on Cora avenue to its termination. Provided , that the said W. S. Norman, his successors or assigns, shall hold the city harmless from any damages or claim of damages which may arise by reason of the. construction or maintenance or operation of said street railway ; and, provided further , that at or before the time of commencement of the con- struction aforesaid, the said W. S. Norman, his successors or assigns, shall execute and deliver to the City of Spokane a good and sufficient bond in the sum of twenty thousand dollars ($20,000), with two or more sureties to be approved by the Mayor, conditioned to hold the City of Spokane harmless for and in the manner aforesaid. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 423 Sec. 2. Said W. S. Norman, his successors or assigns, may maintain double or single track railway within the limits of the city, and may also maintain along the .sides of said streets the necessary poles therefor, said poles to be of such height and dimensions as may be designated by the City Council, and shall not be less than 100 feet apart, and in no case shall he construct and maintain a line of poles in the center of the street. Provided , that the upper arms of all poles erected under this ordinance, which may be fitted with arms for the carry- ing of wires shall be reserved for the exclusive use of the city for the carrying of wires for the city business. Sec. 3. The rails of said railway shall be laid so that the tops thereof are flush with the top of the grade of the street, and on each side of each rail there shall be placed a plank, not less than twelve inches in width, in contact with the rail, and not less than two inches thick, and the upper side thereof shall be flush with the top of the rail, which planks shall be securely spiked to the ties or stringers, and shall be kept in good condition by the said W. S. Norman, his successors or assigns. At the intersections and crossings of streets it shall be the duty of the said W. S. Norman, his successors or assigns, in addition to the plank upon the outside of each outer rail, to securely plank over the entire surface lying between the outer rails of each track for the entire width of said intersecting street : such planking shall not be less than two inches in thickness, and shall present an even surface with the top of the rail, and shall be securely spiked and fastened in place, and shall be kept and maintained in good, safe and proper condition by said W. S. Norman, his successors or assigns. It shall be the duty of the said W. S. Norman, his successors or assigns, to fill all the spaces enclosed between the outer rails of his tracks, and on the outer side of each track with suitable road gravel, to the inspection of the Board of Public Works, so that the said gravel when packed in place shall be flush with the top of the planks on each side of the rails, and such surface shall be kept and main- tained by said W. S. Norman, his successors or assigns, at his or their own proper cost and expense. Sec. 4. The tracks herein authorized shall be laid on each side of said street as near the center as possible. Sec. 5. All the equipments of said road shall be first-class in every par- ticular, and shall be of the most modern and approved kind, and the tracks shall be standard gauge ; and the rate of fare upon said road shall not exceed five cents for one passenger one way. Provided, said W. S. Norman, his successors or assigns, shall receive, transfer and carry passengers over or from connecting lines at one rate of fare. Provided further, that all members of the police and fire departments, and mail carriers shall be carried without charge while in the performance of their duty. Sec. 6. Whenever the City of Spokane shall decide by ordinance to pave or macadamize or otherwise improve any street or part of a street over which the tracks herein authorized shall be laid, it shall be the duty of said W. S. Norman, his successors or assigns, to macadamize or otherwise improve, at his or their own cost and expense, all the space laying between the outer rails of such track, and for two feet on the outside of each outer rail, within twenty days after such street shall have been so improved, of such material and in such manner as may be prescribed by the City Council for such street or part of street, and under the direction and inspection of such person as may be appointed by the City Council for that purpose, and such paving, macadamizing or other improvement shall be maintained in good repair at the expense of said W. S. Norman, his successors or assigns. Sec. 7. Whenever in the construction of the road and tracks herein author- ized it shall be necessary to cross the line of any street or other railway, it shall be the dury of W. S. Norman, his successors or assigns, to put in and keep and maintain at his own expense, whatever appliances may be needful and necessary for the proper crossing and non-interference with the motive power of such street or other railway. Sec. 8. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed or construed that the . 424 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE city relinquishes any of its rightful authority over the streets or any part of them, but the city by its agents, officers or contractors, shall have and retain its full power and authoi-ity, to enter upon said streets, or any part thereof, for the laying of gas pipes, water pipes, sewers, and the making of any other improvements, and to grant the right to any other railways or motor lines to cross the tracks herein authorized in a reasonable and proper ma nn er without let or hindrance. Provided , that whenever the city desires to exercise any of its rights upon said streets and shall notify said W. S. Norman, his successors or assigns, to that effect, said W. S. Norman, his successors or assigns, shall remove his or their tracks within twenty days after service of such notice, and replace the same at his or their own expense. Sec. 9. The speed at which the cars may be run on the road hereby authorized may be regulated by the City Council. Sec. 10. Any failure on the part of said TV. S. Norman, his successors or assigns, to do or cause to be done anything herein required or which may be required of him or them in a reasonable, fair and proper manner, and as when required to be done, shall lay said W. S. Norman, his successors or assigns, liable to the city in amount equal to the cost of doing the matter required with ten per centum additional for expenses in addition to costs. Sec. 11. The franchise and privilege granted shall continue for the period of twenty-five years from the passage of this ordinance. Sec. 12. Provided, however, that all the rights and privileges herein con- tained are upon the express conditions that the said TV. S. Norman, his succes- sors or assigns, shall commence the construction thereof within one month from the passage of this ordinance, and shall complete and operate the same within the limits herein set within one year after the passage of this ordinance. Provided further, that should said TV. S. Norman, his successors or assigns, at any time after the completion of the said road herein authorized, neglect or refuse to operate the same for a period of thirty consecutive days then this franchise shall lapse in the option of the Council. This franchise is granted and accepted subject to the condition and right of the city, at any time during the term hereof, by resolution of its Council, to terminate and make void this franchise upon the violation of any of the conditions thereof by said TV. S. Norman, his successors or assigns. Sec. 13. This ordinance shall take effect ten days after its passage. # Passed the City Council April 19, 1892. ANDREW J. ROSS and HENRY C. MARSHALL. ORDINANCE NO. 223. AN ORDINANCE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF A STREET RAILWAY IN THE CITY OF SPOKANE FALLS. The City of Spokane Falls does hereby ordain as follows: Section L That the right is hereby granted to Andrew J. Ross and Henry C. Marshall and their associates and assigns to lay down, maintain and operate an iron railroad within the City of Spokane Falls, County of Spokane, Washing- ton, upon and along the following streets, namely : Riverside avenue, Pacific avenue, Second street and Cedar street, and upon no other streets of the said City of Spokane Falls. Said road to have a single track except on such streets as necessity may demand ; provided, however, that no double track railway shall be laid by virtue of this ordinance upon any street of said city where the same is not now laid and operated. The rails of said road to be of improved pattern with switches, turn-outs and turn-tables to the full equipment and operation of said road, to be con- MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 425 structed on such part or parts of said road as may be designated by the Super- intendent of Streets of said city, and to run cars thereon, not exceeding twenty- four feet in length at and during each hour of the day from 6 o’clock a. in., and until eleven o’clock p. m., for the transportation of passengers, and at such other hours as the operators of said road may desire ; provided, nothing herein shall be construed as an authority to said Andrew J. Ross and Henry C. Marshall or their associates or assigns, to lay down, construct, maintain or operate any iron or other railway upon any parts of the streets herein mentioned, which have been dedicated to the public and become part of said streets or any of them, or which shall have become a part of said streets or any of them by virtue of condemnation proceedings since the 16th day of June, A. D. 1886. As amended June 24, 1800, by No. 456, and as amended by Ordinance No. A932, passed February 27, 1900. Sec. 2. That the owners of said road shall keep the road in repair. Sec. 3. The track of said road shall not be more than five feet between the rails and shall be laid as nearly as possible in the middle of the street and flush with the level of the same, and so as to offer as little obstruction as possible to the crossing of vehicles, and where the road herein provided for shall intersect any other railroad, the rails of each shall be so altered or cut as to permit the cars to pass without obstruction ; and nothing in this ordinance shall be so construed as to prevent any other railroad company hereafter formed, from crossing the road herein mentioned at any point in like manner in said City of Spokane Falls. The owners of said track shall, between the tracks and for one foot on each side thereof, pave, plank or macadamize the said road in like manner as the said City of Spokane Falls may provide for the improvement of said streets, when the lines of said roads are located. Sec. 4. The rate of fare shall not be less than five cents for one continuous ride. Sec. 5. The cars upon said road shall be of improved construction for the comfort and convenience of passengers, and shall be provided with brakes and other means of stopping the same when (required. They shall be moved at a speed not exceeding eight miles an hour, and in case of violation of these pro visions the owners of said road shall be subject to a fine of one hundred dollars for each offense. Sec. 6. The said cars shall be moved by horse or mule, or by cable propelled by steam or by electricity over the whole or such part of the said road as the owners thereof may elect. Sec. 7. Any person wilfully obstructing said railroad shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished accordingly. Sec. 8. The franchise and privilege hereby granted shall continue for thirty years, to date from and after the passage of this ordinance. Provided, that the grantees hereof, their associates or assigns, shall commence the construction of said road within one year and have a portion of said road completed and in operation on or before the first day of May, A. D. 1888. As amended November 15, 1887, by No. 93. Sec. 9. Nothing in this ordinance shall prevent the proper authorities of the City of Spokane Falls from sewering, planking, paving, grading, repairing or altering any of the streets hereinbefore specified, or to establish, change, raise or lower, the grade of any such streets as may be deemed necessary, but all such work shall be done, if possible, so as not to obstruct the free passage of cars upon said road-bed, and when the same is not practicable the said city authorities, before the commencement of said work, shall allow the owners of said road time sufiicient to enable them to shift the rails or take such other means as shall avoid such obstructions during the continuance thereof, which the owners of said road are hereby authorized to do. Provided, also, that the city shall not be liable for any damages to the owners of said road that may 426 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE occur by reason of the performance of such work or the exercise of any right provided or reserved in this section. Sec. 10. The owners of said road shall have the right to make such reason- able rules and regulations for the government and operation of said road as are not in conflict with the organic act of this territory and the laws of the same, and the ordinances of the City of Spokane Falls. Sec. 11. This ordinance shall not be so construed as to deprive the City of Spokane Falls of any powers, rights or privileges which it now has or may be hereafter conferred upon it, to regulate the use and control of the streets and alleys of said city. Sec. 12. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the expiration of five days after the same has been published. Passed by the City Council June 16, 1886. ROSS PARK STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. ORDINANCE NO. 133. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF A STREET RAIL WAV IN THE CITY OF SPOKANE FALLS. The City of Spolcane Falls does ordain as follows: Section 1. That there be and is hereby granted unto the “Ross Park Street Railway Company,” a body corporate under the laws of the Territory of Wash- ington, and to its successors and assigns, the right, privilege and authority to locate, lay down and maintain, tracks for street railways, and to construct, equip, operate and maintain a system of street railways for the transportation of passengers within the City of Spokane Falls, as follows : Commencing at the intersection of Sprague street and Division street, thence north on Division street to Front street, thence east on Front street to the city limits. Also commencing at the intersection of Main and Post streets, thence east on Main street to Bernard street, thence north on Bernard street to Front street, thence east on Front street to city limits. Provided, that the city shall not be held liable for any damages which might occur by reason of the construction or operation of said railways. As amended February 20, 1889, by No. 242, and as amended February 27, 1900, by Ordinance No. A932. Sec. 2. The said company shall keep its tracks in good repair, and when- ever the city shall have macadamized any portion of a street or streets on which said railway shall have been laid, the company shall macadamize said street between the rails and for the width of one foot on each side of its track in the same manner as the city shall improve said street. Sec. 3. The track of said railway shall be laid as nearly as possible in the middle of the street, and flush with the level of the same, and so as to offer as little obstruction as possible to the crossing of the same by vehicles. Sec. 4. The rate of fare shall not exceed ten cents each way for one passenger. Sec. 5. The cars shall be moved by horses, mules, steam or electricity, and shall be of approved construction and be provided with brakes or other means of stopping the same, and shall not be run at a speed exceeding eight miles per hour. Said corporation shall have the right to lay down a double track for the running of said cars ; provided, however, that not more than eighteen feet in width of any street shall be used or occupied for said purpose, excepting in cases of necessary turnouts and sidings. Provided further, that said corporation shall have the right to erect and maintain such necessary poles and stretch such wires in and over said streets MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 427 as may be required for the operation of said road and cars, such poles to be erected at such places as shall, as little as may be, interfere with and inconveni- ence the public use of said streets. As amended February 20, 1889, by No. 242. Sec. 6. The franchise and privilege hereby granted shall continue for thirty years ; provided, that the said company, its successors or assigns, shall commence the construction thereof within six months from the passage of this ordinance, and shall complete the same within the limits herein provided, within eighteen months after the passage of this ordinance ; provided, said company shall not be required to commence the construction of said railway on any portion of any street until three months after all the streets herein named shall have been graded. Sec. 7. The said company shall have the right to connect with and operate its cars over any other railway lines in said city, having first obtained consent of said lines so to do. Sec. 8. The said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall, within the time provided for the commencement of work execute to the City of Spokane Falls, a sufficient bond, to be approved by the Mayor, in the sum of three thousand dollars, conditioned for the completion of said road, according to the require- ments of this ordinance. Sec. 9. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after five days after its passage and publication. Passed the City Council April 25, 1888. ROSS PARK STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. ORDINANCE NO. A426. AN ORDINANCE TO CHANGE THE LOCATION OP PART OP THE STREET RAILWAY OP THE ROSS PARK STREET RAILWAY COMPANY, LAID UNDER AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZ- ING THE CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF A STREET RAILWAY IN THE CITY OP SPOKANE FALLS, GRANTED TO THE ROSS PARK STREET RAILWAY COMPANY ON APRIL 25, 1888, AND AS AMENDED FEBRUARY 29, 1889. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. That authority is hereby granted said Ross Park Street Railway Company to change its line of railway under the terms and conditions governing said ordinance, and to remove its track or tracks, now on Front avenue, and to change the route of its line, commencing at the intersection of Sheridan street and Front avenue and lay its track on Sheridan street running thence north on Sheridan street to Olive street, thence east on Olive street to the Olive street bridge, on the south side thereof, thence across the Olive street bridge to Peck avenue, thence on and along Peck avenue to the intersection of Peck avenue with Hamilton street, with the right to connect with the existing tracks on said Hamilton street. Sec. 2. That said company shall lay only a single track on Sheridan street to Olive street and on Olive street to the easterly termination of the Olive street bridge, and on Peck avenue from the easterly termination of the Olive street bridge, a double track railway may be laid upon Peck avenue to the intersection of Hamilton street, so as to connect with the existing track on Hamilton street. Sec. 3. That the franchise now owned to lay tracks on and over Front avenue from Sheridan street easterly on Front avenue to the Front avenue bridge and across the Front avenue bridge to Hamilton street and thence north- erly on Hamilton street to the intersection of Hamilton street and Peck avenue, be and the same is hereby repealed. 428 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage and publication without cost to the city. Passed the City Council May 19, 1894. ROSS PARK STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. ORDINANCE NO. 296. AN ORDINANCE TO REGULATE THE LAYING OF TRACKS AND MAINTENANCE THEREOF BY THE ROSS PARK STREET RAILWAY COMPANY IN THE STREETS OF THE CITY. The City of Spokane Falls does ordain as follows: Section 1. That the Ross Park Street Railway Company is hereby author- ized in constructing their tracks upon the streets within the city limits, to lay* the same so that the top of the rail shall be six inches above the present surface of the streets within the city limits over which the same may be laid, and as near to the actual and established grade as may be practicable. Sec. 2. On each side of each rail shall be placed a plank not less than eight inches in width in contact with the rail and of such thickness that the upper side thereof shall be flush with the top of the rail, which plank shall be securely spiked to the ties or stringers. At the intersection of Post, Mill, Howard, Stevens, Washington and Division streets with the streets over which said rail way shall be constructed, it shall be the duty of said company in addition to the plank upon the outside of each outer rail, to securely plank over the entire surface lying between the outer rails of each track for the entire width of said intersecting street. Such planking shall not be less than two inches in thickness, shall present an even surface with the top of the rail, and shall be securely spiked and fastened in place. The right to require the crossings of other streets to be planked in like manner whenever the Council shall deem it necessary, is reserved. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of said railway company to fill the spaces between the rails of each track and on the outer side of each track with good and suitable gravel to the inspection of the Street Commissioner, so that the said gravel when packed in place shall be flush with the top of the planks on each side of the rails, and shall be rounded off toward the gutters so as to present an even and proper crown for said streets, and such planking and graveling between the rails and tracks shall be kept in good and safe condition, and on the outside of the tracks the graveling shall be kept flush with the plank- ing by said company at its own expense. Sec, 4. Whenever the City of Spokane Falls by its ordinances decides to macadamize or pave any street or part of a street over or upon which the rails and tracks of said company are laid and maintained, it shall be the duty of said company to macadamize or pave at its own cost and expense all the space lying between the outer rails of each track and for two feet on the outside of each outer rail, of such material and in such manner as may be directed by the City Council for such street or part of a street, under the direction and inspection of such person as may be appointed by the Council for that purpose, and such paving or macadamizing shall be maintained by said railroad company in good repair. Sec. 5. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to mean that the city relinquishes any of its rightful authority over the streets or any part of them in which said street railway shall be constructed, but the city, by its agents, officers or contractors, shall have and retain its full power and authority to enter upon said streets or parts of streets, or any of them, for the laying of gas pipes, vater pipes, the construction of sewers, or any other public works, and to grant the right to other railways or motor lines to cross the tracks of said MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 429 Ross Park Street Railway in a reasonable or proper manner without let or hindrance. Sec. 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five days after its passage and publication without expense to the city. Passed the City Council May 29, 1889. ROSS PARK STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. ORDINANCE NO. 299. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO THE ROSS PARK STREET RAILWAY COMPANY THE RIGHT TO ERECT POLES IN THE CENTER OF THE STREETS TRAVERSED BY SAID COMPANY. The City of Spokane Falls does ordain as folloivs: Section 1. That the Ross Park Street Railway Company shall have, and hereby is granted, the right to erect and maintain along the line of its said railway, at or near the center of the streets and between the double tracks of said railway, a line of poles of suitable height and dimensions, and to be used to sustain the cables for the operation of the said railway by electricity. Provided , that the right to maintain said poles shall only continue so long as the said railroad shall be operated by electricity by the cable system, and shall be used for no other purpose except lighting the line of said railroad. Sec. 2. Such poles shall not be erected less than one hundred feet apart, and they shall be of such height as not to obstruct the free use of the streets, and the right to erect such poles is upon the express condition that the Ross Park Street Railway Company shall hold the city harmless from all damage or claim for damage which may arise by reason of the erection and maintenance of said poles or any of them. Sec. 3. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to limit the right of the City of Spokane Falls to alter, change or abrogate, by ordinance the privi- leges herein granted. Sec. 4. Such part of any and all ordinances which grants to the Ross Park Street Railway Company the right to erect or maintain poles along the streets of the city, except as herein granted, is hereby repealed. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five days after its passage and publication without expense to the city. Passed the City Council June 5, 1889. SPOKANE CABLE RAILWAY COMPANY. ORDINANCE NO. 220. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE SPOKANE CABLE RAILWAY COMPANY, A CORPORA- TION, ITS SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS, TO CONSTRUCT, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN A STREET RAILWAY IN THE CITY OF SPOKANE FALLS, AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUNISHMENT OF PERSONS UNLAWFULLY OBSTRUCTING THE OPERATION THEREOF. The City of Spokane Falls does ordain as follows: Section 1. That there be and there is hereby granted to the Spokane Cable Railway Company, a corporation, its successors or assigns, the right, privilege and authority to locate, lay down and maintain tracks for a street railway, and to construct, operate and equip and maintain the same for the purpose of carry- ing passengers, to charge and collect fares therefor, on the streets of the City 430 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE of Spokane Falls as follows, to-wit : On Monroe street from the south end thereof, running north to the intersection of Bridge street with said Monroe street, with the right to run and operate the same over any bridge that may be constructed over the Spokane river connecting said Monroe street on the south side of said river with Monroe street on the north side of said river, and the said road may be constructed with the necessary switches, turn-outs and turn- tables for the proper operation thereof, and shall be placed as near as practica- ble to the center of the street, and either cars or dummies for the transportation of passengers may be used thereon : Provided , however, that the said Spokane Cable Railway Company shall commence work under the privileges hereby granted within six (6) months of the date hereof, and shall construct and operate their street railway over the street named herein within two years from said date. Sec. 2. The said Spoisane Cable Railway Company, its successors or assigns, in constructing said street railway, shall keep the same in good repair, and in construction thereof shall leave the streets over which the same shall run in as good condition as they were before the commencement of said construction. Sec. 3. The track of said road shall not be more than five (5) feet between the rails, and shall be flush with the surveys of the streets where the official grade thereof has been established. Sec. 4. The cars for the operation of said railway shall be moved by cables, and the cars or dummies used thereon shall be of the most improved pattern, and the rate of speed thereon shall not exceed ten (10) miles per hour. Sec. 5. The rights and privileges hereby granted shall continue for a period of fifty (50) years from the passage of this ordinance. Sec. 6. This ordinance shall not be so construed as to deprive the City of Spokane Falls of any powers, rights or privileges which it now has or which may hereafter be conferred upon it in the matter of the regulation, use and control of its streets. Sec. 7. Any person who shall wilfully obstruct the operation of said rail- way shall be deemed guilty of a -misdemeanor, and may be punished upon convic- tion by a fine of any sum not exceeding one hundred ($100) dollars, or may be imprisoned for a period not exceeding thirty (30) days, or may be both fined and imprisoned. Sec. 8. The said Spokane Cable Railway Company, its successors or assigns, shall have the right to make such reasonable rules and regulations for the operating and control of said road and the management thereof, not in conflict with the charter and ordinances of the City of Spokane Falls. Sec. 9. The said Spokane Cable Railway Company, its successors or assigns, shall indemnify and save harmless the City of Spokane Falls from any and all claims or damages it might or may become liable to pay by reason of the con- struction or operation of the said road over said streets. Sec. 10. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after five days after its passage and publication. Passed December 26, 1888. SPOKANE CABLE RAILWAY COMPANY. ORDINANCE NO. 553. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO THE SPOKANE CABLE RAILWAY COMPANY THE RIGHT, PRIVILEGE AND FRANCHISE TO BUILD, CONSTRUCT, EQUIP AND OPERATE ELECTRIC RAILWAYS UPON CERTAIN STREETS OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE FALLS, AND TO CHANGE THEIR CABLE SYSTEM ON CERTAIN STREETS OF SAID CITY INTO AN ELECTRIC RAILWAY SYSTEM. The City of Spokane Falls does ordain as follows: Section 1. The right, privilege and franchise is hereby granted to the Spokane Cable Railway Company, its successors and assigns, to build, operate MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 431 and equip a single or double track electric railway upon, along and over all streets in the City of Spokane Falls, upon which they now have, either by original grant by this Council or by assignment, the right at the present time to build, equip and operate a cable railway. Amended by Ordinance No. A932, passed February 27, 1900 ; repealed fran- chise as to Sprague avenue. Sec. 2. The light hereby granted is subject to all the conditions, restric- tions and limitations imposed by the several franchises under which they now have a right to build, operate and equip a cable railway, and shall continue for the same length and period of time. Sec. 3. The right is hereby granted to said Company to change their present cable system ever, along and upon any and all streets of the City of Spokane Falls upon the north side of the Spokane river, into an electric system. Sec. 4. Nothing in this ordinance contained shall be construed to give said company a right to build, equip and operate both an electric and cable railway on the same street. Sec 5. Said company shall have the right to erect all poles, wires and other paraphernalia necessary and convenient for the operation of a first-class system of electric railway. Sec. 6. This ordinance is intended to permit said company to construct, equip and operate upon the north side of the Spokane river in said city, an electric system of street railways instead of the present cable street railway, now partly built and in operation by them, and is intended to give them the right to build, operate and equip an electric street railway instead of a cable railway over the streets not now built upon by it, and over and upon which it now has a right to build, equip and operate a cable railway ; and this ordinance shall be construed with reference to this intention. Sec. 7. The said company agrees to maintain, during the existence of this franchise, a good and sufficient system of electric lighting on Monroe street bridge or any other bridge upon which said company may maintain its tracks, as long as said bridges may be used by this company. Sec. 8. Said company shall accept this franchise within five days from its passage and approval by the Mayor, by a writing under the seal of the said company and attested by proper officers ; otherwise the same shall be and be- come null and void. Sec. 9. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five days after its passage and approval. Passed the City Council February 23, 1891. Accepted February 27, 1891. SPOKANE CABLE RAILWAY COMPANY. ORDINANCE NO. A88. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO THE SPOKANE CABLE KAILWAY COMPANY, ITS SUCCES- SORS AND ASSIGNS, THE RIGHT, POWER AND AUTHORITY TO CROSS CERTAIN SIDEWALKS IN THE CITY OF SPOKANE. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. The right, power and authority is hereby granted to the Spo- kane Cable Railway Company and its successors and assigns, to lay its track or tracks now built or hereafter to be built under the ordinance of said city upon Monroe street to and across the sidewalk on the west side of Monroe street at a point where Gardner street produced would intersect the west line of said Monroe street. Sec. 2. The right, power and authority is hereby granted to the Spokane 432 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE Cable Railway Company and its successors and assigns, to lay the track or tracks now built or hereafter to be built under the ordinance of said city to and across the sidewalk on the south side of Boone street av a point where Jefferson street produced would intersect the south line of said Boone street. Sec. 3. The right, power and authority is hereby granted to said Spokane Cable Railway Company, its successors and assigns, to run its street cars over, across and upon said track authorized to be laid by the two preceding sections of this ordinance in the same manner and subject to the same rules and regula- tions as are now prescribed to it in the alteration of its other tracks in said city ; and subject to the further condition that the said Spokane Cable Railway Company, its successors and assigns, shall at its own expense pave or improve that portion of the street, the use of which is hereby granted, between the outer rails of its tracks and for two feet on each side thereof in the same manner that the city shall require the improvement of the balance of the said streets, within thirty days after said street shall be improved. And also that work shall be commenced within sixty days from the taking effect of this ordinance, and be fully completed and in operation within one month from the taking effect of this ordinance. Sec. 4. The right, power and authority is hereby granted to continue for the period of twenty-iive years. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall take effect ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council September 1, 1891. SPOKANE ELECTRIC RAILWAY COMPANY. ORDINANCE NO. 511. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF A STREET RAII, WAY IN THE CITV OF SPOKANE FALLS, WASHINGTON. The City of Spokane Falls does ordain as follows: Section 1. That there be and there is hereby granted to the Spokane Electric Railway Company, its successors and assigns, the right, privilege and authority to locate, lay down and maintain tracks for a street railway, with the necessary turnouts and switches, to be operated as a cable line or by electricity, and to construct, operate, and equip and maintain the same on the streets of Spokane Falls, as follows : Commencing at the intersection of Howard street and Fourth street on the westerly boundary of Howard street, thence east on Fourth street to its inter- section w T ith Spokane street ; thence south on Spokane street to its intersection with Fourth street . thence east on Fourth street to its connection with Second street in Ilartson and Townsend’s Highland Park addition ; thence east on Second street to its intersection with Arthur avenue ; thence south on said Arthur avenue to its intersection with Washington avenue in Liberty Park ; thence south easterly along said Washington avenue to its intersection with Bell street ; thence south on said Bell street to the northwest corner of Houghton and Callahan s addition ; thence cast along the north line of Houghton and Callahan’s addition to the southwest corner of Altamont ; thence along the west line of said Altamont to “A” street ; thence east along said “A” street to Bryant avenue ; thence ovei and along Bryant avenue. Provided , that the said Spokane Electric Railway Company, its successors or assigns, shall hold said city harmless from any damages which may arise by reason of the construction or maintenance or opera- tion of said street railway. And, provided further, that at or before the time of the commencement of the construction aforesaid, the said Spokane Electric Railw r ay Company, or its successors or assigns, shall execute and deliver to the City of Spokane Falls a good and sufficient bond in the sum of thirty thousand dollars ($30,000) with two (2) or more sureties, to be approved by the Mayor MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 433 of said city, conditioned to hold the said City of Spokane Falls harmless for and in the manner aforesaid. Sec. 2. Said company may maintain a single track railway, and when authorized by resolution of the City Council may maintain a double track street railway within the limits of said city, and if the same shall be operated by electricity, may maintain along the sides of said streets the necessary poles thereof, said poles to be of such height and dimensions as may designated and required by the caid City Council, and shall not be less than hundred (100) feet apart, and in no case shall they construct and maintain a line of poles in the center of the street. Sec. 3. The rails of said railway shall be laid so that the tops thereof are flush with the lop of the street, and on each side of each rail there shall be placed a plank not less than twelve (12) inches in width in contact with the rail, and not less than two (2) inches thick, and the upper side thereof shall be flush with the top of the rail, which plank shall be securely spiked to the ties or stringers, and shall be kept in good condition by said company. At the intersection and crossing of streets it shall be the duty of said company, in addition to the plank upon the outside of each outer rail, to securely plank over the entire surface lying between the outer rails of each track for the entire width of said intersecting street; such planking shall not be less than two (2) inches in thickness and shall present an even surface with the top of the rail, and shall be securely spiked and fastened in place and shall be maintained and kept in good, safe and proper condition by said company, its successors or assigns. It shall be the duty of said company to fill all the space enclosed between the outer rails of its tracks and on the outerside of each track with suitable road gravel, to the inspection of the Street Commissioner, so that the said gravel, when packed in place, shall be flush with the top of the planks on each side of the rails, and such surface shall be kept and maintained by said company, its successors or assigns, at its own proper cost and expense. Sec. 4. The tracks herein authorized shall be laid as near as practicable to the middle of the streets over which the same shall pass, or if on one side, then under the guidance and direction of the said Superintendent. Sec. 5. All the equipments of said road shall be first-class in every par- ticular and shall be of the most modern and approved kind, and the tracks shall be standard gauge; and the rate of fare upon said road shall not exceed five (5) cents for one passenger for one way. Sec. 6. Whenever the City of Spokane Falls shall decide by ordinance to pave or macadamize or otherwise improve any street or part of a street over or upon which the tracks herein authorized shall be laid, it shall he the duty of said company to macadamize or otherwise improve, at its own cost and expense, all the space lying between the outer rails of said track and for two (2) feet on the outside of each outer rail, of such material and in such manner as may be prescribed by the C;ty Council for such street or part of a street, and under the direction and inspection of such person as may be appointed by the said Council for that purpose ; and said paving, macadamizing or other improvements shall be maintained in good repair at the expense of said company, its successors or assigns. Sec. 7. Whenever in the construction of the road and tracks herein author- ized, it shall be necessary to cross the line of any street or other railway, it shall be the duty of the Spokane Electric Railway Company, its successors or assigns, to put in and keep and maintain at its own expense, whatever appliances may be needful and necessary for the proper crossing and non-interference with the motive power of such street or other railway. Sec. 8. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed or construed that the city relinquishes any of its original authority over the streets or any part of them : but the city by its agents, officers or contractors shall have and retain its full power and authority to enter upon said streets, or any part thereof, for the laying of gas pipes, water pipes, and construction of sewers or other public 28 434 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE works, and to grant the right to any other railway or motor lines to cross the tracks herein authorized in a reasonable and proper manner, without let or hindrance. Snc. 9. The speed at which the said cars may be run upon the road hereby authorized may be regulated by the City Council. Sec. 10. Any failure on the part of said company, its successors or assigns, to do or cause tc be done anything herein required, or which may be required of it or them in a reasonable, fair and proper manner, and as when required to be done, shall lay said company, its successors or assigns, liable to the city in amount equal to the cost of doing the matter required, with ten (10) per cent, additional for expenses in addition to costs. Sec. 11. The franchise and privilege shall extend for the period of thirty (30) years from the passage of this ordinance, with the right to a renewal thereof, on such terms as the Council may adopt ; provided, however, all the rights and privileges herein contained ape upon the express conditions that the said company, its successors and assigns, shall commence the construction thereof within sixty (60) days from the passage of this ordinance, and shall complete and operate the same within the limits herein set, within one (1) year after the passage of this ordinance ; and as to the portions not completed within said period, this franchise shall lapse in the option of the Council and upon a resolu- tion passed for that purpose ; provided , the said company shall not be required to commence the construction of said railway until the streets named herein shall have been graded and accepted by the City Council, and the time for com- mencement and construction shall not begin to run until said acceptance. Sec. 12 Said company shall accept this franchise within five (5) days from the passage of this ordinance by a writing subscribed by the proper officers of said company and attested by the seal thereof, which shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk, and if said acceptance shall not be so filed the rights herein conferred shall lapse and this ordinance be of no further effect. Sec. 13. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force after its passage and publication without expense to the city. Passed the City Council October 29, 1890. Accepted November 12, 1890. SPOKANE ELECTRIC RAILWAY COMPANY. ORDINANCE NO. A119. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO THE SPOKANE ELECTRIC RAILWAY COMPANY THE RIGHT TO BUILD, EQUIP AND OPERATE A SINGLE OR DOUBLE TRACK ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAY SYSTEM UPON CERTAIN STREETS OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. That the right is hereby given to the Spokane Electric Railway Company to lay down, construct, equip and operate a single or double track street railway over, along and upon the following streets in the City of Spokane, to-wit : Beginning at the intersection of Third and Pine streets, thence east on Third street to the city limits ; also beginning at the intersection of Third and Sherman streets, thence south on Sherman street to Fourth street extended ; also beginning at the intersection of Sherman street and Fourth street extended, thence east on Fourth street extended to Arthur avenue, thence on Arthur avenue to Wash- ington avenue, thence southeast on Washington avenue to Eighth street ; all of said streets being in the City of Spokane. Also beginning at the intersection of Fourth street extended and Sherman street, running thence south on Sherman street to Webster avenue, thence east MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 435 on Webster avenue to Arthur avenue, thence north on Arthur avenue to Ninth street, thence east on Ninth street to Washington avenue, thence northwest on Washington avenue to Eighth street. Provided, that the said Spokane Electric Railway Company, its successors or assigns, shall hold the City harmless from any damage or claim of damage which may arise by reason of the construction or maintenance or operation of said street railway, and, provided further, that at or before the time of commencement of the construction aforesaid the said Spokane Electric Railway Company, or its successors or assigns, shall execute and deliver to the City of Spokane a good and sufficient bond in the sum of thirty thousand dollars ($30,000) with two or more sureties to be approved by the Mayor, conditioned to hold the City of Spokane harmless for and in the manner aforesaid. Sec. 2. Said company may maintain a single or double track railway within the limits of the city, and may also maintain along the side of said streets the necessary jjoles therefor, said poles to be of such height and dimensions as may be designated by the City Council, and shall not be less than one hundred (100) feet apart, and in no case shall said company construct or maintain a line of poles in the center of the street. Provided, that the upper arms of all poles erected under this ordinance, which may be fitted with arms for the carrying of wires, shall be reserved for the exclusive use of the city for the carrying of wires for the city business. Sec. 3. The rails of said railway shall be laid so that the tops thereof are flush with the top of the grade of the street, and on each side of each rail there shall be placed a plank not less than twelve inches in width, in contact with the rail, and not less than two inches thick, and the upper side thereof shall be flush with the top of the rail, which plank shall be securely spiked to the ties or stringers, and shall be kept in good condition by said company. At the inter- sections and crossings of streets it shall be the duty of said company, in addition to the plank upon the outside of each outer rail, to securely plank over the entire surface lying between the outer rails of each track for the entire width of said intersecting street ; such planking shall not be less than two inches in thickness and shall present an even surface with the top of the rail, and shall be securely spiked and fastened in place, and shali be kept and maintained in good, safe and proper condition by said company, its successors or assigns. It shall be the duty of said company to All all spaces enclosed between the outer rails of its tracks, aud on the outer side of each track with suitable road gravel, to the inspection of the Street Commissioner, so that the said gravel when packed in place ^hidl be flush with the top of the planks on each side of the rails, and such surface shali be kept and maintained by said company, its successors or assigns, at its or their own proper cost and expense. Sec. 4. The tracks herein authorized shall be laid on each side of said street as near the center as possible. Sec. 5. All the equipments of said road shall be first-class in every par- ticular, and shall be of the most modern and approved kind and the tracks shall be standard gauge : and the rate of fare upon said road shall not exceed flve cents for one passenegr one way. Sec. G. Whenever the City of Spokane shall decide by ordinance to pave, macadamize or otherwise improve any street or any part of a street over which the tracks herein authorized shall be laid, it shall be the duty of said company to pave, macadamize or otherwise improve in the same manner that the city shall require the improvement of the balance of said street, at its own cost and expense, ail the space lying between the outer rails of such tracks and for two feet on the outside of each outer rail, under the direction and inspection of such person as may be designated by the City Council for that purpose. And such paving, macadamizing or other improvements shall be done by the said company within thirty (30) days after the balance of said street shall be paved, macadam- ized or improved by the city. And such paving, macadamizing or other improve- ment shall be maintained in good repair at the expense of said company, its 436 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE successors or. assigns. Provided further , that whenever the necessity of the city may require, the said company shall remove said track or tracks and replace the same at its own cost find expense. Sec. 7. Whenever in the construction of the road and tracks herein author- ized it shall be necessary to cross the line of any street or other railway, it shall be the duty of the Spokane Electric Railway Company, its successors and assigns, to put in and keep and maintain at its own expense, whatever appliances may be needful and necessary for the proper crossing and non-interference with the motive power of such street or other railway. Sec. 8. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed or construed as a relin quishment by the city of any of its rightful authority over the streets or any part of them, but the city by its agents, officers or directors, shall have and retain its full power and authority to enter upon said streets or any part thereof, for the laying of gas pipes, water pipes, sewers, or the making of any other improvement, and to grant the right to any other railway or motor line to cross the tracks herein authorized in a reasonable and proper manner, without let or hindrance. Sec. 9. The speed at which the cars may be run upon the road hereby authorized may be regulated by the City Council. Sec. 10. Any failure on the part of said company, or its successors or assigns, to do or cause to be done anything herein required or which may be required of it or them in a reasonable, fair and proper manner, and as when required to be done, shall lay said company, its successors or assigns, liable to the city in amount equal to the cost of doing the matter required, with ten per cent, additional for expenses in addition to costs. Sec. 11. The franchise and privilege granted shall continue for the period of twenty-five years from the passage of this ordinance. Sec. 12. Provided , however, that all the rights and privileges herein con- tained are upon the express condition that the said company, its successors or assigns, shall commence the construction of said railway within sixty (60) days from the taking effect of this ordinance granting the same, and shall complete and operate the same within the limits herein set, within eight months from the taking effect of the said ordinance. And provided further, that should the said company at any time after the completion of said road herein authorized, neglect or refuse to operate the same for a period of thirty (30) consecutive days, then this franchise shall lapse in the option of the Council, and upon a resolution passed for that purpose. Sec. 13. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council November 3, 1891. SPOKANE & MONTROSE MOTOR RAILROAD COMPANY. ORDINANCE NO. 200. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING} 1 HE SPOKANE & MONTROSE MOTOR RAILROAD COMPANY TO LAY DOWN TRACKS AND MAINTAIN AND OPERATE ITS RAILROAD ON UNDER- GROUND CROSSING IN WASHINGTON STREET, BETWEEN SPRAGUE AND SECOND STREETS. The City of Spolcanc Falls does ordain as follows: Section 1. The Spokane & Montrose Motor Railroad Company, its succes- sors and assigns are hereby authorized to lay down tracks and to construct, operate and maintain its line of cars in the center of Washington street, between Sprague and Second streets, in said city, with such cuts and grades as are necessary to pass under the Northern Pacific railroad tracks intersecting said Washington street. Said authority is hereby granted subject to the condition MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 437 that said company shall not occupy to exceed twelve feet in width of said street, and shall keep and maintain such suitable guard rails as may from time to time be ordered by the City Council, and shall indemnify and keep harmless from all costs, charges, damages or expense said city arising in any manner to any person or persons by reason of the construction or the operation or maintaining of said line of cars over the line herein described. >K<\ 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after five days after its publication. Fassed the City Council October 3, 1888. SPOKANE STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. ORDINANCE NO. 528. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO THE SPOKANE STREET RAILWAY COMPANY THE RIGHT TO BUILD, EQUIP AND OPERATE A DOUBLE TRACK ELECTRIC RAILWAY SYSTEM UPON CERTAIN STREETS OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE FALLS. The City of Spokane Falls does ordain as follows: Section 1. That the right is hereby granted to the Spokane Street Railway Company to lay down, construct, equip and operate a double track street railway over, along and upon the following streets of the City of Spokane Falls (except as hereinafter provided), to-wit : Commencing at the junction of Harrison and Victoria streets ; running thence south on Victoria street to the Spokane river ; thence on. aiong and over the bridge spanning said river to Division street ; running chence south on Division street to Riverside avenue, with a single track on west side of street ; thence west on Riverside avenue to Post street ; thence south on Post street to Second street ; thence west on Second street to Cedar street ; thence south on Cedar street to Fourth street ; thence west on Fourth street to Spruce street ; thence north on Spruce street to Pacific avenue ; thence east on Pacific avenue to Maple street ; thence north on Maple street to River- side avenue ; thence easterly over and upon said street to Sprague street ; ♦thence east on Sprague street to Pine street, with a single track on the south side of the street ; thence south on Pine street to Fifth street. Also from the junction of Riverside avenue and Washington street, thence west on Riverside avenue to Post street ; thence south on Post street to Second street. Also from the junction of Post street and Riverside avenue ; thence west on Riverside avenue to Monroe street and thence south on Monroe street to Second street, all of said streets in the City of Spokane Falls. Provided, that the Spokane Street Railway Company, its successors and assigns, shall hold the city harmless from any damages or claim of damage, which may arise by reason of the construction or maintenance or operation of said street railway ; and provided farther, that at or before the time of commence- ment of the construction aforesaid, the said Spokane Street Railway Company, or its successors or assigns, shall execute and deliver to the City of Spokane Falls a good and sufficient bond in the sum of thirty thousand dollars ($30,000), with two or more sureties to be approved by the Mayor, conditioned to hold the City of Spokane Falls harmless for and in the manner aforesaid. And further provided, that upon all the streets and parts of streets men tioned in this franchise, over or upon which the said Spokane Street Railway Company, their successors or assigns, or any of them, now have the right to construct and operate a street railway, shall upon the acceptance of this fran- chise become null and void and be of no force or effect in any way whatsoever, and is by virtue of this ordinance, without any further action by the City ♦(Ordinance No. A932, passed February 27. 1900, repeals franchise for Sprague avenue, between Madison and Division streets.) 4}8 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE Council, hereby repealed. Conditioned that the said Spokane Street Railway Company may operate horse cars thereon until the expiration of the time men- tioned in this ordinance for the completion of the electric railway. Sec. 2. Said company shall maintain a double track electric railway within the limits of the city heretofore described, except as hereinbefore described, and the right is hereby granted the said company to maintain along the side of said streets the necessary poles therefor, said poles to be of such height and dimen- sions as may be designated and required by the City Council, and shall not be less than about one hundred and twenty-five (125) feet apart, except where the poles have been erected and used for other purposes and uses ; in such cases they may be as near as one hundred feet apart, and not lsss ; and in no case shall they construct or maintair. a line of poles in the center of the street. Provided, that upon all or any of said streets where there is or shall be electric light and telephone poles erected, the right is reserved to the city to require the wires suspending the electric cable to be attached thereby, and to require the removal of any and all unnecessary poles belonging to said company, from any of said streets or parts thereof. Sec. 3. The rails of said railway shall be laid so that the tops thereof are flush with the top of the grade of the street, and on each side of each rail there shall be placed a plank not less than twelve (12) inches in width in contact with the upper rail, and not less than two (2) inches thick, and the upper side thereof shall be flush with the top of the rail, which plank shall be securely spiked to the ties or stringers, and shall be kept in good condition by said company. At the intersection and crossing of streets it shall be the duty of said company, in addition to the plank on the outside of each outer rail, to securely plank over the entire surface lying between the outer rails of each track for the entire width of said intersecting street ; such planking shall not be less than two (2) inches in thickness and shall present an even surface with the top of the rail, and shall be securely spiked and fastened in place and shall be kept and main- tained in good, safe and proper condition by said company, its successors or assigns. It shall be the duty of said company to fill all the spaces enclosed between the outer rails of its tracks .and on the outer side of each track with suitable road gravel, to the inspection of the Street Commissioner, so that the said gravel, when packed in place, shall be flush with the top of the planks on each side of the rails, and such surface shall be kept and maintained by said company, its successors or assigns, at its or their own proper cost and expense. Sec. 4. The tracks herein authorized shall be laid as near as practicable to the middle of the streets over which the same shall pass, or if on one side, then under the guidance and direction of the Street Superintendent. Sec. 5. All of the equipments of said road shall be first class in every particular and shall be of the most modern and approved kind and the tracks shall be standard gauge, and the rate of fare upon said road shall not exceed five cents for one passenger one way. Sec. 6. Whenever the City of Spokane Falls shall decide to pave or macad- amize, or otherwise improve any street or part of street over and upon which the tracks herein authorized shall be laid, it shall be the duty of said company to pave, macadamize or otherwise improve, at its own cost and expense, all the space lying between the outer rails of each track and for two feet on the outside of each outer rail of such material and in such manner as may be prescribed by the City Council, for such street or part of a street, and under the direction and inspection of such person as may be appointed by the City Council, or other proper authority for that purpose, and such paving, macadamizing or other improvement shall be maintained in good repair at the expense of said company, its successors or assigns. Sec. 7. Whenever in the construction of the road and tracks herein author- ized it shall be necessary to cross the line of any street or other railway, it shall be the duty of the Spokane Street Railway Company, its successors or assigns, to put in and keep and maintain at its own expense, whatever appliances may MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 439 be needful and necessary for the proper crossing and non-interference with the motive power of such street or other railway. And whenever the right has been granted by the City Council to any other company to lay street railway tracks across the tracks owned by the Spokane Street Railway Company, its successors or assigns, such company or person to whom such franchise is granted shall be permitted, without hindrance, to put in whatever appliances may be needful and necessary for the proper crossing and non-interference with the motive power of the Spokane Street Railway Company. Sec. S. Work shall in good faith be commenced upon said railway within three months from the passage and approval of this ordinance, and shall be completed within one year thereafter. Sec. 9. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed or construed to mean that the city relinquishes any of its rightful authority over the streets or any parts of them, but the city by its agents, officers or contractors shall have and retain its full, power and authority to enter upon said streets or any part thereof, for the laying of gas pipes, water pipes, the construction of sewers or other public works, and to grant the right to any other railways or motor lines to cross the tracks herein authorized, in a reasonable and proper manner without let or hindrance. Sec. 10. The speed at which cars may run upon the road hereby authorized may be regulated oy the City Council. Sec. 11 Any failure on the part of said company, or its successors or assigns, to do or cause to be done anything herein required, or which may be required of it or them in a reasonable, fair and proper manner, and as and when required to be done ; shall lay said company, its successors or assigns, liable to the city in amount equal to the cost of doing the matter required, with ten per cent, additional for expenses in addition to costs. Sec. 12. The franchise and privilege hereby granted shall continue for a period of thirty years from the passage of this ordinance ; provided, however, all the rights and privileges herein contained are upon the express condition that the said company, its successors or assigns, shall commence the construction thereof within three months from the passage of this ordinance and shall com- plete and operate the same within the limits herein set, within one year after the passage of this ordinance, and as to the portions not completed within said period this franchise shall lapse in the option of the Council and upon a resolu- tion passed for that purpose ; provided, the said company shall not be required to commence the construction of said railway until the streets named herein shall have been graded and accepted as such by the City Council, and the time for commencement and construction shall not begin to run until said acceptance. Sec. 13. Said company shall accept this franchise within five days from the passage of this ordinance by a writing subscribed by the proper officers of said company and attested by the seal thereof, which shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk, and if such acceptance shall not be so filed, the rights herein con- ferred shall lapse, and this ordinance be of no further effect. Sec. 14. It shall not be lawful for the said Spokane Street Railway Com- pany, its successors or assigns, to sell, assign, set over or transfer the franchise or any of the rights and privileges herein granted or any part thereof to any person, company or corporation, until it shall have filed with the City Council a statement of its intent to sell, assign, set over or transfer the same, particu- larly therein describing the part or interest in said franchise, rights or privileges, and the person, company or corporation to whom it is intended to sell, assign, set over or transfer such interest ; which statement shall be verified by the certificate of the proper officers, and attested by the seal of the person, company or corporation, if any there be, and until such statement has been filed and approved by a resolution of the Council, and a good and sufficient bond, as required in section one of this ordinance, shall have been filed by the person, company or corporation to which such sale, assignment or transfer shall have been made ; and in case such sale, assignment or transfer shall be made and 440 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE carried into effect without the filing of such statement and bond and the approval thereof as herein required, all the franchises, rights and privileges herein con- tained shall be forfeited and become null and void and of no further force and effect. Provided, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent the said Spokane Street Railway Company, its successors and assigns, from mortgaging or bonding said franchises, rights or privileges or railways without the permission of the City Council or the filing of such statement, but in case of the foreclosure and sale of this franchise, or the rights and privileges herein contained under such mortgage or bonds by judicial process, then and in that case the purchaser at such sale may file declaration of ownership and a bond to be approved, as in said section one required, and in case of failure so to do within three months after eitering into possession under such sale, the fran- chises, rights and privileges herein granted shall become null and void and of no further effect. Sec:. 15 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five days after its passage and publication without expense to the city. , Passed the City Council December 24. 1890. SPOKANE STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. ORDINANCE NO. 544. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO THE SPOKANE STREET RAILWAY COMPANY TIIE RIGHT TO BUILD, EQUIP AND OPERATE A DOUBLE TRACK ELECTRIC RAILWAY SYSTEM UPON CERTAIN STREETS OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE FALLS. The City of Spokane Falls does ordain as follows: Section 1. That the right is hereby created to the Spokane Street Railway Company to lay down, construct, equip and operate a double track street railway over, along and upon the following streets of the City of Spokane Falls, to-wit : Commencing at the junction of Harrison and Division streets ; running thence south on Division street to the Spokane river ; thence on, along and over the bridge spanning said river ; thence south on Division street to Riverside avenue, with a single track on the west side of the center of said street ; thence west on Riverside avenue to Post street ; thence south on Post street to Second street ; thence west on Second streef to Cedar street ; thence south on Cedar street to Fourth street ; thence west on Fourth street to Spruce street ; thence north on Spruce street to Pacific avenue ; thence east on Pacific avenue to Maple street ; thence north on Maple street to Riverside avenue ; thence easterly over and upou said avenue to Sprague street ; * thence east on Sprague street to Pine street ; thence south on Pine street to Fifth street ; also from the junction of Riverside avenue and Washington street west on Riverside avenue to Post street ; thence south on Post street to Second street ; also from the junction of Post street and Riverside avenue west on Riverside avenue to Monroe street and thence south on Monroe to Second street ; all of said streets being in the City of Spokane Falls. Provided, however, that upon said Sprague street from Monroe street east the said company shall have the same rights as they now have under existing ordinances, with power and authority to convert their present horse railway on said street into an electric line ; nothing herein being construed to alter, change or abrogate any existing rights of said company upon said street, but such rights and privileges shall continue and exist as they now are and shall finally be determined and adjudicated under existing ordinances and agreements. And, provided further, that nothing herein shall be construed to authorize the construe tion and maintenance of a third line of track upon said Sprague street. ♦(Ordinance No. A932, passed February 27, 1900, repeals franchise for Sprague avenue, between the east line of Lincoln and west line of Browne streets.) MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 441 And provided further, that the said Spokane Street Railway Company, its successors and assigns, shall hold the city harmless from any damage or claim of damages which may arise by reason of the construction or maintenance or operation of said street railway ; and, provided further, that at or before the time of the commencement of the construction aforesaid, the Spokane Street Railway Company, or its successors or assigns, shall execute and deliver to the City of Spokane Falls a good and sufficient bond in the sum of thirty thousand dollars, with two or more sureties, to be approved by the Mayor, conditioned to hold the Ctiy of Spokane Falls harmless for and in the manner aforesaid. And further provided , that upon all the streets and parts of streets men- tioned in this franchise over and upon which the said Spokane Street Railway Company, its successors or assigns, or any of them, now have the right to construct or operate a street railway, shall upon the acceptance of this franchise become null and vcid and be of no force or effect in any way whatsoever except in so far as the same may be continued in force by other provisions of this ordinance, and is by virtue of this ordinance without any further action of the City Council, repealed, conditioned that the Spokane Street Railway may operate horse cars thereon until the expiration of the time mentioned in this ordinance for the completion of the electric railway. Sec. 2 Said company shall maintain a double track railway within the limits of the city hereinbefore described, and the right is hereby granted the said company to maintain along the sides of said streets the necessary poles therefor ; said poles to be of such height and dimensions as may be designated and required by tbe City Council, and shall not be less than one hundred and twenty-five feet apart except where the poles have been erected and used foi other purposes and uses ; in such cases they may be as near as one hundred feet apart, but not less, and in no case shall they maintain or construct a line of poles in the center of the street. Provided, that upon all or any of said streets where there is or shall be electric light and telephone poles erected, the right is reserved to the city to require the wires suspending the electric cable to be attached thereby, and to require the removal of any and all unnecessary poles belonging to said company, from any of said streets or parts thereof. Sec. 3. The rails of said railway shall be laid so that the tops thereof are flush with the top of the grade of the street, and on each side of each rail there shall be placed a plank not less than twelve inches in width, in contact with the rail, and not less than two inches thick, and the upper side thereof shall he flush with the top of the rail, which plank shall be securely spiked to the ties or stringers, and shall be kept in good condition by said company. At the intersection and crossing of streets it shall be the duty of said company, iu addition ';o the plank upon the outside of each outer rail, to securely plank over the entire surface lying between the outer rails of each track for the entire width of said intersecting street. Such planking shall not be less than two inches in thickness and shall present an even surface with the top of the rail, and shall be securely spiked and fastened in place, and shall be kept and main- tained in good, safe and proper condition by said company, its successors or assigns. It shall be the duty of said company to fill all the spaces enclosed between the cuter rails of its tracks, and on the outer side of each track with suitable road gravel, to the inspection of the Street Commissioner, so that the said gravel when packed in place shall be flush with the top of the planks on each side of the rails, and such surface shall be kept and maintained by said company, its successors and assigns, at its or their own proper cost and expense. Sec. 4. The tracks herein authorized shall be laid as near as practicable to the middle of the streets over which the same shall pass, or if on one side, then under the guidance and direction of the Street Superintendent. Sec. 5. All of the equipments of said road shall be first class in every particular and shall be of the most modern and approved kind and the tracks 442 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE shall be standard gauge, and the rate of fare on said road shall not exceed five cents for one passenger one way. Sec. 6. Whenever the. City of Spokane Falls shall decide to pave or macad- amize, or otherwise improve any street or part of street over or upon which the tracks herein authorized shall be laid, it shall be the duty of said company to pave, or macadamize or otherwise improve, at its own cost and expense, all the space lying between the outer rails of each track and for two feet on the outside of each outer rail, of such material and in such manner as may be prescribed by the City Council, for such street or part of street, and under the direction and inspection of such person as may be appointed by the City Council, or other proper authority for that purpose, and such paving, macadamizing or other improvement shall be maintained in good repair at the expense of said company, its successors or assigns. Sec. 7. Whenever in the construction of the roads and tracks herein author- ized it shall be necessary to cross the line of any street or other railway, it shall be the duty of the Spokane Street Railway Company, its successors or assigns, to put in and keep and maintain at its own expense, whatever appliances may be needful and necessary for the proper crossing and non-interference with the motive power of such street or other railway. And whenever the right has been or shall have beeu granted by the City Council to any other company to lay street railw'ay tracks across the tracks owned by the Spokane Street Railway Company, their successors or assigns, such company or person to whom such franchise is granted shall be permitted, without let or hindrance, to put in whatever appli- ances may be needful and necessary for the proper crossing and non-interference with the motive power of the said Spokane Street Railway Company. Sec. 8. Work shall in good faith be commenced upon said railway within three months from the passage and approval of this ordinance, and shall be com- pleted within one year thereafter. Sec. 9. Nothing 'herein contained shall be deemed or construed to mean that the city relinquishes any of its rightful authority over any streets or any parts of them, but the city by its agents, officers or contractors shall have and retain its full power and authority to enter upon said streets or any part thereof, for the laying of gas pipes, water pipes, the construction of sewers or any other public works, and to grant the right to any other railways or motor lines to •cross the tracks herein authorized, in a reasonable and proper manner without let or hindrance. Sec. 10. The speed at which cars may be run upon the road hereby author- ized may be regulated by the City Council. Sec. 11. Any failure on the part of said company, or its successors or assigns, to do or cause to be done anything herein required, or which may be required of it or them in a reasonable, fair and proper manner, and as and when required to be done, shall lay said company, its successors or assigns, liable to the city in amount equal to the cost of the doing of the matter required, with ten per cent, additional for expenses in addition to costs. Sec. 12. The franchise and privileges hereby granted shall continue for the period of thirty years from the passage of this ordinance ; provided, however, all the rights and privileges herein contained are upon the express conditions that the said company, its succecssors or assigns, shall commence the construc- tion thereof within three mouths from the passage of this ordinance and shall complete and operate the same within the limits herein fixed, and as to the portions not completed within said period this franchise shall lapse in the option of the Council and upon a resolution passed for that purpose ; provided, that the said company shall not be required to commence the construction of said railway until the streets named herein shall have been graded and accepted as such by the City Council, and the time of commencement and construction shall not begin to run until said acceptance. Sec. 13. Said company shall accept this franchise within five days from the passage of this ordinance by a writing subscribed by the proper officers of said MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 443 company and attested by the seal thereof, which shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk, and if such acceptance shall not be so filed, the rights herein con' ferred shall lapse, and this ordinance be of do further effect. Sec. 3 4 It shall not be lawful for the said Spokane Street Railway Com- pany, its successors or assigns, to sen, assign, set over or transfer the franchise or any of the rights or privileges herein granted or aDy part thereof to any person, company or corporation, until it shall have filed with the City Council a statement of its intent to sell, assign, set over or transfer the same, particular- ly therein describing the part or interest in said franchise, rights or privileges, and the person, company or corporation to whom it is intended to sell or assign, set over or transfer such interest : which statement shall be verified by the certificate of the proper officers, and attested by the seal of the person, company or corporation, if any there be, and until such statement has been filed and a good and sufficient bond, as required in section one of this ordinance, shall have been filed by the person, company or corporation to which such sale, assignment or transfer shall have been made ; and in case such sale, assignment or transfer shall be made and carried into effect without the filing of such statement and bond as herein required, all the franchises, rights and privileges herein contained shall be forfeited and become null and void and of no further force and effect. Provided, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent the said Spokane Street Railway Company, its successors or assigns, from mortgaging or bonding said franchises, rights or privileges or railways without the permission of the City Council or the filing of such mortgage bonds by judicial process, then and in that case the purchaser at such sale may file declaration of ownership, and in case of failure so to do within three months after entering into possession under such sale, the franchises, rights and privileges herein granted shall become null and void and of no further effect. Sec. 15. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five days after its passage and publication without expense to the city. Passed the City Council January 28, 1891. Accepted January 31, 1891. SPOKANE STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. ORDINANCE NO. 551. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO THE SPOKANE STREET RAILWAY COMPANY THE RIGHT TO BUILD, EQUIP AND OPERATE ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS ON CERTAIN STREETS IN THE CITY OP SPOKANE FALLS. The City of Spokane Falls does ordain as folloivs: Section 1. That the right is hereby granted to the Spokane Street Railway Company to lay down, construct and equip and operate certain single or double track street railways over, along and upon the following streets of the City of Spokane Falls, to-wit : Commencing at the intersection of Front and Washington streets, thence west along Front street to Howard street ; thence south on Howard street to Seventh street ; also commencing at the intersection of Second and Howard streets, thence west on Second street to the center line of Monroe street ; also commencing at (he intersection of Fourth and Maple streets, thence south on Maple street to the city limits : also commencing at the intersection of Maple and Fifth streets, thence west on Fifth street to Spruce street ; also commencing at the intersection of Second and Spruce streets, thence west on Second street to Cceur d’Alene avenue, thence south in a southerly direction on Cceur d’Alene avenue to Sixth street ; also commencing at the intersection of Post street and Riverside avenue, thence north on Post street to the Spokane River, thence 444 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE on and along a bridge extending from Post street to Bridge street, thence west on Bridge street to Monroe street, thence north on Monroe street to Broadway, thence west on Broadway to Cochrane avenue, thence north on Cochrane avenue to Spokane street, thence west on Spokane street to Holyoake street, thence north on Holjoake street to Boone street; also commencing at the intersection of Post street and Riverside avenue, thence in a westerly direction to the intersection of Monroe street and Riverside avenue; also com- mencing at the intersection of Lincoln street and Uiverside avenue, thence south to the center line of Sprague street, and north to north line of Main street. As amended by Ordinance No. A792, passed October 19, 1898. Provided, however, that the said Spokane Street Railway Company, its suc- cessors and assigns, shall hold the city harmless from any damages or claim of damage which may arise by reason of the construction or maintenance or opera- tion of said street railway ; and, providing further, that in all ordinances hereto- fore granting to the Spokane Street Railway Company the right to build, equip and operate a double track railroad on certain streets south of the present North- ern Pacific railroad track, shall give to the said Spokane Street Railway Company, the right to construct a single or double track ; and, provided further, that at or before the rime of commencement or construction aforesaid, the said Spokane Street Railway Company, or its successors or assigns, shall execute and deliver to the City of Spokane Falls a good and sufficient bond in the sum of thirty thousand dollars, with two or more sureties, to be approved by the Mayor, conditioned to hold the City of Spokane Falls harmless for and in the manner aforesaid. And further provided, that upon all streets and parts of streets mentioned in this franchise over or upon which the said Spokane Street Railway Company, their successors or assigns, or any of them, now have the right to construct or operate a street railway, shall upon the acceptance of this franchise become null and void and be of no force in any way whatsoever, except in so far as the same may be continued in force by other provisions of this ordinance, and is by virtue of this ordinace without any further action of the City Council, repealed. Conditioned that the said Spokane Street Railway Company may operate horse cars thereon until the expiration of the time mentioned in this ordinance for the completion of the electric railway. Sec. 2. Said company shall maintain a single or double track electric rail- way within the limits of the city hereinbefore described, and the right is hereby granted the said company to maintain along the sides of said streets the neces- sary poles therefor, said poles to be of such height and dimensions as may be designated and required by the City Council, and shall not be less than about one hundred and twenty-five feet apart, except where two poles have been erected and used for other purposes and uses ; and in such case they may be as near as one hundred feet apart, but not less ; and in no case shall they construct or maintain a line of poles in the center of the street. Provided, that upon all or any of said streets where there is or shall be electric light and telephone poles erected, the right is reserved to the city to require the wires suspending the electric cable to be attached thereby, and to require the removal of any and all unnecessary poles belonging to said company, from any of said streets or parts thereof. Sec. 3. The rails of said railway shall be laid so that the tops thereof are flush with the top of the surface of the street, and on each side of each rail there shall be placed a plank not less than twelve (12) inches in width in contact with the rail, and not less than two (2) inches thick, and the upper side thereof shall be flush with the top of the rail, which plank shall be securely spiked to the ties or stringers, and shall be kept in good condition by said company. At the intersection and crossing of streets it shall be the duty of said company, in addition to the plank upon the outside of each outer rail, to securely plank over the entire surface lying between the outer rails of each track for the entire width of said intersecting streets. Such planking shall not be less than two (2) MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 445 inches in thickness and shall present an even surface with the top of the rail, and shall be securely spiked and fastened in good, safe and proper condition by said company, its successors or assigns. It shall be the duty of said company to fill the spaces enclosed between the outer rails of its tracks and on the outer side of each track with suitable road gravel, to the inspection of the Street Commissioner, so that the said gravel, when packed in place, shall be flush with the top of the planks on each side of the rails, and such surface shall be kept and maintained by said company, its successors or assigns, at its or their own proper cost and expense. And, provided further, that only empty cars shall be transported over and across the present Post street bridge at the discretion of the proper authorities, and the proper authorities shall have the right whenever it shall be deemed unsafe to transport such empty cars over said bridge, to forbid the use thereof for such purposes until the same shall be made safe. Sue. 4. The tracks herein authorized shall be laid as near as practicable to the middle of the street over which the same shall pass, or, if on one side, then under the guidance and direction of the Street Superintendent. Sec. 5. The said company agrees to maintain during the existence of this franchise, a good and sufficient system of electric lighting on said Post street bridge, as long as said bridge shall be used by said company in its business. Sec. 6. All the equipments of said road shall be first-class in every partic- ular, and shall be of the most modern and approved kind, and the tracks shall be standard gauge, and the rate of fare on said road, its system or extensions, shall not exceed five cents for one passenger one way. Sec. 7. Whenever the City of Spokane Falls shall decree to pave or macad- amize or otherwise improve any street or part of street over or upon which the tracks herein authorized shall be laid, it shall be the duty of said company to pave, macadamize or otherwise improve, at its own cost and expense, all the space lying between the outer rails on each track, and for two feet on the outside of each outer rail, of such material and in such manner as may be prescribed by the City Council for such street or part of street, and under the direction and inspection of such person as may be appointed by the City Council or other proper authority for that purpose, and such pavement, macadamizing or other improvement shall be maintained in good repair at the expense of said company, its successors or assigns. Sec. 8 . Whenever in the construction of the road and tracks herein author- ized it shall be necessary to cross the line of any street or other railway, it shall be the duty of the Spokane Street Railway Company, its successors or assigns, to put in and keep and maintain at its own expense whatever appliance may be needful and necessary for the proper crossing and non-interference with the motive power of such street or other railway ; and whenever the right has been or shall have been granted by the City Council to any other company to lay street railway tracks across the tracks owned by the Spokane Street Railway Company, their successors or assigns, such company or person to whom such franchise is granted shall be permitted without let or hindrance to put in what- ever appliances may be needful and necessary for the proper crossing and non- interference with the motive power of said Spokane Street Railway Company. Sec. 9. Work shall in good faith be commenced upon said railway within one month from the passage and approval of this ordinance, and shall be com- pleted within one year thereafter. Sec. 10. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed or construed to mean that the city relinquishes any of its rightful authority over the streets or any parts of them, but the city by its agents, officers or contractors, shall have and retain its full power and authority to enter upon said streets, or any part thereof, for the laying of gas pipes, water pipes, the construction of sewers or any other public works, and to grant the right to any other railway or motor line to cross the tracks herein authorized in a reasonable and proper manner, without let or hindrance. 446 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE Sec. 11. The speed at which cars may be run upon the road hereby author- ized may be regulated by the City Council. Sec. 12. Any failure on the part of said company, or its successors or assigns, to do or cause to be done anything herein required, or which may be required of it or them by sections 3 and 7 of this ordinace, shall lay said company, its successors or assigns, liable to the city in amount equal to the cost of the doing of the matter required, with ten per cent, additional for expenses, in addition to costs. Sec. 13. The franchise and privileges hereby granted shall continue for the period of fifty years from the passage of this ordinance ; provided, however, all the rights, and privileges herein contained are upon the express conditions that the said company, its successors or assigns, shall commence the construction thereof within one month from the passage of this ordinance ; and shall complete and operate the same within the limits herein fixed ; and as to the portions not completed within said period, this francnise shall lapse in the option of the Council and upon a resolution passed for that purpose ; provided, that the said company shall not be required to commence the construction of said railway until the streets named herein shall have been graded and accepted as such by the City Council, and the time of commencement and construction shall not begin to run until said acceptance. Sec. 14. Said company shall accept this franchise within five days from the passage of this ordinance by a writing subscribed by the proper officers of said company and attested by the seal thereof, which shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk, and if such acceptance shall not be so filed, the rights herein conferred shall lapse, and this ordinance be of no further effect. Sec. 15. It shall not be lawful for the said Spokane Street Railway Com- cany, its successors or assigns, to sell, assign, set over or transfer the franchise or any of the rights and privileges herein granted or any part thereof to any person, company or corporation, until it shall have filed with the City Coun- cil a statement of its intent to sell, assign, set over or transfer the same, particularly therein describing the part or interest in said franchise, rights or privileges, and the person, company or corporation to whom it is intended to sell or assign, set over or transfer such interest ; which statement shall be verified by the certificate of the proper officers, and attested by the seal of the person, company or corporation, if any there be, and until such statement has been filed and a good and sufficient bond, as required in section one of this ordinance, shall have been filed by the person, company or corporation to which such sale, assignment or transfer shall be made ; and in case such sale, assign- ment or transfer shall be made and carried into effect without the filing of such statement and bond as herein required, all the franchises, rights and privileges herein contained shall be forfeited and become null and void and of no further force and effect. Provided, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent the said Spokane Street Railway Company, its successors or assigns, from mortgaging or bonding said franchises, rights or privileges or railways without the permission of the City Council or the filing of such statement, but in case of the foreclosure and sale of the franchise, or the rights and privileges herein contained under such mortgage or bonds by judicial process, then and in that case the purchaser at such sale may file declaration of ownership, and in case of failure so to do within three months after entering into possession under such sale, the franchises, rights and privileges herein granted shall become null and void and be of no further effect. Sec. 16. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five days after its passage and publication without expense to the city. Passed the City Council February 23, 1891. Accepted February 27, 1891. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 447 SPOKANE STREET KAILWAY COMPANY. ORDINANCE NO. 556. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO THE SPOKANE STREET RAILWAY COMPANY OR OTHER COMPANIES A FRANCHISE TO BUILD, EQUIP AND OPERATE AN ELECTRIC RAILWAY UPON A PORTION OF WASHINGTON STREET IN THE CITY OF SPOKANE FALLS. The City of Spokane Foils does ordain as follows: Section 1. 'The right is hereby granted to the Spokane Street Railway Company, or other companies, their successors or assigns, to build, equip and operate a double track electric railway upon Washington street in the city of Spokane Falls, from Fifth street to Main street. Sec. 2. The said tracks shall be laid on each side of the motor line track now on said street and as near thereto as practicable. Sec. 3. The right hereby granted shall continue for the period of thirty (30) years. Sec. 4. The right hereby granted to the Spokane Street Railway Company or other companies, their successors or assigns, is upon the following express terms and conditions, and not otherwise, to-wit : That at any time during the existence of this franchise from the City of Spokane Falls to operate a street railway upon said Washington street between Fifth and Main streets as afore- said, or any part thereof, and shall pay to the Spokane Street Railway Company or other companies, their successors or assigns, one half of the cost of building said track and of the publication of this ordinance with interest thereon from the date of expenditure to the time of such payment at the rate of ten per cent, per annum, that then and thereupon said company shall have the right to use said tracks in connection and conjunction with said Spokane Street Railway Company or other companies, their successors or assigns ; and should any other company thereafter desire to use said tracks and have a franchise from the City of Spokane Falls therefor, that it shall have a right to use such tracks in connection with said other companies upon paying its proportion of the cost of building and equipping the same, with interest at the rate of ten per cent, per annum from the date of expenditure to payment, and all necessary expenses of keeping the same in repair thereafter ; conditioned , that any and all persons, companies and corporations who may or do use or occupy that part of Wash- ington street between Fifth street and Main street shall not upon any condition, pretext or circumstance be permitted to use or obstruct the same to any greater extent than is absolutely necessary for the proper conduct of their business with equal convenience to the use of the said part of said street to all other companies who may occupy the same by virtue of this franchise ; and, conditioned further, that no cars or other thing shall be permitted to stand upon any part of said tracks, upon the said part of Washington street, for a greater time than one minute at any one time, nor occupy the same entire for more than three minutes in any one trip, nor run a train, car or other thing over or upon any one track oftener than once in every five minutes, and they shall be required to run south upon the west track and north upon the east track in such part of said street. Any person, company or corporation wilfully or negligently failing or refusing to comply with the conditions of this franchise shall forfeit all right and interest in and to the same. Sec. 5. This ordinance is granted subject to all the conditions, provisions and exceptions, contained in that certain ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of Spokane Falls, February 23, 1891, granting to the Spokane Street Railway Company, its successors or assigns, a franchise to build a double track electric street railway upon certain streets of the City of Spokane Falls. Provided further, that should the Spokane Street Railway Company not avail themselves of the acceptance of this ordinance ak herein provided, then it shall be published at the expense of the city, but any company availing themselves of the privileges of this ordinance shall first pay for the publication of this ordi- nance and give the bond therein provided. 448 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE Sec. 6. This ordinance shall be in force and effect five days after its passage and publication. Passed the City Council March 6, 1891. Accepted March 10, 1891. SPOKANE STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. ORDINANCE NO. A90. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO THE SPOKANE STREET RAILWAY COMPANY, ITS SUC- CESSORS AND ASSIGNS, THE RIGHT, POWER AND AUTHORITY TO CROSS CERTAIN SIDEWALKS IN THE CITY OF SPOKANE. The City of Spokane Oocs ordain as follows: Section 1. The right, power and authority is hereby granted to the Spokane Street Railway Company, and its successors and assigns, to lay its track or tracks now built or hereafter to be built under the ordinance of said city upon Post street to and across the present public bridge over the Spokane river, connecting said Post street and Bridge street, across the sidewalk on the west side of said Post street in such manner as to enable the said company to lay its track or tracks across the bridge built by it across the Spokane river, immediately to the west of said Post street bridge instead of said public bridge. Sec. 2. The right, power and authority is hereby granted to the Spokane Street Railway Company, and its successors and assigns, to lay its track men- tioned in the preceding section of this ordinance across the sidewalk on the south side of Bridge street in the City of Spokane in such manner as to enable it to run said track from said bridge built by it mentioned in the preceding section, to the center of Bridge street to connect with its track on Bridge street now laid, or which may hereafter be laid on said street under and in accordance with the ordinance of said city. Sec. 3. The right, power and authority is hereby granted to the said Spokane Street Railway Company and its successors and assigns, to run its street cars across, over and upon said tracks authorized to be laid by the two preceding sections of this ordinance in the same manner and subject to the same rules and regulations as are now prescribed to it in the alteration of its other tracks in said city. And subject to the further conditions that the said Spokane Street Railway Company, its successors or assigns, shall at its own expense pave or improve that portion of the street, the use to which is hereby granted between the outer rails of its tracks and for two feet on each side thereof in the manner that the city shall require the improvement of the balance of said street within thirty days after said street shall be improved. And also that work upon the same shall be commenced wnthin sixty days from the taking effect of this ordinance and be fully completed and in operation within one month from the taking effect of this ordinance. Sec. 4. The right, power and authority is hereby granted to continue for the period of twenty-five years. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall take effect ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council September 1, 1891. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 449 SPOKANE STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. ORDINANCE NO. A98. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO THE SPOKANE STREET RAILWAY COMPANY., ITS SUC- CESSORS AND ASSIGNS, THE RIGHT, POWER AND AUTHORITY TO CROSS CERTAIN SIDEWALKS IN THE CITY OF SPOKANE ; AND ALSO THE RIGHT, POWER AND AUTHORITY TO LAY DOWN AND MAINTAIN TRACKS FOR A STREET RAILWAY UPON CERTAIN STREETS IN THE CITY OF SPOKANE. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. The right, power and authority is hereby granted to the Spokane Street Railway Company, its successors or assigns, to lay track or tracks now built or hereafter to be built under the ordinance of said city, upon Bridge street to and across the sidewalk on the north side of Bridge street at a point where Lincoln street intersects the north line of said Bridge street. Sec. 2. The right, power and authority is hereby granted the Spokane Street Railway Company, its successors or assigns, to lay its track or tracks now built or hereafter to be built under the ordinance of said city on Bridge street, beginning at a point where the tracks of said Spokane Street Railway Company enter upon said Bridge street at the east line of said street, running thence in a northerly direction to and upon Lincoln street for a distance of 120 feet. Sec. 3. The right, power and authority is hereby granted to the said Spokane Street Railway Company, its successors and assigns, to run its street cars over and upon said track or tracks authorized to be laid by the two preceding sections of this ordinance in the same manner and subject to the same rules and regulations as are now prescribed to it in the alteration of its other tracks in said city, and subject to the further condition, that the said Spokane Street Railway Company, its successors and assigns, shall at its own expense pave or improve that portion of the street, the use of which is hereby granted, between the outer rails of its tracks, and for two feet on each side thereof in the same manner that the city shall require the improvement of the balance of said streets within thirty days after said streets shall be improved ; subject to the condition that the said Spokane Street Railway Company, its successors and assigns, shall at its own expense remove and replace the said tracks at any time that the needs of the city may require ; and also that work upon the same shall be commenced within sixty days from the taking effect of this ordinance, and be fully completed and in operation within sixty days from the taking effect of this ordinance. Sec. 4. The franchise and privilege hereby granted shall continue for the period of twenty-five years from the passage of this ordinance. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall take effect ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council September 19, 1891. J. M. THOMPSON. ORDINANCE NO. 161. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING J. M. THOMPSON, OR HIS ASSIGNS, TO CONSTRUCT, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN A STREET RAILWAY IN THE CITY OF SPOKANE FALLS, AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUNISHMENT OF PERSONS UNLAWFULLY OBSTRUCTING THE OPERATION THEREOF. The City of Spokane Falls does ordain as follows: Section 1. That there be and is hereby granted to J. M. Thompson ox his assigns, the right, privilege and authority to locate, lay down and main- 29 450 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE tain a system of street railways for the purpose of carrying passengers, and to charge and collect fares therefor, over the streets of the City of Spokane Falls as follows, towit : Beginning at the end of Howard street, running thence north on Howard street to Front street, thence west on Front or Main street to Post street, thence north on Post street to the Spokane river, thence across the Spokane river by bridge, to be constructed by the said J. M. Thompson, or his assigns, to Bridge street, thence west on Bridge street to Monroe street, thence north on Monroe street to the city limits. Also beginning at the intersection of Boone street with Monroe street, and running on Boone street to the west line of the city limits. Also beginning at the intersection of College avenue and Monroe street, and running thence west on College avenue to the city limits. The said road may be constructed with the necessary switches, turnouts and turntables for the proper operation thereof, and shall be constructed as near as practicable to the center of the street, and either cars or dummies for the transportation of passengers may be used thereon. Sec. 2. The said J. M. Thompson, or his assigns, in constructing said street railway, shall keep the same in good repair, and in the construction thereof shall leave the streets over which the same shall run in as good condi- tion as they were before the commencement of said construction. Sec. 3. The track of said road shall not be more than five (5) feet be- tween the rails, and shall be flush with the surface of the streets, when the official grade of said streets has been established. The cars of said railway shall be moved by cables, and the cars and dummies used thereon shall be of the most approved pattern, and the rate of speed thereof shall not exceed ten (10) miles per hour. The rights and privileges herein granted shall continue for a period of fifty (50) years from the passage of this ordinance, provided that the said J. M. Thompson or his assigns shall commence the construction of said road within ninety (90) days from the passage of this ordinance, and shall complete two (2) miles thereof and operate by cables within eighteen (18) months from the same day. Provided further, that if the said J. M. Thompson or his assigns shall be prevented or hindered from completing said road by any interference from the City of Spokane Falls in the matter of grading the streets over which the same is to pass, or shall be hindered in said work by the act of God, or inevitable accident, the time for the commencement of the construction and completion of the said road shall be extended, the period of such extension to equal the period of delay from the causes aforesaid. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall not be so construed as to deprive the City of Spokane Falls of any powers, rights or privileges which it now has or which may hereafter be conferred upon it in the matter of the regulation, use and control of the streets and alleys in said city. Sec. 5. Any person who shall willfully obstruct said railway shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and may be punished by a fine in any sum not exceeding one hundred ($3 00) dollars, or may be imprisoned for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days, or may be both fined and imprisoned. Sec. 6. The said J. M. Thompson, or his assigns, shall have the right to make such reasonable rules and regulations for the operation and control of the said road and the management thereof as to them may seem fit, provided that the same shall not be in conflict with the organic act of this Territory, or the laws thereof, or the charter and ordinances of the City of Spokane Falls. Sec. 7. Said railway company shall indemnify and save harmless the City of Spokane Falls from any and all claims or damages it might or may become liable to pay by reason of the construction or the operation of said road over said streets. Sec. 8. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after five (5) days after the passage and publication thereof. Passed the City Council June 6, 3 888. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKAYE 45i SPOKANE STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. ORDINANCE NO. A792. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO THE SPOKANE STREET RAILWAY COMPANY THE RIGHT TO BUILD, EQUIP AND OPERATE ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS ON CERTAIN STREETS IN THE CITY OP SPOKANE, AND REPEALING CERTAIN PARTS OF SEC- TION 1 OF ORDINANCE NO. 551, OF THE ORDINANCES OF SAID CITY. The City of SyoJcane does ordain as follows: Section 1. That the right is hereby granted to the Spokane Street Rail- way Company to lay down, construct and equip and operate certain single track electric street railways over, along and upon the following streets of the city of Spokane, to-w'it : Commencing at the intersection of Riverside avenue and Browne street, thence south and along Browne street to the intersection of Browne street and Sprague avenue in such a manner as to connect with the lines of the said Spokane Street Railway Company on said Riverside avenue and Sprague avenue. Provided, however, that the said Spokane Street Railway Company, its successors and assigns shall hold the city harmless from any damages or claim of damage which may arise by reason of the construction or maintenance o* operation of said street railway ; that at or before the time of commencement or construction aforesaid, the said Spokane Street Railway Company, or its successors or assigns, shall execute and deliver to the city of Spokane a good and sufficient bond in the sum of two thousand five hundred dollars ($2500) with surety, to t^e approved by the mayor, conditioned to hold the city of Spokane harmless for and in the manner aforesaid. Sec. 2. Said company shall maintain a single track electric railway within the limits of the city hereiubcfore described, and the right is hereby granted the said company to maintain along the sides of said streets the necessary poles therefor, said poles to be of such a height and dimensions as may be designated and required by the city council, and shall not be less than about one hundred and twenty-five feet apart, except where two poles have been erected and used for other purposes and uses ; and in such case they may be as near as one hundred feet apart, but not less ; and in no case shall they con- struct or maintain a line of poles in the center of the street. Provided, that upon all or any of said streets where there is or shall be electric light or telephone poles erected, the right is reserved to the city to require the wires suspending the electric cables to be attached thereby, and to require the removal of ?dv and all unnecessary poles belonging to said company from any of said streets or parts thereof ; and, provided, further, there shall be constructed as near the upper end of said poles as practicable a cross arm, which said arm shall be for the exclusive use of said city for the carrying of wires for the city business. Sec. 3. The rails of said railway shall be laid so that the tops thereof are flush with the top of the surface of the street, and on each side of each rail there shall be placed a plank not less than twelve (12) inches in width in contact with the rail, and not less than two (2) inches thick, and the upper side thereof shall be flush with the top of the rail, which plank shall be securely spiked to the ties nr stringers, and shall be kept in good condition by said company. At the intersection and crossing of streets it shall be the duty of said company, in addition to the plank upon the outside of said rails to securely plank over the entire surface lying between the said outer rails for the entire width of said intersecting streets. Such planking shall not be less than two (2) inches in thickness,' and shall present an even surface with the top of the rail, and shall be securely spiked and fastened in place and shall be kept and maintained in good, safe and proper condition by said company, its successors or assigns. It shall be the duty of said company to fill the 45 * MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE spaces enclosed between the said rails of its track and the outer side of said track with suitable road gravel to the inspection of the board of public works so that the said gravel when packed in place shall be flush with the top of the planks on each side of the rails, and such surface shall be kept and maintained by said company, its successors or assigns at its or their cost and expense. Sec. 4. The track herein authorized shall be laid as near as practicable to the middle of the street over which the same shall pass, or if on one side then under the guidance and direction of the board of public works. Sec. 5. All the equipments of said road shall be first class in every par- ticular, and shall be of the most modern and approved kind, and the track shall be standard gauge, and the rate of fare on said road, its system or extension, shall not exceed five cents for one passenger one way ; provided, that where said line with any- other line or lines forms a continuous line, no extra fare shall be charged for transportation over said Browne street line. Sec. 6. Whenever the city of Spokane shall decide to pave or macadam- ize, or otherwise improve any street or part of street over or upon which the tracks herein authorized shall be laid, it shall be the duty of said company, within thirty days after said street shall be improved, to pave, macadamize or otherwise improve, at its own cost and expense, all the space lying between the rails of said track and for two feet on the outside thereof, of such material and in such manner as may be prescribed by the city council for such street or part of street, and under the direction and inspection of such person as may be appointed by the city council, or other proper authority for that purpose, and such pavement, macadamizing or other improvement, shall be maintained in good repair at the expense of said company, its successors or assigns. Sec. 7. Whenever in the construction of the road and track herein author- ized it shall be necessary to cross the line of any street or other railway, it shall be the duty of the Spokane Street Railway Company, its successors or assigns, to put in and keep and maintain, at its own expense, whatever appli- ance may be needful and necessary for the proper crossing and non interference with the motive power of such street or other railway ; and whenever the right has been or shall have been granted by the city council to any other company to lay street railway tracks across the tracks owned by the Spokane Street Railway Company, their successors or assigns, such company or persons to whom such franchise is granted shall be permitted without let or hindrance to put in whatever appliances may be needful and necessary for the proper crossing and non-interference with the motive power of said Spokane Street Railway Company. Sec. 8 . Work shail in good faith be commenced upon said railway within sixty (60) days from the passage and approval of this ordinance, and shall be completed within one year thereafter. Sec. 9. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed or construed to mean that the city relinquishes any of its rightful authority over the streets or any parts of them, but the city by its agents, officers or contractors shall have and retain its full power and authority to enter upon said streets, or any part thereof, for the laying of gas pipes, water pipes, the construction of sewers or any other public works, and to grant the right to any other railway or motor line to cross the tracks herein authorized in a reasonable and proper manner without let or hindrance. Sec. 10. The speed at which cars may be run upon the road hereby author- ized may be regulated by the city council. Sec. 11. In case of failure on the part of said company, or its successors or assigns, to do or cause to be done anything herein required, or which may hereafter be required of it or them under this ordinance the privileges and franchises hereby granted shall be forfeited. Sec. 12 The franchise and privileges hereby granted shall continue for the period of twenty-five (25) years from the passage of this ordinance. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 453 Sec. 13. Said company shall accept the provisions of this ordinance within five days from the passage thereof by a writing subscribed by the proper officers of said company, and attested by the seal thereof, which shall be filed in cue office of the city clerk, and if such acceptance shall not be so filed, the rights herein conferred sba'l lapse and this ordinance be of no further effect. Sec. 14. It shall not be lawful for the said Spokane Street Railway Com- pany, its successors or assigns, to sell, assign, lease, set over or transfer the franchise, rights or privileges herein granted or any part thereof to any person, company or corporation, until it. shall have filed with the city council a state- ment of its intent to sell, assign, lease, set over or transfer the same, particu- larly therein describing the part or interest in said franchise, rights, or privi- leges, and the person, company or corporation to whom it is intended to sell, assign, lease, set over or transfer such interest, which statement shall be verified by the certificate of the proper officers, and attested by the seal of the person, company or corporation, if any there be ; nor until a good and sufficient bond as required by section one (I* of this ordinance shall have been filed by the person, company or corporation to which such sale, assignment, lease or transfer shall have been made. And in case such sale, assignment, lease or transfer shall be made and carried into effect without the filing of such statement and bond as herein required, all the franchises, rights and privileges herein con- tained shall be forfeited and become null and void and of no further force and effect. Provided, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to preven*. the Spokane Street Railway Company, its successors or assigns from mortgaging or bonding said franchises, rjghts or privileges or railways without the per- mission of the city council, or the filing of such statement, but in case of the foreclosure and sale of the franchise, or the rights and privileges herein con- tained under such mortgage or bonds by judicial process, then and in that case the purchaser at such sale must file a declaration of ownership and give a bond as provided by section 1 of this ordinance and in case of failure so to do within three months after entering into possession under such sale, the franchises, rights and privileges herein granted shall become null and void and of no further effect. Sec. 15. That so much of section 1, of ordinance No. 551, entitled “An Ordinance Granting to the Spokane Street Railway Company the Right to Build, Equip and Operate Electric Street Railways on Certain Streets in the City of Spokane Falls,” as grants to the said Spokane Street Railway Company the right to lay down, construct and equip single or double track street railways over and along and upon Bernard street in said city be and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. 16. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed City Council October 19, 1898. THE WASHINGTON WATER POWER COMPANY. ORDINANCE NO. A863. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO THE WASHINGTON WATER POWER COMPANY, ITS SUC- CESSORS OR ASSIGNS, THE RIGHT TO BUILD, EQUIP AND OPERATE A SINGLE (^R DOUBLE TRACK ELECTRIC RAILWAY SYSTEM UPON CERTAIN STREETS OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 3. That the right is hereby granted to The Washington Watei Power Company, its successors or assigns, to lay down, construct, equip, main- tain and operate a single or double track electric railway, together with side tracks, switches and turn-outs, over, along and upon the following 454 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE streets of the city of Spokane, to-wit : Commencing at the intersec- tion of Boone avenue and Astor street, thence north on Astor street to its intersection with Montgomery avenue ; also commencing at the intersection of Howard street and Fifth avenue, thence west along Fifth avenue to its intersection with Lincoln street, thence south on Lincoln street to Bishop court, thence west on Bishop court to a point on said Bishop court opposite to lot ten (10), blcck fifty-four (54), second addition to Railroad addition, thence in a southwesterly direction across said Bishop court, and the sidewalk on the south side of said Bishop court (thence on and across lots 11 and 12 of block fifty-four (54) of. said addition), thence across the sidewalk on the east side of Jefferson street opposite lot twelve (12) aforesaid, thence southwesterly across Jefferson street and at its intersection with Sixth avenue, thence west on Sixth avenue to Adams street, thence south on Adams street to its intersection with Tenth avenue, thence west on Tenth avenue to Elm street ; provided, that the said The Washington Water Power Company, its successors or assigns, shall save and hold the city harmless from any damages or claims for damages which may arise by reason of the construction, main- tenance or operation of said street railway, or any part thereof ; and provided further that at or before the time of commencement of the construction afore- said, the said The Washington Water Power Company, its successors or assigns, shall execute and deliver to the city of Spokane a good and sufficient bond in the sum of $2,000, with surety to be approved by the mayor of said city, conditioned to save and hold the city harmless for and in the manner aforesaid. Sec. 2. The right is heioby granted the said company to erect and main- tain along said streets the necessary poles therefor, said poles to be of such height and dimensions as may be designated and required by the board ol public works, and shall not be less than one hundred and twenty-five (125) feet apart, except when the poles have been located and used for other pur- poses and uses; in such cases they may be as near as one hundred (100) feet .apart, but not less, and in no case shall said company construct and maintain a line of poles in the center of said streets, or in a position to obstruct travel ; provided, that upon any or all of said streets when there is or shall be electric light or telephone poles erected the right is reserved to the city to require the wires suspending the electric cable to be attached thereto, and to require the removal of any and all unnecessary poles belonging to said company from any of said streets or parts thereof ; provided further, there shall be constructed as near the upper end of snid poles as practicable a cross arm, which said arm shall be for the exclusive use of said city, for the carrying of wires for the city business. Sec. 3. The rails of said railway shall be laid so that the tops thereof are flush with the top of the grade of the street and on each side rail there shall be placed a plank not less than two inches thick, and the upper side thereof shall be flush with the top of the rail, which plank shall be securely spiked to the ties or stringers and shall be kept in good condition by the said company. At the intersection and crossing of the streets it shall be the duty of said company in addition to the plank upon the outside of said rails to entirely plank over the entire surface between the rails for the entire width of said intersecting street. Such planking shall not be less than two inches in thick- ness, and shall present an even surface at the top of the rail and shall be securely spiked and fastened in place, and shall be kept and maintained in good, safe and proper condition by said company, its successors and assigns. It shall be the duty of said company to fill all spaces enclosed between the said rails and on the outer side of said track with suitable road gravel to the satisfaction of the board of public works, so that said gravel when packed in place shall be flush with the top of the planks on each side of said rails, and said surface shall be kept and maintained by said company, its successors or assigns at its and their own proper cost and expense. Sec. 4. The tracks herein authorized shall be laid as near as practicable MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 455 to tlie middle of the streets over which the same shall pass or if on one side then under the guidance and direction of the board of public works. Sec. 5. The track shall be standard gauge, and the rate of fare on said road shall not exceed five (5) cents for one passenger one way. Sec. 6. Whenever the city of Spokane shall decide to pave, macadamize or otherwise improve any street, or part of street, over and upon which the tracks herein authorized shall be laid:, it shall be the duty of said The Washing- ton Water Power Company, its successors or assigns, to pave or macadamize or otherwise improve, as its own cost and expense, all of the space lying between the outer rails of said tracks and for two feet on the outside thereof, of such material and in such manner as may be prescribed by the city council for such street or part of street and under the direction and inspection of the board of public works, or other proper authority, and such paving, macadamizing or other improvement required of the grantee herein shall be completed within thirty days after said street shall be improved, as aforesaid, and such portion of said street and said improvement shall be maintained in good repair, at all times, at the cost and expense of said company, its successors or assigns ; provided, however, if said company, its successors or assigns, shall fail to make said improvement or keep said street in repair, as and when herein required, then the city, if it shall so elect, and without waiving any of the terms or conditions, of this ordinance, shall proceed to improve such portion of said street, as afore- said, or repair the same, as the case may be, and the cost thereof, with 10 pei cent additional penalty, shall be a charge against said The Washington Water Power Company, its successors or assigns, to be recovered in the manner pro vided by law. Sec. 7. The said The Washington Water Power Company, its successors or assigns, in consideration of the privileges herein granted, shall, on the 1st day of January, 1905, and on January 1 of each succeeding year during the life of this franchise, pay to the treasurer of the city of Spokane the sum of two (2) mills for each car mile run during the next preceding year, over and upon the lines of street railway herein provided for. The term “car mile” shall be con- strued to be the running of one car one mile. Sec. 8. Whenever, in the construction of the roads and tracks herein authorized, it shall be necessary to cross the line of any street or other railway, it shall be the duty of The Washington Water Power Company, its successors or assigns, to put in and keep and maintain, at its own expense whatever appliances may be needful and necessary for the proper crossing and non-interference with the motive power of such street or other railway. And whenever the right has been, or shall have been granted by the city council to any other company or person to lay street or other railway tracks across the tracks owned by The Washington Water Power Company, its successors or assigns, such company or person to whom such franchise is granted shall be permitted without let or hindrance to put in whatever appliances may be needful and necessary for the proper Crossing and non-interference with the motive power of the said The Washington Water Power Company. Sec. 9. Work shall be commenced in good faith upon said railway within sixty (60) days from the taking effect of this ordinance, and shall be fully com- pleted and in operation within one year from said time. Sec. 10. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed or construed to mean that the city relinquishes any of its rightful authority over said streets or parts of them", but the city by its agents, officers or contractors shall have and retain its full power and authority to enter upon said streets or any part thereof for the laying of gas pipes, water pipes, the construction of sewers, or any other public works, and no grant the right to any railway or motor lines to cross the tracks herein mentioned in a reasonable and proper manner without let or hindrance. Sec. 11. The speed at which the cars may be run upon the road hereby authorized may be regulated by the city council. 45 ^ MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE Sec. 12. The franchise and privileges hereby granted shall continue for the period of twenty-five years from the date of its acceptance; provided, how- ever, all the rights and privileges herein contained are upon the express con- dition that the said The Washington Water Power Company, its successors or assigns, shall commence the construction of said railway and shall complete the same within the times hereinbefore specified, and shall thereafter maintain and operate the same, and shall comply with all the conditions of this ordinance ; and in case of failure to comply with any of said conditions, the privileges and franchises herein granted may be forfeited, at the option of the city council upon a resolution passed for that purpose. Sec. 13. Said company shall accept this franchise within five days from the passage of this ordinance by a writing subscribed by the proper officers of said company, and attested by the seal thereof, which shall be filed in the office of the city clerk, and if such acceptance shall not be so filed the rights herein conferred shall lapse and this ordinance shall be of no further effect. Sec. 14. It shall not be lawful for the said The Washington Water Power Company, its successors or assigns, to sell, assign, lease, set over or transfer the franchise, or any of the rights or privileges herein granted, or any part thereof, to any person, company or corporation until it shall have filed with the city council a statement of its intent to sell, assign, lease, set over or transfer the same, particularly therein describing the part or interest in said franchise, rights or privileges, arid the person, company or corporation to whom it is in tended to sell, assign, lease, set over or transfer such interest, which statement shall be verified by the certificate of the proper officers and attested by the seal of proper officers and attested by the seal of the person, company or corporation, if any there be ; nor until a good and sufficient bond, as required in section one (1) of this ordinance shall have been filed by the person, company or corpo- ration, to which said sale, assignment, lease or transfer shall have been made And in case such sale, assignment, lease or transfer shall be made and carried into effect without the filing of such statement and bond as herein required, all the franchises, rights and privileges herein contained shall be forfeited and become null and void and be of no further force and effect. Provided that noth- ing herein contained shall be construed to prevent The Washington Water Power Company, its successors or assigns from mortgaging or bonding said franchise, rights or privileges or railways without the permission of the city council or the filing of such statement, but in case of the foreclosure and salt of said franchise or the rights and privileges herein contained under said mort- gage or bonds by judicial process, then and in that event the purchaser at such sale must file a declaration of ownership and give a bond as required by section one (1) of this ordinance, and in case of failure so to do within three months after entering into possession under such sale, the franchise, rights and privi- leges herein granted shall become null and void and of no further effect. Sec. 15. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten (10) days after its passage. Passed by the City Council September 5th, 1899. THE WASHINGTON WATER POWER COMPANY. ORDINANCE NO. A878. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO THE WASHINGTON WATER POWER COMPANY, ITS SUC- CESSORS OR ASSIGNS, THE RIGHT TO BUILD, EQUIP AND OPERATE A SINGLE OR DOUBLE TRACK ELECTRIC RAILWAY SYSTEM UPON CERTAIN STREETS OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE. Whereas, A dispute exists as to whether The Washington Water Power Company has the right to erect, construct, maintain and operate an electric MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 457 street railway commencing at the intersection of Boone avenue and Astor street, thence west on Boone avenue to its intersection with Division street, thence south on Division street to Spokane river, and litigation relating thereto is pending ; and Whereas, The citizens and residents along and in the vicinity of said streets and Astor street (upon which Astor street the said company has a franchise, from Boone avenue to Montgomery street, to erect, construct, maintain and operate an electric street railway) greatly desire the erection, construction, maintenance and operation of an electric street railway upon said streets ; and Whereas, Said company wishes to comply with the desires of said citizens and residents, but without prejudice to any right it already has, The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. That the right is hereby granted to the Washington Watei Power Company, its successors or assigns, to lay down, construct, equip, main- tain and operate a single or double track electric railway, together with side- tracks, switches and turnouts, over, along and upon the following streets of the City oi Spokane, to-wit : Commencing at the intersection of Astor street and Boone avenue, thence west on Boone avenue to its intersection with Division street, thence south on Division street to the Spokane river ; provided, that the said the Washington Water Power Company, its successors or assigns, shall save and hold the city harmless from any damages or claims for damages which may arise by reason of the construction, maintenance or operation of said street railway, or any part thereof : and, provided further , that at or before the time of commencement of the construction aforesaid, the said, The Washington Water Power Company, its successors or assigns, shall execute and deliver to the City of Spokane a good and sufficient bond in the sum of $2,000.00, with surety to be approved by the Mayor of said city, conditioned to save and hold the city harmless for and in the manner aforesaid. Sec. 2. The right is hereby granted the said company to erect and main- tain along said streets the necessary poles therefor, said poles to be of such height and dimensions as may be designated and required by the Board of Public Works, and shall not be less than one hundred and twenty-live (125) feet apart, except when the poles have been located and used for other purposes and uses, in such cases they may be as near as one hundred (100) feet apart, but not less, and in no case shall said company construct and maintain a line of poles in the center of said streets, or in a position to obstruct travel ; provided , that upon any or all of said streets where there is or shall be electric light or telephone poles erected the right is reserved to the city to require the wires suspending the electric cable to be attached thereto, and to require the removal of any and all unnecessary poles belonging to said company from any of said streets or parts thereof ; and, provided further , there shall be constructed as near the upper end of said poles as practicable a cross arm, which said arm shall be for the exclusive use of said city, for the carrying of wires for the city business. Sec. 3. The rails of said railway shall be laid so that the tops thereof are flush with the top of the grade of the street and on each side of each rail there shall be placed a plank not less than twelve inches in width, in contact with the rail, and the upper side side thereof shall be flush with the top of the rail, which plank shall be securely spiked to the ties or stringers and shall be kept in good condition by the said company. At the intersection and crossing of the streets it shall be the duty of said company, in addition to tin plank on the outside of said rails, to entirely plank over the entire surface between the rails for the entire width of said intersecting street. Said planking shall not be less than two inches in thickness, and shall present an even surface at the top of the rail and shall be securely spiked and fastened in place, and shall be kept and maintained in good, safe and proper condition by said company, its successors and assigns. It shall be the duty of said company to fill all spaces 458 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE enclosed between the said rails and on the outer side of said track w'th suitable road gravel to the satisfaction of the Board of Public Works, so that said gravel when packed in place shall be flush with the top of the planks on each side of said rails, and said surface shall be kept and maintained by said company, its successors or assigns, at its and their own proper cost and expense. Sec. 4. The tracks herein authorized shall be laid as near as practicable to the middle of the streets over which the same shall pass, or if on one side, then under the guidance and direction of the Board of Public Works. Sec. 5. The tracks shall be standard gauge and the rate of fare on said road shall not exceed five (5) cents for one passenger one way. Sec. 0 . Whenever the City of Spokane shall decide to pave, ynacadamize or otherwise improve any street or part of street, over and upon which the tracks herein authorized shall be laid, it shall be the duty of said The Wash- ington Water Power Company, its successors or assigns, to pave or macadamize or otherwise improve, at its own cost and expense, all of the space lying between the outer rails of said tracks and for two feet on the outside thereof, of such material and in such manner as may be prescribed by the City Council for such street or part of street and under the direction and inspection of the Board of Public Works, cr other proper authority, and such paving, macadamizing or other improvement required of the grantee herein shall be completed within thirty days after said street shall be improved, as aforesaid, and such portion of said street and said improvement shall be maintained in good repair, at all times, at the cost and expense of said company, its successors or assigns ; provided, however, if said company, its successors or assigns shall fail to make said improvement or keep said street in repair, as and when herein required, then the city, if it shall so elect, and without waiving any of the terms and conditions of this ordinance, shall proceed to improve said portion of said street, as aforesaid, or repair the same, as the case may be, and the cost thereof, with 10 per cent additional penalty, shall be a charge against said The Washington Water Power Company, its successors or assigns, to be recovered in the manner provided by law. Sec. 7. The said The Washington Water Power Company, its successors or assigns, in consideration of the privileges herein granted shall, on the 1st day of January, 1905, and on January 1st of each succeeding year during the life of this franchise, pay to the treasurer of the City of Spokane the sum of two (2) mills for each car mile run during the next preceding year, over and \ipon the iines of street railway herein provided for. The term “car mile” shall be construed to be the lunning of one car one mile. Sec. 8. Whenver. in the construction of the roads and tracks herein authorized it shall be necessary to cross the line of any street or other railway, it shall be the duty of The Washington Water Power Company, its successors or assigns, to put in and keep and maintain, at its own expense whatever appli- ances may be needful and necessary for the proper crossing and non-interference with the motive power of such street or other railway. And whenever the right has been or shall have been granted by the City Council to any other company or person to lay street or other railway tracks across the tracks owned by The Washington Water Power Company, its successors or assigns, such company or person to whom such franchise is granted shall be permitted without let or hindrance to put in whatever appliances may be needful and necessary for the proper crossing and non-interference with the motive power of the said -The Washington W^ater Power Company. Sec. 9. W"ork shall be commenced in good faith upon said railway within sixty (60) days from the taking effect of this ordinance, and shall be full> completed and in operation within one year from said time. Sec. 10. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed or construed to mean that the city relinquishes any of its rightful authority over said streets or parts of them, but the city, by its agents, officers or contractors shaii have and retain its full power and authority to enter upon said streets or any part 459 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE . JL thereof, for the laying of gas pipes, water pipes, the construction of sewers, or any other public works, and to grant the right to any railway or motor lines to cross the tracks herein mentioned in a reasonable and proper mannei without let or hindrance. Sec. 11 The speed at which the cars may be run upon the road hereby authorized may be regulated by the City Council. Sec. 12. The franchise and privileges hereby granted shall continue for the period of twenty-live years from the date of its acceptance ; provided , how- ever, all the rights and privileges herein contained are upon the express condi- tion that the said The Washington Water Power Company, its successors or assigns, shall commence the construction of said railway and shall complete the same within the time hereinbefore specified and shall thereafter maintain and operate the same and shall comply with all the conditions of this ordinance ; and in case of failure to comply with any of said conditions, the privileges ana franchises herein granted may be forfeited, at the option of the City Council upon a resolution passed for that purpose. Sec. 13. Said company shall accept this franchise within five days from the passage of this ordinance by a writing subscribed by the proper officers of said company, and attested by the seal thereof, which shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk, and if such acceptance shall not be so filed the rights herein conferred shall lapse and this ordinance shall be of no further effect. Sec. 14. It shall not be lawful for the said The Washington Water Power Company, its successors or assigns, to sell, assign, lease, set over or transfer the franchise or any of the rights or privileges herein granted, or any part thereof, to any person, company or corporation until it shall have filed with the City Council a statement of its intent to sell, assign, lease, set over or transfer the same, particularly therein describing the part or interest in said franchise, rights Or privileges, and the person, company or corporation to whom it is intended to sell, assign, lease, set over or transfer such interest, which statement shall be verified by the certificate of the proper officers and attested by the seal of the person, company or corporation, if any there be ; nor until a good and sufficient bond as required in section one (1) of this ordinance shall have been filed by the person, company or corporation, to which said sale, assignment, lease or transfer shall have been made. And in case such sale, assignment, lease or transfer shall be made and carried into effect without the filing of such statement and bond as herein required, all the franchises, rights and privileges herein contained shall be forfeited and become null and void and be of no further force and effect. Provided, that nothing herein contained shall be so construed to prevent the The Washington Water Power Company, its successors or assigns, from mortgaging or bonding said franchise, rights or privileges, or railways, without the permission of the City Council or the filing of such state- ment, but in case of the foreclosure and sale of said franchise or the rights and privileges herein contained under said mortgage or bonds by judicial process, then and in that event the purchaser at such sale must file a declaration of ownership and give a bond as required by section one (1) of this ordinance, and in case of failure so to do within three months after entering into posses- sion under such sale, the franchise, rights and privileges herein granted shall become null and void and of no further effect. Passed the City Council October 20, 1899. 460 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE ft ___ THE WASHINGTON WATER POWER COMPANY. ORDINANCE NO. A987. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO THE WASHINGTON WATER POWER COMPANY, A CORPO- RATION, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, THE RIGHT, POWER AND AUTHORITY TO LAY DOWN, CONSTRUCT, EQUIP, MAINTAIN AND OPERATE STREET RAILWAY TRACKS, TURNOUTS, SIDINGS AND SWITCHES IN AND UPON BOONE AVENUE IN FRONT OF BLOCK ONE IN JENKINS* SECOND ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SPOKANE AND IN, Li PON, ACROSS AND OVER THE SIDEWALK UPON BOONE AVENUE ABUT- TING ON AND IN FRONT 01 BLOCK ONE IN JENKINS* SECOND ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SPOKANE. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. Tlie right, power and authority is hereby given ;md granted to The Washington Water Power Company (a corporation), its successors or assigns, to lay down, construct, equip, maintain and operate street railways, turnouts, sidings, switches and all other matters necessary or proper for the completion and benefit of the rights hereby granted upon Boone avenue where the same fronts and abuts upon block one (1) of Jenkins’ Second Addition to the City of Spokane, and upon, across and over the sidewalks on the south side of Boone avenue in front of and abutting said block one (1) ; provided , that the said The Washington Water Power Company, its successors or assigns, shall save the city harmless from any damages or claims for damages which may arise by reason of the construction, maintenance or operation of said street railways, or any part thereof : and, provided further, that at or before the time of commencement of the construction aforesaid, the said The Washington Water Power Company, its successors or assigns, shall execute and deliver to the City of Spokane a good and sufficient surety bond in the sum of two thousand dollars (.$2,000.00), with surety to be approved by the Mayor of said city, conditioned to save and hold the city harmless for and in the manner aforesaid. Sec. 2. The right is hereby granted to said company, its successors and assigns, to equip, maintain and operate its said tracks, sidings, turnouts and switches ; to run and operate its street cars over and upon the same, and to erect and maintain along said street in front of said block poles and wires which may be necessary or proper for the purpose of operating said street cars upon said tracks, sidings, turnouts, switches and street railways : provided, that said poles shall be of such height and dimensions as may be designated and required by the Board of Public Works, and shall be erected at such points only as shall have been approved by the board of public works ; provided further, that the right is reserved to the city to require the removal of any and all necessary poles, erected under this ordinance, belonging to said com- pany, its successors and assigns, from said street ; and provided further, that there shall be constructed near the upper end of said poles as practicable a cross arm, which said arm shall be for the exclusive use of said city for carry- ing of wires for the city business. Sec. 3. The rails of said railway tracks, sidings, turnouts and switches shall be laid so that the tops thereof are flush with the top of the grade of the street ; and on each side of each rail there shall be placed a plank not less than two inches thick and the upper sides thereof shall be flush with the top of the rail, which plank shall be securely spiked to the ties or stringers, and shall be kept in good condition by the said company, its successors or assigns. It shall be the duty of said company to fill all spaces between the rails with suitable road gravel to the satisfaction of the board of public works ; pro- vided, the said board shall not require the space between said tracks to be filled in any manner that would interfere with the operation of cars or impair the usefulness of said tracks, sidings, turnouts or switches. The tracks shall be standard guage. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 461 Sec. 4. Whenever the City of Spokane shall direct to pave, macadamize or otherwise improve any street or part of any street, over and upon which the tracks, sidings, turnouts and switches herein authorized Shall be laid, it shall be the duty of said company, its successors or assigns, to pave or macadamize or otherwise improve, at its own cost and expense, all the spaces lying between the outer rails of said tracks and for two feet on the outside thereof, of such material and in such manner as may be prescribed by the City Council for such street or part of street, and under the direction and inspection of the board of public works, or other proper authority, and such paving, macadamizing or other improvement required of the grantee herein, its successors or assigns, shall be completed within thirty days after said street shall be improved as aforesaid, and such portion of said street and said improvements shall be main- tained in good repair at the cost and expense of said company, its successors or assigns, so long as the said tracks, sidings, turnouts and switches shall be used or maintained by said company, or its succesors or assigns, at the expense ot said company, or its successors or assigns. If said company, its successox-s or assigns, shall fail to make said improvement or keep said street in repair as and when herein required, then the city, if it shall so elect, and without waiving any of the terms or conditions of this ordinance, shall proceed to improve such por- tion of said street as aforesaid, or repair the same, as the case may be. and the cost thereof with a ten per cent, addition penalty shall be charged to said com- pany, its successors or assigns, and be recovered in the manner provided by law. Sec. 5. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed or construed to mean that the city relinquishes any of its rightful authority over said streets or parts of them, but the city by its agents, officers or contractors shall have and retain its full power and authority to enter upon said streets or any part thereof for the laying of gas pipes, water pipes, the construction of sewers, or any other public works, and to grant the right to any railway or motor lines to cross the tracks herein mentioned in a reasonable and proper manner without let or hindrance ; and, whenever t he right has been or shall be granted by the City Council to any other company to lay street railway tracks across the tracks owned by The Washington Water Power Company, its successors or assigns, such company or persons to whom such franchise is granted shall b«. permitted, without let or hindrance, to put in whatever appliance may be needful and necessary for the proper crossing and noninterference with the motive power of the said The Washington W'ater Power Company. Sec. 6. The rights, franchises and privileges hereby granted shall con- tinue for the period of twenty-five years from the date of acceptance thereof ; provided, however, that the said The Washington Water Power Company, its successors or assigns, shall comply with all the conditions of this ordinance ; and in case of failure of said The Washington Water Power Company, its suc- cessors or assigns, to comply with any of said conditions, the privileges and franchises herein granted may be forfeited at the option of the City Council upon a resolution passed for that purpose. Sec. 7. Said company shall accept this ordinance and the rights, fran- chise and privileges hereby granted within five days from the approval of this ordinance, after having been duly passed by a writing subscribed by the proper officers of said company, and attested by the seal thereof, which instrument shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk, and if such acceptance shall not be so filed, the rights herein conferred shall lapse and this ordinance shall be of no- further effect. Sec. 9. It shall not be lawful for the said The Washington Water Power Company, its successors or assigns, to sell, assign, lease, set over or transfer the franchise, or any of the rights or privileges herein granted, or any part thereof, to any person, company or corporation until it shall have filed with the City Council a statement of its intent to sell, assign, lease, set over or transfer the same, particularly therein describing the part or interest in said franchise, 462 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE rights or privileges, and the person, company or corporation to whom it is intended to sell, assign, lease, set over or transfer such interest, which state- ment shall be verified by the certificate of the proper officers and attested by the seal of the person, company or corporation, if any there be, nor until a good and sufficient bond, conditioned as required in section 1 of this ordinance, shall have been filed by the person, company or corporation, to which said sale, assignment, lease or transfer shall be made and carried into effect without the filing of such statement and bond as herein required, all the franchises, rights and privileges herein contained shall be forfeited and become nul 1 and void and be of no further force and effect ; provided, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent The Washington Water Power Company, its successors or assigns, from mortgaging or bonding said franchise, rights or privileges or railways without the permission of the City Council or the filing of such statement, but in the case of the foreclosure and sale of said franchise or the rights and privileges herein contained under said mortgage or bonds by judicial process, then and in that event the purchaser at such sale must file a declaration of ownership and give a bond as required by section 1 of this ordinance, and in case of failure so to do within three months after entering into possession under such sale, the franchise, rights and privileges herein granted shall become null and void and of no further effect. Sec. 10. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten (10) days after its passage. Passed the City Council July 6. 1000. SPOKANE INTERSTATE FAIR. ORDINANCE NO. A1196. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO THE SPOKANE INTERSTATE FAIR, A CORPORATION, EXISTING UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, THE RIGHT TO BUILD, EQUIF, MAINTAIN, AND OPERATE A DOUBLE TRACK OF ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAY, WITH SWITCHES AND TURNOUTS, UPON A CERTAIN STREET IN THE CITY OF SPOKANE. Whereas, The Spokane Interstate Fair, a corporation existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Washington, desires a franchise for ten (10) years for the purpose of building, equipping, maintaining and operating a double or single track electric street railway on a certain street of the City of Spokane, together with all proper and desirable switches and lurnouts, to- wit : From the west line of Napa street to the east line of Lacey street on (East) Sprague avenue : and, Whereas, It is not necessary or desirable at this time, that said street railway be operated at all times, but only at such times as there are race meetings, fairs, or expositions, and other purposes for which the grounds and property of said corporation may be devoted or used by it or persons, with its consent, under its direction or control : and, Whereas, The public generally is interested in the giving and granting of the said franchise to the said corporation and the same will be of great benefit to the City of Spokane and its inhabitants, and to persons other than those in the City of Spokane, who visit the said City of* Spokane, and desire to attend the matters and things taking place at and upon the grounds of said corpora- tion, and it is expected that many thousands of visitors and strangers will attend the matters and things had and held upon said grounds ; and, Whereas, There is no present occasion or necessity for the continuous operation of the said street railway, or tha operation thereof except upon special occasions : now therefore, MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 463 The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. That there is hereby granted to the said Spokane Interstate Fair, its successors and assigns, the right to lay down, construct, equip, main- tain and operate a single or double track electric railway, together with side tracks, switches and turnouts, along and upon the following street of the City of Spokane, to-wit : upon and along East Sprague avenue, from the west line of Napa street to the east line of Lacey street ; provided , that the said Spokane Interstate Fair, its successors or assigns, shall save and hold the city harmless from any and all damages, or claim of damages, that may arise by reason of the original construction, maintenance or operation of said street railway, or any part thereof ; and, provided further , that at or before the commencement of the construction of the aforesaid street railway, the said Spokane Interstate Fair, its successors or assigns, shall make, execute and deliver to the City of Spokane a good and sufficient bond in the sum of ten thousand dollars, with sureties to be approved by the Mayor of the city, conditioned to save and hold the city harmless from damage and claims of damages in the manner aforesaid. Sec. 2. The right is hereby granted to the said corporation, its successors and assigns, to erect and maintain along said street, (East) Sprague avenue, the necessary poles therefor, said poles to be of such height and dimensions as may be required by the Board of Public Works, and shall not be less than one hundred and twenty-five feet apart, except when the poles have been located and used for other purposes and uses, and in such cases, they may be as near as one hundred feet apart, but not less, and in no case shall said corporation, its successors or assigns, construct or maintain a line of poles in the center of said street, or in position to obstruct travel : provided , that upon any and all of said streets when there is or shall be electric or telephone poles erected, the right to reserve to the city to require the wires suspending the electric cable to be attached thereto, and to require the removal of all and any unnecessary poles belonging 10 said corporation, its successors or assigns, from any part of said street, (East) Sprague avenue: provided further, there shall be constructed as near to the upper end of said poles as practicable a cross-arm, which said cross-arm shall be for the exclusive use of said city for the carrying of wires for the city business. Sec. 3. The rails of said railway shall be laid so that the iops thereof are flush with the fop of the grade of the street, and in the space between the rails, except where the flange of the wheel goes, and on the outer side of the rails, road gravel or other suitable material shall be placed and put, so as to make the rails practically flush with the grade of the street, and in safe condi tion, for travel thereon and thereover : provided, that at the intersection and crossing of streets it shall be the duty of said Spokane Interstate Fair, its successors or assigns, in addition to the plank upon the outside of each rail, to securely plank over the entire surface lying between the outer rails of each track for the entire width of said intersecting street ; such planking shall not be less than two 2) inches in thickness and shall present an even surface with the top of the rail, and shall be securely spiked and fastened in place, and shall be maintained in good, safe and proper condition by said Spokane Interstate Fair, its successors or assigns, all of which shall be done to the satisfaction of the Board of Public Works. Sec. 4. The tracks herein authorized shall be laid as near as practicable to the middle of said street, ovei; which the same shall pass, or if upon one side, then under the guidance and direction of the Board of Public Works. Sec. 5. The track shall be standard gauge, and the rate of fare on said road shall not exceed five cents for one passenger one way. Sec. 6. If the City of Spokane shall hereafter grant to any other company, person or corporation, the right to lay street or other railway tracks across the tracks of said corporation, its successors or assigns, herein provided for, such company or person to whom such franchise is granted, shall be permitted, without let or hindrance, to put in whatever appliances may be necessary for 464 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE the proper crossing and non-interference with the motive power of the said Spokane Interstate Fair, its successors or assigns. Sec. 7. Work shall be commenced in good faith upon said railway within five (5) days from the taking effect of this ordinance, and shall be fully com- pleted and in operation within thirty days from said time, but it shall not be necessary to operate street cars upon or over (East) Sprague, between the points above mentioned, to-wit : between the west line of Napa street and the east line of Lacey street continuously or daily, or at any other time, or in any other manner than that determined by said Spokane Interstate Fair, its suc- cessors or assigns, and in such manner and at such times only, as the said corporation, its successors or assigns, shall deem necessary or advantageous or expedient so to do, the purpose of this ordinance being to grant the franchise for the purpose indicated in the preamble of this ordinance. Provided, however, that this ordinance shall, at any time, before the expiration thereof, be subject to amendment, as to the continuous and daily operation of street cars upon or over East Sprague avenue between the points above mentioned. Provided further , that in case the Spokane Interstate Fair, its successors or assigns, shall operate street cars continuously or daily upon or over East Sprague avenue between the points above mentioned, to-wit : between the west line of Napa street and the east line of Lacey street, then and in that case, the said Spokane Interstate Fair, its successors or assigns, shall pay to the City Treasurer of the City of Spokane, for its use and benefit, the sum of five dollars per year, per car, on the average daily number of cars operated. The payment of said revenue shall be made on or before the 10th day of January in each year during the life of this franchise from and after the date when the Spokane Interstate Fair, its successors or assigns, shall begin the continuous or daily service on said street. And it shall not be necessary for the said corporation to operate said street railway in person, but it may be done by its lessee, or it may assign, transfer, set over and deliver all or any portion of its franchise, rights and privileges hereby granted, and such assignee, transferee, or lessee, shall be entitled to the same privileges and shall incur no additional or greater obligation than the said Spokane Interstate Fair. SEc. 8. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed or construed to mean that the city relinquishes any of its rightful authority over said part of said street, but the city by its agents, officers or contractors shall have full power and authority to enter upon said street or any part theerof for the laying of gas pipes, water pipes, construction, maintenance and repair of sewers, or any other public work. Sec. 9. The speed at which the cars may be run upon the road hereby authorized may be regulated by the City Council. Sec. 10. The franchise and privileges hereby granted shall continue for a period of ten years from the date of its acceptance ; provided, however, all the rights and privileges herein contained, are upon the express condition that the said Spokane Interstate Fair, its successors or assigns, shall commence the construction of said railway, and shall complete the same, within the times herein specified, and shall comply with all the conditions of this ordinance as and in the manner herein provided, and in case of a failure to comply with any of said conditions the privileges and franchise herein granted shall be forfeited, at the option of the City Council of said city. Sec. 11. Said Spokane Interstate Fair shall accept this franchise and ordinance within five days after the approval of this ordinance, by a writing subscribed by the proper officers of said corporation and attested by the seal thereof, which shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk, with a bond as herein- before prescribed. And if such acceptance and bond shall not be so filed, the rights herein conferred shall lapse, and this ordinance shall be of no further effect. Sec. 12. If the said Spokane Interstate Fair, its successors or assigns, shall at any time sell, assign, lease, set over or transfer the franchise or any MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 465 rights or privileges herein granted, or any part thereof, to any person, company, or corporation, it or they, shall do so by a writing duly executed, and file the same in the office of the clerk of said city, which instrument shall set forth particularly the part or interest in said franchise, rights or privileges so sold, assigned, leased, set over or transferred, and upon the filing of said instrument and a good and sufficient bond as required in section 1 of this ordinance, with said clerk, said vendee, assignee, lessee, or transferree, shall thereupon be and become entitled to all the rights and privileges so sold, assigned, transferred, set over and delivered, subject to the conditions and obligations herein provided, and to no greater or additional conditions, obligations or liabilities than herein set forth, or than said Spokane Interstate Fair was subject to, and no assign- ment, sale, transfer, lease or delivery of any right, title or interest or franchise hereby granted shail be good, as, to, or against the city, or be binding upon it, unless said instrument and bond be so executed and filed as aforesaid. Sec. 13 An emergency is hereby declared to exist, and this ordinance shall take effect and be in force forthwith upon its passage by the City Council and approved by the Mayor of said city. Passed the City Council July 22, 1902. THE WASHINGTON WATER POWER COMPANY. ORDINANCE NO. A1295. AN OKDINANCE GRANTING TO THE WASHINGTON WATER POWER COMPANY, A CORPO- RATION, ITS SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS, THE RIGHT TO BUILD, EQUIP AND OPERATE A SINGLE OR DOUBLE TRACK ELECTRIC RAILWAY SYSTEM UPON CERTAIN STREETS OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE. The City of Hpokane docs ordain as follows: Section 1. That there is hereby granted to The Washington Water Power Company, its successors or assigns, the right to lay down, construct, equip, main- tain and operate a single or double track electric railway, together with side tracks, switches and turnouts over, along and upon the following streets of the City of Spokane, to-Wit : (a) Commencing at the intersection of Monroe street and Indiana avenue, together with the right to connect with the street railway line on Monroe street, thence easterly along and over Indiana avenue to Dakota street, thence northerly along Dakota street to Baldwin avenue, thence easterly along Baldwin avenue to Hamilton street, together with the right to connect with the street railway lines on Hamilton street. (b) Also, commencing at the intersection of Third avenue and Lacey street, therce northerly on Lacey street to Sprague avenue, together with the right to connect with lines on Third and Sprague avenues. (c) Subject to mutual agreement, the right is also granted to connect with the tracks of any other company. Sec. 2. In the occupation of the foregoing streets for the purpose aforesaid the right is granted likewise to erect and maintain along the side lines of said street the necessary poles therefor of such height and dimensions as may be prescribed by the Board of Public Works, to be not less than one hundred and twenty-five (125) feet apart, except where poles have been erected and used for othei purposes, in which case to be not less than one hundred (100) feet apart. No poles shall be erected under this ordinance in the center of the streets or in a position to obstruct travel. Whenever there is or shall be electric light or telephone poles erected upon any or all of the foregoing streets the city may require the wires suspending the electric cable to be attached thereto and require the removal of any and all unnecessary poles erected under this ordinance. 30 466 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE There shall be constructed as near the upper end of the poles as practicable erected under this ordinance a cross-arm hereby reserved for the exclusive use of the City of Spokane to carry wires for the city business. Sec. 3. The rails of said railway shall be laid so that the tops thereof are flush with the top of the grade of the street. At the intersection and crossing of all streets it shall be the duty of said company to plank over the entire surface between the rails and one plank outside of the outside rails for the entire width of said intersection. Such plank shall not be less than two inches in thickness and shall present an even surface at the top of the rail, and shall be securely spiked and fastened in place and shall be kept and maintained in good and reasonably safe and proper condition by said licensee, its successors or assigns. It shall be the duty of the licensee to fill in all spaces enclosed between said rails and on the outer edge of said track with suitable road gravel to the satisfaction of the Board of Public Works, so that said gravel when packed in place shall be flush with the top of said rails and shall be so kept and main- tained as nearly as practicable by the licensee, its successors or assigns, at its and their own proper cost and expense. Said licensee, its successors or assigns, shall establish and maintain a metallic return circuit conductor independent of the rails, upon the respective lines of street railway hereby authorized to be operated by overhead or under- ground contact wires. Excepting, however, that when the track shall be constructed with cast welded or electric welded rail joints, said return wire shall not be required. Whenever other lines of wire cross the wires to be strung by virtue of this ordinance, the latter wires shall be protected by guard wires or other suitable mechanical device, as may be directed by the Board of Public Works. Sec. 4. The tracks herein authorized shall be of standard gauge and laid as near as practicable to the middle of the streets over which the same shall pass, or if on one side, then under the direction of the Board of Public Works. Whenever the city shall by ordinance change the grade of any street occupied by tracks constructed under this ordinance, then the licensee hereunder shall at its own cost and expense change its tracks to conform to said grade within 60 days after receiving due notice to make such change and failing so to do, the city may make such change and collect the cost of same with ten per cent additional penalty, in the manner prescribed by law. Sec. 5. At any time when the city paves or macadamizes or otherwise improves any street or part of street occupied by the tracks herein authorized the licensee, its successors or assigns, shall pave or macadamize or otherwise improve at its or their own cost or expense in the same manner and under the direction and inspection of the Board of Public Works or other proper authority of the city, all the space between the outer rails of the tracks and for two feet on the outside thereof ; such work to be completed within thirty days after the completion of work done upon same street by the city, and to be maintained in good repair by said licensee, its successors or assigns. Should it or they fail oi omit to make such improvement and keep the same in good repair as herein required the city without waiving any of the terms or conditions of this ordi- nance may improve such portion of the streets aforesaid, or repair the same, as the case may be, and the cost thereof, with ten per cent additional, shall be charged against the licensee, its successors or assigns, to be recovered by any lawful proceedings. Sr.* 1 . 6. Wherever, in the construction of the tracks herein authorized, it becomes necessary to cross the line of any street or other railway occupying any of the streets herein described, the licensee, its successors and assigns, shall have the right to lay the tracks herein authorized across such other tracks, but the licensee, its successors or assigns, shall put in and maintain at its or their own expense all needful appliances for the proper crossing and for the non- interference with the motive power of such street or other railway. Whenever the right has heretofore been, or shall hereafter be, granted by the council to MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 467 any person or company to lay street or other railway tracks across the tracks owned by the licensee, its successors or assigns, such person or company shall be permitted to put in whatever appliances may be necessary to the proper crossing and non-interference with the motive power of the licensee. Sec. 7. The franchises and privilege herein granted shall continue for a period of twenty-five years from the date this ordinance goes into effect ; pro- vided, however, that the licensee, its successors or assigns, shall commence work hereunder within sixty days from the said date and shall complete and operate the same within one year from said date. Sec. 8. The speed at which cars may be run upon the tracks hereby author- ized may be regulated by the city from time to time. The rate of fare to be charged for passage over the lines granted by this ordinance shall not exceed five cents for one passenger one way. Wherever a passenger is required to change cars to reach his destination on the said line or lines he shall be entitled to a transfer from one car of the company to the car next thereafter going to his destination ; except that, a transfer shall not of right be required when the line or car from which a transfer is demanded parallels the line or car to which it is demanded at a distance of less than six blocks away. Members of the police force and of the fire department in uniform shall be carried free on the lines granted by this ordinance. Members of the police force on duty in citizen’s clothes shall likewise be carried free under the rules of the company Sec. 9. The licensee, its successors or assigns, shall accept this franchise within five days from the approval of this ordinance by writing properly sub- scribed. fi'ed in the office of the City Clerk. It shall likewise execute and deliver to the City of Spokane a good and sufficient bond in the sum of ten thousand dollars, with sureties to be approved by the Mayor, conditioned to save and hold the city harmless from any damages or claims for damages which may arise by reason of the construction, maintenance or operation of said system or any part thereof. Unless such acceptance and bond shall be so filed the rights herein conferred shall lapse. Sec. 10. In consideration of the privileges herein granted the licensee, its succcessors or assigns, shall, on the first day of January, 1908, and on the first day of January of each succeeding year, pay to the Treasurer of the City of Spokane the sum of two mills for each car mile run during the next preceding year over and upon the lines of street railway herein provided for. The term car mile means ihe running of one car one mile. Sec. 11. Before the licensee, its successors or assigns, shall sell, assign, lease set over, or transfer the franchises or any of the rights and privileges herein granted to any other person, company or corporation, it or they shall file with the City Council a statement of the intent to do so, particularly describing the part or interest to be sold, the the person, company or corporation to whom it is intended to sell, assign, lease or otherwise transfer, verified by the certifi- cates of the licensee and attested by the seal of the company or corporation, if any there be, and such sale, assignment or other transfer shall not become effective until such assignee or transferee shall have filed with the Clerk a good and sufficient bond as required by section nine of this ordinance with sureties to be approved by the Mayor. Nothing herein contained, however, shall affect the right of the licensee, its successors or assigns, to mortgage or bond the privileges herein granted and the property operating the system without permission of the City Council or the filing of said statement, but in case of a sale on foreclosure the purchaser shall file with the said clerk a declaration of ownership and give bond as above required within three months after entering into possession under such sale, otherwise the grant and franchise as to him shall be void. Sec. 12. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council February 20, 1903 468 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE JAY P. GRAVES. ORDINANCE NO. A1294. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO J. P. GRAVES, HIS ASSOCIATES, HEIRS, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, THE RIGHT TO BUILD, EQUIP AND OPERATE A SINGLE OR DOUBLE TRACK ELECTRIC RAILWAY SYSTEM UPON CERTAIN STREETS IN THE CITY OF SPOKANE. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. There is hereby granted to Jay P. Graves, his associates, heirs, successors and assigns, the right to construct, equip and operate a street railway system in the City of Spokane ; and to chat end to lay down, build, construct, equip, maintain and operate a single or double track electric railway, together with side tracks, switches, turnouts, crossings and connections, over, along and upon the following streets and alleys of the City of Spokane, to-wit : Commencing at the intersection of Washington street and the north line of Second avenue, running thence on Washington street to Cleveland avenue, with the right to cross the bridges over the Spokane river, and any future bridge or bridges that may be built or be over said river during the life of this franchise. Subject to mutual agreement, the right is also granted to connect with the tracks of any other company. Sec. 2. In the occupation of the foregoing streets for the purposes afore- said, the right is granted likewise to erect and maintain along the side lines of said streets the necessary poles therefor, of such height and dimensions as may be prescribed by the Board of Public Works, to be not less than 125 feet apart, except where poles have been erected and used for other purposes, in which case to be not less than 100 feet apart. No poles shall be erected under this ordinance in the center of the streets or in a position to obstruct travel. Whenever there is, or shall be, electric light or telephone poles erected upon any or all of the foregoing streets the city may require the wires suspending the electric cable to be attached thereto, and require the removal of any and all unnecessary poles erected under this ordinance. There shall be constructed as near the upper end of the poles as practicable, erected under this ordinance, a cross-arm, hereby reserved for the exclusive use of the City of Spokane to carry wires for the city business. Sec. 3. The rails of said railway shall be laid so that the tops are flush with the top of the grade of the street. At the intersection and crossing of all streets it shall be the duty of said company to plank over the entire surface between the rails and one plank outside of the outside rails for the entire width of said intersection. Such plank shall be not less than two inches in thickness and shall present an even surface at the top of the rail, and shall be securely spiked and fastened in place, and shall be kept and maintained it* good and reasonably safe and proper condition by said licensee, his successors or assigns. It shall be the duty of the licensee to fill in all spaces enclosed between said rails and on the outer edge of said track with suitable road gravel to the satis- faction of the Board of Public Works, so that said gravel when packed in place shall be flush with the top of said rails and shall be so kept and maintained as nearly as practicable by the licensee, his successors or assigns, at his or their own proper cost and expense. The licensee, his successors or assigns, shall like wise maintain the roadway between the rails and for two feet outside of either rail over any and all bridges crossed by the lines hereby authorized. Said licensee, his successors or assigns, shall establish and maintain a metallic return circuit conductor independent of the rails, upon the respective lines of street railway hereby authorized to be operated by overhead or under- ground contact wires. Excepting, however, that when the tracks shall be constructed with cast welded or electrically welded rail joints, said return wire shall not be required. Whenever other lines of wire cross the wires to be strung by virtue of this MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 469 ordinance, the latter wires shall be protected by guard wires or other suitable mechanical device, as may be directed by the Board of Public Works. Whenever the city shall by ordinance change the grade of any street occupied by tracks constructed under this ordinance, then the licensee, hereunder shall at his or their own cost and expense change the tracks to conform to said grade, within 60 days after receiving due notice to make such change, and, failing so to do, the city may make such change and collect the cost of same with ten per cent additional penalty, in the manner prescribed by law. Sec. 5. At any time when the city paves or macadamizes or otherwise improves any street, or part of street, occupied by the tracks herein authorized, the licensee, his successors or assigns, shall pave or macadamize or otherwise improve, at his, their or its own cost aDd expense, in the same manner, and under the direction and inspection of the Board of Public Works, or other proper authority of the city, all the space between the outer rails of the tracks and for two feet on the outside thereof ; such work to be completed within thirty days after the completion of work done upon the same street by the city, and to be maintained in good repair by the said licensee, his successors or assigns. Should he, they or it, fail or omit to make such improvement and keep the same in good repair, as herein required, the city, without waiving any of the terms or conditions of this ordinance, may improve such portion of the streets aforesaid, or repair the same, as the case may be, and the cost thereof, with ten per cent additional, shall be charged against the licensee, his successors or assigns, to be recovered by any lawful proceedings. Where tracks are laid under this ordi- nance on a street, or portion of a street, which is paved, the work shall be done under the direction of the Board of Public Works, and the street shall be put back in as good condition as it now is and so maintained. Sec. 6. Wherever, in the construction of the tracks herein authorized, it becomes necessary to cross the line of any street or other railway occupying any of the streets herein described, the licensee, his successors and assigns, shall have the right to lay the tracks herein authorized across such other tracks. But the licensee, his successors or assigns, shall put in and maintain, at his, their or its own expense, all needful appliances for the proper crossing and for the non-interference with the motive power of such street or other railway. Whenever the right has heretofore been, or shall hereafter be, granted by the Council to any person or company to lay street or other railway tracks across the tracks owned by the licensee, his successors or assigns, such person or company shall be permitted to put in whatever appliances may be necessary for the proper crossing and non-interference of the motive power of the licensee. Sec. 7. The franchise and privileges herein granted shall continue for a period of twenty-five years from the date this ordinance goes into effect ; pro- vided , how r ever, that the licensee, his successors or assigns, shall commence work hereunder within sixty days from the said date, and shall complete and operate the same within one year from said date. Sec. 8. The speed at which cars may be run upon the tracks hereby author- ized may be regulated by the city from time to time. The rate of fare to be charged for passage over the lines granted by this ordinance shall not exceed five cents for one passenger one w r ay. Wherever a passenger is required to change cars to reach his destination on the said line or lines, he shall be entitled to a transfer from one car of the company to the car next thereafter going to his destination ; except that a transfer shall not of right be required where the line or car from ’which a transfer is demanded parallels the line or car to which it is demanded at a distance of less than six blocks away. Members of the police force and of the fire department in uniform shall be carried free on the lines granted by this ordinance. Members of the police force on duty in citizens’ clothes shall likewise be carried free under the rules of the company. Sec. 9. The licensee, his successors or assigns, shall accept this franchise within five days from the approval of this ordinance, by writing, properly sub- scribed, filed in the office of the City Clerk. He, they or it, shall likewise execute 470 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE and deliver to the City of Spokane, at the same time, a good and sufficient bond in the sum of $10,000, with sureties to be approved by the Mayor, conditioned to save and hold the city harmless fiom any damages or claim for damages which may arise by reason of the construction, maintenance or operation of said system or any part thereof. Unless such acceptance and bond shall be so filed the rights herein conferred shall lapse. Sec. 10. In consideration of the privileges herein granted, the licensee, his successors or assigns, shall, on the first day of January, 1908, and on the first day of January of each succeeding year, pay to the Treasurer of the City of Spokane the sum of two (2) mills for each car mile run during the next preceding year over and upon the line of street railway herein provided for. The term of car mile means the running of one car one mile. Sec. 11. Before the licensee, his successors or assigns, shall sell, assign, lease, set over, or transfer, the franchise, or any of the rights and privileges herein granted, to any other person, company or corporation, he, they or it, shall file with the City Council a statement of the intent so to do, particularly describing the part or interest to be sold, the person, company or corporation, to whom it is intended to sell, assign, lease, or otherwise transfer, verified by the certificate of the licensee and attested by the seal of the company or corpora- tion, if any there be, and such sale, assignment, or other transfer, shall not become effective until such assignee or transferee shall have filed with the Clerk a good and sufficient bond as required in section 9 of this ordinance, with sureties to be approved by the Mayor. Nothing herein contained, however, shall affect the right of the licensee, his successors or assigns, to mortgage or bond the privileges herein granted and the property operating the system, without the permission of the City Council, of the filing of said statement ; but in case of a sale on foreclosure the purchaser shall file with the said Clerk a declaration of ownership and give a bond as above required within three months after entering into possession under sale, otherwise the grant and franchise as to him shall be void. Sec. 12. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed by the City Council February 20, 1903. Approved February 24, 1903. JAY P. GRAVES. ORDINANCE NO. A1367. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO JAY P. GRAVES, HIS ASSOCIATES, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, A FRANCHISE. RIGHT AND PRIVILEGE TO CARRY FREIGHT, MAIL, EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE OVER THE LINE OF STREET RAILWAY ON WASHINGTON STREET FROM THE NORTH LINE OF SECOND AVENUE TO CLEVELAND AVENUE. The City of Spokane docs ordain as follows: Section 1. There is hereby granted to Jay P. Graves, his associates, suc- cessors and assigns, the right to haul freight, express, baggage and mail over the line of street railway, a franchise to build which was granted him by the City of Spokane by ordinance No. A1294, passed the City Council February 20, 1903, and approved by the Mayor February 24, 1903, along and upon the follow- ing streets and alleys of the City of Spokane, to-wit : Commencing at the intersection of Washington street and the north line of Second avenue, running thence on Washington street to Cleveland avenue. Sec. 2. The right hereby granted is subject to all the conditions and pro- visions of said ordinance No. A1294 entitled “An ordinance granting to Jay P. Graves, his associates, heirs, successors and assigns, the right to build, equip MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 47 f and operate a single or double track electric street railway system upon certain streets in the City of Spokane.” Sec. 3. The right is also granted him, and to his heirs, successors and assigns, to string telephone wires on the poles erected under ordinance No. A1294. Said wires to be used in the operation of his cars and the cars of the companies running over his line. Sec. 4. In moving freight over the line the cars shall be so managed as not to stand upon the streets or to block traffic or travel upon the streets except so far as may be necessary in the ordinary operation of the cars. Freight shall not be loaded or unloaded on said cars on the street. The licensee, its successors or assigns, shall not build in under this ordinance any platform or other struc- ture in any street or alley. The cars used for carrying freight shall conform in general appearance to the passenger car of the licensee, except in respect of the number and location of windows. Said cars shall be painted and var- nished in the same manner as the passenger coaches of the company, and shall not be unsightly or offensive. No cars shall ever be operated by steam over said lines or any part thereof. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Fassed by the City Council May 12, 1903. SPOKANE TRACTION COMPANY. ORDINANCE NO. A1363. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO SPOKANE TRACTION COMPANY, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, THE RIGHT TO BUILD, EQUIP AND OPERATE A SINGLE OR DOUBLE TRACK ELECTRIC RAILWAY SYSTEM UPON CERTAIN STREETS IN THE CITY OP SPOKANE. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. There is hereby granted to Spokane Traction Company, a cor- poration organized and existing under the laws of the State of Washington, its successors and assigns, the right to construct, equip and operate a street railway system in the City of Spokane, for the carriage of passengers, express, baggage, mail and freight ; and to that end to lay down, build, construct, equip, maintain and operate a single or double track electric railway, together with side tracks, switches, turnouts, crossings and connections over, across, along and upon the following streets and public places in the City of Spokane, to-wit : From the north line of Second avenue on Washington street to a point opposite the center of Second avenue ; thence east on Second avenue to Sherman street ; thence south on Sherman street to Rusk avenue ; thence east on Rusk avenue to Hatch street ; thence south on Hatch street to the north line of Highland avenue ; thence across Highland avenue to private property ; across East Kaufman street from private property to private property ; across Sherman street from private property to private property ; across West Kaufman street from private property to Rose avenue ; west on Rose avenue to its west line ; from private property across City View street to Rose court ; thence along Rose court to its west end line ; from private property onto Prospect street ; thence southwesterly on Prospect street to its western terminus ; thence on Grand avenue from its north and northeasterly line to Thirty-third avenue, so far as Grand avenue is a dedicated and public street. Also, commencing at the intersection of Washington street and Sinto avenue and running thence east on Sinto avenue to Kalispel street ; thence north on Kalispel street to Sinto avenue ; thence east on Sinto avenue to Addison street ; thence south on Addison street to Boone avenue, and thence east on Boone, avenue to east city limits. 472 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE Also a right to build and construct a bridge across the Spokane river on Boone avenue, and to occupy the bridge with its tracks and cars ^or operat'on when so built and constructed. Said bridge to be so built as to accommodate travel for teams, horses and pedestrians by utilizing the space occupied by the street railway tracks. Also commencing at the intersection of Washington street and Main avenue ; running thence west on Main avenue to Mill street ; thence south on Mill street to Sprague avenue, and thence east on Sprague avenue to the point of intersec- tion with the center of Washington street. The license above granted on Second avenue, Sherman street, Batch street and Highland avenue is because of the release and relinquishment of the Moran Prairie Railroad Construction Company o? its right on said streets by virtue of ordinance No. A1302, passed by this Council on March 3, 1903, and approved by the Mayor on March 12, 1903, which relinquishment and consent by said Moran Prairie Company has been made to appear to this Council by writing filed with the Clerk. Sec. 2. In the occupation of the foregoing streets for the purposes afore- said, the right is granted likewise to erect and maintain along the side lines of said streets, the necessary poles therefor, of such height and dimensions as may be prescribed by the Board of Public Works, to be not less than 125 feet apart, except where poles have been erected and used for other purposes, in which case to be not less than 100 feet apart. No poles shall be erected under this ordinance in the center of the streets or in a position to obstruct travel. Whenever there is, or shall be electric light or telephone poles erected upon any or all of the foregoing streets, the city may require the wires suspending the electiic cable to be attached thereto, and require the removal of any and all unnecessary poles erected under this ordinance. There shall be constructed as near the upper end of the poles as practicable, erected under this ordinance, a cross-arm, hereby reserved for the exclusive use of the City of Spokane to carry wires for the city’s business. Said licensee, its successors or assigns, shall establish and maintain a metallic return circuit conductor independent of the rail^, upon the respective lines of street railway hereby authorized to • be operated by overhead or underground contact wires ; excepting, however, that when the tracks shal 1 be constructed with cast welded or electrically welded rail joints said return wire shall not be required. When- ever other lines of wire cross the wires to be strung by virtue of this ordinance the latter wires shall be protected by guard wires or other suitable mechanical device as may be directed by the Board of Public Works. Sec. 3. The rails of said railway shall be laid so that the tops thereof are flush with the top of the grade of the street. At the intersection and crossing of all streets it shall be the duty of said company to plank over the entire surface between the rails and one plank outside of the outside rails for the entire width of said intersection. Such plank shall not be less than two inches in thickness and shall present an even surface at the top of the rail and shall be securely spiked and fastened in place, and shall be kept and maintained in good and reasonably safe and proper condition by said licensee, its successors or assigns. It shall be the duty of the licensee to fill in all spaces enclosed between said rails and on the outer edge of said track with suitable road gravel to the satisfaction of the Board of Public Works, so that said gravel when packed in place shall be flush with the top of said rails, and shall be so kept and main- tained as nearly as practicable by the licensee, its successors or assigns, at its or their own proper cost and expense. The licensee, its successors or assigns, shall likewise maintain the roadway between the rails and for two feet outside of either rail over any and all bridges crossed by the lines hereby authorized. Sec. 4. The tracks herein authorized shall be of standard gauge, and laid as near as practicable to the middle of the streets over which the same shall pass, or if on one side, then under the direction of the Board of Public Works. Whenever the city shall by ordinance change the grade of any street occupied MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 473 by tracks constructed under this ordinance, then the licensee hereunder shall, at its or their own cost and expense, change the tracks to conform to said grade within 60 days after receiving due notice to make such change, and failing so to do, the city may make such change and collect the cost of same, with 10 per cent additional penalty, in the manner prescribed by law. Sec. 5. At any time the city paves or macadamizes or otherwise improves any street, or part of street, occupied by the tracks herein authorized, the licensee, its successors or assigns, shall pave or macadamize, at its or their own cost and expense, in the same manner, and under the direction and inspection of the Board of Public Works, or other proper authority of the city, all the space between the outer rails of the tracks and for two feet on the outside thereof ; such work to be completed within 30 days after the completion of work done upon the same street by the city, and to be maintained in good repair by the said licensee, its successors or assigns. Should it or they fail or omit to make such improvement and keep the same in good repair, as herein required, the city, without waiving any of ihe terms or conditions of this ordinance, may improve such portion of the street aforesaid or repair the same, as the case may be, and the cost thereof, with 10 per cent additional, shall be charged against the licensee, its successors or assigns, to be recovered by any lawful proceedings. Where tracks are laid under this ordinance on a street, or portion of a street, which is paved, the work shall be done under the direction of the Board of Public Works, and the street shall be put back in as good condition as it now is and so maintained. Sec. 6. Wherever, in the construction of the tracks herein authorized, it becomes necessary to cross the line of any street or railway occupying any of the streets herein described, the licensee, its successors and assigns, shall have the right to lay the tracks herein authorized across such other tracks. But the licensee, its successors or assigns, shall put in and maintain, at its or their own expense, all needful appliances for the non-interference with the motive powei of such street or other railway. Whenever the right has heretofore been, or shall hereafter be, granted by the Council to any person or company to lay street or other railway tracks across the tracks owned by the licensee, its successors or assigns, such person or company shall be permitted to put in whatever appliances may be necessary for the proper crossing and non-interference with the motive power of the licensee. Sec. 7. The franchise and privileges herein granted shall continue for a period of 25 years from the date this ordinance goes into effect ; provided, however, that the licensee, its successors or assign^, shall commence work here- under within 60 days from the said date, and shall complete and operate the same within one year from said date. Sec. 8. The speed at which cars may be run upon the tracks hereby author- ized may be regulated by the city from time to time. The rate of fare to be charged shall not exceed 5 cents for one passenger one way. Wherever a passenger is required to change cars to reach his destination on the said line ot lines, he shall be entitled to a transferfrom one car of the company to the car of the next thereafter going to his destination ; except that a transfer shall not of right be required where the line or car from which a transfer is demanded parallels the line or car to which it is demanded at a distance of less than six blocks away. Members of the police force and of the fire department in uniform shall be carried free on the lines granted by this ordinance. Members of the police force on duty in citizens’ clothing shall likewise be carried free under the rules cf the company. Sec. 9. The licensee, its successors or assigns, shall accept this franchise within five days from the approval of this ordinance, by writing, properly sub- scribed, filed in the office of the City Clerk. It, or they, shall likewise execute and deliver to the City of Spokane, at the same time, a good and sufficient bond in the sum of $10,000, with sureties to be approved by the Mayor, conditioned to save and hoid the city harmless from any damages or claims for damages 474 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE which may arise by reason of the construction, maintenance or operation of said system or any part thereof. Unless such acceptance and bonds shall be so filed, the rights herein conferred shall lapse. Sec. 10. In consideration of the privileges herein granted, the licensee, its successors or assigns, shall on the first day of January, 1908, and on the first day of January of each succeeding year, pay to the Treasurer of the City of Spokane the sum of two (2) mills for each car mile run during the next preceding year over and upon the line of street railway herein provided for. The term car mile means the running of one car one mile. SEc. 11. Before the licensee, its successors or assigns, shall sell, assign, lease, set over, or transfer, the franchise, or any of the rights and privileges herein granted, to any other person, company or corporation, it, or they, shall file with the City Council a statement of the intent so to do, particularly describ- ing the part or interest to be sold, the person, company or corporation, to whom it is intended to sell, assign, lease, or otherwise transfer, verified by the certifi- cate of the licensee and attested by the seal of the company or corporation, if any there be, and such sale, assignment, or other transfer shall not become effective ointil such assignee or transferee shall have filed with the Clerk a good and sufficient bond as required in section 9 of this ordinance, with sureties to be approved by the Mayor. Nothing herein contained, however, shall effect the right of the licensee, its successors or assigns, to mortgage or bond the privileges herein granted, and the property operating the system, without the permission of the City Council, or the filing of such statement ; but in case of a sale on foreclosure, the purchaser shall file with the said Clerk a declaration of owner- ship and give a bond as above required within three months after entering into possession under such sale, otherwise the grant and franchise as to him shall be void. Sec. 12. In moving freight over the line the cars shall be so managed as not to stand upon the streets or to block traffic or travel upon the streets, except so far as may be necessary in the ordinary operation of the cars. Freight shall not be loaded and unloaded on said cars on the street. The licensee, its suc- cessors or assigns, shall not build under this ordinance any platform or other structure in any street or alley. The cars used for carrying freight shall conform in general external appearance to the passenger cars of the licensee, except in respect of the number and location of windows. Said cars shall be painted and varnished in the same manner as the passenger coaches of the company, and shall not be unsightly or offensive. No cars shall ever be operated by steam over said lines or any part thereof. Sec. 13. The licensee is hereby granted the right to string a telephone wire on the poles erected under this ordinance to be used in the operation of its cars and the cars of companies running over its line. Subject to mutual agreement thg right is also granted to connect with the tracks of any other company. Sec. 14. At any time a majority of the property owners on that portion of Sinto avenue which is covered by this ordinance shall petition therefor and the City Council or other proper authorities of the city shall lawfully authorize and direct, the licensee, its successors and assigns, shall move back, at its own cost and expense, the curbing on that portion of Sinto avenue to the original width of the street, or to such less width as shall be directed by the city authorities. Sec. 15 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council May 12, 1903. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 475 THE WASHINGTON WATER POWER COMPANY. ORDINANCE NO. A1351. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO THE WASHINGTON WATER POWER COMPANY, ITS SUC- CESSORS AND ASSIGNS, THE RIGHT TO HAUL CEREALS AND THE PRODUCTS OF CEREALS ON, ALONG AND OVER CERTAIN STREETS AND STREET RAILWAY LINES IN TI!E CITY OF SPOKANE, WASHINGTON. The City of Spokane does ordain as folloivs: Section 1. That the right be and is hereby granted to the said The Wash- ington Water Power Company, its successors or assigns, to build, construct and operate a system of electric railways, commencing at a point on Front avenue where the Northern Pacilic tracks cross Front avenue, thence westerly along Front avenue to the intersection of Front avenue and Post street, thence north- ward on Post street to the C. & C. mills, with the right to construct the necessary switches at the terminal points in question, for the purpose of carrying cereals and the products 0 f cereals. On that portion of said street where street railway tracks are now laid no additional rails shall be laid under this franchise. Sec. 2. Said railwny shall be of standard street railway gauge. The rails of said railway shall be laid so that the tops thereof are flush with the top of the grade of the street. At the intersection and crossing of all streets it shall be the duty of said company to plank over the entire surface between the rails and one plank outside of the outside rail for the entire width of said intersection. Such plank shall not be less than two inches in thickness and shall present an even surface at the top of the rail and shall be securely spiked and fastened in place, and shall be kept and maintained in good and reasonably safe and proper condition by said licensee, its successors or assigns. It shall be the duty of the licensee to All in all spaces enclosed between said rails and on thv outer edge of said track with suitable road gravel to the satisfaction of the Board of Public Works, so that said gravel, when packed in place, shall be flush with the top of said rails and shall be so kept and maintained as nearly as practicable by the licensee, its successors or assigns, at its and their own proper cost and expense. Whenever the City of Spokane shall decide to pave said street, all the space lying between the rails of said tracks, and two feet on the outside of each outer rail shall be paved by said company at its own expense, and such paving shall be maintained in good repair at the expense of said company, its successors or assigns. Sec. 3. The right is also granted to suspend overhead trolley wires along said route. Sec. 4. It is expressly provided that the cars (excepting as provided in section 9 hereof) to be used shall not exceed in length twenty-four feet over bumpers, and shall be of light construction, similar to the electric cars used on suburban travel, and shall be equipped with electric motors similar to those used on cars with a maximum carrying capacity of ten tons, and the speed at which said cars are to be run shall not exceed five miles per hour, and all street railway passenger cars and fire department apparatus shall have the right-of- way over said cars. Sec. 5. It is further provided that said parties to whom this franchise is granted shall enter into a bond with the City of Spokane with good and sufficient sureties in the sum of five thousand dollars ; providing : (a) For the protection of the City of Spokane from any and all damages which may arise from the operation of said road. (b) For the relinquishment of said franchise at its expiration ; provided, said bond shall be renewed every five years, and if not so renewed this franchise shall become absolutely void. Sec. 6. The right hereby granted shall continue for a period of twenty-five <25) years from the passage of this ordinance, but it shall become null and 476 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE void at any time within that period when trackage facilities by one or more of the steam railroad companies now centered, or which may hereafter center, in this city shall be afforded to the milling industries reached by said street railway line, including the C. & C. Mills, at a rate not to exceed two dollars ($2.00) per car, and when such facilities and rate are so extended and guaranteed, the City Council shall by resolution declare that the rights afforded by this franchise shall absolutely cease and determine, and that portion of said line not used for the transportation of passengers under existing franchises shall be removed from the public streets, and if not so removed may be torn up by the City of Spokane under the police powers of the said city. Sec. 7. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed or construed as a re- linquishment by the city of any of its rightful authority over the streets or any part of them. The rights and privileges herein contained are upon the express condition that should the said company, or its successors or assigns, neglect or refuse to exercise the same for a period of one year continuously then this franchise shall lapse at the option of the City Council, and upon a resolution passed for that purpose. Provided, that it shall not lapse or terminate if such failure to exercise the same or any part thereof shall be on account of the elements, strikes, act of God or the public enemy, or the destruction (in whole or in part) of the mill or mills served or to be served hereunder or in pursuance hereof. Sec. 8. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed or construed as allowing The Washington Water Power Company to operate or move steam railroad cars on the streets and avenues mentioned in this ordinance (excepting as provided in section 9 hereof) and should said The Washington Water Power Company, during the existence of this franchise, allow a steam railroad freight car upon said streets (excepting as provided in section 9 hereof) such offense shall work a cancellation of this franchise, and the same shall become immedi- ately void upon a resolution of the City Council declaring the same to be void. Sec. 9. The grantee herein may, between the hours of 9 p. m. and 5 a. m. haul steam railroad freight cars over the route and for the purposes herein designated by the use of suitable electric locomotives. Sec. 10. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council May 6, 1903. MORAN PRAIRIE RAILROAD CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. ORDINANCE NO. A1302. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO THE MORAN PRAIRIE RAILROAD CONSTRUCTION COM- PANY, ITS SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS, THE RIGHT TO BUILD, EQUIP, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN A SINGLE OR DOUBLE TRACK ELECTRIC RAILROAD SYSTEM UPON CER- TAIN STREETS IN THE CITY OP SPOKANE. The City of Spokane does ordain as follotvs: Section 1. The right is hereby granted to the Moran Prairie Railroad Construction Company, its successors or assigns, to lay down, construct, equip, maintain and operate, for the transportation of passengers, express, mail and freight, a single or double track electric railroad, together with sidetracks, switches, turnouts and terminals, over and along the following streets of the city of Spokane, as follows, to-wit : Commencing with the intersection of Granite street with the east, city limits in Altamont, thence along Granite street and Bryant avenue to Eleventh avenue, thence on Eleventh avenue to Napa street, thence on Napa street to Twelfth avenue, thence westerly on Twelfth avenue and Twelfth avenue extended to> Southeast boulevard, thence on Southeast boulevard to Highland avenue, thence MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 477 to Sherman street, thence north on Sherman street to Second avenue, thence west on Second avenue to Washington street, thence on Washington street to the south bauk of the Spokane river. Also commencing at the intersection of Post street and Front avenue, thence east on Front avenue to Sheridan street railroad transfer track ; also com mencing at the intersection of Division street and Second avenue, thence along Division street to Front avenue ; provided that only freight cars shall be run on said Division street, from Second avenue to Front avenue, and then only between the hours of 11 :30 o’clock p. m. and 5 o’clock a. m. ; also provided, that this franchise shall not permit the laying of more than one track on said Division street from Second avenue to Hfverside avenue, qnd provided further, that the duration of this franchise as to said street between said last named points be limited to ten years. Also commencing at the intersection of Newark avenue and Ninth avenue, thence south along Perry street extended to Twelfth avenue ; also commencing at the intersection of Napa street and twelfth avenue, thence south along Napa street to Sixteenth avenue, thence east on Sixteenth avenue, thence east on Sixteenth avenue to Crestline, south on Crestline to Seventeenth avenue, east on Seventeenth avenue to the east city limits. Also commencing at the intersection of Regal street and Fifth avenue, thence west on Fifth avenue to Pittsburg street, thence north on Pittsburg street to Third avenue, thence w r est on Third avenue to Sherman street. Subject to mutual agreement, the right is granted to said licensee, its suc- cessors or assigns, to connect with the tracks of any other company. Sec. 2. The right is hereby granted to said licensee, its successors or assigns, to erect and maintain along said streets 'the necessary poles therefor, such poles to be of such height and dimensions as may be designated by the board of public works, and shall not be less than 125 feet apart, except when the poles have been iocated and used for other purposes and uses ; in such cases they may be as near as 100 feet apart, but not less, and in no case shall said licensee, its successors or assigns, construct or maintain a line of poles in the center of said streets, or in a position to obstruct travel. Upon any and all of said streets, when there is or shall be electric light or telephone poles erected, the right is reserved to the city to require the wires suspending the electric cable to be attached thereto, and to require the removal of any and al 1 unnecessary poles belonging to said licensee, its successors or assigns, from said streets or parts thereof. There shall be constructed as near the upper ends of the said poles as practicable, a cross arm, which said arm shall be for the exclusive use of said city, for the carrying of wires for the city’s business. Sec. 3. The rails of said railway shall be laid so that the tops thereof are flush with the top of the grade of the street. At the intersection and crossing of all streets it shall be the duty of said company to plank over the entire sur- face between the rails and one plank outside of the outside rail for the entire width of said intersection. Such plank shall not be less than two inches in thickness and shall present an even surface at the top of the rail and shall be securely spiked and fastened in place, and shall be kept and maintained in good and reasonably safe and proper condition by said licensee, its successors or assigns. It shall be the duty of the licensee to fill in all spaces enclosed between said rails and on the outer edge of said track with suitable road gravel to the satisfaction of the board of public works, so that said gravel, when packed in place, shall be flush with the top of said rails and shall be so kept and main- tained as nearly as practicable by the licensee, its successors or assigns, at its and their own proper cost and expense. Said licensee, its successors or assigns, shall establish and maintain a metallic return circuit conductor independent of the rails, upon the respecDve lines of street railway hereby authorized to be operated by overhead or under- ground contact wires. Excepting, however, that when the track shall be constructed with cast 478 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE welded or electrically welded rail joints, said return wire shall not be required. Whenever other lines of wire cross the wires to be strung by virtue of this ordinance, the latter wires shall be protected by guard wires or other suitable mechanical device, as may be directed by the Board of Public Works. Sec. 4. The tracks herein authorized shall be standard gauge, and laia as near as practicable to the middle of the streets over which the same shall pass, or if on one side, then under the guidance and direction of the Board of Public Works. Whenever the city by ordinance shall change the grade of any street occupied by tracks constructed under this ordinance, then the licensee hereunder, its successors or assigns, shall, at its or their own cost and expense, change its tracks to conform to said grade, within sixty days after receiving due notice to make such change, and, failing so to do, the city may make such change and collect the cost of same, with 10 per cent additional penalty, in the manner prescribed by law. Sec. 5. Whenever the City of Spokane paves, macadamizes or otherwise improves any street or part of street over which said tracks herein authorized shall be laid, the said Moran Prairie Railroad Construction Company, its suc- cessors or assigns, shall pave, macadamize or otherwise improve, at its own expense, all the space lying between the outer rails of said tracks, and for two feet on the outside thereof, of such material as may be prescribed by the City Council for such street or part of street, and under the direction and inspection of the Board of Public Works or other proper authority, and such paving, macadamizing or other improvement required of the grantee herein, shall be completed within thirty days after said street shall be improved as aforesaid, and such portion of said street and said improvement shall be maintained in good repair at all times, at the cost and expense of said licensee, its successors or assigns ; should said licensee, its successors or assigns, fail to make said im provement or to keep said street in good repair as and when herein required, then the city, if it shall so elect, without waiving any of the terms or conditions of this ordinance shall proceed to improve such portion of said street as aforesaid, or to repair the same as the case may be, and the cost thereof, with 10 per cent additional penalty, shall be charged against the licensee, its successors or assigns, to be recovered by any lawful proceedings. Sec. 6 . Wherever, in the construction of the tracks herein authorized, it becomes necessary to cross the line of any street, or other railroad occupying any of the streets herein described, the licensee, its successors or assigns, shall have the right to lay the tracks herein authorized, across such other tracks, but the said licensee, its successors or assigns, shall put in and maintain at its or their own expense all needful appliances for the proper crossing and for the non-interference with the motive power of such street or other railroad. When- ever the right has heretofore been, or shall hereafter be, granted by the Council to any person or company to lay a street or other railway track across the track owned by the licensee, its successors or assigns, such person or company shall be permitted to put in whatever appliances may be necessary for the proper crossing and non-interference with the motive power of the licensee, its succcessors or assigns. Sec. 7. The franchises and privileges herein granted shall continue for the period of twenty-five years from the date this ordinance goes into effect, excepting as to Division street as above provided in section 1 ; providing, how- ever, that the licensee, its successors or assigns, shall commence work hereunder, within sixty days from the said date, and shall complete and operate the said road within one year from said date. Provided, however, that said licensee, its successors or assigns, shall be required to operate and run over each and all of its own tracks constructed and operated under this franchise passenger cars at least as often as one each way each hour between 6 :30 a. m. and 8 o’clock p. m. each day ; and, provided further, that the above provision as to the running of passenger cars shall not apply to that portion of this franchise relating to Division street between Second avenue and Front avenue, as above provided in section 1 hereof. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 479 Sec. 8. The speed at which cars may be run upon the tracks herein authorized may be regulated from time to time by the city. The rate of fare to be charged for passage over the lines granted by this ordinance shall not exceed five cents for one passage one way. Whenever a passenger is required to change cars to reach his destination on said line or lines, he shall be entitled to a transfer from one car of the company, its successors or assigns, to the car next thereafter, going to his destination ; except that a transfer shall not of right be required where the line of the car from which the transfer is demanded, at a distance of less than six blocks away. Members of the police force and fire department in uniform shall be carried free on the lines granted by this ordinance. Members of the police department in citizens’ clothes shall likewise be carried free under the rules of the company. Sec. 9. The licensee, its successors or assigns, shall accept this franchise within five days from the approval of this ordinance, by writing, properly subscribed, filed in the office of the City Clerk. It or they shall likewise execute and deliver to the City of Spokane at the same time a good and sufficient bond in the sum of $10,000, with sureties to be approved by the Mayor, conditioned to hold the city safe and harmless for any damage or claims for damages which may arise by reason of the construction, maintenance or operation of said system or any part thereof. Unless said acceptance and bond shall be so filed, the rights herein conferred shall lapse. Sec. 10. The said Moran Prairie Railroad Construction Company, its suc- cessors or assigns, in consideration of the privileges herein granted, shall on the first day of January, 1908, and on January 1 of each succeeding year during the life of this franchise, pay to the Treasurer of the City of Spokane the sum of two mills for each car mile run during the next preceding year over and upon the street railway herein provided for, and over all the tracks and roads over which its cars may run within said city. The term “car mile” means the running of one car one mile. Sec. ll. It is herein expressly reserved that wherever the franchises and rights conferred by this ordinance cover streets or parts of streets already occupied by the tracks of any other person, party or corporation, the said Moran Prairie Railroad Construction Company, its successors or assigns, shall use the tracks laid thereon, only by and with the consent and permission of such other person, party or corporation. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to grant to said licensee, its successors or assigns, the right to build or operate any additional tracks upon streets occupied by the tracks of any other person or corporation, in competition with such latter parties. No cars shall ever be operated by steam over said lines or any part thereof. Sec. 12. Any orchard or other country products, or freight, transported in cars other than those carrying passengers, shall be moved over said lines only in the hours of the night, between seven o’clock in the evening and six o’clock in the morning, or at such other hours as the Board of Public Works of said city shall permit ; but no such cars shall be permitted to stag'd upon or block any street or part thereof, except for the purpose of passing other cars, and no building, platform or other structure erected or maintained by said Moran Prairie Railroad Construction Company, its successors or assigns, shall block or be built upon any street, alley or public thoroughfare of said city, or any part thereof. Provided further, that the plans of all freight cars used by said company shall be approved by the Board of Public Works. Sec. 13. The City of Spokane reserves the right at all times to regulate the movement and handling of any freight over said railway lines, and to prescribe, by ordinance, reasonable and necessary restrictions and conditions concerning the handling and transportation of freight thereon, with due and proper regard for the interests and business of said licensee, its successors or assigns. 480 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE Sec. 14. Before the said licensee, its successors or assigns, shall sell, assign, lease, set over, or transfer the franchise or any of the rights and privi- leges herein granted, to any other person, company or corporation, it or they shall file with the City Council a statement of intent to do so, particularly describing the part or interest to be sold, the person, company or corporation to whom it is intended to sell, assign, lease, or otherwise transfer, verified by the certificate of the licensee, and attested by the seal of the company or corporation, if any there be, and such sale, assignment, or other transfer shall not become effectual until such grantee or assignee shall have filed with the City Clerk a good and sufficient bond, as required in section 9 of this ordinance, with sureties to be approved by the Mayor. Nothing herein contained, however, shall affect the rights of the licensee, its successors or assigns, to mortgage or bond the privileges herein granted, and the property operating the system without the permission of the City Council, or the filing of said statement ; but in case of a sale on foreclosure, the purchaser shall file with the City Clerk a declaration of ownership, and give bond as above required, within three months after entering into possession under such sale, otherwise the grants and fran- chises, as to him, shall be void. Sec. 15. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect ten days after its passage. Passed by the City Council March 3, 1903. RAILROADS. ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS AND MANITOBA RAILWAY COMPANY. ORDINANCE NO. A901. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO THE ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS AND MANITOBA RAILWAY COMPANY THE RIGHT TO CONSTRUCT, MAINTAIN AND OPERATE ITS RAILWAY, ALONG, UPON AND ACROSS STREETS AND ALLEYS IN THE CITY OF SPOKANE. The City of Syolcane does ordain as follows: Section 1. Consent, permission and authority is hereby given to the St. Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba Railway Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, and empowered by the laws of the State of Washington to construct, maintain and operate its railway in said State of Washington, and its successors and assigns, to lay out, construct and maintain over a right-of- way with one or more tracks, as it shall find convenient, its railway, to be operated by steam or other mechanical power, upon, along, across, over and under the streets and alleys within the corporation limits of the City of Spokane from a point one hundred and twenty feet east of Columbus street at the southwest correr of block forty-four- (44) of Sinto’s Second Addi- tion to the City of Spokane ; thence extending in a general westerly direction across said City of Spokane to the western boundary thereof following substan- tially the definite line of location of said railway heretofore made, and indicated upon the map or plat of said line of railway now on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Spokane, to which map or plat reference is hereby made. Said right-of-way to be of the width shown upon the said plat referred to. Sec. 2. The sub-grade of said railway to be constructed shall be substan- tially as set forth and shown on the profile which is now on file in the office of the City Clerk of Spokane, to which reference is hereby made. The sub-grade of the proposed railway at the crossing of Broadway, Colum- bus street and Hamilton street, in Dennis & Bradley’s Addition to the City of Spokane, shall conform to the grade of said streets as now established and existing. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 481 The sub-grade of said railway at the crossing of Cincinnati street shall be raised not to exceed two and one half (2%) feet above the present existing grade of said Cincinnati street, and the sub-grade of said railway at the crossing of Toledo street shall be raised not more than five and one-half (5%) feel above the present existing grade of said Toledo street ; and the sub-grade of said railway at the crossing of Hatch street shall not be to exceed sixteen (16) feet above the existing grade of said Hatch street. All of the three last men- tioned streets being in said Dennis & Bradley’s Addition to the, Qity of Spokane. At the crossing of Division street, the sub-grade of said railway shall be at an elevation of at least twenty-one (21) feet beneath .the lowest part of the floor system of the Division street bridge as it now exists. The railway com- pany is hereby authorized to lay one or more tracks, as it deems necessary, between the north face of the present existing stone abutment at the south end of said Division street bridge, and to occupy with as many tracks as it deems necessary all of the space between said south abutment to a point extend- ing not to exceed two hundred and thirty feet northerly. The railway company will, at its own cost and expense, make ail necessary changes in the sub-structure and super-structure of Division street bridge to effect the improvement as outlined above. At the crossing of Washington street oil what is known as Havermale Island, the sub-grade of the proposed railway shall be established not to exceed nine and one-half (9%) feet below the present grade of Washington street as it now exists. A steel bridge shall oe constructed upon the preliminary plans now on file with the City Engineer of the City of Spokane ; said bridge being in general an overhead structure starting near the scuth end of the present wooden bridge across the south channel on Washington street, and rising at a grade not to exceed five per cent, until it reaches a point to be selected by the railway company south of its tracks ; thence descend- ing to the north on a grade not to exceed six per cent, until the grade of said proposed bridge shall reach the existing grade of Washington street, at or near the south line of Havermale street produced northeasterly across said bridge. Said overhead bridge shall be of a width equal to one-half the existing width of said street, or thirty-seven and one-half (37%) feet, of which about twenty- six (26) feet shall be team roadway, and the balance sidewalk. Said overhead bridge shall occupy the easterly one-half of Washington street for the distance above mentioned. Furthermore a steel bridge shall be constructed beginning at about the southerly end of the wooden bridge, as aforesaid, and extending northerly across The south channel of the Spokane river. The grade of the north end of said bridge shall conform to 'the grade of the railway company’s grounds at the southerly end of Havermale Island and the width of said bridge last mentioned shall be thirty-seven and one-half feet, of which about twenty- six (26) feet shall be team roadway and the balance sidewalks, and shall occupy the westerly half of Washington street across the south channel of the Spokane river, aforesaid. The railway company shall, at its own cost and expense, construct all of the above overhead and low grade bridges on Washington street, with the approaches thereto ; provided, however, the City of Spokane shall pay the rail- way company therefor an amount that will equal the cost of building a steel bridge on masonry abutments across the south channel of the Spokane river one-half the width of said Washington street, which payment shall be made within one year after the completion of said bridge, and hereafter forever said railway company shall maintain said bridges and approaches, except only the flooring of said bridges and paving the approaches, and except that part of said overhead bridge which crosses the south channel of the river, which shall be forever maintained by the City of Spokane. At the crossing of Howard street, the crossing of said proposed railway shall conform to the grade of said street as it now exists, and the railway company shall establish, maintain and perpetually operate suitable safety gates at said crossing at its sole charge and expense. At the crossing of Lincoln and Monroe street, as stown on the plat or profile above referred to, the grade 81 482 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE of the proposed railway shall be carried over said streets on a steel viaduct at such elevation as will permit of the usual clearance between' the grade of said streets as they now exist and the lower part of the viaduct mentioned above, and no supports of said viaduct shall be placed in said streets between curb lines. The sub-grade of said railway at the crossing of Cedar street, in Chandler’s Second Addition to the City of Spokane, shall be not to exceed three feet below the natural surface of the ground as it now exists at the intersection of said line of railway line with the center line of said Cedar street, and the grade ol said railway line to be constructed at the crossing of Maple and Oak streets, in said Chandler’s Second Addition, and at the crossing of Elm street, in Ide and Kaufman’s Addition, and at the crossing of Cannon, Nettleton, Cochran and Boulevard streets, in Nettleton’s First Addition to the City of Spokane, and at the crossing of Chestnut street between said Nettleton’s First Addition and said Ide and Kaufman’s Addition, shall be established to a point below the natural surface of the ground at the crossings of said streets above mentioned to such a depth as the railway company shall deem advisable ; and, at the crossing of the above mentioned streets, the railway company at its sole charge and expense shall build and forever maintain suitable highway overhead bridges, said bridges to be about thirty (30) feet wide, with twenty (20) foot roadway and five (.5) foot sidewalks on each side of said bridges ; provided, however, that the Chestnut bridge may be not less than sixteen (16) feet wide; and, provided further, that, if said bridges are built of wood, when they are renewed, they shall be built in steel on masonry abutments. If, at any time, said Chestnut street above referred to shall be widened, then and in that event the bridge thereon constructed by the said railway company shall likewise be widened by said railway company at its own cost and expense and shall correspond in all respects with the other overhead bridges in this section referred to. The railway company shall also construct approaches to said overhead bridges of earth, with necessary retaining walls built of masonry, at its own cost and expense. The City of Spokane shall thereafter maintain said approaches, except the masonry retaining walls, which walls shall be perpetually maintained by the said railway company. Sec. 3. In consideration of the foregoing and in consideration of the dedi- cation by the railway company in the City of Spokane of a strip of land twenty (20) feet in width adjacent to and on the northerly side of McBroom street in Havermale Island in the City of Spokane, which strip of land is parallel with said McBroom street and extends from the southeast corner of lot four (4) to the west side of lot one hundred sixteen (116) of said Havermale Island, said railway company is hereby authorized and empowered to fully occupy and use forever the westerly one-half of said Washington street from the north end of the low-grade to be constructed as aforesaid to the north line of the railway company’s right-of-way, as shown on the plat above referred to, and also to fully occupy and forever use the southerly thirty (30) feet of McBroom street, between the northeast corner of lot fifty-one (51)^ and the northeast corner of lot seventy-nine (79) of said Havermale Island. Sec. 4. Where the tracks of said railway shall intersect or cross or pass along any street, the grade of the same shall conform to that of such street, except where engineering reasons shall require or where the said railway com- pany, its successors or assigns, and the proper authorities of this city shall agree to some different elevation of the said tracks. Wherever the said tracks shall cross any street now or hereafter graded and open to travel at the grade of such street, the spaces between the rails and for at least twelve (12) inches on the outside of each outer rail, to such width upon such street as the City Council may from time to time direct, not exceeding the full width of such street, shall be closely and securely laid with plank of suitable thickness to bring the upper surface of the same flush with the tops of the rails of such tracks. Such planks shall be securely fastened MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 483 down, and shall be kept and maintained in good repair by the said railway company, its successors or assigns. Sec. 5. The engines, cars or trains of the said railway company shall not be allowed to stand upon any street crossing in such manner as to unreason- ably interfere with travel along such street. Whenever the city shall decide to macadamize or pave the streets over or upon which the tracks of the said railway company shall be laid and maintained by virtue of this ordinance, it shall be the duty of the said railway company, its successors or assigns, upon the street that may be ordered to be macadamized or paved, to macadamize or pave the entire right-of-way with like material and in the same manner and to maintain the same in good condition. Sec. 6. The said railway company, its successors or assigns, shall at all times hold the city harmless from all damages growing out of or by reason of any cut, fill or excavation made by the railway company on its right-of-way or by reason of the construction, maintenance and operation of the said railway over the streets and alleys of this city. Sec. 7. Th rights herein granted shall not be taken to in any manner re- strict the right of the said city to enter upon the said streets, alleys or any part thereof, for the purpose of constructing, completing or repairing any public works or improvements thereon ; but the work shall be so done and prosecuted by the city, its contractors, servants and agents, as not to unreasonably inter- fere with the movement by the railway company of its engines, cars and traffic over and along the tracks of its railway. Sec. 8. On all bridges and trestle work where said railway company’s tracks shall pass over a street or sidewalk, the said railway company shall so floor such tracks that the street or sidewalk shall be protected from oil, ashes or fire from passing trains, and where the said railway tracks shall cross any street in a cut where any bridge for street travel is provided it shall be the duty of said rail- way company to fence said right-of-way in such a manner as will prevent acci- dents by persons traveling upon or occupying such streets. Sec. 9. Where said track passes along the westerly and southerly side of the boulevard, the present westerly and southerly contour, face or slope of the boulevard shall not be disturbed. Sec. 10. That the said St. Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba Railway Com- pany shall, within twenty (20) days from the adoption of this ordinance, file with the City Clerk of -the City of Spokane, Washington, its acceptance of the franchise hereby granted, subject to the conditions herein set forth Sec. 11. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed the City Council December 20, 1899. WINSLOW S'. PIERCE, TRUSTEE. ORDINANCE NO. A9G1. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO WINSLOW S. PIERCE, TRUSTEE, HIS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, THE RIGHT TO CONSTRUCT, MAINTAIN AND OPERATE SWITCHES AND SIDE TRACKS ON SINTO AVENUE, IN THE CITY OF SPOKANE. T've City of Spolcane docs ordain as follows : Section 1. Consent, permission and authority is hereby given to Winslow S. Pierce, trustee, his successors and assigns, to lay out, construct aDd maintain for the period of twenty-five years, switches and side tracks upon Sir to avenue, between the east line of Cedar street and the west line of Cannon street, in the City of Spokane. The grade of said switches and side tracks shall conform to the grade of said Sinto avenue as it is now or may be hereafter established by the proper munic- ipal authorities. 484 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE Wherever said switches and side tracks shall cross any streets now or here- after graded or opened to travel, the spaces between the rails, betweeu the tracts and for a distance of twelve inches on the outside of each outer lail at such street intersection shall, unless the Council shall otherwise direct as hereinafter provided, be closely and securely laid with plank by the owner or owners of said tracks or switches, which plank shall be of such thickness that its upper surface shall be flush with the upper surface of such switches or side tracks. The said plank to be securely fastened down and to be kept and maintained in good repair by the owner or owners of said bracks at their expense ; provided that in case the municipal authorities shall so direct the owner or owners of said tracks and switches shall, under the direction of Board of Public Works, plank, pave or macadamise all that portion of Sinto avenue between the rails, between the tracks, and for a width of one foot outside of each outer rail, including said street intersections, but the owner or -owners of said tracks shall not be required to so plank, pave or macadamize any portion of Sinto avenue except said street intersections, save and except as the City of Spokane shall improve said Sinto avenue, and then only in the same manner or with material equally as good. The engines, cars or trains of said company shall not be allowed to stand upon any street crossing in such manner as to unreasonably interfere with travel along said street. The said Winslow S. Pierce, his successors and assigns, shall at all times hold the city harmless from all damages occasioned by the construction, main- tenance or operation of said switches and side tracks over the streets and alleys of this city. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as in any manner restricting the right of the City of Spokane to enter upon said Sinto avenue or any part thereof, for the purpose of constructing, completing or repairing any public works or im- provements thereon : but any construction or repair shall be done and carried on by the city, its contractors, servants and agents, in such manner as not to un- reasonably interfere with the movement of engines and cars over and along said switches and side tracks: The owner or owners of said side tracks and switches shall, when required so to do' by the proper municipal authorities, maintain suitable safety gates or appliances at all places where said switches and side tracks intersect any cross s^’eet. In case the owner or owners of said side track and switches shall fail at any time to conform to the terms and conditions of this ordinance, the proper munic- ipal authorities of the City of Spokane, shall have the right to repeal or modify this ordinance and to revoke all rights acquired thereunder. In case the owner or owners of said side tracks and switches shall at any time fail to do or perform .my of the acts required by this ordinance, the proper municipal authorities may, at their option and without waiving any rights to re- peal this ordinance reserved in the section next preceeding, do or perform said acts, and the said company shall upon demand pay to the city the cost and ex- pense to which it may have been subjected i ^performing such acts, -with a pen- alty of ten per cent., in addition to such costs. The said Winslow S. Pierce, trustee, shall within ten days from the adoption of this ordinance file w'ith the City Clerk of the City of Spokane his acceptance of the franchise hereby granted subject to the condition herein set r orth. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Passed City Council May 15, 1900. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 485 NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. ORDINANCE NO. A1046. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, A CORPORA- TION, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, THE RIGHT, POWER AND AUTHORITY TO CONSTRUCT, MAINTAIN AND OPERATE ITS RAILWAY AND RUN ITS CARS AND EN- GINES ACROSS, ALONG AND UPON OLIVE AVENUE, IN THE CITY OF SPOKANE, WASHINGTON. The Citif of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. The right, power and authority is hereby given and granted to the Northern Pacific Railway Company, a corporation, organized and doing business under the laws of the State of Wisconsin and empowered by the laws of the State of Washington to construct, maintain and operate its railroad in the said State of Washington, and its successors and assigns, to lay down, construct, maintain and operate its track for a railway to be operated by steam or other mechanical power, across, along and upon Olive avenue, in the City of Spokane, Washington, within its corporate limits, and to run and operate its engines, cars, and trains over the same, across, along and upon Olive avenue in said City of Spokane, from a point commencing on Olive avenue at the intersection of the old transfer tracks of the said company and the said avenue on the south side thereof, said track to be of standard gauge in width and build, and to be on the south side of said avenue, the middle of the said track to be seven and one-half feet from the south line of said Olive avenue and to be laid upon said street at the grade thereof now established by the City of Spokane, from said point to the west end of said avenue, and as indicated and shown upon the plat of said line of railway now on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Spokane, to which plat or map reference is hereby made, said right-of-way for the track and width of track to be fifteen (15) feet as shown on said plat. Sec. 2. The grade of said railroad when constructed shall be substantially as set forth and shown on the profile or plat, which is on file in said Clerk’s office, to which reference is hereby made. The rails of said railroad track should be so laid as to conform to the grade of the said street, to be flush with the surface of said street so as to offer as little obstruction as possible to vehicles crossing the same. The space between said tracks and for one (1) foot on the outside of each rail for the full length of the track laid in said street shall be closely and securely laid with two inch plank so as to bring the same flush with the top of the rails of said track. Such planks shall be securely fastened down and shall be kept and maintained in good repair by said railway company, its successors and assigns. The said railway company shall, at said road where Colfax street, if con- tinued, would cross the said track, cause to be made and put in good condition the roadway for crossing said track for the use of the Standard Oil Company’s plant, its patrons and citizens generally who shall need to cross said track to the north of the said Olive avenue. Sec. 3. The said railway company, its successors and assigns, shall at all times hold the city harmless from all damages growing out of or by reason of any cut. fill, or excavation made by the railway company in placing said track, or by reason of the construction, maintenance and operation of said railway over said Olive avenue. Sec. 4. The engines or cars of said railway company shall not be allowed to stand upon said street in such manner as to unreasonably interfere with travel along said street, nor shall it run its engines or cars thereon at a greater rate of speed than six (6) miles per hour. Sec. 5. Whenever the city shall decide to pave or otherwise improve said street upon which said railway company has its track by virtue of this ordinance, 486 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE it shall be the duty of the said railway company, its successors or assigns, upon said street so ordered to be improved, to pave, macadamize or otherwise improve at its own cost and expense, the entire space between the tracks of the said company in said street so to be improved and for one (1) foot outside of each rail of the said track, with like material and in such manner as may be prescribed by the City Council for such street under the direction of said Council, or other proper authority, and such improvements by the grantee herein, its successors or assigns, shall be completed within thirty (30) days after said street shall be improved as aforesaid, and such portion of said street and improvements shall be maintained in good condition and repair at the cost and expense of said company, its succcessors or assigns. Sec. 6. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed or construed to mean that the city relinquishes any of its rightful authority over said streets or portions of them, or to in any manner restrict the right of the said city to enter upon said street or any part thereof for the purpose of constructing, building or repairing public works or improvements of any sort thereon, and to grant to any other railway or motor line company the right to cross the tracks herein mentioned in a reasonable and proper manner, and to put in all necessary tracks and appliances and make proper connections therefor, all without let or hindrance on the part of the grantee herein, its successors or assigns, but all of the same when undertaken must be done in such a manner as not to unreason- ably interfere with the movement of engines and cars over and along said track or any part of the same, herein authorized to be constructed. Sec. 7. The rights, franchises, privileges and permissions herein granted shall continue for a period of twenty-five (25) years from and after the date this ordinance shall come into effect ; provided, however, the said Northern Pacific Railway Company, a corporation, its successors or assigns, shall comply with all of the terms and conditions of this ordinance. And in case said railway company, its successors or assigns, shall at any time fail to do or perform any of the acts required herein, or shall fail at any time to conform to the terms and conditions of this ordinance, then said city shall have the right to repeal or modify the same or revoke all rights required thereunder, by a resolutoin of its Council passed for that purpose. Sec. 8, In case of the leasing or transferring of said franchises by the grantee herein, it shall in all such matters fully comply with all of the laws and ordinances of the City of Spokane in the giving of notice and the filing of the same in the office of the City Clerk of said city, and a failure to to do for a period of three (3) months after making of such lease or transfer shall subject the said franchise to forfeiture, and the same shall be null and void upon the passing of a resolution declaring such forfeiture. Sec. 9. The application of the grantee herein for this franchise and its acting under same and receiving the benefits thereof shall and is to be deemed for all purposes a full .acceptance by it and its successors and assigns of the franchises hereby granted and of all the conditions herein set forth and required. Sec. 10. This ordinance shall take- effect and be in force tea (10) days after its passage. Passed the City Council May 8, 1901. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 487 NORTHERN FACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. ORDINANCE NO. A1047. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, A CORPO- RATION, iTS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, THE RIGHT, POWER AND AUTHORITY TO CONSTRUCT, MAINTAIN AND OPERATE ITS RAILWAY AND RUN ITS ENGINES AND CARS ALONG, UPON AND ACROSS STREETS AND ALLEYS IN THE CITY OF SPOKANE. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. The right, power and authority is hereby given and granted to the Northern Pacific Railway Company, a corporation, organized and doing business under the laws of the State of Wisconsin, and empowered by the laws of the State of Washington to construct, maintain and operate its railroad in said State of Washington, and its successors and assigns, to lay down, construct and maintain over a right-of-way its tracks for a railway to be operated by steam or other mechanical power, upon, along, across and over the streets and alleys of the City of Spokane, Washington, within its corporate limits and to run and operate its engines, cars and trains over the same, upon, along, across and over the said streets, avenues and alleys in the City of Spokane, from a point commencing at the north line of Front avenue in the Resurvey of Second Addition to Third Addition to R. R. Addition to the City of Spokane Falls (now Spokane), Spokane County, Washington, following to the north and west upon the old transfer track and right-of-way of said com- pany and crossing Sherman street at a grade of 1915.5 and making a cut at said point of three and one-half (3 Vs ) feet below the present city grade as established, thence in the same direction to a point along and crossing Ferry avenue on the old right-of-way at an elevation or grade of 1913.0 making a cut and being at said crossing five (5) feet below the city grade as now established, continuing along said right-of-way on private property crossing Colfax street where grantee’s track now crosses it, at a grade or elevation of 1900.6 there making a cut and being at said point six and nine-tenths (6.9) feet below the city grade as now established and running from thence over its ow” property to a connection with the tracks of the St. Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba Railway Company, a corporation, following substantially the line of location of said transfer track heretofore made and as indicated and shown upon the plat of said line of railway now on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Spokane, Washington, to which plat reference is hereby made. Said right-of-way for track and said railway crossings to be of the width of thirty-two (32) feet as shown on said plat. Sec. 2. The grade of said railway to be so constructed shall be substantially as set forth and shown on the profile or plat which is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the City of Spokane, to which reference is hereby made. The rails of said railway track shall be laid so that they conform as far as possible to the surface of the street so as to offer as little obstruction as possible to vehicles crossing the same. Wherever said track shall cross any street or streets, now or hereafter graded and open to travel, the spaces between the rails and for the space of one (1) foot on the outside of each rail for the full width of said street shall be closely and securely laid with plank of suitable thickness, not less than two (2) inches, to bring the same flush with the top of the rails of such track. Such planks shall be securely fastened down and shall be kept and maintained in good repair by said railway company, its successors and assigns. The said railway company shall at all places where said road crosses the streets and alleys of Spokane cause to be made and put in good condition for actual use proper approaches and roadways to said track crossings by changing the present grades of said streets and alleys crossed so that none of them shall 488 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE exceed a five per cent grade, save the approach on Colfax street from Ferry- avenue to said crossing which latter shall not exceed a ten per cent grade. 8ec. 3. The said railway company, its successors and assigns, shall at all times hold the city harmless from all damages growing out of, or by reason of any cut, fill or excavation made by the railway company on its right-of-way, or by reason of the construction, maintenance and operation of said railway over the streets and alleys of this city. The owner or owners of said franchise and track shall, during the life of this franchise and of all renewals thereof, when required so to do by the City Council, or Board of Commissioners acting under it, maintain at its own expense, suitable safety gates at all places whefe necessary to protect travel, said places to be specified by the city authorities in their said notice. Sec. 4. The engines, cars or trains of said railway company shall not be allowed to stand upon any street crossing in such manner as to unnecessarily interfere with travel along said street, nor shall it move or run its engines or cars over said street or streets at a greater rate of speed than six (6) miles per hour. Sec. 5. Whenever the city shall decide to pave, macadamize or improve the streets over or upon which the tracks of said railway company shall be laid and maintained by virtue of this ordinance, it shall be the duty of said railway company, its successors or assigns, upon the streets ordered to be improved, to pave, macadamize or otherwise improve at its own costs and expense, the entire right-of-way of said company in said street so to be improved, with like material and in such manner as may be prescribed by the City Council, for such street or part of street and under the direction of said Council, or other proper authority, and such improvements by the grantee herein, its successors or assigns, shall be completed within thirty (30) days after said street shall be improved as aforesaid ; and such portion of said street and improvements shall be main- tained in good condition and repair during the life of this franchise and any other franchise hereafter granted in continuance thereof, at the cost and expense of said company, its successors or assigns. Sec. 6. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed or construed to mean that the city relinquishes any of its rightful aiithority over said streets or parts of them, or to in any manner restrict the right of the said city to enter upon the said streets, alleys or any part theerof for the purpose of constructing, completing or repairing any public works or improvements thereon ; and to grant to any other railroad or motor line company, or companies, the right to cross the tracks herein mentioned in a reasonable and proper manner and put in all necesssary tracks and appliances and make proper connections therefor, all without let or hindrance on the part of the grantee herein, its successors or assigns, but all of same, when undertaken, must be done in such a manner as not to unreasonably interfere with the movement of locomotives and cafk over and along said track, or any part of the same, herein authorized to be constructed. Sec. 7. The rights, franchises and privileges hereby granted shall continue for a period of twenty-five (25) years from and after the date of its becoming effective ; provided, however, the said Northern Pacific Railway Company, a cor- poration, its succecssors or assigns, shall comply with all of the terms and conditions of this ordinance ; and in case said railway company, its successors or assigns, shall at any time fail to do or perform any of the acts required herein or shali fail at any time to conform with the terms and conditions of this ordinance, said city shall have the right to repeal or modify the same, or revoke all rights acquired thereunder by a resolution of its Council passed for that purpose. Sec. 8. In case of the leasing or transferring of said franchise by the grantee herein it shall in all such matters fully comply with all of the laws and ordinances of the City of Spokane, in the giving of notice and the filing of same in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Spokane, and failure so to do for a period of three months after the making of such lease or transfer shall subject MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 489 said franchise to forfeiture and same shall be null and void upon the passing of a resolution by the Council to that effect. Sec. 9. The application of the grantee herein for this franchise and its acceptance of the provisions and benefits of same shall be deemed and considered for all purposes an acceptance of the franchise hereby granted and of all the conditions therein set forth. Sec. 10. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten (10) days after its passage. Passed the City Council May 8, 1901. SPOKANE FALLS AND NORTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY. ORDINANCE NO. A1283. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO THE SPOKANE FALLS AND NORTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY THE RIGHT TO LOCATE, CONSTRUCT, LAY DOWN, MAINTAIN AND OPERATE A SPUR TRACK FOR ITS RAILWAY UPON, OVER AND ACROSS JACKSON AVENUE AT THE INTERSECTION OF LIDGERWOOD STREET IN THE CITY OF SPOKANE. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows: Section 1. Consent, permission and authority is hereby given to the Spo kane Falls and Northern Railway Company, a corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Washington, and em- powered by the laws of the said state to construct, maintain and operate its railway therein ; to locate, construct, maintain and operate a spur track from its railway, to be operated by steam or other mechanical power, upon, over and across Jackson avenue, at its intersection with Lidgerwood street, and within the corporate limits of the City of Spokane, and following substantially the definite line of location of said spur track heretofore made of the ground, and indicated on I he plat of said spur track now on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Spokane, to which plat reference is hereby made. Sec. 2. The sub-grade of said spur track to be so located and constructed shall be substantially as set forth and shown on the profile of the same which is now on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Spokane, to which reference is hereby made. Sec. 3. The said railway company, its successors and assigns, shall at all times hold the City of Spokane harmless from all damages growing out of or by reason of the location, construction, maintenance and operation of said spin track over and across the said avenue as herein set forth. Sec. 4. The rights herein granted shall not be taken to in any manner restrict the right of the said city to enter upon the said avenue at the place where said spur track may be laid and operated, for the purpose of constructings completing or repairing any public works or improvements thereon but the work shall be so done and prosecuted by the city, its contractors, servants and agents, as not to unreasonably interfere with the movement by said railw r ay company of its engines, cars and traffic over and along said spur track. Sec. 5. That the said Spokane Falls and Northern Railway Company shall, within thirty days from the adoption of this ordinance, file with the City Clerk of the City of Spokane, Washington, its acceptance of the franchise hereby granted, subject to the conditions herein set forth ; and thereupon and forthwith this ordinance shall take effect and be in force, and shall continue in full force and effect for a period of twenty-five years from and after such acceptance. Passed the City Council January 6, 1903. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 49 ° SEATTLE, LAKE SHORE & EASTERN RAILWAY COMPANY. ORDINANCE NO. 162. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE LOCATION AND LAYING DOWN OF TRACKS FOR RAILROADS., AND EQUIPMENT, MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION OF THE SAME IN THE STREETS OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE FALLS. The City of Spokane Falls does ordain as follows: Section 1. Consent, permission and authority are hereby given and granted unto the Seattle, Lake Shore & Eastern Railway Company, a body corporate, organized and existing under the laws of the Territory of Washington, and to its successors and assigns, to lay down and maintain tracks for a railroad to be operated by steam, and to construct, equip, operate and maintain a railroad to be operated by steam within the City of Spokane Falls, over, across and upon the following named streets in Chamberlain’s addition to the City of Spokane Falls, to-wit : Upon and across the intersection of Maxwell and Eighth streets from block thirty-three to block thirty-one ; upon and across the alley in block thirty-one near the center of said block ; upon and across Seventh street between blocks thirty-one ard thirty : upon and along Carpenter street from lot twelve in block thirty to the east line of First street. Also upon and across the follow- ing named streets and alleys in Bingaman’s addition to the City of Spokane Falls, to-wit : Upon and across the alley in block twelve, upon and across Adams street between blocks twelve and eleven, upon and across Sharp street between blocks eleven and fourteen, upon and across Jefferson street between blocks fourteen and fifteen, upon and across Boone street south of block fifteen, upon and across Monroe street, also upon and across Victoria street in Sinto addition to Spokane Falls ; and thence in a southerly direction to and across the Spokane river. Sec. 2. Said railway tracks shall be laid as nearly as practicable in the center of the streets, when running lengthwise thereof, and shall be laid flush with the surface of the street so as to offer as little obstruction as possible to vehicles crossing the same. And the said company shall construct and maintain such suitable crossings for teams and travelers as may be directed by the City Council of Spokane Falls from time to time ; and said railway company shall indemnity and save harmless the City of Spokane Falls from any and all claims or damages it might or may become liable to pay by reason of the construction, maintenance or operating of said railroad upon and over said streets. Sec. 3. The right hereby granted shall not restrict in any manner the right of the City of Spokane Falls to enter upon said streets and alleys, or any of them, and to occupy the same for the purpose of making or completing any public works, or deprive the city of any powers or rights to regulate and control the use of streets and alleys of said city. Sec. 4. Said railway company, its successors and assigns, shall not run trains in the streets of said city, the use whereof is hereby granted, at a higher speed than six miles per hour, and shall not use or occupy exceeding thirty (30) feet in width of any such street or alley for its tracks. As amended July 12, 3 888, by ordinance No. 169. Sec. 5. The consent, permission and authority hereby granted shall con- tinue fifty years from the passage of this ordinance. Passed the City Council dune 13, 1888. MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 49 1 SPOKANE FALLS & NORTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY. ORDINANCE NO. 246. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE LAYING AND LOCATING OF A TRACK FOR RAILROADS, AND THE EQUIPMENT, MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION THEREOF ON A CERTAIN PART OF PEARL, MALLON AND JOSET STREETS, IN THE CITY OF SPOKANE FALLS. The City of Spokane Falls does ordain as folloivs: Section 1. Consent, permission and authority are hereby given to the Spokane Falls & Northern Railway Company, a corporation organized and exist ing under and by virtue of the laws of Washington Territory and of the United States, and to its successors and assigns, to construct and maintain its track for a railroad to be operated within the City of Spokane Falls, Washington Territory, to-wit : Upon and along that part of Pearl street in said city, com- mencing at the north bank of the Spokane river and running thence to the northern limits of said city, being a distance of a fraction over four blocks and across Mall on and Joset streets. Sec. 2. Said railway track shall be laid as nearly as practicable in the center of the said street, and at a grade with the same, and shall be laid flush with the surface of said streets, so as to offer as little obstruction as possible to travel and to vehicles crossing said streets. And said railway company shall construct and at all times maintain such suitable crossings for teams and travelers as may be ordered and directed by tne City Council from time to time, and said railway company shall indemnify and save harmless the City of Spokane Falls from any and all damages it might or may become liable to pay, by reason of the construction and maintenance or operation of said railway over and upon said streets. Sec. 3. The right hereby granted shall not restrict in any manner the right of the said city to enter upon said streets or any part thereof, or to occupy the same for the purpose of making or completing any public works or improvement thereon or to deprive the city of any rights or powers to regulate and control the use of streets and alleys in said city. Sec. 4. Said railway company, its successors or assigns, shall not run trains over said streets at a higher rate of speed than six (6) miles per hour, and shall not use or occupy to exceed thirty (30) feet in width said streets for its tracks. Sec. 5. The consent, permission and authority hereby given shall continue for fifty years from the passage of this ordinance. Sec. 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after five (5) days after its publication. Passed the City Council March 6, 1889. SPOKANE FALLS & NORTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY. ORDINANCE NO. 427. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO THE SPOKANE FALLS AND NORTHERN RAILWAY THE RIGHT TO CONSTRUCT A SINGLE TRACK RAILWAY ACROSS VICTORIA STREET. The City of Spokane Falls does ordain as follows: Section 1. Consent, authority and permission is hereby given to the Spo- kane Falls and Northern Railway Company, a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Washington, and to its successors and assigns, to construct and maintain one track for a railroad, to be operated by steam, within the City of Spokane Falls, State of Washington, across Victoria 492 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE street, at a point about 225 feet north of the north end of Division street bridge. Said track to be laid so that the top of the rail shall be flush with the surface of said street, and the crossing to be kept well planked, so as to offer as little obstruction as possible to the travel thereon, and to vehicles crossing the said street ; and no engine or cars shall be allowed to stand in and upon said crossing, nor shall it be obstructed or the free use of it prevented, except as may be unavoidable by the moving of cars across the same. Sec. 2. Whenever the City of Spokane Fails shall decide to pave or macadamize said Victoria street, it shall be the duty of said railway company, its successors or assigns, to pave or macadamize the entire space between the rails, and for two (2) feet on the outside of the outer rails, with the same material as may be used on the rest of the street, and to maintain and keep the same in good repair. Sec. 3. The said railway company, its succecssors and assigns, shall at all times hold the city harmless from all damages or claims for damages, growing out of or by reason of the construction, maintenance and operation of said railroad over or upon said street. Sec. 4. The rights herein granted shall not be taken to in any manner restrict the right of the said city to enter upon said street, or any part thereof, and to occupy the same fully and completely for the purpose of constructing or completing any public works or improvements thereon, or to grant rights or franchises to any company or individual to construct railroads or tramways across the tracks of said railway company, its successors or assigns, nor shall anything herein be construed to deprive the city oi; any of its powers over said street. Sec. 5. Said railway company, its successors or assigns, shall not move engines or cars over said crossing at a greater speed than five miles per hour, and shall, whenever engines and cars are being moved, provide a flagman at said crossing, to prevent the possibility of accidents. Sec. 6 . The consent, permission and authority hereby granted shall continue for fifty (50) years from the passage of this ordinance. Sec. 7. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force after its passage and publication without expense to the city. Passed the City Council April 3, 1890. WASHINGTON AND IDAHO RAILROAD COMPANY. ORDINANCE NO. 309. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE LAYING LOCATING AND OPERATING OF A RAILROAD ALONG AND ACROSS CERTAIN STREETS WITHIN THE CITY OF SPOKANE FALLS. The City of SyoJcone Falls does ordain as follows: Section 1. Consent, permission and authority is hereby given to the Wash- ington and Idaho Railroad Company, a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of Washington Territory, and to its successors and assigns, to construct and maintain its tracks for a railroad to be operated by steam within the City of Spokane Falls, Territory of Washington, upon and along Skelig street, commencing at a point thereon about eighty feet east from the east line of Pearl street and continuing in and along said Skelig street for a distance of about five hundred feet, and crossing Ruby street at its intersection with said Skelig street, and also crossing Victoria street at its intersection with Joset street. Sec. 2. Said railroad track shall be laid as near as practicable along the center of Skelig street, and at the grade of the said street as established bj MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 493 ordinance, and the top of the rail shall be flush with the surface of such street, so as to off el’ as little obstruction as possible to the travel thereon and to vehicles crossing the said street. At the crossings of Ituby and Pearl and Victoria streets, and for the entfre width of said crossings, the spaces between the rails and for twelve inches on the outside of each rail, shall be closely and securely laid with plank of a suitable thickness to bring the same flush with the top of the rail ; said plank must be securely spiked down to the ties, and shall be kept and maintained in good repair by said railroad company, its successors and assigns, and it shall be competent for the City of Spokane Falls from time to time to make other and further regulations and requirements upon said railroad company, its successors and assigns, as it may deem necessary and prudent to render travel in said streets safe and convenient. Sec. 3. It shall not be lawful for the said railroad company, its successes or assigns, to construct any sidetrack or more than one track in any of said streets or crossings, without the authority of the City Council first had, nor shall engines, cars or trains of cars be allowed to stand in and upon said streets and crossings, nor shall any of them be obstructed or the free use of them prevented, except as may be unavoidable, by the moving trains or engines of said company or its successors and assigns. Sec. 4. For the purposes aforesaid the said railroad company shall as aforesaid be permitted the use of thirty feet in width of said streets and crossings, and no more : and the consent, permission and authority herein given is upon the express condition that at the time of constructing the said railroad along and across said streets, they shall grade the same to the established grade for the full width of said thirty feet and render the same fit for travel and use along said Skelig street and over said street crossings. Sec. 5. Whenever the City of Spokane Falls shall decide to macadamize, or pave any of the streets over or upon which the tracks of said railroad company, its successors or assigns, shall be laid and maintained by virtue of this ordinance amendatory thereof, it shall be the duty of said company, its successors or assigns, upon the street that may be ordered to be macadamized or paved, to macadamize or pave the entire space between the outer rails and for two feet on the outside of each outer rail with the same material as the rest of the street as shall be ordered, and such macadamizing or paving shall be maintained in good and substantial repair by the company. Sec. 6. The said railroad company, its successors and assigns, shall at all times hold the city harmless from all damages, or claims for damages, growing out of or by reason of the construction, maintenance and operation of said railroad over or upon said street. Sec. 7. The rights herein granted shall not be taken to in any manner restrict the right of the said city to enter upon the said streets or any parr thei’eof. and to occupy the same fully and completely for the purpose of con- structing or completing any public works or improvements thereon ; or to grant rights or franchises to any company or individual to construct railroads or tramways of any kind across the tracks of said railway company, its successors or assigns, where the same are located upon any of the streets mentioned herein ; nor shall anything herein be construed to deprive the city of any of its powers over any of the streets and alleys of the city. Sec. 8 . Said railroad company or its successors or assigns shall not run trains or engines over any part of tracks located in any of the streets aforesaid, at a greater rate of speed than six miles an hour ; provided, that nothin herein contained shall be deemed to prevent the city by ordinance from reducing the rate of speed at which trains or engines may be run. Sec. 0. The consent, permission and authority hereby given shall continue for fifty (50) years from the passage of this ordinance. Sec. 10. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five days after its passage and publication, without expense to the city. Passed the City Council June 21, 1889. 494 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE MISCELLANEOUS FRANCHISES. SPOKANE STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. ORDINANCE NO. A405. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO THE SPOKANE STREET RAILWAY COMPANY THE RIGHT TO HAUL CEREALS AND THE PRODUCTS OP CEREALS ON, ALONG AND OYER CER- TAIN STREETS AND STREET RAILWAY LINES IN THE CITY OP SPOKANE, WASH- INGTON. The City of Spokane does nordain as follows: Section 1. That the right be and is hereby granted to the said Spokane Street Railway Company, their successors or assigns, to build, construct ana operate a system of electric railways, commencing at a point on Front avenue, where the Northern Pacific transfer track crosses Front avenue, thenee along Front avenue to the intersection of Front avenue and Post street, thence north- ward on Post street to the C. and C. mills, with the right to construct the necessary switches at the terminal points in question, for the purpose of car- rying cereals and the products of cereals. On that portion of said street where street railway tracks are now laid, viz. : from where the Northern Pacific transfer track crosses Front avenue to the intersection of Bernard street and Front avenue, and from the intersection of Washington street and Front avenue to the intersection of Howard street and Front avenue ; also on Post street from the intersection of Post street and Front avenue to the C. and C. mills, where there are already tracks laid in the street no additional rails shall be laid under this franchise, and where there are no rails on the street, the track authorized under this franchise shall be laid as near the center of the street as practicable. Sec. 2. Said railway shall be of the standard street railway guage. The rails shall be laid so that the tops thereof are flush with the top of the grade of the street, and on each side of each rail there shall be placed a plank not less than twelve inches in width in contact with the rail, and not less than two inches thick. The upper side thereof shall be flush with the top of the rail. At the intersection and crossing of all streets the entire surface between the outer rails of each track for the entire width of said intersecting streets shall be planked. Whenever the City of Spokane shall decide to pave said street, all the space lying between the rails of said track, and two feet on the outside of each outer rail shall bo paved by said company at its own expense, and such paving shall be maintained in good repair at the expense of said company, its successors or assigns. Sec. 3. The right is also granted to suspend overhead trolley wire along said route, provided tin company first obtain consent to the use of the pole lines now on said streets. Sec. 4. It is expressly provided that the cars to be used shall not exceed in length twenty-four feet over all, and shall be of light construction, similar to the electric cars used on suburban travel, and shall be equipped with electric motors similar to those used on cars with a maximum carrying capacity of ten tons, and the speed at which said cars are to run shall not exceed five miles per hour, and all street railway passenger cars and fire department apparatus shall have the right of way over said cars. Sec. 5. It is further provided that in case a franchise is granted to an> other party or parties in the city engaged in the milling of cereals and their products, giving them the right to construct and operate a line from any factory site in the city to a connection with the line covered by this franchise, the party or parties to whom such franchise may be granted shall have the right to the free use of the line covered by this franchise for the operation of their own car or cars ; but they shall pay to the parties operating said line under this franchise MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 495 a sum not to exceed two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) per car per diem for the electric power necessary for the propulsion of said cars ; provided said party or parties own their own car, and operate the same subject to such reasonable regulations as shall be established by said Spokane Street Railway Company from time to time for the operation of its own cars, and the protection of its franchise and the public, and to the conditions of this ordinance. Failure on the part of the Spokane Street Railway Company to comply with the obligations of this section shall work a forfeiture of this franchise. Sec. 6 . It is further provided that in the event the City Council shall by ordinance under terms and conditions identical with the present ordinance, call for and authorize the construction of a piece of railway track from the corner of Front avenue and Howard street to the Echo Mills, or other industries on said Howard street, or the construction of a piece of track from said Front avenue via either Howard street or Washington street, giving connection with the tracks of the Union Pacific Railway Company, or the construction of a piece of track giving connection with the depot grounds of the Great Northern Rail- way, or the construction of a piece of track giving connection with the depot grounds of the Spokane Falls and Northern Railway on any public dedicated street on the north side of Front avenue, by which said depot grounds can be reached from Front avenue (the route of the same to be the most practicable and available in point of grade) the parties hereto agree in consideration of the granting of the present franchise, to accept such ordinance or ordinances, and to construct the work ; and their failure within three months after the passage and taking effect of such ordinance or ordinances to equip and operate the line provided for by this ordinance, shall work a cancellation of these ordinances, and the City Council by resolution may then declare this ordinance void, and proceed to remove all tracks laid under the same ; providing , such supple- mentary ordinance shall be identical in terms and conditions with the present ordinance. Whenever the City Council or any manufacturer through the City Council shall demand of the Street Railway Company that said Street Railway Company apply for a franchise on any street or part of a street included in this ordinance, it shall at once make such application ; and failure to make such application within thirty days shall cause the forfeiture of all rights and privileges granted under this ordinance. And it is further agreed and understood that in the event of the City Council passing such ordinance, the parties hereto shall haul all cereals and the products of such cereals from any railroad affected to any mill on such roads at a charge not greater than twenty cents per ton, and if the cars are loaded both ways the charge shall not exceed fifteen cents per ton each way. This sum shall be inclusive of the cost of handling from steam cars to the electric cars, and five tons shall constitute a minimum car load. Sec. 7. It is further provided that said parties to whom this franchise is granted shall enter into a bond to the City of Spokane with good and sufficient sureties in the sum of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000), providing (a) . For the forfeiture of said bond in case the provisions for the use of said line by other parties, as hereinbefore stipulated in section five be not faith fully performed. (b) . For the protection of the City of Spokane from any and all damages which may arise from the operation of said road. (c) . For the forfeiture of the bond in case said parties shall fail to build and construct additional lines, as provided in section six under franchise identical in terms and conditions with the existing franchise. ( for the purpose aforesaid. Sec. 5. The City of Spokane Falls reserves the right to alter, change, modify or repeal this ordinance or any of its provisions. Sec. 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after five days after its passage and publication. ' Passed the City Council January 5, 1887. JOSEPH R. MITCHELL and RUDOLPH DOERR. ORDINANCE NO- A858. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING JOSEPH R. MITCHELL AND RUDOLPH DOERR, THEIR HEIRS AND ASSIGNS, TO ERECT, MAINTAIN AND USE POLES AND WIRES FOR BURGLAR AND FIRE ALARMS AND MESSENGER CALLS IN ALL OF THE STREETS AND ALLEYS OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE. The City of Spokane does ordain as folloxos: Section 1. That Joseph R. Mitchell and Rudolph Doerr, their heirs and assigns, be and are hereby granted the right to erect, maintain and use poles and wires for the purpose of transmitting and conducting burglar and fire alarms and messenger calls in all of the streets and alleys of the City of Spokane for the period of twenty-five years. Provided , however, that within the city fire 504 MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE limits no poles shall be erected, but all wires used therein shall be stretched across streets and alleys from the roofs and sides of buildings in such manner and at such places as the City Council, or Board of Public Works acting under them, shall direct ; provided, that no wires shall be attached to the roof or any part of any building without the consent of the owner, or owners thereof, or the person or agent having charge of such building. The said Joseph R. Mitchell and Rudolph Doerr, their heirs and assigns, shall have the right and privilege to place any of said wires under ground if they so elect, said wires to be placed in such manner and at such places as the Board of Public Works shall direct. Provided further, that when the City Council of the City of Spokane, shall direct all persons, firms or corporations holding or owning franchises for the placing, erecting, stringing or maintaining wires, for conveying electricity in the City of Spokane to place their wires underground, within the fire limits or any part thereof of the City of Spokane, said Joseph R. Mitchell and Rudolph Doerr, their heirs and assigns, shall place their wires underground, within the fire limits, as soon as practicable and within a reasonable time, not exceeding sixty days, from the issuance of said order. As amended by ordinance No. A963, passed June 5th, 1900. Sec^ 2. That the said Joseph R. Mitchell and Rudolph Doerr, their heirs and assigns, in exercising the rights and privileges hereinbefore granted, shall erect said poles and stretch said wires in such a manner as not to interfere with the safe, free and unobstructed use eight and finish fixed by the Board of Public Works, and shall, at all times keep and maintain the same clean and in perfect order, and shall light each lamp during the hours directed by such ordinance, the light in each lamp to be equal to two of the latest approved four- foot burners ; and for each of said lamps sc supplied, said company shall be entitled to receive from the city two dollars ($2.00) per month, on presentation of proper vouchers ; and also furnish gas + o the citizens or inhabitants of said city at a maximum price not to exceed two dollars ($2.00) per thousand (1,000) cubic feet. All consumers using gas for iliuminating or fuel purposes shall be furnished by said grantees, their successors or assigns, gas meters free of charge ; provided, however, that the City Council of the City of Spokane, shall have the power to regulate, control and determine the maximum rates that shall be charged for gas sold to the city ard private consumers for illuminating, fuel, heating, cooking and mechanical purposes, every ten years during the life of the franchise granted in this ordinance, as hereinafter set forth, such power to regulate, control and determine said races shall be exercised by said Council in the following named years, and shall be by ordinance. The first ordinance for said purpose shall be passed by said city between the 1st and the 10th day of May, 1912 ; the second between the 1st and the 10th day of May, 1922 ; the third between the 1st and 10th day of Mav. 1932; the fourth between the 1st and the 10th day of May, 1942. The maximum rates when so determined and expressed by the City Council shall govern said rates for the following 10 years from and after the date of passage of said ordinance, and until the said rates shall have been re-established by said City Council. (Said rates so established to be reasonable rates.) Sec. 5. The grantees herein, their successors or assigns, in consideration of the granting of this franchise, shall, for the first 20 years from the time of the passage of this ordinance granting the same, pay to and for the use of said City of Spokane, an amount equal to one per cent (1 per cent.) of their gross receipts from the sale of gas in sa’d city, aud for the remaining 23 years, such percentage of the gross receipts from the sale of gas in the said city as shall be prescribed by ordinance ; provided, however, that such percentage shall be reasonable in amount ; the payments to be made in the following manner : For MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE. 507 the period beginning with the passage or the ordinance and until December 31st, 1902, the payment shall be made on or before January 10, 1903, and for gas sold during each and every year thereafter such payment shall be made on or before the 10th day of January of the 3 ear following, the amount of such gross receipts in any yeai to be ascertained in the manner hereinafter provided: In order to determine what are the gross receipts from the sale of gas by the said company, its successors or assigns, during any year, the City Comptroller of said city shall be permitted, and he is hereby authorized, to examine the company’s registers in the office of said a rnpany, or its successors or assigns, and to examine any and all boooks or registers in such office which may be necessary to determine said amount. And upon demand of said City Comptroller, made prior to his examination of such registers or books, the superintendent or managing agent of said company, its sucassors or assigns, shall make sworn affidavit before a notary public of the act ual amount of the gross receipts from gas during the 3 r ear previous, to-wit : from January 1st to December 31st, inclusive. Such examination by the City Comptroller made to determine the gross receipts for any year, shall be made between the first and the eighth days of January in the year following, and at reasonable business hours. Sec. 6. The grant hereby made shall exist and continue for a period of forty-three years from the date of its acceptance. Sec. 7. If at any time after the acceptance of this franchise by the grantees herein, and before the expiration thereof, the person, association or company operating under this franchise or selling gas thereunder in said city, shall, either directly or indirectly, unite or combine with a competing company, institution or person furnishing light in sail city, wffiether such uniting or com- bining be through the sale of property, or of stock, or in any way, an absolute forfeiture of this franchise and all of its terms and provisions shall, at the option of said city, be declared, and a suit for such forfeiture may be brought in a court of proper jurisdiction, and such court may in such suit order and decree said franchise forfeited absolutely to said city. It is the expressed intention of this section to prevent the destruction or limiting of competition in the business of furnishing light to the said city or its inhabitants. Sec. 8. The City of Spokane shall have the right at any time after the period of twenty-five years from the date of the passage of this ordinance, to purchase the plant and works of the said grantees for their fair market value, which value shall be determined by arbitrators appointed as follows : The City Council, with the approval of the Mayor, shall appoint from the members of the City Council tw r o arbitrators, and said grantees, or their successors or assigns, shall appoint two, and the four so appointed shall appoint a fifth. The price fixed by this board of arbitration shall be binding upon both parties herein. Should the grantees, or their successors or assigns, fail or refuse to appoint arbitrators as herein provided for, after being notified by the City Council of the city’s election to purchase said gas plant and works, or should the four selected in the manner herein provided for by the parties hereto, fail or refuse to appoint the fifth arbitrator, then the City of Spokane shall have the right to institute a suit in equity in the Superior Court of Spokane County, Washington, to compel the appointment of arbitrators as herein provided for. Sec. 9. The gas to be furnished by the Spokane Falls Gas Light Company under the terms and upon the conditions prescribed in this ordinance, shall be merchantable illuminating gas of not less than fifteen (15) candle-light power. The said gas shall be delivered at the burners of the consumers at such pressure in the mains as shall be consistent with the proper distribution of the gas throughout the entire system of mains in the city. Provided further , that said candle-light power, as well as the degree of pressure in the mains, shall at all times be subject to, and under the control and direction of the President of the Board of Public Works ; provided , that the President of the Board of Public Works shall not have the power to increase the candle-light power above 15. And all governors, meters, works of, and the gas furnished by said Gas Light Company, shall at reasonable business hours be subject to inspection by the MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 5 ‘ 8 President of the Board of Public Works, or such expert as he may appoint, for the purpose of ascertaining the pressure of said gas, and the candle-light power ; the test of said candle-light power shall be made at not more than one mile distant from the works of the Spokane Falls Gas Light Company. Sec. 10. The passage of this ordinance and its acceptance by the grantees, as provided for in section 12, shall operate as a revocation and repeal of all franchises heretofore granted by the City of Spokane to the said grantees or to their predecessors in interest, or grantors. Sec. 11. The said Spokane Falls Gas Light Company, their successors and assigns, shall be subject to all general ojdinances of the City of Spokane, in regard to gas companies, and the City of Spokane shall have the right at any time to provide for the appointment of one or more inspectors of gas, with all the power and authority incident to such position, and which the said city may deem necessary to protect the City of Spokane, in its corporate rights and individual consumers of gas against oppression or fraud. All meters used by said company for measuring gas shall be subject to inspection and approval by such person or persons, officer or officers, as may be appointed by said city for that purpose, and said company shall pay all such reasonable costs and charges of such inspection when the said gas company is found at fault, and by the individual complainant when he, or they, are at fault, as may be fixed by the City Council of: said city. Sec. 12. This ordinance and the franchise herein provided for shall take effect and be in force end be binding upon the grantees herein, their successors and assigns, after the Aral passage, and approval by the Mayor, and after its publication, and after the grantees herein, their successors or assigns, have filed wdth the City Clerk a written notice of their acceptance hereof, and a good and sufficient bond in the sum of $20,000.00 conditioned for the faithful fulfill- ment and performance of the obligations assumed, and such notice shall be filed within 30 days after the final passage of this ordinance. Passed the City Council May 6, 1902. SPOKANE LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY. ORDINANCE NO. A1329. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE SPOKANE LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY, OP SPO- KANE, ITS SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS, TO ERECT, MAINTAIN AND USE WIRES FOR CONVEYING ELECTRICITY FOR ELECTRIC LIGHT, ELECTRIC HEAT AND ELECTRIC POW T ER PURPOSES ; AND TO ERECT POLES AND THE NECESSARY SUPPORTS THERE- FOR, AND CONSTRUCT CONDUITS ON, OVER, ALONG AND UNDER THE STREETS AND ALLEYS OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE AND GRANTING THE USE OF THE STREETS THEREFOR. The City of Spokane does ordain as follows.: Section 1. That the Spokane Light and Power Company, of Spokane, its successors or assigns, be and is hereby g' anted the right to erect, maintain and use wires- for conveying electricity for electric light, electric heat and electric power purposes, and the necessary poles or conduits for the necessary poles or conduits for the support of the same, and all necessary appurtenances thereto, on, over, along and under all the streets and alleys of the City of Spokane. Sec. 2. The right to use said streets and alleys for said purpose is hereby granted for the period of forty-two (42) years, and on condition that the said Spokane Light and Power Company shall pay to the City Treasurer of the City of Spokane, within six (6) months after the passage of this ordinance and before it shall commence work under this franchise, the sum of seventeen hundred and fifty dollars ($1750), and on the first day of July of each year thereafter until MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE 509 and including the year 1906 an annual payment of seventeen hundred and fifty dollars ($1750), and on the first day of July of each year thereafter until and including the year 1919, the sum of two thousand dollars ($2000), and on the first day of July of each year thereafter until and including the year 1945, the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars ($2500) Sec. 3. Said annual payment shall be made annually to the City of Spokane upon the condition that during the year 1903 and thereafter a stipulation for annual charges at least as large as herein contained shall be made part of any and all ordinances for .electric lighting or electric power purposes, which may be asked for and granted to other applicants. And in case said ^council shall pass an ordinance giving to other parties the right to engage in the business of delivering electric light and electric power, and shall not contain such clause calling for said payments as provided in this ordinance, then the annual charges demanded under this ordinance shall be null and void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect ; provided, that nothing herein shall be construed to enable the said Spokane Light and Power Company, its successors or assigns, to demand and recover from the City of Spokane any of said annual payment or payments which may have been made, by reason of said failure to require payment to be made by persons receiving other franchises for electric lighting and power purposes. The non-payment of said seventeen hundred and fifty dollars ($1750) on the dates specified and the non-payment of any of the annual charges called for under this franchise within ten (10) days after July the first of each and every year when payments become due shall forfeit this franchise at the option of the City of Spokane. Sec. 4. The said Spokane Light and Power Company, its successors or as- signs, in exercising the right and privileges herein granted shall erect poles, and stretch wires and build conduits in such manner as not to interfere with the free and unobstructed use of the streets and alleys of said city, and no wires on said poles shall be suspended at a less height than thirty-five (35) feet from the surface of the streets and alleys, and the upper arm of all poles erected, and those which may he fitted with arms for the carrying of wires shall be reserved for the use of the city for the carrying of wires for the city’s business. Sec. 5. The City of Spokane shall have supervision over the wires and poles of the aforesaid company ; but no discrimination shall be made in the aforesaid supervision which would work to the disadvantage of the Spokane Light and Power Company in any respect, or particular, and to the advantage of any person, firm or corporation now holding a franchise or franchises for similar purposes, or which may hereafter be granted. Sec. 6. The city may require all wires erected and strung under this franchise to be placed under ground within its fire limits whenever the city shall have a population of one hundred thousand (100,000), or when the state law shall require it to be done so ; provided, that whenever the said Spokane Light and Power Company, its successors or assigns, may elect during the life of this franchise to put said wires under ground in any portion of the city, permission is hereby granted to do so after it shall first file a bond, to be ap- proved by the mayor, in the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000), with sureties, conditioned to hold the city harmless from any and all damages the city may be put to or become liable for by reason of placing the said wires under ground, and to lay the necessary pipes or conduits for the same in such manner as not to interfere with any existing pipes in said streets ; and file with the city council, its board of public works, or the ?ity engineer, a complete set of plans and specifications for such work. Said work to be done subject to the super- vision of the proper authorities of said city ; provided, however, that the City of Spokane reserves the right to use the upper right hand duct of any conduit line used by said company, its successors or assigns, for the purpose of the carrying of wires for the city’s business when the same are put under ground, as in this section set forth. Sec. 7. The said Spokane Light and Power Company, its successors or assigns, shall, before any work is done which may interfere in any way with 5 io MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF SPOKANE the privileges or rights of the general publie, file with the city clerk of the City of Spokane, a good and sufficient bond in the sum of twenty-five thousand dol- lars ($25,000), with two or more sureties, to be approved by the mayor, con- ditioned to hold the city harmless from any and all damage by reason of the erecting of poles, building of conduits, stringing of wires, and operating under this franchise, which the city may be put to or become liable for, and shall renew said bond every five (5) years, or oftener, if the city shall demand the same. Sec. 8. Any non-compliance on the part of the Spokane Light and Power Company, its successors and assigns, with each and all of the provisions men- tioned by them to be done and performed within the time and in the manner in this ordinance set forth, shall operate to revoke the franchise hereby granted, at the option of the city council by resolution. Sec. 9. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten (10) days after its passage and publication without expense to the city. Passed by the City Council March 31, 1903. RULES OF CITY COUNCIL. 5ii RULES OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE Rule 1 — The President shall call the Council to order each day of sitting at 7:30 o’clock p. m., unless the Council shall have adjourned to some other hour. Rule 2 — A majority of all the members of the City Council shall be necessary to constitute a quorum to do business; providing, that less than a quorum may adjourn from day to day until a quorum can he had. Rule 3 — The President shall take the chair and call the Council to order precisely at the hour appointed for meeting, and if a quorum he present, shall cause the journal of the preceding day to be read. He shall preserve order and decorum, and in case of any disturbance or disorderly conduct within the chamber, shall order the officer in attend- ance to suppress the same, and may order the arrest of any person creating any disturbance within the council chamber. He may speak to points of order in preference to members, arising from his seat for that purpose, and shall decide all questions of order without debate, subject to an appeal to the Council by any member thereof, on which appeal no member shall speak more than once without leave of the Council. He shall have charge of and see that all officers and clerks perform their respective duties; he shall sign all writs, warrants and subpoenas issued by order of the Council, all of which shall be attested by the Clerk. He shall have general control of the Council chamber and lobby, and shall have the right to name any Councilman to per- form the duties of the Chair, but such substitution shall not extend beyond an adjournment, nor authorize the Councilman so substituted to sign any document requiring the signature of the President. Rule 4 — The subordinate officers of the Council shall perform such duties as usually pertain to their respective positions, under the direc- tion of the President, and such other duties as the Council may impose upon them. Rule 5 — The President shall appoint all special and the following standing committees, of which the Finance Committee shall be con- firmed by a vote of the Council. Judiciary and Legislation, Finance, Fire, Water and Sewers, 512 RULES OF CITY COUNCIL. Streets, Bridges, Public Buildings, Grounds and Lighting. License, Health and Police. Rule 6 — When a motion is made to refer any subject, and different committees are proposed, the question shall be taken in the following order: First, the Committee of the Whole Council, Second, standing committee, Third, a select committee. Rule 7 — The several committees shall fully consider all measures refered to them. They shall acquaint themselves with the interests of the city specially represented by the committee, and from time to time present such ordinances and reports as, in their judgment, will advance the interests and promote the welfare of the residents of the city. No committee shall sit during the session of the Council unless by special leave. Rule 8 — All reports of the committee shall be signed by such mem- bers thereof as concur therein, or by the Chairman for such concurring members, naming them, and the report, with the names, by or for whom the same is signed, shall be read by the Clerk or by the member making the report (at his seat), without a motion, unless the reading be dispensed with by the Council. The members of the committee not concurring in the majority report may prepare a written minority report, sign and present the same to the Council, and both majority and minority reports shall in all cases be spread in full upon the journal. Rule 9 — No committee shall employ assistance or incur any expense, except by permission of the Council previously obtained. Rule 10 — The Rules of the Council shall apply to the proceedings of the Committee of the Whole, except that the previous question shall not be ordered, nor the “yeas” and “nays” demanded; but the com- mittee may limit the number of times that any member may speak at any stage of the proceedings during its sitting. Rule 12 — A motion that the Committee of the Whole rise shall always be in order, and shall be decided without debate. Rule 12 — The Council may at any time, by a vote of the majority of the members present, suspend the rules and orders of the Council for the purpose of going into Committee of the Whole for the considera- tion of any ordinance, petition or resolution before the Council. Rule 14 — After the roll is called and journal read and approved, business shall be disposed of in the following order: 1. Messages from the Mayor. 2. Petitions. 3. Remonstrances. 4. Communications. 5. Report of the Committee on Judiciary and Legislation. 6. Report of the Committee on Finance. 7. Report of the Committee on Fire, Water and Sewers. RULES OF CITY COUNCIL. 5i3 8. Report of the Committee on Streets, Street Improvements and Bridges. 9. Report of the Committee on Health and Police. 10. Report of the Committee on License and Revenue. 11. Report of the Committee on Public Buildings, Grounds and Lighting. 12. Reports of Special Committees. 13. Report of the Auditing Committee. 14. Reports and communications of officers. 15. Ordinances on third reading and passage. 16. Introduction and first reading of ordinances. 17. Second reading and reference of ordinances. 18. Orders of the day. 19. Unfinished business. 20. New business. Rule 15 — The President shall at each meeting announce to the Coun- cil the business in order, agreeably to the preceding rule, and no busi- ness shall be taken up or considered until the class to which it belongs shall be declared to be in order. Rule 16 — The unfinished business at the preceding adjournment shall have the preference in the orders of the day, except in special orders, and no motion or other business shall be received, without spcial leave of the Council, until the former is disposed of. Rule 17 — Every ordinance shall receive three readings previous to its passage. The President shall give notice at each, whether it be the first, second or third reading. The first and second readings may, by consent of a majority of the Council, be on the same day, bdt at least two days must intervene between the second and third reading of an ordinance. The third reading of every ordinance shall be by sections, and upon its final passage the vote must be taken by “Yeas” and “Nays,” the names of the Councilmen voting for and against the same be entered upon the journal, and the majority of all the members of the Council must be recorded thereon as voting in its favor to secure its passage by the Council. [See Rules, 57.] Rule 18 — All ordinances that have passed the second reading, which have not beeen referred, and all ordinances reported by com- mittees after the second reading, provided such report is favorable and adopted by the Council, if the same has not been amended by the committee, shall be passed to a third reading in the order in which they were introduced or reported by the committee, unless otherwise ordered by a two-thirds vote of the Council. Ordinances which have been amended by the committee must lay over at least two days before they can be read a third time. When a committee to whom an ordi- nance is referred shall report that an ordinance do not pass, and such report is adopted by the Council, such ordinance shall not pass to a third reading. Rule 19 — An ordinance may be committed with special instruc- tions to amend, at any time before taking the final vote. 33 514 RULES OF CITY COUNCIL. Rule 20 — No ordinance shall contain more than one subject, and that shall be clearly set out in the title; nor shall any ordinance be read a third time unless the same has the “O. K.,’* or approval, in writing, of the Corporation Counsel, except and alone by a two-thirds vote of all members present. Rule 21 — No ordinance shall ever be revised or amended by mere reference to its title, but the ordinance revised or the section amended shall be set forth at full length; nor shall any portion of an ordinance be suspended except by another ordinance repealing the same. Rule 22 — No amendment to any ordinance shall be allowed which shall change the scope and object of the ordinance. Rule 23 — On the second day next succeeding the final vote on an ordinance, resolution or order, or at the next regular meeting inter- vening, or if no meeting is held on that day, then at the next meeting after such second day said vote may be reconsidered on a motion of a Councilman, provided, a motion to reconsider was made (and entered on the journal) on the day such final vote was taken, by a Councilman who voted on that side which prevailed; and no motion to reconsider shall be in order on the day such final vote was taken, except by the consent of all Councilmen present. A motion to reconsider a vote shall be a special order for two hours after the convening of the meeting at which it may be called up, but if not then considered, the right to move a reconsideration shall continue during the meeting. A motion to reconsider shall have precedence over other motions, except a mo- tion to adjourn, and when the Council adjourns while a motion to reconsider is pending, or before passing the special order for its recon- sideration, the right to remove a reconsideration shall continue until the next meeting of the Council. Motions to reconsider a vote upon amendments to any pending question may be made and decided at once. Rule 24 — Revoked June 21, 1898. Rule 25— No ordinance obligating the City for the payment of more than one thousand dollars, or vacating any street, highway or alley, or granting any franchise, shall be passed before the second regular meeting of the Council after its introduction, nor shall any ordinance be passed vacating any street, highway or alley, or granting any franchise, until notice of the application for same be published in the official newspaper of the City by the party applying therefor, containing a copy of the ordinance so applied for, and without cost to the City. No ordinance granting a franchise shall be passed within thirty days from its introduction, and no ordinance granting an ex- clusive franchise or special privilege shall ever be passed. [Charter Section 38.] [See Laws 1901, P. 175.] Rule 26 — Repealed by Section 61, Charter. Rule 27 — Repealed by Section 79, Charter. Rule 28 — The President shall call the Council to order at the hour fixed for the consideration of a special order, and announce that the special order is before the Council, which shall then be considered, RULES OF CITY COUNCIL. 5*5 unless it be postponed by a two-thirds vote, and any business before the Council at the time of the announcement of the special order shall take its regular position in the order of business. Rule 29 — Resolutions shall be treated as motions in all proceed- ings of the Council. Rule 30 — No motion shall be entertained until it shall be seconded, nor debated, until announced by the President. It shall be reduced to writing and read by the Clerk, if desired by the President or any Councilman, before it shall be debated, and by consent of the Council may be withdrawn before amendment or action. Rule 31 — A motion to adjourn shall always be in order. The name of the Councilman moving to adjourn, and the time when the motion was made, shall be entered on the journal. Rule 32 — When a question is under debate, no motion shall be received but the following, which shall have precedence in the order named: 1. To fix the time to which to adjourn. 2. To adjourn. 3. For a call of the Council. 4. To lay on table. 5. For the previous question. 6. To postpone to a day certain. 7. To commit. 8. To amend. 9. To postpone indefinitely. The second, third, fourth and fifth motions shall be decided with- out debate, and no motion to postpone to a day certain, to commit, or to postpone indefinitely, being decided, shall again be allowed on the same day and at the same stage of the proceedings, and when a question has been postponed indefinitely it shall not again be intro- duced at any meeting held during a period of thirty days thereafter, except this rule be suspended by a two-thirds vote, and there shall be no reconsideration of a vote on a motion to postpone indefinitely. Rule 33 — Any Councilman may call for a division of the question, which shall be divided if it embraces subjects so distinct that, one being taken away, a substantive proposition shall remain for the decision of the Council; but a motion to strike out and insert shall not be divided. Rule 34 — The previous question shall not be put unless demanded by two Councilmen, and it shall then be in this form: “Shall the main question be now put?” When sustained by a majority of Coun- cilmen present, it shall preclude all debate, and the toll shall be immediately called on the question or questions before the Council, and all incidental questions or questions of order arising, after the motion is made for the previous question, and pending such motion, shall be decided, whether on appeal or otherwise, without debate. Rule 35 — All questions relating to the priority of business shall be decided without debate. 5i6 RULES OF CITY COUNCIL. Rule 36 — The passage of an ordinance or action on a question is lost by a tie vote. Rule 37- — The “yeas” and “nays” shall be taken when called for by a Councilman, and every Councilman within the Council Chamber shall vote, unless excused by the unanimous vote of the Council, and the vote shall be entered upon the journal. Rule 38 — In filling blanks, the largest sum and the longest time shall be put first. Rule 39 — Where the reading of any paper is called for and is ob- jected to by any Councilman, it shall be determined by a vote of the Council, and without debate. Rule 40 — Messages from the Mayor may be considered at any time by consent of the Council. Rule 41 — When any Councilman is about to speak in debate, or submit any matter to the Council, he shall rise from his seat, and, standing in his place, respectfully address himself to “Mr. President,” and, when recognized, shall, in a courteous manner, confine himself to the question under debate, avoiding personalities, and when finished shall resume his seat. No Councilman shall impeach the motives of any other member, nor speak more than twice (except for explana- tion) during the consideration of any one question on the same day, nor the second time without leave when others who have not spoken desire the floor; but incidental and subsidiary questions arising during the debate shall not be considered the same question. Rule 42 — If any Councilman, in speaking or otherwise, trans- gresses the rules of the Council, the President shall, or any Council- man may, call him to order, and when a Councilman shall be so called to order, he shall resume his seat and not proceed without leave of the Council, which leave, if granted, shall be upon motion “that he be allowed to proceed in order,” when, if carried, he shall confine himself to the question under consideration. Rule 43 — Every decision of points of order by the President shall be subject to appeal, and no discussion of a question of order shall be allowed, except on appeal of one Councilman, and in all cases of appeal the question shall be: “Shall the decision of the Chair stand as the judgment of the Council?” Rule 44 — In cases of breaches of decorum or propriety, any Coun- cilman, officer or other person shall be liable to such censure or pun- ishment as the Council may deem proper, and if any Councilman be called to order for offensive or indecorous language or conduct, the person calling him to order shall report the language or conduct excepted to, which shall be taken down or noted at the Clerk’s desk, and no member shall be held to answer for any language used on the floor of the Council, if business has intervened before exception to the language was thus taken and noted. Rule 45 — When two or more Councilmen rise at the same time to address the Chair, the President shall name the one who shall speak RULE 8 OF CITY COUNCIL. 517 first, giving preference, when practicable, to the mover or introducer of the subject under consideration. Rule 46 — The author of an ordinance or resolution shall have the privilege of opening and closing the debate on the same, unless the previous question has been moved and sustained. Rule 47 — Any Councilman or Councilmen may protest against the action of the Council upon any question, and have such protest entered upon the journal. Rule 48^Any Councilman may rise to a questipn of privilege and explain a matter personal to himself, by leave of the President; but he shall not discuss any pending question in such explanation. Rule 49 — No Councilman shall absent himself from the service of the Council without leave, except in case of accident or sickness, and no Councilman shall obtain leave of absence or be excused from attendance without consent of three-fifths of the members present. Rule 50 — A call of the Council may be moved by any Councilman whose name shall be entered upon the journal, and if caried by a majority of all present, the Clerk shall call the 10 II and note the absentees, after which the names of the absentees shall again be called. The doors shall then be closed, and the officer in attendance directed to take into custody all who may be absent without leave, and all Councilmen so taken into custody shall be presented at the bar of the Council for such action as the Council may deem proper. Rule 51 — A Councilman being absent at roll call may ask to have his name called. Rule 52 — In all cases of elections by the Council the vote shall be taken viva voce, and no Councilman or other person shall remain by the Clerk’s desk, where the roll is being called, or the votes are being counted. No Councilman shall be allowed to vote except when within the bar of the Council, nor upon any question in which he is in any way personally or directly interested, nor be allowed to explain his vote, or discuss the question, while the yeas and nays are being called, nor change his vote after the result is announced. Rule 53 — The announcements of all votes shall be made by the President, and the announcement of the result of any vote shall not be postponed. Rule 54 — No person, except city officers, the President, officers and members of the Council, shall be admitted within the bar of the Council, except by special invitation on the part of some member. Rule 55 — Smoking shall not be allowed within the Council cham- ber during the session of the Council, nor shall indecorous conduct, boisterous or unbecoming language be permitted there at any time. Rule 56 — The rules of parliamentary practice as contained in “Robert’s Rules or Order” shall govern the Council in all cases to which they are applicable, and in which they are not inconsistent with the rules and orders of this Council. Rule 57 — No standing rule or order of this Council shall be re- scinded or changed without a vote of two-thirds of the members, and 5 1 8 RULES OF CITY COUNCIL. two day’s notice of the motion therefor; but the rule or order may be temporarily suspended for a special purpose by a vote of two-thirds of the members present. When the suspension of a rule is called, and after due notice of the President, no objection is offered, he may announce the rule suspended, and the Council may proceed accord- ingly; but this shall not apply to that portion of Rule 17 relating to the third reading of ordinances, which can not be suspended. Rule 58 — After their first meeting in each municipal year the City Council shall, immediately after the election of President, also elect one of their number President pro tern., who shall perform the duties of President in the absence of that official. INDEX TO CITY CHARTER. 519 INDEX TO THE CITY CHARTER (References are to Sections) A ABATE— existing actions shall not, 2. ABATEMENT — of nuisances, city may provide for, 51. ACCOUNTS— Board of Police shall keep, 107. Board of Fire Commissioners shall keep, 122. of officers, finance committee has power to investigate, 163. park commission shall transmit to Mayor, 217. ACTIONS — city may bring all, 2. existing, shall not abate, 2. procedure to foreclose delinquent assessment rolls, 68. Corporation Counsel shall bring and defend all, 80. Corporation Counsel shall keep docket of, 80. on forfeited bail bonds, Corporation Counsel shall bring, 83. on forfeited bail bonds, shall not be compromised except by City Council, 83. Criminal, Corporation Counsel shall prosecute, 83. may be brought against officers and agents failing to deliver moneys, 171. ACTS— all legislative, shall be by ordinance, 34. relating to incorporation of city, heretofore passed, are repealed, 222. ADVERTISEMENT — for bids, how made, 98. for bids, shall state day and hour for opening, 99. ADVERTISING — public, city may regulate or suppress, 59. legal, city shall annually let to the lowest bidder, 37. ADVICE— legal, Corporation Counsel shall give in writing, 80. AGENTS — contractors are not of city, 99 y a . of Board of Public Works shall hold office, how long, 100. of city, shall obey quarantine rules, 146. of city, receiving moneys shall pay to Treasurer, 171. of city, receiving moneys shall make triplicate receips, 171. of city, receiving moneys failing to pay, penalty for, 171. AGREEMENTS— Mayor shall see to performance of, 21. Mayor shall cause prosecution of all persons failing to fulfill, 21. ALLEYS— (See Streets and Alleys.) shall not be sold unless advertised for 60 days, 161. 520 INDEX TO CITY CHARTER. AMENDMENTS— to ordinances, how made, 36. charter, may be proposed by Council, 225. proposed charter, shall be entered on record, 225. charter, shall be voted for at two meetings of Council, 225. charter, shall be submitted to electors at general election, 225. charter, shall be adopted, when, 225. proposed charter, shall be published when, 225. charter, Council must submit when asked by 45 per cent, voters, 225%. ANIMALS — city may restrain and prohibit the running at large of, 56. city may authorize distraining, impounding and sale of, 56. ANNUAL — municipal elections (See Election). statement, Council shall have printed, 209. APPEAL— from street assessments, City Clerk shall give notice, when Council will hear, 65. from street assessments, property owners may make, 67. from street assessments, Council shall hear, 67. from street assessments, Council’s decision on, shall be final, 67. from street assessments, shall lie to Superior Court, 67. APPOINTIVE OFFICERS— (See Officers.) APPORTIONMENT— of moneys to several funds, Council may determine, 202. APPROPRIATIONS — all, to be made by ordinance, 39. no money shall be drawn from treasury, except by, 39. Council shall have printed annual statement of, 209. Council may make, for park fund, 210. Council shall not make in aid of any one, 205. AREAS— city may provide for cleaning of, 51. ARRESTS— police officers shall have power to make, 115. ASIATIC CHOLERA— (See Contagious Diseases.) ASSESSMENT— assessments levied upon lands of the U. S., State of Washington, State University, Spokane County, City or School district, to be paid out of general fund, 63. for street improvements, how made, 61, 63. for street improvements, mode of levying, shall be prescribed by ordi- annce, 63. for street improvements, to be lien on property, 63. for street improvements, as a lien, may be enforced, how, 68. for street improvements, suit for, how brought, 68. for street improvements, interest on, 68. for street improvements, defects in, no bar to recovery, 62. for street expenses of collecting, may be recovered, 62. for street improvements, improvements on real estate shall not be as- sessed, 61. for street improvements, manner of reassessment, 69. for street improvements, reassessment may be made where original assess- ment is invalid, 69. for street improvements, Council shall set time for payment of, 68. INDEX TO CITY CHARTER. 52i Assessments — Continued. for street improvements, if not paid, shall draw interest, 68. publication of notice of, in official newspaper, 68. city shall provide for sale of lands for delinquent, 68. mode of procedure for sale of lands for delinquent, 68. suits shall be brought to collect delinquent, 68. all delinquent owners of property may be joined in one suit on roll, 68. assessment roll and order of confirmation shall be prima facie evidence of regularity of, 68. city may issue delinquent certificates for, 68. delinquent certificates for how foreclosed, 68. city may prescribe means for enforcement of payments of delinquent, 68. sale of land for delinquent, how made, 68. funds, city not liable except as trustee, 68. funds, holders of claims against shall be paid therefrom, 68. moneys collected for shall be kept in separate fund, 68. reassessment may be made where original assessment insufficient, 69. reassessment shall be lien on property when, 69. bonds to pay for local improvements may be issued, 70. for street improvements, Treasurer shall be collector of, 70. for municipal purposes, shall be same as for state and county, 174. for municipal purposes, equalization of, shall be same as for state and county, 174. for municipal purposes, Corporation Counsel shall examine all proceedings relating to, 80. ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS — city may establish, 61. shall contain wffiat property, 61. ASSESSMENT ROLL — Board of Public Works shall make and certify, for improvements, 64. shall show, what, 64. City Clerk shall give notice of, 65. objections to, shall be filed, 66. property owners may appeal from, 67. appeals from, Council’s decision shall be final on, 67. objections to shall be specified in writing, 66. correctness of shall not be questioned unless objections filed before hear- ing, 66. Council shall hear and determine all objections to, 67. Council may revise or correct, 67. Council shall approve and confirm, 67. order of Council on final, 67. persons filing objections may appeal from Council’s action to Superior Court, 67. appeals from Council’s action, how made, 67. ASSISTANT CORPORATION COUNSEL— appointment of, 9, 79. AUDITING COMMITTEE — how constituted, 197. duties of, 197, 200. all demands against city shall be filed with, 198. duties of secretary of, 198, 200. may choose temporary officers, 197. AVENUE— no building shall be erected on any, 40. BAGGAGE— may be required B to be left at quarantine stations, 145. 522 INDEX TO CITY CHARTER. BALLOT— all elections shall be by, 13. boxes shall not be removed from polls, 14. shall declare term of Councilman elected, 28. on changing name of city, form of, article 15. BANNERS— city may regulate and prevent placing, 59. BELLS— city may regulate and suppress ringing of, 59 BEQUESTS— city may receive and manage, 1. park fund may consist partly of, 210. BIDS— for printing, when and how made, 37. for public work, how to be advertised for, 98. for public work, to be accompanied by check, 98. for public work, board reserves right to reject, 98, 99. for public work and supplies shall be made in duplicate, 99. for public work, Mayor shall receive one copy of, 99. for public work, City. Commissioners’ clerk shall receive one copy of, 99. for public work, day and hour for opening shall be named in advertise- ment, 99. for public work, to be accompanied by affidavit, 99. for public work, shall be opened, when and how, 99. for public work, shall be handed in when, 99. for public work, shall be recorded, 99. BILLS — (See Demands.) BIRTHS— health officer shall keep record of, 138. shall be reported, by whom, 139. BOARD— (For various see each department under its proper title.) no member of any, shall be interested in contracts, etc., 29. no member of any, shall deal in warrants, 29. member of any, shall forfeit office, when, 29. Corporation Counsel shall give legal advice in writing to any, 80. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION— (See Equalization.) BONDING— Council may provide mode of submitting to electors question of, 207. BONDS— for local improvements may be issued, when, 70. for local improvements, provisions of, 70. for local improvements, shall not bear interest to exceed 8 per cent., 70. for local 'improvements, city shall not be liable upon, except to trustee, 70. city, sinking fund commission shall negotiate sale of, 154. city, redemption of, provided for, 154. city, may be purchased, how, 154. city, amount required for redemption of, shall be reported by and to whom, 155. city, purchased, shall be held by Treasurer, 158. city, redeemed, shall be recorded, where, 158. city, redeemed, shall be burned and cancelled, how, 158. city, redeemed, destruction of, shall be certified to, 158. city, payment of, who shall direct, 159. city may authorize issue of, 161. city may pledge its faith and property for security of, 161. city may direct issue and payment of, 161, 207. INDEX TO CITY CHARTER. 523 Bon’ds — C ontinued. shall not be sold for less than par, 161. shall not be issued except as provided by law, 207. shall not be issued except by consent of electors, 207. shall not be issued until payment of interest is provided for, 207. shall not be issued until interest and sinking funds are created, 207. may be refunded, 207. limit of interest on refunded, 207. forfeited bail, action to be commenced on, when, 83. forfeited bail, shall not be compromised except, 83. forfeited bail, Corporation Counsel may bid in, and purchase property sold on, S3. Mayor shall approve all official and other, 23, 170. for public printing, shall be given, 37. Corporation Counsel shall draft all, 80. Corporation Counsel shall give bond for $5000, 79. police justice shall give, 83. may be required from municipal judge, 83. City Clerk shall have custody of all, except his own, 87. City Clerk shall give, 90. City Commissioners shall give, 92. finance committee shall examine, 163. finance committee shall report to the Mayor on, 163. Mayor shall act upon reports on, 163. Treasurer shall give, 168. Treasurer shall require from his assistants sufficient, 170. may be required from sinking fund commission, 153. park shall constitute part of park fund, 210, 211. park, name of, 211. park, shall be sold for not less than par, 211. park, Council may issue, 211. park, limit of amount of, 211. park, time for payment of, 211. park, proceeds of, shall be expended, how 211. BOND FUND — Council shall establish, 201. BOND REDEMPTION FUND — Council shall establish, 201. BOOKKEEPING — Comptroller shall harmonize method in departments, 166. BOOKS— Mayor shall have inspection of all, 20. Mayor shall see to proper keeping of, 20. and lists for voting places shall be provided by Clerk, 14. Corporation Counsel shall keep, record and registry, 80. shall be open for public inspection, 91. of permits, health officer shall prepare, 148. finance committee shall have access to all, 163. finance committee shall report on, of Clerk, Comptroller and Treasurer, 164. Comptroller shall keep, 165. Treasurer shall deliver to successor, 170. of Treasurer shall be open to public inspection, 172. BOOTHS — shall not be erected in streets, etc., 40. BOUNDARIES — of city, described, 4. of wards, described, 5. BOXES: — ballots, shall not be removed from polls, 14. 524 INDEX TO CITY CHARTER. BRIDGES— city may regulate or prohibit the driving of cattle over, 56. Board of Public Works shall have charge of, 97. BRIEFS— Corporation Counsel shall keep record of, 80. BUILDINGS— city may erect public, 1. shall not be erected in streets, etc., 40. offensive or deleterious, city may direct location and construction of, 47. offensive or deleterious, city may prohibit erection of, 47. city may regulate erection and maintenance of, 49. city may cause rendering safe of dangerous, 49. city may regulate or prohibit within fire limits, erection of, 49. city may regulate or prohibit within corporate limits, removal of, 49. city may regulate construction of stone, brick and other, 50. owners of, may be punished, for what, 53. Board of Public "Works shall have inspection of, 97. unfit for habitation, Board of Health shall placard and give notice to vacate, 133. public, city may require suitable exits to be provided from, 51. public, Board of Public Works shall have charge of, 97. public, Health Officer shall visit and report on, 132. BUILDING INSPECTOR— one member City Commissioners shall act as, 94. BURIAL— of the dead, city may regulate, 46. Health Officer shall keep record of, 138. permits for, shall be obtained, 147. c CABLE RAILWAY— (See Railways.) CANALS — city may provide for cleaning of, 51. CANVASS— of votes, when and how made, 14. election returns (See Election Returns.) CATTLE— city may regulate or prohibit driving of, 56. CEMETERIES— city may establish and regulate, 46. city may acquire land for, 46. city may cause removal of, 46. city may prohibit establishment of, 46. CENSUS— city may provide for taking of, 59. - CERTIFICATE — of death shall be filed with Health Officer, 147. delinquency for assessments, for street improvements, 68. rate of interest on delinquent, 68. foreclosure of, for assessments for local improvements, 68. CERTIFIED CHECK— shall accompany all bids for work, 98. advertisement inviting all bids for work, 98. CHARITABLE ASSOCIATIONS — city may contract with for care of indigents, 42. INDEX TO CITY CHARTER. 525 CHARTER— amendments to (See Amendments). declaration of, 1. CHECK— certified (See Certified Check). CHIEF— executive officer of city, Mayor is, 18. of fire department (See Fire Department). of police department (See Police Department). CHILDREN — city may provide for care of, 42. CHOLERA— Asiatic (See Contagious Diseases). CIRCUS— city may license, etc., 59. CITY — corporate name of, 1, Art. XV. shall have perpetual succession, 1. may sue and defend, 1, 2. may have and use seal, etc., 1. may purchase, hold, etc., real and personal property, 1. may receive and manage bequests, gifts, devise, etc., 1. is declared a separate highway or road district, 1. is exempt from control of county commissioners, 1. corporate limits of, 4. assessment on land of, paid out of general fund, 63. powers of, 41-77. may borrow money for what, 160. may borrow money, how much, 160. may borrow money for water, light and sewer works, 160. may authorize issuance of bonds, 161. may pledge faith and property of city for security of bonds, 161. may direct issuance and payment of bonds and interest, 161. fee of all property dedicated to public use shall be vested in, 75. may authorize the refunding of the city’s indebtedness, 161. CITY CLERK— (See Clerk.) CITY ENGINEER — (See Engineer.) CITY" OFFICERS— (See Officers.) CITY PHYSICIAN— (See Physician.) CLAIMS — (See Demands.) CLERICAL DEPARTMENT— establishment and duties of, 84-91. CLERK, CITY — how elected, 9. shall give notice of all elections, 14. shall provide necessary books and lists at polls, 14. shall issue certificates of election, 14. shall sign ail passed ordinances, 34. shall sign record of ail passed ordinances, 35. shall give notice of assessment roll, 65. office of, established, 84. 526 INDEX TO CITY CHARTER. Clerk, City — Continued, qualifications of, 84. may appoint deputies, how, 85. shall be responsible for acts of his deputies, 85. may remove his deputies, 85. duties of, 86-91. deputy shall have powers of City Clerk, 85. shall give bond, 90. shall receive one copy of receipts for money paid in by officers, 171. powers and duties of County Clerk are conferred upon, 174. shall attest all warrants, 151. shall perform clerical work of park commission, 213. salary of, 223. CLERK OF CITY COMMISSIONERS— President Board of Fire Commissioners shall perform duties of, 95 %. duties of, 94. shall receive one copy of bids for work, 99. COMBUSTIBLES— city may regulate or prohibit transportation and storage of, 48. COMMISSIONERS, CITY — how and when appointed, 9, 92. how confirmed, 92. duties and powers of, 92-95. shall subscribe oath of office, 92. shall give bonds, 92. terms of office of, 92. only one shall be appointed from same ward, 93. only two shall be appointed from same political party, 93. vacancies in office, how filled, 93. how removed, 93. shall not hold any other office, except, 93. shall give entire time to their duties, 93. shall personally inspect all work, 93. qualifications of, 92. organization of, 94. one member shall act as secretary, 94. duties of secretary of, 94, 95%. secretary of, shall keep record of their proceedings, 94. one member of shall act as building inspector, 94. Council may abolish office of, 95. Clerk of, shall receive one copy of all bids for work, 99. salary of, 223. (See hlso Fire and Police Commissioners and Board of Public Works.) COMMISSIONERS, COUNTY — city shall be exempt from control of, 1. powers and duties of, conferred upon Council and committees, 174. COMMISSIONERS, STREET — President Board of Police shall act as, 95y 2 . COMMITTEES — of Council, how provided and appointed, 32. of Council, shall have inspection of docket kept by* Corporation Counsel, 80. of Council, powers and duties of county commissioners conferred upon, 174. COMMONS— may condemn land for, 1. COMMUNICATIONS — sent and received, Corporation Counsel shall keep record of all, 80. INDEX TO CITY CHARTER. 527 COMPENSATION — members of sinking fund commission shall not receive additional, 153. of deputy Comptroller, Council shall fix, 167. COMPROMISE— on forfeited bail bond shall only be made by authority of the Council, 83. COMPTROLLER— how elected, 9. term of office of, 9. shall countersign all warrants, 151, 165. shall be a member of the sinking fund commission, 152. duties of, in relation to investments, redemption, etc., 155. shall keep journal of proceedings of the sinking fund commission, 156. shall make report of proceedings of sinking fund commission to Council, 156 redeemed bonds shall be destroyed in office of, 158. shall have supervision of finances, 165. shall number and record all demands, 165. shall be acquainted with exact condition of treasury, 165. shall make monthly reports to Mayor find Council on each fund, 165. shall make annual reports to Mayor and Council on each fund, 165. shall issue all licenses, 165. shall keep complete set of books, how, 165. shall keep posted in his office list of all salaried officers and their salaries^ 166. shall harmonize bookkeeping methods of departments, 166. shall report to Mayor, 166. shall examine books of officers receiving money and report to Mayor, 166. may appoint deputies with consent of Council, 167. Council shall fix compensation of deputy, 167. shall make annual estimates, how, 173. shall be member and secretary of auditing committee, 197. Corporation Counsel shall give legal advice in writing to, 80. shall have inspection of docket kept by Corporation Counsel, 80. Treasurer shall make daily reports of balances to, 170. shall receive one copy of receipts for moneys paid in by officers, 171. shall issue warrants on park fund, 216. salary of, 223. condemnation— of land for public purposes, 1. of land, limit of taxation for, 203. CONDUCT — of all officers, Mayor shall observe, 20. unbecoming, Council shall have power to punish its members for, 32. disorderly (See Disorderly). CONTAGIOUS OR INFECTIOUS DISEASES— city may remove persons afflicted with, 51. Health Officer shall display quarantine fag, where he finds, 134. names of persons afflicted with, shall be reported, by and to whom, 135, 137. members of household afflicted with, shall not be admitted, where, 136. deaths from, shall be reported by whom, 137. persons afflicted with may be removed to and kept in pest houses, 140. persons afflicted with shall not be removed, except, 141. CONTAMINATION— of river, Board of Health shall prevent, 143. CONTEMPT — Council shall have power to punish its members for, 32. CONTEST — of elections, Council shall decide, 15. 528 INDEX TO CITY CHARTER. CONTRACTORS— failing to perform their contracts, Mayor shall cause to be prosecuted, 21. CONTRACTS— Mayor shall approve all, 18. Mayor shall see to performance of all, 2L Mayor shall cause prosecution of all persons failing to perform, 21. who shall not be interested in, 29. ' become void, when, 29. for public printing, shall be let by Council, 37. for work shall not be let until work is reported on by Board of Public Works, 62. bids shall be invited before letting, 98. for improvements shall be in writing, 99. Corporation Counsel shall draft all, 80. City Clerk shall have custody of all, 80. how let, 89. for authorized work, Board of Public Works may let, 99. for care of indigents, children and others, city may provide, 42. stipulations may be made making persons accepting, independent contract- ors, 99%. for buildings and improvements, shall be let to independent contractors, 99%. persons having for improvements, shall not be agents or employes of the city, 99%. CONVEYANCES— Corporation Counsel shall draft all, 80. public, Board of Health may require all, to stop at quarantine stations, 145. CORPORATE— name of city, 1, Art. XV. limits of city described, 4. limits, city may regulate erection of buildings within, 49. limits, city may cause dangerous buildings to be put in safe condition within, 49. limits, city may regulate or prohibit removal of buildings within, 49. CORPORATIONS— shall not be excepted from operation of any ordinance, 36. CORPORATION COUNSEL — how appointed and confirmed, 9, 79. term of office of, 9, 79. may be removed, how, 79. qualifications of, 79. shall give bond for $5000, 79. duties of, 80, 83. may be authorized to employ assistants, 9, 79. may bid in and purchase property sold on forfeited bail bonds, 83. powers and duties of county attorney conferred upon, 174. salary of, 223. CORPORATION COUNSEL ASSISTANT — appointment of, 9, 79. COSTS— municipal judge shall pay to Treasurer all, 83. COUNCIL— Appropriations, in aid of any one, shall not make, 205. for park fund, may make, 210. Assessment Rolls , Shall hear all objections to, 66. shall revise, correct and confirm, 67. INDEX TO CITY CHARTER. 529 Council — Continued. Auditing Committee , Shall report all demands to, 198. Bonds , its duties in relation to, 297. may provide by ordinance manner of submitting issue of, 207. for park fund, may issue, 211. Charter , may propose amendments to, 225. its duties in relation to amendments to, 225. City Clerkj may authorize employment of deputy, 85. or deputy shall attend its meetings, 86. may remove records from custody of, 87. City Commissioners , may by three-fifths vote confirm appointment of, 92. may' remove, how, 93. may abolish office of, 95. Commmittees of, how appointed, 32, 163. powers of, 32. Comptroller, shall make monthly reports to, 165. shall make annual reports and estimates to, 165, 173. deputy, may authorize employment of, 167. deputy, shall fix compensation of, 167. Contracts, shall not authorize letting of, until, 67. Corporation Counsel, shall give legal advice to, 80. any of its committees shall have access to docket kept by, 80. may be authorized to employ assistants, 9, 79. County Commissioners, powers and duties of, conferred apon, 174. Debts, shall have power to provide for payment of, 203. Detective Force, may establish a, 103. Drainage, shall provide for, 75%. Elections , may provide for special, 10. shall canvass returns of, 14. shall declare result of, 14. Extra Sessions of, may be called, how, 22. shall be called on demand of five of its members, 22. shall be confined to subject stated in call, 22. Finance Committee, may be appointed from its members, 163. shall report on examination of books, 164. Fire Commissioners, may create separate board of, 95. Fire Department, may provide by ordinance for members of, 118. shall have approval of rules for, 126. may pass ordinances relating to control of, 127. shall provide for retirement of members of, 127. chief of, may be removed by, 120. 34 530 INDEX TO CITY CHARTER. Council — Continued. Funds, shall provide for safe keeping of, 102. may by two-thirds vote make transfers of, 201. may determine appportionment of moneys to, 202. Health, may confirm board of, 128. may remove members of, 128. shall provide office for board of, 130. shall provide for enforcement of rules of board of, 149. shall provide for carrying out article on sanitation or, 150. Health Officer, shall have power to consent to appointment or removal of, 131. Indebtedness, may refund, 207. shall not, except by ordinance create any, 208. Inspectors, shall have the power to approve appointment or removal of market or sanitary, 142. J ournal, of its proceedings, shall keep, 31. Legislative Acts of, shall be by ordinance, 34. Legislative Power, vested in Mayor and, 26. Loans, may make temporary, 206. Mayor, shall report defalcation and misdemeanors of officers to, 20. shall give information on state of city to, 20. may recommend beneficial measures to, 20. Meetings of, shall be held second Friday after annual election, 33. shall be determined by ordinance . r resolution, 33. shall be public, 33. shall be at least semi-monthly, 33. Corporation Counsel shall attend all, 80. City Clerk or deputy shall attend all, 86. extra (See Extra Sessions.) Members of, each ward shall have same number of, 6. shall not have more than twenty- me, until when, 6. there shall be elected in each ward two, 9. extra session may be demanded by five, 22. number of, 27. • qualifications of, 27. how elected in 1895 and thereafter, 28. shall take their seats when, 28 shall not be interested in contracts, 29. shall not deal in warrants, 29. shall forfeit office when, 29. minority of may adjourn, 30. minority of may compel attendance of other members, 30. yeas and nays may be demanded by any, 31. may be punished, for what, 32. may be expelled, for what, 32. newly elected shall assume duties, v/hen, 33. salary of, 223. INDEX TO CITY CHARTER. 531 Council — Continued. Moneys , shall have control of, 151. neeeded for investment or redemption, shall be reported to, 155. needed for investment or redemption, shall issue order for, 155. Officers, shall have power to confirm certain appointed, 9, 79, 92. Mayor shall report defalcation or misdemeanor of, 20. shall have power to remove elective, 59. Offices, shall decide tie votes for, 14. may declare vacant, when, 14. shall fill vacant elective, 17. Official Newspaper, shall designate the, 37. ask for bids for publication in other than official, 37. Ordinance, all its legislative acts shall be by, 34. passage of, shall require majority xote of, 34. objections by Mayor to, shall be entered on its journal, 34. shall not except any one from operation of any, 36. may prescribe mode of street assessments by, 63. to change grade of street two-thirds vote, 75. to regrade street two-thirds vote, 75. Park Fund, may make appropriations for, 210. Parks, may issue bonds for, 211. Pay Rolls , may provide for, 151. Pest Houses, shall fix compensation of physicians and nurses for, 140. Police, Board of, estimates shall be submitted by, 108. improvements of jails shall be recommended by, 110. Police, chief of, may be removed by, 111. Police Justice, shall elect a, when, 83. Police Officers, may provide for retirement of, 112. Precincts, shall divide wards into, 8. shall not divide wards into, within certain time, 8. President of, shall sign canvass of election returns, 14. how elected, 30. duties and rights of, 30. how removed, 30. who shall act in absence of, 30. shall act as Mayor, when, 30. shall appoint committees, 32. shall sign all passed ordinances, 34. shall sign record of all passed ordinances, 35. shall sign all warrants, 151. shall be a member of the sinking fund commission, 152. shall be a member of the auditing committee, 197. shall be a member of the park commission, 212. Proceedings of, shall keep journal of, 31. 532 INDEX TO CITY CHARTER. Couhcil— Continued. shall permit publication of, 31. shall be public, 33. Public Printer , shall fix bonds of, 37. Public Printing, shall let to the lowest bidder, 37. Public Works , Board of, necessary work shall be reported by, 99. rules relating to water shall be submitted by, 100. Quorum of, how constituted, 30. Railways, street, may place restrictions on, 76. may prescribe terms and conditions for, 76. Redistrict City, shall have power to, 6. shall not, within certain time, 6. Refund, indebtedness, may, 207. Rules , for its government, shall establish, 31. Salaries, of members of, 223. not provided in charter, shall fix, 223. may alter, when, 224. Sewerage , shall provide for, 75%. Sewers, may provide for paying from sewer fund portion of costs of, 75%. Sinking Fund, shall have power to provide for, 203. Sinking Fund Commission, may require bonds from, 153. proceedings of, shall be reported to, 156. shall fill vacancies in, 157. Statement, Annual , of, shall be printed, 209. shall contain what, 209. shall be furnished to whom, 209. Streets, shall not allow erection of buildings in, 40. contracts for improvements of, shall not let, until when, 61. Street Assessments, may prescribe mode of making, 61-63. shall hear appeals from, 66. shall set time for payment of, 68. Taxes, shall levy and fix rate of, 173. shall have power to provide for, 203. Tax, Road Poll , may provide for, 204. Treasurer, shall fix bond of, 168. shall provide rules for inspection of books of, 172. Votes of, by yeas and nays may be demanded by any member, 31. shall be entered on its journal, 31. shall be viva voce, 31. INDEX TO CITY CHARTER. 533 COUNSEL, CORPORATION — (See Corporation Counsel), COUNTY— assessment on lands of must be paid by city, 63. COUNTY OFFICERS— powers and duties of, conferred upon city officers, 174. COURT, MUNICIPAL — (See Municipal Court). CREDIT— of city, shall be protected, by whom, 159. CREMATIONS — health officer shall keep record of, 138. CRIERS— public, city may regulate or suppress, 59. CRIMINAL PROSECUTIONS — corporation counsel shall conduct, 83. CURB— (See Streets). D DAMAGES — claims for, to person or property, shall be presented to city council within 30 days, 220. claims for shall state time and place of injury, 220. amount of claimed must be stated, 220. claims for shall be filed with clerk, 220. claims for must state what, 220. city not liable for unless notice of defect in street, sidewalk, etc., shall have been given 24 hours before injury, 220. claims for, on account of snow and ice must be filed in three days, 220. amount claimant will settle for must be stated, 220. DANGEROUS PRACTICES— to public safety or health, city may provide for punishment of, 55. DEATHS — from contagious diseases shall be reported, by whom, 137. health officer sha-ll keep record of, 138. shall be reported, by whom, 139. DEBT — city, provision for redemption of, 154. city council may refund, 207. city council shall not create, except by ordinance, 208. city council shall have printed annual statement of, 209. park commission shall not incur, until, 214. DEEDS — corporation counsel shall draft all, 80. city clerk shall have custody of, 87. DECLARATION — of charter, 1. DEFALCATION — mayor shall lay before council and grand jury or prosecuting attorney, 20. finance committee shall report to mayor any, 163. mayor shall suspend any officer charged with, 163. DEFEND — city may in all courts, etc., 1. corporation counsel shall, all proceedings, etc., 80. . DEFILEMENT— of streams, city may provide for prevention of, 51. 534 INDEX TO CITY CHARTER. DELETERIOUS TRADES— (to public health of city), may direct location and construction of build- ings of, 47. (to public health of city), may prohibit erection of buildings for, 47. DELINQUENT ASSESSMENT CERTIFICATES— for street improvement assessments, how issued, 68. rate of interest on, 68. foreclosure of, how made, 68. lien of on property, 68. DELINQUENT ASSESSMENTS— (See Assessments). DELINQUENT TAXES— (See Taxes). DEMAND— for payment of taxes not necessary, 71. DEMANDS AGAINST CITY — comptroller shall number and record, 165. auditing committee shall act on, 197. shall not be paid, unless audited, 197. shall be verified, 198. shall filed filed, with whom, 198. auditing committee shall designate funds, from which to pay, 198. endorsements on, 198. auditing committee shall report to Council, 198. must be sworn to, 199. shall contain detailed statement, 199. for injuries to persons or property shall be presented, when, 220. for injuries to persons or proerty shall state, what, 220. for injuries to persons or property shall be verified, 220. for injuries to persons or property shall be barred against action, when, 220. for injuries to persons on account of defective sidewalk shall be assessed against abutting property, 220. DEPARTMENTS — Mayor shall have general supervision of, 20. Corporation Counsel shall give legal advice in writing to, 80. shall make annual reports and estimates to Comptroller, 173. Comptroller's annual estimate shall show needs of all, 173. DEPOSITING— bodies of deceased persons unlawful, except, 147. DEPUTY— City Clerk, how appointed, 85. City Clerk, powers and duties of, 85. Comptroller, how appointed, 167. Comptroller, Council shall fix compensation of, 167. DESTRUCTION— of redeemed bonds, how made, 158. of redeemed bonds, shall be certified to, 158. DETECTIVE FORCE— Council may establish a, 103. how appointed, 103. shall be under control of Board of Police, 103. DEVISES— city may receive and manage, 1. park fund may partly consist of, 210. DISCONTINUE — existing actions shall not, 2. DISEASES INFECTIOUS OR CONTAGIOUS— (See Contagious.) INDEX TO CITY CHARTER. 535 DISINTERMENTS' — are unlawful, except, 147. permits for, shall show, what, 148. DISORDERLY— conduct, Council may punish its members for, 32. conduct, city may provide for punishment of, 55 persons, city may restrain and provide for punishment of, 54. persons, city may prohibit and provide for suppression of, 54. DISTRICTS— assessment (See Assessment). quarantine (See Quarantine). DOCKET— Corporation Counsel shall keep, 80. kept by Corporation Counsel shall be open for inspection, 80. DOGS— city may license, regulate and restrain the keeping of, 56. city may authorize destruction of impounded, 56. DONATIONS— city may receive and manage, 1. DRAINAGE— Board of Public Works shall have charge of, 97. Council shall provide for, 75%. assessment for cost of, how made, 75%. DRAINAGE FUND— (See Sewer and Drainage Fund.) DRAINING— of private ponds, city may provide for, 51. DRINK— city may provide for inspection of articles of, 41. DRINKING FOUNTAINS— shall be exempt from certain prohibitions, 40. DUTIES— Mayor shall lay before Council all cases of wilfull neglect of, 41. of new officers, city may define, 59. E ELECTION— of city officers, 9-17. municipal, when held, 10. special, City Council may provide for, 10. special, notice shall be given of, 10. qualifications of voters at, 11. judges of, Council shall appoint, 12. inspectors of, Council shall appoint, 12. votes shall be by ballot, at all, 13. City Clerk shall give notice of, 13. judges and inspectors shall canvass, 14. judges and inspectors shall sign and deliver returns of, 14. Council shall declare result of, 14. questions of bonding the city exceeding certain amount shall be submitted at an, 160. amendments to charter shall be submitted at a general, 225. of members of Council in 1895 and thereafter, how made, 28. ballot, shall designate term of Councilmen, 28. ELECTION CERTIFICATES — City Clerk shall issue, 14. 536 INDEX TO CITY CHARTER. ELECTION PRECINCTS — Council shall divide wards into, 8. Council shall not divide wards into within certain time, 8. ELECTION RETURNS — shall be made and signed by the judges and inspectors, 14. shall be canvassed by Council, 14. canvass of, shall be signed by President of Council and delivered to City Clerk, 14. ELECTIVE OFFICERS— (See Offices and Officers.) ELECTRICIAN— city may provide for supervision of electric matters by a competent, 59. ELECTRIC RAILWAYS— (See Railways.) conditions of franchise for, 77. ELECTRIC WIRES— city may regulate placing of, 58. city may provide for suspension of, 59. conditions of franchise for erection of poles for, 77. EMPLOYES OF CITY— shall not be interested in contracts, 29. shall not deal in city warrants, 29. shall forfeit employment when, 29. contractors are not of city, 99%. shall obey quarantine rules, 146. EMPLOYES OF BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS— shall hold office during the pleasure of the board, 100. ENACTING CLAUSE— of ordinance shall be, 34. ENGINEER, CITY — shall be member of park commission, 212. ENUMERATION — of inhabitants, city may order, 59. EQUALIZATION— of assessments shall be conducted as in state and county, 174. ESTIMATES— Board of Police shall make, 108. Board of Fire Commissioners shall make, 123. Comptroller shall make annual report, 165-173. of each department shall accompany Comptroller’s estimate, 173. Comptroller’s, shall show, what, 173. park commission shall transmit annually to Mayor, 217. shall be based upon what, 173. EXAMINATION, PUBLIC — list of officers and salaries shall be open to, 166. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT^ powers and duties of, 18-25. EXECUTIVE OFFICER— of city, Mayor shall be chief, 18. of board of health, the health officer is, 131. EXHUMING — of bodies shall be unlawful, except, 147. EXITS— ; \ from halls, etc., city may require the providing for, 51. INDEX TO CITY CHARTER. 537 EXPEL — Council may its members, how, 32. EXPERTS— park commission may employ, 214. EXPENDITURES— Comptroller shall make annual report of, 165. Treasurer shall keep account of, 169. Council shall have printed annual statement of, 209. park commission shall make annual report to Mayor of, 217. EXPLOSIVES— city may regulate or prohibit transportation and storage of, 48. EXTENSION— of streets, etc., Board of Public Works shall have charge of, 97. EXTRA SESSIONS OF COUNCIL — how called, 22. shall be confined to subjects in call, 22. five members of Council may demand call for, 22. F FEE— of public property is vested in city, 75. FEES— City Clerk may charge, for use of city, for what, 88. FENCES— city may regulate construction of, 50. FINANCES — Comptroller shall have supervision of, 165. Comptroller shall keep himself acquainted with, 165. Comptroller shall make annual report of, 165. Council shall have printed annual statement of, 209. FINANCE COMMITTEE— how appointed, 32, 163. powers of, 32, 163. vacancies in, how filled, 163. duties of, 163. police officers shall serve process of, 163. FINES— municipal judge shall pay to treasurer all, 83. FIRE— Mayor and chief of fire department may call for aid in extinguishing, 25. city may provide for prevention and extinguishment of, 48. city may provide for prevention of accidents by, 48. FIRE ALARM SYSTEM — city may provide for supervision of, 59. Board of Fire Commissioners shall have charge of, 121. FIRE COMMISSIONERS, BOARD OF— contracts of shall be approved by Mayor, 18. how constituted, 94. president of, how elected, 94. president of, shall perform duties of clerk to commissioners, 95 constitutes part of fire department, 118. shall appoint all officers and men of fire department, 119. •may estabjish prqfeatjonary period for members of fire department, 120. shall have charge of fire alarm system, 121. may establish fire stations, 121. shall keep accounts of what, 122. 538 INDEX TO CITY CHARTER. Fire Commissioners, Board of — Continued, shall make estimates of what, 123. shall make reports of what, 124. may remove members of fire department, without cause, when, 125. shall make rules and regulations for the fire department, 126. rules of shall be subject to approval of City Council, 126. FIRE DEPARTMENT — general provisions for, 118-127. how constituted, 118. officers and men of, how appointed, 119. officers and men shall hold office how long, 120. officers and men shall not be removed, except, 120. officers and men, Board of Fire Commissioners may establish probationary period for, 120. officers and men may be removed without cause, when, 125. Board of Fire Commissioners shall make rules and regulations for, 126. rules for, shall be subject to approval of City Council, 126. Council may pass ordinance relating to control of, 127. Council may provide for retirement of members of, 127. FIRE DEPARTMENT, CHIEF — may call for aid, 25. how appointed, 119. shall hold office until, 120. may be removed, how, 120. may be removed without cause, when, 125. salary of, 223. FIRE ENGINES — city may provide, 48. FIRE LIMITS — city may establish and enlarge, 49. city may regulate or prohibit erection of buildings within, 49. FIRE STATIONS — Board of Fire Commissioners may establish, 121. FIRE WORKS — city may regulate or prohibit use of, 48. FISCAL YEAR— Comptroller shall make estimate for, 173. Council shall publish complete statement for, 209. commences, when, 209. FLAGS— , j city may regulate and prevent placing of, 59. FOOD— city may provide for inspection of, etc., 41. FORECLOSURE — of delinquent assessments, procedure for, 68. FORFEITURE OF FRANCHISE — how incurred, 76. FOUNTAINS, DRINKING — shall be exempt from certain prohibitions, 40. FRANCHISES— ordinances granting shall be published, 38. ordinances granting shall not be passed within 30 days, 38. exclusive, shall not be granted, 38. for street railways, shall not be granted for more than twenty-five years, 76. for street railways, conditions for, 76. for street railways, when forfeited, 76. for erection of poles, etc., conditions for, 77. INDEX TO CITY CHARTER. 539 FUEL — city may provide for inspection of, etc., 41. FUNDS— for special purposes, how expended, 39. Council shall provide for safe keeping of, 162. Comptroller shall make to Mayor and Council monthly reports on, 165. Treasurer shall make to Comptroller daily reports on, 170. Comptroller's annual estimate shall show needs of each, 173. Comptroller shall annually report to Council balance in each, 173. auaiting committee shall designate from which demands shall be paid, 198. establishment of, 201. Council may establish new, 201. percentage of tax shall be named for each, 201. transfers of, how made, 201. transfers of certain, shall not be allowed, 201. Council may designate apportionment of moneys to, 202. FUND— City Park , (See Parks.) General , (See General.) Library , (See Library.) Police Department, (See Police.) Public Buildings, (See Buildings.) Public Health, (See Health.) Salary, (See Salaries.) Fire Department, (See Fire Department.) Bond, (See Bonds.) Bond Redemption, (See Bonds.) Interest, (See Interest.) Sewer and Drainage , (See Sewer and Drainage.) Street , (See Streets.) Street Light , (See Streets.) Sinking, (See Sinking.) G GAMBLING HOUSES— city may prohibit and provide for suppression of, 54. GENERAL FUND— establish, 201. what shall be paid from, 201. GENERAL MUNICIPAL PURPOSES— limit of taxation for, 203. GENERAL RIGHTS, LIABILITIES, ETC- described, 1-8. 54o INDEX TO CITY CHARTER. GIFTS— city may receive and mange, 1. Park Fund may partly consist of, 210. GOOD ORDER — city may regulate or prohibit occupations affecting the, 53. city may punish persons violating or permitting to be violated regulations regarding, 53. city may make regulations necessary for preservation of, 55. GRADING — streets (See Streets.) GROUNDS — dedicated to public use, city shall have exclusive control of, 75. GUTTER — (See Streets.) H HACKS— city may establish stands for, 59. city may regulate charges for, 59. city may require schedule of charges to be posted in, 59. HALLS, PUBLIC — city may require providing of suitable exit from, 51. HAWKERS — city may license, 59. HEALTH, BOARD OF— establishment of, 128. how constituted, 128. qualifications for, 128. how appointed, 128. members of may be removed, 128. term of office of, 129. who shall be president of, 129. who shall be secretary of, 129. Council shall provide office for, 130. meeting of, when to be held, 130. shall appoint health officer and subordinates, 131. health officer shall be executive officer of, 131. shall give notice to vacate certain buildings, 133. may establish and remove pest houses, 140. may appoint and remove market and sanitary inspectors, 142. shall prevent contamination of river, 143. may proclaim quarantines, etc., 144. may establish quarantine districts and stations, 144. may require public conveyances and persons to stop at quarantine stations, 145. may require baggage to be left at quarantine stations, 145. shall make rules for quarantine and health of city, 146. may administer oaths, 149. Council shall provide for enforcement of rules of, 149. HEALTH OFFICE II— shall be secretary of Board of Health, 129. how appointed, 131. shall be executive officer of Board of Health, 131. qualifications of, 131. shall be city physician, 131. duties of, 131, 148. every physician shall report to, what, 137, 139. INDEX TO CITY CHARTER. 54 1 Health, Board of — C ontinued. every householder shall report to, what, 137. every midwife shall report to, what, 139. parents or attendants shall report to, when, 139. no person afflicted with contagious disease shall be removed, unless per- mitted by, 141. shall have power to enforce quarantine and other sanitary rules, 146. shall prepare book of permits, 148. may administer oaths, 149. HEALTH, PUBLIC— city may make regulations for preservation of, 47, 51, 55. city may regulate or prohibit occupation affecting, 53. city may punish persons violating or permitting to be violated, regulations regarding, 53. city may provide for punishment of practices dangerous to, 55. HIGHWAYS — (See Streets, Alleys and Highways.) HORSE RAILWAYS — (See Railways.) HOSPITALS— city may establish, control and regulate, 42. city may contract with for care of indigents, 42. HOUSES— shall not be allowed to be erected in streets, etc., 40. city may provide for numbering, 59. HOUSES, DISORDERLY— city may prohibit and provide for suppression of, 54. HOUSES, GAMBLING— city may prohibit and provide for suppression of, 54. HOUSES, MARKET— Health Officer shall inspect and report on, 143. HOUSES OF ILL FAME AND PROSTITUTION — city may prohibit and provide for suppression of, 54. HOUSES, PEST — city may establish, control and regulate, 42. Board of Health may establish and remove, 140. Board of Health may cause persons afflicted with contagious diseases to be removed to, etc., 140. Board of Public Works may co-operate in establishing, 140. Board of Health may appoint and remove physicians and nurses for, 140. HOUSEHOLDER— every, shall report to Health Officer, what, 137. ILL FAME — houses of, city may prohibit and provide for suppression of, 54. IMPROVEMENTS OF STREETS, ETC— (See Streets.) city shall have power to make, 61. Board of Public Works shall have charge of, 97. petition for shall be filed with Board of Public Works, 61. assessment for (see Assessments). none shall be made until report made thereon by Board of Public Works, 62. IMPROVEMENTS OF PARKS — park commission shall make annual report of, 217. INCORPORATION — of city, all acts relating to, heretofore passed are repealed, 222. 542 INDEX TO CITY CHARTER . INDEBTEDNESS— limit of, 160. shall be secured, how, 161. Council may refund, 161, 207. Council shall create, only by ordinance, 208. Council shall have printed annual statement of, incurred and paid, 209. shall not be incurred by park commission, until, 214. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS — city may provide for in contracts, 99%. INFECTIOUS DISEASES’— (See Contagious Diseases.) INFORMATION — Mayor shall give to Council, 20. INHABITANTS — male, may be called to aid police in suppressing riots, 24. male, may be called to aid in extinguishing fires, 25. city may order enumeration of, 59. INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM — amendments may be proposed by, 225%. INJURIES — personal or to property, claims for, 220. demands for, when presented, 220. demands for, shall state, what, 220. demands for, shall be verified, 220. demands for, are barred against action, when, 220. demands for, on account of defective sidewalk, owners of abutting property liable for damages, 220. amount claimed for, must be stated, 220. amount claimant will accept in settlement must be stated, 220. amount claimant will accept shall not be used as evidence in a suit, 220. failure to give notice, and present claim shall be a waiver ofdamages, 220. INSPECTION— of food, fuel and drinks, of weights and measures, city may provide for, 41. city records shall be open to public, 91. Mayor shall have, of all books, etc., 20. of docket kept by Corporation Counsel, who shall have, 80. private buildings, Board of Public Works shall have, 97. lists of officers and salaries shall be open to public, 166. Treasurer’s books shall be open to, 172. INSPECTORS— of election, how appointed, 12. of election, shall canvass all votes, 14. of election, shall sign election returns, 14. of markets, how appointed and removed, 142. sanitary, how appointed and removed, 142. INSTITUTIONS, PUBLIC — Mayor shall have general supervision of, 20. Health Officer shall visit and report on, 132. INTEREST— rate of on delinquent assessments, 68. sinking fund commission shall direct payment of, 159. city may direct payment of, 161. on warrants shall cease, when, 170. limit of taxation may be exceeded to provide for payment ot, 203. Council shall direct time and manner of payment of, 207. bonds shall not be issued, until provision is made for payment of, 207. on refunded bonds, limit of, 207. INDEX TO CITY CHARTER. 543 INTEREST FUND— Council shall establish a, 207. surplus in, shall be invested, 154. INTERMENTS— Health Officer shall keep record of, 138. INVESTMENTS — of sinking fund shall be made, 154. of surplus in interest fund shall be made, 154. moneys required for, shall be reported by and to whom, 155. J JAILS— city may establish, control and regulate, 43. Board of Police shall have charge of, 110. JOURNAL— Council shall keep, of its proceedings, 31. Board of Police shall have charge of, 110. City Clerk shall keep, of Council proceedings, 86. Comptroller shall keep, of proceedings of sinking fund commission, 156. of sinking fund commission shall be verified by three members thereof, 156. of sinking fund, all its acts shall be based upon, 156. secretary of auditing committee shall keep of its proceedings, 200. JUDGES OF ELECTION— how appointed, 12. shall canvass all votes, 14. shall sign election returns, 14. JUDGES OF MUNICIPAL COURT— shall pay all costs and fines to Treasurer, 83. shall make monthly report, 83. Council may require bond from, 83. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE— Council shall elect one, to be police justice, 83. JUSTICE, POLICE— (See Police.) JUVENILE OFFENDERS— city may provide for establishment and maintenance of reform schools for, 44. Board of Police shall have charge of reform schools for, 110. L LAND— may condemn or appropriate for municipal purposes, 1. city may improve public, 1. limit of taxation for purchase or condemnation of, 203. limit of amount to be expended from park fund for purchase of, 211. for park purposes, park commission shall have surveyed, improved, etc., 214. unplatted, how assessed for improvements, 63. what assessed for improvements, 61. LAW DEPARTMENT— how constituted, 78. powers and duties of, 78-83. LEASE — Council may, property received by gift, etc., 1. 544 INDEX TO CITY CHARTER. LEASES— Corporation Counsel shall draft all, 80. LEGAL ADVICE — Corporation Counsel shall give in writing, to whom, 80. LEGISLATIVE— department, provisions for, 26-77. power, in whom vested, 26. acts of Council shall be by ordinance, 34. LIABILITIES — general, described, 1-8. incurred before adoption of new charter are not discharged, 221. LIBRARY, PUBLIC— city may establish and maintain, 45. names of persons afflicted with contagious diseases shall be reported to superintendent of, 135. members of households afflicted with contagious diseases shall not be admitted to, 136. LIBRARY FUND— established, 201. what shall be paid from, 201. transfer from, how made, 201. LICENSE— city may, the keeping of dogs, 56. for sale of liquors, city may issue, 59. for sale of liquors, city may refuse or revoke, 59. for sale of liquors, city may prescribe limits for, 59. for sale of liquors, city may not grant for more than one year, 59. for sale of liquors, retail, shall not be less than $500 per annum, 59. any lawful purpose, city may grant or revoke, 59. shall not be required, from whom, 59. for hawkers, peddlers, etc., city may issue, 59. Comptroller shall issue all, 165. LIEN— assessment for street improvements shall be, upon property, 63. may be enforced, how, 68. defects in assessment shall not be a bar to action for recovery of, 68, 69. interest may be recovered, 68. expenses for collection of, may be recovered, 68. LIENS— for assessments and reassessments paramount to all, except general taxes, 69. LIGHTING SYSTEM — sale of must be submitted to vote, 1. LIGHTING STREETS, ETC. city may provide for, 57. city may erect necessary works for, 57. city may borrow money for, 160. LIGHTS — city may provide for furnishing, 57. city may regulate use and price of, 57, 59. city may erect necessary works for, 57. LIMITS, CORPORATE — - (See Corporate Limits.) LIMITS, FIRE — (See Fire Limits.) INDEX TO CITY CHARTER. 545 LIMITATION— of powers of taxation, 203. LIQUORS— (See Licenses., for Sale of.) LISTS— City Clerk shall provide, at polls, 14. of salaried officers and salaries, Comptroller shall keep posted, 166. of salaried officers and salaries, shall be open to public inspection, 166. LOANS— Council may make temporary, 206. shall be applied to certain purposes, 206. shall be paid from taxes levied for their purposes, 206. LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— Bonds may be issued to pay for, 70. M MACADAMIZE — (See Streets.) MALE— inhabitants may be called to aid in suppressing riots, 24. inhabitants may be called to aid in extinguishing fires, 25. MALFEASANCE IN OFFICE— shall be cause for removal of elective officers, 59. Mayor shall lay cases of, before Council and grand jury or public prose- cutor, 20. MARKETS— city may establish and regulate, 41. inspectors of, how appointed and removed, 142. houses, health officer shall inspect and report on, 143. MASTS— for electric plants, conditions of franchise for erection of, 77. for electric plants, city shall have exclusive use of upper arm, of, 77. MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES — Board of Public Works shall have charge of furnishing, 99. MAYOR— how elected, 9. term of office, 9. shall appoint certain officers, 9, 79, 92, 128. shall be chief executive officer of the city, 18. shall not participate in proceedings of Council, 18. shall approve all contracts, 18. qualifications of, 19. powers and duties of, 20-25. shall approve all bonds except as otherwise provided, 23. all legislative power is vested in Council and, 26. who shall act in absence of, 30. how to act on ordinances, 34. shall sign record of approved ordinances, 35. Corporation Counsel shall bring actions when required by, 80. Corporation Counsel shall give legal advice to, 80. Corporation Counsel shall give legal advice to officers, when required by, 80. shall have inspection of docket kept by Corporation Counsel, 80. City Clerk shall attest all official acts of, 88. may recommend removal of city commissioners, 93. shall receive one copy of all bids, 99. 35 546 INDEX TO CITY CHARTER. Mayor — Continued. may recommend removal Chief of Police, 111. may recommend removal Chief of Fire Department, 111. may appoint special police, 113. shall appoint a board of health, 128. may recommend removal members of, 128. may be member of sinking fund commission, 152. may act upon report on official bonds, 163. may suspend officer, whose bond is deemed insufficient, 163. may report to Council suspension of officer for insufficiency of bond, 163. may suspend or remove officer charged with misdemeanor or defalcation, 163. Comptroller shall make monthly report of each fund to, 165. Comptroller report examination books of office to, 166. shall have approval of bonds of Treasurer’s assistants, 170. shall be member and chairman of auditing committee, 197. shall be member of park commission, 212. park commission shall make annual report to, 217. salary of, 223. MEASURES— city may enforce keeping of legal, 41. MEASURING — fuel, etc., city may provide for, 41. MEETINGS — of Council, after election, when to be held, 14. of Council, when to be held, 33. of Council, shall be public, 33. of Council, Corporation Counsel shall attend, 80. of Council, extra (See Extra Sessions). of Council, shall be at least semi-monthly, 33. of Board of Health, when to be held, 130. auditing committee, when to be held, 197. Meetings — Continued. auditing committee, secretary shall attend, 200. of park commission, City Clerk shall attend, 213. MENDICANTS — city may restrain and provide for punishment of, 54. MESSAGE— Mayor shall send to Council, 20. MIDWIVES — shall report births and deaths to Health Officer, 139. MISCELLANEOUS — provisions, 218-225. MISCONDUCT — of elective officers shall be cause for removal, 59. of officers, Mayor shall lay cases before Council, grand jury or prosecuting attorney, 20. MISDEMEANOR — Mayor shall suspend officers charged with, 163. finance committee shall report to Mayor any, 163. MONEYS— all appropriations of, shall be by ordinance, 39. shall not be drawn from treasury except on appropriations, 39. from special funds, how drawn and expended, 39. city, shall be under control of Council, 151. city, shall be paid out, how, 151, 170. of sinking fund shall be invested by sinking fund commission, 154. of sinking fund shall not be loaned, 254. INDEX TO CITY CHARTER. 547 Moneys — C ontinued. of sinking fund required for investment shall be reported by and to whom, 155. city may borrow, for what, 160. city may borrow, how much, 160. city may borrow, for water, lights and sewer works, 160. Treasurer shall receive, keep and pay all, 169. Treasurer shall receipt for all, 170. Treasurer shall pay, on warrants, 170. Treasurer shall account for and deliver to successor, 170. officers and agents receiving, shall pay same to Treasurer, 171. Council may designate apportionment of, to different funds, 202. Council shall have printed annual statement of, 209. annual statement by Council of, shall state amount borrowed, 209. park commission shall make mayor annual stateemnt of, 217. MONUMENTS — shall be exempt from certain prohibitions, 40. MILITARY, PUBLIC— city may make regulations necessary for preservation of, 55. MORTGAGE— city may, its real and personal property, 1. MORTUARY STATISTICS— Health Officer shall report, 132. MUNICIPAL COURT— police justice abolished upon the establishment of, 83. judge of, bonds may be required from, 83. judge of, shall pay all costs and fines to Treasurer, 83. judge of, shall make monthly reports, 83. MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS — (See Elections.) N NAME— corporate, of city, 1, Art. XV. corporate of city, change of, shall be submitted to electors as separate arti- cle, Art. XV. NAMING— Corporate of city, form of ballot for change of, Art. xV. of streets, city may provide for, 59. NATAL STATISTICS — health officer shall report, 132. health officer shall furnish for publication report of, 132. NEWSPAPER— Council shall designate the official, 37. Council shall ask for bids for publications in other than official, 37. all legal notices shall be published in official, 37. NOISES— city may regulate and suppress, 59. NON-ATTENDANCE — Council may punish its members for, 32. of members of Council, penalty for, 223. NOTICE— of election (See Election). shall be published in official paper, 37. assessment roll, City Clerk shall give, 65. to vacate buildings unfit for habitation, board of health shall place, 133. of contagious diseases, health officer shall place upon premises, 134. 548 INDEX TO CITY CHARTER. NUISANCE — city may provide for abatement or prevention of, 51, 52. city may declare, what shall be, and provide punishment for, 52. NUMBERING— of houses, city may provide for, 59. NURSES'— for pest houses, board of health may appoint and remove, 140. for pest houses, Council shall fix compensation for, 140. o OATH— board of health may administer, 149. finance committee may administer, 163. health officer may administer, 149. shall be made to all demands and claims against the city, 199. OATH OF OFFICE — city commissioner shall subscribe, 92. OBLIGATIONS— Council shall not create, except by ordinance, 208. incurred before adoption of new charter shall not be discharged or im- paired, 221. OBJECTIONS— to assessment rolls shall be made to Council, 66. OCCUPATIONS— affecting public health or good order, city may regulate or prohibit, 53. city may provide for punishment of persons violating or permitting to be violated regulations in regard to, 53. OFFAL— Board of Health shall prevent contamination of river by, 143. OFFENDERS, JUVENILE — city may provide for establishment and maintenance of reform schools for, 44. OFFENSIVE TRADES — (to the senses) city may direct location and construction of buildings for, 47. (to the senses) city may prohibit erection of buildings for, 47. OFFICE — hereafter created, how filled, 9. elective, declared vacant, when, 14. elective, vacant, how fLied, 17. city may create new, 59. oath of, city commissioners shall subscribe, 92. of employes of Board of Public Works, tenure of, 100. for Board of Health, Council shall provide, 130. finance committee may visit any, 163. heretofore created and not named in new charter shall become vacant, 219. OFFICERS— election, appointment and classification of, 9-17. not named in new charter, how appointed, 9. terms of, shall expire, when, 9, 16. shall hold office, until, 9, 16. shall not be interested in contracts, 29. shall not deal in warants, 29. shall forfeit office, when, 29. shall be liable to penalties for being interested in contracts or dealing in warants, 29. Mayor shall observe conduct of all, 20. INDEX TO CITY CHARTER. 549 Officers — Continued. of Board of Public Works, tenure of office of, 100. shall obey quarantine rules, 146. finance committee may investigate actions of 163. Mayor shall suspend, whose bonds are not deemed sufficient, 163. Mayor shall suspend, or remove, charged with miisdemeanor or defalca- tion, 163. Comptroller shall post list of salaried, 166. receiving moneys shall pay to Treasurer, 171. receiving moneys shall take triplicate receipts, 171. receiving moneys shall rile receipts with, 171. receiving moneys and failing to pay over, penalty for, 171. in office at time of adoption of new charter shall hold office,' until when, 219. salaries of, 223. salaries of, not stated in new charter, Council shall fix by ordinance, 223. salaries of. Council may alter by ordinance, 224. salaries of, shall not be altered during term of office of any incumbent, 224. Corporation Counsel shall give legal advice in writing to, 80 shall have inspection of docket kept by Corporation Counsel, 80. OFFICERS, EXECUTIVE— (See Executive). OFFICERS, ELECTIVE — who are, 9. shall hold office, until when, 9. shall qualify, when, 14. office of, may be declared vacant, when, 14. how and for what cause removed, 59. OFFICERS OF THE DIFFERENT DEPARTMENTS — (See each department under its proper title). OPINIONS— given, Corporation Counsel shall keep record of, 80. OPIUM— city may prohibit and provide for suppression of places permitting smoking of, 54. ORDER— (See Good Order). ORDER, PUBLIC — Mayor shall take measures for preservation of, 20. Mayor may assume control of police force in case of violent disturbance of, 23. Mayor shall issue proclamation in certain cases of violent disturbance of, 23. ORDINANCE— Amendment , of other ordinances shall be by new, 36. Amending, ordinance shall contain the one amended, 36. Appropriations, all, shall be made by, 39. Bonds, Council may authorize issue of, by, 161. City Attorney, shall mnduct all prosecutions for offenses against any, 83. City Cleric, shall have custody of original roll of all, 87. City Commissioners, Council may abolish office of, by, 85. Comptroller, Council shall fix compensation of deputy, by, 167. 55o INDEX TO CITY CHARTER. Ordinance — Continued. Corporation Counsel, when required, shall draft all, 80. Council may by two-thirds vote authorize employment of assistants to, by, 9, 79. Detective Force, Council may establish by, 103. Drainage, Council shall provide for, by, 75%. Emergency clause of, shall contain what, 35. Enacting Clause of, shall be, 34. Enforcing, Council may pass ordinance to punish persons refusing to assist in, 24. Excepted, do person or corporation shall be, from operation of any, 36. Fire, Council may pass ordinance to punish persons refusing to aid in ex- tinguishing, 25. Franchise, granting, how passed, 38. granting, shall be published, 38. Funds , Council may determine apportionment of moneys to, by, 202. Health, Board, of Council may increase powers of, by, 149. Indebtedness, Council shall not create any, except by, 208. amount and purpose of, shall be stated in, 208. In Force, at time of adoption of new charter shall remain so, 22. when, after its passage, 35. Inspection, of Terasurer's books, Council may prescribe rules for, by, 172. Inspectors, market and sanitary, Council may provide for appointment of, by, 142. Law, shall become a, when, 34. Legislative, acts of Council shall be by, 34. Loans, mode of submitting to voters proposition for, shall be prescribed by, 207. Council may confirm, by, 207. Mayor, shall receive for approval all passed, 34. shall sign, if he approves, 34. shall sign record of approved, 35. if he not approve, shall with his objections return, 34. not approved by, Council may by two-thirds vote pass, 34. may object to portions of, 34. without action of, shall become a law, when, 34. shall see to observance and enforcement of all, 20. Obligating, city for more than $1,000, how passed. 38. Officers, interested in contracts or dealing in warants, penalty for may be pre- scribed by, 29. Parle Bonds, Council may regulate issue of, by, 211. KDEX TO CITY CHARTER. 551 Ordinance — Continued. Passed, wlio shall sign, 34. shall be transmitted to Mayor for his action, 34. shall be recorded, 35 who shall sign record of, 35. shall be published, when and how, 35, 37. shall go into effect, when, 35. Pest Houses , Council shall fix compensation of physicians and nurses for, by, 140. Published, In official newspaper, 38, 37. Punishment, city may provide for, of any person violating any, 55. limit of, for violating any, 55. Recorded, in book kept for that purpose, 35. Repeal, of other ordinance shall be by new, 36. Salaries, Council shall fix certain by, 223. Council may alter by, 224. Sanitary, health officer shall see to enforcement of all, 131. Sanitary Rules, Council shall provide for enforcement of, by, 149. Sanitation, to caryr out article on, Council shall pass necessary, 150. Sewerage, Council shall provide for, by 75%. Street, vacating, how passed, 38. vacating, shall be published, 38. ordering improvement of, where owners of less than half the property petition for it, shall require two-thirds vote of Council, 61. mode of assessment for improvement of, shall be prescribed by, 63. Subject, shall be set out in title of, 34. not more than one, shall be contained in one, 34. Suspension, of other ordinance shall be by new, 36. Taxes, Council shall fix rate of, by, 173. P PAPERS, CITY— Mayor shall have inspection of all, 20. Mayor shaU see to the proper keeping of all, 20. shall be open to public inspection, 91. finance committee shall have access to, 163. PARADES — city may regulate, 59. city may declare a nuisance, 59. PARENTS — shall report births and deaths, when, 139. PARKS— city may improve and ornament, 1. may condemn land for, 1. Council may issue bonds for, 211. 552 INDEX TO CITY CHARTER. PARKS BONDS— name and limit of, 211. proceeds of, shall be expended, how, 211. PARK COMMISSION— how constituted, 23 2. members of, shail not receive additional salary, 212. City Clerk shall perform clerical work of 213. City Clerk shall attend all meetings of, 213. duties of. in relation to lands dedicated to park purposes, 214. may employ experts, 214. shall not incur indebtedness until, 214. shall have exclusive control of parks, 216. shall alone have power to spend park fund, 216. shall certify to Comptroller expenditures, 216. may appoint superintendent of pax-ks, 216. may appoint assistants, 216. shall regulate expenditure of fund, 216. shall make annual report to Mayor, 217. annxxal report of, shall contain, what, 217. PARKS, DEPARTMENT OF — provisions for, 230-217. PARK FUND — established, 201. what shall be paid from, 201. how constituted, 210, 211, 215. tax shall be levied for, 215. limit of tax to be levied for, 215. park commission alone shall have power to spend, 216. park commission shall certify to Comptroller expenditures from, 216. Comptroller shall issue warrants on, 216. Treasurer shall pay warrants on, 216. park commission shall regulate expenditures from, 216. PARK SUPERINTENDENT — may be appointed by park commission with consent of Council, 216. PARTY 'WALLS— city may regulate construction of, 50. PAVE— stx*eets, avenues and alleys, city authorized, 61. PARK ROLLS— Council may provide for, 151. PEACE, PUBLIC— Mayor may call out aid for preservation of, 24. city regulate or prohibit occupations affecting, 53. city may provide for punishment of persons violating or permitting to be violated rules regarding 53. city may make regulations necessary for preservation of, 55. PEDDLERS— city may license, 59. for officers participating in contracts or dealing in warrants, 29. for officers receiving moneys and failing to pay over, 171. for members of Council for non-attendance, 223. PERMITS— of burial shall be obtained, 147. books of. health officer shall prepare, 148. books of, how kept, 148. books of, shall show, what, 148. INDEX TO CITY CHARTER. 553 PERSONS— disorderly, city may restrain and provide for punishment of, 54. altiicted with contagious diseases may be required to stop at quarantine stations, 145. PEST HOUSES— city may establish, control and regulate, 42. board of health may establish and remove, 3 40. board of health may cause persons afflicted with contagious diseases to be removed to and kept at, 140. board of public works may co-operate in establishment of, 140. board of health may appoint and remove physicians and nurses for, 140. PETITIONS — for improvements shall be filed with Board of Public Works, 61, 62. PHYSICIANS — shall report names of patients afflicted with contagious diseases, 137. shall report deaths from contagious diseases, 137. shall report births and deaths, 139. Board of Health may appoint and remove, for pest houses, 140. Council shail fix compensation of, for pest houses, 140. in charge of quarantine stations shall have power to enforce quarantine rules, 146. PHYSICIAN. CITY — Health Officer shall be, 131. PLACARDS — city may regulate and prevent placing of, 59 Health Officer shall place, upon premises, where contagious diseases exist, 3 34. PLACES, PUBLIC — city may provide for lighting, 57. PLACES, VOTING — (See Polls). POLES— for electric plants, city shall have exclusive use of upper arm of, 77. POLICE, BEATS — Board of Police shall establish, 106. POLICE, BOARD OF— Mayor shall approve all contracts in writing of, 18. shall obey Mayor’s orders in case of riots, 23. how constituted, 94. president of, how elected, 94. president of, shall act as street commissioner, 95%. ' constitutes part of police department, 102. shall have appointment and control of detective force, 103. duties and. powers of, 103-117. shall appoint all officers and men, i04. shall make rules and regulations, 105. shall establish beats and stations, 106. shall keep accounts, 107. shall make estimates, 108. shall make reports of the condition of the department, 109. shall have charge of jails, work houses, etc., 110. shall recommend to Council improvements and alterations in jail, 110. may establish probationary period for members of department, 111. may appoint special policemen, 13 4. may provide rules for medical examination of police officers and men. 116. May remove officers and men wdthout cause, wffien, 117. 554 INDEX TO CITY CHARTER. POLICE, CHIEF OF— shall obey Mayor’s orders in case of riots, 23. constitutes part of police department, 102. how appointed, 104. shall make report at end of fiscal year, 109. shall hold office, how long, 111. how removed. 111. may be removed without cause, when, 117. Health Officer shall report names of persons afflicted with contagious dis- eases to, 135. salary of, 223. POLICE DEPARTMENT — provisions for, 102-117. * establishment of, 102. how established, 102. POLICE FORCE— Mayor may assume command of. when, 23. members of, how removed, 111. POLICE JUSTICE— how elected, 83. duties of, 83. compensation of, shall be established by ordinance, 83. shall pay all fines and fees to Treasurer, 83. shall make monthly reports, 83. term of office of, 83. Council may revoke appointment of, 83. shall give bonds, 83. office of, may be abolished, when, 83. POLICE OFFICERS— shall be appointed by board of police, 104. shall hold office, how long, 111. shall not be removed, except, 111. Board of Police may establish probationary period for, 111. appointed last shall be removed first, when force is reduced, 111. Council may provide for retirement cf, 112. Mayor may appoint special, 113. appointment of special, by Mayor must be ratified by Board of Police after five days, 113. Board of Police may appoint special, for depots, etc., 114. special, appointed by Board of Police shall serve without expense to city, 114. powers of, 115. qualifications and age of, 116. may be removed without cause, when, 117. shall obey quarantine rules, 146. and, shall execute process and orders of finance committee, 163. POLICE STATIONS— Board of Police shall establish, 116. POLLS— Council shall designate, when, 12. shall open and close, when, 13. City Clerk shall furnish books and lists for, 14. POLL TAX — (See Tax, Road Poll). POLLUTION — of streams, city may provide for prevention of, 51. PONDS— private, city may provide for draining and filling of, 51. INDEX TO CITY CHARTER. 555 POWERS— of city enumerated, 1. of Mayor, 20-25. legislative, vested in whom, 26. of committees, 32, 174. new offices, city may prescribe, 59. Council, in relation to street railways, 76. deputy City Clerk. 85. finance committee, 163. assessor, 174. City Clerk, 174. Comptroller, 174. Corporation Counsel, 174. Council, 174, 203, 204. tax collector, 174. Treasurer, 174. police officers, 115. PRACTICES— dangerous to public health or safety, city may provide for punishment of, 55. PRECINCTS, ELECTION — (See Ejections.) PRESIDENT— of Board of Fire Commissioners (See Fire Commissioners). of Beard of Police (See Police). of Board of Public Works (See Public Works). of Board of Health (See Health). of Council (See Council). PREVENTION— of nuisances, city may provide for, 51. of contamination of river, Board of Health shall provide for, 143. PRINTING — public shall be let to lowest bidder, 37. job, contract may be let to lowest bidder, 37. PRISONERS— city may provide for working of, 43. PRIVILEGES— special, shall not be granted, 38. PROBATIONARY PERIOD — for members of police department, Board of Police may establish, 111. for members of fire department, Board of Fire Commissioners may estab- lish, 120. PROCEEDINGS — of Council (See Council). in law, Corporation Counsel shall bring and defend, 80. of sinking fund commission, Comptroller shall keep record of, 156. finance committee, record shall be kept of, 163. PROCESS— of finance committee, any officer shall execute, 163. PROCESSIONS — city may regulate, 59. city may declare a nuisance, 59. PItOC LAMA T ION — Mayor shall issue, when, 23. 556 INDEX TO CITY CHARTER. PROPERTY — for water and lighting system, sale of must be submitted to vote, 1. private, when condemned city shall pay for, 1. city may purchase, mortgage or dispose of, 1. city may receive and manage bequests or donations of, 1. dedicated to public use. fee of, shall be vested in city, 75. shall be liable to assessment for street improvements, 61. public, council shall have printed annual statement of, 209. injuries to t'See Injuries). PROSECUTIONS — Mayor shall direct, of delinquent contractors, 21. criminal. Corporation Counsel shall conduct, 83. PROSTITUTES— city may restrain and provide for punishment of, 54. PROSTITUTION — houses of, city may prohibit and provide for suppression of, 54. PUBLICATION— of election notices, how made, 14. Council shall permit, of its proceedings. 31 of ordinances, how made, 35. of ordinances, wherein made, 37. of ordinances, granting franchise or vacating street, how made, 38. of notice of assessment roll, City Clerk shall make, 65. of call for bids, how made, 98. of call for bids, may be dispensed with, 98. Health Officer shall furnish statistics for, 132. of calls for warrants, how made, 170. of taxes payable, how made, 179. of proposed charter amendments, how made, 225. PUBLIC— Buildings, (See Buildings.) Conveyances, (See Conveyances.) Criers, (See Criers.) Health, (See Health.) Inspection, (See Inspection.) Institutions, (See Institutions.) Library, (See Library.) Morality, (See Morality.) Paries, (See Parks.) Peace, (See Peace.) Places, (See Places.) INDEX TO CITY CHARTER. 557 Public — Continued. Prosecutor, (See Prosecutor.) Safety, (See Safety.) Schools, (See Schools.) Works, general provisions for, 96-101. City Commissioners shall personally inspect all, 93. bids for, shall be advertised for, 98. bids for, shall be accompanied by check, 98. bids for, board shall reserve right to reject, 98. PUBLIC WORKS', BOARD OF — contracts of shall be approved by Mayor, 18. shall report on all proposed street improvements, etc., 62. Petitions for improvements shall be filed with, 61. shall make report on petitions for improvements, 62. City Council may order report to be made on proposed improvements, 62. shall provide in contracts that persons accepting shall be independent con- tractors. 99%. shall report on all changes in street grades, 75. shall make assessment roll on street improvements, etc., 64. shall invite bids before letting contracts, 99. how constituted, 94. president of, how elected, 94. president shall act as superintendent of water works, 95%. may employ and have charge of persons, 96, 97. shall have charge, of what, 97. shall advertise for bids, 98. shall reserve right to reject all bids, 98. shall have charge of furnishing all materials and supplies, 99. shall report to Council necessary work, 99. shall have power to contract for all authorized work, 99. its officers and employes shall hold office during pleasure of, 100. shall make and submit to Council rules relating to water, 100. shall co-operate with board of health in establishing pest houses, 140. PUNISH— Council may its members, for what, 32. PUNISHMENT — for defilement of streams, city may provide for, 51. for creating, etc., nuisances, city may provide for, 52. for violating or permitting to be violated regulations relating to certain occupations, city may provide for, 53. of vagrants, etc., city may provide for, 53. for disorderly conduct, etc., and violation of ordinances, city may provide for, 55. for violation of ordinances, limitation of, 55. PURIFICATION— of water courses and canals, city may provide for, 51. Q QUALIFICATIONS— of voters at elections, 11. of its members, Council shall decide all questions relating to, 15 . of Mayor, 19. of members of Council, 27. 558 INDEX TO CITY CHARTER. Qualifications — Continued, of Corporation Counsel, 79. of City Clerk, 84. of City Commissioners, 92. of police officers and men, 116. of board of health, 128. of health officer, 131. QUALIFY— elective officers shall, when, 14. Council may declare vacant office of any elective officer failing to, 14. QUARANTINE — city may make regulations for, 51. board of health may proclaim, 144. board of health shall make rules for, 146. QUARANTINE FLAG — health officer shall display, where, 135. QUARANTINE STATIONS OR DISTRICTS — board of health may establish, 144. board of health may require conveyances and persons to stop at, 145. board of health may require baggage and stores to be left at, 145. physicians in charge of, shall have power to enforce rules, 146. who shall obey rules for, 146. QUORUM— of Council, how constituted, 30. RAILWAYS, STREET AND OTHER— city may authorize or prohibit construction of, 76. Council may place restrictions on, 76. city may prescribe terms and conditions for, 76. city may regulate operation of, 76. city may regulate time of, 76. city may regulate rates of speed of, 76. city may regulate rates of fare for, 76. city may provide for protection of persons and property on, 76. no franchise for more than 25 years shall be granted to, 76. franchise for, shall contain provision for improving street, 76. franchise shall set time for commencing and completing work on, 76. time for commencing and completing work on, shall not be extended, 76. failure to comply with conditions shall forfeit franchise for, 76. RAILWAY CARS— may be required to stop at quarantine stations, 145. REAL ESTATE — (See Property.) REASSESSMENT — (See Assessments.) may be made when original assessment invalid or irregular, 69. shall be collected, how, 69. RECEIPTS— Comptroller shall make annual report of, 165. Treasurer shall keep account of, 169. officers and agents receiving city moneys and paying same over shall take triplicate, 171. for money paid over by officers, etc., shall be delivered to whom, 171. Council shall have printed annual statement of, 209. park commission shall annually report to Mayor, 217. INDEX TO CITY CHARTER. 559 RECORDS— Mayor shall have inspection of, 20. Mayor shall see to proper keeping of, 20. City Clerk shall have custody of, 87. Council may cause removal of, 87. shall be open to public inspection, 91. • of Council proceedings, City Clerk shall keep, 86. Health Officer shall keep, of what, 138. finance committee shall have access to, 163. finance committee shall keep, of its proceedings, 163. of demands against the city, Comptroller shall keep, 165. of proceedings of sinking fund commission, Comptroller shall keep, 156. of proceedings of auditing committee, its secretary shall keep, 200. REDEMPTION— of city debt provided for, 154. of city debt amount required for, shall be reported by and to whom, 155. property sold for delinquent taxes, shall be same as in state and county, 174. REDEMPTION AND JUDGMENT FUND— Warrants drawn to settle improvement warrants and judgments, shall be paid from, 203. RE-DISTRICT— city may, wards, when, 6. city may not, wards, within what time, 6. REFORM SCHOOLS— city may provide for establishment and maintenance of, 44. Board of Police shall have charge of, 110. REFUNDING— of city indebtedness, Council may provide for, 161, 207. REGULATIONS— necessary for public health, city may make, 51. necessary for executing all powers, city may make, 57. relating to water, Board of Public Works shall make, subject to approval by Council, 100. Board of Police shall make, for conduct of police department, 105. Board of Fire Commissioners shall make, for conduct of fire department, 126. for fire department shall be subject to approval by Council, 126. board of health shall make, for quarantine and public health, 146. for quarantine, who shall enforce, 146. for quarantine, who shall obey, 146. of board of health, Council shall provide for enforcement of, 149. REMOVAL— of President of Council, 30. of Corporation Counsel, 79. of deputy City Clerk, 85. of records, Council may cause, 87. of City Commissioners, 93. of police officers and men, 111, 117. of members of fire department, 1 20, 125. • of health officer, 131. of physicians and nurses for pest houses, 140. of persons afflicted with contagious diseases, 140, 141. of market and sanitary inspectors, 142. of remains, 148. of officers. (See Officers.) REPEAL— of ordinances. (See Ordinances.) 560 INDEX TO CITY CHARTER. REPORTS — Board of Public Works shall make on petition for improvements, 62 municipal judge shall make monthly, 83. police justice shall make monthly, 83. board of police shall make, 109. chief of police shall make, 109. board of fire commissioners shall make, 124. chief of fire department shall make, 124. health officer shall make, 132. of names of persons afflicted with contagious diseases, who shall make, 135, 137. of deaths from contagious .diseases, who shall make, 137. of births and deaths, who shall make, 139. of proceedings of sinking fund commission, shall be made to Council, 156. of finance committee on official bonds shall state, what, 163. Comptroller shall make monthly, 165. Comptroller shall make annual, 165. Treasurer shall make to Comptroller daily, 170. of each department shall accompany Comptroller’s estimate, 173. REPRESENTATION — of wards, Council shall provide for, 6. RESOLUTIONS— No exemptions shall be made in ordinances by, 36. RETURNS — (See Election Returns.) REVENUE— Comptroller’s annual estimate shall show probable, 165, 173. Council shall provide for necessary, 173. Council shall have printed annual statement of sources of, 209. Council’s annual statement shall state amount received from each source of, 209. RIGHTS — general, defined, 1-8. vested by ordinance in force at time of adoption of new charter shall not be lost, 221. RIOTS— Mayor shall take measures for suppressing, 20. Mayor may assume control of police force in case of, 23. Mayor shall issue proclamation in case of certain, 23. RIVER— board of health shall prevent contamination of, 143. ROAD POLL TAX— (See Tax.) ROAD DISTRICT — city is separate, 1. RULES— Council shall for its government establish, 31. RULES AND REGULATIONS — (See Regulations.) s SAFETY, PUBLIC — Mayor may call for aid for preservation of, 24. city may provide for punishment of practices dangerous to, 55. INDEX TO CITY CHARTER. 561 SALARIES— city may establish and regulate, of new offices, 59. members of sinking fund commission shall not receive additional, 153. Comptroller shall keep posted in his office list of, 166. members of park commission shall not receive additional, 212. of certain officers, amounts of, 223. of certain officers, payable, how and when, 223. of certain officers, not stated in charter, Council shall fix by ordinance, 223. Council may alter by ordinance, 224. of any officer shall not be altered during his term of office, 224. SALE— of property for taxes. (See Taxes.) SANITARY — condition, health officer shall investigate, 132. statistics, health officer shall report, 132. inspectors may be appointed and removed, how, 142. SANITATION — general provisions for, 128-150. Council shall provide for carrying out article on, 150. SCHOOL DISTRICT— assessment levied upon lands of must be paid by the city, 63. SCHOOLS, REFORM OR TRAINING — city may provide for establishment and maintenance of, 44. Board of Police shall have charge of, 110. SCHOOLS, PRIVATE AND PUBLIC— health officer shall visit and report on, 132. names of persons afflicted with contagious diseases shall be reported to principals or superintendent of, 135. members of households afflicted with contagious diseases shall not be ad- mitted to, 136. SEAL— city may have, use and alter a, 1. city clerk shall have custody of, 87. city clerk shall attest under, 88. SECRETARY CITY COMMISSIONERS— one member commissioners shall act as, 94. duties of, 94. (See also Clerk City Commissioners.) SECURITIES— investments may be made, in what, 154. shall be delivered to Treasurer upon payment therefor, 155. Treasurer shall hold, for safe keeping, 158. SECURITY ON OFFICIAL BONDS— (See Bonds.) SESSIONS — extra, of Council, how called, 22. extra, of Council, shall be confined to subjects stated in call, 22. extra, of Council, five members may demand call for, 22. SEWERS — city may provide for, 75%. manner of making improvements for and regulations shall be by ordinance, 75%. districts may be established for main or trunk, 75%. payment for shall be made by assessments on property in district, 75%. sub-sewer districts may be established, 75%. 36 562 INDEX TO CITY CHARTER. Sewers — Continued. cost of sub-sewers shall be assessed upon realty benefited thereby, 75 %. manner of establishing districts for shall conform to procedure for street improvements, 75%. assessments for shall be a lien on property, 75%. assessments for, shall be collected in same manner as street improvement assessments, 75%. liens for, how foreclosed, 75%. delinquent certificates for assessments, how issued, 75%. Board of Public Works shall have charge of, 97. city may borrow money for, 160. limits of taxation for, 203. SHOWS— city may license, 59. SIDEWALKS— city may regulate and prevent placing of, banners, etc., across, 59. city may construct and repair, 61. injuries on account of defective, owners of abutting property liable for, 220. SIGNS— city may regulate and prevent placing of across streets, etc., 59. SINKING FUND— how constituted, 154. moneys in, shall be invested, 154. moneys in, shall not be loaned, 154. amount of, required for investment, shall be reported, by and to whom, 155. Comptroller shall make annual estimate of, 173. Council may levy additional tax for, 203. Council shall create, when, 207. Council shall have printed annual statement of, 209. SINKING FUND COMMISSION — how constituted, 152. who may discharge duties of, 153. members of, shall not receive additional compensation, 153. members of, may be required to give bonds, 153. duties and powers of, 154-159. Comptroller shall keep journal of proceedings of, 156. three members of, shall verify journal, 156. shall report its proceedings to Council, when, 156. acts of, shall be based on its journal, 156. vacancy in, how filled. 157. in case of inability of members to act, Council shall supply substitutes, 157. shall superintend and certify to destruction of redeemed bonds, 158. shall protect credit of city, 159. shall direct payment of bonds and interest, 159. SLAUGHTER HOUSES— health officer shall inspect and report on, 143. SMALL POX— (See Contagious Diseases.) SPECIAL— policemen. (See Police Officers.) elections. (See Elections.) privileges. (See Privileges.) meetings. (See Extra Sessions.) SPOKANE— name of city shall be, Art. XV. INDEX TO CITY CHARTER. 563 SPOKANE FALLS— name of city shall be, 1. shall be construed to mean Spokane, wherever used in new charter, Art. XV. SQUARES— public may condemn land for, 1. STANDS— shall not be erected in streets, etc., 40. city may establish, for hacks, 59. STATE AND STATE UNIVERSITY— assessment upon lands of must be paid by city, 63. STATIONS — fire. (See Fire Stations.) police. (See Police Stations.) quarantines. (See Quarantine Stations.) STATISTICS’— mortuary, natal or sanitary, health officer shall report, 132. STEAM RAILWAYS— (See Railways.) STOCK— city may regulate or prohibit driving of, 56. STORES — may be required to be left at quarantine stations, 145. STREAMS— city may provide for prevention of defilement or pollution of, 51. STREETS, ALLEYS AND HIGHWAYS— may condemn land for, 1. no buildings shall be erected in, 40. city may regulate or prohibit driving of cattle through, 56. city may provide for lighting, 57. city may provide for naming, 59. city may regulate and prevent placing of banners across, 59. city may curb, pave, grade, etc., 61. city may levy assessments for improvement of, 61. assessment for improvement of, how made, 61, 63. improvement may be had by petition of owners of property, 61. improvement of, shall not be ordered, when, 61, 62. improvement of, shall be ordered when petitioned for, 61, 62. assessment districts shall be created to pay for cost of improvements, 61. assessment districts shall embrace, what, 61. no improvement shall be made unless one-half of property owners sign peti- tion therefor, 61. improvements may be ordered by ordinance passed by two-thirds of whole council without a petition for, 61. petitions for improvements of, shall be filed with Board of Public Works, 61. no improvements shall be made until report thereon is made by Board ol Public Works, 62. objections to assessments for improvements shall be filed with Council, 66. hearing on objections to improvements, how had before Council, 66. appeal from Council’s action on objections to assessments may be appealed to superior court, 66. Council shall establish assessment districts, 61. manner of reassessment, 69. improvements shall not be assessed, 61. Council may issue bonds to pay cost of improving, 70. assessment for improvement of, shall be a lien upon property, 63. assessment for improvement of, shall be prescribed by ordinance, 63. assessment for improvement of, Council shall set time for payment of, 68. 564 INDEX TO CITY CHARTER. Streets, Alleys and Highways — Continued. assessment for improvement of, if not paid, shall draw interest, 68. assessment for improvement of, Treasurer shall collect, 68. city shall have exclusive control of, 75. grade to be established by ordinance, 75. grade of shall not be changed except by ordinance, 75. shall not be regraded without report from Board of Public Works and two- thirds vote of City Council, 75. street railway company shall pave, what part of, 76. Board of Public Works shall have charge of improvement and extension of, 97. limit of taxation for improvement of, 203. STREET COMMISSIONER — President Board of Police shall act as, 95V2- STREET RAILWAYS— (See Railways.) STRUCTURES— shall not be erected in streets, etc., 40. SUCCESSION— city shall have perpetual, 1. SUE— city may, 1. SUITS— how brought, 2. existing at time of adoption of new charter shall not abate or discontinue, 2. for street improvements, how brought, 68. SUPERINTENDENT— of parks (See Parks). public schools (See Schools). SUPERVISION— Mayor shall have general, 20. SUPPLIES— (See Materials.) SUSPENSION — of ordinances (See Ordinances). officers (See Officers). T TAXES— road, poll, etc., county shall not assess, 1. for improvement of streets, etc., city shall have power to levy, 61. Comptroller’s annual statement shall state amount required of, 173. Council shall levy and fix rate of, 173, 203. Council shall levy, on what, 173, 203. collection of, shall be same as in State and county, 174. sale of property for unpaid, shall be same as in county and State, 174. percentage of, shall be named for each fund, 201. for different objects, limitation of, 203. for all purposes, limitation of, 203. for interest may be levied in excess of limitation, 203. for sinking fund may be levied in excess of limitation, when, 203. for park fund shall be levied, 215. for park fund, limit of, 215. for park fund, how expended, 215. Corporation Counsel shall examine all proceedings relating to levy and col- lection of, 80. INDEX TO CITY CHARTER. 565 TAXES, DELINQUENT — sale of property for, shall be same as in county and State, 174. redemption of property sold for, shall be same as in county and State, 174. publication of sale of property for, how made, 37. TAX COLLECTOR — Treasurer is ex-officio, 168. duties of, 169. powers and duties of county tax collector conferred upon, 174. TAX, ROAD POLL — Council may provide for, 204. limit of, 204. who is liable to pay, 204. TERMS OF OFFICE— of officers not otherwise provided for expire, when, 16. of Councilmen elected in 1892 shall be specified on ballot, 28. of Councilmen elected after 1892, length of, 28. of Councilmen, shall not be changed by redistricting the city, 6. of Corporation Counsel, 6. of employes of Board of Public Works. 100. of City Commissioners, 92. of members of police department, 111. of members of fire department, 120. of members of Board of Health, 129. TERRITORY— new, shall be attached to adjoining wards, 7. THEATRICALS — city may license, 59. TIE VOTES— at elections, Council shall decide, 14. TITLE— of ordinances shall contain subject hereof, 34. TRADES— offensive or deleterious, city may direct location and construction of build- ings for. 47. offensive or deleterious, city may prohibit erection of buildings for, 47. TRAINING SCHOOLS — city may provide for establishment and maintenance of, 44. TRANSCRIPTS— Corporation Counsel shall keep record of, 80. TRANSFERS OF FUNDS — how made, 201. shall not be allowed from certain funds, 201. TREASURER— how elected, 9, 168. term of office, 9, 168. shall be collector of street assessments, 68. shall give notice of street assessment roll in his hands, 68. all city moneys shall be paid by warrants on the, 151. shall be member of sinking fund commission, 152. Comptroller shall issue warrant on, to pay for securities or redeemed bonds and interest, 155. shall hold for safe keeping all bonds and securities purchased, 158. shall give bonds, 168. 566 INDEX TO CITY CHARTER. Treasurer — Continued. shall be ex-officio tax collector, 168. duties of, as tax collector, 169. shall receipt for money and pay same on warrants, 170. shall make daily statements to the Comptroller, 170. shall require bonds from his assistants, 170. shall issue call for outstanding warrants, when, 170. shall pay warrants in order of number and date, 170. shall give triplicate receipts to officers paying in money, 171. books of, shall be open to public inspection, 172. powers and duties of county treasurer conferred upon, 174. shall pay warrants on park fund, 216. salary of, 223. TREASURY — Comptroller shall keep himself acquainted with condition of, 165. TUMULTS— (See Riots.) u UNPLATTED LAND— how assessed for improvements, 63. V VACANCY — in finance committee, how filled, 163. in board of city commissioners, how filled, 93. in any elective office, how filled, 17. VACANT — offices shall be declared, when, 14. offices, how filled, 17, 157. VACATE — board of health shall place notice on buildings unfit for habitation to, 133. VACATED— offices created by former charters not named in new charter shall become, 219. VAGRANTS — city may restrain and provide for punishment of, 54. VAULTS — city may provide for cleaning of, 51. VEHICLES— (See Hacks.) VENDERS — city may compel, to keep legal weights and measures, 41. VETO— Mayor has power of, 34. VIVA VOCE — all votes of Council shall be, 31. VOTE— on passage of ordinance shall require majority, 34. on passage of ordinance over veto shall require two-thirds, 34. on removal of elective officers shall require three-fifths, 59. on ordinance ordering street improvements, where the owners of less than one-half of property along the street petition for improvement, shall require two-thirds, 61. INDEX TO CITY CHARTER. 567 VorE — Continued. on authority to employ assistant Corporation Counsel shall require two- thirds, 9, 79. on confirmation of city commissioners shall require three-fifths, 92. on removal of city commissioners on recommendation of Mayor shall require a majority. 93. on removal of city commissioners, without recommendation of Mayor, shall require two-thirds, 93. on transfers of funds shall require two-thirds, by yeas and nays, 201. of electors on issue of bonds shall require three-fifths, 207. of electors on amendments to charter shall require a majority, 225. of Council on amendments to charter shall require two-thirds at two suc- cessive meetings, 225. of Council shall be viva vocc } 31. of Council any member may call for yeas and nays on any, 31. of Council by yeas and nays shall be entered in journal, 31. of Council punishment or expulsion of a member shall require two-thirds, 32. VOTING— at all elections shall be by ballot, 13. VOTING PLACES— (See Polls.) VOTERS— qualifications of, 11. VOUCHERS— Treasurer shall deliver to his successor all, 170. w WALLS, PARTY— city may regulate construction of, 50. WARDS — boundaries of, 5. Council may redistrict city into, 6. Council shall not redistrict city into, within certain time, 6. new territory shall be attached to adjoining. 7. Council shall divide, into election precincts, 8. Council may provide for representation of, 6. there shall be same number of Councilmen in each, 6. there shall be two Councilmen from each, 9. WARRANTS — who shall not deal in, 29. on street improvement fund, how paid, 74. all city money shall be paid on, 151, 170. shall be signed, by whom, 151, 165. how drawn, 151. shall be transferable, 151. shall specify, what, 151. Treasurer shall issue call for outstanding, 170. interest on outstanding, shall cease, when, 170. order of payment of outstanding, 170. call for outstanding, shall be by publication, 170. on park fund, Comptroller shall issue, 216. on park fund, Treasurer shall pay, 216. WATER— city may regulate price of, 57, 59. Board of Public Works shall make rules relating to, 100. WATER SYSTEM— sale of must be submitted to vote, 1. 5 68 INDEX TO CITY CHARTER. WATER COURSES — city may provide for cleaning of, 51. WATER PIPES — Board of Public Works shall have charge of, 97. WATER SUPPLY— city may prevent defilement or pollution of, 51. city may control and regulate, 57-59. Board of Public Works shall have charge of, 97. WATER WORKS— city may own, erect, etc., 57. Board of Public W’orks shall have charge of, 97. President Board of Public Works shall act as superintendent of, 95i£* city may borrow money for, 160. WEIGHING — of articles of food, etc., city may provide for, 41. WEIGHTS— city may enforce the keeping of legal, 41. WHISTLES — city may regulate or suppress blowing of, 59. WIRES — electric. (See Electric Wires.) WITNESSES— finance committee may examine, 163. finance committee may compel attendance of, 163. WORKING— of prisoners, city may provide for, 43. W T ORK HOUSES— city may establish, control and regulate, 43. Board of Police shall have charge of, 110. WRITING — required for city business, Corporation Counsel shall draft all, 80. Y YEAS AND NAYS — may be demanded on any vote by any member of the Council, 31. on votes of Council shall be entered in journal, 31. votes od transfers of funds shall be by, 207. YELLOW FEVER— (See Contagious Diseases.) INDEX TO MUNICIPAL CODE. 569 INDEX TO MUNICIPAL CODE REFERENCES ARE TO PAGES (This Index covers all Ordinances in the Code. For Index to Street Improvement, Appropriation and Miscellaneous Ordinances and Franchises, see separate indexes for parts 2 and 3) A ACCIDENTS — contractors must erect barriers to prevent 88 prevent by Are 231 prevent by falling articles from windows 120 ACTION — to collect delinquent assessment for local improvements shall be brought when 93 Corporation Counsel shall bring to collect delinquent assessments 93 ADDITIONS— regulating platting and laying out of 302 ADVERTISING — on sidewalks prohibited 178 AGENT- purchasing for city, provided for 64 ALARM — penalty for giving false of fire 237 ALLEYS— unlawful to obstruct and deposit material in 168 fast driving prohibited in 112 (See Local Improvements.) vacations of, see Part 2 380 improvement of, see Part 2 313 AMUSEMENTS — license for places of 151 places of shall close on Sunday 118 ANIMALS— leaving of carcasses of within city limits prohibited 141 regulations for burial of 141 dead, shall not be buried within city limits 130, 142* license required before removal for burial of 141 permit for removal and burial of, issued by Health Officer 141 preventing running at large 182 pound limits for 182 unlawful to drive more than ten head through city without permit from Mayor 183 unlawful to allow bulls to run at large 183 fee for impounding bulls 184 Spokane Humane Society shall impound and restrain 184 570 INDEX TO MUNICIPAL CODE. Animals — C ontinued. fees for impounding 186 sold for impounding fees, when 186 regulating driving of on graded streets 188 unlawful to allow grazing of on graded streets 189 unlawful to drive more than ten head, without permit from Mayor. . . . 189 APPEALS — from action of Council on assessment rolls, how made 78 APPROPRIATIONS — (See Part II) 402 ARMS, FIRE — unlawful to discharge within city limits 113 ARRESTS— police officers authorized to make 214 ART GALLERY — establishing and providing for 290 ART COMMISSION — providing for and term of office 290 ASSESSMENTS — powers of city to make local improvements, to be paid for by 74 what petition for local improvements, must set forth 74 owners of one-half of property must sign petition for local improve- ments 74 proceedings for levy and collection of assessments to pay cost of local improvements 75 proportioned to frontage for local improvements, paid on lots, etc 75 how to be levied for improvements 76 Board of Public Works, shall report on petitions for local improvements 76 roll for, shall contain what 76 improvements, not to be paid for by special, shall be paid out of gen- eral fund 76 City Clerk shall give notice of filing of roll, and date of hearing on. . . . 76 objections to, shall be filed with City Clerk 76 Council shall hear all objections to 76 objections not filed shall be deemed waived 76 rolls shall be confirmed by ordinance 77 time of payment of shall be fixed by ordinance, and rate of interest on 77 rate of interest on shall not exceed 8 per cent 77 Treasurer shall collect all, for local improvements 77 City Clerk shall within five days certify roll to City Treasurer for collection 77 City Clerk shall certify amount of to Comptroller 77 Treasurer shall give notice by three weekly publications, of date of payment of 77 Treasurer shall issue duplicate receipts upon payment of 77 Treasurer shall submit receipt books of payment of, to Comptroller within 24 hours 77 ’ within 30 days after delinquency Treasurer shall file with Clerk ab- stract of # delinquent 77 collection of all delinquent, shall be made as prescribed by ordinance. . 77 roll for improvements other than sidewalks, shall contain what 78 objections to, heard by Council 79 action of Council, a final determination on 79 appeal from action of Council, how made 79 for street intersections, shall be levied upon property included in district 80 for street intersections, how collected 80 INDEX TO MUNICIPAL CODE. 57 i Assessments — C ontinued for sidewalks, shall be lien on property benefited 81 districts for sidewalks, shall include what property 82 sidewalks constructed only upon one side of street, shall only include land upon that side 82 where street is to be improved, sidewalking may be included in im- provement 82 sidewalks built by owner, shall be credited upon 82 for sewers, how and when levied 83 petition for sewers shall be filed with Board of Public Works 83 sewers shall be constructed where owners of one-half of property peti- tion therefor 83 report of Board of Public Works on petition for sewers, shall contain what 83 Council may order sewer constructed without petition therefor 84 Council shall adopt map, plans and specifications for sewers 84 district created to pay for construction of sewers, shall contain what property 84 how levied upon property in sewer district 84 roll for shall be prepared by Board of Public Works and contain what. . 84 cost of sewer, not paid by special, shall be paid for out of general fund. 85 City Clerk shall give notice of filing of roll, and date of hearing on. . . . 85 objections to shall be filed with Clerk and heard by Council 85 objections not filed shall be deemed waived 85 Council shall determine all objections and make orders therein 85 confirmation ordinance shall prescribe time when installments shall be paid 85 rate of interest, not to exceed 8 per cent, shall be fixed by Council .... 85 Treasurer shall collect all, for sewers 86 City Clerk shall within five days, certify and annex warrant directing Treasurer to collect all assessments 86 City Clerk shall certify amount of roll for sewers to Comptroller 86 Treasurer shall give three weekly publications of notice of date of pay- ment of 86 Treasurer shall issue duplicate receipts upon payment of 86 Treasurer shall within 30 days file with Clerk, abstract of all unpaid, for sewers 8b Foreclosure of liens, created by special for local improvements 91 all owners of property on roll may be joined as defendants 91 complaint for foreclosure shall contain what 9i roll and order of confirmation shall be prima facie evidence of regu- larity and validity of proceedings 91 judgment shall be entered for amount due on roll 91 decree of foreclosure shall direct that land be sold for 91 property sold for shall be sold to city, where no other bidders 92 owners may redeem property sold before execution of deed, how 92 bear interest at 15 per cent, from date of sale 92 City Treasurer shall execute and deliver deeds for all property sold under foreclosure 92 deeds for property sold under foreclosure for, shall be prima facie evi- dence of what 9^ providing for collection of when due, for local improvements 93 delinquent list shall be transmitted by Treasurer to Corporation Counsel for collection 93 Corporation Counsel shall proceed to collect when delinquent 93 annual installments of unpaid after 30 days, whole amount delinquent and shall draw interest 93 interest on shall be included in suit for collection 93 delinquent shall draw interest at 8 per cent 9o 572 INDEX TO MUNICIPAL CODE. ASSESSMENTS — (See Bonds) : Bonds to be issued for improvements, paid by 96 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT— for local improvements 74-78 how created for sewer system 83 creating for construction of sidewalks 81 for local improvements, prepared by Board of Public Works 76 ASSESSMENT ROLLS — hearing on before City Council, when had 76 City Council shall confirm by ordinance 76 for local improvements, shall contain what 76 for sewers, shall contain what 84 for sewer system, prepared by Board of Public Works 83 for sewers, hearing upon had before City Council 84 hearing on, and confirmation of 85 shall be delivered to Treasurer by City Clerk 80-86 delinquent, Treasurer shall transmit to Corporation Counsel for col- lection 93 Corporation Counsel shall collect all delinquent 93 AUCTIONS— license for selling goods at 157 AUCTIONEERS — license of 157 shall announce quality of jewelry sold at auction 158 AUTOMATIC MACHINES — license for sale of goods by 116 AUTOMOBILES— regulating riding and driving of 112 speed of on streets 112 must be provided with bell and light 112 AVENUES — (See Streets ) : streets running east and west, designated as 299 AWNINGS — regulating use and position of 175 must be constructed of cloth, and folding 175 framework of all, attached to buildings, shall be of metal 268 B BACTERIOLOGIST— providing for, and salary of 140 BALL : playing on streets prohibited 174 BALLOTS— shall be destroyed six months after election 304 BAND— shall not play wdiile upon bridges 18'l BANNERS— regulating use and position of 175 BARRIERS— must be erected about public works 88 BARB WIRE FENCES — prohibited in city I 20 BAWDY HOUSES — keepers of are vagrants 107 suppression of, and penalty for keeping 107 INDEX TO MUNICIPAL CODE. 573 BEER — license for sale of 152, 155 BELL — must be attached to bicycles 191 BIDS— for public works shall be advertised 88 BICYCLES— regulating riding of on streets, and speed of 191 must have bell attached 191 riding on sidewalks prohibited 191 unlawful to ride without complete control of 192 speed limited to eight miles an hour 192 license of and fee 195 license fees placed in bicycle road fund 196 paths, construction and maintenance of 196 paths, providing for protection of 192 use of, and speed of, on streets 112 unlawful to place any substance on path or streets to injure 193 road commission, creation of and duties 193 BICYCLE PATHS— construction of and maintenance of 19b protection of 192 BICYCLE ROAD COMMISSION — creation of, and members, how appointed 193 duties of 193 BILLIARD TABLES — persons under 18 not to play upon 119 BILLS — prohibited posting of on bridges 180 BILL POSTER — license of 153 BIRDS— protection of 190 BLASTING — rules governing 210 bond and permit required for 210 warning must be given before discharge 210 BLOW GUNS— use of on streets prohibited 174 BOARD OF HEALTH — (See Health and Contagious Diseases.) regulations for cases of contagious diseases 135 shall issue permits to scavengers 142 providing for bacteriologist for 146 reports of to be made to Council 145 shall appoint sanitary inspectors 147 salary of nurses employed by 147 appoint plumbing inspector 141 rules and regulations of. for plumbing 273 BOARD OF POLICE- - may recommend revocation of licenses 149 BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS — shall prepare and certify pay rolls 64 shall prepare assessment rolls for local improvements 74, 78, 84 petitions for local improvements shall be filed with 74 574 INDEX TO MUNICIPAL CODE. Board of Public Works — C ontinued. petitions for sewers shall be filed with 83 shall let contracts for public works 81 may grant permits to obstruct streets 169 grants permits for sewer connections 207, 209 shall divide city into three districts for paying water rents 240 shall cause inspection of boilers 164 grant permits for construction of buildings 269 grant permits for temporary structures within the fire limits 225 shall order laying and repairing of sidewalks 197 shall lay all sidewalks, where property owners fail to do so 204 grant permits for blasting 210 (See Local Improvements.) BOILER INSPECTOR — duties of, and fees of 164 shall inspect engines and boilers 164 shall examine applicants for license as engineers 165 BOOTBLACKS — soliciting on streets prohibited 175 BONDS — (See Warrants.) providing for investment of $2000 from firemen’s hospital fund in 227 approval of by Corporation Counsel 69 approval of Mayor required on all 69 of Chief of Police and City Engineer 71 required before engaging in blasting 210 issuance of for special improvements 69 rate of interest on, 6 per cent 97 providing for issuance of for local improvements 97 issued for street and sewer improvements 101 required on contracts for public works 87 City Librarian shall give 289 BOTTLES — penalty for placing broken on streets 168 BOWLING ALLEYS— license of 152 persons under 18 prohibited from playing in 119 BUILDINGS— smoking opium in prohibited 110 unlawful for owner to permit" to be used for prostitution Ill unlawful for owner to permit gambling in Ill expectoration on floor of any public, prohibited 116 unlawful to sit and loiter about ll‘< placing objects on window sills prohibited 120 protection of from smoke and soot 121 protection of from injury 114 unlawful to annoy neighborhood by smoke, etc., from 121 electric wires must be installed in according to national electric code. . 281 installation of electric wiring in 281 inspection of elevators in 285 requirements for cellar ways in 286 regulating erection of, within fire limits 224 temporary, may be erected within fire limits by permit 225 stand pipes required on 226 fire escapes, iron doors, shutters, etc., required on 226 connections with sewers required, when 206 regulations for numbering 300 regulating the construction of within fire limits 231 INDEX TO MUNICIPAL CODE. 575 Buildings — C ontinued. regulating the repairs and alterations of 232 wooden repairs to 232 dangerous, may be removed by fire commissioners 232 roofs, how constructed and scuttle in 233 cornices, etc., shall be of non-combustible material 233 chimney and flues, construction of 233 stove-pipes and smoke-stacks, regulating construction of 233 smoke-pipes, must be four feet above roof 234 saw-mills, factories, etc., shall extend smoke-stacks 20 feet above adja- cent buildings 234 brick chimneys may be ordered, where required 234 unlawful to deposit ashes in wooden vessels, or within 10 feet of wood work 235 manufacture of matches, tow, excelsior, etc., prohibited within fire limits 235 manufacture of ammunition, fireworks, naptha, coal oil, etc., prohibited within city 235 no portable light, except securely enclosed in a lantern, shall be used where explosives or inflammable liquids are kept 235 spark-arrestors shall be placed on chimneys, when 235 shavings shall be securely stored or disposed of, so as to be safe from fire 235 right to enter buildings for inspection, granted to whom 235 unlawful to make false alarms of fire 235 unlawful to burn rubbish or other material without a permit 235 rendering kettles shall be placed upon non-combustible foundation 236 unlawful to boil rosin, tar, pitch, turpentine, etc., within 30 feet of a building, and without a permit 236 chief of fire department required to enforce this ordinance 236 doors for churches, hotels, theatres, etc., shall open both inwardly and outwardly 236 doors to churches, theatres, etc., when used for assemblages, shall re- main unfastened 236 aisles and passage ways, in public buildings shall be kept free from obstructions 236 hoistways and well holes shall be kept closed except when in use 237 unlawful to keep more than 25 pounds of powder in 237 regulations for keeping liquid explosive in 237 regulations for construction of elevator well in 237 buildings within fire limits used for packing, shall be fire proof 237 fire proof doors and shutters shall be provided for buildings used for packing 237 notice of location of fire escapes, shall be posted in hallways 237 hallways required in buildings over two stories in height 237 fire escapes, stand pipes, etc., shall be provided on, before plans for shall be approved 238 unlawful to permit rubbish, paper, rags, etc., to accumulate in base- ments, halls, etc 238 all construction work and alterations shall conform to provisions of ordinance 253 erected or enlarged within fire limits, shall be built of incombustible material 253 depth of foundation, and regulations for 253 adjoining shall be protected in excavations for foundations 254 thickness of walls for brick, and requirements for 254 rubble stone walls, requirements for 256 walls, regulations for construction of various 256 stone cornices, greatest weight upon inside of face of wall 257 576 INDEX TO MUNICIPAL CODE. Buildings — C ontinued. iron plates, and anchor irons, construction of 258 height of stories in 258 hotels and tenement houses, construction of 259 fire proof buildings, regulations for 259 porticos and bay windows, construction of 260 stairway or open area in sidewalk, how constructed 261 walls under sidewalks, regulations for • 261 floors of business buildings shall be examined before using 263 scantling partitions, regulations for 263 partitions in factories, mill, hotels, etc., near stairways, how constructed 264 incombustible cornices, regulations for 264 iron doors and shutters, regulations for 265 elevators and hoistways, regulations for construction of 265 chimneys, how constructed 266 furnaces, hot air registers, etc., how constructed 267 fire places, boiler rooms, etc., shall be constructed, how 267 lights shall be placed in front of obstructions at night, from dark until sunrise 268 awnings and wooden signs, regulations for.. 268 burnt or dangerous buildings, shall be rendered safe 269 fire proof vaults for shavings, in factories, mills, etc., how constructed. . 269 frame buildings within fire limits, damaged 40 per cent, unlawful to repair . 269 permits required before commencing work upon 269 stairways in buildings where persons are employed, regulations for. . . . 270 stairways on, within fire limits, how constructed 270 guards around machinery required in factories, workshops, etc 270 stairways and exits in public halls, etc., how constructed 271 public halls, theatres, etc., regulations for construction of 271 hose shall be attached to stand pipes in public halls, theatres, etc. .. . 271 elevator inspection, Board of Public Works shall require 272 BRIDGES — prevent assemblies on 181 posting of signs on, prohibited 180 providing for protection of 180 driving on faster than a walk prohibited 180 driving of cattle over, regulated 180 Musicians shall not play while crossing 181 BULLS— prevented from running at large 183 fees for impounding 184 BURIAL PERMITS— Health Officer shall issue 138 for dead animals, Health Officer shall issue 141 BUSINESS HOUSES— shall close on Sunday 118 c CABS— fares for use of 293 list of fares for use of, shall be posted in 294 penalty for receiving fares in excess of legal charges 294 must obtain license 153 CANNON ISLAND— official designation of 300 INDEX TO MUNICIPAL CODE. 577 CAPTAIN OF POLICE— hours and duties of 212 salary of 213 CARRIAGES — regulation price for hire of 293 for hire, must obtain license 153 regulating standing of, on paved streets 171 CARS— unlawful to get on or off while in motion 125 regulating speed on street railways 126 unlawful to expectorate on lloor of 116 CATTLE — running at large prohibited 182 impounding of, and fees 186 (See Animals.) CELL Mi- smoking opium in, prohibited 110 ways, must be closed 286 ways, required to be lighted at night 286 CEMETERY— designation of 144 CERTIFICATE — of approval of all bonds shall be made by Corporation Counsel 69 CESSPOOLS — regulating construction of 132 offensive shall be cleaned and filled up by order of Health Officer 131 permit required for construction of 132 regulations for and plumbing connections 279 CHIEF OF FIRE DEPARTMENT — duties of and salary 220, 222 (See Fire Department.) CHIEF OF POLICE— bond required of 71 salary of 214 hours and duties of 214 shall act as license inspector 212 shall not absent himself from city without permit from Mayor 216 shall sell unclaimed property 218 shall establish police districts and beats 214 CHILDREN — loitering on streets at night, prohibited 117 unlawful for, to vend flowers in saloons 109 CHIMNEYS — unlawful to annoy neighborhood with smoke and soot from 121 regulations for construction of 233 CIGARETTES— license fee for sale of 153 unlawful to sell to persons under 16 years old 119 unlawful for persons under 16 years old to smoke on streets 119 CITY CLERK— shall give notice of hearing on assessment rolls 77, 80, 85 shall certify all assessment rolls to Treasurer for collection. . . .77, 80, 86 shall certify amount of rolls to Comptroller.. 77, 80, 85 salaries of deputies 66 shall furnish numbers for houses 301 shall issue retail liquor licenses 156 578 INDEX TO MUNICIPAL CODE. CITY COMMISSIONERS — shall prepare certain pay rolls 63 salary of 66 CITY COUNCIL— revocation of licenses by 149 removal of elective officers by 61 shall provide for purchasing agent for city 64 hear objections to assessment rolls for local improvements 76, 79 order improvements, how and when 74, 83 hear objections to sewer rolls 85 confirmation of assessment rolls by 76, 79, 85 (See Local Improvements.) CITY ENGINEER— shall inspect passenger elevators 285 creating office of and his duties 71 salary of 65 bond required of 71 CITY MARKET-PLACE — providing for 302 CITY PHYSICIAN — Health Officer shall act as ’ 146 salary of 146 CITY TREASURER — (See Treasurer.) CIRCUS— license fee 151 CLERK OF POLICE JUSTICE — providing for salary of 69 COAL — all sold must contain full ton 297 COMPTROLLER— shall prepare certain pay rolls 63 deputies, salaries of 65 shall issue bonds instead of warrants to certain contractors for street improvements . 96 shall issue all licenses 154 shall issue bonds, when 95, 97, 101 CONCEALED WEAPONS — unlawful to carry 114 CONFIRMATION OF ASSESSMENT ROLLS — providing for, by City Council, after notice given 77, 85 CONNECTIONS— with sewers, permit required for 206 buildings required with sewers in front of property lines 131, 206 with water mains, etc., regulating 243, 280 CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS— (See Buildings.) CONTAGIOUS DISEASES — physicians and other persons shall report all cases of 135 reports shall be made immediately 135 meaning of term and definition of 136 no person shall remove person afflicted with, into city on railroad car or public conveyance 136 unlawful for person to attend school from house where a person is sick with 136 INDEX TO MUNICIPAL CODE. 579 Contagious Diseases — C ontinued. keepers of hotels, boarding houses, etc., shall report all cases of 136 teachers shall not admit children to schools who have not been vac- cinated 137 Health Officer shall visit schools to examine children 137 no person shall leave quarantine without permit from Board of Health. 137 vaccination of persons may be required by Board of Health, when. . . . 137 persons afflicted with varioloid or smallpox may be removed to isola- tion hospital 137 card or flag may be posted on building where there is a case of smallpox 137 after death of person afflicted with, rooms shall be disinfected 138 body of person dying from, shall be buried within 24 hours 138 death of person afflicted with, shall be reported to Health Officer 138 unlawful to direct person afflicted with smallpox or varioloid to City Hall 138 no interment of dead body shall be made without a permit from Health Officer 138 all bodies shall be buried in grounds now used as burying grounds. . . . 139 no dead body shall be conveyed through or in the city without a permit from Health Officer 139 Health Officer shall sign death certificate where no physician in attend- ance 139 unlawful to take remains of person dead from, to church or public building for funeral services, without a permit 139 every person shall report case of 139 unlawful for person afflicted with, to go abroad, attend church, etc. . . . 140 no person shall enter a quarantined house without permission of Board of Health 140 quarantine period of, for 140 CONTRACTS — shall provide for 8 hours for day’s work on city work 72 provisions of, for public works * 87 Board of Public Works shall let all for public work 87 for public w r ork, Mayor shall approve 87 for public work, how paid 87 bonds required on all, for public work 87 (See Public Works.) CONTRACTORS— must erect barriers on public work to prevent accidents 87 special improvement bonds may be issued to, in lieu of warrants for local improvements 96 (See Public Works.) CORPORATION COUNSEL — authorizing employment of assistants and stenographer 67, 68 salary of, and of assistants 66 shall approve all bonds 69 or assistant, shall approve claims for witness fees 70 Treasurer shall furnish a statement of assessment rolls delinquent.... 93 Treasurer shall furnish statement containing information for suits on delinquent assessments 93 shall collect all delinquent assessments by suit or otherwise 93 CREMATORY— erection and operation of 298 contract and provisions for 298 CURBING — provisions for, and mode of assessments 298 (See Local Improvements.) (See Assessments.) 580 INDEX TO MUNICIPAL CODE. D DAMAGES— city to be protected from by clause in contracts for public works 87 DEAD— public cemetery for burial in 144 DEAD ANIMALS— burial of 141 DEATHS — regulations for burying persons dying from contagious diseases 137 permits must be obtained before burials 138 returns of, made to Health Officer 138 DELINQUENT ASSESSMENTS — foreclosure of, how and when made 91 Treasurer shall furnish statement of, to Corporation Counsel for suit thereon 93 Corporation Counsel shall collect all, by suit or otherwise 93 shall draw interest at 8 per cent 93 suit to collect shall be brought, when 93 annual installments unpaid for 30 days, shall cause the whole amount to become delinquent 93 (See Assessments.) DELINQUENT TAXES — remitting penalty and interest upon payment of certain 311 DEPOTS— regulating soliciting at 124 DISEASES (See Contagious Diseases) — prevention of spread of contagious diseases 135, 139 DISORDERLY CONDUCT — defining and penalty 106 DISORDERLY PERSONS— are vagrants 107 defined and penalty 107 DIPHTHERIA— prevention of spread 139 DOGS— license of 187 Spokane Humane Society shall impound and restrain 184 unlawful to keep vicious 190 vicious may be killed 190 DOMESTIC ANIMALS — running at large prohibited 182 DRAINAGE — regulating and connections for 206 DRINKING FOUNTAINS— providing for on streets 297 DRIVING — regulation of, for horses and automobiles 112 speed regulated on streets 112 must drive on right of center of streets 112 DRUNKARDS — habitual are vagrants 107 DRUNKENNESS — penalty for 106 INDEX TO MUNICIPAL CODE. 58 E EIGHT HOURS— shall constitute a day’s work 72 ELECTION BALLOTS — shall be destroyed six months after election 304 ELECTION PRECINCTS— established in wards 304 ELECTIVE OFFICERS — procedure for removal of, for malfeasance in office 61 ELECTRIC WIRES — regulations for placing in buildings 281 ELECTRIC APPARATUS— regulations for placing in buildings 281 ELEVATORS — inspection of required 285 Beard of Public Works shall cause inspection of 272 construction of hoistways 265 construction of wells for, in buildings 237 EMPLOYES— names placed on pay rolls for payment 63 salaries of 65 EMPLOYMENT AGENTS — license fee 160 ENGINEERS— stationary, license of and fee for 164 stationary, unlawful to run engine or boiler without license and permit 165 ENGINEER, CITY — creating office of, and duties 71 salary of, and of assistants 65 bond required of 71 shall inspect elevators 285 ENGINES AND BOILERS — regulations for use, and inspection of 164 license required for running 164 EVIDENCE — finding of opium pipes, etc., prima facie of guilt 110 EXHIBITIONS— license fee for 151 EXPECTO RATION — prohibited on sidewalks or in buildings 116 EXPOSURE — indecent, penalty for 114 EXPRESS WAGONS — regulating use of streets by 172 F FARES — for hacks and cabs fixed 293 FEES — Spokane Humane Society for impounding animals 186 FEMALES — unlawful for, to vend flowers in saloons 109 unlawful to employ in saloons or places where liquors are sold 109 582 INDEX TO MUNICIPAL CODE. FENCES — over six feet high, and barb wire, unlawful 120 injury to, unlawful and penalty for 121 FIFTH WARD — boundaries of 310 FINES— paid into police court fund 70 FIRES — prevention of 231 unlawful to burn rubbish, etc., without permit 235 (See Buildings.) FIRE ALARM— unlawful to use except in case of fire 237 FIRE ARMS— unlawful to discharge in city limits 113 unlawful to carry concealed 114 FIRE COMMISSIONERS— shall cause chimneys to be constructed as to abate smoke nuisance. . . . 121 FIRE PROOF BUILDINGS — regulations for construction of.... 259 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM— establishing for city 225 FIRE DEPARTMENT — creation of and number of men on 220 officers of 220 regulations of 220 controlled by Board of Fire Commissioners 220 chief shall have control of, at fires 221 salaries of officers and men 222 granting right-of-way 223 protection of hydrants 224 fire alarm system 225 creation of hospital fund 227 providing for investment of $2,000 from hospital fund of 227 chief of, shall enforce building regulations and enter complaint for violations of 236 FIRE ESCAPES— required on buildings 229 FIRE HYDRANTS — protection of 224 FIRE LIMITS — noncombustible sidewalks required within 205 temporary structure may be erected within, by permit 225 establishing and defining 224 FIREMEN — hospital fund provided for injured 227 salaries of 222 FIRST WARD — boundaries of 205 FLOWERS — unlawful for girls to vend in saloons 109 FORECLOSURE — of liens, method of procedure, for assessments 91 FORTUNE TELLERS — are vagrants 107 INDEX TO MUNICIPAL CODE. 583 FOUNTAINS — establishing for drinking purposes 297 FOURTH WARD — boundaries of 310 FRANCHISES— list of, see Part III. FUNDS— bicycle road funds provided for 193 establishing of police court 70 special supplies 73 redemption and judgment created 94 license receipts paid into salary 73 G GALLERIES — shooting, license for 152 GAMBLING — persons playing at are vagrants 107 playing nickel-in-slot machines prohibited 115 unlawful to engage in Ill unlawful to maintain houses for Ill GAMBLING ROOMS — persons habitually frequenting are disorderly persons 107 GAMESTERS— are vagrants 107 GAMES'— unlawful to maintain for gambling Ill GAMING TABLES— persons under 18 years not to play upon 119 GARBAGE — shall be destroyed in crematory 298 gathering of, regulated 132, 142 prohibited in south channel of river 141 permit required for gathering 142 hours for gathering 143 GAS COMPANY — unlawful to interfere with property of 181 GAS MAINS— unlawful to interfere with 181 regulating laying of in streets 211 GATES— Required at railroad crossings of streets 128 GENERAL FUND — Redemption of warrants provided for 94 GLASS'— Placing on streets and sidewalks prohibited 168 GLOVER ISLAND— Oilicial designation of 300 GOODS— Unlawful to obstruct sidewalks with 177 License for selling at auction 157 No bells, flags, etc., shall be used to attract people to auction sales of. . 157 License for sale of, by automatic machines 116 584 INDEX TO MUNICIPAL CODE. GRADES— For sidewalks — City engineer shall furnish 199 For streets — (See Local Improvements.) (See Assessments.) GRADING— Providing for, and mode of assessments 74 GUN— Unlawful to discharge in city limits 113 GUTTERING — Providing for, and mode of assessments 74 (See Local Improvements.) (See Assessments.) H HACKS— Regulating soliciting for at depots 124 Regulating prices and use of 293 Must obtain a license 153 Must have number printed on lamps on 153 Penalty for receiving more pay than fixed by ordinance 294 HALLS— (Construction of, see Buildings.) HAVER MALE ISLAND — Official designation of 300 HAWKERS — License for 150 HAY— Unlawful to offer for sale on streets 302 HEALTH — Unlawful to permit cellar, vault, privy, etc., to become offensive 130 Brewers, tanners, livery stable keepers, etc., shall keep premises free from slops, etc 130 Unlawful to keep stale fat, meat, etc., upon premises 130 Persons hauling fre^h meats must keep them covered 130 Unlawful to keep slaughter houses, etc., within city 130 Premises must be kept clean, and free from stenches, etc 131 Unclean premises shall be declared a nuisance and abated 131 No pi ivy vault shall be constructed where sewer is provided in front of property 131 No pile of manure, offal or garbage shall be permitted to become of- fensive 131 All vaults and cesspools shall be cleaned out and filled up by order of Board of Health 131 No manure or garbage shall be dumped within the city without permit from Health Officer 132 Unlawful to construct privy, vault or cesspool, without permit from Board of Health 132 Regulations for constructing vaults and cesspools 132 Unlawful to abandon vault or cesspool without first cleaning and filling up with earth 132 Scavengers shall remove and convey all garbage, etc., in tight fitting boxes 132 Unlawful to remove contents from privy, vault, etc., without permit. . 133 Scavengers shall make return to Health Officer of permits issued 133 Contents of privy vaults, etc., shall be removed between what hours. . . 133 INDEX TO MUNICIPAL CODE. 585 Health — C ontinued. Tenement, lodging houses and restaurants shall have receptacles for garbage 13.3 All privy vaults shall be kept clean, and cleaned upon the order of Health Officer 133 Butchers, grocers, milk dealers, etc., shall permit inspection of their goods 133 Sale of blown, tainted and diseased meat, fish, game, etc., prohibited. . 133 Sale of unsound and decayed fruit and other produce, prohibited 134 Unlawful to sell flesh of calf, pig or lamb less than six weeks old, when slaughtered 134 Duty of officers to seize and confiscate decayed, unwholesome, etc., meat, vegetables, etc., offered for sale 134 . Places where meat, fish, vegetables, etc., are sold shall be kept clean and wholesome 134 Unlawful to kill animal for food when in overheated or diseased con- dition 134 Water in wells, cisterns, etc., shall be examined by Health Officer 134 When impure water is found in wells, cisterns, etc., Board of Health shall order same closed 135 Any building found unfit for human habitation shall be vacated 135 Contagious diseases, prevention of spread of 135 (See Contagious Diseases.) Quarantine regulations — (see Contagious Diseases.) Unlawful to use south channel of river for sewerage purposes 141 Permit required for removal and burial of dead animals 141 Unlawful to deposit carcass of dead animal in Spokane river or Latah Creek 141 Dead animals must be removed outside of city limits for burial 141 Scavengers, limit of charges for services 142 Permit required for gathering swill, garbage, etc 143 Hours within which swill, garbage, etc., may be gathered 143 Nuisances, providing for abatement of 143 Chief of Police shall remove and abate nuisances when 143 Cemetery, establishing and requiring burials therein 144 Health Officer shall require connection with sewers, when 206 Unlawful to dump any garbage, rubbish, etc., in sewer, man-holes, etc.. 210 Crematory, establishing 298 (See Boai'.d of Health.) HEALTH OFFICER— Shall prepare reports of Board of Health and transmit to Council .... 145 Secretary of Board of Health 145 Hours and duties of 145 Shall direct sanitary police and prescribe their duties 145 Physician at the Isolation hospital 146 Salary of 146 (See Contagious Diseases.) (See Health.) HORSES — Running at large prohibited 182 Fees for impounding 186 Regulating standing of on paved streets 171 Unlawful to drive on bicycle paths 192 Regulating riding and driving of on streets 112 Unlawful to stand upon streets without hitching 112 Speed of in streets, limit of 112 Unlawful to drive upon sidewalks 112 586 INDEX TO MUNICIPAL CODE. HOSPITAL— Isolation, salary of nurses and messengers at 147 HOSPITAL FUND — Creation of for Fire Department 227 HOTELS— Regulating soliciting for at depot 124 Regulating construction of 259 Regulations for doors used in 236 Required to keep register for guests 129 HOURS— Office, for city officers 60 Eight hours shall constitute day’s labor 72 HOUSES— Unlawful to keep houses of ill fame Ill Unlawful to permit house or building to be used for prostitution Ill HOUSES— Keeping of, for gambling prohibited Ill Requirements for numbering 300 City Clerk shall furnish numbers for 301 Designation of numbers for various streets 301 Unfit for habitation shall be ordered vacated 135 Smoking opium in prohibited 110 Protection of from injury 121 HOUSES, BAWDY— Suppression of Ill Keepers of are vagrants 107 Frequenters of are disorderly persons 107 HYDRANTS — Unlawful to open without permit 237 Unlawful to obstruct or throw any material in front of or upon 22-* Protection of 224 I ICE— Removal of from sidewalks required 178 ILL FAME— Suppress houses of Ill IMPLEMENTS' — License for selling at auction 159 IMPOUNDING — Animals running at large 182 Fees for * 186 IMPROVEMENTS — Eight hours constitutes a day’s work on 72 Issuance of bonds for 97 Foreclosure of liens for local 91 (See Local Improvements.) IMPROVEMENT BONDS — Issuance of for local improvements 96 INDECENT EXPOSURE— Penalty for 114 INHALING OPIUM — Penalty for 110 INTELLIGENCE AGENT — License fee 160 INDEX TO MUNICIPAL CODE. 587 INTEREST — Rate of on City Bonds — and warrants six per cent 97 INTOXICATION— Penalty for 106 INTOXICATING LIQUORS— Retail license fee 155 Limits for license where may be sold 156 Unlawful to sell to minors 108 INVESTMENT' — $2,000 from hospital fund in securities 227 INSPECTION — Steam engines and boilers, by boiler inspector 164 Of licenses, manner of 167 INSPECTOR WEIGHTS AND MEASURES — Creation of office 294 Duties and fees of 295 Shall inspect weights and measures once a year 296 INSPECTOR OF PLUMBING — Provided for and salary of 14'i Board of Health shall appoint 148 ISLANDS— Designation of Glover, Havermale and Cannon 300 ISOLATION HOSPITAL — Persons afflicted with contagious disease may be removed to 131 Health Officer, physician for 146 Salary of nurses and messengers 147 J JAIL— Prisoners confined in shall work for city 217 JANITORS— Salaries of 65 JEWELRY — Auctioneer selling must announce its quality 158 License for selling at auction 157 JUDGMENTS — Rendered on local improvement warrants shall be paid out of redemption and judgment, fund 94 JUSTICE — POLICE — Clerk, salary of 69 Shall pay all moneys to City Treasurer 7b Shall file with Comptroller statement of witnesses and fees, when. . . 70 Salary of 69 L LABOR— Wages fixed for day's 72 Eight hours shall constitute a day’s 72 LANDS— Assessments for local improvements 74 LAUNDRIES— License fee 153 LIBRARY COMMISSION — Creation of and duties 289 Shall appoint libarian and assistants 288 588 INDEX TO MUNICIPAL CODE. Library Commission — Continued. Shall designate duties of librarian 290 Purchase books and supplies for library 290 Shall control public library 290 LIBRARIAN — Creation of office and duties of 288 Shall give a bond 289 Secretary of library commission 288 Assistants, and duties of 288 Salary of, and of assistants 288 LICENSE INSPECTOR — Chief of Police shall perform duties of 212 LICENSE— Required for gathering swill and offal 142 Providing for revocation of 149 Hearing upon complaint for revocation, how had 149 Council may revoke all, how 149 Hawkers and peddlers 150 Shows and places of amusement 150 Exhibitions 151 Circus and menageries 151 Merry-go-rounds, phonographs, etc 151 Horse and dog shows 151 Variety theatre 151, 152 Wholesale liquor dealers 152 Shooting galleries and bowling alleys 152 > Public scales 153 Bill posting 153 Vehicles for hire 153 Laundries 153 Scavengers •. . . 153 Cigarettes, sale of 153 For owners and drivers of vehicles for hire 155 For hacks and cabs 153 Year divided into quarters for 154 City Comptroller shall issue all licenses 154 Licenses shall be conspicuously posted in place of business 154 Retail liquor, fee for 155 Retail liquors, may be transferred, how 155 For auctions and auctioneers 157 To sell live stock, implements, etc 159 Employment or intelligence agents 160 Pawn brokers 161 Stationery engineers must obtain 164 For dogs and bitches 187 Manner of inspection and collection 167 Must be secured for conveying dead animals 141 Receipts from paid into salary fund 73 For bicycles, tricycles, etc 195 For machines used for sale of goods 116 LIENS — Shall attach to property for constructing sidewalks 197 Assessments for sidewalks, are a, on property 81 On property for local improvements, provided for 76, 79 Foreclosure of, for local improvements 91 For sewer system made on property benefited 84 INDEX TO MUNICIPAL CODE. 589 LIGHTS — Regulating installation of electric 281 Required in front of obstructions from dark to sunrise 268 Shall be maintained on streets dug up or obstructed 170, l'J9 LIMITS — Where intoxicating liquors may be sold 156 LIMITS, FIRE — Establishment of 224 LINEMAN WATER DEPARTMENT— Salary of assistant 66 LIQUOR DEALERS — Providing for revocation of license of 149 Wholesale license fee 15- LIQUORS— Retail license fee 155 Limits where may be sold 156 Hours for sale of in saloons 108 Unlawful to sell to minors 108 Unlawful for girls to vend flowers where sold 109 Employment of women where sold prohibited 109 LIVE STOCK — License for selling at auction 159 LOAN BROKERS — License fee 161 LOAN OFFICE— License fee 161 LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS — Powers of city to make local improvements to be paid for by assess- ments 74 What petition for local improvements must set forth 74 Petition for shall be filed with Board of Public Works 74 Owners of one-half of property must sign petition for local improve- ments 74 Report upon petitions for, shall be made by Board of Public Works. . . 75 Council may order improvements made without a petition therefor ... 75 Council may order Board of Public Works to prepare a report for 75 Proceedings for levy and collection of assessments to pay cost of local improvements 75 Assessments proportioned to frontage for local improvements, paid on lots, etc 75 How to be levied for improvements 76 Board of Public Works shall prepare assessment roll for local improve- ments 76 Assessment roll for, shall contain what 76 Improvements not paid for by special assessments shall be paid out of general fund 76 City Clerk shall give notice of filing of roll, and date of hearing on. . . 76 Objections to, shall be filed with City Clerk 76 Council shall hear all objections to 70 Objections not filed shall be deemed waived.... 76 Rolls shall be confirmed by ordinance 77 Time of payments for assessments shall be fixed by ordinance and rate of interest on 77 Rate of interest on assessments shall not exceed eight per cent 77 Treasurer shall collect all assessments for local improvements 77 59 <> INDEX TO MUNICIPAL CODE . Local Improvements — C ontinued. City Clerk shall within five days certify roll to City Treasurer for collec- tion 77 City Clerk shall certify amount of assessments to Comptroller 77 Treasurer shall give notice by three weekly publications, of date of pay- ment of assessments 77 Treasurer shall issue duplicate receipts upon payment of assessments.. 77 Treasurer shail submit receipt books of payment of, to Comptroller within 24 hours 77 Within 30 days after delinquency Treasurer shall file with Clerk ab- stract of delinquent assessments 77 Collection for all delinquent assessments shall be made as prescribed by ordinance 77 Roll for improvements other than sidewalks shall contain what 78 Objections to, heard by Council 79 Action of Council, a final determination on 79 Appeal from action of Council, how made 79 For street intersections, shall be levied upon property included in dis- trict 80 For street intersections, assessments how collected 80 Assessments for sidewalks shall be a lien on property benefited 81 Assessment districts for sidewalks shall include what property 82 Lien of sidewalks constructed upon one side of street shall only include land upon that side 82 Where street is to be improved, sidewalking may be included in improve- ment 82 Method for making and collecting assessments for sidewalking 82 Sidewalk built by owner shall be credited upon assessments 82 Assessment for sewers how and when levied 83 Petition for sewers shall be filed with Board of Public Works 83 Sewers shall be constructed where owners of one-half of property peti- tion therefor 83 Report of Board of Public Works on petition for sewers shall contain, what 83 Council may order sewer constructed without petition therefor 84 Council shall adopt map, plans and specifications for sewers 84 District created to pay for construction of sewers, shall contain, what property 84 Assessments how levied upon property in sewer district 84 Roll for, shall be prepared by Board of Public "Works and contain what 84 Cost of sewer not paid by general assessments, shall be paid for out of general fund 85 City Clerk shall give notice of filing of roil, and date of hearing on. . . . 85 Objections to shall be filed with Clerk and heard by Council 85 Objections not filed shall be deemed waited 85 Council shall determin all objections and make orders therein 85 Confirmation ordinance shall prescribe times when installments for shall be paid 85 Rate of interest, not to exceed 8 per cent shall be fixed by Council .... 85 Treasurer shall collect all assessments for sewers 86 City Clerk shall within five days certify and annex warrant directing Treasurer to collect all assessments 86 City Clerk shall certify amount of roll for sewers to Comptroller 86 Treasurer shall give three weekly publications of notice of date of pay- ment of assessments 86 Treasurer shall issue duplicate receipts upon payment of assessments. . 86 Treasurer shall within 30 days file with Clerk abstract of unpaid assess- ments for sewers 86 INDEX TO MUNICIPAL CODE. 591 Local Improvements — C ontinued. Foreclosure of liens, created by special assessments for local improve- ments, procedure for 91 All owners of property on roll may be joined as defendants 91 Complaint for foreclosure shall contain what 91 Roll and order of confirmation shall be prime facia evidence of regular- ity and validity of proceedings 91 Judgment shall be entered for amount due on roll 91 Decree of foreclosure shall direct that land be sold for assessments. ... 91 Property sold for assessments shall be sold to city where no other bidders 91 Owners may redeem property sold before execution of deed, how 92 Bear interest at 15 per cent from date of sale 92 City Treasurer shall execute and deliver deeds for all property sold under foreclosure 92 Deeds for property sold under foreclosure for assessments, shall be prima facie evidence, of what 92 Providing for collection of assessments when due, for local improvements 93 Delinquent assessment list shall be transmitted by Treasurer to Corpora- tion Counsel for collection 93 Corporation Counsel shall proceed to collect assessments when delinquent 93 Annual installments of assessments unpaid after 30 days, whole amount delinquent, and shall draw interest 93 Interest on assessments shall be included in suit for collection 93 Delinquent assessments shall draw interest at 8 per cent 93 Bonds and warrants for rate of interest on 97 Issuance of bonds for 97 LODGING HOUSES— Required to keep register for guests 129 LODGING HOUSE KEEPERS — Required to register quarterly with Chief of Police, name and number of house. . . 153 LOITERING— On streets and at buildings prohibited 117 Children prohibited from on streets at night 117 M MACADAMIZING— Procedure for making and collecting cost of 74 MACHINES — Nickei-in-the-slot, prohibited 115 Sale of goods by, licensed 116 MAINS, WATER— Connection with 240, 280 MAINS, GAS— Unlawful to interfere with 181 MANHOLES — (See Sewers.) MARKET-PLACE— Providing for city 302 MATRON, POLICE— Providing for and duties of 213 Salary of 213 MAYOR— Chairman of Library Commission 290 Shal I approve all bonds . ; 69 592 INDEX TO MUNICIPAL CODE. Mayor — Continued. Shall appoint special policemen 212 May appoint special police 215 Shall approve bonds for contracts for public works 90 May issue permits for all parades, etc 173 May issue permits for driving more than ten head of cattle, horses, etc., May recommend revocation of license 149 MALFEASANCE IN OFFICE— trial and punishment for 61 MEASURES— creating office of inspector of 294 inspector shall examine all each year 295 fees for inspection of 295 fruit, etc., must be sold in dry measure 297 full measure reqtiired for sale of wood and coal 297 penalty for failure to give full 297 MEAT — offered for sale must be pure and fresh 134 hauling fresh, must be covered 130 MEN— living with prostitutes, disorderly persons 107 MENAGERIE — license for . . .« 151 MERCHANDISE— license for selling by auction 157 Sidewalks not to be obstructed by 177 MERRY-GO-ROUND — license for 151 METER RATES — (See Water.) MESSENGERS— salary of at isolation hospital 14? MINORS— unlawful to sell intoxicating liquors to 108 prohibit sale of cigarettes to 119 unlawful for, smoke cigarettes on streets 119 prohibited from loitering on street at night 117 unlawful for, to get on cars while in motion 125 unlawful for, to play on billiard tables, bowling alleys, etc 119 MONEY LOANERS — license for 161 MUSEUM— providing for and establishing 290 commissioners for, how appointed 290 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS— permit must be obtained to play on streets 180 playing on, while crossing bridges prohibited 181 N NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE — rules of, adopted for electric wiring 281 NESTS, BIRDS— protection of 190 INDEX TO MUNICIPAL CODE. 593 NICKEL-IN-THE-SLOT MACHINES— license for merchandise machine 116 unlawful to operate and maintain 115 NOTICE— City Clerk shall give, of hearing of objections to assessment rolls.. 76, 85 Treasurer shall give, of time for payment of assessments for local im- provements 76, 85 NUISANCES — slaughter houses, tanneries, etc., are 130 unclean premises are, and how abated 131 Health Officer shall give notice to remove and abate 131 abatement of, Chief of Police shall cause 143 smoke, soot and cinders from chimneys are 121 abatement of 143 penalty for creating 143 NUMBERS— must be placed on buildings and houses 300 for houses supplied by City Clerk 30x official designation for houses 301 NUMBERING HOUSES— regulations for, and designations on various streets 300 NURSES— salary of, at isolation hospital 147 o OBJECTIONS— to assessment rolls for local improvements heard by the City Council 76, 79, 85 to proposed sewers, how made 85 OBSCENE PICTURES, ETC. — penalty for selling, printing, etc 115 OBSTRUCTIONS— of streets and alleys prohibited 169 unlawful on streets without permit 169 unlawful to place on sidewalk 177 unlawful to use more than two feet to display goods on sidewalk 177 of streets by refuse, wood, paper, etc., prohibited 168 OFFAL — permit required for gathering 14£ OFFICES— city, hours shall remain open 60 OFFICERS — police, their duties defined 214 elective, removal of for malfeasance in office 61 notice given and trial had before removal of 61 witnesses shall be examined by City Council 62 accused official may appear by attorney 62 City Council, by vote, shall pass upon guilt or innocence of accused .... 63 officer found guilty shall be removed 63 Chief of Police and City Engineer shall give bonds 71 hours offices shall be kept open 60 supplies for, how obtained 64 salaries of (see Departments.) Pay rolls of, how made 63 (See Departments.) 38 594 INDEX TO MUNICIPAL CODE. OFFICIALS — salaries of 65 OFFICE HOURS — fixed for city officers 60 OILS— dripping on paved streets prohibited 172 OPIUM— smoking or inhaling of, prohibited 110 sale of for smoking prohibited 110 unlawful to keep house or place for smoking 110 pipes, etc., captured shall be destroyed 110 finding of pipes, etc., prima facie evidence of guilt 110 P PARKS— unlawful to injure or destroy property in 122 unlawful to peddle in 122 regulating conduct of persons in 122 PARADES— permit for, required 173 PASSENGER ELEVATORS— inspection of, by City Engineer 285 PASSENGERS — fares regulated for use of hacks and cabs by 293 PATHS — protection of bicycle paths 192 providing for protection of bicycles on, and streets 193 bicycle road commission to supervise bicycle paths 193 bicycle, construction and maintenance of 195 PAVEMENTS— regulating handling of naptha, kerosene, etc., on 172 providing for protection of 170 unlawful to mix mortar, etc., on 170 unlawful to throw firecrackers, etc., on 170 standing of horses upon, for more than one hour unlawful 171 PAVED STREETS— regulating standing of horses and vehicles on 171 unlawful to mix mortar, etc., on 170 PAVING— providing for, and mode of assessments 74 (See Local Improvements.) (See Assessments.) PAWNED GOODS — list of, must be filed with Chief of Police 162 PAY ROLLS— made by heads of departments 63 PEDDLERS — license for 150 PERMITS— required before removing contents of privy, vaults, cesspools and drains 133 for removing persons afflicted with contagious disease, Health Officer shall issue 136 no person shall leave quarantine without a, from Board of Health 137 required for carrying or conveying dead body in or through city 139 for burial, Health Officer shall issue 139 INDEX TO MUNICIPAL CODE. 595 Permits — C ontinued. required before entering house quarantined 140 for burial and removal of dead animals, Health Officer shall issue.... 141 for gathering swill, garbage and offal, Board of Health shall issue.... 142 to dig up or obstruct streets or alley, required 169 to play musical instruments upon streets, must be obtained 173 Mayor shall issue, for parades, etc 173 ior driving more than teu head of horses, cattle, etc, Mayor shall issue. 183 for connecting with sewers, Board of Public Works shall issue. .. .207, 209 for construction of buildings, Board of Public Works shall issue 269 unlawful to burn rubbish, etc., without 235 for plumbing work, how obtained 273 for connections with water mains, required 240 no plumber shall make connections with water mains without, from Superintendent of Water Department ' 243 for altering wooden buildings within tire limits 232 for boiling rosin, tar, pitch, etc., required 236 required for repair and construction of sidewalks 199 PERSONS, DISORDERLY— defined, and penalty 107 PERSONS — police may examine those abroad at night 114 prohibit indecent exposure of 114 PHYSICIANS — shall report cases of contagious diseases and deaths 139 PICTURES — sale of. immoral and obscene, prohibited 115 PIPES, OPIUM- — all captured shall be destroyed 1.10 PISTOL— unlawful to discharge within city limits 113 PLANS — for plumbing shall be filed before commencing work 273 PLANTS— unlawful to injure or destroy 121 PLATS— Regulations for additions 302 PLUMBING— regulations for, in streets and alleys 205 bond required before excavations made in streets and alleys 205 permit required for excavations of streets and alleys 206 connections with sewers, how • made 206 plans for shall be filed before commencing work 273 inspection of, how and when made 274 clean-out and rain leaders, construction of 275 size of waste pipe 276 vent pipes, and size of 276 pipes, termination of at roof 277 fixtures and traps, regulations for 277 water closet, tanks, etc 278 cesspools, regulations for 279 grease trap, construction of 279 Inspector may stop work when 279 water pipes, regulations for 280 PLUMBING INSPECTOR — shall inspect and approve plumbing work 274 596 INDEX TO MUNICIPAL CODE. Plumbing Inspector — C ontinued. Board of Health shall appoint 147 salary of * 147 POLICE— powers and duties of defined 214 arrests, authorized to make 214 shall investigate violations of ordinances 214 patrol the district or beat assigned 215 shall not loiter in stores or saloons 215 Chief shall assign to beats 215 shall not receive fees 215 Mayor may appoint specials 215 specials, pay of 214 shall inspect licenses 167 establishing force and duties of 212 suspension of 212 number of men and officers 212 salaries of 214 matron and her duties 213 providing for her salary 213 Chief shall not absent himself from city without permission of Mayor. . 216 prisoners shall work for city 217 shall sell unclaimed property 218 unlawful to wear badge or act without appointment 218 duty to destroy vicious or dangerous dogs 190 may examine persons abroad at night 114 POLICE BEATS— City Council and Chief shall establish 215 POLICE, BOARD OF — may recommend revocation of all licenses 149 POLICE COURT FUND— establishing 70 POLICE DISTRICTS — City Council and Chief shall establish 215 POLICE JUSTICE— salary of 69 shall give bond in sum of $2500 69 clerk, salary and bond of 69 shall pay all moneys received to City Treasurer 70 shall file with Comptroller statement of witness fees 70 POLICE JUSTICE CLERK— providing for salary of 69 POLICE PATROL — granting right-of-way on streets 217 POLICE, SANITARY — duties and hours of 145, 147 shall work under direction of Health Officer 145 providing for 147 appointment of 147 salary of 147 POLICEMEN— powers and duties of, defined 214 number of, and duties 212 POOL TABLE— persons under 18 years not to play upon 119 INDEX TO MUNICIPAL CODE. 597 POUND— fees for impounding animals 186 fees for impounding bulls 184 unlicensed dogs shall be placed in 187 PRECINCTS — establishing, in wards 304 xREMISES — required to be kept clean 130 PRINTING — obscene and immoral, prohibited 115 PRISONERS— shall work for city 217 PUBLIC WORKS — (See Boaiid ofj bids for, shall be advertised, how 87 contracts and bonds are required for 87 Board of Public Works shall let contracts for 87 specifications for, shall be filed 87 contracts for, shall be kept on file with Board of Public Works 87 work not completed within time specified in contract, contractor shall pay amount of damages 88 all contracts for, shall contain covenants to protect city from all liabil- ity for damages 88 contractors must erect barriers and lights to prevent accidents 88 judgments recovered against city for damages resulting from contrac- tor’s work or negligence conclusive against contractors 88 notice of pendency of suit against city for damages shall be given con- tractor 88 contracts, for shall contain provision for filing time-checks of employes with Comptroller 89 ten per cent, of contract price shall be reserved until all workmen are paid on 89 city may apply money to pay workmen, when 89 may be completed by city, when 89 all work let by contract shall require a surety bond 90 bonds for, shall contain what 90 bonds for, shall be approved by Corporation Counsel and Mayor 90 all contracts shall provide that the same is accepted subject to require- ments of ordinance 90 (See Local Impkovements.) PUBLICATION — obscene and immoral, prohibited 115 PURCHASING AGENT — provided for city 64 PROPERTY— protection of, from injury, and penalty for 121 providing for sale of stolen 218 shall be taxed with cost of sidewalks 197 owners shall pay for construction and repair of sidewalks 198 assessed for local improvements 74 assessed for sewers 83 protection of, from smoke and soot 121 PROPOSALS — for public works filed with Board 87 PROSTITUTES— are vagrants 107 598 INDEX TO MUNICIPAL CODE. Prostitutes — C ontinued. men living with are disorderly persons 107 suppress houses of Ill soliciting on streets prohibited Ill PUBLIC BUILDINGS — expectoration prohibited in 116 PUBLIC HEALTH — (See Health.) PUBLIC PLACES — regulating use and obstruction of 169 PUBLIC SCHOOLS— persons suffering from contagious diseases shall not attend school 137 vaccination of children attending, required 137 PUBLIC LIBRARY — (See Library.) PUBLIC SCALES— license fee 153 Q QUARANTINE— regulations of, for contagious diseases 136, 139 unlawful for persons to leave, without permit 136, 140 regulating for contagious diseases 140 Health Officer shall have charge of 136, 140 R RAILROAD CARS — penalty for tresspassing on 125 unlawful to block streets with 127 RAILROAD CROSSINGS— gates required at 128 RAILROAD TRAINS — regulating speed of 126 REDEMPTION AND JUDGMENT FUND— created for redemption of warrants for local improvements 94 warrants drawn on, shall bear interest at 6 per cent 94 REGISTER — hotels and lodging-houses must keep 129 pawnbrokers shall keep, of all goods received 162 REMOVAL — elective officers by City Council for malfeasance 61 RETAIL LIQUOR LICENSE— fee for 155 REQUISITIONS — for supplies, how obtained 64 RIDING — rate of speed of, on streets 112 RIOTOUS CONDUCT— defining, and penalty for 106 RIVER— south channel not to be used for sewers 141 unlawful to throw slop, garbage, etc., in south channel 141 unlawful to throw carcasses of dead animals in 141 INDEX TO MUNICIPAL CODE . 599 ROLLS, ASSESSMENT— for local improvements prepared by Board of Public Works.... 75, 78, 84 shall contain what 75, 84 RUBBISH— unlawful to burn without a permit 235 s SALARIES — city officials and employes 65 deputies of Comptroller 65 deputies of Treasurer 65 Corporation Counsel 68 assistants to Corporation Counsel 66 stenographer to Corporation Counsel 66 City Commissioners 66 deputy clerks 66 janitors 65 city engineer and assistants 65 foreman of streets 65 for drivers and teams 72 police officers 214 members of fire department 222 health officer 146 Sanitary Inspectors 147 nurses and messengers at isolation hospital 147 Inspector of Plumbing 147 of assistant lineman, Water Department 67 of Police Justice 60 clerk of Police Justice 70 City Librarian and assistants 288 SALARY FUND — receipts from licenses paid into 73 SALOONS — hours for keeping open 108 license for 155 limits within which licenses for, shall be issued 156 unlawful to sell intoxicating liquors to minors 108 unlawful for girls to vend flowers in 109 employment of women in, prohibited 109 revocation of license of 149 shall close on Sunday 118 SALT— unlawful to place on streets and sidewalks 179 SANITARY INSPECTORS — Board of Health shall appoint 147 providing for, and duties of 147 salaries of 147 SCAVENGERS— regulate and limit charges of 142 permit required for gathering swill, garbage, etc 132, 142 hours for gathering swill, garbage, etc 133, 143 license fee 153 regulation of 132, 142 charges for services 142 must have tight-fitting boxes for removal of garbage, etc 132 6oo INDEX TO MUNICIPAL CODE. SCALES— Inspector shall examine each year 294 SEAL— adopt corporate, for city 60 SEWERS— (See Local Improvements.) use of south channel of river for, prohibited 141 petitions for, shall be filed with Board of Public Works 83 construction of, how and when made 83 objectioDS to construction of, heard by City Council 85 assessments for, levy and collection of 85 roll for, confirmed by City Council 85 buildings must be connected with, when 131, 206 where sewer or drain becomes obstructed, etc., Health Officer shall cause the same to be repaired, etc 207 permit required before connecting with same 207 bond shall be filed before commencing work upon streets for sewer con- nections 207 applications for permits shall be made by owner or agent, and state what 208 regulations for connections with sewers 208 size of all drains and sewers shall be fixed by Board of Public Works. . 208 Board of Public Works shall inspect all connection with, before using. . 208 plans for, for houses, shall be filed with Board of Public Works 209 City Engineer and Health Officer may enter premises to inspect sewers and drains 209 unlawful to injure, break or remove sewers, or any part thereof 209 unlawful to deposit garbage, rubbish, dead animals, etc., in, or man- holes, flush-tanks, etc 210 duty of police to investigate persons working upon, to ascertain if they have a permit for work 210 SEWER BONDS — issuance of, for improvements 97, 101 SEWER DISTRICTS— creation of 85 SEAYER IMPROVEMENTS— bonds issued for 101 SHOWS— License fee 151 unlawful to give performance on Sunday 118 SHRUBBERY— protection of, from injury 121 SHOOTING GALLERIES— license for 152 SIGNS— regulating use and position of 175 construction of 268 posting on bridges prohibited 186 SIDEWALKS — (See Local Improvements.) foreclosure of liens for constructing 91 maintenance shall devolve upon owners of property 197 when unsafe, Board of Public Works shall order repaired or renewed.. 197 notice shall be given property owners, form of 197 notice, how served 198 property fronting upon street shall be charged with expense of 198 INDEX TO MUNICIPAL CODE. 601 Sidewalks — C ontinued. Superintendent of Streets shall supervise expense of 199 guards and lights shall be maintained upon, to warn against danger... 199 grades for shall be furnished by City Engineer 199 permit required for repair or construction of 199 regulations for laying and constucting of, upon streets 200 wood, regulations for laying 201 driveways, how construction over 203 shade trees along, shall be planted next to roadway 204 City Council shall order Board of Public Works to make report for con- struction of 204 when ordered constructed by Council, Board of Public Works shall order property owners to construct 204 Board of Public Works shall construct, when property owners fail to do so 204 cost of construction shall be lien upon property 204 incombustible, required on certain streets and in lire limits 205 creating assessment district for construction of 81 built by owner, credited on assessment roll 82 providing for, and mode of assessments 74 placing of salt on, prohibited 179 sweeping dirt, paper, etc., on to, prohibited 168 riding bicycles, or tricycles on, prohibited 191 expectoration prohibited on 116 horses prohibited on 112 construction of stairways in, how made 261 regulating use of awnings, banners and signs on 175 riding vehicles and bicycles on, prohibited 174 driving horses upon, prohibited 112 hand-trucks and vehicles prohibited on 176 obstruction of, by goods, etc., prohibited 177 unlawful to expose goods on, for sale, on Sunday 177 writing and advertising on, unlawful 178 penalty for defacing . 178 snow and ice to be removed from 178 SLOT MACHINES — unlawful to operate 115 SLAUGHTER HOUSES— prohibited in city limits 130 SLINGSHOTS— use of, prohibited in city 174 SMALLPOX — (See Contagious Diseases.) vaccination of persons afflicted with 137 vaccination of children before attending school 137 persons suffering with, may be removed to isolation hospital 137 unlawful to send persons afflicted with, to city hall 138 physicians shall report cases to Board of Health 135 preventing spread of 137 SMOKING OPIUM — penalty for 110 SMOKE — unlawful to annoy neighborhood by 121 SNOW— removal of, from sidewalks required 178 SOOT— unlawful to annoy neighborhood by 121 602 INDEX TO MUNICIPAL CODE. SPARK-ARRESTER — construction of 235 SPECIAL SUPPLY FUND — creation of 73 SPECIAL POLICE — Mayor may appoint 215 SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS — shall be tiled with bid 87 SPEED — railroad trains regulated 126 regulating speed of street cars 126 for riding and driving, limit of 112 SPITTING — on streets and buildings prohibited 116 SPOKANE HUMANE SOCIETY — franchise for impounding animals 184 SPRINKLERS — wages for, employed by city 72 SPRINKLING — hours for using water for 245 penalty for, out of hours 245 rate for use of water for 244 STAIRWAY— construction of, in sidewalks, how made 261 STATIONARY ENGINEER— must obtain license before operating engine or boiler 164 STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS— waiving running of, on street grade warrants 104 STEAM ENGINES — inspection of 164 BOILERS — inspection of 164 unlawful to operate without license 165 STOCK— regulating driving of, on graded streets 188 unlawful to allow grazing of, on streets 180 running at large prohibited 182 STOLEN PROPERTY— providing for sale of, by police department 218 STORES— shall close on Sunday 118 STREETS — (See Local Improvements ; See Public Works) : running east and west designated as avenues 299 running north and south designated as streets 299 issuance of bonds for improvements of 97 bonds required for using for public works 87 in new additions shall conform to old streets 302 unlawful to offer wood, hay, etc., for sale on 302 numbering of houses, required on 300 official designation of numbers on various 301 obstruction of sidewalks on, prohibited 173 handling of naptha, kerosene, etc., on paved, regulated 172 obstruction by digging up, etc., regulated 169 regulating use of 169 INDEX TO MUNICIPAL CODE. 603 Streets — Continued. lights shall be maintained, from dark to sunrise, upon obstructed. . .179, 268 providing for protection of paved 170 unlawful to mix mortar on paved 170 unlawful to throw firecrackers, etc., on paved 170 regulating use of express, drays, wagons, etc 172 games, shows, etc., on. prohibited 173 unlawful to play musical instruments on without permit 173 placing of glass, nails, etc., on, prohibited 168 playing ball on, prohibited 174 bootblacks prohibited from soliciting on 175 unlawful to obstruct crossings 176 shooting blow-guns, sling-shots, etc., on, prohibited 174 placing of salt on, unlawful 179 depositing material and rubbish on, unlawful 168 depositing glass, bottles, bricks, mortar, wood, garbage, paper, etc., unlawful to sw r eep dirt, papers, etc., into 168 unlawful to leave fire wood in for more than 24 hours 168 must be cleaned after delivery of wood and coal 168 unlawful to distribute circulars and hand-bills on 169 construction of sidewalks on 200 maintenance and repair of sidewalks on 197 incombustible sidewalks, required in fire limits and on paved streets... 205 regulating plumbing in 205 laying of gas mains in 211 creating districts for construction of sidewalks on 81 providing for improvement of 74 police patrol granted right-of-way on 217 unlawful to permit slops or nauseous substance to flow in 130 speed of bicycles limited to eight miles an hour on 191 unlawful to ride bicycles upon, without complete control of bicycle. . . . 192 providing for protection of bicycle paths on 193 bicycle road commission to supervise bicycle paths 193 soliciting prostitution on, prohibited Ill loitering on. prohibited 117 speed of riding and driving on 112 horses and other animals must be fastened w'hile standing on 112 children prohibited from loitering on 117 persons must turn to right w^hile driving on 112 police may examine persons abroad on at night 114 penalty for indecent exposure on 114 blocking of by railroad cars, prohibited 127 railroad gates required at crossings 128 regulating driving of stock on 188 right-of-way for fire department, on 223 regulating use of banners, awnings and signs on 175 STREET CARS— unlawful to get on or off while in motion 125 regulating speed of 126 STREET CROSSINGS— unlawful to obstruct 176 unlawful for street railway cars, to obstruct 176 I STREET GRADE WARRANTS — waiving running of statute of limitations on 105 STREET GRADES — (See Local Improvements.) 604 INDEX TO MUNICIPAL CODE . STREET IMPROVEMENTS — issuance of bonds for 97 ? ioi foreclosure of liens for 91 assessments and collection of, for street intersections 80 STREET INTERSECTIONS — method of assessments and collection for improvements on 80 SUB-SEWERS — construction of 83 SUITS— foreclosure of liens for local improvements by 91 Corporation Counsel shall bring to collect delinquent assessments 93 SUPPLIES— for officers, purchased by requisition 64 SUNDAY— unlawful to give performance on Sunday 118 business houses and saloons shall close on 118 places of amusement shall close on 118 unlawful to display goods for sale on sidewalks 6n 177 SWILL — permit required for gathering 142 hours for gathering 133, 143 T TAGS — for bicycle licenses, how issued 195 for dogs and bitches licensed 188 TAXES — remitting penalty and interest upon certain delinquent 311 TEAMS— fixing wages for, employed by city 72 TENEMENT HOUSES— regulating construction of 259 THEATRES, VARIETY — license fee 159 unlawful for women to solicit drinks in variety 152 boxes prohibited in variety 152 unlawful to give performance on Sunday 118. doors used in, must be kept unfastened during performance. . 236, 271 TRAINS— limit speed of within city limits 126 TRANSPORTATION — ( See Hacks.) TREASURE It — shall collect local improvement assessments 77, 80, 86 salary of deputies 65 shall transmit to Corporation Counsel statement of all delinquent assessments 93 TREES— planting of along sidewalks 204 unlawful to injure or destroy 121 TRESPASSING — unlawful on railroad cars 125 TRICYCLES— licensing of 19*> prohibited on sidewalks 191 INDEX TO MUNICIPAL CODE. 605 V VACATIONS — Part of Main avenue, between Riverside and Monroe streets. 303 of streets and alleys (see Part II) 380 VAGRANTS — defined and punishment j 107 disorderly persons are 107 VARIETY THEATRES — license fee for 1.51 boxes, prohibited in 152 employment of females in, other than as performers, prohibited 152 shall close at 2 a. m 152 bonds shall be given conditioned for conducting an orderly house 152 performances on Sunday prohibited 118 VAULTS— regulating construction of 132 cleaning of, permit required for 132 VEGETABLES— unlawful to sell decayed and unwholesome . 134 decayed, etc., shall be destroyed in crematory 298 license fee for peddling 150 VEHICLES— regulating standing of on paved streets 171 handling kerosene, naphtha, etc., shall provide pan to catch drippings. . 172 number of licensed must be placed upon lamps on 172 riding or driving on sidewalks prohibited 112 obstruction of street crossings by, prohibited •„ 176 speed of on streets, regulated 112 regulating riding and driving of 112 for hire, must obtain license 153 fares for use of 293 penalty for demanding or receiving fares in excess of fixed price 294 (See Hacks.) (See Express Wagons.) VICIOUS DOGS — when police to kill 190 w WAGES— paid for teams by city 72 WARDS— election precincts established in 304 WARRANTS — rate of interest on redemption and judgment fund fixed at six per cent. 94 general fund, how redeemed 95 waiving statutes of limitations on 104 interest on all, fixed at six per cent 97 providing for investment of $2000 from hospital fund, in 227 redemption of improvement and general fund, provided for 94 bonds to be issued instead of, for special improvement 96 WATER — rules and regulations for use of 240 regulations for connections for 240 permits must be obtained for connection for 240 applications for use of must be made by owner, or agent of property. . . 241 rates for use cf, and districts, when payable 241 6o6 INDEX TO MUNICIPAL CODE. Water — C ontinued. rates unpaid, when due, penalty of 50 cents added 241 penalty for furnishing water to parties occupying other premises 242 regulating use of for sprinkling, etc 242 rates for use of 243 providing districts for sprinkling 245 hours for use of for sprinkling purposes 245 penalty for sprinkling out of hours 245 must be turned off when alarm of fire is given 240 regulations of size of hose outlet for sprinkling 246 penalty for unauthorized use of 247 impure in wells and cisterns, use of prohibited 134 Treasurer shall collect rates 246 WATER DEPARTMENT— shall provide rules for use of water 240 WATER MAINS — \ plumbing connections with 240, 280 superintendent of, shall have charge of system 247 superintendent shall keep record of taps, bath-tubs, sprinklers, etc 248 report of shall be made to Council every year 24» engineers shall have charge of pumping station 250 WATER RATES — City Treasurer shall collect 246 for use of water 243 WEAPONS — concealed, unlawful to carry . 114 WEIGHTS — creation of office inspector of 294 full ton of coal required on all sales 297 WHOLESALE LICENSE— for liquor dealers 152 WINDOW SILLS — placing of objects on prohibited 120 WINES— sale of to minors, prohibited 108 WIRES — regulations for installing electric in buildings 281 WITNESSES — paid from Police Court fund 70 WOMEN — employment of in saloons prohibited 109 WOOD— full cord required on all sales of 297 unlawful to offer for sale on streets 302 WORK— eight hours to constitute a day for city, and wages for 72 INDEX TO PART II. 607 INDEX TO PART II REFERENCES ARE TO PAGES. [ This index covers all ordinances in Part II, published by title only. Street improvement ordinances are indexed under name of the street .] A AT AMS STREET— establishing grade of, from Boone to Mallon avenues 313 grading of from Fifth street to City limits 313 re-assess for grading of from Fifth avenue to City limits 313 confirming re-assessment roll for grading of, from Fifth avenue to City limits 313 issue bonds to pay for grading of, from Fifth avenue to City limits. . . . 313 grading of, from Fourteenth to Twenty-first street 313 levying special tax for grading of, from Fourteenth to Twenty-first avenues 313 grading of, from Sprague to Fifth avenues 313 sidewalking from Sprague to Second avenues 313 ADDISON STREET — establishing grade of, from Boone to Carlisle streets 314 ALICE AVENUE— establishing grede of, from Monroe to Jefferson streets 314 ARTHUR STREET— establishing grade of, from Highland to Twelfth avenues 314 grading of, from Fourth avenue to Washington street 314 ASH STREET — establish grade of, from Tenth to Fourteenth avenues 314 establish grade of, from Fifth to Tenth avenues 3 14 grading of, from Broadway to D street 314 AUGUSTA AVENUE— establishing grade of, from Monroe to Ash streets 314 establish, grade of, from Standard to Atlantic streets 314 grading and sidewalking of, from Monroe to Howard streets 313 confirming roll for grading of, from Monroe to Howard streets 314 confirming roll for sidewalking of, from Monroe to Howard streets. . . . 315 ACCOUNTS— settlement of between City and Browne National Bank 398 ADDITIONS — (See Vacations.) vacations of 380 ALLEYS — See Vacations.) establish grade of, in block 14, Re-survey and Addition, from Howard to Mill streets 395 establish grade of in block 13, Re-survey and Addition, from Mill to Post street 395 establish grade of alley in block 3, South Park addition, from Walnut to Maple street 395 APPROPRIATIONS— $600 for Hangman Creek road 402 $300 for W. T. Press Association 402 $200 for grading and repairing Hilliard street • 402 $1200 for care of paupers 402 6o8 INDEX TO PART II. Appropriations — C ontinued. $150 for pest house 402 $400 for removing buildings 402 $1000 for repairing Post street bridge 403 $4500 for grading Front street 403 $1000 for printing pamphlets . 403 $50Q for improving Bridge street 403 $250 for improving Fifth avenue 403 $1000 for improving Main street 403 $600 for furniture for City Surveyor 403 $500 for flood and fire sufferers 403 $6000 to fire department 403 $250 to legal department 403 $5000 to purchase part of lot 3 block 10 R. R. addition 403 $4000 to N. P. R. R. Co. for building retaining walls 403 $1073.49 for Phillip Buchner, materials for water works 403 $877.75 for Moffat Bros., for excavations 403 $5200 for water department 403 $784 for hose house 403 $3730 to E. B. Preston & Co., for hook and ladder truck 403 $650 for horses 403 $1800 for fire alarm bell 403 $3250 for fire alarm 403 $500 for horses 404 $406.25 for extras for fire alarm 404 $350 for examining Monroe street bridge 404 $1280 for city dump 404 $150 for hose cart 404 $150 for Memorial day 404 $4200 to pay interest on bonds 404 $10,000 to purchase iron pipes for mains 404 $7000 to extend water main on Monroe street 404 $400 for a fire bell for north side 404 $5150 for hose 404 $500 to defray expenses city census 404 $9850 to purchase one-half of lot 5, block 1, Railroad addition 404 $476 50 extension of water mains on Chestnut street 404 $2500 for horses for fire department 404 $2000 extension of sewer on Riverside and Bernard streets 404 $25,000 for piers on Monroe street bridge 404 $5500 for water mains 404 $200 for harness, etc 404 $10,000 for fire engines 404 $600 for cement 404 $1432.50 for hose wagons, etc 404 $250 for Jones & Voorhees, legal services 405 $2000 for horses 405 $500 for City Attorney 405 $1000 for framing charter 405 $20,000 for piers, Monroe street bridge 405 $1000 to enforce interstate commerce law 405 $500 for Home of Friendless 405 $500 for St. Joseph’s Orphanage 403 $500 to Sacred Heart Hospital 405 $500 to Jones, Belt & Quinn 405 $2650 to pay Curry judgment 403 $64,000 to purchase public grounds 405 $5500 to C. B. Dunning, police justice 405 $36,000 for Division street bridge 405 INDEX TO PART II. 609 Appropriations — C ontinued. $23,010 for bridges on Howard street 405 $473 for litigation, interstate commerce law 405 $600 to Home of Friendless 405 $300 to St. Joseph’s Orphanage 405 $500 to Chamber of Commerce 405 $250 to employ attorneys 406 $210.50 to entertain Presbyterian delegates 406 $300 to St. Joseph’s Orphanage 406 ,$800 to employ legal assistance 406 $1000 for Coeur d’Alene Park 406 $500 for legislative committee 406 $500 to library fund 406 $4000 for hospital 406 $1000 for 'legal assistance 406 $2100 for watqr pipe 406 $4750 to pay judgment of Mary Sater 406 $650 to purchase lots 406 $600 to purchase real estate 406 $1500 to purchase real estate 406 $100 for delegate to Denver 406 $250 for litigation 406 $500 for J. M. Comstock 407 $1237.60 for fire department 407 $1000 for litigation 407 $1800 to A. F. Gill for services 407 for caring for orphans and juvenile offenders 407 $17,000 for additional pumps 407 $50 to the G. A. R 407 $100 to expenses Fourth of July celebration 407 $50 -a. month to March, 1902, for Door of PJope 407 $4000 for fire department 407 $89,729.85 from water fund for improvement water system 407 $200 for Spokane Press Club 407 for caring for orphans 407 $450 for repairing and paving Riverside avenue 408 for fallen women and orphans 408 for St. Joseph’s Orphanage and Home of Friendless 408 $150 for right-of-way for bridge over Latah Creek 408 $300 for Latah Creek bridge right-of-way 408 $15,000 for crematory 408 $400 for Fire Chief 408 $2900 for Cannon Hill pumping station 408 $2000 for site for pumping station 408 $2646 to pay for maintenance of pavement on Riverside avenue 408 $250 to purchase site for fire station 408 $1526.60 to pay taxes 408 $200 for Peaceful Valley road 409 $3000 for fire alarm boxes 409 $500 reward for capture of persons who held up Ross Park car 409 $1000 for site for fire station 409 for St. Joseph’s Orphanage, Home of Friendless, and Crittenden Mission 409 $33,000 for erection of stand-pipe 409 ratify purchase of crematory site 409 $12,000 for water mains on Main avenue 409 $450 for claim of J. A. Coverly 409 $200 for claim of H. E. Quelley 409 for purchase land from J. A. Williams and Lena Gerlach 409 for street grade assessments lot 1 block 1, Ollis addition 409 INDEX TO PART II. 6co Appropriations — Continued. $250 to Humane Society 409 $250 to purchase land to widen Division street 409 $1000 for entertaining president 409 $250 for G. A. R 410 $769.58 for H. L. Burns 410 $38.25 to H. H. Heritage 410 $850 to purchase lots for fire station 410 $50 to N. F. Stokes, settlement of claim 410 $250 to J. J. Browne, Division street rock cut 410 ATHLETIC CLUB— granting free use of water to 398 AVENUES — (See Vacations.) grading of from Third to Eighth avenues 315 reassess for grading from Third to Eighth avenues 315 confirm re-assessment for grading of, from Third to Eighth avenues. . . 315 B BERNARD STREET — (Formerly Saxton) — issue bonds to pay for grading of, from Third to Eighth avenues. ..... 315 grading of from First street and north end of Bernard street 315 re-assess for grading of from First to north end of Bernard street 315 sidewalking of part of Eighth street 315 sewering of from Seventh to Eighth avenues, and on Eighth avenue to McClellan street 315 extend water mains on, from Fifth to Sixth avenues, and Fifth avenue between Washington and Bernard streets 316 confirming roll for sewering from Seventh to Eighth avenues 316 BISHOP COURT — establish grade of, from Monroe to Jefferson streets 316 BOONE AVENUE — (Formerly Spokane Street) — grading of, from Victoria (now Division street) to College (now Gon- zaga street) 316 grading of, from Monroe street to west city limits 316 re-assess for grading, from Monroe street to west city limits 316 confirm re-assessment of, for grading from Monroe street to west city limits 316 issue bonds to pay for grading from Monroe street to west city limits. . 316 sidewalking of from Gonzaga (formerly College street), to Division street 316 providing for sidewalking of, from Monroe to Cochran streets 317 BRIDGE AVENUE — grading of, from Monroe street to Post street bridge 317 providing for paving of, from Monroe to Lincoln streets 317 confirming roll for paving from Monroe to Lincoln streets 317 BRIDGEPORT AVENUE— establishing grade of, from Arch to Martha streets 317 grading of, from Division to Perry streets 317 BROADWAY — grade from Chestnut to Post streets 317 re-assess for grade. Chestnut to Post streets 317 confirm re-assessment roll 317 issue bonds, to pay for grading from Chestnut to Post streets 318 sidewalk from Chestnut to Monroe streets 318 BROWNE STREET — (Formerly Park Street) — grading between Main and Sprague avenues 318 INDEX TO PART II. 6ir Browne Street — C ontinued. re-assess for grading, from Main to Sprague avenues 318 confirm re-assessment for grading from Main to Sprague avenues 318 issue bonds to pay for grading of, from Main to Sprague avenues 318 BONDS — providing for issuance of, funding 397 issuance of, for money borrowed for public parks 398 submission of question of loan to voters 398 issuance of, for water works 399 $70,000 issued to extend water works 399 issuance of, to refund indebtedness on water works 399 issuance of, to complete water works 399 $10,000 issued for water works 400 $350,000 issued to refund warrants 399 $1,200,000 issued for water works and other purposes 401 BRIDGES — transferring right to County to erect on North Howard street 395 accepting Monroe street bridge 395 construction of, on Olive avenue. 395 BROWNE NATIONAL BANK — settlement of account of city against 398 c CANNON STREET — established grade of from Riverside to Sixth avenues 318 grad’ng and sidewalking of, from Riverside to Fifth avenues 318 confirming grade of, from Riverside to Sixth avenues 318 establishing grade of, from Fifth to Tenth avenues 319 CARLISLE AVENUE — providing for grading and sidewalking of, from Monroe to Lincoln street 319 confirming roll 319 CEDAR STREET — sewer from Second to Riverside 319 confirm assessment roll 319 sewer from Fourth to Second 319 confirm assessment roll 319 CHANDLER STREET — establishing grade of, from Fourth to Eighth avenues 319 CLARKE AVENUE — establish grade of, from Huron to North street 319 CLEVELAND AVENUE — establishing grade of, between Post street and Corbin Park addition. . . . 319 CHESTNUT STREET — confirming roll for grading from Second to Fourth avenues 319 grading and curbing of, from Second to Fourth avenues 319 establishing grade of, from Second to Riverside avenues 320 grading and sidewalking of, from Riverside to Second avenues 320 grading of, from Fourth to Fifth avenues.... 320 confirming roll for grading of, from Fourth to Fifth avenues 320 sidewalking of, from Fifth to Fourth avenues 320 confirming roll for sidewalkiug of. from Fourth to Fifth avenues 320 establishing grade of, from Bridge to Maxwell avenues 320 grading and sidewalking of, from Bridge to Boone avenues 320 COLLEGE AVENUE — grade from Monroe to west city limits 320 re-assess 321 612 INDEX TO PART II. College Avenue — Continued. confirm assessment roll 321 issue bonds 321 sidewalk from Monroe to Chestnut streets 321 extend water main on, from Cedar to Home streets 321 establishing grade of, from Chestnut to Summit Boulevard 321 grading and sidewalking of, from Chestnut to Summit Boulevard 321 confirming roll for grading of, from Chestnut to Summit Boulevard... 321 confirming roll for sidewalking of, from Chestnut to Summit Boulevard. 321 CORA AVENUE — establishing grade of, from Monroe to Jefferson street 322 COEUIt D’ALENE STREET— establish grade of, from Fourth to Fifth avenues 322 grading of, from Fourth to Fifth avenues 322 confirming roll for grading, sidewalking, etc., between Fourth and Fifth avenues 322 COUItTLAND AVENUE— establishing grade of, from Arch to Martha streets 322 CANNON STREET— vacation of portion of 383 CENSUS— providing for taking for 1890 399 COLLEGE AVENUE— changing name of part of to Gonzaga street 397 CONDEM NATION— lot J, block 74. Central addition 395 certain land for water main 395 lot 5, block 14, 2nd addition to West Riverside 395 tract south of Ninth avenue 396 CREMATORY — ratifying purchase of- site for 409 appropriation for 409 D DEAN AVENUE— establishing grade of, from Cedar to Jefferson streets 322 grading from Cedar to Cochran streets 322 confirming roll for grading and sidewalking of, from Cedar to Cochran streets 322 establishing grade of, from Cochran to Lindeke streets 322 grading and sidewalking of, from Cochran to Lindeke streets 322 confirming roll for grading and parking, from Cochran to Lindeke streets 323 DENVER STREET— establishing grade of, from Newark to Celesta avenue 323 DE SMET AVENUE— grading of Skillig street (now DeSmet avenue), from Victoria street (now Division street) to College avenue (now Gonzaga avenue) .... 323 sidew r alking of, between Division and Hamilton street 323 DIVISION STREET— grading of, from Riverside avenue to Division street bridge 323 re-assess for grading from Riverside avenue to Division street bridge . . 323 confirm assessment roll 323 issue bonds 323 (formerly Victoria street) grade from bridge to old north city limits. . . 323 re-assess 323 INDEX TO PART II. 613 Division Street — C ontinued. confirm assessment roll 323 issue bonds 324 grade from Mission street, northerly 324 levy tax from Mission street, northerly 324 grading and making slope on lot 1, block 74, Central addition, for 324 sidewalk from S. L. S. & E. track to Montgomery 324 sidewalk from Spokane river to Mission avenue 324 sidewalk from Mission avenue to Montgomery avenue 324 sidewalk from bridge to Harrison avenue 324 E EIGHTH AVENUE — confirming roll for grading, from Sherman to Hatch streets 326 grade from Washington to Sherman streets 324 sewer from Bernard to McClellan streets 315 sidewalk from Browne to Washington streets 324 establish grade of, from Lincoln to Chestnut streets 324 establish grade of, from Hatch to Ivory streets 324 establishing the grade of, from east to west line of Chestnut street. . . . 324 grading, from Chestnut to Monroe streets 325 confirming roll for grading of, from Chestnut to Monroe streets 325 confirming roll for sidewalking of, from Monroe to Chestnut streets. . . . 325 providing for grading of, from Hatch to Ivory streets 325 confirming roll for grading of, from Hatch to Ivory streets 325 providing for grading of, from Sherman to Hatch streets 326 confirming roll for grading and parking of, from Sherman to Hatch streets 326 changing name of Rusk avenue to 397 ELECTION — to vote on constructing water works 398 ELEVENTH AVENUE— establishing grade of, from Maple to Elm streets 326 establishing grade of, from Perry to Pittsburg streets 326 establishing grade of, from Adams to Monroe streets 326 establishing grade of, from West Arthur to Ivory streets 326 establishing grade of. from Arthur to Ivory streets 326 grading and sidewalking of, from Adams to Monroe streets 326 grading and sidewalking of, from Arthur to Ivory streets 326 ELM STREET — grade from Riverside to Fourth avenue 327 laying water mains on, between Pacific and Third avenues 327 establishing grade of, from Tenth to Twelfth avenues 327 establishing grade of, from Fifth to Tenth avenues 327 EMPIRE AVENUE — establishing grade of, from Arch to Martha streets 327 ERMINA AVENUE — establishing grade of, from Division to Astor streets 327 grading and sidewalking of, from Division to Astor streets 327 F FERRY STREET — grading of from Bernard to Center street 327 FIFTH AVENUE — (Formerly Fifth Street) — grade, Bernard to Cannon 327 re-assess 327 6 r 4 INDEX TO PART II. Fifth Avenue — C ontinued. confirm re-assessment roll 327 issue bonds 327 (formerly Fourth street) grade from Spokane to old city limits 327 re-assess 327 confirm assessment roll 328 issue bonds 328 grade from Hatch to Arthur streets 328 sewer from Madison to Adams streets 328 confirm assessment roll for sewer 328 establish grade of, from Spokane to Hatch streets 328 establish grade of, from Monroe to Cedar streets 328 establish grade of, from Coeur d’Alene to Cannon streets 328 establishing grade of, from Pittsburg to Regal streets 328 grading and parking of, from Cedar to Monroe streets 328 confirming roll for grading Fifth avenue, from Monroe to Cedar streets. 329 grading and sidewalking of, from Coeur d’Alene to Cannon streets 329 confirming roll for grading and sidewalking from Coeur d’Alene to Cannon streets 329 grading and sidewalking of, from Pittsburg to Regal streets 329 FIRST AVENUE — (Formerly First Street) — grade from Chestnut to Washington 329 re-assess 329 sewer from Mill to Howard streets 329 sewer from Post to Mill streets 329 sewer from Post to Lincoln streets 329 sewer from Walnut to Cedar streets 330 confirm roll 330 sewer from Madison to Cedar streets 330 confirm roll 330 sewer from Walnut to a point west of Maple 330 Establish grade of, from Chestnut to Poplar streets 330 establish grade of, from Madison to Washington streets 330 establishing grade of, from Lee to Helena streets 330 sewer from Walnut to Maple streets 330 paving of, from Madison to Washington streets 330 confirming roll for paving First avenue from Madison to Washington streets 330 grading and sidewalking of, from Maple to Chestnut streets 331 grading and sidewalking of, from Lee to Helena streets 331 grading and sidewalking of, from Washington to Bernard streets 331 confirming roll for sidewalking of, from Washington to Bernard streets. 331 confirming roll for grading of, from Washington to Bernard streets. . . . 331 confirming roll for sewer on, from Ash to Spruce streets 331 construction of sewer on, from Ash to Spruce streets 332 construction of sewer on, from Stevens to Washington streets 332 confirming roll for sewer on, from Stevens to Washington streets 332 construction of sewer, from Madison to Lincoln streets 332 confirming roll for sewer on, from Madison to Lincoln streets 332 FOURTH AVENUE — (Formerly Fourth Street) — grade, Chestnut to Chandler streets 332 QQ9 re-assess confirm assessment roll 332 issue bonds ^32 grade, from Chestnut to Spruce streets 333 sidewalk, from McClellan to Grant streets 333 sewer on, from Lincoln to Jefferson streets 333 confirming assessment roll sewer, Lincoln to Jefferson streets 333 INDEX TO PART II. 615 Fourth Avenue — C ontinued. sewering of, from Cedar to Oak streets 333 confirming roll for sewering from Cedar to Oak streets 333 providing for sewer on, from Oak to Spruce streets 333 confirming roll for sewer on, from Oak to Spruce streets 334 FOURTEENTH AVENUE — establishing grade of, from Maple to Race streets 334 establishing grade of, from Perry to Helena streets 334 FREDERIC AVENUE- establishing grade of, from Monroe to West Oval street 334 grading and sidewalking of, from Monroe to Post streets 334 FRONT AVENUE — grade, from Stevens to Grant streets 334 sidewalk, from Grant street to bridge 334 sewer, from Grant to Post streets 334 sewer on. from Bernard to Division streets 334 confirming roll for sewer, from Bernard to Division streets 334 sewer on, from Division to Grant streets 335 confirming roll for sewer on. from Division to Grant streets 335 FOURTH WARD— establishing sewer district No. 2, for 396 FUNDS— loans made for salary 398 transfer of $2000 to special supplies fund 398 transfer from various 398 $750 from hospital, invested in warrants 398 hospital, investment of, in warrants 398 vote on loan and bond issue, submitted 401 FUNDING BONDS — providing for issuance of 399 G GARDNER AVENUE — establish grade of, from Cedar to Jefferson streets 335 establish grade of, from Jefferson to Monroe streets 335 establishing grade of, from Jefferson to Hollis streets 335 grading of, between Jefferson and Lindeke streets 335 confirming roll for grading of, from Jefferson to Lindeke streets 335 sidewalking of. from Jefferson to Lindeke streets 335 confirming roll for sidewalking of, from Jefferson to Lindeke streets... 335 GLASS AVENUE— establishing grade of, from Arch to Martha streets 336 GORDON AVENUE— establishing grade of, from Arch to Martha streets 336 GRANT STREET — grading and sidewalking of, from Third to Hartson avenues 336 confirming roll for grading and sidewalking, from Third to Hartson avenues 336 GONZAGA STREET — changing name of part of College avenue to 397 H HAMILTON STREET — establish grade of, from Sharp to Montgomery avenues 336 grading of, from Sharp to Montgomery avenues 33b confirming roll for sidewalking, from Sharp to Montgomery avenues .... 336 6i6 INDEX TO PART II. Hamilton Strelt — C ontinue*!. side walking of, from Sharp to Montgomery avenues 336 grading, from Sharp to Montgomery avenues 337 grading, from U. F. Ry. tracks to Sharp avenue 337 HARRISON STREET— grading, from Washington to Victoria streets 337 HARTSON AVENUE — establish grade of, from Pine to Arthur streets 337 HARVEY AVENUE — establishing grade of, from Arch to Martha streets 337 HATCH STREET— grading, from Sprague to Fifth avenues 337 establish grade of, from Eighth to Rusk avenues 337 sidewalking of, between Highland and Webster avenues 337 grading of, between Highland and Webster avenues 337 confirming roll for grading of, from Highland to Webster avenues 337 HAVERMALE STREET — establish grade of, from Washington to McBroom streets 338 HELENA STREET — establishing grade of, from Tenth to Fourteenth avenues 338 HEMLOCK STREET— establishing grade of, frbm Fourth to Sixth avenues 338 grading and sidewalking of, from Fourth to Sixth avenues 338 confirming roll for sidewalking of, from Fourth to Sixth avenues 338 confirming roll for grading of, from Fourth to Sixth avenues 338 HIGHLAND AVENUE — establish grade of, from Sherman to Arthur streets 338 grading and sidewalking of, from Sherman to Arthur streets 338 confirming roll for grading and sidewalking of, from Sherman to Arthur streets 338 HILLIARD STREET — grade, from Sprague to North avenues 339 HOWARD STREET — grade, from Riverside to Seventh avenues 339 sewer, from Sprague to First avenues 339 sewer, from First to Seventh avenues 339 paving, from Riverside to Front avenues 339 confirming roll, for paving k 339 establish grade of, from Riverside to First avenues 339 providing for paving of, from N. P. Ry. Co.’s right-of-way to Second avenue 339 confirming roll for paving of, from N. P. Ry. Co.’s right-of-way to Second avenue 339 providing for paving, from Riverside avenue to N. P. Ry. Co.’s right-of- way 340 confirming roll for paving from Riverside avenue to N. P. Ry. Co.’s right-of-way 340 establish grade of, from bridge to Waverly Place 340 grading of, from S. L. S. & E. Ry. Co.’s right-of-way to Waverly Place. . 340 confirming roll for grading, from S'. L. S. & E. Ry. Co.’s right-of-way to Waverly Place 340 HURON STREET— sewer on 340 confirm assessment roll for sewer, on 340 HAY’S PARK— providing for laying water mains in 396 INDEX TO PART II. 617 HIGHLAND AVENUE— changing name of North avenue to 396 I INDIANA AVENUE — establish grade of, from Division to Perry streets 340 grading and sidewalking of, from Division to Perry streets 340 confirming roll for grading and sidewalking of, from Division to Perry streets 341 grade, from Chestnut to Division streets 341 sidewalk, from Division to Washington streets 341 sidewalk, from Monroe to Washington streets 341 ILLINOIS AVENUE— establish grade of, from Dakota to Regal streets 341 grading of, from Perry to Regal streets 341 J JEFFERSON STREET— establish grade of, from Boone to Mallon avenues 341 grading, from Riverside avenue to Fourteenth avenue 341 K KNOX AVENUE — establishing grade of, from Monroe to Jefferson streets 341 grading and sidewalking of, from Monroe to Jefferson streets 341 confirming roll for grading and parking, from Monroe to Jefferson streets 341 grading and sidewalking of, from Howard to Division streets 342 confirming roll for grading of, from Howard to Division streets 342 L LAKE STREET — grade from Division to east line of Agnew & Byers addition 342 LIBERTY AVENUE— establishing grade of, from Arch to Martha streets 342 LIDGERWOOD STREET — establish grade of, from Fairview to Bridgeport avenues 342 LINCOLN STREET— establishing grade of, from York to Effie avenues 342 establish grade of, between Boone and Cora avenues 342 establish grade of, from First to Fifth avenues 342 establish grade of, from Riverside to First avenues 342 establishing grade of, from Seventh to Ninth avenues 343 establishing grade of, from Lincoln street to Ninth avenue 343 sewer, from Main to Sprague avenue 343 sewer, from First to Sprague avenues 343 grade, from Riverside to Main avenues 343 paving of, from Riverside to N. P. Ry. Co.’s right-of-way 343 confirming roll for paving from Riverside avenue to N. P. Ry. Co.’s right-of-way 343 grading of, between N. P. Ry. Co.’s right-of-way and Fifth avenue 343 confirming roll for grading of, from N. P. Ry. Co.’s right-of-way to Fifth avenue 343 sidewalking, between N. P. Ry. Co.’s right-of-way and Fifth avenue. . . . 344 confirming roll for sidewalking, from N. P. Ry. Co.’s right-of-way to Fifth avenue 344 6i8 INDEX TO PART II. Lincoln Street — C ontinued. grading and sidewalking of, from Indiana to Sharp avenues 344 confirming roll for sidewalking of, from Indiana to Sharp avenues 344 confirming roll for grading of, from Indiana to Sharp avenues 344 sewer on, from Riverside to Main avenues 345 fixing width of, from Effie to York avenue 396 LATAH AVENUE — vacation of portion of 381 M MADISON STREET — establish grade of. from Second to Riverside avenue 345 providing for grading from Second to Riverside avenue 345 confirming roll for grading of, from Riverside to Second avenue 345 MAIN AVENUE (formerly Main street) — grade from Park to Alder 345 sewer from Maple to Spokane river 345 establishing grade of, from Huron to Michigan streets 345 establishing grade of, from Division to Lincoln streets 345 sewer on, from Post to Lincoln streets 345. confirming roll for sewer on from Post to Lincoln streets 345 providing for grading of, from Huron to Michigan streets 345 confirming roll for grading of, from Huron to Michigan streets 346 sidew'alking of, from Huron to Michigan streets 346 confirming roll for sidewalking from Huron to Michigan streets 346 providing for paving of, from Division to Lincoln streets 346 confirming roll for paving from Division to Lincoln streets 346 sewer on, from Lincoln to Huron streets 346 MALLON AVENUE (formerly Mallon street) — grade from Chestnut to East boundary N. P. % section 18 346 reassess . 346 confirm assessment roll 346 issue bonds 347 establishing grade of, from Chestnut to A streets 347 providing for grading and sidewalking of, from Chestnut to A streets. . . 347 confirming roll for sidewalking from Chestnut to A streets 347 confirming roll for grading of, from Chestnut to A streets 347 MAPLE STREET — grade from First to Tenth avenues 347 reassess 347 confirm assessment roll 347 issue bonds 347 grade from Tenth to Fourteenth avenues 347 water mains on 347 establishing grade of, from Boone to Bridge avenues 348 grading and sidewalking from Boone to Bridge avenues 348 confirming roll for sidewalking of, from Boone to Bridge avenues 348 confirming roll for grading from Boone to Bridge avenues 348 construction of sewer on, from Eighth to Tenth avenues 348 confirming roll for sewer on, from Eighth to Tenth avenues 348 providing for sewer from Fifth to Eighth avenues 348 confirming roll for sewering from Fifth to Eighth avenues 348 MARKET STREET (formerly Alder street) — < ' •••Mir. I*, right-of-way to Ferry avenue 349 reassess 349 MAXWELL AVENUE — establishing grade of, from Monroe to Cedar streets 349 INDEX TO PART II. 619 Maxwell Avenue — C ontinued establish grade of, from Monroe to Washington streets 349 establish grade of, from Howard to Washington streets 349 providing for grade of, from Monroe to Cedar streets 349 confirming roll for grading of, from Monroe to Cedar streets 349 sidewalking of, from Monroe to Cedar streets 349 confirming roll for sidewalking of, from Monroe to Cedar streets 349 grading and sidewalking of, from Monroe to Howard streets 349 confirming roll for grading from Monroe to Howard streets 350 MAYFAIR HILL — establish grade of, from Cleveland to Fairview 350 MILL STREET — grade established from First to Sixth avenues 350 grade from Riverside to Post *350 sewer from Sprague to First 350 establishing grade of, from Fifth to Sixth avenues 350 paving of, from Front avenue to N. P. Ry. Co.’s right-of-way 350 confirming roll for paving, from N. P. Ry. Co.’s right-of-way to Front avenue 350 grading and sidewalking from Fifth to Sixth avenues 350 MISSION AVENUE — establishing grade of, from Division to Calispell streets 351 grade of, from Division to North Riverton streets... 351 grade of, from Division to Standard streets 351 confirming roll for grading from Division to Standard streets 351 sidewalk on, from Division to Standard streets 351 confirming roll for sidewalk on, from Division to Standard streets 351 grading and sidewalking of, from Dakota to North Riverton streets... 351 confirming roll for grading and sidewalking of, from Dakota street to North Riverton avenue 351 grading and sidewalking of, from Division to Calispell streets 352 grading of, from Division to Calispell streets 352 MONROE STREET— grade from Bridge street to old North limits 352 grade from Riverside to Ninth 352 reassess 352 confirm re-assessment roll 352 issue bonds 352 grade from Stoll to Cora 352 sewer 352 establish grade of. from Riverside to First avenues 352 paving of, from Bridge to Riverside avenues 352 providing for maintenance of paving on, from the bridge to Riverside avenue 353 paving of, from Riverside to N. P. Ry. Co.’s right-of-way 353 confirming roll for paving from Riverside avenue to N. P. Ry. Co.’s right-of-way 353 providing for paving of, from bridge to Mallon avenue 353 MONTGOMERY AVENUE — establishing grade of, from Cedar to Mill streets 353 MAIN AVENUE— Board of Public Works to provide for maintenance of paving 396 MISSION AVENUE — providing for park on 396 MONROE STREET BRIDGE — acceptance of 395 620 INDEX TO PART II. N NINTH AVENUE— establish grade of, from Lincoln to Chestnut streets 353 sidewalking of, from Lincoln to Chestnut streets 353 confirming roll for sidewalking from Lincoln to Chestnut streets 354 providing for grading of, from Lincoln to Chestnut streets 354 confirming roll for grading of, from Lincoln to Chestnut streets 354 NORA AVENUE — establish grade of, from Monroe to Division streets 354 establish grade of, from Division to Perry streets 354 establishing grade of, from Monroe to Ash streets 354 grading and sidewalking from Division to Columbus 354 confirming roll for grading and sidewalking of, from Division to Co- lumbus streets 354 grading and sidewalking of, from Monroe to Division streets 355 confirming roll for grading of, from Monroe to Division streets 355 confirming roll for sidewalking of, from Monroe to Division streets . . . 355 providing for grading and sidewalking of, from Monroe to Ash streets. 355 confirming roll for grading of, from Lincoln to Chestnut streets 355 NORTH RIVER STREET— grading from west end to Division street 355 NORTH AVENUE— establishing grade of, from Highland to Sherman streets 355 providing for grading of, from Hilliard to Sherman streets 356 confirming roll for grading from Hilliard to Sherman streets 356 providing for sidewalking of, from Hilliard to Sherman streets 356 NINTH AVENUE — condemnation of tract to open Perry street 396 NORTHWEST BOULEVARD — establish and lay out, from Monroe to Second street (or Corbin street) . . 395 NORTH AVENUE— changing name of, to Highland avenue 396 o OAK STREET — establish grade of, from Riverside to Third avenues 356 establish grade of, from Riverside to Fifth avenues 356 establish grade of, from Tenth to Twelfth avenues 356 establishing grade of, from Fifth to Tenth avenues 356 providing for grading of, from Second to Fifth avenues 356 confirming roll for grading of, from Second to Fifth avenues 356 grading and sidewalking of, from Riverside to Fifth avenues 356 sidewalking of, from Second to Riverside avenues 357 grading of, from Second to Riverside avenues 357 confirming roll for grading of, from Riverside to Second avenues 357 providing for sidewalking of, from Second to Fifth avenues 357 confirming roll for sidewalking of, from Second to Fifth avenues 357 providing for sidewalking of, from Second to Riverside avenues 357 confirming roll for sidewalking of, from Second to Riverside avenues.. 357 OLIVE AVENUE— vacation of part of 381 OLIVE STREET BRIDGE — construction of 395 INDEX TO PART II. 621 P PACIFIC AVENUE— grade from Washington to Hatch 358 levy tax to pay for improvement 358 grade, from its east end to old west city limits 358 re-assess 358 sewer, from Spnice to Walnut 358 confirm assessment roll 358 establishing grade of, from Perry to Iiegal streets 358 grading and parking of, from Poplar to Spruce streets 358 confirming roll for grading and parking of, from Poplar to Spruce streets 358 construction of sewer on, from Spruce to Cceur d’Alene streets 358 confirming assessment roll for sewer on, from Spruce to Coeur d’Alene streets 359 grading and sidewalking of, from Perry to Regal streets 359 PENNSYLVANIA STREET— establishing grade of, from Euclid to Empire avenues 359 PARK PLACE— establishing grade of, from Post street to Corbin Park 359 grading and sidewalking of 359 PERRY STREET— establishing grade of, from Ninth to Fourteenth avenues 359 re-establish grade of, on Tenth avenue 359 grading and sidewalking of, from Ninth to Fourteenth avenues 359 PINE STREET — grade, from N. P. Ry. tracks to Hartson avenue 359 re-assess 359 confirm re-assessment roll 360 issue bonds , 360 POST STREET — sewer, from Front to fourteen feet south of Main 360 confirm assessment roil 360 establish grade of, from Third to Fourth avenues 360 construction of a sewer, from Front avenue to Post street bridge 360 paving of, from N. P. right-of-way to Post street bridge 360 confirming roll between N. P. right-of-way and Post street bridge 360 providing for grading and sidewalking of, from N. P. right-of-way to Third avenue 361 confirming roll for grading of, from N. P. right-of-way to Third avenue. 361 PROVIDENCE AVENUE — establishing grade of, from Arch to Martha streets 361 PARKS— providing for borrowing $10,000 for 398 PAVING — Board of Public Works to provide for maintenance of Main avenue .... 396 PERRY STREET — condemnation of tract to open 397 R RACE STREET — establish grade of, from Tenth to Twelfth avenues 361 establish grade of, from Tenth to Thirteenth avenue 361 RIVERSIDE AVENUE— grade from Monroe to Chestnut streets 361 re-assess from Monroe to Chestnut streets 361 622 INDEX TO PART II. Riverside Avenue — C ontinued confirm assessment roll 361 issue bonds 361 sewer, from Washington to Bernard streets 361 sewer, from Division to Bernard streets 362 lay water mains, from Monroe to Division streets 362 establish grade of, from Chestnut to west angle of Riverside avenue. . . 362 paving of, from Monroe to Division streets 362 confirming roll for paving between Monroe and Division streets 362 construction of sewer on, from Washington to Lincoln streets 362 approving roll, sewering Riverside avenue, from Washington to Lincoln streets 362 vacating part of, in Bennett’s addition 382 RUSK AVENUE— establish grade of, from Sherman to Arthur streets 362 establish grade of, from Sherman to Hatch streets 362 changing name of, to Eighth avenue 397 RELEASE — authorizing release of riparian rights to E. E. Alexander 397 RIPARIAN RIGHTS — release of certain, to E. E. Alexander 397 s SECOND AVENUE — (Formerly Second Street) — grade, Washington to Chestnut streets 362 re-assess, Washington to Chestnut streets 363 confirm assessment roll 363 issue bonds 363 grgde, Chestnut to Coeur d'Alene streets 363 grade, Hatch to Arthur streets 363 sidewalk, Chestnut to Coeur d’Alene streets 363 sewer, Washington to Howard streets 363 sewer, Lincoln to Cedar streets 363 confirm assessment roll 363 sewer, Cedar to Coeur d’Alene streets 364 establishing grade from Second avenue to Coeur d’Alene streets 364 sewering, from Cedar to Coeur d’Alene streets 364 approving sewer roll, from Cedar to Coeur d’Alene streets 364 providing for sewer on, from Bernard to Washington streets 364 grading of, from Coeur d’Alene street to Second avenue extension 364 SEVENTH AVENUE— establishing grade of, from Lincoln to Monroe streets 364 establish grade of, from Bernard to Mill streets 364 establish grade of, from Bernard to Browne streets 364 grading of, from Bernard to Browne streets 364 confirming roll for grading, between Bernard and Browne streets 365 grading of, from Lincoln to Maple streets 365 confirming roll for grading, between Lincoln and Maple streets 365 establish grade of, from Monroe to Maple streets 365 (formerly Seventh street) grade, Lincoln to Chestnut streets 365 sewer, Washington to Bernard streets 366 sidewalk, Bernard to Howard streets 365 sidewalk, Washington to 375 feet west 365 SHANNON AVENUE — establishing grade of, from Cedar to Mill streets 366 SHARP AVENUE — (Formerly Sharp Street) — grade, Post to Jefferson streets 366 INDEX TO PART II. 623 Shaup Avenue — C ontinued. grade. Pearl to Superior streets 366 establish grade of. from Post to Washington streets 366 establishing grade of, from Elm to Nettleton streets 366 grading of, from Washington to Post streets 366 confirming roll for grading of, from Washington to Post streets 366 grading and sidewalking of, from Jefferson to Hollis streets 366 confirming roll for grading from Jefferson to Hollis streets 366 sidewalking of, between Hamilton and College streets 366 SHERIDAN STREET— grade. Front to Olive avenues 367 establishing grade of, from Fifth to Hartson avenues 367 establish grade of. from Hartson to Sprague avenues 367 grading and sidewalking, from Hartson to Fifth avenues 367 confirming roll for grading, from Hartson to Fifth avenues 367 confirming roll for sidewalking, from Hartson to Fifth avenues 367 SHERMAN STREET — grade, Sprague to Tenth avenues 367 re-assess, Sprague to Tenth avenues 367 confirm assessment roll 367 issue bonds 367 construction of sidewalk, from Third to Rusk avenues 368 confirming roll for sidewalking of, from Third to Rusk avenues 368 providing for issuing bonds for sidewalking, between Third and Rusk avenues 368 confirming roll for sidewalk, from Third' to Rusk avenues 368 SINTO AVENUE — establish grade of, from Division to Monroe streets 368 establishing grade of, from Monroe to Division streets 368 establishing grade of, from Monroe to Cedar streets 368 providing for grading and sidewalking of, from Pearl to Division streets 368 grading and sidewalking of, from Monroe to Division streets 368 grading and sidewalking of, from Monroe to Cedar streets 369 grading and sidewalking, from Dakota to Columbus streets 369 SIXTH AVENUE— (Formerly Sixth Street) — grade, Bernard to Mill streets 369 grade, Mill to Post streets 369 grade, Lincoln to Maple streets 369 sewer, Bernard to Howard streets 369 establishing grade of, from Monroe to Maple streets 369 establishing grade of, from Monroe to Jefferson streets 369 grading and sidewalking, between Monroe and Jefferson streets 369 confirming roll for grading and sidewalking of, from Monroe to Jeffer- son streets 369 grading of, from Adams to Cedar streets 369 confirming roll for grading of, from Adams to Cedar streets 370 providing for grading of, from Adams to Cedar streets 370 grading and sidewalking of, from Bernard to Browne streets 370 SKILLIG STREET — (See DeSmet Avenue). SOUTH CENTER STREET — grading of, in Havermale’s addition 370 SPOFFORD AVENUE — providing for grading and sidewalking of, from Monroe to Howard streets 370 establishing grade of, from Cedar to Monroe streets 370 grading and sidewalking of, from Monroe to Cedar streets 370 624 INDEX TO PART II. SPOKANE STREET— establish grade of, from Third to Hartson avenues 370 grading and sidewalking of, from Third to Hartson avenues 271 confirming roll for grading and sidewalking of, from Third to Hartson avenues 371 SPRAGUE AVENUE— grade Riverside to old east city limits 371 re-assess, Riverside to old east city limits 371 confirm assessment roll 371 issue bonds 371 grade, from Hatch street to east city limits 371 re-assess, from Hatch street to east city limits 371 sewer, from Mill to Madison street 372 sidewalk, from Hatch street to west end of Sprague avenue 371 sidewalk, from east end of trestle to Lee street 371 grading and improving, from Hatch street to city limits 372 establish grade of, from Madison to Bernard streets 372 providing for sewer, from Washington to Mill streets 372 confirming roll for sewering of, from Washington to Mill streets 372 paving of, from Monroe to Bernard streets 372 paving of, from Madison to Bernard streets 372 confirming roll for paving, between Madison and Bernard streets 372 construction of sewer on, from Washington to Bernard streets 373 confirming roll for sewer on, from Washington to Bernard streets 373 SPRUCE STREET— grade, from Pacific to Fourth avenues 373 sidewalk, from Pacific to Fourth avenues 373 STEVENS STREET— grade, frpm Spokane river to Seventh avenues 373 re-assess 373 confirm re-assessment roll 373 issue bonds 373 establish grade of, from Front to First avenues 373 paving, between Front avenue and N. P. Ry. Co.’s right-of-way 373 confirming roll for paving, from I^ront avenue to, N. P. Ry. Co.’s right- of-way 373 SUMMIT BOULEVARD— changing name of part, to Mission avenue 373 SEWERS — establishing sewer system district No. 2, for Fourth ward 396 establishing district No. 1, for First ward 397 SIXTH AVENUE — vacation of part of 383 STREETS — (See Alleys. See Vacations) — parking Mission avenue 396 establishing and laying out Northwest Boulevard 395 Broadway extended, lay out and open 386 Sprague street extended, lay out and open 386 Sprague street extending 386 Stevens street, extend, lay out and open 386 Third street, extend, lay out and open 387 Washington street, extending and establishing R. R 387 Washington street, roadway under R. R. tracks, from First to Second. . 387 Gonzaga street, changing width and name of 387 Pine street, changing name of 387 Adler street, changing name to Market street 394 INDEX TO PART II. 625 Streets — C ontinued. Pine street, in Booge’s, Cannon’s and Browne’s addition, changed to Cannon street 3S7 changing of names of various 387 changing of names of various avenues 387 laying water mains on Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Eleventh avenues and Elm street 394 STREET RAILWAY — license for Washington Water Power Co. to operate cars on certain streets during year 1901 398 T TAX LEVY— for various fiscal years 401, 402 TAXES— payment of on blocks 57, 58 and G2, Central addition 398 providing extension of time for collecting 402 remitting penalty and interest on 402 TENTH AVENUE — establish grade of, from Monroe to Cannon streets 374 establishing grade of, from Arthur to Ivory streets 374 establishing grade of, from Perry to Pittsburg streets 374 grading and sidewalking of, from Monroe to Cannon streets 374 confirming roll for grading and sidewalking of, from Monroe to Cannon streets 374 THIRD AVENUE — (Formerly Third Street) — grade, from Howard to Ash street 374 re-assess, from Howard to Ash street 374 confirm re-assessment roll 374 issue bonds 375 grade, from Bernard street to east city limits 375 levy tax, from Bernard street to east limits 375 re-assess, from Bernard street to east limits 375 confirm assessment roll 375 issue bonds 375 grade, from Howard to Bernard streets 375 grade, from Hatch street to east city limits 375 grade, from N. P. *ight-of-way to Chestnut 375 confirm assessment roll 375 issue bonds 375 grade and sidewalk, from Spruce to Coeur d’Alene streets 375 sidewalk, from Washington to Sherman streets 37G providing for a sewer on, from Madison to Mill streets 376 confirming roll for sewer, Madison to Mill streets .. .'w-, 376 providing for sewer on, from McClellan to Howaifl streets 37G confirming roll for sewer on, from McClellan to Howard streets 376 providing for sewer, from Madison tq Cedar streets 376 confirming roll for sewer, from Cedar to Madison streets 376 THIRTEENTH AVENUE — establishing grade of, from Perry to Pittsburg streets 377 establishing grade of, from Maple to Ash streets 377 TWELFTH AVENUE— establishing grade of, from Arthur to Ivory streets 377 establishing grade of, from Maple to Elm streets 377 establish grade of, from Cedar to Elm streets 377 establishing grade of, from Perry to Pittsburg streets 377 40 626 INDEX TO PART II. V VACATIONS— strip on Poplar street, from Pacific to Third avenues 380 alley in block 25, 2d Sinto addition > 380 Howard street addition 380. parts of streets in Morgan’s addition to Denver 380 streets in Union Pacifip addition 380 strip on First avenue, from Hemlock to Chestnut street 380 part of Calispel street 380 alley in block 86, 2d addition to Railroad addition 381 alley in blocks 66 and 67, and part of Eighth avenue, in 2d addition to Railroad addition 381 part of Olive avenue in Re-survey of 2nd addition to 3d addition to Railroad addition 381 alley in block 10, Nettleton’s 2d addition 381 alley in block 8, Cannon’s addition 381 Sterling street, block 23, Altamont 381 alley in block 28, Terrace Park addition 381 part of Blanco street 381 streets and alleys in Cliff Park addition 381 part of Porter avenue, Michigan street, Water avenue, Ontario street, in 2d addition to West Riverside addition 381 part of Latah and Seventh avenues, in Coeur d’Alene addition 381 part of Riverside avenue, in Bennett’s addition 382 alley in block 36, Heath’s 3d addition . . 382 parts of Olive, John, Bradley and Mendenhall avenues, east of N. P. Ry. and Stone, Altamont, Cook, Smith, Lacy, Nelson and Regal streets, between N. P. Ry. and 'O. R. & N. Ry 382 part of Sun street and Charlotta street, in Ross Park 382 alley in block 31, Wolverton and Conlan’s addition 382 alley in block 18, 2d addition to 3d addition to Railroad addition 382 alley in block 7, Re r survey and Extension of Cowley’s 2d addition 382 alley in block 7, Booge’s addition 382 part of College avenue 382 portion of Lincoln street 382 Chestnut street, between Riverside and First* avenues 382 part of Carlisle, Mayfair, Pearl, Lidgerwood, Addison and Wisco-mbe streets 383 part of Lincoln street, near Ninth avenue 383 alley in blocks “Q,” 38, 39, and 40, addition to 2d Sinto addition 383 alley in block 37, Heath's 3d addition 383 streets and alleys in Spokane and Mountain View cemetery 383 Oak street, in front of blocks 48 and 54, Cannon’s addition 383 part of Sixth avenue 383 part of Seventh aventie 383 part of Cannon street 383 Madison street, between Sixth and Seventh avenues 383 Madison street, between Seventh and Eighth avenues 383 alley in block 32, Cannon’s addition.. 384 alley in block 4, Mountain View addition 384 alley in block 1, Bingaman’s addition v 384 alley in blocks 26 and 30, Stratton’s addition 384 alley in block 6, Ide’s addition 384 alley in block 4, Ide’s 2d addition 384 alley in block 2, Havermale’s addition 384 alley in block 5, Jenkins’ addition 384 alley in sub-division lot 11, G. H. Morgan’s addition 384 alley in blocks 84, 92, 13, 7, 150 and 151, Lidgerwood Park addition. . . . 384 INDEX TO PART II. 627 Vacations — C ontinued. alley in Lidgerwood Park .addition t 384 alley in Sinto addition 384 alley in block 28, Town of Spokane Falls * 384 alley in blocks 57, 58, 2d Railroad addition 384 alley and streets in 2d addition to 3d addition to R. R. addition 384 alley in blocks 3, 6 and 7, Shannon’s addition 384 alley in Stratton’s addition 384 alley in Twickenham 385 alley in Mountain View Cemetery 385 Dalton avenue, part of 384 Twickenham, part of . 384 Mountain View cemetery 385 part of Boone avenue 385 part of Central addition 385 part of Cliff street, Celesta Park addition » 385 part of Dakota street 385 part of Victoria street 385 part of Fifth avenue 385 part of Howard street, Keystone addition 385 part of High street, Whiting's addition 385 part of Mallon street, Jenkins’ addition.... 385 part of Riverside avenue, Oak to Cedar 385 part of Riverside avenue, in Browne’s addition 386 part of Sixth avenue, between Mill and Post streets 386 part of Sprague avenue 386 part of Stevens street and East Eighth avenue. . . . .*" 386 VIRGINIA AVENUE— establishing grade of, from Post to Cedar streets 377 grading and sidewalking of, from Cedar to Post streets 377 WALNUT STREET — sewer, Pacific to First avenues 377 confirm assessment roll 377 grading and sidewalking of, from Second to Sixth avenues 377 confirming roll for grading and sidewalking of, from Second to Sixth avenues 377 WASHINGTON STREET — re-establishing grade of, from First to Second avenues 378 paving of, between South Washington street bridge and First avenue. . . 378 confirming roll for paving of, from Washington to First avenues 378 grade, from its north end to Eighth avenue 378 confirm assessment roll 378 issue bonds 378 grade, from bridge to S. L. S. & E 379 re-assess, from bridge to‘ S. L. S. & E 379 confirm assessment roll 379 issue bonds 379 grade, from S. L. S. & E. to Buckeye 379 levy tax to pay for grading from S. L. S'. & E. to Buckeye 379 grade, Arthur to Ninth Avenue. 379 sidewalk, from S. L. S. & E. to Buckeye 379 sidewalk, from S. L. S. & E. to Maxwell 379 sidewalk, from Seventh to Eighth avenues -379 sewer, from Sixth to Eighth avenues 379 sewer, from Bridge to Front streets 379 WAVERLY PLACE— establishing grade of, from Post street to Corbin Park 380 628 INDEX TO PART II. WILSON AVENUE — establishing grade of, from Huron to Ontario streets 380 grading and sidewalking of, from Ontario to Huron streets 380 WASHINGTON STREET— granting right to N. P. Iiy. Co., to construct bridge across 307 WATER MAINS — providing for laying of, on Cleveland avenue 300 providing for laying of, on Fairview avenue 306 providing for laying of, on Ruby street 306 providing for laying of, on Mayfair street 306 providing for laying of, on Pearl street 306 providing for, on Eighth, Ninth, Eleventh avenues and Oak street 307 laying of, in Hay’s Park 306 laying of, on Montgomery, Monroe, Gardner and Chestnut streets 305 WATER WORKS— providing for borrowing money to construct 300 issuance of $350,000 in wararnts to refund outstanding warrants for. . . 300 purchase of Junken-IIarrington site for 300 $70,000 in bonds authorized to extend system 300 issuing bonds to refund indebtedness on : 300 form of bonds 300 providing for borrowing money for completion of 300 $40,000 appropriated to pay for Junken-Harrington site for ...... 400 authorizing Mayor to sign $10,000 in bonds for 400 authorizing issuance of warx-ants upon fund No. 2, for completing 400 $350,000 in bonds issued to take up warrants for 400 purchasing lands and rights for, and building thereon 400 authorizing borrowing of $1,200,000 for water works and other purposes 401 special election, to vote on loan of $1,200.00 to extend system 401 INDEX TO FRANCHISES. 629 INDEX TO LIST OF FRANCHISES REFERENCES ARE TO PAGES. City Transit Company, Ordinance No. 332 411 City Transit Company, Ordinance No. 385 413 City Transit Company, Ordinance No. 499 414 City Transit Company, Ordinance No. 513 416 Francis H. Cook, T. J. Dooley, H. N. Belt and E. A. Routhe, Ord. No. 100. . . 418 Lewis C. Dillman and John H. Stone, Ordinance No. 431 420 W. S. Norman, Ordinance No. A168 422 Andrew J. Ross and Henry C. Marshall, Ordinance No. 223. .’ 424 Ross Park Street Railway Company, Ordinance No. 133 426 Ross Park Street Railway Company, Ordinance No. A426 427 Ross Park Street Railway Company, Ordinance No. 296 428 Ross Park Street Railway Company, Ordinance No. 299 429 Spokane Cable Railway Company, Ordinance No. 220 429 Spokane Cable Railway Company, Ordinance No. 553 430 Spokane Cable Railway Company, Ordinance No. A88 431 Spokane Electric Railway Company, Ordinance No. 511 432 Spokane Electric Railway Company, Ordinance No. A119 434 Spokane & Montrose Motor Railroad Company, Ordinance No. 200 436 Spokane Street Railway Company, Ordinance No. 528 437 Spokane Street Railway Company, Ordinance No. 544 440 Spokane Street Railway Company, Ordinance No. 551 443 Spokane Street Railway Company, Ordinance No. 556 447 Spokane Street Railway Company, Ordinance No. A90 448 Spokane Street Railway Company, Ordinance No. A98 449 Spokane Street Railway Company, Ordinance No. A792 451 J. M. Thompson, Ordinance No. 161 449 Washington Water Power Company, Ordinance No. A863 453 Washington Water Power Company, Ordinance No. A878 456 Washington Water Power Company, Ordinance No. A987 460 Washington Water Power Company, Ordinance No. A1295 465 Washington Water Power Company, Ordinance No. A1351 475 Jay P. Graves, Ordinance No. A1294 468 Jay P. Graves, Ordinance No. A1367 470 Moran Prairie Railroad Construction Company, Ordinance No. A1302 476 Spokane Interstate Fair, Ordinance No. A1196 462 Spokane Traction Company, Ordinance No. A1363 471 Seattle Lake Shore & Eastern Railway Company, Ordinance No. 162 490 Spokane Falls & Northern Railway Company, Ordinance No. 246 491 Spokane Falls & Northern Railway Company, Ordinance No. A1283 489 Spokane Falls & Northern Railway Company, Ordinance No. 427 491 Washington & Idaho Railroad Company, Ordinance No. 309 492 . St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba Railway Company, Ordinance No. A901 . . . 480 Northern Pacific Railway Company, Ordinance No. A1046 485 Northern Pacific Railway Company, Ordinance No. A1047 487 Winslow S. Pierce, sidetracks, Ordinance No. A961 483 630 INDEX TO FRANCHISES. Spokane Street Railway Company, Ordinance No. A405 494 Spokane Electric Light & Power Company, Ordinance No. 43% 496 Consumer’s Light & Power Company, Ordinance No. A590 497 Edison Electric Illuminating Company, Ordinance No. A482 499 W. S. Norman, for telegraph, telephone, etc., Ordinance No. 96 501 Spokane District Telegraph & Patrol Company, Ordinance No. 195 502 Western Union Telegraph Company, Ordinance No. 43 503 Joseph R. Mitchell and Rudolph Doerr, Ordinance No. A858 503 Spokane Falls Gas Light Company, Ordinance No. A1162 505 Spokane Light & Power Company, Ordinance No. A1329 508 * % * » * > t \ V / ' ■ . . '