♦ ILLINOIS HISTORICAL SURVCT - v-< • ’. , r '■••.' > • ^ , 'JawaWVv '.v'iV ■■^-. ^ r - VI" ^ ; ; .^'.^ * iMn ''i-. ’il ■' . . ■ '^>»,'!‘.?VHhKm,- vsj ^•^Vv;; '. IV- - ' '■'‘■■■‘ ■ • • •■ h:^ ' . ^ ,4 Jit* • ^ fcr !••%.* •W' y o ■ ->'••■ .-^•■•- -’.. -V-. - 4.. ™wr-‘i.-^ )*r *' ‘xP ’’^‘V w*-'> ■’'?'>. < r‘. •**. rn '»'■• nim .^--■v , . <“■>'> -4^^ ’ H . '5':,^. 'fe.-'.V ■ Aki.-; '.-V. ■ <»: ■^‘ r -■ ,•*' '■ '' V: y :• ' »■ '■ * ’■!***"'■• '■ J .,.'vr ':: 'c - tPi 1, r' ►r* I ;if; :v.‘yf: I i< ' t / ’ • • '> _C. . <% *-■ :: , «>;^-- aafi. ' ..>**-■ ' , :>-* - -• *“ r ‘ ,, v //X':': 1 . . ■;.''.',^^tv iii? ■ "'^T' ■i, ^^A V m Microfilm Publications in the National Archives Great Lakes Region The National Archives—Great Lakes Region is located approximately 15 miles from downtown Chicago at 7358 South Pulaski Road. The facility can be reached by bus or automobile, and is a 15-minute drive from Midway Airport. There is ample free parking. Research facilities are open to the public from 8:00 a.m. to 4:15 p.m., Monday through Friday, with the exception of federal holidays. All microfilm publications of National Archives records can be pur¬ chased, either as individual rolls or as complete publications. The current price is $23.00 per roll, but prices are subject to change without notice. For information on how to order, please contact the Publications Services NATIONAL ARCHIVES MICROFILM PUBLICATIONS IN THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES— GREAT LAKES REGION Compiled by Teresa E Matchette National Archives and Records Administration Washington, DC 1990 Special List 50 * *';*V5 f ^ t* ,1 • ^ if gr \ T t /> -» h. '4 *"- * , •"* ^ '■ lit ■’i’ . -i :Ai. • •v* *•■• * » ' '.■I w. V * «•» .r ' « .Af^r ' *4 "ft . ' i.'- H ■ p V. f _Va ’ , -«P* ■*' 5lT>- ■ '1 ' If ■'.' CZa ,. ■ •> 1 ‘ / V>*-- A‘^', .-p; ^ ^ • I »«■?■», i ^ ’ • ^4. , -^.T* f-^ ^ J ■ '7 t . ' T ^ ■ i- -• » •f J i ?A^5iU .V. ,. ; .’rl '.' ■'■■ ' ' ■■?'.? I%?. ^'* ,J ff" ^ - ■^I 1 / . •* ;f '.. t; .1 ■ •’. ..■-;: -.ti ^ * % ' V- '•. jTi ’f. ■■ ■■"’v i), .. ■'V ^ ij ,* ..*j '■.ii ijiT^ ' i'-^",‘'■'•'•r; :r¥ . 4 ^ u ■''■(" '-■ *'1^' ■■,»i ... j ■■^..' *^S.'..3 »'r i.-; ■ ■'■ ikf ' ' .» # • ^ . ■ ■ Ji : * Dfth .”^v|/‘l.^ .3\ l^fr ■':i4 CLfCi P’H if 7/ /, V h/ h w i o PREFACE This special list is one of several prepared by the National Archives and Records Administration to provide information about the extensive microfilm hold¬ ings in its Regional Archives System. In addition to original federal records of re¬ gional interest, each of the 11 regional archives holds microfilm of records that would otherwise be available for research only in National Archives facilities in the Washington, DC, area. Lists describing this regionally held microfilm include the comprehensive National Archives Microfilm in the Regional Archives System and separate lists of the microfilm publications available in each regional archives. These lists of microfilm publications serve as companions to 11 guides that describe the original records available in each regional archival facility. The original records, created by field units of federal agencies and by U.S. district and appeals courts, document the operation of the federal government at regional, state, and local levels. Through the use of the microfilm available in each regional archives, researchers are able to link these field records to related documents created by headquarters officials. Special lists and guides have been developed by staff members at each regional archives to increase public awareness of the rich research potential of the federal records in their custody. I join with them in encouraging researchers to explore this inviting documentary frontier. Don W Wilson Archivist of the United States 111 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign https://archive.org/details/nationalarchivesOOunse CONTENTS Introduction vii PART I List of Record Groups 1 PART II Descriptive List of Microfilm Publications 3 PART III Numerical List of Microfilm Publication Numbers 45 PART IV List of Microfilm Publications Arranged by Record Group Number 49 PART V List of Microfilm Publications Arranged Alphabetically by Record Group Title 55 PART VI Subject Index 61 V * . A 1 r V .1' I * ^ t I ‘t ♦ \ T I'' a :i *¥,' '^.. :H . 7- , ‘ I* f i ,'■ ' V ' ■ ,il) _J. ■;' I' 1' 1 . I' •' • ' * ••ii. ■. •5 » I <* 1, I » t i i‘ .«y I • *#1^1 V " J I; ■ A. 4 ' »n ■'“ . ' 'i ,fc .(.t-”- 11 ..'WAV ■ vl^ 4 . 5 .. - .* , V- > .it 'r * tH' ■' ‘,. ■ is .■'l'^ ‘ ,■ UlcJ- ■ '^j; ''Vf 4 ' I Si/* UK< i' '3| E ■“ ( 1 Hfi •. I ’ f .- Km. .^J.. ■ *♦. .,/V 'i '>fi t /. 711 >1 ■ i; "''*-£^ ;.''..jf* 5^. i' ^ * ' . v' 1 '' ■•. ft ■< ' liRfl ■. INTRODUCTION This is a guide to the National Archives microfilm publications that have been deposited in the National Archives-Great Lakes Region. These publications, on 16mm and 35mrh microfilm and on microfiche, reproduce with introductions and annotations some of the most significant records in the National Archives. Among them are the records of the Continental Congress, 1774-89; most of the 19th- century correspondence of the Department of State; population census schedules; certain compiled military service records; records of the Supreme Court; German records captured during and after World War II; records documenting federal administration of Indian affairs; and a variety of other records. The program for distributing National Archives microfilm publications to the National Archives regional archives was begun in 1970 as a means of increasing the availability of primary research sources to scholars, family historians, and the general public. All of the microfilm publications listed in this guide can be used in this regional archives. Because the program of regional microfilm distribution is a continuing one, this guide will be updated periodically to reflect additions to the holdings of this regional archives. This guide consists of six parts. Part I is a list of the record groups represented in this guide. Part II is a descriptive list of all microfilm publications found in this regional archives. It is arranged in numerical order by record group number. The term "RECORD GROUP" (RG) refers to a system of administrative control used by the National Archives for the records in its custody and has no relation to the microfilm numbers listed. Part III is a listing, in numerical order by microfilm publi¬ cation number, of all of the microfilm publications held by this regional archives. Parts rv and V, respectively, list publications numerically by record group number and alphabetically by record group title. Part VI is a subject index to this guide. Microfilm publications are divided into two series, identified by "M" and "T" numbers. Usually, an "M" publication reproduces an entire series of records and has an introduction describing the origin, content, and arrangement of the records filmed. Descriptive pamphlets are available for most "M" publications. The pam¬ phlet contains the publication's introduction and a roll-by-roll breakdovm of the records filmed. Microfiche or paper (sometimes microfiche and paper) copies of the pamphlets may be examined at the regional archives. A "T" publication is not al¬ ways a reproduction of complete series of records but may be a segment, selected by date or subject, of a larger series. In many cases "T" publications were filmed as the result of a special reference request. These publications usually contain no in¬ troductions, and pamphlets are not usually available for them. However, in the case of census microfilm publications, which are "T" publications, separate descriptive information is available. Appearing directly after the title of each publication listed in this guide is the number of rolls available in this regional archives. A phrase such as "7 rolls," "120 rolls," or "1 roll," means that the publication consists of 7 rolls, 120 rolls, or 1 roll, and that all of the rolls are available in this regional archives. However, a phrase such as "roll 1 only" or "roll 16 only" means that this regional archives holds only roll 1 or roll 16 of a multiroll publication. For many multiroll publica¬ tions, this regional archives may only have those rolls that cover areas or subjects of local interest; or only particular rolls that have been donated to the regional archives. This guide is intended for use by researchers interested only in the microfilm publication holdings of this regional archives. Researchers interested in the hold¬ ings of the other 10 regional archives should consult either the individual guides to the holdings of the other 10 regional archives or National Archives Microfilm Publi¬ cations in the Regional Archives System (Special List 45), which is the comprehen¬ sive guide to microfilm publications held systemwide. Copies of these guides are available in this regional archives. viii PARTI LIST OF RECORD GROUPS RG 11 RG 15 RG 21 RG 26 RG 27 RG 28 RG 29 RG 36 RG 37 RG 43 RG 45 RG 46 RG 48 RG 49 RG 56 RG 57 RG 58 RG 59 RG 60 RG 64 RG 75 RG 76 RG 77 RG 82 RG 84 General Records of the United States Government Records of the Veterans Administration Records of District Courts of the United States Records of the U.S. Coast Guard Records of the U.S. Weather Bureau Records of the U.S. Postal Service Records of the Bureau of the Census Records of the U.S. Customs Service Records of the Hydrographic Office Records of International Conferences, Commissions, and Expositions Naval Records Collection of the Office of Naval Records and Library Records of the U.S. Senate Records of the Office of the Secretary of the Interior Records of the Bureau of Land Management General Records of the Department of the Treasury Records of the Geological Survey Records of the Internal Revenue Service General Records of the Department of State General Records of the Department of Justice Records of the National Archives and Records Administration Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs Records of Boundary and Claims Commissions and Arbitrations Records of the Office of the Chief of Engineers Records of the Federal Reserve System Records of Foreign Service Posts of the Department of State RG RG RG RG RG RG RG RG RG RG RG RG RG RG RG RG RG RG RG RG 85 93 94 105 107 109 111 115 120 153 179 188 217 238 242 261 267 295 350 360 Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service War Department Collection of Revolutionary War Records Records of the Adjutant General's Office Records of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands Records of the Office of the Secretary of War War Department Collection of Confederate Records Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer Records of the Bureau of Reclamation Records of the American Expeditionary Forces (World War I) Records of the Office of the Judge Advocate General (Army) Records of the War Production Board Records of the Office of Price Administration Records of the Accounting Officers of the Department of the Treasury National Archives Collection of World War II War Crimes Records National Archives Collection of Foreign Records Seized Records of Former Russian Agencies Records of the Supreme Court of the United States Records of the Office of Price Stabilization Records of the Bureau of Insular Affairs Records of the Continental and Confederation Congresses and the Constitutional Convention 1 •3 ■ ■ i* ' A V t * <1 k# '.'k saw -, wt, O.P ki f I; JT.’ ,vr , "/V #' w; ijn?i »i'i' lii I '■' <•'*,'*■* w'f '^ .# -V ’ ’ ki <• •;< ,t* ‘^v'i'.. 41.' ,'*■ •:'> ■ ■' .• 'ili*> ‘.i.-h w»^»- ^5 i'f/'*3 j . ^ ”'k ,y‘ t'''wi''>nV«'* * ^ ' viii ■ I, ', # .1^“ I •’ I V) ^,*',. l'^"^-■yJi f’^='‘ Hij.t.'.(. .'■» 'rt\tii:v 'fi'i^iii^<0' '•^u^ .; a.A'V'v*' • T'. •■' ^ ‘'■»' 'iJftsiW ■, ’ '' Av a' .' -'. r»-: rcr /' tis Sl' v4»»;- »(■'• ’ -•': . '. . ■-' *' f fi ■ ;>,ri WT I, o ' .■■.•*• 'f ,'.<. 'h: -'A' „■'.' ^, tiv/ : f»;jo Vr.■ >♦ Hi: .-c.. i,' V. w" .''y '■' i?i r< t'. > t.'‘- * ,. : .*i’ *4 ; 4 ., ■ 1^ i .Vi I ■ f/h V>>ri©j1s*?» 'f,'^i - tji,, (mm ’*> ! ri ^(.. 't.f-ii.-v.ju'. . 1 * ■'-v^• ■■^ f- iSSBlS I - _»< la;..- •>•'> . -' • > tiTr.v •, ^ , ’-?!-ir; .i i .. .. b-’. v.:-/.k,.**^ ■ *. ' . ‘ ‘ .w '.^ i i-jf^ ^ 1*^7'^'“^' V. .'v iki:. , .1 VtC-V-: U: ..‘iiV. ‘•-..''■fT: fv.. U 'WmiT-: . r.'jitc urij ,'lt i\/\ I.UP ■''^J<1j i'li*) ^4 'I ^ ’7 M."”* K» C)^ OH '! 'c-h^jJm ■' "r. ■. ■*: )r'* iv(0>!ifi>.* 'irl’-J 'n'>A ^ 'r V -41 T; ii,iA.^ pf^ ' ii .At , " \^ _ . ‘ ' i . :l%^ 'h^ I. ^ ' ki.vr A. ,; « I 'Oc * ;tt)i.; '^ jiuj' '■V.'f I J ‘^ 4 i . l' '.. . .' yixr _■ .Uu > ■ '. ’’. ■ '•?' .IIH! ■^' £45‘0': *jif . ..it'v'i^-.; 4hWJ04;^ ■ *:6a‘; ^ I--*'’. 'J ' ■ 1^ ■ H: s' A J i.. '.' •• 7 . ’! , ( • t >' <( ♦ • -■ 1 »■ ..■ f- :v. • t _ • . t: Jiji* ( i" . 4 i - j /'i-Si .^' JW- • ^ ■ •. ■ '■■ f-- . ■ 3 l ■1 s r J. " V'V I ■ ^:-jA vi '■ * ?~i! ''<<■< i V - I •• .' ■■ - ' iMfiiiiAiiiiMliiii^ PART II DESCRIPTIVE LIST OF MICROFILM PUBLICATIONS GENERAL RECORDS OF THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT (RECORD GROUP 11) M337 Enrolled Original Acts and Resolutions of the Congress of the United States, 1789-1823. 17 rolls. Original acts and joint resolutions of the Congress signed by the Speaker of the House, the President of the Senate, and the President of the United States. These are enrolled on parchment sheets of varying sizes. M338 Certificates of Ratification of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, Including Related Correspon¬ dence and Rejections of Proposed Amendments, 1787-1792. 1 roll. Includes Washington's annotated draft of the Constitution, certificates of Ratification by the states, copies of letters concerning ratification of amendments, and certificates of ratification and rejection of proposed constitutional amendments. M668 Ratified Indian Treaties, 1722-1869. 16 rolls. Three segments: ratified Indian treaties and related papers, a chronological list of the treaties, and indexes by place and tribe. See also Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs (RG 75). RECORDS OF THE VETERANS ADMINISTRATION (RECORD GROUP 15) M123 Schedules Enumerating Union Veterans and Widows of Union Veterans of the Civil War, 1890. 118 rolls. M804 Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files. 2,670 rolls. An estimated 80,000 pension and bounty-land war¬ rant application files based on the participation of Ameri¬ can army, naval, and marine officers and enlisted men in the Revolutionary War. Most of the records in the files are dated between 1800 and 1900. The term "files," as used in this microfilm publication, denotes envelopes containing applications or other records pertaining to claims for pensions or bounty-land warrants; cards sum¬ marizing information about claimants for whom no original application papers exist; and cards that serve as cross-references to envelopes and summary cards. Therefore, a file can be a single card or it can be an enve¬ lope containing from 1 to 200 or more pages of records. The typical file is an envelope containing about 30 pages of records, consisting generally of the application or ap¬ plications of one or more claimants, other documents submitted as evidence of identity and service, and papers showing actions taken by the government concerning the claim or claims. Each file pertains to applications by one or more persons for pensions or bounty-land war¬ rants based on service of a single person, usually in the Revolutionary War, although some files relate to claims based on post-Revolutionary War service. M805 Selected Records From Revolutionary War Pen¬ sion and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files. 898 rolls. This regional archives has rolls 49 (Alvey-Alworth) and 83 (Ashlock-Ashton) only. Selected records useful for genealogical research from an estimated 80,000 pension and bounty-land war¬ rant application files based on the participation of Ameri¬ can military, naval, and marine officers and enlisted men in the Revolutionary War. Most records are dated be¬ tween 1800 and 1900. Information may include veteran's rank, unit, and period of service, age or date of birth, residence, and sometimes a birthdate. An application file might also contain property schedules with names and 3 ages of wife and children, marriage records, and related data submitted to verify the claim of a widow or children. RECORDS OF DISTRICT COURTS OF THE UNITED STATES (RECORD GROUP 21) Mini Records of the Territorial Court of Michigan, 1815-1836. 9 rolls. Case files and a bound volume written in the style of a journal. The cases are primarily civil and admiralty; a few are criminal. Many of the civil cases involve debts owed by individuals to the U.S. government or suits be¬ tween persons over money or property. The admiralty cases usually concerned forfeiture proceedings follo\ving the seizure of goods that had been smuggled into the Michigan Territory from Canada. T265 Tlial of Aaron Burr and Harman Blennerhassett, 1808. 1 roll. Copies of documents filed in 1808 with the U.S. Circuit Court at Chillicothe, OH, concerning a charge of conspiracy against Spain (an alleged plan for a military expedition into Mexican territory). Arranged in chrono¬ logical order by date filed with the court, or by date of document in the absence of a filing date. Some of the papers were originally part of the testimony at Burr's treason trial in Richmond, VA, in 1807. RECORDS OF THE U.S. COAST GUARD (RECORD GROUP 26) M63 Lighthouse Letters, 1792-1809. 3 rolls. Record copies of letters sent by the Commissioner of the Revenue relating to the construction and mainte¬ nance of lighthouses. Most of the letters are addressed to superintendents and keepers of lighthouses; some are addressed to the Secretary of the Tfeasury, collectors of customs, captains of revenue cutters, and other individu¬ als. Many letters relate to such details as the purchase of whale oil, lanterns, chains, buoys, and other supplies; the appointment of employees; keeping and settling of accounts; and negotiation of contracts. For the period 1802-9 some of the letters are from the Secretary of the Treasury. M94 Lighthouse Deeds and Contracts, 1790-1853. 2 rolls. Records relate to agreements entered into by the Secretary of the Treasury or his subordinates in charge of lighthouses and private building contractors, lighthouse keepers, carpenters, and oil suppliers. The contracts con¬ cern the acquisition of sites for lighthouses by the federal government; the building of lighthouses, wharves, keep¬ ers' houses, and similar structures; the maintenance and repair of lighthouses; the purchase of equipment; and the employment of lighthouse personnel. The records include copies of deeds and contracts, bonds made by contractors, and related documents. T729 Marine Casualties on the Great Lakes, 1863-1873. 1 roll. Lists of vessels involved in various types of acci¬ dents on the Great Lakes, arranged chronologically. Line entry gives name and rig of the vessel, tonnage, owner, ports of departure and destination, and description of the occurrence (date, cause, locality, loss of life, and loss of property). RECORDS OF THE U.S. WEATHER BUREAU (RECORD GROUP 27) T907 Climatological Records of the Weather Bureau, 1819-1892. 564 rolls. This regional archives has rolls 112-144 (Illinois, Indiana), 243-274 (Michigan, Minne¬ sota), and 397-422 (Ohio) only. Climatological records of the United States, ar¬ ranged alphabetically by state, thereunder by town. RECORDS OF THE U.S. POSTAL SERVICE (RECORD GROUP 28) M601 Letters Sent by the Postmaster General, 1789-1836. scrolls. Letters relate chiefly to post offices, postmasters, mail transportation, mail contracts, departmental organi- 4 zation, appropriations, legislation, postal laws and regu¬ lations, international mail service and postal conven¬ tions, postage stamps, fraud, lottery cases, and claims. M841 Records of the Appointment of Postmasters, 1832-September 30, 1971. 145 rolls. Records show the dates of establishment and dis¬ continuance of post offices, their changes of name, the names and the appointment dates of their postmasters, and beginning in 1870, the names of post offices to which mail from discontinued offices was sent. The rec¬ ords also show the dates of presidential appointments of postmasters and the dates of their confirmation by the Senate, usually show the dates that post offices were au¬ thorized to issue money orders, and occasionally show the dates on which the locations of offices were changed. Until 1844 the names of sureties for postmasters and the dates and amounts of their bonds are also given. RECORDS OF THE BUREAU OF THE CENSUS (RECORD GROUP 29) Federal Population Censuses A census has been taken in the United States every 10 years, beginning in 1790. Information about house¬ holds and individuals was collected and entered on large sheets. These filled-in forms constitute the population schedules for each decennial census. For each census year the schedules are arranged alphabetically by state or territory and thereunder generally by county. M637 First Census of the United States, 1790. 12 rolls. No schedules are known to exist for Delaware, Georgia, Kentucl^^, New Jersey, Tennessee, or Virginia. Schedules for some counties are also missing. These schedules show the names of the heads of families; ad¬ dresses; number of free white males under 16 years of age and 16 years of age and older (including heads of families); number of free white females (including heads of families); number of other free persons; and number of slaves. T498 Publications of the Bureau of the Census: 1790 Census Printed Schedules. 3 rolls. Printed schedules as published by the Bureau of the Census in 1907. The schedules for Virginia in this publi¬ cation were reconstructed from state enumerations. M32 Second Census of the United States, 1800. 52 rolls. Schedules show the names of heads of families; ad¬ dresses; number of free white males and females under 10 years of age, 10 and under 16 years of age, 16 and under 26 years of age, 26 and under 45 years of age, and 45 years of age and older; number of all other free per¬ sons, except Indians (who were not taxed); and number of slaves. M252 Third Census of the United States, 1810. 71 rolls. Schedules show the names of heads of families; ad¬ dresses; number of free white males and females under 10 years of age, 10 and under 16 years of age, 16 and under 26 years of age, 26 and under 45 years of age, and 45 years of age and older; number of all other free per¬ sons, except Indians (who were not taxed); and number of slaves. M33 Fourth Census of the United States, 1820. 142 rolls. Schedules show the names of heads of families; ad¬ dresses; number of free white males and females under 10 years of age, 10 and under 16 years of age, 16 and under 26 years of age, 26 and under 45 years of age, and 45 years of age and older; number of free white males between 16 and 18 years of age; number of persons not naturalized; male and female slaves and free black per¬ sons under 14 years of age, 14 and under 26 years of age, 26 and under 45 years of age, and 45 years of age and older; number of all other free persons, except Indi¬ ans (who were not taxed); and number of persons (in¬ cluding slaves) engaged in agriculture, commerce, and manufacturing. M19 Fifth Census of the United States, 1830. 201 rolls. Schedules show the names of heads of families; ad¬ dresses; number of free white males and females; num¬ ber of slaves and free black persons; number of deaf- mutes under 14 years of age, 14 to 24 years of age, and 5 25 years of age and older; number of blind persons; and number of persons not naturalized. M704 Sixth Census of the United States, 1840. 580 rolls. Schedules show the names of heads of families; ad¬ dresses; numbers of free white males and females and of slaves and free black persons; number of deaf-mutes and blind persons; number of insane and idiotic persons in public or private charge; number of persons in each fam¬ ily employed in each of seven classes of occupations; number of schools and students; number of white per¬ sons over 20 years of age who could not read or write; and the number of pensioners for Revolutionary War and other military service. M432 Seventh Census of the United States, 1850. 1,009 rolls. Schedules show for each person: name; address; age; sex; color; if deaf-mute, blind, insane, or idiotic; value of real estate owned; profession, occupation, or trade (for each male over 15 years of age); place of birth; if married within the year; if attended school within the year; if unable to read or v^ite (for each person over 20 years of age); and if a pauper or convict. M653 Eighth Census of the United States, 1860. 1,438 rolls. Schedules show for each person: name; address; age; sex; color; if blind, insane, or idiotic; value of real estate and of personal estate (for each free person); pro¬ fession or occupation, or trade (for each male and female over 15 years of age); place of birth; if married within the year; if attended school within the year; whether unable to read or write (for each person over 20 years of age); and if a pauper or convict. M593 Ninth Census of the United States, 1870. 1,748 rolls. Schedules show for each person: name; address; sex; race; citizenship (for each male over 21 years of age); occupation; values of real and personal estate; place of birth; if parents were foreign-born; if born, mar¬ ried, or attended school within the year; if literate (for each person 10 years of age and older); and if deaf, dumb, blind, insane, or idiotic. T9 Tenth Census of the United States, 1880. 1,454 rolls. Schedules show for each person: name; address; relationship to the head of the family; sex; race; age; marital status; if born or married within the year; occu¬ pation; number of months unemployed during the cen¬ sus year; if sick or temporarily disabled and the nature of the illness or disability; if blind, deaf, dumb, idiotic, in¬ sane, maimed, crippled, or bedridden; if attended school within the year; if literate; and the birthplaces of self and parents. Soundex Indexes to 1880 Population Schedules Indexes to entries on the 1880 schedules that relate to households containing a child aged 10 or under. The index for each state is numbered as a separate publica¬ tion. T734 Index (Soundex) to the 1880 Population Sched¬ ules for Alabama. 74 rolls. T735 Index (Soundex) to the 1880 Population Sched¬ ules for Arizona. 2 rolls. T736 Index (Soundex) to the 1880 Population Sched¬ ules for Arkansas. 48 rolls. T737 Index (Soundex) to the 1880 Population Sched¬ ules for California. 34 rolls. T738 Index (Soundex) to the 1880 Population Sched¬ ules for Colorado. 7 rolls. T739 Index (Soundex) to the 1880 Population Sched¬ ules for Connecticut. 25 rolls. T740 Index (Soundex) to the 1880 Population Sched¬ ules for Dakota Territory. 6 rolls. 6 T741 Index (Soundex) to the 1880 Population Sched¬ ules for Delaware. 9 rolls. T753 Index (Soundex) to the 1880 Population Sched¬ ules for Maryland. 47 rolls. T742 Index (Soundex) to the 1880 Population Sched¬ ules for the District of Columbia. 9 rolls. T754 Index (Soundex) to the 1880 Population Sched¬ ules for Massachusetts. 70 rolls. T743 Index (Soundex) to the 1880 Population Sched¬ ules for Florida. 16 rolls. T755 Index (Soundex) to the 1880 Population Sched¬ ules for Michigan. 73 rolls. T744 Index (Soundex) to the 1880 Population Sched¬ ules for Georgia. 86 rolls. T756 Index (Soundex) to the 1880 Population Sched¬ ules for Minnesota. 37 rolls. T745 Index (Soundex) to the 1880 Population Sched¬ ules for Idaho Territory. 2 rolls. T757 Index (Soundex) to the 1880 Population Sched¬ ules for Mississippi. 69 rolls. T746 Index (Soundex) to the 1880 Population Sched¬ ules for Illinois. 143 rolls. T758 Index (Soundex) to the 1880 Population Sched¬ ules for Missouri. 114 rolls. T747 Index (Soundex) to the 1880 Population Sched¬ ules for Indiana. 98 rolls. T759 Index (Soundex) to the 1880 Population Sched¬ ules for Montana Territory. 2 rolls. T748 Index (Soundex) to the 1880 Population Sched¬ ules for Iowa. 78 rolls. T760 Index (Soundex) to the 1880 Population Sched¬ ules for Nebraska. 22 rolls. T749 Index (Soundex) to the 1880 Population Sched¬ ules for Kansas. 51 rolls. T761 Index (Soundex) to the 1880 Population Sched¬ ules for Nevada. 3 rolls. T750 Index (Soundex) to the 1880 Population Sched¬ ules for Kentuclqr. 83 rolls. T762 Index (Soundex) to the 1880 Population Sched¬ ules for New Hampshire. 13 rolls. T751 Index (Soundex) to the 1880 Population Sched¬ ules for Lx>uisiana. 55 rolls. T763 Index (Soundex) to the 1880 Population Sched¬ ules for New Jersey. 49 rolls. T752 Index (Soundex) to the 1880 Population Sched¬ ules for Maine. 29 rolls. T764 Index (Soundex) to the 1880 Population Sched¬ ules for New Mexico Territory. 6 rolls. 7 T765 Index (Soundex) to the 1880 Population Sched¬ ules for New York. 187 rolls. T766 Index (Soundex) to the 1880 Population Sched¬ ules for North Carolina. 79 rolls. T767 Index (Soundex) to the 1880 Population Sched¬ ules for Ohio. 143 rolls. T768 Index (Soundex) to the 1880 Population Sched¬ ules for Oregon. 8 rolls. T769 Index (Soundex) to the 1880 Population Sched¬ ules for Pennsylvania. 168 rolls. T770 Index (Soundex) to the 1880 Population Sched¬ ules for Rhode Island. 11 rolls. T771 Index (Soundex) to the 1880 Population Sched¬ ules for South Carolina. 56 rolls. T772 Index (Soundex) to the 1880 Population Sched¬ ules for Tennessee. 86 rolls. T773 Index (Soundex) to the 1880 Population Sched¬ ules for Texas. 77 rolls. T774 Index (Soundex) to the 1880 Population Sched¬ ules for Utah Territory. 7 rolls. T775 Index (Soundex) to the 1880 Population Sched¬ ules for Vermont. 15 rolls. T776 Index (Soundex) to the 1880 Population Sched¬ ules for Virginia. 82 rolls. T777 Index (Soundex) to the 1880 Population Sched¬ ules for Washington Territory. 4 rolls. T778 Index (Soundex) to the 1880 Population Sched¬ ules for West Virginia. 32 rolls. T779 Index (Soundex) to the 1880 Population Sched¬ ules for Wisconsin. 51 rolls. T780 Index (Soundex) to the 1880 Population Sched¬ ules for Wyoming. 1 roll. M407 Eleventh Census of the United States, 1890. 3 rolls. Only this remnant of the population schedules sur¬ vived a fire in 1921. They cover parts of Alabama, the District of Columbia, Georgia, Illinois, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, South Dakota, and Texas. Schedules show for each person: name, ad¬ dress, relationship to the head of the family, race, sex, age, marital status, size of family, occupation, months unemployed during the census year, if literate, languages spoken, and information about housing, military service, health, and citizenship. M496 Index to the Eleventh Census of the United States, 1890. 2 rolls. Indexes the three-roll fragment of 1890 census surviving the 1921 Commerce Department Building fire. T623 Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900. 1,854 rolls. Schedules show for each person: name, relationship to the head of the family, sex, age, marital status, occu¬ pation, place of birth, citizenship, and education. Soundex Indexes to 1900 Population Schedules An index to names appearing in the 1900 population schedules was compiled in 1937-39 by the Work Projects Administration and microfilmed by the Census Bureau. The index for each state has been filmed as a separate publication as listed below. 8 T1030 Index (Soundex) to the 1900 Federal Population Census Schedules for Alabama. 177 rolls. T1031 Index (Soundex) to the 1900 Federal Population Census Schedules for Alaska. 15 rolls. T1032 Index (Soundex) to the 1900 Federal Population Census Schedules for Arizona. 22 rolls. T1033 Index (Soundex) to the 1900 Federal Population Census Schedules for Arkansas. 135 rolls. T1034 Index (Soundex) to the 1900 Federal Population Census Schedules for California. 198 rolls. T1035 Index (Soundex) to the 1900 Federal Population Census Schedules for Colorado. 69 rolls. T1036 Index (Soundex) to the 1900 Federal Population Census Schedules for Connecticut. 107 rolls. T1037 Index (Soundex) to the 1900 Federal Population Census Schedules for Delaware. 21 rolls. T1038 Index (Soundex) to the 1900 Federal Population Census Schedules for the District of Columbia. 42 rolls. T1039 Index (Soundex) to the 1900 Federal Population Census Schedules for Florida. 62 rolls. T1040 Index (Soundex) to the 1900 Federal Population Census Schedules for Georgia. 214 rolls. T1041 Index (Soundex) to the 1900 Federal Population Census Schedules for Hawaii. 30 rolls. T1042 Index (Soundex) to the 1900 Federal Population Census Schedules for Idaho. 19 rolls. T1043 Index (Soundex) to the 1900 Federal Population Census Schedules for Illinois. 475 rolls. T1044 Index (Soundex) to the 1900 Federal Population Census Schedules for Indiana. 254 rolls. T1045 Index (Soundex) to the 1900 Federal Population Census Schedules for Iowa. 212 rolls. T1046 Index (Soundex) to the 1900 Federal Population Census Schedules for Kansas. 148 rolls. T1047 Index (Soundex) to the 1900 Federal Population Census Schedules for Kentucky. 200 rolls. T1048 Index (Soundex) to the 1900 Federal Population Census Schedules for Louisiana. 146 rolls. T1049 Index (Soundex) to the 1900 Federal Population Census Schedules for Maine. 80 rolls. T1050 Index (Soundex) to the 1900 Federal Population Census Schedules for Maryland. 127 rolls. T1051 Index (Soundex) to the 1900 Federal Population Census Schedules for Massachusetts. 319 rolls. T1052 Index (Soundex) to the 1900 Federal Population Census Schedules for Michigan. 257 rolls. T1053 Index (Soundex) to the 1900 Federal Population Census Schedules for Minnesota. 180 rolls. 9 T1054 Index (Soundex) to the 1900 Federal Population Census Schedules for Mississippi. 156 rolls. T1055 Index (Soundex) to the 1900 Federal Population Census Schedules for Missouri. 300 rolls. T1056 Index (Soundex) to the 1900 Federal Population Census Schedules for Montana. 40 rolls. T1057 Index (Soundex) to the 1900 Federal Population Census Schedules for Nebraska. 107 rolls. T1058 Index (Soundex) to the 1900 Federal Population Census Schedules for Nevada. 7 rolls. T1059 Index (Soundex) to the 1900 Federal Population Census Schedules for New Hampshire. 52 rolls. T1060 Index (Soundex) to the 1900 Federal Population Census Schedules for New Jersey. 204 rolls. T1061 Index (Soundex) to the 1900 Federal Population Census Schedules for New Mexico. 23 rolls. T1062 Index (Soundex) to the 1900 Federal Population Census Schedules for New York. 768 rolls. T1063 Index (Soundex) to the 1900 Federal Population Census Schedules for North Carolina. 168 rolls. T1064 Index (Soundex) to the 1900 Federal Population Census Schedules for North Dakota. 36 rolls. T1065 Index (Soundex) to the 1900 Federal Population Census Schedules for Ohio. 397 rolls. T1066 Index (Soundex) to the 1900 Federal Population Census Schedules for Oklahoma. 42 rolls. T1067 Index (Soundex) to the 1900 Federal Population Census Schedules for Oregon. 54 rolls. T1068 Index (Soundex) to the 1900 Federal Population Census Schedules for Pennsylvania. 611 rolls. T1069 Index (Soundex) to the 1900 Federal Population Census Schedules for Rhode Island. 49 rolls. T1070 Index (Soundex) to the 1900 Federal Population Census Schedules for South Carolina. 124 rolls. T1071 Index (Soundex) to the 1900 Federal Population Census Schedules for South Dakota. 44 rolls. T1072 Index (Soundex) to the 1900 Federal Population Census Schedules for Tennessee. 188 rolls. T1073 Index (Soundex) to the 1900 Federal Population Census Schedules for Texas. 286 rolls. T1074 Index (Soundex) to the 1900 Federal Population Census Schedules for Utah. 29 rolls. T1075 Index (Soundex) to the 1900 Federal Population Census Schedules for Vermont. 41 rolls. T1076 Index (Soundex) to the 1900 Federal Population Census Schedules for Virginia. 174 rolls. T1077 Index (Soundex) to the 1900 Federal Population Census Schedules for Washington. 69 rolls. 10 T1078 Index (Soundex) to the 1900 Federal Population Census Schedules for West Virginia. 93 rolls. T1079 Index (Soundex) to the 1900 Federal Population Census Schedules for Wisconsin. 189 rolls. T1080 Index (Soundex) to the 1900 Federal Population Census Schedules for V\^oming. 14 rolls. T1081 Index (Soundex) to the 1900 Federal Population Census Schedules for Military and Naval. 32 rolls. T1082 Index (Soundex) to the 1900 Federal Population Census Schedules for Indian Territory. 42 rolls. T1083 Index (Soundex) to the 1900 Federal Population Census Schedules for Institutions. 8 rolls. T624 Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910. 1,784 rolls. Schedules show for each person: name, relationship to the head of the family, sex, age, marital status, occu¬ pation, place of birth, citizenship, education, literacy, and veteran status. Indexes to 1910 Population Schedules The following publications contain the only avail¬ able indexes to the 1910 census. There are no indexes to the remaining 29 states and territories. These indexes are either Soundex or Miracode, a similar method of indexing. T1259 Index (Soundex) to the 1910 Federal Population Census Schedules for Alabama. 140 rolls. T1260 Index (Miracode) to the 1910 Federal Population Census Schedules for Arkansas. 139 rolls. T1261 Index (Miracode) to the 1910 Federal Population Census Schedules for California. 272 rolls. T1262 Index (Miracode) to the 1910 Federal Population Census Schedules for Florida. 84 rolls. T1263 Index (Soundex) to the 1910 Federal Population Census Schedules for Georgia. 174 rolls. T1264 Index (Miracode) to the 1910 Federal Population Census Schedules for Illinois. 491 rolls. T1265 Index (Miracode) to the 1910 Federal Population Census Schedules for Kansas. 145 rolls. T1266 Index (Miracode) to the 1910 Federal Population Census Schedules for Kentucky. 194 rolls. T1267 Index (Miracode and Soundex) to the 1910 Fed¬ eral Population Census Schedules for Louisiana. 132 rolls. T1268 Index (Miracode) to the 1910 Federal Population Census Schedules for Michigan. 253 rolls. T1269 Index (Soundex) to the 1910 Federal Population Census Schedules for Mississippi. 118 rolls. T1270 Index (Miracode) to the 1910 Federal Population Census Schedules for Missouri. 285 rolls. T1271 Index (Miracode) to the 1910 Federal Population Census Schedules for North Carolina. 178 rolls. T1272 Index (Miracode) to the 1910 Federal Population Census Schedules for Ohio. 418 rolls. T1273 Index (Miracode) to the 1910 Federal Population Census Schedules for Oklahoma. 143 rolls. T1274 Index (Miracode) to the 1910 Federal Population Census Schedules for Pennsylvania. 688 rolls. T1275 Index (Soundex) to the 1910 Federal Population Census Schedules for South Carolina. 93 rolls. T1276 Index (Soundex) to the 1910 Federal Population Census Schedules for Tennessee. 142 rolls. T1277 Index (Soundex) to the 1910 Federal Population Census Schedules for Texas. 262 rolls. T1278 Index (Soundex) to the 1910 Federal Population Census Schedules for Virginia. 183 rolls. T1279 Index (Soundex) to the 1910 Federal Population Census Schedules for West Virginia. 108 rolls. Other Census Records T132 Minnesota Census Schedules for 1870. 13 rolls. Population schedules. Information supplied for each enumerated person includes: age; race; occupation; value of personal estate; birthplace; if parents were for¬ eign-born; month of marriage if married within the year; school attendance; literacy; if deaf and dumb, blind, in¬ sane, or idiotic; if denied the right to vote for reasons other than the rebellion (the Civil War). Arranged by county. Schedules for some counties were destroyed in the 1921 Commerce Department fire. This publication contains the duplicate set of those counties' schedules, which are in the custody of the Minnesota Historical Society. T655 Federal Mortality Census Schedules, 1850-1880, (Formerly in the Custody of the Daughters of the American Revolution), and Related Indexes. 30 rolls. This microfilm publication contains schedules (and usually the related indexes) for Arizona, Colorado, District of Columbia, Georgia, Kentuclty, Louisana, and Tennessee. Arranged alphabetically by state, thereunder by year. T1133 Nonpopulation Census Schedules For Illinois, 1850-1880. 64 rolls. Arranged by year, thereunder by type of schedule (industry, mortality, social statistics, and agriculture), thereunder alphabetically by county. M1283 Cross Index to Selected City Streets and Enu¬ meration Districts, 1910 Census. Microfiche. T1210 Descriptions of Census Enumeration Districts, 1900. 10 rolls. T1224 Descriptions of Census Enumeration Districts, 1830-1890 and 1910-1950. 146 rolls. This regional archives has rolls 28-40 (1910) only. RECORDS OF THE U.S CUSTOMS SERVICE (RECORD GROUP 36) Passenger Lists and Indexes The lists contain each passenger's name, age, sex, occupation and nationality, and the name of country of intended residence. Entries are arranged by date of arri¬ val. Sometimes an entry notes the port from which the passenger sailed. After 1891, passenger lists and indexes are in the Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service (RG 85). M575 Copies of Lists of Passengers Arriving at Miscel¬ laneous Ports on the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts and at Ports on the Great Lakes, 1820-1873. 16 rolls. Copies of original passenger lists or abstracts of passenger lists of vessels arriving at 63 ports on the Atlantic and gulf coasts and at two ports on the Great Lakes, 1820-73. For any port with both kinds of lists, both are reproduced to furnish the most complete 12 information available for that port. The lists are arranged alphabetically by the name of the port at which the vessel entered, and thereunder by the date of arrival. If more than one vessel entered a given port on the same day, the lists are arranged alphabetically by name of ship. When the documents were prepared for filming by the National Archives, they were numbered consecutively within each port. M237 Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York, New York, 1820-1897. 675 rolls. This regional archives has rolls 65-675 (December 1, 1846-June 17, 1897) only. M261 Index to Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York, New York, 1820-1846. 103 rolls. RECORDS OF THE HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE (RECORD GROUP 37) M75 Records of the U.S. Exploring Expedition Under the Command of Lt. Charles Wilkes, 1836-1842. 27 rolls. Letters received by the Navy Department relating to preparations for the expedition, letters received by the Navy Department relating to the expedition itself, 23 journals or logs of the expedition, and records of courts- martial held in the cases of certain officers of the expedi¬ tion. The volumes are from Naval Records Collection of the Office of Naval Records and Library (RG 45); Records of the Bureau of Naval Personnel (RG 24); Records of the Hydrographic Office (RG 37); and Records of the Office of the Judge Advocate General (Navy) (RG 125). RECORDS OF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES, COMMISSIONS, AND EXPOSITIONS (RECORD GROUP 43) M662 Records of the Department of State Relating to the First Panama Congress, 1825-1827. 1 roll. Records relate to the Congress of Panama, which met at Panama, Colombia (now the Republic of Panama), from June 22 to July 15, 1826. The Congress had been proposed by Simon Bolivar in a letter of December 7, 1824, with the purpose that the states of the Americas consider and adopt a plan for their defense against for¬ eign aggression. The records reproduced in this publica¬ tion include some original letters regarding the appoint¬ ment of U.S. delegates to the Congress; instructions to and reports from the delegates of the United States; cor¬ respondence with the delegates of other countries; invi¬ tations for the United States to participate in the Con¬ gress; correspondence of the delegation with the U.S. Foreign Office in Mexico; copies of correspondence of Minister to Mexico Joel Poinsett with representatives to the Congress after it had adjourned from Panama to meet at Thcubaya; and a copy of an unratified treaty of July 15, 1826, signed by representatives of Mexico, Great Colombia, the United Provinces of Central America, and Peru. The papers are arranged chronologically, and there is a list of the papers. T954 Records of the Department of State Relating to the Paris Peace Commission, 1898. 3 rolls. NAVAL RECORDS COLLECTION OF THE OFFICE OF NAVAL RECORDS AND LIBRARY (RECORD GROUP 45) MSS Records Relating to the U.S. Surveying Expedi¬ tion to the North Pacific Ocean, 1852-1863. 27 rolls. An act of August 31,1852, appropriated funds for a naval expedition to survey "for naval and commercial purposes ... the North Pacific Ocean and the China Seas ... frequented by American whaleships and by trading vessels in the routes between the United States and China." The five vessels composing the expedition left Hampton Roads, VA, on June 11, 1853; the actual work of survey and reconnaissance of the Northern Pacific- Bering Straits area took place between September 1854 and October 1855. The records include letters received by the Secretary of the Navy from the commanders of the expedition, deck logs of the vessels of the expedition, journals kept by officers and civilian employees, orders and instructions issued to the expedition, and letter books of the Office of the U.S. Surveying Expedition, an office created after the return of the expedition to pre¬ pare charts and reports for publication. 13 M89 Letters Received by the Secretary of the Navy From Commanding Officers of Squadrons, 1841-1886. 300 rolls. Letters, with their enclosures, received by the Secre¬ tary of the Navy from commanding officers of various naval squadrons from February 16, 1841, to November 11,1886. The letters relate to such topics as army and navy operations in the Mexican and Civil Wars, ship acci¬ dents, negotiation of treaties, courts-martial, observation of military and naval institutions and affairs in foreign countries, appointments and other personnel matters, and experimental and technical information. M125 Letters Received by the Secretary of the Navy: Captains' Letters, 1805-1861, 1866-1885. 413 rolls. This regional archives has rolls 64 (August 7-October 31, 1819) and 68 (July 1-September 30, 1820) only. Routine correspondence of captains commanding at sea, concerned mainly with matters of shipboard disci¬ pline and the repair and supply of vessels, as well as de¬ tailed reports concerning incidents that occurred, obser¬ vations, and other information obtained during a cruise. Communications received, maps, plans, and other items are often included. Some correspondence is from cap¬ tains of vessels involved in conflicts or disagreements with foreign governments as well as those engaged in armed hostilities. Generally arranged in chronological order by date of letter. M149 Letters Sent by the Secretary of the Navy to Offi¬ cers, 1798-1868. 86 rolls. This regional archives has rolls 32-51 (October 18, 1840-January 13, 1854) only. Reproductions of letters originally recorded in vol¬ umes that include instructions to commanding officers of squadrons, vessels, and other naval officers of all ranks; replies to reports, many of which are concerned with naval operations; circulars, general orders, and court-martial precepts; and letters relating to the disci¬ pline and assignment of officer personnel. RECORDS OF THE U.S. SENATE (RECORD GROUP 46) M200 Territorial Papers of the U.S. Senate, 1789-1873. 20 rolls. These papers were created as a result of the consti¬ tutional prerogatives of the Congress over territories, its power to admit new states, its control of appropriations, and the right of the people to petition the Congress for redress of grievances. In the main they consist of peti¬ tions, memorials, bills, resolutions, reports from execu¬ tive departments, and correspondence. See also General Records of the Department of State (RG 59); Records of the Office of the Secretary of the Interior (RG 48); and The Territorial Papers of the United States (M721), listed in this guide under Miscellaneous National Archives Microfilm Publications. RECORDS OF THE OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR (RECORD GROUP 48) M62 Records of the Office of the Secretary of the Interior Relating to Yellowstone National Park, 1872-1886. 6 rolls. Correspondence relating to Yellowstone National Park from its establishment in 1872 until 1886, in which year the Interior Department temporarily ceased to exer¬ cise major responsibility for administration of the park. The correspondence is divided into two categories: com¬ munications received and sent by the Patents and Mis¬ cellaneous Division of the Secretary's Office concerning general matters associated with the park's administra¬ tion; and communications received and sent by the Appointments Division of that office relating principally to the appointment of park superintendents and their assistants. 1VI95 Records of the Office of the Secretary of the Inte¬ rior Relating to Wagon Roads, 1857-1887. 16 rolls. Various letters, reports, itineraries, journals, and other papers accumulated and maintained in the Office of the Secretary of the Interior, relating to the construc¬ tion of civilian wagon roads in the western United States under the direction of the Interior Department. 14 Construction of these roads was authorized by various acts of Congress passed between 1856 and 1865. To handle the actual construction of the roads, the Secre¬ tary of the Interior in each case appointed a superinten¬ dent whose report and accounts were submitted directly to the secretary for review. The records include letters of application and recommendation for appointments with the construction crews, reports from superintendents and engineers on construction progress, field books, compass books and journals of engineers on the roads, correspondence about maps and plats, and various types of fiscal records. M606 Letters Sent by the Indian Division of the Office of the Secretary of the Interior, 1849-1903. 127 rolls. Handwritten transcripts of communications sent, 1849-1903, and accompanying indexes for the years 1849 through 1897. Letters were sent to the Commis¬ sioner of Indian Affairs, the President, other federal offi¬ cials, state and local officials, Indians, religious leaders, and others. The letters relate to legislation, fiscal mat¬ ters, treaties, administration of the Indian Field Service, and many other subjects. Territorial Papers These papers, arranged in series by territory, consist chiefly of transcripts of executive proceedings of the ter¬ ritorial governors, copies of official correspondence of the governors with federal and territorial officials, and miscellaneous communications received by the Depart¬ ment of the Interior relating to territorial matters. Affairs in the territories were under the direction of the Depart¬ ment of State from 1789 until 1873, when jurisdiction over the territories was transferred to the Department of the Interior. See also General Records of the Department of State (RG 59); Records of the U.S. Senate (RG 46); and The Territorial Papers of the United States, (M721) listed in this guide under Miscellaneous National Archives Microfilm Publications. M430 Interior Department Territorial Papers: Alaska, 1869-1911. 17 rolls. M429 Interior Department Territorial Papers: Arizona, 1868-1913. 8 rolls. M431 Interior Department Territorial Papers: Colorado, 1861-1888. 1 roll. M310 Interior Department Territorial Papers: Dakota, 1863- 1889. 3 rolls. M191 Interior Department Territorial Papers: Idaho, 1864- 1890. 3 rolls. M192 Interior Department Territorial Papers: Montana, 1867-1889. 2 rolls. M364 Interior Department Territorial Papers: New Mex¬ ico, 1851-1914. 15 rolls. M428 Interior Department Territorial Papers: Utah, 1850-1902. 6 rolls. M189 Interior Department Territorial Papers: Washing¬ ton, 1854-1902. 4 rolls. M204 Interior Department Territorial Papers: V\yoming, 1870-1890. 6 rolls. RECORDS OF THE BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT (RECORD GROUP 49) M8 Journal and Report of James L. Cathcart and James Hutton, Agents Appointed by the Secretary of the Navy to Survey Timber Resources Between the Mermentau and Mobile Rivers, 1818-1819. 1 roll. Cathcart and Hutton were appointed by the Secre¬ tary of the Navy as timber agents to locate and reserve for naval purposes public lands lying in the region of the Gulf of Mexico between the Mermentau and Mobile Riv¬ ers. Their travels from November 1818 until May 1819 are described in the volume filmed in this publication. In addition to accounts of their explorations, this volume 15 has an appendix containing copies of letters sent and received by Cathcart and Hutton during their trip. M25 Miscellaneous Letters Sent by the General Land Office, 1796-1889. 228 rolls. Copies of letters sent by the Secretary of the Tfeas- ury dealing with general policy in the administration of public lands, 1796-1812; copies of letters sent by the Register of the TYeasury relating to the disposal of public lands, 1802-12; and copies of miscellaneous letters sent by the General Land Office relating to a wide variety of public-land matters not dealt with in other series. Indexed. M27 Letters Sent by the General Land Office to the Surveyor General, 1796-1901.31 rolls. Copies of letters sent by the Secretary of the Tfeas- ury, 1796-1812, and by the General Land Office, 1812-1901. The Office of Surveyor General was estab¬ lished by an act of Congress in 1796, under the authority of which a surveyor general for the Northwest Territory was appointed. Other surveyors general were appointed from time to time as other areas were designated by Congress as surveying districts. The offices of the survey¬ ors general carried on their work of surveying and map¬ ping the public domain as independent agencies until 1836, when they were placed under the supervision of the Commissioner of the General Land Office. M68 List of North Carolina Land Grants in Tennessee, 1778-1791. 1 roll. Records that originated as a result of a resolution passed by the U.S. Senate asking for an estimate of the lands "not claimed by the Indians, nor granted to, nor claimed by any of the Citizens of the United States" in the territory (the future state of Tennessee) ceded to the United States by North Carolina in 1790. This publication is the list of North Carolina grants in Tennessee drawn up by North Carolina's secretary of state in response to this request for information. The list provides the following information: number of grant; name of grantee; number of acres; year grant was made; county in which the land was located; and position of the land, indicated usually by reference to the watercourse on which it was situated. M477 Letters Sent by the Surveyor General of the Terri¬ tory Northwest of the Ohio River, 1797-1854. 10 rolls. Letters sent to the Secretary of the Treasury, the Commissioner of the General Land Office, the Secretary of the Interior, members of Congress, other government officials, state and local government officials, other sur¬ veyors general, deputy surveyors, and private persons interested in land matters. M478 Letters Received by the Secretary of the Treasury and the Commissioner of the General Land Office from the Surveyor General of the Territory Northwest of the River Ohio, 1797-1849. 10 rolls. Records are arranged in chronological order. There is no index. M479 Letters Received by the Surveyor General of the Territory Northwest of the River Ohio, 1797-1856. 43 rolls. Letters received from the Secretary of the Tfeasury, the Commissioner of the General Land Office, the Secre¬ tary of the Interior, other government officials, and pri¬ vate individuals. M829 U.S. Revolutionary War Bounty Land Warrants Used in the U.S. Military District of Ohio and Related Papers (Acts of 1788, 1803, and 1806). 16 rolls. Warrants dated 1789-1833 and related papers dated as late as 1880, with indexes. Warrant shows date of is¬ suance, name and rank of veteran, state from which he enlisted, name of heir or assignee. Later warrants also contain legal description of the land and deeds of con¬ veyance when ownership was transferred. M848 War of 1812 Military Bounty Land Warrants, 1815-1858. 14 rolls. Warrants generally contain name and rank of vet¬ eran, unit of service, date of issue, and date land was located with page where recorded in the abstracts of military bounty-land warrant locations. Four indexes, arranged according to warrant number in chronological order, are on roll 1. For warrants appearing in this micro¬ film publication, issue dates of the first series (act of 16 1812, 160 acres) extend from August 19, 1815, to June 2, 1858, and for the second series (act of 1814, 320 acres) from August 23, 1815, to April 1, 1839. T1008 Register of Army Land Warrants Issued Under the Act of 1788, for Service in the Revolutionary War: Military District of Ohio. 1 roll. GENERAL RECORDS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY (RECORD GROUP 56) M87 Records of the Commissioners of Claims (South¬ ern Claims Commission), 1871-1880. 14 rolls. Records of the commissioners appointed under an act of March 3, 1871, to receive and consider claims of citizens resident in the Confederate States who remained loyal to the government of the United States and whose property or supplies were taken for the use of the U.S. Army. The commission's records consist of the journal of the commissioners, 1871-80; miscellaneous letters re¬ ceived, 1871-80; letters received by the commissioners from and about special agents (traveling investigators of the claims); and the printed Consolidated Index of Claims Reported by the Commissioners of Claims to the House of Representatives From 1871 to 1880. M174 Letters Received by the Secretary of the Treasury From Collectors of Customs, ("G", "H", "I" Series) 1833-1869. 226 rolls. The correspondence relates to such matters as the collection of customs duties; the control of the importa¬ tion and exportation of merchandise; the documentation of vessels; the detection and prevention of smuggling; the outfitting, repair, and operation of revenue cutters; the maintenance and operation of lighthouses and ma¬ rine hospitals; the enforcement of navigation and pas¬ senger laws and customs regulations; and the appoint¬ ment or dismissal of customhouse employees. Many of these letters are accompanied by enclosures. M175 Letters Sent by the Secretary of the TVeasury to Collectors of Customs at All Ports, 1789-1847, and at Small Ports, 1847-1878 ("G” Series). 43 rolls. Chiefly copies of letters, circulars, and telegrams relating to all phases of customs administration and enforcement of revenue laws. Topics include decisions on appeals of importers relating to the valuation of mer¬ chandise and duty charged; supervision of revenue cut¬ ters and the construction and administration of light¬ houses, customhouses, and marine hospitals; and approval of personnel changes. M178 Correspondence of the Secretary of the Treasury With Collectors of Customs, 1789-1833. 39 rolls. Letters assembled from various sources to replace the records destroyed by fire in 1833. Included are copies of letters received. The topics discussed in these letters are much the same as those discussed in the letters de¬ scribed in Ml74. M415 Letters Sent to the President by the Secretary of the Treasury (“A" Series), 1833-1878. 1 roll. Copies of the letters concerning such subjects as appointment and removal of Treasury Department offi¬ cials who were appointed by the President or whose re¬ moval required his approval; requests for instructions; comments on pending legislation affecting the Treasury Department; the need for appropriations for the settle¬ ment of claims; and the construction of public buildings, public roads, and canals. T712 Treasury Department Papers Relating to the Louisiana Purchase. 1 roll. Letters, contracts, powers of attorney, and agree¬ ments among the President of the United States, the Sec¬ retary of the Treasury, diplomatic officials, banking houses, and others concerning the purchase of and pay¬ ment for the Louisiana Territory. RECORDS OF THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY (RECORD GROUP 57) M156 Letters Received by John Wesley Powell, Director of the Geographical and Geological Survey of the Rocky Mountain Region, 1869-1879. 10 rolls. Letters received by Maj. John Wesley Powell, director of the survey of the Rocly Mountain region that is gener- 17 ally called the Powell Survey. There are letters from gov¬ ernment officials, prominent scientists, frontiersmen, editors, and others. M622 Records of the Geological Exploration of the For¬ tieth Parallel ("King Survey"), 1867-1881. 3 rolls. Communications and letters received from the Office of the Chief of Engineers and the Department of the Tfeasury, and copies of letters and reports sent to the Office of the Chief of Engineers. The survey, which was headed by Clarence King, was authorized by an act of March 2, 1867, and provided for geological and topogra¬ phical exploration of the territory between the Rocl^ Mountains and the Sierra Nevada. M623 Records of the Geological and Geographical Sur¬ vey of the Territories ("Hayden Survey"), 1867-1879. 21 rolls. Included are official and personal letters received by the members of the survey team and financial records of the survey headed by Dr. Ferdinand Vandeveer Hayden. An act of March 1867 provided for a geological survey of Nebraska, but the scope of the act was extended by Congress to include all the territories. Survey work was eventually carried out in V\^oming, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Colorado, and Nebraska. RECORDS OF THE INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE (RECORD GROUP 58) M764 Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Illinois, 1862-1866. 63 rolls. The assessment lists are divided into three catego¬ ries: annual, monthly, and special. Entries in the annual and monthly lists are for taxes assessed or collected in those specific periods. The special lists augment incom¬ plete annual and monthly lists, and include special taxes, for example, the special income tax of October 1864. The lists are arranged by collection district and thereunder by division. They are filmed in the order in which they are bound in the volumes. Lists are not included for every division for every month. An index that lists the county names within each collection district is included in this microfilm publication's descriptive pamphlet. GENERAL RECORDS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE (RECORD GROUP 59) M17 Registers of Correspondence of the Department of State, 1870-1906. 71 rolls. Registers of diplomatic communications received and sent, consular communications received and sent, and miscellaneous communications received and sent. Information given for each communication includes the date on which it was written and a summaiy of its con¬ tents. For incoming communications, the name of the writer and the date of receipt are given; for outgoing communications, the name of the recipient is listed. These registers may serve as a calendar. Diplomatic and Consular Instructions M61 Foreign Letters of the Continental Congress and the Department of State, 1785-1790. 1 roll. Copies of instructions sent to diplomatic and consu¬ lar representatives of the United States. Indexed. 1V128 Diplomatic and Consular Instructions of the Department of State, 1791-1801. 5 rolls. Copies of instructions sent to diplomatic representa¬ tives of the United States. M77 Diplomatic Instructions of the Department of State, 1801-1906. 175 rolls. Copies of instructions sent to diplomatic representa¬ tives of the United States, arranged by date from 1801 to 1833 and by name of country from 1833 to 1906. M78 Consular Instructions of the Department of State, 1801-1834. 7 rolls. Copies of instructions sent to U.S. consular repre¬ sentatives throughout the world. Indexed or registered. Diplomatic Despatches These consist of reports to the State Department from U.S. diplomatic representatives abroad. Many of the despatches are accompanied by enclosures such as 18 copies of notes exchanged by ministers of foreign states and U.S. diplomatic representatives, copies of correspon¬ dence between U.S. ministers and consular officials, cor¬ respondence with private individuals, and pamphlets, newspapers, and other printed materials. For the period 1789-1906 the despatches are arranged in series by country and thereunder chronologically. M69 Despatches From U.S. Ministers to Argentina, 1817-1906. 40 rolls. T157 Despatches From U.S. Ministers to Austria, 1838-1906. 51 rolls. M193 Despatches From U.S. Ministers to Belgium, 1832-1906. 37 rolls. T51 Despatches From U.S. Ministers to Bolivia, 1848-1906. 22 rolls. M121 Despatches From U.S. Ministers to Brazil, 1809-1906. 74 rolls. M219 Despatches From U.S. Ministers to Central Amer¬ ica, 1824-1906. 93 rolls. MIO Despatches From U.S. Ministers to Chile, 1823-1906. 52 rolls. M92 Despatches From U.S. Ministers to China, 1843-1906. 131 rolls. T33 Despatches From U.S. Ministers to Colombia, 1820-1906. 64 rolls. T158 Despatches From U.S. Ministers to Cuba, 1902-1906. 18 rolls. M41 Despatches From U.S. Ministers to Denmark, 1811-1906. 28 rolls. M93 Despatches From U.S. Ministers to the Domini¬ can Republic, 1883-1906. 15 rolls. T50 Despatches From U.S. Ministers to Ecuador, 1848-1906. 19 rolls. M34 Despatches From U.S. Ministers to France, 1789-1906. 128 rolls. M44 Despatches From U.S. Ministers to the German States and Germany, 1799-1801, 1835-1906. 107 rolls. M30 Despatches From U.S. Ministers to Great Britain, 1791-1906. 200 rolls. T159 Despatches From U.S. Ministers to Greece, 1868-1906. 18 rolls. M82 Despatches From U.S. Ministers to Haiti, 1862-1906. 47 rolls. T30 Despatches From U.S. Ministers to Hawaii, 1843-1900. 34 rolls. M90 Despatches From U.S. Ministers to the Italian States, 1832-1906. 44 rolls. M133 Despatches From U.S. Ministers to Japan, 1855-1906. 82 rolls. M134 Despatches From U.S. Ministers to Korea, 1883-1905. 22 rolls. 19 M170 Despatches From U.S. Ministers to Liberia, 1863-1906. 14 rolls. M97 Despatches From U.S. Ministers to Mexico, 1823-1906. 179 rolls. T525 Despatches From U.S. Ministers to Montenegro, March 12, 1905-June 14, 1906. 1 roll. T725 Despatches From U.S. Ministers to Morocco, 1905-1906. 1 roll. M42 Despatches From U.S. Ministers to the Nether¬ lands, 1794-1906. 46 rolls. T726 Despatches From U.S. Ministers to Panama, 1903-1906. 5 rolls. M128 Despatches From U.S. Ministers to Paraguay and Uruguay, 1858-1906. 19 rolls. M223 Despatches From U.S. Ministers to Persia, 1883-1906. 11 rolls. T52 Despatches From U.S. Ministers to Peru, 1826-1906. 66 rolls. M43 Despatches From U.S. Ministers to Portugal, 1790-1906. 41 rolls. T727 Despatches From U.S. Ministers to Rumania, 1880-1906. 5 rolls. M35 Despatches From U.S. Ministers to Russia, 1808-1906. 66 rolls. T630 Despatches From U.S. Ministers to Serbia, 1900-1906. 1 roll. Ml 72 Despatches From U.S. Ministers to Siam, 1882-1906. 9 rolls. M31 Despatches From U.S. Ministers to Spain, 1792-1906. 134 rolls. M45 Despatches From U.S. Ministers to Sweden and Norway, 1813-1906. 28 rolls. T98 Despatches From U.S. Ministers to Switzerland, 1853-1906. 35 rolls. T728 Despatches From U.S. Ministers to Texas, 1836-1845. 2 rolls. M46 Despatches From U.S. Ministers to Turkey, 1818-1906. 77 rolls. M79 Despatches From U.S. Ministers to Venezuela, 1835-1906. 60 rolls. Consular Despatches These consist of reports to the State Department from U.S. consular representatives abroad. The des¬ patches, arranged in series by name of consular post, cover a wide range of subjects from economic, political, and social conditions abroad to routine matters. Many of the despatches are accompanied by enclosures, such as copies of correspondence between consuls and local government officials, U.S. diplomatic representatives, other consuls, U.S. Navy officers commanding vessels stationed in foreign waters, and American citizens abroad. M23 Despatches From U.S. Consuls in Algiers, Algeria, 1785-1906. 19 rolls. 20 MlOO Despatches From U.S. Consuls in Amoy, China, 1844-1906. 15 rolls. This regional archives has rolls 1-11 (October 29, 1844-June30, 1888) only. M70 Despatches From U.S. Consuls in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1811-1906. 25 rolls. M9 Despatches From U.S. Consuls in Cap Haitien, Haiti, 1797-1906. 17 rolls. M84 Despatches From U.S. Consuls in La Guaira, Venezuela, 1810-1906. 23 rolls. M71 Despatches From U.S. Consuls in Montevideo, Uruguay, 1821-1906. 15 rolls. T106 Despatches From U.S. Consuls in Padang, Suma¬ tra, Netherlands East Indies, 1853-1898. 2 rolls. M76 Despatches From U.S. Consular Representatives in Puerto Rico, 1821-1899. 31 rolls. M72 Despatches From U.S. Consuls in St. Bartholo¬ mew, French West Indies, 1799-1899. 3 rolls. M81 Despatches From U.S. Consuls in St. Petersburg, Russia, 1803-1906. 18 rolls. Notes From Foreign Legations These are communications, arranged in series by country, to the State Department from foreign legations in the United States. Many of the notes are accompanied by enclosures, such as communications from foreign of¬ fices, heads of state, foreign consuls, and private citizens. Other enclosures include copies of proclamations and issues of newspapers. M47 Notes From the Argentine Legation in the United States to the Department of State, 1811-1906. 4 rolls. M48 Notes From the Austrian Legation in the United States to the Department of State, 1820-1906. 15 rolls. M194 Notes From the Belgian Legation in the United States to the Department of State, 1832-1906. 12 rolls. T795 Notes From the Bolivian Legation in the United States to the Department of State, 1837-1906. 1 roll. M49 Notes From the Brazilian Legation in the United States to the Department of State, 1824-1906. 8 rolls. T34 Notes From the Central American Legation in the United States to the Department of State, 1823-1906. 10 rolls. M73 Notes From the Chilean Legation in the United States to the Department of State, 1811-1906. 6 rolls. M98 Notes From the Chinese Legation in the United States to the Department of State, 1868-1906. 6 rolls. MSI Notes From the Colombian Legation in the United States to the Department of State, 1810-1906. 11 rolls. T799 Notes From the Costa Rican Legation in the United States to the Department of State, 1878-1906. 2 rolls. T800 Notes From the Cuban Legation in the United States to the Department of State, 1844-1906. 2 rolls. M52 Notes From the Danish Legation in the United States to the Department of State, 1801-1906. 9 rolls. 21 T801 Notes From the Legation of the Dominican Republic in the United States to the Department of State, 1844-1906. 3 rolls. T810 Notes From the Ecuadorean Legation in the United States to the Department of State, 1839-1906. 2 rolls. T798 Notes From the Legation of El Salvador in the United States to the Department of State, 1879-1906. 2 rolls. M53 Notes From the French Legation in the United States to the Department of State, 1789-1906. 32 rolls. M58 Notes From the Legations of the German States and Germany in the United States to the Department of State, 1817-1906. 35 rolls. M50 Notes From the British Legation in the United States to the Department of State, 1791-1906. 145 rolls. T808 Notes From the Greek Legation in the United States to the Department of State, 1823-1892. 1 roll. T803 Notes From the Haitian Legation in the United States to the Department of State, 1861-1906. 6 rolls. T160 Notes From the Hawaiian Legation in the United States to the Department of State, 1841-1899. 4 rolls. T796 Notes From the Honduran Legation in the United States to the Department of State, 1878-1906. 1 roll. M202 Notes From the Italian Legation in the United States to the Department of State, 1861-1906. 18 rolls. M163 Notes From the Japanese Legation in the United States to the Department of State, 1858-1906. 9 rolls. M166 Notes From the Korean Legation in the United States to the Department of State, 1883-1906. 1 roll. T807 Notes From the Liberian Legation in the United States to the Department of State, 1862-1898. 1 roll. T814 Notes From the Luxembourg Legation in the United States to the Department of State, 1876-1903. 1 roll. T806 Notes From the Madagascan Legation in the United States to the Department of State, 1883-1894. 1 roll. M54 Notes From the Mexican Legation in the United States to the Department of State, 1821-1906. 39 rolls. T953 Notes From Miscellaneous Foreign States to the Department of State, 1817-1906. 4 rolls. T614 Notes From the Montenegrin Legation in the United States to the Department of State, 1896-1905. 1 roll. M56 Notes From the Netherlands Legation in the United States to the Department of State, 1784-1906. 13 rolls. 22 T797 Notes From the Nicaraguan Legation in the United States to the Department of State, 1862-1906. 4 rolls. T811 Notes From the Norwegian Legation in the United States to the Department of State, 1905-1906. 1 roll. T812 Notes From the Panamanian Legation in the United States to the Department of State, 1903-1906. 1 roll. M350 Notes From the Paraguayan Legation in the United States to the Department of State, 1853-1906. 1 roll. T306 Notes From the Persian Legation in the United States to the Department of State, 1887-1906. 1 roll. T802 Notes From the Peruvian Legation in the United States to the Department of State, 1827-1906. 6 rolls. M57 Notes From the Portuguese Legation in the United States to the Department of State, 1796-1906. 8 rolls. M39 Notes From the Russian Legation in the United States to the Department of State, 1809-1906. 12 rolls. T805 Notes From the Samoan Legation in the United States to the Department of State, 1856-1894. 1 roll. M201 Notes From the Sardinian Legation in the United States to the Department of State, 1838-1861. 1 roll. T161 Notes From the Siamese Legation in the United States to the Department of State, 1876-1906. 1 roll. This publication has been reissued as M512 with an accompanying descriptive pamphlet. M59 Notes From the Spanish Legation in the United States to the Department of State, 1790-1906. 31 rolls. M60 Notes From the Swedish Legation in the United States to the Department of State, 1813-1906. 9 rolls. T809 Notes From the Texan Legation in the United States to the Department of State, 1836-1845. 1 roll. M67 Notes From the Tlinisian Legation in the United States to the Department of State, 1805-1906. 1 roll. T815 Notes From the Turkish Legation in the United States to the Department of State, 1867-1906. 8 rolls. MSS Notes From the Kingdom of the TWo Sicilies Legation in the United States to the Department of State, 1826-1860. 2 rolls. T804 Notes From the Uruguayan Legation in the United States to the Department of State, 1834-1906. 1 roll. T93 Notes From the Venezuelan Legation in the United States to the Department of State, 1835-1906. 8 rolls. Notes To Foreign Legations and Consulates M38 Notes From the Department of State to Foreign Ministers and Consuls in the United States, 1793-1834. 5 rolls. 23 Copies of communications sent by the State Depart¬ ment to foreign legations and embassies in the United States. Notes for the period 1793-1810 include notes to foreign consuls in the United States and are arranged by country, thereunder chronologically. Notes for the period 1810-34 are arranged chronologically for all countries and include a name index of foreign diplomats. M99 Notes to Foreign Legations in the United States From the Department of State, 1834-1906. 99 rolls. Communications to foreign legations of Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia and Ecuador, Brazil, Central American States, Chile, China, Colombia, Cuba, Den¬ mark, Dominican Republic, France, German States, Ger¬ many, Great Britain, Greece, Haiti, the Hanseatic Cities, Hawaii, Italian States, Japan, Korea, Liberia, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, Paraguay, Persia, Peru, Portugal, Prussia, Rumania, Russia, Siam, Spain, Sweden, Switzer¬ land, Texas, Turkey, Uruguay, and Venezuela. Decimal File, 1910-29 Records arranged according to the State Depart¬ ment decimal classification system that was adopted in 1910. The microfilm publication that follows deals mainly with political relations between states and inter¬ nal affairs of states. Records consist of diplomatic and consular despatches, enclosures, letters and telegrams from private individuals and other government depart¬ ments, notes from foreign diplomatic representatives in the United States, and memorandums prepared by State Department officials. Abstracts of documents are filmed on the beginning roll of the microfilm publication. M669 Records of the Department of State Relating to Internal Affairs of Costa Rica, 1910-1929. 40 rolls. Territorial Papers Affairs in the territories were supervised by the Department of State from the early days of the Republic to 1873, when an act of Congress gave the Secretary of the Interior "all duties in relation to the territories of the United States that are now by law or custom exercised and performed by the Secretary of State." These papers, arranged in series by territory, consist chiefly of original letters from the governors and secretaries of the territo¬ ries to the President or the Secretary of State, journals of executive proceedings in the territories, and acts of the territorial legislatures. Letters and documents predating the establishment of a territory are included. See also Records of the Office of the Secretary of the Interior (RG 48); Records of the U.S. Senate (RG 46); and The Territo¬ rial Ripers of the Ur)ited States (M721), listed in this guide under Miscellaneous National Archives Microfilm Publications. M342 State Department Territorial Papers, Arizona, 1864-1872. 1 roll. M3 State Department Territorial Papers, Colorado, 1859-1874. 1 roll. M309 state Department Territorial Papers, Dakota, 1861-1873. 1 roll. M116 state Department Territorial Papers, Florida, 1777-1824. 11 rolls. M445 state Department Territorial Papers, Idaho, 1863- 1872. 1 roll. M218 State Department Territorial Papers, Kansas, 1854-1861. 2 rolls. M356 State Department Territorial Papers, Montana, 1864- 1872. 2 rolls. M228 State Department Territorial Papers, Nebraska, 1854-1867. 1 roll. M13 State Department Territorial Papers, Nevada, 1861-1864. 2 rolls. T17 State Department Territorial Papers, New Mexico, 1851-1872. 4 rolls. 24 M419 state Department Territorial Papers, Oregon, 1848-1858. 1 roll. T260 State Department Territorial Papers, Orleans, 1764-1813. 13 rolls. M470 State Department Territorial Papers, Territory Northwest of the River Ohio, 1787-1801. 1 roll. M471 State Department Territorial Papers, Territory Southwest of the River Ohio, 1790-1795. 1 roll. M12 State Department Territorial Papers, Utah, 1853- 1873. 2 rolls. M26 State Department Territorial Papers, Washington, 1854- 1872. 2 rolls. MSS State Department Territorial Papers, V\^oming, 1868-1873. 1 roll. Letters of Application and Recommendation These letters of application and recommendation for appointment to federal office, 1797-1869, are arranged by presidential administration and thereunder alphabeti¬ cally by surname of the applicant or person recom¬ mended. The applications are mainly for positions with the Department of State or its foreign service. Since the department was at one time responsible for most aspects of domestic administration not related to war or finance, however, during the early period the positions include most of those within the federal service. Many of the let¬ ters are from or about persons prominent in the affairs of the country. M406 Letters of Application and Recommendation During the Administration of John Adams, 1797-1801. 3 rolls. M418 Letters of Application and Recommendation During the Administration of Thomas Jefferson, 1801-1809. 12 rolls. M438 Letters of Application and Recommendation During the Administration of James Madison, 1809-1817. Broils. M439 Letters of Application and Recommendation During the Administration of James Monroe, 1817-1825. 19 rolls. M531 Letters of Application and Recommendation During the Administration of John Quincy Adams, 1825-1829. Broils. M639 Letters of Application and Recommendation During the Administration of Andrew Jackson, 1829-1837. 27 rolls. M687 Letters of Application and Recommendation During the Administrations of Martin Van Buren, William Henry Harrison, and John Tyler, 1837-1845. 35 rolls. M873 Letters of Application and Recommendation During the Administrations of James Polk, Zachary Taylor, and Millard Fillmore, 1845-1853. 98 rolls. M967 Letters of Application and Recommendation During the Administrations of Franklin Pierce and James Buchanan, 1853-1861. 50 rolls. M650 Letters of Application and Recommendation During the Administrations of Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson, 1861-1869. 53 rolls. 25 other Records M36 Records of Negotiations Connected With the 'R'eaty of Ghent, 1813-1815, 2 rolls. Despatches, enclosures, and private letters to the Secretary of State from representatives of the United States empowered to negotiate a treaty of peace with Great Britain. M37 Records of the Department of State, Communi¬ cations From Special Agents, 1794-1906. 21 rolls. Reports, accounts, and exhibits relating to political conditions abroad, public opinion, and investigations of various kinds. Included are Joel Poinsett's report on the political state of Mexico, 1827; "Journal of Journey to Japan," 1853-54, by James Morrow of the Department of Agriculture; and several documents concerning United States-Hawaiian affairs, 1893. M40 Domestic Letters of the Department of State, 1784-1906. 171 rolls. Copies of practically all letters sent by the State Department that are not in the series of diplomatic and consular instructions or notes to foreign ministers and consuls. Although the letters contain information on a \A4de variety of subjects relating to international matters, most of them concern the various domestic duties of the department. Indexed. M83 Journal of the Voyage of the U.S.S. Nonsuch up the Orinoco, July 11-August 24, 1819. 1 roll. A copy of a journal kept by John N. Hambleton, act¬ ing chaplain on a voyage of Capt. Oliver Hazard Perry, U.S. Navy, to visit Angostura and to informally convey the good wishes of the U.S. government to the revolutionary government of Venezuela. M86 Journal of Charles Mason Kept During the Survey of the Mason and Dixon Line, 1763-1768. 1 roll. A journal of the activities and observations of Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon from the day the surveyors arrived at Philadelphia to the day they sailed from New York on their return to London. M179 Miscellaneous Letters of the Department of State, 1789-1906. 1,310 rolls. Letters received by the department prior to 1906 that have not been filed with diplomatic and consular despatches or notes from foreign legations and consul¬ ates. This is the companion series to Domestic Letters of the Department of State, 1784-1906 (M40). Indexed. M570 Copies of George Washington's Correspondence With Secretaries of State, 1789-1796. 1 roll. Copies of letters received and sent by George Wash¬ ington in letter books labeled "State Department Corre¬ spondence." They were once part of the Washington Papers. M586 List of U.S. Diplomatic Officers, 1789-1939. 3 rolls. Included for each diplomatic post are the names of the officers, their titles or grades, nationalities, places of birth, residences when appointed, and dates of appoint¬ ment. M587 List of U.S. Consular Officers, 1789-1939. 21 rolls. Included for each consular post are the names of the officers, their titles or grades, nationalities, places of birth, residences when appointed, and dates of appoint¬ ment. M588 "War of 1812 Papers" of the Department of State, 1789-1815. 7 rolls. Letters received concerning letters of marque, 1812-14; letters received regarding enemy aliens, 1812-14; marshals' returns of enemy alien prisoners of war, 1812-15; correspondence regarding passports, 1812-14; agreements for the exchange of prisoners of war, 1812-13; miscellaneous letters received concerning the release of prisoners, 1812-15; reports of William Lambert, secret agent, 1813; and miscellaneous inter¬ cepted correspondence, 1789-1814. M679 Records of the Department of State Special Interrogation Mission to Germany, 1945-1946. 3 rolls. 26 Records for the period August 1945-January 1946 of a mission to Germany to interrogate former German offi¬ cials regarding German foreign relations, propaganda, the Nazi Party, and other subjects. The mission was headed by DeWitt C. Poole. M743 Personal and Confidential Letters from Secretary of State Lansing to President Wilson, 1915-1918. 1 roll. A volume of press copies of personal and confiden¬ tial letters from Secretary of State Robert Lansing to President Woodrow Wilson, August 6, 1915-July 9, 1918. The volume also contains a few letters addressed to Col. Edward House, Cabinet members, foreign diplomats, and private persons. Among the subjects to which the records relate are German submarine warfare; the U.S. entrance into World War 1; and diplomatic relations with several countries, including Russia, Mexico, Great Britain, and Japan. The letters are arranged chronologically. T286 Correspondence Relating to the Filibustering Expedition Against the Spanish Government of Mexico, 1811-1816. 1 roll. Included are letters of Gen. Jose Alvarez Toledo; despatches of U.S. agent John Hamilton Robinson; cop¬ ies of notes to and from Robinson, Spanish officials, and Alvarez; and related letters of William Shaler and others. T493 Miscellaneous Documents Relating to Reci¬ procity Negotiations of the Department of State, 1848-1854, 1884-1885, 1891-1892. 1 roll. Records relating to negotiations with or concerning Austria-Hungary, Brazil, British possessions, Canada, Costa Rica, the Danish West Indies, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, and Spain T495 Papers Relating to the Cession of Alaska, 1856-1867; Enclosures 2 and 3 to Despatch 2115, Dated Dec. 2, 1936, From the U.S. Embassy in the Soviet Union. 1 roll. Forty-five documents attached as annexes to Despatch 2115, December 2, 1936, from the U.S. Em¬ bassy in the Soviet Union. They consist of typed copies, in French and Russian, of notes, despatches, reports, memorandums, and telegrams pertaining to the cession of Alaska. T645 Acceptances and Orders for Commissions in Records of the Department of State, 1789-1828. 2 rolls. Letters received by the Secretary of State from fed¬ eral appointees notifying him of their acceptance of com¬ missions in the government service, and copies of orders issued by the secretary for the preparation of their com¬ missions. T841 Correspondence of Secretary of State Bryan with President Wilson, 1913-1915. 4 rolls. This regional archives has roll 1 (1913) only Correspondence covering the first 3 years of Wilson's first term. The letters, arranged chronologically range over topics that include political appointments, the Mexican Revolution, China and Japan, Nicaragua, the Panama-Pacific Exposition in San Francisco, and the beginnings of World War I in Europe. T903 Daybook of the Department of State for Miscel¬ laneous and Contingent Expenses, Feb. 1, 1798-Nov. 3, 1820. 1 roll. Record of all expenditures of the State Department for salaries, supplies, equipment, and miscellaneous items and services. Each entry shows the date, name of payee, items or services furnished, and the amount. T908 Despatches Received by the Department of State from the U.S. Commission to Central and South America, July 14, 1 884-December 26, 1885. 1 roll. T967 Copies of Presidential Pardons and Remissions, 1794-1893. / rolls. Records include each prisoner's name, residence, the crime of which he was convicted, the nature of the sentence, the date of the pardon or remission, and any condition attached to the pardon or remission. T1024 The Alaska Treaty by David Hunter Miller, Depart¬ ment of State. 1 roll. A draft manuscript of a planned ninth volume of the State Department's edition of Treaties and Other Interna- 27 tional Acts of the United States of America (Washington, DC, 1931-). This manuscript was never published. GENERAL RECORDS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE (RECORD GROUP 60) M699, Letters Sent by the Department of Justice: General and Miscellaneous, 1818-1904. 81 rolls. Copies of letters sent by the Office of the Attorney General, 1818-70, and its successor, the Department of Justice, 1870-1904. They are addressed to the President, officers and members of Congress, federal departments, judges, district attorneys, marshals, clerks of courts, state officials, and private citizens. Between 1867 and 1874 the establishment of separate series of letter books for specific groups of correspondents led to limiting this series of records to letters sent to private citizens. M700 Letters Sent by the Department of Justice Con¬ cerning Judiciary Expenses, 1849-1884. 24 rolls. Letter books containing copies of letters sent by the Department of the Interior, 1849-70, and by the Depart¬ ment of Justice, 1870-84, concerning the administration of the judiciary fund and the supervision of accounts of U.S. attorneys, marshals, clerks, and officers of the courts of the United States. T326 Letters From and Opinions of the Attorneys Gen¬ eral, 1791-1811. 1 roll. Opinions of Attorneys General, together with some letters and enclosures, regarding matters affecting the Department of State and the foreign relations of the United States. Most of these opinions have been printed (26th Cong., 2d sess., H.Doc. 123; and 31st Cong., 2d sess., H.Ex.Doc. 55). The letters and some of the other papers, however, are not printed with the opinions. Very few of the papers in this series are dated after 1802. T412 Opinions of the Attorney General, 1817-1832. 3 rolls. Official opinions on questions of law rendered by the Attorney General to the President, department heads. and on rare occasions to the chairmen of congressional committees. T577 Index to Names of U.S. Marshals, 1789-1960. 1 roll. Card index to names of U.S. marshals compiled by the Executive Office of U.S. Marshals, Department of Jus¬ tice. Arranged alphabetically by name of marshal. Entries show date of marshal's nomination, date of commission, judicial district in which marshal served, name of prede¬ cessor, and source from which the compiler gathered this information. RECORDS OF THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION (RECORD GROUP 64) M248 Publications of the National Archives, 1935-1968. 24 rolls. Publications of the National Archives and the National Archives and Records Service, except The Terri¬ torial Papers of the United States (M721) and the publica¬ tions of the National Historical Publications Commission, and Offices of the Federal Register, Records Manage¬ ment, Federal Records Centers, and presidential libraries. The Federal Register, 1936-1938, has been reproduced as Ml 90. RECORDS OF THE BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS (RECORD GROUP 75) General Records M4 Letter Book of Creek Trading House, 1795-1816. 1 roll. Handwritten copies of letters sent to government officials, army officers, merchants, and others by the agent of the trading house or factory operated by the United States for the purpose of trading with the Creek Indians, 1795-1816. In addition to documenting the trading business at the factory, the letters contain infor¬ mation about goods needed for the trade, shipment of 28 goods to be traded for fur pelts, competition with private traders, relations with the military, and conditions among the Indians. M15 Letters Sent by the Secretary of War Relating to Indian Affairs, 1800-1824. 6 rolls. Handwritten copies of letters to territorial gover¬ nors, officials of the Indian service, the Superintendent of Indian Tfade, factors of trading posts, Indians, and others. Included are copies of addresses to Indian dele¬ gations, appointments, passports issued for travel in Indian country, and instructions to treaty commissioners. M16 Letters Sent by the Superintendent of Indian TY-ade, 1807-1823. 6 rolls. In 1806 an act of Congress authorized the appoint¬ ment of a superintendent of Indian trade, empowered to "purchase and take charge of all goods intended for trade with the Indian nations" and to supervise the op¬ erations of government factories or trading houses. The letters include instructions and other communications to factors; letters to businessmen and purchasing agents concerning the nature, quality, and price of goods to be purchased; and communications to U.S. consuls abroad concerning the disposal of peltries at auction and the purchase of goods. M18 Registers of Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-1880. 126 rolls. Alphabetically arranged registers for the records filmed as M234. The information given for each letter includes the name of the writer, the date the letter was written, place where it was written, a summary of its contents, and the heading under which the letter was filed. After April 1834, the date received is given; after June 1836, the file number assigned to each letter is given. M21 Letters Sent by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-1881. 166 rolls. Handwritten transcripts of communications sent by the Office of Indian Affairs. The letters, which were cop¬ ied into volumes, include instructions to superinten¬ dents, agents, and other field officials of the office; re¬ ports to the Secretary of War; acknowledgments of and replies to incoming letters; notices of appointment; and many other communications concerning all aspects of the operations of the office. M74 Letters of Tench Coxe, Commissioner of the Revenue, Relating to Procurement of Military, Naval, and Indian Supplies, 1794-1796. 1 roll. A letter book containing copies of letters sent by Commissioner of Revenue Tenche Coxe concerning pro¬ curement of supplies for the Department of War from April 14, 1794, to August 26, 1796. During this period the War Department was responsible for naval and Indian as well as militaiy affairs, and these letters relate to specifi¬ cations, contracts, and arrangements for the purchase of such supplies as blankets, timber for ship construction, iron, powder, provisions, clothing, and medical equip¬ ment. The majority of these letters were written in the year 1794. After that year, procurement responsibilities were assigned to another official in the 'Treasury Depart¬ ment, the Purveyor of Public Supplies. Tench Coxe con¬ tinued to be responsible for any transactions initiated but not finished in 1794; the letters written in 1795 and 1796 relate chiefly, therefore, to such unfinished busi¬ ness. M234 Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-1881. 962 rolls. These letters, from superintendencies, agencies, Indian schools, and other sources, contain significant information about the government's administration of Indian affairs. Also included is valuable information con¬ cerning intertribal relationships and the relations of Indians with white traders, settlers, and soldiers. The letters are registered in M18. M271 Letters Received by the Office of the Secretary of War Relating to Indian Affairs, 1800-1823. 4 rolls. From 1789 until 1824 the administration of Indian affairs, except for the government-operated factory sys¬ tem of trade with the Indians, was under the direct supervision of the Secretary of War. 1VI348 Report Books of the Office of Indian Affairs, 1838-1885. 53 rolls. 29 These report books contain manuscript copies of communications sent by the Office of Indian Affairs to the member of the President's Cabinet having supervi¬ sory responsibility for Indian affairs. From 1832 to 1849 the Commissioner of Indian Affairs reported to the Secre¬ tary of War; thereafter, he reported to the Secretary of the Interior. The report books contain, in addition to com¬ munications to the secretaries, some copies of letters to the President, to chairmen and other members of com¬ mittees of the House of Representatives and the Senate, to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the President of the Senate, and to other government offi¬ cials. The reports range from extensive narratives, such as annual reports, to brief letters transmitting documents or recommending appointments. M574 Special Files of the Office of Indian Affairs, 1807-1904. 85 rolls. Correspondence, reports, accounts, affidavits, and other records that were brought together for convenient reference. The records relate mainly to claims and inves¬ tigations. The claims include those of traders for goods furnished to Indians or the government, of attorneys for legal fees, of both Indians and whites for losses from depredations, and of Indians for losses resulting from their removal from the East. The investigations, other than those of claims, were mainly of the conduct of em¬ ployees of the office. M595 Indian Census Rolls, 1884-1940. 692 rolls. This regional archives has rolls of local interest only. The information provided in the rolls varies to some extent, but usually includes the English or Indian name (or both) of the person enrolled, census roll number, age or date of birth, sex, and relationship to head of family. Beginning in 1930, the rolls also show the degree of Indian blood, marital status, ward status, place of resi¬ dence, and sometimes other information. For certain years—for example, 1935, 1936, 1938, and 1939—only supplemental rolls of additions and deductions were compiled. The 1931 or 1932 census rolls often include separate lists that recapitulate births and deaths for the years after 1924. Most of the 1940 rolls have been re¬ tained by the Bureau of Indian Affairs and are not in¬ cluded in this microfilm publication. The preparation of rolls was not required after 1940, but a few later ones were submitted. T58 Letters Received by the Superintendent of Indian Trade, 1806-1824. 1 roll. Mainly correspondence received by the Superinten¬ dents of Indian Trade and some drafts of outgoing corre¬ spondence, memorandums, and accounting records. In¬ cluded are incoming letters of the transportation agents for the liquidation of the factories. T494 Documents Relating to the Negotiation of Rati¬ fied and Unratified Treaties With Various Indian Tribes, 1801-1869. 10 rolls. Journals of treaty commissioners, proceedings of councils, reports, and other records relating to the nego¬ tiation of Indian treaties that were ratified by the Senate and similar records pertaining to Indian treaties that were never ratified by the Senate. The original treaties are reproduced as M668, Ratified Indian Treaties, 1722-1869 (M668). Records of Superintendencies of Indian Affairs During the 19th century there were two principal types of field jurisdictions within the Bureau of Indian Affairs: superintendencies and agencies. A superinten¬ dent had general responsibility for Indian affairs in a geographic area, usually a territory; agents were immedi¬ ately responsible for the affairs of one or more tribes. Until the 1870s most agents were responsible to a super¬ intendent. The records of a superintendency relate to almost all aspects of Indian administration in the juris¬ diction, including treaties, Indian subsistence, claims arising from Indian removal, land reserves, intrusions on Indian lands, law and order, hostilities and depredation claims, annuity payments to Indians, locations of agen¬ cies, schools, purchase of supplies, employees, and ac¬ counts. Most of the superintendent's correspondence was conducted with the Commissioner of Indian Affairs and with agents in the superintendency, but there was also correspondence with army officials, Indians, busi¬ nessmen, and others. Ml Records of the Michigan Superintendency of Indian Affairs, 1814-1851. 71 rolls numbered 2-72. M842 Records of the Minnesota Superintendency of Indian Affairs, 1849-1856. 9 rolls. 30 M2 Records of the Oregon Superintendency of Indian Affairs, 1848-1873. 29 rolls. MS Records of the Washington Superintendency of Indian Affairs, 1853-1874. 26 rolls. MlOll Superintendents' Annual Narrative and Statisti¬ cal Reports from Field Jurisdictions of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, 1907-1938. 174 rolls. RECORDS OF BOUNDARY AND CLAIMS COMMISSIONS AND ARBITRATIONS (RECORD GROUP 76) T606 Records Relating to the First Northwest Bound¬ ary Survey Commission, 1853-1869. 4 rolls. Records of the commission established under an act of August 11, 1856, as agreed to by Great Britain. T716 Records of and Relating to the C.S.S. Florida, 1862-1864. 4 rolls. Records of the Geneva Tribunal of Arbitration, 1871-72, which arbitrated the controversy over the C.S.S. Florida; and of the Court of Commissioners of Alabama Claims, 1874-76, which also adjudicated the claims of U.S. citizens relating to the C.S.S. Florida. Also included are records of the Court of Commissioners, 1882-85. RECORDS OF THE OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF ENGINEERS (RECORD GROUP 77) M65 Letters Sent by the Office of the Chief of Engi¬ neers Relating to Internal Improvements, 1824-1830. 3 rolls. Three volumes of letter books in which were entered record copies of communications addressed from the Office of the Chief of Engineers between May 5, 1824, and June 28, 1830, to members of the Corps of Engi¬ neers, to the topographical engineers, to the Board of Engineers for Internal Improvements, to the Secretary of War, and to private persons. The letters relate to surveys and reconnaissances directed by the Office of the Chief of Engineers in connection vAth the program of internal improvements authorized by an act of April 30, 1824. Most of the communications were sent from the Engi¬ neer Department and were signed by the Chief of Engi¬ neers or by assistants in the office; a few were sent from the War Department and were signed by the Secretary of War. M66 Letters Sent by the Topographical Bureau of the War Department and by Successor Divisions in the Office of the Chief of Engineers, 1829-1870. 37 rolls. Record copies of the outgoing correspondence of the Topographical Bureau of the War Department be¬ tween 1829 and 1863 and of successor divisions in the Office of the Chief of Engineers between 1863 and 1870. The chief concern of the Topographical Bureau was the performance of reconnaissances and surveys relative to internal improvements or to other operations of civil and military significance. The letters deal with a wide range of subjects; river and harbor improvements; canal and railroad routes; international, state, territorial, and In¬ dian reservation boundaries; the construction of light¬ houses; engineering operations in the District of Colum¬ bia; and the exploration of the West. Most of the letters are addressed to the topographical engineers, to civil engineers in the bureau's employ, and to other govern¬ ment officials. RECORDS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM (RECORD GROUP 82) M591 Minutes of the Federal Open Market Committee, 1936-1974, and of Its Executive Committee, 1936-1955. 41 rolls. This regional archives has rolls 1-18 (1936-61) only. Open market operations of the Federal Reserve banks are conducted under regulations adopted by this committee, which meets in Washington, DC, at frequent intervals. It also directs the foreign currency transactions for the Federal Reserve System's open market account. The executive committee was abolished in 1955. 31 RECORDS OF THE FOREIGN SERVICE POSTS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE (RECORD GROUP 84) Records of U.S. Legations and Embassies Selected series or parts of series of correspondence for the countries and dates indicated. M20 Selected Records of the U.S. Legation in Chile, 1885-1905. 14 rolls. Instructions sent to the legation by the Department of State, 1897-1905; notes to the legation from the Chil¬ ean Foreign Office, 1897-1905; consular correspondence received, 1897-1904; and a register of letters received, 1885-1904. M14 Selected Records of the U.S. Legation in France, 1836-1842. 10 rolls. Letter books containing copies of letters sent from the U.S. legation in Paris during the tenure of Lewis Cass as minister to France. These communications comprise despatches to the Department of State in Washington, notes to the French Foreign Office, and miscellaneous letters to a variety of officials and individuals. There is a name and subject index at the end of each volume. RECORDS OF THE IMMIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION SERVICE (RECORD GROUP 85) M1357 Index to Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Galveston, Texas, 1896-1906. 3 rolls. M1358 Index to Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Galveston, Texas, 1906-1951. 7 rolls. An alphabetical index to the names of passengers arriving at Galveston and the subports of Houston and Brownsville, TX. M1359 Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Galveston, Texas, 1896-1951.36 rolls. Passenger manifests of vessels arriving at Galveston and various Texas subports. The early lists are shipping company manifests; the later ones are Immigration and Naturalization Service forms. The lists are arranged chronologically by date of arrival. T519 Index to Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York, New York, June 16, 1897-June30, 1902. 115 rolls. WAR DEPARTMENT COLLECTION OF REVOLUTIONARY WAR RECORDS (RECORD GROUP 93) M246 Revolutionary War Rolls, 1775-1783. 138 rolls. Muster rolls, payrolls, returns of company regimen¬ tal personnel, lists of officers, guard reports, and other records related to military service. The material is ar¬ ranged in three parts as follows: records of state organi¬ zations, records of Continental troops, and miscellane¬ ous returns and records. See also Records of the Conti¬ nental and Confederation Congresses and the Constitu¬ tional Convention (RG 360); Records of the Supreme Court of the United States (RG 267); and Records of the Adjutant General's Office (RG 94). M847 Special Index to Numbered Records in the War Department Collection of Revolutionary War Records, 1775-1783. 39 rolls. The Special Index was created by the Record and Pension Office of the War Department to index names of persons appearing in some of the Revolutionary War rec¬ ords that were in its custody and that were not ab¬ stracted in the preparation of compiled service records. Specifically, it indexes all or some of the names in three series of records, the Miscellaneous Numbered Records (the Manuscript File) in the War Department Collection of Revolutionary War Records, 1775-1790's (M859), the photographic copies of state records, and the 199 num¬ bered record books (M853). M859 Miscellaneous Numbered Records (The Manu¬ script File) in the War Department Collection of Revo¬ lutionary War Records, 1775-l790's. 125 rolls. The 35,500 miscellaneous numbered records in¬ clude originals and copies relating to Revolutionary War military operations, service of individuals, pay and 32 settlement of accounts, and supplies. Most of the origi¬ nal records are dated from 1775 to the early 1790s, but some were created in the 19th centuiy, generally in con¬ nection with settling accounts and granting pensions to former servicemen and their heirs. Most copies of rec¬ ords were made by the War Department in the 1890s. M860 General Index to Compiled Militaiy Service Rec¬ ords of Revolutionary War Soldiers. 58 rolls. A name index to the compiled service records of sol¬ diers who served with the American army during the Revolutionary War. The index also contains entries for several small series of Revolutionary War compiled serv¬ ice records of sailors, members of army staff depart¬ ments, and other persons associated with the American army and navy. Each card of the index gives the name and unit of a soldier or civilian and sometimes his rank, profession, or office. M879 Index to Compiled Service Records of American Naval Personnel Who Served During the Revolution¬ ary War. 1 roll. Each of the approximately 1,000 entries in this index gives the name of a sailor or civilian employee and sometimes his rank or profession. M880 Compiled Service Records of American Naval Personnel and Members of the Departments of the Quartermaster General and the Commissary General of Military Stores Who Served During the Revolution- aiy War. 4 rolls. For each soldier, sailor, or civilian, a jacket envelope that contains card abstracts of entries relating to him as found in original records. M881 Compiled Service Records of Soldiers Who Served in the American Army During the Revolution¬ ary War. 1,096 rolls. One or more jacket envelopes for each soldier con¬ taining card abstracts of entries relating to that soldier from original records. RECORDS OF THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE (RECORD GROUP 94) M29 Orders of Gen. Zachary Taylor to the Army of Occupation in the Mexican War, 1845-1847. 3 rolls. Three volumes of the general and special orders is¬ sued from August 6, 1845, to November 25, 1847. Also included are orders issued December 9-30, 1847, by Gen. John E. Wool, who succeeded Thylor in command. The volumes are indexed by name and subject. M91 Records Relating to the U.S. Military Academy, 1812-1867. 29 rolls. From 1812 to 1867, the U.S. Military Academy was under the supervision of the Chief of Engineers. The rec¬ ords consist of three series: copies of letters sent by the Engineer Department relating to the U.S. Military Acad¬ emy, 1812-67 (including letters to the Secretary of War and to Congress, 1812-26); copies of U.S. Military Acad¬ emy orders issued by the Engineer Department, 1814-67, many of which deal with resignations and courts-martial of cadets; and Engineer Department letters, reports, and statements sent to the Secretary of War and to Congress, 1836-66. The first series, "Military Academy Letters," is the largest (25 of 29 volumes) and deals with such sub¬ jects as the nomination, resignation, and dismissal of cadets; appointment of instructors; courses of study; erection of buildings at the academy; title to land at West Point; and activities of the Board of Visitors. M654 Gen. James Wilkinson's Order Book, Dec. 31, 1796-Mar. 8, 1808. 3 rolls. Orders relating to a wide variety of subjects, such as the assignment of personnel; the movement, inspection, and muster of troops; the preparation of returns; the is¬ suance and allowance of rations, provisions, and cloth¬ ing; and courts-martial. A name and subject index to the orders is included. M661 Historical Information Relating to Military Posts and Other Installations, ca. 1700-1900. 8 rolls. Entries for permanent and temporary U.S. Army posts; Confederate forts; fortified Indian towns; harbor pilot stations; national cemeteries; redoubts and 33 batteries; civilian and fur company blockhouses; and British, French, Spanish, and Dutch installations erected within the present boundaries of the United States. M858 The Negro in the Military Service of the United States, 1639-1886. 5 rolls. A seven-volume compilation of copies of official records, state papers, and historical extracts relating to the military status and service of blacks from the colonial period through 1886, prepared by the Colored Tfoops Division of the Adjutant General's Office, ca. 1888. T36 Lt. Zebulon Pike's Notebook of Maps, Tt'averse Tcibles, and Meteorological Observations, 1805-1807. 1 roll. Pike's charts, tables, and maps of the Mississippi, Missouri, and Osage Rivers, and of part of the land route he traversed in 1805-7. Indexes to Compiled Service Records Alphabetical name indexes. Each entry gives the name of the soldier, his rank, and the unit in which he served. There are cross-references for names that appear in the records under more than one spelling and for service in more than one unit or organization. Pre-Civil War M602 Index to Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Soldiers Who Served During the War of 1812. 234 rolls. M630 Index to Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Soldiers Who Served From the State of Michigan Dur¬ ing the Patriot War, 1838-1839. 1 roll. Alphabetical index to the records of volunteer sol¬ diers who served in Capt. Isaac S. Rowland's Independ¬ ent Company, Brady Guards, Michigan Militia. M631 Index to Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Soldiers Who Served From the State of New York During the Patriot War, 1838. 1 roll. M6l6 Index to Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Soldiers Who Served During the Mexican War. 41 rolls. Civil War M539 Index to Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Union Soldiers Who Served in Organizations From the State of Illinois. 101 rolls. M540 Index to Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Union Soldiers Who Served in Organizations From the State of Indiana. 86 rolls. M545 Index to Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Union Soldiers Who Served in Organizations From the State of Michigan. 48 rolls M546 Index to Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Union Soldiers Who Served in Organizations From the State of Minnesota. 10 rolls. M552 Index to Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Union Soldiers Who Served in Organizations From the State of Ohio. 122 rolls. M559 Index to Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Union Soldiers Who Served in Organizations From the State of Wisconsin. 33 rolls. RECORDS OF THE BUREAU OF REFUGEES, FREEDMEN, AND ABANDONED LANDS (RECORD GROUP 105) M742 Selected Series of Records Issued by the Com¬ missioner of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 1865-1872. 7 rolls. 34 Records relating to the general operations of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands. Includes seven volumes of letters sent that also contain copies of Commissioner O. O. Howard's annual reports to the President, six volumes of endorsements sent, a volume of circulars issued that contain instructions re¬ lating to the organization and operation of the bureau, and a volume of special orders that relate mainly to personnel. M752 Registers and Letters Received by the Commis¬ sioner of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 1865-1872. 74 rolls. Registers, indexes, and the related unbound letters received by the commissioner. The registers include such information as the name or office of the correspondent, the date of the letter, the place from which the letter was sent, the date of receipt, and an abstract of its contents. The letters pertain to all phases of the bureau's activities. M798 Records of the Assistant Commissioner for the State of Georgia, Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 1865-1869. 36 rolls. Communications sent, registers of letters received, orders issued, letters and reports received, and miscella¬ neous papers. Among the reports and miscellaneous pa¬ pers are reports concerning the bureau's operations in Georgia, reports of murders and outrages, a register of land titles issued to freedmen, and a listing of civilian agents on duty in Georgia. M799 Records of the Superintendent of Education for the State of Georgia, Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 1865-1870. 28 rolls. Included are six volumes of letters sent, five vol¬ umes of registers of letters received, letters received, school reports, and accounting records. The monthly school reports include reports from bureau officers (agents and subassistant commissioners stationed in the subdistricts) and reports from the teachers of freedmen's schools. The accounting records include two registers of expenditures and one volume of miscellaneous lists and memorandums. RECORDS OF THE OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF WAR (RECORD GROUP 107) M6 Letters Sent by the Secretary of War Relating to Military Affairs, 1800-1889. 110 rolls. Copies of letters sent by the Secretary of War to chiefs of bureaus of the War Department, officials of other departments, governors of states and territories, army officers, and others relating to militaiy affairs, pen¬ sion and bounty lands, Indian affairs, and other matters within the jurisdiction of the Secretaiy of War. M7 Confidential and Unofficial Letters Sent by the Secretary of War, 1814-1847. 2 rolls. TWO volumes of fair copies of communications con¬ sidered distinct from the normal correspondence of the office. M22 Registers of Letters Received by the Office of the Secretary of War, Main Series, 1800-1870. 134 rolls. Abstracts of letters received, giving date of receipt, correspondent's name, and date and purport of letter. These registers may serve as a calendar to the letters in¬ cluded in M221. M127 Letters Sent to the President by the Secretary of War, 1800-1863. 6 rolls. Letters relate to such subjects as operations of the army, administration of the War Department, appropria¬ tions, military commissions, military posts and establish¬ ments, general courts-martial, and annual reports of the Secretary of War. M221 Letters Received by the Secretaiy of War, Regis¬ tered Series, 1801-1870. 317 rolls. Letters relating to all phases of military and civil policy handled by the secretary's office. See M22 for the related registers, 1800-70, and M495 for indexes, 1861-70. 1V1222 Letters Received by the Secretary of War, Unreg¬ istered Series, 1789-1861. 34 rolls. 35 Letters from officers of subordinate bureaus of the Department of War, army officers in the field, governors of states and territories, civilian agents in the field, mem¬ bers of Congress, the President, officials of other execu¬ tive departments, and private persons. Topics include Indian affairs, fortifications for the defense of the country's coasts and frontiers, military campaigns against the British and the Indians, the construction and opening of military roads, the granting of pensions, and the furnishing of subsistence for armies in the field. M370 Miscellaneous Letters Sent by the Secretary of War, 1800-1809. 3 rolls. Letters sent mainly to civilians, commercial firms, and other nonmilitary officials or organizations, relating to a wide variety of subjects but especially to the manu¬ facture, procurement, transportation, and disposition of ordnance and ordnance stores, rations, clothing, and other supplies and equipment. Among the other subjects are claims for lands based on military service, the fortifi¬ cations of harbors, the erection of buildings at posts and arsenals, and the activities of the state militia. M420 Indexes to Letters Sent by the Secretary of War Relating to Military Affairs, 1871-1889. 12 rolls. Arranged alphabetically. References are to persons, titles, offices, and subjects. Indexes to the letters before 1871 were included in each volume of the letters and not in separate volumes. See M6 for related letters. M421 Letters Sent by the Secretary of War to the Presi¬ dent and Executive Departments, 1863-1870. 5 rolls. Ten volumes of record copies of letters sent by the Secretary of War to the President, to other executive de¬ partments, and to bureaus of the War Department. There is a name and a partial subject index to each volume. M491 Registers of Letters Received by the Secretary of War, Irregular Series, 1861-1866. 4 rolls. TWO subseries that were kept to record letters that were not registered in the main series of registers (M22) or the series of registers of letters received from the President, executive departments, and War Department bureaus (M493). M492 Letters Received by the Secretcuy of War, Irregular Series, 1861-1866. 36 rolls. Letters received by the Secretary of War that were not filed in the main series (M221) or in the series of let¬ ters received from the President, executive departments, and War Department bureaus (M494). These letters were received from officers of subordinate bureaus of the War Department, officials of other executive departments, army officers in the field, governors of states and territo¬ ries, members of the diplomatic corps, the President, members of Congress, and private persons. The letters relate to such topics as the conduct of the Civil War, the organization and strength of the army, the recruiting of volunteers, the procurement of arms and ammunition, Indian affairs, and the assignment and activities of army personnel. See M491 for the related registers, 1861-66, and M495 for indexes, 1861-66. M493 Registers of Letters Received by the Secretary of War From the President, Executive Departments, and War Department Bureaus, 1862-1870. 12 rolls. Registers to the letters included in M494 show the date the letter was received, the file number, the office from which the letter was sent or to which it was re¬ ferred, the date of the letter or of the referral, its purport, its disposition, and reference to related records of the Office of the Secretary of War. M494 Letters Received by the Secretary of War From the President, Executive Departments, and War De¬ partment Bureaus, 1862-1870. 117 rolls. Included are letters from the President, executive departments, accounting officers of the Treasury Depart¬ ment, and individual War Department bureaus. M495 Index to Letters Received by the Secretary of War, 1861-1870. 14 rolls. Indexes to letters received, main series, 1861-70; letters received, irregular series, 1861-66 (M492); and letters received from the President, executive depart¬ ments, and War Department bureaus, 1862-70 (M494). The indexes refer to persons and occasionally to offices, titles, and subjects. 36 M1062 Correspondence of the War Department Relating to Indian Affairs, Military Pensions, and Fortifica¬ tions, 1791-1797. 1 roll. Copies of correspondence with two exceptions: a 1791 draft of a letter of Secretary of War Henry Knox re¬ lating to the pay of officers and enlisted men and a 1797 printed copy of "Regulations for the Dragoons." Other documents are annotated to be true copies made from War Department files in 1792 and 1794 by Chief Clerk John Stagg. WAR DEPARTMENT COLLECTION OF CONFEDERATE RECORDS (RECORD GROUP 109) M901 General Orders and Circulars of the Confederate War Department, 1861-1865. 1 roll. Four bound volumes of general orders and circulars issued through the Office of the Confederate Adjutant and Inspector General, March 1861-March 1865, and one name and subject index volume compiled by the U.S. War Department after the Civil War. RECORDS OF THE OFFICE OF THE CHIEF SIGNAL OFFICER (RECORD GROUP 111) T251 List of Photographs and Photographic Negatives Relating to the War for the Union (War Department Subject Catalogue No. 5, 1897). 1 roll. A list, published by the War Department in 1897, of the Brady collection of Civil War photographs and several other lesser-known collections that were at that time in the custody of the War Department Library. It serves as the finding aid for the photographs reproduced in T252. T252 The Mathew B. Brady Collection of Civil War Photographs. 4 rolls. Prints of the famous Brady collection of Civil War photographs, consisting of more than 5,000 glass-plate negatives made by or under the direction of Mathew B. Brady and purchased by the Department of War in 1874-75. They include views of the army in general and of historical places, naval scenes, individuals, and groups. There are portraits of Abraham Lincoln, Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, Stonewall Jackson, William T. Sherman, and other persons of prominence during the Civil War. RECORDS OF THE BUREAU OF RECLAMATION (RECORD GROUP 115) M96 Project Histories and Reports of Reclamation Bureau Projects 1905-1925. 141 rolls. Detailed historical reports on the construction of the various Reclamation Bureau projects. They were submit¬ ted by the project engineers and managers directly to the Engineering Division of the Washington, DC, office of the bureau. Arranged alphabetically by project. RECORDS OF THE AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES (WORLD WAR I) (RECORD GROUP 120) M923 Records of the American Section of the Supreme War Council, 1917-1919.21 rolls. Letters, reports, studies, minutes, cablegrams, charts, maps, pamphlets, and books sent to and received from American, French, British, and Italian sources re¬ flecting the role of the American section in collecting and analyzing data to support the work of the Supreme War Council. RECORDS OF THE OFFICE OF THE JUDGE ADVOCATE GENERAL (ARMY) (RECORD GROUP 153) T1027 Records Relating to the Army Career of Henry Ossian Flipper, 1873-82. 1 roll. Records pertain to the court martial of Lieutenant Flipper, conducted in 1881 at Fort Davis, TX, on charge of embezzlement of funds while serving as acting commis¬ sioner of subsistence. Included are records documenting Flipper's military service, a transcript of the court-mar¬ tial, appeals and arguments filed by Flipper, and subse- 37 quent action by Congress and the President to reinstate him and annul the conviction. RECORDS OF THE WAR PRODUCTION BOARD (RECORD GROUP 179) M185 Press Releases of the Advisory Commission to the Council of the National Defense, June 3, 1940-Jan. 15, 1941. 1 roll. A series of 351 press releases announcing appoint¬ ments of personnel and conferences to be held; giving the texts of addresses by members of the commission; listing clearances of contracts; and publicizing state¬ ments by commission members regarding labor prob¬ lems, defense production, transportation, consumer problems, and raw materials. M186 Progress Reports of the Advisory Commission to the Council of National Defense, July 24, 1940- May 28, 1941. 1 roll. A series of 45 weekly progress reports containing concise accounts of the activities of the commission and its subordinate units. M187 Numbered Document File of the Advisory Commission to the Council of National Defense, 1940-1941.2 rolls. Chiefly correspondence, memorandums, and reports concerning such subjects as contracts for defense plants and facilities, defense housing, antitrust suits against defense plants, procurement of raw materials, and tax certification. M195 Numbered Document File of the Council of the Office of Production Management, 1940-1942. 1 roll. Mainly correspondence, memorandums, press releases, administrative orders. Executive orders, and regulations concerning such matters as defense plants, production of materials, and labor problems. M196 Numbered Document File of the Supply Priorities and Allocations Board, Sept. 2, 1941-Jan. 15, 1942. 1 roll. Chiefly letters, memorandums, reports. Executive orders, and press releases of the board and the Office of Production Management. RECORDS OF THE OFFICE OF PRICE ADMINISTRATION (RECORD GROUP 188) M164 Studies and Reports of the Office of Price Administration, 1941-1946. 2 rolls. A three-volume history of the rationing of automo¬ bile tires and 41 reports and chronologies pertaining to maximum prices and the price enforcement program for the lumber industry. These unpublished materials were produced by the Office of Price Administration (OPA), which conducted the rationing and price control pro¬ grams during World War II. RECORDS OF THE ACCOUNTING OFFICERS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY (RECORD GROUP 217) M497 Letters Sent by the Commissioner of Customs Relating to Smuggling, 1865-1869. 1 roll. Fair copies of letters sent by the Commissioner of Customs. Most of the letters are instructions to Treasury Department special agents and collectors of customs stationed along the Mexican and Canadian borders; let¬ ters relate to methods of stopping smuggling activities in those areas. M498 Letters Sent by the Commissioner of Customs Relating to Captured and Abandoned Property, 1868-1875. 1 roll. Fair copies of letters sent by the Commissioner of Customs to Treasury Department special agents, audi¬ tors, and other officials concerning the settlement of ac¬ counts relating to captured and abandoned property and restricted commercial intercourse during the Civil War. M520 Records of the Board of Commissioners for the Emancipation of Slaves in the District of Columbia, 1862-1863. 6 rolls. 38 Minutes of the board of commissioners appointed under section 3 of an act of April 16, 1862, abolishing slavery in the District of Columbia; petitions from owners for compensation for the value of the slaves allowed un¬ der the acts of April 16 and July 12, 1862; a summary list of the amounts awarded, showing number of petition, name of claimant, number of servants, amount awarded, and signature of claimant; and an unbound final report of the board to the Secretary of the Treasury, January 14, 1863. T135 Selected Records of the General Accounting Office Relating to the Fremont Expeditions and the California Battalion, 1842-1890. 3 rolls. Claims and acknowledgments of payments, 1842-45, for the first expedition; quarterly abstracts of disbursements, 1843-45; accounts and payments, 1845-49; claims of California volunteers; and papers and accounts of John C. Fremont, 1846-90. T899 Register of Audits of "Miscellaneous Tfeasury Accounts" (First Auditor's Office). 1 roll. Register of Audits of Miscellaneous Treasury Ac¬ counts, 1001-27,900, March 1790-March 1814. Shown are the number of the report, the name in which the audit is registered, the date of comptroller's admission, and the nature and purpose of the account, such as payments to invalid pensioners. NATIONAL ARCHIVES COLLECTION OF WORLD WAR II WAR CRIMES RECORDS (RECORD GROUP 238) U.S. Nuernberg WSar Crime Trials The Office of the Chief of Counsel for War Crimes (OCCWC) established a number of record series from which exhibits were drawn for presentation by the prose¬ cution to the 12 U.S. tribunals at Nuernberg from 1946 to 1949. T301 Records of the U.S. Nuernberg War Crimes 'Tfials: NI Series, 1933-1948. 164 rolls. (Roll 127 is restricted.) Records assembled at Nuernberg from several par¬ ent records series collected by the Berlin Branch of OCCWC. The prosecution exhibits drawn from this series were used largely in the following four cases against Nazi Industrialists before the tribunals: United States of America v. Friedrich Flick et al. (case 5), United States of America v. Carl Krauch et al. (case 6), United States of America v. Alfried Krupp et al. (case 10), United States of America v. Ernst von Weizsaecker et al (case 11). T988 Prosecution Exhibits Submitted to the Interna¬ tional Military Tribunal. 54 rolls. Material introduced as evidence against the major Nazi war criminals by the prosecution staffs of the United States, Great Britain, France, and the Soviet Union. The documents consist of a wide variety of record items ranging from directives signed by Hitler and the highest German officials to newspaper excerpts. These exhibits are described in Preliminary Inventory (PI) 21, Records of the United States Council for the Prosecution of Axis Criminality (1949), pages 25-173, and in TTial of the Ma¬ jor War Criminals Before the International Military Tribu¬ nal, Volume XXTV: Nuernberg, 14 November 1945- I October 1946 (Nuernberg, 1949). T989 War Diaries and Correspondence of Gen. Alfred Jodi. 2 rolls. Documents assembled for the prosecution of Jodi before the International Military Tribunal (IMT), including war diaries of the German Armed Forces High Command (OKW), situation reports of the German Armed Forces High Command Operations Section (WFst), a Hitler memorandum on German defense (1938), and excerpts from General Jodi's diary. These documents are de¬ scribed in greater detail in PI 21, Records of the United States Council for the Prosecution of Axis Criminality (1949), pages 174 and 175. T990 Mauthausen Death Books. 2 rolls. Seven volumes contain personal data, such as name, date of birth, and date of death for about 100,000 inmates at Mauthausen concentration camps. These vol¬ umes were introduced by the U.S. prosecution staff as USA Exhibit 250 before the IMT 39 T991 U.S. 'Rial Brief and Document Books. 1 roll. Rial briefs assembled by the Office of the U.S. Chief of Counsel for the Prosecution of Axis Criminality (OCCPAC) for presentation to the IMT at Nuernberg from November 14, 1945, to October 1, 1946, and German documents used by OCCPAC as court exhibits, which were translated into English and assembled in document books. T992 Diary of Hans Frank. 12 rolls. The diaries of Hans Frank, Governor General of Ger¬ man-occupied Polish territory from 1939 until 1945. The diaries, consisting of 38 volumes, present a detailed rec¬ ord of daily occurrences in the Governor General's Of¬ fice, including personal comments, minutes of meetings, directives, letters, and other items. NATIONAL ARCHIVES COLLECTION OF FOREIGN RECORDS SEIZED (RECORD GROUP 242) Captured German Records Filmed at Alexandria, VA The records concern German government agencies, military affairs, and the Nazi Party, as well as records and papers of some private businesses, institutions, and per¬ sons. The period covered is chiefly from 1920 to 1945. Finding aids for each microfilm publication are the 85 Guides to German Records Microfilmed at Alexandria, VA (identified herein as GG), and other microfilm publica¬ tions listed. Distribution of the printed guides is limited to research institutions. Reproductions of guides 1-65 are available for purchase, however, on National Archives Microfilm Publication T733: roll 1 (guides 1-20), roll 2 (guides 21-40), roll 3 (guides 41-45), and roll 4 (guides 56-65). Data sheets for captured German records are on T176. T70 Records of the Reich Ministry for Public Enlight¬ enment and Propaganda, 1936-1944. 125 rolls. (Rolls 77, 78, 83-87, and 99 are restricted.) Records of the ministry reflecting its control of me¬ dia for disseminating culture and its imposition of politi¬ cally oriented cultural concepts and values. Many rec¬ ords also relate to matters of internal organization and administration of the ministry and its dependent agen¬ cies or offices. T71 Records of the Reich Ministry of Economics. 149 rolls. GG 1. T73 Records of the Reich Ministry for Armaments and War Production. 193 rolls. GG 10. Records of the ministry, directed by Albert Speer, that was responsible for operation of the German war economy during World War 11. Included are records of the ministry's regional subordinates. For related records seeT71 andT76. T74 Records of the Office of the Reich Commissioner for the Strengthening of Germandom. 20 rolls. GG 2. T76 Records of the Todt Organization. 7 rolls. GG 4. T81 Records of the National Socialist German Labor Party. 732 rolls. This regional archives has rolls 57, 153, 339, 606 only. GG 3, 16, 20, 21, 35, and roll 24 (T176). T82 Records of Nazi Cultural and Research Institu¬ tions. 550 rolls. (Rolls 37, 52-53, and 59-60 are re¬ stricted.) GG 6. Records of highly diversified origins. Rolls 1-22 are records of the Academy for Scholarly Research in Ger¬ man at Munich; rolls 23-56 contain the files of the Insti¬ tute of German Law, a center for legal specialists; rolls 57-62 are records of the Institute for East European Studies; and the remaining rolls pertain to various as¬ pects of German and Italian economic, military, and cul¬ tural relations with the Far East. T1022 Records of the German Navy, 1850-1945, Re¬ ceived From the U.S. Naval History Division. 4,383 rolls. This regional archives has roll 1 only. Roll 1 of 2 rolls comprising finding aids to the 4,383 rolls of T1022. The roll contains photostatic copies of British registration books, annotated with U.S. Navy TA 40 Series roll numbers. These are preceded by lists of con¬ secutive T1022 roll numbers with corresponding TA roll numbers and PG document numbers, a list of PG docu¬ ment numbers with .corresponding TA and T1022 roll numbers, and a list of prices (now outdated) for rolls 1-1659. RECORDS OF FORMER RUSSIAN AGENCIES (RECORD GROUP 261) Mil Records of the Russian-American Company, 1802, 1817-1867. 77 rolls. Records that were maintained by the company in Alaska in Russian longhand and were transferred to the United States in accordance with the treaty of cession. The Russian-American Company, created in 1799 by a ukase of TSar Paul I, had both economic and political control of Alaska before its purchase by the United States in 1867. RECORDS OF THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES (RECORD GROUP 267) M162 The Revolutionary War Prize Cases: Records of the Court of Appeal in Cases of Capture, 1776-1787. 15 rolls. Records of prize cases heard on appeal from colo¬ nial and state courts by committees of the Continental Congress, 1776-80, and by the Court of Appeals in Cases of Capture, 1780-86. M214 Appellate Case Files of the U.S. Supreme Court, 1792-1831. 96 rolls. Transcripts of record of the cases in lower courts. Included are copies of the papers filed and of minute entries of the lower court actions in the cases and docu¬ ments resulting from the proceedings before the Supreme Court. M215 Minutes of the U.S. Supreme Court, 1790-1950. 41 rolls. Engrossed minutes contain a complete report of the daily proceedings of each session of the Supreme Court. M216 Dockets of the U.S. Supreme Court, 1791-1950. 27 rolls. The engrossed dockets of the Supreme Court, 1791-1905, and the single series of dockets created by the Court since 1905, together with parts of the rough dockets that contain entries for original-jurisdiction cases, 1829-1905. The dockets after May 31,1905, record all cases that have come before the Court in both original and appellate jurisdictions. M217 Attorney Rolls of the U.S. Supreme Court, 1790-1951. 4 rolls. Signatures of attorneys and counselors admitted to practice before the Supreme Court. M408 Index to Appellate Case Files of the U.S. Supreme Court, 1792-1909. 20 rolls. Each index card gives the names of the parties in each case, the file number, the title of the case, the date the case was docketed, and the date a decision was rendered. T57 Original Opinions of the Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court Delivered at January Term 1832; and Opinions and Other Case Papers of Chief Justice Marshall, 1834 and 1835 Terms. 1 roll. Chiefly manuscript opinions delivered by Chief Justice John Marshall and Justices Joseph Story, Smith Thompson, and John McLean at the 1832 term of the Court and by Marshall at the 1834 and 1835 terms. There are also orders by the Court in certain cases; notes on cases by Justice Henry Baldwin; and a few letters, including two by Marshall dated March 23, 1832, and May 4, 1833. RECORDS OF THE OFFICE OF PRICE STABILIZATION (RECORD GROUP 295) T460 Defense History Program Studies Prepared During the Korean War Period. 3 rolls. 41 Monographs concerning the strategy and tech¬ niques of price control, government purchases and sales, the history of the branches and Industry Advisory Com¬ mittee of the Office of Price Stabilization, and office regulations. RECORDS OF THE BUREAU OF INSULAR AFFAIRS (RECORD GROUP 350) M24 Index to Official Published Documents Relating to Cuba and the Insular Possessions of the United States, 1876-1906. 3 rolls. This index, prepared for publication by the Bureau of Insular Affairs but never printed, covers a comprehen¬ sive collection of official published documents in the library of the bureau relating to the entire period of the American military government in Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippine Islands, and to the early years of civil gov¬ ernment in Puerto Rico and the Philippines. RECORDS OF THE CONTINENTAL AND CONFEDERATION CONGRESSES AND THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION (RECORD GROUP 360) M247 Papers of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789. 204 rolls. Records maintained by Charles Thomson, Secretary of the Congress, and later arranged in a numerical se¬ quence. They consist of the journals of the Congress; reports of its committees; memorials and petitions; and correspondence of its presidents and other officers with diplomatic representatives of the United States abroad, officers in the Continental Army, state officials, and pri¬ vate persons. M332 Miscellaneous Papers of the Continental Con¬ gress, 1774-1789. 9 rolls. Records that are not a part of the numbered se¬ quence of Continental Congress papers reproduced in M247, including despatches and letters, reports of com¬ mittees, bonds, receipts, deeds of cession of western lands, credentials of delegates to the Congress, and broadsides issued by the Congress. A 10th roll, contain¬ ing other miscellaneous records, 1774-88, has been added to this publication. M866 Records of the Constitutional Convention of 1787. Iron. The official records of the Constitutional Conven¬ tion, May 14 to September 17, 1787; the papers of David Brearley September 27, 1785-September 12, 1787; the credentials of delegates, 1786-87, from "Ratifications of the Constitution," also called "Bankson's Journal"; and a single motion in the hand of Elbridge Gerry, July 24, 1787. The official records consist of four volumes of journals; drafts of the Virginia Plan, of the Constitution, and of a letter from the Convention to Congress; and four letters received and one enclosed resolution. They are organized in the order indicated, with the incoming let¬ ters in chronological order. The credentials of delegates are arranged in geographical order from New Hampshire to Georgia. T408 Credentials of Delegates From Virginia to the Continental Congress, 1775-88. 1 roll. Proceedings and resolutions of the House of Bur¬ gesses of the colony of Virginia, and of the Senate and House of Delegates of the state of Virginia, relating to the selection of delegates to the Continental and Confedera¬ tion Congresses, and copies of credentials provided to those delegates. MISCELLANEOUS NATIONAL ARCHIVES MICROFILM PUBLICATIONS M236 A Microfilm Supplement to The Territorial Papers of the United States: Wisconsin, 1836-1848. 122 rolls. Selected textual and cartographic records of the territory of Wisconsin that supplement M721. M721 The Territorial Papers of the United States. 15 rolls numbered 2-16. In 1925 Congress authorized the Secretary of State to cause to be collected, transcribed, arranged, and ed¬ ited the papers relating to the territories. The project re¬ mained in the Department of State until 1950, when the 42 National Archives assumed responsibility for the project. Included are the volumes published through 1962; the papers cover the years 1787 to 1845. See also General Records of the Department of State (RG 59); Records of the Office of the Secretary of the Interior (RG 48); and Records of the U.S. Senate (RG 46). M1050 The Territorial Papers of the United States: Min¬ nesota, 1849-1858. 11 rolls. This regional archives has rolls 1-8 only. A collection of material from several record groups pertaining to the Tbrritory of Minnesota. Records were selected from those of the U.S. Congress (rolls 1, 2, and 3 contain documents from the Senate and House of Repre¬ sentatives), U.S. Supreme Court (rolls 4 and 5), Court of Claims and Post Office Department (roll 6), Department of Justice (roll 7), and Secretary of State (roll 8). T987 National Archives Teaching Aids: Selected State Department Records. 6 rolls. Documents relating to Hawaiian-American relations, 1867-98; the Open Door Policy, 1898-1900; foreign inter¬ vention in Mexico, 1859-67; Russian-American relations, 1861-77; Spanish-American affairs, 1861-98; and Civil War and related problems, 1861-69. 43 ^ ft >«*r 1-^1 :.. f.r.. .*i't **a';»«a>i’»j J ' *.^./'* . r^7;t; ^. .lilO I * '^yjk^5f^*.' ^ i^yB'oo ^ ‘o , >. ./*^xrT| »,;S.Tmj«^pn ^ftJ'VO«inor39^ 'v .-It ■.it*5'>'fr ■- ■ .. -__ - - — . ► - , H'lf V3.'' .“ • V«| .^>,«/( *«• I.'jf 4 . iSi-TOV ‘('9^^' ■<\ -S .'■•;wii..'s’-*»'•■* < '.{»j{rW4rtf'iJtiv«v>( i * "■ 4 '';'-Si' .i»Hir.S.t.'■»«**•'• wttr*.')* \ t, . ',v •7^c*n<' -^V' /.V~U8- r' ' w» 4( .■,,.t:!.u.v.|%,<5. irtt 1 . I .. •» •«r*' % 'S • » * ^ Ar«* »■’!». li, .-- *:* ■% ■• "v*k ■ '.’ i ,»"V ••»'.' • ■•" ■ * <.v^ -1^'i 'V ■V '. ■; ...*:6--.n •xfmxxf i?v.>Tet>'-aw<9»>iiV #&A! '•♦Ihiry "T U '*«.t»ij>p ’ n' • H *• r 'ip- ' A t » r - '• - #• r , *»• -.t?" »«0^ '♦>609 M j < • .r i! r»v ^ *"' li^vW' ^ ^ ifh .i<**i !• itesl-vfarl^rtbn -n V- I, -r : i.f■ A * -tv.‘A .0^ ' '-‘ft’/'- vlVOrtj^i^^ ^ f ‘:*^ • ? V ‘ J _ , _. . ‘ ^ . j 1 W'C *;C .-JiJ ‘fi.'•• n^V ‘ teAj^EJ3^;^^nlSb1h^^ V wrt%ia'‘ F '..jt 'ii ■ -K - if ‘ ti' ^ t ’ ’ * >X«4 a . 1 ,.’- “'• 14:. V- •'' V. . TZ ^■' f; * « " 1 * . 'fii”' i‘lH<. 1 t?/. ■ • '4r* I • i I i.U :"1V ,ij%' ' 3i S K , .^ ‘^ A 1^.. ■’-J ■* •'■ .■''»-»-*» f v^tj' '^•J^ I 1 . ■"i '■ * ^ V • p ■i-.,pA-v, - r * iHi .A'-fv:’'*'*'- b/^ »!»;he Sy ^ A. -'. :‘;1 A . f ' .* r.‘. * 1 PART III NUMERICAL LIST OF MICROFILM PUBLICATION NUMBERS MICRO- RECORD MICRO- RECORD MICRO- RECORD FILM GROUP PAGE FILM GROUP PAGE FILM GROUP PAGE NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER Ml RG75 . . . . .... 30 M39 RG59 • • • . 23 M78 RG59 ... .... 18 M2 RG75 . . . . .... 31 M40 RG59 . • • . 26 M79 RG59 ... .... 20 M3 RG59 . . . . .... 24 M41 RG59 . • • . 19 M81 RG59 ... .... 21 M4 RG75 . . . . .... 28 M42 RG59 ... . 20 M82 RG59 ... .... 19 M5 RG75 . . . . .... 31 M43 RG59 ... . 20 M83 RG59 ... .... 26 M6 RG 107. . . . .... 35 M44 RG59 ... . 19 M84 RG59 ... .... 21 M7 RG 107. . . . .... 35 M45 RG59 ... . 20 M85 RG59 ... .... 25 M8 RG49 . . . . .... 15 M46 RG59 ... . 20 M86 RG59 ... .... 26 M9 RG59 . . . . .... 21 M47 RG59 ... . 21 M87 RG56 ... .... 17 MIO RG59 . . . . .... 19 M48 RG59 ... . 21 M88 RG45 ... .... 13 Mil RG261. . . . .... 41 M49 RG59 ... . 21 M89 RG45 ... .... 14 M12 RG59 . . . . .... 25 M50 RG59 ... . 22 M90 RG59 ... .... 19 M13 RG59 . . . . .... 24 M51 RG59 ... . 21 M91 RG94 ... .... 33 M14 RG84 . . . . .... 32 M52 RG59 ... . 21 M92 RG59 ... .... 19 M15 RG75 . . . . .... 29 M53 RG59 ... . 22 M93 RG59 ... .... 19 M16 RG75 . . . . .... 29 M54 RG59 ... . 22 M94 RG26 ... .... 4 M17 RG59 . . . . .... 18 M55 RG59 ... . 23 M95 RG48 ... .... 14 M18 RG75 . . . . .... 29 M56 RG59 ... . 22 M96 RG 115. . . .... 37 M19 RG29 . . . . .... 5 M57 RG59 ... . 23 M97 RG59 ... .... 20 M20 RG84 . . . . .... 32 M58 RG59 ... . 22 M98 RG59 ... .... 21 M21 RG75 . . . . .... 29 M59 RG59 ... . 23 M99 RG59 ... .... 24 M22 RG 107. . . . .... 35 M60 RG59 ... . 23 MlOO RG59 ... .... 21 M23 RG59 . . . . .... 20 M61 RG59 ... . 18 M116 RG59 ... .... 24 M24 RG350. . . . .... 42 M62 RG48 ... . 14 M121 RG59 ... .... 19 M25 RG49 . . . . .... 16 M63 RG26 ... . 4 M123 RG 15 ... .... 3 M26 RG59 . . . . .... 25 M65 RG77 ... . 31 M125 RG45 ... .... 14 M27 RG49 . . . . .... 16 M66 RG77 ... . 31 M127 RG 107. . . .... 35 M28 RG59 . . . . .... 18 M67 RG59 ... . 23 M128 RG59 ... .... 20 M29 RG94 . . . . .... 33 M68 RG49 ... . 16 M133 RG59 ... .... 19 M30 RG59 . . . . .... 19 M69 RG59 ... . 18 M134 RG59 ... .... 19 M31 RG59 . . . . .... 20 M70 RG59 ... . 21 M149 RG45 ... .... 14 M32 RG29 . . . . .... 5 M71 RG59 ... . 21 M156 RG57 ... .... 17 M33 RG29 . . . . .... 5 M72 RG59 ... . 21 M162 RG267. . . .... 41 M34 RG59 . . . . .... 19 M73 RG59 ... . 21 M163 RG59 ... .... 22 M35 RG59 . . . . .... 20 M74 RG75 ... . 29 M164 RG 188. . . .... 38 M36 RG59 . . . . .... 26 M75 RG37 ... . 13 M166 RG59 ... .... 22 M37 RG59 . . . . .... 26 M76 RG59 ... . 21 Ml 70 RG59 ... .... 20 M38 RG59 . . . . .... 23 M77 RG59 ... . 18 M172 RG59 ... .... 20 45 MICRO- RECORD FILM GROUP PAGE NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER Ml 74 RG56. 17 Ml 75 RG56. 17 Ml 78 RG56. 17 Ml 79 RG59. 26 M185 RG179. 38 M186 RG179. 38 M187 RG179. 38 M189 RG48. 15 M191 RG48. 15 M192 RG48. 15 M193 RG59. 19 M194 RG59. 21 M195 RG179. 38 M196 RG179. 38 M200 RG46. 14 M201 RG59. 23 M202 RG59. 22 M204 RG48. 15 M214 RG267. 41 M215 RG267. 41 M216 RG267. 41 M217 RG267 . 41 M218 RG59. 24 M219 RG59. 19 M221 RG 107. 35 M222 RG 107. 35 M223 RG59. 20 M228 RG59. 24 M234 RG 75. 29 M236 (NoRG). 42 M237 RG36. 13 M246 RG93. 32 M247 RG 360. 42 M248 RG64. 28 M252 RG29. 5 M261 RG36. 13 M271 RG75. 29 M309 RG59. 24 M310 RG48. 15 M332 RG 360. 42 M337 RG 11 . 3 M338 RG 11 . 3 M342 RG59. 24 M348 RG 75. 29 M350 RG59. 23 M356 RG59. 24 M364 RG48. 15 MICRO- RECORD FILM GROUP PAGE NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER M370 RG 107. 36 M406 RG59. 25 M407 RG29. 8 M408 RG267. 41 M415 RG56. 17 M418 RG59. 25 M419 RG59. 25 M420 RG 107. 36 M421 RG 107. 36 M428 RG48. 15 M429 RG48. 15 M430 RG48. 15 M431 RG48. 15 M432 RG29. 6 M438 RG59. 25 M439 RG59. 25 M445 RG59. 24 M470 RG59. 25 M471 RG59. 25 M477 RG49. 16 M478 RG49. 16 M479 RG49. 16 M491 RG 107. 36 M492 RG 107. 36 M493 RG 107. 36 M494 RG 107. 36 M495 RG 107. 36 M496 RG29. 8 M497 RG217. 38 M498 RG217. 38 M520 RG217. 38 M531 RG59. 25 M539 RG94. 34 M540 RG94. 34 M545 RG94. 34 M546 RG94. 34 M552 RG94. 34 M559 RG94. 34 M570 RG59. 26 M574 RG75. 30 M575 RG36. 12 M586 RG59. 26 M587 RG59. 26 M588 RG59. 26 M591 RG82. 31 M593 RG29. 6 M595 RG75. 30 MICRO- RECORD FILM GROUP PAGE NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER M601 RG28. 4 M602 RG94. 34 M606 RG48. 15 M616 RG94. 34 M622 RG57. 18 M623 RG57. 18 M630 RG94. 34 M631 RG94. 34 M637 RG29. 5 M639 RG59. 25 M650 RG59. 25 M653 RG29. 6 M654 RG94. 33 M661 RG94. 33 M662 RG43. 13 M668 RG 11. 3 M669 RG59. 24 M679 RG59. 26 M687 RG59. 25 M699 RG60. 28 M700 RG60. 28 M704 RG29. 6 M721 (NoRG). 42 M742 RG 105. 34 M743 RG59. 27 M752 RG 105. 35 M764 RG58. 18 M798 RG 105. 35 M799 RG 105. 35 M804 RG 15. 3 M805 RG 15. 3 M829 RG49. 16 M841 RG28. 5 M842 RG75. 30 M847 RG93. 32 M848 RG49. 16 M858 RG94. 34 M859 RG93. 32 M860 RG93. 33 M866 RG 360. 42 M873 RG59. 25 M879 RG93. 33 M880 RG93. 33 M881 RG93. 33 M901 RG 109. 37 M923 RG 120. 37 M967 RG59. 25 46 MICRO- RECORD FILM GROUP PAGE NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER MlOll RG75. 31 Ml 050 (NoRG). 43 Ml 062 RG 107. 37 Mill! RG21. 4 M1283 RG29. 12 M1357 RG85. 32 M1358 RG85. 32 M1359 RG85. 32 T9 RG29. 6 T17 RG59. 24 T30 RG59. 19 T33 RG59. 19 T34 RG59. 21 T36 RG94. 34 T50 RG59. 19 T51 RG59. 19 T52 RG59. 20 T57 RG267. 41 T58 RG 75. 30 T70 RG 242. 40 T71 RG242. 40 T73 RG242 . 40 T74 RG 242. 40 T76 RG242. 40 T81 RG242. 40 T82 RG242. 40 T93 RG59. 23 T98 RG59. 20 T106 RG59. 21 T132 RG29. 12 T135 RG217. 39 T157 RG59. 19 T158 RG59. 19 T159 RG59. 19 T160 RG59. 22 T161 RG59. 23 T251 RGlll . 37 T252 RG 111. 37 T260 RG59. 25 T265 RG21. 4 T286 RG59. 27 T301 RG238. 39 T306 RG59. 23 T326 RG60. 28 T408 RG 360. 42 T412 RG60 . 28 T460 RG295. 41 MICRO- RECORD FILM GROUP PAGE NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER T493 RG59. 27 T494 RG 75. 30 T495 RG59. 27 T498 RG29. 5 T519 RG85. 32 T525 RG59. 20 T577 RG60. 28 T606 RG76. 31 T614 RG59. 22 T623 RG29. 8 T624 RG29. 11 T630 RG59. 20 T645 RG59. 27 T655 RG29. 12 T712 RG56. 17 T716 RG76. 31 T725 RG59. 20 T726 RG59. 20 T727 RG59. 20 T728 RG59. 20 T729 RG26. 4 T734 RG29. 6 T735 RG29. 6 T736 RG29. 6 T737 RG29. 6 T738 RG29. 6 T739 RG29. 6 T740 RG29. 6 T741 RG29. 7 T742 RG29. 7 T743 RG29. 7 T744 RG29. 7 T745 RG29. 7 T746 RG29. 7 T747 RG29. 7 T748 RG29. 7 T749 RG29. 7 T750 RG29. 7 T751 RG29. 7 T752 RG29. 7 T753 RG29. 7 T754 RG29. 7 T755 RG29. 7 T756 RG29. 7 T757 RG29. 7 T758 RG29. 7 T759 RG29. 7 MICRO- RECORD FILM GROUP PAGE NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER T760 RG29. 7 T761 RG29. 7 T762 RG29. 7 T763 RG29. 7 T764 RG29. 7 T765 RG29. 8 T766 RG29. 8 T767 RG29. 8 T768 RG29. 8 T769 RG29. 8 T770 RG29. 8 T771 RG29. 8 T772 RG29. 8 T773 RG29. 8 T774 RG29. 8 T775 RG29. 8 T776 RG29. 8 T777 RG29. 8 T778 RG29. 8 T779 RG29. 8 T780 RG29. 8 T795 RG59. 21 T796 RG59. 22 T797 RG59. 23 T798 RG59. 22 T799 RG59. 21 T800 RG59. 21 T801 RG59. 22 T802 RG59. 23 T803 RG59. 22 T804 RG 59 23 T805 RG59. 23 T806 RG59. 22 T807 RG59. 22 T808 RG59. 22 T809 RG59. 23 T810 RG59. 22 T811 RG59. 23 T812 RG59. 23 T814 RG59. 22 T815 RG59. 23 T841 RG59. 27 T899 RG217. 39 T903 RG59. 27 T907 RG27. 4 T908 RG59. 27 T953 RG59. 22 47 MICRO¬ FILM RECORD GROUP PAGE MICRO¬ FILM RECORD GROUP PAGE MICRO¬ FILM RECORD GROUP PAGE NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER T954 RG43 ... .... 13 T1048 RG29 ... . 9 T1078 RG29 . • • . 11 T967 RG59 ... .... 27 T1049 RG29 ... . 9 T1079 RG29 . ■ • . 11 T987 (NoRG). . . .... 43 T1050 RG29 ... . 9 T1080 RG29 . • • . 11 T988 RG238. . . .... 39 T1051 RG29 ... . 9 T1081 RG29 • . • . 11 T989 RG238. . . .... 39 T1052 RG29 ... . 9 T1082 RG29 ... . 11 T990 RG238. . . .... 39 T1053 RG29 ... . 9 T1083 RG29 ... . 11 T991 RG238. . . .... 40 T1054 RG29 ... . 10 T1133 RG29 ... . 12 T992 RG238. . . .... 40 T1055 RG29 ... . 10 T1210 RG29 ... . 12 T1008 RG49 ... .... 17 T1056 RG29 ... . 10 T1224 RG29 ... . 12 T1022 RG242. . . .... 40 T1057 RG29 ... . 10 T1259 RG29 ... . 11 T1024 RG59 ... .... 27 T1058 RG29 ... . 10 T1260 RG29 . . . . 11 T1027 RG 153.. . .... 37 T1059 RG29 ... . 10 T1261 RG29 . . . . 11 T1030 RG29 ... .... 9 T1060 RG29 ... . 10 T1262 RG29 . . . . 11 T1031 RG29 ... .... 9 T1061 RG29 ... . 10 T1263 RG29 . . . . 11 T1032 RG29 ... .... 9 T1062 RG29 ... . 10 T1264 RG29 . . . . 11 T1033 RG29 . . . .... 9 T1063 RG29 ... . 10 T1265 RG29 . . . . 11 T1034 RG29 ... .... 9 T1064 RG29 ... . 10 T1266 RG29 . . . . 11 T1035 RG29 ... .... 9 T1065 RG29 ... . 10 T1267 RG29 . . . . 11 T1036 RG 29 ... .... 9 T1066 RG29 ... . 10 T1268 RG29 . . . . 11 T1037 RG29 ... .... 9 T1067 RG29 ... . 10 T1269 RG29 . . . . 11 T1038 RG29 ... .... 9 T1068 RG29 ... . 10 T1270 RG29 . . . . 11 T1039 RG29 ... .... 9 T1069 RG29 ... . 10 T1271 RG29 . . . . 11 T1040 RG29 ... .... 9 T1070 RG29 ... . 10 T1272 RG29 . . . . 11 T1041 RG29 ... .... 9 T1071 RG29 ... . 10 T1273 RG29 . . . . 12 T1042 RG29 ... .... 9 T1072 RG29 ... . 10 T1274 RG29 . . . . 12 T1043 RG29 ... .... 9 T1073 RG29 ... . 10 T1275 RG29 . . . . 12 T1044 RG29 ... .... 9 T1074 RG29 ... . 10 T1276 RG29 . . . . 12 T1045 RG29 ... .... 9 T1075 RG29 ... . 10 T1277 RG29 . . . . 12 T1046 RG29 ... .... 9 T1076 RG29 ... . 10 T1278 RG29 . . . . 12 T1047 RG29 ... .... 9 T1077 RG29 ... . 10 T1279 RG29 . . . . 12 48 PARTIV LIST OF MICROFILM PUBLICATIONS ARRANGED BY RECORD GROUP NUMBER RG 11 General Records of the United States Government M337 . 3 M338 3 M668 . 3 RG 15 Records of the Veterans Administration M123 3 M804 3 M805 . 3 RG 21 Records of District Courts of the United States Mini . 4 T265 4 RG 26 Records of the U.S. Coast Guard M63 4 M94 4 T729 4 RG 27 Records of the U.S. Weather Bureau T907 4 RG 28 Records of the U.S. Postal Service M601 4 M841 5 RG 29 Records of the Bureau of the Census M19 5 M32 5 M33 5 M252 5 M407 . 8 M432 6 M496 . 8 M593 . 6 M637 . 5 M653 . 6 M704 . 6 M1283 . 12 T9 . 6 T132 12 T498 5 T623 8 T624 11 T655 12 T734 6 T735 6 T736 6 T737 6 T738 6 T739 6 T740 6 T741 7 T742 7 T743 7 T744 7 T745 7 T746 7 T747 7 T748 7 T749 7 T750 7 T751 7 T752 7 T753 7 T754 7 T755 7 T756 7 T757 7 T758 7 T759 7 T760 7 T761 7 T762 7 T763 7 T764 7 T765 8 T766 8 T767 8 T768 8 T769 8 T770 8 T771 8 T772 8 T773 8 T774 8 T775 8 T776 8 T777 8 T778 8 T779 8 T780 8 T1030 . 9 T1031 . 9 T1032 . 9 T1033 . 9 T1034 . 9 T1035 . 9 T1036 . 9 T1037 . 9 T1038 . 9 T1039 . 9 T1040 . 9 T1041 . 9 T1042 . 9 T1043 . 9 T1044 . 9 T1045 . 9 T1046 . 9 T1047 . 9 T1048 . 9 T1049 . 9 T1050 . 9 T1051 . 9 T1052 . 9 T1053 . 9 49 T1054 . . 10 T1055 . . 10 T1056 . . 10 T1057 . . 10 T1058 . . 10 T1059 . . 10 T1060 . . 10 T1061 . . 10 T1062 . . 10 T1063 . . 10 T1064 . . 10 T1065 . . 10 T1066 . . 10 T1067 . . 10 T1068 . . 10 T1069 . . 10 T1070 . . 10 T1071 . . 10 T1072 . . 10 T1073 . . 10 T1074 . . 10 T1075 . . 10 T1076 . . 10 T1077 . . 10 T1078 . . 11 T1079 . . 11 T1080 . . 11 T1081 . . 11 T1082 . . 11 T1083 . . 11 T1133 . . 12 T1210 . . 12 T1224 . . 12 T1259 . . 11 T1260 . . 11 T1261 . . 11 T1262 . . 11 T1263 . . 11 T1264 . . 11 T1265 . . 11 T1266 . . 11 T1267 . . 11 T1268 . . 11 T1269 . . 11 T1270 . . 11 T1271 . . 11 T1272 . . 11 T1273 . . 12 T1274 . . 12 T1275 . . 12 T1276 . 12 T1277 . 12 T1278 . 12 T1279 . 12 RG 36 Records of the U.S. Customs Service M237 . 13 M261 13 M575 . 12 RG 37 Records of the Hydrographic Office M75 13 RG 43 Records of International Conferences, Commissions, and Expositions M662 . 13 T954 . 13 RG 45 Naval Records Collection of the Office of Naval Records and Library M88 13 M89 14 M125 . 14 M149 . 14 RG 46 Records of the U.S. Senate M200 14 RG 48 Records of the Office of the Secretary of the Interior 1V162 14 M95 14 M189 . 15 M191 15 M192 15 M204 15 M310 . 15 M364 15 M428 . 15 M429 . 15 M430 . 15 M431 15 M606 . 15 RG 49 Records of the Bureau of Land Management M8 . 15 M25 16 M27 16 M68 16 M477 16 M478 16 M479 16 M829 . 16 M848 16 T1008 . 17 RG 56 General Records of the Department of the Tfeasury M87 17 M174 17 M175 17 M178 17 M415 17 T712 17 RG 57 Records of the Geological Survey M156 17 M622 18 M623 18 RG 58 Records of the Internal Revenue Service M764 18 RG 59 General Records of the Department of State M3 . 24 M9 . 21 MIO . 19 M12 25 M13 24 M17 18 M23 20 M26 25 M28 18 M30 19 M31 20 M34 19 M35 20 M36 26 M37 26 M38 23 50 M39 23 M40 26 M41 19 M42 20 M43 20 M44 19 M45 20 M46 20 M47 21 M48 21 M49 21 M50 22 M51 21 M52 21 M53 22 M54 22 MSS . 23 MS6 . 22 MS7 . 23 MSS . 22 MS9 . 23 M60 23 M61 18 M67 23 M69 18 M70 21 M71 21 M72 21 M73 21 M76 21 M77 18 M78 18 M79 20 M81 21 M82 19 M83 26 M84 21 MSS . 2S M86 26 M90 19 M92 19 M93 19 M97 20 M98 21 M99 24 MlOO . 21 Ml 16. 24 M121 . 19 M128 . 20 M133 . 19 M134 . . 19 M163 . . 22 M166 . . 22 M170 . . 20 Ml 72 . . 20 Ml 79 . . 26 M193 . . 19 M194 . . 21 M201 . . 23 M202 . . 22 M218 . . 24 M219 . . 19 M223 . . 20 M228 . . 24 M309 . . 24 M342 . . 24 M360 . . 23 M366 . . 24 M406 . . 26 M418 . . 26 M419 . . 26 M438 . . 26 M439 . . 26 M446 . . 24 M470 . . 26 M471 . . 26 M631 . . 26 M670 . . 26 MS86 . . 26 M687 . . 26 M688 . . 26 M639 . . 26 M660 . . 26 M669 . . 24 M679 . . 26 M687 . . 26 M743 . . 27 M873 . . 26 M967 . . 26 T17 . . 24 T30 . . 19 T33 . . 19 T34 . . 21 T60 . . 19 T61 . . 19 T62 . . 20 T93 . . 23 T98 . . 20 T106 . . 21 T1S7 . . 19 T168 19 T169 19 T160 22 T161 23 T260 26 T286 27 T306 23 T493 27 T496 27 T62S . 20 T614 22 T630 20 T646 27 T726 20 T726 20 T727 20 T728 20 T79S . 21 T796 22 T797 23 T798 22 T799 21 T800 21 T801 22 T802 23 T803 22 T804 23 T806 23 T806 22 T807 22 T808 22 T809 23 T810 22 T811 23 T812 23 T814 .. • 22 T81S . 23 T841 27 T903 27 T908 27 T963 22 T967 27 T1024 27 RG 60 General Records of the Department of Justice M699 28 M700 28 T326 28 61 T412 28 T577 28 RG 64 Records of the National Archives and Records Administration M248 . 28 RG 75 Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs Ml . 30 M2 . 31 M4 . 28 M5 . 31 M15 29 M16 29 M18 29 M21 29 M74 29 M234 . 29 M271 . 29 M348 . 29 M574 . 30 M595 . 30 M842 . 30 MlOll . 31 T58 30 T494 30 RG 76 Records of Boundary and Claims Commissions and Arbitrations T606 31 T716 31 RG 77 Records of the Office of the Chief of Engineers M65 31 M66 31 RG 82 Records of the Federal Reserve System M591 . 31 RG 84 Records of the Foreign Service Posts of the Department of State M14 . 32 M20 . 32 RG 85 Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service M1357 . 32 Ml 358 . 32 M1359 . 32 T519 32 RG 93 War Department Collection of Revolutionary War Records M246 . 32 M847 . 32 M859 . 32 M860 . 33 M879 . 33 M880 . 33 M881 33 RG 94 Records of the Adjutant General's Office M29 33 M91 33 M539 . 34 M540 . 34 M545 . 34 M546 . 34 M552 34 M559 . 34 M602 34 M616 . 34 M630 . 34 M631 34 M654 . 33 M661 33 M858 34 T36 34 RG 105 Records of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands M742 34 M752 35 M798 . 35 M799 . 35 RG 107 Records of the Office of the Secretary of War M6 . 35 M7 . 35 M22 35 M127 35 M221 35 M222 35 M370 36 M420 36 M421 36 M491 36 M492 36 M493 36 M494 36 M495 36 M1062 . 37 RG 109 War Department Collection of Confederate Records M901 37 RG 111 Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer T251 37 T252 37 RG 115 Records of the Bureau of Reclamation M96 37 RG 120 Records of the American Expeditionary Forces (World War I) M923 37 RG 153 Records of the Office of the Judge Advocate General (Army) T1027 . 37 RG 179 Records of the War Production Board M185 38 M186 38 M187 38 M195 38 M196 38 RG 188 Records of the Office of Price Administration Ml 64 38 52 RG 217 Records of the Accounting Officers of the Department of the Tl’easuiy M497 . 38 M498 . 38 M520 . 38 T135 39 T899 39 RG 238 National Archives Collection of World War II War Crimes Records T301 39 T988 39 T989 39 T990 39 T99I . 40 T992 40 RG 242 National Archives Collection of Foreign Records Seized T70 40 T71 40 T73 40 T74 40 T76 40 T81 40 T82 40 T1022 . 40 RG 261 Records of Former Russian Agencies Mil . 41 RG 267 Records of the Supreme Court of the United States M162 41 M214 41 M215 41 M216 41 M217 41 M408 41 T57 41 RG 295 Records of the Office of Price Stabilization T460 . 41 RG 350 Records of the Bureau of Insular Affairs M24 . 42 RG 360 Records of the Continental and Confederation Congresses and the Constitutional Convention M247 42 M332 42 M866 42 T408 42 Miscellaneous National Archives Microfilm Publications M236 42 M721 42 M1050 . 43 T987 43 53 ■'j.'i'n m\. , loioiT.o.-idik. c^^ ssf ' . '»W rJk f uu (tt)IJft5ii'lE»'Hi V-Ji *■ i»TT .t,' \lllliwr‘ 53 *»i 1 t%» ■*«£<&>< CV’>;£lSI I ^ .r .niKlV\ic»»i£ 5 l -4#-, . . . Km.* f 'V; '-J?’ <'' I I ' V . I6>^1:»«WIIOO Jiw^i 4t >Oi»M 1^ '>?! «*»W3Tg^‘C<4>^ 7n ) httc ? ter ilOiiRfigO MftJ 6na ^ Y • ' <1 '^-fJ •• i \' ■iBtt .^ (I * «f*if’' *. ri”' .• .L';. ..'‘ 3 t n‘| . p^JiOfprosU 1 f' ftlW'' ’’J . . 1 ,^'. > fc' ‘V,- ( \ ‘ ’ 'i, , . -.fit ,’. 1 ,' rf' ^jf, *,' uwi- l/H ripn^yi. «»r- iwurinu-/-»(P UI»» _ j j ' • lui. JwmcTi ;1 > zrt; i»> ^ U btfloW io A' 4i v.v:> . « » r.a. t -,.- 4*1^ ,^^1.''^ -■ H. <^'•,'•>■ ■!■. • ■ .■ Y • , ^ , • ’ • ^ ■/*'*'{■>'*4'~ ♦' «. i ^ >. *. •• i* *#\ ♦ 'f A i^ ( ' '4 •k. I'llf . V*'- .. . .' ,. »♦'.■ ••’ * I ■ i «i » 4/r i^’ - ,.i I rV'i ( ^.P.* '■ " ■ 4i>.' ;. fT». ^f. :*» ... .,-aiM.. ' ^r.- '-{ V- - . ■ A . : - . i; n&t") \:. .. a.. J. 'f! iklk ,A k A. A ■ ♦ . • . ’HSiW j IA JJk 1^ k ‘h‘. . ■ b ♦ • A ’• ¥•/■ •- >1 V5 ' iiit, -^.’kr-rb Vbif'* # ** • ♦t.'^ •■ k ijr-•• • *1 VW'' ik' , ‘ •?' • £»5? 04, ?';1 It' ,..., tv^^iP ^ A! ?'A fc*., ‘ • 'k•,^ V -^ < 4 / it> TOir ', ■ ,' AvUm, , . ; ■ ■»!;; ;( P ' '*;;'ix. s :vv,*^ ' 1 A;,'#.:. . .'■it, ^ AW' ri;,'''' .'■ it ■ ■ .. ^aivjt$ ‘to I 'VT *«ik A^’ I /vWMwtu •i'lfirr ,,, , i ■,rMi^\ .,,,;' ’.; , ' '• ' >' ;',:' ■'1‘: '■'f:' : :'iSdIli Vii‘ ’'>-'V ■T •'*rV<4V'' ''^ p'-'> :■ i' ^ “k'A'O. ' ' I 1 '* *' it prify ,T^ mm^i - "' ^ ^ ' ’ ’ T"^.* -t ,iT.'-i' '::^y 7i t vlttl 5v "‘■ '^' il' 11 ■ ; ■• r’u. Ah '■ , * \. A ^ i ^r.;vrtrr , ,1 'A# ^SAt ^ -.C-Hk' t'- Af' ' I '■• »(', . , 4»' ♦ vr'■■ ' ^!J ■ ’ 'V'li ♦ ^ .'•’•'%,•■ fte*. 5 > n M f<,ii i i' | »i i| y w . -.Mil«» < i ■ Wiii»^ » «i > iY, y ^ , W|iiii.i ' I'tl ) ..'t'f , r ■ ■' >.; ■■ t '■’ '-7' 2 fE PARTY LIST OF MICROFILM PUBLICATIONS ARRANGED ALPHABETICALLY BY RECORD GROUP TITLE Accounting Officers of the M33 . . 5 T757 . 7 Department of the Tfeasury M252 . . 5 T758 . . 7 (RG217) M407 . . 8 T759 . . 7 M497 . 38 1V1432 . . 6 T760 . . 7 M498 .. 38 M496 . . 8 T761. . 7 M520 . 38 M593 . . 6 T762 . 7 T135. 39 M637 . . 5 T763 . 7 T899 . 39 M653 . . 6 T764 . . 7 M704 . . 6 T765 . . 8 Adjutant General's Office (RG 94) M1283 . . 12 T766 . 8 M29 . 33 T9 . . 6 T767 8 M91 . 33 T132. 12 T768 8 M539 . 34 T498 . . 5 T769 . . 8 M540 . 34 T623 . . 8 T770 . . 8 M545 . 34 T624 . . 11 T771. . 8 M546 . 34 T655 . . 12 T772 . . 8 M552 . 34 T734 . 6 T773 8 M559 . 34 T735 . . 6 T774 . . 8 M602 . 34 T736 . . 6 T775 . . 8 M616. 34 T737 . . 6 T776 . . 8 M630 . 34 T738 . . 6 T777 . . 8 M631. 34 T739 . . 6 T778 . . 8 M654 . 33 T740 . . 6 T779 . . 8 M661. 33 T741. . 7 T780 . . 8 M858 . 34 T742 . . 7 T1030. . 9 T36 . 34 T743 7 T1031 q T744 . . 7 T1032 . . 9 American Expeditionary Forces T745 . . 7 T1033 . . 9 (World War 1) (RG 120) T746 . . 7 T1034 . . 9 M923 . 37 T747 . . 7 T1035. . 9 T748 . . 7 T1036. . 9 Boundary and Claims Commissions T749 . . 7 T1037. . 9 and Arbitrations (RG 76) T750 . . 7 T1038 . . 9 T606 . 31 T751 . . 7 T1039 . . 9 T716. 31 T752 . . 7 T1040 . . 9 T753 . . 7 T1041 . . 9 Census, Bureau of the (RG 29) T754 . . 7 T1042 . . 9 M19 . 5 T755 . . 7 T1043 . . 9 M32 . T7S6. . 7 T1044 q 1V 55 T1045 . . 9 T1267 . 11 Foreign Records Seized, National T1046 . . 9 T1268 . 11 Archives Collection of (RG 242) T1047 . . 9 T1269 . 11 T70 . 40 T1048 . . 9 T1270 . 11 T71 . 40 T1049 . . 9 T1271 . 11 T73 . 40 T1050 . . 9 T1272 . 11 T74 . 40 T1051 . . 9 T1273 . 12 T76 . 40 T1052 . . 9 T1274 . 12 T81 . 40 T1053 . . 9 T1275 . 12 T82 . 40 T1054 . . 10 T1276 . 12 T1022 . 40 T1055 . . 10 T1277 . 12 T1056 . . 10 T1278 . 12 Foreign Service Posts of the T1057 . . 10 T1279 . 12 Department of State (RG 84) T1058 . . 10 M14 . 32 T1059 . . 10 Coast Guard, U.S. (RG 26) M20 . 32 T1060 . . 10 M63 . 4 T1061 . . 10 M94 . 4 Geological Survey (RG 57) T1062 . . 10 T729 . 4 M156. 17 T1063 . . 10 M622 . 18 T1064 . . 10 Confederate Records, War M623 . 18 T1065 . . 10 Department Collection of T1066 . . 10 (RG 109) Hydrographic Office (RG 37) T1067 . . 10 M901. 37 M75 . 13 T1068 . . 10 T1069 . . 10 Continental and Confederation Immigration and Naturalization T1070 . . 10 Congresses and the Service (RG 85) T1071 . . 10 Constitutional Convention M1357. 32 T1072 . . 10 (RG 360) M1358. 32 T1073 . . 10 M247 . 42 M1359. 32 T1074 . . 10 M332 . 42 T519 . 32 T1075 . . 10 M866 . 42 T1076 . . 10 T408 . 42 Indian Affairs, Bureau of (RG 75) T1077 . . 10 Ml . 30 T1078 . . 11 Customs Service, U.S. (RG 36) M2 . 31 T1079 . . 11 M237 . 13 M4 . 28 T1080 . . 11 M261. 13 M5 . 31 T1081 . . 11 M575 . 12 M15 . 29 T1082 . . 11 M16 . 29 T1083 . . 11 District Courts of the United States M18 . 29 T1133 . . 12 (RG 21) M21 . 29 T1210 . . 12 Mini . 4 M74 . 29 T1224 . . 12 T265 . 4 M234 . 29 T1259 . . 11 M271. 29 T1260 . . 11 Engineers, Office of the Chief of M348 . 29 T1261 . . 11 (RG 77) M574 . 30 T1262 . . 11 M65 . 31 M595 . 30 T1263 . . 11 M66 . 31 M842 . 30 T1264 . . 11 MlOl 1. 31 T1265 . . 11 Federal Reserve System (RG 82) T58 . 30 T1266 . . 11 M591. 31 T494 . 30 56 Insular Affairs, Bureau of (RG 350) M24 42 Interior, Office of the Secretary of the (RG 48) M62 14 M95 14 M189. 15 M191. 15 M192. 15 M204 . 15 M310. 15 M364 . 15 M428 . 15 M429 . 15 M430 . 15 M431. 15 M606 . 15 Internal Revenue Service (RG 58) M764 . 18 International Conferences, Commissions, and Expositions (RG 43) M662 . 13 T954 . 13 Judge Advocate General (Army) Office of the (RG 153) T1027 . 37 Justice, Department of (RG 60) M699 . 28 M700 . 28 T326 . 28 T412 . 28 T577 . 28 Land Management, Bureau of (RG 49) M8 . 15 M25 16 M27 16 M68 16 M477 . 16 M478 . 16 M479 . 16 M829 . 16 M848 . 16 T1008 . 17 National Archives and Records Administration (RG 64) M248 . 28 Naval Records Collection of the Office of Naval Records and Library (RG 45) M88 13 M89 14 M125. 14 M149. 14 Postal Service, U.S. (RG 28) M601. 4 M841. 5 Price Administration, Office of (RG 188) M164. 38 Price Stabilization, Office of (RG 295) T460 . 41 Reclamation, Bureau of (RG 115) M96 37 Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, Bureau of (RG 105) M742 . 34 M752 . 35 M798 . 35 M799 . 35 Revolutionary War Records, War Department Collection of (RG 93) M246 . 32 M847 . 32 M859 . 32 M860 . 33 M879 . 33 M880 . 33 M881. 33 Russian Agencies, Former (RG 261) Mil . 41 Senate, U.S. (RG 46) M200 . 14 Signal Officer, Office of the Chief (RG 111) T251. 37 T252 . 37 State, Department of (RG 59) M3 . 24 M9 . 21 MIO. 19 M12. 25 M13. 24 M17. 18 M23. 20 M26. 25 M28. 18 M30. 19 M31 . 20 M34. 19 M35. 20 M36. 26 M37. 26 M38. 23 M39. 23 M40. 26 M41 . 19 M42. 20 M43. 20 M44. 19 M45. 20 M46. 20 M47. 21 M48. 21 M49. 21 M50. 22 M51 . 21 M52. 21 M53. 22 M54. 22 M55. 23 M56. 22 M57. 23 M58. 22 M59. 23 M60. 23 M61 . 18 M67. 23 M69. 18 57 M70. . 21 M471. . 25 T803 . 22 M71 . . 21 M531 . . 25 T804 . 23 M72. . 21 M570 . . 26 T805 . 23 M73. . 21 M586 . . 26 T806 . 22 M76. . 21 M587 . . 26 T807 . 22 M77. . 18 M588 . . 26 T808 . 22 M78. . 18 M639 . . 25 T809 . 23 M79. . 20 M650 . . 25 T810. 22 M81 . . 21 M669 . . 24 T811. 23 M82. . 19 M679 . . 26 T812. 23 M83. . 26 M687 . . 25 T814. 22 M84. . 21 M743 . . 27 T815. 23 M85. . 25 M873 . . 25 T841. 27 M86. . 26 1V1967 . . 25 T903 . 27 M90. . 19 T17 . . 24 1908 . 27 M92. . 19 T30 . . 19 T953 . 22 M93. . 19 T33 . . 19 T967 . 27 M97. . 20 T34 . . 21 T1024 . 27 M98. . 21 T50 . . 19 M99. . 24 T51 . . 19 Supreme Court of the United States MlOO. . 21 T52 . . 20 (RG 267) M116. . 24 T93 . . 23 M162. 41 M121. . 19 T98 . . 20 M214. 41 M128. . 20 T106. . 21 M215. 41 M133. . 19 T157. . 19 M216. 41 M134. . 19 T158. . 19 M217. 41 M163. . 22 T159. . 19 M408 . 41 M166. . 22 T160. . 22 T57 . 41 M170. . 20 T161. . 23 M172. . 20 T260 . . 25 TYeasury, Department of the (RG 56) M179. . 26 T286 . . 27 M87. 17 M193. . 19 T306 . . 23 M174. 17 M194. . 21 T493 . . 27 M175. 17 M201. . 23 T495 . . 27 1V1178. 17 M202 . . 22 T525 . . 20 M415. 17 M218. . 24 T614. . 22 T712. 17 M219. . 19 T630 . . 20 M223 . . 20 T645 . . 27 United States Government, General M228 . . 24 T725 . . 20 Records of the (RG 11) M309 . . 24 T726 . . 20 M337 . 3 M342 . . 24 T727 . . 20 M338 . 3 M350 . . 23 T728 . . 20 M668 . 3 M356 . . 24 T795 . . 21 M406 . . 25 T796 . . 22 Veterans Administration (RG 15) M418. . 25 T797 . . 23 M123. 3 M419. . 25 T798 22 M804 3 M438 . . 25 T799 . . 21 M805 . 3 M439 . . 25 T800 . . 21 M445 . . 24 T801. . 22 M470 . . 25 T802 . . 23 58 W^r Crimes Records, National Archives Collection of, World War II (RG 238) T301 . 39 T988 . 39 T989 . 39 T990 . 39 T991 . 40 T992 . 40 War Production Board (RG 179) M185. 38 M186. 38 M187. 38 M195. 38 M196. 38 War, Office of the Secretary of (RG 107) M6 . 35 M7 . 35 M22 35 M127. 35 M221. 35 M222 . 35 M370 . 36 M420 . 36 M42I. 36 M491. 36 M492 . 36 M493 . 36 M494 . 36 M495 . 36 M1062 . 37 Weather Bureau, U.S. (RG 27) T907 . 4 Miscellaneous National Archives Microfilm Publications M236 . 42 M721. 42 M1050 . 43 T987 . 43 59 .'5 4 1 , < M’’ . i i f’^ > , .■ ^ .. I ,"• rr^' M .'•1 Jl ^ •I j M .-vmf- ta ' bkv-v >rjrt=^ .ilw!) ^ z> . .irji -r' ltH. i' 4 1 'f - .1 t 4 V 1 • . r^iU' 1 ! .'V . ■ 4 i - • my.: 1 V- * I'm* *■ VWjt.*; a - 4 / - ^ 43 ^ • '■ ■ 'nl *«' 1 (H. - * * ^ n # « ^V: »4 J % -S aa ©< A « • 9 «f! ; Jl. ; 1 .... B % * ♦ f ..,".'V ; •» 1 0 ^ . . » 1 4 « • > » • |H« •t' ^ * « * . 4 . t V [, j-: ,>• ;. « • ^ 1 » 0 "t •■*J ^ % g **. W- . . * ■ H » 'l- 5 < '.’"1 -•-‘' '1^* ■- - ' V • *11/ i !A' ri4 ■ V>»'^r . ■A ->i cl ||1 U: ; i 4L :* Uu ■ I,' -4 il ' t .r 'I t ■t*> li'^ ii I » 4 . ^c V « I -i» > > r.- - . r( _• ' 1 t , > 'C^t -lv>, ■».' 4 s*' j;F« . sr-!*^ - '4 4 .• ..41 '. ’ f I vit.r, IB -ir. 1 i* 1 i « r 'A tu I * t .U.-M, u.... .'■ ‘iS'if‘i' ‘ i . . jT" JjiA’ ^*1 ^ * jtJ :^m " • cr?, ;.^'T - '. _f. r- . . I'l, >f k „ r i 5 .♦ f .-?4U,C ;,-j^jjp,b „r, 1 1. t i • k- I • i • * it t .< * J ^ * ■.JW - *1 *1^ - .'. *i I • ♦ I * ' ' *A > -^*^04 ^04m* »- t ‘ ^ K*\ 'riXify iiU S Ik . PART VI SUBJECT INDEX A Academy for Scholarly Research in German T82 RG242 . 40 Academy, U.S. Military M91 RG94 . 33 Accidents Merchant marine casualties T729 RG 26 . 4 U.S. Navy M89 RG45 . 14 Adams, John, administration of Applications for office M406 RG 59 . 25 Adams, John Quincy, administration of Applications for office M531 RG59 . 25 Admiralty Court Michigan Territorial Court Mini RG21 4 Advisory Commission to the Council on National Defense M185 RG179. 38 M186 RG179. 38 M187 RG179.. . 38 Alabama Census of 1880, index to T734 RG 29 . 6 Census of 1890 M407 RG 29 . 8 Census of 1900, index to T1030 RG29 . 9 Census of 1910, index to T1259 RG29 . 11 Alaska Census of 1900, index to T1031 RG29 . 9 Russian-American Company Mil RG261. 41 Territorial papers, Dept, of the Interior M430 RG48 . . . . . . 15 Alaska Purchase Mil RG261 . . . . . . 41 T495 RG59 . . . . . . 27 T1024 RG59 . . . . . . 27 Algeria Despatches from U.S. consuls in Algiers M23 RG 59 20 Alvarez Toledo, Gen. Jose T286 RG 59 27 Amoy, China Despatches from U.S. consuls MlOO RG59 . 21 Angostura, Venezuela Voyage to M83 RG 59 26 Appellate case files U.S. Supreme Court M214 RG267 . 41 M408 RG267 . 41 Applications and recommendations Adams, John, administration of M406 RG 59 25 Adams, John Quincy, administration of M531 RG59 . 25 Buchanan, James, administration of M967 RG 59 25 Fillmore, Millard, administration of M873 RG 59 25 Harrison, William Henry, administration of M687 RG 59 25 Jackson, Andrew, administration of M639 RG 59 25 Jefferson, Thomas, administration of M418 RG59 . 25 Johnson, Andrew, administration of M650 RG 59 25 Lincoln, Abraham, administration of M650 RG 59 25 Madison, James, administration of M438 RG 59 25 Monroe, James, administration of M439 RG 59 25 Pierce, Franklin, administration of M967 RG 59 25 Polk, James K., administration of M873 RG 59 25 Taylor, Zachary, administration of M873 RG 59 25 Tyler, John, administration of M687 RG 59 25 Van Buren, Martin, administration of M687 RG 59 25 Appointments Customhouse employees Ml 74 RG56 . 17 Diplomatic officers M586 RG 59 26 M587 RG 59 26 Lighthouse keepers M63 RG 26 4 Navy officers M89 RG45 . 14 Postmasters M841 RG28 . 5 Treasury Dept, employees M415 RG56 . 17 U.S. Militaiy Academy M91 RG94 . 33 Yellowstone National Park M62 RG48 . 14 61 Argentina Despatches from U.S. consuls in Buenos Aires M70 RG59 . 21 Despatches from U.S. ministers M69 RG59 . 18 Foreign legations in United States M47 RG59 . 21 M99 RG 59 . 24 Arizona Census of 1880, index to T735 RG 29 . 6 Census of 1900, index to T1032 RG29 . 9 Mortality schedules, census T655 RG29 . 12 Territorial papers. Dept, of the Interior M429 RG48 . 15 Territorial papers. Dept, of State M342 RG 59 . 24 Arkansas Census of 1880, index to T736 RG 29 . 6 Census of 1900, index to T1033 RG29 . 9 Census of 1910, index to T1260 RG29 . 11 Army, Continental M246 RG 93 . 32 M860 RG 93 . 33 M880 RG 93 . 33 M881 RG93 . 33 Army, U.S. Arsenals M370 RG 107. 36 Civil War M123 RG 15 . 3 M539 RG 94 . 34 M540 RG 94 . 34 M545 RG 94 . 34 M546 RG 94 . 34 M552 RG 94 . 34 Civil War operations M87 RG56 . 17 M89 RG45 . 14 T252 RG 111. 37 Mexican War operations M29 RG 94 . 33 M89 RG45 . 14 Posts M661 RG94 . 33 Relations with Creek Indians M4 RG 75 28 Atlantic ports Passenger lists, 1820-73 M575 RG36 . 12 Attorney General, Office of the Judiciary expenses M700 RG 60 28 Letters sent M699 RG 60 28 T326 RG 60 28 Opinions T326 RG 60 28 T412 RG60 . 28 Attorney rolls U.S. Supreme Court M217 RG267 . 41 Austria Despatches from U.S. ministers T157 RG59 . 19 Foreign legations in United States M48 RG59 . 21 M99 RG 59 24 Austria-Hungary Reciprocity negotiations T493 RG 59 27 B Belgium Despatches from U.S. ministers M193 RG59 . 19 Foreign legations in United States M194 RG59 . 21 Bering Straits U.S. Navy expedition to M88 RG45 . 13 Bill of Rights Ratification of M338 RG 11 3 Black Americans Census of 1820 M33 RG 29 5 Census of 1830 M19 RG29 . 5 Census of 1840 M704 RG 29 6 Military service M858 RG 94 . 34 Blennerhassett, Herman T265 RG21 . 4 Board of Commissioners for the Emancipation of Slaves in the District of Columbia M520 RG217. 38 Board of Engineers for Internal Improvements M65 RG 77 31 Board of Visitors, West Point M91 RG94 . 31 Bolivar, Simon M662 RG43 . 13 Bolivia Despatches from U.S. ministers T51 RG59 . 19 Foreign legations in United States M99 RG 59 24 T795 RG59 . 21 Bounty lands M6 RG 107. 35 Bounty lands, applications for Revolutionary War M804 RG 15 3 M805 RG 15 3 M829 RG49 . 16 War of 1812 M848 RG49 . 16 Brady Guards, Michigan Militia Patriot War, 1838-39 M630 RG 94 34 Brady, Mathew B. T251 RGlll . 37 T252 RG 111. 37 Brazil Despatches from U.S. ministers M121 RG59 . 19 Foreign legations in United States M49 RG59 . 21 M99 RG 59 24 Reciprocity negotiations T493 RG 59 27 Brearley, David M866 RG360 . 42 Biyan, William Jennings T841 RG59 . 27 62 Buchanan, James, administration of Applications for office M967 RG 59 25 Buenos Aires, Argentina Despatches from U.S. consuls M70 RG59 . 21 Buildings, construction of federal Lighthouses M94 RG 26 4 Tfeasuiy Dept. M415 RG56 . 17 U.S. Military Academy M91 RG94 . 33 War Dept. M370 RG 107. 36 Burr, Aaron T265 RG21 . 4 c California Census of 1880, index to T737 RG 29 . 6 Census of 1900, index to T1034 RG29 . 9 Census of 1910, index to T1261 RG29 . 11 California battalion T135 RG217. 39 Canada Reciprocity negotiations T493 RG 59 27 Canadian border Smuggling activities M497 RG217. 38 Mini RG 21 4 Canals, construction of M66 RG 77 31 M415 RG56 . 17 Cap Haitien, Haiti Despatches from U.S. consuls M9 RG59 . 21 Captain Rowland's Independent Co. Michigan Militia, Patriot War M630 RG 94 34 Cass, Lewis M14 RG84 . 32 Cathcart, James Leander M8 RG49 . 15 Census Bureau Enumeration Districts, 1830-90, 1910-50 T1224 RG29 . 12 Enumeration Districts, 1900 T1210 RG29 . 12 Enumeration Districts, 1910 M1283 RG29 . 12 Publications of T498 RG 29 5 Census of 1790 M637 RG 29 5 Printed schedules T498 RG 29 5 Census of 1800 M32 RG 29 5 Census of 1810 M252 RG 29 5 Census of 1820 M33 RG 29 5 Census of 1830 M19 RG29 . 5 Census of 1840 M704 RG 29 6 Census of 1850 M432 RG 29 6 Census of 1860 M653 RG 29 6 Census of 1870 M593 RG 29 6 Census of 1880 T9 RG 29 6 Census of 1880, index to Alabama T734 RG 29 6 Arizona T735 RG 29 6 Arkansas T736 RG 29 6 California T737 RG 29 6 Colorado T738 RG 29 6 Connecticut T739 RG 29 6 Dakota Territory T740 RG 29 6 Delaware T741 RG29 . 7 District of Columbia T742 Florida RG29 . . . 7 T743 Georgia RG29 . . . 7 T744 Idaho RG29 . . . 7 T745 Illinois RG29 . . . 7 T746 Indiana RG29 ... 7 T747 Iowa RG29 . . . 7 T748 Kansas RG29 . . . . . . 7 T749 Kentucky RG29 ... 7 T750 Louisiana RG29 ... 7 T751 Maine RG29 ... 7 T752 Maryland RG29 ... 7 T753 RG29 ... 7 Massachusetts T754 Michigan RG29 . . . 7 T755 Minnesota RG29 ... 7 T756 Mississippi RG29 ... 7 T757 Missouri RG29 ... 7 T758 Montana RG29 ... 7 T759 Nebraska RG29 ... 7 T760 Nevada RG29 ... 7 T761 RG29 ... 7 New Hampshire T762 RG 29 7 New Jersey T763 RG 29 7 New Mexico T764 RG 29 7 New York T765 RG 29 8 North Carolina T766 RG 29 8 63 Ohio T767 RG 29 . 8 Oregon T768 RG 29 . 8 Pennsylvania T769 RG 29 . 8 Rhode Island T770 RG 29 . 8 South Carolina T771 RG29 . 8 Tennessee T772 RG 29 8 Texas T773 RG 29 . 8 Utah T774 RG 29 8 Vermont T775 RG 29 8 Virginia T776 RG 29 . 8 Washington 1111 RG 29 . 8 West Virginia T778 RG 29 8 Wisconsin T779 RG 29 . 8 V\^oming T780 RG 29 . 8 Census of 1890 M407 RG 29 . 8 Index to M496 RG 29 . 8 Census of 1900 T623 RG 29 . 8 Description of enumeration districts TI2I0 RG29 . 12 Census of 1900, index to Alabama TI030 RG29 . 9 Alaska T1031 RG29 . 9 Arizona T1032 RG29 . 9 Arkansas T1033 RG29 . 9 California T1034 RG29 . 9 Colorado T1035 RG29 . 9 Connecticut T1036 RG29 . 9 Delaware T1037 RG29 . 9 District of Columbia T1038 RG29 . 9 Florida T1039 RG29 . 9 Georgia T1040 RG29 . 9 Hawaii T1041 RG29 . 9 Idaho TI042 RG29 . 9 Illinois T1043 RG29 . 9 Indian Territory TI082 RG29 . 9 Indiana TI044 RG29 . 9 Institutions TI083 RG29 . II Iowa TI045 RG29 . 9 Kansas TI046 RG29 . 9 Kentucly TI047 RG29 . 9 Louisiana TI048 RG29 . 9 Maine TI049 RG29 . 9 Maryland T1050 RG29 . 9 Massachusetts T1051 RG29 . 9 Michigan T1052 RG29 . 9 Military and naval personnel T1081 RG29 . 11 Minnesota T1053 RG29 . 9 Mississippi T1054 RG29 . 10 Missouri T1055 RG29 . 10 Montana T1056 RG29 . 10 Nebraska T1057 RG29 . 10 Nevada T1058 RG29 . 10 New Hampshire T1059 RG29 . 10 New Jersey T1060 RG29 . 10 New Mexico T1061 RG29 . 10 New York T1062 RG29 . 10 North Carolina T1063 RG29 . 10 North Dakota T1064 RG29 . 10 Ohio T1065 RG29 . 10 Oklahoma T1066 RG29 . 10 Oregon T1067 RG29 . 10 Pennsylvania T1068 RG29 . 10 Rhode Island T1069 RG29 . 10 South Carolina T1070 RG29 . 10 South Dakota T1071 RG29 . 10 Tennessee T1072 RG29 . 10 Texas T1073 RG29 . 10 Utah T1074 RG29 . 10 Vermont T1075 RG29 . 10 Virginia T1076 RG29 . 10 Washington T1077 RG29 . 10 West Virginia T1078 RG29 . 11 Wisconsin T1079 RG29 . 11 Wyoming T1080 RG29 . 11 Census of 1910 T624 RG 29 11 Index to enumeration districts M1283 RG29 . 12 64 Census of 1910, index to Alabama T1259 RG29 . 11 Arkansas T1260 RG29 . 11 California T1261 RG29 . 11 Florida T1262 RG29 . 11 Georgia T1263 RG29 . 11 Illinois T1264 RG29 . 11 Kansas T1265 RG29 . 11 Kentucky T1266 RG29 . 11 Louisiana T1267 RG29 . 11 Michigan T1268 RG29 . 11 Mississippi T1269 RG29 . 11 Missouri T1270 RG29 . 11 North Carolina T1271 RG29 . 11 Ohio T1272 RG29 . 11 Oklahoma T1273 RG29 . 12 Pennsylvania T1274 RG29 . 12 South Carolina T1275 RG29 . 12 Tennessee T1276 RG29 . 12 Texas T1277 RG29 . 12 Virginia T1278 RG29 . 12 West Virginia T1279 RG29 . 12 Censuses of 1830-90 Description of enumeration districts T1224 RG29 . 12 Censuses of American Indians Indian census rolls, 1885-1940 M595 RG 75 . 30 Central America Despatches from U.S. ministers M219 RG59 . 19 Foreign legations in United States M99 RG 59 24 T34 RG59 . 21 Chile Despatches from U.S. ministers MIO RG59 . 19 Foreign legations in United States M20 RG 84 32 M73 RG59 . 21 M99 RG 59 24 China Despatches from U.S. consuls in Amoy MlOO RG59 . 21 Despatches from U.S. ministers M92 RG59 . 19 Foreign legations in United States M98 RG59 . 21 M99 RG 59 24 Naval survey expedition to, 1853 M88 RG45 . 13 Civil War Recruiting M492 RG 107. 36 Schedules of veterans and widows M123 RG 15 3 U.S. Army M539 RG 94 34 M540 RG 94 34 M545 RG 94 34 M546 RG 94 34 M552 RG 94 34 U.S. Army operations M87 RG56 . 17 M89 RG45 . 14 T252 RG 111. 37 Claims Florida, C.S.S. T716 RG76 . 31 Southern Claims Commission M87 RG56 . 17 Climate, records of T907 RG27 . 4 Clothing, procurement of War Dept. M74 RG 75 29 M370 RG 107. 36 M654 RG 94 . 33 Coastal fortifications, U.S. Army M222 RG 107. 35 Colombia Despatches from U.S. ministers T33 RG59 . 19 Foreign legations in United States M51 RG59 . 21 M99 RG 59 24 Colorado Census of 1880, index to T738 RG 29 6 Census of 1900, index to T1035 RG29 . 9 Federal mortality schedules, 1850-80 T655 RG29 . 12 Hayden Survey M623 RG57 . 18 Territorial papers. Dept, of the Interior M431 RG48 . 15 Territorial papers. Dept, of State M3 RG 59 24 Commissioner, Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands M742 RG 105. 34 M752 RG 105. 35 Commissions of office Dept, of Justice T577 RG 60 28 Dept, of State T645 RG 59 27 Compiled service records, indexes to Mexican War, volunteer soldiers M616 RG94 . 34 Patriot War, Michigan volunteer soldiers M630 RG 94 34 Patriot War, New York volunteer soldiers M631 RG94 . 34 Revolutionary War naval personnel M879 RG 93 33 65 Revolutionary War soldiers M860 RG 93 . 33 Union Army, Illinois military organizations M539 RG 94 . 34 Union Army, Indiana military organizations M540 RG 94 . 34 Union Army, Michigan military organizations M545 RG 94 . 34 Union Army, Minnesota military organizations M546 RG 94 . 34 Union Army, Ohio military organizations M552 RG 94 . 34 War of 1812, volunteer soldiers M602 RG 94 . 34 Compiled service records. Revolutionary War M880 RG 93 . 33 M881 RG93 . 33 Confederate fortifications M661 RG94 . 33 Congress, U.S. Acts and resolutions, 1789-1823 M337 RG 11 3 Connecticut Census of 1880, index to T739 RG 29 . 6 Census of 1900, index to T1036 RG29 . 9 Constitution, U.S. Ratification of M338 RG 11 3 Constitutional Convention M866 RG 360 . 42 Virginia delegates to T408 RG 360 . 42 Consular instructions. Dept, of State 1791-1801 M28 RG59 . 18 1801-1834 M78 RG59 . 18 Consular officers, U.S. Lists of, 1789-1939 M587 RG 59 . 26 Continental Congress M247 RG360 . 42 M332 RG360 . 42 Foreign letters M61 RG59 . 18 Contracts Defense plants M187 RG179. 38 Lighthouses M63 RG 26 4 Mail M601 RG28 . 4 Supplies, military, naval, and Indian M74 RG 75 29 Costa Rica Foreign legations in United States T799 RG59 . 21 Internal affairs of M669 RG 59 24 Reciprocity negotiations T493 RG 59 27 Council of National Defense, 1940-41 M185 RG179. 38 M186 RG179. 38 M187 RG179. 38 Council of the Office of Production Management M195 RG179. 38 Courts, territorial Michigan Mini RG21 . 4 Courts-martial Cadets, U.S. Military Academy M91 RG94 . 33 Navy, U.S. M89 RG45 . 14 M149 RG45 . 14 Coxe, Tench M74 RG 75 29 Creek Trading House M4 RG 75 28 Criminal case files Michigan Territorial Court Mill! RG21 . 4 Cuba Despatches from U.S. ministers T158 RG59 . 19 Foreign legations in United States M99 RG 59 24 T800 RG59 . 21 U.S. civil and military government of M24 RG350 . 42 Customs, collectors of Correspondence Ml 74 RG56 . 17 Ml 75 RG56 . 17 Ml 78 RG56 . 17 Lighthouses M63 RG 26 4 Customs, Commissioner of M497 RG217. 38 Letters sent M498 RG217. 38 D Dakota Territory Census of 1880, index to T740 RG 29 6 Territorial papers. Dept, of the Interior M310 RG48 . 15 Territorial papers. Dept, of State M309 RG 59 24 Danish West Indies Reciprocity negotiations T493 RG 59 27 Defense History Program Studies Office of Price Stabilization T460 RG295 . 41 Defense housing M187 RG179. 38 Defense plants M187 RG179. 38 M195 RG179. 38 Delaware Census of 1880, index to T741 RG29 . 7 Census of 1900, index to T1037 RG29 . 9 Denmark Despatches from U.S. ministers M41 RG59 . 19 Foreign legations in United States M52 RG59 . 21 M99 RG 59 24 66 Reciprocity negotiations T493 RG 59 27 Diaries Frank, Hans T992 RG238 . 40 Jodi, Gen. Alfred T989 RG238 . 39 Diplomatic instructions. Dept, of State 1791-1801 M28 RG59 . 18 1801-1906 M77 RG59 . 18 Diplomatic officers, U.S. Lists of, 1789-1939 M586 RG 59 . 26 District of Columbia Census of 1880, index to T742 RG 29 . 7 Census of 1890 M407 RG 29 . 8 Census of 1900, index to T1038 RG29 . 9 Emancipation of slaves in M520 RG217. 38 Federal mortality schedules, 1850-80 T655 RG29 . 12 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers M66 RG77 . 31 Dixon, Jeremiah M86 RG 59 . 26 Dockets Supreme Court, U.S. M216 RG267 . 41 Dominican Republic Despatches from U.S. ministers M93 RG59 . 19 Foreign legations in United States M99 RG 59 . 24 T801 RG59 . 22 Reciprocity negotiations T493 RG 59 . 27 E Economic affairs of Costa Rica M669 RG 59 . 24 Economic relations Axis relations in the Far East T82 RG242 . 40 Ecuador Despatches from U.S. ministers T50 RG59 . 19 Foreign legations in United States M99 RG 59 24 T810 RG59 . 22 El Salvador Foreign legations in United States T798 RG 59 22 Emancipation of slaves M520 RG217. 38 Engineering Division, Bureau of Reclamation Project Histories and Reports M96 RG 115. 37 Engineers, Office of the Chief of Internal improvements M65 RG 77 31 King Survey, 1867-81 M622 RG57 . 18 Topographical Bureau M66 RG77 . 31 Expeditions, U.S. Fremont, John C., 1842-49 T135 RG217. 39 Gulf coast, 1818-19 M8 RG49 . 15 Mexico, filibustering, 1811-16 T286 RG 59 27 North Pacific Ocean, 1852-63 M88 RG45 . 13 Wilkes, Lt. Charles, 1836-42 M75 RG37 . 13 F Federal mortality census schedules. 1850-1880 T655 RG29 . 12 Federal Open Market Committee M591 RG82 . 31 Federal population census schedules Census of 1790 M637 RG 29 5 Census of 1790 (printed) T498 RG 29 5 Census of 1800 M32 RG 29 5 Census of 1810 M252 RG 29 5 Census of 1820 M33 RG 29 5 Census of 1830 M19 RG29 . 5 Census of 1840 M704 RG 29 6 Census of 1850 M432 RG 29 6 Census of 1860 M653 RG 29 6 Census of 1870 M593 RG 29 6 Census of 1880 T9 RG 29 6 Census of 1890 M407 RG 29 8 Census of 1900 T623 RG 29 8 Census of 1910 T624 RG 29 11 Fillmore, Millard, administration of Applications for office M873 RG 59 25 Flick, Friederich T301 RG238 . 39 Flipper, Henry Ossian T1027 RG 153. 37 Florida Census of 1880, index to T743 RG 29 7 Census of 1900, index to T1039 RG29 . 9 Census of 1910, index to T1262 RG29 . 11 Territorial papers. Dept, of State Ml 16 RG59 . 24 Florida, C.S.S. T716 RG 76 31 Fort Davis, TX T1027 RG 153. 37 Fortifications Confederate M661 RG94 . 33 War Dept. M222 RG 107. 35 67 M370 RG 107. 36 M1062 RG 107. 37 France Foreign legations in United States M53 RG 59 . 23 M99 RG 59 . 24 U.S. ministers to M14 RG84 . 32 M34 RG59 . 19 Frank, Hans T992 RG 238 . 40 Freedmen's Bureau See Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, Bureau of. Freedmen's schools M799 RG 105. 35 Fremont, John C. T135 RG217. 39 French Foreign Office M14 RG84 . 32 French West Indies Despatches from U.S. consuls in St. Bartholomew M72 RG59 . 21 G Galveston, TX Passenger lists, 1896-1951 M1359 RG85 . 32 Passenger lists, 1896-1906, indexes to M1357 RG85 . 32 Passenger lists, 1906-51, indexes to M1358 RG85 . 32 General Land Office Commissioner of the M27 RG49 . 16 M477 RG49 . 16 M478 RG49 . 16 M479 RG49 . 16 Letters sent M25 RG49 . 16 Geneva THbunal of Arbitration, 1871-72 T716 RG76 . 31 Geographical and Geological Survey of the Rocky Mountain Region, 1869-79 M156 RG57 . 17 Geological Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel (King Survey) M622 RG57 . 18 Geological and Geographical Survey of Territories, 1867-79 (Hayden Survey) M623 RG57 . 18 Georgia Census of 1880, index to T744 RG 29 7 Census of 1890 M407 RG 29 8 Census of 1900, index to T1040 RG29 . 9 Census of 1910, index to T1263 RG29 . 11 Federal mortality schedules, 1850-80 T655 RG29 . 12 Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, Bureau of M798 RG 105. 35 M799 RG 105. 35 German Air Force High Command— OKW T989 RG238 . 39 German navy, 1850-1945 T1022 RG242 . 40 German submarine warfare World War I M743 RG 59 27 Germany Despatches from U.S. ministers M44 RG59 . 19 Foreign legations in United States M58 RG 59 22 M99 RG 59 24 State Dept. Special Interrogation Mission to, 1945-46 M679 RG 59 26 Gerry, Elbridge M866 RG360 . 42 Ghent, TVeaty of, 1813-15 M36 RG 59 26 Grant, Ulysses S. T252 RG 111. 37 Great Britain Despatches from U.S. ministers M30 RG59 . 19 Foreign legations in United States M50 RG 59 22 M99 RG 59 24 Reciprocity negotiations T493 RG 59 27 Great Lakes Marine casualties T729 RG 26 4 Great Lakes ports Passenger lists, 1820-73 M575 RG36 . 12 Greece Despatches from U.S. ministers T159 RG59 . 19 Foreign legations in United States M99 RG 59 24 T808 RG 59 22 H Haiti Despatches from U.S. consuls in Cap Haitien M9 RG59 . 21 Despatches from U.S. ministers M82 RG59 . 19 Foreign legations in United States M99 RG 59 24 T803 RG 59 22 Hambleton, John N. M83 RG 59 26 Hanseatic Cities Foreign legations in United States M99 RG 59 ...... 24 Harrison, William Henry, administration of Applications for office M687 RG 59 25 Hawaii M37 RG 59 26 Census of 1900, index to T1041 RG29 . 9 Despatches from U.S. ministers T30 RG59 . 19 Foreign legations in United States M99 RG 59 24 T160 RG59 . 22 68 Relations with United States T987 (No RG). 43 Hayden Survey M623 RG57 . 18 Hayden, Dr. Ferdinand Vandeveer M623 RG57 . 18 Honduras Foreign legations in United States T796 RG 59 22 House, Col. Edward M743 RG 59 27 Howard, O. O. M742 RG 105. 34 Hutton, James M8 RG49 . 15 I Idaho Census of 1880, index to T745 RG 29 7 Census of 1900, index to T1042 RG29 . 9 Hayden Survey M623 RG57 . 18 Territorial papers. Dept, of the Interior M191 RG48 . 15 Territorial papers. Dept, of State M445 RG 59 24 Illinois Census of 1880, index to T746 RG 29 7 Census of 1890 M407 RG 29 . 8 Census of 1900, index to T1043 RG29 . 9 Census of 1910, index to T1264 RG29 . 11 Military service. Union Army M539 RG 94 34 Tax assessment lists. Internal Revenue M764 RG58 . 18 Indian affairs War Dept, letters received relating to M271 RG 75 29 Indian Affairs, Bureau of Annual reports MlOll RG75 . 31 Reports from field jurisdictions MlOll RG 75 31 Indian Affairs, Commissioner of M348 RG 75 29 M606 RG48 . 15 Indian Affairs, Office of Correspondence M18 RG 75 29 M21 RG 75 29 M234 RG 75 29 Michigan Superintendency Ml RG 75 30 Minnesota Superintendency M842 RG 75 30 Oregon Superintendency M2 RG 75 31 Report books M348 RG 75 29 Special files M574 RG 75 30 Washington Superintendency M5 RG 75 31 Indian councils T494 RG 75 30 Indian Division, Dept, of the Interior Correspondence M606 RG48 . 15 Indian reservations M66 RG 77 31 Indian schools M234 RG 75 29 Indian Territory Census of 1900, index to T1082 RG29 . 11 Indian Tfade, Supt. of T58 RG 75 30 Correspondence M15 RG 75 29 M16 RG 75 29 T58 RG 75 30 Indian trading houses M16 RG 75 29 Indian treaties M668 RG 11 3 T494 RG 75 30 Indiana Census of 1880, index to T747 RG 29 7 Census of 1900, index to T1044 RG29 . 9 Military service. Union Army M540 RG 94 34 Industry Advisory Committee of the Office of Price Stabilization T460 RG295 . 41 Industry, foreign Costa Rica M669 RG 59 24 Institutions Census of 1900, index to T1083 RG29 . 11 Insular Affairs, Bureau of Published documents M24 RG350 . 42 Interior, Dept, of the Wagon Roads, construction of M95 RG48 . 14 Yellowstone National Park M62 RG48 . 14 Interior, Dept, of the—territorial papers Alaska M430 RG48 . 15 Arizona M429 RG48 . 15 Colorado M431 RG48 . 15 Dakota Territory M310 RG48 . 15 Idaho M191 RG48 . 15 Montana M192 RG48 . 15 New Mexico M364 RG48 . 15 Utah M428 RG48 . 15 Washington Ml 89 RG48 . 15 Wyoming M204 RG48 . 15 Internal improvements, U.S. M65 RG 77 31 M66 RG 77 31 69 International boundaries M66 RG 77 31 International mail service M601 RG28 . 4 IMT—International Military Tribunal T989 RG238 . 39 T990 RG238 . 39 T991 RG238 . 40 Iowa Census of 1880, index to T748 RG 29 7 Census of 1900, index to T1045 RG29 . 9 Italy Despatches from U.S. ministers M90 RG59 . 19 Foreign legations in United States M99 RG 59 . 24 M202 RG 59 22 World War I M923 RG 120. 37 World War II T82 RG242 . 40 J Jackson, Andrew, administration of Applications for office M639 RG 59 . 25 Jackson, Stonewall T252 RG 111. 37 Japan M37 RG 59 . 26 Despatches from U.S. ministers M133 RG59 . 19 Foreign legations in United States M99 RG 59 . 24 M163 RG59 . 22 Political affairs M743 RG 59 27 Jefferson, Thomas, administration of Applications for office M418 RG59 . 25 Jodi, Gen. Alfred T989 RG238 . 39 Johnson, Andrew, administration of Applications for office M650 RG 59 25 Journals, private Cathcartand Hutton, 1818-19 M8 RG49 . 15 Mason, Charles, 1763-68 M86 RG 59 26 Journals, vessels Expedition to North Pacific, 1852-63 M88 RG45 . 13 V.S.S. Nonsuch, 1819 M83 RG 59 26 Wilkes expedition, 1836-42 M75 RG37 . 13 K Kansas Census of 1880, index to T749 RG 29 7 Census of 1900, index to T1046 RG29 . 9 Census of 1910, index to T1265 RG29 . 11 Territorial papers. Dept, of State M218 RG59 . 24 Kentucky Census of 1880, index to T750 RG 29 7 Census of 1900, index to T1047 RG29 . 9 Census of 1910, index to T1266 RG29 . 11 Federal mortality schedules, 1850-80 T655 RG29 . 12 Knox, Henry M1062 RG 107. 37 Korea Despatches from U.S. ministers M134 RG59 . 19 Foreign legations in United States M99 RG 59 24 M166 RG59 . 22 Korean War Defense History Program Studies T460 RG295 . 41 Krauch, Karl T301 RG238 . 39 Krupp, Alfried T301 RG238 . 39 L La Guaira, Venezuela Despatches from U.S. consuls M84 RG59 . 21 Labor problems M185 RG179. 38 M195 RG179. 38 Lambert, William M588 RG 59 26 Land Warrants, Act of 1788, U.S. Army Ohio T1008 RG49 . 17 Lansing, Robert M743 RG 59 27 Liberia Despatches from U.S. ministers Ml 70 RG59 . 20 Foreign legations in United States M99 RG 59 24 T807 RG 59 22 Lighthouses Construction M66 RG 77 31 Contracts for construction and maintenance M63 RG 26 4 Deeds and contracts M94 RG 26 4 Keepers, appointment of M63 RG 26 4 Supervision of by collectors of customs Ml 74 RG56 . 17 Ml 75 RG56 . 17 Lincoln, Abraham Photographs of T252 RG 111 . 37 Lincoln, Abraham, administration of Applications for office M650 RG 59 25 Louisiana Census of 1880, index to T751 RG29 . 7 Census of 1900, index to T1048 RG29 . 9 Census of 1910, index to T1267 RG29 . 11 70 Mortality census schedules, 1850-80 T655 RG29 . 12 Louisiana Purchase T712 RG56 . 17 Lumber industry, World War 11 M164 RG188. 38 Luxembourg Foreign legations in United States T814 RG59 . 22 M McLean, John T57 RG267 . 41 Madagascar Foreign legations in United States T806 RG 59 . 22 Madison, James, administration of Applications for office M438 RG 59 . 25 Mail contracts M601 RG28 . 4 Maine Census of 1880, index to T752 RG 29 . 7 Census of 1900, index to T1049 RG29 . 9 Maps Mississippi, Missouri, and Osage Rivers T36 RG 94 . 34 World War 1 M923 RG 120. 37 Marine hospitals Ml 74 RG56 . 17 Ml 75 RG56 . 17 Marshall, John T57 RG267 . 41 Maryland Census of 1880, index to T753 RG 29 . 7 Census of 1900, index to T1050 RG29 . 9 Mason, Charles M86 RG 59 . 26 Mason-Dixon Line, Survey of, 1763-68 M86 RG 59 . 26 Massachusetts Census of 1880, index to T754 RG 29 7 Census of 1900, index to T1051 RG29 . 9 Mauthausen Death Books T990 RG238 . 39 Mermentau River, survey of, 1818-19 M8 RG49 . 15 Meteorological observations Lt. Zebulon Pike T36 RG 94 34 Mexican border Smuggling activities M497 RG217. 38 Mexican War Military operations M29 RG 94 33 M89 RG45 . 14 Military service records, index to M616 RG94 . 34 Volunteer soldiers in M616 RG94 . 34 Mexico M37 RG 59 26 Despatches from U.S. ministers M97 RG 59 20 Filibustering expedition against T286 RG 59 27 Foreign legations in United States M54 RG 59 22 M99 RG 59 24 U.S. intervention in T987 (No RG). 43 Michigan Census of 1880, index to T755 RG 29 7 Census of 1900, index to T1052 RG29 . 9 Census of 1910, index to T1268 RG29 . 11 Military service. Patriot War M630 RG 94 34 Military service. Union Army M545 RG 94 34 Superintendency of Indian Affairs Ml RG 75 30 Territorial court Mini RG 21 4 Michigan Militia Service in Patriot War M630 RG 94 34 Military and naval personnel Census of 1900, index to T1081 RG29 . 11 Military rations, contracts for M3 70 RG 107. 36 M654 RG 94 33 Miller, David Hunter T1024 RG59 . 27 Minnesota Census of 1870 T132 RG29 . 12 Census of 1880, index to T756 RG 29 7 Census of 1890 M407 RG 29 8 Census of 1900, index to T1053 RG29 . 9 Military service. Union Army M546 RG 94 34 Superintendency of Indian Affairs M842 RG 75 30 Territorial papers Ml050 (NoRG). 43 Mississippi Census of 1880, index to T757 RG 29 7 Census of 1900, index to T1054 RG29 . 10 Census of 1910, index to T1269 RG29 . 11 Mississippi River, survey of, 1805-7 T36 RG 94 34 Missouri Census of 1880, index to T758 RG 29 7 Census of 1900, index to T1055 RG29 . 10 Census of 1910, index to T1270 RG29 . 11 Missouri River, survey of, 1805-7 T36 RG 94 34 Mobile River, survey of, 1818-19 M8 RG49 . 15 Monroe, James, administration of Applications for office M439 RG 59 25 71 Montana Census of 1880, index to T759 RG 29 . 7 Census of 1900, index to T1056 RG29 . 10 Hayden Survey M623 RG57 . 18 Territorial papers. Dept, of the Interior Ml 92 RG48 . 15 Territorial papers. Dept of State M356 RG 59 . 24 Montenegro Despatches from U.S. ministers T525 RG 59 . 20 Foreign legations in United States T614 RG59 . 22 Montevideo, Uruguay Despatches from U.S. consuls M71 RG59 . 21 Morocco Despatches from U.S. ministers T725 RG 59 . 20 Morrow, James M37 RG 59 . 26 Mortality schedules, 1850-80 Arizona T655 RG29 . 12 Colorado T655 RG29 . 12 District of Columbia T655 RG29 . 12 Georgia T655 RG29 . 12 Kentucky T655 RG29 . 12 Louisiana T655 RG29 . 12 Tennessee T655 RG29 . 12 N National Archives, publications of M248 RG 64 . 28 National cemeteries M661 RG94 . 33 National Socialist German Labor Party T81 RG242 . 40 Navy, Continental M879 RG 93 33 M880 RG 93 33 Navy, U.S. Correspondence M125 RG45 . 14 M89 RG45 . 14 Survey of gulf coast, 1818-19 M8 RG49 . 15 Survey of North Pacific, 1852-63 M88 RG45 . 13 Willces expedition, 1836-42 M75 RG37 . 13 Nazi cultural and research institutions T82 RG242 . 40 Nazi industrialists T301 RG238 . 39 Nebraska Census of 1880, index to T760 RG 29 7 Census of 1900, index to T1057 RG29 . 10 Hayden Survey M623 RG57 . 18 Territorial papers. Dept, of State M228 RG 59 24 Negotiations with Indian tribes T494 RG 75 30 Netherlands Despatches from U.S. ministers M42 RG 59 20 Foreign legations in United States M56 RG 59 22 M99 RG 59 24 Netherlands East Indies Despatches from U.S. consuls in Padang, Sumatra T106 RG59 . 21 Nevada Census of 1880, index to T761 RG29 . 7 Census of 1900, index to T1058 RG29 . 10 King Survey in M622 RG57 . 18 Territorial papers. Dept, of State M13 RG59 . 24 New Hampshire Census of 1880, index to T762 RG 29 7 Census of 1900, index to T1059 RG29 . 10 New Jersey Census of 1880, index to T763 RG 29 7 Census of 1890 M407 RG 29 8 Census of 1900, index to T1060 RG29 . 10 New Mexico Census of 1880, index to T764 RG 29 7 Census of 1900, index to T1061 RG29 . 10 Hayden Survey M623 RG57 . 18 Territorial papers. Dept, of the Interior M364 RG48 . 15 Territorial papers. Dept, of State T17 RG59 . 24 New York Census of 1880, index to T765 RG 29 8 Census of 1890 M407 RG 29 8 Census of 1900, index to T1062 RG29 . 10 Military service. Patriot War M631 RG94 . 34 Passenger lists, 1820-97 M237 RG36 . 13 Passenger lists, index to, 1820-46 M261 RG36 . 13 Nicaragua Foreign legations in United States T797 RG 59 23 Nominations for office Cadets, U.S. Military Academy M91 RG94 . 33 U.S. marshals T577 RG 60 28 North Carolina Census of 1880, index to T766 RG 29 8 Census of 1900, index to T1063 RG29 . 10 72 Census of 1910, index to T1271 RG29 . 11 Land grants (in Tennessee) M68 RG49 . 16 North Dakota Census of 1900, index to T1064 RG29 . 10 Northwest boundary T606 RG 76 31 Norway Despatches from U.S. ministers M45 RG 59 20 Foreign legations in United States M99 RG 59 . 24 T811 RG59 . 23 Nuernberg war crimes trials T301 RG238 . 39 T988 RG238 . 39 T990 RG238 . 39 T991 RG238 . 40 T992 RG238 . 40 O OCCPAC—Office of the U.S. Chief of Counsel for the Prosecution of Axis Criminality T991 RG238 . 40 OCCWC—Office of the Chief of Counsel for War Crimes T301 RG238 . 39 OKW—German Air Force High Command T989 RG238 . 39 Ohio Census of 1880, index to T767 RG 29 . 8 Census of 1890 M407 RG 29 . 8 Census of 1900, index to T1065 RG29 . 10 Census of 1910, index to T1272 RG29 . 11 Military service. Union Army M552 RG 94 34 Revolutionary War bounty lands M829 RG49 . 16 T1008 RG49 . 17 Territorial papers. Dept, of State M470 RG 59 . 25 M471 RG59 . 25 Oklahoma Census of 1900, index to T1066 RG29 . 10 Census of 1910, index to T1273 RG29 . 12 Opinions Attorney General T326 RG 60 28 T412 RG60 . 28 Supreme Court T57 RG267 . 41 Oregon Census of 1880, index to T768 RG 29 8 Census of 1900, index to T1067 RG29 . 10 Superintendency of Indian Affairs M2 RG 75 31 Territorial papers. Dept, of State M419 RG59 . 25 Orinoco River, Venezuela M83 RG 59 26 Orleans Territorial papers. Dept, of State T260 RG 59 25 Osage River T36 RG 94 34 P Pacific Ocean Expedition to M88 RG45 . 13 Panama Despatches from U.S. ministers T726 RG 59 . 20 Foreign legations in United States T812 RG59 . 23 Panama Peace Congress, 1825-27 M662 RG43 . 13 Paraguay Despatches from U.S. ministers M128 RG59 . 20 Foreign legations in United States M99 RG 59 24 M350 RG 59 23 Paris Peace Commission, 1898 T954 RG43 . 13 Paris, France U.S. legation in M14 RG84 . 32 Passenger lists Atlantic ports, 1820-73 M575 RG36 . 12 Galveston, TX, 1896-1951 M1359 RG85 . 32 Great Lakes ports, 1820-73 M575 RG36 . 12 Gulf ports, 1820-73 M575 RG36 . 12 New York, NY, 1820-97 M237 RG36 . 13 Passenger lists, index to Galveston, TX, 1896-1906 M1357 RG85 . 32 Galveston, TX, 1906-51 M1358 RG85 . 32 New York, m, 1820-46 M261 RG36 . 13 New York, NY, 1897-1902 T519 RG85 . 32 Patriot War, 1838-39 Michigan soldiers in M630 RG 94 34 New York soldiers in M631 RG94 . 34 Peace conferences Paris Peace Commission, 1898 T954 RG43 . 13 Pennsylvania Census of 1880, index to T769 RG 29 8 Census of 1900, index to T1068 RG29 . 10 Census of 1910, index to T1274 RG29 . 12 Pensions Revolutionary War applications M804 RG 15 3 M805 RG 15 3 Perry, Capt. Oliver H. M83 RG 59 26 Persia Despatches from U.S. ministers M223 RG 59 20 73 Foreign legations in United States M99 RG 59 24 T306 RG 59 23 Peru Despatches from U.S. ministers T52 RG 59 20 Foreign legations in United States M99 RG 59 . 24 T802 RG 59 23 Philippines U.S. civil and military government M24 RG350 . 42 Photographs Mathew B. Brady T251 RG 111. 37 T252 RG 111. 37 Pierce, Franklin, administration of Applications for office M967 RG 59 25 Pike, Lt. Zebulon T36 RG 94 34 Poinsett, Joel M37 RG 59 26 M662 RG43 . 13 Polk, James K., administration of Applications for office M873 RG 59 25 Poole, DeWitt C. M679 RG 59 26 Portugal Despatches from U.S. ministers M43 RG 59 20 Foreign legations in United States M57 RG 59 23 M99 RG 59 . 24 Postal conventions M601 RG28 . 4 Postmaster General, U.S. Letters sent M601 RG28 . 4 Postmasters Appointment of M841 RG28 . 5 Powell, Maj. John Wesley M156 RG57 . 17 Powell Survey M156 RG57 . 17 President, U.S., correspondence with M127 RG 107. 35 M222 RG 107. 35 M348 RG 75 29 M415 RG56 . 17 M421 RG 107 ...... 36 M493 RG 107. 36 M494 RG 107. 36 M495 RG 107. 36 M606 RG48 . 15 M699 RG 60 28 M743 RG 59 27 T841 RG59 . 27 Presidential appointments Postmasters M841 RG28 . 5 Presidential pardons T967 RG 59 25 Prisoners of war War of 1812 M588 RG 59 26 Prize cases Revolutionary War M162 RG267 . 41 Propaganda, World War II M679 RG 59 26 T70 RG242 . 40 Prussia Foreign legations in United States M99 RG 59 24 Puerto Rico Despatches from U.S. consuls M76 RG59 . 21 U.S. civil and military government M24 RG350 . 42 R Railroad routes, survey of M66 RG77 . 31 Ratification of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights M338 RG 11 3 Rationing, World War II M164 RG 188. 38 Reciprocity negotiations T493 RG 59 27 Reclamation, Bureau of Project histories and reports M96 RG 115. 37 Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, Bureau of Correspondence M742 RG 105. 34 M752 RG 105. 35 Georgia, Assistant Commissioner for M798 RG 105. 35 Georgia, Supt. of Education M799 RG 105. 35 Reich Commissioner for the Strengthening of Germandom T74 RG242 . 40 Reich Ministry for Armaments and War Production T73 RG242 . 40 Reich Ministry of Economics T71 RG242 . 40 Revenue Cutter Service, U.S. Lighthouses M63 RG 26 4 Operations under collectors of customs M174 RG56 . 17 M175 RG56 . 17 Revenue, Commissioner of M63 RG 26 4 M74 RG 75 29 Revolutionary War M847 RG 93 32 M859 RG 93 32 Bounty-land warrants in Ohio M829 RG49 . 16 T1008 RG49 . 17 Military service records M246 RG 93 32 M881 RG93 . 33 Military service records, index to M860 RG 93 33 Naval service records, index to M879 RG 93 33 Naval and military service records M880 RG 93 33 Pension and bounty-land applications M804 RG 15 3 M805 RG 15 3 Pensions M1062 RG 107. 37 74 Prize cases, U.S. Supreme Court M162 RG267 . 41 Rhode Island Census of 1880, index to T770 RG 29 . 8 Census of 1900, index to T1069 RG29 . 10 Robinson, John Hamilton T286 RG 59 . 27 Rocky Mountains King Survey, 1867-81 M622 RG57 . 18 Powell Survey, 1869-79 M156 RG57 . 17 Rowland, Capt. Isaac S. M630 RG94 . 34 Rumania Despatches from U.S. ministers T727 RG 59 . 20 Foreign legations in United States M99 RG 59 . 24 Russia and Soviet Union Cession of Alaska T495 RG 59 . 27 Despatches from U.S. consuls in St. Petersburg M81 RG59 . 21 Despatches from U.S. ministers M35 RG 59 . 20 Diplomatic relations with M743 RG59 . 27 T987 (No RG). 43 Foreign legations in United States M39 RG 59 . 23 M99 RG 59 . 24 Russian-American Company Mil RG261. 41 s St. Bartholomew, French West Indies Despatches from U.S. consuls M72 RG59 . 21 St. Petersburg, Russia Despatches from U.S. consuls M81 RG59 . 21 Samoa Foreign legations in United States T805 RG 59 . 23 Sardinia Foreign legations in United States M201 RG59 . 23 Savannah, GA Passenger lists, 1906 T493 RG 59 27 Senate, U.S. Acts and resolutions, 1789-1823 M337 RG 11 3 Territorial papers M200 RG46 . 14 Serbia Despatches from U.S. ministers T630 RG 59 20 Shaler, William T286 RG 59 27 Sherman, William T. T252 RG 111. 37 Shipv^ecks Great Lakes T729 RG 26 4 Siam Despatches from U.S. ministers Ml 72 RG59 . 20 Foreign legations in United States M99 RG 59 24 T161 RG59 . 23 Sierra Nevada King Survey M622 RG57 . 18 Slaves Census of 1790 M637 RG 29 5 Census of 1800 M32 RG 29 5 Census of 1810 M252 RG 29 5 Census of 1820 M33 RG 29 5 Census of 1830 M19 RG29 . 5 Census of 1840 M704 RG29 . 6 District of Columbia (emancipation) M520 RG217. 38 Smuggling Ml 74 RG56 . 17 M497 RG217. 38 Mill! RG 21 4 Social Affairs of Costa Rica M669 RG 59 24 South Carolina Census of 1880, index to T771 RG29 . 8 Census of 1900, index to T1070 RG29 . 10 Census of 1910, index to T1275 RG29 . 12 South Dakota Census of 1890 M407 RG 29 8 Census of 1900, index to T1071 RG29 . 10 Southern Claims Commission, 1871-80 M87 RG56 . 17 Spain Despatches from U.S. ministers M31 RG59 . 20 Foreign legations in United States M59 RG 59 23 M99 RG 59 24 Reciprocity negotiations T493 RG 59 27 Spanish-American relations T987 (NoRG). 43 Special agents. Dept, of State Despatches from M37 RG 59 26 Special Interrogation Mission to Germany, 1945-46 M679 RG 59 26 Speer, Albert T73 RG242 . 40 Stagg, John M1062 RG 107. 37 State, Dept, of Commissions for office T645 RG 59 27 Consular instructions, 1801-34 M78 RG59 . 18 Daybook of expenses, 1798-1820 T903 RG 59 27 Diplomatic and consular instructions, 1791-1801 M28 RG59 . 18 Diplomatic instructions, 1801-1906 M77 RG59 . 18 75 Domestic letters M40 RG 59 . 26 Miscellaneous letters Ml 79 RG59 . 26 Notes from various foreign legations T953 RG 59 . 22 Notes to foreign consuls and ministers M38 RG 59 . 23 Notes to foreign legations in United States M99 RG 59 . 24 Reciprocity negotiations T493 RG 59 . 27 Register of correspondence M17 RG59 . 18 Special Interrogation Mission to Germany M679 RG 59 . 26 U.S. Commission to Central and South America, 1884-85 T908 RG 59 . 27 War of 1812 papers M588 RG 59 . 26 State Dept, applications for office Adams, John, administration of M406 RG 59 . 25 Adams, John Quincy, administration of M531 RG59 . 25 Buchanan, James, administration of M967 RG 59 . 27 Fillmore, Millard, administration of M873 RG 59 . 25 Harrison, William Henry, administration of M687 RG 59 . 25 Jackson, Andrew, administration of M639 RG 59 . 25 Jefferson, Thomas, administration of M418 RG59 . 25 Johnson, Andrew, administration of M650 RG 59 . 25 Lincoln, Abraham, administration of M650 RG 59 25 Madison, James, administration of M438 RG 59 25 Monroe, James, administration of M439 RG 59 25 Pierce, Franklin, administration of M967 RG 59 25 Polk, James K., administration of M873 RG 59 25 Taylor, Zachary, administration of M873 RG 59 25 Tyler, John, administration of M687 RG 59 25 Van Buren, Martin, administration of M687 RG 59 25 State Dept. Decimal File Costa Rica, internal affairs of M669 RG 59 24 State Dept., territorial papers Arizona M342 RG 59 24 Colorado M3 RG 59 24 Dakota Territory M309 RG 59 24 Florida Ml 16 RG59 . 24 Idaho M445 RG 59 24 Kansas M218 RG59 . 24 Montana M356 RG 59 24 Nebraska M228 RG 59 24 Nevada M13 RG59 . 24 New Mexico T17 RG59 . 24 Ohio River, territory northwest of M470 RG 59 25 Ohio River, territory southwest of M471 RG59 . 25 Oregon M419 RG59 . 25 Orleans T260 RG 59 . 25 Utah M12 RG59 . 25 Washington M26 RG 59 25 Wyoming M85 RG 59 25 State, Secretaries of Bryan, William Jennings T841 RG59 . 27 Lansing, Robert M743 RG 59 27 Sumatra Despatches from U.S. consuls in Padang T106 RG59 . 21 Supply Priorities and Allocations Board M196 RG179. 38 Supreme Court, U.S. Appellate case files M214 RG267 . 41 Appellate case files, index to M408 RG267 . 41 Attorney rolls M217 RG267 . 41 Dockets M216 RG267 . 41 Minutes M215 RG267 . 41 Opinions T57 RG267 . 41 Supreme War Council, World War 1 American Section M923 RG 120. 37 Survey of gulf coast, 1818-19 M8 RG49 . 15 Surveyor General Territory northwest of Ohio River M477 RG49 . 16 M478 RG49 . 16 M479 RG49 . 16 Sweden Despatches from U.S. ministers M45 RG 59 20 Foreign legations in United States M60 RG 59 23 M99 RG 59 24 76 Switzerland Despatches from U.S. ministers T98 RG 59 . 20 Foreign legations in United States 1VI99 RG 59 . 24 T Tax assessment lists, Internal Revenue Illinois M764 RG58 . 18 Taylor, Gen. Zachary M29 RG 94 33 Taylor, Zachary, administration of Applications for office M873 RG 59 25 Tennessee Census of 1880, index to T772 RG 29 8 Census of 1900, index to T1072 RG29 . 10 Census of 1910, index to T1276 RG29 . 12 Territorial papers M721 (NoRG). 42 Minnesota Ml050 (NoRG). 43 Wisconsin M236 (No RG). 42 Territorial papers. Dept, of the Interior Arizona M429 RG48 . 15 Arkansas M430 RG48 . 15 Colorado M431 RG48 . 15 Dakota Territory M310 RG48 . 15 Idaho M191 RG48 . 15 Montana M192 RG48 . 15 New Mexico M364 RG48 . 15 Utah M428 RG48 . 15 Washington M189 RG48 . 15 Wyoming M204 RG48 . 15 Territorial papers. Dept, of State Arizona M342 RG 59 24 Colorado M3 RG 59 24 Dakota Territory M309 RG 59 . 24 Florida Ml 16 RG59 . 24 Idaho M445 RG 59 24 Kansas M218 RG59 . 24 Montana M356 RG 59 24 Nebraska M228 RG 59 24 Nevada M13 RG59 . 24 New Mexico T17 RG59 . 24 Ohio River, territory northwest of M470 RG 59 25 Ohio River, territory southwest of M471 RG59 . 25 Oregon M419 RG59 . 25 Orleans T260 RG 59 25 Utah M12 RG59 . 25 Washington M26 RG 59 25 Wyoming M85 RG 59 25 Territorial papers, U.S. Senate M200 RG46 . 14 Texas Census of 1880, index to T773 RG 29 8 Census of 1890 M407 RG 29 8 Census of 1900, index to T1073 RG29 . 10 Census of 1910, index to T1277 RG29 . 12 Despatches from U.S. ministers T728 RG 59 20 Foreign legations in United States M99 RG 59 24 T809 RG 59 23 Passenger lists M1357 RG85 . 32 M1358 RG85 . 32 M1359 RG85 . 32 Thompson, Smith T57 RG267 . 41 Thomson, Charles M247 RG360 . 42 Timber reserves, U.S. Navy M8 RG49 . 15 M74 RG 75 29 Tire rationing World War 11 M164 RG188. 38 Todt Organization, records of T76 RG242 . 40 Topographical Bureau Office of the Chief of Engineers M66 RG77 . 31 Tl-eason Burr, Aaron and Herman Blennerhassett T265 RG21 . 4 TVeasury, Dept, of the Auditor's miscellaneous accounts T899 RG217. 39 Collectors of customs M174 RG56 . 17 Ml 75 RG56 . 17 Ml 78 RG56 . 17 Lighthouse Service M63 RG 26 4 M94 RG 26 4 President, letters to the M415 RG56 . 17 Treaties Alaska Purchase Mil RG261 . 41 T1024 RG59 . 27 Indian treaties M15 RG75 . 29 M606 RG48 . 15 T494 RG 75 30 M668 RG 11 3 TYeaty of Ghent, 1813-15 M36 RG 59 26 77 ■ninis Foreign legations in United States M67 RG 59 . 23 Turkey Despatches from U.S. ministers M46 RG 59 . 20 Foreign legations in United States M99 RG 59 . 24 T815 RG59 . 23 TWO Sicilies, Kingdom of the Foreign legations in United States M55 RG 59 . 23 Tyler, John, administration of Applications for office M687 RG 59 . 25 u United Provinces of Central America M662 RG43 . 13 U.S. Chief of Counsel for the Prosecution of Axis Criminality T991 RG238 . 40 U.S. Commission to Central and South America, 1894-95 T908 RG 59 . 27 U.S. marshals Index to names, 1789-1960 T577 RG 60 . 28 U.S. Nuernberg v^ar crimes trials T301 RG 238 . 39 T988 RG238 . 39 T989 RG 238 . 39 T990 RG 238 . 39 T991 RG 238 . 40 T992 RG 238 . 40 Uruguay Despatches from U.S. consuls in Montevideo M71 RG 59 . 21 Despatches from U.S. ministers M128 RG 59 . 20 Foreign legations in United States M99 RG 59 . 24 T804 RG 59 . 23 Utah Census of 1880, index to T774 RG 29 . 8 Census of 1900, index to T1074 RG 29 . 10 Territorial papers. Dept, of State M12 RG59 . 25 M428 RG48 . 15 V Van Buren, Martin, administration of Applications for office M687 RG 59 25 Venezuela Despatches from U.S. consuls in La Guaira M84 RG59 . 21 Despatches from U.S. ministers M79 RG 59 20 Foreign legations in United States M99 RG 59 24 T93 RG 59 23 U.S. Navy expedition to M83 RG 59 26 Vermont Census of 1880, index to T775 RG 29 8 Census of 1900, index to T1075 RG29 . 10 Virginia Census of 1880, index to T776 RG 29 8 Census of 1900, index to T1076 RG29 . 10 Census of 1910, index to T1278 RG29 . 12 Virginia House of Burgesses T408 RG360 . 42 Virginia Plan M866 RG360 . 42 w War crimes. World War 11 T301 RG238 . 39 T988 RG238 . 39 T989 RG238 . 39 T990 RG238 . 39 T991 RG238 . 40 T992 RG238 . 40 War Dept., Confederate General Orders and Circulars M901 RG 109. 37 War Dept., U.S. Clothing, procurement of M74 RG 75 ... . . . 29 M370 RG 107 ... . . . 36 M654 RG94 ... . . . 33 Confidential and unofficial letters sent, 1814-47 M7 RG 107. 35 Correspondence regarding Indian affairs, pensions, and fortifications, 1791-97 M1062 RG 107. 37 Letters received, 1861-70, index to M495 RG 107. 36 Letters received, Indian affairs M271 RG 75 29 Letters received, irregular series, 1861-66 M491 RG 107. 36 Letters received, irregular series, 1861-66, registers of M492 RG 107. 36 Letters received from the President, executive depts., and War Dept, bureaus, 1862-70 M494 RG 107. 36 Letters received from the President, executive depts., and War Dept, bureaus, 1862-70, registers of M493 RG 107. 36 Letters received, unregistered series, 1789-1861 M222 RG 107. 35 Letters sent, Indian affairs M15 RG 75 29 Letters sent, military affairs M6 RG 107. 35 Letters sent, military affairs, 1871-89, index to M420 RG 107. 36 Letters sent to the President, 1800-63 M127 RG 107. 35 Letters sent to the President and executive depts., 1863-70 M421 RG 107. 36 Miscellaneous numbered records (the manuscript file) M859 RG 93 32 78 War of 1812 Volunteer soldiers in M602 RG 94 . 34 War, Secretary of Index to letters sent M420 RG 107. 36 Letters received M221 RG 107. 35 M492 RG 107. 36 Registers of letters received M22 RG 107. 35 M491 RG 107. 36 Washington Census of 1880, index to T777 RG 29 8 Census of 1900, index to T1077 RG29 . 10 Superintendency of Indian Affairs M5 RG 75 31 Territorial papers. Dept, of the Interior M189 RG48 . 15 Territorial papers. Dept, of State M26 RG 59 25 Washington, George Correspondence of M570 RG 59 26 Weather Bureau, U.S. Climatological records T907 RG 27 4 Weizsaecker, Ernst von T301 RG238 . 39 West Virginia Census of 1880, index to T778 RG 29 8 Census of 1900, index to T1078 RG29 . 11 Census of 1910, index to T1279 RG29 . 12 Whaling M88 RG45 . 13 Wilkes, Lt. Charles M75 RG37 . 13 Wilkinson, Gen. James M654 RG 94 33 Wilson, Woodrow Correspondence with Secretaries of State M743 RG 59 27 T841 RG59 . 27 Wisconsin Census of 1880, index to T779 RG 29 8 Census of 1900, index to T1079 RG29 . 11 Military service. Union Army M559 RG 94 34 Territorial papers M236 (NoRG). 42 M721 (NoRG). 42 V\^oming Census of 1880, index to T780 RG 29 8 Census of 1900, index to T1080 RG29 . 11 Hayden Survey M623 RG57 . 18 Territorial papers. Dept, of the Interior M204 RG48 . 15 Territorial papers. Dept, of State M85 RG 59 25 Y Yellowstone National Park M62 RG48 . 14 79 *U.S.GP0:1991-277-004 I ♦ . t • -r V J'/" I» -* 'i ?5!I.- . . -1 «aiw .1 >W 'A K ■ ■. • '»' ♦ L' i t'>, M ’• " • .•< ?' ' ' ». ' AS'ir .,a '-fl^ -«:■-’■.'■■■ 'S >4. a !5 ** :-.,'vf'' i(K( ' ..V <«■.' , ' ! ,. <1 '■ , -'i:-''' -d »* :> "’'O .VI V{ai^ '*:♦’**• ‘-SM ■vl . ‘rr- " i..< Jl V' '« “v' i • ' ■^' fe » I ■* * ^ ^ * 1».. -» ' .vr; ,'U#i‘i<’*4f ■ ‘ ;> 4o.<^ 1 ■1 '■ •/a.I IT' ( » rwtij • r’‘t/ ‘ Jt ■', "f, I ■*» * i f l\ T . ^ I'-- sa.* .&•'•■■ «# Ur« \. .: '**^9 r.tDsSS"Tn?,i ;a \1 , *■. ' L- - '^\r. I i* I *■ iV j '■'■"Vji ,T^i ^ IfiM 1 • '■ * .,. r- ’^■■. m i ' 1 -fM' . 1 ■ * * ■ j' \\ - i i * . • ''% 4«^ a *'■ ■ ff , wn ■ riohi^h— kSR-'-: 4 ' '4' 1 ^ , 'So* . / . r, : ►'<• *, y . ♦ iirn^ *r • ’^•f'^ • m ••» , - . • * 1 ;w -J:} . ^ liS-, , ' ^■'“- -i '?srtj^ i *• .J ti I « . 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Box 6216 Fort Worth, Texas 76115 817- 334-5525 Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas National Archives—Rocky Mountain Region Building 48, Denver Federal Center P.O. Box 25307 Denver, Colorado 80225 303-236-0817 Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming National Archives—Pacific Southwest Region 24000 Avila Road, P.O. Box 6719 Laguna Niguel, California 92677-6719 714-643-4241 Arizona, southern California, and Clark County, Nevada National Archives—Pacific Sierra Region 1000 Commodore Drive San Bruno, California 94066 415-876-9009 California except southern California, Hawaii, Nevada except Clark County, American Samoa, and Guam National Archives—Pacific Northwest Region 6125 Sand Point Way NE. Seattle, Washington 98115 206-526-6507 Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington -“v\ ' 4/ * 1 • «« ;» ' *,• «?' .2^;- »'*' •* 1*^. •* ^,f C;.kir>'' IT' I T' . 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