raft iiii mi .{.i.v m mul\ I H I illliiilli ■■HI 1 : 111 IB I RbBsJKHR Hfffl at twit ; ffliill ■....■;'■,'-'■ IB ttinli URBANA STATE OF ILLINOIS HENRY HORNER, Governor DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION JOHN J. HALLIHAN, Director DIVISION OF THE STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY M. M. LEIGHTON, Chief URBANA CIRCULAR NO. 63 GLACIATION OF THE GRAYS LAKE, ILLINOIS, QUADRANGLE BY WILLIAM E. POWERS AND GEORGE E. EKBLAW Reprinted From the Bulletin, Geological Society of America, vol. 51, pp. 1329-1336, 1940. PRINTED BY AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS URBANA, ILLINOIS 1940 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/glaciationofgray63powe BULLETIN OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA VOL. 51. PP. 1329-1336. 6 FIGS. SEPTEMBER 1, 1940 GLACIATION OF THE GRAYS LAKE, ILLINOIS, QUADRANGLE BY WILLIAM E. POWERS AND GEORGE E. EKBLAW CONTENTS Page Abstract 1329 Geological orientation 1330 Geologic history 1330 Local deposits 1331 Glacial Lake Wauconda 1334 Summary 1335 Works to which reference is made 1335 ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Page 1. Map of northern Illinois 1330 2. Moraines in northeastern Illinois 1331 3. Conditions in northeastern Illinois during Late Marseilles and Minooka times 1332 4. Topographic map of area near Algonquin, Illinois 1333 5. Significant glacial features in the Grays Lake quadrangle 1334 6. Distribution in Grays Lake quadrangle of water-laid silt subsequently glaciated during Valparaiso substage 1334 ABSTRACT The Grays Lake quadrangle in northern Illinois lies within the Valparaiso (Wis- consin) moraine. The late glacial history of this region embraced (1) deposition of moraines of the Tazewell substage, (2) deposition in late Marseilles time of an outwash plain inside the Tazewell moraines, (3) a post-Tazewell erosion interval in which the Fox River valley and tributaries were cut to present depth, and (4) glacial advance in the Cary substage, with deposition of the Minooka, Valparaiso, Tinley, and Lake Border moraines. The Grays Lake quadrangle contains the eastern edge of the late Marseilles gravel plain, deeply trenched and later mantled by Valparaiso drift. A lowland east of this plain, probably a fosse, is now partly filled with moraine and low outwash of Valparaiso age. The Valparaiso till sheet is thin and rests on older drift. Widely distributed throughout the Grays Lake area below the 830-foot level are deposits of thinly laminated lacustrine clay and silt. Some of the silt rests on Valparaiso moraine and originated in shallow postglacial lakes, but much of it is marked by morainal topography, and some is overlain by Valparaiso till. Thus is indicated a pre-Valparaiso lake formed during the deposition of the Minooka moraine, first of the Cary substage. The Minooka glacier crossed Fox River valley at Elgin, Illinois, forcing it into a new 820-foot channel farther west. From Elgin the Minooka moraine trends northeastward and, although buried by Valparaiso drift, lies near the east margin of the Grays Lake quadrangle all of which west of the Minooka moraine was flooded to the 820- to 830-foot level. Silt and clay deposits of the lake thus formed were later overridden by the glacier in Valparaiso time. To this lake the name "Glacial Lake Wauconda" is given. (1329) 1330 POWERS AND EKBLAW GLACIATION OF GRAYS LAKE QUADRANGLE GEOLOGICAL ORIENTATION The Grays Lake quadrangle in northeastern Illinois (Fig. 1) lies within the broad Valparaiso moranic system, which here is divided into several individual ridges trending nearly north-south (Fig. 2). The Tinley and Lake Border moraines lie to the east, and the Minooka, NOR THERN ILLINOIS GRAYS LAKE QUAP. COUNTIES :Cook SCALE- > 1 > ■ Miles 10 20 30 '4& NIC Henry j Lake\ \ x Kane [ D(/ \Page \ i — yCook Ken- I ~!_ I 1 1 Figure 1. — Map of northern Illinois Showing location of Grays Lake quadrangle. Marseilles, Gilberts, and Marengo (Bloomington) moraines lie to the west. Of these the Marengo, Gilberts, and Marseilles belong to the Tazewell substage, and the others to the Cary substage of the Wisconsin glacial stage of the Pleistocene epoch. GEOLOGIC HISTORY The chief episodes in the late glacial history of northeastern Illinois, as previously described by Leighton (1925; 1931; 1933) and others (Thwaites, 1935, p. 82-83), are as follows: Episode 1. Successive deposition of the Tazewell (formerly "Early Wisconsin") moraines — Marengo, Gilberts, and Marseilles — and of an extensive outwash plain, mainly behind (east of) the Marseilles moraine and north of the 42nd parallel (Fig. 3). The Gilberts and Marseilles moraines mark readvances after slight recessions. Episode 2. Post-Tazewell, pre-Cary erosion during which Fox River and its tribu- taries developed valleys apparently as deep as at present (Fig. 3 A). South of Cary (near the 42° 15' parallel) Fox River and its tributaries now occupy these same valleys, but farther north Fox River now wanders through the lowland of a former fosse, connecting several large lakes. Its former winding course in the high gravel plain west of this lowland is now shared by several small underfit streams which are deeply intrenched. GEOLOGIC HISTORY 1331 Episode 3. Readvance of the glacier at the Cary substage, building in succession the Minooka, Valparaiso, Tinley, and the several Lake Border moraines. In several places these moraines descend into the Fox River valley that was eroded during the post-Tazewell interval (Fig. 4). Local postglacial erosion has been much less than that during the post-Tazewell interval. MORAINES of NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS S Explanation y Valparaiso System • ^ Mora in ic Ridges ■ M t Minooka] W,West Chicago; C, Cary; F, For Lake; Z, Zurich; P, Palatine; T t Tinley; L, \0ot ermos t Lake Border. Evanston Chicago 42°0O 4145 Figure 2. — Moraines in northeastern Illinois LOCAL DEPOSITS Subsequent studies of the glacial deposits in the Grays Lake quadrangle confirm the above history and contribute important additional informa- tion. At the northwest (Fig. 5) the Late Marseilles outwash plain con- stitutes an upland mantled at the west by thin Valparaiso till and farther east by outwash gravel from the narrow Fox Lake moraine of Valparaiso age, rich in kames and built along the eastern margin of the upland. East of the upland is a lowland area marking a former fosse. It is now partly occupied by several large lakes, Fox River, and associated marshes, the remainder being occupied by Valparaiso ground moraine and low ter- races and lacustrine deposits of sand and clay. Fox Lake moraine and 1332 POWERS AND EKBLAW GLACIATION OF GRAYS LAKE QUADRANGLE its outwash aprons descend into this lowland farther south. Discon tinuous ridges in the central and eastern parts of the quadrangle, for- merly mapped as "members" of the Valparaiso moraine, are of uncertain significance, but, because outwash aprons, marginal drainage lines, and m'JO' Sd'OO' Figure 3. — Conditions in northeastern Illinois during Late Marseilles and Minooka times A. Late Marseilles time with deposition of high outwash plain. B. Minooka time, with Glacial Lake Wauconda in Grays Lake quadrangle. Area covered same as Figure 2, with omission of Lake Chicago plain. other features characteristically associated with end moraines are lack- ing, they are now interpreted as pre-Valparaiso moraines, perhaps dis- connected by erosion before advance of the Lake Michigan glacier to the Valparaiso moraine. The Valparaiso till sheet in the Grays Lake area is generally thin, indicating that it is ground moraine rather than massive terminal moraine. At numerous places the till, a sticky gray boulder clay, nowhere thicker than 25 to 30 feet, rests on older gravel and sand. Where till alone occurs, it may seem to be thicker, but, as it probably rests on older Marseilles or Minooka till with which it is nearly identical in appearance, i LOCAL DEPOSITS 1333 this greater thickness may be only apparent. The gravelly, hilly Fox Lake moraine and outwash plain at the west indicate deposition in con- nection with large amounts of meltwater and therefore predicate rapid melting of the glacier. Figure 4. — Topographic map of area near Algonquin, Illinois West Chicago moraine is shown descending into Fox River valley nearly to stream level. A notable feature of the Grays Lake area is the presence of widely distributed deposits of very fine, unctuous, pebble-free clay, together with finely laminated silt, clay, and fine sand. These deposits are clearly lacustrine in origin and belong to two classes: (1) post-Valparaiso de- posits mantling low, flat areas of Valparaiso ground moraine; and (2) deposits marked by a morainal surface topography with erratic boulders and occasional patches of till resting on the clay and silt. All deposits of (2) lie below the 830-foot level, although many are adjacent to areas that rise above 830 feet (Fig. 6). Thus they indicate a pre-Valparaiso lake at this level. 1334 POWERS AND EKBLAW GLACIATION OF GRAYS LAKE QUADRANGLE GLACIAL LAKE WAUCONDA Both the cause and the date of this lake are apparent from a study of the Minooka glacial moraine. After the post-Tazewell erosion interval during which the Fox River valley system was cut to a depth far below Lakes «# Till over gravel S'S-a- Out wash plains ■ HW. Defiance Lake and >a Fox Lake moraines **°< Silt on ground moraine: * >' > • a 4 I Land above 630 ft Figure 5.— Significant glacial features Figure 6.— Distribution in Grays Lake in the Grays Lake quadrangle quadrangle of water-laid silt subse- quently glaciated during Valparaiso substage Areas above 830 feet contain no silt. the 830-foot level, the Lake Michigan glacier readvanced into north eastern Illinois and built the Minooka moraine. In the vicinity of Elgin the glacier crossed the Fox River valley, forcing the river into a channel whose bottom now lies at 820 feet (Fig. 3 B) . North of Elgin the Minooka moraine apparently trends northeast, buried beneath Valparaiso drift. A careful study of present topography indicates that this buried Minooka moraine lies near the eastern margin of the Grays Lake quadrangle. Therefore, all the region west of the Minooka moraine and below an altitude of 820 to 830 feet must have been flooded with meltwater to form a broad lake discharging through the 820-foot channel near Elgin. Wave action against islands and shores was responsible for widely scattered though thin deposits of lacustrine silt and clay. The name "Glacial Lake Wauconda" from a town in the Grays Lake quadrangle is here proposed for this lake. On these clays and silts the Lake Michigan GLACIAL LAKE WAUCONDA 1335 glacier subsequently deposited till and boulders and developed the mo- rainal topography of the Valparaiso moraine (Fig. 2). SUMMARY Studies in the Grays Lake quadrangle confirm the importance of the post-Tazewell, pre-Cary erosion interval and show that at its close the upper Fox River valley was occupied by an extensive shallow lake created when the Lake Michigan glacier dammed the valley near Elgin while building the Minooka moraine. Silt and clay deposits in this lake, as well as part of the Minooka moraine itself, were later glaciated and covered by the drift of the Valparaiso moraine. The full significance of this marked change in the position of the glacial margin between the advances to the Minooka and Valparaiso moraines is as yet unknown. The conclusion of Bretz (1939, p. 52-53) that the Valparaiso moraine is a relatively thin till sheet instead of a massive moraine as formerly sup- posed is fully supported. WORKS TO WHICH REFERENCE IS MADE Bretz, J Harlen (1939) Geology of the Chicago region, Pt. I, 111. State Geol. Survey, Bull. 65. Leighton, M. M. (1925) The glacial history of the Elgin region, 111. State Acad. Sci., Tr., vol. 17, p. 65-71. (1931) The Peorian loess and the classification of the glacial drift sheets of the Mississippi Valley, Jour. Geol., vol. 39, p. 45-53. (1933) The naming of the subdivisions of the Wisconsin glacial age, Sci., n.s., vol. 77, p. 168. Thwaites, F. T. (1935) Outline of glacial geology, Edwards Brothers, Ann Arbor, p. 82-83. Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois; Illinois State Geological Survey, Urbana, Illinois. Manuscript received by the Secretary of the Society, April 18, 1940. Read before the Society, December 28, 1937. i ■ : litl > < .* > flittmUll iil jffKl Hi SIP 111111 fflii 1 giHl 9Hni tll fflMM iiiil l iHoB l i flit wMWm ^1 fa I it j iSf ■ w I