3 o l ■: 1 ni'Ac^ A Grouping of Industries Appearing in the Workmen’s Compensation Manual with Corresponding Code Numbers Specially arranged for the convenience of Statisticians - This copy contains an appendix in which will be found a numerically arranged list of discarded classification numbers and the classifications to which they refer - La.c.\\\t\cy Issued by the NATIONAL WORKMEN’S COMPENSATION SERVICE BUREAU 13 Park Row, New York City CLASSIFICATION CODE PREFACE. The grouping of Manual classifications pre¬ sented here, under which Compensation and Liability Insurance are written in this country, is not intended to be an effort at a theoretical classification of industries. The specific purpose for which this grouping has been attempted should be emphasized so as to prevent criticisms which would necessarily arise in an effort to com¬ pare this classification with other classifications, either of industries or occupations; as for in¬ stance, those undertaken by the Census Bureau of various state statistical bureaus or labor de¬ partments. Every effort at classification must necessarily be based upon one definite idea. The classifica¬ tions of industries, undertaken for the purpose of the study of the economic or social life of a coun¬ try are based either upon the raw material used, or the finished product. The basis of insur¬ ance of compensation for industrial accidents is the accident hazard. This is, of course, not alto¬ gether independent of the nature of the raw mate¬ rial used, or even the final product, but the most important factor is that of process, and the proba¬ bility of industrial injuries connected with such processes. A classification of industries, based largely upon similarity of process, must neces¬ sarily be different from other broad classifications based either upon raw material only, or final prod¬ uct only. The very practical purpose of this grouping is also emphasized in the peculiar description of in¬ dividual “classifications,” which is often very much different from those found in official group¬ ings of industrial enterprises. It has not been attempted herein to originate an entirely new systematic division of industries into its minor branches. On the contrary, the work has been limited to the description of classifications as found in the Manual, which is the result of the practices of Compensation and Liability Insur¬ ance developed in this country within the last quarter of a century. While any of these descrip¬ tions of individual classifications may appear un¬ familiar to the academic student, it is important to remember that in actual industrial life business undertakings do not necessarily follow the limita¬ tions of a theoretical classification. Manufactur¬ ing establishments often undertake to produce articles from various raw materials, or combine the manufacture of articles which, in any logical classification, would be found a great distance from each other. The practical underwriter must, however, adjust his underwriting methods to ac¬ tual conditions, rather than to expect that the conditions of trade and commerce will be changed so as to adjust themselves to the requirements of statistical science. The general purpose of this grouping is to combine classifications of similar hazard for the purpose of obtaining the experi¬ ence as to cost of accidents which will be the more dependable because of a larger exposure of combined classifications. While the guiding thought, therefore, was the similarity of hazard, nevertheless, classifications of entirely different material, as to the nature of the product, were not placed into one group, so that the theoretical value of the grouping is not altogether destroyed by the emphasis of the hazard idea. The plan adopted was as follows : All the classifications under which insurance is written have been divided into a small number of large Divisions, such as “Agriculture,” “Manu¬ facturing,” “Building and Construction,” etc. This is a classification on general economic lines entirely irrespective of hazard. These Divisions are further divided into a larger number of Sched¬ ules, the number of separate Schedules being par¬ ticularly large in Division of manufactures. Here, again, the lines of classification are broad, dealing mainly with the general character of ma¬ terial used. The distribution is on conventional lines, comparable with those found in the census or other economic statistical reports, the lines of divisions, for instance, between the lumber indus¬ try and the chemical industry, or the iron and steel industry, etc., being fairly definite. The Workmen’s Compensation Service Bureau through its Statistical Committee produced the first grouping of manual classifications into a working code. Some time afterward Hon. Royal Meeker, Commissioner U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, called a conference in Chicago, Ill., of those who were interested in accident statistics. Three committees were appointed by this conference, to one of which was delegated the duty of group¬ ing the manual classifications. This committee commenced work, but before its completion, a new organization, the International Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commission¬ ers, was formed and appointed its, another, com¬ mittee to arrange the manual classifications into groups. Uniformity being desired, by all, and the work of the Chicago Conference Committee ceasing with the appointment of the Industrial Acci¬ dent Boards’ and Commissioners’ Committee, the Casualty Actuarial and Statistical Society’s Com¬ mittee on Workmen’s Compensation Statistics was requested to formulate a grouping of the classifications, which was done. 41734 CLASSIFICATION CODE The Code presented herewith is the original grouping prepared by the Statistical Committee of the Workmen’s Compensation Service Bureau with the necessary modifications for conformity with the grouping prepared by the Casualty Ac¬ tuarial and Statistical Society’s committee. The classifications in the code of the Interna¬ tional Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissioners bear the same numbers as the classifications in the code presented herewith, and follow the same numerical order. The groupings are substantially the same in this and their codes, but in some instances vary slightly, the greater analysis being found in the code of the Bureau. Further changes in the groupings or additions to them will not present any serious difficulty. The numbering of the classifications has been done on a modified decimal system, with due con¬ sideration of the limitations of the Hollerith Tab¬ ulating System. 10,000 numbers are available for these classifications, and since the actual number does not exceed some 1,500, sufficient room is left ifor any further changes or additions. A few numbers to which no classifications have been assigned have been inserted in the code to fac¬ ilitate the work of keeping the code up to date. When new classifications are promulgated due notice of the wording of these classifications will be transmitted to all, together with instructions to place this wording opposite the proper blank number. In this way the reprinting of pages will be largely avoided. For the convenience of the casualty companies, certain numbers have been used for classifica¬ tions under which Public Liability only is writ¬ ten. These seem to intrude into the general classification of industries in a rather illogical manner, and for that reason, have been taken out and printed at the end of this pamphlet, even though their numbers would entitle them to a different place. It has been the intention to em¬ phasize the fact that these classifications do not at all belong where they would seem to because of their numerical order. INDEX INDEX DIVISIONS AND SCHEDULES AGRICULTURE Page 1. Agriculture . 5 MINING, QUARRYING, METALLURGY 2. Mining . 6 3. Ore Refining . 7 4. Stone and Quarrying. 8 MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES 5. Food, Beverage and Tobacco. 9 6. Textiles . 11 7. Clothing, Millinery, Furnishings. 13 8. Leather . 13 9. Lumber and Wood. 14 10. Metal .. 17 11. Machinery . 20 12. Vehicles . 22 13. Pottery, China, Glass. 23 14. Paper, Printing, Photography. 25 15. Rubber and Composition Goods. 26 16. Chemical . 27 17. Miscellaneous Mfg. 29 BUILDING, CONSTRUCTION AND ENGINEERING WORK, INCLUDING BOAT BUILDING 18. Building . 30 19. Construction and Engineering. 35 20. Boat Building . 37 TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC SERVICE 21. Transportation .. 38 22. Public Service . 40 TRADE AND COMMERCE 23. Commercial . 41 CLERICAL OCCUPATIONS 24. Office and Clerical Employees. 44 SERVICE 25. Care, Custody and Maintenance of Buildings .. 46 MISCELLANEOUS OCCUPATIONS 26. Miscellaneous Occupations . 48 RESIDENCE AND FARM 40. Residence and Farm. 50 PUBLIC LIABILITY Automobile Risks . 50 Elevators . 50 Teams . 51 Miscellaneous . 51 GROUPS Group 281 Acids (heavy), etc. 27 282 Acids (light) and other chemicals. 27 315 Advertising and art novelties mfg. 30 211 Aeroplanes . 23 502 Agents and salesmen (outside). 44 190 Agricultural machinery . 20 523 Amusements—indoor (other than theatres).. 46 520 Apartments and office buildings, etc. 46 163 Architectural and ornamental iron and steel mfg. 17 171 Arms (small) . 19 316 Artificial limbs . 30 223 Artificial stone and plaster products. 24 521 Asylums and hospitals. 46 471 Auctioneers . 42 210 Automobile and parts mfg. 22 554 Awning, signs (erecting, painting). 49 B 70 Baking, etc. 9 280 Baking powder and yeast. 27 422 Barges, lighters and canal boats. 38 100 Batting, wadding and shoddy mfg. 11 178 Beds and springs (metal). 19 73 Beet sugar mfg. 9 212 Bicycle and parts mfg. 23 285 Blacking, ink, etc. 28 556 Blacksmiths . 49 387 Blasting . 36 402 Boat and ship building (steel or iron). 37 403 Boat and ship repairing, rigging, etc. 37 400 Boats, wooden (large) and dry docks. 37 401 Boats, wooden (small). 37 196 Boiler, tank and gas holder mfg. 21 269 Bone, ivory, etc. 27 134 Boots and shoes. 14 86 Bottling—not under pressure. 11 85 Bottling—under pressure. 10 242 Boxes (paper) . 25 144 Boxes (wooden) . 15 179 Brass and copper goods mfg. 19 221 Brick and pottery mfg. (including underground mining). 23 222 Brick and pottery mfg. (no underground mining) . 24 380 Bridges, dams, etc. 35 147 Brooms and brushes. 15 371 Building raising and wrecking. 35 108 Burlap and jute.. 12 311 Butchers’ and dairy supplies mfg. 30 INDEX c Group Page 390 Canals . 37 74 Candy and confectionery. 9 154 Canes, etc. 16 59 Carborundum mfg. 9 146 Carpenter shops . 15 364 Carpentry work (inside).33 363 Carpentry work (outside). 33 561 Carpet cleaning and beating. 49 111 Carpet and rug mfg. 12 214 Carriage and parts mfg. 23 265 Celluloid, etc. mfg. 26 266 Celluloid goods mfg. 27 53 Cement mfg. with quarrying. 8 54 Cement and plaster mfg. (no quarrying)- 8 529 Cemeteries . 48 431 Chauffeurs . 40 564 Chimney sweeps . 49 224 China, earthenware, etc. mfg. 24 220 Clay digging . 23 382 Clearing and grading. 35 500 Clerical employees (outside work). 44 503 Clerical employees (inside work). 44 120 Clothing mfg. 13 522 Clubs, etc. 46 21 Coal—anthracite . 6 20 Coal—bituminous . 6 75 Coffee, spices, etc. 9 46 Coke and charcoal mfg. 7 360 Concrete construction . 32 389 Conduits and pipes, not sewers. 37 370 Contracting (not otherwise classified). 34 369 Contracting (not otherwise described). 34 143 Cooperage . 15 24 Copper . 6 179 Copper and brass goods mfg. 19 44 Copper smelting and refining. 7 107 Cordage, rope and burlap mfg. 12 11 Cotton ginning and pressing. 5 102 Cotton goods (miscellaneous). 11 101 Cotton spinning and weaving. 11 200 Cranes, conveyors, etc. (installation). 22 562 Crematories (operation) . 49 181 Cutting and welding. 20 167 Cutlery and hand tools. 18 D 76 Dairy products . 10 313 Diamond cutting . 30 82 Distilling . 10 385 Dredging, excavating, etc. 36 384 Drilling . 36 427 Drivers and stablemen. 39 286 Drugs and medicines. 28 400 Dry docks . 37 283 Dyes, paints, colors, etc. 28 E 198 Electric apparatus . 21 453 Electric light and power. 40 j Group Page 359 Electrical equipment (installation). 32 426 Elevated railroads and subways. 39 357 Elevator erection—passenger and freight.... 32 132 Embossing leather . 14 195 Engines, etc. 21 247 Engraving . 26 385 Excavating, etc. 36 527 Exhibitions (outdoor) . 48 299 Explosives . 29 430 Express companies (operation). 40 287 Extracts . 28 176 Eyelets, tacks, pins, etc. 19 F 2 Farm labor . 5 900 Farm and residence. 50 3 Farm machinery (operating). 5 391 Fence construction . 37 83 Fermented liquors . 10 284 Fertilizer . 28 244 Fibre goods mfg. 25 112 Finishing textiles . 12 459 Firemen . 41 423 Fisheries and fishing vessels. 38 71 Flour grist mill products. 9 80 Food canning . 10 79 Food preserving . 10 166 Forging . 18 165 Foundries . 18 6 Fruit picking .. 5 528 Fumigation of buildings. 48 130 Fur mfg. 13 123 Furnishing goods mfg. 13 149 Furniture . 16 G 479 Garages . 43 456 Garbage works . 41 1 Gardening . 5 451 Gas (natural) production. 40 450 Gas works (operation). 40 288 Gases . 28 480 Gasoline supply stations. 44 225 Glass mfg. 24 226 Glass mfg. (exclusive of plate or sheet glass) . 24 227 Glass sign and mirror mfg. 24 135 Gloves (leather) . 14 289 Glue, etc. 28 41 Gold and silver refining. 7 40 Gold and silver smelting...,. 7 563 Golfers . 49 382 Grading and clearing. 35 477 Grain elevators . 43 263 Gutta percha mfg. 26 H 167 Hand tools and cutlery. 18 168 Hardware, etc. 18 INDEX Group Page 122 Headwear . 13 169 Heaters, stoves, etc. 19 5 Hop picking . 5 109 Hosiery and knit goods mfg. 12 521 Hospitals and asylums. 46 148 Household utensils (wooden). 16 522 Hotel, restaurants, etc. 46 I 560 Ice companies (harvesting). 49 84 Ice mfg. 10 285 Ink, blacking, etc. 28 501 Inspecting and appraising. 44 381 Inspecting and surveying. 35 356 Installation of metal appliances (within buildings) . 32 199 Instrument mfg. (professional or scientific). 22 268 Insulation . 27 23 Iron mining . 6 42 Iron smelting . 7 354 Iron and steel work (for exterior of build¬ ings) . 31 8 Irrigation works . 5 269 Ivory, bone, etc. 27 J 183 Jewelry, watches, etc. 20 474 Junk dealers . 43 L 110 Lace and embroidery mfg. 12 295 Lard and other fats. 29 125 Laundries, cleaning and dyeing. 13 180 Lead and lead alloys. 19 153 Lead pencils and crayons. 16 132 Leather embossing . 14 136 Leather goods mfg. (heavy goods). 14 137 Leather goods mfg. (miscellaneous). 14 52 Lime mfg.'.. 8 106 Linen mfg. 12 270 Linoleum and oil cloth mfg. 27 83 Liquors (fermented) .. 10 475 Live stock dealers. 43 140 Logging and lumbering. 14 M 197 Machine shops . 21 192 Machinery mfg. (miscellaneous). 20 193 Machinery specialties . 21 194 Machines (fine) . 21 81 Malting and brewing. 10 361 Marble and stone work construction. 33 362 Marble and stone work (building interiors).. 33 404 Marine wrecking . 38 351 Masonry (all other). 30 350 Masonry (chimneys and blast furnaces). 30 297 Matches . 29 356 Metal appliances (installation within build¬ ings) . 32 355 Metal construction (inside of buildings).... 31 Group Page 184 Metal goods (not otherwise classified). 20 201 Millwrighting . 22 26 Minerals . 6 227 Mirror and glass sign mfg. 24 317 Miscellaneous mfg. 30 558 Motion pictures . 49 213 Motorcycle and parts mfg. 23 550 Municipal county and state employees. 48 152 Musical instruments . 16 N 451 Natural gas production 40 O 520 Office buildings and apartments. 46 503 Office employees (clerical). 44 270 Oil cloth and linoleum mfg. 27 478 Oil distributors . 43 28 Oil and gas producing. 7 290 Oils (animal) . 28 291 Oils (cottonseed) . 28 292 Oils (vegetable)—all other. 28 3 Operating farm machinery. 5 228 Optical goods mfg. 24 45 Ore crushing . 7 163 Ornamental and architectural iron and steel mfg. 17 25 Other base metals.6 500 Outside work (clerical). 44 P 78 Packing houses (no slaughtering). 10 77 Packing (including slaughtering). 10 551 Painting, etc. (shop). 48 366 Painting, paper hanging, plastering, etc. (in¬ terior) . 34 36S Painting, plastering, decorating. 34 283 Paints, colors, dyes, etc. 28 242 Paper boxes . 25 245 Paper goods mfg. (N. O. C.). 25 240, Paper and pulp mfg. 25 241 Paper mfg. (no pulp mfg.). 25 145 Pattern making and wood turning. 15 367 Paving, etc. .. 34 555 Personal service . 49 298 Petroleum and allied products. 29 293 Pharmaceutical supplies . 29 248 Photography .,. 26 312 Photographic goods mfg. 30 176 Pins, pens, eyelets and tacks. 19 389 Pipes and conduits, not sewers. 37 142 Planing mill products. 14 223 Plaster and artificial stone. 24 182 Plating . 20 170 Plumbers’ and steam fitters’ supplies. 19 358 Plumbing and gas fitting. 32 458 Pneumatic tube companies. 41 460 Policemen and watchmen. 41 221 Pottery and brick mfg. (including under¬ ground mining) . 23 INDEX Group Page 22 Precious metals . 6 267 Printers’ rollers mfg. 27 246 Printing and publishing. 26 504 Professional services (not otherwise classi¬ fied) . 45 524 Public libraries, schools, etc. 47 Q 50 Quarrying . 8 R 215 Railroad cars and parts mfg. 23 383 Railroad construction . 35 424 Railroads (steam) . 38 425 Railroads (street) . 39 426 Railroads (subway and elevated). 39 150 Rattan and willow-ware. 16 429 Refrigerator cars (loading, etc.). 40 900 Residence and farm. SO 553 Riggers and safe movers. 48 565 Rolling chairs (operating). 49 161 Rolling and tube mills. 17 368 Roofing . 34 264 Rubber (hard) goods mfg. 26 261 Rubber (soft) goods mfg. 26 260 Rubber reclaiming .. 26 262 Rubber tire mfg. 26 S 553 Safe movers and riggers. 48 177 Safes . 19 421 Sailing vessels . 38 502 Salesmen and agents (outside). 44 27 Salt . 7 141 Saw mills . 14 524 Schools, public libraries, etc. 47 455 Sewage disposal plants (operation and care). 41 388 Sewers . 36 124 Sewing (not otherwise classified). 13 173 Sheet metal ware mfg. 19 164 Sheet metal work. 17 402 Ship and boat building (steel or iron). 37 121 'Skirts, collars, etc., mfg. 13 134 Shoes and boots. 14 133 Shoe stock mfg. 14 554 Signs, awnings, etc. (erecting, painting).... 49 105 Silk mfg. 12 43 Smelting and refining. 7 296 Soap and soap powder. 29 314 Soda water fountain mfg. 30 310 Sporting and military goods mfg. 29 172 Stamping . 19 294 Starch, etc. 29 243 Stationery mfg. 25 454 Steam heating or power. 41 424 Steam railroads . 38 420 Steamships . 38 160 Steel making . 17 428 Stevedoring . 39 7 Stock farms . 5 Group Page 55 Stone crushing, no quarrying. 8 51 Stone crushing with quarrying. 8 57 Stone cutting . 8 56 Stone grinding . 8 58 Stone products (miscellaneous). 9 362 Stone work and marble (building interiors).. 33 476 Storage and warehouse. 43 472 Stores (heavy goods). 42 470 Stores, retail or wholesale. 41 473 Stores with warehouse and yards. 42 169 Stoves, heaters, etc. 19 425 Street railroads . 39 162 Structural iron and steel mfg. 17 352 Structural iron erecting (A). 31 353 Structural iron erecting (B). 31 426 Subways and elevated railroads. 39 386 Subways, tunneling, etc. 36 9 Sugar cane cultivation. 5 72 Sugar refining (cane). 9 381 Surveying and inspecting. 35 T 176 Tack mfg. 19 131 Tanning, dressing, etc. 14 557 Taxidermists . 49 505 Teaching forces . 45 457 Telegraph and telephone. 41 506 Telegraph and telephone clerical force. 45 191 Textile machinery . 20 112 Textiles (finishing) . 12 525 Theatres . 47 87 Tobacco mfg. 11 4 Trees—pruning, etc. 5 386 Tunneling, subways, etc. 36 10 Turpentine and resin mfg. 5 U 559 Undertakers . 49 552 Upholsterers, etc. 48 V 151 Veneer goods . 16 W 476 Warehouse and storage. 43 183 Watches, jewelry, etc. 20 452 Waterworks (operation only). 40 150 Willow w r are and rattan. 16 526 Window cleaning . 47 174 Wire mfg. 19 175 Wire products mfg. 19 155 Wood preserving and fireproofing. 16 145 Wood turning and pattern making. 15 103 Wool, treatment of. 11 104 Woolen goods mfg. 11 371 Wrecking and raising buildings. 35 404 Wrecking (marine) . 38 f Y 280 Yeast and baking powder. 27 CLASSIFICATION CODE DIVISION A—AGRICULTURE SCHEDULE I—AGRICULTURE Group 1—Gardening, etc. 0004—Florists, cultivating and gardening. 0005—Nurserymen. Group 2—Farm Labor 0006—Farm Labor (annual payroll $5,000 or more)—no blasting. *0007—Fruit Growing. 0008— 0009— 0010 - Group 3—Operating Farm Machinery 0050—Threshing Machines and Corn Shred¬ ders, Ensilage Cutters and Harvesting Machines — operation. Payroll for “Comp.” coverage to include drivers and drivers’ helpers, also chauffeurs and chauffeurs’ helpers. 0051—Farm Machinery—erection, repair and demonstration, (away from shop). 0052— 0053— 0054-r- 0055— 0070—Hay Baling. Group 4—Trees—Pruning, etc. Trees—Pruning, spraying, repairing, trim¬ ming and fumigating: 0100—Outside towns and cities. 0101—In towns and cities. Trees—fumigating only (no pruning, spraying, repairing, or trimming.) Not available for division of payroll: *0102—In towns and cities. *0103—Outside towns and cities. 0104— 0105- Group 5—Hop Picking 0150—Hop Picking—machinery. 0151—Hop Picking—hand. 'Special Classification not in Basic Manual. Group 6—Fruit Picking *0160—Fruit Picking (excluding box manufac¬ turing). 0162— 0163— 0164— 0165- Group 7—Stock Farms 0200—Stock Farms. 0201 — 0202 - Group 8—Irrigation Works 0250—Irrigation Works—operation and main¬ tenance, including ordinary extension of laterals. *0251—Irrigation Works—operation only. 0252— 0253— 0254— 0255- Group 9—Sugar Cane Cultivation *0280—Sugar Cane cultivation—all employees, including grinding and production of syrup and raw sugar (no refining). 0281— 0282- Group 10—Turpentine and Resin Mfg. 0301—Turpentine and Resin Mfg.—excluding pulling and cutting of stumps. 0302—Turpentine and Resin Mfg.—including pulling and cutting of stumps. 0303— 0304— 0305- Group 11—Cotton Ginning and Pressing 0400—Cotton Compressing. 0401—Cotton Ginning and Pressing (no com¬ pressing). 0402— 0403— 0404— 0405— CLASSIFICATION CODE 0410—- 0411— 0412— 0413— 0414— 0415— 0416— 0417— 0418— 0419- DIVISION B—MINING, QUARRYING AND METALLURGY SCHEDULE II—MINING Group 20—Coal—Bituminous 1001—Mines : Coal Mining—with shafts, tunnels or galleries: Bituminous. 1003— Coal Mining—with drifts or slopes, tun¬ nels or galleries (no shafts) : Bitu¬ minous. 1004— Culm (slack or coal refuse)—washing. 1005— Coal Mining—surface—no shafts, tunnels or drifts. 1006— l^- lOOS— 1009— 1010 - Group 21—Coal—Anthracite 1010— Coal Mining—with shafts, tunnels or galleries: Anthracite. 1011— Coal Mining—with drifts or slopes, tun¬ nels or galleries (no shafts) : Anthracite. 1012 — 1013— 1014— 1015— Group 22—Precious Metals 1100— Gold Mining. 1101— Silver Mining. 1102— Gold Mining by hydraulic process. 1103— 1104— 1105— •Special Classification not in Basic Manual. Group 23—Iron 1120— Iron Mining—with shafts, tunnels or drifts. 1121— Iron Mining—surface—no shafts, tunnels, or drifts. 1122 — 1123— 1124— 1125— Group 24—Copper 1140— Copper Mining. 1141— 1142— 1143— 1144— 1145— Group 25—Other Base Metals . 1150—Ore Mining (not otherwise classified)— surface, no shafts, tunnels, or drifts. 1151—Ore Mining (not otherwise classified)— with shafts, tunnels, or drifts. 1153— Lead Mining. 1154— Lead and Zinc Mining—milling, pros¬ pecting and shaft sinking, including in¬ stallation of machinery, and erection, construction and repair of premises and plant. 1155— Manganese Mining. 1156— Nickel Mining. *1157—Vanadium Mining. *1158—Tungsten Mining. *1159—Carnotite (Radium) Mining. 1160— 1161— 1162— 1163— 1164— 1165— Group 26—Minerals 1200— Clay or Shale Mining—surface, no shafts, tunnels, or drifts. 1201— Clay or Shale Mining—with shafts, tun¬ nels, or drafts. 1202— Feldspar Mining. 1203— Graphite Mining. 1204— Gypsum Mining. (6) CLASSIFICATION CODE 1205— Mica Mining. 1206— Phosphate Mining. 1207— Rock Salt Mining . 1208— Silica Mining. 1209— Sulphur Pyrites Mining. 1210— Talc Mining. 1211 — 1212 — 1213— Group 27—Salt 1301—Salt Mining (not rock salt)—pumping, including driving wells. 1305— 1306- Group 41—Gold and Silver Refining 1410— Assaying. 1411— Silver Refining—no ore reduction. 1412— Gold Refining—no ore reduction. 1413— Group 42—Iron Smelting 1420— Slag Excavation—including loading on cars, with or without blasting. 1421— Blast Furnaces—operation. 1422— Iron Smelting. 1424— 1425— 1426— ■ Group 28—Oil and Gas Producing. 1321— Oil Producing—operation of oil leases, including putting the raw product in vessels or pipe lines for transportation (excluding the drilling of new wells, and drilling old wells deeper, erection or dismantling of derricks). 1322— 1323— 1324— 1325— 1330—Oil and Gas Well Shooting. 1340— 1341— 1342— 1343— 1344— • 1345— 1346— 1347— 1348— 1349— SCHEDULE III—ORE REFINING Group 40—Gold and Silver Smelting 1400— Gold Smelting. 1401— Silver Smelting. 1402— Group 43—Smelting and Refining 1430—Lead Smelting. 1434— -Aluminum Smelting. 1435— Zinc Smelting. 1436— 1437— 1438— Smelting—not otherwise classified. 1439— Smelting—by electric process. Group 44—Copper Smelting and Refining. 1440— Copper Refining—no ore reduction. 1441— Copper Smelting. 1442— Group 45—Ore Crushing 1450— Ore Crushing. 1451— Quartz Mills. 1452— Ores—concentration and amalgamation. 1453— 1454— 1455— Group 46—Coke and Charcoal Mfg. 1462— Graphite and Pure Carbon Mfg.— artificial. 1463— Coal Billet and Briquette Mfg. 1465—Carbon Mfg. (not electro-chemical process). 1467— 1468— 1469— ( 7 ) CLASSIFICATION CODE * 1480— Coke Burning. 1481— Charcoal Mfg. 1490— 1491— 1492— 1493— 1494— 1495— 1496— 1497— 1498— 1499— SCHEDULE IV—STONE AND QUARRYING Group 50—Quarrying 1602— Quarries: Slate Quarries—with or with¬ out blasting. 1603— Quarries—turning out exclusively dimen¬ sion stone for monumental or building purposes—with or without blasting. 1604— 1605— Group 51—Stone Crushing With Quarrying 1620—Quarries—including stone crushing, with or without blasting. 1620— Stone Crushing—including quarrying, with or without blasting. 1621— State or Municipal Road or Street Mak¬ ing, including culverts not exceeding 10 ft. span: Quarrying. 1622— Quarries, with or without blasting (not otherwise classified). 1623— 1624— 1625— Group 52—Lime Mfg. 1640— Lime Mfg., including quarrying, crush¬ ing, lime burning and all other opera¬ tions incidental to the business. 1641— Lime Mfg.—no quarrying or crushing (not available for division of payroll). 1642— 1643— Group 53—Cement Mfg. With Quarrying 1651—Cement Mfg., including quarrying—with or without blasting. 1654— Quarries: Cement Quarries—with or without blasting. 1655- Group 54—Cement and Plaster Mfg. (no Quarrying) 1701— Cement Mfg.—no quarrying. 1702— Mortar Mfg.—no quarrying. 1703— Plaster Mills—no quarrying. 1705- Group 55—Stone Crushing—No Quarrying 1710— Stone Crushing—no quarrying—(not available for division of payroll). 1711- Group 56—Stone Grinding 1740— Barytes Mfg.—no quarrying. 1741— Emery Works—crushing and grinding (no quarrying). 1742— Flint and Spar Grinding—no quarrying. 1743— Silica Grinding—no quarrying. 1744— Talc Mills—no quarrying. 1746—Marl Digging—including hauling, drying and grinding. 1748— Emery or other Abrasive Wheel Mfg. 1749— Lead Mfg.—black. 1750— Graphite Mfg.—not mfg. artificial graphite. 1751— 1752— • 1753— 1754— 1755— Group 57—Stone Cutting 1781— Grindstone Mfg.—no quarrying. 1782— Millstone Mfg.—no quarrying. 1783— Hone and Oil Stone Mfg. 1784— 1785— 1800— Mantel Mfg.—marble or slate (no quarrying). 1801— Marble Cutting and Polishing (no quarrying). 1802— Slate Mfg.—no quarrying. (8) CLASSIFICATION CODE 1803— Stone Cutting and Polishing—yard work only. 1804— Stone Yards (no quarrying), including stone fitters sent out from yard to fit cut stones on job (no setting of stone). 1805— Lithographic Stone Mfg.—no quarrying. Group 58—Stone Products—Miscellaneous 1850—Slate Pencil Mfg. 1852— Asbestos Goods Mfg. 1853— Mica Preparing—no mining. 1854— Isinglass Mfg.—mica. 1856— Sand Paper Mfg.—no paper making. 1857— Emery Cloth Mfg. Group 59—Carborundum Mfg. 1880— Carborundum or other Abrasive Material Mfg.—by electro—chemical process. 1881— 1882— 1890— 1891— • 1892— 1893— 1894— 1895— 1896— 1897— 1898— 1899— DIVISION C—MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES SCHEDULE V—FOOD, BEVERAGE AND TOBACCO Group 70—Baking, etc. 2000— Bakeries. 2001— Cracker Mfg. 2002— Macaroni Mfg. 2003— 2004— 2005— Group 71 —Flour Grist Mill Products 2006— 2007— 2008— 2009— Cattle and Stock Food Mfg. 2010— Corn Mills. 2011— Flour Mills. 2012— Grist Mills. 2013— Hominy Mills. 2014— Millers—not otherwise classified. 2015— Poultry Food Mfg. 2016— Breakfast Food Mfg.—prepared foods, excluding Oatmeal and Corn Milling. 2017— Rice Milling. Group 72—Sugar Refining (cane) 2020— Molasses and Syrup Mfg. (no glucose). 2021— Sugar Refining—not Beet Sugar Mfg. 2022 — 2023- Group 73—Beet Sugar Mfg. 2030— Beet Sugar Mfg. 2031- Group 74—Candy and Confectionery 2040— Ice Cream Mfg. 2041— Confectionery Mfg. 2041— Candy Mfg. 2042— Cocoa Mfg. 2042— Chocolate Mfg. 2043— Cocoanut Shredding and Drying (not available for division of payroll). 2044— Licorice Mfg. 2045— Chewing Gum Mfg. 2046— 2047— Group 75—Coffee, Spices, etc. 2050— Coffee Cleaning, Roasting and Grinding. 2051— Mustard Mills. 2052— Nuts—handling, cleaning and shelling (not available for division of payroll). 2053— Spice Mills. 2054— Bean Sorting and Handling. 2055— (9) CLASSIFICATION CODE Group 76—Dairy Products 2061— Cheese Mfg. 2062— Condensed Milk Mfg. (no can mfg.) 2063— Creameries and Dairies (not handling stock or farming—(not available for division of payroll). 2065—Milk Products Mfg. (no can mfg.)—not otherwise classified. 2067— Butter Mfg. 2068— 2069— 2070— Group 77—Packing (including Slaughtering) 2081—Packing Houses : Slaughtering—includ¬ ing handling of live stock. 2081—Slaughtering—including handling of live stock. 2083— Serum (hog) Mfg., including packing house operations. 2084— 2085— Group 78—Packing Houses (no Slaughtering) 2090— Packing Houses: All other operations incidental to packing houses. 2091— Sausage Case Mfg.—(not available for division of payroll). 2092— Sausage Mfg. 2093— Packing Houses—curing hams, bacons and meat products, including packing in jars or cans, no handling of live stock, no slaughtering, no handling of car¬ casses and no other operations inciden¬ tal to packing house operations (not available for division of payroll). 2094— 2095— Group 79—Food Preserving 2101— Fish Curing and Packing—no vessel haz¬ ard or ice harvesting (no can mfg.) (not available for division of payroll). 2102— Fruit Evaporating—excluding box mfg. 2104— Compressed Food Mfg.—tablet form only (not available for division of payroll). 2105— Fruit Packing—(no canning) no evapo¬ rating or preserving, excluding box mfg. 2106— Olive Handling, Sorting, Curing and Packing. 2107— 2108— Group 80—Food Canning, etc. 2110— Pickle Mfg. 2111— Canneries—no can mfg. (not otherwise classified). 2112— Jams, Jellies and Preserves—preparing (not canneries). 2113— 2114— Vessels: Oystermen—sorting, shucking, washing, packing (shore and dock work only). Not available for division of payroll in canneries. 2116— Fruit Preserving—(not canneries). 2117— 2118— Group 81—Malting and Brewing 2121— Breweries—with or without bottling, excluding drivers and drivers’ helpers, chauffeurs and chauffeurs’ helpers. 2122 — 2125— Malt Houses—excluding drivers and drivers’ helpers, chauffeurs and chauf¬ feurs’ helpers. 2126- Group 82—Distilling 2130— Distilling. 2131- Group 83—Fermented Liquors 2140— Vinegar Mfg. 2141— Cider Mfg. 2142— Wine Mfg. 2143— Group 84—Ice Mfg. 2150— Ice Mfg.—excluding drivers and drivers’ helpers, also chauffeurs and chauffeurs’ helpers. 2151- Group 85—Bottling Under Pressure 2160—Aerated Water Mfg. 2160— Mineral Water Mfg.—artificial. 2161— Bottling Under Pressure. 2162 — 2163— ( 10 ) CLASSIFICATION CODE Group 86—Bottling—Not Under Pressure 2165— Bottling—not under pressure (not availa¬ ble for division of payroll). 2166— Mineral or Spring Water Bottling— natural. 2167— 2168— Group 87—Tobacco Mfg. 2170—Cigar or Cigarette Mfg.—machine made. 2170— Tobacco Mfg.: Cigar or Cigarette Mfg.— machine made. 2171— Cigar or Cigarette Mfg.—hand made (not available for division of payroll). 2171— Tobacco Mfg.: Cigar or Cigarette Mfg. —hand made (not available for division of payroll). 2172— 2173— Tobacco Mfg. (not otherwise classified). 2174— Tobacco rehandling and warehousing. 2175— Tobacco Mfg.—Snuff. 2176— 2 ISO- 2181— 2182— 2183— 2184— 2185— 2186— 2187— • 2188— 2189- SCHEDULE VI—TEXTILE SCHEDULE Group 100—Batting, Wadding and Shoddy Manufacturing 2210— Wadding and Waste Mfg. 2211— Cotton Batting Mfg.—from cull cotton only (not available for division of payroll). 2112—Cotton Batting Mfg.—from cull cotton and new rags (not available for division of payroll). 2213— Cotton Batting Mfg.—from cotton waste and new rags (not available for division of payroll). 2214— Shoddy Mfg.—Cotton. 2215— Shoddy Mfg.—wool. 2216— 2217- Group 101—Cotton Spinning and Weaving 2220— Yarn Mfg.—(not available for division of payroll). 2221— Carding and Fulling Mills—(not availa¬ ble for division of payroll). 2222— Cotton Spinning and Weaving. 2224—Thread Mfg.—cotton or linen. *2226—Cotton Spinning. *2227—Cotton Weaving. Group 102—Cotton Goods (Miscellaneous) 2240— Duck Cloth Mfg. 2241— Shade Cloth Mfg. 2242— Hose Mfg.—cotton or linen. 2245— Canvas Belting Mfg. 2246— Awning and Tent Fabric Mfg. (shop only)—no manufacturing of wooden pegs or iron frames. 2247— Canvas Mfg. 2248— 2249— Group 103—Wool, Treatment of 2260—Wool Combing. 2263— Wool Scouring (not available for division of payroll). , 2264— Wool Pulling. 2269— Wool Separating—chemical separation of wool from cotton. 2270- Group 104—Woolen Goods Mfg. 2280— Hatters Fur Mfg.—(not available for division of payroll). 2281— Upholstery Fabric Mfg. 2283— Bunting Mfg. 2284— Hair Cloth Mfg. 2286— Wool Spinning and Weaving—excluding shoddy mfg. 2287— Horse Blanket Mfg. 2288— Felting Mfg. *2289—Wool Spinning. *2~Q0—Wool Weaving. 2291— 2292— ♦Special Classification not in Basic Manual. (ID CLASSIFICATION CODE Group 105—Silk Manufacturing 2300— Plush and Velvet Goods Mfg. 2301— Ribbon Mfg. 2302— Silk Thread Mfg. 2302— Thread Mfg.—silk. 2303— Silk Mfg. 2305- Group 106—Linen Mfg. 2320—Flax Spinning and Weaving. 2326—Linen Cloth Mfg. 2328— 2329— Group 107—Cordage, Rope and Burlap Mfg. 2340— Cordage Mfg. 2341— Rope Mfg. 2342— Cord and Binder Twine Mfg.—not cordage. 2342—Twine and Cord Mfg.—binder (not cordage). Group 108—Burlap and Jute 2345— Burlap and Sack Mfg.—weaving. 2346— Rug and Matting Mfg.—fibre. 2346—Matting and Rug Mfg.—fibre. 2348—Jute and Hemp—spinning and weaving. 2348— Hemp Spinning and Weaving. 2349— 2350— Group 109—Hosiery and Knit Goods Mfg. 2360— Hosiery Mfg.—(not otherwise classified). 2361— Hosiery Mfg.—from cop yarn—no yarn mfg. (not available for division of payroll). 2362— Knitting Mills—from cop yarn—no yarn mgf.— (not available for division of payroll). 2363— Knitting Mills. 2 364 — Hosiery Mfg. (silk). 2365— Group 110—Lace, Embroidery Mfg. 2380— Webbing Mfg.—elastic or non-elastic. 2381— Wicking Mfg. 2382— Upholstery Trimmings Mfg. 2383— Typewriter Ribbon Mfg. 2384— Net Mfg.—not wire (no cordage or twine making). 2385— Shoe String Mfg. 2386— Lace Mfg. 2387— Braid and Fringe Mfg. 2387— Fringe and Braid Mfg. 2388— Embroidery Mfg. 2389— Badge Mfg.—cloth. 2390— Incandescent Gas Mantle Mfg. 2391— 2392— 2393— Group 111—Carpet and Rug Mfg. 2400— Carpet Mfg. 2401— Rug Mfg.—cotton, woolen, or silk. 2402— Group 112— Finishing Textiles 2410— Waterproofing Cloth—rubber. 2411— Waterproofing Cloth—not rubber. 2412— Mercerizing Cotton Goods. 2413— Finishing of Textiles—new goods (not available for division of payroll). 2413—Dyeing of Textiles—new goods (not “Dyeing and Cleaning”). 2413— Textiles, dyeing, finishing and printiing new goods (not “Dyeing and Cleaning”). 2414— Bleacheries. 2415— Cloth Sponging (not available for divi¬ sion of payroll). 2416— Yarn Finishing—including dyeing, no manufacturing of yarn (not available for division of payroll). 2417— ‘Cloth Printing. 2418— 2419— 2441— 2442— 2443— 2444— 2445— .2446—• 2447— 2448— • 2449— ( 12 ) CLASSIFICATION CODE SCHEDULE VII—CLOTHING, MILLINERY, FURNISHINGS Group 120—Clothing Mfg. 2501—Clothing Mfg. 2501— Cloak Mfg. 2502— Fur Goods Mfg.—not preparing skins. 2503— Dressmaking. 2505- Group 121—Shirts, Collars, etc., Mfg. 2520— Collar and Cuff Mfg. 2521— Shirt Mfg. 2522— Group 122—Headwear 2530— Hat Mfg.—not straw or cloth. 2531— Hat Mfg.—straw. 2531— Straw Hat Mfg. 2532— Millinery Mfg. 2533— Bonnet Frame Mfg. —no wire mfg. 2534— Artificial Feather and Flower Mfg. 2534— Feather and Flower Mfg.—artificial. 2535— Cap and Hat Mfg.—cloth. 2536— Hair Goods Mfg. 2537— 2538— 2539— Group 123—Furnishing Goods Mfg. 2550— Suspender Mfg.—no buckle, webbing or leather parts mfg. (not available for division of payroll). 2551— Necktie Mfg. 2552— Glove and Mitten Mfg.—(silk, woolen or thread) knit. 2553— Furnishing Goods Mfg.—wearing ap¬ parel, not otherwise classified (not available for division of payroll). 2554— Corset Mfg. 2555— Handkerchief Mfg.—no weaving. 2556— Suspender Mfg. 2560— Umbrella Mfg.—not mfg. frames and handles. 2561— Glove and Mitten Mfg.—(cloth) sewed. 2562— 2563 — 2564— 2565— Group 124—Sewing (not otherwise classified) 2570— Mattress Mfg.—no spring or wire work or excelsior mfg. 2571— Quilt Mfg. 2572— Feather Pillow Mfg. 2573— Sail Making. 2574— Awning and Tent Mfg.—shop only. 2575— Bag Mfg.—burlap, sacking (sewing only). 2576— 2578- Group 125—Laundries, Cleaning and Dyeing 2580— Laundries—wet wash, no flat work iron¬ ing or operating power ironing machines. 2581— Laundries—not otherwise classified. 2582— Laundries—no machinery, doing hand work exclusively (not available for division of payroll). 2583— Cleaning and Dyeing. 2583— Dyeing and Cleaning. 2584— Towel and Toilet Supply Companies: If no laundry operations are conducted: All employees except clerical office em¬ ployees, drivers and drivers’ helpers, also chauffeurs and chauffeurs’ helpers. 2585— 2586— 2590— 2591— 2592— 2593— 2594— 2595— 2596— 2597— 2598— 2599— SCHEDULE VIII—LEATHER SCHEDULE Group 130—Fur Manufacturing 2600— Fur Mfg.—preparing skins. 2601— ( 13 ) CLASSIFICATION CODE Group 131—Tanning, Dressing, etc. 2610—Degreasing Skilns—(not available for division of payroll). 2620— Leather Mfg.—patent or enamel. 2621— 'Morocco Dressing. 2622— Leather Dressing — not otherwise classified. 2623— Tanning. 2624— Curriers. 2626— Leather Dressing—glove (not available for division of payroll). 2627— 2628— Group 132—Leather Embossing 2640— Leather Embossing (not available for division of payroll). 2641- Group 133—Shoe Stock Mfg. 2650—Cut Sole Mfg. 2650— Counter, Heel and Sole Cutting. 2651— Shoe Stock Mfg. 2652— Leather Uppers—(cutting of) hand work only (not available for division of payroll). 2653— Leather Board Mfg.-—from leather scraps. 2654— Shoe Findings Mfg.—tongues, linings and facings (not available for division of payroll). 2655— Group 134—Boots and Shoes 2660— Boot and Shoe Mfg. 2661— Slipper Mfg. 2662— Group 135—Gloves 2670— Glove Mfg.—leather. 2671- Group 136—Heavy Leather Goods Mfg. 2678— 2679— 2681—Harness and Saddle Mfg. ♦Special Classification not in Basic Manual. 2683— Bag Mfg.—traveling, portmanteau and valise. 2684— Mail Bag or Pouch Mfg. 2686— Leather Belting Mfg. Group 137—Leather Goods Mfg.—Miscellaneous 2687— Pocketbook Mfg. (not available for division of payroll). 2688— Leather Wearing Apparel and Novelties Mfg. (not otherwise classified). 2690— Baseball Mfg. 2691— 2692— 2693— 2694— 2695— SCHEDULE IX—LUMBER AND WOOD Group 140—Logging and Lumbering 2701— Bark Peeling. 2702— Logging and lumbering, including trans¬ portation of logs to mill, but excluding operation of “Logging Railroad.” Pay¬ roll to include drivers, etc. *2703—Wood Chopping, Tie Making and Bark Peeling—no mill hazard. 2704- Group 141—Saw Mills 2710— iSaw Mills. 2711— Kindling Wood Mfg. 2712— Excelsior Mfg. 2713— Lath Mfg.—wood. 2714— Veneer Mfg. 2715— Shingle Mfg. 2716— Bark Mills. 2717— Box Shooks Mfg. 2718— 2719— Group 142—Planing Mill Products 2730— Sash, Door and Blind Mfg.—including outside employees soliciting and meas¬ uring. 2731— Planing and Moulding Mills. 2732— Picture Frame—including picture frame moulding mfg. ( 14 ) CLASSIFICATION CODE 2733— Picture Frame Moulding Mfg. 2734— Chair Mfg.: Chair Stock Mfg.—no as¬ sembling. 2735— Furniture Mfg.: Furniture Stock Mfg.— no assembling. 2736— Group 143—Cooperage 2740— Stave Mfg. 2741— Cooperage Stock Mfg.—heads, hoops and staves. 2742— Cooperage—making heads, hoops and staves, including assembling. 2742—Barrel Mfg.—making heads, hoops and staves, and assembling. 2745—Barrel Mfg.—not making heads, hoops and staves, assembling only. 2745—Cooperage—not making heads, hoops and staves, assembling only. 2747— 2748— 2749— 2750— Silo Building—wood (shop only). 2751— Tank Building—wood (shop only). Group 144—Boxes 2760—Box Mfg.—wood—mfg. shooks and as¬ sembling. 2763—Trunk Mfg.—excluding metal frames and fittings. 2765— Box Mfg.—wood (wire bound) —no box shooks mfg. (not available for division of payroll). 2766— Box Mfg.—cigar. 2767— Box Mfg.—wood—assembling only. 2768— 2769— Group 145—Wood Turning and Pattern Making 2780— Last Block Mfg. 2781— Bobbin and Spool Mfg.—wood. 2782— Hat Block Mfg. 2783— Pulley Block Mfg.—wood. 2784— Spool Mfg.—wood. 2785— Toy Mfg.—wood. 2786— Last Mfg. 2786—Wood Turning. 2788— Cork Cutting Works. 2789— Peg and Skewer Mfg.—wood. 2790— Pattern and Model Mfg.—wood (not available for division of payroll). 2791— Pipe Mfg.—wood (tobacco). 2792— Boot and Shoe Pattern Mfg.—not avail¬ able for division of payroll. 2793— Wood Heel Mfg. 2794— . 2795- Group 146—Carpenter Shops 2800—Mast and Spar Mfg.—shop only. 2800—Spar and Mast Mfg.—shop only. 2803— Carpentry—shop only. 2804— Coffin and Casket Mfg.—(wood) mfg. and assembling. 2805— Hot Flouse Mfg.—shop only. 2807— Pump Mfg.—wood. 2808— Windmill Mfg.—wood (shop only). 2809— Wheelbarrow Mfg.—wood. 2810— Parquet Flooring Mfg.—shop only. 2812— Cabinet Works—with power driven ma¬ chinery. 2813— Cabinet Works—no power driven wood¬ working machinery (not available for division of payroll). 2814— Building Mfg.—portable, wood (shop only). 2815— 2816— 2817— 2818— 2819— 2820— Ladder Mfg. 2821— Screen Mfg.—wood. 2822— Weather Strip Mfg.—wood. 2823— Theatrical Scenery Mfg.—excluding painting. 2824— Plumbers’ Supplies Mfg.—Tanks, Seats and Cabinets, (wood) 2825— Agricultural Machinery Mfg.—Wood¬ working. Group 147—Brooms and Brushes 2830— Broom Mfg.—with sawmill or woodwork¬ ing machinery. 2831— Brush Mfg.—including assembling and sawing, moulding and turning of backs and handles. 2832— Brush Mfg.—assembling only, excluding sawing, moulding and turning of backs and handles. 2833— Broom Mfg.—assembling of manufactured parts only (not available for division of payroll.) ( 15 ) ■ ' . : - SI ■ ■ . CLASSIFICATION CODE 2834— Brush Mfg.—sawing, moulding and turn¬ ing of backs and handles only—exclud¬ ing assembling. 2835- Group 148—Household Utensils 2841— Woodenware Mfg.—not otherwise classi¬ fied. 2842— Ice Cream Freezer Mfg. 2846— Washboard Mfg. 2847— Window Curtain Roller Mfg. 2848— Picture Frame Mfg. (not operating mould¬ ing mill or manufacturing mouldings). 2850— Picture Frame Mfg.—no power machin¬ ery (not available for division of pay¬ roll). 2851— Shade Roller Mfg. 2852— Window Shade Mfg.—making and mount¬ ing (assembling only, not manufacturing cloth or roller). 2853— Washing Machine and Clothes Wringer Mfg.— (for household use) not otherwise classified. 2854— 2855— Group 149—Furniture 2870— Billiard Table Mfg.—including setting up and taking down at place of delivery. 2871— Refrigerator Mfg.—shop only. 2872— ^Barbers’ Supplies Mfg. (including furni¬ ture). 2876— School Supplies Mfg. 2877— Showcase Mfg. 2879— Bent Wood Mfg. 2880— Chair Mfg.—including assembling of manufactured parts and finishing. 2881— Furniture Mfg.—assembling of manufac¬ tured parts and finishing only (not avail¬ able for division of payroll when, etc.) 2883—Furniture Mfg.—including assembling of manufactured parts and finishing. 2885— Chair Mfg.—assembling of manufactured parts and finishing only (not available for division of payroll when, etc.) 2886— Incubator Mfg. 2887— 2888— 2889- Group 150—Rattan and Willowware 2903— Basket Mfg.—willowware. 2904— Rattan Goods Mfg. 2905— Willowware Mfg. Group 151—Veneer Goods 2906— Barrel Mfg.—wood veneer (no Veneer Mfg.) 2907— Basket Mfg.—wood veneer (no Veneer Mfg.) 2908— Veneer Package Mfg.—no barrel mfg. (no Veneer Mfg.) 2909— Veneer Seat Mfg. (no Veneer Mfg.) 2910— Group 152—Musical Instruments 2920— Organ Building—pipe, including setting up at the place of delivery. 2921— Organ Building—cabinet or parlor. 2922— Musical Instrument Mfg.—wood. 2923— Piano Mfg. 2924— Piano Action Mfg. 2925— Piano Forte Case Mfg. 2926— Piano Keys Mfg. 2927— Piano Players Mfg. 2928— Phonograph Mfg. 2929— Piano and Piano Players Mfg.—assem¬ bling of manufactured parts and finish¬ ing only (not available for division of payroll.) 2930— 2931— 2932— 2933— • Group 153—Lead Pencils and Crayons 2940— Lead Pencil Mfg. 2941— Crayon Mfg. 2942— Group 154—Canes, etc. 2950— Golf Clubs Mfg. 2951— Crutch Mfg. 2952— Cane Mfg. 2955- Group 155—Wood Preserving and Fireproofing 2960— Wood Preserving and Fireproofing. 2961— 2970— 2971— 2972— 2973— 2974— ( 16 ) CLASSIFICATION CODE 2975— 2976— 2977— 2978— 2979— SCHEDULE X—METAL Group 160—Steel Making 3000— Steel works, open hearth, bessemer, and crucible, or open hearth and bessemer, casting ingots, and puddling or blooming mill operations. 3001— Steel works, crucible, casting ignots, and puddling or blooming mill operations (not available for division of payroll). 3002— Group 161—Rolling and Tube Mills Steel Works: 3010— Rolling Mills, rolling of rods only, no blast furnace, converter, or casting of steel (not available for division of pay¬ roll). Steel Works: 3011— Rolling Mills, operated in connection with steel works, rolling products of every description, including rod mill. Steel Works: 3012— Rolling Mills, operated in connection with steel works, rolling products of every description, no rod mill. Steel Works: 3013— Rolling Mills, rolling of metal plates and sheets only, including dipping for gal¬ vanizing purposes. No blast furnace, converter or casting of steel (not avail¬ able for division of payroll). 3014— Rolling Mills, rolling of brass, copper and other soft metals. No iron or steel rolling work, no bar manufacturing, no blast furnace, converter or casting of steel. Steel Works: 3015— Rolling Mills, rolling of bars only. No blast furnace, converter, or casting of steel (not available for division of pay¬ roll). Steel Works: 3016— Tin and Terne Plate rolling from tin plate bars, including dipping. No tin plate bar manufacturing and no blast furnace, converter, or casting of steel. 3016—Tin Pl^ite Rolling and Dipping. 3020—Plumbers’ Supplies Mfg.: Pipe Mfg.— wrought iron. 3020— Wrought Iron Pipe Mfg. 3021— Tube Mfg.—metal. *3021—Tube Mfg.—brazed tubes. *3022—Tube Mfg.—other than iron and steel— no brazing. 3023— 3024— 3025— Group 162—Structural Iron and Steel Mfg. Steel Works: 3030— Iron and Steel Works—shop, fabricating and assembling structural iron and steel. No blast furnace, converter or casting of steel, or rolling mill. 3031- Group 163—Architectural and Ornamental Iron and Steel Mfg. Steel Works: 3040— Iron and Steel Works—shop, fabricating, assembling, and manufacturing railings, balconies, fire escapes, staircases, iron shutters, and other iron work (not struc¬ tural iron or steel), and ornamental brass, bronze, and iron work. No blast furnace, converter, or casting of steel or rolling mill. Steel Works: 3041— Iron and Steel Works—shop, manufac¬ turing ornamental brass, bronze, and iron work exclusively. No blast fur¬ nace, converter, or casting of steel or rolling mill (not available for division of payroll). 3041— Ornamental Brass, Bronze and Iron Work Mfg. 3042— Escalator Mfg. 3042—Elevator Mfg. 3044— Mail Chute Mfg. 3045— 3046— Group 164—Sheet Metal Work 3055— 3056— 3057— 3058— 3059— 3060— Fireproof Door and Shutter Mfg.—wood covered with sheet metal. ’Special Classification not in Basic Manual. ( 17 ) * • I ' 1 i i ( , . m . . * * * . i - ■ ■ CLASSIFICATION CODE 3062— Wheelbarrow Mfg.—metal. 3063— Ceiling- and Wall Covering Mfg.—metal. 3063— Metal Ceiling and Wall Covering Mfg. 3064— Advertising Signs Mfg.—metal. 3065— Tinsmith Shop—not otherwise classified. 3066— Sheet Metal Work—shop only. 3066—Galvanized Iron Work (shop). 3072— Cornices and Skylights—shop only. 3073— Ventilator Mfg. 3074— Coffin and Casket Mfg.: Coffin and Cas¬ ket—(metal) mfg. and assembling. 3075— Coppersmithing—shop only. 3076— Fireproof Equipment Mfg.—including herringbone and expanded metal prod¬ ucts, metal furniture, filing equipment and woodworking. 3077— Furniture Mfg.—metal. 3078— Weather Strip Mfg.—metal. 3079— Building Mfg.—portable, metal (shop only). Group 165—Foundries 3081— Foundries—iron. 3082— Foundries—steel castings. 3083— Foundries—not otherwise classified. 3084— Foundries—bell. 3085— Foundries—brass. 3086— Foundries—malleable iron. 3086— Malleable Iron Works. 3087— Foundries—aluminum. 3088— Railroad Permanent Way Materials Mfg. —frogs, switches and crossings. 3089— Cast Iron Pipe Mfg. 3089— Pipe Mfg.—cast iron. 3090— Sculptors, statuary and ornamental work in bronze, including moulding and cast¬ ing. 3091— Plumbers’ Supplies Mfg.: Enameled Iron Ware Mfg. 3092— 3093— 3094— Group 166—Forging 3100—Forging Works. 3103— Chain Mfg.—not otherwise classified. 3104— Drop Forging Works—not hardware (no steam forging). 3106— Forging Work—hand work only, no ma¬ chinery (not available for division of payroll in classification “forging works”). 3107— Blacksmithing—not shoeing (not avail¬ able for division of payroll). •Special Classification not in Basic Manual. ( 18 ) 3108— Anchor Mfg. 3109— Chain Mfg.—automatic process or hand forging (not available for division pay¬ roll). 3110— 3111— • Group 167—Cutlery and Hand Tools 3115— Axe Mfg. 3116— Tool Mfg.—not otherwise classified (not mfg. machinery). 3117— File Mfg. 3118— Saw Mfg. 3119— Needle Mfg. 3120— Razor Mfg.—safety. 3121— Razor Mfg.—not safety. 3122— Cutlery Mfg.—not otherwise classified. 3123— Cutting Dies Mfg. 3124— Logging Tools Mfg. (hand)—not other¬ wise classified. *3125—Safety Razor Mfg.—where all machine operations on blades are performed by automatic machines, mechanically fed. Group 168—Hardware, etc. 3131— Button Mfg.—not otherwise classified. 3132— Bolt and Nut Mfg.—excluding steel mfg.; excluding rolling mill operations. 3132— Nut and Bolt Mfg.—excluding steel mfg.; excluding rolling mill operations. 3133— Nail and Spike Mfg.—excluding steel mfg.; excluding rolling mill operations. 3134— Label Mfg.—metal (no stamping). 3135— Badge Mfg.—metal (no stamping). 3137— Agricultural Tools Mfg. (hand) (shovels, spades, scoops, pitchforks, rakes, hoes, and gardening tools). 3138- —Stencil Mfg.—no stamping. 3140—Tag, Check and Label Mfg.—metal (no stamping). 3140—Check Mfg.—metal (no stamping). 3142—Pulley Block Mfg.—metal. 3144— Lock Mfg. 3145— Screw Mfg. 3146— Hardware Mfg.—not otherwise classified. 3147— Horse Shoe Mfg. 3149—Skate Mfg. 3152— Wire Nail Mfg. 3153— Hardware Mfg.—automobile or carriage. 3154— 3155— 3156— 3157— . , ■ ' ’ ' ! ■ • > < f • ■ • ■ ■ v "lh " I. 1 .- ■ . . ' . ’ CLASSIFICATION CODE Group 169—Stoves, Heaters, etc. 31/0—Sheet Iron Stoves Mfg.—(no stamping). 3170— Stove Mfg.—sheet iron—no stamping. 3171— Oil Stove Mfg. (no stamping). 3172— Stove Mfg.—not sheet iron. 3173— Furnace Mfg.—house heaters. 3174— Radiator Mfg. (not otherwise classified). 3175— 3176— Group 170—Plumbers’ and Steam Fitters’ Supplies 3180—Electric and Gas Fixtures Mfg. 3180—Gas and Electric Fixtures Mfg. 3182—Chandelier Mfg. 3186—Lampshade Mfg.—no stamping. 3188— Plumbers’ Supplies Mfg. (not otherwise classified). 3189- Group 171—Arms (small) 3200—Rifle and Shotgun Mfg.—(not charging shells). 3200—Arms Mfg.—small arms (not charging shells). 3200—Pistol Mfg.—(not charging shells). 3200— Gun, Rifle and Pistol Mfg. (not charging shells). 3201— Machine Gun Mfg.—not heavy ordnance (not charging shells). 3202— 3203— Group 172—Stamping 3210—Stamping—metal. Group 173—Sheet Metal Ware 3220—Tin Can Mfg. 3220— Can Mfg. 3221— Toy Mfg.—metal. 3223— Lamp and Lantern Mfg. 3224— Agate and Enamel Ware Mfg. 3224—Enamel and Agate Ware Mfg. 3226— Mail Box Mfg.—no stamping. 3227— Aluminum Ware Mfg.—from sheet alum¬ inum—no rolling mill or smelting opera¬ tions. 3228— 3229— Group 174—Wire 3240—Cable Mfg.—wire. 3240— Wire Rope Mfg. 3241— Wire Drawing. 3242— Group 175—Wire Products Mfg. 3250—Screen Mfg.—metal—no wire drawing. 3253— Wire Mfg.—piano, no wire drawing. 3254— Wire Mfg.—picture, no wire drawing. 3255— Wire Cloth Mfg.—no wire drawing. 3256— Wire Fence Mfg.—no wire drawing. 3257— Wire Goods Mfg.—no wire drawing (not otherwise classified). 3258— 3259— • Group 176—Eyelets, Tacks, Pins, etc. 3270— Eyelet Mfg. 3271— Pin Mfg. 3273— Pen Mfg. 3274— Tack Mfg. 3275— Group 177—Safes 3280—Safe Mfg. and Repairing—shop only in¬ cluding all processes to completion. Group 178—Beds and Springs (metal) 3300— Spring Bed Mfg. 3301— Mattress Mfg.—wire. 3302— Bedstead Mfg.—metal. 3303— Spring Mfg.—not railroad car springs. 3304— Bedsteads—metal—assembling manufac¬ tured parts only (not available for divi¬ sion of payroll). 3305— Group 179—Copper and Brass Goods Mfg. 3311— Brass Goods Mfg. 3312— Copper Goods Mfg. 3316- Group 180—Lead and Lead Alloys 3331—Lead Works—sheet, pipe, shot (no smelt¬ ing)- 3331— Plumbers’ Supplies: Pipe Mfg.—lead 3332— Shot Works. ( 19 ) CLASSIFICATION CODE 3333— Patent Metal Mfg.—rolling of metal into thin sheets for wrapping. 3334— Tin Foil Mfg. 3335— Babbit Metal Mfg. 3336— Type Foundry. 3339— Steam Packing Mfg .—metallic. 3340— 3341— Group 181—Cutting and Welding 3360— Oxy-Acetylene Cutting and Welding (autogenous)—shop work only, includ¬ ing machining operations connected therewith, where apparatus not ap¬ proved by the Underwriters’ Labora¬ tories or the Interstate Commerce Com¬ mission is used. 3361— Oxy-Acetylene Cutting and Welding (autogenous)—shop work only, includ¬ ing machining operations connected therewith, where apparatus approved by the Underwriters’ Laboratories or the Interstate Commerce Commission is used exclusivelv. 3364- Group 182—Plating 3370—Silver Plating. 3372—Nickel Plating and Finishing—(not available for division of payroll). 3372—Gold Plating. 3372—Electroplating. 3372— Gilding and Electroplating. 3373— Galvanizing or Tinning Sheet Metal (not manufacturing sheet metal or metal goods) (not available for division of payroll). 3374 — Detinning—separating tin from tin plate by electrolytic process, with incidental foundry. 3375— Japanning—no metal working (not avail¬ able for division of payroll). 3376— Enamelling—no metal working (not available for division of payroll). 3377— 3378— 3379— Group 183—Jewelry, Watches, etc. 3380— Watch Case Mfg. 3381— Silverware Mfg. 3382— Clock Mfg. 3383— Jewelry Mfg. 3384— Precious Stones—setting and making mountings therefor (not available for division of payroll). 3385— Watch Mfg. 3386— Gold Leaf Mfg. 3388— 3389- Group 184—Metal Goods—Not Otherwise Classified 3400—Metal Goods Mfg.—not otherwise classi¬ fied. 3450— 3451— 3452— 3453— 3454— 3455— 3456— • 3457— 3458— 3459— SCHEDULE XI—MACHINERY Group 190—Agricultural Machinery 3502— Lawn Mower Mfg. 3503— --Cotton Gin Machinery Mfg. 3504— Agricultural Machinery Mfg.: Threshing or Husking Machine Mfg. 3505— Agricultural Machinery Mfg.: Traction Engine or Power Plow Mfg. 3507—- Group 191—Textile Machinery 3510—Card Clothing Mfg. 3514— Loom Mfg. 3515— Textile Machinery Mfg. 3516— Loom-Harness and Reed Mfg. 3517— Cop-Tube Mfg. 3518— Shuttle Mfg. 3519— Group 192—Machinery Mfg. (Misc.) 3520— Mining and Milling Machinery Mfg. ) 3521—Road or Street Making Machinery Mfg. (20) CLASSIFICATION CODE 3522—Gas Machine Mfg.—acetylene. 3522— Acetylene Gas Machine Mfg. 3523— Windmill Mfg.—metal. 3524— Water Wheel Mfg.—metal, 3526— Steam Shovels, Dredges, and Ballast Un¬ loader Mfg. 3527— Arms Mfg.—heavy ordnance (not charg¬ ing shells). 3528— Crane and Derrick Mfg. 3529— 3530— 3531— 3532— Group 193—Machinery Specialties 3548— Printing and Bookbinding Machinery Mfg. 3549— 3557— Printing Press Mfg. 3558— Boot and Shoe Machinery Mfg. 3559— Confectioners’ Machinery Mfg. Group 194—Fine Machines 3560— Automatic Slot or Vending Machines Mfg. (including installation in place, repairs and taking down). 3561— Sewing Machine Mfg. 3562— Voting Machine Mfg. 3563— Vacuum Cleaner Mfg. 3564— Mailing and Addressing Machine Mfg. 3565— Typewriter Mfg. 3567— Adding Machine Mfg. 3568— Numbering Machine Mfg. 3569— Cash Register Mfg. 3571—Steam and Air Pressure Gauge Mfg. 3573—Check Protectors Mfg. 3578— Gas Meter Mfg. 3579— Water Meter Mfg. 3580— Speedometer and Taximeter Mfg.—with or without odometer, including installa¬ tion. 3581— Carbureter Mfg. 3582— Scale Mfg. 3583— Automatic Sprinkler Mfg. 3583— Sprinkler Mfg.—automatic. 3584— Plumbers’ Supplies Mfg.: Valves and Gauges. 3585— 3586— 3587— ■ 3588— ♦Special Classification not in Basic Manual. ( 21 ) Group 195—Engines, etc. 3600—Locomotive Works. 3604— Fire Engine Mfg. 3605— Gas or Gasoline Engine Mfg.—with foundry. 3606— Gas or Gasoline Engine Mfg.—without foundry. 3607— Engine Mfg.—with foundry—not other¬ wise classified. 3608— Engine Mfg.—no foundry—not other¬ wise classified. 3609— Stationary Engine Mfg.—with foundry. 3610— Stationary Engine Mfg.—without foun¬ dry. 3611— Pump Mfg.—metal—with foundry. 3612— Pump Mfg.—metal—no foundry. 3613— 3614— 3615— Group 196—Boiler Tank and Gas Holder Mfg. 3620— Boilermaking. 3621— Tank Building—metal (shop only). 3622— Gas Holder Mfg. 3623— Water Tower Mfg.—shop only. 3624— Group 197—Machine Shops *3630—Metal Spinning—not available for divi¬ sion of payroll. 3631— Machine Shops—with foundry. 3632— Machine Shops—without foundry. 3633— Projectile, Shell or Case Mfg.—no load¬ ing or testing with explosives. 3634— Valve Mfg. 3635— Gear Grinding and Mfg. 3636— Cartridge Mfg.—for small arms, including insertion of percussion caps—excluding the manufacture of fulminate, loading, charging or handling of explosives. 3637— Washing Machine and Clothes Wringer Mfg. (for household use)—metal. 3638— Ball Bearing Mfg. 3639— Group 198—Electric Apparatus 3640— Battery Mfg.—storage (manufactured from lead plates). 3641— Battery Mfg.—storage (manufactured from iron and nickel plates). CLASSIFICATION CODE 3642— Dry Battery Mfg. 3643— Electric Apparatus Mfg. 364-1—Ignition Apparatus Mfg. for gas engines (not available for division of payroll). 3644— Gas Engine Ignition Apparatus Mfg. (not available for division of payroll). 3645— Magneto Mfg. 3647— 3648— 3649— Group 199—Instrument Mfg. (Professional or Scientific) 3680— Thermostat Mfg. 3681— Telegraph and Telephone Apparatus Mfg. 3683— Thermometer Mfg. 3684— Telescope Mfg. 3685— Instrument Mfg.—professional or scien¬ tific. 3686— Musical Instrument Mfg.—metal. 3689- Group 200—Cranes, Conveyors, etc., Installation 3700— Cranes and Derricks—installation. 3701— Conveyors and , Hoisting Apparatus— coal, ash and ore—(erection outside of buildings). 3702— 3703— Group 201—Millwrighting 3720— Conveyors—coal and ash, installation in¬ side of buildings (in connection with power and manufacturing plants). 3721— Portable Bakers’ Ovens—installation or removal. 3722— Gas Machines—acetylene, installation. 3722— Acetylene Gas Machines—installation. 3723— Refrigerating Machinery—installation. 3724— Millwright Work—erection and repair ol machinery. Payroll for Comp, coverage to include drivers, etc. 3726— Boilers (steam)—installation and repair, including construction of necessary con¬ crete or masonry foundations. Payroll for “Comp.” coverage to include drivers, etc. 3727— Engines — installation. Payroll for “Comp.” coverage to include drivers, etc. 3728— Brewery Vats—metal and wood—in¬ stallation. 3729—Pumps—installation. 3732—Leather Belting—installation and repair. 3734— Automatic Stoker—installation. 3735— Galvanized Iron Tanks (complete)—in¬ stallation of, for irrigation or for agri¬ cultural purposes, with earth or masonry foundations; no tank building. 3736— Mailing and Addressing Machines—in¬ stallation. 3737— 3738— 3739— 3750— 3751— 3752— 3753— 3754— 3755— 3756— 3757— 3758— 3759— SCHEDULE XII—VEHICLES Group 210—Automobile and Parts Mfg. 3800— Automobile Frame Mfg. (not chassis) (not available for division of payroll). 3801— Automobile Lamp and Lantern Mfg.— (not available for division of payroll). 3802— Automobile, Carriage and Wagon Body Mfg.—metal or wood (not available for division of payroll). 3803— Wheel Mfg.—metal—automobile. 3804— Automobile Tops Mfg.—excluding the manufacture of metal or wooden parts (not available for division of payroll in “automobile mfg.”). 3805— Automobile Engine Mfg. 3806— Automobile Wind Shield Mfg. 3807— Radiator Mfg.—automobile (not avail¬ able for division of payroll). 3807— Automobile Radiator Mfg.—(not avail¬ able for division of payroll). 3808— Automobile Mfg.—This classification ap¬ plies only to concerns turning out auto¬ mobiles as finished products, etc. 3809— Automobile Mfg.—assembling of manu¬ factured parts only (not available for division of payroll). (22) CLASSIFICATION CODE 3810— Cycle Car Mfg. 3811— 3812— 3813— 3814— 3815— Group 211—Aeroplanes 3830— Aeroplane Mfg., including overhauling and repair in shop and outside, exclud¬ ing operation and demonstration. 3831— 3832— 3833— 3834— Group 212—Bicycle and Parts Mfg. 3840— Bicycle and Bicycle Parts Mfg. (includ¬ ing the assembling of bicycles). 3841- Group 213—Motorcycle and Parts Mfg. 3850— Motorcycle and Motorcycle Parts Mfg., —including the assembling of motor¬ cycles. 3851— 3852— 3853— 3854— Group 214—Carriage and Parts Mfg. 3861— Wheel Mfg.—wood. 3862— Axle Mfg.—wood. 3863— Carriage Dashes and Tops Mfg.—exclud¬ ing the manufacture of metal or wooden parts and leather enameling (not avail- ble for division of payroll in the follow¬ ing classifications: “Carriage and Wagon Mfg.,” “Carriage Mfg.—no wagon.”) 3864— Carriage and Wagon Mfg. 3865— Baby Carriage Mfg. 3866— Carriage and Wagon Mfg.—assembling of manufactured parts only (not availa¬ ble for division of payroll). 3867— Carriage Mfg. —no wagon. 3868— Agricultural Machinery Mfg.: Wagon Mfg. 3868— Wagon Mfg. 3869- Group 215—Railroad Cars and Parts Mfg. 3880— Car Wheel Mfg.—cast iron or steel— not pressed steel. 3881— Railroad Car Mfg.—all kinds. 3881— Car Mfg.—railroad (all kinds). 3882— Car Wheel Mfg.—pressed steel wheels. 3883— 3884— 3890— 3891— 3892— 3893— 3894— SCHEDULE XIII—POTTERY, CHINA, GLASS Group 220—Clay Digging, etc. 4000— Sand and Gravel Digging—no canal, sewer, or cellar excavation or grading (no blasting). 4001— Clay Digging (no canal, sewer or cellar excavation, or underground mining) (no blasting). 4003— 4004- Group 221—Brick and Pottery Mfg. (including Underground Mining) 4010— Brick Mfg.—including construction and reconstruction of sheds and kilns if done by assured’s employees, also including underground mining. 4011— Fire Clay Products Mfg.—not other¬ wise classified (including underground mining—no fire brick mfg.) 4012— Tile Mfg.—roof and drainage (including underground mining). 4013— Earthenware Mfg.—tiling, gas retorts, sewer pipe and drain pipe (including underground mining). 4014— 'Potteries—tiling, gas retorts, sewer and drain pipes (including underground mining). 4015— Terra Cotta Mfg.—including under¬ ground mining. 4018— 4019— ( 23 ) CLASSIFICATION CODE Group 222—Brick and Pottery Mfg. (no under¬ ground mining) 4025— 4026— * 4027— 4028— Fire Clay Products Mfg.—not otherwise classified (no underground mining—no fire brick mfg.). 4029— Brick Mfg.—including construction and reconstruction of sheds and kilns if done by assured’s employees, also including clay digging and quarrying (no under¬ ground mining). 4030— Earthenware Mfg.—tiling, gas retorts, sewer pipe and drain pipe (no under¬ ground mining). 4031— Potteries—tiling, gas retorts, sewer and drain pipes (no underground mining). 4032— Terra Cotta Mfg.—no underground mining. 4033— Tile Mfg.—roof and drainage (no under¬ ground mining). Group 223—Plaster & Artificial Stone Products 4034— Concrete Block Mfg. 4035— Coffin and Casket (concrete) mfg. and assembling. 4036— Plaster Board and Plaster Block Mfg.— no quarrying and no crushing or grinding. 4037— -'Plaster or Staff Mixing—no crushing or grinding (not available for division of payroll). 4038— Plaster Statuary and Ornaments Mfg. 4040— Sewer Pipe Mfg.—reinforced concrete, including all employees on ground en¬ gaged in manufacturing—no 'pipe laying. 4041— 4042— 4043— Group 224—China, Earthenware, etc., Mfg. 4050— China Decorating—including firing, no manufacturing. 4051— China Mfg. 4051—Porcelain Ware Mfg. 4051— Plumbers’ Supply Mfg.: Porcelain Ware Mfg. 4052— Earthenware Mfg—household utensils and art objects. 4052— Stone China Mfg. 4053— Potteries—flower pots, art and household utensils only (no sewer or drain pipe, no mining or excavating). 4054— Terra Cotta Mfg.—art terra cotta for decorative purposes. No mining or excavating. 4055— Tile Mfg.—for decorative purposes (no mining or excavating). 4056— Doll Mfg.—bisque or china. 4057— Pipe Mfg.—clay (tobacco). 4058— Insulators Mfg.—porcelain and lava tips 4059— 4060— Group 225—Glass Mfg. 4101— Glass Mfg.—plate (no quarrying of excavating). 4102— Glass Mfg.—sheet (not plate)—no quar¬ rying or excavating. 4103— 4104— Group 226—Glass Making (exclusive of Plate or Sheet Glass) 4110— Glass Mfg.—no plate or sheet glass mfg. 4111— Bottle Mfg.—no automatic blowing ma¬ chines (not available for division of payroll). 4112— Incandescent Lamp Mfg.. 4113— Glass Mfg.—cut. 4114— Bottle Mfg.—not otherwise classified. 4115— 4116— • Group 227—Mirrors and Glass Sign Mfg. 4130— Glass Merchants—including operations of bending, grinding, beveling and silvering plate glass. 4131— Mirror Mfg.—no glass making. 4132— Advertising Sign, Mfg.—glass. 4132— Glass Sign Mfg.—no glass making. 4133— Cathedral and Art Glass Window Mfg. —with or without glass making. 4133— Stained Glass Mfg. 4134— 4135— Group 228—Optical Goods Mfg. 4150— Optical Goods Mfg.— (not otherwise classified). 4151— Lens Mfg. 4152— Eyeglass and Spectacle Mfg. (24) CLASSIFICATION CODE 4153— Glass Eye Mfg. 4154— • 4155— 4160 J - 4161— 4162— 4163— 4164— SCHEDULE XIV—PAPER, PRINTING AND PHOTOGRAPHY Group 240—Paper and Pulp Mfg. Paper and Pulp Mfg. (all kinds except writing paper and cardboard) : 4203—Pulp Mfg.—soda (no saw or barking mills). 4205— Pulp Mfg.—sulphite (no saw or barking mills). 4206— Pulp Mfg.—ground wood (no saw or barking mills). 4211—Saw and Barking Mills. 4213— 4214- Group 241—Paper Mfg.—no Pulp Mfg. 4232—Writing Paper Mfg. 4232—Bond Paper Mfg. 4232— Ledger Paper Mfg. 4233— Paper Board Mfg.—no pulp mill. 4233—Bristol Board Mfg. 4233— Cardboard Mfg.—no pulp mill. 4234— Paper and Pulp Mfg.—(all kinds except writing paper and cardboard: Paper Mfg.—(no pulp mfg., no saw or barking mills). 4235— Cigarette Paper Mfg. (rate as “paper and pulp mfg.”) *4236—Paper Mfg.—soft stock papers (no pulp mfg.) (no saw or barking mills). *4237-—Paper Mfg.—hard stock papers (no pulp mfg.) (no saw or barking mills). 4238— 4239— Group 242—Paper Boxes 4240— Box Mfg.—solid paper boxes—no paper or paper board mfg. 4241— Box Mfg.—folding paper boxes—no paper or paper board mfg. ‘Special Classification not in Basic Manual. 4242— Jewelry Box and Tray Mfg.—no stamping. 4243— 4244— Group 243—Stationery Mfg. ■'4250—Paper Coating and Finishing—(not available for division of payroll). 4251— Stationery Mfg.—(not available for di¬ vision of payroll in plants manufacturing paper of any kind). 4252— Envelope Mfg. 4253— 4254— Group 244—Fibre Goods Mfg. 4263—Fibre Goods Mfg.—no fibre pulp mfg. 4266— Papier Mache Goods Mfg.—no paper or pulp making (no car wheels). 4267— Fibre Pulp Mfg. 4268— 4269— Group 245— Paper Goods Mfg. (N. O. C.) 4273—Bag Mfg.—paper only. No paper making. 4275— ‘Carbon Paper Mfg.—no paper making. 4276— Oiled, Paraffined or Waxed Paper Mfg.— no paper making. 4277— Cork Paper Mfg.—no paper manufac¬ turing. 4278— Fly Paper Mfg.—no paper making— (not available for division of payroll). 4279— Paper Goods Mfg.—no paper making— (not otherwise classified). 4280— Music Rolls Mfg.— (perforated paper) — no paper making. 4282— Dress Pattern Mfg.—paper only—in¬ cluding designers, draughtsmen, cutters and all clerical force—no paper making. 4283— Building Paper or Building Felt Mfg.—• no paper or felt making. 4284— Corrugated Paper Mfg.—no paper making. 4285— Roofing Paper or Roofing Felt Mfg. 4286— Label Mfg.—not metal. 4286—Check Mfg. (not metal). 4286— Tag, Check and Label Mfg.—not metal. 4287— 4288— 4289— ( 25 ) CLASSIFICATION CODE Group 246—Printing and Publishing 4300— Printing. 4301— Wall Paper Mfg.—designing, printing and finishing—no paper making. 4302— Lithographing—(not available for divi¬ sion of payroll). 4304— Newspaper Publishing. 4305— Publishing (not Newspaper Publishing). 4306— Playing Cards Mfg.—no paper or cardboard mfg. 4307— Bookbinding. 4308— Linotype and Hand Composition—(not available for division of payroll). 4309— Loose-Leaf Ledger and Note-Book Mfg. —including all operations (not available for division of payroll). 4310— 4311— Group 247—Engraving 4350— Electrotyping—(not available for divi¬ sion of payroll). 4351— Photo-Engraving (not available for division of payroll). 4352— Engraving—not otherwise classified (not available for division of payroll). 4353— 4354— Group 248—Photography 4360— Motion Pictures: Development of negatives, printing positives and all subsequent operations except the marketing of the product through film exchanges at locations other than the studios. 4361— Photograph Studios—(not producing moving pictures). 4362— Motion Pictures: Film Exchanges, with or without projecting rooms, not located at Motion Picture Studios. 4362— -Film Exchanges—(rate as “Motion Pictures.”) 4363— 4364— 4370— 4371— 4372— 4373— 4374— SCHEDULE XV—RUBBER AND COMPOSI¬ TION GOODS Group 260—Rubber Reclaiming 4400— Rubber Reclaiming. 4401— Rubber Reclaiming—not using benzine, naphtha or gasoline (not available for division of payroll). 4402— Group 261—Soft Rubber Goods Mfg. 4406— 4407— 4408— 4409— Rubber Garments Mfg.—including rub¬ ber mill. 4410— Rubber Goods Mfg.—not otherwise classified. 4410— Plumbers Supplies Mfg.: Rubber Goods (not otherwise classified). 4411— Rubber Cement Mfg. 4413—Rubber Belting Mfg. 4416— Rubber Garments Mfg.—no rubber mill. 4417— Rubber Boot and Shoe Mfg. 4418— Rubber Stamp and Pad Mfg. Group 262—Rubber Tire Mfg. 4420— Rubber Tire Mfg. 4421- Group 263—Gutta Percha Mfg. 4425— Gutta-Percha Mfg. 4426- Group 264—Hard Rubber Goods Mfg. 4430— Vulcanized Rubber Mfg.—(not available for division of payroll). 4431— Phonograph Record Mfg. 4432— Fountain Pen Mfg. 4433— 4434— Group 265—Manufacturing Celluloid, etc. 4440— Celluloid Mfg. (pyroxylin plastics). 4441— Fiberloid Mfg. 4442— Viscoloid Mfg. 4443— Pyroxylin Plastic Mfg. 4444— ( 26 ) CLASSIFICATION CODE Group 266—Celluloid Goods Mfg. 4450— Composition Goods Mfg.—containing celluloid (no celluloid mfg. or use of celluloid). 4451— Tortoise Shell Goods Mfg.—manufac¬ tured from real and imitation tortoise shell. 4452— Celluloid Goods Mfg.—from celluloid and from composition in the manufacture of which celluloid has been used—no cellu¬ loid mfg. 4453— Button Mfg.—celluloid. 4454— Advertising Signs Mfg.—celluloid. 4456— Leather (imitation) Mfg.—using py¬ roxylin or pyroxylin composition. 4457— 4458— Group 267—Printers’ Rollers Mfg. 4460—Printers’ Rollers Mfg. Group 268—Insulation 4470—Cables—insulation—no wire drawing. 4470— Wire Insulation—no wire drawing. 4471— Piping Mfg.—flexible (not metal) for in¬ terior work in buildings to carry electric wires. 4472— Circular Loom Mfg.—flexible piping for electric wires. 4473— 4474— Group 269—Bone, Ivory, etc. 4480— Button Mfg.—pearl and shell. 4481— Ivory Turning. 4481— Bone and Ivory Turning. 4482— Button Mfg.—vegetable ivory. 4483— Lime Mfg.—from oyster shells. 4485— Horn Goods Mfg. (not containing py¬ roxylin). 4486— 4487— Group 270—Oil Cloth & Linoleum Mfg. 4490— Oil Cloth Mfg.—all kinds. 4491— Linoleum and Cork Carpet Mfg.. 4492— Leather (imitation) Mfg.—not using pyroxylin or pyroxylin composition. 4493— 4494— 4495— 4496— 4497— 4498— • 4499— SCHEDULE XVI—CHEMICAL Group 280—Baking Powder and Yeast 4500— Baking Powder Mfg.—no can mfg. 4501— Yeast Mfg.—no can mfg. 4502— Soda-Bicarbonate Mfg. 4503— 4504— Group 281—Heavy Acids, etc. 4510— Acid Mfg. (not otherwise classified). 4511— Analytical Chemists—including shop work and work performed away from shop. 4512— Sulphur Refining. 4513— Vitriol Mfg. 4514— Picric Acid Mfg. 4515— 4516— Group 282—Light Acids and Other Chemicals 4521— Ammonia Mfg. 4522— Tartaric Acid Mfg. 4523— Disinfectant Mfg.—not otherwise classi¬ fied. 4524— -Chemical Mfg.—not otherwise classified. 4525— Saltpetre Mfg. 4526— Wood Preservative Mfg.—not otherwise classified. 4527— Bleaching Powder Mfg. 4528— Creosote Mfg. 4529— Borax Mfg. 4530— Camphor Mfg. 4532— Arsenic Mfg. 4533— Carbide of Calcium Mfg. I 4534—Salt Mfg.—not mining or sinking wells. 4535— Alcohol Mfg. 4536— Acetic Acid Mfg. 4537— 4538— 4539— ( 27 ) CLASSIFICATION CODE Group 283—Dyes, Paints, Colors, etc. 4550— Lead Mfg.—red. 4551— Lead Mfg.—white. 4552— Lamp Black Mfg. 4553— Aniline and Alizarine Mfg. 4554— Color Mfg.—dry. 4557— Ink Mfg.—printing. 4558— Paint Mfg.—no lead mfg. 4559— Putty Mfg. 4560— Whiting Mfg. 4561— Varnish Mfg. 4562— Zinc-Oxide Mfg. 4563— 4564— Group 284—Fertilizer 4580— Fertilizer Mfg.—not phosphate compa¬ nies. 4581— Phosphate Works—no mining. 4582— 4583— Group 285—Ink, Blacking, etc. 4590—Shoe and Harness Blacking Mfg.—no can mfg. 4590— Blacking Mfg.—shoe—no can mfg. 4591— Metal Polish Mfg.—no can mfg. 4592— Stove Polish Mfg. 4594—Ink Mfg.—writing. 4596- Group 286—Drugs and Medicines 4601—Drug Mfg.—not otherwise classified. 4605—Patent Medicine Mfg. 4607—Pharmaceutists. 4609— Serum (hog) Mfg.—not operating pack¬ ing houses (not available for division of payroll). 4610— 4611— Group 287—Extracts 4620— Essential Oils Mfg.—including distilla¬ tion. 4621— Flavoring Extract Mfg. 4622— Medicinal Extract Mfg. 4623— Perfumery and Flavoring Essence Mfg. 4624— Extract Mfg.—dyewood. 4625— Extract Mfg.—tanning. 4626— 4627— Group 288—Gases 4633— Carbonic Acid Gas Mfg. 4634— Oxygen and Hydrogen Mfg.—electro¬ lytic process. 4635— Oxygen and Hydrogen Mfg.—liquid air process. 4636— Acetylene Gas Tank Charging Stations— operation. 4637— 4638— 4639— Group 289—Glue, etc. 4650— Size Mfg. 4651— Mucilage Mfg. 4652— Isinglass Mfg.—fish glue. 4653— Glue Mfg. 4654— Gelatine Mfg. 4655— Paste Mfg. 4656— Sealing Wax Mfg. 4657— Capsule Mfg.—gelatine. 4658— 4659— Group 290—Oils (Animal) 4660— Cod Liver Oil Mfg. 4661— Oil Mfg.—lard. 4662— Oil Mfg.—fish (not otherwise classified). 4663— Oil Mfg.—tallow. 4664— Wool Extract Mfg.—lanolin. 4665— Group 291—Oils (Cottonseed) 4670— Cottonseed Oil Mfg.—with or without refining. 4671— Cottonseed Oil Refining (no manufac¬ turing or expressing of oil). 4673— 4674- Group 292—Oils (Vegetable)—All Other 4681—Castor Oil Mfg. 4683—Oil Mfg.—vegetable—not otherwise classified. ( 28 ) • . ' . - I - • ’ ' ■ ■' ■ ■■ CLASSIFICATION CODE 4685— Oil Mfg.—linseed. 4686— 4687— Group 293—Pharmaceutical Supplies 4690—Absorbent Cotton Mfg. 4692— Dental Material Mfg.—not otherwise classified. 4693— Pharmaceutical and Surgical Goods Mfg. —not otherwise classified. 4694— Group 294—Starch, etc. 4701— Dextrine Mfg.—wet process. 4702— Glucose Mfg.—wet process. 4703— Starch Mfg.—wet process. 4704— Dextrine Mfg.—dry process. 4705— Glucose Mfg.—dry process. 4706— Starch Mfg.—dry process. 4707— 4708— 4709— Group 295—Lard and Other Fats 4710— Candle Mfg. 4711— Glycerine Mfg. 4712— Grease Mfg. 4715— Tallow Chandlers. 4716— Lard Refining. 4717— Butterine Mfg. 4718— Oleomargarine Mfg. 4719— 4720— Group 296—Soap and Soap Powder 4720— Soap Mfg. 4721— Soap Powder Mfg. 4722— 4723— Group 297—Matches 4730— Match Mfg.—excluding lumbering op¬ erations. 4731- Group 298—Petroleum & Allied Products 4740— Oil Refining—petroleum. 4741— Tar Mfg.—coal tar, manufacturing and refining coal tar and its by-products, including saturating of paper and felt with tar, no felt or paper making, no coke oven operations. 4742— Axle Grease Mfg. 4743— Gasoline Mfg.—from casing head gas. 4744 — Wax Mfg. (not sealing wax). 4745— Asphalt Works (shop and yard only). 4746— 4747— 4748— 4749— Group 299—Explosives 4760— Fuse Mfg. 4761— Fireworks Mfg.—no exhibition work. 4765— Projectile, Shell or Case—charging and loading. 4766— Cartridge Mfg.—charging and loading— all operations involving the handling of explosives, including the manufacture of fulminate. 4767— 4768— 4769— 4770— Pow r der Mfg. 4790— 4791— 4792— 4793— 4794 — 4795— 4796— 4697— 4798— 4799- SCHEDULE XVII—MISCELLANEOUS MFG. Group 310—Sporting and Military Goods Mfg. 4900— Fishing Tackle Mfg.—not otherwise classified. 4901— Fishing Rod Mfg. 4902— Sporting Goods Mfg.—not otherwise classified. ( 29 ) CLASSIFICATION CODE 4903— Whip Mfg. 4904— Military or Fraternal Orders Equipment and Regalia Mfg.—not otherwise classi¬ fied—no stamping. 4905— 4906— Group 311—Butchers’ and Dairy Supplies Mfg. 4910— Butchers’ Supplies Mfg. 4911— Creamery and Dairy Supplies Mfg. 4912— 4913— Group 312—Photographic Goods Mfg. 4921—Photographic Sensitive Films and Dry Plates—manufacturing and development of negatives only. 4923— Photographic Supplies Mfg. 4924- Group 313—Diamond Cutting 4930— Diamond Cutting and Polishing (not available for division of payroll). 4931- Group 314—Soda Water Fountain Mfg. 4940— Soda Water Fountain and Apparatus Mfg. 4941- Group 315—Advertising and Art Novelties Mfg. 4950— Advertising Novelties Mfg.—not exclu¬ sively wood, metal or celluloid. 4951— Art Novelties—finishing and assembling only (not otherwise classified)—no stamping (not available for division of payroll). 4952— 4953— Group 316—Artificial Limbs 4970— Artificial Limb Mfg. 4971— 4972— Group 317—Miscellaneous Manufactures 4980—Buffing Wheel Mfg.—cloth or leather only. 4982— Steam Packing Mfg.—not metal. 4983— 4984— 4990— 4991— 4992— 4993— 4994— 4995— 4996— 4997— 4998— 4999— DIVISION D BUILDING, CONSTRUCTION AND ENGINEERING WORK, INCLUDING BOAT BUILDING SCHEDULE XVIII—BUILDING Group 350—Masonry (Chimneys and Blast Furnaces) * 5000—Chimney Construction—stone, brick or concrete, not structural iron or steel. 5000— Masonry—building chimneys only (no structural iron or steel) (no blasting). 5001— Smokestacks and Chimneys—lining. 5002— Blast Furnaces—erection, repair and relining. 5003— 5004— Group 351—Masonry (all others) 5020— Sewage Disposal Plants—construction, public, no sewer construction or blasting. 5021— Bridge Building—masonry other than concrete (no blasting). 5021— Masonry Bridge Construction—other than concrete (no blasting). 5022— Masonry—not otherwise classified (no blasting). (30) CLASSIFICATION CODE 5023— Tunnel Lining—masonry or concrete (for previously driven tunnels otherwise completed by other contractors). (This classification not available if lining is done by contractors constructing tunnel). 5024— Marble and Stone Setting—away from shop (no blasting). 5025— Silo Erection—brick, hollow tile, con¬ crete blocks and concrete staves. 5026— Gas Benches and Retorts—installation of (not available for division of payroll). Payroll for Comp. Coverage to include drivers and drivers’ helpers, also chauf¬ feurs and chauffeurs’ helpers. 5027— 5028— 5029— Group 352—Structural Iron Erecting (A) 5040— Iron Work—erecting steel and iron frame structures (no bridge building). Payroll for “Comp.” coverage to include drivers and drivers’ helpers, also chauf¬ feurs and chauffeurs’ helpers. 5041— Painting—steel structures and bridges. 5042— Smokestacks and Chimneys (metal)— erection (no blasting). 5043— Waterworks—erection of standpipes and water towers (no blasting). 5045—Iron Work—placing iron and steel store fronts as alterations of existing build¬ ings. Payroll for Comp. Coverage to include drivers and drivers’ helpers, also chauffeurs and chauffeurs’ helpers. *5046—Iron Work—Elevated R. R.—erecting steel and iron frame work (no bridge building). Payroll for “Comp.” cover¬ age to include drivers and drivers’ help¬ ers, also chauffeurs and chauffeurs' helpers. 5047— Gas Holders—metal—erecting. 5048— Tanks—metal—erecting (no blasting) (not otherwise classified). 5049— 5050— 5051— Group 353—Structural Iron Erecting (B) 5060— Vaults—prison vaults and cells, erection. 5061— Iron and Steel Lock Gates—construction and installation. 5063—Silo Erection—metal. 5065—Vaults—fire and burglar proof—construc¬ tion and installation. 5066— Merry-go-rounds, Swings, and other sim¬ ilar movable amusement devices—dis¬ mantling, removing, erecting and repairing. 5067— Bridge Building—metal (no blasting). 5068— 5069— Group 354—Iron and Steel Work (for Exterior of Bldgs.) 5080— Lightning Rods—erection. 5081— Iron Work—erecting and repairing bal¬ conies, fire escapes, railings, staircases, coal chutes, fireproof shutters (outside „ of buildings). Payroll for “Comp.” cov¬ erage to include drivers and drivers’ helpers, also chauffeurs and chauffeurs’ helpers. 5081— Fire Escapes—erection and repair. 5082— Fireproof Shutters—erection and repair. 5083— Electric Cutting and Welding—including shop. 5084— Oxy-Acetylene Cutting and Welding (autogenous)—away from shop. 5085— Windmills—erection. 5086— Corrugated Iron Buildings—erecting, or covering buildings already constructed (no structural steel work). 5087— 5088— Group 355—Metal Construction (Inside of Bldgs.) 5100—Iron Work— (ornamental) —•erection within buildings. 5100— Ornamental Brass, Bronze and Iron Work within buildings—erection. 5101— Metal Ceilings and Wall Covering— installation. 5103— Door, Window Frame or Sash—erection and repair, metal or metal covered. 5104— Window Frames (metal)—installation. 5105— Coppersmithing, installing and erecting appliances, copper and other sheet met¬ als, wholly inside buildings not in course of construction. 5108— Theatre Stage Rigging—setting up orna¬ mental, architectural and theatre iron work, and all mechanical effects over stages of theatres, including hanging of signs, setting stairways, iron beams and lintels, all included in the operations of stage rigging. 5109— Safety Treads—installation. Special Classification not in Basic Manual. ( 31 ) CLASSIFICATION CODE 5110— Wire Work—interior erection only, ex¬ cluding ornamental brass, bronze or iron work. 5111— Coppersmithing—away from shop. 5112— Tank Building—metal—erecting within buildings exclusively. 5113— Locksmithing—repairing, fitting and in¬ stalling locks in completed buildings (including shop). 5114— Appliances—installing and erecting cop¬ per and other sheet metal wholly inside buildings not in course of construction (not otherwise classified). 5115— 5116— 5117— Group 356—Installation of Metal Appliances (within Bldgs.) , 5140— Office Furniture . and Fixtures—metal— erection of. 5141— Window Opening Devices—installation. 5142— Mail Chutes—installation. 5143— Carrier Systems—installation and repair —inside of mercantile buildings only (gravity, pneumatic or power). 5145— Gravity Chutes—erection. 5146— 5147— Group 357—Elevator Erection, Passenger or Freight 5160— Elevator Erection—passenger or freight. 5161— Elevators—repairs only—passenger or freight. 5163— Hod Hoists—installation, operation and removal of hod elevators and construc¬ tion hoists. 5164— Group 358—Plumbing and Gas Fitting 5180— Soap Dispensers—installation and in¬ spection. 5181— Furnaces (heaters or stoves)—installa¬ tion. 5182— Gas, Steam and Hot Water Apparatus Fitting—including installation of ven¬ tilating plants (shop and outside). Must include shop payroll if any. 5183— Plumbing—including house connections. Must include shop payroll if any. 5184— Steam Pipes or Boilers—applying cork, asbestos and other non-conducting ma¬ terials to same. 5185— Vacuum Cleaning Systems—installation. 5186— Thermostats —installation. 5188— Automatic Sprinkler—installation. 5189- Group 359—Electrical Equipment—Installation 5190— Electrical Equipment—installation and repairs within buildings and on build¬ ings incidental to such inside work, in¬ cluding the making of service connec¬ tions for such work, excluding the installation of equipment in power plants. 5191- Group 360—Concrete Construction 5200— Concrete Erection—unit system, con¬ struction of concrete columns, beams, roofs, walls and floors in sections, in¬ cluding subsequent erection and placing of same. 5201— Fireproof Construction—reinforced or suspended concrete floors. 5202— Silo Erection—concrete. 5203— Concrete Work—bridge building— pay¬ roll to include those engaged in making, setting up and taking down frames, scaffolds, false work and concrete dis¬ tributing apparatus (no blasting). 5204— Concrete Work—buildings (not grain el¬ evators), reinforced concrete construc¬ tion, with self-bearing floors or other horizontal surfaces or parts, constructed by means of reinforced concrete. Pay¬ roll to include those engaged in making, setting up, taking down frames, scaf¬ folds, false work and concrete distribut¬ ing apparatus (no blasting.) 5205— Concrete Mixers (mechanical)—opera¬ tion of—(not available for division of payroll). 5206— Concrete Work—grain elevators. Pay¬ roll to include those engaged in making, setting up, and taking down frames, scaffolds, false work and concrete dis¬ tributing apparatus. 5207— Concrete Work—dams. Payroll to in¬ clude those engaged in making, setting up, and taking down frames, scaffolds, false work and concrete distributing ap¬ paratus (no blasting). (32) CLASSIFICATION CODE 5208— Concrete Work—buildings (not grain el¬ evators), concrete construction, without reinforcement, either monolithic in form or by means of blocks in which floors, beams and horizontal bearing surfaces are not of reinforced or self-bearing con¬ crete. Payroll to include those engaged in making, setting up and taking down frames, scaffolds, false work and con¬ crete distributing apparatus (no blast¬ ing). 5209— Concrete Work—foundations for build¬ ings. Payroll to include those engaged in making, setting up and taking down frames, scaffolds, false work and con¬ crete distributing apparatus, excluding all work in tunnels, subways or caissons for which use proper classifications and rates. 5210— Concrete Work—piers or abutments for bridges (not concrete bridges), retain¬ ing walls, water conduits (no tunneling) and other structures (no buildings, bridges or dams). Payroll to include those engaged in making, setting up and taking down frames, scaffolds, false work and concrete distributing appara¬ tus, excluding all work in tunnels, sub¬ ways or caissons, for which use proper classifications and rates. *5211—Concrete Work—highway bridges or cul¬ verts where floor is not more than 10 ft. above ground and span does not ex¬ ceed 20 ft. Payroll to include those en¬ gaged in making, setting up and taking down frames, scaffolds and false work (not available for division of payroll). 5212— Fireproof Construction—by means of wire lathing and concreting, excluding roofs, floors and horizontal surfaces. 5213— 5214— 5215— 5216— Group 361—Marble and Stone Work Con¬ struction 5320— Marble and Stone Work—decoration in place only. 5321— Mausoleums and Monuments in ceme¬ teries—erection only. 5322— Statuary—in connection with mau¬ soleums, monuments or mortuary work, erection only. 5323— Group 362—Marble and Stone Work (Bldg. Interiors) 5340— Mantel Setting and Repairing—(not available for division of payroll). 5341— Marble and Stone Setting—inside con¬ struction only. 5342— Soda Water Fountains—installation and repair. 5343— Fireproofing—tile construction and re¬ pair. 5344— Tile Installation—interior. 5345— Mosaic Work—within buildings. 534-6—Floor Surfacing by machines operated by electricity. 5347— Plaster Block Partitions—erection inside of buildings (not fireproof tile). 5348— 5349— Group 363—Carpentry Work (Outside) 5400— -Silo Erection—wood. 5401— Carpentry—not otherwise classified. 5402— Hot House—erection. 5404— -Tank Erecting—wood. 5405— Buildings—portable—erection of sec¬ tional buildings. 5405— Portable Buildings—erection. 5406— Scaffolds—installation, operation and re¬ moval. 5407— Bridge Building—wood (no blasting). 5408— 5409— Group 364—Carpentry Work (Inside) *5430—Dumbwaiters—installation. 5431— Stairbuilding (wooden)—erection (not available for division of payroll). 5432— Ladders—installation in buildings. 5434— Weather Strips—installation. 5435— Showcases—erection and installation. 5436— Parquet Floor Laying. 5437— Carpentry—installation of interior trim, such as builders’ finish and cabinet work. 5440—Refrigerator Erection—installation and repair. *5441—Wine Vats (wood)—installation of within constructed buildings—away from shop. 5442— Window Screens—installation. 5443— Lathing. •Special Classification not in Basic Manual. (33) ' • .J 1 ■ • . ■ - - 1 ; > I 4 CLASSIFICATION CODE 5444— Wall Board—installation (no plaster board). 5445— 5446— Group 365—Painting, Plastering and Decorating 5461— Painting' and decorating away from shop (not exterior work), excluding painting steel structures and bridges. 5462— Glaziers (away from shop). 5466— Waterproofing in or on structures by means of felt, paper, burlap or pitch (no roofing and no subaqueous work) (not available for division of payroll). 5467— Waterproofing, cellars and foundations. 5469— Cleaning and renovating outside surfaces of buildings. 5470— Tuck Pointing—not available for di¬ vision of payroll. 5471— Staff Work—erecting buildings or struc¬ tures. 5472— Stucco Work—on outside of buildings. 5473— Plastering—on outside of buildings (not otherwise classified). 5474— 5475— 5476— Group 366—Painting, Paper Hanging, Plaster¬ ing, Etc. (interior work) 5480— Plastering—(not otherwise classified). 5481— Plaster Board—erection away from shop. 5483— Sign Painting or Lettering—in buildings or structures. 5484— 5485— 5490— Painting and Decorating—interior work away from shop. 5491— Paper Hanging. Group 367—Paving, etc. 5500— Pavi ng—not otherwise classified (includ¬ ing yards). 5501— Light Prisms—installation and repair. 5502— Concrete Work—floors or pavements of artificial stone or concrete, not rein¬ forced or self-bearing. 5503— Asphalt Laying—street or sidewalk (in¬ cluding yard and shop). 5504— Sidewalk Calking. 5505— Group 368—Roofing 5540— Cornices and Skylights—erection and re¬ pair. 5541— Galvanized Iron and Sheet Iron Work— erection and repair (no tank erection). 5543—Tinsmithing—away from shop. 5445—Roofing—(not otherwise classified). 5546—Slate Roofing. 5546— Roofing—slate. 5547— 5548— Group 369—Contracting (not otherwise de¬ scribed) Jobbing Work—on buildings, other than private residences, excluding iron and steel erection and the demolition of buildings (not available for division of payroll). Additions to, alteration and repair of as¬ sured’s existing buildings or plants (not maintenance of equipment covered as manufacturing operations) excluding the erection or demolition of structural steel or of any fabricated iron or steel product or structure, or the construc¬ tion of sewers, tunnels, shafts or sub¬ ways. Architects—supervising. Contractors—General. Where all work is sub-contracted, or where contractor performs work involving more than one manual classification: 5604— For watchmen, timekeepers and cleaners only. 5605— For superintendent only. 5606— For officers, superintendents and other employees supervising the entire work. *5607—Jobbing Work—private residences ex¬ clusively, excluding iron and steel erec¬ tion and the demolition of buildings (not available for division of payroll). 5608— 5609— , • Group 370—Contracting (not otherwise classi¬ fied) Contractors—building private residences, flats or apartments, with or without stores, one story stores and stores with offices above, private stables and private garages, and buildings not mercantile or factory, all not exceeding three stories 5601— ; 5602— 5603— ♦Special Classification not in Basic Manual. (34) ' ' - , ■ ! \ !W ’ | H •' . . . . * . , ,, ; . * »> • n i ' •- ' . " . I • . 13 * CLASSIFICATION CODE and basement in height, including job¬ bing work connected therewith (no blasting), excluding the erection of churches, theatres, railroad stations, round houses, court houses, city halls and capitol buildings: 5642— Masonry or Concrete Work. 5643— Carpentry Work, including interior trim and cabinet work. 5644— - Cellar Excavating. 5645— 5646— Group 371—Building Raising and Wrecking 5701— Wrecking—not marine (no blasting). 5702— Building Raising—shoring buildings, re¬ moving walls and foundations, columns and piers, and rebuilding same. 5703— Building Moving. Payroll for “Comp.” coverage to include drivers, etc. 5704— Salvage Operations—all operations in¬ cidental to wrecking, shoring or other structural work in buildings previously damaged by fire, including the handling of machinery. 5705— Salvage Operations—all operations in damaged buildings or elsewhere inciden¬ tal to the sorting, removing, storing, re¬ conditioning and distributing of mer¬ chandise from buildings previously damaged by fire. No wrecking, shoring or other structural operation. 5706— 5707— 5720— 5721— 5722— 5723— 5724— 5725— 5726— 5727— 5728— 5729— SCHEDULE XIX—CONSTRUCTION AND ENGINEERING Group 380—Bridges, Dams, etc. 6002—Dam Construction—excluding the con¬ struction of concrete dams (no blasting). •Special Classification not in Basic Manual. 6003— Pile Driving—including timber wharf building. 6004— Marine Railway—construction. 6005— Jetty and Breakwater Construction—no blasting. 6006— Crib Work. 6008—Dry Docks—construction (no blasting). 6010— Waterworks—construction of pumping station, dams and reservoirs. 6011— 6012- Group 381—Surveying and Inspecting 6030— Surveying and Inspecting Engineer work, including sharpening of stakes and other shop work incident to surveying and inspection of construction operations (no actual construction operations of any description and no supervising or superintending of construction opera¬ tions) (not available for division of pay¬ roll). 6031- Group 382—Clearing and Grading 6040— Clearing Land, removing stumps and grading for agricultural purposes ex¬ clusively. Payroll for “Comp.” cover¬ age to include drivers, etc. 6041— Grading Land—no canal or cellar ex¬ cavation, excluding railroad construc¬ tion and road or street making, no quar¬ rying or blasting. Payroll for “Comp.” coverage to include drivers, etc. 6042— State or Municipal Road or Street Mak¬ ing—including culverts not exceeding 10 ft. span. All operations except quarrying and blasting. *6045—Levee Construction or Reconstruction. 6046—Landscape Gardening, no blasting. Pay¬ roll for “Comp.” coverage to include drivers and drivers’ helpers, also chauf¬ feurs and chauffeurs’ helpers. *6047—Reclaiming Swamp Lands—rate applies to all employees engaged in any capa¬ city in connection with the work. 6048— 6049- Group 383—Railroad Construction (all kinds) 6100—Railroad Construction—electric, rail joint welding in street by molten metal or electricity. (35) . . . ■ t f • ■ ■ . ■ CLASSIFICATION CODE 6101—Railroad Signals—erection or installation (not including operation of railroad). 610-1—Railroad Construction—electric, horse or cable (not including third rail systems), laying or relaying of rails, exclusively. Payroll for “Comp.” coverage to include drivers and drivers’ helpers, also chauf¬ feurs and chauffeurs’ helpers (not avail¬ able for division of payroll). 6106— 6107—• Group 384—Drilling 6200— Diamond Drilling. 6201— Artesian Well Drilling. 6202— Oil Producing—drilling new wells, clean¬ ing out and drilling old wells deeper, erecting or dismantling derricks (ex¬ cluding the shooting of wells). 6203— Drilling Work—(not diamond drilling) —prospecting for ore (no shaft sinking, no blasting). 6204— Group 385—Excavating, etc. 6220— Cellar Excavation (no caisson or sub¬ aqueous work), including digging holes and filling them with concrete for foun¬ dations for buildings. 6221— Excavation—bridge foundations, retain¬ ing walls, and bases of dams—no caisson work or cellar excavation (no blasting). 6222— Pile Driving—building foundations only. 6223— Dredging—by floating dredges. (All op¬ erations except rock drilling and blast¬ ing-) 6224— Dredging—excavation by means of suc¬ tion dredges only, including loading and unloading. 6225— Ditch Digging—no sewer or canal build¬ ing or excavation for water or gas mains—no blasting. 6226— Sewage Disposal Plants—construction— for private houses, institutions, or hotels, and not connected with public sewers (no blasting). 6227— Cellar Excavation (no caisson or sub¬ aqueous work, and no blasting)—maxi¬ mum depth of excavation, 12 feet (not available for division of payroll). *6228—Cold Dredging—including the operation and transportation of dredges. *6229—Irrigation Works—construction, includ¬ ing extension of laterals. *6230—Gold Dredging—including exploration operations, maintenance and repair of dredges. •Special Classification not in Basic Manual. 6231— Dredging—by floating dredges—drilling and blasting. 6232— 6233— 6234— Group 386—Tunneling, Subways, etc. 6250— Caisson Work—bridges and other sub¬ aqueous work; payroll to include that of all employees working under air pres¬ sure, and all others engaged in or upon the caissons or the apparatus connected therewith. 6251— Tunneling—including all work to com¬ pletion. 6252— Shaft Sinking. 6253— Caisson Work—building foundations; payroll to include that of all employees working under air pressure and all others engaged in or upon the caissons or the apparatus connected therewith. 6254— Subway Construction—for passenger and freight traffic, tunneling only. 6255— Subway Construction—for passenger and freight traffic—open cut or cut and cover (no tunneling). 6257— 6258- Group 387—Blasting 6280—State or Municipal Road or Street Mak¬ ing, including culverts not exceeding 10 ft. span: Blasting. 6280— Blasting—payroll to include the whole remuneration of all employees engaged in the storage, handling, or use of ex¬ plosives, including loading, capping, con¬ necting and firing. 6281- Group 388—Sewers 6300—Sewer Building—no limit of depth. 6302—Sewer Building—maximum depth of ex¬ cavation 7 feet at any point (not avail¬ able for division of payroll). *6303—Pipe Sewers — exclusively — maximum depth of excavation 7 feet at any point (not available for division of payroll) (no blasting). 6304— Cesspool Digging—including incidental concrete lining—no blasting. 6305— 6306— • (36) . ' ' ,i ... . . - . . CLASSIFICATION CODE Group 389—Conduits and Pipes, not Sewers 6320— Steam Heating—laying of mains and sur¬ face or house connections (no tunneling or blasting). 6321— Waterworks—laying of mains and sur¬ face or house connections (no tunneling or blasting). 6322— Refrigerating Companies—excavation and laying and repair of pipe lines (no blasting). 6324— Gas Works-—laying of mains, and con¬ nections (no tunneling or blasting). 6325— Conduits for electric wires—construction work (no blasting). *6326—Oil Pipe—laying of—for the transporta¬ tion of oil in long distance pipe lines (no tunneling or blasting). *6330—Irrigation Pipe—laying of—for purpose of distributing water for irrigation pur¬ poses through laterals. 6331— Pneumatic Tubes—installation, including construction, care and maintenance of conduits and manholes (no blasting). 6332— 6333— Group 390—Canals 6361—Canal Construction (excluding barge canal construction)—all operations in connection therewith, except railroad operations, bridge building, caisson work and wrecking. 6363- Group 391—Fence Construction 6400— Fence Construction—wood, stone, metal, or concrete. 6401— 6411— 6412— 6413— 6414— 6415— 6416 — 6417 — 6418 — 6419— ♦Special Classification not in Basic Manual. ( 37 ) SCHEDULE XX—BOAT BUILDING Group 400 —Wooden Boats (large) and Dry Docks 6801— Boat Building—wood, where staging or scaffolding is used, not otherwise classi¬ fied (including shop and yard work). 6802— Dry Docks (floating)—construction. 6803— Boat Building—constructing canal boats, scows and barges (not available for divi¬ sion of payroll). 6804— Group 401 —Boats, Wooden (small) 6820— Boat Building—constructing or repairing small yachts, sailboats or rowboats— wood or metal—not exceeding 150 feet over all (including shop and yard work). Not available for division of payroll. 6821— Boat Buildifng—constructing or repairing small yachts, sailboats or rowboats— wood or metal—not exceeding 40 feet over all (including shop and yard work). 6822— Canoe Building. 6823— Boat Building—constructing or repairing motor boats—wood or metal—not ex¬ ceeding 75 feet over all (including shop and yard work). Not available for divi¬ sion of payroll. 6824— Group 402—Boat and Ship Building (Steel or Iron) 6840— Boat Building—iron or steel, where stag¬ ing or scaffolding is used, not otherwise classified (including shop and yard work). 6841- Group 403—Boat and Ship Repairing, Rigging, etc. 6860— Dry Docks—operating docks and repair¬ ing vessels only, including shipwright work (no construction of docks). 6861— Shipwright Work: Repairing vessels, or the machinery therein while afloat—no operations of dry dock or on dry dock. 1 6862—Marine Railway—handling boats, dis¬ placement over 80 tons. ! 6863—Marine Railway—handling boats, dis¬ placement 80 tons or less. Not available for division of payroll. 6864—Rigging—ship or boat. Not available for division of payroll. . ■ • • . . CLASSIFICATION CODE 6865— Shipwright Work: Shop employees. 6866— Shipwright Work: Repairing vessels or the machinery therein, including work in dry docks. 6867— 6868 — Group 404—Marine Wrecking 6890— Wrecking—marine (including salvage operations) (no blasting). 6891— 6900— 6901— 6902— 6903— 6904— 6905— 6906— 6907— 6908— 6909— DIVISION E—TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC SERVICE SCHEDULE XXI—TRANSPORTATION Group 420— Steamships 7000— Vessels: Great Lakes Steamers. 7001— Vessels: Great Lakes Tugboats. 7002— Vessels: Supply Boats—supplying water or gasoline for shipping. 7003— Vessels: River and Sound Steamers. 7004— Vessels : Ocean and Coastwise Steamers. 7005— Vessels: Ocean and Coastwise Tugboats. 7006— Vessels: Ferries. 7007— Vessels: Inland Lake Vessels—exclud¬ ing vessels on the Great Lakes. 7008— Vessels: River and Sound Tugboats. 7009— Group 421 —Sailing Vessels 7041— Vessels: Great Lakes Sailing Vessels. 7042— Vessels: Ocean and Coastwise Sailing Vessels. 7043— ♦Special Classification not in Basic Manual. Group 422—Barges, Lighters and Canal Boats 7057— 7058— 7059— Vessels: Yachts—private (either sail or power). 7060— Vessels: Barges and Lighters—not other¬ wise classified—operation. 7061— Vessels: Barges and Lighters—oceango¬ ing—operation. *7061—Vessels: Barges and Lighters—used ex¬ clusively in Baltimore Harbor and upper waters of Chesapeake Bay. 7063—Vessels: Boat Livery—limited to boats under 15 tons, including laying up of boats and putting in commission, used for fishing and pleasure purposes. 7065—Vessels: Canal Boats and Scows—opera¬ tion. Group 423—Fisheries and Fishing Vessels 7066— Vessels: Fishing Vessels—pound fishing only, including work on shore of pack¬ ing, curing and shipping of fish, and repairing nets and boats. 7067— Vessels: Fishing Vessels — motorboats and tugs only—not seagoing—engaged in net fishing and lobster hauling. 7068— Vessels: Fishing Vessels—'motorboats and tugs only—seagoing—engaged in net fishing and lobster hauling. 7071— Fisheries—river only, including work on floats and on shore, including, if any, curing and packing fish and repairing nets and boats. 7072— Vessels: Fishing Vessels—not otherwise classified. 7073— Oystermen—planting and harvesting and operation of boats. Payroll to include entire remuneration of all employees. 7074— 7075— Group 424—Steam Railroad 7100— Logging Railroad—operations (payroll for maintenance and extension of exist¬ ing lines must be included). Railroad Operation: Steam Railroads—operation, includes or¬ dinary maintenance and repair of road¬ bed : 7103— Shop Employees. 7101— • All other employees. (38) : 1 /, ■ . . ’ » V . . CLASSIFICATION CODE 7102—Railroad Hazard—in connection with Mfrs.’ and Contractors’ risks. 7104- Group 425—Street Railroads Railroad Operation: Street Railroads — electric — interurban, operation, includes ordinary mainte¬ nance and repair of roadbed: 7120— All other Employees. 7123— Shop Employees. Street Railroads—cable—operation, in¬ cludes ordinary maintenance and repair of roadbed: 7121— All other Employees. 7124— Shop Employees. Street Railroads—electric, all systems, not interurban—operation, includes or¬ dinary maintenance and repair of road¬ bed. 7122— All other employees. 7126— Shop Employees. 7127— - 7128— Group 426—Elevated Railroads and Subways Railroad Operation: Elevated Railroads—operation, includes ordinary maintenance and repair of roadbed: 7140— • All other Employees. 7141— Shop Employees. 7150—Subways—operation. Group 427—Drivers and Stablemen 7200—Stablemen (not livery, boarding or sales stables)—excluding accidents to public caused by horses and vehicles outside the stable walls. 7200— Horse Shows—in halls, theatres or audi¬ toriums exclusively: Stablemen. 7201— Livery and Boarding Stables—including drivers and drivers’ helpers (not sales stables). 7202— Cab Companies (horse)—including all payroll except clerical office employees. ,7204—Omnibus Companies (horse)—including all payroll except clerical office em¬ ployees. 7205—Drivers and Drivers’ Helpers (not other¬ wise classified). 7207— Riding Academies, Clubs and Schools: Porters, waiters, grooms, stablemen, and all other employees engaged in the care, custody and maintenance of stables and animals, excluding extraordinary addi¬ tions, alterations or repairs. 7208— Truckmen—general trucking (not other¬ wise classified). 7211— Truckmen—drivers, helpers and stable¬ men only, excluding blacksmiths, repair¬ men, rigging and the trucking of boilers, building materials, coal, ice, junk and scrap iron, machinery, railway iron, safe moving, structural iron and steel (not available for division of payroll). 7212— Coal Merchants—receiving or shipping by water or by land and water, including stevedoring operations when performed by the assured by means of power ma¬ chinery: Drivers and Drivers’ Helpers. 7213— Coal Merchants—receiving or shipping by land but not by water where power machinery is used either for loading or unloading or spotting cars: Drivers and Drivers’ Helpers. 7214— Coal Merchants—receiving or shipping by land or water where no power ma¬ chinery is used for loading or unload¬ ing or spotting cars: Drivers and Drivers’ Helpers. 7215— Breweries—with or without bottling: Drivers and Drivers’ Helpers. '7216—Ice Mfg.: Drivers and Drivers’ Helpers. 7217— Malt Houses: Drivers and Drivers’ Helpers. 7218— 7219— ‘ 7220— 7221— Group 428—Stevedoring 7300—Stevedoring—handling general freight, seagoing and lake vessels. - 7302— Steamship Agencies—wharf employees (stevedores and freight handlers). 7303— Stevedoring—handling coal, grain, salt and other merchandise from lighters to steamships by means of mechanical con¬ veyors only (not available for division of payroll). 7304— Stevedoring—river and sound steamers. 7305— Stevedoring—handling fruit, not general freight (not available for division of pay¬ roll). 7306— Stevedoring—handling coal exclusively. 7307— Stevedoring—handling ore exclusively. 7308— 7309— (39) CLASSIFICATION CODE Group 429—Refrigerator Cars, Loading, etc. 7340—Refrigerator Cars—loading and unload¬ ing, and caring for freight in cars during transit. Group 430—Express Companies—Operation 7360— Forwarding Agents—packing, handling and shipping merchandise on docks or railroad platforms—no stevedore work (not available for division of payroll). 7361— Express Companies—urban or suburban —including the hazard of railroad trans¬ portation. Payroll for ‘‘Comp.” cover¬ age to include drivers, etc. 7363— Freight Handlers—not otherwise classi¬ fied (not loading or unloading vessels— not railroad employees). 7364- Group 431—Chauffeurs 7380—Chauffeurs and Chauffeurs’ Helpers— commercial (not otherwise classified). 7382—Automobile Livery, Garages and Taxi¬ cab Stations: Chauffeurs. 7385— Coal Merchants—receiving or shipping by water or by land and water, includ¬ ing stevedoring operations when per¬ formed by the assured by means of power machinery: Chauffeurs and Chauffeurs’ Helpers. 7386 — Coal Merchants—receiving or shipping by land but not by water where power machinery is used either for loading or unloading or spotting cars: Chauffeurs and Chauffeurs’ Helpers. 7387— Coal Merchants—receiving or shipping by land or water where no power ma¬ chinery is used for loading or unloading or spotting cars: Chauffeurs and Chauf¬ feurs’ Helpers. 7388— Breweries—with or without bottling: Chauffeurs and Chauffeurs’ Helpers. 7389— Ice Mfg.: Chauffeurs and Chauffeurs’ Helpers. 7390— Malt Houses: Chauffeurs and Chauf¬ feurs’ Helpers. 7391— 7392— 7393— 7394— 7395— 7400— 7401— 7402— 7403— 7404— 7405— 7406— 7407— 7408— 7409— SCHEDULE XXII— PUBLIC SERVICE Group 450—Gas Works—Operation 7500— Gas Works—including operation of gas house, maintenance of existing works and mains, making of house connections and installation, inspection and repair of equipment on consumer’s premises. 7501- Group 451—Natural Gas Production 7510— Natural Gas Production. 7511- Group 452—Waterworks—Operation only 7520— Waterworks—operation only (no con¬ struction work). 7521- Group 453—Electric Light and Power 7530— Electric Light and Power line construc¬ tion work exclusively—on transmission lines not intended for local distribution. 7531— Electric Light and Power Companies— operation, maintenance, extension of lines and making of service connections. 7532— Electric Light and Power Companies— operation, maintenance and extension of transmission lines (not for local distri¬ bution). 7534— Electric Light and Power line construc¬ tion work—excluding transmission lines not intended for local distribution (not available for division of payroll). 7535— Electrical Apparatus—erection and repair work only, including the making of service connections and the installation of equipment in power plants, excluding erection of poles and stringing of wires. 7536— Cable (electric)—placing of same in con¬ duits or subways. (40) \ I CLASSIFICATION CODE 7536— Conduits—placing electrical cable or wire therein—no conduit construction. 7537— Manufacturing or Mercantile plants en¬ gaged in generating electricity and sup¬ plying the same or any part thereof to other plants or buildings. 7538— 7539— Group 454—Steam Heating or Power 7570— Steam Heating or Power Companies—• (not electric)—operation of plant only, no construction work. 7571- Group 455—Sewage Disposal Plants (Operation and Care) 7580— Sewage Disposal Plants—care and main¬ tenance, excluding construction work. 7581— Municipal Sewage Disposal Plants—• operation (construction work to be cov¬ ered separately at Manual rates). 7582— Group 456—Garbage Works 7590— Garbage Works (reduction or incinera¬ tion of garbage or offal). 7591- Group 457—Telegraph and Telephone 7600— Telegraph and Telephone Companies— operation, maintenance, extension of lines and making of service connections. 7601— Telegraph or Telephone Construction. 7602— Fire Alarms Systems—municipal—con¬ struction. 7603— Group 458—Pneumatic Tube Companies 7620—Pneumatic Tube Companies—operation. Group 459—Firemen 7700—Fire Patrol and Salvage Corps—not sal¬ vage operations. 7700— Salvage Corps and Fire Patrol—rate as “Fire Patrol and Salvage Corps.” 7701— Firemen. 7702— Group 460—Policemen and Watchmen' 7720—Policemen. *7721—Detective Agencies. 7722— 7730— 7731— 7732— 7733— 7734— 7735— 7736— 7737— 7738— 7739— DIVISION F—TRADE AND COMMERCE SCHEDULE XXIII—COMMERCIAL Group 470—Stores—Retail or Wholesale 8000— Department Stores. 8001— Florists—including service away from store, not cultivating and gardening. 8002— Wine and Spirit Merchants—retail. 8003— Butchers—meat or provision stores (no manufacturing, slaughtering or render¬ ing, not “Packing Houses—distributing stations”). 8003— Marketmen—including meat and provi¬ sion store (no manufacturing, slaughter¬ ing or rendering; not “Packing Houses —distributing stations”). 8004— Poultry Dealers—wholesale and retail—■ with or without killing of poultry. 8005— Milk Dealers—store or depot only. 8006— Grocers—retail. 8007— Dry Goods Stores (no manufacturing). 8008— Clothing Store—retail—no manufactur¬ ing. 8008— Tailor Store—retail (no manufacturing). 8009— Clothing Store—wholesale—no manufac¬ turing. 8010— Hardware Stores. 8011— Wine and Spirit Merchants—wholesale. *8011—Wine Gaugers—rate as “Wine and Spirit Merchants.” 8012— Wine and Spirit Merchants—no bar on premises—liquor sold in packages only. ‘Special Classification not in Basic Manual. (41) CLASSIFICATION CODE 8013—Jewelry Stores—wholesale or retail. 8015— Furniture Dealers (store only). 8016— Store Risks—wholesale (not otherwise classified). 8017— Store Risks—retail, exclusively (not otherwise classified). 8018— Store Risks—wholesale and retail (not otherwise classified). 8019— Produce and Commission Merchants with cold storage facilities, not operating refrigerating machinery. 8020— Cigar Stores—retail. 8021— Packing ' Houses—distributing stations (not available for division of payroll when located on or adjoining same premises where “Packing House” opera¬ tions are carried on). 8022— Stores: Piano or Organ Dealers (store only). 8023— • 8024— 8025— 8026— 8027— 8050—Five and Ten Cent Stores or stores ad¬ vertising merchandise at a maximum or minimum price. Group 471—Auctioneers 8090— Auctioneers—to cover wherever goods are auctioned (not live stock sales stables). 8091- Group 472—Stores (heavy goods) 8100— Hide and Leather Dealers—goat and sheep skins. 8101— Ship Chandler Stores (no manufactur¬ ing). 8102— Seed Merchants—including the operation of seed sorting machinery. 8103— Wool Merchants—including warehouse. 8104— Agricultural Implement Stores. 8105— Hide and Leather Dealers (not otherwise classified). 8106— Iron Merchants (not junk or scrap iron or hardware dealers). 8107— Machinery Dealers—store only. 8108— Carriage Repositories and Salesrooms. 8109— Automobile Salesrooms (no garage or repair shop; no movement of cars except by hand), entire compensation of sales¬ men and clerical force to be included. 8111— Plumbers’ Supplies Dealers—no mfg. (shop only)—(not available for division of payroll). 8112— Gas, Steam and Hot Water Apparatus Supplies Dealers—no mfg. (shop only). 8113— 8114— 8115— Group 473—Stores with Warehouses and Yards 8200—Paper Stock and Rag Dealers. 8200—Rag and Paper Stock Dealers—(rate as “Paper Stock and Rag Dealers”). 8203— Ice Dealers—including the taking of ice from storage, excluding harvesting and storing. Payroll for “Comp.” coverage to include drivers, etc. 8204— Building Material Dealers (yard work only—second-hand materials). Payroll for “Comp.” coverage to include drivers, etc. 8205— Building Material Dealers (yard work only—no second-hand materials or lum¬ ber yard). 8206— Wood Yards, handling wood exclusively (commercial yards only—no mill haz¬ ard). 8207— Lumber Yards (commercial yards only) —no mill hazard. 8208— Paper Stock Dealers—handling new paper waste or new cloth clippings (no handling of junk, old rags or old paper). 8209— Produce Dealers—buying, packing or otherwise preparing general produce for shipment and transportation, using stores or buildings temporarily but operating no warehouses (no railway operation and not operating refrigerator cars or caring for freight in transit). 8210— Rubber Stock Dealers—receiving, han¬ dling, baling and shipping old rubber stock (not available for division of pay¬ roll). -t 8211— Cotton and Woolen Clippings Dealers—- new goods only (including baling)—not rag and paper stock dealers. 8212— Bottle Dealers (second-hand). 8213— Packing and unpacking furniture and other household utensils. 8214— Charcoal Dealers (no furnaces). 8215— Hay, Straw and Feed Dealers. 8217—Flour Dealers (no milling). 8219— Lumber Yards—(not commercial yards) —to take highest rate for any mill con¬ nected therewith. 8220— Coal Merchants—receiving or shipping (42) CLASSIFICATION CODE by water or by land and water, including stevedoring operations when performed by the assured by means of power ma¬ chinery. 8221— Coal Merchants—receiving or shipping by land but not by water where power machinery is used either for loading or unloading or spotting cars. 8222— 'Coal Merchants—receiving or shipping by land or water where no power ma¬ chinery is used for loading or unload¬ ing or spottng cars. 8223— Saw Dust Dealers. 8224— FUEL AND MATERIAL DEALERS: When the risk involves handling of and dealing in any combination of the fol¬ lowing products, but no others, viz: Coal, Ice, Kindling or Fire Wood. 8225— FUEL AND MATERIAL DEALERS: When the risk involves handling of and dealing in any combination of the fol¬ lowing products and any others, viz: Coal, Kindling or Fire Wood, Lumber, Building Materials, Hay, Grain and Feed. 8226— FUEL AND MATERIAL DEALERS: When the risk involves handling of and dealing in any combination of the fol¬ lowing products, but no others, viz: Building Materials, Lumber, Hay, Grain and Feed, Agricultural Implements, Grain Elevator, Seed. 8227— 8228— 8229— Group 474—Junk Dealers 8260—Junk Dealers—shop and outside (no wrecking of buildings) (no blasting). Payroll for Compensation coverage to include drivers and drivers’ helpers, also chauffeurs and chauffeurs’ helpers. 8260— Scrap Iron and Junk Dealers—shop and outside (no wrecking of buildings) (no blasting). Payroll for “Comp.” coverage to include drivers, etc. 8261— Junk Dealers—shop and yard only (no blasting). Payroll for “Comp.” coverage to include drivers and drivers’ helpers, also chauffeurs and chauffeurs’ helpers. 8261— Scrap Iron and Junk Dealers—shop and yard only (no blasting). Payroll for “Comp.” coverage to include drivers and drivers’ helpers, also chauffeurs and chauffeurs’ helpers. 8262- Group 475—Live Stock Dealers 8280— Sales Stables—including exhibition and delivery of horses. 8281— Live Stock Shipping (not available for division of payroll). 8282— Cattle Dealers (not operating stock yards —not live stock shipping). (Not avail¬ able for division of payroll). 8284— Live Stock Commission Merchants and Salesmen—(not cattle dealers) including work in stock yards but not operation of stock yards—no loading and unloading of cattle. 8285— Stock Yards—With or Without Railroad Entry—with or without slaughtering. 8286— 8287- Group 476—Storage and Warehouse 8290— Storage—baled cotton (no compressing or ginning). 8291— Cold Storage Warehouses—operation. 8291— Storage—cold. 8292— Warehousing—general merchandise (not otherwise classified). 8292— Storage—general merchandise (not other¬ wise classified). 8293— Storage— furniture. 8294— Stores—Warehouse—private, mercantile —used exclusively for storing surplus stock of assured—in buildings which are entirely separated from the store or other sales place. 8295— 8296— Group 477—Grain Elevators 8300— Grain Elevators—floating (operation only). 8301— Grain Elevators—line or terminal—oper¬ ation. 8304- Group 478—Oil Distributors 8350— Oil Distributing. 8351- Group 479—Garages 8380—Automobile Dealers—with or without garage, and auto garages. Entire remu¬ neration of all employees, not excepting (43) J • ~ v ' . * . . ** . ■ CLASSIFICATION CODE clerical (including executive officers whose duties expose them to any opera- tive hazard of the business) must be in¬ cluded without division. 8380—Automobile Livery, Garages and Taxi¬ cab Stations: Employees of garage excluding chauf¬ feurs and clerical office employees. 8382— Rubber Tire Dealers—sale, repair and vulcanizing, including adjustment of tire to vehicles away from premises of assured. 8383— 8384— Group 480—Gasoline Supply Stations 8390— 'Gasoline and Oil Supply Stations—opera¬ tion (for supplying automobiles and motor boats). 8391— 8400— 8401— - 8402— 8403— 8404— 8405— 8406— . 8407— 8408— 8409- DIVISION G—CLERICAL OCCUPATIONS SCHEDULE XXIV—OFFICE AND CLERICAL EMPLOYEES Group 500—Outside Work 8702— Weighers on Docks—when no stevedor¬ ing is done by assured. 8703— Stevedoring—tallymen and checking clerks engaged in connection with steve¬ dore work. 8703— Steamship Agencies—wharf employees (clerks and tallymen only when steve¬ doring work is done by assured). 8704— Steamship Agencies—wharf employees (clerks and tallymen only when all steve¬ dore work is let out by contract). 8705— Weighers and Samplers of Merchandise —on vessels and docks and at railway stations and warehouses, including mending and repacking of damaged con¬ tainers, if any. No operation of ware¬ houses. No stevedoring. 8706— 8707— Group 501—Inspecting and Appraising 8720— Inspection of mercantile, manufacturing and marine risks for insurance and valuation purposes. 8721— Appraising of Buildings, their Contents and Machinery. 8722— Auditors, Accountants and Systema¬ tizes : Factory cost systematizers. 8722—Factory Cost Systematizers. 8730— Elevator Inspecting. 8731— Boiler Inspecting. 8732— Boiler Scaling. 8733— Inspectors—grain or fruit at railroad or steamship terminals. 8734— • 8735— Group 502—Agents and Salesmen (Outside) 8741— Real Estate Agencies—employees en¬ gaged outside of office, irtcluding col¬ lectors—no construction work. 8742— Salesmen (outside), Collectors and Mes¬ sengers. (Excluding salesmen, collec¬ tors and messengers who use auto¬ mobiles owned by the employer or them¬ selves) . 8743— Automatic Slot or Vending Machines— operation of. 8744— Piano Tuning—away from shop. 8745— News Agents. 8746— Photography—outside work—(not pro¬ ducing moving pictures). 8747— Salesmen (outside), Collectors and Mes¬ sengers using automobiles owned by the employer or themselves. 8748— 8749— Group 503—Inside Work (Clerical) 8800—Mailing and Addressing Companies. 8802—Municipal, Township, County or State Employees: Clerical Office Employees. (44) CLASSIFICATION CODE 8803—Auditors, Accountants and Systema¬ tizes : Clerical office employees, travel¬ ing auditors, accountants and office systematizes. 8810—Clerical Office Employees—(in connec¬ tion with the following clasifications) : Asylums. Automobile Livery, Garage and Taxicab Stations. Clerical Office Employees—(not other¬ wise classified). Colleges and Schools—Agricultural. Colleges and Schools—Domestic Science. Colleges and Schools—Manual Training. Colleges and Schools—Military. Colleges and Schools—Veterinary. Colleges and Schools—not otherwise classified. Executive Officers—rate as “Clerical Office Employees.” Horse Shows—in halls, theaters or audi¬ toriums exclusively. Hospitals. Office Buildings. Railroad Operation: Elevated Railroads —operation. Railroad Operation: Steam Railroads—• operation. Railroad Operation : Street Railroads—• cable—operation. Railroad Operation: Street Railroads— electric, all systems, not interurban— operation. Railroad Operation : Street Railroads—• electric, interurban—operation. Riding Academies, Clubs and Schools. Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. Institutions. 8810—Public Libraries: Librarian, assistant librarian and clerical office employees. 8810— Public Museum of Art or Natural His¬ tory : Curator, assistant curator and clerical office employees. '8810—Public Picture Galleries : Curator, assist¬ ant curator and clerical office employees. 8811— Draughtsmen (engaged exclusively in that profession)—office duties only. 8812— 8813— 8814- Group 504—Professional Services Not Otherwise Classified 8830—Asylums : Professional Employees. 8830— Hospitals: Professional Employees. 8831— Hospitals—Veterinary. 8832— Dentists—including all employees. 8833— 8840—Churches: Rector and assistants, organ¬ ist and members of choir. Group 505—Teaching Forces 8860— Colleges and Schools—Agricultural: Professors and Teachers. 8861— Colleges and Schools—Domestic Science: Professors and Teachers. 8862— Colleges and Schools—Manual Training: Professors and Teachers. 8863— Colleges and Schools—Military: Professors and Teachers. 8864— Colleges and Schools—Veterinary: Professors and Teachers. 8865— Colleges and Schools—not otherwise classified: Professors and Teachers. 8866— Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. Institutions: Teachers and Preachers. 8868— 8869—. Group 506—Clerical Force—Telegraph and Telephone Companies 8901—Telegraph and Telephone Companies— office and exchange employees only. 8910— 8911— 8912— 8913— 8914— 8915— 8916— 8917— 8918— • 8919— (45) CLASSIFICATION CODE DIVISION H—SERVICE SCHEDULE XXV—CARE, CUSTODY AND MAINTENANCE OF BUILDINGS Group 520—Apartment and Office Bldg., etc. 9001— Buildings—Office or Mercantile : Contractors for janitor work, including cleaning and caretaking, also the opera¬ tion of elevators, heating, lighting and power apparatus on the premises (not available for division of payroll). 9002— Buildings—Private Residences or Private Estates: Contractors for janitor work, including cleaning and caretaking, care of lawns, sidewalks and furnaces and all other work incidental to the care, custody and maintenance of the property, excluding extraordinary additions, alterations or repairs. 9003— Dwellings of every description, when oc¬ cupied by three or more families, and buildings occupied partly for residence purposes by one or more families and partly for store, office or mercantile pur¬ poses : All employees engaged in care, custody and maintenance of premises, in¬ cluding elevator attendants, excluding extraordinarv additions, alterations or repairs. 9004— Apartment Houses. 9005— Apartment Hotels and Hotel Apartments (excluding laundry). 9006— Mercantile or manufacturing premises variously occupied by persons other than the owner, not otherwise classified (owner’s risk only). Payroll to include elevator attendants and all other em¬ ployees engaged in care, custody and maintenance of premises, excluding ex¬ traordinary additions, alterations or repairs. 9007— Office Buildings : Payroll to include elevator attendants and all other employees engaged in care, custody and maintenance of premises, excluding extraordinary additions, alter¬ ations or repairs. 9008— Tenements. 9010— Vacuum Cleaning—by means of portable air suction cleaning machines. Payroll for “Comp.” coverage to include drivers and drivers’ helpers, also chauffeurs and chauffeurs’ helpers. 9011— 9012— 9013— 9020—Elevator Operators. Group 521—Asylums and Hospitals 9040—Asylums: All other employees except drivers and drivers’ helpers, chauffeurs and chauffeurs’ helpers and employees in power laundries. 9040— Hospitals: All other employees, except drivers and drivers’ helpers, chauffeurs and chauffeurs’ helpers and employees in power laundries. 9041- Group 522—Clubs, etc. 9050— Hotels—excluding laundry. 9051— 9052— 9053— 9062—Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. Institutions: All other employees. 9064— Baths (not otherwise classified). 9065— Athletic Clubs. 9066— Country Clubs. 9067— Yacht Clubs. 9069— Catering—including services away from store. 9070— Lunch Rooms. 9071— Restaurants. 9072— Club Houses (not athletic, country or yacht). 9077— Lunch Wagons. 9078— Commissary Work—cooks, waiters, and other employees engaged in furnishing board for employees in connection with manufacturing, lumbering or contract¬ ing risks (not exposed to mechanical hazard of such risks). Group 523—Amusements—Indoor (Other Than Theatres) 9080— Dance Halls—including dance floors, gal¬ leries and instruction rooms. Instruc¬ tors, Musicians and Attendants. 9081— Skating Rinks—ice or roller. 9082— Bowling Halls: No alcoholic drinks served on the premises. 9083— Bowling Halls. When alcoholic drinks are served on the premises. 9084— Billiard and Bowling Halls. No alco¬ holic drinks served on the premises. (46) CLASSIFICATION CODE 9085— Billiard and Bowling Halls. When alco¬ holic drinks are served on the premises. 9086— Billiard Halls—no bowling alleys. No al¬ coholic drinks served on the premises. 9087— Billiard Halls—no bowling alleys. When alcoholic drinks are served on the premises. 9088— Shooting Galleries—not rifle ranges. 9089— 9090— 9091— Group 524—Schools, Public Libraries, etc. 9101—Colleges and Schools—Agricultural: All other employees. 9101—Colleges and Schools—Domestic Science: All other employees. 9101—Colleges and Schools—Manual Training: All other employees. 9101—Colleges and Schools—Veterinary: All other employees. 9101—Colleges and Schools—Military: All other employees. 9101— Colleges and Schools—not otherwise classified: All other employees. 9102— Parks or buildings (not otherwise classi¬ fied), used for exhibition, convention or show purposes (owner’s risk only) : All employees engaged in care, custody and maintenance of premises, including ele¬ vator attendants, excluding extraordi¬ nary additions, alterations or repairs. 9102—Exhibitions—not otherwise classified: Employees engaged in care, custody and maintenance of premises, including ele¬ vator attendants, excluding extraordi¬ nary additions, alterations or repairs. 9102— Horse Shows—in halls, theatres or audi¬ toriums exclusively: All employees en¬ gaged in care, custody and maintenance of premises, including elevator attend¬ ants, excluding extraordinary additions, alterations or repairs. 9103— Halls—(not otherwise classified) : All employees engaged in care, custody and maintenance of premises, including ele¬ vator attendants, excluding extraordi¬ nary additions, alterations or repairs— When no alcoholic liquors are served on the premises. 9103—Dance Halls—including dance floor, gal¬ leries and instruction rooms: All em¬ ployees engaged in care, custody and maintenance of premises, including ele¬ vator attendants, excluding extraordi¬ nary additions, alterations or repairs. 9104—Churches: All employees engaged in care, custody and maintenance of prem¬ ises, including elevator attendants, ex¬ cluding extraordinary additions, altera¬ tions or repairs. 9104—Public Libraries: All employees engaged in care, custody and ' maintenance of premises, including elevator attendants, excluding extraordinary additions, al¬ terations or repairs. 9104—Public Museums of Art or Natural His¬ tory : All employees engaged in care, custody and maintenance of premises, including elevator attendants, excluding extraordinary additions, alterations or repairs. 9104—Public Picture Galleries: All employees engaged in care, custody and mainte¬ nance of premises, including elevator attendants, excluding extraordinary ad¬ ditions, alterations or repairs. 9110— Halls—(not otherwise classified) : All employees engaged in care, custody and maintenance of premises, including ele¬ vator attendants, excluding extraordi¬ nary additions, alterations or repairs— when alcoholic liquors are served on the premises. 9111— 9112— 9113— - Group 525—Theatres 9150— Theatre employees with stage duties or engaged in care, custody or mainte¬ nance of premises, excluding extraordi¬ nary additions, alterations or repairs. 9151— Theatre Companies—for vaudeville, bur¬ lesque, farce and continuous perform¬ ance. 9152— Theatre Companies: Motion Picture Theatres. 9153— Theatre Companies: For operas, dramas and comedies. 9154— Theatre employees, including managers (not stage managers), box office em¬ ployees, ushers, and others not em¬ ployed upon the stage, but excluding care, custody and maintenance of prem¬ ises. 9156— • 9157- Group 526—Window Cleaning 9170—Window Cleaning. (47) CLASSIFICATION CODE Group 527—Exhibitions—Outdoor 9180— Exhibitions—not otherwise classified. Employees engaged in care, operation and maintenance of merry-go-rounds, swings, roller-coasters and other amuse¬ ment devices. 9181 — Baseball Clubs and Parks: All players on salary list of assured, whether regu¬ larly played or not—including umpires. 9182— Baseball Clubs and Parks: All employees engaged in care, maintenance and opera¬ tion of grounds and care of teams, includ¬ ing ticket sellers and collectors, trainers, managers (not playing managers), bat boys and special officers. 9183— Bath Houses and Bathing Pavilions— beach. 9184— 9185 — Group 528—Fumigation of Buildings 9210—Fumigation of buidings. Group 529—Cemeteries, etc. 9220—Cemetery Companies—all employees, ex¬ cept clerical office—no blasting. 9222— 9223— 9230— 9231— 9232— 9233— 9234— 9235— 9236— 9237— 9238— 9239— DIVISION I—MISCELLANEOUS OCCUPATIONS SCHEDULE XXVI—MISCELLANEOUS OCCUPATIONS Group 550—Municipal, Township, County or State 9400—Snow and Ice Removal—no blasting. 9402— Street Cleaning. Payroll for “Comp.” coverage to include drivers, etc. 9403— Scavengers. Payroll for “Comp.” cover¬ age to include drivers and drivers’ help¬ ers, also chauffeurs and chauffeurs’ helpers. 9403—Garbage Collecting—refuse and ashes (excluding garbage reduction or fer¬ tilizer plants). Payroll for “Comp.” coverage of drivers and drivers’ helpers, also chauffeurs and chauffeurs’ helpers, to be included. 9405—Lamplighting. 9407—Sewer Cleaning. 9410—Municipal, Township, County or State Employees: Employees, not laborers, workmen or mechanics, not engaged in manual labor and not engaged in clerical office duties, and not otherwise classified. , 9411— ! 9412— Group 551—Painting, etc. (Shop) 9500— Sign Painting—(shop only). 9501— Painting—shop only (not available for division of payroll in mfg. plants). 9505— Painting—automobile and carriage bodies only (not available for division of pay¬ roll), 9506— Theatrical Scenery Painting—no wood working. 9507— 9508— Group 552—Upholsterers, etc. 9520— Upholstering—away from shop. 9521— House Furnishings (not otherwise classified)—installation. 9522— Upholstering. 9523— Furniture Mfg.—upholstering. 9524— Chair Mfg.—upholstering. 9525— Coffin and Casket Mfg: Upholstery Work and Mfg. Burial Garments. 9526— 9527— Group 553—Riggers and Safe Movers 9530—Rigging—not ship or boat. Payroll for “Comp.” coverage to include drivers and drivers’ helpers, also chauffeurs and chauffeurs’ helpers. (48) CLASSIFICATION CODE 9531— Safe Moving. Payroll for “Comp.” cov¬ erage to include drivers and drivers’ helpers, also chauffeurs and chauffeurs’ helpers. 9532— Bells (tower bells)—installation. 9533— Group 554—Signs, Awnings, etc.—Erecting, Painting 9540—Advertising Signs—erection and repair only (excluding sign painting on buildings). 9540— Signs (advertising)—erection (rate as “Advertising Signs—erection and repair only”). 9541— Sign Painting or Lettering on buildings or structures. 9542— Advertising Signs—maintenance and op¬ eration of. 9543— Awning and Tent—erection. 9544— Decorating—interior and exterior, hang¬ ing flags and bunting for conventions and celebrations. 9545— Bill Posting—no erection or repair of signs. 9546— 9547— Group 555—Personal Service 9580—Barber Shops. 9583— Hairdressing—for women. 9584— Manicuring. 9585— Group 559—Undertakers 9620— Undertakers. 9621- Group 560—Ice Companies (Harvesting) 9630— Ice Harvesting and Storing only. Pay¬ roll for “Comp.” coverage to include drivers and drivers’ helpers, also chauf¬ feurs and chauffeurs’ helpers. 9631- Group 561—Carpet Cleaning and Beating 9640—Carpet Cleaning and Beating. Group 562—Crematories 9650—Crematories—operation. Group 563—Golfers 9670—Golfers. Group 564—Chimney Sweeps *9710—Chimney Sweeps. Group 565—Rolling Chairs-Operating *9720—Rolling Chairs—operating. Group 556—Blacksmiths (Shoeing) 9590—Blacksmithing—shoeing. Group 557—Taxidermists 9600—Taxidermists. Group 558—Motion Pictures 9610— Motion Pictures: Production of, in studios and outside—including all opera¬ tions up to the development of nega¬ tives. 9611— 9612— ♦Special Classification not in Basic Manual. (49) ' » . I m' J ■ . ■ * ■ ’ . . ■ ’ . - ■ ». > \ ' • * .1 ' • • * ■ - M M v; WM .. . 1 ■■ . , , . - ■ * ‘ • •, v • . . CLASSIFICATION CODE DIVISION L—RESIDENCE AND FARM SCHEDULE XL—RESIDENCE AND FARM Group 900—Residence and Farm 0901—Private Chauffeurs, Farms. 0902—Out-servants, Farms. 0903—In-servants, Farms. 0905—Private Residence, excluding Employers’ Liability. 0906—Private Residence, including Employers’ Liability. *0907—Rice Farms. 0911—Private Chauffeurs, Private Residences. 0912—Out-servants, Private Residences. 0913—In-servants, Private Residences. 0914—Residence with tract of 5 acres or less —Public Liability only. 0915—Residence with tract up to 1,000 acres —Public Liability only. 0916—Residence with tract over 1,000 acres —Public Liability only. 0917— 0918— 0919— fAUTOMOBILE RISKS—PUB. LIAB. ONLY 9908— Street Railway Company Automobiles, emergency or trouble wagons or con¬ structed or used for overhead work. 9909— Invalid Carriages (no emergency am¬ bulance use). 9910— Parcel Delivery. 9911— Parcel Post Automobiles. 9912— Transfer Cos. (not baggage transfer or express companies). 9913— Express Company Automobiles. 9914— Gas or Water Automobiles—emergency or trouble wagons. 9915— Electric Light and Power Company Au¬ tomobiles (emergency or trouble wagons). 9916— Public Service Corporation Automobiles (emergency or trouble wagons or con¬ structed or used for overhead work). 9917— Telephone or Telegraph Company Au¬ tomobiles (emergency or trouble wag¬ ons constructed or used for overhead work). 9918— Ice Merchants or Dealers (wholesale exclusively). 9919— Public Service Corporation Automobiles (emergency or trouble wagons or con¬ structed or used for overhead work). 9920— 9921— 9922— 9923— 9924— 9900— Automobile—electric. 9901— Including public vehicles other than livery vehicles, for instance, hotel omni¬ buses, taxicabs and vehicles designed to carry from twenty or more passengers. 9902— Motorcycles—not including three-wheel vehicles used for commercial purposes. 9903— Automobile salesroom, garage and repair shop, inside operations only. 9904— Automobile salesroom, garage and repair shop, outside operations only. 9905— Testing and demonstrating operations under the caption of Manufacturers’ and Dealers’ Automobiles : Car output basis. 9906— Testing and demonstrating operations under the caption of Manufacturers’ and Dealers’ Automobiles: Specified car basis. 9907— Testing and demonstrating operations under the caption of Manufacturers’ and Dealers’ Automobiles: Named operator basis. t ELEVATORS—PUB. LIAB. ONLY 0801—Apartment Flotels, not over ten landings. 0802—Apartment Flotels, more than ten land¬ ings. 0803—Department Stores, not over ten land¬ ings. 0804—Department Stores, more than ten land¬ ings. 0805—Hotels, not over ten landings. 0806—Hotels, more than ten landings. 0807—Elevators, not otherwise classified, not over ten landings. 0808—Elevators, not otherwise classified, over ten landings. 0809—Freight Escalators and Freight Con¬ veyors, entirely within buildings (ex¬ cluding baggage conveyors) : 1 story. ♦Special Classification not in Basic Manual. tThese schedules refer to Public Liability only and may not be considered part of the Compensation classification system. They are included here only for the convenience of the statistical departments of casualty organizations dealing with Public Liability insurance in addition to Workmen’s Compensation insurance. (50) . CLASSIFICATION CODE 0810—^Freight Escalators and Freight Con¬ veyors, entirely within buildings (ex¬ cluding baggage conveyors), exceeding 1 story. 0811—Storage Warehouse Hoists, hand or power, without platforms and operated through hatchways, and located in build¬ ings- not occupied for furniture storage nor for wholesale or retail purposes. 0813—Hoists—Hand or Power, within build¬ ings, no platform. 0814—Wool Whips. 0815—Storage Warehouse Elevators. 0816—One-story Elevators. 0817—Private House Elevators. 0818—Sidewalk Elevators. 0819—Stable Elevators (all kinds). 0820—Automobile Salesroom and Garage Ele¬ vators, used for raising or lowering automobiles. 0821—Service Escalators in Hotels and Res¬ taurants (for use of employees only). 0822—Automatic or Push-button Elevators, not Private House Elevators. 0823—Escalators or Moving Stairways, for pas¬ sengers or baggage. Factory Elevators: 0812— When concurrent “Comp.” and “P. L” are carried in the same company. 0824— Without concurrent “Comp.” and “P. L.” 0825— 0826— 0827— 0828— 0829— ^TEAMS’ PUB. LIAB. ONLY 7250— Ambulances. 7251— Baggage Transfer. 7252— Bicycle Delivery Vehicles. 7253— Furniture Moving Vans or Trucks. 7254— Hand Trucks—not peddlers’ trucks. 7255— Hired Teams—see rule below. 7256— Ice Cream Dealers. 7257— Mail Wagons. 7258— Newspaper Delivery. 7259— Omnibus Lines (passenger risk included). 7260— Physicians’ Vehicles—for one horse. 7261— Physicians’Vehicles—for each additional horse. 7262— Piano Movers. 7263— Private Vehicles—for one horse. 7264— Private Vehicles—for each additional horse. 7265— Push Carts. 7266— Railway Iron. 7267— Saddle Horses—for each saddle horse whether ridden by employees of assured or rented to or ridden by others. 7268— Street Sprinklers. 7269— Structural Iron and Steel. 7270— Undertakers’ Hearses and Coffin Wagons. 7271— 7272— 7273— - 7274— 7275— 7280—Public Service Vehicles—all classes. *PUB. LIAB. ONLY—Miscellaneous 9152—Moving Picture Shows—Public Liability rate per seat per annum. 9155—Theatre, Opera House, or Halls—Public Liability rate per seat per annum. 9200— Wharf and Water Front Property. 9201— Vacant Land. 9203— Barges & Lighters Contingent Risk, etc. 9204— 9205— 9206— 9207— 9208— 9209— ♦These schedules refer to Public Liability only and may not be considered part of the Compensation classification system They are included here only for the convenience of the statistical departments of casualty organizations dealing with Public Liability insurance in addition to Workmen’s Compensation insurance. (51) P ' V \ 3 0112 098208538 5